Price $t.OGPer Year Gbe IDiniversit^ of CbtcaaoFOUNDED BY. j6HN D. ROCKEFELLER Single Copies5 CentsUniversity RecordPUBLISHED BY AUTHORITYCHICAGOGbe TULnivexstty of Cbicago pressVOL. VI, NO. A EXTRA NUMBER JUNE 17, 1901CONTENTS.I. List of Consultation Hours, Summer Quarter, 1901 III. Changes in Summer Quarter Announcements ofCourses - - - - - - - - 2LIST OF CONSULTATION HOURS.SUMMER QUARTER,. 1901.The following list contains 1) the hour on lune 19 wheninstructors may be found in their rooms for consultation bystudents ; 2) the day and hour for consultation with instructors during the quarter.For explanation of abbreviations see next page.AllenAngellBarkerBarnesBechtelBolzaBlanch ard,BoydBruereBuckBuckleyBurgessCaldwellCappsCastleChamberlainChandlerChildClarkColeCowles 9:30-12:009:30Fridays, 10:30-11:009:00-12:30, 2:00- 4:00Mon., Thurs., 10:30-12:0010:30-11:3010:00-12:30Tu. and Fri., 1 1 : 30-1 1:458:30-12:00Wed., 10:00-10:302:00- 3:00Tu-Fri., 8:30- 9:309:30-10:3010:309:00-10:00Sat., 8:00-9: 008:30-10:30Tues., 3:30- 4:308:30-12:00,3:00- 4:008:30-12:30,2:00- 5:00Daily, 9:00-10:3011:00-12:00, 2:00-3:00Mondays,Daily,Wednesdays,Daily,Thursdays, 11:00-12:009:00Il:oo-l2:009:00-12:008:30-12:0010:00-10:308:309:409:00-11:009:00-11:00 GermanLibraryA 17aA 24B 22C8bR 40R 40K 14K 16C11 DC 7 DC 12. BH 31aC 15 BB 12C 2 BC 8 ai(B24B 24C 13 cZK 16B33 CuttingDamonDavisDicksonDignanDonaldsonDowningGaleGorsuchGoodspeed, E. I.Goodspeed, G. S.Hale, W. G.HardestyHarper, R. F.Harper, W. R.HatfieldHendricksonJEiesslerHill,HobbsHowlandHulbertIngreslameslewettlohnsonJonasJones 2T. Tu-Fri.,Mondays, 9:10:2:il:II:9:00-12:00, 2:Daily, 10:11:Daily, 8:9:8:Wednesdays, 10:3'Tuesdays, 3:8:Tu.-Fri., 10:3:9:00-12:00, 2:Daily, .. .11:1:Tu-Fri. 2:8:8:II:9*.00-Ii:00, 2:Daily, 1 1 :8:00-11:308:00-12:00, 2:Mon.-Wed., 12:10:3:1.0:Tu.-Thurs.,Tu-Fri.,12:3:10II:10:12:9 =10:9:10:00-12:00, 2Daily, 1 1 ;Mo., Thurs,Mo.-Sat,Mo.-Wed.,Tuesdays, 00-11:0000-10:3000- 3:0000-12:0000-12:0010:3030-10:3000- 4:0030-11:3000-12:00Oo- 9:0000-12:0030-12:0000-10:3030- 4:3030- 4:3030-10:3000-10: 303000- 4:0030-12:0030- 4:3030- 2:4530-10:30003000- 4:0000-12: 0000- 4:0000-12:3000-12:0030- 4:0030-11:3000- 1:0000- 4:0000-12:300000-12:0000-12:30003030-12:00:00- 4:0000-12:00 GermanLibraryC I DC 7 dB30R38C 7 BA 23R7K 16H 16Recorder'sOfficeC 6aA 29aH23H23Presid'nt'sOfficeC 5 cC 8bK 25aC 3cR 28«C 14 cH15C 17 cC5 aR 12aH<36GermanLibraryK252 UNIVERSITY RECORDJudson 8:30-12: 00, 2:00- 4:0011:30-12:30 H 14Kern 9:00-11:00 GermanLibraryTuesdays, 10:00-10:30 <<Lengfeld 10:00-12:1 do, 2:00- 4:00 K30Daily, 10:30-11:00 (4Lingle 8:30-10:30 Pl3Tu., Wed., Th., 9:30-12:30 P IILivingston 9:00-12:00 B 41Lunn 2:30 R35MacClintock 2:00- 3:00 C 8dManly 9:00-12:00 C 4 dMaschke 11:00-12:30 > R 40Tuesdays, 10:00-10:30 aMathews IT Tu-Fri, ., 9:00-10:00 His2T Mo.