;if\�1 ��HE UNKVERSKty Of CHKCAGO /1/ FOUNDED BY JOHN D. ROCKEFELLERTheThree Hundred Eighty-eighth/CONVOCATKON/TheWINTERlVfarch EighteenthROCKEFELLER MEMORIAL CHAPELLV)9� I«)0. 3�g' - 3'1 J1 9�3c. . '---J«�ORDJER Of JEXJERCX§JE§oJ'�For the Conferring of Degrees 0 ( �.�,.,IvLUThree o'clockHANNA H. GRAY, President of the University, PresidingTHE CONVOCATION PROCESSIONPROCESSIONAL-Canzon duodecimi toniEDWARD MONDELLO, Organist Giovanni Gabrieli(The Congregation remains standing until after the prayer)The Marshal and the Student MarshalsThe Candidates for DegreesThe Faculties of the UniversityThe Trustees and Officers of the UniversityThe Dean of Rockefeller Memorial ChapelThe Convocation SpeakerThe Provost of the UniversityThe President of the UniversityTHE PRAYERTHE REVEREND BERNARD O. BROWNDean of Rockefeller Memorial ChapelTHE CONVOCATION ADDRESS('THE STUDY OF MIND"JANELLEN HUTTENLOCHERWilliam S. Gray Professor) Departments of Educationand Behavioral Sciences and in the CollegeTHE ANTHEM"Ruhrt die Cymbel" Franz SchubertJANICE HUTSON, SopranoRuhrt die Cymbel, schlagt die Saiten,Lasst den Hall es tragen weit,Gross der Herr zu allen Zeiten,Heute gross vor aller Zeit!THE AWARD OF HONORSAwarded General Honors with the Bachelor's Degree:William Francis BoquistJames C. BureshNeal S. CohenTheresa Lynn ElliottWilliam A. Freedman Simranjit SinghGalhotraPaul James HancockLisa J aco bsonDavid Benjamin Levant Andrew KennethBirmingham MillerAllan J. RothmanArmando A. SaltielDouglas David SkitesMembers elected to Beta of Illinois Chapter of Phi Beta Kappa on nominationof the University for especial distinction in general scholarship in theUniversity:1983 MEMBER ELECTED IN HIS THIRD YEARJames C. Buresh1983 MEMBER ELECTED IN HER FOURTH YEARLisa JacobsonMEMBERS ELECTED 1982; DEGREES AWARDED SPRING, 1982Robert Raymond Barnes Katherine Birgit Griffith Kenneth Carl KacmarekMarshall Blatt Joseph A. Grossmann Christopher ShipleyDonald F. FlemingTHE CONFERRING OF ACADEMIC DEGREESCandidates for Degrees will be presented in alphabetical order by degreesin the following academic units. Please withhold applause until all candidates have been presented.The College by Dean Donald N. LevineThe Student Aide by Marshal Robert Lovett AshenhurstThe Division of the Biological Sciences and the Pritzker School of Medicineby Dean Donald W. KingThe Division of the Humanities by Dean Karl J. WeintraubThe Division of the Physical Sciences by Associate Dean Mark G. InghramThe Division of the Social Sciences by Dean William H. KruskalThe Graduate School of Business by Dean Richard N. RosettThe Divinity School by Dean Franklin 1. GamwellThe Graduate Library School by Dean of Students Julie M. HurdThe Committee on Public Policy Studies by Chairman Paul E. PetersonThe School of Social Service Administration by Dean of Students Philip C.HovdaTHE ALMA MA TERToday we gladly sing the praiseOf her who owns us as her sons;Our loyal voices let us raise,And bless her with our benisons.Of all fair mothers, fairest she,Most wise of all that wisest be,Most true of all the true, say we,Is our dear Alma Mater.-E. H. LEWIS, PH.D., 1894THE BENEDICTIONTHE RECESSIONAL((We All Believe in One True God"(The Congregation remains standing through the Alma Mater, the Benediction, and the Recessional) BachRODNEY A. WYNKOOP, Director of Chapel MusicEDWARD MONDELLO, University OrganistROBERT LODINE, University CarillonneurMARSHALROBERT LOVETT ASHENHURSTVICE-MARSHALGEOFFREY C. M. PLAMPINJOSEPH CEITHAMLHILLELJ. EINHORNGWIN J. KOLBBERNARD McGINNWILLIAM D. PATTISON ASSISTANT MARSHALSEDWARD W. ROSENHEIMJOHN R. SCHUERMANHERMAN L. SINAIKOLORNA P. STRAUSRONALD A. THISTEDCEDRIC H. ANTOSIEWICZMISTY L. BASTIANROCHELLE BOBROFFJAMES C. BURESHPAULJ. CARBONEJAMES P. COYREBECCA DAOMICHAEL G. DSIDAJON A. ERRAZTILA WRENCE J. FURNST AHLHELEN J. HOROWITZFRANK R. JOHNSTON STUDENT MARSHALSPETER I. JUHNTIMOTHY SEAN MURPHYMINHHUYEN T. NGUYENPHUONG L. NGUYENNANCY E. ORRCAROL