THE UNKVERSKTY Of CHKCAGO----'jl�d·U'HHlD Af j 0H"I1" D. ROCKEFELLER //TheTwo :Hundred Ninety-sixth/CONVOCATKON//q(p/L,TheWKNTERMarch SixteenthA.D. Nineteen Hundred Sixty-twoROCKEFELLER MEMORIAL CHAPELL D 9'1 1v . ;l9t-30oC.O( u(tePORDER Of EXERCiSESFor the Conferring of DegreesThree o'clockGEORGE W. BEADLE, President of the University, PresidingTHE CONVOCATION PROCESSIONPROCESSIONAL-Prelude and Fugue in C Major( ) (The congregation standing until the flags reach the chancel)The Marshal and the Student AidesThe Candidates for DegreesThe Faculties of the UniversityThe Trustees and Administrative OfficersThe Associate Dean of the University ChapelThe President of the University and the Convocation OratorHYMN FOR THE CONGREGATIONAMERICA(The congregation standing until after the prayer)My country, 'tis of thee,Sweet land of liberty,Of thee I sing:Land where my fathers died,Land of the pilgrims' pride,From every mountain sideLet freedom ring. Our fathers' God, to thee,Author of liberty,To thee we sing:Long may our land be brightWith freedom's holy light!Protect us by thy might,Great God, our King! Amen.-So F. SMITHTHE PRAYERTHE REVEREND W. BARNETT BLAKEMORE, JR.Associate Dean of Rockefeller Memorial Chapel BachTHE CONVOCATION ADDRESS"THE NEW WORLD OF LEARNING AFTER GRADUATION"CHAUNCY D. HARRISProfessor, Department of GeographySOLO"So Shall the Lute and Harp Awake ... " (from Judas Maccabaeus) HandelTERESA ORANTES, SopranoSo shall the lute and harp awake,And sprightly voice sweet descant run,Seraphic melody to makeIn the pure strains of Jesse's son.THE AWARD OF HONORSAwarded General Honors with the Bachelor's Degree:Gloria Jean CobbAwarded Special Honors with the Bachelor's. Degree:Stephanie Krauss FarrellTHE CONFERRING OF ACADEMIC DEGREESCandidates in the College by Dean Alan SimpsonCandidates in the Division of the Biological Sciences by Dean H. StanleyBennettCandidates in the Division of the Humanities by Dean of Students George V.BobrinskoyCandidates in the Division of the Physical Sciences by Associate Dean Julian R.GoldsmithCandidates in the Division of the Social Sciences by Dean D. Gale JohnsonCandidates in the Graduate School of Business by Dean W. Allen WallisCandidates in the Divinity School by Dean Jerald C. BrauerCandidates in the Law School by Dean Edward H. LeviCandidates in the Graduate Library School by Acting Dean Herman H. FusslerCandidate in the School of Social Service Administration by Dean Alton A.LinfordCANDIDATES FOR THE BACHELOR'S DEGREEI. IN THE COLLEGEFor the Degree of Bachelor of Arts:CHARLES HARLEY BOOTH(Professional option: Law) ALAN ROBERT LIND(Professional option: Business)BRUCE FRIEDMAN(Professional option: Business) MICHAEL HOWARD SANDALOW(Professional option t . Business)CHARLES P. JOSLYN(English Language and Literature)II. IN THE COLLEGE AND THE DIVISION OF THE HUMANITIESFor the Degree of Bachelor of Arts:GLORIA JEAN COBB(English Language and Literature) ELIZABETH KERN(Art)JOHN EARL McCARDLE(Slavic Languages and Literatures)STEPHANIE KRAUSS FARRELL(Art)MICHAEL FRANK KATZIN(Romance Languages and Literatures) FRANKLYN FLAGG NEWCOMB, JR.(English Language and Literature)III. IN THE COLLEGE AND THE DIVISIONOF THE PHYSICAL SCIENCESFor the Degree of Bachelor of Science:MARTHA CAMPBELL CHILTON(Chemistry)SANDRA JEAN FEIVESON(Mathematics)ERNEST OTTO LUEDTKE(Mathematics) THEODORE F. LUERA., JR.(Physics)GEORGE ANDREW SOUKUP(Physics)IV. IN THE COLLEGE AND THE DIVISION OF THE SOCIAL SCIENCESFor the Degree of Bachelor of Arts:MYRA BLOCK(Sociology)BRUCE A. BOWMAN(History) JOYCE ANN KERLEY(Sociology)KENNETH JOHN LAFFEY(History)V. IN THE DIVISION OF THE HUMANITIESFor the Degree of Bachelor of Arts:ESTHER KIERI At TMAN(English Language and Literature)CANDIDATES FOR THE MASTER'S DEGREEI. THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF ARTSIn the Division of the HumanitiesRICHARD WARREN BEANA.B., Bates College, 1957(Romance Languages and Literatures)ROBERT H. CANARYA.B., Denison University, 1960(History of Culture) ALBERT DRAGSTEDTA.B., University of Chicago, 1956(Classical Languages and Literatures)MELVILLE JULIAND STRATTONA.B., Harpur College, 