RR LD941 c.4University of ChicagoThe ... convocation I[no.] 503 (2010: June 12)Bib:215102 Copy:142237 Rec'd:06/16/10THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGOFOUNDED BY JOHN D. ROCKEFELLERTHE 503RD CONVOCATIONTHE SPRING QUARTERJune 12, 201010:00 A.M.MAIN QUADRANGLETHE CONVOCATION PROCESSIONThe Congregation stands and remains standing until after the Call to Order.The University Chicago Pipe BandThe Flag BearersThe Marshal of the University and the Student MarshalsThe Candidates for DegreesThe Faculty of the UniversityThe Vice-MarshalThe DeansThe Trustees and Officers of the UniversityThe Faculty SpeakerThe Rosenberger MedalistThe Candidates for Honorary DegreesThe Provost of the UniversityThe President of the UniversityORDER OF EXERCISESROBERT J. ZIMMERPresident of the University, PresidingCALL TO ORDERCATHERINE C. BAUMANNMarshal of the UniversityWELCOMEROBERT J. ZIMMERPresident of the UniversityTHE CONVOCATION ADDRESS"HISTORICAL CONTINGENCY AND ULTIMATE AIMS"byPAUL SERENOProfessor in the Department of Organismal Biology and Anatomy, and the CollegePaul Sereno, native of Naperville, received his B.S.in Biology from Northern Illinois University in 1979and his Ph.D. in Geological Sciences fromColumbia University in 1987 and joined the facultyof the University of Chicago later that year. Paul,an Explorer-in-Residence at the NationalGeographic Society, is well known for his teaching,research and exploration. With his wife, GabrielleLyon, he co-founded Project Exploration, a nonprofit organization that aims to broaden participation in science by minority youth and girls.Mr. Sereno's scholarship focuses on discoveringlarge-scale evolutionary patterns in the fossil recordand among surviving species. He has special interest in the dinosaur era and in methodological innovations to better trace the tree of life. Paul's fieldwork began in the foothills of the Andes inArgentina, where his team discovered the first dinosaurs to roam the Earth 230 million years ago.His expeditions have explored the Sahara in Mricaand the Gobi Desert in China, unearthing a menagerie of new species. Paul's latest discovery, a largearchaeological site that predates the Egyptian pyramids, is providing a snapshot of life in a once"green" Sahara.The author of books and stories in NationalGeographic and subject of scores of documentaries,Paul was named Teacher of the Year (1993) by theChicago Tribune and received the Walker Prize fromthe Boston Museum of Science (1997) and theUniversity Medal for Excellence from ColumbiaUniversity (1999). In 2009 Project Explorationreceived the Presidential Award for Excellence inScience, Mathematics and Engineering Mentoringfrom the White House.ANTHEMHow Can I Keep From Singing?Arr. Daniel H. Graves (b. 1946)The University of Chicago Monet ChoirJames Kallembach, ConductorMy life flows on in endless songAbove earth's lamentations.I hear the real, though far-off hymnThat hails a new creation.Through all the tumult and the strife,While to that rock I'm clinging.It sounds an echo in my soul.How can I keep from singing?When though the tempest 'round me roars,I know the truth, it liveth.What though the darkness 'round me close,Songs in the night it giveth.No storm can shake my inmost calmWhile to that rock I'm clinging.Since love is lord of heav' n and earth,How can I keep from singing? When tyrants tremble, sick with fear,And hear their death knell ringing;When friends rejoice both far and near,How can I keep from singing?In prison cell and dungeon vile,Our thoughts to them are winging.When friends by shame are undefiled,How can I keep from singing?When love is lord of heav' n and earth,How can I keep from singing?RECOGNITION OF PRIZES AND AWARDSTHOMAS F. ROSENBAUMProvost of the UniversityTHE ROSENBERGER MEDALEARL LAVON FREEMAN, SR.Tenor saxophonist EARL LAVON FREEMAN, SR., betterknown simply as Von, has been a major force injazz for over six decades and is an icon of Chicago'sjazz scene. He is one of a rare breed of U.S.-basedimprovising musicians: those who have developedinternational reputations without moving to NewYork City or relocating to Europe. To be sure, hehas released a number of acclaimed recordings forindependent labels and graced the stages of someof the world's finest venues, but, like many of hisunderappreciated contemporaries, he has remainedin Chicago. Over several decades, he has served as amentor to countless young musicians, particularlyon the South Side, through his playing, his witty,knowing commentary, and his leadership inperformances and jam sessions at historic venues likethe El Matador and Enterprise lounges and, currently,at the New Apartment Lounge on 75th Street. People who have attended those and otherperformances, dating back to Hyde Park's beehive inthe 1950S, know that his style is on par with that ofthe most inventive jazz performers and improvisers.His lines alternate between lithe, unpredictablelyrical statements and rhythmically insistent riff-style playing-with both cleverly sprinkled withreferences to melodies spanning the variety of musicproduced in and before the zorh century. His musicalsensibilities are, likewise, open and welcoming,embracing both core bebop-derived practices andsome of the more experimental styles associatedwith black Chicago improvisers. He may not beas well known to the general public as some of hiscontemporaries, but in those communities concernedwith the development of improvised music in theUnited States he needs no introduction.4The candidate will be presented by Berthold Hoeckner,Associate Professor, Department ofMusic and theCollege.CITATIONFor his continued creativity, for his unofficial educational work, and for his being a constant reminder that artistic achievement is the product of steady,dedicated engagement, Von Freeman has indeedperformed an important service whose effects havebeen felt far beyond his home community, openingthe ears of listeners and providing important lessonsfor novice and expert musicians.THE CONFERRING OF THE HONORARY DEGREESFOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF SCIENCEDAVID M. KARLProfessor of OceanographyUniversity of HawaiiD A VI D K A R L is a microbial oceanographer andmarine biogeochemist who has transformed ourunderstanding of the links between ocean chemistryand marine food webs. His insights have fundamentally altered our understanding of nutrientlimitation of photosynthetic carbon uptake in theoceans, spatial and temporal variability of marineecosystems, and the controls on the export oforganic carbon and biogenic minerals from theocean surface to the deep and to ocean sediments.Karl has combined novel measurements on microbial activity and nutrient cycling with a twodecade long, high frequency sampling campaign inthe heart of the world's largest biome - the NorthPacific Subtropical Gyre. He has documented bothpulsed variations and long term shifts in the carboncycle of this important ecosystem. Karl is nowleading the way in connecting population dynamics and gene transcription in marine microbes to largescale features of marine biogeochemistry, one ofthe grand challenges facing oceanography over thecoming decades.The candidate will be presented by Albert S. Colman,Assistant Professor, Department of GeophysicalScience and the College.CITATIONDavid Karl, oceanographer and microbiologist, isa leader in deciphering the complexity of chemicaland biological feedbacks in the oceans. His longterm monitoring program in the Pacific is provingcritical for studying the response of the ocean toelevated atmospheric carbon dioxide levels. Karl'sbrilliance and scholarship continue to revolutionizeour understanding of marine biogeochemistry.FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF SCIENCEROBERT P. KIRSHNERClowes Professor of ScienceHarvard UniversityROB E R T K IRS H N E R has devoted his career to theobservational study of supernovae, the explosionsof massive stars that produce most of the elementsin the periodic table. When he began, supernovaewere little more than a curiosity because of thedifficulty of getting quality observations of thesespectacular, but rare cosmic explosions. Today,because of his work and that of his students and thepostdoctoral fellows he has mentored, high qualitydata are obtained annually on hundreds of super-novae.His work has dramatically advanced our understanding of how supernovae explode and producechemical elements and additionally has madesupernovae the best means of measuring distancesacross the Universe. Using supernovae as cosmicyardsticks, Kirshner and his colleagues made the remarkable discovery that the expansion of theUniverse is speeding up due to the repulsive gravityof dark energy.The candidate will be presented by Michael Turner,Bruce V. & Diana M Rauner Distinguished ServiceProfessor, Departments ofAstronomy & Astrophysicsand Physics, Enrico Fermi Institute, Kavli Institutefor Cosmological Physics, and the College.CITATIONRobert Kirshner is one of the leading cosmologistsof his generation. He has profoundly advanced ourunderstanding of the stellar explosions that producethe chemical elements and surprised us with thediscovery that the expansion of the Universe isspeeding up, revealing the mysterious dark energythat accounts for three-quarters of the Universe.research and his mathematical descendants, Nerodehas had and will continue to have a profoundinfluence on mathematical logic and computability.FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF SCIENCEANIL NERODEGoldwin Smith Professor of MathematicsCornell UniversityA NIL N E ROD E is one of the foremost experts onmathematical logic and the theory of computability.One might place him in the tradition of Leibniz,with a scope of all of mathematics and a goal tounderstand computability and effective processes inall forms, theoretical and practical. With undergraduate and graduate degrees from the era ofRobert Maynard Hutchins and Marshall HarveyStone, Nerode carried the resulting intellectualand mathematical traditions with him when heleft Chicago in the 1950's, a time when the fields ofmathematical logic, computability, and automatatheory were in their infancy.In the subsequent decades he has done more thananyone else to bring these fields to their presentstate through the power of his mathematicalknowledge and his unique vision. Through his The candidate will be presented by Robert I Soare,Paul Snowden Russell Distinguished Service Professor,Departments of Computer Science and Mathematicsand the College.CITATIONFor over a half century, Anil Nerode has been apioneer in mathematical logic, computability,automata theory, and the understanding of computable processes both theoretical and practical. Hiswork comes from a venerable and distinguishedmathematical tradition combined with the newestdevelopments in computing and technology.6THE CONFERRING OF ACADEMIC DEGREESIn the College by Dean John W BoyerIn the William B. and Catherine V. Graham School of General Studies by Dean Daniel W ShannonIn the Division of the Biological Sciences and the Pritzker School of Medicine by Interim Dean Everett E. VokesIn the Division of the Humanities by Dean Martha T. RothIn the Division of the Physical Sciences by Dean Robert A. FeffermanIn the Division of the Social Sciences by Dean John Mark HansenIn the University of Chicago Booth School of Business by Dean Edward A. SnyderIn the Divinity School by Dean Richard A. RosengartenIn the Law School by Dean Michael H. SchillIn the Harris School of Public Policy by Dean Co lm O'MuircheartaighIn the School of Social Service Administration by Dean Jeanne C. MarshTHE ALMA MATER(Please stand)Please refer to p.99Members of the University of Chicago Monet ChoirJames Kallembach, ConductorADDRESS BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNIVERSITYROBERT J. ZIMMERMUSICAL INTERLUDEVoice Dance IIIComposed by Greg JasperseMembers of the University of Chicago Monet ChoirJames Kallembach, ConductorCLOSING WORDSCATHERINE C. BAUMANNMarshal of the University7THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGOCEREMONIES OF THE COLLEGE, DIVISIONS,AND SCHOOLSThe Award of HonorsThe CollegeThe William B. and Catherine V Graham School of General StudiesThe Division of the Biological Sciences and the Pritzker School of MedicineThe Division of the HumanitiesThe Division of the Physical SciencesThe Division of the Social SciencesThe University of Chicago Booth School of BusinessThe Divinity SchoolThe Law SchoolThe Irving B. Harris Graduate School of Public Policy StudiesThe School of Social Service Administration9 Page 10Page 32Page 50Page 52Page 55Page 60Page 65Page 70Page 82Page 84Page 89Page 92THE AWARD OF HONORSAwarded General Honors with the Bachelor's Degree:Sara Alexis Levine Abarbanel Felicity Robert Bloom Stephanie A. Ciupka Catherine Marisa EastonWilliam Cole Abram Maranda Ashely Blount Anne Carol Clark Laura Ann EberlyFida Abuisneineh Laurie A. Boettcher Andrew Eske Clarke Sarah EI Mouatassim BihRebecca Chaya Ackerman John Joseph Bonelli Rachel Grier Clarke Michael P. EmersonSuzanne Helen Adatto Christopher Clauson Boots Anne E. Clark-Raymond Esther Miriam EnglanderKatherine Corliss Aguirre Tracy Anne Boswell Casey Thomas Clausen Noah M. EnnisNaz Pasha Ahmad Timothy Aaron Boutelle Antonia Josephine Clifford Cameron J. ErensChloethiel Davis Ahmann Michael James Boylan Zachary Aaron Cloud Stefan Ryan EricksonImranAhmed Aisha Elizabeth Bradshaw Arielle Marie Clouse Timur N. EronJoyce Eunho Ahn Danielle Juliet Brecher Caelyn Theresa Cobb Ashleigh Nicole EvelandHannah Marie Airriess Luis Zogby Brennan Joss Chanin Cohen Erin Rebecca EwaldMaria Carolina Aissa de Figueredo Patricia M. Brent Leonora Anne Cohen Gregory FahlAparna Sanjiv Aiyar Gregory Ralph Brew Brendan F. Colson Max FalkowitzAshley Kirsten Alger Garrett Christopher Brinker Sen Cong Kathryn Elizabeth FallonHawa Osman Ali Jay Will Brooks Hannah Elisabeth Coolidge Chelsea Qing FanOzair Abrar Ali Cortlyn Wilhelmina Brown William MacDowell Coon Ruosi FanDylan Gregory Lucasi Allegretti Jessica Marie Brown Vanessa Claire Copeland Dan FangRuss Federico Altman-Merino Marguerite Lynette Brown Amanda R. Corcos Joseph Peter Farias-EisnerMarc Andrew Amante II Paul Allen Brown Evan Beck Coren Leslie Virginia Farlandjalpit Rajnikant Amin Lisa May Brownstone Molly Kathleen Costich Sarah Elizabeth FarrAyla Marie Amon Carl Kavanaugh Brozek Lauren Esther Cote Taylor Josephine FeehleyAdam Jonathan Anderson Eleanor Redstart Brush Catherine Morgan Cottle Samuel Raphael FeldmanMorgan L. Anderson Caitlyn Dawn Buchanan Anna Victoria Counts Luke Allen FiedlerAriane Aimee Pont Andrade Adjoa A. Bucknor Genevieve Theresa Cour Benjamin Andrew FieldKathie Yin-Han Ang Agnieszka Katarzyna Bugaj Elliott Leigh Coward Emma M. FinestoneAshley Nicole Angulo Christine Amanda Buras Miggie Mackenzie Cramblit Elly Shola FishmanMarina Antill6n Laura Eugenia Burgos Jordan Lee Crice Samuel Jesse FishmanKavin A. Arasi Katharine Mabel Burnett Jovana Crncevic Patrick Michael FlanaganVanessa Arellano Banoni Alicia Marie Bushman Joseph Russell Crnich Elizabeth Ellen FloraMichael L. Arnold Gabriel Michael Solomon Cahn Noah A. Cruickshank Alina M. FomovskaJonathan Christopher Ascolese Haotian Cai Jefferson Licudine Cua Maria Fondeur ButlerJed Alexander Augustine Michael Dirk Calderbank Beau Dabbs Andrew M. FosterTaylor MacKenzie Aylward Cody Ellis Calvin Kurt Martin Dahlstrom Zaharias P. FountasJane Babiarz Diana Wilkinson Camosy Danielle Yu-Chen Dai John Jarrett FowlerRoderick Gary Baker Amanda Elyse Cantlin Neil Girish Dalal Lauren India FramVladimer Bakhutashvili George Benjamin Carey Kevin Michael Dalton Emily Ann FrancisEmily L. Balsamo Sarah Hamilton Carl Rachel Noelle Dalton Elizabeth Katherine FranzAderonke O. C. Bamgbose Megan A. Carlson Aparna Dang Jessica FriedmanSarah D. Bang Victoria Carmona Janay Chai Daniel Lila Katherine FrikkerD. Matthew G. Barnum Samuel Arthur Casper Hali I. Danielson Edgar Louise FrilouxAnastasia Barron Gregory James Caswell Abhery Das Stephanie Louise FronkBrittani Deanne Baxter Christina Alexa Celentano Lorraine Elizabeth Samson David Hilary Potash FruitmanAmelia R. Baxter-Stoltzfus Kennan Alane Cepa Lee Hunter Davidson Declan FryeNora Estefania Becerra Nathan Teen-Ho Chan Ellen H. Davis Ariel Lesa FurstElan Joseph Bechor Terence Zhenyang Chan John Woodard Davis IV Tamara Ann GaffneyAmalia Marise Beckner Elizabeth Rose Chao Felipe Augusto De La Balze Link GanVarun Behl Paulina Chapa Trevino North Davenport de Pencier Saniya GandhiAlexander Todd Beinstein Eleni Ostash Chappen Bryan Douglas Dedeker Yihe Nina GaoAvery Garvey Bell Emily Paige Chase Skyler Mitchell Degenkolb Yuan Sophia GaoChristopher Kotrla Benedik Andrew S. Chen Kathryn Demanelis Alexander Stephen GarbierIoana Oriana Bercea Linda Chen Jonathan Patrick DeWeese Avi L. GarelickRachel Leah Berkowitz Bo Cheng Seth Joseph Dickinson Mohan GautamSamuel Karp Berkowitz David Cheng Jonathan Harold Dine Colin Nathaniel GawKatherine Klein Berner Hsin Yao Cheng Douglas Carl Dishong, Jr. Nicholas James GellerMarkisha Lavonn Berrien Nancy Cheng Lakorah Dawn Doig Charles Lewis GersteinRickisha Chavonn Berrien Shan Susan Cheng Matthew James Doiron Claire Joy GillNathaniel E. Berry Yu Cheng Daniel Dolnik Charles Thomas Henley GillespieClara Bertozzi-Villa Samuel Scott Chereskin Dallas Taylor Donnell Nina Claire Giviyan-KermaniEliot Richard Bessette Ashley Brianna Chin Natalie Claire Doss Anna Rae GoetheKushal Kirit Bhammar Jaemin Chin John Edward Dougherty II Carrie Louise GoldbergJahnavi Bhaskar Sabrina Pearl Chin Christopher Jeffrey Dow Chloe Bess GoldmanKatharine Amanda Kenerson Bierce Lesley Jane Chmell Evan B. Dreyer Andres Gonzalez GoodmanLiat Eleanor Bird Daniel Moon-Hyung Choi Kathryn Derry Dries Cara GooHannah Judith Birnbaum Justin Jin Woong Choi Eric Wesley Driscoll Mara Elyse GoodmanJulie Erin Bischoff Florence P. Choo Biljana Droca Nathalie Michelle GormanChristina Monique Black Smrita M. Choubey Margaret Erin Du Mont William R. GosnerThomas Michael Blaser Rashikh Ahmed Choudhury Julia Arthur Dunning Joshua Paul GovermanJoseph A. Blass Mateusz Kamil Ciejka Ryan Patrick Durkin Constance Claire GradyDavid Blobaum Aleksandra Ciric Kathryn Lauren Dwyer Natalie Margaret GraefenhainIODaisy Grandt Michael J. Ioannides MinJu Lee Alicia A. MayElizabeth Hunter Grathwol Kyle Spencer Jackson Yennie Hyunjoo Lee Brian Maxwell MayerLaurel G. Grbach Eric Daniel Jaffe William Edward Leeb Frederick Thomas MayerDaniel Jared Green Leigh Jacqueline Jahnig Tanaphum Leelaporn Joseph Lawrence MayerAmanda Ketelhut Greene Laszlo Pal Jakab Michael D. Lefors Henry Howland McCannPatrick Alan Greene Katherine Elizabeth Jasa Sara Elizabeth Leginsky Daniel Cullen McCartneyChapin K. Gregor Natalie Rejane Genz Jerkins Matthew Norman Lemoyne Warren S. McCauleyRichard Zachary Grenis Ethan James Jerzak Jillian Rachel Lenson Anna Gabrielle Liu McConnellRobert Gentry Grider Adam Joseph Johnson Brian Pan Ling Leung Jenna Leigh McDermitAustin Michael Gross Chelsea Allyn Miles Johnson Ho-Chun Victor Leung Jay Douglas McGovernGabriel Samson Grossman Hilary Marie Johnson Rebecca Jeanne Leval Aileen Wen McGroddySarah Lynne Grusin Nicholas Alexander Johnson David Emmanuel Levari Lane Thomas McintoshJan-Michael Guerra Sean Donner Johnson Maxwell Simon Levine Sarah Gibson McKeeverLauren Ashley Guerrieri Laura Beth Jones Noah Colin Lewellen Andrew Patrick McLeodJoseph Robert Guiler Henry Horatio Joyce Andrew G. Lewis Kathleen C. McNeilAllison Elizabeth Gundlach Michael Baxter Joyce Heather Mudford Lewis Kyle Pearson McNerneyTsion F. Gurmu Jonathan C. Jui Chenchuan Li Melissa Michaela Elizabeth McReeStacy Lee Hackner Michael Ryan Julian, Jr. Jack Li Meetra Hope MehdizadehMary Michelle Hackney Sung Eun Jung Sai Li Kevin P. MeilAriel Hafftka Alison Deborah Kahler Yi Fan Gu Li Hannah L. MelnicoeMohammad Baqir Haidar Emily Grace Kaiser Angelina X. Liang Ronald William MercerBenjamin Thorman Halbig Vasilios Kalas Fang- Yu Liang Scott Bryan MessickEmily Olsen Hall Katayun J. Kamdin Yuanjie Liang Alexander Mathias MeyerLucy Aileen Hall Shimin Lynn Kan Jeremy J. Liao Kaitlin S. MeyerRebecca Frances Hall Rahul Kar Brian D. Libgober Miranda Wolff MeyerMenaka Vagesh Hampole Ross Abraham Karp Ketry Lie Alexander B. MichevEugene Lee Han Adam Rubin Kaye Rishi Brionny Lilly Andreea MihaiHuiqing Han Saree Michele Kayne Cong Han Lim Amanda Renee MillerKameron Randall Hanson Allison Rae Kazen En Lim Travis Joseph MillerJason Jiachen Hao Matthew Gene Kearney Samuel Wei Liang Lim Jennifer Jene MillhouseAndrew Straiton Hard Elizabeth C. Keating Marissa Lin Ryan Scott MillsEllen Rose Harris Kaitlyn Maas Kehoe Sean Lin Thomas Alexander MilnorJorgen Michael Harris Jacqueline A. Kellish Yuxi Lin Peter Logan MoffitTakeha Curry Harrison Margarita Kelrikh Zhi Chen Lin Kathleen Nicole MonaghanRyan Joseph Harte Justine A. Kentla Juan David Lindstrom Peralta Pierre Raymond MonnatKatherine Elizabeth Haselkorn Tyler Thomas Cleburn Kerr Benjamin Charles Linsay Thomas James MonsonChristopher Michael Havlin Benna A. Kessler Arielle Kinuye Linsey Dylan Joseph MontanariAmelia Honor Hay Khirul Ezar Bin Mohd Khir Natnari Natalie Linwong Margaret Marie MorenoConor Patrick Healy Johnathan Alexander Khusid Joan Whitney Liszka Jamie Heather MorgensternAnika Swartley Heavener Jacob Davis Kiernan Chen Liu Morgan Elisabeth MoroneyDustin Gardener Hedmark Anna Megane Kim Kailin Liu Jacob Bruce Henry MorrinAlexandra Elise Heimbach Enoch Kim Lucy Tong Liu Elizabeth Ann MorrisJasmine Marie Heiss Jay Young Kim Pu Liu Katherine Ann MorrisChristopher K. Henderson Ji Won Kim Siyang Liu Maureen Jane MorrisSabryna D. Henze Kim-Mei Elizabeth Kirtland Yun-Mei Mariana Lo Emily Grazia MoschiniAndrea Nicole Hermerding Melissa Lea Kisala Miles Parker Loh Emily Kathryn Heist MossNicholas Jon Hernandez Kaitlin Grace Klamann Jeffrey Bonds Lopez Jessica Joy MothsPaola Nohely Hernandez David Joseph Klein Olivia Dyan Lopez Steven Michael MudrochJessica Leigh Hester Marshall Barret Knudson Susan Lopez Alexandra Claire MumaAddie Augusta Hill Himchan Ko Adrian Jia Yuan Low Tracy Ann MumfordLucas Timothy Hiller Ruslan Sayarovich Frances Elizabeth Low Narasimha MummalaneniAlisha Joy Hines Kochemirovskiy Karry Lu Lee Carter MundellWei Hao Bryan Ho Sree Sathya Kode Marvin Lu Gregory Dennis MurenElisabeth Phoebe Kamine Stephen Anthony Kolb Tiffany Shing-I Lu Dylan Joseph MurphyHoltzman Marek M. Kowalewski Ying Lu Prerna NadathurMiles Spencer Hopgood IIana Michelle Kowarski Wei Luo Savithry NamboodiripadBrandon Anthony Jones Hopkins Malika Marathe Krishna Miroslav A. Lysyuk Saleerna Gul NawabPaula Clare Horner Satoru Kudose Yucong Ma Alexander Kimon NaylorAnya Rumi Hosain Anindya Kundu Sarah Esther Magidson Isaac Killian NeillRachel Gilah Hostyk Soyoung Tiffany Kwak David Gregory Mahoney Erin Anna NekritzNatalia Hryniw LiAn Kwan Amira K. Makansi Peter David NelsonRona Shin Chi Hsu Jackson Jianchao Lai Lauren Luisa Makholm Scott B. NelsonDebora S. Hu Chattrin Laksanabunsong Amulya Mandava Chaitanya Hari NetkalappaJenny Hu Kingsley Tin Lok Lam Robert Manix-Cramer Sean Kevin NewtonHaijing Huang Theodore Haw Huei Lam Yang Mao Jia Hong Ray NgJustin Ryan Huang Christophe Lamy Ariel Jonathan Marcus Tin Brian Trong NguyenPaul E. Hubble Steven David Larue Sarah H. Marikar Theodore Orval NielsenJames Leon Huff Christopher Patrick Laubacher Emma Gabrielle Marquez Nina Farah NoahChad Steven Hughes Christopher Martin Leamy Dorea Elizabeth Martin Hae Young NohChang Hee Huh Joshua Benjamin Leavitt Trevor R. Martin Anna Sofia NortonTalia Akiva Hurwich Bin Bin Lee Omar Martinez Sara NorvalHyesung Hwang Hannah Lee Bria Alessandra Mathews Samuel D. OberdickEleanor Immerman Michelle Tai Lee Erin D. Matson Elizabeth Martha O'Brien-PenneyMe;Me;Blake Joseph Obuchowski Hannes Lutz Llewellyn Roberts Matthew F. Streit Justin William Walker CVincenzo Mendoza Ocampo Clement J. Robinson Elizabeth A. Sugden Hannah K. P. M. Walser EWilliam D. O'Connell Amy M. Roder HeeWon Suh Lisa Q. Wang 1Jerome Patrick Offner Aaron Jose Curet Rodriguez John B. Sullivan Kaitlyn Elise Wark SWaldo Tekampa Ojeda Karys Andrea Rodriguez Qifei Sun Kathryn Britt Waterbury l'Eze Okeagu Jose Ignacio Rojas-Echenique Mark R. Surabian Emily Rachel Watkins 1Abimbola Olatokunbo Oladokun Jennifer Rose Romero Onur Surgit Upekha Maria Weerasinghe :rStephanie Bernadette Oliva Leticia Rosa Cela Devine Sutton Melissa Frances Weihmayer CLeonel Alain Olmedo Eliza C. Rose Cory Matthew Swaim Richard Andrew Wein JMatthew Alan Olson Aviva Rebecca Penzner Rosman Jodie Rae Sweitzer Ariel Joshua Weiser FKathryn M. O'Mara Allison Carroll Ross Eric Alexander Swenson Alexander David Werner ABryn Connor O'Steen Benjamin Cohen Rossi Michael G. Swiatkowski Margaret Grace Wessel Walker �Thomas Carter Osterbind Nathaniel Evan Roth Hannah Marie Elizabeth Taber Frank Jerome White 1Hannah Sophia Otalora-Fadner Michael B. Roytburd Stephanie Anne Tacopina Meghan Wenona White pDavid Alexander Ottlinger Max David Rubinstein Viraj Talwar Micaela Cathleen White ]'Thiti Owlarn Peter Todd Russell Marybeth Tamborra Daniel Richard Whitman yPatricia M. Padurean Mason Gregory Sager Sara Rose Tamler Daniele Sebastian Wiedenhaupt 1David Howard Westin Palm Stephen David Saltarelli Benny Jek Hau Tan Kinga Wilewska pJacob Andrew Pancratz Martin Jerome Salvucci Melissa Siok Yee Tan Christina Marie Williams 'IJiang Yan Pang Kaitlin Elisabeth Samocha Da Wei Tang Christopher Wright Williams FChee Hyurng Park Claire Nadine Saperstein Maxwell Tang Aaron Charles Wilson IJohn Lee Parker Anne Karr Sappington Yinni Tang Caroline Nicole Wilson 1<Margot Elizabeth Parmenter Anna E. Sarfaty George Tarmy Eliza Margaret Touart Wilson ISean Alexander Pears Benjamin Henry Schill Ioana Emanouilova T choukleva Peter Brown Wilson SLindsay Marie Pearson Ezra N. Schricker James Tsai Teng Lauren Gardner Winer IKimberlee Michelle Pelster Ryan Alan Schuering Anna Marie Tenuta Evan S. Winston IDeborah Rose Pefia Toby Hanna Schwartz Songjie Lionel Teo Emily Frances WinterBo Peng liya G. Schwartzburg Sze Sing Shaun Teo Alison Jennifer WirtzAdam Reed Perkins Elizabeth A. Scoggin Caroline Amelia Terry Samantha Temby Wishnak MeAndrew S. Peters Evan Eugene Scott Salom Mahlet Teshale Martin Wolberg-Stok }Edward Austin Peters Michael Dominick Scotto Ann Tevzadze Jarrod P. Wolf IKatherine Helen Petty Yee Shen Seah Anya Thetford Clare Catherine Wolfe IMichael Wu-Kung Pfautz David Alden Seal Sona Thinakaran Julia Susan Wollrab JJordan Keith Phillips Jonathan Blake Sellon Michael Sam Thompson Angelica Wong JBailey Amanda Pickens Marie Elizabeth Sennyey Tory Lane Thompson Eric S. Wong (Sarah D. Pickering Bradley Robert Serpico Zoe Elizabeth Thompson Christopher Frederick Wood IAllison Tobiah Pillsbury Frederick Harris Setzer Chiyu Tom Tian Amanda Leigh Woods �Matthew J. Piron Oliver Syed Shafaat Wayne Tie Anna Courtney Woods IMelissa Ann Plesac Khalid Sharif-Sidi Tobias Henrik Tieger Matthew J. WoolfRebecca Suzanne Plummer Erin Kimberly Shaw Alexander Glenn Tievsky Race Edward WrightIsak Joseph Poirier Christopher Dezell Shea George Christopher Tobias Jiemai Wu MeAndrew Naman Poppick Julia May Sheffield Alexa Maria Tompary XiaolongWuMargaret Pamela Porter Ali Sheikh Allison Ann Tovo-Dwyer Siyao J. XUGuillaume A. Pouliot Justin D. Shelby Patricia Tracz Daniel Hee-Sung YangAlyssa J. Price Emilie Claire Shumway Hallie Causey Trauger Mayon YenDavid Luke Pritchard Tamara Natasha Silverleaf Dionisio Alejandro Traverso Melissa L. YeungCaileigh Lauren Pudela Wen Yi Cheryl Sim Aaron Michael Trent ji-Sook YimNicole Danielle Pulichene Victoria Anne Simons Melanie Ariel Treuhaft Daphne Yi YinNiQian Kathleen Elizabeth Singer Nicholas F. Trojanowski DosukYoonChristopher R. Quintos Supriya Brooke Sinhababu Bradley Andrew Trotter SangAh YoonBlake Pavel Rachowin Katherine M. Sirianni Maryna A. Trusova Brian Thomas YoungRebecca Marie Radding Marcin Mariusz Siwicki Shih-Kang Connie Tsao Steven Landon YoungNora Lee Radtke Miranda Edith Kelly Sklaroff Kelsey Youll Tupper Nora Deniz YucelHarish Raja Peter C. Smutko Caitlin Elizabeth Tweed Stephanie Michelle YurashZainab Sarah Adeola Raji Hannah Rose Snyder Laura Kenlyn Twining Shezaad Adil ZainulbhaiOgnjen Rakita Bernard Ndah Somdah, Jr. Brooke Susanna Ullery Liliana Zaragoza ThVirginia A. Rangos James Edward Stand Benjamin David Umans Tengren ZhangTyler Josef Rasch Mark Andrew Stankevitz Philip Lionel Underwood Yayan ZhangIssra Rashed Ashley Renee Stanton Allison E. Urbanik Zhang Zhang Stt;Rachna Rawal Stephen Stanwood Kristen Nobuko Uyemura Nellie ZhaoRachel Blanche Reed Andrew Joseph Stastic Aaron James Vanides Ying ZhouSarah Lelek Reeser Sarah Margaret Staudt Nalika Urvishi Vasudevan Michael Z. ZhuJohn P. Reeves Otillia Mackenzie Steadman Isabella Carolina Velasquez Molly Zimrnerrnan-FeeleyOlivia Hale Renensland Michael William Stevens Jane Annick Venanzi Joshua Richard ZlatkusJessica Leigh Reuteler Jamie Ann Stinson Anjali Mary Verghis Tatyana Zolotareva StuAllison Leigh Richards Mark Anthony Stoehr Samra Vilogorac Wenjing Zong 1Katie Ann Richards Catherine Elizabeth Stolar Sophia Wagner-Serrano Cecilia Elizabeth Zvosec 1Ricardo Renato Rivera Joseph Robert Stoner Daniel C. Waldinger Samantha Jayne Zwiebel 1JMembers elected by the Beta of Illinois Chapter ofPhi Beta Kappa for especial distinction in general scholarship in the College:Members of the Class of20IO Elected Spring 20IOChloethiel Davis Ahmann Jalpit Rajnikant Amin Adam Jonathan Anderson Elan Joseph BechorEliot Richard Bessette Liat Eleanor Bird Hannah Judith Birnbaum Christina Monique BlackTracy Anne Boswell Lisa May Brownstone Terence Zhenyang Chan Rashikh Ahmed ChoudhuryStephanie A.. Ciupka Evan Beck Coren Anna Victoria Counts Miggie Mackenzie CramblitNorth Davenport de Pencier Jonathan Patrick DeWeese Matthew James Doiron Eric Wesley DriscollLaura Ann Eberly Cameron J. Erens Sarah Elizabeth Farr Andrew M. FosterHilary Potash Fruitman Ariel Lesa Furst Yihe Nina Gao William R. GosnerConstance Claire Grady Austin Michael Gross Huiqing Han Jason Jiachen HaoJasmine Marie Heiss Christopher K. Henderson Sabryna D. Henze Paula Clare HornerRachel Gilah Hostyk Justin Ryan Huang Ethan James Jerzak Vasilios KalasAdam Rubin Kaye Saree Michele Kayne Matthew Gene Kearney Anna Megane KimMelissa Lea Kisala Ilana Michelle Kowarski Jackson Jianchao Lai Kingsley Tin Lok LamTheodore Haw Huei Lam Joshua Benjamin Leavitt Jeffrey Boryean Lee Matthew Norman LemoynePan Ling Brian Leung Ho-Chun Victor Leung En Lim Zhi Chen LinNatnari Natalie Linwong Chen Liu Kailin Liu Adrian Jia Yuan LowYing Lu Erin D.Matson Ronald William Mercer Scott Bryan MessickTravis Joseph Miller Daniel Kenneth Moore Steven Michael Mudroch II Tracy Ann MumfordPrerna Nadathur Alexander Kimon Naylor Isaac Killian Neill Sean Kevin NewtonWilliam D. O'Connell Jiang Yan Pang Margot Elizabeth Parmenter Bailey Amanda PickensRebecca Suzanne Plummer Guillaume A. Pouliot Rebecca Marie Radding Mark John RedmondHannes Lutz LlewellynRoberts Jose Ignacio Rojas-Echenique Aviva Rebecca Penzner Rosman Benjamin Cohen RossiKaitlin Elisabeth Samocha Anne Karr Sappington Julia May Sheffield Miranda Edith Kelly SklaroffHannah Rose Snyder Stephen Stanwood Hannah Marie Elizabeth Taber Melissa Siok Yee TanSze Sing Shaun Teo Tory Lane Thompson Hallie Causey Trauger Benjamin David UmansDaniel C. Waldinger Alexander David Werner Peter Brown Wilson Angelica WongHelen Irene Worrell Shezaad Adil ZainulbhaiMembers of the Class of20IO Elected Spring 2009Anastasia Eristale BarronPaul Allen BrownElizabeth Rose ChaoJessica FriedmanJessica Leigh HesterChristopher Patrick LaubacherFrederick Thomas MayerMark Andrew StankevitzHannah K. P. M. Walser Katherine Amanda Kenerson BierceGabriel Michael Solomon CahnAntonia Josephine CliffordColin Nathaniel GawDebora S. HuWilliam Edward LeebMatthew Alan OlsonAaron Michael TrentNathan E. WilmersMembers of the Class of20II Elected Spring 20IOAnna Victoria AlekseyevMichal CarnySara Anne ChisesiJosephine A. C. CoolJacqueline Hannah GurevitchKyle Leo KocherAlexander Benjamin MahylisBenjamin Jacob Morris-LevensonMichael David PearsonAnn Louise RobbinsJeremy Harrison SchwartzRoss Thomas Weijer Jeremy Cunningham Bancroft BrownMichael John CarwileSally Fama CochraneDaniel Alexander DruckerMatthew Fletcher JonesSally Rose LanarRebecca Anne MaurerJames Michael MurphyVladislav Vladilenov PetkovEmily Escher RushDavid Burton SnellHannah Rebekah Whitehead Christopher Clauson BootsSarah Hamilton CarlBiljana DrocaNicholas James GellerEric Daniel JaffeYun-Mei Mariana LoAllison Carroll RossPhilip Lionel UnderwoodJulia Susan WollrabJohn Robert BinderMolly Katherine CavanaughJanet Elizabeth ConnorNicholas William ForetekVictor Jacob KesslerAlice I-Jung LeeSean Patrick McClellanZiJian NeoAngel Sen PuMallika SachdevaAndrew Albert TullyAllison Morgan Young Timothy Aaron BoutelleSamuel Arthur CasperBenjamin Andrew FieldChole Bess GoldmanMarshall B. KnudsonAmulya MandavaClaire Nadine SapersteinKristen N. UyemuraVuk BrajuskovicYiwei ChenKyle Leo KocherPatrick Thomas GiamarioKhalid Walid KhayrMiles C. LubinSean Alexander MirskiNicole Leslie NeubarthLeah Margareta Gazzo ReismanZachary David SchwabAlison Ingrid WeberThe Maroon Key Society, a group of third- and fourth-year students invited to serve as an advisory committee to theDean of the College and to assist in the entertainment of visitors to the Quadrangles:Students of the Class of20II Inducted Spring 2009Students of the Class of20IO Inducted Spring 2009Anna Victoria AlekseyevMarcella Justine DeLaurentiisAppledene Samantha OsbourneLuis Zogby BrennanLaura Ann EberlyBenjamin Andrew FieldJulian Altman QuintanillaAnya Thetford Lawrence Randolph BelcherElizabeth Lillian KerrEmily Claire PramikAlicia Marie BushmanJohn Weldon EmersonSaqib Mohammad HussainAviva R RosmanMicaela Cathleen White Stephen Kahn BonnettAllen Louis LintonMark John RedmondJacqueline Marilyn CarrilloAmy Diane EstersohnSteven David LaRueKlara ScharnaglAdama Kemba Wiltshire13 Grace Marie ChapinGreg Dylan NanceMegha ShankarAntonia Josephine CliffordLeslie Virginia FarlandPrerna NadathurCela Devine SuttonRace Edward WrightStudents of the Class of20IO Inducted Spring 2008Hilary Potash FruitmanDavid Joseph KleinChristopher Raymond Quintos Claire Joy GillYennie Hyunjoo LeeHallie Causey Trauger Tsion F GurmuAngelina X LiangChristopher Wright Williams Jessica Leigh HesterKaitlin S. MeyerJarrod P. WolfAlexis Carrie ChaneyJonathan James LykesTiffany Michele TaylorEthan Darrell DubinKarl Jakob HaraldssonAlexander Benjamin MahylisMarie OtsukaRohan Thadani JanThejKendrChristKamelKaitlirRebecThe.iSeniors in the Pritzker School ofMedicine elected to the Beta ofIllinois Chapter ofAlpha Omega Alpha for excellence in the work of the School:Students of the Class of20I2 Inducted Spring 20IODavid Salomon AkininAlicia Renee FulliloveTaylor Danielle Simpson Aiya BagewadiTheodore Wyatt GonderStephen Lee Sunderman Maria Emilia Carrera HerreraEdward Elliot JamesLauren Mary TarpeyAhmed Aziz ChaudharySara Alison KalantariDrew Anderson LansdownMichael Thomas OsborneMeghan Ann ConnettJacqueline Marie KehlerMichael Thomas OsborneCaitlin SchaningerMembers of the Senior class of the Law School elected to the Order of the Coiffor excellence in the work of the School:Students of the Class of20II Inducted Spring 20IOMarc-Andre Carl AllenMegan Marie FrestedtHoda Abdi HassanKatherine Grace ManuelliAngel Sen PuJared Anthony White Arthur Louis BaptistWilliam Spencer GlickNadia Marie IsmailSean Alexander MirskiPaul Walter RiskusTony Yin Gabriel William BenghiatAlicia Marie GrafJudith Nzembi KitukuElliot Murgia MusilekMichelle Morgan SchmitzRobert Edward DunnEitan Seth HoenigGarrett Levy OrdowerAsha Lyn Indira SpencerStephen Christopher YeldermanThe j. Kyle Anderson Award, presented to the senior baseball player who best exemplifies character, leadership, integrity,and dedication to the team while distinguishing himself with accomplishments on the field:Bradley Robert SerpicoMary Kathleen BisterMeghan Ann ConnettJosephine Soohee KimGautam MalhotraJohn Anthony Macklin Paro Markus Daniel BoosLindsay Amanda FingerRyan Michael KohlbrennerShanshan MouCharlotte- Paige Melanie Rolle Elizabeth J. BrownJonathan GrinsteinCharles Glen KulwinCameron Elizabeth NienaberGeoffrey David WoolThe Department ofAnesthesia and Critical Care Award, to a Senior medical student for outstanding performance in the general field:Neil Deep RaySeniors in the Pritzker School ofMedicine elected to the Gold Humanism Honor Society:Mary Kathleen BisterChelsea Anne DorseyDaniel William KrebsJohn Anthony Macklin ParoDean Alden Shumway Markus Daniel BoosNereida EsparzaElaine Patricia LinShilpa Nagarur ReddyJames McCauley Walter Kyla Michelle BrydonJonathan GrinsteinCameron Elizabeth NienaberAisha Patrice ReulerThe Margaret C. Annan Undergraduate Awards in Writing was established in Ms. Annan's memory by her students,for third-year students in the College in recognition of excellent writing and for support of a writing project:Reid Miller BoltonThomas Edward GormanBrian Keith McLeishMark Robert SaysonEric C. Tung Frank M. DickersonMolly Kelly GrovakChristopher Stephen MoralesBenjamin L SchusterDiana Marie Watral Daniel Vernon DorrisChristopher Robert HagaleDrew Anthony NavikasEric Michael SingerBenjamin WhitingChriscinda Claire Henry DISSERTATION: Buffoons, Rustics, and Courtesans: Low Painting and Entertainment Culture in Renaissance VeniceSpring, 201014The Association for Academic Surgery Student Research Award, for outstanding performance in research in the general field of Surgery:Charles Glen KulwinThe Roy D. Albert Prize, for the best master's thesis in Anthropology:Nitya Deepa Das Acevedo THESIS: Changing the SubjectThe American Society for Public Administration Student of the Year Award, to a student in theIrving B. Harris Graduate School of Public Policy Studies:Jenny Zijia SongValer Alexander Popa Alexandra Lauren Geffen Mae Emma Adams RiceThe Department ofArt History Dissertation Prize, for the outstanding doctoral dissertation in the department: ArsKatThe./.Sarti«,Briru,RoEriThe.TelEriThe.Yi-The.MtBestM:CTheYuTheRyEriThelasTheoThe Bain & Company MB.A. award, to a student in the University of Chicago Booth School ofBusiness for excellence in Strategy:Guy Henry TurnerThe Patricia Lynn Baker Prize, to a graduate student in the Departments ofPolitical Science or Sociology, or in the Master ofArts Program in theSocial Sciences, for the use ofsocial science knowledge in improving human welfare, in identifYing and analyzing institutionalized formsof inequality, and in promoting social reform:Jan Pacewicz THESIS: Economic DevelopmentThe Edith Ballwebber Athlete Prizes, to women athletes who have contributed significantly to a varsity sport:Kendra Keala HigginsChristina S. HuKatherine Grace ManuelliKaitlin S. MeyerRebecca Jane Schmidt Class of 2012Class of 2011Class of 2011Class of 2010Class of 2013The Ann -watson Barber Outstanding Service Awards, for the third year students who have made exceptional contributions to the quality of life atthe Law School:Nikolay KodesBenjamin L. Schuster Oren Matthew LundArsineh AnanianKatharine Amanda Roin Adrian O'hara MiltonThe Anna M and George H. Barnard Memorial Prize in American History, for the best Bachelor's essay in United States History:Sara Elizabeth LeginskyThe Edith Barnard Memorial Awards in Chemistry for Service to Others:Nicole Danielle Harrold Catherine Bradshaw Poor Christine Ann SchwerdtfegerBrian Dylan CarstenThe Joseph Henry Beale Prizes, presented to a student in each section of the first year legal research and writing program whose work is judged to bemost worthy ofspecial recognition in the Law School:Rohit Avinash NafdayEric C. Tung Jeffrey Stephen OliverZhengWang Jennifer S. Senior Nicholas Cooper SoltmanThe Bell, Boyd & Lloyd Prizes, for outstanding brief in the Bigelow Moot Court Competition:Teresa Raquel CabelloEric C. Tung Jeffrey Stephen Oliver Nicholas Cooper SoltmanRyan Russell KirkAnastazja Patricia WieckowskiThe Sonia G. Berz Honors Award, to a graduating Master's Degree student in the School of Social Service Administration for outstanding work,with special consideration given to one who shows great fUture promise in the field ofservices to the elderly:Yi-Ju ChenThe Irwin J Biederman Award, to the University of Chicago Booth School ofBusiness Full- Time Program student for outstanding leadership instudent life and activities during the first year:Megan Lynn WeinerBest Dissertation Award in the Division ofBiological Sciences:Matthew FriedmanCommittee on Evolutionary BiologySummer, 2009 THESIS: The Diversification of the Acanthomorph Fishes: Ecomorphological Perspectives on an Evolutionary PatternThe Leonard Bloomfield Prize, for the graduating college student with the highest GPA in Linguistics:Yun-Mei Mariana LoThe Dean's Prize for Building the Chicago Booth Brand:Ryan Michael GembalaErin Miranda O'Neill Gil Benyamin Haberman Matthew William Hankins Joshua MarehbianThe University of Chicago Booth School of Business Diversity Award:Jason Duane WilliamsThe -wayne c. Booth Graduate Awards for Excellence in Teaching, to graduate students who make outstanding contributions to instructionalprograms in the College:Charles M. Corney Katherine MacPherson Hill Reischl Daniel Rosso Jorge Omar Moreno TrevinoThe Chicago Booth Leadership Award of Distinction:Pamela Lyn BaskiesJihad KhalilYewande Dawodu Maduekwe Felipe ChildCarol Hilary Kl�inMichael Joseph Perrone Christopher DentMia Elizabeth LaflinChristopher O'Dell Wheat Ryan Michael GembalaShriya LallHaoWuLTheThe Bridge Builder Awards, recognizing students who have worked to establish or support connections between student groups or individuals:Aliya Bagewadi Rodney Lee Edwards Elizabeth Lindsay McCrelessThe Bernard 0. Brown Service Learning Award, in recognition and support for students showing dedication in human and community service:The T. Kimball Brooker Prizes, to foster the love of the book and to encourage book collecting among senior undergraduates:Michael Ryan Julian, Jr.Jake C. RansohoffAndrew Stevens FOURTH-YEAR PRIZE: History of MathematicsSECOND-YEAR PRIZE: The Political and Social History of the Byzantine EmpireHONORABLE MENTION: Agriculture and Foodti;(The D. Francis Bustin Prize, to honor a valuable and important contribution, proposal, or suggestion for the improvement and betterment of theprocesses, techniques, and procedures of our government:Greg Dylan Nance Alexandra Rachel TabachnickEitan Seth Hoenig PAPER: Criminal Procedure BargainsThe Ytlng Cao-Lan-Xian Best Thesis Awards in Physical Chemistry:Anshu Pandey DISSERTATION: Electronic Relaxation in Semiconductor NanostructuresThe Yang Cao-Lan-Xian Best Thesis Awards in Organic/Inorganic Chemistry:Seraphine Valeska Wegner DISSERTATION: Study of Metalloregulatory Proteins: Design and ApplicationsThe Campus Life & Leadership Awards, presented to students who have demonstrated leadership in a single co-curricular endeavor andsubsequently improved the quality of life on campus:Liat Eleanor BirdChad J. Williams Enal Shawqi HindiChristopher Wright Williams Mark John RedmondMartin Wolberg-Stok Supriya Brooke SinhababuJarrod P. WolfThe Joseph A. Capps Award, given to a Senior medical student for outstanding proficiency in Clinical Medicine:Charlotte- Paige Melanie RolleCaribbean Studies Association Award, for the best dissertation in the Field:Yarimar Bonilla THESIS: The Striking Past: Labor and the Politics of History in GuadeloupeChicago Center for Jewish Studies Essay Prize recognizes the undergraduates essay on a topic related to Jewish Studies:PRIZE WINNERS:Samuel Arthur Casper PAPER: Cain, Where are They, Those Whom You Brought Here?: Soviet War Correspondents Confrontthe Nazi Genocide, 1941-1945PAPER: Were They Really Anusim? Understanding Rabbinic Interpretations of the Status in Jewish Lawof Spanish Forced Converts between 1391 and 1492Esther Miriam EnglanderTalia BarzelRoss Meyer CarstensEliza C. Rose HONORABLE MENTIONPAPER: How the Western Sephardis Standardized Judezmo: The Role of Language Ideology in Orthography ShiftPAPER: Interfaith Governance in Fatimid EgyptPAPER: The Folding Triptych: Reading Bruno Schulz with Danilo Kis and David GrossmanThe Classics Prize, presented to the graduating senior who has achieved the highest academic distinction in the Classical Studies major:Nicholas James GellerThe Gerhard Closs Teaching Award in Organic Chemistry, to graduate students in the Department of Chemistryin recognition of exceptional teaching of undergraduates:Nathan David ContrellaThe Paul R. Cohen Memorial Prizes, to the graduating seniors who have achieved the highest academic record in the field ofMathematics:Elan Joseph BechorTengren Zhang Christopher K. Henderson Adam Rubin Kaye William Edward Leeb16 ri.