VOL. II., No. 1. WHOLE NO.5.The OFUniversity of ChicagoFOUNDED BY JOHN D. ROCKEFELLERTABLE OF CONTENTSPART I.HISTORICAL.1. THE PROOEEDINGS OF THE FIRST UNIVERSITYCONVOOATION, - 3-13(1) The Sermon (text only), 3(2) The Address (complete), 3-9(3) The President's Quarterly Statement(complete), - 9-13(4) Degrees and Honors Awarded, - 132. THE PROOEEDINGS OF THE SEOOND UNIVER-SITY CONVOCATION, - 14-26(1) The Sermon (text only), - 14(2) The Address (complete), - 14-21(3) The President's Quarterly Statement(complete), "- 21-26(4) Degrees and Honors Awarded, - 263. IMPORTANT OFFICIAL AOTIO�S BY TRUSTEES, 274. THE PROOEEDINGS OF UNIVERSITY ORGANIZA-TIONS, 29-35(1) 'The University Union, - 29(2) The Philological Society, - 29(3) Departmental Clubs, - 29-325. SUBJEOTS AND SPEAKERS AT THE UNIVERSITYCHAPEL, 336. PUBLIC LEOTtJRES AT THE UNIVERSITY, 347. ADDRESSES BEFORE THE CHRISTIAN UNION, 34-35PART II.REGISTRATION OF STUDENTS.1. DIREOTORY,(a) Graduate School Students,(b) Divinity School Students,(c) University College Students,(d) Academic College Students,-(e) Unclassified Students, -(f) Summary, - 36-5036-41- 42-4546- 46-4749-5050 2. CONSTITUENOY OF CLASSES,3. OBITUARY, :- 51-6162PART III.PRELIMINARY ANNOUNCEMENT OF COURSES.1. PRELIMINARY ANNOUNOEMENTS OF THE F AO­ULTIES OF ARTS, LITERATURE, AND SCIENOE(FOR 1893 - 94), - 63-83(1) The Graduate School and the Univer-sity Colleges of Arts and Literature, 6�-72(2) The Ogden (Graduate) School and theU niversi ty College of Science, - 73-78(3) The Academic Colleges, 79--B32. PRELIMINARY ANNOUNOEMENTS OF THE DIVIN-ITY SCHOOL '(FOR 1893-94),' 83-88(1) The Graduate Divinity School, - 83-86(2) The English Theological Seminary, - 86-87(3) The, Danish-Norwegian TheologicalSeminary, - - - - . - - 87(4) The Swedish Theological· Seminary, 87-88PART IV.THE UNIVERSITY EXTENSION WORK, - - 89-95PART V.THE UNIVERSITY PRESS, - 96-97APPENDICES.1. ORDER OF EXAMINATIONS FOR ADMISSION, SEP-.TEMBER, 1893, 982. DIREOTORY OF THE FAOULTY, 99-100SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, 50 CENTS PER ANNUM� SINGLE COPY, IS CENTSMAYCHICAGOlrbe mniUttsiHl 1�ttss of Q!bicago1893OALENDAR FOR 1893.Jan. 1. Sunday FIRST TERM of Winter Quarter-begins.Jan. 2. Monday Matriculation of new stu-dents. WINTER MEETINGof the U niversi ty Con voca­tion.Feb. 11. Saturday FIRST TERM of Winter Quarterends. WINTER MEETING ofthe University Union.Feb. 12. Sunday SECOND TERM of Winter Quar-ter begins.Feb. 22. Wednesday Washington's .birthday; a hol­iday.Mar.22-24. Wednesday SPRING EXAMINATIONS for ad-Thursday mission to the AcademicFriday Colleges.Mar. 24. Friday SECOND TERM of Winter Quar-ter ends.QUARTERLY RECEss-one week.April 1. Saturday FIRST TERM of Spring Quarterbegins. SPRING MEETINGof the University Convoca­tion.May 12 Friday FIRST TERM of Spring Quarterends. SPRING MEETING ofthe University Union.May 13. Saturday SECOND TERM of Spring Quar­ter begins. IMay 30. Tuesday Memorial Day; a-holiday.June 21-23. Wednesday SUMMER EXAMINATIONS for ad-Thursday mission to the AcademicFriday Colleges.SECOND TERM of. Spring Quar­ter ends.SUMMER MEETING of the Uni­versity Convocation ..Sept. 26-28. Tuesday AUTUMN EXAMINATIONS for ad-Wednesday mission to the AcademicTh ursday Colleges.Sep t. 29-30 Friday Ma tricula tion of new students.SaturdayJune 23. FridayJune 26. MondayOct. 1. Sunday FIRST TERM of Autumn Quar­ter begins.Matriculation of new Students.FIRST TERM of Autumn Quar­ter ends. AUTUMN MEET-Oct. 2.Nov. 11. MondaySaturdayINGof the University Union.Nov. 12. Sunday SECOND TERM of Autumn Quar-ter begins.Nov. 30. Thursday Thanksgiving day; a holiday.Dec.21-23. Thursday WINTER EXAMINATIONS for ad-Friday mission to the AcademicSaturday Colleges.Dec. 23. Saturday SECOND TERM of Autumn Quar­ter ends.NOTE1:-Term examinations are held regularly in the middle and at the end of each Quarter.NOTE 2 :-The Summer Quarter will be omitted in 1893.The University Calendar is issued about the first day of May, August, November, February, and containsan historical statement concerning the University work of the preceding quarter, the Registration of Studentsduring the current quarter, and lists of courses of instruction to be offered during succeeding quarters.The University Register is issued about May 1 of each year.The University is situated on the Midway Plaisance, between Ellis and Lexington Avenues, andcan be reached either by the Cottage Grove cable cars (from Wabash Avenue,) or by the Illinois Central rail­road, to South Park station.There is a Western Union telegraph office at the University.The telephone number of the University is Oakland-BOO.It will be sufficient to address any correspondence relating. to the work of the University toTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO,CHICAGO.PART 1.- HISTORICAL.THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE FIRST UNIVERSITY CONVOCATION.January 2, 1893.THE OONVOOATION SERMON.{anuary 1,1891.The Convocation Sermon was preached by Professor Ezekiel Gilman Robinson, D.D., LL.D., fromHaggai 1 :6-7. "I will shake the heavens, and the earth, and the sea and the dry land; and I will shake allna tions, and the desire of all nations shall come.THE OONVOOATION ADDRESS.Delivered by the Head Professor of History, Hermann Edouard von Holst, January 2,1892, in Central Music Hall.THE NEED OF UNIVERSITIES IN THE UNITED STATES."Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty." Thechildren of this country are sure to have this sentenceindelibly impressed upon their memory. The historyof the United States can not be taught without men­tioning it, and no teacher will mention it, withoutinculcating on the youthful minds the overshadowingpolitical truth contained in the solemn warning.Without fully grasping its import the past can not bereally understood. On the other hand, however, thepresent is not understood if one fails to see that, sofar as this country is concerned, its applicability as abattle - cry is forever gone. In the meaning which itconveyed to the forefathers, it is for Americans in themain a thing of the dead and buried past. If theliberty of the people of the United States ever becomesendangered it will be by themselves. We need notstop to ask whether there is anybody else who mightlike to do it, for there is unquestionably no power onearth-neither without nor within-that could do it,if they be but true to themselves. And yet they couldmake no greater, nor more portentous mistake thanto think that they can with impunity assign themaxim to the political lumber-room. It still holdsgood and will never cease to do so. Only its meaninghas become modified in consequence of their beingthemselves the only enemy to be dreaded. Yes, to bedreaded indeed, for an over bearing and tyrannicalgovernment can be overthrown and hostile armies canbe conquered; but in a democratic republic the peopleare irresistible, for they are everything. Thereforeeternal vigilance, constant watching of themselves, isindispensable, and the only way to watch themselves,effectually is to interpret the maxim thus: Incessantwork is the price of Ii berty.NATIONAL PROBLEMS.Americans contend that popular government stood the test in this country. All com peten t andfair-minded judges will concede that they have justcause to look back with patriotic pride upon thehistory of the United States; in other words that,taking all in all, the claim is well founded as to thepast. If, however, the assertion is intended to meanthat the past is in itself a sufficient guaranty as tothe future, I for one am compelled to say, Beware!No greater danger to the ultimate success of populargovernment in this country is conceivable than theframe of mind from which such a claim would spring.I, too, have always been of the opinion that the UnitedStates were sure to vindicate the cause of democracyin the future, as they have done in the past. Todoubt it would be to despair of mankind, for it isunquestionable-whether we like it or not-that inthe whole civilized world the future belongs to dem­ocracy; and in the U ni ted States democracy has in allessential respects a better chance, i. e., more favorableconditions to work out the great problem successfully,than it ever can have anywhere else. But if I feelsure that the United States will not disappoint thehopes they have raised, it is solely because their wholehistory vouches for it, that the American people willnever become intellectually and morally so debauched,as to make such an insane claim the bark on whichthey might venture to weather the storms of thefuture. Not because what they have achieved SUffices,may we confidently look ahead, but because it warrantsthe expectation, that they will go on growing withtheir tasks as they have done heretofore. He must beblind indeed, who does not see how much they willstand in need of that.I should have studied the history of the UnitedStates to little purpose for twenty-five years, if I werehas to think lightly of what they have accomplished. But34 THE QUARTERLY CALENDAR.with growing knowledge not only my admiration hasgrown apace. The conviction has steadily grown uponme and taken deeper root, that what they have donethus far have been but easy tasks in comparison tothe problems in store for them. At first sight thatmay seem extravagant and preposterous, but reflectionwill, I think, compel all judicious observers to come tothe same conclusion. The most careful scanning ofthe horizon does not reveal to my eye the smallestcloud which could be suspected the centre of anapproaching cyclone. Not the slightest basis. is offeredfor the apprehension that the American people willever again be called upon to make a supreme effort, aswhen the Articles of Confederation were supplantedby the Constitution of the United States or in theCivil War. But if history teaches one lesson moreforci bly than another, then it is this, that a crisis,requiring supreme efforts, is not what states andnations have to fear the most. If it befall a peoplestill possessed of vitality, it is always overcome, justbecause their very existence is at stake. The innermostdepths are stirred up, all the intellectual and moralenergies are whipped into activity and strained to theutmost, the people rise above themselves, and thethreatened catastrophe ultimately proves to have beena true blessing in disguise. A nation which has beenintellectually and morally unequal to a great emer­gency must have had the characteristics of the hippo­cratic face stamped on its intellectual and moral lifebefore the emergency arose. The crucial test of apeople's vital forces is to obviate great crises by work­ing out in a humdrum way the problems presented byits humdrum political and social life.In the case of the United States these problemsmake demands upon the people, intellectually andmorally, such as have never been made on any peopleon the face of the earth. Everything the world hasseen heretofore in this respect is, in comparison,dwarfed almost into insignificance. The unparalleledrapidity of their material development as to wildterritory brought within the pale of civilization, popu­lation, and wealth, the just boast of the past, isbecoming a source of the greatest dangers for thefuture. Circumstances, with irresistible force, compelthem to press onward with an intensity and im­petuosity absorbing so much of the time, strength,and attention of the people, that it is next to impossi­ble to attend to the perfection of w ha t has alreadybeen achieved to the extent and in the manner itought to be done. The child is already born that willlive to see the day when the area of the present Unionis inhabited by between one hundred and twenty andone hundred and fifty millions; and to make dem- ocracy work as well with a nation of between one,hundred and twenty and one hundred and fiftymillions, .as it did with a nation of sixty millions, is initself no easy task. More than enough of elbow­room has been one of the main ca uses of thesuccesses that have been thus far attained. This.el bow - room rapidly diminishes from year to year,not only by the growth of population, but also.by tha t peculiar feature of modern economicallife, the accumulation of enormous wealth in afew hands-individuals and corporations-with a ten-­dency to crowd out or swallow up all small competitors ..The social question bids fair soon to assume, in somerespects, a more in trica te and dangerous character'than in the Old World, from the very reasons whichhave thus far allowed the United States barely to tastethe bitter cup, of which Europe has had to drink indeep draughts. On the one hand the vastness of eco-­nomical possibilities gives wider scope and greater.vigor to the tendency to concentrate wealth, driving it:more frequently to provoking excesses, and, on the;other, the masses are much more self-asserting, and in.every way better equipped for defense and offense intheir warfare with capital. The dangers born out ofthese contests are aggravated by another tendencyequally characteristic of our times; the concentration.of population, like that of wealth. This tendency, too,is in the U ni ted S ta tes comparatively stronger thananywhere else, and many reasons conspire to render­it peculiarly prolific of difficulties and dangers. InEurope almost every city of importance has a historyof many centuries, which can be made, and usually ismore or less made, a source of conservative force. Theswarms of new-comers find a nucleus of old elementswhich tradition, custom and law co-operate to endowwith sufficient power of assimilation. The disorgan­izing and disintegrating tendencies carried in to thecommunity by the inordinately large accretions fromoutside find an array or counter-tendencies, as it were,intrenched behind strong breastworks, which it is noteasy to carry by assault and would require a long timeto take by regular approaches. In the United States,the ci ties whose origin dates back beyond the begin­ning or this century, are almost wholly confined to thethirteen original states; in most of those that are situ­ated in other parts of the country, somebody is stillliving who has seen them in their first infancy, while.many of them vie or surpass in population and wealthcountless European cities of renown. But with theirastounding growth in wealth and population, the sci­ence and art of municipal government and the homo­geneity of their population have not grown apace.This leads us to the last problem which I shall noticeHISTORICAL.especially - certainly more perplexing and perhapsmore fraught with dangers than any other. TheEuropean cities receive their accretions with imper­ceptible exceptions from their own country. In theUnited States the throngs flocking to the cities come,to a very considerable extent, from Europe. In addi­tion to the tremendous tasks forced by the age ofsteam and electricity upon all civilized people, a moun­tain of the hardest and toughest problems is piledupon the shoulders of a nation that, in a sense, is not anation, urged on by its own temperament and, partlycompelled by the irresistible force of circumstances toaccomplish in years what has taken nations, that werenations, generations and centuries to do. And wonder­ful, I. am tempted to say, miraculous as the assim­ila ting power of the American people has th us farproved itself to be, it has of late become highlyquestionable, whether it will not be worsted by whatit is asked to do now, for it well-nigh touches thebounds of the impossible. Not the bulk, but thecharacter of immigration is beginning to open an ap­palling vista into the future. Immigrants, who havelittle more in common with the people of the UnitedStates, than the human shape and the most generalfeatures of human nature, thrown in solid blocks ofhundreds and thousands into the country, comingwith the set purpose to form and remain distinct com­munities within the community, not only unable butunwilling to be assimilated politically or socially, intel­lectually or morally-that is a danger calculated tomake every reflecting patriot blanch. Every such col­ony, whether it be in the large cities, in a mining town,or anywhere else, is a blow struck at the very vitalroots of American democracy.The list of knotty problems which the Americanpeople are imperatively called upon to solve is far frombeing exhausted. But I have said enough to prove,that if they should be tempted by their achievementsof the past to say with the rich man of the parable:"Soul, thou hast much goods laid, up for many years;take thine ease, eat, drink, and be merry," they wouldinevitably receive the same answer: "Thou fool!"Nor can they rely upon that "reserve of force and pat­riotism" which Mr. Bryce declares" more than suffi­cient to sweep away all the evils which are now tolerat­ed." If this reserve fund of force and patriotism wereten times as great as it is, with regard to these prob­lems it would be of no avail if it is thought that theycan and will be satisfactorily dealt with by drawing toa sufficiently large amount upon it, when it has becomean urgent necessity to do so. I say it again; at pres­ent appearances great crises are the least likely to oc­cur. Now and then a squall as another mad attempt of the anarchists, and a great strike leading to the­destruction of much property and the spilling of a,good deal of blood, must of course, be expected. Such­disturbances, even if they rise to the dignity of a local'civil war, will undoubtedly be suppressed. But what;of that? Will thereby a single inch of ground begained as to anyone of the problems I have alludedto? No more than a delirious man is cured from hisfever by being forced back into bed, after he has brok­en loose from his nurse and smashed the windows.No, the American people have to pay an infinitelyhigher price than some blood-letting now and thenwould be, if they want to leave to their children unim­paired the heri tage of American democracy left tothem by their sires. Work, steady, indefatigable, thor­ough work, work of the brain, inspired by the heart:and work of the heart directed by reason - nothing­less will do.Nothing less! Yes, and no higher price is conceiv-­able. They must draw upon their reserve of mentaland moral force; they must draw largely upon it, nothowever at long intervals when great emergencies:arise, but day for day, year in and year out, althoughdays, months, and years glide by in sober sameness,.wi thou t anything to stir up either head or heart to­that deep emotion which al ways generates un wontedstrength. Will they be equal to that? If they are,they will once for all make good everything they have,ever claimed for democracy. Will they be? I unhes­itatingly answer yes, although I am not prepared toconcede, that no question is admissible, as to whetherthey are equal to it. But I am fully convinced, thatthey can be made eq ual to it, and tha t to do this, allthat is needed is to make them see how it can, andtherefore must be done.To discuss to - day this question in all its manifoldbearings is, of course, impossible. The evening, how­ever, will have been well t spent if we all go hencefully convinced, that it is our patriotic duty, jointlyand individually, everyone in his place, to exert our­selves to the best of our ability to get the lever forged,to which I shall presently call your attention. It is.but one of the many which must be applied; but inthe course of time it will be found to be the mostpowerful of all,THEIR SELECTION.Material prosperity cannot secure the future of the­United States; nay, if material prosperity is not made­by other agencies a source of strength, it- must becomea source of weakness, hastening and rendering moreinevitable their ultimate downfall and ruin. That isthe stern decree of the I eternal moral laws governingthe history of mankind. So it has been from the6 THE QUARTERLY CALENDAR.dawn of recorded history, and so it must remain tothe end of the world, unless human nature shouldundergo a radical change. The American people, con­sisting of men and women, have no human nature oftheir own constructed upon different ethical principles,and therefore there can be no exception in their favor.'The name of no people that has played a part in thehistory of civilization has ever been wiped from thetablets of history, unless it had failed to do its dutyby itself in its intellectual and moral life. The con­queror's sword, sweeping out of existence a civilizedpeople, so as to make it permanently lose its distinctiveen ti ty, has always been the instrument executing theverdict rendered by its victim's sins of commissionand omission. The fa te of states and nations hasbeen laid in to their own hands. They work out theirdestiny for weal or woe, for salvation or perdition, bygrowing apace with their material prosperity, or fallingbehind it in their intellectual and moral life. If thisbe allowed to become stationary-as to activity,.soundness, or elevation of the plane attained - decay. is setting in. In all the respects named, it must grow.better or worse; there is no third possibility.Now we have seen that the material development of. the United States is going on at a bewildering rate,.and that with it, at the same break - neck tempo, a: mass of problems of the first magnitude and more-complicated and difficult than any task ever imposedupon any other state, is crowding in upon the people.i The logical conclusion is so plain that no child can1fail to draw it correctly. In activity, soundness, and{eleva tion of the plane, the intellectual and moral life'Of the American people must attain the very higheststandard to prevent disaster falling upon them fromthe portentous clouds hovering over their future. Notmerely a higher standard than the present one, or asbigh as that of this or that other people, but the veryhighest attainable. It is, however, an undeniable factthat with regard to one of the principal agencies forthe raising of the intellectual and moral standard, theUnited States are still lagging behind several of theleading nations of Europe. I do not say it as areproach. I state a fact. I know full well the reasonswhy it is so, and I readily acknowledge that for thesereasons it hardly could be otherwise. But I do notacknowledge that it need or must remain so. I mostpositively assert that the time ha.s come when it canbe changed, and, therefore, must be changed withoutfurther delay.WHAT THE UNIVERSITY MAY DO.There is in the United States as yet not a singleuniversity in the sense attached to this word by.Europeans. All the American institutions bearing this name are either compounds of colleges and uni­versities - the university as an after - growth figuringstill to some extent as a kind of annex or excrescenceof the college-or hybrids of college and university,or, finally, a torso of a uni versi ty. An insti tu tion,wholly detached from the school work done by col­leges, and containing all the four faculties organicallyconnected to a universitas literaruan; does notexist.The day when it could be seriously asserted that theUnited States could not afford to have such institu­tions is surely passed. A nation paying for pensionsa sum considerably higher.than the cost of the stand­ing armies sucking out the life blood of Europeannations, not able to maintain universities-it is tooabsurd to deserve refutation. The other allegationinherited from the past, that there is no need of suchinstitutions in this "plain democratic" country, isdeserving of a still severer rebuff. Even if the uni­versities are considered only as schools for impartingcertain professional know ledge, it is a slur upon theAmerican people, which I, though not to the manorborn, shall never allow to pass uncontradicted. Coun tthe American students going over to Europe and thoseflocking to your own insti tu tions, coming, in this orthat respect, nearest to the standard of European uni­versities, and then tell me again, there is no need, i. e.no demand for universities! I have not only visitedbut lived in a number of countries, and the results ofmy observations of their higher educated youth is,that, though by no means as to knowledge, yet as tothe earnestness, steadiness, and en th usiasm in thepursuit of knowledge, the American students standfirst. And nature has not been in a stingy mood whenweighing out their allotment of brains! Give thembu t the opportunities and you will soon see, whetherthey need to shun the comparison with the scholars ofany other nation. They are handicapped in the race,handicapped in a way, which makes the blood of atrue friend of this country tingle with impatience.You are a proud people. Ay! mount the steed of yourpride and press the spurs into his flanks, till theyquiver with pain. Be done, once for all and in everyrespect, with that nonsensical and humiliating pratingabout the" good average" being all the" plain democ­racy" needs or has any use for. No, I say, and againno ! This nation of sixty - five millions dare not assignto itself such an unworthy position. It has achievedtoo much in the past and it must achieve too much inthe future to rest satisfied with excelling as to theaverage; if it does not strive with intense purpose toexcel also in everything above the average, satisfiedwith nothing less than the best and the highest, it willHISTORICAL. 7and must fail. If democracy, because it rests uponthe principle of equality, ought to retain, as much asit possibly can, the character of a plane-an elevatedplane, but still a plane - then the sooner the worldhas done with democracy the better. The preachersof this doctrine are the worst enemies of the masses,whose interests they pretend to champion. The mosteffectual way to lift the masses to a higher plane­materially, intellectually, and morally-is to do every­thing favoring the clim bing up of an. ever increasingminority to higher and higher intellectual and moralaltitudes. Therefore, universities of the very highestorde� become every year more desirable, nay, necessaryfor the preservation and the development of the vitalforces of American democracy. Undoubtedly, to havethem established is in the interest of those who wouldfrequent them, but it is still infinitely more in thein terests of the American people in i ts entirety.This would hold good even if the universities werebu t, as I said before, schools for imparting certainprofessional knowledge. If the universities wouldfurnish to the American people professionals of theorder A, where they have thus far had to put up withthe order B, and of the order B, where they had here­tofore to be contented with the order C, I, for one, donot know of anything done by the American peoplerendering them un worthy of better service. EveryAmerican would consider it a gross insult, if he weretold he ought not to buy a coat of good cloth, becauseshoddy is amply good enough for him. Is it not amuch worse insult to say, Americans ought not to pro­vide for obtaining the best professionals of every kind,for what the institutions of an inferior standard turnou t will do very well for them ? Nor is there any forcein the argumen t that America has - especially in somebranches, as for instance the law - many good profes­sionals and quite a number of excellent ones, who havenever enjoyed the advantages of a first - class univer�sity. Might they not have reached a still higher roundof the ladder, if they had had those advantages? Atall events it is better to have one thousand than tengood ones, for out of a thousand, nine hundred andninety can acquire only with the help of superiorad van tages w hat ten attain by dint of genius or extra­ordinary application. Nature's favorites stand muchless in need of first - class universities than the indif­ferent many who, in universities, as in every otherwalk oflife, always constitute the great minority.The imparting of certain professional know ledge is,however, by no means the only task of universities.In university teaching, the How is of as much impor­tance as the What, and in some essential respectsmuch more important than the How Much. A uni- versity, which merely turns out efficient professionals,has done only one - third of its task. If, besides, a fairpercentage of them has been made fit to become goodindependent scholars, half of its legitimate work hasbeen done, but not more. Only if the whole intel­lectual and moral consti tu tion of all has recei ved forlife the imprint of a true university education, has itaccomplished what it must consciously and with setpurpose strive for.The university has not only, in the way of a college,.to impart knowledge. It must also teach how additionsto the treasury of knowledge are made. The teacheror the student must indeed be poor, never intendedfor anything but the hackney professional, if, in thispart of the instruction, the spark of enthusiasm,which ought to have been struck from the pupil'smind in imparting knowledge, is not made to kindle aflame whose light and warmth will influence his wholeli�m week to week the mind's eye ought to be,6pened wider to the inspiring fact that know ledge issomething infinitely higher than a ware and a trade,­that it is a good, to be hungered and thirsted after forits own sake. And that is but the half - way house.The university or the student have not done theirwhole duty if the student do not carry from the hallsof the Alma Mater the full consciousness into lifethat knowledge, because it is a good, is also a sacred�se higher aims are the better attained, the clO::�the methods of true university teaching are adheredto. Not drill, not training, but educating by guiding,guiding with a constant view to rendering independentnot only in technicalities, but in the first place, andabove all, in thinking. Filter as many barrels andtanks full of facts and rules as you like in to the stu­dent's memory, if you do nothing else, you will onlyproduce new samples of Carlyle's '.' Professor Dry - as­dust," or Goethe's" Wagner" in Faust-quite usefulmen in their way, a kind of scientific brick - carriersand mortar - stirrers. But the university's business isto send forth architects,-not, indeed, everyone fit tobuild palaces and cathedrals, but at least a weather­tight, comfortable and cheery house, with plenty oflight, air and warmth,-a good home for himself andan enviable resort for frierids. To guide the studentsystematically to ever - growing independence in think­ing, is the only way to make him properly consciousthat a grave responsibility attaches to thinking, i. e.that correct thinking is not only intellectually butalso morally a duty toward one's self and toward one'sfellow - men. If that were better and more generallyunderstood, the records of vain regrets in the lives ofindividuals and of nations would be reduced by more8 THE QUARTERLY CALENDAR.than one - half. And nowhere is there more need of itthan in this democracy, where everybody is requiredto do his own thinking, not only for his private affairsbut also for the common affairs of all, in community,sta te and na tiona Independence in thinking and alively sense of individual responsibility are the twinpillars on which the dome of democratic liberty rests.Fail to constantly strengthen them, while by thenatural course of development the weight of the domesteadily increases, and it will come down with a terri­ble crash, crushing everything beneath it. Experience,however, teaches tha t the surest, if not the only wayto propagate and invigorate independence in thinkingand a lively sense of individual responsibility, is togrant a large measure of liberty. Where this truth is\not recognized in theory and in fact wi th regard touniversity education, the vital principle of the trueuniversity is chained down, like the Prometheus ofancient mythology. Grant that by allowing a largemeasure of liberty-not only as to the What, but alsoas to the How, When and How Much-part of thestudents will lay in a smaller stock of facts, rules andtechnical training than they would have done, if theyhad studied under the restraints of a system closelyresem bling in leading fea tures the systems deemedbest adapted to. the purposes of schools of a highergrade, principally colleges. IThat is more than com­pensated by the advantages which only the freedomof true university education can secure. Only thiscan fan the burning coals of tha t en th usiasm, whichis absolutely untainted by any sordid motives, into thein tensest glow; - only this can fully develop theinborn forces, for it alone .allows full play in the useof them; - only this provides sufficiently for theinvaluable lessons taught by stumbling and tripping;-only this incites to the development of distinctiveintellectual individualities, casting off the dead weight,which to every aspiring mind lies in the consciousnessof being moulded and pressed in to shape according tosome pattern cast in the notions of other people;­only this systematically fosters the intellectual andmoral courage required for striking out new paths, forit methodically wars against. that frame of mind, towhich the jogging on in the old ruts seems as well andirreversible as a wise law of nature; -this alone pur­sues with unswerving. steadiness of purpose the ideal,to send forth intellectually full grown men and women,and not overgrown boys and girls, for a while more orless shaky and top - heavy under the cargo of wisdomthey have had to take in ;-and last, but not least,this only can produce an adequate number of the kindof missionaries the country stands in need of.This, in my opinion, is the weightiest among all the reasons requiring strenuous exertions for the speedyestablishment of a goodly number of true universities.An ample number of more efficient professionals thanthe present average is highly desirable; but an amplenumber of men and women, thoroughly imbued withthe spirit which true university education tends toawaken and strives to develop, becomes every year amore urgent necessity . Not as professionals will theirgreatest services be rendered to the people, but asci tizens and fellow men. The aims they pursue, theirmanner of pursuing them, the whole view they take oflife and its problems, their way of tackling every ques­tion, cannot but work as a beneficent leaven and agood seed for which a vast expanse of grateful soil isalready prepared, from the palace of the merchantprince down to the block - house of the pioneer. Ah,indeed, I agree with Mr. Bryce, there is a greatreserve of force and pa triotism in the Americanpeople; but it needs to be put into activity, not spas­modically, but systematically and according to themost approved methods, so as to assert itself withenduring steadiness and persistence in the daily life ofthe nations in all its relations .. And one of the methodsmost approved by experience is to bring in to full playthe systematically trained sober second thought andthe systematically trained idealism of the nation.To be the nurseries of trained sober second thoughtand of that genuine idealism, which is not the oppo­site, but the complement of realism, that, however, isthe main task of the true university. The universi­ties must and they will be the nurseries of whatMatthew Arnold calls" the remnant." Therefore, youmust have them, for although unquestionably there isalready a "remnant" in the American people, Arnoldvery correctly says, that everything depends upon theproportion the "remnant" bears to w ha t he calls the" unsound majority." It never can be too large, andin a democratic republic of such vastness, and con­fronted by such a number of the most perplexing andportentous problems, it must be enormously large toinsure the safety of the common weal tho Sooner orlater it will be found to be not large enough, unlessthose, who now constitute the" remnant," go to workin dead earnest to provide for educating, in the shapeof university taught professionals of every kind,missionaries, who, by' their whole way of feeling,thinking, and acting, will, day in and day out, infusethe spirit of the "remnant" into the " unsoundmajority." If a chasm opens up between the "r�m­nant" and the" unsound majority" and is allowed towiden, nothing can save this country. The" remnant"must not only greatly increase in numbers, while vig ..orously struggling up to ever higher planes, but itHISTORICAL.must, at the same time, be unremittingly intent uponfilling up the gaps and lifting the majority out of anyunsoundness. A 11 these four purposes will be effect­ually furthered by establishing true universities. Itwould be no easy task to point out a more pa triotic.and more truly democratic work. Everyone contrib- 9uting towards it, with his money or with his work,may stand up before the American people in itsentirety, remnant and majority, inseparably boundtogether for weal and for woe, for better and for worse,and say to it: Tua res agitur, it is thy cause I am con­tending for .THE QUARTERLY STATEMENT OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNIVERSITY.For the Quarter Ending January 1, 1893.Members oj the University, Trustees, Instructors, Students,Invited Guests:First days are always days of uncertainty andanxiety, but they are also days of peculiar in terestand significance. The very uncertain ty which attends.them adds to this significance; for there is during thisperiod of indefiniteness a possibility of developmentwhich no longer exists when fixity is once attained.Our first days have seen little, perhaps too little, ofthis seemingly necessary uncertainty. From thebeginning there has been a definiteness of plan whichto some doubtless has appeared premature. Time willshow-e.time indeed has already shown, that it is thedefinite conception which has power to move men to.action; and if this conception is only sufficientlyflexible, the possibilities of growth are not diminishedby the definiteness.Our first days have not been passed without anxiety.'There have been weeks and months of serious solici­tude. But, mark you, this solicitude has beenoccasioned by doubt, not as to what in the end couldand should be done, but as to which of two or morethings should be done in order best to secure the end.'There has never been wavering, never despair; butthere has been an appreciation of an ever increasingweight of responsibility, the appreciation of a burdengrowing heavier and heavier and one which in thenature of things must grow still more heavy as thework progresses.We have met this evening together with our friendsas members of the University to celebrate for the firsttime a day which we may confidently believe even athousand years hence will be celebrated in the samespirit though in different form. Do we realize themeaning of it all? There is a feeling of uncertaintyand anxiety connected with first days and the firstdoing of things. There is also sublimity and solemnityif the cause is high and holy and if being such thesignificance of it is appreciated.This hour in which the University in its officialca paci ty first comes before the public, is a sacred hour in the life of each one who is directly or indirectlyconnected with the University. It is an hour ofserious importance to the city within whose confinesthe University is situated and to the great section ofour country tributary to the city. For all of us, forthe city, for the country, for humanity and for God,this night, this hour is heavy with significance.In the holding of this convocation we have in mindthree things;1. To furnish an opportunity to bestow the properawards for work accomplished, and to dismiss with allthe honors which the University can confer those whohave shown themselves worthy of such honor. Andon the other hand to receive into the privileges of theUniversity those who have shown themselves preparedto take advantage of these privileges.2. To look back for a moment over the months ofwork completed, in order that an estimate may beformed of the progress made, or if such it be, ofground lost. And on the other hand to look forwardto the opportunities and the necessities of the future,to note and select for effort those opportuni ties whichseem most promising.3. To bind together into a unity the many complexand diverging forms of activity which constitute ouruniversity life and work, and, thus united, to standbefore the public in a way to show Our appreciationof its good will an d at the same time to show, if it canbe shown, that we in turn are deserving of this same­good will .To - night, it is impossible for some or us not to goback in thought a year; and since the work of someof us has been of this duration or even longer, wemay be pardoned for extending thus the retrospect.A year ago the founda tions of the first buildingshad just been placed. Only two buildings had at thattime been provided for, a dormitory and a lecturehall.A year ago, the grounds were a desolation and awaste, and the proposition to make them ready byOctober first was by many thought impracticable.10 THE QUARTERLY CALENDAR.A year ago, a University had been announced andthe announcement had gone to every corner of theearth; but the University was still on paper and thefunds in hand, as recognized most clearly by thoseespecially interested, were entirely inadequate. Thefunds at that time included the first great gift of Mr.Rockefeller, $600,000, the $400,000 of general su b­scription, the gift of land by Mr. Field, Mr. Rocke­feller's second gift of $1,000,000, the property' andendowment coming to the University in its unionwith the Theological Seminary, in all about $3,000,000.A year ago only two men had received appointmentsin the faculty and entered upon their work; and in allnot ten men had indicated their consent to serve theUniversity as instructors. As we look upon the situa­tion we see that a beginning had been made, but onlya beginning. What is, to - night, the condition of theUniversity?The dormitory for men has been completed andevery room is occupied. The Lecture Hall provided forby Mr. Silas B. Cobb, is finished and crowded to over­flowing with instructors and studen ts. Tern porarybuildings of a most convenient character have beenerected for the library and for the work of physicalculture. A chemical laboratory, the gift of Mr. S. A.Ken t, to be the largest and best equipped in thecountry, is almost ready for the roof. A museum, thegift of Mr. George C. Walker, is under way. Dormi­tory buildings for women, the gifts of Mrs. Kelley,Mrs. Foster and Mrs. Beecher are rapidly approachingcompletion. A new dormitory for men, the gift ofMrs. Snell is under roof. The plans have been madeand bids received for the erection of a physical labor­atory, the gift of Mr. Martin A. Ryerson, and the workon it will begin a t once. The plans are fully com­pleted for a Biological Laboratory, the second gift ofMr. Marshall Field, and for a commons and dormitory,the gift of Mr. H. A. Rust. Within a few monthsbuildings to cost at least a million and a half will becompleted. The grounds are being graded, a large-part of the necessary work having been accomp­lished.The financial history of the year is not an unin terest­ing one. Did Mr. Rockefeller appreciate the needs of aninstitution which was to be called a university? Didhe, as well as the Trustees of the University, appre­ciate the necessity of so arranging the salaries that itwould be possible for the University to secure theablest men in their departments of work, men notmerely of na tional, but of in terna tional repu ta tion ?In answer to these questions there came to the Uni­versity in February last the third great gift of athousand $1,000 five per cent. bonds with accrued interest, thus adding to the income of the Universityfor its first scholastic year the sum of $91,666.Did the citizens of Chicago see in the proposedUniversity an institution which would benefit thecity? Was it something in which they would takedelight, something which they would support? Wasan outsider to be allowed to bear the whole burden ofits founding? By no means; and in ninety days themen and women of Chicago subscribed more than amillion dollars for buildings and general equipment.The entire history of education records nothing of asimilar character.In October an opportunity