-THJE UNIVJERSITY Of CHICAGOFOUNDED BY JOHN D. ROCKEFELLER.. --�------ .. --.� "-TheThree Hundred and ThirdCONVOCATIONTheSUMMJERAugust ThirtiethA.D. Nineteen Hundred S ixty- threeROCKEFELLER MEMORIAL CHAPELORDER Of EXE,RCJI§E§For the Conferring of DegreesThree o' clockGEORGE W. BEADLE, President of the University, PresidingTHE CONVOCATION PROCESSIONPROCESsIONAL-Fantasie in G Major(The congregation standing until the flags reach the chancel) BachThe Marshal and the Student AidesThe Candidates for DegreesThe F acuIties of the U niversi tyThe Trustees and Administrative OfficersThe Convocation ChaplainThe President of the University and the Convocation SpeakerHYMN FOR THE CONGREGATIONAMERICA(The congregation standing until after the prayer)My country, 'tis of thee,Sweet land of liberty,Of thee I sing:Land where my fathers died,Land of the pilgrims' pride,From every mountain sideLet freedom ring. Our fathers' God, to thee,Author of liberty,To thee we sing:Long may our land be brightWith freedom's holy light!Protect us by thy might,Great God, our King! Amen.-So F. SMITHTHE �JNVOCATIONJERALD C. BRAUERDean, Divinity SchoolTHE CONVOCATION ADDRESS"THE GOAL OF EXCELLENCE IN A UNIVERSITY"A. ADRIAN ALBERTEliakim Hastings Moore Distinguished Service Professor, Department of Mathematics,and Dean, Division of the Physical SciencesSOLO"Call forth thy powers" (from Judas Maccabaeus) HandelJACKSON SHEATS, Tenor, The Rockefeller Memorial Chapel ChoirCall forth thy powers, my soul, and dareThe conflict of unequal war.Great is the glory of the conquering sword,That triumphs in sweet liberty restored.THE AWARD OF HONORSAwarded Special Honors with the Bachelor's Degree in the College:MICHAEL LAWRENCE BATES PAPER: "Traditional Chiefs and EducatedMen in the Fanti Conspiracy"THE CONFERRING OF ACADEMIC DEGREESCandidates for degrees will be presented in the following order:Candidates in the College by Dean Alan SimpsonThe Student Aide by Geoffrey C. M. Plampin, Vice-Marshal of the UniversityCandidates in the Division of the Biological Sciences by Associate DeanWright AdamsCandidates in the Division of the Humanities by Dean Robert E. StreeterCandidates in the Division of the Physical Sciences by Dean A. Adrian AlbertCandidates in the Division of the Social Sciences by Dean D. Gale JohnsonCandidates in the Graduate School of Business by Dean George P. ShultzCandidates in the Divinity School by Dean Jerald C. BrauerCandidates in the Graduate School of Education by Dean Francis S. ChaseCandidates in the Graduate Library School by Dean Don R. SwansonCandidates in the School of Social Service Administration by Dean Alton A.LinfordCANDIDATES FOR THE BACHELOR'S DEGREEI. IN THE COLLEGEF or the Degree of Bachelor of Arts:MICHAEL LAWRENCE BATES(History)MARY CLARE BECK(History)MARJORIE MUNDT BENSON(History)LOWEN BROOKS BERMAN(Biology)LEE CROSS BHATTACHARJI(Indian Civilization) MARTHA ANN HAUSER(Psychology)CAROLE ANN HUGHES(Professional Option: Law)*EUGENE MAURICE KADISH(Professional Option: Law)ROBERT BOYDEN LAMB(Political Science)*ALAN MAURICE LEVY(Professional Option: Law)GERALD ALAN McBEATH(International Relations)BARRY MICHAEL BROOKS(Psychology)PATRICIA DIANE CHESNEY(Political Science) G. WAYMAN McCARTY(Human Development)WILLIAM PIERCE COMERFORD(Political Science) WILLIAM PEARSE MICHELL III(Russian Civilization)MARDON PETER CORNAYMARY ELIZABETH DELUE(Sociology) ROBERT SANFORD ROSENBERG(Professional Option: Business)FRED M. DOLIN(History) DENNIS P. RUSCHE(Philosophy)MARY ANN STRYJEWSKI(Psychology)ELLEN ESTABROOK TAYLOR(Slavic Languages and Literatures)*ELIZABETH ELLENBOGEN(Professional Option: Law)PERRY B. FINK(Psychology)JUDITH LOUISE GOLDSTEIN(Professional Option: Library Science) EUGENE DMITRI VINOGRADOFF(Russian Civilization)LAWRENCE E. WEISS(History)VOYLE CLARK WILSON(Political Science)DVORA WISER(Human Development)CHARLES PHILLIP GORDON(Political Science)RONALD P. HATTIS(Psychology)* Degree awarded June, 1963.(Chemistry)For the Degts« of Bachelor of Fine Arts:VICKY I. CHAET(Art)II. IN THE COLLEGE AND THE DIVISIONOF THE BIOLOGICAL SCIENCESFor the Degree of Bachelor of Science:DAVID GAMMAN FRO DIN JOHN ANDREW YIMOYINES(Botany) (Biochemistry)DIANA HOFSTRA(Physiology)III. IN THE COLLEGE AND THE DIVISIONOF THE HUMANITIESFor the Degree of Bachelor of Arts:IRENE HARRIETT CARLISLE(English Language and Literature)CATHERINE S. EKSTEIN(Romance Languages and Literatures) DIANE LEONORA HALAS(General Studies in the Humanities)For the Degree of Bachelor of Fine Arts:FRANK WILLIAM SLOBETZ(Art)IV. IN THE COLLEGE AND THE DIVISIONOF THE PHYSICAL SCIENCESFor the Degree of Bachelor of ScienceGEORGE T. DUNCAN ALEXANDRA NAVROTSKY(S tatistics) (Chemistry)RONALD MARVIN JERICHO(Statistics)PAUL ROMAN KOSINSKI GEORGE C. PETTERSON(Mathematics)PHILIP S. STERN(Mathematics) ( Chemistry)JAMES A. McBRIDE(Mathematics) LEROY C. WESTWOODV. IN THE COLLEGE AND THE DIVISIONOF THE SOCIAL SCIENCESF or the Degree of Bachelor of Arts:(Education) JAN DAVID RAKOFF(History)MICHAEL EULENBERGPHILLIP WARD HYDE(Political Science) NEAL MICHAEL SOSNOWSKI(Economics)JOY DUVALL JOHNSONA.B., University 0/ Chicago, 1951(Sociology) STEPHEN ZARLENGA(Psychology)VI. THE STUDENT AIDEFor the Degree of Bachelor of Arts in the College:ABBIE ZIFFRIN(History)CANDIDATES FOR THE MASTER'S DEGREEI. IN THE DIVISION OF THE BIOLOGICAL SCIENCESFor the Degree of Master of Science:HAROLD NEAL BASS CAROL S. PIERCEM.D., University of Chicago, 1963(Pharmacology)DISSERTATION: The Effects of Urease Immunityupon Rats with Controlled Vitamin A AdministrationWILLIAM D. HINESS.B., University of Chicago, 1960(Microbiology)DISSERTATION: The Formation and Properties ofBrucella SpheroplastsREGNAL JOHN JONESS.B., University of Chicago, 1963(Botany)DISSERTATION: Influence of Light Quality andQuantity on Growth and Boron Metabolism ofSunflower PlantsSEYMON NACHMAN MILLNERS.B., University of Chicago, 1956(Biochemistry)DISSERTATION: The Extracellu.lar Proteinase ofStreptococcus Faecalis: Some Aspects of ItsFormation, Structure, and ActivityGLORIA JOYCE MOO-PENNA.B., Indiana University, 1961(Microbiology)DISSERTATION: Amino Acid Metabolism in theAgent of MeningopneumonitisWINSTON F. MOO-PENNB.Sc., University College of the West Indies,Kingston, Jamaica, 1960(Microbiology)DISSI'RTATION: Studies on the Mechanism of Ethicnine Resistance of Escherichia ColiGARY RICHARD PEARSONS.B., University of Chicago, 1960(Microbiology)DISSERTATION: A Study of the Mechanism of Auirulence of Brucella in Macrophage Tissue Culture S.B., Mount Union College, 1960(Microbiology)DISSERTATION: Immunochemical Study of MucoidAntigen(s) of Escherichia Coli K12CHARLES DUAN ROTHS.B., Otterbein College, 1959(Anatomy)DISSERTATION: A Morphological Study of Peripheral Nerve Development in ChickensILSE INGRID E. TRIBBYS.B., Wheaton College, Wheaton, Illinois, 1951(Microbiology)DISSERTATION: Multiplication of Meningopneumonitis Agent in Suspended Cultures of L CellsCHARLES THORNTON WALBRIDGES.B., Shimer College, 1960A.B., ibid., 1961(Botany)DISSERTATION: Immunochemical Reactions of Various Phycocyanins with Serum Immune to Cyanidium caldarium PhycocyaninHARVEY WOLINSKYA.B., Western Reserve University, 1960M.D., University of Chicago, 1963(Pathology)DISSERTATION: Structural Basis for the MechanicalProperties of the Aortic MediaJOHN R. YAEGERS.B., University of Illinois, 1957(Botany)DISSERTATION: An Analysis of Growth in the Regenerating Root Apex of ViciaII. IN THE DIVISION OF THE HUMANITIESFor the Degree of Master of Arts:LAlLA NESSIM ABOU-SAIFA.B., American University, Cairo, Egypt, U.A.R.,1962(English Language and Literature) CHARLAINE ELIZABETH ACKERMANA.B., University of Michigan, 1961(Linguistics)HENRY ANDERSON BLACKWELLA.B., Morgan State College, 1962(English Language and Literature)SOPHIA 1. BORKENHAGENA.B., University 0/ Chicago, 1960(English Language and Literature)SALLY ANDERSON CHAPPELLA.B., Smith College, 1950(Art)MARY SUE DEISHERA.B., Wilson College, 1956D.B., University 0/ Chicago, 1961(English Language and Literature)WANDA ELLEN DOLANS.B., Southern Illinois University, 1959(English Language and Literature)RUTH ANTOINETTE DRISCOLLA.B., Hauerjord College, 1945(Romance Languages and Literatures)JUNE FINFERS.B., Northwestern University, 1957(English Language and Literature)BROTHER DAVID A. FLEMING, S.M.A.B., St. Mary's