THE UNKYERSKTJ( OF CHKCAGOq� 1/POUNDBD BY JOHN D. ROCKBFBLLBR rCONVOCATKON/TheSUMMERSeptember Pi rstA.D. Nineteen Hundred Seventy-eightROCKEFELLER MEMORIAL CHAPELORDER Of EXERCISESFor the Conferring of DegreesThree oJ clockHanna H. Gray, President of the University, PresidingTHE CONVOCATION PROCESSIONPROCESSION AL-Canzon Primi Toni(The Congregation standing until after the prayer) Giovanni GabrieliThe Marshal and the Student MarshalsThe Candidates for DegreesThe Faculties of the UniversityThe Trustees and Officers of the UniversityThe Associate Dean of Rockefeller Memorial ChapelThe Convocation SpeakerThe Provost of the UniversityThe President of the UniversityTHE PRAYERTHE REVEREND BERNARD O. BROWNAssociate Dean of Rockefeller Memorial ChapelTHE CONVOCATION ADDRESS"MEMORY, JUDGMENT, CHOICE"KEITH BAKERProfessor, Department of History, Morris Fishbein Center for the Study of Science andMedicine, Committee on the Conceptual Foundations of Science, and the College; Master, Social Sciences Collegiate Division; and Associate Dean of the College and Division of the Social SciencesPatti CohenDavid Alan CoplenRichard Brian DagenRobert Carl JespersonStanley Walter J ozefiakStephen Andrew Kei Steven Michael PontikesEsther Joy SchwartzBarry Ira ShainPaul StanfordSusan R. StarrStanley R. Szuba Kathleen M. WestonMax WileyKurt Andress WinklerPaul Nicholas YanniasTHE ANTHEMo filii et filiae Volkmar LeisringThe Rockefeller Memorial Chapel Choir and Brass EnsembleRICHARD VIKSTROM, ConductorYe sons and daughters of the King. Alleluia.Lift up your hearts, let voices ring. Alleluia.THE AWARD OF HONORSAwarded General Honors with the Bachelor's Degree:Patti Cohen Stephen Michael Pontikes Kathleen M. WestonMembers elected to Beta of Illinois Chapter of Phi Beta Kappa on nomination of the University for especial distinction in general scholarship inthe University:ELECTED IN THEIR FOURTH YEARTHE CONFERRING OF ACADEMIC DEGREESCandidates for Degrees will be presented in alphabetical order by degrees inthe following academic units: .In the College by Dean Jonathan Z. SmithThe Student Marshals by Marshal Robert L. AshenhurstIn the Division of the Biological Sciences and the Pritzker School of Medicineby Professor Jarl E. DyrudIn the Division of the Humanities by Dean Karl J. WeintraubIn the Division of the Physical Sciences by Professor Leon M. StockIn the Division of the Social Sciences by Dean William H. KruskalIn the Graduate School of Business by Associate Dean Robert L. GravesIn the Divinity School by Dean Joseph M. KitagawaIn the Graduate Library School by Dean Don R. SwansonIn the School of Social Service Administration by Associate Dean John R .. SchuermanTHE ALMA MATERToday we gladly sing the praiseOf her who owns us as her sons;Our loyal voices let us raise,And bless her with our benisons.Of all fair mothers, fairest she,Most wise of all that wisest be,Most true of all the true, say we,Is our dear Alma Mater.-E. H. LEWIS, PH.D., 1894THE BENEDICTIONTHE RECESSIONALChorale Prelude in D Minor Bach(The Congregation remains standing through the Alma Mater, the Benediction, and the Recessional)MARSHALROBERT LOVETT ASHENHURSTRICHARD E. VIKSTROM, Director of Chapel MusicEDWARD MONDELLO, University OrganistROBERT LODINE, University CarillonneurJOSEPH CEITHAMLHILLEL J. EINHORNEDMUND WELLS KITCHGWIN J. KOLBBERNARD McGINNSTEPHEN L. BROCKJOSEPH E. DANNENMAIERSULA FISZMANELLEN FORMANROBERT FOSTERADAM GAMORANJ AMES GROBERKEVIN JUDGEDEAN KRAVISBETTE LEASHPAUL LOSENSKYANN MERRYFIELD VICE-MARSHALGEOFFREY C. 1\1. PLAMPINASSIST ANT MARSHALSROGER A. PILLETEDWARD W. ROSENHEIMMARGARET K. ROSENHEIMLORNA P. STRAUSWILBERT HERBERT URRYSTUDENT MARSHALSMARGARET MURRAYLAWRENCE PETKODAVID PHALENSTEVEN MICHAEL PONTIKESGREGORY FOPESTEVEN POST3ANDRA REMUSSETH ROSENCHRISTINE TYMAPETER WENDELKATHLEEN M. WESTONDAVID WINTERSCANDIDATES FOR THE BACHELOR'S DEGREEI. IN THE COLLEGEJOANNE G. ADLER(History) F or the Degree oi Bachelor oi Arts:STANLEY WALTER JOZEFIAK(Economics)POLLY ANNE BEERE(Biological Sciences) STEPHEN ANDREW KEI(Biological Sciences)AUSTIN J . KELLY(Economics)JACK EVAN BOSSOM(History)DONALD PAUL BOTTARO(Biological Sciences) GAIL RACHEL KRONENBERG(Anthropology)JOSEPH NEIL LEVINE(English Language and Literature)DOUGLAS ALAN BURK(History)CHI HSIANG STEPHEN CHUANG YVONNE PATRICE LUCERO(Biological Sciences)(Biological Sciences)• WITH HONORS TIMOTHY McGRAW( Chemistry)YOUNG CHU CHUNG(Biological Sciences) EUGENE T. MICHAL(Chemistry)LOUISE ANN MUTTERPERL(C lassical Languages and Literatures)PATTI COHEN(English Language and Literature)DAVID ALAN COPLEN(Economics)• WITH HONORS DENNIS BRUCE NAVARRA(Economics)RICHARD BRIAN DAGEN(Economics) SABINA NEGREA(Political Science)MARK STEPHEN OLES(Biological Sciences)CHRISTOPHE JOHN DE GRAZIA(Physics)JOHN EDWARD DUSLACK(Mathematics) GLENN MICHAEL PAPE(Classical Languages and Literatures)MORTON ELLIOT FOX(Political Science) MICHELLE S. PLESKOW(General Studies in the Humanities)STEVEN R. FRANCIS(Physics) LORNA JOYCE REID(Art and Design)MARC JEFFREY FRIEDMAN(Sociology)DAVID T. GANBARG(Biological Sciences) SAMUEL KURT RHOADS(English Language and Literature)STEPHEN PHILIP GERRARD(Biological Sciences) RONALD ISIDORE ROTHOLZ(Political Science)ROBERT B. SAUTE(History)GORDON DOANE HAMILTON(Tutorial Studies)• WITH HONORS ESTHER JOY SCHWARTZ(English Language and Literature)BARRY IRA SHAIN(Political Science)MARK EDWARD HUGHES(Biological Sciences) PAUL ANDREW SLAVIN(Political Science)ROSE SHAHNAZ IJAZ(History) PAUL STANFORD(Geography)J AMES DARRELL IRWIN(Chemistry) SUSAN R. STARR(Religion and the Humanities)ROBERT CARL JESPERSEN(Biological Sciences)• WITH HONORS RICHARD SANFORD STOCKTON(Physics)STANLEY R. SZUBA(Classical Languages and Literatures)• WITH HONORSWILLIAM L. WALLACE(Geography)KAY LYNN HARRISON WIGGINS(Economics) MAX WILEY(Anthropology)KUR T ANDRESS WINKLER( Classical Languages and Literatures)PAUL NICHOLAS YANNIAS(Political Science)II. IN THE COLLEGE AND THE DIVISION OF THEPHYSICAL SCIENCESFor the Degree of Bachelor at Science:PHILLIP BENJAMIN ABEL( Mathematics)KATHLEEN M. WESTON(Anthropology)• WITH HONORSIII. THE STUDENT MARSHALSSTEVEN MICHAEL FONTIKES(Political Science)For the Degree of Bachelor of Arts in the College:CANDIDATES FOR THE MASTER'S DEGREEI. IN THE DIVISION OF THE BIOLOGICAL SCIENCESAND THE PRITZKER SCHOOL OF MEDICINEFor the Degree at Master at Science:RICHARD CHARLES BEANS.B., Indiana University, Bloomington, 1965D.D.S., Indiana University, Indianapolis, 1969(Pediatrics)SHARON ELIZABETH BUTLERA.B., New College, 1973(C ommittee on Developmental Biology)KATRINA ROBECK DACEYA.B., Swarthmore College, 1974(Biology)DISSERTATION: Theories Linking Species Diversityand Invasion Success: An Investigation UsingIntroduced PlantsJOSEPH A. DRAZEKS.B., University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, 1976(Biology)DISSERTATION: The Depletion of Genetic Diversityin Crop PlantsHOWARD KIBRICK GERSHENFELDA.B., University of Chicago, 1976(Biochemistry) JAMES ALEXANDER. HARTA.B., Austin College, 1973D.D.S., Baylor College of Dentistry, 1976(P ediatrics)KEVIN M. KNIGGES.B., Illinois