Church supports 'hate group'(Copyright Ken Merce, 1961)by Ken PierceAn organization now work¬ing in Woodlawn and dedi¬cated to “sharpening dormanthostilities” received over $56,-000 last year from the Chi¬cago Catholic Bishop and theNational Conference of CatholicCharities.The Maroon has learned thatthe controversial Industrial AreasFoundation (IAF), which is nowhelping the Temporary WoodlawnOrganization (TWO) to “organ¬ize" the south side community,also received approximately$13,000 from the two Catholicgroups in 1958.In recent months, the TWOhas attempted to organize resi¬dents of Woodlawn in oppositionto the University of Chicago’splans for building a “South Cam¬pus,” between 60th and 61st, Cot¬tage Grove to Stony Island.The IAF is a Chicago basedfoundation which has developedcertain controversial techniquesto aid in community organization. According to Rev. Walter Kloetzli,secretary of urban church plan¬ning for the National Lutherancouncil, and author of “CityChurch: Death or Renewal,” “Anumber of responsible Catholicofficials and laymen have told methat they are worried about pre¬serving the predominantly Negroparishes in Woodlawn.“In addition,” continued Kloet¬zli, “these people are trying des¬perately to maintain the White“-Negro status quo in areas southof Woodlawn, and they anticipatethat redevelopment in Woodlawnwill cause an influx of Negroesinto areas southwest and south¬east of Woodlawn.”Kloetzli stated that he knewsome responsible Catholic laymenand clergy who regret the Catho¬lic support of the IAF, and itsexecutive director Saul Alinsky.Alinsky helped organize the Backof the Yards area near the Chi¬cago stockyards, which, accordingto Kloetzli, is “absolutely segre¬gated.”According to Kloetzli, Catholicsupport of the IAF in Woodlawnstems from an attempt by Mon¬signor Egan, executive director ofthe Archdiocesan Conservation council, "to do something ratherspecific and rather desperate topreserve Catholic congregationsin Woodlawn.”Alinsky described the organi¬zational methods of the IAF inFebruary, 1959, to a group ofWoodlawn clergymen of all deno¬minations. He stated: “We woulddevelop an organization to ‘sharp¬en’ dormant hostilities.” WhenCatholic, Lutheran, and Presby¬terian delegates to the meetingasked Alinsky: “If we are in¬volved in tactics of hostility, whatdoes this do to the gospel wepreach and to the place that loveand redemption play in that whichwe teach?” Alinsky answered:“I would say that this would beputting into action those thingswhich the Churches teach andpreach; this would make of theChurch a place that is more thansomewhere that you go on Sun¬day morning.” Subsequently, theLutherans decided not to workwith the IAF.Last January, some Catholicsand Presbyterians joined withother religious and civic groupsin Woodlawn to form the Tempo¬rary Woodlawn Organization. TheTWO is backed by the IAF, and includes IAF workers on its staff.A recent document of the TWOon the stationery of the HolyCross rectory suggested the fol¬lowing steps for organizing Wood¬lawn:“. . . rub raw the sores of dis¬content so that the people willdemand just conditions. Formthem into a neighborhood organi¬zation that will be the most pow¬erful thing in Woodlawn—morepowerful than the political party,more powerful than the (city)conservation board which refusesto act, more powerful than theapathy that holds the communityin its grasp.”The IAF and TWO have chosenthe University as the object ofhatred around which to uniteWoodlawn. In a document entitled“What Happened at the Big CityHall Meeting,” Woodlawn resi¬dents were urged: “D Organize,organize, and organizel 2) Growstrong and powerful; 3) Makeour own program and plan; 4)Force Levi to accept it. (JulianLevi, director of the SoutheastChicago commission which devel¬oped the University’s South Cam¬pus plan.) 5) Make the City do it.”TWO protests led to a reword¬ing of a Chicago City Council res¬olution approving the first phaseof the University’s South Campus plan. The University and theSoutheast Chicago Commissionsought city approval for this plan,even though UC owns all the landinvolved in this first phase ofSouth Campus redevelopment, sothat Chicago might be eligible forone million dollars in federal“matching” redevelopment grants.The City Council is expected toapprove this initial South Campusresolution March 22.Woodlawn leaders feared thatacceptance of this plan would leadto wholesale city approval of theentire South Campus project, andhave asked that no major redevel¬opment be undertaken in Wood¬lawn until a comprehensive planfor the area is developed*Direc¬tor Levi, whose commission hasno specific plans for Woodlawnsouth of 61st, stated: “It wouldseem that Woodlawn wants to re¬main a lower class community.How can you develop a programon the assumption that a commu¬nity cannot improve?”Levi explained that this doesnot necessarily mean a redevel¬oped Woodlawn might be com¬posed of families in the upper-middle income group. Levi hasrecommended that municipalagencies investigate the possibil¬ity of erecting public housing inthe rest of Woodlawn.Group will adviseresidential collegeVol. 69 —No. 61 University of Chicago, March 3, 1961 , 31Kennedy directs Rusk:form limited Youth corpsPresident Kennedy estab¬lished the Point Four Youthcorps Wednesday hy a specialexecutive order.The order directed Secretary ofState Dean Rusk to set up and ad¬minister the Youth corps untilCongress can act on it later thisspring. Observers feel almost cer¬tain that Congress will approvethe Youth corps, and will prob¬ably expand It.The President’s action caughtCongressional backers of theYouth corps by surprise. Aspokesman for Congressman Hen¬ry Rcuss (Dem., Wisconsin), whooriginally proposed the bill callinglor (he study of the Youth corps,said that Kennedy had been ex¬pected to send a message to Con¬gress urging the passage of theYouth corps bill later this week,hut that no executive order hadIxH-n expected.Kennedy explained during hispress conference Wednesday thata technical assistance programembodying the new and complex"people to people” method of op¬eration required as much time aspossible for experimenting withpi lot projects. He issued his orderto give Rusk and other officialsmore time to arrange these pilotprojects.Kennedy acted on the basis of areport submitted to him last weekhy the Colorado State universityresearch foundation, the groupwhich has been studying the pro¬gram under the act sponsored byCongressman Reuss last year.The director of the researchfoundation said this report con¬tained a “strong recommenda¬tion” that the Youth corps be es¬tablished as soon as possible.Kennedy’s order called for a( orPS of about four hundred forinitial pilot projects. But Congresssional spokesmen explained thatthis small number will In all like¬ lihood be increased by Congresslater this spring.The Colorado State universitygroup’s report does not recom¬mend that the Corps start withany particular size, but it doesstate that a program involving6,000 young men and womenwould cost about fifty million dol¬lars a year.The consensus of opinionamong those who have participat¬ed in the study is that the Corpsshould begin with about one thou¬sand members and increase insize as quickly as experienceshows is practical. Senator Hu¬bert Humphrey (Dem., Minneso¬ta) who introduced a bill to es¬tablish a Youth corps last year,hopes that it can have about 5,000participants in three years.Kennedy’s order also estab¬lished a quasi-public agency to ad¬minister the Youth corps once itis set up. The agency would con¬sist of experts selected from pri¬vate organizations now sendingyoung people overseas on aid mis¬sions similar to those the Youthcorps would establish. Academicpersonnel would also be included.' Observers believe that Kennedywill select R. Sargent Shriver tohead the new agency, but no offi¬cial appointment has yet beenmade. Kennedy said at hisWednesday press conference thathe “expects to reach a decisionon this within a few days.”Shriver is past Superintendentof Chicago public schools and abrother-in-law of the President.He resigned from his school postlast fall to campaign for Kenne¬dy.Shriver has been studying thevarious proposals for administer¬ing the Youth corps for someweeks now, according to a recentSun-Times story.The Colorado State universityresearch group reported that un¬derdeveloped nations have re¬ceived the Youth corps proposalwith enthusiasm. Several coun¬tries — notably Nigeria and Cey¬ lon — have already requestedparticipants. A group of Harvardstudents will be sent on an un¬official pilot project to Nigeriathis summer, and Ceylon has sentone of its consular officials on atour of the country to find youngpersons interested in performingtechnical aid missions there.The research group was care¬ful to .emphasize in its report thatteachers and other non-teclinicalpersonnel will be needed in manyunder-developed areas. The direc¬tor of the group said that non¬technical assistance may form amajor part of the program.Kenneth Coffey, administrativeassistant to Congressman Reuss,emphasized in a telephone inter¬view Wednesday that “things arestill just getting started,” andthat much additional planningmust be done before the finalbill can be submitted to Congress.In an effort to educate studentson various aspects of the Youthcorps and to help officials gaugestudent reaction to the program,the National Student association(NSA) is planning a student con¬ference on the Youth corps fromMarch 29-31.James Scott, international af¬fairs vice president of NSA, saidReuss, Humphrey, and possiblyKennedy will address the confer¬ence on the different aims andproblems involved in the Youthcorps. In addition, be said, per¬sons who have participated in thestudy will attend the conferenceto discuss the various qualitiesparticipants in the Corps musthave.Scott agreed with Coffey thatmuch additional thought andplanning is required to make theYouth corps a working reality.He said the NSA conference willgive students an opportunity toexpress their views on the pro¬gram to an audience which canmake effective use of them in de¬signing the Youth corps and insetting up the training and selec¬tion aspects of it. A College faculty committeeto evaluate residential policieswill be appointed within a fewdays by Alan Simpson, deanof the College.The College faculty voted al¬most unanimously to establishthis committee, after discussing astatement on the housing regula¬tions made by John P. Netherton,dean of students.The adopted motion states:‘That a College faculty commit¬tee on residential policies be ap¬pointed by the dean to make rec¬ommendations from time to timeto the Dean and faculty of the Col¬lege; and to be in communicationwith the dean of students and rep¬resentatives of student opinion.”Last Thursday, in a statementbefore the college faculty, Nether¬ton said; ‘The University hasbeen committed to the idea of aresidential undergraduate commu¬nity for a long time.” This com¬mittment, according to Netherton,is based on a statement made in1952 to the college faculty whichsaid that; “Although on mostcampuses social life is tradition¬ally separated from academic ex¬perience, we believe that the socialand academic experiences of ourstudents should be related. If weare to realize the kind of academic community we hope to build, fac¬ulty members must be interestedin and help to influence more thanthe classroom behavior of ourstudents.”Consequently, according toNetherton, plans for a residentialcollege were implemented. Newdormitories were built. For manyyears students under 18 had beenrequired to live in the dorms ifthey did not live at home; in 1958this was extended to apply to allfirst year students.Last summer, Dean of hous¬ing James E. Newman announcedthe decision to require all womento live in the dormitories for theirfour undergraduate years and allmen for their first two years.This decision was made, accord¬ing to Netherton, when last spring“it became evident that academicfailure is very substantially high-er among non-resident students,the proportion being somewherebetween two and four to one. de¬pending on other variables.”“The new committee might wellwant to consider administration ofthe new housing policy,” saidSimpson. “The dean of studentswill determine those categories ofstudents who are exempt from therequirement. The committee willbe concerned with the flexibleand wise administration of therequirement.”Beadle has arrived;Inauguration May 4George Wells Beadle, newchancellor of the University,is on campus and is “just get¬ting acquainted with theschool.”Although he and his family willnot move into the Chancellor’shouse nutil June, Beadle is nowhere permanently. The reason therest of the family will wait tomove is because one of Beadle’ssons is in high school and alsobecause the house will not beready until then.Last Saturday Beadle saw theMaroon basketball varsity defeatthe team from Washington Uni¬versity at St. Louis. During theweek he has seen Dean Simpsonand has been getting acquaintedwith University problems, divi¬ sional deans and faculty of theprofessional schools.He said that he saw manythings which needed doing, butdeclined to comment more speci¬fically on University problems un¬til he knew more about them.Regarding the student body.Beadle said, “I met the studentbody about a month ago. I’m im¬pressed with the fact that the stu¬dent body is a very interestingand enterprising group. They arenot passive.”Next week Mrs. Beadle willcome to Chicago for a conferencewith newspaper women and wom¬en writers.Beadle will return to Pasadenaduring the March interim and willreturn to Chicago immediatelyafter the vacation.On May 4 he will be inaugurat¬ed and will take the office ofChancellor officially.Class cutting disciplinedA University professor to¬day “disciplined” students inhis course for not attendingclass.Louis Gottschalk gave two ex¬aminations to his History 232class this morning. Some stu¬dents received an exam with achoice of two out of three ques¬tions: one on the outside readings,one on the text book, and one onthe class lectures. The other ex¬am, “designed to discipline peoplewho don’t come to class,” accord¬ing to Gottschalk, had a requiredquestion on the class material.The exam was the second hour¬ly one given in the course. Theother was given in the middle ofthe quarter. The final in History232 will be held during examweek.Gottschalk, who determinedWhich students in his fifty-mem¬ber class took which exams, stat¬ed that "it was none of the Ma¬roon’s business” how studentswho had attended class were dis¬tinguished from those who didn’t.Students taking the course(Modern History from 1800-1870)had mixed reactions to the an¬nouncement of the dual exams.•This is obviously a raw deal,”commented one. “He implied ear¬lier in the year that you wouldstill have two questions to answer.— one on the text and one on the outside reading — if you didn’tcome to class.”Gottschalk’s reply was that “thestudent didn’t understand what Ihave said in class concerning thisexam.” He said that he had an¬nounced at the beginning of thequarter that class attendancewould be a factor in determininga student’s grade, and repeatedhis warning throughout the quar¬ter."He’s just trying to stress theimportance of attending class,”remarked a student who agreedwith Gottschalk. "I don’t thinkProfessor Gottschalk wants to actunfairly toward these students.He announced four or five timesat the beginning of the coursethat the lectures were important.”Another student in the classsaid that Gottschalk had "statedseveral times that a part of theexam would be based on the lec¬ture material, and that it wouldbe better for the students to at¬tend class.”James Cate, chairman of thehistory department, stated thatGottschalk could do what hewanted when teaching a course.He noted that "It is history de¬partment policy that each manruns his own course. As far asI'm concerned, he can require hisstudents to do knitting in class —it’s up to the teacher.” 14 police cars comeEggs thrown at ZBTEggs hit a fraternity for ivities, the altercation began when if it weren’t with rocks and fire-the second time this Quarter a ZBT Ple<tee apparently threw crackers, would be fun, but some-ast Monday ^ght and a new a sma11 bomb into lbe Phi Psi ba* one "?,uld havc bcen seriouslv in-last Monciay mgni ana a^ sement. This caused some discom- jured.”campus rec°rd was set e fiture and the phi psjs retaliated A member of Phi Psi releaseda total of 14 police cars - ten city ^ bombarding the ZBT house with the following statement: "Actionsquad cars, [a standard not squad I and rocks with at,ached (ire- was initiated by ZBT pledges wtwo campus police cars, and two c^ackers 1unidentified detective cars drove The ZBTs counter-retaliated inup to the scene of an alteication kjn(j Professor James Carpenterbetween tw’o fraternities, Zeta Be- who lives nearby, mistook theta Tau and Phi Kappa Psi. noise for gunshots and called theAccording to Kent Kirwan, cjty police. Kirwan said: “I feelassistant director of student act- that this is the type of thing that,Ask boycott on moviesSpecial to the MAROONAUSTIN, Texas—US movie¬goers will be asked to promisethis month that they will notattend movies during themonth of April.Texas students who organizeda Lincoln’s Birthday protestagainst segregation in southernmovie houses plan to circulate pe¬titions throughout the country inan effort to force the directorsof theater chains to actively pro¬mote integration.The Austin Students for DirectAction (SFDAi have heard noth-thing from Leonard Goldenson,chairman of the board of ABC-Paramount theaters, the nation’s largest theater chains. (In Chi¬cago, Balaban & Katz theatersare subsidiary of ABC - Para¬mount.)Although nation - wide demon¬strations February 12 failed toproduce any direct statements ofpolicy from the chains, the SFDAis hopeful tha* they will succeedin integrating Texas theaters.Students are demonstrating twoand three times a week in Austin,San Antonio. Dallas, Houston, andFort Worth.The students are continuing toseek policy statements from Gol¬denson and from Carl Hoblitzelle,president of the Interstate Cir¬cuit Incorporated, and presidentof the Dallas citizen’s council.Plan open occupancy conferenceThe Independent Voters ofIllinois (IVI) is sponsoring aconference on open occupancyIn Hyde Park tomorrow. Theconference, entitled, “Open theDoor; Why and How’,” will featureas speakers the two men most di¬rectly responsible for the passageof open occupancy statutes in Newyork and Pittsburgh, the two cit¬ ies which have most effectivelycombatted discrimination in hous¬ing and real estate.A bill calling for an open oc¬cupancy regulation in Chicago hasbeen introduced in City Council byAlderman Leon Despres [Ind.,Fifth ward], the representative ofthe ward including most of UC. Hisbill is presently being studied bythe Corporation counsel, John Me-ITALIAN FIESTA PIZZERIAspaghetti sandwiches:ravioli beef,mostaccioli sausage Or meatballFree Delivery Over $2.00MU 4-9022, 1014, 10151427 East 67th st.AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAi <<<<<*<laa! laniphy, who will report to theCouncil on the status of laws al¬ready on the books which effectdiscrimination in housing and realestate.Alderman Despres has statedthat he believes Melaniphy w ill op¬pose the bill, thereby making it dif¬ficult for the Council to act.Tomorrow’s conference will ex¬amine ways in which additionalsupport for the open occupancybill can be gained. Petitions havealready been circulated and signedby thirteen thousand persons, mostof whom are residents of the Fifthward. Alderman Despres present¬ed the petitions to Mayor DaleyNEGRO HERITAGEA special newsletter, devoted tohistorical data about the NegroAnnually, 26 issues, $2. Subscribetoday.Post Office Box 8153Chicogo 80, IllinoisHAVE ASCIENTIFIC DIRECTOR Dr. Rechnitzer and the Dr. Rechrtitzer is a Camel smoker. He says, “IU. S. Navy bathyscaph “Trieste’’ found out smoke Camels for one reason: taste . . . rich,how deep the ocean is: 7 history-making miles. satisfying taste 1 enjoy every time I light up.”The best tobacco makes the best smoke!2 • CHICAGO MAROON • March 3, 1961 shortly after Lincoln’s birthday,saying that thc large number ofsignatures indicated broad popu¬lar support.The featured speakers at theconference are Frank Levenson,Executive Director of the NationlCommittee aeainst Housing Discri¬mination and George Culberson,Director of the Pittsburgh Com¬mission on Human Relations.Levenson was a key figure in thedrafting and passing of an openoccupancy ordinance in New YorkCity. He will explain tomorrow’ hisreasons for backing open occupan¬cy, and will suggest ways in whichChicago’s can effect an oj>en occu¬pancy policy.Culberson filled a role analogousto that of Levenson in Pittsburgh.He and Levenson will be joinedby a panel of Chicagoans whohave worked on the open occu¬pancy drive and who have de¬tailed knowledge of the housingconditions of Negroes and otherminority groups.The conference will begin at12:30 p.m. tomorrow at the K.A.M.Temple, 930 East 50th Street, andrun until 5:00 p.m. week when they placed a bomb inour basement.