THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGOFOUNDED BY JOHN D. ROCKEFELLERTHE FIVE HUNDRED THIRTY-SEVENTHCONVOCATIONJUNE THIRD, TWO THOU,SAND TWENTY THREETHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO I 537TH CONVOCATIONTABLE OF CONTENTSTHE FIVE HUNDRED THIRTY-SEVENTH CONVOCATIONThe University of ChicagoThe Traditions of ConvocationOverview of the DayThe Five Hundred Thirty-Seventh ConvocationThe Division of the Biological Sciences and the Pritzker School of MedicineThe Division of the HumanitiesThe Division of the Physical SciencesThe Division of the Social SciencesThe Booth School of BusinessThe Crown Family School of Social Work, Policy, and PracticeThe Divinity SchoolThe William B. and Catherine V. Graham School of Continuing Liberal and Professional StudiesThe Irving B. Harris Graduate School of Public Policy StudiesThe Law SchoolThe Pritzker School of Molecular EngineeringThe CollegeThe Alma Materi i Page iiiPage ivPage viPage 1Page 11Page 19Page 29Page 52Page 68Page 88Page 96Page 101Page 105Page 117Page 123Page 126Page 153THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGOThe University of Chicago was founded in 1890 by JohnD. Rockefeller and Chicago-area Baptists. The University'sArticles of Incorporation commit the institution toexcellence in both undergraduate and graduate education,an explicit policy of co-education, and an atmosphere ofnon-sectarianism.Biblical scholar William Rainey Harper agreed to becomethe first president of the University on the conditionthat he be allowed to establish a university that would beunlike any other. He conceived of a university that wouldemphasize the creation of new knowledge and "make thework of investigation primary." To this end, the Universityhas always been dedicated to excellence in research, toeducational programs embedded in the environment ofinquiry this entails, and to seeking the most distinguishedscholars for its faculty.Over the years, the University and its faculty have hada major impact on American higher education. Facultyscholarship has shaped several essential disciplines andestablished important and distinctive "Chicago schools"in such disparate fields as economics, evolutionarybiology, sociology, literary criticism, anthropology, lawand economics, astrophysics, and mathematics. Ninety­seven Nobel laureates have been members of the faculty,researchers, or students at the University.Programmatic innovations originating-at the Universityinclude the invention of the four-quarter system, theestablishment of a coherent program of general educationfor undergraduates, the initiation of a full-time medicalschool teaching faculty, and the development of extensioncourses and programs in the liberal arts for adults.The University includes an undergraduate College;the William B. and Catherine V Graham School ofContinuing Liberal and Professional Studies; the Divisionsof the Biological Sciences, Humanities, Physical Sciences,and Social Sciences; and the Pritzker School of MolecularEngineering, which teach both undergraduate and graduatestudents; the Booth School of Business; Crown Family School of Social Work, Policy, and Practice; DivinitySchool; Irving B. Harris Graduate School of Public PolicyStudies; Law School; and Pritzker School of Medicine,which teach graduate and professional students but withprograms connected to the undergraduate College; and adiverse collection of academic support units and resources,including libraries, research institutes, clinics, museums,theaters, and the University of Chicago Press. TheUniversity of Chicago Medical Center is on the campus,and the operating relationships with Argonne NationalLaboratory, Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, andthe Marine Biological Laboratory are all important toenhancing the research and education taking place at theUniversity.The University has more than 3,000 faculty and otheracademic appointees, and an enrollment of more than18,000 students. The 217-acre campus is located along theMidway Plaisance in Hyde Park, a residential communityon Lake Michigan south of Chicago's Loop.The University's English Collegiate Gothic buildings, built ofgray Indiana limestone, were designed to frame shady, greenquadrangles. Contemporary campus buildings have beendesigned in keeping with the original Gothic theme whiledrawing from the tradition of great modern architecturefor which the city of Chicago is famous. Eero Saarinen andLudwig Mies van der Rohe designed striking buildings forthe Law School and the Crown Family School of SocialWork, Policy, and Practice in the late twentieth century.More recent notable examples include the Charles M.Harper Center, designed by Rafael Vifioly as the homeof the Booth School of Business; the Campus NorthResidential Commons and the Frank and Laura BakerDining Commons, designed by Studio Gang Architects;and the David Rubenstein Forum, designed by DillerScofidio + Renfro. The National Trust for HistoricPreservation has praised the University for its insistenceon architectural continuity over "a century of social andacademic change."iiiTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO I 537TH CONVOCATIONTHE TRADITIONS OF CONVOCATIONABOUT CONVOCATIONThe University of Chicago confers degrees in a ceremonywe call Convocation, allowing students to receive theirdegrees following successful completion of the requirementsof their academic programs. Convocations are also held toinaugurate University presidents or to celebrate milestones inthe University's history.Literally a "calling together," the University's Convocationassembles all elements of the University community:students and degree candidates, their families, the faculty,friends of the candidates and the University, the Officersof the Corporation, the Trustees of the University, theProvost, and the President.It is significant that the University of Chicago has alwaysreferred to these occasions as Convocations rather than as"commencement exercises" or "graduation ceremonies." Receiving a degree marks neither a new beginning nor atermination. Although for degree candidates it may be arite of passage, the ceremony focuses on continuity in thesearch for knowledge.At the first Convocation, the University's first president,William Rainey Harper, told those present that theceremony was intended "to bind together into a unitythe many complex and diverging forms of activity whichconstitute our university life and work." Convocationaddresses consistently focus on the pursuit of knowledgeand the power of ideas.The procession to the Convocation ceremony site istypically led by the University's own bagpipe band. Themembers wear kilts made from a specially designed andwoven University tartan.ACADEMIC DRESSThe robes worn by participants in academic ceremoniesoriginated when European universities were being formedin the twelfth and thirteenth centuries. Since many ofthe instructors came from religious orders and taught inunheated and drafty buildings, they adapted their religiousrobes for use as the university attire.The long robe with an attached cape or hood became thestandard, and variation in the costume indicated the rankof the person wearing it. They were worn every day andserved to distinguish scholars and their students from othercitizens. The apparel worn by university faculty seen in oldengravings is remarkably similar to that worn today. Thegown is a symbol of the democracy of scholarship since itcovers any clothing indicating other rank or status. Whileeveryday fashions changed, universities retained the earlierstyle for formal attire to be worn by students, graduates,faculty, and university officials on ceremonial occasions.European universities each developed their own stylesof academic dress, and the academic procession todayillustrates some of that variety. In the United States,however, an intercollegiate congress in 1895 agreed on asingle standard for academic dress that has been adoptedby most American colleges and universities. Individualswith bachelor's degrees wear a black gown with longpointed sleeves. The gown of master's degree holdersiv is also black, with sleeves that are squared at the end.Doctor's gowns are fuller with velvet facings down thefront and three bars on the bell-shaped sleeves. While theusual color is black, within the past half century someAmerican universities have adopted gowns of a colorappropriate for each school. At the University of Chicago,our doctoral gown is maroon.The cape of the earliest academic costumes has becomea hood worn by individuals with doctoral degrees. It isplaced over the shoulders and hangs down the back. Thelining of the hood is folded out and its color indicates theschool from which the wearer obtained his or her degree.The velvet border designates the degree area of study(white for arts, yellow for science, blue for philosophy,drab for business, green for medicine, purple for law, andred for divinity). University of Chicago honorary degreerecipients receive a hood with facing in white (doctor ofhumane letters), purple (doctor of laws), or yellow (doctorof science).The first right of a freed Roman slave was the privilegeof wearing a cap, so the academic cap is the sign of thefreedom of scholarship. Although the Rat square cap ormortarboard is most usual, the University of Chicago'sdoctoral cap is an octagonal tam of velvet.THE MARSHAL AND THE STUDENT MARSHALSThe office of the Marshal of the University was established in r896by President William Rainey Harper. The Marshal is the University'schief ceremonial officer, and is responsible for directing the formalaspects of important University events and representing the facultyat Convocation. The Marshal has traditionally been a member of thefaculty, assisted by other faculty members.The Marshal, Vice-Marshal, and Assistant Marshals of the University of Chicago wear maroon doctor's robes with alternating blackvelvet and gold metallic bars on the sleeves. Student Marshalswear maroon bachelor's robes with black mortarboards.Student Marshals are appointed by the President of the Universityin recognition of their excellent scholarship and leadership.Appointment as a Student Marshal is the highest honor conferredby the University upon undergraduate students.MARSHALVICTORIA E. PRINCEVICE-MARSHALWILLIAM G. HOWELLASSISTANT MARSHALSRACHEL FULTON BROWN ANDREW M. DAVISGEORGE MICHAEL CONSTANTINIDES HELMA DIKRICHARD H. HELMHOLZ JULIA HENLYPATRICKJ. LARIVIEREALLISON SQUIRES CHRISTIAN K. WEDEMEYERPETER WHITE2022-2023STUDENT MARSHALSNOORJAHAN AMIN SOPHIE JACQUELINE HARE JINNALEE BIREN THOMAS REDDYZANDER D'ANCONIA ARNAO ESTRELLA MIA HERNANDEZ ZACHARY SALOMON MARCIANO HENRY ELLIOT SCHAFERNOEL CERCIZI RYAN JIHUN HOANG ALEXANDRA CHASE MASEGIAN JOVAN STANISAVICISABELLA ANNE COSTANTINO MICHELLE KE BERNADETTE ANNE MIAO BRUCE KE ZHEN WENJOSHUA KELECHUKWU EGEDE JAMES FORD KENNIFF, JR. ALEXANDER DOLSAK PRAKASH ZHI ZHANGJUNSUNG JULIUS KIM2023-2024ELENA GRACE GILBERTSON HALLPHOEBE ANNE HOLZKELLYX. HUI NIRANJAN SAMEERJOSHIESI PANYIN KOOMSONSTEVEN GABRIEL LABALMECONNOR LEE SUZANNA MARIA MURAWSKIETHAN MARK OSTROWMONICA ISABEL RUIZ REBECCA ELIZABETH SEALYNATHANIEL PHILIP SELUBYUANLONG ZHENGvTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO I 537TH CONVOCATIONOVERVIEW OF THE DAYSATURDAY, JUNE 3, 2023The 537th Convocation ceremony brings the entire University together to witness theconferring of degrees. More than 15,000 candidates and attendees will share in this remarkablemoment. At other ceremonies held by the schools and divisions, degree candidates will behonored individually through the presentation of diplomas and/or hoods.7:00-8:45 a.m.Candidates assemble and attendees are seated.9:15 a.m.The 537th University Convocation begins with the academic procession.n:oo a.m.-5:30 p.m.Schools and divisions will hold individual events, including lunches, receptions, and ceremoniesat different locations. Please see the section on your school or division for a schedule of events.viTHE FIVE HUNDRED THIRTY-SEVENTHCONVOCATIONSATURDAY, JUNE 3, 2023UNIVERSITY CEREMONYMain Quadrangle9:15 a.m.THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO I 537TH CONVOCATIONUNIVERSITY CEREMONYORDER OF EXERCISESA. PAUL ALIVISATOSPresident of the University, presidingPRELUDESCarillonTHE CONVOCATION PROCESSIONThe University of Chicago Pipe BandAxiom BrassThe University of Chicago Convocation ChoirCALL TO ORDERVICTORIA E. PRINCEMarshal of the UniversityWELCOME ADDRESS BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNIVERSITYA. PAUL ALIVISATOSPresident of the UniversityTHE CONVOCATION ADDRESS"CONVERSATION AND DEMOCRACY"TOM GINSBURGLeo Spitz Distinguished Service Professor of International Law, Law SchoolANTHEMHOW CAN I KEEP FROM SINGING?Composed by ROBERT LOWRYArranged by DANIEL GRAVES and JAMES KALLEMBACHThe University of Chicago Convocation ChoirAxiom Brass2UNIVERSITY CEREMONYTHE CONFERRING OF HONORARY DEGREESFOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF SCIENCEARUPK.CHAKRABORTYInstitute Professor of Chemical Engineering, Physics, and Chemistry, Massachusetts Institute of Technologypresented by MATHEW TIRRELLD. Gale Johnson Distinguished Service Professor, Pritzker School of MolecularEngineering and the College; Dean, Pritzker School of Molecular EngineeringFOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF HUMANE LETTERSJAMES P. COMERMaurice Falk Professor of Child Psychiatry, Child Study Center, Yale School of Medicinepresented by MARGARET BEALE SPENCERCharles F. Grey Distinguished Service Professor Emeritus, Department of Comparative Human DevelopmentFOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF SCIENCEHELENE ESNAULTEinstein Professor, Freie Uniuersitdt Berlinpresented by ALEXANDER BEILINSONDavid and Mary Winton Green University Professor, Department of Mathematics and the CollegeFOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF SCIENCECALLUM ROBERTSProfessor of Marine Conservation, University of Exeterpresented by MARK WESTNEATProfessor, Department of Organismal Biology and Anatomy and the CollegeFOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF SCIENCEJAMES A. WELLSHarry Wm. and Diana V Hind Distinguished Professor in Pharmaceutical Sciences,University of California, San Franciscopresented by ANTHONY KOSSIAKOFFOtho S. A. Sprague Distinguished Service Professor, Department of Biochemistryand Molecular Biology and the CollegeFOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF LAWSJOSEPH NEUBAUERChair, The University of Chicago Board of Trustees, 20I5-2022presented by DAVID M. RUBENSTEINChair, The University of Chicago Board of TrusteesFOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF HUMANE LETTERSROBERT J. ZIMMERChancellor Emeritus; President Emeritus; Edwin A. and Betty L. BergmanDistinguished Service Professor, Department of Mathematics and the Collegepresented by DAVID M. RUBENSTEINChair, The University of Chicago Board of Trustees3THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO I 537TH CONVOCATIONRECOGNITION OF PRIZES AND AWARDSKATHERINE BAICKERProvost of the UniversityMUSICAL INTERLUDESINFONIA NO. 2Composed by LEONORA DUARTEAxiom BrassTHE CONFERRING OF ACADEMIC DEGREESCandidates for degrees will be presented by academic unit.In the Division of the Biological Sciences and the Pritzker School of Medicine byDEAN MARK ANDERSONIn the Division of the Humanities byDEAN ANNE WALTERS ROBERTSONIn the Division of the Physical Sciences byDEAN ANGELA V. OLINTOIn the Division of the Social Sciences byDEAN AMANDA WOODWARDIn the Booth School of Business byDEAN MADHAV V. RAJANIn the Crown Family School of Social Work, Policy, and Practice byDEAN DEBORAH GORMAN-SMITHIn the Divinity School byDEAN JAMES THEODORE ROBINSONIn the William B. and Catherine V. Graham School of Continuing Liberal and Professional Studies byDEAN SETH GREENIn the Irving B. Harris Graduate School of Public Policy Studies byDEAN ETHAN BUENO DE MESQUITAIn the Law School byDEAN THOMAS J. MILESIn the Pritzker School of Molecular Engineering byDEAN MATTHEW TIRRELLIn the College byDEAN JOHN W. BOYER4UNIVERSITY CEREMONYTHE ALMA MATER(Please stand)Arranged by JAMES KALLEMBACHThe University of Chicago Convocation ChoirAxiom BrassCONGRATULATORY REMARKSA. PAUL ALIVISATOSPresident of the UniversityCLOSING WORDSVICTORIA E. PRINCEMarshal of the University5THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO I 537TH CONVOCATIONTHE CONVOCATION SPEAKERTOM GINSBURGLeo Spitz Distinguished Service Professor of International Law, Law SchoolTOM GINSBURG's field of scholarly interestis comparative and international law from aninterdisciplinary perspective. He �as recently namedinaugural faculty director of the University ofChicago Forum for Free Inquiry and Expression.Professor Ginsburg currently co-directs the ComparativeConstitutions Project, an effort funded by theNational Science Foundation to gather and analyzethe constitutions of all independent nation-states since1789, and is faculty director of the Malyi Center for theStudy ofInstitutional and Legal Integrity, whose focusis to stimulate new research on the sources of soundinstitutions, their consequences, and the conditions oftheir endurance. He served as deputy dean of the LawSchool from 2014 to 2016. He is the Ludwig and HildeWolf Research Scholar at the Law School.Professor Ginsburg has authored several highly acclaimedbooks, including Democracies and International Law(2021), which received the Best Book Award from theAmerican Branch of the International Law Association,as well as the Dalton Award for best book on foreignrelations from the American Society of International Law;How to Save a Constitutional Democracy (2018), writtenwith Aziz Z. Huq, which won the Best Book Award fromthe International Society of Constitutional Law; judicialReview in New Democracies (2003), which received theC. Herman Pritchett Award from the American PoliticalScience Association (APSA); The Endurance of NationalConstitutions (2009), written with Zachary Elkins andJames Melton, which also won an APSA best book prize;and judicial Reputation: A Comparative Theory (2015),written with Nuno Garoupa.6 A leader in his field, Professor Ginsburg has editedmultiple books, and his work has been published insuch esteemed journals as the California Law Review,European Yearbook of Constitutional Law, High Courtsin Global Perspective, Cambridge Companion to theInternational Court ofjustice, Routledge Handbook ofPolitical Liberalism, Chicago journal of InternationalLaw, International journal of Constitutional Law,University of Chicago Law Review, journal of Democracy,Comparative Constitutional Law, journal of the Associationfor Information and Science Technology, American journalof International Law, and Max Planck Encyclopedia ofInternational Procedural Law.Before he began teaching law, Professor Ginsburg servedas a legal adviser at the Iran-United States ClaimsTribunal in The Hague, The Netherlands. He continuesto work with numerous international developmentagencies and foreign governments on legal andconstitutional reform, and serves as a senior advisor onthe Constitution-Building Program at the InternationalInstitute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance(International IDEA). Professor Ginsburg is a fellow ofthe American Academy of Arts and Sciences, a researchprofessor at the American Bar Association, and co-host ofthe Entitled podcast on human rights.Professor Ginsburg earned his bachelor's degree in Asianstudies, J.D., and Ph.D. in jurisprudence and social policyfrom the University of California, Berkeley. He joined theUniversity of Chicago faculty in 2008.UNIVERSITY CEREMONYTHE HONORARY DEGREE RECIPIENTSFOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF SCIENCEARUPK.CHAKRABORTYInstitute Professor of Chemical Engineering, Physics, and Chemistry, Massachusetts Institute of TechnologyARUP K. CHAKRABORTY is considered one of themost gifted, creative, and original contemporary thinkersworking at the confluence of molecular engineering,theoretical immunology, biophysics, and statisticalmechanics, whose work has changed the directionof immunology research. After an early career as aclassically trained chemical engineer working on theapplications of density functional theory and polymerfield theory, he has more recently applied the principlesand tools of statistical thermodynamics to the behaviorof the adaptive immune system and viral infection. Herevolutionized the field of computational immunologyby forging a path that many have since followed andwidened, and he established principles that are nowa standard part of the computational immunologytoolbox. His work on immunological synapses, immune responses-especially with respect to HIV -andformation of biological condensates and how they play animportant role in transcription is particularly deserving ofrecognition.The candidate will be presented by MATTHEWTIRRELL, D. Gale Johnson Distinguished ServiceProfessor, Pritzker School of Molecular Engineering and theCollege; Dean, Pritzker School of Molecular Engineering.CITATIONARUP K. CHAKRABORTY is recognized for hiswide and profound influence in using the theoreticaltools of physical science to illuminate phenomena andrevolutionize understanding in fields ranging fromcatalysis to immunology to gene transcription.FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF HUMANE LETTERSJAMES P. COMERMaurice Falk Professor of Child Psychiatry, Child Study Center, Yale School of MedicineJAMES P. COMER is one of the world's leading childpsychiatrists and a groundbreaking and transformativescholar in the fields of education and child development.He is a renowned clinician and educator whose innovativeprograms have improved the lives of countless childrenand families. Broad seminal contributions to his field stemfrom his many decades of research and applications in thedevelopment of pioneering and theoretically groundedinterventions in large-scale educational programs; thenoted innovations have profoundly shaped the field ofeducational research and practice. He is well-known forhis creation of the Comer School Development Program,a model that grew from his research with children fromunder-resourced communities, and also for his theoreticalinnovation in relating educational processes to interpersonalrelationships at many scales. His work has given rise topowerful ideas that are now common currency in the fieldof education. Contributing insights include the conceptof social and emotional learning, the importance of "soft skills" for children's learning, and the significance of familyand community engagement in supporting academicsuccess, particularly for children living in thinly resourcedecologies of human development. For children broadly,and specifically children of color and those developing inunder-resourced contexts, he continues to be a key leaderin shaping his field's capacity to reach across the diversity ofhuman experience.The candidate will be presented by MARGARET BEALESPENCER, Charles F. Grey Distinguished Service ProfessorEmeritus, Department of Comparative Human Development.CITATIONJAMES P. COMER is recognized for his extraordinary andinspirational legacy of scholarship, teaching, and service,along with his deep dedication to improving educationaloutcomes and equity for all students, particularly thosefrom non-privileged backgrounds.7THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO I 537TH CONVOCATIONFOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF SCIENCEHELENE ESNAULTEinstein Professor, Freie Universitiit BerlinHELENE ESNAULT is a world-renownedmathematician who is noted for her contributions toalgebraic geometry, particularly its �onnection to numbertheory, and who has achieved other successes in a widerange of areas. These include her work on vanishing withViehweg; the work, with Block and Beilinson, on someconjectures of Deligne; her discovery of congruencesamong numbers of points on varieties in different finitefields and their connection to analytic invariants of thevarieties; her work with Grochenig on local systemsthat proved cases of the Grothendieck- Katz p-curvatureconjecture and led to the solution of the Andre-Oorrconjecture; and her work, with Bloch and Kerz, on theinfinitesimal version of the Hodge conjecture. The areashe works in is extremely technically difficult and also abstract, having to do with solving systems of polynomialequations, the shapes that these solution sets have, andhow the shape interacts with the types of solutions thatexist. Taken as a whole, her work represents a visionof algebraic geometry that touches upon most of theactive branches of that vast field, but is neverthelessrecognizably her own.The candidate will be presented by ALEXANDERBEILINSON, David and Mary Winton Green UniversityProfessor, Department of Mathematics and the College.CITATIONHELENE ESNAULT is recognized for her contributionsto algebraic geometry, especially in connection to numbertheory.FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF SCIENCECALLUM ROBERTSProfessor of Marine Conservation, University of ExeterCALLUM ROBERTS is a global scientific leader inthe field of conservation biology, whose research onthe biodiversity and conservation of coral reefs and thebroader oceans is of critical importance at multiple levels,from novel ideas to repeatable experiments, from detailedstudy systems to global data synthesis, and from complextheory to practical applications. His scholarship hasmade transformative advances in our understanding ofmarine systems and the tremendous impacts that humanshave had upon the oceans. Perhaps most importantly, hediscovered the rapid improvements that are possible inmarine systems through the use of conservation areas,including marine protected areas, to offset their overuseby human population centers, such as overfishing. Thisdiscovery has fundamentally changed the way thatbiologists study coral reefs and other nearshore marine8 systems, and has provided a clear path to recovery andimprovement of heavily impacted areas. His scientificwork and discoveries have transformed an entire field ofinquiry and provide a bridge to improving our world.The candidate will be presented by MARK WESTNEAT,Professor, Department of Organismal Biology and Anatomyand the College.CITATIONCALLUM ROBERTS is recognized for his intellectualleadership in the field of marine conservation science andhis demonstration of the importance of marine protectedareas, leading to new possibilities for the replenishment offisheries across the world and conservation of the ocean'sresources.UNIVERSITY CEREMONYFOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF SCIENCEJAMES A. WELLSHarry Wm. and Diana V. Hind Distinguished Professor in Pharmaceutical Sciences,University of California, San FranciscoJAMES A. WELLS is a pioneer in the exponentiallygrowing field of protein engineering, and hasbeen instrumental in establishing its foundationalprinciples and their application to basic research andbiomedical goals. His skillful ability to combine proteinengineering with chemical biology is singular, andhas had an enormous impact across diverse areas ofbiology and chemistry. His work has made essentialcontributions to shaping the growth and scope ofprotein engineering, and he has become a principalthought leader among the pioneers in this field. He hasflourished in three distinctive environments: He wasone of the first principal scientists at Genentech whenit was a fledgling biotechnology start-up, and his teamuniquely and productively integrated and made use ofthe technologies that were then emerging in the twinrevolutions of molecular biology and molecular genetics.His interest in developing a new class of small moleculedrugs eventually spurred him to create a successful biotechnology firm, Sunesis Pharmaceuticals, wherehe also served as chief scientific officer. He then joinedthe University of California, San Francisco, where hisresearch and leadership have increased its prominenceas an interdisciplinary center linking biochemistry andbiophysics with synthetic and chemical biology.The candidate will be presented by ANTHONYKOSSIAKOFF, Otho S. A. Sprague Distinguished ServiceProfessor, Department 0/ Biochemistry and MolecularBiology and the College.CITATIONJAMES A. WELLS is recognized for his fundamentalcontributions to the fields of protein engineeringand chemical biology, which form the backbone ofcontemporary biotechnology, enabling the creation anddelivery of novel macromolecular agents to address a widerange of industrial and biomedical applications.FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF LAWSJOSEPH NEUBAUERChair, The University of Chicago Board of Trustees, 20I5-2022JOSEPH NEUBAUER's involvement with the Universityof Chicago has been characterized by many years ofdistinguished service and philanthropic commitment.An active alumnus since earning his M.B.A. from theGraduate School of Business in 1965, he was elected amember of the University's Board of Trustees in 1992and became Vice Chair in 2012. He was elected Chairof the Board of Trustees in 2015, a position he held forseven years. During that time, the University concludedthe University of Chicago Campaign: Inquiry andImpact, the largest and most comprehensive campaignin its history, which increased support for faculty andresearchers, practitioners and patients, and studentsand programs across the institution. He continues toserve the University as a Trustee Emeritus and is a LifeMember of the University of Chicago Booth School ofBusiness Council. Additionally, he and his wife, JeanetteLerman-Neubauer, support many areas of the University, including the Neubauer Collegium for Culture andSociety, the Neubauer Family Assistant ProfessorsProgram, an endowed professorship at the Booth Schoolof Business, the Neubauer Family Adelante scholarshipprograms, and the Booth Civic Scholars program. In2013, the Neubauers were awarded the University ofChicago Medal, which recognizes rare and distinguishedservice to the University of the highest order.The candidate will be presented by DAVID M.RUBENSTEIN, Chair, Tbe University of ChicagoBoard of Trustees.CITATIONJOSEPH NEUBAUER is recognized for hisdistinguished leadership of the Board of Trustees and forthe significant impact of his contributions in support ofthe University's distinctive intellectual culture.9THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO I 537TH CONVOCATIONFOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF HUMANE LETTERSROBERT J. ZIMMERChancellor Emeritus; President Emeritus; Edwin A. and Betty L. BergmanDistinguished Service Professor, Department of Mathematics and the CollegeA pioneering mathematician specializing in themathematical fields of geometry, ROBERT J. ZIMMERserved from 2006 to 2021 as the thirteenth Presidentof the University of Chicago, taking on the role ofChancellor in 2021 and becoming Chancellor Emeritusin July 2022. His ambitious vision and inspired leadershiphad a transformational impact on the University, resultingin the expansion of educational access and financialsupport for students through the creation of the OdysseyScholarship Program; the development of a host offaculty-led institutes and centers; the establishment ofthe University's first engineering school; the expansionof the University's global presence through new centersin Beijing, Delhi, and Hong Kong; and strengthenedpartnerships with the City of Chicago and partnerorganizations on the South Side. His commitment tothe University's foundational values of free expression,open discourse, and rigorous 'inquiry resulted in thecreation of the Chicago Principles, which have been adopted or affirmed by more than 90 institutions acrossthe country. During his presidency, the Universityenhanced its eminence among the top-ranked researchuniversities in the United States and the world, andstrengthened its position as an intellectual destinationfor many of the world's leading scholars and students.The candidate will be presented by DAVID M.RUBENSTEIN, Chair, The University of ChicagoBoard of Trustees.CITATIONThrough his devotion to the University of Chicago'senduring values and core principles-with a particularfocus on rigorous scholarly inquiry, academic freedom,and free expression-ROBERT J. ZIMMER advancedthe University's distinctive approach to research,education, and impact.10THE DIVISION OFTHE BIOLOGICAL SCIENCESAND THEPRITZKER SCHOOL OF MEDICINEFRIDAY, MAY 26, 2023DIVISIONAL ACADEMIC CEREMONY FOR M.D. CANDIDATESRockefeller Memorial Chapel10:00 a.m.FRIDAY, JUNE 2, 2023DIVISIONAL ACADEMIC CEREMONY FORM.S., M.P.H., AND PH.D. CANDIDATESRiva and David Logan Center for the Artsn:oo a.m.SATURDAY, JUNE 3, 2023UNIVERSITY CEREMONYMain Quadrangle9:15 a.m.LUNCHEON AND DIPLOMA DISTRIBUTIONDonnelley Biological Sciences Learning Centern:oo a.m.THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO I 537TH CONVOCATIONDIVISIONAL ACADEMIC CEREMONY FOR M.D. CANDIDATESORDER OF EXERCISESWELCOMEMARK ANDERSON, M.D., PH.D.Paul and Allene Russell ProfossorDean, Division of the Biological Sciences and the Pritzker School of MedicineExecutive Vice President for Medical Affairs, The University of ChicagoADDRESSMEGAN L. RANNEY, M.D., M.P.H.Deputy Dean, Brown University School of Public HealthFounding Director, Brown-Lifespan Center for Digital HealthWarren Alpert Endowed Profossor ofEmergency Medicine, warren Alpert Medical School of Brown UniversityIncoming Dean, Yale School of Public HealthPRESENTATION AND HOODINGVINEET ARORA, M.D., A.M.'03Herbert T Abelson Profossor, Department of MedicineDean for Medical EducationJAMES N. WOODRUFF, M.D.2023 Faculty MarshalProfessor: Department of MedicineCLOSING REMARKSMARK ANDERSON, M.D., PH.D.12THE DIVISION OF THE BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES AND THE PRITZKER SCHOOL OF MEDICINEDIVISIONAL ACADEMIC CEREMONY FORM.S., M.P.H., AND PH.D. CANDIDATESORDER OF EXERCISESWELCOMEVICTORIA E. PRINCE, PH.D.University MarshalProfessor, Department of Organismal Biology and AnatomyADDRESSSHABAANA KHADER, PH.D.Bernard and Betty Roizman Professor, Department of Microbiology and the College;Chair, Department of MicrobiologyM.S. AND M.P.H. PRESENTATION AND HOODINGSAMUEL L. VOLCHENBOUM, M.D., PH.D., M.S.Associate Professor, Department of PediatricsDean for Master's EducationKAVI BHALLA, PH.D.2023 Faculty MarshalAssociate Professor, Department of Public Health SciencesHABIBUL AHSAN, M.D., M.MED.SC.2023 Faculty MarshalProfessor, Department of Public Health SciencesPH.D. PRESENTATION AND HOODINGDAVID R. KOVAR, PH.D.Professor, Department of Molecular Genetics and Cell BiologyDean for Graduate AffairsAARON TURKEWITZ, PH.D.2023 Faculty MarshalProfessor, Department of Molecular Genetics and Cell BiologyCLOSING REMARKSVICTORIA E. PRINCE, PH.D.13THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO 537TH CONVOCATIONFOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF MEDICINEMAX TUCKER ACKERMANS.B., University of Illinois at Chicago, 2019SHALEY LUE ALBAUGHS.B., University of Notre Dame, 2017HAYDER MAHDY ALIA.B., University of Houston-University Park, 2016DANA IRENE ANDERSONS.B., Northeastern University, 2019·WITH HONORSERIC ANTHONY ARELLANOA.B., University of Pennsylvania, 2019·WITH HONORSMICHAEL GABRIELBOACHIE-MENSAHS.B., Texas A&M University, College Station, 2017LOUISA DRU BRENNERA.B., Stanford University, 2017DAVID BOYAN CAOS.B., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,2018BRADLEY ADAM CARLSONS.B., University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2017S.M., University of Chicago, 2022BRIYANA CHISHOLMS.B., University of Delaware, 2019JIN GU CHOIS.B., Boston College, Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts,2016KEVIN CHUNGS.B., University of Illinois at Chicago, 2016M.B.A., University of Chicago, 2023JULIAN MAXIMILLIAN CONN BUSCHS.B., Seattle Pacific University, 2016WENLI DAIS.B., Northwestern University, 2015Ph.D., University of Chicago, 2020SHIVAM NARAYAN DAVES.B., Duke University, 2018MATTHEW DUA.B., Princeton University, 2018REEM ELO RBANYS.B., University of Chicago, 2015Ph.D., ibid., 2020KENDALL IFECHUKWUDE ELUEA.B., University of Chicago, 2017M.B.A., ibid., 2023CONRAD LEE FLETCHERS.B., Oakwood University, Huntsville, Alabama,2019BLAKE ALAN FLOODS.B., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,2014Ph.D., University of Chicago, 2020THOMAS WILLIAM FOUCHES.B., Georgetown University, 2014ELLEN MIRIAM GOLDBERGS.B., Brown University, 2015M.P.H., University of Washington, Seattle, 2018ANDREW STEPHEN GROSES.B., University of Notre Dame, 2018A.B., ibid., 2019A.M., ibid., 2019KARINA GRULLON PEREZS.B., Pennsylvania State University, UniversityPark,2019JESSICA DANAE GUILLAUMES.B., Hope College, 2017JUHI CATHERINE GUPTAS.B., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,2017CHLOE DAVIS HALLA.B., Princeton University, 2011M.P.H., University of Chicago, 2023REEM ELAMIN HAMODAS.B., University of Pittsburgh-Pittsburgh Campus,2016M.P.H., Emory University, 2018·WITH HONORS14 PRANAV NAGARAJ HARAVUS.B., University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill,2016SHAWN ZENAS HEA.B., Washington University in St. Louis, 2016MICHAEL GARRETT HERMSENS.B., University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2018S.M., University of Chicago, 2022CIERRA TAWANA HOWARDA.B., Pomona College, 2018EHIZOKHA IHIONKHANA.B., Duke University, 2018MOLLY KATHLEEN IMGRUETS.B., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,2015Ph.D., University of Chicago, 2020DEVIKA JAISHANKARA.B., Washington University in St. Louis, 2018·WITH HONORSRYAN PHILLIPS JOHNSONS.B., University of Utah, 2019OLIVIER LEONARD JOSEPHA.B., Williams College, 2017ALEC JAMES KACEWA.B., Brown University, 2014GABRIEL TIMOTHY KAUFMANNS.B., University of Minnesota- Twin Cities, 2019MANIZHA KHOLMATOVA.B., Harvard University, 2017·WITH HONORSPRANAV KRISHNANA.B., Harvard University, 2016MELISSA ANNA KURILOFFA.B., Brown University, 2016LILLIAN ANNA LERERA.B., University of Chicago, 2014ALICE YUNXIA LIA.B., Vanderbilt University, 2019MARGARET LU LIUS.B., University of Wisconsin Colleges, 2019AADITYA MANIRAJANA.B., Washington University in St. Louis, 2017CHRISTINE McINTOSHA.B., Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, 2014Ph.D., University of Chicago, 2020MAYA NICOLE McKEEA.B., Northwestern University, 2018NICHOLAS McKENZIES.B., University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill,2019KAITLIN CHRISTINA McLEANS.B., Yale University, 2013Ph.D., University of Chicago, 2020CHRISTINE HELENA MILLERS.B., Columbia University in the City of New York,2013Ph.D., University of Chicago, 2020AMRIT A MOHANTYA.B., Harvard University, 2019JACKSON TAYLOR MORANS.B., University of Wisconsin Colleges, 2017CHRISTINE LEE MOZERA.B., Dartmouth College, 2016NATHAN ANDREW MUNTZS.B., Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana,2018VIVEK NAIRS.B., University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, 2019DAVID OLUWATOBI OBADINAA.B., Northeastern University, 2017M.P.H., George Washington University, 2019MICHAEL KOFI OKOREEHS.B., University of California, Riverside, 2014Ph.D., University of Chicago, 2020VICTORIA TEMITOPE OKUNEYES.B., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2013Ph.D., University of Chicago, 2020 VICTORIA ADEJOKE OLADIPOS.B., Pennsylvania State University, UniversityPark,2018AKOSUA YEBOAA OPPONGS.B., Northeastern University, 2016M.P.H., Johns Hopkins University, 2022·WITH HONORSVALERIE EZINWA OTTIA.B., Washington University in St. Louis, 2018RACHEL ROLINSKI PACYNAS.B., Michigan State University, 2016NGOZI VALERIE PIERCES.B., Emory University, 2019HANNAH PRIDDYA.B., Princeton University, 2017JOSEPH MICHAEL RIEHMS.B., University of Notre Dame, 2019JUAN CARLOS ROJAS, JR.S.B., University of Illinois at Chicago, 2018MATHEW RYAN SCHNORENBERGA.B., Harvard University, 2014Ph.D., University of Chicago, 2020STEVEN BLAKE SERVERA.B., Princeton University, 2014S.M., University of Oxford, England, UnitedKingdom, 2015Ph.D., University of Chicago, 2022·WITH HONORSTIMOTHY JOSEPH LIANG-YONGSHENA.B., University of Notre Dame, 2018YU JIN SHINA.B., Washington University in St. Louis, 2018CAMRON MEHDI SHIRKHODAIEA.B., Vanderbilt University, 2019·WITH HONORSMARGARET FLYNN SHOPES.B., University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, 2018ISAIAH JOHN SOMMERSA.B., Washington University in St. Louis, 2012M.P.H., University of Chicago, 2023JE YEONG SONEA.B., New York University, 2018QUINN ANDREW STILLSONS.B., Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana,2018MICHAEL JIN-YOUNG SUNA.B., Dartmouth College, 2019SWETHA TA TINENIA.B., William Marsh Rice University, 2019TIFFANY AURIA TONIS.B., University of Notre Dame, 2018ALEXA MARIE URIBES.B., Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, 2017SARAH VAUGHENA.B., Washington University in St. Louis, 2018MWEYA RUTH WAETJENA.B., Columbia University in the City of New York,2015IAN GILBERT WATERSS.B., University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, 2014Ph.D., Johns Hopkins University, 2019TERESA LILY XIAOA.B., Vanderbilt University, 2019ZAINA ADEL ZAYYADS.B., Yale University, 2014Ph.D., University of Chicago, 2021·WITH HONORSAMANDA ZHANGA.B., Harvard University, 2018JAMES BOYUAN ZHANGA.B., Vanderbilt University, 2017THE DIVISION OF THE BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES AND THE PRITZKER SCHOOL OF MEDICINEFOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF PUBLIC HEALTHKENDALL PAIGE BAHLS.B., Loyola University Chicago, 2020OLIVIA ISABEL CAMPBELLA.B., University of Chicago, 2021WElTING CAOB.Mgmt., Huazhong University of Science andTechnology, Wuhan, China, 2020YIFEI CAOS.B., University of California, Davis, 2019SHAOKUN CHENS.B., University of California, Davis, 2019SARAH GRAYA.B., University of Notre Dame, 2011S.B., ibid., 2011M.D., University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, 2015 CHENGBO GUOB.B.A., University of Toronto, Ontario, Canada,2021CHLOE DAVIS HALLA.B., Princeton University, 2011JIAN QIANG LIUA.B., University of Illinois at Chicago, 2019SITHEMBINKOSI NDEBELES.B., Indiana University-Purdue UniversityIndianapolis, 2019RHEA JAYACHANDRAN PILLAIS.B., University of Georgia, 2020MARK EDWARD RICHARDSONA.B., University of Miami, Coral Gables, 2016S.B., Florida International University, 2020 ERIC J. SKELNIKA.B., Grinnell College, 2009ISAIAH JOHN SOMMERSA.B., Washington University in St. Louis, 2012M.D., University of Chicago, 2023MARIA SPRINGALL DE PABLOB.Sc., University of Manchester, England, UnitedKingdom, 2021MATTHEW GLENN SWITALSKIA.B., Hope College, 2021JAKE YOUNGA.B., Skidmore College, 2010M.F.A., North Carolina State University, 2012Ph.D., University of Missouri-Columbia, 2020FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF SCIENCEGABRIEL ALIZAIDY*M.B.Ch.B., Dow University of Health Sciences,Karachi, Pakistan, 2017(Precision Health)JULIAN VINUEZA BERTINIS.B., Davidson College, 2019(Medical Physics)NATALIE BOURAND*A.B., University of Chicago, 2022(Precision Health)ASHLEY ELIZABETH BROWNS.B., Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, 2012M.D., University of Central Florida, 2017(Public Health Sciences)JORDAN SCOT BROWNS.B., Marquette University, 2016(Genetics, Genomics, and Systems Biology)ERIC CHARLES BUETERS.B., Wake Forest University, 2016(Cancer Biology)LAURA N. CESPEDES ARIASS.B., Universidad de los Andes, Bogota, Colombia,2014S.M., ibid., 2018(Evolutionary Biology)SELENE MARILYN CLAYA.B., University of California, Berkeley, 2015(Human Genetics)JIM ZHENHAO CUIB.Ap.Sc., University of Toronto, Ontario, Canada,2018(Computational Neuroscience)GUSTAVO DELGADO*A.B., University of Chicago, 2022(Precision Health)QIYI DING*S.B., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,2020(Precision Health)RYAN PATRICK DOHNS.B., Milwaukee School of Engineering, 2016(Genetics, Genomics, and Systems Biology)DENIZ NESLI DOLCENS.B., Bates College, 2013(Cancer Biology)MARIA DANIELLE EVERSS.B., Ohio University, Athens, 2020(Cancer Biology)WEIDONG FENGS.B., Peking University, Beijing, China, 2016(Development, Regeneration, and Stem CellBiology)PAULA FERNANDEZ-BEGNES.B., Emory University, 2018(Ecology and Evolution) SABRINA FOSTER*A.B., University of Chicago, 2022(Precision Health)RYAN SCOTT FULLERS.B., University of Northern Colorado, 2009S.M., ibid., 2015(Evolutionary Biology)RANIA GARDES.B., University of Chicago, 2016(Genetics, Genomics, and Systems Biology)ALYSSA GIBSON*S.B., Alma College, 2022(Precision Health)ANNIE CLARE MARCHANT GREENEA.B., Vassar College, 2020(Cell and Molecular Biology)SAMANTHA GUNNINGS.B., Georgetown College, Kentucky, 2009M.D., Georgetown University, 2015(Public Health Sciences)KATRINA MAXCY HAWLEYA.B., Princeton University, 2014(Cancer Biology)YICHEN HOUB.Sc.(Hons), Australian National University,Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia,2017(Genetics, Genomics, and Systems Biology)WENJIA HU*B.Pharm., National University of Singapore,Singapore, 2018(Precision Health)ROSEMARY JOAN HUGGINSS.B., University of Massachusetts at Amherst, 2017(Cancer Biology)LAURA ELIZABETH HUNTERA.B., Columbia University in the City of New York,2023(Integrative Biology)SOO JI HURS.B., University of New South Wales, Sydney,Australia, 2015(Development, Regeneration, and Stem CellBiology)JUAN M. IBARRAS.B., Aurora University, Illinois, 2017S.M., University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, 2019(Cancer Biology)COULTER JOHNSTON*A.B., University of Chicago, 2022(Precision Health)SONJA LAZAREVICS.B., Loyola University Chicago, Illinois, 2009S.M., ibid., 2016(Development, Regeneration, and Stem CellBiology) JEAN A. LEEA.B., University of Chicago, 2014(Cancer Biology)KISEOK LEE(Ecology and Evolution)MIRAE LEES.B., San Diego State University, 2016(Microbiology)JULIAN BREMNER LUTZES.B., University of California, Los Angeles, 2016(Cancer Biology)HILLARY E. McLARENS.B., University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, 2011M.D., Medical College of Wisconsin, 2016(Public Health Sciences)ZACHARY RYAN MILLERS.B., Yale University, 2017(Ecology and Evolution)ROXROY COSTONEY MORGAN, JR.S.B., University of California, San Diego, 2015(Genetics, Genomics, and Systems Biology)RICARDO MUNIZ TREJOS.B., Universidad Nacional Aut6noma de Mexico,Mexico City, 2016(Ecology and Evolution)JULIE MARIE NEBORAKA.B., University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, 2009M.D., ibid., 2015(Public Health Sciences)KYRA MICHELLE NICHOLSONS.B., University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill,2013M.D., Southern Illinois University-Carbondale,2019(Public Health Sciences)WILLIAM OLAPRATH*BiAcc.St., Roosevelt University, 2008(Precision Health)HECTOR ORTIZ*B.A.S., Wofford College, 2022(Precision Health)SHIVANI PATEL*A.B., Rutgers, the State University of NewJersey-New Brunswick, 2022(Precision Health)J. NICHOLAS PETIT*S.B., Miami University, Oxford, Ohio, 2001(Precision Health)SOURYAA POUDEL*B.D.S., Pan dit: Bhagwan Dayal Sharma Universityof Health Sciences, Rohtak, India, 2018(Precision Health)DILLAN PRASAD*A.B., University of Chicago, 2022(Precision Health)15THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO 537TH CONVOCATIONHALEY ELIZABETH RANDOLPHS.B., Pennsylvania State University, UniversityPark,2016(Genetics, Genomics, and Systems Biology)DOREEN RHEEA.B., Colorado College, 2005(Neurobiology)DANIEL PATRICK RHODAS.B., Indiana University Bloomington, 2020(Evolutionary Biology)JUAN CARLOS ROJASA.B., University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, 2006M.D., University of Illinois at Chicago, 2011(Public Health Sciences)PHILIPP ROSSS.B., State University of New York at Binghamton,2013(Genetics, Genomics, and Systems Biology) STEPHANIE SANGA.B., Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, 2015S.M., University of Bristol, England, UnitedKingdom, 2016(Integrative Biology)ANKEETA SHAHA.B., Columbia University in the City of New York,2017(Genetics, Genomics, and Systems Biology)TOMASZ SLEZAKS.B., Uniwersytet Warminsko-Mazurski wOlsztynie, Olsztyn, Poland, 2013S.M., ibid., 2013(Biochemistry and Molecular Biophysics)LINSIN ANN SMITHA.B., Wesleyan University, Middletown,Connecticut, 2016(Genetics, Genomics, and Systems Biology)DANIELLE ERIN STAHLBAUMS.B., University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, 2011M.D., Case Western Reserve University, 2015(Public Health Sciences) RACHEL STRYKOWSKIS.B., University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2010M.D., University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, 2015(Public Health Sciences)XIAO SUNS.B., Peking University, Beijing, China, 2015(Development, Regeneration, and Stem CellBiology)SHERZOD A. TOKAMOVS.B., Florida Gulf Coast University, 2016(Development, Regeneration, and Stem CellBiology)SRAVYA TUMULURUA.B., Northwestern University, 2011S.M., Rush University, 2012(Cancer Biology)DONGBO YANGS.B., Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, 2016(Cancer Biology)FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHYNADYA ALIA.B., Columbia University in the City of New York,2013S.M., University of Chicago, 2020(Evolutionary Biology)DISSERTATION: Understanding Intrinsic andExtrinsic Factors Driving Infertility in theEndangered Black-Footed Ferret (Mustelanigripes)JENNIFER BRIANNE ALLOCCOS.B., University of Connecticut, 2017(Immunology)DISSERTATION: Duration of AlloantigenExpression Affects the Induction ofTransplantation ToleranceSELINA BAEZA-LOYAA.B., William Marsh Rice University, 2016(Neurobiology)DISSERTATION: Sodium Current Diversity andSpike Timing in Vestibular Ganglion NeuronsNATALIE MARITA BAUGHANB.Eng., University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, 2019(Medical Physics)DISSERTATION: Artificial Intelligence for BreastCancer Risk Assessment In Mammography andMethods for Dataset Balancing and DistributionSamplingJORDAN SCOT BROWNS.B., Marquette University, 2016(Genetics, Genomics, and Systems Biology)DISSERTATION: Mechanisms of SmallRNA-Mediated Genome Surveillance ThatDistinguish Self from Non-self Nucleic Acids inCaenorhabditis elegansERIC CHARLES BUETERS.B., Wake Forest University, 2016S.M., University of Chicago, 2022(Cancer Biology)DISSERTATION: Coordinated Activity betweenAR- V7 and Glucocorticoid Receptor inCastration-Resistant Prostate CancerEVELYN SA'MONE CAMPBELLS.B., Rider University, 2016(Microbiology)DISSERTATION: An Atopic Microbiota MediatesIntestinal Inj7ammation through TLR4 SignalingSELENE MARILYN CLAYA.B., University of California, Berkeley, 2015(Human Genetics)DISSERTATION: Characterizing Genetic Risks forAsthmaKYLE RYAN CRONA.B., University of Rochester, 2011S.B., ibid., 2011(Immunology)DISSERTATION: PKC 8 Germline Variants andGenetic Deletion in Mice Augment Anti-tumorImmunity through Regulation of Myeloid Cells16 RYAN PATRICK DOHNS.B., Milwaukee School of Engineering, 2016S.M., University of Chicago, 2023(Genetics, Genomics, and Systems Biology)DISSERTATION: Investigating CellularVariability in Fungal Pathogens by DevelopingmDrop-seq, a High Throughput, Single CellRNAseq Technology for Yeast SpeciesDENIZ NESLI DOLCENS.B., Bates College, 2013S.M., University of Chicago, 2022(Cancer Biology)DISSERTATION: The Role of NicotinamideN-Methyltransferase in Triple-Negative BreastCancer Gene Expression and In Vivo MetastaticPotentialCAN DONGS.B., Zhejiang University, Hang Zhou, China, 2016(Neurobiology)DISSERTATION: Hippocampal CAl and CA3Network Dynamics Underlying Episodic MemoriesKEVEN DOUGLAS DOOLEYA.B., Colorado College, 2015(Microbiology)DISSERTATION: Investigating MicrobialCommunity Ecology Using Synthetic BacterialCommunitiesLINDSAY NICOLE DOUGLASS.B., University of Tulsa, 2018(Medical Physics)DISSERTATION: Machine Learning of BreastDCE-MRI in Assessing Background ParenchymalEnhancement for Cancer Risk AssessmentWEIDONG FENGS.B., Peking University, Beijing, China, 2016S.M., University of Chicago, 2022(Development, Regeneration, and Stem CellBiology)DISSERTATION: The Non-canonical Role of HoxGenes in the Regulation and Maintenance of C.elegans Motor Neuron Terminal IdentityPETER JOSEPH FLYNNS.B., Yale University, 2014S.M., University of Chicago, 2019(Evolutionary Biology)DISSERTATION: Redefining the ExpandingDiversity and Co-evolutionary Patterns inMicrobial Communities within AntsKATYA MORGAN FRAZIERA.B., University of California, Berkeley, 2014(Molecular Metabolism and Nutrition)DISSERTATION: Circadian Rhythms and GutMicrobiota: Implications of Diurnal Interactionson Host Metabolism and Immunity JORDAN DANIEL FUHRMANS.B., University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, 2017(Medical Physics)DISSERTATION: Investigation of ComputerVision and Deep Learning on Thoracic CT forAssessment and Evaluation of Coronary ArteryCalcium, Emphysema, and COVID-19MATTHEW CARROLL FUNSTENA.B., University of California, Berkeley, 2015(Immunology)DISSERTATION: Inj7uence of Dietary ProteinSource and the Microbiota on Type-L DiabetesSAMANTHA MARIE GARTNERS.B., University of California, Santa Cruz, 2017S.M., University of Chicago, 2022(Integrative Biology)DISSERTATION: Evolution of BiomechanicalNovelties and the Mechanical Properties ofCranial Ligaments in Wrasses and Parrotfishes(Family: Labridae)INNA HAVA GERTSENSHTEYNA.B., Boston University, Massachusetts, 2015(Medical Physics)DISSERTATION: Multi-modal Imaging of TumorHypoxia to Improve Radiation TherapyANNA ALEXANDRA PERKINS GODDIA.B., University of Chicago, 2016(Molecular Metabolism and Nutrition)DISSERTATION: The Role of the ExtracellularMatrix Protein Laminin-a4 in Obesity andAdipocyte BeigingKATRINA MAXCY HAWLEYA.B., Princeton University, 2014S.M., University of Chicago, 2022(Cancer Biology)DISSERTATION: Inhibition of FOXP3 by StapledAlpha-Helical Pep tides Dampens Regulatory T CellFunctionYIFEI HUA.B., Washington University in St. Louis, 2016(Interdisciplinary Scientist Training Program:Biochemistry and Molecular Biophysics)DISSERTATION: Identifying, Investigating, andModulating Anti-CD19 CAR T Cells for LargeB-Cell LymphomaROSEMARY JOAN HUGGINSS.B., University of Massachusetts at Amherst, 2017S.M., University of Chicago, 2023(Cancer Biology)DISSERTATION: Endocrine TherapyResistance-Associated ERa- Y537S Mutation AltersERa/PR Crosstalk in Breast CancerANTHONY HUNGS.B., Duke University, 2017(Interdisciplinary Scientist Training Program:Genetics, Genomics, and Systems Biology)DISSERTATION: Determining the Genetic Basisof Gene Expression Responses to In Vitro Modelsof OsteoarthritisTHE DIVISION OF THE BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES AND THE PRITZKER SCHOOL OF MEDICINEJUAN M. IBARRAS.B., Aurora University, Illinois, 2017S.M., University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, 2019S.M., University of Chicago, 2023(Cancer Biology)DISSERTATION: Role of the Unfolded ProteinResponse in Type I CALR-MutantMyeloproliferative NeoplasmsSOO JI KIMA.B., Washington University in St. Louis, 2014S.M., University of Chicago, 2018(Biochemistry and Molecular Biophysics)DISSERTATION: Study of a Novel CyanobacterialClock Interactor KidA and the Effect of RhythmicGlucose on Beta CellsELAINE SIOLY CEPRIKA KOUAMES.B., Temple University, 2015(Immunology)DISSERTATION: Cell Death and Type 1Interferon Collaboratively Promote Virus-InducedType I Immunity to Dietary AntigensNICOLE ANNA LADDS.B., Hope College, 2016S.M., University of Chicago, 2018(Biochemistry and Molecular Biophysics)DISSERTATION: Molecular and Cellular Diversityof the MRI-MRIT Cell Axis in AntimicrobialImmunitySONJA LAZAREVICS.B., Loyola University Chicago, lllinois, 2009S.M., ibid., 2016S.M., University of Chicago, 2022(Development, Regeneration, and Stem CellBiology)DISSERTATION: Defining Gene RegulatoryNetworks in Cardiac Rhythm and DiseaseJEAN A. LEEA.B., University of Chicago, 2014S.M., ibid., 2022(Cancer Biology)DISSERTATION: Androgen Receptor MediatedGender Bias in AutoimmunitySOMIN LEEA.B., Yale University, 2015(Interdisciplinary Scientist Training Program:Neurobiology)DISSERTATION: Multiscale Features andMechanisms of Cortical Epileptiform ActivityJIN LIS.B., Nanchanq University, China, 2014S.M., University of California, Los Angeles, 2016(Molecular Metabolism and Nutrition)DISSERTATION: Hemodynamic Regulation ofEndothelial Metabolism and EpigenomeYINAN LIS.B., Peking University, Beijing, China, 2016(Neurobiology)DISSERTATION: Molecular Mechanisms ofNeuronal Identity Maintenance in the NematodeCaenorhabditis elegansWEI LIANGS.B., Peking University, Beijing, China, 2014S.M., Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, TheNetherlands, 2016(Computational Neuroscience)DISSERTATION: Space: The Final Frontier inDynamic Representations in Motor CortexRUOXI LIAOS.B., University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, 2015(Cancer Biology)DISSERTATION: Targeting Regulatory T CellPlasticity with BCL-2 InhibitionJULIAN BREMNER LUTZES.B., University of California, Los Angeles, 2016S.M., University of Chicago, 2022(Cancer Biology)DISSERTATION: Elucidating EpigeneticDeterminants of Double Strand Break Recognitionand RepairNELSON DAVID MEDINAS.B., Florida State University, 2016(Neurobiology)DISSERTATION: Intrinsic Neuronal Excitabilityand Learned Temporal Features of Behavior inZebra Finches ZACHARY RYAN MILLERS.B., Yale University, 2017S.M., University of Chicago, 2022(Ecology and Evolution)DISSERTATION: Theoretical Approaches toEnvironmental Feedbacks and CommunityCoexistenceROXROY COSTONEY MORGAN, JR.S.B., University of California, San Diego, 2015S.M., University of Chicago, 2022(Genetics, Genomics, and Systems Biology)DISSERTATION: Ets1 Promotes Development andFunction of Natural Killer T 1 Cells viaTissue-Specific Regulation of the AdhesomeCHLOE MAE NASHA.B., Wesleyan University, Middletown,Connecticut, 2016S.M., University of Chicago, 2020(Evolutionary Biology)DISSERTATION: Phylogeny, Biogeography, andEvolutionary Ecomorphology of the Goatfishes(Family Mullidae)BENJAMIN KOBINA ASUANTSIOTOOA.B., Amherst College, 2014M.Ph., University of Cambridge, England, UnitedKingdom, 2015S.M., University of Bristol, England, UnitedKingdom, 2017S.M., University of Chicago, 2019(Evolutionary Biology)DISSERTATION: Tetrapod Evolution andCommunity Ecology in the Post-Devonian WorldYEONWOO PARKS.B., Yale University, 2015S.M., University of Chicago, 2020(Genetics, Genomics, and Systems Biology)DISSERTATION: The Possible and the Accessible:Epistasis and Contingency in Protein SequenceSpaceBARBARA PEYSAKHOVICHA.B., State University of New York at Purchase,2012(Computational Neuroscience)DISSERTATION: Cortical and SubcorticalContributions to Visual Category DecisionsHALEY ELIZABETH RANDOLPHS.B., Pennsylvania State University, UniversityPark,2016S.M., University of Chicago, 2023(Genetics, Genomics, and Systems Biology)DISSERTATION: Common Genetic VariationInfluences the Immune Response to ViralInfections in Human PopulationsDONALD MIGUEL RODRIGUEZS.B., Yale University, 2015(Interdisciplinary Scientist Training Program:Immunology)DISSERTATION: Defining the Role of T CellReceptor - Self-Peptide/MHC Class II Interactionsin Directing CD4' T Cell Fate, Function, andPathogenic PotentialPHILIPP ROSSS.B., State University of New York at Binghamton,2013S.M., University of Chicago, 2022(Genetics, Genomics, and Systems Biology)DISSERTATION: Structural and CellularProperties of Archaic and Non-classical HLAMoleculesBLAKE ALEXANDER SANDERSA.B., University of California, Berkeley, 2017(Microbiology)DISSERTATION: Characterizing the Role ofFormyl Peptide Receptors during Plague InfectionSTEPHANIE SANGA.B., Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, 2015S.M., University of Bristol, England, UnitedKingdom, 2016S.M., University of Chicago, 2022(Integrative Biology)DISSERTATION: Evolution of Fin Configurationin Actinopterygian Fish and Development of thePelvic Fins in Zebrafish KISHAN ASHWIN SANGANIS.B., Indiana University Bloomington, 2016(Interdisciplinary Scientist Training Program:Immunology)DISSERTATION: TET2 Regulates HomeostaticTh2 Immunity in the Small IntestineDANIEL EVAN SCHWARTZA.B., University of Chicago, 2015S.M., ibid., 2017(Public Health Sciences)DISSERTATION: Maximizing and BorrowingInformation in Randomized TrialsCARALINE LEE SEPICHS.B., Arizona State University, 2016(Interdisciplinary Scientist Training Program:Biochemistry and Molecular Biophysics)DISSERTATION: Location-Dependent Effects ofN6-methyladenosine on mRNA Translation andStabilityTARYN MAE SERMANS.B., Pennsylvania State University, UniversityPark, 2016S.M., ibid., 2016(Microbiology)DISSERTATION: Acetylation of the Zika VirusNS3 Protein by a Single Isoform of Host EnzymeKA T5 (KA T5y) Promotes Viral ReplicationANKEET A SHAHA.B., Columbia University in the City of New York,2017S.M., University of Chicago, 2023(Genetics, Genomics, and Systems Biology)DISSERTATION: Deciphering the Role of RNAProcessing in Human Biology and DiseaseSURAJ SHETHS.B., Loyola University Chicago, Illinois, 2018(Interdisciplinary Scientist Training Program:Ecology and Evolution)DISSERTATION: The Community HumanDevelopment Index (CHDI): A Novel Metric forPrecision Public HealthTOMASZ SLEZAKS.B., Uniwersytet Warminsko-Mazurski wOlsztynie, Olsztyn, Poland, 2013S.M., ibid., 2013S.M., University of Chicago, 2023(Biochemistry and Molecular Biophysics)DISSERTATION: Application of SyntheticAntibodies to Biology: The Engineering ofAntibody-Based Tools and TherapeuticsDANIEL JEFFERSON SMITHS.B., University of California, Los Angeles, 2016S.M., University of Chicago, 2020(Evolutionary Biology)DISSERTATION: Density-Dependent Interactionsin Spatially Structured CommunitiesGRAHAM AUSTIN SMITHS.B., University of Chicago, 2015(Computational Neuroscience)DISSERTATION: Modeling and CharacterizingPopulation-Scale Neural Activity withApplications to EpilepsyLINSIN ANN SMITHA.B., Wesleyan University, Middletown,Connecticut, 2016S.M., University of Chicago, 2022(Genetics, Genomics, and Systems Biology)DISSERTATION: Leveraging TranscriptionFactor Dependent RNA Profiling to InterrogateGene Regulatory Networks in Human DiseaseModelsCHUI WA SOS.B., Hong Kong University of Science andTechnology, Kowloon, 2017(Microbiology)DISSERTATION: Sequential Entry of Hepatitis CVirus into Polarized Hepatoma OrganoidsSHIVANG SULLERE*S.B., Georgia Institute of Technology, 2016A.M., University of Chicago, 2017(Neurobiology)SARAH JIE SUNA.B., Vanderbilt University, 2017(Interdisciplinary Scientist Training Program:Immunology)DISSERTATION: Mechanisms of Innate ImmuneMemory in Basic and Clinical Models17THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO 537TH CONVOCATIONXIAO SUNS.B., Peking University, Beijing, China, 2015S.M., University of Chicago, 2023(Development, Regeneration, and Stem CellBiology)DISSERTATION: Towards a Multi-scaleUnderstanding of Drosophila 3D RetinalMorphogenesisMARINA JANELLE MORALESSUNDIANGS.B., New York University, 2014(Computational Neuroscience)DISSERTATION: Dynamic Structure ofFunctional Networks during ReachingSHERZOD A. TOKAMOVS.B., Florida Gulf Coast University, 2016S.M., University of Chicago, 2022(Development, Regeneration, and Stem CellBiology)DISSERTATION: Regulation of Hippo Signalingvia Proteolytic Degradation and ActomysinDynamics18 SRAVYA TUMULURUA.B., Northwestern University, 2011S.M., Rush University, 2012S.M., University of Chicago, 2023(Cancer Biology)DISSERTATION: Integrative Genomic AnalysisUncovers Unique Diffuse Large B Cell (DLBCL)Immune Environments and Identifies Associationswith Specific Oncogenic AlterationsWILLIAM DION WAGSTAFF, JR.A.B., Stanford University, 2013A.M., ibid., 2013(Interdisciplinary Scientist Training Program:Cancer Biology)DISSERTATION: A Regulatory RNA BasedGenome- Wide Investigation of BRAF InhibitorResistance in MelanomaCHRISTOPHER PATRICK WATKINSS.B., University of Georgia, 2016S.B., ibid., 2016S.M., University of Chicago, 2017(Biochemistry and Molecular Biophysics)DISSERTATION: Development and Applicationsof a High-Throughput Small RNA SequencingMethod* anticippted graduation, Summer Quarter 2023 KATRINA R. WHITLOWS.B., Southern JIlinois University-Edwardsville,2014S.M., Towson State University, 2016S.M., University of Chicago, 2020(Integrative Biology)DISSERTATION: Biomechanics, Evolution, andModulation of Suction Feeding Mechanisms inFishesYUKE YANB.Sc.(HonsJ, University of Melbourne, Parkville,Victoria, Australia, 2017(Computational Neuroscience)DISSERTATION: Analysis of Manual Dexterity inHumans and MonkeysDONGBO YANGS.B., Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, 2016(Cancer Biology)DISSERTATION: Analysis of Gene ExpressionHeterogeneity Reveals Novel Regulators ofMetastasisYOUNG ME YOONS.B., University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2014(Immunology)DISSERTATION: Novel Immune Responses inLung Injury and FibrosisTHE DIVISION OF THE HUMANITIESFRIDAY, JUNE 2, 2023GRADUATION AND HOODING CEREMONYRockefeller Memorial Chapel4:30 p.m.RECEPTIONRockefeller Memorial Chapel, East Lawnimmediately following the ceremonySATURDAY, JUNE 3, 2023UNIVERSITY CEREMONYMain Quadrangle9:15 a.m.MASTER OF ARTS PROGRAM IN THE HUMANITIES GRADUATE LUNCHEONHutchinson Commons and Courtyardn:30 a.m.MASTER OF ARTS PROGRAM IN THE HUMANITIES DIPLOMA CEREMONYMandel Hall1:00 p.m.MASTER OF ARTS PROGRAM IN THE HUMANITIESCHAMPAGNE TOAST AND RECEPTIONHutchinson Courtyard2:30 p.m.CENTER FOR MIDDLE EASTERN STUDIES DIPLOMA CEREMONYCMES Lounge, Second Floor, Pick Hall4:00 p.m.THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO I 537TH CONVOCATIONGRADUATION AND HOODING CEREMONYORDER OF EXERCISESWELCOMEANNE WALTERS ROBERTSONDean, Division of the HumanitiesTHE CONFERRING OF THE DEAN'S AWARD FORGRADUATE STUDENT TEACHING EXCELLENCELAURA COLANERI*Department of Romance Languages and Literaturespresented by ERIC SLAUTER, Deputy Dean, Division of the HumanitiesMaster, Humanities Collegiate DivisionTHE CONFERRING OF THESTUART TAVE COURSE DESIGN AWARDCATRIN DOWDDepartment of MusicSAM GRAYDepartment of LinguisticsRIVKY MONDALDepartment of English Language and Literaturepresented by ERIC SLAUTER, Deputy Dean, Division of the HumanitiesMaster, Humanities Collegiate DivisionTHE CONFERRING OF THEDEAN'S DISTINGUISHED DISSERTATION AWARDALEXANDER MURPHYDepartment of East Asian Languages and Civilizationspresented by SHEA WOLFE, Dean of Students, Division of the HumanitiesTHE CONFERRING OF THE JANEL M. MUELLER AWARDFOR EXCELLENCE IN PEDAGOGYDAVID REINHARTAssistant Instructional Professor, the College and Department of LinguisticsJULIANO SACCOMANIAssistant Instructional Professor, the College and Department of Romance Languages and Literaturespresented by MICHELE LOWRIE, Deputy Dean, Division of the Humanities* in absentia20THE DIVISION OF THE HUMANITIESTHE CONFERRING OF THE FACULTY AWARD FOR EXCELLENCEIN GRADUATE TEACHING AND MENTORINGPAOLA IOVENE. Associate Professor, Department of East Asian Languages and Civilizations and the Collegepresented by MICHELE LOWRIE, Deputy Dean, Division of the HumanitiesDAVID E. WELLBERY*LeRoy T. and Margaret Deffenbaugh Carlson University Professor, Department of Germanic Studies,John U Nef Committee on Social Thought, and the College; Chair, Department of Germanic Studiespresented by MICHELE LOWRIE, Deputy Dean, Division of the HumanitiesTHE CONFERRING OF THE BOBBI JOSEPHINE HERNANDEZ-SZEA.M. 1993 AND MORGAN CHIA-WEN SZE M.B.A. 1993TEACHING AWARDELLEN MACKAYAssociate Professor, Department of English Language and Literature and the Collegepresented by ANNE WALTERS ROBERTSON, Dean, Division of the HumanitiesA.M. AND M.F.A. PRESENTATIONANNE WALTERS ROBERTSONDean, Division of the HumanitiesA.M and M.F.A. names to be read by SHEA WOLFE, Dean of Students, Division of the HumanitiesMUSICAL INTERLUDETRUMPET TUNEComposed by ROBERT AMPTTHOMAS WEISFLOG, University OrganistPH.D. PRESENTATIONANNE WALTERS ROBERTSONDean, Division of the HumanitiesNames to be read by SHEA WOLFE, Dean of Students, Division of the HumanitiesCLOSING REMARKSANNE WALTERS ROBERTSONDean, Division of the HumanitiesRECESSIONALTOCCATAfrom Organ Symphony NO.5 by CHARLES-MARIE WIDORTHOMAS WEISFLOG, University OrganistCARILLON(Please stand)* in absentia21THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO I 537TH CONVOCATIONTHE FACULTY AWARDS FOR EXCELLENCEIN GRADUATE TEACHING AND MENTORINGPAOLA IOVENEAssociate Professor, Department of East Asian Languages and Civilizations and the CollegePAOLA IOVENE is a tireless supporter of graduatestudents in her department and has made significantand long-lasting contributions to both their educationaland professional development. Her innovative ideasabout how to effectively mentor and care for studentneeds at all stages are a valuable model for her colleaguesand testify to the seriousness with which she approachesthe work of mentoring. The creativity and energy shebrings to this work, paired with boundless patience andcuriosity, are a source of inspiration for her adviseesand help to nurture and sustain the intellectual life andcommunity of her department. The candidate will be presented by MICHELE LOWRIE,Deputy Dean, Division of the Humanities.CITATIONThrough tireless advocacy, innovation, and intellectualsupport, PAOLA IOVENE has helped nurture ageneration of scholars in the field of Chinese literatureand has provided colleagues a model for how to be aneffective teacher and student mentor.DAVID E. WELLBERY*LeRoy T. and Margaret Deffenbaugh Carlson University Professor, Department of Germanic Studies,John U Nef Committee on Social Thought, and the College; Chair, Department of Germanic StudiesAs a charismatic and inspirational teacher and a caringand transformative mentor, DAVID E. WELLBERYhas deeply impacted the lives and careers of countlessstudents and, in the process, left an indelible mark onthe discipline of Germanic studies in the United Statesand beyond. By providing an example of extraordinaryintellectual virtue as a scholar and teacher, he has guidedhis students to become original and creative thinkers intheir chosen area of specialization. His conviction thatliterature and art matter and that philosophy helps us leadbetter lives, together with his unparalleled magnanimityand patience, makes him an exceptional mentor-who22 remains an invaluable resource to his students throughouttheir careers.The candidate will be presented by MICHELE LOWRIE,Deputy Dean, Division of the Humanities.CITATIONAs a paragon of intellectual virtue and generousmentorship, DAVID E. WELLBERY has enabled hisstudents to become original and creative thinkers who aremaking their own lasting impact on humanistic inquiryand liberal education.* in absentiaTHE DIVISION OF THE HUMANITIESFOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF ARTSAMBER DAWN STIRLING ACEA.B., University of Cambridge, England, UnitedKingdom, 2012Ph.M., ibid., 2013(Classical Languages and Literatures)EMMA ELIZABETH ADLERA.B., University of California, Berkeley, 2022(The Humanities)SOPHIA ELIZABETH ALKHOURYB.A.(HonsJ, University of Toronto, Ontario,Canada, 2018A.M., ibid., 2019(Classical Languages and Literatures)RYAN THOMAS ALSOPA.B., University of Missouri-Columbia, 2018(The Humanities)ZACHARY ELIEZER ALTMANA.B., Bard Col/ege, 2022(The Humanities)MERALIS N. ALVAREZ-MORALESA.B., Lawrence University, 2022(The Humanities)HUNTER KOHL AMORYA.B., University of Vermont and State AgriculturalCol/ege, 2022(The Humanities)SKYE JUHAE ANA.B., Williams Colleqe, 2021(The Humanities)M WILLIAM ANGELA.B., University of lllinois at Urbana-Champaign,2022(The Humanities)TALIA ARIAVA.B., Tel-Aviv University, Israel, 2011A.M., ibid., 2014(South Asian Languages and Civilizations)ANDREA MICHELLE AVEYA.B., Oklahoma State University, 2013(The Humanities)HAOCHEN BAIA.B., University of California, Berkeley, 2022(The Humanities)MIRZA HAMZA BAIGA.B., University of Texas at Dallas, 2021(The Humanities)CAGLAYAN BALS.B., Orta Dogu Teknik Universitesi, Ankara,Turkey, 2011A.B., Ankara Universitesi, Turkey, 2015S.M., Orta Dogu Teknik Universitesi, Ankara,Turkey, 2019(Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations)AVIGAIL BEN -GADA.B., University of Cambridge, England, UnitedKingdom, 2018(Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations)WINSTON A. BENONS, JR.A.B., SUNY Empire State Col/ege Saratoga Springs,New York, 2020(The Humanities)MEGAN M. BICKELB.F.A., Art Academy of Cincinnati, 2012M.F.A., University of Louisville, 2021(Digital Studies of Language, Culture, andHistory)JACOB KOLLING BIELA.B., Kenyon College, 2017(English Language and Literature)JACOB THOMAS BOTAISHA.B., University of Chicago, 2023(The Humanities)TERESA ROSE BRICKEYA.B., Saint Mary's College, Notre Dame, Indiana,2019(The Humanities) JOSEPHINE BRILLA.B., Drake University, Iowa, 1980A.M., Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, 1984Mast., University of Oxford, England, UnitedKingdom, 2013(South Asian Languages and Civilizations)NICOLAS JAMES CABRERAA.B., Columbia Col/ege, Chicago, lllinois, 2017(The Humanities)ENYA ROSE CALIBUSOA.B., George Mason University, 2019S.B., ibid., 2019(Romance Languages and Literatures)DEVONSIMONNE T. M. CARLTONA.B., Grinnell Col/ege, Iowa, 2018(The Humanities)STEVEN M. CASTRO, JR.A.B., University of California, Santa Barbara, 2019(Linguistics)QIAN CHENS.B., State University of New York at Binghamton,2022(The Humanities)SUYUE CHENA.B., Syracuse University, 2020(The Humanities)YU JIAO CHENA.B., University of Pennsylvania, 2020(English Language and Literature)KERRY ELLEN XIAOTONG CHUNA.B., Goucher Col/ege, 2020(The Humanities)ELIZABETH FITZGERALD CORRELLA.B., Oberlin College, 2019(The Humanities)JOSEPHINE REGAN DAWSONA.B., University of Chicago, 2023(The Humanities)ROWANNE CHARLOTTE DEANA.B., Columbia University in the City of New York,2017(Art History)ABBY KATE DELIOA.B., University of Rochester, 2022(The Humanities)JACOB DANIEL DE MANA.B., Calvin College, 2019(The Humanities)WILLIAM STANLEY DEVITOA.B., Lafayette Col/ege, 2022(The Humanities)JOSEPH FACCIANO DILLERA.B., University of Chicago, 2021(The Humanities)JIAXIN DONGA.B., Mount Holyoke Col/ege, 2022(The Humanities)ANNA KATHRYN DONKOA.B., Sweet Briar Col/ege, 2014A.M., University of Kansas, 2019(Romance Languages and Literatures)CHARLES JOSEPH DUCEYA.B., University of Notre Dame, 2016A.M., Ruprecht-Karls-Universitiit: Heidelberg,Germany, 2018(Germanic Studies)APOLLO EL-KHATIBA.B., St. John's College, Annapolis, Maryland, 2019(Middle Eastern Studies)SHEILA THERESE EVANSS.B., Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana,2019(The Humanities)LUCAS FAGENA.B., Reed College, 2019(Linguistics)ELISE WILSON FAHRENBACHA.B., Saint Mary's College, Notre Dame, Indiana,2022(The Humanities) ROXANNE DARBY FISHERA.B., James Madison University, 2021(The Humanities)DIANA FREUNDLA.B., University of Calgary, Alberta, Canada, 1998(The Humanities)i.uctx GALVEZ CHICOA.B., Instituto Technol6gico y de Estu diosSuperiores de Monterrey, Mexico, 2017(The Humanities)ARIANNA BARUCH GASSA.B., Vassar College, 2013(English Language and Literature)MICAH TIMOTHY GIBSONA.B., University of North Carolina at Charlotte,2020(The Humanities)NEY JEREMY GRANT*A.B., University of California, Santa Cruz, 2017(Middle Eastern Studies)OWEN PATRICK GREENA.B., Amherst College, 2017(Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations)YUNONG GUOA.B., University of Iowa, 2022(The Humanities)KATELYN CHELSY MANTANONAGUTIERREZA.B., Stanford University, 2014(The Humanities)ELISHA ALEXANDER HAMLINA.B., Seattle Pacific University, 2018(The Humanities)TYLER JOSHUA HARRISA.B., Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah, 2020(Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations)McKAYLYN RAE HAYNESA.B., Texas Tech University, 2022(The Humanities)KATHERINE ELIZABETHHENNINGERA.B., Abilene Christian University, 2007(Linguistics)REBEKAH HIRSCHMANNA.B., University of Detroit Mercy, 2021(The Humanities)TOMAL MAHMUD HOSSAINA.B., Amherst Col/ege, 2017(Music)SHUYAN HUANGA.B., Dickinson Col/ege, 2019M. Th., Harvard University, 2021(The Humanities)ZHIYAN HUANGB.F.A., Parsons School of Design, 2017M.F.A., Yale University, 2020(The Humanities)MARY RUTH HUBERA.B., Vassar College, 2015(The Humanities)ELIZABETH ANNE HUNTERA.B., State University of New York at Buffalo, 2016(Classical Languages and Literatures)ELIZABETH THERESE ISSERTA.B., Loyola University Chicago, Illinois, 2009(The Humanities)SOOJIN JEONGB.F.A., School of the Art Institute of Chicago, 2013M.Ed., Hongik University, Seoul, South Korea,2018(The Humanities)SHUYANG JIAA.B., Wesleyan University, Middletown,Connecticut, 2019(The Humanities)XIAO JINA.B., New York University, 2021(The Humanities)23THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO 537TH CONVOCATIONJIN CHARLIE KANGA.B., School of the Art Institute of Chicago, 2021(The Humanities)TARIQ MAXWELL KARIBIANA.B., Villanova University, 2022(The Humanities)EMILY KENVILLEA.B., Columbia University in the City of New York,2022(The Humanities)MUHAMMAD TAIMOOR SHAHIDKHANB.Sc.(Hons), Lahore University of ManagementSciences, Pakistan, 2009A.M., Columbia University in the City of New York,2013(South Asian Languages and Civilizations)JINHEE KIMA.B., Yonsei University, Seoul, South Korea, 2021A.M., New York University, 2022(The Humanities)JOSHUA Y. KIMA.B., University of Chicago, 2023(Digital Studies of Language, Culture, andHistory)YONJOO KIMA.B., University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, 2019(Digital Studies of Language, Culture, andHistory)VARVARA ANDREEVNA KOSTINAA.B., City University of New York, 2022(The Humanities)TANVI RAJENDRA KULKARNIA.B., Symbiosis International University, Pune,India, 2022(The Humanities)NATASA KVESICA.B., Universiteit van Amsterdam, TheNetherlands, 2022(The Humanities)JADE LABRADAA.B., Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, 2022(The Humanities)KA TIE BARBARA LARSONA.B., University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, 2019(The Humanities)MARTA IWONA LASOTAA.B., Harvard University, 2020(The Humanities)COLIN DANIEL LAVERYA.B., Indiana University Bloomington, 2017j.S.D., lllinois Institute of Technology, 2022(The Humanities)ADRIANNA ELIZABETH LAYNEA.B., University of Chicago, 2022(Middle Eastern Studies)ZIQI LEIA.B., University of Chicago, 2022(The Humanities)MAYA VERONICA LEVYA.B., Temple University, 2021(Middle Eastern Studies)CHONG LI*(Digital Studies of Language, Culture, andHistory)JIAOYANG LIA.B., University of Rochester, 2022(Digital Studies of Language, Culture, andHistory)LINXUAN LIA.B., University of California, Irvine, 2021(The Humanities)XINYANG LIA.B., University of Southern California, 2019S.B., ibid., 2019(The Humanities)YUJING LIS.B., Boston University, Massachusetts, 2022(Digital Studies of Language, Culture, andHistory)24 SHIQI SUKI LIANGA.B., Pitzer College, 2020(Digital Studies of Language, Culture, andHistory)AUDREY LIUA.B., University of London, England, UnitedKingdom, 2021(The Humanities)JIAYU LIUA.B., University of California, San Diego, 2020(Digital Studies of Language, Culture, andHistory)MUYUN LIU*A.B., University of California, Santa Barbara, 2022(Digital Studies of Language, Culture, andHistory)QIAN LIUA.B., Columbia University in the City of New York,2021(The Humanities)YUAN LIUA.B., St. John's College, Annapolis, Maryland, 2019A.M., University of Chicago, 2021(Digital Studies of Language, Culture, andHistory)YUJIA LIUA.B., University of Chicago, 2022(The Humanities)CHAN LUA.B., Indiana University Bloomington, 2020(The Humanities)ZIXIANG LUA.B., Franklin and Marshall College, 2021(The Humanities)SICHENG LUOA.B., Brown University, 2020(The Humanities)SOPHIE ELIZABETH LYNCHB.A.(Hons), University of Ottawa, Ontario, Canada,2012A.M., McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada,2016(Art History)MINGSI MAB.Mus., New York University, 2020(The Humanities)TENG MAA.B., Denison University, 2020(The Humanities)KARTIK MAINIB.A.(Hons), University of Delhi, New Delhi, India,2018A.M., ibid., 2020(South Asian Languages and Civilizations)RONNIE KHALIL MALLEYA.B., DePaul University, Chicago, Illinois, 2017(The Humanities)NICOLAS MARABELLAA.B., University of Hawai'i at Manoa, 2021(The Humanities)BENJAMIN DOUGLAS MATHOTA.B., Vassar College, 2022(The Humanities)RACHEL DIANNE MAXEYA.B., University of Tennessee at Knoxville, 2022(The Humanities)MISHA SHARIADAIN McDANIELA.B., University of Pennsylvania, 2021(English Language and Literature)LAUREN PAIGE McMILLANA.B., University of Chicago, 2023(The Humanities)XIAOQIANG MENGA.B., Johns Hopkins University, 2020A.M., ibid., 2020(Comparative Literature)CAITLIN LENORE MILLERA.B., Yale University, 2016(Classical Languages and Literatures)WESLEY STIERLEN MILLSA.B., University of Chicago, 2016(The Humanities) MICHAEL DALE MOOREA.M., San Francisco State University, 2015(Classical Languages and Literatures)MAKINA MOSESA.B., Emory University, 2016(English Language and Literature)MICHELLE JANICE MURASHEVS.B., Indiana University Bloomington, 2020A.M., Northwestern University, 2022(The Humanities)JESON YANYONG NGA.B., University of Cambridge, England, UnitedKingdom, 2018(Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations)PAUL EVAN NOVAKB.Mus., William Marsh Rice University, 2020(Music)JENNA LOUISE NOVOSELA.B., Roanoke College, 2020(The Humanities)NICHOLAS EDWARD OGONEKA.B., Bard College, 2011(East Asian Languages and Civilizations)BENJAMIN GYO TSUEN-HUI OYEA.B., University of Chicago, 2021(The Humanities)SIXUAN PANA.B., DePauw University, Greencastle, Indiana,2020(The Humanities)ANTONIA KONSTANTINA PAPPASA.B., DePaul University, Chicago, Illinois, 2020(The Humanities)AMY ELIZABETH PATTERSONA.B., University of California, Berkeley, 2014(The Humanities)SUMAIYYA RAHMANB.F.A., School of the Art Institute of Chicago, 2003(Middle Eastern Studies)BHUVANESHWARI RAMASWAMYB.Com., Indira Gandhi National Open University,New Delhi, India, 2019A.M., Mother Teresa Women's University,Kodaikanal, India, 2021(Digital Studies of Language, Culture, andHistory)MATTHEW ELIAS RAPPEA.B., Michigan State University, 2019(Middle Eastern Studies)AKSHARA RAVISHANKARPARMESWARANA.B., University of Delhi, New Delhi, India, 2008A.M., University of Hyderabad, India, 2012Ph.M., University of Delhi, New Delhi, India, 2016(South Asian Languages and Civilizations)STEPHANIE LAUREN REYESA.M., University of Calgary, Alberta, Canada, 2018(Linguistics)BRENNA LAUREN RICEA.B., Sarah Lawrence College, 2015(Romance Languages and Literatures)CLAIRE MADISON RICHA.B., Boston University, Massachusetts, 2021(The Humanities)KAITLIN ROSE RIKALAA.B., University of Wisconsln-Eau Claire, 2021(The Humanities)LEO JACOB ROSSA.B., Hamilton College, 2021(The Humanities)RAMEEN SAADB.A.