�be 'tLlnt"ersit� of <tbfcagoFOUNDED BY JOHN D. ROCKEFELLERTHE ONE HUNDRED EIGHTY-FOURTHCONVOCATIONUbe SummerJUNE SIXTEENTHA.D. NINETEEN HUNDRED THIRTY-SIXTHE UNIVERSITY CHAPELORDER OF EXERCISESFOR THE CONFERRING OF HIGHER DEGREESELEVEN O'CLOCK1. THE CONVOCATION PROCESSIONProcessional- Marche Heroique S aint-S aimsThe MarshalThe Candidates for Higher DegreesThe Faculties of the UniversityThe Trustees and Administrative OfficersThe Convocation ChaplainThe Vice-President of the University and the Convocation OratorII. THE PRAYERThe Convocation Chaplain, THE REVEREND CHARLES WHITNEY GILKEY, Dean ofthe University ChapelIII. THE CONVOCATION ADDRESS"The Pain of Thinking." GEORGE EDGAR VINCENT, PH.D., LL.D.IV. THE AWARD OF HONORSHerbert PortesAlfred B. TetonMembers elected to the Chicago Chapter oj the Order oj the CoiJ on nomination oj the LawSchool Jor high distinction in the proJessional work oj the Law School:Arno Cumming BechtHerbert Cecil BrookHarry Edgar Brown Herman Jerome DeKovenLeonard Raymond HartenfeldRobert Wilson PooreMembers elected to Beta oj Illinois Chapter oj Alpha Omega Alpha Fraternity Jor excel­lence in the work oj the Junior and Senior Years at Rush Medical College:Paul AshleyAndrew Victor GrinleyHarvey Clifford GundersonLloyd Edwin HarrisMajor Joel HendersonHoward Hughes HiggsRussell Garnett HightowerPhilip Murray Howard Clive Roland JohnsonLouis Harvey KaplanWilliam Samuel KleinHarold LaufmanRichard Downing PettitBurnell Varik ReaneyLamont R. Schweiger Caroll Mitchell SilverLouis Harold SpectorCharles Frederick StroebelOtto Ernest StrohmeierCristobal Alberto VicensCatl Anthony WalvoordSeymour William WeisbergMembers elected to Beta oj Illinois Chapter oj Alpha Omega Alpha Fraternity Jor excel­lence in the work oj the Junior and Senior Years in the School oj Medicine oj theDivision oj the Biological Sciences:Gertrude FoxWillard Carter GoodpastureLent Clifton Johnson, Jr. Victor Einar JohnsonFrank Michael PetkevichRobert Bernard Portis Joseph PostCornelius William VermeulenAssociate Members elected to Sigma Xi on nomination oj two Departments oj ScienceJor evidence oj promise oj ability in research work in Science:J ohn Deinhart AbrahamsonJane Schreiber BradyElizabeth Studley BrownCarl Walter CarlsonAlbert George ChenicekHarold Mitchell ColemanJoseph Harry CooperJustin Leon GlathartEthel GoldbergMelvin Arthur GoldbergRobert Edmond GreggNathaniel Bouton Guyol Graham Thompson HatchLindsey Maurice HobbsLouis Edward LudwigElly Thomas MargolisEastone MelofMildred Ingram MottMerwin MoultonJohn Joseph MullaneLuella Catherine NolenAthan Anastasion PantsiosRoger Anson Prior Jean Elizabeth SaurweinArthur ShlaiferWilliam Carlton SteagallIda Loyd SwayneAlice Hartman TannerJohn Gardner TannerHerbert William VandersallHsi WangJoseph Edwin Weckler, Jr.Janet Frances WilderAlbert Virgil Willett, Jr.Members elected to Sigma Xi on nomination oj the Departments oj Science Jor evidenceoj ability in research work in Science:Mae Ruth AndersonClarence Bernstein, Jr.John Clark BrixeyJohn Emerson DavisCharles Lee DeeversCarl Herbert DenbowMartell Maurice GladstoneHerman Heine GoldstineHerman Paul HarmsTerence Charles HolmesSylvia Kramer Norman Rudolph KretzschmarJ ohn Arthur LandwehrWilliam Morris LeesRex Everett LidovRaymond Willis LitwillerForrest Lee McKennonJohn George McNabAnna Isobel McPhersonWendell Phillips MetznerHorace Mitchell Miner Nathan Abraham MoscovitchIrwin Samuel NeimanJohn Van ProhaskaWilliam Bryan ReynoldsRenate RossWilliam Lawson RussellJ ames Raysor StokesFrederick Albert ValentineA. Geraldine WhitingNathaniel Morton WinslowT he Milo P. Jewett Prize for excellence in Bible Reading is awarded toCharles Franklin KraftThe John Billings Fiske Prize in Poetry is awarded toThomas Dillon HowellsThe Chicago Folklore Society Prize is awarded toTheodore Charles AppeltThe Noyes-Cutter Prize, for an essay showing proficiency in the Common Dialect Greekof the New Testament, is awarded toFrederic Edward BlumeThe Wig and Robe Prize for excellence in the work of the first two years of professionalwork in the Law School is awarded toAlfred B. TetonThe Nu Beta Epsilon Scholarship Cup for excellence in the first year of professionalwork in the Law School is awarded toAlfred B. TetonThe Howard Taylor Ricketts Prize for research in Bacteriology is awarded toDan Hampton Campbell John Perrigo FoxThe Harry Ginsburg Memorial Scholarship in the Department of Physiology is awardedtoWilliam Wallace ScottThe Daniel Brainerd Medal for [he best dissection in Surgical Anatomy is awarded toAnsgar Kolhede RodholmThe J. W. Freer Medal and Prize, awarded to a member of the Senior Class for excel­lence in work of the Department of Medicine in Rush Medical College, are awarded toCaroll Mitchell SilverThe Benjamin Rush Medal and Prize for excellence in Medicine are awarded toMayer HymanThe Henry M. Lyman Prize, awarded to a member of the Junior Class for excellencein the work of the Junior Year in the Department of Medicine in Rush MedicalCollege, is awarded toWeir Cloyd StevensAUGUSTA JANE BULLA.B., University of Wisconsin, 1929(English)CLAIRE CASTILLON CRAIG(Romance Languages)ALICE EVALYN DAVISPh.B., University of Chicago, 1934(Music)STELLA P. GAVRILAVICZA.B., University of Chicago, 1935(Art)\' '0 WILLIAM HAMMER, Maturity Certificate, Staatliche Reginoschule, Prilm,Germany, 1927(Germanics)v. THE CONFERRING OF DEGREESCandidates for degrees will be presented by the Deans in the following order:Candidates for the degree of Master of Arts or Science by Dean William HayTaliaferroCandidates for the degree of Master of Business Administration by Dean WilliamHomer SpencerCandidates for the degree of Bachelor of Divinity by Dean Shirley Jackson CaseCandidates for the degree of Doctor of Law (J.D.) by Dean Harry Augustus Bige­lowCandidates for the Four-Year Certificate in Medicine by Dean Ernest EdwardIronsCandidates for the degree of Doctor of Medicine by Dean Ernest Edward IronsCandidates for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy by Dean William Hay TaliaferroCANDIDATES FOR HIGHER DEGREESI. THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF ARTS1. IN THE DIVISION OF THE HUMANITIESWithout ThesisThesis: Stendhal et ShakespeareWithout ThesisWithout ThesisThesis: Die deutschen Tolstoiiibersetzungen und ihre Bedeutun­genKNOX CALVIN HILLS.B., University of Chicago, 1930(Music)GENEVIEVE LAWSON HOLZHAUERPh.B., University of Chicago, 1932(English)HENRY FRANKLIN KELLEYA.B., University of Chicago, 1936(Romance Languages) Without ThesisThesis: Psychological Processes in the Drama of John FordWithout ThesisEDNA ROSSLYN LEAKEA.B., University of California at Los Angeles, 1932(English)JANE LEOPOLDA.B., Northwestern University, 1932(Romance Languages) Without ThesisThesis: Influence of English Authors on the French RomanticsAccording to the "Revue de Paris," I829-32HDIOOOO\-\ \) \COMl HILMAR FRANCIS LUCKHARDTA.B., University of Chicago, 1935(Music)WALTER MANEIKISPh.B., University of Chicago, 1933(English)GENEVA RUTH MEEKERA.B., Central State Teachers College of Oklahoma, 1934(Art)WILLIAM BARRISS MILLSA.B., Dartmouth College, 1934(English)WILLARD JOHN MUNZERA.B., University of Chicago, 1926(Philosophy)CLETA MARGARET OLMSTEADA.B., University of Chicago, 1935(Art)DAVID ORISON ROBBINSA.B., University of Chicago, 1935(Philosophy)WILLIAM FRANCIS ROERTGENA.B., Drury College, 1933(Germanics) Musical Composition: Passacaglia on a Given Theme for FullOrchestraWithout ThesisWithout