Celebrate Purim carnivalIlillel foundation will cele¬brate the Jewish holiday ofPurim in *4s traditional fash-at the all-campus Purim carnivalto he held Sunday.Featuring booths and attrac¬tions sponsored by many campusorganizations, the carnival willbegin at 7:30. At 8:30, a specialprogram of humorous readingsfrom Yiddish literature will begiven by Isaac Rosenfeld, facultymember of UC’s downtown col¬lege. Rosenfeld is a writer forC ommentary magazine.Highlight of the evening willbe the selection of Queen Estherfrom candidates nominated by thevarious participating organiza¬tions. - Queen candidates and theirsponsoring organizations are:Phyllis Steiner, Green hall; DianeMirsky, Zeta Beta Tau; Flo Spec-tor, Sigma and Phi Sigma Delta;Freyda Kraus, Mortarboard; Za-hava Dudnik, World UniversityService; Carol Coggeshall, Quad-Candidates forHillel Purim car¬nival Queen are:(right) PhyllisSteiner; (below,1. to r.) DianeMirsky, FreydaKraus, ZahavaDudnik, FloSpector. ranglers: Margot Turkel, BetaTheta Pi; Donna Masters, DeltaUpsilon; Miriam Garfin, StudentGovernment.Organizations participating inthe t-arnival, but not sponsoringqueen candidates are Jazz club,Channing club, Delta Sigma, andComment.Voting for the candidates will be by the purchase of tickets atthe door for five cents each. Eachticket represents one vote, andthere is no limit on the purchaseof “vote-tickets.”Proceeds from the carnival willgo to World University Service,UC Settlement house, Hebrewuniversity, and other organiza¬tions. Howard speaksNegro National HistoryWeek, which begins on campusMonday, receives special Ma¬roon coverage on page 5. Inaddition to an exhibit in Reyn¬olds club and record concertsthere, the UC NAACP will pre¬sent Dr. Howard, expert on theTill case and other cases in¬volving Negro rights, as aspeaker on an as yet undeter¬mined date.Vol. 64, No. 34 University of Chicago, Friday, February 24, 1956Wash Prom weekend begins;Margaret Mead speaks mint julep air welcomes alumsMargaret Mead, noted anthropologist, will be the principalspeaker at the committee on human development's seventhannual symposium tomorrow in Mandel hall, open to the pub¬lic. The symposium's registration charge is $1.25.The 9 a.m. to 12 noon session consists of papers and discus¬sions on various aspects of human development. Miss Mead,associate curator of ethnology, American Museum of NaturalHistory, opens the 2 p.m. session speaking on "The comparativestudy of child-rearing: problems of simultaneity and sequence."Following her talk, William E. Henry, chairman of the com¬mittee, will lead a discussion. Discussants will be Everett C.Hughes, chairman, department of sociology, and Robert J. Hav-ighurst, profess of education, both of Ug. Washington Promenade weekend beginstonight. Alumni meetings have been plannedto coincide with Wash Prom so that Chicagoalumni may join in the weekend events.Key event is the Promenade, with coronation ofMiss UC and a trophy award for outdoor decora¬tions.Wash Prom will be held in Hutchipson CommonsSaturday night, 9:30 to 1;30. Tickets will be avail¬able at the door for $5. Although women, of course,will wear formals, tuxedos are optional for men.Chancellor Kimpton will crown Miss UC, chosenfrom seven candidates in an all-campus vote lastweek. Finalists are Bobby Whaley, Tyra Korling, Rosemary Galli, Judy Bowly, Judy Cohen, ElizaHouston, and Jeanine Johnson.The atmosphere of the Commons will be trans¬formed by a revolving dome of glass scatteringcolored light through the ballroom. Pillars andfresh flowers will help create a Southern colonialeffect. The ceiling will be closed off by a ribbonof “stars.”For the pleasure of dance goers, music will beplayed in open Reynolds club lounges, and softdrinks will be served in Mandel corridor.Responsible for the planning of Wash Prom areColeman Levin, publicity; Karen Adams, corona¬tion, Marilyn Vondrak, decorations, and Marty;Gendell, Prom committee chairman.Hot, wet insoc sci cellarA fire of prosaic origin brokeout in the basement of Social Sci¬ences building at about 5:40 p.m.yesterday.The fire, originating in a pile ofburning trash, spread to othertrash in the west end, setting offthe sprinkler system, but causingno great damage.The resulting pool of water,however, spread to the door of thePhilippines (project).By 6:10 city firemen had turnedoff the water and were applyingmop and bucket to the remains. SC to consider activities feebudget, a 200 per cent increase Gary Mokotoff, Maroon businessover the budget presently sup- manager. “If we received addi-~ plied by the administration. The ti°nal money through the activi-was submitted , . .. ., .... , ties fee we could print larger, ad-fund would provide subsidies for vertlsement Ught Newspapers."student activities. ^ 7 , * «Don McClintock, Student Forumby Larry GoodmanA plan to initiate a studentactivities feeto Dean of Students Robert M.Strozier this week.Under the proposed plan afee of $3 per quarter would belevied upon undergraduates; grad-uate students would pay *2. Upon ‘'to'e<immiitM“fues.payment of the fee, undergradu- d d Aates would receive a free copy of aSgemblyCap & Gown.The proposed fee would place$25,000 a year into the activities to bring more than one foreign de¬bate team to the University eacRyear.“The plan is wonderful!” Mo-Clintock added.. Thc»l™ ,Wli. be brouSht be- spokesman, noted that with the co-editor commented “If we werefore Student Government Tues- fun(J tbe Forum would be able to able to pay contributors even aday. According to Miriam 2arfin, vjsit tbe jarge debating tourna- small amount, the quality of eachSG secretary, who will formally ments around the country and issue could be greatly improved.’*present the plan, it will probablyday and voted upon later by theField's grant to UCrefurnishes Reynolds TV theme of ’56 revels"■> * V’V\\“The Ivory Antenna” \vill be the theme of this year’s facultyrevels, a musical comedyrevue to be presented March 2 and 3at Mandel hall, 8:30 p.m. This performance is open only tofree dances, and admission for associates of the Quadrangle club, but the show will probablyvery nominal fees to concerts. ^ presented again during *These are only the immediate Alumni week in june for the dean of students, and Carol Shoff,benefits of such a plan, and bene- university community,fits will be continually added to yStrozier stated that the fund“would not only increase thesphere of all student organiza¬tions but could offer the studentsas each organization realizes itsopportunities for expansion.”Marvin Phillips, director of Uni¬versity Theatre, commented “If The revels is'entirely a facultyproduction, written this year byRobert E. Streeter, dean of thecollege, and Edward Rosenheim,assistant professor of the humani- a teacher in the laboratory school.Mrs. Donald Lach is producerof the show.we were able to receive a small ues.£rant per performance, we could Faculty performers includehold all our performances in Man- Leon Carnovsky, graduate libra-del hall at a cost of 50 cents per ry school professor; Homer Gold-student instead of $1.25.” berg, assistant professor of Eng-“At the present time the lish; Ernest Sirluck, associateMaroon is seriously hindered be- professor of English; Mrs. Johncause of its small budget,” said P. Netherton, wife of the college Bulletin!Tonight’s performance of (heBudapest string quartet hasbeen postponed till March 6 or7 it was announced late yester¬day afternoon. For additionalinformation turn to page 7.New furniture, the gift of Marshall Field, Jr., was installedTuesday in both lounges of the Reynolds club, together withnew carpets, green in the lounges and red on the upper stairsof the club.The furniture was purchasedthrough Marshall Field and com¬pany with the money Field haddonated last summer. The gift,an undisclosed amount, was notexhausted by the new purchases. moved from the south to thenorth lounge. Study tables arenow available in all three loungeareas.University Theatre got some ofthe old rugs; the student activi-Jack Steinberg, director of the ties office received the rest, andclub, has had the old leather-cov- said that they would put someered chairs and sofas moved to of the rugs in the Student Govern-the new lounge area in the base- ment office and the remainder inment, and one piano has been the Cloister club. Famous firsts out today!!20 pages relive UC past"Famous Front Pages," the Chicago Maroon special edition, goes on sale today."With this issue, the Maroon achieves something really different in the way of jour¬nalistic productions," remarked Gary Mokotoff, Maroon business manager. "Here is atwenty page paper that doesn't have a single column inch of advertising or one typographicalerror in all of its inside pages," said Mokotoff.Mokotoff added that he was sure it would be worth the 25 cent cost of the issue to seean ad-free, error-free Maroon. , . . 7 , . ,, TT 77 7 7—7/Tlj- -r cal form.) to trickle into the Maroon bus!-' STaT®me • ® c“u * • The special edition is on sale ness office. A UC alumnus livingapplies only to the inside jfor 25 cents at the Bookstore, in Des Moines, Iowa, when shownpages which are merely repro- Woodworth’s, Reader’s, the stu* the issue insisted that the issueductions of previously produced dent service center, and from Ma- was worth at least a dollar. Con-printed front pages. All of the r0011 staff members. Today only versation concerning this trano-tvnocrranhical errors of the ori>- k wiU on sale inside Cobb hal1 action was as follows: “Does thi*typographical errors ot the orig- and in Mandel corridor. issue go back as far as I do?”Up-mal issues have been carefully Anecdotes concerning the spe- on being informed it goes back toretained in their original histori- dal edition have already begun 1892, he remarked, “Well!”FOR YOU! LUCKY DROODIES!THESE AREStudents IPage 2 February 24,HITHER & YONAdvocates fewer examsmake responsible students Coming events on quadranglesby Robert McDonald“The prospect in higher educa¬tion called for bold and originalthinking, for inventiveness andfor vision,” was the theme ofHenry S. Commager’s article inthe New York Times Magazine.Commager, a professor of his¬tory at Columbia, explained thatthe reason for our present diffi¬culties is “because we are prison¬ers ... of the tradition of thelecture.”He called for a “drastic reduc¬tion in the paraphernalia of edu¬cation—required courses, attend¬ance, examinations, grades, andcredits. Substitute for them thor¬ough examinations at the end ofthe third and fourth vear—result:saving in man and brain powerand also improvement in the endproduct.”As a final “inventive idea”Commager advocates, “putting afar larger responsibility upon thestudents themselves than ..we donow. We provide our studentswith sports wasting hundreds ofthousands of dollars on puerileathletic spectacles. Why not sweepaway the whole absurd parapher¬nalia of organized intercollegiatesports?”In summary, Commager said,“Our colleges and universitiesmake too little intellectual de¬mand on students and far toomany non-intellectual demands.Students must be treated asadults, not adolescents.”NSA reqrets violenceQuoting from a statement onsegregation which was adopted bythe member schools of the eighthNational Student association,Stanford L. Glass, president, said:“Our association is unalterablyopposed to all forms of discrim¬ination in education which arebased on race, religion or nationalorigin,’ and we regret that evena few American students havegiven their support and participa¬tion to expression of mob vio¬lence and prejudice. We furtherregret that the pressure of thislawless action apparently has re¬sulted in the exclusion of this stu¬dent from class attendance. Andyet, let us all be encouraged thatthe student leaders at the Univer¬sity of Alabama are not identifiedwith such action, but rather—have taken firm stands againstthese developments.”'Daily Texas' speaksThe following editorial ap¬peared in the Daily Texan, Feb¬ruary 16:Fredom vs. Coercion“Two professors, one at MississippiState and another at Mississippi Uni¬versity, have resigned In protest to aneglect of free expression and academicfreedom on the respective campuses.“The resignations were prompted by aset of Independent, although inter¬related, situations:1. The Introduction into the Missis¬sippi legislature of a bill which appar¬ently would make It a crime for anyteacher of government (or anyone else)to criticize any official or policy of thestate government.2. The Board of Regents’ strict screen¬ing order applying to any potentialspeaker on either campus.The NewOFFBEAT ROOMpresentsFOLK MUSICbyBOB GIBSONBanjo b Song* Front Many LandsRowina ReikLove Bollads on tie AutoharpJAZZ PIANOFrank LiberioTuesday Thru SaturdayEntertainment from 9 p.m.1037 W. Granville 3. The successful efforts to preventHodding Carter, southern editor whosesegregation views are middle-of-the-road In a conservative state, from ad¬dressing the State College chapter ofthe American Association of UniversityProfessors.4. University Chancellor J. C. Wil¬liams’ apparently successful efforts toprevent a minister of the gospel. AlvinKershaw, from discussing “music andreligion” with University students dur¬ing campus religious week. Kershaw haddonated money to the NAACP.5. The statement by a regent to theeffect that ’while everyone has a rightto think what he pleases, we have theright to know what an employee thinks—and the right not to hire him If wedo not approve It.’“Such are the manifestations of tyr¬anny. And such Is the Irony of Ameri¬ca, which tries to make democracy safefor the world and Is fighting a losingbattle in Its very state universities.” Friday, February 24CAP AND (’.OWN meeting with DeanStrozler, 2 30 p.m., Student activitiesoffice.SSA club tea, 3 p.m., Ida Noyes.Thomas lecture, “The future of re¬ligion: outlook,” Hendrik Kraemer,professor emeritus ,of history of re¬ligion, U. of Leiden, 3:30 p.m., SocialScience 122.Memorial service for Robert MorssLovett, professor emeritus, 4 p.m.,Bond chapel.Glee club rehearsal, 4:15 p.m., Rosen-wald 2.Mathematical biology club “Factors In¬volved In the study of si bmlcroscoplcstructure of protoplasm;" asst. prof.Irvin Isenberg, 4:30 p.m., 5741 Drexel.Hillel sabbath service, 7:45 p.m., andfireside at 8:30 p.m., with Rabbi DavidGraubart, college of Jewish studies,speaking on "Conservatism: historicJudaism,” 5715 Woodlawn.Varsity track meet, UC vs. Lawrencecollege, 7:30 p.m., Field house.Saturday, February 25Symposium, committee on human de¬velopment, morning sessions, 9 a m.,Mandel hall, registration $1.25.REVIEW staff meeting. 1 p.m., Reynoldsclub 302-304.Varsity track meet, UC track club In¬vitational, 1:30 p.m., Field house.Human development symposium, Mar¬garet Mead, professional lecturer, Co¬lumbia U., speaking on "The com¬parative study of child rearing: prob¬lems of simultaneity and seauence,”2 p.m., Mandel, admission by registra¬tion.Varsity fencing meet. UC vs. Ohio Stateand Iowa, 2 p.m.. Bartlett.Bach singers rehearsal, 2 p.m., IdaNoyes.Readings from the “Meglllah” In honorof Purim. 7:30 p.m., Hillel foundation,5715 Woodlawn.Open house at Beta Theta PI, 7:30 p.m.,until Wash Prom, 5737 University.Varsity basketball game, UC vs. Auroracollege, 8 p.m.. Field house.Young socialist league lecture, "A viewof the 1 9 5 6 elections.” by MaxSchachtman of Independent socialistleague, 8:30 p.m., Ida Noyes library. Washington Promenade, Hutchinsoncommon^, 9:30 p.m. to 1:30 a.m., bids$5. tuxedos optional. ’AFTER THE PROM (SUNDAY MORN¬ING): Open house at Beta Theta PI,with late supper served, 5737 Univer¬sity.Liquid refreshments at Delta Upellon,5714 Woodlawn.Sunday, February 26Episcopal communion service, 8:30 p m.Bond chapel.Roman Catholic masses, 8:30, 10, 11 a.m.,DeSales house.Lutheran communion service, 10 a.m.,Hilton chapel.International house eoffee hour, 10 a.m.-noon.Clinics religious service, 10 a.m., BUllnga0-4.Trans-Atlantic radio broadcast, "Theuneasy art of debunking," Sir HaroldNlcolson, A. J. P. Taylor, Magdalencollege, Oxford, Napier Wilt, dean ofhumanities, UC, 10:35 a.m.. WMAQ.University religious service, DeanThompson preaching, 11 a.m., Rocke¬feller chapel.MAROON staff meeting, constitutionalamendment to be considered, 3 p.m..Maroon office—Ida Noyes.Orientation board meeting, 3 p.m., IdaNoyes. Modern dance club, technique class vtp.m., Ida Noyes. '“*■ 3->Young sociaHst league discussion of 2miand 3rd Internationals, 4:15 n mNoyea. v ” JU*Cchapel reciU1, 4:30 p m” R<**efell<*Porter fellowship supper and discussion6 p.m.. Swift commons. “Canterbury association supper. « D5540 Woodlawn. V ' PDisciples student fellowship, supper smdiscussion, 6:30 p.m., Untversh,church, 57th and University 1SRP caucus, 7:30 p.m., Ida Noyes esetlounge.Hillel all-campus Purim carnival proigram at 8:30 p.m., game booths re-freshments, election of Queen Estherand Haman, 5715 Woodlawn.Monday, February 27Physiology seminar, “Studies on dlf»fusing ability In pulmonary disease1*Dr. David Cugell. Northwestern u -4 p.m., Abbott 133. **Botany elub, “Nitrate reduction In greenalgae,” 4:30 p.m.. Botany 106.Young Democrats forum with some ofcandidates for Democratic nominationIn 23rd state representative district!4:30 p.m., Law North.Movie: Secret people (English). 7 and9 p.m., International house, roomC-D-E, 45 cents.Our jVctc Address After Feb. 202310 E. 71st Ml 3-6700FREE PARKINGSAME PHONE NUMBERSAME DISCOUNTSSAME SERVICESHERMANS935 E. 55th"Where the Prices are Right"FAMOUS IASI WORDSOF DfIP-SIA DIVIt» Harold Tarnoff 'U. of PennsylvaniaKOOS FRIEDiV MODERN ARTISTA. HenonAmherstWHAT’S THIS?For solution seeparagraph below.OOLF SOCKS(IS HOLIS)Vernon Aspelmierernon Aepelmt,U. of Colorado’/TS TOASTED*~l iofasfebetter/SNOWED UNDER? Give yourself a Lucky break. Day timeor date time, book time or bull time, a Lucky always tastesbetter. That’s because Lucky Strike means fine tobacco—mild, good-tasting tobacco that’s TOASTED to taste evenbetter. See for yourself—light up a Lucky. And check thatDroodle above: Squad of camouflaged snow troops takingLucky break. Get the drift? Get with it! Get Luckies!DROODLES, Copyright 1953 by Roger Price Cut yourself in on theLucky Droodle goldmine. We pay $25 forall we use—and for awhole raft we don’tuse! Send yourDroodlea with deecrip-tive titles, includeyour name, address,college and class andthe name and addressof the dealer in yourcollege town fromwhom you buy ciga¬rettes most often. Ad¬dress Lucky Droodle,Box 6 7 A , MountVernon, N. Y.LUCKIES TASTE BETTER r Cleaner, Fresher, Smoother!• AT.Ce. PRODUCT OP AMERICA’S LXADIMO MANUFACTURES OP CMARITTU"■yfebruanr 24, 1956 THE CHICAGO MAROON3.IS2n<|Id*elle*SloQ|p m,and‘'Ipro.re.•herdll*ise*reeas 01tlonrlct,andbo ta Page 3West irreligious: KraemerAtheism was at its height in Asia about five centuries before Christ but was soon there¬after stamped out, while in the West a recurring trend towards irreligion exists. This wasthe central theme of the first two of five Hiram W. Thomas lectures given this week byrlendrik Kraemer, professor emeritus of history of religion at the University of Leiden.The period between the eighth and the fourth century B.C. found in China, India, andGreece a group of sophists who called religion radically into question and envisioned a bet¬ter pattern of life without thehelp of gods and demons, gion: the strength of religion in positivism and agnosticism to-Kraemer said. He pointed out Communist countries despite an wards metaphysics,that of the six philosophical organized drive for its eradica- Kraemer’s tentative conclusionschools in India which are recog- tion; the growth of church mem- was that “however atrophied mannizod as orthodox in the religious bership in the United States; the may appear today in regard tocense, no less than five were orig- revival of religion in South Amer- religion, he is still an insatiably' ' ica and Africa; the resurgence of religious animal.”non-Christian religions, and the The final lecture of the seriesturning away from 19th century will be given today at 3:30.inally atheistic. Greek material•ism. lie said, regarded life as self-explanatory, held that “man isthe measure of all things,” and^corned the possibility of the ex¬istence of something beyondhuman experience.I)e-Christianize masses■* In the Renaissance, the uni¬verse was, as with the sophists,considered to center on man rath- UC Young Democrats, at an open meeting Monday at 4:30or than God. There was outspoken p.m., will provide a forum for four rival contenders for thehostility towards Christianity, two Democratic nominations for state representative fromand antagonism against religion this district. Candidates Sanford Bank, Edward Garrity,In general. “We are still carried Nathan Kinnally, and Abnerby this mighty wave today, Mikva will address the group the contenders for the Democratict. -lomnr ctotna Thn on. nominations in our state repre¬sentative districts as a publicservice.”Primary candidatesto appear in forumKraemer stated. The modern ap¬perception of life is inherentlyirreligious, even in the UnitedStates — the amazing growth ofchurch membership in Americanotwithstanding,” Kraemer diag¬nosed. and said he hoped to showthat the spiritual crisis of ourtime is world-embracing.Presenting a balance sheet ofthe present situation of religionKraemer showed on the one handthat, particularly in Europe, therehas been an “un-churching andde-Christianization of the mass¬es,” The people, he said, suffer atremendous absence of faith.They are disgusted to find manyupholders of the religious mas¬querade living their daily life interms of material comfort, se¬curity, and prestige, and assumean icy indifference to the wholeshow. and answer questions from thefloor. To accommodate a largernumber of UC students, the meet¬ing will be held in law north, in¬stead of at Ida Noyes, as previous¬ly planned.Surroundings at law north willbe familiar to two of the candi¬dates. Both Kinnally and Mikvaare UC alumni.Marc Galanter, president ofYoung Democrats, stated, “Ourorganization makes no endorse¬ments in intra-party primarystruggles. We are presenting all Oops! 2 UC alumsIn a headline on page three ofTuesday's Maroon, it was statedthat Abner Mikva was the only UCalumnus hi the Democratic pri¬mary race for State Representa¬tive in the 23rd district. This isincorrect. Nathan Kinnally, anassistant state's attorney, who isone of Mikva's opponents, gradu¬ated from UC in 1932.Plan UC observances forAcademic Freedom WeekOn All hope not deadthe other hand, Kraemer Representatives of various campus organizations metThursday evening in Ida Noyes to plan activities for the cele¬bration of Academic Freedom Week (April 9-13).During the week each group will present a program con-«"*■“ f°n ‘he P1'0.