(ThThttt,The College Outstanding New Leader Awards, to first- and second- year students for exemplary contributionsto student lift while showingforther promise as student leaders:Edward Elliott James Jonathan James LykesThe Oliver Cromwell Cox and Ernest Everett Just Prize, awarded by the Office of the Deputy Provost for Research and Minority Issues to a Collegestudent for the Bachelors paper that best exemplifies the aspirations and achievements of Oliver Cromwell Cox (A.M. Economics, I932,Ph.D. Sociology, I938) and Ernest Everett Just (Ph.D., Zoology, I9I6):&eRebecca Rose PompanoLiliana Zaragoza THESIS: The Age of Detention: U.S. Nativism and DeFacto Immigrant Criminalization in the 1990SThe John Crerar Foundation Science Writing Prize for College Students, which acknowledges the ability of University of Chicago Collegestudents to produce papers on a scientific topic that is thorough in its arguments but accessible to a broad readership:Peter Bernard BorahMichael B. Roytburd PAPER: Karl Popper and Antarctic Ice: The Climate Debate and its ProblemsPAPER: The Oceanic Acid Trip: Why C02 Impacts the Oceans so DrasticallyThe Joseph Cropsey Prize.krr the outstanding masters thesis in classical political philosophy written by a student in theDepartment ofPolitical Science:Christopher Dimitri Berk PAPER: Governing Through Space: Parole and the Society of SecurityThe Albert J Cross Prizes for Excellence in research, teaching, and departmental citizenship in the Department of Chemistry:Changle ChenThe Max Davidson Awards, presented to a member of the mens and uiomens tennis teams whose dedication tothe team and sports has excelled above all others:Garrett Christopher Brinker . Jennifer Elaine KungThe Harry L. Davis Award, to a graduating student in the University of Chicago Booth School of Business who has most exemplified the creativity,willingness to take risks, and deep commitment to the members of the Booth community that were part ofHarry Dauiss leadership whileDeputy Dean for the MB.A. programs:Stuart Andrew ClarkThe Deans Prize for Best Educational Programming, awarded annually to recognize a Full- Time MBA Program student program that hassuccessfully addressed an area ofgrowth within the community and demonstrated, through the program, a commitment to embracing andimproving the Chicago Booth community:Juan Manuel Buades CastellaAntonio Timoteo Labrador Jimenez Stuart Andrew ClarkArianna Trainito Fabrice Jean HoernerKaustubh Deepak Wagle Jason Andrew KingThe Deans Service Awards, to the University of Chicago Booth School of Business Full- Time Program students who served as the Graduate BusinessCouncil Executive Committee in recognition of their service to Chicago Booth:Pei-Ling Chang Felipe Child Dennis Christopher Johnson Michael Joseph PerroneBhanu Partap Singh Danielle Rose WayneThe Deans Prize for Service to the Community, awarded annually to recognize a group or groups ofFull- Time MBA graduating students whosecollaborative effort on behalf of Chicago Booth School students has made a significant impact on the internal Booth School community(e.g., social, educational, cultural event and program planning committees):Dennis Christopher Johnson Devin Spencer WildeThe Award for Outstanding Performance in the field ofDevelopmental Biology:Alexis Renee DemonbreunThe Society for Academic Emergency Medicine Excellence Award, for demonstrated excellence in the specialty ofEmergency Medicine:Mary Kathleen BisterThe Karen Dinal Awards, to graduate students for excellence in the teaching of academic writing to first-year students:Carl Eugene Findley III Michael SubialkaThe Catherine Dobson Prize, for best oral presentation given at the 64th Annual Senior Scientific Session by a non-PhD student in the area ofclinical investigation of research done in medical school:Ryan Edward LawrenceThe Gertrude Dudley Medal, to the senior female athlete who has contributed significantly in both leadership and performance to the WomensAthletic Program:Claire M. RayThe Donald E. Egan Scholar Award, to a student who, like Mr. Egan UD. '6I), has demonstrated a strong interest in the Law School and has areputation for integrity: TheEric Phillip Barstad Robert Edward Dunn DThe Claire Rosen and Samuel Edes Foundation Prize for Emerging Artists, to a graduating student or recent alumnusla of theUniversity of Chicago, to advance their practice:Leigh-Ann Pahapillts.FTheJoThe Departmental Award, to a senior medical student for outstanding performance in the field ofFamily Medicine:Kyla Michelle Brydon TheTThe Robert and Joan Feitler Prize, for the Best B.A. Paper in Art History: TheCStephen Anthony Kolb THESIS: Absolutism for Dessert: Louis XV's Biscuit Porcelain Figuires and the Construction of French Royal AuthorityThe Henry Ford 11 Scholar Award, to the University of Chicago Booth School ofBusiness Full- Time Program student for the most outstandingrecord after the first year of coursework:Gabriel Jordan JostromThe Daniel X Freedman Award, to a senior medical student for outstanding performance in the general field ofPsychiatry:Maxwell Rabson RovnerTJ.ThThe David L. Fulton Prizes for Orchestral Excellence, presented to outstanding stringed-instrument players in the University Symphony Orchestrawho have consistently demonstrated the highest level of musical accomplishment on their instruments, as well as an extraordinarycommitment to the Orchestra: ThAlec Keisuke Gross Stephanie LeSan SeloverThe Everett E. Gilbert Memorial Prize for the Best Third Year Experimentalist in Organic Chemistry:Fei Sun ThThe Evelyn Harris Ginsburg Memorial Prize, to a graduating Master's degree student in the School of Social Service Administrationfor outstanding work, with special consideration given to those who show great future promise in the field ofservice to children:Mara Holland LindsayHarry Ginsburg Memorial Prizes, for industry, sincerity, and ability in Physiology:Katie Corrine BittnerBrian Bero Theyel Jonathan Britt Dangjai SouvannakittiAri RosenbergGlobal Awareness Award, awarded annually to one graduating Full- Time MBA Program student in recognition of exceptional contributions made,while at Chicago Booth, to initiatives that enhance the Chicago Booth reputation and brand internationally:Marek Tadeusz WolekThe Harold E. Goettler Political Institutions Prize, awarded to the best undergraduate essay about political institutions:Katherine Ann Morris PAPER: Distinctions of Power within Communal Havens -A Case Study of Lonelyville Fire IslandThe Lawrence and Josephine Graves Teaching Prizes, to graduate students in the Department ofMathematics in recognition of exceptional teachingof undergraduates: .T.Anna Marie R. BohmannJohn Alexander Lind7Francis Chung Thomas Franklin Church Spencer Dale DowdallTThe Student Leader of the Year Award, to students in the Irving B. Harris Graduate School ofPublic Policy Studies:George Joseph Letavish, First-Year Chad J. Williams, Second-YearThe Community Service Award, to students in the Irving B. Harris Graduate School of Public Policy Studies: ]Megan Dean Milliken Elizabeth Ann PearsonThe Best Student Organization Award in the Irving B. Harris Graduate School ofPublic Policy Studies:Women in Public Policy StudiesThe John G. Hawthorne Travel Prize, to an outstanding student in Classical Languages, Literature, or Civilization:Joseph Allen Dozier18a The Ted Haydon Award, awarded to a male Track and Field athlete who has contributed significantly to the sport through performance, leadership,and overall dedication:Demetrios Nicholas BrizzolaraThe Nancy P. Helmbold Travel Award, in recognition of outstanding achievement in Greek and/or Latin:John Frederick OwenThe Perry S. Herst Prizes recognizing graduating seniors in the College who have combined study with social responsibility:Tsion F. Gurmu Enal Shawqi Hindi Adama Kemba WiltshireThe Edward W. Hinton Memorial Cup, for excellence in appellate advocacy, to the winners of the Hinton Moot Court Competition:Christopher Michael Dressel Juliana Newcomb MurrayThe Award for Outstanding Performance in the Field of Human Genetics:Ran BlekhmanThe Humanitarian Awards, presented to students who have lived a life of honesty, integrity, and responsibility, with a demonstrated commitment tothe welfare of the greater community:David Salomon Akinin Hannah Rose Snyder Adama Kemba WiltshireThe Peter Huttenlocher and Douglas Buchanan Prize in Neurology, for the best Medical student clinician/researcher:Charles Glen KulwinThe Illinois Geographical Society Outstanding Senior in Geography Award, recognizing a student committed to scientific research in geography inorder to encourage better teaching ofgeography at all levels, diffuse geographic knowledge, and unifY geographic interest in the state:Katherine Eleanor RossingThe Leon 0. Jacobson Basic Science Prize, for the most meritorious basic science research performed by an MD/PhD student at the 64th AnnualSenior Scientific Session:Cara Anne RabikThe Leon 0. Jacobson Prize, for the best oral presentation given at the 64th Annual Senior Scientific Session by a non-PhD student in the area ofbasic science investigation of research done in medical school:Charles Glen Kulwin. The Earl S. and Esther Johnson Prizes, to those students in the Master ofArts Program whose papers best combine high scholarly achievement withie, concern for humanistic aspirations and the practical applications of the Social Sciences:Isabella Helena AlexanderJill Weinberg THESIS: Walking White: Exploring the Transcendence of Radical and Political Categories in Chicago's Restaurant IndustryTHESIS: An Etiology of Discrimination: A Pilot Study of Labor Market Bias in Human Resources EducationngPAPER: There Is No T in 'Group'-But There Is in 'Right': Tracing the Cultural Meaning of European Rights Discoursefrom the Minority Treaties to the Post World War II EraThe Morton A. Kaplan Prize, to a student in the Committee on International Relations for the bestMaster's Paper submitted during the previous year:Stewart Timothy Knox THESIS: An Open Book? A Look at How Democratic Security-Seekers Signal Their IntentionsThe Emile Karafiol Prize, for the best Bachelor's essay in European or International History:Margot Elizabeth ParmenterThe Francis X Kinahan Memorial Prizes, to the graduating seniors who have made the most significant contributions to University Theater:Aileen Wen McGroddy Viraj TalwarThe Francis X Kinahan Award, to a graduate student for excellence in the teaching of advanced academic writing:Julia Louise KowalskiThe Patricia R. Kirby Multi-Sport Athlete Award, to the senior woman athlete who has received the greatest number ofMajor «C" letters:Iillian Rachel Lenson19Students were selected for this honor at the end of their first year, second year, or third year based on superior academic performance: A total of tenpercent of the graduating class has been designated as Kirkland & Ellis scholars:TheCTheKReid Miller BoltonThomas Edward GormanBrian Keith McLeishMark Robert SaysonEric C. Tung Daniel Vernon DorrisChristopher Robert HagaleDrew Anthony NavikasEric Michael SingerBenjamin Whiting Robert Edward DunnEitan Seth HoenigGarrett Levy OrdowerAsha Lyn Indira SpencerStephen C. YeldermanFrank M. DickersonMolly Kelly GrovakChristopher Stephen MoralesBenjamin L. SchusterDiana Marie WatralThe Frances E. Knock Prize, for outstanding academic achievement in Biological Chemistry:Vasilios KalasThti,1The Frances E. Knock Prize, for outstanding academic achievement in Chemistry:Jason Jiachen Hao ti,The Ellis BonoffKohs Awards for Orchestral Excellence is presented each year to outstanding student musicians in the University SymphonyOrchestra who have consistently demonstrated the highest level of musical accomplishment on a woodwind, brass, or percussioninstrument, as well as extraordinary commitment to the Orchestra:Hannah Alice McKeown 1J:AwThe Lee Family Foundation Prize in Philosophy, presented to the College senior who has the highest level of academic achievement in Philosophy:Ethan James Jerzak ThThe Lee Family Prize for Highest Grade Point Average, awarded to the graduating Philosophy student who has thehighest overall grade point average:Nathan E. WilmersThe Martin C. and Margaret M. Lee Prizes, to honor the best overall performances on the core and prelim examinations in the Department ofEconomics:Armin RickValentin Paul Toufic HaddadAditya BhaveArmin Rick Price CoreMacro CoreQuantitative CoreQuantitative Money, Banking, and Macroeconomic PrelimTThe John Haeseler Lewis Prizes, in recognition of the best graduating seniors concentrating in Physics:Adam Jonathan Anderson Katayun J. Kamdin nThe Solomon 0. Lichter Memorial Prize, to a graduating Master's degree student in the School of Social Service Administrationfor scholarship and professional leadership:Ariel Beth SchwartzThe Karl Llewellyn Memorial Cups, for excellence in brief writing and oral argument in the Law School:Andrew Lee Liao Carla Joanne WeissThe Steven Lukes Memorial Prize, to a senior medical student for excellence in the fields of both Internal Medicine and Neurology:Jacqueline Marie KehlerThe Edwin F Mandel Awards, to the graduates who have contributed most to the Law School's clinical education program:Kathleen Bassi Rubenstein Michelle Olufunmito Sowemimo Asha Lyn Indira Spencer Xiaorong Jajah WuThe Ignacio Martin-Bare, S.f, Human Rights Essay Award, presented to the College or Graduate student with the best Human Rights Essay:Samantha Temby Wishnak THESIS: Slums, the Environment, and the Public Interest: Right or Recreation?The Oscar G. and Elsa S. Mayer Prize, for academic excellence in the M.B.A. program of the University of Chicago Booth School of Business:Nathan Edward Wilhite1The Margaret McKenzie Prize in Germanic Studies, presented to a College student for outstanding work in Germanic Studies:Aaron James Vanides TThe Franklin McLean Medical Student Research Award, for a senior who has performed the most meritorious research:Luke Lehman Miller20The Medical and Biological Sciences Alumni Prize, for the best overall presentation given at the 64th Annual Senior Scientific Sessionof research done in medical school:Kent William MouwThe Department ofMedicine Awards, to Senior medical students for outstanding performance in the field of Internal Medicine:Gregory John Burrell Charlotte- Paige Melanie RolleShanshan MouThe Outstanding Achievement Award in Medicine, to a senior student for outstanding achievement during four years in medical school:Markus Daniel BoosThe Olga and Paul Menn Foundation Prizes, for an original short story or novel, an original play of one or more acts, or an original musicalcomposition by students in the graduating class:PLAYTamara Natasha SilverleafJacqueline Allan McLaren First Prize: Limbs and LungsSecond Prize: How to Build a BombAward for Outstanding Performance in the Field ofMolecular Genetics and Cell Biology:Paul Adam IngramThe Award for Outstanding Performance in the field ofMolecular Metabolism and Nutrition:Josianne BroussardThe Jane Morton and Henry C. Murphy Awards, presented to those students who have made a unique contribution to improvingUniversity student life:Laura Leigh DillyJeanie Young PaikMingZhong Sara Margaret FoleyAjay Chandrakant SampatKevin Lee ChangKyle Edward KarchesTaylor Danielle Simpson Tinotenda Lindsey ChitigaRebecca LevineGeoffrey Vaughan StetsonThe Thomas R. Mulroy Prizes, for excellence in appellate advocacy in the Law School, are awarded to:Hanna ChungBenjamin Francis FosterKatelynn Kelly McBrideCarla Joanne Weiss Daniel Vernon DorrisAnne Myriam KorenblitJuliana Newcomb MurrayKristen Joy MetzgerChristopher Michael DresselAndrew Lee LiaoPrerak Shah Curtis Wayne StrongRobert Edward DunnJeffery John LulaAsha Lyn Indira SpencerThe Mary Jean Mulvaney Scholar-Athlete Awards, to the male and female senior athletes with the highest junior and senior grade point averages:Julie Erin Bischoff Bo ChengThe Howell Murray-Alumni Association Awards, to recognize those students judged outstanding for their leadership and contributions to thevitality and creativity ofstudent life on the Midway:Ashtin Renee-Anne BerryJonathan B. CurrieJillian Rachel LensonAviva Rebecca Penzner Rosman Alicia Marie BushmanTsion F. GurmuBrittany Ann LittleAdama Kemba Wiltshire Antonia Josephine CliffordDavid Joseph KleinAbimbola Olatokunbo OladokunRace Edward WrightAgnieszka Katarzyna BugajBenjamin Andrew FieldAngelina X. LiangBradley Andrew TrotterThe Ruth Murray Essay Prizes of the Center for Gender Studies, honoring the best essays written in the areas of women's studies,feminist criticism or gender studies:Jessica Leigh Hester THESIS: Imaging the Body/Imagining the Self: Hannah Wilke's IntraVenus Series and the Construction ofIdentityThe Norman H. Nachtrieb Memorial Award, for excellence in undergraduate studies of Chemistry, awarded each yearto an outstanding student in the Department of Chemistry:Andrew Hann ChiangThe National Council for Geographic Education and Association ofAmerican Geographers' Award, for excellence ofscholarship:Ellen H. DavisThe Department ofNeurology Award, to a Senior medical student for outstanding performance in the general field·Claire Allison CasperThe Elizabeth R. Norton Prizes, for Excellence in Research in Chemistry:Alexander Ross Dickson Sergey Vladimirovich Pronin21The Daniel F. Nugent Prizes, for the best doctoral dissertations in Historical Anthropology:Gregory Alan Beckett Stephen Kingsley ScottThe Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology Award, to a Senior medical student for outstanding performance in the field ofObstetrics and Gynecology:Josephine Soohee KimThe John M. Olin Prize, to the outstanding graduate in Law and Economics:Eric Michael SingerThe Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Science Award, to a Senior medical student for outstanding performance in the field:Irene Maria RusuThe Justin Palmer Prize, awarded annually by the Department ofNear Eastern Languages and Civilizations to the undergraduate major whosubmits the best Senior honors paper:Benjamin Thorman HalbigThe Department ofPathology Award, to a Senior medical student for outstanding performance in the general field:Geoffrey David WoolThe Physical Sciences Teaching Prize, to graduate students in the Division of the Physical Sciences in recognition ofexceptional teaching of undergraduates:Louis E. Abramson Gail Hernandez Nathan Richard SickThe Casper Platt Award, for the outstanding paper written by a student in the Law School:Karen Maire Bradshaw PAPER: Backfired! Distorted Incentives in Wildfire Suppression TechniquesThe President's Volunteer Service Awards recognizes two volunteers who have demonstrated a superior commitment to service in the greatercommunity during the past academic year:Sabine Fave Cadeau John Kenneth KozlarThe Pritzker Leadership Awards, to Seniors for outstanding extracurricular accomplishments during four years in medical school:Chelsea Anne DorseyThe John Vtm Prohaska Award, for outstanding potential in teaching, research, and clinical medicine:Geoffrey David WoolThe Sheila Putzel Prize, to seniors in the College who demonstrate exceptional promise as a future practicing physician:Dorea Elizabeth MartinMatthew Gene Kearney FIRST PRIZESECOND PRIZEThe Department of Radiation and Cellular Oncology Award, to a Senior medical student for outstanding performance in the general field·Ahmed Aziz ChaudharyThe Richard W Reilly Award, to a Senior medical student for outstanding aptitude in the field of Gastroenterology:George William WeyerThe Center for Research in Security Prices Award, to a student in the University of Chicago Booth School of Business for Excellence in Finance:Gabriel Jordan JostromThe John Gray Rhind Award, to an advanced Divinity School Student in Ministry Studies whose excellence in academic and professional traininggives notable promise of a significant contribution to the life of the Church.Jeffrey Thomas LehnThe Ryerson Prize for General Management, to a student in the University of Chicago Booth School of Businessfor Excellence in General Management:Yochai M. Gafni22 TI.t.t,TT1777]]The Richard Saller Dissertation Prize, to the graduate in the Division of the Social Sciences whose dissertation is the most distinguished piece ofscholarship in a given year:Joseph Doyle HankinsDepartment ofAnthropologySummer, 2009 WINNERTHESIS: Working Through Skin: Making Leather, Making a Multicultural JapanJames Martin VaughnDepartment of HistorySummer 2009 HONORABLE MENTIONTHESIS: The Politics of Empire: Metropolitan Socio-Political Development and the Imperial Transformationof the British East India Company, 1675-1775The Award for the Best Basic Science Research Poster presented at the 64th Annual Senior Scientific Session by a senior medical student:Markus Daniel BoosThe Award for the Best Clinical Research Poster, presented at the 64th Annual Senior Scientific Session by a senior medical student:Drew Anderson LansdownThe Mary Roberts Scott Memorial Prizes, given to medical students who have demonstrated leadership and academic excellence during both thebasic and clinical science years:Elizabeth J. Brown Cameron Elizabeth NienaberThe "Walter and Fay Selove Prizes, for demonstrating excellent promise for undergraduate research in Physics:Jacob Reid Colbert Junghyun Lee Jia Hong Ray Ng Tae Yeon YooThe Lillian Gertrude Selz Prizes, awarded to the women with the highest academic achievement after their first undergraduate year:Libby Starbird Bova Isabela Velay FerreiraThe Joan Shiu Chemistry Department Student Service Awards:Kimberly Griffin Caroline Copeland WomackThe Paul Shorey Foreign Study Prize, for a deserving student of Greek or Latin for participation in the Athens or Rome Program in the College:Rubi Sanchez CabralThe Amos Alonzo Stagg Medal to a senior male athlete who has combined athletic performance and ability,leadership, character, significant contributions to team success and scholarship:Troy A. CarlsonThe Joseph StampfMedal to the senior player who strives for excellence as a man and as a basketball player; who gives of himself unto the lives ofhis teammates; and whose commitment to high values and integrity is expressed in his relationship with his teammates and coaches:John Joseph BonelliThe Nels M. Strandjord Memorial Award, to a senior medical student for outstanding performance in the general field of Radiology:Martin T. KingThe Louis Sudler Prize in the Creative Arts, to a graduating senior who has demonstrated excellence or the higheststandards ofproficiency in the creative arts:Adjoa A. Bucknor Eleni Ostash ChappenThe Sugarman/Closs Teaching Award for Advanced Chemistry Courses:Margaret Anna HershbergerThe Nathan Sugarman Teaching Awards in General Chemistry, to graduate students in the Department of Chemistry in recognition of exceptionalteaching of undergraduates:Dmitry Baranov Matthew David BryntesonThe Nathan Sugarman Awards for Graduate and Undergraduate Student Research, for exceptional research in the Enrico Fermi Institute:Alison Rebecca Brizius THESIS: "For her considerable contributions to the QUIET experiment measuring the polarization of the Cosmic MicrowaveBackground, in particular for her role in the integration of both the 44 GHz and 90 GHz receivers in laboratories inthe US and at the site in the Atacama Desert in Chile" - B. WinsteinTHESIS: "For his leading role in thoroughly exploring the properties of a probable new classof extragalactic sources" - D.G. YorkTHESIS: "For ground-breaking studies of the fine angular scale anisotropy of the Cosmic Microwave Background using theSouth Pole Telescope" - J. Carlstrom & S. MeyerSean Donner JohnsonRyan Scott Keisler23The Department of Surgery Award, to a Senior medical student for outstanding performance in the general field:John Anthony Macklin Paro TheThe Sol Tax Prize, for the doctoral dissertation which combines highest intellectual merit with relevance to Anthropology and action: WOMlsiBrCIR(K(R;CIJaKCatherine Kuhn Fennell THESIS: The Last Project Standing: Building an Ethics for the City Without Public Housing.The Theater and Performance Studies Award recognizes the graduating student who has best demonstrated theintegration of artistic and academic excellence:Allison E. UrbanikThe Manley Thompson Awards, given each year for the best Bachelor's theses in the Philosophy Department:Kevin Ryan BuschRosalie Ann DefinoPeter Gil-MontllorJonathan Stephan KurinskyThomas Salem ManganaroNathana O'BrienAdwait A. ParkerJames Eldredge PlankAaron Matthew WellsMing Ming Yang THESIS: Snares ofIntepretation: Darwin, Morality, and Nietzsche's Will to a New PsychologyTHESIS: Addressing Race-related Inequalities in Urban Schools Today: A Reconstruction of John Dewey'sTHESIS: Decline, Crisis, and Inception: Heidegger's Concept of the PoliticalTHESIS: You Can Have Practical Knowledge Without ObservationTHESIS: The Implications of Development in Evolutionary PsychologyTHESIS: It's my Fault ifI Lie to Myself: An Essay on Self-DeceptionTHESIS: System, Rigor and the Formation of Concepts: Gottlob Frege's Intervention in Nineteenth-Century Real AnalysisTHESIS: Self-Interest, Solidarity, and Collective ActionTHESIS: Philosophy, Truth and Courage in Later Works of Michel FoucaultTHESIS: Enstranging Stangeness: An Examination of the Fantastic as Technique via 'The Metamorphosis'The Leonard Tow Humanism in Medicine Award, for consistently demonstrating compassion and empathy in thedelivery of care to patients and illustrating professional behavior by example:Daniel William KrebsThe Unsung Hero Awards, recognizing students who have positively influenced a program or organization from behind the scenes with a positiveattitude toward goals, a willingness to help in whatever capacity necessary, and a commitment to excellence in the completionof tasks and duties:Marilee Frances Goad Renee Marie Rodriguez Mayon YenThVijay and Sita Vashee Promising Entrepreneurship Awards, awarded annually to the graduating Full- Time MBA, Evening MBA or Weekend MBAProgram students having the best scholastic records in entrepreneurship in the University of Chicago Booth School of Business:Charisse Amanda Conanan Ryan Michael GembalaThe Wilma Walker Honor Award, to a student in the School of Social Service Administration for outstanding work in the first year and for thepromise offoture achievement in social work:Jerrilyn Francene BlackThe Gregor Wentzel Prize, for excellence in undergraduate teaching in the Department ofPhysics by a first-year graduate student tutor:Jake EllowitzAJThe Gregor Wentzel Graduate Research Prize, to a graduate student for outstanding work in theoretical Physics:Andrew Bert RoystonThe Napier Wilt Prizes in English and American Literature, to the seniors who have written the best Bachelor's papers:Deborah S. HuAnne Karr SappingtonHannah K.P.M. Walser THESIS: Styles of Emotional Play in Frank O'Hara and the Emo LyricTHESIS; Wilde Wanton Woodkarne: Cultural Identity and Political Loyalty in John Derricke's Image ofIrelandeTHESIS: Crash Blossoms AAA24The Womens Athletic Association and Order of the "C" Most Awards, presented to an athlete who makes a significant contributionto the team and best demonstrates skill loyalty, and sportsmanship:WOMEN:Isis-Njeri Jewel SmallsBrooke Dunlap BontzClaire M. RayRebecca Jane SchmidtKendra Keala HigginsRachel Elizabeth OhmanClaire M. RayJamie Ann StinsonKathleen Ann Duffy VolleyballSoccerIndoor Track and FieldSwimmingTennisCross CountryOutdoor Track and FieldBasketballSoftballrEA MEN:Mahmoud Rashad BahraniTroy Kenneth BrinkerEdward Leander WagnerBo ChengStephen Edward WilliamsMarshall Duane OiumStanton Brown CovilleFelipe Fernandez Del CastilloJacob Andrew Pancratz Cross CountryTennisSwimmingIndoor Track and FieldBaseballFootballSoccerOutdoor Track and FieldBasketball'SISThe Diana Woo Memorial Award for Excellence in Clinical Pediatrics:Jessica Marie RodriguezThe F. Howell Wright Award, to a senior medical student for outstanding performance in the general field of Pediatrics:Kathleen Ann KastnerThe Wrobel Trophy Award, to the wrestler who has scored the most team points during the season:Troy A. CarlsonThe Gaurang and Kanwal Yodh Prize, to a graduate student for outstanding work in experimental physics:Imai jen-La PlanteArnold Zellner Doctorol Prizes, to students in the University of Chicago Booth School of Business:Christian Carsten Opp Alexi Zdravkov SavoyFELLLOWSHIPSAfrican Language Studies FundElizabeth Jane BrummelBrian Patrick Quinn Lauren Nicole Coyle George Paul Meiu Erin Virginia MooreArthur Adkins Summer FellowshipVeronica Wing Yin LauAmerican Historical Association/NASA Fellowship in Aerospace HistoryMihir Anil PandyaAmerican Journal of Sociology FellowshipJessica Steiner FeldmanAmerican Research Institute in Turkey FellowshipMelissa S. RosenzweigARCS Foundation Scholarship in the SciencesZachary Austin Curard-Levin25The Art History Undergraduate Summer Research GrantsKendra Jo Grimmett Molly Joy Sober Mai YamaguchiJason Jiachen Hao Vasillos Kalas CaAllGfSe;MKrD:R<NDJoHarry Barnard Memorial Dissertation FellowshipAnthony Robert ToddThe Beckman Scholars Program in Molecular Sciences FellowshipsThe Benjamin Bloom Dissertation FellowshipLinda Cloud LeeThe Sidney Bloomenthal FellowshipCora DvorkinThe Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar FellowshipHridesh Sudhirkumar Kedia TheAThe Chemistry Alumni Graduate FellowshipChengqi Yi Tht}IMartha Ann and Joseph A. Chenicek Graduate FellowshipLoren Greenman FuiWiThe Chicago Careers in Health Professions FellowshipsOluwaseyi A. AdesopeKatherine Grace Manuelli Juan Pablo Aparicio Henry Luyao Feng Michelle Sylvia High AltDepartment ofEnergy Computational Science Graduate FellowshipsAndrew Francis Fidler Kenley March Barrett Pelzer FuDeutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst Intensive Language Study FellowshipShirley Ceensem YeungDeutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (German Academic Exchange Service) Undergraduate ScholarshipKatayun J. KamdinDeutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst Graduate FellowshipAnna Sofia NortonDiversifYing Faculty in Illinois FellowshipLaShandra Patrice SullivanDunn Research Fellowships in EnglishGabija M. Blaudziunas Adam Daniel Rosenthal B"IXDunn Research Fellowship in PhilosophyNathan E. WilmersEast Asia and Pacific Summer InstitutesShana Noelle RicartForeign Language and Area Studies FellowshipsSummerCarissa Anne Abrego-CollierAnne Carlton BuxtonGenevieve Eileen Virginia DempseySean Michael DowdyMatthew Noah FleuryKristyn Nicole Mahealani HaraDaniel JohnsonRohit KukretiNicole Lauren MikesellDavid J. ScrogginsJoshua Reier TyackFrancois Furet Travel GrantsRoyal Omar Ghazal Adrian AnagnostLindsey Anne ConklinVictor Bartholomew D'AvellaChristopher Thomas DunlapJaclyn Marie GrossanoEmma Elizabeth HitePatrick William KellyMichelle Alexandra MaydanchikAlexander Abraham Frenkel MullerJordan Eugene SkornikTessa MurphyAndrew Fletcher ErwinThe Franke Institute for the Humanities FellowshipsThomas Ransom KeithThe Earl R. Franklin FellowshipsJohnny Jose BeronaFulbright US. Student ProgramWinners:Rachel Leah BerkowitzSarah Gibson McKeeverAlternates:Lee DavidsonFulbright lIE US Student Program GrantsNaomi BartzLaura Beth GoodrichOwen Nathaniel KohlSarah Jordan PanzerSunit Sarvaj Singh Allison Suereen LiuMiggie Mackenzie CramblitAlexander Mathias MeyerEleanor ImmermanNatalie BelskyMatthew HeintzMariusz Sebastian KozakCameron William PenwellBenjamin Eugene WhiteFulbright-Hays Doctoral Dissertation Research Abroad FellowshipsMatthew Mills BartonJoseph Grim FeinbergNancy LinKatherine Hill Reischl Natalie BelskyJohnhenry Ribant GonzalezCasey Marina LurtzSunit Sarvaj SinghMarcus Garvey Foundation Research FellowshipKerry Ryan ChanceBarry M. Goldwater ScholarshipsWINNERSMichael Anthony BaumerHONORABLE MENTIONAndrei Tarfulea John Salvatore ScottiThe David W Grainger Graduate FellowshipIbrahim A. SulaiAdam Jonathan AndersonThe David W Grainger Senior Scholarships in PhysicsHannes Lutz Llewellyn RobertsMichael Anthony Di GiovineThe Hanna Holborn Gray Advanced FellowshipsDanny Ryan GrayThe David Grene FellowshipAnthony Ryan Shannon Rita Sophia BiagioliBrian Christopher CooperAndrew James DeRouinMadeleine Suzanne ElfenbeinTimothy Larner GutmannEric Christopher HundmanRehanna KheshgiLouisa Marie McClintockGautham M. ReddyJoshua Lee SolomonShayna Mei SilversteinPamela Annabel PerezSarah Elizabeth FarrClarie Nadine SapersteinJonathan SellonFalina EnriquezAmanda Lee HughesEmin LelicJose Luis RamosElizabeth Jane BrummelOwen Nathaniel KohlDavid Bartholomew PacificoJaclyn Ann SumnerJames William Snyder27 Christopher Paul BloechlNatalja Denise CzarneckiZebulon York DingleyMichael Andrew FigueroaAmirHampelDana Leigh ImmertreuAbbe Rose KopraCovell Franklin MeyskensJonathan Benson RigsbyMarianna StaroselskyGokce Bike YaziciogluMargaret Harding SchillerKatayun J. KamdinAlexander David WernerJohnhenry Ribant GonzalezPaul Wallace KeenNancy LinAdam Carl SargentMegan Elizabeth ClarkNelly LeavittJose Luis RamosBenjamin Eugene WhiteThe William Rainey Harper FellowshipsKevin Leland Bullaughey Anne Taylor Mocko Benjamin Thomas Leonhard Moll Colleen Theresa Skau And:SilAIWilliam Rainer Harper/Provost's Dissertation- Year FellowshipDonald James Fette AndHonigberg Dissertation Research FellowshipVincent Joshua Adams IreAJHoward Hughes Medical Institute FellowshipSilvia Njeri Kariuki MelMThe Italian Alumni Club Scholarship:Miriam Tripaldi MdJlAInternational Chapter PEa Sisterhood Scholar AwardKathryn Elissa GoldfarbMe)1Japan Foundation FellowshipRyan Masaaki Yokota Ha,.AJacob K Javits FellowshipAndres Ezequiel MillanJosephine de Karman Fellowship Trust FellowshipEitan Yadid WilfThe Katen ScholarshipsMarc-Andre Carl AllenEllis Young-Eun KimKatherine Price Pryor NaEmmanuel A. AryeeDorian M. KusykKelly Elizabeth Regan Hannah Omobola DadaDorothy Imbuka Mangale Arshiya Zehra FazalAnkita Sunil PradhanKorean Association of Southeast Asian Nations Academic Exchange ProgramYongjin Kim Na[ascDolores Zohrab Liebmann FellowshipMichael SubialkaThe Luce/ACLS East and Southeast Asian Archaeology and Early History FellowshipCharles Wilbur HartleyGeorges Lurcy Charitable and Educational Trust FellowshipCarolyn Suann PurnellMichael and Ling Markovitz Dissertation- Year FellowshipsMarc Teignier Baque Erica Heather CoslorGeorge C. Marshall ScholarshipArnol Bharat Naik NMartin Marty Center Junior FellowshipElina Inkeri HartikainenMedical Scientist Training Program FellowshipMolly Kate Hales Qian Sophia Zhang Yi ZhaoMellon ACLS Dissertation Completion FellowshipsRachel Leah Applebaum Emran Igbal El-Badawi Michael Jonathan RobbinsThe Mellon Mays Undergraduate FellowshipsAlicia Renee FulliloveDalia Rubiano Yedidia Edward Elliott James Kristen Zhang Liu Tiffany Michele Taylor EpAndrew W Mellon Foundation Dissertation- Year FellowshipsPaul Genesius DuricaAnahid J. Nersessian Rachel EisendrathInga Pollmann David Anthony HolidayEleni StarakiSilver BronzoAndrew Theodore MallAndrew W Mellon Fellowships in Humanistic StudiesIrene Bowen BackusAnup Grewal Jacob Still Deutsch BlakesleyKatharina Elfriede Loew Rumya Sree Putcha ChatterjeeSiddharth Satpathy Majel Amanda ConneryGarry G. SparksMellon Foundation Hanna Holborn Gray Advanced Graduate FellowshipMichael Ryan BochnakMellon Foundation/Social Sciences Dissertation- Year FellowshipsJustin David EvansAaron Peter Shkuda John Alexander Hight Cemal Burak Kadercan Marina MikhaylovaMerck Quantitative Sciences Graduate Fellowship in Health EconomicsThomas Joseph BestHarriet and Ulrich Meyer Dissertation- Year Fellowships in Jewish StudiesHeather Miller RubensAndres Tupac Cruz Rachel Elana Seelig Dov Yehuda WeissThe Albert A. Michelson FellowshipAndrzej LatkaThe Philip E. Montag Research FellowshipSamuel Arthur CasperNational Institute on Aging Training GrantsMichael Jeffrey Kozloski Ethan Marc Jared LieberNational Institutes of Health Training GrantsJason Joseph Karpus Courtney Jacqueline Schers Benjamin Edward ZaliskoNational Science Foundation Graduate Research FellowshipsJoseph Santo BriguglioKacy Lynn GordonMarie Elizabeth HoernerEmily Anne KingAlysson Elaine LightLaura Alida MerwinBradley SetzlerNora Ashley TrammJessica Wilks Carl Kavanaugh BrozekDugan HayesSanja JagesicColin Hector KyleYaoLuErin Virginia MooreJuliana R. SchroederNicole Ann Tuttle Hannah Rachel ChazinSara Lindsay JackrelKristen JenkinsJustin Bradley LembergAlice MacQueenStephanie MuiTimothy SosaBryce Myers van de Geijn Jasmine DejesusSarah Allyson GordonSean Donner JohnsonDavid William LernerSophie Julia McCoyBenjamin Evan RubinThomas Adam StewartRobin Scott WaltersNational Science Foundation Dissertation Improvement GrantsClaudia GastrowMalavika Reddy Mary Theresa Frances LeightonJonah S. Rubin Benjamin Peter LuleyAdam Carl Sargent Brenden Peter Raymond-YakoubianNational Security Education Program David L. Boren Undergraduate Scholarships for Study Abroad:Samuel Karp BerkowitzJonathan Edward Warczak Robert Emerson Bishop Muhammed A. Khan Barbra Eun Kim Nora Jane ValleriniNational Security Education Program/David L. Boren Graduate FellowshipSusan Rosas Daniel Frank WollrichNicholson Center for British Studies Undergraduate FellowshipEmily Rosa Olmstead-RumseyNortheast Consortium Faculty Diversity Dissertation- Year FellowshipSarah Lynn LunaEugene Olshansky Memorial ScholarshipPingfan Li29The Eugene and Niesje Parker FellowshipSimone FerraroGnFida AbuisneinehJonathan Blake Sellon Kevin Michael DaltonNora Deniz Yucel Issra Rashed ThejThe Pausanias Summer Research FellowshipBryan Wayne BroyGnThe PC Bio Program in Physical and Chemical Biology FellowshipsMichael Gordan Jackson, Jr.Wenjing Zong USILeIErskine A. Peters Dissertation Year Fellowship at Notre DameLaurence Ralph USIKrProvost's Dissertation- Year FellowshipsAnthony Sadek BanoutAndrew Johnson Katarzyna Noemi BartoszynskaJeremy Linn Jones William Ian BourlandJonathan Daniel Rosa Thomas William Dodman VignEnYangyang ChengYinLiAlan Bert Robinson Simone FerraroTravis Loren MaxfieldPronoy Sircar Andrzej LatkaSamuel MeehanMikhail Pil Solon Sanghwi LeeMarc Zachary Miskin Weil]alCommittee on Race, Politics, and Culture Graduate Research and Travel GrantLauren Nicole CoyleJulia Esther Fein Katherine Lee Turk TheAlElA<Doris G. Quinn Foundation Dissertation FellowshipsRobina Human Rights FellowshipJeffrey Sterling Kahn TheKThe Edward L Ryerson Fellowships in ArchaeologyNatasha BershadskyMatthew David Saba Samuel Lanham BoydLise Ann Truex Nicola Jane CroninMonique Denise Vincent Thomas Ransom KeithEmily Sarah Wilson Mrs:tv1:The Robert G. Sachs Summer FellowshipsDouglas Carl Dishong, Jr. Tsion F. Gurmu Pierre Raymond Monnat Emily Frances Winter Dr.1-The James M. Sack Research Fellowships in HistoryTheodore W. and Esther Schultz Economics FellowshipFerdinando MonteHellen Sellei-Beretvas Graduate FellowshipHee Young KimElizabeth Jane Brummel Nitya Deepa Das Megan Elizabeth Edwards Claudia GastrowSocial Science Research Council (SSRC) International Dissertation Field Research Fellowship Program (IDRF)Social Sciences Visiting Committee Dissertation Year FellowshipLauren Marie DuquetteSocial Science Research Council Dissertation Proposal Development FellowshipThomas SwertsThe Paul and Daisy Soros Fellowship for New AmericansKatarina Jennifer RuscicSpencer Foundation Dissertation Fellowship for Research Related to EducationElizabeth Shana Todd30The Square D Travel GrantJames Hague LaRocqueCenter for Latin American Studies Tinker Travel GrantsAdela L. Amaral Lee CabatinganGregory Duff Morton Falina Enriquez Amy Leia McLachlanThe Harry S Truman ScholarshipGreg Dylan NanceUS Department of Housing and Urban Development Doctoral Dissertation Research GrantLen AlbrightUS Department of State Critical Language ScholarshipKristin Gee HickmanVigneron Dissertation Year FellowshipEmmanuelle Helena BonnafouxWeil Graduate FellowshipJames Quill BoedickerThe Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research/Writing FellowshipsAlexander D. BlanchetteElise Ann KramerAdam Carl Sargent Yazan Haitham Bisharah DouganAverill J. LeslieGabriel Omar Tusinski Anita HannigMalavika ReddyJoshua Daniel Lee Zaks Walker Kiho KimJonah S. RubinThe Wenner-Gren Foundation Dissertation FellowshipKathryn Elissa GoldfarbMrs. Giles Whiting Fellowships for Dissertation Research FellowshipsMehmetcan AkpinarTate Sewell Paulette Amy Elizabeth GentryDustin Paul Simpson Raymond Michael KaniaChristopher Alexander Straughn Eve Shalen KrakowskiOtto and Valerie Windt Memorial FellowshipZhongliang ShenDr. Aizik Woif Human Rights Post-Baccalaureate FellowshipHannah Judith Birnbaum31DIPLOMA CEREMONYWELCOMEMain QuadrangleSaturday, June 12, 1:30 p.m.PROCESSIONALThe University of Chicago Pipe BandCALL TO ORDERCATHERINE C. BAUMANNMarshal of the UniversityROBERT J. ZIMMERPresident of the UniversityLIAT ELEANOR BIRD AARON MICHAEL HORTON ANNA MARIE TENUTASTUDENT SPEAKERSANTHEMMy Spirit Sang All Day by Gerald Finzi (19°1-1956)Text by Robert Bridges (1844-193°)The University of Chicago Motet ChoirJames Kallembach, ConductorMy spirit sang all dayo my joy.Nothing my tongue could say,Only My joy!My heart an echo caughto my joyAnd spake,Tell me thy thought,My eyes gan peer around,o my joyWhat beauty hast thou found?Shew us thy joy. My jealous ears grew whist;o my joyMusic from heaven is't,Sent for our joy?She also came and heard;Oh my joy,What, said she, is this word?What is thy joy?Osee, 0 my joy,'Tis thee, I cried, 'tis thee:Thou art my joy.32THE CONFERRING OF THE LLEWELLYN JOHN AND HARRIETMANCHESTER QUANTRELL AWARDS FOR EXCELLENCE INUNDERGRADUATE TEACHING ANDTHE PRESENTING OF UNDERGRADUATE DIPLOMAS1. IN THE BIOLOGICAL SCIENCESCOLLEGIATE DIVISIONFOR THE QUANTRELLAWARD:RONALD N. COHENAssociate Professor, Adult and PediatricEndocrinology, Diabetes, and Metabolism,Department ofMedicine and the CollegeRON A L 0 CO HEN teaches with lucidity and rigorin a sequence of three courses focused on metabolism and the endocrine system offered to upperlevel biology students. These courses present thecomplex biology of endocrine physiology andpathophysiology in ways that reveal to his Collegestudents both the fundamental science and theclinical implications of the endocrine system.Ronald Cohen is not only a dedicated teacher, but an active clinician and a creative bench scientist;thus he serves as an outstanding role model forstudents, exemplifying what it means to be an academic physician. He freely offers his students thekind of active mentorship that challenges, educates,and encourages.The candidate will be presented by Dorothy A. Hance,Professor of Cardiology, Department of Medicine andthe College.CITATIONScientist, physician, and teacher, Ronald Cohenguides students to an understanding of complexbiology in the context of a whole human life.The graduates will be presented to President Zimmer and Dean Boyer by Jose Quintans, Master.For the Degree of Bachelor ofArts in the College:FIDA ABUISNEINEH(Biological Sciences)BETTY JEWEL ALLEN(Biological Sciences)KATHIE YIN-HAN ANG(Biological Sciences)KAVIN A. ARASI(Biological Sciences) JOSS CHANIN COHEN(Biological Sciences)BRENDAN F. COLSON(Biological Sciences)JOSEPH RUSSELL CRNICH(Biological Sciences-with Honors)JEFFERSON LICUDINE CUA(Biological Sciences)KURT MARTIN DAHLSTROM(Biological Sciences-with Honors)VLADIMER BAKHUTASHVILI(Biological Sciences)ADERONKE O. C. BAMGBOSE CHARLES THOMAS HENLEY GILLESPIE(Biological Sciences)CARAGOO(Biological Sciences-with Honors)RIAD AHED HADDAD(Biological Sciences)EMILY OLSEN HALL(Biological Sciences-with Honors)ADDIE AUGUSTA HILL(Biological Sciences)ENAL SHAWQI HINDI(Biological Sciences)RONA SHIN CHI HSU(Biological Sciences)MICHAEL G. JACKSON, JR.