ThesisWithout ThesisThesis: The Theory of Knowledge of Thomas AquinasThesis: Studies in the Stylistic Development of Persian Achae­menid ArtThesis: A History of English Aesthetics in the Eighteenth Cen­turyThesis: Translations from the French in the Lincke Rental Li­brary of LeipzigHELEN DOROTHY SCHROEDER Without ThesisA.B., University of Cincinnati, 1934(Romance Languages)MARIAN PRISCILLA HOLFELNER Without ThesisSTILLERS.B., Ohio State University, 1932(English)MARY EDNA STONER Without ThesisA.B., University of 'Chicago, 1934(Latin)ADOLPH ARTHUR SUPPAN Without ThesisEd.B., State Teachers College (Milwaukee, Wisconsin),1933(English)THOMAS SAMPLE TURNER Without ThesisA.B., University of Chicago, 1935(Music)OTTO WIRTHA.B., Central Y.M.C.A. College (Chicago, Illinois), 1935(Germanics)MARGUERITE VIVIAN YOUNGA.B., Butler University, 1930(English) Thesis: Die V oraussetzungen zur Literaturgeschichtsschreibungder J ungdeutschen. Ein Beitrag zur Literargeschichte der er­sten H alfte des I9. J ahrhundertsWithout ThesisII. IN THE DIVISION OF THE SOCIAL SCIENCESBEATRICE ACHTENBERGA.B., University of Chicago, 1934(Sociology)HOWARD WILLIAM BENSONS.B., University of Washington, 1930(History)MARY GERTRUDE ZYGMANSKI CARTEREd.B., State Teachers College (Superior, Wisconsin),1930(History)HOWARD CHANDLERA.B., University of Chicago, 1935(Political Science)MARGARET MACK CHANDLERA.B., Vassar College, 1934(International Relations)JAMES FLETCHER DOSTERA.B., University of Alabama, 1932(History)BEVERLY EMERSON DUFFYS.B., University of Illinois, 1931(Education) Thesis: The Social Organization and Technique of Social Con­trol in a Summer CampThesis: Organization and First Years of the International Har­vesterThesis: Housing of the English A gricultural Laborer, I 840-80Thesis : Municipal Electric Plants in IllinoisThesis: The Interpretation and Effect of Article I6 of the Cove­nant of the League of NationsThesis: Origins of the Interstate Commerce Act of I887Thesis: Curricu,lum and Extra-Curriculum Needs and Interestsof the Students of Crane Evening SchoolEMMETT JOHN HOLLANDA.B., University of Notre Dame, 1934(History)1000 HARRIET DUFRESNE HUDSONA.B., Wellesley College, 1933(Economics)NELLIE CECILE KEARINSPh.B. in Ed., University of Chicago, 1917(Education)EMMA LEVITTPh.B., University of Chicago, 1925(Education)RUTH MARJORIE McCLELLANDA.B., Smith College, 1913(History)ANNA MALINDA NELSONA.B., Iowa State Teachers College, 1929(Education)BENJAMIN C. ROBERTSA.B., Brooklyn College, 1935(Economics)GLEN TAYLOR ROSSELOTA.B., Otterbein College, 1916(Education)ARTHUR JOSEPH SMITHA.B., University of Chicago, 1935(Education)BESSIE CHARLOTTE STENHOUSEPh.B., University of Chicago, 1917(Education)MOSES MORTON STRASSMANPh.B., University of Chicago, 1933(Education)IRENE VIOLA TOABEA.B., Brown University, 1934(Sociology)DAVID BICKNELL TRUMANA.B., Amherst College, 1935(Political Science) Thesis: Union Sentiment in Georgia and Alabamafrom I850 toSecession: The Struggle of the Conseroatioes to Prevent Radi­cal ActionThesis: The Progressive Miners of America: A Study in DualUnionismtJThesis: Laboratory versus Recitation Method of Teaching EnglishCompositionThesis: The Activities of Local Teacher Organizations in Chicagosince I929Thesis: A n Epic in Homespun: N ineteenth-C entury Life Reflect­ed in Family LettersThesis: The Illustrated Content of Textbooks in United StatesHistoryThesis: Jurisdiction Disputes between the Brewery Workers andOther A.F. of L. AffiliatesThesis: The Origin, Growth, and Development of the UnitedBrethren in Christ Mission Schools in Sierra Leone. WestAfrica .Thesis: The Value. of a Diagnostic and Remedial Program inArithmeticThesis: Relative Merits of Teaching English Literature by Dis­cussion Method and Supervised Study SheetsThesis: Activities of Parent-Teacher Associations in ElementarySchools in ChicagoThesis: A Study of the Social Nature of DaydreamingThesis: The Educational Functions of the Municipal ResearchBureausThesis: A Comparative A nalysis of the M ethods of Sermon Prep­aration and Delivery of Twenty Contemporary PreachersThesis: The Behavior of Protestantism in an Urban IndustrialArea.Thesis: The Influence of Recent Trends 1tpOn Group-graded Les­sons lRAEZELLA KLEPPER ANDERSONA.B., University of Wichita, 1933 III. IN THE DIVINITY SCHOOLSTUART LEROY ANDERSONA.B., Albion College, 1933ETHEL JANE BRESHEARS.S.B., Central Missouri State Teachers College, 1928WALTER MARSHON DEPOISTERA.B., Phillips University, 1932A.M., ibid., 1933D.B., Vanderbilt University, 1934SAMUEL FRANKLYN FREEMANA.B., Atlantic Christian College, 1933VICTOR ROBERT GRIFFINB.S.L., Butler University, 1930A.B., ibid., 1931WILBUR SWANSON HOGEVOLLA.B., San Jose State Teachers College, 1934RICHARD LEE JAMESA.B., Lynchburg College, 1931A.M., Howard College, 1934CHARLES MAIN CHIN KWOCKA.B., University of Hawaii, 1933ROY JAMES O'BRIENA.B., Texas Christian University, 1934 Thesis: Social Trends among the Disciples of Christ since I900Thesis: Trends of Disciple Preaching on Christian UnityThesis: Atmosphere in Oral InterpretationThesis: The Meaning of Christian Unity in the Theology of PeterAinslieThesis: Religion in Alabama, I86o-70Thesis: The Development of Handwork in Religious EducationThesis: Some Implications of Pragmatism in ChristologyEDWARD FIFIELD OUELLETTEA.B., Carleton College, 1928ALLEN ELLSWORTH PARKERS.B., Ohio State University, 191$D.B., Hartford Theological Seminary, 1918MARIE JOANNA REGIERA.B., Bethel College, 1926Th.B., ibid., 1926ALICE FRANCES WHITCOMBS.B., Simmons College, 1934 Thesis: The Doctrine of the Church in Contemporary TheologyThesis: An Analysis of the Factors in the Personality Develop­ment of Children of MissionariesThesis: Cultural Interpenetration. in a Local Community inChinaThesis: The Place of Personal Guidance in the Program of aChristian CenterIV. IN THE SCHOOL OF BUSINESSCLARENCE AMON BOSTWICKA.B., Monmouth College, 1927JOSEPH EDWARD KILLOUGHA.B., Birmingham-Southern College, 1934ETTA LILLIAN LARSONS.B., University of Illinois, 1922CLARENCE WALTON WILBUR SMITHPh.B., University of Chicago, 1931� 100 01) ROLLIN AUGUSTUS STEARNSPh.B., University of Chicago, 1926 Thesis: Accounting Control for a University Buildings andGrounds DepartmentThesis: Effects of the National Recovery Administration uponChild LaborThesis: Results from the Use of an Objective Test and a Question­naire in a Senior High School Course in EconomicsThesis: The Application of Business Machines to Stock Broker­age AccountingThesis: A Study of the American Soap IndustryV. IN THE SCHOOL OF SOCIAL SERVICE ADMINISTRATIONDOROTHY CHARLOTTE ALDAGA.B., Albion College, 1934MAURICE WENDELL DECKERPh.B., University of Chicago, 1930GLADYS GENEVRA FRASERA.B., University of Illinois, 1920GENEVIEVE JOSEPHINE GABOWERA.B., College of St. Teresa, 1928--HILDA MARGARET HANSON� A.B., University of Washington, 1929GERTRUDE MAY HEMPHILLS.B., University of Nebraska, 1934DOROTHY MACKPh.B., University of Chicago, 1932KATHRYN McDANIELPh.B., University of Chicago, 1932WINIFRED ROSE MORINA.B., Wayne University, 1931MARIE AGNES MUELLERA.B., University of California at Los Angeles, 1934ALICE LITTLE NELSONA.B., Northwestern University, 1928MARIE WALKER REESEPh.B., University of Chicago, 1934HELEN COX RENALDA.B., Rockford College, 1920 Field Study: A Study of the Cases Released from Children's andMinors' Service from December I, 1934, to December 1,1935Field Study: The Bureau for Minors in the Service Bureau forMenThesis: Administrative