presented itself for thepurchase of certain discs already partly finished for anAstronomical Observatory, which was to have beenestablished in California. The opportunity was ac­cepted, the discs purchased, the contract for theircompletion made, the contract also given for the mou nt­ing; the dome, in fact three domes arranged for; andnow, the plans of the building are being made, and inthis gift the total amount of which cannot yet be cal­culated, Mr. Charles T. Yerkes, has made a contribu­tion to the cause of science for which a thousand yearshence men will be profoundly grateful. The credit,held by Chicago for so long, of possessing the largestglass, lost when the old Dearborn Observatory tooksecond, third, and then still lower place in the list, isnow regained, and, as before, Chicago leads.It is not generally known that the University will bethe recipient through the kindness and liberality ofMr. William E. Hale and Professor George E. Hale,father and son, of the instruments and apparatus ofKenwood observatory, a gift valued at not less than$30,000.On July 1,1891, the University was assigned by theexecutors of the estate of William B. Ogden, seventyper cent. of the amount which by the terms of Mr.Ogden's will was intended for charitable purposes.The amount to be realized was uncertain. Because oflegal difficulties, it seemed at more than one time prob­able that the University would not be the gainer bythis assignment; but during the past few weeks thequestions relating to the distribution of this charityfund have been settled. All parties concerned haveapproved most heartily the designation, and what washoped for has now been realized. The University willreceive a sum of money much larger than was origin ...ally expected, amounting, it is said by the attorney ofthe executors, to the sum of three quarters of a million.There is no longer any question. It has been settledfinally and for all time; and in considera tion of thisgift the University will establish the Ogden ScientificSchool for advanced investigation in pure science.HISTORICAL.But again the question arose, did those most closelyin terested in the U ni versi ty realize that even yet itsfunds were not sufficient for the work which it hadundertaken? Did these friends not see that organizedas broadly as it was a still larger annual income wasneeded? The question was asked and the answer to itcame last week in the fourth, the latest - not the last-great gift of Mr. Rockefeller. Another thousand$1,000 five per cent. bonds given to the University, theincome of which may be used only for instruction.Other gifts, large and small, amounting to more thana quarter of a million dollars have come to us withinthe last few weeks, the details of which I may not nowmake public. It is sufficient to note that within theyear gifts have been made exceeding four millions ofdollars.The financial progress has been great; but in otherrespects the advance has been still greater. Instead ofthe two men of a year ago, there are to-day at workone hundred and twenty. In estimating this numberit should be remembered that no Faculties of Law andMedicine ha ve yet been organized, and tha t no pro­vision has been made for technical work.Some facts concerning the constitution of the facultyare worthy of note:1. There are thirty-one professors, sixteen associateprofessors, twenty-six assistant professors, twelve in-­structors, nine tutors, three assistants, six readers,eight docents and sixty-one fellows:2. The number giving instruction in Philosophy isfour ; in Political Economy, six; Political Science, two;History, twelve; Social Science and Anthropology,four; Comparative Religion, one; Semitic Language,five; Biblical and Patristic Greek, two; Sanskrit, one;Greek, six; Latin, seven; Romance Language, three;Germanic Languages, four; English, nine; BiblicalLiterature, eight; Mathematics, six; Astronomy, two;Physics, three; Chemistry, seven; Geology, six; Biol­ogy, eight; Physical Culture, two; Elocution, one.3. The number engaged in University Extensionwork is fourteen regular instructors and forty-two whorepresent the University departments but do partialwork in this department.4. The instructors represent, so far as concerns theiracademic training, Amherst, four; Beloit, three; Uni­versity of Berlin, one; Brown, seven; Cambridge,England, three; the Old University of Chicago, three;Oolby, two; Denison, five; University of California,two; University of Edinburg, one'; Gottingen, two;Harvard, six; Heidelberg, one; Johns Hopkins, one;Michigan, five; Rochester, four; University of Penn­sylvania, two; Williams, three; Yale, eleven; andalmost every important college of this country and 11many of the foreign· universities are represented byone or more men.I take this opportunity, the first tha t has thus farpresen ted itself, for myself and in behalf of the trusteesof the University and the public which the trusteesrepresent, to thank these men and women for thecourage shown by them in leaving high and honorablepositions in old and well established institutions toaccept those tendered them in a University which hadnot been organized; for the confidence in the manage­ment of the University and in its future which wasthus manifested; for the contributions of every kindwhich our city receives by their coming; if men andwomen were ever welcomed to new homes, you, myhonored colleagues, are welcomed to Chicago.The facts regarding students are of interest. Thetotal enrollment has been 594; of these 166 are pursu­ing studies for the advanced degrees in the GraduateSchool; 182 are in the Divinity School, and 276 aredoing undergraduate work. Nearly one-half of thethe total enrollment consists of men and women whohave already received the Bachelor's degree; thesehave come to us from ninety institutions; this numberincludes among others, Harvard, Yale, Columbia,Johns Hopkins, Princeton, Amherst, Brown, Williams,Bowdoin, Dartmouth, Oberlin, Denison, Rochester,Bucknell, De Pauw, Vassar, Wellesley, the Universitiesof Michigan, Illinois, Indiana, Wisconsin and N e­braska. Thirty - three sta tes and thirteen foreigncountries are represented. Every state in New Eng­land has sent a representative; Maine, heading thelist, with Massachusetts, Connecticut and Rhode Is­land closely following ; while California sends one moreman than Maine. We may say with literal accuracythat our constituency extends from Maine to Califor­nia. Five per cent. come from foreign countries;Ontario standing first, Nova Scotia and Norway next,with England, Scotland, Sweden, Denmark, Russia,Silesia, Burmah, Japan, and Asia Minor also repre ...sented. Of the total enrollment 23� per cent. arewomen. Large emphasis has from the beginning beenlaid upon the graduate work, and this not withoutgood reason; but it has been also intended that thework of the colleges should receive its proper share ofa tten tion. The time has not come in America to sep­arate the college from the university; the line betweenthe two has not been clearly drawn. The Colleges ofthe University of Chicago are and will be as strong asthe best instructors and the best eq uipmen t can makethem.The intellectual life of the University in all itsdepartments has already assumed definite form. De­partmental Clubs have been organized in twelve or12 THE 'QUARTERLY CALENDAR.more departments, and these joining together haveformed the University Union, through which the stu­dents of the University will come into relation withthe outside world. The Union will hold a public meet­ing about the middle of each Quarter.The religious life has likewise shaped itself, and theChristian Union, open to every member of the Univer­sity, whatever his faith or creed, has begun its work.This work includes a Sunday afternoon course of Biblestudy, a Sunday evening service of worship, philan­thropic work, such as can be conducted by students,and still other forms of religious activity, each underthe charge or a separate committee.The work of the Academy at Morgan Park has beenwell organized; a hundred students, admitted onlyupon examination, and in various stages of advance­ment have, entered upon the work of preparation forcollege. A high standard has been established, whichif maintained, will, within no long time, give to Chi­cago and the west, an Academy worthy to stand byPhillips Exeter, or Phillips Andover. The Universityhas no apology to offer for its direct interest in thework of the Academy. Interest in such work, and con­trol of it are alike desirable and necessary. The timehas come for the Universities, as such, to take in handthe whole question of secondary education. Theresponsibility may no longer be avoided. With an€arnest appreciation of the responsibility assumed, wehave established this Academy, and the establishmentof it, we confidently believe, means much for secondaryeducation in the west.. The affiliated work of the University, although justbeginning, has made good progress in these last twelveweeks. No feature of the University organization ismore unique than this; and none has in it greater pos­sibilities. It presents problems, not a few; but prob­lems which experience will solve. The experimentsnow being carried on have in them everything of prom­ise. For the supervision of the work a special Deanhas been appointed. And in the Harvard School, theChicago Academy,and the Des Moines College, a workhas been undertaken which, if successful, will largelymodify our prepara tory and college work. I t is tooearly yet to judge the character of the results. Moretime is needed; meanwhile the friends of educationmay be assured that no injury is being done the Uni­versity or the Affiliated Institutions.No statement of the condition of things would becomplete which omitted reference to the second andthird divisions of the University.In the University Extension Division, three depart­ments of work have been fully organized. In thelecture - study department the number of lecturers, 53; number of courses offered, 117; number of Centres,40; number of courses given, 52; number of studentsin attendance, 12,878.In the Correspondence Department, sixty courses ofinstruction are now offered: Academy courses, 18;Academic College courses, 22; University Collegecourses,20; 430 students receiving instruction in alldepartmen ts.IJi the Class - work Department, number of courses'offered: Academy, 20; Academic College, 18; Univer­sity College, 19; total 57.Last Quarter there were organized five classes;attendance 52 students. These classes are still inprogress. In the Winter Quarter there will be in addi­tion 12 classes and 150 students.The work of the University Press, the third divisionof the University, has been organized in three depart­ments: The department for the purchase and' sale orbooks, the [printing department, and the publishing'departmen t. Already the type has been purchased forwork of a high order and merit, and journals have beenissued in the name of the University. THE JOURNAL,OF POLITICAL ECONOMY, THE UNIVERSITY EXTENSIONWORLD, and THE BIBLICAL WORLD have appeared, and.arrangements are being made for the publication ofothers. The obligations of the University extend.beyond its campus; and through the Press, in close alli­ance with all departments of the University, it is hopedtha t im portan t results may be accomplished.In all that has been said, the bright side of our condi­tion, I confess, has been presen ted; bu t there is, asalways, another side. The statement of it may be brieflymade; for brevity will make it all the more forcible. Itmust be remembered (1 ) that though promises aggrega t­ing several millions of dollars have thus far been madethe University, a large portion of this sum will not atonce yield income to the University; (2) that the endow­ment funds are limited in their use, for the most part, to,instruction, and that, consequently, the University hasno fund for the many general expenses which are nec­essary; (3) that for the purchase of books and appar­a tus sufficient to meet the purposes of a uni versi ty asdistinguished from a college, large sums of money are,needed, and that to-day the University has not expendedfor these purposes one dollar where it ought to have.expended five. There are twenty-five DepartmentalLibraries, each of which needs at once $10,000. For'apparatus in a single department, that of Physics,there should be spent $100,000; (4) that for grading ofground, paving of streets, and for the necessary plant,for heating and lighting, money is needed; (5) that,additional dormitories to accommodate three hundredstudents must be secured; (6) that the University with,__HISTORICAL.all its instructors and students, and with all itsendowments, has not half the lecture-hall capac­ity actually necessary; has no gymnasium except atemporary one; no building for its library; no chapel;indeed no room which will seat comfortably more thanone-half the present membership of the institution;(7) that the University has as yet made no provisionwhatever for Medicine, for Law, or for instruction inthe many technical departmen ts which in the city ofChicago should find a most welcome home.This is the dark side of the picture, and it is a darkside. I t is not unfamiliar to those connected with theUniversity. The fact is, our very wealth is at oncethe source and the occasion of a poverty all the moredifficult to bear because our friends cannot, will notsee the exigencies of the case. The needs are verymany and very great.Our first Convocation has come, and now is gone.Will not the students of the University receive from itnew inspiration for that which lies before them? Willnot the Faculties of the University take up again theirwork no longer new, but already old; a work the mag­nitude of which no man can estimate; will not ourfriends carry home wi th them clearer concep tions ofwhat the University is, what it is trying to do, and whatit �needs to make the effort successful; and will not 13'those men and women to whose liberality the Univer­si ty owes its existence recognize still more clearly thanbefore, the greatness of the work undertaken, theDivine guidance in it all, the fact that what they havedone has been done for all eternity.The President announced the following F'ellouiehdpe, Scholar­ships and Honors:An Honorary Fellowship in History, assigned toJohn William Perrin.A Junior Fellowship in Political Economy, assignedto John Wilson Million.A Junior Fellowship in Political Economy, assignedto Ambrose Pare Winston.Entrance Examination Scholarships:In connection with September Examinations, to.Alice Van Vliet.In connection with December Examinations, toCora B. Jackson.Honors for Excellence in Examinations for Admis­sion:In connection with September Examination, toJ. C. Friedman.In connection with December Examinationss, toWesley Mitchell and Elizabeth Coolidge.14 THE QUARTERLY CALENDAR.PROCEEDINGS OF THE SECOND UNIVERSIl Y CONVOCATION.THE CONVOCATION SERMON.The Convocation Sermon was preached by the Rev. Herrick Johnson, D.D., in the Hyde Park Presby­terian Church, from I. Timothy, 4:16, "Take heed to thyself."THE CONVOOATION ADDRESS.Detioered by the Head Professor of Geology, Thomas Chrowder Chamberlin,THE MISSION OF THE SCIENTIFIC SPIRIT.Among' the earliest glimpses we catch of man'smental states there appear tokens of a strong desirefor knowledge. If this desire can not be said to havebeen a dominant affection at the outset-and I fear itcan not-it was at least a distinct characteristic. Oneof man's first acts, whether we read it in the sacredHebrew narrative or in the natural history of the race,whether we in terpret it historically or ill ustra ti vely,was to put forth his hand to the tree of know ledge of.good and evil.Side by side with these tokens of a desire to know,there appear glimpses of misguided efforts to secureknowledge In neglect or defiance of its appointed laws.and methods. Through this neglect or defiance, man.gathered falsity as well as truth. His knowledge wasbu t the fruitage of good and evil, not of good alone.Bu t, underlying all his errors, there was a real desirefor truth and a sincere effort to secure it. And so,.among the great intellectual and moral struggles ofthe ages, none has been more profound, none has beenmore prolonged than the endeavor to secure the fruitsof the tree of knowledge of good and avoid the bane­ful fruitage of the tree of mixed knowledge of goodand evil.A t the very outset, a personal struggle arose in everymind. For, while every mind desires truth, it longslikewise for what is "pleasant to the eye" and sweetto the taste. Man desires truth, but he wishes itagreeable; it is not altogether the pure truth, but thetruth with a qualification, and the qualification growseasily in the affections until it reverses the relations,and the truth becomes merely a desirable qualificationof the agreeable.In the conflict between the pure truth and a pleas­urable illusion respecting the truth, the latter doubt­less stood on vantage ground at the outset. For thetime being, a pleasurable illusion gave the greatersatisfaction. I t was only when the illusion was dis­pelled and the reality disclosed and its effects suffered,that the sum total of sequences was felt. In thislarger experience, we may feel sure, the truth proved the more gratifying on the whole, and so, in time, theagreeable began to range itself on the side of truth.But this came slowly. The sequences were not alwaysseen nor their force felt. In simple and tangiblethings, where sequences followed quickly upon ante­cedents and their relations were clear, it was easy torealize that it was better to find out the real truth andaccept it, even though distasteful, than to entertainillusion for a time and in the end suffer the joint con­sequences of the truth and of the deception. But inthings in trica te and in tangible, especially where se­q uences followed indistinctly and obscurely, there was aconstant temptation to accept the most comfortingview for the time and to refer ulterior ill results toother causes. The shortness and inaccuracy of theprimitive insight and the complex intertanglement ofagencies in most human affairs, gave ample room forthis. And so, while truth grew apace in the moresimple and tangible fields, it made slow progress in themore complex and intangible.It is not strange, therefore, that the struggle betweenpure truth and mixed truth has been long and waver­ing. It is not strange that we are yet but in the earlystages of the battle.The lines of advance in this battle of the ages werenot pushed forward with equal success at all points.Man's greatest desire for knowledge lay in the line ofhis own immediate concerns. But these involved com­plexities of phenomena he could not completely disen­tangle. He could not, therefore, accurately discrimin­ate between them. And so, while he gathered truthhe also gathered error. While he wove interpretationsinto the fabric of which much truth entered, threadsof error ran through it in every part. All along downthe intellectual history of man, this gathering of mixedtruth and falsity is portrayed vividly even in the im­perfect light which the fragmentary evidence throwsupon it. As observation and reflection improved, manyerrors were disclosed and eliminated. Bu t the processof purification was incidental and accidental, not sys­tematic, While the mass of knowledge slowly in-HISTORICAL.creased, the ratio of error still remained large, and aneffective process of purification and rectification wasthe great intellectual need of the times. One suchagency, indeed, arose early and worked faithfully andsteadily on for pure unadulterated truth. It was, how­ever , rather a process of though t and a doctrine ofrela tions than a revealer of concrete truth. I ts func­tion was to enforce precision of reasoning and exact­ness of mental method. It disclosed and applied theinflexible sequences that spring from logical relations.A t once a science and a philosophy, it was ra ther aphilosophy than a science. I need not name mathe­matics. Reaching out on the one hand toward obser­vation and on the other toward the philosophies, itstimulated both to higher work, while in its ownsphere it wrough t constantly on, not simply for thetruth, but for the pure and exact truth. It was,among human agencies, the one constantly shiningstar of pure intellectual light. The observationalproducts on the one side, and the philosophicalon the other, were everywhere threaded with seriouserrors.But mathematics had its limitations. It could onlydeal with data furnished it. In so far as these wereimperfect the defects were carried over in to the re­sults. It could treat what was given it with exactnessand precision, but it had little power to purify originaldata. And so, though its work was noble, it fell shortof consti tu ting the rectifying agency needed.Along with mathematics there sprang up kindredprocesses of logical procedure that grew into philoso­phies. These performed like functions in a wider field.Bu t here not only the defects of the original data, butthe logical errors inevitable in complicated questions,vitiated the results. And so, noble as was their work,the early philosophies failed to eliminate the greatmass of error that had been gathered up along withthe gathering of the truth.There was imperative need, therefore, for a discrim­ina ting purifying agency to work in the gatheringground of fact. The stream of knowledge need�d puri­fication at its source. The sharpened insight that grewwith experience did much toward this purification; butthe radical agency, the decisive revolutionary agency,came at length in the form of experimentation. Sim­ple observation is incapable of disentangling intricatephenomena, and of discrimina ting with precision theseveral agencies and their varying results. Even whenit discerns the agencies, the complexity of the combina­tions baffles all efforts to eval ua te the measure anddegree of their participation. In the varying degreesof participation of causes lies perhaps the greatestperil to safe conclusions. 15But by the devices of experimentation, each factormay be disentangled from its complex associations andmade to reveal itself in its simple and naked reality.Experimentation, by its creative processes,opens a newworld of observation, a world devised and controlledsolely for the disen tanglemen t of tru tho The newpotency thus added to observation and induction gave.birth to modern science. By its aid the mass of crude;facts previously gathered were purified and perfectedand increased by manifold additions. Upon this rel­atively pure, solid truth a trustworthy superstructurewas built by the inductive method. Bu t even the,inductive method, potential as it is, would have fallenshort of trustworthy results were it not furnishedwith facts verified by searching experimental tests.Ou t of devotion to these surer processes there hasgrown a distinct mental attitude-the scientific spirit,CHARAOTERISTICS OF THE SOIENTIFIC SPIRIT.It has for its supreme attribute a controlling love ofdeterminate truth; not truth in a vague mysticalsense, but rigid solid knowledge. It is a thirst forfacts and the immediate and necessary inductions{rom facts. I t is a pervading desire for actuali ties,stripped of imperfections, and quasi-truths; strippedof mists and fogs and veils of 0 bscuri ty and set forthin their pure naked simplicity. It is a zeal for uncol­ored realities. But it is not merely an affection or anenthusiasm, easily satisfied with what may come in the,name of truth. It is a scrutinizing spirit, whose ha­tred of falsity is as great as its love of truth. One ofits first steps is to demand the credentials of whateveroffers itself for acceptance. If it be an observation, itis to be rigorously verified. If it be a generalization,its grounds are to be severely qudstioned. If it be asyn thesis, the strength of every p art is to be search­ingly proved. If possible, the crucial tests of experi­mentation are to be brought to bear upon it. In thearchitecture of science, every beam is to be tested,every joint is to be put to trial. Conjectures, asser­tions, opinions, current impressions, preconceived no­tions, accepted doctrines, all alike are pushed aside togive free scope to untrammelled induction from carefullysifted evidence. The supreme endeavor is to present adisposition of fairness and openness to all evidenceand all inductions. Whatever evidence demands, thatit accepts. Whichever way the balance of evidenceinclines, .to that it leans. There is no resistance to theleadings of evidence, there is no pressing of evidenceto give it greater or less than its intrinsic weight. Alllines of inquiry are pursued with equal zest. All phe­nomena are welcomed with equal cordiality. The mindopens itself on all 'sides to every a ven ue of truth withequal impartiality.16 THE QUARTERLY CALENDAR.When demonstrative realities are brought forth theyare embraced to the exclusion of all else. They dis­place all preconceptions, all deductions from generalpostulates, all favorite theories. The dearest doctrines,the most fascinating hypotheses, the most cherishedcrea tions of the imagination or of the reason are 'castaside that the new light may freely enter and illumi­nate the mind. Previous intellectual affections arecrushed without hesitation and without 'remorse.Demonstrative facts are placed before reasonings andbefore ideals, even though the reasonings and theideals seem, from previous bias, to be more beautiful,to be more lofty, yea, even though they should seemfor the time, until the clearer vision come, to be truer.That which at the first seems absurd, that which forthe time seems impossible, still ofttimes proves to betrue in the light of a rectified vision of real relations.And so, the scientific spirit prompts to the acceptanceof duly determined facts however they may accordwith preconceived standards.This is indeed an ideal attitude. No one fully attainsit. But it is the true standard of endeavor.Lest we part company later on, by reason of thediverse senses of the terms science and philosophy,may we not agree that, preferably, science and philos­ophyare defined, not by their subject-matter, but bytheir own inherent natures. Science-shall we notagree - is not inheren tly physical nor is philosophymeta physical. Determina te organized knowledge ofphysical things is no more science than equally deter­mina te organized know ledge of mental or moral things.The inductive method applied to Latin or Hebrew, ofwhich an illustration is not far to seek, gives results asproperly scientific as when applied to natural history.Demonstrative results in ethics or religion are as trulyscientific as like results in chemistry. So, on the otherhand, shall we not agree that psychology and kindred·subjects are no more entitled to.monopolize the grandterm philosophy than are physical subjects the equallygrand term science? Psychology may be made asmuch a science as a philosophy, and physics may bemade as much a philosophy as a science; theology maybe treated from the scientific standpoint, and geologyfrom the philosophical.I shall assume, if you agree, that science is a func­tion of every su bj ect of inquiry and that philosophyis a coordinate function, and that even speculation isnot without a part to play. They are coordinate fac­tors of research. Science may be symbolized as theintellectual terra firma on whose relative fixity werest; philosophy as the vi talizing a tmosphere bywhich intellectual life is engendered and stimulated,and specula tion as the thin air of ,the upper regions. The realms of intuition and revelation lie without andbeyond my theme.THE DEMATERIALIZATION OF MATTER.It is not strange that, at the first, scientific endeavorshould have found its most fruitful fields among phys­ical phenomena. These, by their declared natures,their uniformity of action, their adaptation to sharpand positive observation and their subserviency toexperimentation afforded the P:lOSt responsive soil forthe growth of science in its youth. The physical, byits unswerving loyalty to the ordinances of its nature,first, among mundane agencies, effectively taught un­swavering fidelity to the rigid laws of fact. It wasour first rigid schoolmaster. The corporeal functionhas always, I believe, been an effective element in earlytraining.The most significant and prophetic fact in the his­tory of material studies is the tendency to the de­materialization of matter. Starting with the commonnotion of the fixity, inertness, and passivity of matter,it was discovered, step by step, that activity was amore and more pervading and potential characteristicof all forms of ma tter, from the atom to the falsely­fixed star. I t was early discovered that some of thevery elements of fixity were but expressions of motion.The gyroscope was a key that unlocked a wondroustreasure-house of hidden truth. As research advancedthe functions attributable to motion grew in recogni­tion, and the functions attributable to fixed solid mat­ter diminished, until the greatest living English-speak­ing physicist felt warran ted in advancing a kinetictheory of matter; a theory which almost completelyeliminates matter as ordinarily conceived, leaving onlyan ulterior, fluidal, ethereal en ti ty - for I scarcely daresay matter-which has become a basal concept inmodern ultra-physics. Vortices of intense, incessant,irrotational motions are conceived to be the real unitsof physical phenomena. Towards this view, evidenceand opinion seem tending. It is not demonstrative,bu tit seems a prophetic vision in the line of comingtruth. And so it appears but a prolongation of intel­lectual perspective to anticipate the entire eliminationof the current view of matter as a true concept, andthe substitution therefor of inconceivably intenseactivity in a basal entity whose characters are justbeginning to disclose themselves. Certain at least itseems that the future concept of matter must have asits central factor inexpressible intensity and refine­ment of activity. Certain it seems that a picturingof the real constitution of matter must be antipodalto what we have inherited, must awaken higher senti­ments and call forth the utmost resources of the trueimagination. If the aspiri.ng student seeks a field inHISTORICAL.which to test the utmost powers of his imagination',let him struggle with the latest conceptions of thegreat physicists and chemists. After his wrestlingswith these, let him turn to some of the creations pop­ularly deemed wondrous products of the imagination,and he will find them restful.The common view of matter is not unnatural norunwholesome, as a working human view. Bya pro­vision which looks to our well-being our practical viewis a relative one. We see things as they are 'relatedto us. That which does not change its relations to usis fixed. That which does not yield to us is rigid.'I'hat which makes for our welfare is good. Thatwhich makes for our harm is evil. That which isdangerous to us becomes in general repellant. Ournatural sanitary instincts are based on this. The lawis not perfect in specific application, but it has beenour salvation through the ages of our ignorance andindifference.But while these lower relative views are, as yet atleast, indispensable, it is the function and the mission ofscientific investigation to lift us to higher and morealtruistic views of the constitution of things, viewsin which the refinement of reality shall displace thenarrower conceptions of personal and racial bias, viewsmore in accord with a lofty conception of creation.BIOLOGICAL INVESTIGATIONS.On the eve of an event whose interest compasses theworld and engages our common endeavors and highestexpectations, and yet confronted by a possible microb­ian invasion that may turn our hopes into disaster, aninvasion that has once reached the very harbor of ourmetropolis and there been stayed by resources justgained from" research, there is no need to discourseupon the present or the future mission of biologicalinquiry. If we pass by all the deeper scientific andphilosophical results tha t spring from the study ofthis vital field, as I fear we must, we cannot, in theface of this epoch-marking triumph of science over anoccult enemy, fail to realize the value in life and intreasure of assiduous research in fields that seem farremoved from our immediate interests; for microscopicstudies of minute life seemed so at the beginning. Inview of the incalculable sufferings to be saved, themillions of lives to be prolonged through bio-patho­genic knowledge, what consequences hang upon thesepotential inquiries! When the delay of a single yearmeans the hastened death of thousands, how greatthe responsibility of public and personal attitudetoward, such investigations! It is too much to saythat the warfare that has delayed the advance of sci­ence has s-lain its tens of thousands while Mars has butslain his thousands? 17HISTORICAL INQUIRIES.By the scrutiny of the autobiographical record ofthe earth, the vista of its vast history has been widelyopened; a vista stretching back a hundred millionyears, or more, or less. Down through that vista weview, in broken fragments, the great procession ofphysical events, the greater procession of organic devel ..opment and the environing conditions in which wereim plan ted the germs of that history of which we area part and which commands our supreme interest.Earth history and organic history and human historyare but parts of the great stellar and the still grea teruniversal history. The opening of the vast perspectivein time, the opening of the vast field in space, theopening of the vast realm of organic life have givenamplitude to the considerations that affect humanhistory. The mission, of each is to amplify and illuminate the other, and to amplify and illuminate ourwhole conception of historical procedure. The spiritof inquiry in each and all is one spirit, and the meth­ods have common factors. They all rest chiefly oncritical observation and induction. Wholesale exper­imentation is beyond their reach. In astronomy itwould take too much space. In geology it would taketoo much time. In human history it would take toomany people. But experimentation upon the factorsthat enter into them is indispensable.In human history, however, volition and emotionenter the field and give it at once transcendent importance and transcendent difficulty.SCIENOE AND VOLITION.The application of the scientific method to humanaffairs has been greatly retarded by the impressionthat volition so far destroys uniformity of action as torender scientific determinations impossible. Withcomplete inconsistency resort has therefore been takento theoretical methods, in neglect of the fact thatif there is no uniformity of action, if no determinatedata are possible, reasonings are of no avail. Theremust be a basis of determinate fact before there canbe any safe conclusions, however logical the intel­lectual processes m,ay be. If volition is conformableto laws and 'conditions then the determination ofthese becomes a choice field for scientific work. If itis not so conformable, it is still the function of scien­tific inquiry to determine the extent and character ofthe irregularities and uncertain ties of its action, thatthese may be discounted in all forecasts in vol vingthem.Gran ting Ii berty of choice-and personally I notonly grant it but claim it-will it so affect the grandaverage of choices as to destroy the groundwork ofsocial and economic la ws? If the molecules of the18 THE QUARTERLY CALENDAR.air had wills, and one pushed down, some other onewould doubtless be pushed up in compensation. In abasket of eels, if one wriggles up the rest slide downand the basket goes on to its destiny wi thou t devia­tion. The choice of one individual prompts choicesby others and these may be coincident or compensa­tive. Choice in one direction often prompts choicesin the opposite, and the total result is uninfluenced.Or, conditions may make choices run rigidly in theone direction and gi ve as fixed uniformi ty, as inphysical phenomena. Pu t before a million typicalAmericans the choice between a quarter and a dimeand ri gid uniformity of results may safely be predicted.The actual effects of volition therefore in humanaffairs are things to be determined, and invite thesame rigid experimental tests that are found necessaryin simpler physical phenomena. Indeed, the greatercomplexity and the greater importance of the phe­nomena to us invite even ultra-scientific measures.THE NEW HUMANITIES.Naturally enough, the advances of the scientificmethod in the great field of humanistic phenomenahave borne a close ratio to the physical elementinvolved. In economics, where the physical factor islarge, great advances have been made and its fieldreceives recognition as a definitely organized scientificrealm. The spirit and methods of research in it takeon the same ethical phase of regard for rigid truththat they do in fields more simple and tangible. Fromthe nature of the case and from the presen t popularattitude investigation has thus far been largely con­fined to those experiments which have been orderedwith a view to economic interests and not scientificends. We must doubtless wait some decades yet forthe scientific spirit to so far pervade the masses thatthey will assent to specific experimen ta tion with aview to scientific rather than immediate commercialresults. But it is one of the missions of this spirit tobring about that attitude. We must not, to be sure,risk the great concerns of a nation by wholesaleexperimen ta tion in finance, or tariff, or any radicalinterest. But this is unnecessary. The ingenuity ofbiological investigators has taught us that the effectsof very dangerous expedients may be proven wi thou trisking valuable lives. It is possible. I think, to settleconclusively such a question as the great tariffproblem by strictly scientific experimentation withoutincurring any serious financial or individual risk;indeed, without incurring more than a fraction ofwhat we actually hazard by our present method ofventuring one measure after another on the simplebasis of majority opinion, for the most part, none toointelligent opinion. To illustrate, to merely illustrate, let there be chosen a dozen or a score of minorindustries suited to the trial. They should be subor­dina te industries to avoid endangering general interests.They should be distributive in nature to avoid burden­some effects upon particular classes. They should besimple industries, that the results may not be obscuredby complication. Let the selected industries bedivided into two classes, equal in number, and asequable in nature, as practicable. Let each class besubjected to two periods of experimentation, equal inlength but opposite in phase, i. e., let purely protec­ti ve measures be a ppl ied to one group for the firstperiod, and purely free-trade measures applied to theother group during the same period, and then reversethe measures mutually during the second period ..The periods should be sufficiently long to adequatelydevelop the distinctive effects of the measures. Theseperiods should be predetermined rigorously and leftunmolested. Special means should be provided for asexact determination as possible of all factors thatenter into the experimentation and all the resul ts that.spring from it. These should then be scrutinized withall the rigor that characterize difficult physical orbiological experimentation. From a series of tests ofsome such sort as this,-for I note again that this israther an ill ustra tion than a rna tured plan of experi­mentation,-there would be derived a solid groundworkof determined fact upon which broader measuresmight be developed with surety and safety. Dou bt­less, as remarked, the scientific spirit will have togrow somewhat among the people before they will beready to institute such a natural and rational methodof dealing with our great political questions. But thegrowth of this spirit will doubtless reach that stageby and by, and, when it does, some features of themillennium will have arrived. What a moral trans­formation will be wrought in our political atmos­phere when our parties calmly submit their doctrinesto the fiery crucible of experimentation in lieu of theforensic heat of the political platform. In the balanceof real worth, how many thousand political debateswould be required to counterbalance a single wellconducted scientific trial.Sociology, perhaps the youngest and loveliest of allthe sciences, because it embraces the factors of love,sympathy, and charity, seems to have accepted as itsnatural inherit an ce the methods and spirit whichmake for the purification and rectification of know l­edge. Nowhere is the winnowing process more req ui­si te than in this field and nowhere at length will theresults be more fruitful. The excellent paper to whichwe listened here a few weeks ago on "Chicago as aSociological Laboratory," breathed the true spirit ofHISTORICAL.science, and suggested its true methods and mission.But experimentation under complete control is asnecessary here as elsew here. In a quiet and prudentway experimentation is being attempted here andthere as opportunity is afforded. But ampler meansare needed. The biologists have taught us how im­portant it is to have appropriate forms of life undercomplete control. But where shall our subjects befound, and where our right to use them. The answeris not far to seek. Those who have lifted their handsagainst the common good in violation of la w have notonly forfeited their rights, but owe to society somerecompense for the evil 'they have done. Let them begiven over to experimentation in any department inwhich it will shed light on the nature of man fromthe physiological, through the sociological, to thepsychological.One of the most notable indices of progress inrecent decades has been the development of experi­men tal psychology-the endeavor to introduce in to themost occult and intangible of all fields perhaps, of thepurely human kind, the element of precise and posi­tive determination, Whatever may be thought of thepossibilities of reaching the ulterior recesses of mentalphenomena, the endeavor to explore the field as far asmay be by determinate methods promises the choicestfruitage, even though the fruitage for a time may notbe large and though it ripen slowly. Not the least ofits functions will be the cross light it will throw uponpsychological philosophies built upon data derivedfrom other sources.PHILOLOGICAL RESEARCH.The field of philology has long been an acknowledgedrealm of determinate knowledge, a double knowledge,a knowledge of its immediate subject-matter, language,and a wide 7 ranging knowledge of human concerns ofwhich language is the reposi tory; and over all, thearoma of literature sheds its fragrance. The scientificspirit and the inductive method have found here a con­genial field, and have brought forth grateful fruitage.Systematic experimentation to determine precisely theefficiency of differ en t verbal forms and constructionsin expressing thought and feeling and their relativefitness for use in language yet awaits development.We know the percentage of efficiency of an engine indelivering the potential energy of the steam suppliedit, but we do not know the percentage of efficiency ofverbal constructions in delivering the thoughts andemotions that seek expression. The extreme difficultyof such a determination is obvious; so is its impor­tance as a step toward the improvement of languageas a means of expressing thought. Resourceful as ourlanguage is, it has greater possibilities. Lts many 19defects need removal. But its improvement is ham­pered by bonds of conventionality. Even a healthygrowth is greatly embarrassed by present conditions.The illi tera te classes take un warran ted li berties wi thit. To suppress their lawlessness we rigidly enforcethe conventionalities of the language, with little regardof their merits, upon all who would be esteemed cult­ured. W.e are much like the czar. To restrain the rudetribes, we impose rigorous imperialism on all, regard­less of