THE CHICAGO MAROONVolume 90, No. 36 The University of Chicago Cop/right 1981 The Chicago Maroon Tuesday, February 24, 1981Economists Skeptical onReagan Economic PlanBy Henry OttoFew Americans could disagree with Pres¬ident Reagan’s claim made during his na¬tionally televised Congressional addressWednesday night that “we can no longerprocrastinate and hope things will get bet¬ter. They will not. If we do not act forcefully,and now, the economy will get worse.”However, the President’s proposals forstrengthening the ailing American economydid not meet with such universal approval.Even economists at the University voicedvarying opinions on the effects and neces¬sity of the announced policies.The President’s “Program for EconomicRecovery” calls for four fundamental revi¬sions in the federal government’s role in theAmerican economy :• 1) Spending cuts and other measures toreduce the budget deficit,• 2) Reductions in personal tax rates andbusiness taxes,• 3) A new commitment to a stable mone¬tary policy,• 4) Reductions in the burden and the in¬trusion of Federal regulation. Reagan pre¬dicts that if these proposals are enacted intheir entirety, ‘the United States will experi¬ence significantly lower unemployment andinflation rates as well as increases in realnational production and personal income.The first proposal in the President’s plancalls for federal spending cuts beginningwith a $41 billion reduction in the proposed$730 billion 1982 budget and increasing to a$118 billion cut in the planned 1985 budget.This portion of the Reagan plan receivedunanimous support from the five econo¬mists interviewed.According to Sam Peltzman, professor ofEconomics in the Business School and aformer member of the Council of EconomicAdvisors during the Nixon administration,spending reductions and not tax cuts are theprimary factor in scaling down the govern¬ment’s role in the economy. “The true taxon the American economy is the proportionof Gross National Product (GNP) consumedby the government, regardless of how theseexpenditures are funded.”Peltzman and the other economists hopedthat the proposed decrease in the federal government’s outlays from 23 percent to 19percent of the GNP over the next four yearswould be the first step in a major restructur¬ing of government spending.The economists’ greatest differences cen¬tered on the second feature of the Adminis¬tration’s program — the proposed 10% re¬duction in personal income tax rates foreach of three consecutive years beginningJuly 1, 1981. Reagan claims that this plan,which would decrease taxes collected by $44billion in 1982 and by $141 billion in 1985,would provide “incentive to increase pro¬ductivity for both workers and industry,”with a resulting 20% increase in real GNP infour years. The five Chicago economists dis¬agreed not only on the possible detrimentaleffects of such a large tax cut, (such as in¬creased inflation) but also as to whether thereductions would serve as in incentive for Sam Peltzmanproduction.Michael Mussa, professor of economics inthe Business School, stated that Reagan“went too far with his tax cuts. There is noreal incentive in them. Reagan's advisorsare assuming that individuals will save upto 50% of their tax reduction. This is unrea¬listic.” If the new income is not saved, butinstead spent immediately, funds availablefor companies to invest and thus raise pro¬ductivity will not increase as much as the D. Gale JohnsonAdministration predicts.D. Gale Johnson, chairman of the econom¬ics department, and Peltzman disagreedwith Mussa, though for different reasons.Johnson accepts the tax cuts because theycountebalance recent increases in the SocialSecurity payroll taxes. Peltzman went evenfurther in his criticism of Mussa’s argu¬ment. “The question of whether individualswill spend or save their new income has re-Continued on page 5Research Cuts May Hurt Social SciencesBy Gabrielle JonesThe Reagan administration’s proposedcuts in federal funding for scientific re¬search are likely to affect a number of re¬search programs here, particularly those inthe social sciences, according to Universityofficials.The precise effects of the reductions insupport for the National Science Foundation(NSF) the National Aeronautics and SpaceAdministration (NASA), and the NationalEndowment for the Humanities (NEH) willnot be known until after Congress acts onReagan’s budget this spring. However, itseems likely that the cutbacks — particular¬ly those in the NSF — will hit hardest at thesocial sciences.The proposed NSF budget authority re¬duction by $62 million for 1981 from theCarter budget estimate for the same year isunprecedented not only in the amount of thecut involved, but in that it is the first timethat an administration is directing the dis¬tribution of the funds rather than merelymaking a wholesale cut of an aggregateamount of money. Particular programs ear¬ marked for complete elimination, for in¬stance, include the $75 million fund plannedby the Carter administration for the upgrad¬ing of university laboratories for 1982, whilea major reduction in behavioral, social andeconomic research (by $15 million in 1981)from the $73 million outlay for this year isbeing recommended as well.The 1982 figure Carter had requested $84million, is to be cut to $40 million. This wouldleave only $10 million in funds for social andeconomic science programs from the origi¬nally proposed $40 million, and $30 million infunds for behavioral research from the orig¬inally proposed $44 million.In addition, significant reductions inscience education will probably mean theelimination of about 40% of the mandatedscience education programs in higher edu¬cation including those for women and min¬orities.Robert McC. Adams, Harold H. Swift Dis¬tinguished Service Professor in the OrientalInstitute and Departments of Anthropologyand Near Eastern Language and Civiliza¬tion, and chairman of an NSF committee. called the proposed cuts “politically puni¬tive”, noting that in the past the administra¬tion would “encourage suggestions insteadof substituting a proposal with reductions(already) recommended.”Congress has no more than 30 days to re¬spond to the proposed changes in the budgetfor the coming fiscal year. Of this short no¬tice, Adams said, “I’m sure it’s done inten¬tionally.” But although a majority vote in ei¬ther house could bring about a change in theproposals, Adams added, “we’re at a timewhen all the initiative is with the new ad¬ministration It would be wildly unrealisticof us to expect Congress to veto the Reaganprogram.”The particular vulnerability of the so-called “soft sciences ’ to the Reagan admin¬istration’s attacks is thought to be due to theReagan administation’s lack of sympathyfor the government social programs whichhave grown from social science research“Social scientists were very involved withthe kinds of programs that were being sup¬ported in the Great Society days” of theKennedy and Johnson administrations,Adams said.Les Firestein in action Thursday The Firestein Saga-Round 2By Mike AxinnUniversity of Chicago student Les Fires¬tein entered the Golden Gloves boxing tour¬nament last week — having never boxed be¬fore. After advancing to the second round ona bye last Tuesday, he was defeated in about Thursday night.TuesdayWhen I arrived at St. Anthony’s gym aftera furious taxi ride, it was about half-full ofpeople broken up into small factions. Giventhe relative ease with which one can enterthis tournament, there were many neighbor¬hood hero-types out to try their luck in thebig-time. The ring was centered in a smallhigh school gym with wooden basketballbackboards cranked up to the ceiling so asnot to obstruct a view of the ring. Up in thestands, among the high school letter jacketsand appropriately labeled windbreakers, Ispotted Les in his street clothes.As I walked over, I wondered whether hehad been forced to drop out because of ma¬ternal threats or an attack of commonsense. He smiled at me sheepishly. “Well,isn’t this something0 I hope you don’t regret coming out.”“Don’t worry about me, what about you?How come you're not dressed and how comeyour name's not up on the board yet?”“I’m going to get dressed right now. I justgotta find someone to tape my hands.” Hewas gone before 1 knew’ it, so I sat down towatch some of the other fights.Most of the early matchups were of blackkids against either white ethnic kids or su¬burbanites with less apparent ethnic tiesIt’s hard to say whether these pairings weremade intentionally by the officials, but theDavid Vaeths vs. Reynaldo Sauciers andKevin Mulveys vs. Derrick Cyrus boutsmade for some intense crowd action.The first fight featured a blond hot-shotand an experienced young black fighter withclearly superior speed and moves. Afterabout 20 seconds of shuffling around andpunching the air. the hot-shot discoveredwhat a hard left hook felt like and dropped toone knee to sum up the experience. After afew seconds, he seemed to decide that hewas ready for more - but not before thejudge had ended the fight His lack of expe-Continued on page 4Campus FilmBy Mike Alper, Neil Millerand Yoon SonMonte Carlo (Ernst Lubitsch, 1930): Lu-bitsch’s second sound film, and anotherbig step forward in the development of thefilm musical. Lubitsch granted the cam¬era more mobility than it had yet seen insound film, and he also made the sound it¬self do things it hadn’t done before — mostnotably in the famous “Beyond the BlueHorizon” number, where Lubitsch showshow montage can be applied to sound¬tracks to make trains sing. Starring Jean¬ette MacDonald and Maurice Chevalier,doing what they do best. Tuesday, Feb. 24,at 8 in Quantrell. Doc; $1.00. — MAHeaven Can Wait (Ernst Lubitsch, 1943):Not the new one, and not the old version ofthe new one, and better than both, thisHeaven Can Wait is a gracious charmerabout a recently deceased cad (DonAmeche, who is actually quite good for achange) who finds that he isn’t quite badenough to go to hell. It seem’s he’s beensaved by the love of a good woman — al¬though anyone who couldn’t be saved bythe love of Gene Tierney is beyond hopeanyway. Eugene Pallette and MarjorieMain are a hoot as Tierney’s meat-packingtycoon parents, the Strables, who have astatue of their first cow, Mable, planted onthe front lawn. Wednesday, Feb. 25, at 8 inQuantrell. Doc: $1.00 — MA possibilities of this plot, Blithe Spirit isdisappointing. The jokes are obvious, solaughs are dependent on great timing anddelivery, neither of which are there.Director Lean cannot seem to make up hismind whose point of view the story is fromuntil about two thirds of the way throughthe film; as a result, the audience has tro¬uble identifying or even sympathizingwith either Harrison or his second wife.Only Margaret Rutherford keeps thewhole enterprise afloat and entertaining.Wednesday, Feb. 25, at 8:30 in the LawSchool Auditorium. Phoenix Films; $1.50- JVMWomen of the Night (Kenji Mizoguchi,1950): The geishas are all gone, but intheir place are the prostitutes who infestthe back streets of a Japan devastated bywar. The film is ultimately a powerful po¬etic tale of an odyssey from hope to de¬spair to the possibility of salvation, a sal¬vation that Mizoguchi believes attainableonly through the grace of women.Risingfrom the ruins of a futile society, theheroine carries with her the only possiblevision of a better world. Thursday, Feb. 26at 7:15 in Quantrell. Doc; $1.00 — YSA Picture of Madame Yuki (Kenji Mizogu¬chi, 