(Hons), Lahore University of ManagementSciences, Pakistan, 2022(The Humanities)KATHRYN HOPE SAVIDGEA.B., Susquehanna University, 2018(The Humanities)JACK HOLSTROM SCHNEIDERB.F.A., School of the Art Institute of Chicago, 2014(The Humanities)ALANNA B. SCOGGINSA.B., lllinois Wesleyan University, 2020(The Humanities)CHARLOTTE SECHRISTA.B., Rhodes College, Memphis, Tennessee, 2019(The Humanities)KUTAYSEROVAB.Ap.S., Stanford University, 2020(Linguistics)YANQING SHENA.B., Brown University, 2018(The Humanities)DANIEL SHERMANA.B., Georgetown University, 1996(The Humanities)LEWIS SEARS SHERMANA.B., Reed College, 2017A.M., University of London, England, UnitedKingdom, 2021(The Humanities)SUBHEKSHYA SHRESTHAA.B., New York University in Abu Dhabi, UnitedArab Emirates, 2020(The Humanities)AARON JOHN SKARZENSKIA.B., Temple University, 2020(The Humanities)JACOB ORIN SMITHA.B., St. Olaf College, 2017(Middle Eastern Studies)JOSEPH JAVIER SOLIS MORLAS.B., University of New Orleans, 2013(Digital Studies of Language, Culture, andHistory)HONGHANSONGA.B., Nanjing University, China, 2021(The Humanities)ERKUT SOYERA.B., BoiJazi�i Universitesi, Istanbul, Turkey, 2019(The Humanities)AVNER REUVEN STEINMETZA.M., Tel-Aviv University, Israel, 2014(Philosophy)CHARLOTTE FLORENCE STENDERA.B., University of California, San Diego, 2018(The Humanities)CALEIGH MILLICENT STEPHENSA.B., University of Chicago, 2022(The Humanities)JOELLE HINDS STEPHENSONA.B., University of Chicago, 2023(The Humanities)MARLEY KATHERINESTUEVER- WILLIFORDA.B., University of Colorado at Colorado Springs,2017A.M., Bowling Green State University, 2021(Digital Studies of Language, Culture, andHistory)BUYU SUA.B., Beijing University of Posts andTelecommunications, China, 2016A.M., Columbia University in the City of New York,New York, 2018(Digital Studies of Language, Culture, andHistory)JI-ARUI SUNA.B., Zhejiang University, Hang Zhou, China, 2016A.M., Dartmouth College, 2019(East Asian Languages and Civilizations)SHWETA SWAMINATHANA.B., Symbiosis International University, Pune,India, 2018(Comparative Literature)IRENE TANGA.B., Swarthmore College, 2019(Linguistics)LOURDES HONOR LACOMBETAYLORA.B., Haverford College, 2021(English Language and Literature) JOHN CURTIS THOMUREB.F.A., School of the Art Institute of Chicago, 2019(The Humanities)SILA ULUGA.B., City University of New York, 2016A.M., ibid., 2018(Art History)CHRISTOPHER HENRY FRANTZ VANDOVERA.B., St. Olaf College, 2020(The Humanities)SYDNEY RENEE VENZERA.B., johns Hopkins University, 2021(The Humanities)CAMERON MAKHI RYANT WADEA.B., Mercer University, Macon, Georgia, 2022(The Humanities)CHONGWEI WANGS.B., Loyola University Chicago, Illinois, 2022(Digital Studies of Language, Culture, andHistory)DING WANGA.B., Ohio State University, Columbus, 2021(The Humanities)DUO WANGA.B., Nanjinp University, China, 2020(The Humanities)ELIZABETH ANNE WANGA.B., Princeton University, 2018(Middle Eastern Studies)JIAWEN WANGA.B., Sun Yat-Sen University, Guanqzhou, China,2018Mast; University of St. Andrews, Scotland, UnitedKingdom, 2019(The Humanities)PEIZHI WANGA.B., University of California, Berkeley, 2021(The Humanities)TIANYUN WANGS.B., University of Miami, Coral Gables, Florida,2021(Digital Studies of Language, Culture, andHistory)XUN WANGA.B., Bryn Mawr College, 2022(The Humanities)ZIJIE WANGA.B., University of Virginia, 2022(Digital Studies of Language, Culture, andHistory)CYRUS V. WESTERLUNDA.B., University of California, Santa Barbara, 2018(The Humanities)BRANDY CHANISA WILLIAMSA.B., Georgia State University, 2018A.M., University of Maryland at College Park, 2020(English Language and Literature)BYSHERA WILLIAMSA.B., Drexel University, 2019(The Humanities)CHRISTOPHER SCOTT WILSONA.B., Princeton University, 2021A.M., Yale University, 2022(The Humanities)SOPHIA ALBA WITHERSA.B., City University of New York, 2012(English Language and Literature)YIN WUA.B., Tsinqhua University, Beijing, China, 2011A.M., Central Academy of Fine Arts, Beijing, China,2014(Art History)YINING WUB.]., University of Missouri-Columbia, 2020(The Humanities) THE DIVISION OF THE HUMANITIESYAXIN XUEA.B., University of Chicago, 2020(The Humanities)ZHAOYANG YANS.B., University of California, San Diego, 2022(Digital Studies of Language, Culture, andHistory)MAl YANGA.B., University of California, San Diego, 2022S.B., ibid., 2022(The Humanities)YULAI YANGA.B., Duke University, 2022(The Humanities)HILARY ANNE YARGERA.B., Bard College at Simon's Rock, 2021(The Humanities)HIU WANG NICOLE YIPA.B., Bowdoin College, 2022(Digital Studies of Language, Culture, andHistory)JAMIE YUA.B., University of Washington, Seattle, 2019(The Humanities)JIAXUAN ZENGB.Ap.s., George Washington University, 2022(Digital Studies of Language, Culture, andHistory)MEIXU ZHANA.B., jilin University, Chang Chun, China, 2018A.M., Queen's University of Belfast, NorthernIreland, United Kingdom, 2019(The Humanities)BOFAN ZHANGA.B., Boston University, Massachusetts, 2020A.M., University of Chicago, 2022(Digital Studies of Language, Culture, andHistory)BOTIAN ZHANGB.B.A., University of Texas at Austin, 2019(Digital Studies of Language, Culture, andHistory)CHENXIZHANGA.B., Amherst College, 2019M.St., University of Oxford, England, UnitedKingdom, 2020(The Humanities)JIAKAI ZHAN GPh.B., Sun Yat-Sen University, Guonqzhou, China,2021(The Humanities)SIYU ZHANGB.F.A., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,2021(The Humanities)TONGTONG ZHANGA.B., University of Washington, Seattle, 2022(Digital Studies of Language, Culture, andHistory)YUTONG ZHANGA.B., Washington University in St. Louis, 2021(The Humanities)ZHENGPING ZHANGA.B., St. john 's College, Annapolis, Maryland, 2020S.M., University of Pennsylvania, 2021(The Humanities)WEIHANG ZHOUA.B., Denison University, 2020(The Humanities)YONGSHUN ZHOUA.B., University of Chicago, 2022(The Humanities)YUWEI ZHOUA.B., University of California, San Diego, 2020(East Asian Languages and Civilizations)YUXUAN ZHOUA.B., University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2020(Digital Studies of Language, Culture, andHistory)25THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO 537TH CONVOCATIONFOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF FINE ARTSCALEB McCAIN CLEMENTEA.B., Lipscomb University, 2020CEYHUN FIRATA.B., Brown University, 2021KYRIN EALY HOBSONA.B., University of California, Los Angeles, 1988A.M., New York University, 1994 JULIA MADELINE KOREMANA.B., Kalamazoo College, 2018BOHAN LIUB.F.A., School of the Art Institute of Chicago, 2020JACOB BROWNING PETA.B., Union College, Lincoln, Nebraska, 2012 TING CHUN WANGA.B., Washington University in St. Louis, 2011S.M., New York University, 2016QIUCHEN WUB.F.A., School of the Art Institute of Chicago, 2020FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHYEDUARDO LUCIANO ACOSTAGONZALEZLic., Universidad Naclonal Aut6noma de Mexico,Mexico City, 2010Mast., EI Coleqio de Mexico, Mexico City, 2013(South Asian Languages and Civilizations)DISSERTATION: Medieval Landscapes: The Ideaof the Middle Ages in BengalTALIA ARIAVA.B., Tel-Aviv University, Israel, 2011A.M., ibid., 2014(South Asian Languages and Civilizations)DISSERTATION: Intimately Cosmopolitan:Genealogical Poets and Orchestrated Selves in17-18th Century Sanskrit Literature from SouthIndiaAAMIR BASHIRB.Eng., National University of Sciences andTechnology, Rawalpindi, Pakistan, 1999S.M., Georgia Institute of Technology, 2002A.M., Universiti Islam Antarabangsa Malaysia,Kuala Lumpur, 2013A.M., Washington University in St. Louis, 2014(Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations)DISSERTATION: Private Muftis in a PostcolonialState: A Study of Legal Reasoning amongDeobandi Hanafis in Contemporary PakistanABHISHEK BHATTACHARYYAB.A.{Hons), University of Delhi, New Delhi, India,2009B.A.{Hons), University of Oxford, England, UnitedKingdom, 2011M.Ph., University of Cambridge, England, UnitedKingdom, 2012A.M., University of Oxford, England, UnitedKingdom, 2018A.M., University of Chicago, 2015(South Asian Languages and Civilizations andAnthropology)DISSERTATION: Practical-Critical Selves: LeftistOrganising in South AsiaDEVON J. BOROWSKIA.B., State University of New York at Geneseo,2012M.M., Johns Hopkins University, 2015(Music)DISSERTATION: Navigating Voices: Song,History, and Humanity in the British ImperialProject, 1770-1836JOSEPH JAMES BREWERB.A.{Hons), University of Melbourne, Parkville,Victoria, Australia, 2012A.M., University of Chicago, 2016(Philosophy)DISSERTATION: Kant on Time and HumanCognitionMOLLY S. BROWNA.B., Calvin College, 2014A.M., University of Chicago, 2018(Philosophy)DISSERTATION: On Starting Points26 DANIEL ALAN BURNFINPh.B., Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium,2009M.Ph., ibid., 2012Ph.M., ibid., 2012(Germanic Studies and Philosophy)DISSERTATION: Greater than Itself: Value,Capital, and Involuntary Unemployment inClassical Political EconomySAMUEL PINCHOSL CATLINA.B., Middlebury College, 2015A.M., University of Chicago, 2017(Comparative Literature and Divinity)DISSERTATION: The Rest is Literature: Midrashand the Institution of 'Theory' in AmericaPIRACHULA CHULANONA.B., Humboldt-Universittit: zu Berlin, Germany,2016A.M., University of Chicago, 2019(Philosophy)DISSERTATION: Kant and the Origin of theConcept of MindJADINE KATHRYN COLLINGWOODA.B., University of Chicago, 2007A.M., University of California, Berkeley, 2010(Art History)DISSERTATION: "A Tragic Suburban Mentality":Managerial Lyricism in Contemporary ArtTIMOTHY DEMAYA.B., Northwestern University, 2009M.F.A., University of Maryland at College Park,2014(English Language and Literature)DISSERTATION: Occupations: A Repertoire ofExperimental Political and Artistic PracticesJACQUELINE DRAGUA.B., Beloit College, 2014A.M., University of Chicago, 2017(English Language and Literature)DISSERTATION: "AllIs Alike Good": Melancholiaand Desire in Medieval LiteratureMARISSA CAMILLE FENLEYA.B., Lewis and Clark College, 2013(English Language and Literature and Theaterand Performance Studies)DISSERTATION: Puppet Theory: The MechanicalInfrastructure of PersonhoodLUKE ALEXANDER FIDLERPh.B., Northwestern University, 2014A.M., University of Chicago, 2016(Art History)DISSERTATION: Henry the Lion and the Art ofPolitics in Northern Europe, c. 1142-1195ANDREW JACOB FOURNIERA.B., New York University, 2010M.F.A., University of Iowa, 2013A.M., University of Chicago, 2019(English Language and Literature)DISSERTATION: Failed Instruments: Abolitionand the Lyric in Antebellum America ISABELA MACHADO DE OLIVEIRAFRAGAB.j., Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro,Brazil, 2011M.C.I.S., ibid., 2011(Romance Languages and Literatures)DISSERTATION: Subjected to Feeling: Slaveryand Personhood in Nineteenth-Century Brazil andCubaARIANNA BARUCH GASSA.B., Vassar College, 2013(English Language and Literature and Theaterand Performance Studies)DISSERTATION: The Body in Play: Embodimentin and through VideogamesANNA BEATRICE GATDULAB.Mus., DePauw University, Greencastle, Indiana,2015A.M., Indiana University Bloomington, 2017(Music)DISSERTATION: Spectacles of a Nuclear Empire:Opera and Film in the American Atomic Age,1945-2018HANNE GRAVERSENB.A.{Hons), University of London-UniversityCollege London, England, United Kingdom, 2006A.M., ibid., 2007A.M., Sotheby's Institute of Art, London, England,United Kingdom, 2013A.M., University of Chicago, 2015(Art History)DISSERTATION: Interchanges: Construction ofthe U.S. Interstate Highway System and ArtisticPractice, 1956-1984ERIC MOSES GUREVITCHA.B., University of Chicago, 2013(South Asian Languages and Civilizations andConceptual and Historical Studies of Science)DISSERTATION: Everyday Sciences in SouthwestIndiaDANIELA GUTIERREZ FLORESA.B., Instituto Tecnol6gico y de EstudiosSuperiores de Monterrey, Mexico, 2012(Romance Languages and Literatures)DISSERTATION: Kitchen Selves: Cooks and theLiterary Culture of the Early Modern SpanishAtlantic (l520-1750)ANDREW DOWDLE HALLADAYA.B., Pomona College, 2010(South Asian Languages and Civilizations andHistory)DISSERTATION: A Distant Throne: The BritishSovereign in the Mirror of Indian Nationalism,1919-36NOAH WEINSTOCK HANSENA.B., McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada,2013(English Language and Literature)DISSERTATION: Peons, Toilers, and Vagabonds:Labor and Literature in the Black Atlantic,1900-1945NELL SHAPIRO HAWLEYA.B., Harvard University, 2011A.M., University of Chicago, 2018(South Asian Languages and Civilizations)DISSERTATION: The War That Wasn't: Thevirtitaporvan, the Paiicariitra, and the FantasyLife of the Mahiibh arataJOSEPH ADAM HAYDTA.B., University of Colorado at Boulder, 2014A.M., University of Chicago, 2019(Germanic Studies and Divinity)DISSERTATION: Revelation and Thought: AStudy in the Age of GoetheALEXANDRA VICTORIAHOFFMANN*Lic., Universitdt Zurich, Switzerland, 2011(Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations)CLAUDIA JOANNA THEODORAHOGG-BLAKEA.B., University of Oxford, England, UnitedKingdom, 2014(Philosophy)DISSERTATION: Loving Gracie: An Account ofHuman-Animal LoveDAVID H. HOGUEA.B., Princeton University, 2007(East Asian Languages and Civilizations)DISSERTATION: Historians of Abnormality:Anomaly Discourse in Han Dynasty PoliticalPhilosophy and Its Antecedents in Warring StatesTextual TraditionsJORDAN CLARE JOHANSENA.B., Southern Methodist University, 2011A.M., University of Chicago, 2021(Classics: Ancient Mediterranean World)DISSERTATION: Flooding Borders: Gender,Human Ecology, and Ideology in the PtolemaicBorder between Egypt and NubiaMATTHEW RICHARD JOHNSONA.B., New York University, 2014(Germanic Studies)DISSERTATION: Faltering Language: OnGerman-Yiddish LiteratureMARIA KAOUTZANIA.B., University of York, England, United Kingdom,2014M.M., New York University, 2016(Music)DISSERTATION: For a WhileELLA KAREVA.B., Tel-Aviv University, Israel, 2016A.M., University of Chicago, 2018(Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations)DISSERTATION: Slavery and Servitude in LatePeriod Egypt (c. 900-330 BC)RITIKA KAUSHIKA.B., University of Delhi, New Delhi, India, 2010A.M., jamia Millia lslamia, New Delhi, India, 2012Ph.M., jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi,India, 2016(Cinema and Media Studies)DISSERTATION: Files Beget Films: StateSponsored Documentary In India, 1960s-1970sKEVIN PHILIP KINGA.B., University of Toronto, Ontario, Canada, 2013A.M., ibid., 2015(English Language and Literature)DISSERTATION: The Reserve Army of VictorianLiteratureJOSHUA IAN KLOPFENSTEINA.B., Bethel College, 2012A.M., University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2014(Music)DISSERTATION: The Practice of Music Theory inEngland before the Civil WarMATHIS TILMAN REINHARDKOSCHELA.B., Ludwiq-Maximillians-Universitiit: Munchen,Germany, 2012(Philosophy)DISSERTATION: The Idea of Nature: Kant andHegel on Nature, Freedom, and PhilosophicalMethodEROL GREGORY MEHMET K0YMENB.Mus., Vanderbilt University, 2011M.Mus., University of Texas at Austin, 2016A.M., University of Chicago, 2018(Music)DISSERTATION: Listening for Secular Bodies:Western Art Music, Occidentalism, and Belongingin Neo-liberallstanbul STEPHANIE LISA KRAVER*A.B., College of New jersey, 2012A.M., New York University, 2016A.M., University of Chicago, 2019(Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations)MARIA ISABEL LACHENAUERM.A.{Hons), University of St. Andrews, Scotland,United Kingdom, 2013(Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations)DISSERTATION: Artuai Wept: New Approachesto Reading Emotions in Danismendnam e (TheBook of King Danis mend)SUNWOO LEEA.B., Konkuk University, Seoul, South Korea, 2011A.M., University of Chicago, 2013(Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations)DISSERTATION: Exploring Pain in Ancient EgyptMILI CHANA LEITNER COHENB.Mus.{Hons), Trinity Laban Conservatoire ofMusic and Dance, London, England, UnitedKingdom, 2014A.M., University of Chicago, 2016(Music)DISSERTATION: "Sacred in Your Midst":Sounding Israeli Identity through thePerformance of jewish Liturgy in jerusalem'sPublic SpacesEDUARDO RODRIGUES LEAoLic., Universidade do Amazonas, Amazona, Brazil,2016(Romance Languages and Literatures)DISSERTATION: Alternativas al apocalipsis:ficci6n dist6pica en la America Latina del siqloXXINICHOLAS KYLE LONGWORTHA.B., Oklahoma State University, 2009A.M., Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary,2012A.M., Catholic University of America, 2015(Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations)DISSERTATION: Islamic Bureaucrats in LateAntiquity: Administration and Elites during theUmayyad Caliphate (c.a. 661-750 C.E.)THALIA ELISABETH LYSENA.B., Universiteit van Amsterdam, TheNetherlands, 2012A.M., Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, TheNetherlands, 2014A.M., University of Chicago, 2017(Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations)DISSERTATION: Staging Kingship: APerformance-Oriented Approach to the Hittite'Theatre of State'ENRIQUE MACARILic., Instituto Tecnol6gico y de EstudiosSuperiores de Monterrey, Mexico, 2013(Romance Languages and Literatures)DISSERTATION: Aesthetic Matters: Humanism,Literature and Education in 20th-Century MexicoALEXANDER SCOTT MURPHYA.B., Kenyon College, 2010A.M., Columbia University in the City of New York,2014A.M., University of Chicago, 2017(East Asian Languages and Civilizations)DISSERTATION: What the Ear Sees: Media,Performance, and the Politics of the Voice injapan, 1918-1942THOMAS JAMES NEWBOLDA.B., University of London, England, UnitedKingdom, 2011(South Asian Languages and Civilizations andHistory)DISSERTATION: The Critical Age: ModernPeriodization and Moral Revaluation in ColonialBengalMAXIMILIEN NOVAKLic., Universite Paris-Sorbonne (Paris IV), France,2012Mast., ibid., 2014Dip!', Ecole Normale Superieure d'Ulm, Paris,France, 2015(Romance Languages and Literatures)DISSERTATION: Napoleon et l'Empire desLettres: historiens, journalistes, informateurs,censeurs, savants. : I'administration de I'opinionpublique sous Ie Consulat et Ie Premier Empire(1799-1814) THE DIVISION OF THE HUMANITIESEVA PENSISB.Mus., University of Southern California, 2016(Music and Theater and Performance Studies)DISSERTATION: Mighty Real: Trans FemmeEmbodiment, Queer Nightlife, and the CulturalPolitics of Transm isogynyRIKKERT JAN PETERSB.A.{Hons), Universiteit van Amsterdam, TheNetherlands, 2011B.A.{Hons), ibid., 2012A.M., ibid., 2014A.M., Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, TheNetherlands, 2014A.M., University of Chicago, 2021(Classics: Classical Languages and Literatures andSocial Thought)DISSERTATION: Wonder in Greek and RomanPhilosophyFILIPPO PETRICCALaurea, Sapienza Universita di Roma, Rome, Italy,2012Lau.Maq., ibid., 2014(Romance Languages and Literatures)DISSERTATION: Money and the LiteraryImagination. Medieval Paris and Florence(1200-1321)SANJUKTA PODDARB.A.{Hons), University of Delhi, New Delhi, India,2007A.M., ibid., 2009M.Ph., ibid., 2013A.M., University of Chicago, 2021(South Asian Languages and Civilizations)DISSERTATION: Writing Allahabad: Texts andIdentities in a Provincial City (1885-1939)JORDAN PRUETTA.B., University of Utah, 2015A.M., University of Chicago, 2017(English Language and Literature)DISSERTATION: Managed Abundance: AQuantitative History of American Fiction,1931-2009DIANE K. RAK*S.B., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2010S.B., ibid., 2010A.M., University of Chicago, 2011(Linguistics)BENJAMIN LAURENCE RANSOMA.B., University of Washington, Seattle, 2015(Romance Languages and Literatures)DISSERTATION: Michel de Montaiqne, SkepticalEmpiricism, and Seventeenth-CenturyAnti-Cartesian LiteratureBRENNA LAUREN RICEA.B., Sarah Lawrence College, 2015(Romance Languages and Literatures)DISSERTATION: Marie NDiaye's MaladjustedWorld: Strangeness and the Limits of EmpathyEVELYN RICHARDSONA.B., University of Oxford, England, UnitedKingdom, 2012A.M., University of London, England, UnitedKingdom, 2014Mast., University of Oxford, England, UnitedKingdom, 2015(Comparative Literature)DISSERTATION: Specters of Ancient Pasts andthe Ends of History: The Arabic Discourse ofRevival in the Tanzimat Era (1839-1876)HANNAH L. ROGERSA.B., New School for Social Research, 2006A.M., University of Chicago, 2011(Music)DISSERTATION: Resounding Archipelagoes:Music and Tourism in New Orleans and HavanaESZTER EVA R6NAIB.A.{Hons), University of Cambridge, England,United Kingdom, 2016A.M., University of Chicago, 2018(L i ng u is ti cs)DISSERTATION: Scales, Alternatives, Context:Experimental Investigations into Scalar InferenceRYAN A. SIMONELLIA.B., New College of Florida, 2013(Philosophy)DISSERTATION: Meaning and the World27THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO 537TH CONVOCATIONDOREN G. SNOEKA.B., College of the Ozarks, 2007M.Div., Calvin Theological Seminary, 2014M. tn; ibid., 2015A.M., University of Chicago, 2017(Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations)DISSERTATION: Social Memory, Scrib alism, andthe Book of ChroniclesAURORE SPIERSLic., Universite Paris Ouest Nan terre La Defense,France, 2010(Cinema and Media Studies)DISSERTATION: Digging for Film History:Women, French Cinema, and Film Historiography,1927-1978MICHAEL STEPHENSA.B., McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada,1999(Philosophy)DISSERTATION: The Limits of WorkLAURA STIGLIANOLic., Univ ersidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2015A.M., University of Chicago, 2018(Linguistics)DISSERTATION: The Silence of Syntax: A Theoryof Ellipsis Licensing and IdentityMICHAEL JOSEPH TABATOWSKIA.B., New York University, 2015(Linguistics)DISSERTATION: Preferring to Learn: AnAttitudinal Approach to Polar Questions28 YUTING TANB.Mus., National University of Singapore,Singapore, 2016M.M., Peabody Conservatory of Music, 2018(Music)DISSERTATION: AmnesiaCARRIE ANNE TAYLORA.B., St. Olaf College, 2001A.M., University of Colorado at Boulder, 2006(English Language and Literature)DISSERTATION: The Re-Making of the EnglishLandscape: Coal, Transport, and the Sense ofPlace in the Romantic EraZSOFIA VALYI-NAGYA.B., University of Chicago, 2013A.M., ibid., 2018(Art History)DISSERTATION: Vera Molnar's ProgrammedAbstraction: Computer Graphics and GeometricAbstract Art in Postwar EuropeZACHARY PAUL WINTERSA.B., Bowdoin College, 2011A.M., University of Chicago, 2016(Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations)DISSERTATION: Messianism, Occultism, andPoetics in the 15th-Century Persian ate World: TheLife and Writings of Agari-yi Isfarayini (d.866/1461-2)KYLE DANIEL WYNTER-STONERA.B., Brown University, 2013(Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations)DISSERTATION: The Mahrnisdiyah: The Historyof a Library, Its Books, and Its Readers* anticipated graduation, Summer Quarter 2023 EMILY JUNGMIN YOONA.B., University of Pennsylvania, 2013M.F.A., New York University, 2015A.M., University of Chicago, 2018(East Asian Languages and Civilizations)DISSERTATION: Enclosed Reading: A FeministMethod for Korean and Korean AmericanWomen's Poetry, 1987-2019MENGHAN ZHANGB.A.(Hons), University of Cambridge, England,United Kingdom, 2012(Cinema and Media Studies)DISSERTATION: Trembling of the Veil: TheFormation of Cinema de I'esprit in FranceMENG ZHAOA.B., Fudan University, Shanghai, China, 2008M.L., ibid., 2011(Art History)DISSERTATION: Roaming, Gazing, Halting:Human Presence and Sensory Impression in SongLandscapeZHENRU ZHOUB.Arch., Tsinqhua University, Beijing, China, 2011M.Arch., ibid., 2014M.Arch., Princeton University, 2016(Art History)DISSERTATION: Between Virtual and Real: ANew Architecture of the Mogao Caves [Dunhuatiq,China), 781-1036 CETHE DIVISION OFTHE PHYSICAL SCIENCESFRIDAY, JUNE 2, 2023S.M. DIPLOMA CEREMONYGerald A. Ratner Athletics Center, Competition Gymn:oo a.m.-12:30 p.m.S.M. LUNCHEON RECEPTIONGerald A. Ratner Athletics Center, Competition Gym, Lawn12:30 p.m.-1:30 p.m.SATURDAY, JUNE 3, 2023UNIVERSITY CEREMONYMain Quadrangle9:15 a.m.PH.D. DIPLOMA AND HOODING CEREMONYReva and David Logan Center for the Arts12:15 p.m.-1:15 p.m.PH.D. LUNCHEON RECEPTIONReva and David Logan Center for the Arts, Courtyard1:15 p.m.-2:30 p.m.THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO I 537TH CONVOCATIONS.M. DIPLOMA CEREMONYORDER OF EXERCISESPRELUDEPROCESSIONThe University of Chicago Pipe Band(Please stand)WELCOMEANGELA V. OLINTODean, Division of the Physical SciencesAlbert A. Michelson Distinguished Service Professor, Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics,Enrico Fermi Institute, and the CollegeREMARKSSCOTT SNYDERProfessor, Department of Chemistry; Deputy Dean, Division of the Physical SciencesGUILLAUME BALProfessor, Departments of Statistics and Mathematics and the College; Program Director,Computational and Applied Mathematics Master's ProgramGREG GREENAssociate Senior Instructional Professor, Department of Computer Science and the College;Director, Master of Science in Analytics ProgramMARK HENDRICKSAssociate Senior Instructional Professor, Department of Computer Science and the College;Deputy Director, Financial Mathematics ProgramBORJA SOTOMAYORAssociate Senior Instructional Professor, Department of Computer Science and the College;Director, Master's Program in Computer ScienceS.M. DIPLOMA PRESENTATIONANGELA V. OLINTODean, Division of the Physical SciencesNames to be read by BAHAREH LAMPERT, Dean of StudentsRecognized by Directors of the S.M Programs andFaculty Members of the Division of the Physical SciencesREMARKS BY THE DEANANGELA V. OLINTODean, Division of the Physical SciencesCLOSE OF CEREMONYSCOTT SNYDERProfessor, Department of Chemistry; Deputy Dean, Division of the Physical SciencesRECESSIONAL30THE DIVISION OF THE PHYSICAL SCIENCESPH.D. DIPLOMA AND HOODING CEREMONYORDER OF EXERCISESPRELUDEPROCESSIONThe University of Chicago Pipe Band(Please stand)WELCOMEANGELA V. OLINTODean, Division of the Physical SciencesAlbert A. Michelson Distinguished Service Professor, Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics,Enrico Fermi Institute, and the CollegeTHE CONFERRING OF THE FACULTY AWARD FOR EXCELLENCEIN GRADUATE TEACHING AND MENTO RINGBOZHI TIANProfessor, Department of Chemistry, James Franck Institute, and the Collegepresented by VIRESH H. RAWALProfessor, Department of Chemistry and the College; Chair, Department of ChemistryTHE CONFERRING OF THE ARTHUR L. KELLY PRIZEFOR EXCEPTIONAL SERVICE IN THE PHYSICAL SCIENCESMICHAEL ]. FRANKLINLiew Family Chair and Professor, Department of Computer Science and the College;Senior Advisor to the Provost on Computation and Data Science; Faculty Co-Director, Data Science InstituteDAN NICOLAEProfessor, Department of Statistics, Department of Medicine,Department of Human Genetics, and the College; Faculty Co-Director, Data Science Institutepresented by ANGELA V. OLINTODean, Division of the Physical Sciences31THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO I 537TH CONVOCATIONPH.D. DIPLOMA AND HOODING CEREMONYANGELA V. OLINTODean, Division of the Physical SciencesNames to be read by BAHAREH LAMPERT, Dean of StudentsHooders: Faculty Members of the Division of the Physical SciencesREMARKS BY THE DEANANGELA V. OLINTODean, Division of the Physical SciencesCLOSE OF CEREMONYAARON DINNERDeputy Dean, Division of the Physical SciencesProfessor, Department of Chemistry, James Franck Institute, and the CollegeRECESSIONALTHE FACULTY AWARD FOR EXCELLENCEIN GRADUATE TEACHING AND MENTORINGBOZHI TIANProfessor, Department of Chemistry, James Franck Institute, and the CollegeBOZHI TIAN is a highly regarded leader in biophysicsand one of the pioneering scientists who developedsemiconductor materials that mimic cellular behavior.He is also a caring and inspiring teacher. He developedthe much-loved, hyper-interdisciplinary BiophysicalChemistry course that, like all the courses he teaches,has always received glowing praise from students forits engaging, student-focused pedagogy. An exemplarymentor to his graduate students and postdocs, many ofwhom have gone on to prominent careers as researchersand academics, he inspires his students to reach for thesky, just as he has done throughout his own impressivecareer. And while he is renowned for his scientific32 accomplishments, he is also an artist who creativelytransforms atomic-level imagery into works of art.1he candidate will be presented by VIRESH H. RAWAL,Professor, Department of Chemistry and the College; Chair,Department of Chemistry.CITATIONDriving scientific advances at the intersection ofchemistry, physics, biology, and engineering,BOZHI TIAN is also a cherished colleague and aninspiring educator, who sets a high bar for teachingand mentorship in the Department of Chemistry.THE DIVISION OF THE PHYSICAL SCIENCESTHE ARTHUR L. KELLY PRIZE FOR EXCEPTIONALFACULTY SERVICE IN THE PHYSICAL SCIENCESMICHAEL ]. FRANKLINLiew Family Chair and Professor, Department of Computer Science and the College;Senior Advisor to the Provost on Computation and Data Science; Faculty Co-Director, Data Science InstituteMICHAEL J. FRANKLIN receives the prize inrecognition of his service as chair of the Departmentof Computer Science and leadership of data science atthe University of Chicago. Under his leadership, theDepartment of Computer Science has undergone arapid expansion in scope and stature, building world- leading research efforts in many areas, includinghuman-computer interaction, machine learning/artificialintelligence, and quantum computing. During his sevenyears as department chair, Computer Science doubled thesize of the faculty and Ph.D. students, and became thesecond most popular major on campus.DAN NICOLAEProfessor, Department of Statistics, Department of Medicine,Department of Human Genetics, and the College; Faculty Co-Director, Data Science InstituteDAN NICOLAE receives the prize in recognitionof his contributions as chair of the Department ofStatistics (2016-2022) and leadership of data science atthe University of Chicago. As chair of the Departmentof Statistics, he steered it through faculty growth byMICHAEL J. FRANKLIN and DAN NICOLAE haveled a joint effort with the Departments of ComputerScience and Statistics and the University to advancedata science education and research on campus. Theyspearheaded the creation of the University of ChicagoData Science Institute and the Committee on Data recruiting and promoting top faculty, while stimulating atransition to a broad cross-disciplinary unit with researchthat spans statistics, applied mathematics, machinelearning, data science, and their applications.Science, where a growing cohort of faculty develops arobust program of interdisciplinary research initiatives,graduate and undergraduate degrees, and partnershipswith industry and academic institutions nationally andin ternationally.33THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO 537TH CONVOCATIONFOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF SCIENCESUNEIL ACHARYAS.B., University of California, Berkeley, 2021(Computer Science)JESSICA ADDAIA.B., Virginia Polytechnic Institute and StateUniversity, 2019(Analytics)ABHISHEK AGARWALB. Tech., Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur,Kaly anpur, India, 2018(Computer Science)SHUBHAM AGARWALB.Eng.(Hons), Birla Institute of Technology andScience, Pilant, India, 2017(Financial Mathematics)ANKUR AGRAWALB. Tech., Indian Institute of Technology Bombay,Mumbai, India, 2016M.Tech., ibid., 2016(Physics)SHUBHAM AGRAWALB. Tech., Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur,Kaly anpur, India, 2018(Financial Mathematics)MUHAMMAD ALI AHMADS.B., Lahore University of Management Sciences,Pakistan, 2018(Analytics)JITAK AHNS.B., Indiana University Bloomington, 2014(Analytics)HARDIK AJMANIB. Tech., SRM Institute of Science and Technology,Kattankulathur, India, 2020(Computer Science)IMTIAZ AHMAD ALIS.B., University of California, Santa Barbara, 2016(Financial Mathematics)DINA MARIE ALISSIS.B., University of Connecticut, 2021(Financial Mathematics)RICARDO ALMADA MONTERS.B., Universidad Nacional Aut6noma de Mexico,Mexico City, 2021(Chemistry)UGUR ALYANAKA.B., Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, 2021(Physics)BINGXUE ANS.B., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,2020(Statistics)ELLA ANDERSON*A.B., University of Chicago, 2022(Computer Science)JORGE ARIAS SERRATOS.B., Instituto Tecnol6gico y de EstudiosSuperiores de Monterrey, Mexico City, Mexico,2012(Analytics)CHUKWUNONSO ARINZES.B., University of Texas at San Antonio, 2015(Physics)MAHDI AS SARIS.M., Universite de Geneve, Geneva, Switzerland,2021(Chemistry)ANNA SHARP AUERSPERGA.B., Georgetown University, 2018(Analytics)THEINT NAN DAR AUNGA.B., Cornell College, Mount Vernon, Iowa, 2014(Chemistry)IRMA AVDICS.B., University of Louisville, 2021(Chemistry)AM AN YOUSAF AWANS.B., University of Texas at Dallas, 2018(Financial Mathematics)34 ELIO ALBERTO AYBAR JIMENEZB.B.A., Western Michigan University, 2011A.M., ibid., 2013(Analytics)ANI BAGHDASARYANA.B., American University of Armenia, Yerevan,2017S.M., Phillips-Universitat: Marburq, Germany, 2019S.M., University of Texas at Dallas, 2019(Analytics)RUIZHENG BAIB.Act.Stds, University of Illinois atUrbana-Champaign, 2019(Statistics)MAURO RAMON BALLESTEROSAYALAB.B.A., Instituto Tecnol6gico y de EstudiosSuperiores de Monterrey, Mexico, 2006(Analytics)AHMAD EMMANUEL BALLA BAMBAS.B., University of Chicago, 2021(Computer Science)HUGO ADRIAN BARBAS.B., Instituto Tecnol6gico y de EstudiosSuperiores de Monterrey, Mexico, 2018(Analytics)NICHOLAS HUGO HARDINGTONBARTLETTS.B., University of Colorado at Boulder, 2021(Financial Mathematics)MAXWELL HOMER BASSS.B., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,2015(Computer Science)JACOB EDWARD BELEMJIANS.B., Trinity College, Washington, District ofColumbia, 2021(Financial Mathematics)PHILLIP DAVID BETTSS.B., Indiana University Bloomington, 2013(Analytics)TANAYA BHAKATA.B., University of Chicago, 2023(Computer Science)ANISHA BHARATHSINGHA.B., Bryn Mawr College, 2017(Analytics)UMANG BHATIAB. Tech., Delhi Technological University, India,2018(Computer Science)SHARBA BHATTACHARJEES.M., Homi Bhabha National Institute, Mumbai,India, 2018(Physics)CHUQI BIANS.B., University of California, Los Angeles, 2021(Analytics)RAKESH REDDY BIJJAMB. Tech., University of Peshawar, Pakistan, 2020(Analytics)EPHRAIM SOLOMON BILILIGNS.B., North Carolina State University, Raleigh,North Carolina, 2017(Physics)CONNOR WILLIAM BINNIGA.B., University of Southern California, 2013(Analytics)LUKE WESLEY BIRCHS.B., Virginia Polytechnic Institute and StateUniversity, 2016M.B.A., University of Chicago, 2023(Computer Science)DANIEL LOUIS BIVONAA.B., University of Chicago, 2020(Computer Science)HANNAH ELAINE BLOOMB.Ap.s., Washington University in St. Louis, 2020(Geophysical Sciences) JEFF BLUM*B.Ap.S., University of Illinois atUrbana-Champaign, 2011(An a lytics)AARON BLUMBERGA.B., Luther College, Decorah, Iowa, 2021(Financial Mathematics)IAN JEF AQUINO BONGALONTAS.B., University of South Carolina-Columbia, 2021(Chemistry)DEEPA BORKARS.B., University of Southern California, 2014(Computer Science)RIBHAV BOSEA.B., University of Chicago, 2023(Computer Science)MARY KATHERINE BOSSARDS.B., University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, 2021(Physics)ADAM LEE BREASHEARSS.B., Louisiana Tech University, 1995M.B.A., DePaul University, Chicago, Illinois, 2004(Analytics)EDWARD BORDEAU BROOKSS.B., University of Chicago, 2016(Computer Science)ROSA BROWNS.B., Carnegie Mellon University, 2021(Financial Mathematics)BINH HUY BUIS.B., Green Mountain College, 2014M.B.A., University of Chicago, 2023(Computer Science)ZILY BURSTEINS.B., Loyola Marymount University, Los Angeles,California, 2014(Physics)MARIA DE LA PAZ CABRERASAGUIERS.B., Universidad Nacional de Asunci6n, Paraguay,2016A.B., ibid., 2019(Financial Mathematics)JINGYU CAlA.B., University of Chicago, 2023(Computer Science)SHANGJUN CAlA.B., University of Cambridge, England, UnitedKingdom, 2021(Chemistry)XINTONG CAlS.B., Emory University, 2021(Computational and Applied Mathematics)GUY KARIM CALAND PUYMARTINS.B., University of Chicago, 2013(Computer Science)BENJAMIN CALDWELL*A.B., New College of Florida, 2020(Computer Science)HANH CAOS.B., University of Illinois at Chicago, 2014(Analytics)JUNHE CAOA.B., University of California, Berkeley, 2021(Analytics)KEVIN SIYUAN CAOS.B., University of Chicago, 2023(Computer Science)RUNZE CAOS.B., Miami University, Oxford, Ohio, 2021(Computer Science)SHA CAOA.B., New York University, 2021(Financial Mathematics)BRANDON SCOTT CARPB.B.A., City University of New York, 2017(Analytics)JIAWEN CENB.Sc.(Hons), University of Liverpool, England,United Kingdom, 2020(Computational and Applied Mathematics)NONTHAKIT CHAIWONGS.B., University of Washington, Seattle, 2021(Computer Science)PRATYASHA CHAKRABORTYS.B., Indian Institute of Science, Banqalore, India,2021(Chemistry)SHU TING RACHEL CHANB.Sc.(Hons), Imperial College of Science,Technology and Medicine, London, England,United Kingdom, 2020(Chemistry)GEOFFREY JACOB CHANENSONA.B., Swarthmore College, 2021(Computer Science)CATHERINE CHARLESA.B., University of Chicago, 2023(Computer Science)JEFFREY ROBERT CHELLISS.B., Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, 2015(Computer Science)ALEXANDER WEI- TSUN CHENS.B., Washington University in St. Louis, 2019(Statistics)CHACHA CHENB.E.S., Shanghai jiao Tong University, China, 2019S.M., Pennsylvania State University, UniversityPark,2020(Computer Science)CHEN CHENS.B., Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana,2010M.B.A., University of Houston-University Park,2019(Financial Mathematics)CHIA-MIN CHENS.B., University of Maryland at College Park, 2014(Analytics)CHUYANG CHENA.B., University of wtsconstn-Nadtson. 2021(Analytics)GUANGKUO CHENS.B., University of California, Irvine, 2020(Computer Science)HAOYU CHENA.B., University of Rochester, 2021S.B., ibid., 2021(Analytics)HEDAN CHENB.Econ., Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, 2020B.Eng., ibid., 2020(Analytics)JIANGNAN CHENS.B., University of wisconsin-Madison. 2016(Computer Science)JIANG-YING MINA CHENB.M., New York University, 2018M.B.A., University of Chicago, 2023(Computer Science)JINGHAN CHENS.B., University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill,2021(Financial Mathematics)KANGYI CHENB.Econ.(Hons), University of Hong Kong, HongKong, 2021(Financial Mathematics)QIWEN CHENS.B., University of Illinois at Urbana-Cham patqn,2018(Financial Mathematics)TIANYI CHENS.B., Wake Forest University, 2021(Financial Mathematics)TIANYU CHENS.B., Fudan University, Shanghai, China, 2021(Statistics) XIANZHONG CHENS.B., State University of New York at Stony Brook,2020(Analytics)XINGLIN CHENS.B., Syracuse University, 2021(Analytics)XUAN CHENBiCom., McGill University, Montreal, Quebec,Canada, 2021(Financial Mathematics)YI-CHIEH CHENS.B., National Chengchi University, Taipei,Taiwan, 2020(Computer Science)YIN CHENS.B., Rutgers, the State University of Newjersey-New Brunswick, 2021(Computational and Applied Mathematics)YUHAN CHENA.B., University of Rochester, 2021S.B., ibid., 2021(Analytics)YUTONG CHENS.B., Hong Kong University of Science andTechnology, Kowloon, 2021(Financial Mathematics)ZHIJIE CHENS.B., Nankai University, Tianjin, China, 2021(Chemistry)ZIWEI CHENS.B., Hong Kong University of Science andTechnology, Kowloon, 2021(Financial Mathematics)TZU-YU CHENGA.B., National Taiwan University, Taipei, 2016(Financial Mathematics)ZEYANG CHENGB.Econ., Fudan University, Shanghai, China, 2021(Financial Mathematics)ZIHAO CHENGS.B., University of California, Davis, 2021(Computer Science)GRACE EDITH CHESMORES.B., Santa Clara University, California, 2017S.M., University of Michigan·Ann Arbor, 2019(Physics)CHUN TUNG CHEUNGS.B., Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shatin NT,2020(Physics)CHENG HSUAN CHIANGB.B.A., National Taiwan University, Taipei, 2013(Financial Mathematics)SOPHIA CHIANGA.B., University of Chicago, 2023(Computer Science)ROMA CHITALE*S.B., University of Southern California, 2015(Analytics)SHIH-HAN CHIDA.B., National Taiwan University, Taipei, 2018(Computer Science)HYUN JAE CHOA.B., University of Southern California, 2021S.B., ibid., 2021(Analytics)JUNGWAN CHOA.B., University of Chicago, 2015(Financial Mathematics)TARIN GENEVIEVE CHONA.B., Princeton University, 2014(Computer Science)NATCHA CHOTNOPARATPATB.B.A., University of wisconstn-Madison, 2021(Computer Science)CHE-CHENG CHOUS.B., Ohio State University, Columbus, 2020(Computer Science)SHREYASI ROY CHOUDHURYS.B., Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur,Kalyanpur, India, 2022(Chemistry) THE DIVISION OF THE PHYSICAL SCIENCESERIC CHUB.B.A., Ohio State University, Columbus, 2013S.B., ibid., 2013(Financial Mathematics)YUCHIEN CHUA.B., National Chengchi University, Taipei,Taiwan, 2021(Statistics)JANET CHUNGA.B., University of Chicago, 2019(Computer Science)AUSTIN STUART CLARKS.B., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2018(Computer Science)CHARLES HENRY CLARKE*S.B., Duke University, 2022(Analytics)BOGDAN ALEXANDRUCONSTANTINESCUB.Sc.(Hons), McMaster University, Hamilton,Ontario, Canada, 1996B.Eng., ibid., 2000(Analytics)MELANY M. CONTRERASS.B., East Carolina University, 2021(Chemistry)DANIEL COOKS.B., University of Michigan·Ann Arbor, 2009(Analytics)DYLAAN M. CORNISHA.B., Northwestern University, 2020(Analytics)MATTHEW COSTIGANS.B., University of Illinols at Urbana-Champaiqn,2016S.M., University of Notre Dame, 2017(Computer Science)NINA MIREILLE COYLEA.B., University of Chicago, 2016(Physics)LIANWEI CUIS.B., Peking University, Beijing, China, 2021(Computer Science)XINRAN CUIS.B., University of Illinois at Urbona-Champaiqn,2021(Financial Mathematics)ZHANDONG CUIB.B.A., Ohio State University, Columbus, 2020S.B., ibid., 2020(Financial Mathematics)JOSHUA DAIS.B., New York University, 2020(Analytics)RENJIE DAIS.B., University of California, Irvine, 2019(Computer Science)ZHENYU DAIB.B.A., Emory University, 2018(Analytics)JULIA DALRYMPLE*A.B., Swarthmore College, 2021(Statistics)LEONARDO FONSECA DA SILVAB.E., Pontificia Universidade Cat6lica do Rio dejaneiro, Brazil, 2006M.Econ., Pundaciio Getulio Vargas, Rio de janeiro,Brazil, 2008Ph.D., ibid., 2013(Financial Mathematics)SHYAN DASMADANS.B., University of Missouri-Columbia, 2017(Analytics)REID SPENCER DAVISB.Ch.E., University of Michigan·Ann Arbor, 2006(Computer Science)JOHN INGERSOLL DELLA ROSAS.B., University of California, Berkeley, 2019(Financial Mathematics)35THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO 537TH CONVOCATIONCHAO PING DENGS.B., Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, 2014M.Eng., ibid., 2015M.Eng., ibid., 2018(Financial Mathematics)TANVI DHANANJAY DESHMUKHB.Eng., University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, 2021(Physics)EMILY KELLY DINGA.B., University of Chicago, 2018M.B.A., ibid., 2023(Computer Science)JIANRU DINGS.B., Ohio State University, Columbus, 2020(Computer Science)BOYANG DONGS.B., Illinois Institute of Technology, 2015S.M., ibid., 2017(Financial Mathematics)SHULUN DONGS.B., University of California, San Diego, 2019(Analytics)JIAWEI DUS.B., University of California, Los Angeles, 2017(Analytics)JIAYI DUA.B., University of Richmond, 2021(Analytics)RUJUE DUA.B., University of Connecticut, 2020(Analytics)MINXUAN DUAN*S.B., Peking University, Beijing, China, 2020(Statistics)YINGFAN DUANS.B., Central University of Finance and Economics,Beijing, China, 2021(Analytics)BRYAN EVANS DUFFA.B., University of Chicago, 2009(Analytics)LILY THERESA EHSANIS.B., University of Chicago, 2023(Computer Science)KARL EIDB.Eng., McGill University, Montreal, Quebec,Canada, 2020(Financial Mathematics)TOKA EIDB.Sc.{Hons), University of Science andTechnoloqy-Zewoil City, Giza, Egypt, 2019(Physics)JOSHUA DAVID ENGLES.B., United States Naval Academy, 2012(Computer Science)EGE ERENS.B., Bogazi9i Universttesi, Istanbul, Turkey, 2020(Physics)ROBERT ERFFMEYER*A.B., Illinois Wesleyan University, 2014(Analytics)JIAYI FANA.B., University of Chicago, 2021(Financial Mathematics)XIAOQIN FANBiEcon., Hunan University, Changsha, China, 2015(Analytics)JIAYI FANGS.B., Shanghai [iao Tong University, China, 2020S.B., University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, 2020(Computer Science)MIAO FANGB.Eng., Beijing University of Technology, China,2021S.B., University College Dublin/An ColaisteOllscoile Baile Atha Cliath, Ireland, 2021(Analytics)XINGYUE FANGBiStat., Fudan University, Shanghai, China, 2021(Statistics)YUCHEN FANGS.B., Xiamen University, China, 2021(Computational and Applied Mathematics)36 YUJIE FANGA.B., University of Iowa, 2019S.M., DePaul University, Chicago, Illinois, 2019(Computer Science)TORRENCE STAPLES FARMERS.B., Washington University in St. Louis, 2021(Computational and Applied Mathematics)ANDREW JOHN FAUSONEB.B.A., University of Notre Dame, 2016M.B.A., University of Chicago, 2023(Computer Science)FAN FEIS.B., Ohio State University, Columbus, 2021(Analytics)ALEXANDER ANDRES FEISTRITZER*S.B., University of Chicago, 2020(Statistics)COLE DAVIS FELDMANS.B., Emory University, 2020(Financial Mathematics)CHUXIAO FENGB.Sc.{Hons), City University of Hong Kong,Kowloon, 2020(Computational and Applied Mathematics)JIAQI FENGS.B., Syracuse University, 2019(Analytics)WEIYANG FENGBiEcon., Central University of Finance andEconomics, Beijing, China, 2020(Financial Mathematics)YEN-LIN FENGS.B., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,2020(Analytics)YIJUN FENGA.B., University of Connecticut, 2021(Analytics)YUN FENGB.E.S., University of Western Ontario, London,Ontario, Canada, 2021(Financial Mathematics)HENRY DUKE FERNANDEZA.B., Tufts University, 2021(Analytics)ETHAN JAY FISCHBEIN*S.B., Indiana University Bloomington, 2017(Analytics)AMY C. FLORS.B., University of lllinois at Urbana-Champaign,2001(The Physical Sciences)RICHMOND LOUIS FRANKEBERGERA.B., Waseda University, Tokyo, japan, 2014(Financial Mathematics)CASEY FRANTZS.B., University of Arizona, 2019(Physics)SETH A. FREEDMANS.B., Northeastern University, 2021(Chemistry)JINGQUAN FUS.B., University of lllinois at Urbana-Champaign,2021(The Physical Sciences)CHARLES THOMAS GALLAGHER IVA.B., University of Chicago, 2021(Computer Science)VRITTI GANDHIA.B., Shri Ram College of Commerce, New Delhi,India, 2016A.M., University of Delhi, New Delhi, India, 2018(Analytics)CHANG GAOS.B., University of California, San Diego, 2021(Analytics)HENG GAOS.B., Wake Forest University, 2021(Analytics)RUNXIN GAOS.B., University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2021(Computational and Applied Mathematics) YUNLIN GAOB.A.C.S., University of Toronto, Ontario, Canada,2017M.Eng., ibid., 2018(Computer Science)SAUMIL SHAMS UNDER GAONKARB.Eng.(Hons), Birla Institute of Technology andScience, Pilani, India, 2019M.Sc.{Hons), ibid., 2019(Financial Mathematics)ALEXANDER GARCIAS.B., Northeastern University, 2020(Financial Mathematics)KARTIK GARGA.B., State University of New York at Buffalo, 2018(Analytics)0JASWA GARGB. Tech., Indian Institute of Technology Bombay,Mumbai, India, 2018(Analytics)RUI GES.B., Peking University, Beijing, China, 2021(Computer Science)XIAOYI GES.B., Washington University in St. Louis, 2022(Financial Mathematics)XIN GES.B., University of California, Davis, 2021(Analytics)DANIEL JASON GENDYS.B., University of Chicago, 2022(Computer Science)KUNTAL GHOSHS.M., Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur,Kalyanpur, India, 2021(Chemistry)MATTHEW GILLILAND*A.B., Loyola University Chicago, 2013(Analytics)LYNDON GOHS.B., Nanyang Technological University,Singapore, Singapore, 2018(Financial Mathematics)DANIEL ISAAC GOLDA.B., Mount Allison University, Sackville, NewBrunswick, Canada, 2020(Computational and Applied Mathematics)JINRUO GONGS.B., University of Pittsburgh, 2021(Financial Mathematics)YUKE GONGLL.B., Peking University, Beijing, China, 2020(Computer Science)MATTHEW ALLEN GORDONA.B., State University of New York at Buffalo, 2016S.B., ibid., 2016(Physics)CAMERON SHAW GRAHAMS.B., Dickinson College, 2022(The Physical Sciences)LEKHAJ GRANDHIB. Tech., SRM Institute of Science and Technology,Kattankulathur, India, 2018(Computer Science)CHARLES HENRY SPENCER GRAYA.B., Yale University, 2018(Computer Science)AARON DAVID GROFF*A.B., University of Pennsylvania, 2020(Statistics)SEAN GROGGS.B., Boston University, Massachusetts, 2018(Computer Science)PENGFEI GUA.B., University of Chicago, 2021{An a lytics)XINYAN GUA.B., University of Virginia, 2021(Analytics)XINYI GUS.B., Fudan University, Shanghai, China, 2021(Statistics)YI GUS.B., University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, 2021(Statistics)JOSE LUIS GUERRAS.B., State University of New York at Stony Brook,2021(Chemistry)LIN GUIB.Eng., Zhejiang University, Hang Zhou, China,2018(Statistics)SRI VISHNU CHAKRADHARGUMMIDELAB.Eng.(Hons), Birla Institute of Technology andSCience, Pilant, India, 2020M.Sc.(Hons), ibid., 2020(Computer Science)AMOL MOHAN GUNDETIA.B., University of Chicago, 2017(Computer Science)SAMUEL PETER GUNTHERS.B., University of Illinois at Urbana-Chumpaiqn,2012(Analytics)LIANG GUOB.Math., University of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada,2021(Financial Mathematics)MUYE GUOS.B., Beihang University, Beijing, China, 2021(Financial Mathematics)SIYU GUOS.B., Zhejiang University, Hang Zhou, China, 2020(Computational and Applied Mathematics)WEIEN GUOS.B., University of Washington, Seattle, 2021(Financial Mathematics)YIFAN GUOB.Econ., Shanghai University, China, 2020(Analytics)YUER GUOB.Eng., Sichuan University, Chenqdu, China, 2021(Computer Science)YUFAN GUOB.Econ., Central University of Finance andEconomics, Beijing, China, 2021(Financial Mathematics)AMAN GUPTAS.B., Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, 2021(Analytics)NUKA GVILIAS.B., Bucknell University, 2021(Analytics)FEIYU HANS.B., University of Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing, China, 2021(Statistics)SIYU HANS.B., University of Florida, 2018(Analytics)JELANI HERNANDEZ HANNAHA.B., Fisk University, 2010(Physics)ALEXANDRA GRACEN HANSELMANS.B., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2020(Physics)CONGCIHAOS.8., Indiana University Bloomington, 2019(Analytics)THOMAS DELAIN HARMONA.B., Washington and Lee University, 2020(Analytics)JONATHAN JACOB HARRISB.Ap.S., Boston University, Massachusetts, 2021(Chemistry)NATHAN MARC HARROLDB.B.A., Duquesne University, 2019(Financial Mathematics)YAMATO PAUL HARTA.B., University of Chicago, 2023(Computer Science) AMRO HASSANS.B., Future University, Khartoum, Sudan, 2011(Analytics)BRANDON MICHAEL HAWKINSA.B., University of Washington, Seattle, 2007S.M., University of London, London School ofEconomics and Political Science, England, UnitedKingdom, 2008(Analytics)SZU-KAI HAYDENA.B., Loyola Marymount University, Los Angeles,California, 2020S.B., ibid., 2020(Analytics)ERXI HEB.Econ., jilin University, Chang Chun, China, 2020(Financial Mathematics)HAOYUAN HES.B., University of Illinois at Urbona-Champaiqn,2021(Analytics)JIAXU HES.B., University of California, Davis, 2021(Analytics)XINYU HE*B.A.S., University of Illinois at Urbona-Ch ampalqn,2021(Computational and Applied Mathematics)KATHERINE LOUISA HEDLUNDA.B., Northwestern University, 2014B.Mus., ibid; 2014(Computer Science)MATTHEW RAYMONDHENNEFARTHS.B., University of California, Los Angeles, 2020(Chemistry)ETHAN NERVIK HOA.B., Reed College, 2016(Computer Science)JACOB FRANKLIN HOMANA.B., Purdue University=Calumet: Campus,Hammond, Indiana, 2008(Analytics)ILGEE HONGA.B., Yonsei University, Seoul, South Korea, 2020(Statistics)JUA HONGS.B., University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, 2015(Analytics)ROLAND HONGA.B., University of California, Berkeley, 2021(Computational and Applied Mathematics)WILLIAM ANTHONY HORVATS.B., University of wtsconsin-Madison. 2015(The Physical Sciences)YING HOUPh.B., Peking University, Beijing, China, 2021(Computer Science)KATRINA HOWARDS.B., Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, 2021(Physics)CHAO-CHUN HSUS.B., National Taiwan University, Taipei, 2017(Computer Science)HANNAH HUA.B., Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, 2021(Physics)HANZE HUS.B., University of Melbourne, Parkville, Victoria,Australia, 2019(Computer Science)HUGO HUB.Econ., Peking University, Beijing, China, 2021(Financial Mathematics)JIANLING HUA.B., University of Arizona, 2013M.I.B., University of Auckland, New Zealand, 2015(Analytics)JIAWEI HUB.Eng., National University of Singapore,Singapore, 2019(Computer Science) THE DIVISION OF THE PHYSICAL SCIENCESNAIBO HUS.B., Babson College, 2021(Analytics)QIYUAN HU*A.B., Williams College, 2020(Physics)TAl WAI HU*S.B., Rutgers, the State University of Newjersey-New Brunswick, 2022(Physics)XIAOYUAN HUS.B., Boston College, Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts,2022(Computational and Applied Mathematics)YANRU HUS.B., Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, 2021(Computational and Applied Mathematics)ALVIN TIANYI HUANGS.B., University of California, Berkeley, 2021(Chemistry)CHUN-YI HUANGA.B., National Taiwan University, Taipei, 2018(Computer Science)KEXIN HUANGS.B., University of Michigan·Ann Arbor, 2021(Computer Science)NINGYU HUANGS.B., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champatqn,2021(Analytics)RUOYI HUANGS.B., University of Southern California, 2021(Financial Mathematics)TINGTING HUANGS.B., University of Rochester, 2020(Computational and Applied Mathematics)YANSONG HUANGS.B., University of California, Irvine, 2022(The Physical Sciences)YUFEI HUANGS.B., University of Washington, Seattle, 2020(Analytics)YUYANG HUANGS.B., Ohio State University, Columbus, 2021(Computer Science)ZHUOYING HUANGB.Sc.(Hons), Chinese University of Hong Kong,Shattn NT, 2020(Statistics)HENRY CHRISTOPHER HULANDS.B., Ohio State University, Columbus, 2021(Financial Mathematics)JON SYED HUSSAINA.B., Vanderbilt University, 2012(Computer Science)PETRA REGINA HUTABARATS.B., Institut Teknologi Bandung, Bandung,Indonesia, 2016(Analytics)KEVAL HUTHEESINGM.Eng., Imperial College of Science, Technologyand Medicine, London, England, United Kingdom,2017M.B.A., University of Chicago, 2023(Computer Science)SARDAR HAIDER WASEEM ILYASS.B., Lahore University of Management Sciences,Pakistan, 2020(Analytics)MIKHAIL IOUCHKOVS.B., University of Chicago, 2018(Computer Science)ZAIN SYED IQBALS.B., University of Illinois at Urbona-Ch am paiqn,2011(An a Iytics)KYOHEIISHIKAWA*S.B., State University of New York at Stony Brook,2011(Computer Science)37THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO 537TH CONVOCATIONDENTON CUNNINGHAM JACOBSA.B., DePauw University, Greencastle, Indiana,2002(Financial Mathematics)GAHYUNJEA.B., University of Cambridge, England, UnitedKingdom, 2015A.M., ibid., 2019(Financial Mathematics)ARYAMAAN JENAS.B., S. P. jain Institute of Management andResearch, Mumbai, India, 2021(Financial Mathematics)AHHYUN JEONGB.Sc.(Hons), Imperial College of Science,Technology and Medicine, London, England,United Kingdom, 2021(Chemistry)KWANGHOONJEONGS.B., Seoul National University, South Korea, 2021(Chemistry)SO WON JEONGA.B., Yonsei University, Seoul, South Korea, 2019(Statistics)BOHAN JIANGS.B., University of Iowa, 2021(Computational and Applied Mathematics)SHUYI JIANGS.B., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,2021(Analytics)TINGXIANG JIANGS.B., University of Washington, Seattle, 2021(Financial Mathematics)WENYE JIANGS.B., New York University, 2022(Computer Science)YIFAN JIANGS.B., University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill,2021(Analytics)YUXUAN JIANGS.B., Vanderbilt University, 2021(Computer Science)ZHENGHAO JIANGS.B., Fudan University, Shanghai, China, 2021(Statistics)SIMIAO JIAOS.B., Fudan University, Shanghai, China, 2020(Sta tis tics)BOTAO JINS.B., Ohio State University, Columbus, 2020(Computational and Applied Mathematics)KENNETH JINS.B., Bryant College, 2019(Analytics)SIMIN JINS.B., University of California, Santa Barbara, 2016(Analytics)ALESSANDRO DE GASPARIS JOABARA.B., University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2017(Analytics)NATHANIEL THOMAS JONESS.B., Hillsdale College, 2021(Financial Mathematics)MATTHEW JOSEPH JUSZCZAKS.B., Bradley University, 2009(Analytics)ANISH KANABARA.B., Columbia University in the City of New York,2014(Computer Science)DEVIN INDULA ALUWIHAREKANDAGEB.Sc.(Hons), University of London, England, UnitedKingdom, 2017(Financial Mathematics)ANTHONY KANELLOPOULOSA.B., Brown University, 2016(Computer Science)JOHN N. KANELLOPOULOSS.B., Ohio State University, Columbus, 1992(Analytics)38 HAORAN KANGA.B., Boston University, Massachusetts, 2021(Analytics)ZHIFEN KANGS.B., North Carolina State University, Raleigh,North Carolina, 2019(Analytics)GAURIKANTS.B., Erasmus Universiteit: Rotterdam, TheNetherlands, 2021(Financial Mathematics)ROHAN KAPOOR*A.B., University of Chicago, 2023(Statstics)ZOA KATOKA.B., University of Chicago, 2023(Computer Science)KYLE AKIO KAWAGOES.B., University of California, Santa Barbara, 2016(Physics)IAROSLAV KAZAKOVM.Eng.(Hons), Imperial College of Science,Technology and Medicine, London, England,United Kingdom, 2021(Financial Mathematics)SHEILA E. KEATINGS.B., University of Texas at Dallas, 2021(Chemistry)GALIB HAMID KHANS.B., Rutgers, the State University of Newjersey-New Brunswick, 2018(Analytics)QAYUM KHAN*B.Math., University of Illinois at Chicago, 1998M.Math., ibid., 1999Ph.D., Indiana University Bloomington, 2006M.Stat., University of Illinois at Chicago, 2022(Financial Mathematics)RAHUL KHANDUR BHANUPRAKASHB. Tech., Indian Institute of Technology Madras,Chennai, India, 2017M. Tech., ibid., 2017(Financial Mathematics)ZAID NAZIH KHATIBS.B., University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, 2018M.B.A., University of Chicago, 2023(Computer Science)KESHAV KHOSLAA.B., University of Chicago, 2023(Computer Science)MARGARET KIDDS.B., Northwestern University, 2019(Financial Mathematics)VEDA YASHODA KILARUA.B., Northwestern University, 2009(Analytics)KEVIN KIMS.B., Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, 2020(Computer Science)SAEHYUN KIMB.Sc.(Honsj, National University of Singapore,Singapore, 2021(Chemistry)SANGYEOB KIMA.B., Pomona College, 2017(Computer SCience)TAEWAN KIMS.B., Carnegie Mellon University, 2021(Statistics)TIFFANY YOOJIN KIMA.B., University of Chicago, 2020(Computer Science)RYAN PAUL KINGERYB.B.A., Loyola University Chicago, Illinois, 2005(Analytics)ALEXANDRA KLAARENS.B., Suffolk University, 2016(Analytics)eARLY CYD KLEINSTERNS.B., Brandeis University, 2019(Physics) JOHN KNICKREHMA.B., University of Chicago, 2023(Computer Science)SAMUEL JAMES KNIGHTS.B., University of Massachusetts at Amherst, 2021(Chemistry)ANDREW WALTER KNOROWSKIS.B., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,2019(Financial Mathematics)SOSUKE KOHDAS.B., University of Chicago, 2021(Computational and Applied Mathematics)PIYUSH KONTUB.Eng.(Hons), Birla Institute of Technology andSCience, Pilant, India, 2016(Financial Mathematics)KRISHNA VINAY HEMAANG KOTTAB.M.E., Birla Institute of Technology and Science,Pilani, India, 2017(Financial Mathematics)MARY KATE KRUSENOSKIS.B., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,2014(Analytics)VIPUL KUMARB. Tech., Institute of Technology, Banaras HinduUniversity, Yaranasl, India, 2018M. Tech., ibid., 2018(Computer Science)SPELA KUNSTELJS.B., St. john 's University, jamaica, New York,2021(Chemistry)REDON KURTIA.B., Macalester College, 2021(Computer Science)ANTHONY ERNEST LABUDAS.B., University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, 2022(Chemistry)YU-CHUN LAIA.B., National Taiwan University, Taipei, 2015(Statistics)SAMANTHA GALE LAPPS.B., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,2018(Physics)JUSTIN LAUS.B., University of Colorado at Boulder, 2015(Financial Mathematics)FERDINAND KENJI LAURENSS.B., Indiana University Bloomington, 2018(Analytics)PETER JEROME LAURINS.B., University of Chicago, 2021(Statistics)VU HUY LEB.Eng.(Hons), Singapore University of Technologyand Design, Singapore, 2016(Computer Science)CHIN-KHAN LEES.B., University of California, San Diego, 2020(Financial Mathematics)DANIEL LEEA.B., New York University, 2017(Analytics)ETHAN LEES.B., Virginia Polytechnic Institute and StateUniversity, 2018(Financial Mathematics)JASON WEI LEEB.B.A., National Taiwan University, Taipei, 2019(Analytics)JUNGHO LEEA.B., Boston College, Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts,2018(Statistics)PHILIP WILLIAM LEES.B., Santa Clara University, California, 2019(Financial Mathematics)SEUNG CHUL LEEB.B.A., Yonsei University, Seoul, South Korea, 2020(Statistics)ADRIAN ERNST LEHMANNS.B., Karlsruher lnstltuts fur Technoloqie,Karlsruhe, Germany, 2019(Computer Science)XIAOYU LEIS.B., Peking University, Beijing, China, 2019(Statistics)ALEJANDRO LEONA.B., University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2016(Analytics)ANDREW JOHN LEONARDA.B., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,2008(Analytics)GIOVANI RAJ LEONES.B., University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill,2022(Physics)ROMAN JOSEPH LEWISA.B., University of Chicago, 2023(Computer Science)ANRAN LIS.B., University of California, San Diego, 2020(Computer Science)CHENCHEN LIS.B., University of Washington, Seattle, 2021(Computer Science)HAOZE LIB.Ap.S., University of California, Davis, 2021(Financial Mathematics)HONGYU LIS.B., Brandeis University, 2021(Financial Mathematics)JINGJING LIA.B., Boston University, Massachusetts, 2019[Analytics]JINQIANG LIB.Ap.Sc., University of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada,2015(Financial Mathematics)JONATHAN MINGZHOU LIA.B., Reed College, 2021(Financial Mathematics)KEXIN LIS.B., University of California, Santa Barbara, 2021(Chemistry)MICHELLE LIS.B., University of Chicago, 2019(Statistics)RAY LIS.B., University of New South Wales, Sydney,Australia, 2020B.Sc.,(Hons), ibid., 2020(Mathematics)RUIQI LIS.B., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,2021(Analytics)SHUTONG LIS.B., University of California, San Diego, 2021(Analytics)SIJIE LIS.B., Drexel University, 2018(Analytics)SIQI LIS.M., University of California, Berkeley, 2018(Computer Science)WEN LIS.B., Nanjing University, China, 2021(Chemistry)WENXUAN LIS.B., University of Chicago, 2023(Mathematics)XIAOTIAN LIS.B., Shenzhen University, China, 2021(Computational and Applied Mathematics)XINDI LIS.B., University of California, Irvine, 2020(Financial Mathematics)XINXIN LIA.B., University of Rochester, 2021S.B., ibid., 2021(Financial Mathematics) YANG LIS.B., Miami University, Oxford, Ohio, 2019(Analytics)YAOCHENG LIS.B., University of California, San Diego, 2019(Physics)ZEWEN LIS.B., Bentley University, 2021(Analytics)ZHAOMING LIS.B., Hainan University, China, 2021(Computational and Applied Mathematics)ZIYAO LIS.B., Brandeis University, 2021A.M., ibid., 2021(Chemistry)TIANYI LIANGS.B., University of Texas at Austin, 2020(Financial Mathematics)BOWEN LIAOA.B., University of California, Irvine, 2021S.B., ibid., 2021(Analytics)ADAM YEE LIMS.B., Northwestern University, 2017(Computer Science)VICTORIA E. LIMA.B., University of Virginia, 2020(Computer Science)CHENGYUE LINS.B., University of California, Irvine, 2021(Computer Science)CHI HSUAN LINB.B.A., National Taiwan University, Taipei,2016M.B.A., University of Chicago, 2023(Computer Science)HAN-YI LINA.B., National Taiwan University, Taipei, 2017(Analytics)JASON JULIAN LINS.B., University of Chicago, 2021(Computer Science)JIN LINB.Econ., Fudan University, Shanghai, China, 2021(Financial Mathematics)KAIJUN LINS.B., Georgia Institute of Technology, 2021(Financial Mathematics)LIANG YU LINS.B., National Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu,Taiwan, 2019(Statistics)WENXIN LINS.B., Peking University, Beijing, China, 2021(Financial Mathematics)XUAN LINA.B., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,2020(Statistics)YAWEN LINLL.B., Fudan University, Shanghai, China, 2020(Computer Science)YINGHAN LINS.B., Brandeis University, 2021(Financial Mathematics)ZHIZHAO LINS.B., University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2021(Financial Mathematics)ZIXIN LINS.B., Excelsior College, Albany, New York, 2019(Financial Mathematics)ZIXUAN LINGB.Math., University of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada,2021(Computational and Applied Mathematics)CHRISTIAN LIUA.B., Harvard University, 2017(The Physical Sciences)GUANCEN LIUS.B., University of Florida, 2020(Chemistry) THE DIVISION OF THE PHYSICAL SCIENCESHAOYANG LIUA.B., Wesleyan University, Middletown,Connecticut, 2020(Analytics)HUANXI LIUS.B., University of California, San Diego, 2021(Financial Mathematics)HUIZHU LIUA.B., University of Connecticut, 2020S.B., ibid., 2020(Analytics)JIAHENG LIUS.B., University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, 2021(Analytics)JING RU LIUB.Sc.(Hons), University of Waterloo, Ontario,Canada, 2020(Financial Mathematics)MING LIUS.B., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2020(Computer Science)MINGYU LIUA.B., University of Oxford, England, UnitedKingdom, 2020(Statistics)QINGYANG LIUS.B., Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shatin NT,2021(Financial Mathematics)RENYUAN LIUA.B., New York University, 2019(Analytics)SHANDUO LIUB.Econ., Shandong University, [inan, China, 2020(Financial Mathematics)SHINAN LIUB.Eng., University of Electronic Science andTechnology of China, Chenqdu, 2019(Computer Science)SHUHAN LIUS.B., Beijing jiaotong University, China, 2021(Statistics)TIANLE LIUA.B., University of Chicago, 2021(Computer Science)XIAOYANG LIUS.B., Ohio State University, Columbus, 2020(Financial Mathematics)XIRAN LIU*A.B., Peking University, Beijing, China, 2016P.P.M., Georgetown University, 2018(Analytics)YANG LIUS.B., Fudan University, Shanghai, China, 2021(Statistics)YAOHUA LIUS.B., University of California, Los Angeles, 2020(Analytics)YICHANG LIUB.Eng.(Hons), Chinese University of Hong Kong,Shatin NT, 2021(Computer Science)YINRUI LIUS.B., University of Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing, China, 2020(Physics)YUCONG LIUS.B., Peking University, Beijing, China, 2021(Statistics)YUE LIUS.B., University of Rochester, 2019(Analytics)YUNCHEN LIUA.B., Peking University, Beijing, China, 2019(Computer Science)ZHANGCHI LIUA.B., Macalester College, 2020(Analytics)ZHEFAN LIUS.B., University of California, San Diego, 2020(Financial Mathematics)39THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO 537TH CONVOCATIONZIHAO LIUA.B., University of California, Davis, 2020(Analytics)TODD LIVERGOODS.B., Grand Valley State University, 1998(An a Iytics)NICHOLAS RYAN LONEYB.B.A., Baylor University, 2019(Computer Science)JIANYU LONGS.B., University of California, San Diego, 2019(Physics)QIYU LONGS.B., New York University, 2021(Computer Science)HENGKUAN LUB.Eng., Fudan University, Shanghai, China, 2021(Computer Science)JASMINE LIANG LUS.B., Duke University, 2019(Computer Science)WEI LUS.M., University of Iowa, 2010(Financial Mathematics)YIHANG LUB.Eng., Huazhonq University of Science andTechnology, Wuhan, China, 2021(Computer Science)BINHAN LUOA.B., University of Connecticut, 2021(Analytics)CAN LUOS.B., Syracuse University, 2021(Financial Mathematics)HANXIAO LYUA.B., Bryn Mawr College, 2020(An a Iytics)LIANGZONG MABiEcon., Peking University, Beijing, China, 2022(Statistics)WEIFAN MAS.B., University of California, Los Angeles, 2021(Computational and Applied Mathematics)ZHICONG MAB.M.D., Fudan University, Shanghai, China, 2020(Computer Science)MASON LOUIS MACKALLA.B., University of Chicago, 2021(Analytics)SHIKHAR SUNIL MADRECHAB.Com.(Hons), Shri Ram College of Commerce,New Delhi, India, 2017(Analytics)POUYA MAHDI GHOLAMIA.B., Grinnell College, Iowa, 2020(Computer Science)KWONG WAI MANS.B., Hong Kong University of Science andTechnology, Kowloon, 2015(Statistics)TARIKA MANES.B., University of Chicago, 2023(Computer Science)JIAQING MAOS.B., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,2021(Analytics)QINGHAO MAOS.B., ShanBhai [iaotonq University, China, 2020(Physics)RUOCHEN MAOA.B., Colorado College, 2019(Analytics)BONNIE ROSE MARCUSS.B., Brown University, 2018(Computer Science)BYRON MARSHS.B., College of Charleston, 2013S.M., University of Chicago, 2018(Computer Science)40 TOSHIKI MATSUYAS.B., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,2020(Computer Science)ALEX MAZURSKYS.B., Miami University, Oxford, Ohio, 2018S.M., ibid., 2019(Computer Science)MATTHEW TIMOTHY McPARTLONS.B., University of Wyoming, 2013S.B., Hobart and William Smith Colleges, 2016(Computer Science)DISSERTATION: Deep Learning Methods forComputational Protein DesignOWEN JAMES MELIAS.B., University of Chicago, 2019(Computer Science)JAMES SALVATORE MELICANA.B., Amherst College, 2021(Statistics)LUCA MICHELACCILaurea, Universita Bocconi, Milan, Italy, 2021(Financial Mathematics)DARIA MILEEV AS.B., University of California, Santa Barbara, 2021(Financial Mathematics)PRAJVAL MOHANB. Tech., VIT University, Vellore, India, 2021(Computer Science)SOM SANKAR MOOKHERJIB.EnB., University of Mumbai, India, 2020(Financial Mathematics)PATRICK EDWARD MOORES.B., University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2021(Financial Mathematics)TAIGA MORIOKA*A.B., Soka University of America, Aliso Viejo,California, 2021(Statistics)SHONE MOUSSEIRIB.Sc.(Hons), University of Toronto, Ontario,Canada, 2016S.M., University of London, England, UnitedKingdom, 2017(Financial Mathematics)BRIAN CONOR MURPHYM.F.E., University of California, Berkeley, 2013(Computer Science)JACK CHRISTOPHER MURRAYA.B., Colgate University, 2016(Analytics)PRATHIK NAIR*S.B., Iowa State University of Science andTechnology, Ames, 2021(Analytics)KENTARO NAKAMURAA.B., Waseda University, Tokyo, japan, 2021(Statistics)VIJAY KRISHNA NALLAPANENIB. Tech., National Institute of Technology,Durqap ur, India, 2017(Analytics)JINGWEN NANA.B., University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, 2019(Analytics)KSHITHIJA REDDY NARRAB. Tech., National Institute of Technology, Calicut,India, 2018(Computer Science)RYAN ALEXANDER NATHENSONS.B., WashinBton University in St. Louis, 2018(Analytics)NISHANT NAYARB.Com., Punjab! University, Patiala, India, 1998M.B.A., ibid., 2000(Analytics)BENJAMIN ARLYN NEISWANDERA.B., Denison University, 2014(Computer Science)DAVID CONNOR NEWSOMS.B., University of California, Santa Barbara, 2019(Physics) SPENCER WILLIAM NGA.B., University of Chicago, 2023(Computer Science)JUSTIN M. NGAIS.B., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,2021(Chemistry)PAK HO MERTON NGANS.B., University of London, England, UnitedKingdom, 2021(Financial Mathematics)THE HOAN NGUYENB.Sc.(Hons), Hong Kong University of Science andTechnology, Kowloon, 2021(Mathematics)RUOXI NIS.B., University of Southern California, 2021(Analytics)TODD JOHN NIEFS.B., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,2007(Computer Science)ROMAIN NITHB.Eng., McGill University, Montreal, Quebec,Canada, 2020(Computer Science)KEVIN MUYUAN NIUS.B., University of Virginia, 2018(Computer Science)JULIA RUTH NOELS.B., Worcester Polytechnic Institute, 2021(Chemistry)KAE NOSBISCHS.B., Northwestern University, 2010(Analytics)SEOJOON OHS.B., Indiana University Bloomington, 2012B.B.A., Sung Kyun Kwan University, Seoul, SouthKorea, 2016M.B.A., University of Chic aqo, 2023(Computer Science)ERIC CHARLES O'NEILA.B., Dickinson College, 2011M.B.A., University of Chic aqo, 2023(Computer Science)ELENA ORLOVAS.B., National Research University Higher Schoolof Economics, Moscow, Russian Federation, 2018S.M., Skolkovo Moscow School of Management,Russian Federation, 2020(Computer Science)BENJAMIN PARKER OSSYRAA.B., University of Iowa, 2011(Analytics)XIAOYU OUYANGM.Math., University of Oxford, England, UnitedKingdom, 2021(Financial Mathematics)KINGA DAN UTA PAJDZIKLic., Uniwersytet [aqietlonski w Krakowie,Krakow, Poland, 2017(Chemistry)ANSHUMAN SANKAR PALA.B., University of Pennsylvania, 2013S.M., ibid., 2013S.M., Ecole Normale Superieure d'Ulm, Paris,France, 2015(Physics)AKSHAT PALNITKARS.B., Northwestern University, 2018(Analytics)CHEN PAN*A.B., University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2012(Analytics)MINGLUN PANBiEcon., Southern University of Science andTechnology, Shenzhen, China, 2019(Analytlcs)YIWEN PANS.B., University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2021(Financial Mathematics)ZHIQING PANB.Eng., Sun Yat-Sen University, Guanqzhou, China,2021(Computer Science)BIPUL PANDEYS.B., University of Texas at Austin, 2015(Physics)BUMSU PARKA.B., University of Chicago, 2018(Computer Science)TYLER PATRICKS.B., United States Military Academy, 2015S.M., West Texas A&M University, 2018(Computer Science)TAMSUK PAULS.M., Indian Institute of Technology Kh araqpur,India, 2021(Chemistry)CHENG PENGS.B., Beijing Normal University, China, 2020(Statistics)ZIHAN PENGMEIS.B., University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, 2021(Chemistry)RAJYALAKSHMI SAMHIT APENIGALAPATIB. Tech., [awaharla! Nehru TechnologicalUniversity, Hyderabad, India, 2018(Analytics)NICHOLAS CHRISTOPHER PEREZS.B., University of Chicago, 2023(Computer Science)DAVID PERLA.B., Carleton College, 2019(Financial Mathematics)NICHOLAS SCOTT PETRS.B., Indiana University Bloomington, 2016(Analytics)JACQUELINE MARITA PEZANS.B., Lewis University, 2021(Analytics)PATRICK ANDREW PHILLIPSA.B., University of Rochester, 2021S.B., ibid.. 2021S.B., ibid., 2021(Computer Science)SAMUEL PAUL PIAZZAS.B., University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, 2018(Financial Mathematics)MAXIMILIAN PLOKITAA.B., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,2013(Computer Science)ANANTH PRAYAGA*S.B., Temple University, 2019(Analytics)BINGJUN PUB.Mgmt., North China Electric Power University,Beijing, China, 2020(Analytics)CODY JAMES PUCKETTA.B., Clemson University, 2013A.M., Wake Forest University, 2015M.B.A., University of Chicago, 2023(Computer Science)CARLOS PUERTAS VILCHISB.Econ., Centro de Investigacion y DocenciaEconornicas, Mexico City, Mexico, 2018M.Econ., ibid., 2019(Financial Mathematics)ANTHONY FORRESTPUFFENBARGERS.B., Virginia Polytechnic Institute and StateUniversity, 2016(Financial Mathematics)MARTIN LUTTA PUTRAS.B., Institut Teknologi Bandunq, Indonesia, 2019(Computer Science)SHUO QIANS.B., Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, 2021(Financial Mathematics) JIAQI QINS.B., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,2020(Computational and Applied Mathematics)LANG QINA.B., New York University, 2022(Computational and Applied Mathematics)TIANYI QINA.B., Colorado College, 2020(Analytics)KANGSHI QIUBiEcon., South China University of Technology,Guangzhou, China, 2020(Financial Mathematics)KEVIN BARTLETT QUINNA.B., Columbia University in the City of New York,2015(Computer Science)CHENGYU TANGS.B., University of Chicago, 2023(Chemistry)VIDHATH RAGHAVANS.B., University of Illinois at Chicago, 2021(Analytics)ANDRONICUS RAJASUKUMARB.Eng., Anna University, Chennai, India, 2005(Computer Science)THANUSHRI RAJMOHANB. Tech., VIT University, Yellore, India, 2021(Computer Science)MADHURIRAMANS.B., Carnegie Mellon University, 2021(Statistics)VIKRAM RAMESHS.M., Indian Institute of Technology Kharaqpur,India, 2020(Physics)MAREK DALTON RAMILOA.B., Yale University, 2016(Financial Mathematics)STEPHANIE RANA.B., University of Chicago, 2023(Computer Science)ARAM JOHN RASHDUNIS.B., University of Notre Dame, 2021(Computational and Applied Mathematics)SIDDARTH CHANDUPATLA REDDYA.B., Swarthmore College, 2015(Analytics)YI RENB.Eng., Wuhan University, China, 2021(Computer Science)BLAKE RICHARD RENAUDA.B., Ohio State University, Columbus, 2013(Analytics)SYDNEY AUSTIN REYNOLDSA.B., University of Chicago, 2017M.B.A., ibid., 2023(Computer Science)NIKHIL RICHARD'"S.B., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,2022(Computer Science)GABRIELLE LYA CASTIAUX ROBERTSS.B., Yale University, 2018(Physics)DALE ROBEYS.B., Indiana University Bloomington, 2018(Analytics)KRISHNAVENI ROKALAB.Eng., Osmania University, Hyderabad, India,2020(Computer Science)JIANHUA RONGB.Econ., Peking University, Beijing, China, 2021(Financial Mathematics)YAO RONGB.Eng., Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, 2021(Statistics)EMMA MACKENZIE ROSENTHALA.B., University of Chicago, 2023(Computer Science) THE DIVISION OF THE PHYSICAL SCIENCESGILBERT ALEXANDER ROSENTHALS.B., University of Chicago, 2023(Computer Science)ANUCHIT RUPANYAS.B., University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2021(Chemistry)PATHIK RUPWATES.B., Beloit College, 2021(Analytics)HAYDER SAADS.B., Ghulam Ishaq Khan Institute of EngineeringSciences and Technology, Topi, Pakistan, 2020(Computer SCience)ZIEDAKHON SAIDOVAS.B., Colby College, 2017(Analytics)AJAY BALDEV SAILOPALB. Tech., Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, NewDelhi, India, 2021(Computer Science)DHEERAJ SHARAVAN SAKTHIVELB. Tech., Indian Institute of Technology Madras,Chennai, India, 2016(Financial Mathematics)GAUTAM SATISHCHANDRANS.B., University of Massachusetts at Amherst, 2015(Physics)SUMEDH SARWATES.B., University of Chicago, 2023(Computer Science)VICTORIA KENWORTHY SAUVES.B., Denison University, 2021(Chemistry)BRENDAN SAXBERGS.B., University of Washington, Seattle, 2015(Physics)BRENNAN SCHAFFNERS.B., College of St. Thomas, St. Paul, Minnesota,2020(Computer Science)ARI SCHENCKERS.B., Southern Illinois University-Carbondale, 2020(Computer Science)WHITNEY NICOLE SCHREIBERS.B., Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana,2019(Analytics)ADAM SCHULLERS.B., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,2017(Analytics)MARCUS SCHWARTINGS.B., University of Louisville, 2018M.C.S.E., Georgia Institute of Technology, 2020(Computer Science)STEPHEN DOUGLASSCHWENDENER*S.B., University of Maryland University College,2020(Analytics)ROBERT ALLEN SCOTTS.B., University of California, Santa Barbara, 2021(An a lytics)BURAK SEKERCIS.B., Northwestern University, 2017(Financial Mathematics)BRENT MARK SESSELMANNS.B., Western Michigan University, 2011M.B.A., University of Chicago, 2017(Computer Science)ANIRUDH SETHA.B., Macalester College, 2007(Financial Mathematics)ERIC SAMUEL SHAGRINA.B., University of Chicago, 2023(Computer Science)ASHKA SHAHS.B., Harvey Mudd College, 2016(Computer Science)SYED NAB EEL SHAH*S.B., Loyola University Chicago, 2019(Ana/ytics)41THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO 537TH CONVOCATIONDEVAN SHANS.B., University of Texas at Austin, 2020(Statistics)SIXIONG SHANS.B., University of Chicago, 2020(Computer Science)LVMING SHAOA.B., University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2021(Analytics)SIYUAN SHAOS.B., University of California, San Diego, 2020(Analytics)WANGJIANZHE SHAOB.Mgmt., Tsinghua University, Beijing, China,2019(Computer Science)YUMENG SHAOS.B., University of London, England, UnitedKingdom, 2021(Computational and Applied Mathematics)ALAN SHENS.B., University of New Mexico, 2021(Computer Science)JIAYING SHENLL.B., Fudan University, Shanghai, China, 2020(Computer Science)SIYI SHENS.B., University of JIlinois at Urbana-Champaign,2019(Analytics)XUEPING SHENBiEcon., Fudan University, Shanghai, China, 2021(Financial Mathematics)YIXUAN SHENS.B., Emory University, 2019(Analytics)MATTHEW PATRICK SHERIDANA.B., University of Pennsylvania, 2015S.B., ibid., 2015M.B.A., University of Chicago, 2021(Financial Mathematics)LOGAN JAMES SHERWINS.B., University of Chicago, 2023(Computer Science)SHREYANK SHETTYB. Tech., PES University, Bangalore, India, 2019(Financial Mathematics)ANHUI SHIS.B., University of California, Santa Barbara, 2020(Analytics)RUOXIN SHIS.B., University of Washington, Seattle, 2021(Analytics)SHUANGMING SHIB.B.A., Emory University, 2021(Financial Mathematics)XUANTING SHIS.B., University of Richmond, 2019(Analytics)YIWEI SHIS.B., Illinois Institute of Technology, 2021(Computational and Applied Mathematics)YUANTAO SHIS.B., Fudan University, Shanghai, China, 2021(Statistics)ZIAO SHIS.B., University of Chicago, 2019(Statistics)HENG SHIUS.B., Hong Kong University of Science andTechnology, Kowloon, 2022(Computer Science)PRIYANK SHROFFA.B., Boston University, Massachusetts, 2017(Analytics)ZILAI SIS.B., Zhejiang University, Hang Zhou, China, 2021(Statistics)OLEKSANDR SIKALOVBach., Taras Shevchenko Kyiv University, Ukraine,2016(Chemistry)42 CHINTAN SINGHB.Eng.(Hons), Birla Institute of Technology andScience, Pi/ani, India, 2009M.B.A., Management Development Institute,Gurqaon, India, 2011(Financial Mathematics)MANEET SINGHB. Tech., Delhi College of Engineering, India, 2018(Financial Mathematics)MUSKAN SINGHB.Sc.(Hons), University of Delhi, New Delhi, India,2022(The Physical Sciences)VIDHU NITI SINGHB.E.E., University of Delhi, New Delhi, India, 2004S.M., University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2007(AnaIytics)JAKE KALLEN SINGLETONA.B., University of California, Berkeley, 2020(Statistics)AUSTIN SKY-KAPPLER*S.B., Arizona State University, Tempe, 2014B.A.M., ibid., 2019(Analytics)JIANI SONGA.B., University of California, Berkeley, 2020(Statistics)DHRUV SRIKANTHB. Tech., PES University, Banqalore, India, 2021(Computer Science)NIROSHAN SRISHANA.B., Boston University, Massachusetts, 2009(Analytics)ADHIRAJ MAHESHWARISRIVASTAVAA.B., Ashoka University, Sonipat, India, 2019(Analytics)ILIYANA STANEVAS.B., DePaul University, Chicago, Illinois, 2017(Analytics)COLE BRYCE SUNDBACK STECYKB.Eng., Purdue University, West Lafayette,Indiana, 2021(Financial Mathematics)BRADLEY RYAN STUDNITZERS.B., Haverford College, 2017(Chemistry)LI-CHUN SUS.B., National Chenqchi University, Taipei,Taiwan, 2019(Computational and Applied Mathematics)VIDUR SUBAIAHS.B., University of Virginia, 2021(Computer Science)MARIANA ROXANA SUBIETAS.B., University of JIlinois at Chicago, 2017(Analytics)SHRIKANTH SUBRAMANIANB. Tech., SRM Institute of Science and Technology,Kattankulathur, India, 2019(Computer Science)ALEXANDER JIARUI SUNS.B., University of Chicago, 2023(Computer Science)LUZHESUNB.Eng., Xiamen University, China, 2021(Computer Science)QINGYAO SUNB.Stat., East China Normal University, Shanghai,China, 2020(Statistics)QIYUAN SUNA.B., Yale University, 2017M.B.A., University of Chicago, 2023(Computer Science)TIANYI SUNA.B., University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, 2021(Computational and Applied Mathematics)ZHUOXIN SUNA.B., Vanderbilt University, 2020(Analytics) GURSAHIB SINGH SURIS.B., Imperial College of Science, Technology andMedicine, London, England, United Kingdom, 2021(Financial Mathematics)CALLUM RILEY SUTTONPh.B., Australian National University, Canberra,Australian Capital Territory, Australia, 2020(Mathematics)AKHIR SYABANIB.Econ., Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta, 2012(Analytics)HUGO CHI YAN TAMS.B., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,2018(Analytics)LIGE TANS.B., University of California, Santa Barbara, 2021(Financial Mathematics)QINGHUAI TANA.B., University of California, Berkeley, 2020(Analytics)SEN XIN TANB.Sc.(Hons), University of British Columbia,Vancouver, Canada, 2020(Mathematics)YUDAI TANAKA*B.Eng., University of Tokyo, Japan, 2020(Computer Science)CHAO TANGS.B., Ohio State University, Columbus, 2020(Analytics)DERRICK JIAWEI TANGS.B., University of Chicago, 2020(Computer SCience)JING TANGB.Econ., Zhejiang University, Hang Zhou, China,2017(Analytics)MICHELLE HAO TANGS.B., Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, 2021(An a lytics)RUOHUI TANGS.B., University of California, San Diego, 2021(Analytics)XIAN TANGA.B., Agnes Scott College, 2016S.B., Georgia Institute of Technology, 2018(Analytics)XIN YI WYNNE TANGB.B.A., National University of Singapore,Singapore, 2014M.B.A., University of Chicago, 2023(Computer Science)ZIDAN TANGB.B.A.