In the Grey City Journal-Inside the MaroonUnion analysis- page six Fashion out of StyleThe Chicago MaroonVolume 91, The University of Chicago (^Copyright 1981 The Chicago MaroonUC to re-exam policyof aid to all in needPresident Hanna Gray helps Charles Morrow, the Chairman of the Center for ResearchLibraries, (left), and Donald Simpson, the Director of CRL, (right), at the center’s ground¬breaking on 61st St. yesterday.Research Libraries Centerbegins construction on61stEmma Davis, circulation director.CRL was created as a depository for olderand lesser used materials by UC and theother nine universities which then com¬prised the Big Ten in 1949. Its present build¬ing was constructed in 1951 and its space issupplemented by an off-site warehousewhich the CRL now rents.Undergrad,beaten, raped By Chris IsidoreThe University is considering dropping itslong-held policy of finding financial aid forany undergraduate who needs it, although itwill be standing by the policy for at least thecoming year, said Dan Hall, dean of Collegeadmissions and aid.“The policy has been reaffirmed for thisyear,” said Hall. “The money has beengiven. But we are going to have to look veryclosely at it. It is just plain wise to study thisvery is very important for usto anticipate the issue of what type of stu¬dent body do we want. We are going to haveto look at what the costs are, not only the fi¬nancial costs, but also the costs to the Uni¬versity of a changing the diversity of stu¬dents coming here.”The re-examination is prompted by cut¬backs in funding for financial aid on thestate and local level. Money that is availableto each student has been limited, and new'restrictions have been placed on which stu¬dents are eligible for aid.“The amount of University grant moneyhas gone up tremendously,” said Hall. “Ifthere are continued cutbacks in federal andstate funding,..or it the sources stay the^ same and costs increase...then we are going% to have to consider how much can the Uni-| versity continue to support.”c Hall said the issue will probably be stud-5 ied by an administrative committee made= up of Jonathan Smith, dean of the College.^ Charles O’Connell, dean of students, LornaStraus, dean of students in the College, andHall. There will also be two facultymembers sitting on the committee. Hailsaid the committee will try to look past theimmediate situation.“We can get together to really look at this,and see what this is going to mean five yearslown the road.” said Hail. He expects themto report to President Gray by mid-De¬cember. fected by the budget cuts if studdents gettheir applications completed and processedby the financial aid office by Oct. 1. There isstill time for the applications to be made,and Hall said that his office has already pro¬cessed over 1400 loans for next year. “Pro¬cessing is going much much better thisyear,” he said.The policy of giving aid to all students whoneed it has be held by the University forsome time. “This has never been known as arich man’s school,” said Hall. “Even when Iwas a student, it was thought that if youwere bright enough to get in here, then aidcould be found. That has now become morea national thing, and I would argue that it isa good thing. We ought to educate the stu¬dents who are going to be the leadership ofthe country, and those students don’t neces¬sarily all come from families who can affordto pay.”No real alternatives to the present policyhave been discussed yet, but Hall said hedoesn’t think that a new policy w'ould great¬ly affect current students.. “I don’t thinkanyone is considering cuts for students(already) here,” he said. “It’s a question ofwhat offers can be made to entering fresh¬men. The worst scenario would mean cut¬backs in aid which would immediatelygoing to cut down on who can attend. But Ican’t believe it will go that route. There willbe degrees.”Hall also said that the size of the newfreshman class this fall is holding close tothe 746 projected earlier this spring. Finalfigures will not be known until fall, but thereis likely going to be a slight shift in geo¬graphical distribution of the students, awayfrom Illinois, towards some of the othermidwestern states. Hall said that thenumber of minority students who UC hasbeen able to attract is “really disappoint¬ing.” and that he hopes it will be improvedBy Robert DeckerThe groundbreaking ceremony for a newCenter for Research Libraries (CRL) build¬ing which is expected to eventually house 10million books was heid yesterday at 61st St.and Kenwood Ave., site of the futurebuilding.Now located at 5721 S. Cottage GroveAve., CRL now has a collection of 3 millioninfrequently used books which it loans to its184 members, the majority of which aremajor university research libraries.Construction of the new building will takeplace in four phases over a seventeen-yearperiod, with the first of four “cubes” com¬prising the building to cost $3 million. Thebudget for the entire project has been esti¬mated at $11 million.With expanded facilities, said Susan Van-Kamen, CRL public information officer, thelibrary will again be able to accept gifts ofbooks from member institutions, a practicewhich was suspended when CRL began torun out of space.VanKamen said the additional funds toconstruct the new building are expected tocome from CRL’s building fund and addi¬tional grants. The present building on Cot¬tage Grove Ave. will be used for “coldstorage” of the “more infrequently usedbooks,” she said.The library filled 29,258 requests for booksand other materials last year, according to This year’s aid packages will not be af- in coming years.A UC undergraduate was attacked, sever-ly beaten and raped on Tuesday night in analley near 54th St. and Kimbark Ave.The attack occurred at approximately11:30 p.m. on Aug. 4. According to a Univer¬sity official, the woman was walking downthe street when she was pulled into an alleyfrom behind. When she struggled with her.assailant, he knocked her unconscious andthen raped her.University security responded to reportsof a woman calling for help. Police are look¬ing for a black male, who is believed to bethe only assailant.The victim was admitted to Billings hospi¬tal Tuesday night. She is being kept therefor observation for a few days. She was re¬ported to be doing well. Gregory Hall, (right), an undergraduate who works as a tutor in the University’sPilot Enrichment Program, helps a high school student who has been studying oncampus this summer. More on “The Program” on pg. 11PARKSHOREIntroducing...A new development of luxury co-operative townhouses ...located on Chicago's beautiful South Shore... featuring 148three and four bedroom 2 story townhouses ... adding beautyand growth to one of Chicago's fine lakefront neighborhoods ...located just ten minutes from the Loop ... easily accessible toChicago's major businesses, universities, hospitals and parks ...Park Shore East... what city living should be.The 148 homes at Park Shore East are being sold as cooperativesassuring quality housing at affordable prices. Co-op membershipcan be yours for just $1500 down and $670 a month, at anamazing 71/2% interest rate.Special features of each cooperative home include: • woodburningfireplaces • washers and dryers • dishwashers • wall to wallcarpeting • air conditioners • ample closet space • electronic securitysystem • and a living/dining area plus separate breakfast alcoveWhere else can you get so much for so little?3 bedroom duplex apartments $1500 down3 bedroom garden apartments $1500 down3 bedroom townhouse $1700 down4 bedroom townhouse $2000 down**assessments do not include utilities,\J $672 per month$672 per month$689 per month$731 per monthL Ittv*l m-47th Street \ ^ \i bS'* Strm\ 3r 2b. - * 8 Go' Co-w9 9o«>to fcjcft1»12 17m *,*.<3•4 McCo>»mc»,-piiy ..w \\12 Call Kennedy, Ryan &Monigal Associates foran appointment - 667-6666Mr. Philip Elms, Project Sales Manager2—The Chicaao Maroon—Friday, Aug. 7, 1981NewsbriefsUCHC,Michael Reese,sue Illinois to stopMedicaid cutsThe University of Chicago Hospitals andClinics (UCHC), along with Michael ReeseHospital, have filed suit to prevent the statefrom cutting its Medicaid funding by $150million. According to University officials,the UCHC would lose $15 million in Medicaidreimbursements if the state’s budget plan isenacted.The suit, scheduled for hearing on Sept. 1,asks for an injunction. The hospitals chargethat many of the cuts were made in Juneand July in violation of a 1971 agreementwith the Illinois Department of Public Aid.The hospitals are asking for “a reasonable”period of time to terminate the agreement.According to UCHC Executive DirectorDavid Bray, as a result of such cuts, theUCHC will have to lay off approximately 10percent of its staff, treat an estimated 10,000fewer patients in emergency room opera¬tions, and curtail the hours of operation for avariety of UCHC services.Bray said that the eight teaching hospitalsin the Chicago area will suffer the greatestfinancial losses because they treat a largenumber of Medicaid patients. 45 percent ofthe out-patients at the UCHC are on state-supported medical programs.The hospitals charge the IDPA with“summarily and unilaterally” terminatingthe 1971 contract giving only six weeks no¬tice to realign programs and services.The suit was filed on July 27 in the CookCounty Circuit Court. John Pontarelli,director of public affairs for the UC medicalcenter, said that it was hard to predict whatchances the suit had. “We feel there are alotof reasons why something should be done,”he said. “The contract between UCHC and the IDPA required reasonable notice beforeanything was terminated or changed in thecontract. You just don’t grind things to ahalt.”Pontarelli said that UCHC wanted the cutsto be restored, but that the main thrust ofthe suit was to delay the full impact of thecuts. “The delay is what we are after now,”he said.Housing subsidyavailable forSouth Shore Co-opPark Shore East, the new cooperativehousing development opening in SouthShore, is reserving nearly half of its 148units for moderate income applicants whoare eligible for a federal housing subsidyunder Section 8 of the housing assistanceact. According to Philip Elmes, sales man¬ager for the project, most married graduatestudents and low paid staff are eligible for asubsidy under this program.“Under this program, a qualified appli¬cant is obliged to pay no more than 25 per¬ cent of his or her income for housing,” saidElmes. “A federal subsidy covers the rest ofthe costs. Income of any full or part timestudent is not counted, only the income froma working spouse.”The Section 8 program has existed since1937, but not all housing qualifies under theact. “Park Shore East was (designed) toqualify for the program, and does qualify,”said Elmes.Those interested in applying for housingat Park Shore East and a Section 8 subsidyshould contact Elmes at 667-6666.Co-op. schoolaccepting applicantsThe Hyde Park Cooperative School, at5650 S. Woodlawn, is accepting applicationsfor Fall enrollment. A unique school in thisarea, the Co-Op School offers parents of chil¬dren two years nine months through kinder¬garten an opportunity to participate in theirchild’s early education. Small class, multi¬cultural atmosphere, dedicated teachers.Modest tuition, some partial scholarshipsavailable. For more information call Co-opparent Alice Mulberry at BU 8-1242.Events forNagasaki dav1000 orgami cranes tied to helium bal¬loons will be released northeast of the en¬trance to the Museum of Science and In¬dustry at 2:30 p.m. on Sunday Aug. 9.Sponsored by The Mobiliation for Survival,a consortium of organizations with head¬quarters in Chicago, this event is being heldin memory of the attack on Nagasaki, Japan36 years ago. Before the cranes are releasedMartin Matthews, professor emeritus of pe¬diatrics and biochemistry, will make briefremarks. marian realty,inc.IBREALTORStudio and 1 BedroomApartments Available— Students Welcome —On Campus Bus LineConcerned Service5480 S. Cornell684-5400PART-TIfTlE JOBSon cnmpusEARN $5 PER HOURIf you’re looking for an unusual job opportunity for the rest of the school year, The University of ChicagoAlumni Telefund needs your help.We will be contacting thousands of Chicago alumni by telephone Tor their gifts to the University. Theprogram will run through the entire school year.We’ll pay you $5 an hour. Phoning hours run from 6:00 p.m.-10:00 p.m. Monday through Thursday.We require you to work 2 sessions per week.Seniors and graduate students are among those most eligible.OPPL' NOW!Call Mike Levine, 753-0888 between 1 P.M. &5 P.M. for an interview.THE CHICAGO ALUfflNI TELEFUND■WBM— 4The Chicago Maroon—Friday, Aug. 7, 1981—3750 ml. CANADIAN MIST750 ml. OLD FORESTER 80' .. .Liters MEYERS RUM (3 types) .Liter SKOL VODKALiter GORDON S GINLiter CALVERT EXTRALiter CUTTY SARK 12 year SCOTLiter CHRISTIAN BROTHERS BRALiter ARROW PINA COLADA . .Liter BLACK TOWERS LIEBFRAULiter PERE PATRIARCHSLiter 1975 (PRESTIGE) MEDOCLiter DON ORTEGA SHERRY ..Uter 19781.5 Liter FOLONARI SOAVE ...3 L. CARLO ROSSI TABLE WINES6-12 oz. Cans SCHLITZ MALT...6-12 oz. Bottles6-12 oz. Cans COKE . . 2.99. 3.69. 5.99) 3.99. 3.993.994.695.0910.99. 