TheAUTUMNDecember FourteenthA.D. Nineteen Hundred Seventy-threeROCKEFELLER MEMORIAL CHAPELORDER Of EXERCKSESFor the Conferring of DegreesThree oJ clockJOHN T. WILSON, Provost of the University, PresidingTHE CONVOCATION PROCESSIONPROCESSION AL-Canzon Primi Toni(The congregation standing until after the prayer) Giovanni GabrieliThe Marshal and the Student AidesThe Candidates for DegreesThe Faculties of the UniversityThe Trustees and Officers of the UniversityThe Candidates for the Rosen berger MedalThe Candidate for the Honorary DegreeThe Dean of Rockefeller Memorial ChapelThe Convocation SpeakerThe Provost of the UniversityTHE PRAYERTHE REVEREND E. SPENCER PARSONSDean of Rockefeller Memorial ChapelTHE CONVOCATION ADDRESS"RITES OF PASSAGE"WILLIAM H. McNEILLRobert A. Milliken Distinguished Service Professor,Department of HistoryTHE ANTHEMPsalm 47 Ralph Vaughan WilliamsThe Rockefeller Memorial Chapel Choir and Brass EnsembleRICHARD VIKSTROM, Director of Chapel Music, conducting0, clap your hands, all ye people; shout unto God with the voice of triumph.For the Lord most high is terrible: He is a great King over all the earth.God is gone up with a shout, the Lord with the sound of a trumpet.Sing praises to God, sing praises; sing praises unto our King, sing praises.For God is King of all the earth; sing ye praises everyone that hath understanding.God reigneth over the heathen: God sitteth upon the throne of His holiness.Sing praises unto our King, sing praises.THE AWARD OF HONORSAwarded General Honors with the Bachelor's Degree:Jeremy Joseph BermanRosemary Dolores CamilleriWilliam Lon FarrisPatricia Kent Roger Leslie KinnardKeith Andrew NicholsJonathan Ben RosenblumDeborah Elaine Solo Gregory C. VlasakSara D. WrightMembers elected to Beta of Illinois Chapter of Phi Beta Kappa on nominationof the University for especial distinction in general scholarship in theUniversity:ELECTED IN HIS THIRD YEARJonathan Ben RosenblumELECTED IN THEIR FOURTH YEARGregory C. Vlasak Sara D. WrightMembers elected to the Society of the Sigma Xi on nomination of the Departments of Science for evidence of ability in research work in Science:William Kent AbendWilliam Edward BrownellRobert L. Bush Warren Edward EnkerLynda ErinoffMarilyn Kanner Bruce David SchreiderVinod K. S. ShanteAssociate members elected to the Society of the Sigma Xi on nomination ofthe Departments of Science for evidence of ability in research work inScience:Leo Manuel AlvesTimothy G. Buchman Howard Robert LaskerJacek S. K. Sulanowski Carole Lynn VredevoogdRobert Bruce WhitlatchTHE CONFERRING OF ACADEMIC DEGREESCandidates for degrees will be presented in the following order:In the College by Dean Charles E. OxnardThe Student Aide by Marshal Robert J. AshenhurstIn the Division of the Biological Sciences and the Pri tzker School of Medicineby Deputy Dean Robert B. DretzIn the Division of the Humanities by Dean Karl J. WeintraubIn the Division of the Physical Sciences by Dean Albert V. CreweIn the Division of the Social Sciences by Dean Robert McG AdamsIn the Graduate School of Business by Professor Arnold ZellnerIn the Divinity School by Dean Joseph M. KitagawaIn the Graduate School of Education by Dean Philip W. JacksonIn the Graduate Library School by Dean Howard W. WingerCANDIDATES FOR THE BACHELOR'S DEGREEI. IN THE COLLEGEFor the Degree oi Bachelor oi Arts:DUANE ALEXANDER ANDRY(History and Philosophy of Religion)SUNNY BALSAM·BLUESTONE(Slavic Languages and Literatures) MICHELLE ANDREA FRIEDMAN(Anthropology)MARTHA MAE HARDY(Geography)_ JEREMY JOSEPH BERMAN(Public Affairs)ROSEMARY DOLORES CAMILLERI(Psychology)SCOTT EDWARD CHARNAS DAVID MILO HARRIS( Mathematics)JOHN P. HARRIS(Economics)MARGARET KIYO IKEDA(Biological Sciences)(Political Science)SUSAN CARROLL CONNOR(Anthropology) T. E. JASIK(Geography)JOHN J. CZAPLICKA(Art History)BETTY JEAN DAVIS(Sociology)WILLIAM LON FARRIS PATRICIA KENT(Anthropology)ROGER LESLIE KINNARD( Mathematics)(History) GREGORY ROBERT KOSTER(Psychology)• WITH HONORSMARGARET ELIZABETH FLEMING(Ideas and Methods) PARIS TRISTAN LE JEUNE(History)JOHN FRANCIS MENGUY(Economics) (Russian Civilization)(History) WILLIAM CHARLES SASSO(Philosophy)DEBORAH ELAINE SOLOCAROL ZITEK LINDHOLMRONALD V. NEAL(Linguistics)KEITH ANDREW NICHOLS(Biological Sciences) • WITH HONORSMARY BARRETT SPEERS(Fine Arts)• WITH HONORSSUSAN PAULA PLATKIN(Biological Sciences) KENT ALAN SUNDBERG(Sociology)GREGORY C. VLASAK(Economics)MARC J. POKEMPNER(Philosophical Psychology)JORDAN HARRY POLLACK(Biological Sciences)DEBORAH EVE POLLAK(Biological Sciences) FRANK A. WOOD, JR.SARA D. WRIGHT(Art History)JUDITH C. JUSKEVICHA.B., University 0/ Chicago, 1971(P harmacology)BO OCK LEE LUMS.B., Iowa State University, 1949(C linical Nutrition) RUPERT LANICE POSTON, JR.S.B., Clemson University, 1972(Biology)LINDA A. SLOWIEA.B., Marycrest College, 1965(C linical Nutrition)II. THE STUDENT AIDE IN THE COLLEGEFor The Degree of Bachelor of Arts:JONATHAN BEN ROSENBLUM(Tutorial Studies)• WITH HONORSCANDIDATES FOR THE MASTER'S DEGREEI. IN THE DIVISION OF THE BIOLOGICAL SCIENCESANO THE PRITZKER SCHOOL OF MEDICINEFor the Degree of Master of Science:CHUNG YUEN MOKS.B., Illinois Institute 0/ Technology, 1971(Radiology)II. IN THE DIVISION OF THE HUMANITIESFor the Degree of Master of Arts:RELLA ISRALY COHNA.B., University 0/ Wisconsin, Madison, 1949(Linguistics) EUSTATHIA P. COSTOPOULOSDipl., National University 0/ Athens, Greece, 1952Dipl., University 0/ London, England, 1957(Art)CARLA METTLING CUSICA.B., Lawrence University, 1966(Comparative Studies in Literature)MARGARET ANN CORWINA.B., Kalamazoo College, 1971A.M., University 0/ Chicago, 1973(General Studies in the Humanities)For the Degree of Master of Fine Arts:CAROLJ. OLDFIELDB.F.A., Maryland Institute College 0/ Art, 1970(Art)III. IN THE DIVISION OF PHYSICAL SCIENCESFor the Degree of Master of Science:MARY E. BALDACCHINO-DOLAN MARIAN JUDITH FURSTS.B., Fordham University, 