(Hons), Hong Kong University of Science andTechnology, Kowloon, 2020(Financial Mathematics)SHAN-YUAN TENGS.B., National Taiwan University, Taipei, 2016S.M., ibid., 2018(Computer Science)YIZHOU TIANA.B., Carleton College, 2021(Computer Science)YUNUO TIANS.B., Pennsylvania State University, UniversityPark,2020(Financial Mathematics)VANSHIKA TIBAREWALLAB.B.A., Christ University, Banqalore, India, 2015(Analytics)DANIEL JAMES TIMKES.B., University of Chicago, 2006(Analytics)RENATO SEBASTIAN TIZONA.B., University of Washington, Seattle, 2021S.B., ibid., 2021(Analytics)JOSEPH TOMALS.B., Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana,2019(Analytics)GABRIEL TONGB.M.E., Nanyang Technoloqical University,Sinqapore, Sinqapore, 2021(Financial Mathematics)RUTTING TONGS.B., University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2021(Statistics)MILAN TOOLSIDASS.B., Georgia Institute of Technoloqy, 2019(Analytics)DANIELA TRESPALACIOSB.Econ., Pontificia Universidad [averiana, Boqota,Colombia, 2017S.M., ibid., 2019(Analytics)UTKARSH TRIPATHIB.EnB., Birla Institute of Technology and Science,Pilani, India, 2021(Computer Science)ASHLEY SHENGQIAO TSOIS.B., New York University, 2020(Financial Mathematics)SAMUEL HOY TYLERB.Stat., Briqham Younq University, Provo, Utah,2020(Statistics)LEV TYOMKIN8.B.A., University of Mtchiqan-Arin Arbor, 2017(Analytics)BHADRINATH VAIDHYANATHANB.EnB., Anna University, Chennai, India, 2008M.L.I.R., Cornell University, Ithaca, New York,2012(Analytics)MICHAEL FRANCIS VAN DUTNENA.B., Columbia University in the City of New York,2021(Chemistry)PIETER JAN VAN HEUSDENS.B., Frankfurt School of Finance andManaqement, Frankfurt am Main, Germany, 2018(Financial Mathematics)BRANDON RICHARD VARELS.B., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champa iqn,2016(Analytics)ARJUN VENKATESH*A.B., University of Chicago, 2017(Analytics)MANUEL ALEJANDRO VERASA.B., Pontificia Universidad Catolica Madre yMaestra, Santiaqo Cabelleros, DominicanRepublic, 2016Dlpl., Instituto Tecnoloqico de Santo Dominqo,Dominican Republic, 2019(Financial Mathematics)ASHISH MOHAN VERMAB. Tech., Indian Institute of Technology (IndianSchool of Mines) Dhanbad, India, 2016(Computer Science)SHOBHIT VERMAB. Tech., Delhi Technological University, India,2018(Computer Science)SHREYA VERMAS.B., Indian Institute of Science Education andResearch Bhopal, India, 2021S.M., ibid., 2021(Chemistry)GIORGIO VIDALIA.B., University of Chicaqo, 2021(Computer Science)PEDRO HENRIQUE VIEIRA DE LIMAVELOSOB.B.A., Escola de Administracao de Empresas desao Paulo, Brazil, 2013(Statistics)NIKHIL VINAY5.8., Ohio State University, Columbus, 2018(Financial Mathematics)PIERRE GUSTAV VIVIERS.B., Imperial Colleqe of Science, Technoloqy andMedicine, London, Enqland, United Kinqdotn, 2021(Financial Mathematics) SOPHIA CLARA VOJTAA.B., University of Chicago, 2018(Computer Science)ROBERT KEITH VOLGMANA.B., Brown University, 2014(Analytics)LEON ALEXANDER VORTMEYERA.B., University of Chicago, 2019(Computer SCience)KELLY BARBARA WAGMAN*A.B., Brown University, 2015S.M., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2021(Computer Science)NOELLE VICHIENSAEN WALSHA.B., University of Illinois at Urbana-Chnmpaiqn,2000(Analytics)BOYUAN WANGS.B., University of Illinois at Urbana-Cnampa iqn,2021(Analytics)CHUANYI WANGS.B., University of Rochester, 2021(The Physical Sciences)GUANGZE WANGS.B., University of California, San Dieqo, 2020(Analytics)HAODONG WANGS.B., Peking University, Beijiriq, China, 2021(Computer Science)HAORU WANGA.B., University of Chicago, 2021(Analytics)HONGRU WANGB.A.(Hons), University of Western Ontario,London, Ontario, Canada, 2021B.EnB., ibid., 2021(Financial Mathematics)HONGYANG WANGS.B., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champa iBn,2021(Financial Mathematics)HUANQING WANGS.B., University of British Columbia, Vancouver,Canada, 2021(Statistics)JIALUN WANGS.B., Fudan University, Shanqhat, China, 2021(Analytics)MINGYU WANGBiEcon., Southwestern University of Finance andEconomics, Cheng du, China, 2021S.B., City University of New York, 2021(Financial Mathematics)QIA WANGA.B., Oberlin College, 2020(Computer Science)WEIJIA WANGA.B., Waseda University, Tokyo, japan, 2021(Analytics)WEISHI WANGS.B., Fudan University, Shan qh ai, China, 2021(Statistics)XIHAO WANGB.EnB., Beijiru; jiaotonq University, China, 2021(Computer Science)XUETING WANGA.B., University of Rochester, 2021S.B., ibid., 2021(Analytics)YANBO WANGS.B., Emory University, 2021(Analytics)YIXIAO WANGA.B., Harvard University, 2014(Computer SCience)YIZHEN WANGS.B., University of Toronto, Ontario, Canada, 2020(Analytics)YU WANGB.EnB., Nankai University, Tian]in, China, 2021(Computer Science) THE DIVISION OF THE PHYSICAL SCIENCESYUNHONG WANGS.B., Peking University, BeijinB, China, 2021(Statistics)YUNKAI WANGB.MBmt., Fudan University, Shanqhat, China, 2019(Financial Mathematics)ZICHENG WANGBiEcon., Central University of Finance andEconomics, Beijing, China, 2020(Financial Mathematics)ZIDA WANGS.B., Brandeis University, 2021(Financial Mathematics)ZIQI WANGB.EnB., Tsinqhua University, Beijtnq, China, 2018S.M., ibid., 2021(Financial Mathematics)ZITONG WANGB.Sc.(HonsJ, Hong KonB Polytechnic, Honq Konq,2021(Chemistry)ZIYUE WANGS.B., University of Illinois at Urbana-Chompaiqn,2020(Analytics)ZIYUE WANGA.B., University of California, Irvine, 2021S.B., ibid., 2021(Analytics)SANSEN WEIA.B., University of California, Berkeley, 2021(Statistics)XUEQING WEIS.B., Fudan University, Shonqhai, China, 2021(Statistics)LAUREN SMITH WEISSA.B., Amherst College, 2018(Physics)BRUCE KE ZHEN WENA.B., University of Chicago, 2023(Computer SCience)HAO WENS.B., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champa iqn,2021(Analytics)MANCHEN WENBiCom., University of Sydney, New South Wales,Australia, 2020(Analytics)PATRICK JOHN WHALENA.B., Vanderbilt University, 2017(Computer Science)SAMUEL WALKER WHEELER*S.B., Syracuse University, 2021(Statistics)BRENT LUNDON WHITES.B., North Carolina State University, Raleiqh,North Carolina, 2013(Analytics)GERALD KEVIN WHITES.B., Villanova University, 2019(Statistics)RYAN PAUL WHITES.B., California Institute of Technoloqy, 2021(Physics)BRIAN THOMAS WHITEHOUSES.B., Villanova University, 2016(Computer Science)CHRISTOPHER WHYTES.B., DePaul University, Chicaqo, Illinois, 2009(Analytics)TAYLOR DAWBER WILDES.B., Northeastern University, Shenyanq, China,2019(Computer Science)JACOB WILLIAMSS.B., Harvey Mudd Colleqe, 2020(Computer SCience)CHRISTOPHER LAWRENCE WILSONA.B., University of Chicaqo, 2019(Mathematics)43THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO 537TH CONVOCATIONLONG YIN VICTOR WONGB.B.A., Hong Kong University of Science andTechnology, Kowloon, 2016(Computer Science)BIN WUS.B., Emory University, 2020(Physics)BOHAN WUS.B., New York University, 2021(Computer Science)DAVID YX WUS.B., University of Chicago, 2023(Computer Science)HAOTIAN WUA.B., University of California, Berkeley, 2021(Analytics)JIALIN WU*S.B., University of Denver, 2020(Analytics)JIAWEI WUS.B., Pennsylvania State University, UniversityPark,2021(Financial Mathematics)JINZE WUS.B., Boston University, Massachusetts, 2021(Analytics)LINXI WUB.Mgmt., Nanjinq University of Finance andEconomics, China, 2015M.B.A., Emory University, 2021(Analytics)PING-JUI WUS.B., National Taiwan University, Taipei, 2019(Chemistry)TIANLONG WUB.Sc.(Hons), University of Toronto, Ontario,Canada, 2020(Financial Mathematics)XIAOYANG WUS.B., Pennsylvania State University, UniversityPark,2016[Analytics]XIMAN WUS.B., University of California, Irvine, 2018[Analytics]YIFEI WUS.B., University of Chicago, 2023(Chemistry)YINCHEN WUS.B., University of Chicago, 2023(Computational and Applied Mathematics)YUQING WUA.B., Boston University, Massachusetts, 2020(Financial Mathematics)ZHAOXUAN WUA.B., New York University, 2021[Analytics]ZIJUN WUS.B., University of San Francisco, 2018[Anolytics]ZIXUAN WUB.Sc.(Hons), University of Toronto, Ontario,Canada, 2021S.B., ibid., 2021(Statistics)ZI¥UAN WUS.B., University of California, San Diego, 2021(Analyti.cs)YANG XIS.B., University of New South Wales, Kensington,Australia, 2019[Computer Science)JUNJIE XIAREng., Zhejiang University, Hang Zhou, China,2021[Chemistry)NIANClI CAMILLE XIAA.B., Boston Untverslty, Massachusetts, 2021(Analytics)44 YUAN XIAA.B., Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, 2015M.Eng., ibld., 2015M.B.A., University of Chicago, 2023(Computer Science)DONG XIES.B., Peking University, Beijing, China, 2020(Statistics)JINGYI XIES.B., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,2018(Analytics)SHUO XIES.B., Peking University, Beijing, China, 2020(Statistics)STEPHEN ZHIYUAN XIES.B., University of Chicago, 2023(Computer Science)XUHAN XIEB.Com., University of Western Australia, Nedlands,Australia, 2020(Computer Science)YING XIES.B., Beijing jiaotong University, China, 2021(Computational and Applied Mathematics)ZHENGJIE XIONGA.B., University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2021(Computational and Applied Mathematics)JI XUM.Eng.(Hons), Imperial College of Science,Technology, and Medicine, London, England,United Kingdom, 2020(Financial Mathematics)JIAHUI XUS.B., University of California, San Diego, 2020(Computer Science)KE XUS.B., Fudan University, Shanghai, China, 2021(Statistics)PINYAN XUA.B., Agnes Scott College, 2017(Computational and Applied Mathematics)RICHARD XUB.Mus., Indiana University Bloomington, 2019S.B., ibid., 2019(Computer Science)RUOCHUAN XUS.B., University of Chicago, 2023(Mathematics)SHENGYAO XUB.B.A., University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2021(Financial Mathematics)YAN XU*S.B., Yanqzhou University, Yanqzhou Shi, China,2021(Computational and Applied Mathematics)YIFEI XUS.B., South China University of Technology,Guanqzhou, China, 2012S.M., Illinois Institute of Technology, 2015(Computer Science)YIQUN XUS.B., University of Richmond, 2020(Analytics)ZHEN XUBiEcon., Central University of Finance andEconomics, Beijing, China, 2020(Financial Mathematics)ZHENGYAN XUB.Econ., Tsinqhua University, Beijing, China, 2020(Statistics)ZHENMING XUA.B., City University of New York, 2020(Financial Mathematics)ZIZHE XUS.B., North Carolina State University, Raleigh,North Carolina, 2020(Analytics)HAIPENG XUES.B., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,2021(Analytics) YAN XUEA.B., University of Southern California, 2021(Computer Science)YANG XUEB.Math., University of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada,2017(Financial Mathematics)YIBIN XUES.B., Peking University, Beijing, China, 2017(Chemistry)YUQING XUES.B., University of Washington, Seattle, 2020(Financial Mathematics)MEDHA YADAVB. Tech., VIT University, Vel/ore, India, 2017[Analytics]DAISUKE YAGYU*B.Eng., Keio University, Tokyo, japan, 2016(Analytics)RACHANA SUTHIKSHN YAJURS.B., Indian Institute of Technology Madras,Chennai, India, 2020S.M., ibid., 2020(Physics)HAORAN YANS.B., University of Virginia, 2021(Financial Mathematics)DONGNI YANGS.B., University of lllinots at Urbana-Champaign,2021(Analytics)HAOHAN YANGA.B., Franklin and Marshal/ College, 2020(Analytics)LING YANGS.B., Ohio State University, Columbus, 2021(Analytlcs)LINJIE YANGS.B., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,2021(Analytics)MENG YANGB.Econ., Nanjing Agricultural University, China,2013B.Mgmt., ibid., 2013(Analytics)YUFENG YANGS.B., Fudan University, Shanghai, China, 2020(Computer Science)ZHIXUAN YANGS.B., University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, 2021(Analytics)CONGHAN YAOB.Econ., Wuhan University, China, 2021(Financial Mathematics]KAIXUAN YAOB.Sc.(Hons), Chinese University of Hong Kong,Shatin NT, 2016(Physics)RUOFAN YAOS.B., University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2021(Analytics)YAO YAOB.Math., University of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada,2019(Financial Mathematics)VENKATA SAl MANIKANTA YATAMB. Tech., Visvesvaraya National Institute ofTechnology, Naqpur, India, 2019(Computer Science)YU YES.B., Pennsylvania State University, UniversityPark,2018(Analytics)ZEYU YES.B., University of Washington, Seattle, 2021(Physics)ZHAOCHEN YEA.B., University of Rochester, 2021S.B., ibid., 2021(Analytics)NATHAN PIERCE YEARYS.B., University of Chicago, 2023(Chemistry)TZY YING YEEA.B., University of Chicago, 2023(Computer Science)HSIN-YEN YEH*B.Math., University of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada,2021(Analytics)AHJEONG YEOMS.B., University of Virginia, 2017(Analytics)FANGYUN YIS.B., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,2021(Analytics)ZHANYUAN YINB.Ar.Sc., University of California, Los Angeles,2021(Computational and Applied Mathematics)CHEN YUA.B., Boston University, Massachusetts, 2021(Computer Science)CHENYANG YUA.B., Boston University, Massachusetts, 2019(Analytics)HAN YUA.B., University of California, Santa Barbara, 2021(Analytics)JIAWEI YUS.B., Oklahoma State University, 2021(Analytics)MINGHAN YUS.B., University of Texas at Austin, 2021(Computational and Applied Mathematics)SICHEN YUS.B., University of California, Santa Barbara, 2021(Analytics)SONGYANG YUA.B., Brandeis University, 2020(Analytics)ZONGYUAN YUS.B., University of California, San Diego, 2021(Analytics)DIANDIAN YUANS.B., Northeastern University, 2021(Analytics)LANQING YUANS.B., Shanghai Tech University, China, 2020(Physics)XIN YUANB.Eng., Tsinqhua University, Beijing, China, 2016M.Eng., ibid., 2019(Computer Science)JINGYI YUNB.Mgmt., Nankai University, Tianjin, China, 2020(Analytics)MATTHEW ZAJACS.B., College of New jersey, 2017(Chemistry)NIHAAL P ARIMAL ZA VERIS.B., University of California, Santa Cruz, 2020(Analytics)AZIZHA ZEINITAS.B., Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology,Surabaya, Indonesia, 2016(Analytics)RUITING ZHABiEcon., Capital University of Economics andBusiness, Beijing, China, 2017(Analytics)CAROLYN CHUCHU ZHANGS.B., Yale University, 2017(Physics)DINGYING ZHANGS.B., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,2021(Analytics)FENGWEI ZHANG*S.B., University of Science and Technology ofChina, Hefei, Anhui, 2021(Statistics) HAOZHE ZHANGS.B., University of Science and Technology ofChina, Hefei, Anhui, 2020(Computational and Applied Mathematics)HELIN ZHANG*S.B., Xl'an [iaotonq University, China, 2016S.M., University of Chicago, 2017(Physics)JIANHAO ZHANGS.B., Emory University, 2021(Analytics)KAICHENG ZHANGA.B., University of Minnesota- Twin Cities, 2019(Analytics)KAICHONG ZHANGA.B., Macalester College, 2021(Analytics)LICHEN ZHANGS.B., Ohio State University, Columbus, 2021(Financial Mathematics)LUN ZHANGS.M., University of California, Santa Barbara, 2021(Computer Science)SHUNING ZHANGS.B., University of Liverpool, England, UnitedKingdom, 2021(Analytics)SHUNQI ZHANGS.B., Pennsylvania State University, UniversityPark,2021(Statistics)TIANYU ZHAN GS.B., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,2021(Analytics)WANXUAN ZHANGB.Sc.(Hons), Chinese University of Hong Kong,Shatin NT, 2021(Analytics)WEIQIN ZHANG*S.M., University of Hong Kong, 2022(Computational and Applied Mathematics)WEN ZHANGA.B., Wake Forest University, 2021(Analytics)WENBO ZHANGA.B., University of Rochester, 2021S.B., tbid., 2021(Financial Mathematics)WENJUN ZHANGS.B., University of California, Los Angeles, 2021(Financial Mathematics)WUQI ZHANGS.B., New York University in Abu Dhabi, 2021(Computer Science)XIAO ZHANGA.B., University of Connecticut, 2021(Analytics)XINYI ZHANGS.B., University of California, Santa Barbara, 2020(Analytics)XUEHAN ZHANGS.B., University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2018(Analytics)YAN ZHANGS.B., University of Chicago, 2018S.M., University of Chicago, 2021(Computer Science)YAO ZHANGA.B., Brandeis University, 2021(Analytics)YAO ZHANG*S.B., Emory University, 2021(Analytics)YIMING ZHANGS.B., University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, 2020(Computer Science)YUANYIZHANGS.B., Sbandonq University, [in an, China, 2020(Computer Science)YUFAN ZHANGS.B., Xi'an jiaotonq University, China, 2020(Financial Mathematics) THE DIVISION OF THE PHYSICAL SCIENCESYUSEN ZHANGB.Mgmt., Nanjinq University, China, 2020(Computer Science)YUTING ZHANGB.M.S., East China Normal University, Shanghai,China, 2019(Computer Science)YUTING SAMANDA ZHANGS.B., University of California, Los Angeles, 2021(Mathematics)ZEXUAN ZHANGS.B., Zhejianq University, Hang Zhou, China, 2021(Statistics)ZHIRUO ZHANGS.B., University of Virginia, 2019(Analytics)ZINING ZHANGS.B., Shanghai Tech University, China, 2021(Chemistry)DAWEI ZHAOS.B., Xi'an jiaotonq-Ltverpool University, Suzhou,China, 2021S.B., University of Liverpool, England, UnitedKingdom, 2021(Analytics)HONGYU ZHAOS.B., University of Science and Technology ofChina, Hefei, Anhui, 2021(Computational and Applied Mathematics)JIN JIN ZHAOS.B., Princeton University, 2019(Computer Science)MAGGIE ZHAOS.B., University of Chicago, 2023(Computer Science)NORMAN ZHAOS.B., University of Rochester, 2017(Chemistry)YANG ZHAOS.B., University of Texas at Austin, 2019(Analytics)YAO ZHAOS.B., Boston University, Massachusetts, 2021(Analytics)ZHIYI ZHAOS.B., University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2019[Analytics]DUO ZHENGS.B., University of Chicago, 2023(Computer Science)MENGJIE ZHENGA.B., New York University, 2020(Financial Mathematics)MOXUAN ZHENGS.B., New York University, 2021(Analytics)QIANYU ZHENGA.B., University of California, Irvine, 2021S.B., ibid., 2021(Computational and Applied Mathematics)RUOYU ZHENGS.B., University of British Columbia, Vancouver,Canada, 2021(Computational and Applied Mathematics)SHIYI ZHENGS.B., University of California, Los Angeles, 2020(Analytics)SONGYUAN ZHENGS.B., Oklahoma State University, 2021(Computer Science)XING ZHENGS.B., Peking University, Beijing, China, 2021(Financial Mathematics)HAOYU ZHIB.Econ., Chinese Academy of Social Sciences,Beijing, China, 2021(Financial Mathematics)XU ZHI*S.B., University of San Francisco, 2014(Analytics)ALAN ZHONGA.B., University of Chicago, 2023(Statistics)45THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO 537TH CONVOCATIONJINGLIN ZHONGS.B., University of Washington, Seattle, 2020(Analytics)BOXUAN ZHOUS.B., University of Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing, China, 2021(Statistics)DINGYI ZHOUA.B., University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2021(Analytics)FANTING ZHOUB.B.A., University of Massachusetts at Amherst,2020S.B., ibid., 2020(Analytics)JEFF JINGYANG ZHOUS.B., State University of New York at Oswego,2011S.M., Columbia University in the City of New York,2012(Computer Science)MEIJUN ZHOUS.B., University of California, Los Angeles, 2021(Financial Mathematics)QIANSHENG ZHOUS.B., Pennsylvania State University, UniversityPark,2020(Analytics) SHUYU ZHOUA.B., University of Rochester, 2017S.M., University of Chicago, 2019(Computer Science)YANGQIAOYU ZHOUA.B., Carleton College, 2020(Computer Science)YI ZHOUA.B., Mount Holyoke College, 2020(Analytics)YI ZHOUS.B.,. University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2020(Analytics)YUE ZHOUB.Eng., Zhejiang University, Hang Zhou, China,2021(Computer Science)YUTING ZHOUS.B., Bentley University, 2021(Analytics)ZEQUAN ZHOUB.Eng., University of Liverpool, England, UnitedKingdom, 2017S.M., Northwestern University, 2019(Computer Science)MElLIN ZHUS.B., Bentley College, 2017(Computer Science) XINYU ZHUS.B., Hong Kong University of Science andTechnology, Kowloon, 2021(Financial Mathematics)XINYUE ZHUS.B., University of California, Los Angeles, 2021(Analytics)YEYING ZHUOB.B.A.(Hons), Chinese University of Hong Kong,Shatin NT, 2017(Analytics)MAXIMILIAN JOSEPH ZINSKIS.B., Miami University, Oxford, Ohio, 2019(Computer Science)HAOXIANG ZOUS.B., Hong Kong University of Science andTechnology, Kowloon, 2021(Financial Mathematics)WEI ZOUB.Econ., Shanghai University of Finance andEconomics, China, 2021(Computational and Applied Mathematics)TONY ZUB.Com., Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario,Canada, 2021(Financial Mathematics)FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF SCIENCEIN THE DIVISION OF THE PHYSICAL SCIENCESAND THE DIVISION OF THE BIOLOGICAL SCIENCESWALTER ALVARADO*S.B., California State University, Long Beach, 2012S.M., ibid., 2017(Biophysical Sciences)MILENA SRICHAKRAVERTI-WUERTHWEINA.B., Princeton University, 2020(Biophysical Sciences)YOUNG HOON KOHA.B., University of Pennsylvania, 2015(Biophysical Sciences) KOURTNEY KROLL*S.B., Washington University in St. Louis, 2018(Biophysical Sciences)DISSERTATION: LILAC: Designing andImplementing a Light-Sensitive Actin-BindingPeptideAYANNA MAY MATTHEWSA.B., Princeton University, 2020(Biophysical Sciences) ANDRES MOYA RODRfGUEZS.B., University of Puerto Rico, May aquez, 2015(Biophysical Sciences)LOUISE FRANCES WEEDA.B., Middlebury College, 2019(Biophysical Sciences)ELIZABETH WHITEA.B., Amherst College, 2017(Biophysical Sciences)FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHYANKUR AGRAWALB. Tech., Indian Institute of Technology Bombay,Mumbai, India, 2016M. Tech., ibid., 2016(Physics)DISSERTATION: Superconducting QubitAdvantage for Dark Matter (SQuAD)AKSHIMAB. Tech., Indraprastha Institute of InformationTechnology, Delhi, India, 2016S.M., University of Chicago, 2021(Computer Science)DISSERTATION: Time-Space Trade-Offs inCryptographic PrimitivesADAM ANTOSZEWSKIS.B., University of Virginia, 2017S.M., University of Chicago, 2020(Chemistry)DISSERTATION: Enhanced Sampling andDynamical Analyses of Multipathway Reactions:Applications to Insulin and KalBCHUKWUNONSO ARINZES.B., University of Texas at San Antonio, 2015(Physics)DISSERTATION: Sculpting Folding Pathwaysthrough Physical Learning In Mechanical Systems46 THEINT NANDAR AUNGA.B., Cornell College, Mount Vernon, Iowa, 2014(Chemistry)DISSERTATION: The Role of CytokineReceptor-JAK Affinity and JAK-JAK Geometry inLimited Type III Interferon ResponseJONATHAN MARK BAKERS.B., University of Notre Dame, 2018S.M., University of Chicago, 2021(Computer Science)DISSERTATION: Architectural Design forEmerging Quantum TechnologiesISHAN BANERJEES.B., Indian Institute of Science, Banqalore, India,2017S.M., University of Chicago, 2021(Mathematics)DISSERTATION: The Topology of DiscriminantComplementsBRUNO BARBARIOLI*B.M.E., Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais BeloHorizonte, Brazil., 2014B.Econ., ibid., 2014Stat.M., ibid., 2017S.M., University of Chicago, 2021(Computer Science)DISSERTATION: Principled Data CompressionAlgorithms for Large Scale Sensing CLAIRE MARIE BAUMS.B., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,2017S.M., University of Chicago, 2019(Physics)DISSERTATION: Quantum Materials andMultimode Photonics in Twisted Optical CavitiesLUCAS WAYNE BEAUFORE*S.B., Ohio State University, Columbus, 2016S.M., University of Chicago, 2018(Physics)EPHRAIM SOLOMON BILILIGNS.B., North Carolina State University, Raleigh,North Carolina, 2017(Physics)DISSERTATION: Odd Dynamics of ColloidalChiral MatterMICHELLE ROBIN BRANNA.B., Wellesley College, Massachusetts, 2015S.M., University of Chicago, 2017(Chemistry)DISSERTATION: Condensed Phase Adsorptionand Reactivity: Extraterrestrial Ices, IsotopicEnrichment, Olefin Oxidation, and Nerve AgentSimulantsZILY BURSTEINS.B., Loyola Marymount University, Los Angeles,California, 2014(Physics)DISSERTATION: Pattern Forming Mechanisms ofColor VisionWENJUN CAlS.B., University of California, Los Angeles, 2017S.M., University of Chicago, 2019(Mathematics and Computer Science)DISSERTATION: On the Spectrum of SingularValues of Multi-Z-Shaped Graph MatricesANTHONY SANTIAGO CHAVESAGUILARB.Math., Universidad de Costa Rica, San jose, 2015Bacb., ibid., 2015S.M., University of Chicago, 2017(Mathematics)DISSERTATION: The Schmid-Vilonen Conjecturefor Verma Modules of Highest AntidominantWeight and Discrete Series RepresentationsAARON HAOXUAN CHENA.B., Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, 2017S.M., University of Chicago, 2019(Computational and Applied Mathematics)DISSERTATION: Applied Topology and Geometryof Neural Codes and DataHUANQING CHENS.B., Nanjing University, China, 2016(Astronomy and Astrophysics)DISSERTATION: The Role of Quasar RadiativeFeedback on Galaxy Formation during CosmicReionizationJINGWEN CHENS.B., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2017S.M., University of Chicago, 2019(Mathematics)DISSERTATION: Mean Curvature Flow on theThree-SphereYIAN CHENS.B., Shanghai jiao Tong University, China, 2017A.M., University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2018(Computational and Applied Mathematics)DISSERTATION: Structured Low-ComplexityMatrix and Tensor Approximation withApplicationsYUMING CHENS.B., University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, 2018(Computational and Applied Mathematics)DISSERTATION: Data-Driven MethodsforInverse Problems: Blending Data Assimilation andMachine LearningYUXIN CHENS.B., Fudan University, Shanghai, China, 2017S.M., University of Chicago, 2021(Computer Science)DISSERTATION: Machine-Augmented Humans asa Privacy ArmorBAORUI CHENGS.B., Nanjing University, China, 2017S.M., University of Chicago, 2019(Chemistry)GRACE EDITH CHESMORES.B., Santa Clara University, California, 2017S.M., University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, 2019S.M., University of Chicago, 2023(Physics)DISSERTATION: Next Generation Measurementsof the Cosmic Microwave Background with NewOptical Design and AnalysisWEN HAN CHIU*S.B., Hong Kong University of Science andTechnology, Kowloon, 2017S.M., University of Chicago, 2018(Physics)YU HUNG CHIU*S.B.(Hons), Chinese University of Hong Kong,Shatin NT, 2012S.M., University of Chicago, 2014(Physics)THERESA ANN CHMIELA.B., Kenyon College, 2017S.M., University of Chicago, 2019(Physics)DISSERTATION: Decoding Epithelial Forces: HowCellular Forces Propagate and Are Regulatedfrom Subcellular to Tissue Scales WOOJE CHOS.B., Stanford University, 2015S.M., University of Chicago, 2017(Chemistry)DISSERTATION: Synthesis of ColloidalSemiconductor Nanocrystals in UnconventionalCircumstances: Heterogeneous Mixtures andHigh-Pressure ReactorsMING-HAN CHOUS.B., National Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu,Taiwan, 2011S.M., ibid., 2013S.M., University of Chicago, 2015(Physics)DISSERTATION: Quantum Measurements ofMicrowave-Frequency Acoustic Resonators withSuperconducting CircuitsAUSTIN ROBERT CLYDEA.B., University of Chicago, 2019S.M., ibid., 2019(Computer Science)DISSERTATION: Artificial Intelligence andHigh-Performance Computing for AcceleratingStructure-Based Drug DiscoveryWILLIAM COOPERMANS.B., Carnegie Mellon University, 2018S.M., University of Chicago, 2019(Mathematics)DISSERTATION: Quantitative Homogenizationfor Hamilton-jacobi EquationsNINA MIREILLE COYLEA.B., University of Chicago, 2016(Physics)DISSERTATION: Hunting for New Physics in theHiggs and Neutrino SectorsZHEN DAIA.B., University of California, Berkeley, 2017M.Adv.St., University of Cambridge, England,United Kingdom, 2018(Computational and Applied Mathematics)DISSERTATION: Complexity and NumericalStability in Matrix Computations and NonconvexOptimizationYUCHENG DENGS.B., University of California, Los Angeles, 2017A.M., ibid., 2017S.M., University of Chicago, 2019(Mathematics)DISSERTATION: Asymptotic Analysis forPortfolio Problems under Fast and SlowStochastic EnvironmentsJOHN ESTERLY DEVANYS.B., University of California, Santa Barbara, 2016(Physics)DISSERTATION: Interplay between CellProliferation and Collective Behavior in EpitheliaJONATHAN ALEXANDER DEWITTS.B., Haverford College, 2016S.M., University of Chicago, 2018(Mathematics)DISSERTATION: Lyapunov Exponents andRigidity in Elliptic and Hyperbolic SettingsREBECCA RIMAI DIESING*A.B., Northwestern University, 2017(Astronomy and Astrophysics)XIAOAN DINGB.Eng., South China University of Technology,Guanqzhou, China, 2013S.M., Beihang University, Beijing, China, 2016S.M., University of Chicago, 2019(Computer Science)DISSERTATION: Beyond Accuracy: Modeling Textfor Robust NLPCASEY CHARLES DUCKERINGS.B., University of California, Berkeley, 2016S.M., University of Chicago, 2020(Computer Science)DISSERTATION: New Abstractions for QuantumComputingFRANCESCA MARIE FALZONA.B., Rutgers, the State University of Newjersey-New Brunswick, 2017S.M., University of Chicago, 2020(Computer Science)DISSERTATION: A Combinatorial Approach toLeakage Abuse Attacks and Their Mitigation THE DIVISION OF THE PHYSICAL SCIENCESADINA DANIELA FEINSTEINS.B., Tufts University, 2018S.M., University of Chicago, 2019(Astronomy and Astrophysics)DISSERTATION: A Multi-WavelengthInvestigation of Young Stellar and PlanetarySystemsJUSTIN MOSHE FINKELA.B., Washington University in St. Louis, 2017(Computational and Applied Mathematics)DISSERTATION: Atmospheric Extremes throughthe Lens of Transition Path TheoryJAMES ALLEN FRANKES.B., Milwaukee School of Engineering, 2012(Geophysical Sciences)DISSERTATION: Spatial Disparities in ClimateImpacts on Agricultural Production: A GlobalAssessment of Some Adaptation Strategies andApplied Nutrient ImpactsRUIQI GE*S.B., Peking University, Beijing, China, 2017(Chemistry)PHILIPP MICHAEL GEMMELA.B., Grinnell College, Iowa, 2017S.M., University of Chicago, 2018(Chemistry)DISSERTATION: Harnessing Au(I) Catalysis inthe Pursuit of Alkaloid and Terpene NaturalProductsANDREW MARK GOLDSTEINA.B., University of California, Berkeley, 2015(Statistics)DISSERTATION: A Variational BayesianApproach for Combining Weak Learners into aStrong Learner in Regression ProblemsCHRISTIAN GOMEZ*Lic., Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2015S.M., University of Chicago, 2017(Chemistry)MATTHEW ALLEN GORDONA.B., State University of New York at Buffalo, 2016S.B., ibid., 2016(Physics)DISSERTATION: High Brightness PhotoelectronBeamlines for Femtosecond SciencePALLAV GOYALS.B., Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur,Kaly anpur, India, 2017S.M., University of Chicago, 2019(Mathematics)DISSERTATION: Almost Commuting Scheme ofSymplectic Matrices and Quantum HamiltonianReductionJENNIKA CHRISTINE GREERA.B., University of Colorado at Boulder, 2013S.M., ibid., 2016(Geophysical Sciences)DISSERTATION: Atom Probe Tomography ofLunar MaterialsCHAO GU*S.B., Peking University, Beijing, China, 2017S.M., University of Chicago, 2019(Mathematics)AYUSH GUPTA*S.B., California Institute of Technology, 2016(Chemistry)MICHAEL DONALD HANKS.B., University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, 2017S.M., University of Chicago, 2019(Physics)DISSERTATION: Searching for New PhysicsUsing di-Higgs Final States with the ATLASDetectorJELANI HERNANDEZ HANNAHA.B., Fisk University, 2010S.M., University of Chicago, 2022(Physics)DISSERTATION: Methodology for Measurementof Young's Modulus in Free-Standing PolymerNanocomposite Thin FilmsWEIJIA HES.B., Shanghai jiao Tong University, China, 2017S.M., University of Chicago, 2020(Computer Science)DISSERTATION: Making Interactions with HomeloT Devices More Secure, Private, and Usable47THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO 537TH CONVOCATIONYI HES.B., Fudan University, Shanghai, China, 2016S.M., University of Chicago, 2020(Computer Science)DISSERTATION: Resilient Deep LearningAcceleratorsZIWEI HES.B., University of California, Berkeley, 2013S.M., University of Chicago, 2015(Chemistry)DISSERTATION: Theoretical and ComputationalMethods for Slow Molecular Kinetic ProcessesJERALD ERIK HERTZOGA.B., Washington and jefferson College, 2016S.M., University of Chicago, 2017(Chemistry)DISSERTATION: Synthesis of Doubly Threaded[3JRotaxanes and Poly[3Jrotaxanes throughComponent DesignTAYLOR JACKSON HOYTS.B., University of Texas at Austin, 2016(Astronomy and Astrophysics)DISSERTATION: Calibrating the Cosmic DistanceScale in the Magellanic Clouds with a Sub-percentDetermination of the Brightness at the Tip of theRed Giant BranchTRUONG SON HYS.B., Botvos Lorand Tudomanyeqyetem, Budapest,Hungary, 2016S.M., University of Chicago, 2018(Computer Science)DISSERTATION: Graph Representation Learning,Deep Generative Models on Graphs, GroupEquivariant Molecular Neural Networks andMultiresolution Machine LearningJAFAR JAFAROVS.B., Bogazi9i Untversitest, Istanbul, Turkey, 2014S.M., ibid., 2016S.M., University of Chicago, 2021(Computer Science)DISSERTATION: Correlation Clustering withLocal and Global ObjectivesSEUNG UK JANGS.B., Korea Advanced Institute of Science andTechnology, Daejeon, South Korea, 2013S.M., ibid., 2014S.M., University of Chicago, 2021(Mathematics)DISSERTATION: Hyperkiihler Kummer Rigidityand the Vieta Involutions on Tropical MarkovCubicsJINGWEN JIANGS.B., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,2016S.M., University of Chicago, 2020(Computer Science)DISSERTATION: Financial Machine Learningwith Alternative DataRUOJING JIANGS.B., Fudan University, Shanghai, China, 2016S.M., University of Chicago, 2020(Mathematics)XIAOMIN JIANGS.B., Sichuan University, Chengdu, China, 2018S.M., University of Chicago, 2019(Chemistry)DISSERTATION: Nanoscale CoordinationPolymers Deliver Chemotherapeutics and InnateImmune Modulators for Cancer TherapyCHRISTOPHER STEVEN JONESS.B., Carnegie Mellon University, 2016S.M., University of Chicago, 2019 -(Computer Science)DISSERTATION: Symmetrized Fourier Analysis ofConvex Relaxations for CombinatorialOptimization ProblemsANANTH KAMATH*S.B., Indian Institute of Science, 2017S.M., University of Chicago, 2018(Chemistry)DISSERTATION: Bright Infrared Nanocrystals:Synthesis and Nonradiative MechanismsKYLE AKIO KAWAGOES.B., University of California, Santa Barbara, 2016(Physics)DISSERTATION: Microscopic Definitions ofTopological Data48 CELESTE SUMMER KEITHS.8., University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2018(Astronomy and Astrophysics)DISSERTATION: Observational Consequences ofHawking Radiation from Primordial Black HolesGOURA V KHULLARM.A.S., University of Cambridge, England, UnitedKingdom, 2015S.M., University of Chicago, 2020(Astronomy and Astrophysics)DISSERTATION: Stellar Mass Assembly in GalaxyClusters and High-Redshift Gravitationally LensedGalaxiesMARK GORDON KLEHFOTHS.B., Indiana University South Bend, South Bend,2014S.M., University of Chicago, 2015(Physics)DISSERTATION: Local and Covariant FlowRelations for OPE Coefficients in LorentzianSpacetimesJONAH LEV KUDLER-FLAMA.B., Colgate University, 2017S.M., University of Chicago, 2018(Physics)DISSERTATION: On the Information Content ofBlack Holes and Thermalized StatesZEHUA LAIA.B., Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, 2018(Computational and Applied Mathematics)DISSERTATION: Algebraic and DifferentialGeometry in Modern OptimizationRACHEL LAKER*S.B., Miami University, 2016S.M., University of Wyoming, 2018(Geophysical Sciences)DISSERTATION: Preservational Heterogeneity ofMarine Vertebrates in a Sequence StratigraphicContext: Inferring Exposure and Burial Dynamicsfrom Bone PreservationHAO LEEB.Math., University of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada,2015S.M., McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada,2017S.M., University of Chicago, 2019(Mathematics)DISSERTATION: Derived jacquet-EmertonModule FunctorYONGHOON LEES.B., Seoul National University, South Korea, 2017(Statistics)DISSERTATION: Robust Estimation andDistribution-Free Inference for SupervisedLearningCHARLES MARK LEWISS.B., University of Massachusetts at Amherst, 2017S.M., University of Chicago, 2021(Physics)DISSERTATION: Particle Physics in the Sub-keVEnergy RegimeHUIYING LIS.B., Fudan University, Shanghai, China, 2017S.M., University of Chicago, 2020(Computer Science)DISSERTATION: Identifying and MitigatingVulnerabilities of Deep Neural Networks in theWildYUAN SHEN LIA.B., Carleton College, 2017S.M., University of Chicago, 2019(Physics)DISSERTATION: Transverse Gradient Undulatorin a Storage Ring Free Electron Laser OscillatorMENGXIANG LINS.B., Peking University, Beijing, China, 2015(Astronomy and Astrophysics)DISSERTATION: Seeking Solutions for theHubble TensionQISEN LINS.B., Renmin University of China, Beijing, 2016(Physics)DISSERTATION: Search for the Rare DecayKr-movv at KOTO ANDREW JOSEPH LITTEKENS.B., University of Notre Dame, 2019S.M., University of Chicago, 2021(Computer Science)DISSERTATION: Adapting CompilationStrategies for Architecture-Specific Features forQuantum ComputingBINGJIN LIUS.B., Beihang University, Beijing, China, 2015S.M., Texas A&M University, College Station, 2016S.M., University of Chicago, 2018(Mathematics)DISSERTATION: On Weight 2 Level N NewformsCongruent to Eisenstein Series When N Is FourPrimesCHANG LIUS.B., Peking University, Beijing, China, 2016S.M., University of Chicago, 2017(Chemistry)DISSERTATION: DNA and RNA Modificationsfrom Mapping to ModulationCHANG LIUS.B., Wuhan University, China, 2016S.M., University of Chicago, 2017(Chemistry)DISSERTATION: Structural Studies on ProteinComplexes by Single-Particle Cryogenic ElectronMicroscopyCHUNWEI LIUB.Eng., Beihang University, Beijing, China, 2013M.Eng., Graduate University of the ChineseAcademy of Sciences, Shijinqshan, China, 2016S.M., University of Chicago, 2019(Computer Science)DISSERTATION: Fast and Effective Compressionfor loT SystemsYU LIU*S.B., Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China,2018S.M., University of Chicago, 2020(Chemistry)YUHAN LIUS.B., Sun Vat-Sen University, Guangzhou, China,2018S.M., University of Chicago, 2022(Physics)DISSERTATION: Probing Universal Fingerprintsof Quantum States: From Quantum Entanglementto Conformal Field TheoryYUTAO LIUS.B., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2017S.M., University of Chicago, 2019(Mathematics)DISSERTATION: Computing EquivariantHomotopy with a Splitting MethodTIMOTHY DAVID LOOSES.B., University of Texas at Austin, 2017S.M., University of Chicago, 2019(Chemistry)DISSERTATION: Advanced Coarse-GrainedModels of Lipid and Liquid Systems Analyzed fromthe Perspective of Accuracy and PracticalityTAOKUN LUO*S.B., Tsinghua University, 2018(Chemistry)DISSERTATION: Metal-Organic Nanosensitizersfor Drug Delivery and Cancer TherapyTAKUMI MATSUZAWA*A.B., Kalamazoo College, 2016S.M., University of Chicago, 2017(Physics)NATHANIEL KATKIN MAYERA.B., Harvard University, 2016S.M., University of Chicago, 2018(Mathematics)DISSERTATION: A Parameter Space forTschirnhaus TransformationsROSTOM MBAREKA.B., Grinnell College, Iowa, 2016(Astronomy and Astrophysics)DISSERTATION: Particle Acceleration,Propagation, and Detection: A journey from theKinetic Structure of Plasma Physics to ParticleTransport on Cosmic ScalesALEXANDER McDONALDB.Sc.(Hons), University of Ottawa, Ontario,Canada, 2016S.M., McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada,2019(Physics)DISSERTATION: Nonreciprocity, Symmetries,and Diagonalization in Open Quantum SystemsANDREW MICHAEL MCNUTT*A.B., Reed College, 2014S.M., University of Chicago, 2019(Computer Science)ADAN MEDRANO MARTfN DELCAMPOS.B., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2017S.M., University of Chicago, 2019(Mathematics)DISSERTATION: Monodromy of Some Families ofCubic and K3 SurfacesCHRISTOPHER MELNYCHUKA.B., University of Rochester, 2016S.M., University of Chicago, 2017(Chemistry)DISSERTATION: Infrared Carrier Dynamics inMercury Chalcogenide Quantum Dots: FromFundamental Spectroscopy to Next-GenerationOptoelectronicsKATRINA RENEE MILLERS.B., Duke University, 2016S.M., University of Chicago, 2018(Physics)DISSERTATION: Measurements of the ExclusiveDifferential Charged Current Cross Section forElectron Neutrinos on Argon with the NuMIDataset in MicroBooNEOSAMU MIYAWAKIS.B., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,2017(Geophysical Sciences)DISSERTATION: Energy Balance and Lapse RateRegimes in the Modern Climate and TheirResponse to WarmingPETER SABLE MORFEB.Eng., Cooper Union for the Advancement ofScience and Art, 2016S.M., University of Chicago, 2018(Mathematics)DISSERTATION: Homogenization of InterfaceMotions in the Parabolic ScalingFAUZIA S. MUJIDS.B., Benedictine University, Lisle, Illinois, 2016S.M., University of Chicago, 2017(Chemistry)DISSERTATION: Vapor-Phase Growth ofTwo-Dimensional Molecular Crystals and TheirStructure-Property RelationshipsELIZABETH J. MULDERA.B., Smith College, 2015S.M., University of Chicago, 2019(Physics)DISSERTATION: Probing Individual andCollective Macrophage Responses with FluidicForce MicroscopyNATHAN MULL*A.B., University of California, Berkeley, 2016S.M., University of Chicago, 2020(Computer Science)JOSHUA PAUL MUNDINGER*A.B., Swarthmore College, 2018S.M., University of Chicago, 2020(Mathematics)JULIA G. MURPHYS.B., University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, 2016S.M., University of Chicago, 2017(Chemistry)DISSERTATION: Polymers in Motion:Observations of Ordering, Fluctuations, andCoarsening in Block Copolymer Films with AtomicForce MicroscopySHUSUKE OCHI*Bach., University of Tokyo, japan, 2018S.M., University of Chicago, 2020(Chemistry)DISSERTATION: C-C Bond Functionalization ofCyclic Ketones by Rhodium and 2-AminopyridineCooperative Catalysis MYKYTA ONIZHUK*S.B.(Hons), V.N. Karazin Kharkiv NationalUniversity Kharkiv, Ukraine, 2017S.M., University of Chicago, 2020(Chemistry)DISSERTATION: Understanding the MagneticEnvironment of Spin Qubits from First PrinciplesANSHUMAN SANKAR PALA.B., University of Pennsylvania, 2013S.M., ibid., 2013S.M., Ecole Normale Superieure d'Ulm, Paris,France, 2015S.M., University of Chicago, 2023(Physics)DISSERTATION: Faceted Wrinkling at aContracted Curved Boundary: Isometry andHysteretic Wavelength SelectionHORACE PANS.B., Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, 2014S.M., University of Chicago, 2021(Computer Science)DISSERTATION: Leveraging Symmetry andStructure in Machine LearningBIPUL PANDEYS.B., University of Texas at Austin, 2015S.M., University of Chicago, 2023(Physics)DISSERTATION: Power Series Correction toSingle Particle Electron Green's Function:Application to ID Holstein ChainRIDDHISH UMESH PANDHARKARB.Eng.(Hons), Birla Institute of Technology andScience, Pilani, India, 2017M.Sc.(Hons), ibid., 2017S.M., University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, 2018(Chemistry)DISSERTATION: Localized MultireferenceMethods for Strongly Correlated SystemsSOOHYUN PARKS.B., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2015S.M., ibid., 2018S.M., University of Chicago, 2020(Mathematics)DISSERTATION: Connections between EulerCharacteristic Invariants, H- Vector Problems, andAlgebro-Geometric Properties of (Poly)matroidsKRUTIK SHASHIKANT PATELS.B., University of California, Santa Barbara, 2015S.M., University of Chicago, 2017(Physics)DISSERTATION: Interactions and Excitations inQuantum Degenerate mCs-6Li Bose-FermiMixturesCHENG PENG*S.B., Peking University, Beijing, China, 2018S.M., University of Chicago, 2019(Chemistry)DISSERTATION: Studies Toward the StrategicSyntheses of Natural Products with ContiguousAll-Carbon Quaternary StereocentersAHSAN PERVAIZS.B., Lahore University of Management Sciences,Pakistan, 2017S.M., University of Chicago, 2019(Computer Science)DISSERTATION: Frameworks forGeneral-Purpose Adaptation in ComputingSystemsGAL PORATS.B., Hebrew University of jerusalem, Israel, 2016S.M., University of Chicago, 2021(Mathematics)DISSERTATION: Topics in Sen Theory andApplicationsJOSHUA CHARLES PORTNERA.B., Gustavus Adolphus College, 2016S.M., University of Chicago, 2017(Chemistry)DISSERTATION: Electrostatic Stabilization andSelf Assembly of Charged Colloidal NanocrystalsKONSTANTINOS PSAROMILIGKOS*B.Math., Ethniko kai Kapodistriako PanepistimioAthninon, Athens, Greece, 2017S.M., University of Chicago, 2019(Mathematics) THE DIVISION OF THE PHYSICAL SCIENCESZEYU QIAO*S.B., Peking University, Beijing, China, 2017(Chemistry)DISSERTATION: A Synthetic MiniproteinPlatform Targeting Transcription FactorsSOLOMON QUINN*S.B., University of Richmond, Richmond, Virginia,2018(Computational and Applied Mathematics)DISSERTATION: Asymmetric Transport inContinuous Topological InsulatorsGOUTHAM RAJENDRANB.Sc.(Hons), Chennai Mathematical Institute,India, 2016S.M., University of Chicago, 2018(Computer Science)DISSERTATION: Nonlinear Random Matrices andApplications to the Sum of Squares HierarchyMOHAMMED SUHAIL REHMANB. Tech., University of Calicut, Malappuram, India,2008S.M., International Institute of InformationTechnology, Hy derabad, India, 2010M.C.D.S, Carnegie Mellon University, 2016S.M., University of Chicago, 2021(Computer Science)DISSERTATION: Reconstructing the Lineage ofArtifacts in Data LakesSARAH CONSTANCE REITZESS.B., Tufts University, 2016S.M., University of Chicago, 2018(Mathematics)DISSERTATION: Computability Theory andReverse Mathematics: Making Use of the OverlapsDAVID ROBERTS*A.B., Harvard University, 2016(Physics)DISSERTATION: Hidden Time ReversalSymmetry, Detailed Balance and Exact Solutionsof Open Quan tum SystemsMUHAMMAD HUSNI SANTRIAJIS.B., Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yoqyakarta,Indonesia, 2012S.M., University of Chicago, 2020(Computer Science)DISSERTATION: Incentivizing Flexibility andCooperation in Computer Systems Using FeedbackMechanismsGAUTAM SATISHCHANDRANS.B., University of Massachusetts at Amherst, 2015(Physics)DISSERTATION: The Memory Effect, Symmetriesand Infrared Finite Scattering Theory in QuantumField Theory and Quantum GravityBRENDAN SAXBERGS.B., University of Washington, Seattle, 2015(Physics)DISSERTATION: Creating CompressibleMany-Body States of Light through AdiabaticTuning of DisorderCOLIN SCHEIBNER *A.B., St. Olaf College, Northfield, Minnesota, 2017(Physics)DISSERTATION: Studies in Odd Elasticity,Wrinkling Membranes, and Excitable MediaTHAIS RENEE SCOTTS.B., University of Richmond, 2017(Chemistry)DISSERTATION: Multiconfiquration Pair-DensityFunctional Theory Developments and Applicationsto Photo-chemically Relevant Excited StatesROBERT TODD SHREINERS.B., Pennsylvania State University, UniversityPark,2017S.M., University of Chicago, 2020(Physics)DISSERTATION: Two-DimensionalSemiconductors for Chiral NanophotonicsTYLER J. SKLUZACEKA.B., Macalester College, 2016S.M., University of Chicago, 2018(Computer Science)DISSERTATION: Automated Metadata ExtractionCan Make Data Swamps More Navigable49THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO 537TH CONVOCATIONDANIEL LEWIS SMITHA.B., Boston University, Massachusetts, 2018S.M., University of Chicago, 2020(Physics)DISSERTATION: Topics on the Detection ofUltra-High Energy NeutrinosHARRISON McGRATH SNODGRASSS.B., West Chester University of Pennsylvania,2016S.M., University of Chicago, 2017(Chemistry)DISSERTATION: Methods and Applications forthe Identification and Directed Evolution ofBiocatalysts for Chemical SynthesisJOSHUA A. SOBRINS.B., Fordham University, 2011A.M., Columbia University in the City of New York,2014S.M., University of Chicago, 2016(Physics)DISSERTATION: The SPT-3G Receiver and theFirst Galaxy Cluster Catalog from the SPT-3GSurveyDANIEL JOHN SOUTHALLB.Sc.(Hons), University of Waterloo, Ontario,Canada, 2017S.M., University of Chicago, 2018(Physics)DISSERTATION: Experimental Developmenttowards the BEACON Prototype Array and theRadio Neutrino Observatory in GreenlandCESAR ANDRES STUARDO MORAGALic., Universidad de Santiago de Chile, Santiago,Chi/e, 2012S.M., University of Chicago, 2016(Computer Science)DISSERTATION: Towards Scale-CheckableSystemsBRADLEY RYAN STUDNITZERS.B., Haverford College, 2017(Chemistry)DISSERTATION: Engineering the Immune Systemto Improve Vaccines: Chemical Approaches toModulating Innate ImmunityDIMITRIOS TANOGLIDISPtychion, Panepistimio Kritis, Rethymnon, Greece,2014S.M., ibid., 2016(Astronomy and Astrophysics)DISSERTATION: Shedding Light on theLow-Surface-Brightness Universe with GalaxySurveys and Machine LearningKHA-I TOS.B., National Taiwan University, Taipei, 2012S.M., ibid., 2014(Physics)DISSERTATION: Cluster Formation andRelaxation in Particle Rafts under Uniform RadialExpansionZANA TRAN*A.B., Bard College, 2012S.M., University of Chicago, 2015(Mathematics)MARISSA MICHELLE TRANQUILLIA.B., Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, 2015S.M., University of Chicago, 2017(Chemistry)DISSERTATION: Exploring the Synthesis ofPoly[nJcatenanesJONATHAN TRISNADI*S.B., University of California, San Diego, 2014(Physics)DISSERTATION: The Design and Construction ofa Quantum Matter Synthesizer50 LOUIS JAMES VARRIANO*S.B., University of Tennessee at Knoxville, 2017S.M., University of Chicago, 2018(Physics)XIAO WANGB.Eng., Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, 2013S.M., Stanford University, 2016S.M., University of Chicago, 2018(Mathematics)DISSERTATION: Multiplicative Hitchin Fibrationand Fundamental LemmaADAM MICHAEL WEISSS.B., Ohio State University, Columbus, 2018S.M., University of Chicago, 2019(Chemistry)DISSERTATION: Biomacromolecular Constructsfor ImmunomodulationEMILY JOY WENGERS.B., Wheaton College, Illinois, 2016S.M., University of Chicago, 2020(Computer Science)DISSERTATION: Reclaiming Data Agency in theAge of Ubiquitous Machine LearningLUKAS V. K. WHALEY-MAYDAS.B., University of California, Berkeley, 2015S.M., University of Chicago, 2016(Chemistry)DISSERTATION: Fluorescence-Encoded InfraredSpectroscopy for Single-Molecule VibrationalInvestigation in SolutionZIWAN XU*S.B., Peking University, Beijing, China, 2018S.M., University of Chicago, 2019(Chemistry)DISSERTATION: Nanoscale Metal-OrganicFrameworks for Cancer TherapiesYIBIN XUES.B., Peking University, Beijing, China, 2017(Chemistry)DISSERTATION: Transition Metal Catalyzed C-CActivation: Natural Product Synthesis andPolymer DegradationKAIXUAN YAOB.Sc.(Hons), Chinese University of Hong Kong,Shatin NT, 2016(Physics)DISSERTATION: Domain Wall Dynamics andMany-body Echo in Driven Bose-EinsteinCondensatesSTEPHEN GLENNYEARWOOD-DAVIDSON*S.B., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2018S.M., University of Chicago 2020(Mathematics)HANNAH SUEJUNG YIS.8., George Washington University, 2016S.M., University of Chicago, 2017(Chemistry)DISSERTATION: Multiscale Trajectory Analysisand Snapshot 3D Microscopy Studies ElucidateFunctional Consequences of Heterogeneous InsulinGranule TraffickingRACHAEL HANNAH YOUNGWORTHS.B., Illinois Institute of Technology, 2015S.M., University of Chicago, 2016(Chemistry)DISSERTATION: Modeling FluorescenceProperties of Voltage-Sensitive Probes in Solventand Embedded in Membrane Using MolecularDynamics MATTHEW ZAJACS.B., College of New jersey, 2017(Chemistry)DISSERTATION: Identification andCharacterization of the Molecule Responsible forLysosomal Ca2+/H+ Exchange in HumansYULIANA YAJAIRA ZAMORAS.B., Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, 2011S.M., University of Chicago, 2020(Computer Science)DISSERTATION: Machine Learning forPerformance Acceleration and Prediction inScientific ComputingCAROLYN CHUCHU ZHANGS.B., Yale University, 2017S.M., University of Chicago, 2023(Physics)DISSERTATION: Exactly Solvable Models:Quantum Criticality, Dynamics, and TopologyCHAOJIE ZHANGS.B., University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, 2015S.M., University of Chicago, 2019(Computer Science)DISSERTATION: Eliminating the CapacityVariation Penalty for Cloud ResourceManagementHELIN ZHANG*S.B., Xi'an jiaotong University, China, 2016S.M., University of Chicago, 2017(Physics)LEFAN ZHANGB.Eng., Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, 2017S.M., University of Chicago, 2019(Computer Science)DISSERTATION: End-User Programming inSmart Homes with Trigger-Action ProgramsLINDA ZHANG*S.B., University of California, San Diego, 2016S.M., University of Chicago, 2019(Chemistry)DISSERTATION: Targeting the m6A Pathway forCancer ImmunotherapyNORMAN ZHAOS.B., University of Rochester, 2017(Chemistry)DISSERTATION: Synthesis and Reactivity ofPseudo-tetrahedral Cobalt and Nickel ComplexesLIJIA ZHOUS.B., University of Chicago, 2018(Statistics)DISSERTATION: A Statistical Learning Theoryfor Models with High ComplexityCHEN ZOUS.B., Fudan University, Shanghai, China, 2016S.M., University of Chicago, 2019(Computer Science)DISSERTATION: High-Performance Architecturesfor Data Center Computational StorageJUNYI ZOUS.B., University of California, Berkeley, 2016S.M., University of Chicago, 2017(Chemistry)DISSERTATION: Mapping Sodium in SingleOrganelles In VivoJOSHUA ZUCHNIARZS.B., University of Miami, Coral Gables, Florida,2017(Chemistry)DISSERTATION: Proton Transport inBiomolecular Systems: Modeling and Applicationsto Mitochondrial Respiratory Complex ITHE DIVISION OF THE PHYSICAL SCIENCESFOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHYIN THE DIVISION OF THE PHYSICAL SCIENCESAND THE DIVISION OF THE BIOLOGICAL SCIENCESWALTER ALVARADO*S.B., California State University, Long Beach, 2012S.M., ibid., 2017S.M., University of Chicago, 2023(Biophysical Sciences)YOUNG HOON KOHA.B., University of Pennsylvania, 2015S.M., University of Chicago, 2023(Biophysical Sciences)DISSERTATION: C-Type Inactivation and VoltageSensor to Intracellular Gate Coupling inEukaryctic Potassium ChannelsKOURTNEY KROLL*S.B., Washington University in St. Louis, 2018S.M. University of Chicago, 2023(Biophysical Sciences)DISSERTATION: LILAC: Designing andImplementing a Light-Sensitive Actin-BindingPeptide JESSICA MORGAN*A.B., Smith College, 2017S.M., University of Chicago, 2020(Biophysical Sciences)DISSERTATION: Use of Nanomaterials forTransient Transformation of PlantsANDRES MOYA RODRfGUEZS.B., University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez, 2015S.M., University of Chicago, 2023(Biophysical Sciences)DISSERTATION: Design and Fabrication ofCephalic Vein Models of End Stage Renal DiseasePatients for Hemodynamics CharacterizationAMAR DILIP RISBUDA.B., University of California, Berkeley, 2016S.M., University of Chicago, 2019(Biophysical Sciences)DISSERTATION: Cuttlefish CamouflageQuantification via Novel Neural NetworkApproaches and Hyperspectral Imaging* anticipated graduation, Summer Quarter 2023 VEDANT SACHDEVAS.B., Rutgers, the State University of NewJersey-New Brunswick, 2017S.M., University of Chicago, 2019(Biophysical Sciences)DISSERTATION: Predictive Strategies inTime- Varying EnvironmentsELIZABETH WHITEA.B., Amherst College, 2017S.M., University of Chicago, 2023(Biophysical Sciences)DISSERTATION: Uncovering Cellular Structuresand Dynamics with Quantitative Image Analysisand Modeling51THE DIVISION OFTHE SOCIAL SCIENCESSATURDAY, JUNE 3, 2023UNIVERSITY CEREMONYMain Quadrangle9:15 a.m.LUNCHEONIda Noyes Halln:30 a.m.DIPLOMA AND HOODING CEREMONYRockefeller Memorial Chapel2:30 p.m.THE DIVISION OF THE SOCIAL SCIENCESDIPLOMA AND HOODING CEREMONYORDER OF EXERCISESAMANDA WOODWARDDean, Division of the Social SciencesWilliam S. Gray Distinguished Service Professor, Department of Psychology and the CollegePROCESSIONRIGAUDONfrom Idomeneo Rt di Creta by ANDRE CAMPRATHOMAS WEISFLOG, University Organist(The congregation stands and remains standing until after the uielcome.)CALL TO ORDERWILLIAM G. HOWELLVice-Marshal of the UniversityTHE CONFERRING OF THE FACULTY AWARDS FOR EXCELLENCEIN GRADUATE TEACHING AND MENTORINGELISABETH S. CLEMENSWilliam Rainey Harper Distinguished Service Professor, Department of Sociology and the Collegepresented by ANDREAS GLAESERProfessor, Department of Sociology and the College; Chair, Department of SociologyKATHERINE D. KINZLERProfessor, Department of Psychology and the College; Chair, Department of Psychologypresented by AMANDA WOODWARDDean, Division of the Social Sciences; William S. Gray Distinguished Service Professor,Department of Psychology and the CollegeREMARKSWILLIAM G. HOWELLChair, Department of Political ScienceSydney Stein Professor ofAmerican Politics, Irving B. Harris Graduate School of Public Policy Studies,Department of Political Science, and the CollegeMUSICAL PERFORMANCEMENUETfrom Suite Gothique by LEON BOELLMANNTHOMAS WEISFLOG, University Organist53THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO I 537TH CONVOCATIONTHE FACULTY AWARDS FOR EXCELLENCEIN GRADUATE TEACHING AND MENTO RINGELISABETH S. CLEMENSWilliam Rainey Harper Distinguished Service Professor, Department of Sociology and the CollegeELISABETH S. CLEMENS teaches her students byexample, letting them partake actively in her ownprocesses of research, discovery, and writing. Sheemphasizes the how of knowledge making, of empiricalresearch, argumentative self-positioning, and writing.She provides students with generously detailed positivefeedback on their own work that has consistently led themto great success. By firmly believing in their capabilities,by demystifying greatness with an emphasis on craft,and by being fully available with savvy, practical advicein the inevitable times of crisis, she has been a font ofencouragement and hope to her students. By modelinghow to engage the work of others with thoroughlyconstructive criticism, she has contributed greatly to creating a collaborative and creative spirit among thegraduate students in the Department of Sociology.The candidate will be presented by ANDREAS GLAESER,Professor, Department of Sociology and the College; Chair,Department of Sociology.CITATIONBy approaching students with uncommon kindness,dedication, and profound pedagogical wisdom,ELISABETH S. CLEMENS pushes students gently butfirmly to their full potential. She has thus successfullynurtured a new generation of innovators in sociology.KATHERINE D. KINZLERProfessor, Department of Psychology and the College; Chair, Department of PsychologyKATHERINE D. KINZLER exemplifies excellence inmentorship through her steadfast dedication to academicexcellence, personalized mentoring, and professionaldevelopment. By fostering a learning environment thatadeptly balances her insistence on upholding the higheststandards of scientific rigor with an empathic mentoringstyle, she empowers students to excel in graduate schooland subsequently as independent researchers and mentors.Her impact extends well beyond her own students, as shehas spearheaded various departmental initiatives designedto enhance the student experience and is relentless inher pursuit of opportunities to improve the mentoringpractices across the department. Her commitmentto creating an inclusive, intellectually stimulating environment makes her an outstanding role model,deserving of this prestigious recognition.The candidate will be presented by AMANDAWOODWARD, Dean, Division of the Social Sciences;William S. Gray Distinguished Service Professor,Department of Psychology and the College.CITATIONKATHERINE D. KINZLER's steadfast commitment totailored mentors hip and student development has nurturedan atmosphere of innovation and collaboration, enablingstudents to thrive in graduate school and emerge asindependent researchers and future leaders in psychology.54THE DIVISION OF THE SOCIAL SCIENCESDIPLOMA AND HOODING CEREMONYRecipients of Degrees will be presented in alphabetical order by degree in the following programs:In the Master of Arts Program in Computational Social Science by JAMES EVANSIn the Committee on International Relations by PAUL STANILANDIn the Center for Middle Eastern Studies by ORIT BASHKINIn the Master of Arts Program in the Social Sciences by JON ROGOWSKIIn the Department of Anthropology by CONSTANTINE NAKASSISIn the Department of Comparative Human Development by EUGENE RAIKHELIn the Kenneth C. Griffin Department of Economics by ROBERT SHIMERIn the Department of History by AD RIAN J 0 H N SIn the Department of Political Science by WILLIAM G. HOWELLIn the Department of Psychology by KATHERINE D. KINZLERIn the John U. Nef Committee on Social Thought by GABRIEL RICHARDSON LEARIn the Department of Sociology by ANDREAS GLAESERREMARKS BY THE DEANAMANDA WOODWARDDean, Division of the Social SciencesMUSICAL PERFORMANCEFESTIVE TRUMPET TUNEComposed by DAVID GERMANTHOMAS WEISFLOG, University OrganistRECESSIONALTOCCATAfrom Organ Symphony NO.5 by CHARLES-MARIE WIDORTHOMAS WEISFLOG, University Organist(Please stand)55THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO 537TH CONVOCATIONFOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF ARTSJOMANA EMAD MOHAMEDSALAHELDIN ABDELRAHMANA.B., American University in Cairo, Egypt, 2022(The Social Sciences)ASHIR MOHAMED ABDUL AZEEZA.B., University of Madras, Chennai, India, 2015A.M., ibid., 2018(The Social Sciences)SALMA AHMAD ABDULKADERA.B., Dominican College of San Rafael, 2018(Middle Eastern Studies)NORA NAYEF ABEDELALA.B., University of California, Davis, 2020(The Social Sciences)DANIEL EVAN ABIMANYUA.B., University of Washington, Seattle, 2021(The Social Sciences)MADELINE ADAMSA.B., University of Southern California, 2017(History)MANIZA M. AHMEDA.B., Mount Holyoke College, 2016A.M., University of Chicago, 2018(History)JAE WAN AHNA.B., Brown University, 2010(Sociology)AMARAH ALGHADBANA.B., Saint Xavier University, Chicago, Illinois,2021(Middle Eastern Studies)SABENA ELISABETH ALLENA.B., Dartmouth College, 2020(Anthropology)ANDRE ROLAND ALTHERRA.B., University of Chicago, 2022(International Relations)MARfA ISABEL ALVAREZA.B., University of Chicago, 2023(The Social Sciences)JOSEPH AMMERA.B., University of California, Santa Barbara, 2019(The Social Sciences)SABRINA AMRANES.B., Emerson College, 2020(Middle Eastern Studies)ITEOLUWAKIISHI REBECCAARIGBABUS.B., Texas A&M University, College Station, 2020(The Social Sciences)TING HO AUS.B., University of London, England, UnitedKingdom, 2021(The Social Sciences)GABRIEL AZEVEDO DUARTEFRANCOA.B., Columbia University in the City of New York,2021(History)HRISHIT A BADUA.B., Caldwell University, 2022(International Relations)YUETONG BAIS.B., Beijing Normal University, China, 2021(Computational Social Science)YUJIA BAIS.B., University of lllinois at Urbana-Champaign,2021(The Social Sciences)YULIN BAIS.B., University of California, Davis, 2021(The Social Sciences)ZIHAN BAIS.B., Ohio State University, Columbus, 2022(The Social Sciences)RYAN DOUGLAS BAILEYA.B., Lehigh University, 2021(The Social Sciences)56 NAZLI BAKIRA.B., K09 Universitesi, Istanbul, Turkey, 2019(International Relations)ANNA MAHLER BANDA.B., Oberlin College, 2013(History)MARIAH SYMONE BARRENA.B., Central Michigan University, 2021(The Social Sciences)JOHN PATRICK BASSNEYA.B., American University, Washington, District ofColumbia, 2017(The Social Sciences)ANA LUCIA BATTAGLINOA.B., Amherst College, 2021(The Social Sciences)OGUZ BAYRAKTARA.B., Bojjazi9i Universitesi, Istanbul, Turkey, 2015A.M., K09 Universitesi, Istanbul, Turkey, 2017(Economics)SERGEI BAZYLIKS.B., Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology,Russian Federation, 2015A.M., New Economic School, Moscow, RussianFederation, 2017(Economics)NATHAN JOHN BEACOMA.B., University of St. Thomas, St. Paul, Minnesota,2016(The Social Sciences)PHILIPPE EDUARDO BECKERMARCANOA.B., University of Pennsylvania, 2018(The Social Sciences)DANIEL JOSEPH BELBACKA.B., Loyola University Chicago, Illinois, 2017(The Social Sciences)ZIXIAO BIANA.B., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,2021(The Social Sciences)6LAFUR DARRI BJORNSSONA.B., Haskoli islands, Reykjavik, Iceland, 2014(International Relations)ZOE ALYSSA BLAIRA.B., Wichita State University, 2020(The Social Sciences)MAX WILLIAM BLAISDELLA.B., Boston College, Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts,2016(International Relations)RACHEL GLENWRIGHT BLOOMA.B., McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada,2017(The Social Sciences)HAIZHAO BOA.B., University of Maryland at College Park, 2021S.B., ibid., 2021(The Social Sciences)KAYA N. BORLASES.B., Wake Forest University, 2021(Computational Social Science)LINDSAY ANNE BOUCHARDA.B., College of William and Mary in Virginia,2017(The Social Sciences)VIVIAN LYN BOWLESA.B., Centre College, Danville, Kentucky, 2021(International Relations)DAVID BOZEA.B., Indiana University Bloomington, 2011A.M., University of Chicago, 2018(Comparative Human Development)JAMES JERALD BRADLEYA.B., University of California, Berkeley, 2016(History)SHANNON MARl BRICKA.B., St. Olaf College, 2016(The Social Sciences) DARREN CHRISTOPHER BROCKESA.B., Ohio State University, Columbus, 2021(The Social Sciences)ROBERT ANDREW BROWNA.B., University of Chicago, 2023(International Relations)WALTER RAINS BROWNINGA.B., Southwestern University, 2020(The Social Sciences)GRACE McKINNEY BRYANTA.B., Creighton University, 2021(Middle Eastern Studies)EMILY GRACE BUFFA.B., Hamilton College, 2019(The Social Sciences)MILES BENJAMIN BURTONA.B., University of Chicago, 2021(The Social Sciences)DERYA CALISA.B., K09 Universitesl, Istanbul, Turkey, 2020A.B., ibid., 2021(The Social Sciences)ELIZABETH ROSE CAMACHOA.B., Arizona State University, 2021(The Social SCiences)ENRIQUE CAMACHO-RICOA.B., University of California, Berkeley, 2019(The Social Sciences)MARIA FERNANDA CAMPOS PARDOA.B., Universidad de las Americas Puebla, Mexico,2012A.M., University of London-Goldsmith's College,England, United Kingdom, 2014(The Social SCiences)DANIEL BENJAMIN CANDEEA.B., Western Kentucky University, 2021(The Social Sciences)JIAHAO CAOA.B., Oberlin College, 2020(The Social Sciences)QIONGWEN JOVIE CAOA.B., University of Southern California, 2020(Psychology)HOLLY ELIZABETH CARABBIOS.B., Georgetown University, 2018(International Relations)ZOE NATASHA CATZ JOHNSONA.B., University of California, Santa Barbara, 2020(The Social Sciences)JONATHAN LYMAN CERUA.B., Northwestern University, 2015(The Social Sciences)GITIKA SAl CHALASANIS.B., Illinois Institute of Technology, 2021(The Social Sciences)LEI CHANGLL.B., Lanzhou University, China, 2018LL.M., Sun Yat-Sen University, Guanqzhou, China,2021(The Social Sciences)ALFRED F. CHAOA.B., University of British Columbia, Vancouver,Canada, 2018(Computational Social Science)NON CHAROENWATTANANONA.B., University of Chicago, 2023(The Social Sciences)GUANGYUAN CHENB.Econ., Central University of Finance andEconomics, Beijing, China, 2021(Computational Social Science)JINGYUAN CHENB.S.S., University of Macau, Macau, 2020(The Social Sciences)LAI WAH CHENA.B., University of Oregon, 2021(The Social Sciences)PEIQI CHENA.B., University of Iowa, 2021(The Social Sciences)PENGYU CHENS.B., University of Birmingham, England, UnitedKingdom, 2021S.M., University of London, England, UnitedKingdom, 2022(The Social Sciences)RUI CHENBiEcon., Sichuan Agricultural University, Yuchenp,China, 2020(Computational Social Science)TIANKUANG CHENA.B., University of California, San Diego, 2021(The Social Sciences)XINYU CHENA.B., University of Chicago, 2023(The Social Sciences)XUEQICHENA.B., University of Washington, Seattle, 2020(The Social Sciences)YILE CHENB.A.(Hons), University of Nottingham, China,Ningbo, China, 2020(Computational Social Science)YUWEN CHENS.B., University of Toronto, Ontario, Canada, 2021(The Social Sciences)ZHENDONG CHENS.B., University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, 2019S.M., New York University, 2022(The Social Sciences)ZHIQIAN CHENA.B., Zhejiang University, Hang Zhou, China, 2021(Computational Social Science)LYU HENRY CHENGLL.B., Shanghai International Studies University,China, 2018A.M., University of California, San Diego, 2021(The Social Sciences)SIRUI CHENGA.B., University of California, Davis, 2020(The Social Sciences)XI CHENGB.Eng., Beijing Jiaotong University, China, 2020S.B., University of Missouri-Columbia, 2020(Computational Social Science)HWIKOOK CHOEB.Econ., Korea University, Seoul, South Korea,2016(Economics)ANDREW BONGJUNE CHOIA.B., Seoul National University, South Korea, 2015(Economics)KYUNG WON CHOIA.B., Ewha Woman's University, Seoul, SouthKorea, 2015A.M., ibid., 2017(Sociology)ANNIE CHOUA.B., University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill,2016(The Social Sciences)YU-HSUAN CHOUA.B., National Taiwan University, Taipei, 2020(Computational Social Science)HOI CHING CHUIB.S.S.(Hons), Chinese University of Hong Kong,Shatin NT, 2019(Computational Social Science)FIRAT ctsrcrS.B., University of Chicago, 2021(Middle Eastern Studies)DYLAN CLAIRMONTA.B., Swarthmore College, 2021(The Social Sciences)MICAH CLARK MOODYA.B., University of Chicago, 2022(The Social Sciences) CELINE MARIE THERESE CLEMENTA.B., Universite d'Aix-Marseilte III,Aix-en-Provence, France, 2019A.B., Institut National des Langues et CivilisationsOrientales, Paris, France, 2021(International Relations)MATTHEW IAN COHENA.B., Columbia University in the City of New York,2021(The Social Sciences)WILLEM JENSEN CONNERA.B., Michigan State University, 2022(The Social Sciences)GABRIELLE E. COOPERA.B., Dartmouth College, 2021(The Social Sciences)JILLYAN MARIE CORRALESA.B., Flagler College, 2020(The Social Sciences)CARMINE COULOUTEA.B., City University of New York Queens College,2019(international Relations)MARY MARGARET CRIDDLEA.B., Miami University, Oxford, Ohio, 2018(Middle Eastern Studies)ZACHARIAH HAMILTONCRUTCHFIELDA.B., Columbia University in the City of New York,2019(The Social Sciences)VAL ALVERN CUECO LIGOB.S.S., National University of Singapore,Singapore, 2020(Computational Social Science)QUANYI DAILL.B., Peking University, Beijing, China, 2019M.Ed., Harvard University, 2020(Sociology)SIWEI DAILL.B., Fudan University, Shanghai, China, 2021(The Social Sciences)WEIXIAN DAIA.B., University of Washington, Seattle, 2021(The Social Sciences)YINHANG DAIA.B., University of Macau, Macau, 2021(The Social Sciences)JOSEPH ALVA DAINSA.B., Arizona State University, 2017Ph.M., Katholieke Universiteit: Leuven, Belgium,2018Ph.M., ibid., 2020(The Social Sciences)HOPE BRENNAN DANCYA.B., Johns Hopkins University, 2016S.M., University of London, England, UnitedKingdom, 2017(Political Science)LINGCHEN LYNETTE DANGS.B., University of California, San Diego, 2021(Computational Social Science)MADISON DAUGHNA.B., Saint Edward's University, Austin, Texas,2020(The Social Sciences)MAXINE SUSANNA DE HAVENONA.B., Brown University, 2019(international Relations)XIA YING DENGA.B., University of Arkansas at Fayetteville, 2021(The Social Sciences)GISELLA KARELIA DIAZA.B., University of California, Santa Barbara, 2016(Psychology)NOHELY DIAZA.B., California State University, Sacramento,2020(International Relations)ClAN DINANA.B., New York University in Abu Dhabi, 2016(The Social Sciences) THE DIVISION OF THE SOCIAL SCIENCESCONGYANG DINGB.Econ., China Foreign Affairs University, Beijing,2021(The Social Sciences)ZACHARY ELLIS DJANOGLY GARAIA.B., University of Chicago, 2023(The Social Sciences)BOWEN DONGB.Econ., Peking University, Beijing, China, 2022(The Social Sciences)MATTHEW JAMES DOWLINGA.B., University of Chicago, 2023(The Social Sciences)NATALIE REJANE DOWLINGA.B., University of Chicago, 2010(Comparative Human Development)RUOZHOU DUBiEcon., University of Chinese Academy of SocialSciences, Beijing, China, 2021(The Social Sciences)JAKE DUNNA.B., Macalester College, 2019(The Social Sciences)ETHAN SCOTT EDWARDSS.B., Ohio State University, Columbus, 2021(International Relations)JACK MICHAEL ELMS.B., Florida Atlantic University, 2021(The Social Sciences)BIHTER ERBASA.B., Galatasaray Universttesi, Istanbul, Turkey,2020(The Social Sciences)MOHAMMAD JAVAD ESHTIYAGHA.M., University of Toronto, Ontario, Canada, 2019(Computational Social Science)ALEXANDER FREDERICK ESTRADAA.B., Wake Forest University, 2019(Middle Eastern Studies)KAlLA SIMONE ETIENNE-BESTA.B., George Mason University, 2020(The Social Sciences)SARAH J. EVANSA.B., Vassar College, 2018(The Social Sciences)FRANCIS J. FABREA.B., Tufts University, 2016(The Social Sciences)CHONGYU FANGB.B.A., Chinese University of Hong Kong, ShatinNT,2021(Computational Social Science)PETER MICHAEL FANTOZZIA.B., Gonzaga University, 2020(The Social Sciences)GREGORY WEIDER FAUERBACHA.B., New York University, 2018(The Social Sciences)STERLING ESTHER FEARINGA.B., University of San Diego, 2016(The Social Sciences)NEAL SPITZER FELDMANA.B., University of Denver, 2014A.M., University of Arizona, 2019(The Social Sciences)SIQI FENGA.B., North Texas State University, 2021(The Social Sciences)CAROLINE LAWSON FERGUSONA.B., Harvard University, 2017(Political Science)SIOBHAN ELIZABETH FLANAGANA.B., Catholic University of America, 2022(international Relations)KATELYN ANNA FLAYTERS.B., Dominican University, River Forest, Illinois,2020(The Social Sciences)PRESLEY ELIZABETH FLETCHERA.B., Butler University, 2022(The Social Sciences)57THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO 537TH CONVOCATIONHIU TSING CHERYL FOKA.B., Reed College, 2021(The Social Sciences)CARESSA LANAY FRANKLINA.B., University of Chicago, 2016(Anthropology)AMMON FREDERICK HARTEISA.B., College of William and Mary in Virginia,2019(The Social Sciences)EVAN NICHOLAS GAGNONS.B., Bradley University, 2020(The Social Sciences)YUNJIA GANA.B., University of California, Davis, 2021(The Social Sciences)PEIHAN GAOB.Econ., Nanjing University, China, 2018(Computational Social Science)XIAOYU GAOB.Econ., Nankai University, Tianjin, China, 2015A.M., University of Chicago, 2018(History)YANMING GAOB.B.A., Chinese University of Hong Kong, ShatinNT,2020(The Social Sciences)MUSKAN GARGA.B., O. P. Jindal Global University, New Delhi,India, 2020(International Relations)KRISTYN MORGAN GATLINGA.B., University of Virginia, 2019(The Social Sciences)BRIAN HUIYANG GEA.B., Pepperdine University, 2022(The Social Sciences)ANNA GJOLEKAA.B., Grinnell Colleqe, Iowa, 2021(The Social Sciences)ADDIS PAUL GOLDMANA.B., Colorado College, 2015A.M., Columbia University in the City of New York,2021(International Relations)DENISSE LILIAN GONZALEZA.B., University of California, Santa Barbara, 2019(The Social Sciences)SYAMA GOPANB. Tech., University of Kerala, Trivandrum, India,2013(The Social Sciences)BENJAMIN ISAAC GOTIANA.B., Muhlenberg Colleqe, 2022(International Relations)CHRISTOPHER LOGAN GOULARTA.B., University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, 2021(The Social Sciences)GAGE M. GRAMLICKA.B., University of Chicago, 2023(International Relations)EMILY MARIE GRANTA.B., University of Chicago, 2023(International Relations)JANELLE KAYLA GREENA.B., Claflin Col/ege, 2021(The Social Sciences)CHARLOTTE JOY GREENBERGA.B., University of Chicago, 2020(International Relations)ETHAN GREISTA.B., Johns Hopkins University, 2019(The Social Sciences)TONGYU GUS.B., Universiteit: van Amsterdam, TheNetherlands, 2021(The Social Sciences)SIYUN GUOB.Sc.(Hons), University of Toronto, Ontario,Canada, 2017(Anthropology)58 TAKUMA HABUB.Sc.(Hons), University of Warwick, Coventry,England, United Kingdom, 2010M.Ph., University of Oxford, England, UnitedKingdom, 2012(Economics)VALENTINE HALLARDS.B., Universite de Lille II, France, 2016S.M., Universiteit: Leiden, The Netherlands, 2020(The Social Sciences)JAMES LUCCAS HALLMANA.B., North Texas State University, 2021(The Social Sciences)DAVID THOMAS-FRANKLINHAMLETTES.B., George Mason University, 2020(The Social Sciences)YULUN HANS.B., Pennsylvania State University, UniversityPark,2020(Computational Social Science)MAXFIELD HANCOCKA.B., Hendrix College, Conway, Arkansas, 2019(International Relations)TAMUN PUNEET HANJRAS.B., University of Illinois at Urb ana-Champaiqn,2021(The Social Sciences)SABINA R. HARTNETTA.B., Bowdoin College, 2018(Computational Social Science)JOSEPH McKELLY HARTUNGA.B., University of Kansas, 2022(International Relations)ARSHIA HASHEMIS.B., University of London, England, UnitedKingdom, 2017Ph.M., University of Oxford, England, UnitedKingdom, 2019(Economics)LINGNAN HEA.B., Renmin University of China, Beijing, 2017LL.B., ibid., 2017A.B., ibid., 2017A.M., University of Chicago, 2018(Political Science)SIQUAN HELL.B., Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, 2021(The Social Sciences)CAROLINE LEIGH HEBERTA.B., University of Connecticut, 2021(The Social Sciences)ISOBEL AZANI HECKS.B., Brown University, 2016(Psychology)TYLER WILLIAM HEDGEPATHA.B., Indiana University Bloomington, 2012(International Relations)RUSSELL THEODORE HEIBELA.B., Northeastern Illinois University, 2022(The Social Sciences)SAMUEL ISAAC HEICHELBECHB.Mus., DePauw University, Greencastle, Indiana,2021(International Relations)JOSEPH RITCHEY HELBINGA.B., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaiqn,2011A.M., Ohio State University, Columbus, 2013(Computational Social Science)LOLA GRACE HENRYS.B., University of Georgia, 2022(The Social Sciences)ALEXANDER EVERETT COULTERHILLA.B., Rollins College, Winter Park, Florida, 2021(The Social Sciences)ZACHARY COLBURN HINDSS.B., Kennesaw State University, 2021(The Social Sciences)JINGLAN HONGB.Econ., Renmin University of China, Beijing, 2021LL.B., ibid., 2021(The Social Sciences) JOSEPH ANEURIN HOPKINSONA.B., University of St. Andrews, Scotland, UnitedKingdom, 2021(International Relations)VIELKA CECILIA HOYS.B., New York University, 1999A.M., University of California, Los Angeles, 2005(The Social Sciences)JOY MARY HSUS.B., Northwestern University, 2020(The Social Sciences)JUNYANG HUA.B., Guangdong University of Foreign Studies,Guanqzhou, China, 2019S.M., University of London, England, UnitedKingdom, 2021(International Relations)MIANZHI HUB.A.(Hons), Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario,Canada, 2022(The Social Sciences)JEREMY HUANGA.B., University of Chicago, 2023(The Social Sciences)KAI HUANGB.Econ., Beijing University of Technology, China,2003(The Social Sciences)YANWEN HUANGA.B., Beloit College, 2020(International Relations)YUJING HUANGB.Econ., University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong,2021(Computational Social Science)GARY LEE HULLA.B., University of North Carolina at Greensboro,2020(The Social Sciences)THEODORA KRISTEN HURLEYA.B., Bowdoin College, 2020(Sociology)KYLE JOSEPH HUWAA.B., Stanford University, 2013(International Relations)RUBAB HYDERA.B., University of Illinois at Urbana-Chump aiqn,2020(The Social Sciences)SOTA ICHIBAB.A. [Hons}, Acadia University, Wolfville, NovaScotia, Canada, 2016A.M., University of British Columbia, Vancouver,Canada, 2017(Economics)JANICE 1MA.B., Adelphi University, Garden City, New York,2020(The Social Sciences)ABEERA IMRANS.B., Lahore University of Management Sciences,Pakistan, 2022(International Relations)PRANATHI IYERB.Sc.(Hons), Lady Shri Ram College for Women,New Delhi, India, 2019(Computational Social Science)SAMYUKTHA IYERS.B., Michigan State University, 2020(The Social Sciences)MATIN LAHSEN JAAFARIA.B., Goethe-Universitiit: Frankfurt am Main,Germany, 2021(International Relations)SPARSH JAINA.B., University of Chicago, 2023(International Relations)ALEXANDER EDWARD JANIAA.B., Baylor University, 2013A.M., Ohio State University, Columbus, 2015(History)NICHOLAS JOHN JANULISA.B., Knox College, 2020(The Social Sciences)EMILY SOPHIA JELENA.B., State University of New York at Binghamton,2019(The Social Sciences)McKAY D. JENSENS.B., University of Utah, 2020(Economics)KAIXIN JILL.B., Peking University, Beijing, China, 2021(International Relations)SHILIN JIAA.B., University of California, Berkeley, 2009A.M., National Chengchi University, Taipei,Taiwan, 2014(Sociology)KEYI JIANGB.Mgmt., Peking University, Beijing, China, 2022(The Social Sciences)XIX I JIANGA.B., New York University, 2021(The Social Sciences)YUEJIAO JIANGA.B., University of Missouri-Columbia, 2020(The Social Sciences)JIEYU JIAOS.B., Emory University, 2020(Computational Social Science)SYRUS JINA.B., Washington University in St. Louis, 2019(History)XUEYI JINA.B., Washington University in St. Louis, 2021(The Social Sciences)ESPERANZA JOHNSON URRUTIAIng., Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile,Santiago, 2009M.Econ., ibid., 2010M.P.P., University of Chicago, 2015(Economics)ALANNA RENE JOHNSONA.B., Marquette University, 2021(International Relations)JONATHAN RAY JOHNSONA.B., University of Rochester, 2014(The Social Sciences)DANIEL ROBERT JONESA.B., Gettysburg College, 2022(International Relations)DEREK COBAN JONESA.B., Grinnell College, Iowa, 2021(The Social Sciences)HENRY MORROW JONESS.B., Brown University, 2019(Psychology)EMMA JUNE KAHNA.B., Tufts University, 2018(The Social SCiences)AMALA KARRIA.B., University of Chicago, 2023(International Relations)ELIZABETH DORIS KELLERA.B., Washington University in St. Louis, 2021(The Social Sciences)LAUREN ELIZABETH KELLYA.B., American University, Washington, District ofColumbia, 2021(International Relations)KRISTEN MEAGHAN KENNEFICKA.B., Colgate University, 2016(The Social Sciences)GRETCHIN ANIKA KEPPLINGERA.B., University of Kentucky, 2021(The Social Sciences)JAMES R. KESANS.B., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,2018A.B., ibid., 2019(The Social Sciences)CASPER KEYSERSS.B., Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium,2018S.M., ibid., 2020(International Relations) MADHURI SHAH KIBRIAA.B., Australian National University, Canberra,Australian Capital Territory, Australia, 2018(The Social Sciences)AGATHA SEO-HYUN KIMA.B., University of Pennsylvania, 2009A.M., University of Chicago, 2010(History)HANNAH MARI]KE KIMA.B., Oberlin College, 2018(Middle Eastern Studies)JUNSOL KIMB.Ap.Sc., Yonsei University, Seoul, South Korea,2019A.M., ibid., 2021(Sociology)SEJUNG TIMOTHY KIMA.B., Seoul National University, South Korea, 2021(The Social Sciences)RACHEL ANN KINGAB., University of Wisconsin Colleges, 2015(Psychology)PETER KARUU KIRECHUS.B., George Washington University, 2014S.M., Mercyhurst College, 2016(International Relations)WILLIAM DANIEL MOON KIRSCHA.B., Johns Hopkins University, 2018(The Social Sciences)ANSELM KIZZA-BESIGYEA.B., Harvard University, 2021(The Social Sciences)HAE UK KOB.S.S., University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, 2021(The Social Sciences)NICOLA KOEPNICKA.B., Bard College, 2018(The Social Sciences)DARYA KOLESNICHENKOA.B., City University of New York Queens College,2020(The Social Sciences)ANDREW MICHAEL KOMULAA.B., State University of New York at Buffalo, 2021(The Social Sciences)JUNQI KOUS.B., University of Wisconsin Colleges, 2021(The Social Sciences)STANTON ROBERT KOWALINSKIA.B., University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, 2020(The Social Sciences)KESHAV KUNDASSERYA.B., Vanderbilt University, 2021(The Social Sciences)SPENCER MATTHEW KUNZA.B., University of Oklahoma, 2021(The Social Sciences)ALANA L. LABELLE-HAHNA.B., Michigan State University, 2018(The Social Sciences)FRANCINE MIKAELA RIVERALAG MANA.B., New York University, 2021(The Social Sciences)HONGYU LAIA.B., Boston University, Massachusetts, 2020(The Social Sciences)JIAYU LAILL.B., Sun Yat-Sen University, Guangzhou, China,2021(International Relations)RYAN MATTHEW LANGES.B., University of North Dakota, 2012S.M., Ohio State University, Columbus, 2015(Psychology)ALEXANDRA PETREN LANGERA.B., University of California, Berkeley, 2020(The Social Sciences)KHANH PHUONG LEA.B., Hobart and William Smith Colleges, 2020(The Social Sciences) THE DIVISION OF THE SOCIAL SCIENCESJOONWOO LEEA.B., Chung-Ang University, Seoul, South Korea,2017A.M., Korea University, Seoul, South Korea, 2021A.M., Rheinische Friedrich-wilhelms-Universittit:Bonn, Germany, 2022(The Social Sciences)MENG-CHIEN LEES.B., University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2021(Computational Social Science)SINYEONG LEEA.B., Ewha Woman's University, Seoul, SouthKorea, 2016AM., ibid., 2018(The Social Sciences)SO YOON LEEA.B., Duke University, 2018A.M., University of Chicago, 2020(Sociology)FEIHONG LEIAB., University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2021(Computational Social Science)QIHUI LEIB.Econ., University of International Business andEconomics, Beijing, China, 2020(Computational Social Science)YUEYI LEIS.B., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,2021(The Social Sciences)JAYNA PAIGE LENNONA.B., North Carolina State University, Raleigh,North Carolina, 2020(The Social Sciences)ROSEMARY ELIZABETH LEOA.B., Pace University, 2018(The Social Sciences)ARCANGELO LEONE DE CASTRISLL.M., Universita Bocconi, Milan, Italy, 2019A.M., College of Europe/College d'Europe, Bruqes,Belgium, 2021(The Social Sciences)ZO:t. ELIZA DARLING LESCAZEA.B., Bowdoin College, 2012(The Social Sciences)BRIGITTE ANN LEWISA.B., University of Mississippi, 2021(The Social Sciences)MEIYI LILL.B., Shanghai University, China, 2021(The Social Sciences)PEIYI LIA.B., University of Chicago, 2022(The Social SCiences)SICHEN LIS.B., University of California, Santa Barbara, 2021(The Social Sciences)TIANLI LIA.B., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,2021(The Social Sciences)XIAOQIAO LIS.B., University of London-Kinq's College London,England, United Kingdom, 2021(The Social Sciences)XIN LIB.Econ., Chongqing University, Chongqing, China,2020S.M., National University of Singapore, Singapore,2021(Computational Social Science)YUKUN LIB.Econ., Zhejiang University, Hang Zhou, China,2020(The Social Sciences)YUTAI LIA.B., Skidmore College, 2021(Computational Social Science)JONAS LIEBERS.B., Humboldt-Universitat zu Berlin, Germany,2015S.B., ibid., 2016(Economics)59THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO 537TH CONVOCATIONJACK DAVID ARMSTRONG LIGHTA.B., University of Oxford, England, UnitedKingdom, 2014(Economics)LING LINB.Econ., Fudan University, Shanghai, China, 2022(The Social Sciences)HSIN-KENG LINGA.B., National Taiwan University, Taipei, 2020(Computational Social Science)JINGDE LIUA.B., Sichuan University, Chenqdu, China, 2016A.M., University of Bath, England, UnitedKingdom, 2017(The Social Sciences)TINGXI LIUA.B., Renmin University of China, Beijing, 2021(The Social Sciences)XINGSHUO LIULL.B., Peking University, Beijing, China, 2018(The Social Sciences)YUQING LIUS.B., University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, 2021(The Social Sciences)PABLO LOPEZ TRUJILLOA.B., University of Chicago, 2019(Psychology)JHARNAE ARNECIA LOVES.B., University of Chicago, 2019(Psychology)SHIHUA LUA.B., University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, 2021(The Social Sciences)TIANLING LUOS.B., University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, 2021(The Social Sciences)YIFAN LUOA.B., Fudan University, Shanghai, China, 2021(The Social Sciences)MOLLY LYTLEA.B., University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, 2020(The Social Sciences)YOUCHUAN MAS.B., University of Texas at Austin, 2021(The Social Sciences)YUXUAN MAB.Econ., Shanghai University of Finance andEconomics, China, 2021(The Social Sciences)CHARDONNAY DAIJIANE MADKINSA.B., Occidental College, 2014(The Social Sciences)PATRICK O'DONNELL MAGUIREA.B., University of Vermont and State AgriculturalCollege, 2015(The Social Sciences)RILEY VINCENT MALONEYA.B., University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, 2020(The Social Sciences)HAYLEY MELISSA MANGESA.B., Middlebury College, 2019(The Social Sciences)XIAORUI MAOA.B., Zhejiang University, Hang Ziiou, China, 2021(The Social Sciences)FRANCESCA MARCHESE GONZALEZA.B., Loyola University Chicago, lllinois, 2021A.M., University of Chicago, 2023(International Relations)JULIO ANDRES MARCONEA.B., Boston University, Massachusetts, 2016(Middle Eastern Studies)JOLEN A. MARTINEZA.B., William Marsh Rice University, 2020(Anthropology)ISABELLA ROSE MATTHEWSB.S.S., Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana,2021(The Social Sciences)60 ANDREA MATTIAS.B., Universita degli Studt di Pisa, Italy, 2013S.M., ibid., 2015Dipl., Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna, Pisa, Italy,2016(Economics)TYLER McBRIENA.B., Claremont McKenna College, 2014(International Relations)WILLIAM McCOLLUMA.B., Vanderbilt University, 2015(Anthropology)CALLUM ALEXANDER McFARLANEA.B., University of Chicago, 2022(International Relations)JOHN ANDERS McINNIS MELINA.B., University of California, Berkeley, 2021(The Social Sciences)JOANNA MARIE MENDOZAA.B., Texas A&M University, College Station, 2022(The Social Sciences)LUKE DAWON MESS OMB.A.