Practices Concerning the Licensing ofBoarding Homes, Children's Institutions, Child-Pla�ingAgencies, and Maternity Homes in Certain StatesField Study: A Study of One Hundred Cases Referred to Chil­dren's and Minors' Service from January 15 to July 15,1935Thesis: The Law of Parent and Child in OregonField Study: Some "Social" and "Emotional" Problems of aGroup of Tuberculous PatientsThesis: Some Effects of Civil Works Administration: A Study ofFamilies Known to the Unemployment Relief Service in Chi­cago before and after Their AssignmentField Study: Social Work Personnel Practices under Civil Serv­ice in the State of OhioField Study: The Legal Status of the Illegitimate Mother andChild in MichiganField Study: A Study of Women on Work Relief in the HalstedDistrict of the Unemployment Relief Service in March, 1935Field Study: A Study of the Children Treated by the Child Guid­ance Clinic of Bobs Roberts H ospital Who Have Suffered fromPains without Organic CauseField Study: A Study of the Boys Referred by the Chicago Pro­bation Project to the Civilian Conservation CorpsField Study: An Intensive Study of the Social Agency Treatmentof a Group of Families Whose Children Aloe Known to theChicago Probation Project-rx CfqqHCqq� AUDREY FAY SAYMANA.B., Newcomb College, 1932GERTRUDE HERRICK SCHAFERA.B., Wellesley College, 1927MARION LUCILE VOGESS.B., Ohio State University, 1930ALICE LOUISE VOlLANDA.B., Washburn College, 1930HENRY WASHINGTON WALTZA.B., University of California, 1921 Field Study: Treatment Evaluation of a Group of Child Guid­ance Clinic CasesThesis: Case-Work Problems in Unemployment Relief CasesField Study: Delinquents and Their Siblings: A Study of aGroup of Cases Referred to the Children's Probation Projectby the Cook County Juvenile CourtField Study: The School as a Factor in Treatment in a Group ofChild Guidance Clinic CasesField Study: A Community Experiment in the Prevention andTreatment of Juvenile DelinquencyII. THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF SCIENCE1. IN THE DIVISION OF THE BIOLOGICAL SCIENCESCLARIBEL ALBRIGHTS.B., Iowa State College, 1934(Home Economics)GERTRUDE ELIZABETH FRIEND AUS­TINS.B., University of Illinois, 1923(Home Economics) .LA VERNE SHIRLEY CARLSONPh.B., University of Chicago, 1931(Home Economics)ELIZABETH VAN WYCK CLAPPA.B., Vassar College, 1923(Home Economics)LENA EDITH ELLIOTTPh.B., University of Chicago, 1930(Home Economics)VIOLA DOROTHY HUNTERA.B., Butler University, 1929(Physiology)KENDRICK ADELBERT SMITHS.B., University of Chicago, r933(Medicine)GEORGE SCOTT SPEERA.B., Central Y.M.C.A. College (Chicago, Illinois), 1934(Psychology) Thesis: Sulphur Dioxide Content of Dried FruitsThesis: Comparison of Different Methods of Judging the Nutri­tional Status of ChildrenThesis: The Effect of Providing an Institution with Quantities ofDry Skim Milk on the Q'uality and Quantity of the Diets ofthe ChildrenThesis: An Analysis of the Food Consumption Habits of II9Farm Families in ConnecticutThesis: The Reconstruction, Decoration, and Furnishing of aNew England Colonial Country HouseThesis: On the Supposed Detoxication of the Thyroid Hormoneby Copper SaltsThesis: The Influence of Muscular Exercise on Blood SugarConcentrationsThesis: The Measurement of Emotions Aroused in Response toPersonality Test ItemsII. IN THE DIVISION OF THE PHYSICAL SCIENCESJOHN DEINHART ABRAHAMSONA.B., University of Chicago, 1934(Geography)HAROLD EUGENE ENLOWSS.B., University of Tulsa, 1935(Geology and Paleontology)KENNETH MILES EXWORTHYA.B., State Teachers College (Oshkosh, Wisconsin), 1926(Geography)RICHARD FARRELL KINNAIRDS.B., Millsaps College, 1934(Astronomy and Astrophysics)JANIE CAMPBELL LAPSLEYA.B., Agnes Scott College, 1934(Mathematics)LUELLA CATHERINE NOLEN Thesis: MerseysideS.B. in Ed., State Teachers College (Indiana, Pennsyl-vania), 1930(Geography)ATHAN ANASTASION PANTSIOS Thesis: Cholesterol and the Male Sex HormoneS.B., University of Chicago, 1934(Chemistry) Thesis: The Distribution of Population in Caribbean AmericaThesis: Some Factors Influencing the Physical Characteristics ofWest Texas Crude OilsThesis: The Evolution of Manufactural Adjustments at theMouth of the Menominee RiverThesis: A Method of Determining Absolute Magnitudesfrom theContinuous Spectra of K-Type Sta1'SThesis: Cremona SPace Transformation of Order Five-fiveJESSIE WEED RUDNICKS.B., University of Chicago, 1935(Astronomy and Astrophysics)OSCAR LEO SCHERRS.B., University of Chicago, 1933(Chemistry)PAUL SELIGMANNS.B., University of Chicago, 1933(Chemistry)LEONARD TORNHEIMS.B., University of Chicago, 1935(Mathematics)GALE JAY YOUNGS.B., Milwaukee School of Engineering, 1933(Mathematics) Thesis: On Reddening in B-Type StarsThesis: The Preparation of DihydroxyacetoneThesis: An Equation of State of Acetic AcidThesis: Representation of Integers as Sums of Multiples of Val­ues of a Cubic PolynomialThesis: Solutions of Certain Diffusion. ProblemsIII. PROFESSIONAL DEGREES1. IN THE SCHOOL OF BUSINESSCHARLES ABRAHAMSPh.B., University of Chicago, 1926For the Degree of Master of Business Administration:Report: Basis of Accounting and Federal Income TaxesJOHN EUGENE CORNYNS.B., St. Mary's College (California), 1935EATON VAN WERT READA.B., Beloit College, 1929 Report: Relations between Public Accountants, Their Clientsand the M anufacturers of Accounting MachinesReport: Voluntary Chains and Co-operative Groups in the Mar­keting of Groceries in ChicagoII. IN THE DIVINITY SCHOOLFor the Degree of Bachelor of Divinity:CHARLES FRANKLIN KRAFTA.B., University of Colorado, 1932IRVIN EUGENE LUNGERA.B., Bethany College (West Virginia), 1934A.M., University of Chicago, 1935DONALD DEAN PARKERA.B., Park College, 1922A.M., University of Washington, 1932 Thesis: The Religion of Israel as Reflected in the Book of AmosThesis: Contemporary American Religious Thought and the Riseof CollectivismThesis: Church and State in the Philippines, I565-I896David Andrew Howard (cum laude)For the Degree of Bachelor of Laws (LL.B.):III. IN THE LAW SCHOOLFor the Degree of Doctor of Law (J.D.):BLANCHE BURDELL BACHTENKIRCH­ERS.B., Indiana University, 1930ARNO CUMMING BECHT (cum laude)A.B., Colgate University, 1931ROBERT HOWARD BIERMAA.B., University of Illinois, 1934HERBERT CECIL BROOK (cum laude)A.B., Northwestern University, 1932HARRY EDGAR BROWN (cum laude)A.B •. University of Chicago, 1934BAYARD LACEY CATRON (cum laude)A.B., Dartmouth College, 1933 EDWARD RAY CULLENA.B., University of Chicago, 1935HERMAN JEROME DEKOVEN (cum laude)A.B., University of Chicago, 1934CLIFFORD HARRISON DIXONA.B., Illinois College, 1916THOMAS EUGENE FOSTERA.B., University of Chicago, 1934HERMAN LEONARD GETNERA.B., University of Chicago, 1934BERNARD H. GOODA.B., University of Michigan, 1933GEORGE DEVATENOS GREGORY, JR.Ph.B., University of Chicago, 1934HOBART WILSON GUNNINGPh.B., University of Chicago, 1934LEONARD RAYMOND HARTENFELD(cum laude)Ph.B., University of Chicago, 1934JAMES LOUIS HENNINGA.B., University of Chicago, 1934HAROLD WARREN HUFFA.B., University of Chicago, 1934 HERBERT PORTES (cum laude)A.B., University of Chicago, 1934BENJAMIN ALEX RAGIR (c'llm laude)A.B., University of Chicago, 1935PAUL DAVIS REESEA.B., McKendree College, 1928ROBERT BERNARD ROESINGA.B., University of Chicago, 1935HARRY RUBENSTEINA.B., University of Illinois, 1936CHARLES MARSHALL RUSHA.B., University of Michigan, 1934NORMAN vVILLIAM INLANDERA.B., University of Wisconsin, 1934 RAYMOND LEON RUSNAKB.S.L., Northwestern University, 