THE UNTIVERSTITY Of CHTICAGOFOUNDED BY JOHN D. ROCKEFELLER\.. SEP 8 1:�rJ >),.,.'-.�-_/-.,TheThree Hundred FifteenthCONVOCATTIONTheSUMMERSeptember SecondA.D. Nineteen Hundred Sixty-sixROCKEFELLER MEMORIAL CHAPELA PARTIAL LIST OF GRADUATES, SEPTZMBER, 1966, EXCLUSIVEOF THOS:E .RECEIVING B. A., B. S ., 1-1.B. A., AT·m LAW DEGREES(The symbol "w/o" means tlwithout thesisH)Adams, Susan Starlene (Elementary Educ.) M.S.T.Paper: A study of inquiry: A model for the inner city child.Aikens, CF9999 Melvin (Anthropology) Ph.D.Plains relationships of the Fremont culture; a hypothesisbased on excavations at two Fremont-Promontory sites innorthern Utah.Alvares, Alvito Peter (Pharmacology) Ph.D.RM999 Studies on inhibition of urease and its relationship toweight gain in chicks.Anderson, Claire Marie (SSAD) Ph.D.HV9999 A study of work-related communication among welfare workers ina district office of a public welfare agency.Apel, John Dale (Educati§n) Ph.D.Lc6999 Prediction of adult educators' attitudes toward institutionalchanges.Applegate, Judith (Art) A.M.Paper: Furniture design in the decorative arts, Paris, 1918-1925.Arch, Elizabeth Clark (Education/Biology) M.A.T.Paper: Teaching of science in high school: A unit on embryologyusing an historical approach.Arias, Enrique, Jr. (Ililusic) A.N.Paper: I�or Stravinsky's concerto for two solo pianos.Ash, Roberta Toole (Sociology) PH.D.LB3999 Beyond vocationalism: the aspirations of urban collegestudents.Ashley, Paul R. (English Lang. & Lit) A.M. W/oAshman, Claire Bersma (English Lang. & Lit.) A.H. w/oAuton, Sylvia Cada (Education/Math.) M.A.T.Paper: A report on an interestingness test in mat.hemat i.c s ,Axelrad, Nichael A. (Pathology) Ph.D.QR999 A study of delayed-type hypersensitivity in the rat; evidencefor a unified concept of humoral and cellular immunity.Ball, Patricia A. (History) A.H. w/oBarber, John Farwell (Sociology) A.M.Paper: The politics of parks in Chicago.Page 2, September, 1966Barker, Winona C (Physiology) Ph.D.QP�99 Chemical and biological studies on a nitrogen mustard. I. Chemicalfate in cililture media. II. Resistance in Chilomonas paramecium.III. Inhibition of growth and division of Escherichia coli.Barnett, Nar guer-Lt.e Ross (Political Science) A.M.F9999 Ideological development in the American southern electorate,1960-1964.Barnett, Stephen Alan (Anthropology) A.M.Paper: The applicability of E. E. Hagen's On the theory of SocialChange to rural India.Barrow, Craig Wallace (English Lang. & Lit) A.�1. wloBartsch, Arthur Henry (History) A.N.Papers (1) Han Denck: An anabaptist reformer in conflict with theLutheran Reformation.(2) Frederick the Great and the Mennonites: An investigationof the reasons for religious toleration.Baxter, Edith Prescott (Elementary Educ.) MS.T.Paper: Syntactiv structures written by third grade students in theinner city.Beck, Ruth Louise (Art) M.F.A.Paper: A college by Georges Braque.Behrman, Lauvon (Education) A.M.Paper: The theories of Harry Stack Sullivan: Their implicationsfor the professional teacher.Bilodeau, Wilfrid J., O.M.I. A.M.Paper: Dialectic in inquiry.Blackman, Rodney Jay (Philosophy) A.M. wloBlake, Lincoln C (Committee on History of Culture) Ph.D.LD9999 The concept and development of science at the University ofChicago, 1890-1905.Blasing, Randolph Charles (:t:;nglish Lang. [� Lit.) A.H. w/oBonheim, Carolyn Shapiro (Elementary Educ.) N.S.T.Paper: The development of an original mathematics teaching aid basedon reinforcement principles.Boyan, A. Stephen, Jr. (Political Science� Ph;D.1Cqq� The expanding judicial view of the free exercise of religioncause.Braunstein, Angela Beth (�lementary Educ.) MS.T.Paper: Inquiry in the inner city school: a pilot study.Brewster, Arlene B. (Education/English) M.A.T.Paper: The fearful poets: a report on a year's teaching experienceworking in English with schizophrenic children.Broshi, Aviad N. (Mathematics) S.M. w/oPage 3, September, 1966Bryant, 1tJilliam Preble (Anthropology) A.r·1.Paper: Types of stress and religious cults.Buder, Stanley (riistory) Ph.D.F9999 Pullman: an experiment in industrial order and communityplanning, 1880-1930.Buop, Shirley J (Political Science) A.M.DS999 The Hukbalahap revolution.Burch, Ernest S Jr. (Anthropology) Ph.D.F9999 Authority, aid, and affection: the structure of Eskimo kinrelationships.Butterfield, Robert Alan (Romance Langs. Px Lits.) A.l1.Papers (1) La Religieuse(2) Une analyse de "ijone'"Butterworth, Charles E (Political Science) Ph.D.B749 .Z7B9 Rhetoric and pe�son: a study of Averroes' Commentaryon Aristotle's Rhetoric.Caldwell, Elizabeth �J. (Romance Langs. & Lits) A.H.Papers (1) La structure de la scene dans la "Salle des DeliberationsUde Madame Bovary.(2) La mise en scene des Comedies regulieres en France auseizieme sH�cle.Campbell, Ferrell R (Anatomy) Ph.D.QL999 Fine structure of the bone marrow of the pigeon and chicken.Cantori, Louis Joseph (Political ScienceQJ Ph.D.JQ9999 The organizational basis of an elite political party, theEgyptian 'iafd.Carrig, Gloria Lerner (Politcal Science) A.M.JK9999 The legal status of the Communist Party of the United States.Chang, Curtis Chung (Oriental Langs t.: Civs.) A.rLDS999 Inheritance problems in the first two reighs of the Sung Dynasty.Charney, Nicolas H (Psycho�_ogy, Sect. of Biopsychology) Ph.D.QP999 Tolerance to the behavioral effects of scopolamine on rats.Chiera, Jane Dickinson (English Lang. & Lit.) A.H. w/oChu, Nori Yaw-Chyua.n (Chemistry) S.N. w/oClayton, Clarice J. (Education/Biology) M.A.T.Paper: The need for parent involvement in schools located inculturally disadvantaged areas.Close, Susan .bve. (Education/Math.) l-1A.T.Paper: Geometric constructions for high school.Cobb, Willia.m Daniel (Divinity School) Ph.D.BX10999 Moral relativity and Christian ethics: a study in response tothe theology of Emil Bnunner and Reinhold Niebuhr.Page 4, September, 1966(Elementary Educ) M.S.T.Introducing semantics in the junior high school:model of curriculum design.Cohen, AnnePaper: Toward aCole, Thomas Winston (Chemistry) Ph.D.QD1099.5 The synthesis and chemistry of cubane.Couillard, Carmen L (SSAD) Ph.D.HV9999 A historical study of the concept of relationship in socialcaaevor-k , 1917-1960.Cowen, John Stockton (Psychology, Sect. on Bippsychology) S.M.QP999 A metabolic hippocampal anomaly associated with hereditarysusceptibility to sound induced seizures.Crichton, Andrew Bruce (English Lang. & Lit.) A.H. wloCushna, Bruce (Committee on Human Development) Ph.D.BF1999 Birth order, anxiety, and the parent-child interaction.EdDahlberg, James Eric (Biochemistry) Ph.D.QP999 Studies on the binding of ribosomes to turnip yellow mosaicvirus RNA and ribosomal RNA.Damours, Stephen Leon (English Lang. & Lit.) A.M. w/oDarrah, Barbara Fedo.rka (English Lang. & Lit.) A.H. w/oDas, ShyameshwarPapers (1)(2) (History) A.H.Commerce and constitutional change: The Modi-Les agreement.The Spanish Civil War and the British Labour Party: Astudy in the relationship between foreign events anddomestic politics.Davidson, Freda JoW. Graduate Library School) A.fvI.Z10999 Book reviews and best sellers; a critique.Deal, Mary HolmanPapers (1)(2) (History) A.M.Promotion of a Southern city, Augusta, Georgia, 1880-1900.New Orleans and the Isthmus of Tehuantepec.DeLange, David Leroy (Philosophy) A.H. w/oDetz, Clifford lVIichael (Chemistry) S.!-1. wloDick, Claire (Physiology) Ph.D.QP999 Biochemical and cytochemical studies on histones of Vicia roots.Dirienzo, Mary Jane ('nglish Lang. & Lit.) A.H. wloDreyer, Gesine Ursula (Education/German) M.A.T.Paper: Continuity in a foreign language program.Ebine, Hiroshi (English Lang. & Lit.) A.M. wloEinstein, Frank Harry (English Lang. & Lit.) A.M. wloPage 5, September, 1966Emerick, Elizabeth Lucille (Elementary Education) M.S.T.Paper: An introduction to phoneme-Grapheme relationships of theFrench language.Etheridge, Mary Estelle (:;nglish Lang. & Lit.) A.H. w/oEuster, ToniPaper: (Elementary Education) M.S.T.Developing perceptual skills of first grade inner citychildren.Ferrant, Patricia Ann (English Lang. & Lit.) A.H. w/o.Feiman, Sharon Beth (English Lang. & Lit. A.H. w/oFeldman, Albert (Physics)\�q« H(eilt�$he5'!> opt1c.o.O b'l"e-ti'IY\'j-c?"Ylce I� rU1'e � �.e.'1/f2rafe 71"91'€<fMm�'(\\\L.""""".Feldman, Stephen Lewis (History/Hum.) A.M.Papers (1) The display inscription in Sargonts Palace at Khorsabad.(;£) Nesopotamian maritime trade.Finnegan, Virginia Ivlaria.n (English Lang. & Lit) A.M. w/oFluegge, Martha Ober (Philosophy) A.lIII. w/oFoster, Lois Celeste (Education) A.M.Paper: Evaluation of an eclectic grouping procedure for readinginstruction.Fox, Barbara Nathan (Romance Langs. & Lits.) A.M.Papers (1) Madame Bovary, pointe de vue.(2) Le roman objectif et Ie cinema.Fox, Donald Allan (Divinity) D.B. w/oFrisbie, Bruce Duncan (Sociology) A.M.Paper: �he delayed doctorate.Fromberg, Susan (English Lang. & Lit.) Ph.D.Folding the patterned carpet: Form and theme in the novels ofVladimir Nabokov.Furia, Philip George (English Lang. & Lit.) A.H. w/oGadke, Raymond Elden (History/Hum.) A.H.Papers (1) The medieval view of St. Joseph.(2) St. Elizabeth of Hungary as a patron of church building.Gage, Portia L.Papers (1) (History) A.M.Sino-Russian relations in the seventeenth and eighteenthcenturies.Agricu.ltural development in Japan during the Tokugawa andHeiji periods.(2)Gaibel, Zalman Levi 1 eld (Chemistry) S.tvi. vi/OPage 6, September, 1966Gardner, Lewis (Education) A.M.Paper: Authoritarianism, democracy, and young teachers.Gawthrop, Betty Gerow (English Lang. & Lit.) A.H. w/oGekas, Ann (Education) A.M.Paper: The values and limitations of tachistoscopic training inreading.Genemaras, William Ulysses (Committee on the Analysis of Ideas andthe Study of Methods) Ph.D.BJ"2999 Responsibility, freedom, and the individual.Gibson, Robert L (Philosophy) A.M.BC999 Better understanding.Gidley, Gustavus (English Lang. & Lit.) A.H. w/oGinestar, Angel (Economics) A.N.Paper: Inflation and expectations: A verification ef some hypothesesin Argentina, 1935-1954.Goldstein, Ruth Dalila (�nglish Lang. & Lit.) A.M. w/oGoodman, Nancy M (Elementary Education) M.S.T.Paper: Teaching English as a second language: A curriculumproposal for Spanish speaking children, grades 1-6.Gould, John P (Graduate School of Business) Ph.D.HB3999 A micro-economic approach to the demand for physical capital.Granieri, Lorraine Elise (Education/French) M.A.T.Paper: Nethods and techniques in transition: A r-ev'i ew of currentresearch idterests in foreign language.Grant, Grace Thomas (Education) A.H.Paper: Team teaching in reading classes in a culturally disadvantagedschool.Green, James (Zoology) S .