THE UNiVERSiTY 0 IF CHiCAGOFOUNDED BY JOHN D. ROCKEFELLERTheTwo Hundred Eighty-ninthCONVOCATiONTheSUMMERSeptember SecondA.D. Nineteen Hundred SixtyROCKEFELLER MEMORIAL CHAPELi.rsr OF GRADUATES FOR TH1 AUGUST 19_?O CONVOCATIONAbott, Max Gardner (Education) Ph.DValues and value-perceptions of school superintendents and board members.LB3999Ablin, Richard Samiel (Economics) Ph. D.Misallocation of electric power in the Pacific Northwest HC999Ahlstrand, Edward Arthur (Business) M.B.A. W/OAndrews, Charles Frederick (Chemistr.y) S.M. W/OArasteh, Josephine D. (Comm� on Hmn. Dev.) Ph. D.Iranian family life in a changing society. HQ999Arnold, Allen J. (Bus) M.B.A. W/OBailie, George E. (Bus. ) wloBW{er, Raymond K. (Phil.) �.M.Paper: Fanaticism.Barber, Frank H., Jr. (Bus) M.B.A. w/oriathje, Arthur George (Educ) A.M.Paper: Guidance programs for Lutheran elementar,y schools.Bauer, Frederick (Eng. ) A.M. �·.;I 0Beeler, Duane T. (Soc. Sc.) A.M. wloPaper: The Railroad switchman.Belair, M. John (Educ) A.M.Paper: The Development of discussion leaders in adult education.Bell, Joseph Fouts (Bus) M.B.A. wloBell, Sandra L. (Botany) Ph.D.Interspecific hybrids involving spedies with sessile flowers in thegenus Collinsea. �999Bell, William David (Botony) Ph.D.studies on the uptake and translocation of iron by the yellow-stripemaize mutant (�i) �999Bellairs, John ... Anthony (Eng) A.M. h/OBergman, Barr,y Dale (Bus.) M.B.A. wloBerkson, Earl Robert (Math.) Ph .. D.I. Generalized diagonable operators.of a Banach space. II. Some metrics on the subspacesQA999.,." _ � .,Berthold, Oscar Arne (Bus) M.B.A. wloBickel, Robert C. (Bus) M.B .A. wlo:Bigelow, David Skinner (Bus.) M.b.A. wloBlackwell, Ashby Carlyle (Chern.)Acid strength of malonic esters. Ph.D.(,tDl099.5Blatt, Eva .F'ishwell (Psychology) Ph.D.The Relationship bet ween the severity of disease and the ext ent ofpsychopathology in psychosomatic illness. B_ll'1999Bloyd, Paul Griffiths (Soc. Sc.) A.M.Paper: Billy �raham, evangelicalism and social action.Blum, 1ve S. (Ens. ) wloA.M.Boatright, Barbara E. (Educ , ) A. Lv1.Paper: Volunta.ry financial assistance by industry to local publicschools.Bokota, stanislaw (Bus. ) wloM. B. A.Bone, Louis Woolford (Educ.) Ph.D.Secondary education in the Guianas. LA3999Branche, Selma Dolores (Educ) A. M.Paper: An explorato� study of the family environment: its compositi�dynamics, motivational climate, and parental atitudes of culturallydeprived or isolated children.Brandt, John C., Jr. (Astron.) Ph.D)Effects of solar radiation upon the upper atmosphere and the inter-planetary gas. Q B I O�9 (r'�)Bredenieck, Virginia (Art) M.F.A.Paper: A Survey of children's book illustration.Brightman, Vernon John Francis (Microbiology) Ph.D.The Metabolism of itaconic and mesaconic acids. �P999Brois, stanley James. (Chern) Ph.D.Synthetic and kinetic studies on aziridines. '-tDl099Brown, Alexander Frew (Educ.) A.M.Paper: An analysis of the organization and adminast.r-at.Lon of adult.evening school�.Br-own , Martha Ardelle (Bus) wlo1/1.H.A.Brunhar-t , Barbara A. (Educ.) A.M.Paper: Job satisfaction and the intelligence v�riable.· Crimmel, Henry Hays. (Philosophy) Ph.D.Verbalism and Nihilism. B4999Bumcrot, Hobert Judson (Mathematicsa S.M. wjoBurdick, Joan Rose. (Education� A.M.?a_,p-€.r! A Study of �rouping of Above Average Children in a Thirdand Fourth Frade ClassroomBUS1�Jell, Robert J!,. (Business) M.B.A. W'lOButler, Vl,iilliam S. (Business) M.B.j�. V':?OByerwalter, Robert J. (Business) ME.A. w10Callaway, Samuel Hodger, (Business) M.B. A. Vv/OCampbell" James li.dcoll, (llJJicrobiology) Ph.DAberrant Metabolic Mechanisms in Micrococcus Sodonensis.1. The Nature and Production of an Ext.r-ace.l.Lu.Lar' slimeMat erial. II. The Effect of Armonia on Growth Processes. �R999Capusan, Rosemary. (Business) M.B. A. w/oBaspary, 'William R. (Physics) S.M. VI/OCheek, King V. (bconomics) A.M.p�: A TheIDveticB.l Analysis of the Use of Fiscal Tools to M.itigageEffects of Declines in Business Activity.Church, Martha. Eleanor. (Geography) Ph. D.The Spatial Or-gan.i.zat Lon of .lHectric Power Territories inMassachusetts.Clarke, Howard Dotson. (Business) M.B.A. v�/ojOl.ewl.ow Robert Harry. (Business) M.B. 1\ .. wjoCohler, Joyce Arlene. (Education) A.M.r�� � A Proposal for Change in the Pr-esent, Met.hen of Reporting toParents of Lhilaren in the Primary Grades.Colon, Jose Angel. (Meteorology) Ph.D.On the Heat Balance of the Troposphere and Y'!ater-body of theCa.ribbean Sea. I.,lCI099Connelly, James P. (Business) M.B.A. V':/�Cooper, Rene Victor. (Business) M.B.A. �/oCopple, Laura Opal. (Education) Ph.D.A Model for .Decision-making in Nursing Administra.tion. RT999Cowan, Denis. (Music) Ph.D.Mor-pho.Logy and Va.lue in Music. ML3999EEbisuzaki, Ruby. (Physics) S .M. «/o,Ehrlich, David. (Mathematies) S.M. VvjO.Elliekson, Bruce Edward. (Business) M.B.A. w/o.Elstein, Arthur Shirle, (Corrmittee on Human Development) Ph.D.Behavioral Correlates of the Eohr schach Shading Response. BF1999Fagin, Donald Ralph. (Committee on Human Development) A.M.Interaction Among Psychiatric Patients as Affected by StaffLeadership Roles. HN999Fern, Alan Maxwell. (Art) Ph.D.The V'Jood-engravings of Lucien Pissarro with a CatalogueRaisonee. NE 3t:t<f1Fetty, Randall L. (Business) M.B.A. w/olCurtis, J. Harvey. (Business) M.B. A. liv/olDalton, Charles Guy. (Business) M.B.A. Vt/OIDaube, Daniel Campbell. (Business) M.B.1\. TA/O.Davidson, Harold Vi.A. (Businiss) M.B.A. v�1o.Deirol, �enneth John. (Education) A.M.p� � I,nden�ific�tior: ?f Affecti v€ Meanings as a Cause of Specialopellmg Dlsablllgy.Dewey, Donald Odell. (History) Ph.D.The Sage of Montpelier: James Madison I s Constitutional andPolitical Thought, 1817-1836. F9999.Diassi, Frank Peter. (Business) M.B.A. WiG.Downie, Currie S. (Business) M.B.A. W.O.Do�ning, Richard E. (Business) M.B.A. W/ODunn, William Brothers, (Corrunittee on International Relations) Ph.DAmerican Policy and Vietnamese Nationalism: 1950-1954. DS999Enos, Matthe'w. (History) A.M.Robespierre and the Idea of Virtue. DC999Erickson, Donald Arthur. (Education)! Non-Public Elementary and Secondary Schools and Compulsory�llXX Sta.te Controls.Evans, Edward Thompson. (Business) M.B.A. V�/OF' , Herbert John. (Chemistry) S.��. w/o.Fieker, Virgil 1dward. (Business) M.B.A. w/o,Fischer, Dean Edward. (History) A.M. �/O.Fitch, Frank Wesley, (Patholog.y) Ph.D.Immunohistochemica.l Study of Ehrlich Ascites Tumor. �R999Forslev, Albert Y�illiam. (Geology) Ph.D.The Composition and Origin of the Valparaiso Till in NortheasternIllinois, QE999Foster, Elizabeth Hayes. (Economics) A.M.p�� Licensing of Registered Nurses.Frank, �oseph. (Committee on Social Thought) Ph.D.Dostoevsky and Russian Nihilism: a Context for Notes fromUndergr-oung , PG.3526 .rsFrigan, Frank. (Microbialogy) S ..M.Noninductive Metabolism of Itaconic Acid by Microorganisms. QR999Frobom, Leo. (Business) M .