THJE UNliVJERSliTY 0 f CHli CAGO-FOUNDED BY JOHN D. ROCKEFELLER "TheTwo Hundred Eighty-sixth/CONVOCATliON!/TheWINTJERlkfarch ]ji�hteenthA.D. Nineteen Hundred SixtyROCKEFELLER MEMORIAL CHAPELj_])'141VI ;;_�b - �ctDuYp.4f\.f\.QL99�DD99�PR37]196F995JA999QD109.5HD1001A COMPLErE LI&'T OF THE GRADUATING CLASS n� MARCH 1960The symbol "W/OI1 means without thesisAker, George E. (Business) wloAlbornoz, Mario Eduardo (Economics)Paper: The wage-lag hypothesis !I M.B.A.A.M.Anderson, Barbara Brita (Anthropology) A.M.Paper: Linguistic differentiation in Central Bicol��dia andit s cult.. ure correlat es.Anderson, Stefan S. (Business) wloBachus, �ohn A. (Busll1ess) wloBaker, Myron G. (Business) wlo M.B .A.M.B .A.M.B .A.QL Barghusen, Herbert Richard (Paleozoology) Ph. D.999 Functional-anat, changes in the cheloniantemporal region.DD Bartholomew, Reginald (International Relations) A.M.999 Revolution in Bismarck's alliance policy: the theoreticalrationale of the Austro-German alliance of 1879.FR Beaurline, Lester A. (English Lang. & Lit.)3718.A7 Aglaura, by Sir John Suckling: a critical edition, by1960 Lester A. Beaurline.Bebout, James Edward (Human development)Paper: Age changes in children's assumed similarityof their family's perception of ,the president.F Beisner, Robert (History) A.M.9999 New York politics and the campaign for Jackson, 1825-1828.JA999 Blakely, Eleanor Whit e (Social thought)Paper: Graham Greene.Boirne, Jerome P� (Political Science)A political interpretation of Franz Kafka's The Trial. Ph. D.A. M.A.M.A.M.Boyne, David Herman (Economics) A.M.Paper: A partial investigation of some hypotheses concenningthe rate of out-migration of,e persons in U. s.agriculture.QD Brandt, Carl Ludwig William (Chemistry)' Ph. D.1099 The low temperature magnetic susceptibility of anhydrous• 5 manganese bromide and ferrous chloride single crystals.HD10000 Brooks, Robert C. (Business)The meaning and determination of "injury to compet.Ltd.on"under the Robinson-Patman act.S5)�6 Ph. D..1BL991,HV99'JS99�QA99�ZlO�QR99SBS995HA999BL9999.\HV9999 - 2 -Br-onn , James Dell (Business) w/o M.B .A.Bruner, Leon James (Physics) Ph. D.Low temperature internal friction in FCC and BCe metals.Burlingame, Richard M. (Business) w/o M.B .A.Burns, Jay, III (Physics)Angular distribution of secondary electrons from (100)faces of copper and nickel. Ph. D.Bush, Richard Clarence (Divinity School) Ph. D.Foundations for ethics in the sacred scriptures of ancientHinduism and early Buddhism.Cahn, Mary (Political Science) A.M.The controversy between law and administration in thejuvenile courts.Calnek, Edward Eugene (Anthropology) A.M.Paper: Salinity, Chinampa agriculture and the UrbandeveloPment of Tenochtitlan-Tlatelolco.Cardone, Edward R. (Business) w/o M.B.A.JS Case, Margaret Harrison (Political Science) A.M.9999 Village Panchayats: instruments of state administration andlocal self-government in rural India.QA999z10999QR999 Chase, St ephen Urban (Mathematics)Module-theoretic characterizations of rings. Ph. D.Cheeseman, Elizabeth Margarete (Grad. Lib. School)The use of paperbacks books in a high school library. A.M.Chisholm, Joseph Carrel (Microbiology)Virulence studies of Brucella in Macrophage tissueculture. S.M.Christianson, S5anley D. (Business) w/o M.B.A.BS Clark, Paul James (Divinity School) A.M.9999 The relationship of the Gospel of John to the synoptics.HA9999 "Clark, Robert James (Divinity School) w/o. A.M.da