}.,I.QL999 The fate of diploid cartilage cells transplanted into theregenerating forelimb of a triploid Amblystoma larva asdetermined by microspectrophotometry.Greenberg, �obert (Philosophy) Ph.D.B1666� P. F. Strawson's theory of reference •• S5Z7G8Greenfield, Larry Lee (Divinity) D.B. w/oGregory, Virginia Valiska (English Lang. & Lit.) A.M. w/oGross, Beverly (English Lang & Lit) Ph.D.PN6999 Open-ended forms in the modern novel.Gross, HarmsJN9999 (History) Ph.D.The debate abo�t a German public law, 1600-1676; anPage 7, Sept ember, ," 1966Gross, Hanns (Can't from preceeding page)examination of the declining influence of Roman law principlesand Roman imperial traditions in the constitutional andpolitical thought of Lutheran Germany.Gruen, Robert Charles (English Lang. & Lit.) A.H. wloGundersheim, Arthur B. (Sociology) A.N.Paper: Terror and political control in Communist China.Gundy, Richard Bloyd (Statistics) Ph.D.QA999 Some applications of probability in the theory of orthogonalfunctions.Guy, Fritz (Divinity) A.1:·L \'V/oHaenni, Haria Jeanne (Zducation) A.H.Paper: A phenomenological study of the feeling of being misunderstood.Haight, Marilyn Lee (Lnglish Lang. & Lit.) A.M. wloHall, Mimi Still. (English Lang. & Lit.) A.M. wloHammaker, Lydia Ellen (Biochemistry) S •.H. w/oHanrieder, Barbara Dickson (Human Development) A.M.Paper: Factors associated with career and homemaking choices ofAmerican college women.Hardgrave, Robert L (Political Science� Ph.D.JQ9999 The political culture of a community in change; the nadarsof Tamilnad.Hartigan, Karelisa Voelker (Classical Langs. & Lits.) A.M.Paper: The compound substructure for the superlative in Cicero.Harwood, Edwin S (Sociology) Ph.D.HT1999 Work and cmmmunity among urgan newcomers; a study of thesocial and economic adaptation of Southern migrants in Chicago.Haverkamp, Larry Joh (English Lang. & Lit.) A.M. wloHawker, Mary Theresa Stake (�ngli6h Lang. & Lit.) A.M. wloHaynes, Lowell Kent (Divinity) D.B. wloHearne, Edward Warren, III (English Lang. & Lit.) A.M. wloHeck, Hary Montgomery (Graduate Library School) A.H.Z10999 An evaluation of the Illinois plan for public librarydevelopment.Page 8, September, 1966Hendrix, Nancy B. (Education) A.M.Paper: The effect of rele on spoken communication: Implicationsfor nursing education.Hess, Deborah Margaret (Romance Langs. & Lite.) A.M.Pppers (1) L'amour-passion dans La Rouge at Ie Noir.(2) Agrippa: Les moyens de rhetorique de Pierre Bayle.Hesselink, Paul Kenneth (English Lang. & Lit.) A.r4. wloHill, George Robert (Graduate Library School) A.H.Z10999 Sources used in research in musicology.Rink, Douglas L (Committee on Human Development) Ph.D.HV9999 Interpersonal perception in selected social systems: a studyEd of aging persons.Homel, Michael Wallace (History) A.M.Papers (1) 'I'he education of James Russell Lowell.(2) The Mugwump and the American tradition: The politicalthought of James Russell Lowell.Hook, Jane Koukal (Elementary Education) H.S.T.Paper: Problems of the substitute in the Chicago Public Schools.Hurt, Norman Edward (Chemistry) Ph.D.QD1099.5 .On non-equilibrium statistical mechanics.Iliff, Suzanne Alberta (�nglish Lang. & Lit.) A.M. wloIvy, Ra.ndolph �ioods (Engl.Lsh Lang. & Lit.) A.H. wloJackson, Kenneth Terry (History) Ph.D.F9999 The Ku Klux Klan in the city, 1915-1930.Jacobs, Carol (Elementary Education) M.S.T.Paper: An examination of esthetic values and attidudes of middleclass communities.Jeschke, Channing Renwick (Divinity) Ph.D.BX10999 The Briggs case: the fo£us of a study in nineteenth centuryPresbyterian history.Johns, Bruce (English Lang. & Lit.) A.M. wloJohnson, Andrew Jay, III (Graduate Library School) A.M. wloJohnson, Paul David (English Lang. & Lit.) A.H. wloJones, Aletha Beatrice (Znglish Lang. & Lit.) A.M. \vjoKarnezis, George Theodore (English Lang. & Lit.) A.H. wlo(English Lang. & Lit.)J wloKay, Miriam RPage 9, September, 1966Kelly, Burton Cleveland (Committee on Human Development) Ph.D.Hq9999 Congruency of self and mate perceptions as related toEd marital adjustment; a longitudinal study.Kamp, Georg Avery (Divinity) D.B. w/oKern, Robert William (History) Ph.D.JS9999 CaciquisWo versus self-government; the problem of liberalismand local government in Spain, 1858-1909.Kessel, Marie Louise (English Lang. & Lit.) A.M. w/oKetterson, Geraldine R (Education) A.M.Paper: Chd.Ldr-en ' s verbal production of uses of and improvementsof sex-typed toys.Kimple, James Albert, Jr. (l�nglish Lang. & Lit.) A.H. w/oKipling, Gordon Lee (English Lang. g� Lit.) A.H. w/oKlein, Richard G (Anthropology) Ph.D.GN999 The Mousterian of European Russia.Kleiner, Elaine Laura (English liang. g:: Lit.) A.H. w/oKlinger, Marcia (Graduate Library Scrool) A.M.Z10999 The scientific and medical literature used by the personnelin three Chicago hospitals.Ko, Sai-hang Donald (Biochemistry) Ph.D.QR Studies on the mechanism of action of Escherichia coli alkaline999 phosphatase.Kozuch, Marilyn Ann (Education/Biology) M.A.T.Paper: tllf a popUlation grows too large then ••• ": Tomorrow's biologytoday.Krefetz, Elliot Isa (Physics) Ph.D� I.. (Oic f, Coyt�/CiUrafi(!l?..:? 1"'1 -the.,{;J.(, iOqq 7he.. .!UjtlI/16rlt-<"m t>f' s. �/:f t1I l-?1r /!O<f.,f ... lllea/fl777lan df/P�x/?#cthO>1 JKropschot, Carole Bonita (Romance Langs. & Lits) A.lv1.Papers (1) Le role des objets chez Robbe-Grillet.(2) Une �tude de dix com�dies de Moli�re.Kuzma, Joan Nargaret (English Lang. & Lit.) A.H. w/oLaFramenta, Joanne Jensen (Education�Iistory) M.A.T.Paper: A course on Africa for high school students planned by theTaba method.Lander-ho m , Elizabeth (Elementary Education) M.S .Ir.Paper: Developing perceptual skills of third grade inner citychildren.Page 10, September, 1966Leaf, Murray J (Anthropology) Ph.D.mN999 Ideas, rites, and' action in Sidhupur Kalan: a Sikh villagein Punjab.Leavitt, Judith Walzer (History) A.M.Papers (1) Segregation in Louisville, 1867-1890.(2) Boston Schools: A study of growing secularization ina colonial eity.Lee, Donald Lloyd (Education/English) M.A.T.Paper: Why literature?Leonard, A. Byron, II (Romance Langs. & Lits.) (1) Homais et son role dans Madame Bovary.(2) Le surrealisme et Ie cinema.Levine, Barbara H. (English Lang. & Lit.) A.M. w/oLevitt, Cynthia Magriel (Elementary Education) M.S.T.Paper: French art through the French classroom: A project forfifth and sixth grade students of French.Levy, Don �JD999 (Committee on International Relations) A.M.The post-World Tdar II conditions in T:lestern Europe and theUnited States program of foreign aid from 1939 to 1947.Lewis, GeneQA999 (Mathematics) Ph.D.On the integral cohomology of p-groups.Lewis, Phillip H (Anthropology) Ph.D.GN999 The social context of art in northern New Ireland.Liberman, l.V1ichael Raymond (English Lang. & Lit.) A.H. w/oLincoln, Jerry Joseph. (English Lang. & Lit.) A.M. w/oLincoln, William Bruce (History) Ph.D.DK999 Nikolai Alekseevich Nilyutin and problems of state reform inNicholaevan Russia.Logue, John Joseph. (Political Science� Ph.D.JC999 Democracy in the writings of Edward Hallett Carr.London, Karen C. (Education) A.M.Paper: Simulation in the social studies classroom.Lorenzo, Antonio V (Pharmacology) Ph.D.RM999 The effect of pentylenetetrazol convulsions upon the entryof 8-35 sulfate into the cat central nervous system.Luehrmann, A (Physics) Ph.D.McBride, James A (3ducation/Math.) IJI.A.T.Paper: A proposal for twelfth grade mathematics.Page 11, September, 19661·1cCauley, Ivan Beverley (Educi:J.tion) A.M.Paper: Establishment of a public school adult education advisorycouneil.HcClurkin, John Braxton (Graduate Library School) A.H.Z10999 Internship programs for librarians in Federal governmentservice: a survey nd operation detail for one program.NcConnell, John \1illiam (r.;ducation/Hath) H.A.T.Paper: Applications of mathematics in the field of biology:Supplementary materials for the high school.McCracken, James David (English Lang. & Lit.) Ph.D.PR4724 Politics and propaganda in Godwin's novels •• 1-117f1cCullough, Nary E. (Education) A.M.Paper: A content analysis of selected basal readers according toHavighurst's developmental tasks.McGregor, Peter Murray (History) A.M.Papers (1) The decline of India's handicrafts: The concept and itsassumptions.(2) Foreign investment in the United States in the Nineteenthcentury.McIlhon, Sister St. Kellen (English Lang. & Lit.) A.H. w/oMcRoberts, Kenneth H (Political Science) A.M.F9999 Contrasts in French)Canadian nationalism: the impact ofindustrialization upon the electoral role of French-Canadiannationalism--1934-1944.Makropoulos, John (English Lang. & Lit.) A.N. v.J/oMaravolo, Nicholas C. (Botany) Ph.D.QK999 Biochemical changes during sexual development in Narchantiapolymorpha.Marzio, Peter Cort (History) A.M.Papers (1) Trumbull's folly: an analysis of John Trumbull'sfailure as a history-painter in America.(2) The role of Burton K. Wheeler in the defeat of PresidentRoosevelt's Court Plan of 1937.Matthews, E. Curtis, Jr. (�nglish Lang. & Lit.) A.M. w/oMatz, Susan Holly (Romance Langs. & LitsJ A.M.Papers (') Etude de la structure du nouveau roman et du roman medieval.(2) Etude critique de dix pieces de Moliere.Haung , MHT1999 Ismael Khin (Sociology) Ph.D.Urban hierarch in New Zealand, 1956; a case study.Maxson, Stephen Clark (Psycholoe7, Sect. of Biopsychology) Ph.D.QP999 The effect of genotype on brain mechanisms involved in audiogenicseizure susceptibility_Page 12, September, 1966Mayer, Susan Joan (Chemistry) S.H. wloMelnick, David John (English Lang. & Lit.) A.M. wloMihm, Brian Lee (English Lang. & Lit.) A •.M. wloMiller, Barry I (Physics) Ph.D.(klO<=tCf /')1t:lCj71ei-oa.c.oU$TIC cctt.emu..a.T,o\1 � CI"f'CJulCt.'f"'1 POfd-Y"3J u/fY'Gts<':'Zlht.Jl,)'I S'"Y\I )\'1 � S"'b.Miller, Zane L. (History) Ph.D.JS9999 BOBs Cox and the municipal reformers; Cincinnati progressiv3lsm,1880-1914.Mitchell, Charity (Graduate Library School) A.M.Z10999 Approaches to history by English historical novelists forchildren.Hoburg, Lawrence G (Elementary Education) M.S.T.Paper: The role of the reading consultant in establishing a school­wide program for helping the underachiever in reading.I\1organ, Susan Jennifer (English Lang. & Lit.) A.H. wiDMorris, Roberta Joy (English Lang. & Lit.) A.M. wiDMurbach, Linda L. (Education) A.M.Paper: A content analysis of phonics workbooks for remedial reading.Nakata, Yuri Ike (Graduate Library School) A.H.Z10999 An analysis of various quantitative differences amonglibra.ry schools based on standards for accreditation.Natsoulas, Theodore (History) A .