THE UNIVERSITY Of CHICAGOFOUNDED BY JOHN D. ROCKEFELLER ./'TheThree Hundred Forty-secondCONVOCATIONTheAUTUMNDecember FifteenthA.D. Nineteen Hundred Seventy-twoROCKEFELLER MEMORIAL CHAPELORDER Of EXERCKSESFor the Conferring of DegreesThree o'clockEDWARD H. LEVI, President of the University, PresidingTHE CONVOCATION PROCESSIONPROCESSION AL-Canzon Primi Toni(The Congregation standing until after the prayer) Giovanni Gabrie1iThe Marshal and the Student AidesThe Candidates for DegreesThe Faculties of the UniversityThe Trustees and Officers of the UniversityThe Candidates for Honorary DegreesThe Convocation SpeakerThe Dean of the Rockefeller Memorial ChapelThe Provost of the UniversityThe President of the UniversityTHE PRAYERTHE REVEREND E. SPENCER PARSONSDean of the Rockefeller Memorial ChapelTHE CONVOCATION ADDRESS"A W ARENESS"SOIA MENTSCHIKOFFProfessor, Law SchoolThe Rockefeller Chapel Choir and Brass EnsembleYe sons and daughters of the King. Alleluia.Lift up your hearts, let voices ring. Alleluia.o filii et filiae THE ANTHEMVolckmar LeisringDonna Ruthe LenhoffBarbara LipskyJeffrey Hartnell LockridgeGlenn Gilman PattersonJohn Rosegrant Sari Beth SchwartzChristine Anderson SwaskeyEdward Harris YelinPhilip M. ZawaTHE AWARD OF HONORSAwarded General Honors with the Bachelor's Degree:Members elected to Beta at Illinois Chapter at Phi Beta Kappa on nominationat the University tor especial distinction in general scholarship in theUniversityDeborah Ann DobishRichard Z. DuffeeJonathan Jubal EverettElise Adrienne HahnKatherine Kierstede HudsonELECTED IN HIS THIRD YEARJohn RosegrantELECTED IN THEIR FOURTH YEARJonathan Jubal Everett Donna Ruthe LenhoffAssociate members elected to the Society at Sigma Xi on nomination at theDepartments at Science tor evidence at ability in research work in Science:Members elected to the Society at Sigma Xi on nomination at the Departmentsat Science tor evidence at ability in research work in Science:Alan Raymond GingleOliver Gene CameronTheresa Shang-tsing ChenLeslie Gordon FreemanPhillip Michael HalleckChat-Yin HoEllen Tobey Klass Sari Beth SchwartzJasjit Kaur John Alexander ShearerRichard Eric LombardKeith William PowlsAlphons J. RichertHarold William SchreiderWilliam Harold SpechtRoger Lewis Stockbauer Earl C. SwallowThomas Adrian WeaverRonald Gilbert WolffLourens Jan Dirk ZaneveldTHE CONFERRING OF ACADEMIC DEGREESCandidates for degrees will be presented in the following order:In the College by Dean Roger H. HildebrandThe Student Aide by Marshal Robert L. AshenhurstIn the Division of the Biological Sciences and the Pritzker School of Medicineby Dean Leon O. J aco bsonIn the Division of the Humanities by Dean Robert E. StreeterIn the Division of the Physical Sciences by Dean Albert V. CreweIn the Division of the Social Sciences by Associate Dean Norman M. BradburnIn the Graduate School of Business by Dean Sidney DavidsonIn the Divinity School by Dean Joseph M. KitagawaIn the Graduate School of Education by Dean J. Alan ThomasIn the Graduate Library School by Dean Howard W. WingerIn the School of Social Service Administration by Dean Harold A. RichmanCANDIDATES FOR THE BACHELOR'S DEGREESTEVEN AOKI I. IN THE COLLEGEFor the Degree of Bachelor of Arts:CHARLES ANTHONY FASANO(Physics) (Political Science)(Anthropology) DIANA ALENE FOR W ALTER(Art History)PHILIP C. BARNERSTANLEY ROY BECKER(Public Affairs)THERESA ANN CAMPIGOTTO DOROTHY ODELL FOSTER(History)(Anthropology) DAVID PHILIP GOINS(Psychology)RIVKA ZIPORA GRUBERJEFFREY M. CARP(History and Philosophy of Religion)DEBORAH ANN DOBISH(I deas and Methods)ELIZABETH CAROL DONALDSON(Psychology)RICHARD Z. DUFFEE(Philosophical Psychology)JONATHAN JUBAL EVERETT(History)BEVERLY BALKEY FASANO(Psychology) (T utorial Studies)ELISE ADRIENNE HAHN(Linguistics)MARY LOUISE HAMMOND(Political Science)SUSAN B. HECHT(Geography)ALAN G. HIRSH(English Language and Literature)COLLEEN G. THOMAS HUDGENS(History)II. IN THE COLLEGE AND THE DIVISION OFTHE PHYSICAL SCIENCESFor the Degree at Bachelor at Science:III. THE STUDENT AIDESIN THE COLLEGEKATHERINE KIERSTEDE HUDSON(General Studies in the Social Sciences)• WITH HONORSDANIEL E. KOCHER(Political Science)LYNN ANNE KUBIN(General Studies in the Humanities)BARBARA LIPSKY(Psychology)JEFFREY HARTNELL LOCKRIDGE(Slavic Languages and Literatures)IRA S. MACHEFSKY(Ideas and Methods)JOSEPH P. MAJER(Anthropology)CRAIG L. MICKELSEN(C hemistry)STEVEN Y. NAKAMURA(Biological Sciences)GLENN GILMAN PATTERSON(Biological Sciences)MARY KATHRYN PENAR(History)PETER TUPPER POULSON(English Language and Literature).. MICHAEL G. PRAIS( Chemistry) JOHN ROSEGRANT(Anthropology)BRIGITTE SCHWARZ(Psychology)CLARA SHEFFER(A nthropology)JOSEPH RICHARD SHEPHERD(Business)CHRISTINE ANDERSON SW ASKEY(Germanic Languages and Literatures)MARK BRYAN THOMPSON(Business)HOLLIS NAN WAGENSTEIN(A nthropology)JEANNE L. WAPLES(S ociology)RICHARD JACOB WEINBERG(C hemistry)LARRY G. WOODDELL(Business)EDWARD HARRIS YELIN(Public Affairs)• WITH HONORSPHILIP M. ZA WA(Sociology)DONNA RUTHE LENHOFF(Linguistics) For the Degree at Bachelor of Arts:SARI BETH SCHWARTZ(History)CANDIDATES FOR THE MASTER'S DEGREEI. IN THE DIVISION OF THE BIOLOGICAL SCIENCESAND THE PRITZKER SCHOOL OF MEDICINEFor the Degree at Master at Science:LELAND L. WALTON, JR.A.B., University o] Denver, 1967( Microbiology)DISSERTATION: Isolation and Characterization oj aGuanine·active Phosphoribosyltransjerase [rom.Escherichia coli Type BEDWARD GARRICKA.B., Harvard University, 1967(Biology)MICHAEL DAVID LUBINA.B., University o] Michigan, 1967(Biopsychology)STEPHAN ALLEN RASHBAUMA.B., University oj Colorado, 1970(Biophysics)II. IN THE DIVISION OF THE HUMANITIESFor the Degree oi Master oi Arts:III. IN THE DIVISION OF THE PHYSICAL SCIENCESFor the Degree oi Master oi Science:SUZANNE ARATAA.B., University of Chicago, 1968(Art)BRUCE WILLIAM BANTZA.B., Case Western Reserve University, 1971(Philosophy)TERRI MILLER HOPKINSA.B., Oberlin College, 1971(Art)GERALD MICHAEL KOW ARSKYA.B., University of Chicago, 1971(English Language and Literature)MICHAEL ALEXANDER KRISCHERA.B., Carleton College, 1970(History)V ACLAV LASKALaurea, International University, Rome, Italy, 1958A.M., University of Chicago, 1964(Slavic Languages and Literatures)HAROLD W. LEMELA.B., University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, 1969(Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations)CHERYL MITCHELLA.B., University of Houston, 1972(English Language and Literature)GREGG ALAN MUILENBURGA.B., Calvin College, 