�bt Wnil1trsitp of ctbicagoFOUNDED BY JOHN D. ROCKEFELLERTHETwo HUNDRED FIFTY-FOURTHCONVOCATIONtltbt autumnDECEMBER NINETEENTHA.D. NINETEEN HUNDRED FIFTY-TWOROCKEFELLER MEMORIAL CHAPELLIST OF GRADUAT}JS FOR THE V}!;CEMBER, 1952 CONVOCATION(the symbol wlo means "without thesisll)Allen, Walter Pierce wloM.A.Anderson, Nils Edward M.A. wloAnderson, Walton James PH.D.The efficiency of British Columbian and Ccmadian agriculture.Antes, Joella Jacqueline M.A.Paper: Nursing consultant services in the crippled children'sprogram in Iowa.Atherton, John William PH.D.The critical reception of Dicken's novels in England: 1836-1850.Ayazi, Abdul Razak M.A.Pa.per: Equilibrium and the balance of payments.Ballard, William Lee M.A.Pa.per: Uobility--a va.riable in the functioning of sucessfulbusiness executives.Bieganski, Bernyce Rosaline M.A.Paper: The use of' recor-ds in tL6 �,�u.ploJm.Bnt and super-visionof iXi8titution&1 .iri).. :d_iis.ry pe r-sonne.I ,Bilow, Norman M.A. w/oBishop, Charles Edwin PH.D.Underemployment in agriculture, South-eastern United States.Black, Hillel Moses M.A. wloBlahut, Nadia Sabador M. A. w/oBock, Richard Darrell PH.D.A mathematical format ion of field psychology, an out line ofstatistical behavioristics.Borke, Helene Myra PH.D.Prediction under varying conditions in "a Di.agno st Lc Situation.Bowman, Barbara Taylor M.A.Paper: Childreil's selection of color in easel painting.Bradley, Wendell Phillips M.A.Aneurin Bevan's concept of foreign policy.Brodsky, Bernard Dave M.A. wloBrown , Henr·...f Albert M.A. w/o2-December t 52Burks, David Donald PH.D.The dawn of manufacturing in Mexico, 1821-1855.Butler, Caroline EmeFj M.A.Paper: The influence of parental emot Lonal, attitudesconcerning sex on the sex education of their children.Camerson, Ronde �nmett PH.D.French foreign investment, 1850-1880.Cardinet, Jean Maurice PH.D.Esthetic preferences and personality.Carlson, Gustave Adolf M.A. wloChatman, Joan E. Curtis M.A. w/oChristie, Annie May PH.D.Charles Henry Smith, "B'i.Ll, Ar�J": a biographical and criticalstudy of a nineteenth century lteorge humorist, politician,homely philosopher.Cobb, John Boswell, Jr. PH.D.The independence of Christian faith from speculative beliefs.Cohen, Herbert M.A.Paper: Class and land in :Micronesia.Connelly, -Iame s Kevin M.A. wloConn, James Huntington PH.D.Degree granted on r-e se ar-ch on national defense project.Conroy, Stephen Sebastian M.Aa wloCook, Lester Harold PH.D.Anti-slavery sentiment in the culture of Chicago, 1844-1858.Cordulac�, Ruby May M.A.Paper: Orientation of the beginning teacher.Covert, Mortimore Marshall M.A. wloCramer, Robel� Eli PH.D.Manufacturing structure of the Cicero Uistrict, met.rcpo.Lat.anChicago. (Dept. of Geog. Research Paper no. 27)Creswell, Thomas James M.A. wloCrumley, Mary Stanhagen M.A.Paper: The development and operation of the acceleration planof the University of Chicago.Dameron, Lawrence Edwar-d PH.D.Mother-child interaction in the development of self restraintin the fourth year: a stuoy in socialization.Deut sch , Natasha Sobotka M.A.Paper: Some aspects of the self-conception of students inthe College of the University of Chicago.Diamond, Martin M.A. wloDiesing, Eleanor Zuckman M.A.Paper: The relation of the civics curriculum to the lowerclass student ..Diesing, Paul Robert PH.D.An action program for the Fox Indians.Eastman, Richard Morse PH.D.George Eliot's Daniel Der�mda; it s place in the developmentof her fiction.Edelbrook, John Francis M.A. wloEiszner, James Richard PH.D.Phot.ochemi.ca L reactions of Diazomethane )'IJ-j_th Polyhalomethanesand -Haloesthers.Elliott, Hugh Roy M.A.Paper: Empirical evidence of the maximizing expected utilitybehavior rule.Ellis, Evi Rebecca M.A.Russo-German relations in 1939: the territorial aspects ofthe pact and their significance.Engelkemeir, Ilonald �5illiam PH "D.Fission yields in Uranium-235 and Uranium-238.Fal�enhayn, Edward Jr. M.A. wloFelton, Eileen A. M.A.A nutritional study of the minute streptococci with specialreference to their folic acid requirement.Friedman, Morris PH.D.Problems in the calculus of variations for which the secondvariation vanishes.Fishman, Sherman Sampson M.A.A bio-assay which uses the isolated embr-vorri,c chick heart todetect and measure digitalis and other drug s wi.t.h a similaraction.Foresman, Velma North M.A.Paper: �ualifications recommended for teaching per-sonue Lin obst et ric nursi.ng in state approved. schools of nursing.Freedman, Milt