\tbe 'tllnt"etsit� of <tbicagoFOUNDED BY JOHN D. ROCKEFELLERTHETwo HUNDRED TWENTY-SIXTHCONVOCATIONUhe SummerAUGUST THIRTIETHA.D. NINETEEN HUNDRED FORTY-SIXROCKEFELLER MEMORIAL CHAPELORDER OF EXERCISESI. THE CONVOCATION PROCESSIONProcessional-Marche Romaine GounodThe Marshal and the Student AidesThe Candidates for DegreesThe Faculties of the UniversityThe Trustees and Administrative OfficersThe Convocation ChaplainThe President of the University and the Convocation OratorII. HYMN FOR THE CONGREGATION America(The congregation �tanding until after the Prayer)My country, 'tis of thee,Sweet land of liberty,Of thee I sing:Land where my fathers died,Land of the pilgrims' pride,From every mountain-sideLet freedom ring. Our fathers' God, to thee,Author of liberty,To thee we sing:Long may our land be brightWith freedom's holy light!Protect us by thy might,Great God, our King! Amen.-So F. SMITHIII. THE PRAYERThe Convocation Chaplain, THE REVEREND V\TALLACE WOODSOME ROBBINS, President of the Meadville Theological SchoolIV. THE CONVOCATION ADDRESS"Science and the Humanities," LAWRENCE A. KIMPTON, Vice-President of the University and Dean of the FacultiesY. SOLO 1. K. PaineJAMES McENERY, Cantor of the University ChoirDeus omnium creator,Rerum mundi moderatorCrescat cuius es fundator,Nostra Universitas,Integri sint curatores,Eruditi professores,Largian tur dona toresBenepartas copias. Sic dum civitas manebit,Clarum lumen hie lucebit,Luce angulos replebit,Fugerit obscuritas,Error territus latebit,Virtus vivida valebit,Et insignior florebitNostra Universitas.VI. THE AWARD OF HONORSMembers elected to Beta of Illinois Chapter of Phi Beta Kappa on nomination by theUniversity for especial distinction in general scholarship in the University:Stewart David BloomMarie Edith Borroff Rosson Lawrence CardwellRaymond Howard Goldsmith William MacFarlane NeilErnest Julius OppenheimerA warded Honors with the Bachelor's Degree in the College:Stephen EllistonDivisional Honor Scholars, selected for excellence in the ieork of the Departments:Margaret Carroll Atwater, EnglishLanguage ami LiteratureCharleton Cordery Bard, Chemis-tryCarol Jane Baumann, SociologyLois Jean Broder, PsychologyRosson Lawrence Cardwell, Eco-nomicsHarley Flanders, J.,[ athematics Norman Myron Ginsburg, PsychologyHenry Atlas Goodman, PoliticalScienceMary Muriel Greenburg, RomanceLanguages and LiteraturesWanda Es ther Grzanka, P sycholo gyCharles Graham Higgins, Jr., Geology Sara Kathleen Hull, English Language and LiteratureMarjorie Kendrick Lane, GermanicLanguages and LiteraturesWilliam MacFarlane x-u, HistoryLisa Redfield Peattie, A rultropologyGladys Caroline Riha, ChemistryMary Louise Rogers, EconomicsRhoda Helen Stratton, ZoologyThe Theodore Lee Neff Prize for excellence in the study of French Language and Literature is awarded toLois McGregorThe Lillian Gertrude Selz Sclzolarship for the first-year woman ranking first in the comprehensive examinations in the College is awarded toMary Anne Norrisvrr. THE COXFERRL -G OF DEGREESCandidates for degrees will be presented by the Deans in the following order:Candidates for the degree of Bachelor of Philosophy in the College by DeanClarence Henry FaustCandidates for the degree of Bachelor of Arts or of Science in the Divisions and theProfessional Schools by Associate Dean Warren Charles JohnsonCandidates for the degree of Master of Arts or of Science by Dean Robert RedfieldCandidates for the degree of Bachelor of Social Service by Dean Helen RussellWrightCandidates for the degree of Bachelor of Library Science by Dean Ralph A. BealsCandidates for the degree of Master of Business Administration by Dean GarfieldV. CoxCandidates for the degree of Bachelor of Divinity by Acting Dean W. BarnettBlakemoreCandidates for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy by Dean R. Wendell HarrisonCANDIDATES FOR THE BACHELOR'S DEGREEI. IN THE COLLEGEFor the Degree of Bachelor of Philosophy:Walter Scott Baker, Jr.Joan Marilyn CowieStephen EllistonIrma Ruth Geller Elaine GilmoreCharlotte Sylvia LevyAnne MagrathGeraldine Mandell Marilyn Porter RubenMildred Ricks SimmonsGayle Stanley SmithFlorance Kaup VossII. IN THE DIVISION OF THE BIOLOGICAL SCIENCESFor the Degree of Bachelor of Science:Ellen Dell BielerThelma Nan BlumRichard John BoyajianAnn Marie BudyElizabeth Early CrystJohn Norman DixonPhoebe Sibbald DouglasConrad Sidney Fischer Olga GiacchettiIVIarcia Israelia GoldBurton Jay GrossmanWanda Esther GrzankaMyron Ira HomaMaurice Charles LesageAnnabelle H. LightCharles Lewis McKeen Margaret Rathje MullinsGeorge Harold OrwigRobert Earle SlaytonDeborah S. SlutskyRuth Eleanor SmithEleanor Louis TowneJames Larkin TysonJoseph Sennen WallIII. IN THE DIVISION OF THE HUMANITIESFor the Degree of Bachelor of Arts:Richard Allan CassellFrank Eugene FordJohn Shelby Harmon Mary Ann HoxworthWilliam Korey Reid PooleGeraldine Catherine WoutersIV. IN THE DIVISION OF THE PHYSICAL SCIENCES�1ilton Joel AllenRalph Eugene BarncardEmmett Earl Baughman, Jr.Gordon Melvin BensonStewart David BloomLois Ann BradwellJoseph Hurd ConnellMilton Tobias EdelmanMarvin George EttinghoffErnest FrankRobert Lee Fulk For the Degree of Bachelor of Science:Raymond Howard GoldsmithMorton Maurice GordonFrederick Bernhard HermannBernard John HerringerRichard Beves HoltzmanJohn