THE UNliVlERSliTY Of CHliCAGOFOUNDED BY JOHN D. ROCKEFELLERTheThree Hundred Twenty-thirdCONVOCATliONTheSJPRliNGFIRST SESSIONJune SeventhA.D. Nineteen Hundred Sixty-eightROCKEFELLER MEMORIAL CHAPEL'-A PARrIAL LIDT OF GRmUATE.s, JUNE 1968. EXCLUSIVEOF THOSE RECEIVING B.A. t D.S., H.B.A., AHD LAI_,J DEGREESThe symbol "VI/O" meaas "without thesis")Adams, David Bel1ljamin Jacob (Political SciEHlca) A.H.JX9999 Imposed and self-imposed limits on American, foreignpolicy; with special reference to South Vietnam,South Korea, and Nationalist Chilla.Albares, Richard P (Sociology) A.M.Paper: Nativist paramilitarism in the United States: ·TheHinutemen crgL'illization. \ 'Allen, Philip Harding (History) A.M.Papers: 1) Henry HcNeal Turner: A study of alienation in anineteenth century leader. "2) Cardinal Reginald Pole: . Englishman and·evangelist.Allman, John Morgan (Anthropology) A.M�Paper: Pulvinar in primates.Alvarado, Ramon Ramos (Divisional Masterl�Soc. Bci.) A.M.Paper: The 6chool-colnmun:"t�· relations program o.f the Departmentof education of Puerto Rico: A review with some propo-,sitiolls for it.s further deve'Lopment ,Anderson, Donald L. (Philosophy) A.:t-l. w/oAnderson,,£hoebe Anita Mellinger (Education) Ph.D.LB3999 Analysis of three programs for preschool disadvanta,sedchildren. \Anglin, John David (Physics) S.M. w/o \ � -:; '.. :,:�::\' ""�Arata, Andrew.Papers:Asp, Carolyn Anne (};nglish Lang. & Lit.) A.M. w/oAuburn, Hark Stuart (English Lang. & Lit.). A.M. w/oBakaitis, Nancy L. Thomas (English Lang. & Lit.) A.M •. w/o.Barr, Rebecca· (Education) Ph.D.LB3999 The influence of feedback in the improvement of readingrate at the college level. \ ..",\ ..'\".\Page 2, June 1968Barry, John (English Lang. & Lit.) A.M. w/oBarsky, Stephen Fr-ank (Sociology) A .l-1.Paper: An exami.n-rt Lon of voter attitudes during the pre-conventionpresidential campaign of 1948, with special emphasis on theProgressive Party.BassiSt Hichael S (�;ducation) A.M.Paper: The influence of relisious background on academic achievementin college.Bates, Phyllis Hunt (Oruduate Library School) A.M •.210999 Subject c�talog use studies, 1953-1966.Beck, Kenneth Nathaniel (Educ,,·tion) Ph.D.LC6999 The American Institute of Sacred literature; a historicalanalysis of an adult education insti�ution.Beck, Richard Char-Les (Linguistics) A .11.Paper: Problems in Gothic phonology.Beretvas, Andr-ew F {Pltyr-dcs) Ph.D.QC1099 Measurements of CNN in proton-proton scattering from -305 to 415 MeV. ':Berg, Michi Ishida (Biology/Educ.) N.A-.T.Paper: Education and culture: A study in the acculturation of'Japanese-Americans.Bezdek, \.Jilliam ,E ' (PsychblogJr) Ph.D.BE11999 . .$ex-role �dentity and COMmitment to social action.Bianchi, Robert Richard (Political Science) A.N.Paper-s rolf: of the m:nitary in ·Turkish politics.Binnick, Robert Ira (LinftuiGtics) A.M.Paper: On lexical semantics. \�'\. "; \, \,"\-Blau, Thomas (Political Science) A.H.F9999 Community action politics in New York..Block, Carolyn Rebeoca (Sociology) A.M.Paper: Milsap house: A study in friendship patterns.Blood, John Linford (Info. Sciences) S.M. w/o \'iBock, Darilyn Winfred (English Lang. & Lit.) A.M. w/oBonanos, Sotirios (Physics) S.M. w/oBonney, Norman Leonard (Sociology) A.H. 'Paper: n1e politics of community action in an Appalachian Gounty.:, . IIBorg, Erik \valter (En:.:;lish Lang. & Lit.). A.M. w/o ,IBorth, HannaLcz-e (English Lang. & Lit.) A.t..f. w/o\ .Brisley, Melissa Ann (Graduate Library School) A.M.Z10999 Cornelia Harvin Pierce: pioneer in library extens'ion. IPage 3, June 1968Brokaw, Norman Theron (Political Science) A.H.Paper; Montesquieu and the separation of powers.Brook, Charles, Lawrence (English Lang. & Lit.) A.M. w/o-Brown, Evelyn Abi�ail (Urbun EJem. EduG0ttion) �1.S.:'.Paper: A oooper-at t v» pr-ogram to improve composition ek111e i.n theUpper grades: emphasis with users of non-standard Englishpatterns.Brown, Nurray George (Economics) A.H. w/oBrown, Philip (Graduate School of Business) Ph.D.HE9999 Some aspects of valuation in the railroad industry.Brown, :,1ayne Scott (French/r}duc. ) M.A. T.Paper: A study of student-teacher interaction 'trithin the contextof two conflicting educational environments.Brown, william Clyde (Divinity) A.M. w/oBrucato, Robert J (Astrbn. & Astrophysics) S.M. w/oBuck, Mildred (Sociology)HQ9999 Child-rearing patterns of dependent Negro mothers aspredictors of their childr�n's nursery school behavior.Bunting, James Thomas (Geophys. Sci.) ,1 S.I·f. w/oBurd, VirEinia B (R0mance Langs , &' 1:!ts.) A.I\l ..,\ Papers: 1) Como cambia el estilo en las obr�s de Hax Aub.2) Un estudio estilistico de la pesia en Los crenusculosdel jardin y El libro fiel de LeopoldoLugonHs.Buroker, Barbara Jill '(Philosophy) A.M. wloBurrou::;hs, John Edw�rd (Hathematics) Ph.D.QA999 The splitting principle and operations in algebraic;K-tpeory.Buxbaum, Melvin Harold (English Lang, & Lit.) Ph.D.PS751 Benjamin Franklin and the zealous Presbyterians •• B95Byman, Jeremy (Political Science) A.H.Paper: The politics of birth 'control in Illinois.Caldwell, Ruth Louise (Romance Langs. & Lits.) A.H.Papers: 1) Quatre representants du Mal du Siecle.2) Ebauche d'un Serpent.I,Campbell, Marshenka Theadora (Romance Langs. & Lite.) A.!4. ,Papers: 1) El Cid: poesia e historia (Algunas observaciones).2) Unidad y sintesis en Pedro Paramo.Carbajo, Alfonso (Economics) A.M. w/oCarr, Jack L�slie (Economics) A.M. w/o ,Ii,Page 4, June 1968Carter, Susan Carol (Re.:_,uing!Bduc.) M.S.T.Paper: The role of the reading consultant in flexible grouping.Chambers, �\iinifred Morphevl (Philosophy) A.H. w/oChen, Chau-Nan (Economics) A.M. w/oClapham, Wentwo'rth B (Evolutionary Biology) Ph.D.,,�)_;999 Distribution of po t.Len an-i spores in the upper- nowerpotFormp,tion (Permian) 'of Oklahoma.Cla.rk, �usi;.uma r'1athilde' Ehrmann. ('F'rench/Educ.) H.A.T.Paper: 'I'ho a.evelopment of instructional modules in French t()� convertachievement in one skill to compa ..... 9.ble achievement in anotherskill.Clift, Irht.lluce Bruce (Divinity) 11..14. w/oClulee, r�icholas H (History) A .l1.Papers: 1) Pascal, Voltaire, and Diderot: tho question of humannature.2) Leonardo da. Vinci: a new vision of nature.Cogan, Ann (Slavic Lange. & Idt6.) A.H. w/oColton, Dabid L (Bducation) Ph.D.LC6999 State pcwe r and local decision-makins in educa t Lon t a casestudy.Conde, Antonio (}�t�ematics) S.M. w/oCordoba, Julio (�conomics) A.H. w/oCramer, Hark J (Romance Langse & Lits.) A.H.Paper: - t"'lor de santi dad. y Divinns pe.labrEls: el cambio artl.stico de un '.t ema ,Creacy, Kenne th Craig (Physics) S.M. \'110Dahlberg, Albert Edward (Biqche�istry) Ph.D.(�P999 ,Studies of the specificity of transferrin mediated iron -incorporation into rat marrow cells.',\ l)alton, Joanna (Anthropolo,gy) - A.lvT.Paper: ,An examanat Lon of artifacts from solutre. ,-Davis, Henry Tobias, (Statis'tics) S.M., w/o.,' !"Davis, June Bever-LyTat e (Education) A.H •.,-Paper: Comparison of tasks in selected tests of lat�ralit�::!, 'Dawson, Lillian M (Education) A.�1.Paper: Four variahles of the lecture technique.Dean, LawriePapers: Ce..a (Romance Langs , (�Lits.) A.M.,1) Structure et symboles dans La legende de Saint Julien1 'Hos,.pi tL'\lier.2) LtAmphitr:/on de Plaute at les Sosies de Rotrou: unaetude contrast�e. ..IJ,IPage 5, June 1968Decker, Gerald John (HathemL.tics) S.M. '11/0DeJesus, Minerva K (English Lang. & Lit.) A.H. w/oDeJong, Cheryl Register (Gernanic Langs. & Lits.) A.M.Paper: Speculations on the Idun myth in Scandinavian mythol.ogy.'Delehanty, Randolph Stephen (History) A .H. .D999 }larc Bloch and scientific history.D'Eloia, GreGory Hichael (r�n:,)i�h Lang. & I,it.) A .. H. w/oDe'l'omas, Francis J (Biochemistry) Ph.D.q�_299 Peptide rna,lpine and characterization of. a.9�?-.:-_:ve site 11eptides-_. ,. of rhodanese. -DeVore, faul Leonard (Anthropology) A.H.-���= Paper: Practice and counte�ac�ion of witchcra�t;� sorcery in theregion of Lake Atitlian, Guatemala. .-:DeVries, Rheta L (Psychology) Ph.D.BF1999 Conserva�ion of generic identity in the years three to six.Dolan, Jay P (Divinity) A.M.. w/oDrummond, Julius J.. (Ar.thrcpology) A.M.Paper: The dream and the dance.II'..:bb, Betsy Rodman (Slavic Lango. & Lits.) A.M •. w/oDuffy, \..'illiam Robert (English Lang. & Lit.) /I.H. w/oDuker, Jacob Heir (Graduate' School of Business) Ph.D.HD10000 Some aspects, of workin�\\d.fe far:lily consumer behavior.Dunlap, David (Engl.ish Lang. & Lit.) A.I--!., i.'V/oDvorak, Roger Paul (Slavic Langs. & Lits.) A.H.. w/oDyer, Alan Richard (Statistics) S.M. w/o_::.:::;::::.-::-.::.-;_-=Edwards, Richard Alan (Divinity) Ph.D. ._ND9999, The sig� ot" Jonah in the theology of the Evangelists and Q.Ehrlich, Richard (Physics) Ph.D. j" .. t sh iPt s f 0,,""Qe laCf'l f'ree,�se Vh(,\On rc �QG. I so ore.h4a..LiJes f-�Oh1 SI "to Sh.Eichelman, Barbara Suzanne Hughes (I:ducat-ion) A.M.Paper: An analysis of major and minor sentence types as used inwritten oompositions of sixth grade students.Ekpenyong, Boniface Esong (Geophys. Sci.) S.M. w/oElahi, Larrie Lance (History) A.H.F9999 A history of Boley, Oklaho�a. to 1915ePage·G, June, 1968!�ld.ert Fred A (Chemistry) Ph.D.QD1099 . Photoionization of toluene and cyclopheptatriene •• 5Elkins, Henry G Jr. (Sociology) JhH.Paper: In-eroup disparagement among low itiCOme urban Negroes.Elson, John ,seelig (Education) A.fvl.Paper: State regulation of nonpublic schools: the legalframework.Elston, Elston 0'ir8.) (Art) H.F.A.Paper-s The pr-i sm ill painting: The USG of t}�e prism to gene.rat.evariations of color and form.Elzey, VJ�ync (DJvinity) A.H. w/oEvenson, Paul Arthur (Physics) S.H. w/oEarwell, Byron Edgar (English Lan�. & Lit.) A.M. wloFasoln, Ralph �1il1iam Aug" (Linguistics) Ph.D.PL9999 N01.m in Thai.Faye, Morton Barry (Political SciencA) ,A.M.Paper: Uruguay: From the politics of disorder to the politics ofcompromise.Fearn, Robert H (Economics) Ph.D.HD10000 Labor force anQ school participation of teenagers.Finegan, Michael Harold· (Far Eastern Langs. & Civs.) A.M.Paper: A translation with annotations of the "record of a ��ip toYuseh" by Lu Tau-ch lien. -,Fishman, Robert (C<?mmittee on Internat'1 RelHtions) A.1-'l •.IfA999 Comintern and KPD, 1918-1933.Fosdick, Sidney 0 (Graduate Library SC�901) A.H.Z10999 Chinese book publishing during the Sung dynasty (A.D. 960-1279): a partial translation of Istoriia kitalskoi pechatnoikniBi Sunskoi epokhi by Konstantin Konet.antdnovi ch Flug with '.added notes and an introduction.- Fredericksen, Dick Ha:-tman (Info. Sciences) S.11 •. ---;;'/0Freedman, Jerome Nornll;:l.u ,rhysics) S.H. w/oFritz, John M. (Anthropology) A.M.Paper: Archaeological Epistemology: Two views./1Fryberger t David (Physics) Ph.D. I.QC1099 Heasurement of the muon decay spactr-Jm with a wire spark­chamber spectrometer.Gage, Bartlett \�right (Divinity) A.H. w/oGalt, John Edward (Geography) A.M.HD10000 The residential distribution of tho emploYf.:es of Argonn(!·Ge . National Laboratory: patterns and implications.Page 7 J June 1968Ganeff, John Joseph (Divnity) D.B. w/oGarrett, David Lea (Chemistry) S.}1. w/o,I,Gartland,. Joan ',..,rallace (Near Eaat arn Langs , &: civs.Y=:=: s; .tr..PJ"9999 The concepti of Isis during the Egy:ycian 013, P:ingd<?m basedOr upon the Pyramid �exts.Gavette, Sherman Leon (Info. Sciences) S.I-i. w/oGenel, Julio Alfredo (Economics) A.�l. w/oGlass, LeonCtD1099.5 (Chemistry) Ph.D.Theory of at onn,c motions in simple liquids. " ,Godbey, John Charles (Dj_'rini.t�l) Ph.D.B'r9999 A study of Faustus Socinus' De Jesu Christo Servatore;.,Goldberg, Hobert '(History) A.t"i. \.Papers: . 1) Heinrich Boll: War and the effect of tolar in literature.2)' 'I'he first Burma campaign of �Jorld 'v-Jar II.Golden, Jay Stsvlart (Gf.,!o;;:,raphy) A.H. '.'". IiD10000 Land values in Ctdca go; before and after expressway conat.ruc=Ge tion.Golden, vJilliam Lawrence (Sociology) A.X'1.'Paper: Backsround and educationnl factors associated with earlypromotion of U.S. A1.-ifjY Officers.Goldstein, Joel Harris (Pol .. Science) A.H.Paper: The distribution of presidential campaign time 1952-1964.Gorman, Howard (Mathematics) Ph.D.QA999 Invertibility of mo�ules over Pr1ifer rings.Gozzard , Lawrence Hawn (Info. Sciences) S.M. v/oGreen, Ro'Lar.d Ja.mes (Political Science) A.Jt1.Paper: The balance of power in eighteenth century Europe.Griess, Hobert Louis, Jr. (Mathematics) S.lvt. 'vlloGrimm, Carolyn E (History) A.}'1.Papers: 1) r'riedrich Nietzsche as a philosopher of history.2) Barou Stein and German nationalism.�, Rita M (Divinity) A.H. w/o9'uitian,' Hanuel economics) A.r�. w/o -------.. �;�Guzman, Alberto, Jr. (Hathematics) S.M. w/o. 1., r'Guzman, Migue.l de (l-1athematics) Ph.D.QA999· Sin�lar'integral.opero.tors with generalized homogeneity., ,Hadden, Susan Ginsburg (Pol. Science) A.M •. ,' ', Paper-s Te�:.�ngana revolt.'Page 8, June 1968,Hafner, Donald L (Political Science) A.�1 •.Paper: The international system of Europe .1494-1790.Handelsman, Richard Lynn (English Lang , & Lit.) A.M. w/oHarker, Bruce Ho'gers (Education) A.r1.Paper; Confucian social values and the South Korean Vocational HighSchool..Harris 9 Constance D (Slavic Lanese &: Lits.) A.�'1. w/oHar-shman , Arthur Lincoln (Art) A.M.P3per: Some sour�eSt proc�dures and theoretical implications in thepainting of Rene Magritte.Hawkins, Jeffrey -Joneo (Art) A.M.Paper: ,The sculpture of Jacques Lipchitz bet'�eell the years 1910 and1919." ...Heard, James H ,Jr. (History/Eauc.) H.A.T.Paper: An historical approach to Lut'in American culture.Hef.mvnn , T�1.ere. -e Htaric (Readin'tvEduc) r·l.S.T.Pa!,>er� The ·rcudin�� consultant and the development of critical ro�ding.'Hed t sch , Jamel: Lawrence (Mathematics) S.M. w/oHill, Harvin S (History) Ph.D.BR9999 The role of Christian primi ti ;visIl'l in the origin and developmentof the Mormon 'kingdo!:J, 183O-18:!t4.Hodgins, Cyril D (Economics) Ph.D.,HC999 On estimatine the economies of large-scale prnduction; sometests on data for the manuf'actan-Lng sector.Hoffman, Hiles Keedy (Pol. Science). A.H.,Paper: The sociological origins of modernity :�and tradition: Equilibri­um and evolution in the ��king of modeTn developmental theory.Hoffmanf, Ruth CPapers; '1)2) (Romanc e Lanes • &� Li t s • ) A..,. i<i •La probHH'ne des mor&lites ies� faoliaux.Themes 0t principes surrealist.mL.dans l'oeuvred ' Andre Pieyre de Nandi&.rguas" _-_::J'� romanesqueHogan, James J (Chemistry) Ph.D.QD1099 Studies of the production mechanism of heavy nuclides formed.5 in the 440 MeV fission' of. uranium.Holbrook, Richard Clyde (History) A.M.Pap0rs: 1) The limitations of power: Meyeroron and the failure ofFrench diplomacy.Hopkins, Joseph Waverly, III (Anthropology) A.H.Paper; Prehispanic agricultural terraces in Mexico.Horowitz, Paul 1-1 (BiOchemistry) Ph.D.Some molecular properties of the enzyme rhodanese.Houck, John Bunn (Divinity) A.H·. w/oPage 9, June 1968Ibrahim, Leila (Art) Ph.D.NA9999 Roman and early Christian floor mosaics from CorinthianKenchreai.Isaac, DanP.53545• 111- 148Z8173 (English Lung. & Lit.) Ph.D.Form and meaning in the major plays of �enne�see vlilliams •Isenberg, v)esley '1-1 (New Testament (.