(Hons), University of Warwick, Coventry,England, United Kingdom, 2021(The Social Sciences)TAEWON MINA.B., Yonsei University, Seoul, South Korea, 2020(The Social Sciences)ALICE CHUNG MOONA.B., Ewha Woman's University, Seoul, SouthKorea, 2018A.M., Seoul National University, South Korea, 2020(The Social Sciences)ETHAN J. MORELANDA.B., University of California, Los Angeles, 2018(The Social Sciences)STEVEN ANDREW MORPHYB.Mus., Capital University, 2008(The Social Sciences)BRIAN JOSEPH MOTTA.B., Utah State University, 2021(International Relations)JINGYI MOUS.B., Davidson College, 2021(The Social Sciences)AREEJ MUGHALB.Sc.(Hons), University of Toronto, Ontario,Canada, 2020(International Relations)INDRAJIT MUKHOPADHYAYS.B., University of London, England, UnitedKingdom, 2004(International Relations)ROSARIO NEAVESS.B., Boston University, 2001(The Social Sciences)RACHEL ELIZABETH NEWLINA.B., North Central College, 2021(The Social Sciences)ERIN NEWTONA.B., George Washington University, 2009A.M., University of Texas at Austin, 2014(History)KACEY VAN DI NGUYENA.B., University of California, Irvine, 2019(The Social Sciences)JINGWEN NIA.B., University of California, Irvine, 2021S.B., ibid., 2021(Computational Social Science)GABRIEL PETER NICHOLSONS.B., Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia,Canada, 2021(Computational Social Science)LIAN ARIEL NICHOLSONA.B., Wellesley College, Massachusetts, 2020(The Social Sciences)ALFONSE JOSEPH NIEDERMEYERS.B., Fordham University, 2021(The Social Sciences) JULIAN NIKOLOVSKIB.A.(Hons), University of Sydney, New SouthWales, Australia, 2019(The Social Sciences)YIWEN NINGA.B., University of Chicago, 2023(The Social Sciences)CARLOS GUILLERMO NOELA.B., Loyola University Chicago, Illinois, 2021(International Relations)NILS ERIK NORSTROMS.B., Uppsala Universitet, Sweden, 2020(International Relations)KATE BURKE NORTONA.B., Colgate University, 2020(The Social Sciences)HUGO CARLOS FERNANDONOVALESLic., Unlversidad Rafael Landivar, Guatemala City,Guatemala, 2013A.M., Universidad del Valle de Guatemala,Guatemala City, 2019(International Relations)DORCAS NUERA.B., University of Cape Coast, Ghana, 2020(The Social SCiences)VICTORY CHIAMAKA NWABUFOS.B., North Texas State University, 2021(The Social Sciences)SAMUEL SEUNGHOON OHA.B., Princeton University, 2021(International Relations)SELIN OHA.B., University of Chicago, 2023(The Social Sciences)HIROSHIOHOKAA.B., International Christian-Nagoya, japan, 2009M.L., University of Tokyo, japan, 2012(The Social Sciences)TYLER CHIDUBEM OKEKEA.B., University of Chicago, 2023(International Relations)NINA ELISE OLNEYS.B., Drexel University, 2021(The Social Sciences)NICHOLAS O'NEILLA.B., Southern Oregon University, 2010A.M., University of Oregon, 2014(History)KOICHI ONOGIA.B., Soka University of America, Aliso Viejo,California, 2018(Computational Social Science)CRISTINA JAZMIN OROZCOA.B., Florida International University, 2021S.B., ibid., 2021(The Social Sciences)HENRY ORTIZA.B., University of California, Berkeley, 2020(The Social Sciences)FLORENCIA OSORIOLic., Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile,Santiago, 2018(The Social Sciences)LEV KATZIR PAASCHE-ORLOWA.B., Boston University, Massachusetts, 2020(The Social Sciences)ANTOINE PAGEAU-ST-HILAIREPh.B., Universite Laval, Montreal, Quebec, Canada,2015(Social Thought)BAKHTAWAR ATTA PANHWARB.A.(Hons), Queen Mary University of London,England, United Kingdom, 2019(International Relations)JEONGHOON PARKA.B., Seoul National University, South Korea, 2018(International Relations)MARIA FERNANDA PARRAS.B., Pontificia Universidad [averiana, Bogota,Colombia, 2017(The Social Sciences)NEETH MAHESH PATILA.M., Banqalore University, India, 2014A.M., University of Virginia, 2019(The Social Sciences)KONRAT PEKKIPA.B., University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, 2020(The Social Sciences)YUXI PENGA.B., Vassar College, 2021(The Social Sciences)CARLINA JOSEFINA PERALTAA.B., Florida State University, 2020S.B., ibid., 2020(The Social Sciences)SOPHIE KOCH PERKINSA.B., Emory University, 2018(International Relations)DYLAN BEAUCHAMP PETIPRINA.B., University of Chicago, 2019(The Social Sciences)ROSE SHOSHANNAH PIKMANA.B., University of Chicago, 2023(The Social Sciences)ANNINA PLUFFA.B., Colgate University, 2020(The Social Sciences)CONNOR McCARTHY PLUNKETTA.B., University of Chicago, 2018(The Social Sciences)PANAGIOTIS PODIOTISA.B., Panepistfmio Makedonlas, Thessoloniki,Greece, 2020(International Relations)THIYAGHESSAN POONGUNDRANARB.S.S., National University of Singapore,Singapore, 2020(Computational Social Science)JULIANA POROYEA.B., City University of New York, 2020(The Social Sciences)JIBREEL JORDAN POWELLA.B., University of Pennsylvania, 2016(The Social Sciences)YI QIANS.B., University of California, San Diego, 2019(Computational Social Science)YIHAN QIANA.B., McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario,Canada, 2021(The Social Sciences)HUAZHI QINB.L., Shanghai International Studies University,China, 2018A.M., Georgetown University, 2020(The Social Sciences)MARCUS QUACKENBUSHA.B., University of California, Merced, 2020(The Social Sciences)FARAAZ HEMAYET QUAZIA.B., University of Texas at Austin, 2021(The Social Sciences)JOSHUA DILLON ADLER QUIRKA.B., University of Chicago, 2023(The Social Sciences)ADAM FRANK THOMASRACZKOWSKIA.B., Michigan State University, 2003A.B., ibid., 2009(The Social Sciences)AHYAAN RAGHUVANSHIB.Sc.{Hons), University of Surrey, Guildford,England, United Kingdom, 2015(The Social Sciences)ISAAC D. RAINEYA.B., University of Evansville, 2018(Middle Eastern Studies)MEDHA RAJUA.B., Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai,India, 2016A.M., ibid., 2018(The Social Sciences) NIELS JOHAN DIRK RASS.B., Unlversiteit van Amsterdam, TheNetherlands, 2019S.M., ibid., 2021(International Relations)SAARTHAK RAVIA.B., University of Delhi, New Delhi, India, 2020(International Relations)SHUBHLAXMI RAYB.A. (Hans), Jesus and Mary College, University ofDelhi, India, 2019A.M., University of Delhi, New Delhi, India, 2022(The Social Sciences)NICOLE REGUEIRAA.B., University of Chicago, 2022(International Relations)MIA CELESTE RESAA.B., Coe College, 2020(The Social Sciences)ANA RESTREPO LACHMANA.B., Duke University, 2016S.B., ibid., 2016S.B., ibid., 2018A.M., University of Chicago, 2020(Psychology)MATTHEW McGINLEY ROARTYA.B., University of Delaware, 2015(The Social Sciences)NATALIE BARBARA ROBERTSONA.B., University of Colorado at Boulder, 2017(The Social Sciences)CATHERINE ANNE ROCKA.B., University of Texas at Dallas, 2013(The Social Sciences)ERIKA NAOMI RODRIGUESA.B., University of Texas at Austin, 2018B.B.A., ibid., 2018(The Social Sciences)RUBEN ARTURO RODRfGUEZBARR6NA.B., Instituto Tecnoloqico y de EstudlosSuperiores de Monterrey, Mexico, 2009A.B., ibid., 2012M.Pro/Acc, University of Texas at Austin, 2012A.M., University of Chicago, 2019(Political Science)JAN NICOLAS RODRIGUEZ-CRUZA.B., Northeastern Illinois University, 2021(The Social Sciences)CALEB ROLLINSS.B., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2021(The Social Sciences)BENJAMIN SAMUEL ROSSA.B., University of Chicago, 2022(The Social Sciences)JOSHUA EZRA REY ROTHA.B., University of Chicago, 2023(International Relations)ALICIA ROWLANDS.B., University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, 2020(The Social Sciences)ASHLYN JEAN ROYS.B., Indiana University Bloomington, 2022(The Social Sciences)RUHIROYA.B., Brandeis University, 2021(The Social Sciences)JOHN C. RUFS.B., Michigan Technological University, 2021(The Social Sciences)HEAVEN RUSSELLA.B., Vanderbilt University, 2021(The Social Sciences)PAWEL RYBACKIA.B., Harvard University, 2021(The Social Sciences)AJUNG RYOOA.B., Yonsei University, Seoul, South Korea, 2021(The Social Sciences)MIKHAIL GEORGIEVICH SAFONOVA.B., University of California, Irvine, 2021(The Social Sciences) THE DIVISION OF THE SOCIAL SCIENCESBRIANNA NICOLE SALCIDOS.B., University of La Verne, Switzerland, 2020(The Social Sciences)DIANA BEATRIZ SANDOVAL SIMANA.B., Princeton University, 2020(Sociology)ISABELLE VICTORIA SCHELLENGERA.B., Franklin and Marshall Colleqe, 2018(The Social Sciences)NOAH RAPHAEL SCHOUELAB.A.(Hons), University of Toronto, Ontario,Canada, 2016A.M., University of Chicago, 2018(Political Science)ALISA CHRISTINE SCHUTZB.Ap.s., University of Minnesota, Duluth, 2019(The Social Sciences)KAlLA SCOTT-CHARLESA.B., Wesleyan University, Middletown,Connecticut, 2019(Psychology)NISHA SEN-GUPTAA.B., Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana,2022S.B., ibid., 2022(The Social Sciences)ANTHONY SERNA DIAZLaurea, Unlversita di Bologna, Italy, 2021(The Social Sciences)MUFTI TAHA SHAHB.A.(Hons), University of Delhi, St. Stephen'sCollege, India, 2021(The Social Sciences)NEVADA JACK SHANNAHANA.B., California Polytechnic State University SanLuis Obispo, California, 2020(The Social Sciences)CHEN SHENLL.B., Renmin University of China, Beijing, 2015S.M., University of London, England, UnitedKingdom, 2016(The Social Sciences)JIAJUN SHENA.B., University of California, Irvine, 2020(The Social Sciences)YUCHENG SHENBiEcon., Tsinqhua University, Beijing, China, 2020(Computational Social Science)ZIYU SHENA.B., Brandeis University, 2021(International Relations)SHREYAS SANJAY SHENDEA.B., Ashoka University, Sonipat, India, 2017(International Relations)JIAKAI SHENGA.B., Tufts University, 2014A.M., Yale University, 2015(History)HAOHAN SHIS.B., Emory University, 2021(Computational Social Science)HAOTONG SHIA.B., University of California, Santa Barbara, 2019M.P.P., University of Chicago, 2021(International Relations)JINXUAN SHIB.Sc.(Hons), University of Toronto, Ontario,Canada, 2019(The Social Sciences)QINGQING SHIA.B., Zhejiang University, Hang Zhou, China, 2021(The Social Sciences)MADELEINE JUNE SHILTSA.B., Miami University, Oxford, Ohio, 2021(The Social Sciences)YOUNG HUN SHIMA.B., Yonsei University, Seoul, South Korea, 2016B.B.A., ibid., 2016(Economics)SENLING SHUS.B., University of California, San Diego, 2020(Computational Social Science)61THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO 537TH CONVOCATIONBERNARDO PEIXOTO LEALFERREIRA SILVAA.B., Universidade de Brasilia, Brazil, 2017A.M., ibid., 2019(The Social Sciences)GILLIAN BRYCE SMITHA.B., University of Arizona, 2020(The Social Sciences)NATALIE P. SMITHA.B., Duke University, 2012A.M., Georqetown University, 2016(History)RICHARD MICHAEL SOLOMONA.B., Indiana University Bloomington, 2019S.B., ibid., 2019(The Social Sciences)ABIGAIL NADEJDA SPENCERA.B., Arizona State University, 2022S.B., ibid., 2022(The Social Sciences)MATEUSZ STALINSKIS.B., University of London, England, UnitedKinqdom, 2017(Economics)KATHERINE REBECCA STEVENSA.B., Furman University, 2018(The Social Sciences)XIN SUS.B., Texas A&M University, Colleqe Station, 2019(Computational Social Science)ZISHAN SUA.B., University of Rochester, 2022S.B., ibid., 2022(The Social Sciences)JESSICA GRACE SULLIVANA.B., Auburn University Main Campus, 2021(The Social Sciences)MINGYANG SUNB.Econ., Nankai University, Tianjin, China, 2020(The Social Sciences)WENXIANG SUNB.Ed., Beijing Normal University, China, 2021(The Social Sciences)YIQI SUNB.Econ., Central University of Finance andEconomics, Beijing, China, 2022(The Social Sciences)YUJING SUNB.Econ., Southwestern University of Finance andEconomics, Chenqdu, China, 2020(Computational Social Science)ZIWEN SUNBiEcon., Xi'an Jiaotong University, China, 2021(The Social Sciences)MARIAMA NICOLE SUWANEHA.B., University of Washington, Seattle, 2017(The Social Sciences)MOMOKO SUZUKIA.B., University of Illinois at Chicago, 2021(The Social Sciences)JACK YI AN SWANNS.B., University of Kansas, 2021(The Social Sciences)AMALIA ROSE SWEETA.B., Smith College, 2017(The Social Sciences)LANGSTON HARTIG SWIECKIA.B., University of California, Berkeley, 2020(The Social Sciences)ALI HAMZA SYEDB.Sc.(Hons), University of London-Kinq's CollegeLondon, England, United Kingdom, 2021(International Relations)EMILIA ELEONORA SZMYRGALAA.B., University of California, Los Angeles, 2018(Comparative Human Development)HILARY NAA-AFI TACKlES.B., Brown University, 2013(Comparative Human Development)62 MEHRDAD TAHVILIANS.B., Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran,2014S.M., ibid., 2017(Economics)MOLLY PAIGE TALLBERGA.B., New York University, 2018(Psychology)EMILY KATHLEEN TALLOS.B., Indiana University Bloomington, 2017(Political Science)BURAK TANA.B., Boqazici Universitesi, Istanbul, Turkey, 2017A.M., University of Chicago, 2018(Political Science)XIN TANGB.Mgmt., Zhejianp University of Finance andEconomics, Hanqzhou, China, 2021(Computational Social Science)WENYING TAOA.B., Boston College, Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts,2021 -(The Social Sciences)YUJIN TAOA.B., University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill,2021(The Social Sciences)DIKLA TAYLOR-SHEINMANA.B., University of Chicaqo, 2021(Middle Eastern Studies)CALVIN JOHN TERBEEKA.B., University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, 2001J.D., Tulane University, 2005(Political Science)EDUARDO TERRA ROMEROA.B., Universidade Estadual de Campinas,Campinas, Brazil, 2017Ph.M., University of Cambridge, England, UnitedKingdom, 2018(History)ANN HORMIS THARAKANA.B., Mangalore University, Mangalagangothri,India, 2018S.M., ibid., 2022(The Social Sciences)JACQUELYN THERESE THELINS.B., Emory University, 2019(The Social Sciences)MAYA SHIRLEY THORNTONA.B., Grambling State University, 2021(The Social Sciences)DOMINIQUE YSOBEL POBRE TINGS.B., University of the Philippines, Diliman, 2017(Computational Social Science)YUMENG TONGA.B., University of Macau, Macau, 2020(The Social Sciences)NIKAL SINGH TOORS.B., Western Washington University, 2015(The Social Sciences)ELOY TOPPINA.B., Williams College, 2010M.P.P., University of California, Berkeley, 2018(The Social Sciences)ANGEL TORRES GUEVARAA.B., Centro de Investiqacion y DocenciaEconomicas, Mexico City, Mexico, 2018(International Relations)ALLISON MARIE TOWEYA.B., University of Notre Dame, 2019(Computational Social Science)THOMAS ALEXANDER TRAHANA.B., University of Georgia, 2014(International Relations)THAO TRANB.B.A., University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire, 2017S.M., University of Missouri-Kansas City, 2021(The Social Sciences)ARIANNA TSIKITASA.B., University of Connecticut, 2020(The Social Sciences)GALEN TSONGASA.B., University of California, Berkeley, 2017(International Relations) DILAN TULANA.B., K09 Universitest, Istanbul, Turkey, 2020(The Social Sciences)MARIA DANIELA VADILLOCARDENASA.B., University of Chicaqo, 2021(Computational Social Science)EMMA MIEKE ELISABETH VAN DENAAKSTERB.Sc.(Hons), Universiteit: van Amsterdam, TheNetherlands, 2020(International Relations)MAYA MARIE VAN NUYSA.B., University of Kansas, 2019(Political Science)JOSEPH A. VANCEA.B., Texas Tech University, 2021(The Social Sciences)ANA A. VASANS.B., Vanderbilt University, 2018(Comparative Human Development)BRIAN OMAR VAZQUEZA.B., La Salle University, 2017(The Social Sciences)PRERNA VIJB.A.(Hons), Ashoka University, Sonipat, India,2021(International Relations)KRUTHIKA VMS.B., University of Madras, Chennai, India, 2013S.M., ihid., 2014(The Social Sciences)AKAASH WAGHMODEA.B., Wesleyan University, Middletown,Connecticut, 2021(The Social Sciences)AVA MIRABELLA WAGNERA.B., Bard College, 2021(International Relations)ALETHEIA CHARIS WANGA.B., Ohio State University, Columbus, 2021(The Social Sciences)JIARUI WANGA.B., University of Colorado at Denver, 2021(Computational Social Science)JUNCHENG WANGS.B., University of California, San Diego, 2021(The Social Sciences)KUITAI WANGBiEcon., Southwestern University of Finance andEconomics, Chenqtlu, China, 2021(Computational Social Science)LIANG CHUNG WANGA.B., National Taiwan University, Taipei, 2019A.M., ibid., 2021(The Social Sciences)WEIJIAN WANGA.B., University of California, Davis, 2021(The Social Sciences)WEIQI WANGB.Econ., Central University of Finance andEconomics, Beijinq, China, 2020(The Social Sciences)XINYI WANGA.B., Macalester College, 2022(The Social Sciences)YIQUAN WANGA.B., Australian National University, Canberra,Australian Capital Territory, Australia, 2020Mast., ibid., 2021(International Relations)ZECHAO WANGA.B., Boston College, Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts,2021(The Social Sciences)ZHAORUI WANGLL.B., Zhejiang University, Hang Zhou, China,2019LL.M., University of California, Berkeley, 2020(The Social Sciences)MINTAO WEIB.Econ., Central University of Finance andEconomics, Beijing, China, 2020(Computational Social Science)EMERSON BREE WEINBRECHTS.B., Northern Arizona University, 2021(The Social Sciences)JESSE WILSON WEINSTEINA.B., University of Chicago, 2023(International Relations)CASEY ELIZABETH WELBYA.B., University of Scranton, 2021(The Social Sciences)MATTHEW LAWRENCE WHITWELLA.B., Emory University, 2018(The Social Sciences)TYTUS WI LAMA.B., New York University, 2020(Sociology)CONNOR WILKEA.B., Brown University, 2021(International Relations)JENNA MAKENZIE WILLIAMSA.B., Grand Valley State University, 2017(The Social Sciences)TALI CHAVA ESKREIS WINKLERA.B., University of Pennsylvania, 2012A.M., Yeshiva University, 2014(History)ANNA ELIZABETH WINNA.B., University of York, England, United Kingdom,2021(The Social Sciences)JACK GABRIEL RISIEN WIPPELLS.B., University of London, England, UnitedKingdom, 2021(International Relations)AARON WLADISA.B., Muhlenberg College, 2021(The Social Sciences)JUHYUK WOOA.B., Hanyang University, Seoul, South Korea,2017A.M., Seoul National University, South Korea, 2019(The Social Sciences)TUCKER WOOLDRIDGEA.B., Lewis and Clark Colleqe, 2018(The Social Sciences)KEXIN WUA.B., Columbia University in the City of New York,2020(The Social Sciences)LINHUI WUS.B., New York University, Shanghai, China, 2021(Computational Social Science)XIAOMIAN WUB.Mgmt., China Agricultural University, Beijing,2018(The Social Sciences)XIAOTONG EVA WUA.B., Wake Forest University, 2021(The Social Sciences)YUTING WUS.B., New York University, 2019(Computational Social Science)ZEZHOU WUA.B., University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, 2021(The Social Sciences)ZHENNUO WUS.B., University of California, San Diego, 2021(Computational Social Science)ROY HONGZE XIAOS.B., University of London, England, UnitedKingdom, 2021(The Social Sciences)JIAXIXUA.B., University of California, San Diego, 2021S.B., ibid., 2021(International Relations) XINYUAN XUS.B., Southwestern University of Finance andEconomics, Chengdu, China, 2020S.M., University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2020(The Social Sciences)YALING XUB.B.A., Nanjing University, China, 2018(Computational Social Science)YUNTIAN XUANA.B., Fudan University, Shanghai, China, 2021(The Social Sciences)MING YANA.B., Reed Colleqe, 2021(The Social Sciences)ZIHE YANB.Mgmt., Northeastern University, Shenyang,China, 2021(The Social Sciences)BOHAN YANGA.B., Renmin University of China, Beijing, 2020(The Social Sciences)CHANGCHUN YANGA.B., University of Melbourne, Parkville, Victoria,Australia, 2020(The Social Sciences)ZIYUAN YANGA.B., Huazhong University of Science andTechnology, Wuhan, China, 2019S.M., Northwestern University, 2020(The Social Sciences)AWAID YASINB.Sc.(Hons), Lahore University of ManagementSciences, Pakistan, 2020(Computational Social SCience)FAN JU YEHA.B., National Taiwan University, Taipei, 2019(Computational Social Science)EMILY GRACE YEKIKIANB.A.{Hons), Santa Clara University, California,2020(The Social Sciences)XIAOYU YINB.Econ., Beijing Jiaotong University, China, 2019(The Social Sciences)NICOLE KATHERINE YOSTS.B., Alma Col/ege, 2021(The Social Sciences)JIACHEN YUS.B., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,2021(Computational Social Science)SHUTING YUA.B., Wenzhou-Kean University, China, 2021(The Social Sciences)TAIZE YUS.B., Oklahoma State University, 2021(Computational Social Science)ARIAN ZANDB.A.(Hons), University of British Columbia,Vancouver, Canada, 2020(International Relations)BAOTONG ZHANGS.B., Pennsylvania State University, UniversityPark,2021(Computational Social Science)BUWEN ZHANGS.B., University of Sydney, New South Wales,Australia, 2020A.B., ibtd., 2021(The Social Sciences)WENQIAN ZHANGS.B., Fudan University, Shanghai, China, 2021(Computational Social Science)XIAOYANG ZHANGB.Econ., Peking University, Beijing, China, 2022(The Social Sciences)YIJING ZHANGB.Econ., [inan University, China, 2020(Computational Social Science) THE DIVISION OF THE SOCIAL SCIENCESYIWEI ZHANGB.A.{Hons), University of Toronto, Ontario,Canada, 2021(The Social Sciences)ZHE ZHANGBiEcon., Beijing University of Technology, China,2021(Computational Social Science)ZHEHANG ZHANGLL.B., Peking University, Beijing, China, 2018LL.M., ibid., 2021(The Social Sciences)ZHI ZHANGA.B., University of Chicago, 2023(The Social Sciences)ZIJIAN ZHANGS.B., University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2021(The Social Sciences)ZIWEI ZHANGS.B., Duke University, 2020(Psychology)CHUQING ZHAOA.B., Huazhong University of Science andTechnology, Wuhan, China, 2020(Computational Social Science)SUSHAN ZHAOA.B., University of California, Irvine, 2019(Computational Social Science)XINYI ZHAOS.B., Renmin University of China, Beijing, 2021(The Social Sciences)YIYANG ZHAOA.B., University of Chicago, 2023(The Social Sciences)YUXIN ZHAOS.B., Oklahoma State University, 2021(The Social Sciences)ZIYU ZHAOA.B., Colorado College, 2019(The Social Sciences)BOWEN ZHENGB.Sc.(Hons), University of Birmingham, England,United Kingdom, 2018S.B., Sun Yat-Sen University, Guangzhou, China,2018(Computational Social Science)INNA ZHENGA.B., University of Chicago, 2023(International Relations)WANXI ZHOUBiEcon., Shanghai International StudiesUniversity, China, 2020(Computational Social Science)WANZHEN ZHOULL.B., Nanjing University, China, 2020(The Social Sciences)YINGHUI ZHOULL.B., Peking University, Beijing, China, 2019LL.M., ibid., 2021(The Social Sciences)HAORAN ZHUA.B., University of Chicago, 2023(The Social Sciences)HONGDING ZHUB.Mgmt., Zhejianq University, Hang Zhou, China,2021(The Social Sciences)RUIXI ZHUS.B., New York University, 2022(The Social Sciences)YIQI TROY ZHUB.Econ., Zhongnan University of Economics andLaw, Wuhan, China, 2021LL.B., ibid., 2021(The Social SCiences)YUHAO ZHUANGA.B., East China Normal University, Shanghai,China, 2013A.M., University of Chicago, 2014(Sociology)63THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO 537TH CONVOCATIONFOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHYESMA ALOTHMANA.B., Bogazi9i Universitesi, Istanbul, Turkey, 2013A.M., University of Chicago, 2017(Sociology)DISSERTATION: Encounters with Uncertainty:How Secondary Education Policies Shape ParentalInvolvement in Schooling in Contemporary TurkeyPEDRO ALBERTO ARROYOA.B., Tufts University, 2008A.M., University of Chicago, 2011(Sociology)DISSERTATION: Devolution, Departure, andDiscourse: A Computational Analysis of PoliticalManifestos in Britain, 1999-2019UDAY ARUN JAINA.M., University of Edinburgh, Scotland, UnitedKingdom, 2014A.M., University of Chicago, 2022(Social Thought)DISSERTATION: From Abolishing Untouchabilityto a Philosophy of Liberatory Education: W.E.B.Du Bois and B.R. Ambedkar in DialogueJONGYOON BAlKA.B., Seoul National University, South Korea, 2014A.M., ibid., 2016A.M., University of Chicago, 2018S.M., tbid., 2021(Political Science)DISSERTATION: Politics of the AdministrativeLitigation System in ChinaANNA MAHLER BANDA.B., Oberlin College, 2013A.M., University of Chicago, 2022(History)DISSERTATION: At Home in My Room: jewishSpaces of Longing and Belonging in World War Ithrough Weimar BerlinBENNY BAR-LAVIA.B., Hebrew University of jerusalem, Israel, 2010(History)DISSERTATION: Politics against God: judaismand Islam in the Political- Theological Discourse ofSixteenth- and Seventeenth-Century SpainLAWRENCE BAUERA.B., Northwestern University, 1986A.M., Northern l/linois University, 2010(History)DISSERTATION: Raising Small Citizens:Schooling and the Progressive PoliticalSocialization ProjectOGUZ BAYRAKTARA.B., Bogazi9i Universttesi, Istanbul, Turkey, 2015A.M., K09 Universitesi, Istanbul, Turkey, 2017A.M., University of Chicago, 2023(Economics)DISSERTATION: Essays on Education MarketDesignSERGEI BAZYLIKS.B., Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology,Russian Federation, 2015A.M., New Economic School, Moscow, RussianFederation, 2017A.M., University of Chicago, 2022(Economics)DISSERTATION: Complementarity of BroadbandInternet and College Majors: Lessons fromNorwegian Vacancy DataCLAIRE AUGUSTA BERGEY*A.B., Williams College, 2017A.M., University of Chicago, 2019(Psychology)JACOB MICHAEL BETZA.B., University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2001A.M., East Carolina University, 2004A.M., University of Chicago, 2007(History)DISSERTATION: For the Souls of Children:Making the American Catholic Case for StateSupport of Religion, 1870-197064 KELLY WILCOX BLACKA.B., University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, 2007A.M., University of Chicago, 2013(Anthropology)DISSERTATION: Excavating the Deep History ofDegradation: Animal Husbandry and theEnvironmental Impacts of Livestock Grazing inPre and Early Historic South IndiaCHRISTOPHER PAUL BLOECHL*A.B., University of Colorado, Colorado Springs,2004A.M., George Washington University, 2007A.M., University of Chicago, 2011(Anthropology)KEEGAN FRANKLIN PATRICK BOYARA.B., Stanford University, 2014A.M., University of Chicago, 2015(History)DISSERTATION: Ordering the Unruly City:Negotiating Policing and Citizenship in MexicoCity, c.1870-1950MARIANA ELISE BRANDMANA.B., Yale University, 2009A.M., University of Chicago, 2013(History)DISSERTATION: Take Back the Mic: The Rise ofFeminist Stand-Up Comedy in American CultureDAMIEN ALEXANDER BRIGHTMast., Institut d'Etudes Politiques de Paris,France, 2009A.M., University of Chicago, 2016(Anthropology)DISSERTATION: Whither the Reef? AnAnthropological Analysis of TechnoplanetarySalvage Astride the 21st Century Great BarrierReefHANNAH EISLER BURNETTA.B., Yale University, 2008A.M., University of Chicago, 2017(Anthropology)DISSERTATION: Living on the Edge: Oysters,Life, and Property on Louisiana's Coastal FrontierREBECCA McMAHON BUTLER*S.B., University of Texas at Austin, 2018A.M., University of Chicago, 2021(Psychology)HYUNG JOON JOSHUA BYUNA.B., Korea University, Seoul, South Korea, 2012A.M., University of Chicago, 2019(Political SCience)DISSERTATION: Unruly Friends: Grand Strategyand Strategic Incoherence in Military AlliancesANDREW BONGJUNE CHOIA.B., Seoul National University, South Korea, 2015A.M., University of Chicago, 2023(Economics)DISSERTATION: I'll Tell You Tomorrow:Committing to Future CommitmentsNEIL ASHOK CHOLLIA.B., University of Pennsylvania, 2016A.M., University of Chicago, 2018(Economics)DISSERTATION: Essays on Social Policy Reformsand Human CapitalLEVI GARRETT CREWSS.B., Duke University, 2017A.M., University of Chicago, 2019(Economics)DISSERTATION: A Dynamic Spatial KnowledgeEconomyJONATHAN R. DEPOYSTERA.B., Ohio State University, Columbus, 2011A.M., McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada,2013(Political Science)DISSERTATION: Conflict and Coercion withinAfrican Political Parties GISELLA KARELIA DIAZA.B., University of California, Santa Barbara, 2016(Psychology)DISSERTATION: Distinct Neural Signals Reveal aDissociation between Storage of IndividuatedItems and Spatial AttentionPRANATHI DIWAKARA.M., Indian Institute of Technology Madras,Chennai, India, 2015A.M., University of Chicago, 2017(Sociology)DISSERTATION: Resounding Caste: Practices ofDistinction, Urban Segregation, and MusicalPolitics in Chennai, IndiaNATALIE REJANE DOWLINGA.B., University of Chicago, 2010(Comparative Human Development)DISSERTATION: Obviously I Don't Know butWhatever: Emblematic and Pragmatic Uses ofShrug Gestures in Early Childhood andAdolescenceLUKE JEREMY FOSTERA.B., Columbia University in the City of New York,2015A.M., University of Chicago, 2019(Social Thought)DISSERTATION: Excellence for the DemocraticAge: Liberal Education and the Mixed RegimeNICHOLAS DAVID FOSTER*A.B., Tulane University, 2007A.M., ibid., 2016(History)THOMAS LAWRENCE GIMBELA.B., California State University, Chico, 2008A.M., San Francisco State University, 2012(History)DISSERTATION: Growing Ideas: Nature,Philosophy, and the Creation of Greenspaces injapan, 1830-1910KARLYN JANE GORSKIA.B., University of Chicago, 2014A.M., ibid., 2018(Sociology)DISSERTATION: On Edge: Adolescent Learningat the Periphery of SchoolingSULEYMAN FARUK GOZENA.B., Orta Dogu Teknik Universitesi, Ankara,Turkey, 2011A.B., Bogazi9i Universitesi, Istanbul, Turkey, 2014A.M., K09 Universitesi, Istanbul, Turkey, 2016A.M., University of Chicago, 2018(Economics)DISSERTATION: Essays on the Role of IntangibleCapital in Firm DynamicsAGUSTiN GUTIERREZLic., Universidad Torcuato di Tella, Buenos Aires,Argentina, 2015M.Econ., ibid., 2021A.M., University of Chicago, 2021(Economics)DISSERTATION: Essays in InternationalEconomicsTAKUMA HABUB.Sc.{Hons), University of Warwick, Coventry,England, United Kingdom, 2010M.Ph., University of Oxford, England, UnitedKingdom, 2012A.M., University of Chicago, 2023(Economics)DISSERTATION: Essays on StrategicCommunicationRAFADI HAKIM*A.B., Carleton College, 2013A.M., University of Chicago, 2017(Anthropology)SYED MUHAMMAD FARAZ HAYATA.B., Swarthmore College, 2014A.M., University of Chicago, 2018(Economics)DISSERTATION: Essays in Public EconomicsRUI HES.B., University of California, Los Angeles, 2015(Psychology)DISSERTATION: Smelling from the Mouth:Perceptual Experience, Learning andNeurodynamics of Retronasal OlfactionISOBEL AZANI HECK·S.B., Brown University, 2016A.M., University of Chicago, 2023(Psychology)DISSERTATION: Children's Thinking aboutSocietal Power and Status HierarchiesJOHN-PAUL MARIA HElLA.B., Mount Saint Mary's College and Seminary,2015A.M., University of Chicaqo, 2016(History)DISSERTATION: Virtue and Vice in the PoliticalWorld of Renaissance NaplesEYO ALEXANDER ILDAHL HERSTADM.Econ., Universitetet i Oslo, Norway, 2016A.M., University of Chicaqo, 2021(Economics)DISSERTATION: Essays on Applied EconometricsEMMA ELIZABETH HITES.B., Evergreen State Colleqe, Olympia,WashinBton, 2004A.M., New York University, 2008[Anthropology]DISSERTATION: Into the Pastoral Fold:Assembling a Xionqnu Social World at Elst ArLASHAYA SHARI HOWIE*A.B., Howard University, 2006A.M., New York University, 2011[Anthropology]SOTA ICHIBAB.A.(Hons), Acadia University, Wolfville, NovaScotia, Canada, 2016A.M., University of British Columbia, Vancouver,Canada, 2017A.M., University of Chicago, 2023(Economics)DISSERTATION: Essays in Behavioral EconomicsCHANDLER DONOVAN JAMES*A.B., University of Chicago, 2014A.M., ibid., 2020(Political Science)ALEXANDER EDWARD JANIAA.B., Baylor University, 2013A.M., Ohio State University, Columbus, 2015(History)DISSERTATION: The Earth Still Shakes: AHistory of Disaster Memorials in Modern japanSHILIN JIAA.B., University of California, Berkeley, 2009A.M., National Chengchi University, Taipei,Taiwan, 2014(Sociology)DISSERTATION: Three Essays on Elite andPopular Politics and CultureMANN AT JOHALA.B., Wellesley College, Massachusetts, 2012Ph.M., University of Cambridge, England, UnitedKingdom, 2013(Anthropology)DISSERTATION: Tempered by Time: Ceramicsand the Fabric of Time in Medieval (12th-14thcentury) South IndiaESPERANZA JOHNSON URRUTIAIng., Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile,Santiago, 2009M.Econ., ibid., 2010M.P.P., University of Chicago, 2015A.M., University of Chicago, 2023(Economics)DISSERTATION: Essay on Economics of HigherEducationJULIUS LANGSTON JONESA.B., Duke University, 2012A.M., University of Chicago, 2018(History)DISSERTATION: Cultures of Aspiration: AfricanAmerican Chicago, 1929 to 1959 JOSEPH A. KARASA.B., University of Miami, Coral Gables, Florida,2012(Political Science)DISSERTATION: On Mass Killings Generally andConsolidative Mass Killings SpecificallyDANIEL LEE KASHNER, JR.A.B., University of Memphis, 2001S.M., Ohio State University, Columbus, 2014(Economics)DISSERTATION: Preempting Polarization: AnExperiment on Opinion FormationAGATHA SEO-HYUN KIMA.B., University of Pennsylvania, 2009A.M., University of Chicago, 2010(History)DISSERTATION: Natural Science and "NationalScience": Reception of Goethe's Morphology inNineteenth-Century FranceDO POM KIMA.B., Seoul National University, South Korea, 2013A.M., University of Chicago, 2016(Anthropology)DISSERTATION: Documenting Uncertainty:Bureaucratic Evidence, Media Practice, andMigrant Citizenship in Southern ChinaHAEYOUNG KIMA.B., University of Chicago, 2004M.P.P., Harvard University, 2009A.M., University of Chicago, 2016(History)DISSERTATION: Mediating Lines: TransportationInfrastructure, State-Building, andTechno-Political Imaginaries in North Korea,1945-1958HANNAH HOK KIM*A.B., Kalamazoo College, 2017A.M., University of Chicaqo, 2021[Psycholoqy]ROY ALBERT KIMMEY IIIA.B., Harvard University, 2009A.M., Kozep-Europai Eqyetem, Budapest, Hungary,2012A.M., University of Chicago, 2014(History)DISSERTATION: A Question in History, a Historyin Question: Romani Politics and Policies in StateSocialist HunqaryEMMA LEIGH KITCHEN*A.B., University of Virginia, 2016A.M., University of Chicaqo, 2021(Psychology)DAVID JONATHAN KNIGHTA.B., Dartmouth College, 2010M.Ed., Stanford University, 2011M.Ed., Harvard University, 2012(Political Science)DISSERTATION: Mobilizations from Within:Black Political Life and Organizing in PrisonAmericaBRIEL KOBAKA.B., Georqe Washington University, 2012A.M., University of Chicago, 2017(Anthropology)DISSERTATION: Heaven on Earth in AmericaAUSTIN CARTY KOZLOWSKIA.B., University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, 2013A.M., University of Chicago, 2016(Sociology)DISSERTATION: The Structure and Organizationof American Political Belief SystemsMARSHALL MITCHELL KRAMERA.B., University of Washington, Seattle, 2007A.M., University of Chicago, 2017(Anthropology)DISSERTATION: Herbal Medicines, Motorcycles,and the Making of an Indigenous ResourceEconomy in the Myanmar HimalayaCARL ERNEST KUBLERA.B., Yale University, 2010A.M., University of Chicago, 2014A.M., ibid., 2016(History)DISSERTATION: Barbarians on the Shore: GlobalTrade and Everyday Life on the South ChinaCoast, 1780-1860 THE DIVISION OF THE SOCIAL SCIENCESHARINI KUMARA.B., Stella Maris Colleqe, Chennai, India, 2007A.M., University of Hyderabad, India, 2011A.M., University of Chicago, 2013(Anthropology)DISSERTATION: Formations of Tamil Islam:Belonqinq, Place, and Historical Consciousness inSouth IndiaRYAN MATTHEW LANGES.B., University of North Dakota, 2012S.M., Ohio State University, Columbus, 2015(Psychology)DISSERTATION: Feature-Level Effects inObject-Substitution Masking of Color and TiltHELEN LEEA.B., University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, 2009A.B., ibid., 2010A.M., ibid., 2015A.M., University of Chicago, 2020(Comparative Human Development)DISSERTATION: Discussing Race: Pathways andBarriers to Critical Consciousness Developmentfor Chinese American YouthMARCUS ALEXANDER LEEA.B., Morehouse Colleqe, 2015A.M., University of Chicago, 2018(Political Science)DISSERTATION: Visibility Pursuits: Black Gayand Lesbian Politics, 1984-1997YUJIE LI*B.Eng., Tianjin Polytechnic University, China, 1999M.EnB., Zhongyuan University of Technology,Zhengzhou, China, 2002A.M., Columbia University in the City of New York,2014A.M., University of Chicago, 2016(History)JONAS LIEBERS.B., Humboldt-Universittit: zu Berlin, Germany,2015S.B., ibid., 2016A.M., University of Chicago, 2023(Economics)DISSERTATION: Essays on Econometrics andIndustrial OrganizationJACK DAVID ARMSTRONG LIGHTA.B., University of Oxford, England, UnitedKingdom, 2014A.M., University of Chicago, 2023(Economics)DISSERTATION: Essays in Labor EconomicsBIYING LINGA.B., William Marsh Rice University, 2014A.M., University of Chicago, 2018(Conceptual and Historical Studies of Science)DISSERTATION: How "Quantity" Disappearedfrom Philosophies of Measurement: Perspectivesfrom 19th Century SciencesJIARUI LIUS.B., University of Chicago, 2015A.M., ibid., 2021(Economics)DISSERTATION: Demand Estimation and PolicyDesign under Network Effects in the ElectricVehicles MarketXIANGYU MA*A.B., Pomona Colleqe, 2017(Psych 0 10BY )RAMZY ALDO MARDINIA.B., Ohio State University, Columbus, 2008A.M., University of Chicago, 2009A.M., ibid., 2017(Political Science)DISSERTATION: Rebel in Society: ExplainingWartime Consolidation in the Islamic StateARON SEEGERS MARIEA.B., University of California, San Diego, 2012A.M., University of Chicago, 2016(Comparative Human Development)DISSERTATION: Precarious Interdependence:Sign Language Interpreting in Ha N(ji, Vi�t Nam65THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO 537TH CONVOCATIONPAULA JOANNE MARTINA.B., Evergreen State College, Olympia,Washington, 2011A.M., University of Chicago, 2014A.M., ibid., 2018(Comparative Human Development)DISSERTATION: Practicing Gender: TheMeanings and Uses of Gender Affirming Care forYouth in the United StatesANDREA MATTIAS.B., Universita degli Studi di Pisa, Italy, 2013S.M., ibid., 2015Dipl., Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna, Pisa, Italy,2016A.M., University of Chicago, 2023(Economics)DISSERTATION: Essays in Labor Economics:Value of Time and Spousal Earnings GapMATTHEW OLAV MESSERSCHMIDTA.B., University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, 2010A.M., University of Chicago, 2019(Social Thought)DISSERTATION: The Guiding Thread ofModernity: Nietzsche's Death of God as aPhysiological EventELGA JOHANNA MICK CLAUSENPh.B., Universidad de los Andes, Bogota, Colombia,2009M.Ph., ibid., 2012A.M., University of Chicago, 2015(Social Thought)DISSERTATION: Is War a World Apart?"Necessity" in Walzer, Thucydides and HobbesAGNES MONDRAG6N CELIS OCHOALic., Centro de Investigacion y DocenciaEconomicas, Mexico City, Mexico, 2011A.M., University of Chicago, 2013(Anthropology)DISSERTATION: Mediations of War: Statehood,Criminality, and the Politics of Knowledge inMexicoJEONG HYUN OH*A.B., Cornell University, 2015A.M., University of Chicago, 2018(Sociology)NICHOLAS O'NEILLA.B., Southern Oregon University, 2010A.M., University of Oregon, 2014(History)DISSERTATION: The Political Economy of Taste:The State and the Porcelain Industry in France,1682-1815KARL H. LOVE OSKARSONKINDSTRANDA.B., Gothenburg University, Sweden, 2010(Anthropology)DISSERTATION: Bodies That Shatter: PopulistPerformances in Postdisaster japanANTOINE PAGEAU-ST-HILAIREPh.B., Universite Laval, Montreal, Quebec, Canada,2015A.M., University of Chicago, 2023(Social Thought)DISSERTATION: A German Second Sailing:Dialogical Platonism after HeideggerSTEPHANIE MARIE PAINTER*A.B., College of Idaho, 2013A.M., University of Utah, 2016A.M., University of Chicago, 2017(Sociology)STEPHANIE L. PALAZZOA.B., Franklin and Marshall College, 2014A.M., University of Chicago, 2018(Comparative Human Development)DISSERTATION: Domesticating Uncertainty: TheNuclear Afterlives of Three Mile IslandHYEJIN PARKA.B., Seoul National University, South Korea, 2013A.M., ibid., 2016A.M., University of Chicago, 2018(Economics)DISSERTATION: Does Growth Lead to LaborReallocation?66 SANDRA H. PARKA.B., University of Chicago, 2013A.M., ibid., 2016(History)DISSERTATION: Anointed Citizenship: ChristianBorder Crossing and the Making of "Free" SouthKorea in the Korean WarJAELYN RENEE PEISOA.B., University of South Florida, 2013A.M., University of Chicago, 2019(Psychology)DISSERTATION: Divisive Normalization and theFlexible Resolution of AmbiguityEILIN RAFAEL PEREZA.B., Williams College, 2014A.M., University of Chicago, 2017(History)DISSERTATION: The Half-Life of Sovereignty:North Korea and Solidarity Movements of theDecolonizing World, 1959-1976ALEXANDRA MONTERO PETERSA.B., University of Chicago, 2014A.M., ibid., 2016(History)DISSERTATION: Representations of Power:Alfonso X, the Book of Games, and the IslamicTraditionSARATH SASIDHARAN PILLAIA.B., Madras Christian College, Chennat, India,2005A.M., University of Delhi, New Delhi, India, 2008A.M., University of Chicago, 2014M.S.L., Yale University, 2018(History)DISSERTATION: Federal Futures: ImaginingFederation, Constitution, and World in LateColonial IndiaLAKE CARLTON POLANA.B., University of Pennsylvania, 2002M.Sc., London School of Economics and PoliticalScience, England, United Kingdom, 2005(Anthropology)DISSERTATION: When Privacy Goes Private:Technological Stewardship in Post-SnowdenSilicon ValleyMICHAL RAN-RUBINA.B., University of Chicago, 2005A.M., University of California, Berkeley, 2007A.M., University of Chicago, 2009(Anthropology)DISSERTATION: Blueprints of the Nation:Constructing Spaces of Rights and Refugee Returnin Israel-PalestineVIRGINIA ANNA RANGOSA.B., University of Chicago, 2010A.M., ibid., 2014(Sociology)DISSERTATION: Injury to the Brain, Assault onthe Self: Identity Re-Construction in theAftermath of Stroke and Traumatic Brain InjuryALLISON SCHUYLER REEDA.B., Washington University in St. Louis, 2013A.M., University of Chicago, 2017(Sociology)DISSERTATION: Surviving Social Movements:Repertoires of Care in US Social justice ActivismANNE-SOPHIE REICHERT*A.B., Freie Universttiit: Berlin, GermanyA.M., University of Chicago 2014(Anthropology)JONATHAN PARKS RIGGLEA.B., University of Virginia, 2016A.M., University of Chicago, 2018(Psychology)DISSERTATION: Sex Differences in the Circadianand Ultradian Rhythms of MiceELEONORE RIMBAULTA.B., Institut d'Etudes Politiques de Paris, France,2013A.M., University of Chicago, 2016(Anthropology)DISSERTATION: Disappearance in the Ring: ThePerpetual Unmaking of India's Big Top Circus FREDERICA MORRIS ROCKWOODA.B., University of Chicago, 2015A.M., ibid., 2018(Psychology)DISSERTATION: Individual Differences in SocialMotivationBENJAMIN ROHRA.B., Universitiit Leipzig, Germany, 2012A.M., Universiuit: Mannheim, Germany, 2015A.M., University of Chicago, 2017(Sociology)DISSERTATION: Portraits of a Political World:The Structure of the First Party System in NewYork,1777-1822YANIV RON ELA.B., Tel-Aviv University, Israel, 2008LL.B., ibid., 2008A.M., University of Chicago, 2014(Sociology)DISSERTATION: Mobil/zing Consumers: TheAmerican Consumer Movement in the 1960s-70sas a Social MovementHARSHIL KUMAR SAHAIA.B., Swarthmore College, 2015A.M., University of Chicago, 2019(Economics)DISSERTATION: Essays in DevelopmentEconomicsZOYA SAMEENB.A.(Hons), University of London, England, UnitedKingdom, 2012A.M., University of Chicago, 2014A.M., ibid., 2016(History)DISSERTATION: The Scatter of Empire:Prostitution, Law, and Trouble in Colonial IndiaSTEVEN DANIEL SCHWARTZA.B., Universidad Central de Venezuela, Caracas,2011A.M., University of Chicago, 2013(Anthropology)DISSERTATION: Wind Futures: lndiqeneity,Aerial Politics, and the Making of RenewableEnergy in ColombiaALEXANDER REZA SHAMS*A.B., University of Southern California, 2010A.M., Harvard University, 2013(Anthropology)TRISTAN SHARPA.B., University of Rochester, 2015(History)DISSERTATION: Wars, Feuds, and Enmities­The Violent State of Late Medieval Germany:1350-1550JOSHUA KA CHUN SHEAA.B., University of Chicago, 2012A.M., ibid., 2018(Economics)DISSERTATION: Essays on EconometricsYOUNGHUN SHIMA.B., Yonsei University, Seoul, South Korea, 2016B.B.A., ibid., 2016A.M., University of Chicago, 2023(Economics)DISSERTATION: From Adoption to Innovation:State-Dependent Technology Policy in DevelopingCountriesMYUNGKOU SHINA.B., Seoul National University, South Korea, 2015A.M., ibid., 2017(Economics)DISSERTATION: Essays on EconometricsAGATHA ANNA SLUPEKB.A.(Hons), McGill University, Montreal, Quebec,Canada, 2014A.M., University of Chicago, 2017(Political Science)DISSERTATION: Fury at the Limits of Law:Towards a Feminist Political Theory of VengeanceALYSSA CORINNE SMITHA.B., University of Maryland at College Park, 2013A.M., University of Chicago, 2016(History)DISSERTATION: Witnesses to Murder: A Historyof Spectacle Violence in the United States since1969NATALIE P. SMITHA.B., Duke University, 2012A.M., Georgetown University, 2016(History)DISSERTATION: Soap and the Making of ModernMarseille: An Urban History of France's SecondCityMATEUSZ STALINSKIS.B., University of London, England, UnitedKingdom, 2017A.M., University of Chicago, 2023(Economics)DISSERTATION: Essays in Behavioral PoliticalEconomySPENCER DEAN STEWARTA.B., Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah, 2013A.M., Ohio State University, Columbus, 2015A.M., University of Chicago, 2016(History)DISSERTATION: Seeds of Construction: Cotton,Science, and Society in Republican ChinaANDREW JACOB STIER*A.B., University of Chicago, 2016A.M., ibid., 2022(Psychology)LAWRENCE JOSEPH SVABEKA.B., Northwestern University, 2015A.M., University of Chicago, 2017(Political Science)DISSERTATION: Grounded Freedom:Interpreting Four Episodes in thePost-Emancipation Quest for LandBRANDON SWARDA.B., University of Chicago, 2011A.M., ibid., 2013A.M., ibid., 2017(Sociology)DISSERTATION: The Colonization of Media:indigeneity, Aesthetics, and Social Sciencebetween the Nineteenth and Twenty-FirstCenturiesHILARY NAA-AFI TACKlES.B., Brown University, 2013(Comparative Human Development)DISSERTATION: Disruption: Finding HumanizingOpportunities in the COVID-19 ImpactedClassroomMEHRDAD TAHVILIANS.B., Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran,2014S.M., ibid., 2017A.M., University of Chicago, 2023(Economics)DISSERTATION: Bargaining in MatchingMarkets RAFFAELLA MARIANNETAYLOR-SEYMOURA.B., University of Cambridge, England, UnitedKingdom, 2014A.M., University of Chicago, 2017(Comparative Human Development andAnthropology)DISSERTATION: Intimate Rites: RemakingAncestors and Queerness in ZimbabweCALVIN JOHN TERBEEKA.B., University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, 2001J.D., Tulane University, 2005(Political Science)DISSERTATION: Enemy Establishments:Liberalism and Conservatism from theProgressives to George W. BushSTEPHANIE LYNN TERNULLOA.B., Amherst College, 2015Ph.M., University of Cambridge, England, UnitedKingdom, 2018A.M., University of Chicago, 2019(Sociology)DISSERTATION: Becoming Partisans: How PlaceMakes Politics in the American HeartlandZEYNEP TEZER *S.B., Rheinische Friedrich-wilhelms-Universitat;Bonn, Germany, 2010A.B., ibid., 2013A.M., Otto-Friedrich-Universittu: Bamberg,Germany, 2016A.M., University of Chicago, 2017(History)JOHN THOMAS IIIA.B., Morehouse College, 2004M.P.A., Princeton University, 2007A.M., University of Chicago, 2009(Political Science)DISSERTATION: Black Politics in Peru andEcuador from 1980-2016: Social Movements andGovernment ResponseJENNIFER LYNNE SANDSTROMTIMMONSA.B., University of California, San Diego, 2009A.M., University of Chicago, 2011(History)DISSERTATION: Venenum Bibit: The PoisonTrial in Medieval Hagiography THE DIVISION OF THE SOCIAL SCIENCESANTONIOS TSIFLISA.B., University of Cambridge, England, UnitedKingdom, 2014S.M., University of London, England, UnitedKingdom, 2015A.M., University of Chicago, 2019(Economics)DISSERTATION: Financial Frictions and VariableMarkupsGREGORY HALLIE VALDESPINOA.B., Stanford University, 2013A.M., University of Chicago, 2016(History)DISSERTATION: At Home in Empire: The Politicsof Dwelling in France and Senegal, 1914-1974BENJAMIN C. VAN ZEE*A.B., Swarthmore College, 2011A.M., Frele Universitat Berlin, Germany, 2014(History)KEVIN YUN WEIA.B., Pomona College, 2015A.M., University of Chicago, 2020(Psychology)DISSERTATION: Slicing the Social Pie: HowScarcity and Competition Shape SymbolicZero-Sum BeliefsMICHAEL JEFFREY NELSONWILLIAMSA.B., University of San Francisco, 2010A.M., University of Chicago, 2011(History)DISSERTATION: The Dangerous Perhaps:Linguistic Meaning, Political Theory, and theQuestion of Truth in Twentieth-CenturyContinental ThoughtCOLLEEN WOHLRABS.B., University of Tulsa, 2015A.M., University of Chicago, 2019(Psychology)DISSERTATION: Psychophysiology of Motivation:Competing Social and Bodily NeedsALICE YEHA.B., University of California, Berkeley, 2013A.M., University of Chicago, 2016(Anthropology)DISSERTATION: Holy Landings: Catholic Politicsand Mobilities in Transnational ChinaYUKUN ZENG*A.B., Wuhan University, China, 2012A.M., State University of New York at Binghamton,2015(Anthropology)FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY IN THE DIVISION OFTHE SOCIAL SCIENCES AND THE BOOTH SCHOOL OF BUSINESSYUSHENG FEIB.Econ., Fudan University, Shanghai, China, 2015A.M., Brown University, 2017(Financial Economics)DISSERTATION: The Year-End Effect in theForeign Exchange Market ELIZABETH L. HUPPERTA.B., Bowdoin College, 2012A.M., University of Chicago, 2016A.M., ibid., 2019(Psychology and Business)DISSERTATION: Flexible Fairness: How ContextShapes Social Preferences* anticipated graduation. Summer Quarter 2023 YUHAO ZHUANGA.B., East China Normal University, Shanghai,China, 2013A.M., University of Chicago, 2014A.M., University of Chicago, 2023(Sociology and Business)DISSERTATION: The Architecture ofGrassroots-Oriented Corporate Philanthropy inChina67THE BOOTH SCHOOL OF BUSINESSSATURDAY, JUNE 3, 2023UNIVERSITY CEREMONYMain Quadrangle9:15 a.m.LUNCHEONCharles M. Harper Center, Room 104n:15 a.m.DIPLOMA AND HOODING CEREMONIESEVENING, WEEKEND, AND EXECUTIVE M.B.A. PROGRAMSCredit Union I Arena1:00 p.m.FULL-TIME M.B.A. AND PH.D. PROGRAMSCredit Union I Arena4:30 p.m.THE BOOTH SCHOOL OF BUSINESSDIPLOMA AND HOODING CEREMONIESORDER OF EXERCISESPROCESSION(Please stand and remain standing until after the welcome)WELCOMEMADHAV V. RAJANDean, Booth School of BusinessGeorge Pratt Shultz Professor ofAccountingFACULTY ADDRESSESVERONICA GUERRIERIRonald E. Tarrson Professor of Economics and Willard Graham Faculty Scholar,Booth School of Business1:00 p.m.HARRY L. DAVISRoger L. and Rachel M Goetz Distinguished Service Professor of Creative Management,Booth School of Business4:30 p.m.ALUMNI ADDRESSESMATTHEW M. MALONEY, S.M.'OO, M.B.A.'IOCofounder and Former Chief Executive Officer, Grubhub1:00 p.m.SALLY GRIMES, M.B.A.'97Former Chief Executive Officer, Clif Bar & Company4:30 p.m.2023 GRADUATE PRESENTATIONTHE ALMA MATER(Please stand)CLOSING REMARKSMADHAV V. RAJANDean, Booth School of Business69THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO 537TH CONVOCATIONFOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATIONBELAL ABADALRAHMANB.E.E., San jose State University, 2007ALI AKBAR ABBASS.B., Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana,2016VATAN SIRODZHIDDINOVICHABDURAKHMANOVM.Fin., Financial Academy Under the RussianFederation Government, Moscow, 2009LL.M., Moscow State Institute of InternationalRelations, Russian Federation, 2012·WITH HONORSBENJAMIN WHITNEY ACHA.B., Colby College, 2017STEPHEN CARTER ACHILLESS.B., Northern Arizona University, 2013EDUARDO ACOSTAS.B., University of Phoenix, Arizona, 2016SANTIAGO ACOSTA LIEVANOS.B., Georgia Institute of Technology, 2017KWEKU J. T. ADAMSS.B., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2014NICHOLAS MICHAEL ADAMSA.B., Wake Forest University, 2015OLUWATOSIN DAVID ADEOSUNS.B., Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana,2014S.M., University of Texas at Austin, 2017OMOTAYO BUKOLA ADEOYES.B., Bells University of Technology, Benja Village,Nigeria, 2013JOSHUA DAVID ADERS.B., Indiana University Bloomington, 2018OLUWATOBI JOHN ADESANYAS.B., Covenant University, Canaanland, Nigeria,2012EDWIN VAJRA ADHIPRAKASHAS.B., University of California, Berkeley, 2001S.M., Stanford University, 2004·WITH HONORSCRYSTAL KWABEA ADU-POKUA.B., Wellesley College, Massachusetts, 2016J.D., University of Chicago, 2023AMBER AGARWAL*B.Eng., Vishwakarma Institute of Technology,2010ASHISH AGARWALB.Eng., University of Delhi, New Delhi, India, 2004S.M., Boston University, Massachusetts, 2007Ph.D., ibid., 2010HERSH AGARWALS.B., Northwestern University, 2017UMANG AGARWALS.B., University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, 2016PARAS AGGRWALB. Tech., Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, NewDelhi, India, 2017KAMIL AGHAZADAS.B., University of lllinois at Urbana-Champaign,2011ARUNIKA AGRAWALB. Tech., Uttar Pradesh Technical University,Lucknow, India, 2008PRANAY AGRAWALB.Sc.{Hons), University of London, England, UnitedKingdom, 2013TEREK JOHN AHADYS.B., Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana,2014IDIR NICOLAS AITSAHALIAA.B., Princeton University, 2018·WITH HIGH HONORSLARISSA AKABANE MARQUESVOLPATOBach., Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, SiioPaulo, Brazil, 2009Mast., Fundaciio Getulio Vargas, Siio Paulo, Brazil,201270 RUSLAN AKHMADIEVS.B., Gubkin Russian State University of Oil andGas, Moscow, Russian Federation, 2010S.M., ibid., 2013S.M., Ecole Nationale Superieure du Petrole et desMoteurs, Rueil Malmaison, France, 2013·WITH HONORSAHMED SAMIR ELSA YED AKLB.Com., Zagazig University, Egypt, 2002Dipl., American University in Cairo, Egypt, 2003MOHAMMAD REBHI ALAWAWDEHS.B., Trinity College, Hartford, Connecticut, 2016S.M., Northwestern University, 2018ELIZABETH ANN ALBERSS.B., Bowling Green State University, 2014JUAN IGNACIO ALEJANDRE, SR.B.Econ.{Hons), Universidad de Buenos Aires,Argentina, 2017ZAHRAA ALHILLIB.Med., Royal College of Surgeons, Dublin, Ireland,2004Ch.B., ibid., 2004B.A. 0., ibid., 2004Dipl., Westmoreland County Community College,2008M.D., Royal College of Surgeons, Dublin, Ireland,2009Mast., Queen's University of Belfast, NorthernIreland, United Kingdom, 2009BRANDON ALLENB.Mus., DePaul University, Chicago, Illinois, 2014LAUREN RENE ALLENS.B., Georgetown University, 2017MAKINI ADRIENNE ALLWOOD*A.B., Carleton College, Northfield, Minnesota, 2012HELENA PRATA ALTENFELDERSILVAB.B.A., Escola de Administracao de Empresas deSiio Paulo, Brazil, 2015LL.B., Futidaciio Getulio Vargas, Siio Paulo, Brazil,2017KYUNG NAHIOMY ALVAREZ*A.B., Williams College, 2016MOUSTAFA ALY-AHMEDA.B., New York University, 2018ERNESTO AMADOR MESAAbogado, Universidad de los Andes, Bogota,Colombia, 2016B.Econ., Universidad de los Andes, Bogota,Colombia, 2016Dipl., Universidad Colegio Mayor de NuestraSenora del Rosario, Bogota, Colombia, 2018ALEXANDER LEE AMBOIANA.B., Vanderbilt University, 2017UMANG ANANDB.Eng.{Hons), Birla Institute of Technology,Mesra, India, 1994Ph.D., johns Hopkins University, 2002·WITH HIGH HONORSJACOB WILLIAM EDWARDANDERSONA.B., Gonzaga University, 2016ZACHARY THOMAS ANDERSONS.B., University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2015TORU ANDOA.B., Keio University, Tokyo, japan, 2015WEN WEI SHAUN ANGA.B., Columbia University in the City of New York,2015ISAAC ANGULOA.B., Instituto Tecnol6gico Aut6nomo de Mexico,San Angel, 2017PHILIP SAMUEL ANTHONYS.B., Texas A&M University, College Station, 2010SUSUMU AOYAGIA.B., Waseda University, Tokyo, japan, 2000GOWRI PUJITHA APPANAB. Tech., Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, NewDelhi, India, 2011 ANDRES FERNANDO ARAMBELS.B., Northeastern University, 2015S.M., ibid., 2016JESSICA LYNN ARCHULETAA.B., University of Colorado at Boulder, 2003CAMERON LOVELLE ARNOLDS.B., University of Kansas, 2017VIREN ARORAB.B.A., Narsee Monjee Institute of ManagementStudies, Mumboi, India, 2014KARTIK KRISHNAN ARTHANATB. Tech., SRM University, Chennai, India, 2008ALEC WESTON ARTHURA.B., Michigan State University, 2013M.Acc., University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, 2014PRISCILLA BOAKYE ATANSAHA.B., Princeton University, 2015NICHOLAS JAMES AUSTINS.B., University of lllinois at Urbana-Champaign,2018AARON JOEL AVERYS.B., Colorado State University, 2016·WITH HONORSWINIFRED IFEOMA A WOLOPES.B., University of Lagos, Nigeria, 2012S.M., Imperial College of Science, Technology andMedicine, London, England, United Kingdom, 2017OLUWOLE BABATUNDE BABARINSAS.B., University of lllinois at Urbana-Champaign,2013M.Acc., University of lllinois atUrbana-Champaign, 2014OLAMIDE BABATUNDEA.B., Tufts University, 2013·WITH HONORSJAHYUN BAEA.B., Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, 2016M.Eng., ibid., 2017CINDHURI BALAJIA.B., University of California, Santa Barbara, 2015KIRAN BALAKRISHNANB.Eng., Anna University, Chennai, India, 2013S.M., Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana,2015VINODHKUMAR BALAKRISHNANB.Eng., Anna University, Chennoi, India, 2003ALEXANDER JOHN BALLOWES.B., University of Southern California, 2015NIKHIL BHALCHANDRA BAMB.Eng., University of Pune, India, 2007S.M., Virginia Polytechnic Institute and StateUniversity, 2009MAMADOU BAMBAM.Eng., Ecole Nationale SuperieuresTelecommunications de Bretagne, Brest, France,2011Mast., Universite de Paris I [Pantheon-Sorbonne},France, 2019JUAN PAULO BAMBACH VIAL*Ing.Com., Pontificia Universidad Catolica De Chile,Santiago, Chile, 2015OLUWAPELUMI OLUWAFERANMIBAMGBALAB.Sc.{Hons), Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-I]e,Nigeria, 2016MICHAEL GEORGE BANAKISS.B., University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2018·WITH HONORSSUMIT BANERJEEA.B., University of Chicago, 2017·WITH HONORSFOLAKE AJOKE BANKOLEA.B., University of Reading, England, UnitedKingdom, 2009·WITH HONORSJIAYING BAOS.B., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,2013SANJIT BARDHANB.Comp.Eng, Birla Institute of Technology andScience, Pi/ani, India, 2005BRYAN EDWARD BARNETTS.B., Wake Forest University, 2012BROOKS ALAN BARNHOUSES.B., University of Texas at Austin, 2016SEBASTIAN NICOLAS BARRIOSSLIGHTB.B.A., Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile,Santiago, 2016CARMENCIT A BARROS ARTEAGAB.I.E., Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile,Santiago, 2016WILLIAM MATTHEW BARTOS.B., University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, 2013RUTHVIK BASAVARAJS.B., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,2011·WITH HONORSYISHAI BASSA.B., Hebrew University of jerusalem, Israel, 2020SARMAD ALI BATTS.B., University of jammu, India, 2001M.C.A., University of Pune, India, 2004SAMUEL BAUMGARTNERLL.B., Universite de Fribourq, Switzerland, 2007LL.M., ibid., 2009ROBERT DOUGLAS BAXTERS.B., University of Southern California, 2016·WITH HIGH HONORSLEE FULLER BEARMANA.B., Vanderbilt University, 2016GRACE ANNE BEG GINSB.B.A., Emory University, 2014JOSEPH BEJANYS.B., Duke University, 2016ROI BEN DANIELLL.B., Tel-Aviv University, Israel, 2011·WITH HONORSDIGVIJAY SUDHIR BENKEB.Eng., Vishwakarma Institute of Technology,Pune, India, 2006M.E.M., University of Technology, Sydney, NewSouth Wales, Australia, 2007S.M., Illinois Institute of Technology, 2009ALEKSEY BENKOMast., M. V. Lomonosov Moscow State University,Russian Federation, 2011HILARY ANNE BERGA.B., Bradley University, 2000j.D., University of Miami, Coral Gables, Florida,2004LL.M., john Marshall Law School, 2008FRANCESCA BERRONDOB.B.A., Universidad Iberoamericana Ciudad deMexico, Mexico City, 2016AMAR S. BHAKTAS.B., University of Kansas, 2012M.D., ibid., 2016·WITH HONORSABHIRAM PRAVIN BHALERAOB.Com., University of Pune, India, 2016Dipl., Institute of Chartered Accountants of India,New Delhi, India, 2017M.Com., University of Pune, India, 2018·WITH HIGH HONORSAYESHA BHARDWAJS.B., University of California, Berkeley, 2015ARMAAN SINGH BHATIAA.B., St. Xavier's College, Mumbai, India, 2016ARVIND BHATTB.Eng., University of Rajasthan, [aipur, India,2005ANUPAM KUMAR BHATTACHARJEEB.Eng.(Hons), Birla Institute of Technology andScience, Pilani, India, 2012Dipl., Indian Institute of Management Lucknow,India, 2016·WITH HONORS NAYRHIT BHATTACHARYAB. Tech.(Hons), Indian Institute of TechnologyKharaqpur, India, 2016M. Tech., Indian Institute of TechnologyKhoraqpur, India, 2016PRATIK BHATTERS.B., Georgia Institute of Technology, 2017OMKAR BHAVES.B., University of Arkansas at Fayetteville, 2016·WITH HONORSYEHONATAN BIKS.B., Halon Institute of Technology, Tel Aviv,Israel, 2013S.M., ibid., 2017BONIFACIO ANTONIO BILBAO DERAADTB.B.A., Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile,Santiago, 2012·WITH HIGH HONORSCATALINA BILBAO DE RAADTB.B.A., Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile,Santiago, 2013M.Fin., ibid., 2014·WITH HIGH HONORSLUKE WESLEY BIRCHS.B., Virginia Polytechnic Institute and StateUniversity, 2016S.M., University of Chicago, 2023ALEXANDER BIRYUKOVDipl., Moscow State University of RailwayEngineering (MllT), Russian Federation, 2006JAMES ELLIOT COSTIN BLACKB.M., University of Manchester, England, UnitedKingdom, 2015Mast., University of Oxford, England, UnitedKingdom, 2016CHARLOTTE COLBY BLAIS*S.B., University of Virginia, 2016BRENDAN CHARLES BLAKES.B., University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, 2018·WITH HONORSTHOMAS STEVEN BLASCOS.B., Indiana University Bloomington, 2006CLEVENS BLECKS.B., Excelsior College, Albany, New York, 2014S.M., City University of New York, 2016OLIVER HENRY BODMERS.B., Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana,2013DAVIS JONATHAN BOLSTERS.B., Duke University, 2014·WITH HONORSPATRICIA BONAGUROS.B., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,2014WILLIAM BRYAN BOOTHS.B., University of Kansas, 2013AJIT BOPALKARS.B., Carnegie Mellon University, 2016ANITA BOPALKARS.B., Carnegie Mellon University, 2016JOHN RICHARD BOUCHARD, JR.A.B., Vanderbilt University, 2017·WITH HIGH HONORSKENNETH ALLAN BOURGONS.B., University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, 2015GABRIELLE TONY BOZMAROVAS.B., University of California, Berkeley, 2018COLLIN DAVID BRAAMS.B., University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2016CASSANDRA LYNN BRADLEYS.B., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,2012FAWN BRADSHAWS.B., Ohio State University, Columbus, 2011JEFFREY JUDE BRAGANZA *B.Eng., University of Mumbai, India, 2008S.M., Kettering University, 2010ERIN NYCOLE BRANTONS.B., University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, 2016 THE BOOTH SCHOOL OF BUSINESSBRANDON PHILLIP BRATSAFOLISA.B., University of Chicago, 2016MEREDITH PARKER MARIE BRAUNA.B., Colby College, 2015RYAN JOHN BREZNIKS.B., United States Naval Academy, 2015KELSEY M. BRONGOS.B., University of Pennsylvania, 2014·WITH HONORSASHLEY ANNE BROOKS*A.B., George Washington University, 2015RANYA H. BROOKSA.B., Dartmouth College, 2013M.Ed., Harvard University, 2018INBAL BROSHA.B., Hebrew University of jerusalem, Israel, 2018JACKSON SCOTT BRUHNB.B.A., University of Notre Dame, 2016·WITH HONORSLUKE JORDAN BRUNEAS.B., United States Military Academy, 2015SALVATORE ALBERTO BUCCELLATOB.Eng., Universita degli Studi di Pisa, Italy, 2016Dipl., Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna, Pisa, Italy,2016M.Eng., Universita degli Studi di Pisa, Italy, 2018Dipl., Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna, Pisa, Italy,2018S.M., WorldQuant University, 2021RAABIA KARIM BUDHWANI*A.B., Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia, 2005M.P.A., University of Southern California, 2012ALEXANDER OLAF BUEA.B., Vassar College, 2014·WITH HONORSMARCELO BUFFOB.Ch.E., Universidade Estadual de Campinas,Campinas, Brazil, 2016BINH HUY BUIS.B., Green Mountain College, 2014S.M., University of Chicago, 2023·WITH HONORSKANAT BUKAYEVB.B.A.(Hons), KIMEP Kazakhstan Institute ofManagement, Economics and Strategic Research,Almaty, 2008MARIE JOYCE BUKELOB.Eng., Visvesvaraya Technological University,Belqaum, India, 2009·WITH HONORSGRACE PERSHING BURNSA.B., Georgetown University, 2014A.M., Middlebury College, 2015LAURA BURNSA.B., Colby Colleqe, 2012ORLANDO BUSTILLOB.Eng., Universidad de los Andes, Bogota,Colombia, 2015ANDRES PAUL BUSTOS*B.B.A., Texas A & M University, 2015COLIN D. BUTKUSA.B., Quinnipiac College, 2004A.M., Boston University, Massachusetts, 2006S.M., University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2019ELIANA KRISTAL BUTLERA.B., University of Chicago, 2016·WITH HIGH HONORSMICHAEL BUTLERS.B., Northwestern University, 2019SHIRAE MARIE BUTLERB.B.A., Baylor University, 2013JOSE ANTONIO CABALLEROCICIOLLIA.B., Macalester College, 2015YIXIN CAlS.B., Northeastern University, 2016GUY KARIM CALAND PUYMARTINS.B., University of Chicago, 2013GARRETT MICHAEL HASE CALBERTS.B., University of California, Berkeley, 2012·WITH HONORS71THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO 537TH CONVOCATIONCARLOS MANUEL FRANCISCOCALDERON GONZALEZS.B., Universidad del Pacifico, Lima, Peru, 2017·WITH HIGH HONORSBRENDAN PHILIP CALDWELLA.B., Dartmouth College, 2017JOSE CAMACHO HILLMANB.B.A., University of Texas at San Antonio, 2014NICOLE LENA CAMELIA.B., Dartmouth College, 2007j.D., Marquette University, 2013NICOLO CANOLAS.B., Universita Ca' Foscar! Venezia, Venice, Italy,2014S.M., Universita Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milan,Italy, 2016JANELLE NICOLE CANOPYS.B., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,2017JOSHUA PETER CANTONEB.C.E.E., University of Adelaide, South Australia,Australia, 2003S.M., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,2007Ph.D., ibid., 2010·WITH HONORSBOJIAN CAOB.Math., University of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada,2017CHENNING CAOB.Econ., Shanghai International StudiesUniversity, China, 2004·WITH HONORSGREGORY BOGGS CARAWAYB.B.A., University of Texas at Austin, 2015·WITH HONORSJUAN DE DIOS CARDENAS ANTONB.Econ., Universidad del Pacifico, Lima, Peru,2015M.Econ., ibid., 2016JOHN RICHARD CAREYA.B., University of Notre Dame, 2017M.P.P., University of Chicago, 2023KANE DAVID CARPENTERS.B., Boston University, Massachusetts, 2011FABIAN CASTRUPS.B., Duale Hochschule Baden- WurttembergMannheim, 2018·WITH HONORSMICHELE CATANOS.B., Politecnico di Milano, Italy, 2014M.Eng., Tokyo Institute of Technology, japan,2016REBECA GOMES DE HOLLANDACAVALCANTIS.M., Politecnico di Torino, Turin, Italy, 2016B.Eng., Escola Politecnica da Universidade de SaoPaulo, Brazil, 2017·WITH HONORSALEXANDRU CEBOTARIBach., Universitatea AL. I. Cuza, lasi, Romania,2014SADHWIKA CHANDRAMOHANB.Eng., Visvesvaraya Technological University,Belqaum, India, 2010MELISSA CHENGYUAN CHANGA.B., University of Virginia, 2016JAMES TERRENCE CHAOA.B., Harvard University, 1993SHREYA REDDY CHATTERJIS.B., University of Pennsylvania, 2017TING HIN CHAUB.B.A., Chinese University of Hong Kong, ShatinNT,2001S.M., tbid., 2004SHAHEEN CHAUDHRIA.B., George Washington University, 2007A.M., University of Chicago, 201772 RU-IK CHEEM.D., Trinity College, the University ofDublin/Coltiiste Trionoide, Baile Atha Cliath,Ireland,2013S.M., ibid., 2013·WITH HIGH HONORSANKUAN CHENBiEcon., Tongji University, Shanghai, China, 2011S.M., University of Texas at Dallas, 2013BRANDON CHENA.B., University of California, San Diego, 2018DAPHNE CHENS.B., Georgetown University, 2016ELLEN CHENS.B., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,2017HAOQI CHENA.B., St. Norbert College, 2012S.M., University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, 2014IVANA CHENS.B., Georgia Institute of Technology, 2017JIANG- YING MINA CHENB.M., New York University, 2018S.M., University of Chicago, 2023KIRAN SHI CHENS.B., New York University, 2015LIN CHENS.B., Northwestern Polytechnic University, Xian,China, 2012Ph.D., Illinois Institute of Technology, 2017SHO LIN CHENA.B., University of Chicago, 2018YURAN CHENA.B., Duke University, 2018ZENGYANG CHENB.Eng., Nanjing University of Science andTechnology, China, 2004Mast., ibid., 2007CHRISTOPHER DONALD CHENEYS.B., University of Notre Dame, 2014·WITH HIGH HONORSDEANY HENDRICK RAVINA CHENGB.B.A., Ateneo de Manila University, Quezon City,Philippines, 2017HONGWU CHENGB.H.A., Xidian University, Xi'an, China, 2001M.B.A., Shanghai University, China, 2014RATCHAKORN CHENPATTANAPONGB.B.A., Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok,Thailand, 1999S.M., ibid., 2001GUY SHIMON CHERNIA.B., Hebrew University of jerusalem, Israel, 2013A.M., ibid., 2015Mast., Bezalel School of Art and Design,jerusalem, Israel, 2020JANISE AI YE CHEVRIER- LEEB.Med., National University of Singapore,Singapore, 2009Dipl., University of Edinburgh, Scotland, UnitedKingdom, 2013·WITH HIGH HONORSSIDDARTHA CHHIBBERS.B., University of Maryland at College Park, 2015GURNOOR SINGH CHHINAB.Eng., Thapar Institute of Engineering andTechnology, Patiala, India, 2011S.M., University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, 2013MICHAEL CHIANDUSSIB.M.E., University of Detroit Mercy, 2012YI-JEN CHIANGB.B.A., National Taiwan University, Taipei, 2004MARIANA CHIAO DA ROCHAB.Eng., Pontificia Universidade Cat611ca do RioGrande do Sui, Porto Allegre, Brazil, 2017LIKHITHA CHILUKURIB. Tech., National Institute of Technology,Warangal, India, 2014M.Fin., Instituto Empresa, Madrid, Spain, 2017 CHRISTOPHER ANTHONYCHMIELEWSKI*S.B., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,2013GRACE CHOIA.B., University of California, Berkeley, 2012M.B. T., University of Southern California, 2015KA HEI KARIS CHOIS.B., Hong Kong University of Science andTechnology, Kowloon, 2015·WITH HONORSKRISTINA YAEKYUNG CHOOB.M., Northwestern University, 2015·WITH HONORSJENNIFER CHOUA.B., University of Texas at Austin, 2008B.B.A., ibid., 2008CHUNWEI CHUA.B., National Taipei University, Taiwan, 2013TIANSHU CHUA.B., Dongbei Shifan University, Ch anqchun,China, 2009S.B., Southern Polytechnic State University, 2009S.M., Georgia State University, 2012KEVIN CHUNGS.B., University of Illinois at Chicago, 2016M.D., University of Chicago, 2023MADELINE JANE CLARKB.B.A., University of California, Irvine, 2017SARAH LOUISE CLARKB.Sc.(HonsJ, Edinburgh Napier University,Scotland, United Kingdom, 2005KATHERINE SUZANNE CLAUSSENBELLA.B., Saint Mary's College, Notre Dame, Indiana,2001A.M., Loyola University Chicago, Illinois, 2006DIANA SCOTT CLEMONSA.B., Colgate University, 2010CHARLES WILLIAM CLINEBELLS.B., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,2013·WITH HIGH HONORSJENNIFER MARIE CLOSEA.B., Boston College, Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts,2008MICHAEL DAVID COFFAROS.B., Stanford University, 2017DAN AVRAHAM COHEN LAXA.B., Ben Gurion University of the Negev,Be'er-Shev a, Israel, 2018VIRGILE COLLINEAUA.B., University of Notre Dame, 2017S.M., IESEG School of Management, Lille, France,2019·WITH HONORSPATRICK WAYNE CONNIFFA.B., Augustana College, Rock Island, Illinois, 2017KATELYN MARIE CONSTANTAKISS.B., United States Naval Academy, 2015WANIS PABLOS CONSTANTINOUS.B., Instituto Tecnolcqico y de EstudiosSuperiores de Monterrey, Mexico, 2018JUAN CARLOS CONTRERASB.M.E., Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogotci,Colombia, 2001FRANK TOBIAS COOK IVA.B., Colgate University, 2012CLARA CORDEIRO CARVALHOB.C.E.E., Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais,Belo Horizonte, Brazil. 2018·WITH HONORSMOLLY COSGROVEA.B., University of Kentucky, 2008CATHERINE BALFOUR COVEA.B., University of Chicago, 2016SANTIAGO CREIXELL ECHEAGARAYBach., Universidad Iberoamericana Ciudad deMexico, Mexico City, 2012MICHAEL PETER CRONKA.B., University of Virginia, 2016M.Eng., ibid., 2017CHARLES G. CROSSA.B., Amherst College, 2011TESS CROSSS.B., Indiana University Bloomington, 2014·WITH HONORSMARIA ALEJANDRA CUEVAS DE LAFUENTEEnq., Pontiflcia Universidad Catolica de Chile,Santiago, 2016S.M., ibid., 2016MICHAEL CUIA.B., Indiana University Bloomington, 2011S.B., ibid., 2011M.D., University of Chicago, 2015S.M., ibid., 2019BRYAN JAMES CULVERS.B., University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2009S.M., ibid., 2011·WITH HONORSTHOMAS FRANCIS CUMMINGS IVB.B.A., Bryant College, 2009ELISA GABRIELA CUMSILLEMARTINEZS.B., Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile,Santiago, 2018MATTHEW CURLEYB.B.A., University of Iowa, 1989CLAY FRANCIS CURRANS.B., Ithaca College, 2017ADELAIDE MARIA CURRYS.B., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,2018ARUN DAHIYAS.B., University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, 2012YIFEI DAIB.B.A., University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2010·WITH HONORSOLIVIER DAMASA.B., University of California, Berkeley, 2017PIERRE ALEXANDRE DANLYS.B., University of Chicago, 2017SANJEET DASSS.B., University of Florida, 2012MANASA DA TLAA.B., University of Chicago, 2018GERMAN IGNACIO DAvALOS ARIAS*Dipl., Colegio de Traductores del Peru, San Isidro,Peru, 2017B.Econ., Bachelor of Economics, Universidad DelPacifico, Lima, Peru, 2017KARTIK DAVES.B., Wayne State University, Detroit, Michigan,2004S.M., Northwestern University, 2017OSCAR EMILIO DAVILAUNDURRAGA VB.I.E., Universidad de Chile, Santiago, Chile, 2015BRIAN MICHAEL DAVISB.B.A., Texas A&M University, College Station,2009·WITH HONORSJOHNATHAN TAYLOR DAVISS.B., Brown University, 2016HEIDI DAWSONB.B.A., University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, 2015VICTOR DE VIVO DA MATAB.Arch., Universidade de sao Paulo, Brazil, 2015JOANNA M. DELORENZOS.B., Villanova University, 2013M,Ph., Columbia University in the City of NewYork,2018CHARLES EDWARD DEETERA.B., University of Kansas, 2013ETHAN DEININGERA.B., Haverford College, 2017QUINN QUIRK DELAHUNTS.B., Santa Clara University, California, 2015DANIEL DE LA PENA GARCfAS.B., lnstituto Technol6gico y de EstudiosSuperiores de Monterrey, Santa Fe, Mexico, 2015·WITH HONORS CATHERINE DELGADO ORTEGABiEcon., Universidad del Pacifico, Lima, Peru,2016AGUSTfN DELICADO ZOMENOB.C.E.E., Universitat Politecnica de Valencia,Spain, 2013M.Eng., ibid., 2013MICAELA DELLA TORREDoctor, Universita degli Studi di Milano, Milan,Italy, 1993S.M., University of Illinois at Chicago, 2009AISLING VANESSA DEL RIOMCDERMOTTB.B.A., Escuela Superior de Administracion yDireccion, Barcelona, Spain, 2016EGE DEMIRELS.B., BOBazi�i Universltesi, Istanbul, Turkey, 2011S.M., Northwestern University, 2013·WITH HONORSLARRY YEPDJUO DEMNIS.B., University of Oklahoma, 2009S.M., University of Texas at Dallas, 2012QIAN DENGS.B., Boston College, Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts,2016M.I.D.S., University of California, Berkeley, 2021RIDDHI DESAIS.B., University of Pittsburgh-Pittsburgh Campus,2011Doc., University of Pennsylvania, 2016S.M., Oregon Health and Science University, 2018MARCELA DESIDERIO SCHWEIZERBiEcon., Insper Instituto de Ensino e Pesquisa, saoPaulo, Brazil, 2014VERA STEPHANIE DE VRIESB.M.E., Ecole Poly technique Federate de Lausanne,Switzerland, 1998Dipl., Eldpenbssische Technische HochschuleZurich, Switzerland, 2001Sc.D. tbid., 2006ALEXANDER FRANCISCO DEXEUSS.B., Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana,2015·WITH HONORSDANIEL AARON DEXTERS.B., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,2017RISHAV DHARB. Tech., VIT University, Yellore, India, 2016NICHOLAS VALENTI DIMAUROS.B., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,2015·WITH HONORSANDREA DIAZ SARABIAB.Econ., Universidad del Pacifico, Lima, Peru,2017KYLE DOUGLAS DICKINSONA.B., University of California, Berkeley, 2017JAMIL B. DIHUS.B" Benedictine University, Lisle, Illinois, 2002Doc" Harris-Stowe State University, 2007LAURA ANN DILLONS,B" University of Notre Dame, 2018·WITH HIGH HONORSMIRI MANZARSHOHI DILOVARA,B" American University in Bulgaria,Blagoevgrad, 2015EMILY KELLY DINGA,B" University of Chicago, 2018S,M" ibid" 2023MICHAEL ANTHONY DINGMANS,B" University of Central Florida, 2016ALEXANDRA ELISE HYLASDISKERUDS,B" Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology, TerreHaute, Indiana, 2016JOHN DOERPINGHAUSB,B,A" University of Arkansas at Fayetteville,2011S,M" ibid" 2018TRAM NGUYEN DOMANA,B" si. Olaf College, 2016 THE BOOTH SCHOOL OF BUSINESSDREW DONALDSONA,B" University of Chicago, 2016S,M" Indiana University Bloomington, 2018·WITH HONORSBENJAMIN DONGS,B" Vanderbilt University, 2018CONSTANZA DOVALBiBus. Pontificia Universidad Cat6lica Argentina,Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2013·WITH HIGH HONORSALEXIS MARGARET DRAYTONA,B" Boston College, Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts,2013JIEHUA DUA,B" University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill,2012S,M" University of Virginia, 2013THOMAS DUBOISS,B" University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,2013VRINDA DUBEDipl. West Bengal National University of juridicalSciences, Kolkata, India, 2015B,B,S" University of Delhi, New Delhi, India, 2015S,M" University of London-London BusinessSchool, England, United Kingdom, 2016STEVEN JOHN DUDASHS,B" Illinois Wesleyan University, 2012DENIS PATRICK DUPEEA,B" Duke University, 2008·WITH HIGH HONORSTAHA NIYAZI DUTKUNERA,B" Koc llniversitesi, Istanbul, Turkey, 2018SATYA VENKATA ANUSHADWIVEDULAB, Tech.Iiions], jawaharlal Nehru TechnologicalUniversity Kakinada, India, 2012S,M" Kansas State University, 2013PAUL ANDREW DWYERB,M" Oberlin College, 2007M,M" University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, 2008D,Mus" ibid" 2012M,M" juilliard School, 2013PATRICK JOHN DYERA,B" Middlebury College, 2014A,M" University of Chicago, 2015JUNYA EBEBiComp. Swinburne University of Technology,2007LORI HEATHER EBENSTEINA,B" Brown University, 2017·WITH HONORSVITOR EIR6 STORINOB,I,R" Universidade de Brasilia, Brazil, 2013REHAN ELAHIB,Sc,(Hons), Lahore University of ManagementSciences, Pakistan, 2016·WITH HIGH HONORSWILLIAM ROLFE ELDRIDGES,B" William Marsh Rice University, 2016M,Acc" ibid" 2017AMR MAHMOUD ELKHOULYB,B,A,(Hons), American University in Cairo, Egypt,2008BRANDEN ELKINSS,B" Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana,2016KENDALL IFECHUKWUDE ELUEA,B" University of Chicago, 2017M,D" ibid" 2023JOHN WELDON EMERSONA.B" University of Chicago, 2010MELVIN C. EMESIBEA,B" University of California, Los Angeles, 2014JOSHUA DAVID ENGLES,B" United States Naval Academy, 2012ANETA HOVHANNES EPRIKYANPh,B" Yerevan State University, Armenia, 1998M,B,A" American University of Armenia, Yerevan,2005SHAAN ERICKSONS,B" Harvard University, 201773THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO 537TH CONVOCATIONSARAH ELIZABETH ERXLEBENA.B., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,2010A.M., New York University, 2012·WITH HONORSJOSHUA GRAY EZICKSONA.B., Brown University, 2015J.D., University of Chicago, 2023·WITH HONORSXIAJIE FAA.B., Shanghai jiao Tong University, China, 2013·WITH HONORSAUGIE ALEXANDER FABELA IIIS.B., Stanford University, 2019MALCOLM MAXIMILIAN FAIGENS.B., University of California, Berkeley, 2015AARON NICHOLAS FAISONS.B., University of Pennsylvania, 2017j.o., University of Chicago, 2023MODUPEOLUWA OLUWATOSINFAMAKINWAB.Sc.(Hons), University of Lagos, Nigeria, 2005ZHENG ERIC FANGA.B., Vanderbilt University, 2016SHAYAN FAROOQB.Sc.(Hons), Lahore University of ManagementSciences, Pakistan, 2009SARAH FASIHIS.B., University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, 2010Dipl., Harvard University, 2019ANDREW JOHN FAUSONEB.B.A., University of Notre Dame, 2016S.M., University of Chicago, 2023·WITH HONORSANDREA FEDRIGOS.B., University of Southern California, 2017S.B., Universita Bocconi, Milan, Italy, 2017B.B.A., Hong Kong University of Science andTechnology, Kowloon, 2017LIN FEIA.B., Vanderbilt University, 2018YUSHENG FEIB.Econ., Fudan University, Shanghai, China, 2015A.M., Brown University, 2017YUJIA FENGS.M., Michigan Technological University, 2010CODY EVAN FENNERNBilndiv.S; University of Minnesota-Twin Cities,2010LARRY DARNELL FERGUSON, JR.S.B., University of Houston-University Park, 2012JASMINE J. FERGUSONA.B., Pomona College, 2015BERNARDO FIAUXB.Econ.(Hons), IBMEC (Brazilian Institute ofCapital Markets), Rio de janeiro, Brazil, 2011ELIZABETH TRILLIAFIDEI-BAGWELLA.B., Williams College, 2012·WITH HIGH HONORSASHLEY NICOLE FIELDSA.B., University of Chicago, 2015SANTIAGO FIGUEROAA.B., Instituto Tecnoltiqico Autonomo de Mexico,San Angel, 2018MARISA FILTERS.B., Marquette University, 2016LEONARD GEORG FISCHERS.B., United States Military Academy, 2010ZAHARA FISHERS.B., University of Maryland at College Park, 2017KATHRYN QUINN FITZPATRICKB.B.A., Villanova University, 2015TRISTAN GUIDO FLANNERY*A.B., American Military University, 2020MARINA STAMATINA ROUSESFOLEYB.B.A., Texas Christian University, 2016SARAH GOOD FOLLMERA.B., University of Chicago, 2005·WITH HONORS74 ROBERT JOSEPH FOLTZA.B., Texas State University, 2017GIORGIO FONTANABiSc., Politecnico di Milano, Italy, 2011S.M., ibid., 2014JOHN ROBERT FORESTIERS.B., Lehigh University, 2013M.E.M., Dartmouth College, 2015CHARLOTTE ANN FRANKA.B., Northwestern University, 2018·WITH HONORSJOEL CROFT FREEBORNS.B., Indiana University Bloomington, 1997PATRICK BRADY FREUNDS.B., Miami University, Oxford, Ohio, 2016·WITH HONORSNAHUEL EZEQUIEL FRIOLB.B.A., Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina,2016WENTAO FUS.B., Shanghai jiao Tong University, China, 2010Ph.D., University of Texas at Austin, 2014·WITH HIGH HONORSYAO FUS.B., University of Texas at Austin, 2011S.M., ibid., 2014RAMONA SONJA FUCHSA.B., Universitiit: Erfurt; Germany, 2008A.M., University of Westminster, London, England,United Kingdom, 2011THOMAS BRADLEY FULKERSON IV*S.B., Georgia Institute of Technology, 2015VALENTINA FUNGS.B., University of California, Berkeley, 2014JEFFREY THOMAS GAARDB.Com., McGill University, Montreal, Quebec,Canada, 2013BRIAN MICHAEL GALLAGHERA.B., University of Pennsylvania, 2017LOUIS HENRI GAL TIEB.Com., McGill University, Montreal, Quebec,Canada, 2013NAREK GALUSTYANS.B., Bauman Moscow State University, RussianFederation, 2012S.M., Financial Academy Under the RussianFederation Government, Moscow, 2012Sc.D., Bauman Moscow State University, RussianFederation, 2017BERNARDITA A. GAMBOA VIDALB.B.A.