(Biological Sciences)WIDLY JEAN CHARLES(Biological Sciences)MICHAEL BAXTER JOYCE(Biological Sciences-with Honors)JONATHAN C. JUI(Biological Sciences)RACHEL NOELLE DALTON(Biological Sciences){International Studies} (Biological Sciences)KATHRYN DEMANELIS(Biological Sciences)CLARA BERTOZZI-VILLA(Biological Sciences)CORTLYN WILHELMINA BROWN (Biological Sciences)SARAH EL MOUATASSIM BIH(Biological Sciences)NANCY CHENG(Biological Sciences-with Honors)SHAN SUSAN CHENG(Biological Sciences)JUSTIN JIN WOONG CHOI(Biological Sciences)FLORENCE P. CHOO(Biological Sciences) ERIN REBECCA EWALD(Biological Sciences)LESLIE VIRGINIA FARLAND(Biological Sciences)TAYLOR JOSEPHINE FEEHLEY(Biological Sciences)ALISON IDA FEIBEL(Biological Sciences)ALINA M. FOMOVSKA(Biological Sciences-with Honors)RASHIKH AHMED CHOUDHURY(Biological Sciences-with Honors)MATEUSZ KAMIL CIEJKA(Biological Sciences) MOHAN GAUTAM(Biological Sciences) RAHULKAR(Biological Sciences)ALLISON RAE KAZEN(Biological Sciences-with Honors)MATTHEW GENE KEARNEY(Biological Sciences-with Honors)(Psychology)33JOHNATHAN ALEXANDER KHUSID(Biological Sciences)ANNA MEGANE KIM(Biological Sciences)HANNAH LEE(Biological Sciences)NOAH COLIN LEWELLEN(Biological Sciences)SAMUEL WEI LIANG LIM(Biological Sciences)YUXI LIN(Biological Sciences-with Honors) SCOTT B. NELSON(Biological Sciences)NINA FARAH NOAH(Biological Sciences-with Honors)ANNA SOFIA NORTON(Biological Sciences-with Honors)EZE OKEAGU·(Biological Sciences)LEONEL ALAIN OLMEDO(Biological Sciences-with Honors)CHEE HYURNG PARK(Biological Sciences-with Honors)MATTHEW J. PIRON(Biological Sciences)CAILEIGH LAUREN PUDELA(Biological Sciences)SANELA RADU(Biological Sciences)ZAINAB SARAH ADEOLA RAJI(Biological Sciences)RACHNA RAWAL(Biological Sciences)ISMARC F. REYES(Biological Sciences)ALLISON LEIGH RICHARDS(Biological Sciences-with Honors)KATIE ANN RICHARDS(Biological Sciences-with Honors)JOSE IGNACIO ROJAS-ECHENIQUE(Biological Sciences)MICHAELB.ROYTBURD(Biological Sciences)KAITLIN ELISABETH SAMOCHA(Biological Sciences-with Honors)NATASHA DANIELLE SANSONE(Biological Sciences)ANNA E. SARFATY(Biological Sciences-with Honors)JOAN WHITNEY LISZKA(Biological Sciences)(Psychology)THOMAS LU(Biological Sciences)TIFFANY SHING-I LU(Biological Sciences-with Honors)YING LU(Biological Sciences)MARGARET ANNE A. MALLARI(Biological Sciences)WARREN S. McCAULEY(Biological Sciences)ANNA MAY McGEACHY(Biological Sciences)LANE THOMAS McINTOSH(Biological Sciences)RONALD WILLIAM MERCER(Biological Sciences)ANDREEA MIHAl(Biological Sciences)JASMINE MORENO(Biological Sciences)ALEXANDRA CLAIRE MUMA(Biological Sciences)SYED SHOAIB NAVEED(Biological Sciences)ERIN ANNA NEKRITZ(Biological Sciences) KHALID SHARIF-SIDI(Biological Sciences) KATHERINE M. SIRIANNI(Biological Sciences-with Honors)RANA VANESSA SMALLING(Biological Sciences)HANNAH ROSE SNYDER(Biological Sciences)ANDREW JOSEPH STASIC(Biological Sciences)SZE SING SHAUN TEO(Biological Sciences-with Honors)SONA THINAKARAN(Biological Sciences)MICHAEL SAM THOMPSON(Biological Sciences)WAYNE TIE(Biological Sciences)NICHOLAS F. TROJANOWSKI(Biological Sciences)KELSEY YOULL TUPPER(Biological Sciences)MADELEINE LANIER TURNER(Biological Sciences)ANJALI MARY VERGHIS(Biological Sciences)EMILY RACHEL WATKINS(Biological Sciences)HEEJUNGWOO(Biological Sciences)MAYONYEN(Biological Sciences-with Honors)DOSUKYOON(Biological Sciences)YOU ZHOU(Biological Sciences)WENJING ZONG(Biological Sciences)II. IN THE HUMANITIES COLLEGIATE DIVISIONFOR THE QUANTRELL AWARD: look at _contemporary art by engaging it with intelligent eyes so that, in turn, they can be engaged byit-so that they can feel it.The candidate will be presented by Joel M Snyder,Professor, Departments ofArt History and Visual Arts,the Committees on Interdisciplinary Studies in the Humanities and on Cinema and Media Studies, and theCollege; and Chair, Department ofArt History..DARBY ENGLISHAssociate Professor, Department ofArt Historyand the CollegeDAR BYE N G LIS H teaches his students to look. Incourses on modern and contemporary Americanand international art, on new art in Chicago, andon the cultural contexts of art, he pushes them tosee more clearly, to think more intensely, and toquestion more closely. He introduces his studentsto the often spectacular world of contemporary artwhile insisting that they understand its intimateconnections to the art of the past and to the fluxingculture of the present. He teaches them how to CITATIONWith deep knowledge of art in contemporary lifeand care for how his students will see their world,Darby English teaches the pleasure and the intelligence of art.The graduates will be presented to President Zimmer and Dean Boyer by Thomas Christensen, Master.34For the Degree of Bachelor ofArts in the College:KATHERlNE CORLISS AGUIRRE{Art History}HANNAH MARIE AIRRIESS(East Asian Languages and Civilizations-with Honors)JENNA HILAL AL-MALAWI(English Language and Literature)AYLA MARIE AMON(Art History)ANDREW DEAN ANDERSON(Philosophy)MICHAEL L. ARNOLD(Philosophy)TATIANA LUISA AROCA(English Language and Literature)JONATHAN CHRISTOPHER ASCOLESE(English Language and Literature)EMILY L. BALSAMO(Linguistics)ANASTASIA BARRON(Interdisciplinary Studies in the Humanities-withHonors)(Slavic Languages and Literatures)SEAMUS QUIN BARTLETT(Cinema and Media Studies)RACHEL LEAH BERKOWITZ(Comparative Literature-with Honors)MARKISHA LAVONN BERRlEN(East Asian Languages and Civilizations)ELIOT RICHARD BESSETTE(Cinema and Media Studies-with Honors)(English Language and Literature)THOMAS MICHAEL BLASER(Germanic Studies-with Honors)(Economics)MICHAEL JAMES BOYLAN(Philosophy)DANIELLE JULIET BRECHER(English Language and Literature-with Honors)JESSICA MARIE BROWN(Philosophy)CAITLYN DAWN BUCHANAN(Gender Studies-with Honors)ADJOA A. BUCKNOR(Visual Arts-with Honors)AGNIESZKA KATARZYNA BUGAJ(Linguistics-with Honors)(Political Science)ELENA GEORGIA BULGARELLA(Art History)CHRlSTINE AMANDA BURAS(Music-with Honors)LAURA EUGENIA BURGOS(Interdisciplinary Studies in the Humanities-withHonors)NICHOLAS KEITH BURKETT(English Language and Literature)KATHARINE MABEL BURNETT(Comparative Literature-with Honors)ALICIA MARIE BUSHMAN(Philosophy-with Honors)AMANDA ELYSE CANTLIN(English Language and Literature)GEORGE BENJAMIN CAREY(Classical Studies-with Honors)(Early Christian Literature-with Honors)SHANA L. CARP{Visual Arts}ELENI OSTASH CHAPPEN(Visual Arts-with Honors)ANDREW S. CHEN(English Language and Literature-with Honors)YUCHENG{Art History-with Honors}LESLEY JANE CHMELL(Philosophy)(Romance Languages and Literatures) ANNE E. CLARK-RAYMOND(Romance Languages and Literatures-with Honors)(Biological Sciences)CASEY THOMAS CLAUSEN(Philosophy)CAELYN THERESA COBB(English Language and Literature-with Honors)MIGGIE MACKENZIE CRAMBLIT(Romance Languages and Literatures-with Honors)(Economics)BRITTA ANNE CROWLEY(Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations)NOAH A. CRUICKSHANK(Philosophy)JEANNETTE ROTHERAM DALY(English Language and Literature)HALI 1. DANIELSON(Slavic Languages and Literatures)JOHN WOODARD DAVIS IV(Philosophy)NORTH DAVENPORT DE PENCIER(South Asian Languages and Civilizations-withHonors)JONATHAN PATRlCK DEWEESE(South Asian Languages and Civilizations)NOAH D. DIAMOND(English Language and Literature)JILL SUZANNE Dr NUCCI(English Language and Literature)WILLIAM DIX(Linguistics)(Computer Science-SB.)ERIC WESLEY DRISCOLL(Classical Studies)JULIA ARTHUR DUNNING(English Language and Literature)KARA ELLIOTT-ORTEGA(English Language and Literature-with Honors)DAN FANG(English Language and Literature-with Honors)(Gender Studies-with Honors)ALISON E. FEENSTRA(Interdisciplinary Studies in the Humanities)SAMUEL RAPHAEL FELDMAN(Linguistics)NICOLE FERNANDEZ(Romance Languages and Literatures)DALAYFERRER(Romance Languages and Literatures)LUKE ALLEN FIEDLER(English Language and Literature)ELLY SHOLA FISHMAN(English Language and Literature-with Honors)ALEXANDER ZEZULIN FOREMAN(Linguistics)LAUREN INDIA FRAM(English Language and Literature)JESSICA FRIEDMAN(English Language and Literature-with Honors)JASPER EMILIEN GARCZYNSKI(English Language and Literature)GEOFFREY R. GAWNE(Interdisciplinary Studies in the Humanities)KATHERlNE ANN GITHENS(English Language and Literature)KELSEY ANN GLASS-JOHNSTON(Theater and Performance Studies)BRADLEY R. GOERNE(Slavic Languages and Literatures-with Honors)ANDREW R. GOLDMAN(English Language and Literature)CONSTANCE CLAIRE GRADY(English Language and Literature-with Honors)AMANDA KETELHUT GREENE(English Language and Literature-with Honors)35 RlCHARD ZACHARY GRENIS(Philosophy)THOMAS GRONKOWSKI(English Language and Literature)AUSTIN MICHAEL GROSS(Philosophy)GABRlEL SAMSON GROSSMAN(English Language and Literature-with Honors)JOSEPH ROBERT GUILER(Philosophy)ALLISON ELIZABETH GUNDLACH(Romance Languages and Literatures)ELLEN ROSE HARRIS(English Language and Literature-with Honors)TAKEHA CURRY HARRlSON(Medieval Studies)(History)KATAH ROSE HART(English Language and Literature)RYAN JOSEPH HARTE(Interdisciplinary Studies in the Humanities)(East Asian Languages and Civilizations)CHRlSTOPHER MICHAEL HAVLIN(Philosophy)AMELIA HONOR HAY(Linguistics)CONOR PATRICK HEALY(English Language and Literature-with Honors)ALEXANDRA ELISE HEIMBACH(English Language and Literature-with Honors)(Anthropology-with Honors)BRANDON ANTHONY JONES HOPKINS(English Language and Literature-with Honors)PAULA CLARE HORNER(Music-with Honors)(English Language and Literature)AARON MICHAEL HORTON(English Language and Literature)RACHEL GILAH HOSTYK(Classical Studies-with Honors)(English Language and Literature)PAUL E. HUBBLE(Classical Studies-with Honors)(Philosophy)CARMEN MARIE JARAMILLO(English Language and Literature)NATALIE REJANE GENZ JERKINS(Linguistics)ETHAN JAMES JERZAK(Philosophy and Allied Fields-with Honors)HILARY MARlE JOHNSON(Romance Languages and Literatures-with Honors)LAURA BETH JONES(English Language and Literature-with Honors)HENRY HORATIO JOYCE(Art History-with Honors)TULANE R. KAGY(Philosophy)ROSS ABRAHAM KARP(Philosophy)SAREE MICHELE KAYNE(Interdisciplinary Studies in the Humanities-withHonors)MUHAMMED A. KHAN(South Asian Languages and Civilizations)JACOB DAVIS KIERNAN(Slavic Languages and Literatures-with Honors)(Philosophy)MELISSA LEA KISALA(Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations-withHonors)DAVID JOSEPH KLEIN(English Language and Literature-with Honors)(Gender Studies-with Honors)STEPHEN ANTHONY KOLB{Art History-with Honors}LIAN KWAN(East Asian Languages and Civilizatiom)CASEY LANGE(Philosophy)JOSEPHINE LEE(Cinema and Media Studies)HILARY GARNER LEITHAUSER(Romance Languages and Literatures)MATTHEW NORMAN LEMOYNE(English Language and Literature-with Honors)REBECCA JEANNE LEVAL(Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations)MATTHEW FUREY LIEBERT(Philosophy)(Political Science)ZHI CHEN LIN(Philosophy and Allied Fields)ARIELLE KINUYE LINSEY(Philosophy)YUN-MEI MARIANA LO(Linguistics)DANIEL PATRICK MAGUIRE(Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations)DAVID GREGORY MAHONEY(Philosophy)LAUREN LUISA MAKHOLM(English Language and Literature)YANG MAO(Philosophy and Allied Fields)SARAH H. MARIKAR(Cinema and Media Studies-with Honors)ERIN D. MATSON(South Asian Languages and Civilizations)JOSEPH LAWRENCE MAYER(Cinema and Media Studies)DANIEL CULLEN McCARTNEY(Linguistics)RANDOM ALEXANDER McCOMAS(English Language and Literature)ANNA GABRIELLE LIU McCONNELL(Philosophy)AILEEN WEN McGRODDY(Interdisciplinary Studies in the Humanities)KATHLEEN C. McNEIL(English Language and Literature-with Honors)PATRICK M. McWILLIAMS(English Language and Literature)KEVIN p. MEIL(Philosophy)ALEXANDER MATHIAS MEYER(Germanic Studies)JENNIFER JENE MILLHOUSE(Romance Languages and Literatures)PETER LOGAN MOFFIT(Linguistics)ISAAC ANDREW MOLHO(Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations)THOMAS JAMES MONSON(Philosophy)DYLAN JOSEPH MONTANARI(Comparative Literature-with Honors)MORGAN ELISABETH MORONEY(Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations)GREGORY DENNIS MUREN(Philosophy-with Honors)(Biological Sciences)NICOLE MARIE MURPHY(South Asian Languages and Civilizatiom)SAVITHRY NAMBOODIRIPAD(Linguistics)ISAAC KILLIAN NEILL(Philosophy)MELISSA MYEN PING NG(Theater and Performance Studies-with Honors)THEODORE ORVAL NIELSEN(Classical Studies) SARA NO RVAL(English Language and Literature)ELIZABETH MARTHA O'BRIEN-PENNEY(Classical Studies)WILLIAM D. O'CONNELL(Classical Studies-with Honors)DAVID ALEXANDER OTTLINGER(Philosophy-with Honors)JULIAN T. OWENS(Philosophy)(Theater and Performance Studies)THITI OWLARN(Philosophy-with Honors)JULIA PAGNAMENTA(English Language and Literature-with Honors)JESSICA TAYLOR PARTYNSKI(English Language and Literature-with Honors)EWA KATARZYNA PASTUSZEWSKA(Cinema and Media Studies)SEAN ALEXANDER PEARS(English Language and Literature-with Honors)DEBORAH ROSE PENA{Art History}LINDAPHAN(English Language and Literature)BAILEY AMANDA PICKENS(East Asian Languages and Civilizations-with Honors)SARAH D. PICKERING(Cinema and Media Studies-with Honors)ALLISON TOBIAH PILLSBURY(English Language and Literature-with Honors)NICOLE DANIELLE PULICHENE{Art History-with Honors}RACHEL BLANCHE REED(Comparative Literature-with Honors) .SARAH LELEK REESER(Medieval Studies)(History)OLIVIA HALE RENENSLAND(Classical Studies)TERRENCE LAMAR ROBERTSON(English Language and Literature)CLEMENT J. ROBINSON(Philosophy-with Honors)ETHAN N. RODKIN(Philosophy)AARON JOSE CURET RODRIGUEZ(English Language and Literature)ELIZA C. ROSE(Interdisciplinary Studies in the Humanities-withHonors) .ARIADNE ROSE SANDBECK(Romance Languages and Literatures)CLAIRE NADINE SAPERSTEIN(Slavic Languages and Literatures-with Honors)(Fundamentals: Issues and Texts-with Honors)ANNE KARR SAPPINGTON(English Language and Literature-with Honors)TOBY HANNA SCHWARTZ(English Language and Literature-with Honors)MICHAEL DOMINICK SCOTTO(Classical Studies)ELIAS JOSEPH SEAMAN, JR.(English Language and Literature)MARIE ELIZABETH SENNYEY(English Language and Literature)CHRISTOPHER DEZELL SHEA(English Language and Literature-with Honors)JUSTIN D. SHELBY(Classical Studies)TAMARA NATASHA SILVERLEAF(Theater and Performance Studies-with Honors)VICTORIA ANNE SIMONS(Slavic Languages and Literatures)MIRANDA EDITH KELLY SKLAROFF(Comparative Literature-with Honors) JAMES EDWARD STAND(East Asian Languages and Civilizatiom-with Honors)ASHLEY RENEE STANTON(Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations-withHonors)JAMIE ANN STINSON(English Language and Literature-with Honors)MARK R. SURABIAN(Philosophy)JODIE RAE SWEITZER(English Language and Literature)SARA ROSE TAMLER(Interdisciplinary Studies in the Humanities)MELISSA SIOK YEE TAN(Philosophy)NICHOLAS SAMUEL TELL(Cinema and Media Studies)ANNA MARIE TENUTA(English Language and Literature-with Honors)(Political Science)TORY LANE THOMPSON(Romance Languages and Literatures)TOBIAS HENRIK TIEGER(English Language and Literature-with Honors)ALEXANDER GLENN TIEVSKY(Linguistics)JACLYN ELYSE TODD(Cinema and Media Studies)DIONISIO ALEJANDRO TRAVERSO(Cinema and Media Studies-with Honors)(English Language and Literature)MELANIE ARIEL TREUHAFT(Philosophy)ALLISON E. URBANIK(Theater and Performance Studies-with Honors)AARON JAMES VANIDES(Germanic Studies)(Medieval Studies)SOFfA CRISTINA VAZQUEZ(Art History)JANE ANNICK VENANZI(English Language and Literature)(History)SOPHIA WAGNER-SERRANO(Cinema and Media Studies)HANNAH K. P. M. WALSER(English Language and Literature-with Honors)MICHELLE A. WELCH(Cinema and Media Studies)MARGARET GRACE WESSEL WALKER(English Language and Literature-with Honors)FRANK JEROME WHITE, JR.(Philosophy)DANIELE SEBASTIAN WIEDENHAUPT(Philosophy)CHRISTINA MARIE WILLIAMS{Art History}CAROLINE NICOLE WILSON(Art History)EVAN S. WINSTON(East Asian Languages and Civilizations)CLARE CATHERINE WOLFE(South Asian Languages and Civilizations-withHonors)JOHN BRENNON WOOD(Interdisciplinary Studies in the Humanities)STEVEN LANDON YOUNG(Philosophy)JOSHUA RICHARD ZLATKUS(English Language and Literature)TATYANA ZOLOTAREVA(East Asian Languages and Civilizations)III. IN THE ·NEW COLLEGIATE DIVISIONFOR THE QUANTRELL AWARD:WENDY OLMSTEDProfessor in the Division of the Humanities,and the CollegeWEN D Y 0 L M S TED inspires her students throughdiscussions in which she both teaches and engagesthem in teaching one another. Her passion forconversation and her love of the books and questionsthat she brings to her courses enliven all who sharethem with her. Her leadership of the Fundamentalsprogram for the last decade has helped students andfaculty to advance in an understanding of theessential questions that define the program. Herown research on rhetoric, on friendship, and on ancient and Renaissance representations of "thestranger" is shaped by a deep knowledge of literatureand a commitment to the ethical and intellectualbenefit of literary and philosophical inquiry.The candidate will be presented by Peter White,Herman C. Bernick Family Professor in the College,and Professor, Department of Classics.CITATIONWith a rich knowledge of literary tradition-fromHomer, Herodotus, and Augustine, to Milton,Shakespeare, and Jane Austen-and a passion forconversation, Wendy Olmsted fosters in the livesof her students a precise and thoughtful pursuit ofbasic questions.The graduates will be presented to President Zimmer and Dean Boyer by Dennis J Hutchinson, Master.For the Degree of Bachelor ofArts in the College:ASHLEY KIRSTEN ALGER(Law, Letters, and Society-with Honors)ARIANE AIMEE PONT ANDRADE(Law, Letters, and Society)DIANA WILKINSON CAMOSY(Fundamentals: Issues and Texts)HANNAH ELISABETH COOLIDGE(Fundamentals: Issues and Texts-with Honors)JONATHAN HAROLD DINE(Law, Letters, and Society-with Honors)LAUREN P. ELLSWORTH(Law, Letters, and Society-with Honors)AVI L. GARELICK(Religious Studies)LAUREL G. GRBACH(Law, Letters, and Society-with Honors)MILES SPENCER HOPGOOD(Religious Studies) PETER TODD RUSSELL(Fundamentals: Issues and Texts)TALIA AKIVA HURWICH(Fundamentals: Issues and Texts)(Religious Studies)KATHERINE ELIZABETH JASA(Religious Studies)(English Language and Literature)BENNA A. KESSLER(Religious Studies) SARAH MARGARET STAUDT(Law, Letters, and Society)CATHERINE ELIZABETH STOLAR(Religious Studies)ANN TEVZADZE(Fundamentals: Issues and Texts-with Honors)KAITLIN GRACE KLAMANNMOLLY ZIMMERMAN-FEELEYCHRISTINA CHEN WANG(Law, Letters, and Society)(Law, Letters, and Society)ANINDYA KUNDU(Law, Letters, and Society)JILLIAN RACHEL LENSON(Law, Letters, and Society-with Honors)RYAN SCOTT MILLS (Religious Studies-with Honors)(Law, Letters, and Society-with Honors)SAHARA KESHETT ROBINSON(Law, Letters, and Society)(Political Science)37IV. IN THE PHYSICAL SCIENCESCOLLEGIATE DIVISIONFOR THE QUANTRELL AWARD:ANNE ROGERSAssociate Professor, Department of ComputerScience and the College; andSenior Fellow, Computation InstituteANN E R 0 G E R S designs and builds softwaresystems that empower specialists from many fieldsto access large-scale data sets with unprecedentedflexibility, stability, and performance. Her desireto put powerful computational tools and skills inthe hands of other scholars extends to her undergraduate classes, where she has been developingintroductory programming courses that emphasizethe handling of real-world data sets in all theirmessiness and complexity. One student in theBiological Sciences commented that he "literallywent from knowing only some primitive MATLAB to writing simulations for actual scientific researchin two quarters." Her long-term goal is to make itpossible for students to learn to think computationally and to apply computation within their owndisciplines. Her dedication and enthusiasm in theclassroom are infectious, and her concern for herstudents is legendary.The candidate will be presented by Stuart A. Kurtz,Professor, Department of Computer Science and theCollege; and Senior Fellow, Computation Institute.CITATIONCreative designer of software, Anne Rogers trainsher students in the subtleties of computation,enabling creative learning and research across alldisciplines.SKYLER MITCHELL DEGENKOLB(Physics-with Honors)SCOTT CHANDLER DEVOID(Computer Science)KATYA ANASTASIA DUNCAN(Mathematics)ANDRES GONZALEZ GOODMANANDREW STRAITON HARD(Physics-with Honors)(Mathematics-with Honors)DUSTIN GARDENER HEDMARKNATALIA HRYNIW(Physics)LEIGH JACQUELINE JAHNIG(Mathematics)JENS GUNNAR REYNOLDS JENSEN(Statistics)The graduates will be presented to President Zimmer and Dean Boyer by John Frederick, Master.(Mathematics)STEFAN RYAN ERICKSON(Chemistry)ATHENA FROST(Physics)DECLAN FRYE(Computer Science)JAN-MICHAEL GUERRA(Physics)ARIEL HAFFTKA(Mathematics-with Honors)KATAYUN J. KAMDIN(Physics)MARGARITA KELRIKH(Mathematics)(Economics)For the Degree of Bachelor ofArts in the College:KELLY ANNE KENNEDY(Statistics)NARAYANAN KRITHIVASAN(Mathematics)STEVEN DAVID LARUE(Physics-with Honors)MICHELLE TAl LEE(Mathematics)MAXWELL SIMON LEVINE(Mathematics-with Honors)ROBERT GARRETT ALLEN(Physics)ADAM JONATHAN ANDERSON(Physics-with Honors)(Mathematics-5.B.-with Honors)ELAN JOSEPH BECHOR(Mathematics-with Honors)NATHANIEL E. BERRY(Physics)JAHNAVI BHASKAR(Mathematics-with Honors)TRACY ANNE BOSWELL(Mathematics)RICHARD CHARLES BOWERS(Physics)(Music)PATRICIA M. BRENT(Mathematics-with Honors)(Psychology)MARGUERITE LYNETTE BROWN(Physics-with Honors)(Music)ELEANOR REDSTART BRUSH(Mathematics-with Honors)NATHAN TEEN-HO CHAN(Statistics)(Economics)JIALIN CHEN(Mathematics)FRANK CHENG(Physics)(Economics)DANIEL MOON-HYUNG CHOI(Physics) BRIAN D. LIBGOBER(Mathematics-with Honors)(Philosophy)MILES PARKER LOH(Physics)TREVOR R. MARTIN(Physics)THOMAS ALEXANDER MILNOR(Mathematics-with Honors)YIANNIS KOTHAPALI MOSES(Chemistry)PRERNA NADATHUR(Mathematics-with Honors)JIA HONG RAY NG(Physics)(Mathematics-S.B.)SAMUEL D. OBERDICK(Physics-with Honors)CARLA VICTORIA PENICKA(Chemistry)(Biological Sciences)ANDREW NAMAN POPPICK(Statistics-with Honors)ISSRA RASHED(Chemistry-with Honors)(Biological Chemistry-5.B.)HANNES LUTZ LLEWELLYN ROBERTS(Physics-with Honors)(Mathematics-S.B.-with Honors)NICK RODENBERG(Physics)RICHARD EFRAIN RUIZ(Physics-with Honors)(Mathematics-5.B.)MEREDITH SAMPLE SADINSKI(Physics)BORIS MICHAEL SPOKOYNY(Physics) MARK ANTHONY STOEHR(Mathematics)SAMEER TANEJA(Physics)BRADLEY ANDREW TROTTER(Mathematics)(Music-with Honors)BROOKE SUSANNA ULLERY(Mathematics-with Honors)MARGARET ANN VIOLA(Physics)DANIEL C. WALDINGER(Mathematics)(Economics-with Honors) JUSTIN WILLIAM WALKER(Physics)(Applied Mathematics-5.B.)ERIC S. WONG(Physics-with Honors)CHRISTOPHER FREDERICK WOOD(Mathematics)(Music)YAYAN ZHANG(Statistics)(Economics)MICHAEL Z. ZHU(Mathematics)(History)For the Degree ofBachelor of Science in the College and the Division of the Physical Sciences:WILLIAM COLE ABRAM(Mathematics-with Honors)(Economics-A.B.)DYLAN GREGORY LUCAS I ALLEGRETTI(Mathematics-with Honors)(Physics-A.B.)SARAH D. BANG(Geophysical Sciences-with Honors)JAMES RUSSELL BANIGAN(Biological Chemistry-with Honors)(Chemistry)IOANA ORIANA BERCEA(Mathematics-with Honors)(Computer Science)CARL KAVANAUGH BROZEK(Chemistry-with Honors)MICHAEL DIRK CALDERBANK(Mathematics-with Honors)JAEMIN CHIN(Biological Chemistry-with Honors)(Chemistry-A.B.)WAI LEE CHIN FEMAN(Applied Mathematics)ANDREW ESKE CLARKE(Mathematics)WILLIAM MAcDOWELL COON(Mathematics)VANESSA CLAIRE COPELAND(Biological Chemistry-with Honors)(Chemistry-A.B.)AMANDA R. CORCOS(Chemistry-with Honors)LAUREN ESTHER COTE(Mathematics-with Honors)(Biological Sciences-A.B.-with Honors)BEAU DABBS(Mathematics)(Statistics-A. B.)KEVIN MICHAEL DALTON(Biological Chemistry-with Honors)(Chemistry-A.B.)MATTHIAS ZACHARY DEANCARPENTIER(Geophysical Sciences)JOSEPH HENRY DO LINER(Mathematics)(Computer Science)DANIEL DOLNIK(Mathematics)NATALIE CLAIRE DOSS(Mathematics)(Economics-A.B.)JOHN JOSEPH DYER(Mathematics-with Honors)ZAHARIAS P. FOUNTAS(Mathematics)(Economics-A.B.) JOSEPH M. FREY(Geophysical Sciences)STEPHANIE LOUISE FRONK(Chemistry-with Honors)(Political Science-A.B.-with Honors)ARIEL LESA FURST(Chemistry-with Honors)YIHE NINA GAO(Chemistry)(Economics-A.B.)PATRICK ALAN GREENE(Mathematics-with Honors)ROBERT GENTRY GRIDER(Computer Science)MOHAMMAD BAQIR HAIDAR(Chemistry) .(Biological Chemistry)JASON JIACHEN HAO(Biological Chemistry-with Honors)(Chemistry)(Biological Sciences-A.B.)JUSTIN MARVIN SEAL HARTMANN(Mathematics)(Economics-A.B.)CHRISTOPHER K. HENDERSON(Mathematics-with Honors)NICHOLAS JON HERNANDEZ(Chemistry-with Honors)(Mathematics)(Economics-A. B.)KYLE SPENCER JACKSON(Computer Science)ADAM JOSEPH JOHNSON(Biological Chemistry-with Honors)(Chemistry)(Biological Sciences-A.B.)SEAN DONNER JOHNSON(Mathematics-with Honors)(Physics-A.B.-with Honors)MICHAEL RYAN JULIAN, JR.(Mathematics-with Honors)VASILIOS KALAS(Biological Chemistry-with Honors)(Chemistry-A.B.)ADAM RUBIN KAYE(Mathematics-with Honors)MARIA KLESHCHEVA(Geophysical Sciences)(Chemistry-A. B.)JOSHUA LESLIE KNOX(Computer Science)RUSLAN SAYAROVICHKOCHEMIROVSKIY(Mathematics)(Statistics-A. B.)(Economics-A.B.)39 ALEXANDER RITTENHOUSEKORBONITS(Mathematics)(Economics-A.B.)SATORU KUDOSE(Mathematics-with Honors)MICHAEL D. LEFORS(Mathematics)CHENCHUAN LI(Mathematics-with Honors)(Economics-A. B.)CONG HAN LIM(Mathematics-with Honors)(Computer Science-with Honors)BENJAMIN CHARLES LINSAY(Mathematics)ADRIAN JIA YUAN LOW(Mathematics)SARAH ESTHER MAGIDSON(Computer Science)DOREA ELIZABETH MARTIN(Biological Chemistry)(Chemistry-A.B.)LAMAR MILTON MEIGS(Computer Science)SCOTT BRYAN MESSICK(Mathematics-with Honors)TRAVIS JOSEPH MILLER(Biological Chemistry)(Biological Sciences-A.B.)(Chemistry-A.B.)JAMIE HEATHER MORGENSTERN(Computer Science-with Honors)(Mathematics-A.B.)STEVEN MICHAEL MUDROCH(Biological Chemistry)(Chemistry-A.B.)DYLAN JOSEPH MURPHY(Mathematics)(Physics-A.B.)PETER DAVID NELSON(Mathematics-with Honors)BENJAMIN JACOB NORDSTROM(Mathematics)MATTHEW ALAN OLSON(Mathematics)CAROLINE ANNE PATENODE(Biological Chemistry-with Honors)(Chemistry-A.B.)(Biological Sciences-A.B.)STEPHEN JAMES PATRIAS(Mathematics)BO PENG(Mathematics)ADAM CHRISTIAN PETTERSON(Biological Chemistry-with Honors)(Chemistry-A.B.)CLAIRE M. RAY(Biological Chemistry)(Chemistry-A.B.)HONI RAPHAEL SANDERS(Mathematics)RYAN ALAN SCHUERING(Biological Chemistry)(Chemistry-A.B.)JONATHAN BLAKE SELLON(Biological Chemistry-with Honors)(Chemistry-A.B.)(Biological Sciences-A.B.) ANNA A. SOPEL(Biological Chemistry)(Chemistry-A.B.)HEEWON SUH(Chemistry-with Honors) MATTHEW J. WOOLF{Mathematics-with Honors}CAROLINE AMELIA TERRY MELISSA L. YEUNG(Mathematics-with Honors)(Mathematics)"ALLISON ANN TOVO-DWYER(Chemistry-with Honors)(Mathematics)RICHARD ANDREW WEIN(Mathematics)(Economics-A. B.)ANGELICA WONG(Biological Chemistry-with Honors)(Chemistry-A.B.) ) BRIAN THOMAS YOUNG(Biological Chemistry-with Honors)(Biological Sciences-A.B.)(Chemistry-A.B.)NORA DENIZ YUCEL(Biological Chemistry)HONG SEOK YUN(Chemistry-with Honors)DENTON ZHAO(Mathematics)OLIVER SYED SHAFAAT(Chemistry-with Honors)V. IN THE SOCIAL SCIENCES COLLEGIATE DIVISIONFOR THE QUANTRELL AWARD:STEPHAN PALMIEAssociate Professor, Department ofAnthropologyand the CollegeS T E PH A N PAL M IE's courses give his students avivid sense of the questions anthropologists ask, theanswers they craft in their research, and the thinking that supports them. One of his students hassaid of him that he has "the rare gift of conveyingthe intricacies of anthropological theory in brilliant,funny, energetic, and engaging lectures." His classesrequire students to undertake collaborative researchprojects and to bring their results to thoughtful classdiscussions. His own research on Mro-Caribbeancultures informs his teaching, offering fresh viewsof the Atlantic world and of systems of slavery and unfree labor. He also teaches conceptions ofembodiment and moral personhood, and the anthropology of food and cuisine. All of his teachingshows how attention to anthropological theory andethnographic research can illuminate contemporarydilemmas.The candidate will be presented by Russell Tuttle, Professor, Department of Anthropology, the Committee onEvolutionary Biology, the Morris Fishbein Center forthe History of Science and Medicine, and the College.CITATIONEngaging students in the spirit of inquiry thatinforms his own research, Stephan Palmie teachesthoughtful and responsible investigation of thehuman world.The graduates will be presented to President Zimmer and Dean Boyer by Elisabeth Clemens, Master.For the Degree of Bachelor ofArts in the College:REBECCA CHAYA ACKERMAN(Sociology)SUZANNE HELEN ADATTO(Political Science-with Honors)(English Language and Literature) JOYCE EUNHO AHN(History)MARIA CAROLINA AISSA DEFIGUEREDO(History-with Honors)APARNA SANJIV AIYAR(Economics) RUSS FEDERICO ALTMAN-MERINO(History-with Honors)VICTORIA ALVAREZ(Political Science)(Latin American Studies)EVAADDAE(Sociology)EVETTE AKUA ADDAI{Psychology}REBECCA DARCY AGUILAR{Anthropology}NAZ PASHA AHMAD(Political Science) MARC ANDREW AMANTE II(Environmental Studies-with Honors)JALPIT RAJNlKANT AMIN(Economics)CHARLEE MARIE ALEXANDER(Political Science)MORGAN L. ANDERSON(Economics)PATRICE DESlRAE ALEXANDER(Political Science)HAWA OSMAN ALI(International Studies-with Honors)CHLOETHIEL DAVIS AHMANN(Anthropology-with Honors)IMRANAHMED(History) ASHLEY NICOLE ANGULO(Psychology-with Honors)MARINA ANTILLON(Environmental Studies-with Honors)OZAIR ABRAR ALI(Economics)(Public Policy Studies-with Honors)(Political Science) VANESSA ARELLANO BANONI(Economics)(Visual Arts-with Honors)JED ALEXANDER AUGUSTINE(Comparative Human Development-with Honors)TAYLOR MAcKENZIE AYLWARD(Anthropology-with Honors)(South Asian Languages and Civilizations)TIZZIANA MARIA BALDENEBRO(Anthropology)D. MATTHEW G. BARNUM(Psychology)NICHOLAS RONALD BARTLEY(Economics)(Public Policy Studies)CHASE MICHAEL BASSIGNANI(Economics)(Geographical Studies)JOSE BAUTISTA(Psychology)RYAN CHRISTOPHER BAX(Economics)BRITTANI DEANNE BAXTER(Psychology-with Honors)AMELIA R. BAXTER-STOLTZFUS(Anthropology-with Honors)NORA ESTEFANfA BECERRA(International Studies-with Honors)AMALIA MARISE BECKNER(Political Science)(History-with Honors)VARUN BEHL(Economics)ALEXANDER TODD BEINSTEIN(History)AVERY GARVEY BELL(Psychology)CHRISTOPHER KOTRLA BENEDIK(History-with Honors)SAMUEL KARP BERKOWITZ(Economics)MICHAEL T. BERMAN(Political Science)KATHERINE KLEIN BERNER(History)RICKISHA CHAVONN BERRIEN(International Studies-with Honors)(East Asian Languages and Civilizatiom)ASHTIN RENEE-ANNE BERRY(Sociology)KUSHAL KIRIT BHAMMAR(Economics)KATHARINE AMANDA KENERSONBIERCE(Psychology)LIAT ELEANOR BIRD(International Studies-with Honors)JULIE ERIN BISCHOFF(Economics)CHRISTINA MONIQUE BLACK(History, Philosophy. and Social Studies of Science andMedicine-with Honors)JOSEPH A. BLASS(Psychology-with Honors)DAVID BLOBAUM(Sociology-with Honors)FELICITY ROBERT BLOOM(Political Science-with Honors)(International Studies-with Honors)MARANDA ASHELY BLOUNT(History)LAURIE A. BOETTCHER(Economics)MEGAN J. BOGANY(Comparative Human Development)JOHN JOSEPH BONELLI(Economics)(English Language and Literature)BROOKE DUNLAP BONTZ(Economics)AISHA ELIZABETH BRADSHAW(Political Science-with Honors) GREGORY RALPH BREW(History)GARRETT CHRISTOPHER BRINKER(Political Science)DEVIN CHARLES BROOKS(Economics)JAY WILL BROOKS(Political Science-with Honors)PAUL ALLEN BROWN(History-with Honors)(Philosophy)LISA MAY BROWNSTONE(Psychology-with Honors)KATHRYN MARIE BURGER(Political Science)SPENCER ALAN BURNS(Economics)GABRIEL MICHAEL SOLOMON CAHN(History)HAOTIANCAI(Anthropology)CODY ELLIS CALVIN(Geographical Studies-with Honors)BAEVIN SHEA CARBERY(History)MEGAN A. CARLSON(Political Science-with Honors)TROY A. CARLSON(Economics)VICTORIA CARMONA(International Studies)(Latin American Studies)JACQUELINE M. CARRILLO(Anthropology-with Honors)(Latin American Studies-with Honors)GREGORY JAMES CASWELL(History)CHRISTINA ALEXA CELENTANO(Economics)KENNAN ALANE CEPA(History)TERENCE ZHENYANG CHAN(Economics-with Honors)(Sociology-with Honors)ELIZABETH ROSE CHAO(Political Science-with Honors)(Economics)PAULINA CHAPA TREVINO(International Studies)EMILY PAIGE CHASE(Political Science-with Honors)LINDA CHEN(Political Science)BO CHENG(Economics)DAVID CHENG(Economics)(Statistics)HSIN YAO CHENG(Economics)SAMUEL SCOTT CHERESKIN(International Studies)ANGELICA OLIVIA CHESTLEIGH(Sociology)ASHLEY BRIANNA CHIN(International Studies-with Honors)SABRINA PEARL CHIN(Economics)SUNG HO CHOI(Economics)GONZALO ANDRES CHOQUEGONZALES(Psychology)JENNY H. CHOU(Economics)SMRITA M. CHOUBEY(Economics)KAR YAN KATHLEEN CHU(Economics)41 ALEKSANDRA CIRIC(International Studies)STEPHANIE A. CIUPKA(Public Policy Studies-with Honors)ANNE CAROL CLARK(Economics)WILLIAM THOMAS CLARK(Economics)RACHEL GRIER CLARKE(Sociology-with Honors)ZACHARY AARON CLOUD(Psychology-with Honors)(Political Science)ARIELLE MARIE CLOUSE(History)LEONORA ANNE COHEN(Political Science)SEN CONG(Economics)JAMES PATRICK CONWAY(History)(Political Science)EVAN BECK COREN(Political Science)MOLLY KATHLEEN COSTICH(Public Policy Studies-with Honors)CATHERINE MORGAN COTTLE(Economics)ANNA VICTORIA COUNTS(Sociology-with Honors)GENEVIEVE THERESA COUR(History)ELLIOTT LEIGH COWARD(Political Science-with Honors)JORDAN LEE CRICE(History-with Honors)JOVANA CRNCEVIC(International Studies-with Honors)JULIA BRITTANY CROWELL(Psychology)DANIELLE YU-CHEN DAI(Public Policy Studies-with Honors)NEIL GIRISH DALAL(Economics)(Public Policy Studies)APARNADANG(Economics)JANAY CHAr DANIEL(International Studies)(Public Policy Studies)ABHERYDAS(Public Policy Studies)LORRAINE ELIZABETH SAMSON DAVID(International Studies)LEE HUNTER DAVIDSON(Economics)ELLEN H. DAVIS(Geographical Studies-with Honors)MAURIECE A. DAWSON(Political Science)BRYAN DOUGLAS DEDEKER(Economics)FELIPE AUGUSTO DE LA BALZE(Economics)KAITLIN A. DEVANEY(Public Policy Studies)(Latin American Studies)SETH JOSEPH DICKINSON(Psychology-with Honors)DOUGLAS CARL DISHONG, JR.(History)(Gender Studies)LAKOTAH DAWN DOIG(Anthropology)MATTHEW JAMES DOIRON(Economics-with Honors)(Political Science-with Honors)DALLAS TAYLOR DONNELL(Comparative Race and Ethnic Studies-with Honors)JOHN EDWARD DOUGHERTY II(History, Philosophy, and Social Studies of Science andMedicine-with Honors)(Physics-with Honors)CHRISTOPHER JEFFREY DOW(Economics)(Mathematics)ROBERT JENNINGS DOYLE(Economics)(Physics)EVAN B. DREYER(Economics)KATHRYN DERRY DRIES(History-with Honors)(Gender Studies)LELE YUE DUAN(Economics)KATHLEEN ANN DUFFY(History)(International Studies)MARGARET ERIN DU MONT(International Studies)WILSON T. DUNLAP(Russian Studies)RYAN PATRICK DURKIN(Russian Studies-with Honors)KATHRYN LAUREN DWYER(Psychology-with Honors)CATHERINE MARISA EASTON(International Studies-with Honors)(Environmental Studies-with Honors)IMAH ENO EFFIONG(Political Science)ERIC JOHN EGAN(History)JOHN WELDON EMERSON(Economics)MICHAEL P. EMERSON(Public Policy Studies)ESTHER MIRIAM ENGLANDER(History-with Honors)NOAH M. ENNIS(Political Science)TIMUR N. ERON(History)ASHLEIGH NICOLE EVELAND(Public Policy Studies)JARETH ARMSTRONG EVERS(Political Science)CHIBUZO OLUBUKUNOLA EZEIGBO(Public Policy Studies)GREGORY FAHL(Environmental Studies)KATHRYN ELIZABETH FALLON(History)CHELSEA QING FAN(Sociology)RUOSI FAN(Economics)JOSEPH PETER FARIAS-EISNER(Economics)MUFTI NOMAAN SHOWKAT FAROOQI(Economics)SARAH ELIZABETH FARR(History)(Latin American Studies-with Honors)DANIEL HOWARD FENDT(Economics)ANGELA GRACE FICEK(Economics)EMMA M. FlNESTONE(Anthropology-with Honors)SAMUEL JESSE FISHMAN(History)PATRICK MICHAEL FLANAGAN(Economics)ELIZABETH ELLEN FLORA(International Studies-with Honors) MARIA FQNDEUR BUTLER(Economics)ANDREW M. FOSTER(Anthropology-with Honors)JOHN JARRETT FOWLER(International Studies)EMILY ANN FRANCIS(Economics)(Public Policy Studies-with Honors)ELIZABETH KATHERINE FRANZ(History)JACOB THOMAS FREEMAN(History)LILA KATHERINE FRIKKER(Economics)EDGAR LOUISE FRILOUX(Economics)TAMARA ANN GAFFNEY(History-with Honors)LINKGAN(Economics)SANIYA GANDHI(Economics)(South Asian Languages and Civilizations)YUAN SOPHIA GAO(Economics)ALEXANDER STEPHEN GARBlER(Economics)(Public Policy Studies-with Honors)DUSHIME K. GASHUGI(Economics)COLIN NATHANIEL GAW(Political Science)CHARLES LEWIS GERSTEIN(Economics-with Honors)NINA CLAIRE GIVIYAN-KERMANI(Political Science-with Honors)(Religious Studies)BRIAN JOSEPH GLORIOSO(Economics)ANNA RAE GOETHE(International Studies-with Honors)CARRIE LOUISE GOLDBERG(Geographical Studies)MARCO GUERRERO GOMES(Political Science)ANDREA M. GONZALEZ-FLORES(International Studies)MARA ELYSE GOODMAN(Economics)(Romance Languages and Literatures)WILLIAM R. GOSNER(History-with Honors)JOSHUA PAUL GOVERMAN(Economics)NATALIE MARGARET GRAEFENHAIN(Economics)DAISY GRANDT(History)ELIZABETH HUNTER GRATHWOL(Economics)DANIEL JARED GREEN(History-with Honors)CHAPIN K. GREGOR(Public Policy Studies)SARAH LYNNE GRUSIN(History, Philosophy, and Social Studies of Science andMedicine-with Honors)(International Studies-with Honors)JAMES SEYMOUR GUENTHER(History)LAUREN ASHLEY GUERRIERI(History)CINDY GUITRON(Comparative Human Development)PARKER STEPHEN GUTHRIE(History)ALEJANDRA GUTIERREZ(Latin American Studies-with Honors)42 TAIJOO BENEDICT HA(Economics)STACY LEE HACKNER(Anthropology-with Honors)MARY MICHELLE HACKNEY(Comparative Human Development)LUCY AILEEN HALL(History-with Honors)REBECCA FRANCES HALL(Anthropology-with Honors)GRACE OLIVIA HAMMOND(Comparative Human Development)MENAKA VAGESH HAMPOLE(Economics)EUGENE LEE HAN(Economics)HUIQING HAN(Economics)ALYSANN GALE HANSEN(Economics)ELIZABETH HANSEN(Political Science)KAMERON RANDALL HANSON(History)KENDAL GLEN HARDISON(History, Philosophy, and Social Studies 0/ Science andMedicine)JORGEN MICHAEL HARRIS(Economics-with Honors)KATHERINE ELIZABETH HASELKORN(Psychology)ANIKA SWARTLEY HEAVENER(Comparative Human Development)JASMINE MARIE HEISS(Anthropology-with Honors)SABRYNA D. HENZE(Anthropology)ANDREA NICOLE HERMERDING(Psychology)EDGAR HERNANDEZ(Latin American Studies)KRISTOFER BLAKE HERNANDEZ(Political Science)PAOLA NOHELY HERNANDEZ(Political Science)LUCAS TIMOTHY HILLER(Economics)ALISHA JOY HINES(History-with Honors)WEI HAO BRYAN HO(Economics-with Honors)(Political Science-with Honors)(Public Policy Studies-with Honors)ELISABETH PHOEBE KAMINEHOLTZMAN(Anthropology-with Honors)JAMESJ. HOM(Economics)ANYA RUMI HOSAIN(Economics)JENNYHU(Economics)GANG HUANG(Economics)(Biological Sciences)HAIJING HUANG(Economics)JUSTIN RYAN HUANG(Sociology)XIAOYUAN HUANG(Economics)JAMES LEON HUFF(Political Science)CHAD STEVEN HUGHES(Economics).(Public Policy Studies)CHANG HEE HUH(Economics)SAQIB MOHAMMAD HUSSAIN(Political Science) MAREK M. KOWALEWSKI(Economics) MARISSA LIN(Political Science)HYESUNG HWANG(Psychology-with Honors)GABRIEL MICHEL IATAROLA(Economics) MALIKA MARATHE KRISHNA(Economics-with Honors) SEAN LIN(Anthropology)JUAN DAVID LINDSTROM PERALTA(Economics)SOYOUNG TIFFANY KWAK(Political Science)ELEANOR IMMERMAN(International Studies-with Honors) ASHLIE AMBER LABRANCHE(Psychology)JACKSON JIANCHAO LAI(Economics) NATNARI NATALIE LINWONG(Environmental Studies-with Honors)(History-with Honors)BRITTANY ANN LITTLE(History)CHEN LIU(Economics)MICHAEL J. IOANNIDES(Anthropology-with Honors)LASZLO PAL JAKAB(Economics) CHATTRIN LAKSANABUNSONG(Economics)(Mathematics-S.B.)KINGSLEY TIN LOK LAM(Economics) KAILIN LIU(Economics)KAROL PIOTR JANKUC(Political Science)CHELSEA ALLYN MILES JOHNSON(African and African-American Studies)NICHOLAS ALEXANDER JOHNSON(History-with Honors)(Religious Studies)PETRA SHARI JOHNSON(Anthropology)SUNG EUN JUNG(Economics) THEODORE HAW HUEI LAM(Economics) LUCY TONG LIU(Economics)WILLIAM HENRY LAMB(Economics) PU LIU(Economics)CHRISTOPHE LAMY(Economics) SIYANG LIU(Economics)TIMOTHY P. LEAHY(Economics)(Public Policy Studies)CHRISTOPHER MARTIN LEAMY(Economics) JEFFREY BONDS LOPEZ(International Studies)(East Asian Languages and Civilizations)MAYRASAMANTHAL6PEZ(Anthropology)(Latin American Studies)ADENlKE EBOKIDE KADRI(Political Science)ALISON DEBORAH KAHLER(History)EMILY GRACE KAISER(Sociology-with Honors)KEVIN THOMAS KAISER(Economics) BIN BIN LEE(Comparative Human Development) OLIVIA DYAN LOPEZ(Public Policy Studies)SUSAN LOPEZ(Sociology)CORY ROBERT LOVIGLIO(Economics)MIN JU LEE(Economics)(Statistics)YENNIE HYUNJOO LEE(Sociology-with Honors)TANAPHUM LEELAPORN(Economics)BEATA DOROTA KALATA(Comparative Human Development)JAWAYRIA ZARREEN KALIMULLAH(Political Science-with Honors) FRANCES ELIZABETH LOW(Economics)SARA ELIZABETH LEGINSKY(History-with Honors)(Latin American Studies-with Honors) KARRYLU(Economics)SHIMIN LYNN KAN(International Studies-with Honors)(Political Science)ELIZABETH C. KEATING(Political Science-with Honors) MARVIN LU(Economics)ALEJANDRA LEON(International Studies) TONYLUO(Economics)BRIAN PAN LING LEUNG(Economics)MADILYN ANN KEATING(Comparative Human Development)KAITLYN MAAS KEHOE(History-with Honors)(Law, Letters, and Society-with Honors)JACQUELINE A. KELLISH(Political Science-with Honors) YUCONGMA(Sociology-with Honors)AMlRA K. MAKANSI(History-with Honors)ERIC JOSEPH MALDONADO MARRERO(History, Philosophy, and Social Studies of Science andMedicine)WEI LUO(Economics)HO-CHUN VICTOR LEUNG(Political Science) MIROSLAV A. LYSYUK(Anthropology-with Honors)(International Studies)DAVID EMMANUEL LEVARI(Psychology-with Honors)(Public Policy Studies)ANDREW G. LEWIS(Political Science)HEATHER MUD FORD LEWIS(Environmental Studies-with Honors)STACEY LYNETTE KENNEDY(Psychology)JUSTINE A. KENTLA(International Studies-with Honors)(Political Science-with Honors) HERAKLES WEIXUAN LI(Psychology)JACK LI(Economics) ROBERT MANIX-CRAMER(Political Science)ARIEL JONATHAN MARCUS(History-with Honors)EMMA GABRIELLE MARQUEZ(History, Philosophy, and Social Studies 0/ Science andMedicine-with Honors)TYLER THOMAS CLEBURN KERR(Environmental Studies-with Honors)KHIRUL EZAR BIN MOHD KHIR(Economics)(Mathematics)ENOCH KIM(Political Science-with Honors) SAl LI(Economics)(Chemistry)XIUYAN LI(Economics)JAY YOUNG KIM(Economics) YI FAN GU LI(Economics) ANDREW PHILIP MARSHALL(Economics)JOSEPH RYAN KING(Economics) ANGELINA X. LIANG(Economics)(International Studies) JAMES ALAN MARTIN(Comparative Human Development)OMAR MARTINEZ(Economics)JOHN JAMES KINSELLA(Economics)FANG-YU LIANG(Economics)(Philosophy)YUANJIE LIANG(Economics)KIM-MEl ELIZABETH KIRTLAND(Economics) KYLE IAN MARTIN-MORRIS(Psychology)(Comparative Human Development)MOHAMMAD MASHAYEKHI(Economics)HIMCHANKO(Economics)PAUL HYUNWOO KO(Economics) JEREMY J. LIAO(Political Science)(Public Policy Studies-with Honors)KETTYLIE(Economics) ALICIA A. MAY(Public Policy Studies)BRIAN MAXWELL MAYER(History-with Honors)FREDERICK THOMAS MAYER(Political Science-with Honors)BRIA ALESSANDRA MATHEWS(Political Science)SREE SATHYA KODE(Economics-with Honors)(South Asian Languages and Civilizations)AMIN KOLBEHDARI(Economics) RISHI BRIONNY LILLY(Economics)JULIE ANNE KOSSLER(Public Policy Studies) EN LIM(Economics)43HENRY HOWLAND McCANN(Geographical Studies)JENNA LEIGH McDERMIT(Anthropology-with Honors)ELSPETH AINSELY McGARVEY(Political Science)JAY DOUGLAS McGOVERN(Public Policy Studies)SARAH GIBSON McKEEVER(International Studies-with Honors)JACQUELINE ALLAN McLAREN(Political Science)KYLE PEARSON McNERNEY(Political Science)(Biological Sciences-with Honors)MELISSA MICHAELA ELIZABETHMcREE(Political Science)MEETRA HOPE MEHDIZADEH(Political Science-with Honors)(Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations-withHonors)HANNAH L. MELNICOE(Public Policy Studies)KAITLIN S. MEYER(Economics)MIRANDA WOLFF MEYER(International Studies-with Honors)ALEXANDER B. MICHEV(Psychology)AMANDA RENEE MILLER(Psychology)KATHLEEN NICOLE MONAGHAN(Political Science)PIERRE RAYMOND MONNAT(History-with Honors)MARGARET MARIE MORENO(Psychology)JACOB BRUCE HENRY MORRIN(Political Science-with Honors)ELIZABETH ANN MORRIS(Political Science)KATHERINE ANN MORRIS(Sociology-with Honors)MAUREEN JANE MORRIS(Public Policy Studies-with honors)EMILY GRAZIA MOSCHINI(Economics)EMILY KATHRYN HEIST MOSS(History)DAVID ANDREW MUFF(Political Science)COLLEEN ELIZABETH MULLIGAN(Comparative Human Development)NARASIMHA MUMMALANENI(Economics)(Political Science-with Honors)LEE CARTER MUNDELL(Economics)SIMON DO VALE NASCIMENTO(International Studies-with Honors)SALEEMA GUL NAWAB(Comparative Human Development)ALEXANDER KIMON NAYLOR(Geographical Studies-with Honors)CHAITANYA HARI NETKALAPPA(Economics)SIMAo HAMERMESZ NEUMARK(Economics)SEAN KEVIN NEWTON(Economics)KATHLYN N. NGO(Economics)TIN BRIAN TRONG NGUYEN(Political Science)HAE YOUNG NOH(Economics)(Mathematics-5.B.) BLAKE JOSEPH OBUCHOWSKI(History)VINCENZO MENDOZA OCAMPO(Psychology)JEROME PATRICK OFFNER(International Studies-with Honors)(Economics)SHANNON RUTH O'HALLORAN(Political Science)WALDO TEKAMPA OJEDA(Economics-with Honors)ABIMBOLA OLATOKUNBO OLADOKUN(Political Science)STEPHANIE BERNADETTE OLIVA(Public Policy Studies-with Honors)KATHRYN M. O'MARA(Public Policy Studies-with Honors)CHRISTINE CAITLIN O'NEILL(Anthropology)BRYN CONNOR O'STEEN(Political Science-with Honors)THOMAS CARTER OSTERBIND(Economics)HANNAH SOPHIA OTALORA-FADNER(Anthropology-with Honors)PATRICIA M. PADUREAN(International Studies)(Political Science)DAVID HOWARD WESTIN PALM(Economics)JACOB ANDREW PANCRATZ(Economics)JIANG YAN PANG(Economics)JOSEPH THOMAS PANKOW(Economics)DANIEL JINWOO PARK(Economics)(Mathematics-5. B.)JOHN LEE PARKER(Economics)MARGOT ELIZABETH PARMENTER(History-with Honors)LINDSAY MARIE PEARSON(Economics)KIMBERLEE MICHELLE PELSTER(Public Policy Studies)ADAM REED PERKINS(Economics)(Political Science)ANDREW S. PETERS(Economics)(Political Science-with Honors)EDWARD AUSTIN PETERS(Political Science)MARCUS PETERSEN(Economics)KATHERINE HELEN PETTY(Psychology-with Honors)MICHAEL WU-KUNG PFAUTZ(Public Policy Studies-with Honors)JORDAN KEITH PHILLIPS(Political Science-with Honors)MELISSA ANN PLESAC(History, Philosophy, and Social Studies of Science andMedicine-with Honors)REBECCA SUZANNE PLUMMER(Russian Studies-with Honors)ISAK JOSEPH POIRIER(Political Science)DAMON RIPLEY PORTER(Economics)(Political Science)MARGARET PAMELA PORTER(Comparative Human Development-with Honors)GUILLAUME A. POULIOT(Economics-with Honors)MICHAEL ALEXANDER POWELL(History)44 ALYSSA J. PRICE(History)DAVID LUKE PRITCHARD(Sociology)NIQIAN(Economics)CHRISTOPHER R. QUINTOSPolitical Science-with Honors)(Economics)BLAKE PAVEL RACHOWIN(Political Science-with Honors)REBECCA MARIE RADDING(Political Science-with Honors)NORA LEE RADTKE(International Studies-with Honors)(Political Science)HARISH RAJA(Economics)OGNJEN RAKITA(Economics)(Political Science-with Honors)VIRGINIA A. RANGOS(Comparative Human Development)(Gender Studies-with Honors)TYLER JOSEF RASCH(International Studies-with Honors)JOHN P. REEVES(History, Philosophy, and Social Studies of Science andMedicine)JESSICA LEIGH REUTELER(Psychology)ALLISON BLAIR RING HAND(History)THEODORE NORD RIQUELME(Sociology)ALI SA JEANNE ROBINSON(Political Science)AMYM. RODER(Public Policy Studies)MARK CAREY RODGERS(Economics)KARYS ANDREA RODRIGUEZ(Economics)(Political Science)JENNIFER ROSE ROMERO(International Studies)LETICIA ROSA(Political Science)RYAN SIAU ROSENFELD(Anthropology)ALLISON CARROLL ROSS(Environmental Studies)PATRICIA MICHELLE ROSS(Latin American Studies)NATHANIEL EVAN ROTH(Economics)JASON ALLEN ROTHENBERGER(Political Science)REBECCA ANNE ROTHSCHILD(Anthropology)MAX DAVID RUBINSTEIN(History)MARTARYVAK(Economics)MASON GREGORY SAGER(Economics)MARTIN JEROME SALVUCCI(Political Science-with Honors)GREGORY ALEXANDER SANTANA(Economics)SARA SAYEED(Economics)KLARA SCHARNAGL(History, Philosophy, and Social Studies ofScience andMedicine)BENJAMIN HENRY SCHILL(History-with Honors)EZRA N. SCHRICKER(Political Science-with Honors)EVE JULIE SCHWARTZ(Geographical Studies)ILYA G. SCHWARTZBURG(History)(Romance Languages and Literatures)ELIZABETH A. SCOGGIN(International Studies-with Honors)EVAN EUGENE SCOTT(Anthropology)YEE SHEN SEAH(Economics)DAVID ALDEN SEAL(History)ALULA AMHA SELASSIE(Economics)AYCAN SEMIZER(Political Science)SOPHIA EYRAM SENYO(Economics)(Public Policy Studies)BRADLEY ROBERT SERPICO(Economics)FREDERICK HARRIS SETZER(Political Science-with Honors)ERIN KIMBERLY. SHAW(History-with Honors)(Gender Studies)ALI SHEIKH(Economics)EMILIE CLAIRE SHUMWAY(International Studies-with Honors)YUSUF AHMED SIDDIQUEE(Economics)WEN YI CHERYL SIM(Economics)KATHLEEN ELIZABETH SINGER(History-with Honors)NAVKIRAN SINGH(Psychology)SUPRIYA BROOKE SINHABABU(Geographical Studies)MARCIN MARIUSZ SIWICKI(Economics)PETER C. SMUTKO(Public Policy Studies)BERNARD NDAH SOMDAH, JR.