� Early Christ Lit.) Ph.D.BS9999 The Coptic Gospel accor-ddng to Phi1 ip.Jefferson., Frederick Don�last Jr. (Divinity) wloJenkins, Robert A (Psychology) Ph.D.._BF1999 The sequential interaction of diagnostic interviewer andpatient: devolop�ent of a r�8earch m�pho�ology.Jones, Burton Fredrick (Astron. & Astropilysics) B.H. w/oJones, Sylvia Cheryl (��omance Langs , & Lits.) A.M •. Papers: 1) Etudes de fetn1J1'9s ..).,.vantas.2) Alfred Jarry, 'precurse� de theatre de l'absurde.KaeLber , Halter (Divinity) A.Jt1. w/o 'Kaplan, Jay Jules (Biologyll�duc.) H.A.T.Paper: A laboratory ma.nua L' for Lnner city high school biologysophomores.Kaj.pus , George David (Hather.1atics/Educ.). M.A.T.\ Paper: Non trivial arithmetic al)plic&tions.Karch, Lois MPapers: (nomance Langs. & Lits.) A.M.1) Hisericordia: un estuC:io critico.2) G�rcia Lorca. ia eita�er!a, y �1.Po6rra del cante iondo.Kataoka., Tetsuyc:.. (Political SciencE;:) Ph.D.DS999 The great leap forward; a study of Chinese communism.Kauffman, Janet Louf se (English IJang. & Lit.) A.M. wloKeck , "L'bOfl1aS Samuel, III (Mathematics) S .H. w/o.Kelnhofer, Guy J" J�. (Cornmi�tee on Pla�nin$) ,Ph.D. -ri\)(OO/)� �t\-t>f:� ��, o--vJ �b��p(�'.� l��td��ut<s.·Kibby t Michael \�illia.m (Education) A.M.. .Paper: Attitudes t ovar-d reading of hcmcgeneoue'ly grouped selectedsecond grade children.KindiSt David Anthony (Pathology) Ph.D.�R999 Virions in established murine cell lines.Kin,3t Elaine Ernily (English Lang , & Lit.) . A.'H. w/oKiser, JoAnn (English Lang. & Lit.) A.H. \1/0Page 10, June 1968Kl.a t xky , Sheila Rossa (.sociology) A .!-!.Paper: Power, automation, and organization size: The cascade effect.Kleiner, Scott A (Philosophy) Ph.D.B1299 The concept of force and the exp Lanat.ory efficacy of Newtonian.N3Z7 mech�nics.K64Knight, Jo Hiller (Sociology) A.H.Paper: Roadblocks to effectj ve Ln Low incomE' ghetto areas.KOberle, Roland (Physics) Ph.D.QC1099 Low- energy nucleon compt on .scHtt0rir.�.Koeni;1.;, Hichael JI':d\1ard Davison (Grad. Library School) A.M.·�10999 'I'heodor e Lo .." De Vinnfl: His contributions to the ar;t of:printing.Kornblith, Nancy Anne (Political Science) A.H.Paper: �le Congressional committee: Variance in role and function.Kosman, Daniel Jacob (Chemistry) Ph.D.QD1099 Blectron.mab�etic'resonance spectra; the coupling of protous.s in bicyclic and tricyclic aemi.qu.i.nonea ,. Kramer, Richard B (Committee on Human Development) Ph.D.1'f)IVI-ot1 Vnt- HQ9999· Change s in mor-aL judgment response puttern during late-ri (). P Ed adolescence and young adulthood; retrogression in a develop-�� mental sequence.Laing,· Jonathan R (History) A.H ..i Papers: 1) Colbert and the Levant trade.2) The racism of Count Govineau: A return to the FrenchEnlightenrnent.(Chemistry) w/oLa Honte, Edward.Sha.nnon (Political Science) A.H.Paper:. The }1anpower Development and Trainine Act of 1962: History�d development.Lanahan, .Virginia Joyce (History) A.f'1 •.'F9999 The public' education of Negroes i.n Louisiana, 1862-1877.,Lane 1 'James Douglas (Education) A .��.Paper: Developing a continuine education program for federalregulatory officials.Langbere. Marshall Allen (Political Science) ,A.M.Paper: The \�atts Riot as a problem in governmental integration.Lankford, Philip M (Geography) A.M.G9999 Regionalization. theory and. alternative algorithms.·GeLanzetta, Dante Joseph, Jr. (English Lang. & Lit.) A.M. w/oLarson, Jan Pat (Engli5�Educ.) M.A.T.Paper: The student and freedom tn a school.·Page 11, June 1968LarGO!!, Su,san Jane (l:nr;lish Lang , & Lit.) A.H. \>110Lazarus t Lewis K:u:we 11 (Snglish Lang. & Lit.) A.M. ,'til °Lee, Ri.chaz-d Chin (Info. Sciences) 's.N. \0//0Lehrer, LeahHQ9999!�d. (Committee on Human Development) Ph.D.Sex dif:el"'ences in !floral behavior among pre-adolescents.Levine oj Baruch (��ocial Servico Admini3tration) Ph.D.EV9999 Fe ct.orrs r o.Ls.t ed to interpersonal balance in social worktr��trnent 3rouPS.Levine, Daniel Suul (if.athe'mutics) :} .!\�. w/o'Licht, Walter Martiri (�ducation) �.M.Pal)Or: Car8e!" pa.tterns of ::lale high achoo.L teachers in the ChicagoPublic Scheel syGt�mG.Lighthall, Nancy Pearman (Education) A.i�I.LB3999' Martin Bubar on educut.Lcn ,Lin, bsi"..4-san (}.licrobioloa) Ph.D.QP999 Nucleic acid metabolism in L :cells infected "-lith the meningo­pneumonitis aeent.LittIG, Pa,tsy Mal"is (Educ:::tion) A.N.'Paper: An exploratory a;.alysis of occupat Lonak choice in the thirdgrade.Li t t Le , .su�an Bromberg (Hh�tory/8duc.) H.A. r:.--' Paper: ,The' basis of intellectual support for I-icCur'.thyism, 1951-1954.Locke, John \-Jilliruh (Graduute Libr.:�ry ��cLool) J.� .. �;.Z10999 0CJ.ence book col1ectio:c.s in sccon<iary libraries: asurvey � f science 'collections till� interdepartmental r�)la tionshipsin ropresentative Illinois schocls.Lous t r·1ichael Joseph ' (Philosophy)PA3891 Aristotle and Ockham:• C5189 Ph.D.a study in cate�ories •Lubin, Narc (Human Development) Ph.D.BF1999 ,A study of the high rate 01 mala jewish membership in theEd profession of psychoa�lysis.Luchterhand, Kubat E (Anthropology) A.M.Paper: Early archaic adaptation in the lower Illinois River Valleyregion.Luders, Rolf J (Economics) Ph.D.HG9999 A mone tury history of Chile, 1925-1958.Luehrwann, Arthur h1illett, Jr. (Ph:ysics) Ph.D.QD931 Cr"!stal symmetries of plalla-wave4tlike functions: r. The.L75 symmorphic space groups.Page 12. June 1968Lur'Le , r'1ar-earet Berman (History/Educ.) r·�.A.T.Paper: . The role of tl o monarchy in post-in:iepcno.ence Hox-ceco, 1956-1963.Lurie, Merle (Slavic Langa , & Lite.) A.N. '.vicLushine. Michael J (Info. Sciences) S.M. w/oLynn, Elizabeth Anne (Snglish Lang. & Lit.) A.rlf. w/oHcGinty, Pa.rk (Divinity) A.H. w/oHcGrath. Jo Anne (Info. Sciences) S.H. '.i/OHacnalek, I"1ilton David (Physics) S.H.. 'tl/O1/:adali, Linda Alma (En[?:lish I.lang. & Lit.) A.�·1. w/of.iagyarv. Pudc Iph Vladimir (Slavic La.n�is. & Lite.) . A .• .r� '01/0Nandel, Thomas Poeller (Social 'rboue;h t) A. N.Pa!"ar: �'Jha t is the �; �8.sur(-! in measure tor measure: � n essay oneveryday reality in a Shakespearean Comedy.HarC�1banks, Audrey J (Urban Elem. Education) H.S.T.Pape�: Teacher variations within a basic reading program.Nurtinson, Fred Helmer- (Art) Ph.D.,ND3999 Early r1uror.Jachi screen paintings •I..Maschmeyer t Richard Orr (Ch�mistry) n.14.. \t{/or·1a.upin, David H·l'tay, JoseflIB3999 (Economics) Ph�D.An adjustment mechanism based on antir,ipation in a macro­economic model.Mayhall, John T (Anthropology) A.M.Paper: Torus Mandibularis in a. Thule culture.population.Meltzer, Richard Stephen (Chemistry) Ph.D._. QD1099 Optical absorption spectrum of anti ferromagnetic �mF2.;:;:::?::--�::5:-.: .- .. �.::- 9.,,,,0;::;'",::,�Meyer, Harold David (Nathematics) S.�1. w/oMeyer, Marshall Warner (Sociology) Ph.D.HD10000 Bureaucratic structure and authoritYi a study of financeadministration in local gov�rnments.Mikelson, Thomas L (Divinity) A.M. w/oMiller, David William (Committee on History of Culture) �llD.DA999 The politics of faith and�ather1andi the Catholic Church ,\ridnationalism in Ireland, 1898-1918.· �Hiller t I (Bnclish Lang. � Lit.) A.M. w/or4illcr, Robert Gail (Dill'inioty) A.H. w/o}!olotcr�19 Harvey Luck.i.n (-Sociology) Ph.D.F9999 Conmun.i ty act Len to eont ro'l, rc.cial change t an evaluation ofChicai�o;s Sovth Shore effort.l\,!onroe, Allan, H (Sn,glish Lans.:. &: Lit.) A.H. \'1/0Monti, �ich&rd Ciro (Clac:;sic['l Langs , & Lits.) A.H.Pa.PC!': )8uth and t.h o ycun.; '."1.31'Tior: A&neid.Hooney. -John Gre�;;ory (History/E<hw.) r-i.l •• T.Paper: The NcLeod Affair.Moore.. }�rnest Eaynarc1, III (DivinEy) F.• 1-1.Moore, JSsse Orville (Sducation) A.M.Paper: The effectiveness of teacher observation as a means of attitudeappraisal in Junior High Scb.ool HathemrAtics.r·1oore, Maurice Joseph (Sociology) A .1'1.Paper: A study of integrated livin�.11:orken, \¥F9999 Ituber-t (lIiGtory) A .H •.The annexation of Hdrgan Parl{ to Chicago; one village's responseto urban gro'�th.Moussa, Effat .Abd EI-Aziz (StatistiCs) S .!1. w/ol,r � t"l' b t'l. ("" ,.. L o � • t )"lurray, J1.rme .. !J :tza e �l .... ang , cc .l.iJ. • A.H. w/oNelson, Frederick Kift (Education) A.N.. Paper: The color profcrences of nU1�sery school children.Nelson, John Charles� (PhiloDophy) A.H. w/oNelson, Loren D. (GeOl)hys. Sci.)' S.N.' w/oNesbitt, Doris T (Education) °A.M.Paper: The effect of head start experience on school performance offirst grade pupils of HO\'JarJ Scp-ool.Ngcobo , �Ji.o.nie D (HlUlan Developr,1ent) - A.ft.. 'Paper: Sex differences: Haniiec;t se.xu&l interactions in dreams.Nielsen, Doris Anne (Urban Elem. Education) M.S.T.Paper: Student "teachers' perceptions of di,sciplina problems in ancity school.:ratecki, Matthew H'It: '1Cf 'I I/o rtt. (Geophysical Sciences) Ph.D.AhlerieA-h e-Jc.loc-rl YJit;-d a.lJCl.e.O'Brien, Paul- Latimer (Slavic Langs. & Lite.) A.H. w/oO'Grady, William Walsh, Jr. (Pol. Science) A.M.Paper: The concept of nature in K",n-c'::3 moral philosophy.Page 1� .• June 1968O'Leary. Patricia (En�;lish Lang. & Lit.) A.H.. w/oOlsen, Karen Yclena (English Lang. & Lit.) A.l��. w/oOnahen , Kenneth John (Info. Sciences) S.f1. w/ootNara, 0usan Hary (f.1athematics) S.H. w/oOpperihe Lm , David (r·lathematics) S.H. w/o':'Orfield, GfJ..ry Allan (Poli tical Science) Ph.D.,LA3999 The reconstruction of Southern education: '?ne schools andthe 1964 Civil Rights Act.., � ,. Overath. Susan Catherine (1" 1· l T - & LJ_' 't • )::,ng.J.l.S�l �ne.PabuwaL, Satya Narain (Sta,tistics) S.M. w/oPangburn, Linda A. D. (F]ngliah Lang. & Lit.) A.M. �I/OParis, Dora C. (history/Educ.) jJf.A.'l'�Paper: ffhe village in the city: Italian immigrants in ChicagoHeiehts, 1900-1920. --- --,---- � .. "'\<-E�z- ••"::';: •• :':':':--Par-kd.ns on , ,Lucille -Joan . (En_;)5sh/Gduc.)f i'1.A.'r.Papar: Matchin� and dissonrulce: A comparison of theoreticalex"!,)ectatiofls and practical accomplishments in' ProjectParrish. Donald HaItby, Jr. (Info. Sciences) S.l":. 1"/0-:: UpwardPaase Ll , t'nne Taegard Few (Classical Langs , & Lits.) A.M ..Pa'oer-: T�uri'Dedes' Crestes.I • -Peat t i.e , Lf.aa R (Anthropology) Ph.D.F9999 rrlle e thnogr.aphy of economic development.Peery, Patricia (Div. Master's/Soc. Sci�) A.H._,_ "-P-aper: 00ul i11 the city: Tlw rele.tion between ic1..e_Qlogies in the---- black community and, societal position. "-.-::-==:Perrino, Pasqual V (l1athematical Biology) S.M. "11/0Pet ers , Joan (f�nglish Lane. & Lit.) A.H. w/oPhiIlPS, Harold Robert, Jr. '(1�conomics) A.M. w/oPixley, George V (DIvinity) Ph.D •.13S9999 Awar-eneas of literary context in early Christian use' of thePsalms.Pod.naatrt.e , Ar:ne-Harie (Romance Lange , & Lits.) Ph.D.PQ1713 Baro, BalthaZ9.r, 1600-1650 •• 5 La Celinde de Balthas�B Baro (1629): edition critique avec.B26C4 etude de La piece, (par' Anne·.rv:arie Poinsa.tte. I1968Poling, Dorothy Louise (Education) Ph.D.LB3999 The relatj.onship of at.:.ditory discrimination to readingachievement.Page 1;-, June 1968Poepecch il, Fr edcr-Lc k hI (Econor.1ico) 1\.11. 'vl/OPct oker , Elaine S (.sl)anish/EdlJc.) r.1.A.T •.Paper: The importance of sound-tc-letter correspondence in learningto spell in Spanish as a second lan��uae;e.Prado, An(�eline (Rolnance Langs , & I.Jits.) Ph.D.PQ6623 Eugeflio Noel y La literatu.ra. del caatdc isrno •• U44Z8P9Prekowitz, Bruce A (l1athematics) S.H. \1/0Pu.l.Lum , Thomas i1illiam (Statistics) 8.14. vl/0Rachfor-d t Fr-ed or-Lc Joseph (Physics) S.1'1. 'It,,/oRanda I.l , Cynthia Eonroc (Soc. Sci./]·�duc.) M.A.T.Paper: J':he Farmers t Allia..'>1ce a.. nd the Peoples' Party in Sourth Dakota.·lB81+-1901.RecNy, Jacqueline II (En��lish �i: Li t • ) A • r-.; • ""/0Hichur(.\s, Hich&rd Peter (Geophys. Science) S.H. w/oRichter, �Jilliam Louis (PolHical SC:::.ence) Ph.D.D5999 The polHic8 of Language in India.Hiordan, Bar�y J (Economj,cs) A.M. w/oRober-t s , -Jean \)3. auon (;iunic) A.H.Paper: Three Corelli att:dbutions in an eighteenth-century manuscriptof trio sonatas.Roberts, Kenneth L '(HathemHtics) S.H. v/»Roberts, Paul Calvin (Hathematics) S .. N. w/oRobinson, Charles L (Info. bciences) S.M. w/oRogell, Diane Kosh (Education) A.H.Pa?er: Value conflict correlates of underachievement in Junio� HighSchool.S (��ducation) j\.H •.An exploration of the relationship between school boardoperation and. CO��tmity characteristics.Rosenblatt, Gerald (iJhy.sics) S.H. w/oRooney, , Barbara Janet (It'rench/l:;auc.) H.A.T •.Paper:' 'Diaenosis of typicBl errors occur-ring in making thetransition from spoaking to writing.Roskoski, Robert (Biochemistry) Ph.D.QP999 The estrogen stimulation of sugar and amino acid transpol·t inthe rat uterus.Page 16, Jlme 1968Rosner, Arthur (Human Development) Ph.D.HVS999 Stress and the maintenance of self-concept irA the aged.l.�dRotblat, Howar-d J (Sociology) A.;'l. ._Paper: The patterns of l'ecruitment into t.ho Iranian political elite.Rubinoff, Janet Ahner (Committee on International Relations) A.M.JX9999 Nasseris policy of positive l1�utrulity.Rucker , Lu La Leonia (Urban Ele�. Education) H.S.T.Paper-s Tise of t<:.:aching ai(is in the elementary school mat!.H�maticscur-rti cul. urn ,Sachs, Sterhen �ar� (Political Scienc0) Ph.D.JK9999 The, s,•. pr-ene Court and national emer-gency;Saxe, H�nry Irving (Graduate Library School) h..N.Z10999 The development of th� library Systt=:hl in prerevolutionaryHussia •.sc&fclla. Frank Ae. Jr. (Divinity) I1..M. w/oSchaar, Rich&rd J (rr.athematics) S.M. '.1/0Schan, C:dward P t Jr. (Info. Sciences) S.l:. 'vl/OSchoenfeld, �onald I (Pharmacolog-y) Fh.D.,RH999 Effect of alpha-methyltyrosine on bra:incatecholamina ·levela andI operant behavior.Schuettinger, Robert (Social 'l."1:l.ought) A.M.Paper: Lord Acton, historian of lih)rty: �he accomodation ofpolitical and religious values in the tho\4ght of Lord Acton�Secor, Susan Bye '(Political Scienc�) k.N.DA999 \vinston Chruchill's conceptd.on of diplomatic negotiation.Seigl(.�, Joel David (History) . A.M.Papers: 1) Robespierre's early years: A proposal for furtherresearch.2) rrhe ideas of Lord Acton: From moralit,Y to revolution •. Serre, Bertrand F (Education) A.H.Paper: A systematic concept of Catholic adult education content.Sessions, George Sherman (Philosophy) A.M. w/o,A�yert !3hrtlUel (Gradllate, Library School) A.M. '.�/o9q1 SOC-luI': tls�eeCS of �",blic II'hr-ar1es 'n1. : Shaker, Richard J (Hathematics) Ph.D.9A999 AbstrE'.. c t ,l{Uadratic . forms..Shaw , Talbert Os call (Divinity) A.M. w/o r sr·a�l).. I-t.:' ", ",t'"(�h('k, �.Tohr:.ny (Art) �/r.F'.A.lYe.per; The art of motmtinG paintings.Shufrot Joel A . (Histcry) A.N •.}'9999 The im!)rescrrient of Geamer.., and. thf:) economi c decline ofBoston. 17J�·C-1760.S1.tnon, t; r<!Ctl"l� (Hur.u\tl I}evclopmemt) A.N.I'aper: 'l'he relationship among woz-k , identity and profession:Nental health professionale, a c�se in roint.(Dj.vinity) i\ .H. w/oSi.c1�ert Ronald (�;n;t:lish LanS. &. Lit.) A.H. w/oSkupsky t Stanley (PbY2j.CS) S .r!. w/oSlatir;., Ronald Charles (Info. Sciences) S.I:. w/oSla,\,;ski., Edward. J ,Jr. (Politic.:.d Science) A.H.Paper: Democracy and shar-ed respon�:ibility in a th::rapeuticco;.�"Xuni.ty: Patterns of po.tient 'p&r�:;l9_i:paticL. Ln a pschiatrics�ttin€.Sledd, Andre1'J E (Englis'h/Zrluc.) . H.A.T.Fa.per: A sketch of the auxiliary verb ey s t em in c. no� dialectSliazas., Rirnvydas (G'�r[:'lanic Langs , ex LitG.) Ph.D.PF'4R35 Kaspar Stieler' s Kurz e Lehrschri ft von dE:r hochtautschenT "7.r�" �n"""r C111'·11" QJ. .. It"�l-·""l:ct\�Y""...-:. 1'>!� r.-ourceC!-•• t.J.••/rJI\ lCI F'>,J I .J.. \-l #. .......... t.J � .... V • v ..j "'....... ....�.............