THE UNIVERSITY Of CHICAGOFOUNDED BY JOHN D. ROCKEFELLERTheThree Hundred FourteenthCONVOCATIONTheSPRINGFIRST SESSIONJune TenthA.D. Nineteen Hundred Sixty-sixROCKEFELLER MEMORIAL CHAPELORDER Of EXERCISESFor the Conferring of DegreesThree o'clockGEORGE W. BEADLE, President of the University, PresidingTHE CONVOCATION PROCESSIONPROCESSIONAL-Adagio in A Minor(The congregation standing until the Bags reach the chancel)The Marshal and the Student AidesThe Candidates for DegreesThe Faculties of the UniversityThe Trustees and Administrative OfficersThe Dean of the University ChapelThe Candidates for Honorary DegreesThe Provost of the UniversityThe President of the UniversityHYMN FOR THE CONGREGATIONAMERICA(The congregation standing until after the prayer)My country, 'tis of thee,Sweet land of liberty,Of thee I sing:Land where my fathers died,Land of the pilgrims' pride,From every mountain sideLet freedom ring. Our fathers' God, to thee,Author of liberty,To thee we sing:Long may our land be brightWith freedom's holy light!Protect us by thy might,Great God, our King! Amen.-So F. SMITHBachTHE PRAYERTHE REVEREND E. SPENCER PARSONSDean of Rockefeller Memorial ChapelTHE CONVOCATION ADDRESSGEORGE W. BEADLEPresident of the UniversitySOLO"Alleluia" (from Exultate Jubilate, K 165)PEGGY SMITH, Soprano MozartTHE LLEWELLYN JOHN ANDHARRIET MANCHESTER QUANTRELLAWARDSFor Excellence in Undergraduate TeachingARUNAS LEONARDUS LIULEVICIUS, Associate Professor of MathematicsMr. Liulevicius took all his undergraduate and graduate training at Chicago, obtaining his at the University of Chicago in 1960. His research has been in the field of algebraic topol­ogy, where his growing reputation is based on a series of fine papers on the Steenrod algebra andcharacteristic classes of manifolds. Always willing to try new methods, he is one of the pioneersin the use of computers in this very abstract branch of mathematics. He held a National ScienceFoundation postdoctoral fellowship at the Institute for Advanced Study in 1961-62 and has beenawarded a Sloan Foundation fellowship beginning next year. From the beginning of his teachingcareer here he has committed an enormous amount of time and energy to students at all levels.His clarity of presentation and the care he devotes to preparing his lectures from Freshman Cal­culus to the most abstruse graduate courses have so attracted students that they have made a careerout of Liulevicius' courses. Many students now getting their Ph.D. degrees in Mathematics are atribute to his personal efforts to a degree that few can match.ELDER J. OLSON, Professor of EnglishFor almost a quarter century Elder Olson has set Chicago's undergraduates a unique example ofrigorous and elegant thought. His courses in literary criticism, poetry, and drama are conductedwith a lucid intensity that attracts more students than can usually be accommodated. These thou­sands of students not only learn, with Mr. Olson, the precision necessary in literary studies; theyalso may see, in this teacher, a man passionately engaged with literature itself.A PARTIAL LIST OF GRAfJUATES, JUNE 1966, EXCLUSIVEOF TEOS_:; R�CE:'VING B.A., B.S., N.B.A. AND LAl1 D IGREES(The symbol, w/o, means without thesis.)(Classical Langs. U Lits.) A.N. w/oAbramson, HerbertAhmad, Syed Shamimuddin (Psychology) Ph.D.BF1999 The effect of central nervous system lesions onshock-induced fighting behavior in the rat.Alexander, Roberta Sue (History) A.M.F9999 Southern arguments on slavery, 1820-1830.Alfonso, Oscar H. (Hist"ry) Ph.D.F9999 The presidential leadership of Theodore Rooaeve.Lt LlPhilippine policy.Alitto, Guy Salvatore (Far Bastern Civilizations) A.M.Paper: Thought reform in Communist China: The case of ChouKu-Bh I engAltbach, Philip G. (�ducotion) Ph.D.LA3999 Students, politics, and higher education in a developingarea: the case of Bombay, India.(Physics) S .1'.'1. wloAmann, Ross F.Anderson, ALan Brauer. (DiYinity) A.H. w/oApplebaum, Robert S. (Education/Chemistry) M.A.T.Paper: ::ffects (f anxiety, instrnctions, and presentation ontest performance of high school chemistry students.Arnold, E. James (Philosophy) 'A.H. w/oArnow, Nu rr-ay Eichael. (Physics) S .H. w/oAronson, Erica (Co!np. Studies in Lit.) A.l1.Paper: Shaftesbury and Schiller: The �"{elationship !l1orality andaesthetics.Ash, J" Marshall (NatheiJl8 tics) Ph.D.(�A999 Generalizations of the Riemann derivative.Auerbach, Daniel J. (Physics) S.i1. wloBach, Erwin Earl (linthrop,-,logy) A.M.Paper: An anthropological look at the news media: A preliminarystudy of social selection and feedback at the Chicago Tribune.Page 2/June, 1966Bailey, Stephen (History) Ph.D.DD999 . 'rich Ludendorff as quar-t er-uaet er- general of theGerman Army, 1916-1918.Balbus, Isaac D. (Political Science) A.M.HC999 The evolution of the Community Action Program; a casestudy in American policy making.Bankert, Nar i.anne (.Eng. Lang. & Lit.) A .H. wloBaptist, Jeremy Eduard (Biophysics) Ph.D.QR999 The mechanism nf the ultraviolet-X-ray interactionin tbe inactivation of Escherichia coli B/r.Bardige, Arthur H. (::!.:ducation/Physics)Paper: The theory of relativity: M .s., T.A new approach.Barnes, Aaron (Physics) i 0 '1'1 Collisionless damping of hydromagnetic waves.Barnes, Richard Errol (Divinit.f) D.B. V-llo*"Basta, Robert (Gen'l Studies in Humanities) A.I·�.Paper: The idea of justice in t ne Cantebury tales.Bayless, William Niven (History) A.E.Papers: 1) The practorian prefect Anthemius: position and policies.2) Synesius of Cyrene: A study of the role of the Bishopin t empor-a L affairs.Bell, James ld.Lt.on (Chemistr�r) 0 .�'1. w/oBenensohn, Howard S. (Pathology) S.P.QR999 Inhibition of tumor dissemination ut Ll.i.z antibodies tothe cancer coagulative factor.Benson, 00uglas Carl (Divinity) D.B. wloBerg, Owen Charles, Jr. (Jistory) A.M.Papers: 1) Lea1ership in Irish trade unionism 1890-1920.2) The transformation of the Irish linen industry 1800-1870.Bernick, Niles (Psychology) Ph.D.BF1999 The development of children's preferences for socialobjects as evidenced by their pupil responses.Bienen, Henry. (Poli',ical Science) Ph.D.DT999 The party, the state and economic development inTanganyika.Birkes, David Spencer (Hat�:.:;·'atics) S.H. wloBoberski, Irving V. (Grad. School of Business) Ph.D.H39999 The savinjs market; a study of deposit s:l ;( "" \A MA U I G'os: A.l '(\ e, l' (.Gex; Q NJ.�1tUA ) �\\ • D .1 b'T' p ,. P' l rl \ '---, ---\. J.. .• t�. () �eT\'" 1J)11 ,·it� e..l'tj_\\ � \ ()€i.CO 'Y'(\(>.� y..� � o.,x..& Y\J "MM 1000tp� f'l'\ V (JG,ePage 3/June, 1966Bolland, Thomas vi. (Grad. Schor 1 of Business) Ph.D.HF9999 A heuristic pro jr-a liming approach to a r-out; problem(and tre consideration of a related inventory control problem).Bo rawska , Christine Haria (Slavic Langs. U Lits) .t.�.H. w/oBouldin, Richard Hindman (Mathe.atics) S.lf. w/oBradford, Alfred S. (-';las,sical Langs. & Lits.) A.H.Paper: Nabis of Sparta.Brandewis, Ernest (Anthropology) Ph.D.GN999 An irternal analysis of the kinship system of theEbowaJ ib of tile Central Highlands of New Guinea.Brenneman, l.'lary Gavin (Education) A.M.Paper: An analysis of emulation as a learning activi.ty forunders t and i.n.r art history.Brink, David Roth (Divinity) D.B. wloBrown, Stephen r,1drk ('�nglish Lang , & Lit.) A.H. '.v/oBrowning, ',"iayne C. (Education/BioloK.) Iv1.A.T.Phlper: Sex education.Brust, Linda Jean (Germanic Lange . 8� Lits.) A.H.Paper: Problems of identity: l"1ax Frisch's Stiller and EeinName sie Gantenbein.Bun ze , Nancy Liddell (l..Jnglish Lang. & Lit.) A.H. wloBur-ghar-d t , Gordon I-i. (Psychology, Sect of Biopsychology) Ph.D.QL999 Prey attack in naive snakes: a comparative and analyticstudy on the role of chemical perception.Burt, Charles yler (Chemistr y) S.:.. w/oBurtner, Hugh W. (Divinity) A.h. wloByrnes, Bruce Barker (History) A.M. w/oCahill, J eanne Eli�'abeth (Hicrobiology) ,) .1,,'1.�R999 'I'he effect of hiber·_ation on the course of infectionand immune response in Citellus tridecemlin at us infected withNi.ppoe t r-ongy'Lus brasiliensis.Carey, Robert. (Psychology) Ph.D.BF1999 Effects of septal forebrain and other rhinencephalicablations on D R L responding of rats.Carleton, Stephen Paul (Divinity) h.r. w/oCarroll, Terrence W. (Gen'l Studies in Humanities) A.M.Paper: Study in Camus.Page 4/June, 1966Carroll, Vern (Anthropology) Ph.D.GN999 Nukuoro kinship.Carter, David Chambers Un�lish Lang , & Lit.) A.H. w/oCartmill, Ivlatthew (Anthropology) A.r4.Paper: The adaptive significance of social patterns in �avannamammals.Cernius, Vytautas. (Edv.cation) Ph.D.LC6999 The effects of two �ifferent types of reinforcers onconceptual thinking among lower class boys, a deve.Lopment a'L study.Chandola, Anoop Chandra. (Linguistics) Ph.D.PK9999 A syntactic sketch of Garhwali.ChapLan , Har-gar-e t (Grad. School) A.H.2l(JC,qq Public librarianship in the Federal Repub.Ld c of Germanysince 1945.Chase, J. Peter (Psychology, Sect. of Biopsychology) S.N.Q,P999 Some effects of reserpine upon irnprinting.Chay, Josephine Saypulski. (Education) A.N.Paper: Mobility and school adjustment of a group of PuertoRican Children in the Chicago Public Schools.Conger, William Frame (Art) M.F.A.Paper: Artistic anatomy of the head.Connor, Lynn Bannerman. (Far Eastern Civilizat ons) A.�'�.Paper: 'Iwo poets vi.ew way: A study of selected poems by Li Po(701-762) and Tu Fu (712-770).Com-Jay, Jacqueline R. Patterson (T�'ducation) A.M.Paper: A study of the effects of a homogeneous reading program (JoplinPlan) at the Dumas School.Cook, Ann F. (History) A.�.Papers: 1) Big city politics: A socinl studies unit for highschool students.2) Reconstruction: A study in two journals of publicopinion.Cook, Herman G. (Divinity) A.i-I. w/oCookis, Patricia Ann (Educ(;!,tion/Reading) H.S.T.Paper: The role of the reading consultant in helping teachersto .i.nprove the teaching of reading skills in the content area.Cooper, Linda G. (Education/Biology) H • ..'LT.Paper: Biochemical energetics for the hi�l school student ofbiology.Cooper, Roger F. (Divin�:ty) A.H. w/oPage 5/June, 1966Cornfield, Noreen IT. C...)ociology) A.M.Paper: Local union size and turnover of officers.Cosgriffe, Harry A. (Educction) Ph.D •.8999 lhe JasLi:1gton State Agricultural Ext ene i.on Service, 1912-1961.:CdCottingham, James Peter C::athe ia't i.c s ) S.,. \'1/0Cox, Colleen :aizabeth (Educ�.t ion/History) 1'1. f • T.Paper: Cabinet recruitment in the Joe�r:ublic of the Philippines andthe Republic of Indonesia: A compar-i.son ,Cranle,)" Kathleen (Political Science) The political thought of Fyodor Dostoevsky •• C9Crist, Robert Lenhart (English Lang. and Lit.) Ph.D.PS3501 Sherwood �nderson's Dark Laughter: sources, composition,.N38D28 and reputation.C9Crudele, Louis (Educ�tion) A.M.Paper: S,ecific approaches toward motivating the reluctantreader in a middle-class junior high school.Currano, John James (Eathe ,atics) S.M. w/oDadone, ,Udo 1--... (Economi.cs) .IL!1.Paper: Ana.Lys i.s of the Cobb-Douglas production f'unc t i.on for sandand gravel in the U.�., 1954.Dahlberg, Lucy Ann (Romance Langs . & Lits.) l�.I:.Papers: 1) ,:�uelle est La signification de la nr-i.son dans 1 'universstendhalien? etude fond,e sur La Chartreuse de Parme.2) Le role du dialogue dans Le Jeu de l'amo�.r et du hazard.Danet, Brenda L. (Sociology) it. '1.Paper: Pr;ople in bureaucracies: The transformation of elellentarysocial exchange.Das, Gurupada. (J?hy�;ics) Ph.D.�C1099 Ext end ed Hartree-Fock ground state ",Jave f'unc t Lona forthe lithium molecule.DeGrand, Linda K. (�listory) �LLPapers: 1) The attitude of the Sune Hau toward the non-Chinesewor Ld ,2) China as viewed by Voltaire and Jt.on·:esquieu.Diesenhaus, Herman I. (Psychology) Ph.�.BF1999 The influence of situati�nctl constraints on intra­individual variability.Page 6/June, 1966Dorinson, Zena (Educ:;,ttion/Heading) H.J.T.Paper: Usin6 som'" new curriculum designs to improve the readingprogram.Dornhoff, Larry L. (Hathematics) Ph.D.QA crqq H-groups and 2-groups.Dridan, Dawn Eleanor (.uducatioh) A.H.Paper: Anticipated and achieved goals in a pro'?;ram of adult reli­gious education.Dunn, David Lee (Romance Langs , e: lits) A.M.Papers: 1) La Veuve: Analyse structurale.2) Bajazet: Analyse structurale.Edin, Nancy J. (Geography) A.H.HE9999 Residential location and mode of transportation to work:Ge a model of choice.Eisenbeis, \"Jalter. (Divinity) Ph.D.BS9999 A study of the root c'r'V in the Old Testament.Eisenfeld, Jerome (Nathematics) Ph.D.QA999 Completeness theorems in hydrodynamic stability.Elledge, Earl R. (.sociology) A.M.Paper: Dimensions of religious environment.Eric\.son, Lynden Ed\"in. (Physics) Ph.D.QC1099 Electron-paramagnetic-resonance absorption by trivalentneodymium ions in single crystals of lanthanum trichloride and. lan­thanum ethyl sulphate in zero magnetic field.Etigson, 2:1izabeth L. (Human Develop.) A.H.Paper: The effect of institutionalization on the earliest memoriesin the aged i An exploratory study of the eynt.he t i.c ego functioning; in thereconstruction of earliest �emories.Fasan, Vada B. (History) A.M.Papers: 1) The relationship between faith and reason in somecontroversial wor-ks of the Eng.Li sh Reformation.2) A at.udy of popular at ti tudes t owar-d the clergy in Pre­Reformation Kent.Fatherley, John Alden (Sducdtion/Soc. Sci.) M.A. T.Paper: J�conomic developt ent in the Republic of Paraguay.Feely, Theodore H. (PolHical Science) A.H.DT999 Communal politics in 1ij-Jestern Nigeria.Feiveson, Sandra Jean. (Statistics) S.H. '11/0Ferguson, Pamela Anderson (Matheuatics) 5.'1. w/oFineberg, Lois (i�rt) H.F .A.Paper: An investigation into a technique ir Claude Hone t ' s work.Page 7/June, 1966Fishman, Laur-a Thomasson (Sociology) A.I'·i.HV9999 Aspirations and delinquency; the case of Negro girls.Fi t z , Lorna ( Botany) .) .1-1.QK999 The effects of photoperiod and tempe�ature