1950): A proud and delicate womanbecomes dissatisfied with her playboyhusband and is threatened by financialcollapse around her. The decline of herprovincial aristocratic family coincideswith her disillusionment with spirituallove. Thursday, Feb. 26, at 8:45 in Quan¬trell. Doc; $1.00.Blithe Spirit (David Lean, 1945): Rex Harri¬son is a British author who invites an ec¬centric medium (Margaret Rutherford)to a dinner party in order to obtain infor¬mation for a new book. The medium con¬jures up the ghost of Harrison’s first wife,which does not exactly sit well with Harri¬son’s present wife. Considering the comic Stormy Weather: The great classic of the allblack musical — big, glossy, and as enter¬taining as ever. Starring Lena Horne,Fats Waller, and Cab Calloway. Thurs¬day, Feb. 26, at 7:00 and 9:00 pm in theLaw School Auditorium. Shown by the Or¬ganization of Black Students; Admission$1.50.LONDON SCHOOL OF ECONOMICSA chance to study and live in LondonA wide range of subjects and courses is available in Central London forstudents of the social sciencesJunior year Postgraduate DiplomasOne-year Master’s degrees ResearchSubjects include Accounting and Finance, Actuarial Science, Anthropology,Business Studies, Econometrics, Economics, Economic History, Geography,Government, Industrial Relations, International History, International Relations,Law, Management Science, Operational Research, Philosophy, Politics, SocialAdministration, Social Work, Sociology, Social Psychology and Statistical andMathematical SciencesApplication blanks from:Admissions Secretary, L.S.E., Houghton Street, London WC2A 2AE, EnglandPlease state whether junior year or postgraduate 700 Honor Malcom XBy David KirschnerA crowd of over 700 gathered at Ida NoyesHall last Saturday night for a program com¬memorating the life of Malcom X, the lateblack activist who was assassinated in 1965.Sponsored by the Organization of Black Stu¬dents as part of Black History Month, theprogram included a lecture by JamesTurner, director of the African Studies andResearch Center at Cornell University, anda film entitled ‘The Life and Times of Mal¬colm X”.Born in 1925, the seventh of nine childrenof a Baptist Minister, Malcolm Little, as hewas called, began school as a problem stu¬dent but eventually straightened out andhoped to go to law school. Although he wasan excellent student, he was told to learnhow “to use his hands” according to thefilm, and to forget about law school.After graduating from high school, Littlesettled in New York where he began to leada reckless life, and was later sent to jail forseven years. While in jail, he spent his timereading and was exposed to the writing ofElijah Mohammed, the founder of the BlackMuslims.After his release from prison, Little be¬came a leader of the Black Muslims andbegan urging other blacks to work towardcreating their own state because they need¬ed a “land, government and economy oftheir own.” Malcolm believed that “blackswere begging for freedom and not fighting”for it and that blacks were “twentieth centu¬ry slaves”. An opponent of integration, Lit¬tle warned that “extreme conditions de¬manded extreme action” and that blackshould “not turn the other cheek” to theproblems they faced.In 1965 Malcolm left the Black Muslimsand started his own organization to helpblacks work toward controlling their own community. At this time he asked otherblack leaders to “forget their differencesand find a common approach to solve(their) problems.” Malcolm then travelledto Africa, where he claimed his scope wasbroadened. After his trip he said that“Islam erased racism” and he called for“international human rights”. Shortly af¬terwards, on February 21, 1965, Malcolm Xwas shot in the Audobon Club in New YorkCity while giving a lecture.In recalling the life of Malcolm X, Turnerwarned that blacks were losing the “signifi¬cance of the legacy of the late Malcolm X”,and were becoming complacent about theirsituation. The loss of Malcolm X should notbe the loss of the movement, Turner said,and the black communitv “must go on”.“We are living in an unprecedented posi¬tion of race fragmentation,” Turner said,“both culturally and politically.” He attri¬buted this to the what he called “the sociali¬zation of black integration” and the presentstate of the Civil Rights movement. Theproblems of black today, he said, is the lackof “transference of experience” (of Mal¬colm X) and the use of television as “the le-veler of the Black consciousness.”Turner claimed that Malcolm X was a“black nationalist, a Pan Africanist and anInternationalist.” Malcolm X, he said, be¬lieved that “in a repressive society, therewill be no progress without struggle.”Turner also said that Malcolm X understoodthe “limitations of the integration” and themanner in which “integration leads to blackdisintegration.”Turner closed his lecture by claiming thatMalcolm X began a “new dimension in polit¬ical morality” which should be preserved.He called Malcolm X the “most authentichero of black and struggling people theworld over.”THE CENTER FOR LATIN AMERICAN STUDIESandTHE ORGANIZATION OF BLACK STUDENTS— presents —DESSIMA WILLIAMS^Grenada’s Ambassador to the Organization of American States![land representative of the People’s Revolutionary Government.Tuesday, February 24 4:00Social Science Lounge (2nd Floor)* Quiche, Ctee*eVejetoww+PipBifctaM6046(4+to* Cheesela becm Free Entertainmentpcdtt hi/-HftCide* y' COFFEE HOUSEsponsored by SGACFriday, Feb. 27Dave Pelman Caty WileySue Gatell Alan FuchsJulie Senecoff2 — The Chicago Maroon — Tuesday, February 24, 1981♦Birnbach Talks PrepCan there be a better way to spend one’slunch hour than to clutch a sandwich, slouchback in a chair, and be entertained by thegregarious editor of the bible of prep, MissLisa Birnbach?Birnbach’s The Official Preppy Handbookis at the top of the trade-paperback best¬seller list, with sales of over 750,000 copies—making Birnbach’s name a householdword among devotees of Oxford cloth, FairIsle, and the Talbots.Birnbach arrived in perfect attire: a tar¬tan kilt accented by a yellow polo shirt (witha duck instead of an alligator), a grey V-neck Shetland sweater (“borrowed from afriend and never returned”), green woolkneesocks, and a matching grosgrain rib¬bon. To all of this savtorial splendor wereadded penny loafers, “mummy’s pearls,”and a “precious” ribbon watchband with amotif of strawberries. Truly the picture ofprep.In keeping with the spirit of prep,Birnbach’s Friday talk at the Law Schoolwas off the cuff, consisting of pop quizzesand descriptions of the finer points of prep.The speaker slipped into her most comfort¬able role as “Dear Lisa,” and fielded ques¬tions from the audience. “What’s the mostimportant day on the prep calendar?” sheasked her listeners. “New Year’s Eve,Christmas Eve, or J.D. Salinger’s birth¬day?”The lack of response simply brought an¬other question: “What is the secret ingre¬dient of a ‘bloody’?” Since it was necessaryto first explain what a ‘bloody’ was, andthen to list its ingredients (horseradishbeing the secret agent), Birnbach surmised NEWS BRIEthat obviously “none of you read the book.”She seemed not to hold this against the lis¬teners, however. True preppy forgiveness.The number of Brook’s Brothers shirts,web belts, and horn-rim glasses gracing thelisteners prompted Birnbach to remark that“the Law School almost makes up for thelack of prep at the U. of C.” Later, she sof¬tened her opinion of the university, notingthat the intensity of the quarter system putsChicago “out of the league.” Accordingto Birnbach, “Trimesters mean six exams ayear, and everyone carries sliderules ondates.”Both comments brought hisses from theaudience. Birnbach thought such “hostility”most “unbecoming,” and certainly notprep. An irreverent comment about Har¬vard magically restored the audience’ssympathy. “I didn’t go to Harvard,” shesaid, “because I would always have to beaway from the school saying, ‘Oh, I go toHarvard.’”The audience was treated to a display of“loopy handwriting,” the correct way forgirls to sign a letter—“It’s never ‘love,’ but’oops, gotta go, Bitsy.” Birnbach also ex¬plained the connection between carrying asquash raquet and receiving dinner invita¬tions, ana mentioned the “prep therapy”otherwise known as alcoholism, which leadsto “young death”. “It reminds us of Zeldaand F. Scott Fitzgerald,” she said.Discussing the finer points of prep, Birn¬bach reminded the audience that ‘lunch’ and‘summer’ are verbs: “I summer on theVineyard.” She also explained the correctspelling of the word “eevywee,” (pro¬nounced ee-ooh) an important element inprep vocabulary, to be used often in suchcircumstances as when your preppy guy has“Gone Borneo,” only to “drive the porcelain Lisa Birnbachbus.” (For a translation into English,seetheHandbook, pages 108 and 113.)Birnbach on education: “Some mastery ofthe French language is important - such as‘Perrier,’ ‘a bientot,’ and ‘cheri.’” On Stan¬ley Kaplan—“A fine name in education,along with Monarch and Cliff-notes.”“Never walk to class with a purpose,”Birnbach advises. “Never carry books, or apiece of paper, and remember that a pen is‘key’. Better yet, write your notes on theback of a newspaper, and never read the as¬signment. A preppy has never read the ma¬terial, and always monopolizes the class dis¬cussion.”Everyone laughed heartily, brushed thesandwich crumbs off their chinos, picked uptheir books—and headed back to the li¬brary. Grenada DiplomatLectures Here TodayDessima Williams, Grenada’s ambassa¬dor to the Organization of American States,will speak on Tuesday, February 24, at 4 pmin the Social Science Lounge. The lecturewill be hosted by the Center for Latin Ameri¬can Studies and the Organization of BlackStudents.Williams is a member of Grenada’s Provi¬sional Revolutionary Government, (PRG),which took power in a coup in March of 1979.The opposition elements in the country hadbeen working towards legal change untilthey learned on March 12 of that year thatPrime Minister Eric Gairy planned to exe¬cute eight of their leaders the next day. OnMarch 13 they staged the coup, and installedMaurice Bishop as Prime Minister.The new government has been faced withthe problems of 57 percent unemploymentand a 40 percent illiteracy rate. The govern¬ment is left-leaning, and is pledged to therights of workers to organize, and to pro¬moting health care and education reformsand equal rights for women. Williams willdiscuss these measures and their implica¬tions in the wider political arena of the inde¬pendent and mostly black Caribbean is¬lands.Mikva Lectures FridayJudge Abner Mikva, University alumnusand former Hyde Park congressman, will bespeaking on “The Search for a Middle Be¬tween Pointy-Headed Bureaucracy and An¬archy,” this Friday at 12:30 in Classroom IIof the Law School.anupdaie;for Arifc newsstand, aficionadosWell Hyde Parkers, so far I've tried Scientific American books...hard cover bestsellers...Jewish history...Black history...child/ T-shirts with a and architecture books; to no avail.