mbt �ni�tr�tt!' of ctCbicagoIIFOUNDED BY JOHN D. ROCKEFELLERTHETwo HUNDRED SEVENTY-SEVENTH/ CONVOCATION" /tEbt Utinttt/ .._JMARCH TWENTY-FIRSTA.D. NINETEEN HUNDRED FIFTY- EIGHTROCKEFELLER MEMORIAL CHAPELCohen, Marvin Lou. (Physics) S.M. wloColl�, Richard Allen. (Bus.) M.B.A. wloList of Graduates, March, 1958 convocation(w/o means "without thesis")Anati, Guerrino F. (Eng.) A.M. w/oAvis, Virginia. (Anthropology) A.M.Paper: The significance of the angle of the ja"f': an experi­mental and compar-at Lve study.Barker, Patricia Ann. (Prep. of T'each.) S.M.The mechanism of prolonged antibody formation.Beck, Charles Eugene. (Bus.) .B.A. w/OBennett, David Harry. (Hist.) A.M.The appeals of communism in the United States in the period ofthe popular front, 1935-.39.Berwick, Robert Anthony. (Bus.) .B.A. w/o. Bloomfield, Philip Earl. (Physics) S.M. wloBrice, .l orman Bracken. (Educ.) Ph.D.The fa.cilitation and obstruction of progress in psychotherapy:a statistical analysis of a single case,Brod, Richard Ira. (Germanics) A.M. wloBronez, Ray illiam. (�ol. Sci.) Ph.D.Interest �roups and public housing policy.Brown, James Allison. (Anth.) A.M. wloBunting, Robert Logan. (Econ.) Ph.D.Eiuployer concentration in local labor market s ,Burd, James Edward. (Bus.) M.B.A. wloCatchings, Mildred Lue. (urs.Ed.) A.M.Paper: Health peob Lems of kindergarten children n eightselected Chicago public schools.Chao, George Yien-Chi. (Geology) S.. 10Chow, Yung Teh. (Sociol.) Ph.D.status mobility of the Chinese gentry.Ciardi, Dominic Raymond. (bus.) .A. w/o2 arch, 1958Conner, Harvey rilliam. (Bus , ) .B.A. w/oCurtis, Conrad M. (Hum.Dev , ) A.M. w/oDaf'Ler-, James Richard. (Chern.) S:. wi 0Davidson, rilliam Gr-ahl., (bus.) /0.B.A,Fein, Leibel. (Pol.Sci.) A.'The parliament of Israel: its structures �d functions.Davis, William "athaniel, Jr. (Bus.) M.B.A. w/oDeane, Donald Warren. (Div.) A.M..The process of �Re rtdemption in the life that is churacterizedby the compulsive-obsessive reaction.DeGroot, orris H. (Statistics) Ph.D.Unbiased sequential estimation of a probablility.Doolan, Leonard Wealdey, III. "(Bus.) M.B.A. w/oDurning, William Colin. (anatol!\Y) Ph.D.Submicroscopic structure of frozen-dried epiphyseal plateand adjacent sponiosa of the rat.Eklund, Emmet. (Div.) A."A study of Bethany College and its educational objectives asii.terpreted by its founder, Dr. Carl Aaron Swensson, from 1881-to 1904.Fitz-Iugh, Ernie .• (Div.) A.M., An analysis of the "Time- ef'erence'' patterns in cases of client­centered counseling.Flores, Violeta F. (Chern.) S.'. w/oFox, David Vayne. (. us.) JI.B.A. w/oFur at, William Conrad. (Bus. ) M. B • A. w/oGetz, Donald Richard. (Physics) S.. w/oGislason, Conrad. (J!scon.) Ph.D.The st oz-age of' grains with special reference to internationaltrade.Goodni.ck, Malcolm Vernaon, (Bus.) M.B.A. w/oGray, Philip H. (Psych.) A.It:Irrelevant cue learning in the chick.Gregory, Ernst Detlev. (Bus s ) M.B.i. w/oGriffiths, Kenneth. (Bus.) � .B,A. w/o.3 arch, 1958Heberle, 'l�us. (POl.Sci.) A ••The doctrine of preemption and the Supreme Court: developmentand a plication in the interpretation of the Nati nal LaborRelations Act.Henry, Hugh Thompson. (Pol.Sci.) A.