Silva, Carlos Brandao (Economics) A.M.Paper: Agriculture and level of income in northeast BraziLDanielson, Weldon K. (Business) 'fifoDavt.d, Herbert. Theodore (Statistics)The sample mean among the order statistics. M.B.A.Ph. D.PA38.PF99F9.9J.C99�HF999LC699HDlOO�NA999�BL9999PA3893.p68D3 - 3 -Day, James Hoffman (Classical Lang. & Lit.)Historical method in Aristotle's Athenaion politeia. Ph. D.DeMar, Robert Eugene (Geology) wlo S.M.F Dillon, Clarissa F. (History) A.M.9999 "And raise our voices high": some twentieth centuryAmerican folk songs of protest and propaganda as an aspectof social histor,y.Ficks, Alma A. (Sociology)Conrparative urban patterns of the spatial distributionof retail activity.LC Fielder, Marie (Education) Ph. D.6999 The school as a social s,ystem: a study of the social organi­zation of a high-school senior class.NA Gillilland, Cora Lee Critchfield (Art) A.M.9999 The Romanesque animal capital: a discussion of one of itsforme.BL Hadqad, Hassan S.9999ct -, , Baal-Hadad:II F9.999J.C.999HF9999HD10000 Dupont, Philip Fr�Lcis (Biology)Mechanism of Insulin action. S.M.Edwar-da, Jerome E. ( ory)Fisher Ames, oracle of New England federalism. A.M.Fenwick, Thomas C. (Political Science) A.M.The political thought of Jean-Jacques Rousseau viewed fromthe liberal-democratic perspective.A.M.Fishback, Robert E. (Business) wlo M.B.A.Fisher, Berenice (Philosophy)Paper: Interpretation of Plato's Phaedrus. A.M.Frank, Ernest (Chemistry) wloFrisch, John Ernest (Anthropology)Paper: The Permanent dentition of Hylobates Lar. S.M.A.M.Gardner, B. Delworth (Economics)Misallocation of resources on federal range lands.Garon, Joseph Anthony (Business) wlo Ph. D.M.B .A.Groebner, Jerome J. (Business) wloGutmann, Robert E. (Business) w/o M.B.A.M. B. A.(Oriental Lang's. & Civilizations)a study of the Syrian storm-god. Ph. D.)Hanko, Paul Andrew (Art )Paper: Terra Sigillata. M.F.A.PH999�QE999ML3999QR999. ..)�QC1099HF9999DS999PH9999 - 4 -Hanlon, Jacque Edgar (Physics)Diffusion of cadmium in pure and cadmium doped AgBr.Harms, Robert Thomas (Linguistics)A descriptive grammar of Estonian. Ph. D.Ph. D.QE Hessler, Robert Raymond (Interdivisional Program in Paleozoology) Ph. D.999 The lower Mississippian proetid trilobites of North America.}.ML3999 Hensel, Paul T. (Business) w/oHernaez, Marie Fe Kilayko (History) w/o M.B.A.A.M.Hicks, James Lewis, Jr. (Business) w/o M. B. A.Hotchkiss, John Calvin (Anthropology) A.M.Paper: Ethnic relations in a local community setting: Teopisca,Menco.Hubbard, Harold L. (Business} w/oHutchinson, William Robert (Music)Implication, closure, and interpolated change asexemplified in the workds of Frederic Chopin.Jackson, R�mond (Business) w/oJacobson, John D. (Business) w/oJanaskie, Crystal R. (Business) wjo M.B .A.Ph. D.M.B .A.M.B .A.M. B. A.QR J enkin , Howard .M. (Microbiology) Ph. D.999 The preparation and properties of cell walls of meningopneu­monitis virus.QC1099 Johnson, Gordon L. (Business) w/o M.B.A.Johnson, Martin E. (Human development) A.M.Paper: Discrepancy in construct perception and personalitydysfunctioning.Jones, Robert Warner (Meteorology)The tracking of hurricane ItAudrey" 1957 by numericalprediction. S.M.Kamegai, Minao (Physics) w/o S.M.HF Kaufman, Felix (Business) Ph. D.9999 The effect of electronic data processing on audit conditions.Khan, Mohammad K. (Business) w/o M.B .A.DS Kim, Kyu Taik (Political science) A.M.999 The factional struggle