1970 A.B., Reed College, 1972(C hemistry) ( Chemistry)SUSAN P. DUNLAPA.B., State University 0/ New York, Albany, 1968(Romance Languages and Literatures)BENJAMIN LARRY FRANKELA.B., University of Chicago, 1969(Art)MARIA LINA GARCIAA.B., University 0/ Puerto Rico, San Juan, PuertoRico, 1971(Romance Languages and Literatures)ANN GOODMANA.B., University 0/ Chicago, 1972(Comparative Studies in Literature)DAGMAR URSULA GROENEVELD(Music)MARGARET HAMMOND KARPUSZKOA.B., University of Chicago, 1952A.B., University 0/ Illinois, Urbana, 1953(Romance Languages and Literatures)DONALD EUGENE KEENERA.B., Moravian College, 1969A.M., University 0/ Chicago, 1972(History)HAROLD EUGENE MASTONA.B., Baylor University, 1948(General Studies in the Humanities)EDWARD LEE MICHAELA.B., Northwestern University, 1966(Art)HENRY MUNSON, JR.A.B., Columbia University, 1970(Linguistics)SUSAN AILEEN BIEHLERA.B., American University, 1968A.M., Pennsylvania State University, 1970(Information Sciences)ANTONIE K. CHURGA.B., Columbia University, 1967( Chemistry)ANDRIES G. DEWETB.Sc., Potche/stroom University, South A/rica, 1964B.Sc. (Honors), ibid., 1966(S tatistics)HSIANG FANA.B., Tunghai University, Taiwan, 1967(Physics) EILEEN DAY O'BRIENB.F.A., Syracuse University, 1971(Art)PETER ALBERT RAYA.B., University of California, Davis, 1971(Far Eastern Languages and Civilizations)CHARLENE B. ROUFASA.B., University of Wisconsin, Madison, 1969(Art)ELIY AHU ARIEH SCHLEIFERB.Mus., Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel, 1963(Music)EDWARD ADEKUNLE SERES.B., Eastern Illinois University, 1957A.M., University of Illinois, Chicago, 1971(Philosophy)EDNA CARTER SOUTHARDA.B., Columbia University, 1966(Art)KAZIMIERA STYPKA(Slavic Languages and Literatures)GAIL EVERN WILLIAMSA.B., Emory University, 1971(Art)MIRIAM EDICE ZEL TZERMANA.B., Chatham College, 1970(Art)MARK DAVID HOROWITZS.B., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1972B.S.E.E., ibid., 1972(Information Sciences)MYUNG SOO KIMS.B., Seoul National University, Korea, 1971(C hemistry)EDWARD UY LEES.B., University of the Philippines, Quezon City,Philippines, 1970(Information Sciences)CHII-DONG LINS.B., National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan,1969(Physics)IV. IN THE DIVISION OF THE SOCIAL SCIENCESFor the Degree of Master of Arts:GARY ALAN MINAGAWAS.B., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1968(Phys'ics)JIMMY ROEHRIGA.B., University of Chicago, 1971(Physics)JOSE LUIS ALBERRO(Economics)P. ANYANG'-NYONG'OA.B., Makerere University, Kampala, Uganda, 1971(Political Science)NANCI V ALADARES DE CARVALHOBRIGAGAOBach., Brazilian School of Public Administration,Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 1971(Political Science)NGUYENPHUC BUU-TApDipl., University of Saigon, Vietnam, 1955(Divisional Master's)PISAMAI CHANDAVIMOLA.B., Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand,1964(Divisional Master's)FAYE WATANABE CHUA.B., Stanford University, 1971(Sociology)DONALD JOSEPH CICHON(E ducation)D. LESLIE COBURNA.B., Mount Holyoke College, 1972(Divisional Master's)SUSAN ESTHER COHENA.B., Smith College, 1970(Psychology)BRIAN E. COPPA.B., Grove City Coll�ge, 1967A.M., University of Virginia, 1968(Divisional Master's)DONALD CLARENCE DAHMANNA.B., University of Cincinnati, 1968(Geography)DISSERTATION: The Concept of CommunityROBERT SPENCER DAVISS.B., Iowa State University, 1948(Divisional Master's)DENNIS DAYA.B., Fisk University, 1968(E ducation)GERALD LEE DILLINGHAMA.B., Bowling Green State University, 1972(S ociology)ROBERTO FENDT, JR.Bach., Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil,1967(Economics) JAMES EDWARD VANDENDORPES.B., Illinois Institute of Technology, 1968S.M., ibid., 1971(Information Sciences)P ARIN TEJ A VERJEEB.Sc., University of East Africa, Nairobi, Kenya,1970(S tatistics)ROQUE BENJAMIN FERNANDEZCont. Pub., National University of Cordoba, Argentina, 1967Lie., ibid., 1969(Economics)MICHAEL HERBERT FISHERA.B., Trinity College, Hartford, Connecticut, 1972(History)ALAN PAGE FISKEA.B., Harvard University, 1968(Divisional Master's)J AMES ALLAN FOXA.B., Brigham Young University, 1969A.M., Tufts University, 1970(Anthropology)DANIEL E. FREDERICKA.B., Middlebury College, 1962(Divisional Master's)YEHUDA FREIDENBERGA.B., Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel, 1967(Economics)HEM B. HAMALB.Ed., Tribhubhan University, Kathmandu, Nepal,1962(Divisional Master's)BRUCE ROBERT HAREA.B., City University of New York, 1969S.M., ibid., 1971(Education)MARTIN M. HENERTA.B., Beloit College, 1971(Political Science)PATRICIA WALKER HINDMANA.B., Texas Christian University, 1959(Education)THOMAS FREDERICK HOWARDA.B., University of Chicago, 1967(Anthropology)DIANA GROSSMAN KAHNA.B., Cornell University, 1958(Education)PETER LEWIS KAHNA.B., University of Chicago, 1971(Economics)MICHAEL D. KOVARA.B., University of California, Berkeley, 1971(Education)MARIJA KRSTICA.B., University of Skopje, Yugoslavia, 1964(Psychology)BENJAMIN LEEA.B., Johns Hopkins University, 1969(Committee on Human Development)J AMES ALLEN LINGERA.B., De Paul University, 1970(Political Science)JOHN HARVARD LOMAX, JR.A.B., Furman University, 1970(Political Science)ROBERT HENRY LOTTS.B., Bucknell University, 1970(Sociology)MARIANNE CECELIA MAHONEYA.B., Ohio Wesleyan University, 1972(Political Science)INDRA MADAN MAKHIJAA.B., University of Delhi, India, 1965A.M., ibid., 1967STEPHEN DWAIN MONTGOMERYA.B., Indiana University, Bloomington, 1972(Divisional Master's)ARTHUR DENNIS MURPHYA.B., University of Texas, Austin, 1970(Divisional Master's)SUSAN MARIE NAUGHTONA.B., State University of New York, 1972(Geography)SUNDAY ISONG OBONGA.B., Lincoln University, Pennsylvania, 1969A.M., Roosevelt University, 1972(Political Science)ROBERT W. PEARSONA.B., University of Miss-ouri, Columbia, 1971(Political Science)HUEY L. PERRYA.B., Grambling College, 1970(Political Science)JOHN P. PICCININNIA.B., City