1971(Philosophy)NANCY HAMILTON DAVISA.B., Harvard University, 1968(Information Sciences)PAUL DUANE DAVISS.B., University of Chicago, 1967(Information Sciences)DARYL A. DOUTHATS.B., Pennsylvania State University, 1964(Chemistry)JOHN CALVIN GROENEWOLDA.B., Trinity Christian College, 1971(Physics)BARBARA ANN HERBSTERA.B., University of Illinois, Urbana, 1971(Information Sciences)BARBARA HESS HORNBACHA.B., Vassar College, 1969(Information Sciences) DAVID ALAN MUNDIEA.B., University of California, Berkeley, 1968(Philosophy)PATRICIA HAYDT NITCHIEA.B., Wilkes College, 1968(Romance Languages and Literatures)RICHARD GRANT SESSIONSS.B., Illinois Institute of Technology, 1960(Art)MIRIAM SHEERDipl., New Jerusalem Conservatory and Academyof Music, Israel, 1956Libr. Dipl., Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel,1961(Music)ERIC MICHAEL STIFFLERA.B., Yale University, 1969(Philosophy)CHERYL ELAINE SWEENEYA.B., Indiana University, Bloomington, 1971(History)BARBARA OLSZEWSKI THOMASA.B., University of Illinois, Urbana, 1968(English Language and Literature)LAUREL ANN WEEKSA.B., University of California, Davis, 1971(Comparative Studies in Literature)GEORGE LING HUS.B., National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan,1965(Geophysical Sciences)POH ENG LIMSc.B., University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Ma­laya, 1970(C hemistry)WAYNE EARL NACKERS.B., Elmhurst College, 1967( Chemistry)THOMAS A. PRINCEB.S., Villanova University, 1970(Physics)NANCY JEAN WIECKOWICZA.B., University of Chicago, 1969(Chemistry)IV. IN THE DIVISION OF THE SOCIAL SCIENCESF or the Degree of Master of Arts:RICHARD BLAIR ALLENA.B., University 0/ Illinois, Urbana, 1971(A nthropology)GABRIEL C. ALVAREZS.B., Ateneo de Manila University, Quezon City,Philippines, 1967(Sociology)GIDEON LEV ARAN(S ociology)CHRISTOPHER BURKE ASMUSSENA.B., Oberlin College, 1967(History)ERNESTO SILVA BAF ALLUYLie., Catholic University 0/ Chile, Santiago, Chile,1970Ing. Com., ibid., 1970(Economics)TOMAs JOSE TEODORO BALINOLie., University 0/ Buenos Aires, Argentina, 1969tEconomics)AURORA ALDA BENASSOPro/., University 0/ Buenos Aires, Argentina, 1964(E ducation)GERALD E. BERNSTEINA.B., University 0/ Chicago, 1956(Education)HARRIET BLOOMBERGA.B., University 0/ Vermont, 1969(History)RENE BONNELLie., University 0/ Paris, France, 1970(Economics)CHARLES ROBBINS BRODERS.B., University 0/ Miami, 1965(Anthropology)BRUCE ROBERTSON BRODIEA.B., University 0/ California, Berkeley, 1969(Psychology)WILLIE LAWRENCE BUTLERS.B., Howard University, 1971(Divisional Master's)ELLWOOD B. CARTER, JR.A.B., Brown University, 1968(Sociology)PETER N. COEYA.B., Brandeis University, 1968A.M., ibid., 1970(Anthropology)MARSHA M. COHEN(Divisional Master's)BRUCE CHARLESWORTH DEIN, JR.A.B., Amherst College, 1968(Divisional Master's) DOROTHY NEBEL DE MELLOBach., University 0/ Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 1966Lic., ibid., 1966(Psychology)LILLIE VIRGINIA DRAKES.B., Tennessee State University, 1945S.M., ibid., 1961(Education)THOMAS M. T. DUBEA.B., University 0/ South A/rica, Pretoria, SoutA/rica, 1958Dipl, (Education), ibid., 1961S.M., Long Island University, 1963Ed.D., University 0/ Rochester, 1969(Political Science)STEPHEN TALBOT EASTONA.B., Oberlin College, 1970(Economics)JUDITH DANA FEINSA.B., Smith College, 1969( Political S cien ce )COLOMA FERRACont. Publ., National University 0/ Cuyo, Men­doza, Argentina, 1966Lic., ibid., 1969(Economics)RICHARD A. FINNEGANA.B., St. Louis University, 1934A.M., Catholic University 0/ America, 1949(Committee on Human Development)PATRICIA FAIRCHILD FLINNA.B., University 0/ Illinois, Chicago, 1971(Divisional Master's)JO FREEMANA.B., University 0/ California, Berkeley, 1965(Political Science)BLANCHE P. GASTONB.Ed., Chicago Teachers College, 1956(Education)GLEN JAMES GILCHRISTA.B., Brigham Young University, 1970(Economics)SUSAN M. GOTTSCHALLA.B., Syracuse University, 1965(Education)NANCY LOUISE GRANTA.B., Smith College, 1971(History)FREDERICK LEE ALBERT GRAUERA.B., University 0/ British Columbia, Vancouver,British Columbia, Canada, 1969(Economics)ANTHONY CLARENCE OSWALDGUNASEKERA(Divisional Master's)CLAUDIO L. S. HADDADEng., Military Institute of Engineering, Rio deJaneiro, Brazil, 1969 .(Economics)CHRISTIAN J. HALLER IIIA.B., Cornell University, 1965(Sociology)HARLOW N. HIGINBOTHAMA.B., Harvard University, 1968(Economics)JORGE EDUARDO JASMINOYLic., University of Buenos Aires, Argentina, 1967(Political Science)SHARON FRIEDMAN KALKA.B., University of Chicago, 1960(Education)BARBARA GAIL KANKIS.B., University of Illinois, Chicago, 1969(Divisional Master's)BONNIE MAE KAPLANA.B., Cornell University, 1971(History)JOEL KENT KIESA.B., Cornell University, 1969(Political Science)ROBERT W. LAKEA.B., Antioch College, 1968(Geography)DISSERTATION: Race, Status, and Neighborhood:Behavioral Aspects of the Ecology of Racial Resi­dential ChangeDALE ARTHUR LANDGRENS.B., Marquette University, 1971(Economics)MICHAEL S. LUNDA.B., Augustana College, Rock Island, Illinois,1962B.D., Yale University, 1967(Political Science)MANU MANIWATANAA.B., University of California, Santa Barbara, 1970A.M., ibid., 1971(Sociology)CHRISTOPHER JACOB MARTINA.B., Carleton College, 1970(History)FRANK McGINLEYA.B., St. Mary of the Lake, 1962S.T.L., ibid., 1966(Divisional Master's)JUAN-CARLOS MENDEZIng., Catholic University of Chile, Santiago, Chile,1969(Economics)ERIC JEROME MEVESA.B., Northwestern University, 1971(Geography)PAUL PERETZA.B. (Hons.), University of Victoria, Wellington,New Zealand, 1968(Political Science) CONSTANCE PERINA.B., University of Chicago, 1950M.C.P., University of Pennsylvania, 1966(A nthropology)MINDAUGAS PLESKYSS.B., University of Illinois, Urbana, 1959S.M., ibid., 1962(Economics)STEVEN I. RIESA.B., Indiana University, Bloomington, 1967A.M., ibid., 1969(Committee on Human Development)ELlA ROUMANIA.B., University of Massachusetts, Boston, 1969(C ommittee on International Relations)ADHEMAR RUIZBach., University of Sao Paulo, Brazil, 1965Lic., ibid., 1965(Sociology)PAUL S. RUNDQUlSTA.B., Loyola University, Chicago, Illinois, 1969(History)JOAN S. SCHWARTZA.B., Radcliffe College, 1955(E ducation)DISSERTATION: A Study of Auditory PerceptionDONALD M. SEEKINSA.B., Cornell University, 1967(Political Science)THOMAS J. SLOCUMA.B., Southern Illinois University, 1965(Education)JOSE MANUEL SUAREZ-MIERLic., National University of Mexico, Mexico City,D.F., 1970(Economics)TERESA ANN SULLIVANA.B., Michigan State University, 1970(Sociology)FRANK LESLIE