5.69Mi'i ...misx#ic.S'O^rOUR PROMISEIf you aren’t fullypleased with yourlenses after 60days, the cost of thelenses will be refunded. broke" \e"seSreP'ac®2566 N. ClarkPh. ft 975-1616r.arrV^1724 Sherman Ave.Evanston, IL 60201SS!eLnesn,;,litecSS b’, Above County SeatDr. S.C. Fostiak, Optometrist. rh. # 864-4441 EditorialsAid policy worth the costsThe question of whether the University is going to continue to provide sufficientfinancial assistance to allow any student admitted to the College to enroll de¬serves the most careful scrutiny of all sectors of the University.At stake is the question of what character the UC student body is going to havein the future, whether it will retain its present wide scope of backgrounds or if itwill gradually become more homogeneous.Certainly, it would be contrary to the traditions of nearly a century for UC totake on the character of a “rich man’s” school, but more important is the intellec¬tually stifling effect of such homogeneity.It is also a serious concern as to what effect the revocation of the present policywould have on enrollment of minority students in the College. Indeed, this is thegroup which will be hardest hit by such a policy, and it is no overstatement to say,as Dan Hall says, that the number of minority students which UC has been able toattract is “really disappointing” even with the present policy of providing aid forall in need who enter the College.It is not an exaggeration to say that UC has in the past been in the forefront ofinstitutions who were willing to provide their opportunities to the less well-off,long before the Great Society made a college education a “right” for qualifiedindividuals. We hope that UC will not be among those who turn their backs on thistradition.A well deserved thanksThis is the last issue of the Maroon which will have the services of two staffmembers who have been instrumental in our successful year, Wanda Jones, ourAdvertising Manager and Lorin Burte, our Business Manager. They, along withOffice Manager Leslie Wick, have helped to turn the Maroon around from someserious financial problems when the year began, and have given the new year’sstaff a solid financial base to build on during the year.Wanda is leaving the Maroon after three years of valuable service. She hasmade every writer’s and editor’s job easier during that time by finding the adver¬tising which has given us the space we needed. The Maroon has been able to liveoff its advertising, without any help from the administration or student govern¬ment, and this has given us a editorial freedom which many other school papersdo not have. And it is primarily her fine work which has enabled us to keep ouradvertising rates constant for the coming year.Lorin has been an extraordinary organizer and manager of a business office.He has straightened out many serious difficulties in the Maroon’s books and hasprovided both the creativity and guidance needed by the Maroon during the pastyear. He has even come through with clutch hitting in our softball games.Both Wanda and Lorin will be difficult to replace, but the work they have donewill make their successors’ job much easier.The Chicago MaroonThe Chicago Maroon is the student newspaper of the University of Chicago. During thesummer it is published Fridays, second week through seventh week. Editorial and busi¬ness offices are located on the third floor of Ida Noyes, 1212 E. 59th St., Chicago, 60637.Telephone 753-3263.Chris IsidoreEditorRobert DeckerManaging EditorDarrell WuDunn Richard KayeGrey City Journal EditorJay McKenzieChicago Literary Review Editor Lorin BurteBusiness ManagerWanda JonesAdvertising ManagerLeslie WickSenior News EditorAudrey Light Becky Woloshin 0ffice *,dna9erChicago Literary Review Editor Aame EliasNews Editor Production ManagerWilliam MudgePhotography Editor Aarne EliasEditor, The Public Domain Erin CassidyLibrarianStaff: Shelia Black, Bob Daily, Nancy Dray, Jeffrey Friedman Kate FultzSally Holland, Robin Kirk, Henry Otto, William Pleasant, Gene Scalia AnnaYamadaTISHA B’AVSERVICES & READING OF EICHA(BOOK OF LAMENTATIONS)SATURDAY - AUGUST 8UPSTAIRS MINYAN - CONSERVATIVE - 8:45 P.M.YAVNEH-ORTHODOX -8:45 P.M.SUNDAY-AUGUST 9YAVNEH-ORTHODOX -9:00 A.M. and7:00 P.M.HILLEL FOUNDATION - 5715 WOODLA WN4—The Chicago Maroon—Friday, Aug. 7, 1981LettersSG did notmake promiseTo the editor:Ih your last issue you printed an articleunder the headline, “WHPK seeks 100 watsin new proposal”. There were several factu¬al errors in this story that I feel compelled toset straight.It is patently untrue that, ‘‘Student Gov¬ernment representatives have made an un¬written agreement with WHPK to provide a$5000 grant.” Such an agreement was nevermade nor is it possible for such an agree¬ment to have been made. No single repre¬sentative of Student Government has the au¬thority to commit funds. All fundingdecisions are made by the eight member Fi¬nance Committee.The only semblance of an agreement thatStudent Government has made with WHPKconcerning their conversion to 100 watts isthat Student Government will do everythingwithin its power to see that WHPK is notforced off the air.Further it is not true that I refused to con¬firm whether this agreement had beenmade. The question, as put to me over thephone, was whether or not Student Govern¬ment was going to fund the 100 watt conver¬sion. My response was, that it was within therealm of possibility.Finally I would like to reiterate that Stu¬dent Government wholeheartedly supportsWHPK, but no decision has been made orwill be made about funding any portion ofthe cost of the 100 watt conversion until theappropriate time.Clarke CampbellStudent Government President The broadcast studio at WHPKNo $4000 grant for WHPK or innuendo, I would suggest that in the fu¬ture they refrain from printing commentsfrom uninformed, rather than informed peo¬ple, and thus try to be accurate, thoughbeing accurate may not be as exciting.Tom UhlStation Manager, WHPKEditor’s Note: An examination of the re¬porter’s notes for the WHPK story has indi¬cated that statements made by Mr. Areswere reported accurately in the story. Inchoosing people to be interviewed it was notunreasonable to expect that the station man¬ager and the former station manager wouldbe among those “informed” of the station’scircumstances.No IM softballTo the Editor:The summer is more than half over and tomy extreme disappointment, one of themost important aspects of summer univer¬sity life has not been reported in theMaroon. I am referring of course to Sum¬mer I.M. Softball.Intramurals have always added an uniqueflavor to U of C college life, providing aneeded relife to the usual grind of studyingor work, and to the frequently dry universityTo the Editor:I would like to clarify a few points in yourarticle of last week on WHPK, specificallyyour quotes from Miguel Ares, previous sta¬tion manager. First of all, there is not now,nor ever was, a $4,000.00 grant to WHPKfrom the University. Mr. Ares has twice toldme since Friday that he has “no idea”where you got this figure, since it has nobasis in reality. Furthermore, Dean O’Con¬nell has not yet given WHPK permission toincrease wattage to 100 watts, though I am confident that we are proving to him that wecan both handle the increase as well as fi¬nance it. Also, Mr. Ares, though his state¬ment about WOUI and WUIC is basicallycorrect, cannot realistically give accurateodds any more than I can on the F.C.C. ap¬proving this (new) plan. In addition, Mr.Ares said that his comments regardingDean O’Connell’s office were “unfortu¬nate.” Finally, though far be it from me toaccuse the Maroon of trying to print rumor news.It is inconceivable to me that an activityin which well over 600 members of the Uni¬versity community participate fails even torate a listing of game results in thisquarter’s Maroon.Why then has there been no softball re¬porting9 Laziness I guess.Stephen KritchevskyA Student in the CollegeEditor’s Note: Space, not laziness prevent¬ed IM coverage. Complete IM coverage willreturn in the fall.THE HYDE PARK HILTONadvance depositrequiredHAVE YOUR FAMILYAND FRIENDS STAY ATTHE HYDE PARK HILTONComplimentary shuttle service to the University ofChicago • free parking • convenient to interstate highwaysystem • a variety of dining atmospheres • lounge • outdoorpool • shuttle service to Watertower Place and North MichiganAvenue; to Loop shopping, the Palmer House, and Art Institute• children share parents room free.THE HYDE PARK HILTON4900 South Shore Drive reservationsChicago, II. 60615 (312) 288-5800or your local Hilton reservation office HE IS ALIVE AND WELLAND HASTAKEN UP RESIDENCEAT THERECENTLY RENOVATEDqmmUPflPifUtm5200 S. BLACKSTONE.FRIENDS ARE INVITED TO CALL9 A M. TO 5 P M.684-8666INSTANTPASSPORT PHOTOSAftGwrtaSbtofc'fc1519 EAST 53rd STREETPHONE: 752-3030 ISRAEFOLDANJuly 7-August 258 p.m., TuesdaysIda Noyes Theatre, 3rd Floor1212 E. 59th St.Cost: 750 per eveningSponsored by theHILLEL FOUNDATIONMEDICALSCHOOLOPENINGSImmediate openings availablein Foreign Medical School.No foreign language required.Fully accredited. Some open¬ings also available for Dentaland Veterinary Schools.Loans available. Three yearsof college required. Interviewsbeginning immediately. Forfurther details and/or appoint¬ment call:DR. MANLEY(716)882-2803The Chicago Maroon—Friday, Aug. 7, 1981—5News AnalysisNegotiations give unions upper hand with UniversityBy Darrell WuDunnWith negotiations for a new clericalworkers contract entering its third month,the University hopes to end what has been along period of labor negotiations. Not onlyhave negotiations been tough, but the Uni¬versity has had to make more concessionsthan had been hoped.For several of the negotiations, the Uni¬versity was in a difficult bargaining posi¬tion. 900 service and maintenance workersthreatened to walkout this summer. Andwith the University Hospital and Clinics(UCHC) having difficulties in retaining reg¬istered nurses in a competitive market¬place, the University was forced to meetmost of their demands.The toughest negotiations were with theservice and maintenance workers. Univer¬sity negotiators maintained a firm positionat the outset, but when the employeesthreatened to strike, the UC negotiatorsquickly offered a more generous contract.Both sides had been adament on the eco¬nomic issues. The UC offer for wage in¬creases w as approximately one third of theincrease asked by the Teamsters local 743which represents the employees. Afterweeks of negotiations with little progress,the union negotiators decided to presentwhat was then the UC final offer to the mem¬bership. A two-thirds No vote on the con¬tract proposal would authorize the negotia¬tors to call a strike.With the employees voting 576-105 to re¬ject the offer, the union called for a strikeJune 21. A walkout would have included all900 service workers in the UCHC and in thecampus buildings.Contingency plans would have manage¬ment personnel filling in for the strikers. Itis questionable if management could haveadequately serviced the UCHC. Robert Simpson, of Teamster’s local 743A strike would have also seriously affectUC negotiations with the clerical workerswho belong to the same Teamsters local.These negotiations would probably havebeen delayed. Furthermore many clericalsmay have been sympathetic to the serviceworkers.Clearly not wanting a strike, UC negotia¬tors offered wage increases 30 to 50 percenthigher than they had previously. The walk¬out was averted as the workers overwhelm¬ingly approved of the new offer.Robert Simpson, the union’s chief negotia¬tor, described the contract as “the best dealthey (the employees) have ever gotten.” Negotiations with the registered nurses inthe UCHC progressed more rapidly but theUniversity did not fare much better than itdid with the service workers.Due to the shortage of registered nursesthroughout the country, the University con¬ceded to most of the nurses’ demands. Lastyear, UC increased wages five percentabove the last contract agreement in orderto attract new nurses and retain the presentnursing staff.Registered nurses will receive a 9 to 10percent increase in salary in the first year ofEdward Coleman, UC’s director of person¬nel their contract. However with a new paylevel added and extra increases for nightand weekend shifts, the nurses will actuallyreceive an overall increase of 13.4 percent.Wage negotiations will be reopened nextyear.The 500-600 registered nurses are repre¬sented by the local unit of the Illinois NursesAssociation (INA). Ingrid Jones, co-chair ofthe bargaining unit, was pleased with thenegotiations. “We felt better about these ne¬gotiations than previous ones. They treatedus with more respect.” She added, however,that due to the nursing shortage, “they werein a spot.”The University fared better with the secu¬rity officers although negotiations were notwithout problems. The University had beeninsisting upon a clause which would requireofficers to report to a watch meeting beforetheir watch began. Union negotiators hadagreed to such a clause but the membershipvoted down two contract proposal which in¬cluded the clause.The University finally settled on a con¬tract w'hich did not include the watch meet¬ing. Security officers will receive a nine in¬crease this year and a 8V4 percent increasenext year.Every contract negotiation went past thedeadlines. Deadlines are set for the day thatthe old contract expires. The Universityagreed with each bargaining unit to enactwage increases retroactive to the first dayafter the previous contract expired.While actual negotiations may have lastedfor several months each bargaining unitspent varying amounts of time in prepara¬tion before talks began. In preparing for ne¬gotiations both sides review the market situ¬ation and base their demands on what otherUniversities and hospitals are giving theirspecific employees.Continued on page elevenSPECIAL DISCOUNT PRICESfor all STUDENTS, STAFF,and FACULTY MFMBERSJust present your University ofChicago Identification Card. Asstudents, Faculty Members or Ad¬ministrative Staff you are entitledto special money-saving DIS¬COUNTS on Chevrolet Parts. Ac¬cessories and any new or usedChevrolet you buy from RubyChevrolet. 