University of New York, 1968(Geography)GEORGE V. REDFEARNA.B., Loyola University, Chicago, Illinois, 1970(Sociology)IVAN RIVERA FLORESLie., University of the Pacific, Lima, Peru, 1969Ing. Com., Catholic University of Chile, Santiago,1970(Economics)SHARON LEA ROBINSONA.B., Carnegie-Mellon. University, 1964(Education)DISSERTATION: A Comparison of Ego-Developmentin Adolescent Girls and Their MothersMICHELE MARY ROCA WICHA.B., College of Mount St. Joseph on the Ohio,1969(Divisional Master's) MARY JOSEPHINE ROGELA.B., Mount Union College, 1972(Psychology)JAMES SAMUEL RUDYA.B., Goshen College, 1971(Anthropology)TERESA BARATA SALGUEIROLie., University of Lisbon, Portugal, 1971(Geography)ROBERT MATTHEW SCHORA.B., Oberlin College, 1972(Division;'l Master's)TOM DAVID SEES.B., Ohio State University, 1969(Geography)JORGE RAMON SERRANO-MORENOLie., Faculty of Philosophy, Christi Regis, MexicoCity, Mexico, 1960S.B., Gregorian Pontifical University, Rome, Italy,1962Lie., ibid., 1963S.T.B., ibid., 1967(Committee on Social Thought)VERRIA JACQUELINE SHAWA.B., Wiley College, 1954(Education)WILLIAM RUSSELL SHRIVERA.B., College of Wooster, 1972(History)JESSE OWENS SMITHA.B., California State College, Los Angeles, 1971(Political Science)JOHN JAMES SOUTERA.B., University of Chicago, 1928(Geography)RICHARD JOHN TAYLOR, JR.A.B., University of Massachusetts, Amherst, 1972(Divisional Master's)ARISTIDES TORCHE L.Lie., National University of Chile, Santiago, Chile,1969Prof., ibid., 1970(Economics)JANE TROWBRIDGEA.B., Brown University, 1971(Divisional Master's)GIUSEPPE TULLIOLaurea, Universita Degli Studi Di Rome, Italy, 1970(Economics)GREGORY P. URBANA.B., University of Chicago, 1971(Anthropology)LINDA LOUISE WALSHS.B., University of Illinois, Chicago, 1971(Psychology)CHRISTY A. WILKINSONA.B., Suffolk University, 1971(Sociology)GEORGE GEDALIA ZIONTZ(Divisional Master's)MURIEL RUTH ZOBERA.B., University of Chicago, 1972(Political Science)GARRETT E. PAULA.B., Wabash College, 1971JAMES ANDREW RURAKA.B., Bates College, 1970DEBORAH ANNE SOIFERA.B., George Washington University, 1972V. IN THE DIVINITY SCHOOLFor the Degree of Master of Arts:VI. IN THE GRADUATE LIBRARY SCHOOLFor the Degree of Master of Arts:PETER LEWIS ADRIANA.B., Williams College, 1971GARY T. ALEXANDERA.B., Transylvania College, 1968M.Div., Lexington Theological Seminary, 1971DANIEL P. BROWNS.B., University of Massachusetts, 1971GRETCHEN SOWLE CAHILLA.B., University of Santa Clara, 1970LINDA L. EASTONA.B., Boston University, 1971STANISLAUS R. GRABAREKA.B., St. Bonaventure University, 1961S.T.L., Catholic University of America, 1966A.M., University of Notre Dame, 1966ROBERT A. HAUSMANA.B., Wesleyan University, 1961D.B., Concordia Seminary, Springfield, Illinois,1965S.T.M., Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, Missouri,1966CARL AVREN LEVENSONA.B., Allegheny College, 1971EDISSON H. OSORIO CUEVAA.B., University of Puerto Rico, 1970LOUIS FREDERICK AULBACHA.B., Rice University, 1970M.B.A., University of Chicago, 1973ELIZABETH RENETTE DAVISA.B., McKendree College, 1967DISSERTATION: Author vs.]itle: A Historical Treatment of the Conflict over Choice of Entry forSerials Issued by Corporate BodiesJANE Y. KELLYA.B., Carleton College, 1970DISSERTATION: Book Selection Practices in a CountyLibrary SystemELIZABETH H. LADNERA.B., College of Mount St. Joseph, 1970DISSERTATION: Improving the Bibliographic Coupling Method of Literature SearchingROBERT C. MICHAELSONS.B., University of Chicago, 1966Ph.D., Yale University, 1972MARY DEBORAH MORROWA.B., Washington University, 1969DISSERTATION: Bibliographical Control of Archivesand Manuscripts: A Review of the LiteratureGAIL EILEEN MUIRHEADA.B., Marietta College, 1971DISSERTATION: The State of the Art in Multi-mediaReviewing for Young People JOHN R. SPENCERS.B., University of California, Berkeley, 1967D.B., Pacific School of Religion, 1970A.M., ibid., 1970CHARLES RAYMOND STRAINA.B., Duquesne University, 1964A.M., ibid., 1966JUDITH VAN HERIKA.B., University of Chicago, 1968M.A.T., ibid., 1971VERNON VISICKA.B., Whitworth College, 1961D.B., Evangelical Theological Seminary, 1964WADE THERON WHEELOCKA.B., Dartmouth College, 1972RICHARD CHARLES WILLIAMSA.B., University of Missouri, 1971JEANNIE L. MUNDTS.B., Northwestern University, 1968DISSERTATION: The Usefulness of Abstracts inLiterature SearchingHARRIET OFFLEY NELSONA.B., Swarthmore College, 1969DISSERTATION: Analysis of Citations from the Journal Literature: Psychology, Psychiatry, and PsychoanalysisSHIELA SZOSTKOWSKIA.B., Knox College, 1969DISSERTATION: A Study and Comparison of thePerceived Differences in Service in Two IllinoisHigh School Media CentersETHELDRA F. TEMPLETONA.B., Manhattanville Collegeo] the Sacred Heart,1969 .LINDA SUE VERTREESA.B., Western Illinois University, 1969DISSERTATION: South Chicago Branch Library:A Case Study in ExperimentationJUDITH A. ZEL TERA.B., American University, 1969DISSERTATION: Library Services to the EMH Student in the Elementary EnvironmentVII. IN THE SCHOOL OF SOCIAL SERVICE ADMINISTRATIONFor the Degree of Master of Arts:CANDIDATES FOR PROFESSIONAL DEGREESI. IN THE GRADUATE SCHOOL OF EDUCATIONFor the Degree of Master of Arts in Teaching:For the Degree of Master of Science in Teaching:ROBERT E. MURRAYA.B., St. Bonaventure University, 1960A.M., Gannon College, 1971SANDRA ALBERTSONA.B., Colby College, 1964(English)CHRISTOPHER BAL TUSA.B., Fordham University, 1970( Mathematics)JEROME YOUNG BIGGS, JR.A.B., Princeton University, 1968(French)LINDA T. DARLINGA.B., University of Connecticut, 1967(English)JACQUELINE BARBARA GOLDBERGA.B., University of California, Berkeley, 1965(History)DANIEL R. HAYMANA.B., University of Chicago, 1971(History)HARALYN BLOCH BORTNICKA.B., Washington University, 1966(Reading)SANDRA LILLEVIK CHRISTOPHERSONA.B., St. Olaf College, 1969(Elementary Education)CARRIE ALSTON CLANTONA.B., University of Pittsburgh, 1958(Elementary