�·Municipal governmental tr nsitions in six Illinois communities.Hoffman, Paul Arthur. (Pol.Sci.) A ...The poUltice of Lake diversiom1957 ..Hsiao, Margaret You-Ching. (Chern.) S.1o w/oHavard, Daniel !lannis. (Educ.) Ph.D.Percieved identification and opinion change.Hoyt, rilliam L. (Math.) Ph.D.Some decomposition theorems on Albelian va.rieties.Jackson, David T. (Internat. Relations.) A.M.The United States nd the Inter-American high\ ayeJames, Kenneth Elmer. (Bus.) M.B.A. wloJurgen, Henrietta. Dorothy. (Nure.Ed.) A.M.Paper: Admission and achievement characteristics of graduates ofa school of practical nursing.Kaar-sb ez-g , Ernest Andersen. (�eology) s.. w/oKagan, Esther H. (Hum.Dev.) A.M.Paper: A study of physic� life space of schizophrenic patientsin response to varying conditions on hospital wards.Kain, Thomas Aloysius. (Bus.) M.B.. /0Katz, Harold Ambrose. (Econ.) A.M.Two decades of state labor legislation.Kirn, Seung Born. (bus • ) .B •• /0Klein, Mary L. (HIst .') A.LThe godly conspirators: Elizabethan puritanism and the classesat Bury St. Edmunds.Koehler, Bernard John. (Bus.) .B.A. wloKolkowicz, Roman. (Int. al.) A.M.The Soviet Union and the iar-aa unprising of 0944: a study of sovietpolitical and military activity aimed at the establishment of it.shegemony over �oland, vdth particular emphasis on the development srelating to the Warsa, uprisona•Kunz , William Theodore. (SSA) A.M. ! 0LaPine, Har� John. (Educ.) Ph.D.A study of the validity of the United States Armed Forces Institutetests of general educational development(high school level)4 arch, .958Leiter" William Max. (Pol. Sci.) A.M.The contributions of counsel to the major constitutional decisionsof John arshall.Levine, Edward M. (Pol.Sci.) Ph.D.The atural Gas Act:, group policies and public opinion.Lieberman, Morton Alexander" (Psych,) Ph.D,The relationship between emotional cultures of groups and individualchange.Litvak, Ruth Marzano. (Anatomy) Ph.D.A quantitative study of the parenchymal cells of the rat liverduring postnatal erov�h.Lifka, William Josepr Jr. (Bus.) .B.A. wloLuce , Richard Wayne. (0. L. S.) A. '"1.The growth of interest in �usic in America as reflected in masscirculation mag zines, 1949-1955.Lucid, Robert Francis. (hng.) Ph.D.The composition, reception, reputation and influence of Twoyear-s before the mast ,MacCormac� I Richard Eliot. (bus.) .B.A. wloMalone, Riol ard Henry. (Bus , ) �� .B,A. '/0arvdtz, Ronald Arthur. (Bus�) �.B.A. w/oMa.y, Joseph Austin. (Philos.) A.�. w/oMcClelland, William Bruce, (Bus.) .B .. A. w/oMcGuire, Alice Brooks. (G.L.S.) Ph.D.Developmental values in children's literature.1 c'Int.osh , Harold Ray. (Bua. ) M.B.A. w/oMeisner, Lorraine F. (Anthrop.) A.M.Paper: Inquiry into r&cial differences in disease.Mieun, Richard Peter. (Bus.) .B.A. w/oruiller, Richard Henry. (Physics) Ph.D.Inelastic scatt ering of 150 MeV negative pions by carbon and lead.Miller, Stanley John. (Bus.) M.B.A. w/oPetti, John.. (Hist.) A. (IThe rival!""1 of Benton and Calhoun during -Jackeont s PI' sidency.Pierce, Jimmy Victor. (Bus.) M.B.A. w/oPlummer, Kenneth Moses. (Div.) Ph.D.The theolmgy of John Williamson Nevin in the �ercersburg period,1840-1852. 