1956(Philosophy)In the Division of the Social SciencesDYNIA ALBERTORIOA.B., University of Puerto Rico, Rio Piedras,Puerto Rico, 1959(History)CHARLES RANDALL BAILEYA.B., Ohio University, 1960(History)DISSERTATION: Lafayette and Republicanism, 1814-1823JEAN C. BERNSTEINA.B., State University of Iowa, 1947(Economics)HENRY SAMUEL BIENENA.B., Cornell University, 1960(Political Science)DISSERTATION: Proletarian Internationalism: TheHistory of a Doctrine in Terms of Political Re­lationshipsEMERY JOHN BIROPh.B., University of Detroit, 1954(Social Sciences)KINS ROBERT COLLINSA.B., University of Chicago, 1950S.B., Northwestern University, 1954(History)DISSERTATION: The Reichstag Peace Resolution ofJuly, 1917ALAN EDWARD FECHTERA.B., College of the City of New York, 1958(Economics)SALVADOR GINERLic., University of Barcelona, Spain, 1954(Social Thought)MICHA GISSERS.B., University of T{t.Aviv, Israel, 1958(Economics)NEELAKANTH REVANASHIDHSHASTRI HIREMATHS.B., University of Bombay, India, 1941B.T., ihid., 1953M.E., Karnatak University, Dharwar, India, 1954(Education)DISSERTATION: Relation of Teachers' Grades toEnvironment: A Longitudinal Study JOHN EDWARD HOPPERA.B., University of Chicago, 1960(History)DISSERTATION: The Coming of the Third Term:Roosevelt and the 1940 Democratic PresidentialNominationWI JO KANGA.B., Concordia Theological Seminary, 1957D.B., ibid., 1960(History)DISSERTATION: Horace N. Allen's Contribution toKorea, 1884-1905LAWRENCE D. KESSLERA.B., University of Chicago, 1958(History)DISSERTATION: The Maritime Laws and TheirEffect on Sino- Western Relations during theEarly Ch'ing Period, 1656-1684NORTON B. KNOPFA.B., Swarthmore College, 1957(PsYchology)DISSERTATION: A Study of Heart and RespirationRates during DreamingLORENZ S. LESHNIKA.B., University of Pennsylvania, 1955A.M., University of Bombay, India, 1959(Anthropology)YUNG-MYUNG LHEEA.B., Adams State College, 1959(Political Science)DISSERTATION: The Policies of Rhee Syngman andthe United States (1945-1950): An Analysis ofthe Outbreak of the Korean WarWILLIAM ATLAS LONGACRE IIA.B., University of Illinois, 1959(Anthropology )RUTH JEAN MANASTERA.B., University of Illinois, 1959(Human Development)RICARDO MARQUEZ-RIVERAA.B., University of Puerto Rico, Rio Piedras,Puerto Rico, 1956(Social Sciences)JACQUELINE CLOUTIER MASSEBach. Dom, Ped., University of Montreal, 1952(Sociology)DISSERTATION: Social Relationships and CulturalDifferences: Student Friendships in an Interna­tional HouseDONALD E. McVICKERA.B., University of Chicago, 1955(Anthropology)JOHN ASHLEY MEARSA.B., University of Minnesota, 1960(History)DISSERTATION: Relations between A ustria andBrandenburg during the Northern War, 1655-1660WALTER JOHN NICGORSKIA.B., Georgetown University, 1960(Political Science)DISSERTATION: Roscoe Pound's Early Writings andthe Problem of Natural Law in ContemporaryJurisprudenceIRWIN PRESSA.B., Northwestern University, 1959(Anthropology)NANCY CUSHW A ROMOSERA.B., University of Chicago, 1953(Political Science)DISSERTATION: The Position of the United StatesSupreme Court on the Immunities of ForeignVessels in PortRONALD A. SAMUELSONA.B., Roosevelt University, 1955(Political Science)DISSERTATION: Soviet Policy in the League of Na­tions RAYMOND R. SIPOWICZS.B., Marquette University, 1957(Human Development)DISSERTATION: Simple and Complex Stimulationin a Vigilance TaskSYLVIA SNOWISSA.B., College of the City of New York, 1960(Political Science)DISSERTATION: President and Congress: Roose­velt's First Hundred DaysALFRED D. STAMENTA.B., Hemline University, 1958(Economics)DONALD ELWOOD THOMAS, JR.A.B., University of Michigan, 1960(History)DISSERTATION: Richard Walter Darre and the Doc­trine of Blood and SoilELLEN THROA.B., Smith College, 1956(History)DISSERTATION: The United States and Free Navi­gation of the Mississippi, 1776-1783JUDITH V. TORNEYA.B., Stanford University, 1959(Human Development)WARREN PAUL WINIARSKIA.B., St. John's College, Annapolis, Maryland, 1952(Social Thought)JOHN MAcDONALD WISEA.B., Pasadena College, 1957(Sociology)DISSERTATION: A Comparison of Sources of Data asIndexes of Delinquent BehaviorIn the Divinity SchoolELIZABETH ANN