in Rudbeckiatriloba.Follmer, David Charles (History) A.H.Papers: 1) Social background to the Serbian Revolution.2) British policy and the Spanish Civil 1:Jar.Fox, Rogene Lee (Human Develop.) A.H.Paper: Aspects of tempor�l behavior among mother-child pairs.Franda, Mar-cue F', (Political Science) Ph.D.DS999 The federalizin:; process in India: a study of i'lest Bengaland the Union.Franklin, Stephen T. (Philosophy) A.H. ''''/0Friedlander, .uva ( Logy ) A.H.Paper: The persistence and decline of traditional curing practices.Fuenzalida, Javier A. C�conomics) A.H.Paper: Consumption function: an empirical study of the 6hilean Case.Gage, Kenneth Seaver (Geophys. Sci.) S.N. wloGalindo, Ignacio Guillermo (Nather'latical Biology) S .N, w/oGaller, Harc Perry (Hathema.tics) S .H. wloGlass, Rembert J. (Divinity) A.M. wloGockel, Galen Lee (Sociology) A.M.Paper: Income and religious affiliation: a regression analysis.Gold, Melba. (hrt) M.F.A.Paper: "Beneat.h the Sur face'"t j.l, report on the physical build-upof Ivan Albright's oil paintings.qold, Richard Nichael (Psycho.l.ogy, Sect. of Biopsychology) Ph.D.QP999 Aphagia and adipsio follmving unilateral and bilateralasymmetrical lesions in rats.Goldman, Sharon (�nglish Lang & Lit.) A.H. VI/aGoldmeier, John (SSAD) Ph.D.)HV9999 Association of personality char-o c t e t istics of the case­worker and selected aspects of the tr -a t 'errt process.Goldschmidt, David Hichael (Mathe�:1atics) S.H. w/oGoodrnan , Mitchell N. (Human Development) il.H.Paper: .8ff':;cts of institutionalization on the handling ofdependency in the a�ed.Page 8/June, 1966Gracia, Joree J. Z. (Philosophy) A.H. w/oGrant, Richard Joseph (Mathe;natics) S .H. w/oGruenewald, Doris (PsycholoO'y) Ph.D.BF1999 Hypnotic and non-hypnotic simulation of brain damage.Gyarfas, Geraldine Ruth (i�ne;lish Lang & Lit) A.H. w/oHaber, Philip A. (Philosophy) A.H. ....r/oHaebi�, Jon Edward (Che�istry) Ph.D.QD1099.5 An experimental study of vibrational effects in radia­tionless transitions in aromatic molecules.Hambright, \Ilinford Peter (Chemistry) Ph.D.r�D1099.5 Hetalloporphyrins: electron transfer and insertion reactions.Happe.L, Lester Carl (}';ducation) A.N.Paper: Teac11er perception of student opinions concerning school.Hardgrave, Hannah Nargaret (Philosophy) A.N. w/oHar tman , Forrest Albert (Divinity) D.B. w/oHarwood, Daphne. (Education/II/lath.) h. A. T.Paper: Geometry for second graders.Harwood, Frances Hine. (iinthropology) A.H.Paper: uThe Making of Men": An analysis of Ha myths,ri tuals, and social orgctnizc:;.tion.IIauri, PeterBF1999 (Psychology) Ph.D.l'ffects of evenin3 activity on subsequent sleep and dreams.Hayes, Robert R. (Pl1ysics) S.L. wioHeitzmann, William lay (Education/Soc. Sci.) H.I.T.Paper: Voting patterns of American Jews in the Presidentialelections of 1916, 1940, and 1960.Hendrix, Sarah Conway CE;nglish Lang. & Lit.) A.H. w/oHinnant, John Thomas. (Anthropology) A.H.Paper: Political development ill four Haori revitalization movements.Hinshaw, Robert E. (Anthropology) Ph.D.F9999 Structure and at ab.i.Li ty of belief in Panajachel.Hirano, Robert Yoshinori (Geophys. Sci.) 8.11. w/oHonigsblum, Gerald (Romance Langs. & Lits.) LN.Papers: 1) Le Comique dens Le rcuge et Ie nair de Stendhal2) Nathias est-il coupable? !:tude critique sur Le voyeurd'=lain Robbe-Grillet.Page 9/June, 1966Hooke, '.7illiam Hines (Geophys. Sci.) S . H. \v/oHuck, John Hathais (Geophys. Sci) S.H. w/oHumphreys, Mary B. (Comm. on Int. Hel.) J .M.DS999 Indonesian forei ,n policy and the confrontation of Malaysia.Inger, Morton (Political Science) A.M.LA3999 The New Orleans school crisis of 1960: the f�ilure ofan elite.Isnard, Carlos lugusto Sholl (lJlathematics) S .F. w/oJack, l'1ary Ann Claire (History) A..H.Papers: 1) An ascent to the concept of the absolute in Pica dellaMirandola and Castiolione.2) rrhe De Republica Anglorum of Sir 'I'homas Smith: Anideal picture of the English Commonwealth.Kaeske, Richard K. (Di vini t;y ) D. B. ,,40Kahn, Lois Ruth. (Physiology) S.l1.QP999 Hormonal steroid feedback.Kaseman, N. L. (Divinity) D.B. wloKasperson, Roger E. (Geogral)hy ) Ph. D •GV The Dodecanese: Diversity and unity in Le Land politics.'�. \Db �e)Kehr, Norman Alan (En:;lish Lang & Lit.) A.!1. w/oKeithahn, Charles F. (�conomics) A.M.Paper: Social returns to investment in research on antibiotics usedin beef cattle feeds.Keranen, I\1argaret Jane (!:;ducc:.tion/Biology) lLA. T.Paper: A conparison of students' concepts of biology and theirinterests prior to and after a high school biology course.Kind, Phyllis B. (English Lang. 8.: Lit.) A .H. wloKing, John Norman (English Lang. 8� Lit.) A.Ii. 'vI/oKinoshita, Florence Keiko (Pharmacology) S.P.:�P999 Scudies on the mechanism of sex differences in susceptibility of ratsto a cholinergic phoaphor-ot.l.Loat.e ,Kipnis, Kenneth (Philor;ophy) A.N. w/oKirmmse, Judith Kerst (wnglish Lang. 8, Lit.) lLJv!. w/oKodish, Gary 11 • (Philosophy) A. 'vI. wi 0Kokot, Kevin Dwyer (Romanc e Lan �s. 2- Li ts • ) A . N.Paper-a: 1) Le role de La lecture dans Hadame Bovary.2) Analyse de In. structure no;�ative des pieces de NolierePage 10/June, 1966Kornacker, Hildred (Education) Ph.D.LB3999 How urban high school t cac'rer-s v i ew their job: ethnicityand differential orientation to the teaching role.Kosters, Marvin (pconomics) Ph.D.HJ9999 Income and substitution par-ame t er-s in a family labor supplymod e L,Kovacs, Judith L. (G.L.S.) .M.Z10999 Relevance of the Naster of Arts in teaching program for theeducation of school librarians.Kracke, �laud H. (Anthropology) A .1'1.Paper: Psychological sources of leadership: Emotions toward theleader and their effect on social structure in primitive cultureswith special reference to the Amazonian Indiah Tribes.Kronus, Carol Jean. (Sociolog.;) A.H.Paper: Ambition and anticipatcry socialization among school teachers.Kuo , Tzee-Nan (Hather .. atics) Ph.D.Q,A999 On cohco.o Logy of groups.LaFramenta, Scott I,rJayne education/Biology) B.A.T.Paper: How uan has observed the honeybee.Laing, John E. CJociology) A.H.Paper : The neasur-emerrt of psychological predisposition for familyI lanning.Lanski, Charles Philip. (Hathematics) s.n. w/oLarner, Ruby G. (I:istory) A.H.Paper'";: 1) �igbteenth-Century exj ediency.2) Goa: 1510-1600, A study in Portuguese Imperial Policy.Lau, Holly Kwei Sha (Hathematics) 3.l'1. w/oLebed, �di th Nash (English Lang , & Lit.) ./\.• H. wi0Lee, Edwar-d Pr-ent Lsa (Physics) S.h. w/oLee, Evelyn H. (Comm. on Human Development) A.H.It999 A stu}y of interpersonal reciprocity in doctor-patient�d relationships.Leong , Albert Clavic Langs , & Lits.) A.H. w/oLerch, Irving ibr-am (Hadiology) S. r1.�C1099 Analoo sirmlation of e Lec t+on tracks in a semi-infiniteB H20 absorber.Lesh, ThomasPapers: E. (Ristor:') A.M.1) Debs and DeLeon: Attitudes to trade unionism2) Jules Guesde and the Unified French 30cLlist Party.Page 11/June, 1966Lester, Hobin Dale ('ducation/History) LA. T.Paper: Sectional influences in the deve.Lcp.eerrt of the Disciplesof Christ 1850-1926.Levy , ��ichard (Political Science) A.H.F9999 The firBt inaugural address of Thomas Jefferson: the foundingof the American RepUblic.Lewy, Arieh (Education) Ph.D.L133999 The empirical validity of major properties of a taxonomy ofeducational objectives.Lincoln, Sara Ann C_::nglish Lang , & Lit.) i... L. wloLon:, Arthur �ugene (Jivinity) D.B. wioLong, Robert S. (Geophysical Sciences) Ph.D.QE999 Tho stability of feldspar structures containing Ga, Fe and Ge underconditions of high pressure.Lukach, Joan Fickelson (Art) .H.Paper: Gaetano Previati, The early years (Anni di Travaglio)McCready, VlilJ iam Charles ('50ciology) A. 1-1.Pa.per: 11. comparison of the effects of Catholic College educationon the religious behavior of the elite &nd the average Catholic.EcCulloch, Dennis Flynn (Philoso�)hy) A.tI. wloMcDowell, �ugene C (�ducation) A.M.BD999 A definition of flproblemt1 •. �d�1cGre0'or, Joan G. education} .,;'.1'1.Paper: I'ducation for an ur-b.n community: a model school.McGuinness, James (Philosophy) � .r-. «/oHac1Jado, Hilton Vieira (Nathematics) S.H. wloHcNahon, Daniel (Botany) Ph.D.QK999 SOP1; studies of ribulose 1:5 diphosph. __ te carboxylase.MacPherson, David Bruce. (�ducation/History) M.A.T.Paper: John Taber and the Harshall Plan.NacrJilliams, Anne Riley (Ha�heI .a t i.ce ) S.N. wloNc.Jillimns, iGrik D. (Mathematics) S.��. wlol'-1agee, 1:arguerite (G.L.S.) How research biochemists use information: an analysis ofuse of information frol!l cited references.Page 12/June, 19661'-1aggi, EnricoPapers: (Romance Langs. & Lits.) A.H.1) La Vita de Vittorio Alfieri.2) Piferioenti all Ortis nell Epistolario di Ugo Foscolo.Najor, Robert ;1'1. (::"ocial Thouc;ht) A.H.Paper: Kant's idea of history and Ivlarx' s t:-:.eory of history: TheIliad: A study in tragedy; Parmenides' Proe� and Plate's Para�of the Cave.Malek, James S. (;;nglish Lang. & Lit.) A.M. \olio � f' hc/ors r7/f�C/�7.M�c;vM-C"lt1Uu) To SOJ\-vw:t..,.. �07'l'\rc.s.) (JItJtJ IIIJI/mOI) An �LS 0. :;-:'�._J t��'-"r-- l, PI1�.4.d.. � � � �Nankt.e.Low , �,'1argaret Rose (,conomics) A.N. V'Paper: The short-run consumption function, 1947-1964.Margolis, Renee K. (Phurmacology) Ph.D.0P999 Amino acid concentrat "_011 and metabolism in the rabbit visual systemfollowing neuronal degeneration.Hartin, Jerry Lee (Philosophy) A.H. w/oIvlartin, Richard HcFadden ,(Physics) S .1'1. \v/oNar t Lnez , l\'liguel E. (Economics) A.H.Paper: Demand functions for meat, beef and corvina.Hatthe\rJ'S, Hargaret Long. IDivinity) A.�1.BR9999 Levels of theological significance in modern painting.Mattran, Ger;:tld C. (History) A..N.Papers: 1) The congressional candidates of the Fusion Party in theIllinois election of 1856.2) I�gypt in 185O--A statistical view of Southern Illinois.HeekeI', Iv1ichael Elliott (anthropology) A.r,;l.Paper: The Turkish transformation.Meisner, Lorraine F. (Zoology) Ph.D.iP999 Rad La.. tion-induced chromosome changes in human leukocytes.Nende Leon., David Cyril (Chemistry) S .H. w/oMeredith, Georgette (Ant"'ropology) .;1..1-1.'Paper: The significance of "Sealsll in the Indus ValleyCivilizations.Niller, Arthur HavJ'ks, Jr. (!t:;nglish Lane. & Lit.) A.H. w/oHiller, James Thomas (Divinit�,) A.H. \'1/0Miller, ltobert C. (G.L.S.) .H.210999 The International Publishers' Association; the historyof a trade organization, 1896-1962.Hizel, Louis Norris. (Nathematics) S.E. w/oMohr, 1,Jilliam (Ger-marrl c Lanes. & Lits.) Ph.D.PF9999 d. G. Schottelius' spelling rules compared with the practicesof some of his printers.Page 13, June, 1966Hontgomery, H. Susan (Mat�1ematics) S .H. \It//oMoor, James Haller (Philosophy) A.H. \1/0Jv1uehlenkamp, Robert L. (l:nglish Lang. & Lit) A.H. w/oMurphy, Clifford 'Jest III (Philosophy) A. M. w/o�'1urray, Nancy Jo. (2ducation/:E:lem.) M.S.T.Paper: The language barrier of the Spanish-speaking child;Implications for cur-rd c -Lum d eve Lopment ,Murray, Stephen Patrick (Geophysical Sciences) Ph.D.GB9999 Effects of particle size and wave state on grain dispersion.GeHurua, RiciJ.rdo Roberto (Economics) A.M.Paper: Sales and the demand for money of business firms.Newman , Thomas 'J'lilliam. (�ducation) l_ .M.Paper: In-service training in the Philippines: t case study ofinstitutional transfer.Northrop, Douglas A. (English Lang. and Ijit.) Ph.D.PR2358 The historical background of the concept of justice in Book.N8 V of _I£dmund Spenser's The faerie queene.N�ibambi, Apolo Robin (Political Science) A.M.DT999 Federalism in Uganda: myth or reality.Nussbaum, Roger Dav i.d (Mathe:natics) S.N. w/oOffutt, Bradley Bdward (Classical Langs. & Lits) A.M.Paper: Knowledge process in the Oedirus Tyrannus of Sophocles.Osberg, Lois Bernice (:6ducation/Reading) Ift-.S. T.Paper: Establishi�g the roles of the reading consultant in a schoolSystem.Osterweis, Rollyn Gay. (f�ducation/English) H.A·T.Paper: A teacher's log: a description and evaluation of myeXDeriences as an intern teacher in an urban high school.Overi'tnyer, Daniel L. (Divinity) A.H. w/oOwen, Constance Fries (Human Development) A.M.Paper: A study of parental disagreement and social chan-re in anAfrican city.Owen, David Bishop (:::::n,_Jlish Lang. & Lit.) 1..11. w/oOwens, Rosemond (BducLltion/Spanish) l" .A.T.Paper: �he role of the Spanish teacher today as reflected inperiodical literature.Pass, Frederic Earl, Jr. (Philosophy) A.H. w/oPage 14/June, 1966Paul, Robert Allen. (Anthropolog;y) A.H.Paper: Some aspects of how the Tibetan social system works.Peterman, l.�illicJ.m Albert (3eophy�. Sci.) S.N. wloPeterson, \lillie L. (3conomics) Ph.D.HD10000 Returns to poultry research in the United States.Perez-Chiesa, Yvette (Lloology) S.H.1999 Effect of actinoMycin D on the development of the earlyimaginal eye discs of Drosophila melanogaster.Perkins, Ann Coffield (Political Science) i�.M.JK9999 Civil service r-e f'orrn and American .c�overnment administration;the second Hoover Co�mission Task Force r�port.Pierce, Carl W. (Pathology) Ph.D.QR999 The effects of endotoxin on the immune response in therat.Pinto, llilary Hays (Gen'l Studies in Humanities) A.H.Paper: Scientism in St. Basil's Hexam;ron.Poggi, Gerald Egidio (Classical 1anss. � tits) A.H.Paper: The underworld in Lucan and Silius Italicus.Poh Lnan , Paul Nelson (History) A. 1-1.Papers: 1) Lester \',Iard: Social Philosopher.2) The Truman-Dewey presidential election.Polking, John C. (Hathematics) Ph.D.QA999 Boundar-y value problems for parabolic systems of partialdifferential equa.t.Lons ,Pollock, itlexander John (Philosophy) A.H. wloPolt, James 1'1 (Psychology) Ph.D.BF1999 The effects of social experience on imprinting.Prachuabmoh, Visid (Sociology) Ph.D.HQqqqq Factors affedting desire or lack of desire for additionalprogenY;J( m tur«! 