Education)SUSAN FRANCIES FEWSMITHS.B., Northwestern University, 1970(Early Childhood)JOAN BARKE I GILPATRICB.S.E., Alverno College, 1953(Reading Consultant)JILL LUCILLE GUSCHINGS.B., Loyola University, Chicago, Illinois, 1971(Mathematics) MAXINE MOSHER HENR YSONS.B., Simmons College, 1965(Art)MARGUERITE ANN HERMANA.B., Colorado College, 1972(English)JAMES F. RIANOSHEKA.B., Brown University, 1972(English)BONNIE JEAN SEEBOLDS.B., University of Illinois, Urbana, 1971(English)LOUISE BLUMENAUER WESCHLERA.B., Manhattanville College, 1969(C hemistry)JUDITH A. ZELTERA.B., American University, 1969(Library Science)ALYCE C. HAMMONSS.B., Xavier University, New Orleans, Louisiana,1947(Reading)NORMA LOUISE COVINGTON HILLB.Ed., Chicago Teachers College, 1963(Reading)JOAN RUTH FASOLD HORNA.B., College of Wooster, 1968M. Div., McCormick theological Seminary, 1973(Elementary Education)MAXINE DORIS MILSAPB.Ed., Chicago Teachers College, 1963(Reading)BARBARA RADNER REQUEA.B., University of Illinois, Chicago, 1967(Early Childhood)SISTER FELICIA WOLF, O.S.F.A.B., Alverno College, 1967(Science)II. IN THE GRADUATE SCHOOL OF BUSINESSFor the Degree at Master at Business Administration:ROBERT M. ADAMS, JR. PHILIP FREDERICK ECKSTRANDS.B., Texas A&M University, 1972 A.B., Franklin and Marshall College, 1967S.M., ibid., 1972LAWRENCE W. AMIOTS.B., University of Illinois, Urbana, 1959S.M., ibid., 1960CHRISTOPHER TYLER ANDERSONA.B., Brown University, 1968MANOHARAN APP APILLAIB.Sc., University of Ceylon, Colombo, Ceylon, 1966Ph.D., University of Cambridge, England, 1973LAWRENCE HEESCH ATKINSA.B., Northwestern University, 1965JOHN E. BALKCOMA.B., Princeton University, 1969F AROKH M. BILLIMORIAS.B.I.E., Illinois Institute of Technology, 1967S.M., ibid., 1970KENNETH DELANO BOWEA.B., Fisk University, 1970FRANK A. BRIODYS.B., University of Notre Dame, 1959BRUCE STEVEN BUCHOWICZS.B., University of Illinois, Chicago, 1966S.M., ibid., 1968ALFRED P. BUETTNER, JR.A.B., Carleton College, 1970BARTON JOEL COHENS.B., University of Pennsylvania, 1972• WITH HONORSFREDERICK L. CORBANS.B., Rose Polytechnic Institute, 1954JON S. CORZINEA.B., University of Illinois, Urbana, 1969PATRICK RAYMOND COSTELLOA.B., University of Chicago, 1970GREGORY W. CRAMERA.B., Princeton University, 1968WILLIAM J . DALTON, JR.A.B., University of Notre Dame, 1959S.B., ibid., 1960PETER JORDAN DEANA.B., University of Wisconsin, Madison, 1968MICHAEL D. DIRMEIERS.B., Texas A&M University, 1971EDWARD FRANCIS DOLANA.B., Saint Joseph's College, Collegeville, Indiana,1960JOHN A. DORANB.E., National University of Ireland, Dublin, Ireland, 1966DAVID CONRAD DUWEA.B., University of Illinois, Chicago, 1968 IAN R. C. EGGLETONB.Com., Victoria University of Wellington, NewZealand, 1968B.C.A., ibid., 1970RICHARD J. EVANSB.B.A., University of Cincinnati, 1972DANIEL MICHAEL FARRELLA.B., University of Notre Dame, 1969M.Sc., University of London, England, 1972DENNIS J. FOLEYA.B., St. Michael's College, 1965FREDERICK S. FOXS.B., De Paul University, 1970MARTIN PATRICK FOYS.B.B.A., Roosevelt University, 1970GEORGES J.-M. GILLETLie., Catholic University of Louvain, Belgium, 1972BERNARD W. GRAYS.B., University of Illinois, Urbana, 1969DENNIS K. HAGERMICHAEL JACKSON HARRISA.B., Vanderbilt University, 1971MICHAEL JAMES HIGGINSA.B., College of the Holy Cross, 1969M. Sc., University of London, England, 1973GEORGE JOSEPH HIRKO IIIA.B., Lehigh University, 1969ARTHUR WILLIAM HORWITZS.B.M.E., Illinois Institute of Technology, 1947STANLEY G. HUDSONA.B., Springfield College, 1967'A.M., Columbia University, 1968JOHN R. HUEBNERS.B.E.E., University of Toledo, 1958JOHN R. JILEKA.B., University of Illinois, Urbana, 1969AMIT J. JOSHIB.E., Maharaja Sayajirao U niuersity of Baroda,India, 1966S.M., Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn, 1968JOSEPH COSGROVE KELLEYA.B., Yale University, 1971JAMES FRANCIS KISELADENNIS S. KITEB.B.A., University of Wisconsin, Madison, 1967ARVIND MANOHAR KORDEB.Tech., Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay,India, 1970S.M., Stanford University, 1971ANN GRAY KRUSEA.B., Randolph-Macon Woman's College, 1963III. IN THE PRITZKER SCHOOL OF MEDICINEFor the Degree of Doctor of Medicine:GEORGE L. KUMISA.B., Wabash College, 1970J AMES OWEN KURTZA.B., Dartmouth College, 1968GERALD E. LEECH IIS.B., University of Illinois, Urbana, 1965WIILLIAM CHARLES LEIPOLD, JR.S.B.Ch.E., Ohio State University, 1972HELENE LESKS.B., University of Illinois, Urbana, 1971JOHN K. LEUNGA.B., University of Hong Kong, 1966KOK KEE LOS.B.A., University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon,Saskatchewan, Canada, 1969A.B., ibid., 1969STEVEN HENRY LYONSS.B., University of California, Los Angeles, 1969S.M.E.E., Stanford University, 1970JOSHUA D. MARGOLISB.G.S., Roosevelt University, 1972RONALD P. MARKSS.B., University of Illinois, Urbana, 1950GEORGE ARCHIBALD McBEANS.B., California Institute of Technology, 1964S.M., Cornell University, 1967ROBERT WILLIAM MILLETS.B., Brigham Young University, 1971TOM M. MOHRS.B.M.E., Purdue University, 1965RONALD L. MONTGOMERYS.B., University of Illinois, Urbana, 1960JAMES F. MOSBYS.B.Ch.E., Purdue University, 1959Ph.D., ibid., 1964THEODORE H. NEBELA.B., University of Notre Dame, 1968J.D., University of Chicago, 1971TIMOTHY JAMES PETTITA.B., University of Washington, 1972MICHAEL HAROLD PRICES.B.I.E., Illinois Institute of Technology, 1970S.M.I.E., ibid., 1971M.Sc., University of London, England, 1973GREGORY J. MILMOES.B., University of Notre Dame, 1969 ROBERT L. QUARLES, JR.S.B., Morgan State College, 1971KJELL THOMAS RUDB.Sc., University of Oslo, Norway, 1963M.Sc., ibid., 1966• WITH HONORSELLEN AVA RUDNICKA.B., Vassar College, 1972JEFFREY STEPHEN R UDSTENA.B., University of Massachusetts, 1971STACY L. SACHSS.B.M.E., University of Illinois, Urbana, 1967DONALD RICHARD ST. CLAIR, JR.S.B.E.E., Bradley University, 1969S.M.E.E., Stanford University, 1970JERRY MICHAEL