the good that might spring from liberty amongthe worthier classes. But with the development of amore nearly universal culture we may hope that thereign of im perial con ven tionali ty in language shallhave passed, and that by that time the spirit of inquirywill have shown us by experimen tal demonstra tionthe ways and the means and the laws of the bestgrowth, and that then the spirit of progress will "loosethe bands of Orion," and let our language go free.SCIENCE AND THE EMOTIONS.It appears to have been tacitly assumed that therealm of the emotions lies beyond the reach of thescien tific method; and yet there is no dissen t fromthe proposition that the emotions are the movingpower in human action, the steam of the humandynamics. It would seem that the great dynamicagency of human action is as fitting and worthy asubject of searching scientific inquiry as the greatmechanical agency of the day. If it is urged thatthe emotions are not con trolled by condi tions norguided by law, then this should be put to the test ofspecific demonstration. Should it prove a fact, thenthe function of scientific inquiry is merely changed toan effort to determine just the form and measure ofirreducibility and uncertainty; that the hazard ofactions dependent upon the emotions may be knownsomewhat as the death- hazard is known to the actu­ary. Is it urged that this is impossible, chimerical?Lions of impossibility have lain all along the path ofscience from the beginning. In the face of these thescientific spirit heeds but one injunction; the samethat was laid on the hesitating host on the verge ofthe Red Sea, GO FORWARD!.Literature, music, and art, among cultural subjects,best express the emotional. The a pplica tion of thescientific method and spirit to literature is already amost gratifying, epoch-marking fact. Among manyothers, it finds a notable expression in the system a tictreatment of literature, even the Scriptures, from thedistinctively scientific point of view by a distinguishedcolleague. Not only is the terminology of scienceemployed, but the spirit and method of science per­meate his whole treatment with vivifying, fascinatingeffect.20 THE QUARTERLY CALENDAR.Not only do the form and substance of literatureinvite scientific study, but its very essence and flavor.The fragrance of the flowers and the harmonies ofmusic have yielded much to research. Shall not thearoma of literature? Can the highest and best ofanything that is really good be compassed until thefullest and purest truth available has shed its lightupon it?The scientific spirit has a moral function to performin the creation of coming literature. The ·growth ofprecise knowledge, the love of pure truth it enkindles,and the truer views of the constitution of thingsit brings, cannot be without their profound effectsupon literary tastes and literary productions. Greatthoughts cannot be wide the truth of their age exceptthey be in advance of it. Grand literature cannot bebuilded upon the abandoned conceptions of the past.The advances of science have therefore wrought radi­cal changes in the subject - material of current andcoming literature. In the mythical realms in whichthe literature of the free imagination has found muchof its favorite material, this ad vance has been destruc­tive, and the ruin it has wrought may cause a tinge ofregret until the higher gifts it brings are realized. Byincreased knowledge of what lies below us, that greatrealm of nether darkness and Plutonian imagination,the interior of the earth, has been despoiled of itscaverns and demons, its shades and its punitive func­tions. Geology has dispossessed Hades. A great fieldof gloomy imagery has gone. Dante's Inferno is aliterary phenomenon that will never recur. The soulwill not be enkindled by that which is known and feltto be wholly neglectful of fact, even though a truth besymbolized by it. The interior of the earth has beentransformed from a dark cavern of weird imaginationsinto a prosaic aggregate of rock and water and centralheat. The scientific imagination will develop upon itits appropriate literature, but it is forever lost tomythological fantasy.On the earth, the whole category of ghosts andwitches, of demons and dragons, of elves and fairiesare gone, and the literary function they su bserved isdestroyed. The Hamlet of the future may have itsHamlet, but not its ghost. Birnam Wood to Dunsi­nane may come, but witches will not conjure up aprophesying apparition.Astronomy has swept away the mythic heavens anddestroyed still richer and brighter fields of imagery.Aurora and Phcebus and the crystalline sphere aregone. The curtains of the heavens have been foldedup and laid away as the garments of our children; asthings loved but outgrown. Olympus is gone. Mil­ton's cosmos equally with his chaos is only a picture of the past. The richest imagery of all past li tera turehas lost its power save as a glory of the past. Andthis simply because it was not true. The heavens arenot as they were imagined. The beauty of thoughtdoes not make it true. The loveliness of thought doesnot make it immortal. Only the true is enduring.We shall still love these literary myths as marvelousproducts of days and conditions that are gone. Theyrightly teach us as all past life productions teach theappreciative soul. Rightly viewed their value is evenheightened by the very fact that their day is gone toreturn no more. The bone that lies in the gutter ismatter for the scavenger. The bone embedded in theCambrian shales is beyond price. And so it is withthe literature that marks the evolution of the thoughtsand feelings of the ages. As products of the past theirval ue is beyond estimate. As factors of present andfuture creations they have lost their potency.But though; thus within the earth and on the earthand in the heavens, science has been a destroyer ofliterary fields, by the same act a new heavens and anew earth were crea ted. New fields and new functionsfor literature were brought forth. When the newheavens, pictured by a true imagination in lieu of awild fantasy, shall become as vivid in realization tothe scientific genera tion that is comin g as the oldheavens were to the generations of the past, they willbe as rich in literary possibilities as those that aregone; nay more, they will be richer by as much as thetru th of a crea tion of the Jnfini te is richer than thefantasy of the human mind. Just now we standbetween the wreck of the past and the growthof the future. Our thoughts and sentiments arenot yet cleared of the debris of past concepts norha ve they yet taken up in their fulness and beauty theactualities and possibilities of the present and thefu ture. The significance of the face of the earth wedo not read as we will come to read it. The depths ofthe new heavens we do not fathom as we will cometo fathom them. The refined light thrown on otherfields does not yet inspire us as it will come to inspireus. Our souls do not yet throb at the touch. of thenew soul of the new universe. When the richer anddeeper truths that lie in all these spheres shall havepermeated our common thought and awakened re­sponsive sentiments, they will form the ground of aliterature more rich and more enduring than any theyhave displaced.The tendency of Ii tera ture in response to' the moreyouthful tastes of mankind has been towards exuber­ance of expression, contrasted coloring, intensifica­tion, idealization, sacrifice of truthfulness for effect.The spirit of science demands the sacrifice of every-HISTORICAL. 21thing for the truth. The ethical as well as the literarydiscipline which this involves is among the most chast­ening to which man can su bj ect himself. This dis­cipline has already made itself felt measurably uponthe tastes of the cultured classes although we are yetbut in the dawnings of the true scientific period.There has been a slow but steady growth of taste to­ward a more and more complete adherence to uncoloredtru th in litera ture. 'I'he maturer taste in to which manis growing will be sa tisfied wi th nothing less than awrestling with the realities of life and the realities oftru tho The mission of the scientific spirit is the samein literature as in knowledge - purification in the in­terest of truth.RELIGIOUS PHENOMENA.No phenomena are more remarkable, even if viewedsimply in respect to result-producing potency, thanthose of ethics and religion. They therefore invitethe most thoughtful study in the most truth-regardful spirit. Their high character, their special data, and.their deep i ill portance add manifold emphasis to this ..r!_he more sacred the field of thought, the more im.perative is the obligation to enter upon it chastenedby the discipline of rigid truth, possessed by thehighest candor of spirit, and inspired by an absolutedevotion to truth. If the truth be here more sacredthan elsewhere, the more sacred is the duty thatunalloyed truth be discovered and the more assidu­ously it is to be sought. J He who would here restrainthe clear, penetrating;-cL.astened vision that seeks thetruth alone is he who would shut out the purest lightfrom the most vital concerns. He who seeks out andsets forth pure light here is the highest exemplar ofthe spirit we urge. No beacon light ever shone forthmore benignly as a hope and guide than does that;candid truth-reverent spirit which finds expression inthe great master-students of religion who ennoble:our age.THE QUARTERLY STATEMENT OF THE PRESIDENT OF TEE UNIVERSITY.For the Quarter Ending April 1, 1893.Members oj the University, Trusteee, Instructors and Students:The purpose of the Convocation has been declaredto be three-fold:"1. To furnish an opportunity to bestow the properaward for work accomplished, and to dismiss with allthe honors which the University can confer those whohave shown themselves worthy of such honors; and onthe other hand to receive to the privileges of the uni­versity those who have shown themselves prepared totake advantage of these privileges.2. To furnish an opportunity to look back for amoment over the months of work completed, in orderthat an estimate may be formed of the progress madeor, if such it be, of ground lost. And on the otherhand to look forward to the opportunities and thenecessities of the future, to note and select for effortthose opportuni ties which seem most promising.3. To bind together into a unity the many complexand diverging forms of activity which constitute ouruniversity life and work, and thus united, to standbefore the public in a way to show our appreciation ofits good-will and at the same time to show, if it can beshown, that we in turn are deserving of this samegood-will."What is there to be said to-night in reference to thecondition of the University? With' your permission Ishall present briefly some of the more important mat­ters connected with the history of the University dur- ing the three mon ths which have just closed. Thesemonths have been full of work and full of interest,GENERAL ORGANIZATION.In order to secure the efficien t administra tion ofthose departments of work in which the university asa whole is interested, the trustees have establishedcertain University Boards, one for the administra­tion of the University Press, one for the administra­tion of the libraries, laboratories and museums, one forthe administration of the work in Physical Cultureand Athletics, and one for the administration of theaffiliated work of the University. Each of theseBoards consists of five or more members selected fromthe faculties. The work of each board will be super­vised, in general, by the Council and the Senate.The Faculty of Arts, Literature and Science, a bodycomposed of nearly one hundred members, has securedfrom the Trustees permission to establish four sub­faculties or boards, to each of which is committed the­responsibility for the administration of a certain divis­sion of the work of this faculty. These are:1) The board of Academic Colleges, which has thecharge of students in the first and second years of thecollege work.2) The Board of University Colleges, which has thecharge of students in the third and fourth years of the;college work.22 THE QUARTERLY CALENDAR.3) The Board of the Graduate School of Arts andLiterature.4) The Board of the Ogden (Graduate) School ofScience.The establishment of the Ogden (Graduate) School-of Science, and the appointment of a special board forits administration, fulfils the pledge of the Universityto the Executors of the Ogden est a teo To this Boardis committed the care of all the graduate work in thevarious departments of Physics, Chemistry, Geology,Biology and Astronomy.At the request of the head of the Department ofBiology, this department has been re-organized in to :fivedistinct departments, namely, Zoology, Botany, Ana t­omy, Neurology and Physiology.By the action of the Board of Trustees, VisitingCommittees have been established for the variousdepartments of university work. It is hoped that-through these committees a large number of influen--tial men and women may be brought into close and-direct connection with the university.THE DIVINITY SCHOOL.Of the seven hundred students enrolled in the Uni­-versity during the past quarter more than one-fourth.have been registered in the Divinity School, and of the-one hundred and ninety-six thus registered, about two­tthirds have been graduate students. These for the most-part are Baptists, just as the divinity students of YaleU ni versi ty are for the most part Congrega tionalists..But there are among them representatives of many(of the leading denominations; for example, Congrega­tional, Methodist, Presbyterian, Reformed Episcopaland Christian. Students of every denominational faithare heartily welcomed, and it is believed that therepresentation will grow wider with every year.But the work of the Divinity School is hamperedbecause the number of students is larger than can bewell cared for by the Faculty as now constituted. Theentering class in the American division has been thisyear between fifty and sixty; so large, indeed, that ithas been necessary to carry required work in twodivisions. It now seems certain that next year's classwill be still larger. What, in view of these facts, shallbe done? Shall a limit be placed upon the number to'be admitted?Another difficul ty confronts the mem bers of thisFacul ty. While it is agreed by all tha t the first aimof the work in the Divinity School is to prepare menfor the work of the ministry, it is believed that animportant feature in this preparation is the cultiva­tion of a spirit of scholarship. It must be confessedthat the methods employed in theological instruction.in America have not been entirely successful in this respect. The methods employed, if I may be per­mitted to say it, have in most institutions compelledsuperficial work. To require of men an equal amountof work in five or six widely separated departments; toforce them through a curriculum as rigid as that ofthe old-fashioned college, has made it impossible formany men to be scholarly. In our DivinitySchool,before it became a part of the University, the methodsand the spirit of the University had been adopted.The curriculum had been arranged to allow men atleast the opportunity of doing thorough work in achosen department. Research and investigation hadbeen encouraged, and it was then the privilege of whatis now the Divinity School of the University to be aleader in this forward movement. No Faculty hasbeen more ready to adopt new methods, or more readyto adjust itself to the demands of the times. TheFaculty is able and strong; it is also courageous.. Steps have already been taken forward; but there stillremains steps to be taken. The elective privilegeshould he still more largely introduced, and togetherwi th this, a restriction which shall req uire men toselect one, or at best two, subjects in which their chiefwork shall be done. The facilities for research andinvestigation should be increased. The effect of thispolicy will be to give a ministry more efficient and atthe same time more learned. The further develop­men t of these ideas will mark an era in the history oftheological education and will remove the reproachwhich, in some quarters at least, has been well merited .Is it too much to expect that in Chicago, which hasbecome the greatest centre in the world of theologicalinstruction, the influences may be set a t work whichshall bring about this desired consummation?THE BUILDINGS.One of the many sources to us of inspira tion is therapid progress seen on every side in the work of build­ing. The severity of the winter has greatly retardedthis work, but in spite of the severity it has proceeded.SUE 11 Hall, intended for young men, is nearly finished,and within two weeks will be occupied, not by thosefor whom it was intended, but with their consent, bythe young women who during the year have resided inthe Beatrice. Kelley and Beecher Halls, intended foryoung women, are promised by June first. The founda­tions of Foster Hall, a third building for women, arenow being laid, and by October first this, the cornerbuilding of the women's quadrangle, will be completed.In these three halls provision will be made for 150women.The Kent Chemical Laboratory is now almost com­pleted, and when finished will be the best equippedlaboratory in the country. The Ryerson Physical Lab-HISTORICAL.oratory is under way, and will be ready for occupancywithout fail at the opening of the autumn quarter.In view of the division of the biological department,it now seems better to plan for four smaller, separatelaboratories rather than for a single large one. If thissuggestion is carried out, distinct buildings will be pro­vided for zoology, botany, anatomy and physiology, andin this case, work upon at least one of the four shouldbegin as soon as the plans can be prepared. Such agroup, with a central auditorium and library, will besomething unique in architectural design, and willprove of the grea test ad van tage to the departmentsconcerned.But, shall the departments of science have all thela bora tories? The word " science" is very broad, andscien tific wor k, as well as scientific methods, may notbe restricted to the physical and biological sciences.The university surely has done much for the sciences,so-called, yet from the beginning it has declared itselfa champion of that kind of education which some to-dayperhaps call old - fashioned, but which, in the opinion ofthose who have organized the University, furnishesa broad culture, a strong and firm foundation for men­tal strength and character. Situated as we are, in anatmosphere intensely materialistic, it is incumbentupon us to lay special emphasis upon the humanisticside of education. Shall we, then,' slight the morepractical, the technological side? No, but let us havea technological work based upon a foundation of broadculture. Let the specialist in engineering, as well asthe specialist in political economy, build upon some­thing which shall serve him well at every turn of life.Arid so laboratories must soon come for the classicaldepartmen ts and for the several departments connect­ing themselves with that of history.There is a place set apart on the campus for a groupof literature buildings-a group of four, with a fifthbuilding to serve as a common auditorium. These fourwill be dedicated, one to oriental literature and arches­ology, a second to Greek literature and archseology, athird to La tin Ii tera ture and all that may be connectedwith it, and a fourth to modern literatures. These build­ings, although not laboratories in name, will be lab­oratories in reality. In each hall the student will seeabout him only that which is characteristic of the sub­ject to which it is devoted. We cannot wait long forthese halls to be erected. They are greatly needed.THE ACADEMY.Progress is being made in the University's experi­ment at Morgan Park. I say experiment, for, with alldeference to the academy work of the West, the effortto establish an academy of first rank is an experiment.Unless rigid examinations are required for admission to 23the Academy, and unless restrictions are of such a char­acter as inevitably to shut out twenty-five to forty percent of those who seek and obtain admission, an acad­emy of first rank cannot be maintained. This is thepolicy which has been adopted in the Academy atMorgan Park. It remains to be seen whether we shallhave the courage to continue it. The work of the Acad­emy will be continued through the summer quarter,and in connection with the provision made for studentsof academic grade, opportunity will be given teachersin high schools and academies to study our methodsand our work.THE AFFILIATED WORK OF THE UNIVERSITY.The work in our affiliated institutions has gone onquietly, and in a large measure satisfactorily. The spe­cial problems which have arisen will now be consideredby the new board a ppoin ted for this purpose. I t is ofinterest to note that of the last two institutions whichhave applied for affiliation, one is situated in the Stateof New Jersey, and the other is con trolled and con­ducted by Roman Catholics.UNIVERSITY EXTENSION.In many respects the results accom plished in theUniversity Extension Division have exceeded all expec­ta tions. The n um ber of cen tres organized, the n um­ber of those who attended the lecture-studies, and thegeneral interest manifested have been almost phenom­enal. Every effort has been made to restrict the num­ber of organized centres in the city of Chicago in orderthat the reaction in the coming year might not be toogreat. Up to this time 122 courses have been given,and these courses have been attended by nearly 20,000people. It is gratifying to say that the work of theclass department is steadily increasing. I t is manifestto all that in this class-work, as organized independ­ently or in connection 'with the lecture-study work, thereal results of University Extension are to be lookedfor. The work is still in its infancy, and no man to­day can tell us the shape or form which it will assumein later years. It is enough, however, to know that bymeans of it the University is enabled to give intellect­ual stimulus to many thousands, and, in turn, to receivethe sympathy of those thousands in its educationalwork. The gulf between the University and the masseshas grown wider and wider in the years that have passed.There will always be such a gulf, but the future willsee it greatly narrowed. We all see dangers in this workof University Extension. It will be a serious matterindeed if our friends make the mistake of supposingthat the work thus done is really university work.Would that it were such, but, in the nature of things,this is impossible. Unless in the future a larger pro­portion of those who attend the lectures do the actual24 THE QUARTERLY CALENDAR.work prescribed, and take the examinations, there is dan­ger that these lecture studies will partake more of thecharacter of entertainment than of instruction. Untilthe University Extension audience will consent cheer­fully to attend courses of twelve lectures, it beingunderstood that in these twelve no more ground isto be covered than some of our lecturers now passover in a single lecture, it must be confessed that ahigh standard has not been reached. Bu t these thingswill come. The age in which we li ve i� an age in whichevery in telligen t man demands instruction. Who areso able to give it as those selected for that purpose bythe University? What agency so well adapted to guidethis work as the University? The men who do it mustbe strong men and cautious; strong in their abilityto grasp the subject of which they treat, cautious,lest in the presentation of it wrong impressions be con­veyed. I deny that a popular presen ta tion of a su b­ject is necessarily unscientific; some may preach truthin many departments without being technical.The work of University extension is a great work,and although we may not be able to foretell in detailthe form which it will take in the future, it is, I makebold to say, a permanent work; one which will growin dignity and which will assume an importance largerthan many of the educators of to-day conceive possible.THE UNIVERSITY PRESS.No part of our university work has attracted the at­ten tion of the outside world more than that which isrepresented in the University Press. The Journal ofPolitical Economy, of which the second number hasappeared, and the Journal of Geology, the first numberof which has been published during the last quarter,give evidence of what in time may be expected inother departments. It is a source of regret that themoney is not at hand for the publication of work al­ready prepared in other departments. Papers of greatvalue await the necessary means for publication. Inihis connection, it is a pleasure to announce two gifts;the first of Mr. Henry J. Furber, a gift of fifteen.hund­red dollars a year for ten years, in all fifteen thousanddollars, to be used as a public at jon fund for the De­partment of Political Economy. The other, a gift ofone hundred and fifty dollars, to be repeated in sue­ceeding years, from Dr. Emil G. Hirsch, to be awardedfor the best paper upon a subject relating to the De­partment of Semitic Languages and Literature. Thesegifts are indications that the needs of the Universityare being appreciated. Such a publication fund couldbe used to advantage in other departments, and surelythere are few departments that would not be willingto accept a donation similar to that which the Semitic.Departmen t has j ust received. THE ASTRONOMICAL OBSERVATORY.The world has not yet ceased to express its interestin the good fortune which befell the U ni versi ty whenMr. Yerkes indicated his willingness to establish for itan astronomical observatory which shall be equippedwith a larger glass than any that had before beenmade. The trustees, through their committee, havegiven much time tothe consideration of a site for theproposed Observatory; many places have been visited,many experts consul ted, and many consul ta tions havebeen held with committees. It has been difficult tofind a location which would in all respects meet thescientific requirements. More than thirty propositionswere received and considered. These propositions inmany cases included not only a proffer of land, but.inaddi tion sums of money ranging from fifty to twohundred thousand dollars. It is clear to all that in­ducements of a financial character could not be con­sidered except in connection with localities to whichno objection from a scientific point of view could beurged. The great maj ori ty of the propositions madewere at once rejected because of conditions incon­sisten t wi th the scientific requirements. However,after long consideration, the trustees, at a meetingheld yesterday, adopted the report of the committeerecommending the location of the Observatory at LakeGeneva, Wisconsin, provided that, in accordance withthe assurances given, a certain section containingforty-five acres with a frontage of six hundred feetupon the lake be given to the University, or a siteequally as satisfactory; and in addition a subscriptionof one hundred thousand dollars to the general fundsof the University, this subscription to be made withinthirty days. Two objections were urged against thisdecision. The first, that it was a mistake to place agreat department of the University outside of the stateof Illinois. I t was found, however, that no legal diffi­cuI ty was in vol ved, and it was believed by the Boardof Trustees that, after all, the objection was not wellfounded. The University of Chicago is not a state in­sti tu tion. It cannot be confined to the city of Chi­cago' nor to the state of Illinois, and the establishingof one department of its work in an adjoining state isan additional evidence of its broad spirit and its highideals. The other objection was that of inaccessibil­ity. This decision demands of our Professors in As­tronomy large sacrifice. During the winter monthsthey will be for the most part separated from the ou t­side world. But in the cause of science, who is notready to make such sacrifices? And since no otherplace within an equal distance of Chicago satisfied sowell the requirements, this objection was over-ruled.It is a fact not without significance, that no place out-HISTORICAL. 25side of Chicago contains a more representative Chi­cago constituency than Lake Geneva. Here, as is wellknown, many of our most prominent citizens maketheir summer homes. I t is believed that these men,who are men of large means, will see the necessity, andand at the same time the desirability, of making thiso bserva tory, from the scientific poin t of view, thegreatest that has yet been established. It will be pos­sible for them to do this; if it is not done the respons­ibility will rest largely upon them, for their interest inthis department will be greater than that of others init. The trustees have recognized the -responaibilityresting upon them in making this decision. Duringtwo successive meetings of long duration the subjectwas discussed from every point of view, and the resultof the discussion was, what would have been under or­dinary circumstances almost impossible, a unanimousvote. Wha t verdict the succeeding genera tions maypass upon this decision we cannot now tell; it is suffi­cient to say that it was reached after due deliberationand honest effort to advance the cause .of science.The great telescope is being pushed forward as rapidlyas possible and will be exhibited in the Exposition.The plans for the Observatory will now be taken upand the actual work of building will begin at the ear­liest possible moment.THE FIVE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLAR FUND.In the founding of a University, three financial stepsmust be taken before the insti tu tion can proper ly besaid to be established: (1) endowments must be se­cured, the income from which will defray the cost ofinstruction, since students' fees are sufficient only tomeet the incidental expenses, (2) the site and build­ings must be provided, and (3) funds must be securedto defray the exceptional expenses of the openingyears and to provide the general equipment-e-books,apparatus, furniture, etc.The first two of these three steps the University hastaken. The most hopeful beginning has been madetoward this endowment through the unparalleled lib­eralityof Mr. Rockefeller, and the campus with a groupof noble buildings has been provided through the ben­eficence of the people of Chicago. So much has beendone in these two directions and in so short a timethat it will not be a question of surprise that thethird step has not yet been taken. I t remains to pro­vide for the general equipment and the special ex­penses of the opening years before the University canbe regarded as in any sense established.The trustees have not lost sight of the importanceand necessity of this third great step. A year agothey undertook to provide at the same time buildingsand the general eq ui pmen t in the raising of a million dollar fund, but when the struggle of ninety days wasover it was found tha t while a full million dollars hadbeen raised for the buildings which are now rising onthe campus, less than twenty thousand dollars hadbeen secured for equipment and general purposes,and the third step in the founding of the Univer­sity remained still to be' taken. Nor was this all;the large success tha t had attended the efforts toincrease the endowmen ts and provide the build­ings had immeasurably increased the magnitude"of the work that remained to be done, and had ren­dered the doing of it more impera tive and moreimmediately urgent than ever. The University,wi th four millions of endowment ensured to it forinstruction' and with the corresponding number ofinstructors and departments, needs a much greaterequipment than an institution with half that endow­ment. When' the University had secured twelve OJ;fifteen great buildings it needed a much larger equip­ment than when it had but two or three buildingsassured; and so the work to be done grew greater thelonger it was delayed until it became apparent thathalf a million was the smallest sum that would meetthe necessities of the cause. How could so great a sumfor miscellaneous purposes be secured? For a timethe trustees confron ted the increasing difficul ties ofthis problem with great anxiety. No ray of light wasthrown upon Its solution un til sixty days ago, whenMartin A. Ryerson, the President of the Board, addedto his previous benefactions the proffer to give $100,-000 on condition that $400,000 more could be secured.It was hoped and so stipulated that this sum, great asit is, might be found by the first of May. When theeffort came to be made, a cordial feeling of interest andsympathy everywhere met us. This made the work ofsolicitation pleasant and hopeful. Bu t on the otherhand it was seen that at this season of the year largenumbers of those who must be depended upon for helpwere absent from the city, and the sudden stringencyin the money centres of the country, serious for a timethongh believed to be temporary only, not only madethe work difficult, but for a brief period broughtit to a stand. Under these circumstances, Mr.Ryerson felt that the limit of time to complete theraising of the half million dollars should be ex­tended, and to the gra tifica tion of those engagedin the direct work of securing the subscriptions, hehas consented to change the date for the completion ofthe' effort from May 1st to July 1st. How much up tothis time has been secured upon the $400,000? Theanswer to this question' is not as encouraging as wemight wish it to be, yet a hopeful beginning has beenmade and more than $50,000 has been definitely pledged,26 THE QUARTERLY CALENDAR.Mr. John D. Rockefeller, New York City,'while much work has been done, the direct results ofwhich cannot be known until later. It is withoutdoubt true that this effort is the most difficult that hasyet been undertaken in connection with the foundingof the University, and if success is attained, it will beone of the greatest triumphs the University has everachieved. With the progress already made and threefull months yet before us, we shall address ourselvesto the task with new courage and increased confidence.The $500,000 must and will be obtained.In, closing I desire to ask you to join with me inexm:dssing to our friend, Mr. Rockefeller, our appre­�ion of his interest in university education and ofthe su bstan tial way in which he has shown his interestand in extending to him an invitation to visit us.Words may mean-much or little according to the cir­cumstances under which they are uttered. I ask yourconsent to telegraph him to-night these words, and Iam confident that you will allow me to assure him thatthey are words from the heart and not merely from thelips. Assembled in convocation, the instructors, studentsand many of the friends of the University send yougreeting. For the opportunity you have placed withinour reach to give instruction and to receive it we aregrateful. We cordially unite in an invitation to your­self and family to visi t the insti tu tion founded by yourbeneficence.For the University.WILLIAM R. HARPER,The President announced the following Scholarships and Hon­ors.Entrance Examination Scholarship.In connection with March Examinations, to Wil­liam E. Walling.Honors for Excellence in Examinations for Admission.In connection with March Examinations, to AllenT. Burns. 'HISTORICAL. 27IMPORTANT OFFICIAL AOTJONS OF l:HE BOARD -OF TRUSTEES,JANUARY-MARCH, 1893.JANUARY 20.Concerning the "Rust Commons and Dormitoriesfor Graduates," the following letter was read from Mr.H. A. Rust:CHICAGO, October 4, 1892.To the Board of Trustees of the University of Ohicago.GENTLEMEN: - Referring to my subscription ofFifty Thousand ($50 M.) Dollars made to PresidentHarper on July 8, 1892, for a pplica tion upon and tocomplete the full sum of One Million ($1,000,000)Dollars to the funds of the U niversi ty on or beforesaid date, as stipulated in the offer of Mr. MarshallField dated April 8,1892, by which he conditionallydonated One Hundred Thousand Dollars, I herebymake request tha t the aforesaid amount of my dona­tion be appropriated to the construction of a buildingto be used as a "Commons and Dormitories for Grad­uates ;" said building to be the central structure ofthe Midway Plaisance front of the southwest quad­rangle of the U ni versi ty buildings.I authorize the Trustees of the University to fix'Such rental for the occupancy of the said "Commonsand Dormitories" as to them may seem reasonableand wise, and I request that the net income derivedfrom.said building be applied to the maintenance offour (4) Semitic Fellowships, to be constituted andforever set apart for students in the Department ofSemitic Languages and Literatures, under such govern­ing regulations as are now in force, or that may here­after be adopted by the Board of Trustees.I have with yourselves a deep satisfaction and legiti­mate pride in the broad foundations laid for our Uni­versi ty, as evidenced by its solid financial sta tus,presen t advanced physical stage, and the corps of menconstituting its Faculty. It may justly be esteemed ahigh privilege to be in any wise a factor in consoli­dating and setting in motion the moral and intellectualforces embodied in this University.Yours truly,HENRY A. RUST.This letter, with its proposals and conditions, wasaccepted by the Board.JANUARY 24.Ooncerning the Ryerson Equipment Fund: Thefollowing letter was read from Mr. Martin A. Ryerson,Presiden t of the Board:To the Board of Trustees of The University ofOhicago.GENTLEMEN :-Recognizing the University's need of.a large fund with which to meet the exceptional expenses of its organization, and the pressing demandsfor general improvements and 'for an equipment inkeeping with i ts endowment, I propose, in order toassist it in securing such a fund, to give to the Uni­versity One Hundred Thousand Dollars, on conditionthat an additional sum of Four Hundred ThousandDollars be subscribed by responsible persons beforethe first day of May, 1893, and tha t all subscriptionsbe made without other conditions than those hereincontained, and be payable, one - half on the first dayof May, 1893, and the balance on the first day ofAugust, 1893.Respectfully yours,MARTIN A. RYERSON.CHICAGO, January 24,1893.The offer of Mr. Ryerson was accepted by theBoard. (Mr. Ryerson has since extended the time (orcom pleting the sum to the first of July.)JANUARY 24.Arrangements were made for the publication of theBiblical World and Hebraica by the University Press.FEBRUARY 21.The University Press was authorized to publish forthe Department of Geology a Journal of Geology, toappear six times a year.Concerning Academy Tuition Fee: The tuition feeat Morgan Park Academy was made $25.00 a quarterinstead of $35.00 a quarter.Concerning University Administrative Boards. Aboard of five, consisting of members selected from theUniversity Faculties, was established to administer thelibraries, laboratories and museums of the University;the members of this board to be nominated by thePresident of the University and appointed by theBoard of Trustees; the librarian and the directors ofall laboratories and museums to be ex-officio membersof the board; the board to sustain to the Senate andCouncil of the University, the relations sustainedto those bodies by the Faculties of the Univer­sity; the members of the board to hold office for oneyear, or un til their successors may be a ppoin ted.A board of five, consisting of members selected fromthe U niversi ty Faculties, was established to administerthe work of the University in connection with itsaffiliated institutions; the members of the board to benominated by the President and appointed by theBoard of Trustees; the director of the affiliated insti­tutions to be ex-officio member of the board; this28 THE QUARTERLY CALENDAR.board to sustain to the Sen a te and Council of theUniversity the relations sustained to those bodiesby the faculties of the U ni versi ty; the members ofthe board to hold office for one year, or un til theirsuccessors may be appointed.A board of five, consisting of members selected fromthe U ni versi ty Faculties, to administer the work of theU ni versi ty Press; the members of the board to be nomi­nated by the President and appointed by the Board ofTrustees; the director of the University Press to beex-officio member of the board; this board to sustainto the Sena te and Council of the U ni versi ty therelations sustained to those bodies by the Facul­ties of the U ni versi ty ; the members of the board tohold office for one year, or un til such time as theirsuccessors may be appointed.A board of five, consisting of members selected fromthe University Faculties, to administer the work of theDepartment of Physical Culture and Athletics in theUniversity; the members of the board to be nomi­na ted by the President and a ppoin ted by the Board ofTrustees; the Director of Physical CuI ture andAthletics to be ex-officio member of the board; thisboard to sustain to the Senate and Council of theU niversi ty the relations sustained to those bodiesby the Faculties of the University; the members of theboard to hold office for one year, or un til their succes­sors may be appointed.It was voted that the President of the University beChairman of all the aforesaid boards. .Concerning the Calendars of the University: Itwas voted that the Calendars of the University beissued on the first day of May, August, November andFebruary respectively; each Calendar to contain anhistorical resume of the work of the preceding quarter,including the Convocation address, the President'squarter ly sta temen t, and the degrees and honorsconferred; important official actions passed by theTrustees or by the Faculties; such other historicalrna tter as may be of general interest; the materialformerly published in the Calendar to appear in theAnnual Register.Ooncerning Annual Reports: It was voted thatthe Annual Reports of the President and 0 ther admin­istrative officers be published on or about Novem­ber 1, and the President be authorized to take suchsteps as may be necessary to secure from the variousFaculties and officers of the University the necessaryrna terial, the amount of rna tter to be limited to fourhundred pages.Concerning Administrative Boards of the Faculty:In accordance with the request of the Faculty of Arts, Li tera ture and Science, permission was given to saidFaculty to delegate at its discretion its powers relatingto the enforcement of regulation and discipline, exceptthe infliction of penal ties of dismission and expulsionto Administrative Boards: these to consist either (1)of all instructors who ha ve students in their coursesfrom their respective schools or colleges; or (2) oftwelve members to be nominated from the Faculty bythe President; such Board in either case to beappointed by the Trustees, to hold office for one year,and to be su bj ect to the au thori ty of the Faculty. Thefour boards were consti tu ted as follows, the term ofoffice being one year from May 1 :(1) The Board for the Administration of the Aca­demic Colleges, to consist of all the instructors inthe Academic Colleges.(2) The Board for the Administration of the Univer­si ty Colleges :The President, Chairman; Head Prof. Thomas C.Chamberlin, Prof. Harry P. Judson, AssistantProf. Marion Talbot, members ex-officio; Prof.Benjamin S. Terry, Prof. Rollin D. Salisbury,Associate Prof. Frank F. Abbott, Associate Prof.Oskar Bolza, Assistant Prof. Francis A. Black­burn, Assistant Prof. Henry M. Stokes, AssistantProf. Clarence F. Castle, Assistant Prof. Fred­erick Starr, Assistant Prof. Samuel W. Stratton,Assistant Prof. James H. Tufts, Assistant Prof.Carl D. Buck, Dr. Bert. J. Vos.(3) The Board for the Administration of the GraduateSchool of Arts and Literature :The President, Chairman; Head Prof. William I.Knapp, Head Prof. H. Edouard von Holst, HeadProf. William G. Hale, Head Prof. J. LaurenceLaughlin, Head Prof. Albion W. S:qJ. all , Prof.William C. Wilkinson, Prof. Harry P. Judson,Prof. Emil G. Hirsch, Prof. Paul Shorey, Prof.E. Hastings Moore, Associate Prof. Charles A.Strong, Assistant Prof. Starr W. Cutting.