Steinhardt HomEthel Siss KoartgeMary E . McNamaraHarry Edward Mendenhall, Jr.Chester Whittier Newton Georgiana Rose RogerEsther Rose SamuelRiley O. Schaeffer, J r.George Edward Schindler, Jr.Victor Arnold SchmidtAlfred 1. SchwartzGeorge Oscar SlaterLouis Frank SokolFrancine StogisJames Charles SullivanV. IN THE DIVISION OF THE SOCIAL SCIENCESVIII. IN THE SCHOOL OF SOCIAL SERVICE ADMINISTRATION1. THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF ARTSI. IN THE DIVISION OF THE HUMANITIESCharles Philip BluesteinRosson Lawrence CardwellGeorge Alphonse DeVosRobert Charles DwyerWalter Herman GanzGuido Arquilla, Jr.Marjorie Martha WalpolenOLA ANDRINE ALVERA.B., Jamestown College, 1924(English Language and Literature)�IA..RY ELIZABETH BAILEYA.B., Bates College, 1945(English Language and Literature)�IAR Y ELIZABETH BARROXA.B., Rockiord College, 1943(English Language and Literature)PAUL HE�'RY BARTELA.B., Tabor College, 1928(Oriental Languages and Literatures)DOROTHY RmVE BARTO?\A.B., Carleton College, 1938(Engli h Language and Literature) For the Degree of Bachelor of Arts:Jane Wilson GarrisonMorton M. GluckCraig Billings LemanByron Samuel MartinWilliam Macf'arlane NeilVI. IN THE SCHOOL OF BUSINESSFor the Degree of Bachelor of Arts:Harry Charles BurkFor the Degree of Bachelor of Arts:CANDIDATES FOR HIGHER DEGREESWithout thesisWithout thesisWithout thesis John McKevitt PhelpsMarian Foreman RatnoffEtta SalitaPatricia Hall SmithRobert Stone Kincheloe TIWithout thesisThesis: The Chinese Bible: Being a Il istorical Survey of ItsTranslationJOHN LEONARD BETTSA.B., Northwestern University, 1935A.M., ibid., 1941(History)MARIE EDITH BORROFFPh.B., University of Chicago, 1943(Comparative Studies in Literature and the Arts)EDWARD JAMES BROWNA.B., University of Chicago, 1933(L inguis tics)JEREMIAH CAMERONA.B., Indiana University, 1942(English Language and Literature)LUCY M. C. CHENA.-:8., Yenching University, 1932(English Language and Literature)ESTHER WILLSON CURRIEA.B., Milwaukee-Downer College, 1931(English Language and Literature)EUNICE EUGENIA FAWCETTA.B., San Diego State College, 1944(Comparative Studies in Literature and the Arts)ARTHUR FRANCIS FENNER, JR.A.B., Loyola University, 1940(English Language and Literature)ANITA FORD FERGUSONA.B., Howard University, 1945(English Language and Literature)PAUL L. FRANKLL.D., University of Vienna, 1928(Music)LOUIS JULES GORDYS.B. in Ed., Northwestern University, 1933(Romance Languages and Literatures)GWIN JACKSON KOLBA.B., Millsaps College, 1941(English Language and Literature)EDWARD ADOLPH LANGEA.B., Valparaiso University, 1941(English Language and Literature)THOMAS EDGAR LESHERPh.B., DePaul University, 1940(English Language and Literature)JEAN EMILY MURRAYA.B., Winthrop College, 1945(English Language and Literature)FRANK NACCARATOA.B., Central Y.M.C.A. College, 1940(Romance Languages and Literatures)GEORGE ARTHUR NEUMARKA.B., University of Chicago, 1939(History of Culture)DORIS NIEDERA.B., University of Chicago, 1944(English Language and Literature)CAROL VERDA OAKSA.B., Brigham Young University, 1943(English Language and Literature)MARY ALPHA O'BRIENS.B., University of Illinois, 1932(English Language and Literature)MARY ELOISE RAUH:.vr.B., St. Mary's College, Notre Dame, Indiana, 1927(Art)JEROME RESNIKOFF REICHA.B., University of Chicago, 1944(History)JAl'ffi IRWIN NEWMYER RICEA.B., Radcliffe College, 1942(English Language and Literature)JA.LV1ES EUGENE ROTTSOLKA.B., St. Olaf College, 19.11(English Language and Literature) Thesis: Stephen A. Douglas and the Kansas-Nebraska Act: AStudy of Public Opinion as 1\1 irrored in the N eiospapers ofWashington, New York, and ChicagoThesis: The Theory oj the Translation of PoetryEssay: The Infiuence of the Caucasus on the Art of Pushkin andLermontouWithout thesisWithout thesisWithout thesisEssay: Character Development in. Flauberi, Dostoevsky, andHardyWithout thesisWithout thesisEssay: Elements of Development in Slow Symphonic J.Vf ooemenisby Representative Nineteenth-Century ComposersPaper: How Perez Galdos Uses Topography in "Misericordia"and in "Fortunate y Jacinta"Without thesisWithout thesisWi thou t thesisWithout thesisPaper: The Outstanding Characterist-ics of the Picaresque Novelsof Alonso de Castillo SolorzanoThesis: Hume and the Age of ReasonWithout thesisWithout thesisWithout thesisThesis: A Study of the Prints of Jean-Francois .1[illefThesis: The Dorr TVar in Rhode IslandWithout thesisWithout t.hesisJA1fES RUSSELLA.B., Grinnell College, 19-1-1(English Language and Literature)GERALDINE SCALZOA.B., University of Utah, 194-1-B.L.S., University of Chicago, 1945(English Language and Literature)THmIAS WELKER SIMSA.B., Augustana College, 1936(English Language and Literature)ROBERT LIVINGSTON SOUDERSA.B., St. Olaf College, 19-1-4(English Language and Literature)JAMES RADCLIFFE SQUIRESA.B., University of Utah, 1940(English Language and Literature)NATALIE STONEA.B., University of Chicago, 1941(English Language and Literature)RUTH NEWELL TODDA.B., Wells College, 1944(Latin Language and Literature)FRANK HERRICK TOWNSENDA.B., Williams College, 1939(English Language and Literature)JANICE TRIMBLEA.B., Millsaps College, 1943(English Language and Literature)BARBARA BETH WILLIAMSA.B., University of Chicago, 1945(Latin Language and