Benedictine College, 1977(Microbiology)ALBERT JOHN LAMA.B., University of Chicago, 1977(Committee on Immunology)DISSERTATION: Pilot Study on the Immune Response of Rabbits to Ingested Diphtheria ToxoidDENISE CATHERINE POLACEKS.B., University of Illinois, Urbana, 1974(C ommittee on Virology)STEVEN OREST ROCZNIAKA.B., University of Chicago, 1978_ (Biochemistry)DAVID IRVING SILVERMANA.B., Yale University, 1976(Biochemistry) JEANETTE H. TANABEA.B., University of Chicago, 1977(Microbiology)II. IN THE DIVISION OF THE HUMANITIESF or the Degree of Master of Arts:CHEREEN GAYLE BEAUCHAMPNOBBSA.B., University of Illinois, Urbana, 1973(Philosophy)CYNTHIA FORREST BOWMANA.B., Bucknell University, 1973(English Language and Literature) FRANK NOR TON MITCHELLA.B., Memphis State University, 1977(Philosophy)STEVEN MARK PLATZERA.B., University of Chicago, 1973(Committee on General Studies in the Humanities)SALLY KATHRYN CHURCHA.B., Middlebury College, 1971(Far Eastern Languages and Civilizations) MARl CARMEN RAMIREZA.B., University of Puerto Rico, Rio Piedras, 1975(Art)MARGARET SUSAN RAPPA.B., Northwestern University, 1978(English Language and Literature)ANNE EDELSTEINA.B., University of Rochester, 1976(English Language and Literature) JUDITH SEIDEL ROINA.B., Smith College, 1974(Art)WILLIAM PATRICK SHEEHANA.B., University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, 1977(Committee on General Studies in the Humanities)LORI LEIGH GIELEGHEMA.B., Dominican College of San Raphael, 1977 ;(Committee on General Studies in the Humanities)NANCY ELLEN GRAYA .B., Grand Valley State College, 1975(English Language and Literature) PAULA R. SHEVICKA.B., Valparaiso University, 1972(English Language and Literature)JAMES A. HECIMOVICHA.B., University of Chicago, 1977(English Language and Literature) THERESA J. SLOWIKA.B., University of Illinois, Urbana, 1976(English Language and Literature)BARBARA ANNE HIGHA.B., Loyola University, Chicago, Illinois, 1976(English Language and Literature) PHILIP JAMES STUCKYA.B., Wichita State University, 1976(English Language and Literature)DAVID ERNEST HOROWITZA.B., University of Chicago, 1977(English Language and Literature) JOHN WALTERS THOMPSONA.B., Wheaton College, Wheaton, Illinois, 1975(New Testament and Early Christian Literature)SUSAN LEE LATTERA .B., University of California, Los Angeles, 1969(English Language and Literature) ANDREW J. TURROA.B., State University of New York, Buffalo, 1976(English Language and Literature)LORI ANNE LIENHARDA.B., Bard College, 1977(English Language and Literature) CAROL ANNE WALKERA.B., University of Chicago, 1975(Linguistics)TADAHIRO MATSUMOTOB.Sc., Science University of Tokyo, Japan, 1961Dipl., Japan Bible Seminary, Tokyo, Japan, 1965(Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations) GLENN JOSEPH WITECKIS.B.B.A., Boston University, 1977(Philosophy)III. IN THE DIVISION OF THE PHYSICAL SCIENCESFor the Degree of Master of Science:JOSEPH JEFFREY BECKERS.B., Claremont College, 1977(Physics)ROBERT H. BERNSTEINS.B., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1976(Physics) JOSHUA ALEXANDER BLOOMS.B., Yale University, 1977(Chemistry)LYNDA ELIZABETH BUSSES.B., University of Missouri, St. Louis, 1975(Physics)JOHN R. CONLONA.B., University of Chicago, 1978(M athematics)MICHAEL ANTHONY DUNNA.B., Rutgers University, New Brunswick, New lersey,1976(Geophysical Sciences)MICHAEL FRANCIS FANELLIS.B., University of Connecticut, 1977(Geophysical Sciences)DAVID ALAN HARM INA .B., Wesleyan University, 1976(Physics)PATRICK G. JOBES.B., Clemson University, 1976( Chemistry)ANDREW V. KLEINS.B., Yale University, 1975(Astronomy & Astrophysics) MICHAEL JAY NASSA.B., Princeton University, 1977(Physics)MARK JOSEPH SPIEGLANA.B., University of Chicago, 1975(Geophysical Sciences)GLEN R. TRYSONA.B., Dartmouth College, 1975( Chemistry)ROBER T ALAN VOGELA.B., University of Chicago, 1978(Mathematics)JOAN HENG-CHONG WUS.B., University of California, Berkeley, 1977(C hemistry)IV. IN THE DIVISION OF THE SOCIAL SCIENCESESTHER ACKERMAN For the Degree of Master of Arts:ANTHONY EUGENE DEBARTOLOS.B., Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, 1973(Divisional Master's)A.B., San Fernando Valley State College, 1971(Divisional Master's)ASHRAF UDDIN AHMEDA.B., University of Rajshahi, Bangladesh, 1970A.M., ibid., 1972(Divisional Master's)RUSSELL L. BERMANA.B., University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, 1974(Political Science)JOANN BRAAMA.B., Lewis University, 1976(Divisional Master's)DALE R. BRICKERA.B., University of California, Santa Cruz, 1973(Geography)CHARLES LESLIE BRIGGSA.B., Colorado College, 1974(Anthropology)WILLIAM CLAY BUTIGANA.B., University of Chicago, 1977(Committee on International Relations)WILLIAM G. CHRISTENSENA.B., Indiana University, Bloomington, 1976(History)LAWRENCE ELLIS COHENA.B., Dickinson College, 1976(Committee on International Relations)PATRICK FRANCIS CONWAYA.B., Loyola University, Chicago, Illinois, 1974(Divisional Master's)SEAN ANTHONY CRONINA.B., University of Connecticut, 1974(Divisional Master's) JOHN E. DEEGAN, JR.A.B., St. Procopius College, 1972(Divisional Master's)ARTHUR MANSFIELD DIAMOND IIIA.B., Wabash College, 1974A.M., University of Chicago, 1975(Economics)SANDRA KAY DONALDSONS.B., Lewis and Clark College, Portland, Oregon,1967(E ducation)KENNETH KEN EGUSAA.B., Stanford University, 1976A.M., ibid., 1976(Sociology)MOHAMED AMIN EL-WAFAEYA.B., Cairo University, Egypt, 1974(Divisional Master's)ROSEMARY ANN FLANNERYA.B., New York University, 1973(Divisional Master's)DAVID ARTHUR FLUHARTYA.B., Wheeling College, 1973M.B.A., University of Chicago, 1975(Committee on International Relations)MARIA ANTONIA TERESA GALLARTLie., Universidad del Salvador, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 1971(Education)MARK D. GILDERSLEEVEA.B., Colby College, Waterville, Maine, 1977(Economics)MATTHEW S. GOLDBERGA.B., City University of New York, Flushing, 1976(Economics)MICHAEL H. GOLDFIELDA.B., Williams College, 1965A.M., University of Chicago, 1967(Political Science)MARC J. GOULDA.B., University of California, Berkeley, 1972(Committee on International Relations)RONALD ALLEN GOULDA.B., Ottawa University, 1976(Divisional Master's)DANIEL GRESSELS.B., Ohio State University, Columbus, 1976(Economics)WILLIAM BOUVIER HAINESA.B., Alfred University, 1975(History)J AMES EDWARD HEALYA.B., College of St. Thomas, 1975(Divisional Master's)KENNISE McKINZIE HERRINGA.B., Hampton Institute, 1976(Divisional Master's)MARY ANNE HESSA .B., Mary Washington College, 1976(Divisional Master's)CARL J. HOLBACK, JR.A.B., State University of New York, Albany, 1975(C ommittee on International Relations)GILFORD JOHN IKENBERRY IIIA .B., Manchester College, North Manchester, Indiana, 1976(Political Science)M. TERESA INFANTEIng, Com., Ilniuersidad Catolica de Chile, Santiago,Chile, 1973Lie., ibid., 1974(Economics)SUZANNE McNEILL KAVRELLA.B.. Wellesley College, 1975(Divisional Master's)DAVID FRANK LAWRENCE KERNA.B., Marquette University, 1974(Divisional Master's)KARL MONROE KILGOREA.B., University of Virginia, Charlottesville, 1974(Divisional