THlE UNIlVlERSI Y Of CHIlCAGQII FOUNDED BY JOHN D. ROCKEFELLERTheFour Hundred Twenty-sixthTheSPRINGFIRST SESSIONCELEBRATING THE CENTENNIAL YEARJune TwelfthA.D. Nineteen Hundred Ninety-twoROCKEFELLER MEMO IAL CHAPELCONTENTSPRAYER 3CONVOCATION ADDRESS 3ANTHEM 4AWARD OF HONORS 4CONFERRING OF ACADEMIC DEGREES 4The Divinity SchoolMaster if Arts 31Master if Divinity 34Doctor if Ministry 34Doctor if Philosophy 39The Law SchoolDoctor if Law 34Master if Laws 38Doctor ifJurisprudence 38The Irving B. Harris Graduate School of Public Policy StudiesMaster if Arts 31Doctor if Philosophy 39The School of Social Service AdministrationMaster if Arts 32Doctor if Philosophy 40CONFERRING OF HONORARY DEGREES 5ALMA MATER 9BENEDICTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 9Please refrain from applause until the President leads the audiencein acknowledging the awarding of degrees after her remarks.Photographs may be taken in the Chapel only after the recessional.1ORDER Of EXERCnSESFor the Conferring oj DegreesTen o'clockHANNA H. GRAY, President of the University, PresidingTHE CONVOCATION PROCESSIONPROCESSIONAL - Canzon noni toni(The Congregation remains standing until after the prayer) Giovanni GabrielliThe Marshal and the Student MarshalsThe Candidates for DegreesThe Faculties of the UniversityThe Trustees and Officers of the UniversityThe Dean of Rockefeller Memorial ChapelThe Convocation SpeakersThe Candidates for Honorary DegreesThe Provost of the UniversityThe President of the UniversityTHE PRAYERTHE REVEREND BERNARD 0. BROWNDean of Rockefeller Memorial ChapelTHE CONVOCATION ADDRESS((ONLY IN CHICAGO"DAVID M. BEVINGTONPhyllis Fay Horton Professor in the Humanities, Professor, Department of English Language& Literature, Committee on Comparative Studies in Literature, and the College3THE ANTHEMDie mit Tranen saen Johan Hermann ScheinThe Rockefeller Memorial Chapel Choir and OrganDie mit Tranen saen werden mit Freuden ernten.Sie gehen hin und weinen, und tragen edlen Samen,Und kommen mit Freuden, und bringen ihre Garben.THE AWARD OF HONORSTHE CONFERRING OF ACADEMIC DEGREESCandidates for Degrees will be presented in alphabetical order by degrees in thefollowing academic units. Please withhold applause until all candidates have beenpresented.In the Divinity School by Dean W Clark GilpinIn the Law School by Dean Geoffrey R. StoneIn the Irving B. Harris Graduate School of Public Policy Studies by Professor Robert].WillisIn the School of Social Service Administration by Dean Jeanne C. Marsh4THE CONFERRING OF HONORARY DEGREESThe candidates will be announced by Edward 0. Laumann, Provost of the Universityand George Herbert Mead Professor, Department of Sociology.For the Degree of Doctor of Laws:JOHN H. BAKERProfessor of Law and Fellow of St. Catharine's College,University of CambridgeJohn H. Baker, Professor of Law and Fellow of St. Catharine's College, University ofCambridge, is today the pre-eminent historian of the English common law. Author ofmany learned articles and more than a dozen books, he has both shed new light on oldthemes and opened new vistas of understanding on the paths of legal development.Professor Baker's outstanding contributions to legal history have grown out of hisdiscovery and meticulous exploration of manuscript sources. He has shown how vastand rich a store of untapped material exists, and he has used that store to establish thesteps by which the common law emerged from its medieval heritage during thesixteenth and seventeenth century. His works on the history of the bar, the development of private law doctrines, and the nature of early legal education have fundamentally changed long accepted positions. The energy and patience involved in thisresearch, together with the mastery of many different and difficult areas of the law, aredifficult to praise sufficiently. They have enlarged and changed the ways in whichcommon law lawyers understand the history of their profession.John H. Baker is the Literary Director of the Selden Society, the principal scholarlysociety devoted to the history of English law. As Literary Director, in his manybibliographic works, and through personal contact, he has unselfishly put his knowledge at the disposal of other scholars. What he has accomplished in his own writingsshows that scholarly pre-eminence is not incompatible with unselfishness.The candidate will be presented by R. H. Helmholz, Ruth Wyatt Rosenson Professor, LawSchool.CITATIONThrough meticulous scholarship on the sources of the English common law, he hasenriched our understanding of legal development. He has brought new light to oncedark corners of the past; he has challenged and changed long accepted assumptionsabout the history of the legal profession; and he has opened many new doors toknowledge for other scholars. His prolific and path-breaking scholarship has put allwho seek to understand the history of our law greatly in his debt.5For the Degree of Doctor of Humane Letters:CAROLINE WALKER BYNUMMorris and Alma Schapiro Professor of HistoryColumbia UniversityCaroline Walker Bynum, the Morris and Alma Schapiro Professor of History atColumbia University, was educated at Radcliffe College, the University of Michigan,and Harvard University, where she received her Ph.D. in 1969. Caroline Bynum'sscholarship uniquely combines detailed mastery of a particular field of study (thereligious history of the European Middle Ages) with methodological insights that arebroadly applicable not only to the history of Christianity across the centuries but also tocomparative studies of many religious traditions. She is one of the few authors writingon Christian materials whose work is read just as avidly by those who work in otherreligions.Professor Bynum's essays and books on medieval religion have received the Berkshire Prize from the Berkshire Conference of Women Historians, the Schaff Prize of theAmerican Society of Church History, and the Nelson Prize of the Renaissance Societyof America. She has been elected a Fellow of the Medieval Academy of America, and in1986 the MacArthur Foundation named her one of its Fellows.What is especially interesting about the way in which Caroline Bynum has carriedout her scholarly program is the deftness with which she has avoided being too easilycaught in any particular disciplinary straightjacket. Reading her major works, such asJesus as Mother: Studies in the Spirituality of the High Middle Ages and Holy Feast and HolyFast: The Religious Significance of Food to Medieval U-0men, is an exemplary exercise inhow a powerfully original mind can use a variety of insights from diverse disciplinesanthropology, sociology, feminist studies, intellectual history-to craft not a newdiscipline but a new way of seeing that experts from many disciplines have found bothprovocative and productive.6The candidate will be presented by Bernard McGinn, Professor of Historical Theology, DivinitySchool.CITATIONWhose detailed mastery of the sources together with the striking originality of herperspective and conclusions have revised past stereotypes about the nature of MedievalChristianity, especially as it affected women. Her inventive inquiry has placed her inthe forefront of current scholarship in the history of Christianity and also provided aninternationally influential model of the study of religion for scholars investigatingreligious traditions from various disciplines.For the Degree of Doctor of Laws,'MARY ANN GLENDON, A.B., 1959;JD., 1961; M.C.L., 1963Professor of LawHarvard UniversityMary Ann Glendon, Professor of Law at Harvard University, was educated entirelyat the University of Chicago. She began her path-breaking work in comparative lawunder the tutelage of the renowned Professor Max Rheinstein. Since beginning herlegal academic career twenty-four years ago, she has risen to distinction in the field ofcomparative law, in particular the law of the family and family property.No area of the law, and no aspect of society, has changed more dramatically duringthe past thirty years than that of family law. With mastery of numerous foreign legalsystems, including those of Canada, England, France, Germany, and Ireland, she hasdiscerned broader relationships among the seemingly disparate topics of marriageformation and dissolution, the parent-child relationship, employment contracts, andabortion regulation. Supplementing the methodology of comparative law with theinsights offered from history, sociology, and anthropology, she has explored the veryfabric of social organization: when is individualism desirable, or defensible; when mustgovernment accept broader social responsibility; how have different societies grappledwith the difficult problem of defining the roles of men and women.At the peak of her career, Mary Ann Glendon is recognized the world over as aleading scholar of comparative law. Her appointment as a chief editor of the International Encyclopedia of Comparative Law underscores how the value of her work transcendsthe particular areas of law on which it is based. She personifies the standards ofacademic excellence and achievement for which the University of Chicago stands.The candidate will be presented by Diane P. Wood, Harold J and Marion E Green Professor ofInternational Legal Studies and Associate Dean, Law School.CITATIONWhose path-breaking work on the law of the family and family property in westernsocieties has fundamentally changed our understanding of the complex relationshipbetween the respective realms of the state and private life. Her creative and innovativeinsights on the linkage between family law and employment regulation have openednew vistas for the next generation oflegal scholars. Her courageous study of abortionlaw in the western world offers the hope of a consensual solution to this mostcontentious problem. Comparative law, in her hands, has taken us beyond the insularand molecular and shown us how common solutions can emerge from the rich diversityof human experience.7GORDON TULLOCK,jD., 1947Karl Eller Professor of Economics and Political ScienceUniversity of ArizonaGordon Tullock, the Karl Eller Professor of Economics and Political Science at theUniversity of Arizona, received a law degree from the University of Chicago in 1947.Although Professor Tullock does not possess a graduate degree in economics, he iswidely regarded as one of the pioneers in developing the discipline of public choice.Public choice uses the tools of economics to study questions that are traditionallyinvestigated in political science. Gordon Tullock's book The Calculus of Consent, coauthored with James Buchanan in 1962, is the first systematic application of microeconomics and the principle of individual utility maximization to understanding thelogical foundations of constitutional