(4) The Board for the Administration of the Ogden(Grad ua te) School of Science :The President, Chairman; Head Prof. Thomas C.Chamberlin, Head Prof. Charles O. Whitman,Prof. Henry H. Donaldson, Prof. Franklin P.Mall, Associate Prof. Joseph P. Iddings, Asso­ciate Prof. George E. Hale, Assistant Prof.Henry N. Stokes, Assistant Prof. HeinrichMaschke, Assistant Prof. George Baur, AssistantProf. Jacques Loeb, Assistant Prof. Samuel W.Stratton.By a later action of the Trustees, this Board was madeto include all instructors in the School.HISTORICAL.FEBRUARY 28.Concerning Visiting Committees: On recommenda­tion of the Committee on Organization and Facultiesit was voted to appoint visiting committees upon eachof the subjects named below, each committee to benominated by the President of the University andappointed by the Board of Trustees, to serve one yearfrom the first of May; these committees to be requestedto keep themselves informed of the aims and actualworkings of the several departments, and to give to theBoard of Trustees such advice and such suggestions· asmay seem advisable.Subjects :-Philosophy, Political Economy, Political Science,History, Social Science and Anthropology, Com­para tive Religions, Semitic Languages and Li tera­tures, Biblical and Patristic Greek, Sanskrit andIndo-European Comparative Philology, AncientGreek and Greek Archreology, Latin and RomanArchreology, the Romance Languages and Litera­tures, .the Germanic Languages and Literatures, the English Language and Literature and Rhet­oric, Mathematics, Astronomy, Physics, Chemistry;Geology and Mineralogy, Zoology and Paleon-·tology, Botany, Anatomy, Physiology, Neurology,Physical Oulture, Library Administration, SocialLife of the University, Sanitation of the Uni­versity, University Extension.MARCH 28.Concerning the- Astronomical Obseroatoru : It wasvoted that the Astronomical Observatory to be foundedby Char les T. Y er kes, be located on the shore of LakeGeneva, Wis., on condition that a satisfactory site beprovided and other conditions fulfilled.MARCH 31.Announcement Concerning Gifts: A subscriptionfrom Henry J. Furber of $1,500 p�r year for ten years,to meet the expenses of publication in the department,of Poli tical Economy.An annual prize of $150 from Dr. Emil G. Hirsch"for the best thesis on a Semitic subject.THE UNIVERSITY UNION.THE WORK OF UNIVERSITY ORGANIZATIONS.MID-WINTER MEETING, FEBRUARY 11, 1893.PAPERS:The Physical Basis of Heredity.MR. F. R. LILLIE,From the Biological Club.The Rocky Mountain Locust and its Ravages inthe Northwest. MISS MADELEINE WALLIN,From the History and Political Science Club.Chicago as a Sociological Laboratory.MR. CHARLES W. SPENCER,From the Social Science Club.THE PHILOLOGICAL SOCIETY.All persons gi ving instruction in anyone of thelanguages in the University of Chicago and any grad- uate students working in the languages are eligible tomembership in the University of Chicago PhilologicalSociety. The programmes are arranged by a committee.appointed annually, consisting of three instructorsin the University and two graduate students. This.committee is at present made up of the followingmembers: Professor W. I. Knapp, President; AssistantProfessor C. D. Buck, Vice:-Pres.; Associate ProfessorF. F. Abbott, Secretary; Mr. E. H. Lewis and MissMabel Banta, of the Grad ua te School.PAPERS:The Clause of Purpose in Sanskrit, Greek and Latin,and in the Parent Speech.PROFESSOR WILLIAM G. HALE.The Derivation of the Latin Quoius.ASSISTANT PROFESSOR CARL D. BUOK.THE BIOLOGICAL CLUB.JJEPARTMENT.AL GLUBS.PAPERS:General Physiology in Relation to Morphology.PROFESSOR C. O. WHITMAN.Some Results of the Galapagos Expedition.ASSISTANT PROFESSOR G. BAUR. Review of " Surface Anatomy of the Cerebral Hemi-sphere." -Ounningham. .PROFESSOR H. H. DONALDSON.Problems in Cell Theory-(1) The Nucleus..DR. S. WATASEr(2) Phagocytosis. DR. S. W ATASE.30 THE QUARTERLY CALENDAR.Protective Resemblance and Mimicry.DR. WILLIAM M. WHEELER.Bacteriology in its General Relations.DR. H. L. RUSSELL.Problems in Oell Theory-(3) The Oytoplasm andNucleus. DR. S. W ATASE.Morphology of the Germ Oells-(l) The Sperma-tozoon. DR. S. W ATASE.Immunity from Oontagious Diseases.DR. H. L. RUSSELL.General Life Phenomena.ASSISTANT PROFESSOR JACQUES LOEB.The Position of the Mollusca as indicated by aStudy of the Nervous System.MR. FRANK R. LILLIE.Nephridia in Annelids. MR. ALBERT D. MEAD.Immunity and Practical Results in Therapeutics.DR. H. L. RUSSELL.. Fixation of Nitrogen by Bacteria and their Rela­tion to Soil Fertility.DR. H. L. RUSSELL.Histo-genesis of the Rentina.PROFESSOR FRANKLIN P. MALL.THE OHURCH HISTORY OLUB.PAPERS:Life of Luther to the year 1501.MR. E. S. STUCKER.The Intellectual Preparation for the Reformationin the 14th and 15th Centuries.MR. CARL D. CASE.The Moral Preparation for the Reformation inthe 14th and 15th Oenturies.MR. ALFRED W. WISHART.Monastery Life in Luther's Time.MR. I. W. ALLEN, JR.University Life in Luther's Time.MR. CHARLES W. BRINSTAD.The Theses. MR. FRANK KURTZ.The Leipsic Disputations. MR. JOHN A. EAKIN.Stages in Luther's Theological Development.�R. CLIFFORD W. BARNES.THE OLASSICAL OLUB.PAPERS:A Trip to Delphi. PROFESSOR PAUL SHOREY.Translations from Theognis.MR. WILLIAM F. BREWER, The Expression of the Condition contrary to factin Greek and Latin.PROFESSOR WILLIAM G. HALE.Translations from Simonides.MISS MABEL BANTA.Interpretations of a Passage in Vitruvius.ASSISTANT PROFESSOR EDWARD CAPPS.A Talk on Greece.PROFESSOR GEORGE H. PALMER, Harvard.The Latinity of the Younger Cicero.ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR FRANK F. ABBOTT.THE ENGLISH CLUB.PAPERS:The Use of the Senses in Poetry.MRS. B. L. MCCLINTOCK.The History of the Folk - tale of Childe Roland.MR. OSCAR L. TRIGGS .English Books in American Libraries.MR. FREDERICK T. CARPENTER.Tennyson's "In Memoriam."MR. EUGENE PARSONS.The Use of Color in Poetry.MISS ALICE PRATT.Tennyson's Treatment of Classical Themes.PROFESSOR PAUL SHOREY.THE EXEGETICAL CLUB.PAPERS:The Literary Relation between the Old Testa­ment and the New.ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR IRA M. PRICE.The Historical Relation between the Old Testa­ment and the New.MR. CHARLES L. PAYNE.The Old Testament preparatory to the New .. MR. CHARLES W. BRINSTAD.Precepts of the Old Testament and Gospel of theNew. MR. HARRY HOWARD.Sacrifice. MR. E. A. READ.Priesthood. MR. THEODORE J. VAN HORN.The Kingdom of God.PROFESSOR ERNEST D. BURTON.Prophecy and its FUlfillment.MR. RALPH P. SMITH.Typology. MR. BENJAMIN F. MARTIN,Matthew's Quotations from the Old Testament.MR. EDWIN M. GRIFFIN.HISTORICAL.The New Testament, the Culmination of the Old.MR. CHARLES A. HEMENWAY.Christianity and the Old Testament.MR. WILLARD D. BURDICK." Son of God" in the Old Testament.MR. LORAN D. OSBORN.THE GEOLOGICAL CLUB.PAPERS:The Geology of the Sierra Nevada.PROFESSOR T. C. CHAMBERLIN.The Faults in the Triassic Sandstone about Meri-den, Conn. MR. HENRY B. RUMMEL.The Glacial Theories of Croll and Wallace.MR. JOHN A. BOWNOCKER.Nansen's New Arctic Expeditions.MR. S. B. BARRETT.The Gravel Deposits of the Sierra Nevada.PROFESSOR T. C. CHAMBERLIN.The Coal Measures of Missouri.MR. CHARLES H. GORDON.On the Trenton Gravel Deposits.MR. G. N. KNAPP.A Discussion of a Recent Paper on "Variationsof the Under � ground Water - Level."MR. CHARLES E. PEET.A Discussion of a Recent Paper on the Age ofthe Earth. MR. JOHN A. BOWNOCKER.Some Physical Features of Massachusetts as shownby the Topographical Maps.MR. HENRY B. KUMMEL.THE LATIN CLUB.Bi-weekly meetings have been held since the firstof January, at each of which a portion of the TusculanDisputations of Cicero have been read and discussed.Membership in this undergraduate club is open tothose students who have had at least two Majors ofLatin in the University. Its object is to extend theknowledge of Latin literature and to give additionalpower in reading at sight.THE MATHEMATICAL CLUB ANDSEMrNARY.Cremona: A Figure in Space from which the Prop­erties of Pascal's Hexagon in the Plane areeasily deducible.PROFESSOR E. HASTINGS MOORE. 31The Complete Form-System of the Hessian Groupof ternaru: linear homoqeneous Substitutions.ASSISTANT PROFESSOR HEINRICH MASCHKE.Note on the Divisibility of Numbers.MR. HARRIS HANCOCK.On Holder's Enumeration of all Simple Groupswhose Order is not greater than 200.DR. J. W. A. YOUNG.An Existence-Proof of the Group of Order 168as a Group of Substitutions on 7 letters.PROFESSOR E. HASTINGS MOORE.Weierstrass: Zur Theorie der aus n Hauptein­heiten gebildeten complexen Grossen:.ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR OSKAR BOLZA.A remark of Eisenstein on Invariants.ASSISTANT PROFESSOR HEINRICH MASCHKE.Holder's Proof that a Simple Group of Order 180does not exist. DR. J. W. A. YOUNG.Fuchs's Normal Form for Linear DifferentialEquations of the Second Order, all of whoseIntegrals are regular.MR. HARRIS HANCOCK. -A. Note on the Theory of Numbers.PROFESSOR E. HASTINGS MOORE.The Transformation of Hyperelliptic Integrals toElliptic Integrals.MR. JOHN I. HUTCHINSON.Kronecker's Determination of all CommutativeGroups. ' DR. J. W. A. YOUNG,A Theorem concerning Linear Differential Equa­tions with constant co-efficients.MISS MARY F. WINSTON.Fermat's Theorem. MR. HARRIS HANCOCK.Gamma Functions of a complex Variable.ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR OSKAR BOLZA.Galois' Theory of Imaginaries in the Theory ofNumbers. PROFESSOR E. HASTINGS MOORE.Gamma Functions of a complex Variable (SecondPaper).ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR OSKAR BOLZA.A Ternary Algebraic Problem.ASSISTANT PROFESSOR HEINRICH MASCHKE.Secular Action. of Tidal Friction.DR. T. J. J. SEE.THE NEW TESTAMENT CLUB.This Club has been engaged in the study of Hellen­istic Greek Literature.THE PHYSICS CLUB.THE QUARTERLY CALENDAR.32PAPERS:The Micrometer; its Preparation and Use.MR. M. D. EWELL.The Use of the Projecting Lantern.ASSISTANT PROFESSOR S. W. STRATTON.The Wheatstone Bridge and Comparison of Re­sistances.ASSISTANT PROFESSOR S. W. STRATTON.Methods of Comparinq Electro-Motive Force.ASSISTANT PROFESSOR S. W. STRATTON.Test of Some Recent Dry Batteries.M�. HOBBS.Thermo�Electricity. MR. SOHNELLE.Double Refraction and Polarization.ASSISTANT PROFESSOR S. W. STRATTON.Double Refraction and Polarization (Second Paper).ASSISTANT PROFESSOR S. W. STRATTON.Photography as applied to Scientific Investigation.MR. G. A. DOUGLASS.THE POLITICAL ECONOMY CLUB.PAPERS:The Necessity of Railway Pooling under Govern-mental Control. MR. JAMES PEABODY.Taxation. MR. FRANK P. CRANDEN.Single Tax. MR. E. O. BROWN.University Settlements.MR. EDWARD CUMMINGS.The Sweating System in Chicago.MR. ABRAM BISNO.The Sweating System. MRS. FLORENCE KELLY.Socialism. MR. THOMAS J. MORGAN.Socialism. MR. THOMAS. J. MORGAN.THE POLITICAL SCIENOE ANDHISTORY CLUB.PAPERS:The Probable Liberal Program in the ComingParliament.PROFESSOR THOMAS J. LAWRENOE andMR. THEODORO G. SOARES.The Spanish Inirique« in Kentucky; a ForgottenChapter in the History of the MississippiValley. MR. FRANK W. SHEPARDSON.An Incident Connected with the Founding of theHouse of Hapsburg.MR. OLIVER J. THATCHER. Municipal Reform as Related to Party Politics.JUDGE I. K. BOYESEN.The Hawaiian Question.PROFESSOR HARRY PRATT JUDSON.The Work of the Bureau of Justice.MR. JOSEPH W. ERRANT.The New Ifome - Rule Bill.PROFESSOR THOMAS J. LAWRENOE.THE SEMITIC CLUB.PAPERS:Tel-el-Amarna Tablets in the British Museum.ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR ROBERT F. HARPER.W. Robertson Smith'» Religion of the Semites.PROFESSOR EMIL G. HIRSOH.C. H. Toy's Judaism and Christianity.ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR GEORGE S. GOODSPEED.Cornill's Einleitung in das alte Testament, com­paring with it Driver's Introduction to theLiterature' of the Old Testament.PROFESSOR EMIL G. HIRSOH.Palestine as a Field for Excavation.DR. CHARLES F. KENT.The Titles of the Psalms. MR. EIJI ASADA.Barth's Die Nominal-bildung in den SemitischenSprachen.ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR IRA M. PRICE.A Trip through Asiatic Turkey.ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR ROBERT F. HARPER.A Comparison of the Hebrew and BabylonianAccounts of the Creation and the Deluge.MR. LORAN D. OSBORN.The Semitic Verb.PROFESSOR AUGUSTUS S. OARRIER.THE SOCIAL SCIENOE CLUB.PAPERS:The Charities of Chicago. REV. C. G. TRUSDELL.Associated Charities in Cities.MR. NATHANIEL E. ROSENAU.The VJ7'ork of Hull House. MISS JANE ADDAMS.Organizations of Switchmen.MR. FRANK D. SWEENEY.The Socialists' Charges against Capitalistic Organ-izations. MR. THOMAS J. MORGAN.The Program of Socialism.MR. THOMAS J. MORGAN.HISTORICAL. 33CHAPEL _ADDRESSES.The following addresses were delivered at the Chapel Services from October 1, to April 1:REV. P. S. HENSON, D.D., Chicago. The Great Teacher. Friday, Oct. 7.REV. L. P. MERCER, D. D., Chicago. The Di'Uine Life in H'U.mu1t Eor-m. �()1_\�'O.�"l \)�\."\_\).REV. J. H. BARROWS, D. D., Chicago. Fellowship in SpiTit'U.uL Uje. �����'O.�"l \)�\,"\_"\_,REV. W. F. BLACK, D. D., Chicago. Fidelity to Personal Con'Uiction. �atUl:Ua;y, Oct. \.b, \.��r,.1.REV. DAVID SWING, D.D., Chicago, What is Literature. Monday, Oct. 17.PROFESSOR E. G. HIRSCH, The University. Individual Expression of Universal Thought. Tuesday, Oct.18,1892.REV. W. W. FENN, Chicago. The Responsibilities of the Successful. Tuesday, Oct. 25.REV. W. M. LAWRENCE, D.D., Chicago. The Student in his Relations. Thursday, Oct. 27.REV. O. P. GIFFORD, D. D., Chicago. Knowing the Truth. Monday, Oct. 3l.REV. C. LOCKE, D. D., Chicago. Obsta Principiis. Thursday, Nov. 3.REV. S. J. MCPHERSON, D. D., Chicago. Character as a Positive Force. Tuesday, Nov. 8.REV. L. A. CRANDALL, D. D., Chicago. Greatness. Friday, Nov. 11.REV. A. P. GRAVES, D. D. (Evangelist). Passion for Souls. Thursday, Nov. 17.PRESIDENT R. H. JESSE, of Missouri University. Greeting. Monday, Nov. 14.REV. A. K. PARKER, D. D., Chicago. Friendship. Friday, Nov. 25.REV. H. W. THOMAS, D.D., Chicago. Results of Culture in Character. Tuesday, Nov. 22.REV. J. R. Gow, Hyde Park. Character and Modern Life. Wednesday, Nov. 30.MISS JANE MEAD WELCH, Buffalo. Colu/mbus, December, 1892.PROFESSOR H. P. JUDSON, The University. Dreibund. Wednesday, Dec. 7.MR. JOSEPH JEFFERSON, Actor. Bacon and Shakespeare. Friday, Dec. 9.PROFESSOR JOHN C. GRANT, Harvard School. The Work of the Affiliated Harvard School. Sat., Dec. 10.PROFESSOR T. J. LAWRENCE, The University. The Statesman Prelate: Stephen Langton. Monday, Dec. 12.PROFESSOR T. J. LAWRENCE, The University. The Patriot Earl: Sirnon de Montfort. Tuesday, Dec. 13.PROFESSOR T. J. LAWRENOE, The University. The Reforming King: Edward I. Wednesday, Dec. 14, 1892.PROFESSOR LEWIS STUART, Lake Forest University. Education and Life. 'I'hursday, Dec. 15.PROFESSOR C. O. WHITMAN, The University. The Marine Laboratory. Friday, Dec. 16.MR. E. B. HMITH, Ohicago. The Armour Missions. Monday, Dec. 19.PROFESSOR H. H. DONALDSON, The University. The Meaning of Effort. Wednesday, Dec. 21.RABBI JOSEPH STOLTZ, Chicago. There is a God. Thursday, Dec. 22.PROFESSOR T. C. CHAMBERLIN, The University. Trip to the Sierras. Wednesday, Jan. 4, 1893.REV. THOS. C. HALL, Chicago. The Personal Equation. Tuesday, Jan. 10.PROFESSOR NATHANIEL BUTLER, JR., The University. The Place of Ohristianity in Culture. Tuesday, Jan. 24.HON. WILL OUMBACK, Greensburg, Ind. Life's Great Confiict. Monday, Jan. 30.RIGHT REV. SAMUEL FALLOWS, D.D., Chicago. Truth. Wednesday, Feb. 1.PROFESSOR J. C. LITTLE, Northwestern University. Some Points in a Scholar's Creed. Thursday, Feb. 15.PROFESSOR G. H. PALMER, Harvard University. Modern Tendencies in Ethics. Friday, Feb . .3.PROFESSOR G. ANDERSON, The University. The True Conception. of Education. Tuesday, Feb. 7.PROFESSOR 1. B. BURGESS, The Academy, Morgan Park. The Morgan Park Academy. Friday, Feb. 10.MR. EDOUARD REMENYI, violinist, gave selections upon the violin Tuesday, Dec. 20, 1892.MR. WILLIAM R. SHERWOOD, Pianist, gave selections upon the piano.jIan. 20, 1893.34 THE QUARTERLY CALENDAR.PUBLIO LECTURES.The following Public Lectures were delivered at theUniversity during the Autumn and Winter Quarters:MRS. E. H. RICHARDS, Institute of Technology, Boston.The Value of Sanitary Study to Workers inSocial Science. October.PROFESSOR THOMAS J. LAWRENCE, The University,An Historic English Town: Bury St. Edmunds.October 25th.PROFESSOR J. LAURENCE LAUGHLIN, The University.Political Economy and Christianity. October.PROFESSOR WILLIAM I. KNAPP, The University.The Life and Time oj Oervantes. October.PROFESSOR EMIL G. HIRSCH, The University.Ernest Renam. and his Contributions to theKnowledge of Semitics. November 3d.PROFESSOR E. G. ROBINSON, The University.Economics and Social Science as a Part of aTheological Education. November 5th. DR. EDWARD PICK, England.Memory Training.. December 3d.DR. H. C. MABIE, Boston.Foreign Missions. December 15th.PRESIDENT WILLIAM R. HARPER, The University.Rationalistic and Rational Higher Criticism.January.PROFESSOR GEORGE H. PALMER, Harvard University.The Doctrine of Immortality. January 16th.REV. KITTRIDGE WHEELER, Chicago.Egypt and the Nile. February 16th.REV. FRANK W. GUNSAULUS, Chicago.The Americanism oj n7ashington. February 22d.PRESIDENT WILLIAM R. HARPER. Sunday AfternoonLectures in Courses.Six Lectures on the Book of Job.ASSISTANT PROFESSOR GEORGE S. GOODSPEED.Six Lectures on Post-Exilic History andLiterature.ADDRESSES BEFORE THE CHRISTIAN UNION.The following addresses have been delivered beforethe Christian Union on Sunday evenings during theAutumn and Winter Quarters.PRESIDENT WILLIAM R. HARPER, The University.Aims of the Christian Union. November 26.PROFESSOR J. LAURENCE LAUGHLIN, The University.The Spiritual Life. November 26.PROFESSOR ALBION W. SMALL, The University.Paul's Personal Religion. December 4th.PROFESSOR JAMES H. TUFTS, The University.The Eternal in the Heart of Man. December11th.PROFESSOR THOMAS j. LAwRENcm, The University.Two Aspects of Ohristianity. December 18th.PROFESSOR EZEKIEL G. ROBINSON, The University.The University Sermon. Haggai 1: 6-7. Janu­ary 1,1893.PROFESSOR HARRY PRATT JUDSON, The University.An Obsolete Law. 'January 8th.ASSISTANT PROFESSOR FRANKLIN JOHNSON, The Uni­versity.Christ's Conception of True Greatness. January15th. BISHOP JOHN H. VINCENT, Buffalo, N. Y.Things Hard to Understand in the Bible. Janu­ary 22d.PROFESSOR GEORGE H. PALMER, Harvard University.Patience. February 5th.ASSISTANT PROFESSOR CHARLES R. HENDERSON, TheU niversi ty.Christ's Survey of His Work for the World.February 12th.REV. EDWARD EVERETT HALE, D.D., Boston, Mass.Glorifying God in all Things. February 19th.PRESIDENT GEORGE S. BURROUGHS, Wabash College.Bible Study, Why and How. February 26th.PROFESSOR EMIL G. HIRSCH, The University.The Basis of Religious Beliefs. March 5th.PROFESSOR ERI B. HULBERT, The University.The Moral Argument of Christianity. March12th.PROFESSOR ERNEST D. BURTON, The University.Christ's Ideal for His Followers. March 19th.REV. HERRICK JOHNSON, D. D., Chicago.The University Sermon. Timothy iv: 16. April2d. Hyde Park Presbyterian church.HISTORICAL.A BIBLIOAL INSTITUTE ON ISAIAHwas held under the auspices of the American In­stitute of Sacred Literature, February 24-26.PAPERS:The Earliest Work of Isaiah.The Later Work of Isaiah,The Final Work of Isaiah.PRESIDENT WILLIAM R. HARPER.Isaiah's Oonception of God.ASSISTANT PROFESSOR TUFTS. 35Isaiah in the New Testament.PROFESSOR BURTON.The Oontributions of Assyrian Research.ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR PRICE.The Spiritual Element in Isaiah.ASSISTANT PROFESSOR NORDELL.Bible Study, Why and How.PRESIDENT GEORGE S. BURROUGHS, of WabashCollege.PART II.--REGISTRATION OF STUDENTS IN ATTENDANCE,SPRING QUARTER, 1893.DIRECTORY OF STUIJEN11S.ABBREVIATIONS.G---- ---- ----Graduate Dormitory.D---- ---- ----Divinity Dormitory.S - - - - - - - - - - - - Science Hall.Sn Snell Hall.Numerals ----Numbers of rooms.THE GRADUATE SCHOOL.NAME. DEGREE AND PLACE.Bernard Carroll Alderson, A. B. (W. Va. Univ.) 1889. Latin, Greek.Arthur Moseley Allen, A. B. (Colgate Univ.) 1892.English, History."William Laird Archibald, A. B. (Acadia Univ.) 1892. Semitics.Eiji Asada, D. B. (N orthwestern Coll. of Theology) 1891.Hebrew, Assyrian.A. B. (Ind. Univ.) 1885, A. M. (Ibid.) 1891.Latin, Greek.A. B. (D niv. of Rochester) 1889.Geology, Astronomy.A. B. (Yale Univ.) 1891. History.A. B. (Yale Univ.) 1889. D. B. (Ibid.) 1892.A. B. (Johns Hopkins Univ.) 1889.Chemistry.A. B. (Colby Univ.) 1885, A. M. (Ibid.) 1888.Semitic, Germanic Languages.A. B. (St. Olaf Coll.) 1892.Mathematics, Biology.Leonard Anderson Blue, Ph. B. (Cornell Co11.) 1892.History, Political Science.A. B. (Central Wesleyan Coll.) 1889.Chemistry, Physics.John Adams Bownocker, s. B. (Ohio State Univ.) 1889. Geology.Harriet C. Brainard, Ph.B. (Cornell Univ.) 1876.English Literature.Roeliff Morton Breckinridge, Ph. B. (Cornell Univ.) 1892.Political Economy, Sociology.William Fisk Brewer, A. B. (Iowa ColI.) 1891. Latin, Greek.John Law Bridge, s. B. (Wesleyan Univ.) 1888. Chemistry.Charles Lawrence Bristol, S. B. (Univ. City of N. Y.) 1883, S. M.(Ibid.) 1888. Biology.Fanny Cham berlain Brown, A. B. (Smith Coll.) 1882, A.M. (Ibid.) 1885.Political Economy, History.S. B. (De Pauw Univ.) 1890. Literature.Mabel Banta,Storrs Barrows Barrett.Ernest Hickok Baldwin,Clifford Webster Barnes,Adolph Bernhard.George Ricker Berry,August G. Biorneby,August Charles Bothe,Horace Lycurgus Burr,Frank W. Bushong, A. B. (Franklin and Marshall Coll.) 1885,A. M. (Ibid.) 1888. Chemistry.Charles William Cabeen, S. B. (Univ. of Wis.) 1882, L. M. (Ibid.)1883, A. M. (Harvard Univ.) 1892. Ger­man, French.Frederic I ves Carpenter, A. B. (Harvard Univ.) 1885.English Literature, Romance Lan­guages.* In the list of subjects the principal subject is placed first.36 HOME ADDRESS.Alderson, W. Va.Georgetown, N. Y.W ol/ville, N. S.Tokyo, Japan.Bloomington, Ind.Rochester, N. Y.Oromwell, Oonn.Whittier, Cal.Stone Creek, O.West Sumner, Me.Grafton, N. Dak.Belle Plaine, I a.St. Paul, Minn.Columbus, O.Chicago.Hamilton, OntoGrinnell, i«Hazardville,Oonn.Ballston Spa, N. Y.Winchester.New Castle, Ind.Ohicago.Portage, Wis.Ohicago. PRESENT ADDRESS ..6230 Princeton avo10 G.77 D.26 G�Sn.12 G.5806 Washington:av.151D.5422 Jackson avo113D.5459 Drexel a V.5709 Drexel a V.6536 Wharton avo6038 Park End av ..1301 Wabash avo28 G.19 G.9 G.290, 55th st.Sn.5G.228, 42d st.Brookline Park.5515 Woodlawn av ..NAME. THE STUDENTS.DEGREE AND PLAOE. HOME ADDRESS.Nancy Jennette Carpenter, A. B. (Cornell Coil.) 1885, A. M. (Ibid.) 1888. Mieeouri Valley, Mo.English Literature, History.Augustus Stiles Carrier, A. B. (Yale Univ.) 1879. Assyrian, Hebrew. Ohicago.Ralph Charles Henry Catterall, A.B. (Bucknell Univ.) 1891, (Harvard· Watertown, Pa.Univ.) 1892. History, PoliticalEconomy.Charles Oscar Chambers, A.B. (Univ. of Ind.) 1891. Van Wert, O.William Wilfred Chandler, A. B. (Wm. Jewell ColI.) 1891, A. M. (Ibid.) Pleasant Hill, Mo.1832. History, English Literature,Criticism.Hannah Belle Clark, A. B. (Smith Coll.) 1887. Ohicago.Social Science, History.Jacon Elon Oonner,William Bone Conover,Elizabeth Cooke,Susan Rhoda Cutler,Lydia Mitchell Dame,Anna Freeman Davies,John Michael Davies,Theodore Elias DeBu tts.E. Antoinette Ely,Marion E. Ely, A. B. (Iowa State Univ.) 1891.English Literature. Mt. Pleasant, la.Virginia.S. B. (Ill. Coil.) 1891.Political Economy, Political Science.Biology.A. B. (Western Reserve Univ.) 188l'>.Romance, Languages.A. B. (Boston Univ.) 1880, A. M. (Ibid.) 1889. Lynn, Mass.Latin.A. B. (Lake Forest Univ.) 1889, A. M. Lake Forest.(Ibj d.) 1891. Sociology ,Anthropology.S. B. (Lombard Univ.) 1886, S.M. (Ibid.) Lornbardville.1889. English, Political Science. Ohicago.Talladega, Ala.Ph. B. (Cornell Co11.) Chemistry, Physics.A. B. (Univ. of Cin.) 1887, A.M. (Ibid.) 1892.La tin, Sanskrit.A. B. (Wellesley oen» 1889.English Literature. Hartland, Iowa.Oincinnati, O.Oliicaqo.Frank Carman Ewart, A. B. (Denison Univ.) 1892. Latin, Greek. Granville, O.Albert Chauncey Eycleshymer, S. B. (Univ. of Mich.) Hastings, Mich.Vertebra te Embryology, Neurology.Otto Knute Olaf Folin, S. B. (Univ, of Minn.) 1892. Chemistry.Frank Hamilton Fowler, A.B. (Lombard Univ.) 1890.Sanskrit, Comparative Philology.Hamline Hurlburt Freer, B. S. (Cornell Coll.) 1869, S.M. (Ibid.) 1878, Mount Vernon, la.A. B. (Ibid.) 1880, A. M. (Ibid.) 1883,Political Economy.John William Froley, Stillwater, Minn.Bradford.B. S. (Univ. of }'lo.) 1888, M. S. (Ibid.) 1892. Canton, Mo.Astronomy. Mathematics.Edgar Johnson Goodspeed, A.B. (Denison Univ.) 1890. Morga'!b Park.Semitic and Ancient History.Oharles Ten Broeke Goodspeed, A.B. (Denison Univ.) 1890. Morgan Park.. Political Science, History.John Russell Gow, A.B. (Brown Univ.) 1877, B.D. (Newton Chicago.rrheol. Institution) 1882.Social Science, Anthropology.Laura Churchill Grant, A. B. (Vassar Coll.) 1892. St. Paul, Minn.Mathematics, Pol. Economy.Wallace Fahnestock Grosvenor, A. B. (Oberlin ColI.) 1892. Biology. Ohicago.Nellie B. Haire, A. B. (Univ, of Mich.) 1887. Chicago.Language, Germanics, English.J ames Eugene Hamilton, A. B. (Brown Univ.) 1883, B.D. (Baptist GOOdWODcl, OntoUnion Theol. Sem.) 1884, A.M. (BrownUniv.) 1886. Philosophy.Walter Scott Harley,Henry Rand Hatfield,Edward Carey Hayes,Emily Aiken Hayward, A. B. (Bucknell Univ.) 1887, A. M. (Ibid.) Germantown, Pa.1890. Comparative Philology, Latin.A.B. (Northwestern Univ.) Evanston.Political Economy, English.A. B. (Bates Coll.) 1887hA. M. (Ibid.) 1890; Lewiston, Me.B. D. (Cobb Div. Sc 0(1) 1891-Sociology, Philosophy, English.A. B. (Antioch ColI.) 1874, A. M. (Ibid.) Denver, Col.1879. English Literature, Philosopl.v. 37PRESENT ADDRESS.Sn.497 Fullerton a V.8G.5628 Jackson avo.5853 Wabash avo.5312 Madison avo4003 Drexel boul.240, 43d st.4340 Berkeley a v ..Sn.Sn.271, 55th st.5810 Drexel a v.5630 Wentworth av ..Sn.259, 49th st.6038 Park End avo5756 Monroe avo5726 Drexel avo10, 46th st.5448 Cornell avo5630 lngleside'lav ..32 G.32 G.275, 5'2d st.Sn.185 Lincoln a v,4327 Lake avo730, 6;�d Court.18 G.11 G.21 G.Sn.38NAME. DEGREE ANn PLACE.THE QUARTERLY CALENDAR.Napoleon Bonaparte Heller, S. B. (Univ. of Pa.) 1884.Ma thema tics, Astronomy.L. B. (Univ. of Mich.) 1889.Political Economy, Sociology.Paul Llewellyn Hibbard, s. B. (Univ, of Neb.) Chemistry.Cyrus Wilburn Hodgin,Belva Mary Herron,Joseph Henry Howard,William Bashford Huff,Lincoln Hulley,Elkanah Hulley,John Irwin Hutchinson, A. M. (Earlham Coll.) 1889.History, Economics.A. B. (Univ. ofInd.) 1888, A. M. (Ibid.) 1890.Latin.A. B. (Univ. of Wis.) 1889.Mathematics, Physics.A. B. (Bucknell Univ.) 1888. A. B. (HarvardUniv.) 1889, A. M. (Bucknell Univ.) 1891.Semitic, Philosophy.A. B. (Bucknell U:�:tiv.) 1892. Semitic.A. B. (Bates Coll.) 1889.Ma thema tics, Astronomy.A. B. Wellesley con.) 1891. Latin, Greek. HOME ADDRESS. PRESENT ADDRESS.Philadelphia, Pa. 24 G.St. Louis, Mo. Sn.York, Neb. 401 57th st.Richmond, Ind. 29 Aldine Square.Indianapolis, Ind. 127 D.Boscobel, Wis. 5802 Jackson avoPhiladelphia. 15 G.Chester, Pa. 8G.Ohicago. 528 East 46th st.Ft. Wayne, Ind. Sn.Everett, Mass. 5756 Monroe avoLincoln, Neb. Sn.East Orange, N. J. Sn.Oollins, N. B. 5524 Ingleside av.Ohicago. 5442 Monroe avoOhicago. 527, 44th Place.Milwaukee, Wis. 29 G.Grace Jackson,Herbert Parlin Johnson, A. B. (Harvard Univ.) 1889, A. M. (Ibid.)1890. Biology.Florence Nightingale Jones, A. B. (Oberlin Coll.) 1883, A. M. (StateUniv, of Neb.) 1891. ComparativePhilology, Latin.A.B. (Wellesley Coll.) 1882, A.M.(Ibid.)1891.Hebrew and Old Testament Literature.Laura Amelia Jones,Elias William Kelly, A. B. (Acadia Coll.) 1876, grad. NewtonTheol. Institution,· 1880. Philosophy,Compara.tiveReligion, Social Science.Paul Oscar Kern, (Berlin Urriv.} Germany.Germanic and Romance Languages .:Charles Henry Kinne, A. B. (Brown Univ.) 1879, Ph. D. (Univ. ofStrassburg) .1890. Romance Languages.Henry Barnard Kummel, A. B. (Beloit Coll.) 1889, A. M. (HarvardUniv.) 1892. Geology, Mineralogy, Pe­trography.Agnes M. Lathe, A. B. (Smith Coll.) 1881. English.Orpha Euphemia Leavitt, A. B. (Doane Coli.) 1886.History, Political Science.Edwin Herbert Lewis, A. B. (Alfred Univ.) 1887, Ph. D. (SyracuseUniv.) 1892. English, Philosophy.Frank Rattray Lillie, A. B. (Univ. of Toronto). 1891.Invertebrate Embryology, Neurology.Henry Farrar Linscott, A. B. (Bowdoin Coll.) 1892. La tin, Greek.Caroline Shaw Maddocks, A. B. (WellesleyColl.) 1892.English Literature.Hervey Foster Mallory, A. B. (Colgate Univ.) 1890.Semitic, Social Science.Elizabeth Helen Mathes, L; B. (Univ, of Minn.) 1892.History, Political Science.Halsey Hulburt Matteson, A. B. (Oberlin Coll.) 1889.Greek, Latin, Sanscrit.A. B. (Univ. of Mich.) 1890. Philosophy.Eloise Mayham,Albert D. Mead,Merton Leland Miller,Loren Douglas Milliman,John Wilson Million,Robert Edward Moritz, Worcester, Mass.Fox Lake, Wis. Su.363 East 58tb st.78D.Ohicago.Toronto, ant. 5481 Kimbark avo304 Wasbington boul.16Sn.74D.Ohicago.Auburn, Me.Aberdeen, So. Dak.Camden Place, Minn. 344, 57th st.Seville, o.Stamford, N. Y. 20 G.5812 Drexel avo550, 55th st.A. B. (Middlebury Coll.) A. M. (Brown Chicago.Univ.) Morphology, Neurology, Paleon­tology.A. B. (Colby Univ.) 1890.Anthropology, History.A. B. (Univ. of Mich.) 1890.English, Philosophy.A. B. (Wm. Jewell Uoll.) 1889, A. M. (Ibid.)1891. Political Economy, History.S. B. (Hastings CoIl.)Ma thema tics, Physics, Astronomy. Lowell, Mass. 13G.7G.Lakeville, N. Y.Watson, Mo.Prosser, Neb. 5853 Wabash avo5490 Monroe avoNAME.George Edmund Morphy,Otto Mnhlhauser,Charles B. Newby,John Eldredge 'Northrup,William Bishop Owen,Charles Emerson Peet,Sarah Frances Pellett,John William Perrin,Charles Hiram Perrine,Cora Belle Perrine, THE STUDENTS.DEGREE AND PLACE. HOME ADDRESS.A. B. (Univ. of Toronto) 1885; B. D. (Mor- Colorado City, Ool.gan Park) 1890. Sociology.Ph. D. (Zurich Univ.). Chemistry. Stuttgart, Germany.S. B. (Earlham Coll.) 1889. Oonverse, Ind.Science, Philosophy.A. B,. (Drake Univ.) 1891. Melbourne, Ia,Political Economy.A. B. (Denison Univ.) 1887, D. B. (Bap. Chicago.Union Theol. Sem.) 1891.Comparative Philology, Philosophy,Greek.S. B.- (Univ. of Wis.) 1892. Geology. Avon.A. B. (Smith ColI.) 18R2,l. A. M. (Cornell Binghamton, N. Y.Univ.) 1891. Latin, Sanskrit, Greek.Ph. B. (ill. Wesleyan Univ.) 1887, A. M. Chicago.(Wabash ColI.) 1889.History, Philosophy.Ph. B. (Northwestern Univ.) 1892. Chicago.Chemistry.Centralia. 39PRESENT ADDRESS.28 G.25 G.6G.5709 Drexel avo5475 Kimbark avo29 G.Sn.5835 Drexel avo3410 Rhodes avoSn.A. B. (Wellesley CoIl.) 1891.Political Economy, French. SocialScience.Alice Edwards Pratt, Ph. B. (Univ, of Cal.) 1881. English. Saint Helena, Oal. Sn.Wayland Fuller Reynolds, A. M. (Univ. of W. Va.) 1890. Morgantown, W. Va. 6230 Princeton av.Philosophy, History.Myra Reynolds, A. B. (Vassar ColI.) 1880, A. M. (Ibid.) 1892. Pueblo, Ool. Sn.English, Philosophy. -'Arthur Kenyon Rogers,Elbert William Rockwood, S. B. (Amherst ceu» 1884. Chemistry.A. B. (Colby Univ.) 1891.Philosophy, New Testament Literature.A. B. (Univ. of Mont.), D. B. (Garrett Bib.Inst.), D. D. (Willamette Univ.),Hebrew, Arabic.S. B. (Univ, of Wis.) 1888, S. �M. (Ibid.)1890, Ph.D (Johns Hopkins Univ.) 1892.Bacteriology.A. B. (Vassar con» 1890. History.A. B. (Central Turkey CoIl.) 1888, Ag. B.(Univ. of Vt.) 1892.Political Economy, Philosophy, His-�� -M. D. (Bennett Med. CoIl.) 1883; A. B. Ohicago.(Northwestern Univ.) 1892.Political Economy, Philosophy.Herbert EllsworthSlaught, A. B. (Colgate Univ.) 1883, A. M. (Ibid.), 1886. Ma thema tics, Astronomy.Warren Rufus Smith. A. B. (Bowdoin CoIl.) Chemistry.James Archy Smith, Ph. B. (Denison Univ.) 1889, A. M. (Ibid.)1892. Mathematics.Theodoro Geraldo Soares, A. B. (Univ. of Minn.) 1891, A. M. (Ibid.)1892. Biblical History, Semitic. -Charles Worthen Spencer, .A.. B. (Colby Univ.) 1890.Social Science, History.A. B. (Wellesley Coll.) 1889. Chemistry.Ph. B. (Iowa State Univ.) 1892Political Economy.A. B. (Denison Univ.) 1879.Chemistry, Physics.A. B. Cornell cen.: 1890.English, La tin, History.A. B. (Kalamazoo Coll.) 1882; D. B. (Mor­gan Park Theol. Sem.) 1885. History.A. B. (Simpson CoIl.) 1884, A. M. (Ibid.)1887. Biology.William Rollins,Harry Luman Russell,Cora Louise Scofield,A vedis Bedros Selian,James Grundy Sinclair,Harriet Stone,Frederick Arthur Stowe,Samuel Ellis Swartz,Blanche Swingley,John Wesley Tanner,Amanda Seeper Taylor, Iowa Oity, Ia.Waterville, Me.Evanston.Poynette, Wis.Washington, Ia. 17 G.2G.77 D.5425 CottageGrove a v •Oaeasrea-Talas, Asia Minor. 82 D.Sn.Englewood.Litchfield Corners, Me. 9 G.Mercer'sBottom� W. Va. 30 G.4101 Grand boul.440, 64th st.Minneapolis, Minn. 27 G.Waterville, Me. 13 G.Ohicago. 3352 Indiana avoHarvey. Harvey.Newark, O. 5485 Monroe avoPort Byron. Sn,Normal. 5818 Drexel av.Peru, Neb. 552 East 55th st.40NAME. DEGREE AND PLACE.THE QUARTERLY CALENDAR.William Edgar Taylor, A. B. (Clinton Coli.) 1879, A. M. (Ibid.) 1885,S. M. (Purdue Univ.) 1892.Geology, Paleontology.William G. Taylor, A. B. (Harvard Coli.) 1880, LL. B. (Ibid.)1883. Poli tical Economy.Mary Sybria Tenney, L. B. (Univ. of Wis.) 1887.History, Political Science.Charles Sproull Thompson, A. B. (Harvard Univ.) 1887.Political Economy.James Westfall Thompson, A. B. (Rutgers ColI.) 1892.History, Political Science.Clarence Almon Torrey,George Tunell,Mary E. G. Urch,Thomas Wood Valentine,Thorstein B. Veblen,George E. Vincent, Ph. B. (Cornell Coli.) 1890.Mathematics, Astronomy.S. B. (Univ. of Minn.) 1892.Political Science, Political Economy.Sociology, German, Sacred Literature.A. B. (T'rini ty ColI.) 1892.Latin, Sanskrit, Greek.A. B. (Carleton ColI.) 1880, Ph. D. (YaleUniv.) 1884. Political Economy.A. B. (Yale Co11.) 1885.General Sociology, History.Elizabeth Wallace,George Burnside Waldron, A. B. (Oberlin Co11.) 1884.Sociology, Political Economy.S. B. (WeHesley ColI.) 1886.History, Political Science.Madeline Wallin, L.B. (Univ. of Minn.) 1892.Poli tical Science, History.William Clarence Webster, A.B. (Albion Coll.)History, Political Science, PoliticalEconomy.Jeanette Cora Welch, A. B. (Wellesley ColI.) 1889.Zoology, Physiology.Chauncey Graham Wells. A. M. (Wake Forest ColI.) 1889.English Language and Literature.John Byrd Whaley, A.B. (Western Maryland Coil.) 1889.Semitic Languages.William Craig Wilcox,Edith Wilkinson,Maud Wilkinson, A. B. (Univ. of Rochester) 1888, A. M.(Ibid.)1891. History, Political Economy,Political Science.A. B. (Wellesley ceu.: 1888. History. HOME ADDRESS.Peru, Neb..1l!It. Vernon. Ia.Chicago.Chicago. PRESENT ADDRESS.552 East 55th st.54:87 Monroe avo3120 Calumet avoManchester, Ia.New Brunswick, N. J. 31 G.1601 Prairie a V.Albert ie«. Minn.Jackson, Mich.Hendersonville, N. C.Chicago.Buffalo, N. Y.Three Oaks, Mich.Minneapolis, Minn.Fargo, N. Dak.]JIt. Vernon, Ia.Sparta, Mich.Warsaw, N. C.Plymouth, N. C.Rochester, N. Y.Chicago.Tarrytown, N. Y.A. B. (Wellesley oen.: 1889.English Literature.Herbert Lockwood Willett. A. B., A. M. (Bethany ColI.) 1886. Semitics. Dayton,Wardner Williams, Ph. B. (Alfred Urriv.) 1880, Ph. M. (Ibid.) Chicago.1883. Ph. D. (Ibid.) 1890.Alfred Williams,Mary Frances Winston,Lucy A. Winston,Ambrose Pare Winston,Esther Witkowsky,Irving Francis Wood, Ph. B. (Alfred Univ.) 1890, Ph. M. (Ibid.) Chicago.1891.A. B. (Univ. of Wis.) 1889. Chicago.Mathematics, Physics.A. B. (Earlham Coli.) 1882. Philadelphia, PatEnglish Litera ture, German.A. B. (Univ. of Wis.) 1887. Chicago.Political Economy, History.A. B. (Vassar Coll.) 1886. Chicago.Germanic Languages, Romance Lan­guages.A. B. (Hamilton cen.: 1885, A. M. (Ibid.)1888, B. D. (Yale Univ.) 1892.New Testament, Philosophy and OldTestament.Robert Williams Wood, A. B. (Harvard Univ.) 1891. Chemistry.Alwilde Clark Ziegenfelder, A. B. (Vassar Coll.) History. Ohicago.Chicago.Piqua, O. 17 G.4 G.25 G.22 G.Cornell avo Hotel.346, 56th st.Sn.Sn.4:608 Lake avoSn.16 G.16 G.12 G.260, 51st st.5520 Madison avo5812 Drexel a V.5812 Drexel a V.5812 Drexel a v.363 East 58th st.Sn.363 East 58th st.2802 Prairie avoFrederick Court.5237 J efferson avoCalumet, 42d st.THE STUDENTS. 41NON-RESIDENT GRADUATE STUDENTS.NAME.John Burrows Brown,Edward Payson Drew,C. M. Ellinwood,James Walter Fertig,Daniel Hull,Jessie L. Jones,Alexander Charles McKay,William Parker McKee,William H. Smith,John August U dden,Eugenia Winston,Francis A. Wood, DEGREE AND PLACE.A. B. (Knox ColI.) 1886, A. M. (Ibid.) 1889.Roman Law. Constitutional Law.In terna tional Law.A. B. (Yale Univ.) 1891Semitic Languages. Philosophy.Ph. B. (Northwestern Univ.) 1876, Ph. M.(Ibid.). Chemistry. .A. B. (Uuiv, of Nashville) 1890, A. M�'(Univ, of Nashville) 1891.History, Political Economy, Anthro­pology.A. B. (U. C. College") Mathematics. -A. B. (Doane Coll.) 1884. German.A. B. (U niv. of Toronto) 1885.Mathematics, Astronomy, Physics.A. B. (Wabash Coll.) 1883, D. B. (MorganPark Theol. Sem.) 1887. Old Testa-. ment History.A. B. (Amherst Coll.) 1890.Indo-European Languages and Liter­atures.A. B. (Augustana Coll.) 1881, A. M. (Ibid.)1889. Geology, Meteorology.A. B. (Univ. of Wis.) 1890. History.A. B. (Northwestern Univ.) 1880, A. M.(Ibid.) 1883.Germanic Languages and Literatures. HOME ADDRESS.Roseville, Ill.313 N. 9th st., St. Joseph, Mo.,University Place, Neb.30 Academy Place, Nashville, Tenn.U. O. Oollege, Toronto, Oan.1639 L. ei; Lincoln, Neb.57 Prince Arthur avo Toronto, Oni,522, 12th avo S. E., Minneapolis, Minn.Lahainaluna Maui, H. 1.1000, 38th et., Rock Island, Ill.363 E. 58th si., Ohicago.Quincy, Ill.42NAME.Ira Wilder Allen, Jr.,Charles Willi'am Allen,Stephen Allen Atteberry,R. Bailey,Fred Berry,Frank Printz Bixon,James Blake,J. H. Blake, -William Louis Blanchard,Charles E. Blodgett,Everett Anthony Bowen,Leslie Bower,Melbourne P. Boynton,Hattie Wells Boynton,Charles William Brinstad,Thomas Broomfield,Fred Clark Gallup Bronson,Marcus Julian Brown.William Lewis Burdick,Willard De Lure Burdick,James Wallace Cabeen,Robert Carroll,Agnes Fisher Carroll,Car 1 Delos Case,Judson Clarke Chapin,John David Collins,Homer Martien Cook,John Marion Criswell,Frederick George Davies,Ulysses Sherman Davis,Joseph Croft Dent,Walter Levy Dewey,John W. Dutton,Friend Taylor Dye,John Alex Eakin,Robert Elder,fohn Waterman Elliott,William Anderson Elliott, -Francis R. Enslin, Jr.,Christina H. Ericson,Marion Danoby Eubank,Thomas Silas Evans,Henry Lexington Everett,Elmer Elsworth Hatch,James Washington Falls,Henry Alfred Fisk, THE QUARTERLY CALENDAR.THE DIVINITY SCHOOL.ENGLISH DEPARTMENT.DEGREE AND PLACE.A. B., A. M. (Williams College).A. B. (Bucknell Univ.) 1892.A. B. (La Grange College) 1891. HOME ADDRESS. PRESENT ADDRESS.Morgan Park Theological Seminary.Denison University. Englewood. 612 Maple st., Englewood,Scranton, Pat 45 D.La Grange, Mo. 137 D.Barrington, Ill. Barrington.Pullman. Pullman.New York, N. Y. 157 D.• Chicago. 85 D.Chicago. 85 D.Darlington, lll"is. 125 D.- Brookline Park. Brookline Park.Providence, R. 1. 80 D.Grand Rapids, Mich. 5546 Ingleside av ..San Jose, Cal. 5709 Drexel avoSan Jose, Cal. 5709 Drexel avoNo. La Crosse, Wis. 125 D.Good Thunder, Minn. 152 D.Norwich, Conn. 105 D.North Adams, Mass. 1030 Harrison st ..Hebron, Pat 638, 56th st.A. B. (Univ. of Dakota) 1889.A. B. (Brown Univ.) 1892.Morgan Park Theological Seminary.California College, Oakland, Cal.A. B. (Univ. of So. Dakota) 1888.Bible Institute, Chicago.A. B. (Yale Univ.) 1892.A. B. (Williams Coli.) 1891.Ph. B. (Alfred Univ.) 1890. B. D. (AlfredUniv.) 1892.A. B. (Milton Coli.) 1890. Milton, Wis. 5455 Monroe avoA. B. (Ripon Coli.) 1888. Brookline Park. Brookline Park.Private School, Zenorville, la, Boone, Ia. 5743 Kimbark av.Manning School of Oratory, Minneapolis. Spencer, la. 5743 Kimbark av.A. B. (Colgate Univ.) 1891. St. Anthony Pte., Minn. 109 D.A. B. (Univ. of Rochester) 1889. Chicago, 3816 Rhodes avoIndiana State Normal School. Bainbridge, Ind. 88 D.S. B. (La Grange Coli.) 1890. Bismarck, N. D. 128 D.A.B. (Denison Univ.) 1892. South Kirkland, O. 138 D.Nebraska City College. Somonauk. 390, 57th st.A. B. (Denison Univ.) 1892. Youngstown, O. 110 D.The Bible Institute, Chicago. Maplewood, Maplewood.• Willoughby, O. 52 D.Chicago. D.McOlain, Ill. 62 D.Elgin. 55 D.Albany, N. Y. 33 D.Hunter, Ill. Riverdale.Argentine, Kans. 143 D.D. B. (Newton Theological Sem.) 1892. Somerville, Mass. 112 D.- Morgan Park, Ill. Morgan Park.A.B. (Wm. Jewell oeu.i, M.D. (Marion St. Louis, Mo. 5546 Ingleside av,Sims Coli. of Medicine).McMaster University, Toronto. Swedyrheiv, So. Wales, Eng. 84 D.A. B. (Brown Univ.) 1886, A. M. (Brown Worcester, Mass. 6121 Stewart av ..and Harvard) 1889.California College.A. B. (Boston Univ.),A. B. (Marietta Coli.) 1891.A. B. (Beloit Coli.).A. B. (Coli. of City of N. Y.).Morgan Park Theological Seminary.Morgan Park Theological Seminary.L. B. (Univ. of Cal.) 1891. Lafayette, Cal.Milton, PatChenoa, Ill. 146D.135D.43D.NAME.John Elijah Ford,John Victor Fradenburg,Edward Frantz,Eliza Jane Gerry,Thomas John Giblett,Theophilus Anthony Gill,Alfred Ebenezer Goodman,John Hiram Grant,Robert Gray,Benjamin Franklin GriffethEdwin Milton Griffin,William Chase Halbert,Howland Hanson,Jasper Harris,Charles Asa Hemenway,John Frederick Henry,J ullien A very Herrick,Thomas Western Heyland,George Perry Holcomb,Charles Boyd Hole,Harry Howard,John L. Hoyt,Hugh Henry Hurley,John W. Jones,Edwin Bruce Kinney,James Albert Koontz,Frank Kurtz,Elisha Moore Lake,Charles Augustus Lemon,John Moses Lockhart,George Lord,Finley I. Lucas,Ephraim Harvey McDonald,Allan McEwan,Donald Hugh McGillivray,George McGinnis,Willard Carey Mac Naul,Benjamin F. Martin, -Leonidas I. Mercer,John Freeman Mills,David Vilhelm Myhrman,Arthur Freeman Newcomb,Walter Hammond Nichols,Ettie B. Nichols,John ·Eubart Noftsinger,Eric Johan Nordlander,Thomas Augustus OuryErnest Alfonzo Orr,Ida Orr,Loran David Osborn,David Livingstone Parker, THE STUDENTS.DEGREE AND PLAOE.Beloit College.Woodstock College.A. B. (Ohio Nor. Univ.) 1890.A. M. (Genesee oen.:East London Institute, London, Eng.Princeton CallegeA. B. (Ottawa Univ.) 1891.A. B. (Amherst Coli.)Morgan Park Theological Seminary.A. B. (Cornell Univ.) 1890.A. B. (LaGrange CoIl.) 1892.A. B. (Princeton Coli.) 1892.State Normal College, Ala.A. B. (Kalamazoo Coli.) 1892.Olivet College.S. B. (La Grange Coli.) 1892.A. B. (Univ. of No. Dak.) 1891.A. B. (U niv. of Rochester) 1889.Morgan Park Theological Seminary.A. B. (Trinity Coli.) 1891.Woodstock College, OntoA. B. Kans. Norma! oeu.i 1886.A. B. (Denison Univ.) 1892.A. B. (Kalamazoo CoIl.) 1892.Bucknell University.A. B. (Colgate Univ.) 1892.L. B. (Denison Univ.) 1892.Morgan Park Theological Seminary.Bucknell University.University of Michigan.Morgan Park Theological Seminary.Morgan Park Theological Seminary.A. B. (Bucknell Univ.) 1890.L. B. (Bethany oeu.: 1890.A. B. (Toronto Univ.) 1890.(Baptist Theological Seminary, Sweden).A. B. (Acadia Univ.) 1892.U niv. of Michigan.Univ. of Michigan.Morgan Park Theological Seminary.Morgan Park Theological Seminary.A. B. (Mt. Morris College).M t. Morris College.A. B. (Univ. of Michigan.). 1891.Acadia College, N. S. HOME ADDRESS. 43PRESENT ADDRESS.Chicago.Upper Ontario.Ohicago. 5423 Monroe avoOhicago. Sn.Marley. 152 D.West Park-on-the 41 D.Hudson, N. Y.Antrim, Kans. 132 D.Goldsborough, N. C. 90 D.Ohicago. 5544 Ingleside avoOhicago. 5606 Ellis avoBuffalo, N. Y. 70 D.Plymouth. 66 D.Savannah. 65 D.Chicago. 72 D.Kalamazoo, Mich. 5556 Princeton avoAu Sable, Mich. 139 D.La Granqe, Mo. 79 D.Pavilion. 124 D.Rochester, N. Y. 75 D.Fairbury, Neb. 113 D.Chicago. 5548 Ingleside avoSen/net, N. Y. 11 D.Charter, Man. 44 D.Parsons, Kans.Norwalk, O ..Michigan Oity, Ind.Genesee Mich. 51 D.Elmira, N. Y. 141 D.Attica, N. Y. 142 D.Reedy Ripple, W.Va. Harvey.Ouster Park. 53 'D.Independence, Mo.Detroit, Mich.Bay Oity, Mich.Wasco.Sandwich.New Haven, Conm,Berwyn, Ill.Bowling Green, O.Sparta, OntoStockholm, Sweden.Wolfville, N. S.Ann Arbor, Mich.Ann Arbor, Mich.Lithia, Va.Roseland. 2715 Dearborn st.99 D.910 Southport avo121 D.327 State st.57D.5606 Ellis a v.48 D.94D.69D.Berwyn.140D.129 D.73 D.76 D.5802 Jackson avo5802 Jackson avo144 D.Roseland.