Vol. 70. No. 17 The University of Chicago Friday, December 4. 1964 u800 at UCal stage sit-in"(’lie University of California at Berkeley was brought to a stand-still yesterday, asover 800 students staged a sit-in at the campus administration building.The students, protestingmarched into Sproul Hall,Wednesday and stayed there allWednesday night and Thursday.WHEN THEY WERE locked intodie building at 7:30 pm Wednesdaynight, the protesters announcedestablishment of the “Free Univer¬sity of California,” Friendly pro-lessors gave classes, and folk-singer.loan Baez gave musical support. Itwas also reported that Paul .Good¬man, a noted educator and authorof Growing Up Absurd, was on hisway to speak in the students’ sup¬port.Offices closedWhen tlie Maroon willed the Uni¬versity, the UCal operator said alloffices had been closed, and allclasses cancelled. Secretaries and university rul es against p o 1which houses the administadministrators had been forced toleave the building.A Berkeley student reported tothe Maroon last night that about 20per cent of the “teaching assist¬ants,” who instruct undergraduateclasses, were out on strike yester¬day, and would continue today. Stu¬dents also set up picket lines outsideclassroom buildings, but the Berke¬ley student reported most otherstudents were crossing them.Hie protests arose from refusalof the administration to allow stu¬dent organizations to solicit fundsor distribute literature on campusfor political activities. Last October,after students had prevented policefrom taking a leader of the protest. i t i c a 1 activities on campus,rative offices, around noonMario Savio. to jail by surroundingthe police car to which he had beenled.Berkeley Chancellor EdwardStrong at that time predicted moredisturbances from “hardcore dem¬onstrators — the students who spentthe summer in Mississippi civilrights work," and continued that theUniversity would not be a “bastionfor the planning and implimentationol political & social action.” The stu¬dents counter that they were merelyseeking the political freedomsgranted students on other Americancampuses. The Daily Californian inan October editorial maintained thatthe decision had already been made(Continued on page three)Campbell: assist slum schoolsTloald F. Campbell. Deanof the UC graduate school ofeducation and chairman of thedepartment of education, saidMonday that the schools in the majorcities of the nation must “intervene”to help slum children overcome thehandicaps of their environment.Speaking at a dinner given in hishonor by Uie education facilities, liesaid: “Can the school accommodateitself to this role? We cannot beRoald F. CampbellSix student leaders signeda letter to Federal Bureau ofInvestigation Director J. Ed¬gar Hoover this week object¬ing to Hoover’s stand against theW.E.B. DuBois Clubs of America.The students, Alan Sussman, chair¬man. UC students for Civil Liberties:Ridtard Schmitt, president of UCCORE; Eugene Groves, president ofStudent Government: Heather Tobis,president, UC Friends of SNCC; Bar¬bara Caress, chairman of POLIT;and Robert Levey, editor of theMatron, wrote that they could notagree with the methods Hoover wasemploying in this case, although theydid say that they took seriouslyHoovers oonoems “for the preserva¬tion of American democracy and thesearch for truth through the acqui¬sition of knowledge.”Spawned by RedsHoover’s letter, addressed to “AllLaw Enforcement Officials,” hadconstrued the DuBois Clubs <as beingspawned by the Communist Party.'Hie letter urged young people, par¬ticularly those in US colleges, to use“the scalpel of truth” with whichthey are “armed” to “cut this dis¬ease from the body of America.”THE STUDENTS’ LETTER ob¬jected to Hoover’s message in threemajor regards. First, the letter con¬tended that Hoover’s views as ex¬pressed in hit letter could not be sure. To do so will require a newkind at staffing with social work andcommunity agent personnel and wedo not know quite how this graftingwill work. If. in our center cities,the school cannot accept this newfunction, we have the task of invent¬ing new institutions that can.”Environments take tollReferring to studies that showconclusively that slum environments“have pretty well taken their tollby age five or six when the youngstergets into the typical school,” he said:“Obviously, if the vicious cycle is tobe broken, intervention in the life ofthe child must come at an earlierage.”Campbell also said that one of theproblems facing educators is learn¬ing what people expect of theschools. ‘‘Problems of juvenile delin¬quency, slum environments, and un¬employment are seen as subject toremediation through education. Clear¬ly, one of the problems ot educationtoday is the nature of the expecta¬tions people hold for the schools andother educational agencies,”CAMPBELL ALSO POINTED outthat the role of higher education willhave to change if the demands ofChe great society’ are to be met.viewed as “a mere matter of opin¬ion,” since “the fact that these con¬tention;, emanate irom the Diicctorof the FBI and are directed to ‘AllLaw Enforcement Officials’ makesthis a serious affront to academicfreedom and civil liberties.”Second, the students' lettter blastedHoover’s use of “blasphemous rhe¬toric and clear intimidation.” andcalled Hoover’s action “an insult toour intelligence and a definite steptoward that future America whichyou and we fear so much— ‘a nationwithout freedom of speech, press,assembly, and religion.’ ”Finally, the students’ letter con¬tended that Hoover’s power of sug¬gestion was “too lightly concernedwith the basic freedoms of our na¬tion and too dangerously suggestiveof conditions in which a governmentis based on fear and an ordermaintained by intimidation.”New Mexico incidentACCORDING TO THE six stu-dents, Hoover’s letter had alreadybeen responsible for an incident con¬cerning the DuBois dubs that croppedup two weeks ago at the Universityof New Mexico. At that time, thePresident of the University had re¬fused to recognize the campus Du-Baks chapter in keeping with a Uni¬versity policy which categoricallydenies recognition io any FBI-black¬listed group. “Clearly the colleges of the futurewill have student populations ol greatdiversify, their programs will indudetechnical as well as liberal art sub¬jects, and indeed the character ofmany of these colleges will be quitedifferent than colleges of today. Hereagain there is the challenge ot insti¬tution building to serve new socialneeds,” he said.Campbell also spoke about “theincreasing militancy of teachers.”"On the one hand.” he said, “schoolorganizations are tending to becomemore bureaucratic in increased size,standardized procedures, imperialis¬tic behavior, and acceptance of anhierarchical authority structure. Onthe other hand, as teachers are morecarefully selected, as they havelonger- periods of preparation, andas they tend to identify with collegeprofessors of their respective disci¬plines, they tend to become profes¬sionals and as such they rejecthierarchical control and seek collea-gial control.Militancy relates“This increasing militancy,” Camp¬bell believes,” is probably relatedin part to a growing sense of pro¬fessional autonomy. Such militancy isprobably also related to the growth ofthe labor movement in private indus¬try’, its transfer, in part, to govern¬ment employment, and now its fur¬ther spread to teaclver employment.“In any case, a new day seems tobe dawning for school boards andsuperintendents who have tended tostand at tlie top of the administrativehieraiehy. These functionaires willprobably give ground grudgingly butpatronizing and arbitrary methods ofdealing with teachers are probablyon the way out,” he saidCAMPBELL SAID THERE is aneed to reooncedve die looal-state-nationai partnership in education.“Failure to mention education in theUS Constitution in 1789, in a daywhen education was thought to be aprivate and a church responsibility,has often prevented us from frankrecognition drat education is todaya public and a national concern.”Campbell added that “it appearsobvious diat our folklore of localismhas to give way to a recognitionthat stale and federal governmentscannot supply money without at thesame time exercising some controlover the expenditure of that money.This newr partnership of local, state,and federal agencies in educationis an expression of the growth ofnational federalism evident also inother spheres of governmental ac¬tivity.”Campbell concluded that it was tlieresponsibility of schools and depart¬ments of education to help bringgreater understanding to many ofthese problems.Students protest to Hoover Stagg Field, atomic site,made national, landmarkUC’s Stagg Field, site of the first self-sustaining nuclear reaction,was designated a national historic landmark by Secretary ol the interiorStuart L. Udall on Wednesday.The University is seeking funds from Congress and private founda¬tions for a memorial at the site. It is hojied that the memorial will becompleted in 1967. the 25th anniversary of the event which took place onDecember 2. 1942, under Stagg Field's then existing west stands. Thestands have since been torn down, and a small plaque marks the site.WHEN UDALL ANNOUNCED the designation, fourteen of the original44 members of the Enrico Fermi group that built the atomic pile werepresent in his office. Among these were Samuel K. Allison, distinguishedservice professor at UC and director of the Enrico Fermi Institute forNuclear Studies, and Herbert L. Anderson, professor of physics at UC.Also present was Warren C. Johnson, vice-president m charge ol the Uni¬versity's special scientific programs.Udall presented a new plaque that will be used to designate the siteto the three UC representatives.The atomic pile that caused the Stagg blast’Sniffer smoke scare: hoaxUC smokers who violatethe new ban on classroomsmoking will not have to facethe prospect of being pursuedby two terrifying, smoke-sensitive“sniffers.” as reported in a “memo¬randum” to all faculty membersDecember 2.The memo, listed as coming fromP. A. Piocirilli, the supervisor ofthe south campus buddings andequipment maintenance group, wasa hoax. But it reached a numberof credulous faculty members and,through them, many students.