University, San Antonio, Texas,1959(English Language and Literature)CLEO STEPHENS FOWLERA.B., Monmouth College, 1936(English Language and Literature)WILLIAM KEEFE GLAVINA.B., Brown University, 1951(Classical Languages and Literatures)RICHARD MARK GRAYSONA.B., University 0/ California, Los Angeles, 1962(Music)MARTHA ELIZABETH HADSELA.B., Wilkes College, 1960(English Language and Literature)ROBERT E. HAVERCAMPA.B., University 0/ Notre Dame, 1957(English Language and Literature)RONALD B. INDENA.B., University 0/ Chicago, 1961(Oriental Languages and Civilizations)DISSERTATION: The Localization 0/ the Hindu Elite0/ Bengal and Its Effects on the Polity 0/ theSoutheastern Bengal Chiefdoms MYRNA KNEPLERA.B., University 0/ Chicago, 1960(Art)WILMA ESTELLE LAMBERTA.B., University 0/ Toronto, Canada, 1959(Romance Languages and Literatures)VIRA LUKASZA.B., Monmouth College, 1961(Slavic Languages and Literatures)DOMINIC F. MARTIAA.B., Roosevelt University, 1962(English Language and Literature)SUSAN ELIZABETH MASSIEA.B., University 0/ Notre Dame, 1962(English Language and Literature)JUDITH NISSMANA.B., Roosevelt University, 1962(English Language and Literature)ARLENE JOAN O'CONNELLA.B., College 0/ New Rochelle, 1962(English Language and Literature)LEENA P AIVIKKI RINTALAFit. Kandidat, University 0/ Helsinki, Finland,1961Magister, ibid., 1961(English Language and Literature)ROBERT A. SCHADENA.B., Roosevelt University, 1959(Far Eastern Civilizations)MOHAMED AHMED SHERIFA.B., University 0/ Libya, Bengazi, Libya, 1960(Philosophy)ROBERT K. SLENKERA.B., San Diego State College, 1961(English Language and Literature)MOHAMMAD TAJUDDINA.B., Osmania University, Hyderabad, India, 1946A.M., ibid., 1948(English Language and Literature)DORTHEA TSAGARISS.B., Carnegie Institute 0/ Technology, 1962(English Language and Literature)ANN FRANCES UNDERLEAKA.B., Vassar College, 1962(Germanic Languages and Literatures)JOSEPH M. VANDERHOL TA.B., Spring Hill College, 1961(English Language and Literature)III. IN THE DIVISION OF THE PHYSICAL SCIENCESFor the Degree at Master at Science:JOHN EDWARD BURROUGHSA.B., University 0/ Pennsylvania, 1962(Mathematics) CHUNG·YI CHENS.B., National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan,1955(Chemistry)WILLIAM CARROLL CONNETTS.B., Georgetown University, 1961(Mathematics) PAUL BRIAN MOORES.B., Michigan College 0/ Mining and Technology,1962(Geophysical Sciences)JONATHAN ABODUNRIN ISOLAOLOWU 'S.B., University 0/ Wisconsin, 1958(Geophysical Sciences)SISTER MIRIAM PATRICK COONEY,C.S.C.S.B., St. Mary's College, Notre Dame, Indiana,1951S.M., University 0/ Notre Dame, 1953(Mathematics) LEON H. SEITELMANB.E.E., Cooper Union School 0/ Engineering, 1960(Mathematics)LARRY LEE DORNHOFFS.B., University 0/ Nebraska, 1962(Mathematics) PETER G. SPELTZ(Physics)DIANA TAYLORS.B., College 0/ the City 0/ New York, 1962(Mathematics)CHEN-HANSON TINGS.B., National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan,1961(Chemistry)THE REVEREND PATRICK OWENWHEATLEY, S.V.D.A.B., St. Mary's Seminary, Techny, Illinois, 1956(Mathematics)MARIE-LOUISE FRIEDMANNS.B., University 0/ Chicago, 1962(Mat hematics)GARY RICHARD GOLDSTEINS.B., University 0/ Chicago, 1962(Physics)JOSEPH SIRE GREENE, JR.S.B., University 0/ Washington, 1960(Geophysical Sciences)BARTON J. JACOBSS.B., Stanford University, 1962(Mathematics) CLEON RUSSEL YOHEA.B., University 0/ Pennsylvania, 1962(Mathematics)GULZARI LAL MALLIB.Sc., University 0/ Delhi, India, 1958S.M., McMaster University, Canada, 1960( Chemistry) CAROL ANN ZITRIN(C hemistry)HARVEY ROBERT MARGOLIS(Mathematics)JAMES C. McDONALDS.B., Morningside College, 1958(Geophysical Sciences)IV. IN THE DIVISION OF THE SOCIAL SCIENCESFor the Degree of Master of Arts:ALLEN WARDELL ABBITTS.B., Virginia State College, 1950(Education) PRANAB CHATTERJEEA.B., Ministry 0/ Education, New Delhi, India,1959S.M., University 0/ Tennessee, 1961(Sociology)SOURENDA NATH BAGCHIB.Sc., Saugur University, India, 1952M.Sc., Allahabad University, India, 1954(So'ciology) CAROLYN THOMPSON COCHRANEA.B., Emory University, 1961(Sociology)JOANNE CLAIRE BAKULE. A.B., Kalamazoo College, 1962(Education) DAVID STEWART COLEMANA.B., Bowdoin College, 1954(Education)CHARLES RICHARD BERGS.B., DePaul University, 1949D.D.S., University 0/ Illinois, 1961(Education) GILBERTO DELGADOA.B., University 0/ Puerto Rico, Rio Piedras,Puerto Rico, 1957(Geography)DISSERTATION: "Puerto Rico-United States AirPassenger Movement: A Geographical Analysis"MILDRED L. BUCKA.B., Lake Forest College, 1960(S ociology)ELAINE BLOCK CHASEB.E., National College 0/ Education, 1958(Education) ROBERT WILLIAM DOEDEA.B., Yale University, 1961(Anthropology)PHYLLIS BITTENFIELD DOLINKO(Political Science)DISSERTATION: The Foreign Policy Functions ofthe English-Language Daily Press of IndiaSHIRLEY ANDERSON FOGGB.E., Chicago Teachers College, 1956(Education)WILLIAM NEALE FRAYSERA.B., Roosevelt University, 1953(Education)R. BRANSON FREVERTB.J., University of Missouri, 1947(Sociology)DISSERTATION: A Case Study of the Members of aSenior CenterGARY DEAN GLENNA.B., Loras College, 1962(Political Science)DISSERTATION: An Essay on John Dewey's HumanNature and Conduct .BARBARA ALBERTA GOETZA.B., University of Chicago, 1960(Economics)GARY JOSEPH GREENBERGA.B., University of Chicago, 1962(Political Science)DISSERTATION: Justice Field and the FourteenthAmendmentMARY FISHER HAGENA.B., Carleton College, 1959(Education)S. M. HARCAJS.B., Loyola University, Chicago, Illinois, 1961(Political Science)DISSERTATION: The Oder-Neisse Line: Power, Tradition, Revolution in the Wartime Confrontationof Britain and Russia in Middle EuropeVIOLA VICTORINE HARPERA.B., University of London, England, 1958(Education)ELIN HELFENBERGERA.B., University of California, Berkeley, 1947(Education)THE REVEREND JOSE M. HEREDERO,S.J.L.Ph., Sacred Heart College, Shembagnur, India,1953B.Th., Pontifical Athenaeum, Poona, India, 1961L.Th., ibid., 1961(History)DISSERTATION: The Influence of Gandhian Ideason Gujarati Writers: A Study Based Mainly onthe Gujarati Magazilte Sanskriti for the Period1947-1962OLIVER WENDELL HOLMESA.B., College of the City of New York, 1961(History)DISSERTATION: Direct Action and the British LaborMovement: 1911-1914BARBARA RAIKE JARROWS.B., University of Wisconsin, 1947(Nursing Education) LAWRENCE C. JORGENSENA.B., University of Chicago, 1959(History)DISSERTATION: The Bonus Expeditionary Force,1932SUSAN D. KAPLANA.B., University of Chicago, 1956A.B., ibid., 1957(Education)FLORENCE JANE KILBERTS.B.N.Ed., Loyola University, Chicago, Illinois,1949(Education)ALAN DAVID KOSSEA.B., University of Chicago, 1961(Anthropology)AUDREY JANE KURZKAS.B., University of Illinois, 1955(Education)THOMAS MASON LANDYEA.B., Reed College, 1960(Political Science)DISSERTATION: San Francisco and the Federal Government: Co-operation and Conflict in Intergovernmental RelationsARTHUR EVANS LEGACYA.B., University of Chicago, 1962(History)MARIA ELENA LOBATO(Economics)MYRTLE V. LUNDQUISTPh.B., University of Chicago, 1951(Education)BERNARD KENT MARKWELLA.B., Wesleyan University, 1961(History)DISSERTATION: Disraeli and the Coalition War,1853-55ANNETTE SHERMAN McDERMUTPh.B., University of Chicago, 1946(Anthropology)FRANCES KEVIN McGIVERNA.B., State University of Iowa, 1953(Education)CARL WILLIAM MERSCHEL(Political Science)DISSERTATION: The Jeunesse Ouvriere Chretienne(Jocism): The Role of Catholic Youth Organizations in Modern PoliticsBRUCE MICARIS.B., University of Illinois, 1954(Political Science)DISSERTATION: Republican Italy's Turn to the LeftSALLY M. MILLERA.B., University of Illinois, 1958(History)DISSERTATION: The Russian Student Colony inZurich, 1870-1873NORA MITCHELLA.B., Valparaiso University, 1962(Geography)DISSERTATION: Cultural Homogeneity in TamilandJAMES H. MORTONA.B., Monmouth College, 1959(International Relations)DISSERTATION: The Domestic Opposition to theCongo Policy of the United StatesEDMUND MICHAEL MURPHYA.B., Miami University, 1960(Sociology)BARBARA GAY MYERHOFFA.B., University of California, Los Angeles, 1958(Human Development)DISSERTATION: Incest in Myth and Fact: A Studyof Father-Daughter Incest Among DelinquentAdolescent GirlsNANCY ROSS NEVITTA.B., Connecticut College, 1962(History)JERRY PERLMUTTERS.B., College of the City of New York, 1954(Human