Literature) Without thesisWithout thesisWithout thesisWithout thesisWithout thesisWithout thesisEssay: The Platonic Tradition in Cicero's Philosophical IrorksWithout thesisWithout thesisEssay: Selected Analogies and Their Relation to the Argument inLucretius' "De rerum natura"II. IN THE DIVISION OF THE SOCIAL SCIENCESBEATRICE ONA ALLENS.B., Northwestern University, 1940(Education)11AR Y HERZOG APPELA.B., University of Chicago, 1943(Psychology)ELMER ARNSTS.B. in Ed., Concordia Teachers College, 1940(Education)�1ARGARET SEYMOUR BAYS.B. in Ed., University of Chicago, 1921S.M., ibid., 1925(Education)CHARLES HENRY BEAUPREBaccalaureat, Universite Laval, 1941Licence en Sciences Sociales, ibid., 1942Licence en Philosophie, ibid., 1945Licence en Droit, ibid., 1945(International Relations)JEAN LOUISE BLAIRA.B., University of Connecticut, 1944(History)BIRDSALL EVERARD BLANCHARDS.B., \\" estern State Teachers College, Kalamazoo,Michigan, 1931(Education)WILLIA}'1 EMAl'WEL BLOCKS.B., Xorthwestern University, 1934(Education)ERNST BORINSKI(Education)EDNA MAE BOYDA.B., Xavier University, 19-1-3(Education)JOfL.� McQUESTEN BRACKEN.A..B., University of Chicago, 1937(International Relations)EDWARD RmDfEL BR:\1 NA.B., Berea College, 1945(Political Science) Paper: An Appraisal of a School Reading ProgramThesis: A Comparative Stud)' of Inductees and Rejectees WhoWere Previously Examined at the Institute for Juvenile ResearchPaper: The School Principal as a Supervisor of TnsiructionThesis: Correlation of Primary Menial Abilities ioith Achievement and Other Abilities at the Elementary-School LeuelThesis: Canada and Latin AmericaThesis: The Police Power as a Basis for Social Legislation inIllinois, I870-I920Paper: Social-Acceptance Studies of Pu-pils in Public SchoolsPaper: Certification Requirements for School PrincipalsPaper: Problems Lnvolsed in the Reorganization of Education inGermanyPaper: An Analysis of Methods of Presenting the Equation toPupils in Elementary AlgebraThesis: The Problems of International Law Involved in the October, I939, l':eutrality ActThesis: The Political Ideas of Alexander von HumboldtSTUART CHARLES BROWNA.B., College of Wooster, 1938(Education)MARVIN BURACKEd.B., Chicago Teachers College, 1942(Education)HYMEN MAX CHAUSOWA.B., University of Chicago, 1941(Social Sciences)YVONNE FELBER CHILDSEd.B., National College of Education, 1942(Social Sciences)GERTRUDE BUSS COUCHA.B., University of Wisconsin, 1931(Education)GAYLENWALRATH CRONKA.B., Western State Teachers College, Kalamazoo,Michigan, 1928(Education)DOROTHY ROSA DAVISS.B., Illinois Institute of Technology, 1942(Education)HERMAN LEO DAVISA.B., University of Chicago, 1941(Education)JOHN FRANKLIN DAVISA.B., Franklin College, 1941(Education)TILTON DAVIS, JR.S.B., Central Missouri State Teachers College, 1938(Education)JOHN NORMAN DIXONPh.B., University of Toledo, 1938(Education)FLORENCE MAE EDWARDSS.B., University of Alberta, 1942(Sociology)JOSEPH ELIASA.B., University of Toronto, 1943(Social Thought)FREDERICK ELKINA.B., University of Chicago, 1940(Sociology)JUNE NORMA ELLINGSEN(International Relations)ALFRED LATONE ELLIOTTS.B., University of Cincinnati, 1935(Education)MARY POLLOCK ENDRESEd.B., Western Illinois State Teachers College, 1943(Education)EILEEN GULBORG ERIKSENA.B., Hunter College, 1945(Political Science)JESSIE LORRAINE ERNSTA.B., College of St. Francis, 1941(Education)DAVID GIANUZZIEd.B., Illinois State Normal University, I94I(Education)RAYMOND JOSEPH GRIFFINA.B., De Paul University. I929(Education)GRACE ROSANN GRIMM ITTA.B., Rockford College, I934(Education)NANCY HOPKINS HASKINS(Human Development)EV Al� HUGH KELLEYEd 13 Southern Illinois State Normal University. I9.18(Edu��tion)EILEEN MAE KOLLENBERGS.B., Northwestern Univer ity, J945(Ln ter nat ionn l Relations) Paper: Deficiencies in the Arithmetical Achievement of HighSchool and College StudentsPaper: The Educational Adjustment Problems of Veterans ofWorld War IIWithout thesisWithout thesisThesis: Social Acceptance and Its Correlates in Interest and IntelligencePaper: The Development of Reading Content in the AmericanReadersPaper: An Evaluation of a Remedial Reading Program in theUpper Grades of a Chicago Public SchoolPaper: The Selection of Candidates for Teacher-training ProgramsPaper: Methods and Techniques of Educating the Emotional andPersonality Behavior of ChildrenPaper: Public Relations Aspects of Adult Education Programs inPublic SchoolsPaper: The Worthy Use of Leisure Time as an Objective inSecondary EducationThesis: A Scale f01' Rating Socio-economic Levels in RuralWestern CanadaThesis: Reason, Revelation, and History in Nineteenth-CenturyJewish Thought: Samson Raphael Hirsch and Heinrich GraetzThesis: A Comparative Analysis of a Life-HistoryThesis: Mexico's Cotton Textile TndustryPaper: Citizenship Development as an Objective of the SecondarySchool's Physical Education ProgramPaper: Plans for a Rural Community School Program. inM cH enry County, IllinoisThesis: Administrative Aspects of the Reconstruction FinanceCorporationPaper: Recent Literature on the Teaching of SpellingPaper: Methods Used in Adjusting Veterans of TV orld War I I toAmerican College LifePaper: Causes of Failure in Student GovernmentPaper: Elementary-School Film Utilization TechniquesPaper: A Study of the Organization