�1 ..F9999 Samuel Gridley Howe, an American philhellene.Nay tor , Kenneth E (Slavic Langs. & Lits.) Ph.D.PG9999 The nominal declension -in the Cakavian Serbo-croatiandialects and literary Serbocroatian compared with �hatof Russian.Nealson, Kenneth H (Botany) S.M.QK999 A survey by electrophoresis of esterases, phosphatases, andleucine aminopeptidases in mycelial extracts of species of As­pergillus.Neri, Umberto (Mathematics) Ph.D.QA999 Singular integral operators on manifo�ds.Neubauer, Raymond L. (English Lang. &: Lit.) A .. M. wiDNeufelder, Daniel A C"ducation/Chemistry) M.A.T.Paper: The determination of phenazine in Anthracene: an approachto a problematic situation.Neumann, Franke Julius, Jr. (Divinity) A.M. wiDPage 13, September, 1966Nicodemus, :Mary Louise (Education) A.Fi.Paper: A process-centered science program for the fourth grade.Nitchie, Peter Edwar-d (Romance Langs , & Lits.) A.H.Papers (1) En attendant Godot: analyse a Gogo.(2) La mort d'un vivant.Norris, William Joseph (English Lang. & Lit.) A.M. w/oNorthrop, Darlene Baker (Education) A.M.Paper: A report of an experiment in grouping procedures for develop­mental reading classes at Urbana Junior High School.Nyland, Keith R. (Education/History) l4.A.T.Paper: The Lincoln-Douglas debate--a reappraisal.Obermayer, Dennis Harold (Committeeeon International Relations) A.H.DS999 The formative decade: an analysis of American knowledge ofChinese communism.Onwumelu, John A (History) Ph.D.DT999 Congo paternalism; an isolationist colonial policy.Oppenheimer, Edward Harry, Jr. (Education)Paper: Community and teachers' revolt:failure. a cas.e study of administrativeOssewaarde, Gary Martin (History/Hum.) A.H.Papers (1) Hassachusetts and the reorganization of the Union, 1780-1790: Social and economic factors.(2) Negro and populism in Georgia.Osthaus, Carl R.Papers (1) (History/Hum.) A.H.The politics of despair: a study of the Negro in nationalpolitics, 1906-1912.Negro Democratic sentiment in the Presidential campaignof 1928.(2)Owusu, Naxwell (Anthropology) A.H.Paper: Tallensi and Ashanti responses to socio-cultural changes: acomparative study of how two \lest African societies havereacted to change.Ozoa, Angelo K (Pathology) Ph.D.RB999 Selective induction and localization of arterial plaques inhypercholesterolemic rabbits.Pallett, Anthony T G (History) A.M.DT999 The Suez crisis of 1956; American diplomacy and John FosterDulles.Pankiw, Halyna (Graduate Library School) A.M.Z10999 Ukraninian publishing during the decade 1950-1960.Parsley, Jerry H. (�ducation) A.M.Paper: An analysis of the comprehension skill of making inferences.Page 1L�, September, 1966Pascal, Harry Bloomfield (Romance Langs. & Lits.) A.M.Papers (1) Etude sur L'Atre Perilleux(2) Essai sur "Le voyagetl de Charles Baudelaire.Pechukas, Philip (Chemistry) Ph.D.QD1099.5 A miscellany of scattering theory.Perlman, Morris C�conomics) Ph.D.HG9999 International differences in liquid asset portfolios.Phillips, John Ransome (Committee on the History of Culture) Ph.D.BR9999 The reformation of images: iconoclasm in England, 1535-1660.Porter, D Gareth (Political Science) A.M.JX9999 Interests, alliance, and military aid: the case of Pakistan.Porter, John '�vesley (Radiology) S.M.R999 The production of short-lived isotopes with a 40 mev linearelectron accelerator.Portnuff, �Jendy -Joy , (Elementary Education) M.S.T_Paper: Sentence-combining transformations in the fourth grade.Psacharopoulos, George (Economics) A.M.Paper: Changes in the demand for skills: an interindustry model.Quail, Robert Dean (Education/Physics) M.A.T.Paper: An approach to the teaching of kinetic and potential energy.Radmer, Richard J. (Botany) S.M.QK999 Studies on the bimsynthesis of chlorophyll in Phaseolusvulgaria.Rast, VJalter E (Divinity) Ph.D.BS9999 Daniel 9: its form and theological significance.Reed, Jean Towle (History) A.H.DS999 Robert Allen Hume, missionary-statesman, 1874-1929; amissionary's account of cultural and political developmentsin India and his relation to them.Resneck, Susan Dale (English Lang. & Lit.) A.M. w/oRest, Ann Hiller (Classical Langs. & Lits.) A.M."1Paper: Epithalamia: The wedding poems of Sappho, Th ocritus, andCatullus.Richert, Dolores Narie (�ducation) A.r(.Paper: Organizing elements for science in the elementary school.Richman, Edward (Chemistry) S.M. w/oRichter, David H. (English Lang. 8� Lit.) A.H. w/oPage 15, September, 1966Roberts, Gary Boyd (History) A.H.Papers (1) The Mowgray connections(2) Plantagenets, capets a hohenitaufens: Some moderndescendants.Roos, Virginia (Education/Russian) M.A.T.Paper: The relationship of the experimental Russian workshop toconcepts of compensatory education at Hyde Park High School(Chicago, Illinois).Root, Mildred Shirley (Pharmacology) S.M.RA1299 Comparison of the subacute oral toxicity of anticholinesteraseinsecticides in the rat and dog.Rosenblatt, Peter Lee (Economics) A.H.Paper: A proposal for ending urban water shortages.Rossi, Ino,Paper: S. J. (Sociology) �.M.Ethnicity as intervening variable in some attitudinal indexesrelated to the nProtestant "thicH hypothesis.Rosenkilde, Carle Edward (Phy�ics) Ph.D. Jf(Q(. '0 q Cf '(Itt. StedJI/'tr �f' tJ4(I:51/17'I??1etI'IC fr,,,1'escha.rfj ellJ lICI''['(1 Jrt:Pp.Rubinoff, Arthur G (Political SciencSe) A.N.DS999 India's use of force in Goa.Rust, James (Nathematics) :Ph.D.QA999 On a con ject.ur e of Frobenius.Sanders, Rita Delora (History) A.M.Papers (1) Woman suffrage and the Republican Party 1865-1870.(2) Political nativism ill New York City.Sanderson, Kendall Anne (Elementary.8ducation) lvi.S.T.Paper: 'I'he treatment of minority groups in children's literature:its relationshipcto attitude development in children.Schellhase, Vivian Ruby (English Lang. g( Lit.) A .rr. "11/0Schiffman, Harold F (Linguistics) A.H.Paper: The morphonemics of Kanadan.Schmidt, Peter Jon (Physics) S.Iv1. \-1/0Sch-ri.d t , viilliam H. (Chemistry) S.N. w/oSchwalm, David Earl (English Lang. tc Lit.) A.r'1. w/oSchwarcz, Herbert Joseph (Education) A.H.fN6999 Mach�ne animism in modern children's literature.EdSerzan, Albert Charles (Education/Russian) Mll.T.Paper: A contrastive study of four high frequency English prepositionsand their Russian equivalents.Page 16, September, 1966�h§.f�r, David (Hathematics) Ph.D.QA999 The Hamel basis theorem and the countable axiom of choice;an exercise in the method of Paul Cohen.Shaffer, Peter Mark (Germanic Langs. & Lits.) A.M.Paper: Heinrich Heine's Italien.Shell, Judith Ann (�nglish Lang. & Lit.) A.M. w/oSilver, Bette Marlene (Elementary Education) M.S.T.Paper: Teaching morphology in the sixth grade as a vocabularybuilding skill.Silverm�n, :Martin Gary (Anthropology) Ph.D.GN999 Symbols and solidarities on Rambi Island, Fiji.Silverstein, Harry Shevelson (Philosophy) Ph.D.BJ2999 Ethics, action, and universalisability.Sittler, Joseph Andrew (Gen'l Studies Humanitites) A.M.Paper: Aesthetics of musical performance.Slotten, Ralph L (Divinity) Ph.D.BL9999 The master of animals. A study in the symbolism of huntingreligion.Smith, Adrienne Jean (Psychology) Ph.D.BF1999 Changes in patients' views of the therapist as a function�of the development of a dynamic psychotherapy group.Smith, Betty F. (english Lang. & Lit.) A.H. w/oSobolik, Nancy Ann (Education) A.M.Paper: On the stimulation of curiosity: a review of the �terature.Spencer, John Bunyan (Philosophy) Ph.D.B1674 The ethics of Alfred North Whitehead •• 'vJ3Z7,8-74Stampe, David Lynn (Linguistics) A.M.Paper: Proto-Sora-Parengi phonology.0tark, Kathleen Ann (History) A.H.Papers (1) Religious controversy under Louis XIV.(2) The collapse of Austria-Hungary.Stephens, Alan Thompson (Education/Soc. Sci.) fvI.A.'f.Paper: Comparative Negro-White student attitudes toward government.,Sternheimer, Stephen (Political Science) A.M.JA999 Political socialization and Soviet youth; the developmentof political identity in the U.S.S.R.Stevens, John Coolidge (Philosophy) A.r·1. w/oStoll, Hans R (Graduate School of Business) Ph.D.HG9999 The determinants of forward foreign exchange rates.Page 17, September, 1966Stout, Robert T. (Education) Ph.D.LC6999 Education as a social mobility route for children of suburbanblue collar workers.Stozek, Mary Alodia, Sister (Education) Ph.D.LCD999 Self-conception and vocational choice among middle adolescentgirls.Swan, Carolyn Taylor (Romance Lange. & Ld t s , ) A.N.­Papers (1) La structure de la Chartreuse de Parme.