5 arch, 1958oraczewski, Albett S. (Pharmacology) h.D.The influence of chlorproma�ine and it s sulfoxide deri vati ve onthe int ermedi.ary carbohydrate met abolism of 1i ver ,Morin, dwar-d Arthur, Jr. (Eng.) A.M. /0uth, Richard F. CEcon.) h.D.The demand for non-farm ho�sing.Nason , Ma.rshall Rutherford. (Rom.Lanf , ) Ph.D.Benito Lynch Y BU cr-eacf.on 11teraria.orton, Ldward J. (Educ.) Ph.D.Teacher motivation for in-service self-L�provenent.0) n ar-a, John Anthony. (Bus s ) l�.B.A. w/oPalumbo, Dennie James. (Soc.Sci.Div.) A.M, w/oPaul, Leslie Robert. (Hist.) A..,A survey of the ecclesiastical history of the t own of orwf chr1500-1575.Perez, Jose Lor-anzo , (PoL, Sci.) A ••Dtctatorship in Latin America.Polkinghorn; Robert S. (Econ s ) Ph.D.Regional wage &ifferentials.Prost, Jack Hale. (Anthrop) A.M. w/oRamhorst, August Herman. (Div.) A.M.The myth of the Midwest: a study of Lockridge's Raintree county.Rast, Peggy Craig. (G.L.S.) A.].Readers advisory service: a survey of its development in relationto other adult education services.Ray, Marsh B. (Socimlogy) A.M.Cure and relapse among heroin addict s.Raysor, Cecily ever-eux, (Eng.) A.M. w/o) 6 arch .. 1958Reed, James C. (Educ.) Ph.D.An analysis of the interrelationship of certain components of thepr-imary mental abilities and reading achievemnet.Ren sha , Edwa.rd F. (Econ.) Ph.D.An economic appramsal of public inrestment in irrigation.Revldes, Virginia. (Pol.Sci.) A.M.The constitutinal question of monarchy or republic for Greece:1915-1946.Rohn, William J., Jr. (Busv) M.B. ". wloRolfes, Francis Paul. (Bus.) ./0 M.B.A.R.osenthal, Joel Thomas. (Hist.) A. [.The Assizes of bread, l'vine, ale, and weights and measures, andthe office of the Cl.erk of the arket in medieval England.Rubel, Arthur Joseph. (Anth. ) A.M. w/oRyan, Timothy Edward. (Bua. ) .B. • w/oSaffir, p. tricia Joan. (Chem�) S.M. w/oSchubert, Margaret. (Soc.Serv.Ad.) Ph.D.Field 'work performance: the quality of the student's caseworkservice at the end of the first year in a public assistance setting.Searcy, �iley Tunstall, Jr. (Physics) S.M. w/oSellona, Julita 1. (l'urs.Ed.) A..Paper: Health teaching by nur see of a Philip ine hospital.Shekelle, Richard Barten. (Hum.Dev, ) A.LPaper: A study of age-related differences in adult personality.Skinner, Curtis Eugene. (Bus.) U.B.A. w/oSivright, John Avecy. (Bus.) M.B. It /0Spirak, Jerome. (Bus.) M.,B .. - w/oSzczepanski, Mattle Joseph. (Bus.) M.B.A. wloTaylor, Miles Edsel. (Bus.) M.B.A. %Thomas, Mary C. (Div.) A.l.The Elevelopment of conscience in democr-at.Lc Christian family lifein India.Toloczko, dwin Chester. (Bus.) M.B... w/oUllman, Sally Jean, (Bus.) .B�. wlo7 Ma.rch, .958Valasek, Dan E. (Pol-Sci.) A.M.The problem of secrecy in British government al, procedure,Vidyarthi, La.lita Pr-asad, (Anth.) Ph .. D.The sacred com ; ex ina trad.itional city of r orth rn India.V'adlOVt, Rene V.1. (ol.Sci.) A. I.Beyond neclear dterrents: the assumptlons of orld government.Zolpe, Edwar-d Joseph Michael. (Art) A.Pit! v/oWeadock, Penelope I�. (6rient.) Ph.D.The gipar� at Ur; a study of the archeological remains andreL�ted textual material.V-illifR6.'BaJns, Lewis V�aldron. (Art) Ph.D.Lo�do Taft: er-i can sculptor end art :missionary ItWitt, Clayton William. (Bus.) � .B.A. w/oZabkar, Louis Vice. (or.Lan�.) Ph.D.'_ study of the Ba, The monistic conception of man in ancientEgypt..ORDER OF ·EXERCISESLAWRENCE A. KIMPTON, Chancellor of the University, Presiding1. THE CONVOCATION PROCESSIONProcessional-Fantasy on "0 God, Our Help in Ages Past"The Marshal and the Student AidesThe Candidates for DegreesThe Faculties of the UniversityThe Trustees and Administrative OfficersThe Convocation ChaplainThe Chancellor of the University and the Convocation OratorII. HYMN FOR THE CONGREGATION(Congregation standing until after the Prayer)My country, 'tis of thee,Sweet land of liberty,Of thee I sing:Land where my fathers died,Land of the pilgrims' pride,From every mountain sideLet freedom ring. Our fathers' God, to thee,Author of liberty,To thee we sing:Long may our land be brightWith freedom's holy light!Protect us, by thy might,Great God, our King! A men.