“Retaliatory action commencedat 11 p.m. Monday night, andceased about 1:30 Tuesday morn¬ing with the arrival of 14 squadcars.“Result: no casualties, no ar¬rests, a completely successfulforay that established personal ex¬perience as well as a spy in theirLZBT"sl house. Further action, ifany, is not expected before nextquarter. The Phi Psi’s displayedoutstanding heroism, completelysmashing the ZBTs.”According to the ZBTs. the citypolice had a lot of fun: “the affaircould have bcen taken for a police¬man's ball. They liked us so wellthey invited us to spend the nightwith them at the district hcad-quaters.”ZBT believes it W’as probablyone of its pledges who planted thebomb in Phi Psi, but it could havcbeen someone else; the activechapter was not notified of theaction and the pledges aren't talk¬ingAn armistice has been establish¬ed through the efforts of a ZBT,Robert Rosenberg, who has drawup a treaty "like the big MagnaCarta”. The fraternitites will beat peace until the treaty expires,March 28.When asked to comment on thePhi Psi’s statement that they“smashed the ZBTs,” Rosenbergreplied: “Lies, lies! They retreat¬ed probably for psychiatric help.I believe it was they who calledthe police for aid.”The ZBTs also claim to have aspy in the Phi Psi house, but forhis safety do not wish his name tobe revealed. Their plans for the fu¬ture include buying a tank fromthe fifth Army for $550. for usein future rumbles. “Phi Psi put upso little fight we figure we cantake on at least two houses atonce commented Bob Brooks, of¬ficial war chancellor of ZBT.“The imperialist fraternity ofPhi Psi tried to subvert the prole¬tariat of ZBT, the internationalfraternity. We are for peace, notfor war, but when someone startsa fight, we fight back,” stated an¬other ZBT.The conclusion drawn by onemember of ZBT was that it was“A good fight, a fair fight, and aclean fight, once we cleaned theeggs off the wall.”Bicycles, Ports, Accessoriesspeciol student offerACE CYCLE SHOP1621 e. 55th st. HARPER SQUARECROCERLANDFree Delivery1455 E. 57th St. DO 3-2444The University of Chicago'sLABORATORIES FORAPPLIED SCIENCESis seeking mathematicians, physicists, statisticians, aero¬nautical engineers and physical chemists for appliedresearch in the fields ofOPERATIONS ANALYSISSOLID-STATE PHYSICSHIGH-TEMPERATURE PHYSICSSYSTEMS ANALYSISSYSTEMS DEVELOPMENTELECTRONIC PHYSICSStudents seeking further information are invited to contactthe Administrative Officer, Laboratories for Applied Sci¬ences, Museum of Science and Industry. Phone BU 8-8300or University extension 2397.Richard the Lion-Hearted says!Backs HUAC subpoenas -,'J l;iiIn a five to four split the read dissenting views to the court- $0 f f %0 / Q I O JCr IKK m IM W m U Cl OfIn a five to four split theSupreme court upheld a one-year sentence for contempt ofCongress for Frank Wilkinsonand Carl Braden. Wilkinson andBraden had used the first Amend¬ment of the Constitution at HouseCommittee on Un-American activ¬ates hearings.The decision was delivered Mon¬day to a full courthouse in Wash¬ington. Potter Stewart deliveredthe opinion for the majority. Ac¬cording to a Washington corre¬spondent, Stewart, the newestmember on the court, went out ofhis way to dissociate himself andthe court from the House commit¬tee.Before delivering the Bradendecision Stewart made the follow¬ing remark which is not includedm t lie printed version of the re¬port: “Of course it is unnecessarytor me to say that these opinionsdo not imply any personal viewsas to the wisdom or unwisdom ofthe creation or continuance ofthis committee.”.(ustices Black and Douglas both read dissenting views to the court¬room, and included the full textsof their dissents, not just theusual brief summary.Wilkinson is currently in Chi¬cago. He has 20 days from Mon¬day to either report to jail or geta petition accepted for a new case.Legal opinion is that he will notbe able to obtain the petition.According to Wilkinson, whowill have to serve at the Federalpenitentiary in Atlanta, Georgia,“I wasn’t cut out for jail.” It wasin Atlanta that Wilkinson wasfirst accused of being in contemptof Congress. He had been in At¬lanta to help convince publicopinion against the Committeewhen the Committee itself ar¬rived in town and later subpoe¬naed him.Both Wilkinson’s case and Bra¬den’s case had originally beenbased on the First Amendmentbut the court’s decision, accordingto Wilkinson, got turned into aright to petition case. “We haveto get to the point where the firstamendment has meaning to every¬one in this country. The Kennedy administration’s bill to aid the nation’s public elementary and secondaryschools was introduced last Tuesday by Representative Frank Thompson, Jr. (D., NewJersey), according to an assistant of Thompsons’.The first title of the bill is similar to last year’s Senate passed education aid bill, author¬izing expenditures of about 666million dollars the first year to state in average daily attend- 1,000 of the 3,900 districts present*bolster the financial position of ance the state’s public schools, ly aided. The program, now tern-the nation s public schools. The secon(} title of the bill ex- porary, will be made permanent.In the third and final year of tends and proposes some modifi- Aid under category C will bethe program the allocation is cations to the existing program abolished. (Category C includesraised to 866 million dollars. of aid to federally “impacted” children whose parents work inAccording to the bill, the edu- school districts. (Impacted school certain types of defense plants.),cation department of each state districts are certain districts in Representative Edith Green (D.,would be empowered to determine which an unusually large sector Oregon) is to introduce the billhow it shall disperse the funds of the population is connected embodying the President’s recom-between supplements to teachers’ with federal installations or cer- mendations in the field of highersalaries and school construction, tain types of defense plants.) education.The act specifically states that no Thompson stated that: The President urged continuefederal “direction, supervision or “Federal assistance to the im- tion and enlargement of the loancontrol” will be exercised over pacted districts established the program for college construction,public schools taking advantage principle of federal school assist- Existing legislation authorizesof the program. ance. Now this program will be loans for college housing con-The allocation of assistance incorPorated into the larger one struction. The President requestedfunds per state will be determined o£ ™hich i£ £oYms a natural Part” that this ,H* broadened to includeby local education effort accord- The Provlsions are: Districts construction of academic facilitiesing to the recorded attendance in wil* c®n«n«e f<>, ***** 100 Per’ T^assrooms laboratories, librar*the public schools. There will lie cent. of the contribution per ies and the like—in addition.a minimum of $15 per studentUC gives Fayette $200UC students presentedchecks for 200 dollars to resi¬dents of the tent city, calledFreedom village, in Fayettecounty, Tennessee. The campusgroup, UC students to aid Fayettecounty, had worked with a Hyde-Park Kenwood relief committee.The community committee hadengaged in block to block canvas¬ sing and had in many cases usedthe established block organiza¬tions to collect money. Over 2100dollars was collected in the neigh¬borhood.The campus drive was a con¬tinuation of last quarter’s effortswhich yielded a truckload of foodand clothing and first hand ob¬servation of the situation by UC students. This quarter’s campaignhas not been completed but israther resting until next quarter,according to one member of thecommittee.The chairman of the committeewas able to see John McFerrin,chairman of the Fayette countyCivic and Welfare league, during ce°t immediately, 5 per cent thehis brief stay in Chicago. Accord- second year, and 6 per cent theing to Caryle Geier, McFerrin is third year of the program. Thestill very hopeful about winning net effect will be to disqualifythe next election. He is prepared f°r a*d over the three year periodto set up tents all over the countyand provide living space for Ne¬groes who have been removedfrom their land because they reg¬istered to vote.McFerrin also is enthusiasticabout the adult education pro¬grams being instituted in thecounty. At a meeting at the UnitedPackinghouse workers, McFerrinexplained the close ties betweencivil rights and unionism. pupil for each “category A” child, The college plans also called fora child whose parents both live establishment of a five-year stateand work on federal installations, administered scholarship programAid to districts for “category B” for talented and needy young peo-children will be cut from 50 per Ple- His authorizations would per*ment to 25 per cent of the local mit the granting of 25,000 $700contribution per child. (Category scholarships the first year, in-B covers children whose parents crcasing to 50,000 the third, fourthlive or work on federal installa- and fifth years of the program,tions ) Commenting on the chances forDistricts now qualify for Cate of "?e el,em'’ntar>' andgory B aid if 3 per cent of their aeljool program,students fall into category B; this ' ;minimum will be raised to 4 per AN UNPAIDTESTIMONIALCOPYRIGHT <C) 1961. TMI COCA COLA COMPANY COCA-COLA ANO CO*E ARE REOi$TERCD TRADEMARKSDR. A. ZIMBLER, Optometristin thoNew Hyde Park Shopping Center1510 E. 55th St. " ** DO 3-7644Eye EKominotions Contact LensesNewest styling in framesStudent Discountforties Mr kttpftal & eSafeMl 3-3113duferstecastrol lubricantslucas electrical partsarmstrong shockspirelli &michelin tiresvandervell bearingsbeck distributors linespecialists he speed tuningcustom engine installationsclutch.gear boxelectricsbrakessuperchargingcustom coachworkbefc fester MG psychiatrist2306 e. 71st st.Chicago, IllinoisHUM ■mnmmnCaryle Geier, chairman of UC students to aid Fayettecounty, gives a check for $200 to Rev. and Mrs. R. Dowdy,Early B. Williams, and John Crowley.Get that refreshing new feeling with Coke!Bottled under authority ofThe Coca-Cola Company by The Coca-Cola Bottling Co. of Chicago, Inc.March 3, 1961 • CHICAGO MAROON • 31 would nemhm surrenderedIngland... if Fd hadJockeu® BnANu msupportC’mon, Dick! You’re rationaliz*ing. Jockey support1 might neverhave secured you against theEmperor*. But it certainly wouldhave provided snug protectionagainst the physical stresses andstrains of your active life. Yourarmorer never tailored a coat ofmail more knowingly than Jockeytailors a brief —from 13 separate,body-conforming pieces.1. Other "imitation” briefs (copies of theoriginal Jockey brand) have no moreJockey support than a limp loin cloth.2. Richard the Lion-Hearted. 1157-99,surrendered England and a huge ransomto secure his release from Henry VI.Get the real thing. Look forthe name JOCkBt/ on the waist bandRev. Leber tells history of'anti-South campus group(Editor’s note — The Maroon while Rome burns.” To build upTins asked Reverend Charles T. an ever-increasing constituencyLeber to outline the development and a more active organizationalof the Temporary Woodlawn Or- program within the life of the con-ganication. Residents of Wood- gregation, while at the same timelawn, the community directly the life of the local communitysouth of UC, have objected to is jeopardized and threatened witlimunicipal approval of the Uni- such injustices, is for a Christianversity’s proposed expansion to church rank hyocrisy and evenblasphemy!When there is a power-structureof exploitive forces which threat¬ens to destroy the very basis ofany economic security, social op-61st street.)by Rev. Charles T. LeberCo-pastorFirst Presbyterian ChurchSince the Civil War, the con- portunity and moral strength oftinuing exploitation of the Negrohas plagued not only Southern individuals and families, then themost urgent task of the Churchsocial and economic life, but also Is to lend its full support to theevery city and industrial area of opposition of such forces.the rest of the United States. Ina recent survey of the eight largest An urgently needed function ofthe Church today is the channelingcities of our nation, Chicago was of resources into the developmentfound to be the most segregated of a total-community organizationcity in its housing and residential on a cooperative Cathlic-Protes-neighborhood pattern. tant sponsorship basis. It must beThe movement of the Negro strong enough and courageouspopulation has proceeded accord- enough to take on the forces whiching to a “ghetto” growth, moving dominate the present deterioratingmainly southward across the city situation.from the central city or Loop area,The “breaking” of white neigh South Campus ProjectThe “south campus” proposal ofborhood areas has started a cycle the University of Chicago wasof Negro exploitation which, to announced. Representative of thethis day, continues in Chicago. The South East Chicago Commissiondollar value of the property thus then approached Rev. Hamptonused for quick, speculatory profit Price of the Woodlawn Baptistduring the past few decades in Church concering his willingnessthis city is almost astronomical in to help spearhead a clergy groupits total. The dollar profit derived in Woodlawn who would becomefrom those nefarious activities the basis for a new communitywhich rapidly press into changing organization program for Wood-areas in order to reach new mar- lawn. Rev. Mr. Price referred themkets— through liquor, dope, prosti- to the then rather “inactive”tution and gambling—is likewise Woodlawn Ministerial Associationof astronomical proportions.'Big money' hidden from view for such a project.September, 1960. A new Wood-This very big money—real estate lawn Ministerial Association wasand financing, plus the parasite formed with temporary officers:activites—is not lost in the clouds Dr. U. B. Blakeley, president,of theory. Even though it may Dr. Blakeley received a longbe hidden from public view, it is letter from one of these represent-very tangibly present in the like- tatives inviting the ministers ofstream of thousands of active par- Woodlawn to spearhead a new pro-ticipants now powerfully ensconced gram of total community organi-in Chicago’s social and economic zation—submitting a proposed or-power structure. These are not ganizational structure and a de-riormant forces. They are virulent, tailed budget, with the offer ofwith full-time effort being given approximately $50,000 per year-each day to the further promotion to be sponsored by the University,of such* highly profitable businessactivity.The cycle of blight, deterioration man as theand demoralization which char- organization,acterizes the creation of a “chang¬ed” neighborhood, as the ghetto the Field Foundation, and the Lut¬heran Chuch, with the S.E.C.C.staff head of theAsks second letterSince the above letter was al-has expanded, has not yet been most incomprehensible in its com-directly broken. Today, when agiven segment of residential pro¬ position, Dr. Blakeley asked fora second letter to clarify the offerperties is designated by “the an(j its purpose. The Lutheranpowers that be [and such areas pastors in Woodlawn disclaimedare quite carefully selected and any connection with “the Lutheran“broken step by step] the forceswhich capitalize on this financial Church” mentioned in the letter,and the qualifications of the S.E.-boom have only one result to point c.C. staff man for such a leadingto in their campaign of harassment position in the organization of theand scare: the experience of total community were seriously ques-racial change and the inevitable tioned [and upon investigatedeterioration which has followed, vvere found to be inadequate]. TheOf course the minority groups new Ministerial Association beganalone are the inevitable “scape- to meet weekly for full consula-goat” for the blame—while only tion and stucty.a small fraction of the financialprofit ever goes to them. The ministers then invitedFather Farrell of the Holy CrossThere is a desperate need today r.c. Church to join their organi-to demonstrate the rehabilitation zation, changing the name of theof such a community, by its own group to the Pastors Alliance. Heindigenous leadership. Only then accepted.can direct encouragement be givento other communities. Only thencan a new security be attached toin-migration into hitherto segre- The pastors’ group then beganto ask various community groupsto meet with them to decide onnext steps in organizational pro-gated areas. Only then can the cedure in Woodlawn. The need forforces of exploitation be shown unity was obvious across the comup for what they are today.Stakes are highThe stakes are extremely high munity. So the Industrial AreasFoundation was asked [inform¬ally] to study the total community,The battle for these high profits visit with the various groups, de-is a hot and raging one. Only avery powerful community organi- termine their interests andstrengths, and help develop a pro-zation, staffed by well-trained, and posal of positive principles forcommunity rehabilitation on whichall of the groups could agree. Thestrongly-backed men and women,can ever expect to succeed inwithstanding heavy pressures I.A.F. staff cooperated,brought to bear in such a deterior- Informed of ordinanceating—and profitable—area as the December 14, 1960: The pastorsWoodlawn community. were informed of an ordinance thatFor the churches of Woodlawn had been prepared by Mr. Levitoday to continue to do “buiness which would be presented at 2:30as usual” ny concentrating only p.m. the next day at the Chicagoon the traditional functions of Sun- Plan Commission meeting—which,day worship, Christian education if passed, would have the effectand pastoral care would be akin of giving official approval to theto the old story of Nero’s “fiddling South Campus proposal, pressuring4 # CHICACO MAROON • March 3, 1961 the various city agencies to workon its behalf, and weighting itspresentation to the City Councilwith tadt approval and the “ad¬vantages” of “rescuing” almost onemillion dollars of federal non-cashcredits for the city of Chicago forurban renewal projects—"If itcould be rushed through” beforeground-breaking began in the con-strution of the proposed KelloggCenter on 60th Street.December 15, 1960: Members ofthe five active Woodlawn organi¬zations appeared before the PlanCommission to protect such asneak plan for South Campusapproval. Some forty Woodlawnpeople, along with Alderman Dcs-pres, were successful in havingthis ordinance deferred until thenext meeting of the Commission[January 19, 1961, but it waseventually postponed until Jan¬uary 26.]The successful effect of thisunited approach by the organiza¬tions of Woodlawn, and the expo¬sure of the methods of Mr. I^viin this specific instance, resultedin an immediate desire on the partof the local organizations to cometogether themselves and form anew "umbrella” organization forthe effective representation ofof the Woodlawn community. The.I.A.F, staff was asked to presentto this group their findings rela¬ting to Principles for Rehabilita¬tion Plan for the Woodlawn Com¬munity based on their survey andstudy.Delegates formed TWOOn January 5, 1961 the delegatesfrom these five organizations mettogether to constitute the newTemporary Woodlawn Organiza¬tion for Community Planning andRehabilitation. Officers were elect¬ed, the statement of principleswas adopted unanimously, andtw*> main committees were estab¬lished; Recuitment, and City-wideContacts. Each of the five offi¬cers represented one of the con¬stituting organization’s delega¬tions. The I.A.F. was asked to betechnical consultant for the neworganization.A letter from Mr. Levi was thensent to Dr. Blakley asking him tomeet privately with representa¬tives of the S.E.C.C. to discussthe inclusion of a building additionto 3 B13 ’ on 60th Street in theprovisions of the ordinance whichwould be presented to the PlanCommission at its January meet¬ing.After consultation with thepastors and the executive commit¬tee of the T.W.O., Dr. Blakeleyreplied to this letter by agreeingto meet for such a discussion—notprivately but in the office of theLand Clearance Commission, thepublic agency with jurisdiction inthese matters. Ilis suggestion wentunanswered.Submitted resolutionJanuary 9, 1961: Two membersof the South East Chicago Com¬mission, who were also pastors andmembers of the newly formed T.