Master's)KENT PETERS KIMBROUGHA.B., Wake Forest University, 1976(Economics)ROBERT WILLIAM KUBEYA.B., University of California, Santa Cruz, 1974(Behavioral Sciences: Human Development) LAURA ANNE LA HAYEA.B., University of California, Los Angeles, 1974(Economics)PETER K. LEIBERGA.B., Macalester College, 1976(Divisional Master's)HARRY NEAL LENHOFFA.B., Davidson College, 1976(Economics)IRENE MW AKAMUI MAIMBOL W AA.B., University of Zambia, Lusaka, Zambia, 1976(E ducation)GLENN WILLIAM McGEE IIIA.B., Dartmouth College, 1972(E ducation )DISSERTATION: The Development of a New Procedure for the Selection of Principals in an Elementary School DistrictDOUGLAS CHRISTIAN McINTOSHA.B., Albion College, 1970(Economics)PAUL MELSHENA.B., Wabash College, 1972(Committee on International Relations)JEFFREY M. MERRIAMA.B., Washington College, 1976(C ommittee on International Relations)SALWA EMAM ALY MOHAMEDA.B., Cairo University, Egypt, 1973(Divisional Master's)JENNIFER ANN MOLESA.B., University of Melbourne, Australia, 1971Dipl., ibid., 1974(Divisional Master's)NANCY CAROL MUCHA .B., Marquette University, 1972(Behavioral Sciences: Human Development)MARSHA JANE RAUDABAUGHMUELLERS.B .. Iowa State University, 1971(E ducation)HELEN J. MUZEREUSA.B., Roosevelt University, 1975(E ducation)JOHN DAVIDSON NASH, JR.S.B., Texas A & M University, 1975(Economics)FRANCOIS NOUTHELic., University of Yaounde, Cameroon, 1972Dipl. ibid., 1974(Divisional Master's)KATHERINE ANNE P AKIESERS.B., Northern Illinois University, 1975(Divisional Master's)KATHLEEN ANNE PARKERB.Mus., DePaul University, 1975(Divisional Master's)BETTINA W. PORTERS.B., Alabama A & M College, 1950(E ducation)DONNA L. POWELLA.B., University of Texas, Arlington, 1976(Committee on International Relations)DONALD LAWRENCE ROSDILS.B., Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana,1971(Political Science)ALBERT DEAN ROSELLINI, JR.A.B., Colby College, 1974(Divisional Master's)MARLA LESLIE ROW ANA.B., University of Washington, 1977__(Anthropology)ERIC BERNARD SCHOCHA.B., University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, 1974(Divisional Master's)STEVEN HAL SCHWITZMANA.B., Boston University, 1977(Divisional Master's)MICHAEL W. SHAINA.B., University of Chicago, 1977(Divisional Master's)RICHARD L. SHRINER, JR.A.B., Indiana University, Bloomington, 1974(Behavioral Sciences: Human Development)BARBARA SAMSON SITRINA.B., University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, 1970(E ducation) MARY BETH STEARNSA.B., Tufts University, 1976(Divisional Master's)MARK BRADLEY TAYLORA.B., University of Rochester, 1977(Divisional Master's)HIDEKI TOYOGUCHIA.B., Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, Japan,1967(C ommittee on International Relations)JEFFREY IVAN VICTOROFFA.B., Saint John's College, Annapolis, Maryland,1974(Divisional Master's)GREGORY FRANK WASHINGTONA.B., Beloit College, 1971(P olitical Science)JOSEPH G. WERNERA.B., MacMurray College, 1973(E ducation)ERKU YIMERB.S.W., Haile Selassie I. University, Addis Ababa,Ethiopia, 1971 .(E ducat ion )JANICE PORTNOY ZIMELISS.B., Northwestern University, 1973(Education)LUIS ZUNIGA ZARATE(Education)V. IN THE DIVINITY SCHOOLFor the Degree of Master of Arts:GARY L. EBERSOLE GEORGE J. MAZZAA.B., Dickinson College, 1971 A.B., Indiana University, Bloomington, 1976JAMES NICHOLAS FUTRISA.B., University of Illinois, Chicago, 1973M.Div., Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology, 1978GEORGE L. LANEA.B., Reed College, 1976 THOMAS A. SECCOA.B., Rosary College, 1974TULIA A. VERSAU·CHAMBERLINA.B., Adrian College. 1976VI. IN THE GRADUATE LIBRARY SCHOOLF or the Degree of Master of Arts:RUTA PEMPEMARK E. CAINA.B., Columbia University, 1976A.M., University of Virginia, Charlottesville, 1977TIMOTHY PAUL ERDELA.B., Fort Wayne Bible College, 1973M.Div., Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, 1976DISSERTATION: The Reading Habits of EvangelicalMennonite MinistersRUTH F. FRAZERA.B., Hunter College, 1942M.Div., Princeton Theological Seminary, 1948A.M., Johns Hopkins University, 1962Ph.D., University of Chicago, 1977 A.B., Antioch College, 1968A.M., University of Chicago, 1970Ph.D., ibid., 1976CAROLINE SEYDELLA.B., Wake Forest University, 1976DISSERTATION: Illustrated American Fiction Published from 1891 through 1900RICHARD ADDISON STEWARTA.B., Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, 1972A.M., Northwestern University, 1975DISSERTATION: The Development of National Library Functions in the British Museum Libraryand the Library of CongressVII. IN THE SCHOOL OF SOCIAL SERVICE ADMINISTRATIONARVIS VANDORPH AVERETTEB.G.S., Kent State University, 1971For the Degree of Master of Arts:SUZANNE LEE BORNSTEINA.B., Lake Forest College, 1976MICHAEL STEPHEN fy100TSA.B., University of Notre Dame, 1971 HELEN LOUISE RICHARDSONA.B., Roosevelt University, 1976DEBRA LYNN ROTHBERGA.B., George Washington University, 1976DARYL L. WEINERA.B., Miami University, 1975VIII. IN THE COMMITTEE ON PUBLIC POLICY STUDIESFor the Degree of Master of Arts:KENNETH RONALD GRAYB.E., New York University, 1974M.B.A., University of Chicago, 1977ROBERT YALE SHAPIROS.B., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1974A.M., University of Chicago, 1977 EDWARD ADAMS SNYDERA.B., Colby College, 1975CANDIDATES FOR PROFESSIONAL DEGREESI. IN THE DIVISION OF THE SOCIAL SCIENCESFor the Degree of Master of Arts in Teaching:IRENE SANDRA BENDER BERKOWITZA.B., Cornell University, 1974(English)MELVA J. DAEHLERA.B., Augustana College, Rock Island, Illinois, 1977(English)SCOTT STEVEN DERRICKA.B., Albright College, 1975(English)EMILY JANE DOLLINGERA.B., College of Wooster, 1977(English)STEVEN MURRAY GEVINSONA .B., Kalamazoo College, 1973A.M., University of Chicago, 1975(English)GAIL GROVER GRANTA.B., University of Cambridge, England, 1975(English)CHRISTINE E. GREBEYA .B., Kenyon College, 1977(Social Sciences) SYLVIA DAWN KUZMAKA .B., Princeton University, 1977( Mathematics)GEOFFREY ALLEN LUCIAA.B., Niagara University, 1977(Mathematics)CAROL MOSELEYA.B., Oberlin College, 1974(English)CONSTANTINE W. PAPASA.B., Oberlin College, 1977(English)JEFFREY ALAN SEGALLA.B., Uniuersity of Michigan, Ann Arbor, 1975(English)P Al\1ELO JO SPINKA.B., Wittenberg University, 1977(English)For the Degree of Master of Science in Teaching:JUDITH TR YTTEN BRADLEY WALTER RANSOM CONLEYA.B., Gustavus Adolphus College, 1967 A .B., University of Richmond, 1968(Elementary) A.M., University of Maryland, College Park, 1971(English)JAMI DUPRE ENGLISHS.B., DePaul University, 1956(A dministration)DIANA FAGANA.B., University of Illinois, Chicago, 1967(Reading)RICHARD F. HANDSCHUHA.B., DePauw University, 1969(English)CYNTHIA HALL KRAUSES.B., Western Michigan University, 1970(Reading) ELIZABETH NAGLER SMITHS.B., Syracuse University, 1971(Reading)HELEN VALDEZ SYMANA.B., Mundelein College, 1972(Mathematics)DONNA G. WASSERS.B., Western Illinois University, 1973. (Reading)II. IN THE GRADUATE SCHOOL OF BUSINESSFor the Degree of Master of Business Administration:JULIE ANNE ALDAG MICHAEL ROY BROOKSA.B., University of Wisconsin, Madison, 1975 A.B., Oberlin