E. QUILLENWILLIAM D. RAUCHHARRIET A. ROBINSONTIMOTHY L. SW ABBKURT D. WILLIAMSDARRELL WUDUNNDONALD A. ZIFFCANDIDATES FOR THE BACHELOR'S DEGREE1. IN THE COLLEGEFor the Degree of Bachelor of Arts:WILLIAM FRANCIS BOQUIST(Economics)JANICE LOUISE BUCHANAN(Behavioral Sciences)MICHAEL ANDREW BURIK(Public Affairs)• WITH HONORSELLIOTT BURROS(Economics)NEAL S. COHEN(Politics, Economics, Rhetoric, and Law)THERESA LYNN ELLIOTT(English Language and Literature)THOMAS JOSEPH FINCH(Economics)WILLIAM A. FREEDMAN(Anthropology)SIMRANJIT SINGH GALHOTRA(Chemistry)BEVERLY JEAN GRAY(Economics)THOMAS FREDRICK GUSHURST(History)MARGO LYNN HABLUTZEL(English Language and Literature)PAUL JAMES HANCOCK(Geophysical Sciences)• WITH HONORSLISA JACOBSON(Linguistics)ALEXANDER B. JOHNS(Philosophy)PENN· GASKELL JOHNSON(Economics)DA VID BENJAMIN LEV ANT(Political Science) MICHAEL DAVID LICHTER(History, Philosophy, and Social Studies of Scienceand Medicine)SANDRA MICHELLE MARSHALL(Mathematics)ANDREW KENNETH BIRMINGHAMMILLER(Economics)RONALD I. NAGEL(Germanic Languages and Literatures)MARCIA L. OKUN(Anthropology)KRISTA JOHANNA PAPAIOANNOU(Biological Sciences)KEVIN JAMES PATERSON(Economics)EDWARD ANDREWS RAHA(Business)ALLAN J. ROTHMAN(Economics)ARMANDO A. SALTIEL(Biological Sciences)DOUGLAS DAVID SKITES(Economics)VIC VELANOVICH(Biological Sciences)• WITH HONORSJOHN RICHARD VERBIC(Economics)CHERYL A. WEGNER(English Language and Literature)• WITH HONORSDAVID JOSEPH WIERZ(Political Science)GEORGE ROBERT WOODBURY, JR.(Biological Sciences)II. STUDENT MARSHALFor the Degree of Bachelor of Arts in the College:JAMES c. BURESH(Economics)CANDIDATES FOR THE MASTER'S DEGREE1. IN THE DIVISION OF THE BIOLOGICAL SCIENCESAND THE PRITZKER SCHOOL OF MEDICINEFor the Degree oj Master oj Science:SUSAN KALISZ- TONSORS.B., University oj Michigan, Ann Arbor, 1977(Biology) STEPHEN J. TONSORS. B., University oj Michigan, Ann Arbor, 1977S.M., ibid., 1978(Biology)II. IN THE DIVISION OF THE HUMANITIESFor the Degree oj Master oj Arts:GRANT DOUGLAS ANDERSONA.B., University oJChicago, 1981(Linguistics)NILA ANN BAKERA.B., College oj William and Mary, 1978(Art)SUSAN DEE LEVINE BROTMANA.B., University oJColorado, Boulder, 1978(Art)PAUL DOUGLAS DEANEA.B., University oJNorth Carolina, Chapel Hill,1980(Linguistics)BARBARA TIRITILLI EAGENS.B., Marquette University, 1957(Romance Languages and Literatures)ROBERT MATHEW KACZMARCZIKS.B., University oj Wisconsin, Eau Claire, 1974(Germanic Languages and Literatures)INDIRA SUH SATYENDRAA.B., University oJChicago, 1980(Far Eastern Languages and Civilizations)CAROL RUTH SCHWICHA.B., Valparaiso University, 1978(English Language and Literature)NATALIE SILBERMANWAINWRIGHTA.B., University oj Rochester, 1979(Far Eastern Languages and Civilizations) MILBURN DAVID SMITH IIIA.B., University oj Pennsylvania. 1980(Comparative Studies in Literature)LOIS ANNE ULMA.B., Concordia College, Rivett Forest, Illinois,1977(General Studies in the Humanities)MAURICIO ROBERTO OSWALDVIEIRAA.B., lnstituto Rio-Branco , Brasilia, Brazil, 1975Bac., University oj the Federal District, Brasilia,Brazil, 1977(Philosophy)TIMOTHY NICHOLAS WITTMANA.B., Hiram College, 1979(Art)JOHN LEWIS WRIGHTA.B., Principia College, 1977(English Language and Literature)JOAN ESTELLE WULFFA.B., University oj Missouri, Columbia, 1979B.j., ibid., 1979(Latin American and Caribbean Studies)GRACE IRENE ZLOBNICKIA.B., University oj Illinois, Chicago, 1975(Romance Languages and Literatures)III. IN THE DIVISION OF THE PHYSICAL SCIENCESFor the Degree oj Master oj Science:PUI-SING PAULSON CHOWS.B., University oj Illinois, Chicago, 1979S.M., ibid., 1979(Mathematics)STUART BROOKS FIELDS.B., StanJord University, 1981(Physics) NA THANIEL SCHENKERA.B., Princeton University, 1979(Statistics)IV. IN THE DIVISION OF THE SOCIAL SCIENCESFar the Degree af Master af Arts:LARRY S. ANDERSONA.B., University oj Texas, Austin, 1979(Master oj Arts in Social Sciences)STEFAN AUW