-W.O., introduced a four-part reso¬lution to the Commission callingon it to define its relation to theWoodlawn community on the basisof policies which would recognizeWoodlawn’s right to “communityself-determination,” the commit¬ment to total community planningfor Woodlawn, full and proper con¬sultation with city agencies in re¬gard to the South Campus pro¬posal, and pledging cooperationwith the people of Woodlawn.January 19, 1961: A letter fromMr. Goodman, acting chairman ofthe S.E.C.C., was then sent to Dr.Leber informing him of “the ap¬pointment of a Committee to con¬sider the problem of the Wood¬lawn Community.” The very briefletter then went on to say thathe was advising the chairman that“early in Ihe Committee deliber¬ations, the Committee avail itsedfof Ihe viewpoints and the experi¬ences of various persons, such asyourself, in the Woodlawn Com¬munity, We in iNicj way con¬structive action will be possible.” v. -v,',1V*« - '♦ ' - IjB&ipssI^28SR& ^ i.. ' ■.^' i- i[Underscoring addedDr. Leber, after waiting in vainlor a reply to Dr. Blakeley’s letterto Mr. Levi, then answered Mr.Goodman that negotiations shouldbe established between the S.E.C.-C. and Woodlawn by having repre¬sentatives of both groups meet ata public agency, the L.C.C., anddevelop plans openly there. Thisletter was also ignored.S.E.C.C. wrote clergymenWithout personal consultationconcerning any of this new oppor¬tunity for “cortstructive action”with the people and leadership ofWoodlawn, or the new policystatements adopted, or the newlyformed T.W.O., the S.E.C.C. chair¬man and his “Woodlawn commit¬tee” then proceeded to write let¬ters to individual clergymen fromWoodlawn to come before theCommittee on February 23. Thewell-known and widely represen¬tative Greater Woodlawn Pastors’Alliance was completely ignored.It brings together the three Ro¬man Catholic pastoi's in Wood¬lawn with the Presbyterian, Lu-thern, Baptist Pentecostal, Metho¬dist, Episcopal, and independentcommunity church pastors —one ofthe most unique and active suchalliances in the whole city.Only half of the pastors receivedindividual letters because, as wasstated at the February 13 meetingof the S.E.C.C., “a public listingwas used to get their names, andfor the rest there would be anarticle in the Woodlawn Boosterletting them know they would bewelcome.”Mel with MayorIn Conferences with the Mayor,the Land Clearance Commission,and the Chicago Plan Commissionthe T.W.O. representatives finallywere successful in obtainingchanges in the proposed ordinancewhich would eliminate any x'efer-'ence to “South Campus.” The pro¬per non-cash ci'edits w'ould stillaccrue to the City of Chicago justas effectively under the alreadyapproved Hyde Park-Kenwood Ui*-ban Renewal Plan. It was agreedthat over-all planning for theWoodlawn community would beundertaken, rather than the de¬velopment of just one small areaox- areas. These actions were madeofficial at the meeting of the PlanComnvssion on January 26, 1961.Local editorial comment wascompletely in favor of the T.W.O.stand.Meanwhile the T.W.O. reacted strongly against the S.E.C.C. at¬titude toward Woodlawn and ask¬ed Dr. Fairell, Dr. Leber, andAtty. Crawley to submit anotherproposal to the Commission at itsFebruai'y meeting — urging thatthe Commission recognize the stat¬ure and good reputation of thepeople of Woodlawn, their fullright to self-determination in theircommunity equal to that of theCommission in Hyde Park-Kon-wood.Statement asks autonomyThe statement read, in part, asfollows:“Last month we came to theSouth East Chicago CommissionBoard meeting as fellows boardmember's to propose a statementof policy in x'ogard to the commu¬nity of Woodlawn. We urged theSouth East Commission to recog¬nize and accept the people ofWoodlawn’s right to self-determi¬nation. Instead the Board took theword self-deteimination fi-om ourI'esolution and replaced it with theword ‘participation.’ In Woodlawnthe news that you would permitus to participate was greeted witha derisive snort / . .“Tonight you must act on ouri'esolution. There are only twochoices: either you agree to re¬spect our rights or you do not. Ifyou agree, you will be taking thefiret step toward an amicable, de¬mocratic, and permanent resolu¬tion of the differences between us.“If you refuse, you must remem¬ber that Woodlawn will do untoyou what you do unto Woodlawn.“Thercfore we offer the follow¬ing resolutions:“1] The South East ChicagoCommission recognizes and re¬spects the right of self-determina¬tion in Woodlawn.“2] The South East ChicagoCommission defines self-determi¬nation as meaning thax the civicgroups, churches, institutions, busi¬nesses, and organizations of Wood¬lawn have the same rights andpowers in Woodlawn as the SouthEast Chicago Commission enjoysin Hyde Park and Kenwood.“3] The South East ChicagoCommission pledges itself to finda means of open, public, and equalnegotiation to settle the differen¬ces outstanding between it and thepeople of Woodlawn.”The resolution was mei'ely re¬ferred to the “Woodlawn Com¬mittee,” which, it was stated, has“no power 1o act or to recom¬mend.”tThis amazing little machine is actually a mathe- DAUM CONTEX anywhere, far less expensive and every bit as'matical giant. It weighs only 6 pounds, slips into B accurate as kig> costly office machines. It’s onlyyour desk drawer or briefcase, yet it adds, sub- LC* nJ L Al I lm 10" long, V wide and 334" high—about the size oftracts, multiplies and divides. Students are finding it the easiest,fastest way to solve problems in engineering, chemistry, account¬ing, physics and statistics. It’s the new Bohn Contex, brainchildof top international designers who have created a full-fledgedcalculator light enough to carry anyplace, easy to use, workable a textbook. No other hand operated machine offers such speed.1It has only 10 keys, enters 10 figures, totals to 11 columns,includes automatic decimal indicator. And it’s so simple touse you can learn to work it in minutes. Most remarkable ofall is its price. Just $125.* See it and try it for yourself at..**THE UNIVERSITY OFELLIS AVENUE CHICAGO BOOKSTORED. S. PASSMOIIE, Manage*1961 • CHICAGO MAROON • 5Youth corps formation evidences Anti-HUAC fightKennedy’s most valuable qualities musf be continuedPresident Kennedy’s speed anddecisiveness, evidenced in his es¬tablishment of a Point Four Youthcorjts of young Americans to aidunderdeveloped nations of theworld, are perhaps the most valu¬able qualities he possesses fordealing with international pro¬blems.The President weighed carefullythe report submitted to him by theColorado State university Re¬search foundation, the enthusias¬tic reception the idea of a Youthcorps has evoked among collegestudents, and the evident willing¬ness of most underdeveloped coun¬tries to accept Youth or.rps partici¬pants as soon as possible, in reach¬ing his decision to form the Youthcorps by the use of his power toappropriate mutual security fundsto projects that merited specialconsideration.The formation of the Youthcorps now, rather than in Aprilor May, enables those persons whowill be responsible for the admini¬stration of the program to studythe many problems, such as themethods of selection and trainingof potential participants, present at the creating of a section of ourforeign policy involving such dy¬namic new ideas and methods ofoperation.It enables the administrators ofthe program to establish a largenumber of pilot projects whichshould provide invaluable experi¬ence in setting up, on a permanentand useful basis, the entire Youthcorps.Yet wo feel that President Ken¬nedy acted wisely in leaving theestablishment of the Youth corpson a permanent basis up to Con¬gress. Although it is indisputablethat the President, as director ofour mutual security program, canassign various parts of its budgetand manpower to whatever func¬tions he feels arc needed, the Con¬gress should be given the opportu¬nity to express the overwhelmingsupport the idea of the Youthcorps has created among collegestudents and average citizens.Congress should, so to speak, veri¬fy the President’s action on anissue as important to the Ameri¬can public and to US foreign poli¬cy as the Youth corps.We have long maintained that the formation of such a Youthcorps is highly desirable becauseit can perform a valuable serviceto underdeveloped areas and be¬cause it is the most effective wrayof turning the public’s attentionfrom North America and Europeto the entire world.The corps is a definite step for¬ward in bringing underdevelopednations into the world of moderneconomic activity without, bring¬ing them into the Cold War. Itwould also effect a much greaterexchange of cultures and ideas be¬tween US citizens and citizens ofunderdeveloped and lesser knownand understood nations of theworld.We hope that Congress will fol¬low the President’s lead by [Miss¬ing the Youth corps bill at theearliest possible time. With lead¬ers like Representative HenryReuss [Dem., Wisconsin] and Sen¬ator Maurine Neuberger [Dem.,Oregon], the House and Senateshould have ample arguments forincreasing the pilot projects desig¬nated by the President into fullscale technical assistance pro¬grams. The dramatic fight to reduce theappropriations of the House Com¬mittee on Un-American Activitiescame to a temporary close Wed¬nesday as the House voted 412 to6 to continue the Committee’s ap¬propriations as they stand. BarrattO’Hara of Illinois was one of thesix courageous congressmen whostood against the Committee in thefirst step towards the eventualabolition of the Committee.O’Hara’s position was strength¬ened by the palpable evidence ofwidespread support from the Uni¬versity community in the form ofpetitions and telegrams from hisconstituents here.The University of Chicago Stu¬dents for Civil Liberties circulatedthree petitions: one in the faculty,one in the student body, and one inHyde Park. We wish that otherconstituencies had been as vocal,and that other congressmen hadlistened.The fight against the Committeetook on added significance thisweek as the Supreme Court hand¬ed down its decisions in the Bra¬den and Wilkinson cases, both ca¬ses challenging the authority ofthe Committee on first amend¬ment grounds.Braden is an integrationist whosold his Louisville home to a Negrofamily, and when it was bombedby racists Braden was accused ofhaving instigated the bombing inorder to subvert the State of Ken¬tucky. He was acquitted but wassubsequently investigated by theHUAC. He refused to answer theCommittee’s questions on thegrounds that in light of the provi¬ sions of the first amendment theCommittee’s Mandate w'as uncon¬stitutional. Wilkinson is the heldrepresentative of the NationalCommittee to Abolish the Housecommittee on UnAmerican activit¬ies. He charged that the Commit¬tee was investigating him solelybecause of his opposition to theCommittee and not because theCommittee had any evidence ofhis alleged communist associations.He refused to answer questions onthe same grounds as Braden, andwas convicted of contempt of Con¬gress. Both Braden and Wilkinsonhave been given one-year prisonterms. There are many similarcases now pending in the Court.The dissenting opinions of Just¬ices Black, Douglas, and Brennan,and Chief Justice Warren vigor¬ously deny that the Committee, ininvestigating Braden and Wilkin¬son, were fulfilling any legitimatelegislative function. They chargedthat the Committee was retaliat¬ing against the activities of thetwo men in seeking to have theCommittee abolished and maintain¬ed that this was a classic exampleof “exposure for exposure’s sake"which the Court condemned in thehistoric Watkins decision.The campaign for abolition mustcontinue. The question of the Com¬mittee’s appropriations and exist¬ence will be brought again andagain in succeeding sessions of Con-gress. Continued publicity, such asRep. Roosevelt’s TV debate withthe former commander of iheAmerican Legion last Saturdaycannot but win support for theabolition movement.the Chicago maroonfounded — 1892Issued every Friday throughout the University of Chicago school year and intermittently during the summer quarterl>y students of the University of Chicago. Inquiries should be sent to the Chicago Maroon, Ida Noyes hall. 1212 E 59thStreet. Chicago 37. Illinois Telephones: MI 3-0800, extensions, 3265 and 3266 Distributed without charge on campus.Subscriptions by mall, $3 per year Office hours: 1 to 5, Monday through Friday. Deadline for calendar material. 4 pm,Tuesday; deadline for advertising and editorial material, 3 pm Wednesday before publication.All unsigned editorial matter on this page represents the official opinion of the Chicago Maroon editorial hoard. Signededitorial material represents the Individual opinions of the authors.Gottschalk’s handling of examination unjustWc are disturbed by an inci¬dent which has taken place thisweek in one of the history coursestaught an campus. Louis Gotts-Chaik, professor of History 232[Modem European history from1800 to 1870] has chosen to dividethe students in that course intotwo sections for purposes of exa¬mination — class attendants andnon attendants. The students who,according to Gottschalk, have at¬tended the class, will take oneexam; those whom Gottschalk ad-juges to have cut the class lec¬tures will take another, with arequired question on class ma¬terial.James Cate, chairman of thehistory department, has statedthat the handling of a course isentirely up to the man who runsthat course. We believe this prin¬ciple to be just; we agree withit completely. It is ProfessorGottschalk who has full responsi-Letters bility for History 232; and it isProfessor Gottschalk who has, wcfeel, been unfair to the studentsregistered in that course.Gottschalk has stated that heis giving the required questiontest to non-attendants. We ques¬tion the validity of the methodGottschalk used to determine non¬attendants. He would not tell uswhat that method is, and so wecan only speculate upon this point.Class attendance was not reg¬ularly taken in the course, accord¬ing to the testimony of a numberof students — among them severalwho have attended every class thisquarter in Gottschalk’s course.“He took attendance four or fivetimes at the beginning of thequarter,’’ one stated. “Roll wasnever called after the first fewsessions,” said another. The onlyother possible method by whichan instructor can tell just whoappears at each meeting in the quarter is for him to know indi¬vidually each member of the class.We doubt that anyone could rec¬ognize every person in a classof fifty after only a few meetings,especially if students merely callout an anonomous “Here” fromsomewhere in the lecture hall.No student in History 232seemed to know before this pastWednesday that class attendancewould be an such a vital point intoday’s examination. Gottschalkstated that he told the studentsat the beginning of the coursethat class attendance would countfor a large part of the coursegrade. “Professor Gottschalk saidseveral times at the opening ofthe quarter that part of the testwould be based on the lecturesand that students wishing to dowell in the course should comeregularly,” stated a student whodid not think that Gottschalk waswrong. “He practically said we didn’t have to come to class atall,” exclaimed another, “Its notfair to punish us now. We under¬stood that we’d be able to do allright on the exam with adequatestudy of the text book and theoutside reading.”Every course in this Universitypresents relevant and, in manycourses, essential material in classsessions. But if a student has beengiven the understanding that hecan do adequately in the coursewithout attending class and if heis willing to take the risk of re¬ceiving a lower grade which hecould have raised by learning thematerial presented in class, wc feel he then has the right io afair appraisal of his exams anilpapers, and most certainly theright to expect the same exami¬nation as those who attend elassassiduously.We feel that Professor Gotts-chalk has erred in giving twoexaminations to his class. We re¬spect the right of an instructorfor independence in the manage¬ment of his course. We believethat an instructor should likewiserespect the rights of his studentsto adequate knowledge of thecourse requirements, whateverthey may be.Bettelheim action protestedDear Sir:I should like to protest the ab¬solutely infamous and shockingmanner in which Dr. Bruno Bet¬telheim related himself to thelarge audience of students andfaculty that gathered to hear hislecture on ‘A Psychonanalyst’sView of the Soul’ in Swift Com¬mons on Monday evening. Hemay be a very distinguished manin his field but that certainlygives him no freedom to violatethe most basic civilities uponWhich the refinements and graceof civilized society rest. HisVicious abuse of sensible and in¬telligent questions on the partof a very patient audience was re¬volting in the extreme. No onein the audience replied kind forkind, but all attempted to speakin the most conciliatory mannerpossible, which proved a realcredit to the breeding of our stu¬dents. But to all this Dr. Bettel¬heim replied with vicious person¬al scorn and contempt and onlysucceeded in alienating from him¬self the bulk of that audience. Icould hardly believe that such could happen on this campus;certainly the Divinity School inwhich I am a graduate studentwould never tolerate nonsense. Iam convinced that the whole dis¬astrous event (which also meantAsks policyon POLIT,Dear editor,I am quite disturbed over theviews of people like Art Mac-Ewan, who, I am told, favor theCastro regime and want DagHammarskjold fired from theUN.My evidence is admittedly onlyhearsay, but because MacEwan isa leader of several campusgroups, including POLIT, whichnow controls Student Govern¬ment, I feel that some publicstatement acknowledging or de¬nying such views is in order fromboth MacEwan and POLIT. valuable loss of time from ourstudies) should not go un cen¬sured, and I know that I speakfor many present that evening.Howard N. Manz(Snell '23)statementMcEwanIt makes me shudder to thinkthat members of governmentmight hold such irresponsibleviews which could wreck the UNand all that such leaders as Pres¬ident Kennedy and Adlai Steven-,son are working to achieve.Did MacEwan make a highlycritical speech recently to theNSA on Hammarskjold? WouldPOLIT support a resolution tooust Hammarskjold? There’s anelection soon and I think that thestudents are entitled to know.John Williams Editor-in-chiefKen PierceBusiness managerWilliam G. BauerEditor emeritusEx-editor emeritus. .Production editor. . .News editor. .Feature editorNational news editor.Political news editorNeighborhood news editor.Culture editor . .Sports editorCopy editorResearch editorCollege editorsCalendar editorEditorial secretaryPhotography coordinator. .Circulation managerBusiness office manager. .Classified managerSubscription manager. . . .Advertising representativeLegal advisor Neal JohnstonLance HaddixAvima RuderJay GreenbergFaye Wells, . . .Gene VinogradoffCoryle GeierRon DorfmonDotty SharplessChuck BernsteinJohn JuskeviceCarole QuinnHarry Adler, Judy ShapiroDonno Berg.’.’.."...’