^ °f cern the group. Joyce Everett,pessimistic prognosis for reli- academic freedom which con- chairman of the committee, said:“We will want to take a broadview of this vital issue. Problemsof a free education are complexand cajinot be reduced to consid¬eration of teachers’ rights alone.”Some organizations are arrangingdiscussions, debates, and movieson such subjects as discriminationin the schools, and restrictions onacademic and extra-curricular af¬fairs.Those groups interested in par¬ticipating should send representa¬tives to the next committee meet¬ing to be announced in theMaroon.COMO PIZZERIA1520 E. 55 YA 4-5525Free Delivery to U.C. StudentsON ALL PIZZASMALLCHEESE . .1.15SAUSAGE . .1.45ANCHOVY . n.45PEPPER and ONION ..1.30 1SHRIMP . .1.70COMBINATION ..1.75SPECIAL!Vi Fried Chicken 1.00Potatoes and Bread Lovett memorialservice plannedMemorial services for Robert Morss Lovett, UC professor emeritus of Eng¬lish, who died February 8, will be held at 4 p.m. today in Bond chapel.The Reverend John B. Thompson, dean of Rockefeller Memorial chapel,will officiate at the services. Speakers will be Dr. Anton J. Carlson, .Frank P.Hixon, distinguished professor emeritus of physiology at UC, Jessie Binford,executive director of the Juvenile Protective Association of Chicago, andArthur P. Scott, professor emeritus of history, UC. The Reverend SidneyLovet, chaplain of Yale University and brother of Robert Lovett, will givethe closing prayer.UC to represent Indiain mock UN assemblyThe University of Chicago will represent India in the Ninth Stu¬dent Union United Nations conference at the University of Wisconsinon March 23, 24 and 25.Purpose of the conference is to acquaint the student with the work¬ings of the UN and some of the problems that face the world today.The five man delegation from UC will be selected by a student-faculty committee from the International Relations club. Selectionwill be made on the basis of knowledge of international affairs andinterest in the United Nations.Students who are interested in participating may pick up applica¬tions at the Reynolds club desk. Applications should be turned in tothe SG office, Ida Noyes, before 12 noon Monday, March 5. This con¬test is open to any student working for the degree of BA, BS, BD. MA,and MS. As Student Government is sponsoring the contest on campus,SG members are not eligible to enter.The International Relations club and Student Forum will help thedelegation in preparing for the assembly meeting. For more informa¬tion contact Ann Chacarestos, SG, at ext. 3274 or FA 4 8200.Plan UC-lsraeli universitystudent exchange programPlans for a student exchange program between Chicagoand Hebrew university are nearing completion, Mary AnnChacarestos, chairman of the Student Government NationalStudent Association committee, announced Wednesday.Early in the spring quarterapplications will be solicitedfrom UC students who wish tostudy at Hebrew university. Onestudent from each of the twoschools will participate in the ex¬change program.No moresandwichesJn accordance with a Chicagoboard of health ruling that sand¬wich machines must be refriger¬ated, the machine in the Cloisterclub has been removed. A newrefrigerated machine will be in¬stalled soon. The move is prob¬ably a wise one, since the machinehas occasionally dispensed sand¬wiches with a faint green tinge.ACASA Book StoreScholarly Used.Books — Bought and SoldImported Greeting Cards* Reliable Typewriter ServiceHY 3-9651 1322 E. 55th St. Hebrew university offers a fullcourse of study in the arts andsciences. Instruction is carried onin the Hebrew language. It is acoed school open to all students,irrespective of race or creed.Miss Chacarestos no^cd thatthere already exist close ties be¬tween Chicago and Hebrew uni¬versity. A number of UC facultymembers have taught for vary¬ing periods at Hebrew university..These include Leo Strauss, pro¬fessor of political science; CarlH. Kraeling, director of the Ori¬ental institute, and Leon Carnov-sky, professor in the graduate li¬brary school.NSA spokesmanto discuss sludentlow cost toursPeg Robertson, assistant direotor of USNSA educational travel,inc. will be on campus Mondayto speak on the travel tours of¬fered by NSA. In the Judsonlounge at 7 p.m., Miss Robertsonwill discuss the varied low costtours through Europe and theMiddle East offered to students.IT’S HERE! OUT TODAY!CHICAQO MAROON SPECIAL EDITION 1956FAMOUS FRONT PAGESFRONT PAQES FROM THE 64 YEARS OF THE MAROON’S HISTORY1892 —First issue1905—Ready for the Wolverines1905 — Champions of the West1906 —Harper dies1924 — Red Plunges against Maroon wall1929 — Induct Hutchins as President1930 — Reorganize Educational System1932 —Stagg retires *1934 —Pulverize Purdue 1940 —Shaughnessy Leaves for Stanford1945 — Fraternities Banned in College1946 —UC Quits Big Ten1948 — Onions!1950 — Hutchins Out1950 — Hutchins Quits1951 —Kimpton UC Boss1951 — Maroon suspended1951 — “Chicagoland Fibune”1953 — Vote 4-year BA Now on sale at:University BookstoreWoodworth'sStudent service centerReader'sCobb Hall (today only)Mandel Corridor (today only)Prhe 25Page 4 THE CHICAGO MAROON February 24, 1956Maroon maynationalsEditorialWaiting for the ‘good people’The current celebration of Brotherhood Week, bringing with it a storm of sincere pro¬test, as well as eloquent, empty phrases and windy declamations, is a curiously punitive andpathetic effort . . . and one which reminds us that the “good people” are pretty silent mostof the year.As the reports pour in of victims whose sole crime is that their skins happen to be of adifferent color, their religions of a different kind, we wait for the “good people.” We wait—and for two and one-half years Negroes have not been al¬lowed to walk on Chicago city streets in the Trumbull Park■ . _ public housing area and are transported to and from their homesOrOp nationals by squad cars. We wait—and “patriotic” white citizens of the South,T .. | , ,. . , organize to assert that “the social barriers between the ‘niggers’ andNat onal advertising may be whites won’t be broken down, ever.” We wait—and Southern localin a large part dropped by the officials successfully haul out the red herring to curtail the activitiesof any individuals or groups which do attempt to fight segregation.Hardened as we are to the horror,- we wait—and acts of murder andviolence as well as more subtle forms of hatred and torture becomesymbols of a national shame.We wait—but where are the “good people”? Where are the yquth?Why are there too many of us who seem afraid to offend our friendsby taking a stand? Why are there so few who challenge the flagrantdenial of rights which we see take place around us day after day, ifwe but wish to see? Why are there so few who challenge the casual,cutting remarks which aim at degradation of souls which have beentoo often degraded? Why, when UC students are asked to lend sup¬port in any way, does a standard answer emerge with frighteningregularity: “I can’t afford to jeopardize my future position”?Where are the students who should be saying to the less enlight¬ened of their fellows that the color of a man’s skin makes him noless a human being—that it does not make his hurt less painful, hisdesire to live less strong? Why do not at least the youth end theMaroon shortly. These ads arereceived by the Maroon from aNew York concern that has ex¬clusive contracts with most ciga¬rette concerns and other majorcorporations interested in adver¬tising on the college level.After the corporation takes itscash discount, and the corpora¬tion’s advertising agency takestheir commission and after theadvertising service takes theircommission, the Maroon makesbarely enough money to pay forprinting the ad. This accounts for silence and the inactivity that has resulted in the dumping of ourthe exceptionally large amount ofspace devoted to advertising inthe past few issues.If anyone is interested in keep¬ing certain of these ads in the pa¬per for reason of their news¬worthiness or because they offerinteresting contests, etc., pleasecall extension 3265.So far it has been suggestedthat the Max Shulman columnshould remain since “it is morenewsworthy than many of theMaroon’s stories.” civil liberties into the hands of the racists and the bigots, who areneither silent nor inactive? Why do we fail to realize that when badmen organize it is a crime for good men to remain silent?Are they but a myth, these “good people”? And do we have timeto wait for them?IjiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiimiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiimmiiiiiiiiimiiiiiwiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiimiiiMiiitiiiHiits| International House Movies ]E Room CDE, Mon. & Thors, evenings at 7 & 9 p.m. |= Monday, Feb. 27 — 45c — Secret People (English) =| Thursday, March 1 — 35c — Gentlemen's Agreement (American) =niiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiE[ VW •w TTTTTTTTT VS> WWW WUnrSTIBORDONEMovers and Light HaulingVI 6-9832The CollegeLAUNDERETTE1449 East 57th St.MU 4-9236 Representative Can you honestly say to yourself:"I have enough life insuranceto look after my wife, my children,my future?"RALPH J. WOOD, JR., '48) N. LaSalle Chicago 2, IllinoisFR 2-2390 • RE 1-0855SUN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADAFREE RESEARCH AIDIf yon are doing research on theSoviet Union (or are just inter¬ested), use the help available at theoffices and library of the ChicagoCouncil of American-Soviet Friend¬ship, Suite 403, 189 W. Madison. AN3-1877, AN 3-1878. Open 9-5, Monday-Saturday. FOR THE WASH PROM . . .Corsages fromMitzie’s Flower Shojat two convenient stores1225 E. 63rd St. 1301 E. 55th St.HY 3-5353 Ml 3-4020ACECYCLE SHOPYour BicycleHeadquartersWe service what we sellRepairs & Parts all makes819 E. 55 Ml 3-26729 A.M. - 6 P.M.24 HOURDEVELOPING SERVICEBRING YOUR FILM IN TODAY ANDGET YOUR PICTURES BACK TOMORROWAT THEUNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO BOOKSTORE5802 Ellis Avenue ~YY\ cfatcaao[JlaroonIssued every Tuesday and Friday throughout the school year and intermltt^mi. ’during the summer quarter, on a non-profit basis by the publisher, the rhim..Maroon, at 1212 East 59th Street. Chicago 37. Illinois. Telephones: Editorial nfiW.Midway 3-0800, ext. 1003 and 3266; Business and advertising office, MIdwav i-oinnext. 3265. Subscriptions by mail, $3 per year. Business office hours- 2 n m *«5 p.m., Monday through Saturday.Co-editors-in-chiefJoy S. Burboch Palmer W. Pinney TA/Managing editorDiane Pollock Business managerGary MokotoffAdvertising manager Lawrence KesslerCopy editor Norman LowaXNews editors Robert Bergman, Jack Burbach, Ronald Grossman. FredNews feature editorProduction manager Robert Quinn (Friday); Jean kwon (Tuesday 1Photo editor. john BystrvnCalendar editor . Earl HerrlrVHither and Yon editor .Miriam GarflnOffice manager Adrienne KinkaidStaff: Ed Berckman. Justine Blackberg, William Brandon, Marshall Cohen, Jove#Ellin. Saralee Feldman, Jeanne Hargltt, John Herzog, Oliver Lee, Quentin Lud.gin, Robert MacDonald, Robert Moody, Carol Thornton, Richard Ward MarinaWirzup, George Zygmund.Photographers: Joan Krueger, Nancy Sammons, Edward Wise.£/Ae PHOTOGRAPHERS1171 EAST 55th STREET MIDWAY 3-4433TERRY’S PIZZA“The World’s Best’FREE DELIVERY TO ALL UC STUDENTSSMALL 1.00 LARGE 1.95MEDIUM 1.45 GIANT /. .2.95IVe also carry a full line of Italian foods1518 E. 63rJ Ml 3-40457Ti~i7y>7~t~i/y’i/ 7*Hl ru/,39 ea/M£,QxQjqmJoo^That's where the pause thatrefreshes with ice-cold Coke began.Now it’s enjoyed fifty million times a day.Must be something to it. And there is. Have anice-cold Coca-Cola and jee...right now.BOTTLED UNDER AUTHORITY OF THE COCA-COLA COMPANY BYThe Coca-Cola Bottling Company of Chicago, Inc.*C*U'' it a registered trade mark. © 1955. THE COCA-COLA COMPANY111 "t W. 1%.February 24, 1956 THE CHICAGO MAROON Page 5Negro history: knowledge stops stereotypesUC celebration of the 31st annual NationalNegro History Week by the University chap¬ter of the National Association for the Ad¬vancement of Colored People will begin Monday.The 1956 theme for this week is “Negro history inan era of changing human relations.” Why is therea need for stressing Negro history? What is thepurpose of such an observance? What relationdoes this have to “changing human relations” to¬day?The contribution of the Negro to America’sprogress is not generally known. Many coursesin American history imply that the Negro is in¬herently inferior, omitting any facts concerninghis achievements. In many textbooks carelesswording tends to perpetuate current group antag¬onisms by using stereotypes as “superstitious,”“childlike,” “comical,” “simple” Negroes. Severaltextbooks present dubious statements as facts.One states, ”... on the whole the slaves of theUnited States were considerately treated.” How¬ever, numerous widespread slave revolts seem toindicate much dissatisfaction. An addition to suchfaults is the actual omission of any.facts like thesewhich show that Negroes have played a normaland constructive part in history: a Negro was thefirst American to fall in the Revolutionary War;many Negroes, only a few years out of slavery,assumed positions of responsibility and helped tomodernize, democratize, and rebuild their statesduring reconstruction; a Negro was the first per¬manent settler in Chicago.Because of the slanted picture presented in many public schools, “history” strengthens the attitudesopposed to brotherhood. Implied inferiority in theclassrooms tend to mislead the white students’thinking and undermines the Negro student’s selfconfidence.Therefore, the object of Negro History Week isto improve intergroup relationships. The purpose,stated in the “Negro History Bulletin,” is “to in¬culcate an appreciation of the past of the Negroand to promote an understanding of his presentstatus.” Negro History Week, by correcting dis¬tortions and omissions in the record of America,strives to refute the belief that the Negro is in¬ferior by nature; to bring an understanding andcorrection of his degraded status, and to acceler¬ate the acceptance of brotherhood.rA Campus-to-Career Case HistoryCliff Downer (right), A.B. in Mathematics, ’49, M.S. in Civil Engineering,’50, Harvard, on the site of a building construction project.“Projects you can sink your teeth into”Clifford J. Downer started his tele-\phone career in the building engineeringdepartment of The Southern New Eng¬land Telephone Company. At present heis working with the Bell System’s manu¬facturing unit, Western Electric, helpingto build facilities for housing a Conti¬nental Air Defense project. His assign¬ment: a key liaison job in supervising asubcontractor’s work on a several milliondollar construction operation.“One of the most interesting featuresof my present job,” says Cliff, “is makingdecisions on the spot. For example, draw¬ings showed where bedrock for footingswould be reached. Excavations revealeda poor grade of rock. How much further dow n do we go? A hundred workers andtons of equipment are waiting for thedecision.“There’s a lot of future for a civil en¬gineer in the telephone business. New andsmaller types of telephone equipment w illprobably change our ideas about howtelephone buildings should be built. It’sfascinating work, all right. And broaden¬ing, too, because it's leading me to otherengineering fields.“It looks to me as if there are realchallenges ahead — projects you can sinkyour teeth into. Besides, I’m convincedthe telephone business recognizes andregards personal industriousness anddrive.”Interesting career opportunities of all kinds arealso offered by other Bell Telephone Companiesand Western Electric Company, Bell TelephoneLaboratories and Sandia Corporation. Yourplacement officer has mojre information aboutthese companies. BellTelephon*System Milestones in Negro history1619 Beginning of Negro slavery in the colonies1770 Crispus Attucks dies in Boston Massacre—first Americanto die in the American Revolution1793 Ell Whitney invents cotton gin, beginning the "cotton culture”1820 The Missouri compromise1832 Formation of American Anti-Slavery society1852 Harriet Beecher Stowe’s Uncle Tom’s Cabin1852 The Dred Scott case1859 John Brown’s raid on Harper’s Ferry1861 ....Lincoln as President—the Civil War begins1863 Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation1865 End of Civil War—Thirteenth Amendment prohibiting slavery1868 -.Fourteenth Amendment establishing citizenship1870 Fifteenth Amendment guaranteeing right to vote1877. .Compromise election of Hayes—beginning of defeat of reconstruction1881 Booker T. Washington and the Tuskegee movement1909 Formation of the NAACP1916-1921 Marcus Garvey and the “Back to Africa” movementThe 1920s The great migration northward1931.. The Scottsboro case1940-1945 Recognition of Negro contribution to war effort1947 Jackie Robinson breaks into major leagues1954 Supreme Court rules against segregation in public schools1955 Till murderSegregation maintained bymore craft, less violenceby Amy TateIn an era of changing human relations, the Southern segre-gationalists are changing their tactics. Taking into considera¬tion the widespread interest in the white-Negro problem,Southern Ku Klux Klan members are putting away theirwhite robes and torches in favor of an unsensational, butequally deadly, policy of economic chastisement and murder.One method used by severalorganizations combatting in¬tegration is to print the namesof those Negroes who signed peti¬tions for admission to schools inthe local newspapers. The news¬papers advise white citizens tostudy the names carefully and“ask the signers about their trueintent and understanding of thesituation.” On this basis Negroworkers have been fired by theiremployers; tenant farmers havebeen “requested” to leave.Cut creditOther non-violent measures in¬clude the cutting of credit, with¬holding of supplies, and purchas¬ing-boycotts, i.e., employers order¬ing their employees not to tradeat a particular place. For exam¬ple, Gus Courts, a Negro leaderin Belzoni, Mississippi, had regis¬tered to vote, his store rent wasraised, wholesalers boycotted him,and he was fired on in the dark.The doctor who treated Courtsand who is a member of the NAACP is being pressured toleave Mississippi.Keep violenceThe discovery of new tech¬niques of maintaining the statusquo does not mean that violencehas been abandoned. Many South¬erners are still ready to appeal tocentury-old methods of violence,and state and local governmentsare all too ready to condone suchaction. Reverend George Lee wasmurdered by a shotgun blast onMay 7,1955 in Mississippi becausehe refused to withdraw his namefrom the voting registration list.The sheriff, making no arrests,said the lead pellets in Lee’s jawand neck “could have been fillingsfrom his teeth.” Other instancesof this sanction are the acquittalof the Till killers and the at¬tempts of the city to break theMontgomery bus boycott.Terror remains“There hasn’t been a lynchingin years,” yet this year has seenthe carnage of some six murders.True, the classical lynching mightbe disappearing, but measured interms of human life, the sense ofterror remains.COUPONORIGINAL SASIENI PIPES(Seconds)This Week Only$C502’5 or 2 br $5With This CouponREADER’S noT»ozTHE CAMPUS DRUG STORE61st and Ellis Opposite B-J.COUPON.hyde park theatrelake park at 53rd NO 7-9071Student rate 50c all performancesStarting Friday, Feb. 24The Last Alexander Korda Production — The FirstEnglish Cinemascope Film“THE DEEP BLUE SEA”— Starring —VIVIEN LEIGH KENNETH MOREEMLYN WILLIAMS ERIC PORTMANFour brilliant players in virtuoso performances that make a stunningscreen version of the Terence Rattigon play which was a London andNew York smosh hit. This is Vivien Leigh's first film in four yearssince "Gone With the Wind” and "Streetcar Named Desire." KennethMore whom you laughed ot in "Genevieve" ond "Doctor in the House,is dramatically different in this role for which he won the Venice Festi¬val "Best Actor" prize. Emlyn Williams is the eminent British film-actor, stoge-octor, playwright who recently toured this country in amemorable reading of Charles Dickens' works. A further top line credit—the film was directed by Anatole Litvok who gave us "Mayerling,""Sorry, Wrong Number" ond "Snake Pit."— and —tSSK^S" “BORIS G0DUH0V”The immortal Moussorgsky operatic score and the classicAlexander Pushkin tragedy presented by the MoscowState Opera with A. Pirogov singing the title role.IL _Page 6 THE CHICAGO MAROON February 24, 1956Chicago MaroonCLASSIFIEDSStudent rate 5c per word. Others 10c per word. Phone Ml 3-0800, Ext. 3265Personal Wanted Astronomical societyhears W. W. MorganProfessor W. W. Morgan of Yerkes observatory discussed“The structure of galaxies” at Tuesday's UC Astronomicalsociety meeting. His lecture was not only a description ofBunny: I’m not doing well. All sorts ot Young man with references to drive galaxy Structure, but alSO Of the System for their ClaSSlflCa-C s and B’s and things. Missed Azuma 1955 Chevrolet to New York City dur-Kabuki. Damn Sunday matinees threw ing March interim. Gas and expenses tlOIl, and Ot SOme Ot the reSUlt-mv estimate of their run off. Hope to paid. Call RA 8-8656.see Ballet theatre, though—if I canavoid Nora Kaye as the Swan queen,that is. Love, Kriza.Bunny: Li’l ol’ Ugly Duckling here isflunking. But never fear. I’m gonna be¬come a Maroon news editor when I growup. Til then, aloha. Ku-kailimoku.Girls! Tell your dates they can buyyour Wash Prom corsage at 20 % dis¬count all day today in Mandel corridor.Free boutonniere for your data with theorder.Hear Harvey O’Connor, author of “Mel¬lon's Millions’’ to protest criminal in¬dictment of James Keller and repealWalter-McCarran law. Also Rev. WilliamT. Baird, Alec Jones, James Keller. Sun¬day. Feb. 26, 2:30 p.m., Curtis hall. 4106 Michigan. Entertainment. Admission50 cents. ’Yes, Virginia, fraternities were bannedin the college. Reliable person to care for one-year-oldchild afternoons. Mon.-Fri. Simmons.NO 7-3756.University office in Loop needs boy forgeneral office and messenger work.Hours 10-6. five days a week. Applypersonnel office, 956 E. 58th St.Wanted to buy or rent or bprrow twocopies of “You Touched Me” by Ten¬nessee Williams. Phone ext. 2863.For sale1950 Two-door black Ford, A-l condi¬tion. New battery, tires, seat covers, andmuffler. Radio, heater, excellent motor.$50 down. Call Charles Whitehead, BU8-9870 between 12-5 p.m.Bunny: It wasrabbis. Tontine. a million rabbits, not For rentRepublican: Why are you a Democrat?Democrat: Because my pappy was aDemocrat.Republican: If your pappy was a horsethief would you be?Democrat: Heck no! Then I’d be a Re¬publican.Come at 4:30 on Monday, February 27,to Law North, where all four contend¬ers for the Democratic nominations forState Representative will speak and an¬swer questions. Garage for rent. 5612 Kenwood. Brick,overhead doors. MI 3-6927.ServicesPoster designs, designs for fliers, offteet,silkscreen, mimeo, etc., $5 each. Call RayNelson, FA 4-0829. ing theories.Our own star system, statedprofessor Morgan, is the MilkyWay galaxy, a flattened spiralwith clouds of gas and dust in itsmajor plane. Since our sun is nearits edge, we can get photos of thecenter,Morgan showed similarities be¬tween our galaxy and others. Theother galaxies fall into threetypes, in Hubble’s theory of 1920.The type of our own galaxy isshaped like a pin wheel, and isknown as a spiral. The type thatlooks like a diffuse football iselliptical, and the one withoutdefinite shape is irregular.Recent observations h a w eshown that stars in spiral gal¬axies are numerically differentfrom those in the irregular ones.Extremely hot stars predominatein the irregular, whereas cooler ones predominate in the spiral.Since blue stars, by presenttheory, must be younger than lesshot ones, Professor Morgan point¬ed out, galaxies that contain bluestars are probably younger thanothers. From this a theory aboutevolution of galaxies can beformed.The idea that galaxies are ofdifferent ages tends to disprove“the theory that all the universewas created at one instant and tosupport the theory put forth byHoyle and others that matter isconstantly being created.”Young galaxies are irregular,but as they begin to age theyform spirals, whose stars concen¬trate toward a central mass. Sincethe irregular galaxies illustrate adegree of turbulence that couldnot exist for long periods, theymust be young. The spirals areindicative of rotational symmetry,which took time to form, and thusthey are older. Simon discussesAquinas,freedom“Aquinas on freedom of choice”will be discussed by Yves R. Si¬mon, professor in the committeeon social thought Tuesday, at 8p.m. in Social Sciences 122. Thelecture is one of the annualAquinas lecture series, sponsoredby Calvert club.Professor Simon, a leading con.temporary Thomist, has studiedat the University of Paris, andthe Catholic University of Paris,where he was a student ofJacques Maritain. He taughtphilosophy at the University ofLille from 1930 to 1938, at NotreDame from 1938 to 1948, and hasbeen at UC since then.His works include An Introduc¬tion to the Ontology of Knowl¬edge, Three Lectures on Work,Prediction and Science, A Trea¬tise on Free Choice, in French:Community of the Free, and ThePhilosophy of Democratic Gov¬ernment, in English.1 [w vw wm w w rt w u TiTvvvvvvir►> LIFE> FIRE, THEFT AINSURANCEPhone or Write► Joseph H. Aaron, '27►135 S. LaSalle St. • RA 6-1060!20% Discount on corsages for Washprom. See display of flowers in Mandelcorridor today.NoticesCandidates for the Bachelor’s degreeat the spring convocation: please applyin the Registrar’s office before March 2,1956.American social credit plan. PatrioticAmericans! Help us defend the Ameri¬can heritage of freedom and liberty. Westand for: (1) Neutrality in Old Worldconflicts and defense of the Americanhemisphere, (a) A strong air force, noconscription. (2) Application of theprinciples of “social credit” If there isan economic collapse in the future.Americans! For your future and yourcountry's future, reply to Burr Gilford.6523 N. Fairfield. Chicago 45, for furtherinformation (a card will do).FoundParker Jotter bail-point, found lastweek. Call MU 4-4822.Help wantedTraining positions. College grads. Noexperience. Industrial engineer, $425.M E or C. E., $400. Chem research, $400.Chem production, $375. Sales engineer,$400. Management, $375. Sales, $375.Personnel, $350. Mr. Stafford. GodfreyPersonnel. Room 320, 166 W. Jackson.WA 2;7929.Student, 21. Drive station wagon. 8-9:15or 11:30-1:15. $1.25 per hour. BU 8-7900.German tutor for the Interim. $2 perhour. Call Wilson. FA 4-5400.RELIANCE CAMERA APHOTO SUPPLIES1517 East 63rd St.BU 8-6040Peterson Movingfir Storage Co.55th & Ellis AvenueStorage facilities for a trunk orcorlood of household effectsPacking —- ShippingLocal or long distance movingBLtterfleld 8-6711TheDisc1367 E. 57th St.Recordof the weekOisfrakh and SternConcertos ofBach and VivaldiML 5087 1-12" Record Graduates in tpeer • ■-EngineeringPhysicsMathematicstr.*ic ay. .-.vtitfyiv&'ttx ft interestedinMissileSystemsresearchand developmentThe technology of guided missiles is literally a new domain. No fieldof engineering or science offers greater scope for creative achievement.Research and development atLockheed Missile SystemsDivision cover virtually everyfield of engineering and scienceand have created new positions forgraduates possessing outstandingability in the following fields:ElectronicsResearch and development asapplied to missile systems andassociated equipment.ComputersFor solution of complex problemsand missile guidance.Systems EngineeringResearch and development inmissile systems. Antenna DesignRelated to missile guidance.CommunicationsIn the broad area of informationtransmission.Electromechanical DesignAs applied to missile systemsand related equipment.InstrumentationAssociated with aerodynamics,physics and electronics.PhysicsTheoretical and experimentalaero-physics, upper atmospheriresearch, optics, nuclearphysics and spectroscopy. StructuresStructural design and analysis ofmissile systems.ThermodynamicsAerodynamic heating andheat-transfer problems.AerodynamicsConcerning performance ofmissile systems.DynamicsAs related to missile bodyflight problems.Operations ResearchApplied to tacticalweapons operations.Advanced Study ProgramGraduates in Physics, Electrical, Aeronauticaland Mechanical Engineering are invited to contacttheir Placement Officer regarding the AdvancedStudy Program which enables students to obtaintheir M.S. Degree while employed in theirchosen field.The complexity of missile systems researchand development has created a number ofpositions for those completing their M.S. andPh.D, degrees. The positions carry immediateresponsibility commensurate with the advancedacademic training and experience required. Representatives of the Research and Engineering |staff will be on campus ITuesday, February 28You are invited to consult your Placement Officerfor an appointment. m■MISSILE SYSTEMS DIVISIONresearch and engineering staffLockheed Aircraft CorporationVAN NUYS, CALIFORNIAV"’-* •• *■ ft /<• •• - V . . >v>* r. - V • -.v.vv.y • V w y.v.v • •••v, •;...