(Political Science)MISHA LIANNE JAMES STALLWORTH(Psychology)MARK ANDREW STANKEVITZ(Economics)STEPHEN STANWOOD(Public Policy Studies-with Honors)OTILLIA MACKENZIE STEADMAN(Anthropology-with Honors)MICHAEL WILLIAM STEVENS(Economics)JOSEPH ROBERT STONER(Public Policy Studies)MATTHEW F. STREIT(International Studies-with Honors)ELIZABETH A. SUGDEN(International Studies)JOHN B. SULLIVAN(Political Science)QIFEI SUN(Economics)ONURSURGIT(Economics)(Political Science)CELA DEVINE SUTTON(History)CORY MATTHEW SWAIM(Public Policy Studies)ANNE ELIZABETH SWANK(Political Science)RYAN EDWARD SWEENEY(History) ERIC ALEXANDER SWENSON(History)MICHAEL G. SWIATKOWSKI(Psychology)HANNAH MARIE ELIZABETH TABER(Public Policy Studies-with Honors)STEPHANIE ANNE TACOPINA(Psychology-with Honors)(Romance Languages and Literatures)AYUMU TAHARA(Political Science)VIRAJ TALWAR(History)MARYBETH TAMBORRA(Anthropology-with Honors)BENNY JEK HAU TAN(Economics)DA WEI TANG(Economics)(International Studies-with Honors)MAXWELL TANG(Economics)YINNI TANG(Economics)GEORGE TARMY(Public Policy Studies)CAROLINE ANN TAROMINO(Psychology)IOANA EMANOUILOVA TCHOUKLEVA(International Studies-with Honors)JAMES TSAI TENG(Psychology)SONGJIE LIONEL TEO(Economics)SALOM MAHLET TESHALE(Psychology-with Honors)SAPNA REENA THAKUR(Economics)(Political Science)ZOE ELIZABETH THOMPSON(Comparative Human Development)CHIYU TOM TIAN(Political Science)GEORGE CHRISTOPHER TOBIAS(Political Science-with Honors)ALEXA MARIA TOMPARY(Psychology-with Honors)PATRICIA TRACZ(Economics)(History)AARON MICHAEL TRENT(Anthropology-with Honors)MARYNA A. TRUSOVA(Economics)(Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations-withHonors)SHlH-KANG CONNIE TSAO(Psychology)COLIN PATRICK TUFFY(Economics)CAITLIN ELIZABETH TWEED(International Studies)LAURA KENLYN TWINING(Political Science)(Gender Studies-with Honors)DEBORAH KODICHIMAUMUNNABUIKE(Political Science)PHILIP LIONEL UNDERWOOD(International Studies-with Honors)(African and African-American Studies-with Honors)KRISTEN NOBUKO UYEMURA(Psychology-with Honors)SAUL VACA(Political Science)(International Studies)WILLA DAVIS VAIL(Comparative Human Development)45 ISABELLA CAROLINA VELASQUEZ(Economics)(East Asian Languages and Civilizations)SAMRA VILOGORAC(Economics)LISAQ. WANG(Economics)KAITLYN ELISE WARK(Sociology-with Honors)KATHRYN BRITT WATERBURY(Comparative Human Development-with Honors)UPEKHA MARIA WEERASINGHE(Economics)(International Studies-with Honors)MELISSA FRANCES WEIHMAYER(Anthropology-with Honors)(Germanic Studies)ARIEL JOSHUA WEISER(Sociology-with Honors)CHRISTINE MICHELE WELLS(Economics)ALEXANDER DAVID WERNER(Anthropology-with Honors)(Romance Languages and Literatures-with Honors)LAUREN A. WHITE(Political Science)MEG HAN WENONA FRENCH WHITE(Comparative Human Development)MICAELA CATHLEEN WHITE(Economics)DANIEL RICHARD WHITMAN(Political Science)KINGA WILEWSKA(Economics)CHRISTOPHER WRIGHT WILLIAMS(History, Philosophy, and Social Studies of Science andMedicine)SHELBY S. WILLIAMS(Political Science-with Honors)AARON CHARLES WILSON(Geographical Studies)ELIZA MARGARET TOUART WILSON(Anthropology-with Honors)ADAMA KEMBA WILTSHIRE(Political Science-with Honors)(History)LAUREN GARDNER WINER(History-with Honors)(English Language and Literature)EMILY FRANCES WINTER(History-with Honors)ALISON JENNIFER WIRTZ(Economics)(Law, Letters, and Society)SAMANTHA TEMBY WISHNAK(Political Science)MARTIN WOLBERG-STOK(Political Science-with Honors)JARROD P. WOLF(Public Policy Studies-with Honors)(Environmental Studies-with Honors)JULIA SUSAN WOLLRAB(Latin American Studies-with Honors)TIFFANY WONG(Psychology)AMANDA LEIGH WOODS(Political Science-with Honors)ANNA COURTNEY WOODS(Comparative Human Development)RACE EDWARD WRIGHT(Anthropology)JIEMAlWU(Economics)(Statistics)XIAOLONGWU(Economics)SIYAO J. XU(Political Science)AMELIAJIE YANG(Economics)DANIEL HEE-SUNG YANG(Political Science)(African and African-American Studies-with Honors)YILEI YANG(Economics)(Statistics)DAPHNE YI YIN(Political Science)SANG AH YOON(Economics) MEHMET YUMBUL(Economics)(International Studies)STEPHANIE MICHELLE YURASH(Economics-with Honors)SHEZAAD ADIL ZAINULBHAI(Political Science-with Honors)ZHANG ZHANG(Economics)MENG YANG NICK ZHAO(Political Science)(Economics) NELLIE ZHAO(Economics)YING ZHOU(Economics)(Mathematics)CECILIA ELIZABETH ZVOSEC(History-with Honors)SAMANTHA JAYNE ZWIEBEL(History, Philosophy, and Social Studies of Science andMedicine-with Honors)VI. THE STUDENT MARSHALSThe graduates will be presented to President Zimmer and Dean Boyer by Catherine C Baumann, Marshal.SARA ALEXIS LEVINE ABARBANEL(International Studies-with Honors) For the Degree of Bachelor ofArts in the College:JANE BABIARZ(Biological Sciences)RODERICK GARY BAKER(Political Science)HANNAH JUDITH BIRNBAUM(Sociology-with Honors)CHRISTOPHER CLAUSON BOOTS(Law, Letters, and Society-with Honors)TIMOTHY AARON BOUTELLE(History, Philosophy, and Social Studies of Science andMedicine-with Honors)LUIS ZOGBY BRENNAN(Physics)SARAH HAMILTON CARL(Biological Sciences-with Honors)SAMUEL ARTHUR CASPER(History-with Honors)ANTONIA JOSEPHINE CLIFFORD(Sociology-with Honors)BILJANA DROCA(Political Science)LAURA ANN EBERLY(Public Policy Studies-with Honors)CAMERON J. ERENS(Environmental Studies)MAX FALKOWITZ(Psychology)BENJAMIN ANDREW FIELD(Economics)HILARY POTASH FRUITMAN(Political Science)NICHOLAS JAMES GELLER(Classical Studies-with Honors) CLAIRE JOY GILL(International Studies)CHLOE BESS GOLDMAN(Psychology)NATHALIE MICHELLE GORMAN(Political Science-with Honors)TSION F. GURMU(Political Science-with Honors)(History-with Honors)BENJAMIN THORMAN HALBIG(Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations-withHonors)(Law, Letters, and Society)JESSICA LEIGH HESTER(English Language and Literature-with Honors)(Gender Studies-with Honors)DEBORAS. HU(English Language and Literature-with Honors)ERIC DANIEL JAFFE(Economics)JIWON KIM(Political Science)MARSHALL BARRET KNUDSON(Anthropology-with Honors)ILANA MICHELLE KOWARSKI(Law, Letters, and Society)CHRISTOPHER PATRICK LAUBACHER(English Language and Literature-with Honors)(Cinema and Media Studies-with Honors)JOSHUA BENJAMIN LEAVITT(English Language and Literature-with Honors)AMULYA MANDAVA(Anthropology-with Honors)ANDREW PATRICK McLEOD(Psychology-with Honors) JESSICA JOY MOTHS(Environmental Studies-with Honors)(Linguistics)TRACY ANN MUMFORD(English Language and Literature-with Honors)(Cinema and Media Studies-with Honors)RICARDO RENATO RIVERA(Linguistics)AVIVA REBECCA PENZNER ROSMAN(Public Policy Studies-with Honors)BENJAMIN COHEN ROSSI(Philosophy)STEPHEN DAVID SALTARELLI(Law, Letters, and Society)JULIA MAY SHEFFIELD(Psychology-with Honors)(Comparative Human Development)ANYA THETFORD(Psychology)HALLIE CAUSEY TRAUGER(Political Science-with Honors)BENJAMIN DAVID UMANS(Biological Sciences)(Economics)NALIKA URVISHI VASUDEVAN(Political Science-with Honors)PETER BROWN WILSON(Biological Sciences)JI-SOOKYIM(Psychology-with Honors)LILIANA ZARAGOZA(International Studies-with Honors)WILLIAM EDWARD LEEB(Mathematics-with Honors)For the Degree of Bachelor of Science in the College and the Division of the Physical Sciences:TENGREN ZHANG(Mathematics-with Honors)(Economics-A.B.)THE ALMA MATER{Please rise ifyou are able}Please refer to p.99Members of the University of Chicago Motet ChoirJames Kallembach, ConductorADDRESS BY THE DEAN OF THE COLLEGEJOHN W. BOYERCLOSING WORDSCATHERINE C. BAUMANNMarshal of the UniversityTHE RECESSIONAL{Please rise ifyou are able}The University Pipe BandFlag BearersThe Marshal of the UniversityThe President and His PartyThe Faculty PartyCandidatesThe recession will proceed to Harper Quadrangle for a post ceremony reception.All family, friends, and guests are welcome to attend.47THE LLEWELLYN JOHN AND HARRIET MANCHESTER I977QUANTRELL AWARDS FOR EXCELLENCEIN UNDERGRADUATE TEACHING I978I938 WILLIAM THOMAS HUTCHINSON 1953 GROSVENOR WILLIAM COOPER 1965 ERIC W. COCHRANE, JR.JOSEPH JACKSON SCHWAB JOHN OLIVER HUTCHENS JAMES M. REDFIELDREGINALD JOSEPH STEPHENSON ROBERT MONROE PALTER JOSEPH JACKSON SCHWAB I975EDWARD W. ROSENHEIM, JR. NIEN-CHU YANG1939 RALPH MORRIS BUCHSBAUM 1954 MARK ASHINCLARENCE HENRY FAUST WELLS CHAMBERLIN 1966 ARUNAS LIULEVICIUSWILLIAM CHRISTIAN KRUMBEIN DONALD MEIKELJOHN ELDERJ. OLSONBEATRICE MINTZ DAVID E. ORLINSKY I98<1940 JAMES LEA CATE NATHAN SUGARMANRALPH CRAFTON SANGER 1955 DANIEL L. HARRISPAUL DIRKS VOTH GWINJ. KOLB 1967 MICHAEL JOSEPH MURRINJOHN P. NETHERTON PAUL JOSEPH SALLY, JR.1941 JAMES C. BABCOCK CHARLES W. WEGENER DAVID BURTON WAKEVICTOR E. JOHNSON GILBERT F. WHITE I98:NORMAN F. MACLEAN 1956 HAROLD GALLCHRISTIAN W. MAcKAUER 1968 JOHN C. JAMIESON1942 DAVID DAICHES JOSHUA C. TAYLOR EDWARD J. KOLLAREDWARD BOWMAN ESPENSHADE ROSALIE H. WAX LESTER K. LITTLERUSSELL B. THOMAS DUDLEY SHAPERE I981957 MAURICE B. CRAMER1943 MICHAEL FERENCE REUEL N. DENNEY 1969 ISAAC D. ABELLAARTHUR FRIEDMAN THOMAS S. LEE VIRGIL BURNETTT. WALTER JOHNSON GEORGE L. PLAYE EMILE KARAFIOL I98HENRYRAGOI944 JOHN R. DAVEY I958 MAYNARD C. KRUEGER MANFRED D. E. RUDDATGERHARD E. O. MEYER VIOLA MANDERFELDEVERETT C. OLSON STUART M. TAVE 1970 EASLEY BLACKWOODIZAAK WIRSZUP JOSEPH CROPSEYI945 GRAHAM DUSHANE STUART A. RICE I9�HAROLD HAYDON 1959 LAWRENCE BOGORAD LORNA P. STRAUSDURBIN ROWLAND MERLIN S. BOWENMARVIN MEYERS I97I PHILIP C. HOFFMANN1946 ROBERT KEOHANE KENNETH J. REH_AGE DONALD N. LEVINEF. JOSEPH MULLIN RICHARD McKEON I9�EUGENE NORTHROP I960 ROGER H. HILDEBRAND PETER MEYERJANICE BROGUE SPOFFORDI947 BENSON GINSBURG KARL JOACHIM WEINTRAUB 1972 RICHARD W. BEALSLOUISE A. ROBERTS DAVID GARDNER WILLIAMS WAYNE CLAYSON BOOTHELSEO VIVAS ROBERT DAVID HUMMEL I9!196I ABRAM LINCOLN HARRIS H. GREGG LEWISI948 ALBERT M. HAYES MEYER WILLIAM ISENBERG RICHARD W. MINTELAARON SAYVETZ IRVING KAPLANSKYMILTON SINGER RAY KOPPELMAN 1973 EDWARD ANDERSJOHN L. HUBBY I9:1949 JOHN C. MAYFIELD 1962 NORMAN H. NACHTRIEB NORMAN F. MAcLEANRICHARD M. WEAVER LEO NEDELSKY SUZANNE HOEBER RUDOLPHWARNER A. WICK FRED A. SIEGLEREDWARD WASIOLEK I974 PHILIP GOSSETT1950 WILLIAM C. BRADBURY ROBERT HASELKORNJOSEPH J. CEITHAML 1963 RICHARD K. LASHOF IRA A. KIPNIS I9WILLIAM H. L. MEYER, JR. McKIM MARlOTT LEON M. STOCKGERSON M. ROSENTHALI951 KNOX CALVIN HILL HERMAN L. SINAIKO I975 BERTRAMJ. COHLERJAMES BAYARD PARSONS BEATRICE B. GARBERH. STEFAN SCHULTZ I964 SYLVAIN BROMBERGER PAUL B. MOOREJOHN G. CAWELTI WILLIAM R. VEEDER1952 WILMA EBBITT FRANK M. CHILDALFRED L. PUTNAM RALPH LERNER 1976 FRANCIS X. KINAHANALAN SIMPSON LEONARD K. OLSENJAY C. WILLIAMS RICHARD P. TAUBNORMAN H. NACHTRIEB 1989 LAUREN BERLANT 2000 SHADI BARTSCHRALPH W. NICHOLAS CONSTANTIN FASOLT DAVID G. GRIERHEWSON H. SWIFT JOHN E. FREDERICK D. GALE JOHNSONRADOVAN ZAK LAURENS J. METS1978 HERBERT C. FRIEDMANNMELVIN J. SHOCHET 1990 LEO P. KADANOFFPHILIP B. KURLAND 2001 DANIELLE ALLEN1979 DAVID M. BEVINGTON HAROLD A. RICHMAN MARK J. OREGLIACLIFFORD W. GURNEY BERNARD S. STRAUSS MARSHA R. ROSNERPETER J. WYLLIE PETER WHITE BERNARD S. SILBERMANMARVIN ZONIS1991 MARTIN BURKE 2002 JEAN COMAROFF1980 ROBERT GEROCH DIANE HERRMANN JOHN L. COMAROFFEDWARD M. HAYDON DAVID MALAMENT BENJAMIN GLICKAMY APFEL KASS URSULA STORB GARY HERRIGELJOHN J. MACALOON DOUGLAS R. MAcAYEALJOHN A. SIMPSON 1992 FRED M. DONNER MARIO SANTANAHENRY J. FRISCH1981 CHI-CH'AO CHAO CHARLES M. GRAY 2003 EDWARD M. COOK,JR.MARK G. INGHRAM JOSEPH JARABACK SUSAN GOLDIN-MEADOWSAM PELTZMAN and THOMAS M. JONES MUNIR HUMAYUNRONALD A. THISTED RICHARD SALLER BERNARD ROIZMANMARIA CHRISTINA VON NOLCKEN1982 ROBERT J. FEFFERMAN 1993 LAURIE J. BUTLEREDWARD D. GARBER MICHAEL H. DICKINSON 2004 NADINE DI VITOJANEL M. MUELLER EDWARDW. KOLB MARTIN E. FEDERROBERT J. RICHARDS GERALD N. ROSENBERG MICHAEL GREENSTUART SHERMAN DAVID JABLONSKI1983 TED COHEN JAMES LEITZELLEON R. KASS 1994 JAMES W. CRONINWILLIAM H. MCNEILL INGRID ROWLAND 2005 L ASZL o, BABAIMALKA MOSCONA GEORGE W. STOCKING, JR. DR. DOROTHY A. HANCKMICHAEL S. TURNER MICHAELJ. WADE DR. STEPHEN C. MEREDITHHOLLY MARIE SWYERS1984 JEAN COMAROFF 1995 KATHLEEN N. CONZEN KENNETH W. WARRENDAVID C. DRAPER HERBERT GEORGEROBERT A. FERGUSON RICHARD G. KRON 2006 HELMADIKDENNIS J. HUTCHINSON STEPHEN PRUETT-JONES HEINRICH M. JAEGERJOCELYN MALAMAY1985 ANNA LISA CRONE 1996 ERIC CAPLAN RUSSELL H. TUTTLEJOHN J. MEARS HEIMER HANNA H. GRAYALFRED L. PUTNAM JAMES A. HOPSON 2007 MATTHEW BRADYHUGH R. WILSON SIDNEY R. NAGEL RACHEL FULTONKA YEE C. LEE1986 GERALD HONIGSBLUM 1997 ELIZABETH ALEXANDER THOMAS PAVELDAVID W. OXTOBY GREGORY L. HILLHOUSEJOSE QUINTANS LAWRENCE McENERNEY 2008 JESSICA R. CATTELINOJONATHAN Z. SMITH NATHAN TARCOV ANDREAS GLAESERPHILIP S. ULINSKI MICHAEL KREMER1987 FRANK S. MERRITT ERIC LARSENJAMES M. REDFIELD 1998 STEVEN LEVITT JANOS SIMONLORNA P. STRAUS JOSEPH A. PICCIRILLIKARL J. WEINTRAUB ALLEN R. SANDERSON 2009 EDWIN A. FERGUSONJOSEPH M. WILLIAMS LAURA SLATKIN JONATHAN M. HALLSTEPHEN M. STIGLER STUART A. KURTZ1988 JAN E. GOLDSTEIN AMYDRU STANLEYJ. DAVID GREENSTONE 1999 BERTRAM J. COHLER MALYNNE MAY STERNSTEINARUNAS LIULEVICIUS MILTONEHREMONTE LLOYD SUSAN M. KIDWELLROBERT C. PETERS MICHAEL C. LABARBERAMOISHE POSTONEn:30 A.M.THE WILLIAM B. AND CATHERINE V. GRAHAMSCHOOL OF GENERAL STUDIESInternational HouseSaturday, June 12LUNCHEONHome RoomDIPLOMA AND CERTIFICATE CEREMONYAssembly Hall1:30 P.M.PRELUDEThe Millar Brass EnsemblePROCESSIONThe Millar Brass Ensemble(Please stand until after the uielcome.)WELCOMEDANIEL W. SHANNONDean of the Graham School of General StudiesREMARKSROBERT]. MORRISSEYBenjamin Franklin Professor, Department ofRomance Languages and Literatures,the Committee on Interdisciplinary Studies in the Humanities and the CollegeM.L.A. AND M.S. GRADUATESREAD By: STEVEN LAYMONAssociate DeanGRADUATE DIPLOMA PRESENTATIONCERTIFICATE PRESENTATIONCERTIFICATE RECIPIENTSREAD By: STEVEN LAYMON, Associate Deanand CARY NATHENSON, Associate Dean50ANNOUNCEMENT OF2010 EXCELLENCE IN TEACHING AWARD RECIPIENTSREAD By: DANIEL W. SHANNONTHE RECESSIONAL(Please stand)The Millar Brass EnsembleMaster of Liberal Arts ProgramDANIEL G. BARTELLA.B., Grinnell College, 2003RENE CHESTNUTSB., Purdue University, west Lafoyette, Indiana, 1995DENISA DRAGANS.B., DePaul University, Chicago, Illinois, 2006MICHAEL JOHN GALLAGHERA.B., University 0/ Illinois at Chicago, 1975jD., Illinois Institute o/Technology, 1978 ANNE NERI KOSTINERA.B., Columbia College, California, 198INADIRAH RA'ANA LUGG2001 DONALD JOHN RENDERSB., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,1965SM., Massachusetts Institute o/Technology, 1966Ph.D., New York University, 1977MARIA ANTONIA TASSONM.Div., McCormick Theological Seminary, 1990ROBERT TRAVIS WATERBURYA.B., Roosevelt University, 1970A.M, ibid, 1972A.B., University 0/ Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,ALENA NICOLE MIHASA.B., Occidental College, 2008EDWARD HARRIS MOGULA.B., Yale University, 1966jD., University 0/ Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,1969For the Degree ofMaster of Science:ELIZABETH P. DAWSONS.B., western Illinois University, 1997MS., Lewis University, 2004 JACOB J. DICKMANA.B., Benedictine University, 2008 TIMOTHY SCOTT EDELINGSB., Calumet College of St. joseph, 2005M.L.A., University o/Chicago, 200851THE DIVISION OF THE BIOLOGICAL SCIENCESAND THE PRITZKER SCHOOL OF MEDICINEDIVISIONAL ACADEMIC CEREMONYThe Midway Plaisance at Ellis AvenueFriday, June II, 2010WELCOMEEVERETT E. VOKES, MDInterim Dean and Chief Executive OfficerDivision of the Biological Sciences and the Pritzker School ofMedicine; University of ChicagoMedical Center; John E. Ultmann Professor ofMedicine and Radiation and Cellular OncologyADDRESSES"How New Biologists Will Drive the New Biology"KEITH YAMAMOTO, PHDProfessor of Cellular and Molecular PharamacologyExecutive Vice Dean, the School ofMedicine at the University of California, San Francisco"From One Colleague to Another"SCOTT STERN, MD'84Professor ofMedicineAssistant Dean for Technology and Innovation in Medical Education, the Pritzker School ofMedicinePRESENTATION AND HOODINGPHD GRADUATEST. CONRAD GILLIAM, PHDDean for Research and Graduate EducationMarjorie I and Bernard A. Mitchell Professor of Human GeneticsPhD Faculty Marshal: Geoffrey Greene, PhDMD GRADUATESHOLLY]. HUMPHREY, MD'83Professor ofMedicineDean for Medical EducationMD Faculty Marshal: Scott Stern, MD'84CLOSING REMARKSEVERETT E. VOKES, MDMD Diploma Distribution and Lunchimmediately following 503rd ConvocationSaturday, June 12, 2010Biological Sciences Learning Center - Lobby BSD Diploma Distribution and Lunch12 noonSaturday, June 12, 2010Classics no52SHAILESH AGARWAL5.B., University ofMichigan-Ann Arbor, 2006ASlMA KALEEM AHMADA.B., University of Chicago, 2004MARTIN EMIL ANDERSON, JR.5.B., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,2006BENJAMIN PAUL ANTHONYA.B., Northwestern University, 2006BiMus., ibid, 2006KELLY ERIN RIORDAN BACHTA5.B., University of Maryland at College Park, 2003S.B., ibid., 2003Ph.D., University of Chicago, 2008KARL RUSSELL BALCHA.B., University of Southern CaLifornia, 2005RAVINDER BAMBAA.B., Washington University in St. Louis, 2006JEAN JINGZHI BAO5.B., WiLLiam Marsh Rice University, 2006SEAN STEVEN BARNESA.B., University of Chicago, 2005MARY KATHLEEN BISTERA.B., University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2006ERIC MICHAEL BLASCHKEA.B., University of Chicago, 2006MARKUS DANIEL BOOSA.B., Kalamazoo College, 2000Ph.D., University of Chicago, 2008-WITH HONORSELIZABETH J. BROWNA.B., Northwestern University, 2002KYLA MICHELLE BRYDONS.B., Boston University, 2005GREGORY JOHN BURRELL5.B., Northwestern University, 2003JOHNNIE LEE BYRDS.B., Morehouse College, I998Ph.D., University of Chicago, 2008SHANNON RENEA CARPENTERA.B., New CoLLege of the University of South FLorida,2005CLAIRE ALLISON CASPERA.B., Duke University, 2006DIANE CHANGA.B., Vanderbilt University, I998MF.A., University ofMichigan-Ann Arbor, 2000AHMED AZIZ CHAUDHARY5.B., Tufts University, 2004-WITH HONORSMEG HAN ANN CONNETTA.B., University of Chicago, 2005ALAN JOSEPH CUBRES.B., Davidson College, 2003AMISH J. DAVEA.B., University of Pittsburgh-Pittsburgh Campus,20065.B., ibid., 2006JONATHAN JOSEPH DICKA.B., University of Pennsyluania, 200IB.A.S., ibid., 200ILEXIE JEANNE DORES.B., University of ILLinois at Urbana-Champaign,2005CHELSEA ANNE DORSEYA.B., WiLLiam Marsh Rice University, 2006MEGAN KYLE DORSEYA.B., Northwestern University, 2006JESSICA LIM DY-JOHNSONA.B., New York University, 2006NEREIDA ESPARZAA.B., University of Chicago, 2006JEsDs EXP6sITO-CESPEDES5.B., University ofMiami, 2002ROYAFATHIA.B., ILLinois WesLeyan University, 2005A.M., Loyola University of Chicago, 2006LINDSAY AMANDA FINGERA.B., University of CaLifornia, Berkeley, 2006 For the Degree ofDoctor ofMedicine:JONATHAN GRINSTEINS.B., McGiLl University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada,2006-WITH HONORSCESAR ENRIQUE GUERREROS.B., Carnegie Mellon University, 2005JANE HES.B., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,2006CHINENYE OGOMA lWUCHUKWUS.B., Eastern Michigan University, 2003VALERIE MALYVANH JANSENA.B., Maryville College, 200IPh.D., University of Tennessee Health Science Center,2009SEEMA JESWANIS.B., University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, 2006STEVEN LEE KAHNA.B., Tufts University, 2003SARA ALISON KALANTARIA.B., University of Chicago, 2006KATHLEEN ANN KASTNERS.B., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,2006JACQUELINE MARIE KEHLERS.B., University of Notre Dame, 2006PARHAM KHALILIS.B., University of Illinois at Chicago, 2004JOSEPHINE SOOHEE KIMA.B., Columbia University, New York City, New York,2006ELIZABETH ANN KINGS.B., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,2006MARTIN T. KING5.B., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,200IPh.D., University of Chicago, 2008ERIN MARIE KIRKHAMA.B., Amherst College, 2004RYAN MICHAEL KOHLBRENNERS.B., University of Southern California, 2006-WITH HONORSJAMIE SARAH WEISS KRASHINS.B., Brandeis University, 2002DANIEL WILLIAM KREBSS.B., Georgetown University, 200ICHARLES GLEN KULWINA.B., Harvard University, 2006-WITH HONORSDREW ANDERSON LANSDOWNB.Eng., Vanderbilt University, 2006-WITH HONORSREBECCA FELISA LARAS.B., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,2004RYAN EDWARD LAWRENCE5.B., Gordon College, 2003M.Div., Gordan-Conwell Theological Seminary, 2006JOHN KEE-HYEUN LEES.B., University of California, Los Angeles, 2006YE-JIN LEEA.B., fohns Hopkins University, 2005KATHERINE VALERIE LIEBESNY5.B., Emory University, 2005ELAINE PATRICIA LINA.B., University of Chicago, 2005MINLUA.B., University of Chicago, 2006GAUTAM MALHOTRA5.B., University of California, Los Angeles, 2004JOANNA LEE McGETRICK5.B., University of Florida, 2006JOHN JOSEPH McGETRICK, JR.S.B., University of Florida, 2006SAHIL VIPLOV MEHTA5.B., Columbia University, New York City, New York,200653 DANIELLE NICOLE MIANZOS.B., Emory University, 2006LUKE LEHMAN MILLERA.B., Goshen College, 2003SHANSHAN MOUA.B., Harvard University, 2004-WITH HONORSKENT WILLIAM MOUW5.B., Iowa State University of Science and Technology,2002Ph.D., University of Chicago, 2007LucfANAvARA.B., Brown University, I995JENNIFER AMMALA NEWBERRYA.B., University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, 2002JD., University of Chicago, 2008TUAN NGOC NGUYENA.B., University of California, Berkeley, 2005CAMERON ELIZABETH NIENABERA.B., Dartmouth College, 2004-WITH HONORSEMILY ELLEN NUSEA.B., Washington University in St. Louis, 2006MICHAEL THOMAS OSBORNEB.Eng., Vanderbilt University, 2006-WITH HONORSJOHN ANTHONY MACKLIN PAROA.B., Dartmouth College, 2005-WITH HONORSTANVI NITIN PATELS.B., University of Southern California, 2006COLLEEN TERI PLEINA.B., Northwestern University, 2006KENNETH SAl YU PO ON5.B., University of California, Davis, 2005KERRY CHRISTINA PRICEA.B., Scripps College, 2006ROHIT SHIVAYOGI PURANIK5.B., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,2006CARA ANNE RABIKA.B., Wellesley College, 2002Ph.D., University of Chicago, 2008NEIL DEEP RAY5.B., University ofMichigan-Ann Arbor, 2006SHILPA NAGARUR REDDYS.B., Carnegie Mellon University, 2006AISHA PATRICE JIMOH REULERA.B., Washington University in St. Louis, 2002JESSICA M. RODRIGUEZB.Eng., Vanderbilt University, 2006RENEE MARIE RODRIGUEZ5.B., Arizona State University, 2005CHARLOTTE-PAIGE MELANIE ROLLE5.B., McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada,2006-WITH HONORSELANA SIMON ROSENTHALA.B., Yale University, 2006ZACHARY CONWAY ROSNERA.B., Columbia University, New York City, New York,2000MAXWELL RABSON ROVNERA.B., Harvard University, I990JD., ibid., I993IRENE RUSUA.B., University of Chicago, 2005DAVID SAPERA.B., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,2006S.B., ibid, 2006CAITLIN SCHANINGER5.B., Arizona State University, 2006YANG SHENLL.B., Fudan University, Shanghai, China, I997A.M., State University of New York at Albany, 2000S.M, ibid., 2000SCOTT KEVIN SHERMANA.B., Princeton University, 2005DEAN ALDEN SHUMWAYS.B., Brigham Young University, 2004ANN DEBORD SMITHA.B., Dartmouth College, I999BRYAN ANTHONY SMITHA.B., Harvard University, 2005EVAN CHARLES SMITHS.B., University ofMassachusetts at Amherst, I988S.M, ibid, 200IDipl., Harvard University, 2004LOREN JAY SOBELS.B., University ofArizona, 2003S.M, ibid., 2005RICHARD DOUGLAS SOUTHGATEA.B., Carleton College, 2005JACK WILLIAM STOCKERTA.B., University of Chicago, 2005SARAH COURTNEY BAUERs.B., Indiana University-Bloomington, 2000M.D., University of Chicago, 2004(Health Studies)SARA BRANCOLie, Universidade de Lisboa, Lisbon, Portugal, 200I(Evolutionary Biology)JOSIANE BROUSSARDS.B., Brandeis University, 2002(Molecular Metabolism and Nutrition)DISSERTATION: Experimental Reduction of SleepDuration is Associated with Increased NocturnalFree Fatty Acid Levels and Impaired InsulinSignaling in the AdipocyteALICE GABRIELLE CHENGA.B., University of Pennsylvania. 2005S.M, ibid., 2005(Microbiology)DISSERTATION: Molecular Mechanisms ofStaphylococcus aureus Injection and ImmunityJOSEPH DEBARTOLOS.B., University of Connecticut, 2003(Biochemistry and Molecular Biology)DISSERTATION: New Approaches to Protein StructurePrediction and DesignW. VALLEN GRAHAMs.B., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,200IS.M, ibid., 2003(Pathology)DISSERTATION: Molecular Mechanisms of EpithelialMLCK Isoform Regulation: Characterization andPharmacological ExploitationEMMA!. GREIGS.B., Oakland University, Rochester, Michigan, 2003(Ecology and Evolution)DISSERTATION: Vocal Communication in SplendidFairy-wrens (Malurus splendens)PAUL ADAM INGRAMS.B., Northern Illinois University, I996'(Molecular Genetics and Cell Biology)DISSERTATION: A Role for Phloem-Mobile Moleculesin the Regulation ofArabidopsis Root SystemArchitectureYANG LIUS.B., Peking University, Beijing, China, 2004(Molecular Genetics and Cell Biology)DISSERTATION: Assembly and Regulation of theTransitional Endoplasmic Reticulum in BuddingYeastsJAMES PHILLIP LOPEZS.B., Stanford University, 2002(Molecular Metabolism and Nutrition)DISSERTATION: The Role ofERM Proteins in BetaCell BiologyAMANDA MARCHIANDOS.B., University of San Francisco, 200IMPH, University of California, Berkeley, 2004(Pathology)DISSERTATION: In Vivo Analysis of IntestinalEpithelial Barrier Maintenance, Regulation, andRepairELISABETH ANN MONTEGNAA.B., Boston University, I996(Molecular Genetics and Cell Biology)DISSERTATION: SeCI6 recruits SecI2 to TransitionalER sites in Pichia pastoris DANIEL KEVIN STOREYA.B., Bethel University, 2005S.B., ibid, 2005ERIC CHUNG SUNA.B., Princeton University, 2000Ph.D., University of Chicago, 2006RANDY F. SWEISS.B., University of Chicago, 2004THEJASVI THIRUVOIPATIA.B., University of California, Berkeley, 2004CHARLES EMEKA UMUNNAS.B., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,2006JASON BOHM WALDINGERS.B., University ofMichigan-Ann Arbor, 2006JOSHUA LEE WALLBRECHTB.!.S., Arizona State University, 2003For the Degree ofMaster of Science:MICHELLE RAFACZA.B., Knox College, 2002S.M., Loyola University of Chicago, 2004(Evolutionary Biology)PHILLIP ANDREW ROMEIS.B., Marquette University, 2007(Molecular Genetics and Cell Biology)For the Degree ofDoctor ofPhilosophy:AMANDA LOUISE NEISCHs.B., University ofMinnesota-Twin Cities, 2002(Developmental Biology)DISSERTATION: Analysis of Moesin Function in RboiRegulation, Cell Survival, and Epithelial IntegrityYAHUI PENGA.B., Tsinghua University, Beijing, China,I998(Medical Physics)DISSERTATION: Computer-Aided HistologicalAnalysis for Prostate Cancer DiagnosisMICHELLE RAFACZA.B., Knox College, 2002S.M, Loyola University of Chicago, 2004S.M., University of Chicago, 20IO(Evolutionary Biology)DISSERTATION: Hormonal and Behavioral Patternsof Reproduction and Parental Care in theHylobatidaeDAVID RONAN RALEIGHA.B., University ofCalifomia, Berkeley, 2004(Pathology)DISSERTATION: Tight junction-Associated MARVELProteins: Characterization of Structure, Function,and Molecular DynamicsPETER ROYCEWICZS.B., University of Illinois at Chicago, 2004(Genetics)DISSERTATION: Root Cell Walls Constrain theDevelopment of Lateral Root Primordia intoLateral RootsSETH THOMAS SCANLONA.B., University of Pennsylvania, 2002(Immunology)DISSERTATION: The Role ofValphaI4-invariantNKT Cells in the Induction ofTH2 AirwayInflammationBONNIE JAYNE SCOTTS.B., University of Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, 2003(Molecular Genetics and Cell Biology)DISSERTATION: Characterization ofActin Assemblyand Regulatory Properties of the Three FissionYeast ForminsWILLIAM F. SENSAKOVICA.B., University of Chicago, 200I(Medical Physics)DISSERTATION: Computerized Segmentation andMeasurement of Pleural DiseaseMRINAL YOGESH SHAHA.B., Boston University, 2003A.M, ibid., 2003(Cancer Biology)DISSERTATION: DNMT3B7, a Truncated DNMT3BProtein Found in Cancer Cells, Disrupts MurineEmbryonic Development and Alters DNAMethylation in Myc-induced Lymphomas54 JA.\1ES McCAULEY WALTERA.B., Princeton University, 2004JIE WANGA.B., Washington University in St. Louis, 2006GEORGE WILLIAM WEYERA.B., University of Chicago, 2004JOSEPH ROBERT CONGDON WILLIAMSS.B., Wheaton College, Illinois, 2005REBECCA JEANNETTE WOLSKYA.B., Stanford University, 2000GEOFFREY DAVID WOOLA.B., University ofCalifomia, Berkeley, 2002Ph.D., University of Chicago, 2008·WITH HONORSJOSEPH HENRY YANTAS.B., University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2006LAURA ADELE SATKAMPA.B., Washington University in St. Louis, I997S.M., University of Chicago, 2006(Microbiology)ANDREW GREGORY SPRAUS.B., Michigan State University, 2005(Molecular Metabolism and Nutrition)RITA LEE STRACKS.B., Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology, 2005(Biochemistry and Molecular Biology)DISSERTATION: Engineering and BiochemicalAnalysis of Tetra me ric DsRedMARIA MAGDALENA SUTANTOS.B., University of Chicago, 2003(Molecular Metabolism and Nutrition)DISSERTATION: The Role of the Corepressor,Silencing Mediator of Retinoid and ThyroidReceptors (SMRT) in the AdipocyteJULIESTA ELAINE SYLVESTERA.B., University of Chicago, 2000(Biochemistry and Molecular Biology)DISSERTATION: Cellular Communication and SignalTransduction: Using Kinase Activities to AnalyzeIntracellular NetworksJENNIFER LYNN TAYLOR VENERISA.B., Dartmouth College, 200I(Cancer Biology)DISSERTATION: Identifjing Downstream Targets ofjNKKrIMKJ<4 Involved in the Suppression ofOvarian Cancer Metastatic ColonizationJOHN BERNARD WOJCIK, JR.S.B., University of Notre Dame, 2004(Biochemistry and Molecular Biology)DISSERTATION: The Development of Highly SelectiveMonobody Inhibitors of Human SH2 DomainsWEI XUS.B., Fudan University, Shanghai, China, 2003(Cancer Biology)DISSERTATION: Identification of an EzA-regulatedTranscriptional Network Controlling T LineageCommitment and TransformationYADINGYUANB.Eng., Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, I998(Medical Physics)DISSERTATION: Correlative Analysis of Breast Lesionson Full-Field Digital Mammography andMagnetic Resonance ImagingJOHN M. ZABORSKE, JR.S.B., Indiana University-Bloomington, 2004(Biochemistry and Molecular Biology)DISSERTATION: Regulation ofMetabolism byTransfer RNA in Saccharomyces cerevisiaeZHONGZHOU ZHENGS.B., Fudan University, China, 2003(Biochemistry and Molecular Biology)DISSERTATION: Characterization ofProtein FoldingIntermediates for Delineation of Folding PathwaysTHE HUMANITIES DIVISIONDIPLOMA AND HOODING CEREMONYMandel HallSaturday, June 12, 1:45 P.M.PRELUDEAllegro vivace assai (mvt.i) from String Quartet No. 17 in B-flat Major, "The Hunt" K. 458Composed by: Wolfgang Amadeus MozartPerformed by: The Goodspeed QuartetPROCESSION(Please Stand)The University Chicago Pipe BandWELCOMEMARTHA T. ROTHDean of the Division of the HumanitiesPRESENTATION OF FACULTY AWARDS FOR EXCELLENCEIN GRADUATE TEACHINGTHEO VAN DEN HOUTChair, Near Eastern Languages and CivilizationsM.A. AND M.F.A. DIPLOMA PRESENTATIONMARTHA T. ROTHDean of the Division of the HumanitiesRead by: Thomas B. Thuerer, Dean of StudentsMUSICAL INTERLUDEAdagio and Fugue in C minor, K. 546Composed by: Wolfgang Amadeus MozartPerformed by: The Goodspeed Quartet: Adam Liebert, violin; Aurelien Pederzoli, violin;Maria Ritzenthaler, viola; Jean Hatmaker, violoncelloPH.D. HOODING AND DIPLOMA PRESENTATIONMARTHA T. ROTHDean of the Division of the HumanitiesRead by: Thomas B. Thuerer, Dean of StudentsHooded by: Faculty Members of the Division of the Humanities55DEAN'S CLOSINGMARTHA T. ROTHDean of the Division of the HumanitiesTHE RECESSIONALdedication to his students is not restricted to theclassroom; students remark on his empathy andencouragement while at Chicago and his ongoingkindness and professionalism once they have left. Itis this commitment that sets an inspiring standard.(Please Stand)Finale: Allegro assai from String Quartet No. 17 in B-flat Major, "The Hunt" K. 458Composed by Wolfgang Amadeus MozartThe Goodspeed QuartetTHE CONFERRING OF AFACULTY AWARD FOREXCELLENCE INGRADUATE TEACHINGCORNELL FLEISCHERKanuni Suleyman Professor of Ottoman andModern Turkish Studies, Department ofNearEastern Languages and Civilizationsand the CollegeAs one of the world's pre-eminent authorities onOttoman history, Cornell Fleischer attracts scores ofstudents from all over the world to the University ofChicago. His is a demanding field where knowledge of Ottoman Turkish as well as Arabic andPersian is a conditio sine qua non. By watchingthe master in class handle and interpret a range ofsources, his students get a true lecon par l' exemple,while absorbing the need for scholarly rigor andrespect for those sources. Cornell Fleischer's The candidate will be presented by Theo van denHout, Professor of Hittite and Anatolian Languages,Oriental Institute, Department ofNear EasternLanguages and Civilizations and the College; Chair,Department ofNear Eastern Languages andCivilizations.CITATIONCornell Fleischer's scholarly reputation andprofound dedication to both Ottoman studiesand his students have brought to Chicago aspiringscholars from allover the world and created a legacythat propagates the ideals of Chicago's scholarlyngor.name. He encourages students to think for themselves and gives them all the credit when they do. Itis this combination of commitment to his students,the rigorous demands of the discipline, and the humility of the true scholar that has inspired generations of students and young scholars.THE CONFERRING OF AFACULTY AWARD FOREXCELLENCE INGRADUATE TEACHINGDENNIS G. PARDEEProfessor, Oriental Institute, Department ofNearEastern Languages and Civilizations, Committeeon Jewish Studies, and the College The candidate will be presented by Theo van den Hout,Professor of Hittite and Anatolian Languages, OrientalInstitute, Department ofNear Eastern Languages andCivilizations and the College; Chair, Department ofNear Eastern Languages and Civilizations.Ever available and patient, reacting promptly, andgiving immediate and valuable feedback, DennisPardee is known to take his students by the handand introduce them to the world of ancient Hebrew, Phoenician, Syriac, and his specialty, Ugaritic.And this commitment does not end at convocationbut continues when students become colleagues.Dennis Pardee has never taught less, and has oftentaught more, than six courses per year, and at thesame time he is an absolute authority in his field,with many books and hundreds of articles to his CITATIONWith his characteristic combination of unwaveringcommitment to his students, rigorous scholarship,great passion, humility, and an always cheerfuldemeanor, Dennis Pardee sets an example thatinspires students and colleagues alike to attain thesame standards.For the Degree ofMaster ofArts:SABAHAT F. ADILA. B., University of Chicago, 2008(Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations) ANASTASIA CHAPLYGINAA.B., Montclair State College, 2009(Master ofArts Program in the Humanities)BRYAN CLAYTON CHITWOODA.B., Mercer University, 2008(Master ofArts Program in the Humanities) ERIN HILLARY EPPERSONA.B., College of William and Mary in Virginia, 2004A.M, University of Chicago, 2007(South Asian Languages and Civilizatiom)MEGAN ELIZABETH FARIELLOA.B., Bryn Mawr College, 2008(Master ofArts Program in the Humanities)TIMOTHY DANIEL ALLENA.B., University of Chicago, 2006(Romance Languages and Literatures)EVAN GLOVER ALSTONA.B., Harvard University, 2008(Master ofArts Program in the Humanities)ALENA GRAY ANISKlEWICZA.B., University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, 2008(Master ofArts Program in the Humanities) YA�AR TOLGA CORAA.B., Bogazifi Uniuersitesi, Istanbul, Turkey, 2006A.M., Central European University, Budapest,Hungary, 2007(Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations)THADE JUDE CORREAA.B., Indiana University-Bloomington, 2006(Master ofArts Program in the Humanities) CESAR DANIEL FAVILAA.B., University of California, Davis, 2006(Music)BOBIEJO AVA FERGUSONA.B., University of Texas at Austin, 2009(Master ofArts Program in the Humanities)ADAM-JASON MICHAEL ARONSTEINA.B., University of Virginia, 2007(Master ofArts Program in the Humanities)ADAM CHARLES BAKER5.B., Ohio State University, Columbus, 2004(Linguistics)ALEXANDER RAYMOND BEANA.B., Bowling Green State University, 2009(Master ofArts Program in the Humanities) DANIEL R. FITTANTEA.B., University of California, Los Angeles, 2005(Master ofArts Program in the Humanities)MEAGHAN MARAH COSTELLOA.B., College of William and Mary in Virginia, 2000(Romance Languages and Literatures) JENNIFER JEAN FLAHERTYA.B., Appalachian State University, 2008(Master ofArts Program in the Humanities)STEVEN W FLORESA.B., University of Iowa, 2008(Master ofArts Program in the Humanities)NICHOLAS EDWARD FRACCAROA.B., George Washington University, 2005(Master ofArts Program in the Humanities)JAMES JOSEPH DARIAA.B., University of Cincinnati, 1999MEd., ibid, 2003(Latin American and Caribbean Studies)AMANDA LEIGH DAVISA.B., Brigham Young University, 2008(English Language and Literature)LINDSAY DAWSONA.B., Vassar College, 2005(Master ofArts Program in the Humanities)ASHLEY HARPER DEPALERMOA.B., University of Texas at Austin, 2008(Master ofArts Program in the Humanities)COLLEEN PATRICIA DONAGHERA.B., Indiana University-Bloomington, 1973S.M, ibid., 1976A.M, ibid., 1980(Romance Languages and Literatures)MARINA ELLEN BELLA.B., Mills College, 2008(Master ofArts Program in the Humanities)ROBERT BOLTONA.B., York University, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, 2008(Master ofArts Program in the Humanities)KEALEY MARIE BOYDA.B., University of Chicago, 2001(Master ofArts Program in the Humanities)BRIAN ROBERT BRAUNA.B., Cornell College, Mount Vernon, Iowa, 2007(Middle Eastern Studies)JAMES MICHAEL BURGIN, A.B., University of Chicago, 2006(Near Eastern Languages and Civilizatiom) JAMES FRASER FREEBURYA.B., University of California, Santa Cruz, 2007(Master ofArts Program in the Humanities)WILLIAM ROBERT FRENCHA.B., Monmouth College, 2008(Master ofArts Program in the Humanities)WILLIAM CHRISTIAN FRITSCHA.B., Tulane University, 2009(Master ofArts Program in the Humanities)JOSEPH PETER GAFFNEYA.B., Vassar College, 2008(Master ofArts Program in the Humanities)ZACHARY PAUL GALABOFFA.B., Loyola University of Chicago, 2009(Master ofArts Program in the Humanities)PAUL EDOUARD GAUTHIERA.B., Vanderbilt University, 2008(Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations)RAFFANA CHRISTOPHER DONELSONA.B., Williams College, 2009(Master ofArts Program in the Humanities)MARfA FLORENCIA DONOSO VERGARALic., Universidad de Chile, Santiago, 2007LL.M., University of Chicago, 2009(Master ofArts Program in the Humanities)CHRISTOPHER TRANE BURWELLA.B., Colorado College, 2008(Master ofArts Program in the Humanities)SEAN EUGENE CARMICHAELA.B., Knox College, 2009(Master ofArts Program in the Humanities)57PATRICK MICHEL GITTARDS.B., College of Charleston, 2008(Master ofArts Program in the Humanities)ALEXIS CHRISTINA GORBYA.B., Bryn Mawr College, 2007(Master ofArts Program in the Humanities)ANTHONY JAMES GRASSETTIB.F.A., Tufts University, 2009(Master ofArts Program in the Humanities)MARIA M. GUERRERO-REYESA.B., Princeton University, 2008(Slavic Languages and Literatures)INGRID GLADYS HAFTELA.B., University of Washington, Seattle, 2007(Master ofArts Program in the Humanities)ANGELA CAMILLE HAKKILAA.B., University of New Mexico, 2006(Middle Eastern Studies)LEIGH MERRIL HANSENA.B., Columbia University, New York City, New York,2008(Romance Languages and Literatures)DACIA JENNINGS HARROLD5. B., University of California, Davis, I999M.D., University of Chicago, 2009(Master ofArts Program in the Humanities)ERIC KRISTIAN HEADSTREAMA.B., Baylor University, 2009(Master ofArts Program in the Humanities)JESSICA MARIE HENDERSONA.B., University of Chicago, 2008(Near Eastern Languages and Civilizatiom)ALISE HERNANDEZA.B., Creighton University, 2009(Master ofArts Program in the Humanities)LOUIS HOA.B., Columbia University, New York City, New York,2008(Master ofArts Program in the Humanities)KRISTEN JEANETTE HOLDENA.B., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,2006(Master ofArts Program in the Humanities)GRETCHEN ELIZABETH HOLMESA.B., Northwestern University, 2002M.F.A., School of the Art Institute of Chicago, 2005(Master ofArts Program in the Humanities)JEFFREY JAMES HUBBARDA.B., University of Southern California, 2008(Master ofArts Program in the Humanities)CHARLES ALLEN HUFFA.B., Moody Bible Institute, 2003M Th., Dallas Theological Seminary, 2007(Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations)ROBERT MERRILL HULTGRENA.B., Pepperdine University, 2004(Middle Eastern Studies)TYLERJAGELA.B., Kenyon College, 2004(Master ofArts Program in the Humanities)MELISSA BETH KAGENA.B., Brown University, 2009(Master ofArts Program in the Humanities)STEFANIE LI YEE KAMA.B., Reed College, 2009(Master ofArts Program in the Humanities)THOMAS PATRICK KELLY(Master ofArts Program in the Humanities)DANIEL WEE MING KHOA.B., University of Warwick, Coventry, UnitedKingdom, 2008(Master ofArts Program in the Humanities)JOSHUA ANTHONY KIERSTEADA.B., Bowdoin College, 2007(Master ofArts Program in the Humanities)STEPHEN KLEMMA.B., University of Iowa, 2008(Master ofArts Program in the Humanities)BAILEY LYNN KRUEGERA.B., University of California, Berkeley, 2009(Master ofArts Program in the Humanities)STEFANIE LYNN KUZMACKA.B., St. Mary's College ofMaryland, 200I(Linguistics) DANIELKWAKB.F.A., School of the Art Institute of Chicago, 2007(Master ofArts Program in the Humanities)LILLIAN LAMPEA.B., University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill,2007A.M, ibid., 2008(Master ofArts Program in-the Humanities)BENJAMIN LIN LEIDERA.B., Grinnell College, 2009(Master ofArts Program in the Humanities)GERARD LEONEA.B., University of Pennsylvania, 2007(Master ofArts Program in the Humanities)ALFREDO ALAN LOPEZA.B., University of California, Santa Cruz, 2007(Master ofArts Program in the Humanities)JOSHUA LEE MABRAA.B., Kenyon College, 2005A.M, University of London, England, UnitedKingdom, 2007(Near Eastern Languages and Civilizatiom)HANNAH LEIGH MARCUSONA.B., University of Southern California, 2008(Near Eastern Languages and Civilizatiom)MITCHELL HAROLD MARRA.B., Concordia College, Moorhead, Minnesota, 2005(Master ofArts Program in the Humanities)MATTHEW McGRADYA.B., University of California, Santa Cruz, 2008(Master ofArts Program in the Humanities)WILLIAM B. McINTIREA.B., Franklin and Marshall College, 2005(Master ofArts Program in the Humanities)ERIC CLAYTON McMILLANA.B., University of Virginia, I999(Master ofArts Program in the Humanities)DREW ETHAN MESSINGER-MICHAELSHOLTZMANA.B., Columbia College, Chicago, Illinois, 2009(Master ofArts Program in the Humanities)TITUS KAMIL MIKOLAJCZAKA.M., Uniwersytet Gdanski, Gdansk, Poland, 2002(Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations)LINDSEY RAE-MARIE MILLERA.B., University of Chicago, 2007(Near Eastern Languages and Civilizatiom)JESSICA LOUISE MOSESA.B., Augsburg College, Minneapolis, Minnesota, 2007(Master ofArts Program in the Humanities)ZACHARY ROBERT MOULLA.B., Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia,Canada, 2007(Master ofArts Program in the Humanities)JULIE MULLINSA.B., Seattle Pacific University, 2004(Master ofArts Program in the Humanities)SAVITHRY NAMBOODIRIPADA.B., University of Chicago, 20IO(Linguistics)TATIANA CASTILLO NATZKEA.B., George Washington University, 2007(Master ofArts Program in the Humanities)ANNA MARIE NEHERA.B., w"stern Washington University, 2005(Master ofArts Program in the Humanities)SARAH ASHLEY NEWBERGERA.B., Loyola University of Chicago, 2007(Latin American and Caribbean Studies)WILLIS AARON NIEDERFRANKA.B., University ofWiscomin-Milwaukee, 2004(Latin American and Caribbean Studies)GEISY N. NORIEGAA.B., California State University, Fullerton, 2008(Latin