Development)DISSERTATION: Role Orientations of HospitalizedMedical PatientsSAUVALUCK PIAMPITIA.B., Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand, 1960(Sociology)WILMA JEAN PILGRIMS.B., Northwestern University, 1957(History)DISSERTATION: A Defense of the Constitution:Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and PubliusMAHENDRA KUMAR PREMIS.B., Agra University, India, 1950S.M., ibid., 1952(Sociology)PEGGY SNELLINGS RAMPERSADA.B., University of Virginia, 1953(Education)DISSERTATION: College and University Presidents:A Pattern of SelectionMOHAMMED ABDUR RAZZAQUEB.Sc., University of Calcutta, India, 1946M.Sc., Dacca University, Pakistan, 1949(Education) INGRAM BENEDICT SCHWAHNS.B., Wisconsin State College, 1960(Education)BARUCH B. SEGALA.B., Roosevelt University, 1962(Education) ,SISTER MARIE HERBERT SEITER, C.S.J.A.B., College of St. Catherine, 1960(History)H. REID STREIBYS.B., Bradley University, 1953(Sociology)DISSERTATION: Interpersonal Concomitants of Department Store TurnoverSANDRA K. THUNANDERA.B., Carleton College, 1960(Education)DOROTHY TILTS.B., Northwestern University, 1936(Education)ELLEN KAY TRIMBERGERA.B., Cornell University, 1962(Education)FREDERICK G. TYRELLA.B., Western Maryland College, 1937B.Th., University of Dubuque, 1941(Education)DONALD LEONARD VAN REKENA.B., Calvin College, 1948(Education)PAULINE STOKES WILLIAMSONS.B., Alabama State College, 1956(Education)JUSTINE HARRIET WINCEKA.B., Mundelein College, 1962(History)ELEANOR G. WOLENSPh.B., University of Chicago, 1930(Social Sciences)V. IN THE GRADUATE LIBRARY SCHOOLFor the Degree of Master of Arts:SISTER MICHAELEEN MARIE CULLEN,O.P.Ph.B., Siena Heights College, 1959GEORGE HANSONA.B., Northwestern University, 1956CAROLYN A. MOOREA.B., Thiel College, 1961DISSERTATION: The Acquisition and Holdings ofUnited States Government Publications in aSelected Group of Suburban Chicago HighSchool Libraries MINERVA KRAFT NESSLERS.B., Northwestern University, 1929JOSEPH ZBIGNIEW NITECKIA.B., Wayne State University, 1956A.M., Roosevelt University, 1959JENNIE LOUISA PUMPHREYA.B., Oberlin College, 1959DISSERTATION: Medical Books in English Librariesin the Sixteenth and Early Seventeenth CenturiesADELAIDE ELLEN SPALDING RUTH M. WHITES.B., Ohio State University, 1935S.B., Western Reserve University, 1938DISSERTATION: A Report on How Well the PublicLibrary Branch Located in the School Serves theAdultA.B., Grinnell College, 1958DISSERTATION: A Descriptive Study of the Students Using a High-School LibraryHOWARD MERLE TEEPLEA.B., Willamette University, 1938Ph.D., University of Chicago, 1955CANDIDATES FOR PROFESSIONAL DEGREES1. IN THE GRADUATE SCHOOL OF EDUCATIONFor the Degree at Master at Arts in Teaching:WILLIAM BAKER ADAMSA.B., University of Vermont, 1961(English)ALICE M. ARNOTTA.B., Smith College, 1961(English)HELEN PULLMAN BARNARDA.B., Vassar College, 1961(English) MARJORIE HOUSEA.B., Antioch College, 1961(History)MARTHA LOUISE HURSTA.B., Oberlin College, 1961(English)CAROL L. INGALLA.B., Barnard College, 1961(History)JO ANN CROWLEY KELLYA.B., Mount Saint Mary's College, Los Angeles,California, 1961(Chemistry)FRIMA ROSEN MARGOLINS.B., Illinois Institute of Technology, 1950(Biology)JOHN BENJAMIN POSTERA.B., University of Chicago, 1961(History)CAROLYN GAINES SPECTORA.B., Brown University, 1959(French)DAVID WINSLOW TAYLORS.B., North Parle College, 1961(Chemistry)THOMAS ANTHONY BEGGSA.B., Haverford College, 1961(History)DAVID GALLOWAY BOWMANA.B., Denison University, 1959(History)ANN GOUGER DAVISA.B., Vassar College, 1961(English)CHRISTINE J. GLOECKLERS.B., University of Chicago, 1960(Mathematics)NANCY LYNN HINKLEA.B., Miami University, 1961(French)F or the Degree at Master at Science in Teaching:WILLIAM QUINBY DAVISA.B., Tufts University, 1960(Reading)For the Degree at Master at School Administration:KERMIT R. EBY, JR.A.B., Manchester College, 1957II. IN THE GRADUATE SCHOOL OF BUSINESSFor the Degree at Master at Business Administration:FRANKLIN GLENN ALLEN RICHARD C. ALLENA.B., Ohio State University, 1950LL.B., ibid., 1952LL.M., New Yorle University, 1959 S.B., United States Military Academy, 1951ALFRED S. ALTSCHULS.B., University of Wisconsin, 1961H. HOWARD ANTHONYS.B., University of Oregon, 1950CLARENCE E. ASHERA.B., University of Oklahoma, 1935DONALD ELMER BEITSCH• WITH HONORSS.B., Purdue University, 1951S.M., ibid., 1955WILLIAM REAVES BELLS.B., United States Naval Academy, 1953WESTON D. BERGMAN, JR.A.B., University of Kentucky, 1953AIR US E. BERGSTROMS.B., Utah State University, 1948JAMES W. BISHOPS.B., University of Illinois, 1953GERALD DENNIS BLACKWILLA.B., University of California, Los Angeles, 1961WILLIAM A. BLAKE, JR.A.B., Loras College, 1955EDWARD L. BRADLEYS.B., Swarthmore College, 1946LARRY FRANK BROWN• WITH HONORSS.B., University of Illinois, 1949S.B., ibid., 1950DENIS G. CAINA.B., Knox College, 1959WILLIAM A. COBBS.B., Mississippi State University, 1949JOHN MICHAEL COLLINSA.B., Carleton College, 1961MARC J. COLVIN, JR.S.B., University of Wyoming, 1950BEVERLEY CRUMP COMPTON, JR.A.B., Williams College, 1959CHARLES CHAUNCY CURTISS.B., Northwestern University, 1948JOHN KNOX DAHLBERGS.B., University of Illinois, 1944FREDERICK G. DANNHAUER, JR.LL.B., Loyola University, Chicago, Illinois, 1951RICHARD WINSLOW DASPITS.B., Northwestern University, 1944TIMOTHY D. DESMONDA. L. DEVEREAUX• WITH HONORSS.B., United States Military Academy, 1954LEON E. DIETSCHWEILERS.B., University of Pennsylvania, 1961LUVERNE BYRON EIDA.B., Concordia College, Moorhead, Minnesota,1961* Degree awarded posthumously. MAURICE W. ELLIOTTS.B., Louisiana State University, 1961ALFRED CHARLES ENGLISHS.B.M.E., University of Michigan, 1950HENRY D. ERICKSONA.B., Wheaton College, Wheaton, Illinois, 1951BERTIL GUSTAV ERIKSONS.B., Northwestern University, 1950EUGENE F. FAMAA.B., Tufts University, 1960F. WILLIAM FOSSS.B., Illinois Institute of Technology, 1952WILL STERRETT FOSTER, JR.A.B., Vanderbilt University, 1962VIRGIL WALTER FRANCIS IIIB.E., Vanderbilt University, 1960DANIEL B. GERANS.B., United States Military Academy, 1955JAMES ADOLPHUS GILESS.B., United States Military Academy, 1945ROBERT J. GREENWAYS.B., United States Naval Postgraduate School,1954S.M., ibid., 1955*WALLACE H. HAAKSMAFREDERICK LEROY HAFERS.B., United States Military Academy, 1946S.M.E.E., Massachusetts Institute of Technology,1950ROSALIE CARLOTTA HALLBAUERS.B., Rollins College, 1961RICHARD D. HARRELLS.B., United States Naval Academy, 1950S.M., University of Illinois, 1959JAMES JOSEPH HARRINGTONB.B.A., University of Minnesota, 1947KENNETH W. HENDRICKSS.B., A & M College of Texas, 1949GEORGE G. HENNINGS.B., Northwestern University, 1949JOSEPH ROBERT HENRY• WITH HONORSS.B., United States Military Academy, 1949PAUL E. HESSS.B., Memphis State University, 1954DAVID M. HILEMANA.B., College of Wooster, 1951A.M., University of Chicago, 1955WILLIAM H. HOFFMANB. of Ind. Eng., North Carolina State College, 1951JOHN WALDRON HOSBEINS.B., University of Notre Dame, 1945HENRY JOSEPH HOYINGS.B., University o] Dayton, 1948MALLESHAPPA G. HUGARB. Com., Karnatak University, Dharwar, India,1958M. Com., University 0/ Bombay, India, 1961MASAO IGASAKI, JR.S.B., Northwestern University, 1949LAWRENCE A. ISTELS.B., Illinois Institute 0/ Technology, 1950EARL JAMES JACOBSONA.B., University 0/ Illinois, 1961ROBERT MICHAEL JANOWIAKS.B., University 0/ Illinois, 1957S.M., Illinois Institute 0/ Technology, 1961JAMES JOHNSON• WITH HONORSS.B., University 0/ Oklahoma, 1959RICHARD V. JONESA.B., Amherst College, 1948JAMES RAYMOND JORDANS.B., University 0/ Notre Dame, 1959FRANCIS JOSEPH KEHOES.B., Niagara University, 1950JOHN F. KELLERB.B.A., University 0/ Wisconsin, 1949WALTER C. KIPPERS.B., Northwestern University, 1950J.D., ibid., 1953LAMAR READ KISSLINGS.B., University 0/ Kentucky, 1949WALTER S. KOKES.B., University 0/ Illinois, 1951FLORIAN THEODORE KOKOSZKAS.B., Kent State University, 1949S.M., Ohio State University, 1958FRANK E. KOLBS.B., Illinois Institute 0/ Technology, 1950ROBERT G. KRAWCZYKS.B.E.E., University 0/ Illinois, 1957SWEN LANCE LARSONA.B., Hobart College, 1961RONALD M. LEAHYS.B., University 0/ Illinois, 1956DONALD LEBUHNS.B., Northwestern University, 1951VICTOR ALLEN LENNONLAWRENCE T. LOPINAPh.B., University 0/ Notre Dame, 1952M.B.A., DePaul University, 1953ARTHUR W. LUERS, JR.S.B., Northwestern