College, 1975ELISABETH CAROLINE STINSONANDERSONS.B., University of Illinois, Urbana, 1967SYLVA APELIANA.B., San Francisco State University, 1963A.M., Columbia University, 1967RICHARD EMIL ASCHERA.B., University of Illinois, Urbana, 1957GARY LEE ASHERS.B., University of Illinois, Urbana, 1967ALBERT LEROY BAKERA .B., Bridgewater College, 1961Ph.D., Virginia Polytechnic Institute, 1964CHARLES EUGENE BAKERS.B.E.E., Oklahoma State University, Stillwater,1956S.M.E.E., Washington University, 1960JUDITH H. BARNESS.B., University of Illinois, Urbana, 1968A.M., Sangamon State University, 1972CLAUDIA ANDREA BARUCHS.B., University of California, Berkeley, 1976SCOTT M. BECKERA.B., University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, 1973HENRY F. BECKMANNS.B., Roosevelt University, 1961WILLIAM MICAJAH BERRY, JR.B.Ch.E., Georgia Institute of Technology, 1974MAR Y KAY BESTERA.B., Columbia University, 1966JAMES GILBERT BOlES.B.B.A., Northwestern University, 1953MILDRED BOONES.B., Purdue University, Fort Wayne, Indiana,1970KAREN P. BOOZERS.B., University of Alabama, University, 1968S.M., Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana,1970 BIRCHEL SPENCER BROWNS.B.I.M., Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana, 1966TERRY LYNN BROWNS.B., Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana,1973LISTON DICK BUELLS.B.I.E., Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana, 1972DEBRA J. BURTONA.B., Lake Forest College, 1974MICHAEL HOPE CALDWELLS.B., Roosevelt University, 1961ELIZABETH BURD CAMMACKA.B., University of Virginia, Charlottesville, 1976DALE LAWRENCE CANFIELDS.B.B.A., University of Arizona, 1968DAVID MARSHALL CARRA.B., University of Kansas, 1973DOUGLAS CLAYTON CARRA.B., Northwestern University, 1968JAMES F. CERONES.B.B.A., Villanova University, 1975JULIEN CHARLIEREDWARD WILLIAM CLAFFYS.B.C., Loyola University, Chicago, Illinois, 1956EDWIN RICHARDS CLARKE IIIA.B., Harvard University, 1968S.M., Stanford University, 1969TONY CHARLES CLAWSONS.B., Worcester Polytechnic Institute, 1976DEBORAH CLAYWORTHA.B., University of Chicago, 1975KAREN JEAN CODYA.B.,.Smith College, 1976GERI L. COHENA.B., University of Chicago, 1974EDWARD CASH CONNERA.B., University of Chicago, 1976DAVID S. COOK, JR.A.B., Dartmouth College, 1975RENE GOODLOE COPELANDS.B., United States Military Academy, 1969ROGER E. COVEYS.B., University of Illinois, Urbana, 1976RICHARD ANDREW CREES.B.Ch.E., Ohio State University, Columbus, 1972DENNIS EUGENE CROOKSS.B.A., Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana, 1964JOHN CHARLES CYRA.B.B., Loyola University, Chicago, Illinois, 1973BARBARAGAIL JARRETT DANCEWICZA.B., West Virginia State College, 1974MAURICE EDWARD DANIHERA.B., DePaul University, 1961EDWARD ALBERT DAVIS, JR.A.B., Hanover College, 1962DENNIS NEIL DOMBROSKIA.B., St. Ambrose College, 1974T. LAWRENCE DOYLES.B., Cornell University, 1969GEORGE RANDALL DRICKA.B., Yale University, 1966M.A.T., Harvard University, 1971ALFRED CECIL D'SOUZAS.B.E.E., University of Missouri, Columbia, 1969S.M.E.E., ibid., 1970• WITH HONORSJOHN DUDLAKA.B., Northwestern University, 1971CHARLES EVERETT DUNNINGS.B., North Carolina State University, 1963S.M., Lawrence University, 1965Ph.D., ibid., 1968DONALD MARION DUPESS.B.M.E., Massachusetts Institute of Technology,1958THOMAS HAROLD EBBERSS.B., Wisconsin State College, Whitewater, 1964JAMES C. EDWARDSA.B.B., University of Cincinnati, 1955ELTON EVERT ELSTONA.B., Drake University, 1949SHELDON LEE EPSTEINS.B.I.M., Massachusetts Institute of Technology,1961S.B.E.E., ibid., 1961J.D., Columbia University, 1964BRADLEY JOHN EWARTA.B., Otterbein College, 1975MICHAEL PATRICK FALLONA.B., University of Maryland, College Park, 1968M.B.A., DePaul University, 1972 ROBERT CARL F ARKAL YS.B.E.E., Illinois Institute of Technology, 1968JOHN FRANCIS FARRELLS.B.E.E., University of Notre Dame, 1965ROGER RAYMOND FAUSTA.B.B., Loyola University, Chicago, Illinois, 1976MARK M. FELDMANA.B., State University of New York, Buffalo, 1972J.D., University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, 1974DAVID BUNNELL FOCKLERA.B.B., University of Wisconsin, Whitewater, 1969JAMES A. FORTCAMPS.B., John Carroll University, 1960S.M., Western Reserve University, 1965J AMES PATRICK FRAWLEYA.B., Michigan State College, 1958EDWARD JOHN FREEMANB.E.E., Villanova University, 1966ALAN RUSSELL FRIEDMANS.B.Econ., University of Pennsylvania, 1971THIERRY GALLET DE SAINT AURINDipl., Ecole Superieure de Commerce de Paris,France, 1975MICHELLE LOMBARDI GESSES.B., University of Illinois, Urbana, 1971FRANK JOSEPH GINETTS.B.I.E., University of Buffalo, 1961BOBBIE JO QUIMBY GIVENA.B., Colorado State University, 1974J.D., University of Chicago, 1978EDWIN HOLMES GLEDHILLS.B., University of Pennsylvania, 1976J. D. GOLUBS.B., State University of New York, Binghamton,1974EARL C. GOSSETTS.B., Michigan State University, 1948JOHN THOMAS GRABOWSKIS.B.E.E., Massachusetts Institute of Technology,1963S.M.E.E., University of Pennsylvania, 1966S.M., ibid., 1967ANTHONY RAYMOND GREENA.B., University of Cambridge, England, 1953A.M., ibid., 1960NELSON AAGE HABENICHTS.B., Bradley University, 1967RUSSELL ERNEST HAGBERGS.B., Northern Illinois University, 1971MICHAEL ASHBOUGH HALSEYA.B., Colby College, 1976BARBARA Z. HAMMELA.B., University of Illinois, Urbana, 1973JOHN HENRY HANAN IIIA.B., University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill,1967MARK NELSON HARMONA.B., University 0/ Chicago, 1975RONALD JOSEPH HELOWS.B.E.E., University 0/ Notre Dame, 1966J.D., University 0/ Florida, 1969ROBERT JOHN HESSS.B.C., Loyola University, Chicago, Illinois, 1960EDWARD CHARLES HIRSCHLANDA.B., Brown University, 1970A.M., ibid., 1970HARRY FRANKLIN HIXSON, JR.S.B.Ch.E., Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana, 1960Ph.D., ibid., 1970LEE RAYMOND HOGLINDS.B.C.E., Il!inois Institute 0/ Technology, 1960ROBERT FRITZ HOPKINSS.B.B.A., Tri-State University, 1967HARRY ELMER HOUGHA.B., University 0/ Pennsylvania, 1959KAREN LYNN HOUSERA.B., University 0/ Pennsylvania, 1976PAUL RAYMOND HUEBOTTERS.B.Ch.E., Michigan Technological Institute, 1956JOHN ROBERT HULLA.B., Harvard University, 1975DAVID HUGH JENNINGSTHOMAS ELI JENSENA.B., University 0/ Chicago, 1968DANIEL JENNINGS JESSEEA.B., Tulane University, 1975M.B.A., City University 0/ New York, 1977WAYNE WILLIAM JOHNSONA.B., Butler University, 1958B.D., Christian Theological Seminary, 1962STEPHEN MICHAEL KANEA.B., University 0/ Rochester, 1971KENNETH ALBERT KIESAUS.B., Iowa State University, 1968MICHAEL J. KOSIAKA.B.B., Loyola University, Chicago, Illinois, 1965ARNOLD HARVEY KRANZS.B.C., DePaul University, 1966LARRY LEON KRONS.B., Dana College, 1964TIMOTHY C. KUHNA.B., Albion College, 1975CHARLES ALLAN LAMBS.B., Bowling Green University, 1966WILLIAM PETER LARSONA.B., Williams College, 1975DONALD FONG LEES.B., Loyola University, Chicago, Illinois 1971GARY ROBIN LEWISA.B., University 0/ Washington, 1968 RICHARD PETER LOARIEM. Arch., Cornell University, 1962LEWIS CARPENTER LOFGRENA.B., Dartmouth College, 1960WILFRID LORDS.B., Illinois Institute 0/ Technology, 1969MAGARET LAI FONG