on PH .. D ..The effect of the teacher's role on the group's willingnessto participate in proble�-solving.4-December t 52Fulkerson, Stephen Vinc�nt PH.D.The English landed gent ry from the .t'i.estoration to 1700.Gandy, Samuel Lucius PH.D.A study of a functional approach to religion in educationon a college campus.Gibson, Gordon Davis PH.D.The social organization of the southwestern Bantu.Gilbreath, James Richard PH.D.New methods for the preparation of Diborane.Glassburg, Robert Lawrence M.A.A study of personal adjustment in a home for the chronicallyill and aged.Golab, Chester Joseph M.A. wloGoodenough, John Banister PH.D.A theory of the deviation from close packing in hexagonalmetal crystals.Graham, Polly J 0 Anderson (Joint thesis wi.t h Ruth Halperin,M. Herson, I. Jerison.) M.A.An investigation of the Chicago school redistricting program:effects of redistricting on school overcrowding.Gray, George Thomas M.A ..A study of the structural and d.ecorative treatments ofLouis XVI furniture.Greenslade, Rush Varley PH.D.The economic effects of collective bargaining in bituminouscoal mining.Guba, Egon G. PH.D.Role conflict in the teaching situation.Haffler, Monica Theresa M.A.Paper: Contributions of the high school counselor in inter­preting nursing as a career.Hahn, John Francis PH.D.Effect s of partial ablations of visual areas I and II onvisual form discrimination in the cat.Halpern, Ruth Weaver (see Graham, above)Hamilton, Vivian Br-own M.A.Contemporary home illumination.Hamming, Edward PH.D.The port of :Milwaukee (Dept. of Geog •. ttesearch Paper no. 26)Harms, John Vv. M. A.A study of co-operation among protestant churches and denomin­ations in Baltimore, Mar-yland, 1919-49.Hathaway, William Howell M.A.Composition of certain native dry forests: Moku.Le i.a., Oahu, T.H.Haywood, Stanley John M.A.Paper: A critical analysis of research relating to theevaluation of in-service training progra�s.Heikes, Robert Russell PH.D.Ferromagnetism in the chromium chalkgenides.Heller, Howard Udell (Joint thesis with P. Kat hryn Pendleton) M.A.The relocation of famili.es displaced by an urban redevelopmentproject.Henry, Mart ha .do s e M.A. wJOM.A. w/o.Herget, Patsy JohnHersen, Muriel Norma (see uraham, above)Hiltner, Sewar-d Jr. Ph. D.Psychotherapy and Christian ethics: an evaluation of ethicalthought of A.E. Taylor ffi1d Paul Tillich in the light ofpsychothera�eutic contributions to ethics by J.C. Flugel andErich Fromm.Hollander, Joshua Theodore M.A. w/oHornig, Howard Chester PH.D.Electron exchange between manganate and permanganate andbetween cerous and eerie ions in aqueous solutions.Hornstra, Ray John M.A. w/oHorwitz, Richard Clyde M.A. w/oHurlbut, Monica Bessie M.A. wloIkokU, Chimere M.A. wloJanke, Norman Charles M.A. wloJohnson, �illiam Harding PH.D.An examination of previously proposed models for the contractilesy st em of muscles utilizing a new technique for the measuremertof the t ensile viscosity an d elast ici ty.Kafka, Marian Stern PH.D.The influence of the adrenal cortex on ketogenisis.Kimura, Yukiko PH.D.A comparative study of collective adjustment of the Issei,the first generation Japanese, in Hawaii and in the mainlandUnited States since Pearl Harbor.Kittrell, Jean McCarty M.A.Objectivity in John Dewey's ]loral 'I'heory ,Klein, John Jacob M.A.Paper: The Irish penal statutes: Identification and effects.Knight, Dale Alpheus PH.D.A study of selected agricultural problematic productionsituations.Kohli, Jai Dev M.A.Effects of colchicine on resperation of Ehrlich ascitescarcinoma cells.Kraus, Annemarie Elisabeth PH.D.Meru10nite settlement in the Paraguayan Chaco. (Dept. �f Geog.Research Paper no. 25.)Krauss, Bernard M.A. wloKuh , David Henry M.A. wloLassoe, John Van Pelt, Jr. M.A.Paper: Methods of financing local private intergrouprelations agencies.Lawicki, Henry Marion M.A.Some aspects of plant distribution and growth in relation tolight int ensity.Lax, Bernard Balfour M.A. wloLee, Howard Hook-Trui M.A.Experiments with the chemostat on the mutation of E. Colito T6 Resistance.Legault, Richard Ralph M.A.Paper: Rational decision functions.Lillehei, Margit Clara M.A.Paper: An investigation of the relation between employeeattitudes and temperament and employee attitudes and intelligence.Little, Joan M.A.Paper: Laura .l:!,llen: A study of a schizophrenic girl.London, Jack PH.D.Decision-making in a local union: a case study.Loosley, Elizabeth Wyeth M.A.The Horne and School Association, Forest Hill Village (Toronto, Can.)as a socializing agen�r.Lyon, Richard ivan L.A.Magor-Lan ,rrhor-:as Iioo et. son Ph . .lJ.