�jJ[organ Park. Morgan Park.Plattsburg, Mo. 5812 Drezel avoOhicago. 5812 Drexel avoGrand Rapids, Mich. 65 D.Wolfville, N. S. 64 D.44NAME.Joseph Paul,Charles Lewis Payne,W. Pearce,William George Pearce,William Angus Peterson,Frank Erwin Peterson,Daniel Thomas Phillips,Ansel Howard Post,Milo B. Price,Washington Irving Price,Willis Preston Price,John Thomas Proctor,Eliphalet Allison Read,Jesse Cassander Rhodes,Charles Wirt Robinson,Aaron Wallace Runyan,John Samuelson,J ames Franklin Sanders,Otto Joel Scovell,George Bly Shaw,Thaddeus Loring Smith,Ralph Parsons Smith,John Gabriel Speicher,Ernest Edward Starkweather,Frank A Starratt,Almon Odell Stevens,John Henry Stewart,Martin Curtis Stonecipher,Mary Kimbrough Stoner,Edwin Stanton StuckerFuller Swift,Sidney Cain Tapp,Walter William Theobald,Thora Thompson,James Jay Thorn,Henry Van Engelen,Theodore Julian Van Horne,Charles Frank Vreeland,William Albergince Waldo,Horace Jonathan WheelerAlfred Wesley Wishart,William Robert Wood,Joel Franklin Wood,Andrew Robert Elmer Wyant,Emanuel' Sprangle Young, (Willmar College, Minn.) (Morgan Park Austin.Theological Sem.).Furman Univ., S. C. Saluda, S. O.A. B. (Wisconsin State University). 1881. Madison, Wis.A. B. (Milton College). 1891. Milton, Wis.Moody's Bible Institute. Millburn.Ph. B. (Denison Univ.).1888. Oolumbus, O.M. D. (Univ, of Iowa). 1883. Hudson, Ia. 8313 Superior avoA. B. (Ottawa Univ.), 1891. Olay Center, Kans. 56 D.A. B. (Acadia College). 1892. Wolfville, N. S. 95 D.A. B. (Bucknell Univ.), 1891. Hop Bottom, Pa. 136 D.Newcastle - on - Tyne, Eng. 145 D.Sun Prairie, Wis. 49 D.THE QUARTERLY CALENDAR.DlDGREE AND PLACE. HOME ADDRESS.Omaha, Neb.A. B. (Denison University). 1888. Morgan Park.Harvey.Morgan Park Theological Seminary. Ohicago.D. B. (Morgan Park Theological Sem.) Ohicago.1890.S. B., S. M. (Milton College), D. B. (Bap- Ohicago.tist Union Theological Sem.). 1892.(Graduate Haverford College, Wales).Morgan Park Theological Seminary.A. B. (Denison University). 1892.Denison Univ., Crozier Theological Sem.S. B. (Gillsburg Collegiate Inst.) 1892.A. B. (W m. Jewell College, Mo.) 1891.A. B. (Acadia University). 1891.A. B. (Franklin College). 1892.Cook Academy.A. B. (Denison University), 1878. D. B.Newton Theological Sem.) 1881 Ohicago.Bradford, Ill.Newark, O.Henzada, Burmah.King, Miss.Philadelphia, Mo.Beriurick, N. S.Rensselaer, Ind.North Hector, N. Y.San Francisco, Cal.Morgan Park Theological Seminary.A. B. (Shurtleff College) 1887. B.D. (New­ton Theological Inst.) 1891.S. B. (Bethel College) 1886. Ohicago.Morgan Park Theological Sem., Ottawa Ottawa, Kans.Univ.Ohicago.Roxboro, N. O.Wayne, Neb.Montevideo, Minn.Glasgow, Scotland.Englewood, Ill.Welton, Ia.Coopersville, Mich.Drayton, N. Dak.Atlanta.A. B. (Colgate University). 1889. Brooklyn, N. Y.Univ. of Colorado. Ohicago.S. B. (Franklin College). 1890. Smithfield, O.A. B. (Bucknell Univ.), 1892. Adrian, Pa.A. B. (Mt. Morris College), (Morgan Park Mt. Morris.Theological Sem.).Ph. B. (Furman Univ.) , 1892.Morgan Park Theological Seminary.Pills bury AcademyD. B. (Rochester Theological Sem.) 1892.A. B. (Milton College). 1888.Michigan State Normal School.Th. B. (Morgan Park Theological Sem. PRESENT ADDRESS.81 D.Brookline Park.Harvey.618 W. Madison st ..54 D.5455 Monroe avo7031 Addison avo130 D.121D.5810 Drezel avo141 D.5853 Wabash avo128 D.98 D.47 D.6423 Honore st.Austin.93 D.140D.42 D.6547 Lexington av ..133D.373 Bowen avo144 D.302, 41st st.50 D.Brookline Park.5475 Kimbark avo39 D.Englewood.60 D.139 D.129 D.120 D.5425 Cottage Grove a v ..6231 Sheridan av.92 D.136 D.74 D.THE STUDENTS.DANISH - NORWEGIAN DEPARTMENT. 45NAME. DEGREE AND PLACE. HOME ADDRESS. PRESENT ADDRESS.Hans Martin Anderson, Morgan Park Theological Seminary. Arendal, Norway. 118 D.Anders Larsen Brandsmark, Morgan Park Theological Seminary. Slagelse, Denmark. 87 D.Christen Petersen Grarup, Morgan Pa,rk Theological Seminary. N. Snede, Denmark. 87 D.Ove Laurits Hoien, Morgan Park Theological Seminary. Minneapolis, Minn. 118D.Edward Peter Johnson, Morgan Park Theological Seminary. Minneapolis, Minn. 119D.Nels Sorenson Laudahl, M.organ Park Theological Seminary. Eureka, Wis. 58 D.Andrew Anderson Ohrn, Morgan Park Theological Seminary. Bergen, Norway. 118D.Tellef Christian Pedersen, Morgan Park Theological Seminary. Arendal, Norway. 119D.NAME.Carl Anderson,Gustaf Kobert Anderson,Magnus Berglund,Herman Bergman,Martin Carlson,Carl Rasselblad,John Reden,Johan Peter Jacobson,Magnus Johnson,Antone Oliver Lawrence,Fredrick Linden,Edward Sigurd Lindblad,Olof Lindholm,Sven A ugust Nelson,Carl Anton Nelson,John August Ro9S,Johan Rocen,Carl Axel Salquist,Carl Gustaf Sten,Carl Wilhelm Sundmark,Olof 'I'aflin,Carl Fridolf Wiking, SWEDISH DEPARTMENT.DEGREE AND PLACE.Morgan Park Theological Seminary.Morgan Park Theological Seminary.Morgan Park Theological Seminary.Morgan Park Theological Seminary.Morgan Park Theological Seminary.Morgan Park Theological Seminary.Morgan Park Teeological Seminary.Morgan Park Theological Seminary.Morgan Park Theological Seminary.Morgan Park Theological Seminary.Morgan Park Theological Seminary.Morgan Park Theological Seminary.Morgan Park Theological Seminary.Morgan Park Theological Seminary."Morgan Park Theological Seminary.Public School.Morgan Park Theological Seminary.Morgan Park Theological Seminary.Morgan Park Theological Seminary.Mo�gan Park Theological Seminary.Morgan Park Theological Seminary.Morgan Park Theological Seminary. HOME ADDRESS. PRESENT ADDRESS ..Oadillac, Mich. 96 D.St. Paul, Minn. 114 D.DeKalb. 38 D.Muskegon, Mich. 38 D.Humboldt Park. 102 D.Grantsburg, Wis. 78 D.Daggett, Mich. 839, 59th St., Englewood,Duluth, Minn. 115 D.St. Paul, Min.n. 107 D.Omaha, Neb. 111 D.Ogema, Wis. Park Manor.Oakland, Neb. 115 D.Gowrie, la. 67 D.Kiron, la. 97 D.Chicago. 97 D.St. Paul, Minn. 149 D.Ohicago. 149 D.Lake Oity, Minn. 107 D.Kansas City, Kans. 78 D.Ohicago. 101 D.La Porte, Ind. 67 D.Evanston. 114 D.46 THE QUARTERLY CALENDAR.THE UNIVERSITY COLLEGES.NAME.Minnie Frances Babcock,George A. Bale,Warren Palmer Behan,Frank Hamlin Blackmarr, DEGREE AND PLACE.Lake Erie Seminary.Beloit College.Allegheny College.Jesse Dismukes Burks,Antoinette Gary,Mary Lucretia Daniels,Philli p Jackson Dickerson,Hallie Centennial Ellis,William Steen Gaud,Rizpah Marguerite Gilbert,Alvan C. Halphide,Hermann Valentine von Holst,Robert Franklin Hoxie,John Franklin Hunter,Louis Bogart J oralmon,Jacob Adolph Loeb,Herbert Manchester,Ma:rY Louise Maret,William Howard Prescott,Clarke Edward Ridpath, De Pauw Univ., A. B., 1891, A. M., 1892.Howard Roosa, Yale University.William Rullkoetter, Hastings College, Neb.George M. Ryder, Montana Universi!y.Robert Alexander Joseph Shaw, Univ. of Mich.Edward Octavius Sisson, Kansas State Agricultural College.Edward L. Tupper,Florence Mercy Walker,Andrew Robinson Whitson,Henry Parker Willis,Clarence Hubert Woods,NAME.Henry Magee Adkinson,Oswald James Arnold,Wallace Walter Atwood,Gustave Wilhelm Axelson,Cecil V. Bachelle,Mary Brooks Baird,Ralph Barker,Harrison B. Barnard, Univ. of California.Wellesley College.Vassar College.Bucknell Univ., Pa.LL.B. (Univ. of Mich.) 1890.(Ibid) 1892. HOME ADDRESS.Painesville, O.Gig Harbor, Wash.Ohicago.Jamestown, N. Y.Los Angeles, Cal.Elyria, O.New Haven, Conn.'Lula, Va.LL. M. Freeport.Illinois College. Chicago.Cornell University. Le Roy, N. Y.The Old Univ. of Chicago. Chicago.Gymnasium at Freiburg-in-Baden Ger- Ohicago.many.Cornell University. Yorkville, N. Y.Univ.of Toronto. Minto, N. Dak.Lake Forest Univ. Norwood Park.The Royal Gymnasium, Wiesbaden, Ger- Ohicago.many.Lake Forest Univ.Wellesley College.Rochester U niv.Ingham Univ., N. Y.U niv. of Wis.Western Reserve Univ.,Colorado Coil. Gray's Lake.Dayton, O.Oleveland, O.Greencastle, Ind.Rosendale, N. Y.Hastings, Neb.Melrose Park.Ohicago.Newcastle-on-Tyne, 5442 Drexel avoEngland.Raleigh, N. O. 5548 Ingleside aYeLe Roy, N. Y. Sn.Northfield, Minn. 113 D.Racine, Wis. 5551 Lexington avoOolorado Springs, Col. 88 D.THE ACADEMIC COLLEGES.DEGREE AND PLACE.Englewood High School.No. Div. High School.W. Div. High School.The Owen Academy.Chicago Academy.Southern Kansas Acad., Eureka, Kans.Sisson's School. HOME ADDRESS.Chicago.Ohicago.Ohicago.Morgan Park.Chicago.Eureka, Kans.Englewood.- Englewood, PRESENT ADDRESS.5324 Madison avo5434 Washington avo448 Bowen avo613 Chestnut st., Eng-lewood.58th st. & Jackson avoSn.Sn.317, 61st st.36D.5802 Jackson avoSn.3410 Rhodes avo4333 Forestville avo3821 Aldine Place.118D.92D.3251 Vernon avo5810 Drexel avoSn.5541 Cottage Grove av.3G.24 Dr.56th st. & Drexel a V.Melrose Park.632 Madison st.PRESENT ADDRESS.5552 Wentworth avo105D.2631 Wabash avo3 Dr.18 Gil pin place.4643 Lake avo6419 Wright st.510,62d st.THE STUDENTS. 47NAME. DEGREE AND PLACE. HOME ADDRESS. PEFSFNT ADDRESS.Saxton Barre tt, Ohicaqo. 3230 Calumet avoLu Eaves Barrett, Henderson High School. Henderson, Ky. Sn.Maria Beatty, Lake High School. Ohicago. 4444 Emerald avoGlenrose M. Bell, Ferry Hall, Lake Forest. Ohicago. 5810 Washington avoLucy Lovejoy Bennett, Evanston High School, Evanston. 5830 Rosalie Court.Charles King Bliss, The Owen Academy. Longwood. Longwood.Rose Marie Boomer, Univ. of Mich. Ohicago. 353 East 46th st.Jennie Kathryn Boomer, Univ. Mich. Ohicaqo. 353 East 46th st.Berkeley Brandt, - Ohicago. 1316 Michigan avoCarolyn Louise Brown, Elgin High School. Elgin. 222 Marshfield avoFred Preston Brown, North Adams, Mass. 131 D.Agnes May Brown. The Owen Academy. Morgan Park. Morgan Park, Ill.Allen Tidalls Burns, Sisson's Academy. Ohicago. 288, 53d st.Demia Butler, Girls' Classical School, Indianapolis. Indianapolis, Ind. Sn.Sarah Elizabeth Butler, Girls' Classical School, Indianapolis. Indianapolis, Ind. Sn.Katherine Allegra Byrne, Englewood High School. Englewood. 6330 Dickey st.David Chalmers Campbell, Tarkio College, Mo. Englewood. 6818 Wright st.Henry Peat Caraway, Northwestern Univ. Tuscola. 5835 Drexel avoPercy Peyton Carroll, Hanover College, Ind. Marion, Ind. nOD.Mary Castle, Bucknell U niv. Alexandria, o. 5440 Monroe avoHenry Thurston Chace, Jr., Hyde Park High School. Ohicago. 5740 Rosalie Court.Frank Wesley Chadbourn, Univ. of Rochester. Oolumbus, Wis. 6200 Sheridan avoFaith Benita Clark, Rockford Seminary. Rockford. 5719 Rosalie Court.Henry L. Clarke, So. Div. High School. Ohicaqo. 3q38 Calumet avoHester Jane Coddington, Illinois State U ni v. Kansas Oity, Mo. 5515 Madison avoElizabeth Teasdale Coolidge, So. Div. High School. Chicago. 2917 Groveland avoJohn Birdsey Curtis, Univ. of Michigan. Grand Orossing. 7437 Nutt avoCora Eames De Graff, Evansville Classical School, Ind. Englewood: 6939 Wright st.Lawrence James de Swarte, Beloit College. Milwaukee, Wis. 117 D.Charles Dorrance Dibell, The Owen Academy. Joliet. 76D.Gertrude Parker Dingee, Oshkosh High School, Wis. Racine, Wis. Sn.Dora May Diver, The Owen Academy. Waukegan. Sn.Charles Henry Dixon, De Pauw Univ, Chicago. 1076 So. St. Louis avoMabel Louise Dore, So. Div. High School. Ohicago. 3650 Vernon avoRaymond Carleton Dudley, The Owen Acad. Ohicago. 2613 Indiana avoCharles Wesley Fletcher, Whea ton College. West McHenry, 1G.Edith Burnham Foster, W. Div, High School. Ohicago. 2541 Michigan avoHerbert Jacob Friedman, The Owen Academy, Morgan Park. Ohicago. 3602 Prairie avoJoseph C. Friedman, So. Div. High School. Ohicago. 3916 Prairie a v.Mary Furness, Lyons High School, La Grange. 5657 Cottage Grove avoHenry Gordon Gale, Aurora High School. Aurora. 94D.Cora Margaret Gettys, The Owen Academy. Englewood. 5855 Wright st.Hyman Elijah Goldberg, West Division High School. Ohicago. 348 S. Clark st.Emma Louise Goodhue, Carleton College. Chicaqo. 54 Bryant avoPaul Spencer Graves, Evanston High School. Evanston. 5630 Ingleside avoLulu Maria Green. Univ, of Nebraska. Lincoln, Neb. 550 E. 55th st.Michael Frederic Guyer, Plattsburg, Mo. High School. Plattsburg, Mo. 5630 Ingleside avoElmer Ellsworth Hartley, The Owen Academy. Ohicago. 111 D.Helen Amelia Haven, Hanover College, Ind. Marengo. 5806 Drexel avoJohn Henry Hei!, Northwestern Univ. Centralia. 3504 Rhodes avoHarry Cyrus Holloway, Chicago Manual Training School. Ohicago. 3436 Prairie avo48NAME.Edward Gardiner Howe,Robert Lee Hughes,Clara Delia Hulbert,John Hulshart,Lila Cole Hurlbut,Isaac Barney Hyman,Cora Belle Jackson,Stewart Wells Jameson,Victor Oscar Johnson,Ralph Hiram Johnson,Edith Sarah Kellogg,George Nelson Knapp,Aletta Hartwell Knox,Philemon Bulkley Kohlsaat,John Lane Laning,Van Rensselaer Lansingh,Joseph Leiser,Alfred Earnest Logie.Walter David Lowy,Clifford Bottsford M'Gillivray,Samuel Sweeney McClintock,Anna James McClintock,Bessie Messick,Ward Magoon Mills,Frederick Horace Minard,Arthur Minnick,Harry Collier Mix,William Eugene Moffatt,Carrie S. Moore,Thomas William Moran,Edwin Morgan,Thomas S. Morgan,Elizabeth Moss,Henry Charles Murphy,Carr Baker Neel,Fred. Day Nichols.Alfred Sayles Northrup,Charles Sumner Pike,Margaret PurceII,Maud Lavinia Radford,William John Rapp,Joseph Edward Raycroft,Stella Robertson,Cora Emma Roche,May Josephine Rogers,Isaac Edward Rubovits,Loren M. Russell,Marshall Emmett Sampsell,Louis Sass,Katherine Augusta Smith,Kenneth Gardner Smith, DEGREE AND PLACE.THE QUARTERLY CALENDAR.Mt. Hermon School, Mass.The Owen Academy.Peddie Institute, N. J.Omaha High School, Neb.The Owen Academy.Howard Univ., Washington, D. C.Univ, of Illinois.Northwestern U niv.Kenyon Military Academy, Ohio.Iowa College Academy.Univ. of Wisconsin.Evelyn College, Princeton, N. J.Northwestern Univ.Illinois College.College of City of N. Y.Univ. of Rochester.Northwestern Univ, Prep. Sch.The Owen Academy.Kentucky Univ.Millersburgh Female College, Ky.The Owen Academy.Drury College.Englewood High School.North Division High School.Wayland Academy, Wis.Univ. of Michigan.Bucknell U ni v.Sisson's School.Univ. of Notre Dame, Ind.Oakland High School, Cal.Cedar Valley Seminary.Univ. of Michigan.South Division High School.College of Emporia, Kans.Ingham College, N. Y.North Division High School.Worcester Academy, Mass.Albion High School, N. Y.West Division High SchoolUniv. of Michigan.South Div, High School.The Owen Academy.West Division High School.The Owen Academy.The Owen Academy. HOME ADDRESS.Tracy.Prospect, N. Y.Morgan Park.Lakewood, N. J.Chicago.Chicago.Chicago.Farmer City.Genoa, Neb.Marion, Ind.Correctionville,Madison, Wis.Chicago.Chicago.Petersburg.Ohicago.Rochester, N. Y.- Redlands. Cal.Ohicago.Ohicago.Lexington, Ky.Millersburgh, Ky.Memphis, Tenn.Englewood.Ohicago.Chicago.- Ohicago.Chicago.Beloit, Wis.Ohicago.E. Stroudsburg, PalOhicago.Great Bend, Kans.Woodstock.Ohicago.Osage, Ia.Morgan Park.Ohicago.Manhattan, Kans.LeRoy, N. Y.Ohicago.Boston, Mass.Albion, N. Y.Ohicago.Ohicago.Ohicago.Englewood.Chicago.Ohicago.Morgan Park.Dixon. PRESENT ADDRESS.Tracy, Ill.290, 55th st.Morgan Park, Ill.749, 63d Court.4158 Calumet avo83, 33d st.5429 Jackson avo88 D.119D.109 D.la. Sn.113D.2227 Calumet avo271 Ashland boul.75 D.5748 Madison avo83D.Grand Crossing.3626 Ellis Park.3727 Vernon avo5745 Madison avoSn.Sn.711, 70th st.48,53d st.6029 Ellis avo361 Campbell avo5800 Jackson avo359, 65th st.4710 Vincennes avo317 61st st.5647 Kimbark avo5720 Rosalie ct.89D.3203 Indiana avo116 Middle D.Morgan Park, Ill.3908 Ellis a v.Sn.Sn.115D.35D.Sn.Sn.5657 Cottage Grove a V.3418 Calumet avo6357 Stewart avo6851 Wentworth avo847 W. Monroe st.Morgan Park, Ill.5475 Kimbark avoNAME.Harry Justin Smith,Mary Doan Spalding,Henry Dallas Speer,Joel Sperans,Althea Violet Stebbins,Ray William Stevens,Harry Wheeler Stone,Reuben Giles Stowell,Thomas Jackson Taylor,Mary Susan Thomas,Elmer Ely Todd,Cyrus Fisher Tolman, Jr.L. Brent Vaughan,Alice Van Vliet,Harry Whitwell Wales, Jr.George P. Walker,Sarah Emma Wallace,William English Walling,Emma Beales Walls,Ralph Waldo Webster,Frederick Simon Weingarten,Leo Wheeler,Gwendolen Brown Willis,Frances Greenwood Williston,Charles Sumner Winston,Henry D. Wolff,Louis Wolff, Jr.NAME.Alzora Aldrich, -John Kermott Allen,H. F. Atwood,Edith Florence Austin,Ann Baldwin,Maud Berry,Abraham Bowers, 'Jacob William Braam,Marcus Monroe Brown,Anna Christina Brunzell,John Taylor Campbell,Lillian Chapin,Grace Newsome Clark,Gertrude Laura Cobb, -Frank Hall Colyer,Louise Bates Comstock,Helen Finch Conner, THE STUDENTS.DECREE AND PLACE. HOME ADDRESS. 49PRESENT ADDRESS.Morgan Park. Morgan Park, Ill.Cornell Univ. Brooklyn, N. Y. 5549 Woodlawn avoWilliam's College. Chicago. 161, 30th st.Gymnasium, Taganrog, Russia. Russia. 118 D.Wellesley College. Oolehour. Colehour, Ill.Sisson's Academy. Chicago. 3574 Vincennes avoSouth Division High School. Chicago. 3411 Vernon avoNorth Division High School. Chicago. 115D.Missouri State Univ. St. Louis, Mo. 5630 Ingleside av,Myersdale, Pa. Students' Hall, Englewood.The Owen Academy. Dixon, 73D.Owen Academy, Morgan Park. Chicago. 41 U ni versi ty PlaceOberlin College. Swanton, O. 273 East 55th St.South Division High School. Chicago. Sn.Hyde Park High School. Lanark. 62,43d st.Madison, Wis. 95 D.Englewood High School. Englewood. 748, 71st st.Hyde Park High School. Chicago. 4127 Drexel boul.Northwestern Univ. Chicago. 4334 Greenwood avoMonmouth College. Monmouth. 5835 Drexel avoCollege of City of New York. Chicago. 3237 Calumet avoThe Owen Academy, Chicago. 3615 Ellis Park.Racine Academy, Wis. Racine, Wis. 5551 Lexington avoSouth Division High School. Elmhurst. Sn.- Chicago. 363 E. 58th st.Chicago. 3158 Calumet avoThe Chicago Academy. Ohicago. 1319 Washington boulUNCLASSIFIED STUDENTS.DEGREE AND PLACE. HOME ADDRESS.Westerly, R. I.Chicago.Hays City, Kans.Woodstock.- Chicago,Chicago.St. Joseph.Chicago.Chicago.Grass Lake High School, Mich.Univ, of Wisconsin.Hyde Park High School.M t. Morris College.Institute of Technology, Chicago.Skarped's Public School, Sunne, Sweden. Chicago.Washburn College, Topeka. Kans. Cheney, Kans.W. Div, High School. Chicago.Drury College. Springfield, Mo.- Kalamazoo, Mich.Ill. State Normal School. Albion.Rochester, N. Y.Indianapolis, Ind.Girls' Classical School, Indianapolis, PRESENT ADDRESS.Sn.34 Clark st.96 D.5425 Cottage Grove av.47 Woodland Park.5638 Madison avo114 D.86 D.,1111 Chamber Com-merce bldg.3837 La Salle st.5812 Drexel ave.5418 Kimbark avoSn.Sn.5709 Drexel a V.5456 Washington avSn.50NAME.Frances Crane,Stephen Byron Dexter,Emil John William Drefs,Clare Delphine Fox,Charles Horace Gallion,Abigail Matilda George,Mary Lathrop Goss,Amelia Varick Gunn,J essie May Hall,Herschel V. Hibbard,Louise Wolcott Hooker,John L. Hoyt,Harry David Hubbard,Lucia Kieve,Egbert Sylvester King,Jesse Lewis,Emery Ellsworth McCalla,Margaret McGorray,Albert Edward McKinley,William Lewis Martin,Evelyn Matz,Charlotte Elizabeth Newton,Nellie Johnson O'Connor, -Benjamin Aurelius Ogdon,Marion Louise Otis,Elbridge Washburn Rice,Anna Thomas Robinson,Mary Agusta Sargent,Mary Emily Scarff,Frank Bowman Schermerhorn,Daniel Martin Schoemaker,J essie Belle Stover,Willard Coldren Stuckslager,Nellie Belle Swenehart,Mary Chase Swett,Frances Maria Thomas,Charles Frederick W omeldorf,Vernie Emma Woodward, THE QUARTERLY CALENDAR.DEGREE AND() PLACE.Chicago Women's Medical Coli.Suffield Literary Inst., Conn.Pedagogical Sem., Warsaw, Russia.Northern Ill. College.Ills. Wesleyan U niv.Cedar Rapids High School, Ia.Plano High School, Ill.Oberlin College.Mt. Carroll Sem., Ill.Temple Coilege, Philadelphia.U niv. of Mich.Tait's Academic School, Wash.Ind. State Normal School.Pontiac High School.Temple College, Philadelphia.Chicago High School.Ind. State Normal School.Tho Kirkland School. Chicago.Pontiac High School.Buffalo Normal School, N. Y.Carleton College, Minn.Brockport State Normal School N. Y.German American Acad., N. Y.Univ, of So. Dak.Cornell College, Ia.Oberlin College.Cook County Normal School.Cook County Normal S;chool.Nebraska Central College.Meriden High School, Conn. HOME ADDRESS. PRESENT ADDRESS ..Chicago. 2541 Michigan avoSouthNorwalk,Oonn.37 D.Chicago. 71 D.Belvidere. Sn.St. Joseph. 91 D.Chicago. 4744 Kenwood avoPlana. 3807 Elmwood pI.South Bvanston. Sn.Elmira, N. Y. Sn.Valparaiso, Ind. 391, 55th st.Rochester, N. Y. 5456 Washington av.- Sennett, N. Y. 116 D.Philadelphia, Pa. 39 D.Marion, Kans. 5515 Madison avoOhicago. 127 D.Rockville, Ind. 5548 Ingleside avoPontiac. 5818 Drexel avoDecatur. Sn.Philadelphia, Pa. 59 D.Chicago. 2437 Calumet avoChicago. 431 Oak st.Chicago. 4500 Prairie avoChicago. 3565 Forest avoRockville, Ind. 5548 Ingleside avoChicago. 294 Huron st.Pontiac, 117 D.Buffalo, N. Y. Sn.Bellevue, Ia. 5836 Drexel avoBethany, N. Y. Sn.Boise City, Idaho. Idaho State Bldg.,Jackson Park.Muscatine, Ia. 116 D.Centreville, S. Dak. Sn.Lisbon, Ia. 5403 Madison avoParkside. 941, 73d st.Chicago. 5006 Washington avoMeyersdale, Pa. Studen ts' Hall, Engle-wood.Omaha, Neb. 103 D.Meriden, Conn. Sn.SUMMARY (SPRING QUARTER, 1893).GRADUATE STUDENTS.{English Department, - -DIVINITY STUDENTS. Danish - Norwegian Department,Swedish Department, - -UNIVERSITY COLLEGE STUDENTS,ACADEMIC COLLEGE STUDENTS,UNCLASSIFIED STUDENTS, 1531428233113956552TOTAL, -CONSTITUENCY OF ULASSES, SPRING Q U4R�PER, 1893.REMARKS: 1. The numbers of departments and courses correspond to those of CALENDAR No. 4., in the University proper,and the Divinity School. Courses which are given in both University and Divinity Schools are numbered in both, 2. All classesrecite in Cobb Lecture Hall unless otherwise stated. The floors of this building are lettered, the first floor being A, and the roomsnumbered. 3. Abbreviations: C. Cobb Lecture Hall; g. Graduate Student; u. University College Student; a. Academic CollegeStudent; d. Divinity Student. Where not otherwise designated the student is unclassified. 4 Figures in parentheses at the end ofeach list indicate the number of students taking the course. 5. In nearly all cases recitations occur every week-day except Mon-day. The hours of recitations can be ascertained at the University. __1. PHILOSOPHY.O. 1, 10-12. (45 Students.)1. Advanced Course in Psychology: Double Minor.ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR STRONG.Hamilton.jrKelly, gManchester, u Ogden,Reynolds, W.F., g Rogers, gSisson, u (7)2. Psychological Seminary: Double Minor.ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR STRONGHamilton,_g Manchester, u (2)3. Movements of Thought in the Nineteenth Cent­ury: Double Minor.ASSISTANT PROFESSOR TUFTS.Chadbourn, aElder, dEnslin, dGrant, dGriffin, d_Hamilton, g Hayes, gKelly, gKieve,Kurtz, dMac Naul, dManchester, u Mayham, gOsborn, dRunyan, dStonecipher, dTapp,dThom, d (18)4. History of Ethics: Double Minor.ASSISTANT PROFESSOR TUFTS.Attebury, dBale, uBehan, 'I,{... Dickerson, u Mayham, g/Morgan, aPrescott, uReynolds, W.F. g (12)DR. MONIN.Sinclair, gde Swarte, aWhitson, a (10)Gaud,uHunter, aKelly, gKieve,4a. Logic: Double Minor.Barrett, L.,Dexter,Evans, dFord, d Gaud,uGill, dHurley, dParker, d'W'4b. Modern German Philosophy: Double Minor.DR. MONIN.(Course not given.)2� POLITICAL ECONOMY.O. 3-5. (27 Students.)5. Seminary in Political Economy: Double Minor.PROFESSOR LAUGHLIN.Breckenridge, gHoxie, u Winston, g (5)Million,gThompson, g* This course is numbered 5 in CALENDAR No.4 6. Unsettled Problems of Economic Theory; DoubleMinor. PROFESSOR LAUGHLIN.Brown, F. C., gFreer, gGrant, gHatfield, g7. Public Debts and Banking: Double Minor.ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR A. C. MILLER.Winston, A., g (1)8. Tariff History of the United States: DoubleMinor. ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR A. C. MILLER.Hoxie, uMillion, gSelian,g de Swarte, aTaylor, gWinston, A., g (10)Catterall, gCobb,Conover, g. Freer, gFryer, u9. Social Economics: Double Minor.Hatfield, gHerron, gMillion, gNorthup, g Stowe, gTaylor, W. G., gTunell, gWilliams,F.N.,g (13)ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR BEMIS.Perrine, C. B., g Sinclair, g (4)Conover, gMartin,10. Scope and Method of.Political Economy: DoubleMinor. MR. CALDWELL.Allen, J.; de Swarte, aBreckenridge, g Freer, gBrown, F. o., g Stowe, g11. Socialism; Double Minor.Barnes, g Ha tfield, gCurtis, a Northup, glla. Statistics: Double Minor.(Course not given.) Taylor, W. G., gThompson, C. S., gWilliams, F.N., g (9)MR. VEBLIN.Selian, g (5)MR. HATHAWAY.3. POLITICAL SCIENCE.0.5-9. (12 Students.)12. Comparative Politics: Minor. First Term.PROFESSOR JUDSON ..Blue, o Leavitt, gChandler, g Ma thes, gCobb, Selian, gDingee, a Thompson, g13. Comparative Politics: Minor. Wallace, gWallin, gWebster, gWilc�x, g (12)Second Term.mue,gChandler. gCobb,Dingee, a PROFESSOR JUDSON ..Wallace, gWallin,gWebster, gWilcox, g (12)Leavitt, gMathes, gSelian,gThompson, g5152 THE QUARTERLY CALENDAR.4. HISTORY.O. 5-7. (104 Students.)14. Seminary: Double Minor.PROFESSOR VON HOLST.Lewis,Perrin, gPrescott, uReynolds, g Ridpath, uWallin, gWebster, gWilkinson, E. 9 (13)Catterall, gChandler, 9Davies, J. M. gHodgin, gLeavitt, 916. The French Revolution and the Era of Napoleon:Double Minor. PROFESSOR VON HOLST; -Bale, uBoomer, aBreckenridge, gChadbourn, uChandler, gDingee, aGerry, dGilbert, 'll,Gunn,17. The Political History of Europe since 1815 : Minor.First Term. PROFESSOR JUDSON.Baldwin, Gunn, Rullkoetter, aBehan, u Hodgin, g Scofield, gBlue, 9 Lewis, Shaw, uBrown, F. C. 9 Loeb, 'll, Spencer, 9Catterall, 9 Miller, M. L., 9 Swett,Davies, J. M. 9 Ogdon, a Tenney, 9Dingee, a O'Connor, Thompson, 9Gilbert, u Perrin, 9 Wilcox, 9 (24)18. The Political History of Europe since 1815: Minor.Second Term. PROFESSOR JUDSON.Hodgin, gHubbard,Kieve.Leavitt, gMatz,Mathes, gMorphy, 9Northrup, a Perrin, gRidpath, 'll,Robinson,Rogers, M. J. aScofield, gVincent, 9Walker, F. H.'ll,Wallace, 9 (25)Baldwin,Blue, 9Brown, F. C. 9Catterall, gDavies, J. M. 9Dingee, aGilbert, u Perrin, gRullkoetter, aScofield, 9Shaw,'ll,Swett,Thompson, gWilQoxj 9 (21)Gunn,Hodgin, 9 .Lewis,Loeb, 'll,Miller, M. L. 9O'Connor,Ogdon, a19. Seminary,: Double Minor. PROFESSOR TERRY.Tupper, 'll, (1)20. The Holy Roman Empire: Double Minor.PROFESSOR TERRY.Scofield, 9Thompson, gTupper, 'll,Wilcox, 9 (12)and Assyria: Minor.Blue, g Gunn,Catterall, g Loeb, 'll,Chandler, 9 McKinley,Colyer, Murphy, a'21. The History of BabyloniaSecond Term.ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR GOODSPEED.Bower, dBrinstad, dBrown, 'll,Carroll, d22. Early American History: Minor. First Term.DR. SHEPARDSON.Colyer,Harris, dMarot, U Sanders, dStucker,dTheobald, d . (10)Chadbourn, 'll,Chapin,Dixon, a Dudley, aMartin,Rubovits, a Smith, H. J., aVaughan, aWalls, a (9) 23. Territorial Growth of the United States: Minor.First Term. (Course not given.)DR. SHEPARDSON.24. Presidential Elections in the United States: Minor.Second Term. (Course not given.)DR. SHEPARDSON.25. The Latin American Republics: Double Minor.MISS WALLACE.Axelson, a-13liss, aButler, S. E., aCaraway, a Chace, aHewitt, aHulbert, a Messick, aPurcell, aSmith, K. A .• , a (10)26. Outline History of England: Minor. First Term.MR. THATCHER.Carroll, a Goldberg, aCastle, a Jameson, aBennett, a Maret, a26a. Special Research, under the direction ofPROFESSOR JUDSON.Mathes, g Tunell, 9 Wallin, g (3)[12.] History of Europe since 1815: Double Minor.DR. SCHWILL.McCalla,Morgan, a (8)Arnold, O. J., aAtwood, H. F.,Atwood, W. W., aBachelle, aBarrett, L. E., aBeatty, aCastle, aClark, F. B., a Foster, aGeorge,Heil,aKing,Kohlsaat, aLansingh, aMills. a Mix, aMoran, aRapp, aSmith, K., aStowell, aWalker, gW olff, a (22)5. SOCIAL SCIENCE AND ANTHROPOLOGY.O. 2-8. (71 Students.)27. Seminary: Double Minor. PROFESSOR SMALL.Barnes, g Halsell, gClark, 9 Hayes, gDavies, A. F., 9 Spencer, 928. Laboratory Work: Double Minor.ASSISTANT PROFESSOR STARR.MIller. M. L.� 9 (1)29. Prehistoric Archceology: Double Minor.ASSISTANT PROFESSOR STARR.Vincent, 9Waldron, 9 (8)Loeb, 'll,Miller, gNichols, W. H., dNichols, E. B., aCabeen, dDavies, A. F., 9Elliott, aEuslin, dFradenburg,d30. Physical Anthropology: Laboratory Work: DoubleMinor. ASSISTANT PROFESSOR STARR.31. Methodology of Social Science: Double Minor.PROFESSOR---SMALL.Pearce, dWaldo, aWilliams, A., gWilliams, W., g (13)Clark, gDavies, A. F., 9Gerry, dGow,gHalsell, 9 Hayes, gHerron, gNorthup, gOsbourn;dRunyan, d Spencer, gThorn, dVincent, gWaldron, g (14)THE STUDENTS.32. The Economy of Living: Double Minor.ASSISTANT PROFESSOR TALBOT.(Course not given.)32a. Seminary in Sanitary Science: Double Minor.ASSISTANT PROFESSOR TALBOT.Cary, U (1).33. Some Phases of Contemporary Sociology: DoubleMinor. ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR BEMIS.Conover, g Morphy, gHalsell, g Perrine, C. B., gMartin, Proctor, d,34. Non-Political and Non-Economical Social Groups:Double Minor.Allen, dBale, UBehan,uBlanchard, dBowen, dBower, dBrinstad, dBurdick, dCase, dClark, gCoon,dDavis, dDickerson, uDye,dEakin, dElder,d Shaw, USinclair, g (8)ASSISTANT PROFESSOR HENDERSON.Elliott, dFalls, dFord, dFradenberg, d .Gray, dGriffin, dGriffith, dHalbert, dHeminway, dKinney, dLockhart, dLoeb, uMcEwan, dMacNaul, dMills, dMorphy, g Newcomb, dN oftzinger, dPost, dPrescott, uPrice, dStucker, dSanders, dSmith, dStarkweather, dTapp,dTheobald, dUrch, gWaldron, gWilliams, A., gWilliams, W., gWyant, d (48)6. COMPARATIVE RELIGIONS.D. (11 Students.)35. The Religions of Greece, Rome and NorthernEurope: Double Minor:ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR GOODSPEED.(Course not given.)36. Egyptian Religious Texts: Minor. First Term.ASSOOIATE PROFESSOR GOODSPEED.Allen, dFrantz, dJones, L. A., gJones, H. F., d37. Babylonian Religious Texts: Minor. SecondTerm: ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR GOODSPEED.Cabeen, dCarroll, d Marot, uNichols, W. H., dNichols, E. B., dCase, dFrantz, a Parker, dShaw, dSoares, g (10)Nichols, W. H., dNichols. E. B., d (6)7. THE SEMITIC LANGUAGES AND LITERATURES.D. 12-16. (38 Students.)38. Early Old Testament Traditions: Double Minor.(111 Div.)Archibald, gAsada, g ,Burdick, dCrawford, aDrefs,Grant, d Hulley, L. gHulley, E., gJones, gMallory, gMyhrman, dRollins, g\ PROFESSOR HARPER.Soares, gVanHorn, dWhaley, gWillett, gWyant, d (17) 5339a. Ethiopic : Minor. First Term.PROFESSOR HARPER.Goodspeed, E. J., g Rollins, gHulley, L., g Willett, g (7)Asada, gBerry, gDrefs,39b. Comparative Semitic Grammar: Minor. SecondTerm. PROFESSOR HARPER.(Course not given.)40. Targumic Aramaic: Double Minor.PROFESSOR HIRSCH.Drefs, Leiser, Cf Sperans, (3)41. The Psalms: Double Minor.ASSOOIATE PROFESSOR PRICE.Scovell, dSoares, gWhaley, g (11)Archibald, g Hulley, E., gBlake, a Hulley, L., gBurdick, d Jones, gDrefs, Newcomb. d43. Assyrian: Minor. Second Term.ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR PRICE.Hulley, L., g Mallory, g Whaley, gHoward, d Rollins, g Willett"g (6)44a. Historical Hebrew: Minor. First Term.(109 Div.) ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR R. F. HARPER.Allen, dAnderson, dCabeen, dCriswell, dDavis, dEveritt, d44b. The Book of Micah: Minor. Second Term.(110 Div.) ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR R. F. HARPER.Cabeen, d Jones, g Soares, g (5)Harris, d Proctor, d45a. Assyrian and Babylonian Inscriptions: DoubleMinor. ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR R. F. HARPER.Asada, g Berry, g Goodspeed, E. J., g(3)45b. Assyrian Historical Inscriptions: Minor.' FirstTerm. ASSOCIA.rE PROFESSOR R. F. HARPER.Fisk, dGrant, dHarris, dHunter, aMallory, g N ordlander, dProctor, dSalquist, dWaldo, dWood, d (16)Mallory, gRoll.ins, g Whaley, gWillett, g (7)Hulley, E., gHulley, L., gHoward, d46. Advanced Syriac: Double Minor.PROFESSOR HIRSCH.Berry, g Goodspeed, E. J., g Payne, d (4)Blake, d47. The Books of Chronicles: Minor. First Term.(108 Div.) DR. CRANDALL.(Course not given).48a. Job: Minor. Second Term. DR. KENT.(112 Div.) (Course not given.)48b. The Song of Songs: Minor. First Term.(113 Div.) (Course not given.) DR. KENT.8. BIBLICAL AND PATRISTIC GREEK.D. 10-12, (9 Students).49. Rapid Translation of Portions of the Septuagint:Minor. Second Term. MR. ROOT.( Course not given.)D-)54 THE QUARTERLY CALENDAR.50. Textual Criticism of the New Testament:(116 Div.) Minor. First Term.PROFESSOR BURTON.Chapin, dFrantz, dHanson, d51. Studies in the Apostolic Fathers: Minor. SecondTerm. PROFESSOR BURTON.Huiley, E., g Rogers, g (2)52. The Greek of the New Testament: Minor.First Term. MR. VOTAW.(Course not given.)53. Sources and Relations of the F our Gospels:Minor. Second Term. MR. VOTAW.(Course not given.)Herrick, dHuiley, E., g Hovland, dOrr, d (7)9. THE GREEK LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE.B. 2-8. (44 Students.)55. Seminary: Double Minor. PROFESSOR SHOREY.Alderson, g Ewart, gBanta, g Hill, gBrewer, g Matteson, g56. Introduction to the Study of the Greek Drama:Double Minor. PROJ.i'ESSOR SHOREY.Owen"gValentine, g (8)Clark,Graves, aLogie, aRaycroft, a57. Sophocles, Trachinise, Ajax and Philoctetes:Double Minor. ASSISTANT PROFESSOR CAPPS.Jones, F. A. g Willis, u (2)58. Isocrates and the Predecessors of Demosthenes:Double Minor.ASSISTANT PROFESSOR CASTLE.Roche, aSwenehart, aSisson, u Taylor, aVan Vliet, aWillis, a (10)Webster, a (1)[2] Lysias and Odyssey: Double Minor.ASSISTANT PROFESSOR CAPPS.Agista, aBeatty, aBliss, aDibell, aHaven, Hulshart, aJameson, aJohnson, R., aMinnick, a Moore,Mix, aStone, aWallace, a (13)[3] Demosthenes, Phillipics and Olynthiacs: DoubleMinor. ASSISTANT PROFESSOR CASTLE.Axleson, a Hulbert, aBrandt, a Johnson, V. 0., aCurtis, a Kerr, aEllis, a "Logie, aFriedman, H. J. a Moffatt, a.Hughes, a Ryder, U Smith, H. J. aSmith, Kenneth aSmith, Katherine, alaylor, T. J., aWoodward, (16)10. THE LATIN LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE.B. 2-8. (61 Students.)59. Seminary: Double Minor. PROFESSOR HALE.Brewer, gDame,gEly,g Fowler, gHoward, gLinscott, g Owen, gPellett, gValentine, g (9) 60. Seminary: Double Minor.t (Course not given.) PROFESSOR CHANDLER ..61. Roman Private Life: Double Minor ..PROFESSOR HALE ..Alderson, g Ewart, g Pellett, gBabcock, u Gilbert, u Rullkoetter, uBrewer, g Harley, g Shaw, aChadbourn, a Hayward, g Sisson, uDame, g Howard, g Speer, aDaniels, u Jackson, g Vaughan, aDingee, a Jones, F. N. g Webster, aEly, g Matteson, g Woods, a (24)62. The History of Roman Literature: Double Minor ..t (Course not given.) PROFESSOR CHANDLER�63. The Writing of Latin: Minor. Second Term.t (Course not given.) PROFESSOR CHANDLER.64. Introduction to Latin Epigraphy and Palreography::Double Minor.ASSOCIATE PROlmSSOR ABBOTT ..Alderson, g Dame, g Ewart, gBabcock. a Ely, g Valentine, g (7}Banta, g*64a Terence: MISS BANTA.Babcock, a Daniels, a Dingee, a (4)Dame, g[4] Selections from Cicero, Livy: Double Major ..DR. F. J. MILLER.Adkinson, a Furness, a Robertson" S. aAtwood, H. F. Gale, a Roche, aBrowne, A. a Gettys, a Ryder,Butler,D. a Hughes, a Sampsell, aClark, G. Jackson,g Taylor, aDe Graff, C. a Lowry, a Wales, aDiver, a Mix, a Winston, aDixon, Raycroft, a Wolff, H. D. a (24)[5] The Phormio of Terence: Double Minor.ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR ABBOTT ..Clark, F. B. aDaniels, uHulshart, aMoran. a Spalding, M. 0,,:Walker, G. aWilliston, aWoods, a (13)iAgerter,aBarrett, L. aBaird, aBeatty, aByrne, at On account of the absence of Instructor ..* Not in Calendar.11. COMPARATIVE PHILOLOGY.�,B. 2-8. (5 Students.) ;65. Old Persian: Double Minor.ASSISTANT PROFESSOR BUCK.Fowler, gHarley, g66. Seminary: Jones, gLinscott, gDouble Minor.ASSISTANT PROFESSOR BUCK.Owen, g (5)Fowler, gHarley, g . Linscott, g Owen, g (4)THE STUDENTS.12. ROMANCE LITERATURE AND PHILQLOGY.B. 12-16. (74 Students.) C\ ")67. Origin and Early History of the French Language:Double Minor. PROFESSOR KNAPP.Cabeen, g Cutler, g (2)68. Origin and Early History of the Spanish Language:Double Minor. PROFESSOR KNAPP.Cutler, g Wallace, g (2)69. Special Course of Conversation (French): DoubleMinor. ASSISTANT PROFESSOR BERGERON.Goldberg, a Ridpath, u Weingarten, a (4)Mavham, g'70. Literature of the Nineteenth Century: DoubleMinor. ASSISTANT PROFESSOR BERGERON.Gary, uCobb, aDudley, aGuyer, a Kellogg,aKohlsaat, aMcGillivray, aPurcell. a Wolif,aStover.Tolman, a (11)'71. Elements of French Philology: Minor. FirstTerm. ASSISTANT PROFESSOR BERGERON.Cabeen, g Cutler, g Witkowsky, g (3)'72. Grammar of Old French: Minor. Second Term.ASSISTAN� PROFESSOR BERGERON.Cabeen, g Cutler,g13. Italian: Dou ble Minor.Coddington, a J oralman, uGaud, u 'Von Holst, u'74. Spanish: Double Minor.Cary, uCoddington, a Witkowsky, o (3)DR. KINNE:Radford, aRidpath, (6)PROFESSOR KNAPP,Shaw,uWitkowisky, g (7)Aldrich,Boomer, aCabeen, g�6] Elements of French Literature: Double Minor.ASSISTANT PROFESSOR BERGERON.Bachelle, aBaldwin,BeU, aFox, Leiser, aMcClintock, A., aMcClintock, S., aMessick, aKing,[7] Beginning French: Double Minor.Bachelle, aBaldwin,Barrett, L.� a. Bell. aBennett, aBowers, aBurks, UButler, S. E., aByrne, aCampbell, J. T.Colyer,Conner,Dixon, C. H., aDore, aFox,Friedman, J. C. a Ellis, UGallion,Hale,Heil, aJoralman, UKing,Leiser, aMcCalla,McClintock, A., aMcClintock, S., aMessick, aMilliken, aMoss, aMurphy, aNeal, a Robinson, A.,Scarff,Thomas,Woodward, (13)DR. KINNE.Pike, aRice,Robinson,Rogers, aSampsell, aSass, aScarff,Schoemaker,Speer, aSweet,Thomas,Walker, G., aWheeler, aWhitson"aWoodward, (46) 5513. GERMANIC LANGUAGES AND LITERATURES.B. 12-16. (67 Students.)75. Old High German: Minor. First Term.DR. VOS.Haire, g Kern, g (2)76. Middle High German: Minor.Haire, g Kern, g (2)77. Seminary: Double Minor.ASSISTAN.r PROFESSOR CUTTING, DR. Vos.Scarff,Witkowsky, g (8)Brandt, aClark, H. L., aGoldberg, a Haire, gHall,Kern, g Second Term.DR. VOS.Term.78. Goethe's Storm and Stress Period: Minor. FirstASSISTANT PROFESSOR CUTTING.Haire, g Schoemaker, Witkowsky, g (4)Radford, a79. Goethe's Period of Classical Sympathies: DoubleMinor. ASSISTANT PROFESSOR CUTTING.Radford, aScarff', (7)Brandt, aClarke, H. L. aGoldberg, a80. Schiller: Minor. First Term.Haire, gHall,Friedman. aGoodhue, aHall, J. M.,Johnson, V. 0., aLanning, aLeiser, aASSISTANT PROFESSOR CUTTING.Minard, aScarff,Sperans.Whitson, a'Walker, F. M. aWeingarten, a (19)Axelson, aButler. E. S., aBerry,Clarke, H. L., aCoddington, aCoolidge,' aFoster, E. B., a81. Schiller: Minor. Second Term.ASSIS'rANT PROFESSOR CUTTING.Clarke, H. L., a Johnson, V. 0., aCoolidge, a Lanning, aFriedman, a Leiser, aGoodhue, a Rubovits. a82. Schiller: Double Minor.Clark, F. B., aHaven, aLansiagh, Scarff, USisson, U ScarffSperans,Weingarten, (11)DR. SCHWILL.Williston, aWolff, H. D., a (7) ,IS] N ovellettenbibliothek I and I I: Don hIe Minor.DR. Vos.Bale, UBliss, aBurks, uButler, S. E., aCampbell, J. T .•Ellis, U Gale. aGettys, aHeil, aHulbert, aMinard, aMoss, a Nichols, aRobinson, A.,Smith, H. J., aSmith, K. A., aTodd,aWalls, a (18)First Term. DR. VOSt[9a] Comedies: Minor.. Adkinson, aBraam,Brown, L., aBurks, uBurns, a Freyer, uGoodhue, aGraves, aHartley, aHeil, a McCalla,McClintock, A., aMcClintock, S., aMills, aNichols, a56 THE QUARTERLY CALENDAR.Carroll, a Holloway, a Purcell, aCastle, a Hurlbut, a Rice,Chapin, Hyman, a Stevens, aCoolidge, a Jackson, a Willis, U (27)[9b] Prose Composition: Minor. Second Term.ASSISTANT PROFESSOR CUTTING.Adkinson, aBraam,Brown, L., aBurns, aBurks, UCarroll, aCastle. aChapin,Clark, F. B., a Coolidge, aGettys, aGoodhue. aGraves, aHall,Hartley, aHolloway, aHurlbut, aJackson, a Leiser, aMcCalla,McClintock, A., a.McClintock, �., aMills, aNichols, aPurcell. aRice,Stevens, a (27)14. ENGLISH LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE ANDRHETORIC.B. 9-11. (108 Students.)85. Old English Seminary: Double Minor.ASSISTANT PROFESSOR BLACKBURN.Conner, 9 Lewis, 9 (2)86. English Literature Seminary: Double Minor.ASSISTANT PROFESSOR MCCLINTOCK.Austin, Hayward, 9Allen, 9 Hooper, 9Burr, 9 Lathe, 9Carpenter, N. J., Lewis, 9Carpenter, F. 1., 9 Mead, 9Conner, 987. Comparative Grammar of Old English: DoubleMinor. ASSISTANT PROFESSOR BLACKBURN.Brainerd, 9 Lewis, 9 Otis, a (5)Coburn, 9 Milliman, 988. Middle English: Double Minor.ASSISTANT PROFESSOR BLACKBURN.Milliman, 9Pratt, 9Reynolds, 9Wells, 9Wilkinson, M., 9 (16)Brainerd, 9 Hooper, 9Burr, 9 Matz.Carpenter, N. J., 9 Milliman, 9Davies, J. M., 9 Robinson,Fox,89. Elizabethan Literature: Double Minor.Swingley, 9Walker, F., UWells, 9Willis, U (13)ASSISTANT PROFESSOR CROW.Brainerd, 9Castle, aFoster, E. B., aFox,89a. Elizabethan Seminary: Double Minor.ASSISTANT PROFESSOR MCCLINTOCK.Haven, aMcGorray,Moore, a Otis, nSpaulding, aSwingley, 9 (10)Carpenter, F. I., 9 Lewis, 990. Nineteenth Century English: Reynolds, M., 9 (3)Double Minor.MR. TRIGGS.McGoray,Moran, aMcGillivray, aSmith, aSpalding, aBaird, aBell,aBennett, aBerry,Boomer, a Curtis, aDibell, aFletcher, aGoodhue,aHurlbut, a Brown, aByrne, aChapin, aCoddington, aCoolidge, a Jackson, aJohnson, aLanning, aLathe, 9Logie, a Stowell, aSwenehart, aVan Vliet, aWalls, aWilliston, a (30)91. Poetics: Double Minor. PROFESSOR WILKINSON.Allen, dAustin,Boynton, dBrunzell,Carpenter, 9Carroll, aClarke, H. L., aCoburn,g Dickerson, uEverett, dFletcher, aFryer, uGaud,uHooper, 9Maddocks, 9 Martin, aMcGorray,Orr, Mrs" dRadford, aRoosa, uWalker, F. M., u.Wilkinson, 9 (22).92. The Historical Monograph and the Short Story:Double Minor. PROFESSOR WILKINSON.Austin,Brunzell,Burr, g .Dudley, a,Ely. 9 Kohlsaat, uLathe, 9Lanning, aM.addocks, gMurphy, a Peterson, dRadford, aRoosa, aSpaulding, aWilkinson, M., g (15)Hayward, g92a. Research Work: UnderASSISTANT PROFESSOR MCCLINTOCK.Wells, 9 (3)Pratt, g[9c.] Rhetoric and Composition: Double Minor.ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR BUTLER.ASSISTANT PROFES�OR CROW.Bachelle, aBarker, aBeatty, aBoomer, aBurns, aButler, D., aByrne, aCaraway, aCoolidge, aDexter,Diver, aDixon, Dore, aFriedman, J. C., aGoodhue, aGraves, aHartley, aHulshart, aJameson, aKerr, aKnapp, aMcKinley,Moffatt, aMoore, a Moss, aNichols, aRapp,aRoche, aSperans,Stevens, aVan Vliet, aVaughan,aWalling,aWillis, aWilliston, aWoodward, (36)[9d.] An Introduction to the Study of Literature:Double Minor.ASSISTANT PROFESSOR MCCLINTOCK.Boomer, R. M., aBowers,Brown, F. P., aButler, D. aConnerFox,Gallion, Goss,Hubbard,Hurlbut, aMatz,McClintock, A. aMcKinley,Messick, a Rapp, aRogers, aSargent,Sass, aSpeer, aThomas, M. S., aWales, a (21)15. BIBLICAL LITERATURE IN ENGLISH.D. 10-�2. (82 Students.)94. Old Testament History: Minor. First Term.ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR PRICE.Archibald, 9Daniels, uDent, a Dewey, dFradenburg,dHunter, u Johnson, dTapp, d (8)THE STUDENTS.94a. and [11.] Old Testament Wisdom Literature:Minor. F'irst Term. DR. KENT.(Course not given.)95. Job: Minor. Second Term. DR. KENT.(Course not given.)96. Parties and Controversies in the Apostolic Age:Minor. First Term. MR. ROOT.(Course not given.)97. Historical Study of the Life of Christ: Minor.(114 Div.) First Term. PROFESSOR BURTON.Allen, aAllen, gBlanchard, dBowen, aBrinstad, dBrown, dBurdick, dCase, dChapin, dCoon,dCriswell, dDavis, dEakin, aElder, aFisk, aGoodman, d Griffith, dHalbert, aHanson, dHarris, dHerrick, dHeyland, aJones,dKinney, aKurtz, dLemon, dLord, dMarot, uMartin, dMercer, dNewcomb, d Noftzinger, aOrr, dParker, dPhillips, aPrice, dRhodes, dRogers, gSanders, dShaw, aScovell, dStarkweather, dUrch, gVan Horn, aWood, aYoung, d (46)97a. The Teaching of Jesus in Its Relation to the(117 Div.) Thought of His Day: Minor. Second Term.PROFESSOR BURTON.Allen, dBrinstad, dCase, aFisk, dFrantz, aGriffin, dGriffith, d97b. Special .Hulbert, dHanson, dHarris, dHeyland, aMcEwan,dMacNaul, aMarot, uResearch, Under Price, dSanders, dScovell, aUrch, gWyant,dWood, a (20)Wood, I. F., g (1)[10.] Studies in the Epistles of Paul:PROFESSOR BURTON.Bower, dBrown, F. P., aCarroll, A. F., aCarroll, R., dDent, a <.Elliott, aEvans, d Fletcher, aFradenburg, dHulshart, aMinnick, aMoffatt, aNichols, W. H., a Two Minors.MR. ROOT.Nichols, E. B., dPearce, W. G., dRobertson, aSpeicher, dStucker,dTapp, a (19)16. MATHEMaTICS.O. 13 -17. (63 Students.)98. Mathematical Club and Seminary: Weekly.Heiler, gHutchinson, g Slaught, g,Smith, J. A., g Winston, M. F. g (5)Hutchinson, g99. Elliptic Modular Functions: Double Minor.PROFESSOR MOORE.Winston, M. F., g (2) 51100. Theory of Functions: Double Minor.ASSOOIATE PROFESSOR BOLZA.Froley, gHeller, g Winston, M.F., g (5)Huff, gSmith, J. A., g101. Selected Chapters of the Theory of Hyperel­liptic Integrals: Double Minor.ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR BOLZA.Hutchinson, g (1)102. Higher Plane Curves. Double Minor.ASSISTANT PROFESSOR MASOHKE.Grant, g Moritz, g Winston, M. F., g (5)Heller, g Smith, J. A., g103. Differential Equations: Double Minor.ASSISTANT PROFESSOR MASOHKE.Heller, g Smith, J. A., g (5)Slaught, gGrant, gHuff, g104. Differential and Integral Calculus: DoubleMinor.Brandt, aHall Holloway, aTorrey, g MR. HANOOOK .•von Holst, u (5)105. Analytical Mechanics: Double Minor.PROFESSOR MOORE.Slaught, g (4)Froley, gHuff, g[13.] Plane Trigonometry: Major. First Term.Moritz, gBaird, aBraamBrown, L. A., aFriedman, H. J., aGeorgeHalevon Holst, u DR. YOUNG.Thomas, M. S., aTodd, aTolman, aVan Vliet,aWallace, aWeingarten, aWilliston, a (21)MR. HANCOOK ..Johnson, R., aMcGillivray, aMoore, aNeel, aPike, aSass, aStone, a[14.] Algebra: Double Minor.Bell, a Diver, aBoomer, J., a Dore, aBrandt, a Furness, aBrowne, A. M., a Hyman, aBurns, a Jackson, aCampbell, D. C., a Kerr, aChapin, Lowry, aDeGraff, C., a McClintock, S., aDibell, a Mills, a[15] Theory of Equations: Minor. Minnick, aMoffatt, aNorthrup, aSmith, K., aStowell, aStevens, aVaughan,aWinston, a (26)Second Term ..DR. YOUNG ..McGillivray,Moore, aNeel, aPike, aSass, a Stone, aTodd, aTolman, aWeingarten. aWillis, a (16)Baird, aBoomer, J. aBrown, L. B., aFriedman, H. J., aGeorgevon Holst, U[16] Co-ordinate Geometry of the Point, Line andCircle: Minor. Second Term.. D;R. YOUNG ..Braam Hale Pike, aStone, aWallace, a (10)Brown, L" a Johnson, aFriedman. H. J., a Neel, aGeorge,58 THE QUARTERLY CALENDAR.17. ASTRONOMY.The Observatory. (10 Students.)106. Astronomical Photography: Double Minor.ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR HALE.(Course not given.)107. Solar Physics: Double Minor or Major.ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR HALE.Barrett, g Hutchinson, g (2)108. Astro-Physical Research: Double Minor.ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR HALE.(Course not given.)108a. Determination of Orbits: Double Minor.DR. SEE.Barrett. g Heiler, g Torrey, g (5)Froley, g Slaught, g108b. Advanced Astronomy: Double Minor.DR. SEE.FrDley, g (1)108e. Astronomical Seminary: Double Minor,DR. SEE.Heiler, g (1)108d. General Astronomy: Double Minor.DR. SEE.Bjorneby,gBownocker, g Guyer, aMorgan, a Willis, u (5)18. PHYSICS.Science Hall. (25 Students.)[17] Mechanics: Sound and Heat: Minor. FirstTerm. ASSISTANT PROFESSOR STRATTON.Arnold, O. J., aAtwood, W. W., aBarker, aBjorneby,gBoomer, J. K., aCampbell, D. C. aCaraway, aChace, ar18] Light, Electricity, Magnetism: Minor. SecondTerm. Diver, aKellogg, aKerr, aKnapp,aMinard, aM uehlhaeuser, aRubovits, a Rapp,aRice.Wailing, aWheeler, aWillis, G.,aWolff. L., aW omeldorf. (22)ASSISTANT PROFESSOR STRATTONAND MR. HOBBS.Arnold. O. J., a Kerr, aAtwood, W. W., a Knapp, aBarker, a Minard, aCampbell, D. C., a Rapp, aCaraway, a RiceKellogg, a Rubovits. a[19] Physical Laboratory: Minor. First Term.ASSISTANT PROFESSOR STRATTONAND MR. HOBBS. Wailing, aWheeler. aWillis, G .• aWolff, L., aWomeldorf.Arnold, O. J. aAtwood, W. W. aBarker, aBiomebv, gBoomer, J. K. aCaraway, a Campbell, D. C. aChace, aDiver, aKellogg, aKnapp,aMinard, a Moritz, gMuehlhaeuser, gRubovits, a'Walling, aWheeler, aW omeldorf. (18) [20] Physical Laboratory: Major. Second Term.ASSISTANT PROFESSOR STRATTON.Caraway, aChace, aKeilogg,aKnapp, aMinard, aArnold, O. J. aAtwood, W. W. aBarker, aBarnard, aBarrett, aCampbell, a[21] Advanced Physics: Double Minor.ASSISTANT PROFESSOR STRATTON." (Course not given.) Moritz, gRubovits, aWalling, aWheeler, aW omeldorf. (16)19. CHEMISTRY.Science Hall. (15 Students.)109. Organic Preparations: Double Minor or Major.PROFESSOR NEF.Folin, g (1)110. Research Work: (For Ph.D. Thesis.) DoubleMajor. PROFESSOR NEF.Bernhard, g Hibbard, P. L. oBridge, g Muehlhaeuser, o111. Journal Meetings:Bridge, g Smith, W. R. gFolin,g112. Advanced Inorganic Work: Double Minor orMajor.ASSISTANT PROFESSOR SCHNEIDER OR STOKES.(Course not given.)113. On Non-Nitrogenous Organic Compounds: OneHalf Double Minor. . DR. STIEGLITZ.Bernhard. g Hibbard, P. L. g Smith, W. R. g (4)Bridge, g114. The Sugar Group: � Double Minor.(Course not given.) DR. LYMAN.115. Organic Chemistry: Double Minor.Rockwood, gSmith, W. R. g (6)PROFESSOR NEF.Swartz, g (4)PROFESSOR Nns.Bernhard, o Hibbard, P. L. g Swartz, g (5)Folin, g Muehlhaeuser, g116. Special Chapters of Inorganic Chemistry: OneHalf Double Minor.ASSISTANT PROFESSOR SCHNEIDER.Bothe, g Perrine, g Swartz, g (5)De Butts, g Stone, g117. Theoretical Chemistry: % Double Minor.DR. LENGFELD.(17) Bernhard, g Folin, o- Bridge, g Hibbard, P .L. 9De Butts, g Smith, W. R. g118. Qualitative Analysis: Double Minor or Major.ASSISTANT PROFESSOR SCHNEIDER.Bothe, g Perrine, g Swartz, g (5)De Butts, g Stone, 9119. Quantitative Analysis: Double Minor or Major.ASSISTANT PROFESSOR SCHNEIDER.Swartz, aWood, R. W., 9 (8)Bothe, oDe Butts, 9 Swartz, 9 (5)Perrine, gStone,gTHE STUDENTS.120. General Inorganic Chemistry: Double Minor.ASSISTANT PROFESSOR STOKES.Blackmarr, u Joralman, u Newby, 9 (4)Bothe, 9*120 (a) Special Laboratory Course: Double Minor.ASSISTANT PROFESSOR STOKES.Blackmarr, u Newby, 9*120 (b) Special Research.Muehlhaeuser, 9 'Wood, R� W. 9 (2)[22] General Inorganic Chemistry: Double Minor.ASSISTANT PROFESSOR STOKES.Thomas, Newton. (2)* Not in Calendar No.4. Thomas. (3)20 .: GEOLOGY.Science Hall. (9 Students.)123. Local Field Geology:PROFESSOR OHAMBERLIN.Bownocker, 9 Kummel, 9 Peet, 9 (3)124a Life Development: PROFESSOR CHAMBERLIN.Bownocker, 9Howe, a126. Ore Deposits and Allied Formations: Minor.Second Term.Kummel, 9 Peet, 9 (4)ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR PENROSE.Chambers, 9 Howe, 9 Whitson, 9 (5)Bownocker, 9 Peet, 9126a. Field Petrology: Double Major.ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR IDDINGS.(Course not given.)126b. Petrography: Double Major or Minor.ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR IDDINGS.Kummell, 9 Peet, 9 (2)127. Descriptive Mineralogy: Minor. First Term.ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR IDDINGS.Bownocker, 9 Knapp, a Perrine, 9 (5)Howe, a Peet, 9128. Petrology: Minor. Second Term.ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR IDDINGS.Howe, u (1)128a. Special Work in Geology:PROFESSOR CHAMBERLIN.Howe, aCummell, 9 Peet, 9 Taylor, W. E., 9 (4)21. BIOLOGY.Science Hall. (16 Students.)130. Research in Animal Morphology: Double Major.PROFESSOR WHITMAN.Bristol, 9 Hoyt, Lillie, 9Eyclesheimer, 9 Johnson, H. P., 9 Mead, 9 (6)131. Seminary in Neurology: Double Minor.(Course not given.) PROFESSOR DONALDSON. 132 Research Instruction in Anatomy: Double Major •.PROFESSOR MALL.Halphide, 9 (1)133. Seminary in Palaeontology: Double Minor.ASSISTANT PROFESSOR BAUR.(Course not given.)134. Research in the Osteology of Existing and Ex­tinct Forms: Double Major.ASSISTANT PROFESSOR BAUR.Hay, 9 (1)134a. Special Research in Bacteriology.Russell, 9 (1)135. Phylogeny of Vertebrates: Double Minor.ASSISTANT PROFESSOR BAUR ..Bristol, 9 Lillie, 9 Mead, 9 (3)136. Seminary in Physiology: Double Minor.ASSISTANT PROFESSOR LOEB ..Comstock,gCooke, 9137. Original Investigation: Double Major.ASSISTANT PROFESSOR LOEB ..Hooker, 9 Welch, 9 (4)Cooke, 9 (1)138. Comparative Embryology of the Higher Inverte-brates: PROFESSOR WHITMAN.Bristol, 9 Johnson, H. P., 9 Mead, 9 (5)Evclesheimer, 9 Lillie, 9139. The Doctrine of the Localization of Function in.the Cerebral Cortex: Double Major.PROFESSOR DONALDSON.Mead, 9 (5)Bristol, 9Eyclesheimer, 9 Johnson, 9Lillie, 9140. Methods in Histology and Embryology:Double Major. PROFESSOR MALL.Comstock, g Hooker, 9 Welch, 9 (5)Green, Taylor, A. L., 9141. General Physiology of Animals:ASSISTANT PROFESSOR LOEB.Comstock, 9 Hooker, 9 Welch, 9 (3)142. Laboratory Work:ASSISTANT PROFESSOR LOEB.DR. LINGLE ..Comstock, 9 Hooker, 9 Welch, 9 (3)143. Selected Topics From the Special Physiology ofHigher Vertebrates: DR. LINGLE.Comstock, 9 Hooker, 9 Welch, 9 (3)144. The Biological Club.145. The Embryology of Vertebrates: Double Minor ...DR. WHEELER.Comstock, 9Green, Halphide, 9Hooker, 9 Taylor, A. L., gWelch, 9 (6)THE QUARTERLY CALENDAR.[23] Macroscopical Anatomy of Vertebrates:Double Minor. DR. JORDAN.Blackmarr, uCrane, Fowler,Guyer, a Hibbard,Woods, a (6)REGULAR DIVINITY OOURSES. 0 D.1. OLD TESTAMENT LITERATURE AND EXEGESIS.:108. (Course not given.)109. (See University Course 44a.)110. (See University Course 44b.)111. (See University Course 38.)112. (Course not given.)113. (Course not given.)2. NEW TESTAMENT LITERATURE AND EXEGESIS.114. (See University Course 97.)115. Seminary on the Theology of the Epistle to theRomans: Minor. First Term.PROFESSOR BURTON.Griffin, d Osborn, dMacNaul, d Payne, d116. (See University Course 50.)117. (See University Course 97a.) Stevens, d (5)3. BIBLICAL LITERATURE IN ENGLISH.118. (See University Course 94.)119. Old Testament Wisdom Literature: Minor.First Term. DR. KENT.(Co:urse not given.)120. Job: Minor. Second Term. DR. KENT.(Course not given.)0121. (See University Course [10].)4. SYSTEMATIC THEOLOGY.\122. Eschatology: Minor. First Term.PROFESSOR NORTHRUP.Brinstad, Martin, Payne,Burdick, Myhrman, Peterson,Hemenway, Nordlander, Runyan,'Holcomb, Orr, E. A., Van Horn,Kurtz, Orr, Young. (15).123. Anthropology: Minor. First Term.ASSISTANT PROFESSOR SIMPSON.Davies,Lake,:124. Soteriology: Minor. First Term.McDonald, Stucker. (4)ASSISTANT PROFESSOR SIMPSON.Berry,.Bailev, McDonald,McGinnis, Price,Stewart, Bower, McGillivray, Stoner,Elliott, J. W., Pearce, W., Theobald,Gray, Pearce, W. G., Wheeler. (15)125. Theology as Taught by Paul: Minor. FirstTerm. PROFESSOR NORTHRUP.Bailey,Bower,Brandsmark,Elliott1 W. A.,Ericson, Grarup,Hojen,Lorsen,Landohl,McGillivray, Post,Price,SamuelsonWheeler,Wood. (15)5. CHURCH HISTORY.126. History of the Columbian Period. Minor. FirstTermt__ ASSISTANT PROFESSOR JOHNSON.Bowen,Brown,Case,Chapin,Criswell,Davis,Dye,Falls,Fisk,Goodman, Hulbert,Harris,Holcomb,Jones,Kinney,Lemon,Lockhart,Lord,McEwan,Mercer, Mills,Myrhman,Phillips,Sanders,Stevens,Stonecipher,Theobald,Wishart,Wyant. (29)127. History of the Church From the Invasions of theBarbarians to the Reformation: Major. FirstTerm. PROFESSOR HULBERT.Bailey,Bixon,'Blake,Boynton,Bower,Broomfield,Col.lins,Davies,Elliott, J. W.,EHiott, W. A.,Eubank, Giblett.Gray,Henry,Hole,Lake,McGinnis,McGillivray,Pearce, W.,Pearce, W. G.,Price,Robinson, Samuelson,Smith,Stewart,Stoner,Stucker,Swift,Theobold,Thompson.Vreeland,Wheeler. (32)128. The Church History Club.128a. Special Work in Church History:Barnes, g (1)6. HOMILETICS, CHURCH POLITY, AND PASTORALDUTIES.129. Plans of Sermons: Minor. First Term.PROFESSOR ANDERSON.Ail en ,Blanchard,Brown,Cabeen,Coon,Everett,Fails,l!"ord,Goodman,Griffith,Hanson, Hemenway,Herrick,Heyland,Holcomb,Lockhart,Lord,Martin,McEwan,Mercer,Mills, N oftzinger,Phillips,Rhodes,Sanders,Shaw,Starkweather, r:Stevens, (�Waldo,Wood.Wyant, (31)THE STUDENTS.:130. Sermons: Minor. First Term.ASSISTANT PROFESSOR JOHNSON.Blake, Giblett, Robinson,Boynton, Gill, Speicher,Bromfield, Henry, Thorn,Carroll, Hoyt, Vreeland,Collins, Hurley, Wood. J. F .• (16)Dewey.131. History of American Preaching: Minor. FirstTerm. PROFESSOR ANDERSON.Berry, Dewey, Hole,Bixon, Gill, Hurley. (6)7. MISSIONS AND MISSION WORK.132. Missionary Societies: Minor. First Term.MR. CONLEY.Boynton,Carroll,Carrol,Dent,Eubank, Evans,Gerry,Johnson,McDonald,Orr, Mrs., Speicher,Speicher, Mrs.,Thompson,Post,Swi It. (1�)DIVINITY SCHOOL: -SWEDISH DIVISION.D. (22 Students.)1. OLD AND NEW TESTAMENT INTERPRETATION.17. Biblical Interpretation: Minor. First Term.ASSISTANT PROFESSOR MORTEN.Anderson, G. R.,Bergland,Bergman,Carson,Carlson,Hasselblad,Heden,Jakobson. Johnson,Lawrence,Lindblad,Linden,Lindholm,Nilson, S. A.,Nilson, C. A., Rocen,Roos,Salquist,Sten,Sundmark,Taflin,Wiking. (22)2.'� SYSTEMATIC THEOLOGY AND PASTORAL DUTIES.18. The Doctrine of Redemption and Salvation:Minor. First Term. PROFESSOR LAGERGREN.Berglund,Carlson,-Iakobson, Lawrence,Lindblad,Nilson, C. A., Nilson, S. A ..Roos. (8) 6119. Pastoral Duties: .Minor. First Term.PROFESSOR LAGERGREN.Anderson, C.,Anderson, G. R.,Berglund,Bergman,Carlson,Hasselblad, Heden,Jakobson,Johnson,Lawrence,Linden,Lindholm, Rocen.Salquist,Sten,Sundmark.Tafiin,Wiking. (18)3. CHURCH HISTORY.20. Modern Church History: Minor. First Te;rm.ASSISTANT PROFESSOR SANDELL.Anderson, C.,Anderson, G. R.,Berglund,Bergman,Carlson,Hasselblad,Heden,Jakobson, Johnson.Lawrence,Lindblad,Linden,Lindholm,Nilson, S. A.,Nilson, C. A., Rocen,Roos,Salquist,Sten,Sundmark,Tafiin,Wiking. (22)DIVINITY SCHOOL :-DANISH-NORWEGIANDIVISION.D. (10 Students.)17. Exegesis: Minor. First Term.PROFESSOR GUNDERSON.Anderson, Sellewold, Petersen. (4)Ohrn,18. Course not given.19. Church Polity: Minor. First Term.PROFESSOR JENSEN.Brandsmark,Grarup,Hojen,20. Pastoral Theology: Minor. First Term.Larsen,Landahl, Petersen,Sellewold. (7)Larsen,Landahl, PROFESSOR JENSEN.Petersen,Sellewold. (7)Brandsmark,Grarup,Hojen,1. (Autumn Quarter.) General Introduction to theNew Testament: Minor. First Term.Anderson,Johnson, Ohrn,Petersen, PROFESSOR GUNDERSON.Sellewold. (5)62 THE QUARTERLY CALENDAR.OBITUARY.m:imotb!? �otne (!!unningbam,DIED NOVEMBER 26, 1892.The closing weeks of the University's first quarterwere saddened by the death of a member of theGraduate School, Timothy Howe Cunningham, ofOutville, Ohio. His earlier studies were pursued atDenison University, where he graduated in 1891, leav­ing there a record of the highest scholarship.His first year after graduation was devoted to teach­ing, and during it, in a responsible and difficult posi­tion, he achieved complete success. To fit himselffor greater usefulness, he came, in October, 1892, to the University of Chicago. He matriculated as astudent in Hebrew and the Classics, with a view totaking a doctor's degree, but while engaged in thework of the first term, he was attacked by the illnesswhich resulted in his death at the early age of twenty­three. He was a young man of great promise, unitingwith large abilities the utmost devotion and singlenessof purpose. The same earnestness characterized hisreligious acti vi ties, and he entered heartily in to thework of the Presbyterian churches with which hewas connected. His death abruptly cutting short acareer so bright in prospect, was keenly felt, not byhis own family only, but by a large circle of friends,on whom his cheerful and earnest personality hadimpressed itself.PART III. - COURSES OFFERED IN EACH DEPARTMENT OFTHE UNIVERSITY.OOTOBER 1, 1893, TO OOTOBER 1, 1894.PRELIjJfINARY ANNOUNOEMENTS FOR THE GRADUATE SCHOOL ANDTHE UNIVERSITY COLLEGES OF ARTS AND LITERATURE.NOTE :-The following is a list 'of the titles of courses to be given in the University from October 1,1893, to October 1,1894.For a complete description of the courses consult the ANNUAL REGISTER and the DEPARTMENTAL PROGRAMMES. The numberof each course in the REGISTER is indica ted by the number in parenthesis following the title of the course.Courses marked by a star are open only to Graduate Students.Fuller Announcements for the Summer Quarter (1894) will be made in later Calendars.1. A. PHILOSOPHY.Autumn Quarter, 1893.ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR STRONG.Advanced Psychology. Double Minor. (10)Introductory Course. Logic. Double Minor. (1)ASSISTANT PROFESSOR TUFTS.General History of Philosophy. Double Minor. (4)Kant's Critique of Pure Reason. Double Minor. (6)Prereq uisi te: course 4.Seminary: The Philosophy of Kant. DoubleMinor. (7) Prerequisite: course 6.DR. MONIN.History of Education. Double Minor. (15)DR. MEZES.Advanced Ethics. Double Minor. (12)Winter Quarter.ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR STRONG.Introductory Course: Psychology. Double Minor. (2)Advanced Psychology. Double Minor. (10)ASSISTANT PROFESSOR TUFTS.General History of Philosophy. Dou ble Minor. (4)Seminary: The Philosophy of Kant. DoubleMinor. (7) Prereq uisi te: course' 6.DR. MONIN.Spinoza's Ethics. Double Minor. (5)DR. MEZES.Kant's Ethics. J;)ouble Minor. (13)Spring Quarter.ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR STRONG.Introductory Course. Philosophy. Double Minor. (3)Advanced Psychology. Double Minor. (10) ASSISTANT PROFESSOR TUFTS.Movements of Thought in the Nineteenth Century.1st Term. Minor. (4a) This course forms theconcl usion in the General History of Philosophybu t it may be taken separately by those whohave courses 1-3.Advanced Logic and Theory of Knowledge. DoubleMinor. (11) This course is designed to followthe courses of the Autumn and Winter Quar­ters on the Philosophy of Kant.DR. MONIN.Recent German Philosophy. Double Minor. (9)DR. MEZES.Green's Prolegomena to Ethics. Double Minor. (14)Summer Quarter.ASSISTANT PROFESSOR TUFTS.Psychology. Double Minor. (2a)History of Modern Philosophy. Double Minor. (4b)DR. MONIN.History of Education. Double Minor. (15)1. B. APOLOGETICS AND CHRISTIAN ETHICS.Autumn Quarter.PROJ.i'ESSOR ROBINSON.Apologetics and Christian Evidences. DoubleMajor. (1)Winter Quarter.PROFESSOR ROBINSON.Ethics. Major. 1st Term. (2)Advanced Ethics. Major. 2d Term. (3)6364 THE QUARTERLY CALENDAR.II. POLITICAL ECONOMY.Autumn Quarter.HEAD PROFESSOR LAUGHLIN.* Economic Seminary. Double Minor. (19)Money and Practical Economics. Double Minor. (9)PROFESSOR A. C. MILLER.Finance. Double Minor. (15)Principles of Political Economy. Double Minor. (1)DR. HILL.Railway Transportation. Double Minor. (12)DR. VEBLIN.American Agriculture. Double Minor. (16)DR. HOURWIOH.Statistics. Double Minor. (10)Winter Quarter.PROFESSOR LAUGHLIN.* Economic Seminary. Double Minor. (19)Money and Practical E'conomics. Double Minor. (9)PROFESSOR A. C. MILLER.�Seminary in Finance. Double Minor. (IS).Advanced Political Economy. Double Minor. (IA)MR. CALDWELL.History of Political Economy. Double Minor. (5)Descriptive Political Economy. Double Minor. (IB)DR. HILL.Industrial and Economic History. Double Minor. (2)Railway Transportation. Double Minor. (12)DR. VEBLIN.Socialism. Double Minor. (7)DR. HOURWIOH.Advanced Statistics. Double Minor. (11)Spring Quarter.HEAD PROFESSOR LAUGHLIN.* Economic Seminary. Double Minor. (19)Unsettled Problems of Economic Theory. DoubleMinor. (4)PROFESSOR MILLER.*Seminary in Finance. Double Minor. (IS)Financial History of the United States. DoubleMinor. (14)ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR BEMIS.Social Economics, Double Minor. (SB)MR. CALDWELL.Scope and Method of Political Economy. DoubleMinor. (3)History of Political Economy. Double Minor. (5) DR. HILL.Industrial and Economic History. Double Minor. (2);Tariff History of the United States. DoubleMinor. (13)DR. VEBLIN.Socialism. Double Minor. (7)Summer Quarter.PROFESSOR MILLER.Economic History of the United States. Double­Minor. (14A,)MR. OALDWELL.Economic Factors in Civilization. Double Minor. (6)1'Social Economics. Double Minor. (SA)III. POLITICAL SCIEN CEoAutumn Quarter.PROFESSOR JUDSON.Seminary in Politics. Double Minor. (1)Comparative Politics. Double Minor. (2)PROFESSOR LAWRENCE.International Law. Double Minor. (7)MR. CONGER.Political Geography. Double Minor. (14)MR. WILCOX.Civil Government in the United States. Pre­liminary course. Dou ble Minor. (12)Winter Quarter.PROFESSOR JUDSON.Seminary in Politics. Dou ble Minor. (1)Comparative Politics. Double Minor. (3)American Constitutional Law. Double Minor. (5)Course (5) should be preceded by course (12).PROFESSOR LAWRENCE.International Law. Double Minor. (S)MISS WALLACE.Spanish-American Institutions. Double Minor. (13)MR. CONGER.Political Geography. Double Minor. (15)Spring Quarter.PROFESSOR JUDSON.Seminary in Politics. Double Minor. (1)Research, preparatory to 2d Term courses, under­the direction of the Professor. Minor. Lst:Term. (11)The Elements of Political Science. Minor. 2dTerm. (6) To be preceded by Courses (12), (11)and (4)PRELIMINARY ANNOUNCEMENT OF COURSES. 6f)t.Comparative Politics. Minor. 2d Term. (4)PROFESSOR LAWRENCE.International Law. Double Minor. (9)MR. CONGER.Political Geography. Double Minor. (16)Summer Quarter.PROFESSOR JUDSON.Seminary in Politics. Double Minor. (1)Comparative Politics. Double Minor. (10)NOTES.-1. Courses (7), (8) and (9) should be taken:i.n that order.2. Courses (5) and (6) or (5) and (13) should be taken inthat order.3. Courses in Roman Law, Modern Jurisprudence andAdministrative Law will be offered in 1894-5.IV. HISTORY.Autumn Quarter.HEAD PROFESSOR VON HOLST.Seminary: Special Topics connected with Ameri­can, Political and Constitutional History.Double Minor. (34)History of the French Revolution and the N apole­onic Era. Double Minor. (19)PROFESSOR TERRY.The Decline of Rome and the Dissolution of theAncient Classical Civilization. Double Minor.(10)* Seminary: Early German Institutions. DoubleMinor. (30)ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR GOODSPEED.The History of Antiquity to the Persian Empire.Major� 1st Term (or Double Minor). (1)DR. SCHWILL.The Protestant Reformation and the ReligiousWars. Double Minor. (38)DR. SHEPARDSON.Territorial Growth of the United States. DoubleMinor. (22)Winter Quarter.HEAD PROFESSOR VON HOLST.Seminary: Special Topics connected with Ameri­can History. Double Minor. (34)The French Revolution and the Napoleonic Era.Double Minor. (19)PROFESSOR TERRY.* Seminary: Early English Institutions. DoubleMinor. (31)The First Attempt to Reorganize Barbaric Societyin Europe under Roman Forms. DoubleMinor. (11) ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR GOODSPEED.Post Exilic Biblical History from the Exile to the­Christian Era. Minor. 1st Term. (2a)The Early Christian History in its Relation to­the Graeco-Roman World. Minor. 2d Term. (2b),)Winte1' Quarter.DR. SOHWILL.The French Revolution and the Era of Napoleon .. -Double Minor. (39)DR. SHEPARDSON.Social Life in the American Colonies. Double"Minor. (23)Spring Quarter.HEAD PROFESSOR VON HOLST.Seminary: Special Topics connected with Ameri­can History. Double Minor. (34)The French Revolution and the Napoleoni� Era ...Double Minor. (19)PROFESSOR TERRY.The Second Attempt to Reorganize Barbaric:Society in Europe under Roman Forms. DoubleMinor. (12)* Seminary: Later English Institutions. Double;Minor. (32)ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR GOODSPEED.The History of Egypt. Minor. 1st Term. (3a)The History of Babylonia and Assyria. Minor.,2d Term. (3b)The History of Greece to the death of Alexander ...Double Minor. (4)DR. SOHWILL.Italy and the Renaissance. Double Minor. (13)DR. SHEPARDSON.Outline History of the United States. Double­Minor. (40)Summer Quarter.PROFESSOR TERRY.* Seminary: Early German History. Double,Minor. (33)The Great Migrations. Double Minor. (15)ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR GOODSPEED.The Relations of Hebrew and Egyptian History .. v1st Term. Minor. (5a)The Relations of Hebrew and Babylonio-Assyrian.History. Minor. 2d Term. (5b)ASSISTANT PROFESSOR THATOHER.The History of Mohammedanism to the end of .the:Crusades. Double Minor. (14)66 THE QUARTERLY CALENDAR.Spring Quarter.V. SOCIAL SCIENCE AND ANTHROPOLOGY.Autumn Quarter.HEAD PROFESSOR SMALL.Seminary: The Psychology, Ethics and Sociologyof Socialism. Double Minor. (23)The Province of Sociology and its relation to theSpecial Social Sciences. Double Minor. (24)Problems of Social Statics. Double Minor, (26)ASSISTANT PROFESSOR HENDERSON.Seminary: Social Organizations for PromotingSocial Welfare. Double Minor. (14)Social Institutions of Organized Christianity.Minor (or Major). 1st Term. (15)Social Treatment of Dependents and Defectives.Minor (or Major). 2d Term. (16)ASSISTANT PROFESSOR TALBOT.Seminary in Sanitary Science. Double Minor. (10).House Sanitation. Double Minor. (11)ASSISTANT PROFESSOR STARR.Laboratory Work in Anthropology. DoubleMinor. (1)Physical Anthropology. Laboratory Work. DoubleMinor. (2)Physical Anthropology. Elementary Course.Double Minor. (9)DR. WEST.Applied Anthropology. Double Major. (3)Winter Quarter.READ PROFESSOR SMALL.Seminary: The Psychology, Ethics and Sociologyof Socialism. Double Minor. (23)Social Psychology. Double Minor. (25)Problems of Social Statics. Double Minor. (26)ASSISTANT PROFESSOR HENDERSON.Seminary: Social Organizations for PromotingSocial Welfare. Double Minor. (14)Criminology. Double Minor (or Major). (17)ASSISTANT PROFESSOR TALBOT.Seminary in Sanitary Science. Double Minor. (10)Sanitary Aspects of Water, Food, and Clothing.Double Minor. (12)ASSISTANT PROFESSOR STARR.Laboratory Work in Anthropology. DoubleMinor. (1)Physical Anthropology. Laboratory Work. DoubleMinor. (2)Ethnology. Double Major. (7)DR. WEST.Applied Anthropology. Double Major. (3) HEAD PROFESSOR SMALL.Seminary: The Psychology, Ethics and Sociologyof Socialism. Double Minor. (23)Social Psychology. Dou ble Minor. (25)Problems of Social Statics. Double Minor. (26)ASSISTANT PROFESSOR HENDERSON.Seminary: Social Organizations for PromotingSocial Welfare. Double Minor. (14)The Family. Minor (or Major). 1st Term. (18)N on-Political and Non-Economical Social Institu­tions. Minor (or Major). 2d Term. (19)ASSISTANT PROFESSOR TALBOT.Seminary in Sanitary Science. Double Minor. (10).The Economy of Living. Double Minor. (12a)ASSISTANT PROFESSOR STARR.Laboratory Work in Anthropology. DoubleMinor. (1)Physical Anthropology. Laboratory Work. DoubleMinor. (2)Prehistoric Archreology. Double Minor. (8)ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR BEMIS.Some Phases of Contemporary Sociology. DoubleMinor. (21)DR. WEST.Applied Anthropology. Double Major. (3)Summer Quarter.HEAD PROFESSOR SMALL.The Methodology and Bibliography of SocialScience. Minor. 1st Term. (22)The Province of Sociology and its Relation tothe Special Social Sciences. Major. 1st Term.(24)ASSISTANT PROFESSOR HENDERSON.Methods of Promoting Social Welfare by Volun­tary Organizations. Major. 2d Term. (20)Course (26) forms Part II of the system of SocialPhilosophy introduced by courses (24) and (25).Course (26) may be taken by students who aresuitably prepared without course (24) and (25), orstudents who wish to make Social Science theirprincipal subject, may combine courses (24),(25) and (26), as three double Majors.Courses (24) and (25) will be required of all candi­dates for the degree of Doctor of Philosophywho present Social Science either as primary orsecondary subject.PRELIMINARY ANNOUNCEMENT OF COURSES.VI. COMPARATIVE RELIGION.Autumn Quarter.ASSOOIATE PROFESSOR GOODSPEED.*The Indian Religions. Double Minor. (1)Winter Quarter.ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR GOODSPEED.*The Religions of China and N on-Civilized Peoples.Double Minor. (4)Spring Quarter.ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR GOODSPEED.* The Religions of Greece, Rome, and NorthernEurope. Double Minor. (3)Summer Quarter.ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR GOODSPEED.* Islam. Double Minor. (2)VII. SEMITIC LANGUAGES AND LITERATURES.Autumn Quarter.HEAD PROFESSOR HARPER.Earlier Suras of the Kuran. Major. 1st Term. (64)Arabic Geography, History and Commentary.Major. 2d Term. (67)PROFESSOR HIRSCH.Introduction to Talmudic Literature. Minor. 1stTerm. (34)Job. Minor. 1st Term. (40)Reading of Selected Portions of the BabylonianTalmud. Minor. 2d Term. (37)Introduction to the Textual Criticism of the OldTestament. Minor. 2d Term. (3S)ASS<?OIATE PROFESSOR PRICE.Messianic Prophecy. Double Minor. (30)Bi-lingual Babylonian Psalm Literature. Minor.2d Term. (77)Earliest Unilingual Cuneiform Inscriptions. Minor.1st Term. (7S)ASSOOIATE PROFESSOR GOODSPEED.The History of Antiquity. Double Minor orMajor. (IV. 1)DR. CRANDALL.Sight Translation in Hebrew. Double Minor. (S)DR. KENT.Old Testament Wisdom Literature. DoubleMinor. (31)Winter Quarter.HEAD PROFESSOR HARPER.Hexateuchal Analysis. Minor. 1st Term. (55)Phrenician. Minor. 1st Term. (91) 67Comparative Semitic Grammar. Minor. 2dTerm. (94)Advanced Hebrew Syntax. Minor. 2d Term. (9S)PROFESSOR HIRSOH.Arabic, Thousand and One Nights. Minor. 1stTerm. (36)Selected Portions of the Mischna. Minor. 1stTerm. (43)Coptic. Minor. 2d Term. (44)New Testament and Talmudic Analogies. Minor.2d Term. (46)ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR PRICE.Hebrew Language. Major. 1st Term. (2)Isaiah, Chapters XL-LXVI. Double Minor. (23)Biblical Aramaic. Minor. 2d Term. (SO)ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR GOODSPEED.Biblical History, from the Exile to the ChristianEra. Minor. 1st Term. (IV.2a.)ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR HARPER.Beginning Assyrian. Double Minor. (69)Advanced Assyrian. Double Minor. (71)Beginning Syriac. Double Minor. (SS)DR. CRANDALL.Historical Hebrew. Minor. 2d Term. (4)DR. KENT.Apocryphal Wisdom Literature. Double Minor. (32)Spring Quarter.HEAD PROFESSOR HARPER.The Book of the Covenant. Major. 1st Term. (13)Old Testament Legal Literature. Major. 2dTerm. (27)Hebrew Language. 'Double Minor. (1)PROFESSOR HIRSCH.Advanced Syriac. Minor. 1st Term. (50)Abodah Zarah. Minor. 1st Term. (4S)Maimonides' "Guide" in Arabic Hebrew. Minor.2d Term. (51)Advanced Syriac. Minor. 2d Term. (52)ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR PRICE.Isaiah. Chapters I-XXXIX. (English). Minor.1st Term. (XII. A. 1)Modern Discoveries and the Old Testament. Minor:1st Term. (56)ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR GOODSPEED.The History of Babylonia and Assyria. Minor.2d Term. (IV.3b)ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR H A.RPER.Assyrian and Babylonian Life. Minor. 1stTerm. (59)Assyrian Letters. Minor. 1st Term. (75)THE QUARTERLY CALENDAR.Mesopotamian Geography. Minor. 2d Term. (61)Babylonian Contracts. Minor. 2d Term. (76)DR. CRANDALL.Sight Translation in Hebrew. Minor. 1st Term. (9)DR. KENT.Introduction to Biblical History. Double Minor. (33)Summer Quarter.HEAD PROFESSOR HARPER.The Minor Prophets of the Babylonian Period.Minor. 2d Term. (11)The Arabic Language. Minor, 2d Term. (63)Advanced Hebrew Grammar. Minor. 2d Term. (97)ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR PRICE.Hebrew Language. Major. 1st Term. (3)Ezekiel. (English.) Minor. 1st Term. (XII. A. 2)ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR GOODSPEED.Relation of Hebrew and Babylonio - AssyrianHistory. Minor. 2d Term. (IV.5b)The Relations of Hebrew and Egyptian History.Minor. 1st Term. (IV.5a)Islam. Double Min9r. (VI. 2)ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR HARPFR.Assyrian Language. Double Minor. (69)Advanced Assyrian. Double Minor. (71)The Book of Proverbs. Minor. 1st Term. (17)Micah. Minor. 2d Term. (14)DR. CRANDALL.Historical Hebrew. Minor. 2d Term. (5)VIII. BIBLICAL AND PATRISTIC GREEK.Auiumai Quarter.MR. ROOT.Rapid Reading in Hellenistic Greek. DoubleMinor.MR. VOTAW.Paul's Corinthian Epistles. Minor. 2d Term.Winter Q�Larter.DR. KENT.The Apocryphal Wisdom Literature. DoubleMinor.Spring Quar·te1".MR. ROOT.Rapid Translation of Portions of the Greek Textof the New Testament. Minor. 1st Term.MR. VOTAW.New Testament Greek. Minor. 1st Term.Sources and Relations of the Four Gospels. Minor.2d Term. Surnmer Quarter.PROFESSOR BURTON.Studies in the Apostolic Fathers. Minor. 2dTerm.MR. VOTAW.The Distinctive Features of the Fourth Gospel.Minor. 2d Term.See also courses in New Testamen t Literature andExegesis in the Graduate Divinity School, whichare open to students of the University Collegesand Graduate School. (1) (7) (8) (9) (15) (16)(22) (23)IX. SANSKRIT AND INDO-EUROPEAN COMPARATIVEPHILOLOGY.Autumn Quarter.ASSISTANT PROFESSOR BUOK.Sanskrit, for Beginners. Double Minor. (2)Comparative Grammar of the Latin Language.Double Minor. (4)vVinter Q'uarter.ASSISTANT PROFESSOR BUOK.Sanskrit (Continued). Double Minor. (2)Seminary. Double Minor. (5)Spring Q�Larter.ASSISTANT PROFESSOR BUCK.Sanskrit (Continued). Double Minor. (2)Avestan (Zend). Double Minor. (6)Summer Quarter.ASSISTANT PROFESSOR BUCK.Sanskrit (Continued). Double Minor. (10)Sanskrit for Beginners. Double Minor. (2)X. THE GREEK LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE.Autumn Quarter.PROFESSOR SHOREY.Homer. Double Minor. (7) Open to Academicstudents who have completed two or threeM ai ors of Greek with credit.* Seminary: The History of Ancient Philosophy.Double Minor. (20)* Literary Criticism and Rhetoric of the Ancients.Double Minor. (22)ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR TARBELL.Greek Lyric Poets. Double Minor. (8)Winter Qua1"ter.PROFESSOR SHOREY.* Seminary: The History of Ancient Philosophy.PRELIMINARY ANNOUNCEMhNT OF COURSES.'Double Minor. (20)=* Literary Criticism and Rhetoric of the Ancients.Double Minor. (22)ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR TARBELL.Thucydides. Double Minor. (15)Introduction to Greek and Roman Archreology.Dou ble Minor. � (16)ASSISTANT PROFESSOR CASTLE.Demosthenes and lEschines. Double Minor. (9)Selected . Plays of Sophocles and Euripides. DoubleMinor. (14)Spring Quarter.PROFESSOR SHOREY.Introduction to Study of the Greek Drama. DoubleMinor. (17) Open to students in the AcademicColleges who have completed two or threeMajors with credit.* Seminary: The History of Ancient Philosophy.Double Minor. (20)* Literary Criticism and Rhetoric of the Ancients.Minor. 1st Term. (22)ASSOOIATE PROFESSOR TARBELL.Greek Archreology and Private Antiquities. DoubleMinor. (19).Summer Quarter.PROFESSOR SHOREY.lEschylus, Oresteia. Minor. 1st term. (12)Teachers' Course. Minor. 1st Term. (23)ASSISTANT PROFESSOR CASTLE.Readings and Studies in the Odyssey. Minor. 2dTerm. (10) .Demosthenes as an Orator and a Man. Minor. 2dTerm. (11)A Greek Reading Club meets once a week fromOctober to June, intended primarily for under­graduates who wish to keep up their knowledgeof Greek in the interval between their regularcollegia te courses.XI. THE LATIN LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE.Autumn Quarter.HEAD PROFESSOR HALE.Pliny the Younger. Double Minor. (18)* Seminary 3: The Comparative Syntax of theGreek and Latin Verb. Double Minor. (39)PROFESSOR CHANDLER.Lucretius. Double Minor. (9) .Roman History from the Sources. Double Minor. (26) 69ASSOOIATE PROFESSOR ABBOTT.* Introduction to Latin Palreography. DoubleMinor. (32)*Seminary I: Colloquial Latin. Double Minor. (37)'Winter Quarter.HEAD PROFESSOR HALE.Juvenal. Double Minor. (20)* Seminary 3: Comparative Syntax of the Greekand Latin Verb. Double Minor. (39)PROFESSOR CHANDLER.The Georgics of Virgil. Minor. 2d Term. (13)The Epicurean Philosophy as seen in the Writingsof Cicero. Minor. 2d Term. (25)ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR ABBOTT.Cicero's Letters. Double Minor. (11)* Seminary I: Colloquial Latin. Double Minor. (37)Spring Quarter.HEAD PROFESSOR HALE.Teachers' Training Course. Double Minor. (36)* Seminary. 3: Comparative Syntax of the Greekand Latin Verb. Double Miner. (38)PROFESSOR CHANDLER.Latin Prose of the Christian Hymns. DoubleMinor. (22)The Development of Roman Oratory. DoubleMinor, (24)ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR ABBOTT.Roman Administration. Double Minor. (28)*Seminary I: Colloquial Latin. Double Minor. (37)Summer Quarter.PROFESSOR CHANDLER.The Epistles of Horace. Minor. 2d Term. (14)Tibullus and Propertius. Minor. 2d Term. (14b)ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR ABBOTT.Allen's Remnants of Early Latin. Minor. 1stTerm. (30)Persius. Minor. 1st Term. (31)XII. ROMANCE LITERATURE AND PHILOLOGY.Autumn Quarter.HEAD PROFESSOR KNAPP.Old French. Double Minor. (1)Old Spanish. Double Minor. (5)ASSISTANT PROFESSOR BERGERON.French Literature of the Nineteenth Century.Double Minor. (13)Rapid Reading in Modern French. Double Ma­jor. (14)French Phonetics. Double Minor. (20)70 THE QUARTERLY CALENDAR.XIII. GERMANIC LANGUAGES AND LITERATURE.MR.----Italian Grammar. Minor. 1st Term. (21)Italian Prose. Minor. 2d Term. (22)MISS WALLACE.Spanish. Double Minor. (9)Winter Q1tarte1".HEAD PROFESSOR KNAPP.Old French. Double Minor. (2)Old Spanish. Double Minor. (6)ASSISTANT PROFESSOR BERGERON.Moliere, Corneille, and Racine. Double Minor. (14)Special Course of Conversation. Double Major. (15)French Phonetics. Double Minor. (20)MR.Italian Drama. Minor. 1st Term. (24)Italian Comedy. Minor. 2d term. (25)MISS WALLACE.Spanish. Double Minor. (10.)Spring Quarter.HEAD PROFESSOR KNAPP.Old French. Double Minor. (3)Old Spanish. Double Minor. (7)ASSISTANT PROFESSOR BERGERON.Advanced Course in Syntax (French). DoubleMinor. (16)French Phonetics. Double Minor. (17.)MR.------I talian Prose. Minor. Ist Term. (26)Italian Grammar. Minor. 2d Term. (27)MISS WALLACE.Spanish. Double Minor. (11)Summer Quarter.HEAD PR9FESSOR KNAPP.Old French. Double Minor. (4)Old Spanish. Double Minor. (8)ASSISTANT PROFESSOR BERGERON.French. Nineteenth Century Literature. DoubleMinor. (12)French. Conversation. Double Minor. (17)DR. KINNEY.French Literature of the Seventeenth Century.Minor. 1st Term. (21)MR.----.--Italian Grammar. Minor. 1st Term. (26)MISS WALLACE.Knapp's Spanish Grammar. Minor. 1st term (9)Advanced Spanish Reading. Double Minor. (12) * Germanic Seminary: * Courses 11-13, inclusive, con­stitute the work of the first section of the Germanic:Seminary; the second section meets weekly through.Autumn, Winter and Spring Quarters for the readingand discussion of original papers by mem bers of the,Seminary and of reports upon subjects connected with.the work of the first section.Old N orse. Noreen. Aliisldmdieche und altnor­wegische Grammatik, 1892; Wilken, Die­Prosaische Edda, 1877; Hildebrand, Altere­Edda, 1876. 4 hrs. a week. Double Minor. (ll)Germanic Mythology. Lectures. Mogk, Paul's.Grundriss I, 982-1138. 4 hrs, a week. DoubleMinor. (12)Old Saxon. Sievers, Heliand, 1878; Heyne, KleinereAltmiederdeuische Deukmaler, 2 Aufi., 1877;Behaghel-Gallee, Atteachsische Grammatik,1891. 4 hrs. a week. Double Minor. (13)Autumn Quarter.ASSISTANT PROFESSOR CUTTING.Faust. Double Minor. (1)Lessing as a Dramatist. Double Minor. (14)DR. SCHMIDT- W ARTENBERG.Comparative German Grammar. Double Minor. (8)Outline History of German Literature. DoubleMinor. (16)DR. VON KLENZR.Gothic. Double Minor. (3)Winter Quarter.ASSISTANT PROFESSOR CUTTING.Faust. Double Minor. (1)DR. SCHMIDT- W ARTENBERG.Old High German. Double Minor. (4)Middle High Germano Double Minor. (9)MR. MULFINGER.German Prose Composition. Double Minor. (20�Spring Quarter.DR. SCHMIDT-W ARTENBERG.Introduction to Phonetics.Minor. 2d Term. (7)Old High German. Minor. 1st Term. (10)Heine's Prose and Poetry. Double Minor. (18)DR. VON KLENZE.Goethe's Life. Double Minor. (2)German Ballads. Double Minor. (17)Middle High German. Minor. 1st Term. (6)1PRELIMINARY ANNOUNCEMENT OF COURSES.MR. WOOD.Early Nineteenth Century Prose. Double Minor. (19)Summer Quarter.ASSISTANT PROFESSOR CUTTING.Middle High German. Double Minor. (5)Schiller's Wallenstein. Double Minor. (15)SUPPLEMENTARY COURSES.DR. SCHMIDT-W ARTENBERG.Scientific Reading. Subjects connected with Biolog­ical Sciences. Double Minor. Winter Quar­ter. (26)DR. VON KLENZE.Scientific Reading. Subjects connected with Phys­ical Sciences. Double Minor. Winter Quar­ter. (25)Scientific Reading. Subjects connected with SocialSciences. Double Minor. Summer Quarter. (27)XIV. THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE ANDRHETORIC.Autumn Quarter.PROFESSOR WILKINSON.Poetics. Double Minor. (9)Sentences. Minor. 1st Term. (7)History and Fiction. Minor. 2d Term. (8)ASSISTANT PROFESSOR BLAOKBURN.Old English. Double Minor. (27)* Old English Seminary. Double Minor. (28)Old English Elementary Course. Double Minor.(23)ASSISTANT PROFESSOR CROW.English Literature of the Elizabethan Period.Double Minor. (14)ASSISTANT PROFESSOR MCCLINTOCK.Milton. Double Minor. (16)* Works of William Wordsworth. Double Minor.(32)MR. HERRICK.Advanced English Composition. Double Minor.(5)MR. TRIGGS.English Literature of the Nineteenth Century.Double Minor. (20)Winter Quarter.PROFESSOR MOULTON.Ancient Tragedy for English Readers. DoubleMinor. (12) 71ASSISTANT PROFESSOR BLACKBURN •. Old English. Elementary Course, (Continued).Double Minor. (23)Middle English. Double Minor. (26)Old English Seminary. Double Minor. (28)ASSISTANT PROFESSOR CROW.Shakespeare. Double Minor. (15)ASSISTANT PROFESSOR MCCLINTOCK.The Development of the English No�el fromRichardson to George Eliot. Double Minor.(17)English Literature Seminary. Double Minor. (33)ASSISTANT PROFESSOR TOLMAN.English Romantic Poetry from 1780 to 1830. (18)MR. TRIGGS.English Literature of the Nineteenth Century.Double Minor. (21)Spring Quarter.PROFESSOR MOULTON.Tragedy and Shakesperean Drama. Double Minor.(13)ASSISTANT PROFESSOR BLACKBURN.Old English. Elementary Course (Continued).Double Minor. (23)* Old English Seminary. Double Minor. (28)Old English Literature. Double Minor. (29)ASSISTANT PROFESSOR CROW.History and Principles of English Versification.Double Minor. (11)ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR BUTLER.English Essayists of the Nineteenth Century.Double Minor. (10)ASSISTANT PROFESSOR TOLMAN.* The Origin of the English Drama and its Historyto 1650. Double Minor. (31)MR. HERRICK.Advanced English Composition. Double Minor.(6)MR. TRIGGS.English Literature of the Nineteenth Century.Double Minor. (22)MR. CARPENTER.Spenser. Double Minor. (35)Summer Quarter.ASSISTANT PROFESSOR MCCLINTOCK.The Elements of Literature. Double Minor. (19)* English Literary Criticism. Double Minor. (34)72 THE QUARTERLY CALENDAR.ASSISTANT PROFESSOR BLACKBURN.Old English. Elementary Course. Double Minor.(23)Middle English. Double Minor. (26)xv, BIBLICAL LITERATURE IN ENGLISH.Autumn Quarter.MR. VOTAW.Jewish Literature of the Maccabean and" Primi­tive Periods. Minor. 1st Term. (B, 13)Winter Quarter.MR. ROOT.The Teaching of Christ in the Synoptic Gospels.Minor. 1st Term. (B, 8)The Teaching 'of Christ in the Fourth Gospel,Minor. 2d Term. (B,9)MR. VOTAW.The Life of the Apostle Peter. Minor. 1stTerm. (B,11)The Writings of the Apostle Peter. Minor. 2dTerm. (B, 12) Spring Quarter.ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR PRICE.Isaiah, Chapters i-xxxix. Minor. 1st Term. (A, I}MR. ROOT.Parties and Controversies in the Apostolic Age ...Minor. 2d Term. (B, 10)Summer Quarter.PROFESSOR BURTON.The Teaching of Jesus in relation to the Thoughtof His Day. Minor. 2d Term. (A, 2)ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR PRICE.Ezekiel. Minor. 2d Term. (B,3)See Courses in Biblical Literature in English in the. Graduate Divinity School, which are open to Studentsof the Grad ua te School.XVI. MATHEMATICS.See announcements under the Ogden' (Graduate)"School of Science.PRELIMINARY ANNOUNCEMENTS FOR THE OGIJEN (GRAIJUATE)SOHOOL OF SCIENCE.NOTE :-Following is a list of the titles of courses to be given in the University from October 1, 1893, to October 1,1894.For a complete description of the courses consult the ANNUAL REGISTER and the DEPARTMENT PROGRAMMES. The number ofthe course in THE REGISTER is indicated by the number in parenthesis following the title of the course.Courses marked by a star are open only to Graduate Students.XVI. MATHEMATICS.* The Mathematical Club and Seminary, a fort­nightly meeting continuing throughout the year, forthe review of memoirs and books, and. for the presen ta­tion of the results of research, open to all gradua testuden ts in ma thema tics; wi th the cooperation of themembers of the Mathematical Faculty under thepresidency of Professor Moore.Autumn Quarter.PROFESSOR MOORE.*Theory of Functions of a Complex Variable.Double Minor. (16) Prerequisites: Differen­tial and Integral \ Calculus and Theory of Eq ua­tions,ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR BOLZA.Advanced Integral Calculus. Double Minor. (5)*Hyperelliptic Functions. Double Minor. (21)Prerequisites: Differential and Integral Cal­culus and Theory of Functions.ASSISTANT PROFESSOR MASCHKE.Theory of Surfaces. Double Minor. (8) Prere­quisites: Analytic Geometry and DifferentialCalculus.Analytic Mechanics. Double Minor. (12) Prere­quisites: Analytic Geometry and Differentialand Integral Calculus.DR. YOUNG.Determinants: Theory of Equations. DoubleMinor. ( 6) Prerequisites: College Algebra andPlane Geometry. A continuous course for twoquarters, but students may enter for the De­terminan ts as a Minor, 1st Term, 1st Quarter.Winter Quarter.PROFESSOR MOORE.