MAKB.Sc., University 0/ London, England, 1976ELLIOTT MALKIA.B., DePaul University, 1972GERALD M. MARKSS.B.E.E., University 0/ Illinois, Urbana, 1950WILLIAM L. MARRINERA.B., University 0/ Colorado, Boulder, 1974ANTHONY PAUL MAYOA.B., University 0/ Chicago, 1977NOAH CALVIN MAYOS.B., Texas Technological College, 1962DANA SUSAN McBRIDEA.B., Smith College, 1975JAMES M. McCORD, JR.S.B.F.S., Georgetown University, 1971KEVIN JAMES McHUGHEDWARD CLARK McNALLYS.B.B.A., Roosevelt University, 1972JOE NEAL MEADES.B., Purdue University, West La/ayette, Indiana,1961JOHN CLIFFORD MERRITTS.B., Lewis College, 1966JEFFREY FORREST MILLERA.B., Harvard University, 1975NOBORU MINAMOTOA.B., Sophia University, Tokyo, Japan, 1976HOWARD F. MODJESKI IIS.B., University 0/ Illinois, Urbana, 1974DARLENE MONTGOMERYA.B., DePauw University, 1976UTHMAN FARUQ MUHAMMADA.B., Amherst College, 1970JEROME NAGELS.S.B.A., Northwestern University, 1954THOMAS DWIGHT NELSONA.B.B., Loyola University, Chicago, Illinois, 1962NAM DUY NGUYENS.B.E., California State University, Long Beach,1975LAURENCE PAUL O'CONNORA.B., Tufts University, 1962JOSE OLIVE RES VIDALAct., Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico,Mexico City, 1975WERNER RONALD OLLES.B.E.E., University 0/ Illinois, Urbana, 1963JOHN ANDREW OSTHS.B., United States Naval Academy, 1968S.M., University of Illinois, Urbana, 1972JEROME M. PACKERS.B.E.E., Drexel Institute of Technology, 1965S.M., Stevens Institute 0/ Technology, 1968TODD LIDDELL PARCHMANA.B., University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill,1975J. DENNIS PARENTS.B., Loyola University, Chicago, Illinois 1963WILLIAM BARBOUR PARKERA.B., University 0/ Virginia, Charlottesville, 1968ROBERT MICHAEL PATTERSONA.B., University 0/ Notre Dame, 1965THOMAS J. PAULSONA.B.B., Loyola University, Chicago, Illinois, 1971WILLIAM T. PELLETIERA.B., Ohio Wesleyan University, 1975KENDL PRICE PHILBRICKS.B.B.A., University 0/ Richmond, 1964JOHN ALEXANDER PICHLER, JR.A.B., Creighton University, 1967M.P.A., University of Missouri, Kansas City, 1971SUSAN F. PIECKA.B., Rosemont College, 1965VICTOR JOSEPH PIEKARSKIA.B., Boston College, 1971J.D., Northwestern University, 1974RICHARD AL WARD PINNOCKS.B., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1970S.M., ibid., 1975DAVID JOSEPH POHLS.B., Bradley University, 1966WILLIAM HAMILTON SMITHPREECE, JR.S.B., Massachusetts Institute 0/ Technology, 1972A.M., Brown University, 1974DAVID ALFRED RAMPES.B.C.E., Purdue University, West La/ayette, Indiana, 1946JAMES RICHARD RAPIERS.B., Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, 1969GOV ARDHAN CHINCHOD REDDYS.B.M.E., University 0/ Wyoming, 1968DALLAS LEE ROHRERA.B.B., University 0/ Notre Dame, 1967LARR Y DRAKE ROMITOA.B., University 0/ Illinois, Urbana, 1966KAY QUIGLEY ROSENA.B., Lawrence University, 1974STANLEY JOHN RUDNICKS.B.E.E., Northwestern University, 1959S.M., University 0/ Illinois, Urbana, 1961DAVID S. RUDOLFJULIE A. SACKETT MARY LEE ST. AUBINS.B., College 0/ St. Francis, 1967LLOYD WINFREE SANDERLINS.B., Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana,1947CHRISTINE SARCINELLIA.B., Fordham University, 1972CYNTHIA G. SCHOENST ADTA.B., University 0/ Illinois, Urbana, 1975WILLIAM PAUL SCHULTZS.B., University of Illinois, Urbana, 1963LINDA W. SCHUMANNS.B., Western Kentucky University, 1969A.M., ibid., 1970LAWRENCE GEORGE SELBACHS.B., University of Illinois, Urbana, 1940S.B.E.E., Illinois Institute of Technology, 1951BARRY W. SHELDONS.B.M.E., University 0/ Wisconsin, Madison, 1970JOAN MARIE SHERMANA.B., Northwestern University, 1972WALTER JAMES SIENKIEWICZS.B., Illinois Institute of Technology, 1971E. HOKE SMITH, JR.A.B., Mercer University, Macon, Georgia, 1964ROBERT ALLEN SNYDERS.B.B.A., Northwestern University, 1957KATHARINE ELIZABETH SOMMERA .B., Harvard University, 1975CHARLES ALAN SORRENTINOS.B., Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, 1970SUSAN SPEVAKA.B., Columbia University, 1967A.M., Indiana University, Bloomington, 1971KENNETH G. SPINELLIS.B.B.A., Youngstown State University, 1964SARA ANN SPOONERA.B., University 0/ Chicago, 1976KAREN ELIZABETH STAIBA.B., Northwestern University, 1975THOMAS F. STALLA.B.B., Northwestern University, 1969JOHN CHARLES STAMM� FRANK WEBB STARKSS.B.E.E., Illinois Institute 0/ Technology, 1970RICHARD LAWRENCE STOLLERA.B.B., University 0/ Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, 1964MARK ALLAN SWEDLUNDA.B., University 0/ Chicago, 1973BLODWEN TARTERA.B., Stanford University, 1976A.M., ibid., 1976JON EVAN TEGETHOFFS.B., Stevens Institute 0/ Technology, 1963S.M., Fairleigh Dickinson University, 1968VASILIOS G. THEODOSOPOULOSS.B., Lowell Technological Institute, 1971S.M., Northwestern University, 1972NORMAN MARVELL THOMASA.B., Philander Smith College, 1964CARL JOEL THOMPSONA.B., University of Notre Dame, 1976MICHAEL FRAZIER THOMPSONA.B., University of Alabama, University, 1973WILLIAM EVERETT TODDLOIS JEAN NEWMAN TROYERS.B., Ball State University, 1956A.M., University of Colorado, Boulder, 1959.MAR TTl JUHANI V ALLILAA.B., Stanford University, 1971DOLPH VANCE VAN LAANENS.B.B.A., Northwestern University, 1952JOHN THOMAS VENARDS.B., Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana,1960S.M., University of Tennessee, Knoxuille, 1967BONNIE KIM WACHTELA.B., University of Chicago, 1977JOSEPH KA W AIS.B., Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, 1969 DOUGLAS KEITH WALKERA.B., University of Wisconsin, Madison, 1971S.M., ibid., 1974ANTHONY J. WALTERSA.B., University of Chicago, 1967A.M., University of Iowa, 1968GEOFFREY RANDOLPH WEBSTERPATRICIA NORTON WIERA.B., University of Missouri, Kansas City, 1964JOHN ROBERT WIGGINSS.B.M.E., Ohio University, Athens, 1971DONALD FOSTER WILLIAMSA.B., Baylor University, 1957M.R.E., New York Theological Seminary, 1959M.Div., Union Theological Seminary, 1961Ph.D., New York University, 1975MICHAEL DAVID WINFIELDB.Ch.E., Ohio State University, Columbus, 1962BARBARA WONGA.B., Indiana University, Bloomington, 1970MAR Y L. YOVOVICHA.B., University of Chicago, 1974JAMES ZIVICS.B., Case Western Reserve University, 1973S.M.M.E., California Institute of Technology, 1975III. IN THE LAW SCHOOLFor the Degree of Doctor of Law:JEFFREY H. ZELKOWITZA.B., Brandeis University, 1975For the Degree of Master of Laws:JOHN R. BEATTYB. Comm., University of New South Wales, Kensington, New South Wales, Australia, 1976LL.B., ibid., 1976For the Degree of Master of Comparative Law:ROLF BIEDERBECKErste Juris. Staats., Philipps-University, Marburg,West Germany, 1976CANDIDATES FOR THE DEGREE OFDOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY1. IN THE DIVISION OF THE BIOLOGICAL SCIENCESAND THE PRITZKER SCHOOL OF MEDICINESHELLY C. BERNSTEINA.B., University of Chicago, 1973(Committee on Genetics)DISSERTATION: Genetic Variation and Evolution inCameroon: Thermostability Variants of Hemoglobin and of Glucose-6-Phosphate DehydrogenaseJAMES OLIVER BULLOCKS.B., Illinois Institute of Technology, 1971(Biophysics and Theoretical Biology)DISSERTATION: Characteristics of Membrane Asy m-I metry Currents in the Giant Axon of MyxicolaELLEN ANN GOLDMAN CHERNOFFS.B .