Gbe TUniversits of ChicagoPrice $J*00 founded by john d. rockefeller Single CopiesPer Year_______ 5 CentsUniversity RecordPUBLISHED BY AUTHORITYCHICAGO&bc i&nivevBtty of Chicago ©teesVOL IV, NO. 11. PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY AT 3:00 P.M. JUNE 16, 1899.Entered in the post office Chicago, Illinois, as second-class matter.CONTENTS.t. Tho Swedish Theological Seminary Commencement fc--.uw.-_- 65II. Official Notices - 65-67III. The Calendar 68The Swedish Theological Seminary Commencement.The twenty-eighth commencement exercises of theSwedish Baptist Theological Seminary of the University of Chicago took place in the M. E. Church atBerwyn, May 12. The church was well filled byfriends of the seminary, representing all the thirteenSwedish Baptist churches of Chicago and vicinity.Many of the Chicago pastors were present, as alsowere Revs. M. Larson, of Rockford, 111., O. S. Lindberg,of Ogema, Wis., and G. Lundquist, of Kansas City,Kan. The meeting was presided over by Rev. E.Hallgren, of Chicago.Professor Shailer Mathews, of the University,delivered an address, which was listened to with theclosest attention and greatly appreciated by all present. The Dean of the seminary, Professor C. G.Lagergren, gave a report concerning the school and itswork, and Pastor O. S. Lindberg, who has been in theSwedish work since 1870, spoke about the importanceof modern ministerial education. The Dean deliveredan excellent address to the graduating class, and distributed the certificates of the University. Mr. N. E.Johnson spoke in behalf of the graduating class.At the close of the programme the Swedish BaptistChurch of Berwyn surprised its pastor, who was oneof the graduating class, with a valuable gift. The church showed its liberality also by entertaining about100 guests at supper before the commencement. Professor Lagergren's report contained the followingfacts : The school was opened at Chicago in theautumn of 1871 by Dr. J. A. Edgren with one Swedishstudent, Rev. C. Silene, how Pastor of the SwedishChurch of Big Springs, S. D. Since that time 261students have received instruction in the seminary, ofwhom 114 have graduated ; 126 are engaged in activework among the 302 Swedish Baptist churches in theUnited States, two in Canada, one in Finland, five inSweden, two in India and one in China. During thepast year the number of the students has been twenty-four, of whom seven have been graduated. All members of the graduating class have accepted calls tobecome pastors of different churches in this country.All the remaining students are engaged as preacherson different fields during the summer. O. H.Official Notices.The following persons were admitted to candidacyfor the degrees named by the Faculty of the Ogden(Graduate) School of Science at its meeting of June 7,1899:For the Degree of Master of Arts :John Dickerman.For the Degree of Master of Science :James Bertram Overton.Gerald McCarthy.For the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy :Ralph Stayner Lillie.66 UNIVERSITY RECORDThe Administrative Board of University Affiliationsat its meeting of June 10 accepted the followingschools as cooperating schools : West Town BoardingSchool, Westchester Co., Pa.; Toledo" High School ;Dayton High School ; Battle Creek High School ;St. Joseph High School ; Racine High School ;Columbus Central High School.By action of the University Council taken June 10,1899, all courses for the Summer Quarter in the University, whether in the Divinity School, the GraduateSchools, or the Colleges, will begin on Monday, July 3,1899.By action of the University Council taken June 10,1899, the Quarterly Examinations are to be held Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, June 20, 21, and 22,1899.Attention is called particularly to the correctedannouncement of the quarterly examinations givenherewith :QUARTERLY EXAMINATIONS.The Examinations at the close of the Spring Quarter will be held on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, June 20, 21, and 22. Examinations for morningclasses will be held on three successive mornings;for afternoon classes on three successive afternoons,as follows :8:30 Exercises, Tues., June 20, 8:30-11:30 a.m.9:30 a Wedn. «< 21, 8:30-11:30 a.m.11:00 a Thurs. « 22, 8:30-11:30 a.m.12:00 tt Tues. i« 20, 2:00- 5:00 p.m.2:00 << Wedn. it 21, 2:00- 5:00 p.m.3:00 « Thurs. ti 22,. 