l()OI 11 (THlE UNllVlERSllTY OF CHllCAGOFOUNDED BY JOHN D. ROCKEFELLERTheFour Hundred TwentiethCONVOCATllONTheWllNTlERMarch Twenty-secondA .D. Nineteen Hundred Ninety-oneROCKEFELLER MEMORIAL CHAPELL-D � If IY'lo. 4ti2.0 .... 4-�t.l\ � � \e"t.1��CONTENTSPRAYER 5CONVOCATION ADDRESS 5ANTHEM 6AWARD OF HONORS 6CONFERRING OF ACADEMIC DEGREES 7The College 8The Division of the Biological Sciences and thePritzker School of MedicineMaster of Science 9Doctor of Medicine 14Doctor of Philosophy 15The Division of the HumanitiesMaster of Arts 9Doctor of Philosophy 15The Division of the Physical SciencesMaster of Science 9Doctor of Philosophy 16The Division of the Social SciencesMaster of Arts 10Master of Arts in Teaching 11Doctor of Philosophy 16The Graduate School of BusinessMaster of Business Administration � 11Doctor of Philosophy 18The Divinity SchoolMaster of Arts 11Master of Divinity 14Doctor of Philosophy 18The Irving B. Harris Graduate School of Public Policy StudiesMaster of Arts 11Doctor of Philosophy : 18The School of Social Service AdministrationMaster of Arts 11Doctor of Philosophy 18ALMA MATER 7BENEDICTION 7Please refrain from applause until the President leads the audiencein acknowledging the awarding of degrees after her remarks.Photographs may be taken in the Chapel only after the recessional.3ORDlER OF lEXlERCt5lESFor the Conferring of DegreesThree o'clockHANNA H. GRAY, President of the University, PresidingTHE CONVOCATION PROCESSIONPROCESSIONAL-Psalm XIX Benedetto Marcello(The Congregation remains standing until after the prayer)The Marshal and the Student MarshalsThe Candidates for DegreesThe Faculties of the UniversityThe Trustees and Officers of the UniversityThe Dean of Rockefeller Memorial ChapelThe Convocation SpeakerThe Provost of the UniversityThe President of the UniversityTHE PRAYERTHE REVEREND BERNARD O. BROWNDean of Rockefeller Memorial ChapelTHE CONVOCATION ADDRESS((THE BIOLOGICAL REVOLUTION"SUSAN LINDQUISTProfessor, Department of Molecular Genetics and Cell Biology,Committees on Developmental Biology and on Genetics, and the College5THE ANTHEM"Dextra Domini" Cesar GeoffrayRockefeller Chapel Choir Directed by Bruce TammenThe right hand of the Lord does valiantly.The right hand of the Lord exalts me.I shall not die, but live and declarethe works of the Lord. AlleluiaTHE AWARD OF HONORSAwarded General Honors with the Bachelor's Degree:Kenneth Yasuyoshi AmanoJoi Ambler AndersonFrancesco Giovanni DuinaJohn David FinfrockSteven D. Furst Christopher Lewis JonesSusan Kei McKibbenSusan Aileen MercerLincoln Grey Quillian Chandra Rose RitterMichael Francis VolchokRebecca Desiree WardAnne Leslie Zasloff6THE CONFERRING OF ACADEMIC DEGREESCandidates for Degrees will be presented in alphabetical order by degrees in thefollowing academic units. Please refrain from applause until the President leadsthe audience in acknowledging the awarding of degrees after her remarks.In the College by Dean Ralph W NicholasThe Student Marshal by Marshal Robert L. AshenhurstIn the Division of the Biological Sciences and the Pritzker School of Medicine byDean Samuel HellmanIn the Division of the Humanities by Associate Dean Norma M. FieldIn the Division of the Physical Sciences by Associate DeanJeremy K. BurdettIn the Division of the Social Sciences by Dean Ed ward o. LaumannIn the Graduate School of Business by DeanJohn P. GouldIn the Divinity School by Dean W Clark GilpinIn the Irving B. Harris Graduate School of Public Policy Studies by Dean Robert TMichaelIn the School of Social Service Administration by Dean Jeanne MarshTHE ALMA MA TERToday we gladly sing the praiseOf her whose daughters and whose sonsNow loyal voices proudly raiseTo bless her with our benisons.Of all fair mothers, fairest she,Most wise of all the wisest be,Most true of all the true, say we,Is our dear Alma Mater.