democracy. The book applies economics to suchquestions as the structure of constitutions, the effect of voting rules on politicalchoices, and the organization of legislatures.Professor Tullock is also credited with other significant contributions in the field ofpublic choice. His book The Politics of Bureaucracy published in 1965 rests on thehypothesis that bureaucrats pursue their own self interests rather than the "publicinterest" in carrying out government policies. Thus, the outcome oflaws and regulation are likely to differ greatly from their stated purpose as a result of the self-interestedbehavior of those in charge of administering these laws and regulations. A measure ofthe influence of his work is that his view of bureaucratic behavior is now the standardway that scholars view bureaucracy. A final measure of his contribution to the field ofpublic choice is that Tullock was one of the founders of the Public Choice Society in1963 and editor of its journal, Public Choice, for over 25 years. Professor Tullock was anextraordinarily aggressive and energetic editor who suggested numerous researchtopics to young scholars and actively encouraged their work.He is also one of the pioneers in the discipline of economic analysis of law, whichapplies economics to such diverse areas of law as property, contracts, torts, criminallaw, and legal procedure. His book The Logic of Law (1971) was the first book-lengtheffort to apply economics in a systematic way to a wide range of problems that manylawyers believed to be outside the province of economics.Gordon Tullock has been an enormously productive and original scholar in severalfields. His range of scholarship is truly extraordinary. He is the author of more than 250publications. It is fitting that the University of Chicago award an honorary degree toone of the Law School's most distinguished alumni.8The candidate will be presented by William M. Landes, Clifton R. Musser Professor ofEconomics, Law School.CITATIONWhose pioneering contributions in the fields of economics, law, and political science areresponsible for establishing the fields of public choice and economic analysis oflaw asacademic disciplines. His extraordinary and wide-ranging scholarship has greatlyenriched our understanding of the structure of constitutions, the effect of voting ruleson political choices, the organization oflegislatures, the behavior of bureaucracies , andthe economic logic of law.THE ALMA MATERToday we gladly sing the praiseOf her whose daughters and whose sonsNow loyal voices proudly raiseTo bless her with our benisons.Of all fair mothers, fairest she,Most wise of all the wisest be,Most true of all the true, say we,Is our dear Alma Mater.-E. H. LEWIS, PH.D., 1894THE BENEDICTIONTHE RECESSIONALSymphonie Number 1 Louis Vierne(The Congregation remains standing through the Alma Mater, the Benediction, and the Recessional)9Mauricio Javier AcebeySunil Jeram AdvaniVidhu AggarwalCraig Morrow AlbrightLara Lynn AlshabkhounIoannis AntoniadesMehmed Said ArmutcuogluMark Edwin ArndtMichael Patrick ArneyMazin Mohammed As-SanieSusannah Robin AxelrodMargaret R. BarnetteAnne Judith BarthelJohn Stewart BarwickRobert Philip BaryshKris Aaron BeckAnne W BeckerBarton Carl BeebeLorin X. BenedictMatthew Paul BenoitAndrew Hans BlomKenneth Arthur BloomStacey Michelle BosshardtSean Anderson BowlesRichard Arthur BoydMichael James BoyersSusannah Bard BradleyJohn Michael BrendelDon Howard BreslauerWilliam Samuel Merrill BrickmanThomas William Briggs, Jr.Daniel Edward Von BrighoffElizabeth Kay BrooksMargery Y BrownMichael Bennett BruckKirsten R. BrumleyChristian Tor BrunMichael Edward BucknerFaith Elaine BugelStephen Donald Bugman, Jr.Brett James BuicanKimberly Anne BurkePeter John BurkeChristopher Thomas BurtHyunjoo Laura ByunGeorge Patrick CahillRosanne Elizabeth CampbellRuby Ann Judea C. CarlosRobert Arthur CarlsonTiffanie Noelle CasonNeal David CawiMelissa A. ChadwickJessica Yi-Ju ChenWayne Wei-Jen ChenPo chen ChengMarcello CherchiAbraham Joshua ChernilaSanjay Kishin ChhablaniJulia A. ChoiSoon-Young ChoiColleen B. ChonLeah Mikele ChristensenLaurie Anne ChristiansonSteven Christopher ChudikDutch D. ChungRobert Edward ClarkAndreia ClayElizabeth Rachel ClewettGina Marie CockingJonathan David CohenMartin A. ColemanJames Henry CorcoranChristopher Lawrence CostelloJonathan Gregory CoulesGeoffrey Arthur CoulterJames David CoyerMichelle Ann CraftonBrian Padraic CurridImelda DaconesMarcus Philip DahmsAlison Rew DarnellAdam]. DavidsonBrett Raymond DavisScott Edward DavisA yelle Adele DayanAnn Marie DealLeela Ann de SouzaSilvia Leticia Del ToroChristopher Street DendyTimothy John DenisonNicole Jarnagin Deqtvaal Awarded General Honors with the Bachelor's Degree:Sonal DesaiScott John DiedeAlec P. DinwoodieThomas William DooleyArielle EckstutBenjamin Crawford EdmondsSean E. EdnerMark Andrew EdstromGretchen EisenachGarrett Bligh EislerJuliana Ibanga EkongShannon Michelle EmbreyJason Luke EngeriserPaul Joseph EricksonKenneth Esson, Jr.Keren MacKinnon FalingKate B. FeldmanMeredith Rachel FeltusKathryn Kerr FennNino Harold FernandezSusan Esther FinkWilliiam Conrad FischerAnne Christine FlueckigerDaniel Patrick ForbesJennifer Michelle FossJoseph John FraneckiLisa Marie FriedmanBernard Ives FulghamEdward Lewis FunkRebecca Sarah GallagherMegan Candace GarveyAaron Robert GelbErika R. GeorgeAaron Sebastian GilesJennifer E. GoldbergEric James GormanJayne Ellen GreenburgSusan Elizabeth GreenebaumRobert Phillip GreenspoonThomas Bengal HafnerMeg Melissa HainerPeter Gregory HallenbergJonathan Louis HalpernBen H. HanRichard S. HanPatricia Janet HannKathleen HanviriyapuntChristina Lynn HardwayClare Anne HartMichael H. HartJames Barrett HeatonKristin Maria HeimDienne R. HiserLucretia Man Man HoSamuel A. HolcombeDavid Bruce HollanderAnne Elizabeth HollisterAndrea Camille HonigsblumTara Maureen Caroline HornellYing Hsien HuangEric W HudsonClayton Jeffrey HuestisChristopher HumberWayne S. HwangMichael George IdinopulosDeborah Jane IsraelSteven Valentino IvankovichJohn Anthony Jane, Jr.David S. JantzenPatricia Ann JasaitisLaural Shiu- Yah JinMaria Leonor Gonzales JisonLana Elaine JohnsonDana M. JonesEmily Elizabeth KadensGeorge Socrates KapotasJanice Michelle KarinSandra Adeodata KeifertJohn Hamilton KellyKevin David KellyAasma Azhar KhanMemuna Zareen KhanNoor-Aiman Iftikhar KhanSafia KhanMerle Khoo- EllisJamie Allen KiefferAndrew Hokyum KimDennis H. KimMichael Young KimPeter Young KimSang- Wook Kim William Won Shik KimSharon Ann KinekeTina Lynn KlawinskiGregory Adam KnightLeah Lynn KochJonathan Hyatt KochaviDarren Michael KocsKevin Marshall KohartKent Anthony KonkolCarlos Wilhelm KortenMatthew]. KourakisDavid Andrew KovarMatthew Jacob KrapfMathew Scott KrauseDavid Aaron KruegerJanice Lynn KuglerHeather Lee LabadotShafali LalMary Jillian LamotteVictoria Ann LanglandBryn Kristin LarsenTuri Ann LarsonDennis Youngpyo LeeNathan Sumner LeflerEmily LeishDavid Nathan LevyShira Batya LewinElizabeth Amy LiebmanFrederick B. LimPeter Chuan- Yi LinJennifer Mary ListerJames LuCatherine A. E. MacCormackLaurie A. MackJeanine R. MagillSally Lynne MaishJason Anthony MarinoPatrick Bartlett MarshallSuzannah Hasbrouck MartinLoren Adele MayorAnnette]. McCordMichael McDermottNikolaus Renz McFarlandRobert Allen McLaughlinPeter A. McNamara IIISteven Scott McPhersonBlake Colin MeyersWendy Sue MeyersWilliam Jason MichelCialin Mills-OstwaldJames K yung- Wook MinAndy]. MinnMarisa MitchellColin Thomas MoriartyIan Hugh MorrisonJustin Louis MortaraDaniel R. MosherSharon MotzkinDoris Lee MullerJu NamkungMichael David NewirthEdward Yiu�Ying NgSue Jong NohSiang Peng OhSoomin OmMary Trang OngEric OrsicRidzwan Bin OthmanBenjamin Daniel OwenAbraham A. PalmerBenjamin D. PancieraTara Anne PanellaNicholas James PappasYong II ParkMargaret Mary PasulkaAndrew B. PayneLisa Cristine PellegriniHolly Wen-Ho PengEric Samuel PerlsteinAaron Jeffrey PietruszkaCynthia Jane PineoJennifer Rachel PleasureJessica Ruth PoserMichael Scott PostRenee Lee PotterDaryl Grayson PressJohn Pukas IIIManya Janaky RamanJoshua Cooper RamoKate RedmondTonya Joy Reedy10 David Robert ReichmanSharon Leah ReynoldsTeresa Susan RhimMichael Angelo RiceAlfonso Pedro RiveraTzvi RobbinsRonald Stephen Rock, Jr.Adam Samuel RodPaul Charles Rohr, Jr.Prancesca T RohrFrances Amaliah RosenfeldAllegra Jill RossottiIrena RoyzmanSuzanne D. RyanRobert Anthony SadowskiHani 1. SaltiPedro Antonio SanchezChristopher Thomas ScanlanAndrew John SchaeferMartha Elizabeth SchoolmanMichael Ian SchorSolan Bernhard SchwabEric William SchwarzeSook Hyun SeoManish N. ShahSamira ShahChristopher Robert SherwoodLorena Louh- Wen ShihSean Michael ShoreKatharine Anne SieckRachael Ann SimonoffJonathan David SmallDonald Andrew SmithPaul SocolowKristin Edith SpaldingJeanette Marie SperhacJulie Ann SpohnCassandra SpurlockJenifer Lee StenforsHeather Kay StettlerBrett C. StevensJesse Robert StoneThibault Christian StrackeJerome Christopher Studer, Jr.Ram Mohan SubramanianJudith SunderlandAnna M. TaruschioScott Kenneth TaylorLeslie E. S. TeoVandana ThadaniJayanthi TharimalaHilary Aurora TindleJohn Richard TiptonKaren Ann TokosJennifer Anne TomczukFrancine N goc Anh TonWilliam Everett Turner IIMeghan Katherine TwomeyJoanne R. UnderwoodMark Lynn UnruhJennifer Marie UtrataKerry Lynn UzendoskiVaidas UzgirisSteven Carl ValerioNatalie Rose Vander VorstAaron Robert VarholaTimothy William VeenstraNathaniel Rogelio VelardeJohn Wilson Verb skyDonald S. WakelingSeth Ethan WeingramJennifer Elizabeth WenskaNicholas Adrian WidnellTara R. WilliamsMichael Lawrence WilsonSusannah WolfAlexander Carlos WolfeLinda Lucetta WolfendenYu WongMark A. WrightCarol Ho-I WuCarolyn Anh YackelJung A. YoonKenneth C. YuenDavidK. YumNatanya Ma-rie ZehnleAndrea Patricia ZemgulysShara R. ZollLeah Zonis -_ :Meryl Suzanne Beatrice Zwanger '\ �Members elected to Beta if Illinois Chapter if Phi Beta Kappa on nomination if theUniversity for especial distinction in general scholarship in the University:1992 GRADUATES ELECTED IN THEIR FOURTH YEARMichael Patrick ArneyMargaret R. BarnetteAnne Judith BarthelKenneth Arthur BloomSusannah Bard BradleyKirsten R. BrumleyStephen Donald Bugman, Jr.Hyunjoo Laura ByunSanjay Kishin ChhablaniSteven Christopher ChudikRobert Edward ClarkElizabeth Rachel ClewettAlison Rew DarnellSonal DesaiLeela Ann de SouzaAlec P. DinwoodieJuliana Ibanga EkongPaul Joseph EricksonAnne Christine FlueckigerChristina Lynn HardwayMichael H. HartLucretia Man Man HoAnne Elizabeth HollisterAndrea Camille HonigsblumRonald James Howard Christopher Eric HumberMichael George IdinopulosEmily Elizabeth KadensNoor-Aiman Iftikhar KhanGregory Adam KnightLeah Lynn KochDarren Michael KocsDavid Aaron KruegerHeather Lee LabadotShafali LalNathan Sumner LeflerDavid Nathan LevyLoren