•• vlftvS'.v. ..V'v.v. >.,.... <: v • • • • :February 24, 1956 THE CHICAGO MAROON Page TMusic society gives concertof modern chamber musicSunday evening, the UC Musical society presented a cham¬ber music concert in Ida Noyes library in cooperation withthe Chicago chapter of the International Society for Contem¬porary Music.The program contained a provocative trio for clarinet, violaand piano by University of Chicago faculty member LeonardMeyer; George Forrest’s well-written but rather prolix vio¬lin sonata; three very attrac¬tive songs by Darius Milhaud; abrilliant and rewarding viola so¬nata by Leland Smith, anotherfaculty member; and Stravinsky’srecent "Songs by William Shake¬speare" for soprano, flute, clari¬net and viola.The performances were for themost part quite excellent. TheStravinsky songs, in particular,were beautifully and sensitivelyplayed. The performers were: Pa¬tricia Peterson, soprano; JamesMack, flute; Albert Dragstedt,clarinet; Robert Bloch, violin andviola; Aubrey Garlington, RobertHowat, and Lynn Poffenburger, piano.The large and enthusiastic audi¬ence enjoyed both the music andthe casual, friendly manner inwhich this concert was presented.Richard Swift Quartet delayedfor two weeksTonight’s concert by the Buda¬pest string quartet has been post¬poned until March 6 or 7. The rea¬son, according to Leonard Meyerof the music department, is theillness of Boris Kroyt, the violist.All tickets for tonight’s Mandelhall concert will be honored at theMarch performance. For furtherinformation call the music depart¬ment.Lawrence—hero?Dean Napier Wilt of the humanities and Edward W. RosenheimJr., assistant humanities professor in the college, will present theAmerican viewpoint on ’The uneasy art of debunking," focusedaround Richard Aldington’s controversial biography, “Lawrence ofArabia,” on the UC program New World, 10:35 a.m. Sunday over theNBC network program Monitor.Author-critic Sir Harold Nicholson, and historian A. J. P. Taylor ofOxford will speak on the English viewpoint.tUT Mandragola performance competentLast weekend in Mandel hall, University Theatre gave a competent, but not very sub¬tle, performance of Mandragola, Machiavelli’s comic farce which satirizes bourgeois society. brPuT^niiprfiitv”whfoh is a l s oBefore the play, four actors from the Compass cabaret theatre—Severn Darden, Andrek selling 500 tickets for the ex-Duncan, David Shepherd, and Lucille de Vise—entertained the audience with a clever pan- change plan. Sale of the 1000 tick-tomime entitled “The hunter ' — Dean Robert M. Strozier buys a ticket to a Virtuosi di Roma con¬cert from Quentin Ludgin, as Holly O’Connor looks on. The ticketis the first of 500 being sold by the Student Government NS A com¬mittee for the benefit of an Israeli exchange.SG to sell concert ticketsThe Student Government NSA committee will offer for sate500 tickets to the March 10 Orchestra hall concert of tl>eVirtuosi di Roma, well-known Italian chamber music gioup,in order to raise funds for a projected student exchange withthe Hebrew university in Jeru- *salem. According to NSAcommittee chairman Mary AnnChacarestos, the arrangementsfor the tickets were made throughthe American Friends of the He-and the bear” and an amusingparody of grand opera.The play, one of Machiavelli’sleast-known works, concerns thescheming of a young man whowants to become the lover of abeautiful young married womanwho lives nearby. It exposes thehypocrisy and pettiness of a soci¬ety which, as Machiavelli de¬scribes it, contains not a singlehonest person. The humor of theplay is bawdy and often quiteheavy-handed, similar to that inBoccaccio’s well-known Decam- Hall Taylor was exaggeratedlyaffected in both speech and man¬ner in the role of the love-struckCallimaco. The stupid and pom¬pous middle-aged husband wasportrayed very well by Otto Senz;and William Zavis and JohnMeyer were good as the well-fed,money-loving priest and Callima-co’s clever, roguish friend, respec¬tively. Carol Homing, HonoreSinger, Alex Hassilev, and SandraPlatz provided an adequate sup¬porting cast.The^outstanding performancewas given by Georg E. Well-warth, who played Callimaco’sTuesday, 8:30 p.m.NEVILLE BLACKCalypso Songs and DancesMuch Ado About Anything4 Friday through SundayCOMPASS5475 S. Lake ParkREDUCED PRICES, NO MINIMUM ON TUES., WED., THURS. servant, Siro. His comic gesturesand expressions enlivened manyan otherwise dull scene.Stanley Kazdailis’s setting forthe play was striking and color¬ful, and the costumes by PerditaNelson were appropriately dash¬ing. Recorded music of 17th cen¬tury Italian composers was heard,in addition to original songs byAlex Hassilev and Jeanne Phil¬lips.The entire play moved ratherslowly, particularly during thelast act; and the ending, whenCallimaco’s scheming proved suc¬cessful, was something of an anti¬climax after the constant intrigueof the plot.Judy Podore ets will raise $700-$1000 for theprogram.A campus ticket-selling contestwith prizes has been announcedby the committee. The studentwho sells the most tickets will beawarded a week-end for two atOakton manor resort in Wiscon¬sin. Second prize will be an eve¬ning for two at the Chez Paree;and third prize, an evening fortwo at the Black Orchid, anotherChicago night club. The prizeshave been arranged by MarcBerkman of the AmericanFriends of the Hebrew University.Students who are interested inselling tickets may contact thesestudents: Dave Schlessinger, Bur¬ton-Judson; Holly O’Connor andAlex S i 1 b e r g e r, InternationalsiHUiitiiiiitimiiiiHiiiHiiinimiiniintiiiiiiiiitiimnimnmiiiiiiiiiimmiiiiiimmiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii^| ATTENTION! || Julie London, Dizzy Gillespie, George Shearing, Chris || Connor, Stan Getz, Mel Torme, Oscar Peterson, Art || Tatum, Modern Jazz Quartet, Herb Jefferies, Miles Davis, || LeRoy Holmes, Ruth Brown, Fats Domino |= These artists and other world famous stars can be made available for |== your college affairs. = house; Hal Levy and Don Mc-Vicker, Phi Gamma Delta; Quen¬tin Ludgin, B-J, and Mary AnnChacarestos, Student Govern¬ment.Tickets to the concert are alsoavailable at the student servicecenter, in Mandel corridor, andat Hillel foundation, 5715 Wood-lawn.Sinfonietta playsviola-piano duo,bass solo starThe Collegiate Sinfonietta ofChicago, in their fourth chamberconcert of the season, will bejoined by Ernst and Lory Wall-fisch, well known viola-piano duo.UC student and assistant mathinstructor, Richard O’Neil, thegroup’s regular double bass play¬er, will appear as bass soloist inthe Sinfonia Concertante by Dit-tersdorf.The Wallfisches, just returnedfrom a European tour, will playworks by Schubert, De Manasce,and Enesco. The Sinfonietta willaccompany Mr. Wallfisch in Tele¬mann’s Viola Concerto. The groupwill also play Purcell’s Chaconne.Tickets are available at the stu¬dent service center, Reynolds club,and at Woodworths. There’s a stu¬dent rate of 75 cents.WANTEDPHE-MEPICAL SENIOR♦to serve as campus representative for the world's largest£ exclusive manufacturer of microscopes.ijj For further information write to:\ REICHERT OPTICAL WORKS£ #2 Braver Street New York 5, N. Y.hXNVIH EY, PAESANIWe've got 'em good, we deliver 'em hotPizza pie for your bull-session or get-togetherPhonesMU 4-1014MU 4-1015MU 4-9022 Give us o Ringond We'll Deliver!5 p.m. to 3 o.m.7 days o weekITALIAN FIESTA PIZZERIA1427 East 67th St. WRITE, WIRE OR CALL: SID BERNSTEIN jShaw Artists Corporation, 565 Fifth Ave. =| New York 17, N. Y. Phone: MUrrayhill 8-2230 §fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiimiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii^jiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiminiiiik| Check These Features I= V PROMPT SERVICE 1E ' V DEPENDABILITY =§ V ECONOMY |5 ... and then remember ... ~= — The Students Favorite — £| University Quick Laundry |E 1376 East 55th Street E| PLaza 2-9097 |zfiimiiimimmiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiimiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimimmimimimmii? JO BANKScreative photography1420 E. 55th MU 4-7988NSA DiscountJimmy’sSINCE 1940SEND ONE HOMEFor 30c (25c plus 5c for cost of mailing) the Maroonwill mail a copy of the special edition to anywhere inthe country.Write to Business Manager, Chicago Maroon, Ida NoyesHall, 1212 East 59th Street, or phone Ext. 3265.Please send a copy of the special edition to:NameAddressIt is a gift from: Portrait StylistBlack and White andDirect ColorPhotographyBU 8-08761457-9 E. 57th St.Books Bought• Any Subject• Any Languagee Any QuantityClark & ClarkHYde Pork 3-03211204 E. 55th St.Page 8 THE CHICAGO MAROON February 24, 1956i j!M -I' Sports resultsJV wins; evens recordPlaying on their opponents’ floor Tuesday, University highdefeated Walther, 44-31. The game was the last officiallyscheduled one for the JV squad, which finished with a .500 rec¬ord for the full season, eight wins and eight losses. JohnDavey, Buddy Weiss, and Leon Kass each scored 12 pointsfor the junior varsity. U-high will play in the private schooltournament. If they get to the semi-finals, they will have theadvantage of playing on the friendly grounds of Bartlett gym,March 2 and 3.The champion Frosh-Soph team won its 12th straight andended the league schedule unbeaten with a 42-29 victory overWalther.Eagles win cage tournamentThe Eagles, composed of Beecher hall law students, won the intra-mural basketball title by beating the Old Folks AC, 64-32. It was anall-divisional league final, as the Eagles were divisional leaguechamps, while the Old Folks AC was runner-up. The tournamentwas composed of the winner and runner-up in each of the divisional,college house, fraternity, and “B” leagues. In the semi-finals, theEagles beat Coulter 50-31, while Old Folks AC edged Psi Upsilon,38-37.Swimmers outstroke UICAlthough they had no entrant in the diving event, the Universityof Chicago swimming team defeated Navy Pier 46-38. Going ;*.io thelast relay, UIC led Chicago 38-37, but the Maroons won a handsomevictory in this event, although they were edged by the Navy Pier“ineligible” team. Winners for Chicago were Rouse (two events),Mandell, Maurer, and Stantek, with one race each.Wrestlers beaten by NTUp in Bartlett gym Tuesday evening, the UC wrestling team drop¬ped a match to Illinois Tech, 29-5. The IIT team, which had previouslybeaten Chicago, blitzed the Maroons in every division except the147 pound set, where Eddie Sorenson pinned his opponent for hisfourth consecutive victory.Last meet for the matmen is against Wright Junior college at thelatter’s gym next Tuesday. Chessmendefeat UICLast Friday, the UC Chess clubdefeated Navy Pier, S'/z-Vz, takingover second place in the greaterChicago chess league. The clubis made up of UC students.Winners for UC were RobionKirby, Mike Robinson, MitchellSweig, Michael Gottesman, andMichael Golden. Leonard Frank¬enstein drew his match with aNavy Pier man.UC drawsPreviously, UC drew the Aus¬tin Chess club, last year’s cham¬pions, 3-3, with B. Gluss, Kirby,and Robinson. They also drewRogers park Chess club, 3-3, withKirby and Sweig winning, andRobinson and Gluss drawing.On April 14 and 15 Burton-Jud-son will be host to the first an¬nual M i d w e s t Inter-Universityteam tournament. The tourna¬ment will be open to any collegeor university, team of five men.A six-round Swiss-system tourna¬ment will be the procedure, in ac¬cordance with US Chess federa¬tion rules.The entry fee is $15 a team, anda guaranteed minimum first prizeis $50. Teams so far entered inthe tournament besides Chicagoare Michigan State, the Univer¬sity of Illinois at Chicago (NavyPier), and the University of Illi¬nois. UCTC to hold meetAppearing at the Field house Saturday afternoon will besome of the finest trackmen in the Midwest, as the Universityof Chicago Track club holds its second annual invitationalopen meet. Tickets can be obtained at the door, $1 for thegeneral public and 50 cents for students. Those who saw theJanuary open meet will remember the close three-mile finishand pole vault duel as an indication of the high caliber ofthese meets. Varsity and UCTC members will, of course, becompeting.Sports to be held hereDay Team Opponents Place and timeFriday JV track Hyde Park, Crane,ana Austin H. S. Field house, 3:30Friday Track Lawrence college Field house, 7:30Saturday Fencing Iowa and Ohio State Bartlett gym, 2:00Saturday Track UCTC invitational Field house, 1:30Saturday Basketball Aurora Field house, 8:00NICKY’SPIZZERIA & RESTAURANT1235 E. 55 NO 7-9063Barbecue Ribs - Chicken - Ravioli - SpaghettiFree delivery to I/, of C. studentsOn any orderSPECIAL — Vi-lb. boneless sirloin steakcole slaw potatoes 99cTable Service Delivery Service11 A.M. to 2 A.M. 11 AM. to 2 A.M.Open tiU 3 A.M. on Friday and SaturdayFijis, girls playdaffy basketballby Fred KarstAfter taking a commanding 15-2lead in their traditional basketballgame with the Phi Gams, theQuarterboards coasted home to adecisive 41-22 victory, at the Fieldhouse Friday night.Girls’ rules were used, andmany of the fellows were unad¬justed to them. The refereescalled numerous doubtful infrac¬tions against these poor lads —one even called a foul for heavybreathing.Conceptions of “girls’ basket¬ball” varied from that of the boywho came equipped with a tennisracquet to the first-stringer whocame dressed in a tuxedo. Char¬coal greys were also sported bythe always-casual Fijis as wellas a striking array of Bermudashorts for the early beginners. Al¬though defeat left the Fijis high¬ly distressed, a party with thevictors held later did much tobrighten the evening for all.Eye Examinations' Visual TrainingDr. Kurt Rosenbaumoptometrist1132 E. 55th StreetHYde Park 3-8372There’s No Sale LikeWholesaleDear Student:Chances are, you love Cash-mere Sweaters by Hinda andother famous brands.. . . Here's how you can save33 1/3% to 50%AH Sizes — Colors — StylesBy Buying at Wholesale PricesCome toSamuel Murrow &Company(In the heart of theWholesale Market)Daily 9 to 5:39 Saturdays S to 3:39318 W. Adam# St. ~ Suit# 401 Get arecord - breaki ngrun for yourmoney! Only Chevrolet puts you tn charge of the dynamite action andsure-fire handling qualities it takes to break the Pikes Peakrecord! Better try it before you buy any car at any price.Almost everybody likes a real road car. And nowadays youno longer have to pay a king’s random to own one. They’regoing at Chevrolet prices! For the new Chevrolet is one of thefew truly great road cars being built today!It has to be to hold the stock carrecord for the Pikes Peak climb. Ithas to have cannonball accelera¬tion (horsepower now ranges up to225!) and nailed-down stability onturns—plus lots of other built-inqualities that make for more driv¬ing pleasure and safety on theroad. Come on in and try a record-breaking Chevrolet!The Bel Air Sport Sedan—one of 19 new Chevrolet beauties. All have directional signals as standard equipment.See Your Chevrolet Dealerofl1 1m CHICAGO MAROOSPECIAL EDITION 1956 a weJSfi fi.In this issue:1892—First Issue—No one quite knows which issue of the Univer¬sity’s student publication is the first. The Maroon’s predecessor,the University News, has two Vol. 1 No. 1 issues, one on October1, 1892 and the other on October 17, 1892. Similarly, the DailyMaroon came out with two “first issues”: the first on May 7,1900 and the second on October 1, 1902. The October 17, 1892,issue is the first one that was of newspaper size and format.1905—Harper dies—On Wednesday, January 10, 1906, the first presi¬dent of the University, William Rainey Harper died ot cancerwhile still in office. The front page of the issue of January 12was devoted entirely to funeral plans, messages of condolencesfrom the press and from notables all over the world.1905—Ready for the Wolverines—About ten days preceding all im¬portant football games the Daily Maroon would run the headline“Mass rally in Mandel.” Five days before the game the headlinewould read “Stagg says we will win.” The issue preceding thegame would have a picture of the football team and the head¬line would read “Ready for the ” This is the issuepreceding one of the most famous games in football history. Chi¬cago battled the “invincible” Michigan team for the champiorishipof the West.1905—Champions of the West—We beat them in those days, and bythe lowly score of 2 0. Just one touchback decided the game. Thestar was Walter Eckersall, the man Grantland Rice called thebest quarterback of the half century.1924—Red plunges against Maroon wall—but Grange only dented it.The final score was 7-7 and Chicago won the Big Ten champion¬ship by losing no games and tieing one, to Illinois’ losing nogames and tieing two.1929—Induct Hutchins as President—At the age of 30, Robert M.Hutchins became the youngest person to head a major educa¬tional institution. At the time of the induction few people realizedwhat a controversial figure he would be and what a great influ¬ence he would have on the University.1930—Reorganize Educational System—Hutchins barely took hiscoat off when he began to put his ideas to work. This issue re¬ported that the dreaded “comps” came into effect. The Universitywas also divided into a college and four divisions.1932—Stagg retires—After 41 years as director of physical educationat the University of Chicago, the grand old man of football re¬tired at the age of 70. This event seemed to predict the end offootball at UC. Thomas N. Metcalf replaced him as director andClark Shaughnessy became the football coach.1934—Pulverize Purdue—Jay Berwanger was probably the last ofChicago’s football greats. Shortly after he left the squad thefootball team began to lose consistently.1940—Shaughnessey Leaves for Stanford—Some of the most impor¬tant events that occurred at this University happened over theChristmas interim. Hutchins quit, UC received over $20,000 000last Christmas interim, and football was dropped. Fortunatelyfor the former two cases, the first issue the Maroon publishedin the following Winter quarter told about the event. However,the first issue in 1940 doesn’t even mention that football wasdropped. The closest thing to a story is the January 12, 1940issue when the football coach, Clark Shaughnessy, said that football was his only love and that he was leaving for Stanford.It is interesting to note that Chancellor Kimpton came fromStanford; a trade that took 10 years to occur, a football coachfor a chancellor.1945—Fraternities Banned in the College—No it isn’t a gag issue.The administration banned college students from joining a fra¬ternity. Divisional students were still eligible, however, and UCfraternities continued with older members.1946—UC Quits Big Ten—The inevitable happened. First we droppedout of Big Ten football, and in 1946 the University that onceboasted its team as “Champions of the West” dropped out of theBig Ten.1950—Hutchins Out—The most famous joke issue of them all. It waspublished approximately one month before Hutchins resigned.An interesting sideline is that Chancellor Hutchins called theeditor and business manager up to his office after the joke issueappeared and told them that he thought the theme was interest¬ing and wondered where they got the idea! Apparently he didn’tquit on the spur of the moment.1950—Hutchins Quits—The “boy wonder of education” accepted theposition of associate director of the Ford foundation ... athigher pay. The University of Chicago was long know for follow¬ing the tradition established by its first president, WilliamRainey Hamper, of paying famous educators high salaries inorder to get them to come to UC. This time they were over bid.1951—Kimpton UC Boss—Lawrence Alpheus Kimpton was chosen toreplace Hutchins. LAK was a former dean of students and vicepresident of the University. They even said in ‘51 that he was awhiz at raising cash.1948—ONIONS!—In 1948 Northwestern university went to the RoseBowl. The Daily Northwestern printed the huge headlines' ROSES! The Maroon retaliated for the University of Chicago bydedicating their joke issue to that headline. Country Club uni¬versity was going to the Onion Bowl and the headline readONIONS!1951—Maroon suspended—The Maroon is proud of the fact that theadministration allows the paper to be run solely by the studentswithout any interference whatsoever from the University. WhenDean Robert M. Strozier fired the editor-in-chief it shockedsome people and stirred up a big controversy as to whether hehe was right in doing it.1951—“Chicagoland Fibune”—“To a certain Chicagoland publisher,who has helped so much to make Chicago what it is today thisissue ... is intemperately dedicated.” With this statement, theChicagoland Fibune, the Maroon’s famous gag issue, was pub¬lished.1953—Vote 4-year BA—The new chancellor had some ideas of hisown about how to run an educational institution. The Hutchinsplan of education was fine; but for students who wished to takespecialized courses in their college program, the Hutchins plandid not leave room for it. The four-year BA was the answer tothe problem. Ardent Hutchins men, such as F. Champion Ward,were violently against the change. UC students had two protestrallies—one in the Law court and one on Chancellor Kimpton’*front lawn.St-jff for ffiis issue:Gory MokotoffJoy BurbachKsnold Grossman Price 25I,THE UNIVERSITY NEWS.BK| Vol. I, No. !. UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO, MONDAY, OCT. 17, 1892. Price, Three Cents.Weekly Bulletin.HOBDAY—U:30 P. M. Chapel Service, Addressby R«t. David Swinir D. D. “What is Liter*atara."—4:30 P. M. Merlin* of ail womenHadtfU with Mr*. Palmer in Chapel.—«:>iP.M. General weekly meeting of the DivinitySchool In Lecture Ball.rcaaDAY—12:30 P. M. Chajiol Service, Addressby Raw. E. G. Hirsch, D. D. KaMii of ZionCoifracatioa—4:30 P. M. Lecture by Mrs. K.H. Richards, “The value of Sanitary studyto workers in Social Science." Lecture Halt.Wednesday—12:30 P. M. Clia|*'l Service.4:30 P. M. University Extension Lecture:Prof. Moulton, “Scott's ‘Monastery* as acompanion studv to Ariel." In Chapel.IMCatDAY—12:30 P. M. Cha|K‘l Service.Pbiday—12:30 P. M. Chapel Service.- 4:30P. M. Meetinir of the Divinity Faculty.The Faculty’s Addresses.The following ace the addresses ofthe faculty compiled Saturday. Akail dozen addresses are still want*Inf. Practically, all of those thathave been secured are permanent ad¬dresses:President Harper, 6647 Washingtonavenue.Prof. E. G. Robinson.Prof. Jaa. R. Boise, 361 Sixty-fifthstreet, Englewood.Prof. Galusha Anderson, MorganPark.Prof. G* W. Northrup, MorganPark..Prof. W. C. Wilkinson, 6520 Madi¬son avenue.Prof. W. 1. Knapp, Hyde ParkHotel.Prof. Erl B. Hulbert, Hotel Beatrice.Prof, von Holst, 4333 Forostvillcavenue.Prof. T. C. Chamberlin, 5*41Madison nvenue.Prof. C. O. Whit man, 223 Monroeavenue.Prof. B. G. Moulton, Hotel Bea¬trice.Prof. W. («. Hale. 6833 Monrooavonne.Prof. H. P. Judson, Hyde ParkMaulProf. Chas. Chandler, 109 Thirty -aeventk street.Prof. E. G. Hirsch. 3612 GrandBoulevard.Prof. T. J. Lawrence, Hotel Bea¬trice.Prof. C. J. Lagergreo, MorganPark.Prof. J. Laurence Laugblin. HotelBeatrice.Prof. Mlcbelson. Europe.Prof. E. D. Burton, 6519 Madisonaveeue.Mrs. Alice Freeman Palmer. HotelBeatrice.Prof. Albion W. Small, 6624 Mad¬ison avenue.Prof. Paul Sborey, Woodlawn avo-aoe and Fifty-fifth street.Prof. H. H. Donaldson, 6128 Mon¬roe avenue.Prof. N. P. Jensen. 613 Boulevardplace.Prof. K. D. Salisbury.Prof, P. P. Mall, 4760 lake avenue.Prof. E. H. Moore, 5311 W'Hlng-tee avenue.Prof. John U. Kef, 4760 Uke Prof. N. Butler, Jr., 5625 Mon¬roe avenue.Prof. F. B. Tarbell, Europe.Prof. J. M. Price, Morgan Park.Prof. E. W. Bemis, 5836 Droxelavenue.Prof. G. S. Goodspcod, 5531 Mon¬roe avenue.Prof. F. F. Abbott. Hyde ParHotel.IVof. I. B. Burgess, Morgan Park.Prof. K. F. Harper, 4760 Lake ave¬nue.Prof. Chas. A. Strong. Woodlawnavenue and Fifty-fifth streot.Prof. Oskar Bol/.a.Prof. A. C. Miller. 357 FiftyEighth street.Prof. A. A. Stagg. Hotel Yendome.Prof. George E Hale, Forty-sixthstreot near the Drcxel.Prof. Julia K. Bulkley, Europe.Prof. F. Johnson, Hyde Park Hotel.Prof. F. A. Blackburn, 6521 Madi-son avenuo.Prof. Eugene Bergeron, MorganPark.Prof. C. U. Henderson. 6124 SouthPark court.Prof. P. A. Nordoll, Hotel Beatrice.Prof. Martha K. (rowy. Hotel Bea¬trice.Prof. W. D. McClintock, 5oJl Mon¬roe avenuo.Prof. Henry N. Stokes, 5729 Wash*i-gtnn ::vcnt.o.Prof. C. F. Castle, 5410 Monroeavenue.Mrs. Z. A. Dixson. 5541 Droxelavenue.Frof. Heinrich Maschko.7132 Went-worih avenue.Prof. B. F. Simpson. South Berwick,Maine*Prof. Marion Tii!not. Hotol Beatrice.Prof. Starr W. Cutting. 5GU6 Ellisavenue.Prof. Goorgo Baur. 6*20 Wentworthavenue.Prof. Frederick Starr. Divinitydormitory.Prof. M. C. Gilo.Prof. Jacques Loob, Hyde Park Hotel.Prof. S. W. Stratton. 6621 Monroo 1avenue. !Prof. James II. Tufts. 6 Frederick 'building. Frederick court.Prof. C. D. Buek, 54*1 Klmbarkavenuo.Prof. H. Gunderson. Auburn Park.Prof. Edward Capps, 223 Fifty-secondstroot.Prof. N*. N. Morton, Morgan Park. \Prof. Eric Sumlell.Prof. K. A. Sehneldor, 5 IS I Kirabarkavenuo.Mr. II. B. Grose. A 1 Cobb HallMr. J. W. Conloy, 6175 v,mbarkavenue.Dr. j*. K. Crandall, 5455 Monroeavenue.Dr. F. J. Miller. 5110 MadUonavonuo.Mr. O. J. Thalchor. the Drexel.Mr. R. II. Cornish. Morgan Park.Mr. F. M. Bronson, Morgan Park.Mr. E. von B. Bensicy. 214 Fifty-third street..Mr./icorgeC. Howland, 5735 Wash¬ington avenue.Mr. C. N. Zeubloln 6134 Wabashnvenue. Mr. Wm. M. Wheeler. 5481 Kim-bark avenue.Dr. Bert J. Voe.Dr. Luanna Robertson, MorganPark.Miee Elizabeth C. Cooioy, MorganPark.Mr. W. J. Chase, Morgan Park.Mr. Wm. Caldwell, Hotel Vendome.Mr. T. H. Root, 5485 Monroe ave¬nue.Mr. K. L Caldwell. Morgan Park.Mr. J. W. A. Young. 5434 Wash-ington avenue.Dr. K. O. Jordan, 5481 Kimbarkavenue.Dr. Alice B. Foster. 620o Woodlawnavenue.Dr. Massuo Ikuta. 6521 Madisonavenue.Mr. Harris Hancock. 214 Fifty-thirdstreetMr. Ferdinand SchwilL Hotol Von-dome.Dr. F. W. Shepardsoo. 