R R Exp LD941 c.4University of ChicagoThe ... convocation /[no.] 518 (2014: March 21)Bib:215102 Copy:142237 Rec'd:03/26/14THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGOFOUNDED BY JOHN D. ROCKEFELLERTHE FIVE HUNDRED EIGHTEENTHCONVOCATIONWINTER QUARTERMARCH TWENTY-FIRSTTWO THOUSAND AND FOURTEENTHREE O'CLOCK P.M.ROCKEFELLER MEMORIAL CHAPELORDER OF EXERCISESROBERT J. ZIMMERPresident of the University, PresidingPRELUDES AND PROCESSIONALWylie Crawford, University CarillonneurMillar Brass EnsembleThomas Weisflog, University OrganistTHE CONVOCATION PROCESSIONThe Congregation stands and remains standing until after the Call to Order.The Flag BearersThe Marshal of the University and the Student MarshalsThe Candidates for DegreesThe Faculty of the UniversityThe Vice-MarshalThe DeansThe Trustees and Officers of the UniversityThe Faculty SpeakerThe Provost of the UniversityThe President of the UniversityBRASS FANFAREMillar Brass EnsembleCALL TO ORDERCATHERINE C. BAUMANNMarshal of the UniversityWELCOMEROBERT J. ZIMMERPresident of the UniversityTHE CONVOCATION ADDRESSIntroduction given byTHOMAS F. ROSENBAUMProvost of the Universityand Yale's Prize Teaching Fellowship in 1990. Hewas a scholar-in-residence at Occidental Collegefrom 1992 to 1994, and in 1999 he received apostdoctoral fellowship and research grant throughthe Institute of American Cultures at the Universityof California, Los Angeles.Prior to joining the University of Chicago facultyin 2007, Green taught history at NorthwesternUniversity and American studies and history atNew York University. He has led and participatedin dozens of conferences, panels, and presentationsin his field throughout his career, and he hasadvised over 20 Ph.D. students at the University ofChicago and New York University. In 2011, he wasawarded the Llewellyn John and Harriet ManchesterQuantrell Award for Excellence in UndergraduateTeaching."HAPPINESS GAINED THROUGH STRUGGLE"byADAM GREENAssociate Professor, Department of History and the College; Master, Social Sciences Collegiate Division;Deputy Dean, Division of the Social Sciences; Associate Dean, the CollegeADAM GREEN is a widely recognized scholar inthe fields of 20th-century U.S. history, AfricanAmerican history, urban history, cultural studies,and social movements. He is the author of Sellingthe Race: Culture and Community in Black Chicago,1940-1955 (University of Chicago Press: 2006)and co-editor, with Charles Payne, of Time LongerThan Rope: A Century ofAfrican American Activism,1850-1950 (New York University Press: 2003). Heis now researching the history of the Black strugglefor happiness, as well as extending his work on thehistory of Black Chicago through a series of articleson social and cultural movements after 1970.Green received his bachelor of arts from theUniversity of Chicago in 1985 and his Ph.D.from Yale University in 1998. He was awarded theDorothy Danforth Compton Fellowship in 1987MUSICAL INTERLUDEVELA, VELATraditional South African Celebration SongThe University of Chicago Motet ChoirJames Kallembach, ConductorTHE AWARD OF HONORSAwarded General Honors with the Bachelor's Degree:Morton Daniel BloomfieldDavid BoddyMaia Ruth Brown-JacksonTsong-Ping ChiuDillon Byron Robert CorySean Benjamin GrafKyu HyunJoAnna Clare Jones Christian Leigh NielsenShaun Gregory O'BerrySanjay Mathews PrakadanFabiola SalazarAlice Lily YeYanzheng ZhuHyung Kyu JunZi Chong KaoJamie Lauren KeilesMatthew Gil KrisiloffEmily Margaret LaackmanYuen Ying Kristie LaiJane Van Gent MakinJonathan Thomas MaynardTHE CONFERRING OF ACADEMIC DEGREESCandidates for Degrees will be presented in alphabetical order by degree in the following academic units:In the College by AsSOCIATE DEAN LAuRENS METSThe Student Marshals will be presented by UNIVERSITY MARSHAL CATHERINE C. BAUMANNIn the William B. and Catherine V. Graham School of Continuing Liberal and Professional Studiesby DEAN DANIEL W. SHANNONIn the Division of the Biological Sciences and the Pritzker School of Medicineby DEAN KENNETH S. POLONSKYNames will be read by ASSOCIATE DEAN VICTORIA E. PRINCEIn the Division of the Humanities by DEPUTY DEAN JASON MERCHANTIn the Division of the Physical Sciences by DEAN EDWARD W. KOLBIn the Division of the Social Sciences by DEAN MARIO L. SMALLIn the University of Chicago Booth School of Business by DEAN SUNIL KUMARNames will be read by ASSOCIATE DEAN PATTY KEEGANIn the Divinity School by DEAN MARGARET M. MITCHELLIn the Irving B. Harris Graduate School of Public Policy Studies by DEAN COLM O'MUIRCHEARTAIGHIn the Law School by ASSOCIATE DEAN RICHARD I. BADGER, JR.Candidates not presented are receiving degrees in absentia.The President will lead the audience in acknowledging the candidates after each school's degrees are distributed.I. IN THE COLLEGEFor the Degree of Bachelor ofArts in the College:DAVID BODDY(Economics)MARITZA BOLLAIN y GOYTIA(BioLogicaL Sciences)MARK ELLIS BROWN(Economics)MAlA RUTH BROWN-JACKSON(EngLish Language and Literature with Honors)TSONG-PING CHIU(Linguistics)MEGHAN CHOI(EngLish Language and Literature)MORGAN NICOLE CLARK(PoLiticaL Science)DILLON BYRON ROBERT CORY(Political Science)JENNIFER DOU(BioLogicaL Sciences)MAGGIE PATRICIA ELY(Psychology)SEAN BENJAMIN GRAF(PoliticaL Science with Honors)IAN EDWIN HEDBERG(Chemistry)KYU HYUN JO(History with Honors)ANNA CLARE JONES(English Language and Literature)SOPHIE ANNE KAINEG(English Language and Literature)JAMIE LAUREN KEILES(EngLish Language and Literature) SOPHIA KHAN(Slavic Languages and Literatures)ROBERT HENRY KRAMER(Economics)MATTHEW GIL KRISILOFF(Law, Letters, and Society)NINA SU TING KUANG(EngLish Language and Literature)EMILY MARGARET LAACKMAN(Comparative Human Development)YUEN YING KRISTIE LAI(SocioLogy with Honors)JANE vANGENT MAKIN(BioLogicaL Sciences with Honors)JONATHAN THOMAS MAYNARD(Romance Languages and Literatures)ANDREW RYAN MOORE(Mathematics)(Economics)CHRISTIAN LEIGH NIELSEN(Economics)SHAUN GREGORY O'BERRY(Economics)CHRISTINA ELIZABETH PILLSBURY(English Language and Literature)SANJAY MATHEWS PRAKADAN(Chemistry with Honors)FABIOLA SALAZAR(PoliticaL Science)MARY ANN HANNEMAN SCHOENBACH(BiologicaL Sciences)For the Degree of Bachelor of Science in the College and the Division of the Physical Sciences:HYUNG KYU JUN(Mathematics with Honors) JEFFREY EVAN MONTGOMERY(Biological Chemistry)(Chemistry A.B.)(BioLogicaL Sciences A.B.)YANZHENG ZHU(Mathematics)(Economics A.B.)ZI CHONG KAO(Mathematics)II. THE STUDENT MARSHALSFor the Degree of Bachelor ofArts in the College:MORTON DANIEL BLOOMFIELD(History with Honors) ALICE LILY YE(BiologicaL Sciences)III. IN THE WILLIAM B. AND CATHERINE V. GRAHAM SCHOOL OFCONTINUING LIBERAL AND PROFESSIONAL STUDIESFor the Degree ofMaster of Liberal Arts:DEREK MICHAEL CHRISTENSENA.B., Western Michigan University, 2002 JAMES R. CIESLAS.B., Wofford College, I987M.HA., Tulane University, I99IPh.D., University of South Carolina-Columbia, I994IV. IN THE DIVISION OF THE BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES AND THEPRITZKER SCHOOL OF MEDICINEFor the Degree ofMaster of Science:JENNIFER ROSE BELLO KOTTENSTETTEA.B., Saint Louis University, 2004S.B., ibid., 2004MD., ibid., 2008(Health Studies) TIMOTHY FESSENDENA.B., University of California, Santa Cruz, 2007S.B., ibid, 2007(Molecular Pathogenesis and Molecular Medicine)ERIKA LINN MOENA.B., Brown University, 2009(Molecular Pathogenesis and Molecular Medicine)For the Degree of Doctor ofPhilosophy:JOSEPH SANTO BRIGUGLIOS.B., Benedictine University, 2008(Molecular Genetics and Cell Biology)DISSERTATION: Secretory Granule Biogenesis in TetrahymenaRelies on Dual Sorting MechanismsMATTHEW MICHAEL CHURPEKA.B., Ohio Wesleyan University, 200IMP.H, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2004MD., Duke University, 2005(Health Studies)DISSERTATION: Predicting In-Hospital Cardiac Arrest UsingElectronic Health Record DataADAM JAMES GASSERS.B., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2004(Cancer Biology)DISSERTATION: Synthesis and Assembly ofFunctionalizedPeptide NanoplatJorms for the Targeted Delivery of Moleculesto TumorsPAUL GRABOWSKIS.B., Georgetown University, 2003S.M., New York University, 2008(Ecology and Evolution)DISSERTATION: Using New Genomic Tools to CharacterizePatterns of Genetic Diversity in SwitchgrassFORREST OAKES GULDENS.B., Pennsylvania State University, 2000S.M, Case Western Reserve University, 2005(Neurobiology)DISSERTATION: FGF8 Regulates Patterning and Gene Expressionin the Neocortical Primordium through Both the MEKIERKand PI3K1AKT Signal Transduction CascadesADAM JOSEPH KOCHS.B., University of Washington, Seattle, 2008(Genetics)DISSERTATION: Emerin and the Regulation of Genes at theNuclear