AERTERDipl., Universitat des Saarlandes, Saarbrucleen,West Germany, 1979(Economics)SOPHIA BENCOIL- TAYLOR(Behavioral Sciences: Human Development)ANDREW MARK BOXERA.B., Goddard College, 1974(Behavioral Sciences: Human Development)HUGO OSCAR CULOSLie., National University oJCordoba, Argentina,1970(Behavioral Sciences: Methodology)DISSERTATION: The Feasibility oj Different Settings in Classroom StudiesWILLIAM THOMAS DEAN IIIA.B., University oJthe South, 1980(History)JODY EMAMI- YEGANEHA.B., Ohio Northern University, 1980(Middle Eastern Studies)PATRICIA EYSTERA.B., University oJChicago, 1978(Economics)NAN FAIRHURSTA.B., Mundelein College, 1978(Master oj Arts in Social Sciences)JOHN PATRICK FLYNTA.B., Metropolitan State College, 1979(Political Science)DANIEL A. FOLEYA.B., University oJChicago, 1966(Anthropology)KA THLEEN JOAN FORSLUNDA.B., Barat College, 1980(History)JERRY MARK FUSSELMANS.B., University oj Nebraska, Lincoln, 1979(Economics)BARRY JOEL KAPLANA.B., University oj Illinois, Chicago, 1981(Master oj Arts in Social Sciences) CRAIG EVAN KLAFTERA.B., University oJChicago, 1980(History)KYU-CHANG LEEA.B., Seoul National University, Korea, 1961A.M., Sophia University, Toyko, Japan, 1973(Master oj Arts in Social Sciences)GRATIA LEGERA.B., Calvin College, 1981(History)DEBORAH J. LUCASA.B., University oJChicago, 1980(Economics)MARGO LEAH MILLERA.B., University oJCalifornia, Berkeley, 1976(Anthropology)CHRISTOPHER PERRY PEARSONA.B., University oJNorth Carolina, Chapel Hill,1980(Geography)J. DAPHNE PINKOSA.B., William Smith College, 1973(Master oj Arts in Social Sciences)BETTY PREVENDERA.B., Mundelein College, 1967(Master oj Arts in Social Sciences)CLIFFORD E. PRIMERA.B., The American University, 1979(International Relations)MANUEL SANCHEZLie., Institute 'Tecnologico y de Estudios Superioresde Monterrey, Mexico, 1977S.M., University oj Missouri, Columbia, 1979(Economics)DANIEL ALAN SEGALA.B., Cornell University, 1980(Anthropology)REGINA FIDELIA TITUNIKA.B. University oj Washington, 1980(Political Science)ANTON C. VRAMEA.B., DePaul University, 1981(International Relations)V. IN THE DIVINITY SCHOOLFar the Degree af Master af Arts:LIONEL RICHARD EDESA.B., North Park College, 1975 DANIEL LEE LEWISA.B., Trinity College, Deerfield, Illinois, 1981ANTHONY MICHAELMALLERDINOA.B., Georgetown University, 1981STEPHEN JOHN POPEA.B., Gonzaga University, 1977FREDERICK CORNELL ROGERSA.B., Lincoln Christian College, 1975A.M., Valparaiso University, 1978JAMES NATHANIEL SHUMACKERA.B., Brown University, 1972J.D., Indiana Central University, 1975 BRENT A. SMITHA.B., Hanover College, 1976DANIEL WARREN SMITHS.B., Wheaton College, Illinois, 1981JOHN A. SUMMERSA.B., Jarvis Christian College, 1981DAVID CARL SWAINA.B., Atlantic Christian College, 1981VI. IN THE GRADUATE LIBRARY SCHOOLFor the Degree of Master of Arts:CHARLES P. COLDWELLA.B., Washington State University, 1971M.M., New England Conservatory of Music, 1973DISSERTATION: A Source of Italian Dance Musicfor Lute: Angelo Gardano's BaIletti Moderniof 1611WENDY JEROMEA.B., Carleton College, 1973A.M., University of Chicago, 1977A.M., ibid., 1982 MARYBETHSCHROEDERA.B., University of Illinois, Urbana, 1976JOHN HARVEY TEBOA.B., University of Cincinnati, 1977VII. IN THE COMMITTEE ON PUBLIC POLICY STUDIESFor the Degree of Master of Arts:MICHAEL S. LEIBMANA.B., Beloit College, Wisconsin, 1976A.M., University of Chicago, 1979CANDIDATES FOR PROFESSIONAL DEGREESI. IN THE GRADUATE SCHOOL OF BUSINESSFor the Degree of Master of Business Administration:LEISA BROWN AIKENS.B., Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, 1980HARVEY CLELAND ALLISON IIIB.Arch., Cornell University, 1979KATRINE MEREA ANDERZHONA.B., University of Chicago, 1979MARK HARRIS ARNELLS.B., Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah,1980 BRIAN PIETER A VERYA.B., Williams College, 1980MADELINE MARIE BABETTEB.M.E., General Motors Institute, 1981DONALD A. BALASAA.B., Northwestern University, 