Adele MayorAnnette J. McCordBlake Colin MeyersWendy Sue MeyersAndy J. MinnJustin Louis MortaraEric OrsicNicholas James PappasMargaret Mary PasulkaAndrew B. PayneAaron Jeffrey PietruszkaMichael Scott Post1992 GRADUATES ELECTED IN THEIR THIRD YEARNicole Jarnagin DeqtvaalScott John DiedeJennifer Michelle Foss Eric W HudsonDana M. JonesDavid Robert Reichman1993 GRADUATES ELECTED IN THEIR THIRD YEARPatricia Linda ChengKathryn Blair CoopermanLisa Michelle DiamondRebecca Elisabeth Morss Justin NuccioDavid Jonathan PollackAmanda Ethel Quester Manya Janaky RamanKate RedmondFrances Amaliah RosenfeldIrena RoyzmanSuzanne D. RyanHani I. SaltiChristopher Thomas ScanlanSolan Bernhard SchwabManish N. ShahSean Michael ShoreJonathan David SmallDonald Andrew SmithKristin Edith SpaldingCassandra SpurlockBrett C. StevensRam Mohan SubramanianJudith SunderlandLeslie E. S. TeoNathaniel Rogelio VelardeSeth Ethan WeingramMichael Lawrence WilsonYu WongNatanya Marie ZehnleAndrea Patricia ZemgulysShira Batya LewinSiang Peng OhBenjamin Daniel OwenThomas Warren ScanlonAnne Erin TuttleDebra Anne SteigerwaltMembers elected to the Society if the Sigma Xi on nomination if the Departments if Sciencefor evidence if ability in research work in Science:Alan S. AmentChi-Kin ChanTsung-Mei Chin Thomas F. ColtonSusmitha P. KolliAnthony G. Montag Daniel B. RukstalisPeter o. VandervoortAssociate members elected to the Society if the Sigma Xi on nomination if the Departments ifScience for evidence if ability in research work in Science:Michael Patrick ArneyJennifer Catherine AstSarang Bhasker BamanKenneth Arthur BloomLaurie Anne ChristiansonMarta Lu DykhuizenThomas William EvansJessica Lunaas Feinleib Aaron Sebastian GilesThomas Bengal HafnerMark Anthony HarrastJonathan Hyatt KochaviMatthew J. KourakisLuisa Fernanda MadroneroEmin MaltepeNikolaus Renz McFarland11 Blake Colin MeyersWendy Sue MeyersJames K yung- Wook MinAlfonso Pedro RiveraBrett C. StevensKerry Lynn UzendoskiMaribeth May WertBruce TungRandall ViolaPeter WallskogJeffrey Y urkofskyJonathan ZaroffSeniors in the Pritzker School if Medicine elected to Beta if Illinois Chapter if AlphaOmega Alpha for excellence in the work if the School:Vincent DeGeareCheryl FongBernard GburekRichard GundermanRaymond JohnsonHsin-Yi Lee David LiebowitzDarin MillerWilliam NelsonRobert ReplogleNancy RosensteinDonald ScottMembers elected to Gamma if Illinois Chapter, Beta Gamma Sigma, on nomination if theGraduate School if Business for scholarship and accomplishment in studies in BusinessAdministration:Colleen Marie AmbroseChristopher Paul AneyBecky ArnosPeter W AugustiniJoseph]. AverkampJohn Sungho BaiMohan V. BalaKaushik BanerjeeNancy Po chis BankDavid Jonathan BarrettBernard Ladislas BotJeffrey E. BurgardDavid Curran BurrusDarrell James BurtJames Campbell ButlerDaniel Landon CullumLori Therese De CiccoDal David DeWolfKelley Rhoads DrakeStephen M. DuFourJohn Andrew ElliottPeter J. W ElstromWilliam T EnglandHelene Carmody EnrightDebra Lynn FerruzziRajiv B. GokhaleJames Barnum GregoryRobert Mark GriswoldStephen C. HarrisJames Joseph Harvey Scott Joseph HausmanRuprecht HellauerJames E. HohmannDaniel Holliday Hoskins, Jr.Lilah L. HoueyeJulie A. HubbardMichael Christian JenningsDaniel Joel KinzlerLloyd George KirchnerLouis A. Kolssak IIIRochelle Naomi KoppThomas Michael KrasnewichJeffrey K. LarsenScot William LewisFred C. MasonHugh Colin Stephen McLeanWilliam Louis McLeod, Jr.Gillian Violet MeekingsAsheet MehtaRobert Allen MohnViola S. MongKen MoriGregory Thomas MountHasan Basri MutluMichael T O'ConnorJohn Patrick O'ShaughnessyDouglas T OginoJohn Roland PeirceDavid Wayne PennerDaniel Thomas Pyne Ronald Clifford RichardsKenneth A. RingwoodBrian]. RobertsonWilliam T RossMichael Scott RotterHoracio Daniel RozanskiCarl Joseph Schack, Jr.John Jay SchillingAndres Gabriel SchimmelAndreas]. SchwillingJames Brian ScullyDavid Alan SockelScott Blair SteeleKenneth Robert StephensAdam N. M. SticpewichDaniel Canty SullivanEric T. SunAngela Jean TeskaAntony Norman ThompsonJames Alan TuchlerEdward George TuttleYasufumi UtsumiDonald C. Van Pelt, Jr.Kamesh G. VenugopalTadas Edmund ViskantaJohanna Gezina VosEvita VulgarisDeven WaghaniRandy Jon ZinkeStuart L. ZussmanMembers if the Senior class if the Law School elected to the Order if the Coiffor excellencein the work if the School:Richard Evan AdermanDouglas Wallace AndersonTracy Victoria BareCeliza Patricia BragancaDarlene CostaSean Hoe Donahue Steven P. FinizioNathan Andrew ForresterHarold Kent GreenfieldGeoffrey Lloyd HarrisonElli LeibensteinJames Edward Murray12 Robert Garrett NewkirkSusan Lynn PacholskiNancy Rene SelbstKatharine Baird SilbaughRobin Morrison SteansTodd M. StennesThe Academy of American Poets Prize, to an undergraduate for the best poem or group ofpoems, is awarded toMichael David Newirth POEMS: "Waiting for Susan," "The FirstNight (What They Know)," "Preparing to be Drunk," "LovelessRoad," "Resolutions Made At theDrug Film"The Florence James Adams Prizes, for excellence in artistic reading, are awarded toRebecca M. Chung, FirstMichael P. Gotch, Second Kirsten Wonder Albrecht, ThirdKelly A. Slater, FourthThe Roy D. Albert Memorial Prize in Anthropology, to honor a student in theDepartment of Anthropology for outstanding work in the field of Anthropology, isawarded toAnne Lorimer PAPER: ''A Century of Progress: The RitualProduction of Prosperity Throughthe 1933 Chicago World's Fair"The American Medical UOmen's Association Awards, to women medical students forscholastic achievement, are made toMelissa CavaghanCheryl FongShara Kronmal Hsin-Yi LeeDana LindsayNancy Rosenstein Helayne ShermanPatrice ThibodeauPeggy TongThe J Kyle Anderson Award, to the outstanding Senior baseball player, is made toCary L. FletcherThe Association for Academic Surgery Student Research Award, to a Senior medicalstudent for the most meritorious research and demonstrated academic surgical skills inboth research and outstanding performance in clinical Surgery services, is made toSunanda SinghThe Edith Ballwebber Prizes, awarded by the UOmen's Advisory Boardfor Athletics andthe Department of Physical Education and Athletics to women athletes who havecontributed significantly to the varsity sport, are awarded toClass of 1992Class of 1992Class of 1993Class of 1994Class of 1995 Kimberly Anne BurkeEboni Corin HowardJennifer M. WrightNina WasyliwVicki M. WittmanThe Asilee Gary Banks Prize, to an upperclassman in Henderson House for significantcontributions to the life of the House, is awarded toAndrew B. PayneThe Ann Barber Outstanding Service Award, for the third-year student who has madeexceptional contributions to the quality of life at the Law School, is made toTheresa Ellen Cudahy13The Anna M. and George N. Barnard Memorial Prize in American History, to the bestSenior student majoring in United States History, is awarded toAndrew John Schaefer PAPER: "The Death of an Alternate American Reality: Cairo, Illinois Duringthe Civil War"The Baroque Studies Prize, to a student in the Department ofArtfor an outstanding essay,is awarded toM. Julee Brown ESSAY: "Pseudo-Dionysian Cosmology andthe Propaganda Paintings of Philippede �ham paigne"The Joseph Henry Beale Prizes, for outstanding work in the first-year legal research andwriting program, are awarded toKent David BressieDerek Morgan Bush Ward FarnsworthArthur F. Hickock Eric M. SchweikerTimothy J. SimeoneThe Wilbur Beauchamp Memorial Fund Prize, to an outstanding student in the area ofScience Education in the Department of Education, is awarded toAmy J. HackenbergThe Sonia G. Berz Honors Award, to a graduating Master's degree student in the Schoolof Social Service Administration for outstanding work, with special considerationgiven to one who shows great future promise in the field of services to the elderly, ismade toAlene Ruth McIntyreThe Millard Pierce Binyon Memorial Prizes,for distinction in humanistic pursuits in theCollege community, are awarded toJeremy Freeman William Jason Michel Joanne R. UnderwoodThe Uilyne C. Booth Graduate Student Prizes for Excellence in Teaching, to graduatestudents who make outstanding contributions to instructional programs in the College,are awarded toCatherine V. HowardDepartment if AnthropologySean-Xavier NeathCommittee on Human Nutrition andNutritional Biology David TobackDepartment if PhysicsGeert Van CleemputCommittee on Ancient Mediterranean WOrldThe T Kimball Brooker Prizes, to foster the love of the book and to encourage the classicaspect ofbook collecting among Senior and Sophomore undergraduates, are awarded toHeather Kay StettlerSenior COLLECTION: History of Paleoanthropology and ArcheologyBenjamin D. WienerSophomore COLLECTION: Media and Mass Culture/Works of Don DeLilloThe George Hay Brown Marketing Prize, to the marketing student in the GraduateSchool of Business with the most outstanding academic record, is awarded toBarbara Anne ByersThe D. Francis Bustin Prizes, for outstanding student comments published in theUniversity of Chicago Law Review or the University of Chicago LegalForum, are awarded toDale Allen Carpenter II Robert Allan Katz Ruth Frances Masters14The Joseph A. Capps Award, to a Senior Medical student for outstanding proficiency inclinical medicine, is made toDarin MillerThe Paul R. Cohen Memorial Prize, to the graduating Senior who has achieved thehighest academic record in the field of Mathematics, is awarded toRonald James HowardThe Committee on Human Nutrition and Nutritional Biology Award, to a graduatestudent for outstanding performance in the general field, is made toLaura HoffmanThe Committee on Neurobiology Award, to a Senior medical student for outstandingperformance in the general field, is made toKathleen CullenThe Ronald S. Crane Award, for distinction in scholarly writing on literary questions, ismade toDaniel J. Zimmerman ESSAY: "Living With Death: Form and Content of Das Lied von der Erde, I"The Cross Prize, to a graduate student in Chemistry for excellence in research, teaching,and departmental citizenship, is awarded toJohn F. MitchellThe Dean's Awards for Distinction, to the graduating students of the Graduate School ofBusiness who have made outstanding contributions to the quality of student life, aremade toClaiborne Brogden BookerBrigid BurkeShlomo Y CrandusH. Mark DelmanSharon Lynn Martin DelmanAndrienne Diane ElsnerTwanya L. HoodLinda Vivienne Levinson Karen Kathleen LynchLeslie Jenell ManookianVictoria Catherine PieperJessica Helene RobbinsDina M. RoussetTodd William TillemansJoyce Carole WongThe Department of Anesthesia Prize,jor outstanding performancefrom a student enteringthe field, is awarded toRenata VariakojisThe Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Award, to a graduate student foroutstanding performance in the