University, 1945S.B., ibid., 1947THOMAS TERENCE LUGINBYHLA.B., William Jewell College, 1946EUGENE V. MALINOWSKIS.B., Holy Cross College, 1961 GEORGE FRED MARCUS• WITH HONORSS.B.E.E., Illinois Institute 0/ Technology, 1953GEORGE J. MARSHALLBRUCE MASONA.B., St. John's University, Collegeville, Minnesota, 1961FLOYD HARRIS MASONS.B. in A.E., University 0/ Alabama, 1941GEORGE T. MATTHESA.B., Knox College, 1958J. JOEL MAYS.B., Albright College, 1957WALTER DAN McCOMB, JR.S.B., Oklahoma State University, 1959WILLIAM McCRAES.B., Indiana University, 1957LL.B., ibid., 1959JOUBERT S. McCREA, JR.S.B., Georgia Institute 0/ Technology, 1949SARAH F. McDUFFIES.B., University 0/ Minnesota, 1941S.M., Catholic University 0/ America, 1947DIMITRI P. MICHELLEPISS.B., University 0/ London, England, 1953EDWARD HARRY MIKESGEORGE RICHARD MILLERS.B., Mount Union College, 1951NINA KATHRYN MORRISONS.B., University 0/ Houston, 1949RAYMOND MOSSS.B., United States Military Academy, 1949GERALD W. MUNGERSONA.B., Lawrence College, 1957FRANCIS A. MURRAYS.B., Iowa State University, 1947ROBERT BUTLER NAGELS.B., Purdue University, 1960ALBERT G. NISIUSMARK W. NORELLS.M., University 0/ Chicago, 1959RICHARD S. NUMBERSS.B., Muhlenberg College, 1949A..M., Washington University, 1955PAUL RAYMOND O'BRIENS.B., Millikin University, 1959ROBERT F. O'CONNELLS.B., University 0/ Pennsylvania, 1948HUGH EBERHARDT PETERSENA.B., Princeton University, 1940ARLO R. PETERSONVALERIAN F. PODMOLIKB.Ed., Chicago Teachers College, 1958RICHARD WARREN POLLAYB.M.E., Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, 1962BARRY FLOYD PRESTONA.B., University of Chicago, 1962 FREDERICK DURHAM SULCERA.B., University of Chicago, 1947JAMES GORDON SULLIVANS.B., University of Omaha, 1958LEONAS RASLA VIC IDSJOHN J. RATTOS.B., Illinois Institute of Technology, 1939 WILLIAM MERRITT TAGGART, JR.A.B., Rollins College, 1962WILLIAM JOE RICHARDSONS.B., United States Naval Academy, 1953 H. C.TANNERS.B., United States Military Academy, 1954JOHN NICHOLAS ROBINSON, JR.S.B., United States Military Academy, 1944 WILBERT E. THEOBALDS.B., Indiana University, 1938JAMES R. ROHMJAMES L. ROODJ.D., University of Chicago, 1955 JAMES CRAIG THOMPSONA.B., Brown University, 1961ROBERT MALLEN THORSONS.B.M.E., Northwestern University, 1950GERALD ROSES.B., Illinois Institute of Technology, 1950S.M., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, .-1951J.D., DePaul University, 1956 JOHN CHARLES TRACEY, JR.WILLIAM ANTHONY TREBILCOCKA.B., Harvard University, 1959JERRY H. ROSEA.B., DePauw University, 1957M.B.A., Northwestern University, 1961 SAMUEL BANKS TROTTERS.B., California Institute of Technology, 1960MYRON ROY ROSENTHALS.B., Northwestern University, 1959 THEODORE C. VIEWEGA.B., Valparaiso University, 1949R. DENNIS ROWLEYS.B., Trinity College, Hartford, Connecticut, 1961 JIMMY N. WALKERS.B., Oklahoma A & M College, 1949JOHN F. SCHWARTZWILLIAM A. SHEDDYA.B., University of Chicago, 1960 JOHN WALTERLEO G. WEAVERS.B., Evansville College, 1949EARL SILVERSS.B., Northwestern University, 1953S.M., ibid., 1954 ROGER FREDERICK WEBERS.B.M.E., Georgia Institute of Technology, 1954BALLARD F. SMITHB.B.A., University of Cincinnati, 1942 JACK FRANCIS WILLIAMS, JR.B.B.A., University of Wisconsin, 1959ROBERT ERNEST SMITHS.B., Ball State Teachers' College, 1942 . RICHARD JOSEPH WINGARDA.B., Hiram College, 1960WARREN A. SOMMERSS.B., Illinois Institute of Technology, 1948 DONALD E. WOODRUFFS.B., Northwestern University, 1958RICHARD J. SORENSONS.B.M.E., Purdue University, 1949 JOSEPH E. ZELLNERGLYNN R. STEADMANB.B.S., Roosevelt University, 1956JAMES G. STEGERS.B., College of St. Thomas, St. Paul, Minnesota,1951MARTIN STOGERIII. IN THE LAW SCHOOLFor the Degree at Doctor at Law:NORLAND KOUGHER HAGENA.B., Carleton College, 1960CANDIDATES FOR THE DEGREE OFDOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY1. IN THE DIVISION OF THE BIOLOGICAL SCIENCESKARAM VIR BATRAB. Pharm., Panjab University, Amritsar, India,1952S.M., University of Minnesota, 1957(Pharmacology)DISSERTATION: Effect of Carcinogenesis and Influ·ence of Hormones on In Vivo Incorporation ofGlucose-U-CIJ, in C3H MiceROBERT HYDE BREWERA.B., Hanover College, 1955(Zoology)DISSERTATION: The Phenology of the Developmentand the Hatching of the Eggs of Diaptomus stagnalis Forbes (Copepoda: Calanoida): An Inhab-itant of Temporary Ponds .ROBERT SCHAEFER FITZGERALDLitt.B., Xavier University, 1954A.M., Spring Hill College, 1957(Physiology)DISSERTATION: Ventilatory Response to TransientPerfusion of the Carotid ChemoreceptorsRUSSELL DALE GUTHRIES.B., University of Illinois, 1959S.M., ibid., 1960(Paleozoiilogy)DISSERTATION: Variability in Characters Undergoing Rapid Esolution : An Analysis of MicrotusMolars JOEL FREDRIC LUBARS.B., University of Chicago, 1960(Biopsychology)DISSERTATION: The Effect of Medial Cortical Lesions on the Avoidance Behavior of the CatROBERT LOUIS PERLMANA.B., University of Chicago, 1957S.B., ibid., 1958M.D., ibid., 1961(Biochemistry)DISSERTATION: The Biosynthesis of ChondroitinSulfuric AcidISRAEL SIEGELS.B., Roosevelt University, 1955S.M., University of Connecticut, 1955(Zoology)DISSERTATION: The Effects of Staphylococcal Toxinon Human Blood PlateletsMERNA ROSE VILLAREJOS.B., University of Chicago, 1959(Biochemistry)DISSERTATION: Rhodanese: Thiosulfate: LipoateOxido-ReductaseII. IN THE DIVISION OF THE HUMANITIESROBERT H. CANARYA.B., Denison University, 1960A.M., University of Chicago, 1962(History of Culture)DISSERTATION: The Cabellian Landscape: A Studyof the Novels of James Branch CabellDONALD C. EMMONSB.S.E., Princeton University, 1955(Philosophy)DISSERTATION: The Brain Process Theory of Mind:A Critieal Analysis ROBERT HAYDEN McMAHANA.B., University of Chicago, 1959A.M., ibid., 1960(Music)DISSERTATION: The Late Piano Music of BrahmsAn Essay toward a Scientific AestheticDOUGLAS HOWARTH WHITEA.B., University of Omaha, 1951A.M., University of Nebraska, 1954(English Language and Literature)DISSERTATION: Pope's Use of Source Ideas in AnEssay on ManIII. IN THE DIVISION OF THE P1IYSICAL SCIENCESALICE LING-HSIU CHUNGS.B., University of Chicago, 1959S.M., ibid., 196Q(Chemistry)DISSERTATION: Electron Correlation in Simple 'iTType SystemsRICHARD ALLEN CONES.B., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1958S.M., University of Chicago, 1959(Physics)DISSERTATION: Studies on the Initial Stages of Visual Excitation using the Electroretinogram ofthe Rat MAURICE B. DANARDB_A_Sc., University of British Columbia, Canada,1957A.M., University of Toronto, 1959(Geophysical Sciences)DISSERTATION: On the Influence of Released LatentHeat on Cyclone DevelopmentSTUART GOLINS.M., University of Chicago, 1959(Physics)DISSERTATION: Polarization Conductivity in p-TvpeGermaniumJOSEPH L. KATZS.B., University of Chicago, 1960(Chemistry)DISSERTATION: Studies of the Electronic Structureof Molecular SolidsJONATHAN MORRIS KLIEGMANA.B., Middlebury College, 1958S.M., University of Chicago, 1960(C hemistry)DISSERTATION: Organic Ligand Synthesis withTransition Metal ComplexesJOHN FRANCIS KOLARSS.B., University of Washington, 1952A.M., ibid., 1958(Geography)DISSERTATION: Tradition, Season, and Change in aTurkish VillageROBERT GEORGE LINCKS.B., Case Institute of Technology, 1960(C hemistry)DISSERTATION: Oxidation·Reduction Reactions inChromium-Quinone SystemsCARL ERIC LINDERHOLMA.B., University of Chicago, 1957S.B., ibid., 1957S.M., ibid., 1958(Mathematics)DISSERTATION: On Some Questions in Ergodic TheoryROY RICHARD MILLERS.B., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1958(Chemistry)DISSERTATION: The Reduction of Some AmmineCobalt (Ill) Complexes by Chromous Ion KRISHNASWAMI NARAYANASW AMIS.B., Annamalai University, Annamalainagar, In-dia, 1957S.M., ibid., 1957(C hemistry)DISSERTATION: The Formation of Biphenyls fromDerivatives of Benzene-L, 4-Diazooxide; Electrophilic Substitution and Carbene ProblemJOHN ANDREW PETRUSKAS.B., Bishop's University, Canada, 1953S.M., McMaster University, Canada, 1,954(C hemistry)DISSERTATION: Changes in the Electronic Transitions of Aromatic Hydrocarbons on ChemicalSubstitutionJAMES ELY SHRAUNERS.B., University of Kansas, 1956A.M., Columbia University, 1960(Physics)DISSERTATION: Chirality Conservation and SoftPion Production in Pion-Nucleon CollisionsGEORGE S. TIKTOPOULOSDipl., National