• University of Chicago, 1973(Biology)DISSERTATION: Expansion of the Chick Epiblast:Adhesion and Migration of an Epithelial SheetJOHN MARTIN CLOUGH, JR.A.B., Oberlin College, 1970S.M., University of Chicago, 1977(Biology)DISSERTATION: Photosynthetic Adaptation of Solanum dulcamara L. to a Range of Light EnvironmentsSTEVEN A. COHENA.B., Clark University, 1974(Biochemistry)DISSERTATION: Structural Studies on the InorganicPyrophosphatases from Escherichia coli andYeastMARK ZENON HOLODYS.B., State University of New York, Stony Brook,1972(Biology)DISSERTATION: A Serological Analysis of CardiacMuscle Cell Surface Antigens JOANNE RUTH KOPPLINS.B., Northern Illinois University, 1962S.B., University of Illinois, Urbana, 1969D.v.M., ibid., 1971(Pathology)DISSERTATION: Matrical Paracrystalline Inclusionsin Giant Hepatic Mitochondria of Dogs Treatedwith SulfadimethoxineTHOMAS WALTER LUKENSS.B., University of Richmond, 1967S.M., Miami University, 1971(Pathology)DISSERTATION: Studies on the Metabolism of RatLymph ChylomicronsJOHN EDWARD McARDLES.B., University of Illinois, Chicago, 1969S.M., ibid., 1974(Anatomy)DISSERTATION: The Functional Morphology of theHip and Thigh of the LorisiformesLAWRENCE CHARLES UHTEGS.B., University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill,1973(Biochemistry)DISSERTATION: Purification and Characterization ofThiosulfate ReductaseARTHUR WEISSA.B., Johns Hopkins University, 1973(Committee on Immunology)DISSERTATION: Regulation of Cytolytic T Lymphocyte Generation in Rat Transplantation ImmunityII. IN THE DIVISION OF THE HUMANITIESUMAR FARDQ ABD·ALLA.HA.B., University of Missouri, Columbia, 1969(Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations)DISSERTATION: Miilik's Concept of CArnal in theLight of Miilik'i Legal TheoryJ AMES KENNETH CHANDLERA.B., University of Notre Dame, 1970A.M., University of Chicago, 1972(English Language and Literature)DISSERTATION: Wordsworth and the Sway of HabitMICHAEL ROBERT CUNNINGHAMS.B., Tufts University, 1967A.M., University of Chicago, 1973(Art)DISSERTATION: Unkoku Tiigan's (1547-1618) Painting and its Historical Setting JOHN SAMUEL FEINBERGA.B., University of California, Los Angeles, 1968M.Div., Talbot Theological Seminary, 1971Th.M., Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, 1972A.M., University of Chicago, 1974(Philosophy)DISSERTATION: Theologies and EvilEILEEN FITZSIMONSA.B., St. Olaf College, 1966A.M., University of Chicago, 1971(Germanic Languages and Literatures)DISSERTATION: Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm's IrischeElfenmiirchen: A Comparison of the GermanTranslation with the English Original: FairyLegends and Traditions of the South of Irelandby T. Crofton CrokerHILLEL GIDEON FRADKINA.B., Cornell University, 1967(Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations)DISSERTATION: Ibn Tu/ayl's Hayy ibn Yaq�iin onthe Relationship 0/ Mysticism, Prophecy, andPhilosophyJEAN K. GOLDMANA.B., University 0/ Chicago, 1964A.M., ibid., 1966(Art)DISSERTATION: Aspects 0/ Seicento Patronage: Cassiano dal Pozzo and the Amateur TraditionNANCY ANTOINETTE GUTIERREZIA.B., Denison University, 1973A.M., University 0/ Chicago, 1974(English Language and Literature)DISSERTATION: A Descriptive Analysis of EnglishHistorical Poetry: 1476-1603LYRA HEKMATPANAHA.B., Oberlin College, 1957A.M., University 0/ Wisconsin, Madison, 1961(Romance Languages and Literatures)DISSERTATION: Madame de Stael and Literature:Theory and PracticeJAN WILLIAM HERLINGERA.B., Washington University, 1962A.M., ibid., 1966(Music)DISSERTATION: The Lucidarium of Marchetto 0/Padua: A Critical Edition, Translation, andCommentaryARACELI C. HIDALGOS.B.E., National Teachers College, Manila, Philippines, 1962A.M., Ateneo de Manila University, Philippines,1972(Linguistics and Anthropology)DISSERTATION: The Connection between Antecedentand Consequent in Tagalog Conditionals MICHAEL I. MILLERA.B., Roosevelt University, 1967A.M., University of Chicago, 1968(English Language and Literature)DISSERTATION: Inflectional Morphology in 'Augusta,Georgia: A Sociolinguistic DescriptionELIZABETH E. MOORHEADA.B., Lawrence University, 1944A.M., University of Wisconsin, Madison, 1948(English Language and Literature)DISSERTATION: The Bostonians: Composition, Reception, and Critical ReputationGAIL MARGARET ORGELFINGERA .B., George Washington University, 1972A.M., University 0/ Chicago, 1973(English Language and Literature)DISSERTATION: The Hystorye 0/ Olyuer 0/ Castylle:ANew EditionEUGENE SCHLOSSBERGERA.B., Brandeis University, 1973A.M., University 0/ Chicago, 1974(Philosophy)DISSERTATION: Objects and NecessityJOHN ANTHONY SPEVAKA.B., St. Procopius College, 1967A.M., University 0/ Chicago, 1968(English Language and Literature)DISSERTATION: Sir John Harington's Theoreticaland Practical Criticism: The Sources and Originality 0/ his Apparatus to the Orlando FuriosoIII. IN THE DIVISION OF THE PHYSICAL SCIENCESABHAY ASHTEKARB.Sc., University of Bombay, India, 1969(Physics)DISSERTATION: Asymptotic Structure 0/ the Gracitational Field at Spatial InfinityPATRICIA ANN BERTRANDS.B., University 0/ California, Berkeley, 1973S.M., University of Chicago, 1975(Chemistry)DISSERTATION: Electron Paramagnetic Resonanceand Magnetic Susceptibility of Molten CesiumCesium Chloride SolutionsDONALD ALAN CHERNOFFS.B., University of Chicago, 1973( Chemistry)DISSERTATION: Collision-induced Energy Transferin IB! Aniline Vapor CHRISTOPHER BRIAN CROKES.B., Carnegie-Mellon University, 1974S.M., University 0/ Chicago, 1975(Mathematics)DISSERTATION: Some New Riemannian Invariantsand the Structure 0/ Complete Riemannian Mani·foldsHARRY CLAYTON HUTCHINSS.B., Northern Illinois University, 1972S.M., University of Chicago, 1973( Mathematics)DISSERTATION: Examples of Commutative RingsCARLOS E. KENIGS.M., University of Chicago, 1975( Mathematics)DISSERTATION: Hti Spaces on Lipschitz DomainsMARIOS KYRIAKOY KOSMASDipl., University of Thessaloniki, Greece, 1973S.M., University of Chicago, 1976( Chemistry)DISSERTATION: Configurational Properties of PolymersCHOY-HENG LAIA.B., University of Chicago, 1974S.M., ibid., 1975(Physics)DISSERTA TION: Charm Contribution to Neutrinoinduced Production of Opposite Sign DimuonsHOWARD ROBERT LASKERS.B., University of Rochester, 1972S.M., ibid., 1973(Geophysical Sciences)DISSERT<\TION: Intraspecific Variability and its Ecological Consequences in the Reef Coral Mentastrea cavernosaLEMOINE GAUNCE LEWIS, JR-A.B., Harvard University, 1971S.M., University of Chicago, 1976( Mathematics)DISSERHTION: The Stable Category and Generalized Thom SpectraPAUL NACHMANA.B., Carleton College, 1970(Astronomy & Astrophysics)DISSERTATION: Molecular Line Studies of DarkClouds with Associated Young Stellar ObjectsERIC BENZO NORMANA.B., Cornell University, 1972S.M., University of Chicago, 1974(Physics)DISSERTATION: Two Studies in Nuclear Astrophysics: I. The Decay of 6°Mn to Excited States in6°Fe, 1/. On the Conditions Required for ther-Process THOMAS ALLEN PRINCES.B., Villanova University, 1970S.M., University of Chicago, 1972(Physics)DISSERTATION: The Energy