BLISSA.B., Elmira College, 1958ROBERT H. KELLER, JR.A.B., College of Puget Sound, 1957D.B., University of Chicago, 1961 JOSEPH W. PICKLE, JR.A.B., Carleton College, 1957D.B., University of Chicago, 1961In the Graduate Library SchoolNATSUKO Y. FURUYAA.B., Rockford College, 1959MOHAMAD MAHER HAMADEHA.B., University of Damascus, Syria, 1955 ELIZABETH BARNETT LUNDYA.B., Rice Institute, 1956DISSERTATION: The Discussion of Darwin's Theoriesof Evolution in General American Magazines,1859-1900In the School of Social Service AdministrationCAROL GROSSMAN GOLLOBA.B., Bennington College, 1959II. THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF SCIENCEIn the Division of the Biological SciencesSTURE FREDRIK ANLIOTA.B., Antioch College, 1960(Botany)DISSERTATION: The Ecology and Flora 0/ GlenHelen, Antioch College, Yellow Springs, OhioCLAIRE M. BERGS.B., Cornell University, 1959(Botany)DISSERTATION: A Genetic Analysis 0/ Color Mu­tants in Aspergillus fumigatusLEONARD DECOURCY HINDSA.B., Harvard University, 1954S.B., Massachusetts Institute 0/ Technology, 1958(Biochemistry)DISSERTATION: The Metabolism 0/ Mucopolysac­charides in Frog Tadpole Cartilage SUSAN RUPP NANNEYS.B., University 0/ Chicago, 1959(Biophysics)DISSERTATION: Studies 0/ Reversible DNAsJOANA P. VALAITISS.B., Roosevelt University, 1956(Microbiology)DISSERTATION: Flocculation and HemagglutinationReactions 0/ Schistosoma mansoni, Schistosomajaponicum, and Schistosomatium douthitti An­tigens with Homologous and Heterologous Anti­serumsIn the Division of the Physical SciencesPAUL MICHAEL ANDERSONS.B., University 0/ Wisconsin, 1958(Chemistry)JOHN LINDSAY BARKER, JR.A.B., Johns Hopkins University, 1958( Chemistry)ANDREW BERETV ASS.B., University 0/ Chicago, 1960(Physics)DONALD ARTHUR CRANEA.B., Haver/ord College, 1957(Geography)DISSERTATION: Small Dam Replacement in South­Central MassachusettsJOHN LYMAN FANSELOWA.B., College 0/ Wooster, 1960(Physics)ROBERT GLOSSERS.B., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1959(Physics)ROBERT HALL GRAHAMA.B., Princeton University, 1959(Physics)BRET LOUIS HALPERNS.B., College 0/ the City 0/ New York, 1959(Chemistry) ABIODUN ADEBOWALE KAYODES.B., University 0/ Wisconsin, 1957(Geophysical Sciences)JOSEPH DAVID LAPOSAS.B., St. Louis University, 1960( Chemistry)DUK HI LEES.B., Ohio University, 1952( Chemistry)ROBERT ALLEN MOSSS.B., Brooklyn College, 1960(Chemistry)JAMES H. PHILLIPSS.B., Louisiana State University, 1955(Chemistry) .RICHARD CHARLES STENSTROMS.B., Beloit College, 1958(Geophysical Sciences)EUGENE ROBERT TERNESS.B., Loras College, 1951(Geophysical Sciences)GERALD FRANCIS WATSONS.B., Pennsylvania State University, 1959(Geophysical Sciences)CANDIDATES FOR PROFESSIONAL DEGREESI. IN THE GRADUATE SCHOOL OF BUSINESSFor the Degree of Master of Business Administration:ROBERTO ALCALDE ROSALINDA SUAREZ ATIENZADAVID E. ANDERSONS.B., Macalester College, 1960WALTER CHARLES ARZONETTIA.B., Denison University, 1960 S.B., University 0/ the Philippines, Quezon City,P.I., 1958THOMAS JOSEPH BARRETT, JR.S.B., University 0/ Detroit, 1960CHARLES EARL BECKERS.B., University 0/ Chicago, 1961 FRANK KAPPLES.B., University 0/ Illinois, 1929J. RICHARD BELVILLEB.E.E., Ohio State University, 1951 EUGENE M. KAY, JR.A.B., Brown University, 1960CHARLES ALEXANDER BENNETTA.B., Pomona College, 1960 ALAN ROY KESSELMANA.B., Brooklyn College, 1960WINFRIED KW AMI BIDDIERS.B., University 0/ Illinois, 1960 VERNON H. KRIDER, JR.A.B., Kalamazoo College, 1959H. MILES KUCKUKA.B., Northwestern University, 1957RICHARD ALLEN BOUDREAUSAMUEL P. BRAUD IIIRUSSELL T. BUMBALEKJOHN JOSEPH CONNOLLYA.B., University 0/ Notre Dame, 1955 *RICHARD ELLSWORTH KUSTS.B., Iowa State College, 1955RICHARD ALAN LIPSEYS.B., University 0/ Pennsylvania, 1952PATRICK JAMES MAcMAHON, JR.S.B., Loyola University, Chicago, Illinois, 1951ROBERT LEROY CONREYRICHARD FRANCIS COOKS.B., University 0/ Notre Dame, 1955 SERGIO PIZARRO MUNOZROBERT HERMAN OPPENHEIMERALFRED NYE PAGES.B., Macalester College, 1959RENE FELIX DAUTELA.B., Brown University, 1960JOHN ROBERT DEERINGS.B., Miami University, 1958 LEE PARSONSA.B., University 0/ Chicago, 1961JAMES