1934HERBERT ISRAELSTAMA.B., University of Chicago, 1934 HERBERT MILTON SCHENKERA.B., University of Chicago, 1935JOSEPH K. SCHMIDTA.B., University of Chicago, 1934WILLIAM HUGO SCHRADERA.B., University of Chicago, 1934DAVID JADWINPh.B., University of Chicago, 1934CARROLL JOHNSON (cum laude)A.B., University of Chicago, 1934DELMAR KOLBPh.B., University of Chicago, 1933 ERWIN SHAFERA.B., University of Chicago, 1934IRVING GORDON LANGA.B., University of Chicago, 1935 GEORGE LEONARD SHAPIROPh.B., University of Chicago, 1934EARL MAYNARD LEEDSA.B., University of Chicago, 1934 HAROLD HASTINGS SHIVELYA.B., Ohio University, 1913A.M., Ohio State University, 1923ROBERT ELIOT LEVINPh.B., University of Chicago, 1934 MARVIN LE ROY SIMONPh.B., University of Chicago, 1933JAMES JOSEPH LEWISA.B., University of Notre Dame, 1932LAWRENCE ERVIN LEWYA.B., University of Chicago, 1934SOL G. LIPPMANA.B., University of Chicago, 1934 LAWRENCE WILLIAM SKEBELSKYA.B., University of Chicago, 1934JEROME SOLOMON W ALD (cum laude)A.B., University of Chicago, 1934CHESTER LAUER WARDA.B., University of Nebraska, 1932ARTHUR LEE MARGOLISA.B., University of Chicago, 1934WALTER LEE MONTGOMERY, JR.A.B., University of Chicago, 1935JOSEPH NELSONPh.B., University of Chicago, 1933LEONARD GERARD NIERMANA.B., University of Chicago, 1934 BERNARD RICHARD WOLFA.B., University of Chicago, 1935HERBERT NORTON WOODWARDA.B., Cornell University, 1933BURTON HUGH YOUNGA.B., University of Chicago, 1935HERMAN ODELLA.B., University of Chicago, 1934LESTER KENNETH OLINS.B., University of Illinois, 1934ROBERT WILSON POORE (cum laude)Ph.B., University of Chicago, 1934 ALVIN H. ZIMMERMAN (cum laude)A.B., University of Chicago, 1935ERLE J. ZOLL, JR.A.B., University of Chicago, 1934EDWIN FRANCIS ZUKOWSKIA.B., University of Chicago, 1935IV. IN THE SCHOOL OF MEDICINE OF THE DIVISION OF THEBIOLOGICAL SCIENCESMARGERY BLAHDA.B., Western Reserve University, 1933 For the Four-Year Certificate:JULES BELASCO COMROES.B., University of Chicago, 1933CLARENCE WEST BLEDSOES.B., University of Chicago, 1934BETHANA BUCKLINS.B., University of Wisconsin, 1932 LEON BELASCO COMROES.B., University of Chicago, 1933WILLARD CARTER GOODPASTURES.B., Princeton University, 1932ABRAHAM MEYER CHERNERS.B., University of Chicago, 1932 ELIZABETH M. M. H. HUFFS.B., University of Louisville, 1935LILLIAN MARGARET INGRAMA.B., University of Alabama, 1931JOHN EDMUND MOSELEYS.B., Harvard University, 1932 PHILIP DANIEL SHANEDLINGS.B., University of Chicago, 1933BERNARD SILBERS.B., University of Maryland, 1932FRANK NEUWELTS.B., University of Chicago, 1931FRANK MICHAEL PETKEVICHS.B., University of Chicago, 1931 GLEN T. SMITHS.B., University of Idaho, 1932KENDRICK ADELBERT SMITHS.B., University of Chicago, 1933S.M., ibid., 1936JOSEPH POSTS.B., College of the City of New York, 1932CHARLES HENRY RAMMELKAMPS.B., Illinois College, 1933BERNARD GEORGE SARNATS.B., University of Chicago, 1933 DAVID BROWNING TEMPLINS.B., University of Chicago, 1933WILLARD BRYAN WEARYA.B., Nebraska Wesleyan University, 1929For the Degree of Doctor of Medicine:GEORGIE METZINGER BURTS.B., North Dakota Agricultural College, 1932KENNETH LEWIS BURTS.B., Michigan State College, 1925 DAVID JOSEPH TSCHETTERA.B., Yankton College, 1930MILTON BRUCE HANSENA.B., Augustana College, 1928 JAY R. VENEMAA.B., Calvin College, 1931EDMUND NELSON WALSHS.B., University of Chicago, 1931JOSEPH LEGGETT MILLER, JR.S.B., University of Chicago, 1931 MORTON YOHALEMS.B., New York University, 1931ROBERT BERNARD PORTISS.B., Yale University, 1931V. IN RUSH MEDICAL COLLEGEKERMIT HUDSON ANDERSONA.B., Mississippi College, 1932 For the Four-Year Certificate:STEPHEN ALFRED FORBESS.B., Pennsylvania State College, 1932MATTHEW ARNOWS.B., University of Florida, 1933 SOL BARNETT GOLDMANS.B., New York University, 1932ROBERT THOMAS BANDIA.B., West Virginia University, 1933S.B., ibid., 1934THOMAS DOUGLAS BEATTYA.B., University of Illinois, 1932 MELVIN OSCAR GOODMANA.B., Brown University, 1932ROBERT BROWNELL GREENMANS.B., University of Chicago, 1932DARRELL LELAND BELLWILLIAM MARTIN BENZING, JR.S.B., University of North Carolina, 1934HARMS WILMER BLOEMERSA.B., Hope College, 1931LOUIS ANTHONY BONTEMPOS.B., University of Pittsburgh, 1932 SEYMOUR GREENWALDS.B., University of Chicago, 1932LLOYD EDWIN HARRISA.B., Wittenberg College, 1932RALPH BORGLUM HEGSTEDMAJOR JOEL HENDERSONS.B., University of Florida, 1932RUSSELL GARNETT HIGHTOWERS.B., Alabama Polytechnic Institute, 1930JOHN PHILLIP BRICKA.B., West Virginia University, 1933S.B., ibid., 1934JOHN MORGAN COOPERA.B., University of Missouri, 1933S.B., ibid., 1934 NATHAN JACOBSPh.G., Brooklyn College of Pharmacy, 1926A.B., University of Wisconsin, 1933EDWARD STARRJUDD, JR.A.B., Dartmouth College, 1932JOHN PENDLETON DARLINGA.B., Princeton University, 1932 LOUIS HARVEY KAPLANS.B., University of Chicago, 1933CLAUDE RICHMOND DAVISSONA.B., West Virginia University, 1933S.B., ibid., 1934ALBERT SIDNEY DIXS.B., Howard College, 1931 HERMAN KIRCHDOERFERS.B., University of South Dakota, 1934HARRYS.KUPERSMITHS.B., University of Chicago, 1934MYRON WILLARD LARSONS.B., University of Chicago, 1933HAROLD LAUFMANS.B., University of Chicago, 1932 WILLIAM STOREY REDMONDS.B., St. Louis University, 1934ARIE C. REMPES.B., University of South Dakota, 1934PHILIP LEFKINS.B., Columbia University, 1931 MAURICE MICHAEL RICEA.B., University of Wisconsin, 1932IRVING LEINW ANDA.B., West Virginia University, 1933S.B., ibid., 1934NOAH BERNARD LEVINS.B., University of Chicago, 1933ROBERT OSCAR LEVITTA.B., University of North Carolina, 1932FRANCIS MARION LYLEA.B., University of Missouri, 1933S.B., ibid., 1934RALPH EDWARD MAHOWALDA.B., University of North Dakota, 1933S.B., ibid., 1934ROBERT WILLIAM MANNA.B., University of Wisconsin, 1934JAMES WILLIAM MARRONS.B., University of Chicago, 1933RICHARD WESLEY MAXWELLA.B., Greenville College, 1932EDWARD TROXELL MEACHAMS.B., Kent State College, 1932FRENCH RONALD MILLERA.B., West Virginia University, 1933S.B., ibid., 1934ROBERT GEORGE MINDRUPS.B., University of Chicago, 1933JEWETT PALMER MOTLEYA.B., Howard College, 1929HAROLD OLAF NELSONS.B., North Dakota State College, 1932S.B., University of North Dakota, 1934WALLACE EDWARD NISSENS.B., University of South Dakota, 1934EMANUEL MICHAEL OXMANA.B., University of Wisconsin, 1932MILTON HAROLD PARTRIDGEA.B., Yankton College, 1932 IRVING ROSEA.B., West Virginia University, 1933S.B., tus., 1934BERNARD BARE ROSENBLATTA.B., Heidelberg College, 1932S.B., West Virginia University, 1934GEORGE ALLEN SATHERA.B., University of North Dakota, 1932S.B., ibid., 1934MILTON HERBERT SAXA.B., University of Minnesota, 1931BEN HARVEY SCHULAKS.B., University of Toledo, 1932IRVIN HUDSON SCOTTS.B., University of Chicago, 1933CAROLL MITCHELL SILVERS.B., Columbia University, 1932EUGENE VICTOR SIMISONS.B., University of Missouri, 1934LOUIS HAROLD SPECTORA.B., University of Alabama, 1932OTTO ERNEST STROHMEIERPh.B., University of Chicago, 1923VICTOR TEPPERA.B., University of Alabama, 1932JOSEPH MEIKLE THOMASA.B., Utah State Agricultural College, 1930THOMAS MYRON TORGERSONA.B., St. Olaf College, 1932S.B., University of North Dakota, 1934SIDNEY TRUBOWITZA.B., Columbia University, 1931CRISTOBAL A. VICENSS.B., Loyola University, 1933S.M., ibid., 1934SAMUEL ELVIN PENNA.B., West Virginia University, 1933S.B., ibid., 1934WALLACE HAMILTON PIERCES.B., University of Idaho, 1932S.B., University of North Dakota, 1934 MICHAEL ANTHONY VIGGIANOA.B., West Virginia University, 1932S.B., ibid., 