�tratigraphy and pa.l.eo eco Logy of the J'.ount Hope shale.�:arqui s,.st ewar-t +ent , Jr. LI:.:. A. w/oMar-t i n , Rona.ld rh.lJ.��uc�ear cross sect Lens for negative ions of energy L ... '; .rid 137 mev,Ma.yer, Jean .r�ee(Jleman L .... A.The l-)Cll ernt v i er, s the tea cher.MCAfee,IMdlclce Taylor I-h . D.Alcoholi C�-3 Anonymou s: em eve.l.uat i V8 st udy •McGuire,Charles Bartlett. M.A.PaperL A comparison of seasor.a.L var-i at.Lon s in the o arnc rate over t r.r-eesections of the Unit. eo ut t es.�ir�&,Ja�aid Ahmeo. L.h.Paper: r r ob Lems of econorri c ceve.l.oprnerrt i.r.. rak i st.an .Mor-r-Ll.L, V'arr8n ThO! as M.A.Paper: r i ss'i.on and f'u sj on among tI'e Beam in.Nach andj Dona.l.d viillia:---. lCA.A f'act.or-i e.l, study of client centered t.ner-apy rt.he CC1Qt· of kiss B'i ve ,l\ielsen, Ea.r 1 Scott l'J.A. w/o1� i sh.irnu r-a , .(1'.00 ert 'I'et, sura �.'1. A.Paper-: Ef'fe ct, of o Ll irigue Li sm upon ment a., o eve Lopment, L..S measured by.i.nt.e.l.Lj.g en c e t.e st s .Nedzel, �ucy �i81sen ih.D.The motivation and educat.Lor: of the gHl.ETal l ublic t.hr-ough museumexper-Lenc e s .Nunne.LIy , .lurr Clarence,Jr.The case of �iss �un:conce .t i.on , ?n.lJ.an exj.er iment e.L Lnv e st i.gat.Lon of some t-'rOlJositions of se_,Ocr:s,Sidney fh.ll.The ear-Ly eff ect.s of I' '... L r i, riznmg currents on excitobility of motor horncells.Oort,Loenr�bd Jan k.A.Paper-s lJovernrnent r e .u.Lat Lon of select ed pr-Lce e ,Oppenheimer, Hans Ph.D.Birefrineence and st.ru cture of st r et.che.d l ... olymer sl.eet s .rendleton, (r'r-eob.l,e ) h.utnryn v.; A. (see hO\\'0.1;d Heller above)Pixt on, John Lr-wi n , Jr. ?11.1J.'I'h e ear �y career of Char- ... Les 1. Dawes.Poirier,Jacques Charleu }in.D.'I'h ermodynami.c fur.ct.Lor;s from Layer's t.rieory of ionic solutions.Haybur-n , John ChaImens 1-'1.lJ.Some aspect s of the Impact of hnglo-�i:;.,xoLl caiJital and t echno Logy inVeneque.Ls..Ret zlaff, Arthur henry L.A. v,/oRice,Gunther M.A.The r-el.at.Lon sh.i.p of social class differences to the ,Jersonalityproblems of ninthe graders indi cat ed by the SRA youth inventory. PaperRobb in s , Dori s .s't even son M. A.P aper-L Cult ural delegat ion of trait 8 and at tj tudes according to sex:some effects on personality deve.Lopment . � �1!..t."R.obertson, P'i char-u James M.A.Paper: ��om6 l-)ersonality ract.or-s in commurri.cat i on in a small group.Roginsky, Adelle Lena Ph.1J.The ionic and free ractical decomposition of 9-Ary_[ rLuor'eny L tert-butyl.Sakat a, r.o se J.lli:iye w/oSanders, May iVLyrtle £'il.A.Paper: 11 bas i.c nursing program for the University of Georgia.Sarchet, r3ettie Belk .Ph.Ad.Prediction of iJ.ldividual vvorK role in t.wo adu.Lt Learrring groups.Sargent, Joset>h M.A.Scherba, Gerald Marron M..A.Microclimate modification in ant mouno s ,Scott, Frederick Lane :rv:. A.Clement L Vallandigham and the defeatist movement in Southern Ohio.Scott, Jerold David Ph.lJ.The relationship beyween attrition of traits to self and others.Shaw, Samuel J.\Jathan M.A.On the opt.Leal, change accompanying activity in frog nerve.SEkEkxxSheket, Zarah M.A� wloSherman, Lawr-ence M.A.William ·Wah,yn, the well-affected conscience.Slive, Seymour Ph.D.Rembrandt and his critics: 1630-1730Smidt, Seymour M.A.Paper: Choosing among alternative grain st or-age facilities under conditionsof uncerta.inty.Sokal, Robert Reuven Ph.D.Variation in a local population of Pemphigus.Solomon, David l.... athan Ph.D.Career contingencies of Chicago phy sd c.i an s �Spencer Kat herine Ph.D.Mythology and va.lues: An analysis of Navahotlhant.way myths.Spencer, Robert Clar3 M.A� vloStern, Robert Mitchell wloM.A.Stock, Dorothy Ph.D.The relation between the sociometric structure of tbe group and certainp-ersonality char-act.er-Lst Lc s of the individual.Stone, �\illiam Cady Ph. D.The preparation of college instructors of mathematics.Stropke, Paul John wloM.A.Swindell, Martha Rebecca M.A.Paper: Maternal mortality in ,L'\lorth varo Lt.na in r el e..tion to hosp it.al.facilities.Tappen, Neil Campbell Ph.D.A functional analysis of the face V"ith split-line technique.Tezlct" Albert, Ph.D.Byron 1 s Oriental Tales: a critical study.Thomvson, �argaret Jeqn wloM.k.Tubergen, Ruth C. M.A.Paper: A j.rogr-am for the care of Missouri children with cardiacconditions.Vargas y Toledo,Manuel John Ph.