1974J.D." ibid., 1977JONATHAN G. BELZERA.B., University of California , Los Angeles, 1976PHILIP DAVIES BENNETTA.B., University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill,1976M.P.A., Princeton University, 1979DAVID CARL BERKOVECS.B., University of California, Berkeley, 1980CLIFFORD G. BESSERS.B., Lewis and Clark College, 1974J.D., Georgetown University, 1978DOROTHY LYNN BIONDIS.B., Pennsylvania State University, UniversityPark, 1978ROBERT ALTSHULER BLOCKA.B., Georgetown University, 1977DENNIS W. BORKLANDB.Ch.E. University of Delaware, 1978KEVIN JOSEPH BRADICICHS.B.E., Princeton University, 1979ANTHONY PATRICK BROADS.B.E., University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, 1978WILLIAM KIN-MAN CHANS.B., Washington State University, 1974S.M.E.E., Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana, 1976ANTHONY W. CHOLSTA.B., Tufts University, 1980M.Sc., London School of Economics, England, 1982GREGORY F. CLARKS.B., Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana,1975JOHN STEPHEN CLARKES.B.Ch.E., University of Notre Dame, 1978MARIA DOXAS CONSTANTINIDESA.B., Indiana University, Bloomington, 1975CHARLES F. COOLEYS.B., Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana,1975WILLIAM MICHAEL CUNNINGHAMA.B., Howard University, 1978A.M., University of Chicago, 1982RODRIGO O. DE LA CUADRAGARRETONMag., University of Chile, Santiago, 1978Ing. ibid., 1978DAWN MARIE DECKERA.B., Dartmouth College, 1981SYDNEY FAITH DRELLA.B., Pomona College, 1979MICHAEL JOSEPH DuBOISS.B.Ch.E., Northwestern University, 1974PAUL EDMUND DuCHARME, JR.S.B., University of Notre Dame, 1975S.B.Ch.E., University of Akron, 1978ELIZABETH ANNE ELLERSA..B., Goucher College, 1981 MARK EMERYB.Sc., University of Bristol, England, 1979EDWARD CHARLES ENDERLES.B.M.E., Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, 1970M.Eng., ibid., 1971DAVID A. EUSONS.B., Iowa State University, 1977GARY L. FEATHERINGHAMS.B., Kent University, Ohio, 1967HANNI FISCHERB.P.A., Universidad de Chile, Santiago, 1973M.B.A., University of Santa Clara, 1974KIM E. FOXA.B., Denison University, 1980VICTOR MANUEL GARCIA OSSAB.Ec., Universidad de Chile, Santiago, 1978Ing.Com., ibid., 1980Mag., ibid., 1980HENRY S. GIVRA YS.B., Cornell University, 1975M.Eng., ibid., 1976DONNA CISAR GODINS.B., DePaul University, 1979ASHLEY ROWE GOULDA.B., Vanderbilt University, 1977DIANN LOUISE GRAHAMS.B., Iowa State University, 1980PAUL DONALD GRANGAARDA.B., Stanford University, 1980JOEL GUENNEGUEZIng., L'Ecole National Sup erieure des TravauxPublics, Abidjan, Ivory Coast, 1979MARTIN G. HAHNS.B., University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, 1980ELLEN MARIE HAMILTONA.B., Northern Illinois University, 1970JAMES FRANCIS HAMILTONA.B., St. Mary's College, Winona, Minnesota,1976MARK J. H. HANB.Com., National Cheng-Chi University, Taipei,Taiwan, 1977IRA JAY HARTOCHS.B., Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana,1972S.M., ibid., 1973SIDNEY FRANCIS HOOTSS.B., Duke University, 1981CAROLINE K. HSIAOA.B., Yale University, 1979VINCENT HUEBNERDipl., Christian Albrechts University, Kiel, WestGermany, 1980MATTHEW W. JAHNKEB.M.E., General Motors Institute, 1976DONNA LOUISEJEKERA.B., Mt. Holyoke College, 1976S.M.L., University of California, Berkeley, 1979A.M., ibid., 1980NATHAN J. JONESA.B.B., University of Wisconsin, Eau Claire, 1979MATTHEW AARON KATZS.B., Northwestern University, 1978LUCINDA PRYOR KEARNSA.B., Colby College, 1978THOMAS CHRISTOPH KELLERLIPPOLDIng., Universidad Tecnica F.S.M., Valaparaiso ,Chile, 1980ARSHAD M. KHANS.B.E., University of London, England, 1962S.M., Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, 1970Ph.D., ibid., 1972• WITH HONORSMARGARET HAMILTON KIRKHAMB.M., University of Iowa, 1971M.M., Northern Illinois University, 1976BRIAN TODD KIRKPATRICKS.B., Central Washington University, 1980KAREN VIRGINIA KOLES.B., University of Southern California, 1975J.D., Northwestern University, 