^buarehardtoplease After a Careful Analysisof the intellectual, radical, working class, senior citizen, student,white collar, immigrant, black, white, tan, purple, Christian, Jewish,Atheist, Other, liberal, conservative, crazy, straight, gay, transexual,bohemian population that comprises the kaleidoscopic world ofHyde Park.1000 American and foreign magazines, the very latest paperbackbooks, clever greeting cards, penguin Classics, imported cigarettes...friendly service...local employees...newspapers!51st & Lake ParkSurviving, evolving, enduring. Trying to figure you out.Much love, Bob Katzman SjW piescntsHARPER LIBRARYAFTERNOONCONCERTSThe Chicago Maroon — Tuesday, February 24, 1981 — 3Ice Sculptures Melt on MidwayBy Joel GinsbergThe snow and ice are gone, but a strangereddish residue remains at four campus lo¬cations where red dye was sprayed andblocks of colored ice melted. The tintedgrass and the puddles of red water are theremains of an art project created by Jim Ri-cherson, a student in the University’s Mas¬ter of Fine Arts program.The project, entitled “Pigmentation ofIce,” involved four campus locations: inone, blocks of ice in various colors were ar¬ranged diagonally across the Midway; inanother, 400 blocks of ice appeared in a tightgrid pattern; on the third site, on the Mid¬way between Ellis and Woodlawn, a strip ofred dye covered the length of a city block;and finally, at the fourth site, blocks of col¬ored ice were slung up on the branches oftrees near the ice-skating rink.Richerson used vegetable dyes to colorthe 1,600 blocks of ice, which weighted atotal of 5,000 pounds. The project, funded byprivate sources, cost an estimated $1,800.Richerson intended the blocks of ice tomelt slowly, producing splashes of color inthe snow. The weather was not entirely co¬operative, however, and the snow which fellon the blocks created a somewhat unintend¬ed effect. Once Richerson’s project was setup, the weather dictated its evolution, re¬sulting in an artwork which constantlyvaried during the nine days of its exis¬tence.Christina Stadelmeier, an advisor on the project, said that the visual arts are com¬monly thought of as “static,” rather than“dynamic” representations. Richerson,whose project was an example of the latterform, contends that most people try to denytheir ephemeral natures, aligning them¬selves in terms of either past or future expe¬rience. “The past is spent,” he said, “so weare robbed of the spontaneity and creativityof the present by devoting ourselves to itsmemory.”Stadelmeier noted that while art is usuallyconfined to “commercial spaces” — muse¬ums and galleries — this work was for thepublic, bringing “art to people who mightnot necessarily go to it.” Richerson said heviews the expression of ideas through artis¬tic media as a central part of his life, andwhether or not the manifestations of thoseideas are appreciated by the public is of lit¬tle importance.Richerson has created works of both“static” and “dynamic” natures. In one re¬cent project, a 100 foot long towing rope,representing both an umbilical cord and alink between heaven and earth, was burnedand the ashes distributed over a 10 by 15 footarea. Words from the Bhagavad Gita, a holyBuddhist work, were brushed into the ashes,and photographs of the rope displayed onthe walls of the studio.For a current project, Richerson photo¬graphed his hands after first soaking themfor an hour in a solution of epsom salts. Thephotographs will be displayed behind trans¬parent plexiglas boxes filled with water.FiresteinContinued from page 1rience was obvious. Apparently, Les was notthe sole representative of his breed offighter in this tournament, and the judgesseemed bent on protecting them from ex¬tinction.In the meantime, Les had encounteredsome other fighter in the locker room,where the mood resembled backstage at anamateur night. Before getting taped up, Lesencountered a fellow known as “Crusher,”who was entertaining himself and the crowdwhich had gathered by his locker with animpromptu muscle flexing session, featur¬ing his own 6’4”/200 pound frame for visualeffects and shouts of “CRUSHEM” for theaudio.“And what club do you belong to?” askedLes in a friendly manner. The Crusherturned his back towards him allowing Les tosee the white letters C-R-U-S-H-E-R embla¬zoned on a blue silk robe before backing Lesinto a locker.I guess Les decided he liked the air out¬side the locker room better, because he soonemerged dressed for action. He looked bigand impressive compared to most of thefighters I’d seen. I actually thought he’dhave held his own against many of the 135pound fighters, but it was the 165er’s I wasconcerned with. We sat in quiet anticipation,watching a string of fights with varying de¬grees of bloodletting. After a while we heardan announcement. “WOULD LES FIRES¬TEIN PLEASE COME UPSTAIRS.” It wastime.The decision was brief and after aboutthirty seconds the outcome was clear. Leshad received a bye and was advanced to asecond round matchup to be contested onThursday. The mood in the Firestein campwas nothing short of jubilant.ThursdayI had enjoyed being at the fight Tuesdaynight, seeing people so enthusiastic aboutwatching their favorites out there pawing at each other in the early rounds. But onThursday night the mood was decidedlymore serious and subdued. The level of box¬ing was high enough so that ethnic mat¬chups were not needed to generate thecrowd’s attention.Les seemed much more out of placeamong these experienced fighters than hehad among the others on Tuesday. I saw himtalking to some serious fight people; a largeman wearing a black vinyl jacket and a manI’d seen taping up some of the other fighters.They held back their smiles as they talked toLes. I listened in. “You never fought before?Well you’d better protect yourself and keepHill away with your reach. He’s a goodfighter and I can tell by looking at you thatyou’re not in shape.”The officials had begun to focus their at¬tention on Les and Michael Hill, his oppo¬nent. I heard some talk about Les’ lack ofexperience and some speculation on hischances of survival against Hill, a black kidfrom the West Pullman gym whose suc¬cessful record was probably based more onskill than toughness, judging from his poise.He looked like a serious athlete concernedwith winning a clean fight, and not like ananimal out for blood.Les was already taped up.He had a glazed look in his eyes as if in deepmeditation. I then remembered that hecould barely see without his glasses, a fac¬tor which was to prove crucial in the fight.After a fifteen minute wait, Firestein andHill emerged from the crowd and ascendedthe ring. The fighters were briefed, Fires¬tein shown to his corner, and the bell sound¬ed. To the surprise of almost everyone,Firestein came out smoking, dropping hishead and barraging Hill with punches aimedin the directon of his midsection. The imageof a half-blinded Don Quixote charging awindmill flashed into my mind. Firesteinwas valorous and aggressive in his attackbut it was obvious he couldn’t see a damnthing.Much to the amusement of the crowd, hefell all over his opponent and drove him intoa corner for a better view. Like Sancho Panza, distressed at the folly of his master,I shouted at Les to hold back for fear of whatHill might do to Les’ unguarded face andupper body.Hill began to shrewdly counterpunch andcatching one of Les’ off-balance crosspunches, knocked Les to the ground. It wasobvious that, because of Les’ inability tosee, the fight was a farce. A man in Les’corner who had been briefing Les motionedto the referee to end the fight and, after 50 seconds, it was over.It is safe to assume that the boxing careerof Les Firestein is over, unless his shouts of“Rematch! Rematch!” were not just injest. His moment of glory w'as brief and leftlittle physical evidence to attest to his va¬lour. But by undertaking a quest which mostpeople probably thought was foolish, LesFirestein proved that the potential for activ¬ity, even at the University of Chicago, is notquite as limited as we thought.YOU DON'T HAVE TO BE ADOCTOR, DENTIST OR NURSETO CONTRIBUTE TO THEPUBLIC'S HEALTH. 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FREE BOO-223 1782CHINESE-AMERICAiVlRESTAURANTSpecializing inCANTONESE ANDAMERICAN DISHESOpen Daily11 AM to 8:30 PMClosed Monday1318 EAST 63rdMU 4-1062 UNDERGRADUATE GRANTSfor participation in theSUMMER INSTITUTE ONPLANETS AND CLIMATECOLUMBIA UNIVERSITYin cooperation with theNASA GODDARD INSTITUTE FORSPACE STUDIESwill select 15 students for a 4 week lecture course and6 week research session, devoted to the study of planetary atmospheres and climate change for a total of 6points of academic credit The program will meet fromJune 8 to August 14 1981Full financial support including tuition and tees,accommodations, a stipend and round-trip travel ex¬penses to New York City, will be awarded to each parti¬cipant Applicants must have a background equivalent to3 years of college training in mathematics and scienceApplications in the form of a letter should be submitted by March 30 to Summer Institute on Planets andclimate 102 Low Library Columbia University. NewYork, NY 10027 The letter must include home andschool addresses telephone number social securitynumber a one-page typed statement of the applicant sgoals and interests an official transcript of collegecourses and grades Three prolessors familiar with theapplicant s work must provide letters of reference4 — The Chicago Maroon — Tuesday, Feburary 24, 1981DanBreslauU-High principal Geoffrey JonesBy Trace PollWho are the giggling inhabitants of the2nd and 3rd floors at Regenstein who looktoo young to be college students? MostUniversity students eventually learn thatthese are “Labbies” — or students at theUniversity’s Laboratory Schools. Whatstudents here don’t often know is that theseyoung scholars attend one of the finest highschools in the Chicago area, if not the coun¬try.The Lab Schools attract students from allover the Chicago area, fewer than half ofwhom are from families with a connectionto the University. “We’re racially in¬tegrated, and have students from a lot of dif¬ferent ethnic areas of the city,” notedJames Van Amburg, Director of the LabSchools.“Average to well above average,motivated students” attend the schools, saidVan Amburg. As evidence for the success ofthe school and its students, he pointed to thefacts that there were 21 national merit semi¬finalists in a class of about 120 last year, andthat most students go on to highly com¬petitive colleges.The 470 students who attend the Universi¬ty High School were required to have scoredat least in the 70th percentile nationally on atest of verbal and mathematical skills, ac¬cording to U-High principal Geoffrey Jones.Prospective students also take an essay testto help determine their writing and thinkingabilities.Jones said that only about one fifth ofthose who apply are accepted. While the m Labbies - Best and Brightest?number of applicants has increased recent¬ly, the actual enrollment at U-High hasdeclined in the past few years from about540 to the present 470. “The skill level is go¬ing down across the country,” said Jones,and as a result there are not as manyqualified students as before. Jones said thatthe increasing number of applicants is aresult of the fact that “more and more peo¬ple are frustrated with the Chicago publicschool system.”Faculty children are subject to the samestandards as other applicants, noted Jones.The principal added that not all facultychildren are accepted, and some are expell¬ed if they don’t maintain high academicquality. “Each year there is a screening.(All) students have to maintain a “C”average or they’re out,” said Jones.The philosophy of education has a definitefocus at the Lab schools. “Our focus is onthe learning process itself, as opposed tosubstantive content,” said Van Amburg.Students learn how to write analytically, toargue, and to engage in open discussions.