1934CARL ANTHONY WALVOORDA.B., Hope College, 1932WILLIAM JOSEPH PITLICKA.B., University of South Dakota, 1932S.B., ibid., 1934 MANUEL R. WEXLERA.B., University of North Dakota, 1932S.B., ibid., 1934BURNELL VARIK REANEYA.B., University of South Dakota, 1929S.B., ibid., 1932 JAMES HAYES WILLIAMSA.B., Maryville College, 1929WILLIAM ALPHONSO WITHERSA.B., University of North Carolina, 1932ANTHONY ARIANAA.B., University of Alabama, 1931S.B., ibid., 1933HENRY EVANS BAUMA.B., West Virginia University, 1932S.B., iu«, 1933LOUIS BELINSONA.B., University of Wisconsin, 1930 For the Degree of Doctor of Medicine:BENJAMIN STEPHEN BLACKA.B., University of Alabama, 1931S.B., ibid., 1933MARTIN VINCENT BOARDMANA.B., University of Alabama, 1931S.B., ibid., 1933SAMUEL JARVIS BOLONIKS.B., University of Chicago, 1931VINCENT ANTHONY LACOVARAPh.G., Columbia University, 1928JAMES WILSON BRADENS.B., University of Pittsburgh, 1928WILLIAM BYRNE BROWNA.B., West Virginia University, 1927S.B., ibid., 1933 HARRY HERZL LEBOWA.B., Columbia University, 1931BERNARD R. LEVINEA.B., West Virginia University, 1930S.B., ibid., 1933HAROLD J. BRUMMA.B., University of Missouri, 1931FLOYD WILSON CASTATORA.B., University of Alabama, 1932 JOSEPH LAFE LUDWIGA.B., University of North Dakota, 1931S.B., ibid., 1933GORDON SILVIO CASTIGLIANOS.B., Hamline University, 1931S.B., University of South Dakota, 1933CHARLES PHILIP CATALANOS.B., Manhattan College, 1931 MARTIN MARKOWITZA. B., University of North Dakota, 1931S.B., ibid., 1933J. WINFORD MATHERA.B., Penn College, 1922BENJAMIN BAINIS COHENA.B., Indiana University, 1930A.M., ibid., 1931 CARL LOUIS MAUSERA.B., University of California, 1931JOSEPH ROBERT COHENA.B., University of Wisconsin, 1933 WILLIAM ROBERT McELWEES.B., Huron College, 1931WILLIAM LOUDEN McEWENA.B., University of North Dakota, 1930S.B., ibid., 1932MERLE JOSE MOOREA.B., University of North Dakota, 1930S.B., ibid., 1933MARSHALL COHENS.B., University of Chicago, 1931HAROLD BRYAN COOKA.B., Cornell College, 1922S.M., Iowa State College, 1923ANTHONY RICHARD D' ADDARIOA.B., University of Alabama, 1932 IVAN ARTHUR MUNKA.B., DePauw University, 1931LEON EARL DEPREEA.B., Hope College, 1929 ADOLPH ROY NACHMANS.B., University of Chicago, 1932BERTRAM GRIFFITH NELSON, JR.S.B., University of Chicago, 1931ANDREW JAMES NIEHAUSA.B., West Virginia University, 1931S.B., ibid., 1933MAURICE EDELSTEINA.B., University of Wisconsin, 1933FRANCIS SCHUBERT ELSONA.B., University of Wisconsin, 1933EVAN GROSE GAMETTEA.B., University of Utah, 1932STEPHEN ELMER GATESA.B., University of Dubuque, 1930 WILFRED LORCH OLSENA.B., University of Utah, 1931CONRAD WILLIAM GIESENA.B., University of Michigan, 1931 REX BISHOP PALMERS.B., University of Washington, 1931MARTLE FOY PARKERS.B., University of Chattanooga, 1930DANNY GLASSMANS.B., West Virginia University, 1933SOLOMON GOLDSMITHA.B., University of North Dakota, 1931S.B., ibid., 1933ALEJANDRO GONZALEZ LUJANS.B., Lewis Institute, 1931 ROBERT OLIVER PLETCHERS.B., West Virginia University, 1928WALTER SIGMUND POLACHECKS.B., University of Wisconsin, 1933SAMUEL JACOB GRAUMANS.B., Yale University, 1931 CHARLES GABRIEL POLANA.B., West Virginia University, 1931S.B., ibid., 1933SIMON POLLACKS.B., University of Chicago, 1931SAMUEL IRVING GREENBERGA.B., George Washington University, 1932HAROLD LAWTON ROGERSA.B., University of Alabama, 1932LYLE BRUCE HARTS.B., West Virginia Wesleyan College, 1931S.B., West Virginia University, 1933 JOSEPH DOMINICK ROMINOA.B., West Virginia University, 1931S.B., ibid., 1933THOMAS JUNSHEE HOPh.C., University of Illinois, 1928S.B., Lewis Institute, 1930 JOSEPH GEORGE ROSENBAUMA.B., University of Wisconsin, 1933EMIL ARNOLD HOFERS.B., Huron College, 1931S.B., University of South Dakota, 1933 SAM ROSENFELD, JR.'A.B., Ohio State University, 1930A.M., ibid., 1932FERDINAND CARL JACOBSONA.B., Luther College, 1930 FRANK EMANUEL RUBOVITS, JR.S.B., University of Chicago, 1930HAL SIMPSON KNOWLESS.B., University of North Dakota, 1933 DONALD H. RUDSERA.B., University of North Dakota, 1928S.B., ibid., 1930JOSEPH EDWARDS KOPCHAS.B., University of Chattanooga, 1929LOUIS LIPMAN KRAFCHIKS.B., Rutgers University, 1931 ELDOR CHRIST SAILERS.B., University of North Dakota, 1933WALTER AUGUST SCHIMMELA.B., State University of Iowa, 1926 CHARLES FREDERICK SUTTONA.B., Milton College, 1925S.M., Battle Creek College, 1928ROLF CHRISTIAN SYVERTSENS.B., Dartmouth College, 1918IRVIN PETER LAWRENCE SCHUCHARDTS.B., University of South Dakota, 1933DONALD MILO SCHUITEMAS.B., Northwestern University, 1931 EDWIN THEODORE TELLMANA.B., Hope College, 1931HERBERT JOSEPH SCHWARTZA.B., University of Wisconsin, 1933 LUTHER CONRAD THOMPSONA.B., University of North Dakota, 1930S.B., ibid., 1930JOHN EDWARD TYSELLS.B., University of South Dakota, 1933LEWIS ROUSSEAU SCUDDERA.B., Hope College, 1931JOSEPH MORRIS SHACHTMANS.B., University of North Carolina, 1933CHARLES ALFRED SHAFFERLAWRENCE SHELDON SIEGELS.B., University of North Dakota, 1933 DAN LOWELL URSCHELA.B., Adrian College, 1931LOUIS ROBERT WASSERMANA.B., Harvard University, 1931ABRAHAM MATTHEWS SILVERSA.B., University of North Dakota, 1932S.B., uu., 1933 JOSEPH EDWARD WEBERA.B., University of Wisconsin, 1931SELIG BEHR WEINSTEINA.B., University of Wisconsin, 1931JOSEPH SILVERSTEINA.B., University of Alabama, 1930A.M., ibid., 1932 FRANK WEISSA.B., Columbia College, 1931CARL SIMISONS.B., University of Missouri, 1933 OSCAR WEISSA.B., Columbia College, 1932RUSSELL PHILIP SINAIKOA.B., University of Wisconsin, 1931 SAMUEL WERNERA.B., University of Wisconsin, 1932RICHARD JOHN STEVENSS.B., West Virginia University, 1933 ANTON STANLEY YUSKISS.B., Loyola University, 1932S.M., tu«, 1933 ..,_.IV. THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHYJOHN ISAAC BREWERS.B., University of Chicago, 1925M.D., Rush Medical College, 1929(Anatomy) Thesis: A Normal Human Ovum in a Stage Preceding the Primi­tive Streak(1. IN THE DIVISION OF THE BIOLOGICAL SCIENCESELEANOR ANTOINETTE CONWAYA.B., University of Wisconsin, 1925(Anatomy) Thesis: The Source of the Monocytosis in Guinea Pigs and theReactions in Rabbits to One and Repeated Injections of Bac­terium M onocytogenesThesis: Calcium and Protein Chang(Js in Serum during Sleepand Rest without SleepNORMAN ROY COOPERMANS.B., University of Chicago, 1931S.M., ibid., 1932(Physiology)GERTRUDE EVANSA.B., Mount Holyoke College, 1928(Zoology) Thesis: The Relation between Vitamins and the Growth and Sur­vival of Goldfishes in H omotypically Conditioned WaterALMA FOGELBERGS.B., University of Chicago, 1930S.M., uu., 1932(Physiology) Thesis: The Effect of Bulbocapnine on the Peripheral VascularSystemMARION WEBSTER RICHARDSONS.B., Antioch College, 1923(Psychology) Thesis: The Relation between the Difficulty and the DifferentialValidity of a TestHENRY FREDERICK STROHECKERA.B., Mercer University, 1926(Zoology) Thesis: An Ecological Study of Some Orthoptera of the ChicagoRegionZONJA WALLEN-LAWRENCES.B , University of Chicago, 1915(Biochemistry) Thesis: The Relative Digestibility of Unsweetened EvaporatedMilk, Boiled Milk, and Raw Milk by Trypsin in VitroII. IN THE DIVISION OF THE HUMANITIESALLEN DIEHL ALBERT, JR.Ph.B., University of Chicago, 1924A.M., ibid., 1931(Oriental Languages and Literatures)GRACE LUCILE BEEDEA.B., University of South Dakota, 1926(Latin)EDGAR CROWTHER CUMINGSA.B., Indiana University, 1931A.M., tus., 1932(Germanics)THOMAS MILTON CUTTA.B., University of Toronto, 1929(Latin)RICHARD TRAVIS HARDAWAYA.B., Duke