1980WILLEM D. KOPPELA.B., University of Leiden, Netherlands, 1977A.M., ibid., 1980KAREN KUMMERERA.B., Barat College, 1979ALFREDO KUNZE SCHUTZELic., Universidad Cat6lica de Chile, Santiago, 1979SALLY J. SCHWEISBERGERLARCKERS.B., University of Arizona, 1972STEVEN ALBERT LAUDELA.B., Knox College, 1979EDWARD WALTER LAVESA.B., Cornell University, 1969A.M., University of Chicago, 1973Ph.D., ibid., 1980FREDJ.LEBENSORGERS.B., University of Illinois, Urbana, 1974MARIE THERESE LEDOCHOWSKIA.M., State University of New York, Stony Brook,1975EDMUND LEEB.E., University of Sydney, Australia, 1980S.M., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1982LESLIE YEE-LIN YEEA.B.B., National Taiwan University, Taipei, 1979 NAIPING LEES.B., National Taiwan University, Taipei, 1973S.M., Northern Illinois University, 1977KENNETH HAROLD LEVINS.B., Michigan State University, 1971A.M., University of California, Santa Barbara,1977Ph.D., ibid., 1980MITCHELL S. LEVINEA.B., University of Chicago, 1981M.Sc., London School of Economics, England, 1982KURT DAVID LIEBERMANS.B., Harvey Mudd College, 1979JAMES JYH- YUEH LINA.B., National Chung-Hsing University, Taipei,Taiwan, 1979JOSEPHINE LINDENA.B., University of Sydney, Australia, 1974CAROL HANNON LYONSA.B.B., St. Mary's College, Notre Dame, Indiana, 1977KAI-WING MAA.B.B., Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shatin, 1979ROBERT DREW MAHANA.B., Swarthmore College, 1977S.B., ibid., 1977NICHOLAS ANTHONY MARRAS.B.E.E., Marquette University, 1973S.M. Northwestern University, 1979DARYL L. MATARASSOS.B., New York University, 1977RAVINDER KUMAR MATTUB. Tech., Govind Ballabh Pant University, Pantnagar, India, 1974Dipl ., Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad, India, 1979PAUL E. McMAHONS.B., State University of New York, Buffalo, 1980• WITH HONORSRICHARD MICHAEL MELNICOFFS.B., Cornell University, 1978WESLEY LEWIS MICHAELA.B., University of Pennsylvania, 1979ANDREW R. MILLERS.B., University of Illinois, Urbana, 1976ELEANOR CYNTHIA NADBIELNYA.B., Johns Hopkins University, 1978THOMAS STEPHEN NADBIELNYS.B.E., Princeton University, 1981ROGER HANS NORDLie., Hochschule St. Gallen, Switzerland, 1981GEORGE DOUGLAS OBERHOFERA.B., Harvard University, 1979FREDERICK KWAME OFORIASANTEA.B., Dartmouth College, 1981Y ASUHARU ORIHARAB.E., University of Tokyo, Japan, 1976JIN HEI PARKB.Ec., Seoul National University, Korea, 1980ELLEN K. P ARSIGIANA.B.B., University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, 1978SAMIR KANUBHAI PATELB.Sc., London School of Economics, England, 1981RICARDO PEDRAZAB.Arch., Cornell University, 1980KENNETH W. PIOTROWSKIS.B., University of Wisconsin, Madison, 1970A.M., ibid., 1977S.M., ibid., 1979MARIA EMILIA PIPPOLic., University of Buenos Aires, Argentina, 1976STEPHEN CRAIG PIRRONGA.B., University of Chicago, 1981RONA POCKERA.B., New York University, 1977DOUGLAS RICHARD REESS.B., Carnegie Mellon University, 1980THOMAS M. REINDELA.B., Hampshire College, 1977RA YMOND C. REX, JR.S.B., University of Pittsburgh, 1974LA WRENCE WILLIAM ROBINSONA.B., Dartmouth College, 1980G. FREDERICK RUSHA.B., Yale University, 1974FRANK SABELLAA.B., University of California, Berkeley, 1979ROBERT J. SANBORNA.B., Dartmouth College, 1980MARK DOUGLAS SCHRODERA.B., St. Lawrence University, 1980SCOTT RAYMOND SCHROERB.E., Vanderbilt University, 1979DAVID M. SELDINS.B., University of Pennsylvania, 1982KEVIN G. SHEEHYS.B., Boston College, 1979PAMELA SHEPPARDS.B.Ch.E., Northwestern University, 1976REM OWEN SIEKMANNS.B.E., Duke University, 1976 HOWARD LEONARD SIMONSA.B., Johns Hopkins University, 1975A.M., ibid., 1977WILLIAM PAUL SPRINGER, JR.S.B., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1980LAURA ANN STARKSS.B., Tulane University, 1980CHRISTOPHER STODDARTA.B., Yale University, 1978M.Sc., London School of Economics, England, 1982VINCENT PO-KA TAlB.E.E., Georgia Institute of Technology, 1978S.M.E.E., ibid., 1980GEORGE IRVING