-E. H. LEWIS, PH.D., 1894THE BENEDICTIONTHE RECESSIONALFantasie in F Minor, KV 608(The Congregation remains standing through the Alma Mater, the Benediction, and the Recessional) Mozart7CANDIDATES FOR THE BACHELOR'S DEGREEI. IN THE COLLEGEFor the Degree of Bachelor of Arts:KENNETH YASUYOSHI AMANO(Economics)• WITH HONORSAMY J. AMOON(History)JOI AMBLER ANDERSON(Political Science)• WITH HONORSDAVID ARENBERG(Psychology)JEFFREY GORDON BROWN(Chemistry)IPSITA CHATTERJEA(History)LAURA JANE COOPER(Russian Civilization)ANDREW J. DOYLE(Mathematics)FRANCESCO GIOVANNI DUINA(Political Science)• WITH HONORSCOLLEEN MARGARET DUKE(Art History)JOHN DAVID FINFROCK(Philosophy)STEVEN D. FURST(Economics)ALAN WILLIAM HOUGHTON(Philosophy)CHRISTOPHER LEWIS JONES(Economics)• WITH HONORSGABRIELLE MIRIAM MALINA(Anthropology)YOLANDA YVETTE MANGRAM(Economics) MARK EDWARD McARDLE(Psychology)IAN ALTIERY McCUTCHEON(Mathematics)JAMES TIMOTHY McKENNA(Psychology)SUSAN KEI McKIBBEN(Mathematics)SUSAN AILEEN MERCER(Geophysical Sciences)• WITH HONORSMATTHEW DAVID RETTENMUND(English Language and Literature)CHANDRA ROSE RITTER(Mathematics)GEOFFREY M. RODGERS(Philosophy)STEVE AVEDIS SEMERDJIAN(Biological Sciences)CHRISTOPHER HOLMES SMITH(Sociology)CATHERINE LOUISE TORPEY(History)MICHAEL FRANCIS VOLCHOK(Political Science)• WITH HONORSREBECCA DESIREE WARD(English Language and Literature)• WITH HONORSJEFFREY THOMAS WUCHICH(Psychology)ANNE LESLIE ZASLOFF(English Language and Literature)• WITH HONORSII. STUDENT MARSHALFor the Degree of Bachelor of Arts in the College:LINCOLN GREY QUILLIAN(Sociolugy)• WITH HONORS8CANDIDATES FOR THE MASTER'S DEGREEI. IN THE DIVISION OF THE BIOLOGICAL SCIENCESAND THE PRITZKER SCHOOL OF MEDICINEFor the Degree oj Master oj Science:ALAN ANTHONY FINEGOLDA .B., Cornell University, 1988(Biochemistry & Molecular Biology)BONITA L. GRUNDS.B., Illinois State University, 1986(Human Nutrition & Nutritional Biology)DISSERTATION: Follow-up and Assessment ojPatients in the University oj Chicago Nutritionand Weight Control Clinic: A Search for PredictorVariables oj Successful Outcome and SuccessfulMaintenanceLESLIE ELIZABETH HORNIGA.B., Harvard University, 1980(Evolutionary Biology) BORIS KIN LINA. B., Johns Hopkins University, 1984(Biochemistry & Molecular Biology)DOUGLAS GORDON McNEELA.B., Whitman College, 1986(Biochemistry & Molecular Biology)SU ZHENGS.B., Beijing University, China, 1986(Biochemistry & Molecular Biology)II. IN THE DIVISION OF THE HUMANITIESFor the Degree oj Master oj Arts:NORIKO ASOA .B., Yale University, 1987(East Asian Lmlguages & Civilizations)ELIZABETH LEE KELLEYA.B., Randolph-Macon Woman's College, 1984(Art)SEJIN KOHA.B., Seoul Theological Seminary, Bucheon, SouthKorea, 1977A.M., ibid., 1979A .M., Institute oj Holy Land Studies, Jerusalem,Israel, 1985(Near Eastern Languages & Civilizations) JOUNG YOON LYMA .B., Columbia University, 1987(Art)MARGARET HAYWARD MACKA .B., Brown University, 1988(Art)STEPHEN WILLIAM SCHAEFERA .B., Lawrence University, 1985(East Asian Languages & Civilizations)MARGARET WEINSTEIN SCHEYERA .B., Wellesley Colle<e.e, 1987(Art)III. IN THE DIVISION OF THE PHYSICAL SCIENCESFor the Degree oj Master oj Science:DONALD FRANK FIGERA.B., Northwestern University, 1989(Astronomy & Astrophysics)JOHN J. SMETANKAS.B., Carnegie-Mellon University, 1989(Astronomy & Astrophysics) BRIAN JON SODENS.B., University oj Miami, 1988(Geophysical Sciences)9IV. IN THE DIVISION OF THE SOCIAL SCIENCESFor the Degree of Master of Arts:CHRISTOPHER JOHN ACITOA.B., Duke University, 1989(Economics)ROBERT DANAHY ALBRO IIA.B., University oJ Chicago, 1989(Anthropology)JOI AMBLER ANDERSONA.B., University oJChicago, 1991(International Relations)JACQUES PIERRE ANDRE, JR.A.B., Hamilton College, 1989(History)BRADLEY ALAN ASHERA.B., Johns Hopkins University, 1985(History)JANE ELLEN BARDENA .B., Lawrence University, 1987(Master oj Arts in Social Sciences)MICHAEL JOHN BEVERIDGES.B., Yale University, 1986(Economics)ADAM D. DAN'ELA.B., Hebrew University oJJerusalem, Israel, 1989(Political Science)GALE SUSAN ERIEA.B., University oJ Washington, 1989(History)BEN WALLACE FALLAWA .B., University oj North Carolina, Chapel Hill,1988(History)MICHEL GOBATLiz., Universitat Zurich, Switzerland, 1989(History)LAURA ESTELLE SUZANNEGOTKOWITZA .B., Brown University, 1985(History)JONATHAN BRADFORD HANDA.B., Harvard University, 1981(Social Thought)STEVEN HERSCOVICIA.B., University oJChicago, 1989(Economics)STEPHEN GEORGE KARAMA.B., College oJthe Holy Cross, 1984A.M., University oJChicago, 1990(Middle Eastern Studies)DAVID C. LE