71Jt{,/tl ",J.Procesi, Claudio (rvlathematics) Ph.D.QA999 On rings with polynomial identities.. '1'Rehm, h01WS Ar-t.hur (Sociology) A.H.Paper: Organizational chanee: a case study of U.S. Army Special Forces.Reilly, Kevin D. (Nathematical Biology) Ph.D.Q 9CJ'I Hat'1ematical investigation of relationships be tween Neurohormonesand operant behavior.Reiter, Charlotte Rittner (l�duci:ltion/History) H ..... T.Paper: The attitude of religious organizations in Chicago to slaveryand the objectives of the Civil [dar 1859-1862.Page 15/June, 1966Rimpila, Julian John (Pathology) S.lI.RB999 Immunchistochemical studies of ulcerative colitis.Riviere, Nestor M. (Mathenatics) Ph.D.qA999 InterpolEtion theory in s-Branch s)aces.Robbins, Vernon K. (Divinity) A.H. w/oRoberts, Eileen Springstun Ul1;lish Lang. fJ Lit.) A.r,�. "'I/ORoth, George 1:dwin (Anthropology) l: •• n.Paper: Interethnic relations among tribal societies.Roupas, Diana 1. (En;lish Lang. & Lit.) A.M. w/oRubinyi, Lois Elaine (Anthropology) A.H.Paper: The Feast Day at Santa Clara: The world of twerrty 'I'ewachildren.Russell, Jame (EnGlish Lang. & Lit.) Ph.D.PS1308 The genesis, sources, and reputation of Hark Twain's ACSanecticut Yankee in King Arthur's court.Saarinen, Thomas F. (Geography) Ph.D.a.(.\oqq Perception of the Drought Hazard on the Great Plains.&e.Sy. Laurent, l-1ary Cuddy. ('�.L.S.) A.M.Z10999 it r ev.i.ew of the literature of indexer consistency.Salzman, Harilyn Linda (I'ducc-tion) A.B.Paper: Pfulitical par t.Lcd.pat Lon in the Negro ghetto: From liberty�N (P�d If' CaA- - �OI,'T,(oQ G(O)CVY"I ,�cO:o·"'" �ctN� NCI'Y')&(' :pQdPI e<;Schaden, Gtto John (Oriental Langs. and Civilizations) A.�. U \DT999 The 30d's Father Ay.OrSchlipf, Frederick Allen (G.L.S.) A.ll.Z10999 Trends in branch library use related to community characteristics.Schludermann, Eduard Harry (Psychology, Sect. of Biopsychology) Ph.D.'-2P999 The relationship of frontal brain damage and chr-ono.Logd ca.L ageto non)verbal indicators of cognitive processes.Schmeichel, ;,valde�jar (Divinity) J.B. \'l/oSchmink, Floy A3nes St r cud C..toology) Ph sD;QII999 JSffects of X-irradiation on mTA synthesis in regenerating liver.Schneider, r arold . Jilliam (I1ather,latics) S .H. w/oSchulz, Eerbert .Iar-L (Physics) S.l":. w/oSchuwerk, Robert Paul Cducation/HatherBtics) l'!.��.T.Paper: An introduction to transfinite cardinal numbers.Page 16/June, 1966Schwartz, Harshall R. (Romance Langs. & Lits) Ph.D.PQ67 L'abbe Batteux: a "philosophe" defender of Aristotle •• B3S4Schwind, Paul J. (Social Sciences) A.H.HE9999 The geographic pattern and implications of railroadGe piggyback operations.Scott, Leonard John (Divinity) A.TvI. wloShafiul1ah, A. B. N. (Sociology) A.M.Paper: toward abortion in Chicago slums.Shamash, Jack (Mathel'latics) Ph.D.iA999 Carter subgroups of solvable groups.Shaneson, Julius L (Mathematics) S.M. wloShaw, David C. (Sociology) A.H.Paper: Is residential segregation by occupation changing?Shaykin, Leonard Paul C�nglish Lane & Lit.) A.H. wloShephatiah, Leah (�ducation) A.H.BF1999 Effect of age anJ socio;'economic status on level of organi-�d zation of picture content.Shew, \Jilliam B. (JI:conomics) A.M.P ... per: Labor force participation of males of ages 65-69.Shireman, Charles II. CSSAD) Ph.D.HV9999 A study of the agreement among probation officers onthe influence of specific factors upon their dispositional recommenda­tions.Sloss, Peter t:iilliam (Geophys. Sci.) s.n. wloSmith, George Leslie (Divinity) A.M. wloSmith, Hester M. (Education) A.M.Paper: Comprehension skills needed for the study of literature inthe secondary school.Solomon, Theodore J. (Divinity) Ph.D.BL9999 The origin and development of early Indian Bhakti: theautochthonous heritageSolzman, David I"'layer (Geography) Ph.D./II) N()(J{) I,laterway industrial sites: A Chicago case study.cpeSantz, Stephen Bruce (Mathe .:atics) S.M. w/oSophar-k , Pramote (Pathology) S.·".QP999 J�elation of route of adminintration of single large dosesof ferrous sulfate to serun iron levels and tissue injury in therat.Page 17/June, 1966Starzyk, Lawr-ence John (IJnglish Lang. & Lit.) A.H. w/oSteinbrink, John 8dHards (�ducation/Geography) Il.A.T.Paper: Ghana: A socioeconomic analysis.Stell, ,·Jilliam Kenyon Cmatomy) Ph.D.',L999 The structure of horizontal cells and synaptic relations in theouter plexiform layer of the goldfish retina, as revealed by theGolgi method and electron microscopyStevenson, Dinah Solomon (i:nslish Lang. & Lit.) h..M. "vl/OSt ock' , Barbara Shirley (�nglish Lang. & Lit.) A.N. 1.'1/0Stodder, Carole (Art) M.F.A.Paper: The place of space in the work of Stuart Davis.Stokes, Houston Hobson (Economics) i .M.Parer: A preliminary investigation into reasons for relativeeconomic status of non-white hired farm labor force to(;ether withproposed -neaeur es to improve.Sullivan, �{ichard ':'1ard (Bathe atics) S.H. w/oSzuberla, Conrad J. (Political Science) A.H.D999 The Versailles Treaty in tl e Senate of the United States.Tannler, Albert Michael (Divinity) D.B. w/oTarsy, Richard Benjamin (f/Tathematics) S .1'1. w/oTaylor, David P. (School of Business) Ph.D.HD10000 The market for unskilled nee;ro males in Chicago.Taylor, Diana Kahn. (Hathematics) Ph.D.-J.999 Ideals generated by monor-La Ls in an R- sequence.Teichman, }�j Lt on Unglish Lang , 8: Lit.) Ph. D.PRS888 'Search for peate: �a view ,of Wordsworth •• T26Tenofsky, 'lliot (Political Science) A.M.JK9999 Gideon v , T.!aimvright: the impact and implementation ofa Supreme Court decision.Thomason, Laird Allan (DivinHy) D.B. w/oThompson, John Ira (�nglish Lang , 8,: Lit.) A.ll. w/oThompson, Mary Kathryn (�ducation/History) M.A.T.Paper: The pro'ressive movement as portri::i..yed in the magazines ofdissent.Tromly, Frederic Brown ('rl�nglish Lang. 8� Lit.) A.I'lf. w/aPage 18/June, 1966Turner, Barbara Press (Education) A�M.Paper: A study of leadership style: Interaction analysis of aninquiry-oriented human relations course and subject-orientedsocial studies classrooms.Turner, Paul Raymond (Anthropology) Ph.D.PM9999 Highland Chontal grammar.Upshaw, H. Tucker (Di.vinity) A.M. wloValberg, Jerome Jacob (Philosophy) Ph.D.BD999 Agency: some metaphysical problems concerning the concept ofaction.Van de Veer, Albert Donald (Philosophy) A.H. \'1/0Vasconcelos, Holmer V. (Hathematics) Ph.D.QA999 R-sequences and the homology of lVIacaulay rings.Vesper, Donald Robert (Linguistics) A.H. VI/OVogt, Victor Ervin (English Lang. & Lit.) A.N. \vloiialdman, I'1arilyn Robinson (History) A.H.Papers: 1) The Fulani Jihad: a reassessment.2) Kufr in the Qurran.Ueil, Peter Edmond (History) .LH.Papers: 1) The 'Jreadnought and the Anglo-German Naval Race, 1905- 1909.2) The influence of Tirpitz upon German foreign policy, 1897-\veiss, Nitchell (Political Science) A.I'I.JC999 The reorientation of French-Canadian nationalism.�deiss, Raymond (Comm. on the Hist. of Culture) Ph.D.B759 ��Jisdom and piety: the ethics of }·1.aimonides •• t/13Z7W4l:leiss, Stanley Allen (Hathematics) '�J .H. 1,'//0Weisz,�qq (Physics) Ph.D.Band structure and fermi surface of white tin.Welch, Finis (Economics) Ph.D.HC999 The determinants of the return to schooling in rural farmareas, 1959.l�!elden, J. Eugene C�ducation) Ph.D.1c6999 Program plannine and program effectiveness in universityresidential centers.Page 19/June, 1966,velliver, �ilarman (Comm. on Social 'I'hough t ) Ph.D.PN6999 j�uesb ons of intent: an inquiry into the meaning ofsome ostensibly incomplete VJorks of Plato, Dante, Poliziano,Lorenso de' Medici, and Francis Bacon.hielsh, Jozette (�ducation/Histor�') M.A.T.Paper: George Barrell Cheever and �enry Ward Beecher: Clericalviews of the constitutional issues of reconstruction.t'less, Robert Victor (English Lang. & Lit.) A.I"'. w/o�.'helan, Heide 'Jolker (History) A.JlII.Papers: 1) A century of nationalit� conflicts in Transylvania,1815-1961+.2) The Baltic nobility: a study cf chan;ing tactics duringthe nineteenth centuryWhitehead, Harriet (Anthropology) A.},1.Paper: Australian totemism.\'iick, Barbara Diebold (Zducation/Biology) H.A.T.Paper: The potential t�at scientific articles have as primary sourcematerials for high school biology.Viindmiller, Lee R. (Physics) Ph.D.(QClo'14 De-Haae-Van Alphen effect and fermi surface in antimony.I.!finslade, Ann Garry (Philosophy) A .N. 1;1/0':linter, James Ralph (Economics) A.N.Paper: Problems in International trade.Winzeler, Robert L. (Anthropology) A.M.Paper: Economy and authority in traditional Halaya.\\fiorkowski, John J. (Statistics) S .H. w/of�..Jireman, Hichael Smith (Anthropology) A.M.Paper: The Hopewell group of earthworks: a restudy.Wise, Serene F. (English Lang. & Lit.) A.H. w/o\iisner, Benjamin Goodwin, Jr. (Philosophy) A.H. "'/0ilJoods, Dorothy Burr (Education/Reading) 1-1.8. T.Paper: How the reading consultant may assist the classroom teacherin the use of audio-visual materials in the teaching of reading.'Vtlright, Colin (Economics) Ph.D.HG9999 Saving and the rate of interest; an empirical investigation.Yam, Kei-ming (Pharmacology) Ph.D.QP999 Studies on the effects of radiation and the radio­protective agent, 2-mercaptoethylamine on biochemical reactions tissues.Yamashiro, Kenneth Hatsuji �,Pathology) S .1'1.HB999 Horphologic distribution of leprous lesions in peripheralnerves.Page 20/June, 1966Year'Ley , Lee H. (Divinity) A.H. w/oYellin, JoelQCiOQ'1 (Physics) Ph.D.Heson masses and decays.Yohe, Cleon R. (Nathel�atics) Ph.D.'�A999 1-1atrices over co-nmu t a t Lve noetherian rings.Zachai, Nahum (Slavic Lan+a , & Id t s , ) A.N.Paper: Anna Karenina and Dostoyevski.Zreczny, Nic_91e (Romance Langs. & Lits.) A.H.Pa;ers: 1) Le Neveu de Rameau de Diderot.2) Les mains sales de Sartre.�bocdissandlegewidtioilite]an<Geat IheeraspicnUStimsirvoththhiofteCGgep(oncL,p:01wndsitletMr. Olson is himself an active and distinguished poet, critic, and scholar. He published his firstbook of poems while still an undergraduate at Chicago (A.B., 1934), and his Chicago doctoraldissertation on prosody was published in 1938. Four other volumes of his verse-lyrical, narrative,and dramatic-have appeared in subsequent years. Since his appointment to the faculty of the Col­lege in 1942, Mr. Olson has also produced three volumes of literary criticism, as well as manywidely anthologized articles. These articles and books, along with his introductions to the collec­tions of verse and criticism he has edited in the last two years, place Mr. Olson in the forefront ofliterary theoreticians in the English-speaking world.But, above all, Mr. Olson is a practitioner of literature-in the writing of poetry, in lecturing,and in classroom discussion. While he has held visiting professorships in such diverse places asGermany and the Philippines, and has lectured at dozens of American universities, it is the studentsat Chicago who have most benefited from his devotion and rigor. In the Chicago classroom, wherehe was himself a student, Mr. Olson's diverse talents merge, and for this the University and gen­erations of its students have cause to be grateful.DAVID ELLIOT ORLINSKY, Assistant Professor of the Social SciencesSince joining the faculty of the University of Chicago in 1960, David Orlinsky has been con­spicuous for his efforts to sustain and redefine the finest traditions of college teaching. Both in thecreative conduct of class discussions and his assiduous guidance of individual student papers, he hasused all of the devices of the impassioned teacher-exasperation, irony, nurturance, and radicalimagination-to goad his students into an unflinching quest for excellence. He has performed asimilar role among his colleagues on the staff of Social Sciences II, of which he has been a de­voted and generous member, both through his painstaking work in transforming the curriculum ofthat course and his unflagging insistence that the highest educational goals remain uppermost inthe minds of its teachers.A graduate of the University of Chicago, from which he received his A.B. degree in 1954 andhis Ph.D. degree in Psychology in 1962, Mr. Orlinsky embodies the characteristic double concernof this university for the professional competence of the specialist and the broad interests of the in­tellectual. His specialized work has been primarily in the area of dream research, to which he hascontributed a distinguished dissertation and a number of important published papers. His moregeneral interests have led him to some original integrative inquiries including "Modalities of Inter­personal Style" and "Personality from the Viewpoint of Role Analysis: A Critical Synthesis." Mr.Orlinsky's deep-going intellectual concerns have also resulted in the creation of two outstandingnew courses in the College curriculum, "Freud: Basic Psychological Writings" and "Psychology ofLove." In these widely appreciated courses as well as in the many other ways in which he hasparticipated vigorously in the life of the university community, Mr. Orlinsky has converted numer­ous students to the belief that it remains possible to tackle fundamental intellectual questionswhile maintaining the highest standards of scholarship.NATHAN SUGARMAN, Professor of ChemistryDistinguished scientist-teacher in a university that accepts excellence as a norm, he has inspiredmany young men and women to follow careers in chemistry and countless others to a broader un­derstanding of science. Wise counselor and. understanding friend of undergraduates, he establishesstandards that challenge each to give his best. With an unerring skill he helps them to distinguishthose principles of science which we may surely know from those useful speculations that guide ourefforts at the edge of knowledge. He brings to his students that sense of wonder and excitementthat rewards research and the fulfillment that follows inquiry into natural phenomena.THE AWARD OF HONORSAwarded General Honors with the Bachelor's Degree:Leon George AdamsEdward Michael AlpernJean AntonStanley Ira BachJoel Isaac BeckVictor