of Human Relations in anIndustrial PlantPaper: Consumer Education ill the Schools: A Study of Literature AvailableThesis: American Policy totoard Palestine, 19[,/--2-1-EDMUND JOSEPH KUBIKS.B. in Ed., Northwestern University, 19.37(Education)HARRIET ELEANOR KYMERS.B. in Ed., State Teachers College, Mansfield, Pennsylvania, 1936(Education)DOROTHY MARY LAMPARDA.B., University of Manitoba, 1937(Education)MARJORIE ANN LIITTA.B., University of Chicago, 1944-(International Relations)STUART DONALD LOOMISA.B., University of Omaha, 1941(Education)HENRY COLE LUCCOCKA.B., University of Chicago, 1940(History)MAXINE RUTH MANNS.B., Northwestern University, 1945(Education)ILUMINADO B. MANZANOS.B., University of Washington, 1942(Education)EDWARD SIBLEY MARSHALL(International Relations)SEBASTIAN VINCENT MARTORANAS.B., State Teachers College, Buffalo, New York, 1939(Education)MOREAU SAlWORD MAXWELLA.B., University of Chicago, 1939(An thropology)ALICE MELBYS.B., State Teachers College, Bemidji, Minnesota, 1941(Education)LEON FREDRICK MILLERS.B., Southwest Missouri State Teachers College, 1940(Education)RAY VAUGHAN MILLSA.B., Grinnell College, 1937(Education)MARJORIE BEATRICE MOLYNEAUXS.B., University of Chicago, 1936(Education)DANIEL JOSEPH MONACOA.B., Lafayette College, 1943(International Relations)PAUL FAWLEY MOONA.B., Maryville College, 194-0(Education)WALLULAH OCKLEBERRYS.B., Illinois Institute of Technology, 1944-(Political Science)RUTH MAE OLIVERS.B., University of Chicago, 1933(Education)ERNEST JULIUS OPPENHEIMER(International Relations)ROBERT ERWIN PERZEd.B., Chicago Teachers College, 1940(Education)NATALIE ALICE PICCHIOTTIPh.B., University of Chicago, 1937(Education)ELIZABETH NASH PITTMANS.B., Hampton Institute, 1940(Education)ELIZABETH Al'ffi RICHARDSA.B., University of California, 1943(An thropology)CATHARl1\TE HOPKI� Rr.;�1LPh.B., University of Chicago, 194-3(History) Paper: Application of Army }.f etliods of Teaching Electricity tothe Secondary SchoolsPaper: The Effect of the Emotions upon the Production of Reading DisabilityPaper: Reading Difficulty as a Factor in MaladjustmentThesis: An Analysis of Editorial Opinion in Certain AmericanNewspapers with Reference to the Nuremberg Trials and theTrial of War Criminals in World War IPaper: A Survey of Current Definitions oj the Personality ConceptThesis: The House Leadership in the Seventy-fifth CongressPaper: Social and Psychological Concepts of Group TherapyPaper: The Effect of Noise Distraction upon Efficiency in SclzoolWorkThesis: The Influence of Pressure Groups in the United Statesduring the SPanish Civil WarPaper: Responsibilities of Administrators for Community LeadershipThesis: A Designation of the Dillinger FocusPaper: Horne-School Relationships in I he Guida nee of ChildrenPaper: Duties of the Counselor for High-School BoysPaper: The Development of School Camps in American PublicSchoolsPaper: Problems Involved in the Education of Children of JJigratory WorkersThesis: The Twenty-one Demands and the Sino-Japanese Treatiesof May 25, I9I5Paper: Factors Affecting the Number and Types of ScienceCourses Studied in High SchoolThesis: A Comparative Study of M etltods of Selecting Professional Public Personnel for the Public Services of the UnitedStates, Great Britain, and CanadaPaper: The Place of the Science Teacher in the High-SchoolGuidance and Personnel Program.Thesis: A Historical Analysis of the Attitudes of Three AmericanJournals toward China and Japan in the Pre-Pearl Harbor DecadePaper: Intercultural and Minority Group Problems in the PublicSchoolsPaper: The Administration of an Lu-Sennce Training Programfor an Elementary SchoolPaper: The Classroom as a Worksltop for Democratic LivingThesis: A Comparative Study of a Series of Crania from DutchH arbor, AlaskaThesis: The Labor j!ovement 011 the Clyde, I9I4-19KENNETHPAULSANOWA.B., University of Chicago, 1939(Economics)OSCAR FREDERICK SCHAAFA.B., University of Wichita, 1942(Education)MORRIS S. SCHWARTZB.S.S., College of the City of New York, 1940(Sociology)EDNA MAY SIEBERTPh.B., University of Chicago, 1935(Education)HERBERT WILLIAM SIEGALA.B., Oklahoma City University, 1940Ed.M., ibid., 1940(Education)JOHN HOWARD SLOCUMA.B., University of Chicago, 1941(Political Science)RALPH ELBERTON SMITHA.B., Wooster College, 1935(Economics)EDWARD ROBERT STEADMA1�A.B., Macalester College, 194I(Education)ROBERT CLARENCE STONEA.B., University of California, I940(Sociology)ELEANOR CHRISTINE SWANSONA.B., Nebraska Wesleyan University, I926(Education)JOHN SEAMAN TAYLORA.B., University of Buffalo, 1942(Education)REX ALLEN THOMASA.B., Washburn College, 1940(Political Science)HENRY JOHN TOMASEKA.B., University of Chicago, 1942(Social Sciences)OSCAR W ALCHIRKEd.B., Illinois State Normal University, 194I(Education)JACQUELINE BESSIE WALKERS.B., Miner Teachers College, 194I(Education)SARA JANE LECKRONE WHITTIERA.B., University of Chicago, 1934(History)JOHN THOMAS ZADROZNYS.B., in Ed., Illinois State Normal University, I044(Sociology) Without thesisPaper: The Relationship of Reading Ability to Achievement inMathematicsThesis: The Economic and Spatial Mobility of ParanoidSchizophrenics and M anic DepressivesPaper: Utilization of Community Resources in Language ArtsInstructionPaper: Instructional Rank and Degrees Held by the Faculties