TOURNEURA.B., Johns Hopkins University, 1986(History)RICHARD W LINDSTROMA.B., University oJCalifornia, Berkeley, 1988(Anthropology)JOHN D. McCANNON, JR.A .B., Yale University, 1989(History) JACQUELINE L. McGIBBONA.B., University oj Sydney, Australia, 1988(Anthropology)PAUL ROBERT MILLERA.B., Rutgers State University oJNewJersey, NewBrunswick, 1987(Psychology: Biopsychology)ANNA L. PAULSONA.B., Carleton College, 1987(Economics)SATIVA FYODORA QUINNA .B., University oj Chicago, 1990(Master oj Arts in Social Sciences)MEGAN ELIZABETH ROGERSA.B., College oj Wooster, 1985(Psychology: Biopsychology)JEFFREY C. SCHANKA .B., University oj Nebraska, Lincoln, 1978A .M., ibid., 1984(Psychology: Biopsychology)DARREL ANTHONY SMITHA .B., University oj Texas, Austin, 1977(Middle Eastern Studies)JENNY SPRINGERA .B., Harvard University, 1984(Anthropology)DONNIE ALAN STARKA .B., Hardin-Simmons University, 1988(History)CHRISTOPHER ROBERT TABERS.B., University oJChicago, 1989(Economics)DEANE H. TANKA .B., Amherst College, 1955(Master oj Arts in Social Sciences)THOMAS A. VAN ECKA .B., Calvin College, 1982(Sociology)GINGER L. VEUGELERA.B., Northeastern Illinois University, 1989(Geographical Studies)FANG WANGA .B., National Taiwan University, Taipei, 1985(Sociology)SCOTT LINCOLN WESTA.B., University oj Rochester, 1988(International Relations)JOHN BRYAN WILLIAMSA.B., University oj Virginia, Charlottesville, 1988(History)MARKO DUSAN ZIVKOVICA .B., University oj Belgrade, Yugoslavia, 1984(Anthropology)10V IN THE DIVINITY SCHOOLFor the Degree of Master of Arts:SPIROS V. ARONISA .B., University oj Athens, Greece, 1988KEITH S. PRICEA.B., DePaul University, 1985 PETER TOLINE STRUCKA.B., University oj Michigan, Ann Arbor, 1987SARITA STELLA TAMAYOA.B., University oJ Texas, Austin, 1988VI. IN THE IRVING B. HARRIS GRADUATE SCHOOL OFPUBLIC POLICY STUDIESFor the Degree of Master of Arts:JOHN BRYAN DAVISA.B., Lawrence University, 1989 JOHN BENJAMIN SANDERSA.B., Cornell University, 1984M.B.A., University oJ Chicago, 1991VII. IN THE SCHOOL OF SOCIAL SERVICE ADMINISTRATIONFor the Degree of Master of Arts:NAOMI LEAH BEN-ATTARA .B., Brandeis University, 1981CANDIDATES FOR PROFESSIONAL DEGREESI. IN THE DIVISION OF THE SOCIAL SCIENCESFor the Degree of Master of Arts in Teaching:HEATHER ANN INGRAHAMA .B., University oj Notre Dame, 1989(English)II. IN THE GRADUATE SCHOOL OF BUSINESSFor the Degree of Master of Business Administration:RAUL ALEELic., PontiJicia Universidad Catolica de Chile,Santiago, 1985CLINTON ROBERT ANDREWSB.M., Wayne State University, 1979• WITH HONORSKATHLEEN ANN BAILEYS.B., University oj Illinois, Urbana, 1985SUSAN MARIE BEAUDOINB.B.A., University oJMichigan, Ann Arbor, 1985 ROBERT LEWIS BECKS.B., Texas A & M University, College Station,1981JOSEPH SCOTT BECKERS.B., Brown University, 1984KURT ROBERT BEHRENFELDA.B., Michigan State University, 1983• WITH HONORS11JODI BERMANA.B., University oj Michigan, Ann Arbor, 1984ANJULI BHATTACHARJEEA.B., Bryn Mawr College, 1989THOMAS JAMES BIEKEA.B., Kalamazoo College, 1980KEVIN DOUGLAS BLACKS.B., University oj Illinois, Urbana, 1983RYSZARD STANISLAW BLISZCZYKS.B., University of Melhourne, Victoria, Australia,1979Dipl., ibid., 1980S.M., ibid., 1984MICHAEL SCHERMER BLUMS.B., University oj Pennsylvania, 1985MARY ELLEN BOGDANS.B., Illinois Institute oj Technology, 1980ROBERT S. BOWERS IIA.B., Brown University, 1983RICHARD THOMAS BOXS.B., University oj Illinois, Urbana, 1985MICHAEL PETER BRODERA.B., StanJord University, 1984DANIEL FRANCIS BRODERICKS.B., University oj Michigan, Ann Arbor, 1983S.M., Northwestern University, 1985MARCIA LYNN BROWNS.B., Georgetown University, 1986DELBERT M. BUNCEB.B.A., Boise State University, 1972GREGORY RANDALL BURNETTS.B., Indiana University, Bloomington, 1986CLINTON WHITEWOOD BYBEES.B., Texas A & M University, College Station,1985JOHN ROBERT BYERLYS.B., University oJCalifornia, Berkeley, 1985TODD S. CALLENDERA.B., University oJ Washington, 1985GRETCHEN CHRISTINE CAMPBELLA.B., University oJ California, Irvine, 1986ANTOINE CAMPICHELic., Universite de Lausanne, Switzerland, 1981Doc., ibid., 1986JOSEPH EDWARD CAREYB.B.A., University oj Notre Dame, 1980JOHN S. CARROLLS.B., Louisiana College, 