�._.. v u.S63Smith, Thor;-;as Spence (Sociolog"j) Ph.D.I1V9999 Democratic cont ro.l, and proicGsiollalism ir. police work; thestate police experience.Smith, l.,'oodruff D(;;.1�ld (History) A.H�Papers: 1) Africa and the abolition of the British Slave trade.2) Crisis in European socialism.Sokol, ,Jose B' (Economics) A.H. �!/oSprins, Susan Berry 01icrobiology) Ph ... D. -QR999 Characterization of vil'al macr'omo' a�_;gregates frommammalian cells productively and abortively infected withHerpes siL1plex virus.Sprine;:n::m, Helvin Arthur (Political Sciences) .' A··:M.DS999 . Sino-Burmese relations during the cultural revolution.Stapert, Calvin Hu.y (r.iusic} A.r-i.Paper: Modality and counterpoint in the Magnus Liber Organi.Stephenson, Judith Janto (..statiGtics) .s.rf. w/oSte\vart, John Gilman (Political Science) Pil.D.rJK9999 Tndependence and control; the challenge of sellat,�rial part�··leadership.Page 12, June 1968Stoltzner,. Gordon H (Patholos.-Y) S.l�.HB999' Electron microscopic studie.s the presence ofplatelet specific antigen ill &.tl�eromas.Strayer, Gene Paul (�ivinity) A.H. 'tl/OStumpf., Kathleen A (F!eadindt�duc.) H.S.T.Paper: Th'9 role of the reading consultuut in the corrective readins:.qros!'c.m.Su::;sman, Hita P (Education) l... h.Paper: The h8ritc\bility of intelligence and mental ability:Conceptual research. .Sweeney, Karen -Johnccn (Art) H •.F.A.Pa,er: Baha'i: Ito influence on the paitltil1i;;G of l�ark Tobey ,Swe e t Land, �Jil!-ia.m !3urton, Jr. (fiist0ry) A.H •.Paper-s s 1) 'I'h-s Judiciary Act of 1806 in the cor.t ex t of North Carolinapolitical history.2) Chicago bued.r.eae aristocracy and culcure , 1871-1893.Taffe, Eetty Jo (Gcrr'�an/Educ.) r.l.A.T.Palwr: An nnalysi� and eva.Iue of the begJ'!lnin,g tr.atedals(Tejl;...l) of Her-man Kessler's '1_;'eutsch' ·ft r r.: I-.ud.onder.Taft, ROGer C (Info. Sciences) /,s,.}�. '.l/oTata�ovir.b,\ AS1099 R;;:,ynonll (Political Science) A.1'1.Profctmional unity and politiccLl. pO\-Jer; a case study of theAmerican Hedical Association.Tatar;, John Anthony (Economics') A.l-1. \1/0'Thompson, '�chjard E - (Human Development) Ph.D.HC1099 Inrcasin�� nor-ma L behavior ill schf.zopcr-end.cs t a comparisonEd of information and reinforcement using a word associ�tiontest for training.Thornrjson t Ida Louisa (Geophys. Sci.) 3. H. \1/0Tholr!!>i30n, Isabel Hendel (History) A .H •.DA999 John Morley and Ireland.Thompson t' Leonard Ler-oy (Di vitti ty ) Ph. D.RS9999 The form and f'unctzi.on of hymns in the New Testament: astudy in cul'Lic hifltory�,Thorp, Peter K (Inter�'i.s.t "L R�lations) A.H.DK999 The i'Jeo-J"iaoiot theory of transitional development: Moscow;and the National bourgeoisie of new.Iy independent under- Ideveloped countries.Tideman, Lisa Woodside (Classical Langs. & Lits�) A�MPaper: Bacchylides 17: The Ring, the ',Ireath and the Purple Garment.',:'�orc�in8kYt Albertol'r0im:m, Donald Joseph (Sociology) Ph.D.�i'r1999 Occupational prestihe (md social structure; a: cross­na t Lonc.L corcpar-i.son ,Treuhaft, Nary �Jallace (i'·acrObiology) S.M.QR999 Biosynthesis of arginine in L cells infected with Chlamyr,.iae.U'LLman , j";ich�el Alan (�nf;lish Lang , &: Lit.) A..'f.i. w/oUlll;;{l:m, Judy Cohen (.slavic L�w f';Ei. �� LitE .. ) A .H. w/o-·Ur-et sky , :�orrnD.n J(-::.y (Pharmc\colo[;,)() Ph • .i).'�:':999 !·Iechanisl'a of action of alpha f!letbyJ. DOPA on the reserpi:le­induced SUiWCGssion of motor activity and the conditioned avoid­ance response.Vargo, l..:dHard11S3SLj- 1.?6Z8V3 p (� l..lang. c< Lit.) Ph.D.The mi.dd Lencae of man: ritual in the novels 'of John Updike.Villalobos, Alvaro t}onzs.lez (It.6thematics) S.1''1. w/o\\'a.llaco, 1inrla Feist (Gradu.�te Library School) A.r-1.210999 ;Jei�(i.borhoo] Lncome and bhe provision of library service illLos Angeles: 1960.Ward. Edward Patrick (Political Science) A.M.,];\999 Authority and democracy; an essay on the l)olitical thoughtof Yvos R. Simon.Wasserman, Jerry S (English Lane_ & Lit.) A.H. w/oWebb� Judith Ann' (Political Science) .A.M.Paper ; Planning l:"'equirem�nts in Federal aids to lo�aJ5ties: r'rame1JJOrkof federalism and spearhead of metropolitan political integra­tion •.ltJehrli/ein. Berdine Ellis (Education) A.H.l)L-.:.pel.'"': A comparison of two approaches in reading instru�tion inJunior High.Weidman. John C ,II (Education) A.Iv1.Pa.per: Some social factors Hhich influence tl1e Elementary school.:";:�',. '.' .. _� per-formance of the urban child.Heisenberg., l{ichard C (Biophysics) Ph.D. -�H999 Studies on the chenri s tz-y of'Le protein.Wertymer, Karen (Education) A.H..Paper: College reading programs: a critical lJ.ppraisal.\'Jhale, Sandra Lee (Biology/Educ.) i4..A.'l'.Paper: FIi[:jh school biology proJ�cts: a guide for atudent.s ,It/hite, �lil1ard Earl (English lang. g< Lit.) A.H. w/oPage 20, June 1968'rjhit(�t ':/i11io BrYf>on (ljro.::-.n ,Slem. Education) t'{.S.T.Pa:per: 1'he effect of the Chicago after-school rea{Jing program onreading improV'erJon t •(�;nslish Lang. & Lit.) i'� • H. 'wlo(TI' • , c �Is: nyf_';�CS) \ v .l�l. w/o\villcrt, SVelyn i·l (Germanic L�u\gs. C: Lits.) A.I1 •.Paper: Pat(;:n:ll and maternal vJ(;rlds and their relationships tothe' BOnG in fiv':: wor'ks of,'Hermann Iio sse ,'rj-:_(n (nj.stor-'J)F,spects 01 theccnt ur-y ,2) Loud s XIV' on kinship.;�Jilliams, Gar-e chPapers: 1) A.:\�. :r" ... \.::.ngl:H:.n .econoray in the later seventeenth, I \ 'Williams, John S (Divinity) Ph.D.B2391 "The far side of d.iJ'�:<i)uir.": Sa:!.�tl'e is :li dden ethics and the.335;:,7 cleat}: 0-;' God; a literary and theological :c.:tudy of Jean�:72 Paul �)a.rtrc' s .::.��Jillickt Daniel H�rr)ld (Sociology) Ph�D.JX9999 Pub l.d c opinion and international affairs, a coerparatdve:_�study. -Vlillis, Bruce (Info. Sciences) g .;"!. �/o\:.1ilson, �r:riCMas Char-Lee (Info. Sc:i.encos) B.N. w/o�!ood, Rupert James (Hathernatics) s.r·�. ltJ/o��unsch, James L ,(History) A.H ..Papers: 1) The charitable cc�por�tion2) �treet life of children in Nm·/ York City history.1:Jyly, Hury Hae (Gr�duate Library School) A.I·1. )Z10999 A' s t udy of budget Labe.Ls in classical music recordings.'Yonan., &iuc-lrd AlbGrt (Divinity) Ph.D.'999 The lanGuage' of revelation and reflection.Zabel, (.Jan<Js AD.en ('1'0'..... ' A.i>{.ot..lsl..ory)Papers: 1) An outline of French propaganda in \-lorld War I.2) Freud and the historical process.Zale1rlski; E;d\,mrd F (Chemistry) Ph.D.QD1099 The lowest triplet et.ate of ,pyrazine •• 5Zarov. Herbert ·L (English Lang. & Lit.) A.M. w/oZeller, j·>rA.rgery Joan .�l1athematics/Educ.) i-i.A.'e.Paper-s Thn use of the as a teaching machine. II"I{1I;'IIiZif.,rri1()nd, HichAel J (PsYC!to102;V, [ject. of Biopsych01oi�) l")h.D.QP999 Resistance to ce .. �tral l"l.orepinapbrin:e depletion and increasedmortality in rect.s chronically exposed to electric foot shock.tZlobricki-Loesch, Arthur (r�eophys • .sci.) �'.!1�'. \'l/o,)''.'I,"'"ORDER Of EXERCKSESFor the Conferring of DegreesThree o'clockGEORGE W. BEADLE, President of the University, PresidingTHE CONVOCATION PROCESSIONPROCESSIONAL-Canzon Duodecimi Toni(The Congregation standing until the Bags reach the chancel) Giovanni GabrieliThe Marshal and the Student AidesThe Candidates for DegreesThe Faculties of the UniversityThe Trustees and Administrative OfficersThe Candidates for the Rosenberger MedalThe Candidates for Honorary DegreesThe Dean of the University ChapelThe President of the UniversityTHE PRAYERTHE REVEREND E. SPENCER PARSONSDean of Rockefeller Memorial ChapelTHE CONVOCATION ADDRESSGEORGE W. BEADLEPresident of the UniversityTHE ANTHEM0, Clap Your Hands Ralph Vaughan WilliamsThe Rockefeller Chapel Choir and Brass EnsembleRICHARD V IKSTROMDirector of Chapel Music0, clap your hands, all ye people; shout unto God with the voice of triumph.For the Lord most high is terrible; He is a great King over all the earth.God is gone up with a shout, the Lord with the sound of a trumpet.Sing praises to God, sing praises; sing praises unto our King, sing praises;For God is King of all the earth; sing ye praises everyone that hath understanding.God reigneth over the heathen: God sitteth upon the throne of His holiness.Sing praises unto our King, sing praises.From Psalm 47THE LLEWELLYN JOHN ANDHARRIET MANCHESTER QUANTRELLAWARDSFor Excellence in Undergraduate TeachingJOHN C. JAMIESON, Professor of GeophysicsA distinguished scientist, known for research on the properties of the solid earth ranging fromits surface to its central core, John Jamieson has been particularly recognized as an innovatorthrough his investigations of geophysical aspects of the nature of matter at ultra-high pressures.Two years ago he turned his innovative talents and broad scientific knowledge to a new andvital challenge: the teaching of the physical sciences on a valid scale and with depth to collegestudents committed to specialization in other fields. He conceived, designed, and brought tofruition an entirely new conception: a year-long course in the geophysical and astronomicalsciences in which basic concepts of physics and chemistry are taught through the vehicle of astudy of man's terrestrial and cosmological environment. Enlisting the participation of the Uni­versity of Chicago's renowned faculty, he has engaged the minds of first-year students (most ofthem not specialists in science) with authoritative lectures and with material of incomparablefascination as well as prime relevance. His devotion has encompassed instruction in the laboratory,where his ubiquitous presence has been a constant source of probing questions and wise counsel.Two years of grateful students, and national recognition, attest the success that has attended thisstill very new enterprise.EDWARD JAMES KOLLAR, Assistant Professor of Biology and AnatomyComing from Syracuse University to Chicago in 1962, Edward Kollar soon established him­self as one of the most devoted and skillful of biology teachers. Students and faculty testify tohis remarkable success in teaching basic science to non-biologists, and to the infectious way inwhich he makes students feel like co-workers. He is noted for his precise exposition of basicconcepts, his attentiveness to questioning students, and his happy faculty of displaying in theclassroom a scientifically trained mind working on genuine problems. Students have testifiedfurther to his skill in eliciting discussion and his determination to teach students how to learnrather than force-feeding what the teacher knows. Always available to students for discussionoutside the classroom, he has exhibited a friendly informality, patience, and delight in learningthat have made him a personal favorite of many students-biologists, humanists, and socialscientists.LESTER KNOX LITTLE, Assistant Professor of Medieval HistoryLester Little received his Ph.D. degree in History from Princeton and joined the Chicagofaculty in 1963. He has taught regularly in the History of Western Civilization course and hasoffered undergraduate courses in Medieval History. To both these enterprises he brings greatenthusiasm and excitement at the same time that he thoroughly communicates the values ofaccurate scholarship. Outside the classroom he is a devoted expert in the art of stimulating andguiding students through programs of individual inquiry. His competence in related social sciencesdemonstrates the continuing fruitfulness of the interaction of disciplines and the continuingchallenge of liberal learning. In an age dazzled by the immediate and the momentary, he inspiresstudents to grasp the fascination and relevance of remote times.DUDLEY SHAPERE, Professor of PhilosophyDudley Shapere received his Ph.D. degree from Harvard and joined the Chicago faculty in1960. He has been a member of the Governing Committee of the New Collegiate Division sinceits inception, and has been an important voice in the creation of this enterprise. While con­tinuing his work in the Department of Philosophy he has at the same time taken primary re­sponsibility for the New Division's program in the History and Philosophy of Science. Herehis teaching has been important to students in all collegiate divisions.For Mr. Shapere, the History and Philosophy of Science is not so much the joining of twopreviously independent disciplines as the creation of a new discipline-a discipline founded onthe recognition that the philosophical problems of science are encountered in history, and thatthe most engrossing questions in the history of science are philosophical questions. Confrontedwith the facts of scientific development he asks always: what good reasons led these men to thisnext step?In his teaching Mr. Shapere goes to the problems at the frontiers of the inquiry and takes hisstudents with him. He is a man who delights in ideas and in controversy about ideas, and hecommunicates this delight-in the classroom and wherever a discussion can begin. In his office,on the lawn, in sorneone's living room, he is always ready to take the argument a step further-to keep it clear and get it right. His students find in working with him that they are joiningin the work of a first-class inquiring intellect.THE AWARDS OF HONORSAwarded General Honors with the Bachelor's Degree:Douglas Quentin AdamsRuth Greenough AtkinsJack Vincent BarberaAnn BaylesEeda Jill BelkinGary Francis BenensonRobert Dale BlackAlan Brandon BondRandall R. BovbjergSandra J. BrewerAmy BromsenKenneth L. BrownPatricia Elizabeth BuckleyPaul BursteinAndrew ClarkPatricia Ann ClineRichard A. CohnCharles D. ColbertDiane E. ColeNancy Allen CoulsonNina Beth CovenLouis CraneStephen CrystalBarbara S. CurrieDon Wayne EbertMarilyn R. Entenman Patricia Lorraine FosterWilliam FoxJannon Lou FuchsJudith Frances GoldstoneDanny L. HawleySteven HenikoffDaniel HertzbergEric John HeyerRichard Lawrence HoffmanSusie HoffmanRita JeruchimowiczMark V. JohnstonDavid Harris KarlenAlison Publicover KaufmanHolger Klein-BremhaarAndrew LachmanLucy LibenJerol M. LindBruce Robert MayoEdward M. MessingRobert A. NaidusDinah Esral NemeroffMichael Alan NemeroffCharles Edward OliverRoberta J. PollackRobert Leslie Ramsey Eric Drew RathjenPaul Handler RochmesSusannah Ticho RohrlichRoy Israel RosenbaumMark Bruce RosinJoseph Ezra Victor RubinDavid A. SatterNina Gordon SchaeferRoberta S. SchafferJudith Lynn SebestaVera Madeleine SedlerMartha Ann ShapiroMargaret SilverbergJames David SteakleyHelen B. SteinGeorge Franklin StermanNancy StettenJoan Ellen StolowichRobert A. StorezWilliam Walker SweetBonnie J. WaitzkinNancy Christine WeissHerschel Myron WellerRichard Joseph WrightAwarded Special Honors with the Bachelor's Degree in the College:Robert Dale Black(History) 'Paper: "Piety and Philosophy in the Neo­Platonic Humanism of Murianus Ru­fus (1 470-1526 ) "Paper: "A Contribution to the Gun-ControlQuestion: Does Legislation Work?"Paper: "The Opportunism of Ch'en Tu-Hsiuand the Ch'en Tu-Hsiu of Oppor­tunism"Paper: "George Clinton and His Image: AStudy of Economic Policies and SocialAttitudes in the First New York Gov­ernor"Gary Walter Chism(Economics)Andrew Clark(History)Patricia Ann Cline(History)Richard A. Cohn(Biology)Charles D. Colbert(Art History)Raymond J. DeMallie, Jr.