“Research as a process is built into the pro¬gram,” explained Van Amburg.Jones attributed the success of the schooland its students to the concentration onreading, writing, and the research skillsthat are the foundation of the Lab Schools’program. Small classes and an “indepen¬dent approach to learning” are also an im¬portant part of the curriculum. In Americanhistory classes, for example, Jones saidstudents “develop a model for looking atany country.” In social studies classes,students compare cultures over time andlearn about concepts common to various cultures; a skill that will later help them asthey study other cultures. Several enrich¬ment programs are part of the Laboratoryschools’ education, including foreignlanguages, which are taught beginning inthe third grade.' “The school is structured to allow kids totake responsibility,” said Van Amburg.However, the students’ freedom to do workat their own level causes academicpressure. Ted Kim, a U-High transfer stu¬dent from New Jersey, said his schoolworkat U-High is definitely harder than at hisprevious school. U-High students HeidiNicholls and Tom Ragin agree that theirschool is competitive. Academic work hastop priority, according to Nicholls, and as aresult extracurricular activities sometimessuffer. Students are “interested in havingsports, but don’t really care about them.”she said.Many of the characteristics of the pro¬gram at the Lab Schools have been influenc¬ed by the ideas of their founder, the influen¬tial philosopher and educator John Dewey.The schools opened in 1896 as a testingground for Dewey’s educational principles,with a grant of $1000 from the University, adozen pupils, and a staff of three.Dewey’s educational theory emphasizesthe advantages of learning by doing ratherthan by rote. The students at the DeweySchool (the first name for the Lab Schools)sewed, cooked, and performed othermanual activities. Out of the need fornumber word and communication con¬nected with these activities came the in¬struction in arithmetic and reading.Very little research has gone on in the Lab Schools in the past few years, and theSchools have gradually become more in¬dependent of the University. While the LabSchools are not a part of the department ofeducation, Van Amberg describes theSchool’s relationship with that departmentas “cooperative, but not close.”The University’s department of educationused to train teachers in the Lab Schools,and many of the senior faculty members areUniversity graduates. Now however,because of a “need to concentrate ondeveloping a sense of community that isnecessary at a high school,” more teacherswith experience in a typical high school set¬ting are sought. Jones said.Although the Lab Schools are considered adivision of the University, with appoint¬ments of faculty coming through the Presi¬dent’s office, the financial relationship withthe University differs from that of otherdivisions. Lab School tuitions cover suchcosts as salaries, while the University pro¬vides the building and, until two years ago.pays the utility and custodial costs. Since1979, however, the University has frozen it’scontribution to the Lab School’s utility andcustodial costs, with the school making upthe difference.Since becoming more financially indepen¬dent, the Lab Schools have been “ag¬gressively pursuing sources of morescholarship money,” said Van Amberg.Presently, only a minimal amount ofscholarship money, approximately $100, available to help students meet their tui¬tion bills. Tuition at U-High is $3232 thisyear.The Lab School’s students take advantageof a number of University resources. Juniorand senior students are encouraged to useRegenstein library, according to Jones, togain experience with a good university-library. In addition, about 15 percent of thestudents take courses in the College, mostlyin math and foreign languages.Although there have been tensions bet¬ween the Lab Schools and Hyde Park'spublic schools in the past, these have noweased somewhat. During the early 70’s therehad been some community concern that theLab Schools were draining the best studentsfrom the public schools. Relations betweenthe Lab Schools and the public schools re¬main “sensitive.” according to Jones. Headded that it is important for the localpublic schools to remain strong, so thatthere is an acceptable alternative for facul¬ty member's children who do not attend theLab Schools.EconomicPlanContinued from page 1ceived too much attention. What is impor¬tant are the incentive affects which will in¬duce to people to work harder and producemore. I have no doubt that the personal taxcuts will lead to higher GNP.” Both Johnsonand Peltzman said that the President’s goalof 20% growth in real GNP by 1985 “is a littlehigh, but not totally unreasonable.”All but one of the economists recommend¬ed the implementation of the second aspectof the proposed tax reform — the accelerat¬ed cost recovery system for business depre¬ciation. Costs of investment are dividedover a number of years and then deductedfrom income in those years when calculat¬ing taxes. The new system would greatlysimplify companies’ accounting of deprecia¬tion and would reduce the time necessaryfor firms to recover the cost of their invest¬ments.“The changes in the depreciation lawsshould help offset the effects of inflation oninvestment,” said Johnson. “Currentlycompanies are only recovering 40-50% of theinflation-increased replacement cost of the asset. With the new system, firms can re¬cover 75-80% of the cost. This should providea real incentive for investment.”Robert Lucas, assistant chairman of theeconomics department, spoke out sharplyagainst both types of reform. “Tax cuts ofthis size would be inflationary,” Lucas said.“I cannot support any tax cuts at this time.It’s easy for Reagan to say he’ll balance thebudget, it costs him nothing, but it will bemuch harder to accomplish with the taxcuts.”Jacob Frenkel, another economist at tneUniversity, explained the relation betweentax cuts, deficits, and inflation. “Loweringtax receipts can lead to an increased federaldeficit,” Frenkel said, “if they are notmatched by equivalent spending reductions.The growing deficit may then put pressureon the Federal Reserve Board to increasemoney growth in order to fund the deficit.”The end result is a higher inflation rate.All five economists agreed wholehearted¬ly with Reagan’s claim that in order to curbinflation we need “a national monetary poli¬cy which does not allow money growth to in¬crease consistently faster than the growth ofgoods and services. Frenkel went on to ex¬plain the consequences of the restrictivemonetary policy: “First there would be aperiod of high interest rates, putting pres¬sures on reducing the rate of investment. Eventually, expectations of inflation will bereversed and the interest rates would zoomdown to a level lower than the initial level.”Frenkel believes the inflation rate will fallwith expectations, since “if we all believeinflation will be low-er, it will be.”The key question, said Frenkel, is how-soon expectations will change after theslowdown in money growth. During thistime, production will lag behind normalrates. Frenkel has seen indications in thecurrency market that expectations mightadjust quickly to the new monetary policy.“Already in the past few weeks in theforeign exchange market we see a tremen¬dous shift toward holding dollars — indicat¬ing a fundamental change in expectations ofthe dollar’s future value. If Congress andthe Federal Reserve act quickly on thePresident’s plan, expectations will shift inthe domestic market as well.”Several of the economists emphasizedthat this procedure was the only way tolower the inflation rate. They believe theeconomy would have to suffer through heshort-term problems of higher unemploy¬ment and lower GNP growth before the out¬look would improve.Mussa, Johnson, and Frenkel, each ofwhom expressed faith in the Federal Re¬serve’s willingness to stabilize the moneysupply, cited the agreement in the aims of the Administration and the Federal Re¬serve, as well as the national concensus thatsomething must be done about inflation asthe reasons for their optimism. Peltzmanand Lucas, on the other hand, agreed thatwhile it was possible to maintain a steadymonetary growth, past experience hasshown that the Federal Reserve will nothold the line in the face of large deficits anda sluggish economy.For the last proposal of his plan, Reaganstated that “we must come to grips with in¬efficient and burdensome regulation —eliminate those we can and reform those wemust keep.” Peltzman applauded the moveto cut back on federal regulation and sug¬gested that a cost-benefit approach be ap¬plied in selecting inefficient rules. “Someforms of regulation clearly do not providebenefits as large as their costs. The realquestion is will Reagan force a reversal insuch social regulation as pollution controland the Occupational Safety and HealthAgency codes.Although these changes would have asmall effect on the total economy, theywould be a significant benefit to some spe¬cific industries such as the steel and auto in¬dustries.” Peltzman also favored the contin¬uation of deregulation such as that initiatedin the oil and airline industries during theFord and Carter administration.The Chicago Maroon — Tuesday, February 24, 1981 — 5Do ‘Experts’ Exist?To the Editor:When the Maroon did its story on the set¬tlement of the hostage crisis, they soughtthe opinions of four persons: three describ¬ed as experts on “Iran,” the fourth an ex¬pert on “international relations.” None waspersented as an expert on America. TheAmerican part in the conflict was seen as aproblem in international relations, but theIranian side was considered moremysterious, requiring elucidation by aspecialist in Mongol History, a scholar ofReligion and Politics in the Middle East,and an authority on Bureaucratic Elites inIran In doing so, the Maroon merely follow¬ed a well-beaten path.We may ask: why did the media find it soeasy to conceive of single individuals as be¬ing experts on “Iran,” but not on America?Why they thought that the crisis in Irancould not be understood without somereference to the concept of Jihad in Islam orthe “martyr-complex” of the Shi’ites? Whythey felt no need to consult an expert on theCrusades, some authority on the “savior-complex” or the “chosen people-complex,”not to mention someone who had studiedC.I.A. activities in, say, Latin America?Three reasons suggest themselves. First:any conflict between the U.S. and a ThirdWorld country is seen as that between a na¬tion of ordinary, perfectly understandablehuman beings, whose motives are sotransparent and normal they need no ex¬planation, and a mass of people who arestrange in looks, thought, behavior andmotives, and can be understood onlythrough experts. Second: simultaneously,the nation of “ordinary” people is viewed asbeing structurally more complex — youdon’t consult an expert on American con¬sumerism in a crisis of American foreignpolicy — but the second group is perceived LETTERS TO THE EDITORto be simpler — a whole nation or continentcan be conceived of as a frozen and fixed“simple” entity in the mind of any expert.Third: the experts are believed to be notunlike angels, i.e., without our mundanefeelings of power, pride, prejuudice, andparanoia — they may be mistaken in theiropinion, but their opinion is