general field, is made toWarren SandbergThe Department of Ecology & Evolution Award, to a graduate student for outstandingperformance in the general field, is made toSusan DudleyThe Department of Internal Medicine Prize, for outstanding potential in teaching,research, and clinical medicine, is awarded toWilliam Nelson15The Department of Molecular Genetics and Cell Biology Award, to a graduate studentforoutstanding performance in the general field, is made toCatherine AtchesonThe Department of Neurology Award,Jor outstanding performance in the genera I field, ismade toMichael DieperinkThe Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Science Award, to a Senior medicalstudent for outstanding performance in the general_field, is made toSharath RajaThe Department of Pathology Award, to a Senior medical student for outstandingperformance in the general field, is made toVincent DeGeareSteven Mutchnik PAPER: "Penile Duplex Sonography in theScreening Evaluation of Vasculogenic Impotence"The Department of Pediatrics Award, given for the most meritorious research involvingchildren or Developmental Biology, is made toDaniel MikolThe Department of Psychiatry Prize,Jor outstanding capabilities as a student entering thefield, is awarded toShara KronmalThe Department of Surgery Award, for outstanding performance in the general field, ismade toChristian SchmidtThe Catherine Dobson Prize, to a Senior medical student for the best oral presentation ofresearch done by a non-Ph.D. student, is awarded toThe Manuel H. Donchin Memorial Prize, to a female student who has demonstrated acommitment to act as mentor to other female students and professionals, is awarded toAdrienne Diane ElsnerThe Isaiah S. Dorfman Prize, for outstanding work in Labor Law, is awarded toSean Hoe DonahueThe Gertrude Dudley Medal, to the Senior Female Athlete who has contributedsignificantly in both leadership and performance to the H0men's Athletic Program, ispresented toJennifer Catherine AstThe Elsie E Filippi Memorial Prizes in Poetry, to students in the College whodemonstrate distinction in poetic composition or in the study of poetry, areawarded toAlexa L. Olesen, FirstAlexander Kostellow Morrill, SecondIrene Frances Gallagher, Third POEM: "Wrestling"POEM: "Neopolitan Villanelle"POEM: "Botticelli's Birth"16The John Billings Fiske Poetry Prize,jor an original poem or cycle ofpoems, is awardedtoRebecca L. Feldman POEM: "Water Poems, 'My Song ofMyself"The Marc Perry Galler Prizesjor Student Research, to students in the Divisions and theDivinity School whose dissertations are judged as the most distinguished pieces ofscholarship in a given year, are awarded toBIOLOGICAL SCIENCESRobert James Vassar(Department oj Molecular Genetics &Cell Biology, Winter, 1992) DISSERTATION: "Transgenic Mice ProvideNew Insights Into Causes ofHuman Genetic SkinDiseases"HUMANITIESLeah Rutchick(Department oj Art, Summer, 1991)Kevin Michael Gilmartin(Department oj English Language & Literature,Summer, 1991) DISSERTATION: "Sculpture Programs in theMoissac Cloister: Benedictine Culture, Memory Systems, and LiturgicalPerformance"DISSERTATION: "Their Nature Contradiction: Hunt, Cobbett, Hazlitt, and the Literature of Independent Opposition"PHYSICAL SCIENCESEric Davis Gyllenhaal(Department oj Geophysical Sciences,Spring, 1991) DISSERTATION: "How Accurately CanPaleo-Precipitation and Paleoclimatic Change Be Interpreted from SubaerialDisconformi ties?"SOCIAL SCIENCESChinhui Juhn(Department ojEconomics, Summer, 1991)In-Jin Yoon(Department oj Sociology, Autumn, 1991) DISSERTATION: "Decline of Male LaborMarket Participation: TheRole of Declining MarketOpportunities"DISSERTATION: "Self-Employment in Business: Chinese-, Japanese-,Korean-American, Blacks,and Whites"Laurie Louise Patton(Summer, 1991) DIVINITY SCHOOLDISSERTATION: "The Work of Languageand the Vedic If.$I: TheBrhaddevata As Canoni-cal Commentary"The Harry Ginsburg Memorial Prizes, to students in the Department of Physiology jorindustry, sincerity, and ability, are awarded toLeora B. BaumgartenKathleen CullenHeinrich]. G. Matthies DISSERTATION: "The Role ofCa+2 Channelsand Ca+2 Pools in BradyKinin-Stimulated Changesin Intracellular Ca+2 in Human Fibroblasts"DISSERTATION: "Neural Mechanism Mediating Voluntary Control ofthe Vestibulo-occularReflex"DISSERTATION: "Regulation of Neurotransmitter Release"17The Goethe Prize, to a College studentforexcellence in the study if Germanic Languagesand Literatures, is awarded toElizabeth R. WillisThe Harold E. Goettler Political Institutions Prize, to an undergraduate student for·anessay that clearly and significantly relates to the origin, development, structure, orfunctioning if political institutions, is awarded toDaniel P. Forbes ESSAY: "The Right of Access Reconsidered:Freedom of the Press and PublicDebate"The Lawrence and Josephine Graves Memorial Lectureship Awards, to Lecturers inMathematics who by the Spring Quarter if the fourth year if lectureship have anoutstanding cumulative record if effective and responsible teaching, are made to:Jan L. Cheah Alan J. RocheThe Catherine Ham Awardfor Good Academic Citizenship, presented to a student in theDivision if the Humanities who contributes to the quality if life in the Division, ismade toIlse Marie Anna MuellerThe Walter L. Hass Most valuable Football Player Award, to the varsity football playerwho has made the most significant contribution to the team effort as voted by histeammates, is made toSteven Christopher ChudikThe John G. Hawthorne Prize in Classical Studies, to the graduating Senior with the bestrecord if achievement in classical languages, literatures, or civilizations, is awarded toCatherine A. E. MacCormackThe Edward M. t7ed") Haydon Medal, to the varsity track athlete scoring the greatestnumber if points during the season, is presented toNeal David CawiThe Cathy Heifetz Memorial Award, to a student in the Department if Music whoseassociations as a member if this community have been singularly marked by a spirit ifcaring and helpfulness, is made toEmma E. ArmstrongThe Perry S. Herst Prizes, to students in the College who have combined excellence in thepursuit if studies with a profound sense if social responsibility, are awarded toMargaret R. Barnette Anne W BeckerThe Hinton Moot Court Competition Awards, to the winners if the 1991-92 competitionin brief writing and oral argument, are made toRobert Richard Gasaway Amy Beth ManningThe Dean if Students' Qffice and the Alumni Association honor these Seniors bypresenting them with Howell Murray - Alumni Association Awards.Julia Meredith AngwinSteven Christopher ChudikChristopher LawrenceCostelloPaul Joseph Erickson Anne Christine FlueckigerEdward Lewis FunkEmily Elizabeth KadensShafali Lal William Jason MichelShirley Yun-I PaoHani I. SaltiSusannah Wolf18The Leon 0. Jacobson Prize, to the Seniorfor the best presentation at the Senior ScientificSession in an area if the basic biological sciences, is awarded toWilliam Nelson PAPER: "The Effects ofHeptanol on CardiacSodium Current"The Milo P. Jewett Prizes, to students in the Divinity School who submitted the bestpapers translating, interpreting, or applying the Holy Scriptures to a contemporarysituation, are awarded toShannon L. Burkes ESSAY: "Covenant or Wisdom? The OraclesAgainst the Nations in Amos1:3-2:16"Eliza beth R. Haueter ESSAY: "The Ironist as Prophet: Towards aReconsideration of the Genre of theDiscourse of the Historical Amos"The Earl S. and Esther Johnson Prize, to a student in the Master if Arts Program whosepaper best combines high scholarly achievement with concern for humanistic aspirations and the practical applications if the Social Sciences, is awarded toEric D. OrtThe Emile Karafiol Prize, for the best Bachelor's essay in European and InternationalHistory, is awarded toFrances Amaliah Rosenfeld PAPER: "Working-class Education and theMaternal State in VictorianEngland"The Patricia R. Kirby Multi-Sport Athlete Award, to the Senior female who earned thegreatest number if Major ((C" Awards, is made toKimberly Anne BurkeThe Dr. Harold Lamport Biomedical Research Awards, for the best dissertation InBiomedical Research, are made toDavid Liebowitz Robert James VassarThe Martin C. and Margaret M. Lee Prizes, to honor the best overall performances on thecore examination and on the money preliminary examination by students in theDepartment if Economics, are awarded toTack Yun Money and Banking PreliminaryExaminationHuang He Money Core ExaminationThe Lemmon Pharmaceutical Company Student Award, in recognition if outstandingperformance in the field if Obstetrics and Gynecology, is made toCheryl FongThe Solomon 0. Lichter Memorial Prize, to a graduating Master's degree student in theSchool if Social Service Administration for scholarship and projessional leadership, isawarded toKimberly L. LitzenbergThe Karl Llewellyn Memorial Cup, for excellence in brief writing and oral argument, isawarded toEvelyn Lisa Becker Geoffrey Lloyd Harrison19The Perrin J Lowrey Prize, to an undergraduate student for a work of original literature,is awarded toRyan C. Larrenaga STORY: "Nest of Yellow Ribbons"The Steven Lukes Memorial Prize, to a Senior medical student for excellence in the fieldsof both Internal Medicine and Neurology, is awarded toDavid MikolBrenda S. BartonKeith M. Garza Daniel Wayne LevinThe Edwin E Mandel Awards, to the graduates who have contributed most to the LawSchool's clinical education program, are made toBenjamin D. Wiener ESSAY: "Reading the Texts of Abolition: Oppositions, Situations, and RationalesWritten for 'Form, Problem, Event'"The Oscar G. and Elsa S. Mayer Prize,for academic excellence in the M.B.A. programof the Graduate School of Business, is awarded toGregory Thomas MountThe David Blair McLaughlin Prize, to a student in the College for an essay showingspecial skill and sense ofform in the writing of English prose, is awarded toThe Franklin McLean Medical Student Research Award, to a Senior who has performedthe most meritorious research, is made toHerodotus EllinasThe Medical Alumni Prize, to a Senior for the best oral presentation of research done inmedical school given at the Senior Scientific Session, is awarded toDaniel Mikol PAPER: "The Oligodendrocyte-Myelin Glycoprotein: A Novel Glycoprotein ofOligodendrocytes and Central Nervous System Myelin"The Olga and Paul Menn Foundation Prizes, for original literary or musical works, areawarded toMichael David N ewirth POEM: "The Chocolate Birds"Christopher Street Dendy POEM: "Kin"The Franz and Gertrude Meyer Prizes, for best performances on the Master's Examination in Mathematics, are awarded toSUMMER, 1991Thomas J. HainesGregory W Howell Christopher J. MonsourHaralampos TamvakisThe Herbert J and Marian L. Morris Memorial Prize, to