American and Caribbean Studies)PETER GREGORY NURREA.B., Miami University, Oxford, Ohio, 2007(Master ofArts Program in the Humanities)ERIK OGLEA.B., University of Colorado at Boulder, 2009(Master ofArts Program in the Humanities)GRETCHEN CLARE OORTHUYSA.B., St. John's College, Santa Fe, New Mexico, 2007(Master ofArts Program in the Humanities) ADAM CRAMER OSBORNA.B., Tulane University, 2008(Master ofArts Program in the Humanities)AMELIA DARCY PACE-BORAHA.B., University of Texas at Austin, 2007(Master ofArts Program in the Humanities)LOUIS TYLER PALAZZOA.B., University of Cincinnati, 2009(Master ofArts Program in the Humanities)ADAM MARC PALMERA.B., University of Chicago, 2009(Master ofArts Program in the Humanities)ALLISON LEE PERELMANA.B., Brown University, 2009(Master ofArts Program in the Humanities)MICHAEL HEN THlNH PHAMA.B., Ohio State University, Columbus, 2008(Master ofArts Program in the Humanities)JANELLE DENAI PISARIKA.B., University of Chicago, 2008(Near Eastern Languages and Civilizatiom)NICHOLAS ORVILLE POLKA.B., University of Southern California, 2008(Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations)MAURICE ALEX POMERANTZA.B., University of Chicago, I995(Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations)JONATHAN E. PRONIEWSKIB.Mus., Northwestern University, 2006(English Language and Literature)RYAN SCOTT RATHMANNA.B., Humboldt State University, 2008(Master ofArts Program in the Humanities)ERIC JOHN RATZELA.B., Knox College, 2009(Master ofArts Program in the Humanities)DAVIS HAROLD REEK5.B., Towson State University, 2008(Master ofArts Program in the Humanities)EMMA WADE REYNOLDSA.B., Williams College, 2007(Master ofArts Program in the Humanities)MARIA IRERI RIVASA.B., University ofNevada, Reno, 2008(Master ofArts program in the Humanities)LINDSAY MICHELLE ROBILLARDA.B., Michigan State University, 2008(Middle Eastern Studies)LINDSAY L. ROSENTHALA.B., Florida International University, 2007(Master ofArts Program in the Humanities)ANDREW JOHN ROSTANA.B., Emerson College, 2007(Master ofArts Program in the Humanities)ANDREW RUSINA.B., Michigan State University, 2008(Master ofArts Program in the Humanities)BASIL SALEMA.B., Loyola University of Chicago, 2007(Middle Eastern Studies)EMILY ROBINSON SAMBROOKA.B., University of Louisville, 2009(Romance Languages and Literatures)ABIGAIL VIRGINIA SEBALYA.B., University ofMichigan-Ann Arbor, 2003(Master ofArts Program in the Humanities)AHMET TUN<; �ENA.B., Sabanci Uniuersitesi, Istanbul, Turkey, 2006A.M., ibid., 2008(Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations)MARGARET ANNE SHORTLEB.F.A., University ofMichigan-Ann Arbor, 2003(Middle Eastern Studies)KAREN ELANA SINGERMANA.B., Kenyon College, 2008(Master ofArts Program in the Humanities)KAREN CERNIA SLOVINA.B., Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, 2009(Master ofArts Program in the Humanities)CHELSIE LYNN SLUYKA.B., University of Virginia, 2007(Master ofArts Program in the Humanities)ADAM CLAYTON SNIDERA.B., University ofNotre Dame, 2007(Master ofArts Program in the Humanities)EDWARD JAUDON SOMERVILLE IIIA.B., Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, 2007(Master ofArts Program in the Humanities)ELIZABETH CHARMAINE STANISHA.B., Skidmore College, 2007(Master ofArts Program in the Humanities)EMILY SWORDS STEFFENA.B., Colorado College, 2009(Master ofArts Program in the Humanities)EMMA BROOKE LEHRER STEINA.B., University of California, Berkeley, 2008(Master ofArts Program in the Humanities)ANDRE JOSIAH DANIEL CALLOTB.FA., New York University, 2006(Visual Arts)DAVID JOSUE CORDEROB.FA., School of the Art Institute of Chicago, 2007(Visual Arts)DAVID MICHAEL BASHWINERA.B., Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, I997M.M., University of Illinois at Chicago, 2002(Music)DISSERTATION: Musical Emotion: Toward aBiologically Grounded TheoryJESSICA VANTINE BIRKENHOLTZA.B., Vassar College, I998A.M, University of Chicago, 2002A.M, ibid., 2004(South Asian Languages and Civilizations)DISSERTATION: The Soasthan! Vrata KathdTradition: Translating Self, Place, and Identity inHindu NepalHEEKYOUNG CHOA.B., Yonsei University, Seoul, South Korea, I997A.M, ibid., I999(East Asian Languages and Civilizations)DISSERTATION: Literary Translation andAppropriation: Korean IntellectualsReception ofNineteenth-Century Russian Prose via Japan,I909-I927ADRIAN JAMES DE GIFISA.B., University of California, Santa Barbara, I999A.M, University of Chicago, 200I(Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations)DISSERTATION: The Theory of Virtuous Leadershipin the WOrks of al-Jahif,: An Analysis of theDepictions of'Ali Ibn Abj ialibJOHN ROGER DODDSA.B., University of Santa Clara, I966A.M University of Chicago, I968(English Language and Literature)DISSERTATION: Claritas: A Central Concept in theAesthetics ofJoyce and AquinasJAY R. ELLIOTTA.B., New York University, 2000(Philosophy)DISSERTATION: Prudent VirtuesNATHANIEL HANSENA.B., Georgetown University, 2000B.A. (Hons), University of Oxford, England, UnitedKingdom, 2002(Philosophy)DISSERTATION: Radical ContextualismSHANNON THERESA HERBERTA.B., Columbia University, New York City, New York,2000A.M, University of Chicago, 2004(English Language and Literature)DISSERTATION: The Aesthetics of Information:Contemporary Facts and Fiction, I963-2007KAROLINA HUBNERA.B., Williams College, I997A.M, University of Warwick, Coventry, England,United Kingdom, 2000(Philosophy)DISSERTATION: Spinoza on Substance as Cause PHILLIP STILLMANB.S. (Hons.), University of St. Andrews, Scotland,United Kingdom, 2007(Master ofArts Program in the Humanities)DANILA IRMA TOSCANOA.B., University of Iowa, 2005(Latin American and Caribbean Studies)MIKA ESTELLE TURIM-NYGRENA.B., University of Florida, 2009(Master ofArts Program in the Humanities)VINCENT JOHANNES VAN EXELA.B., Rijksuniversiteit te Leiden, The Netherlands,2004A.M, ibid., 2008(Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations)For the Degree ofMaster ofFine Arts:SOPHIA CARA DIXONA.B., Yale University, 2004(Visual Arts)ANDREW SCOTT FANSLERB.FA., University of North Carolina at Asheville, 2005(Visual Arts)For the Degree ofDoctor ofPhilosophy:HYUN-HOJOOA.B., Yonsei University, Seoul, South Korea, I995A.M, ibid., I997A.M., University of Texas at Austin, 2003(East Asian Languages and Civilizations)DISSERTATION: Between Culturalism andNationalism: Late Qjng Chinese MedidsRepresentation of ChosonSPENCER AUSTIN LEONARDA.B., University of Virginia, I995A.M, University of Chicago, 200I(South Asian Languages and Civilizations andHistory)DISSERTATION: A Fit ofAbsence ofMind? IlliberalImperialism and the Founding of British India,I757-I776CAITLIN McGRATHA.B., University of Warwick, Coventry, England,United Kingdom, I999A.M., State University of New York at Stony Brook,2002(Cinema and Media Studies)DISSERTATION: Captivating Motion: Late-SilentEra Film Sequences of Modern Urban PerceptionKRISTINE NIELSENB.FA., Eastern Michigan University, I995A.B., Kebenbauns Uniuersitet, Copenhagen, Denmark,I999Cand.Mag., ibid., 200IA.M., University of Chicago, 2003(Art History)DISSERTATION: Gestures of Iconoclasm: East Berlin'sPolitical Monuments, from the Late GermanDemocratic Republic to Postunified BerlinJOHN STEPHAN NOLANA.B., University of Chicago, I987(Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations)DISSERTATION: Mud Sealings and Fourth DynastyAdministration at GizaRICHARD JAMES PLOTKINA.B., Columbia University, New York City, New York,200IA.M, University of Chicago, 2003(Music)DISSERTATION: Transforming TransformationalAnalysis: Applications of Filtered Point-SymmetryMAURICE ALEX POMERANTZA.B., University of Chicago, I995A.M, ibid., 20IO(Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations)DISSERTATION: Licit Magic and Divine Grace: TheLifo and Letters ofAl-$abib ibn 'Abbad(D. 385/995)GLENN HICHUL ROEA.B., Wabash College, I997A.M., Ohio State University, Columbus, I999(Romance Languages and Literatures)DISSERTATION: Challenging History: Charles Piguyand the Fight for Literature59 ARTEMIS WILLISA.B., Wellesley College, I988A.M., Columbia University, New York City, NewYork soo«(Master ofArts Program in the Humanities)JONATHAN PHILIP WINNERMANA.B., Princeton University, 2008(Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations)SHARIF M. YOUSSEFA.B., University of California, Los Angeles, I998(English Language and Literature)YANGYANG ZONGA.B., Peking University, Beijing, China, 2009(Master ofArts Program in the Humanities)NICOLE MARIE MAUSERB.FA., Ringling School ofArt and Design, 2006{Visual Arts}ARIEL REBECCA ROGERSA.B., Columbia University, New York City, New York,I999(Cinema and Media Studies)DISSERTATION: Moving Machines: The Experienceof New Technologies fom Widescreen to DigitalCinemaLAUREN J. SILVERSA.B., University of California, Santa Cruz, I999A.M., University of Chicago, 2003(Comparative Literature)DISSERTATION: Psychological Subjectivity and theAesthetics of Reading in the Symbolist Literary Era(I880-I905)SUYOUNG SONA.B., Yonsei University, Seoul, South Korea, I996A.M, ibid., I998A.M., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,2002(East Asian Languages and Civilizations)DISSERTATION: Writingfor Print: Zhang Chao andLiterati-Publishing in Seventeenth-Century ChinaJEANNE TILLMANA.B., State University of New York at Buffolo, I996A.M., University of Chicago, I998(Comparative Literature)DISSERTATION: The Undiscovered Country: TheImpact of Contemporary France on theArchipelagic Discourse of Nation, I590-I604JONATHAN ROBERT STEFAN ULLYOTB.A. (Hons), University of Toronto, Ontario, Canada,2003A.M, University of Chicago, 2004-(Comparative Literature)DISSERTATION: The Quest to Fail: Kafka, Celine,and BeckettLAWRENCE CHARLES ZYGMUNTA.B., Princeton University, I992A.M, University of Chicago, I993(English Language and Literature)DISSERTATION: Thackeray and the Picaresque WOrldIda Noyes HallSaturday, June 12THE DIVISION OF THE PHYSICAL SCIENCESLUNCHEONCloister Club, Library, and Loungen:30 A.M.DIPLOMA CEREMONYMax Palevsky Cinema1:45 P.M.ROBERT FEFFERMANDean of the Division, presidingPROCESSIONThe Millar Brass EnsembleCALL TO ORDER & WELCOMERICK HEFLEYDean of Studentsmost demanding aspects of physics and his skill inelucidating them, as well as from his willingness tolisten and to provide support whenever it is needed.THE CONFERRING OF A FACULTY AWARD FOR EXCELLENCEIN GRADUATE TEACHINGJEFFREY HARVEY.Enrico Fermi Distinguished Service Professor, Department ofPhysics, Enrico Fermi Institute,and the CollegeJ E F F R E Y H A R V E Y Jeffrey Harvey is a lead-ing researcher in string theory and quantum fieldtheory-areas that are accessible only to the mostmathematically minded physicists.Yet Harvey himself stands out for his accessibilityto graduate students both in his role of classroomteacher and as a research supervisor. All of his students benefit greatly from his deep insights into the The candidate will be presented by Robert M Wald,Charles H Swift Distinguished Service Professor,Department of Physics, Enrico Fermi Institute, andthe College; Chair, Department ofPhysics.CITATIONWith his accessibility, openness, and willingness tolisten, Jeffrey Harvey brings to his students not onlya profound knowledge of physics, but also a deepsense of caring.60REMARKS"You Live in Interesting Times"MICHAEL S. TURNERBruce V. and Diana M. Rauner DistinguishedService Professor, Departments ofAstronomy and Astrophysics and Physics,the Enrico Fermi Institute, the Kavli Institute, and the CollegePRESENTATION OF GRADUATE DIPLOMASMUSICAL INTERLUDEThe Millar Brass EnsembleNAMES READ By: RICK HEFLEYDean of StudentsCONCLUDING REMARKSROBERT A. FEFFERMANDean of the DivisionReceptions for each of the PSD Programs will take place followingthe diploma ceremony within Ida Noyes Hall. All family, friends, andguests are welcome to attend.RAFAEL BRAULE PINTO ABADEng., Uniuersidade Federal do Rio de janeiro, Brazil,2005(Financial Mathematics)ANNA ABAIMOVAB.B.A., York University, Toronto, Ontario, Canada,2004(Financial Mathematics)RAVI AGRAWALB. Tech., Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur,India, 2007M. Tech., ibid., 2007(Financial Mathematics)VARUN AHLUWALIAB. Tech., Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur;Kalyanpur, , India, 2005(Financial Mathematics)ALI ALKHAFAJIS.B., University of Illinois at Chicago, 2007(Computer Science)ANDRII BARANOVSKYIDipl., Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology,Russia, 1999Dip!', ibid., 2001(Financial Mathematics)KONSTANTIN BARITKODipl., Moscow Institute of Youth, Russia, 1997S.M, DePaul University, Chicago, Illinois, 2002(Financial Mathematics)BINBIN BElB.Mgmt., University of International Business andEconomics, Beijing, China, 2004S.M, University of Southampton, England, UnitedKingdom, 2006(Financial Mathematics)AMIR JUSTIN BENAVIS.B., Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, 2004S.M, University 0/ Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,2008(Financial Mathematics) For the Degree ofMaster of Science:MATTHEW BERGERA.B., University o/California, Santa Barbara, 2003JD., Indiana University-Bloomington, 2006(Computer Science)ADITYA Y. BHARGAVAB.EA., University 0/ Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,2008(Computer Science)KEDAR RAMESH BHATA.B., Indiana University-Bloomington, 2002MBA., ibid., 2005(Computer Science)MOHSAN A. BILALB.Eng., Rijksuniversiteit te Gent, Ghent, Belgium,2007MEng., ibid., 2009(Financial Mathematics)STEPHEN HARDING BLACKWELLB.A.S., University of South Carolina-Columbia, 2004A.M., University o/Chicago, 2008(Computer Science)MICHAEL DOUGLAS BURTONA.B., Capital University, 2000(Computer Science)ANDREW CAMINSCHIB. eMs., University o/Western Australia, Nedlands,Australia, 1996MB.A., ibid., 2001(Financial Mathematics)JOHN CHEE KIT CHANB.Eng., National University of Singapore, Singapore,2004(Financial Mathematics)CHAO JEN CHENS.B., National Tsing Hua University, Hsincbu,Taiwan, 1999S.M, National Taiwan University, Taipei, 2001(Financial Mathematics)GUOZENG CHENB.Eng., University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, 2009(Financial Mathematics)61 MINGHUA CHENB.Eng., University ofMichigan-Ann Arbor, 2008(Financial Mathematics)Xl CHENS.B., Sun Yat-Sen University, Guangzhou, China,2009(Financial Mathematics)TAl WAI CHENGS.B., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,2001(Financial Mathematics)YIN HONG CHEWB.Eng., National University of Singapore, Singapore,2004(Financial Mathematics)MING JYE CHIAB.Comp., National University of Singapore,Singapore, 2003(Financial Mathematics)ELEANOR YUETING CHINGB.B.M, Singapore Management University,Singapore, 2005S.B., ibid., 2005(Financial Mathematics)HYOMIN CHOIA.B., University of California, Berkeley, 2008(Mathematics)CARRIE ANN CROTS.B., University of Illinois at Chicago, 1999Ph.D., ibid., 2006(Computer Science)BRENDAN CUSICKS.B., University of'Michigan-Ann' Arbor, 1999(Financial Mathematics)LUIS DE CARVALHO DE LA MORA(Financial Mathematics)MOHAMAD EL KAISSIB.Eng., American University of Beirut, Lebanon, 1996S.M, University of Central Florida, 2001(Financial Mathematics)NADIM EL RAMI(Financial Mathematics)ALAN JOHN FITZPATRICK.B. Com., National University of Ireland/Ollscoil nahEireann, Dublin, I992(Financial Mathematics)JEFFREY FLORCZAKS.B., Northwestern University, 2005(Financial Mathematics)ADELE FRANKELA.B., Columbia University, New York City, New York,200IJ.D., Yeshiva University, 2006(Computer Science)SANKET GUNVANTLAL GANDHIB. Com., South Gujarat University, Surat, India, 200IS.M., New Jersey Institute o/Technology, Newark,2004(Financial Mathematics)ALEKSEY GERASEVDipl., Novosibirsk State University, Russia, 200I(Financial Mathematics)RHEA GHOSHA.B., Mount Holyoke College, 2005(Computer Science)AVET GRIGORYANA.B., Whittier College, 2009(Financial Mathematics)RONALD WILLIAM GROVESS.B., Iowa State University of Science and Technology,Ph.Z:50hio State University, Columbus, 2002(Financial Mathematics)JUNWEI GUANB.Eng., Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, I999BEcon., ibid., I999Ph.D., Purdue University, West Lafoyette, Indiana,2003(Financial Mathematics)HONG CHEN GUOSB., Nanjing University, China, 2009(Financial Mathematics)KSHITIJ GUPTA. .B. Tech., Indian Institute o/Technology Delhi, India,2007(Financial Mathematics)STEVEN MATTHEW GUYB.Eng., University of Iexas at Austin, I999(Financial Mathematics)SANGKEUN HAS.B., Korea Advanced Institute 0/ Science andTechnology, Daejeon, South Korea, I998SM., ibid., 2000(Financial Mathematics)SEUNG S. HAA.B., Kyunghee University, Seoul, South Korea, I996S.M., Loyola University o/Chicago, 200I(Computer Science)RACHEL KATHERYN HACKERS.B., Bradley University, 2008(Statistics)JUSTIN CLAIR HENDRIXA.B., Illinois Wesleyan University, 2006(Computer Science)SKYLER HIRATAS.B., University o/California, Los Angeles, 2005(Financial Mathematics)NICHOLAS PERRENOT HOLLONS.B., Villanova University, 2008(Astronomy and Astrophysics)ROLF WILLIAM HOYERA.B., Grinnell College, 2008(Mathematics)YING HUANGB.Eng., Zhejiang University, Hang Zhou, China, 2007(Financial Mathematics)FLORIAN JACQUES ANDRE HUCHEDEDipl., Ecole Francaise d'Electronique etdlnformatique, Paris, France, 2007(Financial Mathematics)HEESUKJEES.B., Seoul National University, South Korea, 2005(Financial Mathematics)RUIJIE JIANG.SB., Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, 2009(Financial Mathematics) ADAM JOSEPH JOHNSONS.B., University of Chicago, 20IO(Chemistry)SAMEER KACKARB.Eng., University 0/ Delhi, New Delhi, India, 2007(Financial Mathematics)KALISTRATE KAKHIANIDipl., Tbilisi State University, Georgia, I993(Financial Mathematics)DAVID LOUIS KAZMIERCZAKA.B., University of Chicago, 2000(Financial Mathematics)DOYEONKIMS.B., Carnegie Mellon University, 2009(Financial Mathematics)FERN SERN KONGB.B.A., National University o/Singapore, Singapore,200IS.M. ibid., 2006(Financial Mathematics)BENJAMIN JON KRAMERA.B., Southern Illinois University-Carbondale, I998(Computer Science)RAJESH KUMARB.Eng., Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirappalli,India, I995M.Eng., Texas A&M University, College Station, 2003(Financial Mathematics)DANIEL LAUS.B., University 0/ London, England, UnitedKingdom, 2005(Financial Mathematics)HOLLY HO LAM LAUA.B., University o/Chicago, 2002(Financial Mathematics)JUNG EUN LEEB.B.A., Sogang University, Seoul, South Korea, I995(Financial Mathematics)MICHAEL DEREK LEES.B., University o/California, Berkeley, 2000S.M., California State University, Fullerton, 2005(Financial Mathematics)ALEXANDER MICHAEL LERNERA.B., Swarthmore College, 2009(Financial Mathematics)JOSEPH LEWISA.B., University 0/ California, Los Angeles, 2000S.B., Washington University, Saint Louis, 2003(Financial Mathematics)HONGLIN LIBEcon., University 0/ International Business andEconomics, Beijing, 2009(Financial Mathematics)LING LIS.B., Wuhan University, China, 2002(Financial Mathematics)SUWANDI RUSLI LIESB., University o/Wiscomin-Madison, I999s.M., ibid., 200IPh.D., National University o/Singapore, Singapore,2007(Financial Mathematics)MU�NGLIN.....B.Econ., Renmin University of China In Beijing, 2009(Financial Mathematics)XINMING LlUB.Econ., Renmin University of China in Beijing,China, 2009(Financial Mathematics)LlSI LUOS.B., National University o/Singapore, Singapore,2007(Financial Mathematics)MANISH MAHESHWARIB. Tech., Banaras Hindu University, varanasi, India,I999(Financial Mathematics)TYLER MASONS.B., Northeastern University, 2007(Geophysical Sciences)GERRY MELNIKOVSB., Illinois Institute of Technology; I993SM., Northwestern University, I998Ph.D., ibid., 2000(Financial Mathematics) ROBERT ADAM MOLNARA.B., Harvard University, I996(Statistics)GREGORY MOOREA.B., Yale University, I999M.B.A., University o/Chicago, 2008(Computer Science)CRAIG NAVINB.Eng., McGill University, Montreal, Quebec,Canada, I999(Financial Mathematics)DENNIS NGS.B., University of Texas at Austin, 200I..M.B.A., International University ofjapan, Niigata,2006(Financial Mathematics)NGUYEN THI THAO NGUYENA.B., Hamilton College, 2008(Mathematics)SCOTT OKRENTS.B., Pennsylvania State University, 2000A.B., ibid., 2000SM., Stanford University, 2006(Financial Mathematics)BRANDON CRAIG OLSONB.B.A., University o/Wisconsin-Madison, 2005(Financial Mathematics)CINTHYA YOLANDA ORTEGA CRUZSB., Imtituto Tecno16gico Auronomo de Mexico, SanAngel,2004(Financial Mathematics)SIONG FONG PHUAB.Eng.(Hom}, National University of Singapore,Singapore, 2003(Financial Mathematics)MIHAl POPALic., Academia de Studii Economice Bucure_ti,Romania, I997M.B.A., vanderbilt University, 2007(Financial Mathematics)XINGHAO QIAOS.B., Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, 2007(Statistics)PRABHU RAMACHANDRANB. Tecb., Indian Institute of Tecbnology Madras, India,200ISM., University of California, Berkeley. 2003(Financial Mathematics)ADAM RENFANDTSB., University ofMinnesota-Tioin Cities, 2005S.B., ibid., 2005(Financial Mathematics)JOHN ANTHONY ROCHESB.B.A., Loyola University o/Chicago, 2005(Financial Mathematics)DANIEL SCHApPIB.Sc., Eidgenossische Technische Hochschule Zurich,Switzerland, 2006M.Sc., ibid., 2008(Mathematics)JEFFREY K. SCHUPPELS.B., University o/Wisconsin-La Crosse, I988(Financial Mathematics)BAKSHISHAHABUDEENB.Eng., Maduri Kamaraj University, India, I997(Financial Mathematics)JIANFENG SHANS.B., Peking University, Beijing, China, 2009B.Econ., ibid., 2009(Financial Mathematics)RUIMENG SHENB.A.S., University of Toronto, Ontario, Canade.soo»(Financial Mathematics)AMANDEEP SINGH SIDHUB.Eng., Nanyang Technological University, Singapore,2005(Financial Mathematics)BRENT SKILTONSB., University of Central Florida, 2004(Financial Mathematics)JAY JINHONG SONS.B., New York University, I995(Financial Mathematics)FAN SONGB.Econ., Beijing University o/Technology, China, 2009(Financial Mathematics)MICHAEL SPENCERS.B., University of California, Los Angeles, 1990(Financial Mathematics)PRABHAKAR SRIVASTAVAS.M, Purdue University, West Lafoyette, Indiana,2003S.M, ibid., 2007(Financial Mathematics)CACEYSHERRONSTEVENSS.B., Southern University and Agricultural andMechanical College, 2008(Physics)AVRAHAM STRAMERA.B., University of Iowa, 2004S.B., ibid., 2004(Financial Mathematics)DANIEL STUDENMUNDA.B., Haverford College, 2008(Mathematics)YANMENG SUNB.Eng., Zhejiang University, Hang Zhou, China, 2009(Financial Mathematics)YING SUNS.M., University of Illinois at Chicago, 2005(Financial Mathematics)KWANG HOE TANB. Sc. , University of London, England, UnitedKingdom, 1999(Financial Mathematics)TING FENG TANB.Eng., National University of Singapore, Singapore,2006(Financial Mathematics)EVANS ADOLFO TAPIAS.B., Pontificia Universidad Catolica del PerU., Lima,2000S.M., Purdue University, West Lafoyette, Indiana,2005(Financial Mathematics)GREGORY THOMASs.B., Ohio State University, Columbus, 1995S.M, ibid., 1997(Financial Mathematics)JOHNTIENA.B., University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, 1988A.M, University of California, Berkeley, 1994MB.A., Michigan State University, 1996MANISHA TRIPATHIB. Tech., Maulana Azad National Institute ofTechnology, Bhopal, India, 2008(Financial Mathematics)YAOWENTUB.Eng., Fudan University, Shanghai, China, 2009(Computer Science)LIWANS.B., Southern Technical Institute, 2008(Computer Science) DING WANGS.B., University of Science and Technology of China,Hefti, Anhui, 1998S.M., Indiana University-Bloomington, 2002(Financial Mathematics)QIUSHIWANGB.Econ., Zhejiang University, Hang Zbou, China,2009(Financial Mathematics)WEIYANG WANG(Statistics)YANG WANGB.Econ., Renmin University of China in Beijing, 1998Ph.D., Pennsylvania State University-University Park,2007(Financial Mathematics)ZHONGYANG WANGS.B., Shanghaifiao Tong University, China, 2009(Financial Mathematics)ZIYIWANGB.Econ., Nankai University, Tianjin, China, 2008(Financial Mathematics)QILINWEIS.B., Peking University, Beijing, China, 2008(Financial Mathematics)MARC LLOYD WHYBROWA.B., RichmondAmerican International University,London, England, United Kingdom, 2001S.M., University ofManchester, England, UnitedKingdom, 2005(Financial Mathematics)DANIEL WIELUNSKIA.B., Yale University, 2004(Financial Mathematics)BRIAN ROBERT WINKLES.B., University of Toledo, Ohio, 2009(Computer Science)ALEXANDER MURRAY WRIGHTB.Math., University of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada,2008(Mathematics)JUNYIWUS.B., Peking University, Beijing, China, 2009(Financial Mathematics)GUOHUAXIAB.Eng., Beijing University ofAeronautics andAstronautics, China, 2001Ph.D., Nanyang Technological University Singapore,Singapore, 2006(Financial Mathematics)YANG XUB.Eng., Shanghai fiao Tong University, China, 2003(Financial Mathematics)ZHOUJIAXUB.Eng., National University of Singapore, Singapore,2007(Financial Mathematics) FElYANB.Math., University of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada,2007(Financial Mathematics)QIYANGB.£., Beijing Institute of Technology, China, 2004S.M, University of London, England, UnitedKingdom, 2006MB.A., University of Illinois at Chicago, 2007(Financial Mathematics)RUIYANGS.B., Wuhan Cebui Keji University, China, 1997MEng., North China Electric Power University,Beijing, China, 2001Ph.D., National University of Singapore, Singapore,2007(Financial Mathematics)AYXHA MERCEDES VERONICA YES SAS.B. University of Illinois at Chicago, 2000(Computer Science)ZHONGHAOYUS.B., Beihang University, Beijing, China, 2008(Financial Mathematics)HONG SEOK YUNS.B., University of Chicago, 2010(Chemistry)ALAN ZABLOCKIM.Sc.(Hons}, University of London, England, UnitedKingdom, 2008(Astronomy and Astrophysics)ASIF NADEEM ZAIDIS.B., Purdue University, West Lafoyette, Indiana, 1989MAp.Sc., Concordia University, Montreal, Quebec,Canada, 1995(Financial Mathematics)ZHITING ZENGS.B., Nanjing University, China, 2007S.M, Stanford University, 2009(Financial Mathematics)HENGLI ZHANGA.B., Shanghai fiao Tong University, China, 2009(Financial Mathematics)JINGYAO ZHANGS.B., University of Science and Technology Beijing,China, 2009(Financial Mathematics)MENGZHANGB.Econ., Nankai University, Tianjin, China, 1994MS.S., National University of Singapore, Singapore,2002(Financial Mathematics)SHIRLEY ZHANGS.B., University of Washington, Seattle, 2009(Financial Mathematics)ARIEL ELIZABETH BARTONS.B., Harvey Mudd College, 2004S.M., University of Chicago, 2006(Mathematics)DISSERTATION: Elliptic Partial DifferentialEquations with Complex CoefficientsJAMES QUILL BOEDICKERS.B., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2004S.M, University of Chicago, 2005(Chemistry)DISSERTATION: Spatial Regulation ofMicrobialActivityKHALID BOU-RABEEA.B., William Marsh Rice University, 2005S.M., University of Chicago, 2007(Mathematics)DISSERTATION: Quantifjing Residual FinitenessCATALIN ION CARS TEADipl., Uniuersitatea din Bucuresti, Romania, 2002S.M., University of Chicago, 2006(Mathematics)DISSERTATION: A Construction of Blow-up Solutionsfor Co-rotational �ve MapsCHEOL HONG CHEONS.B., Korea University, Seoul, South Korea, 2001S.M, ibid, 2003S.M., University of Chicago, 2006(Chemistry)DISSERTATION: Development of Strong BrenstedAcids and Their Application to Organic ReactionsRACHEL LOUISE EPSTEINA.B., Reed College, 2004S.M, University of Chicago, 2005(Mathematics)DISSERTATION: The Structure and Applications ofthe Computably Enumerable SetsLAUREN RENE GRODNICKIA.B., Johns Hopkins University, 1999S.M, University of Chicago, 2002(Astronomy and Astrophysics)DISSERTATION: Luminous Halos Surrounding Edgeon Disk Galaxies in the Sloan Digital Sky SurveyGERRI E. HUTSONS.B., Northern Illinois University, 2004S.M, University of Chicago, 2005(Chemistry)DISSERTATION: Modified Salen Catalysts in AtomEconomic Reactions: Enantioselectiue Carbonylene and Nazarov Cyclization Reactions For the Degree ofDoctor ofPhilosophy:XING JIANS.B., Fudan University, Shanghai, China, 2003S.M, University of Chicago, 2004(Chemistry)DISSERTATION: Gold Sensing Mechanism inBacteria and RNA Methylation Damage RepairTASHO STATEV KALETHADipl., Rheinische Friedrich- Wilhelms-UniversitiitBonn, Germany, 2005S.M., University of Chicago, 2007(Mathematics)DISSERTATION: Endoscopic Character Identities forDepth-Zero Supercuspidal L-PacketsGEORGE KUANS.B., Harvey Mudd College, 2004S.M, University of Chicago, 2007(Computer Science)DISSERTATION: A True Higher-Order ModuleSystemANDREW BURGESS LESLIEA.B., University of Pennsylvania, 2004(Geophysical Sciences)DISSERTATION: Forms Follow Functions: Exploringthe Evolution of Morphological Diversity in SeedPlant Reproductive StructuresPINGFAN LIS.B., Peking University, Beijing, China, 2005S.M, University of Chicago, 2006(Chemistry)DISSERTATION: Synthetic Studies on Platensimycinand Platencin: Catalytic Asymmetric Assembly ofSix-membered RingsFELIPE ANTONIO MARIN PERUCCILic., Uniuersidad de Chile, Santiago, 2002S.M., University of Chicago, 2004(Astronomy and Astrophysics)DISSERTATION: The Large-Scale Three-pointCorrelation Function ofSDSS Luminous RedGalaxiesHEUNGWON PARKS.B., Inha University, Inchon, South Korea, 1994S.M, ibid., 1996(Physics)DISSERTATION: Fluctuation/Response Relation. inBacterial Chemotaxis MEGAN ELIZABETH SHULMANS.B., California Institute of Technology, 2004S.M., University of Chicago, 2006(Mathematics)DISSERTATION: Equiuariant Local Coefficients andthe RO(G)-Graded Cohomology ofClassi./jingSpacesDAN WANGS.B., Peking University, Beijing, China, 2005(Statistics)DISSERTATION: Displaced Lognormal and DisplacedHeston Volatility Skews: Analysis and Applicationsto Stochastic Volatility SimulationsSERAPHINE VALESKA WEGNERS.B., Orta Dogu Teknik Universitesi, Ankara, Turkey,2005S.M., University of Chicago, 2006(Chemistry)DISSERTATION: Study ofMetalloregulatory Proteins:Design and ApplicationsSTEPHANIE ANN WISSELS.B., University of Dallas, 2004S.M., University of Chicago, 2005(Physics)DISSERTATION: Observations of Direct CerenkouLight in Ground-Based Telescopes and the Flux ofIron Nuclei at Te V EnergiesTHOMAS ZAMOJSKIS.B., McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada,2004S.M., University of Chicago, 2005(Mathematics)DISSERTATION: Counting Rational Matrices of aFixed Irreducible Characteristic PolynomialTHE DIVISION OF THE SOCIAL SCIENCESLUNCHEONMidway Plaisance at Woodlawn Avenuen:30 A.M ..DIPLOMA AND HOODING CEREMONYRockefeller Memorial Chapel2:00 P.M.JOHN MARK HANSENDean of the Division, PresidingPROCESSIONRrCAUDON from Idomeneo Rt di Creta by Andre CampraThomas Weisflog, University OrganistThe Congregation stands and remains standing until after the welcome.CALL TO ORDERMICHAEL SILVERSTEINAssistant Marshal of the UniversityTHE CONFERRING OF A FACULTY AWARD FOR EXCELLENCEIN GRADUATE TEACHINGJUDITH FARQUHAR-Max Palevsky Professor, Department ofAnthropologyand the College; Chair, Department ofAnthropologyJ U D I T H FAR Q U H A R is perhaps the single mostinnovative anthropologist of China working today,as conversant with the latest transformations inurban Chinese life as with ancient knowledgesystems. Indeed, her rare ability to tack nimblybetween philosophical, philological, historical, andethnographic materials is not only characteristicof her research, but equally evident in the sorts ofpedagogical contributions that she brings to theUniversity of Chicago graduate community. JudithFarquhar's teaching is marked by a rare interpersonal humility; indeed one might say that it embodies theaxiomatic principle that true teaching is only possible through the instructor's exemplary opennessto being transformed by the encounter with herstudents.The candidate will be presented by William Mazzarella, Associate Professor, Department ofAnthropology and the College.CITATIONIn a community of gifted scholars, Judith Farquharstands out not only as a superb teacher, but as a deeply engaged mentor.REMARKSJOHN LUCYProfessor in the Department of Comparative Human DevelopmentMUSICAL PERFORMANCEMENUET from Suite Gothique by Leon BoellrnannThomas Weisflog, University OrganistGRADUATE DIPLOMA PRESENTATION AND HOODINGRecipients of Degrees will be presented in alphabetical order by degree in the following programs:In the Committee on International Relations, by Duncan SnidalIn the Center for Latin American Studies, by Dain BorgesIn the Center for Middle Eastern Studies, by Paul WalkerIn the Master of Arts Program in the Social Sciences, by John MacAloonIn the Department of Anthropology, by Judith Farquhar, assisted by William MazzarellaIn the Department of Comparative Human Development, by John Lucy, assisted by Richard TaubIn the Department of Economics, by Harald Uhlig, assisted by Hugo SonnenscheinIn the Department of History, by Bruce Cumings, assisted by James HeviaIn the Department of Political Science, by Lisa Wedeen, assisted by Michael DawsonIn the Department of Sociology, by Kazuo Yamaguchi, assisted by Andreas GlaeserREMARKS BY THE DEAN OF THE DIVISION OF THE SOCIAL SCIENCESJOHN MARK HANSENMUSICAL PERFORMANCEFESTIVE TRUMPET TUNE by David GermanThomas Weisflog, University OrganistRECESSIONAL(Please Stand)TOCCATA from Organ Symphony NO.5 by Charles-Marie WidorThomas Weisflog, University OrganistFor the Degree ofMaster ofArts:TOYGUN ALTINTASA.B., Williams College, 2008(Middle Eastern Studies)KATERINA APOSTOLIDESA.B., Yale University, 2006(Political Science) MOHAMAD BALLANA.B., University of British Columbia, Vancouver,Canada, 2008(Master ofArts Program in the Social Sciences) CHRISTOPHER DIMITRI BERKA.B., University of Washington, Seattle, 2007(Political Science)CLARK BARBIERI LORENZO ERNESTO BERNAL VERDUGOA.B., Instituto Tecno16gico Autonomo de Mexico, SanAngel,2oo7A.M., ibid., 2007(Economics)A.B., University of California, San Diego, 2009{International Relations}FABIAN N. ARZUAGAA.B., Vassar College, 2007(Political Science) LINDSAY ELLEN BEACH5.B., Vanderbilt University, 2007(Master ofArts Program in the Social Sciences)OERJAN BERGANA.B., Uniuersitetet I Tromse, Norway, 2008(Master ofArts Program in the Social Sciences) RAHUL BHARGAVAA.B., Princeton University, 2008(Economics)JOHN KELLY BABBA.B., Southern Oregon State College, 2008(Master ofArts Program in the Social Sciences) ANTHONY MICHAEL BONFITTOA.B., Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana, 2008(Latin American and Caribbean Studies)66SUSAN ALICE ELIZABETH BROWNA.B., Williams College, 2005(Master ofArts Program in the Social Sciences)GARRETT EDWARD BUXTONA.B., University of Virginia, 2008(International Relations)MICHAEL JOSEPH CAHNA.B., George Washington University, 2006(International Relations)HANSONG CAILL.B., Fudan University, Shanghai, China, 2008(International Relations)WILLIAM MICHAEL CAMPA.B., University of Tennessee at Knoxville, 2008(Master ofArts Program in the Social Sciences)BRIAN THOMAS CAMPBELLA.B., American University, Washington, District ofColumbia, 2007(International Relations)SUPARNA CHAUDHRYB.A. (Hons), University of Delhi, New Delhi, India,2009(International Relations)CHUN-CHIH CHENA.B., University ofMichigan-Ann Arbor, 200I(Economics)BARNARD KI SEONG CHOIB.B.A. (Hans), Simon Fraser University, Burnaby,Canada, 2006A.B., ibid., 2008(International Relations)DAVID MICHAEL CHRIS INGERA.B., University of Wisconsin, Stevens Point, 2009(Master ofArts Program in the Social Sciences)BIJAN M. DABELLA.B., University of California, Los Angeles, 2008(Master ofArts Program in the Social Sciences)MACIEJ ZBIGNIEW DARACZS.B., University of Illinois at Chicago, 2008(Master ofArts Program in the Social Sciences)ADAM HILLEL DEANA.B., University of Pennsylvania, 20065.M., University of London, England, UnitedKingdom, 2007(Political Science)TARA LYNN or TROLIOA.B., George Washington University, 2006(International Relations)YAZAN HAITHAM BISHARAHDOUGHAN5.B., University ofjordan, Amman, I998A.M., University of London, England, UnitedKingdom, 2005(Anthropology)JAMES DUNCAN-WELKEA.B., Lawrence University, 2009(International Relations)KEVIN DUONGA.B., Vanderbilt University, 2009(Master ofArts Program in the Social Sciences)ROBERT GEORGE EHRMANNA.B., George Washington University, 2006(Middle Eastern Studies)JOSHUA C. ELLIOTT-TRAFICANTEA.B., Saint Anselm College, 2009(Master ofArts Program in the Social Sciences)REENA RANI GANGAA.B., University of Technology, Sydney, Australia, 2004(International Relations)ANNE HOFFMAN GROGGELA.B., Depauw University, Greencastle, Indiana, 2008(Master ofArts Program in the Social Sciences)NAUSHERWAN JAVED HAFEEZA.B., New College of Florida, 2008(Master ofArts Program in the Social Sciences)ZACHARY BRADLEY HALLOCKA.B., University of California, Los Angeles, 2007(Master ofArts Program in the Social Sciences)PETER JERROLD HANSENA.B., Harvard University, I985(Social Thought)LAUREN HARPERA.B., Scripps College, 2006(Middle Eastern Studies)JAlRAJ. HARRINGTONA.B., Spelman College, 2007(Political Science) MARK EDWARD HARRISS.B., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,200I(Master ofArts Program in the Social Sciences)LINDSAY TERESE HAYDENA.B., Tulane University, 2008(Master ofArts Program in the Social Sciences)PAUL DENNIS HENDRICKSA.B., Hope College, 2003M.Div., Fuller Theological Seminary, 2007(International Relations)CHE-LING MAUREEN HSIAA.B., Union College, 2007(Middle Eastern Studies)CONSTANCE B. J. HSIUNGA.B., University of Chicago, 2009(Master ofArts Program in the Social Sciences)GALEN ENGBERG JACKSONA.B., Williams College, 2009(International Relations)MARSHALL RYAN JEANA.B., Northwestern State University of Louisiana, 2005A.M., University of Chicago, 2007(Sociology)SHEFALIJHAA.B., Lady Shri Ram College for Women, New Delhi,India, 2002A.M., The English and Foreign Languages University,Hyderabad, India, 2003M.Ph., ibid., 2005(Anthropology)WILLIAM NORMAN KENTA.B., University ofAlabama in Huntsville, 2004(Middle Eastern Studies)FAIZA KHANB.S.(Hons}, Lahore University ofManagementSciences, Pakistan, 2007(Master ofArts Program in the Social Sciences)DONG JUNG KIMA.B., Korea University, Seoul, South Korea, 2005A.M., ibid., 2008(Political Science)KAZUHIDE KIMURAA.B., Waseda University, Tokyo, japan, 2008(Political Science)CAITLIN ALEXANDRA KOFORDA.B., University of Southern California, 2009(Master ofArts Program in the Social Sciences)LAURA ELIZABETH KORTHAUER5.B., Marquette University, 2009(Master ofArts Program in the Social Sciences)ERICH W KRUMREI, JR5.B., University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, I998(Middle Eastern Studies)NICHOLAS WILLIAM LAYMANA.B., Saint Edward's University, Austin, Texas, 2008(Middle Eastern Studies)JESSICA LESTERA.B., Millsaps College, 2005(Latin American and Caribbean Studies)TINGTING LIA.B., Peking University, Beijing, China, 2005B.Econ., ibid., 2005A.M., ibid., 2008(History)EDWARD PAUL LIEBMANNA.B., Kenyon College, 2009(Master ofArts Program in the Social Sciences)NICHOLAS EDWARD LIGHTA.B., University of Vermont, 2009(International Relations)TOUSSAINT LOSIERA.B., Harvard University, 2004(History)DANIELE MACUGLIALaurea, Universita degli Studi di Pavia, Italy, 2006Laurea, ibid., 2009(Master ofArts Program in the Social Sciences)TIEN YUEK MANB.E.F., University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, 2003(Economics)ASIER MARISCAL ARLABANDip!', Universidad de Navarra, Pamplona, Spain,2000Lic., ibid., 2002M.Econ., Universidad Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona,Spain, 2003(Economics) BENJAMIN NEIL SCOTT MARTINA.B., University of Oxford, England, United Kingdom,2008(Master ofArts Program in the Social Sciences)JOHN SHERWOOD McCLUSKEYA.B., University ofIowa, 2008(Master ofArts Program in the Social Sciences)DAVID THOMAS McCORMACKA.B., University of Illinois at Chicago, 2009(International Relations)YASMEEN MEKAWYA.B., New York University, 2007(Political Science)ALEXIS DIANE MILLERA.B., Vanguard University, 2006(Master ofArts Program in the Social Sciences)CALEB RYNEAR MILLERA.B., Brown University, 2009(Master ofArts Program in the Social Sciences)HUGH TYLER MILLERA.B., Centre College, 2007(Master ofArts Program in the Social Sciences)ERIN VIRGINIA MOOREA.B., University of Chicago, 2007(Comparative Human Development)MANUEL ALEX MOYAA.B., University of California, Los Angeles, 2007(Master ofArts Program in the Social Sciences)GARDNER MARSHALL MUNDY, JR.A.B., College of Charleston, 2007(Master ofArts Program in the Social Sciences)ROHIT KISHORE NAIMPALLYA.B., University of Chicago, 2009(Master ofArts Program in the Social Sciences)EMILY NISHIOKA NEWMANA.B., Kenyon College, 2005(Master ofArts Program in the Social Sciences)JACOB SKYLAR OLIVERA.B., University of Central Arkansas, 2009(Master ofArts Program in the Social Sciences)GLEN JORDAN OLSONA.B., St. [obns College, Santa Fe, New Mexico, 2007(Master ofArts Program in the Social Sciences)ANEETA PASHAA.B., University of Toronto, Ontario, Canada, 2005(Master ofArts Program in the Social Sciences)ROMED JOSEF PERFLERM.Ph., Universitiit Wien, Vienna, Austria, 2008(International Relations)MATTHEW BRADING PERRIEA.B., Ohio State University, Columbus, 2009(Master ofArts Program in the Social Sciences)SAMUEL PERRYA.B., Augusta College, 2003M. Tb., Dallas Theological Seminary, 2008(Master ofArts Program in the Social Sciences)MILCA PIERREA.B., University of Chicago, 2005(Political Science)REBECCA AILI PLOOFA.B., University of Massachusetts at Amherst, 2008(Political Science)R. SCOTT PLUMLEEA.B., University ofArizona, 2000(Master ofArts Program in the Social Sciences)ISAK JOSEPH POIRIERA.B., University of Chicago, 20IO(International Relations)MICHAEL JOHN POLCZYNSKIA.B., Marquette University, 2004(Middle Eastern Studies)JUSTIN CHARLES RACEA.B., Tufts University, 2004(Social Thought)ANARAMICA.B., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,2008(International Relations)JULIAN REIFA.B., Vanderbilt University, 2004(Economics)CHRISTINE MARIE RHOADESA.B., University of Colorado at Boulder, 2008(Master ofArts Program in the Social Sciences)MOLLY ANNE RICHARDSONA.B., University ofMissouri-Columbia, 2009A.B., ibid., 2009(Master ofArts Program in the Social Sciences)ANDREW DAVID RIGNEYA.B., Ohio State University, Columbus, 2009{International Relations}DAVID GEOFFREY ROBINSONA.B., University of Pennsylvania, 2007(Master ofArts Program in the Social Sciences)SHANYN ROSE RONISA.B., George Washington University, 2009(Master ofArts Program in the Social Sciences)RAOUL KIERAN RUPARELB.A. (Hons), University ofManchester, England,United KingdDm, 2008(Master ofArts Program in the Social Sciences)ANDREW JAMES RUTLEDGEA.B., University of California, Riverside, 2009(Master ofArts Program in the Social Sciences)ANDREW JOHN SCHAEFERA.B., University of Chicago, I992J.D., Georgetown University, I997(Master ofArts Program in the Social Sciences)MARK SCHEIDERB.A. (Hons), University of Toronto, Ontario, Canada,2007(International Relations)MEREDITH SURANICH SAMUELSENSHAWA.B., University of Chicago, 2008(Middle Eastern Studies)KRISTEN MICHELLE EDIANN SMARTA.B., University of Utah, 2006(International Relations)ROSS CAMPBELL SMELTZERA.B., Southern Methodist University, 2008(Master ofArts Program in the Social Sciences)STEPHANIE SYLVIA SMITHA.B., wake Forest University, 2006(Master ofArts Program in the Social Sciences)JOHN PAUL BALZA.B., Northwestern University, 2000A.M., University of Texas at Austin, 2005A.M., University of Chicago, 2007(Political Science)DISSERTATION: Political Engagement (Old andNew): Lobbying, Googling, and IdeologicallyIdentifjing in American PoliticsRAHUL BHARGAVAA.B., Princeton University, 2004A.M, University of Chicago, 20IO(Economics)DISSERTATION: A Theoretical Model of Contingencyand RenegotiationMATTHEW DAVID BIRDA.B., Yale University, I997A.M., University of Chicago, 2009(Comparative Human Development)DISSERTATION: The Other Paths: CulturalEconomics, Comparative Economic Performance,and the Formation of Capitalist Mentalities inLima, PeruLORENZO CALIENDOLic., Universidad Catolica deL Uruguay, Montevideo,2002M Com., University ofAuckland, New Zealand, 2005A.M., University of Chicago, 2007(Economics)DISSERTATION: Essays on International Trade,Macroeconomics and DevelopmentADAM MICHAEL CLEMENSA.B., Brigham Young University, 2005A.M., University of Chicago, 2007(Economics)DISSERTATION: Essays on Worker CompensationTIAGO MIGUEL MAGANO DA SILVAPINHEIROLic., Universidade do Porto, Portugal, 2003A.M., University of Chicago, 2005(Economics)DISSERTATION: Earnings Manipulation, Manager'sCompensation and Reputation Concerns AMANDA WHITNEY SORENSENA.B., John Brown University, 2009(Master ofArts Program in the SociaL Sciences)CHARLES GRIFFITH SPENCERA.B., Purdue University, West Lllfoyette, Indiana, 2009(Master ofArts Program in the SociaL Sciences)LOUIS ANDREW STANDISHA.B., Goucher College, 2004(International Relations)NICHOLAS BENJAMIN STEWARTA.B., Pepperdine University, 2009{International Relations}KAY ELLEN STRIGGOWA.B., Northwestern University, 2007(Master ofArts Program in the Social Sciences)JULIANA MIE TASHIROA.B., University of California, San Diego, 2009(Master ofArts Program in the Social Sciences)ALDO TEDJOMOELJONOA.B., Weslcyan University, Middletown, Connecticut,2007{International Relations}NOAH CHRISTOPHER TESCHA.B., Shimer College, 2003(Middle Eastern Studies)DENIS TEST5.B., Amherst College, 2004(International Relations}MELANIE NINA THOMASA.B., Stanford University, 2007(Master