Technical University of Athens,Greece, 1954Dipl., Aristotelian University of Thessaloniki,Greece, 1960S.M., University of Chicago, 1961(Physics)DISSERTATION: High-Energy Behavior of FeynmanAmplitudesIV. IN THE DIVISION OF THE SOCIAL SCIENCESJOAN IRENE ABLONA.B., University of Texas, 1955A.M., University of Chicago, 1958(Anthropology)DISSERTATION: Relocated American Indians in theSan Francisco Bay Area: Concepts of Acculturation, Success, and Identity in the CityDONALD JOSEPH ABRAMOSKES.B., Syracuse University, 1955A.M., University of Chicago, 1957(History)DISSERTATION: The Chicago Daily News: A Business History, 1875-1901PAUL BABARIKA.B., University of Toronto, Canada, 1951A.M., ibid., 1953(Human Development)DISSERTATION: The Differential Relationship 0/Subordination-Superor dination in the Categorization Process 0/ Language and Thought to CreativitySEYOM BROWNA.B., University 0/ Southern California, 1955A.M., ibid., 1957(Political Science)DISSERTATION: A Supranational Nuclear DeterrentSystem JOSEPH CALIGURIS.B., George Williams College, 1947M.Ed., Boston University, 1949(Education)DISSERTATION: A Comparison 0/ the Relationshipsbetween Two Types 0/ Teachers' Organizationsand the Superintendent and School BoardR_ BRUCE CARROLLA.B., University 0/ Vermont, 1953S.M., Wayne University, 1957(Political Science)DISSERTATION: Intergovernmental AdministrativeRegulations: A Case StudyJOHN ALLAN EDWARDSB.S.A., University 0/ Wisconsin, 1950A.M., University 0/ Nebraska, 1952(Economics)DISSERTATION: An Analysis 0/ Weather-Crop YieldRelationships: A Production FunctionROBERT EMANSS.B., University 0/ Wisconsin, 1957A.M., University 0/ Chicago, 1958(Education)DISSERTATION: Teacher Attitudes toward SchoolPractices as a Function 0/ the Values 0/ StaffMembersBARNEY MORDECAI ENGELA.B., Yeshiva University, 1950A.M., Columbia University, 1952(Education)DISSERTATION: The Science Curriculum in the Public Schools of Manitoba, Canada, 1890-1961PHILIPP FEHLA.B., Stanford University, 1947A.M., ibid., 1948(Social Thonght)DISSERTATION: The Classical Monument: Foundations of a Tradition and Its Moral ImplicationsROSSLYN GAINESS.B., Northwestern University, 1948A.M., University of Chicago, 1961(Human Development)DISSERTATION: Color-Form Response Patterns inPerception, Discrimination Ability, and Learning of Deaf and Hearing ChildrenHARRY J. GILMANA.M., University of Chicago, 1958(Economics)DISSERTATION: Discrimination and the White-Nonwhite Unemployment DifferentialsGLEN GORDONA.B., New York University, 1952A.M., University of Chicago, 1957A.M., ibid., 1959(Political Science)DISSERTATION: The Legislative Process in a Divided Government: A Case Study on the Role ofthe Majority Party in CongressJOHN DAVID GREENSTONEA.B., Harvard University, 1958A.M., University of Chicago, 1960(Political Science)DISSERTATION: Labor Politics in Three Cities: Political Action in Detroit, Chicago, and Los AngelesWILLIAM SAMUEL GRIFFITHS.B., Pennsylvania State University, 1953S.M., Louisiana State University, 1955(Education)DISSERTATION: A Growth Model of Institutions ofAdult EducationEDWARD J. JAYA.B., Queens College, 1952A.M., University of Chicago, 1957(Anthropology)DISSERTATION: A Tribal Village of Middle IndiaROBERT WAYNE KENNYB./., University of Texas, 1953A.M., University of Minnesota, 1957(History)DISSERTATION: The Political Career of CharlesHoward, Earl of Nottingham, Lord Admiral ofEngland, 1585-1619, with Emphasis on the Reignof Elizabeth I ARTHUR KRATZ MANNB. Ed., University of Saskatchewan, Canada, 1954M. Ed., University of Alberta, Canada, 1959(Education)DISSERTATION: The Alberta Teachers' Association-A Documentary Analysis 0/ the Dynamics of aProfessional OrganizationJOHN BRUCE MARTINA.B., Kenyon College, 1951A.M., Harvard University, 1957(Psychology)DISSERTATION: Interpersonal Similarity and SocialPerception in Psychotherapy SupervisionBALDEV RAJ NAYARA.B., Pan.jab University, Solan, India, 1953A.M., Pan.jab University, New Delhi, India, 1956A.M., University of Chicago, 1959(Political Science)DISSERTATION: Contemporary Political Leadershipin the PunjabRUTH F. NECHELESA.B., University of Chicago, 1954A.B., ibid., 1955A.M., ibid., 1956(History)DISSERTATION: The Abbe Gregoire and the Consti«tutional Church: 1794-1802MARGARET ARLENE PAYNES.B., Kansas State College, 1949S.M., Columbia University, 1953(Education)DISSERTATION: Use of Data in Curricular DecisionsALFRED D. REMSONA.B., University of Chicago, 1956(Psychology)DISSERTATION: Conditioned Psychosomatic ResponsesLEONARD GERSON ROSENBERGA.B., Brooklyn College, 1948A.M., University of Chicago, 1951(Economics)DISSERTATION: Taxation of Income from Capitalby Non-Financial Industry Group, Average 1953-59ROSS PAUL SCHERERA.B., Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, Missouri,1943·.A.M., University of Chicago, 1947(Sociology)DISSERTATION: Ministers of the Lutheran ChurchMissouri Synod: Origins, Training, Career-Lines,Perceptions of Work, and ReferenceLEE S. SHULMANA.B., University of Chicago, 1959A.M., ibid., 1960(Education)DISSERTATION: Seeking Styles and Individual Differences in Patterns of InquiryV. IN THE GRADUATE SCHOOL OF BUSINESSJAMES STEINTRAGERA.B., University of Notre Dame, 1958A.M., University of Chicago, 1960(Political Science)DISSERTATION: Human Nature and Political Society: Tke Ethical Foundations o] J. S. Mill's Political ThoughtSHIRLEY ANNE TUSKAA.B., Hood College, 1952A.M., Ohio University, 1953(Education)DISSERTATION: Self-Conception and Identificationamong Women Planning and Not Planning ToTeachKRISTIAN S. P ALDAB. Com., Queen's University, Canada, 1956M.B.A., University of Chicago, 1958DISSERTATION: The Measurement of CumulativeAdvertising Effects JERE PHILLIPS WILSONA.B., University of Chicago, 1953A.M., ibid., 1957(Psychology)DISSERTATION: Nursing Experience and the SocialSmileRAYMOND DEWARD ZINSERA.M., University of Chicago, 1947(SociologyDISSERTATION: Sectarian Commitment and WithdrawalROBERT GEORGE TAYLORA.B., University of Western Ontario, Canada, 1956M.B.A., University of Chicago, 1957DISSERTATION: An Examination of the Evolution,Content, Utility, and Problems of Published Interim ReportsVI. IN THE DIVINITY SCHOOLMYRON JEAN FOGDEA.B., St. Olaf College, 1955Th.B., Luther Theological Seminary, 1959A.M., University of Chicago, 1961DISSERTATION: Protestantism in Frontier Montana:1860-1925JOHN HARRY LOOSEA.B., Gettysburg College, 1951D.B., Lutheran Theological Seminary, 1954A.M., University of Chicago, 1962DISSERTATION: W. H. Auden's Poetic: A Study ofthe Relationship between His Aesthetic Theoryand His Theological Point of ViewJOHN OPIE, JR.A.B., DePauw University, 1956D.B., Union Theological Seminary, 1959A.M., University of Chicago, 1961DISSERTATION: Conversion and Revivalism: An Internal History from Jonathan Edwards throughCharles Grandison Finney RICHARD WILLIAM SCHEIMANNA.B., Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, Missouri,1945D.B., ibid., 1950DISSERTATION: Wach's Theory of the Science 0/ReligionFREDERICK JOHN STRENGA.B., Texas Lutheran College, 1955A.M., Southern Methodist University, 1956D.B., University of Chicago, 1960DISSERTATION: Niigiirjuna's Use of "Emptiness" asa Religious Expression-A Study in ReligiousEpistemologyROBERT LOUIS WILKENA.B., Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, Missouri,1957Ii.B., ibid., 1960A.M., University of Chicago, 1961DISSERTATION: Homo Futurus: A Study in theChristo logy of Cyril 0/ AlexandriaVII. IN THE GRADUATE LIBRARY SCHOOLDAVID AIKEN WEBBA.B., University of South Carolina, 1939A.B., Emory University, 1940A.M.L.S., University of Michigan, 1947DISSERTATION: Local Efforts To Prepare LibraryAssistants and Librarians in Texas from 1900 to1942ALBERT GEORGE FELDMANA.B., University of Southern California, 1938M.S.W., ibid., 1943DISSERTATION: State Control and Local Autonomyin Public Assistance: A Study of State-Local Relations in Administration of Public Assistance inCook County, Illinois SARA BEELER WRIGHTA.B., Cornell University, 1947M.S.S., Smith College, 1952DISSERTATION: The Client's Confidence of Success:A Factor in Casework TreatmentVIII. IN THE SCHOOL OF SOCIAL SERVICE ADMINISTRATION�.;RITA GRAHAM LINDENFIELDA.B., University of Western Ontario, Canada, 1938M.S.W., University of Toronto, Canada, 1955DISSERTATION: The Hospital Insurance and Diag-nostic