BersJanet Louise BlochAndrea J. BorrFrances Rigberg CarrollRuth Lillian DusenberyLynne Tilford EllinwoodBernd T. EndersPhilip Eli FertikWilliam Mark FreundRobert Bennett GennisCarol Cirelle GouldGeorgia Marks GreenRobin Stewart GushurstJoAnn Henikoff Barbara Rae HersteinMichael Bruce HoffmanRobert James HolcombAnna Elizabeth HollingerAllen Louis HorwitzStephen B. HowellCarol IglauerBruce David KaplanDaniel KesdenLawrence Arthur LevitKenneth MeyerRobert Alan MillerMargaret Sarah MovshinJoseph Alvin NeisendorferAllan Don NovetskyMera Joan OxenhornMary Johanna PughDiane Kamins QuinnRoberta Ann Reb Barbara Alice RhineArthur Gerald RobinsJudy Ellen SchavrienJoel N. ShapiroBarbara Bock SiemensCarl Paul SimonPaul N. SkenazyPaul H. SoloffMartin SternsteinEve L. TaussFrank Joseph ThompsonJohn Albert TossellClifford L. WeaverEllen Ruth WeissKatharine WexlerLewis David WilliamsSteven C. WofsyPaul Alan ZuckerAwarded Special Honors with the Bachelor's Degree in the College:Janet Louise Bloch(Russian Civilization)Philip Eli Fertik(Social Sciences)Bruce F. Freed(History)Stephen B. Howell(Biology)Daniel Kesden(Biology)Mera Joan Oxenhorn(English)Thomas Sidney Peterson(History)Barbara Bock Siemens(English)Paul N. Skenazy(English) Paper: "Russian Trade Unions: 1917-1921"Paper: "Ethnographic Operationalism and theAnt?,ropological Conception of Cul­turePaper: "The Negro in the 1916 PresidentialElection: A Case Study of Chicago"Paper: "Lipoproteins in the Kidney"Paper: "Inducing Autoimmunity to the Mor­ris Hepatoma in Rats"Paper: "Characterization in Shaw's Drama ofIdeas" .Paper: "Luther's Image of Augustine"Paper: "The Productions of Shakespeare'sComedies Considered in the Light ofElizabethan Traditions of ExtemporalClowning"Paper: "Man in His Pity: Dangling Man andSeize the Day" (Awarded Special Honors with the Bachelor's Degree in the College and theDivision of the Biological Sciences:Allen Louis Horwitz(Biology)Judith Nelson Strommer(Biology) Paper: "Preparations of Infectious DNA fromLambda Bacteriophage"Paper: "Chlorophyll Synthesis and Chloro­plast Maturation"Awarded Special Honors with the Bachelor's Degree in the College and theDivision of the Physical Sciences:Meredith Joan Angwin(Chemistry)Ruth Lillian Dusenbery(C hemistry)Robert Bennett Gennis(C hemistry)Carl Frederick Hodel(Chemistry)Melvin David Mandell(Chemistry)John Albert Tossell(Chemistry)Lewis David Williams(C hemistry)Steven C. Wofsky(C hemistry) Paper: "The Nitrogen-Carbon MonoxidePhase Diagram"Paper: "Attempted Production of the Cationof Benzocyclopropene"Paper: "Electron Spin Resonance and FreeRadical Anions"Paper: Optical Properties of TransitionalMetal (II) Fluorides Crystals"Paper: "Photochemistry and the TripletState"Paper: "Studies on Cobalt DimethylgloximeComplexes"Paper:: "Photochemical Reactions of Methylt-Butyl Ketone in Solution"Paper: "The Molecular Accelerator"Members elected to Beta of IIlinois Chapter of Phi Beta Kappa on nominationof the University for especial distinction in general scholarship in theUniversity:CLASS OF 1966Third YearJean AntonNeil Barry Brast Robert Bennett GennisJoAnn HenikoffFourth YearJanet Louise BlochAndrea J. BorrCarol Cirelle GouldBarbara Rae HersteinAnna Elizabeth HollingerAllen Louis HorwitzStephen B. HowellCLASS OF 1967Tl1ird YearEmmanuel George Cassimatis Paula L. HoffmanMelvin M. Firestone Nora Dawn LesserLawrence Arthur LevitJoseph Alvin NeisendorferAllan Don NovetskyDora ParisRoberta Ann RebBarbara Alice Rhine Paul Alan ZuckerArthur Gerald RobinsBarbara Bock SiemensPaul N. SkenazyJohn Albert TossellClifford L. WeaverKatherine WexlerTerry C. LyonsMembers elected to the Society of the Sigma Xi on nomination of the De­partments of Science for evidence of ability in research work in Science:Howard S. BenensohnGordon Martin BurghardtFrank Joseph GrabaritsDoris Gruenewald Peter HauriAndrew John JasonWayne Banks Lanier, Jr.Nicholas Charles Maravolo Lawrence Allan MesseCarl W. PierceCarl Martin Rose, Jr.Walter Erich StumpfAssociate members elected to the Society of the Sigma Xi on nomination ofthe Departments of Science for evidence of ability in research work inScience:George T. AngwinRobert Lindsay Hall Allan Don NovetskyHoward Schwartz Carl Paul SimonMembers of the Junior and Senior classes of the School of Medicine elected toBeta of Illinois Chapter of Alpha Omega Alpha for excellence in the workof the School:Robert Willey BurtonEugene Hubert BlackstoneJay Samuel DeVoreJeffrey FrankelGary William GoldsteinDavid Larry Horwitz Howard Lutz KirzRonald Jay KroneNorman LeafJohn Paul McMahonJoel Elisabeth Murray Carl W. PierceDaniel RosenblumDeborah Jay ScherzBetty Lou TomWesley D. UlrichMembers elected to Gamma of Illinois Chapter, Beta Gamma Sigma, onnomination of the Graduate School of Business for scholarship andaccomplishment in studies in Business Administration:Robert C. BarnesRobert Oliver BentEdward Francis BonkowskiJohn Patrick BourgCharles I. CloughLouis Leon CzyzewskiThomas Ernest ErtlEdward Leland FitzsimmonsAlgert G. GrimaliaJohn Frederick Hirschmann John McCord Holzer, Jr.Thomas William KnowlesJorge Gabriel LarrainFrederick Dean LeutnerJohn Lysle Logan, Jr.Joseph Philip MullinixHugo Zeballos OvandoAllan Herman PerlmanJohn B. L. PierceStuart Williams Porter Norman John RisoyaRichard E. Schreiber, Jr.Thomas Russell ShieldsRobert Leonard StahlDean Gage TaylorReno J. TestolinWilliam Gordon ToddRichard J. WaldWilliam Enos Wetzel, Jr.David Allen WrendMembers of the Senior class of the Law School elected to the Order of theCoif for excellence in the work of the School:Alexander Blair AikmanRobert George BergerRobert Michael BergerRoland E. BrandelDavid Nelson Brown Lewis M. CollensRobert James DonovanPaul Francis GleesonDuane Ward Krohnke George A. Ranney, Jr.Walter J. Robinson IIIMichael L. ShakmanVoyle Clark WilsonThe Academy of American Poets Prizes, to an undergraduate for the best poemor group of poems, are awarded to:James Prier, FirstDiana E. Schultz, Honorable Mention A group of 12 poemsPoems: "The Pharaoh's Immortality"; "SilentVoices"; "An Infinity"; "Arise, andCome Away"The Florence James Adams Prizes, for excellence in artistic reading, areawarded to:Richard Eno, FirstPaul J. Peckar, Second Kenneth Webb,ThirdArthur Morey, FourthThe Roy D. Albert Prize, to a student in the Department of Anthropologyfor outstanding work in the field of Anthropology, is awarded to:William A. Douglass Essay: "Death in Murelaga"The Anna M. and George N. Barnard Memorial Prize in American History,to the best Senior student majoring in United States history, is awarded to:Bruce F. Freed ']nd The Joseph Henry Beale Prize, to the student in the Erst-year tutorial programat the Law School whose work is most worthy of special recognition, isawarded to:Martha F. AlschulerThe Millard P. Binyon Memorial Fund Prize, for distinction in humanisticpursuits in and out of the classroom, is awarded to:Richard A. PollackThe William B. Bond Medal, to the varsity track athlete scoring the greatestnumber of points during the season, is awarded to:John M. BealThe Borden Undergraduate Research Award in Medicine, to the member ofthe graduating class in the School of Medicine whose research is judgedto be the most meritorious, is made to:Donald Roswell HopkinsThe Joseph A. Capps Award, to a Senior medical student for proficiencyin clinical medicine, is made to:Daniel RosenblumThe Chicago Folklore Prizes are awarded to:MacEdward Leach, First Book: Folk BaIIads and Songs of the Lab­rador CoastBook: 100 Armenian TalesCollection: "Egyptian Folk Songs"Susie Hoogasan-Villa, FirstBaheega Sidky Rasheed, HonorableMentionThe Paul R. Cohen Prize, to a graduating Senior who has achieved the highestrecord in the field of Mathematics, is awarded to:Joseph Alvin NeisendorferThe Dean of Students honors ten students in their Senior year with the HowellMurray-Alumni Association Award for their contribution to the extracurriculum at the University of Chicago:Judy Beth CohenSally Ann CookBernard Norman GrofrnanDennis L. Larson Robert Frank LeveyRoberta Ann RebJoel N. Shapiro Donald Wesley SwantonAnne Elise ThaIRichard J. ThompsonThe Elizabeth Susan Dixon Honor Award, to a student in the School ofSocial Service Administration for outstanding work in the first year andpromise of future achievement in the field of Social Work, is awarded to:Eda GoldsteinThe John Billings Fiske Poetry Prizes, tor an original poem or cycle at poems,are awarded to:Juliet McGrath, FirstRichard Eno, SecondH. Frederick Reisz, Jr., Third Poem: "Voyages"Poem: "Poet's Progress"Poem: "Hag for a Muse"The Jerome N. Frank Prize, tor the best student contribution published in theUniversity of Chicago Law Review, is awarded to:Robert Michael BergerThe Francis R. Friedman Prizes, tor excellence in the fine arts, are awarded to:William F. Conger, First Donald Waddell, Second Erin Libby Jones, ThirdThe E. Ge11110rn Neurophysiology Prize, to a graduate or medical studentshowing outstanding promise in the field at neurophysiology, is awardedto:William Stell, Department of AnatomyThe Harry Ginsburg Memorial Prize, to a student in the Department atPhysiology tor his industry, sincerity, and ability, is awarded to:David HoltzmanThe Goethe Prizes, to College students tor excellence in the study at Ger­manic Languages and Literatures, are awarded to:Marilyn Virginia Bergstrom, SwedishStephen May, GermanPhoebe Ann Palmer, German Carol Sue Rubenstein, GermanJudith Eve Schuppien, GermanThe Harold E. Goettler Political Institutions Prizes, to undergraduatestor original essays, are awarded to:Stanley Ira Bach, First Essay: "Council-Manager Government in theModern City"Essay: "Development of the Mayor-CouncilRelationship in Chicago"Essay: "Swedish Monarchy: A Peculiar Ab­solutism"Ellis B. Levin, FirstDonald Lincoln Weinberg, SecondMarc Linder, ThirdMarc Linder, Third Essay: "Stalin and Trotsky in China"Essay: "The French Resistance: Why Did ItFail as a Political Movement in thePost- War Period?"The Hamilton Watch Award, to the Senior candidate tor the Bachelor ofScience degree who has most successtully combined proficiency in hismajor field at study with achievements in the Humanities or SocialSciences, is made to:Donald Wesley Swanton T1IS, The Hinton Moot Court Competition Awards, to the winning teams in thecompetition, are made to:Howard Barney Abrams, FirstRichard Gus Singer, First Donald Joseph Christl, SecondFrank Harold W ohl, SecondThe Robert H. Jackson Prize, to a student in the Law School for the bestpaper submitted in the Seminar on Constitutional Law, is awarded to:James Francis Kelley•• The Milo P. Jewett Prizes, for excellence in Bible reading, are awarded to:Larry Lee Greenfield, First Douglas Carl Benson, SecondtI The Karl Llewellyn Cup, for excellence in brief writing and oral argument inthe second-year Hinton Moot Court Competition, is awarded to:John Gaubatz John HoyleThe Edwin F. Mandel Award, to the student who has contributed mostto the Legal Aid program during his Law School career, is made to:Donald M. ThompsonThe David Blair McLaughlin Prize, to a college student, for an essay showinga special skill and sense of form in the writing of English prose, isawarded to:Richard P. Hack Essay: "The Grand Vision: A Considerationof the Work of Norman Mailer"The Elizabeth R. Norton Prize, for excellence in research in Chemistry, isawarded to:Robert B. K. B. DewarThe Elsa Reinhardt Honor Award, to a student in the School of Social Serv­ice Administration for outstanding work in the first year and promiseof future achievement in the field of Social Work, is made to:Dorothy HuntThe Howard Taylor Ricketts Award, in recognition of outstanding accom­plishments in the field of Medical Science, is made to:Charles Yanofsky, Professor, Department of Biological Sciences, Stanford UniversityThe David Riesman Prizes, for the most outstanding papers in the AutumnQuarter of Social Science 121-122-123, are awarded to:Keith J. Lencho, First Paper: "Face-Work in International Inter-action"Dorothea Kline, Second Paper: "No Exit: A Study in Interaction"The Susan Colver Rosenberger Prize, for constructive study and originalresearch in the Department at Sociology, is awarded to:Harold Finestone Dissertation, June, 1964: "A ComparativeStudy of Reformation and Re­cidivism among Italian and Pol­ish Offenders"The Scholastic Achievement Award of the Recording for the Blind, Inc.,is made to:Phillip S. Horwitz, Honorable MentionThe Screen Gems Awards, for excellence in creative writing, are made to:Robert Flanagan James M. SextonThe Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Randall Shapiro Prize, for excellence in the fine arts,is awarded to:Sandra Rosen Joanna Margaret SchutzThe John Rogers Snowday Memorial Prize, for original work in the field ofLiterary Criticism, is awarded to:Paul Burstein Essay: "Catch-22 and The Thin Red Line asDescription of Mass Society: A Studyof Catch-22 by Joseph Heller and TheThin Red Line by James Jones"The Amos Alonzo Stagg Medal, to the Senior athlete with the best all-aroundrecord for athletics, scholarship, and character, is awarded to:Thomas Arthur GoltzThe Richard West Temple Prize, to a student in the Department of Psy­chology for outstanding research in the field at Psychology, is awarded to:Benjamin B. Beck Essay: "Problem Solving in Gibbons"The Max Weber Prizes, for the most outstanding papers in the WinterQuarter of Social Science 121-122-123, are awarded to:Daniel Kesden, First Paper: "The Negro Family: A Critique ofthe Moynihan Report"Paper: "Agents and Ushers: A Comparisonof Two Case. Studies"Steven Henikoff, SecondLeigh Alan Goren,Honorable MentionDavid Arnold Satter,Honorable Mention Paper: "The Constabulary Concept and Bu­reaucratic Control"Paper: "A View of the West Side and theProblems of the Poor"THE CONFERRING OF ACADEMIC DEGREESCandidates for degrees will be presented in the following order:In the Division of the Biological Sciences by Dean Leon O. JacobsonIn the Division of the Humanities by Dean Robert E. StreeterIn the Division of the Physical Sciences by Dean A. Adrian AlbertIn the Division of the Social Sciences by Dean D. Gale JohnsonIn the Graduate School of Business by Dean George P. ShultzIn the Graduate School of Education by Dean Roald S. CampbellIn the Graduate Library School by Dean Don R. SwansonIn the School of Social Service Administration by Dean Alton A. LinfordCANDIDATES FOR THE MASTER'S DEGREEI. IN THE DIVISION OF THE BIOLOGICAL SCIENCESF or the Degree of Master of Science:HOWARD S. BENENSOHNA.B., University 0/ Chicago, 1962(Pathology)DISSERTATION: Inhibition 0/ Tumor DisseminationUtilizing Antibodies to the Cancer CoagulativeFactorJEANNE ELIZABETH CAHILLS.B., University 0/ Chicago, 1963(Microbiology)DISSERTATION: The Effect 0/ Hibernation on theCourse 0/ Injection and Immune Response inCitellus tridecemlineatus infected with Nippo­strongylus brasiliensisJ. PETER CHASES.B., Utah State University, 1962(Biopsychology)DISSERTATION: Some Effects on Reserpine uponImprintingLORNA CAROLYN FITZS.B., Millikin University, 1952(Botany)DISSERTATION: The Effects 0/ Photoperiod andTemperature in Rudbeckia triloba IGNACIO GUILLERMO GALINDOM.D., National Autonomous University 0/ Mexico,1962(Mathematical Biology)LOIS R. KAHNS.B., University 0/ Illinois, 1963(Physiology)DISSERTATION: Hormonal Steroid FeedbackFLORENCE KEIKO KINOSHITAS.B., University 0/ Chicago, 1963(Pharmacology)DISSERTATION: Studies on the Mechanism 0/ SexDifferences in Susceptibility 0/ Rats to a Cholin­ergic PhosphorothioateIRVING ABRAM LERCHS.B., United States Military Academy. 