(2) La chanson de Willame.,Swanson, Kendall Edward (Education) A .H.Paper: An evaluation of state financial support of education inIllinois (An exploratory analysis of the Illinois CommonSchool Fund).Tadlock, Janet Ann (Education/English) M.A.T.Paper: A view of teaching English in the urban high school.Taggart, John Paul (English Lang , & I.Jit.) A.1v1. w/oTamm, Sidney Lawrence (iJoology) Ph.D.QL999 Flagellar morphogenesis in the protozoan Peranema trichophorum.Teschner, Sharyn Lynn (Elementary EgRcation) M.S.T.Paper: Creativity, freedom, ana �ulturally deprived child.Thompson, Charles \,Jilliam, Jr. (Education/Physics) M.A. T.Paper: The discovery of electromagnetic induction: a case history.'I'homson , Thomas David (Gradua t e School of Business) Ph.D.HG9999 The demand of commercial banks for cash assets: a cross­sectional analysis.ThDrnber, Edgar Hodson (�conomics) Ph.D.HB3999 Applications of decision theory to econometrics.Timkovich, Carol Sue (English Lang. & Lit.) A.M. wloTrees, Robert (Committee on Planning) Ph.D.HF.9999 The organization, operation, and managment of a Yugoslavianeconomic enterprise: the case of New Combine, a publiclyowned firm for the wholesale distribution of agriculturalequipment.and supplies.Troxell, Eugene A (Philosophy) Ph.D.B945 A critical analysis of C. I. Lewis' views on logical.I65Z7 necessity.T8Turner, Castellano B (Psychology) Ph.D.BF1999 Stability and homogeneity of test responses as related toappropriateness of response processes.Page 18, September, 1966Udell, Gerald R (English Lang. & Lit.) Ph.D.pE3999 The speech of Akron, Ohio: the segmental phonology. Astudy of th� effects of rapid industrialization on the speechof a community.Urbanski, Jacqueline Marie (Znglish Lang. & Lit.) A.H. w/oVan de Roovart, Elizabeth Genevieve (Education) Ph.D.LB3999 The use of science oriented reading materials in teachingproblem solving skills.Van Vechten, James Alden (Physics) 8.1-'1. w/oVogel, Virgil H J (History) Ph.D.F9999 American Indian medicine and its influence on white medicineand pharmacology.Vos, Alvin Paul (English Lang. & Lit.) A.H. w/oWagner, RoyGN999 (Anthropology) Ph.D.The curse of Souw; pr�nciples of Daribi clan definitionand alliance.Ward, Robert R. G. (Educataon/Math.) M.A�r.Paper: A study of functions of a complex variable for use in thesecondary classroom.Wendelken, Carolyn Elizabeth (�lementary Education) M.S.T.Paper: A unified English Language Arts program for the elementaryschools.Westerhof, Harry (English Lang. & Lit.) A.t-1. w/o\vhi t man , Charles N (Divinity) D.B. w/oWilliams, �ilmajean (Education) A.M.Paper: A comparison of academic achievement: a graded school and anon-graded school.Vling, James D. (Germanic Langs. & Li t s , ) A. H.Paper: A critical look at Hermann Neusse's Narzias and Goldmund.Winkler, Robert L (Grac.uate School of Business) Ph.D.HA9999 The assessment of prior distributions in Bayesian analysis.Wondra, Gerald Leo (Divinity) A.M •• w/oYoung, Geraldine Antonia (�nglish Lang. & Lit.) A.M. w/oZar, Howard B. (Geophysical Sciences) S. 1. w/oZemelman, Beth Susan (lBlementary Education) H.S.T.Paper: Current rationales in the study of classroom interaction.Zylstra, Phyllis Ann (.!:.Inglish Lang. 8.: Lit.) A.E. w/o/·ORDER Of EXERCKSESFor the Conferring of DegreesThree o'clock»<>GEORGE· W. ;BEADLE� President of the University, PresidingTHE CONVOCATION PROCESSIONPROCESSIONAL-Adagio in A Minor(The congregation standing until the Hags reach the chancel)The Marshal and the Student AidesThe Candidates for DegreesThe Faculties of the UniversityThe Trustees and Administrative Officers·The Assistant to the Dean of the University Chapel·The President of the Univ��sity an� the Convocation SpeakerHYMN FOR THE CONGREGATIONAMERICA(The congregation standing until after the prayer)My country, 'tis of thee,Sweet land of liberty,Of thee I sing:Land where my fathers died, .Land of the pilgrims' pride,From every mouI_1tain sideLet freedom ring. Our fathers' God, to thee,. Author of liberty,To thee we sing: -:Long may our land be brightWith freedom's holy light!Protect us by thy might,Great God, our King! Amen. .... -So F. SMITHBachTHE INVOCATIONEWELL J. REAGINAssistant to the Dean, Rockefeller Memorial ChapelTHE CONVOCATION ADDRESS"TO\VARD RESPONSIBLE ENTRY"ALTON A. LINFORDProfessor and Dean, School of Social Service AdministrationSOLO"Let the bright seraphim" (from Samson)LAURY CHRISTIE, SopranoLet the bright seraphim, in burning row,Their loud uplifted Angel-trumpets blow.Let the cherubic host, in tuneful choirs,Touch their immortal harps with golden wires. HandelTHE A WARD OF HONORSAwarded General Honors with the Bachelor's Degree:RICHARD M. CLEWETT, JR� JAY LAWRENCE LEMKEHENDRIK DEJONG ROBERT DEAN RICHTERAwarded Special Honors with the Bachelor's Degree in the College:ROBERT ALLEN SEGEL(History) PAPER: "The United States and EuropeanBalance of Power"THE CONFERRING OF ACADEMIC DEGREESCandidates for degrees will be presented in the following order:In the College by Associate Dean Robert L. PlatzmanIn the Division of the Biological Sciences by Associate Dean Robert G. PageIn the Division of the Humanities by Dean Robert E. StreeterIn the Division of the Physical Sciences by Associate Dean Mark G. InghramIn the Division of the Social Sciences by Dean D. Gale JohnsonIn the Graduate School of Business by Dean, George P. ShultzIn the Divinity School by Assistant Dean William N. WeaverIn the Graduate School of Education by Professor Emeritus Herman G. RicheyIn the Graduate Library School by Associate Professor Howard W. WingerIn the School of Social Service Administration by Professor Edward E.SchwartzCANDIDATES FOR THE BACHELOR'S DEGREEI. IN THE COLLEGEFor the Degree of Bachelor of Arts:GERARD WILLIAM AMES BORUCH EDWARD GLASGOW(Philosophy) (Professional Option: Business)RICHARD JAY BALL(Economics) JOHN WILLIAM GRAFTON(History)RICHARD G. GUDELL(History and Philosophy of Physical Science)NATHAN BOSSEN(Economics)HANNALYN MIRRIAM BOXER TODD CLIFFORD HANSON(History) (History)CONSTANCE MAY CHASKES OLIVER HAYDEN HARRIS III(Economics) (International Relations)RICHARD M. CLEWETT, JR.(English Language and Literature) JOYCE HITCHCOCK HASHER(History)SUZANNE BARBARA DEFIGH MAUREEN JOAN HILL(General Studies in the Humanities)(Physics)I. WALTER DEITCH SUSAN E. HOLADAY(Political Science) (Music)HENDRIK DEJONG(Philosophy)CHARLES LAWRENCE GELLERT(History) SUSAN HONEYCUTT(Sociology)ANTHONY J.KOCALIS(Professional Option: Business)B. SUSAN KURTH(Far Eastern Civilizations) RICHARD J. SCHNEIDER(Psychology)ROBERT ALLEN SEGEL(History)NORAH KAN SHAYKIN(English Language and Literature)DAVID LEACH(Far Eastern Civilizations)ELLEN SARA LOWENBERG(English Language and Literature)ROBERT WESLEY MASTERS(History)ROBERT PETER MOHLMAN(Biology)JUDITH W. MUNSON(History) DANIEL HOYT SMITH(Slavic Languages and Literatures)FRANK ALLEN STARVEL(Philosophy)DANIEL SUDRAN(History)ROBERT DEAN RICHTER(Linguistics) BARBARA ANN JUR YANOSKO(Sociology)MARTHA REE ROBBINS(History)II. IN THE COLLEGE AND THE DIVISION OF THE BIOLOGICAL SCIENCESF or the Degree of Bachelor of Science:'RONALD· J. CHRisTENSEN(Biochemistry)III. IN THE COLLEGE AND THE DIVISION OF THE HUMANITIESFor the Degree of Bachelor of Arts:LENORE HAMMEL KRANTZ(General Studies in the Humanities)IV. IN THE COLLEGE AND THE DIVISION OF THE PHYSICAL SCIENCESFor the Degree of Bachelor of Science:BRUCE E. BEEKEN LEE PAUL GROTH(Mathematics) (Mathematics)TIMOTHY R. ERDMAN(Chemistry) JAY LAWRENCE LEMKE(Physics) .V. IN THE COLLEGE AND THE DIVISION OF THE SOCIAL SCIENCESFor the Degree of Bachelor of Arts:DONNA M. ISMAEL(History)VI. THE STUDENT AIDESFor the Degree of Bachelor of Arts:EDWIN ROMINE TAYLOR(Political Science)CANDIDATES FOR THE MASTER'S DEGREEI. IN THE DIVISION OF THE BIOLOGICAL SCIENCESFor the Degree of Master of Science:JOHN STOCKTON COWEN JOHN WESLEY PORTER IIIA.B., North Central College, 1950 S.B., Oklahoma State University, 1965(Biopsychology) (Radiology)DISSERTATION: A Metabolic Hippocampal AnomalyAssociated with Hereditary Susceptibility toSound Induced SeizuresJAMES HOWARD GREENA.B., Amherst College, 1963(Zoology)DISSERTATION: The Fate 0/ Diploid Cartilage CellsTransplanted into the Regenerating Forelimbs0/ a Triploid Amblystoma Larva as Determinedby MicrospectrophotometryLYDIA ELLEN HAMMAKERS.B., Duke University, 1956(Biochemistry)KENNETH H. NEALSONS.B., University 0/ Chicago, 1965(Botany)DISSERTATION: A Survey by Electrophoresis 0/Esterases, Phosphates, and Leucine Aminopepti­dases in Mycelial Extracts 0/ Species 0/ Asper­gillus DISSERTATION: The Production 0/ Short-Lived Iso­topes with a 40 Mev Linear Electron AcceleratorRICHARD J. RADMERS.B., University 0/ Chicago, 1964(Botany)DISSERTATION: Studies on the Biosynthesis 0/Chlorophyll in Phaseolus vulgarisMILDRED SHIRLEY ROOTS.B., Wheaton College, Wheaton, Illinois, 1954(P harmacology)DISSERTATION: Comparison 0/ the Subacute OralToxicity 0/ A nticholinesterase Insecticides inthe Rat and DogII. IN THE DIVISION OF THE HUMANITIESFor the Degree of Master of Arts:JUDITH APPLEGATEA.B., Brown University, 1958(Art)ENRIQUE ARIAS, JR.B. Mus., DePaul University, Chicago, Illinois,1963(Music)PAUL R. ASHLEYA.B., Grinnell College, 1963(English Language and Literature)CLAIRE BERGSMA ASHMANA.B., Calvin College, 1964(English Language and Literature) CRAIG WALLACE BARROWA.B., University 0/ Chicago, 1965(English Language and Literature)RODNEY JAY BLACKMANA.B., University 0/ Michigan, 1957L.L.B., Harvard University, 1960(Philosophy)RANDOLPH CHARLES BLASINGA.B., Carleton College, 1965(English Language and Literature)ROBERT ALAN BUTTERFIELDA.B., Roosevelt University, 1965(Romance Languages and Literatures)ELIZABETH W. CALDWELLA.B., University of Chicago, 1964(Romance Languages and Literatures)CURTIS CHUNG CHANGA.B., National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan,1960(Oriental Languages and Civilizations)DISSERTATION: Inheritance Problems in the FirstTwo Reigns of the Sung DynastyJANE DICKINSON CHIERAA.B., University of Chicago, 1941(English Language and Literature)ANDREW BRUCE CRICHTONA.B., Earlham College, 1965(English Language and Literature)STEPHEN LEON DAMOURSA.B., Wheaton College, Wheaton, Illinois, 1965(English Language and Literature)BARBARA FEDORKA DARRAHA.B., North Central College, 1964(English Language and Literature)DAVID LEROY DE LANGEA.B., University of Redlands, 1965(Philosophy)MARY JANE DIRIENZOA.B., Pennsylvania State University, 1965(English Language and Literature)HIROSHI EBINEA.B., Unioersity of Tokyo, Japan, 1959A.M., ibid., 1962(English Language and Literature)FRANK HARRY EINSTEINA.B., Earlham College, 1965(English Language and Literature)MARY ESTELLE ETHERIDGEA.B., Barat College, 1965(English Language and Literature)PATRICIA ANN FARRANTA.B., Rockford College, 1965(English Language and Literature)SHARON BETH FElMANA.B., University of Michigan, 1965(English Language and Literature)STEPHEN LEWIS FELDMANA.B., College of the City o] New York, 1964(History)VIRGINIA MARIAN FINNEGANA.B., Mundelein College, 1965(English Language and Literature)MARTHA OBER FLUEGGEA.B., Knox College, 1965(Philosophy)BARBARA NATHAN FOXA.B., University of Chicago, 1965(Romance Languages and Literatures)PHILIP GEORGE FURIAA.B., Oberlin College, 1965(English Language and Literature) RAYMOND ELDEN GADKEA.B., Knox College, 1965(History)BETTY GEROW GAWTHROPA.B., University of Chicago, 1949A.B., ibid., 1963(English Language and Literature)ROBERT L. GIBSONA.B., Grinnell College, 1964(Philosophy)DISSERTATION: Better UnderstandingGUSTAVUS GIDLEYA.B., University of Manchester, England, 1963(English Language and Literature)RUTH DALILA GOLDSTEINA.B., Barnard College, 1965(English Language and Literature)VIRGINIA VALISKA GREGORYA.B., Indiana Central College, 1962(English Language and Literature)ROBERT CHARLES GRUENA.B., Haverford College, 1965(English Language and Literature)MARILYN LEE HAIGHTA.B., Carleton College, 