RUSSELL DONNELLEYA.B., Dartmouth College, 1957 JEROME MARTIN PERELSONB.B.A., College 0/ the City 0/ New York, 1960LEO A. DORAISA.B., University 0/ Montreal, 1953B.Ph., ibid., 1954Lic.Ph., ibid., 1956 IRVIN WILLIAM QUESENBERRYA.B., Bellarmine College, 1960RICHARD CARL RAUPPS.B., University 0/ Notre Dame, 1959EMORY J. DOUGLASSA.B., Rice University, 1953S.B., ibid., 1954 EDWARD MITCHELL ROOBA.B., DePauw University, 1956DONVILLE SMITH FAIRCHILDS.B., Iowa State College, 1951 JOSEPH ROSSFRANK SAMMONSS.B.E.E., Illinois Institute 0/ Technology, 1949HERMAN MICHAEL FRIETSCHS.B.B.A., Rockhurst College, 1960GEORGE D. FTIKASJOEL F. GEMUNDERA.B., College 0/ the City 0/ New York, 1960 JAY DAVID SAM STAGB.E.S., Johns Hopkins University, 1960ROBERT J. SAVARDA.B., College 0/ the Holy Cross, 1960LOREN D. GILMORES.B.M.E., Purdue University, 1941 ROBERT P. SCHAEFERS.B., Northwestern University, 1957EUGENE RUDOLPH GRIFFITHS.B.E.E., Purdue University, 1951 MELBURN CARLISLE SPAULDINGS.B.E., University 0/ Michigan, 1951BERTEL W. HENRIKSONS.B., University oj Illinois, 1956 HANS W. STEINRICHARD ANTHONY VOGELCARL S. WISHA.B., Brandeis University, 1960* Degree awarded December 15, 1961.HUGH JARVISS.B.,'Iowa State University, 1959CHANDRA KANT JHAB.S.C., Patna University, Bihar, India, 1950S.M., Illinois Institute 0/ Technology, 1957II. UNDER THE DIVINITY SCHOOLF or the Joint Degree of Bachelor of Divinity:IN CO-OPERATION WITH THE CHICAGO THEOLOGICAL SEMINARYRICHARD DALE LEWISA.B., University of Wichita, 1957 W. CREIGHTON PEDEN IIIA.B., Davidson College, 1957A.M., University of Chicago, 1960III. IN THE LAW SCHOOLFor the Degree of Doctor of Law:THOMAS EDWARD FLANAGANS.B., Loyola University, Chicago, Illinois, 1958ROBERT ARTHUR JENSENA.B., Oberlin College, 1956JUSTIN MORRIS JOHNSONA.B., University of Chicago, 1954 HARRY DANIEL LEINENWEBERA.B., University of Notre Dame, 1959LOUIS LAWRENCE SELBYA.B., University of Chicago, 1959RALPH G. WROBLEYA.B., Yale University, 1957F or the Degree of Master of Comparative Law:HERBERT A. WEINACHTRejerendar, University of Freiburg, Germany, 1959CANDIDATES FOR THE DEGREE OFDOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHYI. IN THE DIVISION OF THE BIOLOGICAL SCIENCESROBERTA RANDALL COLLARDS.B., University of Texas, 1940(Human Development)DISSERTATION: A Study of Curiosity in InfantsROBERT HOWARD DEIBELS.M., University of Chicago, 1952(Microbiology)DISSERTATION: Utilization of Pyruvate as an EnergySource for Streptococcus faecalis PHILIP CRAIG HOFFMANNS.B., University of Chicago, 1957(Pharmacology)DISSERTATION: An Isotopic Study of the Influenceof Ouabain on Myocardial Nucleotide MetabolismKENNETH E. NICHOLSA.B., Valparaiso University, 1949S.M., University of Chicago, 1953(Botany)DISSERTATION: Action Spectra Studies of the For­mation and Photosynthetic Participation of Phy.cocyaniti in Wild- and Mutant-Type Cells of Cy.anidium caldariumII. IN THE DIVISION OF THE HUMANITIESALLAN KENYON WILDMANA.B., University of Michigan, 1950D.B., University of Chicago, 1956(History of Culture)CHO-YUN HSUA.M., National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan,1956(Oriental Languages and Civilizations)DISSERTATION: A Study of Social Mobility in An­cient China, 722-222 B.C.JAMES GEORGE TULIPA.B., University of Queensland, Australia, 1956(English Language and Literature)DISSERTATION: Richard III: A Study of the Eliza­bethan V illain-H ero DISSERTATION: The Proletarian Prometheans: TheYoung Social Democrats of Russia and the Work·ers' Movement, 1894-1901III. IN THE DIVISION OF THE PHYSICAL SCIENCESJOHN M. KIDD(Physics) ,MENDEL FRIEDMANS.B., University of Illinois, 1954S.M., University of Chicago, 1958( Chemistry)DISSERTATION: Oxidations and Reductions of Porephyrins and MetalloporphyrinsFRED H. GREENBERGA.B., Berea College, 1955S.M., University of Chicago, 1956(Chemistry)DISSERTATION: Some Reactions of Electronegatively1,2-Disubstituted CyclopropanesDONALD EDWARD IRISHS.B., University of Western Ontario, 1955S.M., McMaster University, 1956( Chemistry)DISSERTATION: Raman Spectral Studies of theElectrolytes Zinc Chloride and Potassium Bisul­fateTHELMA ISAACSA.B., New York