72nd & Stony IslandOpen Evenings andSunday684-0400CM aUAUTYomcx menSPECIAL DISCOUNT PRICESfor all STUDENTS, STAFF,and FACULTY MEMBERSJust Present your University ofChicago Identification Card. Asstudents, Faculty Members orAdministrative Staff you are en¬titled to special money-savingDISCOUNTS on Volkswagen Parts.Accessories and any new or usedVolkswagen you buy from RubyVolkswagen. Krrp Hal Irtral 0 1/ f 'rrUagH uh Hast,Parts OpenSat.'til noon2 Miles-5 MinutesAway PromThe UNIVERSITY New and RebuiltTypewriters,Calculators,Dictators, AddersCasioHewlett PackardTexas InstrumentCanonSharpElectronic Watchesr„ REPAIRSPECIALISTSon IBM, SCM,Olympia, etc.FREE repairestimates; repairsby factory-trainedtechnician.RENTALSavailable withU.ofC.I.D.U. of Chicago BookstoreTypewriter & Calculator Department970 E. 58th 2nd Floor753-3303GRAFF & CHECKReal Estate1617 E. 55th St.1 V7-2 Y2-4 RoomApartmentsBased on AvailabilityBU8-5566Available to all comers Young Designs byELIZABETH GORDONHAIR DESIGNERS1620 E. 53rd 288-29006—-The Chicago Maroon—Friday, Aug. 7, 1981ISSUE SIXmmiouIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIItllllllUllllillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllltfllllllllllllllllllllllllHIIIillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIinilllllllllllHIlBIiniiiiFOURTEENTH YEAR itNiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitinii«iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii|||IIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIllllliiiiiiiiiiiiHllllllllHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIItllllllllllllllllllllllUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIKIIIIIIIKIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIKIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIKIKIIIIIIIIIIIIItll n■tn7 iHfCourt’s Fashion: Out of StyleFashiondirected by James O’ReillyBy Richard KayeActs of piety are not to be easily snootedat, and Court Theatre's latest production ofAnna Cora Mowett's comedy of manners,Fashion, is just that: an act of theatricalpiety, or perhaps simply one of academicdevotion. First performed in New York in1845, where it was overwhelmingly well-received, the nicest compliment one can payto Mowett's play is that it is just about thebest the American theater of the nineteenth-century had to offer (Court's programmakes some strained attempts at weighingFashion down with historical importance.“The Americanism 'O.K.' made its stagedebut in Fashion," the program tells us, andsince Mowatt was one of the first Americanplaywrights to incorporate colloquilismsinto the American theater, we're told that“the play was a giant step forward forAmerica".) Fashion is no better or worsethan the typical comedy on the foibles of therich which came out of this period. Courthas staged an admirable production ofFashion, but one can't help but wonder whyanyone other than the most devoted scholarwould want to drag out this airy spoof forperformance.Directed by long-time Court directorJames O'Reilly, who has a history of direct¬ing some of the best productions in Court'shistory, Fashion begins as Mrs. Tiffany, aNew York parvenue who far out-spendswhat her husband can afford to pay andhires a French maid in order to keep up withthe latest in French fashion, is waiting thearrival of some upwardly-mobile, basically'corrupt guests, one of whom she's consider¬ing as a potential match for her daughter.Pauline Brailsford, who performed suchwonders in Court's Juno and the Paycocklast season, does a splendid Mrs. Tiffany,who has terrible problems masteringFrench phrases and keeping up with the lat¬est in fashion overseas. By now, Brailsford Mrs. Tiffany (Pauline Brailsford) is charmed by Count Joliematre (B.J.Jones) in the Court Theatre production of Anna Cora Mowatt's FASHION,opening July 23 and running in repertory through August 30.has earned her reputation as a Court favor¬ite, and here she gets just the right mileageout of a distinctly one-note character, bur¬dened by Mowatt with a series of one-notejokes (but even an actress as talented, asrich in resources as Brailsford has troublewith dozens of quips involving Mrs. Tif¬fany's inability to pronounce a singleFrench word).The plot gets more and more convoluted,as plots in these kind of feathery plays tendto do, but Mowatt was obviously not adeptenough at truly clever dialogue and witty re¬ partee to keep a modern audience, groomedon one television comedy after another,from staying awake through the action. Noris the social observation in Fashion particu¬larly sharp. The Tiffanys and their string oftrendy poseurs are morally shallow, alright,Hsut once we've gotten the point there's littleelse in the play to hold our attention. AndMowatt's upright characters, the crankybut sincere Adam Trueman, for example(nicely played by veteran Nathan Davis),eventually become prissy bores, too good to-be-true, inexplicably untempted. is the social observation in Fashion particu¬larly sharp. The Tiffanys and their string oftrendy poseurs are morally shallow, alright,but once we've gotten the point there's littleelse in the play to hold our attention. AndMowatt's upright characters, the crankybut sincere Adam Trueman, for examplewanders about the stage in a riotous, wideeyed haze, at a loss to explain the events.Ray Lonergan as Mr. Tiffany is appropriately sad-eyed and grumpy through the evening's ongoings, and Lucy Childs as themaid Millinette, and B.J. Jones as Coent Jo¬liematre, know just how far to push thecomic Dotential of their parts. Unfortunately, there are a few characters who pushthings a little too far, desDerately searchingfor ways to entertain the audience at thosepoints where Mowatt has 9one sour. I foundJonathan Gillard's hee-haw, country-boyguffawing as Zeke to be tiresome, and aboutthe only word I have to say about Peter Sy-vertsen is that he gave his usual silly-assedperformance. Shameslessly ingratiating asan actor, Syvertsen plays Snooson, the am¬bitious but sleazy clerk to Mr. Tiffany, in away which is all out of proportion to therole's requirements. He seems determined^to win the audience's attention and adoration, even if it's at the expense of Fashion'sother performers. If he isn't dancing aroundthe stage, or grinning idiodically, Syvertsenis somehow attempting to blow up Snobsonfor center-stage steal. Director O’Neillmight have told Syvertsen that a smile doesnot always have to be a grin, a laugh a guf¬faw, and that a farce is not a comic book.The set, by Lina Buchanan, is an admira¬ble job, as are Jordan Ross's costumes.But Court's production, even when it lags,does manage to keep Mowatt's play livelyand mildly entertaining. Fashion is a tributeto the efforts of an eager cast to salvage amusty comedy. If Court's production isn'tsuccessful as theater art, at least it givessome integrity to the little acts of academicdevotion to our theater's history, and that isnot nothing.Shusaku Endo’s SilenceBy Wendy LewisI have so far read two of Shusaku Endo'snovels, Silence and When I Whistle. Endo,born in 1923 in Japan, studied French litera¬ture at University, and then spent severalyears in France on a scholarship from theJapanese government. His works have beentranslated into French (fittingly), English,and other languages. He has receivedvarious important literary awards inJapan.Silence is so brilliant in style and so re¬lentless in theme, one wavers constantly between enthrallment and a kind of fear. Thetelling of the story is evenly paced and toldfrom the point of view of a seemingly infin¬itely patient person.The novel is set in seventeenth centuryJapan and concerns the experience of a Por¬tuguese priest who arrives there at a timewhen the persecution of Japanese Christians is at its height. The story is based on atrue incident of the period, the apostasy ofChristovao Ferreira, a Catholic Portuguesemissionary to Japan.Two priests, Rodrigues and Garrpe, de¬cide to go to Japan to find out the truth aboutFerreira, whatever it may be. The two werehis students in Portugal, and can't believethat he would apostatize: ".. . it was impossible to believe that their admired teacherFerreira, faced with the possibility of aglorious martyrdom, had grovelled like a dog before the infidel.'' Ferreira had been amissionary to Japan for thirty-three yearsbefore his apostasy.Rodrigues and Garrpe manage to get toJapan and, through the aid of Kichijiro, aJapanese man of questionable character, tocontact a village of Japanese Christians.The village has prepared for their arrival.The two priests are hidden in a small hut inthe mountains above the village. Besidestheir priestly duties they have very little todo. They find out about another Christianvillage, and Rodrigues decides to go there tohear confessions and perform baptisms. Onhis return journey, Rodrigues is musing onthe success he has so far met in Japan, andthinking that many of his fears have provenunwarranted. But when he arrives back atTomogi he is met by some of the villagerswho tell him the village is being raided byguards. They hide him, but the raid seems tobe not as serious as they'd thought, and hereturns to his hiding place with Garrpe.Tomogi is again raided, but this timethree men are taken to be questioned. One ofthem is Kichijiro who, before he goes to beinterrogated, asks Rodrigues, “Why hasDeus Sama imposed this suffering upon us?. . . Father, what evil have we done?" Hisquestion troubles Rodrigues.Only Kichijiro manages to convince theofficials that he renounces Christianity. Theother two men are tied to stakes shaped oscrosses at the ocean's edge. When the tidecomes in it reaches to just under their chins. They are left there for three days, until theydie. Then their bodies are burned so thattheir families can't pray over them.Rodrigues is very disturbed by his wit¬nessing of their martyrdom. “Behind the de¬pressing silence of this sea, the silence ofGod the feeling that while men raisetheir voices in anguish God remains withfolded arms, silent."The officials plan to search the mountainsin which Rodrigues and Garrpe are hiding,so the two decide to separate and try toescape. Rodrigues is taken in a boat to theshores of another village and left there. Thevillage is deserted. He finds some water anddried rice, then starts walking, keeping thesea and the coast in view. He stops to eat therice and discovers a recently left fire. He de¬cides to try to find the person who has left it.He does. It's Kichijiro.Rodrigues and Kichijiro travel togetherfor a day or two. Kichijiro leads the priestinto a trap, and Rodrigues is captured. Oneof the men who captures him throws somesilver coins at Kichijiro.Instead of being terrified at being caught,Rocrigues is relieved. An interpreter comesto speak to him, and the priest discusseswith him the concept of Christianity vs. Bud¬dhism. The interpreter informs the priestthat Ferreira is still alive and that, "... hehas taken a Japanese name, and he lives ina mansion in Nagasaki together with hiswife. He is in good repute now." Rodrigues♦ells the man he doesn't believe him. But heoegins to doubt his confidence in Ferreira ina despairing, lonely way, “If even Ferreirahad apostatized, would he have the strengthto endure the sufferings now in store for him?" He tries to pray," . . but the prayercould not tranquillize his agonized heart.‘Lord, why are you silent? Why are youalways silent ?"Rodrigues appreciates his imprisonmentbecause "... it was practically only in thisprison that he had had the chance to live thelife of a priest." At the same time he feelsthat he is not being tortured because the offi¬cials are waiting for him to weaken beforethey begin to torture him.Rodrigues assumes he is destined tor thedeath of a martyr. For a Catholic this is theultimate sacrifice to God, an absolute test offaith. Yet the deaths of the Japanese Chris¬tians appall him and he asks himself whatmeaning their deaths have if, possibly, Goddoes not, after all, exist. His ability to ac¬cept the possibility of his own death is thekey to the even tone of the novel. But the un¬dercurrent of his questioning of his purpose,emphasized by his feeling that God is re¬maining silent for a reason which he can'tunderstand, gives the story its edge of suspense.When l Whistle is a very different story,set in modern Japan. Endo uses his abilityand art of understatement and his sensitivi¬ty for subtleties of image and feeling to pro¬duce a very moving yet stark story.Some of the other titles of Endo's worksavailable in English are The Sea and Poison, The Wonderful Fool, and Volcano.inside gcj:The Chicago Maroon—Friday, Aug. 7, 1981—7Neo-Fascist Punk: An Interview with KraftwerkVon Deutshland kommt Kraftwerk, thequintessential technoid ensemble. Theirmusic is truly of our age; it is cold, sterile,insensitive to human feeling. ComputerWorld, their most recent release, confirmsthis vision. Consider tunes like “ComputerLove," “Numbers," and the single “PocketCalculator." Man has created a communityof machines, and it is within this frameworkthat the band makes its statement and car¬ries on its dialouge with the world of ma¬chines.Listening to Kraftwerk, one is remindedof Wagnerian German vision. Its goals areto unite with technology and give birth amaster race of man and machine as cre¬ations become creators. With this intellectu¬al spirit of neo nazism, we must watch andlisten to the band. They are very good, theythink, the best...Miguel Ares, Pat Cannon, and Craig Huff¬man talked with Kraftwerk co-founder RalfHutter amongst the blond hair and blue eyesof the Park West.