Envelope during MyogenesisKARYL SHERRY KOPASKIEA.B., University of Chicago, 2007(Microbiology)DISSERTATION: Regulation ofYersinia Type III Secretion SOPHIE JULIA McCOYS.B., Brown University, 2008S.M., University of Chicago, 20II(Ecology and Evolution)DISSERTATION: Effects of Ocean Acidification on the Ecology ofCrustose Coralline Red Algae (Rhodophyta, Corallinales)SAO-MAl NGUYEN-MAUS.B., University of Maryland at College Park, 2008(Microbiology)DISSERTATION: Molecular Components for the Assembly of theBacillus anthracis S-layerALEXANDER JAMES SADOVSKYs.B., University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, 2007(Computational Neuroscience)DISSERTATION: Emergent Properties of Neural Circuits:Observation and Analysis of Functional Networks in SensoryNeocortexMARINA NASRIN SHARIFIA.B., University of California, Berkeley, 2006(Cancer Biology)DISSERTATION: Autophagy is Required for Focal AdhesionDisassembly, Tumor Cell Motility, and MetastasisMEG HAN CHRISTINE SULLIVANS.B., The College of New jersey, 2008(Pathology)DISSERTATION: The Proinflammatory, Asthma-AssociatedCytokine IL-33 is Produced by Neutrophils in HumanPulmonary TissueNATHAN STEADMAN UPHAMA.B., Occidental College, 2006A.M, ibid., 2008S.M., University of Chicago, 20IO(Evolutionary Biology)DISSERTATION: Ecological Diversification and Biogeography inthe Neogene: Evolution of a Major Lineage ofAmerican andCaribbean Rodents (Caviomorpha, Octodontoidea)SAPANA RAMESH VORAS.B., University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2007(Cancer Biology)DISSERTATION: Genomic Analysis ofAcute LeukemiaSusceptibilityV. IN THE DIVISION OF THE HUMANITIESMAEVE CATHERINE HOOPERA.B., Reed College, 2009(Germanic Studies)ANDREW JOSEPH HORNEA.B., Brown University, 20II(Classics: Classical Languages and Literatures)JULIA ELIZABETH MEBANEA.B., Scripps College, 20II(Classics: Ancient Mediterranean World)RAPHAEL NGB.A. (Hons), University of Toronto, Ontario, Canada, 2009(Master ofArts Program in the Humanities)BENJAMIN SCOUT PIERCEA.B., Auburn University, Main Campus, 20IO(Philosophy)ALEXANDER HILL SORENSONA.B., Portland State University, 20I2(Germanic Studies)For the Degree ofMaster ofArts:ETHAN CHESNEY BLASSA.B., Middlebury College, 20I2(Germanic Studies)CHELSEA REBECCA BURNSB. Mus. , University of North Carolina at Greensboro, 2003(Music)JOSEPH JOHN CROSSA.B., University of Texas at Austin, 2006A.M., University of Dallas, 20II(Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations)VICTOR BARTHOLOMEW D'AVELLAA.B., New York University, 2005M Phil. , University of Oxford, England, United Kingdom, 2001(South Asian Languages and Civilizations)LAUREN ELIZABETH ELDRIDGEA.B., Spelman College, 20IO(Music)KARL JOHANN HAKKENA.B., Oberlin College, I991(Master ofArts Program in the Humanities) AMY CAROLYN STEBBINSA.B., Harvard University, 2001(Germanic Studies)For the Degree ofDoctor of Philosophy:JOSHUA CLEMENTE BONILLAA.B., Princeton University, 200IA.M., University of Chicago, 2006(Germanic Studies)DISSERTATION: Transubstantiating the Stage: Calderon andthe Invention of German Romantic DramaBRAD BLAIR BOWMANA.B., Bellarmine College, I991A.M., University of Texas at Austin, 2002(Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations)DISSERTATION: The Status of Christian Monasteries in theEarly Islamic Period: An Examination of Early MuslimAttitudes toward Monastic Communities and Its Relevance tothe Formative Period of IslamANDRES ARISTOBULO CARRIZO ALEMANA.B., Williams College, 2004M.Mus., Bowling Green State University, 2001(Music)DISSERTATION: Alucinaciones IHYUNREE CHOA.B., Seoul National University, South Korea, 2000M.Mus., ibid., 2002(Music)DISSERTATION: Music Analysis as Poetry: MusicalTransformation, Mathematics, and MeaningIGOR HOLANDA DE SOUZAA.B., University of Tennessee at Knoxville, 2004A.M., University of Chicago, 2008Oewish Studies}DISSERTATION: Philosophical Commentaries on the Prefoce tothe Guide of the Perplexed, C.I250-I362KRIS IMANTS ERCUMSA.B., Southwestern University, I993A.M, University of Chicago, 2002{Art History}DISSERTATION: Exhibiting Modernity: National ArtExhibitions in China during the Early Republican Period,I9II-I931 SARAH ERIN CHRISTOPHER FAGGIOLIA.B., University of Oregon, 200IA.M, Middlebury College, 2002(Romance Languages and Literatures)DISSERTATION: A Sixteenth-Century Reader and Critic ofVittoria Colonna: Rinaldo Corso's Commentary on HerSpiritual RimeNAMHEEHANA.B., Hanyang University, Seoul, South Korea, 200IA.M., University of Iowa, 2004(Cinema and Media Studies)DISSERTATION: Technologies ofAnamorphic Vision: WidescreenCinema and Postwar Modernity in Japan and South KoreaDANIEL CHARLES HARRISA.B., University of Texas at Austin, 2006A.M, University of Chicago, 2001(English Language and Literature)DISSERTATION: Reforming the Organism: PhysiologicalIndividuation and the Nature of Political Selfhood inVictorian Literary CultureADAM CHARLES HARTA.B., University of Washington, Seattle, 2004(Cinema and Media Studies)DISSERTATION: A Cinema of Wounded Bodies: SensationalAbjection and the Spaces ofModern HorrorCHRISTIAN THOMAS HILCHEYA.B., University of Virginia, 2003A.M., University of Chicago, 2001(Slavic Languages and Literatures)DISSERTATION: Prefixation of Simplex Pairs in Czech: AnAnalysis of Spatial Semantics, Distributive Verbs, andProcedural MeaningsJULIA LOUISE LANGBEINA.B., Columbia University, New York City, New York, 2003A.M., University of Chicago, 2001{Art History}DISSERTATION: Salon Caricature in Second Empire ParisMICHAEL FRANK POPEA.B., Brigham Young University, 2005A.M, ibid., 2001A.M, University of Chicago, 20I2(New Testament and Early Christian Literature)DISSERTATION: Spectacle Violence, Notable Virtues: Readingthe Lukan Passion in a First Century Literary EnvironmentFOY DAVID SCALFA.B., Miami University Oxford, Ohio, 2002A.M, University of Chicago, 2004(Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations)DISSERTATION: Passports to Eternity: Formulaic DemoticFunerary Texts and the Final Phase of Egyptian FuneraryLiterature in Roman EgyptTOMOKO SETOA.B., City University of New York, 2004A.M, ibid., 2006(East Asian Languages and Civilizations)DISSERTATION: Spectacular Socialism: Politics and PopularPerformance in Shitamachi Tokyo, I904-I9I8 RANDY LYNN SHONKWILERA.B., University of Memphis, I991A.M., University of Chicago, 2000(Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations)DISSERTATION: The Behdetite: A Study of Horus the Behdetitefrom the Old Kingdom to the Conquest ofAlexanderJOHN EDWARD STONE-MEDIATOREA.B., State University of New York at Stony Brook, I992A.M, Indiana University Bloomington, I995(Comparative Literature)DISSERTATION: Postmodernist Literature and SchizophreniaLAWRENCE PATRICK MICHAEL TYMKIWA.B., Yale University, I994M.B.A., University of Chicago, 2002A.M, ibid., 2006{Art History}DISSERTATION: National Socialist Exhibition Design,Spectatorship, and the Fabrication ofVolksgemeinschaftVI. IN THE DIVISION OF THE PHYSICAL SCIENCESFor the Degree ofMaster of Science:SERGEY ANTIPOVDipl., Lobachevsky State University of Nizhny Novgorod, Russia,2003Ph.D., Illinois Institute of Technology, 2001(Financial Mathematics)AMYEVACHIUB.B.A., Loyola University of Chicago, 2006MB.A., ibid., 2001(Computer Science)YU HUNG CHIUB.Sc.(Hons}, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, 20I2(Physics)JEFFREY ROGERS DANDOY5.B., Johns Hopkins University, 20II(Physics)JOSHUA BRANDON ELKINS5. B., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, I995jD., University of Chicago, 2009(Computer Science)NICHOLAS RYAN FLEESS.B., University ofMichigan-Ann Arbor, 2004A.M, ibid., 2009(Computer Science)VARUN KAUSHALS.B., University of Illinois at Chicago, 2001(Computer Science)PETRAS KUPRYS5.B., Northwestern University, 2005(Computer Science)ISABEL LEALBach., Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Brazil 2009Mestra, ibid., 20I2(Mathematics)JUNBO LI5.B., University of Wisconsin-Madison, 20I2(Statistics)YUAN LI5.B., Fudan University, Shanghai, China, 20II(Computer Science) YOUNG MIN MAA.B., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2006(Computer Science)TATIANA ORLOVAS.M, University of South Carolina-Columbia, 20IO(Computer Science)SNEHA ELIZABETH POPLEYS.B., Texas Christian University, 20IO(Computer Science)F. ANDREW POWELL5.B., Northwestern University, 2005(Computer Science)RONALD OMAH RAHAMANS.B., University of Chicago, 2008(Computer Science)JAKUELYN ROUSHA.B., University of California, Los Angeles, 2008(Computer Science)ZACHARY ALEXANDER RUBENSTEINA.B., William Marsh Rice University, 20II(Computer Science)JULIE SOLIMAN5.B., University of California, Los Angeles, 20I2(Computer Science)HANG