“I would like to see the sheet,”said Picciriilli when contacted aboutit. “They've all seen it but me.”THE MEMO STATED that theUC Security Office had purchasedthe sniffers “to notably enhance thesecurity of University buildings.” The devices, however, it said,“will not normally be employed inareas composed primarily of facultyoffices, but will be restricted to cor¬ridors adjacent to classrooms.”In addition, the memo stated thatihe Comptroller’s office had issueda proposed schedule of smoking re¬duction that would end “most cam¬pus smoking by Spring vacation.”Copies of the schedule, the sheetsaid, could be obtained at the regis¬tration desk of the Student HealthService. All the afternoon of Decem¬ber 2, the health service desk re¬ceived inquiries about the schedule.“I never heard of such a thing,”commented Dr. Richard H. Moy,head of the Student Health Service.“Certainly Student Health wouldnever have anything to do with this.”“Now- if you’ll excuse me. I’lllight up,” Moy said in conclusion.List time schedule changesThe registrar’s office announced yesterday several changes in therecently distributed winter quarter time schedules.Although the schedules were correct when they went to press, regis-trar Mrs. Maxine Sullivan told the Maroon that changes have beenpouring in ever since. She urged all students to check a change sheetthat her office will prepare at die close of regular registration cmJanuary 4.Following fc a last of die courses that were ohanged as of yesterday:ADDITIONSCourse Sub.Code Sub.Mo. Sec. Title Time, Place, RemarksChem 050 116 HB Basic Oiem-2 Lab K303 1:30-5:30 FDisKlO 3:30 TuHim 430 579 01 Probs Am Cul RO 36 3:30-5:30 MHist PQ cons inst(tal 256 336 91 Crit Lett W402 3-30-5:30 ThRinascimentoOr. Hist 278 359 01 Mod Ote Empire Or227 ArrPhysics 486 01 Adv Field Theory E202 1:30-3:30 TTSSA 740 552 01 Gov Soc Welfare Ait ArrSoc Th 480 328 01 Plato-Phaedo 4-6MPQ knowledge GreekCANCELLATIONSChern 106, Sec FC; History 356, Philosophy 335TITLE CHANGESIdeas and Methods 212: Concepts and Methods of Soc Sciences, MWF 2:30ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTSRussian 236, Russian Lit — Tolstoy to Revolution, PQ readings in English9 am - 1 pm 8 :30 am - 5 pmCLOSED 1 pm - 5 pm9 am - 1 pm 8:30 am - 10 pm9 am - 1 pm 8:30 am - 10 pm9 am - 1 pm 8:30 am - 10 pmCLOSED 8:30 am - 3 pmCLOSED CLOSEDCLOSED CLOSEDCLOSED CLOSED9 am - 1 pm 8:30 am - 10 pm9 am - 1 pm 8:30 am - 10 pm9 am - 1 pm 8:30 am - 10 pm9 am - 1 pm 8:30 am - 5 pmCLOSED CLOSED9 am - 1 pm 8:30 am - 5 pmCLOSED CLOSEDReveal interim schedulesfor all UC librariesOn Friday, December 18. all service departments will close al 5 pmexcept the Map Library (closes at 1 pm) and Billings Library (closesat 10 pm).From Saturday, December 19, through Sunday, January 3, theservice departments of the Library will be open on the following schedule:All Except Billinqs BillingsSat. 19 "Sun. 20Mon. 21Tues. 22Wed. 2.iThurs. 24Fri. 2.)Sat. 20.Sun. 27Mon. 28Tues. 29Wed. 30Thurs. 31Fri. 1Sat. 2Sun. 3Regular sen-ice schedules will be resumed on Mondav, January 4,1965.Non-resen-e books maj be withdrawn for use over the vacationperiod on Monday, December 7, and will be due on the second day ofthe Winter Quarter — Tuesday, January 5. Reserve books may be with¬drawn for use over the vacation period on Friday, December 18, and willbe due on the first day of the Winter Quarter — Monday, January 4 —before 8:30 pm. These due dates will not apply in Billings and Chemistry,where regular circulation regulations will be in force.Students presenting identification cards validated for the WinterQuarter may renew books beginning Monday, January 4.We Have More JOBSThan QualifiedAPPLICANTSTo Fill Them20 TOP COMPANIESAre Looking For ExperiencedCollege Graduates as well asSenioea Who Will Graduate 1965COLLEGE GRADUATESWith Dfgrtts In:BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION News MuseCROSS OF GOLDWATER?With the opening of the Repub¬lican governors’ conference today,GOP moderates have an opportunityto do what they should have doneat San Francisco: break with theGoldwater faction and fight to regaincontrol of the party.After their pristine silence duringthe campaign, refusing either to en¬dorse or disavow Goldwater, themoderates now have discovered thatthey might have made a horrendousmistake by passively acceptingGoldwater in the name of partyunity.Some Republican moderates stillargue that they had to support Gold-water because of political expedi¬ency. They rationalize their actionsby pointing out that they remainedparty regulars so that they couldtake over leadership after Gold-water's defeat.But to others, the moderates, andespecially the governors’ actions,were due to their failure to facethe reality they now admit theyfeared. By putting off the fight theyconsidered inevitable, they showeda gross lack of political courage.The brave statements moderateslike Chuck Percy, Nelson Rocke¬ feller, George Romney and BobSmylie are now making should havebeen made after that fateful weekin July.What does this have to do withthe Republican governors* confer¬ence? A great deal. If the Repub¬lican governors now throw down thegauntlet and begin to take definitesteps toward eventually recapturingthe party leadership, they might beable to salvage the party they helpeddestroy.Tile moderate governors realis¬tically admit that the fight for theleadership will be long and hard.But some do not seem to compre¬hend how hard it will be.The Goldwater forces are not go¬ing to yield easily the respectabilityand power they now have. Theyfought hard and achieved victory.And Goldwater extremists are notgoing to fight on the same terms asthe moderates. One must not forgetthe composition of the ruling Repub¬lican radical right: Birchers, reac¬tionary oilmen and western entre¬preneurs and fanatics. These groupsdo not accept the give and take rulesof fair play of democracy.The moderates’ hojie for victory lies in breaking with the nationalcommittee leadership and establish¬ing a rival Republican organization.The contemplated steps of the Re¬publican governors’ conference insetting up such a group to chart con¬structive party policies and help re¬build the party will be important inremolding the GOP's mud-splatteredimage.Only by organizing challenging Re¬publican organizations from the na¬tional through the local level cantiie moderates show they mean tofight and win.Only by meeting the challengehead on, even at the cost of splittingthe party, can the moderates ex¬onerate themselves of the resjx mo¬bility they bear for GolWwater’s seiz¬ure. The schism they fear mightforce the catharsis the party needsbefore it can reshape its image andpolicies on a more progressive line.The GOP is now at the crossroads.It is up to tile governors to asserttheir leadership. If they fail toagain, they will have to bear thecross of Goldwater and all tlve ac¬companying damning judgments ofhistory.Bruce FreedENGINEERINGLIBERAL ARTS CHEMISTRYMATHACCOUNTING. ETC._ NO FEES INVOLVEDTor More Information, Call:842-1255You Must Act Immediately!Kichard Clarke AssociatesMINORITY GROUPPersonnel Consultant. BLACKFRIARSOPEN COMPETITION FORSTUDENT WRITTEN MUSICALCOMEDIES HAS BEEN EXTENDED TOJANUARY 4. 1965Production: April 23-25FOX INFORMATIONWRITE OR CALL: DAVID MIDLAND5615 University Ave.ChicagoPL 2-9874 To All Bookstore PatronsMerry Christmas andJA Happy Note YearWe appreciate your efforts inhelping us try to serve you better.With your help we will try to doa belter job during the coining year.The University of Chicago BookstoreTo All Our Old Friends and Customers —A SPECIAL W ARM W ELCOMEWe flew Ivor Bang, our first employee, from Norway especially to help with our5th ANNIVERSARY SALE11510 DOKKA SOFAS $asst, colors, teak with wool upholstery, reg. £ 165.00 ..10 DOKKA LOW-BACKED CHAIRSwere £66.005 STUDENT DESKSin teak — £106.00 value 00 I LARGE DESKexceptionally beautiful, solid teak — £400.00 value . .24 STACKING$50°° ARM CHAIRS *250 00$all wood, were £32.00 16 00$5000From Norway, Denmark, and Sweden: over 500 gift items in many beautiful stylesLast year we were in the Art Colony, about to move to our present location— so we did not have our Anniversary Sale. This year, we are celebratingour combined 4th and 5th Anniversary Sale.Come on over and celebrate with us.SCANDINAVIAN IMPORTS1538 E. 53rd St.SPECIAL STUDENT-FACULTY DISCOUNT Daily: 10 A.M.-10 P.M.; Sunday 12 noon-8 P.M.Home of Multiform NO 7-4040Budget terms if desiredCAGO MAROON Dec. 4, 1964_'!» SG sends three telegrams 3 UCers sign anti-HUAC pact((Continued from page oiwlthe student cause 9rui rfiat,4m administration was an effectjtalUfwr.THE ACTIONS of the last tw*» dayswere set oft when the administra¬tion while relenting on political re-iifcrietions, insisted on the sus^jen-Siin of Savio and the Free SpeaehMovements of other leaders. Saviogalled a mass rally Wednesday andat twelve noon marched into the ad-rnimsfcration building to paralyze it.The building was locked wwii diestudents still inside.Pleas ineffectiveChancellor Strong entered thetiuilding at tlu-ee am and andpleaded for an end to the demon¬stration, but to no avail. At 3 45Governor Brown issued an orderBor the students’ arrest. Hie county«r»i city police of surrounding areaswere involved. Last reports indi-oaied that between 700 to 300 stu¬dents have been arrested. Most ofthem were carried from the buildingto its basement where they werefingerprinted and photographed Theywere then carted off by bus to near¬by reformatories. The Student Government Exec1!tive Council at UC sent thefollowing telegrams to the partiesinvolved in Berkeley:Chancellor Strong:We are most seriously disturbedby the Administration ordering thearrest of the hundreds of Berkeleystudents. We remain aware of thefaot that the present situation wascaused by the original violation ofstudents’ rights to free political ac¬tivity. You must bear the responsi¬bility of the deterioration of tt»e situ¬ation since then.EXECUTIVE COUNCIL,UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGOSTUDENT GOVERNMENTFaculty:We strongly urge your support ofstudent efforts to preserve freedomfor student political action. Vehe¬mently protest Administration ac¬tion against students.EXEC.Students:Strongly support your efforts togain free speed i and freedom ofpolitical action. Best of Luck.EXEC.VACATION "BRUSH-UP" OR "CATCH-UP"MATHEMATICS—all branch*! ENGLISH—all level*ALL LANGUAGES—native-born teachersTutoring or semi-private classes, low ratesCHICAGO SCHOOL FO« AOULTS INC. (Non Profit Orgoirxation)29 E. Jackson Btvd. WA 2-0673The franc is local currency in France.So is this.Whether the bill is in francs, or lira, or yen, you can paywith BANK OF AMERICA TRAVELERS CHEQUES— known and accepted wherever you go throughoutthe world. Loss-proof and theft-proof, they’re the kindof money you never have to worry about; money onlyyou can spend. Sold by leading banks everywhere.