1960(Radiology)DISSERTATION: Analog Simulation 0/ High EnergyElectron Tracks in a Semi-Infinite H,O AbsorberYVETTE PEREZ-CHIESAS.B., University 0/ Puerto Rico, 1964(Zoology)DISSERTATION: Effect 0/ Actinomycin D on the De­velopment 0/ the Early Imaginal Eye Discs 0/Drosophila melanogasterJULIAN JOHN RIMPILAA.B., Knox College, 1962(Pathology)DISSERTATION: Immunohistochemical Studies ofUlcerative Colitis KENNETH MATSUJI YAMASHIROA.B., University of Hawaii, 1962(Pathology)DISSERTATION : Morphologic Distribution of Lep­rous Lesions in Peripheral NervesJORGE J. E. GRACIAA.B., Wheaton College, Wheaton, Illinois, 1965(Philosophy)GERALDINE RUTH GYARFASA.B., University of Michigan, 1965(English Language and Literature)PHILIP A. HABERA.B., Harvard University, 1965(Philosophy)HANNAH MARGARET HARDGRAVE(Philosophy)SARAH CONW AY HENDRIXA.B., Denison University, 1964(English Language and Literature)PRAMOTE SOPHARKM.D., University oj Medical Sciences, Dhonburi,Thailand, 1954(Pathology)DISSERTATION: Relation of Route of Administra­tion of Single Large Doses of Ferrous Sulfate toSerum Iron Levels and Tissue Injury in the RatII. IN THE DIVISION OF THE HUMANITIESFor tbe Degree of Master of Arts:HERBERT ABRAMSONA.B., College of the City of New York, 1964(Classical Languages and Literatures) DAVID LEE DUNNA.B., Central State College, 1959(Romance Languages and Literatures)GUY SALVATORE ALITIOA.B., Kings College, 1964(Far Eastern Civilizations) VADA B. F ASANA.B., Butler University, 1962(History)STEPHEN T. FRANKLINA.B., North Park College, 1965(Philosophy)SHARON GOLDMANA.B., University of Chicago, 1965(English Language and Literature)E. JAMES ARNOLDA.B., Whitman College, 1965(Philosophy)ERICA ARONSONA.B., Roosevelt University, 1965(Comparative Studies in Literature)MARIANNE BANKERT(English Language and Literature)ROBERT BASTAA.B., Roosevelt University, 1964(General Studies in the Humanities)CHRISTINE M. BORA WSKAA.B., Rockford College, 1961(Slavic Languages and Literatures)ALFREDS.BRADFORDA.B., University of Wisconsin, 1964(Classical Languages and Literatures)STEPHEN MARK BROWNA.B., University of Chicago, 1964(English Language and Literature)LINDA JEAN BRUSTA.B., Valparaiso University, 1964(Germanic Languages and Literatures) GERALD HONIGSBLUMA.B., Boston University, 1965(Romance Languages and Literatures)NANCY LIDDELL BUNGEA.B., Radcliffe College, 1964(English Language and Literature)TERRENCE W. CARROLLA.B., Lehigh University, 1963(General Studies in the Humanities) MARY ANN CLAIRE JACKA.B., Lawrence College, 1964(History)NORMAN ALAN KEHRA.B., University of Chicago, 1964(English Language and Literature)DAVID CHAMBERS CARTERA.B., Yale University, 1965(English Language and Literature) PHYLLIS B. KINDA.B., University of Pennsylvania, 1954(English Language and Literature)LYNN BANNERMAN CONNORA.B., University of Chicago, 1963(Far Eastern Civilizations) JOHN NORMAN KINGA.B., Randolph-Macon College, 1965(English Language and Literature)LUCY ANN DAHLBERGA.B., Earlham College, 1963(Romance Languages and Literatures) KENNETH KIPNISA.B., Reed College, 1965(Philosophy)JUDITH KERST KIRMMSEA.B., Wilson College, 1964(English Language and Literature)GARY M. KODISH(Philosophy)KEVIN DWYER KOKOTS.B., Massachusetts Institute 0/ Technology, 1963(Romance Languages and Literatures)EDITH NASH LEBEDS.B., University 0/ Chicago, 1945(English Language and Literature)ALBERT LEONGA.B., University 0/ Chicago, 1961(Slavic Languages and Literatures)SARA ANN LINCOLNB.M.E., Northwestern University, 1954(English Language and Literature)JOAN MICKELSON LUKACHA.B., Radcliffe College, 1956(Art)ENRICO MAGGI(Romance Languages and Literatures)JAMES S. MALEKA.B., Earlham College, 1963(English Language and Literature)JERRY LEE MARTINA.B., University 0/ California, Riverside, 1963(Philosophy)DENNIS FLYNN McCULLOCHA.B., Cornell University, 1963(Philosophy)JAMES McGUINNESSA.B., University 0/ Washington, 1961(Philosophy)ARTHUR HAWKS MILLER, JR.A.B., Kalamazoo College, 1965(English Language and Literature)JAMES HALLER MOORS.B., Ohio State University, 1965(Philosophy)ROBERT L. MUEHLENKAMPA.B., Marquette University, 1965(English Language and Literature)CLIFFORD WEST MURPHY IIIA.B., Rice University, 1965(Philosophy)BRADLEY EDWARD OFFUTTA.B., William Jewell College, 1964(Classical Languages and Literatures)DAVID BISHOP OWEN(English Language and Literature)FREDERIC EARL PASS, JR.A.B., Albion College, 1960(Philosophy)MARY HAYS PINTOA.B., University 0/ Chicago, 1961(General Studies in the Humanities)GERALD EGIDIO POGGIA.B., lona College, 1965(Classical Languages and Literatures)ALEXANDER JOHN POLLOCKA.B., Williams College, 1965(Philosophy) EILEEN SPRINGSTUN ROBERTS(English Language and Literature)DIANA L. ROUP ASA.B., University 0/ Wisconsin, 1962(English Language and Literature)OTTO JOHNSCHADENA.B., University 0/ Chicago, 1959(Oriental Languages and Civilizations)DISSERTATION: The God's Father AyLEONARD PAUL SHAYKINA.B., University 0/ Chicago, 1965(English Language and Literature)LAWRENCE JOHN STARZYKA.B., Loyola University, Chicago, Illinois, 1965(English Language and Literature)DINAH SOLOMON STEVENSONA.B., University 0/ Chicago, 1963(English Language and Literature)BARBARA SHIRLEY STOCKINGA.B., University 0/ Pittsburgh, 1956(English Language and Literature)JOHN IRA THOMPSONA.B., Yale University, 1960(English Language and Literature)FREDERIC BROWN TROMLYA.B., Grinnell College, 1965(English Language and Literature)ALBERT DONALD VAN DE VEERA.B., Wake Forest College, 1961B.D., Colgate-Rochester Divinity School, 1964(Philosophy)DONALD ROBERT VESPERS.B., University 0/ Kansas, 1953A.B., ibid., 1961(Linguistics)VICTOR ERVIN VOGTA.B., University 0/ British Columbia, Vancouver,British Columbia, Canada, 1960(English Language and Literature)ROBERT VICTOR WESSA.B., University 0/ Chicago, 1963(English Language and Literature)ANN GARRY WINSLADEA.B., Monmouth College, 1965(Philosophy)SERENE F. WISEA.B., University 0/ Wisconsin, 1965(English Language and Literature)BENJAMIN GOODWIN WISNER, JR.A.B., University 0/ California, Davis, 1965(Philosophy)NAHUM ZACKAIPh.B., University 0/ Chicago, 1932A.M., Northwestern University, 1934Ph.D., ibid., 1944(Slavic Languages and Literatures)NICOLE ZRECZNYA.B., Roosevelt University, 1963(Romance Languages and Literatures)For the Degree of Master of Fine Arts:WILLIAM FRAME CONGERB.F.A., University of New Mexico, 1961(Art)LOIS FINEBERGB.F.A., Art Institute of Chicago, 1963(Art) MELBA GOLDA.B., Washington University, 1939(Art)CAROLE J. STODDERA.B., Lake Forest College, 1957(Art)III. IN THE DIVISION OF THE PHYSICAL SCIENCESFor the Degree of Master of Science:ROSS F. AMANNS.B., University of Notre Dame, 1964(Physics)MURRAY MICHAEL ARNOWS.B., University of Illinois, 1964(Physics)DANIEL J. AUERBACHS.B., University of Chicago, 1964(Physics)JAMES MILTON BELLS.B., Furman University, 1964(C hemistry)DAVID SPENCER BIRKESS.B., Stanford University, 1964(Mathematics) ROBERT YOSHINORI HIRANOA.B., University of Hawaii, 1955(Geophysical Sciences)WILLIAM HINES HOOKEA.B., Swarthmore College, 1964(Geophysical Sciences)JOHN MATHAIS HUCKS.B., Illinois Institute of Technology, 1960(Geophysical Sciences)CARLOS AUGUSTO SHOLL ISNARDEng., University of Brazil, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil,1963(Mathematics)MOLLY KWEI SHA LAUA.B., San Francisco State College, 1961(Mathematics)EDWARD PRENTISS LEES.B., California Institute of Technology, 1964(Physics)HILTON VIEIRA MACHADOBach., University of Brazil, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil,1962Lic., ibid., 1962(Mathematics)ANNE RILEY MAcWILLIAMSA.B., Radcliffe College, 1964(Mathematics)RICHARD McFADDEN MARTINS.B., University of Tennessee, 1964(Physics)ERIK D. McWILLIAMSA.B., Iowa State University, 1959(Mathematics)DAVID CYRIL MENDELSONA.B., Harvard University, 1965( Chemistry)LOUIS MORRIS MIZELA.B., University of Chicago, 1965(Mathematics)M. SUSAN MONTGOMERYA.B., University of Michigan, 1965(Mathematics)ROGER DAVID NUSSBAUMA.B., Harvard University, 1965(Mathematics)RICHARD HINDMAN BOULDINS.B., University of Alabama, 1964(Mathematics)CHARLES TYLER BURTS.B., Carnegie Institute of Technology, 1964(Chemistry)JAMES PETER COTTINGHAMS.B., University of Chicago, 1965(Mathematics)JOHNJAMESCURRANOS.B., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1965(Mathematics)SANDRA JEAN FEIVESONS.B., University of Chicago, 1962(Statistics)PAMELA ANDERSON FERGUSONA.B., Wellesley College, 1965(Mathematics)KENNETH SEAVER GAGEA.B., Brandeis University, 1964(Geophysical Sciences)MARC PERRY GALLERS.B., University of Chicago, 1965(Mathematics)DAVID MICHAEL GOLDSCHMIDTA.B., Reed College, 1965(Mathematics) CHARLES PHILIP LANSKIS.B., University of Chicago, 1965(Mathematics)RICHARD JOSEPH GRANTS.B., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1965(Mathematics)ROBERT R. HAYESS.B., University of Illinois, 1964(Physics)WILLIAM ALBERT PETERMANA.B., University of Chicago, 1964(Geophysical Sciences)HAROLD WILLIAM SCHNEIDERA.B., University of Rochester, 1965(Mathematics)HERBERT EARL SCHULZA.B., New York University, 1963(Physics)JULIUS L. SHANE SONA.B., Columbia University, 1965(Mathematics)PETER WILLIAM SLOSSS.B., Northwestern University, 1964(Geophysical Sciences) STEPHEN BRUCE SONTZA.B., University of Chicago, 1965(Mathematics)RICHARD WARD SULLIVANS.B., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1965(Mathematics)RICHARD BENJAMIN TARSYA.B., Columbia University, 1965(Mathematics)STANLEY ALLEN WEISSS.B., Loyola College, Baltimore, Maryland, 1965(Mathematics)JOHN J. WIORKOWSKIS.B., University of Chicago, 1965(Statistics)IV. IN THE DIVISION OF THE SOCIAL SCIENCESFor the Degree of Master of Arts:ROBERTA SUE ALEXANDERA.B., University of California, Los Angeles, 1964(History)DISSERTATION: Southern Arguments on Slavery,1820-1830ERWIN EARL BACHA.B., Florida Southern College, 1949(Anthropology)ISAAC DAVIS BALBUSA.B., Colby College, 1964(Political Science)DISSERTATION: The Evolution of the CommunityAction Program: A Case Study in AmericanPolicy MakingWILLIAM NIVEN BAYLESSA.B., Loyola University, Chicago, Illinois, 1965(History)OWEN CHARLES BERG, JR.A.B., University of Chicago, 1964(History)MARY GAVIN BRENNEMANA.B., St. Lawrence University, 1948(Education)BRUCE BARKER BYRNESA.B., Emory and Henry College, 1965(History)MATTHEW CARTMILLA.B., Pomona College, 1964(Anthropology)JOSEPHINE SZYPULSKI CHAYB.Ed., Chicago Teacher's College, 1958(Education)JACQUELINE ROSE PATTERSONCONWAYB.Ed., Chicago Teachers College, 1954(Education)ANN COOKA.B., Sarah Lawrence College, 1962(History)NOREEN CORNFIELDA.B., University of Chicago, 1951(Sociology) KATHLEEN ANN CRANLEYA.B., Barat College, 1963(Political Science)DISSERTATION: The Political Thought of FyodorDostoevskyLOUIS CRUDELEA.B., University of Illinois, 1962(Education)ALDO A. DADONEContador Publico, National University of C6rdoba,Argentina, 1961Lic., ibid., 1963(Economics)BRENDA L. DANETA.B., Radcliffe College, 1958M.Ed., Harvard University, 1959(Sociology)LINDA K. DEGRANDA.B., Coe College, 1963(History)DAWN ELEANOR DRIDAN(Education)NANCY J. EDINA.B., University of Minnesota, 1963(Geography)DISSERTATION: Residential Location and Mode 0/Transportation to Work: A Model 0/ ChoiceEARL R. ELLEDGEA.B., Roosevelt University, 1952B.D., Northern Baptist Theological Seminary, 1955(S ociology)ELIZABETH L. ETIGSONA.B., Brandeis University, 1958(Human Development)THEODORE M. FEELY, JR.A.B., Stanford University, 1962(Political Science)DISSERTATION: Communal Politics in Western Ni­geriaLAURA THOMASSON FISHMANA.B., Pembroke College, 1959(Sociology)DISSERTATION: Aspirations and Delinquency: TheCase of Negro GirlsDAVID CHARLES FOLLMERA.B., Purdue University, 1964(History)ROGENE LEE FOXA.B., Lake Forest College, 1962(Human Development)EVA FRIEDLANDERA.B., College of the City of New York, 1963(Anthropology)JAVIER A. FUENZALIDAIng. Com., Pontifical Catholic University of Chile,Santiago, Chile, 1962(Economics)GALEN LEE GOCKELA.B., Valparaiso University, 1953A.M., University of Chicago, 1959(Sociology)MITCHELL N. GOODMANS.B., Illinois Institute of Technology, 1963(Human Development)LESTER CARL HAPPELS.B., Warthurg College, 1960(Education)FRANCES HINE HARWOODA.B., Vassar College, 1963(Anthropology)JOHN THOMAS HINNANTA.B., George Washington University, 1963(Anthropology)MARY BRYAN HUMPHREYSA.B ., Vassar College, 1964(International Relations)DISSERTATION: Indonesian Foreign Policy and theConfrontation of MalaysiaMORTON INGERJ.D., University of Chicago, 1957(Political Science)DISSERTATION: The New Orleans School Crisis of1960: The Failure of an EliteCHARLES F. KEITHAHNA.B., University of Chicago, 1963(Economics)WAUD H. KRACKEA.B., Harvard University, 1962(A nthropology)CAROL JEAN KRONUSA.B., Harpur College, 1963(Sociology)JOHN E. LAINGA.B., Stanford University, 1962(Sociology)RUBY GELDIGIAN LARNER(History) EVELYN MARGARET LEEA.B., Lake Forest College, 1959(Human Development)DISSERTATION: Interpersonal Reciprocity in theDoctor-Patient RelationshipsTHOMAS E. LESHA.B., University of Chicago, 1963(History)RICHARD LEVYA.B., Cornell University, 1963(Political Science)DISSERTATION: The First Inaugural Address ofThomas Jefferson: The Founding of the Ameri­can RepublicROBERTW. MAJORA.B., Colgate University, 1961(Social Thought)MARGARET ROSE MANKTELOWA.B., McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario,Canada, 1960(Economics)MIGUEL EDUARDO MARTINEZ(Economics)GERALD C. MATTRAN(History)WILLIAM CHARLES McCREADYA.B., St. Mary of the Lake Seminary, Mundelein,Illinois, 1963(Sociology)EUGENE CHARLES McDOWELLA.B., American University, 1962 '(Education)DISSERTATION: A Definition of "Problem"JOAN GOLDSMITH McGREGORA.B., Antioch College, 1964(Education)MICHAEL ELLIOTT MEEKERS.B., Massachusetts Institute of Technology. 