-So F. SMITHIII. THE PRAYERTHE REVEREND CARL E. WENNERSTROM, Chaplain, The UniversityClinicsIV. THE CONVOCATION ADDRESS"Who Will Push the Button?" DR. J. ROSCOE MILLER, President, North­western UniversityV. SOLO: "Laudate Dominum," from Vesperae Solennes de ConjessoreMozartCHARLOTTE VIKSTROM, Soprano, The University of Chicago Choir CroftAmericaVI. THE AWARD OF HONORSAwarded General Honors with the Bachelor's Degree:Frank McGloin Chilton, Jr. Dorothy Jean Hess Robert Louis PerlmanMembers elected to Beta of Illinois Chapter of Phi Beta Kappa on nomi­nation of the University for especial distinction in general scholar­ship in the University:George Yien-Chi Chao Frank McGloin Chilton, Jr.Hal Hans SchaeferHoward Arthur SnyderDaniel WeinerEdward 1. WeinshelbaumEdward Alan Wolpert.William John Kernan, Jr.John Fitch LathropRichard Alan LundyStewart M. MarcowitzPaul Edgar PhillipsonWilliam John Riley, Jr.Melvin Luther GriemClifford William GurneyWerner Heinrich KirstenArdis Ray LavenderShutsung LiaoMorton Alexander LiebermanJohn Wickwire LoopGerald Samuel MarksLouis Frank Plzak, Jr.Howard Frank RaskinVII. THE CONFERRING OF DEGREESAssociate members elected to Sigma Xi on nomination of the Depart­ments of Science for evidence of ability in research work in Science:Ivan Fred DiamondGlen Exner EverettElizabeth Ann GlassRoman Joseph GostkiewiczRobert HartRobert Eby HostetterMember s elected to Sigma Xi on nomination of the Departments ofScience for evidence of ability in research work in Science:Ernest BeutlerRichard Oscar BicksRichard Kekuni BlaisdellPeter Lance BrunnenPhilip Albert ChristiansenCharles Bernard ClaymanGeorge Ronald DaicoffWalter FriedSeymour GlagovWalter Charles GogelGerald Saul Gotterer Ralph Meldahl ReitanTheodore Schaefer, Jr.David Winston Howard ShaleJean Aileen SpencerConrad Gwinn ThurstoneMary Elizabeth TidballStanley Asao UriuRudolph Charles WaldschmidtFelix Emil WassermannJ ames Roe WilliamsCandidates for degrees will be presented by the Deans in the followingorder:Candidates for the degree of Bachelor of Arts, or Bachelor of Philosophy,or Bachelor of Science by Dean Robert E. StreeterCandidates for the degree of Master of Arts, or Master of Fine Arts, orMaster of Science by Dean Napier Wilt .Candidates for the degree of Master of Business Administration by DeanW. Allen WallisCandidates for the degree of Doctor of Law by Dean Edward H. LeviCandidates for the degree of Doctor of Medicine by Dean Lowell T.CoggeshallCandidates for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy by Dean Chauncy D.HarrisCANDIDATES FOR THE BACHELOR'S DEGREEI. IN THE COLLEGEFor the Degree of Bachelor of Arts:FRANCES M. BARRISHPh.B., University of Chicago, 1948 MARTIN KRASNITZA.B., University of Chicago, 1957OLAVI MARUROBIN SIMON OGGINSA.B., University of Chicago, 1952BERENICE MALKA FISHERCAROL LOIS HEFTERFor the Degree of Bachelor of Philosophy:JOSEF CHARLES GUTENKAUFII. IN THE COLLEGE AND THE DIVISION OF THE BIOLOGICAL SCIENCESFor the Degree of