2:00- 5:00 p.m.Reports for the Spring Quarter. All instructors are requested to observe that all reports forcourses given during the Spring Quarter are due atthe Recorder's Office (or the Faculty Exchange) notlater than 12:00 m., Monday, June 26. It is of theutmost importance that every course be recordedfully and promptly. Blanks will be furnished throughthe Faculty Exchange not later than Tuesday, June 20.The University Recorder.ENTRANCE EXAMINATIONS.The Summer Examinations for admission to theJunior Colleges will be held in Cobb Hall, Friday,Saturday, Monday, and Tuesday, June 16, 17, 19,and 20. The Dean of Affiliations will furnish particular information on application. FINAL EXAMINATIONS.The Final Examination of Charles Abram Ell.wood for the degree of Ph.B. will be held June 19- -at9: 00 a.m., in Room 2 C, Cobb Hall. Principal subjectSociology ; secondary subject, Philosophy. Thesis :" Some Prolegomena to Social Philosophy." Committee: Professors Small and Laughlin, Assistant Pro-fessor Mead, and all other instructors in the departments immediately concerned.The Final Examination of Joseph Kahn Arnoldfor the degree of Ph.D. will be held, June 19, at 9:30a.m., in Room 11, Haskell. Principal subject, Hebrew secondary subject, Rabbinics. Thesis : " The BalaamUtterances." Committee : Professor Harper, Associate Professor Price, Dr. C. W. Votaw, and all otherinstructors in the departments immediately concerned.The Final Examination of Philip Matthew John*son for the degree of D.B. will be held on Monday,June 19, at 2:00 p.m., in Room 15, Haskell. Principalsubject, Theology ; secondary subject, Church History. Thesis : "The Fundamental Idea of Protes-tantism and Its Historical Development," Committee:Professors Northrup, Foster, Hulbert, Johnson, Mon-crief, and all other members of the departmentsimmediately concerned.The Final Examination of James Howe Ransomfor the degree of Ph.D. will be held, June 19, in Room20, Kent Chemical Laboratory, at 3:00 p.m. Principalsubject, Chemistry ; secondary subject Physics.Thesis: "On the molecular rearrangement of o.Aminophenylethylcarbonate to o. Oxyphenylure*thane." Committee : Professors Nef and Donaldson,Associate Professor S. W, Stratton and all other members of the departments immediately concerned.The Final Examination of Nels L. T. Nelson forthe degree of Ph.D. will be held June 19, in Room 13,Botanical Laboratory, at 3: 00 p.m. Principal subject,Botany ; secondary subject, Histology. Thesis : "Revision of the North American Species of Solanum."Committee: Associate Professor Loeb, ProfessorCoulter, Dr. Eycleshymer, and all other members ofthe departments immediately concerned.The Final Examination of Thomas Jefferson Plantfor the degree of A.M., will be held, June 19, at 4:00p.m., in Room 7 C, Cobb Hall. Principal subject,History ; secondary subj ect, Political Science. Thesis :UNIVERSITY RECORD m" American Claims to Texas." Committee : ProfessorsTerry and Judson, Assistant Professor Hill, and allother members of the departments immediately concerned.The Final Examination of Henry LawrenceSchoolcraft for the degree of Ph.D., will be heldJune 20, in Room 7 C, Cobb Hall, at 3: 00 p.m. Principal subject : History ; secondary subject, Philosophy.Thesis: "The Genesis of the Grand Remonstrance."Committee : Professor Terry, Assistant ProfessorsMead and Vincent, and all other members of thedepartments immediately concerned.The Final Examination of Alta Annette Harmonfor the degree of A.M. will be held June 21, at 9:00a.m., in Room 2 C, Cobb Hall. Principal subject, Sociology ; secondary subject, Literature (in English).Thesis : " University Extension for Rural Communities." Committee : Professors Small, Moulton, andJames, and all other members of the departmentsimmediately concerned.The Final Examination of Ruthella BernardMory for the degree of Ph.M., will be held in Room¦;*% C, Cobb ^Hall, June 21; at K): 00 a.m. Principal subject, History. Thesis: "Toleration in Maryland."Committee : Professors Terry and A. C. Miller and allother members of the department immediately con*eerned.The Final Examination of Eugene MorrowViolette for the degree of A.M., will be held, June 21,in Room 7 C, Cobb Hall, at 4: 00 p.m. Principal subject, History. Committee : Professor Terry, Dr.Hatfield, and all other members of the departmentimmediately concerned.The Final Examination of William Henry Glasscock for the degree