• B. A. w/o.Fukuyama, Yoshio. (Divinity) Ph.D.The Major Dimensions of Church Membership: a SociologicalInterpretation of Church Membership. Bx 10999Gagaoudaki, Irini. (Social Service) A.M. 'W/o.George, Anne Barbar-a, (Education) A.M.�;The Memorization of Numbers Under Distracting Conditions: AStudy of Sex Differences Among Adolescents.Gestrin, Phyllis Joy. (Mathematics) S.M. "l/o.Ghent, Arthur Warren. (Zoology) Ph.D.Experimental Studies of the Responses of fvm Spec ofTribolium to Fresh and Conditioned Flours. '-tL999Glatzer, Bernice. (History) A.M. wjo.Glazer, Esta 1. (Icomance Lang.) A.M.Po..p.u-- ; Amphit ryan.Goodes, Melvil R.ussell. (Business) M.B.A. vv/o.Gorcaynski, Wanda Helen. (Classical Lang.) A.M.Pt\fl.('! The Homeric Background of the Similis of Virgil's Aeneid.Goss, Frederick L. (Business) M.B.A. w/o.6-August 1960Gottlieb, David (Soc.) Ph. D.Processes of socialization in the American graduate school. HN999Gross, Beverly Adrienne (�g.) A.M. wloGruber, Don Jacques (Anth.) A. M.Paper: Gross cousin marriage and elements of Shoshoni bilateralsocial structure.Grumman, Blair Perkins (Educ.) A. M.Paper: A study of a.lternative methods of teaching toward specificobjectives at the fourth grade level.Guruswamy, P Robert (Div.) A. M._ Christian ethics and industrializ,ation. BR9999Halm, John V\'., Jr. (Bus.) M.B.A. wloHamelink, Ronald Clare (Math.) S. M. wloHamilton, Herbert (Soc.) A. M.An investigation of a.dvertising and inter-personal sources of influencerelating to housewives' ever,yday marketing changes. HN�99Harper, Gordon Lloyd (Di v • ) A. M. wi 0Harpling, Gerald A. (Bus.) M.B.A. wloHarris, Robert. Arthu�n (��em).�_�� �,� � /1Hart, Joseph A. (Bus.) M.B.A. Ph. D. 'I I' v �Q1) oq q .«:wlo .Harth, Sydney Jacobs (Engl.) Ph. D.Convention and crea.tion in the poetry of Robert Henryson: a studyof The testament of Cresseid, and Orpheus and Eurydice. PR1990.H4Z8H3Harvey, Ronald Gilb ert ( Chern. ) Ph. D.Some reactions of organophosphorus compounds. �Dl099.5Ha.rvey, Robert Tower (Bus.) M.B.A. wloHawkins, Charles Haine (Soc.) Ph. D.Interaction and coalition realigrunents in consensus-seeking groups:a stuqy of experimental jury deliberations. JF3999Haygood, Austin N. (Grad. hd.) M.A.T. wloHedlin, Jack P. (Bus.) M.B .A. wloHemzy, Edwin J. (Bus.) M.B.A. wloHenry, Laurin L. (Pol. Sc.) Ph. D.fresidential transitions.Henson, Corvin Edward (History) A.M.Crusade in 1940: the foreign policy of Wendell Willkie in thepresidential campaign. F9999Henson, Janice Ma.rion (Gen. Stud.) A. M.Paper: Sha.w, the Wagnerite.Hermsmeier, Kenneth Rob ert (Grad. Ed.) M • .A • T • wi 0Heyden, Donald Hubert (Bus.) M. B. A. wjpHigdon, Paul B. (Bus.) M.B.A. wioHollingworth, Harry (Bus.) M.B.A. wloHoltman, Ruth Grand. (Rom. Lang.) A.M.Paper: Iphigenie en Aulide de Jean Racine.Horn, Carl Erik (Pol. Sc.) A.M.The Flet cher-Steagall bill. JK9999Hungerford, Thomas William (Math.) S.M. wloIppel, Gerald L. (Bus , ) M.B.A. wlo-Jef't anovd c , Pedro (Econ.) A.M.Paper: Overhaul of the U. S. tax syst em: and the current recession.Jensen, Carl F. (Bus.) M.B.A. wloJenson, John Edward (Bus.) M.B.A. wloJernberg, Ann Marsha.k (Committee on Human Development) Ph. D.A study of the between the perceptual behavior of thepre-school child and the perceptual behavior of his parents. H�9999Jervis, Wayne, Jr. (Bus.) M. B. A. wloJohannes, Barbara Mona (Eng.) A. M. wloJohns, David Hoogland (Committee on International Relations) A.M.The eighteenth century British mercantilists and war: their view-point towards the effect of war upon trade and navigation, colonializationand domestic polic�r. HB3999.Johnson, Halvard B. ()i;ng.) A.M. wloJohnson, Grace E. (Bus.) M.B.A. wloJones, Mary Frances (Educ.) A.M.Paper: Increa.sing pupil interest in the activities of the social stuciies.Kadin, Maurice, (Pharm) S.M.Stuciies on the effects of cor al.ox on the eye and other tissuesand clinical invest.igation 0 its use in glaucoma. RM999Kataoka, Tet suya (Pol. Sc.) A.M..A re-examination of SEATO in the changing cold war environment. DS999Katakis, Demetrius (Chern.) Ph. D.Some reactions of atomic oxygen. �Dl099Kato, Yuzuru (Geog.) A.M. wioKeelan, Mary Ann (Eng.) A.M. wloKelleher, Claire (Art) A.M.Paper: Lectiona� of ClunyKenyon, James Byron (Geog.) Ph. D.Industrial localization and metropolitan growth: The Paterson-Passaicdistrict.Kern, Gilbert Hichard (Div.) A.M. wloKernan, W.illiam John , Jr. (�hysics)� Ph. D. q, G i .cC'�qL�'i(._ ·-�v� �-L�_b::.-4 oQ� �6�� �� 1/ \SO M�.King, Benjamin Francis, Jr. (Bus.) M.B.A. wloKlawansky, Sidney (physics) S.M. wloKlich, Roger H. (Bus.) M.B. A. wloKlink, Richard Karl (Bus.) M.B.A. wloKobrak, Marie de Vroet (Econ.) A.M.Paper: Television set expenditures and ownership.Kolton, Emanuel Lawrence (BioI. Sc.) S.M.The epidemiology af staphylococcal food poisoning.Kornblau, Seymour (Bus.) M.B.A. wloKovitch, Joseph Paul (Bus.) M.B .A. wloKraines, Ruth J. (Hum. Dev.) A.M.Paper: Improving motivation of high school students for college.Krek, Miroslav (Urad. Lib.) A.M. wloKrog, Carl �dward (History) A.M. wloKroner, AlbeIt, M. (Bus.) M.B.A. wiG>Krueger, Joan A. (Soc. Sc.) A.M.Paper: A study of hospital discriminato�T practices.Ladd, Norman Elmer (Grad. Ed.) M.A.T. wlo• I., of ..,4: • f e. (_ ,9-August 1960Lamson, Rbbelt Warren (Soc.) Ph. D.Scientists and congressmen. HN999Landis, George H. (Bus.) M.B.A. w/oLandry, La�Tence Aloysius (Soc.) A.M.Conta.ct of the husbands and "ives with their respective parents in themiddle years of marriages: a study of kinship relations. H�9999Lauenstein, Milton C., Jr. (Bus.) M.B.A. wloLawrence, Kenneth (Rom. Lang.) A.M.Paper: Andrornaque et la Folle �uer€tte.Leatherman, Daniel R. (Pol. Sc.) A.M..The political socialization of students in the Mennonite secondaryschools. JF3999Lecture, Barbara Jeanne (l!hg.) A.M. wloLewalski, Kenneth Francis (History) PH. D.The Dolitical ideas and activities of Adam Mickie��cz, 1817-1855.PG7158•M62,8L6Lewan, Marjorie J.. (Educ.) A.M.Paper: 'I'he St. Lawrence Seaway: a resource unit for intermediate grades.Lindhorn, Robert Cregier (Grad. Ed.) M.A.T. wloLipham, James Maurice (Educ.) Ph. D.Personal variables related to administrative effectiveness. 