•*«< or A«(*tCA RATIO*AC WWT AH* (MINOS AHOCIAflO* • ***H« ROMAt 0IA0JIT IRIVRARCt CORfORAfWn Three UC professors havejoined one hundred constitu¬tional law authorities in sign¬ing a petition to the House ofRepresentatives seeking theabolition of the House on Un-Ameri¬can Activities Committee (HUAC)on ohe basis that it is “irreconcilablewith a system of free express in thiscountry.”The three are Malcolm Sharp, pro¬fessor of law. Harry Kalven. profes¬sor of law, and Quincy Wright,law professor emeritus.The plan, formulated by profes¬sors, law school deans, and layauthorities, was sponsored by twelvemen including former UC chancellorRobert M. Hutchins.The petition has been presentedto House Speaker John McCormack,and copies are currently being sentto all members of the next Con¬gress. They hope to effect a dis¬continuation of HUAC when Con¬gress reconvenes January 4.THE PETITIONERS EXPLAINthat the sole power which residesin HUAC is the investigation of“un-American propaganda activi¬ties” and “subversive and un-Ameri¬can propaganda.” They complain,however, that there is “no precisemeaning” to the terms “un-Ameri¬ can” and “subversive.'"*Acts as censorThey feel that the committee hascome to act as a “censor to theopinions and associations of Ameri¬can citizeiK.”“When such power is directed ex¬clusively against he rights ofAmericans to free and open expres¬sion or association for such pur¬poses,” it continues, “it cannot bejustified under any concept ofdemocracy.” The discussion of con¬troversial issues, therefore, is cur¬tailed.The committee, as he petitionerssee it, is “quite unnecessary.” Laws,regulations, personnel and machineryalready exist which may handlethe problems it deals with. Specifi¬cally, they cite the Judiciary Com¬mittee, though they maintain thatits powers should include only theinvestigation of overt acts such as“mutiny, espionage, sabotage, andinsurrection.Checking up on “prop¬aganda, or other forms of expres¬sion, or association for those ends”would thus be avoided.THE BODY OF THE recommen¬dations made by the petition em¬braces these three ends: (1) therepeal of paragraph 18 of Rule XI,thus creating the abolition of HUAC,(2) the transfer of its files to theCHECK OUR PRICES!SPECIALS rot CHRISTMASDiamond Needles from $395AM-FM Radios from *24"Columbia Record Players $<2Q95with Changers fromAsk for FREE lap tray withpurchase of radio or phonographService on All We SellHAVILL’S1368 E. 53rd St. PL 2-7880Corner of KenwoodSince 1926 government archives, where theywould then be sealed for fifty years,and (3) if necessary, a clarificationof the Committee or Judiciary byan amendment of paragraph 12 ofRule XI.LitHe hopeKalven, asked what hope he hadthat the petition would be success¬ful, replied “very little.” He doesn'tsee any reason why it should workout differently than such attempt*have in the past. He does feel,however, that it is “a good idea tokeep the criticism current.” Hewould be in favor of a specificallyauthorized committee, to be em¬ployed when the need arose, ratherthan the present permanent set-up.Kalven has a “faint impression’*that HUAC has lost some of itspower. “People just do not appearto be as interested as they used tobe — perhaps they are tired ofthe issue,” he feels. “Also, possibly,the committee has run out of ex¬citing problems to investigate. Inany case, it has not as powerful acommand of the headlines as R hashad in the past.” Kalven views thisstate of declining influence as cap¬able of being exploited to abolishthe committee.THE PETITION WILL be seatdirectly to Congress, thus negatingthe need for public pressure. This,Kalven believes, gives it the natureof a “serious act, rather than anadvertisement.”WHAT’SNEWIN THE DECEMBERATLANTIC?“Why Europe Fears Us” by RaymondAron: Misunderstandings regardingthe use of nuclear weapons have ledWestern Europe and Russia to fearthe United States and to doubt itssincerity.“Are Movies Going to Piecesf” byPauline Kael: A lively criticism of theNew American Cinema where there isno plot, no sensible meaning, and norecognizable form.“The New Sportswriter’ ’ by C. MichaelCurtis: How sportswriters now use thescholarly approach with a touch ofFraud and emphasize the motivationof players instead of straight reportingPLUS AN ATLANTIC EXTRA: EdwinO’Connor: “One Spring Morning”:An 11,000 word preview of theauthor's new novel on whichhe is now at work.The pursuit of excel¬lence is the everydayjob ot The Atlantic’seditors be it in fic¬tion or fact, poetryor prose. In ever-increasing numbers,those in pursuit ofacademic excellencefind in The Atlantica challenging, enter¬taining and enlight¬ening companion.Get your copy today.SALENOWMR. PIZZAS?cCv WE DELIVER — CARRY-OUTSHY 3-8282FOR THE FIRST TIME IN HYDE PARKDELICIOUS BROASTED CHICKENAlso Ch. Broiled Hamburgers 0 Of cfiec'e/sPIZZAFor 2 For ) For 4 For * FortySaasaqn _ 1.S0 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00Mushroom 1.S0 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00Greeo Pepper 1.50 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00Anchovie 1.50 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00Onion or Garlic 1.50 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00Tuna Fish or Olive 1.50 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00Cheese 2.00 2.50 3.50 4 50Vs and Vs 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00Extra Ingredient* 50 .50 1.00 1.00 1.00Pepper oni Pina 2.00 2.50 4.00 5.00 *00Shrimp 2.50 4.00 5.00 6 00Bacon 2.50 4.00 5.00 6 00Coney Island Pina 3.00 5.00 4.00 7.00(Sansaqe, Mushrooms and Peppers) RIBEYE STEAKSANDWICHBox of Broasted Chicken10, U. 20 PiecesSHRIMP, PERCHSPAGHETTIMOSTACCIOLIRAVIOLISandwiches:BEEF. SAUSAGE.MEAT BALL1465 HYDE PARK BLVD.Opee 7 Days a Week — 4:00 p.m. to 2:00 n.m. — PH. to 1.40 m.m.Sot. to 2:00 o.m. — Opeo 2 pan. Soodwy* Now FeaturingST. LOUISSPARE RI8SDec. 4. 1964 CHICAGO MAROON□ none? □ 1 inch? □ V/2 inches?How much foam should there be?You’ll hear some people say there shouldn’t be any headat all. They say phooey on the foam . . . where’s the beer!They shouldn’t. Not when it’s Budweiser, anyway.Budweiser is brewed so that it will kick up a healthyhead of foam. We go to a lot of trouble to let Budweisercreate its own tiny bubbles, rather than pumping them in.Natural carbonation and our exclusive Beechwood Ageingare two things we just won’t get modern about. It takes alot longer this way, and costs more money. (In fact, itgives our treasurer fits.) But the results—a good head offoam, real beer taste, smoothness and drinkability—aremore than worth it.So pour your Budweiser with about an inch-and-a-halfcollar of foam. Two inches if it’s a tall glass. Watch thosebubbles gather ... then taste. (That’s what we tell ourtreasurer to do when he starts fussing about the high costof bubbles and beechwood. And he just smiles and swallowshis arguments.)Budweiser.that Bud®...that’s beer!ANHTUSER BUSCH, INC • ST. LOUIS . NfWARK . 10S ANGELES • TAMPAI I. VSMITI II AI»SLOST FOR SALE REWARD: 10c each for DOC FILMposters—dead only. Wire B. J. Cinema.1 ID., driver's license. Library cardin Hyde Park area. REWARD. ShelleyLitt. 643-3304.Hist. 201 ntebk. (Engld.) MU 4-3208. Several bookcases, desk. $5 or $1 onlyat Blum-Vogue Bldg. 020 N. Michigan.Room 011-12. Phone MI 2-1200, MissDana, evenings only.FOR SALE OR RENT S.G. RIDE EXCHANGE BOARD.CHILD CARE for 2 pre-school chil¬dren in my home. FUL TIME Monthru FRI. 7-3 pm. Good pay. 043-5591.Did anyone find a wallet in Ida Noyes,third floor? If so please hand, send itto the Maroon Business Office. It isnot the $8, but the purse that matters.SEAMSTRESSES WANTEDTo make costumes for Dido & Aeneas.If you're available during Dec. leaveyour name and phone number atMusic Dept. ext. 3885. All help wel¬comed. TOWNHOUSE: 3 bedrooms: 1baths: S'G'radiant heating: patio: huge yard: nPioneer Co-op, 5437 Dorchester. 043- u .8325. bus to N Y. at XMAS. Call x3272.MRCC.TYPING & EDITINGTerm papers: theses: articles: bookm s.: correspondence: Stenorette trans¬cription: Smith-Corona Electric. Call007-1508, 1-4 pm. only.Term papers: theses, etc. Close tocampus. 324-208!*.RIDES WANTEDRide to Wash.. D C. or vicinity aroundDec. 