SUMMERSA.B., University of California, Berkeley, 1966A.M., Columbia University, 1969(Psychology)SHIMELLIS TEKLE-TSADIKA.B., Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel, 1969(Sociology)MICHAEL ARTHUR TODTA.B., Michigan State University, 1969(Education)DISSERTATION: Research and Consultation to Solvea Problem of Communication among Adults ina High SchoolH. R. VOHRAA.M., Pan jab University, Chadigargh, India, 1951(Sociology)ROBERT DENNIS WALSHA.B.,. Villanova University, 1970(Education)LAWRENCE ALLEN WATSONA.B., San Diego State College, 1970(Psychology)V. IN THE DIVINITY SCHOOLFor the Degree at Master at Arts:DAVID IRVING COOK JAMES CHARLES HORNERA.B., Graceland College, 1965 A .B., Providence College, 1968VI. IN THE GRADUATE LIBRARY SCHOOLFor the Degree at Master ofArts:VII. IN THE SCHOOL OF SOCIAL SERVICE ADMINISTRATIONFor the Degree of Master at Arts:CHRISTIN REHBEIN OSORIOA.B., University of Puerto Rico, Rio Piedras,Puerto Rico, 1970WALTER JOHN WESSELSA.B., Grove City College, 1968(Economics)KENNETH BERNARD WOODSIDEA.B., University of Toronto, Ontario, Canada, 1967(Political Science)PATRICIA LOUISE COXA.B., University of Virginia, 1969DANIEL J. DAVISA.B., Morningside College, 1968Th.M., University of Chicago, 1970DAVID R. EILERA.B., Indiana Central College, 1956D.B., United Theological Seminary, 1959SUSAN MARSHA FEINGOLDA.B., University of Michigan, 1966DISSERTATION: The Treatment of Minority Groupsin Junior and Senior High School LiteratureTextbooksMARY JO ROSSI FURGALA.B., Clarke College, 1961A.M., University of Hawaii, 1968DISSERTATION: 16 MM Film Service in SelectedIllinois Public LibrariesDAVID DEAN HUDSONB.D., University of Chicago, 1963DISSERTATION: James Parker, Publick PrinterCAROL BOURNE JONESA.B., Brown University, 1970DISSERTATION: Branch Libraries and CommunityCenters in Chicago: Outreach and ResponseJOEL M. LEEA.B., Oberlin College, 1971DISSERT A TION : The Historical and PhilosophicalRelationship between the Spanish Index of Pro­hibited Books of 1559 and the Tridentine Indexof 1564 VIRGINIA T. WULFINGS.B., Indiana University, Bloomington, 1950(Education)JAMES RANDALL HUYCKA.B., Kalamazoo College, 1965A.M., University of Chicago, 1966PAUL MARTIN RANSOHOFFA.B., Harvard Unioersi-y; 1970ROLAND R. YARLINGA.B., Milligan College, 1958RICHARD LEE METZGERB.M., Texas Christian University, 1967M.M., ibid., 1968DISSERTATION: The Role of Foundations in the Re­cording of American MusicHOLLY HINMAN MILLARDA.B., North Adams State College, 1968A.M., University of Florida, 1970DISSERTATION: Narrative Management in Contem­porary Children's FictionMARTHA MOSSA.B., Alfred University, 1970DISSERTATION: The American Indian in FictionWritten for Young Adults, 1960-1971DIANNE SUE MYERSA.B., University of Missouri, 1970DISSERTATION: Investigations of the Reading ojOlder People and Factors Which Influence Read­ingLINNEA ANN SODERGRENA.B., Macalester College, 1970DISSERTATION: Significant Differenoes between theInformation Systems of the National Library ofMedicine, Chemical Abstracts Service, and theAmerican Institute of PhysicsPROFESSIONAL DEGREESI. IN THE GRADUATE SCHOOL OF EDUCATIONFor the Degree of Master of Arts in Teaching:For the Degree of Master of Science in Teaching:NELLIE JEAN BOBBITT ANDERSONB.Ed., Chicago Teachers College, 1965(Reading)II. IN THE GRADUATE SCHOOL OF BUSINESSFor the Degree of Master of Business Administration:WILLARD P. ANDERSON, JR. KENNETH F. BUCCIERIB.B.A., Northwestern University, 1966 A.B., Michigan State University, 1965CASANDRA ELAINE ALFREDA.B., Chicago State College, 1970(English)ILENE CAROL BARMASH HARRISA.B., University 0/ Chicago, 1965(Social Science)DIANE LEE HEFTELA.B., Mundelein College, 1971(English)JEWELINE HILLA.B., De Paul University, 1970(Spanish)MICHEAL VINCENT ANTHONYS.M., University 0/ Chicago, 1953S.B., New Mexico Institute 0/ Mining and Tech­nology, 1958S.M., Harvard University, 1962FRANK P. BAXPEHLERROBERT DOUGLAS BECKERA.B., Lafayette College, 1969A.M., Ohio University, 1970DELMAR FRANCIS BLOEMS.B.E.E., Lehigh University, 1968WILLIAM BLYA.B., City University 0/ New York, 1971JAMES A. BOHNSACKA.B., Millikin University, 1967MICHEL J. BONNAMYDipl., Ecole Superieure des Sciences Economiqueset Commerciales, Paris, France, 1971LUlZ AUGUSTO DE BRAGANC;ABach., Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil,1968ROBERT E. BREMMERS.B.Ch.E., Northwestern University, 1957 VIVIAN JANET HILLA.B., Wellesley College, 1969(Mathematics)ROBERT LEWISB.F.B., Schools of the Art Institute 0/ Chicago,1970(Art)JANICE KAY MAULA.B., Earlham College, 1966(Biology)EDWARD J. BURNSPh.B., University 0/ Notre Dame, 1954JAMES PATRICK CAPUTOS.B., De Paul University, 1962CEM QE�MIGLic., University 0/ Neuchatel, Switzerland, 1970WOODROW WALTERCHAMBERLAIN, JR.S.B.B.A., Lehigh University, 1%1ROBERT B. CHAPMAN, JR.A.B., Wesleyan University, 1970WILLIAM SERAPHIN COCAGNES.B.E.E., University 0/ Illinois, Urbana, 1966JOHN E. CRIMS.B.Bus., Indiana University, Bloomington, 1955CHARLES RUDD CROSSJON ROBERT CUMPA.B., Kalamazoo College, 1966JOHN B. DAVIESB.Sc., University of Birmingham, England, 1966Ph.D., ibid., 1970RALPH D . DAVISA.B., University of Chicago, 1971ALANSON JAMES DONALD, JR.A.B., Yale University, 1969JERRY LEE DOZIER, JR.S.B.E.E., Purdue University, 1968JOHN A. EDWARDSON, JR.S.B.I.E., Purdue University, 1971RALPH LOUIS EPANDS.B., Rider College, 1968JOHN D. EPSTEINA.B., Lake Forest College, 1967A.M., University of Oregon, 1969JAMES RANDOLPH EVERLINEA.B., De Paul University, 1965J.D., Southern Methodist University, 1968PAUL MARSHALL FICKLINGA.B., Oxford University, England, 1969A.M., ibid., 1972FRANCISCO JAVIER FREIRUIZ-TAGLEROBERT JOHN GIEBELHAUSS.B.E.S., Illinois Institute of Technology, 1967BRUCE WILLIAM GILBERTS.B., University of Illinois, Urbana, 1952ROBERT J. GRECOS.B., University of Illinois, Chicago, 1971RONALD ABSALOM HARRISON, JR.S.B., Washington University, 1964JOHN ANDREW HAUTERB.B.A., University of Notre Dame, 1963LL.B., ibid., 1965WILLIAM JAMES HENDERSON IIIA.B., Yale University, 1965ARTHUR E. HENNINGSEN, JR.B.B.A., University of Wisconsin, Madison, 1970RICHARD R. HILLS.B.Ch.E., Illinois Institute of Technology, 1966RICHARD P. HOEGERS.B., Beloit College, 1963S.M., Louisiana State University and Agriculturaland Mechanical College, 1966GARY C. HOURIHANA.B., Princeton University, 1970Lie., Catholic University of Louvain, Belgium, 1972JESSE HYMESDALE R. IBISA.B., University of Chicago, 1968ROBERT PAUL JANSSENLie., Catholic University of Louvain, Belgium, 1971DILEEP