SONG5.B., Renmin University of China, Beijing, 20I2(Statistics)MADHUR SRIVASTAVA5.B., Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana, 20IO(Computer Science)JOSEPH STRATICO IIIS.B., Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, 2004(Computer Science)IGOR VEKSLERS.B., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2001(Computer Science)RACHEL FAY VISHNEPOLSKYA.B., Columbia University, New York City, New York, 20IO(Mathematics)YIQING XUS.B., Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, 2009(Statistics)JAKE CHRISTOPHER ZAPPALAA.B., Hamilton College, 20I2(Physics) ANDREW JAMES ZURESS.B., University of Southern California, 2005jD., Northwestern University, 20II(Computer Science)For the Degree of Doctor ofPhilosophy:LYNNA GABRIELA AVILA-BRONTA.B., Columbia University, New York City, New York, 2007S.M., University of Chicago, 2008(Chemistry)DISSERTATION: Molecular Monolayer Structures Formed onVicinal Surfaces as Investigated by Scanning TunnelingMicroscopyRYAN STEVEN BOOTHS.B., Trinity University, San Antonio, Texas, 2009S.M., University of Chicago, 20IO(Chemistry)DISSERTATION: Experimental and Theoretical Studies on theDecomposition Mechanisms of Geminal Dinitro EnergeticMaterialsKATHLEEN DANG CAOS.B., University of California, Irvine, 2002S.M, University of Chicago, 2006(Chemistry)DISSERTATION: Cholesterol Effects on the Lateral Ordering,Structure and Activity of PhosphatidylethanolamineMonolayersTHOMAS ALEXANDER CASWELLA.B., Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, 2007S.M., University of Chicago, 2008(Physics)DISSERTATION: Dynamics of the Vapor Layer Below aLeidenfrost DropSZILARD FARKASM.Sc., Eotvos Lordnd Tudomdnyegyetem, Budapest, Hungary,200I(Physics)DISSERTATION: On Scale Symmetry in Gauge Theories DEMIN LIUS.B., Xiamen University, China, 2009(Chemistry)DISSERTATION: Metal-Organic Frameworks for Gas Storageand Biomedical ApplicationsVICTOR PRUTYANOVDipl., Odessa State University, Ukraine, I992S.M, University of Chicago, I999(Chemistry)DISSERTATION: Study on the Mechanism of Intra- andIntermolecular Benzannulation Reaction of the FischerCarbene Complexes with AlkynesPETER JEREMY SCHERPELZS.B., Harvey Mudd College, 2008S.M, University of Chicago, 2009(Physics)DISSERTATION: Localized, Collective Excitations in StronglyInteracting Superfluids: Pseudovortices, Vortices, Solitons, andTheir Physical ImplicationsQIANQIAN TONGS.B., University of Science and Technology of China, Hefti,Anhui,2008S.M, University of Chicago, 2009(Chemistry)DISSERTATION: Directed Self-Assembly of Block CopolymerThin Films: From Fundamentals Science to ApplicationsLE YANGS.B., University of Science and Technology of China, Hefti,Anhui,2008(Geophysical Sciences)DISSERTATION: The Effects of Disk Building on Primitive SolarSystem MaterialsVII. IN THE DIVISION OF THE SOCIAL SCIENCESFor the Degree ofMaster ofArts:CARMEN GABRIELA ANTONIEBEcon., Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain, 2009M.Econ., Centro de Estudios Monetarios y Financieros, Madrid,Spain,20II(Economics)ALISON KATHRYN BALDWINA.B., Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, I982(Psychology)ALEXANDRA EMILY BREWERA.B., Columbia University, New York City, New York, 20II(Sociology)ELEANOR JANE BUSHA.B., University of London, England, United Kingdom, 2008(Anthropology)TIMOTHY M. CRIMMINSA.B., University of Iowa, 2007(History) SUZANNA SCOTT CURTISA.B., University of Chicago, 2008(Master ofArts Program in the Social Sciences)LI DONGA.B., Beijing Foreign Studies University, China, 2005A.M, ibid., 2008(Sociology)SOPHIE ALYSSE FAJARDOA.B., Grinnell College, Iowa, 20I2(Sociology)CATERINA FUGAZZOLALaurea, Uniuersita Ca' Foscari Venezia, Venice, Italy, 2009A.M, University of San Francisco, 20II(Sociology)NATHANIEL JAMES GONZALEZA.B., University of Southern California, 20I2(Sociology)ROLI DANIELLE SAMANTHA GOSTELOWS.B., University of Chicago, 2005(Sociology)AUSTIN MITCHELL KRAMERA.B., University of Washington, Seattle, 2005(Master ofArts Program in the Social Sciences)ERIN ELIZABETH McCULLUGHA.B., Eastern Oregon State College, 2004A.M., Portland State University, Oregon, 20IO(History)JAMES PATRICK MURPHYA.B., University of Chicago, 2009(Sociology) RAMON ANGELO ROBINSONS.B., Northwestern University, 2005(Sociology)YANIV RON-ELLL.B., Tel Aviv University, Israel, 2008A.B., ibid., 2008(Sociology)ALBERT SHYN KWAN TANS.B., University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, 20I2(Economics)WENXIEB.E., Shanghai jiao Tong University, China, 20IOMP.P., Georgia State University, 20I2(Sociology)For the Degree ofDoctor ofPhilosophy:KATHLEEN YANG CLAYTONA.B., University of Chicago, I994S.M, University ofArizona, I998A.M, University of Chicago, I999(Sociology)DISSERTATION: Controlling Interests: Institutions and Ideas inLabor-Community CoalitionsRACHEL NATALIE FEINMARKA.B., Columbia University, New York City, New York, 2005A.M., University of Chicago, 2007MPh., University of Cambridge, England, United Kingdom, 2008(History)DISSERTATION: "Look for the Union Label": The AmericanFederation of Labor and the jewish Labor Committee'sPartnership for International Human Rights and Economicjustice, I933-I955AARON DAVID HILLA.B., University of Wisconsin-Madison, I996A.M, University of Chicago, I998(History)DISSERTATION: The Centrality of Historical Consciousness inRevolutionary Ideology: France and Germany, I890-I934MICHAEL BRIAN KAUFMANA.B., Amherst College, I986MB.A., Harvard University, I994A.M., University of Chicago, 20I3(Psychology: Human Development)DISSERTATION: The Illusory Promise of Professional Success inthe Shadow of Social Development: A 46- Year LongitudinalStudy of Harvard College Students from Late Adolescence toLate MidlifeTINGTING LIB.Econ., Peking University, Beijing, China, 2005A.B., ibid, 2005A.M, ibid., 2008A.M., University of Chicago, 20IO(History)DISSERTATION: The Making of the Postcolonial PoliticalEconomy: The Disposition of Formerly japanese OwnedEnterprises in South Korea, I945-I960 TOUSSAINT LOSIERA.B., Harvard University, 2004A.M., University of Chicago, 20IO(History)DISSERTATION: Prison House of Nations: Police Violence andMass Incarceration in the Long Course of Black Insurgency inIllinois, I953-I987JAMES McCORMICKA.B., Yale University, 2003A.M., University of Chicago, 2008(Social Thought and Germanic Studies)DISSERTATION: Towards an Ethical Literature: CharacterNarration and Extended Subjectivity in the WOrk of Robert MusilSUSAN HEATHER ROSATOA.B., Colgate University, I996A.M, University of Chicago, I998(Political Science)DISSERTATION: Granting Access: A Rationalist Explanation ofINGO Access to Multilateral NegotiationsURI ZVI SHACHARA.B., Tel Aviv University, Israel 2006A.M., johns Hopkins University, 2008(History)DISSERTATION: Dialogical Warfore: Figurations of PiousBelligerence among Christian, Muslim, and jewish Authors inthe Crusading Near EastNARAPONG SRIVISALA.B., Swarthmore College, 2007A.M., University of Chicago, 2009(Economics)DISSERTATION: Essays in Financial EconomicsEMILY LOCKETT SWAFFORDA.B., University of Virginia, 2004A.M., University of Chicago, 2007(History)DISSERTATION: Democracy's Proving Ground: U.S. MilitaryFamilies in West Germany, I946-I96IEIKO TSUCHIDAB. Ed. , University of Tokyo, japan, I992A.M, ibid., I994(Education)DISSERTATION: Science, Technology, and Swedish-AmericanIdentity: An Immigrant Acculturation in Chicago, I890-I935VIII. IN THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO BOOTH SCHOOL OF BUSINESSFor the Degree ofMaster of Business Administration:BRENDAN AARONS.B., Valparaiso University, 2003ADEBANJI PATRICK ADEKOYAB.Sc.(Hons), University of Ilorin, Nigeria, I994Mast., Federal University of Technology, Akure, Nigeria, 2000Ph.D., ibid., 20I2RAGHURAM ADIGAB.Sc., University of Mysore, India, I99IAMALA ARASU ADIKALADASSB.Eng., Bangalore University, India, 2000ANIL KUMAR ALAPATIB. Tech., National Institute of Technology, Warangal, India, I984M Tech., ibid, I986Ph.D., Indian Institute of Technology Madras, India, I994ALEXEIALEKSEEVS.B., Webster University, I985ANDREW SCOTT ALEXANDERA.B., Brandeis University, I99I• WITH HIGH HONORSUCHENDU OBINWA TERENCE AMAKOB.Sc.