Spectrum of CosmicRay Electrons between 9 and 300 GeVLEE RICHTERS.B., Pennsylvania State University, 1971S.M., University of Chicago, 1973(Physics)DISSERTATION: The Effect of Metallic Adsorbateson the (100) W Surface ResonanceMICHAEL EDWARD ROSEA.B., University of Chicago, 1974S.M., ibid., 1975(Mathematics)DISSERTATION: Numerical Methods for a PorousMedium EquationRICHARD ALLAN WHITEA.B., University of California, Berkeley, 1968S.M., University 0/ Chicago, 1971(Astronomy & Astrophysics)DISSERT ATION: S ome Morphological Characteristicsof Clusters 0/ GalaxiesBASILIS C. XANTHOPOULOSDipl., University of Thessaloniki, Greece, 1973S.M., University 0/ Chicago, 1976(Physics)DISSERTATION: Exact Vacuum Solutions of Einstein's Equation from Linearized SolutionsIV_ IN THE DIVISION OF THE SOCIAL SCIENCESRONALD MARTIN BARNESA.B., Wesleyan University, 1964M.A.T., Harvard University, 1966(E ducation)DISSERTATION: The Effects of School Size on theParticipation, Reasons for Participation, andPerformance of Regular and Marginal Studentsin Extracurricular Activities at Three SchoolTypes: Coeducational, Girls', and Boys'ROSALIND 1. CHARNEYA.B., Brown University, 1971A.M., Columbia University, 1974(Education)DISSERTATION: The Development of Personal PronounsGRACE YAN-CHEE CHIDS.B., Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shatin,Hong Kong, 1969A.M., University of Chicago, 1974(Sociology)DISSERTATION: Mothers' Employment and Children's Utilization of P hy sician Services PATRICIA J. COCKSA.B., Butler University, 1947A.M., University of Chicago, 1969(Education)DISSERTATION: Language Effects in the Definitionand Class Inclusion TasksTHOMAS JAMES COFFEYS.B., Marquette University, 1957M.Ed., Harvard University, 1963(E ducation)DISSERTATION: The Emerging University: A CaseStudy of Organizational ChangeMARGARET WRIGHT CONKEYA.B., Mount Holyoke College, 1965A.M., University of Chicago, 1969(Anthropology)DISSERTATION: An Analysis of pesign Structure:Variability among Magdalenian Engraved Bonesfrom Northcoastal SpainFRANCIS WARNER CREELA.B., Saint Joseph's College, Rensselaer, Indiana,1963A.M., University 0/ Chicago, 1973(Political Science)DISSERTATION: The Program and Ideology of Dr.Abdullah Cevdet: A Study of the Origins of. Kemalism in TurkeyNIRA KATZ DANZIGERA.B., Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel, 1967A.M., University 0/ Illinois, Urbana, 1970( Education)DISSERTATION: Career Attainment Patterns of University ProfessorsARTHUR CHRIS ECCEL IIIA.B., University of Utah, 1967A.M., Harvard University, 1970A.M., University 0/ Utah, 1973(Sociology)DISSERTATION: Rapidly Increasing Societal Scaleand Secularization: A Century of Higher MuslimEducation and the Professions in EgyptMARGARET EMILY ENSMINGERA.B., Earlham College, 1964A.M., University of Nebraska, Omaha, 1970(Sociology)DISSERTATION: Wel/are: Social and PsychologicalDifJerences between Recipients and Nonrecipientsw ALTER FROESEA.B., University of British Columbia, Vancouver,British Columbia, Canada, 1962A.M., University of Chicago, 1964(History)DISSERTATION: The Early Norbertines on the Religious Frontiers of Northeastern GermanyTHOMAS W. GUTOWSKIA.B., University of Illinois, Urbana, 1970A.B., ibid., 1970A.M., Northern Illinois University, 1972(History)DISSERTATION: The High School as an AdolescentTraining Institution: An Inner History of Chicago Public Secondary Education, 1856-1940FRANCIS BERNARD HARROLD, JR.S.B., Loyola University, Chicago, Illinois, 1970A.M., University 0/ Chicago, 1974(Anthropology)DISSERTATION: A Study of the ChatelperronianAVIGDOR HASELKORNA.B., Hebrew University, lerusalem, Israel, 1971A.M., University of Chicago, 1973(Political Science)DISSERTATION: The Evolution 0/ Soviet SecurityStrategy: 1965-1975DONALD R. HAURINS.B., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1971(Economics)DISSERTATION: Property Taxation in an UrbanEconomyJOHN P. HAWKINSS.B., Brigham Young University, 1970A.M., University of Chicago, 1972(A nthropology)DISSERTATION: Ethnicity and Family in WesternHighland Guatemala STEPHEN WAYNE HURTA.B., University of Texas, Austin, 1972(Psychology)DISSERTATION: Longitudinal Assessment of Schizophrenic Thought DisorderJOSEPH KELLYA.B., Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NewJersey, 1974A.M., University of Chicago, 1976(Behavioral Sciences: Biopsychology)DISSERTATION: Gaba: A Possible Neurochemicalj Substrate for Hypothalamic Feeding MechanismsBR UCE MICHAEL KINGA.B., University 0/ California, Los Angeles, 1969(Behavioral Sciences: Biopsychology)DISSERTATION: The Effects of Ventromedial Hypothalamic Lesions on Active and Passive Avoidance Behavior in RatsDWIGHT YOST KINGA.B., Goshen College, 1964S.T.B., Harvard University, 1968A.M., Johns Hopkins University, 1970(Political Science)DISSERTATION: Social Mobilization, AssociationalLife, Interest Intermediation, and Political Cleavage in IndonesiaGEORGE W. KNOXA.B., University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, 1974A.M., University of Texas, Arlington, 1975(Sociology)DISSERTATION: The Determinants of EmploymentSuccess among ExofJendersDEBORAH BROWNING LEVEENA.B., Smith College, 1963A.M., University 0/ California, Los Angeles, 1967(Political Science)DISSERTATION: Hustlers and Heroes: Portrait andAnalysis of the Chicago Indian VillageVICTOR LEVYA.B., Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel, 1975A.M., University of Chicago, 1976(Economics)DISSERHTION: Aspects of Factor Productivity andEconomic Efficiency in a Socialist DevelopingEconomyDAVID ZUNDEL LONDOWA.B., St. John's College, Annapolis, Maryland, 1966A.M., University of Chicago, 1968(Political Science)DISSERTATION: The Constitutionality 0/ the Legislative VetoCARL WILLIAM HENRYMARGRABE, JR.A.B., Johns Hopkins University, 1970A.M., University of Chicago, 1972(Economics)DISSERT<\TION: The Value of Farm Real Estatein the United States, 1912 through 1975LAWRENCE WILLIAM McBRIDES.B., Chicago Teachers College, 1967A.M., Chicago State University, 1971(History)DISSERTATION: The Administrative and JudicialElite in Ireland, 1892-1922HIROSHI OKANOB.S.Ed., Northeast Missouri State College, 1965A.M., Columbia University, 1969(Education)DISSERT�TION: Utterance Differentiation by Iapanese-Englisli Bilinguals and MonolingualsFORREST W. PARKAYA.B., University of Illinois, Urbana, 1967A .M., ibid., 1969(E ducation)DISSERHTION: Inner-City High School Teachers:T he Relationship of Personality Traits andTeaching Style to Environmental StressFRANKLIN ANDERS PRESLERA.B., Oberlin College, 1965A.M., University of Chicago, 1972(Political Science)DISSERTATION: Religion under Bureaucracy: Policyand Administration for Hindu Temples in TamilNadu, South IndiaPEGGY SNELLINGS RAMPERSADA.B., Mary Washington College, 1953A.M., University of Chicago, 1963(E ducation)DISSERTATION: Conflict and Authority in the Academic OrganizationROBERT J. RICHARDSA.B., Saint Louis University, 1966A.M., University of Nebraska, Lincoln, 1974Ph.D., Saint Louis University, 1971(History)DISSERTATION: The Evolution of Behavior: Theories of Instinct in the Nineteenth Century, withan Essay on Animal