ofForty-five CollegesThesis: The Political Role of American VeteransWithout thesisPaper: Placement Services in the Secondary Schoo!Thesis: A Sociological Study of a FraternityPaper: Criteria for Evaluating Sta.fJ vVorkPaper: A Contribution of Social Theory to General EducationThesis: Relations between the United States and the ArgentineRepublic during W orld War IIWithout thesisPaper: Educational Guidance for Veterans on the SecondarySchool LevelPaper: Trends in Oral Reading according to Literature on theSubject Published since I936Thesis: Buenasieniura Bees, a Santo Domingan DictatorThesis: The Differences of Opinion among the Ukrainians illChicago in Regard to the Soviet UkraineIII. IN THE DIVINITY SCHOOLOLAF HANSENA.B., New York University, 1940Th.n., Luther Seminary, 1943LAUNA MAY WHIPPLEA.B., Raker University, 1943 Thesis: Kierkegaard's Understanding of "Following Christ"(Efterfolgelsen) and Its Basis in His Concept of the AtonementThesis: The Implications of the Interactive Group Process forReligious EducationIV. IN THE GRADUATE LIBRARY SCHOOLHALLIE BEACHEM BROOKSA.B., Butler University, 1934S.B. in L.S., Columbia University, 1940:MARGARET CORNELIA BROWNA.B., Mount Holyoke College, 1937S.B. in L.S., Columbia University, 1938ELLA MARIAN ELLIOTTA.D., Mount Holyoke College, 1927S.B. in L.S., Columbia University, 1929 Paper: A Description of Negro N eiosstand Magazines and allA nalysis of the Content of a Selected Number of Negro AI egazinesThesis: The Use Made of the Subject Catalog by Graduate Students in the Social SciencesPaper: Federal Relations of the American Library Association,I930-40ETHEL �lARY :;\lA.N�l GA.B., University of California, 1920A.?-1., University of Southern California, 1926NELLE FRANCES l1INNICKA.B., University of New Mexico, 19.F.B. in L.S., University of Denver, 10.pELOI E RUEA.B. in L.S., University of Michigan, 1929CLARA ELIZABETH WENDELA.B., Florida State College for Women, 1925A.B. in L.S., University of Michigan, 1938 Thesis: A Sociological Study of the Reading of the Residents ofthe Colorado River Relocation Center, 19-12--15Paper: A Cultural History of Central City, Colorada.from 1859 to1880, in Terms of Books and LibrariesThesis: Preferences of Elementary-School Children for SubjectHeading FormPaper: An Analysis of Questions Asked by Children in PublicLibrariesV. IN THE SCHOOL OF SOCIAL SERVICE ADMINISTRATIONESTHER BECKE�STEINPh.B., University of Chicago, 1934EVELY T ROSE DAl'JSK.YA.B., University of Chicago, 1939GLADYS BROWN DENISONA.B., De Pauw University, 1931GERTRUDE BAIKOFF DWORKI:C\A.B., University of Wisconsin, 194-3:;\.fARJORIE FORSYTH FERGUSOlA.B., Franklin College, 1934ETHA LOUISE GOLDSCHMIDTS.B., University of Houston, 1944FRANCES LORRAll,\TE GREENEA.B., Dillard University, 1944JOHN MORRIS KAHLERTPh.B., University of Chicago, 1931ALICE KATZINA.B., University of California at Los Angeles, 1936LENA VIRGINIA KICKBUSCHA.B., Wellesley College, 1944EULALIA KIRKPATRICKA.B., University of California, 103SEULA SALLY KNISELYA.B., University of Michigan, 19HLOIS SHAPIRO LE\ INSO J:\.13., University of Michigan, 19-PPA ULINE DURANT LIDEA.B .. Limestone College, 1938�f.S.S_, University of South Carolina, 19-FMARJORIE THOMPSON :;\1EYERSPh.B., University of Chicago, 1927ELIZABETH PEACE 1fITCH.:\:;\1A_B., Howard University, 19-FGERALDINE KOTTA_B., Linfield College, 1938A.�I., Columbia University, 1039KATHRIN COOK POOLA.B., University of Colorado, 1944BETTY LOUISE POWER_-\.13., Butler University, 10.4RUTH BER}'IA� RAY),LVA.B., University of Chicago. lo.F:'1A..x HARRY RICHTERA.B., College of the City of • Tel\' York, 1935Lli\DELL ::\fAO_II SCOTTA.B., "University of Xebraska, 1931A.�L, ibid., 1931LILLIA.....,\ SEIDLER_-\.13., Bryn Mawr College, 1940}'L\RIO� TYSO� .,. STEL TPh.B., University of Chicago, 10+3CH:\RLES FOSTER STORYA.B. University of Wisconsin, 10" Without ThesisReport: The Law of Parent and Child in NebraskaReport: The Home-finding Department, Chicago Orphan Asyl u niReport: SJ. Elizabeth's Hospital, 1903--+3Report: The Day-Care Program of the Chicago Orphan AsylumReport: The Juvenile Delinquent under Texas Law, 1836-19-1-6Report: Central Louisiana State Hospital, 1904-4-1-Report: Child Dependency in IllinoisReport: The California Comniissioii of Immigration and HUlIsingReport: Cancer Control in Neio York State, 1898-1943Report: Efforts To Regulate the Entrance of JIigranls into CaliforniaReport: Referrals by Four Child-placing Agencies to the Tnstitutefor Juvenile ResearchReport: History of the Michigan Children's Institute, 1935-46Report: The National Conference of Social TV ork and the Problems of the NegroReport: Debt Adjustment Cases Served by the Family SerciceBureau, 19.+3-45Report: Social Planning ill the Prenatal Care vf UnmarriedJlothersReport: Administration of Old Age Assistance in OregonReport: Tuberculous Children Known to Provident HospitalReport: The Indiana School for the Blind, 18';'7-1940Report: "Workmen's Com-pensation and the .YeuroticReport: Alcoholic Patients Admitted to tlze Cook County Psychopathic Hospital in 1929, 193-1-, and. 1939Report: Veterans under Care in the IIo1/1e Service Department,Hennepin County [Jlinn.J Chapter, American Red Cross,.M a y I, 1946Report: The History of Occupational Disease Legislation in 11-{ inoisReport: Tile Moierna! Wdfare Centers of ChicagoReport: Appcals in Old Age Assistance ill Wisco/lsin, 1936--10II. THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF SCIENCEI. IN THE DIVISION OF THE BIOLOGICAL SCIENCESEV A PETRONELLA A..