University, 1948S.M., ibid., 1952(Geophysical Sciences)DISSERTATION: The Geochemistry of Nickel Car­bonates DISSERTATION: A Study of High-Energy GammaRays at the Top of the AtmospherePAUL EDGAR PHILLIPSONA.B., University of Chicago, 1953S.M., ibid., 1956(Physics)DISSERTATION: The Repulsive Interaction BetweenTwo Ground-State Helium AtomsJULIAN SESTINILaurea, University of Florence, Italy, 1954(Geophysical Sciences)DISSERTATION: Miocene Stratigraphy and Deposi­tional Environments, Red Sea Coast, SudanJOHN ELLIS TROTTERS.M., University of Chicago, 1953(Geography)DISSERTATION: State Park System in IllinoisIV. IN THE DIVISION OF THE SOCIAL SCIENCESAPARECIDA JOLY GOUVEIA(Sociology)JEROME STANTON ALLENDERA.B., University of Chicago, 1956A.B., ibid., 1958A.M., ibid., 1959(Education)DISSERTATION: The Effect of Conflict on LearningEfficiencyLATHROP VICKERY BEALEA.B., Randolph-Macon Woman's College, 1943A.M., University of Chicago, 1948(Sociology)DISSERT A TION: Religiousness and Integration intothe CommunityIRVEN DE VOREA.B., University of Texas, 1956A.M., University of Chicago, 1959(Anthropology )DISSERTATION: Social Behavior and Organization0/ Baboon TroopsPHILIP J. FOSTERS.B., London School of Economics, England, 1948(Education)DISSERTATION: The Transfer of Educational Insti­tutions: The Ghanaian Case StudyTHOMAS ADLER GOLDMANA.B., Harvard University, 1939A.M., George Washington University, 1952(Economics) .DISSERTATION: The Wool Trade of the UnitedKingdom: 1920-1938 DISSERTATION: Student Teachers in Brazil: A Studyof Young Women's Career ChoicesSHIRLEY J. HEINZEA.B., Wayne University, 1947A.M., Cornell University, 1954(Human Development)DISSERTATION: Job Adaptation and Creativity inIndustrial Research ScientistsMAHMUD SALIM JILLIANIA.B., Government College, Lahore, Pakistan, 1953A.M., ibid., 1955(Sociology)DISSERTATION: Resettlement Patterns of DisplacedPersons in PakistanGISELA MENDELS.B., Memphis State College, 1953A.M., Roosevelt University, 1955(Psychology)DISSERTATION: Choice of Play Objects as a Func­tion of Their Degree of NoveltyDONALD ALLEN MYERSA.B., University of Omaha, 1956A.M., University of Chicago, 1957(Education)DISSERTATION: Citizens' Advisory Committees andEducational Policy DevelopmentMARTIN ORANSA.B., University of Chicago, 1951A.M., ibid., 1954(Anthropology)DISSERTATION: A Tribe in Search of a Great Tradi­tion: The Rank Concession Syndrome Among theSantals of ChotanagpurCHARLES EDMUND SCHUTZA.M., University of Chicago, 1954(Political Science)DISSERTATION: The Development and Significanceof the Political Thought of Walter LippmannDONALD ALLEN STRICKLANDA.B., Reed College, 1956A.M., University of Chicago, 1957J.D., ibid., 1960(Political Science)DISSERTATION: Governmental Interaction with FourMarginal Political Groups ALMA F. TAEUBERA.B., Washington State College, 1954A.M., University of Chicago, 1960(Sociology)DISSERTATION: A Comparative Urban Analysis 0/Negro Residential SuccessionEDMUND S. WEHRLEPh.B., University of Notre Dame, 1952A.M., ibid., 1954(History)DISSERTATION: The Missionary Factor in Anglo­Chinese RelationsV. IN THE GRADUATE SCHOOL OF BUSINESSA. JAMES BONESSA.B., University of Wisconsin, 1949A.M., ibid., 1950M.B.A., Marquette University, 1958DISSERTATION: A Theory and Measurement ofStock-Option ValueVI. IN THE DIVINITY SCHOOLROBERT JAMES CLARKA.B., Elmhurst College, 1953D.B., University of Chicago, 1956A.M., ibid., 1961DISSERTATION: An Inquiry into the Criticisms 0/Metaphysics by Analytical Philosophers as TheyBear upon the Philosophy of Alfred North White­head and Charles Hartshorne-A Study in Philo­sophical TheologyCORNELIUS JOHN DYCKA.B., Bethel College, 1953A.M., University of Wichita, 1955D.B., University of Chicago, 1958DISSERTATION: Hans de Ries: Theologian andChurchman-A Study in Second-GenerationDutch AnabaptismGEORGE' PAUL GUTHRIEA.B., University of Chicago, 1950D.B., ibid., 1954DISSERTATION: Kant and Ritschl: A Study in theRelation between Philosophy and Theology DONALD R. SIMEA.B., Pepper dine College, 1951A.M., ibid., 1951D.B., Princeton University, 1954DISSERTATION: The Effect of Interpersonal Encoun­ter in Small Groups on Attitudes