ofArts Program in the Social Sciences)MICHAEL LEON THOMASA.B., Northwestern State University of Louisiana,2003(SociaL Thought)DEREK CANNON TUCKERA.B., University of Virginia, 2000(PsychoLogy)For the Degree ofDoctor ofPhilosophy:CHRISTOPHER EDWARD DUDLEYA.B., Oberlin College, 200I 'A.M., University of Chicago, 2003(History)DISSERTATION: Establishing a RevoLutionaryRegime: Whig One-Party Rule in Britain, I7IOI734MARIS GOLDMANISA.B., University of Chicago, 2003A.M, ibid., 2004(Economics)DISSERTATION: A Model of Crude OiL Production:The Roles of Physics, Exploration, and SiteDeuelopmentTARUN GUPTAA.B., University of Delhi, New DeLhi, India, 2003S.B., University ofMirmesota-Twin Cities, 2004A.M., University of Chicago, 2009(Economics)DISSERTATION: Life-Cycle Effects of InternaL HabitFormation on Portfolio ChoicePETER JERROLD HANSENA.B., Harvard University, I985A.M., University of Chicago, 20IO(SociaL Thought)DISSERTATION: Plato's ImmoraLists and TheirAttachment to Justice: A Look at Thrasymachusand CaLLiclesMARY A. HUDGENSA.B., University of California, Berkeley, 200IA.M, University of Chicago, 2002(History)DISSERTATION: Strikes and Spare Time: BowLing,Race, and the PoLitics of Work and Leisure inTwentieth-Century AmericaJASON WILLIAM INGERSOLLA.B., George Washington University, 2000(Comparative Human Development)DISSERTATION: Depression, Subjectivity, and theEmbodiment of Suffering in Urban Reform China68 STEVEN EDWARD TUTTLEA.B., University of North Carolina at Asheville, 2008(Master ofArts Program in the Social Sciences)DOMINIC VEND ELLA.B., Carleton College, 2009(Master ofArts Program in the SociaL Sciences)YEVGENIA VITLINAA.B., Ohio State University, Columbus, 2008(Master ofArts Program in the SociaL Sciences)SAMANTHA ADDIE VORTHERMSA.B., University of Richmond, 2007(International Relations}JOSEPH JULIAN ZIEMS WEISSA.B., University of British Columbia, Vtmcouver,Canada, 2007(Anthropology)ELIZABETH IAMS WELLMANA.B., Duke University, 2002(International Relations)ROBERT JOSEPH WENGRONOWITZA.B., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,2009(Master ofArts Program in the Social Sciences)NICHOLAS DAVID WIGNALLA.B., University of Dallas, 2007(Master ofArts Program in the Social Sciences)BARTON JAY WILLAGEA.B., Beloit CoLlege, 2008(Master ofArts Program in the Social Sciences)HAYLEY MARIE WOLFCALEA.B., Lake Forest College, 2008(Master ofArts Program in the SociaL Sciences)KIMBERLY SAMANTHA YBARRAA.B., University of Dayton, 2009(International Relations}BINGYU ZHENGA.B., University of Chicago, 2009(Master ofArts Program in the SociaL Sciences)ZACK KERTCHERA.B., Tel Aviv University, Israel, 200IA.M., University of Chicago, 2002(Sociology)DISSERTATION: Institutional Expansion: The Caseof Grid ComputingDANIEL J. KOEHLERA.B., University of California, Davis, 200IA.M., University of Chicago, 2002(History)DISSERTATION: Contested Enchantments:EvangeLicaL RevivaL and the Global Dimensions ofNational Religious Conflict in the GermanEmpire, I870-I9I4STEVEN B. KOSIBAA.B., University of South Florida, 2000A.M., University of Chicago, 2002(Anthropology)DISSERTATION: Becoming Inka: The Transformationof Political Place and Practice during Inka StateFormation (Cusco, Peru)HELEN YOONJUNG LEE5.B., University ofMaryland at College Park, 2000S.B., ibid., 2000M.Ed., Harvard University, 2003(Comparative Human Deuelopment)DISSERTATION: Examination of tz-Month-OldInfont Coping Behavior: A Longitudinal Study ofReLations among Parenting Behavior, InfontCoping Behavior, and Infont Problem BehaviorYUVALLEVINA.B., American University, Washington, District ofColumbia, I999A.M, University of Chicago, 2002(Social Thought)DISSERTATION: The Great Law of Change:Edmund Burke, Thomas Paine, and the Meaningof the Past in a Democratic AgeLEE MICHAEL LOCKWOODSB., Northwestern University, 2003SM., University of London, England, UnitedKingdom, 2004A.M., University of Chicago, 2008(Economics)DISSERTATION: The Importance of Bequest Motivesfor Saving and Insurance Decisions in Old AgeTIEN YUEK MANB.E.F, University ofHong Kong, Hong Kong, 2003A.M, University of Chicago, 20IO(Economics)DISSERTATION: Essays on Equilibrium RefinementsASIER MARISCAL ARLABANDipl., Universidad de Navarra, Pamplona, Spain,2000Lie., ibid., 2002MEcon., Universidad Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona,Spain, 2003A.M., University of Chicago, 20IO(Economics)DISSERTATION: Global Ownership PatternsMARIA A. MEDVED EVAA.B., Novosibirsk State University, Russia, I999SM., Illinois State University, 2002(Sociology)DISSERTATION: Essays on Linguistic Adaptation ofAdolescent Children of Immigrants in the UnitedStatesBENJAMIN THOMAS LEONHARD MOLLS.B., University of London, England, UnitedKingdom, 2005A.M., University of Chicago, 2007(Economics)DISSERTATION: Capital Misallocation andProductivity Losses from Financial FrictionsJORGE OMAR MORENO TREVINOLie., Universidad Autonoma de Nuevo Leon,Monterrey, Mexico, 2000M.Econ., EI Colegio de Mexico, Mexico City, 2004A.M., University of Chicago, 2007(Economics)DISSERTATION: Essays on Matching, Banking, andthe Credit MarketURMILANAIRB.Eng., University of Mumbai, India, I997A.M., University of Southern California, 2003A.M, University of Chicago, 2004(Anthropology)DISSERTATION: When the Sun's Rays are as Shadows -the Nechung Rituals and the Politics of Spectaclein Tibetan ExileKOSUKE NlKAIDOA.B., Sophia University, Tokyo, Japan, I994A.M, University of Chicago, 2000(Sociology)DISSERTATION: Making the Personality Matter:Leadership and the Second llizve WOmen'sLiberation Movement in Japan ALEJANDRO 1. PAZA.B., Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada,I995A.M., Tel Aviv University, Israel, 200IA.M., University of Chicago, 2002(Anthropology and Linguistics)DISSERTATION: Discursive Transformation: TheEmergence of Etbnolinguistic Identity amongLatin American Labor Migrants and TheirChildren in IsraelHECTOR PEREZ SAIZIng., Universidad Politecnica de Madrid, Spain, 2000Dipl., Uniuersite des Sciences Sociales (Toulouse I),France, 2004A.M., University of Chicago, 2007(Economics)DISSERTATION: Building New Plants or Entering byAcquisition? Estimation of an Entry Model forthe U.S. Cement IndustryKYUNG DEOK ROHA.B., Seoul National University, South Korea, I997A.M, ibid., 2000A.M., University of Chicago, 2003(History)DISSERTATION: Stalin's Think Tank: The VttrgaInstitute and the Making of the Stalinist Idea ofWorld Economy and Politics, I927-I953PETER DAVID ROTHSTEINA.B., Oberlin College, I990A.M., University of Chicago, I997(History)DISSERTATION: Seeds for Change: CreatingAlternative Spaces for Education in Taisho JapanAVSHALOM HAVIV RUBINA.B., University of Pennsylvania, 2003A.M., University of Chicago, 2005(History)DISSERTATION: The Limits of the Land: Israel,Jordan, the United States, and the Fate of the "Wt?stBank, I949-I970SHANAFRUEHANSANDBERGA.B., University of California, San Diego, I995A.M., University of Chicago, I998(Comparative Human Development)DISSERTATION: Embodying Intimacy: PremaritalRomantic Relationships, Sexuality, andContraceptive Use among Young WOmen inContemporary TokyoJACOB LAURENCE SCHIFFA.B., University of Toronto, Ontario, Canada, 2003A.M., University of Chicago, 2004(Political Science)DISSERTATION: The Cultivation of Responsiveness AARON PETER SHKUDAA.B., University of Chicago, 2003A.M, ibid, 2005(History)DISSERTATION: From Urban Renewal toGentrification: Artists, Cultural Capital and theRemaking of New York's SoHo Neighborhood,I950-I980JENNA SILBER STOREYA.B., Boston University, I998A.M, University of Chicago, 2002(Social Thought)DISSERTATION: Deoils Advocate: Politics andMorality in the WOrk of Carl SchmittMATIAS ESTEBAN TAPIA GONZALEZLie., Pontificia Universidad Catdlica de Chile,Santiago, I998Mag., ibid.,I999A.M, University of Chicago, 2007(Economics)DISSERTATION: Competition, Incentives, and theDistribution of Investments in Private SchoolMarketsMARC TEIGNIER BAQUELie., Uniuersitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, Spain,200IS.M, ibid., 2002A.M., University of Chicago, 2005(Economics)DISSERTATION: The Role of Trade in StructuralTransformationNICHOLAS TRACHTERLie., Universidad Torcuato di Tella, Buenos Aires,Argentina, 2003A.M, ibid., 2004A.M, University of Chicago, 2007(Economics)DISSERTATION: Learning and the Dynamics ofPostsecondary EducationANDREW JUSTIN ZAWACKIA.B., College of William and Mary in Virginia, I994MPhi!., University of Oxford, England, UnitedKingdom, I996M.Litt., University of St. Andrew's, Scotland, UnitedKingr.!om, I997(Social Thought)DISSERTATION: Relation without Relation: EmilyDickinson -- Maurice BlanchetTHE UNIVERSITY CHICAGOBOOTH SCHOOL OF BUSINESSLUNCHEONChicago Booth, Harper Center 104n:30 a.m.DIPLOMA AND HOODING CEREMONYArie Crown Theatre6:00 P.M.EDWARD A. SNYDERDean and George Pratt Schulz Professor of Economics, PresidingPROCESSIONThe Congregation stands and remains standing until after the Call to OrderWELCOMEDEAN EDWARD A. SNYDERFACULTY ADDRESS"Why are You Here and Not Somewhere Else"HARRY L. DAVISRoger L. and Rachel M Goetz Distinguished Servic Professor of Creative ManagementMR. HARRY DAVIS is the Roger L. and Rachel M.Goetz Distinguished Service Professor of CreativeManagement at Chicago Booth. His researchfocuses on leadership, strategy, creativity andinnovation. His scholarly research has appeared in anumber of academic journals, including the Journalof Consumer Research and the Journal ofMarketing.Davis, who joined the faculty in 1963, has introducedmany innovative executive education programsin the United States and abroad. These programsinclude the first core leadership program of anytop-rated MBA program in the country and theManagement Lab. Davis also helped Chicago Boothpioneer its first international campus in 1983 and he served as deputy dean for MBA programs until 1993.Davis is a trustee and member of the executive committee of the National Opinion ResearchCenter at the University of Chicago, a nationalorganization devoted to large-scale social research inpublic interest. He has consulted for manyorganizations, including ABB, the BostonConsulting Group, Monsanto, and the TerraMuseum of American Art. He earned a bachelor'sdegree in sociology in 1959 and an MBA inmarketing in 1960 from Dartmouth College. Heearned a master's degree in sociology in 1969 anda PhD in marketing in 1970 from NorthwesternUniversity.70MUSICAL INTERLUDEThe University of Chicago Motet ChoirJames Kallembach, ConductorALUMNI ADDRESS«The Most Important Innovation ofAll"SCOTT GRIFFITH, MBA '90Chief Executive Officer, ZipcarMR. GRIFFITH earned his MBA from ChicagoBooth in 1990 and has been CEO of Zip car since2003. Griffith has established Zip car as the mostrecognized brand in car sharing, operating theworld's leading car sharing network. Griffith iscredited with forging strong partnerships withsome of the world's top brands and largest automakers, and developing relationships with transitagencies, universities and influential city and stategovernments. Under his leadership, Zip car hasfostered the emergence of car sharing as a newtransportation category, expanding the membership- based business model across 13 major metropolitanareas and more than 200 college campuses in theUnited States, Canada and the United King-dom. For his accomplishments at Zip car, Griffithwas named one of BusinessWeek's "Best Leaders of2006," and he was the recipient of Babson College'sELiTE Award for entrepreneurship. Prior to Zipcar,Griffith held senior-level positions at The BoeingCompany, Information America, an Atlanta-basedprovider of online, public record information, andThe Parthenon Group, a boutique business strategyand investment firm.AWARDING OF DIPLOMAS AND HOODINGDEAN EDWARD A. SNYDER and FACULTY DISSERTATION CHAIRPERSONSTHE ALMA MATERPlease refer to p. 99(Please stand)Members of the University Chicago Motet ChoirJames Kallembach, ConductorCLOSING REMARKSDEAN EDWARD A. SNYDER71GEORGE J. BALAFOUTISPtychion, Ethnikon kai Kapodistriakon PanepistimionAthinon, Athens, Greece, 20035.M, Northern Illinois University, 2006For the Degree ofInternational Master of Business Administration:ADAM MARK STOBERA.B., Titfts University, 2006VANESSA RENEE CARRA.B., Harvard University, 2002 GREGORY W KUTYLOB.B.A., Boston College, I998STEPHANE HENRI WENG CHENGSAPORDip!', Institut d'Etudes Politiques de Paris, France,2002 LINYES.B., Shanghai [iaotung University, China, 2004For the Degree ofMaster of Business Administration:NOAMABRAMSA.B., University of Chicago, 2003JUSTIN ARTHUR ADAMSA.B., Wheaton College, Illinois, 2005KANIKA AGARWALB.B.A., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,2002SUSHANT AGARWALB. Tech., Banaras Hindu University, varanasi, India,I9965.M, Santa Clara University, 2002SURENDRA AGRAWALB. Tech., Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur,India, I995S.M., State University of New York at Buffalo, I997-WITH HONORSPERRY BOE AKINS.B., United States Naval Academy, 2003-WITH HIGH HONORSIDRISS OLIVIER AL RIFAIDip!', Institut d'Etudes Politiques de Paris, France,200IDILLON MICHAEL ALLIEB. B.A. , University ofNotre Dame, 200IDAVID A. ALPERTS.B., Northeastern University, Boston, Massachusetts,2000RAFAEL JUAN ALVAREZ DEL VILLARLAGHIIng., Universidad de Lima, Peru, 2004SUNDAR RAJ ANANTHA KRISHNANB. Tech., Banaras Hindu University, varanasi, India,2000SUDHIR ANANTHARAMAN5. B., University of Illinois at Chicago, I998S.M., University ofMichigan-Ann Arbor, I999ERIC JOHN ANDERSONS.B., Boston College, 2000-WITH HIGH HONORSJONATHAN JAMES ANDERSONA.B., University of Western Ontario, London,Canada, 200I-WITH HONORSANASTASIA ANDREEVAA.B., Lake Forest College, 2003BRETTINA MUI-HUI ANG5.B., johns Hopkins University, 200IS.M., Columbia University, New York City, NewYork,2006RAVITEJ ANIMIA.B., Ohio Wesleyan University, I992S.B., Washington University in St. Louis, I993S.M, Stanford University, I999JUAN CARLOS ARANDIA OYOLA5.B., Purdue University, West Lafoyette, Indiana, 2002YOTAMARIAVB.A. (Hons), Tel Aviv University, Israel, 2006LL.B.(Hons), ibid., 2006-WITH HIGH HONORSAMY KATHERINE ARNOLDS.B., Colorado State University, I996jD., Duke University, 200IRISHI R. ARORA5.B., Illinois Institute of Technology, I998S.M, ibid., 2004ERNEST RAYMOND ASPA.B., Carleton College, 2004-WITH HONORSPUJA ASTHANAA.B., University of California, Berkeley, 2003 JOSE GILBERTO ATONDO SIDLie., lnstituto Tecnologico Autonomo de Mexico, SanAngel,2004Lie., ibid, 2004ASHLEY KATHLEEN AUSTINA.B., Harvard University, 2004ADITI AVASTHIB.Eng., Thapar Instituie of Engineering andTechnology, Patiala, India, 2003JAQUELINE AVITIA-GUZMANS.B., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,I999TRAVIS JOHNATHAN AYLWARDS.B., University of Richmond, 2004M.Sc., University of London, England, UnitedKingdom, 2007ADNANAZAMA.B., Franklin and Marshall College, 2005FREDRICK RUSSELL BACHHUBERA.B., Case Western Reserve University, 2004CHRISTOPHER F. BAEZAA.B., Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, 2004NICKOLAOS ZANES BAFALOUKOS5.B., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,2002TAO BAIB.Eng., Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, I994MEng., ibid., I9975.M, Loyola University of Chicago, 2003STEVENS MORROW BAILEY, JR.B.Acc., University ofMississippi, 2003M.Acc., ibid., 2004-WITH HIGH HONORSTREVOR BAINES.B., Princeton University, 2004·WITH HIGH HONORSRAHUL BAJAJA.B., Bowdoin College, I999-WITH HONORSVIJAY BALASUBRAMANIANB.Eng., University ofMadras, India, 2002S.M., State University of New York at Buffalo, 2004BRANDON WAYNE BALESS.B., University of South Carolina-Columbia, 2004TROY ANTHONY BALTICS.B., Ohio State University, Columbus, 2003ALEJANDRO BANEGAS CASEROLie., Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain,2002Lie., ibid., 2006MATTHEW RICHARD BANKSA.B., Washington State University, I997LEANDRO ERIC BARKLie., Pontificia Universidad Catdlica Argentina,Buenos Aires, 2002SEAN STEVEN BARNESA.B., University of Chicago, 2005MD., ibid., 20IOSEAN PATRICK BARRETTE5.B., State University of New York at Binghamton,2004HANNAH BASCOMA.B., Brown University, 2005SEAN THOMAS BASHFORDS.B., University of Wise om in-Madison, 2002S.M, ibid., 2004-WITH HONORSPAMELA LYN BASKIESB. B.A., University ofMichigan-Ann Arbor, 200472 SRIKANTH REDDY BATCHUB.E.E., Nagnrjuna University, Nagarjuna Nagar,India, I997S.M, Mississippi State University, I999-WITH HONORSAMIT BATRAB. Tech., Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastba University,Delhi, India, 2003M.Eng., Rochester Institute of Technology, 2006HARKARAN SINGH BEDIB.Eng., University ofMumbai, India, 200I5.M., University of Colorado at Boulder, 2003SHIRLEY LIDIA BEHAR5.B., Technion-Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa,2006GRAHAM BELCHERSS.B., Georgetown University, 2004MARIA DEL ROCIO BENAVIDESMONTES DE OCABach., Universidad Catolica San Pablo, Arequipa,Peru, 2002JONATHAN RUBEN BENSAMOUNMEng., Ecole Pour l'Informatique et les TechniquesAuancees, Paris, France, 20035.M., Stevens Institute of Technology, Hoboken, Newjersey, 2004ALLISON LYN BERKEA.B., Calvin College, 200I-WITH HONORSERIC CHARLES BERMANA.B., johns Hopkins University, 2002SHYMA BHASKARANB.Eng., University of Madras, India, I996KUNAL BHATIAB.Eng., Thadomal Shahani Engineering College,Mumbai, India, 2003IPSHITA BHATTACHARYAB.Eng., Nanyang Technological University, Singapore,2005-WITH HONORSSABOORA NAZ BHUTTAS.B., University of Virginia, 2004PIOTR BIEZYCHUDEKS.B., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,2004-WITH HONORSSTEPHEN JOHN FRANCIS BISHOPB.Sc.(Hons), Open University, Milton Keynes,England, United Kingdom, 2007-WITH HONORSKALINA MIHAYLOVA BLAGOEVAA.B., Amerikanski Universitet v Bulgaria,Blagoevgrad, 200IORANE ANTONIE BLAKEB.Sc., University of the West Indies, Kingston,jamaica, 2000MPhi!., ibid, 2003Ph.D., Purdue University, West Lafoyette, 2006DAVID M. BLANCHETTB.B.A., University of Kentucky, 20045.M., The American College, Madurai, India, 2004JOSHUA BLOOMA.B., Yale University, 2003-WITH HONORSALEXIS NICOLE BORDENA.B., University of Pennsylvania, 2004-WITH HONORSMARIKO BOSWELLA.B., Yale University, 2004-WITH HONORSMONICA BOVE BOYDEng., Universidad Politecnica de Valencia, Spain, 2004Ing., Ecole Centrale de Paris, France, 2004ALEXANDER BOVEES.B., Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, 2002-WITH HONORSJENNY NICOLE BRADMONS.B., Wtzke Forest University, 2002PRATHIMA HEGDE BRAHMAVARA5.B., Osmania University, Hyderabad, India, 1995Dip!', Institute of Public Enterprises, Hyderabad,India, 1997-WITH HONORSJAMES BRANDON, JR.5.B., United States Military Academy, 2003STANLEY STEWART BRAYBOY, JR.A.B, Morehouse College, 2004NEAL BRENNER5.B., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2003-WITH HIGH HONORS'TODD HAMMER BRETLA.B, Bates College, 2004RONALD DAVID BROGLE5. B., Valparaiso University, 2001AMANI ERIN BROWNA.B., University ofMichigan-Ann Arbor, 1999CHRISTOPHER BROWNA.B, Harvard University, 2005-WITH HONORSSCOTT C. BROWNA.B., Colgate University, 2002-WITH HONORSGUSTAVO TEDESCHI BROWNE-RIBEIRO5.B., Carnegie Mellon University, 2000-WITH HONORSBART OING BRUCKERT5.B., University of Notre Dame, 2003LUKE ROLLAND BRUCKNERA.B., North Park University, 2005STEPHANIE BRUCKNERS.B., Georgetown University, 2004-WITH HIGH HONORSJUAN MANUEL BUADES CASTELLALL.B., Universidad Pontificia Comillas, Madrid,Spain, 2004Lie., ibid., 2005EILEEN TINIO BUENVIAJES.B., New York University, 2003MoAR:TIH RIOil 0 Rof) IH FI.'°1 P U' '9 {l G g' 59,..S H } ( TTl b' U' '(1 an5.11. 'J" IijIoPATRICKJ. CADARIU5.B., Central Michigan University, 2003SHANNON LONDON CALLAGHANA.B, Emory University, 2003ALEXANDRA DENISE CAMPA.B., American University, Washington, District ofColumbia, 2005ALEXANDER MACKEY CAMPBELLA.B, University of Pennsylvania, 2004FEI CAOB.Econ., Xiamen University, Fujian, China, 2001S.M., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,2007ALDO STEVE CARDOSO ALVITESBach., Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Peru,Lima, 2000Dipl., Escuela de Administracion de Negocios, Lima,Peru, 2002M.Sc., University of London, England, UnitedKingdom, 2006RAFAEL DAVID CARMELILL.B., University of Haifo, Israel, 2004A.B., ibid., 2005-WITH HONORSJASON JOHN CARNEYB.B.A., University of Notre Dame, 2005KEITH ALLEN CARUSO5.B., Northern Illinois University, 2002JULIE CAS PARIB.B.A., Fundacao Getulio Vargas, Silo Paulo, Brazil,2003Dipl., ibid., 2005 JULIA CASPARRIELLOA.B., Colgate University, 2001SANTIAGO CASTELAZO5.B., Universidad Iberoamericana, Mexico City,Mexico, 2005-WITH HONORSRAFAEL CASTELLO BRANCO P DOLIVEIRAEng., Instituto Militar de Engenbaria, Rio de janeiro,Brazil, 2001CHAD ADAM CECEREA.B., University of Colorado at Boulder, 2002RAJA CHAKRABORTYB.ME., jadavpur University, Calcutta, India, 19965.M., University of Colorado at Boulder, 2001DEEPA CHALLABB.A., University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, 2003DIANA HO-YING CHANA.B., University of Chicago, 2005ERIC YAN-DICK CHANS.B., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,20025.M, ibid., 2003CHING-NU CHANGA.B., University of Pennsylvania, 2000PEl-LING CHANGBBA., University of Texas at Austin, 2001M.Acc., ibid., 2001ELLYN LOUISE CHARTERSA.B., Boston College, 2005SUBHASHREE CHAUDHURIBEng., Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, India,2005DENIS BIANGOLINO CHAVESEng., Pontificia Universidade Catolica do Rio dejaneiro, Brazil, 2002Mast., Instituto de Matemdtica Pura e Aplicada, Riode janeiro, Brazil, 2003ELLEY CHENGS.B, University of California, Berkeley, 2001MICHAEL CHEUNGA.B., Washington University in St. Louis, 2001PHILIP Y. CHIANG5.B., Boston College, 2004IRENE CHIAO5.B., Georgetown University, 2003AMY BETH CHIAVERINIA.B., Boston College, 2002MSc., University of Edinburgh, Scotland, UnitedKingdom, 2005FELIPE CHILD5.B., Babson College, 2001-WITH HONORSNILANJAN DUTTA CHOWDHURYB.Eng., University of Delhi, New Delhi, India, 2002S.M., Texas A&M University, College Station, 2004-WITH HONORSCATHERINE MACKIEWICZ CHUS.B., University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, 2003EDWARD TAK-LAP CHUNGS.B., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2001MICHAEL MORRISSEY CIERI5. B., University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2001JAMES PHILLIP CLARAHAN, JR.S.B., University ofMichigan-Ann Arbor, 2004KIMBERLY D. CLARK5.B., DePaul University, Chicago, Illinois, 1990STUART ANDREW CLARKB.Sc., University ofWtzrwick, Coventry, England,United Kingdom, 2000SPENCER CLARK CLIVE5.B., Brigham Young University, 2006-WITH HONORSSARAH COGSWELL5.B., Babson College, 2003LISA G. COHENA.B., Northwestern University, 2004ARNAUD THOMAS GUILLAUME COMETDipl., Institut National Poly technique de Grenoble,France, 2004Dipl., Universitiit Karlsruhe, Germany, 2004-WITH HONORS73 CHARISSE AMANDA CONANANA.B., Yale University, 2002KIMBERLY SALLEY CONON5. B., Syracuse University, 2004MARK CORMIERBA. (Hons), University ofAlberta, Edmonton,Canada, 2001-WITH HONORSRUTH ALEJANDRA CORREDOR MELOIng., Universidad de Los Andes, Bogota, Colombia,2000Mag., ibid., 2002PETER A. COSTAB.B.A., University of Iowa, 1999EMILY ESTELLE COTTONA.B., Carleton College, 2005DAVID ALLEN COX5.B., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,1999-WITH HONORSSTEPHANIE KRISTEN CRAIGB.B.A., University ofMichigan-Ann Arbor, 2005-WITH HONORSANTONIO JOSE CRUZAT VALDESLie., Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile,Santiago, 2000A.M., ibid., 2001Dip!', ibid., 2003PIERLUIGI ENZO CUMOB.B.A., Fundacso Getulio Vargas, Sdo Paulo, Brazil,2002JOAN MARIE CUNDEYA.B., Princeton University, 2003LISA M. CUNNINGHAMS.B., Purdue University, West Lafoyette, Indiana, 2005BENJAMIN WILLIAM LLOYD CUTLERB. Sc. , Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada,2005JEROME JAMES DALTONS.B., Pittsburg State University, Kansas, 1997PRABIR DATTAB.Sc.(Hons), University of Calcutta, India, 1990MSc., ibid., 1993M Tech., University of Pune, India, 1996ANDREW STEPHEN DAVISS.B., Berry College, 2001BURGESS SCOTT DAVISA.B., Northwestern University, 2003CASSANDRA GENI DAVISS.B., University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill,2000KIPP R. F. DAVISA.B., Northwestern University, 2003-WITH HONORSDANIEL DAYANB. Com., Concordia University, Montreal, Quebec,Canada, 2005ALISA LYNN DECKERA.B., Claremont McKenna College, 2003-WITH HONORSBRUNO DELGADO DE FARIAA.B., Boston College, 2001A.M, Georgetown University, 2004-WITH HONORSDENNIS JAMES DELANEY5.B., Wtzke Forest University, 2005-WITH HONORSGIANNI ALBERTO DELLAFIORI ALBALAIng., Universidad de Chile, Santiago, 2004-WITH HONORSDANIEL DE MICHELEB.B.A., Florida International University, 2004CHRISTOPHER DENTA.B., Northwestern University, 2004SPENCER PILLSBURY DEPREEA.B., Vanderbilt University, 2004NIKETA MAHADEV DESAIB.Eng., Sardar Patel University, Vallabh Vidyanagar,India, 2003NILESH DESHPANDEB.Eng., Nagpur Universtiy, India, 2001S.M., State University of New York at Buffolo, 2003RICCARDO DESTITOBach., Libera Uniuersita lnternazionale degli StudiSociali, Rome, Italy, 2005MATTHEW F. DETERTA.B., Gustavus Adolphus College, I998BRENT ALLEN DEVERES.B., University of Pennsylvania, I99IjD., University of Texas at Austin, I993LL.M., St. fohns University, jamaica, New York, 2006MATTHEW JAMES DEVLINB.Com., Concordia University, Montreal, Quebec,Canada, 2005·WITH HONORSABHIJIT DHARIAB.Eng., College of Engineering, Pune, India, 2000S.M., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,2003ANUSHA DHASARATHYB.Eng., Anna University, Madras, India, I999Dipl., Indian Institute ofManagement, Bangalore,India,200I·WITH HIGH HONORSGURPREET SINGH DHILLONB.APPSc., University of Toronto, Ontario, Canada,2000S.M., Roosevelt University, 2003·WITH HONORSMICHAEL ERWIN DlAZS.B., Loyola University of Chicago, I999S.M, University of Pittsburgh, 200IHOWARD ROBERT DINGLES.B., Lehigh University, 2004JOEL ROBERT DIXONS.B., Northern Illinois University, 2005ANDREW PHILIP DOMBROWSKIA.B., Middlebury College, 2002CHENG DONGS.B., Tongji University, Shanghai China, I984MEng., ibid., I989M.M.E., Technische Universitiit Darmstadt, Germany,I996LISA DORISS.B, Northwestern University, 2004CHARLES-ANTOINE BEATRICE PAUL V.DOZINLic., Uniuersite Catbolique de Louuain, Louuain-LaNeuue, Belgium, 2003Mast., Katholieke Unioersiteit Leuuen, Belgium, 2004Cand., Uniuersite Cazholique de Louuain, LouuainLa-Neuue, Belgium, 2004·WITH HONORSDANIEL PETER DRAKEA.B., Northwestern University, I99IA.M., Claremont Graduate University, I993MATTHEW TODD DRANEA.B., DePauw University, Greencastle, Indiana, 2000SHARON ELIZABETH DUCHINS.B., Hebrew University ofjerusalem, Israel, 2005JOHN M. DUNNS.B., Marquette University, I999JAMES ALEXANDER DURHAMS.B., University of Wisconsin-Madison, I998RAHULDUTTAS.B., University of Southern California, 2004OMERDVIRS.B., Technion-Israel Institute of Technology, Haifo,2006·WITH HONORSSCOTT MICHAEL DWORSHAKS.B., Santa Clara University, 2002TINA THOMAS EAPENS.B., University ofMichigan-Dearborn, 200IINGRID MARIE EASTMANA.B., University of Virginia, 2003CAMILO ECHEVERRI GONZALEZIng., Uniuersidad de los Andes, Bogota, Colombia,2004·WITH HONORSMICHAEL WEINER EGLITA.B., Lehigh University, 2002DAVID KALIN ELLISS.B., Centre College, 200IRODRIGO ESPINOSA CHAVEZIng., Instituto Tecnologico y de Estudios Superiores deMonterrey, Mexico City Campus, Mexico, 200I OLUSEYl OLUWOLE FABODEB.Eng., Federal University of Technology, Akure,Ondo, Nigeria, 2000M. Sc. , University of Warwick, Coventry, England,United Kingdom, 2002JOSEPH CHRISTOPHER FALCONES.B., United States Naval Academy, I999ZI DONG FANA.B., Wellesley College, 2004FANG FANGB.Mg.mt., Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, 200ICHRISTOPHER WILLIAM FENDLEYA.B., University of Texas at Austin, 200I·WITH HONORSPO-CHIEN JIMMY FENGS.B., University of Texas at Arlington, 200IS.M, ibid., 2004JACOB HOWARD FENTONB.B.A., University ofMichigan-Ann Arbor, 2002·WITH HONORSMICHAEL ROBERT FERSONA.B., Kenyon College, 2004LUKE ROBERT FIGORAA.B., Lake Forest College, 2004·WITH HONORSDANIELLE NICOLE FISCHERA.B., Middlebury College, 200ICHRISTOPHER JUDD FITZEA.B., Emory University, 2003LYNNE COOK FITZPATRICKA.B., Brown University, 2000·WITH HONORSMATTHEW PAUL FLANAGANB.B.A., University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2002JAVED DANIEL FOUCHS.B., University ofMichigan-Ann Arbor, 2002·WITH HIGH HONORSERIC CHARLES FOWLERS.B., University of Colorado at Boulder, I995JULIO FREIXASLie., Pontificia Universidad Cat6lica Argentina,Buenos Aires, 2003KRISTOPHER SEAN FREYB.B.A., University of Notre Dame, I998·WITH HONORSERIC JONATHAN FRIEDBB.A., University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, 2003·WITH HONORSKAREN PATRICIA FRIEDLANDERA.B., Boston University, 2005·WITH HONORSERICH FRITZS.B., Pennsylvania State University, University Park,2004YOCHAl M. GAFNIA.B., University of Haifo, Israel, 2007·WITH HONORSJON-PAUL VERNE GAGNEB.B.A., University of Notre Dame, 2003ANDRII GALIUKDipl., Kyiv Taras Shevchenko National University,Ukraine, 2003Dip!', ibid., 2005BRANDON GALLS.B, Miami University, Oxford, Ohio, 2004ALICE GALLENA.B., Emory University, 2004A.M., Stanford University, 2005JOSEPH M. GALLITANOA.B., University ofMichigan-Ann Arbor, 2004PARIKSHIT GANDHIS.B., Guilford College, Greensboro, North Carolina,2004CARLOS ANDRES GANOZAB.A. (Hons), University of Lancaster, England, UnitedKingdom, 2002PENG GAOA.B., Foreign Affairs College, Beijing, China, 200I·WITH HONORSERIC JAMES GARDNERS.B., Duke University, 200474 CARLOS ENRIQUE GARZA RIQUELMES.B., Instituto Tecno16gico y de Estudios Superiores deMonterrey, Mexico, 2005·WITH HIGH HONORSALOKGAURB. Tech., Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, India,I994SARITA ANNE GAVHANES.B., Boston College, 2003LEI GEB.B.A., Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2004RYAN MICHAEL GEMBALAB.B.A., University of Georgia, 2003HAKIM GHANEMIng., Ecole Centrale de Nantes, France, 2003S.M, Ecole Superieure des Sciences Economiques etCommerciales, Cergy-Pontoise, France, 2004SUSAN MAE GIBBONSS.B., University of California, Los Angeles, 2004MICHAELA CRISTINA GIFFORDA.B., Uniuersitatea din Bucuresti, Bucharest,Romania, I998A.B., ibid., I999S.B., Stockholms Uniuersitet, Stockholm, Sweden, 2004Dipl., Nibon University, Tokyo, japan, 2004SCOTT GILESA.B., Stanford University, 2003ESINAM DENIECE GLAKPES.B., Georgia Institute of Technology, 2006KEVIN MICHAEL GLEASONA.B., University of Notre Dame, I988jD., Illinois Institute of Technology, I99ILL.M, ibid., I998ANDREW JOSEPH GOGERTYS.B., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,I999SEMiH GOKMENS.B., Bogazici Universitesi, Istanbul, Turkey, 2005·WITH HONORSDANIEL JAMES GOLDSTEINA.B., Bradley University, 2000MARY ANN ELIZABETH GOLLADAYA.B, Smith College, 200I·WITH HONORSSAMATHA GONDIB. Tech., International Institute of InformationTechnology, Hyderabad, India, 2003·WITH HONORSJAMES MICHAEL GONNELLAA.B., Duke University, I997DANIEL GORDONA.B., University of Iowa, 2000jD., john Marshall Law School, 2004ELENA GORELIKA.B., University of Chicago, 2004YUJIRO GOTOA.B., Keio University, Tokyo, japan, 2002·WITH HONORSVISHAL GOVILS.B., Columbia University, New York City, New York,2005·WITH HONORSMICHAEL TODD GRABENSTEINB.B.A., University of Notre Dame, 2003DAVID EDWARD GRAHAMS.B., Indiana University Bloomington, 2003·WITH HIGH HONORSMARIA GRAIZERA.B., University of California, Berkeley, 2004MELISSA JEAN GRAULS.B., Babson College, 2003CLIFFORD TODD GRAYA.B., Stanford University, 2007KEITH FLAX GRAYA.B., Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, 2003WESLEY ROBERT GRAYS.B., University of Pennsylvania, 2002ERIN GREENBiBus., Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana,2002GAVIN CLAY GRETTERA.B., Princeton University, 2002MARK CHRISTIAN GRONERS.B., Indiana University Bloomington, 2004ARINDAM GUHAB. Tecb., Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur,India, I998S.M, University of Louisville, 2000KABIR RANJIT GULRAJANIB.Eng., Veermata Jijabai 'Iechnologicai Institute,Mumbia, India, I997S.M., Rutgers, The State University of New JerseyNew Brunswick, I999·WITH HONORSTONYB. GUOSB., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,2005·WITH HONORSADITYA GUPTAB. Eng. , Thadomai Shahani Engineering College,Bombay, India, 2003ANITA GUPTAS.B., University ofMaryland at College Park, 2004RACHNA GUPTAB.Sc.(Hom), University of Delhi, New Delhi, India,200IS.M, University of Delaware, 2004VIDUR GOPESH GUPTAB.Eng., Army Institute of Technology, Pune, India,2003NEHAGUREJAB. Tech., National Institute of Techno logy, Warangal,India, 2005ASHUTOSH AJIT HABBUA.B., University of Chicago, 2006GIL BENYAMIN HABERMANB.A. (Hom), The Interdisciplinary Center Herzliya,Israe42006LINDSAY R. HAGANA.B., University of Pennsylvania, 2004ANDREW PHILIP HALEENA.B., University of California, Los Angeles, 2002CANDICE DELISE HALLS.B., Purdue University, West Lafoyette, Indiana, 2003JIENAN HANB.Arch., Tongji University, Shanghai, China, 2002SM, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2004·WITH HONORSMATTHEW WILLIAM HANKINSS.B., University ofMichigan-Ann Arbor, 2000·WITH HONORSANIL HARJANIS.B., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,2002MEAGHAN HARMONA.B., Illinois State University, I999CODY ROBERT HARPERB. B.A. , University ofWiscomin-Madison, 200IKUNJAL GARG HARSHAVATBEng., University of'Mumbai, India, 2000S.M, Eastern Michigan University, 2003SUZANNE ELIZABETH HARVEYS.B., Virginia Polytechnic Institute and StateUniversity, 2003AMRIT CHATRU HASSARAMSB., Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, I999FRANK MICHAEL HAUBENS. B., United States Military Academy, 2002SCOTT CHRISTOPHER HEALYA.B., Yale University, I997JOHN MICHAEL HEBDASB., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,2002SM, ibid, 2004·WITH HIGH HONORSETHAN ANDREW HENDRICKSA.B., Northwestern University, 2002PABLO GERMAN HILL DE TITTOBEcon., Instituto Tecno16gico Autonomo de Mexico,San Angel, 2005ERIK DILLON HIMANB.B.A., University of Notre Dame, I999FREDERICK THEODORE HINESA.B., Williams College, 2002·WITH HONORS JOSEPH BENJAMIN HIPPSA.B., Wake Forest University, 2004JUI YI HOB.B.A., National Taiwan University, Taipei, 2005FABRICE JEAN HOERNERDipl., Ecole Superieure d'Electricite, Paris, France,200I·WITH HONORSJUSTIN WILLIAM HOESTA.B., Grinnell College, 200IDOMINIC HOFSTETTERDipl., Kauftnaennische Berufimittelschule, Uster,Switzerland, 2002B.Sc., Zurcher Hochschule for AngewandteWissemchaften, Winterthur, Switzerland, 2007·WITH HONORSABIGAIL C. HOLAHANS.B., Vanderbilt University, 2002MARGARET HOLTA.B., Northwestern University, 2003·WITH HONORSJUN HONGSB., Fudan University, Shanghai, China, I995SM, University of Cincinnati, I999·WITH HIGH HONORSMAYUMI HONGAMAA.B., Keio University, Tokyo, Japan, 2003WHITNEY CAYLA HORNERA.B., Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, 2005CHRISTOPHER MICHAEL HRDLICKAA.B., Washington University in St. Louis, 2005A.M, ibid., 2005WEI-TSE HSUS.B., National Taiwan University, Taipei, 200ISM, ibid., 2003·WITH HONORSABBY HONG HUANGSB., University of Southern California, 2003JOHN MATTHEW HUGHESS.B., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,200ITIMOTHY SCOTT HUGHESS.B., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,2003S.B., Illinois State University, 2003JEFFREY JAMES HULTGRENS.B., Iowa State University of Science and Technology,2002ADAM GEORGE HUNIAB.B.A., University ofMichigan-Ann Arbor, 2004·WITH HONORSYUICHIRO IDEB.Econ., University of Tokyo, Japan, I999GEORGE MBUI IGWETAB.Arch., University of Nairobi, Kenya, I998JENNIFER LOUISE INKLEBARGERSB., Texas State University, San Marcos, 2000GRANT D. INNESSB., DePaul University, Chicago, Illinois, 2003SM, ibid, 2005YUZOINOUES.B., Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan, I989DIEGO ALONSO ISASI RUIZ ELDREDGELic., Universidad del Pacifico, Lima, Peru, 2002A.B., ibid., 2002TAKUYA ISHIKAWAA.B., University of Tokyo, Japan, 2000A.M, ibid, 2002MARISA ANNE JACKSONA.B., University of Chicago, 2005MICHAEL AUSTIN JACOBSA.B., University of California, Santa Barbara, 200IPUNEETJAGRALAPUDIB.Eng., Visveswaraiah Technological University,Bangalore, India, 2002SM., Texas Tech University, 2006AJAY KUMAR JAINB.Eng. (Hom), MR. Engineering College, [aipur;India, 2000·WITH HONORSRACHIT JAINSB., University ofMichigan-Ann Arbor, 2004·WITH HONORS75 CAROLYN MARIE JANNACEA.B., University of Chicago, 2003FREDERICK WAYNE JARVIS IIIB.B.A., College of William and Mary in Virginia,2003·WITH HONORSJAMES EDWARD JARVISB.Sc. (Hons), University of Nottingham, England,United Kingdom, I998KINNYJENGA.B., University of Pennsylvania, 2003S.M., Bank Street College of Education, New York,2006ERIC GLENN JENSENS.B., Brigham Young University, 2005BRADLEY PETER JOHNSONSB., University ofMinnesota-Twin Cities, 2002CHRISTOPHER JOHNSONSB., Iowa State University of Science and Technology,I992DENNIS CHRISTOPHER JOHNSONS.B., North Carolina State University at Raleigh, 2004EMELINE GRACE JOHNSTONA.B., Vanderbilt University, 2004·WITH HONORSSCOTT DOUGLAS JONESA.B., New York University, 2004GABRIEL JORDAN JOSTROMA.B., Harvard University, 2004·WITH HIGH HONORSRADHIKA RENGASWAMY JOSYULAB.Eng.(Hom), Birla Institute of Technology andScience, Pilani, India, I997SM., State University of New York at Buffolo, I999CHOW HEN JUEIB.IE., Escola Politecnica da Universidade de SlioPaulo, Brazil, 2004MUKUL JUNEJAB. Tech., National Dairy Research Institute, Kamal,India, I999SM., Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, 2002·WITH HIGH HONORSALISON M. JUNKINA.B., Yale University, 200I·WITH HONORSNATALIA CHRYSTIA KACZARAJB. Com., McGill University, Montreal, Quebec,Canada, 200IWENDY E. KALLERYA.B., Northern Michigan University, Marquette, I989JEANNICE HUIXIAN KANB.Acc., Nanyang Technological University, Singapore,Singapore, 2005WILLIAM KANB.A.Sc., University of Toronto, Ontario, Canada, 2003S.M, Northeastern University, Boston, Massachusetts,2006NAVANEETHAKRISHNAN KANDASAMYB.Eng., Bangalore University, Tumkur, India, I996SM, Texas A&M University-Kingsville, I998DEEPAK SARAVANAN KANDASWAMYSB., Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey-NewBrunswick, 2004SABREENA KARIMA.B., Columbia University, New York City, New York,2004JAIME MICHELLE KATZSB., University ofWiscomin-Madison, I999JAY MICHAEL KAUFMANSB., University of Pennsylvania, 2004·WITH HIGH HONORSSARA ELIZABETH KAUFMANA.B., Washington University in St. Louis, 2006JULIE ANN KAVANS.B., University ofWiscomin-Madison, 200INOELLE MARGARET ABUOM KAYONGOA.B., Dartmouth College, 2003ANNE KATHERINE KELLMANS.B., DePaul University, Chicago, Illinois, I999ANDREA C. KENYONS.B., Boston College, 2005TIMOTHY BOWERS KESSLERA.B., Brown University, 2004·WITH HONORSJIHAD KHALILIng., Uniuersite Saint-joseph, Beirut, Lebanon, 2005SOHAIL AHMED KHANS.B., Georgia Institute of Iechnology 2003HANSEULKIMS.B., Yonsei University, Seoul, South Korea, 2004HWADONGKIMB.P, Ewha Womens University, Seoul, South Korea,I999S.M, ibid., 200IHYUNG KIMA.B., Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, Seoul,South Korea, 2004JIYOON KIMS.B., Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, 2002JOON KOO KIMS.B., Corneff University, Ithaca, New York, 2003MEng., ibid., 2004ALEXANDER ZACHARY KINGA.B., Augustana Coffege, Rock Island, Illinois, 2003JASON ANDREW KINGB. Com., University 0/ New South WaLes, Kensington,Australia, 200IMEcon., University o/Sydney, New South WaLes,Australia, 2007·WITH HONORSJOHN ARTHUR KINGS.B., Bates College, I988THOMAS JUDE KIPHART, JR.S.B., Saint Louis University, 2005·WITH HONORSRONI KISINA.B., Hebrew University ofjerusalern, Israel, 2003CAROL HILARY KLEINA.B., University of Chicago, 2003TAMARA KLIMOVADipl., Moscow State Open University, Russia, 2000JEFFREY ALLEN KLINGELHOFERA.B., University of California, Irvine, 2003JEFFREY PARKER KLUGA.B., Emory University, 2003KEVAN BRYAN KNOCHEA.B., Woke Forest University, 2003SRINIVAS NAGA KODALIB. Tech., Indian Institute of Technology Madras, India,200IS.M., University o/Washington, Seattle, 2004AKINJIDE OLUFEMI KOLADEA.B., Lawrence University, 2002CHARLES RUSSELL KOPPLINS.B., University o/Wisconsin-Madison, 2002S.M, ibid., 2004VIKRAM KOTECHAA.B., Concordia University, Montreal, Quebec,Canada, 2005ADAM KYLE KOWALSKIS.B., Kettering University, 2004·WITH HIGH HONORSOLEG KOZYRENKODipl., Moscow State Institute 0/ InternationalRelations, Russia, 2000YAN KRASOVS.B., Northwestern University, 2002BETH STACEY KRIGELS.B., Northwestern University, 2005JAKOB JOSE KRUMMENACHERS.B., University o/Wisconsin-Madison, I999PHD., University 0/ Minnesota - Twin Cities, 2004JITENDER KUMARB. Tech., Regional Engineering College, Rourkela,India, 2000AYOBAMBO OLADAPO KUNLE-SALAMIB.Sc., Obaftmi AwoLowo University, ILe-Jfe, Nigeria,200I·WITH HONORSDILSHAD ABDUL RAHMANKUNNUMMALB.Eng., University of Greenioich, London, England,United Kingdom, 2004 SEHOON KWAKS.B., Tufts University, I992S.M., University 0/ Michigan-Ann Arbor, I993Ph.D., University o/CaLifornia, San Diego, I999MICHAEL J. KWONGA.B., University of California, Berkeley; 2003ANTONIO TIMOTEO LABRADORJIMENEZEng., Universidad Politecnica de Madrid, Spain, 2003S.M., Chalmers University o/TechnoLogy, Gothenburg,Sweden, 2003MIA ELIZABETH LAFLINA.B., Indiana University BLoomington, 2003SHRIYA LALLB.Sc.(Hons), University 0/ Bradford, England, UnitedKingdom, 2003RONNY LANB.Eng., University 0/ New South WaLes, Kensington,Australia, 2003S.B., ibid, 2004·WITH HONORSMARCELO FRANCISCO LANDOLic., Pontificia Universidad Catolica Argentina,Buenos Aires, 2000M.Sc., University 0/ Bath, EngLand, United Kingdom,2002MARK THOMAS LANZANAS.B., New York University, 2002·WITH HONORSLUIS LAPIEDRA CARMONAEng., Universidad Pontificia Comillas, Madrid,Spain, 2003·WITH HONORSJESSICA KIM LAPONSEYS.B., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,2004DENNIS JAMES LA PORTE, JR.S.B., CaLifornia State Polytechnic University, Pomona,2002GUSTAVO LARA MAILLARDB.Eng., Universidad Iberoamericana, Mexico City,Mexico, 2006ADAM RICHARD LARSONS.B., Brigham Young University, 2006PHILIP GARDNER LARSONB.A. S. , University of Virginia, 2000J.D., George Mason University, 2007·WITH HONORSMARGARETLES.B., University of California, Los AngeLes, 2002THI MAI HUONG LEB.B.A., National University of Singapore, 2005JASON BRIAN LEALS.B., University of Iexas at Arlington, 2000HECTOR ALEJANDRO LEANOA.B., University o/CaLifornia, Los AngeLes, 2005DAVID ROBERT LEBRETONA,B., McGiff University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada,2003CHRISTIE K. LEEA.B., University 0/ PennsyLvania, 2003CHRISTOPHER THOMAS LEEA.B., University of Pennsyluania, I997Ph.D., Princeton University, 2002GRACE LEEA.B., Columbia University, New York City, New York,JEWON LEEA.B., University o/Chicago, I997S.M, DePauL University, Chicago, Illinois, 2002JOSEPH LEEA.B., University of California, Berkeley: 2000S.M, New York University, 2005PETER LEEB.B.A., University 0/ North Carolina at Chapel Hill,2003SEOK YONG LEEB.B.A., Korea University, Seoul, South Korea, 2005SONG YANG LEEB.Eng.(Hons), Nanyang TechnoLogicaL University,Singapore, 2003·WITH HIGH HONORS JEANETTE LEENEYS.B., Georgetown University, I999A.M, Stanford University, 2002JEFFERY LEE-YAWB.Com., University of Ottaioa, Ontario, Canada,2004AIMEE LAFONT LEIFERA.B., University o/CaLifornia, Los Angeles, 2002JONATHAN MATTHEW LESSERB.B.A., George Washington University, 2004BARRY SCOTT LE VINEA.B., Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, 2004·WITH HONORSARl MICHAEL LEVYA.B., Emory University, 200IM.D., University 0/ Illinois at Chicago, 2005ARIEL REBECCA LEVYA.B., YaLe University, I998J.D., Columbia University, New York City, New York,2003DAN MEIR LEVYA.B., University o/Chicago, 2004WEI LIS.B., Nanjing University, China, 2002S.M., Illinois Institute of Technology. 2005NAN LIANGB.Eng., Beijing Institute o/TechnoLogy, China, 200IMEng., ibid., 2004GILYANA LIDZHEEVADipL., Moscow State Institute 0/ InternationaLRelations, Russia, 2004JOYCE LINs.B., University 0/ Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,200IML.I.R., ibid., 2003MICHAEL C. LINS.B., University 0/ Maryland at College Park, 2005MARK ALAN LINFORDB.B.A., University of Texas at Austin, 2004·WITH HONORSXIN LINGB.Eng., Northeast China Institute 0/ ELectric PowerEngineering, [ilin, China, I993S.M, State University 0/ New York at Binghamton,2003DAVID ELLIOT LINTONB.B.A., University of Southern California, 2004·WITH HONORSCELESTE K. LI 0 US.B., University o/CaLifornia, BerkeLey, 200IDEANNA JULIA LISCYNESKYS.B., Ohio State University, Columbus, 2006IRENE ALEXANDRA LISYANSKYS.B., Georgetown University, 2003STEPHEN JOSEPH LITTLES.B., University ofIllinois at Urbana-Champaign,200IJESSICA LIUA.B., University o/CaLifornia, Berkeley; 2003LINGSHU LIUBiEcon., Peking University, Beijing, China, 2002GEORGE KENNETH LIVADASA.B., Georgetown University, 2004LEE STEPHEN LIVINGSTONS.B., Southern Methodist University, 2003CARA ELISABETH LOEYSA.B., johns Hopkins University, 2004OLIVIER LOPEZMaitrise, Unioersite des Sciences SociaLes (Toulouse I),France, 200ILL.M, Uniuersite de Montpellier 1, France, 2002JUNLUS.B., California Institute of Technology: 2006WEIHAO LUA.B., Fudan University, Shanghai, China, 2004MSc., University of London, England, UnitedKingdom, 2005MICHAEL LUCASS.B., University of Colorado at Boulder, 2002MISCHA ANNA LUMIEREA.B., University of Chicago, 2003JENNIFER ANNE LYTLESB., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,2002KUNAL SUNIL MADHOKB. Eng. , University of Bombay, India, 200ISM., Virginia Polytechnic Institute and StateUniversity, 2003YEWANDE DAWODU MADUEKWES.B., Northwestern University. 