1958(Anthropology)GEORGETTE MEREDITHA.B., University of Chicago, 1962(Anthropology)RICARDO ROBERTO MURUA(Economics)THOMAS WILLIAM NEWMANA.B., Swarthmore College, 1961(Education)APOLO ROBIN NSIBAMBIS.B., University of London, England, 1964(Political Science)DISSERTATION: Federalism in Uganda: Myth orRealityCONSTANCE FRIES OWENA.B., Tulane University, 1963(Human Development)ROBERT ALLEN PAULA.B., Harvard University, 1963(A nthropology)ANN COFFIELD PERKINSA.B., College of William and Mary, 1960(Political Science)DISSERTATION: Civil Service Reform and Ameri­can Government Administration: The SecondHoover Commission Task Force ReportPAUL NELSON POHLMANA.B., Cornell College, 1964(History)THOMAS ARTHUR REHMS.B., United States Military Academy, 1952(Sociology)GEORGE EDWIN ROTHA.B., Reed College, 1962(A nthropology)LOIS ELAINE R UEINYIA.B., University of California, Los Angeles, 1964(Anthropology)MARILYN LINDA SALZMANA.B., Brandeis University, 1964(Education)PHILIP C. SALZMANA.B., Antioch College, 1963(Anthropology)PAUL JACKSON SCHWINDA.B., Antioch College, 1964(Geography)DISSElitTATION: The Geographic Pattern and Im­plications of Railroad Piggyback OperationsA. B. M. SHAFIULLAHA.B., University of Dacca, Pakistan, 1959A.M., University of the Panjab, Lahore, Pakistan,1962(Sociology)DAVID C. SHAWA.B., Aquinas Institute, River Forest, Illinois, 1960A.M., ibid., 1961(Sociology)LEAH SHEPHA TIAHA.B., The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Jeru­salem, Israel, 1959(Education)DISSERTATION: Effect of Age and Socio-EconomicStatus on Level of Organization of Picture Con­tentWILLIAM B. SHEWA.B., University of Chicago, 1963(Economics) HESTER M. SMITHS.B., University of Rochester, 1949(Education)HOUSTON HOBSON STOKESA.B., Cornell University, 1962(Economics)CONRAD J. SZUBERLAA.B., University of Illinois, 1959(Political Science)DISSERTATION: The Versailles Treaty in the Senateof the United StatesELLIOT TENOFSKYA.B., Northeastern University, 1964(Political Science)DISSERTATION: Gideon v. Wainwright: The Impactand Implementation of a Supreme Court Deci­sionBARBARA PRESS TURNERS.B., Cornell University, 1965(Education)MARILYN ROBINSON WALDMANA.B., Radcliffe College, 1964(History)PETER EDMOND WElLA.B., Harvard University, 1952S.M., Columbia University, 1954(History)MITCHELL SIMON WEISSA.B., University of Illinois, 1963(Political Science)DISSERTATION: The Reorientation of French-Cana­dian NationalismHEIDE WOLKER WHELANA.B., Grinnell College, 1964(History)HARRIET WHITEHEADA.B., Bryn Mawr College, 1962(Anthropology)JAMES RALPH WINTERA.B., Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario, Can­ada, 1958(Economics)ROBERT L. WINZELERA.B., Kent State University, 1962(Anthropology)MICHAEL SMITH WIREMANA.B., University of Chicago, 1965(Anthropology)V. IN THE GRADUATE LIBRARY SCHOOL.For the Degree of Master of Arts:MARGARET ANNE CHAPLANA.B., Rosary College, 1964DISSERTATION: Public Librarianship in the FederalRepublic of Germany since 1945JUDITH L. KOVACSA.B., University of Chicago, 1951DISSERTATION: Relevance of the Master of Arts inTeaching Program for the Education of SchoolLibrarians MARGUERITE MAGEEDISSERTATION: How Research Biochemists Use In­formation: An Analysis of Use of Informationfrom Cited SourcesROBERT C. MILLERS.B., Marquette University, 1958A.M., University of Wisconsin, 1962DISSERTATION: The International Publishers' Asso-ciation: The History of a Trade Organization,1896-1962MARY CUDDY ST. LAURENTA.B., Nazareth College of Rochester, 1964DISSERTATION: A Review of the Literature ofIndexer Consistency FREDERICK ALLEN SCHLIPFA.B., Carleton College, 1963DISSERTATION: Trends in Branch Library Use Re­lated to Community CharacteristicsVI. IN THE SCHOOL OF SOCIAL SERVICE ADMINISTRATIONFor the Degree oi Master oi Arts:MARY SCOTT ANDERSONA.B., Whitworth College, 1964JANE ELIZABETH AVENSA.B., Lake Erie College, 1964DONALD E. BALLINGERA.B., University of California, Berkeley, 1958FRANK BARNETTA.B., Roosevelt University, 1964WILLIAM LONG BELVIN, JR.A.B., Duke University, 1964• WITH HONORSPAMELA BENNETT CHRISTINA R. CUTTSA.B., Middlebury College, 1963ELIZABETH DEBRUINA.B., University of Chicago, 1940HELEN BUTLER DENNISA.B., Western College for Women, 1963KAREN GLADYS DENNYA.B., Augsburg College, 1964ARTHUR J. DIERSA.B., Wartburg College, 1955D.B., Wartburg Theological Seminary, 1959STEPHANIE DOLANA.B., University of Michigan, 1962A.B., Mills College, 1962ERWIN S. BLOOMA.B., Syracuse University, 1964SUSAN ELLEN BOLLINGERA.B., Denison University, 1964• WITH HONORS MARY BOOTH DOTYA.B., Goucher College, 1962• WITH HONORSPENELOPE ANNE DOVES.B., Iowa State University, 1964LINN IE M. DUNNA.B., Virginia Union University, 1964ROSS BOONES.B., Washington University, 1954PANKE MATTOX BRADLEYA.B., Antioch College, 1963MARY ELIZABETH BUDKEA.B., College of St. Catherine, 1964CAROL MARIE BUFFEA.B., University of Michigan, 1964JERROLD ARTHUR BURTONA.B., Florida Presbyterian College, 1964THOMAS KEELEY CARPENTERA.B., Pennsylvania State University, 1964 BEVERLY JEAN ECKERA.B., University of California, Berkeley, 1963EMILY BARBARA ESTOWA.B., Smith College, 1964NADA FREDRICKSA.B., University of Colorado, 1964SARAH ELEANOR FRIEDBERGERA.B., Oxford University, England, 1961PAUL HERBERT GAHLA.B., Concordia Theological Seminary, St. Louis,Missouri, 1959D.B., ibid., 1965JUDITH HOFFMAN GANEFFA.B., Hope College, 1963MARGERY CORNSWEET CHAPMANA.B., University of Michigan, 1947BARBARA J. CHERRYA.B., University of California, Berkeley, 1963JAMES EDWARD CLINTONS.B., University of Wisconsin, 1956CAROL ANN CONROYA.B., Seattle University, 1964ALBERT THOMAS THORTONCOOK, JR.A.B., Dartmouth College, 1962HELEN COPELANDA.B., University of Wisconsin, 1955 JANE HARRIET GANFORDA.B., University of Chicago, 1961• WITH HONORSCAROL JOAN GELLNERA.B., Indiana University, 1964RACHEL ANNE GOSSA.B., University of Pittsburgh, 1963BARBARAJ.GOTTSCHALKA.B., Earlham College, 1964JUDITH McCALL COWGERA.B., Elmhurst College, 1962JOYCE ELLEN CRAWFORDS.B., Denison University, 1964 ALFREDA GRADYB.S., University of Illinois, 1962SUSANNAH DOLORES GROSSA.B., University of Chicago, 1963DAVID ALAN GROTKEA.B., Oberlin College, 1961GLORIA LEE GUMBINGERA.B., University 0/ Illinois, 1961JOHN A. HARKINSA.B., Roosevelt University, 1963 ANNE FRANCIS MILLERA.B., College 0/ Wooster, 1964HENRIETTA AYRES MOOREA.B., Connecticut College, 1963SUSAN HARVEY MORANA.B., Muskingum College, 1964ANNE SACHAR HELLERA.B., Brandeis University, 1963 ALLISON DALE MURDACHA.B., University 0/ Washington, 1960JUDITH GAIL HEVERANA.B., University 0/ Illinois, 1964 DONALD NEWBARTA.B., Roosevelt University, 1948MARJORY HEYMANA.B., University 0/ Chicago, 1963 BAGESHW ARI SINGH PARIHARB.Sc., University 0/ Allahabad, India, 1953M.A.S., Institute 0/ Social Sciences, Kashi Vidy.apith, Varanasi, India, 1955DORIS M. HOIGARDA.B., Roosevelt University, 1962SWEE YEE HUANGA.B., West Virginia Wesleyan College, 1964 WILLIAM E. PARKERA.B., University 0/ California, Berkeley, 1964CYNTHIA B. PETERSONA.B., Carleton College, 1964• WITH HONORSCAROL ELAINE JONESA.B., University 0/ California, Berkeley, 1964CAROL N. KANTERA.B., Brandeis University, 1964 JO ANN QUINLANS.B., George Williams College, 1963FRANK E. KELLERA.B., University 0/ Wisconsin, 1938 JUDY HANSON RAMSEYERA.B., Northwestern University, 1964• WITH HONORSJOSEPH DAVID KESTNBAUMS.B., University 0/ Illinois, 1962JEAN ANN KLINGENSTEINA.B., Connecticut College, 1964 MARIEL CAPEN REEVESA.B., Hastings College, 1962CAROLE E. ROBERTSA.B., University 0/ Pennsylvania, 1964GERALD ROBERT KRIEGERA.B., State University 0/ New York, 1964KARLA LISBETH KROGSRUDA.B., Augsburg College, 1964MARY KATHERINE LAMBA.B., Northwestern University, 1961 MARY VIRGINIA ROBINSONS.B., University 0/ Wisconsin, 1950THOMAS McKIM ROYA.B., DePauw University, 1963NANCY JOAN LAWRENZA.B., Valparaiso University; 1963NAURINE DIERKS LENNOXA.B., State University 0/ Iowa, 1964ROGER LESSERA.B., University 0/ Wisconsin, 1964 NANCY ELLEN RUBENA.B., University 0/ Wisconsin, 1964MARY ANN RUHLA.B., Michigan State University, 1955MARTHA L. SAMUELSONA.B., University 0/ Michigan, 1962LOUIS RICHARD LESSORA.B., San Diego State College, 1962• WITH HONORS ELAINE S. SCHWARTZA.B., Roosevelt University, 1962GILBERT FRANK EDWARD SEEBERA.B., Roosevelt University, 1963KAY A. LEVINEA.B., University 0/ Michigan, 1959 JOAN RUTH SEEVERA.B., University 0/ Chicago, 1953A.B., ibid., 1958MARGARET S. SHAPIROA.B., Smith College, 1964LYN SHECHTMANA.B., University 0/ Michigan, 1964SUSAN WACHTEL LEVINEA.B., University 0/ Michigan, 1964DORIS E. LINNS.B., Northwestern University, 1946JEAN ELLEN LUSKA.B., DePauw University, 1964DOROTHY B. MAYERS.B., University 0/ Wisconsin, 1964 DEBRAH SARAH SHEPPARDA.B., University 0/ Miami, 1964CHRISTINE S. McCOOEYA.B., Carroll College, 1963DOROTHY E. McKAYS.B., University 0/ Oregon, 1962ROBERT LOWRY McKEOWNA.B., Seattle Pacific College, 1964 JANE R. SIEGELA.B., University 0/ Chicago, 1964MARY O. SLAYTONA.B., Wheaton College, Wheaton, Illinois, 1961NANCY JEAN SPERLINGS.B., University 0/ Wisconsin, 1964MARJORIE SUE SPOTTSA.B., Lawrence College, 1964MIKIKO D. STEBBINGA.B., University 0/ Wisconsin, 1964 CAROL WALLACEA.B., Vassar College, 1964STEPHANIE STEININGERA.B., Wittenberg University, 1964• WITH HONORS DENISE CLAIRE WEINBERGA.B., University 0/ Iowa, 1962RUTH WEINSTEIN'A.B., University 0/ Michigan, 1960DONALD P. WATANABEA.B., University 0/ Illinois, 1963PHILIP E. TOWLEA.B., Occidental College, 1960THOMASINE M. TYSONA.B., University of Wisconsin, 1964 SISTER MARY WINEA.B., College of Mount St. Joseph, 1964• WITH HONORSJOAN EVE SUDA.B., Roosevelt University, 1963ALICE CLARE THOMPSONA.B., Indiana University, 1964 SANDRA A. WEINSTOCKA.B., University of Miami, 1963ELIZABETH OAKES VAN NESSA.B., Earlham College, 1963PATRICIA L. WALKERA.B., Roosevelt University, 1963 MARY HELEN WULFFEA.B., Beloit College, 1964MARYLOU H. ZUMBROB.Mus., University of Michigan, 1961CANDIDATES FOR A PROFESSIONAL DEGREE1. IN THE GRADUATE SCHOOL OF EDUCATIONFor the Degree oi Master oi Arts in Teaching:MARGARET JANE KERANENS.B., University of Illinois, 1958(Biology)SCOTT WAYNE LAFRAMENT AS.B., University of Wisconsin, 1963(Biology) . ROBIN DALE LESTERA.B., Pepperdine College, 1962A.M., University of Chicago, 1963(History)DAVID BRUCE MAcPHERSONA.B., Hobart College, 1962(History)ROLLYN GAY OSTERWEISA.B., Wellesley College, 1964(English)ROSEMOND OWENSA.B., Southwest Missouri State College, 1956(Spanish)CHARLOTTE BITTNER REITERA.B., University of Chicago, 1964(History)ROBERT PAUL SCHUWERKS.B., University of Chicago, 1964(Mathematics)JOHN EDWARDS STEINBRINKA.B., University of Idaho, 1964(Geography)MARY KATHRYN THOMPSONA.B., Mt. St. Scholastica College, 1961(History)JOZETTE WELSHA.B., Wittenberg University, 1964(History)BARBARA DIEBOLD WICKA.B., Swarthmore College, 1964(Biology) .ROBERT S. APPLEBAUMS.B., University of Chicago, 1959( Chemistry)ARTHUR H. BARDIGEA.B., University of Chicago, 1963(Physics)WAYNE C. BROWNINGB.Ed., Rhode Island College, 1964(Biology)LINDA G. COOPERA.B., Oberlin College, 1964(Biology)COLLEEN ELIZABETH COXA.B., University of Utah, 1963(History)JOHN ALDEN FATHERLEYS.B., Cornell University, 1964(Social Sciences)DAPHNE HARWOODA.B., Sarah Lawrence College, 1962(Mathematics)WILLIAM RAY HEITZMANNS.B., Villanova University, 1964(Social Sciences)F or the Degree at Master at Science in Teaching:PATRICIA ANN COOKISB.S.E., Massachusetts State College, 1961(Reading)ZENA DORINSONA.B., Morningside College, 1935A.M., University of Chicago, 1955(Reading)NANCY MURRAYS.B., Louisiana State University, 1963(Elementary Education) LOIS BERNICE OSBERG(Reading)DOROTHY BURR WOODSS.B., Olivet College, 1952(Reading)II. IN THE GRADUATE SCHOOL OF BUSINESSFor the Degree at Master oi Business Administration:SAMUEL M. ACKERMAN THOMAS MARVIN CHANDLERA.B., Cornell University, 1956PATRICKT. KWAMI AIDAMJOHN ALBANESEB.Ch.E., Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, 1949MAURICE ALFILLES.B., University of California, Berkeley, 1950LUTZALTA.B., College of the City of New York, 1952SHELDON HERBERT ATMANS.B.M.E., University of Illinois, 1962ALBINO N. ANGONESES.B.M.E., Illinois