(Anthropology)Jannon Lou Fuchs(Biology) Paper: "Control of Protein Synthesis by In­sulin in Skeletal Muscle"Paper: "The Mystical Vision of Saint Jerome"Paper: "Studies in Dakota Kinship"Paper: "Effects and Early Feeding Experienceon Snakes' Responses to Food Chem­icals"Paper: "Ohio's Reaction to the Panic of 1819"Herbert Elliot Handler(History)Richard Lawrence Hoffman(History)David Harris Karlen(Economics)Joseph A. Limprecht(History)Kenneth McKinley(History)Michael Alan Nemeroff(General Studies in the Social Sciences)Patricia McKeown Prinz(English)David A. Satter(General Studies in the Social Sciences)Marion Susan Sirefman(Fine Arts)Steven Solomon(Economics)James David Steakley(Germanic Languages and Literatures)Nancy Stetten(Political Science)William Walker Sweet(History)Marion C. Trifunac(Chemistry)David Worstell(History)Joshua Elkan Yeidel(Tutorial Studies) Paper: "A Study of Romantic Marriage inEngland, 1460-1660"Paper: "Racial Integration and Property Val­ues in Chicago"Paper: "Catharism and Christianity"Paper: "Russell and Reform, 1846-1852"Paper: "Nuclear Strategy: Facing the Prob­lems of Technology"Paper: "A Study of Authorial Purpose in TwoNovels by Anthony Trollope"Paper: "Housing and Society on the WestSide of Chicago"Creative ArtPaper: "Fertilizer Consumption and IndianDevelopment"Paper: "Waldo: Founder of the Golden Ageof Reichenau"Paper: "Recruitment and Politics of Latin­American Armies"Paper: "The Problem of Nietzsche's Nihilism"Paper: "Enzyme-Substrate Complex Forma­tion"Paper: "Conscription and the Laboring Man"Paper: "Authorial Presence in James Joyce'sUlysses"Awarded Special Honors with the Bachelor's Degree in the College and theDivision at the Biological Sciences:Eeda Jill Belkin(Biology)Holger Klein-Bremhaar(Biology)Bruce David Schreider(Biology)Fredrick Martin Wigley(Biology) Paper: "Thymineless Death in Bacillus sub­tiIis"Paper: "Cholera Toxin Inhibition of PAHUptake by Rabbit Kidney Slices: TheImportance of Slice Position in aQuantitative Assay and the InhibitoryRole of Ammonia"Paper: "Isolation of a Microsomally BoundAmino Dipeptidase from Hog Kidney"Paper: "Partial Purification of a StevosideHydrolyzing Enzyme (s) from a Com­mercial Pectinase Preparation"Awarded Special Honors with the Bachelor's Degree in the College and theDivision at the Physical Sciences:Steven Henikoff(Chemistry)Michael Rubinson( Chemistry) Paper: "Experimental Verification of ElectricDipole Forbidden Transitions"Paper: "Two Problems in Isotopic Geochem­istry: Part One: Isotopic Compositionof South Australian Carbonates; PartTwo: Carbon-13 Fractionation be­tween Aragonite and Calcite"Members elected to Beta at IIIinois Chapter at Phi Beta Kappa on nominationat the University tor especial distinction in general scholarship in theUniversity:CLASS OF 1968Third YearAlan Brandon BondFourth YearDouglas Quentin AdamsRandall Richard BovbjergKenneth Lawrence BrownPatricia Elizabeth BuckleyPaul BursteinRichard A. CohnCharles D. ColbertCLASS OF 1969Third YearJessica M. deGraziaSharon Lee Fine Judith Lynn Sebesta Vera Madeleine SedlerJannon Lou FuchsDanny L. HawleySusie HoffmanJerol M. LindEdward M. MessingDinah Esral NemeroffLouis Michael Seidman Roberta Suzanne SchafferJames D. SteakleyJoan E. StolowichJoan Judith TapperRichard J. WrightJames M. UngerJudith Van Herik Gary YudkoffMembers elected to the Society at the Sigma Xi on nomination at the De­partments at Science tor evidence at ability in research work in Science:Ronald Henry ArendtAurea Raquel Cabre LopezGary Patrick CarlsonStephen Edward DerenzoLester Sylvan Gorelic Florence Keiko KinoshitaRobert Louis LoeschenKatharyn Louise MillerRichard James RadmerSusan Berry Spring Robert George TardiffAlvin TelserDinah Lai-Ying WuShu Shu YangKenneth Michael Blumenthal Kenneth Lee RobertsJonathan Leeds Costa Lalitha SanathananJagdish Chandra Gupta Roberta SchafferJames Landwehr Divakar SharmaRobert Bruce McKibben Robert Michael Silverstein Duane Harold SmithPatricia M. StarzykMiron Lowel StrafDonald Reid WilsonJohn J. WiorkowskiThird YearClara Derber BloomfieldMarshall Tad MorganAssociate members elected to the Society at the Sigma Xi on nomination atthe Departments at Science tor evidence at ability in research work inScience:Students in the School oi Medicine elected to Beta at Illinois Chapter at AlphaOmega Alpha tor excellence in the work at the School:CLASS OF 1968Donald Alan Rothbaum Arlene WeinshelbaumFourth YearMichael Neil Applebaum Larry Alan Larson Jack Corpenny Sipe IIJeffrey Wolfe Dubb Peter Harold B. McCreight Gordon Harold StoltznerBurr Simmons Eichelman, Jr. Stanley Fred SieferMembers elected to Gamma of Illinois Chapter, Beta Gamma Sigma, onnomination at the Graduate School oi Business tor scholarship andaccomplishment in studies in Business Administration:Chandresh BahadurJeffrey David BasheJoseph Lawson BaughmanThomas M. BellaireRobert Domenick CadieuxThomas Francis Conroy, Jr.Gilbert EngholmRichard Wathen FosterFrederick Charles FranclJohn Michael GaynorJohn Michael GriemPaul J. N. Halpern Edward Sprunt Hamilton, Jr. Theodore Allen RodgersDavid J. Handel Bernard Dennis RuppJohn Patrick Harding Francis Joseph RyanBruce Fleming Havell John Donald SorensenHoward Ellsworth Jessen Denis Eugene SpringerRalph Willard Johnson Alan Peabody SturgesKurt Kroeger Alfred Robert ThomanSteven Joseph Kunreuther Glenn Andrew WelschJudith Ann Miller William Warren WilkesRobert Thomas Price Richard Alan WilliamsonHarris Bernard PrinceRobert Hewson RenihanMembers of the Senior class of the Law School elected to the Order at theCoif for excellence in the work at the School:Martha Alsch ulerWilliam Elliott BarrowsDale Edward BeihofferJoseph Ivins BentleyDanny Julian Boggs Edward A. ChristensenJeffrey L. GrausamLouis Anthony HuskinsBarbara Weber MatherHarve H. Mossawir, Jr. James W. RankinMark SpiegelC. Nicholas VogelThe Academy of American Poets Prizes, to an undergraduate for the best poemor group of poems, are awarded toJean Malley, First POEMS: "A Bicycle Built for Two Odes";"Medusa, Who Do You Think YouAre, a Communion Wafer?"; "TheGramophone Winds Up"; "Ode";"The Quilt"; "Green"; "a stalepiece"; "BORN IN COCHABAMBASTIFLED IN SANG (TORTUREDAT THAT OTHER PLACE)DIED IN A PARENTHESIS THEYSAY"; "PSALMS AND PROVERBSARE TO NO AVAIL"; "Tribute"POEM: "The Cemetery"POEM: "Le Festin d'Esope"David Martin, Honorable MentionRobert Silver, Honorable MentionThe Florence James Adams Prizes, iot excellence in artistic reading, areawarded toMonica Emily Raymond, FirstNorman Joseph Brodsky, Second Richard M. Rubin, TbirdJohn W. Chamberlin, FourtbThe Roy D. Albert Prize, to' a student in the Department of Anthropology foroutstanding work in the field of Anthropology, is awarded toJulius L. Drummond PAPER: "The Dream and the Dance"The Anna M. and George N. Barnard Memorial Prize in American History,to the best Senior student majoring in the United States history, is awardedto'Patricia Ann ClineThe Baroque Studies Prize, to a student in the Department oi Art for an out­standing essay, is awarded toLarry A. Silver ESSAY: "Death and Bernini Tombs"The Joseph Henry Beale Prize, to a student in the Law SchoO'l whose workin the first-year tutorial program is most worthy, is awarded toGeorge A. HisertThe Millard P. Binyon Memorial Fund Prize, for distinction in humanisticpursuits in and oii: of the classroom, is awarded toBarry Joel SalinsThe William B. Bond Medal, to the varsity track athlete scoring the greatestnumber oi points during the season, is awarded toJohn M. BealThe Borden Undergraduate Research Award in Medicine, to the member ofthe graduating class in the School of Medicine whose research is judgedto be the most meritorious, is made toStephen Malcolm Scher Paper: "Increased Capillary Permeability andMicroangiopathy in the Alloxan-inducedRat"The Joseph A. Capps Award, to a Senior medical student for proficiencyin clinical medicine, is made toJohn Corpenny Sipe IIThe Paul R. Cohen Prize, to the graduating Senior who has achieved thehighest record in the field of Mathematics, is awarded toLouis CraneThe Ronald S. Crane Award, for distinction in scholarly writing on literaryquestions, is made toRichard Stolorow Essay: "Communication and the Rhetoric ofThe Rhetoric of Fiction"The Dean of Students honors ten students in their Senior year with the HowellMurray-Alumni Association Award for their contribution to' the extra­curriculum at the University at Chicago:Alan David Brown BloomPaul BursteinNina Beth CovenTheodore George Krontiris Kenneth C. LevinWilliam Walter PearsonDavid RosenbergRochelle Iris Waldman David A. SatterSteven SolomonThe Fairweather-Hardin Gallery Prize, tor excellence In print making, isawarded toMartha RayThe John BiIlings Fiske Poetry Prizes, for an original poem or cycle at poems,are awarded toRobert Salasin, FirstJames M. Weiss, Second POEM: "On Parallel Mirrors"POEM: "Meditations on Seven Great Anti-phons"POEM: "In the Museum"POEM: "Sonnet for a Rainy Day"POEM: "Beneath a Tragic Mask"POEM: "Old World"Monica Emily Raymond, ThirdJoshua Elkin Yeidel, Honorable MentionJohn Buckingham, Honorable MentionIven Ben Lourie, Honorable MentionThe Frances R. Friedman Prizes, tor exceIIence in the fine arts, are awarded toDoris E. Rudoff Philip G. ReichThe E. Gellhorn Prize in Neurophysiology, to a candidate for the M.D. orPh.D. degree in any department of the University, is awarded toPaul B. Brown, Department of PhysiologyThe Harry Ginsburg Memorial Prize, to a student in the Department ofPhysiology for his industry, sincerity, and ability, is awarded toDavid GroveThe Goethe Prizes, to College students for excellence in the study O'f GermanicLanguages and Literatures, are awarded toSarah Reeva Barr Susan Marie CachelThe Hamilton Watch Award, to the Senior candidate for the Bachelor ofScience degree who has most successfully combined proficiency in hismajor field of study with achievements in the Humanities or Social Sci­ences, is made toGary Francis BenensonThe Perry S. Herst Student Prize, to a Senior who has combined excellencein the pursuit of his studies with a profound sense of social responsibility,is awarded toEllen Tobey KlassThe Hinton Moot Court Competition Awards, to students who, after complet­ing their first year in the Law School, have advanced the art of brief writingand oral argument, are made toDanny Julian Boggs Louis Anthony HuskinsThe Robert H. Jackson Awards, to students in the Law Schoo! for the bestpapers submitted in ilie Seminar on Constitutional Law, are awarded toWantland L. Sandel, Jr. Martha AlschulerThe Karl Llewellyn Memorial Cup, for excellence in brief writing and oralargument in the second-year Hinton Moot Court Competition, isawarded toJohn Hill Howard ReadThe Edwin F. Mandel Award, to' the graduate who has contributed mostto the Legal Aid program during his Law School career, is made toJohn Norbert TierneyAntonio CondeGregory Dropkin Robert L. Griess, Jr.James L. Heitsch Claudio PedriniPaul C. RobertsThe Olga and Paul Menn Foundation Prizes, for original literary works, areawarded toFred Dean CrawfordDonald IsbellBarry Joel SalinsDavid Vigoda FICTION: Relics and BraidsFICTION: For Seagulls the Night Falls SoftlyMUSIC: Three Short Movements for PianoDRAMA: Home of the BraveThe Franz and Gertrude Meyer Prizes, for best performance on the Master'sexaminations in Mathematics, are awarded toThe David Blair McLaughlin Prizes, to coIIege students, for an essay showinga special skiII and sense of form in the writing of English prose, areawarded toLee I. Schlesinger, First ESSAY: "Two Renaissance Opinions of Philos­ophy-A Comparison from LorenzoValla's Dialogue on Free Will andPico delIa Mirandola's Oration on theDignity of Man"ESSAY: "Doing Justice to the Republic"ESSAY: "A Prosodic Analysis of Donne's 'HolySonnet No. 7' "Diane Eisenberg, SecondDouglas J. Kissel, ThirdThe Elizabeth R. Norton Prize, for exceIIence in research in Chemistry, isawarded toRuth DusenberryThe Howard Taylor Ricketts Award, in recognition of outstanding accom­plishments in the field oi Medical Science, is made toDr. Robert J. Huebner, Chief of the Laboratory of Infectious Diseases, National Institutesof HealthThe Susan Colver Rosenberger Prize, tor constructive study and original re­search in the Divinity School, is awarded toJay Wilcoxen PH.D. DISSERATION, June, 1967: "The Israel­ite Passover: Its Context and Function inthe Later Old Testament Period" .,The Mr. and Mrs. Joseph RandaII Shapiro Prizes, for exceIIence in the graphicarts, are awarded toJeanette C. Pasin Virginia Stettner RodiThe JO'hn Ragers Snowday Memorial Prize, far original wark in the field oiliterary criticism, is awarded to'Elizabeth Ermarth ESSAY: "The Trustworthy Illusion: A Studyof Daniel Deronda"The Amas Alonzo Stagg Medal, to' the Senior athlete with the best all-aroundrecord far athletics, schO'larship, and character, is awarded to'William Walter PearsonThe Richard West Temple Prizes, to' students in the Department of Psychol­agy, far autstanding research in the field oi Psychalagy, are awarded to'Leonard W. Hamilton ESSAY: "Behavioral Effects of CholinergicSeptal Blockade in the Cat"ESSAY: "Prediction of Placebo Reactions fromPersonality Variables"Michael NashThe Up;O'hn Award in Medicine, to' Senior medical students far outstandingachievement during faur years in medical schaal, is made toDavid Anthony Kindig Fitzhugh S. M. MullanThe U.S. Law Week Award, to' a graduate who has made the mast satisfactoryscbolsstic pragress in his final year in the Law Schaal, is made to'Robert Mitchell TurnerThe "Wall Street Jaurnal" Award, to a student in the Law Schaal iot excel­lence in wark in the field oi Corporation Law, is made toJohn R. LabovitzTHE CONFERRING OF ACADEMIC DEGREESCandidates far degrees will be presented in the following order:In the Division af the Biological Sciences by Dean Lean O. [acobsonIn the Division of the Humanities by Dean Robert E. StreeterIn the Division of the Social Sciences by Dean D. Gale J ohnsonIn the Graduate Schaal of Business by Dean Gearge P. ShultzIn the Divinity Schaal by Dean Jerald C. BrauerIn the Graduate Schaal af Education by Dean Roald S. CampbellIn the Graduate Library Schaal by Dean Dan R. SwansonIn the Schaal af Social Service Administration by Dean Alton A. LinfordCANDIDATES FOR THE MASTER'S DEGREEI. IN THE DIVISION OF THE BIOLOGICAL SCIENCESFor the Degree of Master of Science:PASQUAL V. PERRINO MARY WALLACE TREUHAFTA.B., Syracuse University, 1959 S.B., University 0/ Michigan, 1965M.D., State University 0/ New York, 1963 (Microbiology)(Mathematical Biology) DISSERTATION: Biosynthesis of Arginine in L CellsGORDON HAROLD STOL TZNER Infected with ChlamydiaeS.B., University 0/ Chicago, 1964(Pathology)DISSERTATION: Electron Microscopic Studies Con­cerning the Presence of Platelet Specific Anti­gen in AtheromasII. IN THE DIVISION OF THE HUMANITIESFor the Degree of Master of Arts:PHILIP HARDING ALLENA.B., Wesleyan University, 1965(History)DONALD L. ANDERSONA.B., University of Chicago, 1966(Philosophy)ANDREW ARATOA.B., Queens College, City University of New York,1966(History)CAROLYN ANNE ASPA.B., Duchesne College, 1966(English Language and Literature)MARK STUART AUBURNA.B., University 0/ Akron, 1967S.B., ibid., 1967(English Language and Literature)NANCY L. THOMAS BAKAITISA.B., Pennsylvania State University, 1963(English Language and Literature)JOHN BARRYA.B., St. Mary 0/ the Lake Seminary, Mundelein,Illinois, 1952(English Language and Literature)'�"'-' RICHARD CHARLES BECKA.B., University of Chicago, 1963(Linguistics)ROBERT IRA BINNICKA.B., Queens College, City University 0/ New York,1965(Linguistics)DARILYN WINFRED BOCKA.B., University 0/ Chicago, 1967(English