R. KANITKARB.Tech., Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay,India, 1965S.M., Northwestern University, 1967 JOHN FREDRIC KAUTSS.B., University of Illinois, Chicago, 1969RALPH J. KENNEDYS.B., University of Illinois, Chicago, 1967GERALD DUANE KENNETTS.B.Ch.E., Purdue University, 1967ELLWOOD ROBERT KERKESLAGERS.B., Pennsylvania State University, 1963A.B., Elizabethtown College, 1963M.E., New York University, 1965MICHAEL SAM KRAUSES.B., United States Naval Academy, 1963JOEL KRICHIVERS.B.E., University of Illinois, Chicago, 1969ROBERT LOUIS KRUEGERS.B.B.A., Marquette University, 1960JOHN PHARES LAIRDS.B., University of Wisconsin, Madison, 1965PETER W. LINA.B., University of Rochester, 1971WILLIAM F. LOVEA.B., St. John's University, Collegeville, Minne­sota, 1955ROBERT B. LOVEMANA.B., Princeton University, 1969WILLIAM C. MACDONALDS.B.M.E., Purdue University, 1966J.D., Indiana University, Bloomington, 1969THOMAS JOHN MARIKS.B., University of Illinois, Urbana, 1966ALVIN MASLOVS.B., University of Illinois, Urbana, 1965S.M., ibid., 1965JOHN MATSUSHIMAS.B.E., University of Michigan, 1967CAROL BRYDEN MOOREA.B., Monmouth College, Illinois, 1960JOSEPH ANTHONY MOSCHIANOB.B.A., Loyola University, Chicago, Illinois, 1967MICHAEL ARTHUR MURPHYA.B., Princeton University, 1968CHRISTOPHER STUART NOONS.B.C.E., Purdue University, 1971CLIFFORD LARRY OLSONB.Ch.E., University of Minnesota, 1969B.Phys., ibid., 1969• WITH HONORSJEAN WOPAT ORRA.B., University of Illinois, Urbana, 1968MICHAEL McCORMICK ORRA.B., Wabash College, 1969C. BRIAN PENDLETONA.B., Northwestern University, 1961BASIL NICHOLAS PETROUA.B., Reed College, 1969J.D., University of Chicago, 1972CANDIDATES FOR THE DEGREE OFDOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHYI. IN THE DIVISION OF THE BIOLOGICAL SCIENCESAND THE PRITZKER SCHOOL OF MEDICINEJOHN JEFFREY PIERCES.B.E.E., Purdue University, 1968JOHN ULDIS PORUKS.B., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1963EDMUND R. POWELL, JR.S.B., University of Illinois, Urbana, 1969JANE E. RANSHAWS.B.Bus., Indiana University, Bloomington, 1966JOHN JULIAN ROCHE, JR.A.B., Yale University, 1967ROBERT ANDREW ROSULEKS.B.B.A., Drake University, 1970STEVEN GEORGE ROTHMEIERB.B.A., University of Notre Dame, 1968DAVID J. SAND FORTS.B.Ag.E., University of Nebraska, 1963S.M., ibid., 1965TIMOTHY A. SCHLINDWEINB.B.A., University of Notre Dame, 1969LARRY RICHARD SEIDELA.B., University of Chicago, 1971MICHAEL PAUL SELESKIS.B.Met.E., University of Illinois, Urbana, 1969DUMARSAIS M. SIMEUSS.B., Howard University, 1967BRIAN ROSS SMITHA.B., McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Can­ada, 1969DANA L. SMITHA.B., Cornell University, 1969KENNETH WILLIAM ADOLPHS.B., University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, 1966S.M., ibid., 1967(Biophysics)DISSERTATION: Isolation and Characterization ofViruses Infecting Blue-Green AlgaeSTEVEN L. BACHENHEIMERS.B., University of Illinois, Urbana, 1967(Microbiology)DISSERTATION: Studies on Nucleic Acid Metabo­lism in Herpes Simplex Virus Infected CellsOLIVER GENE CAMERONA.B., University of Notre Dame, 1968(Biopsychology)DISSERTATION: Stimulus Properties of Drugs: LSDas SD and UCS GORDON TAMS.B., Iowa State University of Science and Tech­nology, 1969GEORGE R. TAMPAS.B., University of Illinois, Urbana, 1960ROBERT E. TAUBENHEIMA.B., Cornell College, 1969BONIFACE S. THAYILS.B.Ch.E., University of Washington, 1965GREGORY NELSON THOMASA.B., Yale University, 1969ROGER KEMPER THOMPSONA.B., Lawrence University, 1967ROY CLYDE TURNER IIIA.B., Rice University, 1970BRUCE RICHARD UKOCKISS.B.I.E., Northwestern University, 1969HAROLD D. VERSTENS.B.M.E., Illinois Institute of Technology, 1961NANCY C. VRASPIRA.B., Macalester College, 1969M.Sc., University of London, England, 1972KENNETH A. WOLNIAKS.B.E.E., Illinois Institute of Technology, 1965MICHAEL STANLEY YOUNGS.B., Cornell University, 1968OLIVER YUENS.B.E.E., University of Illinois, Chicago, 1964CHARLES ElLA.B., University of Rochester, 1968(Biochemistry)DISSERTATION: Phosphorylation of Rat Liver Ribo­somal ProteinRICHARD WILLIAM FURLANETTOA.B., Northwestern University, 1967(Biochemistry)DISSERTATION: The Reactions of Papain with Sub­stituted a-H aloacetophenonesJ. DAVID GRAUSZS.B., McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Can­ada, 1965(Biophysics)DISSERTATION: Mechanisms that Control Gene Ac­tion after Bacteriophage SP01 InfectionII. IN THE DIVISION OF THE HUMANITIESREGNAL JOHN JONESS.B., University 0/ Chicago, 1963S.M., ibid., 1963(Biology)DISSERTATION:. An Electrophoretic Survey 0/ NineSpecies 0/ the Fungal Genus UstilagoSUZANNE E. MOSHIERB.Chem., University 0/ Minnesota, 1967S.M., University 0/ Chicago, 1971(Biochemistry)DISSERTATION: Aromatic Carotenogenesis in Pho­bosynthetic Bacteria: Biosynthesis 0/ Chlorobac­teneDARRYL BOYD NEILLS.B., Florida Presbyterian College, 1967(Biopsychology)DISSERTATION: Striatal Chemical Mechanisms andBehavioral InhibitionCURTIS DEWITT PORTA.B., University 0/ California, Davis, 1954D.v.M., ibid., 1956S.M., Northwestern University, 1966(Pathology)DISSERTATION: A Comparative Evaluation 0/ theGerbil as a Model/or Lead ToxicityWINIFRED HUNT BENADEA.B., Smith College, 1943A.M., Columbia University, 1950(English Language and Literature)DISSERTATION: Dream and the Interior World inthe Early Short Stories 0/ Eudora WeltyDAR lLYN WINIFRED BOCKA.B., University 0/ Chicago, 1967A.M., ibid., 1968(English Language and Literature)DISSERTATION: Henry James: Pre/aces and PracticeLYNDA KATHRYN BUNDTZENA.B., University 0/ Minnesota, 1968A.M., University 0/ Chicago, 1969(English Language and Literature)DISSERTATION: Macbeth and the Rhetoric 0/ theUnconscious: An Experiment in PsychoanalyticCriticismLIN CHAOA.B., Tunghai University, Taichung, Taiwan, 1965A.M., University 0/ Chicago, 1970(Far Eastern Languages and Civilizations)DISSERTATION: Shang GovernmentWALTER EVERETT EVANS IIIA.B., University 0/ Missouri, 1968A.M., ibid., 1969(English Language and Literature)DISSERTATION: The Development 0/ the Lyric ShortStory in America, Irving to Melville LARRY L. ROCKWOODS.B., University 0/ Chicago, 1965(Biology)DISSERTA,TION: Studies on Animal-Plant Interac­tions in a Seasonal Tropical EnvironmentPAUL H. VOLKMANA.B., University 0/ Rochester, 1968(Pharmacology)DISSERTATION: Neuronal Regulation 0/ Pineal N­Acetvltransjerase ActivityJAMES ROBERT ZIEGLERA.B., California State University, Fresno, 1966(Biology)DISSERTATION: Maintenance and Regulation of Un­confined Populations of Tribolium, the