� •. Changes in sj;lf-aY'.,c,.reness during client cent ered therapy.v'-alker, Kathleen Winifred M.A.A survey of the the reding of J.�egro literat'ure in a non-Negro commurri.ty •Vi!allace, Jack Edward wloM.A.VVatts,Johnnie Mae Hines Phv-',The relations of the rates of inactivation of peroxi.sase , catecholase,andascorbase to the oxidation of ascorbic acid in vegetables.vueatherly, Owen Milton Ph.D.The problem of epistomology in cont empor-ary American theism.Weaver,Albert Bruce Ph.D.A search for penetrating showers from hydrogen at sea level using acloud chamber.�ilRon, Everett Keith Ph.D.Connnunity participation in policy formation: an anlysis of an at.t.enqtto implement democratic proce sses through group discussion in a collegecommunity.Winkfield,Clyde Julian M.A.V']orland, M.arie Cecilia M.A.A comparison of microbiological methods of assaying vitamin B12Yang, Nien-Chu Ph.D.the synthesis of1) -mere apt 0- f3 -amino-pvopanols.Yungmeyer,Cheryl M.A.Paper: Time, Incorporat ed: the morgue, a case study in specia.l librarian-ship.ORDER OF EXERCISESLAWRENCE A. KIMPTON, Chancellor of the University, PresidingL THE CONVOCATION PROCESSIONProcessional-Concerto in G Major BachThe Marshal and the Student AidesThe Candidates for DegreesThe Faculties of the UniversityThe Trustees and Administrative OfficersThe Associate Dean of the University ChapelThe Candidates for Honorary DegreesThe Chancellor of the University and the Convocation OratorII. HYMN FOR THE CONGREGATION America(The congregation standing until after the Prayer.)My country, 'tis of thee,Sweet land of liberty,Of thee I sing:Land where my fathers died,Land of the pilgrims' pride,From every mountain sideLet freedom ring. Our fathers' God, to thee,Author of liberty-To thee we sing:Long may our land be brightWith freedom's holy light!Protect us by thy might,Great God, our King! Amen.=s. F. SMITHIII. THE PRAYERTHE REVEREND WALLACE WOODSOME ROBBINS, Associate Dean of the UniversityChapelIV. THE CONVOCATION ADDRESS"Some Divided Point in Time." LAURENCE M. GOULD, President of Carleton Col­legeV. SOLO-Pentecost Cantata Aria BachPATRICIA PETERSON, Soprano, University of Chicago ChoirMy heart ever faithful, sing praises, be joyful,Thy Jesus is near.Away with complaining, faith ever maintaining,My Jesus is here.My heart ever faithful, sing praises, be joyful,Thy Jesus is here.VI. THE AWARD OF HONORSAwarded General Honors with the Bachelor's Degree in the College:Norman Marshall BradburnRichard Allen ChaseJerry Grant ChutkowRichard Morris Davis Robert DruyanMiriam Gene-Lee FieldsDonald Lloyd FinkBetty J 0 Fulkerson Robert Alan MarcusThomas Walter McRaeGerald Alvin RosenfieldArthur Mortimer SolomonAwarded Honors in the Social Sciences with the Bachelor's Degree in the College:Richard Allen ChaseMembers elected to Beta of Illinois Chapter of Phi Beta Kappa on nomination by theUniversity for especial distinction in general scholarship in the University:Ann Goodridge Sale BarberJessie MacGregor CampbellCunningham Irene Sylvia GoldblattDavid John MeschiRobert Eugene Meyer Donna Lee MyersSeymour Smid tJohn Widmer WinchesterMembers elected to Sigma Xi on nomination of the departments of Science for evidenceof ability in research work in Science:Frank Lluberas AllenSally Lyman AllenDavid Gordon AndersonHenry AroesteEugene AserinskyRobert Smith BaderSaul BaderRobert Charles BarnettJay Boyd BestJoseph BramCharles Nolan BrownJ ames Freeman CasonBernard CenturyShih Kan ChenDelbert Dwight DavisErnest George EhlersJames Richard EisznerLloyd Ashton Fallers John William FirorRolf Gustav FreterAngelica Schuyler GoffmanDuncan Eben GovanRoger Kenneth GrahamBertram Llewellyn HannaIsaac HararyRobert Edwin HeftLeo Frank HohnstedtTheodore Warren HurstEdwin B. KalanPaul KrugerJunji KumamotoRobert Godwin LangdonHoward Bernard LevineRoy Paul MackalThomas Robertson Magorian Stanley MandelesNicholas NicolaidesSidney OchsDonald Francis PetersenRichard James PodolskyCyrus E. RubinFrank Hermann RudenbergJames Heard RuleRobert Henry SagerBettie Belk SarchetAriel Gilbert SchrodtElias SnitzerIrvin Harry StrubWilliam Davey TurnbullRonald Anthony WardJ ames Evan WilsonThomas Hamil WoodAssociate members elected to Sigma Xi on nomination of the departments of Science forevidence of ability in research work in Science:Robert McCormick Adams, Jr.Angelo AnastasioLeonard Floyd BarringtonJames Steven Brush John Buettner-januschVerne Dwight HospelhornErnest Luther Lundelius, Jr.Nathan