183999.Lipschut z , Michael Elazar (Chern.) S.M. wi 0Lonergan, �allace G. (Bus.) Ph. D.Leadership and morale: a study of the relationship between consistencyof multiple leadership practices and morale in industry. HDIOOOO.Loxt erman , Alan Searing (Engl) A.M. w/oLuders, Rolf J. (Bus.) M.B.A. w/oLudowieg, Julio Jose (Biochem.) Ph. D.Mechanism of the enzymic depolymerization of hyaluronic acid. �P999.Lust, Jean Marianne (Class. Lang.) A.M.Paper: The position of the verb in Petronius' Cena TrimalchionisLyon, Bayard W. (Bus.) M.B.A. w/, John JO. (Class. Lang.) A.M..Paper-s The comparisons of Chris_1.ias of Hieronymus ViaaMc1lroy, Robert Kenneth (Bus.) M.B.A. wlo/tJ,McGee, Thomas Francis. (Psychology) Ph.D.Changes in inter-personal fantasy functioning associatedwith two therapeutic techniques. BF1999.McHarg, Hames Russess II. (Business) M.B.A. w/o.Magnuson, Donaad Vincent. (Business) M.B.A. v�1oMandic, Vukosava. (Divinity) vv/oMartindale, Kenneth Willard. (Cemm, on lnt. ReI.) A.M..Contra-cyclical restraint of private bank credit in Norwayby cent.ra.l bank instruction, 1955-58.Marvin, Murray Joseph. (Business) M.B.A. w/oMatherlee, Thomas R. (Business) w/oMaynard, Eldon Glen Dennis. (Busa.neas) w/oMeigs, Alexander James. (Economics) Ph.D.Free reserves and the money supply. HG999Meschel, George. (Education) A.M.Paper: A Study on the Effects of Social Values upon Perceptua.lBehavior of Children.Mihaljan, John Manuel. ( Ph.D.A rigorous exposition of the Boussinesq approximations in thehydrodynamical equations. �C1099.Miller, Alverissa Faupel. (Education) A.M.Paper: Parental Expectations in School Reporting and Marking PracticesMdller, Urban Butler. (Business) M.B.A. w/oMinos, Raymond. (History) A.M. w/ollIdtchell, Gareth Heefner. (Business) W.O.Montgomery, Maurice Jq_rrell. (Divinity) A.M. wjoMoses, Joseph. (English) A.M. W.O.Moutsos, Demetrius Georges. (Ling.) A.M.Paper: Stratification of the Modern Greek Lexicon.Mularz, Stanley L. (Business) M.B.A. W.OMulligan, John J. (Business) M.B .A. w/�Musteikis, Grc.zina Marija. (Microbiology) ;) .M.Studies on the mouse protection test using cell wall and Lnt.r-ace.l Lul er-ant.Lgen s of :Vibrio ssrot:;"�JS5. (J£.999Nelson, James Rl char-d, (Art) M.g .A. Paper: Sl.1�.f"jC€ T\:;:d-,ureNewman, �erald Sherman. (Soc.) A.M.Paper: Rehousing Residents Displaced from Public HousingClearance Sites In Chicago.Nishiyama, Chiaki. (Comm. on Soc. Thought) Ph.D.The theo� of self-love: an essay in the methodology of thesocial sCiences, and especially or economics with special referenceto Bernard Mandeville. H199Norris, Spaulding. (Business) M.B. A. v�/o.Norton, Theodore Madsen. (Pol. Science) Ph.D.TrM-ight to leave the United States. 1960. JV9999Notheisen, Margaret. a. (G.L.S.) A.M.A study of th4 use of serials at the John Crerar Libra�.Nunez, Raul. (Business) M.B .A. W/ONyblade, Orville �)esley. (Educat.Lon] A.M.Paper: The Role of Voluntqry Agencies in Public�an�ika •osau, Audrey. (G.L.S.) A.M.A comparison of the problems of characters in teenage fictionwi.t.h the at at ed concerns of adolescent s , 210999Odell, Celia Earle. (Biol.Sc.) S.M.The r r-ob ab.Le Role of the Thymus Gland in Mammals.Oesterreich, Roger Edward. (Pey cho Logy+ Ph.D.The role of higher neural auditory centers in the discriminationof differential sound intensities. BF1999.O'Neil, Donald Patrick. (Business) M.B.A. �/oOlson, rd chard DeForrest. (G.L.S.) A.M.The staff association in the academic libra�. Zl�999Ostrow, Efrem Herbert. (Mathematics) Ph.D.A theory of generc..lized Hilbert 'I'r-ansf'orma, �999Owings, -Walter, Dennis (Business) M.B.A. wloPalmer, Walt er G. (Business) M.B. A. wloParker, Donald R. (Business) M.B.A. wloPatrick, Theodore Hall. (Div.) A.M. �/OPatas, Hames E. (Business) M.B.A. wloPat savas , Con Christopher. (Soc • .)-;.) .L�LPaper: Some Social Political Aspects of Modern Turkey.Rule, James Thomas (Dept. of Anatomy) i.M.Cell: pupu.Lat.Lon changes in the submandibular lymph nodes of Herabbit follo'fling intraoral injection o.f killed 0almonellatyphi organisms. QL999 .12-August 1960Platt, ALvin (Education) A. M.Paper-s The development of a questionaire to measure theschool needs of children living in an area of high transiencyPrelowski, Muriel (GLS) .h.M.The influence of Book II (The secular lett ers) of theinstitutiones of Cassiodorus on monastic boon: collections inthe early Middle Ages. £10999(Bus. ) M.B.A. w/oProuty, Lichard EugenePurtill, Richard Lawrence (Phil.) A • .M.Paper: ence and descriptionRaczynski, Therese Elisabeth (Math. ) Js. M. '- w/oRai, Karamjit �ingh (Botony) Ph. D.Trisomic inheritance Ln Collinsia heterophylla 1JC999Rangnekar , Nalini Balkrishna (Soc.Serv.) A. M. vloRaynolds, :,�ani B, (Educ , ) A. M.Paper: An appr-oach to the teaching of Bible classes in aChristian secondary school in "fhail8.11.d.(English) A. M. wloReeve, Clay�on ClarkHice, Gunther (Committee on Human Development) Ph.D.A study of personality compl.exrt.y , BF1999Robbins, l�elvyn !. aul (..I!Jduc.) A. M.Paper: A t est for cert ain psychological differe:nces bet weengroups of overechievers, under-achievers and normal achievers.(Math. ) s. M. w/oRobertson, Lewis ChandleeRobertson, Richard J. (Committee on Human ddevelopment) P�.D.Causes and effects in sociometric choice in a workshop forexecutives: studies in human affiliation. HN999(Bus. ) M. B. A. wloRodewald, Lawr-ence Everett(Grad. Ed.) M. A. r , w/oRoessler, George �alter, Jr.Rola, Dionisia hdamos (Eng . Lang. & Lit.) Ph.D.A study of critical ipinions on hobert ' s The ringand the book. PR421�.R7(Bus.) M. B. A. w/oRosenbaum, �rving M.Rowe, Gladys (G1S) A. M.h.ecent trends in the literature of travel. Zl099913-August 1960Hyan, Joseph Francis (Eng.) A.M.. wloSabatini, Omero (Comm. on Int. Relations) A.M.Alcide de Gu.speri and the problem of !".iuropean unity.JN9999Sacks, Sheldon (Dept. of Eng. Lang. & Lit.) Ph.D.From artistic judgement to ethical statement: the shape ofbelief in Fielding's novels PR3457Saxonberg, Sonja Samson (Hum. Dev.) A.M.Paper: Children t s images of their fathers.Schreiber, �Orill Malcolm (Bus. M.B,A.Schultz, Curtis John (Bus. ) M.B.A. wloSchult z, Nnrmen B. (Bus) M.B.A. w/oScimeca, Sam (Bus. ) M.B .A. w/oSelway, Kenneth LeRoy (Grad. Ed. ) M.A.T. wloShafer, Everett B. (Bus. � :M.B.A. wloShankarappa, Megaravalli, (Surgery) S.M.Chronic pulmonary micro-embolism. RCID99Shs.. rafuddin, Abdullah Al-Muti (:h:duc.) A. M.Paper: Planning in-service education for science teachers. in East Pakistan.el-Sheniti, el-Sayed Mahmoud (GLS) Ph.D.The university library and the scholar: a study of therecorded faculty use of a large university library. 