FlourBeetleELEUTHERIOS ZOUROSDipl., Agricultural College of Athens, Greece, 1963Doct. (Agric.), ibid., 1968(Biology)DISSERTATION: Genic Differentiation Associatedwith the Early Stages of Speciation in the mul­leri Subgroup of DrosophilaSHAN-YUAN HSIEHA.B., Tunghai University, Taichung, Taiwan, 1959A.M., University of Chicago, 1965(Far Eastern Languages and Civilizations)DISSERTATION: The Life and Thought of Li Kou(1009-1059)MANFRED R. JACOBSONA.B., University of Chicago, 1960A.M., ibid., 1966(Germanic Languages and Literatures)DISSERTATION: The Narrator in C. F. Meyer's ProseWorkPETER LIA.B., University of Washington, 1958(Far Eastern Languages and Civilizations)DISSERTATION: Tseng P'u: The Literary Journeyof a Chinese Writer (1872-1935)MARGARET ANN LOURIEA.B., Wellesley College, 1966A.M., University of Chicago, 1967(English Language and Literature)DISSERTATION: William Morris' The Defence ofGuenevere and Other Poems: An Introductionwith Critical and Historical CommentaryEARL AARON LUDMANA.B., Harvard University, 1964A.M., University of Chicago, 1966(Philosophy)DISSERTATION: A Priori Concepts and Kant's Aimsin the Transcendental DeductionHUGH JOSEPH McCANN, JR.A.B., Villanova University, 1964A.M., University of Chicago, 1965(Philosophy)DISSERTATION: Basic Actions, Trying, and OvertMovements/ CHAUNCEY JEFFRIES MELLOR IIIA.B., University of Chicago, 1965A.M., ibid., 1967(Germanic Languages and Literatures)DISSERTATION: Scholarly Purpose and NationalPurpose in Jacob Grimm's Work on the Deut­sches WorterbuchFREDERICK CAMPBELL MOFFATTA.B., Colby College, 1960A.M., Arizona State University, 1966(Art)DISSERTATION: The Life, Art, and Times of ArthurWesley DowSYED SALMAN NADVIA.B., University of Karachi, Karachi, Pakistan,1958A.M., ibid., 1959(Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations)DISSERTATION: cAbd Alliih. ibn al-Zubayr and theCaliphateCAROLYN J. NYGRENA.B., Tufts University, 1963(Linguistics)DISSERTATION: Children's Acquisition of Instru­mental VerbsHAL N. OPPERMANA.B., Knox College, 1960A.M., University of Chicago, 1963(Art) .DISSERTATION: Jean Baptiste Oudry (1686-1755) JEFFREY BERNARD SCHAMISA.B., University of Rochester, 1968A.M., University of Chicago, 1969(Philosophy)DISSERT ATION: A bsolute RightsPETER ANDREW SCHOLLA.B., Augustana College, Rock Island, Illinois,1967A.M., University of Chicago, 1968(English Language and Literature)DISSERT A TION: Some Recent A merican Novels withAntiwar ThemesH. STEPHEN STRAIGHTA.B., University of Michigan, 1965A.M., University of Chicago, 1970(Linguistics)DISSERTATION: Yucatec Maya Pedolectology: Seg­mental PhonologyT' AO T'IEN-YIA.B., National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan,1953A.M., ibid., 1956(Far Eastern Languages and Civilizations)DISSERTATION: The Recruitment of Officials onGrounds Other than Ability during the FormerHan DynastyAUGUST R. VAVRUSA.M., University of Chicago, 1948(Slavic Languages and Literatures)DISSERTATION: Quantity in the Slovak Systems ofInflection and DerivationIII. IN THE DIVISION OF THE PHYSICAL SCIENCESEKUNDAYO ELISHA BALOGUNB.Sc., University of Toronto, Ontario, Canada,1966S.M., University of Chicago, 1967(Geophysical Sciences)DISSERTATION: A Study of Satellite-observed CloudPatterns of Tropical CyclonesCHARLES LUCIAN BERRY, JR.S.B., University of Notre Dame, 1967S.M., University of Chicago, 1969(Astronomy & Astrophysics)DISSERTATION: Non-axisymmetric Kinematics inGalaxies with Axisymmetric Mass DistributionsHENRY CLIFTON BRENNERS.B., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1968S.M., University of Chicago, 1969(C hem is try )DISSERTATION: Electron Paramagnetic ResonanceStudies of Triplet State Energy Transfer in Or­ganic Molecular Crystals CHRISTOPHER MONTGOMERYBROWNA.B., Oberlin College, 1967S.M., University of Chicago, 1972(Information Sciences)DISSERTATION: Multiplex Imaging and RandomArraysJIA-YONG CHENB.S.E., Taiwan Cheng Kung University, Tainan,Taiwan, 1964(C hemistry)DISSERTATION: Oxidative Addition Reactions ofIridium (I) ComplexesDOUGLAS JAMES CROZIERB.S.E., University of Michigan, 1966S.M., University of Chicago, 1967(Physics)DISSERTATION: Energy Levels of 34S from the 33S(d,p) 34S ReactionPATRICIA MOORE DEHMERS.B., University of Illinois, Chicago, 1967(C hemistry)DISSERTATION: Absolute Total Scattering CrossSections for 7Li on He, Ne, Kr, and XePHILLIP THOMAS DELASSUSS.B., Valparaiso University, 1967(C hemistry)DISSERTATION: The Magnetic Properties of Cr:F 2'a Canted AntijerromagnetWILLIAM, F. DIETRICHS.B., University of Chicago, 1965S.M., ibid., 1967(Physics)DISSERTATION: The Differential Energy Spectra ofSolar Flare lH, SHe, and 4HeROBERT F. DRURYA.B., Earlham College, 1966(Chemistry)DISSERTATION: The 3·lodopropyl Radical Structureand ReactionsARNOLD ALLAN GAERTNERA.B., University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Sas-katchewan, Canada, 1965S.M., University of Chicago, 1967(Physics)DISSERTATION: The De H aas-V an Alphen Effect inCalciumDAVID H. GLOECKNERS.B., University of Florida, 1964S.M., University of Chicago, 1968(Physics)DISSERTATION: Occupation Numbers and Shell Clo­sure in the Zirconium IsotopesDONALD FRANKLIN HELLERB.S., University of California, Berkeley, 1969(C hemistry)DISSERTATION: The Energy Dependence of Elec­tronic Relaxation ProcessesCHAT-YIN HOB.Sc., National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan,1966M.Sc., Case Western Reserve University, 1968(Mathematics)DISSERTATION: On the Classical Case of the Qua­dratic Pairs for 3 Whose Root Group HasOrder 3LUCAS WILLEM KAMPA.B., Princeton University, 1968S.M., University of Chicago, 1970(Astronomy & Astrophysics)DISSERTATION: A Non-LTE Study of Silicon LineFormation in Early-Type Main Sequence Atmo­spheresPETER MICHAEL KRANZA.B., Franklin & Marshall College, 1966(Geophysical Sciences)DISSERTATION: The Anastrophic Burial of Bivalvesand Its Paleoecological Significance MICHAEL SAVAGE LANCETB.S., Rose Polytechnic Institute, 1966S.M., University of Chicago, 1971(Chemistry)DISSERTATION: Carbon-Isotope Fractionations inthe Fisher-Tropsch Reaction and Noble-GasSolubilities in Magnetite: Implications for theOrigin of Organic Matter and Primordial Gasesin MeteoritesBOON-CHYE LOWB.Sc., University of London, England, 1968S.M., University of Chicago, 1969(Physics)DISSERTATION: (1) Root Mean Square Fluctuationof a Weak Magnetic Field in an Infinite Me­dium of Homogeneous Stationary Turbulence;(2) Resistive Diffusion of Force-free MagneticFields in a Passive MediumMICHAEL EDWARD