-Fri. 9:00-10:00 aMcCoy 9:00-10: 00, 2:00- 4:00 K3IDaily, 11:00-12:00 iiMcDonald 2:00- 4:00 R39Mead 9: 30-12:00, 3: 00-4:00 C I DMerrell 11:00-12: 00, 3:00- 4:00 B3IMondays, 9:30-10:30 aMerriman, Dorcas 9:00-12 t:oo, 2:00-4:00 5704Ellis Ave.Daily, 9:30-10:30Meyer 11:00- 1:00 C 13 BMiller, A. C. 2:00 C3CMiller, F. J. 8:30- 1:00 C 9 AMillikan 9:00-12 >:oo, 2:00-4:00 R 10Mon., Wed., , 12:00-12:30 "Moncrief 10:30 H36Tuesdays, 9:00 ««Moody 12:00- 1:00 C 7 DMoore, A. W. 1 1 : 00 C I DFridays, 10:00-10:30 C IDMoore, E. H. 9:00-10:30 R 40Tu.-Fri., 12:00 "Moulton, F. R. 8:00- 9:00 R35Moulton, R. G. 8:30-10: 30,2:30- 3:30 C 6 ATu.-Fri., 4*30 *Neff 10:00-12:00 C 17 cTu.-Fri.9 10:30-11:00 aOverton 10:30-11: 30, 1:30- 2:30 B 12Raycroft 9:00-10:30 GReynolds 12:00- 1:00 C 8 DSalisbury 8:30-12: 00, 2:007- 4:°o H 14Schmidt-Wartenberg 10:00-12:00 GermanLibrarySlaught 10:00-12:00 R39Daily, 10:30-11:00 C 8d8:30-12: 00, 2:00- 4:00 C 8 cSmith, J. N. P. 10:30-11:30 H 21Tu., Fri., 10:30-10:45 "Stagg 10:30-12:00 GStieglitz 10:00-12:00,2:00- 4:00 K32Daily, 11:00-12:00 "Stratton 9:00-12:00 R 29Mon.-Wed., 10:00-10:30 t<Talbot 8:30-12: 130, 2:00- 5:00 ChapelTarbell 8:30- 9:30 C 2 BFridays, 10:00-16:30 C 4 BThomas 8:00- 9:00 C 16 CTuesdays, 9:00 C 2 CTolman 11:00- 2:00 C 15 DTriggs 9:30-10:30 C8d Tufts 8:00-11: : 30, 3:30- 5^0 ChapelTuesdays, 10:30-11:30 "Wed.-Fri., 1:30- 2:30 <<Veblen 10:00-12:00 R39Mon.-Fri., 11:00-11:30Votaw 10:30-11:30 H 16Tuesdays, 10:30-11:30 "Weller 10:30 WDaily, 11:00 <<Wergeland 10:30 C 6cWillett 10:30-11:30 H36Tu-Fri., 10:30-10:45 <(Young, J. W. A. 2:00^ 4:00 R39Mon.-Fri., 11:00-11:30 "Zueblin 10:30-11:30 C 16 cTuesdays, 11:30 C 2 cAbbreviations. C = Cobb Lecture Hall, a, b, c, and d denoting the1st, 2d, 3d, and 4th floors, respectively ; A = Anatomy Building ; B =Botany Building ; JD=Divinity Dormitories ; G = Gymnasium ; H=Has-kell Museum ; K = Kent Chemical Laboratory ; P = PhysiologicalBuilding; R Ryerson Physical Laboratory; W = Walker Museum;Z = Zoological Building.CHANGES IN SUMMER QUARTER ANNOUNCEMENTSOF COURSES.IV. HISTORY.94 will be given during second term only,VI. SOCIOLOGY.2 is withdrawn.5 will be given at 10:30.10. Mexico Sen. Mj. 11:30 (Starr) W.XL GREEK.4 will be given at 2: 36.XIII. FRENCH.81 is the same as JJ.81 will be given at 2:30 in Room Cud.AA will be given by MM. E. Lescat and B.Papot.BB will be given by M. Lescat.CC will be given by MM, Ingres and Sicard.DD (istT.) will be given at 11:30 in C 7 d.XVII. MATHEMATICS.3 will be given at 1: 30.XXVII. BOTANY.14. Special Morphology of Gymnosperms.Grad. DM. 1st T. (Chamberlain) B.Registration allowed only after consultationwith instructor.XXVIII. PUBLIC SPEAKING.10 will be given at 10:30.