—JGYou've been together as a group for over adecade, since the German Explosion of thesixties with such bands as TangerineDream, and it's taken that long to gain ac¬ceptance in England and now in the States.Ten years. How do you feel about that? Yeah, he played, some ten years ago, Iplayed some session's with him. Yes, in factwe are making computergraphics now, andcomputer programs for music, at the sametime. Technically we were talking about thisfor a long time, but technically (the techno¬logy wasn't there?) at that time we thoughtit was going to take some 8 mm. films justfor short films and now that's all along apart of our audio visual performance, Ithink.Now do you see yourself fitting in with op¬posed to Le Dusseldorf, their new album,that song, where "Wir Sind Menschen" asopposed to Wir Sind der Robotur?I haven't hea*-d it so far. There's a lot ofgroups around in Germany now, especiallyin our area who play this or who are goinginto thij for a more industrial direction. Ithin’ . Especially younger groups coming upnov and that's our group. whole.Does this tie in with the idea of the crafts amore of a worker?Musical workers?I mean, is more like a man-machine album,whereas it's not necessarily machines — therobot, or the idea of...Yeah, the worker, right and also it's themusic that we have built with man and ma¬chines at the same time, so it's also thisfunky corporation.For me, there's like a big difference be¬tween your first two albums you released inthis country, like Autobahn and Radio Activ¬ity.Right (some time ago) yeah, right in that re¬ally, because there are a lot of things on the__For me it's just like we started. I don't lookback on anything. We are more concernedwith what we can construct now. We aremore into fine ing new programs for what wecan do todav and for the future.How much does the audience's perspectiveenter youi creations? Do you think aboutthat at all or do you just create?We have our studios and there we also makevideo films and we always make the albumcover photos. We built a lot of intrumentsourselves and some of the electronic instru¬ments are self-built, on the stage. In fact,our studio that we brought here, on thestage, you know, it's all in components.Then the cables, etc. and we bring thisaround wherever we play.This is pretty amazing, if I do say so myself,but still when you first started out, did youever think it would, the type of music youhave done, and are doing, and will continueto do is all — / means, it's always been a sortof unique music, a sort of picturesque visionreally with all the flutes and guitars and allthat kind of thing totally go...There's really no big guitars on Autobohn,there's just a couple of notes, a few bars.Well, you know Claus Junger, from Le Dusseldorf? What about those first couple of earlier re¬cords, where it is just you and Florian?We do more with feedback and it's morestrings (amplified strings) and that sort ofthing that we do, and synthetics.Do you have a production crew?Yeah, it's some sort of fusion of art andscience, forming the group, because wedon't feel part of any musical group, wearen't restricted. We think only about artand music so we, we make visual thingswith the instruments. A type of working re¬lationship with our instruments and the New Wave Albums that are very similar tothe Kraftwerks, even if only it's more guitarand...Yeah, well, I gave them more like Goetheand the romantics and even more along thelines of the Baus Maus or the GropiusYeah, I think we are very much into, yeah,and in fact programming and the productionRobotniks, and sensitivity because the in¬struments we use we are really playing our¬selves, the ones we built, and they pick upthese vibrations from us and we think theymake us more sensitive and so we can playthis type of minimalistic structures and allthose little changes (um, hum) that, it'smore like making a copy — much of ourmusic is very minimalistic instead and thesound is just gradually switching...John Huston’s Vacuous VictoryVictorydirected by John Hustonstarring Sylvestor StaloneMichael Cain, and PeleBy Richard MartinAfter directing Wise Blood, a film pro¬duced by the executors of Flannery O'Con¬nor's estate and thus a loyal interpretationof the novel, one might think John Hustonwould be anxious to direct a film with a littlemore action and less Christian symbolism.Well, he has done just that. Huston's newfilm, Victory, is a sprawling, action packed,WW II escape film — a resurrected versionof The Great Escape.And like The Great Escape, Huston's lat¬est film follows the adventures of a group ofAllied prisoners of war matching wits withtheir Nazis captors, a group consistingmostly of proper British chaps with a fewAmericans and non-Anglo-Saxons thrown into add some extra color. But unfortunatelythe similarity stops there. What made TheGreat Escape an exciting adventure filmwas that the actors were able to sustain theaudience's interest in their ingenius private8—The Chicago Maroon—Friday, Aug. 7, 1981 schemes to gain freedom. But with Victorysuch identification is impossible, save forthe unimaginative viewer or labotamy vic¬tim. The performances are uninspired andpredictable, effectively creating embarass-ment, not pathos.Sylvestor Stalone plays an American sol¬dier amidst his English allies, the only onewith enough spunk to attempt an individualescape. Somehow Stalone manages to re¬peat the role he's been playing since Rocky,a dumb savage jock with blood in his eyesand rocks in his head, a character too silly tobe an effective movie star let alone a con¬vincing prisoner of war. Mike Cain's role asan English moralist is equally disappoint¬ing. Cain seems to be suffering a hang overfrom his last performance in DePalma'sDressed to Kill. The only actor who demon¬strates any sincreity ’ °ele, the Braziliansoccer star, makin' .film debut. But un¬fortunately Pele dejs little acting: he'smerely here as a boxoffice attraction and toperform acrobatics on the soccer field inslow motion.Yet, Huston does attempt to add a basichuman dimension to the badest of all stereotypical bad guys, the Nazis officer. Max VonSydon's Nazis Major is a sincere attempt todistill the myth of the Nazis non-human. Al¬ though Huston has wisely avoided the oversimplified barogue characterization common tomost WW 11 films, Von Sydon's char¬acter is over shadowed by the director'ssimple analogies. Huston has always had apenchant for sport in his films, and with Vic¬tory he tries to demonstrate the parallels between our attraction to war and our love forsports.These parallel desires are embodied inVon Sydon's character. After he has suc¬cessfully arranged a soccer match betweenthe German National team and a collectionof prisoner all stars, Von Sydon sadlywatches his team able only to muster a tiewith the underfed and out of shape Allies.But when Pele scores the tying goal for theAllies with a spectacular mid air somer¬sault, the Nazis Major cannot restrain himself, he stands up amongst his comrades andgives Pele a standing ovation.Needless to say, this climactic moment isas banal as the films performers. Hustonseems unsure as to whether or not he's mak¬ing an adventure film or a significant comment on human nature. Overall, Victory is adisappointment, a movie that is unable tosustain much interest throughout its sprawl¬ing void. And certainly not a victory for adirector with Huston's talent. Well, your new album seems to be similarand different from the others too, becauseit's more minimal in its composition, theway it's built. Does that have anything to dowith this pocket calculator? Or the com¬puter fascination or...Yeah, actually we found the pocket calcula¬tors last Christmas in the department storesand then we took them to our studio andstarted fiddling with beep, beep, beep. Wecomposed a song very quickly just by hear¬ing them. Sometimes these things happen,we find things in the street a lot. In fact,“Autobahn", we found on the street.Yes, it's a cars driving.Right, in Germany we had been doing2,-3,000 kms when we were touring the first,at the beginning, from city to city and it'salways on the Autobahn.I see, well, why we were talking earlierabout picture music and landscape music,constructing visual images. It seems to bethat there are other bands, I think of Clus¬ter, who did similar sorts of things and whenI think of that sort of thing, I always pictureit with Germany. Why Germany and notEngland or the States where people werejust motivated to do that sort of thing?Well, I don't know, maybe you should askyour musicians here from America whythey don't play this kind of misic. Well, Ithink it just happened, I think.The brain a late emotion, it's called.Well, in our case it's like we are more intothis total sound, you know like in the symphony where you can say (walls of sound),this is not playing, “this some or this issometimes I don't know who is playingwhat. In this, you have all the frequenciesand we can all mix together and go for onesound, like the best music we play is whenthe whole group is like one sound.Yeah, that's what really sort of attractedme to your music is that, I'll never forgetthe first time I actually saw sound beingprojected from my speakers into my livingroom, and I saw it and it was really incredi¬ble. I still remember the day clearly andlike, it's something that I've never forgottenand am really grateful for that the newaural sensation (yeah) that unfortunately,most people have never had. (yeah)I think that with snythesized and especiallywith electronics you can actually play three-dimensional.It’s just actually you create most of thewaves that you make and take them forward. I was interested in, what's the fasci¬nation you said you were into working withthe album covers, so what was the interestyou have in the 20's like in this constructivistart. Your last the Man and the Machinealbum cover, was inspired by Elvin Sitskyand how does this tye in with your music this20's constructivist art?Well, we found at that time there were a lotof ideas that were futuristic ideas, that werefloating around, especially in Germany inthe area of Dusseldorf and Berlin. A lof ofthings have been done, or have been trans¬posed into f ilms, and at one time there was apossibility of doing that musically and Ithink today music has caught up.It is the same kind of thing with Fritz Lang'sMatropolis, all the same kind of thing, yetstill at that time they had these futuristicmovies and they were playing piano it waslike 19th century and the film they madewere definitely 20th century and so I alwaysfelt when I saw these films that there waslike a time gap, and in fact, the music wasout of what's keeping at that period, whilethey were fiddling away with their violinaand the piano but they weren't gettingmusic, stuff like Rizolo, and that kind ofthing which would perform.Brutal and also that's what we go for.—transcribed by Wanda JonesTake the Money and Run (Woody Allen,1969) Allen's first flick as director, writerand star lingers too much on the universallittle misfit side of his character (ala Cha¬plin). Despite the schleppy pathos, thepsuedo documentary style and a couple ofgood jokes (like the mis-spelled hold upnote) make for a few laughs. With JanetMargolin and one minute of LouiseLasser. Friday August 7th at 7 and 9 Quantrell. $2. Summer on the Quads.Smiles of a Summer Night (Igmar Berg¬man, 1955) This film, along with the Sev¬enth Seal (1957), helped to catapult Berg¬man into the international prominence,and deservedly so. This is Bergman's finde siecle love farce, centering around theunconsumated marriage of a simpleminded 40ish lawyer and his nineteen yearold wife. Bergman resonantly combinesthe reality of the character's amourousconfusion with his own penchant fordream. Brilliant performances all around.Recommended. Saturday, August 8th at 7and 9 p.m. in Quantrell. $2. SOQ films.Kiss Me Deadly Coming at the end of thefilm noir era and in the middle of thebombshelter boom, Robert Aldrich's 1955masterpiece brilliantly captures both thespirit of the genre and the paranoia of thetimes. Aldrich handles his material withthe grace of a diesel, pounding away at hisaudience with horrific and exciting re¬sults. Ralph Meeker is perfect as the cyni¬cal and ruthless Mike Hammer. MaxineCooper as his slutty mistress; ClorisLeachman as the "crazy” who gets theball rolling; and Gaby Rodgers as the two-faced broad who meets the ultimatefemme fatal death. A must-see. Tuesday,August 11th at 8 p.m. in Quantrell. $2.DOCTwo For The Road (Stanley Donen, 1967) Amarried couple, Audrey Hepburn and Al¬bert Finney (as U of C alumnus), contem¬plating divorce, oscilate between sweetreminicences and petty bickerings overtheir conjugal bliss. Recommended for allaspiring architects and fated couples.Wednesday, August 12th at 8 p.m. in Quan¬trell. $2. SOQ Films.Across the Pacific (John Huston, 1942) Al¬though directed by Huston and starringBogart, Mary Astor, and Sydney Green-street, this one comes out smelling morelike a dead fish than a Maltese Falcon.Bogie plays a double agent who romancesAstor in Panama while matching wits,/vith the neo Nazis opportunist Green-street. Thursday, August 13 at 8:30 p.m. inLaw School Auditorium, $2. LSF.Klute (1971) Alan Pakula's Euopeanizedversion of American film noir completewith stylization, theatricalization, andshadowed terror effects. Despite the generic affiliation with this classic form, Pakula has wisely avoided barogue stereotypes. And the result is impressiveperformances from Donald Sutherland asa private detective in search of a missingsuburban husband, and Jane Fonda as anintelligent high class hooker (i.e. a "liber¬ated" woman within a thriller plot struc¬ture), a role that won her an Oscar. Fri¬day, August 14th at 7 and 9:15 p.m. inQuantrell. $2 SOQ Films.Rashomon This 1951 classic won directorKurosawa a grand prize at the VeniceFilm Festival and introduced the West toJapanese cinema. Ostensibly presentingfour characters' versions of the story ofthe murder of a man and the rape of hiswife via flashback, Kuroswa's film ismore concerned with the creative ratherthan the realistic event. Stunning photo¬graphy. Saturday, August 15 at 7 and 9p.m. in Quantrell, $2. SOQ Films.The Elusive Corporal (1962) One of JeanRenoir's less popular films — and for goodreason. Set in the prisoner of war world ofThe Grand Illusion, Renoir's predictableode to freedom tells the story of a Frenchsoldier imprisoned in Germany duringWW I. Jean Pierre Cassel in the title role. Jazz Comes Home!: This Saturday SassySarah Vaughn, Willie Pickens Lee Toland& Orchestra, and Art Hodes will perform.Sunday's show will feature Woody Her¬man, Dorothy Donegan, Infinite SpiritMusic, and Foree Superstar. Headlinersnext weekend include Count Basie andDizzy Gillespie. The music will be playedfrom 2 to 6 at the South Shore CountryClub, 70th and South Shore Drive.If you're into rumours, unconfirmedsource say that Miles Davis will be appear¬ing in Chicago within the next month. Thegrapevine has also revealed that during theChicago Jazz Festival, there will be somehot after test sessions at the BlackstoneHotel. Keep your ears open.