William Penn Oscar Kully ReissRobert Evan SloanJohn Leonard WestleyVII. THE CONFERRING OF DEGREESCandidates for degrees will be presented by the Deans in the following order:Candidates for the degree of Bachelor of Arts or of Philosophy in the College byDean Frederick Champion WardCandidate for the degree of Bachelor of Science in the Division of the PhysicalSciences by Associate Dean Warren Charles JohnsonCarididates for the degree of Master of Arts or of Science by Dean Ralph WinfredTylerCandidates for the degree of Master of Business Administration by Dean JohnEdward J euckCandidate for the degree of Doctor of Law by Dean Edward H. LeviCandidates for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy by Dean Napier WiltCANDIDATES FOR THE BACHELOR'S DEGREEGerard Foster AbelAlfred AdlerBarbara Brita AndersonRobert Charles AuslandMeera McCuaig BackusSheldon BelofskyMyrna Lynn Siegal BershteinNorman Marshall BradburnRichard Allen ChaseCharlotte Beverly ChernowJerry Grant ChutkowRichard Morris DavisDavid Allan DickmanRobert Ramon DrechselRobert DruyanStephen Maury EllnerEdward I van EngbergWilliam Lee FainMiriam Gene-Lee FieldsDonald Lloyd FinkJohn William Frankenfeld 1. IN THE COLLEGEFor the Degree of Bachelor of Arts:Betty J 0 FulkersonGeorge Tiedemann FullerShirley Yvonne GasnerBarbara Mae GaudietzDonald Kealing GaydenJohn Philip Gilligan IIIVera Pauline GuttmannCharles Alfred Hagen, Jr.Peter HaiduRoger Ready HamiltonDon Francis HeiselEarl Myron HerrickPaul Gunther HershallMichael Stuart HillsSara Ann I vieRobin Paralee JacksonRobert Janz, Jr.Clayton Bruce KallickJames Elmer KleffenRobert Jerome KutakArletta Smith Lambert Alfred James LangmayerHarriet Fay LeopoldGeorge Donald LindbergSven Bertil LundstedtRobert Alan MarcusThomas Walter McRaeWilliam Raymond Meeker, Jr.Zoe McKey MontagueSara Lee MuchKenneth John MurrayAllan Dwigh t NelsonJoan PalovickHelen de Karajan PanaretosMarianne Ellen ParadyJudith ParkerStanley Robert PauerRichard Louis PollayJoyce RabinJohn Henry RauHoward Alan RoseGerald Alvin RosenfieldDavid Jerome SchwartzHerbert Fred Joel SchwartzMilton Harold SilvermanBarrie SimmonsGeorge Andrew SinnottRichard Robert SmithArthur Mortimer SolomonKenneth Wayne SparksMorton Jay Sparks Eleanor Ruth StanoGeorge Batchelder StoneNed Brian SudboroughGeorge Alfred Talbot IIIWilliam Francis ThompsonNanine Therese ThurberAlan Levi TritterColette Michele UllmannPhillip Paul Upschulte George Glenn VierlingJoan Helene WalterJohn Charles WardenAlexander WeingrodRalph Emmett WiggenCharlene Beverley WilderJules David WimberlyRoger Hixon WoodworthFor the Degree of Bachelor of Philosophy:Sheldon Meites GordonGerhard Mansbach Grace Hutchinson RussellMorton Schneider Genevieve Roberta StevensonPhilip Morehouse VollmarII. IN THE DIVISION OF THE PHYSICAL SCIENCESFor the Degree of Bachelor of Science:James Joseph Lenzotti, Jr.CANDIDATES FOR HIGHER DEGREES1. THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF ARTSI. IN THE DIVISION OF THE HUMANITIESHILLEL MOSES BLACKA.B., University of Chicago, 1949(Humanities) JEAN McCARTY KITTRELLA.B., Blue Mountain College, 1947(Philosophy)BERNARD KRAUSS(English Language and Literature)JOSEPH SPIRO LOBENTHAL, JR.(English Language and Literature)RICHARD EVAN LYON(English Language and Literature)JOSEPH SARGENT(English Language and Literature)LAWRENCE SHERMAN(History)MARGARET JEAN THOMSONA.B., University of Manitoba, 1932(English Language and Literature)BERNARD DAVE BRODSKY(English Language and Literature)STEPHEN SEBASTIAN CONROYA.B., Youngstown College, 1951(English Language and Literature)MORTIMORE MARSHALL COVERT(English Language and Literature)THOMAS JAMES CRESWELLE.B., Chicago Teachers College, 1943(English Language and Literature)GEORGE THOMAS GRAY(Home Economics)MARTHA ROSE HENRYEd.B., Illinois State Normal University, 1943(English Language and Literature)PATSY JOAN HERGETA.B., The Principia, 1951(English Language and Literature) JACK EDWARD WALLACE(English Language and Literature)CLYDE JULIAN WINKFIELDA.B., Roosevelt College, 1951(English Language and Literature)II. IN THE DIVISION OF THE SOCIAL SCIENCESJOELLA JACQUELINE ANTESS.B., State University of Iowa 1941(Nursing Education) ,ABDUL RAZAK AYAZIS.B. in B:A., University of Nebraska, 1951(Economics) WILLIAM LEE BALLARDPh.B., University of Chicago, 1948(Human Development)BERNYCE ROSALINE BIEGANSKIS.B., University of Rochester, 1949(Nursing Education)BARBARA TAYLOR BOWMANA.B., Sarah