6475 Kim¬bark avenue.Dr. Charles F. Kent. De« Moines.Dr. Julius Stieglitz, 5(10 Monrooavenuo.Mr. O. L. Triggs, No. 4 Graduatedormitory.I)r. S. YYata&c.Mr. I. Wood, Frederick building,Frederick court.Mr. C. W\ Votaw, 6410 Madisonavonne.Mr. S. F. Pellet. Hotel BealrloeMr. George Henderson. HotelBeatrice.Mr. Frank R. Hathaway, HotelYendome.Mr F. 11. Clark.Dr. Jussen.Dr. Jas. A. LymanThe Semitic ClubOn Thursday evening a party of six¬teen gentlemen connected with theUniversity gathered at the home ofPresident Harper on Washington arc-'nue. to organize the Semitic club oftho University of Chicago. An out-:line of the year’s work of the club |was agreed u|>on. and an annalist andsecretary appointed. Tho pur|K>sc ofthe organ’zation is to unify and asso¬ciate the force* of the Semitic depart- Jmenu ot the Cnlrersity. and thus toIncrease the effectiveness of Its work. 1It is felt that there is a work to bedone to which class room or to:ninarmethods are not adapted: and to sup¬ply this lack the club is organized.The meetings of the club will be heldon alternate Thursday eveningsthroughout tho year. Tho work ofthe present year will consht princi¬pally of reviews of current Semiticliterature, periodical and other: in'addition to which, a series of paperson Important subjects of Semitic studywill be contributed by the facultymembers. These were pre&ont:President Harper. Rabbi Hirsch.Dr. 1. M. Price, Dr. R, F. Harper. Dr.G S. Goods peed, l)r. C. K. Crandall,and other*. CAP AND GOWNTo be Worn by Students mm4Professors.At a meeting of the board of trus¬tees of the University It was voted torequest the wearing of the official aspand gown by the professors and stu¬dents of the University on the followingoccasions;1—On all occasions on which de¬grees are conferred or honors beetowsdby professors and students paPtleipefc*ing in the exercises.2—At all final examinations for highdegrees, by professors and studentspresent.3—At tho regular chapel serrie*by those who conduct the service orsit on tho platform.4—At all formal meetings of thoFaculties, the University Council sadthe University Senate.6—At all public lectures deliveredby Instructors of the University at thoUniversity’ and at public lectures de¬livered by instructors of the Uni¬versity ontsido of the University lasuch cases as the instructor may deembest6—By students on all public exhibi¬tions.7—At all official University rsesplions.It has been decided that there shallbe six distinct gowns, oas forprofessors and profsfor associate profstaut professor*, a third for instruc¬tors to docents inclusive; a fourthfor fellows, s fifth for graduatestudents; a sixth for collegiate stu¬dents.Prices for silk gowns for the tnstme-ton* and fellows vary according to thequality of the gowns, from 435 to $56.Black serge gowns for instructors,fellows and students very In coot from$4 to #12.5**. Oxford caps may boprocured for #2aud 2.50. Mr. Bristol,a member of the University, may beconsulted with reference to their pur¬chase.A letter box in evory student’s doorand a dormitory delivery twice a daywould relieve the pruesure at theregistrar’s office. Freshman (’law* Hrctloiu,The class of '96 held a meetingFriday afternoon Inst, which resultedin the election of the following elaeeofficers: President, Mr. Henry WStone; Vice President Miss DemiaButler: Secretary. Miss t'lara HulbertIt was moved thnt the president ap¬point a committee of five to draw upthe articles of a constitution, suchcommittee to report at the next most*Ing. Friday of this week.At President Harper's lecture onjob yesterd >y afternoon, the chapelana hallway within sound of hla voicewere crowded nnd many were obligedto go away without hearing the lec¬ture. from want of room.The University of Pennsylvania hasthis year ?.(X>0 students in attendance. Tho freshman clast is thelargest in the history of the universi¬ty. numbering over 700 mon. Tbsgraduate department is this yssropened to women, and thirty womssh ive availed themselves of the opening to* become graduate studentsThe Daily MaroonFabllxtal Afternoons by the Students of the University ot Chicago During thine .laarWs of the University Yon*Vol. IV. No. 65 CHICAGO, FRIDAY, JANUARY 12, 1906. Price Two CentsARRANGEMENTS FOR THEFUNERAL ARE ANNOUNCED]Dr. Raycroft, Marshall of University |Congregation, Gives OutBulletin of Plans TELEGRAMS OF CONDOLENCE ■ PRESS VOICES ITS SYMPATHY[Leaders of Political, Religious, and Educa¬tional World Send Comforting Messagesto Family of Our Late President. Collegiate and Chicago Press ExpressesAppreciation of President Harper’s]Work and Character [STUDENT 6UARD OFHONOR IS APPOINTEDAll Details Planned for the Services]Which Will Take Place onSaturday and SundayThe arrangements for the fun¬eral procession Saturday were com¬pleted this morning. Dr. Raycroft, [head marshall, issued the following]bulletin.Procession composed of the Uni¬versity band, council and senate,will escort the President from hishouse to Haskell Hall along thefollowing route: north on Lexing¬ton Ave. to the drive in front ofWalker Museum—west to CobbHall—east to the east door ofHaskell Hall.• Members of the University Fac¬ulties will form not later than 10]a. m. in open order on the walkfrom the east door of HaskellMuseum toward Cobb Hall.University students will form ]hot later than 10 a. m. in openorder along the drive from Cobb]Hall to Walker Museum. Cap andgown not to be worn by students.The President will lie in state iflHaskell Hall from 10:30 a. m. to9 p. m. Saturday, and from 8 a. m.to 12:30 p. m. Sunday.The members of the faculties!and University students will closein behind the procession and maypass into Haskell Museum hr thatorder.The public will be admitted im¬mediately afterwards.12:30 p. m. Procession of Univer-!s’ty band, student councils and Uni¬versity councils will escort Presi¬dent Harper from Haskell Hall toMandel Hall.2 p. m. Funeral service in Man-del Hall.Funeral procession composed ofUniversity Trustees, Faculties, andofficial guests will assemble at 1:30in the Reynolds Club.University students will as¬semble in Hutchinson Flail at 1:15.The procession wil be formed inorder of academic rank, and aslarge a number as can be accommo¬dated will be allowed to march into Mandel Hall for the services.Owing to the limited space inMandel Hall services will be forthe University only and it will beimpossible to provide accommoda¬tions for outside public.Joseph E. Raycroft,Marshal of the University Congre¬gation.Y. M. C. A. MeetingThe Y. M. C. A. held its regularmeeting last night in Cobb Hall andelected the following officers forthe ensuing year: Pres., Frank S.Bevan; Vice Pres., Thomas H.Sanderson; Secretary Charles E.Latchem.It Dr. Parker gave a short talk a-beut President Harper and theinterest he took in organizing andadvancing the Y. M. C. A. at theUniversity. Dr. Parker said thatthe great progress made thus farwith the Y. M. C. A. work waslargely due to President Harper’sWork, Among the telegrams of condo¬lence received by President Har¬per’s family the following havebeen given for publication.Dr. Emil G. Hirsch: Absent fromhome and unable to return, I wishyou to know that I am with you inour great sorrow. The memory ofthe righteous is blessed.Nicholas Murray Butler: Memorial services will be held at Col¬umbia Sunday afternoon same timeas Chicago service, participated inby Columbia and New kork Uni¬versities, College of New York Cityand Public School authorities.Booker T. Washington: Thedeath of Dr. Harper,personally andto my race as well, brings a deepsense of loss. He-was one of thatnumber of patriotic men who werewilling at all times to accord to myrace the full measure of opportun¬ity to accomplish whatever it wascapable of accomplishing. His losswill be felt by us iu a most partic¬ular manner.J. Knox Montgomery, Muskin¬gum College, New Concord, Ohio:Muskingum College sorrows withyou; your loss is ours also.Ambassador Jusserand, Washing¬ton: Allow me to express my deepsorrow for the sad loss sustained bythe University and city of Chicago.I mourn with you the untimelydisappearance of one whose life wasso useful and beneficent, and whoby his learning, his character, andunfailing courage deserved to beranked among the great citizens ofthis country.Nikola Tesla: I learn with deepregret of your great loss; pleaseaccept my sincere condolences.D. J. O’Connell, Rector ot Cath-Iolic University of America, Washton, D. C.: We regard the deathof President Harper as a calamitynot only to the University ofChicago, but also for the wholeworld of science, and we join withyou with sorrow in lamenting hisloss.Details of Memorial Chapel Services jI The University Memorial Chapelservices will be held at 10:30 Mon¬day, January 15, in Mandel Hall.All members of the University, Ifaculty and students, are invited to |attend.The keynote of the services will ]I be “Loyalty to the University as theI highest tribute to the late Presi-1dent.”I Five-minute addresses will be[made, by Dean Judson for theI Faculty; A. E. Bestor for theI Alumni and Graduate schools,I James McGee, for the DivinityI School, Charles A. Huston for theI Law School, G. R. Schaeffer for[the Senior College, Miss Edith[Terry for the Women of the Uni-[ versity, and J. F. Moulds for the[junior College.[ ** The musical service will consist[ of the singing of Dr. Harper’s two ][ favorite ’ hymns and the Alma ]| Mater. The following extracts trom theeditorial columns of various papersillustrate the universal admirationfor the president which exists:“In the death of Dr. Harper the|educational circles of the west sus¬tain & great loss. To Dr. Harperis due in a very large measure thesuccess of the University of Chi¬cago. A recent uumber of theWorld’s Work in speakmg of him,characterized him as not only ascholar but as also an executiveman of great ability.“The results of his labors will beabiding, and his name will long becherished in all the educationalcircles of the country for the work[which he did."During Dr. Harper’s presidency![over Chicago he and President]| Angell were personal friends.-The Michigan Daily.“A striking feature in his per¬sonality was his ability to meetmen. The highest and the lowest, ]all alike felt that Dr. Harper was|anxious to see them. Each one]felt that he was doing the Presi¬dent a service in calling on him. ]A- young man summoned from an¬other state to be considered for aplace, offered to show testimonialsI of the w’ork he had already done.“I do uotnc&d them/’ r.as tlnrre-[ply, “I only wish to look at you.”! Call on Mr. A— at three o’clock| this afternoon and meet the com¬mittee at four.” “We have de¬cided to call you,” the Doctor saidan hour later, “how soon can youcome,’ “June twelfth,” “Whynot come next week, we need youat once.” That is the feeling ofevery man in the University ofChicago, that he cannot be spared.“President Harper could sit in aconference with a committee, so¬licit opinions, and at the close ofthe session could formulate a planthat would keep a half dozen sec¬retaries and stenographers busyfor weeks. His address at the firstconvention of the Religious Educa¬tion Association was as he himselfexpressly stated at the time, theproduct of many conferences, butit was a masterpiece, and its twentyor more provisions still NStand, anauthoritative statement.President Harper trusted his menuntil they deceived him. Thefalsity of a friend wounded himdeeply, staggered. There was noword of reproach, no heaping upof abuse. He simply ceased totrust. Nor did he abuse anyone.For a number of years PresidentHarper was misunderstood' by menand papers that took an ultra con¬servative stand on Biblical criti¬cism. The writer has seen him|wince as some word was broughtto his notice. But now that he isdead, a bitter enemy could not finda single word of abuse, of wilfulreproach, of scorn or contempt,from lip or pen of President Harp¬er.”—^ Illini.Ooattamd on pogo 4, column 2 j Eighty Four Men Chosen to KeepWatch At Bier of Late Presi¬dent In Haskell[Details For Stationing Guard CompletedThis Afternoon and Frequent ReliefsArranged ForThe student Guard of Honor «.<j| watch at the bier of .the Presidentwas appointed this morning. Itconsists of the members of thestudent councils, personal friendsof the President, marshals and men[who are prominent in college af¬fairs. These men met this after¬noon in Cobb to make arrange¬ments for relieving the guard. Thefirst detail will be stationed at two[thirty tomorrow afternoon and aconstant watch will be kept untilthe time of the funeral Sunday| afternoon. 4Benjamin C. Allen, Charles F.)Axelson, Harold L. Axtell, EarlB. Babcock, Arthur H. Badenoch,Fredrick A. Baird, Norman Bar-1ker, Hugo F. Bezdek, Alton' E.|Bigelowr, William R. Blair, Abra-jham Bowers, Arthur M. BoyerJFredrick D. Baamhall, Carey H. IBrown, Charles A. Bruce, StephenR. Capps, David Covington, Har-'ley C. Darlington, James D. Dick¬erson, Karl H. Dixon, Peter F,Dunn, Maurice T. Price, John J*Radford, Edgar F. Riley, MaxRhode, James F. Royster, John G.*Saarri; Thomas 'Sanderson, GeorgeR. Schaffer, Garland D. Scott, A,W. Scherer, William C. Speidel,Charles H. Swift, Harold Swift,Frank H. Templeton, Charles J.Webb, Frank H. Wescott, RusselWilder, Howard Woodhead, Ros-coe Fairchild, Edw. G. Felsenthal,Luther D. Fernald, Hugo M,Friend, Burton P. Gale, Cyrus L,Garnett, Frederick L. Gates,Robert M. Gibboney, Earl Goettsch,Thomas H. Goodspeed, Walter L*Gregory, William McM. Hanchett,Robert B. Hasner, William H. Hat¬field, Jr., Coe Hayne, James V,Hickey, Melville A. Hill, David E,Hirsch, Albert L. Hopkins, CharlesE. Hoyne, Earl G. D. Hostetter,Felix T. Hughes, Harold Ickes,Clark S. Jennison, William Kirk¬patrick, Nathan L, Krueger, F. J.Lesemann, James D. Lightbody,Robert M. Linsley, Lyman T.Loose, Sanford A. Lyon, WaylandW. Magee, Robert E. Matthews,]William G. Matthews, Thomas N.MacBurney, Meril C. Meigs, RoyW. Merrifield, Fredrick G. Molon¬ey, Robert J. McKnight, RowlandH. Mode, Bertram G. Nelson, Ed¬win E. Parry, Arthur Paul, ErvingPerrill, Vergil V. Phelps. jThe faculty and students of Rushhave been invited to join in the pro¬cession with the faculty and stu¬dents of the University when thePresident is transferred from hishome to Haskell Saturday, morningat ten o’clock.Memorial ServicesA memorial service will be heldI at the Hyde Park Baptist Church,the President’s home church, Sun¬day mOrniug at 1.1 o’clock. Ad¬dresses will be made by Albion W*Small, Ernest B. Burton and J. LJackson pastor of the church.• r*) S; * .The Daily MaroonPabttofcad iftniMU by the 8to4«t« of tbo Unlrorrtty of CUcafo Davtaf throeQuiten of tho Vairoraity TottfVOL. IV. No. 4H CHICAGO, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 1905 Pricb Two CentsReady ^WolverinesThis is the Team that will Meetthe Yost Machine TomorrowMaroonvs.Maize and Blue Staggvs.Yosth ^ SB Hrjam m I i M"SB®! h. {£«> < ipjFj f M Rw X aB 7 *^ jmm1 • pa l&u wr ffljgfijl HBHBjpgWHEN THE MAROON HASMET THE MAIZE AND BLUEHistory of The Previous GamesBetween Chicago and The Wol¬verine WarriorsScores Favor Michigan According to Rec-ords—Interesting Comparisons FromTableScores of Former Mlcbigan-ChicagoGamesISO'—Michigan. IS: Chicago. 10.MW Chicago. 10: Michigan 6.1 fr>3 Michigan. 20; Chicago. 10.M»4— Mich gan. 6; Chicago. «.1895- Michigan, I.’: Chicago, a1*90 Chicago. T; Michigan, o.1897 Chicago. 21; Michigan. 12.180$ — Michigan, 12; Chicago, II.1899—No gam*.1900—Chicago. 15; Michigan, 6.1901—Michigan, 22: Chicago, 0.1902—Michigan. 21; Chicago. 0.1903—Michigan, 28; Chicago. 0.1904—Michigan, 22; Chicago, 12.Since the University was foundedIn 1892 the annual football gamewith the University of Michiganhas been one of the leading featuresof the athletic year, until at thepresent time the whole footballseason ia looked upon as prepara¬tion for the Turkey Day contestwith the representatives of theMaize and Blue. Not only as anathletic contest, but also as a so¬ciety event in the annual clash ofthe two .teams looked forward towith general pleasure. CAPTAIN MARC CATLINCaptain Marc Catlin, who leads the team tomorrow in the last game ofhis career, is one of the greatest athletes ever at the University. In hisfreshman year he played left end, in his sophomore year full-back, lastyear right half back, and this year he is at right end. In his Sophomoreyear he was chosen as All Western full-back. Last season he vas handi¬capped by injuries and started in the Michigan game in such a crippledcondition that he was unable to carry the ball and played offensive tackle.He plays defensive quarter and is considered the greatest secondary defence player in the country.Catlin is also one of the mainstays of the track team. He has been theConference Champion in the high hurdles for three years and has wontwo seconds and one first in the conference low hurdles. He has also wonpoints in the discus throw.Catlin entered from West Aurora High School where he was on thefootball and track teams four years. He is a member of Phi Delta Theta,Three Quarters Club, and Score Club. He has been a member of theJunior and Senior College Councils and is treasurer of the senior class.*Michigan198 185 186T HAMMOND LONGMAN MAGOFFIN195 154 - 190HAMMOND BARLOW GARRELS190 236 212 192 224RHE1NSCHILD GRAHAM SCHULTZ SHULTE CURTISHILL MBIGS218 201PARRY207HITCHCOCK158 GALE180ECKERSALL145BEZDEK185Chicago RUSSELL BADENOCH184 191CATLIN184WALKER182 MAROONS ARE READY TOMEET MICHIGAN MENChicago Team In Fine ConditionFor Final Struggle of SeasonTomorrow AfternoonHard Luck Ha* Followed Team All SaawaoBut Spirit of Fight May GainThe VictoryMichigan tomorrow. The climaxof the most successful season inyears for both teams is just twenty-four hours away and both unbeatenaggregations will strain every nerveand muscle in a desperate attemptto lower the colors of the rival.What will happen in the two hoursfor which the twenty-two men havebeen working hard all season cannot be prophesied even in the slight¬est degree, but it is certain that itwillbe the hardest fought contestseen on Marshall Field in many aday.Both Michigan and Chicago havehop{s and strong hopes of victory,but neither is confident. Michigandepends on her stonewall defenseand her machine offense to humili*ate the Maroon; Michigan fearsEckersall. Chicago fears the stone¬wall defense and the machine offenseof the Wolverines, and dependslargely upon the swift Maroonbacks and Eckersall to win fromthe four year champions of theWest. By virtue of the four sne-Contioucd on page 8, col Continued on page 8, col. ITHE EtC.KmEeR ShAaLsL COMEtThe Daily MaroonPlkUikid Afternoons by th« Students of the University ot Chicago During three Quarters of the University TentVol. IV. No. 44 CHICAGO, MONDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1905 Price Two CentsMAROONS HUMBLE THE MAIZE and BLUECoach Stagg s Warriors, Playing the Game of Their Lives, Outclass Formidable Michigan Machine in Titanic Struggle for Championship of West—Contest is Greatest in Western Football History—Game is Won onQuick Recognition of Tactical Blunder—Curtis is Ruled Out ForRoughness—Schulte is Played—Chicago Stars Play BrilliantlyChicago Rejoices—Maroon Adherents RejoiceBy a score of 2—0, in the great¬est football game ever played inthe West, Chicago won the long-toveted Championship of the WestOtt Thanksgiving Day. It was atriumph of the spirit of fight overthe spirit of overconfidence, qual¬ity over weight, Coach Stagg overCoach Yost. .The position of the•'Old Man” as the premier coachof the West was startliugly vindi¬cated aud some of the most remark¬able of suprises resulted from thegenius of the Wizard.Michigan has an excuse withwhich to account for the result, butit is not a reason. About fifteenminutes after the commencement ofplay, Joe Curtis, tlie great tackle,whether by inteut or % accident,Crashed into Eckersall after he hadgotten away a punt, aud knockedthe quarter back, stunued andbruised, to the ground. Whilethousands of spectators watchedbreathlessly to see if “Eck” couldremain in the game, the tackle wasruled out of the game by the officialsfor unnecessary roughness. HadCurtis remained in the game, saythe Maize and Blue adherents, theresult might have becu different.Chicago men, however, rememberthat while the giant was still in thegame Bezdek found him good for aHumber of generous gains; and, onthe other hand, his efforts at carry¬ing the ball were absolute failures.“Octy” Graham, the other greatlineman ground gainer, averagedeight inches for each of the ninetimes he carried the ball, so thatestimate* as to what Joe might havedona are being discounted. « To the surprise, but also to thepleasure of the Chicago rooters,Schulte was played, and whilehis presence in the game hadbut little effect on the result, italso robbed Michigan of anotherexcuse. It was thought that inview of the indisputable evidencewhich has appeared in the pa¬pers as to the length of. Schulte’sexperience that Yost would nothave the uerve to play him, but heappeared, and seemed to be muchneeded.The weather was ideal when candi¬dates for seats began to line-up onFifty-seventh Street to buy generaladmission tickets. By twelveo’clock both the north and southstands were filled, and the re¬served seats were rapidly beingoccupied. For a short time asocker game amused the crowd,who jeered aud exercised theirwit at the expense of thesockists, but who seemed to en¬joy the novel exhibition.This last moment before the gamethe hay, which had covered the fieldfor two weeks, was raked off, leav¬ing the field in perfect condition,aud the slight snow flurries whichcontinued all afternoon were notheavy enough to materially affectthe footing.The yelling began early, and abrisk interchange of preliminary-cheers came from the rival bleachers.These, however, were dwarfed inthe thunderous roar of welcome thatgreeted the Maroon team, and thatwhich a minute later greeted thewearers of the Maize and Blue.Chicago won the toss, and re¬ ceived the ball in the north goal.Tbeu came the first surprise of theday, for she promptly tore off anumber of good gains through thevaunted Michigan line. When final¬ly the ball went over, the secondsurprise of the day materialized, forthe Chicago line held like Harvey-ized steel plate. From tackle totackle it was practically impregna¬ble to the Michigan attack, theYost machine making first downbut eight times, as against thetwenty-four times made by Chicago.The West' rose in the estimationof tile East at this stage in thegame, for the defense of both sideswas gilt-edged. That of Chicagowas particularly phenomenal. Al¬though outweighed at least fifteenpounds to a man, the gritty line¬men held the mighty Michiganbaokfield with a determinationwhich shut down every play togains of inches.Early predictions were complete¬ly reversed by the event. Dopes-ters figured that Chicago would runMichigan’s ends and that Michiganwould tear the Maroon line topieces. But it was Chicago’s endsthat Garrels ran for the distanceswhich raised the Michigan gain*high enough to save her reputation,and it was the Michigan line thatyielded the most to the Maroonattack.Up and down the field the ballsee-sawed, neither side being ableto gain for any length of time.Walker was hurt about the middleof the first half, breaking a smallbone in his foot and despite hisgallant efforts he was not able to assist the runner or carry the ballat top notch form. It was Bezdek,and the featherweight* “Terry”Hitchcock on one side in contrastwith three gigantic backs on theother, and the lighter meja won.The Maroon offense wus so fast, soshifty and so unexpected in its va¬riety that the Michigan men werefairly rattled and did not kno^what to expect.As the half progressed it becameevident that, crippled as it was, theChicago team had the call on theMaize and Blue, and the cheersfrom the east stand became a fran¬tic demonstration. The west stand,stunued by the alarming situation,relieved themselves of a few strag¬gling “locomotives,” while the bandplayed frantically “The Victors”and “Oh, How He Ran,” and theChicago crowd sang “Oh, How WeRan” to the Michigan accompani¬ment.Whatever is said of the Michiganteam, and certainly they did put upa magnificent game, there is nodoflbt that the Michigan rooters,accustomed to a winning game,quit igndtniniously in the face ofpossible disaster.Chicago rooters had watchedanxiously as the Maroon team firstcame on the field to see if DeTraywas to play. Just before the endof the first half, Leo, with two at¬tendants, started on a run to thegymnasium to get into his suit.The crowd divined his purpose andset up a frantic roar of joy. A fewminutes later with the ball near themiddle of the field the half ended.Continued on page 4, col. 2OFISubscribe to thm Maroonr.i*g ' « .? 5;-I ®f)e Bailp iflaroon24 No- & UNIVERSITY C* CHICAGO. SATURDAY. NOVEMBER 8, 1924 Price 5 Cent*I RED’ PLUNGES AGAINST MAROON WALL(MDUATE LEAGUEFOMS FOR TOUCHttfl) COMPETITION*#». n*; onr Leejiie*Sdwulo MoqAijEmlCndr"* students. f"f the f>r»t timek Ar history of intramural* at thehave enured into comprtigp with fraternity and undergraduateTTuj |wrtictjviti"n was an-■ yesterday hy the Intramural*f,, and ha> begun with the|wHinm of a gr^du.tc Iragur in touch-fetThrough the rrfon« oi Joe Stmdi.touchlxll. fourntoau manage'have been outrd fr-m the van-m grid Kho>'i« t • pU> not only mKwchteU tompetiU'n but to take partfe tfet 1 strain ura’> tbr oiig'tviit tlw yearThe lea mi teprcH-nt the Lommerte^4 ,\dnutuitratK*n, Divinity, and Lawaad Phi Mhpa Dvlta legal fraif ftefiaa PlayUttiMf • the hrit day oi rivalry■d will tee the appearance of each **lAt eaafctncfi Juvtice will meet The-,i-0 a the Ar»t game, while Fraterni-% viS battle Ci»inc*i m the latter tihM the schedule:held J:4S P. hi. Phii Delu »a C and A.; 4;15 P.vs. Juries.Oa Wedne-day the team* will claihlm their sennd days play, meeting onMidway held at the Midway betweenIhevruty and tirrnw<*id Avt*. Theme schedule is A AS P M . Phi AlphaMn ?». Jurist-. 4 IS P M. Divmitya* C. aad A.TW results of yerterday’a Came*h trarhhaP eliminated two freter-Mbs* (ram chance* at leagts# titles.ILL and D. U. each advancedM expewie of their opponents.Hgass Alpha Epsilon won overBfemt Chi by a Kore of 14 to 0 ini wall played came yerterday.Mta Upatlon defeated Phi BateMi b a hard came. ThU victoryMess Mta I'psilon a chance for WWTRAMURALSON WAT MONDAYIntramaral horueibu pitching W-Cfna Monday with the playing off•f • aerie* of MatrW' gchwdakaart out and in the ull to all fra-ternitie* and onorcanlaod IranHoraeahoe pitching teams willconsist of aix men per team. TSewemen will compete In pair* thaa making a match of thro# games. Adouble* game will consist of thehe«t two out of thrso match**.Point* will be (cored for esch teamvictory a* In toachbalLNine court* are rigged wp la the-ogthrast comer of Stagg Sold forthe horneshoe pitcher*. They areready for immediate occupancy.Standard equipment ha* been forni.hed hy the Intramaral* Commit-•i»n.Thirty teams have entered thet oumament. The competition Itween them will continue for throeweeks.Di(Realty was experienced la ar¬ranging the ached ale to dovetailwith the tooehhaQ gaaaoa, hat thishas been satisfactorily ellmiaatedhy the naabiii.Seam Mailleague as Itvictory in the Delta tnow ia tying for first place.Sigma Nu (cored 14 points to PhiKappo Pai’s 7 in their game whichwas well contacted. Sigma Na isnow at the heed of tbo Gammaleague, das to this victory.Sts* Kim IEva/iitonicnt'Wolverines PrimedFor Today9s Clash at Ann ArborAaa Arbor, Nov. b—Unusual in-■rat throughout Michigan is eao-■hg so the Michigan-North-game to be played hereand Ferry field stand**• probably be f.lled to capacity•» *ee thee* elo*eiy matched eleven*TW* .re a number of angle* onh* Wolverine Purple game thatfee are discussing. First Is thefcM that Northwestern crossedAggie*' goal twice, whilemade just one touchdownthe Farmer*.Then the fact that Ralph Baker,®wtbw**tem'i triple-threat backMde the Conference a* a point-And the Northwestern•tted la rated a* the b«-*t prodcced** Bvaaaton in ten years.Pmthenwye. the game will be a**• *f Mait*r ver«u* Pupil, *inca"nllwotem invade* Ann Arbort*o Yo»tcoached men on Ha*** reaching itaff in Duke DonnaWUtertu.