18th. Will share driving and ex¬penses. Call 084-5917. Expr. Reas. HY 3-2438.APARTMENTS TO SHARE Call New Dorm 3318 if YOU have acopy of Thought, Artiion & Passion.2 rides California. Christmas.BU 8-1950. Sue, Grad or working girl to share spaciousbeautifully furnished apt. Own roomA- bath. 53rd & Cornell. Call Marciaafter 9 pm. weekdays or anytimeweekend, 752-2530. WED RATHER SWITCHFIGHT—TO WASSAIL!TERRY TONTo Calif. Los Angeles at end of examweek. Will share expenses and driving.Call 752-7161,RIDERS WANTED With 3 girls. Good loc. & trans. Con¬tact Carlene Coen. PL 2-0444, ext. 49days, 493-2126 evenings.Third girl wanted: start winter quar¬ter. 324-0740. Sing Lula Lula Bye.Leaving Chicago 8 am CST. Fri. Dec.18th. Expect to arrive in Buffaloby 8 pm. EST. Would like 2-3 ridersto help pay expenses. Should cost$10-$15 person depending on numberof passengers. Interested? Contact:Matt Joseph, 26 Hitchcock Hall, x 200. PERSONALWRITERS WORKSHOP. PL 2-8377.ONE copy Thought, Action & Pas¬sion? Call 084-5917.HAPPY BIRTHDAY LARRY ROSEN!Dec. 9th. And to all a good night.TUTOR WANTEDIN MATH. PU 5-6679.4 • CHICAGO MAROON « Dec. 4.1964 FILMS is a MORTAL SIN—WASSAIL — IN YOUR GUTS YOUKNOW IT'S RIGHT! B.G.MERRY EXAMS TO ALLAND A HAPPY NEW' YEARFROM ALPHA DELT.WASSAIL: AND THE 57th CHORALETOO? _ SANTA GIFT SUGGESTIONSFROM YOUR BOOKSTOREGIVE A BOOKBooks for Every Taste, Every Age, Every Purse. Youcan find the right book for every person on your list.This is a small sampling of the thousands of wonderfultitles that our book department has to otter.THANWILL PAY FOR RIDE TO PHILA¬DELPHIA 12-17 after 1 pm Don, 1000lix Pierce Towers after 9:00 M.-F.SANTA IF YOU GO TO THATW ASSAIL PARTYMRS. CLAUS.Congratulations to Mepu and Chuckon their engagement! THE HORIZON HISTORY OF CHRISTIANITYby Roland SaintonTHE SPLENDORS OF ITALYby the Editors of RealitesALICIA IN TERRA MIRABILIby Ludovici CarrollTHE HORSE KNOWS THE WAYby John O'HaraARMAGEDDONby Leon UrisHERZOGby Soul BellowCONVERSATIONS WITH NELSON ALGRENby H. E. F. (Shag) DonohueNOT UNDER OATHby John Kieron rTHE CAT IN THE HAT BEGINNER DICTIONARYby the Cot HimselfPEANUTS CALENDAR1965CHRISTMAS IS TOGETHER-TIMEby Chorles SchuttrTICKER-TAPE GAME FOR ADULTSPHLOUNDER ADULT GAMEACTIVITY BOXES AND GAMES FOR CHILDRENMANY MORE FOR YOUR SELECTIONGIFTS FROM OUR PHOTO ANDTYPEWRITER DEPARTMENT $1495*20°°S395$595$095$57550505500$£95$300$300$000$7S5$100-$295INSTAMATIC CAMERAMANSFIELD MOVIE CAMERACOMPLETE CAMERA SET with CaseTAPE RECORDERS (Slightly Used)LIGHT METERSSLIDE BOXESVIEWERSCREENS 30 x 40MANY OTHER Retail SI 7.95. Our Price SI 2 50Retail S79.00. Our Price S55.00Retail SI 2.50. Our Price S 8.80Originally $95.00, 549 SORetail $12.50, Our Price S 6 95Retail $2.95, Our Price S 1 98Retail S2.4S, Our Price S V92Retail 524.00, Our Price 514.95VALUESGIFTS FOR THE STUDENT OR EXECUTIVEOur Stationery Department OffersParker Jotter Sets ot S3.95 and upParker 61 Sets ot ' $22.50Cross Gold Filled Set ot SI 5.00Papermote Profile Trio ot $ 1-95A Large Selection ot Brief and Attache Cases ot «... $9.95 to 520 00Rotex Lobel Maker ot 524 95Ponsomotic Electric Pencil Shorpeners $19.95Assorted Desk LampsOTHER ATTRACTIVE ITEMSHOLIDAY GIFTS TO TAKE HOMEU. of C. GIFTSAdult Sweat Shirts—Maroon, Lt. Blue, Black 52.9S-S3.95Children s Sweat Shirts, 51.75-52.00; Children s T-Shirts, S1.25-SL50Bright Red "Nitee” $2.00Ceramic Coffee Mugs—$1.50; Ash Troys—75c-$1.50; Steins—S2.25Pewter Mugs—$11.50; Pewter Mortini Mixer—$15.00Rings—$3.00 to $31.00; Charms—$2.00 to $10.00; Cuff Links—$2.00MEN S WEAR DEPARTMENTShirts—$4.00; Ties— $1.50 to $2.50; Bill Folds $3.95 to $5 00WOMEN S WEAR DEPARTMENTBloases $3.95 to S5.95; Sweaters S5.95 to $14.95; Hosiery $1.00 to $1.35Scarves Sl.00-S3.95; Gloves $1.00 to $3.00Colognes S2.00 to $6.00; Purses $3.00 to $6.00; Handkerchiefs $1.00GIFTS DEPARTMENTImported Italian Pottery $1.50 to $3.95; Wood Carvings $2.95 to $4.95Swedish Coffee Mugs—51.95Decorative Tea Kettles $6.95-58.95; Coffee Pots $6.95-59.95Hand Woven Place Mats $1.00WIDE SELECTION OF CHRISTMAS CARDS AND WRAPPINGSFREE GIFT WRAPPINGfor Items Purchased in the StoreFOR ONE WEEK ONLY—DEC. 7 to 14—PRE-CHRISTMAS SALE OF LINGERIETHE UNIVERSITY OF! CHICAGO BOOKSTORE5802 S. ELLIS AVENUE il *K •r. Latke-hamantash: a choice not an echoApplying scholarly research, latke and hamantash pro¬ponents met Wednesday night to debate and exemplify “themoral crisis of our time.” This confrontation, Hillel Founda¬tion’s 19th annual Latke-Hamantash symposium, was heldin Reynolds Club where seats were — — —scarce but puns were plenty. me,” came from Moses Herzog.The latke is a flat, round, potato Added Kalven, "that’s the way thepancake and is the traditional food world ends, not with a whimper butof the Jewish Chanukah holiday, a Bellow.”The hamantash, on the other hand, THE FIRST DEBATER was Solis a triangular pastry filled with Tax ^essor of anthropology andprunes or poppy seeds and is cus- ~ t _, :i *1— Dean of the Extension division. Tax now can be eaten by Jew and Gen¬tile alike—with not the slightest ex¬perience of indigestion. It Ls sur¬prising that the hamantash hasnot become the symbol of the Na¬tional Conference of Christians andJews,” Goodheart said. was named Acquad'oro, i.e., Walterof Gold. He was proud of his dualcultural heritage, although he con¬demned his Jewish ancestor Shylockfor not having been more defiant ofthe Venetian welfare state when itnationalized half his fortune. in the social structure. The fact Istomarily eaten during tlie Purimfestival. is well known for his Rise of theTr „ , , , Yeast, a companion volume to Wil-Harry Kalven, professor in the liam McNeills book;, and for hislaw school served as symposi- monograph enlileld "Biscuitarch ’ for the evening. Kalven, ac- Basket Cultures.”cording to Rabbi Max Ticktin, di- "BUT WE HAVE HARDLY begunto scratch the surface of the haman¬tash. In its shape, it recalls theNapoleonic hat and thus suggeststhe spirit of the conqueror. Thehamantash is the symbol of victory’.In addition, in its taste and its ali¬mentary’ influence, the hamantash ispurgative and cleansing.” he noted.andrector of Hillel, “gives courses in After examining the literarythe protection of personal integrity record of previous symposia, Taxand in the redress of certain harms realized that a case can be madeand thus comes equipped for this an<* has been made for almost any-debate.’* thing. "Onoe I was on the side of_ . r. i ... the latke, because it is the fruit ofFacultymembers Sol Tax Eugene the pcx)plo_ easiiy mad h, ^Goodheart, Louis Gottschalk and neous, and blessed.” Tax explained.KJianOW1 3180 oonlrix,ted “But on axither occasion 1 saw that(Ik* debate. the argument could be turnedKalven,- Impressed that everyone around: who wants to be so close tocould be just as uncomfortable in the masses? The hamantash civilizesReynolds Club as at Hillel, pointed the university community while theto the debate’s special role. "Our latke is beneath our dignity.”small gathering, he said, “must ~ , ...fight cynicism and disbelief in values iear*> assistant professor ofand principles. Like a lamp in the EnglLsh-oarnes to UC on a Guggen-breeze, we may inflame the world anc^ ^ Hamantash. An expert To those who claim that the latkedoes not suggest humiliation anddefeat, but rather humility, Good-heart asserted that "the haman-tashnik can only reply with theauthority of Bruno Bettleheim, thatthis is a most pernicious form ofghetto thinking.” AQUAD’ORO, ANXIOUS to im¬prove his fortune, asked his richopponent how he had gained somuch wealth. Giovanni told himthat he had sold a whole galleonfull of hamantashen in one of thenew-found lands across the sea, andhad received gold in return. Hesuggested that Aquad'oro try thesame gambit with some other prod¬uct. that 85% of the variants can beexplained when we see that tlielatke represents the non-you andthe hamantash represents the you.This points to a proper preferenceof the hamantash, since we can’tlet inverted snobbery muddle ourthinking.” Further, of all eaters oflatkes 22% belch and of eaters ofhamantash 27% belch, "but thisproves nothing,” Janowitz insisted.Renaissance paper Acquad’oro went in a ship loadedwith pizza — which his dual heri¬tage induced him to call latkes —to the land over the sea. The kingwas just as happy with the latkes,and wanted to reward the merchantas generously as he could. There¬upon Acquad’oro’s ship was filledwith hamantashen. JANOWITZ’ SECOND FACTORis the population question, which"inevitably leads to the question ofintegration and segregation. Throughcareful manipulation, the powerelite presents only two alternatives.Who has the guts to stand up formiscegenation?” Janowitz asked.“What about the latketash?”Gottschalk, who could not be pres¬ent, submitted a paper turned in byone of his most brilliant studentsin History .’>300 entitled, "What Con¬nection Did the Italian RenaissanceHave with the Presidential Elec¬tions of 1964?” The paper was readby Rabbi Daniel Leifer, assistant di¬rector of Hillel.as we meet cm the indigestible is¬sues of the day.” on Joyce, he has recently written acritical article, "What They Ate atFinnegan's Wake,” and is alsoauthor of "The Art of Latke Lenya.”Tlie question of the relative meritsIT WAS THE Senator from Ari- of tlie latke and the hamantash wasHeartburn, not heartzona, Kalvin claimed, who almost respened by Goodheart through ansingkhandedly discovered the moral archetypal study,crisis of our time. "And in yourheartburn you know he’s right. Hamantash inescapableKalven reixrled that PresidentJohnson had telegrammed bestwishes to the latke and hamantashpanel. "Johnson Ls interested in thisdebate because he has two prizebagels of his own. He’s also hadcertain trouble with his baker.” "In the early sixteenth centurythere lived in Venice two merchantswho were such serious rivals andfriends,” the paper read. "One wasrelatively rich, being worth in du¬cats, the little silver latkes the Ve¬netians used as money, the equiva¬lent of $14,000,000 in Americanvalues of tody, and the other wasrelatively poor, being worth theequivalent of only about $3,000,000. The descendants of both Giovanni-filio and Acquad’oro eventually mi¬grated to the land overseas andtwo recently stood as rival candi¬dates in an election. “But the stockin trade of one still was latkesor tortillas — ie., well-rounded butthin and flat corn, while the stockin trade of the other still washamantashen — neatly pointed, fluf¬fy pieces of pie in the sky. It isneedless to say who won.” Tlie question of Jewish identitywas the next factor considered."We know from the experience ofJews in the United States that wehave been allowed to break out oftlie ghetto,” Janowitz stated. "YetJewish parents still say that theirdaughters should marry’ Jewish boys.This is a