Bachelor of Science:DON CROSBIE DONDERIA.B., University of Chicago, 1955(Biopsychology)ROBERT LOUIS PERLMANA.B., University of Chicago, 1957(General Studies) LEWIS STANFORD SEIDENA.B., University of Chicago, 1956(B iopsychology)III. IN THE COLLEGE AND THE DIVISION OF THE HUMANITIESFor the Degree oj Bachelor oj Arts:THOMAS JOHN BRUDIE(Germanics)HARRIET E. M. KLEIN(General Studies) JEAN LEPLEYA.B., University of Chicago, 1954(Romance Languages and Literatures)IV. IN THE COLLEGE AND THE DIVISION OF THE PHYSICAL SCIENCESFor the Degree of Bachelor oj Science:FRANK McGLOIN CHILTON, JR.(Physics) THOMAS ISAAC STARKA.B., University of Michigan, 1952(Mathematics)V. IN THE COLLEGE AND THE DIVISION OF THE SOCIAL SCIENCESFor the Degree of Bachelor oj Arts:BARRY DALE BERGMANA.B., University of Chicago, 1953(An thropology)CLAIRE EUGENE CARR, JR.(Political Science)FRANCES PALFREY DAY(Sociology)HERBERT GROSSA.B., University of Chicago, 1<1156(Psychology) DOROTHY JEAN HESSA.B., University of Chicago, 1957(Political Science)JOYCE BETH TAYMOR(Education)NORMA ESPO WERNER(Human Development)VI. IN THE DIVISION OF THE PHYSICAL SCIENCESFor the Degree of Bachelor oj Science:PHILIP SELMAR MARCUSA.B., University of Chicago, 1956(Mathematics) HYLA SARANE SIEGEL(Mathematics)GUERRINO F. AMATIA.B., Wayne University, 1953(English Language and Literature)RICHARD IRA BRODA.B., University of Chicago, 1953(Germanic Languages and Literatures)JOSEPH AUSTIN MAYA.B., University of Toronto, Canada, 1954(Philosophy) EDWARD ARTHUR MORIN, JR.A.B., Maryknoll College, 1956(English Language and Literature)CECIL Y DEVEREUX RAYSORA.B., Radcliffe College, 1948(English Language and Literature)JOEL THOMAS ROSENTHALA.B., University of Chicago, 1954(History)CANDIDATES FOR HIGHER DEGREESI. THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF ARTSI. IN THE DIVISION OF THE HUMANITIESVIRGINIA AVISA.B.; University of New Mexico, 1955(An thropology)DAVID HARRY BENNETTA.B., Syracuse University, 1956(History)JAMES ALLISON BROWNA.B., University of Chicago, 1954(An thropology)MILDRED LUE CATCHINGSS.B., University of Michigan, 1945(Nursing Education)CONRAD M. CURTISA.B., Miami University, 1952(Human Development) WILLIAM MAX LEITERA.B., University of Massachusetts, 1956(Political Science)II. IN THE DIVISION OF THE SOCIAL SCIENCESLORRAINE F. MEISNER(Anthropology)DENNIS JAMES PALUMBO(Divisional A.M.)LESLIE ROBERT PAULA.B., University of Chicago, 1954A.B., iu«, 1955(History)LEIBEL FEINA.B., University of Chicago, 1954A.B., iu«, 1956(Political Science)PHILIP H. GRAY(Psychology)KLAUS HINRICH HEBERLEA.B., Louisiana State University, 1956(Political Science)HUGH THOMPSON HENRYA.B., Texas Christian University, 1952(Political Science)PAUL ARTHUR HOFFMANA.B., University of Chicago, 1957(Political Science) JOSE LORENZO PEREZA.B., University of Puerto Rico,Rio Piedras, Puerto Rico, 1952'(Political Science)JOHN PETTIA.B., Youngstown University, 1956(History)JACK HALE PROSTA.B., Northwestern University, 1955(Anthropology)MARSH BRAINERD RAYA.B., University of Chicago, 1950(Sociology)VIRGINIA CHARILAOS REVIDESA.B., Florida. Sou thern College, 1955(Political Science)DAVID THORNTON JACKSONS.B.Ed., Henderson State Teachers College, 1950(International Relations) ARTHUR JOSEPH RUBELA.B., Mexico City College, D.F. Mexico, 1951(Anthropology)HENRIETTA DOROTHY JURGENA.B., Elmhurst College, 1943(Nursing