THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGOFOUNDED BY JOHN D. ROCKEFELLERTHETWO HUNDRED THIRTY-EIGHTHCONVOCATIONROCKEFELLER MEMORIAL CHAPELJULY ELEVENTHA.D. NINETEEN HUNDRED FORTY-NINETHE TWO HUNDRED THIRTY-EIGHTH CONVOCATIONIn Honor ofDR. ALBERT SCHWEITZERHALF AFTER TEN O'CLOCK*I. ORGAN PRELUDE: Passacaglia and Fugue."Dearest Jesus, we are here" .FREDERICK MARRIOTT, Organist and Carillonneur BachBachII. THE CONVOCATION PROCESSIONProcessional: Prelude in C Minor BachThe Marshal of the UniversityThe Faculties of the UniversityThe Trustees and Administrative OfficersThe Dean of the University ChapelThe Dean of the Divinity School and the Candidate for the Honorary DegreeThe President of the UniversityIII. HYMN FOR THE CONGREGATION - America(The congregation standing until after the Prayer)My country, 'tis of thee,Sweet land of liberty,Of thee I sing:Land where my fathers died,Land of the pilgrims' pride,From every mountain sideLet freedom ring. Our fathers' God, to thee,Author of liberty,To thee we sing:Long may our land be brightWith freedom's holy light!Protect us by thy might,Great God, our King! Amen.S. F. SMITHIV. THE PRAYERTHE REVEREND JOHN B. THOMPSON, Dean of the University ChapelV. CHORALE: "Now let every tongue adore Thee" -The University Choir. WARREN MARTIN, Director oj Chapel Music BachN ow let every tongue adore Thee!Let men with angels sing before Thee!Let harps and cymbals now unite!All Thy gates with pearl are glorious,Where we partake through faith victorious,With angels round Thy throne of light.No mortal eye hath seen,No mortal ear hath heardSuch wondrous things,Therefore with joy our song shall soarIn praise to God forevermore.VI. THE CONFERRING OF THE HONORARY DEGREEFor the degree oj Doctor oj Laws:ALBERT SCHWEITZERAn interpreter who has revived for his own generation the vision of greatness: asscholar, interpreting the works of Jesus; as musician, interpreting the compositions ofBach; as humanist, interpreting the writings of Goethe; as historian, presenting inphilosophic terms the meaning of history; and as Christian medical missionary, rendering distinguished service to Equatorial Africa.The candidate will be presented by BERNARD MACDOUGALL LOOMER, Dean of theDivinity School.The degree will be conferred by ERNEST CADMAN COLWELL, President of the University.VII. SOLO: "Behold, I stand at the door and knock" (from Cantata 61) - BachTHEODORE RALL, Soloist of the University ChoirBehold, I stand at the door and knock;If any man hear my voice and open the doorI will come in to him and sup with him,And he with me.VIII. THE CONVOCATION ADDRESSDR. ALBERT SCHWEITZERIX. "ALMA MATER" Words byEDWIN H. LEWISWith a steady rhyth·m, like a march::>. ::>all fair moth-ers, fair-est she, Most wise of all that wis - est be,praise her breadth of char- i - ty, Her . faith that truth shall make men free,dec - ades and for cen-tu-ries, Its bat - tle-ment - ed towrs shall rise,COPYRIGHTX. THE BENEDICTIONXI. THE RECESSIONAL: Fantasie in G Major(The congregation remains standing during the Recession) BachTHE ORGAN COMPOSITIONS OF JOHANN SEBASTIAN BACH ARE INTERPRETEDFROM THE EDITIONS OF CHARLES MARIE WIDOR AND ALBERT SCHWEITZERIN VOLUMES I, III, AND IVMARSHALHAROLD A. ANDERSON, Marshal oj the UniversityASSISTANT MARSHALSJAMES LUTHER ADAMSWALKER MOORE ALDERTONWALTER BARTKYGEORGE V. BOBRINSKOYGEORGE HAY BROWNLEON CARNOVSKY CHARLES L. DUNHAMREUBEN FRODINJOHN GOTTHOLD KUNSTMANNFRANCIS JOSEPH MULLINEUGENE P. NORTHROPSHELDON TEFFTMARY CATHERINE BISHOPDOROTHY ANN BLACKLEDGELIONEL JAY BLUMBERGPETER GEORGE BRAUNFELDADALEEN ELOISE BURNETTEHARRIET FOSTER CAMPBELLVIRGINIA GRACE DARROWMARGARET MERLE DEEMSHASKELL DEUTSCHALBERT HAYES FORSYTHE, JR. STUDENT AIDESWILLIAM SCOTT GRAY IIIBARBARA LOUISE GROSSDAVID VICTOR KAHNANNE AMELIA KEATINGRALPH VICTOR KORPRICHARD RORTYWYNN ALBERT SAYMANCAROLYN RUTH SWIFTMARY HELEN TAYLOR