MELNICHAKS.B., Carnegie Institute of Technology, 1951S.M., University of Chicago, 1970(Chemistry)DISSERTATION: Enthalpies of Mixing of BinaryMixtures of the Fused Alkali HalidesRAYMOND W. NACKONEYA.B., University of Pennsylvania, 1964S.M., University of Chicago, 1965(Physics)DISSERTATION: The Gravitational Influence of aBeam of LightCOSTAS PAP ATRIANTAFILLOUDipl., National Technical University, Athens,Greece, 1968S.M., University of Chicago, 1970(Physics)DISSERTATION: Electron Localization and AtomicCorrelation in One-dimensional Disordered Sys­temsSEYMOUR HAROLD PERLSTEINS.B., Roosevelt University, 1966S.M., University of Chicago, 1968(C hemistry)DISSERTATION: Chemical and Kinetic Properties ofBromelain and Its Natural InhibitorJOHN EDWARD POMERANZA.B., University of Rochester, 1965S.M., University of Chicago, 1970(Information Sciences)DISSERTATION: A Theory of Page ReplaceabilityKEITH WILLIAM POWLSB.Sc., University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Mani-toba, Canada, 1963S.M., University of Chicago, 1964(Mathematics)DISSERTATION: A Boundary Behavior Problem inPseudo-differential OperatorsTRUDY PORTER SCHAFERS.B., Northwestern University, 1968( Chemistry)DISSERTATION: Crossed Molecular Beam Studies ofElastic and Reactive ScatteringIV. IN THE DIVISION OF THE SOCIAL SCiENCESANDREW, A. SEIDLS.B., University of Chicago, 1965S.M., ibid., 1966(Physics)DISSERTATION: Elastic Scattering and Single PionProduction in k + p Reactions at 4.27 GeV / cHSIUNG CHIA TZEB.Sc., Stanford University, 1965(Physics)DISSERTATION: New Scalar and Conserved VectorCurrents in Dual Resonance ModelsMICHAEL GORbON ANDERSONA.B., University of Illinois, Urbana, 1966A.M., University of Chicago, 1967(History)DISSERTATION: Bureaucrats in Revolt: The UnionMovement among French Civil Servants, 1900-1940PERI ETHAN ARNOLDA.B., Roosevelt University, 1964A.M., University of Chicago, 1967(Political Science)DISSERTATION: Herbert Hoover and the Depart­ment of Commerce: A Study of Ideology andPolicySOTIRIOS ANGEL BARBERA.B., University of Illinois, Urbana, 1964A.M., University of Chicago, 1966(Political Science)DISSERTATION: On the Rule of N on-delegationLELAND BARRINGERA.B., Michigan State University, 1965A.M., Duke University, 1967(Sociology)DISSERTATION: Maternal Childrearing Attitudesand Practices and Childrens' Scholastic Achieve­mentROGER L. BECKS.B., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1962M.B.A., Northwestern University, 1963(Economics)DISSERTATION: Patents, Property Rights, and So­cial Welfare: Search for a Restricted OptimumURI BEN-ZIONB.Sc., Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel, 1962A.M., ibid., 1965(Economics)DISSERTATION: Measures of Risk in the Stock Mar­ket and the Valuation of Corporate StocksBRUCE EDWARD BIGELOWA.B., College of Wooster, 1966A.M., University of Chicago, 1967(History)DISSERTATION: The Yugoslav Radical Union: AFailing Attempt at National Integration inYugoslavia: 1935-1941THOMAS BLAUA.B., New York University, Bronx, 1965A.M., University of Chicago, 1968(Political Science)DISSERTATION: Rational Policy Making and Peace­ful Nuclear Explosives GEORGE B. URYS.B., University of Chicago, 1963S.M., ibid., 1966(C hemistry)DISSERTATION: Absolute Total Scattering CrossSections of 7Li on Ar, N 2' and COIRVING WLADA WSKIS.M., University of Chicago, 1965(Physics)DISSERTATION: On the Variation Principle in Elec­tron-Atom ScatteringMARK E. BORINSKYA.B., Johns Hopkins University, 1965(Committee on Human Development)DISSERTATION: Does Mood Affect Responses onPersonality Questionnaires?DANIEL JOHN BROWNB.Sc., University of British Columbia, Vancouver,British Columbia, Canada, 1963A.M., ibid., 1968A.M., University of Chicago, 1971(Education)DISSERTATION: Organizational Mobility of Educa­tional AdministratorsDANIEL L. CANDEEA.B., Clark University, 1967(Psychology)DISSERTATION: Ego Developmental Aspects of NewLeft IdeologyALICE PARMAN CARNESA.B., University of Rochester, 1964M.A.T., Harvard University, 1965(E ducation)DISSERTATION: The Role of Students in the Social­ization of Beginning TeachersJILL SUSANNA DUBISCHA.B., Reed College, 1965A.M., University of Chicago, 1967(Anthropology)DISSERTATION: The Open Community: Migrationfrom a Greek Island VillageMARIAN WEINBAUM FISCHMANA.B., Columbia University, 1960A.M., ibid., 1962(Psychology)DISSERTATION: Behavioral Effects of Methampheta­mine in the Rhesus MonkeyJ AMES FREDERICK FISHERA .B., Princeton University, 1962A.M., University of Chicago, 1967(Anthropology)DISSERTATION: Trans-Himalay an. Traders: Econ­omy, Society, and Culture in Northwest NepalKAREN CONNORS FUSONA.B., Oberlin College, 1965M.A.T., University of Chicago, 1967(Education)DISSERTATION: The Effects on Pre-service Elemen­tary Teachers of Learning Mathematics andMeans of Teaching Mathematics through theActive Manipulation of MaterialsDOROTHYJ. GALBREATHS.B., University of Illinois, Urbana, 1949A.M., University of Chicago, 1957(Education)DISSERTATlON; Relationship of Levels of MentalProcesses Involved in Learning Experiences andLevels of Cognitive Learning Outcomes in SixthGrade Nutrition EducationJAMES ARTHUR GOSSA.B., University of Oregon, 1960A.M., University of Chicago, 1962(Anthropology)DISSERTATION; Ute Lexical and Phonological Pat­ternsDOUGLAS GEORGE GREENEA .B., University of South Florida, 1966IM., University of Chicago, 1967(History)DISSERTATION; Arthur Annesley, First Earl ofAnglesey, 1614-1686DONALD L. HAFNERA.B., Kalamazoo College, 1966A.M., University of Chicago, 1968(Political Science)DISSERTATION; Intervention in a "Balance ofPower" System: Case Studies in NineteenthCentury EuropeFREDERICK LESLIE HALLA.B., Amherst College, 1965S.M., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1967(Geography)DISSERTATION; High Schools, Integration, and Stu­dent Transportation: A Case Study of LocationCriteria for the Public SectorIRWIN Z. HOFFMANA.B., Brandeis University, 1964(Psychology)DISSERTATION; Parental Adaptation to Fatal Illnessin a ChildA. BARON HOLMES IVA.B., University of North Carolina, 1966A.M., Princeton University, 1969(History)DISSERTATION; Economic and Political Organiza­tions in the Gold Coast, 1920-1945GLEN PAUL JENKINSB.Comm., Carleton University, Ottawa, Ontario,Canada, 1967A.M., University 0/ Western Ontario, London,Ontario, Canada, 1969A.M., University of Chicago, 1971(Economics)DISSERTATION; Analysis of Rates of Return fromCapital in CanadaCHRIS ELLYN JOHANSONS.B., University of Illinois, Chicago, 1968(Psychology)DISSERTATION; A Choice Procedure