Language and Literature)ERIK WALTER BORGA.B., Middlebury College, 1967(English Language and Literature) HANNELORE BORTHA.B., Carthage College, 1966(English Language and Literature)CHARLES LAWRENCE BROOKA.B., Wheaton College, Wheaton, Illinois, 1967(English Language and Literature)VIRGINIA B. BURDA.B., University of Michigan, 1963(Romance Languages and Literatures)BARBARA JILL BUROKERA.B., DePauw University, 1967(Philosophy)RUTH LOUISE CALDWELLA.B., University of Southern California, 1965(Romance Languages and Literatures)MARSHENKA THEADORA CAMPBELLA.B., College 0/ the City of New York, 1964(Romance Languages and Literatures)WINIFRED MORPHEW CHAMBERSA.M., University of Chicago, 1957(Philosophy)ANN COGANA.B., Lawrence University, 1966(Slavic Languages and Literatures)MARK J. CRAMERA.B., State University College of New York, NewPaltz, 1966(Romance Languages and Literatures)LAWRIE CENA DEANA.B., University of Kansas, 1966(Romance Languages and Literatures)MINERVA K. DE JESUSA.B., Maryknoll College, Quezon City, P.I., 1956(English Language and Literature)CHERYL REGISTER DE JONGA.B., University of Chicago, 1967(Germanic Languages and Literatures)GREGORY MICHAEL D'ELOIAA.B., St. Bonaventure University, 1961(English Language and Literature)BETSY RODMAN DUBBA.B., Swarthmore College, 1962(Slavic Languages and Literatures)WILLIAM ROBERT DUFFYA.B., St. Joseph's College, Philadelphia, Penn­sylvania, 1967(English Language and Literature)DAVID DUNLAPA.B., Hobart College, 1967(English Language and Literature)ROGER PAUL DVORAKA.B., Roosevelt University, 1967(Slavic Languages and Literatures)BYRON EDGAR FARWELL(English Language and Literature)MICHAEL HAROLD FINEGANA.B., University of Chicago, 1965(Far Eastern Languages and Civilizations)JOAN WALLACE GARTLANDA.B., Barnard College, 1963(Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations)DISSERTATION: The Concept of Isis during theEgyptian Old Kingdom Based upon the Pyra­mid TextsCAROLYN E. GRIMMA.B., Knox College, 1966(History)RICHARD LYNN HANDELSMANA.B., Princeton University, 1967(English Language and Literature)CONSTANCE D. HARRISA.B., Wellesley College, 1966(Slavic Languages and Literatures)ARTHUR LINCOLN HARSHMANA.B., Antioch College, 1964A.M., Michigan State University, 1964JEFFREY JONES HAWKINSA.B., Washington and Lee University, 1966(Art)RUTH C. HOFFMANNA.B., State University of New York, Albany, 1965(Romance Languages and Literatures)RICHARD CLYDE HOLBROOKA.B., Yale University, 1963A.M., University of Chicago, 1965(History)SYLVIA CHERYL JONESA.B., Antioch College, 1967(Romance Languages and Literatures)LOIS M. KARCHA.B., University of Michigan, 1966(Romance Languages and Literatures)JANET LOUISE KAUFFMANA.B., Juniata College, 1967(English Language and Literature) ELAINE EMILY KINGA.B., Western College for Women, 1967(English Language and Literature)JO ANN KISERA.B., College of the City of New York, 1967(English Language and Literature)DANTE JOSEPH LANZETTA, JR.A.B., Brown University, 1964(English Language and Literature)SUSAN JANE LARSONA.B., Kalamazoo College, 1963(English Language and Literature)LEWIS MAXWELL LAZARUSS.B., Illinois Institute of Technology, 1967(English Language and Literature)MERLE LURIEA.B., University of Michigan, 1966(Slavic Languages and Literatures)ELIZABETH ANNE LYNNA.B., Western Reserve University, 1967(English Language and Literature)LINDA ALMA MADALIS.B., University of the Philippines, Manila, P.l.,1956A.M., University of the Philippines, Quezon City,P.l., 1964(English Language and Literature)RUDOLPH VLADIMIR MAGYARA.B., Fordham University, 1966(Slavic Languages and Literatures)DAVID H. MAUPINA.B., Harvard University, 1967(English Language and Literature)MICHAEL I. MILLERA.B., Roosevelt University, 1967(English Language and Literature)ALLAN H. MONROEA.B., State University of New York, Albany, 1963(English Language and Literature)RICHARD CIRO MONTIA.B., Iona College, 1966(Classical Languages and Literatures)ANNE ELIZABETH MURRAYA.B., Wellesley College, 1967(English Language and Literature)JOHN CHARLES NELSONA.B., Dartmouth College, 1965(Philosophy)PAUL LATIMER O'BRIENA.B., Dartmouth College, 1966(Slavic Languages and Literatures)PATRICIA O'LEARYA.B., St. Mary's College, Notre Dame, Indiana,1964(English Language and Literature)KAREN YELENA OLSENA.B., Stanford University, 1967(English Language and Literature)SUSAN CATHERINE OVERATHA.B., Catholic University of America, 1966(English Language and Literature)LINDA A. D. PANGBURNA.B., Hope College, 1966(English Language and Literature)ANNE TAGGARD FEW PASSELLA.B., Swarthmore College, 1965(Classical Languages and Literatures)JOAN PETERSA.B., University of Chicago, 1967(English Language and Literature)JACQUELINE H. REDDYA.B., University of Santa Clara, 1966(English Language and Literature)JOAN WASSON ROBERTSA.B., University of Oregon, 1964(Music)GEORGE SHERMAN SESSIONSA.B., Fresno State College, 1960(Philosophy)RONALD SINGERA.B., Union College, Schenectady, New York,1962(English Language and Literature)ROBERT WARREN SLEDD(English Language and Literature) CALVIN RAY STAPERTA.B., Calvin College, 1964(Music)LISA WOODSIDE TIDEMAN(Classical Languages and Literatures)MICHAEL ALAN ULLMANA.B., Harvard University, 1967(English Language and Literature)JUDY COHEN ULLMANNA.B., University of Chicago, 1966(Slavic Languages and Literatures)JERRY S. WASSERMANA.B., Adelphi University, 1967(English Language and Literature)WILLARD EARL WHITEA.B., Denison University, 1967(English Language and Literature)CAROLYN L. WHITTLEA.B., Northwestern University, 1967(English Language and Literature)EVELYN M. WILLERTA.B., City University of New York, 1966(Germanic Languages and Literatures)VLADIMIRA WILLIAMS(Slavic Languages and Literatures)HERBERT L. ZAROVA.B., Columbia University, 1967(English Language and Literature)ELSTON ELSTON For the Degree of Master at Fine Arts:KAREN JOHNSON SWEENEYA.B., St. Xavier College, Chicago, Illinois, 1964B.F.A., Yale University, 1947JOHNNY SHEKB.F.A., School of the Art Institute of Chicago,1966III. IN THE DIVISION OF THE SOCIAL SCIENCESFor the Degree of Master of Arts:DAVID BENJAMIN JACOB ADAMSA.B., College of William and Mary, 1963(Political Science)DISSERTATION: Imposed and Self-imposed Limitson American Foreign Policy: With Special Ref­erence to South Viet-Nam, South Korea, andNationalist ChinaRICHARD PAUL ALBARESA.B., University of California, Berkeley, 1965(Sociology)JOHN MORGAN ALLMANA.B., University of Virginia, 1965(A nthropology)RAMON RAMOS ALVARADOA.B., University of Puerto Rico, 1964(Divisional Master's) STEPHEN FRANK BARSKYA.B., Temple University, 1964(Sociology)MICHAEL STEVEN BASSISA.B., Brown University, 1967(Education)ROBERT RICHARD BIANCHIA.B., University of Chicago, 1966(Political Science)THOMAS BLAUA.B., New York University, 1965(Political Science)DISSERTATION: Community Action Politics in NewYorkCAROLYN REBECCA BLOCKA.B., Ohio State University, 1965(Sociology)NORMAN LEONARD BONNEYSc.B., University 0/ London, England, 1965(Sociology)NORMAN THERON BROKAWA.B., Cornell University, 1965(Political Science)MURRAY GEORGE BROWNA.B., University 0/ Western Ontario, London, On­tario, Canada, 1961A.M., Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario, Can­ada,1962(Economics)JEREMY BYMANA.B., Carleton College, 1965(Political Science)ALFONSO CARBAJOLie. (Law), University 0/ Madrid, Spain, 1961Lie. (Econ.), ibid., 1964(Economics)JACK LESLIE CARRB.Com., University 0/ Toronto, Ontario, Canada,1965(Economics)CHAU-NAN CHENA.B., National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan,China, 1959A.M., ibid., 1963(Economics)NICHOLAS H. CLULEEA.B., Hobart College, 1966(History)JULIO CORDOBAIng. Civ., Universidad de Chile, Santiago, Chile,1966(Economics)JOANNA DALTONA.B., University 0/ Melbourne, Australia, 1963(Anthropology)JUNE BEVERLY TATE DAVISS.B., Loyola University, Chicago, Illinois, 1954(Education)LILLIAN M. DAWSONS.B., Pennsylvania State University, 1963(Education)RANDOLPH STEPHEN DELEHANTYA.B., Georgetown University, 1966(History)DISSERTATION: Marc Bloch and Scientific HistoryPAUL LEONARD DE VOREA.B., Harvard University, 1963(Anthropology)JULIUS L. DRUMMONDA.B., Reed College, 1966(Anthropology)BARBARA SUZANNE HUGHESEICHELMANA.B., University 0/ Chicago, 1964(Education) LARRIE LANCE ELAHIA.B., Mills College, 1964(History)DISSERTATION: A History 0/ Boley, Oklahoma, to1915HENRY G. ELKINS, JR.A.B., Yale University, 1959B.D., Southeast Baptist Theological Seminary,Wake Forest, N.C., 1962(Sociology)JOHN SEELIG ELSONA.B., Harvard University, 1964J.D., University 0/ Chicago, 1967(Education)MORTON BARRY FAYEA.B., Temple University, 1964(Political Science)ROBERT FISHMANS.B., Northeastern University, 1959(Committee on International Relations)DISSERTATION: Comintern and KPD: 1918-1933JOHN M. FRITZA.B., University 0/ Chicago, 1962(Anthropology)JOHN EDWARD GALTA.B., Dartmouth College, 1966(Geography)DISSERTATION: The Residential Distribution of theEmployees of Argonne National Laboratory:Patterns and ImplicationsJULIO ALFREDO GENELIng. Agr., National School of Agriculture, Cha­pingo, Mexico, 1964(Economics)ROBERT GOLDBERGA.B., Gettysburg College, 1966(History)JAY STEW AR T GOLDENA.B., University 0/ Illinois, Urbana, 1962(Geography)DISSERTATION: Land Values in Chicago: Beforeand after Expressway ConstructionWILLIAM LAWRENCE GOLDENS.B., United States Military Academy, 1957(S ociolo gy )JOEL HARRIS GOLDSTEINA.B., Brooklyn College, 1966(Political Science)ROLAND JAMES GREENA.B., Oberlin College, 1966(Political Science)MANUEL GUITIANLic., University of Santiago, Spain, 1961A.M., Indiana University, 1963Lic., University 0/ Madrid, Spain, 1966(Economics)SUSAN GINSBURG HADDENA.B., Radcliffe College, 1966(Political Science)DONALD L. HAFNERA.B., Kalamazoo College, 1966(Political Science)BRUCE ROGERS HARKERA.B., Oberlin College, 1966(Education)MILES KEEDY HOFFMANA.B., Dartmouth College, 1966(Political Science)JOSEPH WAVERLY HOPKINS IIIA.B., University of Pennsylvania, 1965(A nthropology)MICHAEL WILLIAM KIBBYS.B., Wayne State University, 1965(Education)SHEILA ROSSA KLATZKYA.B., Reed College, 1967(Sociology)JO MILLER KNIGHTA.B., University of Wichita, 1947A.M., New York University, 1962(Sociology)NANCY ANNE KORNBLITHA.B., Wellesley College, 1965(Political Science)JONATHAN R. LAINGA.B., Yale University, 1963(History)EDWARD SHANNON LA MONTEA.B., Harvard University, 1965(Political Science)VIRGINIA JOYCE LANAHANA.B., Carleton College, 1964(History)DISSERTATION: The Public Education of Negroesin Louisiana, 1862-1877JAMES DOUGLAS LANED.v.M., Iowa State University, 1943(Education)MARSHALL ALLEN LANGBERGA.B., Claremont Men's College, 1966(Political Science)PHILIP M. LANKFORDA.B., University of Chicago, 1967(Geography)DISSERTATION: Regionalization : Theory and Alter­native AlgorithmsWALTER MARTIN LICHTA.B., Harvard University, 1967(Education)NANCY PEARMAN LIGHTHALLA.B., Roosevelt University, 1962(Education)DISSERTATION: Martin Buber on EducationPATSY MARIE LITTLES.B., Indiana State Teachers College, 1957(Education)KUBET E. LUCHTERHANDA.B., Northwestern University, 1966(Anthropology) THOMAS POELLER MANDELA.B., University of Chicago, 1964(Committee on Social Thought)JOHN T. MAYHALLA.B., DePauw University, 1959D.D.S., Indiana University, 1963(Anthropology)JESSE ORVILLE MOOREB.E., Chicago Teachers College, 1958(Education)MAURICE JOSEPH MOORELitt.B., Xavier University, Cincinnati, Ohio, 1955A.M., Loyola University, Chicago, Illinois, 1959(Sociology)W. HUBERT MORKENA.B., Wheaton College, Wheaton, Illinois, 1965(History)DISSERTATION: The Annexation of Morgan Park toChicago: One Village's Response to Urban GrowthFREDERICK KIFT NELSONA.B., Yale University, 1966(Education)DORIS T. NESBITTS.B., Illinois Institute of Technology, 1940(Education)WINNIE D. NGCOBOA.B., University of South Africa, Pretoria, SouthAfrica, 1963A.B. (Hons.), ibid., 1965(Committee on Human Development)WILLIAM WALSH O'GRADY, JR.A.B., University of Notre Dame, 1966(Political Science)PATRICIA PEERYA.B., University of Minnesota, 1954(Divisional Master's)HAROLD ROBERT PHIPPS, JR.A.B., University of California, Berkeley, 1963(Economics)FREDERICK W. POSPESCHILS.B., Wisconsin State University, Whitewater, 1963(Economics)BARRY J. RIORDANB.M.E., Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, 1962M.B.A., University of Pennsylvania, 1964(Economics)DIANE KOSH ROGELLA.B., Radcliffe College, 1966(Education)LIAM S. ROONEYA.B., University of Chicago, 1960(E ducation)HOWARD J. ROTBLATS.B., Illinois Institute of Technology, 1965(Sociology)JANET AHNER RUBINOFFA.B., Ohio Wesleyan University, 1964(Committee on International Relations)DISSERTATION: Nasser's Policy of Positive NeutralityROBERT SCHUETTINGERA.B., Queens College, Flushing, New York, 1959(Committee on Social Thought)SUSAN BYE SECORA.B., Pennsylvania State University, 1963(Political Science)DISSERTATION; Winston Churchill's Conception ofDiplomatic NegotiationJOEL DAVID SEIGLEA.B., Rutgers University, 1966(History)BERTRAND F. SERREA.B., University of Laval, Quebec, Canada, 1957(Education)JOEL A. SHUFROA.B., University of Chicago, 1964M.A.T., ibid., 1967(History)DISSERTATION; The Impressment of Seamen, andthe Economic Decline of Boston 1740 to 1760ELLIOT MARK SIMONS.B., City College of New York, 1962(Committee on Human Development)EDWARD J. SLAWSKI, JR.A.B., Loyola College, Baltimore, Maryland, 1963(Political Science)WOODRUFF DONALD SMITHA.B., Harvard University, 1967(History)JOSE B. SOKOLLie., University of Panama, Panama City, 1964(Economics)MELVIN ARTHUR SPRINGMANA.B., University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba,Canada,1966(Political Science)DISSERTATION; Relations during the Cultural Revo­lutionRITA P. SUSSMANA.B., Cornell University, 1963(Education)WILLIAM BURTON SWEETLAND, JR.A.B., University of Oregon, 1966(History) RAYMOND TATALOVICHA.B., Ohio University, 1965(Political Science)DISSERTATION; Professional Unity and PoliticalPower: A Case Study of the American MedicalAssociationJOHN ANTHONY TATOMA.B., University of Dallas, 1967(Economics)ISABEL HENDEL THOMPSONA.B., University of Illinois, Urbana, 1948(History)DISSERTATION; John Morley and IrelandPETER KIMBALL THORPA.B., Lehigh University, 1965(C ommittee on I ntemational Relations)DISSERTATION; A Neo-Maoist Theory of Transition-al Development: Moscow and the National Bour­geoisie of Newly Independent UnderdevelopedCountriesEDWARD PATRICK WARDA.B., University of Notre Dame, 1964(Political Science)DISSERTATION; Authority and Democracy: An Essayon the Political Thought of Yves R. SimonJUDITH ANN WEBBA.B., Stanford University, 1965A.M., ibid., 1966(Political Science)BERDINE ELLIS WEHRWEINA.B., College of Idaho, 1944(Education)JOHN C. WEIDMAN IIA.B., Princeton University, 1967(Education)KAREN WERTYMERS.B., University of Wisconsin, 1965(Education)GARETH WYN WILLIAMSB.A., Oxford University, England, 1966M.Sc., University of London, England, 1967(History)JAMES L. WUNSCHA.B., Columbia University, 1966(History)JAMES ALLEN ZABELA.B., Grinnell College, 1967(History)IV. IN THE DIVINITY SCHOOLFor the Degree of Master at Arts:WILLIAM CLYDE BROWNA.B., Stanford University, 1961D.B., University of Chicago, 1965 WALLACE BRUCE CLIFTA.B., University of Texas, 1949LL.B., Harvard University, 1952D.B., Church Divinity School of the Pacific, 1960JAY P. DOLANA.B., St. John's Seminary, Brighton, Massachusetts,1958S.T.L., Pontifical