(Hons), Pontificia Universidad Catolica deChile, Santiago, 2015BATCHIMEG GANBAATARB.B.A., University of Illinois at Chicaqo, 2012SRIVIDHYA GANESHS.B., University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, 2017SHUBHAM GANGULYB. Tech. [Hons], Visvesvaraya National Institute ofTechnology, Nag pur, India, 2010S.M., University of Florida, 2014·WITH HONORSTING GAOA.B., Wesleyan University, Middletown,Connecticut, 2016YI GAOA.B., Michigan State University, 2011S.M., DePaul University, Chicago, Illinois, 2014SONIA EMILU GARCIA GOMEZA.B., Instituto Tecnoloqico y de EstudiosSuperiores de Monterrey, Mexico, 2014JOHN HARRISON GARFINKELS.B., Wake Forest University, 2012UTKARSH GARGB. Tech., Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, NewDelhi, India, 2015GABRIELLA SARAH GARRA.B., Princeton University, 2017ANDREW SCOTT GAUTHIERS.B., Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana,2011·WITH HIGH HONORS EFRAT GAVRAA.B., Ben Gurion University of the Negev,Be 'er-Sheva, Israel, 2016XIAOBAI GEB.B.A., University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, 2013RYAN CHRISTOPHER GECZIB.B.A., Washington University in St. Louis, 2015·WITH HONORSANCA-SIMONA GEORGESCUA.B., University of Oxford, England, UnitedKingdom, 2015LUCAS GERALDO SANCHESDipl., Escola Politecnica da Universidade de SlioPaulo, Brazil, 2009JESSICA GERICHB.B.A., Cleveland State University, 2006JUAN FELIPE GERSS.B., Georqia Institute of Technology, 2014JAN WILLEM LEONARD GERTH VANWIJKLL.B., Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam, TheNetherlands, 2013BtSc., ibid., 2015LL.M., ibid; 2016S.M., ibid., 2017·WITH HONORSMATHIAS HAMILTON PINHEIROGESSERB.B.A., Washington University in St. Louis, 2015M.P.P., University of Chicago, 2023RUNGROJ GEYTENBEEKS.B., West Chester University of Pennsylvania,2016S.M., Villanova University, 2017SAMAH GHAOUCHAB.Eng., McGill University, Montreal, Quebec,Canada, 2009ANIKET GHARPUREB.Eng., University of Mumbai, India, 2008S.M., Northeastern University, 2012MARK CAWLEY GIARELLIA.B., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,2015CAROLINE MAGNOTTI GIBSONS.B., Virginia Polytechnic Institute and StateUniversity, 2016LUIS FERNANDO GIL DORIA*B.B.A., Universidad EAFIT, Medellin, Colombia,2006M.MktB., University of New South Wales,Kensington, Australia, 2013CAIO MEZZETI GIORDANOEnB., Escoto Politecnica da Universidade de SiioPaulo, Brazil, 2017M.Eng., Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussees,Paris, France, 2017·WITH HIGH HONORSHELEN KAITLYN GLASSA.B., Covenant College, 2012M.S. W., University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, 2015KATELYN R. GLASSB.B.A., American University, washinqton, Districtof Columbia, 2009SCOTT GILMAN GLASSMANS.B., University of Virginia, 2014·WITH HONORSCHRISTOPHER RYAN GOEBBERT*S.B., University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2011HARSHIL GOELS.B., Georgia Institute of Technology, 2017JOSHUA GOFFMAN-POZZUTOB.B.A., Georgetown University, 2010JAMES THOMAS GOLBYS.B., United States Military Academy, 2001Ph.D., Stanford University, 2011BRIAN PHILIP GOLDMANA.B., University of Pennsylvania, 2016S.B., ibid., 2016·WITH HONORSLANCE ORTIZ GONZALEZS.B., United States Naval Academy, 2013·WITH HIGH HONORSLUIS FERNANDO GONZALEZ-PRADAFELICESB.Econ., Universidad del Pacifico, Lima, Peru,2015SAMUEL WEI GOODMANS.B., Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, 2016ANDRES GOSSELINB.I.E., lnstituto Technol6gico y de EstudiosSuperiores de Monterrey, Santa Fe, Mexico, 2017'WITH HONORSMEGAN ELIZABETH GOULDINGS.B., Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, 2018MILTON ALONSO GRANADOSS.B., Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University,Bunnell, Florida, 2013ANASTASIIA GRANOVSKAIAS.B., State University Higher School of Economics,Moscow, Russian Federation, 2013B.Sc.,(Honsj, University of London, England,United Kingdom, 2013EMMA FRAWLEY GRANOWITZA.B., Providence College, Rhode Island, 2016DYLAN CHARLES GRANQUISTS.B., Illinois State University, 2014BENJAMIN JOSEPH GRAVELINES.B., United States Naval Academy, 2015S.M., Western Governors University, 2018BRUCE LUIS GREENES.B., Boston University, Massachusetts, 2017ARIEL FAITH GREENHOUSEB.B.A., University of Florida, 2015M.I.B., ibid., 2016CHRISTIAN BENFORD GREGORICHS.B., Vanderbilt University, 2017'WITH HONORSSHANE PATRICK GRIFFEEA.B., Claremont McKenna College, 2016NEIL PATRICK GRIFFIN*Bach., Illinois Institute of Technology, 2016GUILHERME PROCOPIO GRISIBach., Insper Instituto de Ensino e Pesquisa, SiioPaulo, Brazil, 2014'WITH HONORSTROY JUSTIN ACKER GROENKEA.B., Macalester College, 2011TIMOTHY GROZIERS.B., Ohio State University, Columbus, 2015ANDREW LIAM GRUBERS.B., University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, 2016S.M., ibib., 2017QINGHUA GUBach; Nanjing University, China, 2001A.M., University of Toronto, Ontario, Canada, 2003M.B.A., ibid., 2005DONALD PAUL GUARINO IIIA.B., University of Northern Iowa, 2012'WITH HONORSMIA AMAU GUILDA.B., Wellesley College, Massachusetts, 2016TARUN GULRAJANIS.B., University of North Carolina at Charlotte,2003S.M., Emory University, 2005VENKATA AJAY GUNDEPALLIB. Tech. [Hons}, Indian Institute of TechnologyKbaraqpur, India, 2010S.M., Texas Tech University, 2012RYAN SUN GUOA.B., University of Chicago, 2020J.D., ibid., 2023SONGQING GUOB.Mgmt., Zhongnan University of Economics andLaw, Wuhan, China, 2011S.M., Illinois Institute of Technology, 2013GAUTAM GUPTAB. Tech., Uttar Pradesh Technical University,Lucknow, India, 2009S.M., State University of New York at Buffalo,2015JANANI R. GUPTAS.B., University of Texas at Austin, 2019 NIKET GUPTAB. Tech., Indian Institute of InformationTechnology, Allahabad, India, 2015RAHUL GUPTAB. Tech., Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee,India, 2003Ph.D., University of Delaware, 2009JONATHAN ROBERT GURNEEDipl., University of London, England, UnitedKingdom, 2015A.B., Albion College, 2016HALLE MAE GUSTAFSONA.B., Middlebury College, 2016ELIZABETH GUTIERREZS.B., Purdue University=Calumet: Campus,Hammond, Indiana, 2015JAIME GABRIEL GUTIERREZM.D., Universidad del Norte, Barranquilta,Colombia, 2000MURTAZA HAIDERS.B., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,2016SYED JAVED HAIDERB. Tech., M.J.P. Rohilkhand University, Bareilly,India, 2012LAlLA HALLERA.B., Universttiit Zurich, Switzerland, 2008'WITH HIGH HONORSCHLOE ANN HALLUMA.B., Vassar College, 2016ELLIE McCARDWELL HALVORSONA.B., Stanford University, 2014JILLIAN MICALE HAMERSMAB.B.A., University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, 2016JARED HAMILTONA.B., University of Texas at Austin, 2019MEGHAN ELISE HAMMONDS.B., Truman State University, 2005M.Acc., University of Missouri-Columbia, 2006'WITH HIGH HONORSEDWARD JUNGWOON HANA.B., Colby College, 2016MIJIN HANA.B., William Marsh Rice University, 2015M.Acc., ibid., 2017ALISON BETH HANKESA.B., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,2009ELEANOR HARDINGB.B.A., University of Notre Dame, 2015BRANDON ROBERT HARDMANS.B., United States Military Academy, 2016BENJAMIN JOHN HARRISA.B., Northwestern University, 2010ROEI HAVIVA.B., University of Haifa, Israel, 2013TAKAAKI HAYASHIBiEcon., Osaka University, Japan, 2012KOTARO HAYATOA.B., Sophia University, Tokyo, Japan, 2007CHUNBAI HES.B., Fudan University, Shanghai, China, 2007Ph.D., ibid., 2012S.M., Northwestern University, 2020YUXIHELL.B., East China University of Political Scienceand Law, Shanghai, China, 2010M.Acc., Bentley College, 2012DAVID CONNER HEETDERKSS.B., Indiana University Bloomington, 2014MATTHEW HEFFLERS.B., Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, 2011IAN MARSHALL HEINRICHA.B., Johns Hopkins University, 2016CORBON HUNT HEIZERB.M.E., Vanderbilt University, 2016ALEXANDER GEORGE HERBETSA.B., Emory University, 2018S.B., Georgia Institute of Technology, 2018 THE BOOTH SCHOOL OF BUSINESSCARLOS LUIS HERNANDEZB.Ap.s., Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, 2017BENJAMIN SHEPARD HERSTA.B., University of Chicago, 2014JOSHUA ALAN HEYSES.B., DePaul University, Chicago, Illinois, 2005S.M., ibid., 2009SAMUEL DEVLIN HICKSS.B., Miami University, Oxford, Ohio, 2017JUAN FRANCISCO HIDALGOB.Eng., Universidad de Chile, Santiago, Chile, 2013Ing., ibid., 2014uc; ibid., 2014AYUKO MORIKAWA HILLS.B., Georgia Institute of Technology, 2015CATHERINE ELIZABETH HILLA.B., University of Southern California, 2006'WITH HONORSSHUNYA HIROSHIMABach., University of Tokyo, Japan, 2013HARINA JAYSWAL HIRPARAS.B., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,2016JARON BERNARD HITES.B., Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, 2014LILIAN HOANGS.B., University of Maryland at College Park, 2015KATHERINE ROWE HOCHA.B., Grinnell College, Iowa, 2011'WITH HONORSHUNTER ADAM HOLLANDS.B., University of Southern California, 2017'WITH HIGH HONORSSTEPHANIE HOMB.B.A., Georgetown University, 2014JOSIAH CORNELIUS HOODS.B., University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 2015JOHN SAMUEL HOOlES.B., Georgia Institute of Technology, 2017S.M., ibid., 2021STEPHANIE ANN HOPPERS.B., University of Colorado at Boulder, 2001S.M., ibid., 2021JOHN THOMAS HOSEY, JR.S.B., Duke University, 2015KYLE RICHARD HRUTKAYS.B., Colorado State University, 2010S.M., University of South Carolina-Columbia, 2013LI HUAA.B., Chongqing University, Chongqing, China,1999ERIC LEE HUANGS.B., University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, 2017S.M., ibid., 2018JUNFAN HUANGA.B., University of Chicago, 2015QIN RAN HUANGB.B.A.{Hons), Wilfrid Laurier University,Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, 2016BiComp., University of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada,2016'WITH HONORSCAROLINE FRANCIS HUGHESA.B., Georgetown University, 2018J.D., University of Chicago, 2023RYAN MITCHELL HULETB.B.A., University of Miami, Coral Gables, Florida,2015VERONICA MARIE HUMES.B., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2014'WITH HONORSSAMUEL HARRISON HUMMELS.B., Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, 2018J.D., University of Chicago, 2023LAUREN ELIZABETH HUMPHREYA.B., Wake Forest University, 2015CHENG-LIN HUNGS.B., National Sun Yat-Sin University, Taipei,Taiwan, 2011S.M., University of Illinois at Chicago, 201375THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO 537TH CONVOCATIONABIGAIL VIRGINIA HUNTERA.B., College of William and Mary in Virginia,2015CRIST6BAL HURTADO CRUZATB.B.A.{Hons), Pontificia Universidad Catolica deChile, Santiago, 2015DAMIAN HURTADOB.B.A., University of Texas at EI Paso, 2015JON SYED HUSSAINA.B., Vanderbilt University, 2012·WITH HONORSKEVAL HUTHEESINGM.Eng., Imperial College of Science, Technologyand Medicine, London, England, United Kingdom,2017S.M., University of Chicago, 2023THOMAS FRYXELL HUXTABLES.B., United States Military Academy, 2016ZACHARY REDMOND HYMANS.B., Northwestern University, 2015S.M., ibid., 2016MOUAD IBNO BACHIRA.B., Harvard University, 2017MAHMOUD IBRAHIM IBRAHIMS.B., State University of New York at Binghamton,2007S.M., ibid., 2009Ph.D., ibid., 2012LUIS FELIPE IDARRAGA ALVAREZS.B., Universidad de los Andes, Bogota, Colombia,2017YUSHI IDEB.Econ., University of Tokyo, japan, 2016MASSNOON IFAZS.B., Boston University, Massachusetts, 2011S.M., University of Connecticut, 2014LESLEY MICHELE IHIONKHANA.B., Duke University, 2018NAOKI IIDAA.B., Hosei University, Tokyo, japan, 2010ADI IKANS.B., Bar-Ilan University, Ramat-Gan, Israel, 2013S.M., ibid., 2017MIYAKO IKUNOLL.B., University of Tokyo, japan, 2018CHUKWUDI IFEANYICHUKWUILOZUES.B., Illinois Institute of Technology, 2014PAA KWESI IMBEAHS.B., University of Kansas, 2017YUYA INAGAKIA.B., Meiji Gakuin University, Tokyo, japan, 2009KATRYN INGSTAD8.Acc., University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, 2003MARY KATHERINE IRVINGA.B., University of Notre Dame, 2016RAFAEL YUJI ISHIB.M.E., Universidade Federal do Parana, Curitiba,Brazil, 2012KYOHEI ISHIKAWA*S.B., State University of New York at Stony Brook,2011OYINLOLA RUKAYAT ISIAKAA.B., University of Delaware, 2018j.D., University of Chicago, 2023ASHLEY IUS.B., University of Southern California, 2017S.M., ibid., 2017ANAND BALASUBRAMANIAM IYERB.Eng., University of Mumbai, India, 2000M.M.S., ibid., 2004Dtpl., Institute of Chartered Financial Analysts,Hyderabad, India, 2004SHEKHAR RAMACHANDRAN IYERS.B., Birla Institute of Technology and Science,Pilani, India, 2011S.M., ibid., 2011S.M., Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai,India, 2018JILLIAN J. JACOBBIA.B., University of Chicago, 201476 ANNA JACOBSS.B., Boston University, Massachusetts, 2017RUSHNA JAFARRAZAS.B., DeVry Institute of Technology, Addison,Illinois, 2005S.B., ibid., 2006AARON JAFFES.B., Northwestern University, 2012ABHISHEK S. JAINS.B., Wayne State University, Detroit, Michigan,2017KALASH JAINA.B., University of Chicago, 2017REENA JAINB.E., Birla Institute of Technology and Science,Pilani, India, 2015SUJIT G. JAINB.Eng., University of Pune, India, 2007S.M., University of Massachusetts - Lowell, 2010YASH JAINB. Tech., Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee,India, 2013VALERIA JARAMA ARENASB.Ap.Sc., Universidad del Pacifico, Lima, Peru,2016GAURI JASWALB.B.A.{Hons), University of Delhi, New Delhi, India,2015Dipl., Indian School of Business, Hyderabad, India,2020NISHANTHI JEGANNATHANS.B., Georgia Institute of Technology, 2016YUN NI JENS.B., Ateneo de Manila University, Quezon City,Philippines, 2002TAYLOR JENKINSB.Com.{Hons), Dalhousie University, Halifax, NovaScotia, Canada, 2015MAIRIN ANNE JERSES.B., Marquette University, 2017ANEESHA JHINGAN5.8., University of California, Berkeley, 2011M.P.P., University of Chicago, 2023NAN JIANGB.B.A., York University, Toronto, Ontario, Canada,2015ARTURO JIMENEZ DE PARGAALCUBILLAB.B.A., Instituto Empresa, Madrid, Spain, 2018LL.B., ibid., 2018·WITH HONORSKRITI JINDALS.B., johns Hopkins University, 2019ANDREW STEVEN JOHNSONS.B., University of Pittsburgh-Pittsburgh Campus,2017BLAKE DOUGLAS JOHNSONS.B., University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, 2017CAROLINE LOUISE JOHNSON5.8., United States Naval Academy, 2009A.M., University of Oklahoma, 2015ELIZABETH LOUISE WATKINSJOHNSONA.B., University of Pennsylvania, 2015NATHANIEL DAVID JOHNSONS.B., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2018·WITH HONORSNICHOLAS KARL STEELE JOHNSONA.B., Vassar Colleqe, 2017·WITH HONORSSTEVEN ROBERT JOHNSONS.B., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,2008·WITH HIGH HONORSZACHARY JOHNSON-BURTON*S.B., Bradley University, 2012NICOLE YONIT JOISONS.B., Washington University in St. Louis, 2016 ALEXANDER HARRIS JONESA.B., Wheaton Col/ege, Illinois, 2013A.M., ibid., 2016Ph.D., Azusa Pacific University, 2021CARL DAVID JONES.IIB.B.A., University of Notre Dame, 2013KELLY JONESA.B., Indiana University Bloomington, 2007KENDRA TIERRA JONESS.B., Ohio State University, Columbus, 2016TORI JONESA.B., Carleton College, 2017SAMYUKTHA JOTHISHANKARS.B., College of William and Mary in Virginia,2017CECILIA ISABEL JOY PEREZA.B., Washington University In St. Louis, 2015SHAHILJUGGERNATHS.B., University of Kwazulu-Natal, Durban, SouthAfrica, 2007B.Eng.{Hons), University of Pretoria, South Africa,2010JAMES JEEHEUM JUNGA.B., Dartmouth College, 2014B.Eng., ibid., 2015VAIBHAV JUYALB. Tech., Uttar Pradesh Technical University,Lucknow, India, 2006SAMEER R. KAKA.B., University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill,2017AMMAR AHMAD KALIMULLAHA.B., University of Chicago, 2017·WITH HONORSNIKITA KALININDipl., Perm State University, Russian Federation,2008·WITH HONORSBRITTANY RENEE KALMBACHS.B., University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill,2016LAKSHYA KALRAB. Tech.I Hons), Indian Institute of TechnologyKharaqpur, India, 2016DHRUV VIJAY KAMATHB. Tech., National Institute of Technology,Tiruchirapalli, India, 2016HARI KRISHNA KANAGALA*B. Tech., Indian Institute of Technology Madras,Chennai, India, 2009S.M., Lehigh University, 2013PRITESH RAJESH KANANIB. Tech., Indian Institute of TechnologyBenqalindi, India, 2013S.M., Pennsylvania State University, UniversityPark,2015ELEANOR CHEE KANGA.B., University of Chicago, 2017NAB EEL AHMAD KANGOOB. Tech., Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee,India, 2016ANAND MEDHA KANNAPALLYB. Tech. (Hans), Indian Institute of TechnologyVaranasi, India, 2015M.E.C.E., William Marsh Rice University, 2016AYUSHI KANSALB. Tech., Motilal Nehru Regional EngineeringCol/ege, Allahabad, India, 2018KERDIA KARGOUS.B., University of Houston-University Park, 2010BLAKE ROBERT KARLSS.B., Truman State University, 2009MURALI SRISUDHA KARRI*S.B., Andhra University, Waltair, India, 2005VAMSI KRISHNA VENKATASUBRAMANYA KARRYB. Tech., jawaharlal Nehru TechnologicalUniversity, Hyderabad, India, 2001Dipl., National Institute of Industrial Engineering,Mumbai, India, 2005LAUREN MARIE KASPERA.B., William Marsh Rice University, 2015MANPRIYA KAURB.Eng., University of Delhi, New Delhi, India, 2018SAN CHIT KAUSHALB.A.(Hons), University of Delhi, New Delhi, India,2013A.M., ibid., 2015NATA KAVTARADZEB.B.A., Free University of Tibilisi, Georgia, 2018KENNETH C. KELLER IIIA.B., University of Chicago, 2017M.P.P., ibid., 2023JOHN ERIC KELLEY, JR.S.B., University of Kansas, 2017·WITH HONORSGALEN EDWARD KELLYA.B., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,2014S.M., ibid., 2016JESSICA JEANETTE KENNEALLYS.B., University of l/linois at Urbana-Champaign,2014·WITH HIGH HONORSEDWARD WILLIAM ALAN KENTB.A.(Hons), Coventry University, England, UnitedKingdom, 2011THOMAS KERNEYS.B., Northern Arizona University, 2020ELENA KERSTJENS MARTfNEZBach., Unlversitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona,Spain, 2019·WITH HONORSDHRUV KHADES.B., Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, 2013·WITH HONORSSAMANTHA KHADIGE MERINOS.B., Universidad del Pacifico, Lima, Peru, 2016RIZWAN UZ ZAMAN KHAJI SHAIKB. Tech., [awaharlal Nehru TechnologicalUniversity, Hyderabad, India, 2002AM AN RAJ KHANNAA.B., Denison University, 2008RAKSHAK KHANNAS.B., Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana,2014ZAID NAZIH KHATIBS.B., University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, 2018S.M., University of Chicago, 2023BRIAN T. KIMS.B., California Institute of Technology, 2013S.M., University of California, Berkeley, 2014DO HYUNG KIMA.B., Northwestern University, 2015M.P.P., University of Chicago, 2023DUSTIN KIMS.B., DePaul University, Chicago, Illinois, 2009HYE MYOUNG KIMB.B.A., Yonsei University, Seoul, South Korea, 2017JOY LYNN KIMS.B., Georgia Institute of Technology, 2016S.M., Northwestern University, 2018JUNHYEOK KIMB.B.A., Hanyang University, Seoul, South Korea,2017MYUNG LIP KIMS.B., University of l/linois at Urbana-Champaign,1993S.M., lbid., 1994Ph.D., ibid., 2002SU YOUNG ALEXANDRIA KIMA.B., Princeton University, 2012TAE HOON KIMS.B., University of Pennsylvania, 2015BRENDAN CHARLES KING*A.B., University of Notre Dame, Indiana, 2012KELSEY JADE KINGS.B., Saint Louis University, 2017GRIFFIN SPRAGUE KINZIEA.B., Denison University, 2012MORGAN MAE KISHS.B., University of l/linois at Urbana-Champaign,2012 JOSHUA MICHAEL KITES.B., University of Virginia, 2014·WITH HIGH HONORSCHRISTOPHER PAUL KNITTLES.B., United States Military Academy, 2012MONIKA KOCYKA.B., University of l/linois at Urbana-Champaign,2013SIDDHI NILESH KODOLIKARS.B., Virginia Polytechnic Institute and StateUniversity, 2018·WITH HONORSKISHORE KODRUB. Tech. [Hons}, [awah arlal Nehru TechnologicalUniversity, Hyderabad, India, 2003YEOW CHONG ALVIN KOHS.B., University of London, England, UnitedKingdom, 2004YOONJUNG KOHA.B., Northwestern University, 2013RYAN THOMAS KOKELLS.B., Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, 2019J.D., University of Chicago, 2023JAMES REED KOLBES.B., Northwestern University, 2016·WITH HONORSKOFFI FREDERIC KONANM.Eng., Ecole Nationale Superieured'Electrotechnique, d'Electronique, d'lnformatiqueet d'Hydraulique et des Telecommunications,Toulouse, France, 2007DHIMANT BALUBHAI KORANTB.Eng., University of Pune, India, 2004S.M., University of Texas at Arlington, 2007NIKKI KOTHARI*A.B., University of Chicago, Illinois, 2019EMRE CAN KOZANS.B., University of Melbourne, Parkville, Victoria,Australia, 2015S.B., Bogazi9i Universitesi, Istanbul, Turkey, 2018CHRISTOPHER JOHN KRAEUTLES.B., University of Cincinnati, 1993JACOB THOMAS KRAMBS.B., United States Coast Guard Academy, 2014CLARA KRIDLERS.8., Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana,2014ADAM JOHN KRIPPELA.B., University of Colorado at Boulder, 2007J.D., Ohio State University, Columbus, 2011·WITH HONORSROOPA KRISHNASWAMYA.B., University of Arizona, 2014CHLOE ROSE KRUVANTA.B., Washington University in St. Louis, 2015BRIAN SCOTT KUHARS.B., Northern l/linois University, 2010ANJOLIE KULKARNIA.B., Northwestern University, 2015HRISHIKESH SUNIL KULKARNIB. Tech., Indian Institute of Technology varanasi,India, 2016M. Tech., ibid., 2016AMITESH KUMARB.Eng., Siddaganga Institute of Technology,Tumkur, India, 2006·WITH HONORSASHOK KUMAR*B. Tech., Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi,2003Dipl., Indian Institute of Management, Calcutta,India 2007SUGAM KUMARS.B., Bihar Institute of Technology, Sindri, India,2002Dipl., National Institute of Industrial Engineering.Mumbai, India, 2007SHINTARO KURYUBtEcon., University of Tokyo, Japan, 2015BENJAMIN MYLES KURZMANS.B., University of Florida, 2015 THE BOOTH SCHOOL OF BUSINESSKRYSTSINA KUZNIATSOVAB.B.A.(Hons), Brock University, St, Cath arines,Ontario, Canada, 2016DIMITRIOS KYRANOSS.B., Boston University, Massachusetts, 2017GIANCARLO J. LADIB.B.A., University of London, England, UnitedKingdom, 2016ARJUN LAGISETTYS.B., State University of New York at Stony Brook,2009GALID LAHDAHDAM.A.S., Technische Universiteit Delft, TheNetherlands, 1999·WITH HONORSNISHITA RAJKUMAR LAKHANIS.B., Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana,2015SRISHTI LAL8.Bus., Nanyang Technological University,Singapore, Singapore, 2017B.Eng., ibid., 2017JAMES ROSS LAMANNAA.B., Pitzer College, 2016·WITH HONORSJORDAN ALEXANDRA LAMANNAA.B., University of Southern California, 2017·WITH HONORSJOHN CURTIS LAMATTINAA.B., Dartmouth College, 1999M.D., Harvard University, 2003·WITH HONORSSOPHIA ADELAIDE LAMMERSS.B., DePaul University, Chicago, Illinois, 2015JONATHAN JAY LANEA.B., Hamilton College, 2015·WITH HONORSPIOTR BARTLOMIEJ LANGERS.B., Szkola Handlowa w Warszawsie, Warsaw,Poland, 2016Mag., ibid., 2018M.Sc., Imperial College of Science, Technology,and Medicine, London, England, United Kingdom,2020RYAN JOHN LANGTONS.B., Bradley University, 2017ANTONIO LARREA NAJERAB.C.E.E., Universidad Iberoamericana Ciudad deMexico, Mexico City, 2015CARL WILLY LARSENA.B., Wheaton College, Illinois, 2014·WITH HIGH HONORSDAVID JAMES LARSENA.B., Boston College, Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts,2010·WITH HIGH HONORSROBERT JAN LARSENB.B.A., University of South Dakota, 2009M.Pro/Acc, ibid., 2009·WITH HIGH HONORSDMITRY EVGENEVICH LAVRENTIEVLL.B., Moscow State Institute of InternationalRelations, Russian Federation, 1999Dipl., ibid., 2000LL.M., New York University, 2008Dipl., ibid., 2008EMILY RYAN LAWLERS.B., University of Colorado at Boulder, 2012RYAN CHRISTOPHER LAWLERB.G.S., University of Kansas, 2009M.P.A., ibid., 2011KATHERINE JANE LAYENDECKERA.B., Davidson College, 2015HADRIEN ERWAN LE FLOCHS.B., Ecole Superieure des Sciences Economiqueset Commerciales, Cerqy-Pontoise, France, 2013S.M., ibid., 2018VO HOANG LEB.Econ., Foreign Trade University, Hanoi, VietNam, 2013PIERRE LECONTEA.B., Boston College, Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts,201777THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO 537TH CONVOCATIONAMANDA MARIE LEEA.B., Lawrence Technological University, 2007S.M., Yale University, 2012ANDREW LEEB.Eng., Vanderbilt University, 2019CHRISTINA LEEA.B., Northwestern University, 2014DUKHYUN LEEA.B., Korea University, Seoul, South Korea, 2017M.B.A., Quantic School of Busisness andTechnology, 2020S.B., Korea National Open University, Seoul, SouthKorea, 2021HYO JOO LEES.B., Northwestern University, 2018JIA RONG DAWN LEES.B., National University of Singapore, Singapore,2011KENNETH TAEHAN LEEA.B., Tufts University, 2011A.M., University of California, Irvine, 2014Ph.D., ibid., 2016NATALIE LEEA.B., Boston College, Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts,2015·WITH HONORSPHOEBE WEI TING LEES.B., University of California, Berkeley, 2018SANDRA J. LEES.B., Ohio State University, Columbus, 2016SHAWN LEEA.B., University of Notre Dame, 2016·WITH HONORSWONMOON LEEB.Econ., Sogang University, Seoul, South Korea,2017JUSTIN TERENCE LEESS.B., University of Virginia, 2013SARAH ALANA LEFFA.B., Vanderbilt University, 2016MATIAS GUILLERMO LEGUIZAMONLL.B.(Hons), Universidad de Buenos Aires,Argentina, 2012M.Fin., Universidad Torcuato di Tella, BuenosAires, Argentina, 2014·WITH HIGH HONORSANNA LEISTIKOWA.B., Dickinson College, 2015MIRELA LEKICB.B.A., University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, 2009VICTORIA MICHELLE LEONS.B., University of California, Los Angeles, 2014BENJELLICA NICHOLELESLIE-JONES*A.B., Wake Forest University, 2011M.Ed., University of Illinois at Chicago, 2016DIANE MARIA LESS*S.B., University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2010S.M., Rosalind Franklin University of Medicine andScience, 2014DANIEL BENJAMIN LESSERA.B., Northwestern University, 2015MIRANTI PUTRI LESTARIB.B.A.(Hons), National University of Singapore,Singapore, 2015·WITH HONORSSTEPHEN ROSS LESTYANS.B., University of South Carolina-Columbia, 2016LAI YIN LEUNG*B.Com., University of New South Wales,Kensington, Australia, 1995B.Sc., University of Southern Queensland,Toowoomba, Australia, 2004B.Sc.(Hons), Griffith University, Brisbane,Queensland, Australia, 2005RONALD TYRONE LEWIS, JR.S.B., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,2017S.M., University of Missouri- St. Louis, 2019ALAN SETH LEWISS.B., United States Military Academy, 2010S.M., Carnegie Mellon University, 201978 ALICE LIS.B., Pennsylvania State University, UniversityPark,2014ANNA LU LIA.B., University of Chicago, 2018CHING-YAO LIS.B., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,2011·WITH HONORSKEVIN LIA.B., Dartmouth College, 2017·WITH HONORSQUN LIA.B., Fudan University, Shanghai, China, 2012M.I.S., Carnegie Mellon University, 2014·WITH HIGH HONORSSHEN LIBach., Dalian University of Foreign Languages,China, 2006S.M., Bentley College, 2008SHUOHAN LIA.B., Henan University, Kaifeng, China, 2004LL.M., Shanghai International Studies University,China, 2007YAO LIS.B., Beijing University of Science and Technology,China, 2011S.M., Illinois Institute of Technology, 2013TZU-TING LIAOS.B., University of Virginia, 2014S.M., tbid., 2015BRETT BERNARD LILLA.B., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,2006CHRISTINA HSIAO WEN LIMLL.B.(Hons), University of London, England,United Kingdom, 2013DOYOUNG LIMA.B., University of Chicago, 2016JOSHUA JUN HUI LIMB.Eng., National University of Singapore,Singapore, 2014M.Eng., ibid., 2018KYUNGHA LIMS.B., Georgia Institute of Technology, 2013RAKDONG LIMA.B., Williams College, 2015S.M., Universite de Geneve, Geneva, Switzerland,2020TOMMY KANG YOONG LIMBi Com., University of New South Wales,Kensinqton, Australia, 2009LL.B.(Hons), ibid., 2009Dipl., Kaplan Professional Education, Sydney, NewSouth Wales, Australia, 2013Dlpl., Integrity Education Group, Dandenonq,Victoria, Australia, 2016Dipl., ibid., 2017·WITH HIGH HONORSCHI HSUAN LINB.B.A., National Taiwan University, Taipei, 2016S.M., University of Chicago, 2023ZONG KAI LINLL.B., University of Sydney, New South Wales,Australia, 2017·WITH HONORSANDREW LINDNERA.B., Dartmouth College, 2015JIAYIN LINGS.B., Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, 2008S.M., ibid., 2010Ph.D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology,2016·WITH HIGH HONORSJEFFREY JACOB LINNA.B., Washington University in St. Louis, 2016FENG LIUBach., Shanghai University of Finance andEconomics, China, 2008 JIAJIA LIUS.B., University of Science and Technology ofChina, Hefei, Anhui, 2010S.M., Etdqenossische Technische HochschuleZurich, Switzerland, 2014·WITH HONORSMENGJIA LIUA.B., Communication University of China, Beijing,2013M.C.I.S., Nanyang Technological University,Singapore, Singapore, 2016QINYU LIUB.B.A., University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, 2012SHAN LIUB.B.A., Washington State University, 2016SIBO LIUS.B., University of California, Los Angeles, 2013S.M., International Technological University, 2017TIANSHU LIUA.B., Communication University of China, Beijing,2003A.M., ibid., 2006TUCKER COLBY LONGS.B., University of Missouri-Columbia, 2015JORGE L. L6PEZ ARREDONDOA.B., Instituto Tecnol6gico Aut6nomo de Mexico,San Angel, 2015JEFFREY LOSTAUNAUS.B., Santa Clara University, California, 2015ZHI ZHONG LOUA.B., University of Chicago, 2016·WITH HIGH HONORSMATTHEW JOSEPH LOXLEYS.B., Ohio State University, Columbus, 2019JUN LUB.Eng., Shanghai University, China, 2006SHUANG LUA.B., University of California, Los Angeles, 2016WINNIE DENG LUIA.B., University of Chicago, 2019WARREN HUA LUKB.Sc.(Hons), University of London, England, UnitedKingdom, 2010·WITH HONORSERIK WILKE LUNDA.B., University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, 2009JUAN LUOBach., Wuhan University of Technology, China,2009S.M., Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shatin NT,2010SHIQI LUOHONGS.B., Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, 2012S.M., Northwestern University, 2014·WITH HONORSSONYA LUTHRAS.B., University of Illinois at Chicago, 2012·WITH HONORSRUIJIANG MABiCom., University of Toronto, Ontario, Canada,2013·WITH HONORSSHEK WAYNE MAA.B., University of Southern California, 2008SHAMIM MAANIB.B.A., Ohio State University, Columbus, 1999CHARLES DIRK MACDONALDS.B., United States Air Force Academy, 2013S.M., University of California, Berkeley, 2017·WITH HONORSDOUGLAS KENNETH MACINTOSHS.B., United States Naval Academy, 2011GLORIA ESTELLE MACIOROWSKIS.B., University of Notre Dame, 2016Mast; Brown University, 2019MICHAEL JEFFREY MACKINEY*A.B., DePaul University, Chicago, Illinois, 2015S.M., University of Chicago, Illinois, 2020OLGA MAGALETSKADipl., State Flight Academy of Ukraine,Kirovograd, 2003Mast., ibid., 2003M.B.A., National University Kyiv-Mohyla Academy,Ukraine, 2011ALEXANDER MAGANAS.B., Georgetown University, 2016TANVI MAGOA.B., University of Chicago, 2015JYOTSNA MAHAJANB.Com.(Hons), Shri Ram College of Commerce,New Delhi, India, 2015GEOFFREY MATTHEW MAITESB.F.A., Syracuse University, 2003JASMINE MAJDPOURB.Eng., McGill University, Montreal, Quebec,Canada, 2017AMRUTHA VENKATA MALLADIS.B., College of William and Mary in Virginia,2017NAHUEL QUIMEY MAL PARTIDAIng., Universidad Tecn6Iogica Nacional, BuenosAires, Argentina, 2016M.Fin., Adolfo Ibanez University, Santiago, Chile,2020RAZ MANGELA.B., Tel-Aviv University, Israel, 2016RUVIMBO PESERAI MANGOMAA.B., St. Lawrence University, Canton, New York,2011RAHUL SHANTARAM MANMODEB.Pharm., Amravati University, India, 2002S.M., University of Stra th clyde, Glasgow, Scotland,United Kingdom, 2006Se.D., University of Massachusetts - Lowell, 2012MARfA DEL SOCORRO MANZANOGUTIERREZLic., Instituto Tecnol6gico Aut6nomo de Mexico,San Angel, 2018ANDRE MARIA ALVES MAlA FILHOS.M., Politecnico di Milano, Italy, 2012B.Eng., Universidade de sao Paulo, Brazil, 2016'WITH HONORSVICENTE MARQUINA SERRANOS.B., Northeastern University, 20178.Se., Universidad Pontificia Comillas, Madrid,Spain, 2017SALLY MARSHAKA.M., University of Cambridge, England, UnitedKingdom, 1992eONOR GREGORY ROONEY MARTINS.8., Georgia Institute of Technology, 2016RENAE MARTINEZS.B., Baylor University, 2004S.M., Northwestern University, 2009CASSANDRA KAY MARTYNOWA.B., University of California, Los Angeles, 2011A.M., University of Chicago, 2013ELIZABETH MASHA.B., Johns Hopkins University, 2014BENJAMIN WILSON MASSAGEES.B., United States Military Academy, 2008ALEJANDRA MATADAMASMIRAMONTESA.B., Instituto Tecnol6gico Aut6nomo de Mexico,San Angel, 2015NEHA RAJU MATHURVAISHYAB.Eng., University of Mumbai, India, 2011S.M., Rutgers, the State University of NewJersey-New Brunswick, 2014CHEZEV ZURI VERONICAMATTHEWS.B., Brown University, 2015JAMES NATHANIEL MATTHEWSA.B., Harvard University, 2016'WITH HONORSLAURA GUIMARAES MATTOSLL.B., Pontifieia Universidada Catolica de MinasGerais, Belo Horizonte, Brazil, 2019 MARIA BELEN MAYOR SIURANETAS.B., Instituto Tecnol6gico Aut6nomo de Mexico,San Angel, 2021ELIKA MAZHARA.B., University of California, Santa Barbara, 2015KEBA MBAYEM.C.S., Ecole Superieure d'lnqenieurs enElectrotechnique et Electronique, Paris, France,2006P.Mast., HEC Paris, jouey-en-josas, France, 2008KYLE BRIAN McANALLYS.B., University of Utah, 2020MATTHEW FRANCIS McCABEA.B., University of Pittsburgh-Pittsburgh Campus,2009A.M., Dominican University, River Forest, Illinois,2012'WITH HONORSCOREY ANDREW McCARTENA.B., Wake Forest University, 2018KYLIE CATHERINE McCARTERS.B., University of Notre Dame, 2016JOHN McCORMICKA.B., Colorado College, 2017OLIVIA SHATTUCK McCULLOCHS.B., West Virginia University, 2015CAMILLE HELENE McCUTCHEONS.B., University of South Carolina-Columbia, 2016JOHN CONNOR MCDERMOTTS.B., Miami University, Oxford, Ohio, 2017M.Acc., ibid., 2017MAXWELL M. McDONNNELLS.B., United States Military Academy, 2012S.M., University of Missouri- Rolla, 2019EMILY ANN MCDUFFS.B., University of Virginia, 2016'WITH HONORSDUNCAN AUSTIN McGILLIVARYA.B., University of Chicago, 2017CAITLIN BAMFORD McISAACA.B., University of Missouri-Columbia, 2012SCOTT T. MCKEON*A.B., Covenant College, Lookout Mountain,Georgia, 2012S.M., University of Maryland, University College,2021CASSIDY MARIE McPHERSONS.8., University of Chicago, 2018'WITH HONORSLAlLA McQUADEA.B., University of Mary Washington, 2014REBECCA MEEKERA.B., University of Virginia, 2016AMIT NIKHIL MEHTAS.B., Birla Vishvakarma Mahavidyalaya, VallabhVidyanagar, India, 2003S.M., Southern Illinois University-Edwardsville,2005SHIVA BHARGAV MEHTAS.B., University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, 2017JUAN MARIO MEJIAA.B., University of Chicago, 2016LINDSEY RENEE MELNYKA.B., University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2014QIANLI MENS.B., State University of New York at Binghamton,2013GERARDO ALBERTO MENDEZRAMIREZS.B., Instituto Technol6gico y de EstudiosSuperiores de Monterrey, Santa Fe, Mexico, 2016HALEY LAINE MENDEZA.B., Harvard University, 2015JUSTIN MICHAEL MENZEB.B.A., University of Iowa, 2010S.M., DePaul University, Chicago, Illinois, 2015RYAN BENJAMIN MEYERSS.B., Indiana University Bloomington, 2017KENDALL MEYERTONSS.B., University of Texas at Austin, 2018'WITH HONORS THE BOOTH SCHOOL OF BUSINESSJASON YU MIAOS.B., University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada,2012MATIAS MICHELONIlng., Instituto Tecnol6gico de Buenos Aires,Argentina, 2013'WITH HONORSNATASHA MIGLIATI LEVYS.B., Northeastern University, 2016B.Sc., Fundaciio Getulio Vargas, sao Paulo, Brazil,2016CHRISTOPHER PENDLETON MILLERS.B., United States Naval Academy, 2013ERIC JEROME MILLERS.B., Wake Forest University, 2015'WITH HONORSPATRICK JOSEPH MILLERS.B., University of Missouri-Columbia, 2012ALP MIMAROGLUS.B., San Jose State University, 2012MARLA CAROL MIMSS.B., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,2007HARSIMRAN K. MINHASS.B., Carnegie Mellon University, 2017FREDERICO MIOTTI WIESELB.M.E., Escola Politecnica da Universidade de saoPaulo, Brazil, 2017LYNNETTE SOLANGE MIRANDAB.F.A., School of the Art Institute of Chicago, 2010A.M., New York University, 2014EDUARDO BENJAMIN MIRANDAPINEDAS.B., Instituto Tecnol6gico y de EstudiosSuperiores de Monterrey, Mexico, 2015MONA MISHRAB.Eng., Delhi Institute of Technology, India, 2018HARSHVARDHAN MISRAB.A.(Hons), University of Delhi, New Delhi, India,2013Dipl., Management Development Institute,Gurqaon, India, 2017MARY MARGARET MOBLEYS.B., University of Tennessee at Knoxville, 2017ALESSANDRO MOCIOM.Eng., Imperial College of Science, Technologyand Medicine, London, England, United Kingdom,2018AZIZAH MOHAMEDS.B., University of Houston-University Park, 2011S.M., ibid., 2015HUMBLE MOHAMMEDB. Tech., Mar Athanasius College of Engineering,Kechi, India, 2001MATHIAS MANUEL MONDINOA.B., Claremont McKenna College, 2010A.M., George Washington University, 2015MATTHEW MONOPOLIS.B., University of Canterbury, Christchurch, NewZealand, 1994M.Sc.(Hons), ibid., 1997CHARLES RICHARD MONTGOMERYA.B., Claremont McKenna College, 2015ROBERT JOHN MONTGOMERYS.B., St. Lawrence University, 2014ESTHER MOONA.B., Washington University in St. Louis, 2015JOSEPH FRANCIS SEBALLOS MORALBiBcon., University of the Philippines, Quezon City,1998ANDERSON PETER MORELATOB.Eng., Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais,Belo Horizonte, Brazil, 1999M.Eng., ibid., 2001GABRIELA MORENO MERINOS.B., Babson College, 2015NEIL MORIS.8., University of Maryland at College Park, 2013RYAN DEAN MORRINS.8., Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah, 201979THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO 537TH CONVOCATIONTAYLOR LANGSTON MULLENS.8., University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, 2016LUIS ANTONIO HIROSHI MUNAYCOTOSKANOB.Econ., Universidad del Pacifico, Lima, Peru,2013JOSE MUNOZ MARDONEZ8.Bus., Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile,Santiago, 2016KARTHIK MUNUGALAB.B.A., University of Michigan· Ann Arbor, 2017KANTA MURATAA.B., Waseda University, Tokyo, japan, 1992M.Mang., EMLYON Business School, Ecully, France,1997JAMES M. MURPHYS.B., Miami University, Oxford, Ohio, 2011TAIT FITZGERALD MURPHYA.B., Northwestern University, 2017·WITH HONORSSTEPHEN J. MURRAYS.B., Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana,2016YASH HEMANT MUTHIYANB.Com., Hassaram Rijhumal College of Commerceand Economics, Mumbai, India, 2014MARCELO SILVA MUZZIS.B., Universita Bocconi, Milan, Italy, 2018SATORU NABESHIMAB.B.A., Kobe University, japan, 2015JULIE NADIGS.B., Indiana University Bloomington, 2017·WITH HONORSSERGII NADTOCHIIBach., Kyiv National University of Economics,Ukraine, 2005Mast., ibid., 2006Kand., National Shevchenko University, Kyiv,Ukraine, 2010NORIYUKI NAGAMINE8.c.A., Hitotsubashi University, Tokyo, japan, 2009AGRIMA NAGPALB.B.A., University of Delhi, New Delhi, India, 2015CAROLINE NAHASB.B.A., Fundaciio Getulio Vargas, Sao Paulo,Brazil,2011P.Mast., Insper lnstituto de Ensino e Pesquisa, SaoPaulo, Brazil, 2016ANAND NAIBB. Tech., VIT University, Vellore, India, 2010NEETHI NAYAKA.B., Wi/liam Marsh Rice University, 2016M.P.P., University of Chicago, 2023BENJAMIN ARLYN NEISWANDERA.B., Denison University, 2014·WITH HONORSCHRISTOPHER DAVID NELSONB.B.A., University of North Dakota, 2015GUSTAVO NEMI CASTROB.Eng., Escola Politecnica da Universidade de SaoPaulo, Brazil, 2015M.E.M., Politecnico di Milano, Italy, 2015·WITH HONORSSUMANT NEMMANIB.Eng., R. V. College of Engineering, Banqalore,Banqalore, India, 2017BROOKE ANN NEUMANA.B., johns Hopkins University, 2005TESSA MARIE NEWLANDA.B., Miami University, Oxford, Ohio, 2014DOMINIC H. NEWMANNA.B., George Washington University, 2014THAO NGOC NGUYENA.B., Foreign Trade University, Hanoi, Viet Nam,2016JACKSON CONNOR NICHOLSB.B.A., University of Iowa, 2017TOM NOFS.B., Technion-Israel Institute of Technology,Haifa, 201880 ALEC NOGGLEA.B., University of Nevada, Reno, 2017CHANITNUN NONGSUWANS.B., Bentley College, 2015IAN GREGORY NORMAN*S.B., University of wisconstn-Nadison, 2016MICHAEL NOVAKB.Ch.E., University of Dayton, 2012DANIEL BRACKMAN NUSSBAUMA.B., Amherst College, 2016·WITH HONORSWATCHEN NYANUEA.B., DePauw University, Greencastle, Indiana,2005CARRIE SUSAN NYES.B., Wake Forest University, 2017KENSUKE OBARALL.B., Keio University, Tokyo, japan, 2000·WITH HONORSUGOCHUKWU OBILOB.B.A., Temple University, 2012M.Acc., Villanova University, 2013BRENDAN PATRICK O'BRIENA.B., University of Notre Dame, 2015j.D., University of Chicago, 2023·WITH HIGH HONORSBALTAZAR OCHAGAVIAS.B., Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile,Santiago, 2017MATTHEW RYAN OCHALSKIA.B., University of Chicago, 2014KATHERINE MILDRED O'CONNELLB.B.A., University of Georgia, 2015BRIAN GARY O'CONNORS.B., United States Military Academy, 2016MELISSA ANN O'CONNORB.B.A., University of Notre Dame, 2012·WITH HONORSOMOTUNDE MODUPEOLUWAODEDEYIS.B., Iowa State University of Science andTechnology, 2012S.B., Redeemer's University, Ede, Nigeria, 2012S.M., University of Lagos, Nigeria, 2016BOLUTIFE ODUSANYAB.B.A., Howard University, 2010OLUFUNMILOLA OLUBUSAYOOGUNMEKANA.B., University of Kent at Canterbury, England,United Kingdom, 1999S.M., University of Surrey, Guildford, England,United Kingdom, 2000KAITLYN ASHLEY OHB.A.(Hons), University of Western Ontario,London, Ontario, Canada, 2016·WITH HONORSSEOJOON OHS.B., Indiana University Bloomington, 2012B.B.A., Sung Kyun Kwan University, Seoul, SouthKorea, 2016S.M., University of Chicago, 2023TITILAYO BIMPE OKELL.B., Iqbinedion University Okada, Nigeria, 2006LL.M., University of Warwick, Coventry, England,United Kingdom, 2011UGOCHIOKOROM.B.Ch.B., Abia Sate University Uturu, OkigweNigeria, 1998KHADIJAT BOLANLE OLAYIWOLAA.B., University of Illinois at Chicago, 2018KATHLEEN NICHOLE OLIVERA.B., University of Chicago, 2016OLUWAPONMILE OLOYEDES.B., University of Lagos, Nigeria, 2000S.M., Bowling Green State University, 2002Ph.D., Graduate University for Advanced Studies,SOKENDAI, Hayama, japan, 2005S.M., University of Mississippi, 2007ERIC CHARLES O'NEILA.B., Dickinson College, 2011S.M., University of Chicago, 2023 AMBER ROSE ORENSTEINA.B., University of Illinois at Chicago, 2008A.M., Dominican University, River Forest, lllinois,2010ETHEL PATRICIA OSORIOS.B., University of Pennsylvania, 2015MEGAN SUE OSTRIAS.B., University of Maryland at College Park, 2016·WITH HIGH HONORSYIN YIN OUA.B., Stanford University, 2012DIANA TIANTIAN PACERA.B., University of Chicago, 2015S.M., ibid., 2017THOMAS ANTHONY PACERA.B., George Washington University, 2016·WITH HIGH HONORSGREGORY PAKS.B., University of California, San Diego, 2015SINDHUJA PAMULAPATIB. Tech., Indian Institute of TechnologyHyderabad, India, 2012Mast., lllinois Institute of Technology, 2014ANSHUL PANDEY8. Tech., Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee,India, 2009ZAIREN PANGB.B.A., Shanghai International Studies University,China, 2009M.B.A., University of Rochester, 2010·WITH HONORSABINASH PANIGRAHIB. Tech.(Hons), Indian Institute of TechnologyKharaqpur, India, 2010RITESH PANWARM.B.Ch.B., University of Delhi, New Delhi, India,2000M.D., ibid., 2006ALVARO SALVATORE PAPA SILVAS.B., University of Kansas, 2016RUCHIRA PARIKHA.B., Tufts University, 2018HYEBIN PARKS.M., Harvard University, 2019A.B., University of Chicago, 2017YEONJUNG PARKA.B., Tufts University, 2011MARK RICHARD PARKERA.B., Harvard University, 2013·WITH HONORSPROGYA PARMITAB.Eng., R. V. College of Engineering, Banqalore,Bonqalore, India, 2017CODY ALEXANDER PARSONSS.B., University of Dayton, 2015MATTHEW SEAN PARTHUNS.B., Ohio State University, Columbus, 2016KRUSHAN CHETAN PATELS.B., Auburn University Main Campus, 2012D.M.D., University of Pennsylvania, 2016S.M., University of Louisville, 2019NIKESH H. PATELB.B.A., University of Texas at Austin, 2014M.ProfAcc, ibid., 2014·WITH HONORSRAHUL SANJAY PATELS.8., University of Florida, 2017SIDDHARTH R. PATELS.B., DePaul University, Chicago, Illinois, 2009ANTHONY JOSEPH PATRICELLI, JR.S.B., Elmhurst College, Illinois, 2016TYLER PATRICKS.B., United States Military Academy, 2015S.M., West Texas A&M University, 2018RAJU PAULOSEB.Eng., Karnatak University, Dharwad, India, 1998ANAYA RAMESHWAR PAWARB.Eng., Amravati University, India, 2012JOHN WILLIAM PEARCEA.B., Albion College, 2011·WITH HIGH HONORSDAVID MATTHEW PECKS.B., Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana,2012DINA EFFIE PECKAB., University of Chicago, 2016'WITH HIGH HONORSKATHERINE MARIE PELKEYB.B.A., Cleary University, 2003M.P.A., Florida Institute of Technology, 2021MICHAEL FRANCESCO PELLEGRINOS.B., DePaul University, Chicago, Illinois, 2016YAN PENGA.B., Xi'an International Studies University, China,2012CARLOS ALBERTO PENICHE GAMAAB., Instituto Technol6gico y de EstudiosSuperiores de Monterrey, Santa Fe, Mexico, 2010ARUNIMA VARMA PENMETSAS.B., New York University, 2015KELSEY ANNE PEPMEIERS.B., Indiana University Bloomington, 2014NAVYA PERLAB.Eng.{Hons), Birla Institute of Technology andScience, Piiani, India, 2014JAMES NUGENT PERRY IIIA.B., University of Notre Dame, 2017ANGELA CHAUNTELLEPERRY-HUDSONS.B., Bowling Green State University, 2019MANDY MCGUIRE PETERSENA.B., University of Chicago, 2001J.D., Boston University, Massachusetts, 2005MADELINE PETERSONA.B., Colgate University, 2015ELENA PETRENKODipl., Ulyanovsk State University, RussianFederation, 2005PAMELA PETRICKA.B., Duke University, 2018FORREST LEE PETTERSONAB., University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill,2013JEZORAI ANNABELLA PEYSERA.B., Stanford University, 2016'WITH HONORSMATHEW PHILIP*B.Eng., Manonmaniam Sundaranar University,1999M.C.S.E., University of Chicago, Illinois, 2016FRANCES SOFIA PIETRANTONIOA.B., Williams Colleqe, 2017PETER PILONE, JR.A.B., Manhattanville College, 2011ABISHAI JOHANAN PINTOB.B.A., University of Texas at Austin, 2014YEHUDIT PINTOW MAAYANB.H.A., Tel-Aviv University, Israel, 2012LL.B., ibid., 2012PETER PAUL PIOTROWSKI IVS.B., Iowa State University of Science andTechnology, 2007S.B., ibid., 2008SAMUEL GUY FRANCOIS PLAGNARDS.M., Ecole Nationale de la Statistique et del'Admin Economique, Malakoff, France, 2000AMY PODZIUSS.B., University of l/Iinois at Urbana-Champaign,2002CAMILA POGGIS.B., Universidad Argentina de la Empresa, BuenosAires, 2016S.B., ibid., 2017HAYDEN MORELL POLHAMUSS.B., University of California, Berkeley, 2016SHANE MICHAEL POLZINS.B., University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2012WILLIAM ALEXANDER PONCEA.B., Duke University, 2017MATTHEW JOSEPH POPIELARZB.B.A, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, 2014 JACQUELYN ANN POULOSA.B., University of California, Berkeley, 2016CRISTAL LYN MORELAND POWELLA.B., University of Iowa, 2011S.M., Northeastern University, 2016GYAN PRAKASHS.B., Indian Institute of Technology Kharaqpur,India, 2015S.M., University of Southern California, 2018SIDHARTH PRAKASH*B. Tech., National Institute of TechnologyKarnataka, Surathkal, 2008PHILIP BARNES PREISSA.B., Hamilton Col/ege, 2010NIDHI PRIYAB. Tech. (Hons), Indian Institute of TechnologyKharaqpur, India, 2005ANTHONY KYRIAKOS PROUSISA.B., Northwestern University, 2015DIMITRIOS PSARRAKISA.B., Aegean University, Izmir, Turkey, 2013M.L.A., Harvard University, 2020CODY JAMES PUCKETTA.B., Clemson University, 2013A.M., Wake Forest University, 2015S.M., Un iversity of Chicago, 2023VARADHARAJAN PUNDI SRIDHARB.Eng.{Hons), University of Madras, Chenn ai,India, 2004S.M., University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Canada,2008ROHAN RAJEEV PURANIKB.Eng., University of Pune, India, 2013S.M., University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, 2015'WITH HONORSWASKITO PURWONOB.Mgmt., Universitas Bina Nusantra, Jakarta,Indonesia, 2013ERIC RUOHENG QIUS.B., Princeton University, 2018'WITH HONORSXIANG QIU*S.B., Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana,2013S.M., ibid., 2014XIAODI QUS.B., Fudan University, Shanghai, China, 2012Mast., Illinois Institute of Technology, 2014'WITH HONORSKEVIN BARTLETT QUINNA.B., Columbia University in the City of New York,2015'WITH HONORSMARGARET KATHLEEN QUINNA.B., University of Notre Dame, 2017ROBERTO QUINTANILLA TREVINOS.B., Instituto Tecnol6gico y de EstudiosSuperiores de Monterrey, Mexico, 2018'WITH HONORSARASH RAFIQM.D., King Edward Medical University, Lahore,Pakistan, 2011PRIYA RAINAB.Eng., McGill University, Montreal, Quebec,Canada, 2018SHAHIL RAISS.B., University of Arizona, 2007S.M., University of Texas at Austin, 2010KRITIKA DEY RAJANS.B., University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, 2015SURESHBABU RAJASEKARANB.E.E., Anna University, Chennai, India, 2006S.M., Carnegie Mellon University, 2010NEVENA RAJICS.B., Northern Illinois University, 2014VENKATARAMAN RAMACHANDRANB.Eng., Anna University, Chennai, India, 2011M.Eng., Massachusetts Institute of Technology,2012 THE BOOTH SCHOOL OF BUSINESSRUPA RAGHU RAMADURAIA.B., University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, 2009S.M., University of Miami, Coral Gables, Florida,2011j.D., Loyola University Chicago, illinois, 2014ARVIND MIHIR RAMAIAHS.B., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,2016NEVIN GOPAL RAMANUJANB.B.A., University of Washington, Seattle, 2016SAMUEL FRANK RAMILB.B.A., University of Hawai'i at Manoa, 2014AMIT RANAS.B., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,2001DANA RANCOUR*B.B.A., University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2013BALACHANDRAN RANGARATNAMB. Tech., Indian Institute of Technology Madras,Chennai, India, 1995S.M., Texas Tech University, 1998'WITH HONORSNADIA IMTIAZ RANGWALLAS.B., University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, 2018SUNNY RANOLIAB. Tech., Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur,Kaly anpur, India, 2014ESHAAN RAM RAOS.B., University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, 2014Ph.D., University of Chicago, 2021SANJEEV MURLIDHAR RAOB.Eng., Thadomal Shahani Engineering College,Mumbai, India, 2006S.M., University of Missouri- Rolla, 2008Ph.D., Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, 2012ABDELNASSER AMIN RASHIDA.B., Harvard University, 2012BRIAN ELIAS RAYB.B.A., Texas A&M University, College Station,2018CALVIN RAYA.B., Bethel College, 2014ELIZABETH MARY REEVESS.B., University of Virginia, 2016'WITH HIGH HONORSMARY BRIDGET REGANA.B., University of Notre Dame, 2015REGINALD LYON REGINELLAS.B., University of Pittsburgh-Pittsburgh Campus,1991S.M., ibid., 1996D.O., Philadelphia College of OsteopathicMedicine, 2001CHRISTOPHER LUKE RENDONA.B., Stanford University, 2015JULIANNA ESTEVES PINTORESENDEB.I.E., Universidade Federal do Rio de janeiro,Brazil,2012'WITH HONORSRACHEL MICHELLE REYNOLDSA.B., Marist Col/ege, 2018SYDNEY AUSTIN REYNOLDSA.B., University of Chicago, 2017S.M., ibid., 2023CONSTANCE MCCALL RHODESA.B., University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill,2016CHANEL NICOLE RICHARDSONS.B., City University of New York, 2013Ph.D., Weill Cornell Medical College in Qatar,Doha, 2021ANGEL DAVID RICO JIMENEZA.B., Instituto Tecnol6gico Aut6nomo de Mexico,San Angel, 2019JACOB JEFFREY RILEYS.B., james Madison University, 2008'WITH HONORSBENJAMIN LOUIS RISEBERGA.B., University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, 2018'WITH HONORS81THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO 537TH CONVOCATIONTANYA RIZVIA.B., University of Delhi, New Delhi, India, 2017JAKE TYLER ROBBINSA.B., Washington University in St. Louis, 2016·WITH HONORSSAMUEL BOYD ROBERTSONS.B., Virginia Polytechnic Institute and StateUniversity, 2016CHASE BARRET ROGALSKIS.B., United States Naval Academy, 2011SERGIO EDUARDO ROJASCAMPUZANOB.Econ., Universidad de los Andes, Bogota,Colombia, 2015B.I.E., ibid., 2016·WITH HONORSALYSSA THERESE ROMEOS.B., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,2015S.M., Georgia Institute of Technology, 2018MATTHEW JAMES ROSENBERGB.Eng., University of New South Wales,Kensington, Australia, 2018DONOVAN SCOTT ROWSEYA.B., Indiana University Bloomington, 2017ANDRE RUAS MARTINS DE ALMEIDAB.Eng., Universidade de Sao Paulo, Brazil, 2016·WITH HIGH HONORSILYA RUBTSOVDipl., Moscow Engineering-Physics Institute,Moscow, Russian Federation, 2003M.Mang., Moscow State University of Economics,Statistics and Informatics, Russian Federation,2011Dipl., M. V. Lomonosov Moscow State University,Russian Federation, 2015Dipl., Institute of Professional Education, Moscow,Russian Federation, 2015·WITH HONORSKYLIE GERST RUFFALOS.B., University of Denver, 2014ANDREW THOMAS RUHLB.M.E., University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, 2007MIGUEL A. RUISENORBach., Universidad lberoamericana Ciudad deMexico, Mexico City, 2016MEGAN CLAIRE RUSSELLA.B., Vanderbilt University, 2015ANTHONY JAMES SABINEA.B., University of London, England, UnitedKingdom, 2000JOHN STEPHEN SABO, JR.S.B., Southern Methodist University, 2013FUAD SAFAROVBach., Baku State University, Azerbaijan, 2007Mast., ibid., 2009Ph.D., ibid., 2016MATTHEW DAVID SAFLARSKIS.B., Ohio State University, Columbus, 2016NOHASAHNOUNEB.B.A., University of Houston-University Park,2015S.M., ibid., 2016SHUSUKE SAKURAIB.Econ., Hitotsubashi University, Tokyo, japan,2013GRACE LYNN SALVINOA.B., University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, 2020ISABEL SAMAIA DE VIVO DA MATAB.Arch., Universidade de Sao Paulo, Brazil, 2018·WITH HONORSNIVETHA JENNIFER SAMYB.B.A., University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, 2017VINAY CHANDRA SANAPALAB. Tech., Nagarajuna University, Guntur, India,2010JAVIER SANCHEZ-ARJONA AGUADOM.I.E., Universidad de Sevilla, Seville, Spain, 2007M.A.S., ibid., 2010DANIEL JOSEPH SANDBRINKA.B., Stanford University, 2011·WITH HONORS82 RICHARD KEANE SANDERSA.B., Colgate University, 2017VISRUTI PARVATI SANKARS.B., University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill,2017PRASHANT SARNAIKB.Eng., Walchand College of Engineering, Sanqli,India, 1998M. Tech., Indian Institute of Technology Madras,Chennai, India, 2001MARGARETJEANNETTESARROSS.B., Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana,2016KABIR SAWHNEYS.B., Stanford University, 2013S.M., University of Chicago, 2020·WITH HONORSJoAO GREG6RIO SCATTOLON DESOUSAA.B., Lindenwood University, 2013·WITH HONORSKARA ELIZABETH SCHEER*A.B., University of Notre Dame, Indiana, 2012BENJAMIN MOSES SCHENKELA.B., Yale University, 2012A.M., Institut d'Etudes Politiques de Paris, France,2014·WITH HIGH HONORSLAUREN H. SCHIRRIPAA.B., DePaul University, Chicago, Illinois, 2013·WITH HONORSFABRICE SCHLOEGELB.Math., Universite joseph Fourier, Grenoble,France, 2005M.Eng., Institut National des Sciences Appliquees,Lyon, France, 2007M.Phil.Stud., Institut National des SciencesAppltquees, Lyon, France, 2008Dipl., Von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics,Sint-Genesius-Rode, Belgium, 2008Ph.D., University of Queensland, Brisbane,Australia, 2014REBECCA ELIZABETH SCHMIDA.B., Michigan State University, 2013·WITH HONORSSCOTT OWEN SCHODERA.B., Vanderbilt University, 2014WILLIAM ARTHUR SCHWIEDERA.B., University of Virginia, 2015M.P.P., ibid., 2016·WITH HONORSAMANUEL SEIPEB.B.A., Boston University, Massachusetts, 2017YOGISH CHANDRA SEKHARB.Eng., Banqalore University, India, 2002S.M., University of Edinburgh, Scotland, UnitedKingdom, 2005VINCENT JAMES SELLNERS.B., University of Notre Dame, 2018·WITH HONORSREVANTH SELVARAJS.B., Wayne State University, Detroit, Michigan,2018ANDREW FRANCIS RAJANIKSENANAYAKES.B., University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2013S.M., University of Florida, 2020MADHAV SETHA.B., University of Chicago, 2016ARDALAN SEYED VOSOUGHI*S.B., Amirkabir University of Technology, Tehran,Iran, 2013S.M., University of Toledo, 2017AIMEE LAUREN SHAHA.B., University of St. Andrews, Scotland, UnitedKingdom, 2015KHYATI SHAHB.Eng., University of Mumbai, India, 2007PRIYA SHAH*S.B., University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2009RUSHI ANIL SHAHS.B., Marquette University, 2015 SHASHANT SHAHS.B., North Carolina State University, Raleigh,North Carolina, 2012DAUREN SHAIKHINB.I.S., Kazakh-British Technical University,Almaty, Kazakhstan, 2008S.M., ibid., 2016ZHEYUAN SHANS.B., Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, 2017DALLIN MCKINLEY SHANERS.B., Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah, 2015ADITHYA SHANKARB. Tech., Institute of Chemical Technology,Mumbui, India, 2013S.M., Northwestern University, 2017·WITH HONORSADITYA SHANTANUB.Eng., Punjab Engineering College, Chandiqarh,India, 2011S.M., Carnegie Mellon University, 2015LITING SHAOBiEcan., University of International Business andEconomics, Chaoyang, China, 2000S.M., University of Lancaster, England, UnitedKingdom, 2001MAYA SHAPOSHNIKA.B., interdisciplinary Center Herzliya, Israel,2014ANOOP KUMAR SHARMAB. Tech., National Institute of Technology,Surathkal, India, 2007S.M., University of Tulsa, 2009ARNAV SHARMAA.B., University of Chicago, 2016ARUNASHARMAB.Eng., Neta]i Subhas Institute of Technology, NewDelhi, India, 2003M.B.A., Indian Institute of Foreign Trade, NewDelhi, India, 2007KHUSHBOO SANJEEV SHARMAB.Eng., Panjab University, Chandigarh, India, 2013S.M., University of Illinois at Chicago, 2015MANU SHARMAB.B.A., Texas A&M University, College Station,2015NEERAJ SHARMAB.Eng., Visvesvaraya Technological University,Belqaum, India, 2011Mast., Illinois Institute of Technology, 2012S.M., Roosevelt University, 2018RAUL SHARMAS.B., George Mason University, 2016S.M., johns Hopkins University, 2019UTKARSH SHARMA *B. Tech., National Institute of Technology,Uttarakhand,2014S.M., Michigan Technological University, 2017YUGANSHISHARMAB.A.{Hons), University of Delhi, New Delhi, India,2018DIANA ELIZABETH SHAWA.B., Harvard University, 2018JITENDRA SHAWB. Tech., National Institute of Technology,Durqapur, India, 2010MOHAMMAD TAHA SHAYEQB.Acc., University of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada,2017YAR SHAYOKA.B., University of Detroit Mercy, 2012SARAH EVERETT SHEAA.B., Georgetown University, 2017SAMANTHA SHEEHANS.B., University of Miami, Coral Gables, Florida,2017M.Ed., Southern Methodist University, 2021STEVEN SHEINB.B.A., University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2012KARSTON ANDREW SHEPHARDS.B., Trine University, 2015CE SHIBiCam., University of Toronto, Ontario, Canada,2014M. Tax., University of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada,2016·WITH HONORSMASON SHIS.B., Carnegie Mellon University, 2018JINWON SHINB.B.A., Korea University, Seoul, South Korea, 2014MAX ADAM SHINERB.B.A., University of Texas at Austin, 2017M.Pro/Acc, ibid., 2018DARIA SHORS.B., University of Illinois at Chicago, 2012S.M., Boston University, Massachusetts, 2015MARY ELIZABETH SHOUSES.B., Georgia Institute of Technology, 2017PRABHAT SHRESTHAS.B., Technion-Israel Institute of Technology,Haifa, 2016S.M., Texas A&M University, College Station, 2018SUJAN SHRESTHAS.B., Colby-Sawyer College, 2015ALEXANDER SHUGALEYS.B., Tel-Aviv University, Israel, 2018EKATERINA VASILIEVNA SHULIPADipl., State University Higher School ofEconomics, Moscow, Russian Federation, 1999Dipl., Universite de Paris I [Pantheon-Sorbonne],France, 2001Mast., State University Higher School ofEconomics, Moscow, Russian Federation, 2001·WITH HONORSABBY MICHELLE SHURE*A.B., Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois,2013TYLER ROBERT SICARDS.B., Louisiana State University and Agriculturaland Mechanical College, 2017NASIR SIDDIQUI*B.Eng., Vanderbilt University, Nashville,Tennessee, 2001M.D., Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland,Ohio, 2006JONATHAN THOMAS SIEGA.B., Harvard University, 2007WHITNEY ALEXANDRA SIKESS.B., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2016·WITH HIGH HONORSNEIL SIKKAS.B., University of Maryland at College Park, 2010JOSE EDUARDO INNECCO BORGESDE ANDRADE SILVAB.Eean., IBMEC (Brazilian Institute of CapitalMarkets), Rio de janeiro, Brazil, 2017NICOLE SILVAA.B., Princeton University, 2000JUAN CARLOS SILVA LANCES.B., lnstituto Tecnoloqico Autonomo de Mexico,San Angel, 2019A.B., ibid., 2019ISHTPREET SINGHA.B., University of Miami, Coral Gables, Florida,2016MONICA SINGHS.B., St. Xavier's College, Kolkata, In dia, 2014A.M., University of Delhi, New Delhi, India, 2016PRIYA SINGHB. Tech., Kalinqa Institute of IndustrialTechnology, Bhubaneswar, India, 2011Mast., Georgia College and State University, 2014THITIPORN SIRICURURATANAB.Eean., Thammasat University, Bangkok,Thailand,2015·WITH HIGH HONORSKIT WAH LYDIA SIUBach., Chinese University of Hong Kong, ShutinNT,2006M.Phil.Stud., ibid., 2011DANIEL J. SLUTSKYS.B., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,2015 MICHAEL CHARLES SMERTZS.B., Northeastern University, 2016ABIGAIL LYNN SMITHS.B., Miami University, Oxford, Ohio, 2012CALEB GRAY SMITHB.M.E., University of Mississippi, 2004LAUREN AUGUSTA SMITHB.B.A., University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, 2017MARK DONALD SMITHA.B., Ohio State University, Columbus, 2002A.M., University of Chicago, 2003MICHAEL RILEY SMITHS.B., Washington University in St. Louis, 2007S.M., ibid., 2009A.M., johns Hopkins University, 2011ALAN PATRICK SMITHERSB.Ch.E., Universidad Iberoamericana Ciudad deMexico, Mexico City, 2016MONIKA SOMANIB.Eng., University of Rajasthan, jaipur, India,2009JEFFREY CHARLES SOMMARSS.B., Wheaton College, JIlin a is, 2011A.M., ibid., 2013Ph.D., University of Illinois at Chicago, 2018GAURAV SONIB. Tech., Indian School of Mines, Dhanbad, India,2009S.M., Virginia Polytechnic Institute and StateUniversity, 2013·WITH HONORSDANIEL ZACK SOSNOVSKYS.B., Northwestern University, 2017ISABEL SOTO CALAB.B.A., Colegio de Estudios Superiores deAdministracion, Bogota, Colombia, 2018ARJUN SRINIVAS*S.B., Duke University, 2012SHAROON SRIVASTAVA*S.B., Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana,2017RICHARD COLIN STAGGM.Eng., Imperial College of Science, Technologyand Medicine, London, England, United Kingdom,2008MICHAEL RYAN STATHAKISS.B., University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, 2016·WITH HONORSMELISSA LYNNE STEIDLERS.B., University of Connecticut, 2014M.Ph., Massachusetts College of Pharmacy andHealth Sciences, 2020·WITH HONORSADAM BENNETT STEINLES.8., Ohio State University, Columbus, 2018S.M., Georgia Institute of Technology, 2021ROBERT STEIRNB.B.A., Washington University in St. Louis, 2017ZACHARY MICHAEL STELLWAGA.B., University of Florida, 2016JOHN BRUTON STEWARTS.B., University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill,2016MAGDALENA LUCJA STOKLOSAS.B., University of Maryland University College,2000ROSARIA SARON STRAITS.B., Northwestern University, 2015CHARLES WILLIAM STRANDS.8., Creighton University, 2016TOMAS ANTANAS STRIKASS.B., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,2014M.Acc., ibid., 2015KEVIN JAMES STURINOB.B.A., University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, 2013·WITH HONORSGANESH SUBRAMANIAMB.Eng., University of Mumbai, India, 2002S.M., State University of New York at Buffalo,2004 THE BOOTH SCHOOL OF BUSINESSANANTHARAMAN SUBRAMANIANB.E.E., University of Mumbai, India, 2007S.M., University of Texas at Arlington, 2009·WITH HONORSYOSHIHIRO SUGIMOTOB.Eng., Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan, 2000CURDIN SUMMERMATTERB.B.A., Zurcher Fachhochschule, Zurich,Switzerland, 2007AMANDA SUNA.B., University of Chicago, 2017JINGYI SUNA.B., Dickinson College, 2011QIYUAN SUNA.B., Yale University, 2017S.M., University of Chicago, 2023·WITH HONORSGAURAV KRISHNA SURAMPUDYS.B., University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill,2016A.M., University of Chicago, 2019SINJA SUSSEKS.B., Frankfurt School of Finance andManagement, Frankfurt am Main, Germany, 2016S.M., ibid., 2018LISA MARIE SUTHERLANDS.B., University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2005COLE EDWARD SUTTERS.B., Georgia Institute of Technology, 2016HAYAO SUZUKIA.B., Keio University, Tokyo, japan, 2012ANTON SVIRINB.Eng., National Technical University of Ukraine,Kyiv, 2008DARAIN SYEDB.B.A.{Hons), National University of Sciences andTechnology, Rawalpindi, Pakistan, 2015OSMAN KHALID SYEDS.B., Texas Tech University, 2009BLAZEJ APOLONIUSZ SZYMONIAKS.B., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,2012NABINE TABIOUM.Eng., Ecole de Mines de Nantes, France, 2005·WITH HONORSISHANI TAGORE-MAJUMDARA.B., McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada,2015TEYMOUR TAHANB.E.E., Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana,2011M.Eng., University of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada,2014·WITH HONORSSHOTARO TANAKAA.B., Keio University, Tokyo, japan, 2010XIN YI WYNNE TANGB.B.A., National University of Singapore,Singapore, 2014S.M., University of Chicago, 2023·WITH HONORSYINGSI TANGA.B., University of Notre Dame, 2013·WITH HONORSMOHAMMAD TASDIGHIB.E.E., University of Tehran, Iran, 2009S.M., ibid., 2012Ph.D., Texas A&M University, College Station, 2018REID NICHOLAS TAYLORA.B., Northwestern University, 2009DANIELA TELLO LUMBRES.B., Universidad Nacional de lnqenieria, Lima,Peru, 2015PRIYA SHEKHAR TEMBHEKARS.B., Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, 2015·WITH HONORSARVIND SOMNATH TEMBHURNEB. Tech., Institute of Chemical Technology,Mumbai, India, 2005M.Pin., University of Delhi, New Delhi, India, 200883THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO 537TH CONVOCATIONADELE LOUISE THACKRAYA.B., University of Oxford, England, UnitedKingdom, 1995CHACHAWAL THAPANAWATS.B., University of Illinois at Chicago, 1994S.M., ibid., 1996AVERY JOSEPH THEARD IIS.B., Louisiana State University and Agriculturaland Mechanical College, 2016TIMOTHY THOMAS IIIA.B., New York University, 2015PARKER JAMES THOMASA.B., University of Chicago, 2016LOUIS WHITE THORNTON IVS.B., United States Military Academy, 2015YIBIN TIANB.Comp.Eng, University of Electronic Science andTechnology of China, Chengdu, 1998M.Eng., Zhejiang University, Hang Zhou, China,2002Ph.D., University of California, Berkeley, 2007HALEY BRIANNA TIGHEA.B., Bucknell University, 2017JAMES BLAKE TILLEYB.B.A., Texas Christian University, 2016·WITH HIGH HONORSRAIMUNDO TORNERO OCHAGAVIAB.I.E., Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile,Santiago, 2018MARIA CATALINA TORRESLic., Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile,Santiago, 2016ZACHARY JAMES TORRESS.B., American University, Washington, District ofColumbia, 2016·WITH HONORSJAIME ALBERTO TORRES MIRANDAA.B., lnstituto Tecnol6gico Aut6nomo de Mexico,San Angel, 2018CONNOR LEWIS TOYEA.B., Northwestern University, 2016YOHEI TOZAKIA.B., Keto University, Tokyo, japan, 2004CONNOR KEEFE TREMPERS.B., University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, 2014BLAKE TREMPYS.B., University of Iowa, 2013KEVIN CHARLES TSAIA.B., Middlebury College, 2017SYDNEY TSAIS.B., Rutgers, the State University of Newjersey-New Brunswick, 2011·WITH HONORSYEE TSANGS.B., University of California, Los Angeles, 2012S.M., University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, 2014ROSALIE TSCHANTURIADipl., Universite de Lorraine, Nancy, France, 2008ANA TSKHOVREBASHVILIB.B.A., Free University of Tibillst, Georgia, 2013JA YLON BRYCE TUCKERS.B., Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana,2018MORGAN FAITH TUFFA.B., Carleton College, 2015JUSTIN EDWARD TURNERS.B., Michigan State University, 2005MADELEINE LANIER TURNER*A.B., University of Chicago, Illinois, 2010DANIYAR TURSUNKULOVB.Mgmt., Kazakh State Academy of Management,Almaty, Kazakhstan, 1995M.B.A., KIMEP Kazakhstan Institute ofManagement, Economics and Strategic Research,Almaty, 1998CELIA LORI TUTUNJIANA.B., New York University, 2013APARNA UPADHYAYB.Eng., Nagpur University, India, 200784 DANIEL SANTIAGO UQUILLASARMASS.B., University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill,2014THIERRY BERNARD URECHS.B., Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz, Windisch,Switzerland, 2013TRISTEN UTTERBACKA.B., University of South Florida, 2017JON-CARLO DENNIS VACCAROS.B., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,2017SHISHIR PANKAJ VADODARIAB. Tech., Institute of Chemical Technology,Mumbai, India, 2014S.M., Rutgers, the State University of Newjersey-New Brunswick, 2016VINIT VAGHANIA.B., University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, 2018YESENIA MARIE VALADEZA.B., Dartmouth College, 2014AlLiN DEL CARMENVALDIVIA-McCARTHYA.B., Columbia University in the City of New York,2019KARTHIK VALLABHUB. Tech., [awah arlal Nehru TechnologicalUniversity, Hyderabad, India, 2009S.M., Texas A&M International University, Laredo,2010LAUREL CAMERON VAN ALLENS.B., Texas A&M University, College Station, 2001A.M., University of Chicago, 2004·WITH HONORSABRAHAM PETRUS VAN WYK*ANNA CATHERINE VARSAMB.B.A., University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, 2017NISHANT VATSB.Arch., Indian Institute of TechnologyKharaqpur, India, 2014SIDDHARTHA VATTIKUTIBtPharm., Birla Institute of Technology andScience, Pilani, India, 2013M.Eng., Rutgers, the State University of Newjersey-New Brunswick, 2015·WITH HONORSANDREW VELASCO*A.B., University of Nottingham, England, 2008JUAN JOSE VELASCO GARDEWEGB.Eng., Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile,Santiago, 2016JOSE VIDAL VELISA.B., University of Miami, Coral Gables, Florida,2016S.B., ibid., 2016ALESSANDRA VERCELLONIS.B., Universita Bocconi, Milan, Italy, 2013S.M., ibid., 2015ROBERTO VERGARAB.I.E., Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile,Santiago, 2016SACHIN VERMAS.B., Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana,2018MARY VIRGINIA VICKB.B.A., University of Texas at Austin, 2016BOJAN VIDOSEVICS.B., Miami University, Oxford, Ohio, 2011ANA VILLALPANDO FERNANDEZBach., Universidad lberoamericana Ciudad deMexico, Mexico City, 2009MATTHEW RYAN VISHNYB.B.A., University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2014TODD JACOB VOGELA.B., University of California, Berkeley, 2017·WITH HIGH HONORSDANIEL FRANCIS VOLLMANA.B., Carleton College, 2012SONYA WACHB.Ap.Sc., University of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada,2015 SAMUEL BARNES WACHTELA.B., Tufts University, 2017YUSUKE WADAA.B., Waseda University, Tokyo, japan, 2012LUKE DAVID WAGGONERB.B.A., Villanova University, 2016·WITH HONORSSHRADDHA PRAKASH WAIKARB.Eng., Vishwakarma Institute of Technology,Pune, India, 2005S.M., Texas A&M University, College Station, 2011LIZBETH WALQUI PANTIGOSOBiEcon., Universidad del Pacifico, Lima, Peru,2014DANIEL JOSEPH WALTERSA.B., The Citadel, 2010PIET WILLIAM WALVOORDA.B., Brown University, 2008·WITH HONORSJOHN THOMAS WAMBACHA.B., Middlebury College, 2009·WITH HIGH HONORSBRIANA CARY WANGS.B., Fashion Institute of Technology, 2016CHARLES VINCENT WANGS.B., University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, 2016CHUNJUN WANGB.E.E., Northern jiaotong University, Beijing,China, 2006M.Eng., ibid., 2008ESTHER YEAJIN WANGS.B., Northwestern University, 2011Mast., Fashion Institute of Technology, 2021FIONA WANGA.B., New York University, 2017GEORGE WANGS.B., Rutgers, the State University of Newjersey-Newark Campus, 2009HUANHUAN WANGB.Eng., Xi'an jiaotong University, China, 2004M.Eng.(Hons), ibid., 2007Ph.D., National University of Singapore,Singapore, 2013JIANFENG WANGB.Ch.E., East China Institute of ChemicalTechnology, Shanghai, China, 2004M.Ch.E., ibid., 2007NICK ZI WANGS.B., Washington University in St. Louis, 2017STEPHANIE CHENG WANGA.B., Northwestern University, 2015·WITH HIGH HONORSYAWEI WANGS.B., Qingdao Agricultural University, China, 2012S.M., DePaul University, Chicago, Illinois, 2016YIXUAN WANGA.B., Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, 2017j.D., University of Chicago, 2023·WITH HONORSYUEXI WANGB.Sc.(Hons), Zhejiang University, Hang Zhou,China, 2016S.M., University of Chicago, 2018ZHIZHENG WANGB.Eng., Shanghai [lao Tong University, China,2007S.M., University of San Francisco, 2008ZOEY ZIYU WANGB.B.A., University of Texas at Austin, 2017BRANDAN CHRISTOPHER WARDS.B., jackson State University, 2009S.M., American Military University, 2016i.D; University of Chicago, 2023ERIK WARNQUISTA.B., Dartmouth College, 2016·WITH HONORSTAKEHIRO WATANABEA.B., Keio University, Tokyo, japan, 2013BRET WATSONB.B.A., University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2013TAYLOR SCOTT WEBBS.B., Liberty University, 2011J.D., University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, 2014YEFEI WEIA.B., University of Pennsylvania, 2016STEPHEN ASHER WEINERB.B.A., Emory University, 2017COLTON WEISSS.B., Indiana University Bloomington, 2012LOGAN KENT WELCHA.B., University of Maryland at College Park, 2013JOSEPH STEPHEN WELSCH*A.B., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,2011ADRIAN WENC*S.B., Marquette University, 2019KALEY ELIZABETH WENDORFS.B., Northwestern University, 2017·WITH HONORSCHRISTOPHER MALONEY WHITE*S.B., Georgetown University, Washington, D.C.,2018GARRETT ROY WHITEA.B., Utah State University, 2017RYAN DAVID WHITEBLOOMA.B., University of lllinois at Urbana-Champaign,2013GRANT ROCKWOOD WHITNEY*S.B., University of Southern California, 2012ELI BENJAMIN WHITTLES.B., University of California, Davis, 2017BRYCE JACOB WIATRAKA.B., Yale University, 2014M.M., San Francisco Conservatory of Music, 2016MARIA ANNE WILKOWSKIS.B., Iowa State University of Science andTechnology, 2009·WITH HONORSJASON STEVEN WILLA.B., University of Virginia, 2016CONNER ARTHUR WILLIAMSB.Mgmt., University of Lethbridge, Alberta,Canada, 2016·WITH HIGH HONORSLESTER KEOKI WILLIAMSA.B., Kalamazoo College, 1991M.D., University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, 1995M.Ph., ibid., 2002·WITH HONORSOLATUNDUN KUDIRAT WILLIAMSS.B., University of Lagos, Nigeria, 2001CHARLES RANDOLPH WILSONA.B., Dartmouth College, 2016REESE ELLIS WILSON*S.B., Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tennessee,2018THEO KAREME RANDOLPH WILSONA.B., Dartmouth College, 2017CHARLES SUMNER WINSHIPA.B.,St. Olaf College, 2009M.S.S., National University of Singapore,Singapore, 2013PATRICK STEVEN WITTENBACHS.B., University of Kansas, 2013·WITH HIGH HONORSYASHA DANIEL WOLFMANA.B., McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada,2011HANSON HOI SHUN WONGS.B., University of Melbourne, Parkville, Victoria,Australia, 2015M.Eng., ibid., 2017·WITH HONORSANTHONY FREDERICK WOODSIDE,JR.S.B., University of Pennsylvania, 2006·WITH HONORSDANIEL SCHATZ WOWERUHNB.B.A., Universidade de Sao Paulo, Brazil, 2018 NICHOLAS XI WUS.B., Northeastern University, 2005S.M., Boston University, Massachusetts, 2008XIAOFAN WUS.B., Georgia Institute of Technology, 2019YIBO WUB.Com., University of Toronto, Ontario, Canada,2013·WITH HONORSYING WUA.B., East China Normal University, Shanghai,China, 2004S.M., University of lllinois at Urbana-Champaign,2008S.M., ibid., 2009YINGA QUE XIAA.B., Williams College, 2018·WITH HIGH HONORSYUAN XIAA.B., Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, 2015M.Eng., ibid., 2015S.M., University of Chicago, 2023·WITH HONORSWILLIAM WEINING XIANGS.B., Haverford College, 2012SHENGYANG XIAOB.Eng., Huazhong University of Science andTechnology, Wuhan, China, 2013S.M., Washington University in St. Louis, 2015YAO XIAOB.Eng., National University of Singapore,Singapore, 2014BOWEN XIE*S.B., Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana,2016HUAN XIEB.Econ., Tsinqhua University, Beijing, China, 2011B.Eng., ibid., 2011M.Eng., Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan,2014M.Eng., Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, 2015·WITH HIGH HONORSXIN XINA.B., Pomona College, 2016HANWEN XIONGB.Econ., Zhejiang University, Hang Zhou, China,2015MING XUS.B., University of Nottingham, England, UnitedKingdom, 2016SHERRY YAN RUI XUB.Com., University of Toronto, Ontario, Canada,2011·WITH HONORSZHIGE XUS.B., Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, 2013M.Eng., ibid., 2014ZACHARY SAM YABLONA.B., William Marsh Rice University, 2017·WITH HONORSKARIM YAPIB.L.A., Harvard University, 2020JESSICA YANS.B., Shanghai jiao Tong University, China, 2006S.M., University of Houston-University Park, 2010LORELEI NING YANGA.B., Dartmouth College, 2015RAN YANGA.B., Xi'an International Studies University, China,2008A.M., Hong Kong Polytechnic, Hong Kong, 2015SHUOYUAN YANGS.B., Emory University, 2018VICTORIA YANGA.B., Northwestern University, 2016S.M.,ibid., 2017YALIN YANGB.B.A., City University of New York, 2015B.Acc., Southwestern University of Finance andEconomics, Chengdu, China, 2016FANJIANG YAOS.B., University of Chicago, 2017·WITH HIGH HONORS THE BOOTH SCHOOL OF BUSINESSJEFF YAOS.B., United States Military Academy, 2013·WITH HIGH HONORSSHENGHAN YAOS.B., University of Iowa, 2014S.M., California Institute of Technology, 2016·WITH HONORSZHIWEN YAOA.B., Middlebury College, 2016EMILY YAUS.B., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2015KAIYI YEA.B., Brown University, 2015A.M., Yale University, 2018AZAMAT YEGIZBAYEVS.B., KIMEP Kazakhstan Institute of Management,Economics and Strategic Research, Almaty, 2008M.B.A., ibid., 2014ISABELLA EUGENIE YEUNGS.B., University of lllinois at Urbana-Champaign,2018JINPENG YIS.B., Nankai University, Tianjin, China, 2011S.M., University of Victoria, British Columbia,Canada, 2013Mast., University of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada,2014GIZEM YILMAZS.B., Bilkent Universitesi, Ankara, Turkey, 2016WING KEI YIPBiEcon., University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong,2008ELIZABETH YOHE MOOREA.B., Oberlin College, 2009M.Ph., Northwestern University, 2015ALAN HANSUNG YOONS.B., University of Southern California, 2016SATOSHI YOSHIZAWAB.Eng., Keio University, Tokyo, japan, 2006S.M., ibid., 2008LANBO YUS.B., University of South Carolina-Columbia, 2016ROBERT LEO ALFARO YUS.B., University of lllinois at Urbana-Champaign,2007XIAOXIN YUA.B., Emory University, 2015S.B., Georgia Institute of Technology, 2015XINJUN YUS.B., University of Science and Technology ofChina, Hefei, Anhui, 2011Ph.D., University of Cincinnati, 2015YANG YUB.Eng., Shanghai University of Electric Power,China, 2002S.M., University of Bradford, England, UnitedKingdom, 2003ZHONGYI YUA.B., Claremont McKenna College, 2017A.M., ibid., 2017ALINA YUANS.B., University of California, Berkeley, 2015XIONGFEI YUANS.B., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,2015S.M., ibid., 2016YUAN YUANB.A.{HonsJ, University of Western Ontario,London, Ontario, Canada, 2014ELIZABETH ANN YUHASA.B., Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, 2010ALISHBA ZAINA.B., University of Chicago, 2014MARIO ZANATTA, JR.Bach., Universidade de Cuiaba, Brazil, 2000Dipl., Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sui,Pionerios, Brazil, 2002ALEXIS ZAPIEN*A.B., Harvard University, 2019SAMARTH ZAVERIS.B., Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana,200785THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO 537TH CONVOCATIONDANIEL ZELAQUETT LINSPIMENTELB.Comp.EnB, Instituto Tecnoloqico deAeronautica, Siio jose dos Campos, Brazil, 2012·WITH HONORSJIA ZENGB.MBmt., Shonqnai University of Finance andEconomics, China, 2005S.M., University of Illinois at Urbono-Champatqn.2010JOCHEN ZENKDipl.-InB., Rheinisch- Wesfiilische TechnischeHochschule, Aachen, Germany, 2012·WITH HIGH HONORSGERRI XIAO XU ZHANGS.B., University of Chicago, 2019·WITH HIGH HONORSHENRY HAO ZHANGB.Com., University of Toronto, Ontario, Canada,2015JIA ZHANGB.EnB., Beihanq University, Beijinq, China, 2005M.EnB., ibid., 2007Ph.D., Rutqers, the State University of Newjersey-New Brunswick, 2012JINGWEI ZHANGS.B., University of California, Riverside, 2015KAIZHANGBach., Shnnghai University of InternationalBusiness and Economics, China, 2005 LIANG ZHANGLL.B., Pekinq University, Beijing, China, 2016M.P.P., University of Chicaqo, 2018LINGZHI ZHANGB.EnB., [ianqsu Normal University, China, 2012S.M., University of British Columbia, Vancouver,Canada, 2015SHERRY ZHANGA.B., University of Chicaqo, 2018TINGRU ZHANGLL.B., Central China Normal University, Wuhan,China, 2004LL.M., Zhonqsnan University, Guanqzhou, China,2006Dr.lur., City University of HonB Konq, Kowloon,2013Dipl., ibid., 2014XIAODONG ZHANGA.B., Rutqers, the State University of Newjersey-Newark Campus, 2017ZIYA ZHANGA.B., University of California, Berkeley, 2018JORDAN ZUOLIN ZHAOS.B., New York University, 2021YANYANG ZHAOS.B., Georgia Institute of Technology, 2017JEFF JINGYANG ZHOUS.B., State University of New York at Osweqo,2011S.M., Columbia University in the City of New York,2012 JIAOLU ZHOULL.B., East China University of Political Scienceand Law, Shanqnai, China, 2006LL.M., Illinois Institute of Technology, 2011ZHENG ZHOUB.B.A.{Hons), University of Hong Konq, HonqKonB,2014·WITH HONORSHANZHI ZHU*S.B., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2013SIYI ZHUA.B., University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, 2016·WITH HONORSYIWEI ZHUB.Bus., East China University of Political Scienceand Law, Shonqhai, China, 2012M.Acc., Case Western Reserve University, 2014ALINA ZHUKLL.B., Moscow State Institute of InternationalRelations, Russian Federation, 2012MEYER AIZIK ZIMERMANS.B., Miami University, Oxford, Ohio, 2015JORDAN ZOLAS.B., University of California, Berkeley, 2015JONATHON RYAN ZUNIGAS.B., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2016·WITH HONORSMASON PHILLIP ZUROVCHAKB.B.A., University of Notre Dame, 2017DANA KATHARINE ZYCHOWSKIS.B., University of Colorado at Boulder, 2014FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHYTAHSIN DENIZ AKTURKS.B., Bilkent Universitesi, Ankara, Turkey, 2016M.B.A., University of Chicago, 2022DISSERTATION: Essays on ManaBinB Resourcesin the Shariru; EconomyAKSHINA BANERJEEA.B., University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, 2017S.8., ibid., 2017DISSERTATION: Linguistic Cues Can AffectDecision-making in the Absence of FullComprehensionWILLIAM MORGAN CASSIDY, JR.A.B., University of Pennsylvania, 2016DISSERTATION: Elections Have Consequences:The Impact of Political ABency on Climate Policyand Asset PricesADITYA CHAUDHRYS.B., University of Yirqinia, 2018D1SSERTATION: Do Subjective GrowthExpectations Matter for Asset Prices?DIAG DAVENPORTS.B., Pennsylvania State University, UniversityHark, UI14S.M., Georgetown University, 2017DI'SSlERI'ATION: Essays on Imperfect Humansand Imperfect AlBorithmsANTHONY DITTAAB., Calvin College, 2012[})!LSSERI'ATION: Essays in Behavioral and LaborEconomicsfEI.A.IB., IVawd,erbiJt University, 2018M,/BJi" ,university of Chicago, 2023[})lLS'SJERI' AnON: Impact of MentalReprles.entation on Consumer Behaviors:lm,plJcaltit!JJls for Mental Budgeting and PredictionA�go/Tl.>t:hm PreferencesZUGUANG GAO:E..IB.., Il!III'11i\V.eJl'Sl�y tOf 11IJin,ois at Urbana-Champaign,zets!S..M.,iff;;dd".2rfJ!1.7M./B.A., Il!Imdlv.e.rsilf;ly <of Chicago, 2022[llli:Si§ElRTATION": £<ssay:s ,em Applied OptimizationM@,d,e,!5 LISA CATHERINE AOKI HILLAS*B.Eng.{Hons), University of Auckland, NewZealand, 2017A.B., ibid., 2017CINTIA PRECIADO HINOJOSA*A.B.