latke-hamantash problem:Jews want to live in non-segregatedcommunities in which they are tiremajority, but there just aren’tenough non-Jews to go around.”Another telegram, worded "If youare out of your mind it’s alright by "The triangle, tire trinity (father,son and tlie holy ghost): the arche¬type with its peculiar capacity foridentification, interfusion and con¬fusion embraces all religions. Begin¬ning as the symbol of the Jewishstruggle for freedom, the haman¬tash. in its inescapable triangularity,acquired its Christian aspect and The rich man, whose name wasGiovannifiglio, or the Son of John,was a direct descendant of thatAntonio, merchant of Venice, whowas awarded half of the fortune ofhis creditor Shylock. The relativelypoor merchant was the descendantof Lorenzo and Jessica the daugh¬ter of Shylock. Jessica’s descendant Morris Janowitz, professor of soci¬ology, saw in the symposium themoral crisis of our time — massmanipulation by a hidden powerelite. He decried both the use ofpapers by unidentified authors andthe lack of oxygen in the auditorium."The answer to mass manipula¬tion can only come in the form ofrationality, precision, and sociolo¬gy,” Janowitz emphasized. The computer broke down on thefourth factor, Janowitz said. "Whenwe don’t get an answer, it must beexplained in terms of Jewish mysti¬cism, and now we have to approachthe problem through free association:latke, ke, chew, teeth, tenacity;hamantash, tash, pocket, fist, strikefor freedom."Tenacity and freedom are notirreconcilable. Fundamentally, weare all kreplach men,” Janowitzconcluded.Clarify thinkingJanowitz advocates the use ofcomputers for factor analysis toclarify our thinking. "First we mustconsider the question of equality CONSIDER CALIFORNIAIf you are looking for a job.Terrific opportunities for summeror penianent employment. Newlist of 100 agencies seeking appli¬cants $1.00. California Employ¬ment, Box 694(V), Garden Grove,Calif.. X'lV.UM ;'//// / ■' s /'We are proud to announcethe forthcoming opening ofTHE EAGLEHyde Park’s newest eating and drinking parlour.Good Food "Good Drinks "Good Conversation5313 Blackstone(World Headquarters of the Arak Refining Company) Pete KatosJeff MetcalfBob StackGerry SullivanDec. 4. 1964 • CHICAGO MAROON » 5del. Ji I LV Hi! h i.i .. V /-. i3; V. i>e\ 'LlTHEATRE REVIEW Job opportunitiesMacbeth" technically perfecttrue artist, Wanamaker has madefull use of the ability of his associ¬ates.The scenes change (perhaps toooften) by having the set revolve onits turntable, but there is no longwait for the next scene. Mr. Wana- capable of portraying the greatestemotions in most human terms. Thesleepwalking scene was a play initself. Aside from Miss Evans, how¬ever, the rest of the cast was medi¬ocre. I cannot say that they wereIt would l>e hard to imaginea more technically perfect pro¬duction of Macbeth than thatcurrently on stage at theGoodman Theater, and for thisalone it is worthy of attendance.James Maronek's set is a master¬piece — a huge sculpture of scaf¬folding which can give an impres¬sion of massiveness or space de¬pending on how it is used. Thewhole set is mounted on a turntablewhich permits the lull use of theset. and. at times, presents a feelingof motion which is too seldom pres¬ent in the theater.The lighting by G. E. Naseliusand the costumes by Yvonne B:x>no-wicz are equally impressive andnever overdone. But the real creditfor the success of this productionmust go to the director. Sam Wana¬maker. With the sensitivity of a maker uses the turning sculpture completely bad, because they exer-to present armies marching and cised such wonderlul control overtime changing with consummate ef- movement and displayed a surenessfectiveness. He has achieved an which prepared the audience toreffect of a barbaric time and place, anything but the event.and has managed by his staging ^jr Wanamaker, who normally __alone to present the kind of social p]ayS Macbeth, hurt his back during receive s. B. degrees^ by June, 1905system peculiar to the time — a a rehearsal of the swordfight (I or are a' any level ot 8raduatc work.December 7U. S. Naval Weapons Laboratory,Dahlgren, Va. — will interviewmathematicians, physicists, and stat¬isticians at all degree levels.December 7Department of the Navy, Washing¬ton. D.C. — representative will dis¬cuss training program and job possi¬bilities for Management Interns. Eligi¬bility is secured through Federal ex¬amination.December RU. S. Naval Research Laboratory,Washington. D. C. — will speak withchemists, mathematicians, and physi¬cists at all degree levels. Wili alsodiscuss summer employment possi¬bilities, on a group basis, with stu¬dents in above disciplines who willbarbaric society based on lords andland.THE ACTORS ARE all masters ofmovement, and their ability to makeintricate patterns seem easy andnatural gives the play a smoothcontinuity. The audience was neveronce afraid of their inability to workwith a truly demanding set. But,alas, they seem to have stoppedhere. For the sound which issuesfrom their mouths is in strange con¬trast to the magnificence of the restof the production.Lillian Evans gf>t off to a slowstart but soon showed that she was scarcely wonder at this after havingseen it), and his understudy, ArnoldWarda, set the pace for the restof the actors. His voice was expres¬sionless as he rushed through speech¬es, hardly giving the audience achance to catch the lines, and hisfacial expressions were so stereo¬typed lha! they provoked a grinevery now and then. Not a singlevariation of tone or expression en¬tered his voice except where thevery lines themselves would notpermit him to continue his mono¬tone.Michael Klein December 9United Aircraft Research Labora¬tories. East Hartford, Connecticut —will interview chemists (except or¬ganic!. mathematicians. a«d physi¬cists at all degree levels,t December 9National Institute of Health. Bcthes-da. Md. — interviewing chemists.Looking for a Special Dress for the Holidays?Look to fabyar for Ideas and Materialsfabyar / 5220 harper / 363-2349 mathematicians, and microbiology.,all degree levels.December I#Allied Chemical Corporation <tv>cuse and Buffalo. N. Y„ Morris Town*ship, N. J , and Hopewell, Va v/inspeak to chemists (all specializationat all degree levels.Teacher inferview$Oeorge J. Kabat, Dean of Instilla¬tion, Eastern Washington State College, Cheney. Washington, will be nthe Office of Career Counseling anePlacement on Friday, December nihHe plains to interview PhD's and PhDuandidates who will receive then- <|,grees by July, 10H5, for teaching p,sit ions in the following fields:History (American Cultural, aimClassical *Political Science (African AreaStudies!SociologyEconomicsMathematicsPhysical GeographyPhysical BiologyPhysicsFrenchSpanishEnglishAn appointment with Kabat rv,.,\be made by calling extension 32{ji\Altt. COWOtTIOVIto1316 t. 53 ** ST.II AM TO lOPMMI3-34 0T^ WC DtllVEJL iUBS 111 MMf mm lh TOUGH 01IT SWIMSClimbing over a 27-inch high stepor negotiating a 60% grade whenfully loaded is no problem for thisFord vehicle. Proof that it can goover rough cross-country terrain.GOES ALMOST ANYWHEREIT CLIMBS STEPSIN FACT,THE ARMY’S NEWTRUCKEarly in 1963, Ford Motor Company received a contractfrom the U.S. Army to design and develop a 5-ton cargotruck for use in tactical military operations. Before the endof that year, the first test unit had been designed and built.This new vehicle, called the XM656 cargo truck, was sentto the Aberdeen Proving Ground for 40,000 miles of testing—twice that required for military acceptance. The vehiclewas tested against road conditions that might be foundanywhere in the world: swamps... loose sand... hilly back-country .,. and highways. During the test, the truck carried a 10,000-lb. payload and, half the time, towed a 13,0o0-ib. load.Outstanding characteristics of the truck’s design are itsfloatability, improved cross-country mobility, light weight,reduced need for maintenance and a multi-fuel power plantthat will run on anything from diesel oil to gasoline.This is only one of many exciting new developments atFord Motor Company. From manufacturing to marketing,we are finding better ways to do things. Career opportunitiesat Ford Motor Company have never been better. Schedule aninterview with our representative to find one just right for you.THERE’S A FUTURE FOR YOU WITH . . . MOTOR COMPANYFord Motor Company’s new mili¬tary truck floats. Air-inflated sealsand internal air pressure keep thebody and mechanical componentsdry. Its water speed is 2.5 mph.^1h« Amarican Road, Daarbom, Mithija*4>< <!«<!( CfpotlnniliAW C MONSWEETIE -IEMME IN...AFTERLAST NITE?FORGET ITiI GOT THENEW, JAMAL-NAKED CITYTHEME" a*uCthe JOHNNYNASH-"COM¬POSER'S CHOICEALBUMS...CMON INAVAILABLE INA'CNC C* STEREO| ''NAKED CITY THEME|AHMAD JAMAL^ I5» >15.Ilkj .*•**••NAKED CITV THEMEAHMAD JAMAl-lP & iPS 733COMPOSER'S CHOICEJOHNNY NASH-LP & IPS 4033ArGO recordsCHICAGO 16. ILL ANCHOR CAMERA1523 E. 53rd ST. PL 2-2228FAST PHOTOFINISHING SERVICESELL — RENT — TRADETRY BEFORE YOU BUYMacbeth by William ShakespeareMacbeth Arnold WardaLady Macbeth Lillian EvansMacduff fne BerneLady Macduff Briaid DuffyDuncan Roy WildMalcolm John ChristPorter David Rohan SageDirected by Sam WanamakerAt the Goodman Theateri«*Jt4* • CHICAGO MAROON • Dec. 4, 19*44Two concerts this weekendOn Friday evening in Man-del Hall, Stuart Canin, violin,;ind Wilbur Price, piano, willpresent the second concert inthe UC Chamber Music Series.The program consists of Beetho¬ven's Sonata in G Major, Op 30,\o. 3, the Bach Partita in I) Minor,Sessions’ I>uo for Violin and Piano,,uid the Ravel Sonata.Tickets, available from the MusicDepartment, 5802 South Woodlawn,extension 3885, are $3; $1 for stu-!< nts. Tlie concert begins at 8:30. 'ON SATURDAY EVENING, theUC Symphony will present itsautumn concert. Included will beHaydn’s Lord Nelson Mass (with the57th Street Chorale) and the Sym¬phony No. 1, by Sibelius, conductedby H. Colin Slim.In addition, fourth year studentThomas Rasenwein will conduct twoworks by Charles Ives, Tone RoadsNo. 