—JGDexter Gordon, the finale for theShowcase's Charlie Parker month.P.J. Soles and The Ramones, Rock 'n'Roll H.S.With Claude Brasseur and Claude Roch.Sunday, August 16th at 8 p.m. in Quan¬trell. 52. DOC.Petulia (Richard Lester, 1968) Art with acapital A. This self important film desper¬ately tries to be a biting satire of contem¬porary America, but is nothing more thanLester's exercise in his own effectedbrand of prosaic glittering mosaic style.Despite its overall vacuity, George C.Scott and Julie Christie manage to pull offimpressive performances amidst thevoid. With Richard Chamberlain and Shirley Knight. Tuesday, August 18 at 8 Quantrell. $2. DOC.Nothing Sacred Directed by William Well¬man (Public Enemy) and written by BenHect, this 1937 classic comedy recountsthe "imminent" death of a girl from Ver¬mont (Carole Lombard) whose illness isexploited by NYC* reporter FredricMarch. Music by Gershwin. Wednesday,August 19 at 8 p.m. in’Quantrell. $2. SOQFilms.Stagecoach John Ford's 1939 classic west¬ern about a group of neophytes aboard awest bound stagecoach. This film intro¬duced such western icons as moral dilem¬mas and character development previous¬ly absent from the genre. With JohnWayne, Claire Trevor, and Thomas Mit¬chell. Thursday, August 20 at 8:30 p.m. inLaw School Auditorium. $2. LSF.Our Man in Havana (Carol Reed, 1960) AlexGuiness plays a vacuum cleaner sales¬man turned British spy in this weak spoofloosely based on the Graham Greenenovel. With Burl Ives, Maureen O'Hara,Ernie Kovacs, Ralph Richardson andNoel Coward. Friday, August 21 at 8 Quantrell. S2. SOQ Films.Rock 'n' Roll High School (Allan Arkush,1979) Starring such cult heroes as The Ra¬mones and P.J. Soles this "pleasant" ifpoorly shot film depicts an "average"American High School revolting to thetune of rock. Sort of a quick paced versionof a cheerleader smut film with music tak¬ing the place of soft porn. With Paul Bartel, Vincent Van Patten. Saturday, August22 at 7 and 9 p.m. in Quantrell. $2. SOQFilmsBreakfast at Tiffany's (Blake Edwards,1961) An adaption of Capote's masterpieceabout a smalltown girl (Audrey Hepburn)friday mondaysaturddy S • wednesdoyp^y thursddytuesdoy _ | SfilmMichael Donaghy, Samhradh MusicFonda and Sutherland, Klutewho goes goo goo in the Big Apple. MickeyRooney brilliantly cast as the Japaneseneighbor, With George Peppard. Tuesday,August 25 at 8 p.m. in Quantrell. S2.musicChamber Orchestra, The University Summer Chamber Orchestra will perform a con¬cert on Saturday, August 15, 1981 at 8:30 pmin the Goodspeed Recital Hall, which is lo¬cated at 5845 South Ellis Avenue (4th floor).The performance will be under the directionof conductor Michael Jinbo. The programfor the concert: Handel, Concerto GrossoOp. 6 No. 4 in a minor; Mozart, Divertimento no. 11 in D Major, K.251; Vaughan Wil¬liams, Five Variants of "Dives and La¬zarus"; and Janacek, Suite for StrongOrchestra. Admission is free and open to thepublic.Jazz Showcase: August is Charlie Parkermonth, and Joe Siegel has a bopping lin¬eup. Appearing this weekend are flugle-hornists Art Farmer and Chet Baker,reedman Charles McPherson, along withpianist Barry Harris. Next Friday andSaturday, August 14 and 15, the HeathBrothers will perform with pianist StanleyCowell, followed on Sunday by Dizzy Gillespie, Roy Haynes, and Bunky Green. Theweekend of the 21-23 will feature a rare appearance by guitar legend Tal Farlow.John McLaughlin tell of walking past a record store in the London of his youth,hearing Talmadage Farlow play "Autumn in New York," and falling in lovewith jazz guitar. With Farlow will be twofixtures in mainstream jazz, Harry"Sweets" Edison and Eddie "Lockjaw"Davis. The month closes with anotherpeer of Bird, the Sophisticated Giant him¬self, Dexter Gordon, August 28-30. TheJazz Showcase is located at the Blackstone Hotel, S. Michigan and E. BalboAve., 427-4300. Traditional Music: Hyde Park is uniqueamong Chicago's neighborhoods in its concentration of different musical styles. It's nonews to most of us that some of the bestblues, jazz, and classical musicians inAmerica live in or around this community.But the University boasts some fine practi¬tioners of a musical form unknown to manyof us — the traditional music of England,Ireland, and Scotland.Two groups in particular, the ap ShenkinEnsemble and Samhradh Music representthe best of this tradition. Ap Shenkin fea¬tures Peter Goldsmith on mandolin, multi¬instrumentalist Dan Dick on flute and gui¬tar, and John Ralyea on concertina andhurdy gurdy, a string instrument thatdrones like a bagpipe. Ralyea is one of thefew hurdy-gurdy players in America, andhis repertoire of English country-dancetunes lends a ghostly elegance to the group'ssound, recalling the stately rhythms of theMorris Dance. The ap Shenken group can beheard this summer at the August 19 Noon¬time concert in Hutch Court.Where the ap Shenken Ensemble playsmusic from all over the British Isles,Smahradh Music ("summertime" in Gael¬ic, pron: 'sow-ra') sticks to an almost exclu¬sively Risih repertoire. This group featuresMichael Donaghy on whistle, an end-blownflute, Richard Pettengill on nylon-string gui¬tar, Ed Donner on bodhran (a large goat¬skin drum), and Mark Smythe, singing andplaying a home made tiompan, or hammered dulcimer, an ancestor of modernkeyboard instruments which produces ahaunting, crystalline sound. This group metwith impressive commercial success lastsummer. "Crowds love us" explains percussionist Donner, "because of the wildly pri¬mitive drive of our rhythm section, and theclassical quality of the tiompan. When weplayed at Marshall Field's IRISH WAYSprogram during the fall, we billed ourselvesas 'Irish Classical Music'." Guitarist Pet¬tengill, who played in rock 'n' roll and jazzgroups in the late 60's and early 70's, plays aunique style of classically-influenced butdrivingly rhythmic guitar."This music is a revelation says Pettedgill, "I'm amazed at its complexity and variety, and at the discipline and precision required to play it well. The thing toremember is that we're not revivalists; thismusic is an unbroken tradition here in Chi¬cago. Parents pass it on to their kids, who dothe same, ad infinitum. What I like aboutplaying these tunes is watching the faces ofthe audience. People love the stuff, which isa big part of the joy of playing it."If you're lucky, you may catch membersof these groups at the regular Sunday after¬noon sessions at jimmy's. Come by and buy'em a Guinness.—Margaret HanleyGREY CITY JOURNALEditor: Richard KayeArt Editor: Susan FranusiakMusic Editor: Jim GuentherFilm Editor: Richard Mar¬tinProduction: Aarne EliasThe Chicago Maroon—Friday, Aug. 7, 1981—9JOE JACKSON'S JUMPIN'JIVE (A&M)What, Swing mu-.ic in this day and age?'Listen to toe tapping jazz, are you kid¬ding?' Joe Jackson isn't. Joe Jackson'sJumpin Jive turns back the clock half a cen¬tury or so, capturing the fun and flavor of aform of music neglected.Taking their cue from the music of LouisJordon and Cab Calloway, Joe Jackson'sJive present novel and admirable versionsof jump music standards. Every song on thealbum exudes both a sense of humor as wellas talent. Joe's vocals are surprisingly eloquent as well as elegant, and his seven-piececombo works together very well. The hornsare slick and backing vocals are also tightand rollicking. 'Jack, You're Dead' and theirrepressible 'Five Guys Named Moe' arecertainly the most unforgetable tracks onthis collection, while 'What's the use of Get¬ting Sober (When You're Gonna Get DrunkAgain) features a hilarious dialogue between a Father (Joe Jackson) scolding hisfun-loving son.cor those who treat this endeavor as purenovelty, 'Tuxedo Junction' could surely dis¬suade you. Sung with feeling and performedwith affection Glenn Miller's ageless tunecomes through fine and dandy. My only re¬gret is that Joe Jackson and his entouragewill not grace us with their presence duringtheir current U.S. tour.— Bart LazarHEAVEN UP HEREECHO & THE BUNNYMEN(Warners Bros./Sire)More of the brooding psychedelia exhibit¬ed on the Bunnymen's first release, Crocodiles, but with a denser more complex soundvia Hugh Jones' production. These leadersof the new Liverpudlian scene have been de¬scribed as the new Doors, but the similarityis slight. This album may not be as immedi¬ately accessible as their first one, except for"A Promise" which features some excellent guitar interplay, but repeated listeningsmake it hard to forget. On "Over The Wall,"a reference to Del Shannon's "Runaway"adds to the overall appeal to the song, probably because it seems so unlikely. IanMcCulloch's vocals remain eerily distinc¬tive, and his rhythm guitar playing, which isreminiscent at times of David Byrne andAndy Gill, along with Will Sergeant's leadscreate a shimmering, atmospheric sound.Last but not least the album cover is realpretty.— Nels Eric sonTENPOLE TUDOREDDIE, OLD BOB, DICK AND GAR Y(STIFF AMER ICA(On the Son of Stiff tour last December,most of the crowd was waiting anxiously tosee Joe 'King' Carrasco. Tenpole Tudor al¬most stole the show from the King with theirexciting pop-oriented Rock 'n Roll.Leading off with their gigantic U.K hit'Swords of A Thousand Men' Tenpole Tudorfill almost forty minutes worth of vinyl withcatchy beats, meaningless lyrics, and cuteharmonizing. Fun Rock n' Roll is somethingone finds less and less of in record binsaround this country. Rather than lament thepassing of an art form however I should con¬tinue praising Tenpole Tudor.Eddie Bob etc features some outstandingwork from ex Dictator guitarist Bob King¬ston, which somehow compliments EdTudor's happy-go-lucky vocals. 'There AreBoys' features a latin rhythm beat, while '3Bells in a Row' could be the classic tale ofslot machine addiction. All in all, TenpoleTudor's first American release is quitegood, consistent effort worthy of any collec¬tion.— Bart LazarODYSHAPETHE RAINCOATS (Rough Track)Rough Trade is unarguably among the fin¬est of new music labels, and The Raincoats are one of Rough Trade's best and most un¬compromising ensembles. On this, their sec¬ond album, the most revealing influence isavant garde jazz. As its basis, Odyshapefeatures some stunning string and horn ar¬rangements, punctuated by strong rythmicattacks and the ascetic, feminine vocals ofVicky, Ann, and Gina. This is probably thefirst band in rock to have successfully em¬ployed the art ensemble's spontaneous or¬ chestration of 'little' instruments; a mea¬sured display of flourishs complement eachcomposition brilliantly. What finally distin¬guishes this work, though, is its charm. Atthis level, The Raincoats seem as much in¬fluenced by early Fairport Convention asthe Velvet Underground. Fans of either ofthese bands should pick up on this album.- Paul MollinWHPK’s TOP 20This Last Record CompanyWeek Week1* 4 Echo & The Bunnymen Heaven Up Here WB/Sire2 2* Stray Cats Stray Cats Arista (UK)3 1 Kraftwerk Computer World Warner4* 10* Various Artists Hicks from Sticks Antilles5 3 Psychedelic Furs Talk, Talk, Talk CBS6 6* Undertones Positive Touch Capitol/Harvest7 9* Go-Gos Beauty and the Beat A&M/IRS8 5 Gang of Four Solid Gold Warner9* . Ramones Pleasant Dreams Warner10* 14* Buddy Guy Stone Crazy! Alligator11 7 Various Artists T axi Mango/Antilles12 8 X Wild Gift Slash13 12 Neville Brothers Fiyo on theBayou A&M14 19 Tenpole Tudor Eddie, Old Bob... Stiff America15* Joe Jackson Jumpin Jive A&M16 13 Magazine Magic, Murder, Etc. A&M/IRS17* Dr. Feelgood Case of theShakes Stiff America18 17 Tom Petty Hard Promises MCA19 11 English Beat Wha'ppen WB/Sire20 20 Raincoats Odyshape Rough Trade!The Textbook Department•The University of Chicago Bookstore970 East 58th StreetToday is the last day you can be sure of finding texts for your Summer Quartercourses. We will begin returning all unsold books to the publishers Monday, August10 to make way for Autumn Quarter stock.’SPOKESMENI, BICYCLEISHOP15301 Hyde Park Blvd.Open 10-7 M-F,10-5 Sat.11-4 Sun.684-3737 Selling QualityImported BicyclesRaleigh, Peugot, FujiMotobecane, Windsor,Caravel a, TrekRollerskates forSale or Rent Used Desks (From $20-up)Chairs (From $20*up)Drawing Tables(6 foot, with tool drawers) sin\£l^ LotsofFilesBRANDEQUIPMENT 8560 S. ChicagoBE 4-2111Open Daily 8:30-5Sat. 9:00-310—The Chicago Maroon—Friday, Aug. /, (981FeatureThe ProgramStudents push for college with a summer on the quadsBy Bob DailyThe maroon shirts — surely you’ve seenthem, filling the Quad and spilling onto thestreets of Hyde Park. Underneath thoseshirts are some pretty amazing kids.The kids in question are part of the PilotEnrichment Program (PEP), an organiza¬tion under the aegis of the University, Officeof Special Programs. Founded in 1968 afterthe death of Dr. Martin Luther King, theProgram helps black students who wantmore education than the public schools haveto offer.The goal of the program, according todirector Larry Hawkins, is getting kids intocollege. “Graduating from college means somuch,” he says, “and there is such a widerange of places to choose from in thiscountry that it’s inconceivable to me thatkids don’t go to college.” Kids from his pro¬gram do go. Between 1975 and 1980, 88 per¬cent of PEP graduates went to college —compared with about 40 percent of highschool students nationwide.