210999Sherman, lI..i.alcolm Jay (Msth. ) S.M. w/oSki.dmcr e , Sid A. (Bus. ) M.B.A. wlo�nyder, William T. (Bus. ) M.B.A� w/oSolberg, Charles harrington (Bus. ) M.B .A. wloSolenberger, Earl K. (Bus. ) M.B.A. wloSpyers-Duran, Peter (G.L.S�) A.M.A study of t.heuse of the general bound perioQtcal collectionserved by the Reference Depar-tment of the Chicago PublicLibrar.y Z10999St eckmes ser , Kent Ladd (Hist.) Ph.D.The hero of the American west in history and legend.F9999st ein, Marlene (Hist.) A .. M.The Atlantic and Great +e st ern Railway, 1851-1871:in railroad finance. a studyHE999914-August 1960(Bus.) M.B.A. w/oSt e'in , St ef'an .M.Steintrager, James A. (Pol �ci.) A.M.The p01itics of plar�ing in an underdeveloped area;of the Assam Oil Refinery controversy. the caseHC999(Grad.Ed. ) M.A.T. wloStoDe, George Norton(Bus.) M.B.A. w/oSugarman, H. ArthurSugarman, .Leonard Richard (Bus.) M.B.A. w/ow/o(Physics)Sweig, futitchel Jasper S.M.SZczarba, Robert Henry (Math.) Ph.D.The homo Logy of twisted Cartesian products. '-tA999(Bus. ) M.B .A. w/oTarika, Elio E.(Grad. Ed.) M.A.T. w/oTenney, Arthur Edwar-dTennis, Melvin Howell, Jr. (Educ) A.M.Paper: Comparison of efficacy of a sound-slide test wi.t h awritten test.Terrell, James Henry, Jr. (Bus.) M.B.A. wloThayer, Robert Pratt t...,OC.0Ci.) A.M.Paper, Power and responsibility.Teophilos, Mary iphigenia (Educ.) A.M.A paper: A compar'Lson of figure dr-ar.Lng s of Negro and whitechildren: social and sexual development indicators.Traum, Clarence Charles (Bus.) M.B.A. wloUtley, David Garrick, (Pol. Sci. ) A.M.Ideological conflict ana the struggle for power in theBritish Labour Party, 19Lf-5-1959. JN9999(Soc. )Vajda., Emil Harold Ph.D. ,Burmese urban characteristics: a size-of-place study of asoutheast Asian urban population. HT1999Vallillee� Gerald (Classics) Ph.D.)The plague in Lucretius and later Latin poets. PA9999Vergara, Benito Sibug (Botony) Ph.D.Ifluence of photoperiod on the water uptake of zanthium..(.J(999(Physics) o.M. w/oVillarejo, DonVon Eschen, Donald Dean.. (Political Science) A.M.Boss Rule in stackton: A Study of the Conditions sustainingand Limiting Boss Power. JS9999Wahrhaftig, Albert L. (Anthropology) AmMo.Paper: The Stnucture of VVitchcraft in Two Tzeltal Communities"tIl/are, TUl.·l_l a Cat.her-Ine , (G d t Ed t' ) A A T m/o�I IV ra ua e. u ca lon .. •• nVvarner, John Louis. (English) A.M. w/o\�aterman, Gordon Lee. (Class. Lang.) A.M.Paper: Herodotus: His Footnotes and Appendixes.Weiner, Sarah Graf. (Political Science) A.M.Indo-China, 1954: Allied Relations. DS999Welles, Robert Marshall. (English) A.M. w/oWenstrand, Thomas Edward. (English) A.M. w/o�erner, Ruth Margaret, (Social Service) Ph.D.Patterns of Public Financing of Foster Care of Dependent andNeglected Children Under the Auspices of Voluntary Agencies.HV9999Vvhite, Mary Arlene. (Business) M.B .A. w/oWilliams, Marian �dith. (Education) A.M.Paper: Inaugurating Parent Teacher Conferences inElementary Schools.\i\.illiams, Perry Arthur. (Rom, Lang.) A.M.Paper: The Evolution of the Character of Odette.Vyilliams, Runette Lamone H. (Education) A.M.Paper: . .A Study of the Achievement of Sixth GradePupils in Relation to Educational Facilities in Two SchoolSettings.�\,ortman, Richard Stuart. (History) A.M.Koshelev, Samarin, and Cheri:asskii: three Views ofRussia's Political Future. DK999Yahalom, It amar , (Hum. Dev.) AmllA.Paper: The Emergence of Self Development of the S��bolicProcess and Ego Function in Schizophrenic and AutisticChildren.Yuen, Olive Choy-Sim. (Education) A.M.Paper: The Post-'ti;ar Development of Education in Hong KohgYundt, Charles Leroy. (Business) �/O M.B.A.2,8.rit, 1. Jerrold. (English) A.M. v�/o.Zearing, Helen. (Education) A.M.Paper: A Study of the Relationship Between Home Environmentand Sex Role Identy.Zehme, Donald Fr-ancd,s , (Rom. Lang.) A.M.Paper:,o sobre IIEl Heroe" de Gracian y!lEI Cort esano" de Castiglione.Zetterbaum, Marvin. (Political Science) Ph.D.The Political Philosophy of Alexis de Tocqueville. JC999Zinn, John Robert. (C.T.S.) B.D.Results of the Oracles of the IViajor Prophetsfrom the Time of Their Delivery to the Construction of theSecond Temple.Zugibe, Frederick Thomas. (Anatomy) Ph.D.The Composition of Extracellular Sub '_ stances in HumanArteries and Changes wi.t.h Aging. (.,j)A999Zvengrowski, Peter Daniel. (Mathematics) S.M. VI:/OMy country, 'tis of thee,Sweet land of liberty,Of thee I sing:Land where my fathers died,Land of the pilgrims' pride,From every mountain sideLet freedom ring. Our fathers' God, to thee,Author of liberty,To thee we sing:Long may our land be brightWith freedom's holy light!Protect us by thy might,Great God, our King! Amen.-So F. SMITHORDER Of EXERCISESFor the Conferring of DegreesThree o'clockLAWRENCE A. KIMPTON, Chancellor of the University, PresidingTHE CONVOCATION PROCESSIONPROCESSIONAL-Fugue in B MinorThe Marshal and the Student AidesThe Candidates for DegreesThe Faculties of the UniversityThe Trustees and Administrative OfficersThe Convocation ChaplainThe Candidate for Honorary DegreeThe Chancellor of the UniversityHYMN FOR THE CONGREGATIONAMERICA(The congregation standing until after the prayer) BachTHE PRAYERTHE REVEREND SIDNEY E. MEADJames Freeman Clarke Professor and President, MeadviIIe Theological Seminary,and Professor of History of American Christianity, Departmentof History and Federated Theological FacultyTHE CONVOCATION ADDRESSARTHUR FRANK BURNSProfessor of Economics, Columbia UniversitySOLO"My Heart Ever Faithful" BachCHARLOTTE BRENT, Soprano, The University of Chicago ChoirMy heart ever faithful, sing praises, be joyful,Thy Jesus is near;Away with complaining, Faith ever maintaining,My Jesus is near.THE CONFERRING OF ACADEMIC DEGREESCandidates for degrees will be presented by the Deans in the following order:Candidates for the degrees of Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science byAssistant Dean Albert M. HayesCandidates for the degrees of Master of Arts, Master of Fine Arts, and Masterof Science by Dean D. Gale JohnsonCandidates for the degree of Master of Business Administration by Dean W.Allen WallisCandidate for the degree of Bachelor of Divinity by President Sidney E. MeadCandidates for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy by Dean Napier WiltCANDIDATES F OR THE BACHELOR'S DEGREE1. IN THE COLLEGEF or the Degree of Bachelor of Arts:DAVID STEVEN CHERNOFFNORMAN CRANDUSA.B., University of Chicago, 1952TED ALLEN DIENSTFREYANSEL HOWARD EDIDINPHILIP GASTEYERWILLIAM KERR HOLSMANHELEN T. JUSTUSRICHARD LAWRENCE MARCUS RADELL FARADAY NELSONARTHUR HEROLD PETERSONFRED K. SCHOMERBARBARA EDGAR SPITZER*WILLIAM J. THOMPSONA.B., University of Chicago, 1960RICHARD EDWARD WARDA.B., University of Chicago, 1955RONALD MORTON WILENII. IN THE COLLEGE AND THE DIVISION OF THEBIOLOGICAL SCIENCESFor the Degree of Bachelor of Science:LESLIE WALK COHN(General Biology)ALEX CONSTANT ARAS(General Biology)KARL M. FINGER(General Biology)IRA