University, 1925A.M., ibid., 1928(Germanics)HAROLD RICHARD JOLLIFFEA.B., Queens University, 1924(Latin)MIMA AGNES MAXEYA.B., University of Illinois, 1906A.M., University of Chicago, 1913(Latin)JOHN DANBY RALPHA.B., Queens University, 1924(Greek) Thesis: The Development of the City in Ancient Babylonia andAssyriaThesis: Vergil and Araius: A Study in the Art of TranslationThesis: Woman in the Life and Work of Theodor MundtThesis: Meter and Diction in Catullus' H endecasyllabicsThesis: The Revision of c. F. Meyer's "Novellen": AnInterpre­tation of the Variants between the Texts of the "DeutscheRundschau" and of the BookThesis: The Critical Methods and Influence of Bentley's "Hor­ace"Thesis: Occupations of the Humble Man in Roman Society asSeen in Justinian's "Digest"Thesis: "Ephesis" in Athenian LitigationIII. IN THE DIVISION OF THE PHYSICAL SCIENCESTHEODORE ASKOUNES ASHFORDS.B., University of Chicago, 1932S.M., tu«, 1934(Chemistry)JOHN CLARK BRIXEYA.B., University of Oklahoma, 1924A.M., ibid., 1925(Mathematics)HOWARD DANIEL DOOLITTLES.B., Trinity College (Hartford, Connecticut), 1931(Physics)ALICE FOSTERA.B., State University of Iowa, 1918S.M., University of Chicago, 1921(Geography)MARTELL MAURICE GLADSTONES.B., University of Chicago, 1933S.M., ibid., 1935(Chemistry)TERENCE CHARLES HOLMESS.B., University of British Columbia, 1932(Geology and Paleontology)RAYBURN WHITSON JOHNSONS.B., George Peabody College for Teachers, 1925A.M., ibid., 1925(Geography)EDWARD CHAUNCEY HINMAN LAM­MERSS.B., Princeton University, 1932(Geology and Paleontology)WILLIAM BARDWELL MATHERA.B., McMaster University, 1926A.M., ibid., 1928(Geology and Paleontology) Thesis: I. Co-ordination Compounds of Platinum Halides witltUnsaturated (Ethylene) Substances. II. Co-ordination Com­pounds of Platinum Halides with NitrilesThesis: The Null Forms Ax2+Byl+Cz2+Dul Which RepresentAll IntegersThesis: The Disintegration of Li7 Bombarded by Slow ProtonsThesis: The Geographic Structure of the �a de Valencia)\Thesis: Halogenation of Alkyl H alidesThesis: The Geology of Hart Township, Ontario, and AdjacentAreasThesis: Land Utilization in MemphisThesis: The Structural Geology of the Livingston Peak Area,MontanaThesis: The Geology and Paragenesis of the Gold Ores of theHowey Mine, Red Lake, Ontario, CanadariJ::> (DO 0 D ROBERT JAMES MOONA.B., Southwest Missouri State Teachers College, 1930(Chemistry)CARL OSCAR MARCUS OLSONA.B., Augustana College, 1932(Chemistry)PAUL RUDNICKS.B., University of Chicago, 1930(Astronomy and Astrophysics)EVELYN PRESCOTT WIGGINA.B., Wellesley College, 1921A.M., Brown University, 1924(Mathematics) Thesis: An Electronic Analysis of Some Surfaces by Means ofSlow ElectronsThesis: A Study of the X-ray Spectroscopic Methodfor ChemicalAnalysisThesis: A Quantitative Investigation of SPectral Line Intensitiesin 0- and B-Type StarsThesis: A Boundary Value Problem of the Calculus of VariationsIV. IN THE DIVISION OF THE SOCIAL SCIENCESWILLIAM BELCHER BALLISA.B., Stanford University, 1929(Political Science)FRANK ANDREW BEUA.B., Northwestern University, 1920A.M., ibid., 1923(Education)EDWARD CLAUDE BOLMEIERS.B., North Dakota Agricultural College, 1927A.M., University of Chicago, 1931(Education)PAN LIN CHIA.B., University of Peking, 1929A.M., University of Chicago, 1934(Education)ALBERT GAILORD HARTA.B., Harvard University, 1930(Economics)JOHN McDIARMIDA.B., Texas Christian University, 1931A.M., ibid., 1932(Political Science)HARRY LESLIE PURDYA.B., University of British Columbia, 1926A.M., University of Washington, 1928(Economics)THOMAS HOBEN ROBINSONA.B., Acadia University, 1924A.M., University of Chicago, 1925B.L., St. John's College, Oxford University, England,1928(Economics) I Thesis: The Legal Position of War: Changes in Its Practice and,Theory from Plato to VattelThesis: The Legal Basisfor the Organization and Administrationof the Publicly Supported Normal Schools and Teachers Col­leges in the Territory of the North Central AssociationThesis: Legal Basis of City and School RelationshipsThesis: Reliability and Validity of Personality RatingsThesis: Anticipations, Business Planning, and the CycleThesis: The Financial Powers of Government CorporationsThesis: The Regulation of Transportation RatesThesis: The Amalgamated Society of Engineers, 1851-92: AMid- Victorian "Model" Trade SocietyV. IN THE DIVINITY SCHOOLThesis: The Economic Ethics of John WesleyKATHLEEN WALKER MACARTHURA.B., University of Manitoba, 1928A.M., University of Chicago, 1934VI. IN THE GRADUATE LIBRARY SCHOOLGEORGE FLINT PURDYA.B., Iowa State Teachers College, 1925S.B. in Library Science, Columbia University, 1933 Thesis: A Study of the Status of the Public Library in M iddle­Western SocietyVI. THE CONVOCATION STATEMENTFREDERIC WOODWARD, Vice-President of the UniversityVII. "ALMA MATER" Words byEDWIN H. LEWISVIII. THE BENEDICTIONIX. THE RECESSIONALSortieThe audience is requested to remain standing during the RecessionCOPYRIGHTRopartzORDER OF EXERCISESFOR THE CONFERRING OF BACHELOR'S DEGREESTHREE O'CLOCKI. THE CONVOCATION PROCESSIONProcessional- Marche Heroique S aint-S aensThe MarshalThe Candidates for Bachelor's DegreesThe Faculties of the UniversityThe Trustees and Administrative OfficersThe University ChaplainThe Vice-President of the University and the Convocation OratorII. THE PRAYERThe Convocation Chaplain, THE REVEREND CHARLES WHITNEY GILKEY, Dean ofthe University ChapelIII. THE CONVOCATION ADDRESS"The Pain of Thinking." GEORGE EDGAR VINCENT, PH.D., LL.D.IV. THE AWARD OF HONORSAssociate Members elected to Sigma Xi on nomination of two Departments of Sciencefor evidence of promise of ability in research work in Science:John Deinhart AbrahamsonJane Schreiber BradyElizabeth Studley BrownCarl Walter CarlsonAlbert George ChenicekHarold Mitchell ColemanJoseph Harry CooperJustin Leon GlathartEthel GoldbergMelvin Arthur GoldbergRobert Edmond GreggNathaniel Bouton Guyol Graham Thompson HatchLindsey Maurice HobbsLouis Edward LudwigElly Thomas MargolisEastone MelofMildred Ingram MottMerwin MoultonJohn Joseph MullaneLuella Catherine NolenAthan Anastasion PantsiosRoger Anson Prior Jean Elizabeth SaurweinArthur ShlaiferWilliam Carlton SteagallIda Loyd SwayneAlice Hartman TannerJohn Gardner TannerHerbert William VandersallHsi WangJoseph Edwin Weckler, Jr.Janet Frances WilderAlbert Virgil Willett, Jr.Members elected to the Beta of Illinois Chapter of Phi Beta Kappa on nomination bythe University for especial distinction in general scholarship in the University:Leonidas AlaogluMillie Anna BeckerOlive Payne BeemanRobert Apmadoc CraneWilliam DavidsonPhilip Wynne DaviesAlbert DorfmanAda Vivian EspenshadeAsher Joseph FinkelElmore Jacob FrankMartin GardnerJohn H. GieseWilliam GinsbergNathan Joseph GrossblatGeorge Andrew HenningerBernard Leonard HoreckerGertrude Elizabeth HoweDonald James Hughes Jean InbuschArthur Harold J affeyWilliam Rea KeastMargaret KelliherTheodore M. KolbRuth Jaffe KrainesLydia Bernice LevinsonHarold Gregg LewisGeorge Donald LukesFrederic Smith MarksWayne William MarshallGeorge Vincent MyersLester John NewquistBessie NicopoulosMary Elaine OgdenMargaret Elizabeth PaxtonClarence Edward PhilbrookMax H. ResnickRhodes Scholar from the State of Illinois, I936:Robert Higgins Ebert Evelyn Rose RezekRae Elizabeth RipsWillis Carlton SchaeferHarry SchulmanLowell Glendon SchultzHerbert Alexander SimonBertil Olaf SkoogPauline Mary Sommer/ William Carl SpitzerThomas Baer StaufferJoy Holloway TaylorLewis Victor