Relevant toFaith in GodWALTER S. STEPHENSA.B., William Jewell College, 1954D.B., Andover Newton Theological School, 1957A.M., University of Chicago, 1961DISSERTATION: Berdyaev's Doctrine of ManVII. IN TH_E SCHOOL OF SOCIAL SERVICE ADMINISTRATIONTHOMAS F. LEWINA.B., West Virginia University, 1937A.M., University of Chicago, 1942DISSERTATION: The Employment Experience ofMarried Women Social Caseworkers: A Studyof One Hundred Graduates of the New YorkSchool of Social Work, Columbia University JONA MICHAEL ROSENFELDA.B., Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel, 1954A.M., University of Chicago,,1956DISSERTATION: Non-Users and Users of PsychiatricHelp: Modes of Help-taking and Certain Out­patient ServiceALMA MATER Words byEDWIN H. LEWISben - i-sons.hon- or'er shall die.f':\.With a steady 'rliyth'1J£, like a ma'rch::>. :> >.she, Most wise of all that wis - est be,. faith that truth shall make men free,bat - tle-ment- ed towrs shall rise,COPYRIGHTTHE BENEDICTIONTHE RECESSIONALTe Deum(The congregation remains standing during the Recession) Jean LanglaisORGANISTEDWARD MONDELLO, University OrganistCARILLONNEURDANIEL ROBINS, University CariIIonneurMARSHALHAROLD HAYDONVICE-MARSHALGEOFFREY C. M. PLAMPINASSIST ANT MARSHALSROBERT LOVETT ASHENHURST GEORGE JOSEPH METCALFLEON CARNOVSKY JAMES MAXWELL RATCLIFFEJOSEPH CEITHAML HERMAN GLENN RICHEYDANIEL J. HARRIS EDWARD W. ROSENHEIM, JR.ROBERT J. HASTERLIKWILLIAM T. KABISCHGWIN J. KOLB WILBERT HERBERT URRYWILLIAM NATHANIEL WEAVERALANNE BAERSONBRENDA BECKKARL. J. BEMESDERFERALAN. S. BERGERGERALD J. CHODILROSALIND CONKLINGENE DESOMBRENANCY COX DE SOMBREAARON DOUGLASKENNETH R. DRIESSELJAY FLOCKSJUDITH FROST STUDENT AIDESHELEN GILLELIZABETH GUICEJAMES HILGENDORFMARTHA KINGSBURYMARVIN LIPSONKAREN MARTINNATHALIE OSTROOT"SANDRA SCIACCHITANOSHELDON STOLOWICHFRANCES TAFTJUDITH VERTREESPreceding the Convocation, the University Carillonneur will play Suites No. 2 and 3 by HenkBadings.The swinging peal, composed of five of the larger bells of the carillon, including the eighteen­and-one-half-ton bourdon, is sounded at the end of the Convocation.( A PARTIAL LIST OF GRADUATES, MARCH 1962, EXCLUSIVEOF THOSE RECEIVING B.A., B.S., M.B.A., AND LAW DEGREESThe symbol "wi o" means wi.thout, thesis.Albertorio, Dynia ( w/a.Allender, Jerome Stanton .- (Education) Ph.D.The effect of conflict on learning efficiency. LB3999Anderson, Paul Michael (Chemistr'J) wloAnliot, Sture Fredrik (Botany) S.M.The ecology a�d flora of Glen Helen, Antioch College, YellowSprings, Ohio. QK999.Bailey, Charles Randall (History) A.M.Lafayette and Republic��ism, 1814-1823. DC999.Barker, John Lindsay, Jr. (Chemistry) S.M. wloBeale, Lathrop VickeFJ (Sociology) Ph.D.Religiousness and integration into the community. IDJ999Bean, Richard Warren (Romance Languages) A.M.Paper: Lope de Vegas El Marido mas firme.Beretvas, Andrew (Physics) S.M.. wloBerg, Claire M. (Botany) S.M.A genetic analysis of color mutants in Aspergillus fumigatus.Bernst ein, Jean C. (Economics) A.M.Paper: Upward communication in Local 100.Bienen, Henry Samuel (Political Science) A.M:.Proletarian internationalism: the of a doctrine in termsof political relationships. JC999.Biro, Emer-y John (Social Sci.ences) A.M.Paper: The Negro and the Catholic Church in Chicago.Bliss, Elizabeth Ann (Divinity) A.M. wloBoness, Arthur James (Grad. Sch. of Busll1ess) Ph.D.A theory and measurement of stock-option value. HG9999.Canary, Rob ert H. (Hist. of Culture) A.M. wloClark, Robert James (Divinity) Ph.D.An inquiry into the criticisms of metaphysics by analyticalphilosophers as they bear upon the .ph i.Lo sophy of Alfred NorthWhitehead and Charles Hartshorne: a study in philosophicaltheology. BL9999.Collard, Roberta Randall (Comru. on Human Dev.) Ph.D.A study of curiosity in infants. BF1999.Collins, Kins Robert (History) A.M.The Reichstag Peace Resolution of July, 1917. DD999.Crane, Donald Arthur (Geography) S.M.Small dam replacement in south-central Massachusetts. GB9999. (Ge)Deibel, Robert Howar-d (Microbiology) Ph.D.Utilization of pyruvate as an energy source for streptococcusfaecalis. ��999.DeVore, Irven Boyd (Anthropology) Ph.D.Social