SANKEYS.B., University of Washington, 1968JAMES ALLEN SCHOONA.B., Trinity Christian College, 1971W. MARC SCHWARTZA.B., Princeton University, 1972WILLIAM EDWARDS SUDDATH IIIA.B., Vanderbilt University, 1972PAUL R. SWISHERA.B., Saint-Mary's Colfege, Winona, Minnesota,1971MICHAEL ROBERT TEDERSS.B.E.E., Illinois Institute of Technology, 1970ROBIN ROY TRIBBLEA.B., University of Colorado, Boulder, 1969JOHN ROGER TWOMBLYS.B., University of Pennsylvania, 1971WALTER H. VANDAELELie., Saint Ignatius University, Antwerp, Belgium,1966Doc., Catholic University, Tilberg, Netherlands,1969CLARK SEARLE WADLEYS.B., Oklahoma State University, 1963MILAN KENNETH WILSONS.B., University of Illinois, Urbana, 1968ELSIE M. WOLPERSA.B., Northwestern University, 1963BANLUE XANTHADISAIS.B., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1971ANNA-ELISABETH SOMMERFEL TPHILLIP R. MUSICHS.B., Creighton University, 1968(Biology)DISSERTATION: The Distribution of the RapidlyRenaturing DNA in the Genome of OncopeltusHARVEY BRUCE POLLARDA.B., Rice University, 1964S.M., University of Chicago, 1969M.D., ibid., 1969(Biochemistry)DISSERTATION: The Structure of the Low DensityLipoprotein from Human SerumRUSSELL LANCE SNYDERA.B., University of California, Berkeley, 1966(Anatomy)DISSERTATION: Zinc Iodide-Osmium Staining ofNormal and Degenerating Axons and Terminalsin the Central Nervous System of the CatCANDIDATES FOR THE DEGREE OFDOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHYI. IN THE DIVISION OF THE BIOLOGICAL SCIENCESAND THE PRITZKER SCHOOL OF MEDICINEPATRICK WALKER BANKSTONA.B., Hobart College, 1968(Anatomy)DISSERTATION: The Morphology, Permeability, andPhagocytic A ctivity of the Vascular Lining ofFetal Rat Liver and their Relationship to H ematopoietic ActivityDONNA LEE BEDARDS.B., Tufts University, 1969(Biology)DISSERTATION: The Role of DNA Synthesis inErythropoietin-Mediated Erythroid DifferentiationROBERT MAO-YUAN CHENM.B., National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan,1969(Pathology)DISSERTATION: Effects of Hyperlipemic RabbitSerum and its Lipoproteins on Proliferation andLipid Metabolism of Rabbit Aortic Medial Cellsin vitroWILLIAM STEPHEN FRANK COOLA.B., College of Wooster, 1961(Biology)DISSERTATION: Mineral Spherules in the DigestiveGlands of Terrestrial PulmonatesWILLIAM JOSEPH GONYEAB.Ed., University of Miami, 1968A.M., ibid., 1969(Anatomy)DISSERTATION: Some Functional Aspects of thePostcranial Anatomy of the Felidae (Carnivora)WILLIAM WOOD JACOBS, JR.S.B., Pennsylvania State University, 1969S.M., University of Chicago, 1971(Biopsychology)DISSERTATION: Social Behavior of the DomesticGuinea Pig: The Male-Female AssociationKAREN FRIEDMAN KATOA.B., Reed College, 1967(Microbiology)DISSERTATION: Single-Stranded Regions in Replicating DNA Molecules: Accumulation in Bromodeoxyuridine Incubated Methyl M ethanesuljonateTreated HEp.2 Cells GERALD VIRGIL STOKESA.B., Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, 1967(M icro biology)DISSERTATION : Membrane Modification and Proteinase Synthesis in L Cells Infected withChlamydia psittaciTIMOTHY L. STRICKLERS.B., Pennsylvania State University, 1968(Anatomy)DISSERTATION: The Functional Morphology of thePectoral Girdle Muscles in the ChiropteraJOHN LAWRENCE TYMOCZKOA.B., University of Chicago, 1970(Biochemistry)DISSERTATION: Factors Responsible for the NuclearRetention of Androgen Receptor of Rat VentralProstateBRUCE HARLAND WAINERA .B., Washington and Jefferson College, 1969(Pathology)DISSERTATION: Immunochemical and BiologicalProperties of Antibodies Against OpioidsII. IN THE DIVISION OF THE HUMANITIESALFRED S. BRADFORD, JR.A.B., University of Wisconsin, Madison, 1964A.M., University of Chicago, 1966( Classical Languages and Literatures)DISSERTATION: A Prosopography of Lacedaemo-nians from the Death of Alexander the Great,323 B.C., to the Sack of Sparta by Alaric, A.D.396 RUTH LOUISE CALDWELLA.B., University of Southern California, 1965A.M., University of Chicago, 1968(Romance Languages and Literatures)DISSERTATION: The Poetry of Tristan TzaraCHARLES ROY CONNELLA.B., Brown University, 1958A.M., University of Chicago, 1961A.M., ibid., 1964(Germanic Languages and Literatures)DISSERTATION: Heine and the Tendenzdichter: TwoApproaches to Political PoetryMICHAEL J. CURLEYA.B., Fairfield University, 1964M.A.T., Harvard University, 1965(English Language and Literature)DISSERTATION: The Prophecy of fohn of Bridlington: An EditionROBERT DANIEL DREXLERA.B., Amherst College, 1963A.M., University of Iowa, 1964(English Language and Literature)DISSERTATION: The Poetry of William DunbarBRADFORD YORK FLETCHERA.B., Brown University, 1966A.M., University of Chicago, 1967(English Language and Literature)DISSERTATION: An Edition of MS R.3.19 in TrinityCollege, Cambridge: A Poetical Miscellany ofc. 1480RICHARD R. FORDA.B., Northwestern University, 1968A.M., New York University, 1969(Romance Languages and Literatures)DISSERTATION: El narrador en la novela hispano-americana modernaTIMOTHY CHARLES FRAZERS.B., Western Illinois University, 1967A.M., University of Chicago, 1967(English Language and Literature)DISSERTATION: The Dialect Subareas of the IllinoisMidlandROBERT DAVID HUMMELS.B., Purdue University, 1958M.A.T., ibid., 1963(Germanic Languages and Literatures)DISSERTATION: The Syntactical Distribution ofMHG Preverbal ge- in Selected Urkunden of theThirteenth Century from Basel-Colmar-Freiburgim BreisgauERIC WESLEY JOHNSONA.B., Princeton University, 1962A.M., ibid., 1964(Far Eastern Languages and Civilizations)DISSERTATION: Mori Ogai: The Fiction from 1909to 1914SUSAN ANGEL KAILINA.B., University of Wisconsin, Madison, 1963A .M., City University of New York, 1966(Romance Languages and Literatures)DISSERTATION: A Study of Form and Meaning inthe Histoire de Gil Bl�s de SantillaneEDITH ANNA NANCY LUKENSA.B., College of Wooster, 1967A.M., University of Chicago, 1968(Germanic Languages and