1965(English Language and Literature)MIMI STILL HALLA.B., Sarah Lawrence College, 1964(English Language and Literature)KARELISA VOELKER HARTIGANA.B., College of Wooster, 1965(Classical Languages and Literatures)LARRY JON HAVERKA�A.B., Hope College, 1965(English Language and Literature)MARY THERESA STAKE HAWKERA.B., Ripon College, 1965(English Language and Literature)EDWARD WARREN HEARNE IIIA.B., College of Wooster, 1965(English Language and Literature)DEBORAH MARGARET HESSA.B., Wheaton College, Wheaton, Illinois, 1965(Romance Languages and Literatures)PAUL KENNETH HESSELINKA.B., Hope College, 1965(English Language and Literature)SUZANNE ALBERTA ILIFFA.B., Denison University, 1965(English Language and Literature)RANDOLPH WOODS IVYA.B., University of Louisville, 1965(English Language and Literature)BRUCE JOHNSA.B., Illinois Wesleyan University, 1950(English Language and Literature)PAUL DAVID JOHNSONA.B., Augustana College, Rock Island, Illinois,1965(English Language and Literature)ALETHA BEATRICE JONESA.B., Los Angeles State College, 1962(English Language and Literature) SUSAN JENNIFER MORGANA.B., Northwestern University, 1964(English Language and Literature)ROBERTA JOY MORRISA.B., University of Illinois, 1964(English Language and Literature)GEORGE THEODORE KARNEZISA.B., Miami University, 1965(English Language and Literature)MIRIAM R. KAYA.B., Washington University, 1965(English Language and Literature) RAYMOND L. NEUBAUERA.B., Dartmouth College, 1964(English Language and Literature)MARIE LOUISE KESSELA.B., St. Joseph's Colleze for Women, 1964(English Language and Literature) PETER EDWARD NITCHIEA.B., Yale University, 1965(Romance Languages and Literatures)JAMES ALBERT KIMPLE, JR.A.B., Earlham College, 1965(English Language and Literature) WILLIAM JOSEPH NORRISA.B., Stetson University, 1965(English Language and Literature)GORDON LEE KIPLINGA.B., Beloit College, 1965(English Language and Literature) GARY MARTIN OSSEWAARDEA.B., Calvin College, 1964(History)CARL R. OSTHAUSA.B., Kalamazoo College, 1965(History)HARRY BLOOMFIELD PASCALA.B., University of Chicago, 1965(Romance Languages and Literatures)ELAINE LAURA KLEINERA.B., Oregon State University, 1964(English Language and Literature)CAROLE BONITA KROPSCHOTA.B., University of Michigan, 1964(Romance Languages and Literatures) SUSAN DALE RESNECKA.B., Wellesley College, 1965(English Language and Literature)JOAN MARGARET KUZMAA.B., College of St. Catherine, 1965(English Language and Literature) ANN HILLER RESTA.B., Northwestern University, 1964(Classical Languages and Literatures)A. BYRON LEONARD IIA.B., University of Kansas, 1965(Romance Languages and Literatures) DAVID H. RICHTERA.B., University of Chicago, 1965(English Language and Literature)BARBARA M. LEVINEA.B., Earlham College, 1965(English Language and Literature) VIVIAN RUBY SCHELLHASES.B., University of Chicago, 1961(English Language and Literature)MICHAEL RAYMOND LIBERMANA.B., University of Illinois, 1965(English Language and Literature) HAROLD F. SCHIFFMANA.B., Antioch College, 1960(Linguistics)JERRY JOSEPH LINCOLNA.B., Lawrence University, 1965(English Language and Literature) DAVID EARL SCHWALMA.B., Carleton College, 1965(English Language an:d Literature)JOHN MAKROPOULOSA.B., University of Illinois, 1965(English Language and Literature) PETER MARK SHAFFERA.B., Reed College, 1961(Germanic Languages and Literatures)E. CURTIS MATTHEWS, JR.A.B., Denison University, 1965(English Language and Literature) JUDITH ANN SHELLA.B., University of Chicago, 1965(English Language and Literature)SUSAN HOLLY MATZA.B., University of Illinois, 1965(Romance Languages and Literatures) JOSEPH ANDREW SITTLER(General Stu.dies in the Hicm anities)SISTER ST. KELLEN McILHONA.B., Mutidelein College, 1964(English Language and Literature) BETTY F. SMITHPh.B., Northwestern University, 1964(English Language and Literature)DAVID JOHN MELNICKA.B., University of California, Berkeley, 1965(English Language and Literature) DAVID LYNN STAMPEA.B., Indiana University, 1960(Lingnistics)BRIAN LEE MIHMA.B., St. Olaf College, 1965(English Language and Literature) KATHLEEN ANN STARKA.B., Rosary College, 1965(History)JOHN COOLIDGE STEVENSA.B., Reed College, 1965(Philosophy)CAROLYN TAYLOR SWANA.B., University of California, Santa Barbara, 1965(Romance Languages and Literatures)JOHN PAUL TAGGARTA.B., Earlham College, 1965(English Language and Literature)CAROL SUE TIMKOVICHA.B., Hope College, 1965(English Language and Literature)JACQUELINE MARIE URBANSKIA.B., Rosary College, 1964(English Language and Literature) ALVIN PAUL VOSA.B., Calvin College, 1965(English Language and Literature)HARRY WESTERHOFA.B., Calvin College, 1964(English Language and Literature)JAMES D. WINGA.B., Beloit College, 1965(Germanic Languages and Literatures)GERALDINE ANTONIA YOUNGA.B., Rosary College, 1965(English Language and Literature)PHYLLIS ANN ZYLSTRAA.B., Calvin College, 1965(English Language and Literature)For the Degree of Master of Fine Arts:RUTH LOUISE BECKA.B., University of Michigan, 1957B.F.A., Yale University, 1961(Art)III. IN THE DIVISION OF THE PHYSICAL SCIENCESF or the Degree of Master of Science:AVIAD M. BROSH IA.B., Harvard University, 1965(Mathematics)NORI YAW-CHYUAN CHUB.Sc., Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan,1961(Chemistry)CLIFFORD MICHAEL DETZA.B., Brown University, 1964(C hemistry)ZALMAN LEVI FELD GAIBELS.B., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1963(C hemistry)SUSAN JOAN MAYERS.B., University of Wisconsin, 1965(Chemistry) EDWARD RICHMANS.B., Brown University, 1963(Chemistry)PETER JON SCHMIDTA.B., Princeton University, 1965(Physics)WILLIAM H. SCHMIDTS.B., Yale University, 1964(C hemistry)JAMES ALDEN VAN VECHTENA.B., University of California, Berkeley, 1965(Physics)HOWARD B. ZARS.B., University of Chicago, 1961(Geophysical Sciences)IV. IN THE DIVISION OF THE SOCIAL SCIENCESFor the Degree of Master of Arts:PATRICIA A. BALLA.B., University of Illinois, 1964(History) JOHN FARWELL BARBERA.B., Beloit College, 1960(S ociology)MARGUERITE ROSS BARNETTA.B., Antioch College, 1964(Political Science)DISSERTATION: Ideological Development in theAmerican Southern Electorate 1960-64STEPHEN ALAN BARNETIA.B., Antioch College, 1964(A nthropology)ARTHUR HENRY BARTSCHA.B., University of Western Ontario, London, On­tario, Canada, 1956(History)LAUVON BEHRMANS.B., Lock Haven State College, 1954(Education)WILFRID J. BILODEAU, O.M.1.B.Ph., University of Ottawa, Ontario, Canada,1955L.Ph., ibid., 1956B.Th., ibid., 1958L.Th., ibid., 1960(Education)WILLIAM PREBLE BRYANTA.B., Dartmouth College, 1963(A nthropology)SHIRLEY J. BUOPA.B., Earlham College, 1963(Political Science)DISSERTATION: The Hukbalahap RevolutionGLORIA L. CARRIGA.B., Hunter College, 1955(Political Science)DISSERTATION: The Legal Status of the Com­munist Party of the United StatesSHYAMESHWAR DASA.B., Harvard University, 1965(History)MARY HOLMAN DEALA.B., University of Chicago, 1965(History)LOIS CELESTE FOSTERB.A.Ed., University of Florida, 1955(Education)BRUCE DUNCAN FRISBIEA.B., University of Chicago, 1959(Sociology)PORTIA L. GAGEA.B., Radcliffe College, 1964(History)LEWIS GARDNERA.B., Columbia University, 1964(Education)ANN GEKASA.B., Northwestern University, 1963(Education)ANGEL GINESTARCant., Perito Partidor, National University ofCuyo, Mendoza, Argentina, 1955Lic., ibid., 1956Doc., ibid., 1962(Economics) GRACE THOMAS GRANTB.E., Chicago Teachers College, 1958(Education)ARTHUR B. GUNDERSHEIMS.B., University of Wisconsin, 1964(Sociology)MARIE JEANNE HAENNILic., University of Fribourg, Switzerland, 1963(Education)BARBARA DICKSON HANRIEDERA.B., DePauw University, 1956(Human Development)NANCY B. HENDRIXS.B., Columbia University, 1961(Education)MICHAEL WALLACE HOMELA.B., Grinnell College, 1965(History)GERALDINE KETTERSONA.B., University of Chicago, 1962(Education)JUDITH WALZER LEAVITTA.B., Antioch College, 1963M.A.T., University of Chicago, 1965(History)DON W. LEVYA.B., Lake Forest College, 1952(International Relations)DISSERTATION: The Post-World War II Conditionsin Western Europe and the United States' Pro.gram of Foreign Aid from 1939 to 1947KAREN C. LONDONS.B., Simmons College, 1964(Education)PETER CORT MARZIOA.B., Juniata College, 1965(History)IVAN BEVERLEY McCAULEYB.Sc., University of Ottawa, Ontario, Canada,1955(Education)MARY E. McCULLOUGHB.Ed., Rhode Island College, 1963(Education)PETER MURRAY McGREGORA.B., Antioch College, 1963(History)KENNETH HARVEY McROBERTSA.B., University of California, Santa Barbara, 1964(Political Science)DISSERTATION: Contrasts in French-Canadian Na.tionalism: The Impact of Industrialization uponthe Electoral Role of Erench-Caruuliasi National.ism-1934-1944LINDA L. MURBACHS.B., Manchester College, 1962(Education)THEODORE NATSOULASA.B., College of the City of New York, 1960(History)DISSERTATION: Samuel Gridley Howe: An Ameri­can PhilhelleneMARY LOUISE NICODEMUSS.B., Beaver College, 1961(E ducation)DARLENE BAKER NORTHROPA.B., Mount Holyoke College, 1962(E ducation)DENNIS HAROLD OBERMAYERA.B., Western Illinois University, 1964(International Relations)DISSERTATION: The Formative Decade: An Anaby­sis of American Knowledge of Chinese Com.munism, 1931-1941EDWARD HARRY OPPENHEIMER, JR.A.B., Williams College, 1959(Education)MAXWELL OWUSUB.Sc., London University, England, 1963(Anthropology)ANTHONY THOMAS GEORGEPALLETTA.B., Hobart College, 1959(History)DISSERTATION: The Suez Crisis of 1956; AmericanDiplomacy and John Foster DullesJERRY H. PARSLEYA.B., Evansville College, 1963(Education)DANIEL GARETH PORTERA.B., University of Illinois, 1964(Political Science)DISSERTATION: Interests, Alliance, and MilitaryAid: The Case of PakistanGEORGE PSACHAROPOULOSDipl., College of Economics and Commerce,Athens, Greece, 1960(Economics)JEAN TOWLE REEDA.B., Earlham College, 1959(History)DISSERTATION: Robert Allen Hume, Missionary­Statesman, 1874-1929: A Missionary's Accountof Cultural and Political Developments in Indiaand His Relation to Them DOLORES MARIE RICHERTB.Ed., Chicago Teachers College, 1953(Education)GARY BOYD ROBERTSA.B., Yale University, 1965(History)PETER LEE ROSENBLATTA.B., Columbia University, 1963M.B.A., University of Chicago, 1965(Economics)INO ROSSI, S.J.Ph.Lic., Pontifical Gregorian University, Rome,Italy, 1956Soc.Lic., ibid., 1959Th.Lic., ibid., 1962(Sociology)ARTHUR G. RUBINOFFA.B., Allegheny College, 1964(Political Science)DISSERTATION: India's Use of Force in GoaRITA DELORA SANDERSA.B., Fisk University, 1965(History)HERBERT JOSEPH SCHW ARCZ(Education)DISSERTATION: Machine Animism in Modern Chilodren's LiteratureNANCY ANN SOBOLIKA.B., Albion College, 1963(Education)STEPHEN STERNHEIMERA.B., Harvard University, 1964(Political Science)DISSERTATION: Political Socialization and SovietYouth: The Development of Political Identityin the USSRKENDALL EDWARD SWANSONS.B., Western Illinois University, 1961(E ducation)WILMAJEAN WILLIAMSS.B., Indiana University, 1951(Education)V. IN THE DIVINITY SCHOOLFor the Degree of Master of Arts:FRITZ GUYA.B., LaSierra College, 1952A.M., Seventh Day Adventist Theological Semi­nary, 1955D.B., Andrews University, 1961FRANKE JULIUS NEUMANN, JR.A.B., Dartmouth College, 1955D.B., Princeton Theological Seminary, 1958M.Th., Princeton Theological Seminary, 1960 GERALD LEO WONDRAA.B., Hope College, 1961D.B., Western Theological Seminary, 1964FREDA JOY DAVIDSONA.B., University o] Michigan, 1943VI. IN THE GRADUATE LIBRARY SCHOOLJOHN BRAXTON McCLURKINA.B., University o] Alabama, 1932A.M., ibid., 1939DISSERTATION: Book Reviews and Best Sellers: ACritiqueMARY MONTGOMERY HECKA.B., Swarthmore College, 1959DISSERTATION: An Evaluation o] the Illinois Plan[or Public Library DevelopmentGEORGE ROBERT HILLA.B., Stanjord University, 1965DISSERTATION: Sources Used in Research in Musi­cologyANDREW JAY JOHNSON IIIA.B., University of Texas, 1954M.A., University o] Indiana, 1955Ph.D., ibid., 1964MARCIA KLINGERA.B., Rutgers University, 1963DISSERTATION: The Scientific and Medical Litera­ture Used by the Personnel in Three ChicagoHospitals DISSERTATION: Interneship Programs [or Librar­ians in Federal Government Service: A Surveyand Operation Detail [or One ProgramCHARITY NAN MITCHELLA.B., University o] Cincinnati, 1961DISSERTATION: Approaches to History by EnglishHistorical Novelists [or ChildrenYURI IKE NAKATAA.B., Colorado State College, 1947DISSERTATION: An Analysis o] Various Quantita­tive Differences among Library Schools Basedon Standards for AccreditationHALYNA PANKIWM.A., University of Chicago, 1953DISSERTATION: Ukrainian Publishing during theDecade 1950-1960VII. IN THE SCHOOL OF SOCIAL SERVICE ADMINISTRATIONFor the Degree of Master oi Arts:MARY ANN KAUFMANA.B., University oj Michigan, 1954 JAMES ANTHONY PELIKANS.B., Xavier University, Cincinnati, Ohio, 1964CANDIDATES FOR PROFESSIONAL DEGREESI. IN THE GRADUATE SCHOOL OF EDUCATIONFor the Degree of Master oi Arts in Teaching:ELIZABETH CLARK ARCHA.B., Stanford University, 1964(Biology)SYLVIA CADA AUTONS.B., University o] Chicago, 1962(Mathematics)ARLENE B. BREWSTERA.B., Skidmore College, 1964(English)CLARICE J. CLAYTONA.B., Jackson State College, 1963(Biology)SUSAN EVE CLOSEA.B., Nazareth College oi Rochester, 1964(Mathematics) GESINE URSULA DREYERA.B., University o] Chicago, 1960(German)LORRAINE ELISE GRANIERIA.B., Niagara University, 1963(French)MARILYN ANN KOZUCHA.B., Albertus Magnus College, 1964(Biology)JOANNE JENSEN LAFRAMENTAA.B., Pacific Lutheran University, 1964(History)DONALD LLOYD LEEA.B., Northwestern University, 1963(English)SUSAN STARLENE ADAMSA.B., College of Wooster, 1965(Elementary Education) ELIZABETH LANDERHOLMA.B., DePauw University, 1963(Elementary Education)JAMES A. McBRIDES.B., University 0/ Chicago, 1963(Mathematics) ALBERT CHARLES SERZANA.B., Yale University, 1948(Russian)JOHN WILLIAM McCONNELLS.B., University of Chicago, 1964(Mathematics) ALAN THOMPSON STEPHENSA.B., Earlham College, 1964(Social Sciences)DANIEL A. NEUFELDERA.B., Evansville College, 1964(C hemistry) JANET ANN TADLOCKA.B., University of Redlands, 1964(English)KEITH R. NYLANDA.B., Baldwin-Wallace College, 1963(History) CHARLES WILLIAM THOMPSON, JR.A.B., Amherst College, 1964(Physics)ROBERT DEAN QUAILA.B., University of Chicago, 1964(Physics) ROBERT R. G. WARDS.B., South Dakota School 0/ Mines and Tech.nology, 1964(Mathematics)VIRGINIA ROOSA.B., Oberlin College, 1962(Russian)For the Degree of Master of Science in Teaching:EDITH PRESCOTT BAXTERA.B., Wheaton College, Norton, Massachusetts,1965(Elementary Education) CYNTHIA MAGRIEL LEVITTA.B., Skidmore College, 1959(Elementary Education)CAROLYN SHAPIRO BONHEIMA.B., Adelphi University, 1965(Elementary Education) LAWRENCE G. MOBURGA.B., Augustana College, Rock Island, Illinois,1962(Reading)WENDY JOY PORTNUFFA.B., University of Chicago, 1964(Elementary Education)ANGELA BETH BRAUNSTEINA.B., St. Mary's College, Notre Dame, Indiana,1964(Elementary Education) KENDALL ANNE SANDERSONA.B., Grinnell College, 1965(Elementary Education)ANNE COHENA.B., Brandeis University, 1965(Elementary Education)ELIZABETH LUCILLE EMERICKA.B., Oberlin College, 1965(Elementary Education) BETTE MARLENE SILVERA .B., University o] California, Berkeley, 1965(Elementary Education)TONI EUSTERA.B., University of Chicago, 1965(Elementary Education) SHARYN LYNN TESCHNERA .B., Brandeis University, 1965(Elementary Education)NANCY M. GOODMANA.B., University of Wisconsin, 1962(Elementary Education)JANE KOUKAL HOOKA.B., University of Minnesota, 1966(Elementary Education) CAROLYN ELIZABETH WENDELKENA.B., Kalamazoo College, 1963(Elementary Education)BETH SUSAN ZEMELMANA.B., Oberlin College, 1965(Elementary Education)CAROL JACOBSA.B., Washington University, 1964(Elementary Education)II. IN THE GRADUATE SCHOOL OF BUSINESSFor the Degree at Master at Business Administration:EDWARD VAN AMERONGENB.Arch., Tulane University, 1952 PATRICK J. CUNNINGHAMA.B., St. Vincent College, 1956LOUIS LEON CZYZEWSKIS.B., Illinois Institute of Technology, 1949S.M., Northwestern University, 1950CHARLES ERNEST ANDERSON, JR.S.B., University of Colorado, 1947J.D., De Paul University, 1952JOHN HAROLD ANDREWSB.M.E., University of Detroit, 1963 LANCE JORN DAKINA.B., University of Michigan, 1961J.D., University of Chicago, 1964JOSEPH PAUL DIRUSCIOS.B., Kent State University, 1963MICHAEL EDWARD BALDIGOROBERT C. BARNESS.B.Ch.E., Northwestern University, 1949 RALPH WILLIAM DUNHAMS.B.M.E., Agricultural and Mechanical College otTexas, 1962ELMER WILLIAM EDSTRANDS.B., Illinois Institute of Technology, 1960DONALD WILLIAM BAUERS.B., Grove City College, 1960EDWARD ARTHUR BEAMISHJAY MARSHALL BECKERS.B., University of Illinois, 1957 JOHN J. FANNONS.B., University ojNotre Dame, 1956MONROE JAMES BELL, JR.A.B., Furman University, 1949 HOWARD KENNETH FENTONS.B., University of Missouri, 1953WILLIAM JOHN BLAZEKROBERT JAY BLENDONA.B., Marietta College, 1964 THOMAS WILLIAM FOSSS.B., Georgetown University, 1964JOHN ALAN FOXS.B., University of Illinois, 1964DOUGLAS EDWARD BONDYS.B., University of Denver, 1941STEPHEN RICHARD FOXA .B., Stanford University, 1964WALLACE H. BROWNA.B., University of Colorado, 1951GEORGE B. FOYLL.B., De Paul University; 1949ROGER GARAYB.E.E., Manhattan College, 1963JOHN VINCENT GELBA.B., Cornell College, 1964CARL WILLIAM GmSSELS.B., University of Wisconsin, 1960JAMES MENAURD BUTCHERS.B., Loyola University, Los Angeles, California,1958FRANCIS J. CARAVAGLIO• WITH HONORSS.B.E.E., University of Rochester, 1961CLEVE EMIL CARNEYA.B., Dartmouth College, 1961THOMAS J. CASEY, S.J.S.B.B.A., Boston College, 1948LL.B., University of Denver, 1951 LLOYD HERMAN GOBLES.B.M.E., Rose Polytechnic Institute, 1946WILLIAM JOHN GOLDSBOROUGHA.B., Monmouth College, 1965CARL SIKA CEITHAMLA.B., Lawrence College, 1964GLENN ERWIN CHRISTYS.B.Ed., Illinois State University, 1960 JOHN MARTIN GOODES.B.C., De Paul University, 1960ROBERT GEORGE GOUGH• WITH HONORSS.B., Lehigh University, 1962ALGERT GEORGE GRIMAILAS.B.E.E., University 'of Connecticut, 1950S.M.E.E., Illinois Institute o/Technology, 1956EDWARD N. GRSKOVICHLL.B., DePaul University, 1953CHARLES GEORGE GUDBRANDSENPAUL DAVID COLLIERA.B., Tufts University, 1950JAMES DOUGLAS COOKESc.B., Fresno State' College, 1956JAY RAWLING CORBETTS.B., Carnegie Institute of Technology, 1947S.B.M.E., ibid., 1947RICHARD WILLIAM CRAYS.B.C., De Pdul University, 1959"JAMES ROGER CRISE S.B., Northwestern University, 1948ROBERT J. HALONENS.B.B., University of Minnesota, 1963CHARLES CORNELIUS HAMPLEA.B., Colorado College, 1964THEODORE CHARLES HEAGSTEDTS.B., George Williams College, 1948LEONARD PAUL HELLE RICHA.B., Baker University, 1950RAYMOND JOHN HENGELS.B.E.E., University of Buffalo, 1962ANTONIO AMPIL HENSONS.B., De LaSalle College, Manila, P.I., 1961DONALD OWEN HODGESPh.B., University 0/ Chicago, 1947S.B.B.A., Northwestern University, 1948JAMES RICHARD HORSTMANA.B., Wayne State University, 1955WILLIAM DENTON JACOBSS.B., College of the Holy Cross, 1946JANET P. JAFFEA.B., University of Chicago, 1964CALVIN PAUL JINGSTS.B., University of Illinois, 1951PHILIP JOHN JONESA.B., University of Notre Dame, 1963EDWARD THOMAS KEENANDANIEL CHRISTOPHER KELLYS.B., University of Illinois, 1958DONALD MICHAEL KILOURIES.B., Loyola University, Chicago, Illinois, 1957S.M., ibid., 1960SISTER M. ANNE STEPHENKINNEAVY, C.s.C.S.B., St. Mary's College, Notre Dame, Indiana,1959WARREN L. KNAUERS.B., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1943WALTER J. KOBOSJOHN HENRY KOCHA.B., Wabash College, 1963THADDEUS JUDE KOCHANNYS.B., DePaul University, 1957DONALD GEORGE KOSINS.B., Northwestern University, 1953J.D., ibid., 1956RONALD HOWARD KRASNITZS.B.M.E., University of Illinois, 1963THOMAS CHARLES KRYZERB.C.E., University of Minnesota, 1951LEONARD B. LAMPMANJOHN F. LANGDONS.B.C., Loyola University, Chicago, Illinois, 1950JOSEPH F. LEWISS.B.M.E., Illinois Institute of Technology, 1956WALTER CHARLES LINDENS.B., University of Illinois, 1953 LOWELL J. LUNDENA.B., Concordia College, 1964DANA R. LUNDQUISTA.B., Valparaiso University, 1963MICHAEL RONALD LUTZA.B., Princeton University, 1964CLAUDE CLEVELAND MARTINS.B., University of North Cerolina, 1937WILLIAM PEYTON MASON, JR.ECKART MATTHESRej., University of Hamburg, Germany, 1962FRANK B. McBREARITY, JR.B.E.E., Villanova University, 1964EDWARD J. McELLIN, JR.WILLIAM JAMES McGONAGILS.B., University of Illinois, 1950DONALD HICKOK McGOWNM.E., Stevens Institute of Technology, 1950PAUL DEAN McPHEETERSS.B.C., Loyola University, Chicago, Illinois, 1949LOWELL EUGENE MEEKS.B., Ohio State University, 1948ROGER A. MICHAILOFFS.B.M.E., Purdue University, 1948S.B.N.S., ibid., 1948RICHARD OLIVER MILLERA.B., Boston University, 1951S.B., University of Illinois, 1962DONALD JAMES MOLONEYS.B.C., Loyola University, Chicago, Illinois, 1953ROBERT WILLIAM MOUNTSIERS.B., Lehigh University, 1948MARTIN