“I think we’re having great success withthe program,” says Hawkins, who can oftenbe found in maroon shirt and pants. “Ofcourse all of them don’t break the bank . . .but we think they achieve much better.”Students from across the city are invitedto join and, although Hawkins is reluctant toadmit it, no students are turned down. “Wedon’t say no to anybody . . . but plenty areweeded out eventually.” Only the most mo¬tivated can make it, he says. “The programworks only for students who work.”During summer vacation, PEP studentsages 10 through 18 spend at least four hoursa day in Gates-Blake Hail, five days a week,studying science, mathematics, reading,and writing. gram.Work during the school year is evenharder. “We put a lot of pressure on duringthe year,” reports Hawkins, who alsoteaches at Hyde Park High School. “Theycan expect half again as much work as theircohorts.” PEP students attend Hyde ParkHigh three days a week, taking the usualclasses at an accelerated rate. Then onTuesdays and Thursdays — and often Satur¬days — students take another set of classesat the University, taught by University pro¬fessors. Some audit college classes as well.A central focus of PEP is the tutorial pro¬gram. Students gather at 2:00 and talk withteachers and others (some are Universitystudents on work-study grants) about sub¬jects that are puzzling them. These sessions“sometimes go on till all hours of the night,”SUNDAY BUFFETChicago's finestfrom 11:30a.m. to 4 p.m.champagne served until 4 fresh salads •cheeses from around the world •fresh vegetables •fresh seafoods •salmon delights •crepes, ribs, fowl •roast round of beef •chilled melons •a variety of pastries •an experience you must share...served in agreenhouse atmosphere...displayed like amarketplacetheChartwellHouseat theHyde Park Hilton4900 S. Lake Shore Drive *1 says one student, but Hawkins feels the timeand trouble are worth it. “If they’re con¬fused about something they learned, wedon’t want them coming back confused thenext day.”The hours are long, the work-load heavy,but according to the students, it’s worth thetrouble. “In a lot of ways I feel I’m betterprepared for college,” says Curtis Miller, aPEP graduate now a sophomore at the Uni¬versity. “When I got here (college), I almostfelt normal again because I had less work,more free time.“And not only that,” he adds. “The pro¬gram really opened my mind. There was alot of cultural enrichment, a lot of exposureto new things.”Like many in tne Program, Miller joinedbecause he was dissatisfied with the publicschools. “Too many of the teachers arethere just for the jobs,” he says. “It’s hardto learn when they have that kind of atti¬ tude. And those teachers who do have theright kind of attitude don’t know how to mo¬tivate the kids.”But according to Lisa Pickens, anotherPEP alumnus and University sophomore(both also teach PEP students this sum¬mer), PEP is having a positive effect withinthe schools. She claims that students in theProgram are setting an example and push¬ing other students to work harder: “Theother kids see it as a challenge — it sets up arivalry.” As for teachers, she says it makesthem work harder too. “Mr. Hawkins letsthem know if they’re not doing a good job ornot giving enough work.”Hawkins summarized the goals of the pro¬gram by saying, “It’s a way to influence thelocal schools.” The question has been asked,Can you help the schools more by pullingfrom the top than by pushing from the bot¬tom? I think you can.”UnionContinued from page sixThe registered nurses based much of theirdemands on the new contracts given tonurses at Baylor University hospital inTexas and Rush Presbyterian hospital inChicago which received much attention fortheir success in attracting new nursesDuring the negotiations between the Uni¬versity and the service workers union, how¬ever, the two sides disagreed on the marketsituation. According to union officials, theUC original offer was 75-80( per hour belowwhat other city hospitals are paying. Ed¬ward Coleman, the University’s personneldirector and chief negotiator, said “thoseare their figures. Our figures are dif¬ferent.”The security officers union was less or¬ganized than the other unions. Twice unionnegotiators came to a contract agreementwith the University, recommending its rati¬fication to the membership, only to have itrejected by the union members. As a result,all four union negotiators resigned from thenegotiating committee due to “irreconcil¬able differences in the objectives of theunion membership” which made it imposs¬ible for the representatives to negotiate areasonable contract.The new contracts settled upon will cer¬tainly increase the University’s financialdifficulties especially with the budget cutsin federal and state funding which threatenUCHC with a loss of $15.5 million in Medi¬caid reimbursements.With these cuts virtually assured, UCHCExecutive Director David Bray announcedthat approximately 500 hospital employeeswill be laid off most of which will be serviceworkers and clerical workers. While the ser¬vice workers contract contains clauses onseniority, it does not have a clause concern-1 ing job security.Simpson does not believe that the lay offswill be that excessive. He says that theUCHC is not going to be able to reduce itsstaff by the projected number because theworkers are needed.Other UC departments and divisions arealso having financial difficulties and willhave to undergo cutbacks. This meansmany clerical workers will be laid off.The University will have to pay the nursesthe salary increases while retaining all ofthem. University officials admit that theUCHC cannot afford to shrink its alreadysmall nursing staff.Coleman said that the negotiations withthe different employees had little effect onone another “From our view, they are allseparate and individual contracts,” he said.Each wage negotiation depends on the mar¬ket conditions for each group of employ¬ees.Coleman said however that certain bene¬fits are uniform across occupational lines. A“favored nation” clause included in the con¬tracts states that when such benefits as in¬surance are improved in one contract, theyare automatically improved in the othercontracts.The employees have generally been quitepleased with their new contracts. Eachgroup believes their contract is comparableto those given to employees at other univer¬sities and hospitals.University officials, although generallysatisfied with the new contracts, are lessenthusiastic. William Cannon, Vice-Presi¬dent for Business and Finance, and who hasbeen in direct contact w ith Coleman duringthese negotiations, described the new con¬tracts as “fair.” He said. “We always hopefor a better deal.”CONGREGATION RODFEI ZEDEK5200 Hyde Park BoulevardChicago, Illinois 60615PROUDLV ANNOUNCESTHE OPENING OF THE RODFEI ZEDEKHOFFMAN RELIGIOUS SCHOOLon Monday. September 14. 1981Experienced teachers, creative ideas3-day a week programfor ages 7-13, and Sunday School programfor ages 5-6 now open for registration.For information, call PL-2-2770The Chicago Maroon—Friday. Aua 7 ioei__n■ ijS-\ Spring quarter reportWhat a deal!Free with any purchaseof two Angel singlesor any Angel boxRansom WilsonPLEASURES FOR FLUTEHeavy Metal Soundtrack $11RamonesPLEASANT DREAMS *6.75Little FeatHOY HOY *10.50Al JarreauBREAKIN' AWAY *6.75Echo and the Bunnymen *HEAVEN UP HERE *6.75 ^B-52’sPARTY MIX *5Pat BenatarPRECIOUS TIME *5Stevie NicksBELLA DONNA *6.75We have high qualityblank cassettes!wornstoeeBasement • Reynolds ClubMon—Fri 10 AM -6 PM Sat: 10 AM-5 PM Academic problems comprisehalf of Ombudsman’s effortsAcademic problems comprises almosthalf of the cases that came to our officeSpring quarter. In my Winter quarter re¬port, I noted an increase in academic prob¬lems and I discussed, in particular, stu¬dents’ complaints about grades. Althoughthere were fewer complaints about gradesthis quarter, 10 as compared to 16 lastquarter,- there was an increase in othertypes of academic cases, from 9 to 18. Thetotal number of academic problems also in¬creased from 25 to 28, or from 34% of theproblems we handled Winter quarter to 47%of this quarter’s cases.The complaints about grades that we re¬ceived this quarter were handled as de¬scribed in the previous report. We referredAt Budgetyou’re^ANNOUNCINGTHE RE-OPENINGOf Our Office At5508 S. Luke Park493-7900Great Cars, Great Trucks,Great Rates andGreat Service forHyde Park & theUniv. of ChicagoCompactsV.W. Rabbits *19.95IntermediatesFairmonts-ZephyrsConcords *24.95Full SizeMarquis *29.95100 FREE MILES493-7900Budget!rentacar|A Budget System Licensee Sears Kenta CarSEARS ROEBUCK AND CO^ 1979 Budget Rent a Car Corporation, Chicago. IIUse your Sears credit card at authorized distributiontenters in most Budget offices Check local office torrental requirements Calf 49V1774 the student back to the professor and we ex¬plained that University policy assigns thesole responsibility for grading students’work to the professor of the particularcourse. If the student continued to feel agrade was unfair after talking with the pro¬fessor and if he or she wanted to pursue thematter, we referred the student to the de¬partment chairman or the appropriateDean.Eighteen students came to our office withacademic problems other than grade ap¬peals. Of these students, five complainedthat their professors or department chair¬persons refused to make exceptions to es¬tablished rules even though the students feltthat their situations deserved special consi¬deration. One student wanted to take anexam earlier than the scheduled time be¬cause he had a job interview at the time ofthe exam. The professor was willing tomake this exception if the student wouldcontribute to the department’s loan fund.The professor felt that the student shouldhave to “pay” for the inconvenience that hewould cause the professor. The departmentdecided that this was not a fair method ofdetermining the “need” of the student totake the exam early. In this case, and prob¬lems with exam schedules are frequentlyencountered by students and professors, theprofessor offered an unusual solution. Moreoften, a professor weighs the validity of astudent’s reason for the request against theinconvenience to him or her and to other stu¬dents who may feel it is unfair for one stu¬dent to take the exam at a different time.For the most part, students and professorscan resolve conflicts with exam schedulingwithout the intervention of the Ombudsper¬son.The role of the Ombudsperson in problemswith exam scheduling and academic pro¬gram requirements is to help the student un¬derstand the established rules and guide¬lines. We also help the student to clarify hisor her own situation and the reasons for re¬questing an exception. We also encouragefaculty to realize that at times individualcases may require special consideration.The other two students had medical prob¬lems that prevented them from completingtheir work for the quarter. One student hada recurring medical problem which inter¬fered with his work in two successivequarters. One of the student’s professors feltthat the student would not be able to finishthe program and recommended that hewithdraw. At the student’s request, the de¬partment reviewed the situation and, basedP Dr. Kurt RosenbaumOptometrist(53 Kimbark Plaza)1200 E. 53rd St.493-8372Intelligent people know thedifference between adver¬tised cheap glasses or con¬tact lenses and competentprofessional service withquality material. Beware ofbait advertising.Eye ExaminationsFashion Eye WearContact Lenses on the doctor’s opinion, decided that the stu¬dent should be permitted to continue in theprogram. The department did decide, how¬ever, to deny him financial aid for the nextacademic year.Although we did not become involved di¬rectly with the professor and the depart¬ment, throughout this very difficult situa¬tion we encouraged the student to pursue afair resolution to his problem. We advisedthe student on avenues of appeal and wesuggested appropriate faculty memberswith whom he could discuss the matter. Thestudent also knew that we were willing to in¬vestigate the problem and work with himand the department in seeking a satisfacto¬ry solution.Six of the eighteen students had difficul¬ties getting academic material returned orgraded. At the end of Spring quarter whenmany students graduate, there is a rush tosubmit all grades and to have the transcriptcomplete before graduation. At this time,students become concerned about coursesfor which the professors have not submitteda grade. One student asked us to help her geta grade for a course she had taken a yearearlier. She had completed all the work ontime but the professor had never graded thepapers. I spoke with him, but he still did notturn in the grade. I then enlisted the help ofthe department chairman and the Division¬al Dean. In the other cases, we also assistedthe students by talking with the professor ordepartment chairman and eventually thestudents were able to procure what theyneeded. Although professors, like students,may run into problems and fall behind ingrading papers, it is important that they tootry to fulfill their obligations on time.Cheating presents very amicult prob¬lems. On the one hand, students must feelthat they can bring to the professor or Deanany suspicions they may have the cheatinghas occurred. And yet the students who areaccused have a right to know the charges,the process by which a judgment will bemade and, after a point, the identity of theiraccusers. Professors sometimes hesitate tomake what they consider a private matterinto a departmental problem. They may, infact, hope to protect the accused studentsfrom formal proceedings and permanentdamage to their academic careers. At¬tempts to deal informally with cheating ac¬cusations, however, are difficult to carryout successfully and may prove unfair to thestudents involved.We received one complaint of sexual har-rassment that involved a professor and onethat involved a University employee. Theemployee, only a temporary substitute, nolonger works for the University. In the caseof the professor, the appropriate Deanswere notified, as well as the President andthe Provost. The Dean planned to speakwith the professor. In both of these cases,the students first came to our office becauseit was a place where they felt comfortablespeaking about their experience.Academic problems are always very spe¬cific in nature and thus it is difficult to pre¬scribe general solutions. The continued in¬crease in the number of academic problemsthat came to our office, however, must betaken seriously. Departments, individualprofessors and students must give seriousconsideration to the kinds of academic prob¬lems that arise They must work together toconfront existing problems and to preventfuture problems.