Literatures)DISSERTATION: Buchner' s Valerio and the TheatricalFool Tradition TERRY L. MEYERSA.B., Lawrence University, 1967A.M., University of Chicago, 1968(English Language and Literature)DISSERTATION: Swinburne and ShelleyMAR UTA LIETINS RAYA.B., Columbia University, 1962A.M., Middlebury College, 1963(Germanic Languages and Literatures)DISSERTATION: Theme and Variations: A Studyof the Early Stories of Thomas Mann, 1893-1900ELENA MARGARET ROSEA.B., City University of New York, 1968A.M., University of Chicago, 1969(Romance Languages and Literatures)DISSERTATION: Theophile Gautier: The Possibilitiesof the FantasticHOWARD S. RUTTENBERGA.B., University of Chicago, 1960(Analysis of Ideas and Study' of Methods)DISSERTATION: African Nations and the Problem ofForming CommunityDIANE GABRIELSEN SCHOLLA.B., St. Olaf College, 1968A.M., Univerity of Chicago, 1969(English Language and Literature)DISSERTATION: Historical and Biographical Themesin the Poetry of Robert LowellDAVID STAMPEA.B., Indiana University, Bloomington, 1960A.M., University of Chicago, 1966(Linguistics)DISSERTATION: A Dissertation on Natural PhonologyALAN MAURITZ SWANSONA.B., Indiana University, Bloomington, 1963A.M., ibid., 1965A.M., University of Chicago, 1967(Comparative Studies in Literature)DISSERTATION: Death of a Salesman in Swedish:An Essay in the Theory of Stage TranslationPHYLLIS MACKENZIE THOMPSONA.B., University of Toronto, Ontario, Canada, 1943A.M., Harvard University, 1945(English Language and Literature)DISSERTATION: Studies in Irony: The SpanishTragedy and the Elizabethan Revenge PlayEDWARD HECTOR WILLIAMSA.B., University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba,Canada, 1966A.M., University of Chicago, 1967(C lassical Languages and Literatures)DISSERTATION: Greek and Roman Terracotta Lampsfrom KenchreaiABRAHAM LESNIKA.B., Columbia University, 1968S.M., University of Chicago, 1969(Physics)DISSERTATION: Measurement of the DifferentialCross Section at 3,4,5,6 Gev/c for 'the Reaction7r-P � KO A ° and 7r-P � K°T.°, and 0/ A °Polarization at 5 Gev/ cIII. IN THE DIVISION OF PHYSICAL SCIENCESN. ANANTARAMANB.Sc., University of Calcutta, India, 1966M.Sc., ibid., 1968(Physics)DISSERTATION: A Study of the 88Sr (160, 15N) 89YReactionGEORGE T. ANGWINS.B., University of Chicago, 1966S.M., ibid., 1967(Mathematics)DISSERTATION: Constructing Algebras from Lie andHopf AlgebrasCHARLES B. FRIEDBERGS.B., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1968S.M., University of Chicago, 1969(Physics)DISSERTATION: Effects of Alloying in the DiluteLimit on the Quantum States of Electrons inMagnesiumLEIF E. FUGELSOS.M., University of Chicago, 1963(Geophysical Sciences)DISSERTATION: Transverse Seismic Wave Propagation in an Anisotropic, Layered EarthHARRY PATTON GILLISS.B., Louisiana State University, 1968(C hemistry)DISSERTATION: Toward a Theory of the Self-Avoiding WalkSIU-SHUNG HONGS.B., Taiwan Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan, 1965S.M., National Central University, Miaoli, Taiwan,1968(Geophysical Sciences)DISSERTATION: Semidiurnal Tides in an Atmospherewith Mean Wind and DissipationMAN HIM HUIB.Sc., University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, 1969S.M., University of Chicago, 1970( Chemistry)DISSERTATION: Four Aspects of Non-RadiativeTransitionsBARBARA WARREN KAPLANS.B., Stanford University, 1968S.M., University of Chicago, 1969(C hemistry)DISSERTATION: Synthesis and Photolysis of Adamantanes and N orbornanesDANIEL MENCE KROLLA.B., University of Chicago, 1967S.M., ibid., 1969(Physics)DISSERTATION: Theory of Electrical Instabilities ofMixed Electronic and Thermal OriginHOWARD L. LEMBERGA.B., Columbia University, 1969( Chemistry)DISSERTATION: Surface Plasmons in Liquid Mercury: Propagation in a Nonuniform TransitionLayer RICHARD MILSTEINA.B., Columbia University, 1966(C hemistry)DISSERTATION: A Kinetic Study of the AlkaliHalidesPABITRA NARAYAN SENB.Sc., University of Calcutta, India, 1964(Physics)DISSERTATION: Coherent Potential Approximationin a Two Band ModelTHOMAS W. SPENCEA.B., Duquesne University, 1960(Geophysical Sciences)DISSERTATION: An Experimental Investigation ofRotating Thermal Convection in a DifferentiallyHeated CylinderCHARLES R. STERNS.B., University of Chicago, 1967S.M., {bid., 1971(Geophysical Sciences)DISSERTATION: Melting Relations of Gabbro-tonalite-granite-red Clay with H20 at 30 KB: The Implications for Melting in Subduction Zones.FRANK PAUL TULLYA.B., Clark University, 1968S.M., University of Chicago, 1969(C hemistry)DISSERTATION: Crossed Molecular Beam Study ofthe Collision-Induced Dissociation of. AlkaliHalidesTHOMAS ADRIAN WEAVERA.B., Colgate University, 1967S.M.; University of Chicago, 1968(Geophysical Sciences)DISSERTATION: The Opacities of Transparent Materials as a Function of Temperature and WaveLength, and Their Geophysical ImplicationsLECON WOOS.B., Kansas State University, 1966S.M., University of Chicago, 1973(C hemistry)DISSERTATION: Zeeman Effects in MicrowaveSpectroscopyJIAN-MIN YUANS.B., National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan,1966S.M., ibid., 1968(Chemistry)DISSERTATION: Reduced Fermion Density MatricesIV. IN THE DIVISION OF THE SOCIAL SCIENCESADEOYE ADEGBEMIGA AKINSANY AB.Sc., University of Ibadan, Nigeria, 1969A.M., University of Chicago, 1971(Political Science)DISSERTATION: The Nigerianisation of the WesternNigeria Higher Public ServiceDAVID ANDRICHB.Sc., University of Western Australia, Nedlands,Australia, 1962B.Ed., ibid., 1969M.Ed., ibid., 1971(Education)DISSERTATION: Latent Trait Psychometric Theoryin the Measurement and Evaluation of EssayWriting AbilityJOHN J. ATTINASIA.B., University of St. Thomas, 1967A.M., University of Chicago, 1970(Anthropology)DISSERTATION: Lak T'an: A Grammar of theChol(Mayan} WordTHERESE ELZAS BAKERA.B., Cornell University, 1965(Education)DISSERTATION: The Weakening of Authoritarianism: A Study of Black and White College