ThomasG. Maxwell UleBen WalpoleJanet Laura WeissRichard WertzlerWilliam Edward ZimmermanAldana Mary Sorensen, First Oliver Hadley Statler, SecondThe Florence J ames A dams Prizes for excellence in A rtistic Reading are awarded toThe John Billings Fiske Prize in Poetry is awarded toThomas Dillon Howells Henrietta Marie Rybczynski,ThirdThe David Blair McLaughlin Prize for excellence in the writing of English Prose isawarded toJohn Brady MarksThe Harry Ginsburg Memorial Scholarship in the Department of Physiology is awardedtoWilliam Wallace ScottThe Medal and Diploma of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the French Republic forthe Highest Distinction in the Comprehensive Examinations in French for the Bache­lor's Degree, are awarded toBessie NicopoulosThe Conference Medal for excellence in Athletics and Scholarship is awarded toGordon Cole PetersenThe William A. Bond Medal for the largest number of points in the Outdoor ConferenceTrack Meet:Raymond Miller EllinwoodCommissions in the Field Artillery Officers' Reserve Corps, United States Army, areawarded toRobert Chamberlain AdairCharles Albert ButlerByron DeLos Magee James Morris MarkhamWalter August Schwede Harold Bell StreverWilliam Henry WeaverCertificates for Appointment which will entitle the holder to a commission in the FieldArtillery Officers' Reserve Corps, upon reaching the age of twenty-one years, areawarded toRobert Harder BethkeJohn Whitcomb Gifford Robert Eckles Hay thorneRaymond Kaden Hirsch George Vincent KempfRiley Sunderland, IIIV. THE AWARD OF COMMISSIONSCandidates for Commissions in the Field Artillery Officers' Reserve Corps, U.S.A.,and candidates for Certificates of Appointment in the Field Artillery Officers'Reserve Corps, which certificate will entitle the holder to a Commission in theOfficers' Reserve Corps upon reaching the age of twenty-one years, will be pre­sented by Captain H. W. Holt.VI. THE CONFERRING OF DEGREESCandidates for the degree of Bachelor of Arts, Philosophy, or Science will be pre­sented by Dean Robert RedfieldCANDIDATES FOR BACHELOR'S DEGREESI. IN THE DIVISION OF THE BIOLOGICAL SCIENCESElizabeth Sweet HartMonica Bourke Pons Rose Conner StrutzFor the Degree of Bachelor of Philosophy:Sallie Adams WillisFor the Degree of Bachelor of Science:Adelaide Anna Margaret AndresenFrank Joseph AnknerSara Catherine BaumgardnerFlora Mary BeckerMagdalen Therese BeinOwen Charles BergIsabelle Paul BirnieMary Goldye BornsteinWilliam Dewey DavisAlbert DorfmanS. Milton Eichberg, Jr.Asher Joseph FinkelMargaret Louise GoetschJulia Lina GoldschmidtHelen Elizabeth Hackel Helen Leo HammerGarrett James HardinGertrude Elizabeth HoweEdwin Newton IronsRobert Taylor KesnerRobert Daniels KrackeMorris MalbinFrederic Smith MarksEdith Maxham McCarthyShirley Ruth MeyerovitzEstelle MillsMarjorie Beatrice MolyneauxRosalyn Phyllis MorseThomas Martin MurphyAlfred Novak Frances Lear Arlene PowellJohn Gaither RobertsPhilip Herzl RossDaniel D. SaxWillis Carlton SchaeferMarion Arminda SharpRosalyn SiegelBeatrice Evelyn SilverJean Eleanore SolIeArnold Daniel StineRichard Walter TrotterBen WalpoleFloyd Joseph WiercinskiEleanor Middleton WilliamsonFor the Degree of Bachelor of Arts:II. IN THE DIVISION OF THE HUMANITIESHazeldeane Beauley AndersonVirginia BaldwinAlfred Edward BaumannEthel Foster Wyly BelserHarriet Fentress BensonBarbara BeverlyErnestine BilgerRachel BrinVan Akin BurdOlga Helene BushGladys Helen CampbellVirginia Thurston CarrPhyllis Gwendolin CarterJeannette Maybelle CochraneLillian CooperDebora DanishWilliam DavidsonMuriel Jeanette DavisRuth DeimelDonna Dorothy DickeyElizabeth Larimore DickeyPaula Anne DillonRichard Porter EdmondsPriscilla ElmerIngrid Korsgaard EspelandHope Lois FeldmanMartha Jane Fields Rose FisherIrene Carroll FordMartin GardnerElise GibsonWilliam GinsbergMary Elizabeth GrierJoan Pounsford GuiouMay Frances HayderMarita HennessyRuth Eleanor HerzmannCaroline Wright HiattJean InbuschEileen May ItoZena-Gray JohnsonSidney Zolman KarasikWilliam Rea KeastConstance Elena KellamHenry Franklin KelleyBernice Jean LevinHelen Ann LittigKatinka Elizabeth LoeserMary Niblett MacKenzieByron DeLos MageeMildred Ottilie MandJane Geneva MastersNorman Whitfield Masterson Mary Jane Helen McAllisterRena Louise Nelson/Jack Alexander NewsonRalph William Steele NicholsonBessie NicopoulosMary Elizabeth PalmerThyra Nichols PliskeHelen Virginia PruittEvelyn Rose RezekAlice Catharine RuschmeyerDorothy Lillian SharpWilliam Kneedler SherwoodMartin Oskar SoderbackPauline Mary SommerAldana Mary SorensenAgnes SosnovikThomas Baer StaufferJeanne Francis StolteWilliam Harold StubbinsHelen Mary SzymanskiJoy Holloway TaylorLewis Victor ThomasCorinne Louise TomekDorothy Livingston UlrichAmorita Lucile WeaklyFloyd Thomas WeinandFor the Degree of Bachelor of Philosophy:Virginia Eloise AthertonMary Elizabeth BakerMillie Anna BeckerGeorge Ross BeckhamLillian Adeline BetzerJoanne Agnes BolgerElla Andre CaspersMildred Augusta ChinlundIdelle Comsky Nathan Joseph GrossblatOlive Elfride HansonFanny Arnsten HasslerGeorge Andrew HenningerSylvia JosephHelen Amelya KocherBeatrice LovelandJulia Dorothy MitchellKatherine E. Nance Mary PaytonLois Oliverne PineauMildred Marie RantzEthel RosenthalHope Peterson SundbergEdna May WettonPauline Rothgeb WhiteDagmar Grace ZmrhalIII. IN THE DIVISION OF THE PHYSICAL SCIENCESFor the Degree of Bachelor of Science:Leonidas AlaogluFurio AlbertiJohn Lewis AtkinsRobert Frank BaldasteThomas Judson BevanRaymond Whitney BiggarIra Newton BixMyron Chester BorovikRobert Neilson BoydHerbert Charles BrownMildred Alma CarlsonJames Emory CookPhilip Wynne DaviesAndrew Cameron DystrupPauline Levitin EngdahlClifford Gunnar EricksonAda Vivian EspenshadeRoberta Corinne EversoleFrederick Mayhew FowkesMelvin Slein FreedmanSadie G. FriedlanderEvelyn Rose GarbeRobert Morton Gaskill John H. GieseJean Campbell GraceRobert Sampson GrumbineDorothy Elinor GuynnMartin Joseph HanleyWilliam Rollin HansonJames HoekstraSelma Marie HomeierBernard Leonard HoreckerDonald James HughesArthur Harold JaffeyJoseph KesselmanJerome KritchevskyWilliam John Lang, Jr.Gerhard Carl LessmanGeorge Donald LukesGeorge LunterVirginia Carroll MarquardsenGrace Elizabeth MarshWayne William MarshallMartin Benjamin MathewsLee Hillard MeltzerFrank Nelson Moore Esther Emma Hansen NelsonPaul Wagner NetterstromFlorence PoderskyEdward George RappDonaldson Frederic RawlingsG. Roy RingoLester Mervin RitterAlvin Arnold RoodJerome Michael SachsRobert Harris ScanlanRobert Blessed SchneringStanley SiegelGlen Raymond SimmonsMarshall S. SmolerHarry SpectorWilliam Carl SpitzerElias SternfeldMarie Louise StraubSol Elwood TalanKathryn Irene WendtRichard WertzlerLeila Marie WhitneyVerna Ruth WintersIV. IN THE DIVISION OF THE SOCIAL SCIENCESCharlotte Elizabeth AbbottGolda AltschulJeannette AndersonEvelyn Esther BaerLucy Love BellegayEugenia Mary BeneventiSarah Tarler BergholzRae Cecile BribramEileen Frances CaseyMarie Jean CaseyCharles William CentnerAgnes Miriam CohenAlbert Billings Conkey, Jr.John Selden CoulsonIsabel Agnes DeckerRobert DubinEmily Rose EckhouseVictor EricksonSophia FaginDorothy GidwitzVictor Emanuel GidwitzCynthia May GraboEdith Marie GrayHarold GuetzkowElizabeth McMurray HambletonRuth Anne HeiseyMary HerzogMarie Waive HoffmanJohn Lamar HopkinsLouis Stone HoughAlice Susan JohnsonElsie Margaret Johnson For the Degree of Bachelor of Arts:Lillian Elizabeth KeefeMargaret KelliherBernece Libby KernNancy Stiles KirbyLouis Edward