a candidatefor a degree who is adistinguished leader through service to the University in a field of exceptionalendeavor, is awarded toWilliam Jason Michel20The Jane Morton and Henry C. Murphy Awards, presented quarterly to those studentswho have worked to improve significantly the quality of University life, are made toSPRING, 1991Nilofer AhsanEdward J. DesjardinsJudy C. KwonAUTUMN, 1991Adam M. AlonsoAnne Elizabeth HollisterWINTER, 1992Lothian Hamilton Marisa MitchellRachael Ann SimonoffJoel StembridgeKatherine M. MenendezChristopher Thomas ScanlanSarah E. WieheThe Most valuable Player (MVP), in a men's sport, is elected by his teammates on thefollowing criteria: skill, leadership, sportsmanship, and contribution to the teamBaseball- Scott Allen KenagyBasketball- Matthew Jacob KrapfCross Country-Kevin C. RobbinsFencing-Craig Albright Soccer-Matthew Christopher AyersSwimming-Felix G. PoggemannTennis - Marc H. LernerTrack and Field-Neal David CawiThe Most valuable Player (MVP) in each women's sport is elected by her teammates onthe following criteria: skill, leadership, sportsmanship, and contribution to the teamBasketball- Catherine C. FitzgeraldCross Country- Rowena R. GoshienSoccer-Jennifer Catherine AstSoftball- Katherine J. Odman Swimming-Sarah E. RiceTennis-Srirama Priya BharathiTrack and Field - Pilar Elena PereyraVolleyball-Jennifer HallThe Thomas R. Mulroy Prizes, for excellence in appellate advocacy, are awarded toEvelyn Lisa Becker** Marcel Charles Duhamel Kenneth Eng-Kong LeeSteven Paul Blonder Paul Richard Garcia Amy Beth Manning*Jason Paul Cronic Robert Richard Gasaway* Molly Elizabeth McFarlaneSusan M. Cullina Geoffrey Lloyd Harrison** Brian Terrell Robinson*with highest distinction **with high distinctionThe Mary Jean Mulvaney Scholar Athlete Award, to the Senior athlete with the highestupperclass grade point average, is made toLara Lynn AlshabkhounThe Ruth Murray Memorial Prizes,for the best graduate and undergraduate essays in theareas ofwomen's studies,feminist criticism, or gender studies written by students, areawarded toKate AbramsonGraduate ESSAY: "The Symbolic, Practical Politics ofthe Milan Women's BookstoreCollective"Kristin Edith SpaldingUndergraduate ESSAY: "Beloved: A Postmodern Myth ofAutonomy"The National Council for Geographic Education's and the Association of AmericanGeographer's Award for Excellence of Scholarship, is made toJohn Hamilton KellyThe Theodore Lee Neff Prize, for excellence in the study of French Language andLiterature, is awarded toNino Harold FernandezThe Elizabeth R. Norton Prize, for excellence in research in Chemistry, is awarded toTsung-Mei Chin21The Noyes-Cutter Greek Prize) for the best paper on some phase of a common dialectGreek) is awarded toDonald Dale Walker PAPER: Translation of Philodemis, "On theGood King According to Homer"The john M. Olin Prize) to the outstanding graduate in Law and Economics) is awardedtoDonna Marie MausThe Physical Sciences Teaching Prizes) to graduate students in the Physical SciencesDivision in recognition of exceptional teaching of undergraduates) are awarded toRobert James HindeDepartment if ChemistrySuhithi Mahesica PeirisDepartment if Chemistry Jeffrey David SensabaughDepartment if ChemistryThe Casper Platt Award) for the outstanding paper written by a student in the LawSchool) is made toTom Winston BellThe President's Awards for Student Volunteer Service) to students in the Universityfordedication to the community and commitment to the welfare of others) are made toAdam M. AlonsoMichelle Elizabeth MelinKatherine M. Menendez Daniel J. ZimmermanHonorable MentionThe john Tim Prohaska Awards) for outstanding potential in teaching) research) andclinical medicine) are made toSteven Mutchnik William NelsonThe Sheila Putzel Prize) to a Senior in the College who demonstrates exceptional promiseas a future practicing physician) is awarded toDavid Aaron KruegerThe Richard W Reilly Award) to a Senior medical student for outstanding aptitude in thefield of Gastroenterology, is made toScott YenThe Center for Research in Security Prices Award) for Excellence in Finance) is made toDavid Jonathan BarrettThe joseph Gray Rhind Awards) to advanced Divinity School students in ministry studieswhose excellence in academic and professional training gives notable promise of asignificant contribution to the life of the Church) are made toAndrew Richard Laue Kieren Maris O'KellyThe Susan Colver Rosenberger Prize.for constructive and original research in the DivintySchool) is awarded toCharles Robert Elder(Spring, 1991) DISSERTATION: "Psychoanalysis, Grammar,And the Limits of Critique:An Inquiry into the Conceptual Foundations of FreudianTheory"22The Sandoz Pharmaceutical Award, to a Senior for outstanding extracurricular accomplishments duringfour years in medical school, is made toJulius FewThe Mary Roberts Scott Memorial Prize, to a woman medical student for academicexcellence, is awarded toNancy RosensteinThe Lillian Gertrude Selz Prize, to the Freshman woman who completed herfirst year'swork in the College with the highest academic standing, is awarded toKirsten A. KingfieldThe Sigma Xi Prizes for Excellence in Science, to Seniors who have demonstratedoutstanding achievement, are awarded toKenneth Arthur BloomNikolaus Renz McFarlandWendy Sue Meyers PAPER: ''A Measurement of the Drell- VanDifferential Cross Section in pp Collisions at Vs= 1.8 TeV and ProtonStructure Functions at Low x"PAPER: ''An Examination of the Possible Coexistence of GABA in Spinally Projecting Noradrenergic Neurons inthe Brainstem of the Rat"PAPER: "Fertility in Female Drosophilamelanogaster Heterozygous for Pericentric Inversions"The Bernard Smaller Prize in Magnetic Resonance, to an advanced undergraduatestudent for research contributions, is awarded toLisheng CaiThe john Rogers Snowday Memorial Prize, for an original work in the field <if literarycriticism, is awarded toEric Samuel Perlstein ESSAY: "Uncovering and Un-Covering:Frame and the Interrogation of Historical Subjectivity"The Society for Academic Emergency Medicine Excellence Award, for demonstratedexcellence in the speciality <if Emergency Medicine, is made toReed BrozenThe Amos Alonzo Stagg Medal, to the Senior Male Athlete with the best all-aroundrecord for athletics, scholarship, and character, is presented toKris John AldenThe joseph M. Stampf Award, to the varsity basketball player who gives oi himsel] untothe lives <if his teammates and whose commitment to high values and integrity isexpressed in his relationship with his teammates and coaches, is made toBrett Raymond DavisThe jonathan D. Steiner Prize, to a graduate student in English who has completedoutstanding work in the study <if drama or criticism, is awarded toStephen E. Lewis ESSAY: "Protecting and Suspecting Monstrosity in: The Strange Case if Dr.Jekyll and Mr. Hyde"23The Nels M. Strandjord Memorial Award, to a Senior medical student for outstandingperformance in the general field if Radiology, is made toMichael DowdThe Student Laureate Award if the Lincoln Academy if Illinois,for over-all excellence incurricular and extra-curricular activities, is made toKeri E. AmesThe Nathan Sugarman Awards, to graduate students in Physics for excellence in researchdone at the Enrico Fermi Institute, are made toJoseph R. Dwyer RESEARCH: Particle AstrophysicsRESEARCH: Experimental Elementary Particle PhysicsRESEARCH: Experimental AstrophysicsLawrence K. GibbonsTimothy A. McKayThe Louis Sudler Prize in the Performing and Creative Ar,ts, to a graduating Senior whohas demonstrated excellence or the highest standards ifpr<iflciency in the creative arts,is awarded toJessica Ruth PoserThe Robert Tamura Award,for social and projessional contributions to the Department ifEconomics, is made toAlexander G. TaberThe valentine Telegdi Prize, to a graduate student in the Department if Physics for thebest performance on the Ph. D. qualifying examination, is awarded toMihir P. WorahThe Upjohn Award in Medicine, to a Senior for outstanding achievement during fouryears in medical school, is made toRichard GundermanThe Visiting Committeefor the Visual Arts Prize,for distinguished work in Art History,is awarded toTara PanellaThe Wilma Walker Honor Award, to a student for outstanding work in the first year andfor promise iffuture achievement in social work, is made toKathleen M. OsbergerThe Gregor Wentzel Prizes,for excellence in undergraduate teaching in the Department ifPhysics by a first-year graduate student tutor, are awarded toMichael Thayer David TobackThe Napier Wilt Prizes in English and American Literature, to the Seniors who havewritten the best Bachelor's papers, are awarded toEmily Alexander PAPERS: "Close Enough to Hit," "In theJam"Alison Rew Darnell PAPER: "The Challenge of Individuation inMrs. Dalloway"PAPER: "The Strategy of Plume-PluckedRichard"Jeffrey Howard Schultz24The E Howell Wright Award, to a Senior medical student for outstanding performance inthe general field if Pediatrics, is made toPeter CastellanosThe Wrobel Trophy, to the wrestler who scores the most team points in a season, ispresented toPeter B. Wang25FELLOWSHIPSThe Academy Scholars Program, Harvard University,Misty Laurette BastianAmerican Assembly of Collegiate Schools of Business (NDFP)Seth Ethan WeingramAmerican Association of University U0men Dissertation FellowshipJane Marie Masterson Jennifer Susan RayportAmerican Council of Learned Societies (East European Program)Kristi Suzanne EvansAmerican Council of Learned Societies Dissertation Research Fellowship in ChineseStudiesTeri Jayne SilvioAmerican Economic Association/Federal Reserve System Minority FellowshipDiane Marie GarciaPiya Chatterjee Vijay PrashadAmerican Institute of Indian Studies Junior Research FellowshipsAlexander von Humboldt Foundation Bundeskanzler ScholarshipsAmerican Musicological Society AwardAnne Elizabeth MacNeilRichard Brian Gunderman Richard Alan HeinemannAnnette Cade FellowshipJennifer Mary ListerThe CBS Bicentennial Narrators ScholarshipLaura Blair McKnightVera Leigh Fennell Meskerem Brhane GebrkidanChicago/Cambridge Exchange ScholarshipFrances Amaliah RosenfeldThe Chicago Humanities Institute FellowshipJohn Bradley ChaimovCommittee on Institutional Cooperation International Studies FellowshipCommittee on Scholarly Communications with the People's Republic of ChinaMary Louise ScogginJing Shao Donald John Willard Hatfield26DAAD GrantsDavid Benjamin PickusBrent William SocknessDACOR (Bacon House Foundation Fellowship)Rosanne Elizabeth Campbell Michael Joseph SosulskiJonathan Nelson StromDorothy Danforth-Compton Dissertation Year FellowshipsNahum Dimitri ChandlerHector Ruben Cordero-GuzmanNilda Maria Flores-GonzalesUS. Department if Defense FellowshipLaurie Anne ChristiansonJosephine de