{Hons), University of Texas at Austin, 2014JUNFAN HUANGA.B., University of Chicago, 2015M.B.A., ibid., 2023DISSERTATION: The Politics of CSR Activity:Evidence from Press ReleasesKALASH JAINA.B., University of Chicago, 2017M.B.A., ibid, 2023DISSERTATION: Processing IndustryClassificationXINYAO KONG*A.B., Peking University, Beijing, China, 2014M.B.A., Northwestern University, Evanston,Illinois, 2017XILIN LIS.8., Beijing Normal University, China, 2013M.B.A., University of Chicago, 2022DISSERTATION: Context-dependent UtilityROBERT JOHN MONTGOMERY*S.B., St. Lawrence University, 2014M.B.A., University of Chicaqo, 2023DAVID MAURICIO MUNGUIAGOMEZA.B., Princeton University, 2014DISSERTATION: Fairness and Merit in theSelection o] Advantaged and DisadvantagedApplicantsSEONGJIN PARKB.B.A., Korea University, Seoul, South Korea, 2011B.Fin., ibid., 2011A.M., Duke University, 2015DISSERTATION: Flexible Rent Setting and RentalIncomeDONOVAN SCOTT ROWSEYA.B., Indiana University Bloomington, 2017M.B.A., University of Chicago, 2022DISSERTATION: Seeking Advice in theWorkplace: Attributions to Competence, Credit,and Collaboration YANG SUB.Econ., Tsinqhua University, Beijing, China, 2014M.Econ., ibid., 2017DISSERTATION: Local Government FinancialConstraint and Spending Multiplier in ChinaSINJA SUSSEKS.B., Frankfurt School of Finance andManagement, Frankfurt am Main, Germany, 2016S.M., ibid., 2018M.B.A., University of Chicago, 2023DISSERTATION: Minority Whistleblowers:Evidence from the LGBTQ+ CommunityNISHANT VATSB.Arch., Indian Institute of TechnologyKharaqpur, India, 2014M.B.A., University of Chicago, 2023DISSERTATION: Safety Nets, Credit, andInvestment: Evidence from a Guaranteed IncomeProgramYUEXI WANGB.Sc.{Hons), Zhejiang University, Hang Zhou,China, 2016S.M., University of Chicago, 2018M.B.A., ibid., 2023DISSERTATION: Deep Approximate BayesianInferenceAARON MATTHEW YUJIKATSUMATA WINETA.B., University of California, Santa Cruz, 2012DISSERTATION: Essays on Novelty andFamiliarity Seeking in Temporal and SocialContextsGIZEM YILMAZS.B., Bi/kent Universitest, Ankara, Turkey, 2016M.B.A., University of Chicago, 2022DISSERTATION: Machine Learning for QueuePrioritization: Applications to the EmergencyDepartmentYANYANG ZHAOS.B., Georgia Institute of Technology, 2017M.B.A., University of Chicago, 2022DISSERTATION: Inventory Strategies and OnlineOrder Fulfillment in a Multi-tier NetworkTHE BOOTH SCHOOL OF BUSINESSFOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY IN THE BOOTHSCHOOL OF BUSINESS AND THE DIVISION OF THE SOCIAL SCIENCESXINDI HEB.Econ., Peking University, Beijing, China, 2018(Financial Economics)DISSERTATION: Non-fungible Cash in the StockMarket FULIN LIBiEcon., Peking University, Beijing, China, 2015S.B., ibid., 2015S.M., Columbia University in the City of New York,2017A.M., University of Chicago, 2023(Financial Economics)DISSERTATION: Retail Trading and Asset Prices:The Role of Changing Social Dynamics* anticipated graduation, Summer Quarter 202387THE CROWN FAMILY SCHOOL OFSOCIAL WORK, POLICY, AND PRACTICEFRIDAY, JUNE 2, 2023HOODING CEREMONYRockefeller Memorial Chapel9:00 a.m.RECEPTIONEdith Abbott HallLobbyimmediately following the Hooding CeremonySATURDAY, JUNE 3, 2023UNIVERSITY CEREMONYMain Quadrangle9:15 a.m.DIPLOMA DISTRIBUTIONEdith Abbott HallLobbyimmediately following ConvocationTHE CROWN FAMILY SCHOOL OF SOCIAL WORK, POLICY, AND PRACTICEHOODING CEREMONYORDER OF EXERCISESPROCESSIONALRIGA UD ONComposed by ANDRE CAMPRATHOMAS WEISFLOG, University OrganistWELCOMEDEBORAH GORMAN-SMITHDean, Crown Family School of Social Work, Policy, and PracticeEmily Klein Gidwitz ProfessorINTRODUCTION OF KEYNOTE SPEAKERCHRIS AKEL2022 Wilma walker Honor Award RecipientREMARKSJESSICA DARROWAssociate Instructional Professor, Crown Family School of Social Work, Policy, and Practice2023 William Pollak Award for Excellence in Teaching RecipientPRESENTATION OF FACULTY AWARDSDEBORAH GORMAN-SMITHDean, Crown Family School of Social Work, Policy, and PracticeEmily Klein Gidwitz ProfessorJESSICA DARROWAssociate Instructional Professor, Crown Family School of Social Work, Policy, and Practice2023 William Pollak Award for Excellence in Teaching RecipientRECOGNITION OF STUDENT AWARDSKRISTEN REID SALOMONDean of Students, Diversity, and Inclusion89THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO I 537TH CONVOCATIONHOODING OF 2023 GRADUATESCLOSINGDEBORAH GORMAN-SMITHDean, Crown Family School of Social Work, Policy, and PracticeEmily Klein Gidwitz ProfessorRECESSIONALTOCCATAfrom Organ Symphony NO.5 by CHARLES-MARIE WIDORTHOMAS WEISFLOG, University Organist(Please stand)90THE CROWN FAMILY SCHOOL OF SOCIAL WORK, POLICY, AND PRACTICEFOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF ARTSALAA AHMED ABDELDAIEMS.B., Indiana University-Purdue UniversityIndianapolis, 2018(Social Sector Leadership and Non-ProfitManagement)ALAA AHMED ABDELDAIEMS.B., Indiana University-Purdue UniversityIndianapolis, 2018(Social Work, Social Policy, and SocialAdministration)TASHA ANN ABRAHAMB.S. W, Valparaiso University, 2022(Social Work, Social Policy, and SocialAdministration)CHRISTIN LENA ADAMSA.B., University of Pittsburgh, 2017(Social Work, Social Policy, and SocialAdministration)CLAIRE ELISABETH ADAMSS.B., University of California, Davis, 2021(Social Work, Social Policy, and SocialAdministration)ALINA AHMEDA.B., San Francisco State University, 2018(Social Work, Social Policy, and SocialAdministration)CHRISTOPHER AKELA.B., University of Tennessee at Knoxville, 2008(Social Work, Social Policy, and SocialAdministration)MARIE BAHATIA.B., Marquette University, 2018(Social Sector Leadership and Non-ProfitManagement)LAURELL HOPE BAKERA.B., Indiana University Bloomington, 2020(Social Work, Social Policy, and SocialAdministration)NADALY GWENDOLYN BANGURAA.B., Northwestern University, 2020(Social Work, Social Policy, and SocialAdministration)CHARLES JOSEPH BECK IVS.B., Boston University, Massachusetts, 2012(Social Work, Social Policjl-;'and SocialAdministration)SABRINA DENISE BELLAMY*B.L.A., University of Illinois at Chicago, 2016(Social Sector Leadership and Non-Profit:Management)NIA KENYA BENTONS.B., University of wisconsin-Modtson, 2016(Social Work, Social Policy, and SocialAdministration)SOPHIA BERGER DE SOUZAB.F.A., New York University, 2020(Social Work, Social Policy, and SocialAdministration)REBECCA CAROL COVODE BERRYS.B., University of Michigan·Ann Arbor, 2014(Social Work, Social Policy, and SocialAdministration)ARUNIMA BHATTACHARJEES.B., University of Oregon, 2018A.M., University of Chicago, 2020(Social Work, Social Policy, and SocialAdministration)MADELINE ROSE KOOP BICKA.B., University of Puget Sound, 2019(Social Work, Social Policy, and SocialAdministration)CAROLINE BRADFORD BLANTONB.Ap.s., Tufts University, 2021(Social Work, Social Policy, and SocialAdministration)MADELEINE ZOFIA BOESCHEA.B., Vassar College, 2013(Social Work, Social Policy, and SocialAdministration) LORA KATE BOLLB.Mus., Wheaton College, Illinois, 2020(Social Work, Social Policy, and SocialAdministration)JANE MARGARET BOLTONA.B., Marquette University, 2017(Social Work, Social Policy, and SocialAdministration)GWEN TAYLOR BOONEA.B., Hendrix College, Conway, Arkansas, 2021(Social Work, Social Policy, and SocialAdministration)CLARK ABRAHAM BRAYA.B., McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada,2017(Social Work, Social Policy, and SocialAdministration)SUNSAHRAE BREWERS.M., Northern Illinois University, 2010(Social Work, Social Policy, and SocialAdministration)KY JOELENE BRINKB.S. W., Northeastern lllinois University, 2020(Social Work, Social Policy, and SocialAdministration)SHAMIAH BYRDA.B., DePaul University, Chicago, Illinois, 2017(Social Work, Social Policy, and SocialAdministration)TONI ANNETTE CALHOUNB.Ar.Sc., Indiana University Northwest, Gary, 2013(Social Work, Social Policy, and SocialAdministration)PHOEBE SELENE CAPLINA.B., Duke University, 2019(Social Work, Social Policy, and SocialAdministration)JUNE CARTERA.B., Reed College, 2020(Social Work, Social Policy, and SocialAdministration)RACHEL MARIANNE GRUEN CASHS.B., University of Michigan·Ann Arbor, 2014(Social Work, Social Policy, and SocialAdministration)ELIZABETH CERVANTES TRUJILLOA.B., Northeastern Illinois University, 2012(Social Sector Leadership and Non-Profit:Management)HATCHER RHODES CHAPMANA.B., Seattle University, 2020(Social Work, Social Policy, and SocialAdministration)JESSIE CHASAN - TABERA.B., Columbia University in the City of New York,2016(Social Work, Social Policy, and SocialAdministration)ANDREW JOHN CHRISTYA.B., University of Notre Dame, 2014(Social Sector Leadership and Non-ProfitManagement)GRANT CHUSTZA.B., University of Miami, Coral Gables, Florida,2019(Social Work, Social Policy, and SocialAdministration)ALEXA ROSE CINQUEA.B., University of Michigan·Ann Arbor, 2016(Social Work, Social Policy, and SocialAdministration)HANNAH BERYL CLAGUEB.Mus., University of Michigan·Ann Arbor, 2018(Social Work, Social Policy, and SocialAdministration)KHIARAH MESHAY CRAIGA.B., Bellarmine University, 2021(Social Work, Social Policy, and SocialAdministration) CHARLOTTE RAO CRAMERA.B., Skidmore College, 2015(Social Work, Social Policy, and SocialAdministration)RAINE CACERESA.B., Virginia Polytechnic Institute and StateUniversity, 2019(Social Work, Social Policy, and SocialAdministration)JOSELYN RAINE DANGLERA.B., University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill,2020(Social Work, Social Policy, and SocialAdministration)OLIVIA CATHERINE DAPRILEA.B., Loyola University Chicago, lllinois, 2017(Social Work, Social Policy, and SocialAdministration)ISABELLA ROSE DEMINOA.B., University of Florida, 2019S.B., ibid., 2019(Social Work, Social Policy, and SocialAdministration)ELIZABETH DIANE DEPENTUA.B., University of Michigan·Ann Arbor, 2018(Social Work, Social Policy, and SocialAdministration)JESUS DIAZ HERNANDEZB.L.A., Saint Edward's University, Austin, Texas,2017(Social Work, Social Policy, and SocialAdministration)JOSE ANGEL DIAZB.S. W, Northeastern Illinois University, 2021(Social Work, Social Policy, and SocialAdministration)NGOC-HAN HUYNH DINHS.B., University of Maryland, University College,2018(Social Work, Social Policy, and SocialAdministration)FAITH McKENNA DONEYA.B., University of Southern California, 2020(Social Work, Social Policy, and SocialAdministration)LUCIA ELENA DONNERB.F.A., School Of Visual Arts, 2011(Social Work, Social Policy, and SocialAdministration)NOAH DOPPEL TB.B.A., Washington University in St. Louis, 2014(Social Work, Social Policy, and SocialAdministration)WENJIA DOU*A.B., University of Durham, England, UnitedKingdom, 2020(Social Work, Social Policy, and SocialAdministration)LAlLA ELIZABETH DRURYS.B., College of William and Mary in Virginia,2019(Social Work, Social Policy, and SocialAdministration)KATIE LYNN DUDEK*A.B., University of Illinois at Urbana-Ch amp aiqn,2011(Social Sector Leadership and Non-ProfitManagement)KATE B. DULINS.B., New York University, 2010(Social Work, Social Policy, and SocialAdministration)KIRA NICOLE EDWARDSB.S. W., North Carolina Agricultural and TechnicalState University, Greensboro, North Carolina,2022(Social Work, Social Policy, and SocialAdministration)91THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO 537TH CONVOCATIONSOPHIA ELIZABETH EISENBERGA.B., University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, 2017M.A. T., Relay Graduate School of EducationChicago, Illinois, 2019(Social Work, Social Policy, and SocialAdministration)JULIA ENGLISHA.B., Princeton University, 2019(Social Work, Social Policy, and SocialAdministration)GRACE CAROLYN FARLEYB.S. W., University of Texas at Austin, 2022(Social Work, Social Policy, and SocialAdministration)FAEZEH FIRUZEH FATHIZADEHA.B., University of California, Riverside, 2015(Social Work, Social Policy, and SocialAdministration)BRENDA KRASS FINEBERGA.B., Loyola University Chicago, Illinois, 1994B.M., DePaul University, Chicago, Illinois, 2003(Social Work, Social Policy, and SocialAdministration)GRACE ANNE FINLEYA.B., Connecticut College, 2016(Social Work, Social Policy, and SocialAdministration)EMILY KATHARINE FRASERA.B., Northwestern University, 2018(Social Work, Social Policy, and SocialAdministration)ALEXANDRA LISETTE GALVANS.B., University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2017(Social Work, Social Policy, and SocialAdministration)SIYU GAOB.S. W., University of Illinois atUrbana-Champaign, 2022(Social Work, Social Policy, and SocialAdministration)RYAN GARCIA*A.B., Northeastern lllinois University, 2013(Social Sector Leadership and Non-ProfitManagement)ALEXANDRA GATESA.B., Goucher College, 2017(Social Work, Social Policy, and SocialAdministration)SIMON FRITZ GENSTERBLUMB.S. W., Eastern Michigan University, 2021(Social Work, Social Policy, and SocialAdministration)CHRISTINE VIRGINIA GOGGINSA.B., University of Illinois at Chicago, 2012A.M., Columbia Colleqe, Chicago, Illinois, 2018(Social Work, Social Policy, and SocialAdministration)MARANDA PERICE GORR-DIAZA.B., Columbia Colleqe, Chicago, Illinois, 2013(Social Work, Social Policy, and SocialAdministration)ALEXA DIANE GOWENSA.B., Prairie View Agricultural and MechanicalUniversity, 2021(Social Work, Social Policy, and SocialAdministration)THEODORE ANDREWGRANT-FUNCKA.B., University of Chicago, 2018(Social Work, Social Policy, and SocialAdministration)NOEL CHRISTIAAN GREENS.B., Grand Valley State University, 2014(Social Work, Social Policy, and SocialAdministration)AZA HUNTER GREENLEEA.B., Vassar College, 2010(Social Work, Social Policy, and SocialAdministration)MARGOT ELIZABETH GREERA.B., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,2010(Social Work, Social Policy, and SocialAdministration)92 NATALIE JOSEPHINE GRIFFINA.B., Northwestern University, 2019(Social Sector Leadership and Non-ProfitManagement)EMMA ROSE GROSSA.B., Hampshire College, 2018(Social Work, Social Policy, and SocialAdministration)SHIRl NICOLE GROSSA.B., University of Pennsylvania, 2019(Social Work, Social Policy, and SocialAdministration)JAMES JOSEPH GUARNACCIAS.B., Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, 2020(Social Work, Social Policy, and SocialAdministration)EDUARDO J. GUTIERREZA.B., University of California, Los Angeles, 2019(Social Work, Social Policy, and SocialAdministration)AUTUMN MARIE HAGSTROMA.B., University of California, Irvine, 2019(Social Work, Social Policy, and SocialAdministration)CHAYA M. HALBERSTAMA.B., City University of New York, 2019(Social Work, Social Policy, and SocialAdministration)ROSE HANKESB.L.A., Wheaton College, Illinois, 2021(Social Work, Social Policy, and SocialAdministration)JOCELYN A. HERNANDEZ"A.B., Denison University, 2016(Social Sector Leadership and Non-ProfitManagement)HANNAMARIE HOHENERB.S. w., University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2022(Social Work, Social Policy, and SocialAdministration)CONSTANCE ALLEN HULLS.B., Colleqe of William and Mary in Virginia,2016(Social Work, Social Policy, and SocialAdministration)JESSICA RAE HUTCHINSON"A.B., University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 2003M.F.A., University of Texas at Austin, 2015(Social Sector Leadership and Non-ProfitManagement)SO IMHOOFA.B., Smith Colleqe, 2018(Social Work, Social Policy, and SocialAdministration)RACHEL IVERSONA.B., University of Notre Dame, 2018(Social Work, Social Policy, and SocialAdministration)VALERIE PAMELA JAHARISA.B., Columbia University in the City of New York,2019(Social Work, Social Policy, and SocialAdministration)EASHAA JAMPALAA.B., Wellesley Colleqe, Massachusetts, 2021(Social Work, Social Policy, and SocialAdministration)LAURA KATHERINE JOHNSONA.B., Luther College, Decorah, Iowa, 2017M.Div., University of Chicago, 2023(Social Work, Social Policy, and SocialAdministration)NATALIE KILLIAN JONES"A.B., Colby Colleqe, 2018(Social Sector Leadership and Non-ProfitManagement)SUMAYYAH JONESA.B., University of Chicago, 2019(Social Work, Social Policy, and SocialAdministration)RANYA KAMELA.B., University of California, Los Angeles, 2019(Social Work, Social Policy, and SocialAdministration) ASHLIN KAMOE"B.B., Brigham Young Unlverslty=Hawali Campus,Late, 2014(Social Work, Social Policy, and SocialAdministration)NAOMI BETH KAPLANS.B., University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, 2021(Social Work, Social Policy, and SocialAdministration)SAMINA Z. KASSAM"A.B., University of Texas at Austin, 2019(Social Work, Social Policy, and SocialAdministration)ALMIRA MALEEHA KHANS.B., University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2020(Social Work, Social Policy, and SocialAdministration)LAYLA KHAN IS.B., San Francisco State University, 2015(Social Work, Social Policy, and SocialAdministration)BETHEL KIFLE"A.B., Bates College, 2014(Social Work, Social Policy, and SocialAdministration)EUGENE KIMM.S. W., Michigan State University, 2021(Social Work, Social Policy, and SocialAdministration)AMELIA AMBER KLEINA.B., University of Sydney, New South Wales,Australia, 2002Ph.D., Deakin University, Melbourne, Victoria,Australia, 2007(Social Work, Social Policy, and SocialAdministration)CELIA LYNDSEY KOKORISB.Ap.S., Smith Colleqe, 2014(Social Work, Social Policy, and SocialAdministration)ZATIO NANCY KONEA.B., Williams College, 2016(Social Work, Social Policy, and SocialAdministration)YINAN KUANGA.B., Waseda University, Tokyo, japan, 2019(Social Work, Social Policy, and SocialAdministration)JULIAN MARIE LEAL"A.B., California State University, Fullerton, 2014(Social Sector Leadership and Non-ProfitManagement)JESSICA SARA LEVINSONA.B., Boston University, Massachusetts, 2019(Social Work, Social Policy, and SocialAdministration)NICOLE LEVONYAKA.B., DePaul University, Chicago, Illinois, 2018(Social Work, Social Policy, and SocialAdministration)ELIZABETH ASHTONLEWANDOWSKIA.B., Loyola University Chicago, Illinois, 2017(Social Work, Social Policy, and SocialAdministration)JINDIAN LILL.B., Chongqing Police College, China, 2021(Social Work, Social Policy, and SocialAdministration)XINXUE LI"A.B., University of California, Santa Barbara, 2020(Social Work, Social Policy, and SocialAdministration)FREDERICA OPPENHEIM LIPMANNA.B., University of Chicago, 2010(Social Work, Social Policy, and SocialAdministration)XINRAN LIUA.B., University of Texas at Austin, 2021S.B., ibid., 2021(Social Work, Social Policy, and SocialAdministration)ASIA K. LOCKEB.S. W., Southern Illinois University-Edwardsville,2022(Social Work, Social Policy, and SocialAdministration)ALEJANDRA LOPEZA.B., University of Illinois at Chicago, 2019(Social Work, Social Policy, and SocialAdministration)SABINA LUMESBERGERA.B., Universitiit Salzburg, Austria, 2019(Social Work, Social Policy, and SocialAdministration)CARRIE ANNE LYDONA.B., Ball State University, 2001S.M., Northwestern University, 2016(Social Work, Social Policy, and SocialAdministration)HUMZA IMAM MALIKA.B., Brown University, 2021(Social Work, Social Policy, and SocialAdministration)AISLYNN REIKO MALILAYS.B., Southern Oregon University, 2021(Social Work, Social Policy, and SocialAdministration)XINYAN MAOA.B., University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, 2021(Social Work, Social Policy, and SocialAdministration)FERNANDA MARQUES ESTEVESA.B., Emory University, 2021(Social Work, Social Policy, and SocialAdministration)AMY REBECCA MARTINA.B., University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2005[ur.Dr., University of California, Los Angeles, 2012(Social Work, Social Policy, and SocialAdministration)CINDY MARTINEZA.B., DePaul University, Chicago, Illinois, 2010(Social Sector Leadership and Non-ProfitManagement)JACOB PAUL MASON-MARSHALL*A.B., Stanford University, 2009M.A. T., University of Iowa, 2011(Social Work, Social Policy, and SocialAdministration)ANNELISE PAIGE MATSUOA.B., University of Washington, Seattle, 2017(Social Work, Social Policy, and SocialAdministration)SAMANTHA ELIZABETH McCARTHYA.B., Trinity College, Washington, District ofColumbia, 2021(Social Work, Social Policy, and SocialAdministration)REESE STELLA McCORMICKB.Ap.S., Hofstra University, 2021(Social Work, Social Policy, and SocialAdministration)KATHERINE EMMA McKINNEYA.B., Indiana University Bloomington, 2012(Social Work, Social Policy, and SocialAdministration)LAURA CATALINA MICAN RIVERAA.B., Untversidad de los Andes, Bogota, Colombia,2012A.B., ibid., 2013M.lnt.S., ibid., 2016Mast., Universidad de los Andes, Merida,Venezuela, 2016M.P.P., University of Chicago, 2021(Social Work, Social Policy, and SocialAdministration)CHARLESE JACQUE MINDERA.B., Clemson University, 2021S.B., ibid., 2021(Social Work, Social Policy, and SocialAdministration)ERIN DANIELLE MODEROWS.B., University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2019(Social Work, Social Policy, and SocialAdministration) THE CROWN FAMILY SCHOOL OF SOCIAL WORK, POLICY, AND PRACTICEELIZA CHRISTINE MOLINSEKA.B., Colgate University, 2020(Social Work, Social Policy, and SocialAdministration)OSCAR MONTANEZ*A.B., Dominican University, 2019(Social Sector Leadership and Non-ProfitManagement)SOPHIA XOCHILMORA-FITZGERALDB.S. W., University of Illinois atUrbana-Champaign, 2022(Social Work, Social Policy, and SocialAdministration)GWYNETH ELYSE MORRISA.B., University of Virginia, 2021(Social Work, Social Policy, and SocialAdministration)OLIVIA BELLE MORSEA.B., johns Hopkins University, 2021(Social Work, Social Policy, and SocialAdministration)KAREM MUHAMMAD MUKSEDA.B., St. Olaf College, 2017(Social Work, Social Policy, and SocialAdministration)JUSTIN HYUNJOON MUNA.B., University of Southern California, 2013(Social Work, Social Policy, and SocialAdministration)ELEANOR RUTH MUNKB.A.(Hons), Mount Allison University, Sackville,New Brunswick, Canada, 2013(Social Work, Social Policy, and SocialAdministration)BIANCA GUADALUPE MURILLOFRANCOA.B., Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, 2021(Social Work, Social Policy, and SocialAdministration)TARIK MUSLEHLL.B., Islamic University in Medina, Saudi Arabia,2017(Social Work, Social Policy, and SocialAdministration)LINA RAE NEIDHARDTA.B., Reed College, 2018(Social Work, Social Policy, and SocialAdministration)ANGELA OROKOHS.B., University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, 2013A.M., Georgia State University, 2015(Social Work, Social Policy, and SocialAdministration)ALYSSA ROSE ORONAB.S. w., St. Ambrose University, 2022(Social Work, Social Policy, and SocialAdministration)CATALINA OSPINAB.Eng., Universidad de los Andes, Bogota,Colombia, 2013(Social Sector Leadership and Non-ProfitManagement)ANGELA Y. OUA.B., University of California, Irvine, 2020(Social Work, Social Policy, and SocialAdministration)DEION MALCOLM OWENS*A.B., Roosevelt University, 2017(Social Sector Leadership and Non-ProfitManagement)MICHELLE PAGANO*S.B., Texas Woman's University, 2016(Social Sector Leadership and Non-ProfitManagement)RUSSELL PAGANOA.B., Truman State University, 2015(Social Sector Leadership and Non-ProfitManagement)RUPAL PALIWALS.B., University of California, San Diego, 2020(Social Work, Social Policy, and SocialAdministration) SAMUEL PEDERSENA.B., Lake Forest College, 2017(Social Work, Social Policy, and SocialAdministration)HILLARY NICOLE ARINGOPEREGRINAA.B., Loyola Marymount University, Los Angeles,California, 2016A.M., San Francisco State University, 2019(Social Work, Social Policy, and SocialAdministration)MEGAN ELIZABETH PETERSONS.B., University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2018M.P.P., University of Chicago, 2023(Social Work, Social Policy, and SocialAdministration)ELISE MARIE POLLY*A.B., University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 2015(Social Sector Leadership and Non-ProfitManagement)KAITLYN NICOLE RAMIANA.B., DePaul University, Chicago, Illinois, 2018(Social Work, Social Policy, and SocialAdministration)PRISCILLA RAMOS RICOA.B., College of Wooster, 2021(Social Work, Social Policy, and SocialAdministration)ERICA MALEAH RAMOSA.B., University of Chicago, 2022(Social Work, Social Policy, and SocialAdministration)NAOMI M. RAPPS.B., George Washington University, 2009M.P.P., johns Hopkins University, 2016(Social Work, Social Policy, and SocialAdministration)GUUTAA REGASSAA.B., University of California, Berkeley, 2019(Social Work, Social Policy, and SocialAdministration)ALEXANDRA MARIE REIFENBERGB.S.S., Loyola University Chicago, Illinois, 2019(Social Work, Social Policy, and SocialAdministration)MARGOT PARSONS RICEA.B., University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, 2019(Social Work, Social Policy, and SocialAdministration)JULIA ELIZABETH RIORDANB.S. W., Valparaiso University, 2022(Social Work, Social Policy, and SocialAdministration)TIFFANIE P. RIVERA-DI LUCIOS.B., Oregon State University, 2020(Social Work, Social Policy, and SocialAdministration)MEGAN JIEUN ROA.B., University of California, Los Angeles, 2014(Social Work, Social Policy, and SocialAdministration)YUNUEN RODRIGUEZ RODRIGUEZA.B., Beloit College, 2011A.M., University of Chicago, 2019(Social Work, Social Policy, and SocialAdministration)NINA ANGELICA RODRIGUEZA.B., Emmanuel College, 2019(Social Work, Social Policy, and SocialAdministration)MAlA FELICE ROSS TRUPINA.B., Oberlin College, 2018(Social Work, Social Policy, and SocialAdministration)OLIVIA ROWLEYB.Ap.S., Ohio State University, Columbus, 2017(Social Work, Social Policy, and SocialAdministration)CHARLES EDWARD RUIZA.B., University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, 2017(Social Work, Social Policy, and SocialAdministration)93THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO 537TH CONVOCATIONBLAIR LEIGH SALDITCH*A.B., Simmons College, Boston, Massachusetts,2013 .(Social Work, Social Policy, and SocialAdministration)AMALIA VICTORIA SALMER6N*S.B., DePaul University, Chicago, Illinois, 2020A.M., ibid., 2021(Social Work, Social Policy, and SocialAdministration)ANNA SAMULSKI*A.M., University of Exeter, England, UnitedKingdom, 2014(Social Work, Social Policy, and SocialAdministration)GABRIEL ASHER LUKENSCHENDLERA.B., Earlham College, 2021(Social Work, Social Policy, and SocialAdministration)BROOKE CARYN SCHWARTZA.B., George Washington University, 2018(Social Work, Social Policy, and SocialAdministration)DANIELLE SCHWARTZS.B., Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, 2016(Social Work, Social Policy, and SocialAdministration)MAXWELL ANTHONY SCHWARZA.B., University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, 2020(Social Work, Social Policy, and SocialAdministration)HANNAH MACKENZIE SCOTTA.B., Loyola University Chicago, Illinois, 2017(Social Work, Social Policy, and SocialAdministration)DANIEL CHANCE SEEDERA.B., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,2016(Social Work, Social Policy, and SocialAdministration)SARAH CHRISTINA SHARPA.B., Richard Stockton College of New Jersey, 2022S.B., ibid., 2022(Social Work, Social Policy, and SocialAdministration)AMAL SHEIKHADENA.B., Michigan State University, 2018(Social Work, Social Policy, and SocialAdministration)XIN SHUA.B., Knox College, 2020(Social Work, Social' Policy, and SocialAdministration)REBECCA SHULMANB.S. w., University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2020(Social Work, Social Policy, and SocialAdministration)REBECCA ADELAIDE SILVERMANS.B., University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2017M.A. T., Relay Graduate School of EducationChicago, Illinois, 2019M.P.P., University of Chicago, 2023(Social Work, Social Policy, and SocialAdministration)MARISSA SMITHB.S. W., Olivet Nazarene University, 2022(Social Work, Social Policy, and SocialAdministration)CHRISTINA LEE SQUIERSA.B., University of Texas at Austin, 2013Dr.lur., University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, 2017(Social Work, Social Policy, and SocialAdministration)EMILY SWORDS STEFFENA.B., Colorado College, 2009A.M., University of Chicago, 2010(Social Work, Social Policy, and SocialAdministration)94 CHARLOTTE STRAZISB.S. w., University of Georgia, 2022(Social Work, Social Policy, and SocialAdministration)JOANN EUN SUHS.B., Fashion Institute of Technology, 2012(Social Sector Leadership and Non-ProfitManagement)GREGORY R. SUTHERLANDA.B., University of Rochester, 2013(Social Work, Social Policy, and SocialAdministration)JACOB COLE SWEETOWA.B., Princeton University, 2020(Social Work, Social Policy, and SocialAdministration)JULIA ROSE SYKES*A.B., Pennsylvania State University, UniversityPark,2016(Social Work, Social Policy, and SocialAdministration)HANNAH LI SYNNOTTA.B., American University, Washington, District ofColumbia, 2019(Social Work, Social Policy, and SocialAdministration)SARAH M. TANGA.B., Gordon College, 2016(Social Sector Leadership and Non-ProfitManagement)MICHAELA ROSE THERATTILS.B., University of Pittsburgh, 2021(Social Work, Social Policy, and SocialAdministration)LUKE NOEL THOMPSONPh.D., Columbia University in the City of NewYork,2017(Social Work, Social Policy, and SocialAdministration)SARAH TOMAS MORGANA.B., University of Notre Dame, 2018(Social Work, Social Policy, and SocialAdministration)SARANYA TONMATA.B., University of British Columbia, Vancouver,Canada, 2017(Social Work, Social Policy, and SocialAdministration)MAYA DIAZ TRINKAA.B., Boston College, Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts,2020(Social Work, Social Policy, and SocialAdministration)RACHEL TSENA.B., Wheaton College, Illinois, 2014(Social Work, Social Policy, and SocialAdministration)PRISCA TUYISHIMEA.B., Wheaton College, Illinois, 2017(Social Sector Leadership and Non-ProfitManagement)ISABELLA ROSA UNGERA.B., University of Washington, Seattle, 2022(Social Work, Social Policy, and SocialAdministration)MIRELLA VALDIVIAA.B., Knox College, 2017(Social Work, Social Policy, and SocialAdministration)DEVON ANTONIOVANHOUTEN-MALDONADO*B.F.A., Pacific New College of Art, 2013(Social Sector Leadership and Non-ProfitManagement)MELINA VANNI-GONZALEZA.B., Bard College, 2016(Social Work, Social Policy, and SocialAdministration) KAELA MOLLIE VECCHIA-ZEITZB.S. W., New York University, 2020(Social Work, Social Policy, and SocialAdministration)MYRA A. VILLASA.B., Villanova University, 2016(Social Work, Social Policy, and SocialAdministration)MARNA SIMON WALA.B., University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, 2018(Social Work, Social Policy, and SocialAdministration)JUNRU WANGB.Bus., Hubei University, Wuhan, China, 2014M.Acc., DePaul University, Chicago, Illinois, 2016(Social Work, Social Policy, and SocialAdministration)SASHA SOPER WEINERTA.B., New York University, 2015(Social Work, Social Policy, and SocialAdministration)SEAN WEINSTEIN*A.B., Lewis and Clark College, 2012(Social Work, Social Policy, and SocialAdministration)KELSEY WEISSBURGA.B., University of Maryland at College Park, 2021(Social Work, Social Policy, and SocialAdministration)JULIA CANTER WELLISCHA.B., Carleton College, 2019(Social Work, Social Policy, and SocialAdministration)CAROL ELIZABETH WILBERA.B., Georgia State University, 2020(Social Work, Social Policy, and SocialAdministration)BENJAMIN JAMES BUTLER WILLSB.F.A., School of the Art Institute of Chicago, 2016(Social Work, Social Policy, and SocialAdministration)NIA IMAN WILSONA.B., Vanderbilt University, 2021(Social Work, Social Policy, and SocialAdministration)KAYLA NICOLE WINGERTS.B., Johson & Wales University, North Miami,Florida, 2015(Social Work, Social Policy, and SocialAdministration)JOSHUA WON*A.B., University of California, Los Angeles, 2013(Social Work, Social Policy, and SocialAdministration)LEI WUB.B.A., Shanghai University of Finance andEconomics, China, 2020(Social Work, Social Policy, and SocialAdministration)JULIA YACCARINOB.S. w., Loyola University Chicago, Illinois, 2022(Social Work, Social Policy, and SocialAdministration)SANDRA YAMINS.B., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,2020(Social Work, Social Policy, and SocialAdministration). QIAOHONG NICOLE YANB.Econ., Nanchang University, China, 2003M.Div., University of Chicago, 2020(Social Work, Social Policy, and SocialAdministration)SHAMIRAM DORIS YOUSEFA.B., Grinnell College, Iowa, 2019(Social Work, Social Policy, and SocialAdministration)FENGYA ZHANGA.B., University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, 2020(Social Work, Social Policy, and SocialAdministration)THE CROWN FAMILY SCHOOL OF SOCIAL WORK, POLICY, AND PRACTICEFOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHYDANIELLE R. ADAMSA.B., Roosevelt University, 2014A.M., University of Chicago, 2018DISSERTATION: Assessing Real-World Access toCommunity-Based Mental Health Services forAdolescents: A Mixed Methods Mystery ShopperStudyBRIDGETTE DAVISA.B., Simpson College, 2003A.M., University of Chicago, 2016DISSERTATION: Access Delayed; Success Denied:How Administrative Burdens Shape CollegeOpportunity for First-Generation, Low-IncomeStudents SIREEN BAHIA IRSHEIDA.B., DePaul University, Chicago, Illinois, 2009M.S. W., Columbia University in the City of NewYork,2013DISSERTATION: Understanding the Impact ofEducational and Noneducational Structures ofOpportunity and Disinvestment on StudentsOverage for GradeMINA LEEA.B., Seoul National University, South Korea, 2014M.S. W., University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, 2016DISSERTATION: Racial Inequality inSocioeconomic Status Perpetuated by SocialCapital with a Focus on Asian Americans* anticipated graduation, Summer Quarter 2023 ALLISON L. PAULSON*A.B., University of Massachusetts at Amherst, 2008M.L.A., University of Chicago, 2013TADEO MIGUEL GERARDOWEINER-DAVIS*A.B., Stanford University, 2013A.M., University of Chicago, 2018JADE CHELSEA ZHENG-CHENWONGB.Com.(Hons), University of New South Wales,Kensington, Australia, 2012B.Com.,ibid., 2012DISSERTATION: Ambivalent Adventures withStandards95THE DIVINITY SCHOOLFRIDAY, JUNE 2, 2023GRADUATION, HOODING, AND AWARDS CEREMONYRockefeller Memorial Chapel12:30 p.m.COMMUNITY RECEPTIONIda Noyes Hall1:30 p.m.-no p.m.SATURDAY, JUNE 3, 2023UNIVERSITY CEREMONYMain Quadrangle9:15 a.m.DIPLOMA DISTRIBUTIONSwift Hall, Lobbyn:oo a.m.-1:00 p.m.THE DIVINITY SCHOOLGRADUATION, HOODING, AND AWARDS CEREMONYORDER OF EXERCISESPRELUDETHOMAS WEISFLOG, University OrganistPROCESSION(Please stand and remain standing until after the welcome)THOMAS WEISFLOGWELCOMEJAMES THEODORE ROBINSONDean, Divinity SchoolCaroline E. Haskell Professor of History ofJudaism, Islamic Studies,and History of Religions, Divinity School and the CollegeOPENING REMARKSANITA LUMPKINDean of Students; Associate Dean for Diversity and InclusionMASTER'S DEGREE GRADUATE PRESENTATIONNames to be read by ANITA LUMPKIN, Dean of StudentsPins to be presented byJEFFREY STACKERTDirector of MA. Studies; Professor of Hebrew Bible, Divinity SchoolGreenberg Center for Jewish Studies, and the CollegeCYNTHIA G. LINDNERDirector of Mi�istry Studies; Clinical Professor of Preaching and Pastoral Care, Divinity SchoolFACULTY REMARKSYOUSEF CASEWITAssociate Professor of Our'anic Studies, Divinity School and the CollegePH.D. PRESENTATION AND HOODINGNames to be read by ANITA LUMPKIN, Dean of Students97THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO I 537TH CONVOCATIONFACULTY HOODERSDANIEL A. ARNOLDAssociate Professor of Philosophy of Religions, Divinity School and the CollegeSARAH HAMMERSCHLAGProfessor of Religion and Literature, Philosophy of Religions, and History ofjudaism and the CollegeKEVIN HECTORNaomi Shenstone Donnelley Professor of1heology and Philosophy of Religions, Divinity School and the CollegeRICHARD B. MILLERLaura Spelman Rockefeller Professor of Religion, Politics, and Ethics, Divinity School and the CollegeJAMES THEODORE ROBINSONDean, Divinity School; Caroline E. Haskell Professor of History ofjudaism,Islamic Studies, and History of Religions, Divinity School and the CollegeRICHARD A. ROSENGARTENDirector of Doctoral Studies; Associate Professor of Religion and Literature, Divinity School and the CollegeWILLIAM SCHWEIKEREdward L. Ryerson Distinguished Service Professor of1heological Ethics, Divinity School and the CollegeSARAH PIERCE TAYLORAssistant Professor of Religion and Literature, Divinity School and the CollegePRESENTATION OF AWARDSJAMES THEODORE ROBINSONDean, Divinity SchoolANITA LUMPKINDean of Students; Associate Dean for Diversity and InclusionALUMNI REMARKSR.L. WATSON, PH.D.'I8Assistant Professor of English and African American Studies, Lake Forest CollegeCLOSING REMARKSJAMES THEODORE ROBINSONDean, Divinity SchoolRECESSIONAL(Please stand)THOMAS WEISFLOGPOSTLUDETHOMAS WEISFLOG98THE DIVINITY SCHOOLFOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF DIVINITYFARAH AKHTAR*A.B., Bard College, 2012HIATT VINCENT ALLEN*A.B., American University, Washington, District ofColumbia, 2017M.P.P .. University of Chicago, 2023ROSS MICHAEL ALLENS.B., Kansas State University, 2015JOHN JACOB BURNSA.B., Morehouse Colleqe, 2019M.P.P., University of Chicago, 2023SYDNEY CALLAWAYA.B., University of South Carolina-Columbia, 2018ALEXA GRANDA DAVAA.B., Wheaton College, Illinois, 2017NATALIE ROBIN DELSEMMEA.B., Lewis and Clark College, 2015EMILY ROSE GRIFFITHA.B., Bethany College, 2019SHRADHA JAINA.B., University of Southern California, 2019 LAURA KATHERINE JOHNSONA.B., Luther Colleqe, Decorah, Iowa, 2017A.M., University of Chicago, 2023ARSHAN KHALID*S.B., Northeastern University, 2016EMILY MING KING*A.B., Stanford University, 2019KUAN-WEI LINA.B., Dharma Drum Institute of Liberal Arts,Taipei, Taiwan, 2019CHARLOTTE BRITTA LOUISE LONG*A.B., Sarah Lawrence Colleqe, 2012THOMAS SPERRY MCCARLIE*A.B., Brigham Young University - Idaho, Rexburg,2015SHANNON SMITH PAGEA.B., Trinity College, Hartford, Connecticut, 2012ANGELA LEI PARKINSONA.B., University of Utah, 2014 VIRAJ RAJANIKANT PATEL*S.B., Pennsylvania State University, UniversityPark,2010M.P.H., Thomas jefferson University, 2013A.M., University of Chicago, 2015JUSTIN CHARLES PERKINSA.B., University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 2015DANIEL ISAIAS SANCHEZA.B., University of Chicago, 2011BONNIE NICHOLS SCOTTA.B., St. [ohn's College, Annapolis, Maryland, 2017HAYLEY DAWN SEGALLA.B., Oberlin College, 2020LANDON P. WILCOXA.B., Lynchburg College, 2017SEAN MICHAEL WILLARDS.B., San Diego State University, 2014LIJIA XIEA.B., Harvard University, 2017FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF ARTSNOUR SATAR ALI*A.B., University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, 2021(Religious Studies)LUIS NICHOLAS ALVARADOA.B., Columbia University in the City of New York,2019(Divinity)JOHN EDWARD ARNOLDA.B., Shimer College, 2016(Divinity)NOAH ETHAN AVIGANA.B., Columbia University in the City of New York,2021(Divinity)TAIMUR AZIZA.B., Harvard University, 2020A.M., University of Chicago, 2023(Divinity)JOSHUA JAMES BAILEY-GREENA.B., Wheaton College, Illinois, 2007M.Div., Trinity International University, Deerfield,Illinois, 2011(Divinity)RAZA AHMAD BAQAIS.B., University of Southern California, 2014(Divinity)TAYLOR MOORE BARNHILLA.B., Carleton College, 2018(Divinity)SHARI ARIEL BOISKINA.B., Brandeis University, 2021(Divinity)LIVIA CLAIRE BOKORA.B., Yale University, 2020(Divinity)JOSS ALMA CHILDSA.B., Mount Holyoke Colleqe, 2021(Divinity) ZAHAVA MICHAL FELDSTEINA.B., Scripps Colleqe, 2020(Divinity)NATHANAEL STEFANO GONZALEZ*A.B., California State University, San Bernardino,2020(Divinity)KATHERINE A. GOZAA.B., Col/ege of the Holy Cross, 2020(Divinity)KERRIGAN LILLEY GREENEA.B., Carthage College, 2020(Religious Studies)HONGYI KANGA.B., Wesleyan University, Middletown,Connecticut, 2020(Divinity)FARIHA MISBAH KOSHUL *S.B., Lahore University of Management Sciences,2019(Divinity)AMIR NADER MARSHI*A.B., Tel Aviv University, Israel, 2018(Divinity)ESME NANDORFY-FISCHLIN*A.B., McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada,2021(Divinity)PRANATI PRANAV PARIKHA.B., Harvard University, 2021(Divinity)SARANG PATELA.B., Rutgers, the State University of Newjersey-New Brunswick, 2021(Divinity)SARJU PATELA.B., Rutgers, the State University of Newjersey-New Brunswick, 2021(Divinity) JENNIFER PAULA.B., University of Puget Sound, 2019(Divinity)SUNANDA RANAB.A.(Hons), University of Delhi, St. Stephen'sCollege, India, 2009A.M., Savltribai Phule Pune University, India, 2019(Divinity)MELISSA ROBOHN*A.B., Bozeman State University, 1995A.M., john Cabot University, Rome, Italy, 2020(Divinity)KATY LENA SCHOEDELA.B., State University of New York at Purchase,2010A.M., St. john 's College, Annapolis, Maryland, 2016(Divinity)ELI N. SIMMONSA.B., Furman University, 2020(Divinity)EMMA CLAIRE STERNBERGA.B., Trinity College, Hartford, Connecticut, 2021(Divinity)ANNA JANE STONEMANA.B., University of Chicago, 2021(Divinity)SHAY LIA SHANNONDOAHSTRELZIKA.B., University of Miami, Coral Gables, Florida,2017(Divinity)HAJRA ZAID*B.A.(Hons), Lahore University of ManagementSciences, Pakistan, 2019(Divinity)CHRISTINE ANN ZHENGA.B., Wesleyan University, Middletown,Connecticut, 2020(Divinity)FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHYAHMED ARAFATA.B., Al-Azhar University, Cairo, Egypt, 2006A.M., University of Chicago, 2014DISSERTATION: The Surah as Argumentation:The Early Study of the Surah Structure in theExegesis of Fakhr AI-Din Al-Rtiz! (D. 606/1210) JOEL ALLEN BROWNA.B., Abilene Christian University, 2009M.Div., ibid., 2012M. Th., Texas Christian University, 2014DISSERTATION: Preparing the Way: AfricanAmerican Club Women and Social Christianity inTurn-of-the-Century Chicago OLIVIA BUSTION*A.B., Mount Holyoke Colleqe, 2003M.St. University of Oxford, England, UnitedKingdom, 2004Ph.D., University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, 2012M.Dtv., University of Chicago, 201499THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO 537TH CONVOCATIONDEREK MICHAEL BUYAN*B.F.S., Georgetown University, 2014A.M., University of Chicago, 2017JETSUN KUMAR DELEPLANQUEA.B., University of London, England, UnitedKingdom, 2007M. T.S., Harvard University, 2012DISSERTATION: Visions of Theocracy: The Riseof Ecclesiastical Power in Tibet and the Foundingof the Bhutanese StateNATHAN JEFFREY HARDYA.B., Truman State University, 2012A.M., University of Chicago, 2014DISSERTATION: Signs of Life: Late AncientChristianity, Narrative, and the Paradox of LivingImagesLEE DOUGLAS HOFFERA.B., Wheaton College, Illinois, 2010A.M., ibid., 2012A.M., University of Chicago, 2014DISSERTATION: Covenants Human and Divine:Paul's Argumentum a min ore ad malus in Gal3:15-17 and Its Relevance to Gal 3-4ALLISON LEIGH KANNER-BOTAN*A.B., University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill,2013A.M., University of Chicago, 2016NADIA INJI KHAN*A.B., Georgetown University, 2008A.M., Duke University, 2011MENACHEM MENDEL KRANZ*A.B., Chaim Yakov Shlomo College of jewishStudiesA.M., University of Chicago, 2016100 CHRISTINA KATHRYN LLANESA.B., Loyola Marymount University, Los Angeles,California, 2011A.M., University of Chicago, 2013DISSERTATION: The Darkness in Christ's Eyes:The Incarnational Theology of Divine Union inAngela of Foligno's MemorialVINICIUS PINTAS MARINHO*A.B., Universidade Federal do Rio de janeiro,Brazil, 2004A.M., ibld., 2012A.M., University of Chicago, 2016ELSA MARTY*A.B., St. Olaf College, 2007M.Div., University of Chicago, 2011ALEXANDRA CHRISTINEMATTHEWS*A.B., University of Oregon, 2012A.M., University of Chicago, 2015KYOHEI MIKAWA*B.Ed., Hokkaido University, Sapporo, japan, 2006A.M., Meadville Lombard Theological School, 2010ANIEL MICHAEL MUNDRAA.B., University of Chicago, 2004A.M., ibid., 2013DISSERTATION: No Identity without Diversity:Hartbh adrasiiri's An ekantavada as a jainResponse to Doctrinal DifferenceDHRUV RAJ NAGAR*S.B., University of Delhi, New Delhi, India, 2005Ph.M., ibid., 2009HYEIN PARKA.B., Yonsei University, Seoul, South Korea, 2011M.Div., University of Chicago, 2015DISSERTATION: Comparative Mystical Theologyof Love and Emptiness: Nondual Union inBuddhists and Beguines* anticipated graduation, Summer Quarter 2023 DIANE ELIZABETH PICroA.B., Western Michigan University, 2010A.M., University of Chicago, 2014DISSERTATION: A Series of FamilyResemblances: Interrogating Hollywood's Trope ofthe US-American FamilyFOSTER JAMES PINKNEY*A.B., Ohio State University, 2009A.M., Union Theological Seminary, New York, NewYork,2015JOHN MARC ISON SIANGHIO, JR.A.B., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,2007A.M., ibid., 2009M.Div., University of Chicago, 2015DISSERTATION: Can Might Make Rights?Dialogical Ethics and Cultural Value Formation inArmed Humanitarian InterventionJUSTIN NATHANIEL SMOLIN*A.B., University of Chicago, 2009A.M., ibid., 2013PARIDE STORTINIB.A.{Hons), Universita ca' Foscari Venezia, Venice,Italy, 2007M.A.{Hons), Universita degli Studi di Padova,Padua, Italy, 2010DISSERTATION: Reimagining India BetweenScience and Religion: Indology and Modernity injapanese BuddhismSARA JO SWIATEKA.B., University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, 2009A.M., University of Chicago, 2014DISSERTATION: Religion within the Boundariesof Technicity: Returning to Kant on the Questionof TechnicsBRUCE WINKELMAN*A.B., Universiteit Leiden, The Netherlands, 2013A.M., ibid., 2015THE WILLIAM B. AND CATHERINE V.GRAHAM SCHOOLOF CONTINUING LIBERALAND PROFESSIONAL STUDIESSATURDAY, JUNE 3, 2023UNIVERSITY CEREMONYMain Quadrangle9:15 a.m.DIPLOMA AND HOODING CEREMONYGordon Parks Arts HallNoonRECEPTIONGordon Parks Arts Hallimmediately following the ceremonyTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO I 537TH CONVOCATIONDIPLOMA AND HOODING CEREMONYORDER OF EXERCISESPRELUDEAxiom BrassPROCESSIONALAxiom Brass(Please stand and remain standing until after the welcome)WELCOMESETH GREENDean, William B. and Catherine V. Graham School of Continuing Liberal and Professional StudiesSTUDENT ADDRESSESIYANUOLUWA AKINYANJUMaster of Science in Biomedical InformaticsJULIAN VILLASENORMaster ofArts in Teaching ,ALUMNI ADDRESSROSEMARIE MITCHELL, M.L.A.' 12Board of Trustees, Illinois Institute of TechnologyFACULTY ADDRESSEDWARD "ROCKY" KOLBArthur Holly Compton Distinguished Service Professor,Department ofAstronomy and Astrophysics, Enrico Fermi Institute, and the CollegePRESENTATION OF DIPLOMASM.L.A. Graduates presented by TIM MURPHYS.M Graduates presented by CHRISTINE CLARKMA. T Graduates presented by TINISHIA LEGAUX WASHINGTONRECESSIONALAxiom Brass102THE WILLIAM B. AND CATHERINE V. GRAHAM SCHOOL OF CONTINUING LIBERAL AND PROFESSIONAL STUDIESFOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF LIBERAL ARTSOMAR ARAFEHLL.B.(Hons), City, University of London, England,United Kingdom, 2020KERRY JAMES BALDENA.B., University of Texas at Austin, 2017KAUSHIK BHATTACHARYABiSc., St. Xavier College, Kolkata, India, 1994M.Sc., Queen Mary University London, England,United Kingdom, 1997M.B.A., Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, 2013SARAH E. DELASSUS CARSONA.B., DePaul University, Chicago, Illinois, 2021MATTHEW CHRISTOHER COWELLS.B., Missouri State University, 2019MATTHEW DEANA.B., University of Chicago, 2000D. WESLEY FAULKENBERGA.B., Indiana University Bloomington, 2006 SABRINA LOUISE HILLA.B., AUllustana College, Rock Island, Illinois, 2018ALVARO IRIARTES.B., Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile,Santiago, 2014S.B., ibid., 2014SARAH HOPE MARSHALLS.B., Cairn University, 2003M.B.A., North Park University, 2010MARA LYN McKAYA.B., Hamline University, 1988 JOSEPH MONAGHANS.B., La Trobe University, Bundoora, Victoria,Australia, 2001LL.B.(Hons), ibid., 2004LL.M., Australian National University, Canberra,Australian Capital Territory, Australia, 2006Doc., La Trobe University, Bundoora, Victoria,Australia, 2017MICHAEL F. POPEA.B., Southern Illinois University-Carbondale,1979TIMOTHY L. POWELLA.B., Ohio State University, Columbus, 1994M.B.A., University of Illinois at Chicago, 2001ASHER SCHECHTERMATTHEW WILLIAM WOLSKIS.B., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,1998j.D., DePaul University, Chicago, Illinois, 2001FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF SCIENCEIYANUOLUWA AKINYANJUB.Sc.(Hons), Babcock University, llishon-Remo,Nigeria, 2018(Biomedical Informatics)KIMBERLY SULICH ALAHMADIS.B., Campbell University, 2007(Threat and Response Management)AIMUN S. ALAVIS.B., Western Illinois University, 2017(Biomedical Informatics)MICHAEL STEVEN ANDRADEA.B., University of Chicago, 2017(Biomedical Informatics)DAMON THEODORE ARNOLDM.D., University of Illinois at Chicago, 1987M.P.H., University of Illinois at Chicago, 1992A.M., Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey,California, 2016(Threat and Response Management)JUSTIN ABRAHAM AUERBACHB.Sc.(Hons), University of Edinburgh, Scotland,United Kingdom, 2017(Biomedical Informatics)SEAN IAN BERNSTEINM.D., University of Nebraska Medical Center, 2016(Biomedical Informatics)ANKUR BHARGAVAA.B., Boston College, Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts,2010(8iomedical Informatics)ZENOTIS BOYD, JR.S.B., Roosevelt University, 1987(Threat and Response Management)STEPHEN E. BOYDA.B., Saint Xavier University, Chicago, Illinois,2010(Threat and Response Management)OLHA BREZDENA.B., University of Illinois at Chicago, 2017(Threat and Response Management)BRADLEY ADAM CARLSONS.B., University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2017(Biomedical Informatics)WON CHANGA.B., Taylor University, Upland, Indiana, 2019(Biomedical Informatics)ALLISON TRACY CUNNINGHAMA.B., Colgate University, 2019(Threat and Response Management)THERESA L. DANIELS.B., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,2015(Threat and Response Management) NILESH DOMAHA.B., University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, 2021(Biomedical Informatics)EMMA CHANCELLOR DYERA.B., University of Chicago, 2021(Biomedical Informatics)ZHONGYU FENGS.B., Dickinson College, 2021(Biomedical Informatics)YUEJUN HANS.B., University of California, San Diego, 2019(Biomedical Informatics)SARA HELWINKS.B., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,2016(Threat and Response Management)MICHAEL GARRETT HERMSENS.B., University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2018(Biomedical Informatics)HAORAN HUS.B., University of California, Davis, 2021(Biomedical Informatics)KELLY KRISTA HYNESS.B., Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia,Canada, 2006M.D., Memorial University of Newfoundland, St.[ohn's, Canada, 2010(Biomedical Informatics)ALLISON IRWINA.B., Michigan State University, 2019(Biomedical Informatics)ISABELLA J. IWANICKIA.B., University of Chicago, 2020(Biomedical Informatics)CHAREMIALANEJONESS.B., Illinois Institute of Technology, 1993M.P.M., Keller Graduate School Of Management,Edina, Minnesota, 1999M.B.A., ibid., 1999M.Ed., DePaul University, Chicago, Illinois, 2004Ph.D., ibid., 2016juris Mast, ibid., 2018(Threat and Response Management)MAYUR PRAVIN KHANNAS.B., Saint Louis University, 2020(Biomedical Informatics)CRYSTAL DENISE KIMBROUGHS.B., Rush University, 1986(Biomedical Informatics)BRANNON THOMAS LAMBERTA.B., Birmingham-Southern College, 2018(Threat and Response Management) ALI MANSOURS.B., American University of Beirut, Lebanon, 2006M.D., ibid., 2010(Biomedical Informatics)MUHAMMAD AJI MUHARROMB.M., Universitas Indonesia, jakarta, 2017M.D., ibid., 2019(Biomedical Informatics)MILAN M. NELSONB.G.S., Northern Illinois University, 2020(Threat and Response Management)KATHERINE COLLEEN NORTONA.B., University of Illinois at Chicago, 2013(Threat and Response Management)ELIZA SHINAN FANG PERCHANOKS.B., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,2020(Biomedical Informatics)MAZIN NAZIH SABEHS.B., American University of Beirut, Lebanon, 2016M.D., ibid., 2021(Biomedical Informatics)THOMAS JOSEPH SMITHS.B., University of Pittsburgh, 2009(Biomedical Informatics)MAREK MARTIN STRACZEKS.B., University of Illinois at Chicago, 2019(Biomedical Informatics)EVA KATHRYN SUES.B., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,2021(Biomedical Informatics)TYLER AUSTIN THERRONS.B., University of Minnesota- Twin Cities, 2021(Biomedical Informatics)CHE KIMANI WOODSONS.B., Knox College, 2020(Biomedical Informatics)MEl WUS.B., University of Southern California, 2021(Biomedical Informatics)HAN FENG XIES.B., Emory University, 2021(Biomedical Informatics)CAROLINE ELLEN YOOS.B., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,2014S.M., Rosalind Franklin University of Medicine andScience, Illinois, 2018B.M.Sc., Dominican University, River Forest,Illinois, 2018(Biomedical Informatics)103THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO 537TH CONVOCATIONYINGJIE ZHANGA.B., Nanjing University of Technology, China,2014S.B., ibid., 2014(Biomedical Informatics) JINGYAO ZHAOA.B., Rutgers, the State University of NewJersey-Newark Campus, 2020(Biomedical Informatics)FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF ARTS IN TEACHINGSAHRA MAHDI ABDIRAHMANA.B., Macalester College, 2021(Elementary Education)DIANA TOLULOPE ADENIYIA.B., Clark Atlanta University, 2020(Elementary Education)EMILY GRACE BRINKMANA.B., Macalester College, 2017(Elementary Education)JANE HOGANA.B., University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2019(Elementary Education)(Middle Grade Education)104 MADISON LENNOXA.B., Kalamazoo College, 2018(Elementary Education)CAROLINE McHENRY LITTLEA.B., Denison University, 2020(Elementary Education)(Middle Grade Education)CIARAN McCOURTA.B., University of Dayton, 2017(Elementary Education)(Middle Grade Education)CAMILA RESTREPOA.B., University of Arkansas at Fayetteville, 2016A.M., DePaul University, Chicago, Illinois, 2019(Elementary Education)(Middle Grade Education) AARON WALLACE SPARBYA.B., Carleton College, 2019(Elementary Education)(Middle Grade Education)JULIAN VILLASENORA.B., Pomona College, 2021(Elementary Education)AZARIUS KAYEN WILLIAMSS.B., Syracuse University, 2020(Elementary Education)(Middle Grade Education)SAMANTHA NICOLE ZEGLISA.B., University of Chicago, 2021(Elementary Education)(Middle Grade Education)THE IRVING B. HARRISGRADUATE SCHOOL OFPUBLIC POLICY STUDIESSATURDAY, JUNE 3, 2023UNIVERSITY CEREMONYMain QuadrangleSUNDAY, JUNE 4, 2023HOODING CEREMONYMain Quadrangle1:00 p.m.THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO I 537TH CONVOCATIONDIPLOMA AND HOODING CEREMONYORDER OF EXERCISESWELCOMERYAN KELLOGGProfessor and Deputy Dean for Academic Programs, Irving B. Harris Graduate School of Public Policy StudiesSTUDENT REMARKSLINDA FLOR BRITO, M.P.P.'23ALUMNI REMARKSAIDAN ALI-SULLIVAN, M.B.A./M.P.P.'I7Head of State Political Strategy & Senior Manager, State Policy, w:tlymoPRESENTATION OF DIPLOMASETHAN BUENO DE MESQUITADean, Irving B. Harris Graduate School of Public Policy Studies;Sydney Stein Professor, Irving B. Harris Graduate School of Public Policy StudiesHOODING OF GRADUATESNames to be read byKATE SHANNON BIDDLEDean of StudentsFACULTY HOODERSfor master's degree graduatesEYAL FRANKAssistant ProfessorYANA GALLENAssistant ProfessorPETER GANONGAssociate ProfessorJOSHUA GOTTLIEBAssociate ProfessorAMIR JINAAssistant ProfessorDAMON JONESAssociate ProfessorKONSTANTIN SONINJosh Dewey Distinguished Service ProfessorAUSTIN WRIGHTAssistant Professor106THE IRVING B. HARRIS GRADUATE SCHOOL OF PUBLIC POLICY STUDIESFACULTY HOODERSfor Ph.D. degree graduatesSTEVEN DURLAUFSteans Professor in Educational PolicyRYAN KELLOGGProfessor and Deputy Dean for Academic ProgramsCLOSING REMARKSETHAN BUENO DE MESQUITADean, Irving B. Harris Graduate School of Public Policy StudiesRECESSIONAL(Please stand)107THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO 537TH CONVOCATIONFOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF ARTSANGIE ALONSO-CONELic., Universidad Distrital Francisco Jose deCaldas, Bogota, Colombia, 2017(Public Policy Studies)ABDULLAH ALSHEIKHB.B.A., University of Arizona, 2019M.Fin., University of California, San Diego, 2022(Public Policy Studies)STEPHANIE A. AVALOS-BOCKA.B., University of Chicago, 2012(Public Policy Studies)NANCY NAGEH AWADA.B., Swarthmore College, 2020(Public Policy Studies)EVELINA AYRAPETYANA.B., University of California, Santa Barbara, 2006M.Ed., Loyola University Chicago, Illinois, 2013(Public Policy Studies)SABRINA LAJUNE BAILEYS.B., Chicago State University, 1993Ph.D., Howard University, 2001(Public Policy Studies)MICHAEL CUMMINGS BEDELLB.Ar.Sc., University of Illinois atUrbana-Champaign, 2008[ur.Dr., ibid., 2011(Public Policy Studies)·WITH HONORSBRENDA SASHI BENITEZA.B., Pomona College, 2016(Public Policy Studies)ARTURO BOISSEAUNEAU PASTORLL.B., Escuela Libre de Derecho, Mexico City,Mexico, 2017(Public Policy Studies)COURTNEY ELIZABETH BOURGOINA.B., Michigan State University, 2017(Public Policy Studies)LILLIAN DYPOLD BUIA.B., Lake Forest College, 2012(Public Policy Studies)SOPHIE CORDELIA BYLANDA.B., Skidmore College, 2015S.M., Dominican University, River Forest, Illinois,2017(Public Policy Studies)LAYLA MALIKA BYRNESA.B., Eastern lllinois University, 1998M.S. w., University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, 2019(Public Policy Studies)SYEDAH M. CABELLS.B., Northwestern University, 2017(Public Policy Studies)ALEJANDRA R. CAMPOSA.B., Augustana College, Rock Island, Illinois, 2015(Public Policy Studies)JEFFERSON DANIEL CAVESA.B., George Washington University, 2017(Public Policy Studies)NOURA CHBEIRA.B., Harvard University, 2018(Public Policy Studies)KIMBERLY ELIZABETH CONTRERASS.M., Long Island University, 2015(Public Policy Studies)COLLIN CHARLES DAVIDSONS.B., Elizabethtown College, 2016(Public Policy Studies)MORGAN DENLOWB.J., University of Missouri-Columbia, 2015(Public Policy Studies)ESHA SWETAL DESAIS.B., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,2021(Public Policy Studies)ALYSE VICTORIA DEWEYA.B., University of Illinois at Chicago, 2020(Public Policy Studies)108 MARY FRANCES DUBYA.B., University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill,2007J.D., University of Chicago, 2010(Public Policy Studies)·WITH HONORSRACHEL AKYERE ESSELA.B., Northeastern University, Shenyanq, China,2018(Public Policy Studies)FARAH SIKENDAR FIDAIA.B., Boston University, Massachusetts, 2015(Public Policy Studies)GHIFARI RAMADHAN FIRMANS.B., Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yoqyakarta,Indonesia, 2020(Public Policy Studies)MALCOLM CANJA FLORESS.B., Xavier University-Ateneo de Caqay an,Cagayan de Oro City, Philippines, 2013Dipl., De La Salle University, Manila, Philippines,2022(Public Policy Studies)MARVIN REN FOURTEB.F.A., Saint Xavier University, Chicago, Illinois,2015M.B.A., ibid., 2017(Public Policy Studies)ANDREW M. FUTERMANS.B., Oregon State University, 2015j.S.D., Lewis and Clark College, 2018(Public Policy Studies)ALISON NICOLE GISMONDIB.Acc., DePaul University, Chicago, Illinois, 2018(Public Policy Studies)ALEX NATHAN GORDONA.B., Northwestern University, 2017(Public Policy Studies)·WITH HONORSMICHAEL DUANE HARRIESA.B., Washington University in St. Louis, 2013M.A. T., Dominican University, River Forest,Illinois, 2015M.D., University of Chicago, 2019(Public Policy Studies)SAMER SALEH HASSANA.B., Columbia University in the City of New York,2020(Public Policy Studies)MASON NATHANIEL HELLERA.B., University of Chicago, 2015(Public Policy Studies)SEHARE HEMANIA.B., University of California, Los Angeles, 2008(Public Policy Studies)-WITH HONORSANNIE ALEVA HENDERSONS.B., Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, 2020(Public Policy Studies)KIANA LANI HENLEYB.F.A., Kansas City Art Institute, 2017A.M., University of Chicago, 2018(Public Policy Studies)YUAN HUANGB.Mgmt., Beijing University of Posts andTelecommunications, China, 2019(Public Policy Studies)JOEL D. JACKSONA.B., Washington University in St. Louis, 2000(Public Policy Studies)NEKO ALEXANDER JACKSONA.B., University of Chicago, 2016(Public Policy Studies)YUAN JIANGLL.M., Indiana University-Purdue UniversityIndianapolis, 2020(Public Policy Studies)CODY MICHAEL JUSTUSB.B.A., Washington University in St. Louis, 2015(Public Policy Studies) SANJANA KARETIM.B.Ch.B., Shri Dharmasthala ManjunateshwaraCollege of Medical Sciences and Hospital,Hy derabad, India, 2016[Public Policy Studies)SANAM KAZIA.B., University of Illinois at Chicago, 2019(Public Policy Studies)FARIHAH KHANDAKERB.Econ., University of lllinois at Chicago, 2011B.P.S., ibid., 2011(Public Policy Studies)PHILIP JOHN KLAFTA IVA.B., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,2019(Public Policy Studies)KRISTEN MELISSA KOPKOA.B., University of California, Los Angeles, 2019(Public Policy Studies)XI LANB.Econ., Wuhan University, China, 2020(Public Policy Studies)-WITH HONORSHARRISON YEUNG-I LEES.B., Carnegie Mellon University, 2021(Public Policy Studies)LIYANG LI(Public Policy Studies)·WITH HONORSZHE LIA.B., University of Iowa, 2019(Public Policy Studies)XIAOQIAN LIUA.B., Communication University of China, Beijing,2010(Public Policy Studies)ZIYI LIUBiEcon., Peking University, Beijing, China, 2020(Public Policy Studies)-WITH HONORSCHIN HUAT ALBERT (OHS.B., Southern Illinois University-Carbondale, 1986M.B.A., ibid., 1990(Public Policy Studies)RICARDO LOPEZ MEDINAB.Econ., Universidad Catolica de Santa Maria,Arequipa, Peru, 2000M.B.A., Babson College, 2019(Public Policy Studies)LAUREN ELIZABETH LOWINGERA.B., Denison University, 2010(Public Policy Studies)LUCAS ELLIOT MACONS.B., University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill,2011S.M., University of Newcastle-Upon-Tyne, England,United Kingdom, 2013(Public Policy Studies)FRANCESCA MARCHESE GONZALEZA.B., Loyola University Chicago, Illinois, 2021A.M., University of Chicago, 2023(Public Policy Studies)SIOBHAN SIU BAI McDONOUGHA.B., Harvard University, 2017(Public Policy Studies)ALLISON B. McILVAINS.B., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,2016(Public Policy Studies)EMILY JANE MELBYEA.B., DePaul University, Chicago, Illinois, 2018(Public Policy Studies)-WITH HONORSJESSE M. MEZERAA.B., Olivet Nazarene University, 2013(Public Policy Studies)AMIT MOOKERJEEA.B., University of California, Berkeley, 2010S.M., Texas A&M University, College Station, 2016A.M., Columbia University in the City of New York,New York City, New York, 2018(Public Policy Studies)ANNA LOUISE MOORHEADA.B., Auqustana College, Rock Island, Illinois, 2015(Public Policy Studies)MARITZA MORANA.B., DePaul University, Chicago, Illinois, 2014(Public Policy Studies)SINOKUKHANYA NOMTHANDAZOMOYOA.M., University of Edinburgh, Scotland, UnitedKingdom, 2019(Public Policy Studies)EMILY M. MUENCHA.B., Loyola University Chicago, Illinois, 1999A.M., University of Chicago, 2004(Public Policy Studies)LAUREN MURRAYA.B., Loyola University Chicago, Illinois, 2014(Public Policy Studies)AMIR HASSAN NIJEMA.B., DePaul University, Chicago, Illinois, 2017(Public Policy Studies)LUCAS NOBREGA AUGUSTOB.Econ., Universidade de sao Paulo, Brazil, 2016M.Econ., lnsper Instituto de Ensino e Pesquisa,sao Paulo, Brazil, 2020(Public Policy Studies)'WITH HONORSCAITLIN MARION O'KEEFFEA.B., Wesleyan University, Middletown,Connecticut, 2017(Public Policy Studies)GWENDOLYN KACIA PURDOMOTTOLINA.B., Lehigh University, 2009(Public Policy Studies)NICOLAS PERALTA RAMOSLL.B., Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina,2011(Public Policy Studies)HERSHEENA RAJA RAMA.B., Hamilton College, 2019(Public Policy Studies)VIKRAM REDDYS.B., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,2015(Public Policy Studies)'WITH HONORSADAL DAVID DOUBY DENIS REGISA.B., State University of New York at Stony Brook,2011(Public Policy Studies)MATHEW MAURICIO ROJASA.B., Middlebury College, 2011(Public Policy Studies) THE IRVING B. HARRIS GRADUATE SCHOOL OF PUBLIC POLICY STUDIESSHANE DANIEL RUDYA.B., State University of New York at New Paltz,2017(Public Policy Studies)MICHAEL STEVEN SAMA WIB.Econ., University of Illinois atUrbana-Champaign, 2015(Public Policy Studies)ADITYA SETHB.A.{Hons), University of Delhi, New Delhi, India,2013(Public Policy Studies)AASHNEY LALITA SHAHB.E.S., Arizona State University, 2021(Public Policy Studies)NINA SANJAY SHIROLEA.B., University of Chicago, 2019M.B.A., ibid., 2022(Public Policy Studies)TOVIA GEETTER SIEGELA.B., University of Chicago, 2015(Public Policy Studies)STEPHEN TERRELL SIMPSONA.B., Howard University, 2012(Public Policy Studies)STEPHANIE NICOLE SMITHA.B., University of Chicago, 2015(Public Policy Studies)CAMILLE ELIZABETH SNYDERA.B., DePaul University, Chicago, Illinois, 2013(Public Policy Studies)ZARIA NICOLE SYDNORA.B., Lake Forest College, 2020(Public Policy Studies)VINCENT P. TARTAROA.B., Boston University, 2021(Public Policy Studies)ARIELLE LASHAWN TOWNSELS.B., Calumet College of St. joseph, 2021(Public Policy Studies)RODRIGO VALENCIA NAVARROLic., Instituto Tecnol6gico Aut6nomo de Mexico,San Angel, 2018LL.M., University of Chicago, 2022(Public Policy Studies)MIGUEL ANGEL VALENZUELA, JR.A.B., University of California, Berkeley, 2015(Public Policy Studies)MICHELLE VAZQUEZ GLEASONB.P.S., Instituto Tecnol6gico Aut6nomo de Mexico,San Angel, 2016(Public Policy Studies)MEXICO ALBERTO VERGARABAHENAB.A.{Hons), Instituto Tecnoloqico Aut6nomo deMexico, San Angel, 2018(Public Policy Studies)MARY ALEXANDRA VUKCEVICHA.B., Scripps College, 2001A.M., University of Chicago, 2002(Public Policy Studies) BREANNA LA'SHAY WALKERA.B., Loyola University Chicago, Illinois, 2016(Public Policy Studies)ALYSSA FAITH WEAVERS.B., Liberty University, 2019M.A. T., Marian University, Indianapolis, Indiana,2022(Public Policy Studies)DEKEVIOUS MARKEL WILSONA.B., University of Central Arkansas, 2011S.M., Arkansas Tech University, 2013(Public Policy Studies)CHLOE WONGA.B., Northwestern University, 2021(Public Policy Studies)ERIN LYNN CUELLAR WRIGHTS.B., University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2016(Public Policy Studies)RUNZHONG XUA.B., Georgetown University, 2021(Public Policy Studies)ZHUOQI YANGS.B., Pennsylvania State University, UniversityPark,2014(Public Policy Studies)ZIYI YANGS.B., Beijing Normal University, China, 2021A.B., Peking University, Beijing, China, 2021(Public Policy Studies)'WITH HONORSJIN YAOA.B., University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, 2020(Public Policy Studies)ZI YEB.B.A., Chinese University of Hong Kong, ShatinNT,2021(Public Policy Studies)'WITH HONORSWENJIN YUA.B., University of Washington, Seattle, 2020(Public Policy Studies)SHENGNING ZHANGB.Econ., Nankai University, Tianjin, China, 2021(Public Policy Studies)'WITH HONORSXIAOYU ZHANGA.B., Central South University, Yuelu, China, 2020S.M., University of Oxford, England, UnitedKingdom, 2021(Public Policy Studies)JINGCI ZHUA.B., Central University of Finance and Economics,Beijing, China, 2020B.Econ., Peking University, Beijing, China, 2021(Public Policy Studies)THANT ZINS.B., University of London, England, UnitedKingdom, 2015(Public Policy Studies)FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF SCIENCE IN THE IRVING B. HARRISGRADUATE SCHOOL OF PUBLIC POLICY STUDIESAND THE DIVISION OF THE PHYSICAL SCIENCESNURIA ADELL RAVENTOSM.A.{Hons), University of St. Andrews, Scotland,United Kingdom, 2018M.Sc., Universidad Politecnica de Cataluna,Barcelona, Spain, 2020(Computational Analysis and Public Policy)FABIAN ALEJANDRO ARANEDABAL TIERRATitulo, Universidad San Sebastian, Concepcion,Chile, 2014Titulo, Universidad de Concepcion, Chile, 2018(Computational Analysis and Public Policy) IRSA ASHRAFA.B., University of California, Los Angeles, 2018(Computational Analysis and Public Policy)MARfA GABRIELA AYALA MANTILLAA.B., Vassar College, 2012M.P.A., University of London, London School ofEconomics and Political Science, England, UnitedKingdom, 2015(Computational Analysis and Public Policy)KATHERINE M. BARONES.B., State University of New York at Binghamton,2014(Computational Analysis and Public Policy) GUO CHENA.B., Fudan University, Shanghai, China, 2020(Computational Analysis and Public Policy)SIWEN CHENA.B., University of California, Irvine, 2019(Computational Analysis and Public Policy)SHOBITHA SUZANNE CHERIANS.B., Christ University, Banqalore, India, 2016(Computational Analysis and Public Policy)109THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO 537TH CONVOCATIONKAVERI CHHIKARAB.Econ.(Hon), Shri Ram College of Commerce, NewDelhi, India, 2017S.M., Madras School of Economics, Chennai, India,2017(Computational Analysis and Public Policy)·WITH HONORSYUKI YU QI CHONGA.B., Peking University, Beijing, China, 2021(Computational Analysis and Public Policy)ELIZABETH CAITLIN COLAVIT AA.B., Duke University, 2016(Computational Analysis and Public Policy)PHOEBE SHIHUI COLLINSA.B., University of California, Los Angeles, 2020(Computational Analysis and Public Policy)REBECCA SHIRLEY AMANDACONNIEA.B., DePaul University, Chicago, Illinois, 2003M.F.A., Columbia College, Chicago, Illinois, 2011(Computational Analysis and Public Policy)DIEGO ESCOBAR SALCEB.Econ., Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile,Santiago, 2013M.Econ., ibid., 2014(Computational Analysis and Public Policy)OLEKSANDRA FILIPPOVAS.B., South Carolina State College, 2017(Computational Analysis and Public Policy)AKILA SHANI FORDEB.Econ., Howard University, 2018(Computational Analysis and Public Policy)COLE VINCENT FRANKA.B., Carleton College, 2015(Computational Analysis and Public Policy)KENIA GODfNEZ NOGUEDAS.B., Centro de Investigacion y DocenciaEconomlcas, Mexico City, Mexico, 2016(Computational Analysis and Public Policy)NORAH CARNEY GRIFFINS.B., University of Notre Dame, 2016(Computational Analysis and Public Policy)WENXIN GUS.B., Honq Kong University of Science andTechnology, Kowloon, 2020(Computational Analysis and Public Policy)DAVID HACKETTA.B., Washington University in St. Louis, 2012(Computational Analysis and Public Policy)ANTHONY HAKIMA.B., University of California, Berkeley, 2018(Computational Analysis and Public Policy)RYOYA HASHIMOTOB.Ag., Kyoto University, japan, 2011(Computational Analysis and Public Policy)JONAS MICHAEL HElMS.B., Universite de Lausanne, Switzerland, 2021(Computational Analysis and Public Policy)CLAIRE ELIZABETH HEMMERLYS.B., Ursinus College, 2009S.M., Florida State University, 2012(Computational Analysis and Public Policy)YIFU HOUA.B., Communication University of China, Beijing,2021(Computational Analysis and Public Policy)JIN SEONG HURLL.B., Korea University, Seoul, South Korea, 2011(Computational Analysis and Public Policy)CHRISTINE JOY IBARAKIS.B., Carnegie Mellon University, 2011(Computational Analysis and Public Policy)ELISE CHRISTINE JACKSONB.B.A., University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2014(Computational Analysis and Public Policy)WESLEY RAYMOND JANSONA.B., University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, 2018(Computational Analysis and Public Policy)IAN JEONGS.B., University of Pennsylvania, 2017(Computational Analysis and Public Policy)110 JIHAE KANGB.B.A., Yonsei University, Seoul, South Korea, 2008(Computational Analysis and Public Policy)MATTHEW ERIC KAUFMANNB.B.A., Emory University, 2017(Computational Analysis and Public Policy)ANDREW JAMES KELLERS.B., William Marsh Rice University, 2018(Computational Analysis and Public Policy)ALISON KLEMENCICA.B., Tufts University, 2017(Computational Analysis and Public Policy)KENNETH WILLIAM KLIESNERB.L.A., University of lllinois at Urbana-Champaign,2015(Computational Analysis and Public Policy)PIPER HAVEN KURTZA.B., Carleton College, 2019(Computational Analysis and Public Policy)WILLIAM KILGORE LENNONS.B., United States Naval Academy, 2008(Computational Analysis and Public Policy)CAROLYN RUOYIN LIUA.B., Wellesley College, Massachusetts, 2018(Computational Analysis and Public Policy)JUNCHENG LIUA.B., University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, 2021S.B., ibid., 2021(Computational Analysis and Public Policy)MARC DAVID LOEBA.B., University of Chicago, 2021(Computational Analysis and Public Policy)SOPHIA JUSTINE LOGANA.B., Bard College, 2019(Computational Analysis and Public Policy)STEFAN DAVID STEEL MANUELA.B., University of Chicago, 2022(Computational Analysis and Public Policy)DUSTIN MARSHALLA.B., University of California, Berkeley, 2016(Computational Analysis and Public Policy)MANUEL ALBERTO MARTINEZA.B., Southern Connecticut State University, 2016(Computational Analysis and Public Policy)DIEGO ALEJANDRO MARTINEZCRUZBiEcon., Pontificia Universidad [averiana, Bogota,Colombia, 2013S.M., ibid., 2017(Computational Analysis and Public Policy)ALEXANDER AMON MEITUSA.B., College of William and Mary in Virginia,2015(Computational Analysis and Public Policy)ALEJANDRO NAVARRETEA.B., University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, 2018(Computational Analysis and Public Policy)JAKE WILLIAM NICOLLS.B., University of Chicago, 2021(Computational Analysis and Public Policy)TAKAYUKI NITTAA.B., Keto University, Tokyo, japan, 2011(Computational Analysis and Public Policy)TAISHI OKANOB.Ag., University of Tokyo, japan, 2014M.Eng., ibid., 2016(Computational Analysis and Public Policy)SERGIO OLALLA UBIERNAA.B., Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain,2016S.M., University of London, England, UnitedKingdom, 2018(Computational Analysis and Public Policy)YUN JOO PARKB.Econ., Georgetown University, 2018(Computational Analysis and Public Policy)SAMUEL EDWARD PAVLEKOVSKYS.B., University of Chicago, 2020(Computational Analysis and Public Policy)VICTOR MANUEL PEREZ MARTINB.Econ., Instituto Tecnol6gico Aut6nomo deMexico, San Anqel, 2017(Computational Analysis and Public Policy) OLIVIA LOUISE PINNEYA.B., Amherst College, 2017(Computational Analysis and Public Policy)ITTIPAT PRAPAPRASERTB.Econ., Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok,Thailand, 2018(Computational Analysis and Public Policy)PAVAN KUMAR PRATHURUB. Tech., jawaharlal Nehru TechnologicalUniversity, Hyderabad, India, 2008Dipl., National Institute of Industrial Engineering.Mumbai, India, 2014(Computational Analysis and Public Policy)LAUREN BRANDON QUATTROCCHIS.B., St. Lawrence University, Canton, New York,2016(Computational Analysis and Public Policy)DHARINI RAMASWAMYBiBus., University of Illinois atUrbana-Champaign, 2018(Computational Analysis and Public Policy)PEDRO ANTONIO RAMONETTIVEGAB.Econ., Universidad Autonoma de Baja California,Tijuana, Mexico, 2018(Computational Analysis and Public Policy)ADITYA PRATAMA RETNANTOS.B., Georgia Institute of Technology, 2019(Computational Analysis and Public Policy)IDALINA SACHANGOA.B., New York University, 2"019(Computational Analysis and Public Policy)ALEJANDRO JOSE SAENZLic., Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile,Santiago, 2014(Computational Analysis and Public Policy)RODRIGO ARTURO SALAZARCHAVEZB.Act.Stds, Universidad Nacional Aut6noma deMexico, Mexico City, 2021(Computational Analysis and Public Policy)BRINDA SAPRAB.A.(Hons), Lady Shri Ram College for Women,New Delhi, India, 2017 -(Computational Analysis and Public Policy)KELLEY ELIZABETH SARUSSIB.Econ., University of lllinois atUrbana-Champaign, 2016(Computational Analysis and Public Policy)DHRUV'SINHAB.A.(Hons), Ashoka University, Sonipat, India,2019Dipl., ibid., 2020(Computational Analysis and Public Policy)EVELYN SIDA.B., Princeton University, 2015(Computational Analysis and Public Policy)ANGELA CLAIRE THEB.Mus., Vanderbilt University, 2019(Computational Analysis and Public Policy)JULIAN ALFONSO VARON PARRAB.Econ., Universidad de los Andes, Bogota,Colombia, 2012M.Econ., ibid., 2014(Computational Analysis and Public Policy)NIVEDITA KUTTY VATSAA.B., Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, 2017(Computational Analysis and Public Policy)VIGNESH VENKATACHALAMB. Tech., Visvesvaraya National Institute ofTechnology, Naqpur, India, 2015(Computational Analysis and Public Policy)CAROL YN ANN VIL TERA.B., Georgetown University, 2017(Computational Analysis and Public Policy)VISHAL VINCENT JOSEPHB. Tech., National Institute of Technology,Surathkal, India, 2017(Computational Analysis and Public Policy)COLE WILLIAM VON GLAHNA.B., Tufts University, 2014(Computational Analysis and Public Policy)ANDREW G. WARFIELDA.B., University of California, Riverside, 2020(Computational Analysis and Public Policy)AYAKO WATANABEB. V.M., University of Tokyo, japan, 2016(Computational Analysis and Public Policy) THE IRVING B. HARRIS GRADUATE SCHOOL OF PUBLIC POLICY STUDIESEUJENE YUMB.Ap.S., Tufts University, 2017(Computational Analysis and Public Policy) SABRINA YUSOFFB.A.{Hons), University of Melbourne, Parkville,Victoria, Australia, 2020(Computational Analysis and Public Policy)FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF PUBLIC POLICYSAJA ABDALLAH*B.B.A., Loyola University Chicago, Illinois, 2019DEQA ABDIRAHMAN ADENB.L.A., Grinnell College, Iowa, 2018JAHNVI AGARWALBPlan., School of Planning and Architecture, NewDelhi, India, 2018MUSKAN AGGARWALB.A.(Hons), Symbiosis International University,Pune, India, 2021RIMJHIM AGRAWALB.Plan., School of Planning and Architecture, NewDelhi, India, 2018ASHLEY LINDA-ISABELLA AGUILARS.B., University of California, Los Angeles, 2019CITRA AGUSTINAB.Econ., Universitas Padjadjaran, Bandung,Indonesia, 2006KAMRAN AHMEDB.Sc.(Hons), Lahore University of ManagementSCiences, Pakistan, 2019HWANG HWAN AHNB.B.A., Seoul National University, South Korea,2011HIATT VINCENT ALLEN*A.B., American University, Washington, District ofColumbia, 2017M.Div., University of Chicago, 2023McNEIL ALLOS.B., University of Southern California, 2021JESSE MITCHELL ALTMANA.B., Tufts University, 2016SUNNY SHANKER ANANDB.A.(Hons), University of Delhi, New Delhi, India,2012A.M., jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi,India, 2015M.Ph., ibid., 2019STEPHANIE ANDRADEA.B., University of California, Irvine, 2018GABRIEL HERNANDO AN GARITATOVARBEcon., Universidad Externado de Colombia,Bogota, 2013M.Econ., Universidad de los Andes, Bogota,Colombia, 2017BRENDA ABIGAIL ANGULOA.B., University of California, Riverside, 2013MICHAEL RONALD ANIELLOA.B., johns Hopkins University, 2019ADITYA ANMOLA.B., New York University, 2021CESAR ANZOLA BRAVOBiEccn., Universidad de los Andes, Merida,Venezuela, 2017MUHAMMAD NAWAWY ARASY PADILB.Econ., Universitas Indonesia, jakarta, 2019AUDREY GRACE BAERA.B., Lehigh University, 2017BINGHAN BAIBEcon., Xi'an jiaotong-Liverpool University,Suzhou, China, 2021CONNOR McFALL BAILEYA.B., Grinnell College, Iowa, 2016SARAH FARRAH BAILEYA.B., Emory University, 2018KE BAOA.B., Zhejiang University, Hang Zhou, China, 2020 LANYUE BAOS.B., University of Washington, Seattle, 2021ALONSO BARNECHEAA.B., Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Peru,Lima, 2017Dipl., ibid., 2019EMILY ANN BARNETTS.B., Indiana University Bloomington, 2014ELI BENJAMIN BAUMA.B., Northwestern University, 2021DESIREE BECERRA ARMADABiEcon., Universidad Central de Venezuela,Caracas, 2017M.Pub.Mgt., Instituto de Estudios Superiores deAdministracion, Caracas, Venezuela, 2019S.M., University of London-London School ofEconomics and Political Science, England, UnitedKingdom, 2021ANASTASIA PALMIRA BELLI SARIS.B., Rutgers, the State University of Newjersey-New Brunswick, 2019DAVID ALLEN BERKS.B., West Chester University of Pennsylvania,2020MELANIE BERMANA.B., Wesleyan University, Middletown,Connecticut, 2017SALONI BHARDWAJB. Tech., VIT University, Yellore, India, 2019GRISHMA BHATTARAIS.B., Hollins University, 2020BONAR SIMEON BINTANGLL.B., Universitas Padjadjaran, Bandunp,Indonesia, 2016BINTELIYABiEcon., Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, 2021SYEDA SHEHR BANO BOKHARIS.B., Lahore University of Management Sciences,Pakistan, 2021GABRIELE BORTOLOTTILaurea, Universita di Bologna, Italy, 2016LINDA FLOR BRITOB.L.A., DePaul University, Chicago, Illinois, 2018MICHAEL ISAAC BROWNS.B., University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, 2012A.M., Midwestern University, 2013NATALIE SABRINA BROWNB.A.S., Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, 2018STEFANO BRUZZO GALLARDOB.Econ., Universidad de Chile, Santiago, 2018Lic., ibid., 2020R. AARON BUCHANANB.Econ., University of Florida, 2015TYLER MATTHEW BUCKA.B., University of lllinois at Urbana-Champaign,2014JOHN JACOB BURNSA.B., Morehouse College, 2019M.Div., University of Chicago, 2023UDAYA ADITYA ANANTABHARADWAJ BURRAB.Sc.(Hons), Ashoka University, Haryana, India,2020Dipl, ibid., 2020JOHANNA EVE BUTLERA.B., American University, Washington, District ofColumbia,201BJOSHUA CALTONA.B., University of Notre Dame, 2011 LUIS DAVID CANO RODRIGUEZA.B., Instituto Technoltiqico Autonomo de Mexico,Mexico City, 2017JOHN RICHARD CAREYA.B., University of Notre Dame, 2017M.B.A., University of Chicago, 2023ERIK CASTELANA.B., University of lllinois at Chicago, 2018RUTH DANIELA CASTILLO PINTOB.Eng., Universidad Simon Bolivar, Caracas,Venezuela, 2018FRANCIS JOAN FLANNIGANCAVANAGHA.B., St. Mary's College of Maryland, 2017JAYSON LOUIS CAYANANA.B., University of California, San Diego, 2021JINJIE CHAIS.B., Ohio State University, Columbus, 2020RUIQUAN CHANGB.Mgmt., Xi'an jiaotong University, China, 2021JOSHUA CHARLESS.B., Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, 2020ALEJANDRA CHAVARRIALL.B., Universidad de Costa Rica, San jose, 2012uc.. ibid., 2014LL.M., Universidad de La Salle, San jose, CostaRica, 2014Mast., LEAD University, San jose, Costa Rica, 2017ARTHUR SILVA CHEIBB.P.Ad., Fundaciio [oiio Pinheiro, Belo Horizonte,Brazil, 2016JIEYI CHENB.Mgmt., Shanghai University of Finance andEconomics, China, 2020·WITH HONORSJUNZHUO CHENBiEcon., Beijing Normal University, China, 2020RUOXICHENLL.B., Renmin University of China, Beijing, 2020YILAI CHENS.B., University of California, Berkeley, 2021YIQING CHENB.A.{Hons), University of Liverpool, England,United Kingdom, 2020YULIN CHENBiEcon., University of International Business andEconomics, Beijing, China, 2020ZHAOYUAN CHENA.B., Mount Holyoke College, 2021JINKYONG CHOIA.B., Seoul National University, South Korea, 201BADIBA CHOWDHURYB.B.A., City University of New York, 2019CHAK TIN TITUS CHUA.B., University of British Columbia, Vancouver,Canada, 2020SO-YOUNG IRIS CHUNGA.B., Harvard University, 2019LAUREN HUGHES COLEA.B., University of Chicago, 2022TYLOR JEAN COLLIERB.H.A., Michigan State University, 2020B.S.R.P., ibid., 2020BRYANT CONGB.Ap.S., University of Southern California, 2021CHANDLER LEE CORNWELLA.B., Lafayette College, 2014111THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO 537TH CONVOCATIONCALEB COSTAA.B., Ohio State University, Columbus, 2020OSCAR CUADROSB.P.S., Universidad Nacional Mayor de SanMarcos, Lima, Peru, 2018PATRICK JAMES KENNEDY CURRYA.B., University of Kansas, 2015ELLIOT SAMUEL DANISA.B., University of Maryland at College Park, 2017HALEY PARKER DAUGHERTYA.B., Alma College, 2018JOSHUA CHARLES DAVISA.B., Oklahoma City University, 2020DOMINIC KENNETH DECOSTERS.B., Brigham Young University - Idaho, Rexburg,2021HECTOR DE LIRA SERNAS.B., Centro de Investigacion y DocenciaEconomicus, Mexico City, Mexico, 2017PREETHIKA DEVRAJB.B.A.{Hons), National Law University, jodhpur,India, 2016LL.B.{Hons), ibid., 2016MADISON ELIZABETH DEYOA.B., University of California, Los Angeles, 2021YUNHAO DOUS.B., University of San Francisco, 2018S.M., johns Hopkins University, 2021KUNYIDUA.B., Shanghai University of Finance andEconomics, China, 2020YIFEI DUS.B., University of California, Los Angeles, 2019YUCHEN DULL.B., Central University of Finance andEconomics, Beijing, China, 2021RUNZHOU DUANA.B., New York University, 2019EVAN WILLIAM ElSINGB.B.A., University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2015SEAN MICHAEL ENNISA.B., University of Chicago, 2022YUNSHANGWEI FANGS.B., Case Western Reserve University, 2020TARA FARWANAB.B.A., Emory University, 2013XINYU FENGA.B., DePauw University, Greencastle, Indiana,2021GRACE ANNE FINLEYA.B., Connecticut College, 2016NOAH FISCHERA.B., Boston University, Massachusetts, 2021ISABELA BEDE FONSECAA.B., New York University, 2016KAMILLIA KIA FORBESS.B., Bowling Green State University, 2020STEPHEN FOWLERA.B., Dublin City Untversity/Ollscoil ChathalrBhaile Atha Cliath, Ireland, 2020S.M., University College Dublin/An ColaisteOllscoile Baile Atha Cliath, Ireland, 2021EMANUELA COLEMAN FRANKELA.B., Boston University, Massachusetts, 2017CHEN FUA.B., Nankai University, Tianjin, China, 2019RIKI FUJII-RAJANIB.Com.