1987KAREN ANNE CARRUTHERSS.B., Cornell University, 1983DWIGHT DAVID CARTERS.B., University oj Alabama, University, 1986JEFFREY STUART CARTWRIGHTA .B., Michigan State University, 1985SCOTT ALLAN CASTOA.B., Wheaton College, Illinois, 1987CAROL KATHLEEN CERNEYS.B., University oj Illinois, Chicago, 1974 DONALD VICTOR CHABALAS.B., University oj Illinois, Chicago, 1981S.B., ibid., 1984M.B.A., Katholieke Uniuersiteit Leuven, Belgium,1990JEREMY DAVID CLARK .B.Comm., University oJBirmingham, England, 1987EDUARDO COLMENARESS.B., University oJCalifornia, Berkeley, 1959JOHN HENRY COMPALL, JR.S.B., University oj Illinois, Urbana, 1986WILLIAM MICHAEL COURSONA.B., University oj Michigan, Ann Arbor, 1983JAMES E. CROWLEYB.B.A., Southern Methodist University, 1986JAMES BRADLEY CUMINGSS.B., Indiana University, Bloomington, 1983PAUL JACOB DAVISA.B., University oj Illinois, Urbana, 1984WILLIAM O. DREWETT IIIA.B., Rice University, 1972M.L.S., Louisiana State University and A & MCollege, 1974JOHN S. EISMONTS.B., University oj Hartford, 1977S.M., Boston University, 1986FLOYD ELLIOTA.B., Bowdoin College, 1981A.M., University oJChicago, 1984THOMAS ELVINGERLic., Universite de Lausanne, Switzerland, 1985ELLEN ELIZABETH ENGELS.B., University oj Detroit, 1983JOHN FRANCIS ENGELS.B., University oj Michigan, Ann Arbor, 1982MARCEL ERN ILic., Hochschule St. Gallen, Switzerland, 1989MONICA ESPINOSALic., Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile,Santiago, 1986Comm. Eng., ibid., 1986DAVID JONATHAN FINKELA.B., University oJ California, Los Angeles, 1987SHEILA ELLEN FORSTA.B., Wellesley College, 1988INGO FRANKEA.B., Golden Gate University, 1984DAVID MARTIN FRANKELA .B., University oj Michigan, Ann Arbor, 1986HOWARD MICHAEL FRIEDMANS.B., Roosevelt University, 1989ROGER L. FRYES.B., Ohio State University, 1983S.M. ibid., 1985DAVID TODD GENTRYA.B., Johns Hopkins University, 1974M.R .F, University oJNorth Carolina, Chapel Hill,1977RICHARD NEILL GILLIESA.B., Northwestern University, 198512JOEL HARVEY GINSPARGA .B., Washington University, 1985NEIL MICHAEL PRESTON GOUGHA.B., University oj Cambridge, England, 1981JOHN J. GRANATO IIIA.B., University oJCaliJornia, Berkeley, 1987M.Sc., University oj London, England, 1989KRISTINA DINI GRANORA.B., University oJCaliJornia, San Diego, 1987PAIGE ANNE GREVES.B., Northwestern University, 1986BARRY JAMES GROSES.B., State University of New York) Oswego, 1983JEFF WALTER GUENTHERA .B., Denison University, 1982MICHAEL JOHN HAFNERS.B., Marquette University, 1985S.M., University oj Minnesota, Minneapolis, 1986ROBERT ERIK HAHNES.B., Duquesne University, 1984M.Sc., University oj London, England, 1990KARLA S. HALLOINA.B., St. OlaJColiege, 1985MARC R. HEYDENB.B.A., Loyola University, Chicago, Illinois, 1984CHRISTOPHER C. HIRSCHFELDA .B., University oj Notre Dame, 1986MICHAEL WILLIAM HOWARDS.B., Massachusetts Institute oj Technology, 1986JOHN WILLIAM HUTCHISONS.B., University oj Southern CaliJornia, 1984ZENICHIRO ISODAA.B., Nihon University, Tokyo, Japan, 1976A.M., Southern Illinois University, Carbondale,1983ROBERT CHASE IVESS.B., Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, 1984S.M., Stanford University, 1985JESSE MICHAEL JAMESS.B., University of Calijornia, Los Angeles, 1984RUSSELL JOHANNESSONA.B., University oJChicago, 1987GREGORY ANTON JOHNSENS.B., University oj Minnesota, Minneapolis, 1985MARK JOHNSONS.B., University oj Louisville, 1984J. WILLIAM KAMASS.B., Oklahoma State University, 1987SCOTT HENDERSON KARRENA .B., Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah,1986MARTHA JOAN KEENANS.B., Iowa State University, 1981BRIAN STEWART KENNEDYB. Sc., Heriot- Watt University, Edinburgh,Scotland, 1972Ph.D., ibid., 1976ROBERT PAUL THOMAS KLEISTA .B., Whitman College, 1987Maitre, Universite Catholique de Louvain, Belgium,1990 DEMETRIOS MICHAEL KOSTONS.B., University oJCaliJornia, Davis, 1986GREGORY G. KOUVELASA.B., Harvard University, 1985CATHY KRIEGERA.B., Hofstra University, 1971A.M., Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, 1976A.M., University oJ Chicago, 1979HAROLD MARK KUGELMANS.B., Indiana University, Bloomington, 1985HEE-SEUN SONNI KWONA .B., Emory University, 1987BARBARA LANE-BROWNB.F.A., Virginia