®MiU, laet year’* <fturt*rback onWafvorinae, acd Duke Dunne,^^••••an for Michigan for throe• kav* been ^orkini* night and•Twltk the PnrpU, preparing them*• «h» all important Mir. /an bat- tima whan Captain Kerb. Staffer, ofMichigan, will lead the Wolverine*against a team coached hy his oUfriend, Glen Thirtieth* aHe, whotaught him the beginnings of foot¬ball while a student In Oak Parkhigh school. And I'toriti, formerteam-mate of Stager at Michigan,was aL*o a player under Thistla-thwaite in high school days.Both Utcrit* and Dunn* mud*All Conference tcama and Uweritx,in addition, won a berth on the Ail-V/eatem squad.It will be a gam* yrorth seeing—perhaps the beat on Ferry Acid thisseason. Fans who were disappoint¬ed in seeing other Michigan homegame* received cheering new* fromAnn Arbor today, when It wa* a»-no.inccd that several thousand tick¬et* would be on asie at the boxoffice for the gam*."pupil veno* miiiar”tebt place ,t the asm*Btep Him! Evanston, 111., Nov. 6 — Ev*ry-thing la Michigan now. North-w'stern'* victory over Indiana hatraised th* Purple stock anothernotch and every one of th# 1.S00Northwestern students who will ac¬company the team to Ann Arborexpect another win. Coach** Uteritz and Dunne, former Michiganplayer*, are sending the Purplethrough daily workout* against ro-aerve* coached with Michigan play*. Since Chicago's first game withIllinois in 189S, out ef th* tweutyright games played, Chicago hatwoa seventeen. ItllaoU nine; twewere tied. The acores for th* gamaofollow:Year189218921894189618971901199219021994190819091907190819091919ton191219181914191619121917191819191920192119221923 STAGG HOPES TO REPEL ONRUSHOF ZUPPKE AND GRANGE TODAYHaQ and McOwun Will Not Play Entire Game, U Latest Dope; Latt OK*on Present Field(S.A.T.C.)., Illinois Chicago4 1922 18• 199 1212 11.S4 90 99 119 €9 449 •S9 429 118 142 90 «0 167 2221 710 97 290 929 919 03 09 14• 9 By Saoao H. FrfooStarting with a winding, ah outing,tinuoua, anako-danco; tad hy th*bond playfhg Chicago's boat andmoat militant tonga, the greatestP*P session In th* history of the1'nlveraity carried through to a cli¬mactic Anish Last night Inaid* thetraditional walla of Mandat halLFrom the very beginnfcg of theparade th* unequaled spirit ef th*crowd grew and awraltad; th* longline awinging back and forth in th*way of march shouted and yelledand sung in happy discord. Aa theypassed each fraternity boos* anddormitory there were those whoAung themselves from th* doorway*aad ran to Join them, atrugglingwith coat* and hat*. Marching upUniversity and down Wood Lawn,over to the campus, th* Una woundits way through th* staid corridorsof Harper library and aeroaa cam¬pus, past the women's halls to Man-del.The Arst few momenta af enter¬ing aad An ding plasm ia ths hallwere 6n*d with th* typical “OldChicago” spirit avldancef in th* con-tinea) pandemonium of shouts Icheer*. Back and forth aeroaa th*balconies yell after yell roe* uponeach other with continaou* din.Whistling, shrieking and shoaling—until Cheerleader Km ran op toth* platform and led th* flrot realorganised cheer. And th* walls efMaadol r*r*j berated to Sta tch*."The team's coming I TYva t*“"s’icoming!” shouted Bill, and everyman and woman in that kali root tohi* feet and th* team Bled in withdetenrlatd face* to asset aa ovationthat Lasted on and on. navor slowingdown—nevor diminishing. For tenminutes—from th# time th# boyaentered the door until long afterthey had taken their acute upon theMage of Mandai, th* graat roar con¬tinued.Tnen, after three of Chicago’*famous chesra, led by Kerr, Covertand Griffin, Professor Toddy Linnwas presented to th* eager audience.Ih a alienee strangely contrastedBtep HlmtStadium PiojectIs Opposed ByPark Ccmmitiion Bokaeek.. ErwnSlimmer. .Roberta, ...MillerRail, . ,. RassetHalt.McQwaiz,, . Cr*nge.. .BnttowHARRY THOMA5, Chlcaao’a(real premnd gainer, ia wheaa Chi-cage faas plaee their eewRdewce.NEW FIELDHOUSE TOBE INTRAMURALQUARTERSStop HlmtSell BftDoom atAll Gates TodayWomen's Athlotlc association willsponsor the selling of Urge, trans¬parent, gas Ailed balloons outside efall the gate* et today's gam*. TheM|,s will take pine* continuouslyfrom 1 to 1:46, the saleswomen be¬ing distinguished by maroon badgeswith W. A. A. In gold lottera. Ac¬cording to plana now being aaado,balloon* colored to represent bothschools will be sold at th* Wiacou-»ln gem*.Stop Him I When plene for the University**new double-decked stadium wereannounced yesteday, th# south parkcommlsaion exproeaed opposition toH, In vtew of tho oa* aaseatly con¬structed ia Great Park. B. E.Sunny, one of th* commimlonera,announced that th*’University planswere both “surprising end disap¬pointing.”“It was our hop* that th* Uni¬versity of Chicago would play theirbig gsmee In the Grant Park sta¬dium,' and the proposition that isnow announced duplicates our GrantPark structure seven mile* southand seems to me not only wastefuland unnecessary, but greatly Uck-Ug in the spirit of co-ordination,”wet Mr. Sunny’a asghment.Stodeols Eagres* Opioiow*But that isn't the way that thestudents of th* University seem totook at It. “If the University did(Continued on page 2) With th* announcement of thenew Stagg Aeld with an additionalArid house cornea th* Informationthat the program of Intramural* In¬augurated at the University this fallhad a great deal to do with th* de¬cision to build th* new gymnasia**.In fact, the new building will housed almort entirely by th* Intra¬mural* with the exception of th*big basketball games, when the Aeldhouse will hold the ifnment* crowdswhich attend Big Ten games.Play la AftemewoIndoor baseball, indoor track, in¬tramural basketball and volley ballwill be contested in th* new homeof sports. Afternoon competKtoncan now be enjoyed In theae sports,which have hitherto been playedonly in th* evening. This will al¬low more extensive operation of th*intramural program, end echedulet will resort to the eharactarist*can be run off in muck lea* tim*without the detraction from studiesthat th* evening play necessitates.Beside* the sports that Will beheld in the new house, the wintercarnival will be scheduled there.This ha* nevar been held at Chi-rago before. Probable Max*:ChicagoBamei L.E. .Gowdy L.T. ,,Pondclik L.G. .Goodman C. ,,,Pokraaa R.G. .or RollestonHobrcheid. ... B.T. ,or 'HendersonLaw R.E. ,Abbott Q.B. .Thomas R.H.B. ,Kernwein.... L.H B.Marks F.B.or FrancisBy Irviag CeedmaaW'hen the “Fighting Dlic!" trotout on historic Stagg Aeld tbit afternoon to display their highly toutedgridiron machine before thirty twethousand impatient spectator! ttwill be the Arst, last, and only ap¬pearance’ of the scintillating "Red''Grange on the Maroon Aeld it httcollege career. Moreover, th* nexttime the Orange and Blue wttl cloakStagg'a warriors, 79,999 fertbaSfan* will Jam the new stadium U beerected en the atte of Big bate.It ia for this reason that tbs Mid¬way pigskin gladiators are eepeelabyanxious to halt the winning streetof the Zuppmen.But. wishing will not win far theMaroon eleven. They must exhibitsuch determination and “pusck" a*they have failed to ahow this seas¬on. It was a simple matter u twicehold Purdue from making the eece*-sary yard for a touchdown, hut Hwill be sn entirely different matterto tbeck "Triple threat” Grangefrom making the necessary yardage.They're Vareatile CessesTh* Ulini have on* of the martversatile elevens in football hlatcry.With Britton's educated to* is th*ram* th* Urbanite* are alwayx dan¬gerous within their opponent'■ th-yard line. With Grange la tk*game, H la dangerous t* play th*tackles wide or ho will mu*through for abort choppy galai a*he did against Iowa. Likowtaa, wtthth* line in do*# formatlom*. theV'bcston wonder may duplicate hi*Michigan performance.tho* Stagg’a strategy will reee'.v*a sever* test. In all probability,“The Old Man" may employ Goodyat a roving center backing up dlplays. However, just what methodsBtagg wilt us* are unknown. On*thing it certain, th# wiaard of thir¬ty-three campaigns will have a etne*dy defense to array agalntt CaptaimRokuaek and hit men.It would not b* surprising f*c‘The Old Man" to uncover » In¬tricate passing attack and double-croee the critic* Moat Hk*l7 beattempt to play a game at th* leldthey would And the place so windythat the ball would either be carriedinto the lake or over the loop,” wa*the opinion expreasen by one Un¬dent.Though no ofRclal statement by(Contluwed on page 2) tackle smash**.Crwago Lease TeeehAlthough Red Grange lort a to«*hin practice today on Stagg Bold, ’hemtaaing molar will not affect th*A*et footed star’s work. It t* *h*irony of fate that Grange, thoudje marked man in every game, ehould*oc»p« unscathed and then a b*mFin the Jaw In signal practice 8k®**looter, a tooth. Yet Gr*rf* do*not run with hi* teeth, *o th* ■*'room- should not feel confW'ert be¬cause of thia.At any rate, whether theSider* will upaet tho drp* ** uadded to the liat of Or*r.#»» T*’1 Continued on par* *>VoL 26. No. »*• fflje 3Bath> ittaroon Today ia Ctopul.UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO. TUESDAY. NOVEMBER 19. 1929 price Five Cart*INDUCT HUTCHINS AS PRESIDENTTW atm* imekMi irHmtra. nrtir tto *m<Im of Fr*d-SELL TICKETS ATMANBEL OFFICEfor ‘the_circle*Anoobt Committees forProduction Work*Name Head*TWko*i f*» "TW C toils" by Nf.j,- Hm|W. prstosod W «WOnaa'H A»o«Utto* Nuillw Sttrj M .1 I M ia sto SayaaWi «Wtlli„ viO W rrt«a»4 fvuaa Wkaa .Mm* l.aaww aad tW owe-toys from It ua*U 4, aad„j M print at ftl-44.Lorg* Pvoduttiaa Staff jHoward Wiltott it chairman of tWkow committee which takoo ckirp [«r the usher*. Ho it pittite at of jtk« Tower Player*, and hat th# rolo j,1 -Arnold ‘ in thu ptay. Margu«rit*frrahole. who play* tW part af•Udy Kitty." th* coaiody rolo afike pity, is m chary* af th* pah- •iKity. Orvit Henklc a* chairman of Itke commutes on ac«n*ry i* aaaiatedky ftihenne Scott a ad Dorothylakill. The stay* aiaaayor it Jttt*iStatelier, while Eleanor Grottiata■ a rharye of the properties. JaaetUweithal. who it makiay Wr first <■ppeeranre in a major production,a cksirman of the costume coat-m*m. Seatnc* Schieblor ia chair | rrtff Af>16A Out tOam ef the committee oa oaUrtaia-1Gr*f b“—*~ *“-i Beat Scphamont•ad af Maonarert* today, at 4:1ftia Maadoi hail TW ' yntioa atd tW VaimaHy WMayare M #» ported towtth tW atttaftaan.Today's pctfnm b f<Goory Srhaamaa't overlap*“Lick ssTru tong" tW so I artisantonta—Allegro aoa Utppa. Ato-yrotto. aad Aiioyro aoa hippifrom Franck's “Symphony, DMiner"; Debussy's ria tW Streetsaad hy tW Wayside,” "TW Pmfame* of tim NiyW.” aad “TWHominy of tW Poto Day.** fromhit “I tori*"; SiWUat* “Vale*Trttto.'*; aad Chahnor't rhapoody“Etpaaa.**It b hoped tWt mimlem wWcannot uto tWtr ticket* for thinconcert will • stand tW pdeileytto w m* of their friend* or madtick* * to th* office ia 24S C*hhtW day Wfor* tW concert tothat tickets can W told far thebenefit of tW naaociation. Thereare several teaeoa tickets stillavailable which mhy W procured,at Cobb 202. at a major reduc¬tion ia price. A TRIBUTE TO THE UNIVERSITYFlaowKmrs m tko ikanal mlnmm of Th* Doily MaroonI of do tribute which no manyam paying to thea* o tiahr of oadioooi aducatioo ia the eeremonieaia do Otapol.That political ladm af do waiaoacB of former Gov-•nor Lowdaa of Haoii aad Govoraor Kohler of Wiaconmnore otfteadmf the aftupralao m pood ewidenoe of the import-oaeo which they attribute to the Uaivereity oa o trainingschool for democratic goveramit.The Uaiveraity hoe been celebrated for its achievementsia research scholarship. The fdiptir coma here today view-tag the Uaiveraity*e achievements as aa educator of men aadwooaea. This etateoaeot is substantiated by the appearanceof the representatives "of three student bodies at the pulpitof the Chapel to greet the new President.It ie Use to celebrate Mr. Hutchins' elevation to tha presi¬dency than to ritualize one more important step in the Uni¬versity's history, that the ceremonies are held today. It ie leesa welcome to Mr. Hutchins, the individual, than to PresidentHutchins, the representative of the University. YOUNGEST HEAD OF MAJOREDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONOFFICIALLY ASSUMES DUTIESCONGRATULATIONS POUR INFROM ALL PARTS OF WORLD Engel, Koerber, Tieken,And Steen AreSpeakersLouis Enyel, Merced* Koerber,Robert Tieken, end W. Brook* Steenh*ve been selected u th* four stu-dent epenkerm nt tke assembly ofatudenle tomorrow nt 11 in the Uni-vonity Chapel, it was announcedyoolerdey hy Doan G. J. Lainy,• chairman of tW committee on in-] auyuratioa of President Hatchin*.| TW announcement of tb* speaker*,their instruction, and order of num¬ber* on the proyram were nit yivenin n bulletin ieaued by Dean Lainy.Four more name*, completing thelist ef six representative* ef the■tudent body who will participate inth* ceremonies today, were altofives out yesterday. They areSusan Aker*. Library School; RobertSutherland, Divinity School; MarionWwit, Political Science; and Johnstag* I<0* md Gilbert Wbit*irtmn.“Tie Circle" it an English com-rtf mud one of the best ten ofio moor and has been used as aasdrl ef excellent modern ptay eon-arvtMB in drama courses at the(wrmity It is the second in awrw« ot play* being yiven by theOrsnstic association. On Novem-Wr 1 and 2. the first of th* »*rie*.tsaeoni Rideout i play "Coin' Home"produced. In Annual Ruth T‘-Zr^j:.'7Z. ’ZEminent Men D—patchTelegram*, LettersTo HutcbmsThree hundred, aad fifty tel*-'gnus*. cablegram*, and letter* fromof■ j at being unable to attend today's inConstruction nr >und the Univer-' nuyurntion ceremonies had been re-may be seriously hampered. If not' reived by the inauguration commit-by the editorial protests in Th* tee Monday morning Messages ofDaily Maroon, then by an order of < good will and praise have been sentthe Green Cap sponsors: “Freshmen,, from corners of the glob* as farbring us wood for a big bonfire; no separated ns the University of Hyd-OPEN RESEARCHEXHIBITS TODAY matter where you get it." Lumberlying around loose is in serious dan¬ger of confiscation by the wood-gatherers.The "big bonfire" is the tradition-.nl repository for the green caps.'which the freshmen, having wornthem throughout the quarter will;discard forever for the more dig- < erabad in India and the American.University in Beirut, Syria; from theuniversities of Brussels, Oxford,Cambridge, and Belfast to the .Stan¬ford university. California.Four thousand invitations weremailed to as many notables and in¬stitutions in this country in the formof cards to be checked and returned— - J nified fedora, or the alleged col- (|f the receiver did not plan to atShow Modern Methods | b*rc ****** J tend. Three hundred more were•p *»• ». _. Wtoa Harold Haydon, Green Cap ( Mnt tc prominent figures in many* O V (Alton sponsor, was announcing th* de-„ I toil* of th# wood gathering, y ester-Visitors and guests nt the in- d.y moming. bo suggested thatMnmtion ceremonies will be given -anythirlf Urger than an oggerate“ '’pportumty to learn aomething! wi„ do « By my *f illustration he.. the work carried on within th* . u th< ,p«aken' rostrum in,',er*ltiy ■ "umber of displays (Continued on page 4)•"seated by the various depart* I _________**“ in their respective fields. _ _' 0uthM* exhibit* are in the|Qr^|| Cap EaXaiH*w buildings which illustrate late! ~-r-1 *<Upul'o,w *• " j Set for Wedoeedayexhibitions win W held hy the}Panmenu of Ancient and Modern | ...... ■‘he Ditinity School and ' *• Gntn C‘P ^Institute, the Social Sci-1 Wednesday nt noon it was decided atFinal examinations for admission foreign countriesthree hundred and fifty of theseJ chose, rather than to return the| formal card with their regret*, toa send these numerous telegrams andcables telling at greater length theirI admiration and interest over this( occurrence in the life of the Unl-! versity.Jules Jusaerand. former ambas¬sador of France to the UnitedStates wrote, "The younger thepresident, the warmer are my wishes,since the fortunes of the University will for a long time he in hi* hands.Clever aad strong are those hands,from wWt I hear on the** distantstore*, at which I rejoice, since Ik»v* aver Wee and atoll evar W awe IT-wisher of your Univenuty."Lord Grey of Fallodon, Britishforeign minister just before tWwar, in his own hand writing, tentthis message in an.-.w*r to the invi¬tation extended to him: “Lord Greyof Fallodon appreciates the invita¬tion that has most kindly been sentto him to attend the ceremonies onNovember 19 and greatly regretsthat he rannot, owing- to engage¬ments at home that rannot he post¬poned. tome to the United Statesnext month."In closing his letter concerningthe event to Vice President Wood¬ward. Cnvernor Louis L. Emmersonstates. “I greatly appreciate yourinvitation to attend the ceremonieson November 19. and wish to ex¬press to you, and through yon toPresident Hutchins and the mem¬bers of the faculty of the Uni^wsityApproximately and to your distinguished guests.my greeting* and sincere goodwishes."The inauguration committee hason file this complete set of letters.(Continued on page 4) Hold Ceremonies st 11In UniversityChapelRobert Maynard Hutchins aril) bo*come the fifth president of th* Uni¬versity of Chicago today.With delegate* mustered from 144institutions to aid in tW formal ac¬cession, including 112 cdfleg* pres¬idents, Chicago bocoasa*. at least fara day, the academic capital of Am¬erica. Neprly two thousand citis-ens of Chicago, representing everydistinguished phase of the city’s life,will participate in various of thathree ceremonies scheduled for to*day.IskWm te Fellow I a vest it ereThe inauguration service ia thtUniversity Chapel, detignatad aa tbo167th Convocation of th* Univanity, 'will start at 11 a. m. It will be th* jmost imposing pageant ia tb* Uni-versity's history. Following th* in-Mills, Physic*. The pair previously .. ....... „ . „ .1 vestiture proper, fonr hundred dele-announced are Virginia Pop* and • / _-tl _Paul Brady. This group representsthe undergraduate, graduate, andprofessional schools.(Continued on page 2)SELECT BANETTORSETTLEMENT TEAPlace Tickets onAsk 25 CentsTryoeti foe skita, daaceaaad act* for Setlleeieet Night will jW bold Theradey at 2:30 •> ttoTower room.Bill Hahn’s orchestra has been*elected to play for the SettlementNight Tea dance. Friday from 3 to6 in the Reynolds clubhouse, byFrank butler and Marian Eckhart,co-chairmen in charge of the party.Tickets are now on sale for twenty-five cents; and as this is not a dateaffair, everyone is urged to come. I gales and guests xrili gather in Hut-!chinson Hall at 1 p. m. for luncheon.In the afternoon the Univeraity'a de¬partments will hold open house,classes having been given a holiday,for a asris* mi SansnaatyiHawe andexhibitions. At 7 p m. on* thous¬and guests of the Board of Trusteeswill assemble in the Grand Ballroomof the Palmer House for the in¬augural banquet.President Hutchins will address•••«•- I all three gatherings.Order ef March to ChapelAssembling of six hundred dele¬gates and faculty members, in Id*(Continued on page 3)Sale,Jr4** *** School of Educfttio*. flitPres*, the Science Ub-•Fontinued on page 4)^ Eugenie BeckNew Y. W. SecretaryHathaway, Woman***t»*d baa re-4* r w^ as secretary nf[ A- Eugenie Beck, whoJ8* '"airman of th* Finance..*** *hd '« charge »f tto re¬fill tk.Dana** drive, was elected te*«tion of secretary, nt aot °i« first cabinet jrester^ Teesday the T. W. la givingdinner for Unl-Skw wbo have come from4| Jr?* *t ft in Ida Noyas IwO.to-T” •* «Mnyna wto are In-^ ** invited. ADVISE STUDENTSTO VISIT CLINICSIN OFFICE HOURSa meeting of the candidates and aponson in Handel yesterday. Tto ax-amination will he conducted in lentTheater. Harold Haydon. on* of ttosponsors, announced.Candidate* for the society will toexamined on four topics: history ofef tto University, important noagm,officers af HayA!*^! u>*r office hour* unless emergencyof campus organisation*. Hny«»* »» tm»*rati*#. This wasdicsted. For tto Watory af tto Uni All atadenu deairing to take ad¬vantage of tto free student healthservice which ia maintained by th*University in the Max Epstein Clinicshould make their visits during reg-versity tto candidate* war* referredto Coodspeed's History, malarialsent ant to entering student* nnd »n-terial puhlistod In tto Dally Maramt.Thia topic will Indud* both the oldand th* new Univeraity history. Hny-don said.Threa varaaa af Atm* Mntor. Wavetto Flag of Old Chicago. March «tto Maroon*. C iUnda for CtoriatodCosrng* nnf Our Chicago "-ttofee which tto Green Cnpto"(Continued on pad* <> treatment ia Imperative. Thia wa*the aaacace of an announcement is-sned from tto Director's office lateyesterday.The clinic Maintains the followingregular hoars: from • to 12 and 2to ft on week days, nnd from 4 to 12Saturday*. A charge of on* dollarwill to mad* where a visit outside oftto stove hour* prove* to to un¬warranted by tho condition of thepatient A fee of two dollars dor-lug tto night nnd oa* daring th*day wJU to charged for room visits. Frances Tells ofHer “Meditations”By Catherine Dotoay aadHelen WaitersFrances Hutchins has a Park doll—she told us all about It In an in¬terview yesterday afternoon I* theliving room of the President’* house.She atood vary independently k themiddle ef the room, a email figurein a red plaid raincoat aad | littlered beret."What do you like so *•*. w*asked her."Oh. DESSERTS." ah* angwered,without the slightest hesitation.Then she told us about tor doll: "It’sa white doll and it'* about so big■mall," and she measured its lenjrthwith little heads.Wc told her that her coat waavary ace, and she eaid, “ 'At'a ’cauacIt’* red. I like red the very beat"With a Halle that mad* her lookovon more like her father, shemoved a faw stops closer to showu* her pretty red and bin* drees.Do you know what ah* does all(Coatianad on pag* 2) Mrs. Rullo Lyman, who was to bechaperon, will be out of town andunable to attend; so Mrs. F. S.Breed, wife of Associate ProfessorFrederick Stephen Breed in the Edu¬cation department, is to take herplace. The Donations committee isat present making arrangements forserving punch.All Settlement Drive committeesare asked to attend a meeting Wed¬nesday at It in Cobb 108, insteadof noon, as had been planned. Thiaparticularly applies to all womenwho are selling tickets for the dance.TRUSTEES NAMEFOURTEEN FORFACULTY POSTSFourteen new instructor* havebeen added to the University facul¬ties, according to a recent announce¬ment issued from the office of theBoard of Trustees.The new members of the teachingforce follow: Harold Granville Blue.Education; Ruth Cowan, Arlyn Eit-ert aad Isabel Nobel, Home Econo¬mics; Dr. Harold Entg, Surgery onthe Douglas Smith Foundation; Dr.Byron F. Francis and Dr. KrutaAxel Reuter, Medicine; EvsrattWesley Hall, Philosophy; FrancisPettijohn. Geology; Paul Radia, vis¬iting instructor in Anthropology;Ernest R. Shaw, Commerce aad Ad¬ministration; Dr. Loh Seng Taai.Pathology under the Spraguo Mem¬orial Institute; Dr. Margaret K.Strong, Social Service and Admin¬istration; William E. Vaughu, Ctom-istry. PUBLISH LISTS OFCANDIDATES FORFALL GRADUATION'Provisional lists of the candidate*for the Bachelor's Degree at the FallConvocation, December 17, have bee*posted, and studonts wxpactiag tograduate should inspect these list*and report omissions.The lists will be found on bulletinboard* in the following locations:Arts, Literature and Science, northcorridor of Cobb hall; C. and A.school. Commerce building; College ofEducation, Blaine hall; School of So¬cial Service Administration, Cobhhall, Room 112.i <la case of omissions, tha follow¬ing officials should be consulted: Arts,Literature and Science school, Mm.Garden; C. and A. school, Mrs. Carr;School of Education, Miaa Johnson;and School of Social Service and Ad-,ministration, Mrs. Crane.University LibrariesAre Open All DayAll University lihrarias will to*p*a during tb* rugulnr honrs,4 a. ta. I* 14 p. n. today, it wasssnssniW y**torday. With tto•ac*ptlna mi a ihart interval Iran10:30 to 11 ■ 30 tto circulation 4a-partatout aU* will hu open allday.A* ttor* ar* assay rUItars tor*today, according to library auth¬orities, It to necessary that ttoRhrarios to up** so that they■say inspect thorn. Tto * loculitie* department will to rinsed fura short tim* i* order that was•f tto librarians may aaa ttoparnda,®f)e Bail? jHaroonVo) 31. No. 30. UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 20. 1930 Price Five Cent#REORGANIZE EDUCATIONAL SYSTEMBABBITT DISCUSSESHUMANISM BEFOREHANDEL AUDIENCERousseau’s Influence OnModern EducationShownNEED DISCIPLINEWants Symmetry, PoiaeAnd Proportion InMan's Life, -Whai vc want in modern educa¬tion is a combination of intelligenceand disciplined imagination, in ron-trait to the unrestrained naturalism•f Rou--vau.” asserted Irving Bab-btt, dean of American humanists, ina lecture to a full bouse in Manridkst night on the subject "Rousseauand Modern Education.” This talkwa ihe second of a series of sixWilliam Vaughn Moody lectures onwt, science and religion.Babbitt, who is a professor ofWrench at Harvard University. i< theleading exponent of the humanisticdactrine in the United States. He hasrecently been elected to be one of thefifty member- of the American Acad¬emy of Art- and Letters.Roaliui'l Coatpibalion“Rousseau has contributed theChief edtn-aiiomd W‘*rll ■the w**Hdh the la-t J00 years.” Babbitt said.Continuing, he developed the theory•f formali-m in education as mi-eanced by the Jesuits, the utilitnr-wrism ..f Bacon as an influence ineducation. and the idea of Rousseau'that “man -hould depend on his nat¬ural gcodne-s.” Contrary to theJesuits' theory of habit forming asthe prime function* of life, Rous¬seau contended that the only habitthat a child should be allowed toform is the habit of not forminghabits.While Rousseau advocated that•duration should be negative, withefcaracter and temperament develop¬ed freely. Babbitt and the humanistsadvocate a more disciplined and con¬servatively controlled development.Changing from the naturalistic bentof Rousseau. Babbitt di-eussed theprecocity of seventeenth century'children, a* recorded by Evelyn, inhia diary Evelyn’s child, at two andone-half years could read and pro¬nounce Engli-h, Latin and French,read Gothic, and conjugate verbs.Later he developed a 1 passion forCreek and Scripture*. Me died at theage of tn.