*Theory of Functions of a Complex Variable.Double Minor. (16)ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR BOLZA.Advanced Integral Calculus. Double Minor. (5)Prerequisites: Differential Calculus and Indefi­nite Integration. *Theory of Substitutions and its Application toAlgebraic Equations. Double Minor. (17) Pre­requisite: Algebra.ASSISTANT PROFESSOR MASOHKE.Theory of the Potential. Double Minor. (14) Pre­requisites: Analytic Geometry, Calculus andAnalytic Mechanics.*Line Geometry. Double Minor. (18) Prerequisites:Analytic Geometry, Calculus, and Theory ofSurfaces.DR. YOUNG.Determinants: Theory of Equations. DoubleMinor. (6) Prereq uisi tes: College Alge braand Plane Trigonometry.Spring Quarter.PROFESSOR MOORE.*Theta Functions. Double Minor. (22) Prere­q uisi te: Theory of Functions.DR. BOYD.Differential Equations. Double Minor. (10) Pre­requisite: Advanced Integral Calculus.ASSISTANT PROFESSOR MASOHKE.Theoretical Electricity. Double Minor. (13) Pre­requisites: Analytic Geometry, and Differentialand Integral Calculus.*Finite Groups of Linear Substitutions. DoubleMinor. (19)Summer Quarter.PROFESSOR MOORE.*Theory of Functions of a Complex Variable. DoubleMinor. (15) Prerequisites: A thorough knowl­edge of Differential and Integral Calculus.*Elliptic Functions. Double Minor. (20) Prere­quisites: Theory of Functions and Theory ofSubstitutions.DR. YOUNG.Theory of Numbers. Double Minor. (9)The Elements of the Theory of Invariants withApplications to Higher Plane Curves. Double7374 THE QUARTERLY CALENDAR.Minor. (11) Prerequisites: Determinants, anda thorough course in the Theory of Equations.XVII. ASTRONOMY.Autumn Quarter.ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR HALE.Astronomical Photography. Double Minor. (1) Pre­requisites: General Astronomy and Physics.Stellar Spectroscopy. Double Minor (or Major). (3)Prerequisite: Solar Physics.DR. SEE.*Mechanics of a System of Bodies and the Per­turbing Function. Double Minor. (5) Pre­requisites: Mathematics, Elements of the Theoryof Orbits and of Perturbations.Spherical and Practical Astronomy. Double Minor.(8) Prerequisites: Mathematics, Physics andGeneral Astronomy.Astronomical Seminary. (10) Prerequisites: Math­ematics, Astronomy.General Astronomy. Introductory Course. DoubleMinor. (11) Prerequisites: Algebra, Geometry,Trigonometry and Elements of Physics.Winter Quarter.ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR HALE.Solar Physics. Double Minor (or Major). (2)Prerequisites: General Astronomy and AdvancedPhysics.DR. SEE.General Perturbations. Double Minor. (6) Pre­requisites: Mathematics,Elements of the Theoryof Orbits and of Perturbations.Spherical and Practical Astronomy. Double Minor.(8) Prerequisites: Mathematics, Physics andGeneral Astronomy.Astronomical Seminary. (10) Prerequisites: Math­ematics, Astronomy.General Astronomy. (Continued.) Double Minor.(11) Prerequisites: Algebra, Geometry, Trigo­nometry and the Elements of Physics.Spring Quarter.ASSOOIATE PROFESSOR HALE.Solar Physics. Double Minor. (2) Prerequisites:General Astronomy and Advanced Physics.DR. SEE.*Secular Perturbations. Double Minor. (7) Pre­requisites: Courses (5) and (6)Theory of Probability and Method of Least Squares.Double Minor. (9) Prerequisites: Mathematicsand General Astronomy. Astronomical Seminary. (10) Prerequisites: Math­ematics and Astronomy.History of Astronomy. Double Minor. (12) Pre­requisite: General Astronomy.Astro-Physical Research, under the direction ofAssociate Professor Hale, all quarters.XVIII. PHYSICS.Autumn Quarter.HEAD PROFESSOR MICHELSON.*Research Course. Double Major. (1)*Special Graduate Course. Double Minor (or Ma­jor). (D 1)Prerequisites: Advanced Course in General Physics.ASSISTANT PROFESSOR STRATTON.General Physics. (Advanced). Double Minor. (3)Prerequisites: Differential and Integral Calculus.Laboratory Practice. (Advanced). Double Minor. (4)Prerequisites: Differential and Integral Calculus.Winter Quarter.HEAD PROFESSOR MICHELSON.*Research Course. Double Minor. (1)*Special Graduate Course. Double Minor (or Ma­jor). (2)Prerequisite: Advanced Course in General Physics.ASSISTANT PROFESSOR STRATTON".General Physics. (Advanced). Double Minor. (3)Prerequisites Differential and Integral Calculus.Laboratory Practice. (Advanced). Double Minor. (4)Prerequisites: Differential and Integral Calculus.Spring Quarter.HEAD PROFESSOR MICHELSON.*Research Course. Double Minor. (1)*Special Graduate Course. Double Minor (or Ma­jor). (2)Prerequisites: Advanced Course in General Physics.ASSISTANT PROFESSOR STRATTON.General Physics. (Advanced). Double Minor. (3)Prerequisites: Differential and Integral Calculus.Laboratory Practice. (Advanced). Double Minor (4)Prerequisites: Differential and Integral Calculus.XIX. CHEMISTRY.Autumn Quarter.PROFESSOR NEF.Organic Chemistry. Double Minor. (4)Prerequisites: General Chemistry and QualitativeAnalysis.PRELIMINARY ANNOUNCEMENT OF COURSES.Organic Preparations: Laboratory Work. DoubleMinor (or Major). (19) Prerequisite: Qualita­tive and Quantitative Analysis and OrganicChemistry. (It may be taken simultaneouslyin connection with lectures on Organic Chemis­try. Those intending to pursue research workin Inorganic Chemistry will be required to takethis course as a triple Minor, and those intend­ing to pursue research work in Organic Chemis­try will be required to take the course as a tripleMaior.)*Research Work for Ph.D. Thesis. Laboratorywork. Double Major. (21)Journal Meetings.ASSISTANT PROFESSOR STOKES.General Chemistry. Introductory Course. DoubleMinor (6). Prerequisite: Academic CollegeCourse in Physics. (1)Advanced Inorganic Work. Double Minor (orMajor). (18) Prerequisites: Qualitative andQuantitative Analysis, Theoretical Chemistry,Mineralogy and a reading knowledge of Frenchand German. Those intending to pursueresearch work in Organic Chemistry will berequired to take this course as a triple Minor,those intending to engage in Inorganic researchwill be required to take the course as a tripleMajor.Research Work for Ph.D. Thesis. Double Ma­jor. (21)ASSISTANT PROFESSOR SOHNEIDER.Qualitative Analysis. Double Minor (or Major).(8) Prerequisite: General Chemistry.Quantitative Analysis. Laboratory Work. DoubleMinor (or Major). (2) Prerequisite: QualitativeAnalysis.Analytical Chemistry. % Double Minor. (10)*Research Work Ph.D. Thesis. Double Major. (21)DR. LENGFELD.Theoretical Chemistry. Lectures. Two %Minors. (12)*Research Work for Ph.D. Thesis. Double Ma­jor. (21)DR. STIEGLITZ.Organic Nitrogen Derivatives. % Double Minor.(15) Prerequisite: Organic Chemistry.*Research Work for Ph.D. Thesis. Double Ma­.[or. (21)Winter Quarter.PROFESSOR NEF.Organic Chemistry. Double Minor. (4) Prerequi­sites: General Chemistry and QualitativeAnalysis. 75Organic Preparations. Laboratory work. DoubleMinor (or Major). (19)For Prerequisites see Autumn Quarter.*Research Work for Ph.D. Thesis. LaboratoryWork. Double Major. (21)Journal Meetings.ASSISTANT PROFESSOR STOKES.General Chemistry. Introductory Course. DoubleMinor. (6). Prerequisite: Academic CollegeCourse in Physics. (1).Advanced Inorganic Work. Double Minor (orMajor). (18). For prerequisites and require­ments see Autumn Quarter.*Research Work for Ph.D. Thesis. Double Ma­jor. (21)-ASSISTANT PROFESSOR SOHNEIDER.Qualitative Analysis. Laboratory work. DoubleMinor (or Major). (8) Prerequisite: GeneralChemistry.Quantitative Analysis. Double Minor (or Ma­jor). (2) Prequisite: Qualitative Analysis.Analytical Chemistry. % Double Minor. (10)*Research Work for Ph.D. Thesis. Double Ma­jor. (21)DR. LENGFELD.Theoretical Chemistry. % Double Minor. (12)History of Chemistry. % Double Minor. (13)Research Work for Ph.D. Thesis. Double Ma-jor. (21)DR. STIEGLITZ.Qualitative Spectrum Analysis. % Double Minor.(9) Prerequisite: General Chemistry.The Carbohydrates and the Complex Hydrocar­bons. % Double Minor. (16)*Research Work for Ph.D. Thesis. Double Ma­jor. (21)Spring Quarter.PROFESSOR NEF.Organic Chemistry. Minor. 1st Term. (4)Organic Preparations. Laboratory Work. Minor(or Major). 1st Term. (19)For Prerequisites see Autumn and Winter Quarters.*Research Work for Ph.D. Thesis. Major. (21)1st Term.Journal Meetings.ASSISTANT PROFESSOR STOKES.General Chemistry. Double Minor. (6) Prerequi­sites: the Academic Course in Physics.General Chemistry (b). Chiefly Laboratory Work.Double Minor. (6). Open only to a limitednumber of students in the General ChemistryCourse.'76 THE QUARTERLY CALENDAR.Advanced Inorganic Work. Double Minor (or Ma­jor). (18)For Prerequisites and requirements see Autumn andWinter Quarters.*Research Work for Ph.D. Thesis. Double Ma­jor. (21)ASSISTANT PROFESSOR SCHNEIDER.Qualitative Analysis. Laboratory Work. DoubleMinor (or Major). (8) Prerequisite: GeneralChemistry.Quantitative Analysis. Double Minor (or Major).(2) Prerequisite: Qualitative Analysis.Analytical Chemistry. Yz Double Minor. (10)Prereq uisi te: General Chemistry.* Research Work for Ph.D. Thesis. Double Ma­jor. (21)DR. LENGFELD.Theoretical Chemistry. Yz Minor. 1st Term. (12)Physico-Chemical Methods. Yz Minor. 1st Term. (14)* Research Work for Ph.D. Thesis. Double Ma-jor. (21)DR. STIEGLITZ.* Research Work for Ph.D. Thesis. Double Ma­jor. (21)Summer Quarter.PROFESSOR NEF.Special Chapters of Organic Chemistry. U Minor.2d Term. (17)* Research Work for Ph.D. Thesis. Major. 2dTerm. (21)ASSISTANT PROFESSOR SCHNEIDER.Special Chapters of Inorganic Chemistry. �Double Minor. (11) Prerequisite: GeneralChemistry.Advanced Inorganic Work. Minor (or Major). (18)For Prerequisites see Autumn and Winter Quarters.* Research Work for Ph.D. Thesis. Double Ma-jor. (21)DR. LENGFELD.General Inorganic Chemistry. Double Major. (7)Physico-Chemical Methods. Yz Minor. 2d Term. (14)* Research Work for Ph.D. Thesis. Double Ma-jor. (21)DR. STIEGLITZ.General Organic Chemistry. Double Major. (5)Organic Preparations. Double Minor (or DoubleMajor). (20)For Prerequisites see Course (19) Autumn and Win­ter Quarters.* Research Work for Ph.D. Thesis. Double Ma­jor. (21) xx. GEOLOGY.Seminary. Fortnightly, under the presidency of theHead of the Department, aided by the depart­ment faculty.Autumn Quarter.HEAD PROFESSOR CHAMBERLIN.* Principles and Working Methods of Geology.Double Minor (or Major). (22) Prerequisites:General Geology, Elements of Mineralogy andPetrology.Local Field Geology. (24). Special Geology. (23)PROFESSOR SALISBURY.Geographic Geology. Double Minor or Major. (10)Local Field Geology. (24)ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR IDDINGS.Crystallography. Minor. 1st Term. (2) Prere­q uisi tes: Physics and Inorganic Chemistry­Physical Mineralogy. Minor. 2d Term. (3) Pre­requisite (2)ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR PENROSE.Petrography. Double Minor (or Major). (6)MR. KUMMEL.Laboratory Work in Geographic Geology. Minor.2d Term. (11)Winter Quarte1?HEAD PROFESSOR CHAMBERLIN.* Principles and Working Methods of Geology.Double Minor (or Major). (22) Prerequisites:General Geology, Elements of Mineralogy andPetrology.Special Geology. (23)PROFESSOR SALISBURY.Structural Geology and Continental Evolution.Double Minor (or Major). (12). Prerequisites:Elementary Mineralogy and Petrology, Chemis­try and Physics.Dynamic Geography. Major (or Minor). (13)General Geology. Double Minor. (9)ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR IDDINGS.Descriptive Mineralogy. Double Minor. (4) Pre­requisites: (2) and (3)Petrography. Double Major (or Minor). (6)ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR PENROSE.* Economic Geology. Double Minor. (14) Prerequi­si tes: Mineralogy, Chemistry, and Physics.Chemistry of Ore Deposits. Double Minor. (15)Prerequisites (14)1?ROFESSOR VAN RISE.Pre - Cambrian Geology. Minor. 1st Term. (19)PRELIMINARY ANNOUNCEMENT OF COURSES. 77Laboratory Course in Connection with Pre - Cam­brian Geology. Minor. 1st Term. (20)Spring Quarter.HEAD PROFESSOR CHAMBERLIN.Geologic Life Development. Double Minor. (16)Prerequisites: Zoology, Botany. (12) and (9)Local Field Geology. (24) .Special Geology. (23).AsSOCIATE PROFESSOR IDDINGS.Petrology. Double Minor. (5) Prerequisites: (2)and (3) -,'* Petrology (advanced). Double Minor (or Major). (7)Summer Quarter.PROFESSOR SALISBURY.Geology in Camp. Double Major. (26)Courses still to be arranged as to time and length.Bee August Calendar.PROFESSOR WALCOTT.Paleepntologic Geology. (17)PROFESSOR HOLMES.Archreologic Geology. (21)For courses in Vertebrate Paleeontology see the De­partment of ZoOlogy and Palreontology.XXI. BOTANY.Courses in this Department will be announced laterIn the year.XXII. ZOOLOGY.Autumn Quarter.HEAD PROFESSOR WHITMAN.* Embryology. Higher Invertebrates. DoubleMajor. (1) Prerequisites: the introductoryCourses in Embryology, Anatomy and Histology.* Seminary. Historical Topics. Double Minor. (3)DR. WHEELER.Vertebrate Embryology. Double Major. (4) Pre­requisites: Elementary Zoology, outlines ofVertebrate Zoology, Paleeontology, Histology.DR. WATASE.Cellular Biology. Lectures and Demonstrations.Dates to be announced. (7)Winter Quarter.HEAD PROFESSOR WHITMAN.* Embryology. Higher Invertebrates. Double Major.(1) For prerequisites see Autumn Quarter.Seminary. Historical Topics. Double Minor. (3)MR. LILLIE.Vertebrate Embryology. Double Major. (4) Forprereq uisi tes see Autumn Quarter. DR. WATASE.Cellular Biology. Lectures and demonstrations.Dates to be announced. (7)Spring Quarter.HEAD PROFESSOR WHITMAN.* Embryology. Tectonics of the Vertebrate Embryo.Double Major. (2) Prerequisites: the intro­ductory courses in Morphology .MR. LILLIE.Vertebrate Embryology. Double Major. (4) Forprerequisites see Autumn Quarter.DR. JORDAN.Sanitary Biology. Double Minor. (6) Prerequisite:Chemistry.DR. WATASE.Cellular Biology. Lectures and demonstrations.Dates to be announced. (7)Palaeontology.Autumn Quarter.ASSISTANT PROFESSOR BAUR.Outlines of Vertebrate Zoology and Palaeontology.Minor. (8)* Research in the Osteology of Living and ExtinctVertebrates. Double Major. (11) Prerequis­ites: Comparative Osteology and Phylogeny ofVertebrates .Winter Quarter.ASSISTANT PROFESSOR BAUR.Comparative Osteology and Phylogeny of Verte­brates. Double Minor in connection with (10).(9). Prerequisites: Vertebrate Zoology, Anatomy,Embryology, Geology.* Seminary in Comparative Osteology. DoubleMinor in connection with course (9). (10)Research in the Osteology of Living and ExtinctVertebrates. Double Major. (11)� For prere­quisites see Autumn Quarter.Spring Quarter.ASSISTANT' PROFESSOR BAUR.Comparative Osteology and Phylogeny of Verte ...brata. Double Minor in connection with (10).(9)* Seminary in Comparative Osteology. DoubleMinor in connection with (9). (10)Research in the Osteology or. Living and ExtinctVertebrates. Double Major. (11)Summer Quarter.ASSISTANT PROFESSOR BAUR.Palaeontological Field Work.78 THE QUARTERLY CALENDAR.XXIII. ANATOMY AND HISTOLOGY.Winter Quarter.MR. EYCLESHEIMER.General Histology of Animals. 'Double Minor. (1)XXIV. PHYSIOLOGY.Autumn Quarter.ASSISTANT PROFESSOR LOEB.* Original Investigations in Physiology. DoubleMajor. (1)Physiology of the Sense Organs and the Periph­eral and Central Nervous System. DoubleMinor. (2)Laboratory Work in Physiology of the SenseOrgans and the Nervous System. In connec­tion with course (4). (3)Seminary. In connection with course (3). (4)NOTE:-Courses 3 and 4 taken together form anadvanced course in Physiology (Double Minor). Withthe permission of the Instructor they may be takentogether by students of course (2) as a Double Major.Winter Quarter.ASSISTANT PROFESSOR LOEB.* Original Investigations in Physiology. DoubleMajor. (1)Physiology of Circulation, Respiration and AnimalHe'at. Double Minor. (5) Prerequisite: Course 2.Laboratory Work in the Physiology of Circula­tion, Respiration and Animal Heat. (6)Seminary: in connection with course 6. Togetherwith Course (6). Double Minor. (7) Prere­quisites: Courses 3 and 4.Spring Quarter.ASSISTANT PROFESSOR LOEB.Original Investigations in Physiology. DoubleMajor. (1)General Physiology of Animals and Plants. (9)Lectures in connection with (10). (9)General Physiology of Nerves and Muscles. To­gether with Course (9). Double Major. (10)Laboratory Work in Physiology of Nerves andMuscles and in General Physiology. (11) Seminary: In connection with Course (11). To­gether with Course (11). Double Minor. (12)Prerequisites: Courses (4) and (3).DR. LINGLE.Physiology of Digestion, Secretion and Metabo­lism. Double Minor. (8) Prerequisites: (2)and (5)Summer Qtlarter.DR. LINGLE.Physiological Demonstration. Double Minor. (14)It is the aim of this course to give to teachers in theHigh Schools and Colleges an opportunity to becomefamiliar with the typical physiological experiments.XXV. NEUROLOGY.Autumn Quarter.PROFESSOR DONALDSON.The Architecture of the Central Nervous System.Double Major. (1) Prerequisite: GeneralHistology.* Seminary. Double Minor. (6)Winter Quarter.PROFESSOR DONALDSON.Anatomy of the Special Sense Organs. Major. 1stTerm. (2). Prerequisite: General Histology.Physical Characters of the Brain as Related tothe Intelligence. Major. 2d Term. (3) Pre­req uisi te: General Histology.* Seminary. Double Minor. (6)Spring Quarter.PROFESSOR DONALDSON.Doctrine of Localization of Function in the Cere­bral Cortex. Double Major. (4) Prerequisites,Histology and Elementary Physiology,* Seminary. Double Minor. (6)Summer Quarter.PROFESSOR DONALDSON.The Development of the Central Nervous System ..Double Major. (5) Prerequisites: Histologyand Embryology.* Seminary. Double Minor. (6)PRELIMINARY ANNOUNCEMENTS FOR THE ACADEMIC COLLEGES.The following is a list of the titles of courses to be offered in the Academic Colleges from October, 1893, to October, 1894. Forfull description of courses consult the ANNUAL REGISTER or the DEPARTMENTAL PROGRAMMES. The number of each course in theREGISTER is indicated by the figure in parentheses following the title.Fuller Announcments for the Summer Quarter (1894) will be made in later numbers of the CALENDAR.III. POLITICAL ECONOMY.Autumn Quarter.PROFESSOR A. C. MILLER.Principles of Political Economy. Double Minor. (1)Open only to students who elect lA or IB in theWinter Quarter.Winter Quarter.PROFESSOR A. C. MILLER.Advanced Political Economy. Double Minor. (IA)MR. CALDWELL.Descriptive Political Economy. Double Minor. (IB)IV. HISTORY.Autumn Quarter.ASSISTANT PROFESSOR THATCHER.Outline History of the Middle Ages.Minor. (41)DR. SCHWILL.Outline History of Modern Europe.Minor. (42)Winter Quarter.ASSISTANT PROFESSOR THATCHER.Outline History of the Middle Ages.Minor. (41)DR. SCHWILL.Outline History of Modern Europe.Minor. (42)Spring Quarter.ASSISTANT PROFESSOR THATCHER,Outline History of the Middle Ages.Minor. (41)DR. SCHWILL.Outline History of Modern Europe.Minor. (42) ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR TARBELL.Two Plays of Euripides. Double Minor. (4)ASSISTANT PROFESSOR CASTLE.Xenophon, Memorobilia. Plato, Apology and Crito.Double Major. (2)Winter Quarter.MR. --Homer, Iliad, Books I-III. Review of Greek Gram­mar. Double Major. (1) Intended for studentsentering with Greek 1) and 2) only. This coursewill not be counted as one of the three requiredMajors in Greek.Spring Quarter.PROFESSOR SHOREY.Introduction to Study of the Greek Drama. DoubleDouble Minor. (17) Open to Academic College Stu­dents who have completed two or more Majorswith credit.Double ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR TARBELL.Demosthenes, Philippics and Olynthiacs. DoubleMinor. (6)ASSISTANT PROFESSOR CASTLE.Double Lysias. Selected Orations. Double Major. (3)Not open to students who take Course (2)Summer Quarter.DoubleDouble MR.--.Xenophon, Memorabilia. Plato, Apology and Crito.'Double Major. (2)XI. THE LATIN LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE.Autumn Quarter.Double DR. MILLER.Horace (Odes). Section 1. Double Minor.Horace (Odes). Section 2. Double Minor.X. THE GREEK LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE.Autumn Quarter.PROFESSOR SHOREY.Homer. Double Minor. (7) Open to AcademicCollege Students who have completed two ormore Majors with credit. DR. BATTEL.Cicero, Livy, Terence, and Tacitus. Section 1.Double Major.MR. EMERY.Cicero, Livy, Terence, and Tacitus. Section 2.Double Major.- 7980 THE QUARTERLY CALENDAR.Winter Quarter.MR.--.Virgil and Cicero. Double Major.Winter Quarter.Dr. MILLER.Horace (Odes). Double Minor.Horace (Satires); Seneca (Tragedies). DoubleMinor.DR. BATTEL.Cicero, Livy, Terence, Tacitus. Section 1. DoubleMajor.MR. EMERY.Cicero, Livy, Terence, Tacitus. Section 2. DoubleMajor.MR.--.Virgil and Cicero. Double Major.Spring Quarter.DR. Miller.Cicero, Livy, Terence, Tacitus. Section 1. DoubleMajor.DR. BATTEL.Selections from Ovid, Horace, Catullus. Section 2.Double Minor. 'Horace (Odes). Double Minor.MR. EMERY.Cicero, Livy, Terence, and Tacitus. Section 2.Double Major.MR.--.Selections from Ovid, Horace, Catullus, and Cicero'sLetters. Section 1. Double Minor.Summer Quarter.DR. MILLER.Cicero (De Senectute); the Writing of Latin. Minor.1st Term.Terence. Minor. 1st Term.DR. BATTEL.Livy; the Writing of Latin. Minor. 2d Term.Horace (Odes). Minor. 2d Term.XII. ROMANCE LITERATURE AND PHILOLOGY.Autumn Quarter.DR. KINNE.French. Selections from Erckmann- Chatrian, etc.Double Major. (28)French Grammar. Knapp's French Readings (forBeginners). Double Minor. (29)MISS WALLACE.Knapp's Spanish Grammar. Double Minor. (9) DR. KINNE.Knapp's French Readings. Short French Plays"Doubl.e Minor. (30)French. Selections from Musset, Lamartine, etc.Double Major. (31)Spring Quarter.ASSISTANT PROFESSOR BERGERON.Rapid Analysis of the Works of Chateaubriand,Hugo, etc. Double Minor. (33)Elements of French Literature. Double Minor. (34)DR. KINNE.French. Selections from Erckmann- Chatrian, etc.Double Major. (28)French Grammar. Knapp's French Readings (forBeginners). Double Minor. (29)Summer Quarter.DR. KINNE.French Grammar. Easy French Readings. DoubleMinor. (32)XIII. THE GERMANIC LANGUAGES AND LITERATURES.Autumn Quarter.ASSISTANT PROFESSOR CUTTING.Elementary Course. Double Major. (18)DR. SCHMIDT-WARTENBERG.Modern Prose. Double Minor.Outline Study of Goethe'sMinor. (24) (20)Works. DoubleDR. '\iON KLENZE.Modern Prose. Double Minor. (20)German Lyrics. Double Minor. (22)MR. MULFINGER.Elementary Course in German. Double Major. (18)Winter Quarter.ASSISTANT PROFESSOR CUTTING.Elementary Course. Double Major. (18)German Comedies. Double Minor. (21)MR. MULFINGER.Elementary Course. Double Major. (18)German Grammar. Double Minor. (19)Spring Quarter.ASSISTANT PROFESSOR CUTTING.Modern Prose. Double Minor. (20)DR. SCHMIDT-WARTENBERG.Modern Prose. Double Minor. (20)D;R. VON KLENZE.Modern Prose. Double Minor. (20)German Prose Composition. Minor. 2nd 'I'erm. (23)Summer Quarter.PRELIMINARY ANNOUNCEMENT OF COURSES. 81DR. VON KLENZE.Modern Prose. Double Minor. (20)German Lyrics. Double Minor. (22)MR. MULFINGER.Elementary Course. Double Major. (18)XIV. THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE ANDRHETORIC.Autumn Quarter.ASSISTANT PROFESSOR TOLMAN.English Literature. Double Minor. (3) Prerequi­site: (1) Required of all Academic Collegestudents.English Lyric Poetry. Double Minor. (4) Pre-.requisite. (3)M.R. HERRICK.Rhetoric and Composition. DGuble Minor. (1)Required of all Academic College students. Itmust be taken immediately after entrance.English Composition. Double Minor. (2) Pre­requisite: (1) Elective.MR. LEWIS.Rhetoric and Composition. Double Minor. (1)Required of all Academic College students. Itmust be taken immediately after entrance.English Composition. Double Minor. (2) Prere­quisite: (1) Elective.MR.----Rhetoric and Composition. Double Minor. (1) Re­quired of all Academic College students. Itmust be taken immediately after entrance.English Composition. Double Minor. (2) Prere­quisite: (1) Elective.MR. TRIGGS.English Literature of the roth Century. ThePoetry of Robert Browning. Double Minor.(20) Prerequisite. (3)Winter Quarter.ASSISTANT PROFESSOR TOLMAN.English Literature. Double Minor. (3) Prerequi­site: (1) Required of all Academic Collegestudents.English Romantic Poetry from 1780-1830. DoubleMinor. (18) Prerequisite. (3)MR. HERRICK.Rhetoric and Composition. Double Minor. (1)Required of all Academic College students. Itmust be taken immediately after entrance.English Composition. Double Minor. (2) Prerequi­site: (1) Elective. MR. LEWIS.Rhetoric and Composition. Double Minor. (1) Re­quired of all Academic College students. Itmust be taken immediately after entrance.English Composition. Double Minor. (2) Pre­requisite: (1) Elective.MR.----Rhetoric and Composition. Double Minor. (1)­Required of all Academic College students. Itmust be taken immediately after entrance.English Composition. Double Minor. (2) Pre­requisite: (1) Elective.MR. TRIGGS.English Literature of the 19th Century. The Poetryof Tennyson and Arnold. Double Minor. (21)Prerequisite. (3)Spring Quarter..ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR BUTLER.English Literature. Double Minor. (3) Prerequi­site. (1) Required of all Academic Collegestudents.ASSISTANT PROFESSOR TOLMAN.English Literature. Double Minor. (3) Prerequi­si teo (1) Req uired of all Academic Collegestudents.MR. HERRICK.Rhetoric and Composition. Double Minor. (1) Re­quired of all Academic College students. Itmust be taken immediately after entrance.English Composition. Double Minor. (2) Prere­quisite: (1) Elective.MR. LEWIS.Rhetoric and Composition. Double Minor. (1) Re­quired of all Academic College students. Itmust be taken immediately after entrance.English Composition. Double Minor. (2) Prere­quisite: (1) Elective.MR.----Rhetoric and Composition. Double Minor. Re­quired of all Academic College students. Itmust be taken immediately after en trance.English Composition. Double Minor. (2) Prere­quisite: (1) Elective.MR. TRIGGS.English Literature of the 19th Century. ThePoetry of Thoreau, Lowell and Whitman.Double Minor. (22) Prerequisite: Englishl(3).Summer Quarter.The regular courses in Rhetoric and in English Lit­erature will not be given.82 THE QUARTERLY CALENDAR.XV. BIBLICAL LITERATURE IN ENGLISH.Autumn Quarter.MR. ROOT.History of New Testament Times. DoubleMinor. (1)Winter Quarter.MR. ROOT.The Life of Christ. Double Minor. (2)Spring Quarter.MR. ROOT.Studies in the Apostolic History. Minor. FirstTerm. (6)Studies in the Epistles of Paul. Minor. SecondTerm. (7)XVI. MATHEMATICS.Autumn Quarter.PROFESSOR MOORE.Plane Analytic Geometry and Differential andIntegral Calculus. Double Minor. (7) Theelective for the Academic College.DR. YOUNG.Required Mathematics. Section III. of the twoMajors in Mathematics required in the first yearof residence. (4)DR. BOYD.Spherical Trigonometry. Minor. 2d Term. (1)Prereq uisi tes: Solid Geometry and Plane Trig­onometry.Plane Trigonometry. Minor. 1st Term. (2) Pre­requisite: College Algebra.Required Mathematics. Section I. of the two Ma­jors in Mathematics required in the first year ofresidence. (4)Required Mathematics. Section II. of the two Ma­jors in Mathematics required in the first yearof residence. (4)Winter Quarter.PROFESSOR MOORE.Plane Analytic Geometry and Differential and In­tegral Calculus. Double Minor. (7) Elective,DR. YOUNG.Required Mathematics. Section III. of the tworequired Majors of Mathematics. (4)DR. BOYD.Algebra, Plane Trigonometry and CoordinateGeometry of the Point, Line and Circle. DoubleMinor. (3) Required Mathematics. Sections I. and II. of thetwo required Majors of Mathematics. (4)Required Mathematics. Section IV. of the tworequired Majors in Mathematics. (4)Spring Quarter.PROFESSOR MOORE.Plane Analytic Geometry and Differential and In­tegral Calculus. Double Minor. (7)DR. BOYD.Required Mathematics. Section IV. of the tworequired Majors in Mathematics. (4)MR.-----Required Mathematics. Section V. of the tworequired Majors in Mathematics. (4)XVIII. PHYSICS.Autumn Quarter.ASSISTANT PROFESSOR STRATTON.General Physics. Double Minor. (5) Prerequi­site: Plane Geometry.MR. HOBBS.Laboratory Practice. Double Minor. (6) Prerequi­site (5) for one Quarter.Winter Quarter.ASSISTANT PROFESSOR STRATTON.General Physics. Double Minor. (5) Prerequi­site: Plane Geometry.MR. HOBBS.Laboratory Practice. Double Minor. (6) Prerequi­site (5) for one Quarter.Spring Quarter.MR. HOBBS.Laboratory Practice. Double Minor. (6) Prerequi­site (5) for one Quarter.Summer Quarter.MR. HOBBS.Laboratory Practice. Double Minor. (6) Prerequi­site (5) for one Quarter.XIX. CHEMISTRY.Autumn Quarter.ASSISTANT PROFESSOR STOKES.General Chemistry. Double Minor. (1) A con­tinuous course through three Quarters.Winter Quarter.ASSISTANT PROFESSOR STOKES.General Chemistry. Double Minor. (1) Prere­quisite (1) in 1st Quarter.PRELIMINARY ANNOUNCEMENT OF COURSES. 83Spring Quarter.ASSISTANT PROFESSOR STOKES.General Chemistry. Double Minor. (1) Prere­quisite (1) in 1st and 2d Quarters.General Chemistry, Extra Laboratory Work.Double Minor. (6) Open only to a limitednumber of students in the (1).Summer Quarter.,DR. LENGFELD.General Inorganic Chemistry. Double Minor. (7)xx. GEOLOGY.Autumn Quarter.PROFESSOR SALISBURY.Physiography. Double Minor. (1)Winter Quarter.PROFESSOR SALISBURY.Physiography. Double Minor. (1)XXII. ZOOLOGY.Autumn Quarter.ASSISTANT PROFESSOR BAUR.Outlines of Vertebrate Zoology and Palreontology.Minor. 1st Term. (8)DR. JORDAN.Elementary Zoology. Double Minor. (5) Prere­quisites: Elementary Chemistry and Physics.Winter Quarter.DR. JORDAN.Elementary Zoology. Double Minor. (5) Prere­quisites: Elementary Chemistry and Physics.XXIV. PHYSIOLOGY.Spring Quarter.DR. LINGLE.General Physiology of Animals and Plants. 3lectures a week. (9). MR. CLARK. XXVI. ELOCUTION.Autumn Quarter.Theory and Practice. One hour a week. Requiredof students in 2d year of Academic Colleges. (1).Advanced Elocution. Minor (2). Open to the Uni­versity Colleges and to students in the Acade­mic Colleges who have completed (1)Winter Quarter.MR. CLARK.Theory and Practice. One hour a week. (1)Writing and Delivery of Original Orations, Analy­sis and Reading of Macbeth. Minor (3). Pre­requisites: (1) and (2)MR. CLARK. Spring Quarter.Theory and Practice. One hour a week. (1)XXVII. PHYSICAL CULTURE.Class Work in Physical Culture is required of allundergraduate students not excused on account ofphysical disability, during four half-hours a week.Students are given choice of hour and course. Coursesare offered in prescriptive work, general class drills,and athletic training. Each course is so arranged thatthose who take part in it receive work which tends tosymmetrical development.Students will select their period for class work fromthe following: men-8: 45, 10: 15, 11: 15 A.M.; 12: 15,4:30,5:15 P.M. Women-12:15, 3:15,4:45,5:15 P.M.The 3:15 and 5:15 P.M. classes for women are forthose who took the work in 1892-93. Classes in prescrip­tional work will be formed for both men and women.Application may be made to the gymnasium instructorby those wishing to join these classes. Training forany of the University Athletic Teams will be acceptedas an equivalent for gymnasium work.A period lasts one-half hour and comes on Tuesday,Wednesday, Thursday and Friday of each week.Bulletins containing appointments for physical exami­nation and departmental communications will be postedon the Physical Culture bulletin board.PRELIMINARY ANNOUNCEMENTS FOR GRAIJUATE DIVINITY SCHOOL.xxx. OLD TESTAMENT LITERATURE AND EXEGESIS.The Department Numbers XXX and VII are iden­tical, also XXXI and VIII. For additional coursessee announcements of Graduate School and Colleges. VII. SEMITIC LANGUAGES AND LITERATURES.Autumn Quarter.HEAD PROFESSOR HARPER.Earlier Suras of the Kuran. Major. 1st Term. (64)84 THE QUARTERLY CALENDAR.Arabic Geography, History and Commentary.Major. 2d Term. (67)PROFESSOR HIRSCH.Introduction to Talmudic Literature. Minor. 1stTerm. (34)Job. Minor. 1st Term. (40)Reading of Selected Portions of the BabylonianTalmud. Minor. 2d Term. (37)Introduction to the Textual Criticism of the OldTestament. Minor. 2d Term. (3S)ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR PRICE.Messianic Prophecy. Double Minor. (30)Bi-lingual Babylonian Psalm Literature. Minor.2d Term. (77)Earliest U nilingual Cuneiform Inscriptions. Minor.1st Term. (7S)ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR GOODSPEED.The History of Antiquity. Double Minor orMajor. (IV. 1)DR. CRANDALL.Sight Translation in Hebrew. Double Minor. (S)DR. KENT.Old Testament Wisdom Literature. DoubleMinor. (31)Winter Quarter.HEAD PROFESSOR HARPER.Hexateuchal Analysis. Minor. 1st Term. (55)Phoenician. Minor. 1st Term. (91)Comparative Semitic Grammar. Minor. 2d Term.(94)Advanced Hebrew Grammar. Minor. 2d Term. (9S)PROFESSOR HIRSCH.Arabic, Thousand and One Nights. Minor. 1stTerm. (36)Selected Portions of the Mischna. Minor. 1stTerm. (43)Coptic. Minor. 2d Term. (44)New Testament and Talmudic Analogies. Minor.2d Term. (46)ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR PRICE.Hebrew Language. Major. 1st Term. (2)Isaiah, Chapter XL-L. Double Minor. (23)Biblical Aramaic. Minor. 2d Term. (SO)ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR HARPER.Beginning Assyrian. Double Minor. (69)Advanced Assyrian. Double Minor. (71)Beginning Syriac. Double Minor. (SS)DR. ORANDALL.Historical Hebrew. Minor. 2d Term. (4)DR. KENT.Apocryphal Wisdom Literature. Double Minor. (32) ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR GOODSPEED.Biblical History from the Exile to the ChristianEra. Minor. 1st Term. (IV. 2a)Spring Quarter.HEAD PROFESSOR HARPER.The Book of the Covenant. Major. 1st Term. (13)Old Testament Legal Literature. Major. 2dTerm. (27)Hebrew Language. Double Minor. (1)PROFESSOR HIRSCH.Advanced Syriac. Minor. 1st Term. (50)Abodah Zarah. Minor. 1st Term. (4S)Maimonides' "Guide" in Arabic Hebrew. Minor.2d Term. (51)Advanced Syriac. Minor .. 2d Term. (52)ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR PRICE.Isaiah. Chapters i-xxxix (English). Minor. 1stTerm. (XII. A1)Modern Discoveries and the Old Testament. Minor.1st Term. (56) ..ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR GOODSPEED.The History of Babylonia and Assyria. Minor. 2dTerm. (IV.3b)ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR HARPER.Assyrian and Babylonian Life. Minor. 1stTerm. (59)Assyrian Letters. Minor. 1st Term. (75)Mesopotamian Geography. Minor. 2d Term. (61)Babylonian Contracts. Minor. 2d Term. (76)DR. CRANDALL.Sight Translation in Hebrew. Minor. 1st Term. (9)DR. KENT.Introduction to Biblical History. Double Minor. (33)Summer Quarter.HEAD PROFESSOR HARPER.T'he Minor Prophets of the Babylonian Period.Minor. 2d Term. (11)The Arabic Language. Minor. 2d Term. (63)Advanced Hebrew Grammar. Minor. 2d Term. (97)ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR PRICE.Hebrew Language Major. 1st Term. (3)Ezekiel. (English) Minor. 1st Term. (XII. A2)ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR GOODSPEED.Relation of Hebrew and Babylonio-Assyrian His­tory. 2d Term. (IV. 56)The Relations of Hebrew and Egyptian History.Minor. 1st Term. (IV.5a)Islam. Double Minor. (VI. 2)ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR HARPER.Beginning Assyrian. Double Minor. (69)PRELIMINARY ANNOUNCEMENT OF COURSES. 85Advanced Assyrian. Double Minor. (71)The Book of Proverbs. Minor. 1st Term. (17)Micah. Minor. 2d Term. (14)DR. CRANDALL.Historical Hebrew. Minor. 2d Term. (5)'XXXI. NEW TESTAMENT LITERATURE AND EXEGESIS.The Department Numbers XXXI and VIn are.iden tical; also XXX and VII. For additional courses'see announcements for Graduate School and Colleges.Autumn Quarter.. HEAD PROFESSOR BURTON.The Gospel of Matthew. Double Minor. (8) Pre­req uisi te: Course (1 ) must precede or accompanythis course or (2) precede it.. ASSISTANT PROFESSOR NORDELL.New Testament Greek. (Grammar.) DoubleMinor. (1)NOTE.-This course is intended to furnish linguistic'preparation for the exegetical study of the New'Testament and is prescribed for all candidates for the-degree of B. D. An examination covering the ground-of the course will be accepted in lieu of the course.. MR. VOTAW.Paul's Corinthian Epistles. Minor. 2d Term. (14)Winter Quarter..ASSiSTANT PROFESSOR NORDELL.The Gospel of John. Double Minor. (10) Prere­quisites: (1) and (8)Spring Quarter.ASSISTANT PROFESSOR NORDELL.The Gospel of Luke. Minor. 2d Term. (9)History of the Canon of the New Testament.Double Minor. (23)Summer Quarter.READ PROFESSOR BURTON.The Second Group of the Letters of the ApostlePaul. Minor. 1st Term. (15)The Third Group of the Letters of the ApostlePaul. Minor. 2d Term. (16)New Testament Syntax. Inductively studied.Minor. 1st Term. (7)Textual Criticism of the New Testament. Minor.2d Term. (22)XXXII. BIBLICAL THEOLOGY.Autumn Quarter.HEAD PROFESSOR BURTON.Theology of the Synoptic Gospels. Double' Minor(1) Prerequisites: XXXI (1) and (8) Spring Quarter.ASSISTANT PROFESSOR NORDELL.Seminary on the Theology of the Gospel of John.Minor. 1st Term. (3) Prerequisites: XXXI. (1),(8) and (10)XXXIII. SYSTEMATIC THEOLOGY.Autumn Qttarter.HEAD PROFESSOR NORTHRUP.Introduction and Theology Proper. Double Minor.(1) Required for students who have been inthe School one year .Soteriology. Double Minor. (4) Prerequisites:Theology Proper and Anthropology. For stu­dents who have been two years in the School.ASSISTANT PROFESSOR SIMPSON .Apologetics. Double Minor. (2) Required of stu­den ts in the first year.Winter Quarter.HEAD PROFESSOR NORTHRUP.Christian Ethics. Double Minor. (6) Elective.Theology as Taught by Paul. Double Minor. (12)ASSISTANT PROFESSOR SIMPSON .Anthropology. Double Minor. (3)Spring Quarter.HEAD PROFESSOR NORTHRUP .The Relation of Philosophy to the ChristianReligion. Major. 1st Term. (7) Elective.ASSISTANT PROFESSOR SIMPSON.Eschatology. Minor. 1st Term�' (5) Elective forstudents who have completed the precedingstudies of the Theological Course.XXXIV. CHURCH HISTORY.Autumn Quarter.HEAD PROFESSOR HULBERT.The English Reformation and Puritanism. DoubleMinor. (12)The Anglican Church. Double Minor. (20) SeeCourse (12).Under the Tudors, A.D. I509-I603. Double Minor.(27) See Courses (12) and (20).ASSISTANT PROFESSOR JOHNSON.Prior to Constantine, A.D. 30-3II. Double Minor. (1)From Boniface VIII. to Luther, A.D. 1294-1517.Double Minor. (5) See Course (10).The Reformers: Wic1if, Huss, Savonarola. DoubleMinor. (9) See Course (10).Preparation for the Protestant Reformation. DoubleMinor. (10)86 THE QUARTERLY CALENDAR.Winter Quarter. XXXV. HOMILETICS, CHURCH POLITY, AND PASTORALHEAD PROFESSOR HULBERT.From Constantine to Theodosius, A.D. 3II-395.Double Minor. (2)The English Reformation and Puritanism. DoubleMinor. (12)The Scotch Reformation. Minor. 2d Term. (14)In Celtic and in Anglo-Saxon Britain, A.D. 30-1066). Double Minor. (24) See Courses (2)and (3).Under the Stuarts, A. D. 1603-1688. DoubleMinor. (28) See Courses (12) and (20).ASSISTANT PROFESSOR JOHNSON.The German Reformation. Double Minor. (11)The Lutheran Church. Double Minor. (13) SeeCourse (11).Spring Quarter.HEAD PROFESSOR HULBERT.From Charles the Great to Boniface VIII., A. D.814-1294. Major. 1st Term. (4)ASSISTANT PROFESSOR JOHNSON.Prior to Constantine, A.D. 30-311. Major. 1stTerm. (1) Required of 1st year men. DUTIES.Autumn Quarter.HEAD PROFESSOR ANDERSON.Church Polity and Pastoral Duties. DoubleMinor. (4)Winter Quarter.HEAD PROFESSOR ANDERSON.Homiletics. Double Minor. (2)History of Preaching. Double Minor. (3)xv. BIBLICAL LITERATURE IN ENGLISH.Courses in this department in the Graduate Schooland the Colleges, are open to students in the DivinitySchool.Winter Quarter.ASSISTANT PROFESSOR NORDELL.The Life and the Epistles of Paul. DOll bleMinor. (15)ANNOUNCEMENT FOR THE ENG-LISH THEOLOGIOAL SEMINARY.THE PRESCRIBED CURRICULUM FOR THEJUNIOR YEAR.Autumn Quarter.HEAD PROFESSOR ANDERSON.Homiletics. Double Minor. XXXV. (6)ASSISTANT PROFESSOR NORDELL.Historical Study of the Life of Christ. DoubleMinor. XV. (14)ASSISTANT PROFESSOR SIMPSON.Inspiration and Theology proper . Double Minor.XXXIII. (8)Winter Quarter.ASSOCIATE 'PROFESSOR PRICE.Isaiah, XL-LXVI. Double Minor.ASSISTANT PROFESSOR SIMPSON.Anthropology. Minor. 1st Term. XXXIII. (9)ASSISTANT PROFESSOR JOHNSON.History of the Church prior to Constantine, A. D.30-311. Double Minor. XXXIV. (1)Spring Quarter.ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR PRICE.Isaiah, I-XXXIX. Minor. 1st Term. ASSISTANT PROFESSOR NORDELL.Studies in the Gospels on the basis of the RevisedVersion. Minor. 1st Term. XV. (16)THE PRESCRIBED CURRICULUM FOR THESENIOR YEAR ..Autumn Quarter.ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR PRICE.The Books of Samuel and Kings. Double Minor,HEAD PROFESSOR HULBERT.History of the Church from Constantine to Theo­dosius,A. D.311-395. Double Minor. XXXIV. (2)HEAD PROFESSOR ANDERSON.Church Polity and Pastoral Duties. Double Minor.XXXV. (4)Winter Quarter.HEAD PROFESSOR HULBERT.History of the Church from Theodosius to Charlesthe Great, A. D. 395-814. Minor. 1st Term., XXXIV. (3)HEAD PROFESSOR NORTHRUP.Theology as taught by Paul. Double Minor.XXXIII. (12)PRELIMINARY ANNOUNCEMENT OF COURSES.HEAD PROFESSOR ANDERSON.Homiletics. Double Minor, XXXV. (4)ASSIST-ANT PROFESSOR SIMPSON.Soteriology. Minor. 2d Term. XXXIII. (10) .. 87Spring Quarter.ASSISTANT PROFESSOR SIMPSON.Eschatology. Minor. 1st Term.. XXXIII. (5)ANNOUNCEMENT FOR THE DANISH-NORWEGIAN THEOLOGICALSEMINARY.XL. OLD AND NEW TESTAMENT LITERATURE ANDEXEGESIS. (DAN.-NOR.)Autumn Quarter.ASSISTANT PROFESSOR GUNDERSON.General Introduction. Minor. 1st Term. (1)Particular Introduction. Minor. 1st Term. (2)The Principles of Biblical Interpretation. Minor.2d Term. (3)Exegesis. The- Epistle to the Galatians. Minor.2d Term. (6)Winter Quarter.ASSISTANT PROFESSOR GUNDERSON.Exegesis. The Epistle to the Romans. DoubleMinor. (7)The Parables of Our Lord. Double Minor. (5)Spring Quarter.ASSISTANT PROFESSOR GUNDERSON.Sacred Geography and Biblical Antiquities. Minor.1st Term. (4)The Epistle to the Ephesians. Minor. 1st Term. (8) XLI. SYSTEMATIC THEOLOGY. (DAN.-NOR.)Winter Quarter.PROFESSOR JENSEN.Introduction to the Science of Christian Theology.Minor. 1st Term. (1)Antecedents of Redemption. Minor. 1st Term. (2)Redemption Itself. Minor. 2d Term. (3)Consequents of Redemption. Minor. 2d Term. (4)Spring Quarter.PROFESSOR JENSEN.Church Polity. Minor. 1st Term. (5)New Testament Ethics. Minor. 1st Term. (6)XLII. HOMILETICS AND PASTORAL DUTIES.(DAN.-NOR.)Autumn Quarter.PROFESSOR JENSEN.Theory of Preaching. Minor. 1st Term. (1)Sermonizing and Preaching. Double Minor. (2)Pastoral Theology. 2d Term. (3)ANNOUN(JEMENTS FOR THE SWEDISH THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY.XLV. OLD AND NEW TESTAMENT LITERATURE ANDEXEGESIS. (SWEDISH.)Autumn Quarter.ASSISTANT PROFESSOR MORTEN.An Outline of Israelitish History. Minor. 2dTerm. (1)Exegesis. The Gospels in Harmony. DoubleMinor. (3)Exegesis. First and Second Thessalonians. Minor.1st Term. (4)Exegesis. The Epistle to the Romans. Minor.2d Term. (5)Spring Quarter.ASSISTANT PROFESSOR MORTEN.Biblical Interpretation, Minor. 1st Term. (2) XLVI. SYSTEMATIC THEOLOGY AND PASTORAL DUTIES.(SWEDISH.)Autumn Quarter.PROFESSOR LAGERGREN.Theological Prenotions. Minor. 1st Term. (1), General Introduction. Minor. 2d Term. (2)The Doctrine of Redemption and Salvation.(Soteriology.) Minor. 1st Term. (6)The Doctrine of the Church, or Church Polity.Minor. 2d Term. (7)Winter Quarter.PROFESSOR LAGERGREN.The Bible a Revelation from God. Minor. 1stTerm. (3)The Doctrine of God. (Theology Proper.) Minor.2d Term. (4)88 THE QUARTERLY CALENDAR.The Last Things. (Eschatology.) Minor. 1stTerm. (8)Symbolics. Minor. 2d Term. (9)Spring Quar'ter.PROFESSOR LAGERGREN.The Doctrine of Man, or Theory Proper. Minor.1st Term. (5)Pastoral Duties. Minor. 1st Term. (10)XLVII. CHURCH HISTORY. (SWEDISH.)·Winter Quarter.ASSISTANT PROFESSOR SANDELL.Ancient Church History. Minor. 1st Term. (1) Mediceval Church History. Minor. 2d Term. (2)Spring Quarter.ASSISTANT PROFESSOR SANDELL.Modern Church History. Minor. 1st Term. (3)XLVIII. HOMILETICS. (SWEDISH.)Winter Quarter.ASSISTANT PROFESSOR SANDELL.Theoretical Homiletics. Minor. 1st Term. (1)Practical Homiletics. Minor. 2d Term. (2)PART IV.-THE UNIVERSITY EXTENSION DIVISION.THE LECTURE STUDY.DEPARTMENT.The following list includes the centres organizedby this department since October 1, 1892. The in­formation regarding the centres is, in each case, givenin the following order: Name of Cen tre; loca tion ofhall where lectures were given; and the name andaddress of the Local Secretary.OENTRES IN OHIOAGO.All Souls (S. E. corner Oakwood Boulevard andLangley Ave.)