Education)ESTHER H. KAGANA.B., Roosevelt University, 1955(Human Development)HAROLD AMBROSE KATZA.B., Vanderbilt University, 1943J.D., University of Chicago, 1948(Economics) JULITA 1. SELLONAB.S.N., Philippine Union College, Manila, P.!., 1952(Nursing Education)RICHARD BARTEN SHEKELLEA.B., University of Chicago, 1952(Human Development)DAN E. VALOSEK(Political Science)MARY L. KLEINA.B., Bryn Mawr College, 1952(History)ROMAN KOLKOWICZA.B., University of Buffalo, 1954(International Relations) RENE VINCENT LUCIEN WADLOWA.B., Princeton University, 1956(Political Science)III. IN THE DIVINITY SCHOOLDONALD WARREN DEANEA.B., Westminster College, 1947D.B., Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary,1949EMMET ELVIN EKLUNDA.B., Bethany College, 1941D.B., Augustana Theological Seminary, 1945ERNIE FITZ-HUGH AUGUST HERMAN RAMHORSTA.B., Carroll College, 1949D.B., University of Chicago, 1955MARY C. THOMASA.B., Women's Christian College, University ofMadras, India, 1945IV. IN THE GRADUATE LIBRARY SCHOOLRICHARD WAYNE LUCEA.B., University of Chicago, 1953 PEGGY CRAIG RASTA.B., Tusculum College, 1954V. IN THE SCHOOL OF SOCIAL SERVICE ADMINISTRATIONWILLIAM THEODORE KUNZA.B., Lake Forest College, 1931II. THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF FINE ARTSI. IN THE DIVISION OF THE HUMANITIESEDWARD JOSEPH MICHAEL ZOLPE(Art)III. THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF SCIENCEI. IN THE DIVISION OF THE BIOLOGICAL SCIENCESPATRICIA ANN BARKERA.B., Colorado State College of Agriculture andMechanic Arts, 1952(Biological Sciences)II. IN THE DIVISION OF THE PHYSICAL SCIENCESPHILIP EARL BLOOMFIELDA.B., University of Chicago, 1956S.B., ibid., 1957(Physics)GEORGE YIEN-CHI CHAO(Geology)MARVIN LOU COHENA.B., University of California, 1957(Physics)JAMES RICHARD DAFLER( Chemistry)VIOLETA F. FLORESS.B., University of Santo Tomas, Manila. P.L, 1953( Chemistry)DONALD RICHARD GETZA.B., University of Chicago, 1956(Physics) MARGARET YOU-CHING HSIAOA.B., Barat College, 1956(Chemistry)ERNEST ANDERSEN KAARSBERGSc.B., Queens' University, Kingston, Ontario, Can­ada, 1949A.M., University of Toronto, Ontario, Canada, 1950(Geology)PATRICIA JOAN SAFFIRA.B., University of Chicago, 1955S.B., ibid., 1957(Chemistry)WILEY TUNSTALL SEARCY, JR.A.B., University of Alabama, 1956(Physics)Professional Certificate [or Teachers in Secondary Schools:MICHAEL KARZENCHARLES EUGENE BECK .S.B., University of Wichita, 1949' RICHARD ELIOT MACCORMACKS.B., University of New Hampshire, 1953RICHARD HENRY MALONES.B., Louisiana State University, 1950RONALD ARTHUR MARWITZS.B., Fournier Institute of Technology, 1953WILLIAM BRUCE McCLELLANDS.B.B.A., Northwestern University, 1949HAROLD RAY McINTOSHS.B., Indiana University, 1952RICHARD PETER MICUNS.B., De Paul University, 1948LL.B., ibid., 1950STANLEY JOHN MILLERS.B.M.E., Illinois Institute of Technology, 1950JOHN ANTHONY O'MARAS.B.E.E., Fournier Institute of Technology, 1952JIMMY VICTOR PIERCEAB., University of Illinois, 1954IV. PROFESSIONAL DEGREESr. IN THE SCHOOL OF BUSINESSFor the Degree oj Master oj Business Administration:ROBERT ANTHONY BERWICKS.B., DePaul University, 1955JAMES EDWARD BURDDOMINIC RAYMOND CIARDIS.B., Seton Hall University, 1953KENNETH GRIFFITHSS.B., Northwestern University, 1949 JOHN AVERY SIVRIGHTS.B., United States Naval Academy, 1950CURTIS EUGENE SKINNERB.B.A .