-- years, three day*. Babbitt,with a showing of wit and little lovefor Puritanism, said that John Mil-•on wa- the only one with such learn¬ing that ever survived the earlyTModern, education mu-t embodythree principles, all mentioned byBou-seau. which are: self-expression,11 . ip tinned mi page 4) Campus Swelters onHottest Nov. DayFur coats became in-ulTi rubleand iueitia enveloped the <ain;tu*ye-terdny. as a ie-ult ot the balmyweather wh'ch cao-cd the mer¬cury to mount to 75 d.giee^ Itwas the hettc-t November dayever to be refolded by the officialweather buteau.IV-pite the fact that the Chi-■ ago Tribune predicted snow furtoday, the University weatherforecast showed ihe expectation ola decided drop in temperature,but no snow.While ('Pn ago is enjoying suchunusual weather. New Mexico i«being snowed under, while it i«two degrees below zero in Yellowstone Park. PRESIDENT HUTCHINSDisplay FashionsOf Feminine GarbAt W, A, A. ShowExhibit Appropriate WearFor DifferentOccasion#Styles for every occasion, wheth¬er it be a skiing .trip or the mo-t[formal evening atlair. were on par¬ade for feminine enthusiasts yester¬day in Ida Noyes theatre as part ofthe .two. d«x pelgbratioD spopxqrrd?by W. A. A. for the annual health| week program.Three feature- of the display,1 MYss Wylie of the Phy-iral Educa-■ tion department pointed out, were.simplicity of line, practicality ofstreet clothes even for afternoonevents, and the mode-t range ofprices from $11.50 to $51). with theexception of a few coat ensemble?*which were $05.| It was a gav phantasmagoriawhich greeted the eye, for fall fash¬ions must he colorful and carefullyharmonized to be smart thi- year.; Favorite contrasts are orange, white,crimson, or turquoise blue itunics! over black skirts for -trect and af-(temoon wear. Business coats fav-:| or tan camel's hair, or mixed' tweeds. Short sport jackets of lap- ,in. or leather covered bright jerseyI blouses and plain skirt-. The flameI red wools trimmed with band* of' black axtrakan, or black jer-ey suits! relieved with bands of white, are al-J wavs popular.j A glittering array of formalI dres-es and w raps reflected the ele* (' gam e of the Greek -ilhouette, withi all dresses touching at least the in-'step, and a few trailing on the floor,i A green satin gown trimmed in sil- jver at neck and waist, with-a black i! and green artificial flower at the Idecolle’.age. and one rustling blue jtaffeta creation embroidered in sil*1 ver thread, were two exceptions tothe prevailing single color schemes.1 Black lace or black chiffon withJ <1 iuitiiiiird on page 4) ^GRADUATION FROM UNIVERSITY WILLBE POSSIBLE WHENEVER STUDENTCAN PASS COMPREHENSIVE EXAMFive Main Divisions to Replace Former SchoolsAnd Colleges; Laing, Boucher, Scammon,Gale, Woodward at HeadWILL REVOLUTIONIZE EDUCATION"Cannot Reviae Curriculum Overnight,'* EmphasizesPresident Hutching; Old System MayOverlap for Some TimePresident Robert Maynard Hut*h- has already been tentatively r*tsh.ins yesterday revealed the intention , fished.of the Univer-ity to abandon the President Hutchins al-o «tr«*.«dtraditional organization in which a the |M>int that the new educationalstudent spend- four years acquit mg system at Chicago will not make anja fixed number of credits whnh gTeater demands upon the ability oftomatically entitle him to a dtgret. students than did the old college.The old type at giaduate sthonl also The advantage-. President llutchm-will be eliminated in the new urtli.', said, will be that able students willThe present undergraduate 'o|. save time in getting their educationlege w ill be replat ed by a new kind and that the average will ret a to t-of college in whnh a student will ter education than they now receive.be able to graduate whenever no > andemonstrate by passing comprehen¬sive examinations that he has acquir¬ed a general education. Whether Uiestudent needs only one or four years The transition from what h nowIhe college level to what at prv«ntis the graduate level will he an ca-yand natural one under the newmethod, in-tead of the abrupt thane*depends on his own ability; he w II that now is made. The sharp li¬mit be hampered by a rigidly uni- that hitherto has divided the gradu-form -ystem. ate school from the undergrudusteEstablish f ive DivUtaw* college will be ,--moved and all theThis new kind of college cannot work in special fields above the ' gen-bo developed overnight, but the fir t eral education” level will be mergedstep in the program has just been in the four divisions,approved' Reorganization of live Paa* Degree*Univer-ity into the pi<>fes.*n-.:a' The -tudent will graduate from thereboots and five main divisions whnh College whenever hi* general edura-rrplaie the old divisions of c’dlege turn is complete and he can proveand giaduate schotd ha- ju-t !>e*-n ihe fact by passing the c.impreht-n-sanctioned by the faculty an*! Ihe ,jve examination. For those whoThe establishment of^the new reorganisation project upon aworking basis will be one of the first concerns of the Hutchins’administration.Hutchins Sees Reorganization PlanAs Factor For Better Educationthree one-act plays introduceDRAMATIC ABILITIES OF FRESHMENB* Margaret Eganl-a-t night at the Reynolds clubtheatre. two hundred watchedthe first efforts of the Fre-hmen at•n interpretation of dramatic art.The three one-act plays were present¬er* hy the actor- with an air of ex¬treme informality, with a seriousintent to plea-e. and with a quite♦xident delight in their own efforts.TV audience a«ked for no more.Perhaps the play which receivedthe most i uniment was the last to beliven, "(,;ant Stair,” a melodramaticPrc'entation with Kathryn V/ieden-®°tft, Anne Schmidt, and John Por¬terfield. The scenic effects of thisWY, whim wa- directed hy Jameswheibler, were more than half re-tyonsible for the burst of aopiau-efollowed the show, for they*ing *-.* well done, anti the ststre•fuar«*vmtnt well planned. Tbg dic¬ tion of the three characters wa* es¬pecially good.Calvin Countryman, prompter fotthe "Pot Hoiler*". a farce writtenby Alice Gerstenberg and directed byMarion White, stood behind thescenev during the play and checkedoff on an extra property lift thenumber of laughs from the audience.Proof that they were numerous re¬main- on the property lift. We allenjoyed the "Pot Boilers” becauseit was good fun. We couldn't helpbut feel that the people up there onthe stage were having the time oftheir lives.•'Wurzle-FTummery,” a play writ¬ten hy A. A. Milne and coached byFrancis Miyer-Oakes, philosophisedon the instability of man's moralnature John Elliott, who took thepart of the father, went on thestage Inst night in spite of injuriesreceived in football practice. By Edgar A. GrccnwaldAmid the excitement accompany-ing the announcement of a revolutionin educational circles destined to re-vi-e the present -ystem on a morelogical and a sounder basis. PresidentRobert Maynard Hutchins outline Iand explained the innovations to agroup of newspaper men yesterdayafternoon in his office.His contention is that a revisionof organization and a change of sys¬tem per se does not necessarily meana corresponding benefit for the Uni¬versity, but it does mean a factorhas been established which ran, ifexercised correctly, remove the ob¬stacles besetting pre-ent day educa¬tion. In other words, the reorgan¬ization is not the end sought; reor¬ganization is sought as a means tot better education.Manifest Advantage*Briefly, two-advantages are mani¬fest at the outset. First of all. thework of one department is placed atthe disposal of students entered Inanother. The coordination of prop-esa and development will inevitablyresult. For instsnee, the Universityhas at present no Department of in¬ternational affairs. Course* pertain¬ing to the subject are found in manydepartment-, but no definite coursacan be mapped without a great dealof difficulty and in frequent ca-esimpossibility. Under the new -ystema course could be mapped with com¬parative ease.Second, cooperation in researchwill be promoted. Mr. Hutchins re¬marked that he was frequently temp¬ted to believe that the greatest stim¬ulant research had was the facultyclub and not the laboratory, becausethe professors came into closer con¬tact with each other in the club andso merged their respective fields| there on a plane of intimacy with aI resultant mutual benefit. The new Board of Tru-tee-. This reorgan¬ization form* ilie framework atomicwhiih (hr new cdu aiional methodwill he budtTn»- five main .-action- into whi.hIhe Univer<:i>-** work in Art*. Lit¬erature ami Science will lierriibihe divided are the Social Science-Division, the Physical Sciences D-vision, the Biological Sciences Diet-sion. the Humanities Divi-inn, andplans take the professors from their ,h. College. Over each Division willisolated divisions and place them into ^ he , d«.an wilh ,.0mprehensive know I‘loner contuct. incidentally coor- >,d|fv of Wtirli probie,„< ,fdination of leaching a- well a- «du- -he variou- departments in Id¬eation will be stimulated. group.Brwadans Traiaiag | The organization has been put intoFurthermore, the plan give* an un- effect only after sevetal years of in-preoedented breadth of training .The , tensive investigation and study bypresent graduate -tudent is inclined faculty groups of the University. Itto narrow his field gradually to a ' is based on the fundamental as-umn-minute apex. Expansion of vision tion that the faculty and adnnni*-is now being aimed at. tratinn will redefine the aim and ex-In the estimation of Mr. Hutchins, j tent of the University’s educationalthe innovation represents the answer effort. It. contemplates that newto “what is an ideal university?” courses must be devised t.iat will cut feet, which in a large mea-ure estab-and "what is a general education?" acro-s the traditional departmental li-bes divisional rather than depart-The problem of general education | lines; that prohably many of the mental autonomy, will mean an imme-will in -nme way be solved by per- present type* of courses will be dis- iliate encouragement of undergrademilting the student who so wishes to j carded. ate teaching, for now the College in-leave with honor and dignity before j Fowadatiwa Laid stead of the various departments, will-pecialization. • Experiment* in thi- direction have control the budget devoted to gen-Education h*« at present two been in progress on the Midway for eral education. The job of the Col-main evil* in the President's estimative year* in the so-called "Survey , lego will be that of teaching, andation. The first is that too murh Courses” and "Honors Courses". The | its fund will be devoted to that pur-attention is accorded those who do | first of these cour-es attempted, pose; the faculty of the College willnot need it, do not care for it. ami "The Nature of the World and of jbfe expected to contribute to the im-Man.” ranges through ten various (prowement of (general education,departments in the natural sciences : Under the departmental regime inand ha* met with groat sucres*. j many institntlom, attention to teach-President Hutchins emphaaited the < inf usually means a -acrifice forfact that the Univeraity will not rush [the faculty member because the depas-’ with a *ati.»facti>ry degree ofexcellence, the next -tep will be en¬trance to one of the upper Divisionsor to a profes-ional school. For tho*ewho merely |>as-. graduation fiomtbe Uollege mean* an honorable exitfm tbe man who wishes only a g< n-eral education.Once tn on upper Division. <h<student will graduate hy the **memean* that he entered—by pa«sinx a.•nmprehen-ive examination. Theprofessional schooL* will award *11profe-sional degree- and the D'vi-sions will be responsibe for the• wWrd pfl all noiwprnfessiona) de¬grees. including the equivalent of thepre-ent Bachelor’s degree now grant¬ed at the end of four years of work.The bachelor's, ma-ter'- and doc¬tor's degree* aro to he granted onthe recommendation of the entirel>ivi*tnn and not by one departmentWill Improva TeachingThe reorganization already in ef-do not deserve it. Second, it takestoo long. At man cannot, exceptrarely, he a doctor of medicine be¬fore be is twenty-eight. A shorten¬ing of the period at pre-entlengthy because of the limits of • [ into the new plan without careful ! partment is inclined (o regard teach-working out of all detail*. But the I ing as a sideline and productive re¬faculty and administration are ‘ search as the main objective,agreed on the basic policy that edu- j Under the projected reorganiza-cation mu-t cut loose from a sy*-;tion. each member of the faculty '»»tern that ha* remained essentially un- the College will also be a memberprescribed system 1* the intentionWill Chang* Atmo*ph*r*Two setbacks are hir. lering a goodeducational system in the UnitedStates One is the professorial sal¬ary. The other is the content andthe method of professorial life. Astudent is not in the proper atmo¬sphere while at school and so choo-esa field as life work other than edu¬cation. With a change of method,the student will be placed Into an at¬mosphere steeped in true endeavorand pursuit of education. His atti¬tude and view* will consequently bemodified.President Hutchins concluded by(Continued on page 4) modified since universities were firste-tablished in America and which isno longer adapted to modern needs.Coaprahaaslve EisaisttiwaThe revision of the curriculumand the establishment of .aiisfac-tory standard* of achievement andworkable methods of measuring theStudent’s progress by carefullyflamed comprehensive examinationswill require considerable time andlabor on the part of the University,but the main outline of this system of a Divi-ion. In thit way, the col¬lege teacher will not be cut off fromthe developments of hi* own field,but instead will keep abreast of Pr0*'ress in hi* particular specialty »r,“*o be a more informed and able in¬structor.Hereafter the chairmen of depart¬ments in Arts, Literature and Sci¬ence will be directly responsible <othe deans of Divisions* and the dear*of the College. All budget recom(Continued on p*f«®be ©aih> illaroonNo. 10.kkhmieo toKAOHDWHrSmeokal deft.Will Take Post Leftby Resignation ofDr. Wilderft, Geonrv F. Dick. present chnii-,l, department of MedicineT«u*h Medical college and staff*v.. of the John McCormick In-(o' Infection* Di.-ease*. will-F, chairmanship of the de-.( Medicine in the Divi-tSr Biological Sciences onon January t. accord-*to an announcement hy thefVj t, j-:oes. In assuming thispr. Dick will ftH » P<*t* hi.- hem vacant since the rea-,00- of Dr. Russell Wilder last UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO. FRIDAY. OCTOBER 14. 1932 Price Three CentsCrUvated fr« *wkOr Dsi graduated from the Ruahtl^icii eelJer* in l!*05 •nd h“ *BC.*>)rt , practicing physician in Chi-u) flf became a clinical Profes-Trf Medicine in the Rush collegeat the Univer.-ity in 1925. He alsom • major in the Medicalftfia danag the World War.Ito fcst preventive and enrntivemom far scarlet fever were dia-1 ay Dr. Dick, who collahornt-«d nidi his wife in identifying theoMHtiTt organism of acarlet feverN a (..a af streptococcua. Dr. Dickal his wife devised a teat, calledm Midi tee:, which would deter-Mteptibility or immunity tofOm* :n individual cases. TheyMw developed a vaccine whichaadf wnunixe against scarletPsefssl Aslkesiala tdf - to the immunising vac-tm. Or. mi Mrs Deck perfected atens sa*r*T—“ which checks theear let fever after the infection hasat in. TV Dick scarlet fever anti-rmm (has gave doctor* a accordmapsa ts he u.-ed in combatting thefjetse The use of the vaccine, andhaw the antitoxin. became so wide-mad that they are today used as•taad isedical practice.Stuart Chase toAppear First inLecture SeriesIVteU for the si* lectures spoa-aaad ky the Student Lecture Serv-Wh the lr»t of which ia to be p re¬tard hy Stuart Cha*', are now on*k at Mandel Cloister's bos officeMath University Bookstore, an-■•aed George T. Van der Hoef.h*w»l manager. The bo* office ia**•* for tSie purpose from II-I«yThe prict of the aerie*’ ticket* isMany faculty members have•'•dj signified their willingneas toh yatron- The eampus is supportingj* iwci an experiment nt the■"ty. favorably u to the prea-■ AM.TW dr*; lecture will be held onk in Mandel hall at 8:947.•*»Iec:o.. art- to be presented**• tuan-r; Julian Husley ha*••invited to present th* second? quarter's lecture on Novel*-J* **• Rupert Hughes will appearthe server on January 10, and•jaw Beebe, on February 10. Thefor the Spring quarter have1*4 been announced.fc. Ch*»i i. a noted AmericanJJ***»t ami author. His subject"Mexico", a first hand ac-»f the handicraft civilisation■“fountry and how it contrasts'•»•»*» He will outline what^l"**"* Age can teach Mexico,^^•4 Mexico can teach tha Ma- Shatter Mathews, Deanof Dmity School for24 Years, to RetireSCOOPirtaly Maroon ran a fall®f the SUgg retirement* **tr* fdition which appear*eampua yesterday after-% ■’* downtown papar carried^ ' ont'l 30 minutas later. Sknilrr .IfstlrnDean Shailer Msthews. Professorof the Divinity School since 1894and Dean since 1907, tuts retiredfrom his present position and will be¬come Prolessor-emeritua immediatelyupon the acceptance of his resigna¬tion. No successor to Dean Mattewahas yet been named.Dean Mathew*, who was madeJunior dean in 1999. succeeded tothe Dennship upon the death afDean EH Hulbert in 1907. the sameyear in which Dr. Harry Pratt Jed-«on became President of th* Univer¬sity. He revised the school curricu¬lum in 1911 ia an effort to make theDivinity School n training groundfor practical, efficient workers rath-er than mere scholars.A K/e-lotig ifhinn of worldpeace and cooper* boa bet we*dp-nominations. Dr. Mathews is widelyrecognixed in Europe as one ofAmerica’s foremoat religious leaders.He was elected president of the Fed¬eral Council of the Charehes ofChrist in America in I91J and ofthe Northern Baptist Convention in1915. He has directed the religiouswork of the Chautauqua Institutionsince 1912 and has worked in donecooperation with the Chicago ChurchFederation.Though he has been a popularpreacher. Dean Mathew* has neverbeen ordained into the ministry, pre¬ferring to maintain the laymen’sviewpoint. He has written numeroushooks and puhHrations on religiousand scholarly subjects, some of whichreflect his deep interest in the nrle-tian between science and religion.He recently introduced peycbintricand mental hygiene courses Into thedivinity curriculum upon the convic¬tion that much of "sin” may be attribated to personality maladjust¬ment. New Athletic DirectorQuits Iowa StatePositionThomas Nelson Metcal'. who wasyesterday announced as the succes¬sor to A. A. Stagg a* director ofathletics, is expected to have fullreign in appointing the new Maroonfootball coach. According to thestatement Issued by the Board ofTrustees. Metcalf’* appointment doesnot include active coaching.Since 1924 Metcalf has been Pro-‘es-tor and Head of Physical Educa¬tion and director of athletics at IowaState college. In this capacity hisexecutive duties did not allow himto serve as football coach, so thatfor the past eight years he has beenout of touch with active coachingwork.• Previous to 1924 Metcalf coachedtrack and football at Oberiin andColumbia, and Frmhman football atthe University of Minnesota, begin¬ning his coaching career in 1912 athie abas mater. Oberiin college.Stagg Ends Distinguished CareerAfter Forty-one Years; Metcalf toAppoint New Head Football CoachAccepts New PostHas Enviable RecordThomas N. Metcalf comes- to theUniversity from Iowa State college,where he was professor and chair¬man af the department of PhysicalCulture and Athletics and director ofathletic*Mr. Metcalf has for the pasttwenty yvai* been active In physicalculture work in the middle west. In1912, after brilliant athletic careerin football and track, he -eceived thedegrees of A. B. and A. M. in Physi¬cal Education f, om Oberiin College.He played end and tackle on the var¬sity football team and starred in themile and two-mile runs, setting theOhio Conference record in the form¬er event.From 1912 to 1914 Mr. Metcalfcoached track and football at Oher-lin, and turned out on Ohio Con¬ference championship football teamduring that period. He coached foot¬ball and track at Columbia univer¬sity from 1915 to 1919. and did re¬search work in educational psychol¬ogy and physical education. In 1915his football squad Anished its seasonundefeated.Istam Is OberiinMr. Metcalf returned to Oberiinin 1919 as Associate professor ofPhysical Education and coach oftrack and football. He remained atOberiin for four years, during whichhis team* won two title* in footballand one in track.In 1922 Mr. Metcalf was called toth* University of Minnesota, wherehe became Professor of Physical Ed¬ucation. In 1924 he was appointedProfessor and head of Physical Ed¬ucation and director of athletic* atNew York MinisterWiU Spook Sundayat Chapel SerriceeWhen the Rev. Allan R»lf«Chalmers, D. D., apeak* ta the_ Uni¬versity chapel at the weekly religion*service Sunday morning, the Untver-sity audience will bear on# of th*youngest men occupying anant pulpit in the country. Mr. Choi-men is minister of theTabernacle Congregational enure* laNew York City.Mr. Chalmers received hi* tMpira-tion to Join the mlnlatry In *WWorld War, hi which h# *•"•**»the infantry. It wne nlao In tb* Warthat he got Ma radical opinion* onsocial questions.The po* which Mr. CMmon £cupie* waa formerly «IUd by tb#Rev. Chari#* E. JaTerson, now ro-tlred, who is wall known to ChapeladoieiKss as a University P********This will b* Mr. Chalmers «rat »Ppea rune* nt th# UnivaraHy, •*••••■*viution to apank U tb# only on*which be has acceptAt 10 JO a half hour of orgon ma¬sk will b# presented, "••kh. wjtbtba regular aarvkaa, will ha broad¬cast over station WMAQTh# lUv. Eneaall W'ck«, D. D„j**" ‘ualvarulty^wHI *P«»k •" w*n Woman's Club Council In thafh^hl^l at the*regu!*r service on# Alumni room of Ida Noyas hall toweak from Sunday, rAaotas .V. Metes//METCALFVERYPleased withNEW POSITIONAmes, la.. Oet. 13. (Spec.i—Al¬though pleased with his appointmentat th* University Thoms, M. Metcalf,•aid ittl* on the night of hi* beingchosilrto succted A. A. Stagg a* directpi of athletics.IMhITf wiD home To The Univer¬sity at an increase of salary, it waslearned from Prof. M. Hriser, chair¬man of the Iowa State athletic coun¬cil. He will remain at his presentpo-t until June. No mention wa<made as to whom- he will appointhead football coach.George Veenker wil! succeed Met¬calf as director of athletics at IowaState College. He will assume thispoet after being head football coachfor two years. His appointment wa:made yesterday after Metcalf’s resig¬nation.Iowa State college, and he has heldthat position to date.In addition to his academic workMr. Metcalf has been active in mid¬west athletics for a decade. He hasbeen Secretary-treasurer of the BigSi* conference since 1927. Last yearhe was elected President of the So¬ciety of Director* of Physical Edu¬cation in College*.Heads Rule* CommitteeSnici 19.10 Mr. Metcalf has beenChmirmai of the National CollegiateA. A. Trark and Field Rules commit¬tee. He h. s also acted as Chairmanof the N. C. A. A. Fifth DistrictOlympic Finance committee, and wasSecretary of the American Olympicaasociation Games committee forTrack and Field.Appoint Twelve to Freshman Men'sCouncil; to Meet Today at NoonTwelve Freshman man. th* flrvtgroup #f prospective leaders af theclaaa of '29, have been ehoaen toeo at pass the Freshman Man's Corn-all, th* 'appointment* being modethrough the olfic* of tba dean afatudanta. They aro John Allan, BudAtkinson, Robert Boyd, Robert Ebert,Milton Eicbborg, Owen Milas, GeorgsKendall, Charles Murphy, LeonardOlson, Howard Sehnlta, RainwaterWalk, and -William Wright.This body wfU be easts ted hy lastyear's sound], under the dlraatlonof John Barden, Md by Robert Bolt-ley chairman of the Orientation pro¬gram for Froakmon. The aonnoil, asft k now organised, k not n parmjn-ant atroeturs, hot hoa been formedwith the solo purposo of organisingth* Freshman class In any mannerwhich they sat At.The group maata this noon withth* twelve members of th* Freshformulate plans for th* Ant Fresh¬ man miser, tentatively dated farnext Friday night. DaAnlt* announce¬ment of plana will be made afterth* meeting today. This ia tha firstmeeting of the new Men’s Council.Th* twalv# man war* chosen onthe bask of their high aebool aotiv-ftloa. Allen k from Morgnn ForkHigh Reboot; Atkinson from NorthDella* High Reboot. Dellas Taxes rBoyd from John Burrough HighSchool, Clayton Missouri; Ebert fromtho University High School, Chi¬cago; Eicbborg from Franck W.Parker High School Olios from Tul¬sa Central High School, Tula#, Okla¬homa; Kendall from th* CountryDay High School, Kansas City,Missouri; Charles Murphy fromGreat 'Band High Schol, Kansas; OI<son from Zumbrota High School,Minnesota; Schulti from Elgin HighRchoel, Elgin, Illinois; Wells, fromWoodrow Wilson High School, Long-banch, California; Wright froht El-wood High School, Elwood, Indiana. Retiring Director WasCrand Old Manof FootballTh* retirement of A. A. Stagg, th*Grand Old Man of them all, came asa surprise to a ^lumbering campusyesterday afternoon. Although themove had been expected by manybecause of Mr. Sugg’s age, the an¬nouncement which came from theBoard of Trustees was received asone which tells of a great loss. Mr.SUgg was 70 yean* old in August.When he quit** hi* duties an direc¬tor of Athletics in July he will havecompleted forty-one years of die-tinguished service at the University.The climax of these forty-one yearsof eervice came in thi*—his lastyear—when he took a Maroon teamto Yale, his alma mater.Mr. Sugg has not announced anydeAnite plana for next fall, althoughhe looks forward to many more ac¬tive years.Stagg Hen in 1892The day that the Universityopened its doors in the fall of 1892was the day that athletics sUrted onthe Midway. And synonymous withthe sUrt of Maroon athletics ia thename of Amos Alonso St£gg, whosurted his long career at the sametime.A. A. Sugg was horn August 19,1862, in West Orange, New Jersey,the Afth of eight children, descend¬ant of Colonial stix'k. both sides ofwhich fought in the War of the Rev*,lution. Young Sugg spent all the ear¬ly years of his life in West Orange,and though he lived .within sixteenmiles of New York, did not see thatcity until he was as many year.