— i-<-!sCStATA) SAVi yonCHINESE-AMERICANRESTAURANTSpecializing in Cantonese* and American dishes.Open Daily 1 1 A.-8.30 P.M.Closed Monday1318 E. 63rd MU 4-106212—The Chicago Maroon—Friday, Aug. 7, 1981' Ax '8• ; Enough summer left forvaried Hyde Park escapesBy Gene ScaliaThe sun is setting on the summer of ’81.Leaves and birds fill the trees today; in amonth they’ll fill the skies. But one monthstill means four weekends and 30 days tosnatch a final piece of summer excitement.In this last of a series, we’ll run down someof the most thrilling summer adventures tobe found in the Chicago area.Summertime means sand, sun, and surf.The Indiana Dunes offer plenty of the firsttwo, and as much of the latter as one canhope for in the Midwest. At this spectacularbeach, mountainous white dunes swamp thetree, rushing towards the sparkling, usuallyclean, Lake Michigan waters. It’s an excel¬lent place to spend a day tanning and swim¬ming, or watching others do the same. TheDunes are easily accessible by the SouthShore Line, which may be caught at 57th St.The round trip costs $7.50 and takes about anhour and 15 minutes, including a mile walkto the Dunes from the station. Call the SouthShore Line at 782-0676 for train schedules.Beyond Lake Michigan’s beaches lies, notsurprisingly, Lake Michigan. EnormousCoho and Chinook Salmon, and feisty Rain¬bow, Brown and Lake Trout roam thesewaters. Though shore fishing runs ratherdry this time of year, the zealous fishermanmay still claim fair-sized fish by trawlingaboard a charter boat. The Chicago Sport¬fishing Association (CSA) arranges chartertrips for groups and individuals. The twin-engine cabin cruisers, complete withbathroom and all necessary fishing equip¬ment, embark from Burnham Harbor, nearMcCormick Place. CSA sponsors two five-hour, two six-hour, and one eight-hour ex¬cursion a day, seven days a week. A max¬imum party of six may charter a boat for$240 for five hrs, $280 for six, and $370 foreight. The CSA places individuals in groupsfor $45 for five hrs, $50 for six. Necessary Il¬linois fishing license ($5.50) and Salmonstamp ($2.50) may be purchased at the Har¬bor before embarking. The CSA may be con¬tacted at 922-1100; groups and individualsshould allow two weeks advance notice. In addition to lying on the largest lake inthe United States, Chicago is surrounded byhundreds of square miles of small water¬ways. These streams and canals afford su¬perb canoeing. Paddling along the sevenmiles of shoreline in the placid Busse WoodsReservoir, one may spot beavers, CanadianGeese, and pike; all while nestled betweenslick Elk Grove Village and the WoodiieldMall.In others of the state’s waters, canoersmay catch sight of limestone cliffs, rareplants, trees, and animals, and celebratedhistorical sites. Chicagoland Canoe Base,Inc., at 4019 N. Narragansett, rents canoesfor $15 a day, $25 for two, plus a $20 deposit.Fees for kayak rentals run twice as much.Chicagoland Canoe Base supplies life pre¬serves, paddles, car carriers, and thoroughadvice on how, when and where to canoe.They may be reached at 777-1489.Back on the land and far to the south ofIllinois lies Shawnee National Forest,sprawling across 240,000 acres of the Missis¬sippi and Ohio River Valleys. Dozens ofshort hiking trails, fascinating rock forma¬tions, breathtaking sandstone cliffs, wind¬ing canyons, and tranquil ponds grace theforest, providing the most exciting hikingand camping in the state. The many hikingtrails provide reasonable challenges for thenovice and experienced hiker alike. Forhikers, admission to all Illinois state parksis free. Campers must purchase permits atthe campground; prices range from $1 to $5,depending upon the preserve of showers,electricity, and vehicular access. For infor¬mation on camping and hiking, call Shaw¬nee National Forest Headquarters at618-253-7114.For those who would rather celebrateman’s technological achievement thanbrave the wilderness, there’s always thatmonument to commercialism, the amuse¬ment park. Marriott’s Great America, inGurnee, boasts the American Eagle, “theworld’s largest wooden double racing rollercoaster’’ i.e., it has a 147 ft. drop and tears Shawnee National Forestaround the track at 66 m.p.h. Actually, afterthe first big drop, the Eagle is a letdown; thepark’s Demon and Willard’s Whizzer aremore fun, with generally shorter lines.Great America provides other amusementpark standards such as log rides, Bugs andthe gang, and all the cheap carnival gamesanyone could ever want to play or seeTacky but fun. Great America is open 10 to10 daily through Aug. 23, when it’s open 10 to8 weekdays, 10 to 10 weekends, throughLabor Day Weekend. Tickets, which coverall rides, cost $13.20 for ages 4-55 and may bebought at the park or Jewel. Jewel throws in$7.50 of coupons for food in the park. Thedrive, via 1-94 and the Grand Avenue exit,takes about an hour. For information, call249-2020.A few minutes beyond the slick commer¬cialism of Great America thrives the unbri¬dled gaiety of a 12th century English mar¬ketplace. King Richard’s Fair envelopesvisitors with the activity, customs, and dia¬lect of the period. Chefs prepare “orgyfood,” knights joust on the field, and actors,showing remarkable foresight, present Sha¬kespearean plays. The fair, open on week¬ends, each weekend features a theme de¬ signed to involve the visitors; this weekendfeatures “The Hound Show”; the next, andlast, “The Harvest of Fools.” Admission tothe fair, open 10:30 through 7:30 p.m., costs$6.75 for adults, $2 for children 5 to 12, chil¬dren under 5 free. To reach King Richard’sFair, take 1-94 to the Russell St. exit.For more information, check out TheWeekend Book offered at the Illinois TravelInformation Center at 208 N. MichiganAve.ORIENTATIONISSUEThe deadline for all display advertising is Friday, Sep¬tember 18, 5 P.M. Reservations for display advertising maybe made by calling 753-3263.The 1981 Orientation issue will be published on Friday,September 25. Anyone interested in writing or working onthis issue, please contact Chris at 753-3263. RocHcfellerMemorialChapelSunday, August 99 a.m. Ecumenical Serviceof Holy Communion9:45 a.m. Discussion ofEnvironmental Issues and thePresident's Economic ProgramThe leader is Robert Borchars,a gradute student in theGeography Department atthe U of C11 a.m. AUGUST UNION SERVICESPeg Stearn, University Church,preaching4 p.m. Carillon Recital,James Lawson, Carillonneur atRiverside Church, New YorkCity, performingNOONTIME CONCERTSIN HUTCH COURTAugust 12 The Chicago Blue BlowersJug Band f rfiuAugust 19 Apshenkin Ensemble(If rain, Reynolds Club Lounge)The Chicago Maroon —Friday, Aug. 7, 1981 — 13CalendarFridayStudent Activities Film: ‘‘Take the Money andRun" 7:00 and 9:00 pm. Cobb.Hillel: Adat Shalom Shabbat Dinner, 8:00 pm. $3.5715 Woodlawn.Court Theatre: “The Miser" 8:30 pm. HutchCourt.International House Dance: “Ocean" Hyde Park’sdance band, 9:00 pm. 1414 E. 59th St.SaturdayStudent Activities Film: “Smiles of a SummerNight” 7:00 and 9:00 pm, Cobb.Court Theatre: "Tht Comedy of Errors” 8:30 pm.Hutch Court.SundayOuting Club: Rogers Park Bagel Bike trip, meet infront of the Museum of Science and Industry at9:00 am.Rockefeller Chapel: University Religious Service,11:00 am.Mobilization for Survival: Commemorating theanniversary of the dropping of the bomb on Hiro¬shima, 1000 balloons and Origami cranes will bereleased in front of the Museum of Science and In¬dustry, 2:30 pm.Court Theatre: “Fashion" 3:00 pm. Hutch Court.Rockefeller Chapel: Carillon concert. 4:00 pm,Robert Lodine performer.Court Theatre: “The Miser” 8:30 pm. HutchCourt. TuesdayPerspectives: “Can Anything be Done about Fail¬ure in First Grade, Part I" 6:09 am, channel 7.Outing Club: Meeting, 7:30 pm, Ida Noyes.Doc Films: “Kiss Me Deadly" 8:00 pm, Cobb.Hillel: Isreali Folkdancing, 8:00 pm, 5715 Wood-lawn.WednesdayPerspectives: “Can Anything Be Done About Fail¬ure in First Grade, Part II” 6:09 am, channel 7.Noontime Concert: This week: Chicago Blue Blow¬ers, Hutch Cort.Student Activities Film: “Two for the Road” 8:00pm, Cobb.Country dancers: Folk dances of England, Scot¬land, America taught. Beginners welcome. Livemusic, free refreshments follow. 8:00 pm, IdaNoyes patio.Court Theatre: "Fashion” 8:30 pm. Hutch Court.ThursdayPerspectives: “The Consequences of Mothering byTeenagers, Part I” 6:09 am, channel 7.Rockefeller Chapel: Carillon concert, 7:30 pm,Robert Lodine performer.Law School Films: “Across the Pacific” 8:30 pm.1121 E. 60th St.Court Theatre: "The Comedy of Errors” 8:30 pm,Hutch Court.Classifieds BYOWNERFANTASTIC 2 br condo w/greatspace! Totally rehabbed: oak floors,wbfp, Irg DR, sun room, Irg kitchenw/oak cabinets and ceramic tile,BELOW MARKET FINANCINGavail Call Jim 684 3167 (eve) or 9476213 (day)EXPERIENCEDBABYSITTERStudent with refs, interested inbabysitting this summer, day or nightCall 752 7788PERFECTADVENTS CHEAP!Advent ''new'' speakers S235 stillunder warranty perfect condition CallClark or Mike after 10pm 241-6394 toaudition.CHILDRENNEEDEDFor study on reading at U of C Boys &girls age 9 14 attend 6 one hour sessions on campus. Fay is $3.00 per hour.For info please call 753-4735 9 5 M-F.TALENTED?Then audition for noontime concertsCall Liz at 752 3082 or 753 3273.BABYSITTERWANTED11.30 am to 3.30 pm Tues-Frl in physician s home in Hyde Park on bus shut¬tle lines 2 blocks from 1C. Excellentsalary. References required Pleasecall 493 7647 after 6:30 pm. SAWTOOTHWILDERNESSOuting Club backpacking trip to IdahoInterested people should attendmeeting Aug. 11, 7:30 pm Ida NoyesHall. Otherwise, call Jonathan Hardis,363 5269 (H), 972 5772 (W) by Wednesday.NEEDCHILDCAREStart Sept 13: late afternoon careneeded for entertaining 2 year old inHyde Park. Requires meeting child at3 pm, care until 6 pm, M-F. Call 7532)08 day 955 9572 evening.MANAGERSmall partnership seeks an experienced administrator to develop and promote educational seminars to professionals Responsibilities include allmarketing and administrative tasksassociated with the organization.Manager will work out of his/her ownhome Two to four years administrative experience essential.Candidates must have well developedorganizational talents and self motivetion, must be able to set priorities andwork independently, and must haveexcellent communication skills and beat ease with top level executives. Col¬lege degree preferred Marketing orpromotional experience desirable Interested candidates submit resume toP Rampersad, 5531 Kenwood.Chicago 60637.SUMMER PARTYAn evening of music and dance with aninternational flavor. Ocean, HydePark's dance band, will be playing atInternational House, 1414 E. 59th St..Friday, Aug. 7, 9:00 pm. Free admis sion, U C I D and proof of age requiredCOME SINGANDTLAYAudition for a noontime concert . CallLiz at 752 3082 or 753 3273.ORIENTALCARPETSNew shipment! Beautiful rich Rumanians, striking Russian Sumaks.classical Turkoman Afghani andBalouchi tribals of the highest quality.Sizes 3x5 to 9x12 Personally importedextremely reasonable prices. U of Cstudent tel 288 0524ARE YOUANXIOUS....And in need of $195 00? We need nervous or hyper subjects, between 21 and35 years old, to participate in a 9 weekdrug preference study. Involves onlycommonly prescribed, non experimental drugs For informationcall 947 6348 between 10 am and noonweekdaysARE YOULEFT-HANDED?People needed for paid psychology experiments Call 753-4735 9 5 Monthrough FriEfficient typing of student papersavailable IB Selectric Call 684 6882Carpentry Bookcases decks,remodelling Call David. 684 2286We are two ladies living in the sameuniversity building at 5316 S. DorChester and we are interested inbabysitting in our home together Weare experienced in child care Theprice is reasonable and we areavailable at any time Call 324 5626,241 7354Tutoring in conversational and writtenEnglish for native speakers or Chineseor Japanese by teacher with certificate in teaching English and experience teaching in Taiwan andJapan sio/hr Call 643 7291Parent Cooperative for Early Learning preschool is taking applications forthe fall semester Call 684-6363.PERSONALSFederal Prisoner Mike Anderson89117, 71 W VanBuren. Chicago, IL60605 would like to correspond withestudents.BALLISTIC MODULATION Best newmusic emphasizing imports Sponsored by Wax Trax on WHPK 88.3Wed 8 10 30 pmFederal Prisoners John Fay, Jr 39094-133 and James J. Jones 33429 138.Department P, 71 W Van Buren.Chicago IL 60605, seek correspondenceand friendship with college students. LOST ANDFOUNDLOST One rocking chair. Chair wasplaced on 58th St. between Dorchesterand Kenwood in afternoon on 7/21. Hassentimental value Reward. 288-2328,753 8010RIDESFemale rider wanted to San Fran¬cisco Leave Aug 18 20 Must drivestick shift + share expense Call Jan264 3010 day 667 8224 eveRide needed for two non drivers toAtlanta Aug 14 or 15. 