Commonwealth University, 1966M.F.A., ibid., 1978MARY PATRICIA LANGHENRYS.B., University oj Dayton, 1984M.B.A., Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium,1990ROBERT S. LAURIE, JR.S.B., Tufts University, 1986DANIEL H. LEEA.B., Yale University, 1986JOYCE PARK LEEA .B., University oj Michigan, Ann Arbor, 1983STEVEN P LoCASCIOB.B.A., Hofstra University, 1981TODD DOUGLASS LUNSFORDS.B., University oj Pennsylvania, 1986ALBERTINE LESLIE MADONA .B., Mount Holyoke College, 1985SARA A. MASSARIKA .B., University oj Michigan, Ann Arbor, 1986THOMAS ADAM McGWIREA.B., University oJ Chicago, 1982ROGER WAYNE McINTYRE IIS.B., Miami University, OxJord, Ohio, 1982TIMOTHY R. MEYERS.B., Iowa State University, 1981BENJAMIN JAMES MOGNI IVA.B., Northwestern University, 1984KAREN JANE MOODYA.B., University oJCaliJornia, Berkeley, 1972ANDREA GAY MOO-YOUNGB.B.A., Emory University, 1987CURTIS ALBERT MORGANB.B.A., Western Illinois University, 1983JAMES J. MORREALES.B., Northwestern University, 1983BRIAN PATRICK MUNGOVANS.B., Illinois State University, 1982MICHAEL ROY MURPHYA.B., University oj Illinois, Urbana, 1987WENDY RIETZ NIFONGS.B., Indiana University, Bloomington, 1986A .B., ibid., 1986EDWARD POEHLERS.B., Northern Illinois University, 1983S.M., ibid., 198513JUNG-MYUNG OMA.B., Yonsei University, Seoul, South Korea, 1985M.B.A., ibid., 1987DORLETTA ESJEAN FLUCAS PAYTONA.B., StanJord University, 1988WILLIAM F. PERSS.B., Purdue University, West LaJayette, Indiana,1982DANIEL ALBERT POCIUSS.B., University oj Illinois, Urbana, 1980S.M., Purdue University, West LaJayette, Indiana,1982SCOTT S. PRINCES.B., University oj Pennsylvania, 1985JARED WILLIAM PURCELLS.B., Northern Illinois University, 1978CRAIG BRADLEY PURSEB.B.A., University oj Wisconsin, Madison, 1978PHILIPPE REMYIng., Universite Catholique de Louvain, Belgium,1988ROBERT RICHARD ROGOWSKIS.B., Northern Illinois University, 1981CHARLES RICHARD ROSETTA.B., Yale University, 1986PAMELA JOY SALVANOB.B.A., University oj Iowa, 1983JOHN BENJAMIN SANDERSA.B., Cornell University, 1984MARY G. SANDERSONA .B., University oj Illinois, Urbana, 1987SCOTT ROBERT SANDERSONA.B., University oj Illinois, Urbana, 1987RANDOLPH HOWELL SAWYERB.B.A., College oJ William and Mary, 1981PEER SCHATZLie., Hochschule St. Gallen, Switzerland, 1989DOUGLAS MILLER SCHMIDTA .B., Princeton University, 1981 KURT VENARD SCOTTS.B., United States Naval Academy, 1984STEVEN RANDALL SHEARERS.B., Indiana University, Bloomington, 1981BRIAN SHERIDANA .B., Boston College, 1982S.M., Georgetown University, 1985PETER CONNABLE SHOUVLINS.B., Lehigh University, 1983MATTHEW ADAM SIEGELS.B., University oj Pennsylvania, 1984JEFFREY L. SLEPIANS.B., University oj Illinois, Urbana, 1982LAWRENCE ROBERT SLIGHTS.B., University oj Illinois, Urbana, 1986JAMES FRANCIS-MICHAEL SMITHB.B.A., University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, 1986THOMAS P. STEIGERWALDA.B., St. Xavier College, 1987SANDI LYNN STEVENSB.B.A., University oj Notre Dame, 1985ERIC WOLFGANG STRUTZLie., Hochschule St. Gallen, Switzerland, 1989ALAIN M. SUNIERS.B., University of Pennsylvania, 1983ALAN EDWARD PHILIP THOMASB.Sc., University of London, Enoland, 1984DANIEL P. WARDS.B., Worcester Polytechnic Institute, 1984DEBORAH A. WENSELA.B., University oj Michigan, Ann Arbor, 1983SHUZHI YANA.B., Beijino University, China, 1982GEORGE CHING-CHI YENS.B., Princeton University, 1987BENJAMIN ARDESHIR YOMTOOBS.B., University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, 1986CLAY DALLAS YOUNGS.B., University o] California, Los Angeles, 1985III. IN THE DIVINITY SCHOOLFor the Degree of Master of Divinity:JOHN THOMAS DUNGANA.B., Texas Christian University, 1986IV. IN THE DIVISION OF THE BIOLOGICAL SCIENCESAND THE PRITZKER SCHOOL OF MEDICINEFor the Degree of Doctor of Medicine:STEVEN H. DEVRIESS.B., Tulane University, 1981Ph.D., University of Chicago, 1988 RAFAEL GEORGE SEMIDEIS.B., City University oj New York, 198514CANDIDATES FOR THE DEGREE OFDOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHYI. IN THE DIVISION OF THE BIOLOGICAL SCIENCESAND THE PRITZKER SCHOOL OF MEDICINEMARK SCOTT ABADA.B., University of Chicago, 1983(Molecular Genetics & Cell Biology)DISSERTATION: Characterization of a Stromal Pro-tease that Processes the Chlorophyll alb ProteinPrecursorRAVIKUMAR BASAVAPPAS.B., Duke University, 1980(Biophysics & Theoretical Biology)DISSERTATION: Crystal Structure Analysis of YeastInitiator tRNA at 3.0 A ResolutionDAVID CHARLES DEMIRJIANS.B., University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, 1984(Genetics)DISSERTATION: Retargeting Bacteriophage MuTransposition with Protein FusionsPETER JOSEPH DETLOFFS.B., University of Illinois, Urbana, 1985(Molecular Genetics and Cell Biology)DISSERTATION: DNA Repair during MeioticRecombination in Saccharomyces cerevisiaeHENRY JAY LEEA.B., University of Chicago, 1984(Neurobiology)DISSERTATION: Immortalization and Characterization of Septal and Hippocampal Cell LinesDerived from Young Adult Mice. GINELL RISTIC POSTS.B., University of California, Irvine, 1984S.B., ibid., 1984(Biochemistry & Molecular Biology)DISSERTATION: Regulation of Second MessengerProduction in a Human OligodendrogliomaFREDRIC JACK ROSENBERG(Molecular Genetics & Cell Biology)DISSERTATION: Thermotolerance in the Yeast,Saccharomyces cerevisiaeDAVID MARTENS SPECTORS.B., University of Illinois, Urbana, 1985S.B., ibid., 1985(Biochemistry & Molecular Biology)DISSERTATION: The Regulation of IX Genes byHerpes Simplex Virus IALEXANDRE FRANC;OIS ROYSTEWARTB.Sc., University of Ottawa, Ontario, Canada,1983S.M., ibid., 1986(Organismal Biology & Anatomy)DISSERTATION: The Ventricular Myosin HeavyChain Found in Chicken Striated MusclesHAL B. ZABINS.B., San Francisco State University, 1986S.M., University of Chicago, 1989(Biochemistry & Molecular Biology)DISSERTATION: Isolation and In vitro Characteri-zation of Mutants of the Escherichia coli Bacteriophage F1 Gene V ProteinII. IN THE DIVISION OF THE HUMANITIESDONALD EDWARD BARSHISA .B., DePaul University, 1967A .M., University of Wisconsin, Madison, 1968(Analysis of Ideas & the Study of Methods)DISSERTATION: Becoming a Teaching Professional:Comprehensive Faculty Development in Today'sCommunity CollegeADRIANA DEMARCHI-GHERINIA.B., University of California, Irvine, 1984A .M., University of Chicago, 1985(Romance Languages & Literatures)DISSERTATION: I l Momento Pastoral nellaProdu zione Epico-cavalleresca del R inascimentoItalianoRANDOLPH JAN GRACZYKA.B., St. Joseph's College, Rensselaer, Indiana,1965A.M., University of Chicago, 1984(Linguisti cs)DISSERTATION: Incorporation and Clitici zation inCrow Morphosyntax JOANNA KOTA .B., University of Chicago, 1981A.M., State University of New York, Stony Brook,1983(Slavic Languages & Literatures)DISSERTATION: The Dramas of Tadeus z Micinskiand Vjaieslao Ivanov: Two Experiments in Modern Mystery PlaysTHOMAS BLACKBURN PAYNE IIA.B., Oberlin College, 1980(Music)DISSERTATION: Poetry, Politics, and Polyphony:Philip the Chancellor's Contribution to the Musicof the Notre Dame SchoolERIC ANDREW SCHILLERA .B., University of Chicago, 1976A.M., ibid., 1984(Linguistics)DISSERTATION: An Autolexical Account of Subordinating Serial Verb Constructions15HUGH FLOYD WILSONA .B., Johns Hopkins University, 1970A.M., University of Chicago, 1972(English Language & Literature)DISSERTATION: Affairs of State: Abraham Cowleyand the Mystery of The Mistress IFTIKHAR ZAMANDipl., Jamia Faruqiya, Karachi, Pakistan, 1984(Near Eastern Languages & Civilizations)DISSERTATION: The Evolution of a Hadith; Trans-mission, Growth, and the Science of Rijal in aHadith of Sa'd B. Abi WaqqasIII. IN THE DIVISION OF THE PHYSICAL SCIENCESMARY ELLEN BOSS.B., Duke University, 1984(Chemistry)DISSERTATION: Substituent Effects in the Reactionsof Fischer Aryl Carbene Complexes with AlkynesGREGORY ALLAN BURNETTS.B., California Institute of Technology, 1985(Physics)DISSERTATION: Incompleteness Theorems for theSpherically Symmetric SpacetimesRICK CHAPPELLS.B., University of Texas, Austin, 1983S.M., University of Chicago, 1989(Statistics)DISSERTATION: Collection and Analysis of Truncated Censored DataKUNTAL CHATTERJEES.B., Jadavpur University, India, 1983S.M., ibid., 1986(Chemistry)DISSERTATION: Coal Liquijaction. Depolymeri zation of the Coal MacromoleculeMYUNG-HOON CHUNGS.B., Yonsei University, Seoul, South Korea, 1986S.M., University of