unquestionablyto be taken as “objective’ and “scholarly,”and not the least tainted by such honest feel¬ings as pride in one’s country, anger at itsreal or presumed humiliation, and contemptfor those whom one dislikes.As for the question asked by the Maroon,only the ex-hostages can tell us whether itwas right to negotiate for their release.They suffered much, but now they are safe.What Iran did was wrong on humanitarianand Islamic grounds, not in terms of someimmaculately conceived code of interna¬tional relations. No American money waspaid in ransom, nor any apology made. Norwas the prestige or the pow er of the presentIranian regime enhanced in any way.As for Professor Susanne Rudolph, if shewas not being ironical, she would find thespecial issue of Race and Class (XXI, 1(1979)) most useful on the subject.C.M. Naim,South Asian Languages and CivilizationsThanks PoliceTo the Editor:I never thought I’d be admitting to it, but,I feel it only fair to give credit where creditis due. I am taking this opportunity topublicly thank a few of the Chicagopolicemen stationed at the 3rd district on E.75th.When I moved here to Chicago seven mon¬ths ago, I was haunted by the horror storiesof “life on the south side.” Those stories,coupled with my own experiences withChicago cops really instilled an on-going fear in me. I carry Chem-Shield, a safetydevice, and a shriek alarm. Bogged downwith the idea of having to constantly be onguard. I was uncertain of exactly whom Iwas guarding mvself from.However, I assure you that I did not sendout invitations to have my car stolen.Believe me, the red tape and mental exhaus¬tion is not worth it. I reported my car stolenat 10:00 a.m. on February 18, 1981. I manag¬ed to keep cool and convinced myself that ifI was going to have some kind otbreakdown, it was going to wait until all thenecessary measures were completed. So,the police (Chicago and University) arrivedpromptly, the insurance agency wasnotified, a rental car was reserved and aphone call home was placed.All that work took me all day. At abour4:00 p.m. the same afternoon, just as I wasabout to put my feet up and take a deepbreath accepting the fact that my car andsome personal belongings would be gone forgood, I received a phone call.The man identified himself as a police of¬ficer who claimed they had found my car. He said he’d been trying to get in touch withme for awhile, but, that the phone had beenbusy. Securing the legitimacy of this guy, Ijoined him and two others for a ride to thestation to identify my car.Everything I’ve explained so far soundsvery routine; all of this is exactly what anycop should do. The officers were very con¬soling. They were talkative, friendly and ex¬plained that they would make sure I wasescorted home after, my car was in arespectable shop for repairs.They changed the tires (which were notmine) on my car, called their own tow truck(even though I have insurance) and madesure that the car received immediate atten¬tion. All the paperwork was finished and Ihad only to sign at the X. On the way homethey asked about my prosecuting the guy. Itold them I was going to. but had no way ofgetting to the court house. You guessed it;as I sit here writing to all of you, I know thattomorrow morning I shall be picked up andreturned without a worry.Joanne BlakeStudent in the CollegeTHE CHICAGO MAROONEditor: David GlocknerManaging Editor: Chris IsidoreNews Editor: Sherrie NegreaViewpoints Editor: Jay McKenzieProduction Manager: Joan SommersFeatures Editor: Laurie KalmansonAssociate Editors: Robert Decker, AnnaFeldman, Henry Otto, Darrell WuDunnSports Editor: Michael Occhiolini Photo Editor: Dan BreslauCopy Editors: Matthew Brenneman, AliceErbacher, Kate Fultz, Don Laackman,Steve ShandorLiterary Review Editors: Richard Kaye,Candlin DobbsBusiness Manager: Lorin BurteAdvertising Manager: Wanda JonesOffice Manager: Leslie WickStaff: Michael Alper, Mike Axinn, Andy Black, Sharon Butler, John Condas, AarneElias, Joel Ginsberg, Victor Goldberg, David Gruenbaum, Margo Hablutzel, AndreaHolliday, Gabrielle Jones, Robin Kirk, David Kirschner, Linda Lee, Audrey Light,Neil Miller, Pat O’Connell, Henry Otto, Trace Poll, Nina Robin, Steve Shandor, HopeSirull, Yoon Son, Joe Thorn, Nick Varsam, David Vlcek, Peter Zale.SPECIAL DISCOUNT PRICESfor all STUDENTS, STAFF,and FACULTY MFMBERSJust present your University ofChicago Identification Card. Asstudents. Faculty Members or Ad¬ministrative Staff you are entitledto special money-saving DIS¬COUNTS on Chevrolet Parts. Ac¬cessories and any new or usedChevrolet you buy from RubyChevrolet 72nd & Stony IslandOpen Evenings andSunday684-0400SPECIALfor alland DISCOUNT PRICESSTUDENTS, STAFF,FACULTY MEMBERS72nd & St<®Open Even Just Present your University ofChicago Identification Card. Asstudents. Faculty Members orAdministrative Staff you are en¬titled to special money-savingDISCOUNTS on Chevrolet Parts.Accessories and any new or usedChevrolet you buy from Ruby.Chevrolet. krrp I hai trfrat G W Frrlimg*ak CLM IMF CM Forts "Parts OpenSat.’til noon72nd & Stony IslandOpen Evenings andSunday684-0400 2 Miles-5 MinutesAway FromThe UNIVERSITY Glenmary MissionersRoom 3 Box 46404Cincinnati, Ohio 45246NameAddressCity StateZip AgeYou have something toshare with the people of therural South and Appalachia— yourself. Find out howyou can help, as a CatholicBrother, Sister, or Priest.Your request will be treatedconfidentially.■ I’d like information aboutopportunities with theGlenmary Missioners andthe free poster.■ I’d like a free copy of theposter only.Cystic Fibrosis kills young people.We can help kill Cystic Fibrosis.6 — The Chicago Maroon — Tuesday, February 24, 1981VIEWPOINTIt was our last summer in Miami and thisis how I’ll always remember it: I was elevenyears old, a little bored, and provincial asonly a Floridian can be. I had never seensnow, for example, nor mountains or fallingleaves. What I had seen was the ocean—the_ heavy roll of waves leading to a sharp hori¬zon, neat as a line of salt on a tablecloth,which incorporated my dreams.It was the summer of Apollo and I wasan earthbound student of spaceflight. If aportion of my dreams lay at that crisp hori¬zon, the rest were firmly rooted in the livingroom and the television*set. I followed allthe missions until the names became linkedin a private vocabulary. I knew about vec¬tors and thrust, EVA’s and windows. I wasfamiliar with the Saturn-series boosters—culminating in the great Saturn V—as wellas with the earlier and humbler Redstone.Television was a great classroom in thosedays, filled with the knowledge (and the ro¬mance) of spaceflight. To my mind, those Walter andhours of coverage far exceeded in virtue thestale cuteness of “children’s programmi¬ng.’’ Give me Walter Cronkite and a modelof the LEM any day, not the confection ofMr. Rogers. (I am fortunately a few yearstoo old to have been much subjected to suchfluff.)If large undertakings require great ob¬servers, we found one in Walter Cronkite. Itis little short of the truth to say that Americawent to the moon with him. Indeed, we wenteverywhere with Walter. What political con¬vention, what peace march, what space mis¬sion, what assassination, what registeringof the American conscious was completewithout Walter first pronouncing the thingdone? I can, quite literally, not remembernot remembering Walter Cronkite....On March 6, Cronkite will make his finalappearance as anchor and managing editorof the ‘CBS Evening News.’ The Nielsen peo¬ple will no doubt find the audience large-most of us will be watching to see how an eraends. After nineteen years in the anchorbooth, and over thirty with CBS, Cronkite’spassing will be the story of that final broad¬cast, no matter what wars may begin or endthat day. He has outlasted five presidents,but only at the cost of remaining alwaysneutral. Perhaps this retirement will allowhim to end what he has called a twenty-yearself-imposed silence. Will the addition, atlong last, of his opinion on the debating floormake up for his absence on the nightlynews? Even if it does, he will be missed. the Way itBut wait—according to Peter Goodman,of the CBS Promotion Department in NewYork, there is still hope “The misconcep¬tion is that Cronkite is retiring,” Goodmantold me in a recent phone interview. “Al¬though he will no longer be managing editorand anchor of the ‘CBS Evening News,’ hewill continue as a news correspondent, andwill also do special assignments. This is afull-time position ... There is no mandatoryretirement age for on-air personnel here atCBS.”Hooray!Despite the fact that March 6th is Cron¬kite’s last appearance as anchor of the eve¬ning news, he will, in short, still be around.Goodman says we can expect to see Walterthis summer as the anchor of a thirteen-week series devoted to science, entitled“Universe.” (The series ran in previoussummers, as well.) Cronkite will also have ahand in a five-part series, called “Defenseof the United States,” to air on consecutivenights later this year.It won’t be the same, of course. I supposein time we’ll even grow accustomed to DanRather’s presence in the anchor booth. Un¬like some other Cronkite fans I’ve over¬heard, I’m willing to give Rather a chanceto carve out a niche within the shadow of hislegendary predecessor. But no matter howwe kid ourselves, it won’t be the same.I think I’ll always remember Cronkite ashe was the night he took our family intospace. Remember, in July of 1969, thoseThe Fine Art of the Newspaper FillerBy Sherrie NegreaThose of us in the newspaper business-share, among other traits, an inside under¬standing of the “tricks of the trade” or sim¬ply speaking, “what to do when all elsefails.” These tricks, as media critics will at¬test, include the ability to invent news whenthere is none, to turn trivial events into sen¬sational scandals, and to make false proj¬ections of elections from numerous anduseless polls. Yet of all the devices journal¬ists use, perhaps none is more common thanthe “filler” — those bits of information orphotos whose sole purpose is to occupyspace.While the filler can take many shapes andforms, it most frequently appears as a sin¬gle-line announcement or an over-enlargedphoto. Whatever form it takes, the fillermust be camouflaged so that the readerswill not recognize it as the space-killer itis.Last week while glancing through the Tri¬bune, I was at first caught off guard when Iread the following piece of earchshatteringnews on page 16 of the first section: Shaken bacon awakensCALITRJ, Italy fRouters]—A pig wu pulledout alive Tuesday after being buried under aartib-guake debris for 80 day*.The pig, skeletal and blinking is the tight,received vitamin injections.So skillfully was the story concealedbelow a news article on the upcoming elec¬tions in Israel, that I found myself uncon¬sciously pondering the consequences of thissole survivor of the disastrous earthquake inItaly last November. W'hat were the medicalramifications of this bizarre miracle ofmammalian survival? If a swine could en¬dure such adverse physical conditions, whatwere the chances that more humans werealso buried alive under the earthquakedebris? And since scientists can communi¬cate with chimpanzees, could they somehowextract a first-hand account of this naturaldisaster from a pig?Fillers used by other newspapers, unfor¬tunately, are not as provocative as in theTribune. In the New York Times, for exam¬ple, the fillers are of the one-line type andare cleverly