3 and The Gong on the Hook andLadder.The concert will be held in Maud elHall at 8:30; there is no admissioncharge. Appointments given to Thain, BolandRichard J. Thain has beenappointed associate dean ofstudents and director of place¬ment for the graduate schoolof business, it was announced thisweek.Thain succeeds David M. G. Hunt¬ington, who recently became ex¬ecutive assistant to Richard F.O'Brien, vice president for planningand development of the University.Since 1961, Thain has been as¬sistant dean of the college of busi¬ness administration of RooseveltUniversity, where he also servedas professor of marketing, directorof the master of business adminis¬ tration program and editor of thejournal. Business and Society.Prior to joining the faculty atRoosevelt University in 1956, Thainwas a partner and executive vicepresident in the Chicago advertisingfirm of Vaughan, Thain and Spencer.In another appointment, EdwardF. Boland has been named adminis¬trator of Federal grants in the of¬fice of the vice president for specialprojects.Boland had been assistant to thebursar since April 20, 1959.Boland received a BA in philoso¬phy from St. Ambrose College,Davenport, Iowa in 1952. He alsoattended the University of Louvain in Belgium and the University ofNiagara, Niagara Falls, New York,where he completed* his theologicalstudies for the ministry forThe Diocese of Rockford, Illinois.<.<»::<><►%<><><>::<><»j:AV*|. 1e WHEN NEEDED, f<►::<>IN A HURRY?RUSH SERVICEj JJisl VYIcoUBjwdIlQo. j|CLEANERS - TAILORS - LAUNDERERS I"Unexcelled Quality Since 1917"Phones: Ml 3-7447 1013-17 East 61st St.HY 3-6868 Across from B-J Ct.Serving the Campus since 1917 JESSELSON’SSERVING HYDE PARK FOR OVER 30 YEARSWITH THE VERY BEST AND FRESHESTFISH AND SEAFOODPL 2-2870. PL 2-8190, DO 3-9186 1340 E. 53rd FINE DRY CLEANINGJames SchultzCleaningPressingAlterations1363 EAST 53rdPL 2-966210°o STUDENT DISCOUNT‘SPECIAL STUDENT DISCOUNT’DIAMONDSWATCHESJEWELRY PEARLSSILVERWARERINGSAPPLIANCESLAYAWAYDIAMOND PHILLIPS JEWELRY CO.FOR Wholesale Distributors FORJUNE JUNESERVING COLLEGE STUDENTS AT WHOLESALE PRICES FOR THE PAST 30 YEARS“50% OFF ON ALL DIAMONDS,ENGAGEMENT AND WEDDING RINGS”Watch and Jewelry Repairing, Km. 1101, 67 E. Madison St., Chicago—DE 2-6S08For Further Information Call Harris Jaffe — Ext. 3269 or 684-0427 CoBEAUTY SALONExpertPermanent WavinqandHair Cuttingby Max and Alfred1350 E. 53rd St. HY 3-8302Chicago CritirM on llptlrin'sperformance: **. 1 . a quick¬silver aclor with a dancer'sbrilliance of movement, andhr h a ■> a trenchant powerwhen he underplays." ClaudiaCan*idy. Tribune. **, . actorof stunning virtuosity. whoilluminates the tortured titlerole with both intelligenceand passion." Sydney j.Harris. 'News. . . hauntingperformance.*' Clenna Syse.Sun-Times.TheGENI FRANKEL production ofPIRANDELLO'S imi'Mii!: WE’RE TOLD WE HAVE BEEN !I KEEPING A SECRET FROM YOU 1■ || Woodward Commons Is 1* Open To All For Lunch « STUDENTGROUPSEUROPE• CRIMSON SeriesGrand Tour ★ Continental TourFavorite Tour * Fiesta TourComprehensive TourIsrael Adventure TourHoliday Tour ★ Panorama TourBY STEAMER OR AIR35 TO 75 DAYS from / / U• DISCOVERY SeriesDiscovery Tour ★ Explorer TourPrep & High School Swiss CampBY STEAMER OR AIR CRAg*42 TO 68 DAYS from *frO«il* excluding trans-Atlantic transportationor Form your Own GroupAsk for Plans and ProfitableOrganizer ArrangementsT..*,, W«4„ Than. (i.Jt)S3 IK! Frt. » it*. Sat. <»>M* WilS) *a.W: Saa. (J.M)•I SO; Saa. (|:M> MMMAIL ORDERS ACCEPTEDStudents Frice Tues.. Wed., ThursFriday 8:30 p.m. - Sat. 4:30 p.mSunday 8:30 p.m EtfKlCoSr 1 ■ ■ specialists in _STUDENT TRAVEL Pki k ALVIN EPSTIIN J ■1 Saturday, Grill Operating Only 1 SINCE 1926 1for folders and details liccc vmiD inpii tdauci$2.25Reg. Price 3.00$3.25Price 3.90$2.50Reg. Price 3.30Reg 11:30 a.m. -1:30 p.m.Guest Tickets for other meals are available at MmDesk in Woodward Court Lobby or write university travel companyCambridge 38, Mass. C53323IllBlllllB:iillB!!H!Bi!liiBii|llBillllBillHBiil iIIBIHIIBTSPECIAL SELLING!GARRARD AUTOSUMRECORD CHANGER‘ Intermixes All Records of One Speed'Separate Manual and Automatic Control*4 Pole Motornow 24.88Bose approx. $4.00SCHWARTZ BROTHERS HI FI STUDIOS1215 E. 63rd St. FAirfax 4-84008533 Cottage Grove TRiangle 4-4131 STUFFand Stuffings for ChristmasBooks: Texts, Best Sellers,Technical & ReferenceAlso Art SuppliesWe also have some slightlyused, abused, and reducedEncyclopedia and Great Books setsFOLLETT'S324 S. WABASH HA 7-2614Open 9-5:30 Mon.-Fri.; 9-7 Thurs.; 9-5 Sat. EVERY MONTHinPAGEANTMAGAZINEAMERICA'S LIVELIESTTHOUGHT-PROVOKINGMONTHLY MAGAZINEPAGEANT offers over 30 ar¬ticles and features that are exciting,stimulating, controversial, construc¬tive, inspirational, funny and shocking.PAGEANT reflects the worldabout us, places our national sceneinto sharp focus, incisively reports onnew developments in the fields ofhealth and medicine, probes the politi¬cal horizon to bring you the widestrange of-rewarding reading everymonth by such outstanding people as:Vice-President Hubert Humphrey ,,,Max Lerner... Walter Lipmann .. .Robert Hutchins ... Sen. Jacob Javits.., Rev. John O’Brien ... Jim Bishop,.. Norton Mockridge... Sen. MargaretChase Smith ... Dr. Rebecca Liswood, . . Justice Arthur Goldberg... ArtBuchwald... Dr.Norman Vincent Peale... Adlai E. Stevenson ... EugeniaSheppard ... John Crosby.,. HarryGolden, and many others!PAGEANTMAGAZINENOW ON SALE!CHICAGO MAROONDec. 4. 1964Culture Vulture:,L f$i ! M* the sun sets golden on the ninthweek ot thv quarter, as the undergradu¬ates begin to tu iteh nneontrollablg in ex¬portation of final exams, as the thoughtof^thePserenteen-day interim begins to goes up. trailed load and heart-breals-inglg from student to his roommate.from the stud to his ireneh. from sonny-bog to his mommela: What ran I donow:jfpl hung large in the minds of all, the erg Hut no answer is here foriheoming:the roommate sags '“Shut up and let me study:" the weneh sags: **Chaeun a *„ngout,*V the mommela says: **4ieK* khtphopf in wandt." Hut lo! the friendly # uj., \tnre-Vulture has the answer. Xay,a whole fershlugginer list of «n«irjS|for the ennui-beset intliridual. 1J licatw j 11. ' : '■ - ' r,r- . ■_ Times,-so it must be pretty goood. Sibeliu’s First Symphony (his best, plifying two of Hollywood's more and his quartet takes over th,i^^^^OTO/'cautiohary/.-word':' the cabaret in my opinion)' and two pieces by obnoxious subgenres: the thriller- until after Christmas F irtiv■o* pi ayspreviewis an art,form that, no mat- Charles Ives: The Gong on the Hook comedy and Uie “sophisticated"'bed- sings at the Empire Ro<.mtv ^n t wiiBthat have;'-.beiui;..n<oiind^-f(;>r^ter how new it is. seems stale if and ladder and Tone Roads No. 3. room farce). Dec. 18-24: (.every ten- Palmer House through tho^-fii ||ri while: Enriio IVV0u|^th(' |.you,'ve seen several of them before. THE CHRISTMAS OFFERING of tative) either Lawrence of Arabia teenth, and is well wortli <<h ‘ ^lipfcr Theatre,'has been describedt^AsVagreat former Culture Editor the Rockefeller Chapel Choir will be or a double bill: Peyton Place and THE PLUGGED NICKElJ^|lW^P^Chicago:i;critie'hi'a>Jith(Si>c'>tfoiK'e'l'wTote::J,Tt is like returning to .Messiah, bv Handel.,. The oratorio Return to Peyton Place (next week: ues to l* the jazz oentefSjjHV^I^'j^.Hns.-'to-.the' t Haafrojliaf #a;'bowl-' 'hF-Rice^Krlspies< alter' afph:bago|h as to,offer?1 He*nY:i.v jveryYcouple,|:of minutes: ,the taste is pret-■',w.rlI^beY;right.%The*H:ir]X'rYT!i'.atre ty^much the same, but the snap,has^belatedly. offered»<student<adis%crackle and^pop are, missing. ’’ £_ coi:n:sY<.f:;ar«xmd.T5c.;%[iic:hdMitsdhe# If..,.;,, 4^^^^•sliow^.butf'just^barelymwithiri tho;-v‘ - ‘ MS. '.'Su will feature members of Uie Chicago Sons of l’eylon Place and- Peyloov-city, more thee pltytSymphony Orchestra, Edward Mon- Place Meets the Wolfman). Dec. ishly discriminate agak^-m^dello on the Chapel Organ, and will 25-31: A Shot in the Dark. ; For those able to find their to,be conducted by Richard Vikstrom. The International House Cinema^and into the bar, this is thefflMDecember 13th at 3:30.- hasn’t given up tlie ghost yet: this Charlie Byrd will play .until?Chamber music addicts will be Monday they’re showing Damn the- sixth. Then Art Blakey and tiie^Dhiillgefss'ofvmost studentsviThe Hull TAt Orchestra -Hall, the Chicago pleased to find out that the New Defiant, and A Man Called Peter, Messengers will blow for five nurS]louse'Theatre off on the'Near Near Symphony is in full swing. This York Woodwind Quintet is in town, the Monday of exam week. December 9 13. After this, • m>u«i7'fgifiNorth Side, also offers, a bill worth1* >th&the^price . and. tlie tip:' I wo*vf^§f|lp!av s'>by;Samueh. Beckett (Endgame• aud .Play I.-Enrico-iclosesithis week'- Friday and Saturday it's Martinon Tlicy will give one concert at the Russian Film Festival presents is booked until Christmas night ...and cellist Janos Starker, with Downers Grove II.S Auditorium, this tlie first of the Ivan films of Sergei Horace Silver and his quintetj^’inmusic by Handel, and Prokoficff, Sunday. The third concert of tlie Eisenstein December 12 at M;indel.4show up, playing through <J[aStarker is soloist in a new Haydn Fine Arts Quartet is also coming up Tlie second part of Ivan the Terrible third.concerto and the Tschaikovsky Vari- in the near future: December 14 and will be shown at the beginning ofaliens on a Rococo Theme. 'u~' 15 at the Goodman Theatre. Tlie next quarter. -TV -•.-»• 4 ?■Next week (Dec. 10, 11. and 12) is prograin will consist of the Rartok And this is about all that will lieIf There , are^also. several promising the premiere of Klebe’s “Zwitscher- Quartet No. 3. the Haydn Quartet in the neighborhood until Doc Filmsxliictions, openingrin. the next few maschine,” tlie Tschaikovsky fourth Qp* 54 No. 1, and the Brahms Quin- starts its Masterpieces of the Frenchfv.eeksf'At. the. Last StageVMoIiere's symphony, and Walton's, violin con- let for Clarinet and Strings (Miloso- Cinema series next quarter with|The. Doctor In Spiteof Himself opens ^certo, with former,; concert master vidi, cl ). .