�DERSENA.B., Stanford University, 1944(Nursing Education) Thesis: Assignment of Student Experience within Clinical ServicesFRANK ALBERT BANKSS.B., University of Chicago, 1940(Zoology)MURIEL ELAINE BECKINGS.B., University of Chicago, 1944(Biological Sciences) Thesis: SPecies Distinction in Reiiculitermes (Isoptera: Rhinotermitidae)Essay: A Review of Sexual Reproduction of Uniflagellate Aquatic PhycomycetesMARIE BRONSKIEd.B., Chicago Teachers College, 1940(Biological Sciences)GRACE ELIZABETH CLINES.B., University of Oregon, 19 . .j.I(Nursing Education) Essay: The Effects of Ovariectomy on the Uterus and UterineGlands of the Immature Guinea PigThesis: Health and Social Aspects of Pediatric NursingJOSEPHINE PATRICIA CUNNEAEd.B., Chicago Teachers College, 1945(Biological Sciences) Essay: The Effects of Clipping on the Growth, Form, and Development of Pasture GrassesLOIS ELIZABETH EBINGERS.B., University of Chicago, 1941(Biological Sciences)LEON ERIC ERICSONS.B., State Teachers College, River Falls, Wisconsin, 1942(Biological Sciences) Essay: An Analysis of Student Nurse Errors in Clinical Pract-iceEssay: The Relation between Microclimate and Forage CropsGLORIA WREN FLETCHERS.B., University of Chicago, 1942(Biological Sciences) Essay: The Hormonal Control of the M'ammary GlandABIGAIL KYZER HOBSONS.B., Tuskegee Institute, 1935(Biological Sciences)EDBERT JOSEPH LONGA.B., St. Joseph Seminary, 1939S.B., Quincy College, 1944(Biological Sciences) Essay: Dietary Habits and Health Conditions among Rural Alabama NegroesEssay: Speciation in AphididaeA.BBIE RUTH LUKENSS.B., University of Chicago, 19.P(Biological Sciences) Essay: A Review of the Literature from 1943 to 1946 on the Contagious Distribution of AnimalsLYDIA REITZS.B., University of Minnesota, 1938(Nursing Education)ROSEMARY LAUTHERS WINDERA.B., Oberlin College, 1945(Biological Sciences) Thesis: The Use of Auxiliary Workers in Voluntary PublicH ealtb Nursing AgenciesEssay: The Origin of Blood Cells in ChordatesII. IN THE DIVISION OF THE PHYSICAL SCIENCESFREYDOUN AZADI AFSHARS.B., University of Idaho, 1936(Geology)CARMEL BENNOONS.B., University of Chicago, 1945(Physical Sciences)WILLIAM EARL BERTHOLF, JR.S.B., University of Chicago, 1946(Geology)JOHl.� YOUNG GILBERTA.B., University of California, 1940(Meteorology)WILLIAM HENRY HAGGARD IIS. B., Yale University, 1942(Meteorology)ANNA FAY LOPATINS.13., Central Y.M.C.A. College, 1944(Physical Sciences)DOROTHY ADA STRA YHORNES.B., West Virginia State College, 1944(Mathematics} Thesis: Quartzites of Florence County, Wiscollsin, and AdjacentAreasEssay: Trends in High-School Chemistry from 1935 to 19-15Thesis: Graded Unconformity, Washeibernaga Lake Area, OntarioThesis: The Experimental ]vleaSllremcllt of Vertical Velocities inthe Upper AtmosphereThesis: Fog and Stratus Formations and Their Occurrence in theSoutheastern United StatesEssay: Nucleophilic Substitution at Aromatic NucleiThesis: A Study of an Elliptic FunctionProfessional Certificate for Secondary-School Teachers:Gloria Wren FletcherNicholas Nicolaides Barbara Beth WilliamsCatharine Hopkins RumlFrank Herrick TownsendProfessional Certificate for Junior College Teachers:Hymen Max ChausowIII. PROFESSIONAL DEGREES1. IN THE SCHOOL OF SOCIAL SERVICE ADMINISTRATIONFRANCES BRENNERDOROTHY COHEN For the Degree of Bachelor of Social Service:A.LICE VICTORIA REIZE�n. IN THE GRADUATE LIBRARY SCHOOLFor the Degree of Bachelor oj Library Science:�IARY AILEEN ALLMANA.B., Northwestern University, 1919A.JiI., University of \\"isconsin, 1931 HELEN MARY HARTA.B., Tulane University, 1945KARL JENKINSONA.B., Central Y.M.C.A. College, 1935A.M., University of Chicago, 1937VALERA MAURINE NOTLEYS.B., Anderson College, 1945HELEN CHRISTINE SMITHA.B., Simpson College, 1930A.M., State University of Iowa, 1935ORA JOYE ANSDELLS.B., Kansas State College, 1932A.M., University of Michigan, 1939IRIS ANITA BYLERA.B., University of Chicago, 1941EDMOND PATRICK CAH\LANEA.B., Loyola University, 1941ELDA ANGELA COLOMBOA.B., University of Chicago, 1942HILDA BERTHA ERNST:\.Il., Mission House College, 1934 VIRGINIA CAROLYN TEITGES.B., University of Illinois, 1927LOIS JEA1'\l"NETTE WIFFIN_"'-.B., Rockford College, lQ.,8III. IN THE SCHOOL OF BUSINESSFor the Degree of JI aster of Business Administration:::\IORTON HERJ.\1AN BECKERMANHERBERT CHARLES BERTHOLDS.B., University of Illinois, 1927 WILLIAM HENDERSON F r\RQUHARSONS.B., Purdue University, 1939HAROLD EDWARD GALES.B., University of Illinois, 1927RAY'].lOND FREDERICK BERTRAMEUGEl\TE ELLIOTT BLACKWELLS.B., Washington University, 1939JUNE CLARK BURKES.B., Oregon State College, 1939OPHIE YEROmCA CHESKIEPh.B., University of Chicago, 1930 CHARLES WILLIAM GANSZS.B., University of Illinois, 1931MELVIN A. GOLDBERGERS.B., Northwestern University, 1933LOUISE ELIZABETH HART.MEYERS.B., Carnegie Institute of Technology, 1945EDGAR HENRY CRAIG.B., Trinity College, Hartford, Connecticut, 1934 J A1IES DAVID HENNS.B., University of Nebraska, 1933JA�lES DON'ALD CRICHTONJAllES LELfu�D DACK._-\.B., State University of Iowa, 1940 lIABLE ELIZABETH EODIESA.B., State University of Iowa, 1933DAVID ROBERT HOWERTONS.B., University of )[issouri, 1935HAROLD DlERSO� EDWARDS.R., University of Lllinois. 