Services Act: Its Federal-Provincial AspectsALMA MATER Words byEDWIN H. LEWISCOP'Y1UGHTTHE BENEDICTIONTHE R EC E S S ION A LFestival Trumpets(Composed especially for this Convocation) Eric McDonald�, ORGANISTEDWARD MONDELLO" University OrganistCARILLONNEURDANIEL ROBINS, University CarillonneurMARSHALHAROLD HAYDONVICE-MARSHALGEOFFREY C. M. PLAMPINASSIST ANT MARSHALSROBERT LOVETT ASHENHURSTLEON CARNOVSKYJOSEPH CEITHAMLDANIEL J. HARRISROBERT J. HASTERLIKGWIN J. KOLB GEORGE JOSEPH METCALFJAMES MAXWELL RATCLIFFEHERMAN GLENN RICHEYEDWARD W. ROSENHEIM, JR.WILBERT HERBERT URRYWILLIAM NATHANIEL WEAVERMYRNA GAIL BELL STUDENT AIDESKAREN HONEYCUTTWILLIAM RICHARD BRAITHWAITEARNOLD MICHAEL BRIERSTEPHEN MARK BROWNJOHN HOPKINS CROTHERSWILLIAM LOVEL RANEY CRUCEHANNAH LUCY FRISCHSTEPHANIE ALICE GORDONDANIEL RUSSELL GROSSSUSAN HELLMANN MARY ELEANOR KINGRICHARD LEWIS MANDELBRUCE RAYMOND McKELLIPSFREDERICK ME INS, JR.ELLEN ROSSDINAH SOLOMONKENNETH ALAN TAYLORDAVID FREDERICK TILLOTSONSYLVIA LOUISE WOODBYThe swinging peal, composed of five of the larger bells of the carillon, including the eighteenand-one-half-ton bourdon, is sounded at the end of the Convocation.A PARTI.AL LIST OF GRADUATES FOR THE AUGUST 1963 CONVOCATION(EXCLUSIVE OF THOSE RECKeVING BA, BS, MBAAND LAW DIDREES)� The sYmbol "wi OU means ·without thesis)Abbitt, Allen Wardell (Education) A.M.Paper: Effectiveness of job placement as a means of preventingdropouts.Ablen, Joan (Anthropology) Ph.D.F9999 Relocated American Indians in the San Francisco BayArea: Concepts of acculturation, success, and identity in thecity.Abou-Saif, Laila Nessim (English Lit & Lang) A.M. w/oAbramoske, Donald J.PN4899 .C55D171875-1901. (Histor,y) Ph.D.The Chicago Daily News: a business history,Ackerman, Charlaine E. (Linguistics) A.M.Paper: Classification of verb-pIus-adverb construction inRussian.Adams, William Baker (English) M.A.T.Paper: The slow learner in the high school English course.Arnott, Alice M. (English) M.A.T.Paper: Robert Frost, Teacher at large.Babarik, Paul. (Human Development) Ph.D.BF1999 Ed The differentie.l relationship of subordinationsuperordination in the categorization process of language andthought to creativity.Bagchf., Sourenda Nath (Sociology) A.M.Paper: Implications of population gr-owth in the Philippines.Bakule, Joanne Claire (Education) A.M-Paper: The comic situation as a measurement of children'sadjustment.Barnard, Helen Pullman (English) M.A.T.Paper: The structure and enqui.ry in the study of literature.Bass, Harold' Neal BalSS (Pharmacology) S.M.RM999 The efeect s of urease immunity upon rats 'with controlledvitamin A adrrunistration.Batra, Karam Vir (Pharmacology) Ph.D.RCl099 Effect of carCinogenesis a�4influence of hormones onin vivo incorporation of glucose-U-C in CYH mice.2--August, 1963Begg , Char-Les Richard (Education) A.M.Paper: The state board examinations and the dental curriculum.Beggs, Thomas Anthony (Histor.y) M.A.T.Paper: The effective use of biography in the teaching ofAmerican reconstruction.Blackwell, Henr,y Anderson (English Lang & Lit) A.M. w/oBorkenhagen, Sophia I (English Lang & Lit) A.M. wloBowman, David Galloway (History) M.A.T.Paper: Mormon War in Illinois.Brewer, Robert Hyde (Zoology) Ph.D.QL999 The phenology of the development and the hatching of theeggs of Diaptomus stagnalis Forbes (Copepoda: calanoida) an inhabi taut of temporary ponds.Br-own; SeyonJX9999 (Political Science) Ph.D.A supranational nuclear deterrent system.Buck, Mildred L. (Sociology) A.M.Paper: Socialization differences between Negro ADC mothers andthe Sears, Naccol� and Levine norms.Burroughs, JOM Edward (Mathematics) S.M. w/oCaliguri, Joseph (Education) Ph.D.LB:3999 A comparison of the relationships between two typesof teachers' org��izations and the superintendent and schoolboard.Canary, Roberl H (HistoI"J of Culture) Ph.D.PS3505 .Al6Z8 C2 The Cabellian landscape: a study of the novelsof James Branch Cab ell.Carroll, R. Bruce (Political Science) Ph.D.JK9999 Intergovermmental administration relations: a case study.Chappell, Sally Anderson (Art) A.M.Paper: Representations of the Liberal Arts from 1300 to 1500.Chase, Elaine Block (Education) A.M.Paper: A picture science test.Chatterjee, Pranab (Sociology) A.M.Paper: Manifest attitudes in a samp.l,e of American folksongs.Chen, Chung-Yi (Chemistry) S.M. w/oChung, Alice Hsiu (Chemistr,y) Ph.D.QDI099.5 Electron correlation in simple�- type systems.� August, 1963Cochrane, Carolya Thompson (Sociology) A.M.Paper: Developmental trends in sex-typed aesthetics shape preferences.Coleman, David Stevrart (Education) A.M.Paper: Techniques for developing conferences which stimulatea desire for lifelong learning ..Cone, Richard Allen (Physics) Ph.D.QCl099 studies on the initial stages of visual excitationusing th� electroretinogram of the rat.Connett, William Carroll (Mathematics) S.M. w/oCooney, Sister Miriam P., c. s. c. .- (Mathematics) S.M� wloCullen, Sister Michaeleen Marie, G.P. (Graduate Library) A.M.Paper: The free re(.�ding of a group of academically talentednin�h grade girlS..Danard, Maurice B. (Geophysical Sciences) Ph.D.QCl099 Ge On the influence of released latent heat on cyclonedevelopment.Davis, Ann Gouger (English) M.A.T.Paper: Teaching poetry to the 'unpoetic'.Davis, William Q. XJ.1.eaili.ng) M. s. T.Paper: The role of the reading consultant in grades Kindergarten-12.Deisher, Ma�J Sue (English Lang. & Lit) A.M. w/oDelgado, Gilberto (Geography) A.M.HF9999 Ge Puerto Rico-United States air passanger movement:a geographical analysis.Doede, Robert William (Anthropology) A.M.Paper: Maya Social organization.Dolan, Wanda Ellen (English Lang. & Lit) A.M. w/oDolinko, Phyllis (Bittenfield) (Rolitical Science) A.M.DS999 The foreign policy functions of the English language dailypress of India.Dornhoff, Larry Lee (Mathematics) S.M. W/0Driscoll, Ruth Antoinette (Romance Langs. & Lit.) A.M.Paper: Cromedeyre-le-vieil de Jules RomainsEby, Kermit Ray, II (Education) M. S. A.Paper: An analysis of the ungraded primary program in Park Forestelementary school district.4-August, 1963Eckstein, Shulamith Graus (Physics) Ph.D.QCI099 Negative pion capture in helium.Eckstein, Yakov (Physics) Ph.D.QC1099 Ultrasonic attenuation in antimony.Edwards, John Allan (Economics) Ph.D.HDIOOOO An analysis of weather-crop yield relationships: aproduction function approach.Emana, Robert (Education) Ph.D.LB3999 Teacher attitudes toward school practices as a functio�of the values of staff members.Emmons, Donald C. (Philosophy): Ph.D.B4999 The brain process of mind: a critical analysis.Engel, Barney Mordecai (Education) Ph.D.LB3999 The science curriculum in the public schools of Manitoba,Canada, 1890-1961.Erikson, Kai T. (Sociology) Ph.D.HN999 Wayward Puritans: a study in the sociology of deviance.Everett, Glen Exner (Physics) Ph.D.QCI099 Qyclotron resonance measurements in bismuth.Fehl, Philipp (Social Thought) Ph.D.NB1999 The classical monument: foundations of a tradition andit s moral implications.Feldman, Albert George (Social Service Administration) Ph.D.HV9999 State control and local autonomy in public assistance:a study of state-local relations in administration of public assistance in Cook County, Illinois.Finfer, June (English Lang. and Lit) A.M. w/oFitzgerald, Robert Schaefer (Physiology) Ph.D.QP999 VentilatoFj" response to transient perfusion of thecarotid chemoreceptors.Fleming, Brother David A., S.M. (English Lang. & Lit.) A.M. w/oFogde, Myron Jean (Divinity) Ph.D.BXl0999 Protestantism in frontier Montana, 1860-1925_Fogg, Shirley Anderson (Education) A.M.Paper: Reading ability of good and poor listeners.Fowler, Cleo Stephens (English Lang. & Lit) A.M. wloFrayser, William Neale (Education) A.M.Paper: An approach to recognizing and understanding pseudo-mental deficiency.G-olin, Stuart. (Physics) Ph.D.QCI099 PoLarization conductivity in p-type germaniumGlavin, William Keefe (Classical Lang s , & Lit.) A.M.Paper: Omens in Homer's Iliad and Ogyssey.Glenn, Gary Dean (Political Science) A.M.HN999 An essaY' on John Dewey's Human nature and conduct.G10eckler, Christine Rose (Mathematics) M.A.T.Paper: Application of logic to geometric proofs.,__.