dispersed in odd places throughout the paper for minimum effect.Only devoted readers and idolizers of theTimes probably ever noticed their standardfillers, such as “Give to the Clean Air Fund”or “Remember the Neediest.” Such fillersare characteristic of the Times — a newspa¬per which refuses to lower itself to printcomics or gossip columns. On a more intel¬lectual level, perhaps their fillers attempt touse subliminal editorializing to persuadetheir unwitting readers.Veteran readers of the Maroon can recallseveral occasions when fillers were used inthis paper — some, however, not as skillful- Ily disguised as others. An issue last spring,for example, carried our most illustrious at- [_tempt to bring the art of the filler to thepages of the Maroon even though the deci¬sion to do so was not intentional. In thisissue, an experiment which has not sincebeen repeated, the fillers were not distribut¬ed throughout the paper, but rather theywere collectively printed on the front page.The end result was perhaps the mosttalked-about front page in Maroon history;it consisted of two photos of the collapse ofthe west tower of Harper (in 1911), an arti¬cle about the HUNS (Humans Organized forNoisy Studying), and a nearly half-pagephoto of President Hanna Gray and her as¬sociates watching the groundbreaking cere¬monies for the new Court Theater. The rea¬son for such an imaginative cover page wasLETTERS wasawful, grainy pictures from the moon? 1 waseleven years old, and in love with the gran¬deur of the event. That afternoon, I’ddragged the chaise lounge into the livingroom. We sat—barely breathing—before theTV set, watching those first crude, undeci¬pherable, and impossibly romantic picturesshot back through space. Were they right-side up? Who could tell? W’ho even cared?The voices of the astronauts were clipped,atypically tense. It was a tension, no doubt,composed of the oldest longings and thenewest of emotions Men were at last uponthe moon! Within a few months I wouldmove to another state, make new friends,and take a look at growing up. The moonlanding in many ways marked the end of mylife in Florida. Walter gave the necessaryinformation quietly as the LEM descended,wisely allowing the conversation betweenthe earth and its moon to carry the moment.And I remember: “Houston, this is Tranqui¬lity Base here. The Eagle has landed.”In my living room, and perhaps in yours,we rose, crying freely, and in a millionrooms embraced. The Eagle has landed.For the moment, it was enough: the war, theriots, the assassinations were momentarilyleft behind. W’e were on the moon. A deadpresident had wished it, and now it wasdone. I remember Cronkite’s face, as I re¬member my father’s face that night. I re¬member it all—every moment. Is it possiblewe were ever so young?ithat most of the assigned articles for thatissue never materialized. While that frontpage will probably never win a Pulitzer forthe Maroon, it might deserve credit for de¬monstrating the paper’s skill in "creative”journalism.Oh yes, there was another instance re¬cently when the Maroon took advantage ofthe filler, yet this time in a more discreetfashion. During the same month as the frontpage just mentioned, someone somehow-miscounted the pages and as a result theproduction staff was short a page of copy.The solution was a full-page photo of a mon¬key taking a drink of water. Again, studentsreading the Maroon had a curious expres¬sion on their faces.Don’t DonateTo the Editor:A thought for the graduate and profes¬sional student annoyed at having theundergraduates vote themselves $5 fromeach graduate and professional studenteach quarter:Admittedly w-e have little or no leveragenow We will however, be the alumi/ae towhich the university will be looking formoney. I suspect that the administrationwould reconsider its action were it to hearfrom enough prospective lawyers, doctors, executives, etc., that it can write off their CIwIa |v D a* TmIafuture donations if the tax on graduate WHCOCJO 9i|iv ¥ O Of AO 10students is not eliminated.Tim RolfeGrad, student, ChemistryStaff Meeting TonightThe Maroon staff will meet tonight at 9 pmin the Maroon office to discuss the paper’scurrent financial circumstances and plansfor payment of scholarship awards. All edi¬tors in the staff of the Maroon, the Grey CityJournal, and the Chicago Literary Revieware expected to attend. Attendance by otherstaff members is optional.The Chicago Maroon — Tuesday, February 24, 1981 — 7SPORTSc<0*-c10O By Michael OcchioliniThe men’s basketball team dropped theirfinal two games of the season last weekend,losing a close contest to Coe College 64-56,and losing to Monmouth College 88-58.Chicago actually outscored Coe 48-44 fromthe field on Friday night, but Coe scoredtwenty points from the free throw line on 27fouls by Chicago. Although Mike Shackletonand Wade Lewis had poor shooting nightsfor Chicago, the Maroons were still up byone point late in the game. Coe regained thelead for good, though, after Chicago wascalled for a technical foul when Eric Kubyvented his frustrations on an official aftertrying to signal a time-out.On Saturday, Chicago lost to Monmouth88-58, as the Maroons were outrebounded6744. “They just had too many horses,” ex¬plained Coach John Angelus, and theMaroons were never able to control the in¬side game against Monmouth’s taller,stronger players. Senior Pete Leinrothbroke a bone in his foot during the Mon¬mouth game when he was hit coming downin the lane.The loss leaves Chicago with a 10-9 recordfor the year, losing six games in a row aftertheir seven game winning streak earlier inthe season. Chicago did remarkably wellthis year, especially after the loss of seniorVlad Gastevich forced Angelus to restruc¬ ture an offense which had been based large¬ly around Gastevich.Angelus attributed Eric Kuby’s improve¬ment this season to his weight lifting pro¬gram during the offseason, and the coachsaid he plans to stress offseason condition¬ing for next season.The Maroons will have a strong nucleusreturning next season, losing only captainPete Leinroth. Angelus was pleased withChicago’s offensive performance this year,and in particular their use of the four corneroffense. Angelus believes that his teammust improve its rebounding on the offen¬sive and defensive boards, though. “Wewere weak on the boards because of our lackof size and depth.” The Maroons must alsoimprove their perimeter shooting on thezone defense, he added.Angelus has been pleased with the recruit¬ing for next year. Nine players show greatpromise despite the rigid academic stan¬dards set by the University. “We need an¬other big player inside, and another shoot¬ing forward.” Angelus is happy with thenumber of recruiting contacts made duringthe offseason. With the help of assistantCoach Jim Hargesheimer, he hopes to get afew blue chip players for next season’ssquad. According to Angelus,” we must notcome back a year older, but a year bet¬ter.”Official Betting Line on All-U ChampionBy Marcus the Roman & Dave the WaveAlbanian Refugees 3 1 Superstiffs 85Divinity School 4 1 Bovver Boys 100Bo's Hose 10 1 Hitchcock "A” 105Wall Street Walkers 14 1 Phi Gam 110BRM 15 1 Lower Rickert 146Abnormal Deviates 16 1 Orangutangs 146N.U.T.S. 17 1 Five Particles 307The Champs 25 1 Henderson 178E.F.U. Stew 40 1 Basketball Team 190Dudley 55 1 Dews Brothers 200Chamberlin 59 1 Farensyl Pyrophosphate 1119Greenwood 63 1 Upper RickertFishbein 68 1 Upper Flint 347Spuds 80 1 Compton 400HendersonPhi Gam 118)Fishbein (13)6 Bye7. Gpper Flint8 Dews Brothers*• Lower Rickert < 19)W 3ye dW j-g* ***IF .-HI m '&£***«*<—•3* ■ sketball Playoff ChartResidenceChampionChamberlin (11)Upper RickertGreenwood (12)_Hitchcock A (17).ByeU T S. (7)fc.P.u. Stew |y)Champs (8)Divinity SchoolBye29.30BRM8 ye UndergraduateChampionBO'S HoseByeSuperstiffs (15)Fare ns y I Pyrophosph;ByeAlbanian Refugees (1) W.|W. ■ ■Ail-University champion23.24 BovverSpuds (14)AbnormalMen Lose TwoWomen DropOne; On toState TourneyBy Audrey LightIt took a powerful team from WTieatonCollege to remind the women’s basketballteam what it’s like to lose. Coming off a 95-19romp over Mundelein, wnich extended thtMaroons’ winning streak to 10 games, Chi¬cago suffered a second half collapse Thurs¬day night and fell to Wheaton, 66-51.The Maroons were obviously feeling thepressure of having lasted five weeks withouta loss. “The team was pretty tight beforethe game,” admitted senior co-captain KimHammond. “With a 10 game winning streak,we knew everybody was out to get us.”For a while, it appeared that Chicagomight keep its streak intact. Both teamstraded turnovers and missed shots in theopening minutes, but Janet Torrey beganhitting from the outside and scored eightpoints to help Chicago open a 16-8 lead. Thateight point spread proved to be Chicago’sbiggest lead of the game, as Wheaton capi¬talized on Chicago’s fouls and turnovers topull to a 25-25 halftime tie.The second half began disastrously forChicago. The Maroons committed fivestraight turnovers and failed to score untilNadya Shmavonian got a basket with 16:15left to play. Fouls and turnovers plagued theMaroons throughout the half and Wheaton’s1-3-1 zone defense kept the Chicago offensebaffled. Wheaton ran away with the gamewhen Chicago failed to score for a six-min¬ute span.Chicago’s usually formidable defense wasunable to contain the taller Wheatonplayers. According to Coach Diann Nestel,“our biggest problem was that we weren’tkeeping the ball out of the middle. Thatwipes out the strong part of our defense, be¬cause they have two sides to pass to. But Ihave to credit their team for capitalizing onour weaknesses.”The Maroons gave up 18 points to FrancesBarrett, Wheaton’s six-foot center Shma¬vonian was the only Maroon to scor in do¬uble figures, with 15 points and a tea i-high12 reboundsThe loss was especially disappointing forChicago, since a win would have allowed theteam to advance directly to the IAIAW statetournament on March 5-7. Chicago won itsdistrict with a perfect record, but only fourof the state’s five district champions receivetournament byes. The fifth winner joinsseven at-large teams in a preliminary elimi¬nation round.8 — The Chicago Maroon — Tuesday, February 24, 1981At this point, Chicago’s tournament statusis completely up in the air. According toHammond, “We won the weakest district inthe state. So (the seeding committee) willlook at our games against non-districtteams.” Chicago had one more chance toprove itself in last night’s game against Con¬cordia. Now the Maroons can only wait untilSunday night’s call from the seeding com¬mittee. If the team fails to receive a bye, itwill return to action Monday evening.Albanians,NUTS,Dudley IMTourney PicksBy David GruenbaumIt’s playoff time again. After all of the reg¬ular season confusion, the Albanian Refu¬gees and Divinity School have remained thenumber one and number two teams all sea¬son and are both unbeaten going into theplayoffs. It seems indeed likely that thesetwo teams will meet in the graduate finals,but then again No. 3 ranked Bo’s Hose had avery close game with the Refugees and theseventh ranked Deviates almost upset Di¬vinity School, so anyhing can happen.The Refugees and Divinity School are the\ obvious favorites to win the All-Universityfinal, but in order to capture this crown theymust defeat the undergraduate champion.The favorite for the independent and under¬graduate titles is the only undefeated under¬graduate team, N.U.T.S. The eighth