�fJt lini"Cfsit)1 of <!tfJicagoFOUNDED BY JOHN D. ROCKEFELLERTHEEIGHTEENTH CONVOCATIONUbe 'SpringAPRIL FIRSTA. D. EIGHTEEN HUNDRED AND NINETY-SEVENCHICAGO, ILLINOISIV. THE CONVOCATION ADDRESS"The University and its Effect upon the Home"Her Excellency, THE COUNTESS OF ABERDEEN, Ottawa, Canada.ORDER OF EXERCISES1. OVERTUREToccata in F major, MR. MIDDELSCHULTE.- SEB. BACH.II. THE CONVOCATION PROCESSIONProcessional March. LACHNER.The Counsellors of the. Junior Colleges and the Candidates for theJunior College Certificate.The Counsellors of the Senior Colleges and the Candidates for theBachelor's Degree.The Counsellors of the Graduate and Divinity Schools and the Candi-dates for Higher Degrees.The Faculties.The Members of the University Senate and the University Council.The Official Guests of The University.The Trustees of The University.The Superintendent of the Schools of Chicago and the President ofthe Board of Education.The President of the Board of Trustees and His Honor, the Mayor ofthe City of Chicago.The University Chaplain and the Convocation Chaplain.The President of The University and the Convocation Orator.III. THE PRAYERThe Convocation Chaplain.REv. PROF. FRANCIS G. PEABODY, A.M., D.D., Harvard University.VII. MUSICScherzo, MR. MIDDELSCHULT:€.GUILMA.�t, .V. MUSICFantasie, op. IOI, MR. MIDDELSCHULTE.SAINT-SAENS.VI. THE PRESIDENT'S QUARTERLY STATEMENT ON THE CONDITION OF THE UNIVERSITYVIII. THE AWARD OF HONORSA Scholarship for excellence in the Spring Examinations for admission is awarded to thefollowing Student:HELEN GARDNER Hyde Park High School, Chicago.Honorable Mention for excellence in Junior College Work is awarded the following Students:IRENE INGALLS CLEAVESHELEN KELCHNER DARROWJANE HALLARTHUR WHIPPLE SMITH Matoon High SchoolPrivate StudyEnglewood High SchoolColgate Academy IllinoisIllinoisIllinoisIllinoisHonorable Mention for excellence in Senior College Work is awarded the following Students:EMILY FOGG Wellesley College IllinoisMARY EVELYN LOVEJOY Wellesley College IllinoisWILLIAM ROSS MORROW Wheaton College IllinoisADDA FRANCES NORTON Des Moines College IowaDONALD SHURTLEFF TRUMBULL Hyde Park High School IllinoisIX. THE AWARD OF FELLOWSHIPS.The following appointments for fellowships for I897-8 have been made by the Board ofTrustees. The stipend in each case is indicated in the official letter to the candidate. Otherappointments will be announced later.ABBOTT, EDGAR WILLIAMS, Romance, Franklin College, Indiana.ALDEN, WILLIAM CLINTON, Geology, Cornell College, Iowa.BALCH, ERNEST ALANSON, History, Kalamazoo College, Michigan.BAWDEN, H. HEATH, Philosophy, Denison University, Ohio.BECHTEL, EDWARD AMBROSE, Latin, Johns Hopkins Univ., Illinois.BEHAN, WARREN PALMER, Church History, University of Chicago, Illinois.BIDDLE, HENRY CHALMERS, Chemistry, Monmouth College, Illinois.BRANDON, EDGAR EWING, Romance, University of Michigan, Missouri.BURCHARD, HERBERT MORSE, Greek, Colgate University, New York.BURGESS, THEODORE CHALON, Greek, Hamilton College, Michigan.BURKE, WILLIAM MAXWELL, Political Economy, Oberlin College, Ohio.CLEVELAND, FREDERICK ALBERT, Political Science, DePauw University, Washington.COFFIN, FULTON JOHNSON, Comparative Religion, Dalhousie College, N ova Scotia.CROSS, GEORGE, Systematic Theology, University of Iowa, Canada.DAVENPORT, HERBERT JOSEPH, Political Economy, University of S. Dakota, South Dakota.DAVIS, KATHARINE BEMENT, Political Economy, Vassar College, New York.DEAN, LEE MALTBIE" Comparative Philology, Yale University, Connecticut.DIXON, CHARLES EDWARD, Latin, DePauw University, Michigan.FLOM, GEORGE TOBIAS, German, University of Wisconsin, Wisconsin.FREEMAN, ALBERT THOMAS, Sociology, University of Rochester, New YorkFREHOFF, JOSEPH