for AssessingRelative Reinforcing Efficacy of PsychomotorStimulants ANN B. KAPLANA.B., University of Wisconsin, Madison, 1967A.M., University of Chicago, 1971(Committee on Human Development)DISSERT A TION ; Some Relationships between I n­fiuenceability and the Role of WomenGRETH A KERSHAWA.M., University of Chicago, 1960(Anthropology)DISSERTATION; The Land Is the People: A Studyof Kikuyu Social Organization in Historical Per­spectiveELLEN TOBEY KLASSA.B., University of Chicago, 1968(Psychology)DISSERTATION; Effects of Model Sincerity and In­sincerity on Modification of Self-imposed Delayof RewardEDY LUlZ KOGUTEng. (Civil), University of Guanabara, Rio deJaneiro, Brazil; 1965Eng. (Economics), Federal University of Rio deJaneiro, Brazil, 1967A.M., University of Chicago, 1970(Economics)DISSERTATION; The Economic Analysis of Demo­graphic Phenomena: A Case Study for BrazilRICHARD ROYAL KOPPA.B., University of California, Los Angeles, 1965A.M., University of Chicago, 1971(Committee on Human Development)DISSERTATION; The Subjective Frame of Referenceand Selective MemoryWILLIAM SIMON KORNBLUMS.B., Cornell University, 1961A.M., University of Chicago, 1966(Sociology)DISSERTATION; Ethnicity, Work, and Politics inSouth ChicagoPATRICIA KRISCHA.B., Reed College, 1959A.M., University of Chicago, 1964(Sociology)DISSERTATION; The Morphology of MetropolitanCommunities in the United States, 1960ARTHUR MARGONA.B., Brooklyn College, 1966A.M., University of California, Berkeley, 1967(History)DISSERTATION; The City in Fiction; Perceptions ofUrbanization in the Middle-Class AmericanNovel, 1880-1920CHARLES PHILLIP McPHERSONA.B., McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Can-ada, 1965M.Sc., University of London, England, 1966M.B.A., University of Chicago, 1968A.M., ibid., 1969(Economics)DISSERTATION; Tariff Structures and Political Ex­changeDOUGLAS F. MORGANA.B., Claremont Men's College, 1965A.M., University 0/ Chicago, 1968(Political Science)DISSERTATION: A merican Blacks and the NorthAtlantic State Supreme Courts: 1790-1860DONALD R. OMARKS.B., Illinois Institute 0/ Technology, 1959M.Ed., Chicago Teachers College South, 1963A.M., University 0/ Chicago, 1969(Committee on Human Development)DISSERTATION: Peer Group Formation in YoungChildren-ActionCHARLES ROBERT PASTORS IIS.B., Massachusetts Institute 0/ Technology, 1968A.M., University 0/ Chicago, 1971(Political Science)DISSERTATION: Constitution-making in Illinois: ACase 0/ Traditional Illinois PoliticsDISSERTATION: Expectations, Experiencing, andTypes 0/ Therapeutic ChangeHOWARD J. ROTBLATS.B., Illinois Institute 0/ Technology, 1965A.M., University 0/ Chicago, 1968(Sociology)DISSERTATION: Stability and Change in an IranianProvincial BazaarPAUL HENRY SAENGERA.B., Columbia University, 1966A.M., University 0/ Chicago, 1967(History)DISSERTATION: The Education 0/ BurgundianPrinces, 1435-1490STEPHEN GREGORY SALKEVERA.B., Amherst College, 1963A.M., University 0/ Chicago, 1965(Political Science)DISSERTATION: Rousseau: The Problem 0/ Moraland Intellectual VirtueEDWARD LOOMIS SCHIEFFELINA.B., Yale University, 1960A.M., University 0/ Chicago, 1965(Anthropology)DISSERTATION: The Gisaro: Ceremonialism andReciprocity in aNew Guinea TribeJOEL ALLAN SETZENA.B., University 0/ California, Los Angeles, 1963A.M., ibid., 1968(History)DISSERTATION: The Doctrine of the Offensive inthe French Army on the Eve 0/ World War I PETER JAMES SHARFMANA.B., Harvard University, 1963A.M., University 0/ Chicago, 1965(Political Science)DISSERTATION: The International Negotiations Pre­ceding West German Rearmament, 1949-1955JEANNE CAIRNS SINQUEFIELDA.B., University 0/ California, Santa Barbara, 1968A.M., University 0/ Chicago, 1971(Sociology)DISSERTATION: Social and Psychological Sources 0/Resistance to Family PlanningJAMES PATRICK SMITHS.B., Fordham University, 1965(Economics)DISSERTATION: The Li/e Cycle Allocation 0/ Timein a Family ContextHOWARD NORMAN SPODEKA.B., Columbia University, 1963A.M., University 0/ Chicago, 1966(History)DISSERTATION: Urban-Rural Balance in RegionalDevelopment: A Case Study 0/ Saurashtra,India, 1800-1960PAUL LAWRENCE WALLA.B., Morehouse College, 1948M.S.W., St. Louis University, 1954(Education)DISSERTATION: The Social Organization 0/ Adultsin an Elementary SchoolROBERT K. WATSONA.B., Antioch College, 1964(Psychology)DISSERTATION: Mental Correlates 0/ PeriorbitalPotentials during REM SleepPAULA WOLFFA.B., Smith College, 1967A.M., University 0/ Chicago, 1969(Political Science)DISSERTATION: Principles 0/ Government in thePolitical Arena: An Analysis 0/ the Sixth IllinoisConstitutional ConventionCHUNG-FANG YANGS.B., National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan,1966A.M., University 0/ Chicago, 1970(Psychology)DISSERTATION: Apprehensive or Cooperative? AStudy 0/ Human Subject Effects in Psychologi­cal ResearchSTEVEN H. ZARITA.B., University 0/ Michigan, 1967A.M., University 0/ Pennsylvania, 1968(Committee on Human Development)DISSERTATION: Adaptation to Chronic Disability inthe Aged: Spatial InattentionHAROLD ZEPELINA.B., Roosevelt University, 1963A.M., ibid., 1968(Committee on Human Development)DISSERTATION: An Investigation 0/ Age Differencesin Men's Dreams and Thematic ApperceptiveFantasyV. IN THE GRADUATE SCHOOL OF BUSINESSROBIN MILES HOGARTHDipl., Institut Europeeti d'Administration des A/­[aires, Fontainebleau, France, 1968DISSERTATION: Process Tracing in Clinical Judg­ment: An Analytical ApproachJOHN DAVID PAULUSA.B., University of Michigan, 1965DISSERTATION: The Estimation of Large Systems 0/Consumer Demand Equations Using StochasticPrior In/ormation WERNER SENGENBERGERDISSERTATION: Industrial Inefficiency and the Inci­dence 0/ Productivity Bargaining in GreatBritain in the 1960'sVI. IN THE DIVINITY SCHOOLCATHERINE L. ALBANESE LESTER VERNON MEYERA.B., Chestnut Hill College, 1962A.M., Duquesne University, 1968A.M., University 0/ Chicago, 1970DISSERTATION: Charon and the River: The Chang­ing Religious Symbols of Six American Tran­scendentalistsCLIFFORD GERALD CHRISTIANSONA.B., Gustavus Adolphus College, 1955D.B., Augustana Theological Seminary, 1960A.M., University of Chicago, 1964DISSERTATION: Cardinal Cesarini at the Council 0/Basel, 1431-1438JAMES GAYLORD HARTA.B., Loyola University, Chicago, Illinois, 1960A.M., Catholic University 0/ America, 1965DISSERTATION: Hedwig C onrad-Martius' Ontologi-cal PhenomenologyWILLIAM LAWRENCE HENDRICKSA.B., Oklahoma Baptist University, 1951D.B., Southwestern Baptist Seminary, 1954Th.D., ibid., 1958 .A.M., University 0/ Chicago, 1965DISSERTATION: The Concept 0/ Death in the The­ology 0/ Karl BarthRICHARD ALBERT HOEHNA.B., Capital University, 1958D.B., Evangelical Lutheran Theological Seminary,1962A.M., University 0/ Chicago, 1968DISSERTATION: Model Cities and Community Orga­nizations in Chicago: A Study in Social Ethics'ISSA BIN JIRIES KHALILA.B., Eastern Mennonite College, 1956A.M., University 0/ Chicago, 1967DISSERTATION: Tradition and the Synod: The The­ological Significance 0/ Origen's "Dialogue withH eraclides"PARK McGINTYA.B., University 0/ North Carolina, 1965A.M., University of Chicago, 1968DISSERTATION: Approaches to Dionysos: A Studyof the Methodological Presuppositions in theVarious Theories of Greek Religion as Illustratedin the Study of Dionysos A.B., University of Chicago, 1954D.B., Evangelical Theological Seminary, 1958DISSERTATION: The Messianic Metaphors in Deu-tero-Z echariahROY DENNIS MORRISON IIA.B., Howard University, 1947D.B., Northern Baptist Theological Seminary, 1950A.M., University 0/ Chicago, 1967DISSERTATION: Ontology and Naturalism in thePhilosophies of John Herman Randall, [r., andPaul TillichDENNIS LYN OUTWATERA.B., University 0/ California, Berkeley, 1964D.B., University of Chicago, 1967A.M., ibid., 1968DISSERTATION: The Problem 0/ Evil: A Compari­son of Theological and Depth-psychological Per­spectivesNICHOLAS A. P ATRICCAA.B., St. Vincent College, 1963A.M., ibid., 1966A.M., University of Chicago, 1969DISSERTATION: God and the Questioning 0/ Being:An Analytical Comparison 0/ Thinking of Mar­tin H eidegger and Paul TillichPAUL NORWOOD VAN NESSA.B., Earlham College, 1961A.M., ibid., 1963A.M., University 0/ Chicago, 1966DISSERTATION: Death of God Theology and Freud:An Examination 0/ the Meanings of DeathEARLE HOWARD WAUGHA.B., McMaster University, 1961A.M., ibid., 1965A.M., University of Chicago, 1968DISSERTATION: Religious Levitation and the Mus­lim Experience: A Study in the Flight Symbol­ism of Intermediary Figures and Other Imagesin Medieval I slamVII. IN THE GRADUATE LIBRARY SCHOOLNELSON LING-SUN CHOUA.B., National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan,1957A.M., Rosary College, 1963DISSERTATION: A New Alphameric Code for Chi­nese Ideographs: Its Evaluation and Applications PEGGY A. SULLIVANA.B., Clarke College, 1950S.M., Catholic University of America, 1953DISSERTATION: Carl H. Milam and the AmericanLibrary AssociationVIII. IN THE SCHOOL OF SOCIAL SERVICE ADMINISTRATIONDONALD E. CARPENTERA.B., University of Missouri, Columbia, 1957M.S.W., University of Denver, 1962DISSERTATION: A Study of Maternal Attitudes andPerceptions Associated with the Failure to ThriveSyndrome in Young ChildrenINGER PEDERSEN DAVISDipl., Copenhagen School of Social Work, Den­mark,1953A.M., University of Chicago, 1962DISSERTATION: Caseworkers' Use of Influence inCounseling Parents JOHN ROBERT DEAKINSA.B., University of London, England, 1956A.M., University of Chicago, 1963DISSERTATION: Patterns of Congruence in Case­work Activity: A Further Investigation of theRelationship Component in CaseworkJERRY SPIEGELS.B., University of Wisconsin, Madison, 1956S.M., Columbia University, 1959DISSERTATION: A Study of Four Variables in Com­munity Organization Theory: Organization Strat­egy, Organizational Action, Worker Interven­tion, and Worker Interpersonal Behavior Orien­tationTHE CONFERRING OF HONORARY DEGREESFor the Degree of Doctor of Science:BORIS EPHRUSSI, Professor of Genetics, University of Paris, and Director,Laboratory of Physiological Genetics, CNRSA scholar who has made major contributions to the integration of conventional genetics withembryology and biochemistry, whose studies have led to a deeper understanding of the role of thenucleus and the cytoplasm in heredity, and whose continually productive studies spanning fivedecades have inspired his colleagues throughout the world.The candidate will be presented by George W. Beadle, President Emeritus andHonorary Trustee of the University and William E. Wrather Distinguished ServiceProfessor, Department of Biology, Committee on Genetics, and the College.DOROTHY CROWFOOT HODGKIN, Wolfson Research Professor, theRoyal Society, and Director, Chemical CrystaIIography Laboratory, Ox­ford UniversityDistinguished scientist, teacher, and humanist, whose elegant X-ray diffraction analyses of suchvitally important substances as penicillin, vitamin B12, and insulin have provided new insights intothe molecular basis of life processes.The candidate will be presented by Dr. Donald F. Steiner, A. N. Pritzker Professorand Acting Chairman, Department of Biochemistry, and Professor, Department ofMedicine.Fantasia in G Major(The congregation remains standing during the Recession) BachFor the Degree of Doctor of Humane Letters:HERBERT HUNGER, Professor of Byzantine Studies, University of Vienna,and General Secretary, Austrian Academy of SciencesTeacher and friend to truth, who, by the archeology of words, has disclosed the genius of avanished Empire.The candidate will be presented by Karl F. Morrison, Professor and Chairman,Department of History.For the Degree of Doctor of Science:NIELS KAJ JERNE, Director, Basel Institute of Immunology� Theoretical and experimental immunologist whose innovative ideas and technical achievementshave provided the basis for important concepts of immunology.The candidate will be presented by Dr. Frank W. Fitch, Professor, Department ofPathology and Argonne Cancer Research Hospital.ALMA MATERToday we gladly sing the praiseOf her who owns us as her sons;Our loyal voices let us raise,And bless her with our benisons.Of all fair mothers, fairest she,Most wise of all that wisest be,Most true of all the true, say we,Is our dear Alma Mater.-E. H. LEWIS, PH.D., 1894THE BENEDICTIONTHE RECESSIONALRICHARD E. VIKSTROM, Director oi Chapel MusicEDWARD MONDELLO, University OrganistROBERT LODINE, University CarillonneurJOSEPH CEITHAMLGILES B. GUNNEDMUND WELLS KITCHGWIN J. KOLBRICHARD W. MINTELTHOMAS F. BRAZIUNASKURT A. BRUENSROSE LEE BUNDYRIMAS F. CERN IUSKATHLEEN S. COSTAGARY J. HORWITZGLENN S. HOWARTHELLEN L. KOBLITZBRUCE E. LACEYJANET LANDAYELLIOTT B. LAVEY MARSHALROBERT LOVETT ASHENHURSTVICE-MARSHALGEOFFREY C. M. PLAMPINASSIST ANT MARSHALSROGER A. PILLETEDWARD W. ROSENHEIM, JR.MARGARET K. ROSENHEIMLORNA P. STRAUSWILBERT HERBERT URRYSTUDENT AIDESDONNA RUTHE LENHOFFJAMES E. LEVERETTJ. LANCE LICHTORGARY ALAN MILLERSALLY A. NETZNIKJONATHAN B. ROSENBLUMELLEN J. SAZZMANSARI BETH SCHWARTZAUDREY C. SHALINSKYMARK J. SMITHPHILIP H. W ASSERSTEIN