Karman FellowshipJeffrey Todd Bloom Sylvia LopezOran McCuneLuis Edgardo ZayasLyle David Isaacs (B.A. '91)Ellen Ruth FeldmanEisenhower World Affairs Institute/Clifford Roberts Dissertation FellowshipRachel Mary GamboneFord Foundation Dissertation FellowshipShawn Malia KanaiaupuniFulbright GrantKathleen Hanviriyapunt Yu WongGary Norman FinderChristine Isom- VerhaarenFulbright lIE Overseas Dissertation Research FellowshipsFulbright lIE/USIA FellowshipsBarbara Lynn GistChristine Isom- VerhaarenStephen John MillerDavid Benjamin Pickus David Benjamin PickusJohn Bryan WilliamsElizabeth V RodiniJohn Bryan WilliamsYu WongUs. Department if Education Fulbright-Hays Dissertation Research FellowshipsIra Robert BashkowMarda DunskyBenjamin Carr FortnaJulie Marie HesslerAlaina Maria LemonShantanu PhukanRoyal Bank if Canada Fulbright ScholarshipDavid Malcolm StewartGoldwater Scholarships for ScienceKristen Ann KingfieldJonas Christopher Peters Michael John ReynoldsSuzanne Breese RyanMary Louise ScogginLaurel Elaine SteeleWoodman Lyon TaylorElizabeth Reneau VannThomas Warren ScanlonMatthew Richard Tate27The David W Grainger Graduate FellowshipTimothy A. McKayThe David W Grainger Senior ScholarshipKenneth Arthur BloomHarper Dissertation FellowshipsSusan C. AlbertsOscar Martin AparicioMinghaeng ChoStephen James Ellingson David GableTimothy James GaudinSotaro KitaStephanie Ann PaulsellBrookings Institution Robert W Hartley Fellowship in Governmental StudiesAnn Chih LinHoward Hughes FellowshipAnne Marie BronikowskiJesse Denise DixonMaria Elena MartinezIllinois Consortium for Equal Opportunity Program FellowshipGloria Jean RandleJacob K. Javits FellowshipsMark Philip FisherNoor-Airnan KhanShira Batya LewinLipman FellowshipIkumi Kaminishi Eliza Swift MorssRachel Lara Sturman (B.A. '91)Louisville Institute for the Study of Protestantism in American Culture DissertationFellowshipPenny Ann Edgell BeckerGeorges Lurcy FellowshipElizabeth Marie SageMacArthur Research and Training GrantsCharles King ArmstrongPablo Alfredo De la FlorJames Richard HarrisNamhee LeeRobin Mills PetersenMacArthur Scholar FellowsGolfo AlexopoulosRolf Eric CarlsonMichael CresswellMichel Charles GobatJames M. GrossklagMarshall ScholarshipAlec P. Dinwoodie Kari Marie RobinsonYul SohnEvalyn Wallace TannantMonica Marie Duffy ToftEsther Imperio HamburgerIvan Tiofilo HinojosaThomas More LyonsAshley Joachim TellisEric Zolov28Medical Scientists Training ProgramScott John DiedeMellon Fellowships in the HumanitiesDon Howard BreslauerFrances Amaliah Rosenfeld Andy J. MinnRachel Lara Sturman (B.A. '91)Mellon Foundation Dissertation- Year FellowshipsAnibalJose Aponte-ColonEdward Alan BoydenEric Norman BuddKatherine Ann ChavignyDale Carter CopelandZhiyuan CuiAdam Dov Dan'elThomas Carr FrankThomas GoebelPaul Delaney Halliday Franz Josef HenneStathis N. KalyvasRonald Jang Ho KimMatthew John Payne IIIValerie RamseyerSudipta SenGuy Donald Francis StuartEduardo Arturo VelasquezAdam WolfsonBrian D. FieldsNational Aeronautics and Space Administration FellowshipsArthur B. KosowskyNational Endowment for the Humanities Younger Scholars GrantJonathan Blake BeereNational Physical Sciences Consortium for vvomen and MinoritiesSibel Pervin Bayracki (B.A. '91)National Science Foundation Fellowships for the Graduate Study of Race, UrbanPoverty, and Social PolicyAvner AhituvJeffrey David MorenoffNational Science Foundation FellowshipsSibel Pervin Bayracki (B.A. '91)Richard William BlobKenneth Arthur BloomDutch D. ChungAndrea Teresa DeyrupJames FeigenbaumRonald James HowardMichael Alan KareshShira Batya LewinRichard Anthony Lupia IIBlake Colin Meyers David Ami ReingoldAlan James MolumbyGerald Bradley Penn (B.A. '90)Kari Marie RobinsonFrank Anthony RomagosaIrena RoyzmanPedro Antonio SanchezMatthew Seddon (B.A. '90)Thomas Ray WalkerSteve WangBruce Andrew Weinberg (B.A. '91)Omar Maurice McRobertsNational Science Foundation Incentives for ExcellenceNadine PierreEric Bowman AldrichTsvetan Nikolaev BeloreshkiProgram for Inter-Institutional Collaboration in Area Studies ScholarshipSusan ChaturantabutRhodes ScholarshipGregory Marshall Gunn29Karen R. MathewsMitchell B. MerbackAnnie L. Novo Elizabeth V. RodiniSue C. TaylorBenjamin C. WithersRikkyo ExchangelMumbushoSuzanne Breese RyanKathleen J Shelton Traveling Memorial FellowshipJulie M. JohnsonRebecca Ellen BryantJames Curtis Farrer Eng Seng HoShawn Malia KanaiaupuniSocial Science Research Council International Pre-Dissertation FellowshipSpencer Dissertation Year Fellowships for Research Related to EducationClea B. FernandezLisa A. HoogstraSamuel Wolfe Kaplan Jill Patterson MorfordGuy Jay ParkerEric EdmondsJoshua Chad Leibowitz Manya Janaky RamanPeter StoneState Farm Fellowships for Exceptional StudentsVisiting Committee Dissertation Research FellowshipsWallenberg ScholarshipChristopher Eric HumberMrs. Giles Whiting Doctoral Dissertation FellowshipsClarissa Chapman BurtDavid Joseph KathmanAugusta Madeline McMahonJohn Dixon Morillo Ellen Victoria NerenbergCarolyn Campbell RussellStuart Donaldson SearsMartha Ann Selby30CANDIDATES FOR THE MASTER'S DEGREE1. IN THE DIVINITY SCHOOLFor the Degree <if Master <if Arts:II. IN THE IRVING B. HARRIS GRADUATE SCHOOL OFPUBLIC POLICY STUDIESFor the Degree <if Master <if Arts:DAVID ELLIOTT COBBA.B., Texas Christian University, 1987NANCY GRIER HOGANA.B., Stetson University, 1984ZOLANI PHILEMON NGWANEDipl., Federal Theological Seminary,Pietermaritzburg, South Africa, 1984M. TS., Chicago Theological Seminary, 1991ROBIN L. ALPERSTEINA.B., University if Virginia, Charlottesville, 1987JOHN D. BALDRIDGEA.B., Simpson College, 1990JAMES JOSEPH BERGERAA.B., Colby College, 1986MICHAEL JEFFREY BILTONA.B., Rutgers, State University if New Jersey, NewBrunswick, 1990TIMOTHY WELDEN BLYTHEA.B., University if Illinois, Chicago, 1990BRIAN LOUIS COLBERTA.B., Oberlin College, 1989CYNTHIA ANN COLTMANS.B., Cornell University, 1986REX D. FRAZIERA.B., University if Chicago, 1991LAURIE L. GARRETTS.B., University if Michigan, Ann Arbor, 1985ARIANA MARIE GILBERTA.B., Pepperdine University, 1987JEFFREY ROBERT GOSSROWA.B., Knox College, 1988DEBRA A. HASSA.B., Beloit College, 1988ALEXANDRA DOEPEL HOLTA.B., University if Texas, Austin, 1989HARLAN HILTON HOWARDA.B., Georgetown University, 1987JENNIFER BETH JOBRACKA.B., Bryn Mawr College, 1989KYUNGJOON KIMS.B., Cornell University, 1989A.M., University if Chicago, 1991ANNA LIPINSKAA.B., Swarthmore College, 1988ROBERT D. MANOGUEA.B., St. Lawrence University, 1988 VICTOR SCOTT RODRIGUEZA.B., City University if New York, 1979A.B., Rutgers, State University if New Jersey, NewBrunswick, 1990DEAN CARL WARTELLEB.B.A., University if San Diego, 1989MARIA JOSE MARIONA.B., Suffolk University, 1987KIMBERLY LOVE McCOMBSA.B., University if North Carolina, Chapel Hill, 1988• WITH HONORSSUSAN ANNETTE McDONALDA.B., University if California, Berkeley, 1989MICHELLE ELIZABETH MELINS.B., Barry University, 1990JUDITH A. MESCHELA.B., Oberlin College, 1989DONALD PAUL MILLIGANA.B., Clark University, 1989SUSAN E. NEWTONA.B., Miami University, Oxford, Ohio, 1989MARCIA DENISE OCCOMYA.B., Vassar College, 1982ROSA A. PINA CISNEROSA.B., University if California, Berkeley, 1989BLASE NICHOLAS POLITEA.B., University if Chicago, 1991LUKE RUDOLPH REINHARDS.B., Purdue University, �st Lcifayette, Indiana, 1984CARLA JEAN RICHARDSA.B., City University if New York, 1988DAVID E. ROSTOVA.B., Oberlin College, 1987M.B.A., University if Chicago, 1992PAMELA ANN SANDERSONA.B., College if William & Mary in Virginia, 1990• WITH HONORSLISA R. SATTLERA.B., Lawrence University, 1988HARVEY PRIETO SCHUCKMANA.B., State University if New York, Binghamton, 1989COLTON W SEALEA.B., University if California, Davis, 198831MADELON PRATT SMITHA.B., Indiana University, Bloomington, 1984TYRONE TABINGB.B.A., Wichita State University, 1989TIMOTHY LAMONT OGLES WEBBS.B., Pennsylvania State University, University Park,1990 DAVID LAUFMAN WEIGERTA.B., Swarthmore College, 1987• WITH HONORSHOWARD LAURENCE WEISSA.B., University if Michigan, Ann Arbor; 1990JONATHAN DAVID YOUNGWOODA.B., Brown University, 1990III. IN THE SCHOOL OF SOCIAL SERVICE ADMINISTRATIONFor the Degree of Master of Arts:DOUGLAS JOHN ABRAMOWSKIB.S. W, Xavier University, 1990LAURIE SHARA BALLENA.B., University if Southern California, 1988LEILA ENNETTE BALTISA.B., Knox College, 1990MARGARET ANN BERGERA.B., Northwestern University, 1983APRIL JULIE BERRYB. S. W, University if Southern Maine, 1990MARK BLACKBURNA.B., Swarthmore College, 1973JANET ELIZABETH BLUMA.B., University if Michigan, Ann Arbor; 1987ROBBIE DANIELLE BOGARDA.B., University if Wisconsin, Madison, 1989LISA ANNE BOULDENA.B., University if Chicago, 1991VONDA KAY BRUNSTINGA.B., Calvin College, 1989MARK A. BUCKNERA.B., St. Norbert College, 1989SUSAN MARIE BUSSB. s. W, Valparaiso University, 1986LEONARD G. CAPOZZIA.B., University if California, Berkeley, 1988CLAIR J. CARTYA.B., City University if New York, 1986A.M., University if Chicago, 1987KELLY KIM CHOIA.B., Shenandoah College and University andConservatory of Music, 1987SUSAN JANET CLIFTONA.B., Lake Forest College, 1984MELANIE BROWN CLINGERB. s. W, Ohio State University, 1988PATRICIA ZOE CORNELIUSA.B., Wellesley College, 1978EDITH LUCILLE CRIGLERA.B., Roosevelt University, 1985CARYN PATRICE CURRYA.B., Harvard University, 1980CORLISS ANN DAVIS-SINCLAIRS.B., Tennessee State University, 1979 GWENDOLYN COOKE DEHORNA.B., Calvin College, 1988LISA DENNYA.B., University if California, Santa Cruz, 1989CYNDIE DOREEN DERIDDERA.B., Colorado State University, 1979MARY EILEEN DEVENSA.B., DePaul University, 1982JOAN MARIE DONAHUEA.B., Northwestern University, 1984LAUREN FAE EPSTEINA.B., Michigan State University, 1989KIMBERLY ANN GAMRONA.B., Indiana University, Bloomington, 1990LISA A. GARELECKA.B., State University if New York, Buffalo, 1990DONNA M. GILBERTS.B., University if Illinois, Urbana, 1990LAUREN GOFFENA.B., University if Wisconsin, Madison, 1986MARJORIE R. GOLDMANA.B., University if Michigan, Ann Arbor; 1989BEVERLY EDLYN GRAYA.B., Southern Illinois University, Edwardsville, 1972KATHERINE VESPER GRAYA.B., DePaul University, 1989ANGELA MARIE GRIZZLES.B., Vanderbilt University, 1990JOHN SIDNEY GROSECLOSEA.B., University if Tennessee, 1966SALLIE COOPER GROSSS.B., Guilford College, 1986LINDA C. HEINSCHERS.B., University if Illinois, Urbana, 1989RUTH ELLEN HOLDEMANS.B., Ball State University, 1988JULIANNE ILIJANICHA.B., Purdue University, Hammond, Indiana, 1990NANCY C. JAMESA.B., Xavier University, 1985ROBERT E. JOHNSON, JR.A.B., University if Montana, 1986A.B., ibid., 1986M.Div., University if Chicago, 199232STEPHANIE ANNE JOHNSONA.B., Rollins College, 1990DONALD EUGENE JURKOWSKIA.B., Milton College, 1972LOIS ANITA KENYON-SEVERSONA.B., Roosevelt University, 1979KARA BETH KLEINA.B., University