-......:� Goetz, Barbara Alberta (Economics) A.M.I. Paper: The classical economists and labor unions.Goldstein, Gary Richard (Physics) S.M. w/oGordon, Glen (Political Science) Ph.D.JK9999 The legislative process in a devided government: acase stuqy of the role of the majority party in Congress.Grayson, Richard Mark (Music) A.M.Paper: Pieces-1963Greenberg, Gar,y Joseph (Political Science) A.M.JK9999 Justice Field and the fourteenth amendment ,5--August, 1963Frevert, R. Branson ( Sociology) A.M.HQ9999 A case study of the members of a senior center.Friedmann, Marie-Louise (Mathematics) S.M. wloGaines, Rosslyn (Human Development) Ph.D.BF1999 Ed Color-form response patterns in perception, discrimination ability and learning of deaf and hearing chilaren.Gilman, Harr,y J. (Economics) Ph.D.HDlOOOO Discrimination and the white-non -white unemploymentdifferentials.Greene, Joseph Sire, Jr. (Geophysical Sciences) S.M.. w/oGreenstone, John David. (Political Science) Ph.D.JF3999 Labor politics in three cities: political action inDetroit, Chicago, and Los Angeles.Griffith, William Samuel (Education) Ph.D.LC6999 A gr-owbh model of institutions of adult education.Guthrie, Russell Dale (Paleozoology) Ph.D.QE999 Variability in characters undergolllg rapid evolution:an analysis of Microtus molars.Hadsel, Martha Elizabeth (English Lang. & Lit.) A.M. wloHagen, Mar.y Fisher (Education) A.M.Paper: Effect of the kindergarten reading program on the subsequent, reading habit s of two groups of primary children.Hanson, George (Graduate Library) A.M.Paper: The National Library of Iceland during the Twentieth Century6-August, 1963Harcaj, S.M. (Political Science) A.M.DD999 The Oder-Neisse Line: power, tradition, revolutionin the wartime confrontation of Britain and Russia in MiddleEurope.Harper, Viola Victorine (Education) A.M.Paper: Guidance and social class -- An investigation of thecounseling of lower class student s by middle class counselors.Haverc��p, Robert E. (English Lang & Lit.) A.M. w/oHelfenberger, Elin (Education) A.M.Paper: Problem-solving difficulties among retarded adults ontest item 5, year 5, form 17, 1937 revision of Standford-BinetTests of Intelligence.Heredero, Jose M. (Histo�) A.M.Ds999 The influence of Gandhian ideas on Gujarati writers: astudy based mainly on the Gujarati magazine Sanskriti for theperiod 1947-1962.Hines, William D. (Microbiology) S.M.QR999 The formation and properties of B�ucella spheroplasts.Hinkle, Nancy L. (French) M.A.T.Paper: Current Research Intersts in Foreign language teaching,dth special attention to the use of audfo-vd.sual, aids and pupilmdltivation.Holmes, Oliver Wendell (Histor"J) A.M.'DA999 Direct action and the British labor movement: 19l1-14.House, Majorie (Histor,r) M.A.T." Paper: Building Concepts of Geographic knwledge for al.owlearners.Hurst, Martha Louise (English) M.A.T.Paper: Methods of stimulating vo.cabulary development in highschool students.lnden, Ronald B (Oriental Languages and Civilizations) A.M.JS9999 The localization of the Hindu elit e of Bengal and it seffects on the polity of the southeastern Bengal chiefdoms.Ingall, Carol L. (Histor,y)Paper: Mordecai M. Noah:graphy. M.A.T.A Sketch in American Jewish Historio-Jacobs, Barton J. (Mathematics) S .. M. w/oJarrow, Barbara Raike (Nursing Education) A.M.Paper: Problem areas in school dental health progress.Jay, Edward J. (Anthropology) Ph.D.DS999 A tribual village lbf middle India.7--August, 1963Jolicoeur, Pierre (Paleozoology) Ph.D.QE999 The decree of generality of robustness in Martes americana.Jones, Regnal John (Botany) S.M.QK999 Influence of light fJ_uality and 'luantity .on vgrovJth andboron metabolism of sunflower plants.Jorgensen, La��ence C. (Histor,y) A.M.F9999 The Bonus Expeditionar,y Force, 1932.Kaplan, Susan D. (Education) A.M.Paper: A socioletric study of the freshmen class at the University High School.Kat2jj'OS�p)t L. (Ch.�"",L.S-rfY) PhID, Q1)ID99·5 ���������������� __ ��������v. �v�.StPllGtuFe g! transpgration networKs: r-el '1+,i onship§-eetweeII neLwolk geQllretq and regiOftal ea:.racterlstj CS_. (�r '''3)Kelly, JoAnn Crowley (Chemistry) M.A.T.Paper: Curriculum stuqy for chemistry at Ridgewood High School.Kenny, Robert W. (History) Ph.D.1)A 999 The political career of Charles Howard, Earl ofNottingham, Lord Admiral of England, 1585-1619, �d.th emphasison the reign of Elizabeth I.Ketterson, John B. (Physics) Ph.D.QCl099 Ultrasonic attenuation in antimony. II. De Haasvan Alphen oscillations.Kilbert, Florence Jane (Education) A.M.Paper: A stuqy of age-grade status of pupils in grades 3A,6A and BB.Kliegman, Jonathan M. (Chemistry) Ph.D.QDl099.5 Organic ligand synthesis with transition metal. complexes.Knepler, Myrna (Art.) A.M.Paper: Some sources of Seurat' s color theory together with anexamination of his use of co.Lorv.In "La Grande Jattetl•Kolars, John Francis (Geography) Ph.D.HN999 Ge Tradition, season, and change in a Turkish village.Kosse, Alan David (Anthropology) A.M.Paper: Soils and agriculture in Roman Somerset.Kurzka, Audrey Jane (Education) A.M.Paper: The participation of two soci�agWa�mic groups of womenin adult education activities.8--August, 1963.Kratzmann, Arthur (Education) Ph.D.11099 The Alberta Teachers' Association: a docu.rnentaryanalysis of the dynamics of a professional organization.LambeL�, Wilma Estelle (Romance Langs. & Lit.) A.M.Paper: La Chartreuse de Parme -- Henri Beyle.Laadye, ThomfLs Mason (Political Science) A.M..JF3999 San E'rancisco and the F'ederal Government: co-operationand conflict in intergovernmental relations.Legacy, Arthur Evans (History) A.M.Papers: 1. The politics of pugilism •. _ 2/ Boxing in New York:a case ef legal ambivalence.\Linck, Robert George (Chemistry) Ph.D.QDl099.5 Oxidation-reduction reactions in chromi��uinonesystems.Lindenfield, Rita (Graham) (Social Service Administration) Ph.D.·I:ift99!79� The Hosp�tal Insurance and Diagnostic Services Act:its federal-provincial· aspects. � I �QB 1J/€..Linderholm, Carl E. (Mathematics) Ph.D.QA999 On some questions in ergodic theory.Lobato, Maria Elena (Economics) A.M.Paper: 'the domestic demand for beef in Argentina.Loose, John Harry (Divinity) Ph.D.PR6001.U22Z8L8 Div. W.H. Auden's po-etic: a study of the rela-tion between his aesthetic theory and his theological point ofview.Lubar, Joel F. (PS,Ychology) Ph.D.BF1999 The effect of meial cortical lesions on the avoidancebehavior of the cat.Lukasz, ViraPaper: (Slavic Langs. & Lit) A.M.L.N. Tolstoy -- His religious stories.Lundqui st , Myrtle V. (Education) A.M.Paper: An examination of the effect of selected art activitieson the social adjustment of primary children.McMahan, Robert H. (Music) Ph.D.MI.,3999 The late piano music of Brahms: an essafY toward ascientific aesthetic.Malli, Gulzari Lal (Chemistry) S.M.Margolin, Frima R. (Biology) M.A.T.Paper: Definitions of scientifie method and how it may be taughtin high-school biology courses.9--August, 1963Markwell, Bernard Kent. (History) A.M.DA999 Disraeli and the Coalition War, 1853-55.Martin, John Bruce (Psychology) Ph.D.BF1999 Interpersonal similarity and social perception in psychotherap,y supervision.Margolis, Harvey Robert (Mathematics)Martia, D0minic F. (English Lang. & Lit.) A.M. w/o/Massie, Susan Elizabeth (English Lang. & Lit.) A.M. w/oMcDermut, Annett e Sherman (Anthropology) A.M.Paper: A consideration of some late prehistoric survey materialsfrom the Kermanshah region of Iran.McDonald, James C. (Geophysical Sciences) S.M. wloMcGivern, Frances Kevin (Education) A.M.Paper; The textbook: a communication problem.Merschel, Carl William (Political Science) A.M.JC999 The Jeunesse Ouvriere Chretienne (Jocism): the role ofCatholic youth organizations in modern politics.-Micari, Bruce (Political Science) A.M.00999 Republican Italy's turn to the Left.Miller, Roy Richard (Chemistr.y) Ph.D.QDI099.5 The reduction of some ammine cobalt(III) complexesby chromous ion.Miller, Sally M. (Histor,y) A.M.DQ999 The Russian student colony in Zurich, 1870-1873.Millner, Sey-mon Nachman (Biochemistry) S.M.QP999 The extracellular proteinase of Streptococcus faecalis;some aspects of its fonnation, structure and activity.Mitchell, NoraDS999 Ge (Geography) A.M.Cultural homogeneity in Tamilaad.Moore, Paul Brian (Geophysical sciences) w/oS.M.Moo�Penn, Gloria J • (Microbiology) S.M.QR999 Amino acid metabolism in the agent of meningo-pneumonitis.