rankedN.U.T.S. however will face tough competi¬tion in the independent championships fromthe ninth ranked Champs and tenth rankedE.F.U. Stew.The Residence Championship is uplin theair. There were no undefeated residenceteams this year. However, Dudley, lastyear’s runnerup, would seem to be a slightfavorite at this point, their only loss comingat the hands of last year’s residence cham¬pion Chamberlin. Fishbein and Greenwoodshould also provide tough competition forDudley.In Women’s play Upper Wallace seems tobe the pre-tournament favorite to win theresidence title. They should face tough com¬petition from Snell and the graduate cham¬pion Med School. The unbeaten Misfits andMystery Basketball Team meet in the OpenRec. The winner of that matchup will be the ~favorites in this tournament.Unfortunately, results from Monday nightaction were not available at press time.I Da Boxa’By John CondasI was talkin to my friend Les and I foundout he was goin ta box in Golden Gloves so Itold him I’d help him cuz I used ta be inGolden Gloves and won Open Division 156 acoupla years ago. So I told Les I'd help himcuz he’s a good guy and he’d be a goodfighter. So I started ta train him but it wassorta late since he tole me he was in da Gold¬en Gloves Thursday but his fight wuz onTuesday. So I give him a coupla books onboxin one by dat Floyd Patterson, he wasone good Galahad, and one by dat Ken Nor¬ton cuz I liked his style. Then I gived him anew name cuz Lesley’s sortofa faggot name,so I called him Leon cuz Leon wuz one hellu¬va boxer and he looked real ugly when histwo front teeth wuzn’t in his mouth. I denstarted ta call him Champ cuz he gotta havesome confidence in da ring.So me and Leon we train all weekend, hewas hittin his door and everythin else hecould get his gloves on so he could get hispunch and jabs down. He almost one dayhits one of his teachers, but lucky for him Ifloored Leon just when Leon wuz gettinready to left jab da teacher.Tuesday comes and we went down dere toda gym but everyone musta found out how-tuff Champ was cuz da bum he was suppo-seda fight didnt show up or nothin. Den a flygets in da Vaseline cuz some dizzy broad datLeon kinda knowed was scared dat he wasdem Golden Gloves, if dey les Leon fight.Well, dem Golden Gloves guys knowed datsince I was trainin Leon he wasnt gonna gitkilled so dey told da dizzy broad ta clam upso she did an I’m glad cause no dizzy broad’skilled so dey told da dizzy broad ta ciam upso she did an I’m glad cause no dizzy board’sgonna deprive Leon to win da GoldenGloves. After Suzy Q butted out, we go backto da gym on Thursday. Da gym was calledSt. Andrews it was real nice cuz it had Jesuson the Cross on da outside so I knowed datda big man upstairs was watchin andwouldnt let Leon lose. I prayed for Leonsince I knowed he couldnt pray to Jesussince Leon he was Jewish and he didnt knowwho dat Jesus guy was and how can a guytalk ta someone who he don’t even know?We went inside da gym and dere wuz alot ofblack and Mexican pugs who looked realtuff. Da Champ weighed in at 160 an I knowden dat I put him on too tuff a diet cuz hedidnt eat enough steak or nothin else sincehe lost insteada gainin weight.We went inside da locker room and shw alldese other bums gettin ready to box. Someblack guys tot dey was Sugar Ray Leonardor somethin cuz they wuz struttin aroundjust like da great Sugar Ray does. Someguys had a real classy robes and dey lookedreal tuff. One guy was sleepin on da bench, Ihope he didnt sleep tru his fight. Dere wasalot of Mexicans who kept on makin the cross and dey had coaches who kept on coa-chin em in Mexican instead of American.God bless da US of A.Da fights started and dere was some goodbrawls. One of da guys was Rico Ricardo hewuz one real tuff customer. I wouldnta askhim to sing BabLoo or ask him why healways lets Lucy run his life or nothing likethat. Well Rico knocked his guy silly in dafirst round, and he was in Leons’ division soI watched Rico real close so If Champ had tafight him, he wouldn’t get killed. Couplamore good brawls I see, den a good one wasbetween two kids about fourteen or twelvefightin each other. Both of dem kids is gonnabe champs when dey grow up some.Pretty soon it was time for Leon’s fight.He wuz fightin some mug from West Pull¬man Club named Mikal Hill. I got da champready and I take off his glasses an I put hishead gear on so Leon don’t get punched in daear and get cauliflower ear. You know whatLeon was dam near blind when I take hisglasses off. He couldnt see nothin he keepson callin my Rey or somethin so I had tashut him up by poppin him in da gut to wisehim up some. Mikal Hill didnt look dat tuffor nuttin justa young kid I know Leon couldTKO him or get a walkover or somethin likethat. I didnt like da ref. He looked like hewas abouta hundred or somethin an hadbrawled aginst Gene Tunney or John L. Sul¬livan or some dammed old dinosaur. Spea-kin of old dinosaurs dem guys dat run Gold¬en Gloves is classy. Dey all dress up in realnice patterned coats and checkered pants. Ithink dat der clothes were real expensivecuz I heard one of em say dat he justthrowed his suit in the washin machine an itcome out lookin good as new.We went in da ring and me and da waterboy went to our corner. Dey introduced Leonand den Mikal Hill and everyone dere wascheerin cuz everyone dere liked boxin cuzits a great sport. I think. Den Leon comesover for final destructions before the brawlan I tell him to go git da bum and dont waitfor him ta knock you silly. So da bell go offand Leon he went bum or nuttin without hisglasses. Anyway dey was dukin it out andLeon kinda slipped and failed down on dacanvas. Da dammed ref gives Leon da 8count! I couldnt believe my ears what deywas hearin. Den Leon puts his gloves up sohe was OK and he hits him a coupla timesone pretty good shot den Leon kinda slipsagin an I told da Champ ta work on his foo¬twork, and while I was yellin at da Champ,da dammed ref stopped da brawl and give itto Mikal Hill! Me and Leon was robbed! Ifelt like goin up ta da ref and give him apieca my mind he coulda used some, aboutdeprivin a young man his chance ta win daGolden Gloves. But I didnt an we left da ringand den Leon showered an we left da gymbut Leon’ll be back next year just like dagreat Sonny Liston cuz Leon never do quit. New, space-age alloythat looks as good as gold,wears as good as gold, costs about half as much.SPECIAL INTRODUCTORY OFFER: Save $J0off the regular price. (Offer valid through Februarv 27ONLY.)Yellow Lustrium rings by Josten’s available dailyat your bookstore.Univ. of Chicago Bookstore5750 S. Ellis AvenueChicago, IL 60637ATT: John Rule *iThe Chicago Maroon — Tuesday, February 24, 1981 — 9ICALENDARTuesdayWomen’s Exercise Class: Meets 10:30 am, IdaNoyes Dance room.UC Christian Fellowship: Prayer meeting 12 noonRockefeller Chapel deans office.Rockefeller Chapel: Organ recital by Edward Mon-dello, 12:15 pm.Research Seminar in Resource Analysis: “TheOutlook for Oil Shale" speaker Mr. John Lyon,1:30 pm, SCL 161.Comm, on Developmental Biology: “Smooth Mus¬cle” speaker Dr. S. Chacko, 1:30 pm. Anatomy104.Oriental Institute: 2 exhibits-“Near Eastern Cos¬tume” and “Remembrances of the Near East” ondisplay til Mar 31. 1155 E. 58th St.Dept, of Microbiology: “Somatic Mutation MayGenerate Diversity in IGG and IGA Antibodiesbut not IGM Antibodies” speaker Dr. PatriciaQearhart, 4:00 pm, Cummings.Center for Latin American Studies: “Grenada’sSocialist Revolution” speaker Dessima Williams,4:00 pm, SS Lounge.South Asia Film Festival: “India's Villages" 4:00pm, Foster Hall room 103. Free.The Organization of Black Students atthe University of Chicago invite you tore-experience Lena Horne, Fats Waller,and Cab Calloway in the all Blackmusical, Stormy Weather. There will betwo showings at 7:00 p.m. and 9:00p.m„ Thursday, February 26, at the LawSchool Auditorium, 1111 E. 60th Street.Admission is $1.50. Come enjoy themusic and dance of Stormy Weather,For more information call 753-3566.That's 753-3566. Aikido: Meets 4:30 pm, Bartlett gym.Gymnastics Club: Meets 5:30 pm, Bartlett gym.U of C College Republicans: Meeting at 7:30 pm,Ida Noyes 1st floor lounge.Racquetball Club: Meets 7:30-9:30 pm. Field Housecourts 1 and 2.Outing Club: Business meeting, 7:30 pm, IdaNoyes 2nd floor memorial room.UC Students for the Citizens Party: Meeting 7:30pm, Ida Noyes East Lounge.Physical Education: Free swimming instruction7:30-8:30 pm, Ida Noyes.University Feminist Organization: Women’s RapGroup meets 8:00 pm in the Women’s Center, 3rd flof Blue Gargoyle.Hillel: Israeli folkdancing 8:00 pm, Ida Noyes 3rdfloor theatre. 75*WednesdayRockefeller Chapel: Holy Communion at 8:00 am.Kundalini Yoga: Meets 12 noon in Ida Noyes.Center for Middle Eastern Studies: Persian Circle-“Memoirs of a 20th Century Persian Scholar andStatesman” speaker Heshmat Moayyad, 12 noon,Kelly 413. Commuter Co-op: Get-together in CommuterLounge at 12:30 pm, Gates-Blake basement.Computation Center Seminar: Introduction toDISSPLA, 3:30-5:00 pm, RI 180.Division of Physical Sciences: “X-Ray SpectralSignatures in the Active Galactic Nuclei and Qua¬sars” speaker Jonathan Grindlay, 3:30 pm, Eck-hart 133.Dept of Biochemistry: “Lateral Organization andPhysical Properties of Lipid Membranes” speakerErnesto Freire, Cummings room 101.Cog Com/Sloan Colloquium: Title to be an¬nounced, speaker Charles Fillmore, 4:00 pm,Beecher 102.Center for Middle Eastern Studies: Near EastClub-”Levels of Aggregation in MesopotamianEconomic Data" 4:30 pm, Oriental Institute Stu¬dent lounge.UC Hotline: Training meeting 7:00 pm, Ida Noyes2nd fl. info call 241-5311.Poetics: Presents a poetry reading by Leslie Ull-man, 8:00 pm, Ida Noyes Library. Free.Science Fiction Club: Meets 8:00 pm, Ida Noyes.Hyde Park Al-Anon Group: Meets 8:00 pm, 1st Un¬itarian Church, 57th and Woodlawn. Info call471-1225.w The University of Chicagor, LDEPARTMENT OF MUSICyCLAUDIA STAPLETON, PianistGoodspeed Hall 12:15 p.m.Brahms 3 Intermezzi, Opus 117Beethoven 6 Bagatelles Opus 126(bring a sandwich/ enjoy the concert)UC CHAMBER ORCHESTRAJeanne Schaefer, ConductorDeborah Drattell, guest ConductorInternational House 8:30 p.m.Philip Helzer, cello soloistMozart Symphony 1141 in CHaydn Cello Concerto in CShostakowitch Prelude in ScherzoCONCERT BAND4:00 Goodspeed HallCOLLEGIUM MUSICUM -INSTRUMENTAL GROUPHoward Brown, Director and Recorder SoloistBond Chapel 8:00 p.m.German Music of the 16th, 17th centuriesFisher — Pepusch — FezAll concerts are free and without Ticketm . •=thursdayfeb 26Saturdayfeb 28Sundaymar 1 Hunger Concern Group: Meets 8:30 pm, Ida Noyesroom 217.ThursdayComm, on Genetics: “Isolation and Characteriza¬tion of the Glutamine Synthetase Gene from aBlue-Green Alga” speaker Richard Fisher, 12noon, Abbott 133.Dept of Music: Piano recital by Pat Gallagher,12:15 pm, Goodspeed Hall.Center for Middle Eastern Studies: Lecture-“TheHistory of Sumer” speaker Thorkild Jacobsen,2:00 pm. Oriental Institute.Aikido: Meets at 4:00 pm, Bartlett gym.Dept of Physics: “Nuclear Shape Evolution withSpin and Temperature” speaker Teng-Lek Khoo,4:30 pm, Eckhart 133.Anthropology Lecture/Slides/Discussion: PeterGoldsmith speaking on his fieldwork experienceson St. Simon’s Island, Georgia. 