and Japanese militarism, 1931-36.DA99�DL99�BS999BV99SHI99�QD109JK999QP999DA999DL999BS9999 - 5 -Kleboe, Barbara S. (Business) w/o M.B .A.BV Lueking, Frederick Dean (Divinity School) Ph. D.9999 The tension between the confessional and evangelical traditionsin shaping the Missouri Synod conception and practice of mission$.HX999 Kliegman, Jonathan Morris (Chemistry) wloKoenig, Harold L. (Business) w/oKromer, Franklin P. (Business) wloMark M.Krug, Ma�i:R M. (HistoJrY)Aneurin Bevan, the cautious rebel. S.M.M.B .A.M.B .A.Ph. D.Lane, John A. (Business) wi 0 M.B.A.Lanese, Alvin John (Business) wloLang, Rob ert Phillip (Chemistry) wi 0Lecos, Demosthenes (Business) wi 0Lie, 'Kai Olaf (International Re1ationsl-The changing strategic role of Fenno-Scandinavia. M.B.A.S.M.M.B.A.A.M.Limper, Armin Henry ( Divinity School)Hermeneutics and eschatology: Rudolf Bultmanrl'sinterpretation of John, chapters 13-17. Ph. D.MacDonald, Robert K. (History)The philosphy of revisionism in the German SocialDemocratic Party, 1896-1903.MdClaughry, Richard S., Jr. (Business) wlo A.M.M.B.A.QD Mangum, Billy Wilson (Chemistr.r ) Ph. D.1099.5 Paramagnetic resonance absorption in naphthalene in itsphosphorescent state.JK9999 Mott, Jack Edward (Physics) w/o. S.M.Nelson, Paul Edward (Political science)The constitutional theory of Mr. Justice Roberts. A.M.Neville, Donald Edward (Physics) wlo S.M.QP Nieder, Philip Charles (Biop5,1chology) Ph. D.999 Electrophysiological recording and stimulation studies ofthe auditory syst em of unanesthetized cat s,O'Connell, Daniel M. (Business) wloO'Dell, Doyal Dawson (Divinity School) wlo M.B.A.A. M.QE9SH�99DK99QO10, JK99BF,191BF19�JS99<liN99�HF995DK999 - 6 -(Classic Lang. & Lit.)The philosophic background of Virgil's Aeneid. A.M.Pearson, JeanPaper:QK Perry, Priscilla Anne (Botanj-) S.M.999 Responses of red oak regeneration to certain environmentalfactors.Pet erson, Rob ert L. (Business) w/o M.B.A.HQ Pineo, Pet er Camden ( Sociology) Ph. D.9999 Dyadic and change analy ai,s in a study of marriage and divoree.Raley, Deane D. (Political Science)The influence of nationalism on the communist design. A.M.QC Rathor, Hukum Singh (Meteorology) Ph. D.1099 On the heat sources and sinks associated with mobile cyclones.Raymund, Mahlon (Physics) w/oReimel, Samuel Richard (Business) w/oRhynus, Leonard S. (Business) w/o S.M.M.B.A.M.B .A.JK Rinn, Faunei1 Joyce (Political science) Ph. D.9999 The presidential press conference.BF Rosen, Jacqueline L. (Committee on Human Development) Ph. D.1999 Ego functions in the middle and later years: a thematicapperception study.Rosenthal, Martin R. (Business) w/o M.B .A.BF Roth, Ir�in, (Ps�chology) Ph. D.1999 The effect on outcome of clients initial approach to life, problems in ps,ychotherapY.St. Angelo, Douglas Gene (Political science)Local impact upon federal programs.JS9999 Ph. D.HN Schonfield, Jacob (Committee on Human Development) Ph. D.999 Some situational, personali�y, and interpersonal factors affectingthe selection of feedback information.Sen, Gouri (Grad. Lib. Schol) w/o.Shaw, Rodney Alan ( Art)Paper: A problem in sculpture form. A.M.M.F.A.Sher, David Warren (Chemistry) wlostone, John R. (Business) wlo S.M.M.B.A.HF9999 Stone, Remington (Committee on International Relacions)Tariff theor,y and the Reciprocal trade agreements act. A.M.LD999�QD1099PS1981QD1099-7-QL Straus, Helen Lorna Puttkarumer (AnatoIcy")999 Neuroglia. and Iey'lination in the central nervous system1 .... �. -\ Taylor, David P. (Business) w/oTempleman, John Raymond (Business) w/oToiz�er, .Ufred (Social Science) A.M.The N.A.M. and the A.F.L.