behavior and organization of baboon troops. GN999Dragstedt, Albert (Classics) A.M.Paper: The Divided Line in Plato! s Republic.Pyck, Cornelius John (Divinity) Ph.D.Hans de Ries: theologian and churchman; a study in. secondgeneration Dutch Anabaptism. BXl0999(Physics) S.M.. w/oFanselow, John LymanFechter, Alan Edward (Economics) A.M.Paper: Analysis of the Labor Market for elementary school teachers.Foster, Philip John (bducation) Ph.D.The transfer of educational institutions: the Ghanaian case stuqy.LA3999.Friedman, Mendel ( Chemistry) Ph.D.Oxidations B.!."1d reductions of porphyrins and metalloporphyrins.Q,Dl099'.5(Grad. Lib. Sch.)Furuya, Nat suko Y.Paper: A.M.(Social Thought) A.M. w/oGiner, SalvadorGisser, Micha (Economics) A.M.Paper: Education in the agricultural labor force.(Physics) S.M. w/oGlosser, RobertGoldman, Thomas Adler (Economics) Ph.D •.The wool trade of the United Kingdom: 1920-1938. HD10000.Gollob, Carol Grossman (S.S.A.) A.M. wloGouveia, Aparecida Joly (Sociology) Ph.D.Student teachers in Brazil: A study of , young women's careerchoices. HN999.Graham, Robert Hall (Physics) S.M.. wloGreenberg, Fred H. (ChemistFf) Ph.D.Some reactions of electronegatively 1, 2-disubstituted cyclopropanes.QDl099.5.Guthrie, George Paul (Divinity) Ph.D.Kant and Ritschl: a st udy in the relation between philosophy andtheology. BXl0999.Halpern, Bret Louis ( ry) S.M. wlocHamadeh, Mohamad MaherPaper: (Grad. Lib. Sch.) A.M.Heinze, Shirley Jean (Comm. on Human Dev.) Ph.D.Job adaption and creativity in industrial research scientists.BF1999 (Ed)Hinds, Leonard deCourcy (Biochemistry) S.M.The metabolism of mucopolysaccharides in frog tadpole cartilage.QJ!999.Hiremath, Neelalcanthayya R (Education) A.M.Relation of teachers! grades to environment: a Long'it.udtrial,st udy , LC6999.Hoffmann, Philip Craig (Pharmacology) Ph.D.An isotopic study of the Difluence of ouabain on,nucleotide metabolusm. RM999.Ho�per, John Edward (History) A.M.The coming of the third term: Fr-ankl.In D. Roosevelt and the 1940Democratic presidential nomination. F9999.Hsu, Cho-�� (Oriental lm�g. & Civ.) Ph.D.A stuqy of social mobility in �1cient China; 722-222 B.C.HT1999 Or.Irish, Donald Edward (Chemistry) Ph.D.Raman spectral studies of the electrol��es zinc chloride andpotassium bisulfate. QDl099.5Isaacs, Thelma (Geophysical sciences) Ph.D.The geochemistry of nickel carbonates. QE999.Jillani, Mahmud Salmi (Sociology) Ph.D.The resettlement patterns of displaced persons in Pakistan.HB3999.4-March '62Kang, Wi Jo (History) A.M.Horace Newton Allen's contribution to Korea, 1884-1905.DS999Kayode, Abriodun Aberdowale (Geophysics) S.M. w/o.Keller, Robert H., Jr. (Divinity) A.M. w/o.Kessler, Lawrence Devlin (History) A.M.The maritime laws and their effect on Sino-Western relationsduring the early Ch'ing period, 1656-1684. DS999.Kidd, John Martin (Physics)'- Ph.D.A study of high energy gamma rays at the top of the atmosphere.QCI099.Knopf, Norton B (Psychology) A.M.(J A study of heart and respiration rat es during dreaming. BF1999.Laposa, Joseph David (Chemistry) S.M.w/o. w/o.L�e, Duk Hi (Chemistry) S.M.l.eshni1<:, Lorenz S. (Anthropology) A.M.Paper: A late Chalcolithic culture of central India and theDeccan.Le-win, Thomas F (Sch. of Soc. Serve Adm.) Ph.D.The employment experience of married women social caseworker: astudy of one hundred gractuat es of the New York School ofSocial Work, Columbia University. HV9999.Lhee, Yung'Myung (Pol. Sc.) A.M.The policies of Rhee Syngman and the United States (1945-1950): an analysis of the outbreak of the Korean War.DS999.Longacre, William Atlas ,II (Anthropology) A.M.Paper: A �ynthesis of Upper Little Colorado prehistory,Eastern Arizona.Lundy, Elizabeth Barnett (Graduate Library School) A.M.The discussion of Darwin's theories of evolution in generalAmerican magazines, 1859-1900. Zl0999.McVicker, Donald E. (Anthropology) A.M.Paper: Los: Zapotecos: natural systems in dynamic equilibrium.Yanaster, Ruth Jean (Human Development) A.M.Paper: The relationship between timing of early life events andp�chological well-being in later life.Marquez-Rivera, Ricardo (Soc. Sci.)Paper: Brotherhood