StudentsJOSEPH WOLF BRAUNA.B., University of California, Berkeley, 1966A.M., University of Chicago, 1968(Education)DISSERTATION: The Introduction of a New Roleinto SchoolsJAMES K. COHENA.B., Yale University, 1964(E ducation)DISSERTATION: The Impact of Two Junior Collegeson Students' Occupational AspirationsROBERT OWEN EDBROOKE, JR.A.B., University of Illinois, Urbana, 1967A.M., University of Chicago, 1969(History)DISSERTATION: Prosopographical Studies in theRoman Empire in the Fourth Century A.D.FLOREAL HOMERO FORNIAbogado (Law), University of Buenos Aires, Argen-tina, 1959A.M., University of Chicago, 1969(S ociology)DISSERTATION: Catholic Doctrinary and IdeologicalDifferentiation and Modernization in Latin AmericaJUDITH BLANKA.B., University of Wisconsin, Madison, 1965A.M., University of Chicago, 1967(Anthropology)DISSERTATION: The Story of the Chou Dance of theFormer Mayurbhanj State, OrissaROBERT SAMUEL BOYDA.B., Indiana University, Bloomington, 1966A.M., University of Chicago, 1967(Education)DISSERTATION: Cognitive and Affective Correlates ofRemedial Tutoring JO FREEMANA.B., University of California, Berkeley, 1965A.M., University of Chicago, 1972(Political Science)DISSERTATION: The Politics of Women's Liberation: A Case Study of an Emerging SocialMovement and Its Relation to the Policy ProcessVICTORIA RADER FRIESA.B., University of California, Berkeley, 1966A.M., University of Chicago, 1968(Sociology)DISSERTATION: Client and Professional Influenceon the Developing Character of a New College:The Failure to Institutionalize Distinctive Organizational GoalsVALERIANO F. GARCIAA.M., University of Chicago, 1965(Economics)DISSERTATION: A Critical Inquiry into ArgentineEconomic HistoryKENNETH GORDONA.B., Dartmouth College, 1960A.M., University of Chicago, 1963(Economics)DISSERTATION: Accident Rates and Wages on U.S.Class-l RailroadsGERRY CHARLES GUNNINA.B., Baylor University, 1961A.M., ibid., 1964(History)DISSERTATION: John Wheatley, Catholic Socialism,and Irish Labour in the West of Scotland, 1906-1924DOMINIQUE ANDRE HACHETTEA.M., University of Chicago, 1961(Economics)DISSERTATION: Revaluation of the Escudo andDistribution of IncomeROSEMARY LIKEY HAKEA.B., Northern Illinois University, 1958A.M., University of Chicago, 1967(E ducation)DISSERTATION: Composition Theory in Identifyingand Evaluating Essay Writing AbilityPAUL H. HUMPHREYSA.B., University of Chicago, 1953A.M., ibid., 1970A.B., University of Oxford, England, 1973A.M., ibid., 1973(Psychology)DISSERTATION: Living in Social Networks: SomeDeterminants of Commitment to CommunesRONALD CHARLES KAHN \A.B., Rutgers University, 1964A.M., University of Chicago, 1967(P olitical Science)DISSERTATION: Police Accountability Politics inNew York City: 1950-1970FRANCES RICHARDSON KELLERA.B., Sarah Lawrence College, 1935A.M., University of Toledo, 1964(History)DISSERTATION: Toward Human Understanding:T he Life and Times of Charles Waddell ChesnuttROBERT W. KLEPPERA.B., Westminster College, 1963A.M., University of Chicago, 1966(Economics)DISSERTATION: The Economic Bases for AgrarianProtest Movements in the United States, 1870-1900ROBERT MARTIN KRIVOSHEYA.B., Yeshiva University, 1964A.M., University of Chicago, 1966(History)DISSERTATION: "Going through the Eye of theNeedle": The Life of Oilman FundamentalistLyman Stewart, 1840-1923MARSHALL ALLEN LANGBERGA.B., Claremont Men's College, 1966A.M., University of Chicago, 1968(Political Science)DISSERTATION: The Decline of Political MachinesHONG YUNG LEEA.B., Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea, 1961A.M., Brigham Young University, 1966(Political Science)DISSERTATION: The Political Mobilization of theRed Guards and Revolutionary Rebels in the Cultural RevolutionIRWIN B. LEVINSTEINA.B., University of Chicago, 1965A.M., University of Pittsburgh, 1967(Committee on Social Thought)DISSERTATION: The Human World of Homer, Herodotos, and Isokrates: The Presentation of Identity in Ancient GreeceCLAUDE MONTMARQUETTEB.Sc., University of Montreal, Quebec, Canada,1966A.M., ibid., 1968A.M., University of Chicago, 1970(Economics)DISSERTATION: A Model of Inventory Holdings withEmpirical Application to Canadian Manufacturing IndustriesCHARLES E. MOSLEYA.B., Sacramento State College, 1961A.M., Roosevelt University, 1967M.Ed., Northeastern Illinois State College, 1968(E ducation)DISSERTATION: Race and Sex in the Teacher-PupilRelationshipFRANCES PATRICIA KUTTNERMUNCHA.B., University of Oxford, England, 1968A.M., University of Chicago, 1970(Economics)DISSERTATION: An Economic Analysis of EminentDomainGUITY NASHAT-MIRDAMADA.B., Columbia University, 1958S.M., ibid., 1959(History)DISSERTATION: The Beginnings of Modernizing Reform in Iran, 1870-1880CHARLES EDWARD NOLLB.Arch., University of Notre Dame, 1960S.M., ibid., 1963(Sociology)DISSERTATION: Work, Family and Happiness DOUGLAS D. PURVISA.B., University of Victoria, British Columbia,Canada,1967A.M., University of Western Ontario, London, On-tario, Canada, 1968A.M., University of Chicago, 1970tEconomics)DISSERTATION: Approaches to the Theory of AssetBehavior and Macroeconomic DynamicsJOSEPH N. RATHNAUB.Ed., Chicago Teachers College, 1957M.Ed., ibid., 1962A.M., University of Chicago, 1967(E ducation)DISSERTATION: The Cooley Vocational EducationBill, 1912-1917: A Confrontation over PublicS chaol Governance in IllinoisRONALD ALLAN REMINICKA.B., Kent State University, 1961A.M., ibid., 1964(Anthropology)DISSERTATION: The Manze Amhara of Ethiopia:A Study of Authority, Masculinity, and SocialityDANIEL R. SCHEINFELDA.B., Yale University, 1955A.M., University of London, England, 1960(Anthropology)DISSERTATION: Dominance, Exchange, and Achievement in a Lower Income Black NeighborhoodKAY LEHMAN SCHLOZMANA.B., Wellesley College, 1968A.M., University of Chicago, 1971(Political Science)DISSERT A TION: A mericans and Youth Dissent: AStudy in Public OpinionJOEL DAVID SEIGLEA.B., Rutgers University, 1966A.M., University