-C.I.O.: Competing ima.ges of thepolitical economy of mid-2Oth-century America..QD Trozzolo, Anthony Marion (Chemistry) Ph.D1099.5 Some thermal reactions of bensotrichloride with olefins.LD9999 S.M.M.B. A.Thompson, Richard W. (Committee on Human Relations)Value changes among Mcalester College Students,1947-1991 M.B.A.A.M.Ulpe, Bruno (Business) w/o M.B. Pt.Underbrink, Eibert L. (Grad. Lib. School) A.M.A study of six contemporar,y books adapted for yourner readers.Van Etten, stanley Leroy (Divinity School) w/oVandervoort, peter Oliver (Physics) A.M.Ph.D.PS Wallace, Jack Edwar-d (English Language and Literature)1981.'W2 The novels of Oliver Wendell Holmes.Waller,Jack H. (Business) w/oWard, Perr,y T. (Business) w/oWeiner, Meyer (Chemistry)Modification of Grignard reactions.Weisgerber, Clarence A. (Business) w/oQ<- Wentzel, Donat Gotthard (Physics)lOO\q Hydromagnetic equilibriaQD1099.5F9999 Ph.DM.B .A.M.B .A.Ph.DM.B.A.Ph.D.Whamond, Howard O. Business) w/oWhite, Thomas E. (History)English trading enterprises in t�e Spanish Indies;1563-1568. M.B • .A.•A.M.��itney, Frank M. (Business) w/o M.B.A •. I:" •..e ,Williams, Roger A. Business) w/oWorley, Richard Dixon (Physics) w/o M.B.A.S.M.Of999QP999 - 8 -Yavit, Joseph (Physiology)Thiamine synthesis in cell-free yeast extracts. Ph.D.Yovranovitch, Drasko D. (Physics)The decay rates of bound negative muons. Ph.D ..ORDER Of EXERCKSESFor the Conferring of DegreesThree 0' clockLAWRENCE A. KIMPTON, Chancellor of the University, PresidingTHE CONVOCATION PROCESSIONPROCESSIONAL-Prelude in B Minor Johann Sebastian BachThe Marshal and the Student AidesThe Candidates for DegreesThe Faculties of the UniversityThe Trustees and Administrative OfficersThe Associate Dean of the University ChapelThe Chancellor of the University and the Convocation OratorHYMN FOR THE CONGREGATIONAMERICA(The congregation standing until after the prayer)My country, 'tis of thee,Sweet land of liberty,Of thee I sing:Land where my fathers died,Land of the pilgrims' pride,From every mountain sideLet freedom ring. . Our fathers' God, to thee,Author of liberty,To thee we sing:Long may our land be brightWith freedom's holy light!Protect us by thy might,Great God, our King! Amen.-So F. SMITHTHE PRAYERTHE REVEREND W. BARNETT BLAKEMORE, JR.Associate Dean of the University Chapel and Dean, Disciples Divinity HouseTHE CONVOCATION ADDRESS"THE CHICAGO TRADITION"RONALD CRANEDistinguished Service Professor Emeritus, Departmentof English Language and LiteratureSOLOAria: "Jesus, Saviour, I am Thine" (from St. Matthew Passion)Johann Sebastian BachCHARLOTTE BRENT, Soprano Soloist. The University of Chicago ChoirJesus, Saviour, I am Thine,Come and dwell my heart within,All things else I count' but loss,Glory only in Thy cross,Dearer than the world to me,Is the Saviour who hath died.THE AWARD OF HONORSAwarded General Honors with the Bachelor's Degree:James William KnechtMembers elected to Beta of Illinois Chapter of Phi Beta Kappa on nominationby the University for especial distinction in general scholarship in the Uni­versityRobert Lee BeisnerEsther Leah Benuck Susan Michal Fisher James William KnechtTHE CONFERRING OF ACADEMIC DEGREESCandidates for degrees will be presented by the Deans in the following order:Candidates