5:00 pm, Harper103.Gymnastics Club: Meets 5:30 pm, Bartlett gym.Ill. Central Hospital Ala-Teen Group: Meets at7:00 pm, 5800 S. Stony. Info 471-0225.Chicago Debating Society: Practice at 7:00. meet¬ing at 8:00 pm, Ida Noyes.marian realty,inc.mI* All OPStudio and 1 BedroomApartments Available— Students Welcome —On Campus Bus LineConcerned Service5480 S. Cornell684-5400 FarSastThis week’s specialBeef Sub Gumwith Egg Foo Yung 1654 E. 53rd955-2200Cocktails aand TropicalDrinksserved until 2:30 p.m. Tues.-Sat. $209eat in orcarry outOpen daily and Sunday 11 a.m. to 1 a.m.Closed Mondays. Lunch served Tuesdaythru Saturday 11 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. LEARN TO FLYPRIVATE PILOT COURSFonly $1,495.00*Includes:40 hours of required flight time20 hours of personalized InstructionComplete Ground School Coursecall 312-459-3780AMERICAN SCHOOL OF AVIATIONPAL-WAUKEE AIRPORT* FINANCING AVAILABLE10 — The Chicago Maroon — Tuesday, February 24, 1981CLASSIFIED ADSCLASSIFIEDClassified advertising in the ChicagoMaroon is 75 cents per 30 characterline. Ads are not accepted over thephone, and they must be paid in advance. Submit all ads in person or bymail to The Chigago Maroon, 1212 E59th St., Chicago, IL 60637. Our officeis in Ida Noyes, room 304 Deadlines:Wed. noon for the Fri. paper, Fri. noonfor the Tues. papers.SPACEPEOPLE WANTEDOVERSEAS JOBS-Summer/yearround Europe, S. America, Australia,Asia All fields. $500 $1200 monthly.Sightseeing Free info. Write IJC Box52-IL5 Corona Del Mar, CA 92625.Paid subjects needed for experimentson memory, perception and languageprocessing. Research conducted bystudents and faculty in the Committeeon Cognition and Communication,Department of Behavioral Sciences.Phone 753 4718WANTED: Experienced offset printerto work 10-15 hours every week Ex¬perience with color work preferredE mployment to last at least two years,summers available. Call Matt at 753-2518, Tu and Th. You must be qualifiedand reliableBabysitting in my home for 2 smallchildren. Approx 6 8 hrs per wkdaytimes. Will negotiate times andpay Call Vicki 285 0229.WANTED IMMEDIATELY: Parttime college student for general officework in Loop Good starting salaryand flexible hours. Previous work experience not required, but preferredCall Georganne for details 782 8994 Part time secretary needed appr. 3hrs/-day. Typing filing bookkeepinghours flexible Call 753 attend an Irish Wake Party at PSI-UFriday, Feb 27 9pm $1 come andmourn for a true Irishman 8. have fun& a few in the Irish tradition.SERVICESCoop apt on lake: 2 br; 1 bath; eat irkit; Ig wbfpl, 28,500. 374 0219WALK TO CAMPUS rent 2 br 2 bamodrn prof decor apt nr trains shopsparking drapes rugs pool 947 9597.ROMMATE WANTED to share largesunny apt w/2 others (females).S118/mo (incl heat) 643-3395.SUBLET April to Sept (flexible) underS70/mo BDRM in apt w/3 others niceCarol 752 5835.Spacious 2 bedroom condominium,with sunroom, in six flat. $63,000Phone 324 3263 before 12 and after 4.Anytime on Weekend.Spacious apartment for sublet AvailMar. 1. 3 bdrms, 2 baths, 3 blocks fromCo op. $435/mo Call 684 6233.CONDO SALE 1410 E 56t St. Sunny, 2bdrm, dining rm, new carpeting, largegrassy fenced yard, low assessments.Call Anita llika, Chicago Service, 327-6300.One room available March 15 in sunny4 bdrm apt. Share food and cookingNonsmoker. Rent $90 month plusutilities and heat. 493-9497.Fern non smoker to share twobedroom apt at 54th Ellis. Cat ownerwelcome S155/mo. Rozalyn 363 8610.Ben and his father need roommate,starting between now and June $125 amonth includes everything but phone.Quiet nonsmoker. Great location onMidway near Law School, SSA Call 31426 or 667 8562. PERSONALSWRITER'S2 8377)The End of SG as we know it — SexAnarchy Party convention Thursdayat 7 pm in Ida Noyes—XYYFrom EX LIBRIS to POST LI BR ISFriday Frog and Peach. Good food,free coffee, free entertainment from9:30pm 1:30am.Musk: I miss you! Love, McMuskSara at Ryerson: how could a meremortal such as myself speak to a goddess such as yourself? Rat Photel.You know my name Look up thenumber. "Good Luck" (8-infinity).Are you an artist or a photographer?Display your work in EX LIBRIS (Reg'A' level). Call Sufia Khan 753 2249 or753 3273ANTHROPOLOGY Lecture/slidesPeter Goldsmith, Anthro grad, studwill speak on his fieldwork exper. onSt. Simon's Island, Georgia Thurs.Feb 26 H 103 5 pmEXCAVATIONA book of poems by Alice Ryerson, onsale of U of C Bookstore DISCREETMUSICTurn on and Tune in every Wednesdaynite at 10:30 pm for the best in the Progressive music experience. Foreignand Domestic, on WHPK-FM 88 3 inStereo Music which is as ignorable asit is interesting. POLITICALECONOMY NOEL BURCHIs the US Economy competitive?Discussion sponsored by Union forRadical Political Economics Wed Feb25 1.30 pm Harper 102. Noted film scholar Noel Burch willspeak on 'The Crucified Lovers' by thegreat Japanese director Mizoguchi.The film begins at 7 30, Sunday March1, the lecture follows. HOTLINETRAININGPASSPORT PHOTOS COFFEEHOUSE RUGBY CLUBTYPIST Disseration quality. Helpwith grammar, language as needed.Fee depending on manuscript. IBMSelectric. Judith 955 4417.ARTWOR K Posters, illustration, lettering, etc. Noel Yovovich 493-2399.Excellent, Accurate TYPIST will typeterm papers, theses, dissertations,reasonably priced. Pick up anddelivery on campus. CallWanda 684 7414 after 5 pm.SHIPPING/PACKING World wide &USA Packing & Shipping services. CallAir-Sea Pac, Inc. Tel. 312-766 8226 forinformation.TYPIST: High quality work byfreelance writer. Competitively pric¬ed, prompt; minor editing with outcharge IBM Correcting Selectric.After 6pm. 338 3800 or 472 2415.Will do typing IBM Selectric-821 0940.WOMEN! Self defense classes begMon Mar 2; 7 9 pm, Blue Gargoyle 5655S. Univ. 6 wks $25. Register call 332-5540 (Chimera Inc) todayAccurate typist will type term papersthese dissertations, reasonably pricedCall Jo 891 0745 after 6 pm.Professional Typing of Resumes,thesis, reports, forms-reasonablerates call Midwest Secretarial Service, 236 5417.IBM Tpewriters repaired for LESS bya former IBM customer engineer withover 8 years experience. Why pay IBM$54.00/hr. for service when you don'thave to? Generic Typewriter-LeonWhiten, 427-0175. PASSPORT PHOTOS WHILE UWAIT. Model Camera, 1342 E 55th St.493 6700SCENESPLAYWRIGHT (U of C & Harvardalumnus) invites audience commentson readings of a comedy for a revisionbefore production. Sid Blackstone 3630447.MEHER BABA Birthday CelebrationFeb 25 7 pm Fine Arts Bldg, 410 S.Michigan, Rm 820. Info call 684 3845.FOR SALENow is the time to stock up. Pre¬inventory sale on Darkroompaper—50% off or more MODELCAMERA, 1342 E . 55th St 493 6700.1978 Plymouth Horizaon. 4 door hatchback Rusty Jones warranty. Max¬iguard auto protection system. Excellent condition. $4150. Call 684 6233.Pioneer CS 66G speakers, 40w,Pioneer CS 701 speakers, 70w; PioneerSX 460 cassette player, Akai AP 00 6turntable. Priced to sell 684 6233. Thurs Feb 26 at Blue Gargoyle, 5655 S.Univ Ave 9 pm-12. Ted Mack Trio +1. Fresh baked goods, beverages,fireplaces, 50’ coverUC HOTLINE 753-1777Waiting for the weekend to come?Want to know what's happening oncampus? Call Hotline, open sevendays a week from 7:00 pm to 7:00 amTEXANSANDFRIENDSOFTEXASTexas Independence Day (145th)March 2. Celebrate with us af the Pubany time after 5 pm. Raise the flag, doa few twelve-ounce curls, sing a bit D.Jones and J. Woods. UC Club Players if interested inRugby jackets you MUST contact Andy Brown at B-School mailfolder(leave name & phone) or call 324 7737BEFORE March 2ndNOONTIMECONCERTSEvery Thursday at 12:15 pm ingoodspeed Recital Hall. This week,2/26. a solo piano recital given byPatrick GallagherPOSTLIBRIFirday, Feb. 27, INH, Dave Pelman,Sue Gatell, Caty Wiley, Alan Fuchs,9:30 1:30 If you are interested in working thehotline next year, attend the information meeting held Wednesday Feb 25,7 00 pm; Ida Noyes second floor Ifyou can not attend, call 241-5311.HETEROSEXISMThe New Right is alive on campus, andgay people are just a few of its primetargets. Find out how you can stay onthe alert Help us organize and planour events. Drop by the Gay and Lesbian Alliance (GALA), Sun—Thurs,7:30—10pm. or call 753-3274 Organizational meetings are Thursdays at 8pm.PEOPLE WANTEDMaroon reporter seeks stories fromstudents who have been sexuallyharassed by either faculty membersor University employees for in¬vestigative article Names will be keptanonymous. Leave message for Sher¬rie at 3 3263POETICSMOVINGWORKSHOP (PLaza I have a truck and can move thingsFAST and CHEAP No job too smallCall Peter at 955 1824ASINGULARGROUPWe are a co op of artists and craftspeo' pie sharing selling space at 57th andWoodlawn. We are open Wed Sat 112stop in New artists are invited to join.DOES YOURMINDMATTER?It does to us. People are needed forongoing experiments in handednessand psychology. Interesting and profitable Call 753 4735. (Lefties pleasecall)PASSPORT PHOTOSWhile you wait passport photos. AbleCamera, 1519 E . 53rd 752 3030NEEDATYPIST?Excellent work done in my homeReasonable rates. Tel: 536 7167 or 5480663 Presents Leslie Ullman, Yale seriespoet, reading from her latest workWednesday February 25 at 8 pm in IdaNoyes Library (1st fl.) No Admission.Wine with Vincent Katz.THE HO-HOHOWLWhat do Santa Claus and the JoilyGreen Giant have in common? Well?O K , I'll tell They both scream Ho ho,ho ho in moments of ecstasy. Buy oneand you'll be in ecstasy too. Ho-ho'sare on sale at Reynolds Club Thursday, Feb 26 Cost: $5 00 Sizes:S.M.L.XL$100 REWARDPERSONALPROTECTIONSHRIEK ALARM Send $3.90 (incudespostage) to William Everett, 5811 WNational Ave., West Allis WISC 53214IMSOCIMEntry forms are avialable in the IMOffice (INH 203). Deadline for entriesis Februay 25, 1981. GRAY PERSIAN CAT LOST nameLady Jane Grey lost Friday 2/20 from57th and Kimbark. If found please contact Joseph O Gara Bookseller 1311East 57th St. Phone 363 0993 $100reward for returnHYDE PARKThe Versailles324-0200Large StudiosWalk-in KitchenUtilities Incl.Furn.-Unfurn.•Campus Bus at DoorBased on Availability5254 S. DorchesterMaroon Classifieds75c per 30 character line. Bring form to the office or drop in Fac. Ex.All adds must be prepaid. U.S.D.A. CHOICEWHOLEROUND STEAK 1 98lb.ppccuGROUND BEEFFROZEN 3lbs.$149or more I lb.GARLIC BREAD 89cTHOMAS'ENGLISHMUFFINSTOTINO S SAUSAGEOR CHEESEPIZZA 896 PAKREG. SI.05$1091 1 % oz. I-CANADIAN BACON - 99*1 2 oz.ARMOURCHIU With Beans 1 5.5 ozSLEAS FARMAPPLE JUICE 64 oz. 79$129MOTTSAPPLE SAUCE 25 oz 69SALE DATES 2/25-2/28UltCFINER FOODSSERVING53rd PRAIRIE SHORESKIMBARK PLAZA 2911 VERNONWhere You Are A Stranger But Once!The Chicago Maroon — Tuesday, February 24, 1981 — 11■NOW THAT IT’S OVER,PLEASE JOIN US FOR ACONVIVIAL GLASS OF WINE.Finally! The carpeting is down. All the planks and barricades havebeen removed. The books are back on the shelves, inviting you tobrowse.In short, the remodeling project (we thought it would never end) atthe General Book Dept, of your University of Chicago Bookstore iscompleted.PLEASE JOIN US IN CELEBRATING and see for yourself the tran¬sformation that has been wrought. Complementary wine and cheesewill be served.TODAY11:00-4:00UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO BOOKSTOREGeneral Book Department •for theChicago Literary ReviewDue Friday, February 27Also be sure to come to our Sylvia PlathBake-Off and Editing PartyTuesday, March 108 p.m. Maroon Office.University of ChicagoLaw Student Association— presents —JUDGE ABNER J, MIKVAU.S. Circuit Judge for the D.C. Circuitwill speak on“The Search for a Middle BetweenPointy-Headed Bureaucracy and Anarchy”Friday, February 27 12:30 P.M.Classroom n, Law SchoolInformal Lunch Following Talk —Interested students call 753-2401.r