LEE FOGEL(General Biology)GARY FREEMAN(Biochemistry) RUTH HELEN FRIEDMAN(General Biology)CLAIRE KUHNE GOLDSMITH(General Biology)DAVID BYRON MERTZ(Zoology)CLARENCE WOODS(General Biology)JOAN BRUCE WOODS(Anatomy)III. IN THE COLLEGE AND THE DIVISION OF THE HUMANITIESFor the Degree of Bachelor of Arts:JOANNE AKALAITIS(Philosophy)SHERRY Z. BROWNSTEIN(English Language and Literature) JUDY LEE JOHNSON(General Studies)LAURIN R. JOHNSON(English Language and Literature)KAREN E. CARLSON(English Language and Literature) DOROTHY JEAN KENT(General Studies)HENRY M. CEPERICH(English Language and Literature) CHARLES F. LANMAN(English Language and Literature)HERSHA SUE FISHER(Oriental Languages and Civilizations) JOAN LOUISE LASCELLE(General Studies)CARYL GERIS(General Studies) ENE-MALLE T. LAURITIS(English Language and Literature)ARNOLD ROBERT GINSBURG(English Language and Literature) PATRICIA LOUISE LUCAS(English Language and Literature)* Degree awarded June, 1960.THOMAS FRANCIS O'CONNOR(English Language and Literature) MARY ISABEL ROBINSON(Classical Languages and Literatures)GARY POMERANZ(English Language and Literature)BARBARA K. ROBERTSON(English Language and Literature) * ALVAN JOEL ROSENTHAL(Philosophy)ROLLIN A. STEARNS(English Language and Literature)IV. IN THE COLLEGE AND THE DIVISION OF THEPHYSICAL SCIENCESFor the Degree at Bachelor at Science:*GARY LEON AUGUSTINE(Geography)*ROBERT BAIME(Chemistry)EDWARD HARRIS(Mathematics)*RICHARD HENRY IVAN(Mathematics)ANTON THOMAS KRAMER(Physics) CHARLES CLARK KISSINGER, JR.( Mathematics)GENE ROCHLIN(Physics)HAROLD JAMES SCHNELKER( Mathematics)JOHN R. SCHUERMAN(Mathematics)V. IN THE DIVISION OF THE PHYSICAL SCIENCESFor the Degree oi Bachelor oi Science:CHARLES S. KING BRUCE MADDOX STEWARTVI. IN THE COLLEGE AND THE DIVISION OF THESOCIAL SCIENCESFor the Degree oi Bachelor oi Arts:BERNARD LEON BROWNPh.B., University 0/ Chicago, 1946(History)MAX ROBERT CLAY(Political Science) EDWARD CHARLES MOORE(History)CHARLOTTE THERESA MORGAN(History)BENJAMIN HASKEL COHEN(Political Science)MIRIAM RACHEL EISENSTEIN(Political Science)*WAL TER WILLIAM HICKS(History)ROBERT EDWARD JESSE(Political Science) RUTH NASH(History)LIAM S. ROONEY(Psychology)RALPH NUTTING SANSBURY(Psychology)*DONALD R. SCHMIDT(Psychology)ROBERTA HELENE KUGELL(History)JUDITH ANDERSON MOHAN(Education) JOY ILLA SIEGEL(Education)ECHEAL RICH SIGAN(History)* Degree awarded June, 1960.*DONOVAN THESENGA(Political Science) BARBARA MARY WESOLOWSKI(Education)PATRICIA GALE TOALSON(History) ROBERT J. WOZNIAK(Political Science)MITCHELL SYLVESTER WATKINS(Political Science) SHARON MIRIAM ZEIGMAN(Education)ROGER D. WEISSMAN(Political Science) PATRICIA M. ZUBER(History)CANDIDATES FOR THE MASTER'S DEGREEI. THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF ARTSIn the Division of the HumanitiesRAYMOND K. BAKERA.B., University 0/ Chicago, 1957(Philosophy)FREDERICK BAUERA.B., Indiana University, 1959(English Language and Literature) CARL EDWARD KROGA.B., University 0/ Chicago, 1958(History)KENNETH LAWRENCEA.B., Roosevelt University, 1959(Romance Languages and Literatures)JOHN ANTHONY BELLAIRSA.B., University 0/ Notre Dame, 1959(English Language and Literature) BARBARA JEANNE LECTUREA.S:, Our Lady of Cincinnati College, 1958(English Language and Literature)EVE S. BLUM(English Language and Literature) ALAN SEARING LOXTERMANA.B., Kenyon College, 1959(English Language and Literature)EST A I. GLAZERA.B., Indiana University, 1959(Romance Languages and Literatures) JEAN MARIANNE LUSTA.B., Bryn Mawr College, 1958(Classical Languages and Literatures)WANDA HELEN GORCZYNSKIA.B., Marquette University, 1947(Classical Languages and Literatures) JOHN J. McCORMACK(Classical Languages and Literatures)BEVERLY ADRIENNE GROSSA.B., University 0/ Michigan, 1959(English Language and Literature) JOSEPH MOSESA.B., University of Chicago, 1959(English Language and Literature). JANICE MARION HENSONA.B., University of Chicago, 1956A.B., ibid., 1960(General Studies in the Humanities) DEMETRIUS GEORGES MOUTSOS(Linguistics)RICHARD LAWRENCE PURTILLA.B., University 0/ Chicago, 1958(Philosophy)CLAYTON CLARK REEVEA.B., Beloit College, 1958(English Language and Literature)RUTH GRAND HOLTMANA.B., Radcliffe College, 1954(Romance Languages and Literatures)BARBARA MONA JOHANNESA.B., Hunter College, 1957(English Language and Literature)JOSEPH FRANCIS RYANA.B., University of Notre Dame, 1959(English Language and Literature)HALVARD B. JOHNSONA.B., Ohio Wesleyan University, 1958(English Language and Literature)MARY ANN KEELANA.B., College 0/ Mount St. Vincent, 1959(English Language and Literature) JOHN LOUIS WARNERA.B., Harvard University, 1959(English Language and Literature)CLAIRE KELLEHERA.B., University 0/ Toronto, Canada, 1951(Art)* Degree awarded June, 1960. GORDON LEE WATERMANA.B., Concordia Senior College, 1959(Classical Languages and Literatures)ROBERT MARSHALL WELLESA.B., Whitworth College, 1958(English Language and Literature)THOMAS EDWARD WENSTRANDA.B., Iowa State Teachers' College, 1951Mus.M., Northwestern University, 1952(English Language and Literature) PERRY ARTHUR WILLIAMSA.B., Kenyon College, 1955(Romance Languages and Literatures)I. JERROLD ZARITA.B., University of Chicago, 1959(English Language and Literature)DONALD F. ZEHME(Romance Languages and Literatures)In the Division of the Social SciencesARTHUR GEORGE BATHJES.B., Concordia Teachers College, 1953(Education)DUANE T. BEELER(Social Sciences)M. JOHN BELAIRA.B., Regis College, Canada, 1949(Education)PAUL GRIFFITHS BLOYDA.B., Wheaton College, Wheaton, Illinois, 1955(Social Sciences)BARBARA E. BOATRIGHTS.B., Indiana University, 1952(Education)SELMA DELORES BRANCHEA.B., Fisk University, 1950(Education)ALEXANDER FREW BROWNS.B., Monmouth College, 1954(Education)BARBARA A. BRUNHARTS.B., University of Wisconsin, 1959(Education)JOAN ROSE BURDICKS.B., University of Illinois, 1959(Education)KING V. CHEEK, JR.A.B., Bates College, 1959(Economics)JOYCE ARLENE COHLERA.B., Northwestern University, 1958(Education)KENNETH JOHN DEIMLEd.B., Chicago Teachers College, 1953(Education)MATTHEW ENOSA.B., University of Chicago, 1955(History)DONALD ARTHUR ERICKSON(Education)DONALD RALPH FAGINA.B., Southwestern University, 1957(Human Development)DEAN EDWARD FISCHERA.B., Monmouth College, 1958(History) ELIZABETH HAYES FOSTERS.B., Purdue University, 1944(Economics)ANNE BARBARA GEORGES.B., University of Wisconsin, 1956(Education)BERNICE GLATZERA.B., City College, 1959(History)DON JACQUES GRUBERA.B., University of Colorado, 1955(Anthropology)BLAIR PERKINS GRUMMANA.B., Cornell University, 1958(Education)HERBERT HAMILTONA.B., Roosevelt University, 1952(Sociology)CORVIN