Institute of Technology, 1954GEORGE JOHN ARBEITERA.B., Denison University, 1964HAROLD WHITNEY BAILEY, JR.A.B., Tufts University, 1959STEPHEN WALTER BARANYKS.B.M.E., Purdue University, 1962JOHN RAYMOND BARONS.B.E.E., University of Pittsburgh, 1949JOHN TOWNSEND BEATTY, JR.A.B., Yale University, 1958RANDALL BIEHL BECKERA.B., Denison University, 1964RICHARD EUGENE BENNETTS.B., Villanova University, 1964JAMES WARD BODMANA.B., Denison University, 1962JERALD A. BOLLINGERA.B., University 0/ Wisconsin, 1958NORMAN M. BOROWSKIS.B.C., Loyola University, Chicago, Illinois, 1958JEAN-PIERRE BOURTINCARL JOHN BRINKMAN, JR.A.B., Beloit College, 1965ALAN IRWIN BRODSKYS.B.Ch.E., Purdue University, 1963MARY JOAN BURKES.B., DePaul University, 1963FRANCOIS M. CARLIOZ A.B., Dartmouth College, 1963JAMES MARKLAND CLEMENT, JR.S.B., United States Naval Academy, 1958CHARLES 1. CLOUGH, JR.A.B., Boston College, 1964CLIFFORD ERNEST PRESTON COX, JR.A.B., University of Chicago, 1964ROBERT HENRY CRAMERA.B., Carleton College, 1964ROBERT CZAJKOWSKIS.B.E.E., University of Illinois, 1960DONALD EARL DAHLKES.B., Illinois Institute of Technology, 1964JOSE E. DE ALVARES.B., Illinois Institute of Technology, 1961JEFFREY DAVID DEMBOS.B., University of Illinois, 1965JEAN-PHILIPPE DE MOLANTOINE A. DE MULCand., Catholic University of Louvain, Belgium,1963Ing. Com., ibid., 1965JEAN EMILE DENISDipl., Ecole Superieure de Commerce de Paris,France, 1964THOMAS ANTHONY DIGIACOMOB.Com., University of Toronto, Canada, 1964PETER R. DORANB.B.S., University of Massachusetts, 1964JAMES JOSEPH DRURY, JR.S.B., University of Notre Dame, 1964JOHN L. DuFON, JR.S.B., Loyola University, Chicago, Illinois, 1963AUGUSTO B. ECHAVARRIS.B., Case Institute of Technology, 1950RICHARD ELDENA.B., Northwestern University, 1956ARNOLD NORMAN EPSTEINA.B., University 0/ Wisconsin, 1964HARLEY CRAIG FASSEA.B., University of Notre Dame, 1962 \JAMES RUSKIN FERRELLA.B., Cornell College, 1964EDWARD LELAND FITZSIMMONSA.B., Creighton University, 1964JOHN THOMAS FLECKENSTEINS.B., University of Notre Dame, 1964DENNIS M. FLYNNB.B.A., University of Notre Dame, 1964LAWRENCE LEROY FORSELLS.B.C.E., Valparaiso University, 1960LLOYD P. GIORDANOS.B.E.E., Illinois Institute of Technology, 1959HAROLD SIDNEY GOLDSMITHA.B., University of Chicago, 1962HOWARD ADDISON GRAUFF, JR.A.B., Carleton College, 1964ROBERT GEORGE GREAVESS.B.I.E., Illinois Institute of Technology, 1950JOHN IRWIN GREENS.B., Purdue University, 1959DAVID SCOTT HARDENBERGHA.B., Yale University, 1962ALAN THOMAS HARVEYPHILIP EL THAM HARVEYS.B., Tufts University, 1963ROBERT DALE HARVEYS.B., Kent State University, 1964STEPHEN WOODWORTH HATCHB.M.E., Cornell University, 1961PHILLIP EUGENE HEALDS.B., University of California, Berkeley, 1964RICHARD FEDDE HELFRICHA.B., DePauw University, 1960GERALD BENJAMIN HOEKSTRAS.B., Illinois Institute of Technology, 1953S.M., ibid., 1957FRED E. HOLUBOWS.B., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1961CHRIS HUNTER HOWARDS.B., Northwestern University, 1957MARION P. HUNTS.B.E.E., Illinois Institute of Technology, 1949ROBERT WARD HUNTA.B., Haverford College, 1957HARVEY RICHARD HUTTASS.B., Northwestern University, 1964FREDERICK LEWIS HYER, JR.A.B., Princeton University, 1961THOMAS JAMESB.M.E., University of Detroit, 1964WILLIAM JOHN JARVISS.B., Illinois Institute of Technology, 1959ALAN WAYNE JOHNSONS.B., University of Chicago, 1949CHARLES ALEXANDER JUNKUNCS.B.E., Princeton University, 1963 BERNARD MICHAEL KATZA.B., Boston University, 1960BRUCE D. KELLNERB.M.E., Clarkson College of Technology, 1959F. REGIS KENNAS.B., Duquesne University, 1954WILLIAM POLK KING, JR.S.B., Yale University, 1960DAVID CARL KLEINA.B., Miami University, 1963WILBUR KREY KLEINPETER WALK KUYPERA.B., Pomona College, 1964DONALD E. L' AMOUREUX, JR.S.B.E.E., Michigan State University, 1961GARY R. LANDAUA.B., University of Chicago, 1965ALBERT THEODORE LANDBERG, JR.S.B., Iowa State University, 1959FRED F. LANCEDWARD M. LATKOB.Ed., Chicago Teachers College, 1957JEONG SANG LEES.B., Elmhurst College, 1963KENNETH LEONARDA.B., University of Chicago, 1960JAMES EARL LEWISA.B., DePauw University, 1961JAMES WILLIAM LITTLEA.B., Wabash College, 1962IRVING LITTMANS.B., University of Colorado, 1964TERRY ROY LOCKJOHN GORDON MAIERS.B., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1960CHARLES MANASTER IIA.B., University of Chicago, 1963PETER GEORGE MANGONE, JR.A.B., Beloit College, 1964FRANCES J. MARKWARDTGEORGE HARVEY MATTERSS.B., Drexel Institute of Technology, 1964CARL FRANCIS McGARRITYS.B.C., Loyola University, Chicago, Illinois, 1953J.D., ibid., 1958JAMES RONALD McGUIGANS.B., Carnegie Institute of Technology, 1964LAWRENCE E. McLEANA.B., Duke University, 1964THOMAS JOSEPH McSHANEB.E.E., Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, 1964RONALD WAYNE MILLERA.B., University of Kentucky, 1954GERALD JOSEPH MISHURS.B.Ch.E., Illinois Institute of Technology, 1956RONALD JOHN MONARKA.B., College of William and Mary, 1961RICHARD DENNIS MOOREA.B., Hunter College, 1964RONALD ANDREW MOSSB.E.E., Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, 1964HUGH EDWARD McLAUGHLIN·MURPHYA.B., University of Cambridge, England, 1964CALVIN RICHARD MYERSA.B., Aurora College, 1964DUNCAN vONBRIESEN NEUHAUSERA.B., Harvard University, 1961ROSCOE F. NICHOLSON IIA.B., Duke University, 1964S. RICHARD NIEBRZYDOWSKIS.B., University of Dayton, 1962ERNST KIEFER NILSSONA.B., Northwestern University, 1964JEFFREY ALAN NORKINS.B., Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, 1964ROBERT EUGENE NUSBAUMS.B., Illinois Institute of Technology, 1957WILLIAM HENRY PETTUS IIIS.B., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1963JAMES WILLARD POFAHLA.B., Luther College, 1964HOWARD DEAN PUTNAMJOHN J. REARDENS.B., Northwestern University, 1956GEORGE JOHN REPSOLDS.B., University of Illinois, 1964LEE HOBART RICKARDA.B., DePauw University, 1962HENRY HOLLISON ROD KINS.B., Northwestern University, 1956WARREN JOSEPH ROHNS.B., Northwestern University, 1950STEPHEN HARRIS ROITERS.B.E.E., Tufts University, 1964RICHARD ORVILLE RYANS.B., Quincy College, 1964SIMON ALBERT ST. LAURENTA.B., University of Notre Dame, 1962RICHARD ARTHUR SAMUELSONS.B., Northwestern University, 1962R UEIN I. SAXNERS.B., Illinois Institute of Technology, 1944ROBERTV. SCAVULLOA.B., Boston College, 1964RICHARD E. SCHREIBER, JR.S.B., University of California, Berkeley, 1962• WITH HONORS RICHARD D. SCHUESSLERA.B., Denison University, 1964JOSEPH MICHAEL SCOBLICS.B., St. fohn's University, Collegeville, Minne­sota, 1962VACLA V JIRI SEVCIKB.M.E., College of the City of New York, 1959S.M.M.E., Northwestern University, 1962GERALD WARREN SEVERSONA.B., Macale$ter College, 1964CHARLES VINCENT SEYFERTA.B., Georgetown University, 1964HOWARD WILLIAM SMITHS.B.B.A., University of Denver, 1957JOSEPH VALENTINE SMITH IIA.B., Georgetown University, 1964A. ARNOLD SPRAGUE IIA.B., Washington University, 1964JAMES H. STACKES.B., Yale University, 1961DAVID EDWARD STARRETTS.B.Ch.E., Northwestern University, 1948BRENDAN MICHAEL SULLIVANS.B.E.E., Illinois Institute of Technology, 1958JOSEPH RAYMOND TEMBROCKS.B., St. fohn's University, Collegeville, Minne­sota, 1962PETER F. THEISB.E., Yale University, 1958HOWARD THOMASB.Sc., University of London, England, 1964M.Sc., ibid., 1965WILLIAM GORDON TODDA.B., University of Toronto, Canada, 1963A.M., University of Chicago, 1964GEORGES XAVIER TREPOBach., Lycee Kleber, Strasbourg, 1960CECIL M. TR UL UCK, JR.S.B., Illinois Institute of Technology, 1958J. DEAN VAIL IIIA.B., Harvard University, 1964JOHN McCALL VALENTINEA.B., University of Tulsa, 1961ALFREDO VIDAURRE V.KARL WENDELL WELLENSIEKS.B., University of Nebraska, 1953FRANK L. WIELANDYA.B., Amherst College, 1963DENNIS C. WILSONS.B., Northwestern University, 1957NOEL HENRY YARGERA.B., Duke University, 1959III. IN THE SCHOOL OF MEDICINEFor the Degree of Doctor of Medicine:LESLIE LIEBESMAN BARTONA.B., Hunter College, 1963 GERALD LEONARD BECKERS.B., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1962HOWARD S. BENENSOHNA.B., University of Chicago, 1962S.M., ibid., 1966CLIFFORD D. BIDWELLA.B., State University of South Dakota, 1963S.B., ibid., 1964MICHAEL BIHARIA.B., University of Pennsylvania, 1962 RICHARD URDANGEN MARGOLISS.B., University of Chicago, 1959Ph.D., ibid., 1963GLENN HOWARD MILLERA.B., State University of Iowa, 1962JOSEPH ANTHONY MORETTIPATRICIA A. MUELLERA.B., Earlham College, 1962JOEL ELISABETH MURRAYS.B., University of Chicago, 1962• WITH HONORSRONALD S. BIVIANOA.B., University of Rochester, 1962EUGENE HUBERT BLACKSTONE• WITH HONORS HAROLD CHAIM NEVISCARL W. PIERCEA.B., Colgate University, 1962• WITH HONORSJEFFREY FRANCIS BLOCKS.B., Georgetown University, 1962MICHAEL LEWIS BROWNSTEINS.B., University of Chicago, 1962JOHN KEELEY CARPENTERA.B., Oberlin. College, 1962DEBORAH FRANCES CHERNOCKA.B., Temple University, 1962 JULIAN JOHN RIMPILAA.B., Knox College, 1962S.M., University of Chicago, 1966ROBERT LEE RODNITZKYS.B., University of Chicago, 1963GEORGE KAU TAL CHUNGS.B., Stanford University, 1962HAL WAYNE CRAWFORDA.B., University of Arizona, 1962 DANIEL ROSENBLUMS.B., University of Chicago, 1962• WITH HONORSDAVID G. RUSCHHAUPTA.B., Harvard University, 1962JAY SAMUEL DEVORERICHARD HENRY DOMINGUEZSTEWARD LOUIS DUBANA.B., University of Michigan, 1962ROBERT MORTON EL VOVEA.B., University of Michigan, 1962JEFFREY FRANKELGARY WILLIAM GOLDSTEINA.B., University of Chicago, 1963MARIA GUMBINASA.B., University of Chicago, 1963EDWARD TOY HAINESRONALD H. HIRZA.B., George Washington University, 1963DONALD ROSWELL HOPKINSS.B., Morehouse College, 1962CHRISTOPHER ROBIN HOPPSA.B., Swarthmore College, 1962 MICHAEL LEA SHELANSKIALAN LEIGH SNYDERS.B., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1962LOIS VATNE SVOBODAS.B., Evangel College, 1961ARNOLD ELI TAUBA.B., University of Michigan, 1962GERALD P. TERMANA.B., Miami University, 1962BETTY LOU TOMS.B., Stanford University, 1962NICHOLAS G. TSOULOSS.B., University of Chicago, 1962DAVID AVERY TURNERA.B., Wesleyan University, 1962FREDRICK ANDREW TWEETA.B., University of South Dakota, 1961A.M., ibid., 1962WESLEY D. ULRICHS.B., Houghton College, 1962ROBERT LAWRENCE WATERSA.B., Indiana University, 1962JESSE MYRON WEINGERA.B., University of Chicago, 1963SHIV-LOONG RAYMOND WONGS.B., University of California, Los Angeles, 1962JAMES ILLESA.B., Oberlin College, 1962JEFFREY L. KARASICKR. WESLEY KELLERA.B., Hanover College, 1962JAMES MICHAEL KRIVOS.B., University of Chicago, 1962RONALD JAY KRONES.B., University of Michigan, 1962• WITH HONORS KENNETH MATSUJI YAMASHIROA.B., University of Hawaii, 1962S.M., University of Chicago, 1966JOHN B. YOUNGS.B., Iowa State University, 1961JOAN TRACZ ZAJTCHUKS.B., University of Chicago, 1960JOHN EDMUND KURNICKA.B., Harvard University, 1962NORMAN LEAFMICHAEL LEPA WSKYA.B., Lawrence College, 1959CANDIDATES FOR THE DEGREE OFDOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY1. IN THE DIVISION OF THE BIOLOGICAL SCIENCESJEREMY EDUARD BAPTIST CARL W. PIERCES.B., University of Chicago, 1960 A.B., Colgate University, 1962(Biophysics) M.D., University of Chicago, 1966DISSERTATION: The Mechanism of the UV-X-Ray (Pathology)Interaction in the Inactivation of Escherichia DISSERTATION: The Effects of Endotoxin on thecoli B / r Immune Response in the RatGORDON MARTIN BURGHARDTS.B., University of Chicago, 1963(Biopsychology)DISSERTATION: Prey Attack in Naive Snakes: AComparative and Analytic Study on the Role ofChemical PerceptionRICHARD M. GOLDA.B., Middlebury College, 1957(Biopsychology)DISSERTATION: Aphagia and Adipsia FollowingUnilateral and Bilateral Asymmetrical Lesionsin RatsRENEE KLEIMANN MARGOLISS.B., University of Chicago, 1960(Pharmacology)DISSERTATION: Amino Acid Concentration andMetabolism in the Rabbit Visual System Fol­lowing Neuronal DegenerationDANIEL STANTON McMAHONA.B., Western Reserve University, 1961S.M., University of Chicago, 1962(Botany)DISSERTATION: Some Studies of Ribulose 1:5Diphosphate CarboxylaseLORRAINE FAXON MEISNERA.M., University of Chicago, 1958(Zoology)DISSERTATION: Radiation-Induced ChromosomeChanges in Human Leukocytes KEVIN D. REILLYS.B., Creighton University, 1959S.M., University of Nebraska, 1962(Mathematical Biology)DISSERTATION: Mathematical Investigation of Re­lationships between N eurohormones and Oper­ant BehaviorEDUARD HARRY SCHLUDERMANNS.B., University of Manitoba, Canada, 1959A.M., ibid., 1961(Biopsychology)DISSERTATION: The Relationship of Frontal BrainDamage and Chronological Age to N on-VerbalIndicators of Cognitive ProcessesFLOY AGNES STROUD SCHMINKS.B., University of New Mexico, 1945(Zoology)DISSERTATION: Effects of X-Irradiation on DNASynthesis in Regenerated LiverWILLIAM KENYON STELLA.B., Swarthmore College, 1961(Anatomy)DISSERTATION: The Structure of Horizontal Cellsand Synaptic Relations in the Outer PlexiformLayer of the Goldfish Retina as Revealed by theGolgi Method and Electron MicroscopyKEI-MING YAMM.B., National Taiwan University, Taipei, Tai­wan, 1962(Pharmacology)DISSERTATION: Studies on the Effects of IonizingRadiation and the Radioprotective Agent, 2-Mercaptoethylamine, on Biochemical Reactionsof Mammalian TissuesII. IN THE DIVISION OF THE HUMANITIESANOOPCHANDRACHANDOLAA.B., University of Allahabad, India, 1954A.M., University of Lucknow, India, 1956A.M., University of California, Berkeley, 1961(Linguistics)DISSERTATION: A Syntactic Sketch of GarhwaliROBERT LENHART CRISTA.B., Haverford College, 1958A.M., University of Chicago, 1959(English Language and Literature)DISSERTATION: Sherwood Anderson's Dark Laugh.ter: Sources, Composition, and Reputation WILLIAM MOHRA.B., Wayne State University, 1948M.F.S., University of Maryland, 1952(Germanic Languages and Literatures)DISSERTATION: J. G. Schottelius' Spelling Rule!Compared with the Practices of Some of HisPrintersDOUGLASA.NORTHROPA.B., Wesleyan