2003TOSHIHIRO MAEDAA.B., Chiba University. Japan, 2002MADHAVI MAHESHWARISB., Carnegie Mellon University. 2003ANIRBAN MAJUMDARB. Tech., Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur,India, I997SM., American Institute of Computer andInformation Sciences, Birmingham, Alabama,2004TANYA MALHOTRAS.B., State University ofNew York at Stony Brook,2004SHABRI MALIKB.A. (Hons), University of Delhi, New Delhi, India,I997SHIRAZ MALIKSB., Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey-NewBrunswick, 2000SB., DeVry Institute of Technology, Orlando, Florida,2003MATTHEW MAYER MALONEYS.B., Michigan State University. I998SM., University of Chicago, 2000MATTHEW MARCHELA.B., Michigan State University. I999JOSHUA MAREHBIANS.B., University of California, Los Angeles, 2004M.PH, Dartmouth College, 2005JAYANTH MARIYAPPAS.B., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,I998-WITH HONORSSTEVEN JAMES MARKOVICHSB., Case western Reserve University, 2004S.M, ibid., 2006MEng., ibid., 2007-WITH HONORSALEXANDER WOLF MARRSS.B., New York University, 2003-WITH HIGH HONORSBETHANY L. MARTELLA.B., Manhattanville College, I999ALFONSO MARTIN FERNANDEZA.B., Instituto Tecnologico Autonomo de Mexico, SanAngel,2oo7SANJAY VIJAY MARUB.Eng., Birla Vishwakarma Mahavidhyalaya, VallabhVidyanagar, India, I988CHRISTI KING MASONA.B., Georgia State University. 200IRITURAJ MATHURA.B., Middlebury College, 2004VARUN KUMAR MATHURSB., University of Washington, Seattle, I999S.M, Rochester Institute of Technology, 2007REBECCA MARIE MAYSTEADS.B., University ofIllinois at Urbana-Champaign,2003MARK ALAN McCOYS.B., Johns Hopkins University. 200I-WITH HONORSDEIRDRE MAUREEN MCGINTYA.B., Princeton University. 2004-WITH HONORSSARAH NEILL DAVISON MCGINTYA.B., Harvard University. 2002-WITH HIGH HONORSDANIEL JOHN McINTOSHSB., University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2005RYAN THOMAS McNAMARASB., Rochester Institute of Technology, 2004-WITH HONORSROHAM MEDIFARSB., California Polytechnic State University. San LuisObispo, 2003 NIKHIL MEHTAS.B., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,2000SATYAN MERCHANTS.B., University of Virginia, 200ILUIS GASTON MESSINEOB.Acc., Universidad Nacional de la Plata, La Plate,Argentina, 2000SARAH K. METCALFA.B., Indiana University Bloomington, I996A.M., Indiana University-Purdue UniversityIndianapolis, 2003PHILIPPE CHRISTOPH ALFREDMEYENHOFERLic.iur., Unioersite de Fribourg, Switzerland, 200IROBERT HELLER MICHELASSIA.B., Harvard University. 2006-WITH HONORSJOSEPH ALAN MILFORDS.B., University ofNotre Dame, 200IM.Acct., Wright State University. 2004CORINA RENEE MILLSSB., Indiana University Bloomington, I998THOMAS WILLIAM MILLSSB., DePaul University, Chicago, Illinois, 2002MIRELLA ESTHER MIRANDA NIQUEBach., Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Peru,Lima, 2003Abogado, ibid., 2006ATULMODIB.Eng., College ofEngineering, Pune, India, I999SM., University of Cincinnati, 2002-WITH HONORSNEHAMOHANBiEng., Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra, Ranchi,India, 2003ANUSH N. MOHANDASSB.Eng., Anna University. Madras, India, I999SM., Ohio State University. Columbus, 200IMEGAN ELIZABETH MONTANTEA.B., Georgetown University. 2005SEAN JOSEPH MONTESIS.B., University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill,2005-WITH HONORSCHAD ALLEN MONTGOMERYSB., Iowa State University of Science and Technology,I996-WITH HIGH HONORSSHERZAD OLIVIA MORADA.B., University of California, Santa Barbara, 2000M.F.A., California Institute of the Arts, 2004ANTHONY THOMAS MORALESS.B., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,2005LORENA IVONNE MORENO TORRESBach., Universidad de Las Americas-Puebla, Cbolula,Mexico, 2003CLAIRE ELIZABETH MORONIA.B., Boston College, 2002-WITH HONORSBINATA MUKHERJEEB.MED., University of Calcutta, India, I988PHILIPP GARCIA MULLEREng., Escola Politecnica da Universidade de SlioPaulo, Brazil, 200IMARSHALL STUART MURPHYS.B., University of Texas at Austin, 2004GRIFFIN JAMES MURRAYA.B., Dartmouth College, I999MANU MURTHYBiEng., Bangalore University. India, 200ISM., University of Illinois at Chicago, 2003TODD ALAN MUSGROVESB., Chapman University. Orange, California, 2006GRIFFIN ROBERT MYERSS.B., Davidson College, 2003MD., University of Chicago, 2007AKIFUMI NAGATANIB. Com., Waseda University. Tokyo, Japan, 2000KUNAL NAG PALB.Eng., Panjab University. Chandigarh, India, 200477 CHAITRA L. NAILADIB.Eng., Bangalore University. India, I990Ph.D., University of Wyoming, I999ANDRES NARANJO VILLAMIZARB.B.A., Colegio de Estudios Superiores deAdministracion, Bogota, Colombia, 2002ASHWIN RAGHU NATHANSB., University of Texas at Austin, 2003ALISHA NAZIM NATHOOA.B., William Marsh Rice University. 2003HUGO PACO NAVARROSB., Cornell University. Ithaca, New York, 2003FLORIAN CLEMENS AUGUST NEUHAUSA.B., Universitiit St. Gallen Hochschule forWirtschajis-, Recbts-, und Sozialwissenschajien,Switzerland. 2008-WITH HIGH HONORSPHILIP LAWRENCE NEVELSB.E.S., Princeton University. 2003BRAND ALEXANDER NEWLANDPharm.D., University of Iowa, 2005JEFF NGS.B., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,200IS.M, DePaul University. Chicago, Illinois, 2003TUONG MANH NGUYENEng., Hanoi University of Technology, Vietnam, 2002SM, State University of New York at Buffolo, 2005YIXIANG NIEB.Eng., Dalian University of Technology, China, 2000SM, George Mason University. 2003DAMYAN G. NIKOLOVA.B., Pomona College, 2004-WITH HONORSNATHAN THOMAS NOMELANDA.B., Princeton University. 2003RICHARD WOOLWORTH OAKFORD, JR.A.B., Colgate University. 2000CONOR LOREN O'BRIENA.B., Duke University. 2004KRISTY GAYLE OBUCHOWSKISB., DePaul University. Chicago, Illinois, 2003JESSICA OGBONNEYA OGBONNAYAS.B., Duke University. 2006AFOLABI SAMUEL OGUNDELESB., Letourneau University. Longview, Texas, 2002JUNHO OHA.B., Korea University. Seoul, South Korea, 2002A.M., ibid., 2004WILLIAM SAE OHA.B., Claremont McKenna College, 2000WILLIAM JOSEPH OJENDYK, JR.A.B., western Washington University, I995M.F.A., University of Iowa, I998JASON STONE OLTB.B.A., University of Texas at Austin, 2004ERIN MIRANDA O'NEILLA.B., Colgate University. 2004CALIN OPARTANB.Econ., Uniuersitatea Transilvania din Brasoo;Romania, I997-WITH HONORSCHRISTIAN CARSTEN OPPDipl., Katholische Universitiit Eichstiitt-Ingolstadt,Germany, 2002SM, University of London, England. UnitedKingdom, 2004Dipl., Universitiit Mannheim, Germany, 2005LAUREN MICHELLE OSMANSB., University of Texas at Austin, 2003MAKSIM OYKHERSB., University of California, Berkeley, I999JESSICA YUNFEN PANA.B., University of Chicago, 2005PREETY PANDEYB. Tech., Regional Engineering College, Bhopal, India,2003ROHINI H. PANDHIS.B., University ofMichigan-Ann Arbor, 2004KAPIL DINESH PANDYAS.B., Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey-NewBrunswick, 2004MICHAEL PATRICK PAONESB., Providence College, 2000JEAN KIM PARKB.Eng., Vanderbilt University, 2002LAWRENCE PARKSB., United States Military Academy, 2003SOO PARKSB., New York University, 2004JONATHAN NEIL PARKERA.B., Tufts University, 2004GONZALO PARRA PALACIOS, SR.S.B., Instituto TecnolOgico y de Estudios Superiores deMonterrey, Mexico, 2004KRISTINA LINDGREN PASCHALLS.B., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,I996AMIT ASHOK PATELS.B., University of California, Riverside, 2002BHAVIK PATELSB., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,2000SANJAY B. PATELSB., New York University, 2003SATYA PATELB.B.A., University of Georgia, 2004SM., University of London, England, UnitedKingdom, 2005SEJAL PATELB.B.A., Boston University, 2005VIPUL BHIKHU PATELS B., Case western Reserve University, 2000jD. , Columbia University, New York City, NewYork,2oo3SUHAS MAHADEV PATILB.Eng., Shivaji University, Kolhapur, India, 200IZULEMA RINA PAZSB., University of Virginia, 200IRICHARD ALEXANDER PEARLA.B., Emory University, 2004MATTHEW PEARSONS.B., Purdue University, west Lafayette, Indiana, 2002SM, ibid, 2004LONG PENGB.Eng., Tianjin University, China, I993S.M, Peking University, Beijing, China, I996S.M., Northern Illinois University, 2002MICHAEL GREGORY PERRINSB., Miami University, Oxford, Ohio, 2004MICHAEL JOSEPH PERRONEA.B., University of Notre Dame, 2002S.B., ibid, 2002DOMINIC MARIO PERSECHINIA.B., Stanford University, 2002BENJAMIN JOHN PETERSONS.B., Duke University, 2004GALINA PETROVAB.Econ., M. V Lomonosov Moscow State University,Russia, 2003MAAYAN PINHASSIB.Sc.(Hons), Tel Aviv University, Israel, 2007·WITH HONORSJUSTIN PITRACKA.B., Amherst College, 2003·WITH HONORSMAURESA RAQUEL PITTMANSB., Pennsylvania State University, University Park,200IJACOB RUSSELL PLUMMERA.B., Knox College, 2000MP.P., University of Chicago, 2007MILES PONDELIKA.B., Northwestern University, 2004YASASVI DIVAKAR POPURIB. Tech., Indian Institute of Technology Madras, India,2000S.M, University of Texas at Austin, 200I·WITH HIGH HONORSJOSEPH ALOIS PORTENA.B., University of Chicago, 2000 SURYANARAYANA MURTHYPOTHARAJUB. Tech., Nagarjuna University, Nagarjuna Nagar,India, I995MEng., Birla Institute of Technology and Science,Pilani, India, I997SRIDHAR RAMAN PRABHAKARANB.Eng., Coimbatore Institute of Technology, India,2000SEBASTIAN FELIX PROFTLie., Uniuersidad del Salvador, Buenos Aires,Argentina, 2005Dipl., Universitiit Passau, Germany, 2005·WITH HIGH HONORSANTHONY J. PULICEA.B., University of Chicago, 2005·WITH HIGH HONORSMELANIE QUALLSB.Eng., Vanderbilt University, 2002JARED NEIL RACINESB., Georgia Institute of Technology, 2002·WITH HONORSSRINIVAS KAMMILA RAJUB. Tech., jawaharlal Nehru Technological University,Hyderabad, India, I993S.M., Virginia Polytechnic Institute and StateUniversity, I996APARNA RAMANB.Eng., University ofMadras, India, I998S.M., University of Texas at Austin, 2000JULIO RAMIREZA.B., University of California, Berkeley, 2005AMANDEEP SINGH RANDHAWAB.Eng., Thapar Institute of Engineering andTechnology, Patiala, India, 200INIRVANA MEHAN RANDHAWAB.EE, Thapar Institute of Engineering andTechnology, Patiala, India, 2003SHRISH RANJANB. Tecb., Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, India,2000SM, Purdue University, west Lafayette, Indiana,2003SAAD RAWRAB.Eng., University of Toronto, Ontario, Canada, 200ICARLOS FRANCISCO RECUAYSB., Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, 2002UEBE REZECK FILHOBach., Fundacio Getulio Vargas, Silo Paulo, Brazil,2002YELENA BURTSEVA RIORDANSB., Duke University, 2004CARLOS RIVERA ZERMENOS.B., Instituto Tecnologico y de Estudios Superiores deMonterrey, Mexico, 2002·WITH HONORSROBERT LOUIS ROBERTS IISB., Siena College, Loudonville, New York, I999HECTOR ENRIQUE ROCHA LEONLie., Uniuersidad de las Americas-Puebla, Cholula,Mexico, I996S.M, Purdue University, west Lafayette, Indiana,I998NUNO MIGUEL RODRIGUES PINTOLie., Uniuersidade Catolica Portuguesa, Lisbon,Portugal, 2003ARTHUR JOHN ROHDE IIIA.B., Villanova University, 2002SELENA JOY ROKERA.B., Bryn Mawr College, 2002NATALIE ROOPS.B., DePaul University, Chicago, Illinois, 2004ALINARO�UB.Econ., Academia de Studii Economice dinBucuresti, Bucharest, Romania, 2003MFin., ibid., 2008MICHAEL JARRETT ROTH MEIER, JR.B.B.A., University of Notre Dame, 2006HUARUS.B., Wuhan University, China, I992S.M, University of Houston, University Park, I997SM, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2000 MICHAEL THOMAS RUSTEMEYERA.B., Claremont McKenna College, 2005NATHANIEL AARON SAGERA.B., Tufts University, 2004PRIYANKA SAHAYB.Eng., Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra, Ranchi,India, 2003MAINASAHIB.MS., jai Hind College, Bombay, India, 2002ANUJ SAHNIS.B., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,I997MARIA CATALINA SAlEH GUZMANLie., Pontiftcia Unioersidad Catolica de Chile,Santiago, 2005Mag., ibid., 2008MRUNAL SALUNKHEB.Eng., Government College of Engineering, Pune,India,200IS.M, Georgia Instisuse of Technology, 2003PHILIP ANDREW SAMBRANOs.B., University of Colorado at Boulder, 2003RITWIK GURUNANDAN SAMSIB.Eng.(Hons), Nanyang Technological University,Singapore, 2003·WITH HONORSCHRISTINE JANET SANBORNS.B., Illinois State University, I990SHASTRI STEFAN SANDYS.B., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2002S.B., ibid., 2002MEng., ibid, 2002SAHIL PRAKASH SANGHVISB., University ofMichigan-Ann Arbor, 2004SM, johns Hopkins University, 2007KEVIN MAYENGA SANGUDIA.B., Morehouse College, 200IGEORGE SANTIAGO-FOSTERS.B., Northern Arizona University, 2002GUILHERME LEMOS SARAIVADipl., Institute Militar de Engenharia, Rio de janeiro,Brazil, 2003JONATHAN MORGAN SARGENTB.B.A., University of Iowa, 2006ANDREW JAMES SATTLERSB., Washington University in St. Louis, 2002MAX ERICK SAURAYSB., Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, 2004ALEXI ZDRAVKOV SAVOYA.B., Washington University in St. Louis, 2005AVANTlKA SAXENAB.B.A., Birla Institute of Technology & Science,Pilani, India, 2002KATARfNA SCAMBOROvAA.B., Mount Holyoke College, 2002JEREMIAH BENJAMIN SCHATTA.B., wesleyan University, 200IERIK MATTHEW SCHEIERA.B., Dartmouth College, I996·WITH HONORSKATHRIN ELISABETH SCHMIDDipl., Universitiit Passau, Germany, 2005·WITH HIGH HONORSANNE FRANCES SCHNOBRICHA.B., University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2005DANIEL SIMON SCHORS.B., Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, 2004ANDREW HERSCHEL SCHWARTZB.B.A., University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, 2002DONALD LUKE SELLONSB., University ofMichigan-Ann Arbor, 2003·WITH HONORSSWARUPNANDASELVARAMANB.E, University of Madras, India, I993JEFFREY VINCENT SERPASSB., University ofNotre Dame, 2004VADIM SHABLAKOVDipl., Urals State Technical University, Yekaterinburg,Russia, 2005AMISH JAYESH SHAHB.B.A., University ofMichigan-Ann Arbor, 2004MIHIR SHAILESH SHAHB. Eng. , Veermata Jijabai Technological Institute,Mumbai, India, 2003S.M., Columbia University, New York City, NewYork,2oo5·WITH HIGH HONORSSAMIR ANIL SHAHS.B., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,I999s.M., ibid, 200IMUNZOOR ELAHI SHAIKHS.B., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,I996WEI SHANGBEcon., Peking University, Beijing, China, 2003B.Mg.mt., ibid., 2003ASHUTOSH SHARMAB. Tech., Banaras Hindu University, Vtzranasi, India,MANISH DWARKA PRASAD SHARMAB.E, Maharaja Sayajirau University of Baroda, India,I997S.M., Arizona State University, 2002·WITH HONORSSAURABH SHARMAB. Tech., Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar;India, 2002M.Eng., Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, 2004JUANJIE JOYCE SHENA.B., University of Chicago, 2006NANDANASHENOYS.B., Wtke Forest University, 2002SANTOSH KAMALAKAR SHETB.E., Vivekanand Education Society's Institute ofTechnology, Mumbai, India, I998s.M., University of Missouri-Kansas City, 200IJYOTSNA SHEVADEBE., Gujarat University, Ahmedabad, India, 2002·WITH HONORSYI JUSTIN SHIS.B, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, 2002INSEOKSHINS.B., Hanyang University, Seoul, South Korea, I995S.M., University ofAlabama in Huntsville, 2000S.M., ibid., 200IJEEHAE SHINA.B., Emory University, 2003STEPHEN BRYANT SHINA.B., Trinity University, San Antonio, 2000THEODORE SHINS.B., Georgetown University, 2002jD., George Washington University, 2008MICHELLE MARIE SHRADERB.A, Lake Forest College, 200ISONIYA SHRIVASTAVS.B., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,I998VIVEK SHUKLAS.B., Carnegie Mellon University, 2003s.M., ibid., 2003MINHAZ H. SIDDIQUIS.B., University ofAlabama in Huntsville, 2000RISHI DILIP SIDHPURAA.B., University of California, Los Angeles, 2003ELENA A. SIEGELA.B., Hamilton College, 2000CHRISTOPH CONSTANTIN SIELFELDIng., Instituto Tecnologico de Buenos Aires, Argentina,2003·WITH HONORSLUCAS SILVEIRADipl., Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Brazil,200IBach., Pontificia Universidade Catolica de Campinas,Sao Paulo, Brazil, 2002Dipl., Fundadur Getulio Vtzrgas, Sao Paulo, Brazil,2004SARA MICHELLE SILVERSTEINA.B., University of Colorado at Boulder, 2003MICHAEL G. SINDICIA.B., University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, I998 AMIT KUMAR SINGHB.E., Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, India,I996BHANU PARTAP SINGHA.B, University of California, Los Angeles, 2003·WITH HONORSSWAPNIL SINHAB. Tech., Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, NewDelhi, India, 2004·WITH HONORSMICHAEL H. SINOWAYA.B., University of Pennsylvania, 200IGARETT STEPHEN SKIBAB. B.A. , University ofNotre Dame, 2000s.M., ibid., 200ICAROLYN MARY SLOANEA.B., Vanderbilr University, 2005DENISE R. SMOLINSKIS.B., Indiana University Bloomington, 200IBRADLEY HART SNIDERMANA.B., University of Chicago, 2005·WITH HONORSGERARDO OMAR SOLIS VISSCHERBacb., Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Peru,Lima, 2003Abogado, ibid, 2005JUAN JOSE SOLORZANO ROMEROB.B.A., Universidad Anahuac, Mexico City, Mexico,2004ALEXANDER SOZDATELEVB.Ed., Herzen Russian State Pedagogical University,St. Petersburg, Russia, I998M.Ed., ibid., 2000JASON B. SPRENGERA.B., Washington University in St. Louis, 2002STEFAN STEFANOVDipl., Universitt! Louis Pasteur (Strasbourg I), France,200IMICHAEL PETER STERNA.B., University of Chicago, 2005PHILLIP LOGAN STEVENSA.B., Rhodes College, Memphis, Tennessee, 2004MARK HEADLEY STISSERA.B., Wtke Forest University, I997EMILY ANN MARIE WALKER STOCKERTA.B., University of Chicago, 2005·WITH HONORSJACK WILLIAM STOCKERTA.B., University of Chicago, 2005M.D., University of Chicago, 20IOBRADLEY ALAN STODDARDS.B., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,2004BARTLOMIEJ STOJOWSKIMast., Uniwersytet Jagiellomki w Krakowie, Krakow,Poland, 200IGREGORY MICHAEL STOLOWITZS.B., University of California, Berkeley, 2002ELI PETER STRICKA.B., Brandeis University, 2000·WITH HONORSEDWARD SHENG-YANG SUS.B., University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill,2004JANUSZ SUCHOWIEJKOS.B., University of Bridgeport, 2002HYUNSOO SUHS.B., Northwestern University, 2002KOUNGSUNA.B., University of California, Berkeley, 2003AVANIJA SUNDERS.B., University of Texas at Austin, 2003EVREN SUNGURA.B., Brandeis University, 200IA.M., ibid., 2002SUNIL SURIA.B., University of Virginia, 200IjD., New York University, 2004HENDRA SUSANTOS.B., University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2000KAE TOMAE SUZUKIA.B., Williams College, 200379 SAN DEEP SWAMINATHANB.Eng., Veermata Jijabai Technological Institute,Mumbai, India, I998s.M., Georgia Institute of Technology, 2002ROHIT SYALB.Eng., Punjabi University, Patiala, India, I997S.M., University ofArizona, 2002·WITH HONORSKEVIN ALLAN SZYMANSKIS.B., Pennsylvania State University, University Park,2002NAVEEN SHIVA KUMAR TADEPALLIB. Tech., Indian Institute of Technology Madras, India,2002S.M., Northwestern University, 2004KATHLEEN MARY TAMAYOA.B., Saint Mary's College, Notre Dame, Indiana,200IHSUEH-JOU TANB.B.A., National Taiwan University, Taipei, 2003ANIL KUMAR TANEJAS.B., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,2005SIJING TAOS.B., Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, 2003S.M., State University of New York at Buffolo, 2004VENUS BROOKE TAYLORB.B.A., Howard University, 2005KATHERINE ELIZABETH TEITELBAUMA.B., University of Chicago, 2004SHAITEREMBiEcon., Tel Aviv University, Israel, 2006ABRAHAM THOMASS.B., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,2004MATTHEW BRIAN THOMASS.B., University of Pennsylvania, 2002·WITH HONORSMICHAEL RYAN THOMPSONA.B., Pomona College, 2004·WITH HIGH HONORSVANESSA CECILIA THRAVESA.B., University of Virginia, 2003JOHN C. TIBBITTSS.B., Miami University, Oxford, Ohio, 2002ARIEL DAVID TIGERB.A. (Hons), Ono Academic College, Kiryat Ono,Israel, 2007LL.B.(Hons), ibid, 2007DAVID ROBERT TILLEYA.B., Ripon College, I990MANISH TIWARIB. Tech., Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur;Kalyanpur, India, I999M.es., Purdue University, west Lafayette, Indiana,2000KAREN MARIA MALEEN TOMAS.B., Columbia University, New York City, New York,2004·WITH HONORSALEXIS CHRISTINE TOSTIA.B., Stanford University, 2003ARIANNA TRAINITOLaurea, Universitii degli Studi di Padoua, Padua,Italy, 2004·WITH HONORSLELAND TREEBSS.B., University of California, San Diego, I999·WITH HONORSJAN-MICHAEL TRESSLERS.B., Colorado School ofMines, I998S.M., University of California, Berkeley, 2002LYONTUA.B., Northwestern University, 2003RADA TUNTASOODA.B., University of Chicago, 2002NIKITA TURIKS.B., DePaul University, Chicago, Illinois, 2005GUY HENRY TURNERS.B., Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, 2003·WITH HIGH HONORSMATTHEW HAMILTON TWOMEYA.B., Stanford University, 2004·WITH HIGH HONORSANKUR DEEPAK UDANISB., Vanderbilt University, 2003KATHARINE LEA UHREA.B., Dartmouth College, 2000MSc., University of London, England, UnitedKingdom, 2003CHRISTOPHER MARC URCHELLSB., University ofIllinois at Urbana-Champaign,2002ANDRES URENDA WARRENB.B.A., Universidad de los Andes, Bogota, Colombia,2002FERNANDO RAUL URETA ROJASIng., Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile,Santiago, 2003Mag., ibid., 2003·WITH HONORSDHRUV VAKHARIAA.B., Brandeis University, 2002ANDREW EDWARD VANCURAB.B.A., University of Notre Dame, 2003M.Acc., ibid., 2004DAVID JOHN VAN SAUNS.B., Boston College, 2002JOHN-FREDERICK VAN ZUYLENDipl., Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Brussels, Belgium,2000Maltrise, Uniuersite Catholique de Louuain,Louuain-la-neuue, Belgium, 2004CAMILO VARELAB. C£., Universidad de los Andes, Bogota, Colombia,2000M.Eng., Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, 2003SANTIAGO VAZQUEZS.B., University ofMiami, 2003FRANCISCO VAZQUEZ-GRANDELie., Uniuersidad Autonoma de Madrid, Spain, 200IDipl., ibid., 2003KRISHNA VENKITESWARANSB., University of South Florida, 2000HARISHANKAR VIJAYARAJANB.Eng.{Hons), Nanyang Technological University,Singapore, Singapore, 2003DANIEL MAURICE VILLALONA.B., Pomona College, 2003GULZAR S. VIRKB.£., Marathwada University, Aurangabad, India,I993S.M, Illinois Institute of Technology, 2000RAGHAV VIRMANIA.B., University of the South, 2003SANDEEP VOHRAB.Eng., Nagpur Universtiy, India, I994·WITH HONORSJASMIN VON GYNZ-REKOWSKIB.B.A., University of Texas at Austin, 2005·WITH HONORSANIRUDH WABLES B., University ofMichigan-Ann Arbor, 2003·WITH HONORSKAUSTUBH DEEPAK WAGLES.B., University of Texas at Austin, 2003HARPREET SINGH WALIAA.B., Northwestern University, 2004BRIAN MICHAEL WANGB. Com., University of Virginia, 2004WEIWEIWANGB.Econ., University of International Business andEconomics, Beijing, China, 2002DANIELLE ROSE WAYNES.B., Saint Mary's College of California, 2002WILLIAM FRANCIS WEBERSB., Villanova University, 2002·WITH HONORSKE WEI·Bach., Dongbei University of Finance & Economics,Dalian, China, I996 ADAM WEILANDB.B.A., University ofMiami, 200IMEGAN LYNN WEINERS.B., Miami University, Oxford, Ohio, 2003ROSE MARTIN WEISSA.B., Emory University, 2003MARY.KATE WEISSKOPFS.B., University of Virginia, 2005JONATHAN MATTHEW WEITZELSB., California Polytechnic State University, San LuisObispo, 2000JOHN L. WELLSB.B.A., University of Notre Dame, I964JENNIFER LYNN WELSHB.B.A., University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2004FUYING WENSB., Peking University, Beijing, China, I990SM, ibid., I993S.M., Florida State University, 2000·WITH HONORSREBECCA J. WENNGATZA.B., University of St. Thomas, Houston, Texas, 2002DAVID PAUL WESTA.B., Duke University, 2002SM., University of London, England, UnitedKingdom, 2003CHRISTOPHER O'DELL WHEATA.B., Washington University in St. Louis, 2004BRENT ANDREW WHITTINGTONS.B., University of Pennsylvania, 200I·WITH HONORSJAMIE LYNN WILCOXB.B.A., University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, 2006·WITH HONORSDEVIN SPENCER WILDES.B., Brigham Young University, 2005MAce., ibid., 2005·WITH HIGH HONORSNATHAN EDWARD WILHITEB.B.A., College of William and Mary in Virginia,2002J.D., University ofMichigan-Ann Arbor, 2005·WITH HIGH HONORSCURTIS OLALEKAN WILLIAMSSB., Pennsylvania State University Behrend College,Erie, , 2003S.M., Robert Morris University, Moon Township,Pennsylvania, 2004S.M., University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh Campus,2006JASON DUANE WILLIAMSA.B., Harvard University, 2002JOHN MICHAEL WILLIAMSSB., University of Maryland, Baltimore County, 2004·WITH HONORSADRISSHA STARR WIMBERLYS.B., Howard University, 200IDANIEL WISESB., Florida State University, 2004M.Acc., University of Virginia, 2005·WITH HIGH HONORSMAREK TADEUSZ WOLEKDipl., Johann Wolfiang Goethe-Uniuersitdt Frankfort,Germany, 2004·WITH HONORSANDREW WEI LIN WONGSB., Northwestern University, 2005ANNE RENEE WONGS.B., Northwestern University, 2005·WITH HONORSBRANDON ANTHONY WRIGHTS.B., University of Virginia, 2003HAOWUB.B.A., Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong,2003PING-CHIEH WUB.B.A., National Taiwan University, Taipei, 200380 TUllO XAVIER DE OLIVEIRAEng., Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Brazil,2004LIANG XUA.B., Beijing Foreign Studies University, Beijing,China, 2003XlAOWENXUA.B., University of Chicago, 2003ZHENGYEXUEA.B., Fudan University, Shanghai, China, I999JUNGMOYANGS.B., Pai Chai University, Tae [eon, South Korea, I997B.B.A., University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, 2000LILY QIHUA YANGS.B., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,2004·WITH HONORSSONG YANGB.Eng., Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, 2003S.M, Northwestern University, 2004ZHIYONG YANGBEcon., Harbin Institute of Technology, China, I999JANET YANG ROHRA.B., Northwestern University, 2002CHENGWUYAOB.Mg.mt., Zhongnan University of Economics andLaw, Wuhan, China, 2000M.Mg.mt., ibid., 2003MICHAEL VINCENT YASIEJKOS.B., Virginia Polytechnic Institute and StateUniversity, 2002CANDICE BIU YEEB.B.A., George Washington University, 2002PABLO YEPEZB.B.A., Florida International University, 2003CHRISTINE WAN SHING YEWBAS, Washington University in St. Louis, 2003HAINING YUB.Eng., Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, 2000SM., University ofMichigan-Ann Arbor, 2002LOUIS ZALTZMANIng., Universidad Iberoamericana, Mexico City,Mexico, 2005JEANNE NICOLE ZAPANTAA.B., University of Chicago, 2002YEVGENYA ZELENKOVSB., Ohio State University, Columbus, 2005BO ZHANGS.B., Zhengzhou University, China, I999SM., Illinois State University, 2002CHAO ZHANGSB., Huazhong University of Science and Technology,Wuhan, China, I999SM, University ofDelaware, 2003HAOZHANGB.Econ., Fudan University, Shanghai, China, 2003LAN ZHANGS.B., Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, 200IMMS, ibid., 2004WEIMING ZHANGB.B.A., Fudan University, Shanghai, China, 2004·WITH HONORSYAZHANGS.B., Fudan University, Shanghai, China, 2003S.M, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore,2004YUNDUSUMMERZHANGS.B., Northern Illinois University,·2006DI ZHOUS.B., University of Southern California, 2000HAOHAO ZHOUA.B., Peking University, Beijing, China, 2004B.Econ., ibid., 2004BENJAMIN ALLISON CONVERSEA.B., Dartmouth College, 2004DISSERTATION: Beyond Payback: Gratefol Responsesto HelpPENGQIN GAOA.B., Hangzhou University of Commerce, China,200IS.M, University of Tennessee at Knoxville, 2002MB.A. University of Chicago, 2009DISSERTATION: Firm Characteristics, Covariances,and Cross-Sectional Expected ReturnsWESLEY ROBERT GRAYS.B., University of Pennsylvania, 2002M.B.A., University of Chicago, 20IODISSERTATION: Essays on Private InformationExchangeJENNIFER MERLUZZI HITLERA.B., Tulane University, I993M.B.A. Washington University in St. Louis, I997DISSERTATION: Informal Networks and the ModemProfessional Managerial Career: Four Studies ofInterpersonal Influence on Career Decisions andOutcomesCHRISTOPHER MICHAEL HRDLICKAA.B., Washington University in St. Louis, 2005A.M, ibid., 2005M.B.A., University of Chicago , 20IODISSERTATION: Trading Volume and Time VaryingBetas For the Degree of Doctor ofPhilosophy:RONI KISINA.B., Hebrew University ofjerusalem, Israel, 2003MB.A., University of Chicago , 20IODISSERTATION: The Impact of Shareholders onCorporate Investment: Evidence from MutualFund HoldingsPEPA KRAFTS.B., University of London, England, UnitedKingdom, I999S.M, Uniuersite de Lausanne, Switzerland, 2002DISSERTATION: The Role of Rating Agencies andConflicts of Interest: Evidence from Rating AgencyAdjustments EDWARD CRAIG BISHOP SMITHA.B., Yale University, 2003DISSERTATION: Amplified Interfaces: Essays onOrganizational Identity and the Sociology ofHedge FundsSONG YANGB.Eng., Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, 2003S.M, Northwestern University, 2004MB.A., University of Chicago, 20IODISSERTATION: Trade Credit in Supply Chains:Theory and Empirical EvidenceELIZABETH GHINI MOLISKIS.B., Stanford University, I987S.M, University of Louisville, 200IMB.A. University of Chicago, 2003DISSERTATION: Sequential versus One-shot DecisionMaking: Statistical Guidelines and Behavior in aMedical Watchfol Waiting DilemmaJESSICA YUNFEN PANA.B., University of Chicago, 2005MB.A., University of Chicago, 20IODISSERTATION: Essays in Empirical Labor EconomicsALEX! ZDRAVKOV SAVOVA.B., Washington University in St. Louis, 2005M.B.A., University of Chicago, 20IODISSERTATION: Free for a Fee: The Hidden Cost ofIndex Fund Investing81PRELUDETHE DIVINITY SCHOOLDIPLOMA AND HOODING CEREMONYBond ChapelSaturday, June 12, 2010, 12:00 P.M.Walter Whitehouse, Associate University OrganistPROCESSION(Please stand and remain standing until after the ioelcome.)The Millar Brass EnsembleWELCOMERICHARD A. ROSENGARTENDean of the Divinity SchoolGRADUATE DIPLOMA PRESENTATION AND HOODINGMaster of Divinity GraduatesMaster of Arts GraduatesDoctor of Philosophy GraduatesNames read by: Teresa Hord Owens, MDiv' 03Dean of StudentsFACULTY HOODERSW. Clark Gilpin, PhD'74Margaret E. Burton Distinguished Service Professor Richard A. Rosengarten, PhD' 94Dean of the Divinity SchoolWilliam Schweiker, PhD'85Edward L. Ryerson Distinguished Service ProfessorREMARKSRICHARD A. ROSENGARTENDean of the Divinity SchoolRECESSIONAL(Please stand)The Millar Brass EnsemblePOSTLUDEWalter Whitehouse, Associate University Organist82REBECCA RUTH ANDERSONA.B., Hampshire College, I999EMY NATSU CARDOZAA.B., Rollins College, 2006BRETT DANIEL COLASACCOA.B., University of Chicago, 2007DANIEL PATRICK ALBERTSONA.B., Concordia University Saint Paul, 2007ABBY EILEEN ARGANESEA.B., Emory University, 2007MARK EVAN BEITMANA.B., University of Delaware, 2008KELSEY MARIE BLOMEKEA.B., Concordia College, Moorhead, Minnesota, 2007KATRINA ALEXIS BROOKSA.B., Grinnell College, 2008GARETH COLLIN CAMPBELLA.B., Whitman College, 2006NICHOLAS ETHAN COLLINSA.B., Washington and Lee University, 2007SHANNON CORINNE COPPA.B., Washington University in St. Louis, 2006EMILY D. CREWSA.B., Agnes Scott College, 2004ERIN ANNE DICKEYA.B., Boston University, 2008MICHAEL FRANKSA.B., University of Florida, 2004PHILIP CARROLL FRIEDRICHA.B., Bowdoin College, 2006JAMI GARTONA.B., Loyola University of Chicago, 2007DAVID N. GOTTLIEBA.B., Amherst College, I98IM.F.A., University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill,I986WILLIAM D. HAHNA.B., Yale University, 2006COURTNEY ELLEN FITZSIMMONSA.B., Boston University, 2000A.M, University of Chicago, 2003DISSERTATION: Loving God: Images of Love in IrisMurdoch and Franz RosenzweigAMANDA JEAN HUFFERA.B., Indiana University, Bloomington, I998A.M, University of Chicago, 2004DISSERTATION: Darsban in a Hotel Ballroom:Amritanandamayi Ma $ (Amma 's) Communitiesof Devotees in the United StatesNICOLAS MEYLANA.M., Universite de Lausanne, Switzerland. 2003DISSERTATION: How to Deal with Kings When YouAre a Suet-Lander: Discourses of "Magic" betweenNorway and Iceland For the Degree ofMaster ofDivinity:DANIEL PAUL COOPERRIDERA.B., University of Chicago, 2007DANIEL GARRETT KUCKUCKA.B., University of Virginia, 2006JEFFREY THOMAS LEHNA.B., Bethel College, 2004For the Degree ofMaster ofArts:SANDRA ANN HAMS.B., GMI Engineering Management Institute, I993S.M, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, I997SARAH EILEEN HANSONA.B., Gustavus Adolphus College, 2004JENNIFER RUTH JENNINGSA.B., Smith College, 2004KATARZYNA ANNA KASIARZA.B., University of Chicago, 2007SUNG CHUN KIMA.B., Yonsei University, Seoul, South Korea, 2000M.Div., Presbyterian Theological Seminary, Seoul,South Korea, 2004JUSTIN KINGA.B., Oklahoma Baptist University, 2008JENNIFER JEANNE KULLASA.B., Saint Michael's College, Colchester, Vermont,2008DANIEL ADAM MEYERA.B., University of California, San Diego, 2006NATASHA LEEANN MIKLESA.B., College of William and Mary in Virginia, 2008JOSHUA AARON MILSTEINA.B., Hampshire College, 2005MONIKA KHANUM MINEHARTA.B., University ofMichigan-Ann Arbor, 2008MARGARET ANNE PATTONA.B., University of Virginia, 2007CRAIG STEPHEN PETERSA.B., Humboldt State University, 2006SARAH ANNE REYNOLDSA.B., Guilford College, 2003M Tb., Wesley Theological Seminary, 2007For the Degree ofDoctor ofPhilosophy:BRUCE PANTALEO RITTENHOUSES.B., Virginia Polytechnic Institute and StateUniversity, I984M.B.A., College of William and Mary in Virginia,I986A.M, Graduate Theological Union, Berkeley,California, 2000DISSERTATION: Shoppingfor Meaningfol Lives: AChristian Existential Reinterpretation of the MoralMotivation of Consumerism through the Theowgyof Paul Tillich SAMUEL MENDENHALLA.B., University of Illinois at Chicago, I988J.D., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,I99IBEAU THOMAS UNDERWOODA.B., Eureka College, 2006WILLIAM COALE RICKETTSDAHLIA RIZKA.B., Colgate University, 2008CATHERINE JOANNA RUNDEA.B., National University of Ireland/Ollscoil na hEireann, Dublin, Ireland. 2009SEIKO SATOA.B., University of Tokyo, japan, 2004A.M, ibid., 2006JORDAN EUGENE SKORNIKA.B., warner Pacific College, 2004ADAM YALE STERNA.B., Columbia University, New York City, New York,2006NATALIA THEODORIDOUA.B., Aristoteleio Panepistimio Tbessalonikis,Tbessaloniki; Greece, 2007MICAH DAVIS THOMPSONA.B., Macalester College, 2004DANIEL LOUIS WYCHEA.B., Rutgers, The State University ofNew jersey, NewBrunstoick, 2003DONALD YURMANOVICHA.B., Central Bible College, 2007JONATHAN PETER ZIEMBAA.B., Hampshire College, 2008ALAN THOMAS TERLEPA.B., Oakland University, Rochester, Michigan, I994A.M, Catholic Theological Union, I999DISSERTATION: Inventing the Rapture: TheFormation ofAmerican Dispensationalism, I850-I875THE LAW SCHOOLDIPLOMA AND HOODING CEREMONYRockefeller Memrial ChapelJune 12, 2010PROCESSIONALWELCOMEMICHAEL H. SCHILLDean and Harry N wyatt Professor of LawPRESENTATION OF DISTINGUISHED ALUMNUS AWARDROBERT B. BARNETT '71REMARKSMARTHA NUSSBAUMErnst Freund Distinguished Service Professor of Law and EthicsHOODING OF GRADUATESLL.M. GRADUATESRead By: Richard I. Badger '68Assistant DeanJ.D. AND J:S.D. GRADUATESRead By: Michele Baker RichardsonDean of StudentsFACULTY HOODERSDOUGLAS G. BAIRDHarry A. Bigelow Distinguished Service Professor of LawSAUL LEVMOREWilliam B. Graham Professor of LawLIOR STRAHILEVITZDeputy Dean, Professor of Law, and Walter Mander Teaching ScholarDAVID A. STRAUSSGerald Ratner Distinguished Service Professor of LawRECESSIONALCINDY ACOSTAA.B., Loyola University of Chicago, 2007JOAN EUNJOE AHNA.B., Amherst College, 2004ARSINEH ANANIANS.B., University of California, Los Angeles, 2006ELIZABETH ANN AUSTERMUEHLEA.B., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,2007CHRISTOPHER F. BAEZAA.B., Cornell University. Ithaca, New York, 2004M.B.A., University of Chicago, 20IOERIC PHILLIP BARSTADA.B., University ofMichigan-Ann Arbor, 2007MARK GARAN CHARLES BASSA.B., College of William and Mary in Virginia, 2002SOPHIA KEIKO BASSANA.B., Bowdoin College, 2003AMARTYA BASUA.B., fohns Hopkins University, 2005-WITH HONORSCHARLES WILSON BAXTERA.B., Princeton University. 200IJORDAN HARRIS BEKIERA.B., University of California, Los Angeles, 2006-WITH HONORSAMANDA KAYE BLOCHA.B., Emory University. 2007-WITH HONORSREID MILLER BOLTONA.B., Harvard University. 2004-WITH HIGH HONORSBENJAMIN HENRY BORBELYA.B., Dartmouth College, 2006JASON MICHAEL BRADFORDA.B., Emory University, 2007KAREN MAIRE BRADSHAWS.B., University of California, Berkeley, 2004M.B.A., California State University. Chico, 2006-WITH HONORSBENJAMIN FRANCIS BURRYA.B., Illinois w"sft:yan University. 2007TERESA RAQUEL CABELLOA.B., Stanford University. 2007ADAM CASSADYA.B., Ohio State University. Columbus, 2005ALLISON G. CASTILLOA.B., University ofIllinois at Urbana-Champaign,2007-WITH HONORSGREGORY CAMERON CHEYNEA.B., University of Chicago, 2007HANNA CHUNGA.B., Yale University, 2005MEd., University of Nevado, Las Vegas, 2007BRIAN SAMUEL CITROB.Mus., Northern Illinois University. 200IJON COOPERS.B., University of British Columbia, vancouver,Canada, 2007-WITH HONORSGREGORY D. COORDESA.B., Emory University. 2005DAVID WENGER CREASEYA.B., Grinnell College, 2004RALPH NATALE DADO IIIA.B., Georgetown University. 2006BRIAN WILLIAM DARSOWA.B., Brigham Young University. 2007DALIA DE LEONA.B., Dartmouth College, 2007FRANK M. DICKERSONA.B., Claremont McKenna College, 2006-WITH HIGH HONORSJOHN PAUL DICKSONA.B., University of Notre Dame, 2007DEREK PETRICK DOHLERS.B., Washington University in St. Louis, 2007WILLIAM THURMAN DONNELL, JR.A.B., Duke University. 2007 For the Degree of Doctor ofLaw:KEVIN P. DOOLEYS.B., Washington University in St. Louis, 2005DANIEL VERNON DORRISS.B., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,2006-WITH HIGH HONORSCHRISTOPHER MICI-IAEL DRESSELA.B., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,2007-WITH HONORSMARY FRANCES DUBYA.B., University ofNorth Carolina at Chapel Hill,2007ROBERT EDWARD DUNNA.B., Claremont McKenna College, 2000-WITH HIGH HONORSMARK EMISONB.B.A., University ofMissouri-Columbia, 2007ANDREW BERNARD EPSTEINA.B., Northwestern University. 2007LILY BELL FARRARA.B., University ofWiscomin-Madison, 2005KIERSTEN A. FLETCHERA.B., University of California, Los Angeles, 2007BENJAMIN FRANCIS FOSTERS.B., Rochester Institute of Technology, 2007-WITH HONORSLINDSAY ALLISON FREEMANA.B., University ofNorth Carolina at Chapel Hill,2006TIAN GAOLL.B., Renmin University of China in Beijing, 2007LL.M, University of Pennsylvania, 2008SUZANNE GERSHOWITZA.B., Harvard University, 2004MATTHEW ROBERT GODFREYA.B., Washington and Lee University, 2007WILLIAM GARARD GODWINA.B., Georgetown University. 2006AMANDA GOMEZA.B., University of Chicago, 2007THOMAS EDWARD GORMANA.B., Columbia University. New York City. New York,2004-WITH HIGH HONORSJAMES GRANTA.B., University ofMichigan-Ann Arbor, 2006STEVEN EDWARD GREENS.B., University of Oregon, 2007S.B., ibid., 2007DAVID JONATHAN GREISENS.B., Harvey Mudd College, 2005MONICA CHRISTINE GROATA.B., University of Chicago, 2007MOLLY KELLY GROVAKS.B., Northwestern University, 2006-WITH HIGH HONORSKARL GUNDERSONA.B., Yale University. 2005-WITH HONORSPRATIYANCHA GUPTAA.B., Duke University. 2006ASHUTOSH AJIT HABBUA.B., University of Chicago, 2006M.B.A., ibid., 20IOCHRISTOPHER ROBERT HAGALEA.B., Yale University, 2006-WITH HONORSTHOMAS DREW HALEYA.B., Pomona College, 2007AUSTIN KEILLER HAMPTONS.B., Georgia Institute of Technology, 2006-WITH HONORSSEAN A. HEIKKILAA.B., Dartmouth College, 2003MONICA JEAN HETHA.B., University ofMinnesota- Twin Cities, 2007KATHRYN JORDAN HINESS.B., Northwestern University. 2004 EITAN SETH HOENIGA.B., Brandeis University. 200IA.M, ibid., 2002-WITH HIGH HONORSJUSTIN WILLIAM HOESTA.B., Grinnell College, 200IM.B.A., University of Chicago, 20IOGEORGE MICHAEL HOUHANISINA.B., University ofMichigan-Ann Arbor, 2007CATHY HWANGA.B., Pomona College, 2007CATHERINE AKIKO ITAYAA.B., Amherst College, 2004-WITH HONORSMARIS JEAN JAGERA.B., Emory University, 2007KIMBERLY MARION JEFFERSA.B., Dartmouth College, 2006-WITH HONORSDANIEL ROY JONESA.B., Ohio State University. Columbus, 2007LENNIE M. JONESA.B., University of Penn sylvania, 2005ADAM MICHAEL KAUFMANNS.B., University of Notre Dame, 2005-WITH HONORSSHIRA KELBERA.B., University of Wisconsin-Madison, 200I-WITH HONORSPAUL SCHUYLER KELLOGGA.B., Tulane University. 2007-WITH HONORSKATHLEEN SIMPSON KIERNANA.B., University of Virginia, 2007ANGELA CHUNGEUN KIMA.B., University of California, Berkeley, 2006S.B., ibid., 2006MICHELLE SABINA KINGA.B., Duke University. 2007RYAN RUSSELL KIRKS.B., University of South Carolina-Columbia, 2003CATHERINE THERESE KIWALAA.B., Williams College, 2004NIKOLAY KODESA.B., Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, 2007ANNE MYRIAM KORENBLITA.B., Harvard University. 2005NEEL SAMIR KOTHARIA.B., University of California, Davis, 2006-WITH HONORSSEAN ZACHARY KRAMERA.B., University ofWiscomin-Madison, 2004-WITH HONORSKEITH ROGER KRIDERA.B., valparaiso University. 2007VANESSA PILAR KULJISA.B., University ofMiami, 2007MICHAEL LOUIS KUPPERSMITHA.B., University of Chicago, 2007REED PARKER LARSONA.B., University of Utah, 2006S.B., ibid., 2006GRACE CATHERINE LEEA.B., University of Washington, Seattle, 2003M. Sc. , University of London, England, UnitedKingdom, 2004JENNIFER KIM LEEA.B., Yale University. 2006-WITH HONORSDAVID ANDREW LEONA.B., Brandeis University. 2007RICHARD BRANDON LEVERETTA.B., Butler University. 2003BRANDON WOLFE LEVITANA.B., Arizona State University. 2007ALEXANDRA FRELL LEVYA.B., New York University. 