of Ph.M. will be held June 22, at3: 00 p.m., in Room 13, Anatomical Laboratory. Principal subject, Philosophy; secondary subject, Pedagogy. Thesis : " Embodiment of Tennyson's PersonalExperience in the Ethical Content of his Poetry." Committee : Assistant Professor Mead, Associate Professor Thurber, Assistant Professor Reynolds, and allother members of the departments immediately concerned.The Final Examination of William Frank Mon-crieff, Jr., for the degree of Ph.M., will be held, June22, in Room 30 Anatomical Laboratory, at 9:00 a.m.Principal subject, Philosophy; secondary subject,Pedagogy. Thesis: "Mathematics EducationalValue and Methods." Committee: Assistant Professor Mead, Associate Professor Thurber, Prof eseorBolza, and all other members of the departmentsimmediately concerned.The Final Examination of Laura Stanley Dickeyfor the degree of S.M. was held June 6 in Room 7C,Cobb Hall, at 4:00 p.m. Principal subject, History.Thesis : " Calais During the Hundred Years' War."Committee: Professor Terry, Assistant ProfessorThomas, and all other members of the departmentimmediately concerned.important official meetings.The attention of member the Faculty is calledto the following official meetings, at which their attendance is desired :Sunday, June 18:3:30 p.m., Baccalaureate Prayer Service.4:00 p.m., Baccalaureate Vesper Service.Friday, June SO:2:00 p.m., Meeting of the University Congregation.Saturday, July 1:3:00 p.m., The Twenty-ninth Convocation.7:00 p.m., The Congregation Dinner.Sunday, July 2:4:00 p.m., The Convocation Vesper Service.The consultation hour at the beginning of the quarter should not be overlooked.William R. Harper,President.68 UNIVERSITY RECORDCalendar.JUNE, 16-24 1899.Friday, June 16.Chapel-Assembly : Divinity School. Chapel, CobbHall, 10:30 a.m.Division Lecture before Division VI of the JuniorColleges by the President, President's Office, Haskell, 10:30 a.m.Final Examination of J. M. P. Smith, Room 21, Haskell, 9: 30 a.m. (seep. 62).Final Examination of B. I. Bishop, Room 14 C, Cobb,2:00 p.m. (seep. 62).Final Examination of F. A. Howe, Room 5 D, Cobb,4:00p.m. (seep. 62).Senior College Finals in Public Speaking, KentTheater, 8:00 p.m.Saturday, June 17.Meetings of Faculties and Boards :The Administrative Board of the University Press,8:30 a.m.The Administrative Board for the Recommendationof Teachers, 8:30 a.m..The Administrative Board of Student Organizations, Publications, and Exhibitions, 10:00 a.m.The Faculty of the Ogden (Graduate) School ofScience, 10:00 a.m.The Faculty of the Divinity School, 11:30 a.m.Sunday, June 18.Baccalaureate Sunday. Baccalaureate PrayerService is held in Congregation Hall, Haskell,3:30 p.m.The Baccalaureate Address is given by the Presidentof the University in Kent Theater, 4:00 p.m.Union meeting of the Y. M. C. A. and Y. W. C. A.,Association Room, Haskell, 7:00 p.m.Subject : " The Study of the Lives of Good Men as an Aidto the Christian Life," address by Professor Mathews.Monday, June 19.Chapel-Assembly: Junior Colleges. Chapel, CobbHall, 10:30 a.m. (required of Junior College Students).Material for the TJHIVEKSITY ESCOSD mustorder to be published in the issue of the same week. Final Examination of C. A. Ell wood, Cobb, 2 C,^9:00 a.m.Final Examination of J. K. Arnold, Room 11, Haskell,9:30 a.m. .Final Examination of Ph. M. Johnson, Room 15, Haskell, 2:00 p.m.Final Examination of J. H. Ransom, Room 20, KentChemical Laboratory, 3:00\p.m.Final Examination of Nels L. T. Nelson, Room 13,Botanical Laboratory, 3:00 p.m.Final Examination of T. J. Plant, Cobb, 7 C, 4:00P.M.Germanic Club meets in German Library, Cobb Hall,4:00 p.m.Mr. Meyer: " Lenau's Naturanschauung in seinen letztenJahren."Miss Dehnst : " Steiner, Groethe's Weltanschauung."Tuesday, June 20.Quarterly Examinations (see p. 66).Final Examination of H. L. Schoolcraft, Cobb, 7 C,3:00 p.m.Wednesday, June 21.Quarterly Examinations (see p. 66).Final Examination of A. A. Harmon, Cobb, 2 C, 9: 00A.M.Final Examination of R. B. Mory, Cobb, 7 C, 10:00A.M.Final Examination of E. M. Violette, Cobb, 7 C, 4:00P.M.Thursday, June 22.Quarterly Examinations (see p. 66).Final Examination of W. F. Moncrieff, Jr., Room 30,Anatomical Laboratory, 9:00 a.m.Final Examination of W. H. Glasscock, Room 13, Anatomical Laboratory, 3: 00 p.m.Friday, June 23,to Friday, June 30,Quarterly Recess.sent to the Kecorder by THURSDAY, 8 : SO A.M., in