University, 1956A.M., University of Chicago, 1957(English Language and Literature)DISSERTATION: The Historical Background of theConcept of Justice in Book V of Edmund Spenoser's The Faerie QueeneJAMES RUSSELLA.B., Grinnell College, 1941A.M., University of Chicago, 1946(English Language and Literature)DISSERTATION: The Genesis, Sources, and Reputa­tion of Mark Twain's A Connecticut Yankee inKing Arthur's CourtMARSHALL ROLFE SCHWARTZA.B., Roosevelt University, 1957A.M., University of Chicago, 1959(Romance Languages and Literatures)DISSERTATION: LAbbe Batteux: A "Philosophe"Defender of AristotleMILTON TEICHMANA.B., Brooklyn College, 1952A.M., Duke University, 1953(English Language and Literature)DISSERTATION: Search for Peace: A View 01Wordsworth JEROME JACOB VALBERGA.B., University of Michigan, 1958A.M., University of Chicago, 1963(Philosophy)DISSERTATION: Agency: Some Metaphysical Prob­lems concerning the Concept of ActionRAYMOND LINCOLN WEISSA.B., University of Cincinnati, 1951B.H.L., Hebrew Union College, 1954M.H.L., ibid., 1956(History of Culture)DISSERTATION: Wisdom and Piety: The Ethics ofMaimonidesIII. IN·THE DIVISION OF THE PHYSICAL SCIENCESJ. MARSHALL ASHS.B., University of Chicago, 1961S.M., ibid., 1963(Mathematics)DISSERT ATION : Generalizations of the RiemannDerivativeAARON BARNESS.B., University of Chicago, 1961S.M., ibid., 1962(Physics)DISSERTA TION : C ollisionless Damping 0 I Hydro-magnetic WavesGURUPADADASS.B., University of Calcutta, India, 1956S.M., ibid., 1958(Physics)DISSERTATION: Extended Hartree-Fock GroundState Wave Functions lor the Lithium MoleculeLARRY LEE DORNHOFFS.B., University of Nebraska, 1962S.M., University of Chicago, 1963(Mathematics)DISSERTATION: M-groups and 2-groupsJEROME EISENFELDS.B., College of the City of New York, 1960S.M., University of Chicago, 1964(Mathematics)DISSERTATION: Completeness Theorems in Hydro­dynamic StabilityJON EDWARD HAEBIGS.B., Lawrence College, 1958(Chemistry)DISSERTATION: An Experimental Study of Vibra­tional Effects in Radiationless Transitions inAromatic MoleculesWINFORD PETER HAMBRIGHTS.B., Antioch College, 1962S.M., University of Chicago, 1965( Chemistry)DISSERTATION: M etalloporphyrins: Electron Trans­fer and Insertion Reactions TZEE-NAN KUOS.B., National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan,1962S.M., University 01 Chicago, 1964(Mathematics)DISSERTATION: On Cohomology of GroupsROBERT SPENCER LONGA.B., University of Chicago, 1951S.M., ibid., 1956(Geophysical Sciences)DISSERTATION: The Stability of Feldspar Struc­tures Containing Ga, Fe, and Ge under Condi­tions of High PressureSTEPHEN PATRICK MURRAYA.B., Rutgers University, 1960S.M., Louisiana State University, 1963(Geophysical Sciences)DISSERTATION: Effects of Particle Size and WaveState on Grain DispersionJOHN C. POLKINGS.B., University of Notre Dame, 1956S.M., University of Chicago, 1961(Mathematics)DISSERTATION: Boundary Value Problems lorParabolic Systems of Differential EquationsCLAUDIO PROCESILaurea, University of Rome, Italy, 1963(Mathematics)DISSERTATION: On Rings with Polynomial Identi­tiesNESTOR MARCELO RIVIERELic., University of Buenos Aires, Argentina, 1961(Mathematics)DISSERTATION: Interpolation Theory in s-BanachSpacesJACK SHAMASHA.B., Cornell University, 1962S.M., University of Chicago, 1963(Mathematics)DISSERTATION: Carter Subgroups of SolvableGroupsDIANA TAYLORS.B., College of the City of New York, 1962S.M., University of Chicago, 1963(Mathematics)DISSERTATION: Ideals Generated by Monomials inan RssequenceWOLMER VERCOSA VASCONCELOSE.E., University of Recife, Brazil, 1960S.M., University of Chicago, 1962(Mathematics)DISSERTATION: Rssequences and the Homology ofMacaulay RingsGIDEON WEISZS.B., University of Chicago, 1960S.M., ibid., 1961(Physics)DISSERTATION: Band Structure and Fermi Surfaceof White Tin LEE R. WINDMILLERS.B., University of Chicago, 1959S.M., ibid., 1960(Physics)DISSERTATION: De Haas-Van Alphen Effect andFermi Surface in AntimonyJOEL YELLINS.B., California Institute of Technology, 1962S.M., University of Chicago, 1964(Physics)DISSERTATION: Meson Masses and DecaysCLEON RUSSEL YOHE, JR.A.B., University of Pennsylvania, 1962S.M., University of Chicago, 1963(Mathematics)DISSERTATION: Matrices over Commutative Noe­therian RingsIV. IN THE DIVISION OF THE SOCIAL SCIENCESSYED SHAMIMUDDIN AHMADA.B.(Hon.), University of Karachi, Pakistan, 1958A.M., ibid., 1960(Psychology)DISSERTATION: The Effect of Central Nervous Sys­tem Lesions on Shock-induced Fighting Behaviorin the RatOSCAR M. ALFONSOS.B., University of the Philippines, Quezon City,P.I., 1949A.M., ibid., 1955(History)DISSERTATION: The Presidential Leadership ofTheodore Roosevelt in Philippine PolicyPHILIP G. AL TBACHA.B., University of Chicago, 1962A.M., ibid., 1963(Education)DISSERTATION: Students, Politics, and Higher Edu­cation in a Developing Area: The Case of Bom­bay, IndiaSTEPHEN BAILEYA.B., University of Chicago, 1960(History)DISSERTATION: Erich Ludendorff as QuartermasterGeneral of the German Army 1916-1918NILES BERNICKA.B., University of Chicago, 1959(Psychology)DISSERTATION: The Development of Children'sPreferences for Social Objects as Evidenced byT heir Pupil ResponsesHENRY S. BIENENA.B., Cornell University, 1960A.M., University of Chicago, 1962(Political Science)DISSERTATION: The Party, the State, and EconomicDevelopment in TanganyikaERNEST B. BRANDEWIE, S.V.D.A.B., St. Mary's Seminary, Techny, Illinois, 1955A.M., Catholic University of America, 1961(Anthropology)DISSERTATION: An Internal Analysis of the Kin­ship System of the Mbowamb of the CentralHighlands of New Guinea ROBERT J. CAREYA.B., Colgate University, 1960( Psychology)DISSERTATION: Effects of Septal Forebrain andOther Rhinencephalic Ablations on D R L Re­sponding of RatsVERN CARROLLA.B., Yale University, 1959A.B., Cambridge University, England, 1961A.M., Yale University, 1963(Anthropology)DISSERTATION: Nukuoro KinshipVYTAUTAS CERNIUSA.B., Boston University, 1953A.M., University of Chicago, 1957(Education)DISSERTATION: The Effects of Two Different Typesof Reinforcers on Conceptual Thinking amongLower Class Boys: A Developmental StudyHARRY ARTHUR COSGRIFFES.B., Montana State College, 1945S.M., Cornell University, 1956(Education)DISSERTATION: The Washington State AgriculturalExtension Service, 1912-1961HERMAN ISADORE DIESENHAUSS.B., University of Illinois, 1959(Psychology)DISSERTATION: The Influence of Situational Con­straints on Intra-Individual VariabilityADOLFO CESAR DIZA.M., University of Chicago, 1957(Economics)DISSERTATION: Money and Prices in Argentina,1935-1962MARCUS F. FRANDAA.B., Beloit College, 1959A.M., University of Chicago, 1960(Political Science)DISSERTATION: The Federalizing Process in India:A Study of West Bengal and the UnionDORIS GRUENEWALDA.B., Roosevelt University, 1956A.M., ibid., 1961(Psychology)DISSERTATION: Hypnotic and N on-Hypnotic Simu­lation of Brain DamagePETER HAURIA.B., North Central College, Naperville, illinois,1961(Psychology)DISSERTATION: Effects of Evening Activity on Sub­sequent Sleep and DreamsROBERT EUGENE HINSHAWA.B., Haverford College, 1955A.M., University of Chicago, 1963(Anthropology)DISSERTATION: Structure and Stability of Beliefin PanajachelROGER E. KASPERSONA.B., Clark University, 1959A.M., University of Chicago, 1961(Geography)DISSERTATION: The Dodecanese: Diversity andUnity in Island PoliticsMILDRED KORNACKERA.B., University of Chicago, 1957A.M., ibid., 1958(Education)DISSERTATION: How Urban High School TeachersView Their Job: Ethnicity and Differential Ori­entations to the Teaching RoleMARVIN H. KOSTERSA.B., Calvin College, 1960(Economics)DISSERTATION: Income and Substitution Param­eters in a Family Labor Supply ModelARIEH LEWYA.M., Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel, 1961(Education)DISSERTATION: The Empirical Validity of MajorProperties of a Taxonomy of Affective ObjectivesT. SARMA MALLAMPALLYA.B., Andhra University, Waltair, India, 1953M.Sc., ibid., 1955(Economics)DISSERTATION: An Analysis of Factors InfluencingIncreases in Rice Yields within JapanWILLIS L. PETERSONS.B., University of Minnesota, 1960S.M., ibid., 1962(Economics)DISSERTATION: Returns to Poultry Research in theUnited States JAMES M. POLTS.B., Swarthmore College, 1957(Psychology)DISSERTATION: The Effects of Social Experienceon ImprintingVISID PRACHUABMOHA.B., Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thai-land, 1957A.M., University of Chicago, 1962(Sociology)DISSERTATION: Factors Affecting Desire or Lackof Desire for Additional ProgenyTHOMAS FREDERICK SAARINENS.B., University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta,Canada, 1956A.M., University of Chicago, 1963(Geography)DISSERTATION: Perception of the Drought Hazardon the Great PlainsDAVID MAYER SOLZMANA.B., University of Chicago, 1953A.M., University of Nebraska, 1956(Geography)DISSERTATION: Waterway Industrial Sites: A Chi­cago Case StudyPAUL RAYMOND TURNERA.B., Wheaton College, Wheaton, Illinois, 1952A.M., University of Chicago, 1964(Anthropology)DISSERTATION: Highland Chontal GrammarFINIS R. WELCHS.B., University of Houston, 1961(Economics)DISSERTATION: The Determinants of the Return toSchooling in Rural Farm Areas, 1959JAMES EUGENE WELDENA.B., Emory University, 1949(Education)DISSERTATION: Program Planning and ProgramEffectiveness in University Residential CentersWARMAN WELLIVERA.B., Princeton University, 1934(Social Thought)DISSERTATION: Questions of Intent: An Inquiryinto the Meaning of Some Ostensibly IncompleteWorks of Plato, Dante, Poliziano, Lorenzi de'Medici, and Francis BaconCOLIN WRIGHTS.B., Brigham Young University, 1960A.M., University of Chicago, 1963(Economics)DISSERTATION: Saving and the Rate of Interest:An Empirical InvestigationV. IN THE GRADUATE SCHOOL OF BUSINESSIRVING V. BOBERSKI, JR.S.B.M.E., Purdue University, 1961M.B.A., University of Chicago, 1963DISSERTATION: The Savings Market: A Study ofDeposit DistributionTHOMAS WILLIAM BOLLANDB.B.A., University of Cincinnati, 1953M.B.A., University of Chicago, 1957DISSERTATION: A Heuristic Programming Ap-proech. to a Routing Problem (And the Con­sideration of a Related Inventory Control Prob­lem) DAVID PETER TAYLORA.B., Cornell University, 1956M.B.A., University of Chicago, 1960DISSERTATION: The Market for Unskilled NegroMales in ChicagoVI. IN THE SCHOOL OF SOCIAL SERVICE ADMINISTRATIONJOHN GOLDMEIERB.S.S., College of the City of New York, 1951M.S.W., Tulane University, 1952DISSERTATION: Association of Personality Charac­teristics of the Caseworker and Selected Aspectsof the Treatment Process CHARLES H. SHIREMANA.B., College of Puget Sound, 1939M.S.W., University of California, Los Angeles,1953DISSERTATION: A Study of the Agreement amongProbation Officers on the Influence of SpecificFactors upon Their Dispositional Recommenda­tionsTHE CONFERRING OF HONORARY DEGREESFor the Degree of Doctor of Science:MAURICE STEVENSON BARTLETT, Professor and Head, Department of Statistics,University College, London, England.Distinguished innovator in statistical theory and application, whose wisdom has guided the bal­anced development of statistical inference.The candidate will be presented by Paul Meier, Professor and Chairman, Departmentof Statistics, Professor, Division of Biological Sciences, and Director, Biological SciencesComputation Center.IRVING MYER LONDON, Professor and Chairman, Department of Medicine, AlbertEinstein College of Medicine, Yeshiva University, and Director of Medical Service,Bronx Municipal Hospital Center.Scholar and physician-scientist, a leader in providing a basic physiological and biochemical back­ground for the recognition, study, and prevention of disease, who has elevated the modern conceptof medical science and medical practice.The candidate will be presented by Hans J. Hecht, Professor and Acting Chairman, De­partment of Medicine, and Professor, Department of Physiology.JOHN CLARKE SLATER, Professor of Physics, University of Florida and Massachu­setts Institute of Technology.Distinguished scientist and influential teacher, whose theoretical studies have greatly advancedour understanding of the physical and chemical properties of matter.The candidate will be presented by Robert Sanderson Mulliken, Ernest DeWitt BurtonDistinguished Service Professor Emeritus, Departments of Chemistry and of Physics.THE BENEDICTIONTHE RECESSIONALFantasy in G Major(The congregation remains standing during the Recession) BachA reception for the graduates and their guests will be held in the patio ofIda Noyes HalI immediately folIowing the Convocation.ORGANISTEDWARD MONDELLO, University OrganistCARILLONNEURDANIEL ROBINS, University CarillonneurMARSHALHAROLD HAYDONVICE-MARSHALGEOFFREY C. M. PLAMPINASSIST ANT MARSHALSROBERT LOVETT ASHENHURST GWIN J. KOLBLEON CARNOVSKY JAMES MAXWELL RATCLIFFEJOSEPH CEITHAML EDWARD W. ROSENHEIM, JR.ROBERT J. HASTERLIK WILBERT HERBERT URRYELWOOD V. JENSEN WILLIAM NATHANIEL WEAVERNEIL BARRY BRASTLAURA KRISTINE CAMPBELLCARL FREDERICK HODELANNA ELIZABETH HOLLINGERJOHN WESLEY MORRISONALLAN DON NOVETSKYMARY JOHANNA PUGHARTHUR GERALD ROBINSJUDY ELLEN SCHAVRIENGAIL LEE ARNOLDEMMANUEL GEORGECASSIMATISJENNIFER ELLEN DOHRNKAREN LOUISE DRIGOTPEGGY ANNE FINSTONJAMES HENRY FREUNDMICHAEL LOUIS KLOWDENTHOMAS JULES KOTLARROBERT LOGAN LAROCQUENORA DAWN LESSER STUDENT AIDES1965 .... 66JOEL N. SHAPIROWILLIAM HAROLD SPECHTMARTIN STERNSTEINJUDITH NELSON STROMMEREDWIN ROMINE TAYLORKATHERINE WEXLERLEWIS DAVID WILLIAMSPAUL ALAN ZUCKER1966-67MARGARET KIMIKO MURATADANIEL JAMES OPITZRUDOLF VILEM PERINACHERYL LYNN REGISTERMARTHA PORTER SAXTONSARA ANNE SCHILLINGMICHAEL LEONARD SIEMONCHARLES DONALD STANBERRYGEORGE BERNARD WALSHROBERT HARRISON WILCOXThe swinging peal, composed of five of the larger bells of the carillon, including the eighteen­and-one-half-ton bourdon, is sounded at the end of the Convocation.