(Hons), City University, London, England, UnitedKingdom, I996MSc., University of Bristol, England, United Kingdom, I999SUPASIT AMPORNPANGAB.Eng. (Hons), Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand,2004• WITH HONORSCYRIL ANNARELLAlng., Ecole Nationale Superieure de l'Aeronautique et de l'Espace,Toulouse, France, I994S.M., University of Texas at Austin, I995• WITH HONORSSURAJ VATTEKAT ARUKILB.Eng., Bangalore University, India, I999JAMES FRANCIS AVELLONES.B., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2005MAYA AZOUAOUDipl., Advancia Business School, Paris, France, 2005Mast., Ecole Supirieure de Commerce de Lille, France, 2007JULIE MICHELLE BAHRS.B., Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana, 2003RAMMOORTHI BALASSUBRAMANIANB. Tech., Anna University, Madras, India, I997MEng., Texas Tech University, 2000• WITH HONORSKARTHIK BALASUBRAMANIAMB. Tech., Sri Krishnadevaraya University, Anantapur, India, I997S.M., University of Cincinnati, I999ANDRE GREGOR BANTLIDipl., Zurcher Fachhochscbule, Zurich, Switzerland, 2004REID ANDREW BARLEYS.B., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 200IJUSTIN LEE BELTRAMB.B.A., University of Nevada, Las Vegas, 2000ALEXEY BELYAKOVDipl., Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas, Moscow,Russia, 2000Kand., ibid., 2002PAOLO LUIGI BENEDETLa urea, Uniuersita di Pisa, Italy, 2002 BONNIE ANN BENJAMINS.B., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2005STEPHANIE BERANEKA.B., Georgetown University, 2009CLAUDIO ANTONIO BERTELLILaurea, Uniuersita degli Studi di Genova, Genoa, Italy, I995• WITH HONORSGEORGIOS ANDREA BERTOSDipl., Ethniko Metsovio Polytechneio, Athens, Greece, I993S.M., Northwestern University, I999Ph.D., ibid: 2006GAURAV KUMAR BHAGIB.Com., HR College of Commerce and Economics, Mumbai,India, 2000Dipl., Symbiosis Centre for Management and Human ResourceDevelopment, Pune, India, 2004• WITH HONORSPOOJA BHATIAS.B., Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana, 2003JEAN-PHILIPPE BLAISB. Com., McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, 2004JOHN BYRON BLEVINSS.B., Bowling Green State University, 2005S.M, ibid., 20IO• WITH HONORSANDERS BOENAESDipl., Handelshejskolen i Kobenhavn, Copenhagen, Denmark,I999• WITH HONORSTHEODORE NICHOLAS BOKIDESA.B., College of Idaho, 2005JOHN RYAN BOOTSB.B.A., University of Notre Dame, 2005S.M, University of Connecticut, 2006OLIVIER BOUTEILLEIng., Institut National des Telecommunications, Evry, France,2002• WITH HIGH HONORSNICHOLAS TYLER BROWNS.B., Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology, 2003M.B.A., University of Minnesota- Twin Cities, 20IOTIMOTHY ROBERT BRUCEA.B., Brown University, 2006BICH- THUY M. BUIS.B., Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, NewBrunswick, 2000MATHEUS A. BULHOEng., Universidade Estadual Paulista, Bauru, Brazil, I999• WITH HONORSDONALD MARTIN CARLEYS.B., College of William and Mary in Virginia, I990jD., Temple University, I995KEVIN DANIEL CARROLLA.B., University of Chicago, 2007SUVRAT CHAKRADEOB. Eng. , Government College of Engineering, Pune, India, 2005S.M., Carnegie Mellon University, 2007• WITH HO ORSPREETHAM CHANDRASEKHARB.Eng., University ofMadras, India, 2002S.M., University of Southern California, 2004SPENCER C. CHANGA.B., Wheaton College, Illinois, 2008NICOLAS CHAUSSINIng., Unioersite d'Angers, France, I999Mast., Uniuersite de Nantes, France, 2002M.P.M., Stevens Institute of Technology, 2008GARY CHENLL.B., Bond University, Robina, Queensland, Australia, 200ILL.M, Duke University, 2006DAVID CHENGA.B., University of Chicago, I997S.M, ibid., I998• WITH HONORSYA-TZU CHENGA.B., National Chengchi University, Taipei, Taiwan, 2004S.M, Northwestern University, 2008PETER KENT CHESNEYA.B., Furman University, I987KIRAN SESHADRI CHIDAMBARAMB.Eng., Sri jayachamarajendra College of Engineering, Mysore,India, I997PHUI-NAH CHONGB.Med., National University of Singapore, Singapore, I99IS.B., ibid., I99IMMed, ibid., I997TIEN YAU CHONGLL.B. (Hons), University of Nottingham, England, UnitedKingdom, 2003KAY LIANG CHUAB.Acct., Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, Singapore,I993• WITH HIGH HONORSNICHOLAS WYNN CHUKIATA.B., Dartmouth College, 2005CHI PHENG CHUNGB.Eng. (Hons), De Montfort University, Leicester, England,United Kingdom, I999MSc., University of Reading, England, United Kingdom, 2000Mast., Groupe HEC, [ouy-en-fosas, France, 2003 .WHAN WOOK CHUNGB. Eng. , University ofMelbourne, Parkville, Victoria, Australia,2008IN JAE CHYUNA.B., Boston University, 200IAARON RYAN CLARKA.B., Illinois Wesleyan University, 200IjD., Washington University in St. Louis, 2004STELLA CLARKEDip!', Ecole Superieure des Sciences Economiques etCommerciales, Cergy-Pontoise, France, I996• WITH HIGH HONORSPHILIP EDWARD COWENS.B., Northern Illinois University, I997CATHERINE ALICE CROSSLEYA.B., DePauw University, Greencastle, Indiana, 2008RUI CUIB.B.A.(Hons), Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong,2008MATTHEW DABNEYS.B., Illinois Institute of Technology, 2005S.M, ibid, 2007 MOHAMMED HUSAIN DAIRKEEB.Eng., Rajiv Gandhi Technical University, Bhopal, India, 2003MOEZ DALALB.Sc. (Hons), University of London, England, United Kingdom,I994SAMRAT DANIB.Sc.(Hons), Panjab University, Chandigarh, India, I987MSc., ibid., I988MPhil., ibid., I989MSc., Asian Institute of Technology, Bangkok, Thailand, I993ZIQI DENGB.Eng., Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, 2008JEFFREY BRIAN DENNISS.B., Miami University, Oxford, Ohio, 200IJEFFREY PRICE DETWEILERA.B., Michigan State University, I994SERGEY DMITRIEVDipl., Moscow State Institute of Steel and Alloys, Russia, I993STEFAN DOBLERDipl., Ostbayerische Technische Hochschule Amberg- Weiden,Germany, 2006MARCUS ANDRE DODDA.B., Harvard University, I997• WITH HONORSJONATHAN ANDREW DOMINYB.B.A., Miami University, Oxford, Ohio, 2003BARTLOMIEJ ADAM DUJCZYNSKIDipl., Universitdt Passau, Germany, I998LL.B.(Hons), University ofLondon, England, United Kingdom, I999STEPHEN DYBSKYB.B.A., Villanova University, 200ILARS CHRISTIAN FRIEDRICH ECKLEDipl., Universitdt Karlsruhe, Germany, I999• WITH HONORSEVGENIYA EFIMOVADip!', Moscow External University of Humanities, Russia, I995Dipl., Moscow State Linguistic University, Russia, I997HATEM SHERIF EL EZZAWYS.B., University of California, Davis, 2003• WITH HONORSNADEZDA ERMAKOVADipl., Financial Academy under the Government of the RussianFederation, Moscow, Russia, 2000JOSEPH YETUNDE FABUSIWAS.B., DeVry Institute of Technology, Addison, Illinois, 20IOXIN FANS.B., Xinjiang University, Urumqi, China, I997M.Eng., Wuxi Institute of Light Industry, China, 2000NATHANIEL DAVIS FANSLERA.B., Colorado College, 2006PEDRO H. FARFANEng., Instituto Tecnologico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey,Mexico, 2003MATT FERGUSONS.B., University of Kansas, 2006MARK EDWARD FLANAGANA.B., University of California, Davis, I989PARVIZ FOROUGHIANB.Sc., University of London, England, United Kingdom, I995Dipl., ibid., I997MSc., ibid., I997JENNIFER LYNNE FOUGHNERA.B., Macalester College, 2005ALEX REDDY FREEMANB. Tech., jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Hyderabad,India, I986S.M, University of Houston-University Park, I989Ph.D., University of Texas at Arlington, I998CHRISTIAN FREIBAUERDipl., Technische Univeristiit Wien, Vienna, Austria, I997• WITH HIGH HONORSTHOMAS FRIEDRICHDipl., Hochschule for Bankwirtschajt, Frankfurt, Germany, 2000• WITH HONORSJUSTIN GREGORY FUNKA.B., University of Notre Dame, 2005GlREESH SADANAND GAONKARB. Eng. , Goa University, Taleigao, India, I999• WITH HONORSALEKSANDRA GARSTECKIA.B., Northwestern University, 2005NICHOLAS BORIS GEEZAS.B., Georgetown University, 2007JULIAN EVAN GOLDSTEINA.B., Union College, Schenectady, New York, 2000• WITH HONORSJESSE CHARLES GRAHAMS.B., Brown University, 2002• WITH HONORSGUSTAV GRANCHALEKA.B., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2003JULIEN JOSEPH GRANGEIng., Ecole Centrale de Lyon, France, I996MSc., University of Salford, England, United Kingdom, I997• WITH HIGH HONORSMARK ALLEN GREVIOUSS.B., Morehouse College, I989MD., University of Medicine and Dentistry of New jersey, I994SHANTHI GUDAVALLIB.Eng., Gulbarga University, Karnataka, India, 2002GESHRI GUNASEKERAA.B., Williams College, 2006ASHISH GUPTAB. Tech., National Dairy Research Institute, Kamal, India, I996FAZAL GUPTAB. Tech., Dhirubhai Ambani Institute of Information andCommunication Technology, Gandhinagar, India, 2005• WITH HONORSANDY JAEKEUM HAB.Eng., Kwangwoon University, Seoul, South Korea, I997JAMES VICKERS LAU HARDINGA.B., Claremont McKenna College, 2003• WITH HONORSERIC DONALD HASSBERGERA.B., Michigan State University, 2004• WITH HONORSRYAN JAMES HAYMANS.B., Northern Illinois University, 2003HAIJIAN HES.B., Southeast University, Nanjing, China, 2003S.M, ibid., 2006BRADEN KALE HECKMANA.B., judson College, Elgin, Illinois, 2008 RYAN MICHAEL HERTELS.B., University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2006ANDREW HIGASHIS.B., Illinois Institute of Technology, 2006RYAN JUSTIN HILLARYS.B., Iowa State University of Science and Technology, 2007• WITH HIGH HONORSELIZABETH HLINAKs. B., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2000• WITH HONORSADAM ROSS