Gregorian University, Rome,Italy, 1962WAYNE ELZEYA.B., Western Michigan University, 1964BARTLETT WRIGHT GAGEA.B., Yale University, 1957D.B., ibid., 1961RITA M. GROSSA.B., University of Wisconsin, 1965JOHN BUNN HOUCKS.B., Mississippi State University, 1958D.B., Seabury-Western Theological Seminary, 1964FREDERICK DOUGLAS JEFFERSON, JR.S.B., Wilberforce University, 1950D.B., Yale University, 1956Th.M., Harvard University, 1958WALTER KAELBERA.B., Bucknell University, 1965PARK McGINTYA.B., University of North Carolina, 1965 THOMAS L. MIKELSONA.B., Cornell College, Mt. Vernon, Iowa, 1958D.B., University of Chicago (in co-operation withChicago Theological Seminary), 1963ROBERT GAIL MILLERB.S.C.E., Ohio Northern University, 1957D.B., Methodist Theological School of Ohio, 1965ERNEST MAYNARD MOORE III,A.B., Randolph-Macon College, 1959D.B., Southern Methodist University, 1962S.T.M., ibid., 1964FRANK A. SCAFELLA, JR.A.B., West Virginia University, 1964TALBERT OSCALL SHAWA.B., Andrews University, 1961A.M., ibid., 1961D.B., ibid., 1963WILLIAM A. SIMPSONA.B., St. Olaf College, 1960D.B., University of Chicago, 1964GENE PAUL STRAYERA.B., American University, 1964V. IN THE GRADUATE LIBRARY SCHOOLFor the Degree of Master of Arts:PHYLLIS NADINE HUNT BATESA.B., Western Kentucky State College, 1962DISSERTATION: Subject Catalog Use Studies, 1953-1966SIDNEY FOSDICKA.B., University of British Columbia, Vancouver,British Columbia, Canada, 1963B.L.S., ibid., 1964DISSERTATION: Chinese Book Publishing duringthe Sun Dynasty (A.D. 960-1279): A PartialTranslation of Istoriia Kitaiskoii Pechatnoii KnigiSunskoii Epokhi by Kotistantin KonstantinovichFlug with Added Notes and an IntroductionMICHAEL EDWARD DAVISONKOENIGA.B., Yale University, 1963DISSERTATION: Theodore Low De Vinne: His Con­tributions to the Art of PrintingJOHN WILLIAM LOCKES.B., Illinois Wesleyan University, 1960DISSERTATION: Science Book Collections in Second­ary School Libraries: A Survey of Science Col­lections and Interdepartmental Relationships inRepresentative Illinois Schools HENRY IRVING SAXES.B., West Texas State University, 1960DISSERTATION: The Development of the LibrarySystem in Prerevolutionary RussiaSHMUEL SEVERA.B., Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel, 1956Dipl., ibid., 1958DISSERTATION: Some Social Aspects of Public Li­brary Development in IsraelLINDA FEIST WALLACEA.B., University of Chicago, 1961DISSERTATION: Neighborhood Income and the Pro­vision of Library Service in Los Angeles, 1960MARY GAE WYL YA.B., Grinnell College, 1962A.M., University of Chicago, 1964DISSERTATION: A Study of Budget Labels in Classi­cal Music RecordingsVI. IN THE SCHOOL OF SOCIAL SERVICE ADMINISTRATIONFor the Degree of Master of Arts:JUDITH MARY ALBRECHTA.B., Barat College of the Sacred Heart, 1962 CHARLENE KAY ANDERSENA.B., Augustana College, Sioux Falls, South Da­kota, 1966FAITH ALEXANDRA ANDERSONA.B., University 0/ Chicago, 1964LOUINE CAROL ANDERSONA.B., Alaska Methodist University, 1964HAZEL MARIE ANDREWA.B., Drake University, 1961MARYETTA KATHLEEN ANDREWSA.B., Albion College, 1966MICHAEL ARMISTEADA.B., Millikin University, 1965MARTHA A. BAECHLEA.B., University 0/ Chicago, 1966JEANNE ELLEN BAR�EL�A.B., Pennsylvania State Unioersity, 1966ROBERTA BARNES..S.B., Xavier University, New Orleans, Louisiana,1961RICHARD BARONA.B., University 0/ Toledo, 1964MARGARET BARTELSA.B., University 0/ Iowa, 1964SUSAN LYNN BASLERS.B., University 0/ Wisconsin, 1964KATHLEEN LYONS BASSISA.B., Pembroke College 0/ Brown University, 1966ALICE MARIE BECKS.B., Manchester College, 1964ROBERT LEWIS BECKA.B., University 0/ Houston, 1966GREGORY M. BELLOWA.B., University 0/ Chicago, 1966PHYLLIS BERENA.B., University 0/ Illinois, 1966SUZANNE BERGERS.B., Northwestern University, 1952CONST ANDINO BIRISA.B., Hiram College, 1961D.B., University 0/ Chicago, 1965RAY ALLAN ElSCOS.B., George Williams College, 1959ALAN EUGENE BLOMGRENA.B., University 0/ Minnesota, 1964DIANE S. BLOOMA.B., City College 0/ the City University 0/ NewYork,1965VICTORIA JOAN BOIESA.B., Pembroke College, 1965• WITH HONORSJOHN S. BORDSENA.B., Carroll College, 1963LOIS BRONSONA.B., Rutgers University, 1963SANDRA RUTH BROWNA.B., Northwestern University, 1965 CAROL MARIE BUTLERA.B., Fisk University, 1966LYNNE ANNE CHESNEYA.B., College 0/ Wooster, 1966KAREN LOUISE CLIFFEA.B., University 0/ British Columbia, Vancouver,B.C., Canada, 1964EARL HOBART CONE IIIA.B., University 0/ Delaware, 1963Ed.M., Boston University, 1965GERALDINE COOPERA.B., Queens College 0/ the City University 0/ NewYork,1962JOSEPH J. CULBERGA.B., Roosevelt University, 1965KAREN W. CULBERGA.B., Roosevelt University, 1963LOIS CHRISTINE DANIELSONA.B., Bethany College, Lindsborg, Kansas, 1961JEANETTE G. D'ARCYMus.B., American Conservatory 0/ Music, 1965MARIAN D'ARCYA.B., Wells College, 1966MARGARET ANNE DAVISA.B., Agnes Scott College, 1966DENNIS ALAN DETLEFS.B., Mount Union College, 1964JOHN H. DOLLA.B., Calvin College, 1966• WITH HONORSDAWN E. DRIDANA.M., University 0/ Chicago, 1966RONA FRANCES ECHTA.B., University 0/ Michigan, 1966NANCY CAROLYN ENGELA.B., St. Xavier College, Chicago, Illinois, 1966JOHN FISHER EVANSA.B., St. fohn's University, Collegeville, Minnesota,1966FLORENCE N. FIELDS.B., Heidelberg College, 1946STEPHEN DAVID FINSTEINA.B., State University 0/ New York, Buffalo, 1966MARIETTA JEANNE FOSSA.B., St. Olaf College, 1966KATHLEEN FRANKEA.B., Beloit College, 1965KATHERINE ANNE FRITZA.B., Boston University, 1966ABBY MARIE FUCHS -A.B., City College 0/ the City University 0/ NewYork,1966LUKE JOSEPH FUSCOA.B., Hojstra University, 1961LAURA ANN GADEA.B., Wartburg College, 1966• WITH HONORS SUSAN KENNEDYA.B., Manhattanville College of the Sacred Heart,1965LINDA SARASOHN KINGDONA.B., Oberlin College, 1966NATALIE KLEINA.B., University of Wisconsin, 1965KATHRYN BALL GAUBATZA.B., Wellesley College, 1963THOMAS ARTHUR GILLA.B., Whitman College, 1966JOHN PARKER GIVENA.B., Taylor University, 1965LAWRENCE PHILIP GLICKMANA.B., Washington University, 1966 IRIS KODISHA.B., American University, 1964MARY E. LALLYS.B., Loyola University, Chicago, Illinois, 1965CAROLF.GOLDBERGERA.B., University of Illinois, 1965 JOSEF A A. LANEA.B., Union College, Barbourville, Kentucky, 1950SANDRA LEIBSONA.B., Washington University, 1966BETTY JOAN GOODELLA.B., Pennsylvania State University, 1965LINDA LEONGA.B., University of California, Berkeley, 1965BARBARA LEOPOLDA.B., Miami University, 1966PAULA GORNEYA.B., Syracuse University, 1965FRANCINE J. GREENA.B., University of Florida, 1963STANLEY ALVIN LEVIA.B., University of Illinois, 1964• WITH HONORSJUDITH GREENA.B., College of Wooster, 1963• WITH HONORSCHERYL SUE GREENSTONA.B., Kent State University, 1966 CAROLE ANN LEWISA.B., University of Denver, 1964PATRICIA A. LEWISA.B., Antioch College, 1961LARRY HAGENA.B., Holy Cross Seminary, 1962DEBORAH LAVINIA LINDSAYA.B., Johnson C. Smith University, 1966KENNETH CORDELL HALLUMA.B., Drake University, 1966JOSEPH P. LISIECKI, JR.A.B., Virginia Military Institute, 1961RICHARD GEORGE HAMMESS.B., University of Wisconsin, 1965REBECCA SUE LYTTLES.B., Arkansas State College, 1966RICHARD JAY HANELINA.B., Bard College, 1966PHYLLIS ANN MAACKA.B., Elmhurst College, 1966JANET NOREEN MAcNUL TYA.B., Merrimack College, 1964LINDA MARIE MAHEUA.B., College of New Rochelle, 1966• WITH HONORSSAUL SAMUEL HARRISA.B., Clark University, 1965THEODORE A. HARTSOUGHA.B., Goshen College, 1956LARRY H. HIGAA.B., San Francisco State College, 1966ILSE JEAN HOFFMANS.B., Carroll College, 1965 ELIZABETH BLINKOFF MANDELS.B., Ohio State University, 1966SUSAN FRY HOLDERNESSA.B., University of Michigan, 1965 ALMARIE MASOUDA.B., Wheaton College, Wheaton, Illinois, 1966PAULA SAMER MASRIBONNIE JEAN MASTINA.B., Lawrence University, 1965SUSAN M. HOYERA.B., Roosevelt University, 1966RONALD L. JENNINGSA.B., Marquette University, 1962 ELIZABETH A. McCARTHYA.B., Ohio State University, 1963LOIS V. JOHNSONA.B., Augustana College, Rock Island, Illinois,1966DONNA KAY JOHNSTONS.B., University of Missouri, 1966 PAMELA SYLVIA McCRORYA.B., Antioch College, 1967PATRICIA M. McGILLA.B., University of Arizona, 1956ALICE MAY MEARAB.S.Ed., University of Nebraska, 1964NANCY KELLERA.B., Indiana University, 1963JANE FRANCIS ME HARRYA.B., DePauw University, 1966GERALD HENRY MEYERA.B., College of Wooster, 1966KATHLEEN PATRICIA MOOREA.B., Elmhurst College, 1966SUE CARROLL MOOREA.B., Northwestern University, 1963RUTH ALICE MORGAN-JONESA.B., Pennsylvania State University, 1965DENNIS O'BRIENA.B., College of William and Mary, 1963SHELDON PARKERA.B., University of Illinois, 1964HELEN JUDITH PICKA.B., Skidmore College, 1964THOMAS MICHAEL QUIGGINA.B., University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba,Canada, 1961ANN MARGARET RAPPAPORTA.B., Keuka College, 1966BEVERLY A. REIFMANA.B., University of Pittsburgh, 1966BARBARA ROEMKEA.B., Valparaiso University, 1965• WITH HONORSMADELON LOIS ROSEA.B., Chatham College, 1966MARY LYNN ROSENDAHLA.B., Brown University, 1966THOMAS D. ROSENWEINA.B., University of Chicago, 1965MARSHALL D. ROSMANS.B., University of Illinois, 1963DANIEL M. ROUNSAVELLA.B., Idaho State University, 1964GLORIA H. RUSSELLPh.B., University of Chicago, 1947ROGER KENT RUTLEDGEA.B., University of South Carolina, 1966SUSAN ANN SALZENSTEINA.B., University of California, Berkeley, 1966JENNIFER HOSKINS SAMAHAA.B., Pomona College, 1966CLARE B. SAMPLEYS.B., University of Wisconsin, 1963BARBARA SANDLERA.B., Washington University, 1965IRMENGARD E. SCHOENHUBERA.B., Eastern Michigan University, 1951NAOMI SEKELYA.B., Roosevelt University, 1961JUDY SHAPIROA.B., University of Michigan, 1966 REEVA SHULR UFFA.B., Indiana University, 1964GLENN HARRIS SHURA.B., Roosevelt University, 1966JOYCE ABEL SILVERSTEINA.B., State University of New York, Buffalo, 1964BARBARA A. JOHNSON SMITHA.B., Indiana University, 1964SARAH LUDLOW OGDEN SMITHA.B., Smith College, 1964OTHA SPENCERA.B., Colorado State College, 1961ELZELIEN STANTONA.B., Knox College, 1966FREDRIC WALTER STEFFENA.B., Northwestern University, 1964JUDITH BARBARA STEINA.B., Brown University, 1966• WITH HONORSSANDRA S. STUMMEA.B., State University of Iowa, 1965ROGER BRIAN SZUCHA.B., St. Olaf College, 1966BONNIE CLAIRE TAFFA.B., University of Michigan, 1966RUTH F. TAMAROFFS.B., Simmons College, 1964JAMES T. TANABEA.B., University of Hawaii, 1958M.Rel.Ed., Fuller Theological Seminary, 1961ANNE ELISE THALA.B., University of Chicago, 1966CHARLES FRACKER THAYERA.B., College of Wooster, 1966TERIL YN LOUISE THIESA.B., Occidental College, 1966SUSAN L. TOBIASA.B., Oberlin College, 1965• WITH HONORSELEANOR REARDON TOLSONS.B., Illinois Institute of Technology, 1964NANCY ELLEN TUCKERA.B., Mount Holyoke College, 1964LYNN URWITZA.B., Miami University, 1963JAMES W. WAGNERA.B., Northwestern University, 1960LOWELL EDWARD WAGNERA.B., Manchester College, 1963JUDITH WALDMANA.B., Goucher College, 1966MARQUIS EARL WALLACEA.B., University of Chicago, 1965SUSAN FRANCES WALSHS.B., Indiana University, 1965KATHRYN BROWN WEBERA.B., Ohio University, 1966LOIS EIDINOFF WEINSTEINA.B., Pennsylvania State University, 1962JON N. WILLA.B., Parsons College, 1963CANDIDATES FOR EUGENE F. WUEST, JR.A.B., St. Joseph's College, Collegeville, Indiana,1957S.B., Purdue University, 1958LAWRENCE JAY YOUNGA.B., Northwestern University, 1966WILLIAM THOMAS ZALESKIS.B., Loyola University, Chicago, Illinois, 1962LINDA JOY ZLATINA.B., Brandeis University, 1966A PROFESSIONAL DEGREEI. IN THE GRADUATE SCHOOL OF EDUCATIONF or the Degree of Master of Arts in Teaching:MICHl ISHIDA BERGA.B., University of Chicago, 1966(Biology)WAYNE SCOTT BROWNA.B., University of Delaware, 1963(French)SUSANNA MATHILDE EHRMANNCLARKA.B., Antioch College, 1966(French)JAMES H. HEARD, JR.S.B., State College at Boston, 1963(History)JAY JULES KAPLANS.B., Columbia University, 1966(Biology)GEORGE DAVID KAPPUSB.B.A., University of Notre Dame, 1960( Mathematics)JAN PAT LARSONA.B., Northwestern University, 1966(English)SUSAN BROMBERG LITTLEA.B., University of Chicago, 1965(History)MARGARET BERMAN LURIEA.B., University of Michigan, 1966(History)JOHN GREGORY MOONEYA.B., Holy Cross College, 1966(History) DORA C. PARISA.B., University of Chicago, 1966(History)LUCILLE JOAN PARKINSONA.B., Stanford University, 1966(English)ELAINE S. POTOKERA.B., State University of New York at Potsdam, 1965(Spanish)CYNTHIA MONROE RANDALLA.B., Radcliffe College, 1966(Social Sciences)BARBARA JANET ROSENSTEINA.B., Brooklyn College, 1966(French)ANDREW E. SLEDDA.B., University of Chicago, 1964(English)BETTY JO TAFFEA.B., Juniata College, 1964(German)SANDRA LEE WHALES.B., University of Chicago, 1966(Biology)MARGERY JOAN ZELLERA.B., Kalamazoo College, 1965(Mathematics)For the Degree of Master of Science in Teaching:EVELYN ABIGAIL BROWN SUSAN CAROL CARTERB.Ed., Chicago Teachers College, 1960(Urban Elementary Education) S.B., Illinois State University, 1961(Reading)THERESE MARIE HEIMANNS.B., University of Wisconsin, 1960(Reading)AUDREY J. MARCHBANKSB.Ed., Chicago Teachers College, 1958(Urban Elementary Education)DORIS ANNE NIELSENB.Ed., Chicago Teachers College, 1962( Urban Elementary Education) LULA LEONIA RUCKERA.B., University of Chicago, 1960(U rban Elementary Education)KATHLEEN A. STUMPFA.B., Augustana College, Rock Island, Illinois, 1964(Reading)WILLIE BRYSON WHITEB.Ed., Chicago Teachers College, 1961(U rban Elementary Education)II. IN THE GRADUATE SCHOOL OF BUSINESSFor the Degree of Master of Business Administration:ARMOND L. ALSTAD JAMES THOMAS BOOSALESS.B., North Dakota State University, 1961 A.B., Columbia University, 1966FRANZ RICHARD AL TPETERS.B., University of Wisconsin, 1965CHARLES R. AMOSA.B., Washington and Jefferson College, 1966JAMES R. ANDERSONS.B., Stanford University, 1966PAUL KENNETH ANDERSONS.B., Cornell University, 1966PHILIP REINHOLD ANDERSONMet.E., Colorado School of Mines, 1962EDGAR KISER ANSPACHA.B., Amherst College, 1957LAWRENCE D. ATLASA.B., City College of New York, 1966NOEL ANTHONY BAKERA.B., University of York, England, 1966M.Sc., University of London, England, 1967ROBERT JOHN BAKERA.B., Kalamazoo College, 1966EDWARD DELANO BALESA.B., Dartmouth College, 1963JEFFREY DAVID BASHEA.B., Cornell University, 1966ROBERT MERION BAUGHMAN IIIA.B., Colgate University, 1965THOMAS M. BELLAIREB.B.A., University of Notre Dame, 1966MARCEL ERNEST BELLENCand., Catholic University of Louvain, Belgium, 1965GEOFFREY WILLIAM BENESS.B., University of Western Michigan, 1964HARRY BIERMAB.B.A., Lake Forest College, 1964JAMES B. BIRMINGHAMA.B., University of Notre Dame, 1964JOHN ELLIS BLAIRS.B., University of Illinois, 1966JOHN MARTIN BOOPA.B., Duke University, 1966 STEPHEN JOSEPH BRECKLEYA.B., Lehigh University, 1963S.B., ibid., 1964DOUGLAS ARLINGTON BROWNA.B., University of Virginia, 1962KENNETH D. BROWNS.B., University of Chicago, 1965S.M., ibid., 1968JAMES WILLIAM BRYANS.B., Carnegie Institute of Technology, 1964RODERICK T. CAMPS.B., Lynchburg College, 1951M.G.T., Illinois Institute of Technology, 1954EDWARD F. CARTER, JR.S.B., Villanova University, 1966GERALD EVERETT CASEA.B., Oberlin College, 1966JOHN EDWIN COLLINSA.B., Florida Agriculture and Mining University,1966JOSEPH P. CONROYA.B., Cornell University, 1959WILLIAM COOKS.B.E.E., Howard University, 1966WILLIAM DAVID COOKB.E., Yale University, 1962LAURENCE COOKLINB.Sc., University of London, England, 1966M.Sc., ibid., 