< '<■' : Dreyer's 'Hie Passion of Joan of,Friday1’under Martin Roth's dim*- Sidnej^Harth. as 'soloist. The. exam ?> The. last performance of the I,vric § Arc.19G4 ■—— ..... ■ ^. i, -1 he ‘ Beckett ■ plays close. ndlthe first of the year.', so .the;V 1 ^vcjhem is now. g », •' '"'SISAnd tl»at’s about it. Enjoyit-Cjui^gselves.David RichierlIM sportsf As the autumn quarter end|jjji, do Intramural Sports for tlie qumSfSLfollowing: is ,a summary of >. thlllrflfsjiorts champions:^tuin.-’If this show- is as goocl as last-Sweek ixincerts feature Victor Aitay Opera for the 19G4 season will be and|year;;s Tartuffe, it will be well w’or.th|iin the premiere of the B:«;tok Violin, of Tosca, by Giacomo Puccini. T!k? ^ pM Unsilon “A" * lf.TflW|y j^^ri'.secing. . The Old Town Repertor\4iConcertooa*i' ^ extraspecialgood Regina || Triangle Product ioas^contihues'I its^'A'u.iJniversh v T ,k^^a^Companywdll present 'two plays atH ijChristmas night we have Emil Crespin as Floria • Tosca, Richard inquest to please all; bv bringing to|'Kv’Hcfc'i»inaVT-.*»>Ur iJlJt’ JHSijtiic Near North Encore Theatres?. Gilels. in the Mozart Concerto for Tucker as Mario Cavaradossi, a-."*.—♦ s tnews, 13-b.^tm Synge’s The Playboy of the Western Piano, No. 21, :w:th;.the Poulenc Pas- ^TitoWorld and Shakespe;ire's Othello, toral ( oncerto. Dewmberv 31.; Janu^Vgreatfschedule is a bit irregular. so J arv^l; and^?,. the conductor will .be Vtreat.’^i^^Sc-onsult., your, newspaper for datesjgHahsI Scl^dt-Is^rstedtVbonduciting^ The,tLmos.-i'V Y;:' Y # *0 ^the^lCliicago::: Symphony in the. Eu- 1 jxmy under the direction of JuliusDay, (on the other side of die fence)Hull House, Sheridan Playhous r' anthe - Overture bv K .rl. Mnrw Rudol .retunis during ' tlie twelve ? there, w ill lx1 a Broadside Concert,offers^Blood Knot; last .war’s Op,. "oer; ands,, die>; Brahms First da>s of Christmas with jierformances! featuring tin-"'uncompromising" Davedway play) for* S\inphony, i »■ ,_,_l l-a...Traviata (Dec. 20. Jan. 1), Van Rouk. Plnl Ochs, the FreedomOrchestra'winner (best off-Broadwi>u‘V the,\ 13thMacbeth is si.11 at the,(foodman;Theatre. where|t:uue; throiigh ,December „.■:VlikeVKieiii's#r;bview rin ',Uii^;-'i.sSue5 .,|b.i i< ,x>rt on th^ofi.i ng ^ On campus|. the Collegium'-Musi-'Movies^,IL\VII) MERRICK’S EXTR \V\-\( ‘Cn »iU >pre-ent their second con- ^f t^eei^onlSunday The program is'to-' . • “vAUTMlstd raws;, a;' i !< t V-1 In- I 'allie?‘Bl ickstohe in the original Nt*. ji'„ - - rv: ■ - -a ve*:' bee n Y oxbe lien t g regardl sss|Mf;|whrd^h'a's beehjsaid abbut£the^p|^n1'n}^W'ednesdayp.YMuri?l4;Reshikf’!tjtsell.•■comedy is.i,still at- the .Stubf i p 5ITlieftjfiw' olcl’Y eviewT a*n> tjd! ‘jagjV rough Fartherl-\long*. Yaf-SYconcQ:, ’’’ ^i x \ges? of 'Man a t ^ t he 1A1^&f^MThea Ire jr inf the^iC loadsuvl*W 4 ~ ' 11T I •’ 'Ml. Champion hip and HendersoSpnwon the College House Sect ion!THE UNDERGRADUATE^^Title was won by Ron D;int«gTufts-* North.All I-M managers are re'mui.tv'V-V Symphony No. 88. Henze's'^’Ondine" y(Dec. 31), Carmen (Jan. 2), Theit will conjl Slide, - and die . Mahler Symphony Merry Widow (Jan 2). and Rigolctto ‘at- the London House through this ‘Tl20tH Se^N‘» J.-.Tlie sopiano soloist fmWdie (-kin 3). all at the Arie Crown Tlie-: Sunday. December 8 Jonah Jones flCoS r Mar i I Conriick Place. *■money and you that league basketball entriffldue on DECEMBER, 10 F EiVDie Gene' Krupa Quartet will be MUST be in by Deo. . i0j*so^L|’ ’schedules may be arrang^l'holidays.On Regaidless.; Dec' 11-17*' Charade and Bedtime Story (exem- I (Corona •Sludi,,?s;rvWurlQ3 OJ|Y'o u'rwon' t • Ka veF t<Vpu t^y o u rrii&^^fSdayPETERSON MOVING' AND STORAGE CO.12455 S. Doty Ave.im®vv]j46-;44n « J!. HELP WANTEDSTUDENT COORDINATOR FOR-y SCHOLASTIC EMPLOYMENT MPROGRAM SiilSpt■■pip. .... . iMu-1 .he about to i < .. i \ >• d. urt-rin'1965 and in ii|uRequires, 3 hoiirl/pi' V' we< t.* \ n yremunerative po-ihon. Y'lPersonnel DirectorGenerol Academic Placement101 South Brood Street Mi--Philadelphia, Pa. 19107 PORTRAITS1312 E. 53rd St.684-7424si PassportPhotos EVE EXAMINATIONFASHION EYEWEARCONTACT LENSESDr. Kurt RosenbaurlOptometrist53-Kimbork Plazo1200 East 53rd SirittHYde Park 3-83721Student and FacultyDiscount ? *m»iautuummpartmpnts I . m«... Now Renting for Jan.1,1965 , , - ■ ■ * "DOC I ORIN SPITK ()1modest rentals!O' v ^Ceramic Kitchen HIMSklif^ V.xi '1*' ' 'f :■ h:j\‘ T-1- -- r ■ r'f- W-?i.b’ed rodm?Ilo^et ,en Y^M*:f;Free individually controlled: U - - ■.gas heatGuest closet?Convenient For mi c a c oun te r|| 4 \to all transportation:transportationA tw5 tMUt tA2 blocks to I.C.vIrL'iancI BusI > WDesigned, Built and Managed by:?* -rki- -c> V*1 VcA-VeoM'^rtA George Sanger — SA 1-5852 ^^ ;,1638 E. 92nd Street; * ' :- y k • ■ : y-v '■'',dk;',.._' ., . . . . 'Yk’-"" Y '.:-' y> Directed byHARVKY LANDA...-The Last Stage 111506 EAST 51st STREET OAklaml 41200Nov 27 28 29Dec 4 5 611 12 1318 19 20 FRI. and SAT.' 8=30 $2.00 #SUN.7=30 $1.50MAROON Dec. 4, 1964ir* Board fires RU paper sinners SG sets transport plansStudent Activities accused Miss Halprin of turning(SAB) of Roosevelt gainst the practice of factual, ethi¬cal journalismTheBoardUniversity (RU) has- firedJudi Halprin, editor of theTorch, the RU student newspaper,and the five-man editorial boardwhich includes Jeff Segal, assistantto the editor, Steve Bookehester,national news editor. John Dovard,copy editor, Richaad Monet, man¬aging editor, and Lvn Cole, editoremeritus, for printing an article inthe November 16 issue stating thatRU President Robert J. Pitchellhad been “unofficially fired.”The firing is subject to Pitchell’sapproval, which, according to a uni¬versity spokesman, he will doubtlessgive. This action does not effecttlie ;*cademic careers of the oustededitors.“I expected as mtich,” said MissHalprin, who had written the storyin question. The article set off aninquiry by a six-man committeewhich completed its investigationsTuesday and reported its recom¬mendations to the SAB.The committee found that MissHalprin's artide was based mainly as set forth in RUcanons.Miss Halprin, a 21-year old politi¬cal science major, stated that she“really didn’t expect it to go thisfar.” I thought the article wouldcreate some controversy, but neveranything like this.” She furthermaintained that the dismissals were“unfair” and that “no future editorof the Torch can ever feel free towrite any kind of article or editorialfor fear of similar repercussions.”After its ruling, the SAB found it¬self with a problem when othermembers of the Torch turned downall attempts to recruit, them forcarrying on in the fired editorialboard’s place.The SAB finally decided to selectSee The Fabulous“Hits Of Broadway"Lavish Musical RevueFine Dining—DancingDEL PRADO HOTELHY 3-9600on conjecture, and not fact. It alsoTHFFREr SHOP FRANKLIN FOOD STOREORIENTAL FOODSJAPANESE OUR SPECIALTYCHIN A WARE GIFT ITEMS1309 ET"53rd STREETHY 3-5057YS47 £.ssra st.CjyiCigoNO 7-106011:30 to 6, 7:30 to 10 Mon.-Fri.11:30 to 6, Saturday UNIVERSITYNATIONALBANK'a strong bank'1354 EAST 55th STREETMU 4-1200member F.D.I.C. another editorial board as soon aspossible, even if it meant missingthe next scheduled publication dateDecember 7.The investigating committee rec-onunended that Miss Halprin’s tui¬tion scholarship be continued. It alsoleft the door open for reinstatementof other ouster members of the edi¬torial board by not designating howlong the ban from Torch activitieswould last. Student Government (SG) an¬nounced yesterday that its cam¬pus-airport shuttle buses will leavethe campus for the appropriate air¬port exactly two hours before flighttime for eveiy SG-sponsored groupor charter plane.The buses in all cases will leavefrom the Ida Noyes Hall-New Dormparking lot, on Woodlawn between59th and 58th streets.SG’S GREYHOUND charter bus-to New York will also leave fromthe Ida Noyes-New Dorm lot.DR. AARON ZIMBLER, OptometristIN THENEW HYDE PARK SHOPPING CENTER1510 E. 55th St.DO 3-7644EYE EXAMINATIONS DO 3-6866PRESCRIPTIONS FILLED CONTACT LENSESNEWEST STYLING IN FRAMESStudent A Faculty DiscountSilk Screen SuppliesA Complete Source ofARTISTS' MATERIALS,MIMEOGRAPH PAPERAND SUPPLIESI Wholesale Prices in QuantityOnly IDUNCANS1305 E. 53rd ST.HY 3-41119 VOLT TRANSISTOR BATTERIES 19c10% discount to students with ID cardsSales and Serviceon all hi-fi equip¬ment, foreigndomestic.TAPE RECORDERSandPhonographs - AmplifiersPhono Needles and CartridgesTubes - Batteries24 hr. Service CallsTV-HI-FI $Q00RADIO O— Telefunken & Zenith —AMERICAN RADIO ANDTELEVISION LABORATORY1300 E. 53rd esf. 1929Ml 3-9111In the 53rd-Kimbark Plaza,L<MOFAMOUS GILL'S BEERDISCOUNT VOLUME SPECIALV2-GAL. - GAL.Gallon35Vi Gal.67cALL BEER —NO FOAMWON T GO FLAT BARRELS'/< bbl. 4 AVi bbl.DeliveredSTAYS COLDWITHOUTICE 15 HOURS2 DRIVE-IN WINDOWSDiscount prices on all popular brand whiskyGILL & COPurveyors of Fine Wine, Liquor & Beersince 1933WINE CELLAR FOR GREATER SELECTIONm — WM >TAY< 1L COLD .3J T'ITMCl\AICE 11238 East 47th St. KEnwood 6-6500 , Following is a list of SG’s planesand bus, and their departure times:PLANESpmSaturn New York charterDecember IS lv. Midway 8TWA Boston group flightDecember 18 lv. O'Hare pmAmerican New York group flightDecember 17 lv. O'Hare S :.'10 pmNorthwest New York group flightDecember 18 lv. O'Hare ii:40 pmUnited New York group flightDecember 19 lv. O'Hare 2:25 pmBUSGreyhound New York charterDecember 18 lv. parking lot 7:.JO pmPROGRESSIVEPAINT & HARDWARE CO.1641 E. 55th HY 3-384010% STUDENT DISCOUNTSpecial Student RateThis new method ofBETTERGRADES,READMORE,RETAINMOREreading will help youstudy moreeffectively andmaster exams.Learn to read3 to 7 times fasterwith increasedcomprehensionand retention.Classes nowforming. SpecialWinter rates forstudents.Meet Evelyn Wood. founder ofREADING DYNAMICS, and seeher demonstrate this revoluntaryreading method.DEMONSTRATION DATESMon., Jan. 4 & Tues., Jan. 55:30 P.M. & 7:30 P.M.atCentral YMCA19 S. LaSalle St.