- old.In the summers he vorked cuttinghay on the aalt meadows of NewarkBay. labor that toughened an alreadystrong physique. Eighteen years oldwhen he finished district school, heworked hi- way through Orange highschool in three years by tending fur¬naces. lawn-, and gardens, and doingother odd jobs. In the autumn of188.7 he entered Phillips-ExeterAcademy. His capital amounted totwenty-one dollars, and during threemonths of the winter his food, breadand milk, cost him sixteen cent* aday.Entered Yale ha *94In the autumn of 1884 he enteredYale as a divinity atudent, precededby considerable of a repuUtion as anathlete. Member of the Yale baseballteam from 1884 to 1890, he pitchedthe Blue to Ave successive champion¬ship* between 1888 and 1890. Hewa* capUin of the team in 1888, andthat year set a record of 20 strike-ouU in a game against Princeton.In 1884 a ltd 1885 ha waa a memberof the Yale football team, droppingout of that sport for two years, butplaying again from 1888 to 1890.In 1889 he was selected as and onth* MAII America" team namad byCaspar Whitney, who originated theidea of the honorary team that latarwaa iaaoelated with th* name ofWalUr Camp. Stagg waa unquestion¬ably tha graaUat pitcher of his time,and had many offer* to pitch in pro¬fessional baaabiO.Th* "Old Man" and Mr*. Staggcam* to tha University from Spring-Aald, MasaaehusatU, where Mr.SUgg had been working for the Y.M. C. A. He graduated from Yalein 1888 and remained In New HavenGIVE FIRST DANCE ATINTERNATIONAL HOUSEA dance sponsored by th* Friendsof India will be given tonight at 8:00in tha theatre of International House.Tha program will consist of socialdancing Interspersed with Hindu in¬strumental music and interpreUtive,ritualistic temple dance*. Jean Du¬mas will perform the temple dances,and Lolita Gomat will present aMexican dance.Admission to th* danca U fortycents. Th* sponsor* are the re organ-tied Hindustan Association. Retires July 1A. A. StaggSTAGG, 70, FEELSTOO YOUNG TOEND LIFE WORKAmoa Alonxo Stagg lost nightmade the following statement to ThaDaily Maroon:’’According to my present feelings,I expect to be good for Afteea totwenty year* of active service. Iwent- J»U otMotie- woefc beaamse itoffered the largest opportunity farservice through contact with youngmen. No scheme of lif# which r*>moves that contact would meet withmy ambitiona."I have no protest to make in lia*ing up in conformity with priu>ciplea. for I have tried always ie baa#my life on principle*. ! feel tooyoung and aggressive to step alto*gether out of my particular work,and frankly, I am not content todo it. Whether I remain at Chicagoor go elsewhere, I wish to be activein the Arid of coaching.”for two years of graduate work.Employed for the purpose of di¬recting athletics, Stagg had no equip¬ment and all new men. The Amigymnasium waa a room in Cobb halt,and it was not until the next yaar,1892, that the University hud aregular gym—and this a frame Iing housed both the men anden. It was built on the pruaent loco-ton of Hutchinson commons. Thuathletic Aeld was bounded by Green¬wood and Ellis avenues, 67th and68th .streets, half of Urn six* otthe present Stagg Field. Donated byMarshall Field, it was called Mar¬shall Aeld.Stagg Flay*la 1892 Stagg did not have enoughmen to nuke up o team so he playedright half buck aad was captain. Theteam played thirteen games, winaktg7, losing 4, mad tying X. Th* seasonreceipts from' football, as printed Inth* president's report, were $888.22.Th* expenses were greater.Chicago, 8; Notre Dum, 81 Thiswaa on* of the featured e*etesta otthe 1892 eeaeea, during which th*team returned tha same record a*th* yoar before. Ia tb* previousspring, baseball, truck, aad tenniste*m* were organised. The basebalteam waa highly successful, winab«11 and losing bat 4 games. Stagg<C—riueid on pay* 3)HOLD FINAL TRYOUTSFOR FRESHMAN PLAYSIn response to the interest shownby the Freshman class in t^e Dra¬matic Association, the date of try¬outs for Freshman plays has beeuextended to thia *.\emoon. All fresh¬men who were unable to attend th*Ant two tryouts are asked to cometo Mitchell tower this afternoon at2:30. The freshmen have shown moreinterest in every department of th*Dramatic Aaaociatlon thia yaar thanhas bean shown by any clast ia ft-cent years.PULVERIZE PURDUE!HOMECOMINGedition ®he JBattp Jflaroon HOMECOMINGEDITIONJil 35. No. 22. UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1934 Price Three Cent*ALUMNI FLOCK TO HOMECOMINGShagmen Set To Trounce BoilermakersSEEK 5TH VICTORYPUROUE LOST TWOODDS ARE EVEN UPtook for Long Runs-Will Try LongPassesTHE LINEUPCHICAGO<C) PURDUEHu,lufiiitwR*t!W.SmJoIwr tHatot (C)r.tRefer*|M); Ues^re—Much* <Wi~ww-m); rmU J^-IUcUil (WhINil); Hved liM,Ma — W;»Mri).Sr EDWARD STERNTV gate of nil followers of the•mlrra conference will be directedWill Stag* field tomorrow whenRe Maroons meetfardne’r Boil-eraaktrs in the for-taR fame of one•f tie longest seriesR the B« Ten. ForRe first time in six>*» the Maroon*R**e win he c»p-•Ms ef fighting aa"m battle withMoble Kuer'r team.^toga's recordi» fim (hit season•RR h far the• ••t formidable,lit Ram haring Caaafc•R al ita games OfiiagfiesisywMifatcorsa, while the Black andy* **PP*d game* to Mica I*-***• *»d Notre Dame; bat both■RRt trill ester the con toot oa areaHRRd with no one willing to giro*• rither team. Strong offenseM fmtatad hr both, and a grant deal■ Ray bo expected.Mo Lang MsiRm_JNma will bo little mart Mag ap•Mi, far Pardee aad Chicago*R Rcaateased to aeara essddsJyf **Rf rtum and ramie Each tonalif ««*optioaal baB-canrtaes,r?* *•"». AII-American half-JT» j** Carter af Pardee, aadf"*“Oott and day Berwaager.{" “Air honors, e# CM-^ k<R«» a record af EMfT >* play average freon nrrian-ZTJ* RA*on and Purvis, aat Af? because of aa iajarod aa-average. BerwaagerTTjRtlAU are also prafieiaatJV*’ fiAiaers with average* af fi.l<•* yard* respectively.*aa Field Raaaate'R*a field running in the speciel-^Nh Purria and Berwaager.the former is the bigger and^dAAtt on better blocking, the?!?*? «s faster aad harder taCwtet and Bartlett are mereReaJi^ pgw*rf“l- *» addition,... "RlRRakers hare a fine liae-•^*1* 't» sophomore fullback,^ ®ttkc, former Chicago prepaad Gold caa ha giro*aa page ») WATCH HIM PURVIS! Homecoming Today & TomorrowAlumni and Student CelebrationsRecord Crowd for Record GameFraternity House Decorations Strain Imagination;Parades All Over University District;Radio Programs Throughout DayBy RALPH W. NICHOLSONBattle the BoilermakerslThe campus awakes this morning to be confronted by a rtet-ing mass of programs and entertainments. A muffled confusionof songs and cheers blend themselves with the warmly decoratedquadrangles. Alumni return lo the University. It is Homecomingweek-endA confusion of activity mark the day before the critical foot¬ball game with Purdue, t reshmen and sophomores stage a revivalof the old class fights. Fraternities blossom out with streamers anddecoration*. Parades throng theJtr Berwsrigrr. a aseashhr af Psi Up,ilea a*d Irea Math, wasacted the mast valuable aaaa aa lha Maraaa alavaa last jraar. Haha, gained mare yardage freas scrimmage this year thaa aay etherChicago hack, aad his htckiag has beea aaaaatial ia heaping Maroonopponent, ia their own territory. On defense Berwaager ia ana af thes'reng members af the laraadary, Uhiag part ia aaarly every play.So eotstandiag has haea his parfaemaaea that ha has keen mantiaaedby many critics as a candidate far “AR-Americaa" honor.la the two tmftrsscs game, which ha kaa playad this year.Berwaager has tallied assaagh paint. U rank him second smaag theBig Tea hacks ia the scaring calamo.lumni and Students-Join in the Homecoming ActivitiesGet Behind the Team and Help It Beat Purdue!SPIEDMERCHANThaKhaahtohml SfcaM iblM 1. sm tf Rslha nafsriaaa A higha. Wfa rwaatog RBasShtt* R •Cs nan ami sad bthc. Metn. See Fraternity Decorations;Enjoy YourselvesBp NOEL B. CEROOMOa bahalf mi the stodaat body aadtha UaivuraRy at large, tha Heaae-eemiag rsmasitte* wlabaa to takathla apportuaity U sxlsad to thathreaga mi rotaraiag Alumni it*kssrtisst greeting*. »On behalf mi The Daily hUroen,RUttr *f the Hsasacsmiag, srs wlahto ostead a cordial InritaUo* to atu.daaU aad ahnuti alike to taka partla tha Acthrittea mm hav* plaanod fortoday aad tomorrow.The forty or fifty pooplo whobare boon working for the part twoweeks making preparations for theforthcoming forty-eight hours havenot been making plans for them¬selves. Trite, but nevertheless true,these plane have boon nude for you.May we urge yea to com* out andenjoy yourselves fully. Ia doing soyou will bo helping your team.Alumni;audio yourselves at homeon the eampue during the entireweek-end. aad don't forgot to inspectthe fraternity docoiatioao, aad whileyou’re at it, acquaint you rot hr ea withthe aadorgradaatea at year club aadfraternity chapters. CREASEDLICHTNINC PRESIDENT’SMESSAGEThi- Alumni Lave consistent*ly maintained through theyears an enlightened interestin the Univer¬sity, based onit* education¬al objectivesand achieve,menbs, thatha* beenheartening tothe facultyand to the ad-m i n istration.That loyaltyhas been sofirmly based 'that the latefootball depression had no ef¬fect on the allegiance of th».graduate*. That particular de¬pression seem* to be at an end.so that the homecoming alumnitoday find the combination ofa strong university and a strongfootball team. In the achieve¬ment of that team all of u*take a pardonable pride. I hopethat tomorrow another achieve¬ment will contribute to the sat¬isfaction of your return to theMidway.Robert M. Hotel,to*. street* of the University com¬munity Victory sessions arehilariously attended. Ida Noyeshall is made gay with the babbleof exchanged greetings of oldclass mates and the strain* ofdance music. University menand women move about brightwith maroon and white Ids and( " tagsThe team is keyed for the game.The stage is set. la-t us begin.The freshman-sojihomorc rushlaunches the lavish program Thefight will be held on the large fieldat fist street and Inglcaide avenuewith expressions of rivalry put ini*action The affair starts al 3 1VSpectator* are safe from the competi¬tor*.Parade al TA novel Victory parade will assem¬ble in front of Bartlett gymnasium(Caattoaed aa page J)Tommy PUaa, midget quartet-hash sf Ik* Kstvm Seam, W a mubar af Psi Upsttaa, Owl aad Sarpaat,aad Abbot af Stotbfvtora. HOMECOMINGPROCRAMTODAYAll day registration of homecoming alumni in Mandel cloisters andIda Noyes.9:10—Freshman-Sophomore rush atfield, Ingleaide at Sixty-firststreet.7.00—Victory parade formation •’Bartlett gym.0:00—Radio broadcast over WIND.Speakers, Howard Hudsonand William O'Donnell. Musicby Uni vanity male quartet.Also broadcast of paradeMitchell Tower studio*.•ill—Victory session (n Mandelhall. Guest epeaken.0.30—"Joyous Season," Dramaticassociation presentation inReynold’s theater.(Ceuttoeud oa pago 4) FATHERELLMORECsptaia Eltmoro Patterns 1*Imp asaa of lb# Mareoa dofeo**fatbomtog of »bo oppoaeat*’baa resulted ta shuck s« maay drive#Seward tb* Cbiaagu gual Ita*. f*<made a asm* far himself by Mm*-®be ©ailp MaroonvTio. N'»- 52 Z'1>>J THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO, FRIDAY, JANUARY 12, 1940 Price Three CentoShaughnessy To Leave For StanfordPenalize Alpha DeltsFor I-F ViolationRefuses To AL)^r Eifht Freshmen ToPl^e Until JuneMU Phi fraternity was an-muet4 guilty of violating the inter* |frdrnity rushing rules by DeanijL, Randall yesterday, aftersubmitted by IF headCulp. 12 freshmen, and(tofct Perry. Alpha Dell rushinglad sight Culp **s gotten out ofy a call from a group of Psir, ^ asked to investigate illegalin the dormitories whichyy thought was being done byy Calp immediately went to theyaa and feund instead 1J fresh*im and Chuck Perey talking In one4 the freshman's rooms. Culp asked.g tity were talking about rushing, t»which Perry replied affirmatively.;Totrrday Culp sunmitted his evi* ■Am t# Dean Randall, who made theRandall's complete de- Williani Randallt>tan Crnck* l>vicmNo Flowers At HutchinsTalksOn StudentLife TodayBy MARIAN CASTLEMANAlthough no sensational expose canbe hoped for. President Hutchins' dis-cussion of “Undergraduate Life" to*day at 12 will probably fill MandelHall up to the chandeliers. OnCe be*fore Hutchins addressed the studentbody in the same manner. It was fouryears ago when the proposed mergerof Northwestern and Chicago calledfor an explanation.Since the topic under considerationconcerns undergraduates a maximumnumber of the un-bachelored shouldbe present. This speech is the firstof an unembarrassed probing into theI habits of the University’s lesser half.! Every month the Board of Trusteesj has a topic to which it devotes twoI hours of its time; the next topic, to' be discussed in February, is the Four-i Year and Two-Year College and Un-; dergraduate Life in general. Hutch-! ins' address will undoubtedly givej some idea of undergraduate life as Calls Football HisOne and Only LoveTalks To StudentsHutchins thinks it ought to be.May Explain FootballSandC Formal|hAr Alpha IMt until June. They ______aat “towed up t ulp 1t ^ Skull ami Cr •scent presents its Incidently Hutchins mav explainMnv •""“■I corsageless formal tomorrow: Iin), jUstifv thl. addition of football.iHnnMApI • P mght in the Cloister < lub of Ida , |( has long been stated that HutchinsiSTHf the men will U- able to , , „ , , , |body although in allDwic Phill.ru k rooms Poliowing close after fraternity : official documents stemming from hisrushmtr l‘ls*<ltcinir. the sophomore honor so* j office he deplores the fact that the Uni*arranged its affair Life, Yvii Knmr, LivingPaint SignsFor DA’s‘Magic’G. K. Chesterton's “Magic,” whichw ill lie presented to the campus, Jan¬uary lfi, |7, and 1R by a DramaticAssociation Workshop cast, will bewell advertised.• fratemitv man. the rushing >*»■*. *■" ■■ ■ ■ - .-..we ^ w.e .ovi umi w.w....* Demarest Polacheck and his aceiJ* Jo aot appiv to him; therefore fKl>' ”•* *ts affair as a ; versity is coming to rely more and technician in charge of sign paint*Wmt pledge, j.indsav Leach and com,n* Part-V f?r thc num: | student fees. To quote the in(f. E|sa Te)ier. sat up until the weehours last niRht painting sijrns fordisplay on campus bulletin boards.43few Smith are legacies and would \*f* th*lm» pledge any wav. Kan<lall thought«■ nficient to permit them to On hand to view the select ofibfct. Bob Thompson. U-cause he will be weary actives who have spentMl with Leach, may also pledge to* the past week snapping smiles.gq mouthing cliches, and shaking any-* Thmr men who mav not pledge are body's hand. For them it will Ik* aMi Angelo. Richard Blakcslcc. Mil-.dance of relaxation and a move backtm Robinson. Jr.. Ashton Roberts, towards normalcy,tshsrd Reed. William Oostenburg, Entertainment will I** supplied byCm|t Drake, and David Durkec. .Charles Gaylord's orchestra and alad Linden, AD I’hi president,'competitive floor show- in which fivebdaatb ng to say <>n the course that j blues singers will vie for a featureit fraternity organize! social ' "State of the University,” September.1*139. “Dependancc on student fees, ifcarried far enough, may naean subserv- . ........ience to the whims of students and The bore the insignia of thetheir parents. A university.. .which ™njuror. with dice. Chinese coins,must determine its policies in thc and other tools of the magician pastlight of what students are assumed toK‘« «>"• "Ith descriptions pasted unwant rather than what they shouldhave is much worse off than if it hudto please a legislature.” derneathThe signs were novel and clever.However Director Polacheck made aserious error in tactics when he fail-But even so Hutchins is said to love ied to have pictures taken of pretty! the students, according to tradition I “Mike" Rathje, to put on the posters.{ and Harpers Magazine, much more j Little Miss Kathjo, who will have the| than he loves his faculty. Today’s > only female role in thc show as Pa-uld f-'llow. The men .spot in the forthcoming edition ofme “sewed up" and not able to .Mirror. i .... . ... i. ...... . ... ...r. daim that this has united ' Gaylord, one of the outstanding j ?^h. lasting according to H,s prom* tr.c.a is the Ust publicity asset the•Owagly and that they will con- swing violinists has served an ap-! *** th»" forty-five minutes, may .show has.la remain tog, .Vr until they prenticeship in popular music under *»>' <'!ian1ce throw some light on whatj The Chesterton play is a light, fan- “Shagr” Ampts 5-YearContract lb Lead FarWesterner*.Coach Clark Shaughnessy has beennamed football mentor at StanfordUniversity, it was announced yester¬day by Dr. Ray Lyman Wilbur, presi¬dent of the far western school. Thecontract extends for five years.Reached by a Daily Maroon report¬er last night, Shaughnessy expressed“regret at leaving the University" butadded that “intercollegiate football ismy first love and 1 consider myselffortunate to be affiliated with Stan,ford.”It was often rumored, and laterconfirmed, that on several occasionsCoach Shaughnessy had been offeredpositions at other universities duringhis seven-year reign at Chicago. How¬ever, “Shag” preferred to stay at Chi¬cago despite his losing teams becausehe believed in the University’s athleticpolicy.With the dropping of intercollegiatefootball, however, he was faced withthe prospect of directing his atten¬tions towards intramural football orfinding a position elsewhere.Shaughnessy had been in confer¬ence with Stanford officials for sever¬al days on his return to Chicago fromLos Angeles where he attended a con¬ference of football coaches. Follow¬ing his return tt> the Midway he wasin contact with Emery T. Filbey, vice-president of the University, presum¬ably in an attempt to withdraw fromthe University faculty so that hecaliber than we were able to offer.”Commenting on the situation, T.Nehon Metcalf, director of athletics,said, “We are sorry to lose CoachShaughnessy because he was an out¬standing member of our department.However, his job is coaching foot¬ball, which he shall be able to do ata school which affords better footballcaliber than we were able to offer.”in June.Renegades FromBeta House FormUmcheon Club Paul Whiteman in the Dean Of Mod¬ern Music's famous organizations. Infad it was with the help of PopsWhiteman that Gaylord was able toform his hand. He has played hotelengagements in Chicago at the Pal-jmer House, the Drake, and the Sto-Ivens, and in other hostelries of St.Il/ouis. San Antonio, and Minneapolis.(Recently he finished a 68 week NBCcontract of weekly broadcasts for thc He thinks of the University in generaland undergraduates in particular.TV If intellect* who have forsak-••V Beta bon •Is will meet this noon , .■IV Cloister Club for the maiden iMaybelline Cosmetics company.■Mng of a luncheon club tentatively 4 *^^***^•atae Sm»|>i lub. The group thatinactive yesterday has sinceVbtered by the addition of Wal-br Hippie >rv| \V. Fuqua. Mr. Fu-Vs today resiyi <■ I all his connec-J"* *jth Beta 'lh<ta Pi and can-*Vd his financial subscription and■Vrts to hold the poMtion of adviser■*V clsb.* The lluinp.- are expecting**V«t one more recruit from theof Bets it, the near,future. Of-y* nrcognition of the group as a*■*■ organization is la-ing sought, ■ decision has been rendered***** Ibtn’s office. There are, how-rj*’ *° University laws to preventfrom being recognized.Ahkocgh it is of too recent birth. **Y* definite la a s, the group ex-•u **,*^m'1 *” membership gradu-ttadent* and even members ofy >r*t*rnitie... The only state-made by l-F head Johnny Culp*y u,ti,,t‘ Wi,H that “It removes|L***"*nt of revolution and changethe fraternity system that wus•"healthy.**Borgese TalksAtChajtel UnionJj**^ A. Rorgese, professor of Wright wcliterature will speak on “The tual fightingnTv rMoaophy of Life” to Chapel glum or into^*n Uilkey’s home Sun*^Borgese, who la a volun- Physics LabThere are several vacancies inthe Physics 106 laboratory sectionwhich meets at 1:30. Studentswhose petitions for this coursehave been denied should see Dr.Harvey Lemon about registration. tastic comedy. Its cast consists ofnewcomers to DA plays except forCharles Murrah. who has substi¬tuted his Welsh dialect, which heused as Danny in “Night Must Fall”with another even thicker, Englishaccent as the Duke.ResponsibilityForWarIs Partly AmericansV from Italy, In considered•n Fascism. By HART WURZBURG“America shares In the responsi*“ bility for the condition of Europeanaffairs at the present time. The dis¬astrous foreign policy pursued by theUnited States in the l»20’a will cometo be recognized by later historiansas an important cause for the pres¬ent war.”I'aitad StatesRegarding the chances of thcUnited States’ being drawn Into thissecond “30 year war,” QuincyWright, professor of InternationalLaw, public opinion might demandthat we go in if England and Francewere losing. He went on to say thatboth the Allies and Germany areafraid to attempt suicidal offensivesover the Maginot or Siegfried lines.Though the Allies are content to waitand blockade. Germany mBy find Itnecessary to start an offensive In thespring.Wright went on to rxplaln t""t "f*might take place In Bel-K,H>» — — Rumania and that itmight last several years. The Alliescould get supplies and troops to anyof their theaters of war now thatthe Turkish straits are opened to them, because of the agreement ofInst fall.Finnish Defensive“Russia,” he said, in explanationof the Finnish offensive, may havefeared a joint attack from thc Alliesand Germany which is what Ger¬many desired after the Polish con¬quest was completed." In further ex¬planation he stated that Russia de¬sired certain strategic points on eachside of thc gulf of Finland to secureLeningrad from attack.“The prestige of Russia has suf¬fered badly in the past few weeks.She has probably gone too far toback down, and therefore might wel-ne German aid in Finland," de¬clared Wright. Up until now Russiahas shied away from a full alliancewith Germany, feeling that Germanywas stopped in the east so long asshe had her hands full in the west.However, Russia's continuous re¬verses in Finland mny have madeRussia feci the need for German aid.Mors Theater"German assistance to Russiamight move the theater of warfare tothe Scandinavian peninsula. Norwayand Sweden fear Russia and the as-(Cantlaaed m page three) Consider AccuracyOf War News InRound Table SundayA documented analysis of the treat¬ment of war news will be presentedby three experts on the Universityof Chicago Round Table broadcastSunday under the title “Is Our WarNews Accurate.” The program willbe aired at 1:30 over WMAQ and theRed Network of thc National Broadcasting Company.Three newspapermen — past andpresent—will discuss thc handling ofwar news on the Round Table Sun¬day. G. A. Borgese, professor of I-talian Literature at thc University,and former Italian newspaper editorwill participate in the discussion withCarroll Binder, foreign editor of theChicago Daily News, and Clifton M.Utley, director of thc Chicago Coun¬cil on Foreign Relations.Braude DiscussesBad Boys at HillelJudge John Braude of Chicago’sBoys Court will speak on “I like BadBoys" at a llillel Fireside meeting at8 P. M. tonight in Idn Noyes.Despite his youth Judge Braude haahad a long tenure on the bench andhas come into contact with • lot of“bad boys.”Refreshments and sociability will Student Forum SetsSpeaking DateStudent Forum members will par¬ticipate in two speaking engagementstoday. James Engel and Joe Rosen-stein will compete in the first cam¬pus debate this year with Jim Keeneand Phil Verleger of the Universityof California debating team at 8 inSocial Science Assembly. MorrisAbrams, Monrad Paulsen, and RuthMcKean will discuss, “Is a CollegeEducation Necessary for 20th Cen¬tury Living?” at 6 in a Round Tablebefore members of the Central Elea¬nor Club, 16 N. Wabash.DtacaasWarThe title of the debate, to whichall University students are invited, isWhat is the Beat Way to Stay Outof War." “Economics of War” and“Effectiveness of Peace Groups” willbe presented as subheads of the maintopic by the California students.James Engel’s subtitle will be, “CanWc Curb Propaganda?” Joe Rosen-stein will attempt to draw conclus¬ions from facts presented by thethree preceding speakers.The purpose of the Eleanor Clubis to promote comradeship and co¬operation among business women sothat they esn spread social enjoy¬ment and promote business efficiencyamong women.Debate Kobo Col legeOnce again the three leading lights,“Deacon" Morris, “Step and a Halt”Shcridian, and the “Cosmic Kid,” ofthe Institute for Social Science, 708North Clark Street, formerly HoboCollege, will ahare the limelight in adebate at the institute with Forummembers Maurice Reichsteln andRobert Ramm on Saturday night at8. The Forum members will upholdbe the order of the evening after the (the affirmative of the topic, “Is Col*speech. (lege Education Worthwhile?"SUME JHA8MSNM54 YEARS OF SERVICE AND LEADERSHIPVOL. 