1028LL.'i .. Chicaco-Kent College of Law, 1935 GEORGE PETER IGXASIAKS.B., Western Michiean College of Educaticn, 1037JOSEPHINE ANN JOHNSONS.B., De Paul University, 1941JACK PERLMAN KATZA.B., University of Chicago, 1945GEORGE KENDEMARY ELIZABETH KLOTZS.B., Juniata College, 1936FRANCES DOROTHY LARAWAYS.B., University of Wisconsin, 1934EDWARD S. LOWENSTERNPh.B., University of Chicago, 1945HAROLD MARKSA.R., University of Illinois, 1932S.B., ibid., 1934�LD., uu., 1936MIRIAM RAE MURPHYS. B., Ursuline College. I941MURIEL NIDETZIDA JULIA NOLTES.B., University of Cincinnati, I943 THEODORE EDMUND RIDLEYA.B., University of Chicago, I943:MARY HURST ROOSA.n., University of Colorado, 1929\\lARD JOSEPH SHARBACH, JR.Ph.B., University of Chicago, I945Vv-ARREN ARTHUR SIKORAA.B., University of Chicago, I942JEAN HEAD SISCOA.B., University of Louisville, I945JOHN EARL THOMPSONA.B., University of Chicago, I944JAMES ALDEN TROVILLOA.B., University of Kansas, I934DAVID JAMES WALTONs.n., Valparaiso University, I938EDWARD FRANK WCZESNYA.B., Grinnell College, 194IWILLETT FRANK WEBERS.B., University of Michigan, 1924J.D., De Paul University, 1938CARL AXEL OLSONS.B., State University of Iowa, 1930BETTY ANN PODULKAS.B., De Paul University, I942 INEZ ANNIE WEBSTERRALPH YAKEL, JR.S.B., University of Illinois, 1934FREDERICK JAMES PORT, JR.S.B., University of Illinois, I936Sc.D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1940 \TYTOLD CHARLES Y ASUSA.B., University of Chicago, 1943ALTON WILLIAM POTTERS.B., Northwestern University, 1943 CASIMIR STANLEY ZALEWSKIS.B., University of Illinois, I926IV. IN THE FEDERATION OF THEOLOGICAL SCHOOLS1. IN THE DISCIPLES DIVINITY HOUSEFor the Degree of Bachelor of Divinity:JOSEPH ROBERT MOFFETTA.B., Drury College, I943CARL BOOTH ROBINSONA.B., Culver-Stockton College, 1943 Report: An Evaluation of Peter Ainslie as a Christian LeaderReport: The Preaching of Burris JenkinsIV. THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY1. IN THE DIVISION OF THE BIOLOGICAL SCIENCESMARGARET JEAN HOUGHS.13., University of Chicago, 1930S.M., ibid., 1942(Zoology)BERNADINE HELEN MEYERS.B., University of Illinois, 1933S.M., ibid., I936(Home Economics) Thesis: The Significance of the Auditory Region in the Phylogenyof the Canidae, Procyonidae, and U rsidaeThesis: Retention of Some Vitamins of the B-Complex in Meatduring CookingEVELINA ORTIZA.B. in Ed., University of Puerto Rico, I933S.M., University of Chicago, 194I(Zoology)MICHAEL JOSEPH SUR GALLAS.B., University of Scranton, I942(Bacteriology and Parasitology)ROBERT WILLIAM WISSLERA.B., Earlham College, I939S.M., University of Chicago, I943(Pathology) Thesis: The Normal Development of the Reproductive System ofthe Golden Hamster (Cricetus auratus) and the Reactivity ofThis System to Postnatal Hormone TreatmentThesis: A Study of the Production of Staphylococcal Enterotoxinin Chemically Defined MediaThesis: The Effects of Protein-Depletion and Subsequent Immunization upon the Response of Experimental A nimals to Intradermal Pneumococcal InfectionSELMA JEANNE COHENA.B., University of Chicago, 19-\1A.1\I., ibid., 1942(English Language and Literature)VERGIL EMERY RIA ITA.B., Indiana University, 1926.\.1\J., ibid., 1929(Latin Language and Literature) Thesis: The Poems of Gerard Manley Hopkins in Relation to HisReligious ThoughtMARTHA CAROLYN MITCHELLA.B., Alabama College, 1943A.M., University of Chicago, 1944(History):YIABEL KATHARINE STAUDINGERPh.B., University of Chicago, 1924A.M., ibid., 1925(Romance Languages and Literatures) Thesis: Birmingham: Biography of a City of the New SouthII. IN THE DIVISION OF THE HUMANITIESThesis: Eavesdropping in Roman ComedyGERTRUDE STEPHENSON HOOKERA.B., Mount Holyoke College, 1937A.1\1., ibid., 1939(Comparative Studies in Literature and the Arts) Thesis: Peirarcb and Eternal RomeThesis: A Quasi-LaGrangian System of Hydrodynamical EquationsThesis: The Use of the Supernatural in Modern Spanish-American FictionJOHN SHUP WRIGHTA.B., University of Illinois, 1931A.M., ibid., 1937(History) Thesis: The Background and Formation of the Republican Partyin Illinois, 1846-60III. IN THE DIVISION OF THE PHYSICAL SCIENCESMYRON LEE CORRINS.B., Marquette University, 1939S.M., ibid., 1940(Chemistry)ROBERT AUGUSTIN LADS.B., University of Chicago, 1939S.M., ibid., 1941(Chemistry)LLOYD GEORGE LEWISS.B., University of Chicago, 1939(Physics) Thesis: Some Topics Related to the Locus of Emulsion PolymerizationThesis: Reactions of Aluminum Borohydride with Certain Carbon CompoundsThesis: Study of Cosmic-Ray Air Showers with the Method ofCoincident Bursts in Two Unshielded Ionization ChambersGEORGE ROBERT PRICES.B., University of Chicago, 1943(Chemistry)VICTOR PAUL STARRA.B., New York State Teachers College, 1930S.M., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1938(Meteorology) Thesis: Fluorescence Studies of Uranium, Plutonium, Neptunium, and AmericiumThesis: Integral Sets of Quasiquaternion AlgebrasROGER GILBERT WILKINSONS.B., University of Chicago, 1938(Physics)DANIEL ZELINSKYS.B., University of Chicago, 19·PS.