-Mrs. E. T. Leonard, 6600 Ellis Ave.Association (Union Park Church, Ashland Ave. andWashington Boulevard)-A. D. Mackay, Madisonand Paulina Sts.Church of Redeemer (Warren Ave. and Robey St.)­Hon. S. N. Brooks, 271 Warren Ave.Centenary (295 W. Monroe St.)-M. E. Cole, 99 Wash-ington St. 'Drexel (Drexel Boulevard, corner 40th St.)-E. J.Townsend, 4426 Champlain Ave..Englewood (Ill.)-R. A. White, 6638 Stewart Ave.Hull House (355 S. Halsted St.)-Miss Jane Addams,335 S. Halsted St.Hyde Park (Washington Ave., corner 53d St.)-C. H.Smith, 5484 Monroe Ave.Kenwood (Greenwood Ave. and 46th St.)-E. G.Shumway, 4549 Ellis Ave.K. A. M. Knowledge Seekers (33d St. and IndianaAve.)-Rev. I. S. Moses, 3131 Prairie Ave.Lake View (Evanston Ave. and School St.)-FrarikH. McCulloch, 1116 The Rookery.Millard Ave.-Miss Jessie Stiles, Millard Ave.Memorial (Oakwood Boulevard, near Cottage GroveAve.)-Mrs. C. A. Crandall, 4443 Berkeley Ave.Normal Park.-Rev. W. B. Matteson, 7018 Wright St.Newberry Library (Lectures partly given at UnityChurch, Dearborn Ave. and Walton Place )-GeorgeL. Hunter, N. State and Oak'Sts.Owen Scientific Centre-C.' E. Bentley, 277 State St.Plymouth (2535 Michigan A ve.),-C. E. Boynton, 3619Lake Ave.People's Institute (Van Buren St. near Leavitt St.)­Miss H. M. Fallows, 967 W. Monroe St.St. James (Wabash Ave. and 29th St.)-Miss MinnieR. Cowan, 2975 Wabash Ave.St. Paul's (Prairie Ave. and 30th St.) Miss SarahHanson, Belvedere Flats, Cottage Grove Ave. and'31st St. Sinai (Indiana Ave. and 21st St.)-Rose G. Kauffman"3313 Calumet Ave.Union Park (Monroe and Laflin Sts.)-Dr. G. F ..Washburne, 551 Jackson Boulevard.University ( Ellis Ave. and 58th St. )-Charles Zeu blin,University of Chicago.Wicker Park (Hoyne Ave. and Lemoyne St.)-MissA. A. Deering, 23 Ewing Place.OENTRES OUTSIDE OF OHIOAGO.Unless otherwise specified, the address precedingthe name of the Local Secretary is the only onerequired.Aurora (Ill.)-Mrs. Agnes C. Willey.Austin (Il1.)-S. R. Smith.Arlington Heights (Ill.)-William A. Newton, Box35.Barrington (Ill.)-Luella M. Clarke.Blue Island (111.)- William A. Blodgett.Detroit (Mich.)-Henry A. Ford, 401 Second Ave.Decatur (Ill.)-James Lindsay.East Chicago (Ind.)-Miss Edith Middleton.Elgin (Ill.)-Miss Bessie G. Childs.Freeport (Ill.)-John F. Shaible.Flint (Mich.)-Miss Emily E. West.Galesburg (Ill.)-Pres. John H. Finley.Galena (Ill.)-Miss Kate A. McHugh.Highland Park (Ill.)-Major H. P. Davidso.n.Indianapolis (Ind.)-Miss Amelia W. Platter.Irving Park (Ill.)-Miss Edith Tompkins.Joliet (Ill.)-Walter Crane.Kalamazoo (Mich. )-S. O. Hartwell.La Salle (Ill.)-Misa Emma Werley.La Porte (Ind.)-Prof. J. F. Knight.La Fayette (Ind.)-Miss Helen Hand.Lemont, (Ill.)-S. V. Robbins.Morgan Park (Ill.)-Robert B. Thompson.Monmouth (Ill.)-Miss Mary Wallace.Maywood (Ill.)-Miss Ella Andrew.Oak Park (Ill.)-William M. Lawton.Peoria (Ill.)-W. E. McCord.Palatine (Ill.)-Miss Vashti Lambert.Quincy (Ill.)-Edwin A. Clarke.Riverside (Ill. )-Charles H. Gould.Rockford (Ill.)-H. S. Whipple.Rochelle (111.)-C. F. Philbrook.Rogers Park (Ill.)-Mrs. E. L. Alling ..8990 THE QUARTERLY CALENDAR.Tracy (Ill.)-T. A. Dungan.Wheaton (Il1.)-Graham Burnham.DISTRIOT ASSOOIATIONS.Ravenswood (Ill.)-Mrs. Anna L. Pitkin.Roupd Table (Kankakee, Ill)-W. R. Breckenridge.South Evanston (Ill.)- Mrs. W. M. Green,Springfield (Ill.)-Supt. J. H. Collins,Sterling (Ill. )-Curtis Bates.Shurtleff College (Upper Alton, Ill.) Dr. A. A.Kendrick.Toledo (Ohio)-H. W. Compton. Cook County Association.-Mr. Geo. Leland Hunter,North State and Oak Sts., Chicago.Northern Illinois District Association.-Miss FloraGuiteau, Freeport.AUTUJYIN QUARTER.The following table exhibits the work of this Department for the Autumn and Winter Quarters. The firstcourse of Lectures was given by Prof. Richard Green Moulton, at the All Souls Centre, beginning Sunday,October 2d, 1892, on "The Literary Study of the Bible." All of the courses were of six lectures each.CENTRES IN CHICAGO.CENTRE. SUBJECT.LECTURER.All Souls........ R. G. Moulton.. .. The Literary Study of the Bible.... 500All Souls.. .. .. . . . . . . . . .. .. Ira M. Price .. " . . . . . . .. . . Monumental Witnesses " . . 130Associa tion . . . . . .. . . . . . . .. E. W. Bemis.. . . . . . . . . . . .. Money... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 158Association E. W. Bemis Some Methods of Social Reform................ 80Drexel. R. G. Moulton The Tempest..... 475Englewood R. G. Moulton Literary Study of the Bible..... 450Hyde Park E. W. Bemis Methods of Social Reform.......... 130Hull House.. .. N ath'l Butler, Jr..... English Literature , 85Kenwood T. J. Lawrence English Parties and American Independence.. 250NMillabrd AvLePbue ER· WG ·MBemlis MShetkhods of �ocTial Refotrm........................... 45'3'ew erry 1 rary........ .. ou ton.. .. .. . . . . . . a espeare s empes .Newberry Library. . . . .. .. F. W. Shepardson.. .. . . .. Columbus and the Discovery of America. " . . . . . . . . 49Normal Park.............. R. G. Moulton........ Stories as a Mode of Thinking.. 400Normal Park.............. E. W. Bemis ,.. The Labor Question......... .... 40Plymouth Church E. W. Bemis Methods of Social Reform.......................... 90Plymouth Church.... T. J. Lawrence... .. .. Some Great English Rulers " , " . . 300People's Institute......... R. G. Moulton............ Literary Study of the Bible..... 1200SSl�n' aPl.a.u.l.'.s '... Chas. Zeublin.... English Fiction and Social Reform......... 135Edward Bensly Some English Poets... 250Union Park R. G. Moulton Stories as a Mode of Thinking...... 650Union Park H. P. Judson American Political History..... 350University..... R. G. Moulton.. .. The Story of Faust.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . .. .. .. . . .. . . .. .. 450University... .. R. G. Moulton.. .. Tempest.............................................. 450il) • "'d.51§� il) ��� il)roo..c. �.Sdd..j.:l rom::..,'\j 0 ::..,m o�� ��.�il)�il) il)ro�il)"""'; �'"Z Z�P-I . ���..j.:l..j.:l :i��rooo9570300o1088550325332002050100o50100300200200150 o37419o29133065249o3318104427 22522o2ooi454232oo539o16CENTRES OUTSIDE OF CHICAGO.Aurora.. .. .. . . .. . . .. . . Arthur Kaiser.. .. .. .. Early American History. .. .. . ... .. . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . 150Detroit R. G. Moulton Stories as a Mode of Thinking...................... 725Elgin Nath'l Butler, Jr English Literature.. 124Freeport. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. E. W. Bemis.. . . . . . . . . . . .. Labor Question.. . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . . . .. .. . . . . . . . . 60Galesburg. . .. . .. .. .. .. .... Frederick Starr.. .. .. .... First Steps in Human Progress. .. .. .. . . .. .. .. .. .. .. 400Highland Park .. , .. . . .. .. Frederick Starr. . .. .. .. .. First Steps in Human Progress " .. " , .. . . 100Joliet F. W. Shepardson Christopher Columbus 24La Salle T. J. Lawrence English Parties and American Independence....... 120Morgan Park. . . . . . . . . . . .. Frederick Starr " Some First Steps in Human Progress. " . . . . . . . . . . . . 200Oak Park T. J. Lawrence English Parties and American Independence....... 100Peoria......... T. J. Lawrence..... .. English Parties and American Independence..... .. 300Rochelle.. .... Chas. Zeublin.. .. .. English Fiction and Social Reform. .... .... .. .... .. 100Riverside.. .. . . .. . . .. . . . Edward Bensly. .. .. .. Modern English Novelists. . ... .. .. .. .. . . .. .. .. . . .. . . 65Rockford H. P. Judson American Political History..................... 75Toledo , . . .. . . .. .. Edward Bensly.. . . . . . .. .. Some Engl ish Poets of the Victorian Era.. . .. .. . . . . 200 o625753075501015150104060623075 o2241220121242o22 o83o31716o222o22UNIVERSITY EXTENSION DIVISION. 91WINTER QUARTER.NOTE:-As a few of the winter courses are not finished, and as many more have closed only recently, ithas not been practicable to make the following table complete. A fuller statement will be issued in theautumn.CENTRES IN CHICAGO.CENTRE. LECTURER. SUBJECT.All Souls ..... o ............ E. G. Hirsch ............. o The Talmud ......................................... 225 0 0 0All Souls .................. Frederick Starr .......... First Steps in Human Progress ..................... 150 150 1 1All Souls .................. Frederick Starr .......... Native Races of North America ............. 0 ......Associa tion ............... Lorado Taft ............. Art at the Columbian Exposition ..... " ............ 301 15 4: 1Church of Redeemer ..... O. J. Thatcher ........... Middle Ages ......................................... 125 125 3 2Centenary M.E. Church .. Richard G. Moulton ..... Bible Course ..................... " .................. 165 0 0 0Drexel .................... Lorado Taft ............. Art at the Columbian Exposition .............. 0 00 .. 400 4 2Drexel .0 •••••••••••••••••• W. M. R. French ......... Painting and Sculpture .............................Englewood ................ Ira M. Price .............. What the Monuments Tell Us Concerning the OldTestament ............... o •••••••••••••••••••••••• 215 0 3 3Hyde Park M. E. Church. Richard G. Moulton ..... Literary Study of the Bible ......................... 130 66 3 1Herder Lodge ............ H. B. Grose .............. Character Studies ...................•............... "25 "25 '''3 '''iHull House ............... O. J. Thatcher ........... History of the Middle Ages ..........................Hull House ............... Lorado Taft ............. Art at the Columbian Exposition ................... '405 "20 "'4 "'iHyde Park ................ Lorado.Taft ............. Art at the Columbian Exposition ...................Kenwood ................. Richard G. Moulton ..... Shakespeare's '" Tempest" ............ " ............. 250 100 17 10Kenwood .................. Richard G. Moulton ..... Literary Study of the Bible .........................Kenwood .................. T. J. Lawrence ........... Some Great English Rulers and Statesmen .........Kenwood .................. Lorado Taft ............. Art at the Columbian Exposition ................... 'i60 'iio '''9K.A.M. .................... H. H. Grose .............. Development of European Nations ................. 3K.A.M .................... Charles Zeublin .......... English Fiction and Social Reform .................Lake View ................ F.W. Shepardson ....... 'I'he Discovery of America .......................... '265 '''6Memorial ................. Edward Bensly .......... English Essayists .................................... "75 4Memorial ................. C. R. Henderson ......... Social Science ....................................... 75 0Newberry Library ........ W.H. Mace .............. American Revolution ....... " ................... " .. '305 "29 "i6Newberry Library ........ Richard G. Moulton ..... Literary Study of the Bible ......................... 139Newberry Library ........ J. P. Gordy .............. History of Political Parties in the United States .. 64 49 7 2Newberry Library ........ Edward Bensly .......... English Novelists .................................... 157 80 17 10Newberry Library ........ Edward Bensly .......... Literature of the Victorian Era .................... '337Newberry Library ........ Lorado Taft ............. Art at the Columbian Exposition ................... 34 6 2Newberry Library ........ Ira M. Pice .............. What the Monuments Tell Us Concerning the OldTestament .........................................Owen Scientific ........... Frederick Starr .......... First Steps in Human Progress .....................People's Institute ........ Ira M. Price .............. What the Monuments Tell Us Concerning the OldTestament ........................................ 800 0 0 0Plymouth ................. Richard G. Moulton ..... Shakespeare's "Tempest" .......................... 400 200 13 3Plymouth ................. Richard G. Moulton ..... The Story of Faust .................................. 400 200 15 9Plymouth ................. W. M. R. French ......... Painting and Sculpture ............. " ..............Rogers Park .............. Frederick Starr .......... Native Races of North America ..................... 175 150 9 10R:og�rs Park .............. Lorado Taft ............. Art at the Columbian Exposition ................... 150 30 5 3SInal ...................... E. W. Bemis .............. Social Reforms ......................................Sinai ...................... Lorado Taft ......... " .. Art at the Columbian Exposition ................... '250 "is "32St. James ................. Nathaniel Butler, Jr ..... English Literature .................................. 100St. Pauls .................. Nathaniel Butler, Jr ..... English Literature .................................. 80 75 3St. Pauls .................. Lorado Taft ............. Art at the Columbian Exposition ................... "50Union Park ........ : ...... E. W. Bemis .............. Social Reforms ........ " ............................ 75 '''8 "'9Union Park ............... Nathaniel Butler, Jr ..... English Literature.. .. .. .. .. . . .. .. .. .. .. .. ... .. .... 150 125Union Park ............... H. P. Judson ............. American Political History ......................... 350 200 10 5University ................ Richard G. Moulton ..... Literary Interpretation ............................. 350 200 34 9University ................ Richard G. Moulton. " .. Spenser and Milton .................................. 350 200 33 34Wicker Park .............. Charles Zeublin .......... The Industrial Revolution .......................... 173 136 3 2Ravenswood .............. . Lorado Taft ............. Art at the Columbian Exposition ................... 358 0 0 092 THE QUARTERLY CALENDAR.WINTER QUARTER (Continued).CENTRES OUTSIDE OF CHICAGO.CENTRE. LECTURER. SUBJECT.Austin ,H. B. Grose Development of the European Nations .Austin Lorado Taft Art at the Columbian Exposition .Arlington Heights H. B. Grose Development of the European Nations 0 ••• 0 ••Barrington.. .. .. .. . . . . . . .. H. B. Grose .. .. .. .. .. .. . . Character Studies .Decatur..... .. .. .. Edward W. Bemis., .. The Labor Question o.Detroit Edward W. Bemis .•...... The Labor Question ; .' .East Chicago.. .. .. .. . . O. J. Thatcher ;. History of the Middle Ages ',' ..Flint Edward W. Bemis The Labor Question ..Irving Park Frederick Starr First Steps in Human Progress .Irving Park......... Frederick Starr...... Native Races of North America .Kalamazoo T. J. Lawrence •.......... English Parties and American Independence .Kankakee R. D. Salisbury Landscape Geology ..Kankakee Charles Zeublin English Fiction and Social Reform .Knox College H. P. Judson American Political History .Lafayette Nath'l Butler, Jr English Literature ..La Porte H. B. Grose Development of the European Nations .La Salle... .. . . .. . . . . . . .. . . H. L. Russell.. . . . . . . . . . . Bacteriology .Monmouth O. J. Thatcher History of the Middle Ages ..Oak Park Richard G. Moulton Shakespeare's Tempest ..Oak Park Lorado Taft Art at the Columbian Exposition .Peoria Edward Bensly o. Four English Novelists o ••••••••• o •••••••••••••••••••Peoria E. W. Bemis.. . . . . . . . . . . .. Money 0 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••Palatine o E. W. Bemis Some Methods of Social Reform ..Quincy H. B. Grose Development of European Nations ..Riverside Edward Bensly English Essayists from Bacon to Lamb .Rockford H. P. Judson American Political History ..Rockford Frederick Starr The Native Races of North America ..Springfield. . .. .. .. . . .. . Edward Bensly .. .. . . English Novelists " ..Springfield W. H. Mace The American Revolution 0 ..Shurtleff College W. H. Mace The American Revolution ..Sterling. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . .. .. Charles Zeublin.. .. . . . . . . English Fiction and Social Reform " ..South Evanston Lorado Taft Art at the Columbian Exposition .. o ••• o '0 ••••••••••Toledo. . .. .. . . . . .. .. . . . . . . E. W. Bemis.. .. . . . . . . .. . . Social Reforms ..... 0 • 0 ••••••••••• 0 • 0 • 0 ••• 0 ••••••••••Wheaton. . . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . Charles Zeublin.. . . . . .. .. English Fiction and Social Reforms ..... 0 •••••••••• 180607550106175150100275175858022310070235265175200,150200300100 '160 1204560.5092o75957585801503560·170o125180175o5085 i3'02o3%212 7'01o378i4io711'2'9 42'3'i74 'i146322, .155o33 '391oo2Total No. Courses. SUMMARY OF RESULTS.Total attend­ances.Total No. Lectures I Average. attendance I Average attendance Igiven'. ' 'at lectures. at each course. No. passingexaminations.122 2177n I I IThe catholicity of the work of University Extensionis shown by the fact that in the above list are includedCentres formed in churches of nearly every denomi­nation: Baptist, Congregationalist, Jewish, 'Methodist,Presbyterian, Roman Catholic, Unitarian, and Uni­versalist. Centres have also been formed and coursesgiven at the rooms of the Young Men's ChristianAssociation, the Hull House, the Newberry Library,the Joliet Steel Works Club. In addition to thesethere are Centres grouped about no previouslyexist­ing organization. These are found especially in thelarge towns outsid.e of Chicago. With but two exceptions, these courses have beengiven in the evening. Afternoon lectures were givenduring the Autumn and Winter Quarters, at the Uni­versi ty Cha pel, by Professor Moulton. \ A six weeks'course of afternoon lectures was also given by Pro­fessor Butler, at the Centre connected with the St.James Roman Catholic Church.The Cook County District Association was organ­ized on Saturday, November 19, 1892, at a meetingheld at the Grand Pacific Hotelvin answer to a callsent out by the UJiion Park, Plymouth, and NewberryLibrary Centres for University Extension.UNIVERSITY EXTENSION DIVISION.At the second meeting, Saturday, November 26,officers were chosen as follows:President, Chas. E. Boynton, of the PlymouthCentre; vice-president, D. H. Fletcher, of the AllSouls' Centre; general secretary, George LelandHunter (address at Newberry Library); financialsecretary, Louis J. Block, of the Union Park Centre.These officers, with Charles H. Smith and J. D.Everett, constitute the Executive Committee. Whilethis Associa tion has no organic connection with theUniversity, its organization is the outgrowth of thewor k of this Division. I ts purpose is to unify andpromote the interests of University Extension inCook County.The Northern Illinois District Association wasorganized on Friday, April 28, 1893, at a meeting heldat the Y. M. C. A. parlors, in Freeport. Mr. WilliamT. Eaton, of Rockford, was made President; MissFlora Guiteau, of Freeport, Secretary. An ExecutiveCommittee was chosen, consisting of the President,the Secretary, and Mr. Alfred Bayliss, Sterling; Mr.O. B. Bidwell, Freeport; Mr. C. F. Philbrook, Rochelle;Mrs. Agnes Clark Willey, Aurora. The purposes ofthis Association, and its relation to the University are,in general, similar to those of the Cook County Asso­cia tion, already explained.The following is a complete list of Syllabi publishedfor the lecture-study courses:NO. PAGES. eTS.1 Butler: English Literature 20 102 Lawrence: English Parties and American Inde-pendence " 10 20Money 16 10The Story of Faust.. . . . . . . .. . . .. . . . . . .. 14 10The Labor Question 20 15American History: The Land and Peo-ple Discovered " .. . . .. .. .. .. 12 10'7 Moulton: Shakespeare's Tempest " .. " 30 158 Moulton: The Literary Study of the Bible.... ... 74 259 Shepardson: Christopher Columbus and the Dis-covery of America.... . . . . . .. . .. .. .. .. 18 1010 Moulton: Stories as a Mode of Thinking 22 1011 Lawrence: Some Great English Rulers and States-men 24 15American History, the Discoverers. . .. 12 10American Politics: The Period of Dom-inant Foreign Influence,........ .. .. 10 10Some First Steps in Human Progress, 16 10Some Methods of Social Reform,.... .. 18 10Four English Novelists,............... 32 15English Fiction and Social Reform, 12 10Some English Poets of the VictorianEra, 30 15The Development of the EuropeanNations, _. . . . .. . . . . .. . . . .. 14 10The American Revolution,.... . . . . . . . .. 72 20What the Monuments tell us relativeto the Old Testament, " 16 10Beginnings of the Middle Ages,..... .. 10 10:3 Bemis:4 Moulton:1) Bemis:6 Kaiser:12 Kaiser:13 Judson:14 Starr:15 Bemis:16 Bensly:17 Zeublin:18 Bensly:19 Grose:20 Mace:21 Price::22 Thatcher: 9323 Grose:24 Taft:25 Starr:26 Hirsch:27 Bensly:30 Moulton: Character Studies in Modern History, 12Art at the Columbian Exposition, ..... 24The Native Races of North America, 12Religion in the Talmud, 12English Essayists, from Bacon toLamb, 18Landscape Geology,. . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . .. .. 16Interpretative Studies in Spenser andMilton, 30Literary Criticism and Theory of Inter-preta tion, .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 16A Problem in Sociology, 8American Politics: The Period of Dom­inant Internal Development,.. . . . . .. -Painting and Sculpture, -The History of Political Parties in theUnited States, 12General Course in Bacteriology,...... 16The Industrial Revolution, . . . . <r : 12Heat . 15 101010101015101028 Salisbury:29 Moulton: 15101531 Henderson:32 Judson: 10101033 French:34 Gordy:35 Russell:36 Zeublin:37 Stratton:CLASS - WORK DEPARTMENT.The Class-work Department has provided instruc­tion in various courses similar in plan and con ten t tothose.given in the Academy and University proper.In the absence of room in the already crowded quar­ters of Cobb Lecture Hall, and to meet the demands ofstuden ts in distant parts of the city, it was originallydesigned to offer the courses wherever classes of tenor more would organize and provide a room.This proved in the Autumn Quarter to be so un­systematic that it was announced that classes wouldbe organized on the Sou th Side . at Cobb LectureHall, on the North Side at the Newberry Library, andon the West Side at the Chicago Academy. This wasmade possible through the courtesy of the trustees ofthe Library and the principals of the Academy.. From the first the work has been confined to Chicago.The classes which began in the Autumn Quarter all ofwhich continued into the Winter Quarter were:English Literature, Instructor, Mr. Triggs, elevenmembers at the North Division High School; Geology,Professor Salisbury, eighteen members; French, Mr.Kinne, eleven members, at the Englewood Universal­ist church; History, Mr. Perrin, ten members, atIrving Hall, Irving Park. The classes of the WinterQuarter which began the first week in January, allmet at Cobb Lecture Hall, except Mr. Boyer's class inBiology, thirteen 'members, at the Englewood HighSchool. The other classes were: English Literature,Mr. Triggs, six members; Latin, Professor Hale,thirty-four members; Geology, Professor Salisbury,eight members; Latin, Mr. Orr, four members;Physics, Mr. Cornish, four members; Algebra, Dr.Young, ten members.94 THE QUARTERLY CALENDAR.Through the kindness of the Board of Educationthe laboratory of the Englewood High School wasused by the class in Biology, and the laboratory ofthe West Division High School was offered for a classin Chemistry. The Kenwood Observatory was alsoplaced at the disposal of the department.Of the students who presented themselves for ex­amination, the following passed successfully: InAlgebra, three; Biology, ten; Geology, six; English,eight and two respectively; Latin, twelve.It is a matter of interest that courses have beenoffered by graduate students, assistants, docents, in­struc tors, professors, and head professors. Among thestudents have been" all sorts and conditions of men"and women - teachers in all grades of public andprivate schools, undergraduate and graduate collegestudents, two graduates of German Universities,business men and women, la wyers, physicians,dentists, clerks, stenographers, janitors, electricians,mechanics, and others.The Calendar for the Winter Quarter announcedtwenty courses of Academy instruction, eighteenAcademic College courses, and nineteen UniversityCollege courses, thus providing a very wide range forselection. Eleven classes were organized in theAutumn and Winter Quarters and ninety-five studentsmatriculated. A number of students have taken twocourses, all of the courses being minors. Themajority of those who matriculated may be con­sidered permanent students, some of them planningalready to enter the University proper.CORRESPONDENCE DEPARTMENT.The Correspondence Department has providedinstruction in Academy, Academic College, UniversityCollege, and Graduate School studies for non-residentstudents who have found it impossible to secure classroom privileges. These students are situated in manystates in this country, and in a number of foreignlands as well.Students have been enrolled as follows: In theAcademy - Latin, two; Mathematics, one. In theAcademy College-Political Economy, one; English,twelve; Latin, one; Mathematics, three; History,three. In the University College - Psychology, five;Sanskrit, one; Mathematics, one. In the GraduateSchool-s- History, five; Semitic Languages, two;Mathematics, three; German, three. UnclassifiedStudents -- Biblical Literature in English, twenty­eight; Semitic Languages, two hundred and fifty­three; New Testament Greek, ninety-three. Courses of instruction have been offered as follows:In the Academy, sixteen Majors and one Minor; inthe Academic College, nine Majors and nine Minors;in the University College, eleven Majors and fifteenMinors - a total of sixty -one courses, thirty -six beingMajors and twenty-five Minors.There are now enrolled six hundred and eighty­eight students who are receiving instruction intwen ty -:fi ve differen t courses.THE LIBRARY DEPARTMENT.Through the Library Department an attempt hasbeen made to supplement the lecture-studies by fur­nishing select libraries of books, where the nature ofthe subject permitted and the lecturer expressed a.wish for such aid.Sixty such libraries have been issued, the numberof volumes in each varying from thirteen to forty-five,the total number of titles being eleven hundred,These have been packed in specially designed boxes,strongly made of wood, measuring 26 inches by 18 by7�. Each of the boxes is fitted with sliding shelves,so as to allow shelf-room of 8, 1074: and 12� inches.In many places these boxes have been used as tem­porary book cases. They have hinged lids, fastenedby bolts and screw nuts, this arrangement doing awaywith any need for lock or screws or nails.The following list, representing a library on"Methods of Social Reform," will serve as a type ofa traveling library.Report of the Commissioner of Education, 1888-9,two copies. Reports of the Comrnissioner of Labor,1886-90, six copies. Report of the Minnesota Bureau"of Labor Statistics, one copy. Report of the Post­master-General, 1891, one copy. Taylor: The ModernFactory System, one copy. Morrison: Crime and itsCauses, one copy. Booth: Pauperism, and the En­dowment of Old Age, one copy. Weeks: LaborDifferences and their Settlement, one copy. Dexter ;Cooperative Building and Loan Associations, onecopy. Riis: The Children of the Poor, one copy ..Smith: Emiqraiion. and Irnrnigration, one copy. Ellis::The Criminal, one copy. Jevons: The State in Rela­tion to Labor, one copy. Loch: Charity Organiza­tion, one copy. Winter: The Elmira Reformatory,one copy. DuCane: Punishment and Preoentioii ofCrime, one copy. Hobson: Problems of Poverty, onecopy. Lowell: Public Relief and Private Charitu,one copy. Giffen: Progress of the Working Olassesin the Last Half Oentury, one copy. Report of OhioBoard of Charities, 1890, one copy. Report of Mirone.UNIVERSITY EXTENSION DIVISION.sota Board oj Oharities, 1890, one copy. Report ofthe Massachusetts Oommissioner of Savings Banks,one copy. Report of New York Board of Charities,1890, one copy. Report of the Illinois Penitentiaryat Joliet, one copy. Report of the Southern IllinoisPenitentiary at Chester, one copy. Report of theNew York Oharity Organization, one copy. TwelfthAnnual Report of the Boston Associated Charities,one copy. Wanamaker: Argument for Postal SavingsBanks, one copy. Wanamaker:' Additional Argu­ment for Postal Savings Banks, one copy. Report onOooperaiioe Credit Associations in Certain EuropeanCountries, one copy. Report of the MinneapolisBoard of Education, 1891, one copy. Report of theToledo Public Schools, one copy. Fourteenth AnnualReport of the Buffalo Oharity Society, two copies.Journal of Social Science, October, 1891, one copy.Total number of volumes-forty-one.With each one of the libraries was sent out a copyof the Report of the First Annual Conference of U ni­versity Extension workers held in Philadelphia in1891, a copy of "Eighteen Years of University Exten­sion," a copy of "University Extension, Past, Present,and Future," a copy of the Quarterly Calendar of theUniversity Extension Division of the University ofChicago, and several copies of The University Exten­sion World. The list of books shows at once that noattempt at an exhaustive bibliography was made, butthat the idea always uppermost was to supply bookswhich would best meet the needs of the actualworkers. The stimulation and encouragement of thepaper-writing class was considered of the utmostimportance.THE TRAINING DEPARTMENT.The Training Department provides facilities where­by graduate students may acquaint themselves withthe various aspects of the movement. Its work willnecessarily be limited until the organization, in theUniversity proper, of the Department of Peda­gogy. 95The University Extension Seminary, consisting ofeleven members, has met fortnightly during the Win­ter Quarter. The following subjects have been pre­sen ted and discussed at its meetings: The Place ofUniversity Extension in American Education; TheLecturer and His Work; The Development of theExtension Movement in England; The UniversityExtension Division of the University of Chicago;University Extension Students; The Function of theLocal Centre; The Relation of the Lecturer to theLocal Centre; The Function of the Lecture and theSyllabus; The Function of the Class; The Functionof the Weekly Exercises.A number of the members of the Seminary havetaken advantage of the facilities for acquainting them­sel ves with the practical side of the work. 'I'hey ha vea ttended the courses of experienced lecturers, per­formed the weekly exercises, and assisted in the con­duct of the classes. Several have prepared a courseof lectures and a syllabus therefor.THE EDITORIAL DEPARTMENT.The University Extension World was establishedin January, 1893, as the official organ of this Division.I t is a monthly magazine, and has published articlesof special interest, as follows: The Chautauqua Sys­tem of Education, University Extension and theSummer School, University Extension and the PublicLibrary, The American Institute of Sacred Litera­ture, The Summer Schools of Harvard University,The Teachers in the Public Schools and U ni versi tyExtension, The Rise of Universities and their LatestDevelopment.In addition, it has published many articles of par­ticular value to University Extension workers, as TheLocal Secretary, An Address to Local Committees,The Lecturer and the Centre, The Traveling Library,Study and Teaching by Correspondence, The Univer­sity Extension Division of the University of Chicago,Students' Clubs.I terns of interest connected with the work havefound prominent place.PART V.-PERIODICALS AND BOOKS PUBLISHED BY THEUNIVERSITY PRESS OF CHICAGO.DECEMBER TO APRIL, 1893.THE JOURNAL OF POLITICAL' EOONOMY.(QUARTERLY.)Table of Contents, December, 1892, number.Study of Political Economy in the United States­J. Laurence Laughlin. Recent Commercial Policy ofFrance-Emile Levasseur. Rodbertus's Socialism­E. Beni. Andrews. Price of Wheat Since 1867-Thor­stein B . Veblen, and Edward Atkinson. NOTES. BOOKREVIEWS. ApPENDICES.THE BIBLICAL WORLD.(MONTHLY.)Table of Contents, January, 1893, number.EDITORIAL. What is Biblical Theology, and Whatis Its Method--Prof. George B. Stevens. Saul's Ex­perience on the way to Damascus-Prof. Ernest D.Burton. Recent Movements in the Historical Studyof Religions in America-Prof. Morris Jastrow, Jr.,Ph.D. An Important Discovery of: MSS.-LesterBradner, Jr., Ph.D. The American Institute of SacredLiterature.-C. E. Crandall. Historical Studies in theScripture Material of the International Lessons­Associate Prof. George S. Goodspeed, Ph.D. EXPLORA­TION AND DISCOVERY. SYNOPSES OF IMPORTANTARTICLES. NOTES AND OPINIONS. WORK AND WORK­ERS. BOOK REVIEWS. BIBLIOGRAPHY.Table of Contents, February, 1893, number.EDITORIAL. The newly Discovered Apocryphal Gos­pel of Peter-Isaac H. Hall, Ph.D. The Expansion ofJudaism-Oliver J. Thatcher. Theological Instruc­tion in Sioiteerlamd. I-Rev.P. W. Snyder. MessianicProphecy in the Book of Job-Prof. E. L. Curtis, Ph.D.The American Institute of Sacred Literaiure=C. E.Crandall. Historical Studies in the Scriptural Ma­terial of the International Lessons-Associate Prof.George S. Goodspeed, Ph.D. EXPLORATION AND DIS­COVERY. SYNOPSES OF IMPORTANT ARTICLES. NOTESAND OPINIONS. WORK AND WORKERS. BOOK REVIEWS.CURRENT LITERATURE. W. Anthony, A.M. The Fundamental Thought andPurpose of the Gospel of Matthew-Prof. RobertKubel. The American Institute of Sacred Literature.-C. E. Crandall. Historical Studies in the ScripturalMaterial of the International Lessons-AssociateProf. George S. Goodspeed, Ph.D. EXPLORATION ANDDISCOVERy-Charles F. Kent, Ph.D. SYNOPSES OFIMPORTANT ARTICLES. NOTES AND OPINIONS. WORKAND WORKERS. BOOK REVIEWS. BIBLIOGRAPHY.THE UNIVERSITY EXTENSION WORLD.(MONTHLY.)Table of Oontents, January, 1893, number.NOTES AND NEWS. The Ohautauqua System of Edu­cation-George E. Vincent, A.M. University Exten­sion and the Summer School-J. Max Mark, D.D.University Extension and the Public Library-LouisBevier, Jr., A.M. The Present of Oollege Affiliation­Oharles F. Kent, Ph.D. An Experiment in Mill Vil­lages-Henry E. Bourne, A.M. The American Insti­tute of Sacred Literature-G. L. Chamberlin. TheTraveling Library. EDITORIAL.Table of Contents, February, 1893, number.NOTES AND NEWS. The Local Secretary-Jessie D.Montgomery. Students' Clubs-Thos. J. Lawrence,LL.D. The University Extension Division of theUniversity of Ohicago - George Henderson, Ph.B.The Summer Schools of Harvard University-No S.Shaler. The Teachers in the Public Schools and Uni­versity Extension-William O. Sproul, A.M. TheUniversity and Workingmen's Olubs-Walter Crane.EDITORIAL. Oambridge TJniversity Letter. The Oam­bridge University Summer Meeting. University Ex­tension at Oolgate University. The National Oon­ference on University Extension. Epistolatory Opin­ions. Typical Centres. Local Organizers' Oolumn.Students' Oolumn. New Lecture - Study Courses.Evening and Saturday Olasses. Courses of Lecture­Studies for Chicago and Cook County. The Univer­sity Extension Dioision of the University of Ohicago.Table of Contents, March, 1893, number.EDITORIAL. The Story of the Spies: A Study in Table of Oontents, March, 1893, number.BiblicalOriticism-Assistant Prof. Philip A. Nordell, NOTES AND NEWS. The Rise of Universities andD.D. Theological Instruction in Switzerland. II- their Latest Developrnent',-Jessie D. Montgomery.Rev. W. P. Snyder. The Fourth Gospel-Prof. Alfred An Address to Local Committees-Richard G. Moul-96THE UNIVERSITY PRESS.ton. The Lecturer and the Centre - Francis N.Thorpe. The Foundation Stone, 1871-James Stuart.The Traveling Library and the Way to Use It­Francis W. Shepardson. Home Study and Teachingby Oorrespondence-Oliver J. Thatcher. EDITORIAL.From our London Correspondent. Notes from Ox­forti. Typical Centres-Germantown. Universityof the State of New York. Suggestions for Centres.Selected List of Magazine Articles for Students.Saturday and Evening Olasses. Courses of Lecture­Studies for Chicago and Cook County. Local Secre­taries and Centres in the Northwest.JOURNAL OF GEOLOGY.(SEMI-QUARTERLY.)Table of Contents, January-February, 1893, number.On the Pre-Cambrian Rocks of the British Isles­Sir Archibald Geikie. Are there Traces of GlacialMan in the Trenton Gravels?-W. H. Holmes. Geol­ogy as Part of a Oollege Curriculum-H. S. Williams.The Nature of the Englacial Drifts of the MississippiBasin-T. C. Chamberlin. STUDIES FOR STUDENTS: 97Distinct Glacial Epochs and the Criteria for theirRecognition - Rollin D. Salisbury. EDITORIALS.REVIEws-James Geikie,. Rollin D. Salisbury. ANA­LYTICAL ABSTRACTS OF CURRENT LITERATURE. Ao­KNOWLEDGMENTS.HEBRAIOA.Table of Contents, April-July, 1893, number.On an Unpublished Cylinder of Esarhaddon-S.Arthur Strong. The Calendar of Enoch and Jubilees-Benjamin Wisner Bacon. A Charm. Worth Reading-Isaac H. Hall. Old Persian Names in BabylonianOontracts-Theo. G. Pinches. The Views of Jehuda.Halevi concerning the Hebreui Language - W.Bacher. The Vowel-Points Controversy - Rev. B.Pick, Ph.D. The Pentateuchal Question. IV. Ex.13-De·ut.34-Prof. W. Henry Green. BOOK NOTICES ..BOOKS.Assyrian and Babylonian Letters belonging to the'E Collection of the British Museum-Robert Francis.Harper.PART VI.-APPENDICES.ORDER OF EXAMINATIONS FOR ADMISSION.MORNING.Latin 3)Latin 1) -History of the U ni ted States -History of Greece -Latin 2)Greek 3) -Advanced French -Elementary French -Greek 1)-Plane Geometry -Physics - , SEPTEMBER, 1893.TUESDAY. SEPTEMBER 26.- 9:00 10:0010:00 10:45- 10 :45 11 :3011:30 12:15- 12:15 12:45 AFTERNOON.Advanced GermanElementary GermanGreek 4)AlgebraWEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 27.9:00 10:009:00 11:00- 10 :00 11 :0011:00 12:15 EnglishSolid GeometryHistory of Rome -THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 28.- 9:00 10:00 Latin 4)10:00 12:00 Latin 5) -Greek 2)Geology, Astronomy, PhysiographyBiology-Chemistry98 - 2:00 4:002:00 3:00- 3:0'0 4:004:00 5:00- 2:00 3:303:30 4:15- 4:15 5:00- 1:30 2:452:45 3:30- 3:30 4:001:30 2:30- 2:30 3:303:30 5:30OFFICERS AND INSTRUCTORS. 99DIRECTORY OF OFFICERS AND INSTRUC'I'ORS.ABBREVIATIONS.C---- ---- ---- ----Cobb Lecture Hall.a, b, c, d - - "",---1st, 2d, 3d and 4th floors of Cobb Lecture Hall.S ---- ---- ---- ----Science Hall, cor. 55th St. and Lexington Av,Numerala.v., , ---- .Numbers of rooms.FRANK FROST ABBOTT, Ph. D.(C.2-8b.) Hyde Park Hotel.GALUSHA ANDERSON, A. M., S. T. D., LL. D.(C.2-7d.) Morgan Park.GEORGE BAUR, Ph. D.E. W. BEMIS, Ph. D. (S.) 6820 Wentworth avo(C.5a.) 5836 Drexel avoEDOUARD VON BLOMBERG BENSLY, A. M.214, 53d st.EUGENE BERGERON, A. B. '(C. 12-16b.) 5515 Woodlawn avoFRANOIS ADELBERT �LAOKBURN, Ph. D.(C.9-11b.) 5521 Madison avoOSKAR BOLZA, Ph. D.7716 Eggleston av., Auburn Park.JAMES ROBINSON BOISE, Ph. D., LL. D., S. T. D.361, 65th St., Englewood.FRANK M. BRONSON, A.M.CARL D. BUOK, Ph.D. Morgan Park.(C. 2�8b.) 5481 Kimbark avoJULIA E. BULKLEY70 Friestrasse, Zurich, Switzerland.ISAAC BRONSON BURGESS, A. M.Morgan Park.ERNEST D. BURTON, A. B.(C. 10-12d.) 5519 Madison avoNATHANIEL BUTLER, JR., A.M. '(C.5a.) 5625 Monroe avoWILLIAM CALDWELL, A. M.(C. 3-8c.) 5831 Madison av.ERNEST L. CALDWELL, A. M.Morgan Park.EDWARD CAPPS, Ph. D.(C. 2-8b.) 223, 52d st.CLARENCE F. -CASTLE, Ph.D.(C.2-8b.) 5440 Monroe avoTHOMAS CHROWDER CHAlv.IBERLIN, Ph.D., LL.D.(S.) 5041 Madison av,CHARLES CHANDLER, A. M., (C. 2-8b.) 109, 37th st.WAYLAND JOHNSON CHASE, A. M.Morgan Park.S. H. CLARK(C. 1d.) 4211 Lake avoJOHN WESLEY CONLEY, A.M�, B.D.(C.2-7d.) 5475 Kimbark avoELIZABETH COOLEY, A. B.ROBERT H. CORNISH� A. M. Morgan Park.Morgan Park, CLARK EUGENE CRANDALL, B. D., Ph.D.(C. 12-16d.) 5455 Monroe avoMARTHA FOOTE CROW, Ph. D.(C.9-11b.) Hotel Beatrice.STARR W. CUTTING, Ph. D.(C. 12-16b.) 5606 Ellis avoZEJ�LA A. DIXSON, (C.8b.) 5541 Drexel avoH�NRY HERBERT DONALDSON, Ph. D. '(S.) 5428 Monroe avoALICE B. FOSTER, M.D.(C.1d.) 5332 Drexel avoMOSES CLEMENT GILE, A. M.Colorado Springs, Col.GEORGE STEPHEN GOODSPEED, Ph. D.., (C. 12-16d.) Morgan Park.HOWARD BENJAMIN GROSE, A. M.(C.la.) 5933 Indiana avoH. GUNDERSEN, A. M., B. D.(C.8-9d.) Auburn Park.WILLIAM GARDNER HALE, A. B.(C.2-8b.) 5833 Monroe avoGEORGE E. HALE, S. B.(Kenwood Observatory.) 46th St., near Drexel avoTHEODORE M. HAMMOND, A. B.4640 Evans avoHARRIS HANCOCK, A. B.(C. 13-17c.) 214, 53d st.ROBERT FRANCIS HARPER, Ph. D.(C. 12-16d.) The University of Chicago.WILLIAM RAINEY HARPER, Ph. D., D. D.(C.9a.) 5657 Washington avoFRANK RANDEL HATHAWAY, A.M.Hotel Vendome.CHARLES RICHMOND HENDERSON, A. M., D. D.(C.2-8c.) 6108 Washington avoGEORGE HENDERSON,Ph.B.(C.5a.) Hotel' Harvard.EMIL G. HIRSCH, Ph. D.(C. 12-16d.) 3612 Grand Boulevard.HERMANN EDOUARD VON HOLST, Ph. D.(C.2-8c.), 433B F'orrestville avoGEORGE C. HOWLAND, A. M.. (C. 12-16b.)-5735 Washington avoERI BAKER HULBERT, D. D.(B.2-7d.) Hotel Beatrice.JOSEPH PAXSON IDDINGS, Ph. D.(S.) 5757 Madison avoMASSUO IKUTA, Ph. D.5485 Monroe avo(S.)NELS PETER JENSEN, B. D.(C.8-9d.) 2719 Indiana avo100 . THE QUARTERLY CALENDAR.ROLLIN D. SALISBURY, A. M.�""'RANKLIN JOHNSON, D. D.(C.2-7d.) Hyde Park Hotel.EDWIN O. JORDAN, Ph. D.(S). 5481 Kimbark avo Morgan Park.HARRY PRATT JUDSON, A. M. EDWARD ADOLPH SCHNEIDER, Ph.D.(C.2-9c.) Hyde Park Hotel. • (S.) 5026 Lake avoCHARLES F. KENT, Ph. D. FERDINAND SCHWILL, Ph. D.(G. 12-16d.) 5531 Monroe av. / (C. 12-16b.) 5831 Madison avoWILLIAM IRELAND KNAPP, Ph. D., LL. D. r. J. J. SEE, PH. D., (C. 12-16b.) 5116 Madison avoCARL G. LAGERGREN, A. M., B. D. -,(C. 8-9d.) Morgan Park.J. LAURENCE LAUGHLIN, Ph. D.(C. 3-Sc.) Hotel Beatrice.THOMAS J. LAWRENCE, A. M., LL. D.5706 Washington avoFELIX LENGFELD, Ph. D.DAVID J. LINGLE, Ph. D.JACQUES LOEB, M.D.JAMES A. LYMAN, Ph. D. (S.) 5484 Monroe avo(S.) 5481 Kimbark avo(S.) Hyde Park Hotel.(S.) 5835 Drexel avoFRANKLIN P. MALL, M. D.(S.) The University of Chicago.HEINRICH MASCHKE, Ph. D.(C. 13-17c.) 7716 Eggleston av., Auburn Park.,WILLIAM D. MCCLINTOCK, A. M.", (C. 9-11b.) 5531 Monroe avoADOLPH MEYER, M.D.470 W. Madison st.ALBERT A. MICHELSON, Ph. D.Sevres, France. ERIC SANDELL, B. D. (S.) 5540 Monroe avo214, 53d st.FRANCIS WAYLAND SHEPARDSON, Ph.D.(C.5a.) 5475 Kimbark avoPAUL SHOREY, Ph. D... (C.2-8b.) Woodlawn Ave. and 55th st.BENJAMIN F. SIMPSO�, A. B., B. DSo. Berwick, Me. After Jan. 1, Univ. of Chicago.ALBION W. SMALL, Ph. D.(C.2-Sc.) 5524 Madison avoCHAS. P. SMALL, A. M., M. D.<'\FRlTIDERICK STARR, Ph. D. 53d St. and Lake avoA. ALONZO STAGG, A. B.JULIUS STEIGLITZ, Ph. D. (C.2-8c.) 5800 Jackson avo(C. ld.) 77 D.(S.) 5440 Monroe avoHENRY NEWLIN STOKES, Ph. D.(S.) 5729 Washington avoSAMUEL W. STRATTON, S. B.(S.) 5625 Monroe avoCHARLES A. STRONG, A. B.(C.10-l2c.) Woodlawn Ave. and 55th st.MARION TALBOT, A. M. .(C.2-8c.) Hotel Beatrice.(C.3-8c.) 391, 57th st.FRANK JUSTUS MILLER, Ph.D. FRANK B. TARBELL, Ph.D.(C.2-8b.) 5410 Madison avoADOLPH C. MILLER, A.M. BENJAMIN S. TERRY, Ph.D.OLIVER J. THATCHER, A. B. , Athens, Greece.L. C. MONIN, PH. D.(C.10-12c.) 4206' Michigan avoELIAKIM HASTINGS MOORE, Ph. D.(C.13-17c.) 5410 Madison avoNELS H. MORTEN, B.D.(C. 8-9d.) Morgan Park.RICHARD GREEN MOULTON, Ph. D. .Glisson Road, Cambridge, Eng.JOHN ULRIC NEF, Ph.D.(S.) 5714 Washington avoPHILIP A. NORDELL, D.D.(C.IO-12d.) Hotel Beatrice.THRUP, D. D., LL. D.(C.2-7d.) Morgan Park.h. D., L. H. D.ason st., Cambridge, Mass.,,"A.M.Hotel Beatrice.T NROSE, JR. Ph. D.1&'31 Spruce st., Philadelphia, Pa.ICE, B.D.,Ph.D.(C.12-16d.) Morgan Park.OBERTSON, Ph.D.Morgan Park.GILMAN ROBINSON, D. D., LL. D.(C.IO-12c.) Hyde Park Hotel.ILUS HUNTINGTON ROOT, A. M., B. D.(C� 10-12d.) 5485 Monroe avo OSCAR L. TRIGGS, A. M.JAMES H. TUFTS, Ph.D. (2-8c.) Morgan Park.(C.2-Sc.) The Drexel.No.4 Graduate Dormitory.(C.IO-12c.) 3867 Ellis avo'Madison, Wis.C. R. VAN HISE, Ph. D.BERT JOHN Vos, Ph.D,(C. 12-16b.) 5425 Cottage Grove avoCLYDE WEBER VOTAW, A.M., B.D.(C. lO-12d.) Sycamore, Ill.S. W ATASE, Ph� D.(S.) 5481 Kimbark avoWILLLIAM MORTON WHEELER, Ph. D.(S.) 5481 Kimbark avoCHA;RLES O. WHITMAN, Ph. D., (S.) 223, 54th st.WILLIAM CLEAVER WILKINSON, D.D.(C. 9-11b.) 5520 Madison avoWARDNER WILLIAMS,38 Divinity Dormitory.Morgan Park.,THONE O. WOLD, B.D.IRVING F. WOOD, A. M., B.D.Frederick BIk., Frederick Court.J. W. A. YOUNG, Ph.D., (C. 13-17c). 5729 Rosalie CourtCHAS. ZEUBLIN, Ph. B., B.D.(C.5a.) 5134 Wabash avo