{Hons), University of Auckland, NewZealand,2019LL.B.{Hons), ibid., 2019RONGHUA GAlA.B., Colgate University, 2021DE GAOA.B., University of California, Santa Barbara, 2020TIANCHEN GAOA.B., University of Colorado at Denver, 2020B.Econ., China Agricultural University, Beijing,2020112 ZHUOJUN GAOB.Econ., Central University of Finance andEconomics, Beijing, China, 2021ASTRID JOHANA GARCIA ESPINELLic., Universidad Cat6lica 'Andres Bello', Caracas,Venezuela, 2016MEREDITH ANNE GAVINA.B., Temple University, 2019ALEXANDRA SUZANNE GAZZOLOA.B., Wellesley College, Massachusetts, 2016ERIC GEBERS.B., University of lllinois at Urbana-Champaign,2012BETHANY SONIA GEDZELMANA.B., University of Chicago, 2022MATHIAS HAMILTON PINHEIROGESSERB.B.A., Washington University in St. Louis, 2015M.B.A., University of Chicago, 2023TAMARA GABRIELLE GLUCKA.B., Florida State University, 2020B.S. W., ibid., 2020OSWALDO GOMEZA.B., Lawrence University, 2018DARYN ELIZABETH GRAYA.B., Sarah Lawrence College, 2020KAIRVY GREWALB.A.{Hons), Ashoka University, Sonipat, India,2019TREY ADAM GRIZZARDS.B., Texas Christian University, 2020DEVON MARIE GRUSSMARKS.B., University of Texas at Austin, 2016S.M., University of Miami, Coral Gables, Florida,2018CLARE RACHELLE GRZEGORZEWSKIS.B., Oakland University, Rochester, Michigan,2019SPENCER HAMILTON GUDEWILLB.Com.{Hons), Queen's University, Kingston,Ontario, Canada, 2014OLIVIA DIANE GUNTHERA.B., University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, 2019TIANXING GUOB.Mgmt., Macau University of Science andTechnology, Macau, 2017M.B.A., Bowling Green State University, 2020SUNENA GUPTAA.B., University of California, Berkeley, 2020HALEY MARIE HAGERB.S. w., University of Texas at Austin, 2013SYEDA RIJA HAIDERS.B., Lahore University of Management Sciences,Pakistan, 2018CHAYA M. HALBERSTAMA.B., City University of New York, 2019CHANDLER GREENWOOD WALLACHHALLA.B., University of Massachusetts at Amherst, 2019ATHENA KATHRYN HALLBERGA.B., University of Chicago, 2021BETTINA MARIE HAMMERA.B., University of Chicago, 2020CHANG HANB.B.A., George Washington University, 2019LILIEK TRIAS HANDARTOB.Econ., Universitas Diponeqoro, Semaranq,Indonesia, 2006CANDICE HANDJOJOA.B., University of California, Berkeley, 2017EADRES HAQQANI*A.B., University of California, Riverside, 2020ALLISON CLAIRE HARDEBECKA.B., johns Hopkins University, 2020GRAHAM DEAN HARWOODB.Eng., Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, 2015ANDREW PRESTON HASKINSA.B., Duke University, 2017 LAURA ELISE HATTA.B., Harvard University, 2018BILLY LEE HELLERB.P.S., University of Florida, 2014GUSTAVO EMMANUEL HERNANDEZPENAB.Arch., Universidad Nacional Aut6noma deMexico, Mexico City, 2013JUAN FRANCISCO HIDALGOB.Eng., Universidad de Chile, Santiago, Chile, 2013Ing., ibid., 2014Lic., ibid., 2014SARAH LORRAINE HILLEGASSS.B., Marquette University, 2017VICTOR PASKALIS HINARDIS.B., University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2021YUKI HIRAYAMALL.B., University of Tokyo, japan, 2017LINDSAY ANN HISERA.B., University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, 2018CAITLYN HOEFLIN HANAA.B., Reed College, 2015ZEWEN HUA.B., Skidmore College, 2020KAISHAN HUANGA.B., University of lllinois at Urbana-Champaign,2020SERENA GONG HUANGB.Econ., Peking University, Beijing, China, 2021YIJIE HUANGS.B., Syracuse University, 2021YUQI HUANGS.B., Oklahoma State University, 2021MARfA SOLEDAD HURTADOB.B.A., Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile,Santiago, 2014ZAREEN HUSSAINA.B., Indiana University Bloomington, 2018CHRISTELLE INEMAA.B., Soka University of America, Aliso Viejo,California, 2021ERIKA LIANN ISHIZUKAA.B., University of Virginia, 2021ANEESHA JHINGANS.B., University of California, Berkeley, 2011M.B.A., University of Chicago, 2023YUXIN JIA.B., University of California, Berkeley, 2021RU JIAA.B., University of California, Berkeley, 2021ZICHEN JIAB.Mgmt., Southwestern University of Finance andEconomics, Chengdu, China, 2021WEILU JIANGB.Econ., Lanzhou University, China, 2021XINTIAN JIANGB.Econ., Renmin University of China, Beijing, 2021YANKUN JIANGB.Ap.S., New York University, Shanghai, China2020CHENGCHENG JIN*LL.B., Beijing University of Technology, China,2019JIACHENG KARSON JINB.Econ., University of California, Davis, 2020KAYLA JONESA.B., Virginia Commonwealth University, 2014MARISSA CELESTE JONESA.B., Case Western Reserve University, 2019FRANKLIN BONAVENTURE JOSEPHA.B., University of Colorado at Denver, 2017JAZMIN JUAREZB.Ap.S., University of lllinois at Chicago, 2021KWANWOO JUNGS.B., Seoul National University, South Korea, 2006DAISUKE KAGEYAMAS.B., Hokkaido University, Sapporo, japan, 2015VIVEK KAlLAB.Sc.{Hons), University of Delhi, New Delhi, India,2003S.M., University of Colorado at Boulder, 2005Ph.D., ibid., 2010AKANKSHA KALAB.Arch., University of Mumbai, India, 2019SHWETA KAMATHB.B.A., Singapore Management University,Singapore, 2016SAl OMKAR KANDUKURIB.Eng.{Hons), Birla Institute of Technology andScience, Pilani, India, 2018RIDDHI KANKARIAB.A.{Hons), University of Delhi, New Delhi, India,2021JAMES LYNN KARNERA.B., Roosevelt University, 2012KENNETH C. KELLER IIIA.B., University of Chicago, 2017M.B.A., ibid., 2023QUINN CAMERON KELLYS.B., University of Illinois at Chicago, 2021A.B., ibid., 2021ANNA JULIA KENIG-ZIESLERA.B., University of Chicago, 2022ISABEL OLIVIA KENNONA.B., Washington University in St. Louis, 2019DEVASHRI SHRIKRISHNA KHADKEB.Eng., University of Pune, India, 2014S.M., University of Texas at Arlington, 2017RANA KHALILS.B., Ohio State University, Columbus, 2017MAHNOOR FAISAL KHANA.B., Harvard University, 2017RIO KHASANANDABEcon., Universitas Padjadjaran, Bandung,Indonesia, 2008DO HYUNG KIMA.B., Northwestern University, 2015M.B.A., University of Chicago, 2023KENYA KITANOLL.B., University of Tokyo, japan, 2018OMAR ABDULRAHMAN KNIOA.B., American University of Beirut, Lebanon,2021LEE KYUNG KOA.B., Seoul National University, South Korea, 2020XIAOHAN KONGA.B., Nankai University, Tianjin, China, 2020KEENAN ISAAC KRAUSEA.B., University of Toronto, Ontario, Canoda, 2021HARISANKAR KRISHNADASB.Plan., School of Planning and Architecture, NewDelhi, India, 2015M. Tech., Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee,India, 2015SHUNSUKE KUBONISHIB.L.A., University of Tokyo, japan, 2016SAHILA KUDALKARMast., SUNY College of Environmental Science andForestry, Syracuse, New York, 2016SHLOKA KUMARLL.B., Savitribai Phule Pune University, India,2019VATSALA KUMARA.B., Northwestern University, 2017J.D., University of Chicago, 2023SATOSHI KURODAA.B., University of Tokyo, Japan, 2012A.M., ibid., 2014JINGYANG LANS.B., University of Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing, China, 2021PATRICK GALLAGHER LANDESA.B., Connecticut College, 2016KENT ROBERT LANDISS.B., Millersville University Pennsylvania, 2014A.B., ibid., 2021 THE IRVING B. HARRIS GRADUATE SCHOOL OF PUBLIC POLICY STUDIESJOSEPHINE ACHIENG LANDOS.B., Xavier University, Cincinnati, Ohio, 2014M.B.A., ibid., 2017HANNA LEEA.B., Korea University, Seoul, South Korea, 2019·WITH HONORSYUJIN LEEA.B., Seoul National University, South Korea, 2017THOMTHAWEE LEELAHALAMLERTB.Econ., Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok,Thailand,2018QI LEIA.B., Nanjing University, China, 2021NINA YISRAELA LEVINEA.B., University of Chicago, 2021JENNIFER LEIGH LEWISB.Bus., DePaul University, Chicago, Illinois, 2012SERITA C. LEWISB.L.A., Skidmore College, 2021HANZHANG LIA.B., University of Reading, England, UnitedKingdom, 2021B.Mgmt., Beijing Institute of Technology, China,2021MO LIBiFin., Shanghai University of Finance andEconomics, China, 2020RUOYI LIB.Mgmt., Beijing University of Technology, China,2020TONGYAO LIB.Eng., China Agricultural University, Beijing,2020XINYUE LILL.B., University of International Business andEconomics, Beijing, China, 2021ZHAOQING LILL.B., Peking University, Beijing, China, 2020ZIJUN LIB.Econ., Sun Vat-Sen University, Guatiqzhou,China, 2021HAOMING LIANGBiEcon., Sun Yet-Sen University, Guangzhou,China, 2021YINING LIANGA.B., Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, 2021ZIBING LIAOA.B., Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, 2021YU LINS.B., Dickinson College, 2020ALEXIA CAROLINE LIPMANA.B., Claremont McKenna College, 2018CAN LIUB.Eng., Peking University, Beijing, China, 2020HE LIUBiEcon., Renmin University of China, Beijing, 2021JINGLE LIULL.B., Peking University, Beijing, China, 2018A.B., Waseda University, Tokyo, japan, 2018YUTONG LIULL.B., Tianjin University, China, 2018LL.M., University of Southern California, 2019ZIQI LIUA.B., Shanghai International Studies University,China, 2019YAO LUB.B.A., Chinese University of Hong Kong, ShatinNT,2018JACKSON CHARLES LUCKA.B., Georgetown University, 2021SARAH IRENE LUELINGBiEcon., University of London, England, UnitedKingdom, 2019KYLE LYNAUGHA.B., Loyola Marymount University, Los Angeles,California, 2021JINGRAO LYUA.B., University of Southern California, 2021XUEYUE LYULL.B., Fudan University, Shanghai, China, 2020 HUIFANG MAB.Bus., Babson College, 2021SIJIA MAA.B., George Washington University, 2021YIXIN MAB.Econ., University of International Business andEconomics, Beijing, China, 2021DIEGO MADRAZO PACHECOS.B., Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico,Mexico City, 2021KENT ARO MAEDAS.B., University of Tokyo, japan, 2015M.Env.Sci., ibid., 2017JANNA ANDREA MANGASEPA.B., Tulane University, 2021TIANYU MAOA.B., Peking University, Beijing, China, 2021ANDREA MARINO VARELAB.Ap.Sc., Universidad de los Andes, Bogota,Colombia, 2016KARINA MARTINEZ MONDRAGONA.B., Knox College, 2017SHAJAYA MARTINEZA.B., DePauw University, Greencastle, Indiana,2017KRISTINA NICOLE MATYSIKS.B., University of Southern California, 2019TATUM BEA McCORMICKA.B., University of Chicago, 2020PATRICK R. MEALYS.B., United States Military Academy, 2011ARUNIMA MEHROTRADAGMAWIT ASFAW MENGESTUA.B., University of California, Irvine, 2016GABRIELLE MEYERSA.B., University of Chicago, 2022OLIVIA ZORA MILLERA.B., University of Nevada, Las Vegas, 2019j.D., University of Chicago, 2023ILINA SEN MITRAA.B., Wellesley College, Massachusetts, 2018S.M., Brown University, 2021HENNA MOHAMMEDB.S.S.{Hons), University of Manchester, England,United Kingdom, 2014ISABEL ROSE MONAGHANA.B., Grinnell College, Iowa, 2016CASEY WINSTON MOSERA.B., Skidmore College, 2021FADHIL MUHAMMADB.Econ., Universitas Indonesia, Depok, 2013AIZHAN MUKHYSHBAYEVAB.Econ., Kazakh-British Technical University,Almaty, Kazakhstan, 2013KANA MUTOA.B., Nagoya University, japan, 2013JIAE MYUNGA.B., Chungnam National University, Taejon,South Korea, 2005M.P.A., Yonsei University, Seoul, South Korea,2019ANUPRIYA NAGA.B., Pomona College, 2020RYUICHI NAKAJIMA*A.B., Fudan University, Shanghai, China, 2020SHOGO NAKANOB.Econ., University of Tokyo, japan, 2017NEETHI NAYAKA.B., William Marsh Rice University, 2016M.B.A., University of Chicago, 2023YUYI NILL.B., Zhejiang University, Hang Zhou, China,2020LUKE ADAM NICHOLSONA.B., University of Virginia, 2018GUANGBO NIUA.B., New York University, 2021JANAE SERWAA NKANSAHB.B.A., University of Texas at Austin, 2021113THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO 537TH CONVOCATIONAHMAD ADI NUGROHOB.Econ., Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yoqyakarta,Indonesia, 2006KAYLA N. OKARSKIS.B., Grand Valley State University, 2016LAURA OLIVIA OLVERA TORRESB.P.P.S., Centro de Investigacion y DocenciaEconomicas, Mexico City, Mexico, 2017GRIFFIN CHRISTOPHER ONGS.B., University of California, Los Angeles, 2015LAfs KIMIE OSHIRO CALDEIRAB.Eng., Universidade de Brasilia, Brazil, 2014S.M., ibid., 2017M.B.A., Universidade de Siio Paulo, Brazil, 2022RUTH OSTRREICHERA.B., Miami University, Oxford, Ohio, 2021ERIC MICHAEL PACYNSKIA.B., Loyola University Chicago, Illinois, 2020JOE FREDERICK PALLONA.B., University of California, Santa Cruz, 2019LONGYU PAN*B.Mgmt., Central University of Finance andEconomics, Beijing, China, 2019RUOCHAN PANA.B., Brandeis University, 2021BISHWA PRAKASH PANDEYB.Eng., Manipallnstitute of Technology, India,2013M.Eng., Boston University, Massachusetts, 2016MEGAN ELIZABETH PETERSONS.B., University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2018A.M., University of Chicago, 2023CHRISTIAN ALBERT PILARSKIA.B., Syracuse University, 2021ADHITH RAVIRAJ PILLArS.B., Narsee Monjee Institute of ManagementStudies, Mumbai, India, 2018A.M., Boston University, Massachusetts, 2019WILLIAM PITCHA.B., University of Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada,2019ANILA PODILAS.B., Indiana University-Purdue UniversityIndianapolis, 2018RONALD SCOTT PRILLWITZS.B., Central Michigan University, 2011YEDUO PUA.B., Ohio State University, Columbus, 2020JHONY JOSE PULIDOB.Econ., Universidad Cat61ica 'Andres Bello',Caracas, Venezuela, 2016M.Pub.M., Instituto de Estudios Superiores deAdministracion, Caracas, Venezuela, 2018S.M., University of London-University CollegeLondon, England, United Kingdom, 2021DUODUO QIS.B., University of lllinois at Urbana-Champaign,2021MIAO QIBiEcon., University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong,2021B.Fin., ibid., 2021WEIXUAN RANA.B., Capital Normal University, Beijing, China,2020KELLY ELIZABETH RANSOMA.B., University of Massachusetts at Amherst, 2012IBRAHIM ABDUR RASHEEDS.B., University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, 2018SYED IBRAHIM RASHIDA.B., Boston University, Massachusetts, 2018JACKSON SCOTT REAMSA.B., Texas State University, 2015WILLIAM PAUL WILSON REITZA.B., George Washington University, 2011HAOHUA RENB.Econ., Renmin University of China, Beijing, 2020THEO RENALDOS.B., Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia, 2016MATTHEW C. ROBINSONA.B., University of Chicago, 2020114 REI ANDRES RODRIGUEZS.B., University of Florida, 2019ALEJANDRO EUGENIO ROEMERMast., Institut d'Etudes Politiques de Paris,France, 2018B.I.R., Instituto Tecnol6gico Aut6nomo de Mexico,San Angel, 2020·WITH HONORSMORGAN CLAIRE ROUTHA.B., University of Texas at Austin, 2018B.B.A., ibid., 2018POLINA ROZHKOVAS.B., Gettysburg College, 2019ZACHARY MACKENZIE RUDOLPHA.B., Amherst College, 2021CRYSTAL MARIE RUIZA.B., University of California, Santa Cruz, 2019ANDREA LAUREN RUNNINGA.B., Grinnell College, Iowa, 2020HARISH RAM SAlB.A.{Hons), Ashoka University, Sonipat, India,2018Dipl., ibid., 2019SIEF ALDINE HASSAN SALAMEHA.B., University of Illinois at Chicago, 2020REEMA SALEHA.B., University of Chicago, 2021MICHAEL RAJAN SAMBASIVAMB.A.{Hons), Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario,Canada, 2021KEVIN HANSEN SAMSIBiCom., Macquarie University, Sydney, New SouthWales, Australia, 2010RICARDO ANDRES SANDELic.iuris, Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile,Santiago, 2017ALEX DEAN SATRUMS.B., Oregon State University, 2020MEHAR SATSANGIA.B., St. Xavier's College, Mumbai, India, 2016EMILY SCHABESA.B., DePauw University, Greencastle, Indiana,2020DYLAN ROBERT SCHAFFERA.B., Harvard University, 2016JULIA ANNE SCHMIDTA.B., Vassar College, 2017SARAH HAN SCOTTA.B., Middlebury College, 2017EZRA MOSS KREMER SERRINSA.B., Michigan State University, 2021AMAR NAISHADH SHAHA.B., Northwestern University, 2016LEIJING SHANA.B., Zhejiang University, Hang Zhou, China, 2020XUERONG SHANGS.B., Shandong University, [inan, China, 2020ADITI SHANKARA.B., Stella Maris College, Chennai, India, 2018ENYU SHAOS.B., University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, 2021MENGTONGSHAOA.B., State University of New York at Binghamton,2019RUYANG SHAOA.B., Peking University, Beijing, China, 2020·WITH HONORSZHIHENG SHAOS.B., University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2020CHRISTINA PHELPS SHAWA.B., Wellesley College, Massachusetts, 2017FORUM HARNATH SHELATSHUHAN SHENGA.B., Brandeis University, 2021JIE SHIA.B., Shanghai International Studies University,China, 2020MINLI SHIA.B., University of California, Berkeley, 2020 JEONGMIN SHINA.B., Korea University, Seoul, South Korea, 2014NISHIT SANJAY SHUKLAB.Eng., Manipallnstitute of Technology, India,2015CLARE POWER SIGELKOA.B., Macalester College, 2014REBECCA ADELAIDE SILVERMANS.B., University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2017M.A. T., Relay Graduate School of EducationChicago, Illinois, 2019A.M., University of Chicago, 2023NICHOLAS SELIM SIMONA.B., Rutgers, the State University of Newjersey-New Brunswick, 2018VICTORIA SIMSS.B., Loyola College in Maryland, 2011SINDHIKAB.Sc.{Honsj, Lahore University of ManagementSciences, Pakistan, 2019SHANEL KARISHMA SINGHA.B., Saint Mary's College of California, Moraga,2017MOLLY ELIZABETH SMITHS.B., University of Cincinnati, 2013NANCY RANDOLPH SMITHA.B., University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill,2016SARA LUCIA SOrOA.B., University of Miami, Coral Gables, Florida,2019SINDURI SOUNDARARAJANA.B., University of Chicago, 2022EMMA NICOLE STEYAERTA.B., University of Texas at Austin, 2021BENJAMIN TAYLOR STOCKA.B., Oberlin College, 2016PUYUAN SUA.B., Beijing Foreign Studies University, China,2021CHUHENGSUNA.B., Beijing Foreign Studies University, China,2021YIJIA SUNBiEcon., Renmin University of China, Beijing, 2021ZHAORUI SUNB.Eng., Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, 2021LL.B., ibid., 2021ALLISON BLAIR SWIMMERB.Ap.S., Washington University in St. Louis, 2017KARLA GABRIELA TAMEZ L6PEZLic., Universidad de Monterrey, Mexico, 2014CHUQI TANB.Com., University of British Columbia, Vancouver,Canada, 2020JUN TANA.B., Shanghai International Studies University,China, 2021SONGFENG TANLL.B., Sun Yat-Sen University, Guangzhou, China,2020KIRA TANGA.B., State University of New York at Stony Brook,2019LANGSHA TAOS.B., Boston University, Massachusetts, 2020EMMA KATHERINE TATEMA.B., Pepperdine University, 2017MATILDE TINAZZI MARTINIB.Econ., University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2020SANGHMITRA TRIPATHYB.Sc.{Hons), University of Delhi, New Delhi, India,2014A.M., Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai,India, 2018CHIH-HSUAN TSUIBiEcon., National Taiwan University, Taipei, 2020RACHEL N. TUCKERB.B.A., University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, 2017CYNTHIA TURNERA.B., University of Texas at Austin, 2018SARAH ASHLEY TURNERA.B., University of Colorado at Denver, 2020SHREYA VALLAMPATIB.Sc.(Hons), Symbiosis International University,Pune, India, 2020EMMA KATHLEEN VAN LIESHOUTA.B., University of Chicago, 2022ANA CAMILA VASQUEZ LEONB.Econ., Universidad Cat6lica 'Andres Bello',Caracas, Venezuela, 2019JACOB DANIEL VIALB.Fin., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,2007PRATIK CHANDRAKANT WADMAREB.Eng., Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar MarathwadaUniversity, Aurangabad, India, 2014MICHAEL WAGNERB.Econ., University of Illinois atUrbana-Champaign, 2019HILLARY WANGB.B.A., University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, 2014JEFFREY WENSHU WANGA.B., University of Chicago, 2'021JIAYUE CARRIE WANGA.B., Shandonq University, China, 2015KEJIA WANGB.Mgmt., Renmin University of China, Beijing,2020KEMIN WANGB.B.A., Emory University, 2020·WITH HONORSMINXING WANGA.B., University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, 2021SIMIAO WANGS.B., University of California, Davis, 2021WILLIAM TIANZE WANGA.B., Peking University, Beijing, China, 2021XIAOJING WANGLL.B., Beijing Foreign Studies University, China,2021XIAOZHI WANGB.S.S.(Hons), Hong Kong Baptist University,Kowloon, Hong Kong, 2020YANGCAN WANGA.B., Kean University, 2020YINING WANGB.Mgmt., University of International Business andEconomics, Beijing, China, 2021YUCHEN WANGA.B., University of Rochester, 2020 cZIYUE WANGLL.B., Peking University, Beijing, China, 2020KEI WATANABELL.B., University of Tokyo, japan, 2016XIAOYU WEIB.J., University of Missouri-Columbia, 2019FENG WENA.B., University of Liverpool, England, UnitedKingdom, 2021WAHYU WIBOWOB.Econ., Universitas Indonesia, Depok, 2013DONOVAN ANTHONY WILLIAMS,JR.*A.B., City University of New York john jay Col/egeof Criminal Justice, 2019JULIA JUNYI WOODA.B., University of California, Los Angeles, 2016SCOTT BAKER WOZENCRAFTA.B., Colorado College, 2009 THE IRVING B. HARRIS GRADUATE SCHOOL OF PUBLIC POLICY STUDIESALEXANDER WUA.B., New York University, 2015LINA DIWEI WUA.B., New York University, 2019SIFAN WUA.B., Waseda University, Tokyo, japan, 2017ZHONGYU WUS.B., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,2021FANMEI XIAA.B., Boston Colleqe, Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts,2019'WITH HONORSYUE XIAA.B., University of Washington, Seattle, 2020XIAOXIAO XIAOA.B., China Foreign Affairs University, Beijing,2020ZIQING XIAOS.B., University of Southern California, 2020ZIYI XIAOA.B., Peking University, Beijing, China, 2021BRUNO XIEA.B., Peking University, Beijing, China, 2021SIYI XIEA.B., Northwestern University, 2019AN XINA.B., University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada,2021RUXIAN XIONGB.I.R., Beijing Foreign Studies University, China,2021JIAYI XUS.B., Cornel/ University, Ithaca, New York, 2021LIWEI XUB.Mgmt., Renmin University of China, Beijing,2016S.M., University of Birmingham, England, UnitedKingdom, 2017LUDIXUA.B., Northeastern University, 2020YUKIYANADAB.Econ., University of Tokyo, japan, 2012XILIN YANGB.Econ., University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, 2021ZIHENG YANGA.B., University of California, Irvine, 2021TOMOFUMI YANOM.P.P., Kyoto University, japan, 2014ZHIXI YAOA.B., University of Connecticut, 2020REBECCA YAPA.B., University of Melbourne, Parkville, Victoria,Australia, 2014ZIAN YEB.Econ., Nankai University, Tianjin, China, 2021MASATO YONAILL.B., University of Tokyo, japan, 2016HIS HAM MAHMOUD YOUSIFA.B., Virginia Military Institute, 2011AUDREY NICOLE YUS.B., University of Oklahoma, 2018JIAYUE YUA.B., Brandeis University, 2019ROSALIE DAHYEON YUA.B., Kyunghee University, Seoul, South Korea,2018CLAIRE LETTICE SPEAKER YUANA.B., Pomona College, 2013 MIRNA PATRICIA YUMBE NERIB.P.S., Centro de Investiqacion y DocenciaEconomicas, Mexico City, Mexico, 2019ZARA ZAHIDB.B.A., Shaheed Zulfikar Ali Bhutto Institute ofScience and Technology, Karachi, Pakistan, 2013SALMA ZAHRAS.B., Lahore University of Management Sciences,Pakistan, 2019KENNETH CHRISTOPHER ZALKEA.B., University of California, Riverside, 2018NfcOLAS ZATTA SOARESD'AZEVEDOB.P.Ad., Escola de Administracao de Empresas deSiio Paulo, Brazil, 2021KHRISTEL ELIANA ZAVALETAGAMARRALic., Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Peru,Lima, 2018Dipl., ibid., 2019JIARUI ZHANB.A.(Hons), Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario,Canada, 2020CHENHUIZHANGLL.B., Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, 2021MENG ZHANG*S.B., University of California, Davis, 2020SHUANG ZHANGB.Ap.S., University of Washington, Seattle, 2021SU ZHANGA.B., Col/ege of William and Mary in Virginia,2020XIUZHU ZHANGA.B., Nanjing University, China, 2021DINGHAN ALEX ZHAOB.A.S., University of Tokyo, japan, 2021GUANYIZHAOS.B., Kean University, 2021ZIXUAN ZHAOS.B., Babson Colleqe, 2021WEI ZHENGA.B., Beihang University, Beijing, China, 2020YIMING ZHENGA.B., University of International Business andEconomics, Beijing, China, 2021YUXIN ZHENGS.B., Central University of Finance and Economics,Beijing, China, 2021HANZHE ZHOUB.Econ., Nankai University, Tianjin, China, 2020XI ZHOUB.Econ., University of Toronto, Ontario, Canada,2020XIAOQI ZHOUB.B.A., University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2021YU ZHOUB.Ap.S., University of Minnesota- Twin Cities, 2020YUCHEN ZHOUS.M., University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2017ZIHAO ZHOUS.B., University of California, Riverside, 2021MEIRU ZHUBiEcon., University of International Business andEconomics, Beijing, China, 2019UMAMA ZILL URA.B., Mount Holyoke Colleqe, 2018JINGWEN ZOUS.B., University of Liverpool, England, UnitedKingdom, 2021SAMUEL ELLIOT ZUCKERTS.B., Tufts University, 20141 15THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO 537TH CONVOCATIONFOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHYDIEGO ESCOBAR SALCEB.Econ., Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile,Santiago, 2013M.Econ., ibid., 2014S.B., University of Chicago, 2023DISSERTATION: Essays on the Economics ofEducationCHINMA YA KUMARB.A.(Hons), University of Delhi, New Delhi, India,2008Ph.M., University of Oxford, England, UnitedKingdom, 2011DISSERTATION: Essays in DevelopmentEconomics116 DEVIKA LAKHOTEA.B., St. Xavier's College, Mumbai, India, 2015DISSERTATION: Essays In DevelopmentEconomicsMARIA ADELAIDA MARTINEZCABRERAB.Econ., Universidad de los Andes, Bogota,Colombia, 2013M.Econ., ibid., 2014DISSERTATION: Essays on DevelopmentEconomics in Latin America* anticipated graduation, Summer Quarter 2023 ZHAOSONG RUANB.S.S.(Hons), Chinese University of Hong Kong,Shatin NT, 2014M.P.P., University of Chicago, 2016DISSERTATION: Essays in Political EconomyYUQI SONGS.B., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2014M.B.A., University of Chicago, 2017DISSERTATION: Essays on EnvironmentalPolicies in ChinaTHE LAW SCHOOLSATURDAY, JUNE 3, 2023UNIVERSITY CEREMONYMain Quadrangle9:15 a.m.DIPLOMA AND HOODING CEREMONYRockefeller Memorial ChapelIl:30 a.m.RECEPTIONThe Law Schoolimmediately following the ceremonyTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO I 537TH CONVOCATIONDIPLOMA AND HOODING CEREMONYORDER OF EXERCISESPROCESSIONALAxiom BrassWELCOMETHOMAS J. MILESDean, The Law SchoolClifton R. Musser Professor of Law and EconomicsPRESENTATION OF DISTINGUISHED ALUMNUS AWARDTHOMAS A. COLE, J.D.'7STrustee of the University of ChicagoREMARKSLEE FENNELLMax Pam Professor of LawPRESENTATION OF DIPLOMAS AND HOODING OF GRADUATESLL.M. GRADUATESpresented by JUSTIN SWINSICK, Senior Director of Graduate ProgramsM.L.S. GRADUATESpresented by JUSTIN SWINSICK, Senior Director of Graduate ProgramsJ.S.D. GRADUATESpresented by JUSTIN SWINSICK, Senior Director of Graduate ProgramsJ.D. GRADUATESpresented by CHARLES N. TODD, Dean of StudentsFACULTY HOODERSWILLIAM BAUDEProfessor of Law, Faculty Director, Constitutional Law InstituteWILLIAM H. J. HUBBARDProfessor of LawGENEVIEVE LAKIERProfessor of Law; Herbert and Marjorie Fried Teaching ScholarJONATHAN S. MASURJohn P. Wilson Professor of Law; Director, Wachtell Lipton, Rosen & Katz Programin Behavioral Law, Finance, and EconomicsRECESSIONAL118THE LAW SCHOOLFOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF LAWALEC TODD ADKINSA.B., University of Missouri-Kansas City, 2018M.B.A., ibid., 2020CRYSTAL KWABEA ADU-POKUA.B., Wellesley College, Massachusetts, 2016M.B.A., University of Chicago, 2023ELIZABETH ASHLEY AIKENS.B., University of Florida, 2020ARIELLE CLARA AMBRA- JUAREZA.B., University of Chicago, 2019SOPHIA AMIRA.B., University of California, Los Angeles, 2020MICHAEL PETER ANTOSIEWICZA.B., Rutgers, the State University of NewJersey-New Brunswick, 2018M.Ph., University of Cambridge, England, UnitedKingdom, 2019FERNANDO ADRIAN ARIASA.B., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,2020TOMAS FELIPE ARRIAGA VILLAFANAA.B., University of California, Los Angeles, 2017LINA BADERA.B., University of Pennsylvania, 2015S.M., ibid., 2017MARY ELIZABETH BARNETTA.B., University of Notre Dame, 2015ABIGAIL J. BARNEYS.B., University of Utah, 2020ISAIAH A. BEATONA.B., American University, Washington, District ofColumbia, 2018LARYSSA MARIE BEDLEYS.B., Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, 2020CHRISTIAN SIDNEY BEVERIDGEA.B., University of Pittsburgh-Pittsburgh Campus,2020S.B., ibid., 2020PATRICK ADELMANN BOLDEAA.B., University of California, Berkeley, 2020RYAN BENJAMIN BRONSTEINS.B., Duke University, 2020AVERY AMALIA BROOMEA.B., University of Chicago, 2018KENDALL RAE BRYANTS.B., Florida State University, 2019JASTON BURRIS.B., University of Oregon, 2018MAGGIE JANE BUSHELLA.B., University of California, Berkeley, 2019JAMES PATRICK CALLAHAN, JR.A.B., Bowling Green State University, 2009M.P.A., Columbus State University, Georgia, 2019SPENCER KIMBALL CAROA.B., University of Georgia, 2020S.B., ibid., 2020KENECHIUGOCHIMALUEZECHARLES CHIAGHANAA.B., Arizona State University, 2019CLARE M. CHIODINIA.B., Boston University, Massachusetts, 2018REBECCA CHONGA.B., Claremont McKenna Colleqe, 2017ALLY CHOUA.B., University of California, Los Angeles, 2019CHERIDAN CHRISTNACHTA.B., Temple University, 2017NATALIE GRACE CIRESIA.B., Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana,2020ALESSANDRO GIOVANNICLARK-AN SAN IA.B., University of Chicago, 2019WILLIAM CARTER COPES.B., University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, 2020t'Z(l.� COkiVA- ,J?>,) (,t"Hoe-n:� i� MIKAYLA GRACE CULBERTSONA.B., University of Arizona, 2020TIMOTHY EDWARD CUNNINGHAM,JR.A.B., University of Chicago, 2018TANVI DATTANILL.B., University of Mumbai, India, 2017LL.M., Georgetown University, 2019JOSHUA JOHN DAVISA.B., Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah,2020MORGAN MARIE DEPAGTERA.B., University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, 2019JAVIER ANDRES DIAZ MOLINAA.B., University of Florida, 2020SRIYANI NINOTCHKADIAZ-GRANADOSA.B., Harvard University, 2018GABRIELLE D. DOHMENS.B., University of Notre Dame, 2017AV'ERA J. DORSEYA.B., Northwestern University, 2017JOSEPH T. DOWNEYA.B., Washington University in St. Louis, 2018LAUREN ELIZABETH DUNNA.B., University of Southern California, 2018TYLER ANTHONY EASLEYA.B., Vanderbilt University, 2020KRYSTAL ABIGAIL CHINYEREEGBUCHULAMA.B., Wesleyan University, Middletown,Connecticut, 2018SAMUEL B. ELLISS.B., University of Florida, 2020SIMCHA GEDALIA NISSIM ENGELENS.B., Erasmus Universieit Rotterdam, TheNetherlands, 2018A.B., University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, 2020JOSHUA GRAY EZICKSONA.B., Brown University, 2015M.B.A., University of Chicago, 2023AARON NICHOLAS FAISONS.B., University of Pennsylvania, 2017M.B.A., University of Chicago, 2023IVAN DING FANA.B., Yale University, 2014M.I.D.S., University of California, Berkeley, 2020RYAN DANIEL FANEA.B., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,2015A.M., University of Pittsburgh-Pittsburgh Campus,2017PRICE ANDREW FIGURELLI-REIDS.B., Tufts University, 2018BRYNNE NOELLE FOLLMANA.B., Yale University, 2017BRITTNEY LEIGH FOXHALLB.B.A., Howard University, 2013M.P.P., University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, 2016NOAH J. FRAZIERA.B., Wheaton College, Illinois, 2018ANSON FUNGA.B., William Marsh Rice University, 2019LAURA MACLEAN GEARYA.B., Swarthmore College, 2018BRANDON ALI GHADAFIIA.B., Morehouse College, 2019McKENNA L. GILLILANDA.B., Columbia University in the City of New York,2017SHELLY GOLDA.B., University of California, Berkeley, 2020CONNIE GONGA.B., Dartmouth College, 2015JOAQUIN K. GONZALEZS.B., University of Pittsburgh-Pittsburgh Campus,2017 JOHAN H. GONZALEZS.B., Northeastern University, 2018BRYAN WARING GRAYB.B.A., Texas A&M University, College Station,2013S.M., ibid., 2013ALEXANDER JARRAD GREENB.B.A., University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, 2011B.G.S., ibid., 2011M.Acc., ibid., 2012MADISON A. GREGGS.B., Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, 2020LUCAS JACK GRISHAMA.B., Washington State University, 2017PALMER JON GUNDERSONA.B., Beloit College, 2013A.M., Johns Hopkins University, 2016RYAN SUN GUOA.B., University of Chicago, 2020M.B.A., ibid., 2023CHRISTOPHER GUTIERREZA.B., University of California, San Diego, 2019ALEXANDER TAKAYUKI HALLA.B., University of Chicago, 2019KELLY ANN HALLA.B., University of Texas at Austin, 2019YOUSSEF M. HELMIA.B., Florida State University, 2019JUSTIN TAYLOR HOLIMANA.B., Columbia University in the City of New York,2020IAN J. HOWARDS.B., University of Texas at Austin, 2016CHARLIE Y. HUS.B., Case Western Reserve University, 2017M.Acc., ibid., 2018CAROLINE FRANCIS HUGHESA.B., Georgetown University, 2018M.B.A., University of Chicago, 2023SAMUEL HARRISON HUMMELS.B., Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, 2018M.B.A., University of Chicago, 2023OYINLOLA RUKAYAT ISIAKAA.B., University of Delaware, 2018S.B., ibid., 2018M.B.A., University of Chicago, 2023KATHERINE ROSE JAMESS.B., Duke University, 2020ALLISON PAGE JENKINSS.B., Miami University, Oxford, Ohio, 2020NICOLE RENEE JODANA.B., Wake Forest University, 2019JACK WILLIAM JOHANNINGA.B., College of Wooster, 2017LEIGH ELIZABETH JOHNSONA.B., Duke University, 2018ROBERT JOHNSON IIIS.B., Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, 2017MATTHEW KABA ABOUDS.B., McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada,2019KA THARINE KAPLANA.B., Northwestern University, 2018MICHAEL KAWASS.B., University of Southern California, 2019A.M., ibid., 2019TORI NICOLE KELLERA.B., Stanford University, 2017KATHERINE ROSE KENAWELLA.B., Tulane University, 2020SCOTT KENKELA.B., University of Kentucky, 2012A.M., ibid., 2015ANJAY KHURANAA.B., Case Western Reserve University, 2017S.B., ibid., 2017M.Acc., ibid., 2018119THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO I 537TH CONVOCATIONKRYSTA MARIE KILINSKIA.B., University of Texas at Austin, 2020SO JUNG MADELINE KIMA.B., University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, 2018EMILY PAIGE KINGA.B., University of Florida, 2020LOGAN KIRKPATRICKA.B., Duke University, 2018BENJAMIN CHARLES KLEINA.B., Duke University, 2018MIRIAM SHIFRA KOHNA.B., University of Rochester, 2017RYAN THOMAS KOKELLS.B., Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, 2019M.B.A., University of Chicago, 2023ANNE KORSA.B., Yale University, 2018TIMOTHY PAUL KOWALCZYKA.B., Duke University, 2019KATHERINE MARIE KOZAA.B., Carleton College, 2016VATSALA KUMARA.B., Northwestern University, 2017M.P.P., University of Chicago, 2023EMMA HONOUR LABOUNTYA.B., University of Chicago, 2015JACE JONGSEOK LEEA.B., Swarthmore College, 2017JACK E. LEITNERA.B., University of Texas at Austin, 2020SARAH ELIZABETH LEITNERA.B., University of Southern California, 2020JADEN M. LESSNICKA.B., Emory University, 2020DANYANG LIA.B., Columbia University in the City of New York,2020YUHANG LIANGA.B., Northwestern University, 2020AARON ISAAC LISKOVA.B., Columbia University in the City of New York,2011SHANG-CHI ANDREW LIUA.B., University of California, Los Angeles, 2020ALEXANDRA RAE MALONEYA.B., University of California, Berkeley, 2019COLIN MALONEYA.B., University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, 2010JULIAN FLETCHERMANASSE-BOETANIA.B., University of Chicago, 2016MARTIN MARTINEZA.B., Brown University, 2018S.B., ibid., 2018KlAN N. MA TINS.B., University of Southern California, 2019GRACIELLA ELIZA MAYNETTOA.B., University of California, Los Angeles, 2017MICHAEL CRAIG McCUEA.B., Northwestern University, 2017ROBERT MICHAEL McCUTCHEONS.B., Arizona State University, 2020JANELLE ELISE McGREGORYA.B., Spelman College, 2017OLIVIA ZORA MILLERA.B., University of Nevada, Las Vegas, 2019M.P.P., University of Chicago, 2023TAHNEE THANTRONG MONNINA.B., Duke University, 2018THOMAS MOOREA.B., University of Oxford, England, UnitedKingdom, 2014Ph.D., Brown University, 2020DANIEL COLE MOZLEYA.B., Princeton University, 2017MARIN KINSEY MURDOCKS.B., University of Utah, 2020120 CHRISTOPHER BRENDAN BEYMUSICKA.B., Brown University, 2017M.P.A., ibid., 2018NARAYAN T. NARASIMHANA.B., Harvard University, 2019JOSHUA NATHANSONA.B., Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, 2020KEVIN ROBERT NELSONA.B., University of Texas at Austin, 2018JANE V. NINIVAGGIA.B., Columbia University in the City of New York,2019MAGGIE M. NIUA.B., Stanford University, 2017MATTHEW NOLANA.B., University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, 2019BRENDAN PATRICK O'BRIENA.B., University of Notre Dame, 2015M.B.A., University of Chicago, 2023ROBERT SHOHEI OKADAA.B., Columbia University in the City of New York,2020JILLIANN H. PAKA.B., johns Hopkins University, 2018STELLA PARKA.B., University of California, Berkeley, 2018SPENCER JAMES PARTSA.B., Princeton University, 2017EMILY PASTRANAA.B., Johns Hopkins University, 2018JACQUELINE CATHERINE PECAROA.B., Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, 2018ANGELA MARIE PETERSONA.B., University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2020PAIGE HARPER PETRASHKOA.B., University of California, Berkeley, 2018ALEXANDER V. PETRILLOA.B., Yale University, 2018MADISON ALYSSA PHILLIPSA.B., Brown University, 2018MATTHEW HOLDEN PHILLIPSA.B., Clemson University, 2020NATHANIEL BRUCE POLLACKA.B., University of Chicago, 2020URSULA MARGARET POOLEA.B., University of Chicago, 2009A.M., Columbia University in the City of New York,2013M.Ph., ibid., 2017SRAAVYA POONUGANTIA.B., College of William and Mary in Virginia,2019BRADLEYJ. POSDALA.B., Northwestern University, 2020PETER POVILONISA.B., University of Toronto, Ontario, Canada, 2015A.M., Humboldt-Universiuit zu Berlin, Germany,2019KRISTEN JULIET CATHERINEPOWELLA.B., University of Denver, 2016ARJUN PRAKASHA.B., Yale University, 2019ELENA M. PRIETOA.B., University of Pennsylvania, 2018ALICE WEN QINS.B., University of Chicago, 2019JORDAN MICHELLERABANI-JENKINSA.B., Pitzer College, 2017MARIO D. RAMIREZ DE LA PISCINAMONZONA.B., University of Florida, 2020RIVKA V. REICHMANS.B., Yeshiva University, 2020CLAIRE JENNIFER RICEA.B., Vanderbilt University, 2018 NICHOLAS A. RILEYA.B., Southern Methodist University, 2017B.F.A., ibid., 2017MATTHEW R. RITTMANS.B., Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana,2018MATTHEW MAKOWSKI ROBERTSS.B., American University, Washington, District ofColumbia, 2012CONNER J. ROBINSONA.B., Kansas State University, 2020M. VIRGINIA ROBINSONA.B., Auburn University Main Campus, 2012S.B., ibid., 2012PIA-PAZ ROCAA.B., George Washington University, 2020ELLEN GRACE ROGERSA.B., King's College New York, 2019ADAM LYND ROWEA.B., University of Oklahoma, 2006A.M., University of Chicago, 2010A.M., ibid., 2018Ph.D., ibid., 2018ALYSSA MARGARET RUSCHS.B., St. john 's University, jamaica, New York,2017M.B.A., ibid., 2019JAMIE GABRIELLA SAEVITZONA.B., University of California, Santa Barbara, 2019JEFFREY PHILLIP SALVADOREA.B., Brown University, 2017DYLAN B. SALZMANA.B., Middlebury College, 2019CAMILLE JASMIN SANCHESA.B., Columbia University in the City of New York,2018PETER ALOIS SCHAEFERA.B., University of Louisville, 2020NICHOLAS CONNOR SCHCOLNIKA.B., Amherst College, 2014HAYLEIGH DANIELLE SHOBARA.B., University of California, Berkeley, 2018ERIN ELIZABETH SIMMONDSA.B., Wofford College, 2015A.M., University of Chicago, 2017RENIC B. SLOANA.B., University of Washington, Seattle, 2020RHEME SOLOMON SLOANB.Mus., University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, 2014GRACIE JANE SMITHA.B., University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, 2020LAUREN CHRISTINE SMITHA.B., University of Chicago, 2018THOMAS ANTHONY SMITHURSTA.B., University of New South Wales, Kensington,Australia, 2000A.B., University of Queensland, Brisbane,Australia, 2007juris Mast, Peking University, Beijing, China, 2013LL.M., University of Chicago, 2015JI-HONG SOHNA.B., University of California, Berkeley, 2019CAMERON KADREY STECKBECKA.B., College of Wooster, 2019MOLLY CATHERINE STEPCHUKS.B., University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, 2016A.M., ibid., 2016FERNANDO STEPENSKYA.B., University of Southern California, 2019CHRISTOPHER SHANE STOJA.B., Tufts University, 2012A.M., University of Chicago, 2015GRANT FORBES STRUDWICKA.B., Brown University, 2019PRIYA ANIYANTA SURIA.B., University of Texas at Austin, 2018GRAYDON GLENN SUTTONA.B., University of Chicago, 2020CARA NGOC OANH NGUYEN TAA.B., Stanford University, 2016A.M., Yale University, 2020CHARLES R. TAMMONS, JR.A.B., Rhodes College, Memphis, Tennessee, 2019SARAH M. TANNERA.B., University of Tennessee at Knoxville, 2020ALICE MARIE THOMPSONA.B., Loyola University Chicago, Illinois, 2017NICOLAS GABRIELTHOMPSON-LLERASA.B., Boston College, Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts,2019MARGARET ANNE THONNARDA.B., Baylor University, 2020MICHAEL D. THURSTONA.B., Columbia University in the City of New York,2018MARGARET -ANN SPENCER TOMSA.B., University of Florida, 2019ANDREW H. TOWNSENDS.B., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,2016 JACK GREGORY TUBIOA.B., Yale University, 2020ERIK DOUGLAS UBELA.B., Stanford University, 2019GRACE MOLINARI UHLA.B., University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, 2018ARIANA BRYNN VAISEYA.B., University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill,2017ALBERTO VARGASB.Mus.Ed., University of Illinois atUrbana-Champaign, 2016JOHN E. WALKERS.B., Florida State University, 2019MONCAROL YUJIE WANGS.B., University of California, Berkeley, 2018YIXUAN WANGA.B., Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, 2017M.B.A., University of Chicago, 2023BRANDAN CHRISTOPHER WARDS.B., jackson State University, 2009S.M., American Military University, 2016M.B.A., University of Chicago, 2023 THE LAW SCHOOLSEAN Y. XUA.B., Vassar College, 2020ZHONGYUAN MATTHEW XUA.B., University of Chicago, 2014A.M., New York University, 2019DARICE D. XUEA.B., College of William and Mary in Virginia,2015M.P.P., ibid., 2016JEFFE THORNGWEN YANGA.B., University of Texas at Austin, 2017CAROL YAOA.B., University of California, Berkeley, 2018CHRISTINA E. ZALDIVARA.B., University of Florida, 2019B.B.A., ibid., 2019REBECCA XI ZHUA.B., Yale University, 2014MITCHELL T. ZIAA.B., University of California, Los Angeles, 2019FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF LAWSCHARLOTTE AGNEW-HARINGTONA.B., University of Auckland, New Zealand, 2017LL.B.{Hons), ibid., 2017LAMPROS ANASTASOPOULOSPtychion, Ethniko kai Kapodistriako PanepistimioAthinon, Athens, Greece, 2020Metaptychl, ibid., 2022ANTONIO ARENAS TORRESB.B.A., Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain,2012Lic., ibid., 2012M.B.A., University of Chicago, 2022PABLO ARREDONDOLL.B., Adolfo Ibanez University, Santiago, Chile,2020LAURENCE HECTOR B. ARROYOA.B., Ateneo de Manila University, Quezon City,Philippines, 1990t.o., ibid., 1994LL.M., ibid., 2018CHANISARA BHUTTACHAROENLAPLL.B., Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok,Thailand, 2017FERNANDO BUSTOS CARDEMILLic., Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile,Santiago, 2014MARIA JULIA CARVALHO PINTOLL.B., Pontiflcia Universidade Cat6lica do Rio dejaneiro, Brazil, 2018ALBERTO CASTILLO VILLALPANDOLic., Universidad Iberoamericana Ciudad deMexico, Mexico City, 2016DEBORA CERQUEIRALL.B., Centro Universitario de Brasilia, Brazil,2016DHARMENDRA CHATURB.A.{Hons), Christ University, Banqalore, India,2013LL.B.{Hons), ibid., 2013YUNG-WEI CHENLL.B., National Cheng Kung University, Tairum,Taiwan, 2003LL.B., National Taiwan University, Taipei, 2003LL.M., National Cheng Kung University, Tainan,Taiwan, 2007NATALIA D'AVILALL.B., Pontificia Universidade Cat6lica do Rio dejaneiro, Brazil, 2019TOMAs DE LA MAZALic., Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile,Santiago, 2014 PRACHI DUTTAA.B., University of Delhi, New Delhi, India, 2017LL.B., O. P. jindal Global University, New Delhi,India, 2019VICTOR LUIS SIGAUD FERRAZLL.B., Universidade Federal do Rio de janeiro,Brazil, 2017LAURA FIGUEIREDO RIVAS BLANCOLL.B., Fundactio Getulio Vargas, sao Paulo, Brazil,2017LOUIS FRAN�OISLL.B., Universiteit Gent, Ghent, Belgium, 2017LL.M., ibid., 2019MILENA SARDINHA GARCEZ FARIALL.B., Pontificia Universidade Cat6lica do Rio dejaneiro, Brazil, 2020JAVIER HUMBERTO GARCIA VELEZAbogado, Pontificia Universidad Catoliea del Peru,Lima, 2015FRANZISKA SOFIE GEHANNHUIYANG GUOBiEcon., China University of Petroleum, Beijing,2012juris Mast, Peking University, Beijing, China, 2015RAFI HADYANDALL.B., Universitas Indonesia, Depok, 2018YUKA HAYASHILL.B., Keio University, Tokyo, japan, 2014TSAI-CHUN HSULL.B., National Taiwan University, Taipei, 2019YUE HULL.B., Sichuan University, Chenqdu, China, 2012LL.M., China University of Political Science andLaw, Beijing, 2015KAZUKI ICHIKAWALL.B., University of Tokyo, japan, 2014YUZUKA ICHIKAWALL.B., University of Tokyo, japan, 2014DAISUKE IKUKAWALL.B., University of Tokyo, japan, 2013j.D'; ibid., 2015ALEXEY IVLIEVLL.B., M. V. Lomonosov Moscow State University,Russian Federation, 2018juris Mast, M. V. ibid., 2020EVANGELOS KALOGIANNISPtychion, Ethniko kai Kapodistriako PanepistimioAthinon, Athens, Greece, 2016Metaptychi, ibid., 2021YUSUKE KONISHILL.B., Kobe University, japan, 2013J.D., ibid., 2015 JING LILL.B., Sichuan University, Chenqdu, China, 2015juris Mast, East China University of PoliticalScience and Law, Shanghai, 2017YONGYI LINLL.B.{HonsJ, University of London, England,United Kingdom, 2022NAOKI MAEDALL.B., Keio University, Tokyo, japan, 2016P ABLO MARTINEZAboqado, Universidad de los Andes, Bogota,Colombia, 2016AROON MENONB.A.{Hons), National Law University, Delhi, NewDelhi, India, 2016LL.B.{Hons), ibid., 2016SIHE MIAOLL.B., East China University of Political Scienceand Law, Shanghai, China, 2021CRIST6BAL MORALES DEIKLic., Universidad de los Andes, Santiago, Chile,2016JULIANA NEVESLL.B., Universidade Federal do Rio de janeiro,Brazil,2011KOHEI NOMURALL.B., Kyoto University, japan, 2013t.o.. ibid., 2015MISHA SANJAY PATELS.B., Gujarat National Law University,Gandhinaqar, India, 2019LL.B.{Hons), ibid., 2019ANNA PAVLYCHEVALL.B., M. V. Lomonosov Moscow State University,Russian Federation, 2018LL.M., National Research University Higher Schoolof Economics, Moscow, Russian Federation, 2020AMRAH RAHMANOVLL.B., Baku State University, Azerbaijan, 2017EDUARDO ELOY RAMOS ARMENGOLAboqado, Escuela Libre de Derecho, Mexico City,Mexico, 2020CHRISTIAN W. RIESSRICARDO M. RIZO PATR6NAbogado, Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Peru,Lima, 2019ANA MARGARITA A. RODRIGUEZPh.B., University of the Philippines, Diliman, 2010[ur.Dr., ibid., 2014121THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO 537TH CONVOCATIONSOLENE ROIZARDMaitrise, Universite de Paris I[Fantheon-Sorbonne}, France, 2019M.A.M., ESCP Europe, Paris, France, 2022JOSE TOMAs SAEZLic., Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile,Santiago, 2016TANANART SAKOLVITTAYANONBiEcon., Thammasat University, Bangkok,Thailand,2015LL.B., Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok,Thailand, 2018LL.M., University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, 2020JAIME SALINAS MOLLERLic., Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile,Santiago, 2017FERNANDA SANTIAGOLL.B., Pontificia Universidada Catolica de MinasGerais, Belo Horizonte, Brazil, 2016GIOVANNI SCALVIDott.Mag., Universita Degli Studi di Parma, Italy,2016DANIIL SHAMELOLL.B., Moscow State Institute of InternationalRelations, Russian Federation, 2019LL.M., ibid., 2021 YI SHILL.B., East China University of Political Scienceand Law, Shanghai, China, 2015LL.M., Universite de Paris I [Pantheon-Sorbonne),France, 2016LL.M., Universite de Paris II (Pantheon-Assas),France, 2017LL.M., City University of Hong Kong, Kowloon,Hong Kong, 2017YONG SHIK SHINA.B., Seoul National University, South Korea, 2014B.B.A., ibid., 2014j.D., ibid., 2017NICOLAS SILVA CADENAAbogado, Universidad de los Andes, Bogota,Colombia, 2017VARSHA SRINIVASANA.B., National Law School of India University,Banqalore, 2014LL.B.(Hons), ibid., 2014CHANDRASEKAR SRI RAMLL.B.(Hons), NALSAR University of Law,Hyderabad, India, 2018LUCAS STUMPFRENBIN SULL.B., Southwest University of Political Scienceand Law, Chongqing, China, 2020HARSHAVARDHAN SUNDERLL.B.(Hons), National Law School of IndiaUniversity, Banqalore, 2018FUMIYA SUNOSELL.B., University of Tokyo, japan, 2014 MARCOS TAl ANAAbogado, Pontifiela Universidad Cat6licaArgentina, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2017WATARU TAKAGISHILL.B., University of Tokyo, japan, 2013j.D., ibid., 2015SHU TAKAMILL.B., University of Tokyo, japan, 2015YUKI TOMINAGALL.B., University of Tokyo, japan, 2015IOANNA MARIA VARRAPtychion, Ethniko kai Kapodistriako PanepistlmioAthinon, Athens, Greece, 2020CHENG WANGLL.B., China University of Political Science andLaw, Beijing, 2017LL.M., Renmin University of China, Beijing, 2019YUKI WATANABELL.B., University of Tokyo, japan, 2013j.D., ibid., 2015TING WEILL.B., National Chengchi University, Taipei,Taiwan, 2016EMMANUEL WYNANTLL.B., Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium,2020LL.M., ibid., 2022KEYANG XIELL.B., China University of Political Science andLaw, Beijing, 2019RIEKO YAMAUCHIA.B., Oberlin Collegej.D., University of TokyoFOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF LEGAL STUDIESLUCILLE JOSEPHINE MSALLA.B., University of Chicago, 2015 MATTHEW FELDPAUSCH ZIPFA.B., Columbia University in the City of New York,2019FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF JURISPRUDENCERAMON FELDBRINLL.B., Hebrew University of jerusalem, Israel,2012LL.M., University of Chicago, 2016DISSERTATION: Constitutional Procedure: AnIntegrated Approach to the Procedural Rules ofjudicial Review122THE PRITZKER SCHOOL OFMOLECULAR ENGINEERINGSATURDAY, JUNE 3, 2023UNIVERSITY CEREMONYMain Quadrangle9:15 a.m.LUNCHEONDavid Rubenstein ForumUniversity Room An:30 a.m.DIPLOMA AND HOODING CEREMONYDavid Rubenstein ForumUniversity Room B1:00 p.m.RECEPTIONDavid Rubenstein ForumUniversity Room Aimmediately following the ceremonyTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO I 537TH CONVOCATIONDIPLOMA AND HOODING CEREMONYORDER OF EXERCISESWORDS OF WELCOMEMATTHEW TIRRELLDean, Pritzker School of Molecular EngineeringD. Gale Johnson Distinguished Service Professor, Pritzker School of Molecular Engineering and the CollegeKEYNOTE ADDRESSMATTHEW TIRRELLDean, Pritzker School of Molecular EngineeringS.M. DIPLOMA PRESENTATIONPAUL NEALEYVice Dean for Education and OutreachBrady W Dougan Professor of Molecular Engineering,Pritzker School of Molecular Engineering and the CollegePH.D. HOODING AND DIPLOMA PRESENTATIONPAUL NEALEYVice Dean for Education and OutreachFINAL REMARKSMATTHEW TIRRELLDean, Pritzker School of Molecular Engineering124THE PRITZKER SCHOOL OF MOLECULAR ENGINEERINGFOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF SCIENCEBIANCA EDOZIEA.B., University of Massachusetts at Amherst, 2019S.B., ibid., 2019(Molecular Engineering)LAYAN HANOUCHS.B., University of Florida, 2020(Molecular Engineering)MENNA MARIAM HASSANS.B., Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana,2021(Molecular Engineering) MAX WALLACE KRISTYB.Ch.E., lllinois Institute of Technology, 2019(Molecular Engineering)CHUANYU LIUS.B., Chongqing University, Chongqing, China,2021(Molecular Engineering)JOVANA MITROVICS.B., St. john 's University, jamaica, New York,2022(Molecular Engineering) ARGHADWIP PAULB. Tech., National Institute of Technology, LakeWorth, Florida, 2018(Molecular Engineering)GABRIELLA RICHEYS.B., Indiana University Northwest, Gary, 2021(Molecular Engineering)LEAH SCHWARTZS.B., University of Toronto, Ontario, Canada, 2022(Molecular Engineering)FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHYAARON TAMAS ALP AR *S.B., University of Texas at Austin, 2017(Molecular Engineering)JENNIFER ANTANES.B., Northwestern University, 2016(Molecular Engineering)DISSERTATION: Evaluation of GlycosylatedAntigen Therapies for B Cell-MediatedAutoimmune DiseaseLEVI Y. BENNISHA.B., Wayne State University, Detroit, Michigan,2011S.M., University of Chicago, 2016(Molecular Engineering)DISSERTATION: Engineering Tumor BindingPolymeric Glyco-Adjuvants for CancerImmunotherapyBRITTENY CASSAIDYB.Ap.S., Iowa State University of Science andTechnology, 2016(Molecular Engineering)DISSERTATION: Improving Sustained ReleaseVaccines via Delayed Boosting and ImmunePotentiators for Increased Immunological ControlRUOFAN CHENS.8., Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, 2016(Molecular Engineering)DISSERTATION: Investigation of the MolecularMechanism of the Stress- Triggered Condensationof Poly(A)-8inding ProteinMASON ALLEN DEARBORNS.8., University of Southern Mississippi, 2018(Molecular Engineering)DISSERTATION: Spontaneous Patterning viaFrontal PolymerizationWHITNEY CLAIRE FOWLERB.Eng., Vanderbilt University, 2015(Molecular Engineering)DISSERTATION: Engineering a Protein-InspiredSynthetic Material to Sequester and SensePhosphateELENA OKUSHI GLENS.B., 8rown University, 2017(Quantum Science and Engineering)DISSERTATION: Single-shot Readout of theNeutral Divacancy in Silicon Carbide for QuantumNetworksJORGE EMILIANO G6MEZMEDELLfNS.8., University of Texas at Austin, 2017(Molecular Engineering)DISSERTATION: Pulmonary Lymphangiogenesisin Chronic Allergic AsthmaJOEL GREBELA.B., University of California, Berkeley, 2014(Quantum Science and Engineering)DISSERTATION: Bidirectional Multi-PhotonCommunication between Remote SuperconductingResonators GARRETT LUND GROCKES.8., Northwestern University, 2011S.M., ibid., 2012(Molecular Engineering)DISSERTATION: Electrochemical and TransportProperties in Redox-Active Polymers for EnergyStorage and ConversionLAURA FRANCES HARTS.8., Worcester Polytechnic Institute, 2015(Molecular Engineering)DISSERTATION: Translating Doubly-Threaded[3JRotaxanes into Advanced MaterialsLAUREN ANDERS HESSERS.8., University of South Carolina-Columbia, 2018(Molecular Engineering)DISSERTATION: The Development of a SynbioticButyrate-Producing Bacterial Therapeutic forFood AllergySHI EN KIMS.8., California Institute of Technology, 2016(Molecular Engineering)DISSERTATION: Engineering Thermal Transportin 2D van der Waals Crystalline FilmsABIGAIL LEIGH LAUTERBACHS.8., University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, 2019(Molecular Engineering)DISSERTATION: Engineering Approaches for theTreatment of Non-healing Diabetic WoundsYUTAO MAS.B., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,2017(Molecular Engineering)DISSERTATION: Data-Driven Design ofSelf-Assembling Soft MaterialsJONATHAN CHARTON MARCKS*S.B., Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, 2017(Quantum Science and Engineering)JONATHAN MARTIN MATTHEWSS.8., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2015M.Eng., ibid., 2016(Molecular Engineering)DISSERTATION: Molecular and ComputationalPlatforms for Cancer Drug Screening andPrecision TherapyLINGYUAN MENGS.8., jilin University, Chang Chun, China, 2017(Molecular Engineering)DISSERTATION: Inorganic Biointerfaces forModulating Cell SignalingPETER JAMES MINTUNS.B., Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, 2014(Molecular Engineering)DISSERTATION: Molecular Engineering OpticallyAddressable Spin Qubits* anticipated graduation, Summer Quarter 2023 ANDREW ENRIQUE ORIANIA.8., Case Western Reserve University, 20148.Eng., ibid., 2014(Molecular Engineering)DISSERTATION: Multimodal and Ultra High-QSuperconducting Niobium Cavities for CircuitQuantum ElectrodynamicsCHENGJIAN SHI*S.M., Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, 2018(Molecular Engineering)GUSTAVO ANDRES VASQUEZMONTOYA*S.B., Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogota,Colombia, 2014(Molecular Engineering)RACHEL PATRICIA WALLACE8.Eng., University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, 2017(Molecular Engineering)DISSERTATION: Polymeric Delivery Approachesfor the Modulation of Humoral ImmunityKAI WANG*B.Eng., Zhejiang University, Hang Zhou, China,2018(Molecular Engineering)RACHEL KATE WEATHEREDS.8., Northwestern University, 2016(Molecular Engineering)DISSERTATION: Engineering Ex Vivo Models forProbing Tumor, Lymphatic, and ImmuneInteractions in Metastasis and ImmunotherapyZIJING XIA8.Eng., Tsinghua University, 8eijing, China, 2017(Molecular Engineering)DISSERTATION: Engineering Material Interfacesfor Selective Transport in Aqueous SystemsBOYUAN YUB.Eng., Fudan University, Shanghai, China, 2017(Molecular Engineering)DISSERTATION: Molecular Simulations ofComplex Coacervates: Influence of ChargeFraction, Sequence, Chain Stiffness, andComposition on Phase BehaviorsHAOZHIZHANGM.Chem., University of Oxford, England, UnitedKingdom, 2017(Molecular Engineering)DISSERTATION: Synthetic Control of MercuryTelluride Quantum Dots and Its Improvement inElectrical and Optical PropertiesRUOLAN ZHOUS.B., University of California, Berkeley, 2015(Molecular Engineering)DISSERTATION: Development and Validation ofan Organotypic in vitro Model of theTumor-Lymph-Immune Interface for PredictingImmunotherapy Responses125THE COLLEGESATURDAY, JUNE 3, 2023UNIVERSITY CEREMONYMain Quadrangle9:15 a.m.LUNCH DISTRIBUTION AND DIPLOMA CEREMONIESfor graduates, families, and friendsSee listing of locations on the following pages.n:oo a.m.Noon-All graduates are requested to be in line, after receiving their marching cards12:15 p.m.-All guests are requested to be in their seats12:30 p.m.-Diploma Ceremonies beginLunch Distribution and Diploma Ceremony locations are listed below.Please reference the details for the residence hall community with which the graduate is affiliated.BURTON-JUDSON COURTSHouse Communities: Chamberlin, Coulter, Dodd-Mead,Linn- Mathews, Salisbury, and VincentLunch Distribution and Diploma CeremonyMidway Skating RinkMidway Plaisance between South Ellis Avenue and South Woodlawn AvenuePresided over by ANDREW SIEGEL andPATTY JONES, Resident DeansCAMPUS NORTH RESIDENTIAL COMMONS EASTHouse Communities: Behar, Boyer, Dougan- Niklason, and YuenLunch Distribution and Diploma CeremonyRatner Athletics Center5530 South Ellis AvenuePresided over by JAMES and JEANNIE EVANS, Resident DeansCAMPUS NORTH RESIDENTIAL COMMONS WESTHouse Communities: Rogers, Strongin, Thangaraj, Trott, and Vue 53Lunch Distribution and Diploma CeremonyAmos Alonzo Stagg Field56th Street behind Ratner Athletics FieldPresided over by STEVEN RINGS and JENNIFER IVERSON, Resident DeansINTERNATIONAL HOUSE, STONY ISLAND HALL,AND WOODLAWN RESIDENTIAL COMMONSHouse Communities:International House and Stony Island Hall:Booth, Breckinridge, Phoenix, Shorey, Stony Island, and ThompsonWoodlawn East: Baker, Casner, Fama, Gallo, Rustandy, and YovovichWoodlawn West: Chenn, Eka, Han, Liew, and MarkovitzLunch Distribution and Diploma CeremonyMidway Plaisance NortheastSouth Dorchester Avenue between East 59th Street and Midway Plaisance NorthPresided over by CRAIG and KENYATTA FUTTERMAN, Resident DeansTHOMAS and CLARA CHRISTENSEN, Resident DeansTIMOTHY HARRISON and CHRISTINA SMIT, Resident Deans THE COLLEGE127THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO I 537TH CONVOCATIONMAX PALEVSKY RESIDENTIAL COMMONSHouse Communities: Alper, Flint, Graham, Hoover, May, Rickert, Wallace, and WoodwardLunch DistributionHarper QuadrangleNorth of Harper Memorial Library, m6 East 59th StreetDiploma CeremonyMain Quadrangle5801 South Ellis AvenuePresided over by JASON and SUZANNE RIGGLE, Resident DeansRENEE GRANVILLE-GROSSMAN RESIDENTIAL COMMONS EASTHouse Communities: Cathey, Crown, Jannotta, and WendtLunch Distribution and Diploma CeremonyMidway Plaisance NortheastSouth Woodlawn Avenue between East 59th Street and Midway Plaisance NorthPresided over by WILLIAM NICKELL and MARYSE MEIJER, Resident DeansRENEE GRANVILLE-GROSSMAN RESIDENTIAL COMMONS WESTHouse Communities: DelGiorno, Halperin, Keller, and KenwoodLunch Distribution and Diploma CeremonyMidway Plaisance NorthwestSouth Ellis Avenue between East 59th Street and Midway Plaisance NorthPresided over by SAUL LEVMORE and JULIE ROIN, Resident DeansSNELL-HITCHCOCK HALLHouse Communities: Hitchcock and SnellLunch Distribution and Diploma CeremonySnell- Hitchcock Courtyard1009 East 57th StreetPresided over by NICOLA and JOVANA SLADOJEVIC, Resident Deans128THE COLLEGETHE LLEWELLYN JOHN AND HARRIET MANCHESTERQUANTRELL AWARDS FOR EXCELLENCEIN UNDERGRADUATE TEACHINGLEORA AUSLANDERArthur and Joann Rasmussen Professor in western Civilization,Department of Race, Diaspora, and Indigeneity; Department of History; and the CollegeLEORA AUSLANDER is a renowned teacher of culturalhistory, Jewish history, and the histories of race and genderin the modern world. Always attentive to the meaningsthat lie hidden in the everyday objects and practices thatsurround us, she inspires students to see subtleties thatmight otherwise be missed and to notice connectionsthat might otherwise never come to light. In courses bothhere on the University's central campus and in its centersoverseas, she teaches students how to appreciate the diversityof historical influences that have shaped both our ownculture and those of others, at every level from the politics ofthe modern state to the conduct of domestic life. Studentsleave her courses excited to emulate, in their future lives, the curiosity, intelligence, insight, and generosity of spirit thatshe herself demonstrates so consistently.The candidate will be presented by ADRIAN JOHNS,Allan Grant Maclear Professor, Department of Historyand the College; Chair, Department of History.CITATIONLEORA AUSLANDER teaches students to see theimportance of history for modern life. She encouragesthem to use historical perspectives to pose and tacklemany of the key questions of contemporary culture. Sheinspires them to be curious, critical, and humane citizensin their own right.MICHAEL D. GLADDERSProfessor, Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics and the CollegeMICHAEL D. GLADDERS has shown exceptionaldedication to training and mentoring undergraduates inthe recently initiated undergraduate major in astrophysics.He created and leads the two-quarter Field Course inAstronomy and Astrophysics, a hugely popular, hands-on course that engages students in cutting-edge researchby preparing them to take data at a telescope, collectand analyze those data, and collaborate to producepublication-quality papers. In the process, they learninvaluable lessons in how to work in a collaborativeresearch team. Many of those students have formed withhim a research collaboration that has published four papers(and counting). His commitment to creating an open and welcoming environment in the classroom is reflected in theenthusiastic comments of his students. One wrote, "Thecare for his students as well as his course shines through inevery class and interaction."The candidate will be presented by JOSHUA FRIEMAN,Professor, Department ofAstronomy and Astrophysics and theCollege; Chair, Department ofAstronomy and Astrophysics.CITATIONMICHAEL D. GLADDERS is honored by his studentsand colleagues for his excellence in teaching, researchrnentorship, and team-building in his unique Field Coursein Astronomy and Astrophysics.129THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO I 537TH CONVOCATIONROBERT L. KENDRICKRobert O. Anderson Distinguished Service Professor, Department ofMusic,Department of Romance Languages and Literatures, and the CollegeROBERT L. KENDRICK is a scholar of early modernmusic and culture whose interests extend to historicalanthropology, traditional Mediterranean polyphony,musical laments, and the music of Latin America. Hiscapacious knowledge of musical practices and theircultural contexts, along with his deep understandingof musical structure, opens his students to the broadsweep of musical expression within religious, artistic,and popular contexts. He is a passionate advocate forhistorically informed performance, having workedclosely with many early music performers, and within hisclassrooms even the most historically or culturally distantmusics come alive. His deep attachment to music and all it might convey, coupled with his unparalleled erudition,connects his students to truly exceptional worlds andways of knowing.The candidate will be presented by LAWRENCEZBIKOWSKI, Addie Clark Harding Professor, Departmentof Music and the College; Chair, Department of Music.CITATIONThrough his dedicated teaching and passion forscholarship, ROBERT L. KENDRICK has opened hisstudents' eyes and ears to music in all its various forms,and guided them to a deeper understanding of the placeof music in history and culture.PHOEBE A. RICEProfessor, Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology and the CollegePHOEBE A. RICE is a renowned biochemist who studiesmechanisms of gene transfer in microscopic organismsusing the tools of structural biology. She is dedicated,encouraging, and enthusiastic about her field of studyand her course Topics in Biological Chemistry, and is acommitted mentor of undergraduate and graduate students.Her highly engaging teaching style includes questions forthe students to ponder, which leads both to fascinatingin-class conversations and a deeper understanding of thematerial. She makes a clear effort to explain biochemicalprocesses by creating a story line with the protein andother molecules as characters in her class on molecularmechanisms. Her comical analogies, such as DNA mug shots, are truly unforgettable. A student wrote, "Sheencouraged scholarly thinking, and has significantlycontributed to my progress as a student and future scientist."The candidate will be presented in absentia by JOHN"JAY" ELLISON, Dean of Students in the College.CITATIONA talented and accomplished biochemist, educator, andmentor, PHOEBE A. RICE motivates and supports herstudents' progress and learning. With her enthusiasm,focus on underlying principles and deep understanding,and stimulation of student engagement, she sets thestandard for a scientist-educator.JAMES T. SPARROWAssociate Professor, Department of History and the CollegeJAMES T. SPARROW is an expert on US democracyand society in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. Inhis teaching at the University of Chicago, he encouragesstudents to see contemporary issues as profoundlyhistorical in nature, using original sources and compellinginterpretations to investigate problems that emergedthrough the American century and continue to challengeour society to this day. His courses on the New Deal, theCold War, and the rise of social science have led studentsto new understandings of how democratic systems developin intricate connection with the intellectual disciplinesthat explain and shape them. He has also been one of theUniversity's pioneers in the use of digital techniques tofurther such understandings. He personifies the University's130 commitment to the importance of social science foraddressing society's biggest questions, old and new.The candidate will be presented in absentia by JOHN"JAY" ELLISON, Dean of Students in the College.CITATIONJAMES T. SPARROW is a brilliant, dedicated, andinclusive teacher and mentor. Students in his classeslearn how to think historically about the most pressingproblems of our time. His commitment to open andsympathetic dialogue inspires them to become wise,critical, and enlightened citizens.THE COLLEGECANDIDATES FOR THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF ARTSOR BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN THE COLLEGEJOSHUA MEYER ABBOTT(Political Science A.B.)SOHAILA HESHAM AHMEDABDELHAMID(Molecular Engineering S.B. with Honors)BAITH ISMAIL ABDULLAH(Comparative Human Development A.B.)MEY ABDULLAHOGLU(Economics A.B.)(Psychology A.B.)SAMUEL ZACHARY ABERS'summa cum laude(Economics A.B.)(Public Policy Studies A.B. with Honors)(Statistics S.B.)ADAM ABID(Economics A.B.)GIDEON BERNARD ABRAHAM'cum laude(Economics A.B.)AMEERA SHEHDEH ABU-KHALIL(Molecular Engineering S.B. with Honors)OLUWAKEMI SARAH ADEBAGBO(Political Science A.B.)AYISHA HAWA-MARIAMA AFRIK*(Public Policy Studies A.B.)SANDHINI AGARWAL'cum laude(Biological Sciences S.B.)LILIAN SHEA AGNACIAN'magna cum laude(Environmental Science S.B. with Honors)(Music A.B.)PARTH AGRAWAL'cum laude(Biological Chemistry S.B.)(Chemistry A.B.)AFRIA ISHIQA AHMED(English Language and Literature A.B.)IBRAHIM AHMED(Economics A.B.)SUMAIYA AHMED(Computer Science S.B.)(Economics A.B.)EMERSON AHN(Political Science A.B.)ROHAN ADITYA AJJARAPU(Economics A.B.)SCARLETT ZHAO AKELEY'summa cum laude(History A.B. with Honors)(Linguistics A.B.)DARIA AKSENOVA*(Economics A.B.)(Philosophy A.B.)ELEANOR ELIZABETH ALDEN'(Global Studies A.B.)ALI FAROOQ ABDULRASOOLA.HUSAIN ALEKRI'cum laude(Economics A.B.)(Political Science A.B. with Honors)DIYA ALLADA'cum laude(Economics A.B.)(Public Policy Studies A.B.)MELIA BRYNNE ALLAN'summa cum laude(Music A.B.)(Political Science A.B. with Honors)MICHAEL JOSEPH ALLEGRI(Economics A.B.)CARL Y ANN ALLEN'cum laude(Physics A.B.) ISABEL TANG ALLUM'cum laude(Economics A.B.)RITHIK SAl ALLURI(Economics A.B.)LILA URSULA ALONSO(English Language and Literature A.B.)CHRISTIAN ALSHON*(Economics A.B.)ABED ALMAJEED ALSOLAIMAN'summa cum laude(History A.B.)(Law, Letters, and Society A.B.)JACK SAMUEL ALTMAN'cum laude(Mathematics S.B.)MARfA ISABEL ALVAREZ'with global honors(Political Science A.B. with Honors)(Romance Languages and Literatures A.B.)KENLEY AMBROISE(Anthropology A.B.)COLLIN VICTOR AMELSBERG(Economics A.B.)(Visual Arts A.B.)ELI KOBLA AMEYIBOR(Political Science A.B.)JERIN AMIN(Chemistry A.B.)TAMAs AN·magna cum laude(Physics A.B.)ISABELLE MARGUERITE ANDERSON(Economics A.B.)(English Language and Literature A.B.)DAISY SARAI ANDINO(Comparative Human Development A.B.)EVELYN AGUSTINA ANDREOLI'magna cum laude'with global honors(Visual Arts A.B.)VICTORIA ASHLEY ANKEL'magna cum laude(Mathematics S.B.)(Physics A.B.)CHINOYEM JACKLYN ANUWE'cum laude(Sociology A.B. with Honors)CAROLINE NICOLE APPLE(Computer Science S.B.)(Visual Arts A.B.)DORATHEA DEVORAH APPLEBAUMLICHT'magna cum laude(Germanic Studies A.B. with Honors)(History A.B. with Honors)ETHAN ZHANG ARCHIBALD(Economics A.B. with Honors)ANNA ARGULIAN'summa cum laude(Biological Sciences S.B.)CHRISTIAN JAMES ARMSTRONG(Economics A.B.)LEWIS FRANKLIN ARNSTEN(Computer Science A.B.)(English Language and Literature A.B.)AIDAN MICHAEL WALLACHARONOFF(Political Science A.B.)SHIRA DANIELLE ARONSON(Economics A.B. with Honors)(Gender and Sexuality Studies A.B. with Honors)ISHA NANDINI ARORA(Biological Sciences A.B.)TITILAYO OLUWABUNMI AROWOLO(Public Policy Studies A.B. with Honors) DUSHAN ARSOV(History A.B.)(Political Science A.B. with Honors)GREGORY ANNOR ASARE'cum laude(Biological Sciences A.B.)DON ASSAMONGKOL(Computer Science S.B.)GAVIN MORGAN ATACK(Environmental and Urban Studies A.B.)ELSA ADJOVI ATHILEY(Computer Science S.B.)JOHN ROBERT ATKINS(Economics A.B.)CHRISTOPHER ATOS(Mathematics A.B.)NICOLE AVILA(Computer Science S.B.)(Media Arts and Design A.B.)ANTONY AWAD(Molecular Engineering S.B.)MICHELLE PONGSOON AWH(Neuroscience S.B.)BELANE AYELEWORK(Anthropology A.B.)(Critical Race and Ethnic Studies A.B.)NISER A. BABIKER(Neuroscience A.B.)EMILY NICOLE BACHA CAMACHO(Economics A.B.)JONATHAN BADONSKY*(English Language and Literature A.B.)JUHUN BAEK'summa cum laude(Physics A.B.)ARIANA ELENA BAGINSKI(Molecular Engineering S.B.)YILEI BAI(Computer Science A.B.)ISABELLE JANE BAIRD'summa cum laude(Biological Sciences A.B.)DONIA BALLAN(Biological Sciences S.B. with Honors)ELIAN ALEXIS BALTAZAR CHAVEZ(Biological Sciences A.B.)IAN JOSEPH BAMFORD'summa cum laude(Economics A.B.)ANTONI WACLAW BANDACHOWICZ(Economics A.B.)(Physics A.B.)TRISHA BANSAL(Computer Science S.B.)SARAH NATALIE BARACAT'summa cum laude(Economics A.B.)JOSE AFONSO BARCELLOS PRATA(Economics A.B.)CAITLIN ALEXA BARLOW(Cinema and Media Studies A.B. with Honors)ABIGAIL MERCER BARNES(Computer Science S.B.)MADELINE ANNE BARNES(Comparative Human Development A.B. withHonors)(Economics A.B.)WILLIAM OLIVER BARTON'summa cum laude(Applied Mathematics S.B.)OSCAR BASZA(Economics A.B.)(Music A.B.)131THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO 537TH CONVOCATIONCOURTNEY J. BATISTE(Economics A.B.)(Psychology A.B.)ANNA-KATIA BATOUM BASSONG(Economics A.B.)BEVERLY SUE BATTS(Human Rights A.B. with Honors)(Public Policy Studies A.B. with Honors)ELI VINCENT BAUR(Mathematics A.B. with Honors)MATEO BAYGUAL NESPATTI(Economics A.B.)GABRIELLE INES BAYNESS(Law, Letters, and Society A.B.)(Public Policy Studies A.B. with Honors).EMILY CLAY BEACH(Biological Sciences A.B.)MACGREGOR TANNAHILL BEATTY(East Asian Languages and Civilizations A.B.)(Economics A.B.)RUTH EDWIDGE BEAUBRUN·with global honors(Global Studies A.B.)ESTHER JULIA BECK·magna cum laude(Creative Writing A.B. with Honors)CARTER JAMES BECKSTEIN«cum laude·with global honors(Economics A.B.)ELIAZ BEC-RODRfGUEZ«cum laude(Latin American and Caribbean Studies A.B. withHonors)(Sociology A.B. with Honors)ADELE BEHAR(Comparative Human Development A.B.)JOSHUA DANIEL BEIRICH«summa cum laude»u/itb global honors(Germanic Studies A.B. with Honors)(Jewish Studies A.B. with Honors)TANVI BEKAL(Economics A.B.)THEO WILLIAMSON BELCI(English Language and Literature A.B.)NICOLAS JOSEPH BELL FABREGAT(Economics A.B.)MATTHEW GEORGE BENAVIDES(Economics A.B. with Honors)(Mathematics S.B.)CALVIN JOHN BENECK(Political Science A.B.)ZOE BENJAMIN*(Critical Race and Ethnic Studies A.B.)SYDNEY BERGEN=summa cum laude(Computer Science S.B.)(Mathematics S.B.)CHRISTIAN LUCIAN BERGERA(Economics A.B.)(Psychology A.B.)PARKER POLLACK BERKE(Political Science A.B.)GABRIELLE ROSE BERMAN(Biological Sciences S.B. with Honors)IRIS OLIVIA BERMAN·magna cum laude(Biological Sciences A.B.)(Creative Writing A.B. with Honors)ISAAC T. BERMAN»summa cum laude(Computer Science S.B.)(Mathematics S.B.)KATHERINE GEORGIA BERRITTO(Political Science A.B.)TANAYA BHAKAT(Economics A.B.)132 MANYA SRIVATS VARADARAJANBHARADWAJ(Economics A.B.)(Neuroscience A.B.)ANIKA NITEEN BHAT(Economics A.B.)ARSHAAN KRISHNA BHATNAGAR(Political Science A.B.)CLARE WALKER BILEK(Economics A.B.)(Public Policy Studies A.B.)MEREDITH JANE BIRDSONG(Economics A.B.)(Public Policy Studies A.B.)KATARINA ROSE BIRIMAC·magna cum laude(English Language and Literature A.B. withHonors)(History A.B. with Honors)MARYAM I. BLEDSOE(Sociology A.B.)ETHAN BLINDER(Philosophy A.B.)(Russian and East European Studies A.B. withHonors)AARON REED BLOCH(Economics A.B.)KAMERON AIDAN BLOYE·cum laude(Political Science A.B.)(Romance Languages and Literatures A.B. withHonors)EMILIE ROSE BLUM(Psychology A.B.)THERON CAELAN BOERNER*(Computer Science S.B.)(Mathematics A.B.)ALEXANDROS D. BOFILIOS(Economics A.B.)SHEILA BOLANOS(Economics A.B.)(Romance Languages and Literatures A.B.)MARGOT VIRIDIANA BOLANOSGAMEZ·with global honors(Environmental Science S.B.)(Global Studies A.B. with Honors)ISABELLA BONITO*(Environmental and Urban Studies A.B.)JUSTIN THOMAS BORELLA{Economics A.B.}{Romance Languages and Literatures A.B. withHonors}RIBHAV BOSE«summa cum laude{Economics A.B.}{Mathematics A.B.}JUSTIN RICHARD BOSSENBROEK(Biological Chemistry S.B.){Biological Sciences A.B.}{Chemistry S.B.}SAMUEL DAY BOSWELL«magna cum laude{Economics A.B.}JACOB THOMAS BOTAISH·magna cum laude{Classical Studies A.B. with Honors}{Law, Letters, and Society A.B.}LAUREN-MEGAN BOTHA(Computer Science A.B.)PETER BENJAMIN BOUND·with global honors{History A.B.}{Law, Letters, and Society A.B.}{Romance Languages and Literatures A.B. withHonors}BRENDAN JOHN BOUSTANY(Economics A.B.)SAVANNAH ELISE BOWMAN(Visual Arts A.B.) MAlA JANAE BOYD(Computer Science S.B.)(Data Science A.B. with Honors)EMMA CHARLOTTE BOYDEN{Economics A.B.}{History A.B.}ALEXANDRA BRADU{Molecular Engineering S.B.}MORGAN FAE BRAND MEYER«cum laude{Economics A.B.}(Psychology A.B.)ERIN ELIZABETH FORD BRANER«magna cum laude{Law, Letters, and Society A.B. with Honors}{Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations A.B.with Honors}IRIS FIONA BRAUER(Law, Letters, and Society A.B.)ALISON ROSS BRAWLEY{Political Science A.B.}LYDIA MARIA BRIGHT(Political Science A.B.)YAZUD ELIDETH BRITO-MILIAN·magna cum laude(Creative Writing A.B. with Honors){Critical Race and Ethnic Studies A.B. withHonors}JARED L. BRODIE{Germanic Studies A.B.}(Public Policy Studies A.B.)MALLORY M. BRODNIK(Molecular Engineering S.B.)HANNAH SIMONE BRODY(Environmental and Urban Studies A.B.)JONATHAN ROBERT BROOKS(Public Policy Studies A.B.)JULIA CATHERINE BROOKS{Mathematics A.B.}{Medieval Studies A.B. with Honors}HAYDEN THOMAS BROTZ(Economics A.B.)PHILIP DANIEL BROUS«cum laude{Economics A.B.}{Mathematics A.B. with Honors}ROBERT ANDREW BROWN«magna cum laude{Economics A.B.}{Political Science A.B. with Honors}ELIZABETH MORGAN BROWNFIELD{History A.B.}RYELLE MARIE BROWNING{Environmental and Urban Studies A.B.}CADE CLAYTON BRUCE(Mathematics S.B.)ALEXANDER PULLEN BRYAN·magna cum laude{Economics A.B.}SEBASTIAN BRYANT(Economics A.B.){Political Science A.B.}LUCANTONIO WILLIAM BUCCINI{History A.B.}JAKUB BUDZ{Neuroscience A.B.}ALEXA SOPHIA BUKOWSKI«cum laude{Astrophysics A.B.}{Computer Science S.B.}DAVID THOMAS BUKOWSKI{Computational and Applied Mathematics S.B.}CHLOE ARTEMESIA BURNS-KRUL{Biological Sciences A.B.}RAHUL BURRA»cum laude{Biological Sciences A.B. with Honors}DANNA HAVA BURSHTINE·magna cum laude{Law, Letters, and Society A.B. with Honors}{Religious Studies A.B. with Honors}CAMILLE MARIE BURTON'magna cum laude{Psychology A.B.}MATTHEW RYAN BUTERA{Computer Science S.B.}{Economics A.B.}JINGYU CAl'summa cum laude{Neuroscience A.B.}DAVID LEAVELL CALAHAN{Economics A.B.}{Public Policy Studies A.B.}BIANCA CAMPAGNARI{Biological Sciences S.B. with Honors}{Psychology A.B.}AIDAN JOHN CAMPBELL{Economics A.B.}OLIVIA GRACE CAMPILI{Computer Science S.B.}SAMIR OMAR CANCEL MATOS{Geophysical Sciences S.B. with Honors}SARAH NICOLE CANDELARIA{Chemistry S.B. with Honors}NATHAN KING CANTOR{Computer Science S.B.}{English Language and Literature A.B.}ANYU CAO{Neuroscience S.B.}BARON ZIHAO CAO'summa cum laude{Economics A.B.}JEFFREY HONGCHENG CAO'cum laude{Computer Science A.B.}{Economics A.B.}KEVIN SIYUAN CAO'cum laude{Computer Science S.B.}{Economics A.B.}YIYING CAO'magna cum laude{Economics A.B.}{Psychology A.B.}SOFIA VERONICA CAPUAMONTOTO'cum laude{Biological Sciences A.B.}JACQUELYN HERNANDEZ CARAVEO{Biological Sciences A.B.}BENJAMIN ZHU CARDINAL{Economics A.B.}{Mathematics S.B.}ASIA CAREY{Biological Sciences A.B.}{Psychology A.B.}SOPHIA AMANDA LADAW CARINO{History, Philosophy, and Social Studies oJ Scienceand Medicine A.B. with Honors}AUGUSTUS HAMMER CARPENTER{Germanic Studies A.B.}{History A.B.}ISMAEL CARRENO{Economics A.B.}ARIANA MARIE CARRILLO{Comparative Human Development A.B. withHonors}TRENT COOPER GREENBLATTCARSON'summa cum laude{Economics A.B.}{Global Studies A.B. with Honors}ABIGAIL ELIZABETH CASE'cum laude{Geophysical Sciences S.B. with Honors}CAROLYN ELENI CASTROBLANCO{Neuroscience A.B.}JAIDYN RAE CATHERALL{Astrophysics S.B.}CYRUS GIBSON PINDER CAUGHEY*{Geographical Sciences A.B.} VIVIAN LEE CAVANAUGH{Economics A.B.}CAROLINE ALEXANDRACAYOUETTE{Economics A.B.}{Romance Languages and Literatures A.B.}GRAHAM THOMPSON CERTAIN'cum laude{History A.B.}SELMA CHAB'summa cum laude{Creative Writing A.B. with Honors}KATHERINE DANIELLE CHACON'summa cum laude{Art History A.B.}{Economics A.B.}RUHI CHADDHA{Computer Science A.B.}OISHEE CHAKRABARTI{Data Science A.B.}{Economics A.B.}SANJAY KUMAR CHAKRABARTY{Mathematics S.B. with Honors}NIKHIT A P. CHAKRA VARTHY{Economics A.B.}TYLER DON CHAMBERS{Mathematics A.B.}EMILY WANG CHAN{Economics A.B.}{Psychology A.B. with Honors}REX SZE HANG CHAN'summa cum laude{Chemistry A.B.}{Molecular Engineering S.B. with Honors}ERIC YI-MIN CHANG'summa cum laude{Computer Science S.B.}JOSETTE LEE CHANG{Economics A.B.}KEANNE CHANG'cum laude{Comparative Human Development A.B.}{Economics A.B.}MATTHEW JINTAE CHANG{Computer Science S.B.}SHU-NAN JUSTIN CHANG{Computer Science S.B.}{Economics A.B.}{Mathematics S.B.}TESSORA L. CHANG'magna cum laude{Neuroscience A.B.}CATHERINE CHARLES'magna cum laude{Economics A.B.}NON CHAROENWATTANANON{Economics A.B.}{Visual Arts A.B.}MILO WALDEN CHASE{Computer Science S.B. with Honors}MEIRA CHASMAN'cum laude{Cinema and Media Studies A.B.}{Political Science A.B.}SHIVANI CHATTERJI'cum laude{Chemistry A.B.}{Molecular Engineering S.B.}SHIKHAR CHATURVEDI'cum laude{Economics A.B.}VISHAN CHAUDHARY'summa cum laude{Political Science A.B.}DANNA BRITTANY CHAVARRIACRUZ{Comparative Human Development A.B.}JASON CHEE{Computer Science S.B.} THE COLLEGEANDREW HANWEI CHEN'cum laude{Economics A.B.}CONNIE CHEN'summa cum laude{History A.B.}{Law, Letters, and Society A.B.}CONNIE CHEN{Germanic Studies A.B.}ELLEN R. CHEN'cum laude{Computer Science S.B.}{Economics A.B.}JACK QI KAI CHEN{Economics A.B.}KATIE YAWEN CHEN{Art History A.B.}{Economics A.B.}LIANG WEI CHEN{History A.B.}LINGJIE CHEN'cum laude{Molecular Engineering S.B. with Honors}{Physics A.B.}LISA CHEN{Economics A.B.}MATTHEW X. CHEN'cum laude{Economics A.B.}ROBERT L. CHEN{Economics A.B.}{Mathematics S.B.}TING HAO GRANT CHEN{Computer Science A.B.}{Music A.B.}VICKY CHEN'summa cum laude{Economics A.B.}{Global Studies A.B. with Honors}WESLEY TIMOTHY CHEN'magna cum laude{Computer Science S.B.}{Economics A.B.}WILLIAM DENG XIANG CHEN{Biological Sciences A.B.}WINSTON KEN CHEN'cum laude{Economics A.B.}{Law, Letters, and Society A.B.}XINGYI CHEN{Economics A.B.}{Mathematics A.B.}XINYU CHEN{Economics A.B.}ZHAOJUN CHEN{Mathematics S.B. with Honors}PHILIP NAO C. CHENAUX-REPOND'cum laude{Computer Science S.B.}{Mathematics S.B.}BENJAMIN CHENG'cum laude{Mathematics A.B.}EMILY WEI CHENG'summa cum laude{English Language and Literature A.B. withHonors}{Media Arts and Design A.B. with Honors}CHRISTOPHER KAI HO CHEUNG'summa cum laude{Physics A.B.}JOSHUA P. CHEUNG{Anthropology A.B. with Honors}SOPHIA CHIANG{Economics A.B.}NATHALIE MICHELLE CHICOINE'cum laude{Astrophysics S.B. with Honors}{English Language and Literature A.B.}NATHON LIWEN CHIN{Economics A.B.}133THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO I 537TH CONVOCATIONJAMES ISAAC CHITTENDEN(Neuroscience A.B.)CHI WAI MILES CHIU(Economics A.B')JOSEPH FRANCIS CHLAPOWSKI«cum laude(Applied Mathematics S.B.)(Computer Science S.B.)CATHERINE CHO·magna cum laude(Economics A.B.)JOSHUA DAEYOUNG CHOE(Economics A.B.)JEESU CHOI(Economics A.B.)(Public Policy Studies A.B.)MADISON ASHLEY CHOI(Economics A.B.)(Philosophy A.B.)RYAN JAE CHOI(Biological Chemistry S.B. with Honors)SAMUEL LOUIS CHOI*(Economics A.B')SEOKMIN CHOI»summa cum laude(Cognitive Science A.B.)(Computer Science S.B.)JAMES CHOU·magna cum laude(Economics A.B.)ALICIA J. CHU(Computer Science A.B.)(Media Arts and Design A.B. with Honors)BERTRAND ELAN CHU(Environmental and Urban Studies A.B.)(Political Science A.B.)TING YAO CHUANG(Economics A.B.)(Philosophy A.B.)CURTIS NATHANIEL CHUNG(Biological Chemistry S.B.)SHANNON SEUNG WON CHUNG«magna cum laude(Law, Letters, and Society A.B. with Honors)(Psychology A.B.)THEODORE SUNGWOO CHUNG*(Classical Studies A.B')LYRICNOEL MARIE CIARLO(Psychology A.B.)ISABELLA CISNEROS(Biological Sciences S.B.)AIDAN PATRICK CLOONAN(Astrophysics S.B. with Honors)ZACHARY MASON COGAN(Cinema and Media Studies A.B.)(Economics A.B.)ANDREW SCOTT COHEN*(Economics A.B.)(Physics A.B.)OLIVIA MICHAL COHEN(Global Studies A.B. with Honors)ROBERTO CESAR COHEN«summa cum laude(Art History A.B.)(Mathematics S.B.)(Physics A.B.)JOHN DAVID COLLINS(Classical Studies A.B.)LUKE JOSEPH COLLINS[Biolcqical Chemistry S.B.)(Chemistry A.B')(Economics A.B')MAXWELL WEINTRAUB COLLINS·magna cum laude(Economics A.B.)JOHN MIYATAKE CONKLIN(Art History A.B.)(East Asian Languages and Civilizations A.B.)DANIELLA CONNER(Biological Sciences A.B.)(Comparative Human Development A.B.)134 ALAN JACOB COOPER»summa cum laude(Biological Sciences S.B.)BENJAMIN MAXWELL COOPER«magna cum laude(Mathematics A.B. with Honors)COLIN LAWRENCE COOPER(Chemistry S.B. with Honors)SARAH JIHAN COOPER(Economics A.B.)(Political Science A.B.)SAMUEL DENNISCORBETT -ROGACKI(Economics A.B.)ELIZABETH JANE CORNWELL(Global Studies A.B.)(Public Policy Studies A.B')GEORGE DEWEY CORRIN(Theater and Performance Studies A.B. withHonors)ROSE ALISE COUGHLIN(Economics A.B')(Mathematics S.B.)JACK HARRISON CRAMER(Music A.B. with Honors)(Philosophy A.B.)BURKE CHANCY CROFT(Chemistry A.B.)TYLER KAZU CROSS(Economics A.B.)JENNIFER MELISSA CRUZ·with global honors(Biological Sciences A.B.)EDEN WEIYUAN CUI=summa cum laude(Economics A.B.)ZIZAI CUI«cum laude(Mathematics A.B.)TANYA MYRIAM CUKIERMAN(Computational and Applied Mathematics S.B.)ADELINE CURRAN CULLOM(Comparative Human Development A.B.)HAYDEN MICHAEL CURTIS(Computer Science A.B.)STEPHANIE MARIE CURTISS·magna cum laude(English Language and Literature A.B')JOY ESTHER DADA(Economics A.B.)