.Michelle SeligsonAl Berger’ [[I ’) Note SwiftJoon HelmkinMaurice ZeitlinPhil HydePerry Fink.7.7. . ... .Harry KalvenEditorial board: William Bauer, Joy Greenberg, Ken Pierce, Avima Ruder,Gene VinogradoffEditorial staff: Phil Altbach, Mary Claire Beck, Bert Cohler, DebbyGary Feldman, Gary Greenberg, Art MacEwan, April Schwartz, cShakmanAssistant editorial staff: Michael Bates, Lee Brozgold, Alix Cromelin, • ■Greenberg, Laura Godofsky, Doug McCullough, D. V. Rao, Rona 'ostblatt, Irene Sidor, John Steed€ • CHICACO MAROON • March 3, 1961LettersPOUT — ‘positive program’Dear Editor:Recent letters in the Maroonhave not helped to clarify thecampus political .»arty situation.The gentleman who complainedlast week about the whole thingbeing a “circus” can not be blamedfor his lack of information. How¬ever, IRP and PRO should bemore responsible about theirclaims of descent from ISL andwhat SG has not done this year.POI.IT notes that after its forma¬tion both ISL and SRP ceased toexist and all but a few of the peo¬ple who had been active in eitherISL or SRP during the past threeyears are members of POUT. Be¬cause of majorities in the Assem¬bly and the SG Exec and becauseof the leading roles taken by pre¬sent POLIT members in SG acti¬vities before the formation ofPOUT, POLIT is forced to claimresponsibility for this year’s Stu¬dent Government. Next quarterwhen year-long SG projects arefinished and all activities are re¬viewed we feel the POLIT recordof positive achievement in StudentGovernment will stand againstPRO and IRP cries of reform forthe sake of reform.But until the campaign, whenall issues will be in better focus,the POLIT caucus has asked me topresent the following policy state¬ment to answer some questions about what POLIT is and what itstands for.POLIT is a campus political or-ganiiation which will act boththrough the framework of StudentGovernment and the National Stu¬dent Association [NSA] and as anindependent organization.Outside of government, as aneducational function, regardless ofour stand on the political issuespresented, we will sponsor speak¬ers, films, debates, and discussions.POLIT will also take stands andwork as a group or with otherorganizations on domestic and in¬ternational problems of a socialand political nature.In Student Government in fu¬ture years we will continue theconcrete extension and improve¬ment of the services [DiscountBookstore, Student loans, Dis¬count Travel, etc.] such as those POLIT members have organizedand improved this year. We willexpand the government’s role andincrease its effectiveness in repre¬senting student opinion and needsto the Faculty and Administration.POLIT believes that the singlemost effective means of StudentGovernment action r 1 off-campusissues is through the National Stu¬dent Association. However, thiscannot be done solely at Regionaland National Congresses. Muchwork on local national, and inter¬national problems must be donethrough the NSA-Academic Free¬dom and Community RelationsCommittees of the Assembly. Thiswork can be aided by StudentGovernment support and sponsor¬ship of independent student or¬ganizations which are working onspecific issues.Jim ThomasonPRO pummels POLITTo the student body:As membership chairman of thePractical Reform organization, Iwish to call to the attention ofthe campus the underhanded tac¬tics being employed by the oppos¬ing party, POLIT, in conductinga malicious whispering campaignagainst PRO and its members. I am surprised at the “guilt byassociation” tactics which are be¬ing used in an attempt to discreditour organization. I am sorry tosee the campaign degenerate tothis level which is unworthy of thestudent body of the University ofChicago.Diantho /McJilfonTheatre not student activitySir.Of course University Theatreis not a student activity, it is atheatrical activity. It creates a the¬atrical performance, and in sofar as the orientation advancedby the Maroon does not recog¬nize the greater obligations ofthe participants in this activitytowards the play and the audi¬ ence, it is a jejune orientation.In so far as it does, it recog¬nizes the balance between excel¬lence and enthusiasm that pro¬duces the excitement of a uni¬versity theatre. The suggestionthat undirected exuberance anddiligence satisfies even the stu¬dents involved is experientiallyuntrue. At the risk of compoundingtruisms, let me say that “a stu¬dent should design lighting fora production” if he is qualifiedto do so, and this involves notonly mechanical skill but taste. Idoubt that the Maroon is imply¬ing that Bill Alton is deliberatelysuppressing such talent. I doubtthat they are suggesting that thepresent student members shouldexperiment with full-length playswhen they have shown this yearthat they are barely competentto handle one-act plays, an areaof expression in which they havebeen uncontrolled in the past.It is what the Maroon has leftunsaid that distorts a legitimateeditorial plea. Theatre is the re¬sult of a hierarchy of talent, notenergy, if it is to be theatre andnot a game.Martin RothSquabble ‘unfortunate’The incident taking place lastweek between two members ofthe Inter-Fraternity Council wastotally regrettable. In talking withthe two presidents of the Houses,I feel that they also regret theincident and will try to see thatsuch things do not take placeagain. It is unfortunate that manytimes the publicity resulting from incidents such as this evoke re¬actions not in accord with thefacts surrounding the incident. Ican only again say that the inci¬dent was unfortunate and couldhave resulted in some physicalharm. It should not be repeated.Lowell J. MeyerPresidentInter-fraternity CouncilAdminstration is autocraticTo the editor:Nethcrton’s remarks before thecollege faculty last week representall the deficiencies and inequalitieswhich exist between the Admini¬stration and Student. In tryingto be as objective as possible heinformed the faculty of the meritsof the Residency requirements bytrying to explain the incongrui¬ties in the student’s objections.The answers to the objectionswere well put and students haveno reason for not being convincedexcept that our main objectionswere completely ignored, misre¬presented and probably never un¬derstood. It is encouraging toknow that the Administration re¬cognizes the housing facilities “areof course susceptible of improve¬ment” and "the objection to thetiming of the new regulation hasfoundations that I am not inclinedto deny,” but does Mr. Nethertonrealize that no student can sit stillwhen told “the regulations exist”*•<*. the rule cannot be changed.This is the main objection; thespecific autocratic method inwhich the Administration announ¬ces a regulation!Many of the 101 girls in CGroup who voted against theResidency requimement probablywould remain of their own accordin the dorm. The vote was againstwhat is becoming an establishedPattern of communication to the•student from the Administration.They have in effect told every stu¬dent to go bang your head againsta wall, go have a good cry butdon’t bother us for you haven’t a chance. This is an example ofdiplomatic and democratic proce¬dure, present in what the pressoffice characterizes is the Univer¬sity that “attracts the best stu¬dents in the country.” If this istrue we are faced with having thebest students subjected to a mostdisgraceful demonstration of oli¬garchical procedure which classi¬fies all students as irresponsibleand, therefore, not to be heard.Best students certainly impliespeople able and capable of discus¬sion of all issues with the wisemen in the Administration.The Student at Chicago has onlyone channel into the Administra¬tion building — Mr. Netherton. Hedelivered his opinion to the facul¬ty. His was not that of the stu¬dent. When is a student going tobe given -a chance to appear be¬fore the College faculty and ex¬press the other ^pinion? Whenwas the last time a student everhad this chance? Mr. NethertonDear Sir:In an article on page 3 of theChicago Maroon for February 24,1961, it was stated that the HydePark-Kenwood Community Con¬ference had endorsed the Ken¬wood P.T.A. statement request¬ing that the Board of Educationstate and implement a policy ofracially integrated schools.While the Board of Directors ofthe Conference at its meeting onFebruary 21, 196i, endorsed “in accidentally mentioned what is in¬volved in our protest. It is not theidea of a Residential College but“I suggest to you that one of thecharacteristics to be desired in theCollege of the University of Chi¬cago is that it should be an ex¬emplary institution, a model forthe country, in regard to theforms and the substances of two-way communication between stu¬dents and faculty outside theclassroom.” Yes this is certainlydesired. We have tried to be heardbut we are not going to aceusto-mate ourselves to mediation anddiscussion unless there is genuineconsideration of our objections!The students are ready Mr. Neth¬erton, are you?Howard RosenfieldChairmanStudent GovernmentCampus ActionCommitteeessence” the Kenwood P.T.A.statement, we are still consider¬ing further action on it.In view of this it is not correct,I feel, to have the Conferencepublicly presented as giving ablanket endorsement to the state¬ment. I hope this will clarify thesituation.Irving HorwitxExecutive DirectorHyde Park-KenwoodCommunity ConferenceCorrects Maroon story QnC^in[ms withJfexfihakan(Author of “I Was a Teen-age Dwarf” “The ManyLoves of Dobie Gillis” etc.)‘LOVE IN REVERSE”They met. His heart leapt. “I love you,” he cried.“Me, too, hey,” she cried.“Tell me,” he cried, “are you a girl of expensive tastes?”“No, hey,” she cried, “I am a girl of simple tastes.”“Good,” he cried, “for my cruel father sends me an allowancebarely large enough to support life.”“Money does not matter to me,” she cried. “My tastes aresimple, my wants are few. Just take me riding in a long, new,yellow convertible and I am content.”“Goodbye,” he cried, and ran away as fast as his chubby littlelegs could carry him, for he had no convertible, nor the money tobuy one, nor the means to get the money, short of picking up hisstingy father by the ankles and shaking him till his walletfell out.He knew he must forget this girl but, lying on his pallet at thedormitory, whimpering and moaning, he knew he could not.At last an idea came to him: though he did not have the moneyto buy a convertible, perhaps he had enough to rent one lHope reborn, he rushed at once to an automobile rentalcompany and rented a yellow convertible for $10 down plus 10f[a mile, and with many a laugh and cheer drove away to pickup the girl.“Oh, goody,” she said when she saw the car. “This suits mysimple tastes to a ‘T\ Come, let us speed over rolling highwaysand through bosky dells.”And away they drove. All that day and night they drove andfinally, tired but happy, they parked high on*a windswept hill.“Marlboro?” he said.“Yum yum,” she said.They lit up. They puffed with deep contentment. “Youknow,” he said, “you are like a Marlboro—mild and freshand relaxing.”“But there is a big difference between Marlboro and me,” shesaid, “because I do not have a Selectrate filter nor do I comein soft pack or flip-top box.”They laughed. They kissed. He screamed.“What is it, my dear,” she cried, alarmed.“Look at the speedometer,” he said. “We have driven 200miles and this car costs 10^ a mile and I have only $20 left.”“But that’s exactly enough,” she said.“Yes,” he said, “but we still have to drive home.”They fell into a profound gloom. He started the motor andbacked out of the parking place.“Hey, look!” she said. “The speedometer doesn’t move whenyou’re backing up.”He looked. It was true. “Eureka!” he cried. “That solves myproblem. I will drive home in reverse. Then no more miles willregister on the speedometer and I will have enough moneyto pay!”“I think that’s a marvelous idea,” she said, and she was right.Because today our hero is in the county jail where food, clothesand lodging are provided free of charge and his allowance ispiling up so fast that he will have enough money to hike his girlriding again as soon as he is released.1901 Mas SkulriiM0 0 0Backward or forward, a fine, new experience in smoking isyours from the makers of Marlboros—the unfiltered, king-size Philip Morris Commander. Welcome aboard!1Reporter visits Negroes whoby Jay GreenbergThe folks with no titles in frontof their namesall over the worldare raring up and talking backto the folks called Mister.Langston HughesIn Fayette and Haywoodcounties, Tennessee, the folkswith no titles in front of theirnames are trying to vote. Andthe folks called Mister are seared.Negroes are cautiousThe Negroes are equally cau¬tious. Before introducing our¬selves to the leaders of the regis¬tration movement, who usuallycan be found in the grocery storeof John McFerren, we stoppedbriefly to take pictures of thestore. Three men approached us.“We don’t like no picture taken,”they warned.We explained that we werenorthern students, and they in¬vited us into the store, where wewere introduced to McFerren’swife, Viola. Mrs. McFerren is anintelligent, soft spoken woman.Her large, attractive eyes have apained, tired expression. She has“been working 16-20 hours a day”since the regisration trouble be¬gan, and has “not had too muchiamily life.”“I hope you don’t mind,” Mrs.McFerren told us, “but we wantedto find out if you were with usor against us before we let youtake pictures. We have a lot oftrouble with the white people, youknow.”Our first visit in the county wasto Freedom Village, a communityof thirteen tents, housing some 90Negroes who have been asked toleave the land on which they livedM sharecroppers.The village, one of two in Fa¬yette county, is built on land owned by Sheppard Towles, aNegro farmer. The tents are pro¬vided by the Fayette county Civicand Welfare league, of whichJohn McFerren is chairman.The league, formed in August,1959, had as its original purposeorganizing the drive to get Ne¬groes out to register. Now it hastaken over much of the reliefwork for boycott victims in thecounty.Views differFor the past year, there hasbeen a drive in these two countiesto get Negro citizens to registerand vote. To date, some 2200 per¬sons have registered in Fayette,and an additional 800 have reg¬istered in Haywood.Reprisals, in the form of econ¬omic boycott have been takenagainst registered Negroes bymany white citizens of the county.Many have had their propertyleases terminated, leaving themwith no land to farm. Still othersare unable to buy, either withcash or on credit, in local stores.Two University of Chicago stu¬dents visited these counties lastweek. We wanted to observe con¬ditions, to see for ourselves a con¬troversy the results of which willhave an important effect on allfuture civil rights disputes.We had been in Somerville, Ten¬nessee, county seat of Fayettecounty for less than five minutesbefore we felt the great tensionwhich has come from the battle.The first words we heard were awarning. The owner of the motelIn which we stayed cautioned us.“You won’t get salt in this townafter they find out what you'reafter,” he said. We talked to several of the stu¬dents of Freedom village. Theywere forced to leave their farms,they claim, because of registering.The white people in the countyhave a different explanation.Roy Coleson, editor of the Fa¬yette Falcon, an all-county news¬paper with offices in Somerville,attributes the movement of share¬croppers to basic changes in thecounty's economy. “We are goingthrough a period of revolution inthis county,” Coleson said. “Farm¬ing is becoming an industry. Theold days of the mule and plow arebecoming a thing of the past.”The editor, an old man who evi¬dently knows his county well, andwhose beliefs are typical of mostresidents, also cited the decline ofacreage in the county. "The cul¬tivated acreage,” he noted, “isdown from 82,000 to 45,000. Thereare many less sharecroppersneeded. There is a usual displace¬ment of about 300 sharecropperfamilies a year in the county.”Listening to Coleson, wethought of the dry, brown land ofthe county. In several days there,the only machines we saw on thefarms were a lew rusty, over¬turned cars.Talk of life in tentsIn Freedom village, the resi¬dents talked about life in tents.“I wouldn’t say it’s too bard liv¬ing here,” said one, “but I hopeto move out when the farmingseason starts.”Said one woman, discussinghousekeeping in a tent, “It’s notmuch more difficult here than inthe shacks where we lived. Thekids like it fine, I guess. They ain’tgot no place else to live.” Thechildren go to school during theday, play at night They seem tobe enjoying the adventure of liv¬ing in a tent, and they like havingmany other people of their agearound.Members of the community areunanimously agreed that the tentsare as comfortable as the shacksin which they used to live. "I’dlike to be in a house, but I likethis all right,” said one woman.“The tents are a lot warmer thanthe houses were.”In December, less than a monthafter most residents moved intoFreedom Village, two shootingstook place. First, a man who hasnever been found, shot through atent, wounding its occupant.Early B. Williams, the man whowas shot, discussed the incident.“I was sleeping in the tent,” Wil¬liams said. “I don’t know who didit, I don’t know why, It’s prettybad. Am I mad? No. I couldn’tIt's hard to kill time . . .John McFerren (left) talks with residents of Freedom Vil¬lage in front of store he owns. McFerren is known by sightall over the county.MAROON March 3, 1961 if there's no place to go . .A majority of the 100 residents of Tent city are children.They have gotten used to life in a tent, but time hangs heavilyon their hands.stay mad at nobody. I got a reli¬gion, and religion teach you notto be mad at anybody.”The second shooting was mere¬ly a prank. Several white teen¬agers shot blanks during thenight. They were caught, but nocharges were pressed. “It’s justsome young crazy teenagers whohave no sense,” explained JackBlackwell, chief deputy sheriff ofFayette county.We heard completely contradic¬tory explanations of why the Ne¬groes were living in Freedom vil¬lage. The Negroes say it is be¬cause they were evicted from theirland and can find no new homes.The white people say it is becausethe life is easy, and that the Ne¬groes are looking for a way toshirk responsibility.“All a nigger wants is a placeto stop and something to eat,”said one white man. “They’ve gotIt made down there. All of thosepeople down there have had offersto work, but they won’t takethem.”The Negroes themselves claimthat they want very much to re¬turn to work. “I like to work,”said one man. “I been workin’ allmy life. If I could find work, I’dgo right hack.”Most of the men refuse, how¬ever, to seek jobs outside thecounty. “I was born and raisedhere,” said Clarence Williams,“and I don’t want to leave.” was about to register in theSomerville courthouse said, “It’sa requirement of the Constitutionto be able to identify the citizen.”Perhaps the most simple, andmost eloquent statement of thisposition was offered by HarpmanJameson, a member of the Boardof Directors of the Fayette CountyCivic and Welfare League. SaidJameson, “We is fightin’ for free¬dom.”Fear reprisalsKnows only farmingNeither will they look for non-agricultural employment, sincethey have farmed all their lives."I never done no work other thanfarming,” said Williams. "I knowfarming, and I’ve been farmingsince I was small.”The movement to get peopleregistering in Fayette and Hay¬wood counties is unique in thatits leaders are not lawyers, doc¬tors, and other professional peo¬ple, but are rather the sharecrop¬pers themselves.We found, in talking with thoseinvolved, that all the people aregreatly concerned with the prin¬ciple. They want to vote, and theyare willing to give up what littlethey own for the right to be citi¬zens.One resident of Freedom vil¬lage, asked why lie had registered,replied, “It’s something to helpmy children. And it might help meto. I ain’t got too old yet,” Saidone citizen of Haywood countywho lost his farm after register¬ing. "I’m workin’ for self defense—I’d do it twice again.” Or, asone Negro who wre stopped as he Far from providing leadershipin the fight, vve found that themore educated Negroes in the twocounties are content to let othersdo the work. They are afraid ofreprisals from their employers.In Haywood county, we talkedto the six teachers and principleof the Masadonian school, a large,new, and underequipped Negroelementary school.The principal of the school, Mrs.Laurie Claves, blamed crowds inthe courthouse for her failure toregister. This is a common com¬plaint. While it takes only two orthree minutes to register mostpeople, many Negroes have beendelayed for up to an hour. Mrs.Cleaves denied that there had beenany threats about her job.There were other excuses, too.Said one woman, “I am a leader,and I do work hard, but I havebeen ill.”Some of the other teachers,however, were more honest. “Ineed a job and I don’t know theoutcome,” said one. “I’m tryingto wait and see what happens—there’s been so much pressure onthe one’s that did register.”We found that many sharecrop¬pers were unaware, before theregistration drives started in 1959,that they were guaranteed theright to vote by the United StatesConstitution. How are the teach¬ers going to prevent their stu¬dents from falling into a similarsituation?Teaches their rights“I teach them about the flagand what the flag stands for,”said Mrs. Cleaves. “I’ve taughtthem what rights they have, andthat they’ve been denied theirrights.”