Instinct and Intelligencebefore DarwinEDWARD ANTHONY RIEDINGERA.B., Butler University, 1967A.M., University of Chicago, 1969(History)DISSERTATION: The Making of the President, Brazil, 1955: The Campaign of [uscelino KubitschekpLAN LEE RUMSEYA.B., University of Chicago, 1972A.M., ibid., 1974(Anthropology and Linguistics)DISSERTATION: A Grammar of Ungarinjin withSpecial Reference to the Structure of DiscourseSTEPHANIE ANN SCHARFA.B., Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NewJersey, 1967A.M., Stanford University, 1971(Psychology)DISSERTATION: The Social Psychology of Neighborhood SatisfactionSUSAN S. SILBEYA.B., Brooklyn College, 1962A.M., University of Chicago, 1967(Political Science)DISSERTATION: Consumer Justice: The Massachusetts Attorney General's Office of Consumer Protection, 1970-1974 V<:AURINE JOY STEINA.B., University of Chicago, 1967A.M., ibid., 1974(Committee on Social Thought)DISSERTATION: Reality-Perception and Self-Knowledge in Jane Austen: A Study of the Six NovelsCAROL ANN BOWMAN STOCKINGA.B., Oberlin College, 1953A.M., Columbia University, 1959A.M., University of Chicago, 1975(S ociology)DISSERTATION: The Marlowe-Crowne Scale in Survey Research: A Sociological InterpretationJAY D. TEACHMANA.B., W estern Washington State College, 1974A.M., University of Chicago, 1976(Sociology)DISSERTATION: Processes of Ecological Change inIndonesia, 1961 to PresentCYNTHIA MARIA TRUANTA.B., University of California, Berkeley, 1971A.M., University of Chicago, 1972(History)DISSERT � TION: C ompagnonnage: Symbolic Actionand the Defense of Workers' Rights in France,1700-1848GREGORY P. URBANA.B., University of Chicago, 1971A.M., ibid., 1973(Anthropology)ISSERTATION: A Model of Shokleng Social RealityLINNEA BRANDWEIN VACCAA.M., University of Chicago, 1969(Committee on Social Thought)DISSERTATION: Ibsen: The Search for Self in thePlaysMICHAEL PAUL WARDA.B., University of California, Santa Barbara, 1969A.M., University of Chicago, 1972(Economics)DISSERTATION: Optimal Production and InventoryDecisions: An Analysis of Firm and IndustryBehaviorSTEVEN BENJAMIN WEBBA.B., Yale University, 1969A.M., University of Chicago, 1973(Economics)DISSERTATION: The Economic Effects of Tariff Protection in Imperial Germany, 1879 to 1914ROBERT DAVID WINERA.B., University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, 1967A.M., ibid., 1968A.M., University of Chicago, 1969(History)DISSERTATION: Municipal Socialism in Vienna between the World WarsV. IN THE GRADUATE SCHOOL OF BUSINESSARTHUR DERREL BEARDA.B., University of Pennsylvania, 1955M.B.A., University of Chicago, 1969DISSERTATION TITLE: The Qualification of VisualAesthetic Judgment using Verbal and NonverbalScalesJ EDWARD HEDRICK CLARKEA.B., Princeton University, 1962M.B.A., University of Chicago, 1965DISSERTATION TITLE: Demand Revelation and Public GoodsDOUGLAS ALAN CONRADA.B., University of Washington, 1970M.H.A., ibid., 1973M.B.A., University of Chicago, 1977DISSERTATION TITLE: The Incentive Effects of Medical Malpractice Claims: Theory and EmpiricalTestsGIDEON FALKA.B., Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel, 1965M.B.A., ibid., 1970A.M., Stanford University, 1970DISSERTATION TITLE: An Examination of Some Normative Effects of Unanimity and Majority Ruleson the Quality of Solutions in Problem SolvingGroups with Unequal Power YEHOSHUA JOSHUA LIEBERMANNA.B., Bar-Ilan University, Ramat Gan, Israel, 1970A.M., ibid., 1973DISSERTATION TITLE: A Theory of Price Deals inSupermarketsWILLIAM JOSEPH LYNKS.B .. University 0/ Illinois, Urbana, 1969M.B.A., ibid., 1972A.M., Stanford University, 1974DISSERTATION TITLE: Information, Advertising, andthe Structure of the MarketSTEPHEN HARLAND PENMANB.Com., University of Queensland, St. Lucia, Australia, 1971M.B.A., University of Chicago, 1974DISSERTATION TITLE: Corporate Forecast Disclosure, Substitute Information, and the Marketfor In/ormation/ VI. IN THE DIVINITY SCHOOLI ROBERT CHARLES FULLERGARY T. ALEXANDERA.B., Transylvania College, 1968M.Div., Lexington Theological Seminary, 1971A.M., University 0/ Chicago, 1973DISSERTATION: The Hypothesized God: A Methodological Investigation 0/ William lames's TheismJOHN BOYD BELL IIIA.B., Emory University, 1962D.B., Chicago Theological Seminary, 1966A.M., University of Chicago, 1969DISSERTATION: Incarnate Freedom and the Poetics0/ Grace: Autonomy and Limit in the Fiction 0/Stendhal, Tolstoy, and DostoevskyT. L. BRINKA.B., Claremont Men's College, 1971A.M., University 0/ Chicago, 1974DISSERTATION: Joseph Smith: A Study in Analytical PsychologyRICHARD LEE BRUBAKERA.B., College 0/ Wooster, 1954D.B., Union Theological Seminary, New York, NewYork,1959A.M., University 0/ Chicago, 1969, DISSERTATION: The Ambivalent Mistress: A Study0/ South Indian Village Goddesses and their Religious MeaningROBERT MARION FOWLERA.B., University 0/ Kansas, 1972A.M., ibid., 1974DISSERTATION: The Feeding Stories in the Gospel0/ Mark A.B., Denison University, 1974A.M., University 0/ Chicago, 1975DISSERTATION: The American Mesmerists, 1835-1900LARRY L. GREENFIELDA.B., Sioux Falls College, 1963D.B., University 0/ Chicago, 1966A.M., ibid., 1970DISSERTATION: The Theology 0/ Gerald BirneySmithJORUNN JACOBSENCando Magis., University 0/ Oslo, Norway, 1970Cando Phil., University 0/ Bergen, Norway, 1973DISSERTATION: Spirit Ruha in Mandaean ReligionMICHAEL CONWAY DIXONMcDANIELA.B., University 0/ North Carolina, Chapel Hill,1951D.B., Wittenberg University, 1954A.M., University 0/ Chicago, 1969DISSERTATION: Evolution in American LutheranThought, 1860-1925: A Historical Account anda Theological Reflection,/ERROL MONROE McGUIREA.B., Abilene Christian College, 1964A.M., ibid., 1966S.T.B., Harvard University, 1969A.M., University 0/ Chicago, 1972DISSERTATION: The Art 0/ Growing Pure: Natureand Grace in Henry David Thoreau�EBORAH ANNE SOIFERA.B., George Washington University, 1972A.M., University of Chicago, 1973DISSERTATION: Beast and Priest: A Motific Studyof the Narasitiiha and Viimana Auatiiras in Cosmological Perspective JJOSEPH WILSON TRIGGA.B., Rice University, 1971A.M., University of Chicago, 1974DISSERTATION : Healing that Comes from God: theAlexandrian Response to the Third-century Penitential CrisisVII. IN THE GRADUATE LIBRARY SCHOOLDONALD FRANKLIN JOYCEA.B., Fisk University, 1957S.M., University 0/ Illinois, Urbana, 1960DISSERTATION: A Chance to Speak for Ourselves:The Growth and Development 0/ Ajro-AmericanOwned Book Publishing in the United States,1900 through 1974VIII. IN THE SCHOOL OF SOCIAL SERVICE ADMINISTRATIONF. DEAN LUSEA.B., University 0/ Michigan, Ann Arbor, 1951M.S.W., ibid., 1952DISSERTATION: A Study 0/ Selected Dynamics 0/Placement Decision Making in a Public ChildWel/are Agency LYNN HAROLD VOGELA.B., University 0/ Chicago, 1967A.M., ibid., 1969DISSERTHION: The Ecology 0/ Human Dependency: A Cross-National Study in Social WelfarePolicyRONALD HARRY ROONEYA.B., Washington University, 1968S.M., Kansas State University, 1973A.M., University of Chicago, 1975DISSERTATION: Separation through Foster Care:Toward a Problem-oriented Practice Model Basedon Task-centered Casework