—Board RoomYou are invited to attend. Abso¬lutely no obligation. For reserva¬tions call:£osrfipt WoodREADING DYNAMICS INSTITUTE180 W. Adams St., STote 2-7014ALL V0LR5WAGEIUDEALERS CAW SELLYOU A NEW '65 VWSEPAPJ FOR.>1647OU£ PRICE IS “THESAME. OUR SERVICEIS EXCELleut;superb—unquestionablyTHE PIFFEREMCETHAT MAKESTHE PEAL/ ;OUR USED CARSARE GREAT TOO!100% GUARANTEEPARTS AND LABOR 30 DAYS$1195*64 SIMCA4-dr. Sedan63 VOLKSWAGENSedan'63 KARMAN Gt+IAConvertible'62 VOLKSWAGENSedan'62 VOLKSWAGENConvertible'62 KARMAN GHIAConvertible'62 MERCEDESConvertible 190 SL'62 MERCEDESSedan'62 TR-3Convertible'61 VOLKSWAGENSedan'61 RENAULT4-dr. Sedan'60 VOLKSWAGENSunroof‘60 VOLKSWAGENSedan'60 PORSCHEConvertible'59 VOLKSWAGENConvertible $1295$1795$1145$1345$1395$1795$2195$1295$995$595$945$895$2195$995IMPORT MOTORS JNJ AUTHORIZED VW — td§/< PORSCHE DEALERNEW CAR71st & BU 8-4900 ljUSED CAR /STONY IS.643-4040CLOSED SUNDAY JDee. 4.1964 CHICAGO MAROONUC scientists investigate Mars through Mariner 1^Hie “lens** of the cosmic ray the earth when Mariner IV passes Colorado to Peru,telescope consists of three gold-sik- near the “red planet.” msmi(, ><1Vcon coated discs arranged in a stackthat cause any charged atomic parti¬cle rnovii** through them to loseenergy. The telescope measures thisenergy lost by the particle andradios the data back to earth.One of the uses of the telescopewill be to search for radiation beltsaround Mars similar to those around• f the eight scientific the work of John A. Simpson, profes-expVnments aboard Mariner 9or in the department of physics and]\ . the new I S Mars probe, the University’s Enrico Fern* Insh-a t> designed and developed tute for Nudeer Studies- and Joset*C stinttl - O’Gallagher, a gr.ui^-e asswam.,, i. i - ■ »• 1 Hh DI.Y If !•. TS '^signed toaboard the ^siJaceoruttfis' ,* incipally "measure the energy and distribution>f c-O'mic rays; prototts and alpha Chamber Mafic Serio*Friday, December 4, 9:30 pom.STUART CANIN, ViolinistBeethoven, Back, Sessions, KarelUNIVERSAL ARMY STOREDistinctive Gift Items From TheOrient and Around The WorldE. 53rd St.hicaqo * 1 S. ■MU 4-6856 O.C. Students $1Levis — TurHenecksWinter Jackets — Raincoats•% Peacoats —...Parkas ^1459 E. 53rd St. FA 4-5854■ Free Cofte* Tickets at the Music Dept} MODEL CAMERAIEICA; B01EX, NIKON, PENT AXZEISS, MAMIYA, OMEGA, DURSTtej| TAPE RECORDERS,?.; *1342 E. 55 HY 3-9259 PIZZASPLATTER X1508 HYDE PK. BLVD.a^pELivE*r:B%.TABLE SERVICE?!!|T*KE 6-6606 — KE 6-3891 , . , Quand vous devenez d^tenteurd’une police Sun Life, vous vousgnez A dea centainea de milliers|||d’hommes et de femmes prAvoyants /.qul, au moyen de rassur«nce-vie,^Sassurent leur avenir et celul da leurXtlfamille. . a,.-- X/InMl■ ProfessorLake Park! Joseph ;?H. Aaron XKiwPM’C°n«eetle«t MutualapfeUf*:. Insurance ; Protectio* ■%£$-■ ■.Si 35 S. LaSalle SfcMtMl 3-5984 RA 4-1040 l Today'sAssignment ~ £ En tant qu# repr£sentant local a# la Sunjggl; Life, puis-|e vous visiter A un moment.de»■ votre choi*? ■\^g|| { Ralph J. Wood, Jr.. CLU<- Hyde Park Bank Building, Chicago IS, III.V R I FAirfa* 4-6800 — FR 2-2340— 1 Office Honrs 4 to S Mondays It FridaysSUN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADAsH ; A MUTUAL COMPANY 7m. 1965gCOMET;^2-D00R SEDAN-v-.:-;: ■ •■ ?«; ^-HYDE PARK | SHOE ^REBUILDERSi^PServ'iiig'iiHyde'Park--.foe 40 Yeaev.AiJffi^^S&Pfofessional.iDyeieg['Matched JIglllaiffiwjshmg oV. Shoes andliisMMpJWW CHICKEN — SANDWICHESfPH ||g§t iH36 PIZZA & ffSllf• ITALIAN FOODS-Lake Park Motors4035 S. COTTAGF GROVEHY 3-3445 ’Safes - Service - Parts rp LINCOLN - MERCURYCONTINENTALSoft Lights. Soft Music. Soft Bagels®.What happened is.this: that.beautiful.new old-fashionedifdelicatessen vin ^Hyde Park- is spreading out: ^Gettings ,• , i ( mgiio trui i Unique F .i>«. Vt itts vill to-' e V **rv think J i’^iostS^f el a x in g? decor.'dlto ’a fantastic 12 or.’i. 11 let mien..n t..r under t .m r. J.»l 1 i r>. some new sa nd" u lies »o uii>n>tro<i«»JEFFERYTHEATREillyfSf'inearestiiurent; justia1»i.i 11 wnta'iji il« of >o«..C. omeioMolUVOIfKFA 4-0633 I exclusive SHOWING '1STARTING FRIDAYV DEC. 25th clove"yesterday|f^§** tomorrow affra?s pec i al 11 yl'tofPDAYto^^ fe the diamond that dreams are made off!;:;Here s a brilliant beginning for all your hopes andi|%.joys Artcarved s newest engagement ring sparkle^with. a rm111ioK flickering;lights. Why not know tf^Jebeauty.of Nocturne Star forever?See Nocturne Star and other St/le^Star ring?!?! your Artcarved Jeweler Priced from $90. Ask about^Cthe Permanent Value Plan. For a free illustrated]S folder, write to Artcarved, Dept C, 216 East 45thj. Street. New York, N Y 10017. i *T«*M-*«^■. • ' - . . ■ . :\>ABuy them now mil stive your year-end worrits tarlyl. : ' ■' ,^g(!4Vt^;Tagani€Bags;^Social StationeryDesk Sets — Photo Albums m Rocfc Hudsonp*’iDOBi8&Qf:i5ToNySaNoail ‘ See Nocturne Star only at these Authorized Artcarved Jewelers; ■ •:# , .. . . ;v J— Chicago — — Chicago —VY! Cole & Young & ^ Roman Kosinski '9144 Commercial Ave. 5754 W. Belmont Ave.'- CWco*# - CWe«,.Farmer Jewelers R. L Seidelmann!3153 W. 63rd Street 2615 S. Pulaski Road> - vT" '. ■— Zion — — Oak Park —Ashland Jewelers Hayward Jewelers2716 Sheridan Road 111 N. Marion Street fWOODWORTH’S BOOKSTORE1311 East 57th StreetChicago, Illinois i f • MNtlR HtlCHttt httmam . IHWERSAFI*^.;S--”, TedruCo&rr*Feature Times:2. 4. 6. 8, 10 pm all week4«t SMASH MONTH —CkUof*'* L#«9»it »■"»!»« MmIcoIi h«v blew • flu»t of fruh air Into themuiical revue buiineii."—Lttntr, Wew*The keynote l» literacy by Univ. etChicaflo Cosmopolite!." lone/. Amtr.Tea!.. w»d . Thur*. » F.IL: Frl. • 6 II;s.t « SO. I0.-S0. I2:S0: Sun. 7:10 6 »:»•Weekday! $2.65, Fri. 4 Sat. $2.95Thtater In th« CloudsALLERTON HOTEL701 N. Michigan Av#.Reservations: SU 7-4200Co/ony /teem Dlnntr offer,Shoe tod < Cowrie Dlnntr, ,,|S M; M. * Sot. |* »* <>tWHHWHHmhkW ' I ^ enter' a newworld ofdiningpleasurecharcoal-broildd steaksbroasted chicken*616 E. 71st ST.PHONEi 483-1668AIR CONDITIONEDLa Russo’sFINE FOODS AND COCKTAILSNow Open for Lunch 11:30-3:30Phone NOrmal 7-9390 1645 E. 53rd St.CHICAGO, ILLINOISNICKY'SRESTAURANTAND PIZZAFine Foodsand DrinksFor Your DiningPleasurePIZZA OURSPECIALTY<><><»«><><><>j| 53 - KIM BARK PLAZAFREE STUDENT DELIVERYFA 4-5340Del PRADO Hotel300 South on the Lake JHTY3-9600Frank Amorosi Triocomedy — music — songsBILL CURTISsightless keyboard artistDOTTIE BEE TRIOmusical show-stoppersCONTINUOUS ENTERTAINMENT!TIL 4 A.M.NO COVER — NO MINIMUM MAROON (M) WEEKEND GUIDETAI-SAM-YfcNCHINESE • AMERICANRESTAURANTSpecializing iaCANTOXESE ANDV>li;HI<\\ DISHESOPEN DAILY11 A.M. to 9:45 P.M.ORDERS TO TAKE OUT1318 East 63rd St. MU 4-1062HARPERLIQUOR STORE1514 E. 53rd StreetFull line of imported and domesticwines, liquors and beer at lowestprices.FREE DELIVERYPHONECA d=rmB 1318HY 3-6800PETER NEROFridayDecember 4at 8:30Hermann UnionAuditoriumIllinois Instituteof Technology33rd and DearbornTickets $3.00CINEMAChicago at MichiganDili BH* WeekCould be the 1965Academy Award Winner-One of the Best AmericanPictures of the Year”CANNES FILM AWARDIn the tradition of Marty, Davidand Lisa, and Lilies of the Field.SUN-TIMES 3</2 stars"ONE POTATO,TWO POTATO"STUDENTS SI .00with I.D. Cardsevery day but SaturdayWeekdays Open 6 P.M.Sat. & Sun. Ope. 1:30Running thru December 24that all timesfor collegestudents• tptn from dawn til dawn• a different double featuredally• "Little Gal lary" for (al« only• dark parking one door south,.. four hours 95c aftsr• p.m."gypsy,” "lucky m«."ut. 5—"th» mind-beaded*,”"dr. itrangelove. ’sun. 6—"your part ia show¬ing,” "big-time operarors.”moo. 7 — "steel bayonet,”"trooper book.”tues. 8—"comanche,” "ken-tuckuui.”wad. 9—"2 for the seesaw,”"week & the wicked ”thurs. 10—"wonderful coun¬try,” "checkpoint.” JIMMY'Sand theUNIVERSITY ROOMSCHLITZ ON TAP SAMUEL A. BELL'Buy Shell From Bell'SINCE 19264701 So. Dorchester Ave.KEnwood 8-3150shore drive motel■FACING LAKE MICHIGANSpecial University of Chicago Rates. Beautiful Rooms.Free TV, Parking, Courtesy Coffee.Closest Motel to Univ. of Chicago and Museum of Science & Industry.FOR INFORMATION OR RESERVATIONSWRITE OR CALL Ml 3-2300SHORE DRIVE MOTEL56th St. & So. Shore Dr. • Chicago 37. IllinoisTIKI TOPICSHOUSE OF TIKIis proud to offer all of our friends of Hyde Park and thesurrounding areas a selection of Polynesian Dishes as well asour choice American menu. This choice of Polynesian foodsis now part of our regular menu.Just A Sample Of Our Menu:TERI YAK! STEAKShrimp Polynesian Chicken TahitianLobster Polynesian Reef anil TomatoesEgg Roll Ono Ono KaukauShrimp de Jonglie Reef-Kabob-FlamheSee the French Comedy, "The Doctor in Spite of Himself”at the Last Stage, then return to Cirals House of TikiInclude one of our delightful Hawaiian cocktailsSEE YOU THENCIRALS HOUSE OF TIKI51st Street and Harper Ave.LAKEthe U 8-7585/park at 53rd : NO 7 9071(A-yde park theatreStarts Friday, December 4"A rore film ... a treat for all ages" — New York TimesAlyosha Zagorsky in Frez's Russian Prize Winner"DIMKA""CARRY ON REGARDLESS""Dimka” — daily of 7:30 and 10:30, Sunday at 7 and 10"Carry On" — daily at 6 and 9, Sunday at 5:30 and 8:30Special Matinees at 12 — 2 — 4 P.M.Sunday at 1 and 3 P.M. only — all seats 50c"LITTLE REDRIDING HOODAND HERFRIENDS"Plus Short: "Santa's Magic Kingdom"Starts Friday, December 11Audrey Hepburn A- Cary Grant"CHARADE"and Marlon Brando in"BEDTIME STORY"Coming: Sellers ia "Wrong Arm of the Low"Antonioni's "Lo Notte"FREE WEEKEND PATRON PARKING AT 5230 SOUTH LAKE PARKSPECIAL STUDENT RATES WITH STUDENT I.D. CARDSDavid White, 5470 OtecktteMChances are, you need the Credit Union too.Ask our savers. They’ll tell you what their money brings them. They’ll mention healthy dividends.And convenient access to savings. During business hours — not banking hours.And life insurance at no additional cost. Up to $3,000.00 worth.Still not convinced? Then ask those who have borrowed from us.They’ll prove that you need the Credit Union that needs you.Your Credit Union. The Hyde Park Co-op Federal Credit Union.• CHICAGO MAROON • Dec. 4, 1964