C., Sociology, U niversity of Wisconsin, Wisconsin.GALE, HENRY GORDON, Physics, University of Chicago, Illinois.GESSLER, TH!;QDO.RE ARTHUlt, Semitic, New York University, New York;,GILLESPIE, WALTER HAMILTON,. GREGORY, EMILY RAY,GUYER, MICHAEL FREDERICK,HAMMOND, JOHN CHURCHILL,HARDESTY, IRVING,HARDING, HARRY ALEXIS, Greek,Zoology,Zoology,Mathematics,Neurology,Zoology,HELLEMS, FRED BURTON RENNIE, Latin,HUNTER, GEORGE WILLIAM, JR., Zoology,JESSEN, KARL DETLER, German,JOHONNOTT, EDWIN SHELDON, JR., Physics,JONAS, JOHANNES BENONI EDUARD, German,LAKE, JAMES LUDWELL, Physics,LESTER, JOHN ASHBY, English,LILLIE, RALPH STAYNER, Zoology,LINDSAY, FREDERICK BROOKS, English,LLOYD, HENRY,LOCKE, GEORGE HUBERT,MCCALEB, W AL TER FLAVIUS,McCoY, HERBERT NEWBY,McDoNALD, JOHN HECTOR,MEADE, EDWARD SHERWOOD,MERRILL, KATHERINE,MITCHELL, WESLEY CLAIR,NEHER, FRED,NORLIN, GEORGE,PACKARD, WALES HARRISON,PARK, JOSEPH WILLIAM,RIGGS, ELMER SAMUEL,RISLEY, ADNA WOOD,ROGERS, ARTHUR KENYON,RULLKOETTER, WILLIAM,SCHNEIDER, ALBERT,SCHOOLCRAFT, HENRY LAWRENCE,SIEBENTHAL, CLAUDE ELLSWORTH,SMITH, JOHN M. P.,SMITH, WILSON ROBERT,TIBBETTS, WILLIAM FRANK,TOLMAN, CYRUS FISCHER, JR.,TREADWELL, AARON L.,VARNEY, EDGAR Dow,WALLACE, MALCOLM WILLIAM,WHITE, CHARLES BROWNE,WHITTEN, ROBERT HARVEY,WIL'LISTON, FRANCES,WRIGHT, WILLIAM HAMMOND,ZQETHOUT� WILLIAM2 Mathematics,Pedagogy,History,Chemistry,Mathematics,Political Econony,English,Political Economy,Chemistry,Greek,Zoology,Sociology,Palreontology,History,Philosophy,History,Botany,History,Geology,Semitic,Botany,Latin,Geology,Zoology,New Testament Greek,English,Romance,Political Science,Biology,Astronomy,Physiology, University of Toronto, Ontario.Wellesley College, Pennsylvania. .University of Chicago, Missouri.University of Michigan, Michigan.Wake Forest College, Missouri.University of Wisconsin, Wisconsin.University of Toronto, Ontario.Williams College, Connecticut.University of Chicago, Illinois.Rose Poly tech. Institute, Illinois.University of Wisconsin, Wisconsin.Richmond College, Virginia.Haverford College, California.University of Toronto, Ontario.Allegheny College, New York.Kentucky University, Kentucky.University of Toronto, Ontario.University of Texas, Texas.Purdue University, Illinois.University of Toronto, Ontario.DePauw University, Ohio.University of Kansas, Massachusetts.University of Chicago, Illinois.Princeton University, New Jersey.Hastings College, Nebraska.Olivet College, Ohio.Princeton University, Mississippi.University of Kansas, Kansas.Colgate University, Colorado.Colby University, Connecticut.University of Chicago, Missouri.Columbia University, New York.Marietta College, Ohio.Leland Stanford Jr. Univ. Indiana.Des Moines College, Iowa.McMaster University, Canada.Bates College, Illinois.University of Chicago, Illinois.Wesleyan University, Ohio.Bates College, Colorado.University of Toronto, Ontario.Denison University, Ohio.University of Michigan, Illinois.University of Chicago, Illinois.University of California, California.University of Michi�an, IllillQis.A. THE CONFERRING OF CERTIFICATES AND DEGREESTHE COLLEGESThe Junior College Certificate is conferred upon the following Students:Josephine Turner Allin,Swen Benjamin Anderson,Irene Ingalls Cleaves,George Edward Congdon,Marion Vernon Cosgrove,Harry Coy,lIelen Kelchner Darrow,Gleason Alfred Dudley,Jessie Lee Felger,Mayo Fesler,George Horace Gaston,Lillian Rosalia Goldsmith,John Franklin Hagey,Jane Hall, Ole Hallingby, Jr.,Herschel Vincent Hibbard,John Andrew Howard,Jessie May Hogate,Clara Delia Hulbert,Josephine Lillian Hutchings,John Stuart Johnston,Herbert Ray Jordan,Robert Law, [r.,Charles Lederer,Minerva Lester,Evelyn Matz,William Francis McDonald,Guido Conti Sleeper Metcalf, Carolyn