“We should take it into our¬selves to be leaders,” said anotherteacher. “First as a leader, youmust exercise these rights your¬self.”But none of the teachers in theMasadonian school have voted.The sharecroppers realize this,and they are angry. Dan Nixon,chairman of the 9th district of the Haywood county Civic amiWelfare league, the man who uProduced us to the teachers,men ted, “The teachers isholdin’ out. They’re educated rmnot They should be stickin’ theDnecks out a lot further thanam.”At least one of the teac-heunderstands this too. Said one,1seems like the common laborer „doing more about it than the pr£fessional people.”In Brownsville, Tennesseecounty seat of Haywood count!we attended a general meeting dthe Civic and Welfare league. Thepurpose of the meeting was todistribute loans, loans which noregistered Negro can get from abank, to start this years crop. Themoney is provided by OperationFreedom, a national organizationwhich has been formed to raisemoney for the two counties. tLand lent for homes wanNforeleavtalkW.hassom"1youeonwhsmyrig!»k>nBtheplorten“Thrac<isWOllag<wh<doiilicitDuring the meeting, a manraised his hand and said that hewas able to find no place to live.Many of the Haywood countysharecroppers have found homeswith Negro landowners, but thisman had none. The chairman*#the meeting, hearing the requestasked for any landowners in theroom."Why could he not lend,’’ heasked, "just like Operation Free¬dom is lending, 10 or 15 acres tosomeone who has no place tofarm. If you are an owner youare in this as well as the rest ofus. We all need land so we canraise a crop and stand on our feetand raise our heads up. We can’tbe selfish on one hand and askother people to be generous onthe other hand. Is there anyonehere who can give land to helpthe man who has none?”A man in the hall raised hisJiand, volunteered his land, andanother sharecropper had found“a location.”Cal Davis, the man who hadasked for land, is typical of mostof the sharecroppers. He had fWistered in August, and had soonthereafter been asked to leavfe. towotTh(whiwhwaiI handCattroact1spethemeturlanperDrit’sthetowoha:whliissh'll*!A sharecropper's shack, now d"Now I’m working here and yon- fo<der,” he explained, “and am mak- injing about half time labor.” Davis wlis currently living in a room pro- st<vided by his relatives.All of the approximately I JO PrNegroes in the room had similarstories. They worked on farmsunder annual contracts. Some hailbeen living in the same place formany years. After registering,they had been asked to leave.Freddy Moses, who had livedon one farm for 40 years, <*plained “I don’t feel s<don’t think it was jAnother man was asked to leavewhen his daughter registered. Flohas since registered himself. 1 wiII;becoriio had lived0 years,?el so good. pis justice!'MODEL CAMERAWholesaleCatalogue Prices anCameras, Projectors, Recorders1342 E. 55th HY 3-9259Xcan't buy food and clothingwant to be a citizen,” he said.Not all white landowners haveforced registered Negroes toieave. In Haywood county, wecalked to two who had not. One,W D. Cannon is a moderate. Hehas forty families on his land,some of whom are registered.-1 treat my nigras like I treatyou,” Cannon said. “When they* conic to talk to me, I advise themwhat to do, I have always toldmy hands that they have as muchright to register as I do. I havedone a lot for the nigra race here.”But Cannon is not a leader inthe civil rights movement. "I de¬plore the publicity that we’ve got¬ten about this down here,” he said."The relationship between theraces here and in Fayette countyis as good as anyplace in theworld. The people in Freedom vil¬lage are shiftless, they are menwho don’t want to work. They aredoing a good deal of this for pub¬licity."If my nigras asked me whatto do,” Cannon continued, “Iwould advise them maybe to wait.There may be some landlords herewho had a preference for thosewho hadn’t registered. I don’twant to pass judgment on them.I have a right to cease contractsand they have a right to move.”Cannon said that he had had notrouble with whites protesting hisactions.The other man with whom wespoke is Dr. T. B. King, head ofthe county Draft board, and a for¬mer member of the state legisla¬ture. Dr. King has 1500 acres ofland, on which live 12 sharecrop¬pers.Whites kept off“All of them have registered,”Dr. King said, “and if they haven'tit’s their own fault. Several ofthem asked if they would haveto move, and I said that theywould not.”Dr. King said that although hehas had no trouble with the otherwhites, several have tried to renthis land, “so they could run thesharecroppers off. I told them‘Hell, they’re not going to get a Ferren has opened his grocery.The store was originally run byhis brother, but he was forced tomove when "things got too hot.”However, nc wholesalers will dealwith the store, and all suppliescome from Memphis, 45 milesaway, delivered by sharecropperswith pick up trucks.Food sources limitedThis, and the free food deliveredfrom the north, are the only foodavailable to many Negroes. SaysMeFerren of the northern sup¬plies, ‘This is what’s keeping usgoing.” But, according to RoyColeson, “We figure that Barnumwas wrong. He said there was asucker born every second. Downhere, we figure there are two.”Col<*ton said that he had fol¬lowed one Negro family to a gro¬cery store, where they bought $28worth of food. Then, they wentto get their gas tank filled. Afterthat, they continued to MeFer¬ren‘s store, where they receivedtheir allotment of free food.Hearing this, we thought of thestory told by the wife of the Rev¬erend R. Dowdy. Dowdy had beenpastor of two churches, and hiswife had worked as a cook in thewhite school until they registered.The pastor has s i n c e lost hischurches, and Mrs. Dowdy hasbeen fired from her job, a jobfrom which just a few monthsago she was denied a vacationbecause she was ‘indispensable.’“I have not been able to buyfood, except at Mr. McFerren’sstore, for many months,” Mrs.Dowdy said.The Negroes have also been de¬nied loans by the Somerville Bankand Trust company, they say. Oneman said, “I have been, gettingcrop loans since I was a man, andnow that I've registered theywon’t give us anything.”But the executive vice-presidentof the bank, who is in charge ofloans, denies this. Said W. B. Wil-kenson, “About 90 per cent of ourloans are to nigras. The nigrasare my friends. Of course, wecan’t give a loan to people whofoot of it.’ ” Dr. King also is buy¬ing food for any of the Negroeswho cannot be served in localstores.The issue of food is one of theprimary questions in the counties.Negro leaders claim that nobodywill sell to them. According toHarpman Jameson, “I haven’tbeen able to get a Coke in thiscounty since last March.”To counteract this, John Mc- have no place. If they have acontract for next year, we’ll givethem a loan.”The last people we talked to ex¬tensively in Fayette county wereJohn and Mrs. MeFerren. Wespoke to them in the rear of theirstore. MeFerren had just returnedfrom Cincinatti, where he had at¬tended the trial of a suit in thefederal court, asking for a rulingordering landlords to cease evict-THREE PIZZA'S FORTHE PRICE OF TWOSmo11 S1-00 Free lJ.C. DeliveryMedium $1.45Lor* rp „Extra Large $2.95 Jj @ §Giant $3.95 a*'1518 E. 63rd Ml 3-4045 ing sharecroppers for havingvoted. The site is not as yet de¬cided. Before he could talk to us,MeFerren had to speak to a dele¬gation from the United Packing¬house Workers union, who hadcome to observe conditions.MeFerren spoke with pride ofthe movement. “For the first timethis year, Fayette county votedRepublican,” he said. “We votedRepublican because the Democrats McFerrens, a man entered thestore. “Hey, John Edwards,” Me¬Ferren called, “you done regis¬tered yet?” The man said that hehadn’t, that the lines had been toolong. "I’m going up to check onthat,” MeFerren said.Our visit to Fayette county end¬ed as it had begun—with a warn¬ing. But this time the warningwas from John MeFerren. Whenhe went "back to the courthouse to check registration, he gave usa lift, but parked several blocksfrom the building.“You better not walk over therewith me,” he said, “or the whitefolks’ll make trouble for you.” Wereplied that we really didn't care,but MeFerren only laughed. “No,it’ll be too rough for you,” he in¬sisted.We walked to the courthouseseparately.McFerren's store is the only source of necessities for those Negroes who have registered tovote. Shipments from the north are distributed by MeFerren.have never let us vote.” MeFerrendoes not understand, or does notcare that the civil rights plankof the Democratic party on thenational level is far stronger thanthat of the Republicans.The leader continued, talking ofthe ends of the movement. “I amconcerned with the whole, entireNegro race,” he said.“Eventually this nation willtake care of itself. If we getenough help from the north fortlie present, we will eventuallycrush the White Citizens’ councilmovement.”MeFerren discussed personalrepercussions, resulting from hisleadership of the movement. “I’vebeen on the rough side of themountain,” he said. ‘They havecalled us on the phone, and keepus up all night. They run downmy mother with a 2 */2 ton truck.She was in the hospital for fivemonths. I’ve never been able toprove they did it intentionally,though.”We discussed Freedom village.“It’s symbollic. The people outthere feel free. They don’t haveto be bothered and dominated bythe White Citizens’ councils.”Mrs. MeFerren echoed her hus¬band’s thoughts. “We are in afight here, and I hope we win.We’ll fight to the end, the ballotbox will win for us.”As we sat and spoke with the SG Travel ServiceStudent government is offering both discount plane andtrain travel to New York City over the Spring interim, ac¬cording to Len Friedman, vice-president of SG.Tickets for the round-trip flight to New York will cost:>nly $55, a savings of about $25 over the commercial airlinesfare. Fred Paulsell, SG flight leader staled that the plane, aDC-7, will leave Midwayair port at 8 pm on Friday, Marchj.7 and return from New York on Sunday, March 26 at 1:30 p.m.The discount train trip to New York, which was runsuccessfully lor the Christmas vacation, will cost $54 andwill leave Chicago at 3:30 p.m. on March 17. “The General,”the reserved seat train of the Pennsylvania Railroad, will beused going to New York, but students may use any Penn¬sylvania train coming back.Reservations and payment for both the plane and thetrain may be made at the SG oflice in Ida Noyes hall anyday from 9 am to 5 pm until March 8. The office hoursof Paulsell are from 2:30 to 3:30 Monday through Friday.Final information and tickets will be available the last weekof the quarter for those who have completed payment foreither the plane or the train.THE FINEST IN BEAUTY CARE FOR THEDISCRIMINATING WOMANDOrchester 3-7366 and 3-7367DE WAREN'S House of Beauty1601 E. 53 rd St.Specialists in Hair Shaping,Styling and Permanent WavingCHRISTIAN SCIENCE:Religion of Comfort and JoyLECTURE BYNAOMI PRICE, C.S. of London, EnglandMember of the Board of Lectureship ofThe Mother Church, The First Church of Christ, Scientist,in Boston, MassachusettsTUESDAY MARCH 7. 19614 P.M. in the East Lounge of IDA NOYES HALLAll are Welcome \SPONSORED BY THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE ORGANIZATIONAT THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGOMarch 3, 1961 • CHICAGO MAROON • 9Pierce wary of snackbarby Robert M. Strozier Jr.Anyone who tosses off the old saw — “Hope springs eternal in the human breast” —to a Pierce Tower resident these days is apt to meet with derisive laughter, then tears.The undertrodden Pierce lads have finally despaired of ever housing their long-awaitedsnack bar. According to Steve Chamo, manager of th-e snack bar, the bar should be fin¬ished by the beginning of next quarter* as soon as benches are installed and a panel is con¬structed. But Pierce residents have been hearing promises for too many weeks; they arediscouraged.“It’ll never open." commentedone, “This is an example of typi¬cal Chicago efficiency.” Ano-ther:“What are you going to do againstthe ad ministration? We are sup¬posed to get new pianos next A few of the Pierce residentsseemed vaguely resigned to barefacts, but most of the students in¬terviewed were quick to voice dis¬satisfaction in the progress of thesnack bar. “They’d jolly well better hurryup; we’re moulding.”“What do you want—a funnyanswer? Sure I’m mad, whoisn’t?”None of the boys wept openly, UC now 'prest'9e school“Chicago is now faced withthe blessing, or the curse, ofbeing — in the eyes of highschool seniors across the coun¬try — a ‘prestige’ college,” CharlesO’Connell, director of admissions,wrote in this month’s issue of thealumni magazine.Most students questioned aboutthe quote agreed that “To thosestudents who’ve heard of us, it’sa prestige school academically.”A graduate of George School, aprep school in Pennsylvania, had past twenty years, two studentshave entered Chicago. Sure, we'rea prestige school — but in anawfully funny way.”Much of the reaction was favor¬able. “Why a curse? What’swrong with a prestige school?”But to those who defined “pres¬tige” in a different way, the reac¬tion was much different: “I guessI’ll have to change my underweareveryday.”“I’m pretty shook about it.” saida member of Phi Delta Theta.week, for instance, but whoknows . . .”A variety of vending, machines,installed early this quarter, havepartially relieved the problem, butnot completely. As one student ex¬plained, “The soft drink machinedoesn’t work, the milk machinetakes your money, and the candymachines are always empty. Asidefrom that they’re doing a finejob!”Other comments demonstrateda similar lack of enthusiasm:“When I eat. I want somethingsolid, not just candy.”“I’m not asking for Mom’s homecooking all the time, but 1 wouldlike a place to go between mealsand late at night.”Many of the students com¬plained because they had to travellong distance to satisfy their hun¬ger pains: “It’s a waste of timeto walk four or five blocks for ahamburger. A snack bar wouldbe a lot better than the restaurantaround here. It also might givethe cafeteria some competition.”“After 11 pm the nearest ciga¬rette is two blocks away.”» “This ain’t no picnic.”“I’ve been hoping for a job aschef; no snack bar, no job.” but one student admitted honest¬ly: “I am very, very sad that thesnack bar hasn’t opened yet!” this to say: “99% of George’s stu¬dents go on to college. 15% a yearmatriculate at Swarthmore. In the “We don’t, want a lot of guys herejoining frats. It’s a conspiracy onthe part of the IBM machines."• Maroon classifieds •For RentUnfurnished, 5 Rooms; porch, privateyard. Near 55th and Ktmbark. $95 amonth. CaU; evenings MI 3-6370.To sublet Charming 3'i room apt. 5thfloor elev. bldg., wall to wall carpet,ample pkg. Rent incl. all utilities $120.00Compl. tasteful 3 room furn. incl. pic¬tures. lamps, draperies, rugs etc. for saleat $250.00. Just hang up your hat. Own¬ers move.out of town. Available April1st. Lax, 5455 So. BLackstone Ave., MI 3-1732.2 Room Furnished Apartments. Near U.of C.. International House. ICRR, andbus. Reasonable. Call: BU 8-9424.Furnished ApartmentsShorelane Apts. 5135 S. Kenwood. Offers1 to 3'i efficiency units attractivelyappointed, month to month occupancy.$80 and up. Elevator; fire-proof bldg.Mgr. on premises. rooms. 1 and 2 bedroom units. $98 to$135. Applications invited from well-qualified prospective tenants who areseeking the unusual in apt. accommoda¬tions. now or early spring. PrivatelyPoliced. 63 Fireproof Bldgs., close tocomplete shopping, churches, andschools. 22 min. to Loop by IC, adjacentto Univ. of Chgo. Skyway to Ind. andMich. Park-like terrain, ample streetand garage parking.Model apt. Offices on premises.737 E. 83rd PI. TR 4-74006040-20 INGLESIDE AVENUE. CLEAN.COMFORTABLE ROOM FURNISHEDUNITS AVAILABLE AT VERY MODER¬ATE RENTALS. SEE RESIDENT MGR.,MRS TAPIA. OR CALL BU 8-2757.For SaleLiving Room Furniture—couches, occas.chairs, mlsc. items. Good ootid. HY3-6532. park. 85th near Kenwood. Priced forquick sale. ES 5-1804.Wanted4 Room Apt., Hyde Park area. NO 7-7312.A Ride to and from Boston, over In¬terim. Will share costs and driving. AlanBerger, PL 2-9647.Driver wanted to Hollywood. California,approx. March 16. Car must be trans¬ported: driver can select own passengers.Call: AT 5-1768.Ride to N. Y. or Philly during interim.Will drive and share expenses. BonnieBloch. 1414 West.ServicesSewing, Alterations, Items. BU 8-6001.Typing. Reas. MI 3-5218. Quick TypingProfessional: low rates; theses, termpapers, etc. Editing if desired Approved,dissertation office. BA 1-2166.LostLost: 1 gold Lady Schaeffer pen andtransparent umbrella with daisies onIt. Reward. Contact: Pat Diangson inKelly 30.I»st: 1 Folder of reading and classnotes for Sociology 244. Return to AlanBerger. PL 2-9647. Reward.Amethyst Ring with three small dia¬monds set in fleur-de-lys pattern Con¬tact Chicago Maroon.PersonalsLouie: Was it in the morning?Creative Writing Workshop. PL 2-8377.Chatham Park Village ApartmentsA small town within a Big City. 3 to 5 Seven Room, two bath, spilt level home,with side drive and garage. 5 years old.Near IC. Good shopping, across from TYPING — ACCURATE. Reasonablerates. HU 3-3892.9 Crux qui s'interessent a sulvre tin coursde ‘ Humanities III (201. 2, 3). FrenchVariant” pendant l'pannee prochaine.devaient telephoner a BU 8-2457 tout desuite ce cours n’exlstera pas si nous netrouvons pas au molns dix etudlants.Tarevton delivers the flavor...Here's one filter cigarette that's really different!The difference is this: Tareyton’s Dual Filter gives you aunique inner filter of ACTIVATED CHARCOAL, definitely proved tomake the taste of a cigarette mild and smooth. It works together witha pure white outer filter—to balance the flavor elements in the smoke,Tareyton delivers—and you enjoy—the best taste of the best tobaccos.DUAL FILTER Tareyton _ JZ J*/rntuean <Ji)&ac*Uo»yiany — it our middle name • 4- M Oedipus—Pay Four Dollars to learn theSecret of the Theban plague—TetreslasCap and Gown $4 00 at the Bursar *.Praetorian Guard:I have nothing to say, but this Is suchfun! Vestal VirginRoxanne: March 10 will consummateall hopes. Have chosen satisfactory ren¬dezvous. Cyrano.Ophelia: Rememberance of things past.—Hamlet.College is a picnic, picnic, picnicfrom Gamma Beta GammaJay—come back and visit soon.John McF.I Wear Contact LensesDR. KURT ROSENBAUM1132 E. 55th University Ave. HY 3-8372EUROPE orSOUTH AMERICAin 1961?We arrange for low-cost air travelon regularly scheduled aircraft toEurope and South America. Roundtrip summer season fare from NewYork to Luxembourg, for instance,is only $358.20. We can save you$424.40 on a round trip ticket toBuenos Aires!In connection with the studentflight to London on June 19, weoffer a 38 days' escorted tour of10 countries plus four weeks ofstudy in Europe for only $775.00,and ! 