for the degrees of Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science byDean Alan SimpsonCandidates for the degrees of Master of Arts and Master of Science by Asso­ciate Dean D. Gale JohnsonCandidates for the degree of Master of Business Administration by DeanW. Allen WallisCandidates for the Degree of Doctor of Law by Dean J 0 Desha LucasCandidates for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy by Associate Dean Julian R.GoldsmithCANDIDATES FOR THE BACHELOR'S DEGREE1. IN THE COLLEGEFor the Degree of Bachelor of Arts:DOUGLAS EDWARD BECK KENNETH LEONARDFor the Degree of Bachelor of Philosophy:RICHARD PETRICK DUBOISII. IN THE COLLEGE AND THE DIVISION OFTHE BIOLOGICAL SCIENCESFor the Degree of Bachelor of Science:JUDITH T. BRODER BARBARA ANN LAVES(General Biology) (General Biology)LAUREL DIANE KLUGE MARLENE LUCAS NELSON(General Biology) (Biochemistry)JAMES WILLIAM KNECHT(General Biology)III. IN THE COLLEGE AND THE DIVISION OF THE HUMANITIESFor the Degree of Bachelor of Arts:HOSEA MARTIN(English Language and Literature)CHRISTOPHER McCARTHY(Philosophy) EDWARD WARREN NOEL(Philosophy)MYRNA COHN PICKETT(Art)IV. IN THE COLLEGE AND THE DIVISION OF THE PHYSICAL SCIENCESFor the Degree of Bachelor at Science:BERNARD PAUL ALPINER(Physics)SAUL DWIGHT BINDER(Mathematics) PHYLLIS JOY GESTRIN( Mathematics)WILLIAM BARRY HAUSER( Mathematics)V. IN THE COLLEGE AND THE DIVISION OF THE SOCIAL SCIENCESFor the Degree of Bachelor of Arts:EDNA MAURISSA ARRINGTON(Political Science)CAROL ANNE ELLISON(Human Development)SHAYLE JAY GERSTEIN(History)BARBARA ALBERTA GOETZ(Economics) ZULEMA SENDRA(Psychology)ALICE JEAN YONAN(Social Sciences)DANIEL HAYIM ZETLAND(Psychology)CANDIDATES FOR THE MASTER'S DEGREE1. THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF ARTSIn the Division of the HumanitiesBERENICE FISHERA.B., University 0/ Chicago, 1958(Philosophy)CORA LEE CRITCHFIELD GILLILLANDA.B., Lindenwood College, 1954(Art) ROBERT KENNETH MAcDONALDA.B., Boston University, 1955(History)JEAN PEARSONA.B., New School 0/ Social Research, 1956(Classical Languages and Literatures)In the Division of the Social Sciences:MARIO EDUARDO ALBORNOZ(Economics) JEROME P. BOIMEA.B., Pepperdine College, 1956(Political Science)BARBARA BRITA ANDERSONA.B., University 0/ Chicago, 1952(Anthropology)REGINALD BARTHOLOMEWA.B., Dartmouth College, 1958(International Relations) DAVID HERMAN BOYNES.B., Michigan State University, 1957(Economics)JAMES EDWARD BEBOUTA.B., Wayne State University, 1957(Human Development)ROBERT LEE BEISNER(History)ELEANOR WHITE BLAKELY(Social Thought) MARY L. CAHNA.B., Bryn Mawr College, 1956(Political Science)EDWARD EUGENE CALNEKA.B., Mexico City College, Mexico, 1954(Anthropology)MARGARET HARRISON CASEA.B., Smith College, 1957(Political Science)CARLOS BRANDAO DA SILVA(Economics)CLARISSA F. DILLONA.B., Bryn Mawr College, 1955(History)JEROME EARL EDWARDSA.B., Yale University, 1958(History)THOMAS C. FENWICKS.B., Northern Illinois State Teachers College, 1951(Political Science)ALMA ANN FICKSA.B., Washington State College, 1954(Sociology)JOHN ERNEST FRISCH(Anthropology)MARIE FE KILAYKO HERNAEZA.B., University of N egros Occidental, BacolodCity, P.I., 1953S.B., ibid., 1954A.M.Ed., ibid., 1957(History)JOHN CALVIN HOTCHKISS �A.B., Reed College, 1956(Anthropology)MARTIN E. JOHNSON(H uman Development) KYU TAlK KIMA.B., Gakushuin University, Tokyo, Japan, 1957(Political Science)KAI