EDWARD HENSONA.B., University of Chicago, 1958(History)CARL ERIK HORNA.B., Northwestern University, 1957(Political Science)PEDRO JEFTANOVICIng. Com., Universidad Cat6lica de Chile, Santiago, Chile, 1955(Economics)DAVID HOOGLAND JOHNSA.B., Dartmouth College, 1958(International Relations)MARY FRANCES JONESS.B., Alcorn A. and M. College, 1954(Education)TETSUYA KATAOKAA.B., School of Political Science and Economics,Tokyo, Japan, 1955(Political Science)YUZURU KATOS.B., University of Tokyo, Japan, 1955(Geography)MARIE DE VROET KOBRAKA.B., Netherlands School of Economics, Rotterdam, Netherlands, 1956A.M., University of Chicago, 1958(Economics)RUTH J. KRAINES(Human Development)JOAN A. KRUEGERA.B., University of Chicago, 1959(Social Sciences)LAWRENCE ALOYSIUS LANDRYA.B., University of Chicago, 1958(Sociology)DANIEL R. LEATHERMANA.B., Goshen College, 1958(Political Science)MARJORIE J. LEWANS.B., Ball State Teachers College, 1955(Education)KENNETH WILLARD MARTINDALE(International Relations)GEORGE MESCHELEd.B., Roosevelt University, 1959(Education)ALVERISSA FAUPEL MILLERS.B., Ball State Teachers College, 1947(Education)RAYMOND MINOSS.B., Northern Illinois State Teachers College,1957(History)GERALD SHERMAN NEWMANA.B., Roosevelt University, 1953(Sociology)ORVILLE WESLEY NYBLADEA.B., University of Michigan, 1950D.B., Augustana Theological Seminary, 1954(Education)CON CHRISTOPHER PATSAVASA.B., George Washington University, 1950(Social Sciences)ALVIN PLATTEd.B., Chicago Teachers College, 1956(Education)MANI B. REYNOLDSA.B., Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand, 1952S.B., Ohio University, 1955(Education)MELVYN PAUL ROBBINSS.B., University of Arizona, 1955(Education)OMERO SABATINILaurea de Dottore, University of Rome, Italy,1954(International Relations) SONJA SAMSON SAXONBERG.A..B., Roosevelt University, 1952(Human Development)ABDULLAH AL-MUTI SHARAFUDDINS.B., Dacca University, Pakistan, 1952S.M., ibid., 1953(Education)MARLENE STEINA.B., Syracuse University, 1958(History)JAMES A. STEINTRAGERA.B., University of Notre Dame, 1958(Political Science)MELVIN HOWELL TENNIS, JR.(Education)ROBERT PRATT THAYERA.B., Miami University, 1959(Social Sciences)MARY IPHIGENEA THEOPHILOSA.B., University of Miami, 1953(Education)DAVID GARRICK UTLEYA.B., University of Chicago, 1953(Political Science)DONALD DEAN VON ESCHENA.B., Beloit College, 1956(Political Science)ALBERT L. WAHRHAFTIGA.B., Stanford University, 1957(Anthropology)SARAH GRAF WEINERA.B., University of Michigan, 1959(Political Science)MARIAN EDITH WILLIAMSS.B., Ball State Teachers College, 1951(Education)RUNETTE LAMONE H. WILLIAMSS.B., Florida A. and M. University, 1951(Education)RICHARD STUART WORTMANA.B., Cornell University, 1958(History)IT AMAR YAHALOM(Human Development)OLIVE CHOY-SIM YUEN(Education)HELEN ZEARINGA.B., University of Chicago, 1959(Education)ROBERT P. GURUSWAMY In the Divinity SchoolVUKOSAVA MANDIeA.B., Madras Christian College, Tembaram, India, 1952GORDON LLOYD HARPERA.B., Denison University, 1958GILBERT RICHARD KERNA.B., Findlay College, 1954D.B., Winebrenner Seminary, 1957 S.B., George Williams College, 1955MAURICE JARRELL MONTGOMERYA.B., William Jewell College, 1958THEODORE HALL PARTRICKA.B., University of North Carolina, 1944D.B., Virginia Theological Seminary, 1949MIROSLAV KREK In the Graduate Library SchoolMURIEL PRELOWSKIA.M., University of Chicago, 1956MARGARET A. NOTHEISENA.B., Rosary College, 1948AUDREY ODELLA.B., Sarah Lawrence College, 1951RICHARD DEFORREST OLSONA.B., University of Wisconsin, 1947A.M., Northwestern University, 1951 KONERU RAMAKRISHNA RAOA.B., Andhra University, India, 1953A.M., ibid., 1955GLADYS ELAINE ROWEA.B., College of St. Catherine, 1956PETER SPYERS-DURANEOIN H. WILKINSONA.B., University of Sydney, Australia, 1948In the School oi Social Service AdministrationIRINI GAGAOUDAKINALINI BALKRISHNA RANGNEKARA.B., Indore Christian College, India, 1949A.M., Delhi School of Social Work, India, 1951II. THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF FINE ARTSIn the Division ot the HumanitiesVIRGINIA BREDENDIECK(Art) JAMES RICHARD NELSON(Art)III. THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF SCIENCEIn the Division ot the Biological SciencesIn the Division oi the Physical SciencesFRANK FRIGAN(Microbiology)MAURICE KADINS.B., University of Chicago, 1933M.D., Rush Medical College, 1937(Pharmacology)EMANUEL LAWRENCE KOLTONS.B., University of Illinois, 1957(Biological Sciences)GRAZINA MARIJA MUSTEIKISA.B., St. Xavier College, Chicago, Illinois, 1958(Microbiology)CHARLES FREDERICK ANDREWSS.B., University of California, 1950(Chemistry)ROBERT JUDSON BUMCROTS.B., University of Chicago, 1959(Mathematics)WILLIAM R. CASPARYA.B., Wesleyan University, 1958(Physics)RUBY EBISUZAKIS.B., University of Western Ontario, Canada, 1957(Physics) CELIA EARLE ODELLS.B., University of Chicago, 1941(Biological Sciences)JAMES THOMAS RULED.D.S., Temple Dental School, 1957(Anatomy)MEGARAVALLI SHANKARAPPASc.B., Central College, Bangalore, India, 1938M.B.B.S., Medical College, Mysore, India, 1945(Surgery)DAVID EHRLICHA.B., University of Chicago, 1955(Mathematics)HERBERT JOHN FICKA.B., St. Olaf College, 1959(C hemistry)PHYLLIS JOY GESTRINS.B., University of Chicago, 1960(Mathematics)RONALD CLARE HAMELINKS.B., Michigan State College, 1958(Mathematics)THOMAS WILLIAM HUNGERFORDA.B., Holy Cross College, 1958( Mathematics)SIDNEY KLA WANSKYS.B., City College, 1959(Physics)MICHAEL ELAZAR LIPSCHUTZS.B., Pennsylvania State University, 1958(Chemistry)THERESE ELISABETH RACZYNSKI(Mathematics)LEWIS CHANDLEE ROBERTSONS.B., University of Chicago, 1959(Mathematics) MALCOLM JAY SHERMANS.B., University of Chicago, 1960(Mathematics)MITCHEL JASPER SWEIGS.B., University of Chicago, 1959(Physics)DON VILLAREJOS.B., University of Chicago, 1959(Physics)PETER DANIEL ZVENGROWSKIS.B., Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, 1959S.M., ibid., 1959(Mathematics)CANDIDATES FOR PROFESSIONAL DEGREES1. IN THE GRADUATE SCHOOL OF EDUCATIONFor the Degree of Master of Arts in the Teaching of Mathematics:AUSTIN N. HAYGOODS.B., Florence State Teachers College, 1949KENNETH ROBERT HERMSMEIERS.B., Peru State Teachers College, 1950NORMAN ELMER LADDA.B., Ripon College, 1951A.M., University of Chicago, 1959ROBERT CREGIER LINDHORNS.B., Northwestern University, 1949S.M., University of Illinois, 1954GEORGE WALTER ROESSLER, JR.Ed.B., Northern Illinois University, 1955 KENNETH LEROY SELWAYS.B., Western Reserve University, 1951A.M., ibid., 1954GEORGE NORTON STONEA.B., Yale University, 1942ARTHUR EDWARD TENNEYA.B., Oberlin College, 1951A.M., University of Wisconsin, 1953WILLA CATHERINE WAREA.B., University