Lawrence College, 1950(Education)WENDELL PIllLLIPS BRADLEYA.B., Bowdoin College, 1950(Political Science) RICHARD RALPH LEGAULTS.B., University of California, 1950(Economics)MARGIT CLARA LILLEHEI(Human Development)CAROLINE EMERY BUTLERA.B., Baldwin-Wallace College, 1947(Human Development) JOAN LITTLES.B., University of Chicago, 1947(Education), ELIZABETH WYETH LOOSLEYA.B., University of Toronto, 1934L.S.B., ibid., 1938(Education)HERBERT COHENA.B'l Hunter College, 1950(Antnropology)JAMES KEVIN CONNELLY_ LL.B., Northwestern University, 1947(History)RUBY MAY CORDULACKPh.B., University of Chicago, 1935(Education)MARY STANHAGEN CRUMLEYA.B., Ohio University, 1943(Education) STEWART DENT MARQUIS, JR.S.B. in E.E., Purdue University, 1941(Planning)JEAN NEED ELMAN MAYERA.B., University of Chicago, 1948(Sociology)CHARLES BARTLETT McGUIREA.B., University of Minnesota, 1949(Economics)NATASHA SOBOTKA DEUTSCHA.B., University of Chicago, 1950(Sociology)MARTIN DIAMOND(Political Science) JAW AID AHMAD MIRZAA.B., University of Sind, Karachi, Pakistan, 1948A.M., uu., 1951(Economics)WARREN THOMAS MORRILLA.B., University of Michigan, 1950(Anthropology )ELEANOR ZUCKMAN DIESINGA.B., University of Chicago, 1947(Education)HUGH ROY ELLIOTTA.B., Harvard University, 1950(Economics) DONALD WILLIAM NACHANDS.B., University of Louisville, 1951(Human Development)EVI REBECCA ELLISA.B., Columbia University, 1950(International Relations) ROBERT TETSURO NISIDMURAA.B., St. Paul's University, Tokyo, Japan, 1949___ �ducation).COENRAAD JAN OORTCandidats Exam., University of Leiden, Holland, 1948Doctoral Exam., ibid., 1950(Economics)VELMA NORTH FORESMANS.B. N.Ed., Loyola University, 1942(Nursing Education)ROBERT LAWRENCE GLASSBURGS.B., University of Chicago, 1948(Sociology)POLLY JO ANDERSON GRAHAMA.B., Oberlin College, 1950(Sociology)MONICA THERESA HAFFLERS.B.N.Ed;/. Loyola University, 1950(Nursing Education) (PREBBLE) KATHRYN PENDLETONA.B., Denison University, 1951(Sociology)GUNTHER RICEA.B., Roosevelt College, 1950(Human Development)DORIS STEVENSON ROBBINSA.B., University of Connecticut, 1943(Sociology)RICHARD JAMES ROBERTSONPh.B., University of Chicago, 1948(Human Development)RUTH WEAVER HALPERNA.B., Barnard College, 1946(Sociology)VIVIAN BROWN HAMILTONS.B., Southern Methodist University, 1928(Home Economics) MAY MYRTLE SANDERSS.B., University of Georgia, 1951(Nursing Education)HOWARD UDELL HELLERA.B., Yale University, 1948(Sociology) FREDERICK LANE SCOTT(Political Science)MURIEL NORMA HERSON(Sociology) SEYMOUR SMIDTA.B., University of Chicago, 1948(Economics)STANLEY JOHN HEYWOODA.B., University of British Columbia, 1949Ed.B., ibid., 1949(Education) ROBERT CLARK SPENCERA.B., University of Chicago, 1943(Political Science)JOHN JACOB KLEINA.B., Northwestern University, 1950(Economics) MARTHA REBECCA SWINDELLS.B.P.H.N., University of Michigan, 1946(Nursing Education)JOHN VAN PELT LASSOE, JR.A.B., Yale University, 1948(Sociology) RUTH C. TUBERGENS.B.P.H.N., Loyola University, 1949(Nursing Education)NORMAN BILOWS.B., Roosevelt College, 1949(Chemistry)HENRY ALBERT BROWN(Meteorology)JOSHUA THEODORE HOLLANDER(Geology) CHIMERE IKOKU(Chemistry)NORMAN CHARLES JANKE(Geology)Professional Certificate for Teachers in Elementary SchoolsJoan LittleProfessional Certificate for Teachers in Secondary SchoolsHenry Marion Lawicki Tom Murray WhiteProfessional Certificate for Teachers in Junior CollegesRobert Alexander Adams Bernard Dave BrodskyIII. IN THE DIVINITY SCHOOLJOHN W. HARMSA.B., Phillips University, 1931IV. IN THE GRADUATE LIBRARY SCHOOLKATHLEEN WIN1\TIFRED WALKERCHERYL YUNGMEYERPh.B., University of Chicago, 1945B.L.S., tus., 1948V. IN THE SCHOOL OF SOCIAL SERVICE ADMINISTRATIONMONICA BESSIE HURLBUTA.B., McGill University, 1950II. THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF SCIENCEI. IN THE DIVISION OF THE BIOLOGICAL SCIENCESJAI DEV KOHLIL.S.M.F., Glassey Medical College, Amritsar, Punjab,India, 1940(Pharmacology) HENRY MARION LAWICKIA.B., Colgate University, 1946(Biological Sciences)HOWARD HOOK-TAN LEES.B., University of Chicago, 1948(Physiology)GERALD MARRON SCHERBA"S.B., University of Chicago, 1950(Zoology)SAMUEL NATHAN SHAWS.B., University of Illinois, 1949(Physiology)MARIE CECILIA WORLANDA.B., Rosary College, 1948(Home Economics)EILEEN A. FELTON(Bacteriology and Parasitology)SHERMAN SAMPSON FISHMANA.B., Tufts College, 1948(Pharmacology)WILLIAM HOWELL HATHEWAYPh.B., University of Chicago, 1947S.B., ibid., 