EDWARD MULLARKEYS.B.M.E., University of Notre Dame, 1956DAVID HENRY MURPHYLL.B., DePaul University, 1943MAURICE REX NAZARETHB.Pharm., Gujerat University, Ahmedabad, India,1954S.M., St. Louis College of Pharmacy and AlliedScience, 1959Ph.D., Washington State University, 1963WILLIAM GEORGE NELSONS.B., Bradley University, 1957JEROME CLARENCE OKONSKIGARY K. OLESONS.B.E.E., Iowa State University, 1963ROBERT WALTER OLSONS.B.M.E., Purdue University, 1959THOMAS MICHAEL ONANA.B., Loras College, 1957NORMAN ALLAN PACES.B.C.E., University of Illinois, 1948ANDREW JOSEPH PEREJDAS.B.M.E., University of Detroit, 1957ANTHONY PERTILES.B., University 0/ Illinois, 1962RALPH EDWARD PFAFFS.B., Wheaton College, Wheaton, Illinois, 1960JOHN BRIAN LLOYD PIERCES.B.B.A., Georgetown University, 1957WALLACE E. PLATNERA.B., Walla Walla College, 1954LEONARD GEORGE POLEKS.B., University 0/ Illinois, 1956VAL PRICE, JR.A.B., DePauw University, 1950EDWARD FREDERICK PRINSLOWA.B., University 0/ Wisconsin, 1950ELMER CHRISTIAN PROEHLES.B., Illinois Institute of Technology, 1954PAUL ALLEN REEMSNYDERB.B.A., Western Reserve University, 1948JOHN F. RHODEA.B., University 0/ Illinois, 1961HAROLD E. ROBB, JR.B.E.E., University 0/ Minnesota, 1956JOHN HAROLD RODGERSS.B., Michigan State University, 1958DAVID BRUCE SARVERA.B., DePauw University, 1961J.D., University of Chicago, 1964CONRAD B. SCHAFER, JR.S.B.E.E., Duke University, 1959RICHARD WILLIAM SCHMIDTLEINS.B., DePaul University, 1952WERNER E. SCHOLTZWILLIAM B. SCHWEIZERA.B., Beloit College, 1960ROBERT FRANCIS SCOTT, JR.S.B., University of Kentucky, 1960CHARLES LEONARD SHANOS.B.E.E., Illinois Institute of Technology, 1960DONALD JOSEPH SHAUGHNESSYS.B.C., Loyola University, Chicago, Illinois, 1953PAUL SHAWA.B., Harvard University, 1955ROBERT E. SHEARERA.B:, Dartmouth College, 1961JAMES REED SINCOXA.B., University of Illinois, 1958 EDWIN SLOCUMS.B., Northwestern University, 1948ROBERT GLEN SMITH• WITH HONORSS.B., Ohio State University, 1957WELDON J. SMITHA.B., Wesleyan University, 1961LL.B., Washington and Lee University, 1964RONALD ADOLPH STEENS.B., University of Illinois, 1956ALEXANDER STEINMANEDWARD JOHN STOLLS.B.E., University of Michigan, 1938ROBERT J. SWANSONA.B., Lake Forest College, 1950WILLIAM ROGER TAYLORS.B.E.E., University of Wyoming, 1959RENO J. TESTOLINS.B.M.E., University 0/ Wisconsin, 1948HAROLD ESTES THOMPSON, JR.S.B., Clemson Agricultural College, 1963DAVID H. TOWERA.B., Trinity College, Hartford, Connecticut, 1964JOHN R. VALENTINES.B.E.A., Case Institute of Technology, 1956VERN WILLARD WAKEFIELDS.B., Case Institute 0/ Technology, 1962RUSSELL WILLIAM WARDA.B., Albion College, 1950LL.B., University of Michigan, 1957GORDON OWEN WATSONA.B., Colgate University, 1962GREGORY H. WESTA.B., Williams College, 1963KENNETH E. WHEELERS.B., Cornell University, 1964RONALD PAUL WIEDEMANS.B., Miami University, 1964BERNARD JOHN WITCZAKS.B.M.E., Indiana Institute of Technology, 1957THOMAS DEWITT WOFFORD, JR.S.B.C.E., University of Illinois, 1946BURTON JAMES WORLEYS.B., Iowa State University, 1939SAMUEL HENRY YOUNGB.B.A., University 0/ Notre Dame, 1963III. IN THE DIVINITY SCHOOLFor the Degree of Bachelor of Divinity:DONALD ALLAN FOX GEORG AVERY KEMPA.B., University of Chicago, 1962LARRY LEE GREENFIELDA.B., Sioux Falls College, 1963LOWELL KENT HAYNESA.B., Westmar College, 1959 A.B., Eureka College, 1961CHARLES M. WHITMANA.B., Valparaiso University, 1963IV. IN THE LAW SCHOOLFor the Degree at Master at Comparative Law:KLAUS VON DER LADEN THOMAS OTTO ROSERej., Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich,Germany, 1963 A.B., Princeton University, 1958LL.B., Yale University, 1961CANDIDATES FOR THE DEGREE OFDOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHYI. IN THE DIVISION OF THE BIOLOGICAL SCIENCESALVITO PETER ALVARESB.Sc., University of Bombay, India, 1955B.Sc. (Tech.), ibid., 1957S.M., University of Detroit, 1961(Pharmacology)DISSERTATION: Studies on Inhibition of Ureaseand its Relationship to Weight Gain in ChicksMICHAEL A. AXELRADM.B., University of London, England, 1958S.B., ibid., 1958(Pathology)DISSERTATION: A Study of Delayed-Type Hyper­sensitivity in the Rat: Evidence for a UnifiedConcept of Humoral and Cellular ImmunityWINONA CLINTON BARKERA.B., Connecticut College, 1959(Physiology)DISSERTATION: Chemical and Biological Studies ona Nitrogen Mustard: I. Chemical Fate in Cul­ture Media. II. Resistance in Chilomonas para­mecium. III. Inhibition of Growth and Divisionof Escherichia coliFERRELL R. CAMPBELLS.B., Utah State University, 1960S.M., ibid., 1963(Anatomy)DISSERTATION: Fine Structure of the Bone Mar­row of the Pigeon and ChickenNICOLAS H. CHARNEYS.B., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1962(Biopsychology)DISSERTATION: Tolerance to the Behavioral Effectsof Scopolamine on RatsJAMES ERIC DAHLBERGA.B., Haverford College, 1962(Biochemistry)DISSERTATION: Studies on the Binding of Ribo­somes to Turnip Yellow Mosaic Virus RNA andRibosomal RNACLAIRE DICKS.B., University of Massachusetts, 1952S.M., University of Illinois, 1954(Physiology)DISSERTATION: Biochemical and CytochemicalStudies on Histones of Vicia Roots SAl-HANG DONALD KOB.Sc., University of London, England, 1961(Biochemistry)DISSERTATION: Studies on the Mechanism of Ac­tion of Escherichia coli Alkaline PhosphataseANTONIO V. LORENZOA.B., University of Chicago, 1955S.B., ibid., 1958(Pharmacology)DISSERTATION: The Effect of PentylenetetrazolConvulsions upon the Entry of S-35 Sulfate intothe Cat Central Nervous SystemNICHOLAS C. MARAVOLOS.B., University of Chicago, 1962S.M., ibid., 1964(Botany)DISSERTATION: Biochemical Changes during Sex­ual Development in Marchantia polymorphaSTEPHEN CLARK MAXSONS.B., University of Chicago, 1960(Biopsychology)DISSERTATION: The Effect of Genotype on BrainMechanisms Involved in Audiogenic SeizureSusceptibilityANGELO K. OZOAM.D., University of the Philippines, Quezon City,P.I., 1954S.M., University of Chicago, 1963(Pathology)DISSERTATION: Selective Induction and Localiza­tion of Arterial Plaques in Hypercholestero­lemic RabbitsDAVID MANN PHILLIPSS.B., Northeastern University, 1961(Zoology)DISSERTATION: Observations on Spermiogenesis inthe Fungus Gnat Sclara coprophila and FineStructure of Sclara coprophila spermSIDNEY LAWRENCE TAMMA.B., Cornell University, 1961(Zoology)DISSERTATION: Flagellar Morphogenesis in theProtozoan Peranema trichophorumII. IN THE' DIVISION OF THE HUMANITIESLINCOLN CARLYLE BLAKE-.A.B., Tufts University, 1955S.B., ibid., 1955A.M., University of Chicago, 1961(History of Culture)DISSERTATION: The Concept and Development ofScience at the University of Chicago, 1890-1905SUSAN FROMBERGA.B., University of Chicago, 1961A.M., ibid., 1963(English Language and Literature)DISSERTATION: Folding the Patterned Carpet:Form and Theme in the Novels of VladimirNabokovWILLIAM U. GENEMARASA.M., University of Chicago, 1953(Analysis of Ideas and Study of Methods)DISSERTATION: Responsibility, Freedom, and theIndividualROBERT SIDNEY GREENBERGA.B., Reed College, 1956(Philosophy)DISSERTATION: P. F. Strawson's Theory of Refer­enceBEVERLY ADRIENNE GROSSA.B., University of Michigan, 1959A.M., University of Chicago, 1960(English Language and Literature)DISSERTATION: Open-ended Forms in the ModernNovelHANNS GROSSB.A., University of London, England, 1950A.M., University of Chicago, 1963(History)DISSERTATION: The Debate about a German PublicLaw, 1600-1676: An Examination of the De­clining Influence of Roman Law Principles andRoman Imperial Traditions in the Constitutionaland Political Thought of Lutheran Germany JAMES DAVID McCRACKENA.M., Oberlin College, 1961A.M., University of Chicago, 1962(English Language and Literature)DISSERTATION: Politics and Propaganda in God­win's NovelsKENNETH EDWIN NAYLOR, JR.A.B., Cornell University, 1958A.M., Indiana University, 1960(Slavic Languages arid Literatures)DISSERTATION: The Nominal Declension in theCakavian Serbocroatian Dialects and LiterarySerbocroatian Compared with that of RussianJOHN RANSOME PHILLIPSA.B., University of Chicago, 1960B.F.A., San Francisco Art Institute, 1962A.M., University of San Francisco, 1962(History of Culture)DISSERTATION: The Reformation of Images: Icono­clasm in England, 1535-1660HARRY SHEVELSON SILVERSTEIN IIIA.B., Yale University, 1963(Philosophy)DISSERTATION: Ethics, Action, and Unioersalisabil­ityEUGENE A. TROXELLA.B., Gonzaga University, 1961A.M., University of Chicago, 1963(Philosophy)DISSERTATION: A Critical Analysis of C. I. Lewis'Views on Logical NecessityGERALD R. UDELLA.B., University of Akron, 1955A.M., Western Reserve University, 1956(English Language and Literature)DISSERTATION: The Speech of Akron, Ohio: TheSegmental Phonology: A Study of the Effects ofRapid Industrialization on the Speech of a Com­munityIII. IN THE DIVISION OF THE PHYSICAL SCIENCESTHOMAS WINSTON COLE, JR.S.B., Wiley College, 1961(C hemistry)DISSERTATION: The Synthesis and Chemistry ofCubaneALBERT FELDMANS.B., College of the City of New York, 1959S.M., University of Chicago, 1960(Physics)DISSERTATION: High Stress Optical Birefringencein Pure and Degenerate n-Type GermaniumRICHARD FLOYD GUNDYA.B., Illinois College, 1955Ph.D., Indiana University, 1960(Statistics)DISSERTATION: Some Applications of Probabilityin the Theory of Orthogonal Functions JOHN C. HERMANSONS.B., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1962S.M., University of Chicago, 1964(Physics)DISSERTATION: Exciton and Impurity States inRare Gas SolidsNORMAN EDWARD HURT(C hemistry)DISSERTATION: On N on-equilibrium. Statistical M e­chanicsELLIOTT ISA KREFETZA.B., Boston University, 1962S.M., University of Chicago, 1963(Physics)DISSERTATION: The Equilibrium of Slowly RotatingConfigurations in the Post-Newtonian Approxi­mationGENE L. LEWISA.B., Harvard University, 1961S.M., University of illinois, 1962(Mathematics)DISSERTATION: On the lntetral Cohomology of p­GroupsARTHUR WILLETT LUEHRMANN, JR.A.B., University of Chicago, 1955S.B., ibid., 1957S.M., ibid., 1961(Physics)DISSERTATION: Crystal Symmetries of Plane-Wave­Like Functions I: Symmorphic Space GroupsBARRY I. MILLERS.B., University of Chicago, 1959S.M., ibid., 1960(Physics)DISSERTATION: Magneto-Acoustic Attenuation ofCircularly Polarized Ultrasound in Sn, AI, andSbUMBER TO NERIS.B., University of Chicago, 1961S.M., ibid., 1962(Mathematics)DISSERTATION: Singular Integral Operators onManifolds PHILIP