of Chicago, 1968(History)DISSERTATION: The Impact of Bureaucratizationin France: Solidarity and Differentiation in theRoyal Administration in the Second Half ofthe Eighteenth CenturyTHOMAS GILBERT TAXA.B., University of Chicago, 1968A.M., ibid., 1969(History)DISSERTATION: The Development of AmericanArchaeology, 1800-1879STEPHEN FREDERIC TOBIASA.B., Harvard University, 1964A.M., University of Chicago, 1967(Anthropology)DISSERTATION: Chinese Religion in a Thai MarketTownTHOMAS W. VITULLO-MARTINA.B., University of Notre Dame, 1965A.M., University of Chicago, 1969(Political Science)DISSERTATION: Community Conflict and PolicyTheory: Implications of F our Communities'Changes in Integration, Development, and Pollution Control PoliciesV. IN THE GRADUATE SCHOOL OF BUSINESSSUSAN SNOW WADLEYA.B., Carleton College, 1965A.M., University 0/ Chicago, 1967(Anthropology)DISSERTATION: Power in the Conceptual Structure0/ Karimpur ReligionPHILLIP LEE WALKERA.B., Indiana University, Bloomington, 1970A.M., University 0/ Chicago, 1971(Anthropology)DISSERTATION: Great Ape Feeding Behavior andIncisor MorphologyJOHN JAMES HUMPALA.B., Ohio Wesleyan University, 1956M.B.A., University 0/ Chicago, 1964DISSERTATION: The Joint Occurrence 0/ Norms inBusiness Organizations: A Study 0/ NormativeConflict HEIDE WOLKER WHELANA .B., Grinnell College, 1964A.M., University 0/ Chicago, 1966(History)DISSERTATION: Alexander III and the State Council: The Politics of EquilibriumDOUGLAS J. ZEMANA.B., University 0/ Arizona, 1966A.M., University 0/ Chicago, 1970(Sociology)DISSERTATION: E Pluribus Unum?: A Study 0/ FourCatholic Ethnic Groups in ChicagoJULES HOWARD KAMINA .B.Sc., University 0/ Toronto, Ontario, Canada,1965A.M., ibid., 1967M.B.A., University of Chicago, 1970DISSERTATION: Effects of Transaction Costs on theAdjustment through Time of the Compositionof Portfolios Held by Risk-Averse Investors:Implications for Capital Market Theory andthe Optimum Strategy for Two Risky AssetsVI. IN THE DIVINITY SCHOOLWINSTON BRADLEY DAVISA.B., University of Rochester, 1961A.M., Columbia University, 1965D.B., Colgate Rochester Divinity School, 1967A.M., University of Chicago, 1969DISSERTATION: Civil Religion in Modern JapanTYRON LEE INBODYA.B., Indiana Central College, 1962D.B., United Theological Seminary, 1965A.M., University of Chicago, 1967DISSERTATION: Cultural Relativism and Theology:The Role of Philosophy in the Thought ofPaul Tillich and Bernard MelandJAY JEEGOOK KIMA.B., Wagner College, 1959A.M., University of Chicago, 1966DISSERTATION: Reason and Imagination in theMaking of Myth: A Methodological Essay inHistory of ReligionsJEROME HERBERT LONGA.B., Knox College, 1956D.B., University of Chicago, 1960A.M., ibid., 1962DISSERTATION: The Religion of the Mbuti Pygmiesand the Religion of the Bushmen of the Kalahari JEFFREY F. MEYERA.B., Duns Scotus College, 1962A.M., University 0/ Dayton, 1966A.M., University of Chicago, 1969DISSERTATION: Peking as a Sacred CityJAMES GWYN MOSELEY, JR.A.B., Stanford University, 1968A.M., University of Chicago, 1971DISSERTATION: A Complex Inheritance: The Ideaof Self-Transcendence in the Theology of HenryJames, Sr., and the Novels of Henry JamesARTHUR EDWIN PUOTINENA.B., Augustana College, Rock Island, Illinois,1963D.B., Lutheran School of Theology, 1967A.M., University of Chicago, 1969DISSERTATION: Finnish Radicals and Religion inMidwestern Mining Towns, 1865-1914KOSON SRISANGB.Ed., Patumwan College of Education, Bangkok,Thailand,1961A.M., University of Minnesota, 1963A.M., University of Chicago, 1970DISSERTATION: Dhammocracy in Thailand: A Studyin Social Ethics as a Hermeneutic of DhammaTHE CONFERRING OF THEROSENBERGER MEDALSMEMBERS OF THE JUILLIARD STRING QUARTET-ROBERTMANN, First Violin; EARL CARLYSS, Second Violin; SAMUELRHODES, Viola; CLAUS ADAM, CelloIn recognition of the inspiring education in chamber music you have given to the world formore than 25 years-a rare achievement of research, invention, and discovery and a great gift tothe listening public and to other musicians-it is my pleasure to confer on you, as the JuilliardString Quartet, the Jesse L. Rosenberger Medal.The candidates will be presented by Wayne C. Booth, George M. Pullman Professor,Department of English Language and Literature and the College, and Chairman, Committee on Analysis of Ideas and Study of Methods.THE CONFERRING OF THE HONORARY DEGREEFor the Degree of Doctor of Humane Letters:MEYER FORTES, Professor of Anthropology, University of CambridgeDistinguished anthropological scholar and teacher, whose meticulous field studies, theoreticalinnovations, and deep respect for African culture are a permanent contribution to human understanding.The candidate will be presented by Raymond T. Smith, Professor, Department ofAnthropology.THE ALMA MATERToday we gladly sing the praiseOf her who owns us as her sons;Our loyal voices let us raise,And bless her with our benisons.Of all fair mothers, fairest she,Most wise of all that wisest be,Most true of all the true, say we,Is our dear Alma Mater.-E. H. LEWIS, PH.D., 1894Fanfare(The Congregation remains standing during the Recession) Antonio SolerTHE BENEDICTIONTHE RECESSIONALRICHARD E. VIKSTROM, Director of Chapel MusicEDWARD MONDELLO, University OrganistROBERT LODINE, University CarillonneurERIC H. AUERBACHMICHAEL N. BORISHLIZBETH JANE BROWNFOSTER O. CHANOCKNICOLETTE K. DEWITTROBERT M. ESTYELIZABETH P. FORDBARBRA L. GOERINGDONALD M. HEINRICHMICHAEL W. HOWARDDAVID R. KAPLANJOSEPH CEITHAMLHILLEL J. EINHORNGILES B. GUNNEDMUND WELLS KITCHGWIN J. KOLBRICHARD W. MINTEL MARSHALROBERT LOVETT ASHENHURSTVICE-MARSHALGEOFFREY C. M. PLAMPINASSIST ANT MARSHALSROGER A. PILLETEDWARD W. ROSENHEIM, JR.MARGARET K. ROSENHEIMLORNA P. STRAUSWILBERT HERBERT URRYSTUDENT AIDESDAVID I. LOEWUSJOHN J. McKEOWNGAR Y ALAN MILLERRENA BARNARD MORANKURT KEN NAKAOKASHARON STEPHENSDAVID ROBERT STEVENSONKAREN G. WILSONPAUL G. YOVOVICHGEORGE A. YUHAS