Chicago, 1988(Physics)DISSERTATION: Generalized Coulomb Gas Modelswith Exponential Interactions and a Series ofCentral ChargesGREGORY ALFRED ENGARGIOLAA .B., Harvard University, 1984S.M., University of Chicago, 1987(Physics)DISSERTATION: Origins of the 12-200 j.Lm Flux inNGC 6946: Starlight and Continuum Dust Emission from an Sc Galaxy GWENDOLYN DEANE FATEA.B., Carleton College, 1985(Chemistry)DISSERTATION: Autoxidation of Host RecognitionSignals: Distance Regulation in Striga asiaticaKATHLEEN MARY HESSS.B., DePaul University, 1985S·.M., University of Chicago, 1989(Chemistry)DISSERTATION: Initiation of Signal TransductionPathways by Phenolics in Plants and BacteriaJOHN D. HOBBSA.B., Cornell University, 1985(Physics)DISSERTATION: A Search for New Leptons at aCenter of Mass Energy of 91 Ge V Using theOPAL Detector at LEPPETER ARMISTEAD KNIPPA.B., Princeton University, 1984S.M., University of Chicago, 1986(Physics)DISSERTATION: Phonons on Stepped SurfacesTIMOTHY MARK LOGANS.B., Michigan State University, 1983(Chemistry)DISSERTATION: Monitoring Intact Metabolism withJ3C-NMR SpectroscopyCARSTEN LUNDS.M., University of Chicago, 1989(Computer Science)DISSERTATION: The Power of interactionLEI WUS.B., Beijing University, China, 1983(Physics)DISSERTATION: Relaxation in a Benzul ChlorideToluene GlassIV IN THE DIVISION OF THE SOCIAL SCIENCESMICHAEL JOHN BRIENA.B., University of Wisconsin, Madison, 1982A.M., University of Chicago, 1985(Economics)DISSERTATION: Economic Determinants of FamilyStructure: An Examination of Black and WhiteDifferences ELENA CHARDON-PIETRIS.B., Catholic University of Puerto Rico, Ponce,1969M.Ed., University of Puerto Rico, Rio Piedras,1973(Education)DISSERTATION: Organizational Response to aChanging Student Market at Three PrivateUniversities16BETTE-JANE CRIGGERA.B., University oJChicago, 1975A.M., ibid., 1983(Anthropology and Linguistics)DISSERTATION: "A Man Is Better Than HisBirth": Identity and Action in Early IrishLawJOHN T DURKIN, JR.S.B., Georgetown University, 1983A.M., University oJ Chicago, 1985(Economics)DISSERTATION: Theory and Evidence on Scale,Trade, Structural Change, and EconomicDevelopmentDIANE MARIE ENERSONS.B., Pennsylvania State University, UniversityPark, 1968A.M., University oj Pittsburgh, 1976(Education)DISSERTATION: Verbal Reports oj ProblemSolving: The Effects oj Retrospective versusConcurrent Reporting in Subjects withDifferent Levels oj ExpertiseCHRISTOPHER L. HOLOMANA .B., University oj North Carolina, Chapel Hill,1979A .M., University oj Chicago, 1984(Political Science)DISSERTATION: Rules, Cooperation, andInternational Monetary Policy CoordinationMATTHEW JOSHUA HOPTMANS.B., Michigan State University, 1984A .M., University oj Chicago, 1987(Psychology: Biopsychology)DISSERTATION: Asymmetric Cerebral Reaction tod-AmphetamineAYAL KIMHIB.Sc., Hebrew University oJJerusalem, Israel, 1985M.Sc., ibid., 1987A.M., University oJChicago, 1990(Economics)DISSERTATION: Occupational Choice in IsraeliCooperative VillagesANJINI KOCHARA.B., Bryn Mawr College, 1979A .M., University oj Chicago, 1981(Economics)DISSERTATION: An Empirical Investigation ojRationing Constraints in Rural Credit Marketsin IndiaLOLA JEAN KOZAKS.B., Michigan State University, 1973A.M., University oJChicago, 1976(Sociology)DISSERTATION: Hospitals, Doctors, andPopulations: A Six Country Comparison ojFactors Affecting Hospital UseDANIEL LEVYA.B., University oJChicago, 1982(Economics)DISSERTATION: The Economic Demography oj theColonial SouthLISA SHARON LOMBARDA.B., University oJChicago, 1982A.M., ibid., 1985(Psychology: Human Development)DISSERTATION: Narcissistic Consequences ojFemale Inftrtility: Disruption and Restoration JAMES LORAND MATORYA .B., Harvard University, 1982A.M., University oJChicago, 1986(Anthropology)DISSERTATION: Sex and the Empire That Is NoMore: A Ritual History oj Women's Poweramong the Oyo- YorubaMALCOLM KAMAL McGOWANA.B., Johns Hopkins University, 1984(Behavioral Sciences: Biopsychology)DISSERTATION: An Examination oj the Effects ojIntrahypothalamic Insulin on Food Intake andBody WeightJUAN MORA-TORRESA.B., University oJ California, San Diego, 1979A.M., University oJChicago, 1981(History)DISSERTATION: The