of Louisville, 1938A.M., University of Chicago, 1958II. IN THE GRADUATE SCHOOL OF BUSINESSFor the Degree of Master of Business Administration:EDWARD ARTHUR AHLSTRANDS.B., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1959ALLEN J. ARNOLDGEORGE E. BAILIES.B., Northwestern University, 1948FRANK H. BARBER, JR.JOSEPH FOUTS BELLS.B., Purdue University, 1948BARRY DALE BERGMANA.B., University of Chicago, 1953A.B., ibid., 1958OSCAR ARNO BERTHOLDS.B., Newark College of Engineering, 1937S.M., Stevens Institute of Technology, 1953ROBERT C. BICKELS.B., Illinois Institute of Technology, 1949DAVID SKINNER BIGELOWS.B., United States Naval Academy, 1953B.C.E., Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, 1956 STANISLAW BOKOTAMARTHA ARDELLE BROWNS.B., University of Houston, 1952ROBERT E. BUSWELLB.E.E., Ohio State University, 1947WILLIAM S. BUTLERA.B., Denison University, 1948ROBERT J. BYERWALTERS.B., Illinois Institute of Technology, 1944SAMUEL RODGER CALLAWAYS.B., University of Minnesota, 1940ROSEMARY CAPUSANS.B., Western Reserve University, 1957HOWARD DOTSON CLARKES.B., United States Air Force Institute of Technology, 1954ROBERT HARRY CLEWLOWS.B.M.E., Purdue University, 1948JAMES P. CONNELLYS.B., Northwestern University, 1952RENE VICTOR COOPERA.B., Syracuse University, 1950A.M., Columbia University, 1957J. HARVEY CURTIS, JR.CHARLES GUY DALTONLL.B., John Marshall Law School, 1952DANIEL CAMPBELL DAUBE ';S.B., Pennsylvania State College, 1949HAROLD W. A. DAVIDSONS.B., Illinois Institute of Technology, 1934FRANK PETER DIASSIS.B., Rutgers University, 1954CURRIE S. DOWNIES.B., Detroit Institute of Technology, 1942S.M., University of Chicago, 1950RICHARD E. DOWNINGBRUCE EDWARD ELLICKSONS.B., University of Illinois, 1943S.M., ibid., 1947Ph.D., ibid., 1949EDWARD THOMPSON EVANS, JR.A.B., University of Minnesota, 1957RANDALL L. FETTYVIRGIL EDWARD FIEKERA.B., Drury College, 1947A.M., Boston University, 1956LEO FROB OMS.B.E.E., Stanford University, 1955MELVIN RUSSELL GOODESB.Comm., Queen's University, Canada, 1958FREDERICK L. GOSS IIIS.B., University of Illinois, 1950JOHN W. HALM, JR.S.B., University of Texas, 1951GERALD A. HARPLINGS.B., Northwestern University, 1949JOSEPH A. HARTA.B., Kent State University, 1958ROBERT TOWER HARVEYS.B., Dartmouth College, 1946JACK P. HEDLINS.B., University of Illinois, 1943EDWIN J. HEMZYS.B.M.E., Illinois Institute of Technology, 1943DONALD HUBERT HEYDENS.B.E.E., University of Wisconsin, 1951PAUL B. HIGDONS.B., Loyola University, Chicago, Illinois, 1950HARRY HOLLINGWORTHA.B., University of Nottingham, England, 1954GERALD L. IPPELPh.B., Illinois Wesleyan University, 1949J.D., DePaul University, 1954 CARL F. JENSENJOHN EDWARD JENSENA.B., University of Chicago, 1947J.D., ibid., 1951WAYNE JERVIS, JR.A.B., University of the South, 1950ORACE E. JOHNSONS.B., Oklahoma Baptist University, 1949BENJAMIN FRANCIS KING, JR.A.B., University of Chicago, 1958ROGER H. KLICHS.B.M.E., Illinois Institute of Technology, 1950RICHARD KARL KLINKS.B., State University of Iowa, 1948SEYMOUR KORNBLAUS.B., City College, 1941JOSEPH PAUL KOVITCHA.B., St. Joseph's College, 1960ALBERT M. KRONERGEORGE H. LANDISS.B., University of Illinois, 1950MILTON C. LAUENSTEIN, JR.S.B., Purdue University, 1945ROLF J. LUDERSA.M., University of Chicago, 1960BAYARD W. LYONA.B., Oberlin College, 1942DONALD VINCENT MAGNUSONS.B., Illinois Institute of Technology, 1948MURRAY JOSEPH MARVINS.B.Ed., West Virginia State College, 1936THOMAS R. MATHERLEES.B., Findlay College, 1958ELDON GLEN DENNIS MAYNARDA.B., University of Toronto, Canada, 1950ROBERT KENNETH McELROYS.B., Purdue University, 1942JAMES RUSSELL McHARG IIB.B.A., Clarkson College of Technology, 1953URBAN BUTLER MILLERS.B., Rutgers University, 1960GARETH HEEFNER MITCHELLA.B., Gettysburg College, 1958STANLEY L. MULARZA.B., St. Louis University, 1945Ed.M., DePaul University, 1956JOHN J. MULLIGAN, JR.SPAULDING NORRISS.B., University of Wisconsin, 1937RAUL NUNEZA.B., University of Denver, 1948JOHN J. O'CONNELL, JR.S.B., University of Illinois, 1940III. UNDER THE FEDERATED THE LOGICAL FACULTYFor the Degree of Bachelor of Divinity:IN CO-OPERATION WITH THE CHICAGO THEOLOGICAL SEMINARYCANDIDATES FOR THE DEGREE OFDOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHYDONALD PATRICK O'NEILB.M.E., Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, 1946S.M., Harvard University, 1951WALTER DENNIS OWINGSS.B.E.E., Clemson Agricultural College, 1949WALTER G. PALMERS.B.E.E., University of Nebraska, 1949DONALD R. PARKERS.B., Brown University, 1943JAMES E. PATASRICHARD EUGENE PROUTYS.B., University of Washington, 1951LAWRENCE EVERETT RODEWALDEd.B., University of Minnesota, 1947IRVING M. ROSENBAUMS.B., Illinois Institute of Technology, 1947JAMES MALCOLM SCHREIBERA.B., University of Chicago, 1958CURTIS JOHN SCHULTZS.B., Illinois Institute of Technology, 1951NORMAN B. SCHULTZVINCENT L. SCHUTTB.E.E., Syracuse University, 1956SAM SCIMECAEVERETT E. SHAFERS.B., Iowa State College, 1949J.D., State University of Iowa, 1951JOHN ROBERT ZINNA.B., Alma College, 1950 SID A. SKIDMORES.B., University of Illinois, 1950WILLIAM T. SNYDERS.B., University of Notre Dame, 1943CHARLES HARRINGTON SOLBERGA.B., Dartmouth College, 1950EARL K. SOLENBERGERS.B., United States Naval Academy, 1934STEFAN M. STEINA.B., Cornell University, 1948LL.B., George Washington University, 1952H. ARTHUR SUGARMANS.B., Massachusetts College of Pharmacy, 1955LEONARD RICHARD SUGERMANS.B., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1955ELIO E. TARIKAS.B., University of Illinois, 1949S.M., Newark College of Engineering, 1951JAMES HENRY TERRELL, JR.• WITH HONORSS.B., Oklahoma State University, 1956CLARENCE CHARLES TRAUMA.B., Los Angeles State College, 1958MARY ARLENE WHITEA.B., Drake University, 1958CHARLES LEROY YUNDTA.B., University of Chicago, 1957A.B., ibid., 1959I. IN THE DIVISION OF THE BIOLOGICAL SCIENCESSANDRA L. BELLS.B., Eastern Illinois State College, 1957(Botany)WILLIAM DAVID BELLPh.B., University of Chicago, 1950S.B., ibid., 1957S.M., ibid., 1958(Botany)VERNON JOHN FRANCISBRIGHTMANB.D.Sc., University of Queensland, St. Lucia,Brisbane, Australia, 1953M.D.Sc., ibid., 1956(Microbiology) JAMES NICOLL CAMPBELLA.B., University of Western Ontario, Canada,1951A.B., University of British Columbia, Canada,1955Sc.M., ibid., 1957(Microbiology)FRANK W. FITCHM.D., University of Chicago, 1953S.M., ibid., 1957(Pathology)ARTHUR WARREN GHENTS.B., University of Toronto, Canada, 1950A.M., ibid., 1953(Zoology)II. IN THE DIVISION OF THE HUMANITIESIII. IN THE DIVISION OF THE PHYSICAL SCIENCESJULIO JOSE LUDOWIEG(Biochemistry)ROGER EDWARD OESTERREICHA.B., University of