(Mathematics S.B.)ADIL DAHLVANI*(Economics A.B.)(Statistics A.B.)SON CHAU DAM(Computer Science S.B.)YARA DAMASCENO PIRES OLIVEIRA(Political Science A.B.)NICHOLAS MICHAEL D'AMBROSE*(Neuroscience A.B')ANDRE KABIR DANG(Computer Science S.B.)SARAH VANESSA DANG(Economics A.B.)MICHAEL MANUEL D'ANGELO(Biological Chemistry S.B.)JOSHUA JOSEPH DANIEL«summa cum laude(Biological Sciences A.B.)JAINJAYNE ANESSIA DANIELS(Biological Sciences A.B.)SACHIN DAS«cum laude(Economics A.B.)SARASWATI DASGUPTA(Economics A.B.)(Law, Letters, and Society A.B.)CHRISTOPHER JULIAN CAMERONDAVIES(Economics A.B.) BROOKE MARIA DAVIS=summa cum laude(Linguistics A.B.)(Psychology A.B.)HENRY DAVIS*(Environmental and Urban Studies A.B.)SKYE JASMINE DAVIS(Economics A.B.)(Public Policy Studies A.B.)TRENT MICHAEL DAVIS·magna cum laude(Neuroscience A.B.)(Visual Arts A.B.)JOSEPHINE REGAN DAWSON«summa cum laude(English Language and Literature A.B.)PRADYUMN DAYAL(Economics A.B')ROBERT WILLIAM DEANS(Economics A.B')DAPHNE MATHILDE DE BEISTEGUI*(Fundamentals: Issues and Texts A.B.)ISABELLA LIDIA DECLUE·magna cum laude(Statistics A.B')MATTEO C. DE DONATO(Economics A.B.)(Philosophy A.B. with Honors)LARA NADINE DEGANI(Biological Chemistry S.B.)CARMELO DE GRAZIA PARRA(Economics A.B.)(Romance Languages and Literatures A.B.)DEVON TOMAS DELGADO(Computer Science S.B.)SOFIA DELGADO(Human Rights A.B. with Honors)(Political Science A.B')JOHN ALESSANDRO DEL RIVO(Computer Science S.B.)(Philosophy A.B.)MARIA CELESTE DEL VALLE(Public Policy Studies A.B.)NICHOLAS PETERDEMETROULAKOS»summa cum laude(Russian and East European Studies A.B. withHonors)KEVIN DENG(Economics A.B.)KUANGFU DENG·magna cum laude(Economics A.B.)(Mathematics S.B.)(Physics A.B.)CHARLES HOPKINS BALFOURDENHOLM(Economics A.B.)ESHA DEOKAR«summa cum laude(Art History A.B.)CARSON JOSEPH DERDA(Mathematics S.B.)BEZA TILAHUN DESTA(Computer Science S.B.)NYAH MARIE DEVALLE(Global Studies A.B.)EMILY LOUISE DE VEGVAR(History A.B. with Honors)JOHN MORRISON DEWHURST«cum laude(Mathematics S.B.)(Physics A.B')JOSEPH GERALD DEY«cum laude(Mathematics A.B. with Honors)SHREYA DHAR«magna cum laude(Psychology A.B.)LEO ITKOFF DIAMOND*(English Language and Literature A.B.)LENA DIASTI{Fundamentals: Issues and Texts A.B.}CIARAN DIEP(Computer Science S.B.)JULIA EMERSON DILLMAN'summa cum laude{Creative Writing A.B. with Honors}{Gender and Sexuality Studies AB. with Honors}NAM ANH DINH'summa cum laude{Computer Science S.B.}ETHAN EMILE DINTZNER{Biological Sciences S.B. with Honors}{Mathematics S.B.}FATOU DIOUM'with global honors(Economics A.B.)HARRY JAMES DITULLIO(Classical Studies A.B'){Political Science A.B.}CHRISTIAN CASSEL DIXON(Cinema and Media Studies A.B.)ZACHARY ELLIS DJANOGLY GARAI'cum laude{Law, Letters, and Society A.B.}{Political Science A.B. with Honors}JOEL ANUGRAHA DJUWADI{Economics A.B.}KAITLYN BRIANNE DODGEN(Public Policy Studies A.B.)RAMAZAN EFE DOGRUOZ'summa cum laude{Neuroscience S.B. with Honors}(Psychology A.B.)NOAH RICHARD ESPINOZADOHRMANN(Molecular Engineering S.B.)JADE ALEXANDRA DOMBROSKI'summa cum laude(Economics A.B.)(Political Science A.B.)HANNAH GABRIELA DOMINGUEZ{Political Science A.B.}ANTONIO ALEXANDER AIDANDONALD'cum laude{Computer Science S.B.}{Mathematics S.B. with Honors}ANCHEN DONG'summa cum laude(Economics A.B.)HAN DONG'magna cum laude{Economics A.B.}{Media Arts and Design AB. with Honors}YUNFAN DONG{Economics A.B.}CHARLOTTE SOPHIA DONNELLY'summa cum laude(Economics A.B')MICHAEL EDWARD DONNELLY'cum laude{History A.B. with Honors}(Philosophy A.B.)DAVID OLIVER CHRISTIANDQPFNER(Economics A.B.)RAJEEV DORASWAMY{Law, Letters, and Society A.B.}FARAH ESSAM DOUGHAN'cum laude(Biological Sciences A.B.)SAMANTHA KATE DOVGIN{Biological Sciences A.B.}PIA CATHERINE DOVICHI'cum laude{Computational and Applied Mathematics S.B.with Honors}MATTHEW JAMES DOWLING{Political Science A.B. with Honors} MERIEL CLAIRE DOYLE(Neuroscience A.B.){Psychology A.B. with Honors}MAlA CECILIA GHOSH DRIGGERS'magna cum laude(Cinema and Media Studies A.B.){Medieval Studies A.B. with Honors}CLAUDIA MARIA DROZD(Biological Sciences S.B.)FANG DU*(Statistics A.B')SOREN JASPER DUNN(Chemistry A.B.){Data Science S.B. with Honors}{Statistics A.B.}CHRISTINE DURAN*{Economics A.B.}CHLOE MACKENZIE DUVAL'cum laude{Political Science A.B.}{Public Policy Studies A.B. with Honors}WILLIAM EASTWICK'summa cum laude(Economics A.B.)TYLER CHARLES EDWARDS(Economics A.B.)LILY THERESA EHSANI(Computer Science S.B.)STEPHEN EISENHAUER(Computer Science AB.)FERNANDO ELIZONDO JUNCO(Economics A.B.)GRAYDON CEDRIC USHER ELKOUH{Economics A.B. with Honors}(Mathematics S.B.)ALEXANDRA GRACE ELLERSTEIN(Biological Sciences S.B.)MARCUS GEORGE ELLINAS'summa cum laude{Political Science A.B. with Honors}EZEKIEL JEDIDIAH ELLIS'magna cum laude{Anthropology A B.}CAITLIN VIRGINIA ELLITHORPE{Neuroscience S.B.}(Visual Arts A.B.)MALACHI O. ELUE(Chemistry A.B')ALESSANDRO CORRADO EMANUEL{Economics A.B.}{Religious Studies A B.}BRYAN EMMANUEL'magna cum laude{Economics A.B.}JULIANNA ASHLEY ENG'magna cum laude(Economics A.B')SOLEIL YASEMIN ENGIN'cum laude(Public Policy Studies A.B.)BLAKE PARKER EPSTEIN(History A.B.)EBRU ERMIS'summa cum laude{Biological Sciences S.B. with Honors}BIANCA SANCHEZ ESCAMILLA{Creative Writing A.B. with Honors}{English Language and Literature A.B.}RAPHAEL BRANDON ESPINOZA*(Anthropology AB.)M. MALCOLM ESSAID(Computer Science A.B.)NIKHIL REDDY ETIKELA{Neuroscience A.B.}JOSEA EVAN'summa cum laude(Economics A.B')CHARLES ALLEN EWELL(East Asian Languages and Civilizations AB.){Environmental and Urban Studies A.B.} THE COLLEGEARI JACOB EZRA{Economics A.B.}(Political Science A.B')DAVID TOBIAS FALK{Mathematics S.B.}JIALIN FAN(Economics A.B.)YINFENG FAN(Economics A.B.){Mathematics A.B.}ANTOINETTE Y. FANG'magna cum laude(Mathematics S.B.)WESLEY LI FANG(Economics A.B.)JOSEPH PATRICK FARRELL'magna cum laude{Computer Science S.B. with Honors}(Economics A.B.)(Mathematics A.B')AMANI LATIFA FAWAZ{Neuroscience S.B.}NAJYA FAYYAZ{Biological Sciences A.B.}GRACE ELIZABETH FEELEY(Economics A.B')DAVID JOSEPH FEIGELSON'summa cum laude(Philosophy A.B'){Physics A.B.}EMILY ESTELA FEIGEN(Chemistry A.B'){Romance Languages and Literatures A.B.}ANTONIO MARIA MENDESFERNANDES{Economics A.B.}MORAYO DEBORAH FERNANDEZ'magna cum laude(Psychology A.B.)NICOLAS EMILIO FERNANDEZ{Economics A.B.}MADELEINE ELIZABETH FERRARA{Economics A.B.}(Visual Arts A.B.)NORMA GUADALUPE FERREL(Economics A.B.)AZARIAS BIRRU FIDA(Computer Science S.B.)FRANKLIN JAMES FIELDS{Psychology A.B.}ALONZO CHARLES FINCH(Statistics S.B.)WYATT MADISON FINE'summa cum laude(Economics A.B.){Public Policy Studies A.B. with Honors}ISAAC ADAM FINK{Computer Science S.B.}NYLA AARONS FIROZ(Cinema and Media Studies A.B.)(English Language and Literature A.B.)JOSHUA EVAN FISCH{Astrophysics S.B.}NOAH FISCHER{Mathematics S.B.}{Statistics A.B.}LOLA ZABELLE FISHER'magna cum laude{East Asian Languages and Civilizations A B.}{Political Science A.B. with Honors}WILLIAM MILLER FISHER{Computational and Applied Mathematics S.B.}SULLIVAN WALTER FITZ{Molecular Engineering S.B. with Honors}GABRIEHL MIKAHLA LEEANNFLOYD(Neuroscience A.B.)AVITAL BELLA FOGEL(Biological Chemistry S.B.)(Chemistry A.B.)135THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO I 537TH CONVOCATIONJULIA AN FOLKL(Computer Science A.B.)MELANIE MORGAN FONG(Economics A.B.)BAILEY ANDREW FORGUS(Statistics A.B.)REED FORRESTER(Creative Writing A.B. with Honors)STEPHEN AUGUSTO FORRESTER'cum laude(Economics A.B.)RILEY WOLFGANG FORST(Molecular Engineering S.B.)(Physics A.B.)ELIZABETH CATHERINE SHERIDANFOSTER(History, Philosophy, and Social Studies of Scienceand Medicine A.B. with Honors)JULIAN GARDNER FOX'summa cum laude(Mathematics A.B.)KATHARINE BAIRD FOX'magna cum laude(Biological Sciences A.B.)SHA FRASIER(Economics A.B.)SKYLAH FREGOSO(Economics A.B.)CAMERON ROBERT FRIEDMAN(Psychology A.B.)RAE MIRA FRIEDMAN'magna cum laude(Cinema and Media Studies A.B.)SPENCER MICHAEL FRYE(Computer Science A.B.)ASHLEY ]lA-EN FUNG'magna cum laude(Public Policy Studies A.B. with Honors)SETH ALEXANDER GALDSTON(Biological Sciences A.B.)GUILHERME MEIRELLES TOSETTOGALHARDO(Comparative Human Development A.B.)NOAH PHILLIP GALLEGOS(Biological Sciences S.B.)EMILY GAMBOA(Biological Sciences S.B.)EDWARD PAUL GAME III(Economics A.B.)ASHLEY GAO(Economics A.B.)LUCIUS YANG GAO(Computer Science A.B.)(Economics A.B.)MINNA GAO(Computer Science A.B.)TYLER YUANJAY GAO*(Computer Science A.B.)(Psychology A.B.)XUEFEI GAO'cum laude(Economics A.B.)(Mathematics S.B.)GABRIELA CLAIRE GARCIA(Classical Studies A.B. with Honors)(Computer Science A.B.)NOEL GARCIA(Environmental and Urban Studies A.B.)WILLIAM M. GARCIA(Economics A.B.)(Philosophy and Allied Fields A.B.)ANDREW GARCfA(Computer Science S.B.)(Physics A.B.)THEODORE McCORMICKGARDINER*(History A.B.)RAHUL CHETAN GARGA(Economics A.B.)(Statistics A.B.) DIEGO ALBERTO GARZA(Astrophysics S.B. with Honors)(Physics A.B.)JOSHUA ALEXANDER GARZA(Astrophysics A.B.)CYNTHIA GASPARD(Psychology A.B. with Honors)ALEXANDRE NIKIAS GAUBIL(Mathematics S.B.)CRISTINA NETCHANOK GAUDIO(Economics A.B.)(Mathematics S.B.)GRACE FLORENCE GAUTIER(Psychology A.B. with Honors)ALEXANDRA GAYTAN(Psychology A.B.)LOGAN GE(Physics A.B. with Honors)DANIEL JASON GENDY(Molecular Engineering S.B.)JOSEPH RONALD GENIESSE(Chemistry S.B. with Honors)(Environmental and Urban Studies A.B. withHonors)ELIZABETH LOUISE GERLACH'magna cum laude(English Language and Literature A.B.)LAURA LIVERMAN GERSONY'magna cum laude(Environmental and Urban Studies A.B. withHonors)(Political Science A.B.)ALEXANDER CHARLES GHORBANI(Mathematics A.B. with Honors)TALIA ANNABEL WYLE GIFFORD(Political Science A.B.)DANIEL MOSS GILBERT(Computer Science A.B.)(Economics A.B.)ALISON CLAIRE GILL(Molecular Engineering S.B.)ROSALIE KATHARINE GILL(Economics A.B.)ELIZABETH A. GILLESPIE'cum laude(History A.B.)RICHARD TAZEWELL GILLESPIE'magna cum laude(Economics A.B.)ROBERT KENT GILLESPIE'summa cum laude(Economics A.B.)NICO A. GIUNTA(Computer Science S.B.)(Media Arts and Design A.B.)JOELY ORA GLASS(Economics A.B.)ZACHARY SIMON GLASSER(Economics A.B.)SARA ELISE GLAWE'summa cum laude(Economics A.B.)ZACHARY HARRISON GLICK'cum laude(Molecular Engineering S.B.)(Music A.B.)ELLIS MICHELLE GLICKMAN'magna cum laude(Cinema and Media Studies A.B.)THOMAS BAYARD GLOVER'cum laude(Computer Science A.B.)(Economics A.B.)ROWEN ISO BEL GLUSMAN(Astrophysics S.B. with Honors)(Physics A.B.)TANIA GODBOLE(Economics A.B.)(English Language and Literature A.B.)ANDREW MEYER GOLDBLATT(Economics A.B.)136 KENDRICK ELIJAH GOLDEN(Economics A.B.)BENJAMIN IRVING GOLDMAN'magna cum laude(Economics A.B.)(Mathematics A.B. with Honors)NATHAN CAIRN GOLDTHWAITE(Psychology A.B.)(Religious Studies A.B. with Honors)NICOLAS GOLNER(Economics A.B.)PARV GOLWELKAR(Economics A.B.)(Public Policy Studies A.B.)ISABELLA SOPHIA GOMEZ(Economics A.B.)SEBASTIAN GOMEZ(Biological Sciences A.B.)VERENICE NAYELI GOMEZ-TREJO(Chemistry A.B.)JACQUELINE GOMEZ-VILLA(Biological Sciences S.B.)ALAN GONZALEZ(Biological Sciences A.B.)(Neuroscience A.B.)ALEXANDER GONZALEZ'cum laude(Creative Writing A.B.)(English Language and Literature A.B. withHonors)ANA CLAIRE GONZALEZ'magna cum laude(Environmental and Urban Studies A.B. withHonors)(Law, Letters, and Society A.B. with Honors)BRIANNA IVETTE GONZALEZ'magna cum laude(Public Policy Studies A.B.)GABRIEL DARIO GONZALEZ*(Computer Science S.B.)VERONICA SARAHI GONZALEZ(Comparative Human Development A.B.)PEDRO GONZALEZ DE VELASCO(Economics A.B.)FELIX ALEXANDER GONZALEZISLAS'magna cum laude(Latin American and Caribbean Studies A.B. withHonors)JACK CONNOR GOODKIN'cum laude(Economics A.B.)CODY NING GOOGIN(Molecular Engineering S.B.)AANYA GORAl(Cinema and Media Studies A.B.)ROBERT DAVID GORMAN(Inquiry and Research in the Humanities A.B.)(Philosophy A.B.)(Political Science A.B. with Honors)NISAN GORSEV(Economics A.B.)JULIET GRACE GOSWAMI(Public Policy Studies A.B. with Honors)MARIE-LIESSE PATRICIAGOUILLIARD(Computer Science S.B.)(Economics A.B.)FIONA CLAIRE GOULD'magna cum laude(East Asian Languages and Civilizations A.B.)(History A.B. with Honors)SAYALI GOVE(Mathematics A.B.)DANIEL WESLEY GOW'summa cum laude(Economics A.B.)(Philosophy A.B.)AZIZJON GOZIEV(Economics A.B.)GRAYSON M. GRAHAM(Political Science A.B. with Honors)GAGE M. GRAMLICK'magna cum laude(Global Studies A.B. with Honors)(Romance Languages and Literatures A.B')EMILY MARIE GRANT'summa cum laude'with global honors(Political Science A.B. with Honors)JOSEPH JAMES MITCHELL GRAY(Economics A.B.)GEORGE WILLIAM GREEBY(Political Science A.B.)JULIAN M. GREEN'cum laude(Environmental and Urban Studies A.B')AIDAN THOMAS GRIFFIN(Mathematics S.B.)(Statistics A.B.)WILLIAM GREGORY GRIFFIN(Economics A.B.)(Mathematics S.B.)(Statistics A.B.)EDEN ALEXANDRA GROSZ(Psychology A.B.)FLAVIO DOMIZIANO GUALTIEROGUALTIERI(Mathematics S.B.)(Physics A.B.)JASON ISIDRO GUBA(Computer Science S.B.)SARAH GUEDIRA(Economics A.B')(Public Policy Studies A.B.)SIMONE MARGUERITE GULLIVER(English Language and Literature A.B. withHonors)(History A.B. with Honors)SARDOR GULYAMOV*(Mathematics S.B.)ALEX GUMAN(Economics A.B')KAUSHAL GUMPULA'cum laude(Computer Science S.B.)(Mathematics S.B.)JESSICA GUO(Creative Writing A.B. with Honors)(Economics A.B')JONATHAN XU YUAN GUO(Mathematics S.B.)(Physics A.B.)SHERRY GUO'magna cum laude(Media Arts and Design A.B. with Honors)ASHLEY TIFFANY GURCHARAN(Biological Sciences S.B.)JOSEPH KARL GUTER'magna cum laude(Molecular Engineering S.B.)LIVIA ANNA JEN GUTTIERES(Mathematics S.B.)(Physics A.B. with Honors)MATTHEW PHILIP GUYTON(Economics A.B')SHAW HAGIWARA*(Linguistics A.B.)AMARA HAIDER(Economics A.B.)LINA WALTER HAJNAL(Biological Sciences A.B.)(Psychology A.B.)HRIPSIME HAKOBYAN'cum laude(Economics A.B.)(Russian and East European Studies A.B')GABRIEL GEORGE HALABY(Mathematics A.B') HENRY LEWIS HALE(Computer Science A.B.)(Mathematics A.B.)KHADIJA SAIMA HALEEM*(Statistics A.B')HANNAH EMILY HALPERN'cum laude(Classical Studies A.B. with Honors)MICHAEL CHEN HAN'cum laude(Chemistry S.B. with Honors)(Economics A.B')TIANYANG HAN(Mathematics S.B.)YINSU HAN'summa cum laude(Economics A.B.)(Mathematics S.B.)CECILIA ASHRAF HANNA(Physics A.B.)MARY KATHERINE HANSEN(Economics A.B.)ANKE HAO'magna cum laude(Computer Science S.B.)(Psychology A.B.)BONNIE KEXIN HAO'summa cum laude'with global honors(Art History A.B. with Honors)(Economics A.B.)(Philosophy and Allied Fields A.B')GUANGHUA HAO(Biological Chemistry S.B.)(Chemistry A.B.)EVA ELIZABETH HAQUE(Economics A.B.)JACKSON YALE HARDBERGER(Economics A.B.)ALEJANDRA ANAIS HARDIN(Economics A.B.)CARSON FREDRIC HARKINS(Philosophy A.B.)AURORA CELESTE HARKLEROAD(Environmental and Urban Studies A.B')AMALIE H. HARNES(Economics A.B.)DANIEL ROSEN HARRIS'cum laude(History A.B. with Honors)HALEY HARRIS'cum laude(Comparative Human Development A.B. withHonors)JAYDA ELISE HART(Psychology A.B. with Honors)(Theater and Performance Studies A.B. withHonors)YAMATO PAUL HART(Philosophy and Allied Fields A.B.)SOPHIA NOELLE HARTLEY(Comparative Human Development A.B.)ALEEZA HASSAN(Anthropology A.B. with Honors)ALEXIS CASSIDY HATCH(History A.B')JOHANN HATZIUS(Mathematics S.B.)WALKER THOMASON HAYNES(Economics A.B')YIYUAN HE(Economics A.B.)ZHUOXIHE'magna cum laude(Economics A.B')(Political Science A.B.)JORDAN HEBERT'summa cum laude(Philosophy A.B. with Honors)JASON WALTER HEINE(Economics A.B.) THE COLLEGEKEITH MICHAEL HEINZ(Linguistics A.B.)HANNAH PEARSALL HELLER(Biological Sciences S.B. with Honors)VANESSA MARIE HELLNER-BORN'magna cum laude(Biological Chemistry S.B.)(Chemistry A.B.)NICOLE HELOU(Environmental and Urban Studies A.B.)MEG HAN RYAN HENDRIX'summa cum laude(Environmental and Urban Studies A.B.)(Public Policy Studies A.B')EVA ELIZABETH HERGET(East Asian Languages and Civilizations A.B.)(Economics A.B.)ESMERALDA GISSELL HERNANDEZ'with global honors(Political Science A.B. with Honors)(Romance Languages and Literatures A.B.)JARED DANIEL HERNANDEZ(Economics A.B.)NICOLAS EMMANUEL HERNANDEZ*(Public Policy Studies A.B.)ISABELLE BIANCA HERRERA(Psychology A.B')SAMANTHA HERRERA(Public Policy Studies A.B.)JOHN WOLF HERTZBERG(Philosophy A.B.)ALISON ELAINE HESS(Creative Writing A.B')CARLOS HEVIA-AZA TOMILLO'magna cum laude(Human Rights A.B. with Honors)(Political Science A.B.)HARRISON CARL HEYMANN(Economics A.B.)(Psychology A.B')ASHLEY SIHUA HITCHINGS'summa cum laude(Data Science S.B. with Honors)(Economies A.B.)TALLON KONG HODGE(Computer Science S.B.)SPENCER ROYCE HOFFMAN(Economics A.B.)(Global Studies A.B.)ERICA HAGIWARA HOGAN'magna cum laude(Economics A.B.)(Fundamentals: Issues and Texts A.B. withHonors)KARINA ASHLEY HOLBROOK*'with global honors(Comparative Literature A.B.)(Public Policy Studies A.B.)(Russian and East European Studies A.B.)RICKY HOLDER(Public Policy Studies A.B. with Honors)HANNAH MARIE HOLMES(History A.B.)MAYA OLIVIA HOLT*(English Language and Literature A.B.)SAMUEL AARON HOLZMAN(Philosophy A.B.)(Psychology A.B.)LILLIAN SARAH HONG'magna cum laude(Anthropology A.B.)(Law, Letters, and SOCiety A.B.)DEVIN JACOB HOOVER'summa cum laude(Astrophysics S.B. with Honors)BRYCE K. HOPKINS'magna cum laude(Economies A.B.)GABRIELA SANTOS HORWATH(Astrophysics A.B.)137THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO I 537TH CONVOCATIONMAHIR ASHHAB HOSSAIN(Economics A.B.)HOPE HELEN-NICOLE HOUSTON·magna cum laude(Critical Race and Ethnic Studies A.B. withHonors)(History A.B. with Honors)ISABELLA MARIE HOWARD(Psychology A.B. with Honors)JOHN BURNSIDE HOWARD(Fundamentals: Issues and Texts A.B.)(History A.B.)ANDREW CHRISTIAN HOWE(Mathematics A.B.)THOMAS YILI HSEE(Psychology A.B. with Honors)WEIXI HU(Economics A.B.)(Sociology A.B.)ADDISON HUANG(Economics A.B.)GLORIA SHIH-JIE HUANG(Statistics S.B.)JEREMY HUANG«summa cum laude(Economics A.B. with Honors)(Psychology A.B.)JINHAO JASON HUANG(Economics A.B.)RENEE VIVIAN HUANG(Computer Science A.B.)(Economics A.B.)WILLIAM HUANG«cum laude(Economics A.B.)JUSTIN HAYDEN HUDGINS(Computer Science A.B.)(Creative Writing A.B. with Honors)JOHN PATRICKHUGUENIN-VIRCHAUX(Economics A.B.)GRACE EILEEN HYNES(Biological Sciences A.B.)ALEC CHRISTOPHER IANNUCCILLI(Economics A.B.)CHI IAN IP«cum laude(Philosophy A.B.)(Physics A.B. with Honors)RIKU ISHIDA(Economics A.B.)NIKITA IVANOV*(Economics A.B.)ANTONIO JULIAN IVARRA(Anthropology A.B.)(History A.B. with Honors)KRISTEN MARGARET IVERSON«cum laude(Psychology A.B. with Honors)JOTA K. IWASE(Economics A.B.)VERA SOLOVIEW JACKSON(Biological Sciences S.B.)EMILY BELLE JACOBS=summa cum laude(Molecular Engineering S.B.)RYAN TIMOTHY JACOBS«cum laude(Economics A.B.)GWENDOLYN CELESTE JACOBSON(Classical Studies A.B. with Honors)(Mathematics A.B.)(Statistics A.B.)DAVID JAFFE(Economics A.B.)(Russian and East European Studies A.B.)ASHNA PREM JAIN(Economics A.B.)(Psychology A.B.)138 HARSHIL S. JAIN(Economics A.B.)SAUMYA JAIN(Economics A.B.)(Political Science A.B.)SIDDHARTH JAIN(Economics A.B.)SPARSH JAIN«cum laude(Economics A.B.)JULIE JAIPATI(Economics A.B.)(Environmental and Urban Studies A.B.)ANTHONY R. JAMES, JR.(Neuroscience A.B.)(Psychology A.B.)WHANSUNG JANG(Physics A.B.)MICHAEL MARTIN JANIS«summa cum laude(Economics A.B.)ALEXANDER EDWARD JANKOWSKI(Economics A.B.)JULIA MIRIAM JASSEY(Political Science A.B. with Honors)BRIANA DENISE JASSO*(Public Policy Studies A.B.)DANIEL JAMES JELIN(History A.B.)HYE WOONG JEON·magna cum laude(Mathematics S.B.)(Statistics A.B.)ARYA JHA(Anthropology A.B.)JIE JI(Economics A.B.)YINTONG. JI*(Philosophy A.B.)JINGYI JIA«cum laude(Computer Science S.B. with Honors)[Mathematics S.B.)HAN JIANG=summa cum laude(Anthropology A.B. with Honors)HANCHUN JIANG«cum laude(Economics A.B.)ORRIN LEE JIANG*(Mathematics A.B.)CAROLYN JUDITH JOHANSEN(Economics A.B. with Honors)CAMILLE RENE JOHNSON(Biological Sciences A.B.)LUKE HENRY JOHNSON(Neuroscience A.B.)MAlA LEANNE JOHNSON(Cinema and Media Studies A.B.)(Critical Race and Ethnic Studies A.B. withHonors)MARC ANTHONY JOHNSON(Computer Science S.B.)(Mathematics S.B.)MICHAEL CHRISTIAN JOHNSON(Physics A.B.)PARKER NIELS JOHNSON(Computational and Applied Mathematics S.B.)(Economics A.B.)(Sta tistics A. B.)NAINA JOLLY(Psychology A.B.)JUSTIN JAMES ELLINGTON JONES(Computer Science S.B.)(Economics A.B.)MOLLY NICOLE JONES·magna cum laude(History A.B. with Honors) REESE JONES«cum laude(Creative Writing A.B. with Honors)LUKAS OLOF JONSSON(Economics A.B.)SIMON NOVEMBER JORDAN(Mathematics S.B.)CAITLIN C. JORGENSEN(Classical Studies A.B.)TANYA JOSHI(Economics A.B.)(Public Policy Studies A.B.)ALEXANDER OSMIN JOVEL(Psychology A.B.)JUSTIN SOL JUNG(Computational and Applied Mathematics S.B.)(Economics A.B.)(Statistics S.B.)BRAEDON JEFFREY JUNKER(Economics A.B.)ALEXANDER WAYNE JUSTICZ(Economics A.B.)NASSOUH KABBANI(Economics A.B.)KEVIN DANIEL KAFAYI·cum laude(Economics A.B.)ALEXANDER HARRY COSTA KAHN»cum laude(Economics A.B.)EMMANUEL MAXIMILLIAN KAJEGE«cum laude(Economics A.B.)AARSH BHASKAR KAK«cum laude(Economics A.B.)[Mathematics A.B.)ANDREW TATSUYA KAMEN(Molecular Engineering S.B.)IRINI HISAMI KANARIS MIYASHIRO(Neuroscience A.B.)SACHIN KANCHARLA(Economics A.B.)ANTON IGOREVICH KANDALIN(Economics A.B.)(Law, Letters, and Society A.B.)CHARLOTTE McLEOD KANE(Neuroscience S.B.)KELLY KANG(Economics A.B.)TAERA LYNN KANG(Creative Writing A.B. with Honors)CHANELL BROOKE KANN(Neuroscience A.B.)(Psychology A.B. with Honors)ABIGAIL JOY KANTER»cum laude(Economics A.B.)(Psychology A.B.)ALLISON BROOKE KANTER(Political Science A.B.)JEFFREY JIA-MIN KAO«magna cum laude(Economics A.B.)(Philosophy A.B.)KATE RENEE KAPLIN(Chemistry S.B. with Honors)ROHAN KAPOOR(Mathematics A.B. with Honors)ANATOLI KARAPANAGIOTIDIS(Visual Arts A.B. with Honors)NYAGA ANDREW KIAMA KARlUKI«summa cum laude(Mathematics S.B.)AMALA KARRI«magna cum laude(Political Science A.B. with Honors)EITAN JOSEPH KARSCH(Neuroscience A.B.)JAN KASAL(Neuroscience A.B.)NAREN NAGESHA KASINATH(Computer Science S.B.)DON MAOTELA KASINDI(Economics A.B.)(Public Policy Studies A.B.)PETER JAMES KASNER·magna cum laude(Computer Science S.B.)(Mathematics S.B.)OMR AYMAN KASSEM(Neuroscience S.B. with Honors)ARJUN MANAV KATECHIA(Economics A.B.)ZOA KATOK(Computer Science A.B.)BEATRICE MICHELLE KATSNELSON«summa cum laude(Biological Sciences A.B. with Honors)ELISE HENRIETTA KATSNELSON·magna cum laude(Biological Sciences A.B. with Honors)MILES PERLOW KAUFMAN(Biological Sciences S.B.)SHAYNA KAUSHAL(Computer Science S.B.)HANNAH JANE KAYE*(History A.B.)NOAH HUNTER KAYE(Political Science A.B.)NAOMI GUL TINEH KEBEDE(Economies A.B.)CLAIRE ELIZA KEENAN-KURGAN(Global Studies A.B. with Honors)(Sociology A.B. with Honors)JOHN BERNARD DEJEAN KENNICK(Economics A.B')JAMES MARLEN SOLOMON KENT(Public Policy Studies A.B.)KAMEEL KHABAZ«summa cum laude(Biological Sciences A.B.)ISAAQ KHADER(Computer Science S.B.)(Psychology A.B.)ANTHONY ISAAC KHAIAT(Economics A.B')(Media Arts and Design A.B.)SANZHAR KHAIDAROV«cum laude(Computer Science A.B.)(Economics A.B.)MUHAMMAD OMAR KHAN(Economics A.B.)(Philosophy A.B.)LAYLA FRANCES KHAZENI(Creative Writing A.B. with Honors)(Global Studies A.B.)KESHAV KHOSLA»summa cum laude(Economics A.B.)VICTORIA ZHANG KIELB=summa cum laude(Data Science S.B. with Honors)(Economics A.B.)ARJUN KRISHNA KILARU(Economics A.B.)(Sociology A.B. with Honors)(Statistics S.B.)ALEXANDER SCOTT KILBOURNE(Mathematics A.B. with Honors)CHERYNNE KIM(Economics A.B.)(Psychology A.B.)DA HEE KIM(Computer Science S.B.)(Philosophy A.B.)GRACE Y. KIM(Law, Letters, and Society A.B.) JHUNG HOON KIM(Law, Letters, and Society A.B.)(Music A.B.)JOSHUA JAEJOON KIM=summa cum laude(Economics A.B.)JOSHUA Y. KIM(Psychology A.B. with Honors)JUSTIN YONG JIN KIM(Data Science S.B. with Honors)(English Language and Literature A.B.)KRISTINA KIM(Public Policy Studies A.B.)NA KYUNG KIM«cum laude(Economics A.B.)SARAH MINJI KIM(Linguistics A.B.)SARAH SUNYOUNG KIM(Biological Sciences A.B.)SETH NICANOR KIM(Economics A.B.)SEUNG JOO KIM·magna cum laude(Economics A.B.)SHANE JAEMIN KIM(Classical Studies A.B. with Honors)ETHAN M. KING(Economics A.B.)KAYLIN MARIE KING(Anthropology A.B.)(Comparative Human Development A.B.)GAB I KINLOCK(Critical Race and Ethnic Studies A.B. withHonors)(English Language and Literature A.B.)AVERY BECKETT KIRSCHBAUM(Music A.B.)(Psychology A.B.)ARTHUR KISELNIKOV(Economics A.B.)JADE ISABEL KLAIN»cum laude(Political Science A.B.)ADAM KLEIN«summa cum laude(East Asian Languages and Civilizations A.B.)REESE PATRICIA KLEMM(Economics A.B')BENJAMIN SAMUEL KLESTZICK(Economics A.B.)CLAUDIA DANIELLA KLINCK«cum laude(Global Studies A.B.)(Media Arts and Design A.B.)MAREN VIRGINIE KLINEBERG(Biological Sciences S.B.)HAILEY ELIZABETH KLINGER(Economics A.B.)NOAH ELLIOT CHEWBACCAKLOWDEN(Computer Science S.B.)(Linguistics A.B.)JOHN KNICKREHM(Economics A.B.)SYDNEY TAYLOR KNIGHT(Anthropology A.B. with Honors)LUKE BJORN KNUTSON«cum laude(Computer Science A.B.)CAROLINE COLEMAN KOCLANES«summa cum laude(Economics A.B.)(Mathematics S.B.)KONRAD DEHUA KOENIGSMANN(Mathematics A.B.)(Physics A.B. with Honors)GWANHYEON KOH(Economics A.B.)(Mathematics S.B.) THE COLLEGESARAH MARIA KOLJAKA·magna cum laude(Economics A.B.)FILIPPA LEONI KOLOKOTSA«magna cum laude(Economics A.B.)(Psychology A.B.)KETHAN RISHI KOMMANAPALLI«cum laude(Biological Sciences A.B.)(Economics A.B.)LING HAN KONG»summa cum laude(Economics A.B.)(Statistics A.B.)RAYMOND KONG(Economics A.B.)SHANNON SHEUNG-YIU KONG(Economics A.B.)ANGELIKE ISABELLA KONIARIS=summa cum laude(Art History A.B. with Honors)(Human Rights A.B. with Honors)OSCAR LEOPOLD KONIG(Economics A.B.)EMMA TAYLOR KONRAD«u/ith global honors(History A.B. with Honors)SEAN KYAH KOONS«cum laude(Economics A.B.)JAMES ARMAND KORZENIK(Germanic Studies A.B.)ANJALI KOTAMARTHI(Biological Sciences S.B. with Honors)GRANT KOVEL(Economics A.B.)SAHANA KRISHNAMURTHY(Statistics S.B.)DAVID ANDREW LYON KRIVOSHIK(Economics A.B.)ISADORA BRITO KRON(Environmental and Urban Studies A.B. withHonors)(Public Policy Studies A.B.)STEFAN MIHALJO KRSTAJIC(Economics A.B.)(Psychology A.B.)OLIVIA KIRILLOVNA KRYLOV(Economics A.B.)(Environmental and Urban Studies A.B.)JANVI RAVI KUKREJA(Chemistry A.B. with Honors)ALEXANDER ROMAN KULICKI(Economics A.B.)ARYAN KUMAR·magna cum laude(Economics A.B')NIKHIL N. KUMAR(Biological Sciences S.B.)ROHAN SRIVATSA KUMAR«summa cum laude(Computer Science S.B. with Honors)(Mathematics S.B.)RAHUL YOHHAN KUMARASINGHE(Statistics A.B.)RAUNAK KUNDAGRAMI«curn laude(Biological Chemistry S.B.)(Mathematics A.B.)HENRY KUO(Economics A.B')(Environmental and Urban Studies A.B.)TA-WEI KUO(Computational and Applied Mathematics S.B.)(Geophysical Sciences A.B.)ERICA KWOK«cum laude(Neuroscience A.B.)HO YIN TEDDY KWOK(Economies A.B.)139THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO 537TH CONVOCATIONNICOLE MARIE LABOY ZAPATA{Anthropology A.B.}DANIEL LABRADOR-PLATA{Economics A.B.}JORDAN LEE LABUDA{Computer Science S.B.}{Mathematics S.B.}PAWEL MATEUSZ LACEK·magna cum laude{Global Studies A.B.}{Political Science A.B.}DEVANG LADDHA«magna cum laude{Economics A.B.}{Political Science A.B. with Honors}WILLIAM HENRY LAFARGE«cum laude{Classical Studies A.B. with Honors}KEVIN LAM{Economics A.B.}ALEXANDRA LANDO{Biological Sciences S.B.}{Environmental Science S.B.}KATHERINE ANTOINETTE LARGE{Political Science A.B.}MATTHEW ANDERS LARSON{Computer Science S.B.}HENRIQUE LASEVICIUS AZEVEDO{Economics A.B.}MILO A. LAST-YUEN«summa cum laude{Philosophy A.B.}THOMAS FABIO LATTANZIO{Public Policy Studies A.B.}ON CHING JASMIN LAU{Public Policy Studies A.B.}LUKE ANDREW LAURENCE{Economics A.B.}ISABEL ARAI LAYNE{Neuroscience S.B.}KATHERINE MARY LEAHY»cum laude{Political Science A.B. with Honors}ILINCA AMANDINE LEDAN{Economics A.B.}{Environmental Science S.B.}ADDISON YAN HAN LEE«cum laude{Economics A.B.}{Law, Letters, and Society A.B.}CHRISTOPHER FARRON LEE{Geophysical Sciences S.B.}JACQUELINE E. H. LEE«magna cum laude{History A.B. with Honors}JACQUELINE S. LEE{Gender and Sexuality Studies A.B.}JULIA S. LEE*{Economics A.B.}KENDRICK HEEYUN LEE{Creative Writing A.B.}LEANN JUNE LEE{Economics A.B.}{Philosophy and Allied Fields A.B.}MORTEN JUNSUNG LEE{Chemistry S.B. with Honors}PRESTON JUNGMIN LEE{Economics A.B.}{Mathematics S.B.}RYAN SANGWON LEE{Computer Science A.B.}SONNY KAI YUEN LEE{Computer Science A.B.}SUNJAE LEE·magna cum laude{Economics A.B.}YOON SEO LEE«cum laude{Chemistry A.B.}{Molecular Engineering S.B.}140 ZACHARY PUTERA LEE«summa cum laude{Economics A.B.}{English Language and Literature A.B. withHonors}ANNA MEl LIN LEE-HASSETT(Neuroscience A.B.)JULIEN LEE HEBERLING{Biological Chemistry S.B.}{Chemistry S.B. with Honors}ALEXANDRA MARIE LEEMANN{English Language and Literature A.B.}ENAR KORNELIUS LEFERINK{Economics A.B.}MAXWELL ZANE LEHMAN-LUDWIG*{Fundamentals: Issues and Texts A.B.}THEODORE ELLIOT LESSER«summa cum laude{Environmental and Urban Studies A.B. withHonors}{Public Policy Studies A.B.}CHUN FUNG LEUNG{Economics A.B.}COURTNEY JEWEL LEUNG«magna cum laude{Environmental Science S.B.}RYAN THOMAS LEUNG{History A.B.}{Political Science A.B.}KATERINA MARTHA LEVI{Economics A.B.}{Psychology A.B.}EVAN DANIEL LEVINE{Mathematics S.B.}{Statistics A.B.}SAMUEL BRIAN LEVY*{Political Science A.B.}{Global Studies A.B.}DAVID NOAH LEWIS{Economics A.B.}{Psychology A.B.}MABEL JOAN LEWIS»summa cum laude{Creative Writing A.B. with Honors}{English Language and Literature A.B.}ROMAN JOSEPH LEWIS{Economics A.B.}WALKER F. LEWIS«cum laude{Mathematics A.B.}XAVIOR G. LEWIS{Global Studies A.B.}{Media Arts and Design A.B. with Honors}ANRAN LI{Mathematics S.B.}{Physics A.B.}BRANDON LI{Economics A.B.}BRIDGET LI«summa cum laude{Economics A.B.}{Statistics S.B.}CHING HO VERNON LI«summa cum laude{Economics A.B.}FLORENCE LI{Biological Sciences S.B.}JIALE LI{Political Science A.B.}JIATONG LI·magna cum laude{Physics A.B.}RACHEL MULAN LI{Mathematics S.B.}{Statistics S.B.}RENA A. LI»summa cum laude{Economics A.B.}RUIJUN LI{Art History A.B.}{Media Arts and Design A.B. with Honors} SHARON ZHITING LI{Creative Writing A.B. with Honors}SIJIA LI·magna cum laude{Economics A.B.}{Philosophy A.B.}SOPHIA ZOU LI{Biological Chemistry S.B.}{Chemistry S.B.}WALTER ELLIOT LI»summa cum laude{Anthropology A.B.}{Critical Race and Ethnic Studies A.B. withHonors}WENXUAN LI«cum laude{Mathematics S.B. with Honors}XIANG LI«summa cum laude{Economics A.B.}XIAOTONG LI*{Economics A.B.}{Mathematics A.B.}CHEN LIANG«summa cum laude{Neuroscience A.B.}ZEWEI LIAO«summa cum laude{Sociology A.B.}ETHAN MARC LICHTENBERG«cum laude{Economics A.B.}EMILIA DAPHNE LIM=summa cum laude{Biological Chemistry S.B.}{Chemistry A.B.}NICHOLAS ALEXANDER LIMON{Economics A.B.}{Romance Languages and Literatures A.B.}AARON HAO LIN{Computational and Applied Mathematics S.B.}{Statistics S.B.}CHENJIA LIN«cum laude{Mathematics S.B. with Honors}{Statistics A.B.}WILLIAM JIAN-HUNG LIN{Economics A.B.}ROMA YAZMEEN LINARES{Chemistry A.B.}ALVIN LING«cum laude{Physics A.B.}WARREN LIOW»summa cum laude{History A.B. with Honors}AARON ANCHENG LIU«summa cum laude{Mathematics S.B.}{Statistics S.B.}CASEY LIU{Economics A.B.}{Law, Letters, and Society A.B.}GRACE MENGXI LIU{Biological Sciences S.B.}JOYCE LIU{Economics A.B.}LAURA LIU{Economics A.B.}{Mathematics S.B.}NICHOLAS ZIHAO LIU«cum laude{Computer Science A.B.}PEIZE LIU«cum laude{Biological Sciences S.B. with Honors}{Philosophy A.B.}SHIHAN LIU«cum laude{Molecular Engineering S.B.}VICTOR ZEYUAN LIU«magna cum laude(Economics A.B.)YI LIU«summa cum laude(Economics A.B.)(History A.B.)YIFAN LIU(Computer Science S.B. with Honors)(Mathematics S.B.)YILAN AUDREY LIU(Computer Science S.B.)(Mathematics S.B.)YUJIA LIU»summa cum laude(Economics A.B.)ZHONGQI LIU(Economics A.B.)(Physics A.B.)KYLE A. LLERAS(Physics A.B.)TSING SUM LO*(Linguistics A.B.)NAVYA LODHA(Economics A.B.)(Public Policy Studies A.B.)ELIZA RACHEL LOEWENBERG(Global Studies A.B.)(Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations A.B.)AN VI LOHIA(Economics A.B.)(Political Science A.B.)MATTHEW JOEL LOHRS»summa cum laude(Economics A.B.)(History A.B.)FEI LONG«cum laude(Economics A.B.)(Sociology A.B.)SUMMER A. LONG(Public Policy Studies A.B. with Honors)GIOVANNI VALENTINO LONGO(Applied Mathematics S.B.)SKYLER CLARE LORENTY(Economics A.B.)ELEANOR HOGG LORSON(Economics A.B.)IAN JUBAL ENDRIZAL LOURAS(Public Policy Studies A.B.)CLAYTON ALEXANDER LOVELL(English Language and Literature A.B.)JAMES PRIDGEN LOW«cum laude(Economics A.B.)BRIDGET CHEN QING LU«summa cum laude(Art History A.B.)(Economics A.B.)(Law, Letters, and Society A.B.)KENNETH TIANYOU LU(Biological Sciences A.B.)KEVIN FANGZHOU LU«cum laude(Economics A.B.)YIWEN LU·magna cum laude(Economics A.B.)(Political Science A.B. with Honors)ZHIGONGDAI LU·magna cum laude(English Language and Literature A.B. withHonors)(Public Policy Studies A.B.)SOPHIE FRANCESCA LUARD·magna cum laude(English Language and Literature A.B.)(Public Policy Studies A.B.)WATSON LUBIN«summa cum laude(Human Rights A.B. with Honors)(Sociology A.B. with Honors) GANLIN LUO«magna cum laude(Economics A.B.)(Philosophy A.B.)MICHAEL ROBERT LUO«cum laude(Economics A.B.)ZHIHAO LUO(Economics A.B.)ZHIYUAN LUO(English Language and Literature A.B.)KAYLA U. LUU«magna cum laude(English Language and Literature A.B. withHonors)(Psychology A.B.)STEVEN NICHOLAS LYMPERIS(Economics A.B.)MATTHEW CASEY LYNCH·magna cum laude(Economics A.B.)CATHERINE GRACE LYONS·magna cum laude·with global honors(East Asian Languages and Civilizations A.B. withHonors)(Law, Letters, and Society A.B.)KATE ELIZABETH MABUS«cum laude(Creative Writing A.B. with Honors)(Sociology A.B.)NATHAN WILLIAM MACCHESNEY(Economics A.B.)MITSUYO MACHIDA=cum laude(Economics A.B.)BRANDON ALAN MACOMBER(Economics A.B.)VIGNESH MADDI«cum laude(Economics A.B.)VIKRANT MAGADI(Molecular Engineering S.B.)AMELIA EILLEEN MAGEE(Gender and Sexuality Studies A.B. with Honors)WILLIAM CYRIL ALPERT MAGNIN(Economics A.B.)(Music A.B.)GOLSHAN LAYLA MAHMOODI*(Global Studies A.B.)JORDYN ALEXIS MAHOME(Biological Sciences A.B.)ROBERT ALISTAIR WESSELSMAHONY«summa cum laude(English Language and Literature A.B.)(Philosophy A.B.)ARIANA MERCEDES MAISONET·with global honors(Linguistics A.B.)GILLIAN ARIANNA MAJOR(Economics A.B.)ANDREW LEONARDO MALDONADO*(Biological Sciences A.B.)ISHAN SINGH MALHOTRA(Computer Science S.B.)TARIKA MANE(Mathematics S.B. with Honors)ALEXANDER ANTHONYMANGIAPANE(Computational and Applied Mathematics S.B.)GILLIAN MARGARET MANN=cum laude(Biological Sciences A.B.)NATHANIEL SOLOMON MANN«summa cum laude(History A.B.)(Psychology A.B.) THE COLLEGEDANTE SANTIAGO QUAYMANOCCHIO«magna cum laude(Critical Race and Ethnic Studies A.B. withHonors)(Gender and Sexuality Studies A.B. with Honors)ALEJANDRO ERNESTO MANTILLA·magna cum laude(History A.B. with Honors)(Political Science A.B.)ELIAS SIGLER MANUELIDES=cum laude(Mathematics A.B. with Honors)EMILY JEANELLE MARCH«cum laude(Psychology A.B.)ZACHARY NOLAN MARIANI»cum laude(Economics A.B.)DANIEL P. MARK(Molecular Engineering S.B.)JULIETTE ROSE MARK«summa cum laude(Comparative Human Development A.B.)JESSICA SARAH MARKMAN(Creative Writing A.B. with Honors)(Neuroscience S.B. with Honors)DANIEL EDWARD MARK-WELCH«cum laude(Religious Studies A.B. with Honors)ANGELA VALENTINA MARROQUIN(Molecular Engineering S.B.)FARISS JANE MARSH«cum laude(Psychology A.B.)(Public Policy Studies A.B.)ROSS ANTHONY MARSH(Astrophysics A.B.)VITOR MARTIGNAGO(Economies A.B.)JORDYN NECHE MARTIN(Psychology A.B.)LABRONIDA B. MARTIN(History A.B.)(Law, Letters, and Society A.B.)LEON MICHEL JOEL MARTIN(Environmental Science S.B.)LYDIA SABINA FREDERIQUEMARTIN=summa cum laude(Religious Studies A.B.)FRANK LEWIS MARTIN IV(Biological Chemistry S.B.)ANNA CHRISTINA MARTINEZ(Biological Sciences S.B.)NATHANIEL MARTINEZ*(Computer Science S.B.)(Environmental Science S.B.)RENIER MARTINEZ(Political Science A.B')TANYA MARTINEZ«magna cum laude(Public Policy Studies A.B. with Honors)SEBASTIAN LUIS RAELMARTINEZ-MONTOYA(Astrophysics S.B.)(Philosophy A.B.)ISAIAH PARKER MARTINO(Creative Writing A.B. with Honors)KATHERINE ELLEN MASCHKAHITCHCOCK(Medieval Studies A.B. with Honors)ANNA MASSAD(Economics A.B.)JOSHUA MILAN MATHIAS(Economics A.B.)LUXMI MATHIVANNAN(Biological Sciences A.B.)141THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO I 537TH CONVOCATIONDEAN ROGER MATTESON«summa cum laude·with global honors(Economics A.B.)(Romance Languages and Literatures A.B.}RICHARD MATTOS BOTELHOGREENLEES«cum laude(Economics A.B.}ISHAN SINGH MAUNDER(Economics A.B.}(Political Science A.B.}CARL IVAN MARIO MURGAS MAURO(Biological Chemistry S.B.)(Chemistry A.B.)(Molecular Engineering S.B. with Honors)SANDRA JOLE RITA MURGASMAURO(Economics A.B.)BRADLEY MAY»summa cum laude(Mathematics S.B.}(Physics A.B.)KAI IZUMI MAYAHARA(Economics A.B.)CHARLES DA VID MAYVILLE(Statistics S.B.)REILLY CHRISTINE McBRIDE(Computer Science S.B.)JOHN JOSEPH McCABE«cum laude(History A.B.)MARISSA ANITA McCOLLUM*(Biological Sciences A.B.}.(History, Philosophy, and Social Studies of Scienceand Medicine A.B.)ANNA LOUISE McCORMACK·magna cum laude(Environmental and Urban Studies A.B.)(History A.B.)JOHN LEAVELL McCORMICK(Economics A.B.}SOPHIA REINER McCREARY»summa cum laude(Classical Studies A.B. with Honors)(English Language and Literature A.B.}AKWE PALESA McDANIELS(Political Science A.B.)(Visual Arts A.B. with Honors)LAYLA CAMELLIA SUZUKIMcDERMOTT·magna cum laude·with global honors(Anthropology A.B. with Honors)NEEL BINDRA McDONALD(Economics A.B.}(Psychology A.B.}KATHERINE ROSE McDONOUGH(Physics A.B.)KELLIN MARTIN McGOWAN«cum laude(Economics A.B.)(Romance Languages and Literatures A.B.)CLAIRE EVELYN McHUGH(Political Science A.B. with Honors)JOSHUA KEYSHAUN McKIE(Philosophy A.B.}(Religious Studies A.B.)MILES KEITH McLOUGHLIN(Economics A.B.}(Psychology A.B.)BRITT THOMAS McMAHON(Economics A.B.}BRIAN JOSEPH MCMANUS(Mathematics A.B.}LAUREN PAIGE McMILLAN«magna cum laude(English Language and Literature A.B.}NATALIA MEDINA«magna cum laude(Law, Letters, and Society A.B.)(Sociology A.B. with Honors)142 ALEXANDER FLORIAN MEDOFF·magna cum laude(Neuroscience S.B. with Honors)AMY MEDRANO(Psychology A.B.)(Visual Arts A.B.)KARAN MEHTA(Biological Sciences A.B.)AUSTIN SHUJIE MEl«summa cum laude(Economics A.B.)ANDREW THOMASMELMAN -ROGERS(Mathematics A.B.}SARAH RENE MELTON(Chemistry S.B. with Honors)ISABELLA MARIE MENDOZA(Comparative Human Development A.B.)VINCENT PAUL MENOZZI(Economics A.B.}NICHOLAS DEMETRIOS MERCHANT(Cinema and Media Studies A.B.)(Political Science A.B.}YELYZAVETA MERENZON(Economics A.B.}WHITNEY KEA Y MERKLE(Comparative Human DevelopmentA.B.)(Psychology A.B.}JONATHAN ROLAND MERRIL(Biological Sciences A.B.)(Economics A.B.}ANNELIESE EVE MERRY«summa cum laude(English Language and Literature A.B.)(Public Policy Studies A.B.}EDWARD ANSILL MEYER(Economics A.B.)(Mathematics S.B.)KATHERINE MIAO(Biological Sciences S.B.}GUNNAR MATTHEW MICHELSEN(Economics A.B.}MAREK TURK MICHULKA*(Physics A.B.}YLISE CHERI MINOR(Economics A.B.)AMATULLAH MIR*(Applied Mathematics S.B.)HAYLEY MIRABILE«summa cum laude(Public Policy Studies A.B.}TOMAs MIRITI PACHECO(Creative Writing A.B. with Honors)(English Language and Literature A.B.}ANJALI MIRMIRA(Chemistry A.B. with Honors)DANIEL AHMED MIRZAI(Biological Sciences A.B.}ANIELA JOANNE MITCHELL«cum laude(Molecular Engineering S.B.)YUNYAN MO(Geophysical Sciences S.B. with Honors)ESHAAN MODI(Economics A.B.)RISHAB SRINATH MOHAN[Economtcs A.B.}YOUSSEF MOHSEN(Economics A.B.)(Philosophy A.B.)EMAAN N. MOHSIN«magna cum laude(Biological Chemistry S.B. with Honors)CRISTIAN MOLINA«summa cum laude(Biological Sciences S.B.}(Gender and Sexuality Studies A.B. with Honors)KATHRYN PUCKETT MOLLEY(Comparative Human Development A.B.} NICHOS BERND MOLNAR»cum laude(Biological Sciences S.B.}ARIESA MONGIA(Chemistry A.B.}(Economics A.B.)SILVANA NGQC Dr:�U MONTAGU(Environmental and Urban Studies A.B.)EMMA JOY MONTGOMERY«summa cum laude(Biological Sciences S.B. with Honors)MADELEINE CALAIS MOORE(Classical Studies A.B.)MARSHA WAMBUI MORABU(History A.B. with Honors)(Philosophy and Allied Fields A.B.)GABRIEL GUILLERMO MORALES(History A.B.}VALERIA SOPHIA GARCIA MORALES(Anthropology A.B.)TIMOTHY STAFFORD MORGAN(Chemistry A.B.}(Neuroscience A.B.}TOSHIHIKO MORI*(Economics A.B.}SAMUEL BLAIR MORIN(Economics A.B.)(Statistics A.B.)SIMON DAVID MORK(Astrophysics S.B. with Honors)DREW AARON MORRIS(Economics A.B.)LUKE ANTHONY MORRIS(Economics A.B.}AMANI MRYAN«summa cum laude(Economics A.B. with Honors)KAROL R. MUKHAMEDIYEVA(Economics A.B.}(Mathematics A.B.}TABITHA W. MUNGAI(Neuroscience A.B.}ADAYAN MUNSUARRIETA(Critical Race and Ethnic Studies A.B. withHonors)(Media Arts and Design A.B.}BRANDON ALEXANDER MURPHY(Philosophy A.B. with Honors)CHRISTOPHER JOSEPH MURPHY(Philosophy and Allied Fields A.B.}DELIA NONTAA MWINYELLE(Chemistry A.B.}ANNA LURIE MYERS*·magna cum laude(Law, Letters, and Society A.B.}(Philosophy A.B.}EMILY FAITH NAGLER(Philosophy A.B.}LUCAS FOX NAJERA*(Economics A.B.}JIVAN NALLAMOTHU(Psychology A.B.}SRIHARI NARAYANAN*(Mathematics S.B.}KESHAV NARENDRA-BABU«summa cum laude(Economics A.B.)SANJANA KAY NATESAN·magna cum laude(Human Rights A.B. with Honors)(Public Policy Studies A.B. with Honors)ANDREAS PIERRE TRIPHONNAUDTS·magna cum laude(Philosophy A.B.)NEVILLE NAZARETH(Economics A.B. with Honors)(Public Policy Studies A.B. with Honors)FATOU NDOYE(Economics A.B.}EMMA LIA SUSANN NECKERMANN(History A.B.)(Religious Studies A.B.)MICHELANGELO TRAN NEFF(Computer Science S.B.)CHRIS NG«cum laude(Economics A.B.}(Psychology A.B.)HEI CHING CLAUDIA NG«summa cum laude(Economics A.B.)PAK LUN NG(Economics A.B.)SPENCER WILLIAM NG»summa cum laude(Computer Science S.B.)(Theater and Performance Studies A.B. withHonors)NGUYEN CECILE THANH NGO(Visual Arts A.B. with Honors)RYAN JIU NGUY·magna cum laude(Economics A.B.)CINDY NGUYEN(Economics A.B.)HALEY M. NGUYEN(Physics A.B.}KELLY M. NGUYEN(Biological Chemistry S.B. with Honors)(Chemistry A.B.}LINH MY NGUYEN(Art History A.B.)(Religious Studies A.B.}RUXANDRA INA NICOLAE(Computer Science S.B.}GILLIAN ANNA NIELSEN(Computer Science A.B.)THOMAS HARRINGTON NIELSEN(Computer Science S.B.}(Creative Writing A.B. with Honors)EMILY ROBIN NIGRO«summa cum laude(Environmental Science S.B. with Honors)ALEXEY NIKOLAEV*(Economics A.B.)(Romance Languages and Literatures A.B.)AIDAN MORGAN NILES(Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations A.B.)YIWEN NING·magna cum laude(Economics A.B.)NATALIE JANE NITSCH(Classical Studies A.B. with Honors)(Medieval Studies A.B. with Honors)(Religious Studies A.B. with Honors)ALEXANDRIA SOPHIA FLORENCENOADES(Economics A.B.)STEPHANIE NICOLE NOFZ(Molecular Engineering S.B. with Honors)NOELLE ELIZABETH NORONA«summa cum laude(Philosophy A.B.)(Religious Studies A.B.}DULCE MARIA NUNEZ HERNANDEZ(Political Science A.B.}(Romance Languages and Literatures A.B.)CHroMA OLUCHUKWU NWOYE(Cinema and Media Studies A.B.)(Critical Race and Ethnic Studies A.B. withHonors)LUCY MIRIAM NYE«summa cum laude(Political Science A.B. with Honors)(Public Policy Studies A.B. with Honors)ADRIANA CAROLINA OBESO(Public Policy Studies A.B.) JULIANA NNENNA OBIA(Critical Race and Ethnic Studies A.B. withHonors)(Public Policy Studies A.B.}RONAN MICHAEL O'CALLAGHAN(History A.B. with Honors)KATHERINE MARY O'CONNOR(Law, Letters, and Society A.B.}(Russian and East European Studies A.B.}6LAFUR STEFAN ODDSSON CRICCO«cum laude(Economics A.B.}(Law, Letters, and Society A.B.}ROBERT ELLIOT ODELL *(Religious Studies A.B.)RAMAN MANDELA ODGERS«summa cum laude(Economics A.B.)HAYTON TSUN-TANG OEI(Economics A.B.}REILLY MEGAN O'FLAHERTY(Political Science A.B. with Honors)JACK MATTHEW OGLE(Economics A.B.}ALISON OH·magna cum laude(Environmental and Urban Studies A.B.)(Public Policy Studies A.B.}RICHARD SAE JUNG OH(Economics A.B.)SELIN OH«cum laude(Environmental and Urban Studies A.B.)(History A.B. with Honors)SUAH OH·magna cum laude(Political Science A.B. with Honors)(Psychology A.B.}EMILY GRACE O'HEIR(Classical Studies A.B.}JACQUELINE BICE McKENZIE OlEN(Biological Sciences S.B.}NARIOK(Economics A.B.}TYLER CHIDUBEM OKEKE(Political Science A.B. with Honors)CHIKA CRYSTAL OKERE(Psychology A.B.)OPEOLUWA DEBORAH OLUSI(Biological Sciences A.B.)BOLUWATIFE ARINOLA OMOTOBA(Psychology A.B.)FRANCIS DANIEL ONGKODJOJO(Neuroscience A.B.}CHIDERA AMARACHI ONWUKA*(Biological Sciences A.B.}TING HIN VICTOR 001*(Economics A.B.}MEHMET EFE ORAL(Economics A.B.)MAYA JOLIE ORDONEZ(English Language and Literature A.B.}(Neuroscience A.B.)JESSICA OROS(Biological Sciences S.B. with Honors)ISABELLA MAHAL ORTEGA«cum laude(Fundamentals: Issues and Texts A.B. withHonors)MIRANDA CELESTE ORTEGA(Biological Sciences A.B.)THOMAS PATRICK O'SHEA(Economics A.B.)NADYA HUMAYUN OSMAN·magna cum laude(Political Science A.B.)ELEANOR BETHANY OSTROFF«summa cum laude(Chemistry A.B.) THE COLLEGEJACKSON WARD OVERTON-CLARK«cum laude(Public Policy Studies A.B. with Honors)JABARI GENE OWENS(Music A.B.}ASHANTI MARIE OWUSU-BRAFI(Visual Arts A.B. with Honors)XIMENA PACHECO(Economics A.B.}OLIVIA MARIE PADILLA(Public Policy Studies A.B.}CHLOE ALEXANDRA PALUMBO(Biological Chemistry S.B.)JINHAO PAN«cum laude(Economics A.B.)KAIDI PAN»cum laude(Philosophy A.B. with Honors)YIBO PAN»summa cum laude(Creative Writing A.B. with Honors)(Psychology A.B.)YUE PAN·magna cum laude(Astrophysics S.B. with Honors)CHRISTINE PANG(Economics A.B.}(Psychology A.B.)TARAN J. PANJABI*(Computer Science A.B.}ENZO PARASHER(Economics A.B.}(Mathematics S.B.)JACOB STUART PARISH«summa cum laude(Computer Science A.B.)(Mathematics A.B. with Honors)ALLEN IN-YOUNG PARK(Economics A.B.}(Environmental and Urban Studies A.B.}(Public Policy Studies A.B.}GYUYOUNG PARK(Computer Science S.B.)(Economics A.B.}ISABELLA ALDEN PARK(Economics A.B.}ELLORY BEATRICE PARSONS(Economics A.B.)VIVEK KRISHNA PARTHASARATHY(Economics A.B.)(Mathematics A.B.}CYPRIEN PASTRE*(Economics A.B.)SARAH ELIZABETH PATON*(Environmental and Urban Studies A.B.}NICHOLAS JAMES PATTERSON(History A.B.}PABLO ESTEBAN PAUCAR*(Biological Sciences A.B.)NICHOLAS DIMITRIS PAVLAKIS(Philosophy and Allied Fields A.B.)(Religious Studies A.B. with Honors)ZOE COLETTE PAYNE(Law, Letters, and Society A.B.)CHRISTIAN ALEXANDER PAZ(Economics A.B.}(Mathematics S.B.}(Russian and East European Studies A.B.)SOPHIA LOUISE PEGUES«cum laude(Economics A.B.}(Psychology A.B.)VALERIE PEHscum laude(Economics A.B.}ADAM STEPHEN PEKEL(Economics A.B.)EVANNA PENG(Economics A.B.}143THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO I 537TH CONVOCATIONNATHANIEL CHIH-HUNG PENG(Economics A.B.)(Statistics S.B.)SERA KAYLA PENSOY(Psychology A.B.)GABRIELA RAQUEL PEREZ«summa cum laude·with global honors(Global Studies A.B. with Honors)(Romance Languages and Literatures A.B.)NICHOLAS CHRISTOPHER PEREZ(Computer Science S.B.)MANUEL ANTONIO PEREZ LUNA(Economics A.B.)HELENA PEREZ-STARK(Mathematics A.B. with Honors)ANNABELLE WEIZU PERNG«cum laude(Computer Science S.B.)LUCAS JAY PERRA(Economics A.B')(Philosophy A.B.)MARIYA A. PERSHYNA«magna cum laude(Applied Mathematics S.B. with Honors)JOHN FITZGERALD PFEFFERKORN«summa cum laude(Chemistry A.B.)(Economics A.B.)JOHN CHRISTOPHER PFLIEGER(English Language and Literature A.B')HOANG SON PHAM(Computer Science S.B.)JOSEPH LAWRENCE PHELAN«summa cum laude(Philosophy A.B.)SABRINA GRACEPICCIRILLO-STOSSER(Economics A.B.)(Psychology A.B.)SOPHIA MARIE CHEONGHYEPIERPOLINE KOOCK»summa cum laude(East Asian Languages and Civilizations A.B. withHonors)(English Language and Literature A.B. withHonors)ALEXANDER WAYNE PIETRASZEK«magna cum laude(Economics A.B.)MATIAS PIETRUSZKA(Economics A.B.)ROSE SHOSHANNAH PIKMAN«magna cum laude(Global Studies A.B. with Honors)(History A.B. with Honors)LUIS RAZIEL PIMENTEL(Economics A.B.)JOSEPH BERNARD PINTO«cum laude(Economics A.B.)(Mathematics S.B.)JACQUELYN ZDENKA PITRA(Economics A.B')ARMANDO DIEGO PIZANO·with global honors(Economics A.B')ZACHARY SAMUEL PIZER(Computer Science S.B.)ERNEST BANKS PLATFORD(Economics A.B.)CAMERON MASON POE«cum laude(Physics A.B.)LUCIA DOHERTY POGGI(English Language and Literature A.B.)(Political Science A.B.)EVAN GABRIEL POLINSKY(Economics A.B.)(Philosophy A.B.)144 ALEXA KIARA POMERANTZ·magna cum laude(Computer Science S.B.)(Mathematics S.B. with Honors)STEPHEN GEORGE PONTIKES(Mathematics S.B.)LAASYA PRIYA POOLA«summa cum laude(Economics A.B')NIKOLA POPOVIC(Economics A.B.)(Russian and East European Studies A.B')REAGAN ALEXANDRA POWERS«cum laude(Economics A.B.)ELIZABETH ROSE PRESS·magna cum laude(Economics A.B.)AARON THOMAS PRESSER(Comparative Human Development A.B')LOGAN PARKER PRIDGEN(Economics A.B.)ALICE PROCOPIO BURIANBRETERNITZ«cum laude·with global honors(Global Studies A.B')(Human Rights A.B.)KELSEY ANNE KAVANAGH PUKNYS·magna cum laude(Economics A.B')CESAR PULIDO(Economics A.B.)(Psychology A.B.)ANNEKE KATHERINE PULKKINEN«magna cum laude(Economics A.B.)(Psychology A.B')ANKITA PURl»cum laude(Economics A.B.)NICHOLAS PETER PUSTILNIK«cum laude(Economics A.B')LINDSEY SARA QIAN(Biological Sciences S.B.)SHUO QIU(Sociology A.B.)MOSS QUANCI(East Asian Languages and Civilizations A.B.)LOGAN JAMES QUICK(Computer Science S.B.)(Mathematics S.B.)ELASAH ASHER QUINN(Comparative Human Development A.B')(Psychology A.B')ZACHARY JOSEPH QUINN(Economics A.B.)ARIANNA MARIA QUINTEROBAUMANIS(Gender and Sexuality Studies A.B.)(Political Science A.B')(Romance Languages and Literatures A.B')JOSHUA DILLON ADLER QUIRK(Law, Letters, and Society A.B.)ASIA MARIE QUIZON-COLQUITT«cum laude·with global honors(East Asian Languages and Civilizations A.B.)HOSSHINI R. SURAJ«summa cum laude(Economics A.B')JULIA MACKENZIERADHAKRISHNAN·with global honors(Chemistry A.B.)(Romance Languages and Literatures A.B.)FILIP MAREK RAFFEL T(Biological Sciences A.B') SHREYA RAM«summa cum laude(Economics A.B.)(Political Science A.B. with Honors)HARSHA RAMAN(Economics A.B.)HIMAANI SHRUTHI RAMESH(Computer Science S.B.)(Linguistics A.B')ADAM RAMGOOLIE(Philosophy A.B.)FELIX MARTIN SULE RAMIN·magna cum laude(Economics A.B.)KEVIN A. RAMIREZ(Computational and Applied Mathematics S.B.)STEPHANIE RAN»cum laude(Biological Sciences A.B.)RAJDEEP RANA(Computer Science S.B.)MANAEHA AMIR RAO»cum laude(History, Philosophy, and Social Studies of Scienceand Medicine A.B.)(Neuroscience A.B.)SANJANA MITALI RAO(Biological Sciences A.B.)(Neuroscience A.B')CHARLOTTE DANE RAPP(Economics A.B.)BENJAMIN MESSITTE RAPPORT(Economics A.B.)(Mathematics S.B.)ANN RIALES RAYBURN(Art History A.B. with Honors)(Medieval Studies A.B.)STELLA REED(Economics A.B. with Honors)(Gender and Sexuality Studies A.B. with Honors)(Human Rights A.B. with Honors)ZOE HADASSAH REICHBACH(Economics A.B.)MORITZ BENJAMIN REICHERT«cum laude(Mathematics A.B.)TIANYI REN(Fundamentals: Issues and Texts A.B. withHonors)(Music A.B. with Honors)VICTOR REN(Economics A.B')JACK BRYANT RENTON(Political Science A.B.)KATE FRANCES REPKA«magna cum laude(Economics A.B.)SOLANGE ATHANASIA PEZONREP PAS·magna cum laude(Public Policy Studies A.B. with Honors)MACALLISTER JANE RESCORL(Cinema and Media Studies A.B.)IAN BENJAMIN RESNICK(Cinema and Media Studies A.B.)MARGARET FRANCES REYES(Anthropology A.B.)(Romance Languages and Literatures A.B')MARIA FERNANDA REYESMALDONADO(Biological Sciences A.B')EMILY PAGE RHODES(Computer Science S.B.)(Economics A.B.)LAURA KATARINA RIBEIRO«summa cum laude(Creative Writing A.B. with Honors)(Romance Languages and Literatures A.B. withHonors)THOMAS JORDAN RICE(Economics A.B.)HANNAH ROSE RICHTER'cum laude{Environmental Science S.B.}ELEANOR E. RICKETTS(Economics A.B.)ALEXANDRA CARMELLA RIEDINGER{Economics A.B.}COLE JOSEPH RIEMER*(Economics A.B.)TAYLOR LYNN RIJOS'cum laude{Anthropology A.B.}JOHN LAURENCE RILEY'summa cum laude{Biological Chemistry S.B. with Honors}(Chemistry A.B')MIA JORDAN RIMMER{Anthropology A.B. with Honors}SARAHI RINCON MOLINA{Art History A.B. with Honors}VALERIA RIOS(Biological Sciences A.B.)JADEN N. RISMAY(Economics A.B')EDWARD HENRY RITCHOTTE{Computer Science S.B.}GABRIELLA PAOLA RIVERA(Biological Sciences A.B.)JENNIFER RIVERA(Political Science A.B.){Romance Languages and Literatures A.B.}JACKSON PARKER ROACH(Economics A.B.)DIEGO PINA ROBERTS(Economics A.B.)(Political Science A.B.)WILLA ROBERTS(Neuroscience A.B.)MADELEINE PAIGEROBERTS-GANIM'cum laude{History A.B. with Honors}(Romance Languages and Literatures A.B.)FIORELLA ALEJANDRA ROBINSON(Political Science A.B')TATE ALFRED ROBINSON(Economics A.B')LYDIA GUINEVEREROBINSON-MAILMAN(Biological Chemistry S.B. with Honors){Chemistry A.B.}ALLISON ELISE RODAS{Biological Sciences A.B.}NATASHA KATLYN RODGERS'magna cum laude'with global honors(Music A.B. with Honors){Romance Languages and Literatures A.B. withHonors}TRINITY YELINA RODGERS(Psychology A.B.)ILEANA S. RODRIGUES(Political Science A.B.)(Public Policy Studies A.B.)GABRIEL A. RODRIGUEZ(Cinema and Media Studies A.B.){Cognitive Science A.B.}(Philosophy A.B.)ELLA ROESER'cum laude(Economics A.B.)JORDAN CHRISTOPHER ROGERS(Biological Sciences A.B.)MARIANNA ROGERS(Mathematics S.B.)(Physics A.B.)SYDNIE BRONWYN ROHME(Economics A.B.) CATHERINE TERESA AKYEREROHRET(Creative Writing A.B. with Honors){Religious Studies A.B.}ELIZABETH LIBBY PAGE ROLLETT(Biological Sciences A.B.)ISABELLA MIA ROMANUCCI{Environmental Science S.B.}PAUL DASHENG ROMERO(Economics A.B.)AVERY IMMANUEL ROSADO(Biological Sciences S.B.)(Public Policy Studies A.B')ANGEL SEBASTIAN ROSALES{History A.B. with Honors}{Political Science A.B. with Honors}EDWARD LUDWIG ROSE(Computer Science S.B.)(Visual Arts A.B.)ANDREW CARSON KAI-MINGROSELUND(Law, Letters, and Society A.B.) �CLEO ELLA ROSEN(Biological Sciences A.B')RAPHAEL ROSEN{Computational and Applied Mathematics S.B.}EMMA MACKENZIE ROSENTHAL{Economics A.B.}GILBERT ALEXANDER ROSENTHAL'summa cum laude(Computer Science S.B.)JONATHAN AARON ROSENZWEIG(Philosophy A.B.)(Political Science A.B.)SAGE RAVEN ROSSMAN'summa cum laude(Biological Sciences A.B')(Neuroscience A.B.)JOSHUA EZRA REY ROTH'summa cum laude'with global honors{Political Science A.B. with Honors}SOPHIA DEBORAH ROTH-DOUQUET{Theater and Performance Studies A.B.}JAMES ROYAL'summa cum laude{Economics A.B. with Honors}{Sta tis tics S. B.}LEO ALEXANDER ROZANOV{Physics A.B.}EMILY XINYI RUAN'cum laude(Economics A.B.)NOEL MARTIN DAVID RUBIO*(Public Policy Studies A.B.)VALERIA RUIZ(Economics A.B')AUSTIN KAI RUMMEL{Economics A.B.}ADAM CARLO GUARIN RUSAKOW(Economics A.B.)CHRISTOPHER AUGUST RUSSO'cum laude(Economics A.B.)ISABELLE CLAIRE RUSSO(Political Science A.B')MADELAINE EMILY RYAN'magna cum laude(Economics A.B.)JUNG HYUN RYU(Mathematics S.B.)ADAM JOSEPH SACHS'summa cum laude{Political Science A.B. with Honors}HUGH HIDETAKA SAGAWA(Computer Science S.B.)ZINNIA SAHA{Neuroscience S.B. with Honors} THE COLLEGERIYA SAHNI(Computer Science S.B.){Economics A.B.}ZOE ROSE SALDINGER{Environmental and Urban Studies A.B. withHonors}{Public Policy Studies A.B. with Honors}PETER RAFAEL SALGADO(Political Science A.B.)(Russian and East European Studies A.B')ARLETH ZURIZADEY SALINAS{Computer Science S.B.}CHARLES SALOMON(Economics A.B.)(Psychology A.B.)MAXIMILLIAN LASZLO ALEXANDERSAMENGO'summa cum laude(Computer Science A.B.){English Language and Literature A.B.}ANYA LESLIE SAMTANI'cum laude{Comparative Human Development A.B. withHonors}PEYTON ELIZABETH SANBORN{Economics A.B.}(Environmental Science S.B.)MARCO ANTONIO SANCHEZ(Anthropology A.B.)(Romance Languages and Literatures A.B.)MELISSA LIZETH SANCHEZ*(Political Science A.B')MARCELA SANCHEZ(Global Studies A.B.)RODRIGO SANCHEZ DE LOZADA(History A.B')SOFIA ISABEL SANCHEZ-URBINA(Public Policy Studies A.B.)HENRY CHARLES SANDERS(Economics A.B.)LAURA SANDINO(Sociology A.B. with Honors)IMOGEN SANDS{Theater and Performance Studies A.B. withHonors}JULIAN DAY SANTESTEBAN{Economics A.B.}(Political Science A.B. with Honors)joxo VICTOR SARDENBERGRODRIGUES(Computer Science S.B.)TYLER ALLAN SARKISIAN(Economics A.B')KAVITYA A. SARMA'cum laude(Economics A.B.)SUMEDH SARWATE{Computer Science S.B.}VIVEK ANTHONY SASSE'summa cum laude{Mathematics A.B. with Honors}{Physics A.B. with Honors}WILLIAM PEPPER SCARBOROUGH(Computer Science S.B.)(Economics A.B.)FRANCES QUINN SCHAEFFLER'magna cum laude{English Language and Literature A.B. withHonors}{Religious Studies A.B.}OLIVIA CLAIRE SCHAFFER'summa cum laude(Molecular Engineering S.B. with Honors)ALEXANDER JAMES SCHERMAN(English Language and Literature A.B')BRANDON AARON SCHILLIG(Economics A.B')LUCY MICHELLE SCHMID(Molecular Engineering S.B.)145THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO 537TH CONVOCATIONCLAIRE YEAGER SCHMITT«cum laude{Public Policy Studies A.B. with Honors}ISABEL HELENE SCHMITZ=cum. laude(Comparative Human Development A.B')(Music A.B.)MALKA YASMINE SCHREIER·magna cum laude{Anthropology A.B. with Honors}{Romance Languages and Literatures A.B. withHonors}ALEKSEY RANDY SCHREIFELS{Geographical Sciences A.B.}MATTHEW JAMES SCHUCHMAN{Biological Chemistry S.B.}{Chemistry A.B.}(Neuroscience A.B.)JOSEPH B. SCHWARCZ·magna cum laude(Political Science A.B.)NICHOLAS DANIEL SCHWARZ*(Classical Studies A.B')(Fundamentals: Issues and Texts A.B.)NICOLE GRACE SCHWARZ(Psychology A.B')GRACE ELIZABETH SCHWIETERS{Economics A.B.}KATE SCINTO*{Psychology A.B.}KAYLIE LYNN SCORZA*{Biological Sciences S.B.}CLAIRE ALEXANDRA SCOTT·magna cum laude{Biological Chemistry S.B.}(Chemistry A.B.)BRANSON W. SCOTT-STARR{Mathematics S.B.}VICTOR DAVID SENGPIEL{Economics A.B.}DANIEL FRANCIS MIRANDA SEPLOW«cum laude{History A.B.}DANIEL ANTONIO SERRANO(Computer Science A.B.)SONALI TARA SESHADRI«magna cum laude(Computer Science A.B')ANDREW JONATHAN SETO(Economics A.B.)(Psychology A.B')GRIFFIN SEYFRIED{Environmental and Urban Studies A.B.}ERIC SAMUEL SHAGRIN(Law, Letters, and Society A.B.)RHEA NISHANT SHAH+summa cum laude{Biological Sciences S.B. with Honors}{Romance Languages and Literatures A.B.}MUFAN SHAO·magna cum laude{Physics A.B. with Honors}{Theater and Performance Studies A.B. withHonors}ANDREY SHAPIRO«cum laude{Computer Science S.B. with Honors}{Mathematics S.B. with Honors}DIVYA SHARMA(Biological Sciences A.B')SOMYA SHARMA*(Sociology A.B')AMANDA PAIGE SHARNG«summa cum laude{Economics A.B.}ATHA SHAROD(Public Policy Studies A.B')ALEXANDER SHEEN«cum laude{Computer Science S.B.}{Media Arts and Design A.B. with Honors}146 MENGYU SHEN*(Art History A.B.){Economics A.B.}JACOB THEODORE SHER»cum laude(Environmental and Urban Studies A.B')LOGAN JAMES SHERWIN(Computer Science S.B.)MINGXIN SHI(Economics A.B.)CELINA GRACE SHIH MAR»summa cum laude(Economics A.B')(History A.B.)KATHARINE G. C. SHIMADA«cum laude{Economics A.B.}SPENCER YOSHIKAZU SHIN{Economics A.B.}ABIGAIL GRACE SHIVERS·magna cum laude{Neuroscience A.B.}{Psychology A.B. with Honors}KIMBERLY LORRAINE SHORTER{Psychology A.B. with Honors}JOSHUA SHOU{Computational and Applied Mathematics S.B.}(Economics A.B')ALYSSA ROBERTA SHTEYN{Anthropology A.B.}DAVID SI«cum laude(Economics A.B')MARK SIEDENTOPF(Environmental and Urban Studies A.B.)(Public Policy Studies A.B.)HANNAH ROSE SIEGELscum laude(Global Studies A.B')JOANNE MARIE SIENCHE{Economics A.B.}(Psychology A.B.)ALEXA HAILEY SILFEN{Biological Sciences A.B.}COLE DANIEL SILVA«cum laude{Data Science S.B. with Honors}(Economics A.B')SHIRA LEILI SILVER«summa cum laude{Cinema and Media Studies A.B. with Honors}(Gender and Sexuality Studies A.B.)EMILY BRYN SIMON{Economics A.B.}MORGAN RENEE SIMON{Public Policy Studies A.B. with Honors}AMELIA SIMONOFF[Music A.B. with Honors}{Neuroscience S.B. with Honors}BIANCA ALEXANDRIA SIMONS(Law, Letters, and Society A.B.)ELIZABETH NICOLE SINGER«cum laude{Computer Science S.B. with Honors}ARMAAN SINGH(Mathematics A.B.)DEVAN KRISHN SINGH{Philosophy A.B.}ISHAAN SINGH(Computer Science S.B.)(Economics A.B')STEPHEN NIEAL SINICROPE»cum laude(Neuroscience S.B.)KATHERINE SINYAVIN«summa cum laude{English Language and Literature A.B. withHonors}{Russian and East European Studies A.B. withHonors} ALI EL SIRAFY{Economics A.B.}NICHOLAS DAVID SLAYTON{History A.B.}{Latin American and Caribbean Studies A.B. withHonors}ALEXIA MARQUETTE SMITHscum laude(Biological Sciences A.B'){Statistics A.B.}CALEB DONOVAN SMITH{East Asian Languages and Civilizations A.B.}MARGARET ROSE SMITH«cum laude(Art History A.B.){Creative Writing A.B. with Honors}SHAILI KIERAN SMITH«cum laude{Computer Science A.B.}CALEB PERI SMITH-SALZBERG{Computer Science A.B.}(Economics A.B')NOAH VAL SOBEL-LEWIN»summa cum laude{Economics A.B.}{Mathematics S.B.}JE YEONG SOH»summa cum laude{Computer Science A.B.}ALY SOLIMAN{Computer Science A.B.}{Mathematics A.B. with Honors}GABRIEL ANTONIO SOLIS{Economics A.B.}DONNA SON·with global honors{Political Science A.B. with Honors}{Romance Languages and Literatures A.B. withHonors}SEORYEON SON(Economics A.B')CHENXIN JAYSON SONG{Economics A.B. with Honors}(Mathematics S.B.)THOMAS DAESOON SONG«cum laude{Political Science A.B. with Honors}ALYSON KIM SONNENBERG(Statistics S.B.)VIVIAN SOONG«magna cum laude{Economics A.B.}BLANE IAN SOPER«cum laude(Neuroscience S.B.)NOAH T. SORENSEN(Economics A.B')AMADEUS SORIA{Mathematics A.B.}(Physics A.B')ETIENNE STEFFENS SOTO{Chemistry A.B.}{Molecular Engineering S.B. with Honors}CARLOS PEDRO SOUFFRONT(Global Studies A.B')NICOLE THEPTHIDA SOUYDALAY(Computer Science S.B.)ALEKSANDRA SPAJIC·magna cum laude{Economics A.B.}(Public Policy Studies A.B')REAGAN PRESTON SPARKS{Linguistics A.B.}LEOPOLDO WOLFGANG SPEIDEL{Economics A.B.}DANIEL JOHN SPELLMAN(Economics A.B.)(Psychology A.B.)ELISABETH D. SPENCER(Environmental and Urban Studies A.B')JOSEF SPERBER'magna cum laude{Economics A.B.}ALENA SPREITZER[Biological Sciences A.B.}(Psychology A.B.}EHA SRIVASTAVA'cum laude{Mathematics A.B. with Honors}PAUL JOHN STACEK{Economics A.B.}KIMBERLY SUSAN STAFFORD'cum laude{Economics A.B.}JACK CHRISTOPHER STANDISH(Mathematics S.B.)LEIGHTON AUDREY STANFILL'cum laude[Linguistics A.B.}MATTHEW T. STARK{Economics A.B.}CLARA M. STELOW{Political Science A.B. with Honors}AIDAN CALLAGHAN STENSON'cum laude{Fundamentals: Issues and Texts A.B. withHonors}JOELLE HINDS STEPHENSON[Enqlish Lanpuaqe and Literature A.B.)JORDAN MARIE STERETT'cum laude(Comparative Human Development A.B.)(Psychology A.B. with Honors}ROBERT EZRA STERN'cum laude(Computer Science A.B.)OONAGH SOPHIE STEVANS*{History A.B.}(Political Science A.B.)HARRY FRANCISCO STEVENS(History A.B')(Political Science A.B.)JESSICA CHRISTY STINSON[Sociology A.B.)HALEY MARGARET STISCAK[Psychology A.B.)ALEXANDER MARK STOLESON{Economics A.B.}HENRY PUDLOWSKI STRASHEIM(Computational and Applied Mathematics S.B.)(East Asian Lanquaqes and Civilizations A.B.)SAMSON SCOTT STREACHEK'magna cum laude(Economics A.B.)(Public Policy Studies A.B')WILLIAM NEAL STROUPE'cum laude(Computer Science S.B.){Mathematics S.B. with Honors}RUSSELL ALAN STRUVE'summa cum laude{Economics A.B.}(Mathematics A.B.)RAMYA SUBRAMANIAN(Economics A.B.)(Psycholoqy A.B.)NOAH WILLIAM SUGERMAN'cum laude(History A.B.)ALEXIS NO OR SUGRUE*{Art History A.B.}YOON SUH SUH{Environmental and Urban Studies A.B. withHonors}(Public Policy Studies A.B')JOSE ALONSO SULCA FLORES'magna cum laude(Computer Science A.B.)(Economics A.B.)TIMUR SULEIMENOV{Economics A.B.} JOSHUA LAWRENCE SULKIN'summa cum laude'with global honors{History A.B. with Honors}MATTHEW SUMERA*(Visual Arts A.B')ALEXANDER JIARUI SUN(Computer Science S.B.)(Economics A.B.)DINGYI SUN{Computer Science S.B.}{Physics A.B.}JEFFREY SUN*{Fundamentals: Issues and Texts A.B.}MINGHAO SUN[Sociology A.B. with Honors}PATRICK SUN'summa cum laude[Bioloqical Sciences A.B.)BREITEN TRAA SUNDRA(Economics A.B.)[Linquistics A.B.)MAXSUNOG·magna cum laude{Computer Science S.B.}{Philosophy A.B.}RACHIT SURANA'summa cum laude{Computer Science S.B. with Honors}(Economics A.B.)(Mathematics S.B.)JOHN ROBERT SURGEONER{Economics A.B.}NICHOLAS AKIRA SWEENEY{Mathematics A.B. with Honors}KARINN RENE SYTSMA[Biological Sciences A.B.}HAYLEY ISABELLE SZYMANEK*(Computer Science A.B.)TARA TADJBAKHSH(Statistics A.B')ETHAN WILLIAM TAl[Bloloqical Sciences A.B.){Computer Science S.B.}ALEXANDRA MARIA TAKOUDIS{Environmental and Urban Studies A.B. withHonors}{Romance Lanquaqes and Literatures A.B. withHonors}NIDHI REDDY TALASANI[Bloloqical Sciences S.B. with Honors}CHING TAM'magna cum laude{East Asian Lanquaqes and Civilizations A.B. withHonors}(Economics A.B.)MARCUS AUBREY TAM(Political Science A.B.)MARCOS EDUARDOTAMARGO-ARIZMENDI{Astrophysics S.B. with Honors}MARIA TAMAYO MEJIA(Economics A.B')(Philosophy A.B')XUAN RU TAN{Economics A.B.}CHENGYU TANG{Chemistry S.B. with Honors}JONATHAN CHEN TANG[Bioloqical Sciences S.B.)KENAN TANG'summa cum laude(Computer Science S.B.){Physics A.B.}LINGFENG TANG(Molecular Bnqineerinq S.B.)SOPHIA TANG'cum laude{Economics A.B.}[Psychology A.B.) THE COLLEGEZHONGNIAN TAO'summa cum laude(Computer Science S.B.)(Economics A.B'){Mathematics S.B.}J. NICHOLAS TARR{Political Science A.B.}[Sociology A.B. with Honors}OSCAR SANDOR TAUB(Art History A.B.){Economics A.B.}KETAKITAVAN'cum laude{Economics A.B.}{Statistics A.B.}MARYA TAWAM[Anthropology A.B. with Honors}ALICE XIUQI TAY'cum laude{History A.B. with Honors}{Law, Letters, and Society A.B.}ALENE ELIZABETH TAYLOR(Environmental and Urban Studies A.B.)CAMILLE ELLAINA JOHNSONTAYLOR[Biological Sciences A.B.)JADEN GRAVELY TAYLOR'summa cum laude(Astrophysics S.B.)NOAH JAMES LACOMBE TAYLOR'cum laude[Bioloqical Sciences S.B.)LUKE ALFRED TEASLEY{Molecular Enqtneerlnq S.B.}NUHAMIN TEKLE TEKIE{Environmental and Urban Studies A.B.}LEAH ROSE TELEPAN'magna cum laude{Economics A.B.}THOMAS ISAAC WILLIAMTENENBAUM(Law, Letters, and Society A.B.)JOSHUA TIAN TERRY{Economics A.B.}NOAH TESHAGER TESFAYE'cum laude{Critical Race and Ethnic Studies A.B. withHonors}{Political Science A.B. with Honors}ABIGAfL ABIRAMI THINAKARAN{Neuroscience S.B. with Honors}ROBERT WILLIAM THOMAS(Economics A.B')WILLIAM EMANUEL THOMAS(Computer Science A.B'){Economics A.B.}DESHA WN SCOTT THOMPSON*[Bioloqical Sciences A.B.}KEYER THYME*'magna cum laude(Physics A.B')SHIYU TIAN{Economics A.B.}{History A.B.}YUYANG TIAN'summa cum laude(Computational and Applied Mathematics S.B.)(Economics A.B.)ZHENGYING TIAN'summa cum laude{History A.B. with Honors}(Statistics A.B')LIVIA IRINA TIBULEAC'cum laude'with global honors{Political Science A.B. with Honors}THOMAS CONOR TIERNEY{Economics A.B.}LUCY ELIZABETH TINDEL[Psychology A.B. with Honors}147THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO 537TH CONVOCATIONJADYN TIONG'summa cum laude(Sociology A.B.)ALISON R. TISOL(Gender and Sexuality Studies A.B.)(Psychology A.B.)BENJAMIN ELLIOT SOLOMONTJANDRA(Economics A.B.)(History A.B. with Honors)ZOE TOROK(Computer Science A.B')ANGELINA MARIE TORRE'magna cum laude(Creative Writing A.B. with Honors)ALEX GABRIEL TORRES(Environmental Science S.B.)JATHAN ALFREDO TORRES(Economics A.B')JUAN MANUEL TORRES(Economics A.B')(History A.B. with Honors)ZOE SHAPIRO TORREY'summa cum laude(Public Policy Studies A.B.)SOFIA XIOMARA TORRIENTE(Anthropology A.B.)LIOJE ARMAND TOUSSAINT(Creative Writing A.B. with Honors)(English Language and Literature A.B.)BENJAMIN AUGUSTUS TOWNSEND(Computer Science S.B.)CODY TRACEY(Economics A.B')PAUL TREITEL'summa cum laude(Computer Science A.B.)(Philosophy A.B.)ALEX SONGYUAN TRICKEY(Biological Sciences S.B. with Honors)(Romance Languages and Literatures A.B.)ROHAN TRIPATHI(Economics A.B.)LILLIE ROSE TRITT'summa cum laude(English Language and Literature A.B. withHonors)(History A.B.)RUOYANG TU'cum laude(Anthropology A.B.)(Astrophysics S.B.)BAILEY FRANCES TUCKER'cum laude(Human Rights A.B. with Honors)(Political Science A.B.)ALESSANDRA MARIA TUFINO'cum laude(Gender and Sexuality Studies A.B. with Honors)(Political Science A.B. with Honors)WILSON ROBERT TURNER(Chemistry A.B.)(Molecular EngIneering S.B. wIth Honors)JILLYN ROSE TURUNEN'summa cum laude(Neuroscience A.B.)DAVID NATHAN BLAIR TWERSKY(Biological Sciences S.B.)TED SKYLER TWYMAN'summa cum laude(Economics A.B.)JENNA MARIE UHLES(Biological Sciences A.B.)LEAH MORGAN ULRICH(Biological Sciences A.B.)NATHANIEL ISAAC UNAH(Economics A.B.)SOFIA ISABEL URANGA(Romance Languages and Literatures A.B.)148 JORGE URBINA(Biological Chemistry S.B.)(Romance Languages and Literatures A.B.)BENJAMIN JOSE VACA(Chemistry A.B.)AATMAN APURVA VAKIL(Economics A.B. with Honors)(Music A.B. with Honors)ANJALI MIEKE VAN BIESEN'summa cum laude(Environmental Science S.B.)BENJAMIN THOMAS VANDERVEST(Neuroscience A.B')REBECCA JANE VAN KIRK(Biological Sciences A.B.)PEYTON RILEY VAN SOEST(Neuroscience A.B.)CARMEN COMFORTVANVOLKENBURGH(Biological Sciences A.B.)ALEXIS VARGAS(Biological Sciences A.B')(Chemistry A.B.)ROHAN RUBIN VARKEY'cum laude(Economics A.B.)(Psychology A.B.)OLIVIA HOPE VARUGHESE(Economics A.B.)JONATHAN VASQUEZ(Economics A.B.)SUSAN CLAIRE VAUGHEY(Economics A.B')REBECCA VAZQUEZ(Biological Sciences A.B.)GABRIELLA GRACE VECCHITTO(Visual Arts A.B.)TESSEL LISETTE INE VELDHOEN(Neuroscience A.B.)ARJUN BHARATH VENKATRAMAN(Mathematics A.B. with Honors)CARISSA ANNETTE VILLAGOMEZ'magna cum laude(English Language and Literature A.B.)VALENTINA ISABEL VILLARROEL(Mathematics S.B.)JOSHUA LAWRENCE VILLERS(Creative Writing A.B. with Honors)(English Language and Literature A.B.)DAVID VINOKUR(Economics A.B')(Philosophy A.B.)SADHVIKA JANAKI VISWANATH(Economics A.B.)ALEXANDER VIVIANO(Economics A.B.)(Political Science A.B. with Honors)MONICA JOY VOGEL*(East Asian Languages and Civilizations A.B.)DEREK JASON VON REDDEN(Economics A.B')(Public Policy Studies A.B')LOUIS AUGUST WACHTER'with global honors(Germanic Studies A.B. with Honors)(Philosophy A.B.)GRIFFIN KAI WADA(Economics A.B.)GRACE CATHERINE WAGNER(Astrophysics S.B. with Honors)(Sociology A.B.)WARREN DAVIES WAGNER(Critical Race and Ethnic Studies A.B. wIthHonors)(Sociology A.B.)ELENI MARIE WAH'summa cum laude(History A.B.)ETHAN PAUL WALTERS(Music A.B.) RYAN JACOB WANDSNIDER'cum laude(Mathematics A.B. with Honors)ALEX WANG'cum laude(Economics A.B.)BASIL WANG(Computer Science S.B.)(Mathematics A.B.)BORAN WANG'summa cum laude(Computational and Applied Mathematics S.B.)(Computer Science S.B.)(Statistics S.B.)CAROLINE Y. WANG'summa cum laude(Psychology A.B')CHENTIAN WANG(Philosophy A.B.)CINDY X. WANG*(History A.B')DANYA WANG(Economics A.B')EDWARD WANG(Biological Sciences S.B. with Honors)(Economics A.B.)EMMA K. WANG(Economics A.B.)GRACE RUOYAN WANG'cum laude(Comparative Human Development A.B.)(Public Policy Studies A.B. with Honors)HANZHI WANG'cum laude(Economics A.B.)(Political Science A.B.)JOANNE WANG'summa cum laude(Neuroscience A.B.)KATELYN WANG'magna cum laude(Public Policy Studies A.B.)(Romance Languages and Literatures A.B.)LUCAS WANG(Molecular Engineering S.B.)PERENE WANG(Computer Science S.B.)RUOCHEN WANG'summa cum laude(Economics A.B.)(Mathematics A.B. with Honors)SHU QING WANG'cum laude(Philosophy A.B.)TINGRAN WANG'cum laude(Physics A.B.)WEINING WANG'magna cum laude(Mathematics A.B.)YOU-OCEANE WANG'magna cum laude(Economics A.B.)YUYANG WANG'magna cum laude(Economics A.B.)(MathematIcs S.B.)(Statistics A.B.)ZIXIAN WANG(Economics A.B.)BIANCA RENEE WARD(Economics A.B.)ANNA ESTELLE WARSAW'summa cum laude(Biological Sciences S.B.)(Environmental Science S.B. with Honors)AMINA WASHINGTON'summa cum laude(English Language and Literature A.B. withHonors)(Psychology A.B')SAVON LAMAR WATSON(Economics A.B.)ELLA GRACE WAYTENA(Law, Letters, and Society A.B.)CAROLINE ELIZABETH WEBBER«cum laude(English Language and Literature A.B. withHonors)EMMA BELLE WEBER=magna cum laude(Economics A.B')(English Language and Literature A.B.)FREDERICK CLAUS AUGUSTWEHLEN«cum laude(Astrophysics S.B.)(Physics A.B.)JIANING WEI«cum laude(Computer Science S.B.)(Philosophy A.B.)HARRISON ASHER WEINSTEIN(East Asian Languages and Civilizations A.B.)JESSE WILSON WEINSTEIN=summa cum laude(Political Science A.B. with Honors)NAILA WEINSTEIN(Psychology A.B.)NICOLAS DAVID WEINSTOCK(Economics A.B.)MICHAEL MENDEL WEISBERGscum laude(Economics A.B.)CALLUM LATHROUM WELSH(Physics A.B. with Honors)SAMUEL ISAAC WERTHEIMER«summa cum laude(Chemistry A.B.)(Mathematics S.B.)ABRAHAM MONROE WEST(History A.B.)(Medieval Studies A.B.)KATHERINE NINA WHITAKER(Classical Studies A.B. with Honors)(Law, Letters, and Society A.B.)(Religious Studies A.B. with Honors)DYLAN RADFORD WHITE(Economics A.B.)(Statistics A.B.)THEODORE WHY(Economics A.B')(Public Policy Studies A.B.)MICAH AARON WILCOX«cum laude(Environmental and Urban Studies A.B.)(Sociology A.B.)GEORGE BERNARD WILDRIDGE IV(Creative Writing A.B.)CHARLES GAINS LEY WILLARD«cum laude(Astrophysics S.B. with Honors)(Physics A.B')JUSTIN DAVIS WILLIAMS(Economics A.B')MORGAN ELISE WILLIAMS·magna cum laude(Geophysical Sciences S.B. with Honors)TRENT AUGUST WILLIAMS(Mathematics A.B.)CASSIDY TOBIAS WILSON·magna cum laude(Human Rights A.B. with Honors)(Neuroscience A.B.)HANNAH SOPHIA WILSON-BLACK«summa cum laude(Creative Writing A.B. with Honors)(Environmental and Urban Studies A.B.)CLINTON RIGGS WOLFE(Chemistry A.B.) JEANETTE LEE WONG«summa cum laude(Law, Letters, and Society A.B')(Philosophy A.B.)LINUS WOODARD=summa cum laude(Molecular Engineering S.B.)ANABELLE LOUISE WRIGHT(Economics A.B.)INDIGO ESSENCE WRIGHT(Critical Race and Ethnic Studies A.B. withHonors)ANDREW CHONMIN WU(Economics A.B')(Statistics S.B.)BRIGITTE WU»summa cum laude(Economics A.B.)DAILING WU=summa cum laude(Economics A.B.)DAVID YX WU·magna cum laude(Computer Science S.B.)(Mathematics A.B.)EDWIN WU(Economics A.B.)LIUHAO WU(Computer Science S.B.)STEPHANIE J. WU«magna cum laude(Economics A.B.)XINKAI WU«summa cum laude(Economics A.B. with Honors)(Mathematics S.B. with Honors)XIYAN WU(Biological Sciences S.B.)YIFEI WU«summa cum laude·with global honors(Biological Chemistry S.B. with Honors)(Romance Languages and Literatures A.B. withHonors)YINCHEN WU·magna cum laude(Mathematics S.B. with Honors)(Statistics A.B.)ZACHARY WU(Computer Science S.B.)ZHENGLI WU·magna cum laude(Mathematics A.B.)(Physics A.B.)YANNIS WU-YIP(Mathematics A.B. with Honors)MEG HAN XIANG·magna cum laude(Neuroscience S.B.)CYNTHIA YIXIN XIAO(Economics A.B.)YUAN SHUN XIAO(Economics A.B.)ZIJIN XIAO(Fundamentals: Issues and Texts A.B. withHonors)(Philosophy A.B.)STEPHEN ZHIYUAN XIE·magna cum laude(Biological Sciences S.B. with Honors)KIMBERLY CHRISTINA XING·magna cum laude(Computational and Applied Mathematics S.B.)EMILY XIONG(Economics A.B.)REBECCA XIONG(Biological Sciences A.B.)(Environmental Science S.B.)DAOHONG XU·magna cum laude(Mathematics S.B.)(Physics A.B.) THE COLLEGEHAORAN XU(Computational and Applied Mathematics S.B.)(Physics A.B.)JUSTIN LUKE XU(Political Science A.B.)(Public Policy Studies A.B.)RUIZE XU(Computer Science S.B. with Honors)(Economics A.B.)(Mathematics S.B.)RUOCHUAN XU«summa cum laude(Mathematics S.B. with Honors)XIANBIN XU(Computational and Applied Mathematics S.B.)(Economics A.B.)XIAONI XU(Biological Sciences A.B.)CINDY CLAIRE XUE«summa cum laude(Molecular Engineering S.B.)GABRIEL OKADA YAMADA(Economics A.B.)ALEX YAN«cum laude(Economics A.B.)ANDREW J. YANG(Computer Science S.B.)(Linguistics A.B.)DANIEL H. YANG(Computational and Applied Mathematics S.B.)(Statistics A.B.)ERIC YANG(Economics A.B')HAN YANG«cum laude(Economics A.B.)JIALIN YANG=summa cum laude(Economics A.B.)(Mathematics A.B.)MICHELLE YANG«cum laude(Biological Sciences A.B.)MICHELLE YANG*(Computer Science S.B.)(Economics A.B.)SIFEI YANG=summa cum laude(Economics A.B.)(Public Policy Studies A.B. with Honors)YUNXIANG YANG·magna cum laude(Economics A.B.)(Statistics A.B.)NICOLE EMILY YAO»summa cum laude(Biological Sciences A.B.)(Economics A.B.)XIYUAN YAO·magna cum laude(Anthropology A.B. with Honors)(Art History A.B. with Honors)ETHAN M. YARBERRY(Biological Sciences S.B. with Honors)JENNA AMIN YASSIN·magna cum laude(Biological Sciences A.B.)HANNAH JIA-YEE YE(Biological Sciences S.B. with Honors)YIHENG YE(Mathematics S.B.)NATHAN PIERCE YEARY(Chemistry S.B. with Honors)JOCHEBED YEBOAH(Political Science A.B.)TZY YING YEE(Economics A.B.)149THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO 537TH CONVOCATIONELIZABETH CAROLINE KAM- YUKYEUNG{Economics A.B.}{Psychology A.B.}JIAYI CHLOE YIN«summa cum laude{Economics A.B.}VALERIE YIP{Philosophy A.B.}{Religious Studies A.B.}MICHAEL YOHANNES{Computer Science S.B.}JAMES FRANKLIN YONALL Y{Economics A.B.}PIMPISA YOOVIDHYA{Economics A.B.}LOUIS ALEXANDRE PETRUS YPMA{Economics A.B.}{Statistics A.B.}HUI YU«magna cum laude{Economics A.B.}JIELU YU«magna cum laude·with global honors{Biological Sciences A.B.}LINGYUE YU{Biological Chemistry S.B.}{Chemistry A.B.}{Mathematics S.B.}STEPHANIE S. YU«summa cum laude{Political Science A.B. with Honors}{Public Policy Studies A.B.}TINGTING YU»summa cum laude{Chemistry S.B. with Honors}{Visual Arts A.B.}ERIC JOHN YUAN»summa cum laude{Biological Chemistry S.B. with Honors}{Biological Sciences A.B.}{Chemistry A.B.}JIAYUAN YUE«summa cum laude{Linguistics A.B. with Honors}{Psychology A.B.}RAYMON YUE{Economics A.B. with Honors}{Statistics S.B.}JOYCE HYELIN YUN«summa cum laude{Economics A.B.}{Public Policy Studies A.B.}AHJAH NANDI YUNUSAH{Comparative Human Development A.B.}ROBERT ZAMORA{Economics A.B.}GRACE AHTERAM ZANDI·magna cum laude{Public Policy Studies A.B. with Honors}AURORA ALINA ZEMBORAIN{Environmental Science S.B.}{Geophysical Sciences S.B.}{Molecular Engineering S.B.}CARISA ZENG{Biological Sciences S.B.}DANLI RIDA ZENG{Classical Studies A.B.}JAMIE ZENGssumma cum laude{Neuroscience S.B.}JOANNA ZENG«summa cum laude{Psychology A.B.}TYLER ANDREW ZENGO{Economics A.B.}ELI KJELLBERG ZEROF{Political Science A.B. with Honors}{Public Policy Studies A.B.}150 GOKSU ZEYBEK«cum laude{Economics A.B.}ALICE ZHANG«summa cum laude{Economics A.B.}{Psychology A.B.}ALVIN JEFFREY ZHANG»summa cum laude{Biological Sciences S.B.}{Statistics A.B.}ANGEL HELEN ZHANG{Economics A.B.}{Public Policy Studies A.B.}CE ZHANG'"{Economics A.B.}{Statistics S.B.}CHONGHAO ZHANG{Economics A.B.}ELAINE YUNING ZHANG{Linguistics A.B.}GRACE LINGZHI ZHANG{Computer Science S.B.}{Economics A.B.}HANRONG ZHANG«cum laude{Computer Science S.B. with Honors}JARED XIE ZHANG«cum laude{Biological Sciences A.B.}JIAQI ZHANG»summa cum laude{Economics A.B.}{Philosophy A.B.}JINGWEN ZHANG·magna cum laude{Mathematics A.B.}{Political Science A.B. with Honors}JOSHUA CHENJUN ZHANG»surnma cum laude{Economics A.B.}KELLY LYNN ZHANG{Mathematics S.B.}LEO YUANCHENG ZHANG«cum laude{Applied Mathematics S.B.}MELANIE ZHANG{Economics A.B.}MICHELLE YING ZHANG{Economics A.B.}TIANYI ZHANG»summa cum laude{Economics A.B. with Honors}(Mathematics A.B. with Honors)WINONA ZHANG»summa cum laude{English Language and Literature A.B. withHonors}XIAOMENGHAN ZHANG«summa cum laude{Computational and Applied Mathematics S.B.}(Economics A.B.){Statistics S.B.}XINYI ZHANG«summa cum laude(Economics A.B.)(Mathematics A.B. with Honors)XUANYIZHANG·magna cum laude{Anthropology A.B.}{Psychology A.B.}ZHUOQI ZHANG«summa cum laude{Mathematics A.B.}(Physics A.B.)ZIYUN HANNAH ZHANG{Economics A.B.}{Psychology A.B.}CHONGLIN ZHAO'"{Economics A.B.}ERIC JIAHAN ZHAO(Molecular Engineering S.B.) MAGGIE ZHAO(Computer Science S.B.)YANGYANG ZHAO«magna cum laude(Chemistry S.B.)(History A.B.)YIYANG ZHAO=summa cum laude(History A.B. with Honors)CONNIE ZHENG«cum laude(Economics A.B.)(Law, Letters, and Society A.B.)DUO ZHENG(Computer Science S.B.)(Mathematics S.B.)INNA ZHENG·magna cum laude{Political Science A.B. with Honors}MICHELLE JIA- YI ZHENG«cum laude(Economics A.B.)YUXIN ZHENG(History A.B. with Honors)ALAN ZHONG«cum laude(Economics A.B.){Statistics A.B.}JESSICA JIARUI ZHONG·magna cum laude(Biological Sciences A.B.){Environmental Science S.B.}NICOLE ZHONG(Anthropology A.B. with Honors)(Biological Sciences A.B.)DINGYI ZHOU»summa cum laude(Economics A.B.){Mathematics S.B.}JUSTIN ZHOU(Economics A.B.)QIYANG ZHOU(Art History A.B.)(East Asian Languages and Civilizations A.B.)WINIFRED HUIMEI ZHOU(Computational and Applied Mathematics S.B.)YIWEN SHARON ZHOU·magna cum laude{Mathematics A.B. with Honors}ZIZUN ZHOU«magna cum laude(Economics A.B.)(Political Science A.B. with Honors)ALLISON YUHE ZHU«summa cum laude{Economics A.B.}HAORAN ZHU{Economics A.B.}JENNIFER Y. ZHU(Economics A.B.)KE XIN ZHU·magna cum laude{Comparative Literature A.B.}{East Asian Languages and Civilizations A.B. withHonors}RUIJIAN ZHU{Economics A.B.}RUNDEZHU{Economics A.B.}(History A.B.)STANLEY YICHEN ZHU«summa cum laude{Computer Science S.B. with Honors}(Mathematics S.B. with Honors)YUN ZHU»summa cum laude(Political Science A.B.)ZEJIE ZHU«cum laude(Statistics A.B.)YUERONG ZHUANG·magna cum laude(Computational and Applied Mathematics S.B.)(Economics A.B. with Honors)KIRILL ZHUKOV(Economics A.B.)JIAYI ZHUO(Computer Science S.B.) SOPHIE CLAIRE ZINBERG·magna cum laude(Neuroscience A.B.)MAXIMILLIAN ALEXANDER ZINN(Economics A.B.)KEVIN ZONG«cum laude(Biological Chemistry S.B.)(Chemistry S.B.)* anticipated graduation, Summer Quarter 2023 DYLAN ISAAC ZVI=cum laude(Economics A.B')(Psychology A.B')JACOB DYLAN ZWEIFLER=summa cum laude(Computer Science S.B.)(Mathematics S.B. with Honors) THE COLLEGE15 1THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO 537TH CONVOCATIONTHE STUDENT MARSHALSCANDIDATES FOR THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF ARTSOR BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN THE COLLEGENOOR JAHAN AMIN'summa cum laude{Media Arts and Design A.B. with Honors}{Neuroscience S.B.}ZANDER D'ANCONIA ARNAO'summa cum laude{Public Policy Studies A.B.}NOEL CERCIZI{Chemistry A.B. with Honors}ISABELLA ANNE COSTANTINO'summa cum laude{English Language and Literature A.B. withHonors}{Gender and Sexuality Studies A.B. with Honors}JOSHUA KELECHUKWU EGEDE'summa cum laude{Biological Sciences A.B.}SOPHIE JACQUELINE HARE'summa cum laude{Public Policy Studies A.B.}ESTRELLA MIA HERNANDEZ'summa cum laude{Global Studies A.B. with Honors}{Law, Letters, and Society A.B.}152 RYAN JIHUN HOANG'cum laude{Biological Sciences A.B.}MICHELLE KE'summa cum laude{Law, Letters, and Society A.B. with Honors}JAMES FORD KENNIFF, JR.'summa cum laude{Biological Sciences S.B.}JUNSUNG JULIUS KIM'summa cum laude{Chemistry A.B.}JINNA LEE'summa cum laude{Comparative Human Development A.B.}ZACHARY SALOMON MARCIANO'magna cum laude{Economics A.B.}ALEXANDRA CHASE MASEGIAN'summa cum laude{Astrophysics S.B. with Honors} BERNADETTE ANNE MIAO'summa cum laude{Biological Chemistry S.B.}{Chemistry S.B. with Honors}ALEXANDER DOLSAK PRAKASH'summa cum laude{Economics A.B.}BIREN THOMAS REDDY'summa cum laude{Economics A.B.}HENRY ELLIOT SCHAFER'summa cum laude{Economics A.B.}JOVAN STANISAVIC'magna cum laude{Biological Sciences S.B. with Honors}BRUCE KE ZHEN WEN'summa cum laude{Economics A.B. with Honors}ZHIZHANG'summa cum laude{Economics A.B. with Honors}{Statistics A.B.}THE ALMA MATERTHE ALMA MATERText: Edwin H. Lewis, Ph.D., 1894 Music: Eustasio Rosales and Mack Evans��! J I J. Jl J J IJ J J J I r· J) FJ 1£3 r JTo - day we glad - ly sing the praise of her whose daugh- ters and whose sons Now�� I':'.r Jl J J I J. = J J IJ. � OJ J IF. j J Jloy al voi - ces proud - ly raise to bless her with our be - ni - sons. Of�� J. JI J J Ii 0 J J IJ. J J J IJ. -0 J Jj )all fair mo - thers fair - est she, most wise of all that wis - est be, most�� FJ IfTI If] I':'.J. Js, J j' IF r J J JS I J. IIjtrue of all the true say we, is our dear Al- rna Ma ter.MUSICIANSAXIOM BRASSHORNABBY BLACK TROMBONE TRUMPET TUBAKEVIN HARRISONCOREYSANSOLOROBYN SMITH SARAH CARRILLOJORDON OLIVEDORIVAL PUCCINICHRISTOPHER SCANLONTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO CONVOCATION CHOIRJAMES KALLEMBACH, DirectorSOPRANO ALTOMELIA ALLANLAUREN RANDOLPHALES SANDRA TUFINOANNA VANDEKERCHOVEZIJIN XIAO TENORMATTHEW DEANNICK EMERTONKEITH MURPHYJOSHUA SULKIN BASSGUILHERME GALHARDOIAN PRICHARDAATMAN VATKILABRAHAM WESTMADELEINE DEMERSELIZABETH FOSTERELISABETH MARSHALLHAYLEY MIRABILEALEXANDRA OLSAVSKYALEXANDRIA PORTERISABEL SCHMITZSARA THOMASTIMPANIERIC PANCER153IiII[IiiIi11IIIiIiIiIIIIII11I;iiIiIi:1Ii!!'IIiII;1IItI!iIiI'i!IiIiIi