OLAF LIE(International Relations)PAUL EDWARD NELSONA.B., Augustana College, 1957(Political Science)DEANE DILLMAN RALEY, JR.S.B., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1958(Political Science)REMINGTON PURNELL STOVERSTONEA.B., University of Chicago, 1957(International Relations)RICHARD WAYNE THOMPSONA.B., Macalester College, 1954(Human Development)ALFRED TOIZERS.B., Temple University, 1957(Social Sciences)THOMAS EDWARD WHITEA.B., Western Michigan University, 1958(History)JOHN LEWIS WOODWORTHA.B., DePauw University, 1958(Economics)In the Divinity SchoolPAUL JAMES CLARKA.B., Butler University, 1954ROBERT JAMES CLARKA.B., Elmhurst College, 1953D.B., University of Chicago, 1956 DOYAL DAWSON O'DELLA.B., University of Redlands, 1953D.B., University of Chicago, 1956STANLEY LEROY VAN ETTEND.B., University of Chicago, 1958In the Graduate Library SchoolELIZABETH MARGARETECHEESEMANS.B., Northwestern University, 1953GOURI SENA.B., Victoria Institute, Calcutta, India, 1943T.B., University of Calcutta, India, 1947A.M., ibid., 1951 ROBERT UNDERBRINKSc.B., State University oj Louia, 1949II. THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF FINE ARTSIn the Division of the HumanitiesPAUL ANDREW HANKO(Art) RODNEY ALAN SHAWA.B., Reed College, 1958(Art)III. THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF SCIENCEIn the Division of the Biological SciencesJOSEPH CARREL CHISHOLMS.B., University of Chicago, 1956(Microbiology)PHILIP FRANCIS DUPONTS.B., Loyola University, Chicago, 1955(Biological Sciences) PRISCILLA ANNE PERRYS.B., Loyola University, Chicago, 1958(Botany)HELEN LORNA PUTTKAMMERSTRAUSA.B., Radcliffe College, 1955(Anatomy)In the Division of the Physical SciencesROBERT EUGENE DEMARA.B., Harvard University, 1953(Geology)ERNEST FRANKPh.B., University of Chicago, 1945S.B., ibid., 1946( Chemistry)ROBERT WARNER JONESS.B., Wisconsin State College, 1954(Meteorology)MINAO KAMEGAIA.B., University of Hawaii, 1957(Physics)JONATHAN MORRIS KLIEGMANA.B., Middlebury College, 1958( Chemistry)ROBERT PHILLIP LANGS.B., University o/Illinois, 1955(Chemistry) JACK EDWARD MOTT(Physics)DONALD EDWARD NEVILLES.B., Loyola University, 1957(Physics)MAHLON RAYMUNDA.B., University of Chicago, 1951S.B., ibid., 1954(Physics)DAVID WARREN SHERA.B., University 0/ Chicago, 1957(Chemistry)RICHARD DIXON WORLEYS.B., Hendrix College, 1949A.M., University 0/ Arkansas, 1951(Physics)I. IN THE GRADUATE SCHOOL OF BUSINESSCANDIDATES FOR PROFESSIONAL DEGREESFor the Degree of Master of Business Administration:GEORGE EDWIN AKERA.B .. St. Olaf College, 1958STEFAN STOLEN ANDERSONA.B., Harvard College, 1956JOHN ARTHUR BACHUSA.B., Ripon College, 1958MYRON GEORGE BAKERA.B., Colby College, 1958JAMES DELL BROWNS.B., University of Illinois, 1952RICHARD MAcNEAL BURLINGAMEA.B., Occidental College, 1954EDWARD ROBERT CARDONEA.B., Tufts University, 1958STANLEY DAVID CHRISTIANSONS.B., University of Illinois, 1954 WELDON KENNETH DANIELSONLL.B., LaSalle University, 1937ROBERT EATON FISHBACKA.B., Oberlin College, 1958JOSEPH ANTHONY GARONS.B., University 0/ Illinois, 1953JEROME JOSEPH GROEBNERS.B., University 0/ Notre Dame, 1942S.M., ibid., 1947ROBERT ERNST GUTMANNA.B., Oberlin College, 1958PAUL THEODORE HENSELS.B., Wheaton College, 1952JAMES LEWIS HICKS, JR.HAROLD LEE HUBBARDS.B., University of Missouri, 1958RAYMOND JACKSONS.B., Massachusetts Institute 0/ Technology, 1958JOHN DAVID JACOBSONS.B.E.E., University 0/ Illinois, 1949CRYSTAL ROTHROCK JANASKIES.B., Aurora College, 1955GORDON LEONARD JOHNSONS.B., United States Naval Academy, 1954MOHAMMAD KARAMATULLA KHANA.A., George Washington University, 1949A.B., ibid., 1950BARBARA SCHAEFFER KLEBOEA.B., Northwestern University, 1957HAROLD LEROY KOENIGS.B., University 0/ Illinois, 1951FRANKLIN PIERCE KROMERS.B., DePaul University, 1958JOHN A. LANES.B., Loyola University, 1951ALVIN JOHN LANESEA.B., Denison University, 1958DEMOSTHENES WILLIAM LECOSA.B., DePaul University, 1954RICHARD SWIFT McCLAUGHRY, JR.S.B., Michigan State University, 1954DANIEL M. O'CONNELLS.B., University 0/ Illinois, 1954ROBERT LEE PETERSONS.B.M.E., Illinois Institute 0/ Technology, 1952 SAMUEL RICHARD· REIMELA.B., Hiram College, 1958LEONARD STEELE RHYNUSA.B., Wesleyan University, 1958MARTIN R. ROSENTHALA.B., Dartmouth College, 1956JOHN R. STONES.B., Drake University, 1956DAVID P. TAYLORA.B., Cornell University, 1956 'JOHN RAYMOND TEMPLEMANS.B., Fournier Institute 0/ Technology, 1953BRUNO ULPEPh.D., University 0/ Bonn, Germany, 1951JACK HARVEY WALLERA.B., University 0/ Chicago, 1951PERRY T. WARDS.B., University 0/ Illinois, 1952CLARENCE ARNOLD WEISGERBER,S.B., Bradley University, 1951HOWARD O. WHAMONDS.B., Illinois Institute 0/ Technology, 1937FRANK MYRON WHITNEYA.B., Wabash College, 1958ROGER ALAN WILLIAMSA.B., Middlebury College, 1958II. IN THE LAW SCHOOLFor the Degree at Doctor at Law:BENJAMIN PHILIP ALSCHULERA.B., University 0/ Virginia, 1955STUART ALAN APPLEBAUMA.B., Harvard University, 1957JOHN JOSEPH BONSIGNOREA.B., Trinity College, 1957JOHN WHITCOMB CASTLEA.B., Princeton University, 1955RICHARD WILLIAM DEl(ORTEA.B., Amherst College, 1957PETER ISAAC DIAMONDSTONEA.B., Queens College, New York, 1957JEROME F. DIXON, JR.A.B., University 0/ Notre Dame, 1954DAVID KENNETH FLOYDA.B., Trinity College, 1954WILLIAM DARRELL FOSDICKA.B., Harvard University, 1953 ROBERT DICKEY HAMILTONA.B., Oberlin College, 1957ROBERT GILBERT JOHNSTONJOSEPH THOMAS KANES.B., Temple University, 1957NORMAN GERALD KURLANDA.B., University 0/ Connecticut, 1952HERBERT ORAN NELSONS.B., University 0/ Chicago, 1958MELVIN SHERRY NEWMANS.B., University 0/ Illinois, 1957ROBERT DAVID RACHLINA.B., Yale University, 1957DONALD M. SPANTONA.B., Cornell University, 1957DONALD ALLEN STRICKLANDA.B., Reed College, 1956A.M., University 0/ Chicago, 1957For the Degree of Master at Laws:HENRY H. FOSTER, JR.A.B., University 0/ Nebraska, 1933LL.B., University 0/ Nebraska Law School, 1936LL.M., Harvard Law School, 1941CANDIDATES FOR THE DEGREE OFDOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY1. IN THE DIVISION OF THE BIOLOGICAL SCIENCESHERBERT RICHARD BARGHUSENA.B., La/ayette College, 1955iPuleozoiilogy}ROBERT RAYMOND HESSLERA.B., University 0/ Chicago, 1953B.B., ibid., 1955(Paleozoology)HOWARD M. JENKINS.B., University 0/ Wisconsin, 1949(Microbiology) PHILIP CHARLES NIEDERA.B., University 0/ Chicago, 1950S.M., ibid., 1953(Biopsychology)JOSEPH YAVITPh.B., University 0/ Chicago, 1951S.B., ibid., 1952S.M., ibid., 1956(Physiology)II. IN THE DIVISION OF THE HUMANITIESLESTER ALBERT BEA URLINEA.B., University 0/ Missouri, 1950A.M., University 0/ Chicago, 1951(English Language and Literature)JAMES HOFFMAN DAYA.B., University 0/ Oklahoma, 1952A.M., Harvard University, 1955(Classical Languages and Literatures)HASSAN S. HADDAD(Oriental Languages and Civilizations) ROBERT THOMAS HARMSA.B., University 0/ Chicago, 