and_ democracy:Puerto Rico. A.M.The case of Castenar,Masse, Jacqueline Cloutier (Sociology) A.M.Social relations and cultural differences; student friendshipsin an International House. HN999Mears, John Ashley (Histor.y) A.M.Relations between Austria and Brandenburg during the NorthernWar (1655-1660). DBI099.Mendel, Gisela (P��chology) Ph.D.Choice of play objects as a function of their degree of novelty.BF1999.Moss, Robert Allen (Chemistry) S.M. w/o.Myers, Donald Allen (Education) Ph.D.Citizens advisoFff committees and educational policy development.LC6999. .Nanney, Susan Rupp (Committee on Biophysics) S.M.Studies of reversible V�As. QB999.Nichols, Kenneth Elsworth (Botany) Ph.D.Action spectra studies of the formation and photosyntheticparticipation of phycocyanin in ��ld- �nd mutant-type cellsof Cyanidium caldarium. QK999.Nicgorski, 'Walter John (Political Science) A.M.Roscoe Pound's early writings and the problem of natural lawin contemporar.y jurisprudence. JF3999.Orans, Martin (Anthropology) Ph.D.A tribe in search of a great tradition: the rank concessionsyndrome among the Santals of Ohot.anagpur-. HN999.Phillips, J(�es H. (Chemistr.y ) S.M. w/o.Phillipson, Paul Edgar (Physics) Ph.D.The repulsive interaction between two ground-state helium atoms.Pickle, Joseph W., Jr. (Divinity) A.M. w/o.Press, IrwinPaper: (Anthropology) A.M.Universalistic influence and ritual kinship.Romoser, Nancy Cushwa (Political Science) A.M.The position of the United States Supreme Court on the Damunitiesof foreign vessels in port. JK9999.Rosenf.eld, Jona Michael (Sch. of Soc. Servo Adm.) Ph.D.Non-users and users of psychiatric help; modes of help-takingand certain characteristics of non-continuers and continers ct�in psychiatric outpatient service. HV9999.Samuelson, Ronald Arthur (Political Science) A.M.Soviet policy in the League of Nations. JX9999.Schutz, Charles Edmund (Political Scince) Ph.D.The development and significance of the political thought ofWalt er Lippmann. F9999.Sestini, Julian (Geophysical Sciences) Ph.D.MillOcene stratigraphy and depositional environments: Red SeaCoast, Sudan. QE999.Sime, Donald R (Divinity) Ph.D.The effect of interpersonal encounter in small groups onattitudes relevant to faith in God. BT9999.Sipo��cz, Raymond R (Committee on Human Development)Simple and complex stimulation in a vigilance task. A.M.BR1999 (ed)Sno�Qss, Sylvia (Political Science) A.M.Roosevelt and Congress: the first hundred days. F9999.stament, Alfred D. (Economi cs) A.J..Jl.Stenstrom, Richard Charles (Geophysics) S.M. w/o.stephens, Walter S (Divinity) Ph.D.Berdyaev's doctrine of man. B4237.B5Z7SS.Stratton, Melville Juliand (Philosophy) A.M.. w/o.Strickland, Donald Allen (Political Science) Ph.D.Governmental interaction with four marginal political groups.JF3999.Ir aeuber, Alma F. (Sociology) Ph.D.A comparative urban analysis of Negro residential succession.F9999.Ternes, Rugene Robert (Geophysics)· S.M. w/o.Thomas, Donald Elwood (History) A.M.Hichard Walther Darre�and the doctrine of Dlood and soil. DD999Thro, Ellen (History)· A.M.The United States ru1d free navigation of the Mississippi: 1776-1783. F9999.Torney, Judith V.' (Human Development) A.M.Paper: The child's idealization of authority.Trotter, John 111is (Geogra�hw) Ph.D.State Park system in Illinois.7-March 1962Tulip, James George (�glish Language and Literature) Ph.D.Richard III: a study of the Eliza9ethan villain-hero.PR2821.T92Valaitis, Joana P (Microbiology) S.M.Flocculation and hemagglutination reactions of Schistosomamansoni, Schistosoma japonicum, and Schistosomatium douthittiantigens �ith homologous and hetero�ogous antiserums.QR999.Watson, Gerald Francis (Geophysics) S.M. w/o.Wehrle, Edmund S. (, ory) Ph. D.The missionar� factor in Anglo-Chinese relations: 1891-1900.DA999.V�i1dman, A11&� Kenyon (Committee on the of Culture) Ph.D.The proletarian prometheans: the Young Social Democrats ofRussia and the Viorkers' Movement, 1894-1901. JN9999.Winiarski, V1arren Paul (Social Thought) A.M.P a er: Machiavelli I s Mandragola.Wise, John MacDonald (Sociology) A.M.A comparison of sources of data as indexes of delinquent behavior.HV9999.