�fJt lllnibersitl1 of @CfJitagoFOUNDED BY JOHN D. ROCKEFELLERTHEFOURTEENTH CONVOCATIONUbe SpringAPRIL SECONDA. D. EIGHTEEN HUNDRED AND NINETY-SIXCHICAGO, ILLINOISORDER OF EXERCISESI. PRELUDE: Organ Selections.Organist, MR. WILHELM MIDDELSCHULTE.II. THE CONVOCATION PROCESSION: March SAINT-SAENSThe President of the University and the Convocation Orator.The President of the Trustees and the Chaplain.The Trustees of the University.The Official Guests of the University.The Members of the Senate.The Members of the Council.The Faculties.The Candidates for Certificates and Degrees.III. THE PRAYER.The Chaplain.IV. THE CONVOCATION ADDRESS-"Memory and Responsiveness asInstruments of Culture."PRINCE SERGE W OLKONSKY.V. MUSIC: Chromatic Fantasie THIELEVI. THE AWARD OF HONORS.Scholarships for excellence in the Spring Examinations for admission are awarded to thefollowing students:HARRY N. GOTTLIEB, South Division High School.GRETA 1. BLANCHARD, Oak Park High School.VII. THE CONFERRING OF CERTIFICATES AND DEGREES.THE COLLEGES.Academic College Certificates are conferred upon the following Students:Henry Magee Adkinson,William Henderson Arbogast,Georgia Cary Baker,Charles Raymond Barrett,Clinton Stillwell Beach,Rose Marie Boomer,Herman John Broek,William Simmons Broughton,Charles Joseph Bushnell,Charlotte Briggs Capen,Edith Capps,Percy Boyd Davis,Spencer Cornelius Dickerson, Effie A. Gardner,Ernst Theodore Gundlach,William Hayden Jackson,Ralph Hiram Johnson,Angie Loesch,Robert Bingham Meloy,Stacy Carroll Mosser,John Elvington Nelson,Cornelia Olmsted,Margaret Piper,May Eugenia Radford,Charles Wesley Stewart,Paul Gerhardt Woolley.Mary Brooks Baird,Cora Margaret Gettys,John Charles Hessler,Estelle Lutrell,Philip Frederick Matzinger, John Howard Moore,Charles Sumner Pike,Mary Doan Spalding,Alice Van Vliet.The Degree of Bachelor of Arts 1,S conferred upon the following Students:The Degree of Bachelor of Philosophy is conferred upon the following Students:Arthur D. Dunn,Howard Spilman Galt,Della May Haft, Samuel Sweeney McClintock,David Vilhelm Myhrman,John Frederick Voigt, Jr.The Degree of Bachelor of Science is conferred upon th� following Student:Edith Sarah Kellogg.THE GRADUATE SCHOOL.The Degree of Master of Arts is conferred by the University upon the following Student:WILLIAM CLARK LOGAN, Thesis: The Clean and the Unclean in the Mosaic Law.The Degree of Doctor of Philosophy is conferred by the University upon the following Students:ERMINE COWLES CASE.WILLIAM ISAAC THOMAS. Thesis: On the Osteology and Relationships of Protosteg a,Thesis: On a Difference in the Metabolism of the Sexes.VIII. THE PRESIDENT'S STATEMENT ON THE CONDITION OFTHE UNIVERSITY.IX. THE BENEDICTION.The Chaplain.X. THE RECESSION: March GUILMANTMAR.SHAL.JOSEPH EDWARD RAYCROFT.ASSISTANT MARSHALS.HENRY GORDON GALE, HENRY TEFFT CLARKE, JR.,RAYMOND CARLETON DUDLEY.PHILIP RAND. HARRY WHEELER STONE.WILLIAM SCOTT BOND.BEGINNING with the First of April The University of Chicago will publish The UniversityRecord, which will contain articles on literary and educational topics, the Convocation.JI. Addresses, and the Quarterly Statements of the President. An official weekly reportwill be given of the affairs of the University, embracing the official actions and notices,� the announcements of courses of instruction, and selections from addresses delivered atThe University and papers of departmental clubs and societies. The work of the various,JI. boards and divisions of The University will be summarized, including weekly announce­ments from The University Extension, Physical Culture and Athletics, and The Uni-$. versity Settlement. A calendar will give the announcements for the coming week.The price of The University Record is $1.50 a year, 5 cents a copy. It will appear.JI. every week on Friday at 3 P. M. Subscriptions may be sent to The University ofChicago Press, Chicago.