THOMPSONS.B., Eastern Illinois University, 1971S.M., University of Illinois, Urbana, 1973ALBERT FUTSU TIENS.B., National Taiwan University, Taipei, 1969S.M., Illinois Institute of Technology, 1973Ph.D., ibid., 1977KEN TSUBOUCHIB.Ec., University of Tokyo, Japan, 1978LINDA LEE TURNERS.B., Memphis State University, 1967JOY ANN V ACCARIA.B., University of Vermont, 1977COLLEEN KEMP VITEKA.B., Moorhead State University, 1976BRUCE JOSEPH WANDYEZS.B., Clarkson College of Technology, 1979KAREN J. WILDNERS.B., University of Illinois, Chicago, 1972PHILLIP RICHARD WILSONA.B., Claremont Men's College, 1981SANDRA LONG WILSONA.B., Northwestern University, 1980WARREN THOMAS WINDLE, JR.S.B., University of Massachusetts, Amherst, 1968S.M., ibid., 1974CHIEN-HUEI PHILIP WUS.B.E., National Cheng Kung University, Tainan,Taiwan, 1975S.M., University of Kentucky, 1979HSUEH-MIN WUA.B.B., National Taiwan University, Taipei, 1979MIYUKI YOSHIDAL.L.B., Hitotsubashi University, Tokyo, Japan,1976PAUL ALAN ZUCKERA.B., Knox College, 1978II. IN THE LAW SCHOOLFor the Degree oj Doctor oj Law:ROLAND RAYMOND ST. LOUIS, JR.A.B., Wesleyan University, 1978III. IN THE PRITZKER SCHOOL OF MEDICINEFor the Degree oj Doctor oj Medicine:JAMES RALSTON ADAMSONS.B. (Mathematics), Massachusetts Institute ojTechnology, 1972S.B.{Biology), ibid., 1972Ph.D., University oJChicago, 1981CANDIDATES FOR THE DEGREE OFDOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHYI. IN THE DIVISION OF THE BIOLOGICAL SCIENCESAND THE PRITZKER SCHOOL OF MEDICINEDENNIS MICHAEL DACEYA.B., Swarthmore College, 1976(Anatomy)DISSERTATION: Neural Organization oJthe OpticTectum in the Eastern Garter Snake, Thamnophis sirtalis: Structural Analysis oj a Sensorimotor TransformationDIANE ROSE GUINTAS.B., Trinity College, Hartford, Connecticut, 1976(Microbiology)DISSERTATION: Purification, Properties, andFunction oj a Bacteriophage N4 ExonucleaseZOE SHU-HUI QUANA.B., Harvard University, 1977(Biophysics and Theoretical Biology)DISSERTATION: A Competition Model oJIdiotypicBalance among Antigen Reactive Murine BLymphocytes ALAN HARRIS ROTERS.B., University oj Illinois, Urbana, 1976(Developmental Biology) ,DISSERTATION: The Adult Cuticle Proteins ojDrosophila melanogaster: A Model SystemJorStudying Developmentally Regulated GeneExpressionIRA STEVEN R UEINA.B., New York University, 1978(Pathology)DISSERTATION: Molecular Studies on HyperthermiaDAVID BRIAN WILDEA.B., Wabash College, 1977(Immunology)DISSERTATION: Characterization of Unresp onsiveness to Antigen Which Develops FollowingStimulation oj Cloned T Helper CellsII. IN THE DIVISION OF THE HUMANITIESALP ARSLAN A<;IKGEN<;Lis. Dipl, s University oj Ankara, Turkey, 1974A.M., University oJ Wisconsin, Milwaukee, 1977(Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations)DISSERTATION: The Concept oj Existence in Sadrdand Heidegger IBRAHIM MOUSA AL-SINJILA WIA.B., Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt, 1969A.M., ibid., 1973(Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations)DISSERTATION: The Lament for Fallen Cities: AStudy oj the Development oj the Elegiac Genrein Classical Arabic PoetryAKEEL BILGRAMIA.B., University oJOxJord, England, 1974(Philosophy)DISSERTATION: Meaning and KnowledgeTHOMAS F. BONNELLA.B., St. OlaJ College, 1976A.M., University oj Chicago, 1977(English Language and Literature)DISSERTATION: The Historical Context oj John-son's Lives of the Poets: Rival Collections ojEnglish Poetry 1777-1810ANN CHEETHAM COLLEYA.B., College oj William and Mary, 1962A.M., University oj Virginia, 1964(English Language and Literature)DISSERTATION: Tennyson and MadnessSTEPHEN A. HEDGESB.M., Ohio University, 1974M.M., Bowling Green State University, 1976(Music)DISSERTATION: Georg Gruber's Reliquiae sacrorum concentuum (1615): An Edition withHistorical CommentaryROBERT DANIEL HOBERMANA.B., Cornell University, 1971A.M., University oJChicago, 1975(Linguistics)DISSERTATION: Verb Inflection in Modern