HOLDORFS.B., University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2005• WITH HONORSSIXU HUA.B., University of International Business and Economics,Beijing, China, 2006S.M, Illinois Institute of Technology, 2008LUDOVIC ALAIN MINH HUMBERTDipl., Ecole Superieure de Commerce de Paris, France, 200IMOHAMMED ABDULGHAFFAR HUSSAINDipl., Higher Colleges of Technology, Dubai, United ArabEmirates, I999MASAAKI IKEDAB. Com., Waseda University, Tokyo, japan, I986ALEXEY MARKSOVICH IVANOVDipl., St. Petersburg State University, Russia, I988SERGEY IVANOVDipl., Financial Academy under the Government of the RussianFederation, Moscow, Russia, I998SERGEY IVANOVDipl., Moscow State Aviation Institute, Russia, I997MICHAEL JACOBSONSiB: University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2004• WITH HIGH HONORSSYED MUHAMMED ALI JAFRIS.B., Sir Syed University of Engineering and Technology,Karachi, Pakistan, 2004Mast., Uniuersite de Strasbourg I (Uniuersite Louis Pasteur),France, 2006JAMES JANEGAA.B., Northern Illinois University, I995A.M, University of Illinois at Springfield, I996MANESH MANOHARDAS JETHMALS.B., Boston University, 2006ABHINAV JHUNJHUNWALAA.B., University of California, Berkeley, 2006RICHARD DEAN JOHNSONA.B., Washington University in St. Louis, I990A.M., University of London, England, United Kingdom, 2005HISA SOPHIA JUDICES.B., DePaul University, Chicago, Illinois, 200IPRAVEEN CHANDRAN KARATTILB. Eng. , University of Mumbai, India, 2000SYED KASHIFB.B.A., University of Central Oklahoma, I998M.B.A., University of Dallas, 2006SEAN CHRISTOPHER KELLEYA.B., Wheaton College, Illinois, 200I• WITH HIGH HONORSSUNEET KHANNAB.Eng., University of Pune, India, I998S.M., Pennsylvania State University, University Park, 200IRAI RUMMAAN AHSAN KHARALB. Com., University of the Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan, I994M.B.A., Quaid-I-Azam University, Islamabad, Pakistan, I996SUNDEEP KHERALUISA KHITARISHVILIDipl., Tbilisi State University, Georgia, I994LL.M, University ofNotre Dame, 2002JI WON KIMS.B., University of California, Berkeley, I998MICHAEL C. M. KINGA.B., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2004GARRISON LOUIS KLEINA.B., University of Northern Iowa, 2008LANCE PHILLIP KLEINS.B., Northern Illinois University, I989VYACHESLAV KLIMOVs.B., Carnegie Mellon University, 2002YEOWLUKOHS.B., Monash University, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, I996B.Eng. (Hons), ibid., I998S.M, National University of Singapore, Singapore, 2004• WITH HIGH HONORSNIKOLAY IVANOV KOLEVBach., Universitet za Nacionalno i Svetovno Stopanstvo, Sofia,Bulgaria, 200IMast., ibid., 2005ANDREY I. KOLOSOVSKIYDipL, Moscow State Institute ofInternational Relations, Russia, I918MATTHEW ROBERT KOLPINB.B.A., University of Iowa, 2006• WITH HONORSCHRISTOPHER WAYNE KOOPMANSA.B., Hope College, 2004• WITH HONORSDENIS KOSHKINDipL, Plekhanov Russian Academy of Economics, Moscow,Russia, I999Dipl., Ecole Superieure des Sciences Economiques etCommerciales, Cergy-Pontoise, France, 2000SOPHIA R. KOZAEVAB.B.A., Walsh College ofAccountancy and BusinessAdministration, 2001ANDREW PAUL KUPSCOB. Mus. , University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, I999STEPHANIE MARIE KUSTAB.B.A., Ohio University, Athens, 200IKATIE LACZB.B.A., University of Notre Dame, 2001JAYANTA LALB. Com. (Hom), University of Calcutta, India, I991S.M., Illinois Institute of Technology, 2004SEUNG LEEs.B., Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana, 2005RANIDIA LEEMANB.Arch., Parahyangan Catholic University, [uu/ana-Pati,Indonesia, 2002A.M, Architectural Association School ofArchitecture, London,England, United Kingdom, 2004JULIEN LE VELYLic., Uniuersite de Nantes, France, I991Maitrise, ibid., I998M. Eng. , Uniuersite de Picardie Jules Verne, Amiens, France, I999S.M., Kansas State University, 200I• WITH HONORS KESHAV LEWISS.B., Ithaca College, I999ROSSZE LIMA.B., University of California, Berkeley, 200IS.B., ibid., 200IEVELYN YANG LIUs.B., University of California, Berkeley, 2008YANQIU LIUB.Eng., Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, I991Mast., Ecole Centrale de Lyon, France, I998HEIKO MALESSAs.B., Boston University, 200IRAVISHANKAR REDDY MALIREDDYB.Eng., B.MS. College of Engineering, Bangalore, India, I993BEATRIZ MALO SERISALic., Universidad de Alcala de Henares, Madrid, Spain, I999Mast., ibid., I999• WITH HONORSNAVIN JOSE MANJOORANB. Tech., National Institute of Technology, Warangal, India, 200Is.M., University of Florida, 2003Ph.D., Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, 2001NITIN VALAPOIL MANOHARANB.Eng., Bbarathiar University, Coimbatore, India, I999MIKHAIL MARKOVLL.M., M V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia, 2002JOHN DOUGLAS MARSHALLA.B., Rhodes College, 2000CYNTHIA-CLARE MARTEYS.B., Central State University, I994jD. , Case Western Reserve University, 200IADRIAN CHRISTOPH MAZENAUERDipl., KV Zurich Business School Switzerland, I998Dipl., Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, 20IOMICHAEL McDONALDS.B., New York University, 200IJENNIFER M. MCMANUSA.B., University ofMichigan-Ann Arbor, 200IM.Acct., ibid., 2002STEPHEN BURTON McNAMARAA.B., College of the Holy Cross, I994MONlKA AVANISH MEHROTRAB. Tech., University of Lucknow, India, I999MICHAEL REID MERRILLS.B., Iowa State University of Science and Technology, 2000• WITH HIGH HONORSGUSTAVO MILLANIng., Universidad de los Andes, Bogota, Colombia, I996Mast., Colegio de Estudios Superiores de Administracion, Bogota,Colombia, 2000BOUNG DO MINB.B.A., Yonsei University, Seoul South Korea, I990HORACIO EDUARDO MIRANDA ORTIZLic., Instituto Tecnologico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey,Guadalajara, Mexico, I999MB.A., Boise State University, 2003DEREK ALAN MITCHELLS.B., University of Minnesota- Twin Cities, 200IAMISH MODYA.B., Emory University, I998• WITH HONORSIMRAN A. MOHAMMADB. Tech., Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, India, 200ISHAINE MOHANS.B., American University, Washington, District of Columbia,2004TOMMY BRO M0LGAARDDipl., Handelsbejskolen i Kobenhavn, Copenhagen, Denmark,I998AMANDA LEIGH MOORMANA.B., Wartburg College, 2009ADITHYA MOPURIB. Tech., [auiaharlal Nehru Technological University, Hyderabad,India,200IS.M., Arizona State University, 2003• WITH HONORSSEAN PATRICK MORRISS.B., Truman State University, 2005MAcct., Northern Illinois University, 2005PAUL MILTON MORSBACHA.B., Carleton College, 2003GARIKAI MPARUTSAS.B., Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana, 2002MSc., University of Birmingham, England, United Kingdom,2005AVISHEK MUKHERJEEB. Tech., University of Kalyani, India, 2003TARESH MULKYB.Eng., Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, Singapore, 2003MICHAEL JOSEPH MULLINSB.B.A., University ofMiami, 2000S.M., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2004OLIVER MUNCHDipl., Ruhr Uniuersitat Bochum, Germany, I992Dipl., Fern Universitdt, Hagen, Germany, I999• WITH HIGH HONORSMARC WILLIAM MURRAYB. Com., University of South Africa, Pretoria, 20II• WITH HONORSBRIANNE JACOBSON MUSTAINS.B., University of Utah, 2009SUBRAHMANYAM SIVARAMA MUSTIB. Tech., Indian Institute of Technology Madras, India, I994S.M., North Carolina Agricultural and Technical StateUniversity, I996EKATERINA MUZYKADipl., St. Petersburg State University of Economics and Finance,Russia, 2000MIDORI NAGANOB.Eng., Kyushu Institute of Technology, Kitateyusyu, japan, I989TOSHIAKI NAGATELL.B., Hitotsubashi University, Tokyo, japan, I997B. V.M., Tokyo University ofAgriculture and Technology, japan,2004Ph.D., Shinshu University, Matsumoto, japan, 2009• WITH HONORSSUDARSHAN NARASIMHANB. Eng. , University ofMadras, Chennai, India, 200IS.M, University of Florida, 2004PIERS DAVID NASHB.Sc., University of Guelph, Ontario, Canada, I992Ph.D., University ofAlberta, Edmonton, Canada, I999• WITH HIGH HONORSJEFFREY ARTHUR NELSONS.B., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2000• WITH HONORS RAVIKUMAR NEMALIKANTI NAGAVENKATA HANUMATHB.Eng., Andhra University, Waltair, India, 200IDONNLA BRIGHID NIC GEARAILTB.A. (Hons), Coldiste na Tri6n6ide Baile Atha CliathlUniversityof Dublin, Ireland, I996Ph.D., University of Cambridge, England, United Kingdom, 2005KOSUKE NOHARAA.B., Keio University, Tokyo, japan, 2000HANI IKRAM NOSHIS.B., American University in Cairo, Egypt, I999S.M, Gannon University, 200I• WITH HIGH HONORSOBIORA COLLINS OKOYEA.B., Oxford Brookes University, England, United Kingdom, 2000M.Sc., University of Dundee, Scotland, United Kingdom, 2008NOLAN PATRICK O'NEILLA.B., University of Minnesota- Twin Cities, 2006ELIZABETH A. 0 RIA.B., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2005GEOFFREY ORLANDS.B., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2006PAUL KEVIN OWENSB.Sc.