1952A.M., ibid., 1956(Linguistics)WILLIAM ROBERT HUTCHINSONB.M., American Conservatory 0/ Music, 1950M.M., ibid., 1952(Music)JACK EDWARD WALLACEA.M., University 0/ Chicago, 1952(English Language and Literature)III. IN THE DIVISION OF THE PHYSICAL SCIENCESCARL LUDWIG WILLIAM BRANDTPh.B., Northwestern University, 1953( Chemistry)LEON JAMES BRUNERA.B., University 0/ Chicago, 1952S.M., ibid., 1955(Physics)JAY BURNS IIIS.B., Northwestern University, 1947S.M., University 0/ Chicago, 1951(Physics)STEPHEN URBAN CHASEA.B., Princeton University, 1954S.M., University 0/ Chicago, 1955(Mathematics) HERBERT THEODORE DAVIDA.B., Harvard University, 1947A.M., Columbia University, 1948(S tatistics)JACQUE EDGAR HANLONA.B., University 0/ Chicago, 1952S.M., ibid., 1956(Physics)BILLY WILSON MANGUMA.B., Mississippi Southern College, 1953(Chemistry)HUKUM SINGH RATHORS.B., Lucknow University, India, 1941S.M., ibid., 1943(Meteorology)ANTHONY MARION TROZZOLOS.B., Illinois Institute of Technology, 1950S.M., University of Chicago, 1957(Chemistry)PETER OLIVER VANDERVOORTA.B., University of Chicago, 1954S.B., ibid., 1955S.M., ibid., 1956(Physics)MEYER 1. WEINERS.M., University of Chicago, 1954(Chemistry) DONAT GOTTHARD WENTZELA.B., University of Chicago, 1954S.B., ibid., 1955S.M., ibid., 1956(Physics)DRASKO D. YOV ANOVITCHS.M., University of Chicago, 1957(Physics)IV. IN THE DIVISION OF THE SOCIAL SCIENCESJACQUELINE LEONA ROSENA.B., University of North Carolina, 1950A.M., University of Miami, 1951(Human Development)MARIE FIELDERS.B., University of Southern California, 1944S.M., ibid., 1947(Education)B. DELWORTH GARDNERS.8., University of Wyoming, 1953S.M., ibid., 1954(Economics)MARK M. KRUGA.M., Roosevelt University, 1955(History)PETER CAMDEN PINEOA.B., University of British Columbia, Canada, 1955A.M., McGill University, Montreal, Canada, 1957(Sociology)FAUNEIL JOYCE RINNA.B., University of Cincinnati, 1946S.M., Columbia University, 1947A.M., University of Chicago, 1954(Political Science) IRVIN ROTHA.B., University of Chicago, 1949(Psychology)DOUGLAS GENE ST. ANGELOA.B., North Central College, 1953A.M., University of Chicago, 1957(Political Science)JACOB SCHONFIELDA.B., Yeshiva University, 1950A.M., University of Minnesota, 1951(Human Development)V. IN THE GRADUATE SCHOOL OF BUSINESSROBERT CRAIGHEAD BROOKS, JR.A.B., University o] Chicago, 1946M.B.A., ibid., 1951 FELIX KAUFMANA.B., University of Chicago, 1942M.B.A., ibid., 1948VI. IN THE DIVINITY SCHOOLRICHARD CLARENCE BUSH, JR.A.B., Southern Methodist University, 1944ARMIN HENRY LIMPERA.B., Elmhurst College, 1945D.B., Edens Seminary, 1948 F. DEAN LUEKINGA.B., Concordia Seminary, 1954D.B., ibid., 1954ALMA MATER Words byEDWIN H. LEWISter,t�r.ter,COPYRIGHTTHE BENEDICTIONTHE RECESSIONALAndante from Concerto No. 1 in G Major(The congregation remains standing during the Recession) HandelORGANISTBENJAMIN HADLEY, Guest OrganistCARILLONNEUR. JAMES R. LAWSON, Chapel CarillonneurMARSHALHAROLD A. ANDERSON, Marshal of the UniversityASSIST ANT MARSHALSROBERT LOVETT ASHENHURST GEORGE JOSEPH METCALFLEON CARNOVSKY EUGENE PURDY NORTHROPJ. W. J. CARPENDER JAMES MAXWELL RATCLIFFEJOSEPH CEITHAML WILBERT HERBERT URRYHAROLD HAYDON WILLIAM NATHANIEL WEAVERMARTIN LEE KAIN STUDENT AIDESMICHAEL JON KINDREDMICHAEL JAMES KINNEYCOLEY CLIFTON MILLS, JR.GEORGE JOHN PLZAKMARA ZIBRINMALCOLM DENNIS BARTON·EUGENE ROBERT DE SOMBREALICE.LING-HSIU CHUNGPATRICIA KATHARINE HOPKINS