of Pennsylvania, 1986RENEE MARLENE KROEGERB.S. W, University of Illinois, Urbana, 1990TERESA ELAINE LEARYA.B., Spelman College, 1990KIMBERLY L. LITZENBERGA.B., University of California, San Diego, 1990JESSICA L6PEZA.B., University of California, Berkeley, 1986CAROL INGRID LUNDERBERGA.B., Hope College, 1988GAIL M. MALVESTUTOA.B., College of St. Francis, 1990CHRISTINE NOELLE MARCHETTIA.B., Tufts University, 1990ALENE RUTH McINTYRES.B., 'Eastern Michigan University, 1990WILLIAM EVERETT MIDDLETONA.B., University of Toledo, 1985M.Div., University of Chicago, 1992JULIE ELIZABETH MILLERA.B., Colorado College, 1990KATHLEEN MARIE MORANS.B., DePaul University, 1979ELIZABETH V MORRISA.B., Trinity College, Hartford, Connecticut, 1986KAREN JILL NEWMANA.B., University of Colorado, Boulder, 1986EDWIN H. OCHESTERA.B., University of Chicago, 1990KATHERINE L. PHILLIPPOA.B., Northwestern University, 1990MARY ELIZABETH PHILLIPSA.B., University of Chicago, 1991SHAWN PATRICK PIERCEA.B., Purdue University, Hammond, Indiana, 1990ELEFTHERIA PRASSASS.B., University of Evansville, 1989RACHEL BETH PULNERB. S. W, University of Texas, Austin, 1989MICHAEL F. RADDINGA.B., Boston College, 1981MARYANNE RAYFORD-MARIONB. C. s., Roosevelt University, 1986SONYA KAY RENCEVICZB.B.A., University of Wisconsin, Madison, 1984GWENDOLYN MACKEL RICEA.B., Bennett College, 1961CRAIG JAY RICHA.B., Rutgers, State University of New Jersey, NewBrunswick, 1990 CLARK GAMMELL RICHARDSS.B., University of Utah, 1989SUZANNE BETH RITTENBERGA.B., Washington University, 1990HEIDI S. ROGOFFA.B., University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, 1988ELLYCE LEE ROITMANA.B., Northern Illinois University, 1971FRANCES RENEE ROOTS.B., Loyola University of Chicago, 1989RENEE ROSS-GLASSBERGA.B., National College of Education, 1990COURTENAY ELIZABETH SAVAGEA.B., Mundelein College, 1989JENNIFER LAMB SCUDDERA.B., Bates College, 1988MARY KATHERINE SERVATIUSS.B., University of Illinois, Urbana, 1983M. K. SNYDER-NAFAAA.B., San Francisco State University, 1985CONNIE S. SPITZACKA.B., University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, 1986HEIDI JO SPROULLS.B., Northwestern University, 1987LISA ELLEN STEINA.B., University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, 1988AMY LYNN STEINHAUERA.B., University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, 1989SUSAN IRENE STONEA.B., University of Chicago, 1989JAY PRESTON TAUBA.B., Northwestern University, 1976MARJORIE WIST TRYTTENA.B., Northeastern Illinois University, 1990ROSEMARIE K. VILLACISA.B., University of Chicago, 1990KRISTIN MICHELLE WAGNERA.B., College of William & Mary in Virginia, 1990ANNETTE LIANN WATERSA.B., University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, 1990JENNIFER LYNNE WERTYMERA.B., University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, 1990JULIA LEWIS WICKA.B., Lawrence University, 1986ERIKA D. WILLIAMSS.B., University of Utah, 1988DANA LYNN WILTSEKA.B., University of California, Berkeley, 1988SUSAN K. WINTERA.B., University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, 1990ELLY M. WYNIAA.B., University of Kansas, 1990ANN C. YODHESA.B., Alma College, 198833CANDIDATES FOR PROFESSIONAL DEGREES1. IN THE DIVINITY SCHOOLFor the Degree of Master of Divinity,'ROBERT E. JOHNSON, JR.A.B., University if Montana, 1986A.B., ibid., 1986For the Degree of Doctor of Ministry,'J. JEFFREY SPAHNB.B.A., University if Michigan, Ann Arbor, 1975M.Div., Northern Baptist Theological Seminary, 1982DISSERTATION: The Transition of Karl Barth's Theol-ogy if Preaching NANCY L. TANNERS.B., University if Houston, 1978A. M., University if Chicago, 1980DISSERTATION: An Educational Strategy for Communicating: A Reformist Theological PositionII. IN THE LAW SCHOOLFor the Degree of Doctor of Law,'ABIGAIL ABRAHAMA.B., Chicago State University, 1986RICHARD EVAN ADERMANA.B., Wesleyan University, 1989• WITH HIGH HONORSKRISTEN YOUNG ALLMANA.B., Yale University, 1988• WITH HONORSYOTVAT ADI ALTSHULERLL.B., Tel Aviv University, Israel, 1989LL.M., University if Chicago, 1991DOUGLAS C. ANDERSONA.B., University if Chicago, 1989• WITH HONORSDOUGLAS WALLACE ANDERSONA.B., Dartmouth College, 1989JEFFREY K. ANDERSONA.B., University if Illinois, Urbana, 1989GWENDOLYN SCOTT ANDREYA.B., Northwestern University, 1989BARTON SAMUEL ARONSONA.B., Yale University, 1988• WITH HONORSTRACY VICTORIA BAREA.B., University if Chicago, 1990• WITH HIGH HONORSJENNIFER ANN BARRETTA.B., Columbia University, 1987BRENDA S. BARTONA.B., University if California, Los Angeles, 1987DIANE ELIZABETH BAYLORA.B., Amherst College, 1989JANET AILEEN BEERA.B., University if Washington, 1967A.M., Northwestern University, 1968RONALD SCOTT BELLA.B., University if California, Los Angeles, 1989 RANDALL KEITH BERGERS.B., Iowa State University, 1985MARCIA BERMANS.B., University if Maryland, College Park, 1987LAUREN KAY BOGLIVIA.B., Wellesley College, 1989STACEY BOLDENS.B., University if Illinois, Chicago, 1986ADDISON DAVID BRAENDELA.B., Temple University, 1987CELIZA PATRICIA BRAGANC;AA.B., University if Chicago, 1984• WITH HONORSTONIT MONIQUE CALAWAYA.B., University if Wisconsin, Milwaukee, 1989ANDREW K. CARDONICKS.B., Pennsylvania State University, University Park,1989• WITH HONORSDALE ALLEN CARPENTER IIA.B., Yale University, 1989• WITH HONORSFLAVIO JAVIER CARRILLOA.B., University if California, Los Angeles, 1989GREGORY SCOTT CARTERS.B., Lebanon Ullley College, 1989JERRY CHRISTOPHER CARTERA.B., Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah, 1989MARK ALLEN CHALLINORA.B., Principia College, 1985CHARLES PAUL CHALMERSA.B., Hambden-Sydney College, 1986• WITH HONORSSTEVEN LEE CHANENSONA.B., University if Pennsylvania, 1987S.M., ibid., 1988• WITH HONORS34ROBERT DAVID CHEIFETZA.B., Brandeis University, 1988DARLENE ANN COSTAA.B., Georgetown University, 1986• WITH HONORSTHERESA ELLEN CUDAHYA.B., Amherst College, 1986SUSAN M. CULLINAA.B., Yale University, 1989• WITH HONORSSHEILA MARIA D'CRUZA.B., University if Illinois, Urbana, 1989SEAN HOE DONAHUEA.B., Columbia University, 1989• WITH HIGH HONORSCARL ARDEN DUBERTA.B., Michigan State University, 1988ELLEN MARY DUNNA.B., Princeton University, 1985ANNE-MARIE EILERAASA.B., Yale University, 1986LYNN MARIE ENGELA.B., Oberlin College, 1987JOANNE MARIAE FAYS.B., University if Pennsylvania, 1983A.B., ibid., 1983JUDITH MIRIAM FELLERA.B., University if Wisconsin, Madison, 1989DAPHNE SERENA FELTEN-GREENA.B., Wesifield State College, 1987STEVEN P. FINIZIOA.B., Georgetown University, 1988• WITH HONORSIGNACIO MARIA FONCILLASA.B., University if Chicago, 1989• WITH HONORSNATHAN ANDREW FORRESTERS.B., University if Florida, 1988• WITH HONORSPETER RICHARD FREUNDS.B., University if Illinois, Urbana, 1989STEVEN A. FRIEDMANA.B., Oberlin College, 1989DOUGLAS MICHAEL FUCHSA.B., Duke University, 1989• WITH HONORSPAUL RICHARD GARCIAA.B., vassar College, 1987CARL GARNIERA.B., Yale University, 1987KEITH M. GARZAS.B., Arizona State University, 1989• WITH HONORSROBERT RICHARD GASAWAYA.B., Northwestern University, 1981A.M., Yale University, 1986M.Phil., ibid., 1989• WITH HONORSKATHRYN JULIA GERBERA.B., Williams College, 1988RENE GHADIMIA.B., State University if New York, Stony Brook, 1978M.B.A., Hofstra University, 1987 RAYMOND L. GIFFORDA.B., St. John's College, Annapolis, Maryland, 1989LAWRENCE ADAM GOLDA.B., University if Pennsylvania, 1989ROBERT DANIEL GOLDBAUMA.B., Cornell University, 1989• WITH HONORSJANINE FAITH GOODMANA.B., Brown University, 1988ELIZABETH ELEANOR GORDONA.B., Brown University, 1987HAROLD KENT GREENFIELDA.B., Brown University, 1984• WITH HONORSGREGG ALLEN GRINERA.B., Stanford University, 1986MELISSA ANNE HALLA.B., Duke University, 1989ROSA C. HALLOWELLA.B., Princeton University, 1986SUSAN VAVRA HARRISA.B., Oberlin College, 1983• WITH HONORSGEOFFREY LLOYD HARRISONA.B., University if Pennsylvania, 1982S.B., ibid., 1982• WITH HIGH HONORSPAUL WILLIAM HARTZELA.B., University if Pennsylvania, 1989S.B., ibid., 1989BARBARA ANN SCHULDT HEIKOFFA.B., Central Methodist College, 1982WENDY J. HEIMANS.B., Northwestern University, 1987ELIZABETH MARY HENDRICKSS.B., University if Wisconsin, Madison, 1988• WITH HONORSLESLYE ASH HERRMANNA.B., Wesleyan University, 1985• WITH HONORSJENNIFER LYNN HERTZA.B., Wellesley College, 1985MARY CLARKSON HOAKA.B., vassar College, 1987MARSHALL PRESENT HOROWITZA.B., Brown University, 1985BONNIE JEAN HOSTA.B., Columbia University, 1989ROBERT MICHAEL IVANAUSKASA.B., University if Chicago, 1988ERIC HECTOR JASOA.B., Harvard University, 1989SARAH KIRSTINE JOHNSONA.B., University if Michigan, Ann Arbor, 1988PATRICIA JANE KAEDINGA.B., University if Wisconsin, Madison, 1989ROBERT ALAN KATZA.B., Harvard University, 1987• WITH HONORSSARAH DUFFY KELLERA.B., University if California, Berkeley, 1987A.M., University if London, England, 198835KATHLEEN ELLEN KINNEYA.B., Dartmouth College, 1987JAMES FRANCIS KOSCIOLEKA.B., Stanford University, 1985A.M., ibid., 1986NICHOLAS W KOSTERSB., St. John's University, Collegeville, Minnesota,1988STEVEN GARY KRONEA.B., University of Southern California, 1988• WITH HONORSDAVID MARTIN LAGRANDA.B., Calvin College, 1988KINA LAMBLINA.B., University of California, Berkeley, 1989PATRICK WILLIAM LAWLERA.B., Stanford, University, 1989KENNETH ENG-KONG LEEA.B., Harvard University, 1989ELLI LEIBENSTEINA.B., Northeastern Illinois University, 1983• WITH HIGH HONORSJOSE IGNACIO LEONA.B., University of Miami, 1989DANIEL WAYNE LEVINA.B., Rice University, 1988• WITH HONORSSHARON GAYLE LEVINA.B., Columbia University, 1988STEWART R. LIPELESA.B., Rice University, 1989• WITH HONORSAMY BETH MANNINGA.B., Monmouth College, 1989MICHAEL ALAN MANZLERA.B., Yale University, 1988JAMES ROGER MARKHAMA.B., Haverford College, 1988ROBERTA L. MARTINS.B., Tuskegee University, 1987SCOTT ROBERT MARTINA.B., Northwestern University, 1984A.M., University of Chicago, 1985RUTH FRANCES MASTERSA.B., University of Pennsylvania, 1988DONNA MARIE MAUSB.B.A., University of Notre Dame, 1986• WITH HONORSMATTHEW REUBEN MAYERSA.B., Amherst College, 1989PAULO BYRON McKEEBYA.B., University of Tennessee, Knoxville, 1988RICHARD DOWNEY MEYERA.B., University of California, Berkeley, 1987ROGER EDWARD MICHENERA.B., Bowdoin College, 1969A.M., University of Chicago, 1972A.M., ibid., 1976Ph.D., ibid., 1981LAUREL ELENA MILLERA.B., Princeton University, 1986• WITH HONORS JAMES EDWARD MURRAYA.B., Georgetown University, 1989• WITH HONORSGLENN ROBERT NADANERA.B., Tufts University, 1988• WITH HONORSDAVID L. NAGLERA.B., Wesleyan University, 1989LAKSHMI NATARAJANA.B., Rice University, 1989NADINE MEGAN NEUFVILLEA.B., Yale University, 1988ROBERT GARRETT NEWKIRKSB., University of Illinois, Urbana, 1987SB., ibid., 1987• WITH HONORSDAVID THOMAS ODOMA.B., Howard University, 1988PAUL WILLIAM OKELA.B., University