(Hons), Staffordshire University, Stoke-on-Trent, England,United Kingdom, I994Ph.D., University of Bradford, England, United Kingdom, I997LIQING PANA.B., Nanjing University, China, 2006A.M, University of Chicago, 2007AVINASH PANDEYB.Eng., Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University,Aurangabad, India, I997Dipl., Symbiosis Institute of Telecom Management, Pune, India, I998SURAJ UTTAMRAO PATILB. Eng. , University of Mysore, India, I999Dipl., Mahindra Institute of Software Engineering andManagement, Pune, India, 200IBAMASISH PAULB. Com. (Hons), University of Calcutta, India, I998Dipl., ICFAI Business School, Hyderabad, India, 200ICHRISTOPHER PEARSONS.B., University of Rhode Island, I995SHAUN ROBERT PERGANDES.B., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2000S.M, ibid., 200IDARYL LEWIS PETERSONS.B., Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology, I995S.M, Kettering University, 2000MANASCHANDRAKANTPHADKEB.Eng., Maharaja Sayajirau University of Baroda, India, 2002S.M, Illinois Institute of Technology, 2004PAVEL POPOVDipl., Moscow State University of Railway Engineering (MIlT),Russia, I999KALPANA PUNUKOLLUB. Tech., Nagarjuna University, Nagarjuna Nagar, India, I989S.M, University of Illinois at Chicago, I992CEM PUSATCIOGLUS.B., University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2005ALI BAGHAEI RADB.Eng. (Hons), University of Canterbury, Christchurch, NewZealand, 2006BALAKUMAR RAGOTHAMANB.Eng., PSG College o/Technology, Coimbatore, India, I995S.M, University 0/ Iowa, I991KRISHNAN RANGACHARIS.B., University of Calijornia, Berkeley, 2005S.M, University o/Washington, Seattle, 20IOALEXEY RATNIKOVDipl., Financial Academy under the Government 0/ the RussianFederation, Moscow, Russia, 2002• WITH HONORSMARIA RATNIKOVADipl., M V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia, I999Dipl., Plekhanov Russian Academy 0/ Economics, Moscow,Russia, 200IOLIVIER RAVARDIng., Ecole des Hautes Etudes Industrielles de Lille, France, I991MATTHEW S. REAHMS.B., Colorado Technical University, 2006ADAM CHARLES REEBS.B., Georgetown University, 2004ALEXANDER G. REEDA.B., University of Chicaeo, 2005• WITH HONORSKATIA V RIBAROVAS.B., DePaul University, Chicago, Illinois, 2005FRANCESCO RIGAMONTILaurea, Unioersita Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milan, Italy, I991• WITH HIGH HONORSERIC RISIUSA.B., Wartburg College, I998S.M, University o/Wisconsin-Madison, 2000NEETAROBUS.B., University 0/ Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2004S.M, ibid, 2005RICARDO RODRIGUEZ IGLESIASBach., Universidad CEU San Pablo, Madrid, Spain, 2003A.B., South Bank University, London, England, UnitedKingdom, 2003JASON PATRICK ROGERSB.B.A., University 0/ Iowa, I996MAcct., ibid., I991MARCOS RosARIO DA BARROSAEng., Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Brazil, 2005GARY ROSEB.B.A., University 0/ Michigan-Ann Arbor, 200IM.Acct., ibid., 2002MEGAN SIBOLE ROTTCHERA.B., Harvard University, 2003• WITH HONORSINDRANIL ROYCHOWDHURYB.Eng., Sikkim Manipal University, Gangtok, India, 200I.Dipl., Symbiosis Institute of Telecom Management, Pune, India,2003RYAN MICHAEL RUDNITZKIS.B., University o/Wisconsin-Madison, 2003S.M, ibid, 2005• WITH HONORSTIMOTHY IRVING RUFFS.B., University o/Wisconsin-Madison, I988RAJ VI RUPANIB. Eng. , Gujarat University, Ahmedabad, India, 2003S.M., University 0/ Illinois at Chicago, 2006DAVID SACCONB.Sc., Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada, 2000 WEERAKORN SAITEPA.B., Chiang Mai University, Thailand, I996M.Econ., ibid., 2004JOHAN SALIMSiB: University o/Wisconsin-Madison, I994S.M, ibid, I995RASHELLE ELIZABETH SALIMIA.B., Kalamazoo College, 2006KAUSHIK SAMANTAB.Eng., National Institute o/Technology, Durgapur, India, I991Dipl., Management Development Institute, Gurgaon, India, 200IASHOK SAMTANIA.B., University 0/ Michigan-Ann Arbor, I998DHARMESH C. SANGHAVIB.Eng., University 0/ Mumbai, India, I996S.M, Cleveland State University, I998NAGARAJANSANKARANARAYANANB. Com., University 0/ Madras, India, I994PlYUSH SARAOGIB. Com., Sydenham College 0/ Commerce and Economics,Bombay, India, 200ISATYAJIT SARMAB.Eng., Gauhati University, India, 2003DAVID R. SCHERERA.B., Harvard University, I993ROMAN SCHWARZMA.S., Hochschule Luzern, Lucerne, Switzerland, 2008• WITH HIGH HONORSTARIK SEKKATDipl., Institut Superieur du Commerce, Paris, France, I994Mast., Ecole Superieure de Commerce de Paris, France, I999ALEXIS SEPULVEDA FLORESBacb., Instituto Tecnol6gico y de Estudios Superiores deMonterrey, Mexico, 2003DANILO GEPUELA SESE, JR.A.B., University of Chicago, 200IVINOD DATTARAM SHENAIB. Eng. , University 0/ Mumbai, India, I998S.M, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, 2002• WITH HONORSTUSHAR AVINASH SHETHAJIB. Eng. , University 0/Pune, India, 200IS.M., University o/Wisconsin-Madison, 2004• WITH HONORSMUHAMMAD HAMID SIDDIQUIB.Sc. (Hons), Kingston University, Kingston-upon- Thames,England, United Kingdom, 2003GUILHERME SILBERSTEINEng., Escola Politecnica da Universidade de Slio Paulo, Brazil,2003MARCOS MONTEFUSCO SILVABach., Universidade Anhembi Morumbi, Sao Paulo, Brazil, I998WENDY WEI LIN SIMBiAcct., Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, Singapore 200ISUMIT SINGHB. Tech., Punjab Technical University, [alandhar, India, 200IS.M., University of Texas at Austin, 2003GORDON CHRISTOPHER SMITHS.B., Michigan Technological University, I988S.M., Massachusetts Institute o/Technology, I990D.Sc., ibid., I993• WITH HIGH HONORSSAMMYSOHNS.B., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2003YOGESHKUMAR NAVINCHANDRASOLANKIBiEng., Hemchandracharya North Gujarat University, India, I990Dipl., Som-Lalit Institute ofManagement Studies, Ahmedabad,India, I999S.M., University of Texas at Arlington, 200IETTORE SOLD!Laurea, Uniuersita degli Studi di Genova, Genoa, Italy, 2004LINBING SONGA.B., Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, Guangzhou,China, 2000• WITH HIGH HONORSWUNGSONGB. Com., Macquarie University, Sydney, New South Wales,Australia, 200I• WITH HONORSPASCAL PIERRE SOUDRYMast., Ecole Superieure des Sciences Economiques etCommerciales, Cergy-Pontoise, France, 2000• WITH HONORSVENKATRAGHAVAN SRINIVASANDip!., Brilliant's Computer Centre, Bangalore, India, I993M. Com., Karnataka State Open University, Mysore, India, 2008CLAYTON WILLIAM STRONERA.B., University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, 2000PAULA L. STROZAKA.B., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2004LESLIE STURGEONB.B.A., University ofMichigan-Ann Arbor, 2003XUEBIN SUIBiEng., Shandong University, China, I988S.M., Portland State University, Oregon, 2002JOHN HOWARD SUKURSS.B., Indiana University Bloomington, 2003RYAN WILLIAM SUPPLEB.B.A., University of Kentucky, 2000MARK SURABIANA.B., University of Chicago, 20IOBENJAMIN JULIUS SWARTZB.B.A., Ohio State University, Columbus, I990KAREEMUDDIN SYED-MOHAMMEDB.Eng., University ofMadras, Cbennai, India, 2002S.M, University of Texas at Arlington, 2004STEVEN SZAKALYA.B., Albion College, I999A.M, Wayne State University, Detroit, Michigan, 2009SAMER TADROSSB. Com., Ein Shams University, Cairo, Egypt, I999TSUTOMU TAKADAA.B., Keio University, Tokyo, Japan, 2004AI NGEE CORRINNE TANA.B., National University of Singapore, Singapore, I990Dip!', University of London, England, United Kingdom, 20IOBEE YINGTANB.Sc. (Hons), Oxford Brookes University, England, UnitedKingdom, 2004OLEG TARANENKOB.Sc., University of Toronto, Ontario, Canada, 200IS.M., DePaul University, Chicago, Illinois, 2005 CHARLES WILLIAM TEEL, JR.S.B., Indiana University Northwest, Gary, 2001ALEXANDER Y. TERLETSKIYDip!', M V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia, I994JERED NELSON THORPs. B., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 200ILORENZ TRAGATSCHNIGMag., Wirtschaftsuniversitiit Wien, Vienna, Austria, 2000EFFIONG ASUKWO USINB.Eng., Federal University of Technology Owerri, Nigeria, 2000M.Sc., Imperial College of Science, Technology, and Medicine,London, England, United Kingdom, 2009MIKHAIL UVAROVDipl., Moscow State Institute ofInternational Relations, Russia, I998Kand., Moscow University for the Humanities, Russia, 2008GUY VAN NECKCand., Universiteit Antwerpen, Antwerp, Belgium, 200ILic., ibid., 2003Mast., ibid., 2004Mast., Solvay Business School, Brussels, Belgium, 2008• WITH HONORSCORINE VAN VLIET-VROEGINDEWEIJM.Sc., Technische Universiteit Delft, The Netherlands, I992Doctor, ibid., I991• WITH HONORSJONATHAN DAVID VANDERPLASA.B., Calvin College, 2003SATISH REDDY VANGAB.Eng., Osmania University, Hyderabad, India, I990S.M, Louisiana State University and Agricultural andMechanical