PECHUKASS.B., Yale University, 1963(Chemistry)DISSERTATION: A Miscellany of Scattering TheoryCARL EDWARD ROSENKILDES.B., State College of Washington, 1959S.M., University of Chicago, 1960(Physics)DISSERTATION: The Stability of Axisymmetric Fig­ures of Equilibrium of a Rotating, Charged,Liquid DropMILBERN JAMES RUSTA.B., Harvard University, 1961(Mathematics)DISSERTATION: On a Conjecture of FrobeniusDAVID SHAFERS.B., University of Chicago, 1958S.M., ibid., 1959(Mathematics)DISSERTATION: The Hamel Basis Theorem and theCountable Axiom of Choice: An Exercise in theMethod of Paul CohenIV. IN THE DIVISION OF THE SOCIAL SCIENCESC. MELVIN AIKENSA.B., University of Utah, 1960A.M., University of Chicago, 1962(Anthropology)DISSERTATION: Plains Relationships of the Fre­mont Culture: A Hypothesis Based on Excava­tions at Two Fremont-Promontory Sites inNorthern UtahJOHN DALE APELS.B., Kansas State University, 1960A.M., American University, 1961(Education)DISSERTATION: Prediction of Adult Educators' At­titudes toward Institutional ChangesROBERTA TOOLE ASHA.B., University of Chicago, 1962A.M., ibid., 1963(Sociology)DISSERTATION: Beyond Vocationalism: The Aspira­tions of Urban College StudentsA. STEPHEN BOYAN, JR.A.B., Brown University, 1959(Political Science)DISSERTATION: The Expanding Judicial View ofthe Free Exercise of Religion ClauseSTANLEY BUDERA.B., College of the City of New York, 1957A.M., University of Chicago, 1960(History)DISSERTATION: Pullman: An Experiment in Indus­trial Order and Community Planning, 1880-1930 ERNEST S. BURCH, JR.A.B., Princeton University, 1960A.M., University of Chicago, 1963(Anthropology)DISSERTATION: Authority, Aid, and Affection: TheStructure of Eskimo Kin RelationsCHARLES E. BUTTERWORTHA.B., Michigan State University, 1959Doc., University of Nancy, France, 1961A.M., University of Chicago, 1962(Political Science)DISSERTATION: Rhetoric and Reason: A Study ofAoerroes' Commentary on Aristotle's RhetoricLOUIS JOSEPH CANTORI, JR.A.B., University of Massachusetts, 1959A.M., University of Chicago, 1962(Political Science)DISSERTATION: The Organizational Basis of anElite Political Party: The Egyptian W afdBRUCE CUSHNAA.B., Shimer College, 1954(Committee on Human Development)DISSERTATION: Birth Order, Anxiety, and the Par-ent-Child InteractionROBERT L. HARDGRAVE, JR.A.B., University of Texas, 1960A.M., University of Chicago, 1962(Political Science)DISSERTATION: The Political Culture of a Commu­nity in Change: the Nadars of TamilnadEDWIN S. HARWOODA.B., Stanford University, 1962A.M., University of Chicago, 1964(Sociology)DISSERTATION : Work and Community among Ur­ban Newcomers: A Study of the Social andEconomic Adaptation of Southern Migrants inChicagoDOUGLAS L. HINKA.B., San Francisco State College, 1954A.M., University of Chicago, 1956(Committee on Human Development)DISSERTATION: Interpersonal Perception in Se-lected Social Systems: A Study of Aging Per­sonsKENNETH TERRY JACKSONA.B., Memphis State University, 1961A.M., University of Chicago, 1963(History)DISSERTATION: The Ku Klux Klan in the City,1915-1930BURTON CLEVELAND KELLYS.B., Idaho State College, 1952S.M., Brigham Young University, 1955(Committee on Human Development)DISSERTATION: Congruency of Self and Mate Per-ceptions as Related to Marital Adjustment: ALongitudinal StudyROBERT WILLIAM KERNA.B., Antioch College, 1957A.M., University of Chicago, 1961(History)DISSERTATION: Caciquismo versus Self-Govern­ment: The Problem of Liberalism and LocalGovernment in Spain, 1858-1909RICHARD GEORGE KLEINA.B., University of Michigan, 1962A.M., University of Chicago, 1964(Anthropology)DISSERTATION: The Mousterian of European Rus­siaMURRAY JOHN LEAFA.B., Reed College, 1961A.M., University of Chicago, 1963(Anthropology)DISSERTATION: Ideas, Rites, and Action in Sid­hupur Kalan: A Sikh Village in PunjabPHILLIP HAROLD LEWISB.F.A., Art Institute of Chicago, 1947A.M., University of Chicago, 1953(Anthropology)DISSERTATION: The Social Context of Art inNorthern New IrelandWILLIAM BRUCE LINCOLNA.B., College of William and Mary, 1960(History)DISSERTATION: Nicholas Alekseevich Milyutin andProblems of State Reform in Nicholaevan Rus­sia JOHN JOSEPH LOGUEA.B., Yale University, 1946A.M., University of Pennsylvania, 1949A.M., Yale University, 1951(Political Science)DISSERTATION: The Political Philosophy of EdwardHallett CarrM. ISMAEL KHIN MAUNGA.B., University of Rangoon, Burma, 1955A.M., University of Chicago, 1961(Sociology)DISSERTATION: Urban Hierarchy in New Zealand,1956: A Case StudyZANE L. MILLERS.B., Miami University, Oxford, Ohio, 1956A.M., ibid., 1958(History)DISSERTATION: Boss Cox and the Municipal Re­formers: Cincinnati Progressivism, 1880-1914JOHN A. ONWUMELUA.B., Boston University, 1961A.M., University 0/ Chicago, 1963(History)DISSERTATION: Congo Paternalism: An Isolation­ist Colonial PolicyMORRIS PERLMANB.B.A., College of the City 0/ New York, 1961(Economics)DISSERTATION: International Differences in LiquidAsset Port/oliosMARTIN GARY SILVERMANA.B., Harvard University, 1960A.M., University 0/ Chicago, 1963(Anthropology)DISSERTATION: Symbols and Solidarities on RambiIsland, FijiADRIENNE JEAN SMITHA.B., University 0/ Illinois, 1955A.M., University 0/ Chicago, 1963(Psychology)DISSERTATION: Changes in Patients' Views 0/ theTherapist as a Function 0/ the Development 0/a Dynamic Psychotherapy GroupROBERT THOMAS STOUTA.B., Carleton College, 1959(Education)DISSERTATION: Education as a Social MobilityRoute for Children 0/ Suburban Blue CollarWorkersSISTER MARY ALODIA STOZEK,C.S.S.F.S.B., Loyola University, Chicago, Illinois, 1958A.M., Marquette University, 1962(Education)DISSERTATION: Self-Conception and VocationalChoice among Middle Adolescent GirlsHODSON THORNBERA.B., University 0/ Chicago, 1962(Economics)DISSERTATION: Applications 0/ Decision Theory toEconometricsROBERT TREESA.B., Oberlin College, 1952A.M., Columbia University, 1953(Committee on Planning)DISSERTATION: The Organization, Operation, andManagement 0/ a Yugoslavian Economic Enter­prise: The Case 0/ New Combine, a PubliclyOwned Firm for the Wholesale Distribution 0/Agricultural Equipment and SuppliesCASTELLANO B. TURNERA.B., DePaul University, 1962A.M., ibid., 1963(Psychology)DISSERTATION: Stability and Homogeneity 0/ TestResponses as Related to Appropriateness 0/ Re­sponse Processes ELIZABETH G. VAN DE ROOVAARTS.B., University 0/ Chicago, 1932S.M., ibid., 1934A.M., ibid., 1945(Education)DISSERTATION: The Use 0/ Science Oriented Read­ing Materials in Teaching Problem SolvingSkillsVIRGIL H. J. VOGELA.B., Chicago Teachers College, 1942A.M., University 0/ Chicago, 1949(History)DISSERTATION: American Indian Medicine and ItsInfluence on White Medicine and PharmacologyROY WAGNERA.B., Harvard University, 1961A.M., University 0/ Chicago, 1962(Anthropology)DISSERTATION: The Curse 0/ Souw: Principles 0/Daribi Clan Definition and AllianceV. IN THE GRADUATE SCHOOL OF BUSINESSJOHN P. GOULD, JR.S.B., Northwestern University, 1960M.B.A., University 0/ Chicago, 1963DISSERTATION: A Micro-Economic Approach to theDemand for Physical CapitalHANS REINER STOLLA.B., Swarthmore College, 1961M.B.A., University 0/ Chicago, 1963DISSERTATION: The Determinants 0/ Forward' For-eign Exchange Rates THOMAS DAVID THOMSONS.B., Indiana University, 1959M.B.A., ibid., 1959DISSERTATION: The Demand 0/ Commercial Banksfor Cash Assets: A Cross-Sectional AnalysisROBERT LEWIS WINKLERS.B., University 0/ Illinois, 1963DISSERTATION: The Assessment 0/ Prior Distribu­tions in Bayesian AnalysisVI. IN THE DIVINITY SCHOOLWILLIAM DANIEL COBB IIIA.B., Transylvania College, 1958D.B., Yale University, 1961S.T.M., ibid., 1962A.M., University 0/ Chicago, 1964DISSERTATION: Moral Relativity and ChristianEthics: A Study in Response to the Theology0/ Emil Brunner and Reinhold NiebuhrCHANNING RENWICK JESCHKEA.B., Oberlin College, 1949D.B., Yale University, 1952DISSERTATION: The Briggs Case: The Focus 0/ aStudy in Nineteenth Century Presbyterian His­toryWALTER EMIL RASTA.B., Concordia Theological Seminary, St. Louis,Missouri, 1952D.B., ibid., 1955S.T.M., ibid., 1956A.M., University 0/ Chicago, 1964DISSERTATION: Daniel 9: Its Form and TheologicalSignificance RALPH L. SLOTTENA.B., Drake University, 1948D.B., ibid., 1951A.M., University 0/ Chicago, 1958DISSERTATION: The Master 0/ Animals: A Studyin the Symbolism 0/ Hunting ReligionsJOHN BUNYAN SPENCERA.B., Franklin College, 1940D.B., Colgate-Rochester Divinity School, 1945A.M., University 0/ Chicago, 1964DISSERTATION: The Ethics 0/ Aljred North White­headVII. IN THE SCHOOL OF SOCIAL SERVICE ADMINISTRATIONCLAIRE MARIE ANDERSONPh.B., Northwestern University, 1957M.A., University of Chicago, 1959DISSERTATION: A Study of Work-Related Commu-nication among Welfare Workers in a DistrictOffice of a Public Welfare Agency CARMEN L. COUILLARDA.B., University 0/ Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, 1949M.S.W., ibid., 1951DISSERTATION: A Historical Study 0/ the Concept0/ Relationship in Social Casework (1917-1960)Alma Mater Music Arr. byMACK EVANSWords byEDWIN. H. LEWISSi""g tke time efICactly as writtenher who owns us as her sons;ben - i-sons.hon - or'er shall die.t:"IWitk a steady rhythm, like a marc'\:>. :>Of an fair moth-ers, fair-est she, Most wise of an that wis - est be,praise her breadth of char- i - ty, Her faith thattruth shall make men free,dec - ades and for cen-tu-ries, Its bat - tle-mcnt-ed tow'rs shall rise,THE BENEDICTIONTHE RECESSIONALLitanies Jehan AlainORGANISTEDWARD MONDELLO, University OrganistCARILLONNEURDANIEL ROBINS, University CarillonneurMARSHALHAROLD HAYDONVICE-MARSHALGEOFFREY C. M. PLAMPINASSIST ANT MARSHALSROBERT LOVETT ASHENHURSTLEON CARNOVSKYJOSEPH CEITHAMLROBERT J. HASTERLIKELWOOD V. JENSEN GWIN J. KOLBJAMES MAXWELL RATCLIFFEEDWARD W. ROSENHEIM, JR.WILBERT HERBERT URRYWILLIAM NATHANIEL WEAVERSTUDENT AIDESGAIL LEE ARNOLDEMMANUEL GEORGE CASSIMATESCHERYL LYNN DEJONGJENNIFER ELLEN DOHRNKAREN LOUISE DRIGOTPEGGY ANNE FINSTONJAMES HENRY FREUNDMICHAEL LOUIS KLOWDENTHOMAS JULES KOTLARROBERT LOGAN LAROQUE NORA DAWN LESSERMARGARET KIMIKO MURATADANIEL JAMES OPITZRUDOLF VILEM PERINAMARTHA PORTER SAXTONSARA ANNE SCHILLINGMICHAEL LEONARD SIEMONCHARLES DONALD STANBERRYGEORGE BERNARD WALSHROBERT HARRISON WILCOXThe swinging peal, composed of five of the larger bells of the carillon, including the eighteen­and-one-half-ton bourdon, is sounded at the end of the Convocation.