Aramaic: Morphosyntax and Semantics MICHAEL JOHN McTIGHEA.B., Brown University, 1970M.Div., Yale University, 1973(History)DISSERTATION: Embattled Establishment: Protestants and Power in Cleveland, 1836-60PAULA S. RICHMANA.B., Oberlin College, 1974A.M., Princeton University, 1977A.M., University oJChicago, 1980(South Asian Languages and Civilizations)DISSERTATION: Religious Rhetoric in Manime-kalaiROBERT KENT SHIRERA.B., Beloit College, 1973A.M., University oJChicago, 1976(Germanic Languages and Literatures)DISSERTATION: "Ueber die Schwierigleeit, ich xusagen": The Narrator as Protagonist in UweJohnson's Jahrestage and Christa WolJ's KindheitsmusterTHOMAS CEDRIC SMITH-STARKA.B., Brown University, 1969(Linguistics)DISSERTATION: Jilotepequeno Pocomam Phonology and MorphologyCHARLES BRUCE STEPHENSONA.B., Harvard University, 1974A.M., University oJChicago, 1975(History)DISSERTATION: Kepler'S Physical AstronomyIII. IN THE DIVISION OF THE PHYSICAL SCIENCESIRA D. BLOOMS.B. Brown University, 1978(Chemistry)DISSERTATION: Synthesis and Reactivity oj Organosamarium ComplexesJOHN FARRIOR COOPERS.B., Georgia Institute oj Technology, 1972S.M., University oJChicago, 1977(Physics)DISSERTATION: Nuclear Cascades in Saturn'sRings: Cosmic Ray Albedo Neutron Decay andthe Origins oJ Trapp ed Protons in the Inner MagnetosphereBRADLEY W. FILIPPONES.B., Pennsylvania State University, 1977S.M., University oJChicago, 1980(Physics)DISSERTATION: Nuclear Physics and the Calculation oj the Solar Neutrino FluxT ANY A PAULINE HRINYOS.B., Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana,1977S.M., University oJChicago, 1978(Chemistry)DISSERTATION: The Interaction oj Pyrene Derivatives with Nucleic Acids JAMES VERNON LILL, JR.A.B., Pomona College, 1975(Chemistry)DISSERTATION: Imbedded Matrix Green's Functions and Discrete Variable Representations inQuantum Mechanical ScatteringWILLIAM CHARLES PARKERA.B., University oj Tennessee, Knoxville, 1973S.M., ibid., 1975(Geophysical Sciences)DISSERTATION: Fossil Ecological Successions inPaleozoic Level Bottom Brachiopod-BryozoanCommunitiesJUAN ENRIQUE SANTOSLic., Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina, 1977(Mathematics)DISSERTATION: Finite Element Methods Jor theSimulation oJ Wave Propagation in Two-dimensional Inhomogeneous Elastic MediaSUSAN SHOTTA.B., Central Michigan Univeristv , 1976A.M., University oJChicago, 1977S.M., ibid., 1981(Statistics)DISSERTATION: Limit Theorems Jor Mixing ArraysJOHN W. TAYLORA.B., University of Oxford, England, 1978(Chemistry)DISSERTATION: Structure-Function Analysis ofHuman [3-Endorphin: Design, Synthesis andStudy of Model Pep tidesTIMOTHY BLAKE VANDER WOODS.B., University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill,1974S.M., Florida State University, 1977(Geophysical Sciences)DISSERTATION: The Development of the Abitibi.Greenstone Belt: Evidence from Ion-microprobedetermined Lead Isotope Ratios in Zircon DAVID HENNESSEY WALDECKS.B., University of Cincinnati, 1978(Chemistry)DISSERTATION: Time Resolved SpectroscopicStudies of Molecular MotionIV. IN THE DIVISION OF THE SOCIAL SCIENCESMARY CLIFTON AYRESA.B., University of Wisconsin, Madison, 1974A.M., University of Chicago, 1978(Anthropology)DISSERTATION: This Side, That Side: Localityand Exogamous Group Definition in MoreheadArea, Southwestern PapuaMALCOLM DOUGLAS BERDA.B., Knox College, 1954A.M., Harvard University, 1955M.A. T, ibid., 1956(Education)DISSERTATION: The Origins, Implementation, andThe Demise of Socialist Education in Mexico,1932-1946MARVIN CIPORENA.B., Brooklyn College, 1964A.M., University of Chicago, 1965(History)DISSERTATION: A Social Analysis of the FrenchSocialist Vote in the 1914 Legislative Electionsin SceauxKRISTIN GLASERA.B., Goddard College, 1964A.M., University of Chicago, 1968(Behavioral Sciences: Human Development)DISSERTATION: Social Support and Mothers' Ad-justment to Birth of TwinsJAMES L. GREERA.B., University of