2007MARK LIANGB.A.S., University of Toronto, Ontario, Canada, 2007-WITH HONORSANDREW LEE LIAOA.B., University of California, Los Angeles, 2006WINSTON LIAWS.B., University of California, Berkeley, 2002·WITH HONORSALISON MARIE CRAVEN LOOMANB.F.A., New York University, 2003AZI M. LOWENTHALA.B., Yeshiva University, 2007MAUREEN LOYB.E.E., University ofMichigan-Ann Arbor, 2004M.Eng., ibid., 2006·WITH HONORSALLISON MARIE LUCIERA.B., Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, 2004S.M, New York University, 2006JEFFERY JOHN LULAS.B., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,2007·WITH HONORSOREN MATTHEW LUNDA.B., University of Texas at Dallas, 2007KATELYNN KELLY McBRIDEA.B., University of San Diego, 2007RYAN DANIEL McENROEA.B., Boston University, 2007S.B., ibid., 2007BRIAN KEITH McLEISHS.B., Saint Joseph's College, Rensselaer, Indiana, 2007·WITH HIGH HONORSJENNIFER KATHLEEN MESSINAA.B., New York University, 2007KRISTEN JOY METZGERA.B., University of Southern California, 2006ADRIAN O'HARA MILTONB.B.A., University of Oklahoma, 2006CHRISTOPHER STEPHEN MORALESB.Acc., University of Oklahoma, 2003M.Acc., ibid., 2003·WITH HIGH HONORSNATALIE E. MORGANA.B., Loyola University New Orleans, 2007GARYMOYA.B., Bowdoin College, 2004SARAH MAHONEY MUETINGA.B., University ofKamas, 2007JULIANA NEWCOMB MURRAYA.B., Dartmouth College, 2005·WITH HONORSPAUL JACOB MYSLIWIECA.B., Illinois Wesleyan University, 2004ROHIT AVINASH NAFDAYA.B., University of California, Berkeley, 2005S.B., ibid., 2005·WITH HONORSLAURA ANN NAPOLIA.B., New York University, 2006·WITH HONORSDREW ANTHONY NAVIKASA.B., George Washington University, 2005·WITH HIGH HONORSSAMlRA ASIFA NAZEMA.B., Yale University, 2004JENNIFER LAUREN NELSONS.B., Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana, 2007RUSSELL JAMES NEWSOMS.B., Xavier University, Cincinnati, Ohio, 2006HADI NILFOROSHANS.B., Babson College, 2007JULIO ALEJANDRO NOBOAS.B., University of Texas at Austin, 2004MICHELLE NICOLE OBREGONA.B., University of California, Santa Barbara, 2005ALYSSA KATE OGAWAS.B., State University of New York at Binghamton,2005MB.A., ibid., 2006JEFFREY STEPHEN OLIVERA.B., Brigham Young University, 2002A.M, University of Missouri-Columbia, 2004GARRETT LEVY ORDOWERS.B., Northwestern University, 200I·WITH HIGH HONORSMIMI HANNA PARKA.B., Boston University, 2007 DARREN MICHAEL PERCONTEA.B., Boston College, 2003CIJI PITTMANA.B., University of Virginia, 2005JULIAN KREISER PORTILLOS.B., University of Kamas, 2007SAMUEL ERNESTO PROCTORS.B., University ofPenmylvania, 2007ELIZABETH JEAN PTACEKA.B., University of Chicago, 2002LISA LORAINE RACHLINB.F.A., Carnegie Mellon University, 2002MiMus., University of Texas at Austin, 2004·WITH HONORSJONATHON CHARLES RAFFENSPERGERA.B., Dartmouth College, 2006·WITH HONORSELLENNA VALENTINE RAYMONDA.B., Princeton University, 2005KATHERINE ROSS REAVESA.B., Yale University, 2005AUBREY VICTORIA REFUERZOA.B., Northwestern University, 2005TOBARA RICHARDSONA.B., University of Chicago, 2007KATHARINE AMANDA ROINA.B., Amherst College, 2006·WITH HONORSZACHARY W. ROSENFIELDA.B., New York University, 2006BRIAN H. ROWEA.B., Wheaton College, Illinois, 2007KATHLEEN BASSI RUBENSTEINA.B., University of Chicago, 2006·WITH HONORSNATALIE JEAN RUYLES.B., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,2002COLIN WESLEY SACOFFA.B., Claremont McKenna College, 2002ASHLEY CHRISTINA SATTERFIELDA.B., Dartmouth College, 2007MARIA FERNANDA SAYAVEDRAA.B., Brigham Young University, 2003·WITH HONORSMARK ROBERT SAYSONA.B., Amherst College, 2004·WITH HIGH HONORSKEVIN GREGORY SCHNEIDERA.B., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,2007BENJAMIN L. SCHUSTERA.B., Hamilton College, 2003M U'P, University of London, England, UnitedKingdom, 2004·WITH HIGH HONORSJENNIFER S. SENIORA.B., Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, 2007PRERAKSHAHS.B., Drexel University, 2007·WITH HONORSMARK O'KELLY SHERMANS.B., Florida State University, 2007DONGBIN CHRISTINA SHINS.B., University of Washington, Seattle, 2007BELLA SHIRINS.B., University of Southern California, 2007SHANE JENNINGS SHUMWAYA.B., Brigham Young University, 2006ERIC MICHAEL SINGERA.B., Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, 2003A.M., University ofMichigan-Ann Arbor, 2004·WITH HIGH HONORSJACK OWEN SNYDER, JR.A.B., Yale University, 2003·WITH HONORSNICHOLAS COOPER SOLTMANA.B., Amherst College, 2006·WITH HONORSMICHELLE OLUFUNMITO SOWEMIMOA.B., Duke University, 2007ASHA LYN INDIRA SPENCERA.B., Carleton College, 2003·WITH HIGH HONORS86 ZACHARY STEPHENSONA.B., Knox College, 2006ERIN M. STOODYA.B., University of Washington, Seattle, 2005CURTIS WAYNE STRONGA.B., Brigham Young University, 2005ANISHA SUNDARRAJA.B., Duke University, 2005CLAIRE GERMAINE SWEIGARTS.B., Ohio State University, Columbus, 2007TERRI MICHELLE TAIBL SONIA.B., University of Notre Dame, 2003STEPHEN C. TEAGUEA.B., Georgetown University, 2006DANIELLE ELIZABETH TRAISTERA.B., Penmylvania State University, 2007ERIC C. TUNGA.B., Yale University, 2006·WITH HIGH HONORSMONICA MAHBUBA UDDINS.B., Stanford University, 2007VANESSA VAN AUKENA.B., Texas Christian University, 2007·WITH HONORSERIN ELIZABETH WAGNERA.B., University of California, Los Angeles, 2007ELYSAQ. WANS.B., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2007ZHENGWANGA.B., fohns Hopkim University, 2006DIANA MARIE WATRALA.B., Georgetown University, 2007·WITH HIGHEST HONORSWILLIAM HENRY WEAVERA.B., Brigham Young University, 2006SARAH KATHERINE WEBERA.B., Duke University, 2007BLAKE ALEXANDRA WEINBERGA.B., Duke University, 2007CARLA JOANNE WEISSA.B., Wellesley College, 2003TIMOTHY CAMPBELL WELCHA.B., State University of New York at Buffalo, 2007BENJAMIN WHITINGS.B., Trinity University, San Antonio, Texas, I999A.M., University of Wyoming, 2003·WITH HIGH HONORSANASTAZJA PATRICIA WIECKOWSKIA.B., University of Chicago, 2005DOUGLAS ALAN WILBERA.B., Lawrence University, 2002BiMus., ibid., 2002MMus., University of New Mexico, 2004EMILY REBECCA WINSTONA.B., University of Maryland at College Park, 2006PETER B. WOLFA.B., Bucknell University, 2004JUSTIN F. H. WONGLL.B., University of London, England, UnitedKingdom, 2007LL.M, University of Chicago, 2008·WITH HONORSXIAORONG JAJAH WUA.B., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,2007ANUSH YEGYAZARIANA.B., Stanford University, I992·WITH HONORSSTEPHEN C. YELDERMANS.B., Stanford University, 2004S.M, ibid., 2005·WITH HIGH HONORSDAVID SUNGKWON YOOA.B., Georgia State University, 2002A.M, Columbia University, New York City, NewYork,2004JING-LIYUA.B., University ofPenmylvania, 200IA.M, University of Chicago, 2005KEZHANGS.B., Georgetown University, 2007TIMOTHY MICHAEL ZIMMERMANA.B., Ohio State University, Columbus, 2005PEDRO SCHIESSER BERNARDINILL.B., Pontificia Universidade Catolica de Sao Paulo,Brazil, 200IS0REN TOFT BJERRESKOVLL.B., Kebenbauns Universitet, Copenhagen,Denmark, 2002LL.M, ibid, 2005YULIA BOLOTOVADipl., Moscow Timiryazev Agricultural Academy,Russia, I998Kand., Institute of Legislation and Comparative Law,Moscow, Russia, 200IPh.D., Purdue University, west Lafayette, Indiana,2006ALESSANDRO BUSCALaurea, Uniuersita di Bologna, Italy, 2006Laurea, ibid, 2008FERNANDO DE LIMA CAPELLA.OBach., Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil,2004LL.B., Pontificia Universidade Catolica do Rio deJaneiro, Brazil, 2007CRISTIANE MORAES LOPES DEOLIVEIRA CARVALHOLL.B., Pontificia Universidade Catolica do Rio deJaneiro, Brazil, 2007PYTHAGORAS LOPES DE CARVALHONETOLL.B., Universidade de Sao Paulo, Brazil, 2005LL.M, ibid., 2007ANA CAROLINA CASTRO REIS PASSOSLL.B., Universidade de Sao Paulo, Brazil, 2003XINGZHOU CHENBiEcon., Peking University, Beijing, China, 2007LL.B., ibid., 2007GIOVANNI CIRELLILaurea, Unioersisa degli Studi di Catania, Italy, 2004MA., Uniuersita degli Studi di Verona, Italy, 2005JACQUELINE ALENA CLOVERB.A. (Hom), University of Cambridge, England,United Kingdom, 2006DONGHAO CUILL.B., China University of Political Science and Law,Beijing, 2009JAMES DAVID CULLENLL.B., University of Dublin-Trinity College, Ireland,2008FREDERICO CURSINO DE MOURALL.B., Pontificia Universidade Catolica do Rio deJaneiro, Brazil, 2005ROBERTO RICARDO DE URIOSTESAMANAMUDLL.B., Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Peru,Lima, I998M.Dip., Academia Diplomdtica del Peru, Lima, I999Dipl., Ecole Nationale d'Administration, Paris,France, 2002MSc., University of London, England, UnitedKingdom, 2006DARKSON DELMONDES GALVAOLL.B., Universidade de Sao Paulo, Brazil, 2003PETER MELCHIOR DIETERICHDMITRY DUBENETSKYDipl., M. V. Lomonosov Moscow State University,Russia, 2006PIA ZEESHAN LEILA DUTTONLL.B., University of Oxford, England, UnitedKingdom, 2009QIAOQIAO FANLL.B., Beijing Foreign Studies University, China, 2009ARTURFERNANDESANDREZOLL.B., Pontificia Universidade Catolica de Sao Paulo,Brazil, 2004B.Acc.Sc., Universidade de Sao Paulo, Brazil, 2004KASUMI FUJIILL.B., University of Tokyo, Japan, 2002LL.M, ibid., 2003 For the Degree ofMaster ofLaws:ADRIANA GARCIA GARCIALic., Institute Tecnologico Autonomo de Mexico, SanAngel, 2004DipL, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain,2004YULING GENGDipl., Fudan University, Shanghai, China, 2003LL.B., Shanghai International Studies University,China, 2004LL.M, University of Bristol, England, UnitedKingdom, 2005EDUARDO GIULIANI MARCONDESROCHALL.B., Pontificia Universidade Catolica de Sao Paulo,Brazil, 2004LL.M, IBMEC (Brazilian Institute of CapitalMarkets), Sao Paulo, Brazil, 2006QIAN GUOLL.B., China University ofPolitical Science and Law,Beijing, 2007OLIVER HABLUTZELLic., Universitiit St. Gallen-Hocbschule forWirtschafis-, Recbts-, und Sozialwissemchajien,Switzerland, 2005Dr.iur., ibid, 2009JOHANNA HOLZ RINCONTitulo, Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Peru,Lima, 2006ANDELKA ISAAK SRETENOVICLic., UniversidadAnahuac, Mexico City, Mexico,2006Mast., ibid., 2008SCOTT ROBERT IVEYA.B., University of western Australia, Nedlands,Australia, 2008LL.B.(Hons), ibid., 2008MANBOKJINS.B., Seoul National University, South Korea, I99IS.M, ibid., I995LL.B., Korea National Open University, Seoul, SouthKorea, 2008MAXIM KUKLINDipl., Moscow State Academy of Law, Russia, 2002CHIEN-HUNG LAlLL.B., National Taiwan University, Taipei, 2000A.M, ibid., 2007MARlA AMELIA LISBAO SENRALL.B., Pontificia Universidade Catolica de Sao Paulo,Brazil, 2004YAZHE LIULL.B., University of International Business andEconomics, Beijing, China, 2003LL.M, ibid., 2006GUILHERME MAITTO CAPUTOLL.B., Pontificia Universidade Catolica de Sao Paulo,Brazil, 2002ALEXANDER DMITRIEVICHMANDZHIEVDipl., M V. Lomonosov Moscow State University,Russia, 2007TOM MATTHIJSBach., Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Brussels, Belgium,2007Mast., ibid, 2009JOSE ALEJANDRO MOSQUERAGONZALEZAbogado, Universidad de los Andes, Santiago, Chile,2004MI.A., Columbia University, New York City, NewYork,2008TILMAN FRIEDRICH WALTERNIEDERMAIERTAKAFUMI NIHEILL.B., Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan, 200IMARlA DEL PILAR NOGUERA MORENOAbogado, Universidad de los Andes, Bogota,Columbia, 2002Dipl., ibid., 2005 HENRY DAVID NUNEZis; Universidad de Chile, Santiago, 2007MAGDA OLYSAROVABiEcon., Univerzita Karloua, Prague, Czech Republic,2002LL.M., ibid., 2002M.Econ., ibid., 2005SANGCHUL PARKLL.B., Seoul National University, South Korea, 200IJOSE ANDRES PASCUAL MORENOLic., Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile,Santiago, 2005VARNAVAS PLAYBELLLL.B. (Hons), University ofManchester, England,United Kingdom, 2009RONG QINS.B., Shanghai International Studies University,China, 2003LL.M, Fudan University, Shanghai, China, 2006ELISA RAMUNDOLaurea, Universita di Bologna, Italy, 2002Dipl., Collegia Europeo di Parma, Italy, 2004MICHAEL REINLELic., Universitiit St. Gallen-Hochschule forWirtschajis-, Recbts-, und Sozialwissemchajien,Switzerland, 200IDr.iur., ibid., 2007RICHARD JOHN ROBINSONB. CA. (Hons), Victoria University of wellington, NewZealand, 2005LL.B.(Hom), ibid., 2005SOPHIE BEATRICE SAHLINDipl., Uniuersite du Luxembourg, Luxembourg City,2005Lic., Uniuersite de Nancy IL France 2006Maitrise, Unioersite de Paris II (Uniuersite PantheonAssas), France, 2007Mast., ibid, 2008MICHA SCHILLINGLic., Universitiit Basel, Switzerland, 2004JOHANNES CHRISTIAN SCHRAGLEHADAS SHIACHYLL.B., Hebrew University ofJerusalem, Israel, 2008NAOKO SHINDOLL.B., Osaka University, Japan, 2004CHRISTIAN STROBELEHAJIME TANIUCHILL.B., Doshisha University, Kyoto, Japan, 2002THIERRY PATRICK THORMANNLic., Uniuersitdt Bern, Switzerland, 2002EMMA ERIKA TIAINENKand., Helsingin Yliopisto, Finland, 2008RICARDO TREJOS ROBLEDOAbogado, Universidad Sergio Arboleda, Bogota,Colombia, 2004ANNA TZANAKIPtychion, Esbnikon kai Kapodistriakon PanepistimionAtbinon, Athens, Greece, 2008OLIVIER C. J. VAN DER HAEGENCand., Facultes Universitaires Saint-Louis, Brussels,Belgium, 2005Lic., Uniuersite Catholique de Louuain, Louuan-laneuue, Belgium, 2008LL.M, College of Europe, Brugge, Belgium, 2009LAN WANGLL.B., Peking University, Beijing, China, 2003LL.M., University of Toronto, Ontario, Canada, 2006DANIEL ANDRES WEINSTEINDRULLINSKYLic., Universidad de Chile, Santiago, 2006Dipl., ibid, 2007FAHRUL SALAM YUSUFDipl., University of Indonesia, Depok, 2003XlAOYANG ZHANGLL.B., Peking University, Beijing, China, 2007LL.M, ibid., 200988For the Degree of Doctor ofJurisprudence:RUOYING CHENLL.B., Peking University, Beijing, China, I999Mjur., University of Oxford, England, UnitedKingdom, 2000LL.M, University of Chicago, 2005DISSERTATION: Informal Sales of Rural Housing inChina: Property, Privatization and Local PublicFinance JOSE FRANCISCO GARCIA GARCIALL.B., Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile,Santiago, 2002LL.M, University of Chicago, 2006DISSERTATION: To Prevent Corruption or theAppearance of Corruption? Using Public Choiceto Understand and Improve Us. PoliticalCampaign Finance RegulationTHE IRVING B. HARRIS SCHOOL OFPUBLIC POLICY STUDIESDIPLOMA AND HOODING CEREMONYMandel HallSaturday, June 12, 2010, 12:00 P.M.WELCOMEDAN BLACKProfessor and Deputy DeanALUMNI REMARKSCRISTAL THOMAS, MPP 2001Regional Director, Us. Department of Health and Human ServicesHOODING OF THE GRADUATESREADER: ELLEN COHENDean of StudentsFACULTY HOODERSMASTER'S STUDENTSKerwin Charles, Edwin and Betty L. Bergman Disstinguished Service ProfessorJames Sallee, Assistant ProfessorPHD STUDENTSDan Black, Professor and Deputy DeanKerwin Charles, Edwin and Betty L. Bergman Distinguished Service ProfessorDon Coursey, Ameritech Professor of Public PolicyWilliam Howell, Sydney Stein Professor in American PoliticsDuncan Snidal, Associate ProfessorASSISTED BYUrsula Quijano, MPP Class of 20IIJanna Johnson, PhD StudentPRESENTATION OF DIPLOMASCaLM O'MUIRCHEARTAIGHDean and ProfessorASSISTED BYCynthia Cook Conley, Faculty Assistant and PhD Program CoordinatorAnita Lee, MPP Class of 20IICLOSING REMARKSCaLM O'MUIRCHEARTAIGHDean and ProfessorRECESSIONALThe recession will proceed to Hutchinson Courtyard for a post ceremony reception.All family, friends, and guests are welcome to attend.PUBLIC POLICY STUDENT ASSOCIATIONTEACHING AWARDSBest Teacher in a Core CourseKerwin Charles Best Teacher in a Non-Core CoursePaula WorthingtonHANSONG CAlLL.B., Fudan University, Shanghai, China, 2008A.M., University of Chicago, 20IOMEGAN ELIZABETH FERRIERA.B., McGill University, Montreal Quebec, Canada,I999jD., University of Toronto, Ontario, Canada, 2002KATARZYNA ANNA KASIARZA.B., University of Chicago, 2007A.M, ibid., 20IOPARHAM KHALILIS.B., University of Illinois at Chicago, 2004MD., University of Chicago, 20IO For the Degree ofMaster ofArts:CHRISTOPHER RAYMOND LAYTONA.B., Brigham Young University, 2004A.M., University of Iowa, 2006jD., University of Chicago, 2009DAVID RICHARD MORROWBiMus., Peabody Conservatory ofMusic, 2003A.B., John Hopkins University, 2003Ph.D., City University of New York, 2009RYAN MICHAEL O'LEARYA.B., Gustavus Adolphus College, St. Peter,Minnesota, 2003jD., William Mitchell College of Law, St. PaulMinnesota, 2006 JOSEPH ORNELAS IIIS.B., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,200IRAOUL KIERAN RUPARELA.B., University ofManchester, England, UnitedKingdom, 2008A.M., University of Chicago, 20IOSARAH S. SIDDIQUIA.B., University of Maryland at College Park, 200IS.B., ibid., 200IMB.A., Columbia University, New York City, NewYork,2004SAMANTHA ADDIE VORTHERMSA.B., University of Richmond, 2007A.M, University of Chicago, 20IOFor the Degree ofMaster of Science in the Irving B. Harris Graduate School ofPublic Policy Studiesand the Division of the Physical Sciences:JACOB JOHN EDIEA.B., Northwestern University, I996-WITH HONORSNADA JAMAL A. M. ABUISSAA.B., Boston University, 2008VlKASH AHUJAS.B., Lahore University ofManagement Sciences,Pakistan, 2006-WITH HONORSSAMANTHA LENARD AIGNERTREWORGYA.B., Smith College, 2004FELIPE ANDRES AJENJO MARTINEZA.B., Pontificia Unioersidad Cat6lica de Chile,Santiago, 2005KAI ANDERSEN-GUTERMANB.F.A., University of Oregon, 2002-WITH HONORSJOSIANE BECHARAA.B., American University of Beirut, Lebanon, 2007JAIME ANDRES BELLOLIO AVARIAA.B., Pontifica Unioersidad Catolica de Chile,Santiago, 2006-WITH HONORSCATHERINE LYNNE BENDOWITZA.B., University of Chicago, 2000ARIELLE CIVIA BERNSTEINA.B., University of Pennsylvania, 2003A.B., ibid., 2003BENJAMIN BOERS.B., Brown University, I996S.M, ibid., I998KAREINA LYNN BRAZENORA.B. University of California, San Diego, 2004-WITH HONORSSARAH CHRISTINE BRECHBILLA.B., Georgetown University, 2006S.M., Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana,2008DANIEL ALAN BRUNNERA.B., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,2008 KYLE GRACEYS.B., Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, 2006S.B., ibid, 2006-WITH HONORSFor the Degree ofMaster of Public Policy:SANDRA PAOLA BUITRAGOHERNANDEZA.B., Unioersidad de los Andes, Bogota, Colombia,2003S.M, ibid., 2007JOSE LUIS BUSTOS VILLEGASA.B., El Colegio de Mexico, Mexico City, 2007-WITH HONORSAUGUSTUS CADETTEA.B., McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario,Canada, I998MARIANA CALDERONA.B. DePaul University, Chicago, Illinois, 2006M.Ed., University of Nevada, Las Vegas, 2008CATHERINE O'CONNOR CHANDLERA.B., Wesleyan University, 2003ANDYCHUA.B., Dartmouth College, 2008QI CUILL.B., Beijing Foreign Studies University, China, 2008TAREQ M. S. DARWAZEHS.B., Marquette University, 2007HERBERT RODRIGUEZ DAVIDS.B., University of Santo Tomas, Manila, Philippines,2003RAFFAELE LIVIO DE MARCOA.B., Luiss University, Rome, Italy, 2004A.M, ibid., 2006STACY L. DENNERYA.B., Ursinus College, Collegeville, Pennsylvania, 2000GHAZAL DEZFULIA.B., Bowdoin College, 2008MICHAEL DONATO DIDOMENICOA.B., University of Colorado at Boulder, 2006YONATAN A. DORONA.B., SUNY State University College at Geneseo, 200490 BENJAMIN ROBERT KREISMANA.B., University of Denver, 2006MARTIN MARTINOFFS.M., Tehniteski Unioersitet Sofia, Bulgaria, 200ICYNTHIA ANN DUBOISA.B., Louisiana State University and Agricultural andMechanical College, 2007-WITH HONORSSALAMEH SULEIMAN FAKHOURIA.B., DePaul University, Chicago, Illinois, 2004MICHAEL MANNING FORDA.B., Earlham College, 2004ROBERT E. FORNACIARI. JR.S.B., University of Illinois at Chicago, I998S.M, ibid., I998S.B., Southern Illinois University-Carbondale, 2003ADAM DANIEL FREEMANA.B., Oberlin College, 2004JASON STUART FRIEDS.B., Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, 2008NATHAN CHARLES GROWA.B., University of Chicago, 2006LAUREN HARPERA.B., Scripps College, 2006A.M., University of Chicago, 20IOAPRIL ALEASE HARRISA.B., John Hopkins University, 2005CAROL ANN HENDRICKSONA.B., University of Notre Dame, 2008THOMAS WILSON HOBARTA.B., Kalamazoo College, 2006MELISSA MARTINE HOWARDA.B., University of California, Davis, 2005JESSICA DANIELLE HUFFA.B., University of Chicago, 2009DIEGO ALONSO ISASI RUIZ ELDREDGELic., Uniuersidad del Pacifico, Lima, Peru, 2002A.B., ibid., 2002MB.A., University of Chicago, 20IOPAVLYN JANKOVA.B., SUNY State University College at Purchase,New York, 2007JENNIE YEEHUI JIANGA.B., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,200IS.M., Northwestern University, 2006ALLISON METHEA JOSEPHA.B., Dartmouth College, 2000HEEGYUNJUNGA.B., Amherst College, 2008ALISON M. JUNKINA.B., Yale University, 200IELANA SARAH KAUFMANA.B., Brandeis University, 2006JUDY JOOHYANG KIMA.B., University of California, Berkeley, 2004ABIGAIL ELIZABETH KINGA.B., Colgate University, 2006CHRISTOPHER KRAHEA.B., Indiana University of Pennsylvania, 2007-WITH HONORSJONAH LOUIS KUSHNERA.B., Reed College, 2003DANIEL RYAN LARSONA.B., University of Chicago, 2009MELISSA REBECCA LOEBA.B., Washington University in St. Louis, 2008HIROTOSHI MAEHARAA.B., Keio University, Tokyo, japan, 2003MEHRAB MALEKA.B., University of Richmond, 2007ERIN MALMQUISTB.S.S., Ohio University, Athens, 2004RENEE LYNN MANUELS.B., New York University, 2005AMBER MERCIERA.B., University ofWiscomin-Madison, 2003EMILY KRISTINE METZA.B., Northwestern University, 2006ALLISON LEIGH MILLDA.B., Bowdoin College, 2004MEGAN DEAN MILLIKENA.B., Loyola University of Chicago, 2005EMILY CATHERINE SMITH MOHRA.B., Vanderbilt University, 2004MEGAN MELISSA MOOREA.B., Dickimon College, 2003RAVENN LYNESE MOOREA.B., Ohio State University, Columbus, 2002ELLEN N. MORETA.B., University of Colorado at Boulder, 2004ZIAD FARIS ELIAS MUASHERS.B., Georgetown University, 2002FAISAL ZAHIRUDDIN AHMEDA.B., Northwestern University, 2003A.M., ibid., 2003A.M:, University of Chicago, 2005DISSERTATION: The Perils of Unearned ForeignIncomeANJALI DHRUV OZAS.B., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2003A.M., University of Chicago, 2006DISSERTATION: The Economics of EmergencyContraception SARAH NOOR MUNSHIS.B., University of Texas at Austin, 2005GRIFFIN JAMES MURRAYA.B., Dartmouth College, I999M.B.A., University of Chicago, 20IOSOHAIROMARA.B., wz,stern Connecticut State University, 2007ARZU ONSALS.B., Orta Dogu Teknik Uniuersitesi; Ankara, Turkey,I999S.M., ibid, 2004ANA RENEE OPPENHEIMERS.B., New York University, 2008-WITH HONORSRAISA KATHRYN ORLEANSA.B., California State University, Fullerton, 2008SON JU PARKA.B., Catholic University of Korea, Seoul. SouthKorea, I999A.M., City University, London, England, UnitedKingdom, 2004KRISTIN ANNA PAULSONA.B., Pepperdine University, 2007·WITH HONORSELIZABETH ANN PEARSONA.B., University of Chicago, 2005JESSICA ANN POLOSA.B., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,2004A.B., ibid., 2004FASAI PONGPITAKSOPONA.B., Knox College, 2008ANDREW K. POSTA.B., University ofMichigan-Ann Arbor, 2007ELLEN HART RAMACHANDRANA.B., Grinnell College, 2004KELLY ANN REESEA.B., Ohio University, Athens, 2006PATRICIA RITTER BURGAS.M., University of Oxford, England, UnitedKingdom, 2003A.B., Universidad del Pacifico, Lima, Peru, I999·WITH HONORSALISON FAYE ROZEMAS.B., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,2008·WITH HONORSCOLLEEN O'REILLY SCHLECHTA.B., Duke University, 200IYOMEI SHAWA.B., Yale University, 2003ELIZABETH JOAN SHERMANS.B., Northwestern University, 2006For the Degree ofDoctor ofPhilosophy:ANASTASIA V. SHCHERBAKOVAA.B., Knox College, 2005DISSERTATION: Regulation of International EnergyMarkets: Economic Effects of Political ActionsNANCY CHRISTINE STAUDTA.B., Ohio State University, Columbus, I985JD., University ofMinnesota-Twin Cities, I989DISSERTATION: The judicial Power of the Purse:How Courts Fund National Defeme in Times ofCrisis91 PRAGYA SHRESTHAA.B., Randolph College, Lynchburg, Virginia, 2008SHEENA L. SMITHA.B., Washburn University of Topeka, 2007JENNY ZIJIA SONGS.B., Northwestern University, 2008KAREN ELIZABETH THAYERA.B., Boston College, 2005MARY BRIENNE TIERNEYA.B., LaSalle University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania,200IHUI-HSUAN TINGS.B., Smith College, 2006DAVID KELLY TORGERSONS.B., Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, DaytonaBeach, Florido, 200IBRAULIO TORRES BELTRANLic., Universidad de las Americas-Puebla, Cholula,Mexico, 2005DOUGLAS ALEXANDER UMANACARBALLOA.B., Escuela Superior de Economla y Negocios, LaLibertad, El Salvador, 2005·WITH HONORSBEAU THOMAS UNDERWOODA.B., Eureka College, 2006M.Div., University of Chicago, 20IOANDRES FELIPE URIBE MEDINAA.B., Unioersidad de los Andes, Bogota, Colombia,200IA.M., ibid, 2004·WITH HONORSANDREW THOMAS VAN DYCK DOBOSA.B., Michigan State University, 2005MIGUEL VERZBOLOVSKIS MIRQA.B., Columbia University, New York City, New York,2004ELIZABETH ANN VIVIRITOA.B., University of California, Berkeley, 2005PALLAVI VYASA.B., Sophia College for WOmen, Mumbai, India, I993A.M., University ofMumbai, India, I995A.M., Bowling Green State University, I997PAUL JOSEPH WHITE IVA.B., Boston College, 2007DAVID JOHN CULL WICKSTROMA.B., McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada,2007CHAD J. WILLIAMSA.B., Augustana College, Rock Island, Illinois, 2003AYAKA YASUGILL.B., Waseda University, Tokyo, japan, 2006YANYUANWUA.B., Fudan University, Shanghai, China, I999A.M., ibid., 200IM.P.A., Indiana University Bloomington, 2004DISSERTATION: The Economic wz,ll-being of theElderly and Public PolicyTHE SCHOOL OF SOCIAL SERVICE ADMINISTRATIONHOODING CEREMONYRockefeller Memorial ChapelFriday, June II, 20106:00 P.M ..PROCESSIONALThomas Weisflog, University OrganistRIGAUDON, Composed by Andre CampraWELCOMEJEANNE C. MARSHDean of the School of Social Service AdministrationINTRODUCTION OF VALERIE JARRETT AWARDFOR FACULTY MENTORSHIP & LEADERSHIPSYDNEY L. HANSSamuel Deutsch ProfessorREMARKSJEANNE C. MARSHDean of the School of Social Service AdministrationPRESENTATION OF STUDENT AWARDSKAREN S. TEIGISERDeputy Dean for CurriculumHOODING OF SPRING 2010 GRADUATESRead by: Michael Jogerst, Assistant Dean and Director of Career ServicesLinda Clum, Director ofAdmissionsFACULTY HOODERSYoonsun ChoiAssociate Professor Stanley G. McCrackenSenior Lecturer Tina L. RzepnickiDavid and Mary Winton Green ProfessorGina M. SamuelsAssistant Professor Charles M. PayneFrank P. Hixon Distinguished Service Professor Sydney L. HanSamuel Deutsch ProfessorRECESSIONALTOCCATA in F, Composed by Charles-Marie Widor92SSA DIPLOMA DISTRIBUTION AND RECEPTIONRICARDO AGUINAGA, JR.S.B., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,2004MARIAN CHINEDU AGUWAS.B., Michigan State University, 2007SAMANTHA LENARD AIGNERTREWORGYA.B., Smith College, 2004MPP, University of Chicago, 20IOANNE SCOTT ALEXANDERS.B., University of Tennessee at Knoxville, 2008CONSTANTINA STAVROULAALEXOPOULOSA.B., University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2003LINDSAY ALLENA.B., john Hopkins University, 2004ELLIE ANS.B., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,2006KAI ANDERSEN-GUTERMANB.F.A., University of Oregon, 2002M.PP, University of Chicago, 20IOLUCY R. ANDICHA.B., Northern Illinois University, 2006DIANE ALICE ANIOLOWSKIA.B., DePaul University, Chicago, Illinois, 200IJ.D., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,2005GABRIELA ARISMENDIA.B., University of Illinois at Chicago, 2004REYARROYOA.B., College ofSt Frances, joliet, Illinois, 2006ELIZABETH HELEN BACHHUBERA.B., University of Pennsylvania, I997ANGELA MARIE BAILEYA.B., Knox College, 2008JENNIFER EMILY BAKERA.B., University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, 2000KEVIN M. BAUERA.B., Northwestern University, 2005JEFFREY JASON BEARS.B., University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, 2000AMYJO BERKA.B., Oberlin College, I973MA. T., University of Chicago, I975CLIFFORD SIMON BERSAMlRAA.B., University Of Pennsylvania, 2003BAILEY COLLEEN BISCHOFFA.B., University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, 2008MEREDITH ANN BLACKMAN5.B., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,2007AMANDA LEE BOGDANSKIA.B., University of Pittsburgh-Pittsburgh Campus,2008DANIELLE PATRICE BOTTOS.B., Illinois State University, 2005AMANDA RENEE BOWERSA.B., Marquette University, 2008KRISTA MARIE BRADTA.B., Central College, Pella, Iowa, 2006MARY SIHLER BRANCHA.B., University at North Carolina at Chapel Hill,2005VALETA LATRICE BRANNONA.B., Purdue University, West Lafoyette, Indiana,2004MADELINE 1. BRIGELLA.B., University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2002CORY McFARLAND BROWN5.B., Colorado State University, 2004 immediately following 503rd ConvocationSaturday, June I2, 2010SSA - LibraryFor the Degree ofMaster ofArts:KATHERINE BYRNESA.B., Illinois Wesleyan University, 2007BERBELICHARY CARABALLOA.B., College of St. Elizabeth, Convent Station, Newjersey, 2006JULIANNE FRANCES CARRA.B., Southern Methodist University, 2006GENNY DENISE CASTILLO5.B., Berry College, 2008YI-JU CHENA.B., University ofMichigan-Ann Arbor, 2008LEAH MERCEDES COLMAN5.B., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,2008SHANTEL MITCHELL COOLEYA.B., Oklahoma Baptist University, 2005LORI JOANN COOMESS.B., University of New England, 2000FRANCES ELIZABETH CORRYA.B., McMaster Unuersity; Hamilton, Ontario,Canada, 2000MOLLY COSTANZOA.B., Loyola University of Chicago, 2005NATALIE CATHERINE COWELA.B., Indiana University Bloomington, 2006ASHLEY ELIZABETH CURETONA.B., DePaul University, Chicago, Illinois, 2008BENJAMIN DAVID DAVISA.B., Rutgers, The State Unuersity of New jersey, NewBrunswick, 2008KRISTEN MICHELLE DEBELLISA.B., Illinois State University, 2006SANDY FLORINDA DE LEONS.B., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,2004LEE DEL PRIORE5.B., Northern Illinois University, 2006MICHAEL JAMES DESCHAMPSA.B., Trinity College, Deerfield, Illinois, I986LISA MARIE DI LORENZOA.B., DePaul University, Chicago, Illinois, 2003KATIE JlREH DIFFAYA.B., University ofIllinois at Chicago, 2007RUTH DOMRZALSKIA.B., Colorado College, 2008STEPHANIE DENELL DOVEA.B., California State University, 200IA.M., University of California, Riverside, 2005DINA PANDORA DRANKUSA.B., Northwestern University, I9985.B., DeVry Institute of Technology, Chicago, Illinois,2002TARA HELEN EGAN-HARRISA.B., University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2004KATHERINE JOY ELLIOTTA.B., University ofArizona, 2005JORIE ANNE EPSTEINA.B., University of Chicago, 2008MARIA KARINA ESPARZAA.B., University of Chicago, 2004DENISE ALLISON FAIGAO5.B., Illinois State University, 2008ERNEST RONALD FERNANDEZ5.B., Loyola University of Chicago, 2004ELYSSA MICHELLE FINKA. B., University ofMichigan-Ann Arbor, 2008LYNN ROBINSON FINLEYA.B., Washington University in St. Louis, 2008CARRIE EMMA FOXA.B., College of William and Mary in Virginia, 200693 JULIE ELIZABETH GARFIELDA.B., George Washington University, 2005JOHN ANSON GARVER JR.A.B., Yale University, 2003LINDA GILKERSONS.B., University ofKansas, I969MEd., University of Missouri-Columbia, I970Ph.D., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,I978AMBER GLADNEYA.B., University ofMichigan-Ann Arbor, 200IBENJAMIN THOMAS GOLDBERGERA.B., Ohio State University, Columbus, I998JEMEAGOSOA.B., George Washington University, 2008TRESSA LONET GUNSTONEA.B., Trinity Western College, Langley, BritishColumbia, Canada, 2006CATHERINE ADELA HARRISS.B., University of North Alabama, 2005JENNIFER LEIGH HARRISA.B., Ohio State University, Columbus, 2008LAURA RACHEL HAUPTMANA.B., Texas Lutheran College, 2007C. JASMINE HElMA.B., Pomona College, 2008ALLISON BROOKE HOLLANDERA.B., University ofMichigan-Ann Arbor, 2006LAURA KATHERINE HOLLINGSWORTHA.B., Calvin College, 2008SARAH MARIE HUMPALA.B., Guilford College, 2003ANNE ELIZABETH HUNTZICKERA.B., University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, 2004AYESHA HURRYA.B., University of Chicago, 2007TIFFANY CAMILLE HUTCHINSA.B., University of North Carolina at Greensboro,2006NADEEN ISRAEL5.B., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,2005RAMYA B. lYERA.B., DePaul University, Chicago, Illinois, 2006ARTANESHA LAMEA JACKSONA.B., University of California, Berkeley, 2006JESSICA VICTORIA JACOBYA.B., Illinois Wesleyan University, 2008KYLE JOSEPH JANKOWSKIA.B., University ofMichigan-Flint, 2006KLINTONG J. JARAMILLOA.B., Rutgers, The State University of New jersey, NewBrunswick, 2008NICOLE ANN KEENA.B., Spring Arbor College, 2003VANESSA KELLA.B., Beloit College, 2008AMY LEE KIENOWA.B., Augustana College, Sioux Falls, South Dakota,2008ERICKA KILBURN5.B., Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, 2008EMILY KLAUDERA.B., Indiana University Bloomington, 2007TIMOTHY R. KLEINS.B., Ithaca College, 2006NADINE MARIE KLINEB.S., Milwaukee School ofEngee ring, 2006ERICA LOUISE KOEGLERA.B., Eastern Illinois University, 2004SARA ELIZABETH KOEHLERA.B., Loyola University of Chicago, 2007EDITH BARRINEAU KORTMANA.B., Auburn University Main Campus, 2007KAROLINA KOWALCZYKS.B., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,2007QUINCEY FITZGERALD KYLESS.B., Georgia Institute of Technology. 2003NICOLE ANN LASKYS.B., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,2008ADIANA B. LEBR6NA.B., Columbia College, Chicago, Illinois, 2003SAMUEL SEWON LEES.B., University ofWiscomin-Madison, 200IKADY LAUREN LEIBOVITZS.B., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,2008ALAN MARTIN LEVINA.B., Yale University. I97IJD., University of Chicago, I974MARA HOLLAND LINDSAYA.B., Boston College, 2000S.M, Northwestern University. 2002CAITLIN E. LYNCHS.B., University of Connecticut, 2007KATHLEEN ELIZABETH MADLA.B., Catholic University ofAmerica, 2004KELLIE RENAE MAGNUSONA.B., Nebraska Wesleyan University. 200IRHAPSODY FEARN MASONA.B., University of Vermont, 2005AMALIA CHRISTINE MAYERS.B., University ofArizona, 2008KATHLEEN AGATHA McDERMOTTA.B., University of Georgia, 2004BENJAMIN MARK McKAYA.B., fohns Hopkins University, 2004GAYLE TERESA McMENAMYA.B., Quincey College, 2004MANDI LEE MEDEIROSA.B., Colorado College, 2007VASILYA MENDYBAEVAA.B., University ofMichigan-Ann Arbor, 2008ALEXANDRA KATHRYN MIDGLEYA.B., Sarah Lawrence College, 2006ERIN CARLEY MIDTLYNGA.B. Grinnell College, 2004JESSICA MIKRUTS.B., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,2008MARY CATHERINE MIROA.B., Marquette University. 2008AMZIEMOOREA.B., Hampton University. I999ANNA JACQUELINE MORMOLSTEINB.EA., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,2006ROWENA MUDIAPPAA.B., University of Illinois at Chicago, 2008MEGHANN M. MULHERINA.B., Mount Holyoke College, 200ISUNITHA NARAYANANA.B., Bangalore University. India, I993SUZANNE NICOLE NATHANA.B., Portland State University, Oregon, 2005HUONG THI NGOC NGUYENB.Econ., Foreign Trade University. Hanoi, Vietnam,2000A.M., University of Nebraska at Omaha, 2002A.M, University of Chicago, 2006DISSERTATION: From Vanguards of Revolution toVanguards of Consumption: Discourse aboutAdolescence in Vietnam (I975-2005) TODD M. NELSONA.B., DePaul University. Chicago, Illinois, 2007MARITZA PANIAGUAA.B., Saint Xavier University. 2007ANDREA KENYA PARKERA.B., University of District of Columbia- Van NessCampus, 2007JENNIFER LAUREN PAULLA.B., University ofMissouri-Columbia, 2004NINA ANGEL PERALESA.B., University of Chicago, 200ITHUMYPHANA.B., University of California, Los Angeles, 2006MARGARET STATON QUINNS.B., Vanderbilt University. 2006ELIZABETH RAMOSA.B., University of California, San Diego, 2006DINA MAHMOUD REHABA.B., University of Illinois at Chicago, 2002BETHANY DAHLEN RELYEAA.B., University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2004STEPHANIE M. RENNOS.B., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,2008SARAH ANNE RHOMBERGA.B., Marquette University. 2005DAWN RENAE ROBINSONA.B., University ofMichigan-Dearborn, 2006OSIRIS DEL CARMEN ROJASA.B., University of South Florida, 2004CHASTITY L. ROLLINGA.B., University ofMichigan-Ann Arbor, 2007RACHEL ROMANS.B., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,2005KATHRYN OLIVIA ROONEYA.B. Colby College, 2006ALEJANDRA ROSA.B.; University of Notre Dame, 2006BETSY ELAINE RUBINSTEINA.B., Washington State University in St. Louis, 2008AMY BIGGS SCHLUETERA.B., University ofMichigan-Ann Arbor, 2005MARGARET CATHERINE SCHULTZA.B., University ofWiscomin-Madison, 2007AARON DAVID SCHWARTZA.B., Sarah Lawrence College, 2003ARIEL BETH SCHWARTZS.B., Northwestern University, 2005JESSICA NITIN SHAHA.B., Purdue University. West Lafoyette, Indiana, 2008CHRISTIE BERNDETTE SHARPA.B., George Washington University. 2005STEPHANIE ANNE SIDEMANA.B., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,2004ERICA SIEGELA.B., Swarthmore College, 2005LAKEISHA SIMSA.B., University of Illinois at Chicago, 2007CINDY CAROLINA SOLORZANOA.B., University of California, Santa Barbara, 2008HERIBERTO SOTOS.B., DePaul University. Chicago, Illinois, 2003CAITLIN RAE PETERSON SPIESA.B., Macalester College, 2002For the Degree ofDoctor ofPhilosophy:GINGER LYNN STOKERS.B., Arizona State University. I998A.M., University ofArizona, 200IA.M., University of Chicago, 2006DISSERTATION: Closing the Gap betweenEducational Aspirations and Outcomes: IsAdvanced Placement W) the Amwer?94 ASHLEY STAECKS.B., University ofWiscomin-Madison, 2007SARAH ABIGAIL STEINBACKS.B., University of Florida, 2007BRETT STITH EMS.B., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,2002EMILY RUTH STOLARICKA.B., Muhlenberg College, 2005A.B., Rio Salado College, 2007LATASHA RENEE STRICKLINA.B., Chicago State University. 2008JENNIFER DELANEY STROBELA.B., University of Notre Dame, 2006CHRISTINE ANNE SULLIVANS.B., Indiana University Bloomington, 2003MARGARET ANNE SZABOA.B., Boston College, 2008SUHAD FALAH TABAHIA.B., Northeastern Illinois University. 2008KRISTIN MARILYN TALCOTTA.B., Dartmouth College, 2004MICHELLE M. TANA.B., University of Illinois at Chicago, 2003JOANNA ZHENYAN TANGA.B., National University of Singapore, Singapore,2006REBECCA ELISE HANFORD TENZERA.B., DePauw University. Greencastle, Indiana, 2002M.A. T., Domincan University. 2007SARA CATHERINE TORELLIA.B., Mount Holyoke College, 2005VERONICA ANGELI QUE TRIMBLES.B., Chicago State University. 2005ALEXIS LEWIS TROCKIA.B., Mount Holyoke College, 2005GREGORY JOSEPH VAN HYFTEA.B., University of Redlands, I999A.M, University of Chicago, 2002CARRIE RAE VASQUEZA.B., Smith College, 2004URSULA CATHERINE WAGNERA.B., University of California, Berkeley, 2002SARAH RUTH WAITES.B., Northwestern University 2003CLYDE ANDREW WALTER IVA.B., Augustana College, Rock Island, Illinois, 2008SARA WAN-HUEY WANGS.B., Northwestern University. 2008SAMANTHA JEAN WEISHANA.B., University ofMinnesota-Twin Cities, 2008KATHERINE MARGARET WHEELERA.B., wake Forest University. 2007LAUREN MICHELLE WILDERA.B., University ofMichigan-Ann Arbor, 2006JENICE M. WILLIAMSS.B., Illinois State University, I998MICHAEL RAY WILLIAMSA.B., University of Chicago, 2004CARRIE WILLIAMS-GEORGEA.B., Northeastern Illinois University. 2008MICHAEL SEAN WODEA.B., University of Dayton, 2008DANIELLE WORTHYA.B., wake Forest University. 2002THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGOThe University of Chicago was founded in 1890 byJohn D. Rockefeller, biblical scholar William RaineyHarper, and Chicago-area Baptists. The University'sArticles of Incorporation commit the institutionto excellence in both undergraduate and graduateeducation, an explicit policy of co-education, and anatmosphere of non-sectarianism.Harper agreed to become the first president of theUniversity on the condition that he be allowedto establish a university that would be unlike anyother. He conceived of a university that wouldemphasize the creation of new knowledge and"make the work of investigation primary." To thisend, the University has always been dedicated toexcellence in research and has sought the mostdistinguished scholars for its faculty.Over the years, the University and its faculty havehad a major impact on American higher education.Faculty scholarship has shaped several essentialdisciplines and established important and distinctive"Chicago schools" in such disparate fields aseconomics, evolutionary biology, sociology, literarycriticism, anthropology, and law and economics.More than eighty Nobel laureates have beenmembers of the faculty, researchers, or students at theUniversity. Programmatic innovations originating atthe University include the invention of the fourquarter system, the establishment of a coherentprogram of general education for undergraduates,the initiation of a full-time medical school teachingfaculty, and the development of extension courses andprograms in the liberal arts for adults. The University includes an undergraduate College,the William B. and Catherine V. Graham School ofGeneral Studies, four graduate divisions (BiologicalSciences, Humanities, Physical Sciences, and SocialSciences), six graduate professional schools (DivinitySchool, Law School, Pritzker School of Medicine,Irving B. Harris Graduate School of Public PolicyStudies, School of Social Service Administration,and the University of Chicago Booth School ofBusiness), and a diverse collection of academicsupport units and resources, including libraries,research institutes, clinics, museums, theaters, anda university press. The University has more than2,200 faculty and other academic personnel, andan enrollment of over 15,000 students. The 2IIacre campus is located along the Midway Plaisancein Hyde Park, a residential community on LakeMichigan south of Chicago's Loop.The University's English Collegiate Gothic buildings,built of gray Indiana limestone, were designed toframe shady, green quadrangles. Contemporarycampus buildings have been designed in keepingwith the original Gothic theme while drawingfrom the tradition of great modern architecture forwhich the city of Chicago is famous. Eero Saarinenand Ludwig Mies van der Rohe designed strikingbuildings for the Law School and the School ofSocial Service Administration. The National Trustfor Historic Preservation praised the University forits insistence on architectural continuity over "acentury of social and academic change."On July 1,2006, Robert J. Zimmer became theUniversity's thirteenth president.95ACADEMIC DRESSThe robes worn by participants in academicceremonies originated when European universitieswere being formed in the twelfth and thirteenthcenturies. Since many of the instructors came fromreligious orders and taught in unheated and draftybuildings, they adapted their religious robes for useas the university attire.The long robe with an attached cape or hoodbecame the standard and variation in the costumeindicated the rank of the person wearing it. Theywere worn every day and served to distinguishscholars and their students from other citizens. Theapparel worn by university faculty that is seen inold engravings is remarkably similar to that which isworn today. The gown is a symbol of the democracyof scholarship since it covers any clothing indicatingother rank or status. While everyday fashions havechanged, universities retained the earlier style forformal attire to be worn by students, graduates,faculty, and university officials on ceremonialoccasions.European universities each developed their ownstyles and colors of academic dress, and some of thedifferences seen in the academic procession todayillustrate that variety. In the United States, however,an intercollegiate congress in 1895 agreed on a singlestandard for academic dress in this country thathas been adopted by most American colleges anduniversities. Individuals with bachelor's degrees wear a black gown, which has long pointed sleeves.The gown of master's degree holders is also black,with sleeves that are squared at the end. Doctor'sgowns are fuller with velvet facings down the frontand three bars on the generous bell-shaped sleeves.While the usual color is black, within the past halfcentury some American universities have adoptedgowns of a color appropriate for each school; at theUniversity of Chicago our doctoral gown is maroon.The cape of the earliest academic costumes hasbecome a hood, worn, by individuals with doctoraldegrees, over the shoulders and hanging behind.The lining of the hood is folded out and its colorsindicate the school from which the wearer obtainedhis or her degree. The velvet border designatesthe degree area of study (white for arts, yellow forscience, blue for philosophy, green for medicine,purple for law, and red for divinity). University ofChicago honorary degree recipients receive a hoodwith a white facing (doctor of humane letters),purple (doctor of laws), or yellow (doctor ofscience).The cap has its own traditions. The first right of afreed Roman slave was the privilege of wearing acap, so the academic cap is the sign of the freedomof scholarship. Although the flat square cap ormortarboard is most usual, Chicago's doctoral cap isan octagonal tam of velvet.THE MARSHAL AND THE STUDENT MARSHALSThe office of Marshal of the University wasestablished in 1895 to assist with the conduct ofofficial ceremonies. Until 1903 the Marshal was anundergraduate upperclassman, assisted by otherundergraduate upperclassmen and by membersof the faculty. Since 1903 the Marshal has been amember of the faculty, assisted by other membersof the faculty and by undergraduate upperclassmen.The Marshal, Vice-Marshal, and Assistant Marshalsof the University of Chicago wear maroon doctor'sTed CohenRachel FultonHerman L. SinaikoPeter "WhiteSara Alexis Levine AbarbanelChristopher Clauson BootsSamuel Arthur CasperCameron Jay ErensNicholas James GellerTsion F. GurmuEric Daniel JaffeChristopher Patrick LaubacherAndrew Patrick McLeodAviva R. RosmanAnya ThetfordPeter Brown WilsonHarrison AdamsHannah Chang AlpertJohn Robert BinderMichael John CarwileDaniel Philip CheretteElweya Ann ElgamalJacqueline Hannah GurevitchChristina S. HuKhalid Walid KhayrAlice I-Jung LeeSean Alexander MirskiJames Michael MurphyEmily Claire PramikChristina Mary SchwartzMaurice Werter TrevorAlison Ingrid WeberHanZhu robes with alternating black velvet and gold metallicbars on the sleeves. Prior to receiving their bachelor'sdegrees, Student Marshals wear maroon bachelor'srobes with maroon mortarboards. When receivingtheir degrees, they wear black mortarboards.Student Marshals are appointed by the Presidentof the University in recognition of their excellentscholarship and leadership. Appointment as a StudentMarshal is the highest honor conferred by theUniversity upon undergraduate students.MARSHALCatherine C. BaumannVI CE- MARS HALDavid LaRue CrabbASSISTANT MARSHALSAndrew DavisRichard H. HelmholzRonald A. Thisted HelmaDikJohn R. SchuermanChristina von NolckenSTUDENT MARSHALSJane BabiarzTimothy Aaron BoutelleAntonia Josephine CliffordMaxwell A. FalkowitzClaire Joy GillBenjamin Thorman HalbigJiWonKimJoshua Benjamin LeavittJessica Joy MothsBenjamin Cohen RossiHallie Causey TraugerJi-SookYim 2009-20IORoderick Gary BakerLuis Zogby BrennanBiljana DrocaBenjamin Andrew FieldChloe Bess GoldmanJessica Leigh HesterMarshall B. KnudsonWilliam Edward LeebTracy Ann MumfordStephen David SaltarelliBenjamin David UmansLiliana Zaragoza2 OIO-2OIIOluwaseyi A. AdesopeJeremy Cunningham Bancroft BrownStephen Kahn BonnettMoira Casados CassidyZuka Joy Chuka-ObahBerkman Woodbridge FrankEric Robert HanssSravan KannanEllis Young-Eun KimMiles C. LubinPrakriti MishraNicole Leslie NeubarthLeah Margaret Gazzo ReismanNaiara Florencia TestaiRongWanRoss Thomas WeijerGeorge Michael Ziegler97 Martin E. FederMichael SilversteinLinda J. WaiteHannah Judith BirnbaumSarah Hamilton CarlLaura Ann EberlyHilary Potash FruitmanNathalie Michelle GormanDebora S. HuIlana Michelle KowarskiAmulya MandavaRicardo Renato RiveraJulia May SheffieldNalika Urvishi VasudevanTengren ZhangAnna Victoria AlekseyevaJonathon Simon BaronMichal CarnyMolly Katherine CavanaughSally Fama CochraneJennifer Diane GiffordMallory Ka'ulawena HeeJuliette Lucille KeeleyAlexandra Marie KruegerChris Edward MendezBenjamin Jacob Morris-LevensonNicholas Ryan NunezEmily Escher RushRohan ThadaniChristine Siqi WangKelly Marie WolenbergMUSICIANSTHE MILLAR BRASS ENSEMBLEMatt Lee, DirectorKari Lee, TrumpetMatt Lee, Trumpet and Piccolo TrumpetRob Hoffhines, TromboneJohn McAllister, Bass TromboneSOPRANOChristine Buras, section leaderCatherine Fireman, vice presidentMoriah Grooms, publicity chairJacqueline GurevitchHannah McGintyRishi LillyKristen ReidSarah Staudt, president TENORNathan Chan, section leaderMichael McGovernSam ScarrowJulius Stein-SupanichTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MOTET CHOIRJames Kallembach, ConductorALTOAnya Thetford, section leaderKatharine BierceSara CordermanHannah GordonRhochelle Krawetz, social chairAriana NedelmanDami ObaroAnna TenutaJessica Zhang BASSEthan Jerzak, section leaderMarc AugerAdam BocheSamuel BrandtAaron GanzBen HornSteven LauterwasserGabe ValleyTHE ALMA MATER(Please stand)Members of the University ChoirJames Kallembach, ConductorText: Edwin H. Lewis, Ph.D., 1894��2 J IJ. Jl J J IJ J J J I r'To - day we glad - ly sing the praise of her Music: Eustasio Rosales and Mack Evansr Jwhose daugh- ters and whose sons Now�� r.'\r Jl J J Ii , J J IJ. V J J Ii � J Jloy al voi - ces proud - ly raise to bless her with our be - ni - sons. Of�� J. l J J IJ :0 J J IJ. )1 J J IJ. -0 J Jall fair mo - thers fair - est she, most wise of all that wis - est be, most�� fJ I� I� r.'\J. )1 �. I� � �. JSI I J. III rtrue of all the true say we, is our dear AI- rna Ma ter.99Mixed SourcesProduct group from well-managedforests, controlled sources andrecycled wood or fiberwww.fsc.orgCertno.BV-COC-08091901996ForestStewardshipCouncii