College, I998ERIK VAUGHANS.B., Miami University, Oxford, Ohio, 2000• WITH HONORSCHARLES ERIC VIERGUTZS.B., University of Florida, 2002S.M, ibid., 2004lEVA VYSNIAUSKAITEA.B., Macalester College, 2005MSc., University of London, England, United Kingdom, 2001ANTHONY T. WALKERA.B., Columbia University, New York City, New York, 2001REGINA LOIS WANB.Bus., Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane,Australia, 2002MARK WARMANS.B., University of Illinois at Chicago, I992ALICIA ANN WASHINGTONS.B., State University of New York at Stony Brook, I919MD., ibid., I988JOSEPH THOMAS WICKLANDERA.B., Kalamazoo College, 2002SURATH LASANTHA WIJETUNGAS.B., University of Maryland at College Park, 2004RYAN GEARY WOLFS.B., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2000HONG ZHOU WONGB. Com., University ofAdelaide, South Australia, Australia, 2000JUN TSIONG WONGA.B., University of Oxford, England, United Kingdom, 2000LL.M., New York University, 200IA.M, University of Oxford, England, United Kingdom, 2004• WITH HIGH HONORSJOHN FRED TSUNG SUN WOOB. Com., University ofMelbourne, Parkville, Victoria, Australia, I999B. Comp., ibid., I999MICHAEL TODD WUEHLERA.B., Brigham Young University, I990S.M, ibid., 200IBIYONGXUA.B., Renmin University of China, Beijing, I995A.M, ibid., I998S.M., Iowa State University of Science and Technology, 200IPh.D., ibid., 2004• WITH HONORSRONNIE KUM YUEN YANGB.Eng., Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, Singapore,I994S.M., National University of Singapore, Singapore, I998OLEG YANKELEVDipl., National Research University Higher School of Economics,Moscow, Russia, 200IDipl., ibid., 2003HERVE ATTOHOURA YAODipl., Institut National Poly technique Felix Houphouet Boigny,Yamoussoukro, Cote d'Iuoire, 2001ZHENYEA.B., University of Hertfordshire, Hatfield, England, UnitedKingdom, I999LL.M, University of Newcastle-upon- Tyne, England, UnitedKingdom, 2000Ph.D., University of Hertfordshire, Hatfield, England, UnitedKingdom, 2005 TEIN SOO YEEB.Eng. (Hons), Universiti Malaysia Sa bah, Kota Kinabalu,Malaysia, 200IMB.A., Multimedia University, Melaka, Malaysia, 2005MPhil., Monash University, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 20IIXIAORUI YUB. Eng. , Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, 2004S.M., University of Texas at Austin, 2005CHEE KEONG YUENB.B.A., Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, British Columbia,Canada, 200IAHMAD ZUBIR ZAHIDB.Sc., University of Bristol, England, United Kingdom, I990MIKHAIL ZHAVORONKOVDipl., St. Petersburg State Polytechnic University, Russia, 2000MB.A., Nortbumbria University, Netocastle-upon-Tyne,England, United Kingdom, 2000• WITH HIGH HONORSROMAN ZHUKOVSKYIDip!', Kiev National University of Economics, Ukraine, 2000JAN ZILINSKYA.B., Harvard University, 2009JASMIN ZUKANOVICS.B., Indiana University Bloomington, 2008JOSEPH ZURENKOB.B.A., University of Notre Dame, 2005For the Degree of Doctor ofPhilosophy in the University of Chicago Booth School of Businessand the Division of the Social Sciences:AVIHAY RAPAPORTA.B., Tel Aviv University, Israel, 2009M.B.A., University of Chicago, 20I3(Financial Economics)DISSERTATION: Supply and Demand Shocks in the Oil MarketIX. IN THE DIVINITY SCHOOLFor the Degree ofMaster ofArts:ELIZABETH KENDIGS.B., State University of New York at Buffalo, I910A.M, University of Toronto, Ontario, Canada, 2000CLARA HOPE MITCHELLA.B., Indiana University Bloomington, 20IO THERESE ALLEN NELSONA.B., weber State College, I983ML.A., University of Chicago, 2009DREW J. STRAITA.B., Whitworth College, 2004A.M, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, Deerfield, Illinois,2009X. IN THE IRVING B. HARRIS GRADUATE SCHOOLOF PUBLIC POLICY STUDIESFor the Degree ofMaster ofPublic Policy:ALICE J. McLEANA.B., Northwestern University, 2000SAMANTHA SUE NGOOIA.B, University of Chicago, 20I3 ANDREW M. SCHMITZA.B., University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2000XI. IN THE LAW SCHOOLFor the Degree of Doctor ofJurisprudence:GILBERTO HERNANDEZ OSEGUERALic., Universidad Andhuac, Mexico City, Mexico, 2002LL.M, University of Chicago, 2000DISSERTATION: Recognition and Enforcement of ForeignJudgments between Mexico and the United States ofAmericaXII. IN THE SCHOOL OF SOCIAL SERVICE ADMINISTRATIONFor the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy:MATTHEW CHRISTIAN SPITZMUELLERA.B., Carleton College, I991A.M, University of Chicago, 2005A.M, ibid., 2008DISSERTATION: The Making of Community Mental HealthPolicy in Everyday Street-Level Practice: An OrganizationalEthnographyTHE ALMA MATER(Please Stand)Music: Eustasio Rosales and Mack Evans, arranged by James KallembachThe University of Chicago Motet ChoirJames Kallembach, ConductorText: Edwin H. Lewis, Ph.D., 1894 Music: Eustasio Rosales and Mack Evans, arranged by James Kallembach�ij! J IJ. Jl J J IJ J j J I r· Jl F9 IF) r JTo - day we glad - ly sing the praise of her whose daugh- ters and whose sons Now�ij 1":\r Jl J ) I J. j j J IJ. V J 1 IF a J Jloy al voi - ces proud - ly raise to bless her with our be - ni - sons. Of�ij J. js, J J IJ. 0 J J IJ. js, J J IJ. 0 J Jall fair mo - thers fair - est she, most wise of all that wis - est be, most�ij FJ IPl IF] 1":\J. js, J I IF r J J J' IJ.true of all the true say we, is our dear AI- rna Ma ter.ADDRESS BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNIVERSITYROBERT J. ZIMMERMUSICAL FINALECANTATA ACADEMICA, MOVEMENT XIIIComposed by Benjamin BrittenThat a .free university in a .free city may thrive,Ever the ornament and treasure of illustrious wisdom.The University of Chicago Motet ChoirJames Kallembach, ConductorMillar Brass EnsembleCLOSING WORDSCATHERINE C. BAUMANNMarshal of the UniversityTRUMPET FLOURISHMillar Brass Ensemble IITHE RECESSIONAL(Please Stand)Toccata from Symphony Number 5Composed by Charles-Marie WidorThomas Weisflog, University OrganistTHE CONVOCATION RECESSIONALThe Flag BearersThe Marshal of the UniversityThe President of the UniversityThe Provost of the UniversityThe Faculty SpeakerThe Trustees and Officers of the UniversityThe DeansThe Vice-MarshalThe Faculty of the UniversityThe GraduatesThe Student MarshalsSWINGING PEALWylie Crawford, University CarillonneurTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MOTET CHOIRMembers of the University ChoirsJames Kallembach, DirectorMUSICIANSWylie Crawford, University CarillonneurThomas Weisflog, University OrganistMILLAR BRASS ENSEMBLEMatt Lee, DirectorROCKEFELLER MEMORIAL CHAPELORGAN AND CARILLONTHE ORGANBuilt with the Chapel itself in 1928, RockefellerMemorial Chapel's regal organ is one of fourUniversity organs of the American organ-builderE. M. Skinner (the others being at Yale, Princeton,and Michigan). These organs are considered amongthe finest examples of twentieth-century romanticorgans built in America. On November 1, 1928,Rockefeller's organ, Opus 634, was unveiled at arecital by Lynnwood Farnam, reportedly to a crowdof over 2,500 admirers.In the Rockefeller organ, Skinner fully invested hisgenius for realizing a full orchestral sound, with acomplete collection of voices and many soft etherealeffects. Many of the large pipe scales, which arenecessary to achieve a full sound in a building thesize of the Chapel, are no longer built and thuscannot be found in contemporary organs. Theoriginal Chapel organ included four manuals andhad 6,610 organ pipes in 108 ranks; since its 2008restoration, it now has 8,565 pipes in 132 ranks.The organ's bay of pipes, located in the Chapelchancel, is a work of art in itself and is an integralelement of the interior architecture of Rockefeller.In addition to the chancel organ located at the frontof the Chapel, Skinner installed a gallery organ inthe upper balcony of the Chapel, to accompanythe gallery choir. The organs can be playedindependently or as one, using either console. THE CARILLONThe Laura Spelman Rockefeller Memorial Carillonwas installed during the summer of 1932, a yearafter its sister instrument at Riverside Church inNew York City, and was dedicated at Thanksgivingthat year. Both carillons are the masterworks ofthe Gillett & Johnston bell foundry of Croydon,England. Carillons of this size had never beforebeen built and have not been constructed since.The Chicago instrument, comprised of 72 bellsand 100 tons of bronze, is the single largest musicalinstrument ever assembled. Its bells were cast overa three-year period and include a massive 18.5-tonbourdon sounding a low Ct.Since carefully tuned carillon bells of this size hadnever been created, the design consultant, FrederickMayer (organist and choirmaster at West Point),took the ground-breaking step of placing thefourteen largest bells below the