�1., ihid., 1943(Ma therna tics) Research on a National Defense Project*1vllLTON WRIGHT BROWNS.B., Knox College, 1923A.11., University of Chicago, 1926(Education)DAN HENRY COOPERS.B., _ Torthwestern University, 1934A.M., University of Chicago, 1938(Education)HELEN JAMESON CROSSENA.B., Berea College, 1930A.M., University of" 'orth Carolina, 1931(Education)ELISABETH RUCH DUBINA.B., university of Chicago, 1937.. :'1., ibid., 1939(Human Development) Thesis: Standards for School Plant Construction Established byState RequirementsIV. IN THE DIVISION OF THE SOCIAL SCIENCESThesis: The City School Survey as an Lnsirumeni for EducationalPlanningThesis: Effect of Attitudes of the Reader upon Critical Reading __AbilityThesis: The Effect of Training on the Tempo of Development ofGraphic Representation in Preschool Children* Theses on national defen e research projects are approved b) the faculty members who are also participating in a defense researchproject closely related to the student's Geld of investigation. Results of such research are at present deler.se secrets.EDGAR ZODIAG FRIEDENBERGS.B., Centenary College, 1938A.M., Stanford University, 1939(Education)CHESTER WILLIAM HARRISA.B., University of Denver, 1931(Education)THOMAS HOWARD HENDERSONS.B., Virginia Union University, 1929A.M., University of Chicago, 1938(Education)JOHN EDWIN HODGETTSA.B., University of Toronto, 1939(Political Science)GLADYS MARIE KAMMERERA:B., Washington University, 1930A.. M., University of 'Wisconsin, 1931(Political Science)JOSEPH ERNEST KING, JR.A.M., Loyola University, 1941Ed.M., Chicago Teachers College, 19.P(Human Development)ELSIE MAE LEWISA.B., Fisk University, 1932A.M., University of Southern California, 1933(History)JAMES DESMOND LOGSDONEd.B., Illinois State Normal University, 1933A.M., University of Chicago, 1936(Education)WILLIAM HARVEY MAEHLS.B. in Ed., Northwestern University, 1937A.M., ibid., 1939(History)JOHN CHARLES Me. GREGORA.B., University of Arizona, 1931A.M., ibid., 1932(Anthropology)HUGH GERTHON MORGANA.B., Furman University, 1940A.M., University of Chicago, 1943(Education)REX J MORTHLANDA.B., University of California at Los Angeles, 1933A.M., University of California, 1934(Economics)DAVID GRAY POSTONA.B., University of Louisville, 1929A.M., University of Chicago, 1937(History)DANIEL WILCO vANWELDEREN RENGERSLicencie es Sciences Politiques, University of Geneva,1939(International Relations)ORVIN THEODORE RICHARDSONEd.B., State Teachers College, Moorhead, Minnesota,1935A.M., University of Denver, 1942(Education)DAVID RAY STONE, JR.A.B., University of Utah, 1943A.M., ibid., 1943(Education)CAL VIN W ALKER TAYLORA.B., University of Utah, 1938A.M., ibid., 1939(Psychology)FLORENCE MARGUERITE THOMPSONS.B., Indiana State Teachers College, 1930S.M., Ohio University, 1938(Education) Thesis: A Technique for Developing Courses in Physical Science,Adapted to the Needs of Students at the Junior-College LevelThesis: Measurement of Comprehension of Literature and Its Relation to EnjoymentThesis: Some Correlates of Progress in Equalizing EducationalOppo/tunities for Negroes in Southeastern StatesThesis: Organization, Sta.ffing, and Control of the British CivilServiceThesis: The Impact of the War on Federal Personnel Adminisirat·ion, 1939-45Thesis: The Modification-Revision Method in PsychomotorMeasurement: A Minor Study in Aviation PsychologyThesis: From Nationalism to Disunion: A Study in the SecessionMovement in Arkansas, 1850-61Thesis: The Development of Public School Administration in St.Louis, MissouriThesis: The German Socialists and the Foreign Policy of theReich, 1917-22Thesis: Development tuui Interrelationships of Certain Southwestern CulturesThesis: Social Relationships of Children in a War-Boom CommunityThesis: Bonded Indebtedness of Local Governments in Illinois,1927-40Thesis: The City of Soochoio (585 B.C.-1912 A.D.) as Portrayedin the "Wu-Hsien Chronicles"Thesis: The Failure of a Liberal Colonial Policy, NetherlandsEast Indies, 1816-30Thesis: Requirements for Bachelor's Degrees in Liberal Arts Colleges, 1890-1940Thesis: Certain Verbal Factors in the Intelligence-Test Performance of High and Low Social Status GroupsThesis: A Factorial Stlldy of Fluency in WritingThesis: Provisions for Student Activity Programs ilL CollegeResidence H aUs for WomenV. IN THE DIVINITY SCHOOLKWANG WON KIMA.B., Anderson College, 1938Th.ll., Anderson Theological erninary, 1939B.D., Garrett Biblical Institute, 1941 Thesis: The lJI atthean Text of Orlgen in His Commentary on theGospel of M attlteuiJULIA ELIZABETH SABINEA.B., Cornell university, 1927 VI. IN THE GRADUATE LIBRARY SCHOOL .Thesis: Antecedents of the. iVewarll Public LibraryVIII. "ALMA MATER" Words byEDWIN II. LEWISCOPYRIGHTIX. THE BENEDICTIO�x. THE RECESSIOXAL-Convocation March Ganne(The congregation remains standing during the Recession)MARSHALHAROLD A. ANDERSON, Marshal of the UniversityASSISTANT MARSHALSJAMES LUTHER ADAMSWALKER MOORE ALDERTONWALTER BARTKYGEORGE V. BOBRINSKOYGEORGE HAY BROWNLEON CARNOVSKY REUBEN FRODINJOHN GOTTHOLD KUNSTMANNFRANCIS JOSEPH MULLINEUGENE P. NORTHROPWALTER LINCOLN PALMERSHELDON TEFFTJUNE BONNERMARIE EDITH BORROFFJANICE BARBARA BROGUEBARBARA GILFILLAN CROWLEYJANET BALLANTYNE DAVISONDIANA RUTH DIAMONDLOIS LAVINA LAWRANCE STUDENT AIDESHILDE RUTH MARLINSARAH RADCLIFFE PACKARDMARY ALICE REEDGWENDOLEN SCHMIDT STOUGHTONSHIRLEY WILSKERBARBARA JEAN WINCHESTER