¥oo-Penn, Winston F. (Microbiology) S.M.QR999 Studies on the mechanism of ethionine resistance ofEscherichia coli.Moore, Carolyn A. (Librar.y Science) A.M.Zl0999 The ac�uisition and holdings of United States governmentpublications in a selected group of suburban Chicago high schoollibraries.IO-August, 1963Morton, James H. (International Relations) A.M.DT999 The domestic opposition to the Congo policy of theUnited States.Murphy, Edmund Michael (Sociology) A.M.Paper: The profits of reapportionment: A study in the distribution of politifal power.Myerhoff, Barbara (Gay) (Human Development) A.M.HQ9999 Ed. Incest "in myth and fact: a study of father-daughterincest among delinquent adolescent girls.Naney, Cecil A. (Physics) P)J,:�D ...QCI099 Infrared absorptance of single-crystal anti-many andbismuth.Narayanaswami., Krishnaswami ( Chemistry) Ph.D.QDl099.; The formation of biphenyls from derivatives ofbenzene-Lj a-df.azooxfdej electrophilic substitution and carbeneproblem.4-Nay�r, Baldev Raj (Political Science) Ph.D.DS999 Contemporar,y' political leadership in the Punjab.Necheles, Ruth Frieda (Magnus) (History) Ph.D.DC999 The Abbe Gregoire and the Constitutional Church.Nessler, Minerva Kraft (Graduate Librar.y) A.M.Paper: Patterns of membership in the American Library Assoiciation.Nevitt, Nancy (History) A.M.Papers: 1. Jubilee of 1300; 2. Erasmus and the condition ofLatin in the sixteenth cent ury ,Nissman, Judith (English Lang. & Lit.) A.M. w/oNitecki, Joseph Z. (Graduate Librar,y� A.M.Paper: The concept of public interest in the philosophy of 1ibrarirulship: the implications of a multiple approach.O'Connell, Arlene Joan (English Lang. & Lit.) A.M. w/oOl.owu , Jonathan Abodunrin Isola (Geophysical Sciences) S.M. w/oOpie, John (Divinity) Ph.D.BV9999 Conversion and revivalism: an internal history fromJonathan Edwards through Charles Grandison F'inney.Palda, Kristian S. (Business) Ph.D.HF9999 The measurement of cumulative advertising effects.Payne, Margaret Arlene (Education) Ph.D.183999 The use of data in curricular decisions.ll-August, 1963Pearson, Gar,y Richard (Microbiology) S.M.QR999 A study of the mechanism of avirulence of Brucella inmacrophage tissue culture.Perlman, Robert L. (Biochemistry) Ph.D.QP999 The biosynthesis of chondroitin sulfuric acid.Perlmutter, Jerry (Human Development) A.M.BF1999 Ed Role orient�tions of hospitalized medical patients.Petruska, John Andre-w (Chemistry) Ph.D.QDI099.5 Changes in the electronic transitions of aromatichydrocarbons on chemical substitution.Piampiti, Sauvuluck (Sociology Y _ A.M.Paper: Demographic aspects of urbanization in Thailand.Pierce, Carol S. (Microbiology) S.M.QR999 Immuncchemi.cal. study of mucoid antigen( s) of Escherichiacoli K 12.Pilgrim, Wilma Jean (Histocy) A.M.JK9999 A defense of the constitution: alexander Hamilton, JamesMadison, and Publius.Poster, John Benjamin (German) M.A. T.Paper: Samuel Northrop Harper's Influence on the United StatesPolicy t oward the Soviet Union, 1917-1933.Pr-emi., Mahendra Kumar (Sociology) A.M.Paper-s Population of Uttar Pradesh -- Retrospect and prospect.- Pumphr-ey , Jennie Louisa (Library Science) A.M.210999 Medical books in English libraries in the sixteenthand early seventeenth centuries.Rampersad, Peggy (Snellings) (Education) A.M.LB3999 College and university presients: a pattern of selection.Raz zaque , Mohammed Abdur (Education) A.M.Paper: Administration of technical education in East Pakistan.Remson, Alfred D. (Psychology) Ph.D.BF1999 Conditioned psychosomatic res}:,onses.·Rintala, Leena Paivikki (English Lit. & Lang) A.M. w/o/Rosenberg, Leonard Gerson (Economics) Ph.D.HJ9999 Taxation of income from capital by non-financial industry group, average 1953-59.Roth, Char-Les Duan (Anatbrny}) S.M.QL999 A morphological study of peripkeral nerve developmentin chickens.l2--August, 1963Schaden, Robert A. (Far Eastern Civilization) A.M.Paper: Excerpts from Through the Glass Door by MatsumeSoseki (1867-1916)Scheimann, Richard W. (Divinity) Ph.D.� BL9999 Wach's theory of the science of religion.Scherer, Ross Paul (Sociology) Ph.D.HN 999 Ministers of the Lutheran Church -- Missouri Synod:Origins, training, career-lines, perceptions of work, and reference.Schwahn, Ingram Benedict (Education) A.M.Paper: Relationships between word assiciation and constructionof designs.Segal, Baruch B. (Education) A.M.Paper: An evaluation of teachers f authority in relation to hisstudent in Rousseau's and Dewey's educational philosophies.Seitelman, Leon H. (Mathematics) S.M. w/o.Seiter, Sibter Marie Herbert, C.S.J. (Histor,y) A.M.Papers: 1. The �uestion of separation of church and state intwentieth century France. 2. Of Germans and German culture according to Madame de St aeL,Sherif, Mohamed Ahmed (Philosophy) A.M. wloShulman, Lee S. (Education) Ph.D.LB3999 Seeking s�yles and individual differences in patternsof int!uiry.Siegel, Israel (Zoology) Ph.D.QP999 The effect s of staphylococcal toxin on human bloodplatelets.Slenker, Robert K. (English Lang. & Lit.) A.M. w/o/Spalding, Ellen (Library Science) A.M.Zl0999 A descriptive study of the students using a high schooollibrary.Spector, Carolyn Gaines (French) M.A. T.Paper: Relationship of audito� discrimination to achievementin Oral and vv-ritten examinations.Speltz, Peter G. (Physics) W/o.S.M.Steintrager, James A. (Political Science) Ph.D.JA999 Human nature and politi€al society: the ethical foundations of J.S. Mill's political thought.Strieby, H. Reid. (Sociology) A.M.HF9999 Interpersonal concomitants of department store tumover.19--August, 1963streng, Frederick John (Divinity) Ph.D.BL9999 Nagarjuna's use of "emptiness" as a religious expression:a study in religiouB epistemology.Tajuddin, Mohammad (English Lang. & Lit.) A.M. w/o.Taylor, David Winslow (Chemistry) 1i'.A.T.Paper: L-Hysticline Anhydride as a model of the active site ofan enzyme.Taylor, lJiana (M.athematics) S.M. w/o.Taylor, Hobert George (Business) Ph.D.HG9999 .An examination of the evolution, content, utility, andproblems of' published interim:reports.Teeple, Howard Merle (Graduate Libr ,ry) A.M. w/o.Thunander, Sandra K. (Education) A.M.Paper: Vocabular,r.instruction: multi-modality methods versusconventional metbods.Tilt, Dorothy (Education) A.M.Paper: The Urban School in a particular type of urban community.Ting, Chen-Hanson ( Chemistry) S.M. wlo�ribby, lIse Ingrid E. (Microbiology) S.M.QR999 Multiplication of meningopneumonitis agent in suspended cult ures of L cells.Trimberger, Ellen Kay (Education) A.M.Paper: The role of the intellectual in promoting revolutionarychange: the Indian nat.Lonal, movement. as a case study.Tsagaris, Dorthea (Fhglish Lang. & Lit.) A.M. w/oTuska, Shirley Anne (Education) Ph.D.LB3999 Self-conception and,identification among women planning and not planning tot each.Tyrell, Frederick G. (Education) A.M.Paper: The United Presbyterian Church related colleges anduniversit�es as agencies of adult education in their communities.Under-Leak, Ann Fr-ances (Germanic Lang. & Lit.) A.M.Paper: Der Arme Heinrich I s Path to Path Deliverenance.Vandernolt, Joseph M. (English Lang. & Lit.) A.M. w/o/Van Reken, Donald Leonard (Education) A.M.Paper: Evaluation of methods of vocabulary building for juniorhigh school.Villarejo, Merna (Biochemistr.y) Ph.D.QP999 Rhodanese: thiosulfate: lipoate oxido-reductase.*' Tiktopou.\os, G>!o .... j� (f>hySjL-:') P�.D.QC.lo99 H;j\"-el'\.�"1Y behav�oV' of fe.)'Y'rY\dY) arnpl',h.tdc.5,,(-",lbrid[te, C}L.l"'les, 'I'ho:cton (. ot lY)�J{999 Immunochomi.c ,_:. r�"k\ct5.. on. �serum irrJllll..l1€ to .Jy� nldi':!Jn C of v: .rd.ous phycocyam.ns \' i ... (.j.,1'lYCOCy n.in.ebb , avi. " . (Liot- :""Y )Ci �-;e) r'h • .Lr.."'�._Kt=-h..( J.Oj99 i<)(;: elfo .. ·'tr• ,,0 r r-e 1 ';"'4O',y,1 .... ::",r u ::. �.:-: a,-t'lts �.. r.1'1/0.Iii t e , u ',t1 � L ..-"t�'; ... .o� �,,� (;2:: •.• 58 (r;n31i.h . ..,J'::�C o�' i;) idc�' ,.'h .. 1"l,t,hPo� ef1.... h. ("'_Jj.;J1�' �1 vci -�.!Ge)J,'v!-J,,)j:'t em he: .. �;ll r;.rl • .a ....t b�. puo.Li,c l.:i.b:c hr r '.... v J..U ... :>;{i, �k)j.)Ql,·t Lr .:i::: (Di viY1ity.l ,.in �L ..DJ:79'j9 Homo l(ut-),Y'L'..;_): '-" I.W d�' L J'! (.J]: r tr)·L:JS,/· of (;J- ..... �_l ofI 2J .. ( 1"1, ...... hl r:yl."f:. re�H J.:.11 nt1.1 :':1, u er-31"19(;:; .. L>.tr:.� ,C :/:._ ai, s'''il.',:,;�... ct.s ,}Urln:; r.lic C ·.V:U .. (',"'l01.tr'.:t:!.or� f�"''"'!' t,! L.{ t:'{;;,,�l',)..:., tf, br..)'�999t'n�.u.:� t2! 'i�:" 1:·1 �(G.he 'iJtr:y)