373-2505. ^PETSGood home wanted for lively, affectionate 4 month old female cat Graysilver tabby, very sweet dispositionPlease call days 753 4395, eves 6438967STUDENTGOV.FOOD COOP.Summer quarter food ordering andpickup has started New members being taken Contact stud Gov. Officefor more info 753-3273.MOVINGStudent with Pickup truck can moveyour stuff FAST and CHEAP No jobtoo small! Call Peter at: 955T82410am 10pm. WOMEN'SMAGAZINEPrimavera Vol 617 is out! Available inmost Hyde Park bookstores Womenwho want to join the staff should call752 5655 for infoRECEPTIONIST/SECRETARYWe are looking for a receptionist/secretary whose duties wouldinclude typing of manuscripts, letters, answering phones, inputing datainto a computer, mailing publications,filing, action as building receptionistwith considerable public contact Willingness to learn the use ot a word processor and dictation equipment. If interested, call Sharon Cohen 947 1867Hrs 8 30 5 00 pmCONDO BY OWNERCharm and character. Bright 5 rmcondo 2 BR Totally renovated Oak fland buffet, frpl., bale., PLUS! CallKaren days 947 5456, eves , wkends947 0859HEYHEYHEYTango Cha Cha says bye bye to herbuddies for a whileCELEBRATE INDIA'SINDEPENDENCE DAYAug 15th at 6 pm, InternationalHouse Refreshments will be servedFALL SEMESTER BEGINNING SEPTEMBER 21Music — Piano, Wind, Strings, VoiceDance — Ballet, Jazz, Modern Dance, Dance ExerciseMusic — Music Fundamentals, Piano, Wind, StringsSuzuki - Cello, Piano, ViolinDance — Creative, Ballet, Jazz. Choreography With outstandingfaculty of artistteachers288-50001438 E. 57th StreetADULTSCHILDREN The Maroonis seeking a new Business Manager for the 1981-82academic year. Interested parties please call 753-3263 andask for Chris.(2fiaz(otte ^i^itxomcR eat do.493-0666 Call AnytimeFREE! CAT ALOGOF PROPERTIESNOSTALGIC AVENUE of 1890 - Just the right size Victorian brick & stone. Double par¬lor, fireplace for cozy winter ahead. Three bedrooms upstairs. Large landscaped backyard and huge brick garage. Priced to sell. Listed in time for publication. $97,500. 52ndGreenwood.TURN BACK THE CLOCK. 9*/2 % financing from professional lender. Both of your carstaken care of - one inside and one on assigned outside space. 55th Dorchester. Two bed¬rooms, two baths. Nicelv decorated & some remodeling. Hi-Rise $64,500.TURN BACK THE CLOCK. 10% financing from owner, (no points) NARAGANSETTLUXURY BLDG. Two bedrooms, two baths. Assigned parking. $69,500.OPEN HOUSESunday, August 92-4 P.M.5438 Cornell$139,500HOLSE ON BLACKSTONE WANTS YOU and TLC (tender, loving caret Three bed¬rooms. 1 Vz bath. Small yard. $62,500.WINDOWS OF GLASS on “wrap-around” corner University Park iwo bedroom. IN¬CLUDES TWO PARKING SPACES (one underground). Special financing. Call for details. 55th Dorchester. $64,500. (flexible).NEWLY DECORATED, MUSEUM VIEWS. Airy, bright, modern low-rise Co-op at57th & Stony. Two bedrooms. Everything tip-top. $31,900.REGENSTEIN LIBRARY is a short hop away. Two bedroom plus study with privategarden. Woodburning fireplace. Co-operative. $47,500. Available Sept. 1 on University.FOUR RECENTLY REMODELED ROOMS, condo, at 57th KIMBARK. Assumablemortgage currently 10-5/8%. Call for details. $53,000.7 ROOMS, STUNNING beamed ceilinged dining room, brick walled kitchen, family roomali new. Lots of nice wood. BRET HARTE DISTRICT. Hyde Park Blvd. and nr. 55th.Below market, lender financing. Call for details. $92,000.LAND! LAND! PRICE REDUCED! Four lots 51st Greenwood 50’x70\ $25,000 each maybe bought for $90,000 for the parcel. Owner leaving the country. Anxious. Zoned R-5.14—The Chicago Maroon—Friday, Aug. 7- 1781Classifieds||HOUSES IkTWO BEDROOM HOUSE with flexiblespace for $69,900 in Ray school district!The roses are blooming and the house issunny. Call today!MOVE-IN CONDITION. This lovely af¬fordable 2 bedroom townhouse is near toU.C. campus, park and shopping. Centralair, modern kitchen, finisned basementand more. Upper $80’s. Call today!WALK TO SHOPPING (only a few stepsaway) and live in this efficiently designed3 bedroom, 2lA bath townhouse. Privatebackyard, central air and more. $105,000.COZY FIREPLACE, garage, fencedbackyard, 3 bedrooms, 2Vi baths. 2 densmake this townhouse a super buy at$139,500. CONDOMINIUMSPRICE JUST REDUCED to $65,000.Freshly painted walls, newly sandedfloors. Move in and hang up your clothes -it's that clean! And, it has a fenced back¬yard, off-street parking, 3 bedrooms, 2baths, with over 1900 sq. ft.AN OUTDOOR VERANDA and abackyard for barbecuing when you moveinto this 3 bedroom, 2 bath condominium.Gracious living modestly priced in the up¬per 60’s.OWNER FINANCING is available on this4 bedroom, 2 bath condo in an ideal EastHyde Park location. Over 2000 sq. ft. anda big back yard. Mid $80's.PANORAMA CONDOMINIUM. HydePark’s most complete renovation of acharming old six unit building - over 2000sq. feet - and a wine cellar. $114,000. Calltoday! Or rent with option to buy. $850per month.FRESHLY PAINTED WALLS, newly san¬ded floors. Move in and hang up yourclothes - it’s that clean! And it has a fen¬ced backyard, off-street parking. 3bedrooms, 2 baths, with over 1900 sq. ft.All for $69,900!BEAUTIFUL...Sun, space (huge livingroom with balcony), new kitchen andbath. Super big backyard and...PARKING! Call today for this 5 roomcondo. A great buy in the upper $60's.V.A. FINANCINGOPEN HOUSE at Parkside con¬dominiums. Enjoy a spacious, sunnycountry kitchen; dining room madefor a family; ceramic tile baths anda large master bedroom. Priced inthe $70’s. Ask about special dis¬counts. Come to 5125 S. Greenwoodave., Sat. 1-4 p.m.THE BARCLAY. Elegant livingreasonably priced in the low $50’s. Thisone bedroom has spectacular lake view.24 hour doorman and low monthlyassessments! Call today.ELLIS ESTATES. Only 4 left! 4 & 5bedrooms. From $76,900. Call today!Possible owner financing.55TH AND EVERETT. 3 bedroom, 2 bath,lots of natural wood trim. Upper $80’s.GREENWOOD COURT convertible 3bedrooms. New kitchen and baths. Somestripped wood. Enclosed front porch andlarge open back porch for entertaining.$71,500.SPECTACULAR SUNSHINE. This cozy 2bedroom home is walking distance to U ofC campus. Immaculate! Charming! Lower$5Q's. Ask about 1034% owner financing.THE RIGHT LOCATION, south of 55th 2bedroom home with family room, modernkitchen, garage. Mid $80’s.SUN OR CANDLELIGHT - this homeshines in both. 4'/j rooms plus sunporchof flexible space with lots of charm andnatural woodwork. A super buy at 57thand Kenwood. Upper $60's.58TH AND BLACKSTONE. 4 bedroom, 2bath, over 2,000 sq. ft. Super location.Large enough for a family. Walk to LabSchool. $145,000 and financing.EAST HYDE PARK. Stunning 3 Bedroom.Mid $80's. Very low assessments.NEWPORT 2 bedroom with garage space.Upper $70’s. COOPERATIVESSUN, SPACE, SCENIC VIEW - all in thistwo bedroom, just listed co-op. Goodtransportation, walk to campus andgarage all for under $40,000. Ownerfinancing available.56TH AND DORCHESTER...3 bedroom, 2bath, woodburning fireplace. Upper$60's.WALK TO CAMPUS from this onebedroom co-op. Eat-in kitchen, largeliving room and low assessments. Mid$20’s.•Commercial space and 26 studio apart¬ments in central Hyde Park. Zoned B2-4.$425,000.hild realty group1365 E. 53rd St.355-1200 SPACEStudio apis. 955 1200Hild Realty Group.Rent with option to buy 2 bdrm,modern Kitchen, (academic lease)Rent *525 Non refundable option fee.$1000. Purchase price S61.000.Charlotte Vikstrom Realty Co. 493-0666Park Forest house. 5 rm brick, att.garage, 2 frpls, 32 ft inground pool,outdoor grill, fenced yrd, all appliances Walk to 1C and shopping*62,000. Will consider renting 748-2642or 621 9248Apt for rent 533 35 E 60th St 888 4623300.00 per/mo call 8-9 am 8. 710pm.Furn. hse for rent 10-1-81 to 7-1-82 spac3 bdrm laundry freezer conv to Coop Uof C bus 1C S650 +■ util or best offer 2417219HYDE PARKTHE VERSAILLESIDEAL FOR STUDENTS324-0200Large Studios • Walk-inKitchen • Utilities Incl. •Furn. - Unfurn. • CampusBus at doorBased on Availability5254 S. DorchesterHE IS ALIVE AND WELLAND HASTAKEN UP RESIDENCEAT THERECENTLY RENOVATEDqrnmolipflpinfim5200 S. BLACKSTONEFRIENDS ARE INVITED TO CALL9 A.M. TO 5 P.M.684-8666The Flamingoand Cabana Club5500 S. Shore Drive• Studio and 1 Bedroom•Furnished and Unfurnished•U. of C. Bus Stop•Outdoor Pool and Gardens•Carpeting & Drapes Incl.•Security •University Subsidyfor Students & Staff•Delicatessen #Barber Shop•Beauty Shop •T.J.’s Restaurant•Dentist »ValetFREE PARKINGM. SnyderPL 2-3800 Large spacious apartment in goodlocation. Mature, responsible personsought to share with two others. Roomavailable has its own bathroom Rent:$U0/mo. Call Glen or Susan at 2883626Nr. U of C 2 bedrm coop apt for sale.Fully remodeled. *24,900 239 8224Female wanted to share 3 bedroomapt. 5711 Kimbark. Call Minna 667 7611or 947 6468 Avail September2 bdrm 2 bath furn apt, no smokers.Utiline *500 363 3458Looking for female to share 5 rm apt(own bdrm) at 55 & Everett rent 165non smoker Call Pat 886 7450 day;955 2118 eveningCondo for rent beautifully renovatedapt, 2 bdrm, 1 bath, oak floors,fireplace, large living room, modernkitchen and bath, dishwasher, 2 porches, yard, parking Available Aug 29*600/month. Days 440 6038, eve 9552052Rent with option to buy 3 br 2 bath condo new kitchen formal dining room363 8539 avail Sept 1.Beautiful furnished apartment torsublet August 15 through September15 Rent negotiable Call Leslie 68403311 large Ir/br, kitchen, bath, must likedogs *250/mo 288-5840 days, 536-6242eveningsSept l sublet spacious IV2 rm apt *240no phone stop by 5.30-7, 5455 Blkstn *6JCondo for sale: 56th and Kimbark.Huge one bedroom with lots of lightand space to study On quiet courtyard Oak floors, classic touches,modern kitchen Two blocks toRegenstein *50,800, will help finance643 30372 br, 2 ba Univ. Park apt *650 includesoff street parking. Quiet corner apt.Call Lee 663 9065. (days); 324 0597(eves).SPACE WANTEDHousesitting position wanted; matureresponsible 3rd year law student withreferences, for Fall-Spring 1981 82 Call266 9712 or 855 5064 Newlyweds, writer 4 banker, seekhouse or apt sit Fall 4 Winter orlonger. Under *600 Care pets/plantsRefs 493 8589IOWA prof and wife want spaceJanuary June of 1982 Tend your pets,rent etc. Or. Struve 4100 Phoenix,Ames. IOWA.Need 2 bdrm sublet from 9/1 876 7292PEOPLE WANTEDBABYSITTERS. Names being compiled to sit 2 children in facultyhome On campus, days or eveningsCall 241 6766 or 753 4258 Also for occasional light houseworkPaid subjects needed for experimentson memory, perception and languageprocessing Research conducted bystudents and faculty in the Committeeon Cognition and Communication,Department of Behavioral SciencesPhone 753 4718Singer seeks pianist or group to dokitch for fun and local performancesStyle of Sinatra, Bennet, Englebert,Streisand, etc 684 2286University student to care for my twoschool age daughters approx 20hrs/wk in exchange for room 4 boardin Hyde park townhouse Begin Sept399 2411/643 5207.WANTEO Postmenopausal womenwilling to serve as research subjects inan eight week study designed toevaluate the effects of physiologicreplacement doses of female hormoneWill pay *100.00 on completion ofstudy. Call Dr Richard Landau or DrSally Glickmanat 947 5537.Young Man for evening desk work. 5pm until 8 30 or 9 pm 3 or 4 evenings aweek Call now for informationLehnhoff Studios, 288 5000Need Loving Reliable sitter for twobusy school age children (4 and 7 yrs)Start Sept Job sharing possible 2415892 evesBabysitter for 1 yr old 5 days, 8 455 45 Your Hyde Park home or oursRefs required 955 2321Office of Speical Events needs peopleinterested in working as guides fortours of campus and Robie House, starting now through Sept 26, possiblybeyond Pay is S3 60/hr For more infoand to schedule an interview call Annat 3 4436WANTED: Part-time computer programmer to work in Northwestsuburb At least 1 yr experience inPascal required Knowledge of 8086assembler would be helpful eveningand weekend hours available Contact Dwigh* Berger 312 332 0646 ext 46(days)FOR SALEFor sale Hyde Park Condo, overlooking lake 4 bedroom. 3 bath condo inprivate park. Formal dining room,fireplace, wood floors New kitchen,wiring and laundry facilities Excedent condition Financing availableUrgent seller Telephone evenings493 7555PASSPORT PHOTOS WHILE YOUWAIT! Model Camera 1342 E 55th St.493 6700For Sale 2 large wooden desks *55each Days 440-6038, eve. 955 2052Sunny, spacious 4 rm (1 bdrm) apt,very near campus; recently refinishedoak firs Built-in breakfront in dngrmAssumable mortgage *49000 call 2880251 after 5 pmLg Oak school teacher s desk Fornow or Sept 1 *30 7 52 1 099TOYOTA, 71, 80000 +■ mi. New rearsnows plug wires, air 15-20 city. 20 25highway *500 288 23285000 BTU Sears air conditioner, *50Baby's crib, *15. 752 7907SERVICESChicago Counseling andPsychotherapy Center. Clientcentered psychotherapy. 5711 SWoodiawn 6354 N Broadway, and illN Wabsh, Chicago A RegisteredPsychological Agency (312) 684 1800T Y P l NG*WORO PROCESSINGSERVICE Specializing inmanuscripts^dissertations that willneed revision; tables; tape transcrip♦ ion, form letters, list maintenance,newsletters Nancy Cohen Professional Typing 378 5774Automatic meter withfull manual controlFocus previewAutomatic strobesystemMany more featuresand benefitswith 50 mm f/1 8Series E lens THEAUTOMATICNIKON FEINSTANT PASSPORT PHOTOSFUJICOLOR100135-24 exp.1 95reg. 2.65limit one roll per coupon/customerexpires 8/21 /81 MFUJICHROME_ 100 135-20 exp.ra 250reg. 3.15limit one roll per coupon/customer Mexpires 8/21/81The Chicago Maroon—Friday, Aug. 7, 1981 — 15SOQ FILMS ARE A SMASH!“My favorite films, next to Swing Time, Earrings of Madame D —and a couple others I can’t remember right now.”— Andrew Sarris“Incredibly sexy and erotic. Certainly the best-lookingmovies on the screen.”* — Pauline Kael“Probably more cleverly cut than shot — or is it ‘shotthan cut’?”— Dave KehrSaturdayROCK ‘N’ ROLL HIGH SCHOOLThe Ramones and P.J. Solestake on adolescence7&9P.M. $2 ALLFILMSINCOBBHALLAugust 21OUR MAN IN HAVANAGraham Greene’s spycomedy with Alec Guiness8 P.M. $2 SMILES OF A SUMMER NIGHTBergman’s comic classic7 and 9 P.M. $2KASHOMONKubosawa’s masterpiece7 and 9 P.M. $2August 22August 15