TransJormation oj aPeripheral Society: A Social History oj NuevoLeon, 1848-1920YOUNG CHUL PARKS.B., Seoul National University, South Korea, 1975(Economics)DISSERTATION: Economic Analysis on ComputerTechnologyMANSOORA RASHIDA.B., Pitzer College, 1980(Economics)DISSERTATION: Rural Consumption, Risk, andInsurance: The Evidence from PakistanMARA ELENA ROSENTHALA.B., Cornell University, 1980A.M., University oj London, England, 1981(Anthropology)DISSERTATION: Realms and Ritual: The Formand Rise oj Civitas and U rbs in SoutheasternViti Levu, FijiNORMA J. THOMPSONA.B., Bowdoin College, 1981(Social Thought)DISSERTATION: BeJore Objectivity: The HistoryoJ HerodotusGRACE REN-JUEI TSIANGA .B., Yale University, 1979A .M., University oj Chicago, 1983(Economics)DISSERTATION: Married Female Labor Supply inMalaysia: Implications oj Flexible EmploymentArrangementsANNE LOUISE WENDTS.B., University oj Minnesota, Minneapolis, 1969S.M., Loyola University, Chicago, Illinois, 1982(Education)DISSERTATION: Clinical Environments andStudent Attitudes toward Mental IllnessGREGG IRA WOLPERA.B., University oj Michigan, Ann Arbor, 1982A.M., University oJChicago, 1983(History)DISSERTATION: The Origins oj PublicDiplomacy: Woodrow Wilson, George Creel,and the Committee on Public InJormationTSAIYAO YEHS.B., National Taiwan University, Taipei, 1985(Psychology: Biopsychology)DISSERTATION: Colorimetric PurityDiscrimination: Theory and Data17V IN THE GRADUATE SCHOOL OF BUSINESSBRAD M. BARBERS.B., University of Illinois, Urbana, 1983M.B.A., University of Chicago, 1987DISSERTATION: Essays on Financial Innovation:Primes and Scores and Exchangeable DebtVIKRAM K. NANDAB. Tech., Indian Institute of Technology, Kampur,India, 1978DISSERTATION: Three Essays on EquityFinancing IVa ICIO ALEXANDER WELCHA.B., Columbia University, 1985M.B.A., University of Chicago, 1989DISSERTATION: The Underpricing of Initial PublicOfferingsVI. IN THE DIVINITY SCHOOLJOHN CHATHANATTS.B., University of Rajasthan, Jaipur, India, 1972B.Ph., College ofJesuitslSacred Heart College,Shembaganur, India, 1975A .M., University of Rajasthan, Jaipur, India,1979B. Th., Vidyajyoti-Delhi, India, 1980M. Th., Weston School of Theology, 1983DISSERTATION: Two Paradigms of LiberativeTransformation: Approaches to Social Action inthe Theological Ethics of Gandhi and GutierrezROBERT JAY KILBYA .B., Creighton University, 1979A.M., University of Chicago, 1983DISSERTATION: Communicative Ethics and theAbility to Mourn: Toward a Critical Theory ofMoral Development JANE ELLEN McAVOYB.M.E., Drake University, 1979M.Div., Lexington Theological Seminar v , 1985DISSERTATION: From Beyond God the Father tothe Trinity: Christian Feminist Understandingsof GodVII. IN THE IRVING B. HARRIS GRADUATE SCHOOL ofPUBLIC POLICY STUDIESSUSAN MARY SANDERSA.B., Michigan State University, 1973M.PP, University of California, Berkeley, 1981DISSERTATION: The Measurement of Charity Careand Community Benefit in Catholic NonprofitHospitals: Implications for Tax-Exemption PolicyVIII. IN THE SCHOOL OF SOCIAL SERVICE ADMINISTRATIONREGINA DIONNE CUMMINGSA.B., Ohio Dominican College, 1979M.Ed., Harvard University, 1980DISSERTATION: A Study of the Knowledge and Useof Birth Control by Some Adolescents Prior toPregnancy18BRUCE TAMMEN, Chapel Choir ConductorWOLFGANG RUBSAM, University OrganistWYLIE CRAWFORD, University Carillonneur j lMARSHALROBERT LOVETT ASHENHURSTVICE-MARSHALGEOFFREY C. M. PLAMPINFRANK W FITCHROBERT S. HAMADARICHARD H. HELMHOLZBERNARD McGINN ASSISTANT MARSHALSJOHN R. SCHUERMANHERMAN L. SINAIKOLORNA P. STRAUSRONALD A. THISTEDHAYWOOD BURTON KELLYMATHEW SCOTT KRAUSEBRADFORD SCOTT LANDERDEREK LLOYD LUNDBERGJONATHAN DAVID MARKSKRISTIN ELLEN MASCHKADAVID LEWIS OSBORNGERALD B. PENNVIRGINIA ANN PETERSENSARAH BETH POLENLINCOLN GREY QUILLIANDAVID ROBERT REICHMANMARK JULES ROUTBORTCATHERINE SKEENDANIEL JOSEPH STEARNSRACHEL LARA STURMANSTUDENT MARSHALSKURT MARTIN ACKERMANNMARK EDWIN ARNDTALEXANDER GABRIEL BASSUKPETER MARK BOUMANJUSTIN ANDREW BOYANTHOMAS MARK DOUSADEBRA SUSAN EVERLYJAMES SCHOLFIELD FAWLEYNOEL JOHN FRANCISCOJULIA GRACE GIBSONREBECCA KIM GLEN BERGPETER RONI GOLDSTONEGREGORY MARSHALL GUNNADAM JOSHUA GUTRIDECHARLES TAYLOR HANSENSTEVEN KING HOMER