• University of Wisconsin, 1952RICHARD ALLEN COLLEYHARVEY WILLIAM CONNERWILLIAM GRAHL DAVIDSONA.B., Cornell College, 1952WILLIAM NATHANIEL DAVIS, JR.A.B., Lake Forest College, 1955LEONARD WEAKLEY DOOLAN IIIS.B., Yale University, 1953DAVID WAYNE FOXS.B., University of Notre Dame, 1953ERNST DETLEV GREGORYS.B., Loyola University, 1954 WILLIAM J. ROHN, JR.S.B., Illinois Institute of Technology, 1950FRANCIS PAUL ROLFESA.B., Loyola University, 1950TIMOTHY EDWARD RYANS.B., De Paul University, 1953WILLIAM CONRAD FURSTA.B., Claremont Men's College, 1952MALCOLM VERNON GOODNICKS.B.M.E., Purdue University, 1950CHARLES F. CUSTERA.B., University of Chicago, 1948 CAROL EDWARD MILLER, JR.A.B., Washington University, 1950PHILIP MULLOCKDANIEL PATRICK NAGLES.B., University of Colorado, 1955WAYNE EMANUEL PETERSS.B., University of Illinois, 1955ROBERT EMIL ULBRICHTA.B., University of Illinois, 1952A.M., ibid., 1953JULIUS YACKERA.M., University of Chicago, 1952KENNETH ELMER JAMESS.B., University of Illinois. 1954THOMAS ALOYSIUS KAINS.B.E.E.. Fournier Institute of Technology. 1951SEUNG BOM KIMS.B., Aurora College, 1956BERNARD JOHN KOEHLERA.B., Valparaiso University, 1951 JEROME SPIWAKS.B.Ch.E., University of Illinois. 1952MATTHEW JOSEPH SZCZEPANSKIMILES EDSEL TAYLOREDWIN CHESTER TOLOCZKOS.B.ChoEo. Illinois Institute of Technology, 1949SALLY JEAN ULLMANAB .• State University of Iowa. 1953CLAYTON WILLIAM WITTWILLIAM JOSEPH LIFKA, JR.S.BoE.E .• Fournier Institute of Technology. 1951II. IN THE LAW SCHOOLF or the Degree oj Doctor oj Law:WILLIAM WARREN BRACKETTS.B., University of Illinois, 1952DONALD WEBER FRENZENA.B., Beloit College. 1952A.M., University of Chicago, 1957THEODORE HEIMARCKA.B., St. Olaf College. 1955GERALD LEO KOCKA.B., University of Chicago, 1955A.B., ibid., 1956III. IN THE SCHOOL OF MEDICINE OF THE DIVISION OF THEBIOLOGICAL SCIENCESBRUCE DAVID ACKERMANA.B., New York University, 1954For the Degree of Doctor of Medicine:CHARLES MEREDITH ALEXANDERDONALD PAUL ANDERSONCAESAR BRIEFER, JR.S.B., Allegheny College, 1950 .HAROLD THEODORE CONRADA.B., University of Chicago, 1954S.B., ibid., 1955GERALD SAUL GOTTERERA.B., Harvard University, 1954FRANK KARL KINGKENNETH ZELDON KURLANDA.B., Tufts University, 1954 JOSEPH ROY LANCASTER, JR.S.B., Shepherd College, 1954ZANE DRIB IN PARZENA.B., Indiana University, 1954ALAN PAVELLAWRENCE ROSEA.M., San Francisco State College, 1952EZRA RICHARD SINGERS.B., Yale University, 1955DONALD ROBERT THURSHA.B., New York University, 1954CHARLES STANLEY TIDBALLA.B., Wesleyan University, 1950S.M., University of Rochester, 1952Ph.D., University of Wisconsin, 1955RICHARD ALLEN WEINBERGS.B., Brooklyn College, 1954V. THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHYI. IN THE DIVISION OF THE BIOLOGICAL SCIENCESWILLIAM COLIN DURNINGD.S.B., University of New Zealand, Wellington, NewZealand, 1950D.S.M., University of Otago Dental School, Dunedin,New Zealand. 