playing cabin sothat the sound of these bells would not deafen theperformer to the smaller bells. Similarly, he laid outthese 58 smaller bells so that the tiniest of themwould be directly above the cabin, with the largerones higher in the tower. He also placed trapdoorsin the roof of the cabin, thus providing thecarillonneur with a balanced sound. In the 1960s,several changes were made to the installation and amajor restoration of this instrument was undertakenfrom 2006-08. Today, the layout of bells favors theaudience rather than the carillonneur.ACADEMIC DRESSThe robes worn by participants in academicceremonies originated when European universitieswere being formed in the twelfth and thirteenthcenturies. Since many of the instructors came fromreligious orders and taught in unheated and draftybuildings, they adapted their religious robes for useas the university attire.The long robe with an attached cape or hoodbecame the standard and variation in the costumeindicated the rank of the person wearing it. Theywere worn every day and served to distinguishscholars and their students from other citizens. Theapparel worn by university faculty that is seen inold engravings is remarkably similar to that which isworn today. The gown is a symbol of the democracyof scholarship since it covers any clothing indicatingother rank or status. While everyday fashions havechanged, universities retained the earlier style forformal attire to be worn by students, graduates,faculty, and university officials on ceremonialoccasions.European universities each developed their ownstyles and colors of academic dress, and some of thedifferences seen in the academic procession todayillustrate that variety. In the United States, however,an intercollegiate congress in 1895 agreed on a singlestandard for academic dress in this country thathas been adopted by most American colleges anduniversities. Individuals with bachelor's degrees wear a black gown, which has long pointed sleeves.The gown of master's degree holders is also black,with sleeves that are squared at the end. Doctor'sgowns are fuller with velvet facings down the frontand three bars on the generous bell-shaped sleeves.While the usual color is black, within the past halfcentury some American universities have adoptedgowns of a color appropriate for each school; at theUniversity of Chicago our doctoral gown is maroon.The cape of the earliest academic costumes hasbecome a hood, worn, by individuals with doctoraldegrees, over the shoulders and hanging behind.The lining of the hood is folded out and its colorsindicate the school from which the wearer obtainedhis or her degree. The velvet border designatesthe degree area of study (white for arts, yellow forscience, blue for philosophy, green for medicine,purple for law, and red for divinity). University ofChicago honorary degree recipients receive a hoodwith a white facing (doctor of humane letters),purple (doctor of laws), or yellow (doctor ofscience).The cap has its own traditions. The first right of afreed Roman slave was the privilege of wearing acap, so the academic cap is the sign of the freedomof scholarship. Although the flat square cap ormortarboard is most usual, Chicago's doctoral cap isan octagonal tam of velvet.THE MARSHAL AND THE STUDENT MARSHALSThe Marshal of the University was established in1895 to assist with the conduct of official ceremonies.Until 1903 the Marshal was an undergraduateupperclassman, assisted by other undergraduateupperclassmen and by members of the faculty. Since1903 the Marshal has been a member of the faculty,assisted by other members of the faculty and byundergraduate upperclassmen.The Marshal, Vice-Marshal, and Assistant Marshalsof the University of Chicago wear maroon doctor'sAndrew DavisHelma DikMartin E. FederMegan Elizabeth AnderluhMichael Wyman BegunElizabeth Marie BehrensNora Rose BinghamMorton Daniel BloomfieldJohn Colin BradleyJoseph Stefano CaputoHunter Sato ChaseDaniel Lee ComeauxJessica Carter CoonJohn Robert DulacMartha Kelly FahlgrenVincente Javier FernandezLily Elizabeth GabareeRebecca Nicole GutermanNathan Tyler HatchBenjamin Roy Heller robes with alternating black velvet and gold metallicbars on the sleeves. Prior to receiving their bachelor'sdegrees, Student Marshals wear maroon bachelor'srobes with maroon mortarboards. When receivingtheir degrees, they wear black mortarboards.Student Marshals are appointed by the Presidentof the University in recognition of their excellentscholarship and leadership. Appointment as a StudentMarshal is the highest honor conferred by theUniversity upon undergraduate students.MARSHALCatherine C. BaumannVICE-MARSHALDavid LaRue CrabbASSISTANT MARSHALSRachel FultonRichard H. HelmholzWilliam G. Howell Michael SilversteinRonald A. ThistedChristina von NolckenSTUDENT MARSHALS2 OI3-2OI4Daniel August HennEvan Mael HernandezJane HuangTessa Dorothy HuttenlocherEvan H. JinKipp William JohnsonDerek Connor JohnstonDavid Samuel KanerMichelle Anne KilbournDa Hei KuAlyssa Gabrielle LawtherEugene LeeJames Arthur ManleyReuben Lewis Knowles McCreanorJason Quino McCreeryAlida Camille Miranda-WolffKatelyn Muenck LindaJ. WaiteChristian K. WedemeyerPeter WhiteGabrielle Chelsea NewellJi Yoon NohLingyi PengAnna Emily SchultsUrveel Mukesh ShahRobert Eric ShoemakerAusten Weaver Turner SmithPatricia Rose StichnothJamila Akia TaylorSavannah Jennifer ThaisMattie Froedge TomaKiko WemmerAlice Lily YeSang Gune YooGrace Rui'En ZhangAnny ZhongThe University includes an undergraduate College,the William B. and Catherine V Graham Schoolof Continuing Liberal and Professional Studies,four graduate divisions (Biological Sciences,Humanities, Physical Sciences, and Social Sciences),six graduate professional schools (Divinity School,Law School, Pritzker School of Medicine, Irving B.Harris Graduate School of Public Policy Studies,School of Social Service Administration, and theUniversity of Chicago Booth School of Business),and a diverse collection of academic support unitsand resources, including libraries, research institutes,clinics, museums, theaters, and a university press.The University has more than 2,200 faculty andother academic personnel, and an enrollment ofover 15,000 students. The 211 acre campus islocated along the Midway Plaisance in Hyde Park, aresidential community on Lake Michigan south ofChicago's Loop.THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGOThe University of Chicago was founded in 1890 byJohn D. Rockefeller, biblical scholar William RaineyHarper, and Chicago-area Baptists. The University'sArticles of Incorporation commit the institutionto excellence in both undergraduate and graduateeducation, an explicit policy of co-education, and anatmosphere of non-sectarianism.Harper agreed to become the first president of theUniversity on the condition that he be allowedto establish a university that would be unlike anyother. He conceived of a university that wouldemphasize the creation of new knowledge and"make the work of investigation primary." To thisend, the University has always been dedicated toexcellence in research and has sought the mostdistinguished scholars for its faculty.Over the years, the University and its faculty havehad a major impact on American higher education.Faculty scholarship has shaped several essentialdisciplines and established important and distinctive"Chicago schools" in such disparate fields aseconomics, evolutionary biology, sociology, literarycriticism, anthropology, and law and economics.More than eighty Nobel laureates have beenmembers of the faculty, researchers, or students at theUniversity. Programmatic innovations originating atthe University include the invention of the four­quarter system, the establishment of a coherentprogram of general education for undergraduates,the initiation of a full-time medical school teachingfaculty, and the development of extension courses andprograms in the liberal arts for adults. The University's English Collegiate Gothic buildings,built of gray Indiana limestone, were designed toframe shady, green quadrangles. Contemporarycampus buildings have been designed in keepingwith the original Gothic theme while drawingfrom the tradition of great modern architecture forwhich the city of Chicago is famous. Eero Saarinenand Ludwig Mies van der Rohe designed strikingbuildings for the Law School and the School ofSocial Service Administration. The National Trustfor Historic Preservation praised the University forits insistence on architectural continuity over "acentury of social and academic change."On July 1, 2006, Robert J. Zimmer became theUniversity's thirteenth president.IJFSCwww.fsc_Ofg MIXPaper fromresponsible sourcesrsc- C003039