KovacsRaymond Merrill LahrMyrtle Leah LevinsonHarold Gregg LewisJanet Dorothy LewyMarjorie Judith LipmanIsak LipschitzCarl Theodore LloydRamona Elaine LudwigDonald MacMurrayJames Morris MarkhamPaul John MaynardJames Thomas McBroomHelen Grace McInnisBetty Lorraine MeyersFlorence Lela MillerVirginia Clement MillerHelen MizevichAlexander Melville MooreDonald Charles MorrisLeonard Chester NathanFred Charles Newman, Jr.Charles Crooks NicolaMary Elaine OgdenLeonard Kenneth OlsenNorman Kaye PanamaRuth Evans PardeeEleanor Violet Perlove Gordon Cole PetersenDean Bevan PhemisterClarence Edward PhilbrookCharles Peter PolivkaEdward James PrestonMiriam Jean PrussingLeonard F. C. ReichleThomas Nord RileyRae Elizabeth RipsMary Ellen RyanHurdis Donald SaltzmanEdward Henry SchaarGertrude Agnes SchmagnerSamuel SchulmanWilliam Joseph ShorrockHerbert Alexander SimonHarlan Monell SmithJames Ra vone SmithMary Rita SmithWilliam Henry StapletonCharlotte Arlyn StinePatra Christine StockwellPaul J. TheorellJ ohn VanderVeldeSarah Roberts WagnerMildred Hall WarnerLouise WeilRosemary WeiselsJanet Laura WeissRobert Spencer WhitlowJane Elizabeth WoodruffWilliam Edward ZimmermanFor the Degree oj Bachelor oj Philosophy:Hazel Gottstein BuntmanAlice Quinn ConlonMinnie Houston ElliottVelma Mae Fields Alice Seefor GordonAlice Lake KennedyRuth MetcalfAlfred Reinhardt Nickel Margaret Elizabeth PaxtonRudolf Gustaf StormerAnn Elizabeth WeckEleanor Margaret ZietlowFor the Degree oj Bachelor oj Philosophy in Education:Olive Payne BeemanGertrude Glenn JohnsonDavid Jewett BakerWyndham Randolph Bean, Jr.Lillian Dorothy BelingJohn Jay BerwangerBoleslav Robert BobisudRobert Dean BristolLloyd Merritt BushRobert Joseph ChristopherPhilip Warner ClarkBetty-Dale CookeEulah Maud DetweilerErnest Harold DixRobert Josiah ElderRichard N ye ElyCharles Nelson FinsonLibby Lydia FischerElmore Jacob FrankRichard B. FreundChester Frank GrauDorothy Elizabeth Grimes Helen Edith ReisV. IN THE SCHOOL OF BUSINESSFor the Degree oj Bachelor oj Arts:Joseph Norman GrimshawMary Elizabeth HawkesHoward Alfred HickokGeorge Pendleton KendallVivian Charlotte KlemmeRosalie Eleanor KohnTheodore M. KolbRoberta Fay KronRobert Woodward LeachArthur Hoyt LeonardFrank Anthony MancinaEsther Louise MarcussenDonald Seba MattsonIvan Luther McDougalJohn Louis MolyneauxDonald Fraser MorrisGordon Wayne MorrisGeorge Vincent MyersLester John NewquistJames Edward Olson Jennie Louise WiersenHelen Catherina PalmquistJennie PlavnikJohn Beeler PullenGertrude RackWilliam Fergus RauchBeatrice Lillian RayfieldHarold Fredrick RedmanGeorge William SchreinerLowell Glendon SchultzLawrence ShapiroBertil Olaf SkoogKenneth Morris ThompsonNicholas TiedemanSimon Tyrus TitenskyHenry Frank TrojkaWilliam Wesley WatsonWilliam Henry WeaverPatricia Frances WeeksMary Permelia WimberlyEarl William WormanAlexander Robert MortimerFor the Degree oj Bachelor oj Philosophy:Elton Ernest TiegreenDonald Robert EvansDonald HarringtonCharles Thomas Roach AdamsJoel Lionel AlexanderIrwin Jules AskowRoger Allen BairdThomas John BartonWalter Frank BerdalSheldon Enoch BernsteinDaniel Bigelow Blake, IIIMelvin CohenRobert William Conner Robert Allen SproatVI. IN THE DIVINITY SCHOOLFor the Degree oj Bachelor oj Arts:Felix Danford LionReuben Christian SchellhaseVII. IN THE LAW SCHOOLFor the Degree oj Bachelor oj Arts:Robert Apmadoc CraneMyron Leonard DuhlJohn Leonard EastRichard Emmanuel FlemingJohn Arthur FordDaniel Goodwin FriedmanFrancis Xavier GallagherPaul Eugene Bertram GanzerAlvin Jerome GoldbergZalmon Sydney Goldsmith Robert Arthur StorerAndrew VargishAlan Joseph GrossmanRuth Byron HartenfeldCharles Addison HaydaRobert. Eckles Hay thorneWilliam Beach HelmeHenry Leo HillPhineas IndritzQuintin JohnstoneJulius JosephsonWarren Robert KahnStanley Marvin KaplanHenry Otto KavinaJerome Stanley KleinNaomi KolbrenerWilliam Connor LairdLydia Bernice LevinsonJohn Reinhardt LynchJames Stewart MartinHarry Lowell McElhaney, Jr.Frank H. MossRobert Lazarus OshinsBen George Ottenhoff Willis Eugene ParkisonWilliam Samuel PettigrewMax H. ResnickJerome RichardHomer Erwin RosenbergMaurice M. RosenfieldArthur Braun SachsJulian Robert SalyHarry SchulmanGeorge John Schwaegerman, Jr.Arnold Marvin Schwartz John Franklin Shallenberger, Jr.Edith Adele ShapiroLee Charles ShawJoseph Crocker Sibley, Jr.John Packer SimpsonJerome Fine SterlingRichard James StevensRoy Eskill StoneHildegard Martha vonPovenJosiah Foster Wearin, Jr.Ralph Joseph WehlingVIII. IN THE SCHOOL OF SOCIAL SERVICE ADMINISTRATIONFor the Degree of Bachelor of Philosophy:Elizabeth Ruth BishopAlice Florence BlumenthalWallace William ClarkRuth EddyMargaret Alice ErwinOscar Lawrence GinsburghJuliet Adele Hoskins Ruth Ellen HymanJames Victor JonesJeanette Helen KleinJames 1. LambHelen Wainwright LeRetteJane Loewenstein Eleanor Dorothy MayerRegina Lasry MitchellJames Francis Monahan, Jr.Victoria SaltzmanGoldie ShamesHarriette Ruth WellsVII. THE CONVOCATION STATEMENTFREDERIC WOODWARD, Vice-President of the UniversityVIII. "ALMA MATER" Words byEDWIN H. LEWISIX. THE BENEDICTIONX. THE RECESSIONALSortieThe audience is requested to remain standing during the RecessionCOPYRIGHTRopartzDuring the Academic Year I935-36 the following Degrees and Certificates have beenconferred by the University:The Degree of Bachelor of Arts, Philosophy, or ScienceThe Degree of Bachelor of Laws - - - - - -The Degree of Master of Arts or Science - -The Degree of Master of Business AdministrationThe Degree of Bachelor of Divinity - - - -The Degree of Doctor of Law (J.D.) - -The Degree of Doctor of MedicineThe Degree of Doctor of Philosophy - -Total Degrees - - -The Four-Year Certificate in Medicine - 1,676166Summary of the Degrees conferred during the Academic Year I 935-36 , arranged bySchools and Divisions:Profes-Total Bachelor's Master's Ph.D. sionalThe Division of the Biological Sciences 204 III 28 36 29The Division of the Humanities - - - 3II 196 82 33 0The Division of the Physical Sciences 206 120 39 47 0The Division of the Social Sciences 375 235 109 31 0The Divinity School $2 9 25 15 3The Law School - - 172 91 0 0 81Rush Medical College - 149 0 0 0 149The School of Business - II9 91 20 3 5The School of Social Service Administration - - 86 42 43 0The Graduate Library School - 2 0 0 2 0Total Degrees - 1,676 895 346 168 267LENNOX BOUTON GREYKARL JOHN HOLZINGERFRANK HURBURT O'HARA WALTER LINCOLN PALMERSHELDON TEFFTHAROLD RIDEOUT WILLOUGHBYMARSHALROBERT VALENTINE MERRILL, Marshal of the UniversityASSISTANT MARSHALSRETIRING COLLEGE MARSHALSROBERT HIGGINS EBERT, Head MarshalAMI JOHN FROST ALLEN WILLIAM JOHN LANG, JR,JOHN JAY BERWANGER RALPH WILLIAM NICHOLSONJOHN HENRY BODFISH, JR. LEONARD KENNETH OLSENJOHN ARTHUR FORD GORDON COLE PETERSENRAYMOND MERRILL LAHRRETIRING COLLEGE AIDESVIRGINIA THURSTON CARRRUTH EDDYCYNTHIA MAY GRABO, Senior AideALICE SUSAN JOHNSONSYLVIA ROSYLE KAPLON EDITH MAXHAM McCARTHYVIRGINIA V ALBORG NEWMIRIAM JEAN PRUSSINGRAE ELIZABETH RIPSJEANNE FRANCIS STOLTEINCOMING COLLEGE MARSHALSJULIAN ADLER KISER, H ead Marshal DesignateWINSTON NORMAN ASHLEY DANIEL CLAYTON SMITHNORMAN RALPH DAVIDSON FLOYD RANDALL STAUFFERRAYMOND MILLER ELLINWOOD EDWARD SOL STERNHENRY MARTYN LEMON SAMUEL PORTER WHITESIDE, JR.JOHN GODFREY MORRISELIZABETH ELLISHANNAH McNEISH FISKRUBY LELA HOWELLRUTH LOUISE HOYT, Senior AideELLA MARY OLMSTEADGREGORY PENNEBAKER INCOMING COLLEGE AIDESCATHERINE ELLEN PITTMANHENRIETTA MARIE RYBCZYNSKIELIZABETH LEE THOMPSONCECIL MARIE WOLFEALICE CAROLINE ZIMMERLY\/