1951(Anatomy)RUTH MARZANO LITVAKA.B., Hunter College, 1943A.M., University of Chicago, 1948(Anatomy) THE REVEREND ALBERT S.MORACZEWSKI,O.P.S.B., University of Chicago, 1942S.M., ibid., 1947(Pharmacology)II. IN THE DIVISION OF THE HUMANITIESROBERT FRANCIS LUCIDA.B., University of Washington, 1954A.M., University of Chicago, 1955(English Language and Literature)MARSHALL RUTHERFORD NASONA.B., Louisiana State University, 1939A.M., ibid., 1947(Romance Languages and Literatures)PENELOPE NESTA WEADOCKA.B., Smith College, 1950(Oriental Languages and Literatures) LEWIS WALDRON WILLIAMS IIB.F.A., University of Illinois, 1947M.F.A., ibid., 1948(Art)THE REVEREND LOUIS VICO ZABKARLicentiate, Pontifical Bible Institute, Rome, Italy,1946(Oriental Languages and Literatures)III. IN THE DIVISION OF THE PHYSICAL SCIENCESMORRIS HERMAN DEGROOTS.B., Roosevelt University, 1952S.M., University of Chicago, 1954(Statistics)WILLIAM LIND HOYTA.B., University of Utah, 1950S.M., ibid., 1951(Mathematics) RICHARD HENRY MILLERS.B., Iowa State College, 1946(Physics)IV. IN THE DIVISION OF THE SOCIAL SCIENCESNORMAN BRACKEN BRICEA.M., University of Chicago, 1949(Education) RAY WILLIAM BRONEZA.B., University of Chicago, 1940A.M., ibid., 1948(Political Science)ROBERT LOGAN BUNTINGA.M., University of Chicago, 1948(Economics)YUNG-TEH CHOWA.B., National Tsing Hua University, Peiping,China, 1937A.M., University of Chicago, 1951(Sociology)CONRAD GISLASONS.B. in Ag., University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon,Canada, 1947S.M., tu«, 1952A.M., University of Chicago, 1953(Economics)DANIEL DENNIS HOWARDA.B., University of Chicago, 1937A.M., ibid., 1939(Education)HARRY JOHN LAPINES.B. in Ed., State Teachers College, Brockport, NewYork, 1948A.M., University of Chicago, 1949(Education)EDWARD M. LEVINES.B., University of Pittsburgh, 1948A.M., University of Chicago, 1955(Political Science) MORTON ALEXANDER LIEBERMAN(Psychology)RICHARD FERRIS MUTHA.B., Washington University, 1949A.M., tu«, 1950(Economics)THE REVEREND EDWARD J. NORTON,S.V.D.A.M., Catholic University of America, 1953(Education)ROBERT STEPHEN POLKINGHORNA.B., University of Colorado, 1948A.M., University of Chicago, 1952(Economics)JAMES CAREY REEDA.B., Fort Hays Kansas State College, 1947A.M., University of Iowa, 1949(Education)EDWARD FRANKLIN RENSHAWA.B., Washington State College, 1954A.M., University of Chicago, 1955(Economics)LALITA PRASAD VIDYARTHIA.B., Patna University, India, 1950A.M., Lucknow University, India, 1953(Anthropology)V. IN THE DIVINITY SCHOOLKENNETH MOSES PLUMMERA.B., Western Maryland College, 1938D.B., Garrett Biblical Institute, 1948VI. IN THE GRADUATE LIBRARY SCHOOLALICE BROOKS McGUIREA.B., Smith College, 1923S.B. in L.S, Drexel Institute of Technology, 1927S.M., Columbia University, 1932VII. IN THE SCHOOL OF SOCIAL SERVICE ADMINISTRATIONMARGARET S. SCHUBERTA.B., University of California at Los Angeles, 1932A.M., University of Chicago, 1941VIII. "ALMA MATER" Words byEDWIN H. LEWISCOPYlUGHTIX. THE BENEDICTIONX. THE RECESSIONAL-Fugue in A Minor(The congregation remains standing during the Recession) BachMARSHALORGANISTHEINRICH FLEISCHER, University OrganistCARILLONNEURJAMES R. LAWSON, Chapel CarillonneurHAROLD A. ANDERSON, Marshal of the UniversityGEORGE V. BOBRINSKOYLEON CARNOVSKYJAMES W. J. CARPENDERCHAUNCY DENNISON HARRIS ASSISTANT MARSHALSEUGENE P. NORTHROPWILBERT HERBERT URRYWARNER ARMS WICKROBERT CARLTON WOELLNERJOSEPH MANDEL BARONEDMUND FRANCIS BECKERPHILIP EUGENE BERNZOTTFREDERICK WILLIAM BETZJOHN A. BRENTLINGERDOROTHEA CAYTONLYNN FRANCES CHADWELLWILLIAM HENRY GARNETT, JR.ELIZABETH GINSBURGWILLIAM RUTH HARMON STUDENT AIDESCAROL ANNE HOPKINSLEON RICHARD KASSCAROLYN ALICE KIBLINGERADRIENNE RICARDA KINKAIDDAVID RAYMOND LEONETTISARAH FRANCES MOORENANCY ANNE MOULTONARTHUR THOMAS PEDERSENHELENE SANDRA RUDOFFGWENDOLYN COSMONETTE MAY WEBER,/