Wisconsin, Madison, 1974A.M., University of Chicago, 1976(Political Science)DISSERTATION: The Politics of Decline andGrowth: Planning, Economic Transformation,and the Structuring of Urban Futures in American CitiesJAMES S. GRUBBA.B., Williams College, 1974B.Phil., University of York, Heslington, England,1976(History)DISSERTATION: Venetian Dominion in Vicenza,1404-1509 JACQUELINE L. S. KIEFFA.B., University of Pennsylvania, 1965A.M., Roosevelt University, 1972(Education)DISSERTATION: Adaptation to Work: Productivity, Satisfaction, and Coping StyleANASTASIA KOSTAKISA.B., University of Illinois, Chicago, 1973M.A. T, Northwestern University, 1974(Education)DISSERTATION: The Process of Academic Performance in Greece: An Analysis of Success on theLyceum Entrance ExamsLEONARD ARNOLD KUSNITZA.B., Johns Hopkins University, 1978A.M., ibid., 1978A.M., University of Chicago, 1979(Political Science)DISSERTATION: Public Opinion and Foreign Policy: America's China Policy, 1949-1979BRUCE MANNHEIMA.B., City University of New York, 1972A.M., University of Chicago, 1978(Anthropology /Linguistics)DISSERTATION: Structural Change and the Structure of Change: The Linguistic History ofCuzcoQuechua in Relation to Its Social HistoryPETER ROLAND MUESERA.B., Harvard University, 1977A.M., University of Chicago, 1979(Sociology)DISSERTATION: The Dynamics of MigrationYUSUF ZIY A 6ZCANLis.Dipl., Ankara Universitesi, Turkey, 1973A.M., University of Chicago, 1978(Sociology)DISSERTATION: Social Stratification and SocialMobility in TurkeyGUSSCHATTENBERGA.B., Duke University, 1973A.M., University of Chicago, 1977(Sociology)DISSERTATION: Continuities in Regional Race Relations PatternsMAURICE W. SCHIFFA.B., Hebrew University oJJerusalem, Israel, 1971S.M., ibid., 1974A.M., University oJChicago, 1977(Economics)DISSERTATION: InJormation, Expectations andPolicies: A Study oj the World Wheat Market,1960-1980SHARON LOUISE SENKS.B., University oj Michigan, Ann Arbor, 1965M.A. T., Wesleyan University, 1969(Education)DISSERTATION: Proof Writing Achievement andvan Hiele Levels among Secondary School Geometry Students EUGENE F. THUOTA.B., Assumption College, 1960B. Th., University oJ Ottawa, Canada, 1965A.M., University oJChicago, 1973(Political Science)DISSERTATION: Love, Politics, and the Emergenceof the Christian Soul: A Commentary on Shakespeare's Antony and CleopatraELLEN JANE WENTLANDA.B., State University oJNew York, Buffalo, 1965A.M., Roosevelt University, 1977(Behavioral Science: Social & Organizational Psychology)DISSERTATION: Use oj Time in Formal MeetingsV. IN THE DIVINITY SCHOOLGARY LYNN COMSTOCKA.B., Wheaton College, 'Illinois, 1976A.M., University oJChicago, 1977DISSERTATION: The Problem oj Appropriation:Narrative and the Christian Moral LifeBETH GLAZIER-McDONALDA.B., George Washington University, 1974A.M., University oJChicago, 1975DISSERTATION: Malachi: The Divine Messenger,A Critical ReappraisalWILLIAM RENE ST. JOHNA.B., Regis College, Denver, Colorado, 1972A.M., University oJChicago, 1977A.M., ibid., 1980DISSERTATION: Supererogation: Some Theological Perspectives J. MARK THOMASA.B., Texas Christian University, 1971M.Div., ibid., 1974DISSERTATION: Toward a Theonomous Technology: An Inquiry into the Social Ethics oj Technology in Parsons, Marcuse and Heidegger Basedon Paul Tillich's Theology oJ CultureJAMES PRESL YN WINDA.B., Concordia Senior College, 1970M.Div., Christ Seminary, 1974S. T.M., ibid., 1981DISSERTATION: The Bible and the University: TheMessianic Vision oj William Rainey HarperVI. IN THE SCHOOL OF SOCIAL SERVICE ADMINISTRATIONGARY RICHARD ANDERSONA.B., Grand Rapids Baptist College and Seminary, 1974M.S. W., University of Michioan, Ann Arbor, 1976DISSERTATION: Child Sexual Abuse: PublicAgency Worker Response to Sexually AbusiveFamilies CHRISTINE R. MARLOWB.Sc., University oj Wales, Swansea, 1972A.M., University oJChicago, 1979DISSERTATION: The Organization oj Interactionin a Behavior Therapy Interview