1948(Botany)II. IN THE DIVISION OF THE PHYSICAL SCIENCESIII. PROFESSIONAL DEGREES1. IN THE SCHOOL OF SOCIAL SERVICE ADMINISTRATIONFor the Degree of Bachelor of Social Service:JOHN MORGAN STEVENSPh.B., University of Chicago, 1949II. IN THE SCHOOL OF BUSINESSFor the Degree of Master of Business Administration:WALTER PIERCE ALLENA.B., University of Rochester, 1949NILS EDWARD ANDERSONNADIA SABADOR BLAHUTA.B., University of Chicago, 1942GUSTAVE ADOLF CARLSONJOAN E. CURTIS CHATMANS.B., Howard University, 1948JOHN FRANCIS EDELBROCKEDWARD FALKENHAYN, JR.S.B., Northwestern University, 1951CHESTER JOSEPH GOLABS.B.C., Loyola University, 1951RAY JOHN HORNSTRARICHARD CLYDE HORWITZA.B., University of Chicago, 1948 DAVID HENRY KUHA.B., University of Chicago, 1950BERNARD BALFOUR LAXS.B., McGill University, 1951EARL SCOTT NIELSENA.B., University of Chicago, 1950ARTHUR HENRY RETZLAFFS.B., Illinois Institute of Technology, 1952ROSE AKIYE SAKATAS.B.C., Roosevelt College, 1951ZARAH SHEKETGraduate, School of Law and Economics, Tel-Aviv,Israel, 1950ROBERT MITCHELL STERNS.B., University of California, 1948PAUL JOHN STROPKES.B., Indiana University, 1951III. UNDER THE FEDERATED THEOLOGICAL FACULTYFor the Degree of Bachelor of Divinity:1. IN CO-OPERATION WITH THE DISCIPLES DIVINITY HOUSEWAYNE ALLEN SELSORA.B., Drury College, 1942II. IN CO-OPERATION WITH THE MEADVILLE THEOLOGICAL SCHOOLDAVID PAINE OSBORNA.B., Boston University, 1947IV. IN THE LAW SCHOOLF or the Degree of Doctor of Law:SHELDON BELOFSKYA.B., University of Chicago, 1952WILLIAM HARDING JOHNSONS.B., University of Chicago, 1949(Physiology)MARIAN STERN KAFKAA.B., Connecticut College, 1948(Physiology)SIDNEYOCHS(Physiology)ROBERT REUVEN SOKALS.B., St. John's University, Shanghai, China, 1947(Zoology) JOHNNIE MAE HINES WATTSS.B., Spelman College, 1941S.M., Columbia University, 1946(Home Economics)STANLEY ARNOLD ZAHLERA.B., New York University, 1948S.M., University of Chicago, 1949(Bacteriology and Parasitology)IV. THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHYI. IN THE DIVISION OF THE BIOLOGICAL SCIENCESII. IN THE DIVISION OF THE HUMANITIESJOHN WILLIAM ATHERTONA.B., Amherst College, 1939A.M., University of Chicago, 1940(English Language and Literature) RICHARD MORSE EASTMANA.B., Oberlin College, 1937A.M., University of Chicago, 1949(English Language and Literature)STEPHEN VINCENT FULKERSONA.B., University of California at Los Angeles,,1941A.M., University of Chicago, 1947(History)SEYMOUR SLIVEA.B., University of Chicago, 1943(Art)ALBERT TEZLAA.B., University of Chicago, 1941A.M., ibid., 1947(English Language and Literature)ANNIE MAY CHRISTIEA.B., Brenau College, 1911A.M., Columbia University, 1919(English Language and Literature)LESTER HAROLD COOKA.M., Universityof Chicago, 1938(History of Culture)PAUL ROBERT DIESINGA.M., University of Chicago, 1948(Philosophy)III. IN THE DIVISION OF THE PHYSICAL SCIENCESDONALD WILLIAM ENGELKEMEIRA.B., University of California at Los Angeles, 1941(Chemistry) ANNEMARIE ELISABETH KRAUSES.B., University of Minnesota, 1928S.M., University of Illinois, 1930(Geography)THOMAS ROBERTSON MAGORIANPh.B., University of Chicago, 1948S.B., ibid., 1949S.M., ibid., 1949(Geology)RONALD LAVERN MARTINS.B., United States Naval Academy, 1944S.M., Michigan State College, 1948S.M., University of Chicago, 1950(Physics)HANS OPPENHEIMERS.M., University of Minnesota, 1941(Chemistry)JACQUES CHARLES POIRIERPh.B., University of Chicago, 1947S.B., ibid., 1948S.M., ibid., 1950(Chemistry)ADELLE LENA ROGINSKYS.B., University of Alberta, 1946S.M., University of Chicago, 1949(Chemistry)ALBERT BRUCE WEAVERA.B., University of Montana, 1940S.M., University of Idaho, 1941(Physics)NIEN-CHU YANGS.B., St. John's University, Shanghai, China, 1948(Chemistry)JAMES RICHARD EISZNERS.B., University of Illinois, 1950(Chemistry)MORRIS FRIEDMANS.B., Wayne University, 1934S.M., University of Chicago, 1938(Mathematics)JAMES RICHARD GILBREATHS.B., University of Washington, 1939(Chemistry)JOHN BANISTER GOODENOUGHA.B., Yale University, 1943S.M., University of Chicago, 1950(Physics)EDWARD HAMMINGS.B., State Teachers College, St. Cloud, Minnesota, 1947S.M., University of Chicago, 1948(Geography)ROBERT RUSSELL HEIKESS.B., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1948S.M., University of Chicago, 1951(Physics)HOWARD CHESTER HORNIGS.B., University of Chicago, 1948S.M., uu., 1949(Chemistry)IV. IN THE DIVISION OF THE SOCIAL SCIENCESWALTON JAMES