5 days in Scandinavia for$196. We arrange for purchaseof European cars of any make atwholesale prices, or for low-costrentals. Free consultation on travel.For full information,write toMr. Arne Brekke1207 E. 60th Street,Chicago 37,or coll (days or evenings)BU 8-6437.10 • CHICAGO MAROON • March 3, 1961Exam scheduleFollowing Is the official undergraduate examination schedule forthe winter quarter. The office of the examiner stated, however, thatseveral minor changes may have to be made, and advised studentsto check with their section leaders for the exact date of their exami¬nations.Mon Mar 13—12:30-2:30—W 104Wed Mar 15— 1:30- 3:30—GoH 101Wed Mar 15— 10:30-12:30—CL 10Frt Mar 17— 8:00-10:00—CL 10Tue Mar 14— 8:30-10:30—E 308Thu Mar 16 & Frl Mar 17—8:30-9:30—Ab 101 & 133Thu Mar 16— 4:00- 6:00—LMHTue Mar 14— 3 :00- 5:00—C 110Frl Mar 17— 8:00-10:00—B 106Wed Mar 15—10:30-11:30—Psy 210Thu Mar 16— 8:00-10:00—B 206Mon Mar 13—12:30- 2:30—B 201Mon Mar 13— 8:30-10:30—K 107. E 133Mon Mar 13— 3:00- 5:00—K 103Mon Mar 13— 8:30-10:30—K 103Frl Mar 17— 8:00-10:00—K 103Mon Mar 13— 1:30- 2:30—CL 10Frl Mar 17—11:30-12:30—OR 210Thu Mar 16— 1 30- 3:30—Ro 26Frl Mar 17— 8:00-10:00—SS 302Wed Mar 15—10:30-12:30—CL 17Mon Mar 13— 8:30-10:30—SS 107Mon Mar 13— 8:30-10:30—J 110Tue Mar 14— 2:00- 3:30—J 111Thu Mar 16— 1:30- 3:30—J 105Anthro 211Art 220Art 231Art 240Astron 205Biochem 202Biol 112Biol 114Biol 202Biopsych 212Botany 201Botany 202Chem 106Chem 221Chem 224Chem 262Chinese 202Chinese 212Ear Scl 132Econ 202Econ 220Eeon 240Educ 203Educ 270Educ 283Educ 288—see Eng 304Eng 102Eng 105Eng 105-6Eng 204Eng 213Eng 221Eng 225Eng 233Eng 238Eng 240Eng 259Eng 277Eng 285Eng 288Eng 290French 101French 102French 102-3French 202French 205French 208French 211French 249French 259Geog 205 _Geog 256Geog 257Geog 282German 102German 208German 210German 235German 237Greek 102Greek 205History 132History 131-2History 212History 222History 232History 262History 272Hum 111Hum 112Hum 124Hum 124-5Hum 202Hum 207Hum 212Hum 281I & M 202I & M 252Ital 102Ital 202Ital 205-8Latin 102Latin 205Math 101Math 102Math 103Math 151Math 152 Sat Mar 11— 9:00-12:00—by section, m MatgnedSat Mar 11— 9:00-12:0O—Ro 2Sat Mar 11— 9:00-12:00—by section, m assignedThu Mar 16— 8:00-10:00—CL 16Wed Mar 15—10:30-12:30—CL 16Frl Mar 17—10:30-12:30—C 305Frl Mar 17— 8:00-10:00—Wb 103Tue Mar 14—10:00-11:30—Wb 103Wed Mar 15— 1:30- 3:30—C 103Frl Mar 17— 1:30- 3:30—CL 10Mon Mar 13—12:30- 2:30—CL 11Thu Mar 16— 1:30- 3:30—Wb 103Frl Mar 17—10:30-12:30—Wb 202Wed Mar 15—10:30-12:30—CL 11Thu Mar 16— 1:30- 3:30—CL 26Frl Mar 17— 1:30- 3:30—C 402Wed Mar 15— 8:00-10:00—E 133, E 202Mon Mar 13— 8:30-10:30—C 407Wed Mar 15— 8:00-10:00—C 110Frl Mar 17— :30- 3:30—CL 34Frl Mar 17— 1:30- 3:30—CL 20Frl Mar 17— 8:00-10:00— CL 18Frl Mar 17—10:30-12:30—CL 17Wed Mar 15—10:30-12:30—Wb 202Wed Mar 15—10:30-12:30—Ro 28Mon Mar 13— 3:00- 5:00—Ro 28Frl Mar 17— 8:00-10:00—Ro 28Tue Mar 14— 8:30-10:30—Ro 28WedWedMonFrlFrlFrlFrlSatSatFrlTueWedFrlMonWedThuFrlTueWedWedWedFrlWedFrlFrlFrlFrlWedWedFrlWedWedWedWed Mar 15— 8:00-10Mar 15-10:30-12Mar 13— 8:30-10Mar 17— 8:00-10Mar 17-10:30-12Mar 17— 8:00-10Mar 17— 8:00-10Mar 11— 1.00- 4Mar 11— 1:00- 4Mar 17-10:30-12Mar 14— 8:30-10Mar 15-10:30-12Mar 17— 8:00-10Mar 13— 8:30-10Mar 15— 1:30- 3Mar 16— 1:30- 3Mar 17— 1:30- 3Mar 14— 8:30-11:Mar 15— 4 :00- 6Mar 15— 1:30- 3Mar 15— 4:00- 6Mar 17-10:30-12Mar 15— 1:30- 3Mar 17— 1:30- 3Mar 17— 8:00-10Mar 17-10:30-12Mar 17-10:30-12:Mar 15-10:30-12Mar 15— 1:30- 3Mar 17— 8:00-10Mar 15— 4:00- 6:Mar 15-10:30-12Mar 15— 4:00- 6sec 11—C 308sec 22—C 408sec 41—E 312Mar 15— 4:00-sec 11—C 407sec 31—Z 14sec 41—C 402 :00—LMH30—Wb 20330—Wb 10300—Wb 203:30—Wb 203.00—C 416:00— CL 25B;00—E 133, Ro2:0O—BE 103 & 106:30—SS 107:30—SS 107:30—Ro 2:00—-Ro 2:30—Ro 2 -:30—Lex 3:30—LMH. Ro 2:30—C 11030—LMH:00—E 133:30—Lex 5:00—E 133:30—CL 10:30—C 102:30—C 103:00—C 407:30—Cl 2030—Wb 20630—C 41030—C 13400—E 20700—LMH30—E 20200sec 21—JC 110sec 31—C 406sec 61—C 4156 00-sec 21—E 202sec 32—C 409sec 42—C 410HOBBY HOUSE RESTAURANTwe specialize inRound-O-Beef and WafflesOpen from Down to Down 1342east 53 st.DISCOUNT TRAVELTO NEW YORKSPRING INTERIMAIR $55.00 Special U of C CharterLeave — Midway, DC-7, March 17, 8 p.m.Return—March 26, 1 :30 p.m.Tourist seating regular serviceRAIL $54.00Leave — March 17, 3:30 p.m.Return—Any Pennsylvania TrainPennsylvania Railroad "The General" reserved seatsPay Now to Insure SeatSTUDENT GOVERNMENT OFFICERoom 218 — Ida Noyes Hall9 a.m. to 5 p.m.FLIGHT LEADER: Fred PaulsellOffice Hours: 2:30-3:30, M-FFinal information and tickets picked up last weekof quarter at SC officePayment or arrangement for payment must be madeby March 3 153203204 sec 31sec 32sec 41205242 sec 416ec 71252 sec 41sec 51253261290—see educMlcrob 22Music 152Music 202Music 212Music 222Music 243NE Arch 200Philos 201Philos 204Philos 206Philos 209Philos 232Phy Scl 105Phy Scl 106Phy Scl 202Phys 112Phys 112 (P.S. comp)Phys 122Phys 132Phys 204Phys 216Phys 222Phys 226Phys 236Phys 273Pol Scl 261Psych 203Psych 212—see Elopsych 212Scand 202Slavic 102Slavic 202Slavic 205Slavic 231Soc Scl 032Soc Scl 111Soc Scl 112Soc Scl 115Soc Scl 115-116Soc Scl 122Soc Scl 125Soc Scl 125-6Soc Scl 231Soc Scl 241Soclol 203Soclol 244Span 102Span 202Span 208Span 236Span 290Stat 200 sec 01Stat 200 sec 02Zool 205Zool 260 sec 51—E 207 sec 61—C 411Mon Mar 13—12:30- 2:30—E 203Thu Mar 16 8:00-10:00—E 206Wed Marw 15—10:30-12:30—E 206Wed Mar 15—10:30-12:30—E 207Frl Mar 17—10:30-12:30—E 207Frl Mar 17—10:30-12:30—E 305Frl Mar 17—10:30-12:30—E 206Wed Mar 15— 1:60- 3:30—E 203Frl Mar 17—10:30-12:30—E 312Fri Mar 17— 1:30- 3:30—E 207Wed Mar 15—10:30-12:30—E 312Fri Mar 17— 8:00-10:00— E 312Thu Mar 16— 9:30-10:30—Rks N 1Frl Mar 17— 8:00-10:00—Lex 3Mon Mar 13-12:30- 2:30—Mus 101Wed Mar 15—10:30-12:30—Mus 201Frl Mar 17— 8:00-10:00—Mus 101Frl Mar 17—10:30-12:30— Mus 201Wed Mar 15— 3:30- 5:00—CL 10Sat Mar 11—10:00-12:00—CL 20:30-10:30—CL 20:30- 2:30—CL 16:30-10:30—CL 1700- 6:00—C 110:00-6:00—E 133, Ro 2:00- 5:00—C 309:00- 5:00—E 202:00- 6:06—E 202:30- 2:30—E 133:00-10:00—E 133:30-12:30—RI C 113:30-12:30—E 133:30- 2:30—E 202:30-12:30—E 133:00-10:00—C 110.00—10:00—BE 9:30- 3:30—J 126.30- 2:30—C 110euT Mar 14— 8Mon Mar 13—12Mon Mar 13— 8Mon Mar 13— 3Mon Mar 13— 3Tue Mar 14— 3Mon Mar 13— 3Mon Mar 13— 5Mon Mar 13—12Frl Mar 17— 8Frl Mar 17—10Wed Mar 15—10Mon Mar 13—12Frl Mar 17—10Frl Mar 17— 8Fri Mar 17— 8Thu Mar 16— 1Tue Mar 14—12Thu Mar 16— 8:00-10:00—Wb 202Wed Mar 15— 8:00-10:00—Ro 2Wed Mar 15— 8:00-10:00—CL 10Frl Mar 17—10:30-12:30—CL 16Mon Mar 13—12:30- 2:30—C 109Thu Mar 16—10:30-12:30—E 133Frl Mar 17—10:30-12:30—CL 11Tue Mar 14— 3:00- 5:00—LMHTue Mar 14— 3:00- 5:00—LMHTue Mar 14— 3:00- 5:00-E 133Tue Mar 14-12:30- 2:30—LMHTue Mar 14— 8:30-10:30—C 305Tue Mar 14— 3:00- 5:00—Ro 2Wed Mar 15— 1:30- 3:30—Ro 2Thu Mar 16—10:30-12:30—Ro 2Mon Mar 13-12:30- 2:30—SS 107Thu Mar 16— 1:30- 3:30—Ro 27Wed Mar 15— 8:00-10:00-BE 107Mon Mar 13-12:30- 2:30—C 416Wed Mar IS—10:30-12:30—CL 411Frl Mar 17— 8:00-10:00—Wb 206Mon Mar 13-12:30- 2:30—Wb 202Frl Mar 17— 8:00-10:00-BE 107Mon Mar 13— 3:00- 5:00—E 305Wed Mar 15— 1:30- 3:30—Z 14 plus lab exam 3/13Mon Mar 13— 8:30-10:30—Z 14 The two villains of "TenNights in a Bookstore" con¬fer.If you are going to move,think of Peterson. It is aquick solution to a trou¬blesome problem.PETERSON MOVINGAND STORAGE CO.1011 E. 55th St.BU 8-6711UNIVERSITYBARBER SHOP:453 E. 57thFine haircuttingFour barbers workingLadies' haircuttingShoe shiningFloyd C. ArnoldProprietorMAKE A DATE to enjoy theKing of Beers first chance you get.Good times just naturally call forBudweiser.Where there’s Life,..there’s Bud®KING OF BEERS • ANHEUSER-BUSCH. INC. * ST. LOUIS • NEWARK • 10S ANGELES • MIAMI « TAMPAMarch 3, 1961 • CHICAGO MAROON • 11mmComing events on quadranglesmmmmmmmmmmmmm - i? mm mmm * mmwmfJob opportunitiesRepresentatives of the following organizations will conductrecruiting interviews at the office of vocational guidance andplacement during the week of March 6. Unless academic re¬strictions are indicated, these interviews are open to studentsof any department who will be available for full-time employ¬ment between now and September, 1961. Interview appoint¬ments may be arranged through L. S. Calvin, Room 200, Reyn¬olds club, ext. 3284.March 6—Western Electric company, Princeton, New Jersey —Dr. G. R. Simmons, director of research and devel¬opment will interview S. M. candidates in mathe¬matics and statistics for permanent employment, andS. B. candidates in above disciplines for summerwork.March 8--Lawrence Radiation laboratory, Livermore, Califor¬nia will interview prospective graduates at all degreelevels in mathematics, physics, and statistics.Friday, 3 MarchMatins with sermon. 11:30 am. Bondchapel, Peter Kjeseth, Ph D. candidateIn New Testament preaches.Vrban Studies workshop (department ofeconomics), 3:30 pm, Cobb 101, “Prob¬lems of urban growth in Asia,” Nor¬ton S.Maroon Staff meeting, 4 pm, Ida Noyes,room 303. All staff members and thoseinterested in joining the staff areinvited to attend.Lecture series: “Cardiovascular and pul¬monary physiology,” 5 pm, Pathology117, "The role of surface tension inpulmonary physiology,” John A. Cle¬ments, assistant chief, clinical inves¬tigation branch, Army Medical Chem¬ical center, Maryland.Sabbath dinner, 5:45 pm, Hillel founda¬tion, by reservation.Koinonia, 6 pm, Chapel house, cost sup¬per 75 cents.Track meet, 6:30 pm, field house. Chi¬cago and the Midwest Conference In¬door championships.Lenten Cesper service, 7:30 pm, Bondchapel, David Hesla preaches on“Blessed are the meek.” A coffee hourfollows the service in Swift hall, cof¬fee shop, where the congregation isinvited to question and visit with thepreacher of the evening.Inside Red China, 7:30 and 9:30 pm.Judd 126, 5835 South Kimbark avenue,a film lecture by Robert Cohen, ques¬tion and answer period following,sponsored by POLIT, admission 50cents.Illustrated lecture (departments of psy¬chology and zoology), 7:30 pm. Zoology14. "Recent ethological investigationsof animal behavior.” Irenaus Eibl-Eibesfeldt, Max Planck Institut furVerhaltensphysiologie.Chicago Intercollegiate Swimmingchampionships. 7:30 pm, Bartlett pool.Sabbath serveie, 7:45 pm. Hillel founda¬tion, followed by an Oneg Shabbat at 8:30 with folk singing and folkdancing led by David Moses.Motion picture, 8 and 10 pm, Burton-Judson courts, “On the Waterfront.”Admission 50 cents.Chamber Music series, 8:30* pm, Mandelhall, Bethany Beardslee, soprano,sings music by Handel, Schoenberg,■ Winham, Babbitt, and Schubert.Social dancing, 9 pm. Ida Noyes, admis¬sion 50 cents for students and $1 forothers.Saturday, 4 MarchRecorder society, 1 pm, Ida Noyes. In¬struction followed by Informal groupplaying.Chicago Intercollegiate Swimmingchampionships, 2:30 pm, Bartlett pool.Track meet, 3 and 7 pm, fieldhouse, Uni¬versity of Chicago Track-Club Invita¬tional championships.Gamma Beta, 5 pm, Tunnel. Gammarush smoker No. 2.Square dance, 7:45 pm, Ida Noyes, spon¬sored by the outing club and the folk¬lore society, no admission.Symphony orchestra, 8:30 pm. Mandelhall, winter concert, works by Weber.Beethoven, Charles Ives. Berlioz, andSchumann, no admission.Social dancing. 9 pm. Internationalhouse, band. The Dukes of Swing, in¬termission singer, Jan Armstrong.Sponsored by the International Houseassociation. Admission $1 lor men. 75cents for women.Sunday, 5 MarchRadio series: Faith of our Fathers, 8:30am, WGN, Bishop Anders N y g r e n(Sweden), The Ecumenical institute,Evanston, Illinois.Roman Catholic masses. 8:30. 10. and 11am, and 12 noon, De Sales house.Matins with Dialogue sermon, 9 am,Graham Taylor chapel, LutheranCampus parish, Sunday school in thecloisters. ganlc and the psychic,” E.W.F Tomlln, formerly exhibitioner of Bra.scnose college, Oxford.Glee club, 7:30 pm, Ida Noyes, eastlounge, rehearsal.Dames club, 8 pm. 6836 South Merrillavenue, strictly bridge, Joan RosnerBU 8-4060.UCLS Follies, 8:30 pm, Mandell Hallstudent-faculty variety show, benefitfor the Foster Child fund and theCommunity Chest, sponsored by theLab school, admission $2. $1.50, $ 75for children, for Information call 2542Divinity School Worship service, 11 30am. Bond chapel.Carillon recital, 5 pm. Rockefeller Me¬morial chapel, Daniel Robins.Episcopal Religious service. Evensong5:05 pm, Bond chapel.Country dancers, 8 pm, Ida Noyes, beglnners welcome.Israeli Folk dancing, 8 pm, Hillel foun¬dation.Dora Goldstine Memorial lecture (schoolof social service administration). 8 15pm. Breasted hall, “The challenge ofhumanism and science In medicinethe nature of disease and the x careof the patient,” George L. Engel, pro¬fessor of psychiatry and associate pro¬fessor of medicine. University of Ro¬chester school of medicine.The farther smoke.travelsAir-Softened, the milder, the cooler,the smoother it tastesk 1 rsi oTHIS ONE’THESATISFIED Episcopal Communion service, 9:30 am,Bond chapel.Sikh Study circle, 10 am. 5234 SouthDorchester avenue, congregation meet¬ing, discussion and holy singing. In¬dian style, free lunch, no admission.Lutheran Religious services, 10 am,Graham Taylor chapel, Communionservice. .University Religious Service, 11 am.Rockefeller Memorial chapel, ReverendGranger Westberg, associate professor,division of the biological sciences andthe Divinity school.Carillon recital, 5 pm, Rockefeller Mem¬orial chapel, Daniel Robins, Univer¬sity carillonneur.United Christian fellowship, 5:30 pm,Thorndike Hilton chapel, commonworship service.Sunday Evening Supper-Discussionmeetings (The Episcopal Church atthe University), 5:30 pm, 5540 SouthWoodlawn avenue, buffet supper; 6:30pm, speaker and discussion, “TheChurch: Its Prayer,” Reverend WilliamD. Faughnan, chaplain, Illinois Insti¬tute of Technology.United Christian fellowship, 6 pm.Chapel house, buffet supper. 50 cents.Bridge club, 7:15 pm, Ida Noyes lounge,first floor. Monthly master point dup¬licate bridge game. One full AOBLmaster point will be awarded to win¬ners. Fifty cents entry fee for thisevent. Beginning and experienced in¬dividuals and partnerships invited.Lecture series: The American Experi¬ment: Success and Challenge, 8 pm.Hillel foundation, “Religion and theproblem of democracy—Tocqueville,”Marvin Zetterbaum, assistant profes¬sor of the social sciences in the Col¬lege.Radio series: The Sacred Note, 8:15 pm,WBBM. A program of choral music bythe University choir, Richard Vlk-strom, director of chapel music, con¬ducting. Musical society, 8:30 pm, Ida Noyes, eastlounge, concert ol songs and arias.Monday, 6 MarchElementary Yiddish, 3:30 pm, Hillelfoundation.Films of Family Life in India (Indiancivilization course), 7 pm, Rosenwald2, “Hindu Family," “A Family of In¬dia,” "Asian Earth,” “Women andEducation,” "Feminine Fashions."Motion picture, 7 and 9 pm. Interna¬tional house, “Oo Man Go” tUSA).Tuesday, 7 MarchLutheran Communion service, 11:30 am.Bond chapel.Meeting of the Council of the Univer¬sity Senate, 3:40 pm. Business East 106.Colloquium (Institute for the study ofmetals), 4:15 pm. Research Institutes211. "The flow and fracture of mag¬nesium oxide single crystals,” R. J.Stokes, Minneapolis-Honeywell Re¬search center.Lecture (Christian Science organizationat the University), 4 pm. Ida Noyes.“Christian Science: religion of com¬fort and Joy.” Naomi Price, memberof the board of lectureship of theFirst Church of Christ, Scientist, Bos¬ton, Massachusetts.Lecture (committee on social thought),4:30 pm. Social Science 122, “The or-MEN !Here’s deodorant protectionGive'yourself all the breaks. Try Chesterfield Kingyour next coffee break. Every satisfying puffis Air-Softened to enrich the flavor and make it mild.Special porous paper lets you draw fresh air intothe full king length of straight Grade-A, top-tobacco.Join the swing to YOU CAN TRUSTOld Spice Stick Deodorant.. .fastest, neatest way to all•day, every day protection! If* the active deodorant foractive men...absolutely dependable. Glides on smoothly,speedily...dries in record time. Old Spice Stick Deodorant—most convenient, most economical deodorant money canbuy. 1.00 plu9 tax.s w u t*r o im12 ♦ CHICAGO MAROQ N • March 3, 1961Sports newsNCAA tournament starts next Fridayby Chuck BernsteinUC’s cagers head into theNCAA Great Lakes regionaltournament next Friday witha 17-3 record, the best in 52years. The Maroons will meetMacMurray in the semi-finals atthe fieldhouse while Evansville,gunning for its third straight na¬tional title, takes on Lincoln uni¬versity.Athletic director Wally Hass.innounced that tickets for eachdouble header will be on sale atthe gate at $1.00 for students and$2.00 for others.Semi-Finals March 10Chicago vt. MacMurray, 7:30Evansville Lincoln, 9:15Finals March 11Consolation gmme, 7:00Championship game, 8:45If the Maroons win the regional,they will go to Evansville, Ind.for the finals March 16-18. 'ITiirty-two teams from all over the coun¬try are entered.Tuesday — After jumping outto a 32-17 halftime lead at St.Procopius, the Maroons playederratically and coasted to a 49-44victory over the fired up Cardi¬nals. Jack Krueger, who was in¬jured when UC racked St. Pro¬copius three weeks ago, 77-41,kept the Cards in the game withhis long jump shooting. Joel Ze¬mans, Chicago ace scorer at 14.6|K>in1s per game, was high in scor¬ing with 18.Saturday — Chicago rallied inihe last five minutes to ^dgeWashington of St. Louis, 51-46.The Maroons led most of the wayand opened up a 35-28 lead with9:50 to play before the Bears tooka 40-38 advantage at 4:50 on fourbaskets by Sandy Pomerantz andtwo jump shots by Charlie Steg-meyer.Then the Maroons came roaringback for their 16th triumph ofthe year. Free throws and thebonus free throw rule again pro¬vided the margin of victory. GerryHELP WANTED$350 per month or more port time.Full time $20,000 per year and up.Men and women wanted to retailor wholesale in Chicago or anystate or locality. New and unusualopportunity. Call MU 4-0413 eve¬nings or after 2 p.m.TAhSAM-YfcNCHINESE . AMERICANRESTAURANTSpecializing inCANTONESE ANDAMERICAN DISHESOpen Dally11 A.M. t* 10:38 P.M.ORDERS TO TAKE OU71318 loot 63rd St. BU 8 -9018Junior YearinNew YorkAn unusual one-yearcollege programWrite forbrochure for• Junior Ytor Program■ New York University{ New York 3, N. Y.e«i...... Toren closed the gap to one pointwith a charity toss, and afterJerry Tomasovic snapped in a vitaljumper to give the load back tothe Maroons at 3:40, John Daveyand Joel Zemans hit from thecharity line to put UC ahead bythree. Zeman’s was the first halfof UC’s first and 1 opportunity,which came at 2:00. Since the Ma¬roons committed only five fouls inthe second half, the Bears neverwere awarded the bonus shotArt Sidner got Washington hackin contention, but the Big Z pro¬vided the Maroons with a ‘com¬fortable’ four point margin at 1:10with his specialty, the three pointplay. His driving lay-up was thesole bucket of the game for Chi¬cago’s leading scorer.Washington came within twopoints of UC with a minute to playon a basket by Larry Gandal, butLarry Liss shook loose for fourpoints in the last 50 seconds, twoof them on that precious 1 and 1.The box scores:Chicago 49 St. Procopius 44FG FT P FG FT PToren 2 6-6 4 Hooten 2 0-0 3Zemans 6 6-14 3 Hanley 5 5-6 4Erick sen 4 1-4 4 Chorvat 0 1-1 1Lias l 0-0 0 Krueger 6 4-5 4Davey 3 2-3 1 Jurewicz 1 0-2 1Tomas’ic 0 0-3 0 Duray 0 2-2 2Lahti 0 0-0 1 Power 1 2-2 2Devitt 0 0-0 1Paulsell 1 0-0 0 Totals 15 14-18 18Totals 17 15-30 14Chicago 51 Wasington 46FG FT P FG FT PZemans 1 2-5 8 Strecker 2 1-2 2Toren 0 3-4 1 Sfcegmeyer 3 0-1 •lEricksen 7 3-6 3 Luecht’fld 1 0-0 4Davey 4 2-5 1 Pomerantz 9 4-6 4Liss 4 3-3 3 Lattig 0 2-2 1Devitt 2 0-1 0 Reitmeier 0 0-1 0Tomas’ic 1 0-0 1 Gandal 1 0-0 4— — Sidner 3 1-2 2Totals 19 13-24 12 — —Totals 19 8-14 21 WAA holds meetThe Women’s Athletic associa¬tion [WAA] will play host Satur¬day to fourteen women’s varsityteams from ten visiting collegesand universities, at Chicago’s 26thannual basketball sportsday.Chicago itself will enter twoteams — the women’s varsity,coached by Martha Kloo and Ro¬berta Jorgesen, which has a 6-2record, and the Quadrangler’s clubteam, winners of the inter-dorm-inter-club basketball tournament.Each team will play two games,beginning at 9:30 am, with lunchbeing served to the guests in theNew Dorm dining room. Other re-cration being planned is swim¬ming [9:45 to 11:15], bowling, andping pong.Fencers foiledAlthough they racked up theirbest record since 1950, the UCfencers absorbed a double defeatat Iowa City Saturday. Iowadowned them 18-9, and Ohio State,unbeaten in Big Ten competition,trounced the Maroons 20-7.Three fencers concluded theirindividual dual-meet action. Cap¬tain and first sabre, Ellio Lilien,beat all three Buckeyes and wontwo of three against Iowa to finish the season with a 33-6 record,second best in the midwest.Although Jim Milgram, first foil,suffered a reversal against OSU,he nevertheless carded a very re¬spectable 25-8 for the year. RonShelton, senior epee, concludedwith 21-18.Coach Alvar Hermanson losesthese three, but prospects for nextyear are bright with returning let-terman Jack Kolar and GaryCrane, plus a host of experiencedmen in all weapons and a fine cropof freshmen.Teams all