1967WILLIE D. DAVISS.B., Grambling College, 1956EDWARD JOSEPH DAWSONS.B., Carnegie Institute of Technology, 1966JAMES E. DEVEROA.B., University of Illinois, 1957PHILIPPE DOUAYDipl., Ecole Superieure des Sciences Economiqueset Commerciales, Paris, France, 1966PEDRO DUENASLic., Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogota,Colombia, 1961STANLEY FORBES DUNCANA.B., Lake Forest College, 1966KATHERINE MARY DUSAKA.B., University of Chicago, 1965J. ARMANDO EDUQUEA.B., University of San Francisco, 1965TIMM J. ELLERBROCKS.B., Indiana University, 1966JOHN PAUL ENGLISH IIA.B., Lawrence University, 1965DAVID L. FEYA.B., Harvard University, 1966JONATHAN EDWARD FOXA.B., City College of New York, 1966JEROME E. FRANCKOWIAKS.B.E.E., Illinois Institute of Technology, 1962JOHN JOSEPH FRAWLEYS.B.M.E., Illinois Institute of Technology, 1962HOWARD FURERS.B., University of Illinois, 1961JAMES R. GAEBES.B., University of Illinois, 1959NEIL A. GENSHAFTA.B., University of Pennsylvania, 1966JOHN L. GEROUXB.M.E., Marquette University, 1961GERALD GERSOVITZB.Sc., McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Cana­da, 1963HUGH HANLON GIBBONSA.B., Northwestern University, 1961J.D., ibid., 1964FRANK HADLEY GINNA.B., Dartmouth College, 1961ROLAND GLEISNERA.B., Portland State College, 1966JOHN MICHAEL GRIEMS.B., Brown University, 1965S.M., ibid., 1966LONIE W. HAMILTON, JR.B.E., Vanderbilt University, 1951JOHN RICHARD HAMMONDB.B.A., Emory University, 1965DAVID J. HANDELS.B., Cornell University, 1966WAYNE ARTHUR HARVEYS.B., Purdue University, 1965ELIYAHU A. HASSMANS.B.M.E., Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa,Israel, 1953Ing., ibid., 1954PETER GRISCOM HEYLINA.B., Cornell University, 1966RICHARD REEVE HODGESS.B.M.E., California Institute of Technology, 1954 ROBERT P. HOFFMANS.B., Illinois Institute of Technology, 1963JOHN ANDREW HOWARDB.B.A., University of Notre Dame, 1965ROY WILLIAM HOWARDB.B.A., University of Wisconsin, 1964JON P. HOWELLS.B., California State Polytechnic College, 1966WILLIAM CLARENCE HUFFORDA.B., Duke University, 1966DAVID MERCER HURSHS.B., Wheaton College, Wheaton, Illinois, 1964JOHN M. ISHIKAWAA.B., Lawrence University, 1966LEWIS B. JACKSON, JR.S.B., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1966HENRI R. JACQUANDDipliime, Ecole des H autes Etudes Commerciales,Paris, France, 1966ARTHUR WILLARD JAEGERB.S.E.E., Illinois Institute of Technology, 1950JAMES ARNOLD JOHNSONA.B., Stanford University, 1961RALPH WILLARD JOHNSONS.B.E.E., Illinois Institute of Technology, 1951COURTNEY FREDERICK JONESS.B., Wayne State University, 1963HAROLD WAYNE JOSEPHS.B., Southern University Agriculture and Min­ing College, 1963BURIN KANTABUTRAS.B.B.A., University of Florida, 1965RONALD ERWIN KIPERA.B. Oberlin College, 1961STEVEN W. KLEINS.B., University of Rochester, 1966JOHN A. KLIESNERS.B., De Paul University, 1961GEORGE J. KRAFTS.B.E.E., Illinois Institute of Technology, 1956BENJAMIN A. KRELLB.E., City College of New York, 1966KURT KROEGERS.B., Illinois Institute of Technology, 1962EDWARD KUCS.B., Purdue University, 1966LAWRENCE GENE KUNCLS.B.M.E., University of Nebraska, 1961STEVEN JOSEPH KUNREUTHERA.B., University of Rochester, 1966DONALD ROYCE KUNZES.B.A.A., Massachusetts Institute of Technology,1964M.Eng., Cornell University, 1965EDWARD JOHN LADEWSKIS.B.C.E., University of Illinois, 1956MERRILL S. LAURINS.B.I.E., University of Illinois, 1962 GERMAN SANDOVAL MITNIKIng.Com., Catholic University of Chile, Santiago,Chile, 1966SCOTT MORGANA.B., Ohio Wesleyan University, 1964JOHN S. LAWRENCES.B., Miami University, 1966 ROY B. MYERSA.B., Williams College, 1966MURRAY PHILIP NADITCHS.B., Carnegie Institute of Technology, 1962S.M., ibid., 1963LYLE LEON NEEDHAMJOHN J. NEMSICKS.B., University of Illinois, 1960DAVIDSON R. NEUKOMA.B., Stanford University, 1966MARK GORDON NEWGARDS.B., Stanford University, 1966GEORGE HENRY NIEMIECS.B., Indiana University, 1959ROGER S. LAYTONS.B.M.E., Drexel Institute of Technology, 1966JERRY WAYNE LEVINS.B.E., University of Michigan, 1966ERNEST STEPHEN LEVINES.B.M.E., Purdue University, 1966L. CHRISTOPHER LIENHARDS.B., New York University, 1966BARRETT S. LLOYDS.B.E.E., Purdue University, 1959JOHN A. LUNDQUISTS.B., University of Illinois, 1957S.M., Loyola University, Chicago, Illinois, 1963RICHARD A. L YDECKER, JR.A.B., Princeton University, 1966 ROBERT F. NUSSBAUMS.B.I.E., Illinois Institute of Technology, 1966JOSEPH JAMES MADDENS.B.E.E., Northwestern University, 1959 HUBERT JOSEPH O'BRIENA.B., University of Notre Dame, 1966MELVIN D. MADDOXB.Agr.E., Ohio State University, 1964 GRAHAM A. O'CONNORS.B., North Central College, 1958CARL PAUL MAERTZA.B., University of Wisconsin, 1956 EDWARD PATRICK O'NEILLA.B., Yale University, 1965JOSEPH STEPHEN MAIERA.B., University of Notre Dame, 1959ROGER H. MANTERNACHA.B., Middlebury College, 1964CONSTANCE JOY MARAVELLA.B., Bryn Mawr College, 1965FREDERICK S. MARSHS.B.Ch.E., Lehigh University, 1959 GEORGES MARGO PAULOTTENBURGSCand., Catholic University of Louvain, Belgium,1964Ind.Eng., ibid., 1966HUGO Z. OVANDOJOSEPH VINCENT MICHAEL PALELLAS.B.E.E., Illinois Institute of Technology, 1960NEIL J . MARTINOTTO JOSEPH MARTINECS.B., University of Illinois, 1958 EDWIN WALLACE PARKHURST, JR.A.B., Carthage College, 1965PHILIPPE PAVAGEAUDipl., Ecole Superieure des Sciences Economiqueset Commerciales, Paris, France, 1966GERALD M. McDONNELLS.B.C.E., University of Illinois, 1959ROBERT L. McDOWELLS.B., Bryant College, 1965HERBERT WAYNE MEYERS.B., Stanford University, 1963DAVID SAUL MICHLINS.B., Pennsylvania State University, 1963 LAWRENCE LETELLIER PEARCES.B., Purdue University, 1966STEPHEN CHARLES PECKA.B., Cambridge University, England, 1965M.Sc., University of London, England, 1967ROGER LOUIS PEETERSIng.Com., Catholic University of Louvain, Belgium,1965STEPHEN M. PERRYA.B., City College of New York, 1965DANIEL B. PETERSA.B., Valparaiso University, 1962A.M., University of Illinois, 1963RICHARD WINSTON PETTICREWS.B., University of Oklahoma, 1964JAMES FERGUSON MILLERS.B.M.E., University of Wisconsin, 1958LOWELL S. MILLERS.B., University of Arizona, 1966ROBERT H. MILLERA.B., University of Illinois, 1963STANLEY BATES MILLERA.B., Denison University, 1965RAYMOND EDWIN POWERS, JR.S.B., Northern Illinois University, 1959CHARLES M. PRICE, JR.S.B., University of Pennsylvania, 1963B. EUGENE PRITCHARDA.B., De Paul University, 1962GORDON RAYNERS.B., Stanford University, 1965ARTHUR CARL REEDS IIIA.B., Carleton College, 1966MICHAEL JOSEPH REGANS.B., Indiana University, 1958JOHN CHRISTOPHER REICHS.B.E.E., Illinois Institute of Technology, 1963HEDRIC ELLIOTT RHODESA.B., DePauw University, 1966FREDERICK CHARLES RIEBEA.B., Colgate University, 1966J. STEVEN RUTLEDGEA.B., Cornell University, 1959JOHN D. RYANB.B.A., Manhattan College, 1966DANIEL J. SANTERIORS.B., Northern Illinois University, 1967RONALD IRA SCHWARCZS.B., University of Illinois, 1965ELBERT JOHN SCOTTA.B., Harvard University, 1966FRANK J. SCOTT, JR.B.Ch.E., Villanova University, 1960GEOFFREY NOEL SEAMANA.B., Indiana University, 1966JOHN JACQUES SIL VINA.B., Georgetown University, 1965JEROME WILLIAM SLATER, JR.B.B.A., University of Notre Dame, 1958JAMES EDWIN SMITHS.B., Virginia Polytechnic Institute, 1963J.D., American University, 1966JOHN ARTHUR SMITHA.B., Grinnell College, 1958ROBERT L. ST AI-ILA.B., University of Michigan, 1958STEPHEN ARTHUR STEINBERGB.E.E., Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, 1966FRANK EUGENE STEPHAN, JR.A.B., Yale University, 1961IRELAND J. STEWARTB.Sc., The Queen's University of Belfast, Ireland,1963PAUL J. STONICHA.B., Denison University, 1965MICHAEL G. STOREY ALRAY SUMPTERA.B., Dillard University, 1966JOHN H. SWANTONA.B., Roosevelt University, 1954CHARLES W. SWEET, JR.A.B., Hamilton College, 1965REGINALD SYKESS.B., LeMoyne College, 1963DONALD R. THIELENB.S.C., Loyola University, Chicago, Illinois, 1950ALFRED ROBERT THOMANB.Ch.E., Cornell University, 1962RUFUS ROOSEVELT THOMAS, JR.A.B., Morehouse College, 1966TOM T. THOMPSONS.B., University of Illinois, 1948STEPHEN LAWRENCE TIERNEYS.B., Marquette University, 1965JOHN ROBERT KNOX VALAAS, JR.A.B., Whitman College, 1966HARRY NICHOLAS VALENTINOA.B., Allegheny College, 1966FRAN<;OIS CHARLES VANREEPINGHENIng.Com., Catholic University of Louvain, Bel­gium, 1967ROBERT J. VERBICS.B., De Paul University, 1965JAYME MARIA JOSEFA VILLANUEVAS.B.B.A., St. Paul College of Manila, P.I., 1963CRAIG STEVENS VOLLANDS.B.C.E., Duke University, 1966ANTHONY D. VOLPEA.B., Williams College, 1959THOMAS RALPH WATTSA.B., Swarthmore College, 1966RICHARD DENIS WEIRICHS.B., University of Notre Dame, 1966GLENN ANDREW WELSCHB.E.S., University of Texas, 1966KENT ANDREW WERGERS.B., Michigan College of Mining, 1963ROBERT JAMES WHITES.B., Illinois Institute of Technology, 1935MICHAEL JOHN WIGGANB.Sc., University of London, England, 1961M.Sc., University of Toronto, Ontario, Canada,1963RICHARD ALAN WILLIAMSONA.B., Brown University, 1965DONALD EDWARD WUNDERLEDONALD JOSEPH YUKNISA.B., University of Chicago, 1966WALTER E. ZELASKOS.B., University of Illinois, 1960III. IN THE DIVINITY SCHOOLFor the Degree at Master at Theology:LOWELL WELDEN LIVEZEYA.B., Swarthmore College, 1966PORTER GREY DAWSONA.B., Guilford College, 1966PHILIP STANLEY EICHLINGA.B., North Central College, 1966W. DOUGLAS ENSMINGERA.B., Princeton University, 1966 LEONARD WALTER O'BRIANS.B., Illinois State University, 1965KENNETH WOOD PHIFERA.B., Harvard University, 1960RANDALL H. EVANS, JR.Ph.B., Wayne State University, 1966 WILLIAM NICOLL SAVAGEA.B., Pomona College, 1966DAVID JOHN SMITHS.B., Brown University, 1966FRED ALLEN GRISSOMA.B., University of Alabama, 1966RONALD LYNN HAMMERLEA.B., Hanover College, 1964 ALAN J. STONEA.B., Morningside College, 1964GEOFFREY FAHL HOYA.B., University of Wisconsin, 1964For the Degree at Bachelor at Divinity:JOHN JOSEPH GANEFFA.B., Simpson College, 1963IV. IN THE SCHOOL OF MEDICINEFor the Degree at Doctor at Medicine:KAYODE O. ADETUGBOS.B., Denison University, 1964 STANLEY WILLIAM COULTHARDA.B., Drake University, 1964ANTHONY F. CUTILLETTAS.B., Loyola University, Chicago, Illinois, 1963AUDRIUS STEPHEN AGLINSKASS.B., De Paul University, 1964TERENCE R. ANTHONEY• WITH HONORS DONALD JUDE DEPINTOS.B., Loyola University, Chicago, Illinois, 1964MICHAEL NEIL APPLEBAUMA.B., Brandeis University, 1964 HOWARD M. DIAMONDA.B., University of Chicago, 1964JEFFREY WOLFE DUBBA.B., Harvard University, 1962MARK MARTIN BELKINA.B., University of Chicago, 1965BLAKE DENNIS BERVENA.B., Luther College, 1964 WILLIAM ALBERT EHLERSA.B., St. Olaf College, 1964BURR SIMMONS EICHELMAN, JR.S.B., University of Chicago, 1964MILTON NORMAN ESTESA.B., University of Chicago, 1964ALAN O. FEINGOLDA.B., Swarthmore College, 1964DONALD FRANCIS BLANFORDA.B., College of the Holy Cross, 1964CLARA DERBER BLOOMFIELDA.B., San Diego State College, 1963DANIEL SENDER BLUMENTHALA.B., Oberlin College, 1964WILLIAM RICHARD BRAITHWAITEA.B., University of Chicago, 1964 FRANK JOSEPH GRABARITSS.B., Manhattan College, 1961Ph.D., University of Chicago, 1965BRADLEY TUCKER HALESS.B., University of Illinois, Chicago, 1963GURDON HUBBARD HAMILTONA.B., Brown University, 1964DAVID FREDERICK BUSCHA.B., Stanford University, 1964STEPHEN USHER COHENA.B., Washington University, 1964HUGH NORMAN HAZENFIELDA.B., University of Chicago, 1964SHERMAN DAVID HOLTZMANA.B., Yale University, 1962Ph.D., University of Chicago, 1967SAMUEL JACOBSONS.B., Northwestern University, 1955D.D.S., ibid., 1957ROBERT THOMAS JENSENS.B., Washington State University, 1964WALTER KANG JUNGS.B., Tulane University, 1959DOMINIC CHUN MING KAMA.B., University of California, Berkeley, 1963DAVID MYLAND KAUFMANA.B., University of Rochester, 1964HARVEY KAYMANA.B., Cornell University, 1964DAVID ANTHONY KINDIGA.B., Carleton College, 1962LEONARD KORNS.B., Union College, Barbourville, Kentucky, 1964KAY ALVIN KYSERA.B., University of Missouri, Columbia, 1963JOAN A. LANGS.B., University of Chicago, 1964LARRY ALAN LARSONA.B., St. Olaf College, 1964• WITH HONORSTIMOTHY CHESTER LINDQUISTA.B., University of Chicago, 1964RICHARD MARK LOWENTHALA.B., Harvard University, 1964PETER HAROLD B. McCREIGHTJOHN W. MOOHRS.B., University of Chicago, 1960• WITH HONORSMARSHALL TAD MORGANA.B., Princeton University, 1964FITZHUGH SEUMAS MAcMANUSMULLANA.B., Harvard University, 1964WILLIAM RAMON CASTROVIEJOMURPHYA.B., Catholic University, 1964FRANK ALBERT NICHOLSS.B., University of Wyoming, 1964BARRY L. PHILLIPSA.B., University of Chicago, 1964 ALICE lONE POWELLS.B., University of Missouri, 1964BONNIE PRITZKERS.B., University of Pennsylvania, 1962DONALD ALAN ROTHBAUMA.B., Brown University, 1964• WITH HONORSPAUL J. SCHECHTERS.B., Columbia University, 1960Ph.D., University of Chicago, 1966STEPHEN MALCOLM SCHERA.B., University of Rochester, 1964JERROLD HOWARD SECKLERS.B., University of Rochester, 1964STANLEY FRED SIEFERA.B., Carleton College, 1964JACK CORPENNY SIPE IIA.B., Wabash College, 1964RICHARD STEPHAN SOHNS.B., Brooklyn College, 1964JERROLD MICHAEL STOCKA.B., Northwestern University, 1964GORDON HAROLD STOL TZNERS.B., University of Chicago, 1964S.M., ibid., 1968• WITH HONORSSTEPHEN BRUCE STRUMA.B., University of Rochester, 1964ALAN EDWARD TASOFFS.B., Rutgers University, 1963MARC RONALD TETALMANA.B., Boston University, 1964PAUL STEVEN TREUHAFTA.B., Oberlin College, 1964DAN LEE TRITCHA.B., Wittenberg University, 1964ALBERT YUAN-MIAO TSAIA.B., University of California, Berkeley, 1962RICHARD JACKSON TULLYA.B., University of California, Berkeley, 1964ARLENE WEINSHELBAUMA.B., University of Chicago, 1964MICHAEL HERMAN WEISMANA.B., University of California, Berkeley, 1963JOHN J. WElTERA.B., Washburn University, 1964S.B., ibid., 1964DIANA WOOS.B., Mt. Mary College, 1963CANDIDATES FOR THE DEGREE OFDOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHYI. IN THE DIVISION OF THE BIOLOGICAL SCIENCESWENTWORTH B. CLAPHAM, JR.A.B., Amherst College, 1963(Evolutionary Biology)DISSERTATION: Distribution of Pollen and Sporesin the Upper Flowerpot Formation (Permian)of OklahomaALBERT EDWARD DAHLBERGS.B., Haverford College, 1960M.D., University of Chicago, 1965(Biochemistry)DISSERTATION: Studies of the Specificity of Trans­ferrin Mediated Iron Incorporation into RatMarrow CellsFRANCIS JAMES DETOMAA.B., Clark University, Worcester, Massachusetts,1962S.M., University of Chicago, 1965(Biochemistry)DISSERTATION: Peptide Mapping and Characteriza­tion of Active Site Peptide of RhodanesePAUL MARTIN HOROWITZA.B., New York University, 1962(Biochemistry)DISSERTATION: Some Molecular Properties of theEnzyme Rhodanese .DAVID ANTHONY KINDIGA.B., Carleton College, 1962M.D., University of Chicago, 1968(Pathology)DISSERTATION: Virions in Established Murine CellLinesHSIU-SAN LINB.M., National Taiwan University, Taipei, Tai­wan, 1960(Microbiology)DISSERTATION: Nucleic Acid Metabolism in L CellsInfected with the Meningopneumonitis Agent ROBERT ROSKOSKI, JR.S.B., Bowling Green State University, 1961M.D., University of Chicago, 1964(Biochemistry)DISSERTATION: The Estrogen Stimulation of Sugarand Amino Acid Transport in the Rat UterusRONALD 1. SCHOENFELDS.B., Columbia University, 1961(Pharmacology)DISSERTATION: Effect of Alpha-methyltyrosine onBrain Catecholamine Levels and Operant Be­haviorSUSAN BERRY SPRINGS.B., Queens College, 1964(Microbiology)DISSERTATION: Characterization of Viral Macro­molecular Aggregates