Missouri, 1952(Psychology)KARAMJIT SINGH RAISc.B. (Hons.), Panjab University, Chandigarh,India, 1953S.M., ibid., 1955(Botany)DENIS COWANA.M., University of Chicago, 1942(Music)HENRY HAYS CRIMMEL, JR.S.B., Indiana University, 1950A.M., ibid., 1955(Philosophy)ALAN MAXWELL FERNA.B., University of Chicago, 1950A.M., ibid., 1954(Art)SYDNEY JACOBS HARTHA.B., New York University, 1949A.M., ibid., 1950(English Language and Literature)EARL ROBERT BERKSONS.B., University of California at Los Angeles, 1956A.M., ibid., 1957(Mathematics)ASHBY CARLYLE BLACKWELLA.B., Randolph-Macon College, 1918A.M., ibid., 1919(Chemistry)JOHN C. BRANDT, JR.A.B., Washington University, 1956(Astronomy)STANLEY JAMES BROISS.B., Fordham University, 1952A.M., Columbia University, 1954(Chemistry)JOSE ANGEL COLONA.B., University of Puerto Rico, Rio Piedras,Puerto Rico, 1944S.M., University of Chicago, 1950(Meteorology)ALFRED WILLIAM FORSLEVS.M., University of Chicago, 1955(Geology) BENITO SIBUG VERGARAS.B., University of the Philippines, Quezon City,P.I., 1955S.M., University of Hawaii, 1959(Botany)FREDERICK THOMAS ZUGIBKS.B., St. Francis College, 1952S.M., University of Chicago, 1959(Anatomy)KENNETH FRANCIS LEW ALSKIPh.B., University of Detroit, 1950A.M., University of Chicago, 1952(History)DIONISIA ADAMOS ROLAS.B., University of the Philippines, Quezon City,P.I., 1946A.M., University of Melbourne, Australia, 1952(English Language and Literature)SHELDON SACKSS.B., Northwestern University, 1952A.M., ibid., 1953(English Language and Literature)GERALD R. VALLILLEEA.B., McGill University, Canada, 1950A.M., ibid., 1953(Classical Languages and Literatures)ROBERT ARTHUR HARRISS.B., University of Illinois, 1957S.M., University of Chicago, 1959( Chemistry)RONALD GILBERT HARVEYA.B., University of California at Los Angeles, 1951S.M., University of Chicago, 1956(Chemistry)DEMETRIUS KATAKISS.M., University of Chicago, 1958(Chemistry)WILLIAM JOHN KERNAN, JR.S.B., Loyola College, Baltimore, Maryland, 1955S.M., University of Chicago, 1956(Physics)JOHN MANUEL MIHAL JANS.B., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1954S.M., University of Chicago, 1956(Meteorology)EFREM HERBERT OSTROWS.B., University of Chicago, 1943(Mathematics)ROBERT HENRY SZCZARBAS.B., University of Michigan, 1955S.M., University of Chicago, 1956(Mathematics)IV. IN THE DIVISION OF THE SOCIAL SCIENCESANN MARSHAK JERNBERGPh.B., University of Chicago, 1948(Human Development)MAX GARDNER ABBOTTS.B., Utah State University, 1949S.M., ibid., 1951(Education) JAMES BYRON KENYONA.B., Harvard University, 1951A.M., University of Chicago, 1953(Geography)ROBERT WARREN LAMSONA.B., Boston University, 1951A.M., ibid., 1952(Sociology)RICHARD SAMUEL ABLINA.B., University of Chicago, 1950(Economics)JOSEPHINE D. ARASTEHS.B., University of Michigan, 1947A.M., ibid., 1950(Human Development)EVA FISHELL BLATTA.B., University of Chicago, 1952A.M., ibid., 1955(Psychology)LOUIS WOOLFORD BONEA.M., University of Chicago, 1958(Education) JAMES MAURICE LIPHAMS.B., University of Georgia, 1951Ed.M., ibid., 1953(Education)THOMAS F. McGEEA.B., Roosevelt University, 1955(Psychology)MARTHA ELEANOR CHURCHA.B., Wellesley College, 1952A.M., University of Pittsburgh, 1954(Geography)LAURA OPAL COPPLES.B., George Peabody College, 1948A.M., University of Chicago, 1958(Education) ALEXANDER JAMES MEIGSA.B., Harvard University, 1948(Economics)CHIAKI NISHIYAMAA.B., St. Paul's University, Tokyo, Japan, 1950A.M., University of Chicago, 1952(Social Thought)DONALD ODELL DEWEYA.B., University of Oregon, 1952S.M., University of Utah, 1956(History) THEODORE MADSEN NORTONA.B., Stanford University, 1947LL.B., ibid., 1949A.M., University of Chicago, 1955(Political Science)WILLIAM BROTHERS DUNNA.B., University of Chicago, 1939A.M., University of Colorado, 1941(International Relations) GUNTHER RICEA.B., Roosevelt University, 1950A.M., University of Chicago, 1952(Human Development)ARTHUR SHIRLE ELSTEINA.B., University of Chicago, 1953A.M., ibid., 1956(Human Development) RICHARD J. ROBERTSONPh.B., University of Chicago, 1948A.M., ibid., 1952(Human Development)JOSEPH N. FRANK(Social Thought) KENT LADD STECKMESSERA.B., University of Chicago, 1947A.B., Stanford University, 1954A.M., University of Iowa, 1956(History)DAVID GOTTLIEBA.B., Wayne University, 1953(Sociology)CHARLES HAINE HAWKINSA.B., Reed College, 1952A.M., University of Chicago, 1956(Sociology)LAURIN L. HENRYA.B., DePauw University, 1942A.M., University of Chicago, 1948(Political Science) EMIL HAROLD VAJDAS.B., University of Wisconsin, 1950A.M., University of Chicago, 1952(Sociology)MARVIN ZETTERBAUMA.B., St. John's College, 1950A.M., University of Chicago, 1955(Political Science)V. IN THE GRADUATE SCHOOL OF BUSINESSWALLACE G. LONERGANA.B., College of Idaho, 1950M.B.A., University of Chicago, 1955VI. IN THE DIVINITY SCHOOLF or the Degree of Doctor of Laws:YOSHIO FUKUYAMAA.B., Doane College, 1943D.B., University of Chicago, 1950VII. IN THE GRADUATE LIBRARY SCHOOLEL-SAYED MAHMOUD EL-SHENITIA.B., Cairo University, Egypt, 1940A.M., Alexandria University, Egypt, 1953VIII. IN THE SCHOOL OF SOCIAL SERVICE ADMINISTRATIONRUTH MARGARET WERNERA.B., University of Wisconsin, 1934A.M., University of Chicago, 1948THE CONFERRING OF AN HONORARY DEGREEARTHUR FRANK BURNS, Professor of Economics, Columbia UniversityEconomist of unsurpassed breadth, penetration, and originality; wise and unstinting guide toother researchers; inspiring and lucid teacher; statesman representing social science at its best inthe democratic society; dedicated personally and professionally to truth, objectivity, and impartiality.The candidate will be presented by George J. Stigler, Charles R. Walgreen Professorof American Institutions, Department of Economics and the Graduate School of Business.ALMA MATER Words byEDWIN H. LEWISCOPYRIGHTTHE BENEDICTIONTHE RECESSIONALGrave in G Major(The congregation remains standing during the Recession) BachORGANISTEDUARD MONDELLO, University OrganistCARILLONNEURJAMES R. LAWSON, Chapel CarillonneurMARSHALHAROLD A. ANDERSON, Marshal of the UniversityASSIST ANT MARSHALSROBERT LOVETT ASHENHURSTLEON CARNOVSKYJ. W. J. CARPENDERJOSEPH CEITHAMLHAROLD HAYDON GEORGE JOSEPH METCALFEUGENE PURDY NORTHROPJAMES MAXWELL RATCLIFFWILBERT HERBERT URRYWILLIAM NATHANIEL WEAVERSTUDENT AIDESROSALIND CONKLINNANCY LEE COXMICHAEL ARON EDIDINHELEN KATHLEEN GILLWILLIAM RICHARD HAWKINSRUSSELL KLEMJOAN LOUISE LASCELLEROBERT EARL LERNERJOHN WILBUR MOOHRJOHN ERNEST MUELLER CAROL JEAN NEFFDAVID AMOS NORTHROPCHARLES JAMES NOW ACEKTOBY G. PASTERJOHN RANSOME PHILLIPS, JR.ROBERT JOHN RIOPELLEALICE ANN SCHAEFFERNORMA ANDREA SCHMIDTNANCY JANE SIMONLYDIA SWENTON