successfulThis was a year of success forUC varsity teams. The cagersracked up their finest record in 52years, the wrestlers were betterthan any Maroon mat team since1948, and the fencers topped theefforts of all teams since 1950.The wrestlers finished with a5-4 record, which is the first win¬ning season since the 1947-48 year.Western Michigan, probably thebest opponent they faced all year,dropped them Saturday 17-11.Every match was close. There was only one pin.WMU had two unbeaten mengoing into the meet. Erickson ex¬tended his streak by stopping UC’sMike Eisenberg 4-0, but Coonfieldcame up against the Maroon’s ace,Cliff Cox and lost 6-3.Still unbeaten with a 9-0 mark,Cox, who moved up a notch to147 to battle Coonfield, probablywill have a shot at the NCAAchampionship next year. He is onlya freshman and may be one ofthe finest wrestlers Chicago hasever had.Co-capain and athlete of theweek Jim Baillie turned in a finematch to win an exciting 1-0 vic¬tory. In the heavyweight class, UCneeded a decision to tie and a pinto win, but Herb Tallitsch lost aheart-breaking 1-0 decision.With seven seasoned sophomoresin the line-up, coach Ron Wange-rin is already looking forward tonext year. The tough core of firstyear men — Baillie, Cox, Watson,Seidel, and Garsch — should withdevelopment become one of th«most powerful mat outfits in Mab’story.Joseph H. Aaron, 'llThe ConnecticutMntnal Life InsuranceCompany of HartfordSince 1846, over 100 years, hassafeguarded your family.135 S. LaSalle St.Salte 825 It A 6-1060 Eye ExaminationFashion EyewearContact lensesDr. Kurt Rosenbaumoptometrist1132 E. 55th Streetof University AveHVde Park 3-8372EUROPE-NEAR EAST->395Special Conducted Student ToursMeet us in Venice and tour the Mediter¬ranean; sailing to Greek Islands, Rhodes,Cyprus and Israel. Includes guided tours,folk dancing, seminars, life on a kibbutz,etc., 27 days only $395 and up.For All Your Travel NeedsColl, Write or Visit Us Now IROYAL STUDENT TOURS (Div. of PATRA Inc.)665 Fifth Ave., N.Y.C. • Tel.: PLaza 1-5540 We all make mistakesERASE WITHOUT A TRACEON EATON’S CORRASABLE BONDTouch-type, hunt-and-peck, type with one hand tiedbehind your back—it’s easy to turn out perfect paperson Corrasable. Because you can erase without a trace.Typing errors disappear like magic with just the flick ofan ordinary pencil eraser. There’s never a telltale erasuremark on Corrasable’s special surface.Corrasable is available in light,medium, heavy weights and OnionSkin. In convenient 100-sheet 'packets and 500-sheet reamboxes. Only Eaton makesCorrasable.A Berkshire Typewriter PaperEATON PAPER CORPORATION i*E*: PITTSFIELD, MASS.COLLEGE COEDFASHION CONTESTTWENTY-FIVE EXCITING PRIZESINCLUDING AN ALL EXPENSE PAID TRIP TO LOS ANGELES TO WORKAT LANZ FOR 6 WEEKS DURING SUMMER VACATION AND FABULOUSIANZ WARDROBES. CONTEST FORMS AND INFORMATION AT:Chas. A. Steven’sChicago. . . also Hubbard Woods, Winnetka,LaGrange ParkMarch 3, 1961 • CHICAGO MAROON • 13Hold symposium on Man 'NUT'tobeevaluated« t j . y . . .. „ . * . . .. . .. , * “NUT at UC” met last weekend to discuss the ideas anH“The Needs and Images Of yola, will discuss “organizations pated in the recent cultural ex- . f organization such as New TTnivercitv uTMan,” a public symposium on and social agencies available in change with USSR; Philip Roth, ‘ a~az;nG t* uas decided that the function of ^th °Ug 1American life and literature communities for co-operative ef- author and visiting lecturer at the magazine, ft was decided that the function of the groupAmerican life and literature,will be held next Tuesday,March 7, by the Anti-defamationleague of B’nai B’rith and Loyolauniversity. communities for co-operative ef- author & ... — , ,. afort.” University of Iowa, who from would be threefold, including distribution, discussion, andThe next two sessions of this 1956-58 instructed English at UC; research, according to Athens - —conference will bo devoted to the and Richard T. Sullivan, novelist one of the orgamZcrs groups on campus taking action‘needs of man in urban life inFour discussion sessions at modern America and the imagesLoyola university Lewis towers, man 0,1 *he Amencan scene,located at 820 North Michigan Rcverenjd John J^ W right,^bishopavenue, have been arranged by of the Catholic diocese in Pitts- and professor of English at NotreDame, will contribute their viewson the “images of man in Ameri¬can letters” at this concluding ses¬sion.All of these meetings and dis¬cussions on March 7 at Loyola abroad.Discussion is a “means of ae-these two religious organizations hurgh, will undertake needs atas part of a program for an “inter- the 12:30 pm luncheon meeting, ... ... . . .. uiov.uw.u.1 ro a iuc#ns ui at-cultural exchange.” The imputed and at 2:30 pm.; f ather Joseph P ’ . di . " complishing the purpose of the. ... ° . . p Fit7natriek associate Drofessor bott Rosen, the midwest director ., , . „ .,purpose of this broad program is, of the Anti-defamation league, in ™agazine.’ eliciting thought, saidolJuG I-rotUK 4- , , ., upon problems presented in theThe distribution work, he said, artiClesis “purely mechanical,” involving The research grou have twork in selling and distributing purposes: providing the basis foric^nmagaZilne' T reaches some future magazine articles and edu-75°0 People in the country and cating their members Reseavchprojects would be conducted onsuch problems as labor and unemployment, the reaction of thepress to the U-2 incident, problemaccording to representatives of of sociology at fordham univer- _ ~ meonarns. Discussion groups nf qpfnpi»fltinn in nrhmt i citv* Arnnlrl T\T nrof0ssor announcing tliG symposium to trio . * * , . ., c ^<*11011 in uiDcin communiLoyola university, to “exchange siry> Arnoiu iw. icose, pioie^ux will be formed to consider theevaluations of man, his needs in sociology at the University of ration « 1f mvwi Hi*deas foundurban life and his methods of Minnesota; Martin J. Svaglic, pro- the deliberations will provide anS. amp,r.Uc' of English a! Loyola; and exciHng MAeM experienceculture” in order that “we mWht Rabbi Arthur Gilbert, national di- and hopefully will make a lastingincrease awareness of America’s ccctor of the Anti-defamation contribution to the commonheritage, better understanding of league> w*d speak on the images goo(j »#urban life today, and strengthen of man in America,purpose for our nation’s future.” The final meeting and diseus-Oscar Handlin, Pulitzer prize s‘on ^ie !.^s vv‘11 be beld thatwinner and professor of history evenin£ a* ^:00 Pm following aat Harvard, and US SenatoV suPPer at tho university for allEugene McCarthy from Minne- participants and members of thesota will address the first meeting public holding reservations,at 10:00 am on "the dignity of man Philip scharper, editor and au-and the demands of social justice .. , . .. . „ ^llK1,in America." Following this ad- thor «* vanous ”**“”* pub"ta’dress, Nathan Glazer, sociologist dons such as the American Cath-and co-author of The Lonely olios and drama reviewer for TheCrowd, and William J. Kenealy, Critic; Alfred Kazin, literary cri-visiting professor of law at Lo- tic. author and editor, who partici- ties.■ . .. . Pse'v University The purpose of NUT, as expresThought articles. sod by Larry Landry, one of itsAccording to Theoharris, the nine editors, is that of a politicalmagazine does not deal only with publication, which “collects facts,“philosophical issues.” Its articles, analyzes them and forms opinionshe hopes, will ultimately result in and then carries them into action!WUCB program guideALEC GUINESS-THE LAVENDER HILL MOB+ "How Now Me Boing - Boing"Breasted Hall - Oriental Institute3 p.m. Cr 8 p.m. — Sunday — 50c Friday, March 37:30 am The Morning Show — Eachweekday morning for an hour anda half.7:00 pm Jazz Archives—with BUI Peter¬man. This week the Hot Seven.7:30 Lalande—Symphonies des Soupeisdu Roy (Suite No. 4).Handel—Trio Sonata in F for TwoViolins, Cello, and Harpsichord,op. 5, No. 6.8:00 Gretry—Ballet Suite.Mozart—Concerto No. 17 in G forPlano and Orchestra, K. 453.Beethoven—Rondlno In E flat forWind Octet, op. post.0:00 Dvorak—Trio In e for Strings, op.90, “Dumky.”Borodin—Symphony No. 2 In b.10:00 Mousisorgsky—Pictures at an Exhi¬bition.Gounod—Petite Symphonie forWind Instruments.LUNCH SATURDAY ATTh. ffi&DICI •• *»GREEN DOORA most pleasant coffee house - hook shop1450 East 57th Book Shop Open Daily 10 a.m. HARPERLIQUOR STORE1114 - 16 East 55th StreetFull line of imported and domesticwines, liquors and beer at lowestprices.FREE DELIVERYPHONEA M — 1233f A a—1318■ —7699 Chopin—Impromptu No. 1 in Aflat, op. 29.11:00 Ibert—Escales (Ports of Call).Dohnanyl—Concerto for Cello andOrchestra, op. 12.Debussy—Nocturnes for Orchestra.Sunday, March 57:00 Pergolesl—Stubs t Mater.Mozart — Quartet No. 14 in G forStrings. K. 387.S:15 British Information Servicesweekly presentation.8:30 Humanities 112 Program — pro¬duced by Barry Bayer.9:30 Beethoven — Trio No. 5 In D forPlano, Violin, and Cello, op. 70,No. 1.10:00 Brahms—Hungarian Dances Nos.5. 6. 17, 3, 1, and 20 for Orchestra.Bruch—Concerto In g for Violinand Orchestra, op. 26.Copland—Four Episodes from theBallet “Rodeo."11:00 Kodaly—Galanta Dances <1933i.Shostakovltch—Symphony No. 5,op. 47.Monday, March 67:00 Mozart—A Musical Joke. K. 522...Schubert—Quartet No. 13 In a forStrings, op. 29.8:00Jdarty’s Night Out—Theatre and'Urns re8:15 This Week at the UN.reviewed by Marty Rablno-CANOE TRIPSINTO Minnesota-Quetico wildernessarea. Adventure, thrills, fine fishing,easy access to remote wilderness. Lo¬cated on the Canadian border. Per¬sonal help for beginners and experts.Cost: $6 per day.Gunflint Northwoods OutfittersGRAND MARAIS 59, MINNESOTACLARK Theatredark & madisonh 2-2845 -At open 7:30 a.m.late show4 different doublefeature daily50 •t aH timesforcollege otudents MARCHjust present your i.d. cardto the cashierSUNDAY5) John gTegson, peggy cum¬mins “the captain’s table"freighter captain’s “maidenvoyage” as skipper of pleas¬ure ship (Jack lee)spencer tracy, fredrlc march“inherit the wind’’ dramabased on famed “scopesmonkey trial"(Stanley kramer)a Sunday film guild program12) “madame butterfly"opera classic of love ofamerlcan and Japanese girl(carmen gallone)marta toren “2 loves had i"life of puccini(carmen gallone)a Sunday film guild program19) william holden“stalag 17"inside a nazi prison(billy wilder)holden, grace kelly, bingcrosby “the country girl”“washed-up” star triescomeback (george seatoma Sunday film guild program26) doris day “pajamagame” spoof of labor andmanagement (george ubbottand Stanley donen)tab hunter, gwen verdou“damn yankees!”the year the yankees lo»tthe pennant (abbottSc donen)a Sunday film guild program MONDAY6) terry moore“why must i die?”woman on “deathrow" (roy del ruth)Joel mccrea "gun-fight at dodge city"adventures of "bat"masterson(Jos. m. newman)13) debra paget“journey to the lostcity" adventure InIndia (Jos. pevney)edmund purdom“herod the great"biblical spectacle(arnaldo genoino)20) gene barry“liong kong confi¬dential" Intelli¬gence probes, royalabduction(edward 1. cahn)brlan kelth "tenwho dared" explor¬ation of unchartedColorado river(william beaudlne)27) audie murphy“cast a longshadow” “illegiti¬mate” cowboyInherits fortune(thomas carr)cam. mttchell, jas.Whitmore “face offire" disfiguredman Is shunned byvillagers (al. band) TUESDAY7) a. ladd. e.g. rob-lnson “hell onfrisco bay" ex-copfights fishing in¬dustry "syndicate”(frank tuttle)r. mitchtim, tabhunter “track ofthe cat” hunt for akiller lion(wm. a. wellman)14) Jeff chandler“10 seconds to hell”bomb disposal inpost-war germany(robert aldrich)r. mitchum, Julielondon “wonderfulcountry" adven¬tures of mexican“plstoleros”(robert parrish)21) audie murphy“joe butterfly”g.l.’s battle redtape to start yankmagazine in japan(Jesse bibbs)glenn ford, vanheflin “3:10 toyuma” randher“escorts” outlaw tojail (delmer daves)28) john mills“dunkirk” brltlshtreat from europe(leslle norman)robert ryan, burlIves “day of theoutlaw" army de¬serters terrorizewestern town(andre de toth) ^ Sundoy Film Guildif write in for free program guide if little gal-lery for gols onlyif every friday is ladies dayall gals admitted for only 25cWEDNESDAY THURSDAY1) ray danton“outside the law”g.l. helps treasurydept, crack coun¬terfeit ring(Jack amold)glenn ford, lee mar-vln “the big heat”ex-detectlve solvesmurder (fritz lang)8) tab hunter“lafayette esca-drille" escapades ofyank In famedfrench air unit(will. a. wellman)lee J. cobb, rlch’dboone “garmentjungle" racketeersvs. garment union(Vincent sherman)15) b. lancaster,t. curtls “sweetsmell of success"machinations ofruthless columnist(a. mackendrlck)anth. qulnn, annainagnani “wild isthe wind" widowerimports wife’ssister as “bride"(george cukor)22) James gamer“darby’s rangers"story of america’scommandos(wm. a. wellman)brian keith,e. zlmbalist “vio¬lent road" harrow¬ing lives of menwho drive truckscarrying rocket fuel(nlcholas ray)29) ernest borgnine“man on a string”true story ofamerlcan spy(andre de toth)dlana dors, edConstantine “room43" girls trappedinto “oldest profes¬sion” (a. rakoff) 2) glenn ford “tor¬pedo run” saga offighting sub com¬mander (J. pevney)gary cooper, 1. J.cobb “man of thewest” colorful adultwestern (a. mann)9) k. douglas,s. hayward “topsecret affair"woman publishervows to “break”tough general(h. c. potter)tab hunter, nat.wood “girl he leftbehind” adventuresof “reluctant" g.l.(david butler)16) clint walker“fort dobbs" west¬ern manhunt(gordon douglas)rory calhoun, barb,rush "flight tohong kong" dia¬monds are stolenfrom hong kongbound plane(jos. m. newman)23) alan ladd,J. allyson “them’connell story”life of u.s. top Jetace (g. douglas)burl Ives, Chris,plummer “windacross the ever¬glades” adventureIn the florlda wild¬erness (nich. ray)30) raymond burr“cry in the nite”.“peeping tom"haunts lover’s lane(frank tuttle)John wayne. donnareed "trouble alongthe way” small col¬lege hires “name"football coach(mlcliael curtls) FRIDAY(Ladies Day)3) Jeff chandler,kim novak “Jeanneeagels" dramaticstory of fabulousstar (geo. Sidney)greg peck, deborahkerr “belovedinfidel” stormy ro¬mance of scott fltz-gerald & sheilagraham (h. king)10) f. astaire, cydcharisse “silk stock¬ings” “nlnotchka’’with music(r. mamoullan)astaire, audrey hep-burn “funny face”“ugly duckling" Nbecomes top model(Stanley donen)17) gable, Jane rus-sell “tall men"giant western(raoul walsh)gable, susan hay-ward “soldier offortune” intrigueIn the far east(edw. dmytrky)24) david brlan“no place to hide”children “steal”pellet of deadlygerms (J. shaftel)jas. stewart. leeremlck “anatomyof a murder”“country lawyer"defends officer ac¬cused of murder(otto premlnger)31) tab hunter,sophla loren “thatkind of woman”romance of GI and"kept” woman(Sidney lumet)gary cooper, ritahayworth “theycame to cordura"dangerous trek“separates the menfrom the boys”(robert rossenj SATURDAY4) fred maemurray“shaggy dog" boy“turns Into a dog"(Charles barton)Jack lemmon“wackiest ship inthe army” wildvoyage of an “old"tub (r. murphy)—kids under 12 freewith parents today’.11) nelly corradi“la traviata" Ver¬di’s great opera onthe screen(carmen gallone)dirk bogarde “songwithout end” /romantic career offranz liszt(Charles vldor)18) marlon brando“the wild one”cyclists “invade"village (1. benedek)brando. rod steiger“on the water¬front" award-win¬ning film aboutwaterfront "mob”(elia kazan)25) bogart, avagardner “barefootcontessa” stormycareer of glamorousmovie star (JosephI. manklewlcz)paul newman,J. simmons “untilthey sail” Jas.mlchner’s story ofg.l.’s In new Zea¬land St their girls(robt. wise)April 1 d. day, rexharrison “mldnitelace” woman is ter¬rorized by mysteri¬ous “killer”(david miller)franciosa, Icllo-brlgida “go nakedin the world” ex-g.i. falls for city’smost notoriouscall-girl(r. macdougall)Program subject to change without notice underlined films are in color (directors name in parentheses following thumb-nail synopsis) 8:30 Haydn—Symphony No. 2:flat, “Der Philosoph.’’Beethoven—Sonata No. 14 in <sharp for Plano, op. 27, No 2“Moonlight.”Schumann—Quartet No. 1 In a forStrings, op. 41.9:3* Satie—Socrate. Dramatic Sym¬phony for Voices and Orchestra.Hindemith—T heme and FourVariations for Plano and Strings,“The Four Temperaments.”„ Berg—Quartet for Strings, op. 311:00 Somethin* Rise—modern Jazz withMike Edeteteln.Tuesday, March 77:00 Bach—Cantata No. 105, “Herr gehcntchts ins Gericht.”Mozart—Concerto No. 9 in E flatfor Plano and Orchestra, K. 2718:00 Events That Shaped History—withI Richard Mlzrack.8:15 Concerto in g for Organ and Or¬chestra. op. 4, No. 1.8:30 llaydn—Quartet in G, op. 77, No. 1Pachelbel—Ciacona In f for Organv Schumann-Symphony No. I In Bflat. op. 38, “Spring.”9:30 Grieg—Concerto in a for Pianonnd Orchestra, op. 16.10:00 Brahms—Sonata No. 1 in G forViolin and Plano, op. 78.Sibelius—The Swan of TuonelaTchaikovsky—Waltz and Poonalsrfrom the Opera “Eugen Onegin.’’Wagner—Dawn and SlegfrledVRhine Journey from “Die Gotter-damerung.”11:00 Bound for Glory—folk music withMark Ray.Wednesday, March 87:00 Musical Comedy—This week TheKing and I.8:00 Ravel—Alborada del gracloso andPavane for a Dead Princess forPlano.Strauss—Eln Heldenleben, op 409:00 Ponchielli — LaGioconda (completeopera).Mozart—Serenade No. 13 in G. K525, "Elne Klelne Nachtmuslk.”Thursday, March 97:30 Jabberwocky—with Shorty SplioFriday, March 10 andSaturday, March 117:15 Varsity Basketball—w i t h JohnKim and Ira Ftstell. Each of thesetwo nights we will broadcast, livefrom the Field House, two gamesin the NCAA, Great Lakes section,tournament.GUITARSBANJOSMANDOLINSTHEFRET SHOP5535 DorchesterMl 3-3459REVELSIs Qood Likea FacultyShow Should!March 10 and 11Mandel HallTickets $3On SaleAt the Quadrangle ClubFor Reservations Call:HY 3-8601 orExtension 369614 • CHICACO MAROON • March 3, 1961Culture VultureThe more man "progresses” (Progress can be a backwards as weM as a frontwards motion), the more he destroys the essenceof Nature and the meaning of his own life. The essence of Nature is its aliveness — green shoots pushing through black soilat the coming of spring, clouds scudding across the heavens in vain attempt to obliterate the sun forever. It is this alivenesswhich poets and artists and the man in the street extol. Yet for reasons scientific (which are reasons, not feelings, and thus inthis case barely reasons at all), the human race is creating an ever expanding sheet of concrete across the earth to hide thegreenness of the grass and an ever descending dome of industrial smog to obliterate the sun — forever. This realm of control andexploitation extends into man's relationship with man. There, it does not stifle breathing, cell-dividing life, but it chokes out thathumanity which distinguishes man from automon. For Nature, the essential thing is to stay alive; for man, the essential thing isnot to stay alive, but to remain human. Man must pass on to succeeding generations the essence of human creativity and spon¬taneity, values which can be nurtured in his soul only by freedom of action and of contemplation. That freedom is steadily beingdenied us.On CampusTheatreUniversity theatre is beingtrue 1o its declared “expansionpolicy” in so far as they are ex¬tending pseudopods in all direc¬tions. A rather shaky tentacle at¬taches the main Reynolds clubbody to the International houseenvironment where there existsa band of roving players. Thiscosmopolitan group announcestry-outs for The Cadaver, a playby Alberto Florentino, and to bedirected by Mrs. Gene Edades.The Cadaver is a one-act play(who could stand more time withsuch an object?) to presentedon April 1 or 2 along withChandlice by Taggore. Try-outswill be held tomorrow at 3 pm inRoom A at International house.MusicIn Mandel hall tonight will bethe big sounds of a name artistmaking her Chicago debut(though some press agents don’tseem to know it). In Ida NoyesHast lounge will be the virtues ofan intimate piano recital — ref¬uge for those of refined musicalj>alate. The Bennington Collegealumnae association is presentingpianist and composer Lionel No¬wak.Nowak will play the WalsteinSonata by Beethoven, Four Evoca¬tions by Ruggles, Liszt’s Sonatain B minor, and an original workwhich he calls Fantasia. The reci¬tal starts at 8:30; student admis¬sion 75c.Let there be song, and theVulture's heart takes wing to thenearest ray of sunshine. Happily for the plight of humanity, thesunbeams get unbelievably full,and nothing is being done to elim¬inate the over-crowded conditions.This Sunday at 8:30 pm (we shallhave to use moonbeams!) in theEast lounge of Ida Noyes, the Mu¬sical Society will present a con¬cert of songs and arias.Contrasting 18th and 20th cen¬tury styles, the group will renderworks of Mozart (arias from DonGiovanni), Haydn (Three Quar¬tets for mixed voices, thought bythe composer to be the best ofhis music), Bartok (Eight Hun¬garian Folksongs — Bartok is afolk song scholar as well as anavant-garde composer. Ought tobe the patron saint of the arts onthis campus; de Falla a cycleof popular Spanish songs), andStravinsky (an aria from the neo¬classical opera, the Rake's Prog¬ress).The University of Chicago Sym¬phony orchestra will set Mandelon fire with their Winter concert,to be presented Saturday night(tomorrow) at 8:30 pm. Admis¬sion is free. The concert will openwith The Unanswered Question(1908) by Charles Ives, followedby the Overture to Der Freischutzby Weber, the Beethoven ViolinConcerto with Ivan Sellin on vi¬olin, Berlioz’ Roman CarnivalOverture, and Schumann’s SecondSymphony. Admission is free.CinemaThere are in this intellectualcommunity, Chamber Concert Se¬ries, Doc. Film Series, lecture se¬ries, and now it appears we aregraced by another: the “NeedyStudent Governmentalists Go toOrchestra will giveconcert tomorrow the Movies” series. Two weeksago it was POLIT; now it’s PRO(what?), rather Sunday after¬noon and evening it will be. To“help bring responsible studentgovernment back to campus,”PRO is presenting two Academyaward winning films which oughtto give people an idea of whatthey’re talking about. LavenderHill Mob, featuring a not-too-re-sponsible Alec Guinness, and HowNow, McBoingBoing (the mostresponsible guy in the movies!)will be presented at a 3 pm show¬ing and again at 8 pm, in Brestedhall. Admission is 50c.