Ladd Moss,Frederick Day Nichols,Neletta Elida Pettet,George Pfirshing,John Goodspeed Pratt,Rufus Maynard Reed,Loren Milford Russell,Arthur Whipple Smith,Frederick Franklin Steigmeyer,I van Calvin Waterbury,Charles Weber,Frank Russell White,Banks John Wildman,William Otis Wilson.The Degree of Bachelor of Arts is conferred upon tlte following Students:THE DIVINITY SCHOOLThe Degree of Bachelor of Theology is conferred by the Theological Union upon the followingStudent: Mary Evelyn Lovejoy,William Ross Morrow,Donald Shurtleff Trumbull.The Degree of Bachelor of Philosophy is con/erred upon the following Students:Isaac Solomon Rothschild,L. Brent Vaughan,William Otis Wilson.The Degree of Bachelor of Science is conferred upon the following Students:John Franklin Zimmerman,William English Walling.EDWIN STANTON STUCKER Thesis: How I Came to be a Minister of Jesus Christ.EDWIN HOWARD ,BORDEN Thesis: Galilee in the T£me "I Christ.The Degree of Bachelor of Divinity is conferred by The University upon the followingStudent:Harriet Coe Agerter,Burt Brown Barker,Frederick Ernest Beckmann, Carolyn Louise Brown,Emily Fogg,James Weber Linn,William Scott Bond,Vinnie Crandall,May Florence Frick,Anna May Godley, M@rrill Pearl Griffith,Clara Maria Hitchcock,Adda Frances N Olton,Oswald James Arnold,Wallace vValter Atwood,Lillian Chapin, Carr Baker Neel,Joseph Norwood,Burton Jesse Simpson,THE GRADUATE SCHOOLThe Degree of Master of Arts is conferred by The University upon the following Student:MABEL EARLE Thesis: The Versification of Lucretius.The Degree of Master of Philosophy is conferred by The University upon the following student:FAITH BENITA CLARK Thesis: The Ethics of the Family in the Grieco-Eoman Period.The Degree of Doctor of Philosophy is conferred by The Univers-ity upon the followingStudents:CHARLES JOSEPH CHAMBERLAINJAMES BERT GARNER Thesis: Contributions to tlu Life History of Salix.Thesis: Condensations with Benzoin by Means of Sodium Ethylate.The Degree of Bachelor of Arts, conferred by the old University of Chicago is reenacted byThe University of Chicago in the case of the following person:FRANK HUMBOLDT CLARKThe Degree of Bachelor of D£vinity, conferred by the Theological Union zs reenacted byThe University of Chicago in the case of the following person:WILLIAM PARKER McKEEXI. THE BENEDICTIONThe Convocation Chaplain.XII. THE RECESSIONRecessional March "Die Meistersinger" MR. MIDDELSCHULTEXIII. THE UNIVERSITY CONGREGATIONThe Spring Meeting, Saturday afternoon, April third, at two 0' clock,The Quarterly Dinner, Saturday evening, April third, at seven 0' clock,HASKELL ORIENTAL MUSEUM.MARSHAL.WILLIAM SCOTT BOND.ASSISTANT MARSHALS.JAMES SCOTT BROWN, GILBERT AMES BLISS, DONALD SHURTLEFF TRUMBULL,FRANKLIN HERMON GESELBRACHT, WILLIAM PIERCE LOVETT., Ube 'ttlnit>ersit}1 of <Ibicago publishes weekly The University Record, which containsarticles on literary and educational topics, the Convocation Addresses, and the Quarterly Statementsof the President. An official weekly report is given of the affairs of The University, embracing theofficial actions and notices, the announcements of courses of instruction, and selections fromaddresses delivered at The University and papers of departmental clubs and societies. The work ofthe various boards and divisions of The University is summarized, including weekly announcementsfrom The University Extension, Physical Culture and Athletics, and The University Settlement. Acalendar gives the announcements for the coming week. The price of The University Record is $1.50a year, 5 cents a copy. It appears every week on Friday at 3: 00 P.M. Subscription may be sent toTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO PRESS, Chicago.