of Chicago, 1988Dipl., Institit d'Etudes Politiques de Paris, France, 1989DAVID ALAN O'TOOLEA.B., University of Chicago, 1984M.B.A., ibid., 1988• WITH HONORSRANDALL LEE OYLERA.B., Wheaton College, Illinois, 1989SUSAN LYNN PACHOLSKIA.B., Carleton College, 1986• WITH HONORSCHARULATA B. PAGARSB., Georgetown University, 1989DREW GEORGE PEELA.B., Davidson College, 1989JASON LLOYD PELTZA.B., University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, 1989• WITH HONORSLINDA JOYCE PETTYA.B., University of Washington, 1985JAMES POLSKYA.B., Yale University, 1987DAVID ALAN PROSHANA.B., Princeton University, 1988A. B., University of Oxford, England, 1991SANDRA E. RAITTA.B., University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, 1989BRIAN KEITH RICHTERA.B., Cornell University, 1989• WITH HONORSALISON ELIZABETH ROBERTSA.B., Duke University, 1989p. JACQUELINE ROMANOA.B., University of California, Los Angeles, 1988JODI KAY ROSENS.B., University of Colorado, Boulder, 1984ERIKA SUZANNE SAMUELSA.B., Williams College, 1984LEAH SCHLESINGERA.B., University of Chicago, 1985GREGORY JOHN SCHMITTB.B.A., University of Wisconsin, Madison, 1984• WITH HONORS36KENNETH SCHNEIDERA.B., University if Michigan, Ann Arbor, 1986PETER FREDERICK GEORGE SCHUURS.B., University if Michigan, Ann Arbor, 1989• WITH HONORSJOHN JOSEPH SCIORTINOA.B., Trinity University, San Antonio, Texas, 1987• WITH HONORSNANCY RENEE SELBSTA.B., Princeton University, 1988• WITH HONORSSAMUEL BROOKS SHEPHERDA.B., Bowdoin College, 1988KATHARINE BAIRD SILBAUGHA.B., Amherst College, 1985• WITH HIGH HONORSS JONATHAN SILVERMANA.B., Yale University, 1986A.M., University if Chicago, 1989CHARLES A. SIMONA.B., Yale University, 1988• WITH HONORSLAWRENCE ALBERT SLOVENSKYA.B., University if South Carolina, 1988• WITH HONORSMICHAEL D. SMITHA.B., University if California, Berkeley, 1988CHRISTOPHER SCOTT SONTCHIA.B., University if North Carolina, Chapel Hill, 1989EDWARD JOSEPH SPILLANE IIIA.B., Harvard University, 1985JAMES AUSTIN SQUIRESA.B., Amherst College, 1983ROBIN MORRISON STEANSA.B., Brown University, 1986A.M., Stanford University, 1988• WITH HONORSARYKA MICHELLE STEELES.B., Northwestern University, 1989PATRICIA ELIZABETH STEINMEYERA.B., Yale University, 1989TODD M. STENNESS.B., University if Illinois, Urbana, 1989• WITH HONORSWILLIAM CRAIG STERNA.B., Brown University, 1986STACI ANN STOBARTA.B., College if the Holy Cross, 1989THOMAS D. STODDARDA.B., Swarthmore College, 1987• WITH HONORSELIZABETH ANN STOTLANDA.B., Northwestern University, 1988FREDERICK RYDER STRASHEIMA.B., Northwestern University, 1988GIL MICHAEL STROBELA.B., University if Michigan, Ann Arbor, 1989 DONALD D. SUNGA.B., Harvard University, 1989SAHIR C. SURMELIA.B., Johns Hopkins University, 1988JONATHAN D. TAFTS.B., Massachusetts Institute if Technology, 1983DAN AVRAM TANENBAUMA.B., University if Pennsylvania, 1987• WITH HONORSCHARLES B. TAYLORS.B., University if Illinois, Urbana, 1985• WITH HONORSGARY STEVEN TELLA.B., Brown University, 1989PAUL CHARLES THISSENA.B., Harvard University, 1989• WITH HONORSJOSEPH THOMAS TURO, JR.A.B., Providence College, 1989• WITH HONORSJOHN W VANDER VORTA.B., Amherst College, 1987WILLIAM BRECKER VANLONKHUYZENA.B., Amherst College, 1986• WITH HONORSLISA VON DER MEHDENA.B., University if California, Berkeley, 1988STANLEY J. WALLACHA.B., Duke University, 1987KATHERINE THERESA ELIZABETHWARDA.B., Yale University, 1987JACQUELINE JACOBSON WEINSTEINA.B., University if Chicago, 1990GERALD R. WHITCOMBA.B., Stanford University, 1989ROBERT B. WHITES.B., Northeastern Illinois University, 1986KAREN ELIZABETH WILSONS.B., Georgetown University, 1988• WITH HONORSMARY GARRETT WILSONA.B., Yale University, 1989JEANNIE YIMA.B., Yale University, 1988SHIRA RADINSKY YOSHORA.B., Yeshiva University, 1989DANIEL J. YOUNGA.B., Stanford University, 1989• WITH HONORSSTEVEN WOODBURY YOUNGA.B., Yale University, 1989• WITH HONORS37SHINGO KUBOTALL.B., Keio University, Tokyo, japan, 1982MISLAV LAKTICDip!., University if Zagreb, Yugoslavia, 1989INJAE LEELL.B., Seoul National University, South Korea, 1986LL.M., ibid., 1988GEORGES GERARD NICOLAS LEOPOLDMait., Universite de Paris Sud (XI), France, 1990Dipl., Institut Catholique de Paris, France, 1990MARIELLE V. LIFSHITZLic., Universite de Provence Aix-Marseille II, France,1989Mait., ibid., 1989Magistere, ibid., 1990Dipl., Universite de Droit, d 'Econom ie, et des Sciencesd' Aix-Marseille, France, 1990DORON LIPSHITZLL.B., University if London, England, 1991KENICHI MASUDALL.B., University if Tokyo, japan, 1986KAREN ILKA MOESSLEMIGUEL ODRIOZOLALic., Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, Spain, 1989LL.M., University if California, Los Angeles, 1991MARTIN THOMAS ALEXANDEROLTMANNSDIAN EDIANA RAESarjana Hukum, Universitas Padjadjaran, Bandung,Indonesia, 1986GERARD JIM HONG SEAHLL.B., National University if Singapore, 1987LASZLO TOKAIALEXANDRE GEORGES VERHEYDENLic., Universite Catholique de Louvain, Belgium, 1990WILLEM WILLEMeester in de Rechter, Rijksuniversiteit te Leiden,Netherlands, 1991IOANNIS ZERVASLL.B., University if Athens, Greece, 1991For the Degree of Master of Laws:PIETER ROBRECHT BEVERNAGECand., Facultes Universite Notre-Dame de la Paix,Namur, Belgium, 1988Lic., Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium, 1991HANS-ULRICH BRUNNERLic. iur., Universite de Fribourg, Switzerland, 1989Dr. iur., ibid., 1991UTE CASPARPIERRE-NICOLAS CHRISTIANGEORGES FERRANDLic., Universite de Droit d'Economie et de SciencesSociales de Paris (Paris II), France, 1988Mait., ibid., 1989Dip!., ibid., 1990Dipl., Institut Catholique de Paris, France, 1990ADAM]. FREEDMANA.B., Yale University, 1987A.B., University if Oxford, England, 1991ALFONSO GARCIA-MINGOLic., Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico,Mexico City, 1989ROBERTO GARGARELLALic., Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina, 1987Maestria, Facultad Latinoamericana de CienciasSociales, San jose, Costa Rica, 1990BRIGITTE HAARBONG HEE HANLL.B., Seoul National University, South Korea, 1981LL.M., ibid., 1983LOTHAR K. HOFMANNMag. iur., Universitat Wien, Austria, 1983Dr. iur., ibid., 1983MASAYA HOTTALL.B., Kyoto University, japan, 1987GEORG H. HUBERMag. iur., Leopold-Franzens-Universitat, Innsbruck,Austria, 1990SHIHO IGARASHILL.B., Keio University, Tokyo, japan, 1987KENSUKE INOUELL.B., University if Tokyo, japan, 1985HOLGER IVERSENFor the Degree of Doctor ofJurisprudence:KEBERE ASSEFALL.B., Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia, 1984LL.M., Yale University, 1988LL.M., University if Chicago, 1989DISSERTATION: The Commercialization if IntercountryAdoption38CANDIDATES FOR THE DEGREE OFDOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHYI. IN THE DIVINITY SCHOOLFRANCISCA CHO BANTLYA.B., Brown University, 1983A.M., University of Chicago, 1986DISSERTATION: The Dream of the Nine Clouds: ABuddhist Contribution to the Philosophy of ReligionsSTEVEN C. BOUMA-PREDIGERA.B., Hope College, 1979M.Phil., Institute for Christian Studies, Toronto,Ontario, Canada, 1984M.Div., Fuller Theological Seminary, 1987DISSERTATION: Toward a New Christian Theology ofNature: A Critical Comparison of Rosemary RadfordRuether, Joseph Sittler, and Juergen MoltmannTHOMAS L. BRYSONA.B., Harvard University, 1970A.M., University of Chicago, 1986DISSERTATION: The Hermeneutics of Religious Syncretism: Swami Vivekananda's Practical VedantaGEORGE EDWARD BULKLEYA.B., Stanford University, 1984M. T 5., Harvard University, 1986DISSERTATION: The Wilderness of Dreams: Exploringthe Religious Meanings of Dreams in Modern HtesternCultureKATHLEEN POWERS ERICKSONA.B., Wheaton College, Illinois, 1977A.M., University of Chicago, 1980DISSERTATION: At Eternity's Gate: A Religious Biography of Vincent van GoghSTEVEN WINFORD HOLLOWAYA.B., Samford University, 1980A.M., University of Chicago, 1983DISSERTATION: The Casefor Assyrian Religious Influence in Israel and Judah: Inference and Evidence SUSAN M. PANGERLA.B., Gustavus Adolphus College, 1974A.M., University of Chicago, 1975DISSERTATION: Radical Feminism and Self Psychologyin Dialogue: A Critical Evaluation of the Models ofU-Omen's Experience in the Works of Mary Daly andHeinz KohutKENNETH STEVEN SAWYERA.B., University of Nebraska, Lincoln, 1977A.M., Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, 1984A.M., University of Chicago, 1988DISSERTATION: 'Secret Walkings Before the Lord': Theology and Experience in the Life of Increase Mather,1639-1723ROBERT JAMES SHERMANA.B., Colorado College, 1976M.Div., Yale University, 1981DISSERTATION: The Shift to Modernity: Christ in theDoctrine of Creation in the Theologies of Schleiermacher and BarthSEUNG AI YANGA.B., Sogang University, Seoul, South Korea, 1979A.M., ibid., 1983A.M., Marquette University, 1986DISSERTATION: The Original Intention of the Longerversion of the Temptation Story ofJesus (Matt 4: 11;Luke 4: 1-13) as aJewish Story of God's Testing of theRighteous Man JesusII. IN THE IRVING B. HARRIS GRADUATE SCHOOL OFPUBLIC POLICY STUDIESROWAN A. MIRANDA5.B., University of Illinois, Chicago, 1984A.M., ibid., 1986A.M., University of Chicago, 1987DISSERTATION: Privatizing City Government: Explaining the Adoption and Budgetary Consequences ofAlternative Service Delivery Arrangements MATTHEW WARD STAGNERA.B., University of Chicago, 1981M. P. P., Harvard University, 1983DISSERTATION: An Analysis of Client Transitions in aChild Htelfare Caseload39III. IN THE SCHOOL OF SOCIAL SERVICE ADMINISTRATIONBONGJOO LEEA.B., Seoul National University, South Korea, 1985M. S. W, Norfolk State University, 1987DISSERTATION: Young Men's Employment and Mar-riage: A Multilevel Comparative StudyJULIA HARRINGTON LITTELLA.B., University oj Washington, 1979A.M., University oJChicago, 1985DISSERTATION: Long-term Effects oj Adolescents' Participation in Extracurricular and Community-BasedActivities BRENDA FAYE McGADNEYA.B., University oj Michigan, Ann Arbor, 1973u.s. W, ibid., 1975DISSERTATION: Stressors and Social Supports as Predictors oJBurdenfor Black and White Caregivers oJElderswith DementiaMARGARET ANN WALLERM.B., DePaul University, 1979M.S. W, University oj Illinois, Chicago, 1984DISSERTATION: Perceptions oj Social Support amongHomosexual Men with AIDS: Predictors oj Adapta-tiona I Outcome40JOHN R. SCHUERMANHERMAN L. SINAIKOLORNA P. STRAUSRONALD A. THISTEDLINDA J. WAITEBRUCE TAMMEN, Chap 1 Choir ConductorWOLFGANG RUBSAM, niversity OrganistWYLIE CRAWFORD, University CarillonneurMARSHALROBERT LOVETT A ENHURSTVICE-MARSHALGEOFFREY c. M. PLAMPINASSISTANT MARSHALSTED COHENFRANK W FITCHROBERT S. HAMADARICHARD H. HELMHOLZBERNARD McGINNSTUDENT MARSHALS, 1991-1992KERI ELIZABETH AMESMARK EDWIN ARNDTMARGARET R. BARNETTEKENNETH ARTHUR BLOOMSUSANNAH BARD BRADLEYKIRSTEN R. 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