ANDERSONS.B. in Ag., University of Saskatchewan, 1942S.M., ibid., 1944(Economics) JACK LONDONA.B., Central Y.M.C.A. College, 1939(Sociology)CHARLES EDWIN BISHOPS.B. in Ag., Berea College, 1946S.M. in Ag., University of Kentucky, 1947(Economics) WALLACE TAYLOR McAFEEA.B., University of California, 1921D.B., San Francisco Seminary, 1924S.T.M., Union Theological Seminary, 1933(Human Development)RICHARD DARRELL BOCKS.B., Carnegie Institute of Technology, 1948A.M., University of Chicago, 1950(Education)HELENE MYRA BORKEA.B., New York University, 1945A.M., University of Chicago, 1947(Psychology)DAVID DONALD BURKSA.B., Earlham College, 1945(History)RONDO EMMETT CAMERONA.B., Yale University, 1948A.M., ibid., 1949(Economics) LUCY NIELSEN NEDZELS.B., University of Chicago, 1942A.M., ius., 1944(Education)JUM CLARENCE NUNNALLY, JR.A.B., Birmingham-Southern College, 1949(Psychology)JOHN ERWIN PIXTON, JR.S.B., Swarthmore College, 1946A.M., University of Connecticut, 1949(History)JOHN CHALMERS RAYBURNA.B., Texas Technological College, 1935A.M., University of Chicago, 1949(History)JEAN MAURICE CARDINETLicence es Lettres, University of Paris, 1949(Psychology)ROBERT ELI CRAMERA.B., Ohio University, 1943S.M., University of Chicago, 1947(Geography)LAWRENCE EDWARD DAMERONA.B., Central Y.M.C.A. College, 1942(Human Development) BETTIE BELK SARCHETS.B. in Ed., State Teachers College, Worcester, Massa­chusetts, 1935A:M., Clark University, 1937(Human Development)JEROLD DAVID SCOTTA.B., Baylor University, 1946(Psychology)DAVID NATHAN SOLOMONA.B., McGill University, 1939A.M., ibid., 1942(Sociology)MILTON FREEDMANA.B., Washington University, 1947A.M., ibid., 1949(Education) KATHERINE SPENCERA.B., Vassar College, 1935A.M., University of Chicago, 1943(Anthropology )GORDON DAVIS GIBSONA.B., University of Chicago, 1937A.M., ibid., 1950(Anthropology)RUSH VARLEY GREENSLADEA.B., Princeton University, 1938A.M., University of Chicago, 1948(Economics) DOROTHY STOCKPh.B., University of Chicago, 1944A.M., ibid., 1948(Psychology)WILLIAM CADY STONEA.B., Union College, 1942S.M., University of Chicago, 1949(Education)EGON G. GUBAA.B., Valparaiso University, 1947A.M., University of Kansas, 1950(Education)NEIL CAMPBELL TAPPENA.B., University of Florida, 1941A.M., University of Chicago, 1949(Anthropology )JOHN FRANCIS HAHNA.B., University of Colorado, 1948(Psychology)YUKIKO KIMURAA.M., Oberlin College, 1937A.M., University of Hawaii, 1947(Sociology)DALE ALPHEUS KNIGHTS.B., Kansas State College, 1945S.M. in Ag., Cornell University, 1946A.M., University of Chicago, 1948(Economics) MANUEL JOHN VARGAS y TOLEDOA.B., University of Chicago, 1943A.M., ibid., 1944(Human Development)EVERETT KEITH WILSONA.B., Antioch College, 1938A.M., University of Chicago, 1942(Sociology)V. IN THE DIVINITY SCHOOLJOHN BOSWELL COBB, JR.A.M., University of Chicago, 1949SAMUEL LUCIUS GANDYA.B., State Agricultural and Mechanical College,Orangeburg, S.C., 1935D.B., Howard University, 1938 SEWARD HILTNER, JR.A.B., Lafayette College, 1931OWEN MILTON WEATHERLYA.B., Furman University, 1947A.M., University of Chicago, 1950The candidate will be presented by SAMUEL KING ALLISON, Professor of Physics and Di­rector of the Institute for Nuclear Studies.VIII. THE CONFERRING OF HONORARY DEGREESFor the Degree of Doctor of Science:ARTHUR HOLLY COMPTONA physicist 'who, through incisive experiments on x-rays, clearly demonstrated thecorpuscular aspect of light; a courageous leader of scientists; an eminent educator.For the Degree of Doctor of Laws:LEARNED HANDAn able lawyer, a distinguished judge, and a worthy citizen who, with great learning,skill, and integrity, has worked in the finest tradition to perfect our basic institutions offreedom under law.The candidate will be presented by ROSCOE T. STEFFEN, John P. Wilson Professor ofLaw.IX. "ALMA�MATER". ,t'o Words byEDWIN H. LEWISCOPYKIGHTX. THE BENEDICTIONXI. THE RECESSIONAL-Honors March(The congregation remains standing during the Recession) MarriottWALKER MOORE ALDERTONGEORGE V. BOBRINSKOYGEORGE HAY BROWNLEON CARNOVSKYJAMES W. J. CARPENDER JOHN GOTTHOLD KUNSTMANNEUGENE P. NORTHROPWILBERT HERBERT URRYWARNER ARMS WICKROBERT CARLTON WOELLNERMARSHALHAROLD A. ANDERSON, Marshal oj the UniversityJAMES LUTHER ADAMS ASSISTANT MARSHALSCHAUNCY DENNISON HARRISSTUDENT AIDESCHARLES EDWARD BIDWELLJERRY GRANT CHUTKOWNATASHA SOBOTKA DEUTSCHALBERT DANIEL FELDMAN EVA JEAN FISHELLBRUCE MARVIN JOHNSONMARGIT CLARA LILLEHEIWILLIAM EDGAR SLATER