“I must go down to the seaagain,” to *see Marlon and theblack leather-jacketed boys. Whoneeds the sea? Across the Mid¬way this evening, in a mightyfortress which doubles as wharf-front warehouse, Marlon and theboys congregate On the Water¬front. This winner of eight Acad¬emy awards is directed by EliaKazan and based on a story byBudd Schulberg, with a musicalscore by Leonard Bernstein.Showings at 8 and 10 sharp. Ad¬mission is not free.Fervent cries of “We’re a jockschool, that’s what we are” havebeen rending the midnight air forthe past few weeks. Now withthe NCAA invitation, it can’t bedenied. And the situation goesfarther.Next Monday at Internationalhouse the featured movies will bethe story of the Globetrotters,how they started, how they strug¬gled for recognition, and how theysucceeded in becoming one of thegreat sports attractions of theworld and of all history. Go ManGo is riffled through with thecomedy basketball of the Globe¬trotters, the basketball which de¬mands such skill and coordina¬tion. Showings are at 7 and 10 inthe East lounge. Admission 50c.The University of Chicago Symphony orchestra will giveits Winter Concert in Mandel hall March 4, at 8:30 pm. Admis¬sion is free. The program consists of “The Unanswered Ques¬tion” (1908) by Charles Ives, Beethoven’s Violin Concerto,Overture to “Der Freisehutz” byWeber, Berlioz “Roman CarnivalOverture,” and Schumann’s “Sec¬ond Symphony.” H. Colin Slimwill direct the orchestra.“The Unanswered Question” isa work of startling originality anddaring for 1961, let alone 1908.Since the flutes become gradual¬ly faster, while the strings andtrumpet play at a constant tempo,it requires two conductors, ac¬cording to members of the orches¬tra. Slim will direct the stringsand the trumpet and EasleyBlackwood, will lead the flutes.Ives has explained the mean¬ing of the piece in the followingmanner: “The strings representThe Silences of the Druids —jazz:opens:mccqrmick:IGALA OPENING—McCormick Place Theatre! |I SAT. EVE., MARCH 18-8:15 I| * AHMAD JAMAL TRIO |_ * WOODY HERMAN S ORCH. ,■ * ANITA O'DAY *| * DAN SORKIN, M.C. |, * THE MELLODONS ,A Plus Many Others *| TICKETS—J2.50, 1.50, 5.00 |Tw Inti.) INow on tnlo ot:I LOOP: LEO ROSE 212 S. Sfoto I-NORTH: SCOTT HALL. N.U. m0 SOUTH: MET MUSIC 32S E. Mth ■■ FELL'S—Winnetk*. Cloncoa |•nd Highland Park| Mail Orden to:'JaixOpant McCormick' |^ McCormick Placo, Chicago j Who Know, See, and Hear Noth¬ing.’ The trumpet intones ‘ThePerennial Question of Existence.’The hunt for ‘The Invisible An¬swer’ is undertaken by the flutes.”. Ivan Sellin, concertmaster ofthe orchestra, is the soloist in theViolin Concerto. This piece shouldbe of special interest to studentsin the Hum. I sequence since itis part of the curriculum forHum. 113. Off CampusTheatre“A Raisin in the Sun will makeyou proud of human beings.”These few words, so rarely ut¬tered about anything, ought tosend the world running to theBlackstone theatre to see thisplay written by a Chicago play¬wright about a Chicago locale.Claudia McNeil stars as the mag¬nificent matriarch in this NewYork Critics “Best Play of theYear” award, which deals withthe racial and housing problemsof Chicago’s South Side.Lorraine Hansberry has treatedAppointment only Ml 3-8032FLORENCE RESNIKOFFCUSTOM JEWELRY DESIGNPrecious Stones Matched Wedding SetsThe only Chicago designer to be in¬cluded in “Design Quarterly’s” sur¬vey of contemporary jewelry craftsmenNOW PLAYING'' NEVER ON SUN DAY"StarringJULES DASSINMELINA MERCOURIBest Actress — Cannes Film FestivalDearbornAt DivisionPhone DE 7-1763Special student rote for oil performances seven days a weekJust Show Cashier Your i.D. Card the oft-times touchy subject withhumor, warmth, and understand¬ing rather than with the obstrusesymbolism -that much of today’stheatre is riddled with. The play,with its original cast intact ex¬cept for Sidney Potier, is at theBlackstone for a limited engage¬ment only, through April 1. Tick¬ets for students and faculty areavailable for $1.50 with specialEducator’s Theatre Committeecoupons.Direct from Broadway: TheHostage, by Brendan Behan. “Ir-revent Hilarity!” “Hellzapoppin!”“A Ripsnorter!” “Audience wentwild!” “Lusty and Ludicrous” “Awild night and a welcome one!”“Racy and Uproarious!” Forgetabout getting drunk; see this un¬expurgated hit. at the Civic the¬atre, 20 N. Wacker Drive, Chica¬go 6.MusicMonday night at the Birdhouse(1205 N. Dearborn) will be thesite of a 4 Hour Circus to benefitBig Table. And what a circus itshall be; drama, art, folk music,and literature wil labound in wildprofusion. Drama — skits from“Happy Medium”; Second CityWorkshop; Severn Darden, thefamed comedian who once playedjazz on the Rockefeller Chapelbells! Folk Music — Will Holtand Dolly Jonah; Bob Gibson andBob Camp; Inman and Ira andtheir rhythmic body slapping; theTarriers. Literary Panel — Nel¬son Algren (“Man With the Gold¬en Arm”), A. C. Spektorsky,Studs Terkel. Art Panel — localartists including . . . but the Vul¬ture has lost her breath and iswaiting in hopeless impatiencefor 8 pm March 6. Tickets are $3at the door, but it is -well worthit.More folk music, this time atBrentano’s book store to celebratethe opening of their Folk MusicRecord department. Sandy Pay-ton, Frank Hamilton, Ella Jen¬kins, Win Straeke and others willbe there to add to Brentano’sblessed event. Music commencesthere at 6 pm on Monday,March 6.Or perhaps you prefer some¬ thing along a more refined line.Ah! Just the thing. The currentexhibit at the Art institute, TheArts of Denmark, will be comple¬mented by a Gallery Concert con¬sisting entirely of Music fromDenmark, performed by the Chi¬cago Chamber orchestra underthe direction of Dieter Kober.The concert will open with anancient folk melody (well, if youcan’t beat them . . .), Stalt Ves-selil, transcribed for string or¬chestra by Peder Marius especial¬ly for this occasion. Trumpet vir¬tuoso Frank Kaderbek will appearas soloist in the premiere of con¬temporary Knudage Riisager’sConcerto for Trumpet and Or¬chestra, Op. 29. The concert willend on a romantic note with theSymplmny No. 6, Spiritu: He, byAsger Hamerik, a native of Co¬penhagen. Sunday. March 5 at3:30 in Gallery 50 of the Artinstitute.CinemaThe Hyde Park is presentingthis week two classics: a crime-thriller one, and a John Steinbeckone. The moral of The AsphaltJungle is: if you had to play onconcrete instead of grass, you’dbe a killer too. It stars Sam Jaf-fre, Louis Calhern, and MarilynMonroe, and is directed by JohnHuston. Elia Kazan’s adaptationof Steinbeck’s East of Eden isthe second of the duo. It is tan-talizingly weighted with biblicalsymbols and should be seen twice.Julie Harris, Jo VanFlect, and thelate James Dean play the leadsand play them well.Study inGuadalajara, MexicoThe Guadolajoro Summer School,a fully accredited University ofArizona proorom, conducted in co¬operation with professors fromStanford University, University ofCalifornio, ond Guadalajara, willoffer July 3 to August 11, art,folklore, geography, history, lan¬guage ond literature courses. Tui¬tion, board ond room is $245.Write Prof. Juon B. Rael, P.O. Box7227, Stanford, Calif.LAKE //PARK AT SJ R D : N07 9071the (Vyde park theatreStudent Rate 65c All PerformancesStarts Friday, March 3A Rare Reshowing of TwoMemorable Achievementsin Cinema ArtELIA KAZAN’S production ofJOHN STEINBECK'SJulie Harris — James Dean — Jo Van FleetAn epic motion picture bosed on one of thegreatest novels by an important American authorANDStarring Sam Jaffe, Louis Calhern, Marilyn Monroe,James Whitmore, Sterling Hayden, Jean HagenJohn Hi-ston's milestone Crime-Thirller Clossic . . first andgreatest of the ’’Rififi,” ' The Killing,’’ etc. genreStorts Next Friday: HIROSHIMA MON AMOURExclusive showing in the originol French!March 3, 1961 • C H I C A GO MAROON • 15/9th WUCB marathon has many surprisesby Laura GodofskyDying a quick, painlessdeath, guest conductor MityaPandowski was carried awaywith his music. He was dis¬patched by a poison-tipped dartfrom a flute doubling as a blow-pipe.Pandowski’sassassination duringthe Chicago Pro Nausea Musica’sperformance of Haydn’s SurpriseSymphony was this year’s sur¬prise. The 25-member ensemble,conducted by Sir Max Runner-bien (Roger Downey) and MityaPandowski (Jim Kimi, was partof the “cast of thousands" ap¬pearing on WUCB’s 9th annualmarathon.The 26 Vj hour program lastweekend raised money for WUS'sSouth African student fund.WUCB’s contribution brings theWUS drive total to $1,837.37.The Pro Nausea, following itstradition of presenting “littleknown versions of well-knownworks,” introduced to the world“Assignments No. 6" by Jim Hil-gers and Mark Dorenson, whichfeatured the composers’ playinga signal generator.According to Hilgers. Assign¬ments No. 6 is based on “theoriesof natural dissonance caused bythe parametric amplification of around top square wave.”Hilgers manipulated the gener¬ator's level control and attenua¬tion network and Dorenson work¬ed its frequency-determining net¬work. According to Dorenson, thismeans that Hilgers turned oneknob and a switch while he turn¬ed two switches.The generator played in a two-part symphony, with Dana Smal¬ler, soprano, acting as an instru¬ment. Miss Smaller is a memberof the N. Y. Pro Nausea whichjoined its Chicago branch for themarathon performance.The N. Y. Pro Nausea, includ--ing Mary deLue. baritone, andCourtner King, soprano, per¬formed “My b o n n i e lass, shesmileth,” a “cracking good madri¬gal,” according to Runnerbien.Charlie Nelson was the ProNausea’s soloist in its version ofVivaldi’s “Concertina for well cor¬rugated washboard.”On his little princess wash¬board, made by the Columbia lad¬der and woodenware company ofPortland, Oregon, Nelson led theensemble through two renditionsof the concertina, at differenttempos.The Prc Nausea also played the4th part of Respighi’s triology,‘The pines, fountains, festivals,and sewers of Rome.” The piece“watered down into one big thing,like the Mississippi, ending up infather Tiber.” The N. Y. Pro Nau¬sea sang “Oh give me a home,where the buffalo roam ...” inthe background.The Pro Nausea concluded withHonnegger’s Pacific 23’, a tonepicture of a steam locomotivestarting, going on, and “runninginto a little trouble” across theFrench countryside.As this is Iliiunerbien’s lastyear conducting the Pro Nausea,WUCB is anxiously seeking a re¬placement. Tomlin Stevens hasbeen mentioned as Runnerbien’spossible successor.“Ten nights in a bookstore,” the poignant story of JennieGingham’s struggle to pay herdebt to the bookstore of the Uni¬versity of Colorado (abbreviatedto UC to fit into rhymed coup¬lets), was presented on Fridayand Saturday.Poor Jennie! (Farrel Madoni).Her humanities II readings alonecost her $75; her Maroon sweat¬shirt, $30. And, Hampster Pay-more (Joe Dorton), the book¬store’s manager, refused to granther a loan or an extension.Wesley Frogman (Rick Ames),the real owner of the bookstore,finding Jennie attractive, hadPassmore grant her an extension,and gleefully watched Jennie runup a debt of $1,400.Jennie returned to the book¬store for another extension, to betold by Pay more that. he is nother benefactor, who comes “fromabove.” “You mean he’s God?”asked Jennie. “No, more impor¬tant than that.”Frogman appears and danglesjewels before Jennie, who is de¬termined never to yield: “Oh, if only my brother Jack (CourtnerKing' were here.”Jennie thinks Jack had beenkilled in Alaska, where he wentto cut down Christmas trees. Hav¬ing learned from humanities IIthat “no matter what a girl does,she must bury her brother,” Jen¬nie had returned to the bookstoreto get an extension rather thangrieve uselessly for Jack.Suddenly, Jack entered, just intime to keep Jennie from fallinginto the clutches of Frogman.Jack wasn’t dead. Finding that itwas too late to sell his Christmastrees in Alaska, he went to Rus¬sia, where he sold them as NewYear’s trees, making a huge prof¬it, with which he paid Jennie’sdebt.With the remainder of hismoney, Jack and Jennie are goingto start a student cooperative.BUT, the play is not over.Frogman and Paymore have aconference with .Jack and theydecide to go "halfsies" on a new,enlarged bookstore, to include a Chevrolet agency and funeralparlor. No one will get a parkingpermit without buying a car atthe new bookstore. They planto go on soaking poor Universitystudents, heh, hell, heh.The musical morality play waswritten by Bill Gloe and RogerDowney. It featured such hittunes as “Money, money, money,”and “Now I run the bookstore atthe U of C.” The play’s orchestraconsisted of Skip Livingston onclarinet and E1 v i n Bishop onguitar.Another marathon feature wasa special meeting of the UN com¬mittee on the organization ofinter-regional aspects, with Eng¬lish, American, French, and Rus¬sian delegates, a German observerfrom Sudetenland, and an inter¬preter. (Roger Downey, BruceVermazen, and Charlie Nelson.)According to Sherwin Kaplan,the only person on WUCB whowas awake, around, and sober all26Yi hours of the marathon, theUN meeting, completely ad lib¬ bed, showed WUCB “humor at itsfinest. No one knew what wouldhappen next.”Abbie Sheldon and RogerDowney did the morning showwith food, serving this year’s newand improved rabbit jello, which,according to Downey was higherin proteins and minerals.It was made with three different flavors of jello, raspberry,foam, and has rabbits on top.Rabbit Jello was invented byGeorge F.( Hawk, who is colorblind, and who felt “there is nosubstitute for grade A rabbits.”Dave Isbeck did the morningshow without food. Mike Rapcheck of WCFL’s all night jazzshow worked with Izbech for 40minutes Saturday morning.The marathon broadcast Robert Hutchins’ farewell address onFriday night and interviewedGeorge Beadle on Saturday night.Speaking from the Chicago Washington (Mo.) basketball game.Beadle expressed delight at UC’svictory.Top grades go to Phi Sci studentsThe lowest grades in theCollege this quarter were re¬ceived in biology. This wasshown in the undergraduategrade distribution for the fallquarter, recently released to theMaroon by Wiiliam Van Cleve,registrar. course almost one-fifth failed. InMath 101 about one twentiethfailed.Section by section breakdownsare included. The figures show afairly large grade variation be¬tween different divisions or staffs,different courses, and differentsections of the same course. Thetable on this page summarizesthe results.Physical science had the high¬est percentage of both A’s and F’s.In the college physical science Social science had the smallestnumber of F’s and the largestnumber of Incompletes. The num¬ber of “blanks” here represent theapprentice teachers, who receiveno grade.Among the most striking statis¬tics are the English 101 and Rus¬sian 101 totals. In Russian 49 outof 81, about 60 per cent, were A’s.Raissa Palyi, assistant professorin the department of linguisticsand in Russian, and teacher ofRussian classes on all levels, com¬mented, “They were a wonderfulclass. They deserved every A theygot.”In English 101 there were only two A’s out of 400 students. How¬ever, there were only two A’s inthe fall quarter of 1959, and byspring there were many more.William Brady, assistant profes¬sor and examiner in English, said,“That isn’t surprising. The A andeven high B students are knockedout by the placement tests. Theothers are not likely to push theirway to an A by the end of thefirst quarter. We expect a greatdeal of improvement beforeJune.” In English 105, which isgraded with the same standardsas 101, there were also but twoA’s. pletely anonymously marked examination only. Most sectionshave about the same distributionof grades. Aaron Sayvetz, professor of physical science and exam¬iner in physical sciences in theCollege, said that the only markdecided on before the test is takenis the minimum passing score,and even that is not rigid. He alsosaid that he found no evidence ofinstructor influence on marks.This is proven in other coursesby the comparison of two differ¬ent sections taught by the sameinstructor.Division GRADES GIVEN AUTUMN QUARTER, 1959TotalNumberof Stu-I P R Bf ok dentsDBiologicalScience .... 9.94 26.52 35.68 18.33 6.44 .97 .19 .78 1.4 514PhysicalScience ... 17.40 27.04 33.72 11.44 7.44 2.48Humanities. 12.96 29.96 32.17 14.57 4.40 2.23 1.05 2.171.68 .08 25323220SocialScience ...14.40 27.47 30.53 12.51 3.44 5.71 2.58 3.17 2324Tutorial 100% 8TOTAL ..14.37 27.93 32.18 13.23 5.10 3.14 4.06 2.34 .99 8598 All Instructors and examinersquestioned agreed that variationfrom section to section was dueto random differences in the abil¬ity of a group, which might bevery large. However, thosecourses with grades based entire¬ly on impersonal grading tendedto have less variation.For example, in Physicl Science105 the grade is based on a com In comparison to this even dis¬tribution, in Humanities 124 onesection had one B, twelve C’s,thirteen D’s, another had threeB’s, thirteen C’s, twelve D’s, andan F, while another had six A’s,seven B’s, ten C’s, and four D’s.Half this grade was based on theinstructor’s evaluation of an essaywritten outside of class. In Eng¬lish 101, both of the lone A’s oc¬curred in the same section.For PRINTING Call JAY!OFFSET it LETTERPRESS it MIMEOGRAPHINGDAILY U. OF C. PICKUPSCallHI 3-0802 JAY Letter A Printing Service1950 East 75th StreetUNE POLICE SUN LIFE POUR CHAQUE BESOINPOUR VOTRECOMMERCE .7.SOUTH IMPORTMOTORS, Inc.CompleteVOLKSWAGENServiee & SalesalsoExpert Bodv Repairs1527 E. 71st St.BU 8-4900 I.a Sun Life offre ties polices spcciales qui arcor-<lent dc l’assurance sur la vie d un associc ou d’uuhommecle dc votre compagnie; vous protege/ainsi vos intcrets dans le commerce. TheCAMPUS HANGOUTwill close onSunday, MARCH 5at 8:30 p.m.and reopen onWEDNESDAY, MARCH 29at 9:00 p.m.30% to 50% DISCOUNTRepresentativeRalph J. Wood Jr.9 ’481 N. LaSalleFR 2-2390 Chicago, III.FA 4-6800 on nationally famous tireseouiplete stock ofFIRESTONE GOODYEAR TIRESU. S. RUBBER B. F. GOODRICHSUN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA DELCO BATTERIES — Special Discounted PricesamaamWATERFRONTMarlon Brando Story by Budd ShulbergLee J. Cobh Directed by KazanKarl Malden Score by BernsteinWinner of 8 Academy Awards—-Including Best PictureTonight 8 and 10 p.m. • B-J CINEMA t NEXT WEEKALL THE KING’S MEN50* Broderick CrawfordJoanne DrewWinner of 3 Academy AwardsN.Y. Film Critics Award See our complete selection of foreignand sports car tiresAL’S TIRE& SUPPLY CO.YOUR DISCOUNT TIRE HOUSE'30 Years of Dependable Service8104 S. Cottage Grove Ave.HUdson 3-858516 • CHICAGO MAROON • March 3, 1961-