from Mammalian CellsProductively and Abortively Infected withHerpes Simplex VirusNORMAN JAY URETSKYS.B., Columbia University, 1962(Pharmacology)DISSERTATION : Mechanism of Action of AlphaMethyl DOPA on the Reserpine-in-duced Sup­pression of Motor Activity and the ConditionedAvoidance ResponseRICHARD CHARLES WEISENBERGA.B., University of California, Santa Barbara, 1963(Biophysics)DISSERTATION: Studies on the Chemistry of Micro­tubule ProteinMICHAEL JONATHAN ZIGMONDS.B., Carnegie Institute of Technology, 1963(Biopsychology)DISSERTATION: Resistance to Central N orepineph­rine Depletion and Increased Mortality inRats Chronically Exposed to Electric FootShockII. IN THE DIVISION OF THE HUMANITIESMELVIN H. BUXBAUMA.B., Roosevelt University, 1957A.M., ibid., 1960(English Language and Literature)DISSERTATION: Benjamin Franklin and the ZealousPresbyteriansRALPH WILLIAM AUGUST FASOLDA.B., Wheaton College, Wheaton, Illinois, 1962A.M., University of Chicago, 1965(Lin guistics)DISSERTATION: Noun Compounding in Thai LEILA MARY KHALIL IBRAHIMA.B., University of North Carolina, 1958M.F.A., University of Chicago, 1961(Art)DISSERTATION: Roman and Early Christian FloorMosaics from Corinthian KenchreaiDAN BERT ISAACA.B., University of Chicago, 1951A.M., ibid" 1961(English Language and Literature)DISSERTATION: Form and Meaning in the MajorPlays of Tennessee WilliamsWESLEY WILLIAM ISENBERGA.B., Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, Missouri,1953D.B., ibid., 1956(New Testament and Early Christian Literature)DISSERTATION: The Coptic Gospel According toPhilipSCOTT ALTER KLEINERA.B., Williams College, 1960A.M., University 0/ Chicago, 1961(Philosophy)DISSERTATION: The Concept 0/ Force and the Ex­planatory Efficacy 0/ Newtonian MechanicsMICHAEL JOSEPH LOUXA.B., College 0/ St. Thomas, St. Paul, Minnesota,1964A.M., University 0/ Chicago, 1965(Philosophy)DISSERTATION: Aristotle and Ockham: A Study inCategoriesFRED HELMER MARTINSONA.B., University 0/ Tennessee, 1960A.M., University 0/ Chicago, 1963(Art)DISSERTATION: Early Muromachi Screen PaintingsDAVID WILLIAM MILLERA.B., Rice University, 1962A.M., University 0/ Wisconsin, 1963(History 0/ Culture)DISSERTATION: The Politics 0/ Faith and Father­land: The Catholic Church and Nationalismin Ireland, 1898-1918 ANNE-MARIE POINSA TIEA.M., University 0/ Notre Dame, 1960(Romance Languages and Literatures)DISSERTATION: La Celinde de Balthasar Baro(1629): edition critique avec une etude de lapieceANGELINE PRADOA.B., Indiana University, 1954A.M., University 0/ Chicago, 1964(Romance Languages and Literatures)DISSERTATION: Eugenio Noel y la literatura delcasticismoRIMVYDAS SLIAZASA.M., University 0/ Chicago, 1961(Germanic Languages and Literatures)DISSERTATION: Kaspar Stieler's Kurze Lehrschriftvon der hochteutschen Sprachkunst: Its struc­ture and sourcesEDWARD PAUL VARGO, S.V.D.A.B., St. Mary's Seminary, Techny, Illinois, 1959A.M., University 0/ Chicago, 1964(English Language and Literature)DISSERTATION: The Middleness 0/ Man: Ritual inthe Novels 0/ John UpdikeIII. IN THE DIVISION OF THE SOCIAL SCIENCESPHOEBE M. ANDERSONB.Sc., Ohio State University, 1942A.M., University 0/ Chicago, 1946(Education)DISSERTATION: Analysis 0/ Three Programs forPreschool Disadvantaged ChildrenREBECCA COMSTOCK BARRA.B., Monmouth College, 1960A.M., University 0/ Chicago, 1961(Education)DISSERTATION: The Influence 0/ Feedback in theImprovement 0/ Reading Rate at the CollegeLevelKENNETH NATHANIEL BECKA.B., Dalhousie University, Hali/ax, Nova Scotia,1961B.Ed., University 0/ Toronto, Ontario, Canada,1964A.M., University 0/ Chicago, 1965(Education)DISSERTATION: The American Institute 0/ SacredLiterature: A Historical Analysis 0/ an AdultEducation InstitutionWILLIAM E. BEZDEKS.B., Bradley University, 1952A.M., ibid., 1953(Psychology)DISSERTATION: Sex-Role Identity and Commit­ment to Social Action MILDRED LOUISE BUCKA.B., Lake Forest College, 1960A.M., University 0/ Chicago, 1963(S ociology)DISSERTATION: Child-rearing Patterns 0/ Depend­ent Negro Mothers as Predictors 0/ Their Chil­dren's Nursery School BehaviorDAVID LAWRENCE COLTONA.B., Harvard University, 1959M.A.T., ibid., 1960(Education)DISSERTATION: State Power and Local Decision­Making in Education: A Case StudyRHETA LORRAINE DEVRIESA.B., Baylor University, 1957(Psychology)DISSERTATION: Conservation 0/ Generic Identityin the Years Three to SixROBERT M. FEARNS.B., Ohio University, 1952A.M., Washington State University, 1955(Economics)DISSERTATION: Labor Force and School Participa­tion 0/ TeenagersMARVIN SIDNEY HILLA.B., Brigham Young University, 1955A.M., ibid., 1955(History)DISSERTATION: The Role of Christian Primitivismin the Origin and Development of the MormonKingdom 1830-1844CYRIL D. HODGINSA.B., University of British Columbia, Vancouver,Canada, 1963(Economics)DISSERTATION: On Estimating the Economies ofLarge-Scale Production: Some Tests on Datafor the Canadian Manufacturing SectorROBERT ALAN JENKINSS.B., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1959(Psychology)DISSERTATION: The Sequential Interaction of Diag­nostic Interviewer and Patient: Developmentof a Research MethodologyTETSUYA KATAOKAA.B., Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan, 1955A.M., University of Chicago, 1960(Political Science)DISSERTATION: The Great Leap Forward: A Studyof Chinese CommunismGUY J. KELNHOFER, JR.B.Ph., University of Chicago, 1949A.M., ibid., 1951(Committee on Planning)DISSERTATION: Metropolitan Planning and RiverBasin Planning-Some InterrelationshipsRICHARD B. KRAMERA.B., Antioch College, 1962A.M., University of Chicago, 1965(Committee on Human Development)DISSERTATION: Changes in Moral Judgment Re-sponse Pattern. during Late Adolescence andYoung Adulthood: Retrogression in a Devel­opmental SequenceLEAH LEHRERS.B., New York University, 1941M.P.H., Yale University, 1947A.M., De Paul University, 1963(Committee on Human Development)DISSERTATION: Sex Differences in Moral Behavioramong Pre-AdolescentsMARC I. LUBINA.B., Brandeis University, 1961A.M., University of Chicago, 1964(Committee on Human Development)DISSERTATION: A Study of the High Rate of MaleJewish Membership in the Profession of Psycho­analysisROLF J. LUDERSA.M., University of Chicago, 1960M.B.A., ibid., 1960(Economics)DISSERTATION: A Monetary History of Chile:1925-1958 JOSEF MAYB.Sc., Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel,1962M.Sc., ibid., 1965(Economics)DISSERTATION: An Adjustment Mechanism Basedon Anticipations in a Macro-economic ModelMARSHALL WARNER MEYERA.B., Columbia University, 1964A.M., University of Chicago, 1965(S ociology)DISSERTATION: Bureaucratic Structure and Au­thority: A Study of Finance Administration inLocal GovernmentsHARVEY LUSKIN MOLOTCHA.B., University of Michigan, 1963A.M., University of Chicago, 1966(S ociology)DISSERTATION: Community Action to Control Ra­cial Change: An Evaluation of Chicago's SouthShore EffortGARY ALLAN ORFIELDA.B., University of Minnesota, 1963A.M., University of Chicago, 1965(Political Science)DISSERTATION: The Reconstruction of SouthernEducation: The Schools and the 1964 CivilRights ActLISA REDFIELD PEA TIIEA.M., University 0/· Chicago, 1950(Anthropology)DISSERTATION: The Ethnography of Economic De­velopmentDOROTHY LOUISE POLINGA.B., Ohio Wesleyan University, 1938A.M., University 0/ Chicago, 1949(Education)DISSERTATION: The Relationship of Auditory Dis­crimination to Reading AchievementWILLIAM LOUIS RICHTERA.B., Willamette University, 1961A.M., University of Chicago, 1963(Political Science)DISSERTATION: The Politics of Language in IndiaARTHUR ROSNERA.B., Valparaiso University, 1954A.M., University of Chicago, 1964(Committee on Human Development)DISSERTATION: Stress and the Maintenance of Self-Concept in the AgedSTEPHEN MARK SACHSA.B., University of Virginia, 1960A.M., University of Chicago, 1962(Political Science)DISSERTATION: The Supreme Court and NationalEmergencyTHOMAS SPENCE SMITHA.B., Johns Hopkins University, 1963A.M., University of Chicago, 1965(Sociology)DISSERTATION: Democratic Control and Profes­sionalism in Police Work: The State PoliceExperienceJOHN GILMAN STEWARTA.B., Colgate University, 1957A.M., University of Chicago, 1959(Political Science)DISSERTATION: Independence and Control: TheChallenge of Senatorial Party LeadershipEDWARD E. THOMPSONA.B., DePauw University, 1962A.M., University of Chicago, 1965(Committee on Human Development)DISSERTATION: Increasing Normal Behavior inSchizophrenics: A Comparison of Informationand Reinforcement Using aWard AssociationTest for Training DONALD JOSEPH TREIMANA.B., Reed College, 1962A.M., University of Chicago, 1965(Sociology)DISSERTATION: Occupational Prestige and SocialStructure: A Cross-national ComparisonDANIEL HAROLD WILLICKA.B., University of California, Los Angeles, 1964A.M., University of Chicago, 1966(Sociology)DISSERTATIONS Public Opinion and InternationalAffairs: A Comparative StudyIV. IN THE GRADUATE SCHOOL OF BUSINESSPHILIP BROWNB.Com., University of New South Wales, Sydney,New South Wales, Australia, 1963M.B.A., University of Chicago, 1965DISSERTATION: Some Aspects of Valuation in theRailroad Industry JACOB MEIR DUKERA.B., Harvard University, 1942M.B.A., ibid., 1947DISSERTATION: Some Aspects of Working-WifeFamily Consumer BehaviorV. IN THE DIVINITY SCHOOLRICHARD ALAN EDWARDSA.B., Princeton University, 1956A.M., University of Chicago, 1962DISSERTATION: The Sign of Jonah in the Theologyof the Evangelists and QJOHN CHARLES GODBEYA.B., Nebraska Wesleyan University, 1949D.B., Meadville Theological School (in co-opera­tion with the University of Chicago), 1958A.M., University of Chicago, 1962DISSERTATION: A Study of Faustus Socinus' DeJesu Christo ServatoreGEORGE VAIL PIXLEYA.B., Kalamazoo College, 1958A.M., University of Chicago, 1962DISSERTATION: Awareness of Literary Context inEarly Christian Use of the PsalmsLEONARD LE ROY THOMPSONA.B., DePauw University, 1956D.B., Drew University, 1960A.M., University of Chicago, 1963DISSERTATION: The Form and Function of Hym­nody in the New Testament Church: A Studyin Cultic History JOHN S. WILLIAMSA.B., Cornell College, Mt. Vernon, Iowa, 1958A.M., University of Chicago, 1961A.M., ibid., 1964DISSERTATION: "The Far Side of Despair":Sartre's Hidden Ethics and the Death of God:A Literary and Theological Study of Jean PaulSartre's DramaEDWARD ALBERT YONANA.B., Knox College, 1958D.B., University of Chicago, 1962A.M., ibid., 1965DISSERTATION: The Language of Revelation andReflectionVI. IN THE SCHOOL OF SOCIAL SERVICE ADMINISTRATIONBARUCH LEVINES.B., University of Illinois, Urbana, 1954M.S.W., University of Illinois, Chicago, 1956DISSERTATION: Factors Related to InterpersonalBalance in Social Work Treatment GroupsTHE PRESENTATION OF THEROSENBERGER MEDALSLOWELL T. COGGESHALL, Trustee, Vice-President Emeritus, FrederickH. Rawson Professor Emeritus, Department of Medicine, and SpecialAdviser to the Dean of the Division of the Biological SciencesIn recognition of your distinguished research in tropical medicine, your significant administra­tive achievements while serving as dean, vice-president, and trustee of this University, and espe­cially for your outstanding contributions to medical education, typified by your historic chairman­ship of the committee whose widely acclaimed report on medical education is a tribute to yourname.MORRIS FISHBEIN, Editor, Medical World NewsIn recognition of your eminence as a writer and commentator on medical progress, whose edi­torial leadership has contributed significantly to the advancement of man's health, and whosewords have increased the public understanding of the complexities of medical research and practice.JOHN SCHOFF MILLIS, Chancellor, Case Western Reserve UniversityIn recognition of your eighteen years of outstanding leadership of Western Reserve Universityand your chairmanship of the committee whose extraordinarily significant report established revo­lutionary guidelines for graduate medical education.JOHN McFARLANE RUSSELL, President, John and Mary Markle Foun­dationIn recognition of your role in initiating the Markle Scholar program, which has had a major im­:pact on the upgrading of academic medicine, and your more than twenty-two years of administra­tive leadership of the Markle Foundation devoted unstintingly and with great effectiveness to pro­moting the advancement and diffusion of knowledge and the general good of mankind.JAMES A. SHANNON, Director, National Institutes of HealthIn recognition of your distinguished career as a renal physiologist, your great concern for andattention to international health problems, and two decades of extraordinarily skillful and effectivework in the National Institutes of Health.THE CONFERRING OF HONORARY DEGREESFor the Degree oi Doctor oi Science:HERBERT C. BROWN, R. B. Wetherill Professor of Chemistry, PurdueUniversityDistinguished scientist and teacher, whose experimental investigations have transformed majorareas of practical and theoretical chemistry.The candidate will be presented by Leon M. Stock, Associate Professor, Depart­ment of Chemistry.LARS ONSAGER, Professor of Chemistry, Yale UniversityEminent theoretician, who has probed deeply into the most complex and profound problems ofphysics and chemistry and vastly contributed to our fundamental understanding of nature.The candidate will be presented by Lothar Meyer, Professor, James Franck Instituteand Department of Chemistry.EFRAIM RACKER, Albert Einstein Professor and Chairman, Section ofBiochemistry and Molecular Biology, Cornell UniversityVersatile experimenter and biochemist whose work is characterized by variety and rigor.The candidate will be presented by Earl A. Evans, Jr., Professor and Chairman, De­partment of Biochemistry.ALMA MATERToday we gladly sing the praiseOf her who owns us as her sons;Our loyal voices let us raise,And bless her with our benisons.Of all fair mothers, fairest she,Most wise of all that wisest be,Most true of all the true, say we,Is our dear Alma Mater.-E. H. LEWIS, PH.D., 1894THE BENEDICTIONTHE RECESSIONALFantasia in G Major(The congregation remains standing during the Recession) BachTHE RECEPTIONThe reception for graduates and their guests will be held in the Lounge ofIda Noyes Hall immediately following the Convocation.ORGANISTEDWARD MONDELLO, University OrganistCARILLONNEURDANIEL ROBINS, University CarillonneurMARSHALROBERT LOVETT ASHENHURSTVICE-MARSHALGEOFFREY C. M. PLAMPINLEON CARNOVSKYJOSEPH CEITHAMLROBERT J. HASTERLIKELWOOD V. JENSENGWIN J. KOLBALAN BRANDON BONDRANDALL RICHARD BOVBJERGKENNETH L. BROWNPAUL BURSTEINPATRICIA ANN CLINEJANNON LOU FUCHSLEIGH ALAN GORENDANNY L. HAWLEYERIC JOHN HEYERROBERT JAY KNOXDOUGLAS QUENTIN ADAMSPATRICIA EILEEN BUNDYDON HOWARD BIALOSTOSKYJESSICA MARIE DEGRAZIASHARON LEE FINEMIRIAM GAIL FRIEDJULIANA GERANJEFFREY CARROLL KINKLEYMALCOLM JAY KOTTLERJAMES ALEXANDER KOZIOLMICHAEL STUART KRAMER ASSIST ANT MARSHALSJAMES MAXWELL RATCLIFFEEDWARD W. ROSENHEIM, JR.WILBERT HERBERT URRYWILLIAM NATHANIEL WEAVERSTUDENT AIDES1967-68IVEN BEN LOURIEEDWARD M. MESSINGROBERT LEE MESSNERGLORIA CORRIOLS PHARESBRUCE DAVID SCHREIDERJUDITH LYNN SEBESTACAROL BROMLEY STOREZJOAN JUDITH TAPPEREARL ALTON TURNER, JR.RACHEL MAE WILLIAMS1968-69WILLIAM MING FU LEENORALYN NEUMARKMONICA EMILY RAYMONDLOUIS MICHAEL SEIDMANSYLVIA LYNN SIEFERMANJOSEPH HERMAN SMITHDIANA J. TIETJENSDENNIS CRAIG WALDONPETER HAWLEY WALPOLEGARY YUDKOFF