5, NO. 1—Z-149 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER II, IMS PRICE S CENTS‘Big Four’ of Atom Bomb ...SMILING over a new story oftheir discovery are these "BigFour” of the atom-bomb, all Uni¬versity of Chicago scientists. From<eft to right, Samuel K. Allison,co-director of the Los Alamos Laboratories; Enrico Fermi, lamedNobel prize winner who discover¬ed the chain reaction; Cyril Smith,director of Metallurgy; and Har¬old C. Urey, Nobel prize winningchemist. (See story below'.)A-Bomb InstitutesHere Wait Truman,Congress VerdictsEstablishment of three new institutes and subsequent peace¬time scientific enquiry into atomic energy remained stymiedtoday as American scientists, led by the University of Chicago,battled Congress over the provisions of the May-Johnson billand called on President Truman for an end to the nation’sindecision.The three institutes — NuclearPhysics, Metallurgy, and Radio-biology and Biophysics — whichwill establish Chicago as the worldcenter of atomic studies, pend ondevelopments in the White Houseand in the Senate.The University administrationand the overwhelming majority ofthe 5,000 scientists who first splitthe atom are leading a nationwideeducational campaign- urging thatthe secret be disclosed, that itscontrol be vested in an inter¬national agency, and that free,juntrammelled scientific investiga¬tion be permitted if world chaosis to be averted.Her® on the Quadrangles(Continued on Page I) au- Open Centerin LexingtonThe Counseling Center was es¬tablished on Oct. 1, 1945, to offerindividuals aid in developing theirability to solve personal problemsindependently and to provide professional training and conduct re¬search in the field of adjustmentcounseling.Dealing with social, academic,marital, vocational, and family re¬lationship problems, the Center offers aid to University students andveterans, as well as any Chicagoresidents. Trustees to OutlawPledging After 1947(Exclusive to THE CHICAGO MAROON)The University of Chicago, first major American University to banintercollegiate football, yesterday climaxed a two-year pyobe indisclosing that social fraternitfes will be barred in the College afterMarch, 1947.Six years after ;.t had outlawed the varsity gridiron sport,the Board of Trustees, highest ruling body of the Universities,struck down a r,econd celebrated American University insti¬tution by voting to terminate the 54-year existence of thesocial fraterni'.ies at the undergraduate level in the U. of C.Its decision, announced yesterday by President Ernest C.Colwell, fo’lowed a two-year investigation by a faculty com¬mittee ana a University administrative ruling board-who hadboth recommended fraternities be ousted because they “tendedto conflict” with the success of the new four-year college.The verdict was delivered by deans of the University to theInterfratemity Alumni Council of the University of Chicagoand the Interfratemity Council representing ten active frater¬nities of over 250 members.Women's Clubs Not Affected Enroll 650Gl's ai^UCUS Veterans CouncilSeeks Chapter HereBy Bert SimonMore than 650 returned veterans,including three Canadians, are at-The action does not affect the continuance of fraternitiesin The Divisions, nor are women’s clubs suppressed in theCollege by the ruling, Colwell pointed out.Under the board’* pronouncement, fraternities will not be tending the University of Chicagothis Fall.Five hundred twenty-seven areenrolled under the GI Bill ofBULLETINFraternities, “with the full approval of the University will continueto operate as heretofore and will cooperate fully with the University."The Alumni Inter-Fraternity Council said in a specially preparedstatement released to THE CHICAGO MAROON last night.The statement follows in full:"Fraternities at the University of Chicago will not be abolished."After months of study of the fraternity situation a special commit¬tee representing the Board of Trustees and the faculty of the Univer¬sity of Chicago met with the Alumni Inter-Fraternity Council lastnight, and It was agreed that it was not the purpose of the Univer¬sity to abolish the fraternity system."The University in a prepared statement of Its policy said. ‘TheUniversity invites fraternities to explore the possibilities of developinga sigificant program in the divisions.’"Under the new plan now in effect at the University, the divisionsbegin at the end of the conventional sophomore year and continue forthree years. -“The fraternities with full approval of'the University will continueto operate as heretofore and will cooperate fully with the University."James Halverson, president of the Undergraduate Inter-FraternityCouncil at the University said, "We are pleased that the University ofChicago has announced a definite policy on the fraternity system."permitted to pledge students after the winter quarter of 1947,tho they may continue activities until that time.The University report said that the move was necessitated byreorganization of the University’s academic structure and thata reorganization of the extra-curricular activities necessarilymust follow the same lines. The new house plan, initiatedthis Autumn, has been devised to unify the college as a distinctsegment of the University, the report said, and all student ac-(Continued on Page 5) Rights and 38 more are takingadvantage of the VocationalRehabilitation Act. The balanceare either going on their own orare students under the work-studyplan of some prominent downtownfirms.The center of all veterans ac¬tivities on campus is the Officeof Veterans, headed hy Zens L%Smith, Advisor to Veterans, whostates thaf his office will be gladto cooperate with veterans whowould like its assistance. Meetingrooms and aid in planning socialevents may be arranged throughthis office. However, no compul¬sion to veterans in these plans ifproposed.The Inter-Fraternity Council 1*planning an affair for all veteranswho were fraternity men, the In¬ter-Fraternity Ball, another proj¬ect is a smoker, sponsored by theUniversity. Housing for Veteransis high on the list for aid to theex-GI.In their first regular meetingon campus, the American VeteransCommittee will assemble at Rosen-wald Hall at 8:00 p. m. Monday.November 19. All veterans andservicemen are urged to attend.Maroons Unable to CompeteEqually, Conference Is ToldPlan Reynolds ClubAs Recreation SiteAdministration officials, taking cognizance of the lack ofadequate student recreation facilities on campus, yesterday an¬nounced an intensive program for reconverting the ReynoldsClub into “a semi-student union.’*The plan calls for establishing the 50-year old men’s club¬house as a campus recreation siteSpring TermHousing PlanIs CompletedIt will be moving day March 22for hundreds of U. of C. women.Now occupying fraternity houses,Scheduled to be returned to theirrespective chapters with theSpring quarter, women dormitoryStudents will be shifted to Snell,Hitchcock, and Foster halls onthat dale. The University has com¬pleted arrangements to moveheavy luggage to the new hallsrow being utilized by ASTP units•l 8 a m., Friday, March 22.The new men’s dormitory at6208 Drexel ave. will be openedto .men students on Saturday,March 23, John A. Wilkinson, di¬rector of the University residencesystem, has announced. About 180men will be housed in the build¬ing formerly occupied £y the RedCross.New pre-fabricated units willbe open for occupancy for thefirst time about April 5,Mencken Wills HisWritings to U. C.H. L. Mencken, noted Baltimorewriter, has willed his works onAmerican-English to the Diction¬ary Department of the UniversityPress, Mr. Mitford' M. Mathews,Educational Dictionary Depart¬ment of the University Press an¬nounced. Mencken is a foremostWriter in American-English. and activity center. It will beoperated in conjunction with theCoffee Shop in Hutchinson Com¬mons which will be open aboutMay 1.First move in the program willbe reconversion of the south wingof the first floor of the clubhouseinto a reading lounge and meetingroom. The room is now occupiedby rehearsing sections of the Uni¬versity music department who willvacate the quarters for a new sitesprobably at Burton-Judson court.The new room is designed to copewith the overflow from the northlounge opened this fall. The SouthWing will be stocked with currentpublications and periodicals andwill be open from 7 a m. to 7 p.m.after the beginning of the springquarter. The North Lounge is opendaily from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m.Second floor of the ReynoldsClub will continue to be occupiedfor the present by the editorial andbusiness staffs of THE CHICAGOMAROON and by the StudentForum, American Veterans Com¬mittee, Inter-fraternity council,and Student Athletic PromotionCommittee. Offices of Max Mertz,director of the club, are also lo¬cated on the landing of the secondfloor.Third floor of the clubhouse isnow being used by the PlayersGuild, Documentary Film, TheGambolier humor magazine, andthe Quarterly Review. ‘Mine Eyes HaveSeen the Qlory ..’BEayagi . • „ T - A -."T the Hisrotr or rocTtn: . .Vryv' I,f' • • mi nrAMOS ALONZO STAGGThe “Grand Old Man” of Chi¬cago and Maroon head coach for40 years. Under him Chicago at¬tained athletic immortality.T. NELSON METCALFDirector of University AthleticsQermans Face StarvationProfessors Warn TrumanImmediate formulation of a defi¬nite plan to save the German andAustrian people from mass starva¬tion has been asked of PresidentTruman by 176 educators and pro¬fessional men and women of Ger¬man and Austrian extractionthroughout the United States, in¬cluding 20 members of the staff ofthe University of Chicago. The ap¬peal Is supported by six high-fanking Chicago faculty members,including Chancellor HutchinsVice-President Gustavson, Profes¬sor Harold C. Urey, and DoanCharlea W. Gilkey. The signers Of the petition, whodescribe themselves as “enemiesand victims of Naziism who havefound refuge and opportunity infree America” warned that “Who¬ever intends to turn what is leftof Germany into a predominantlyagricultural country must face thefollowing alternative: either theunemployed German people mustbe fed and policed by th« Allies,or millions will starve to death.”The Potsdam Declaration, they* said, had assured the Germanpeople that It would not be exter¬ minated, but would be allowed towork its way back into the familyof nations.Loss of huge agricultural areas,demolition of large cities, paralysisof industry and transportation,plus the influx of refugees fromother parts of Europe were citedas major factors which “have con¬verted Germany and Austria into... ‘a vast, derelict, human slum,’ ”The signers said a program ofinstant relief would best serve theinterests of “universal peace.” Full Sports SlateWill Be Maintained(Exclusive to THE CHICAGO MAROON)The University of Chicago, for half a century amajor power in American collegiate athletics, willsever its relations with the Western Intercollegiateconference on July Y.T. Nelson Metcalf, director of athletics, will de*liver the University verdict to the Big Ten athleticdirectors this morning at 10:30 and will assert thatthe University which founded the nation's biggestand most successful intercollegiate league, is "nolonger capable of providing equal competition andmust withdraw from the conference at the end ofthe academic year."Chicago bolted the Big Ten football ranks on Doe. 21,1939,and today will permanently abandon its membership reducingthe league for the first time since 1917 to nine teams. Prin-cipally affected by the decision are Chicago's schedules Inbasketball, baseball, tennis, and track.University officials pointed out last night mat the decisiondoes not affect Chicago's intentions for maintaining varsityteams "in those sports in which students want to compete andwhere schedules can be negotiated wit!) teams of equalstrength and standards." The statement to be submitted tothe Big Ten officials today expresses the desire of the Univer*sity to schedule contests with Big Ten teams '.'in those sportswhere competition is mutually advantageous."Big 10 Interests Best Served, Statement DeclaresThe move brings to an end an athletic dynasty which at onetime was the most feared in America. The University statementasserts that Chicago leaves the conference with “regret” andthat as a charter member “it has been reluctant to end its tra-dition of fifty years of competition with other members and itsassociation with them in establishing scholastic and adminis¬trative standards for intercollegiate athletics that have beenwidely influential and beneficial.”Chicago’s athletic fortunes have declined steadily since th«end of the first World War. Recently, the University has beenunder fire for maintaining “inept” teams in the Big Ten basket¬ball race, creating inequity in the championship struggle forthose teams which do not meet the Maroons. The Chicago state¬ment tacitly recognizes the charge and declares that “the de¬cision to withdraw-is unquestionably for the best interests ofthe conference and the University."Intensive Study Preceded MoveUniversity authorities said the verdict was attained after an-“inten«sive consideration of its relationships with the conference.”Dean of Students L. A. Kimpton, U. of C. I&culty delegate, willdeliver the same statement to the conference faculty representative*this afternoon.An extMisive study of the athletic department and its relationship*to the University is now being carried out by Metcalf in conjunctionwith his athletic staff. A new sports program, emphasizing intra¬mural competition with full participation, is expected to be drafted.The Chicago decision is not without precedent. Michigan droppedout of the Big Ten in 1908 but rejoined the league in 1917. The con¬ference has been intact since that time.Rumored as potential successors to Chicago for several years havebeen Nebraska, Pittsburgh, Michigan State, and Notre Dame.U C Tradition Long, Color fidChicago’s athletic tradition is one of the most colorful in the na¬tion. The University was a founding father of the Big Ten in 1896and under Amos Alonzo Stagg, “the grand old man of Chicago,” it wasa ranking athletic force for almost 40 years. Chicago was the firstgreat midwest athletic institution, and its athletes have included someof the most accomplished performers in the annals of sport, includingAll Americans Jay Berwanger, Clarence Herschberger, Walter Ecker-sall and Fritz Crisler.The post-war athletic boom and the development at other Unlver*(Continued on Page 6)TO LUNCHI predictedit all/ saysD. PredicterWith the announcements ofHutchin’s leaving, the first of mypredictions regarding UC has be¬come irrevocably true. In the Nov, by Charles "Scoop” DarwinChancellor's quick exit.leaves educators gaspingEducational circles rocked this week to the news that Robert M.Hutchins—for 21 years Chancellor of the University of Chicago—was out.On the UC campus, shocked, dazed students wandered aimlessly aboutasking themselves and each other, “Is it true?” Empty-eyed professorsconducted half-hearted lectures before empty classrooms. Rumors andhalf-truths flew from ear to ear.23 issue of the Daily HeraldHearse. 1907, you will rememberthat I said, “Predicted, that atsome time in the future, a certainUniversity y ill receive, fire, or hire,to some extent a man of whommore definite description will be¬come apparent!” It is now, as Isaid, apparent.Hutchins is out! And now thebrave past will return. Gloriousheroes of the gridiron are alreadybeing hired—that is are enrolling,by the hundreds. By the time the•'great man” downs his horsd’ouvers, UC teams will be rollingto victory against a very, verysorry O'Hired State Bucknoseeleven. And as this goes to press,checks will be in the mail to thevarious hospitals at which thesegreats will relax after theirtriumph. I ivarned youof this mess:v. KaltendeadHans von Kaltendead, dean ofAmerican journalists commentedin his radio broadcast last night:“As I have been warning in mybroadcasts, agents of Soviet Rus¬sia have infiltrated leading insti¬tutions in this country. Thought¬ful Americans will long rememberthe sinister leftism inherent inthis unusual situation.“This is, however, probably afeint to be followed by a blowagainst Middle Eastern oil. I havelong contended that UC studentsare an oily group. My unusual in¬sight is now confirmed beyond ashadow of doubt.”Official communiqueThe following is the official documented text cf the ex¬clusive statement issued by the Central Administration of.the University to the MAROON.Dear Secretary:I'm hungry/} / r\ / / One report stated that more than halfthe staff in UC’s new administration build¬ing had left work out of sympathy to theChancellor.As of 12:35 p m. Wednesday, the* report was con¬firmed: revered, long-time Chancellor Hutchinswas out to lunch.Reaction to the news was immediate and vigor¬ous. From ail over the country messages of con¬dolence and condemnation poured into UC offices.The New York Times published an accolade whichrunneth a column solid, plus a cubit of verse.Variety headlined the story with: “UC Op CopsFlop; Studes Hop.”McReoper roarsFrom behind his flying-buttressed stomach Inhis gc hie Chicago offices, the World’s GreatestEduca.jr, Corporal Romberg R. McReaper roared.“This portends the final demise of the left-wingbureaucrats who have been leading us down thepath to Socialism ever since that infamous suc¬cessor to Hoover started playing hob with AmericanFree Enterprise.“My only regret is that Acheson didn’t go first,”the. corporal concluded.Said Russia's UN delegate Jocko Nono, “Thefact that Hutchins has been forced out (to lunch)is proof that in capitalist America more than Justthe masses are being held in abject starvation.This smacks of Wall-Street plot to rid the UnitedStates of its educational leaders.”Loomis roars, tooRoared union leader John L. Loomis, “UC, likeIsrael, has many sounds. Its women weep for theirfallen, and they lament for the future of the chil¬dren of the race. It ill behooves those who havesupped at UC’s table, and who have been shelteredin UC’s house, to curse, with equal fervor, both UCand its Chancellor.”Famed Washington- anthropologist, SenatorSlander McCarper, noted for his aversion to pinksa’mon, appeared saddened by the news. EditorialIt is with the very deepest and most sor¬rowful regrets that we behold the leavingof him who has been a light to us all, aninspiration to our ideals, a rose amidst thedandelions of the meadow of education. Itmay truly be said, with no holding back ofemotion, that he is the prince among “thosewho know."May this period of mourning be one ofsoul searching also. God be with him in thistime of his anxiety.(This editorial wet pasted by two-third* of a vote)Photo by 3herOut to lunch—Faced by the "maybe someday" possibilityof having to eat his own words, UC's chancel*lor Hutchins prepares to practice on somebody,else'*.Notable linesinclude thatof FishhookDr. Morris Fishhook, formereditor of the MAROON, in art ex¬clusive statement to the Journalof the Society for the Establish¬ment of Socialized Medicinewarned of the ill effects of skip¬ping lunch. “Lunch,” said Fish¬hook, “is "the most important, mealbetween breakfast and supper!”The eminent American theolo¬gian Rhinegold Nearbeer com¬mented acidly: “Mr. Hutchins’ re¬tirement is another acted parableOf our times, exposing again theInevitable spiritual sterility of theWhole humanistic-liberal-scientifi-Cist cultural complex. Though longaware of the primrose path downWhich the University of Chicagoand its Chancellor have tripped, Iam yet shocked by the depths into T.S. Idiot addspoetic commentT, S. Idiot, Sober Prize 'Winner mPoetry, wrote the following master¬piece on the occasion:I went to lunchmunch munchcrunch crunchGoody! Goody!slurp slurpburp burpMommy, I want aSalerno butter cookie!which this incarnation of modernman has suddenly plunged.“Doesn’t he know that it is nota mere human prerogative to fillthe chasm of hunger with savoriesand sweetmeats, however tempt¬ing, yet always involved in theever-present (and thereforefallen) processes of ingestion, di¬gestion, and assimilation? Mr.Hutchins cannot have his cakeand eat it too.” “This is a lousy trick,” he stated. “Hutchins wasnext on my list.'I’d already bought myself a scrapbook to fill withpress clippings, and—and . . (At this point McCarper slumped tohis desk, his eyes brimming with 100 per cent American tears.)Snorted noted columnist Westcreek Q. Pegleg, “George Smelvinwill have something to say about this!”Local big wheelsroll out commentsWilliam Beeranpretzels, director of administrative activ¬ities released the following statement to the MAROON:“In accordance with customary procedure in such casesaccompanied by aforementioned circumstances notwith¬standing possible conditions hereinafter set forth subjectto prospective situations which may effect a contrary con-clusion conditioned uponWar closer: WalterMr. and Mistress America! ThisIs Walter Warmonger speaking toyou from the depths of our con¬crete lined “Noble-Nifty-Nuclear-Niche.” in the heart of Washing¬ton. The news today, is, definitely,news, and I do mean news! Fromthe ivory towers of a certain Mid¬west university, 4iigh on the list ofeye sores of the Chicago Trash-bucket, comes word that a certainChancellor is out, but definitelyfrutl This, Mr/ and Mistress America, free America, sitting inyour free living rooms, before yourfree television sets, is news, freenews... . Word comes from Tokyothat the Manchurian Reds imme¬diately added an armored horse tothe seventeen million men, women,and children already secretly seep¬ing into Korea, under cover of cer¬tain war correspondents. Thisdefinitely brings war, (happily)closer. . . . And remember, youheard it here first! feasibility amenability andacceptability the terminationof the status of a recognized Chan¬cellor shall become effective uponthe sending of official notice tothe chief officer of the office ofadministrative activities as hereto¬fore set forth- in “The RevisedCode of Administrative Regula¬tions,” Part n, Section A, Article4, Paragraph 1, effective Septem¬ber 15, 1950, and superceding sec¬tion XI, page 42 of "The OfficialManual for Administrators” pub¬lished September, 1949.“If anyone is confused, I shallbe glad to discuss this in my office.”Dean Robert M. Closure, dean ofadministration: “Mr. Beeranpret¬zels has made enough statementsfor both of us.”Ernest ‘Oilwell, provost of theUniversity: “The University willlong remember the great contribu¬ tion that its Chancellor has made.”Clarissa Cinders, assistant direc¬tor of-administration: “It is notsurprising that people are sur¬prised by the surprising occur¬rence.”Jake Arvey: *Tt was Korea!”Joseph Jacksopi Mop, professorof astrology: “Concomittance isnot causation.”David Greaseraan, professor ofsocial psychology: “The Chancel¬lor’s survival instincts have obvi-.ously overcome his superego.”Mortimer J. Adenoid, professoro? philosophical illegality; “I thinkthat was a Great Idea!”Robert Bluefield, professor ofprimitive cultures: “Nothing new.Primitive cultures also eat lunch.”Rexford Guy Pullwell, professorof planning: Better planning couldhave avoided this mess.” Students agogat departureStudent comments:Stuart Gordonv“He will return.”Frank D u m m e r : “Hutchins;who’s he?”Roger Woodbury: “I’d eat luncKtoo if I could afford C-shopprices.”Dave Devin: “Most students heroare pretty apathetic but even I'mexcited about this.”David Lamb: “I tried it once,but I didn’t like it.”Merrill Enslaved: "This meansthe end of comps at the Univer¬sity.”Real reason givenby alcoholicBellicose Bluenose, president ofAlcoholics Ambivalent, made thisstatement from his bed where wefound him this morning, ice bagin hand. “Don’t try to cover thisnefarious act of the leader of ouryouth up by saying that he is out—for lunch. He’s out all right butIs it pnly for lunch? I think not¬our organization has many recordsof men thus driven to ruin—Imean drink, whiskey sours, mar¬tini’s etc. and the rest of the devil’sbrew that drives men out of theirminds, and out—to lunch. Firsthe’s Aristotle, then Aquinas, not!-Bacchus—who next?”■0[rj 31 University of Chicago, December 20, 1950(Exclusive to the Chicago MAROON)In an exclusive statement to the Chicago MAROON,Chancellor Robert M. Hutchins had this to say to thestudent body:“I’m of course very distressed to leave the Universityand leave the students. I recognize that unfortunatelyI’ve had very little to do with the student body; that afterall the University is operated in their interest and pro¬grams on which I’ve spent my time have been designedto contribute to their education.“I have no doubt that the University will continue onthe same level of excellence as characterized it for thelast 60 years and I am sure that the student body will givemy successor the same skeptical loyalty that it has grant¬ed to me.” Chancellor’s quick exit leavesstudents, educators gaspingThe slogan, “There’s a Ford in your future,” has a special meaning for UC’s chan¬cellor Robert Maynard Hutchins. This became clear yesterday as the famed “boywonder” of education stunned the members of UC’s council of the faculty senatewith the announcement that he was resigning as Chancellor to become associate di¬rector of the $250,000,000 Ford Foundation.The surprise announcement came simultaneously with a statement by the founda¬tion’s director, Paul Hoffman, former head of ECA, that he, Hutchins and ChesterDavis, head of the St. Louis District of the Federal Reserve Board, would form thefoundation’s controlling triumvirate.Hutchins officially requested and was granted a leave of absence beginning Janu¬ary 1 in order to assume his new duties. His formal resignation as chancellor and asuniversity trustee will take effect next June 30. Spokesmen for the university indi¬cated UC President Ernest Cadman Caldwell will act as chancellor until a final ap¬pointment is made.Strongest reaction to the newsof. Hutchins’ resignation camefrom the reeling faculty council,which immediately passed an ex-$238,000,000 Ford Foundation means that he will share H^tchins'^^r^consider’’ hhfde*in the development of the program of one of the largest cision. Vhe council went on topublic trusts in the world, certainly the largest in the U.S. appoint a special committee which, In addition, speculation'has already begun as to wheth- drafted an official formal memo*er Hutchins will eventually become the foundation’s presi- rial directed to Hutchins and thedent.Ford fund is US biggestby John HuntHutchins’ appointment associate director of theboard of trustees urging their pie*that Hutchins remain.Tragedy decriedThe motion, passed unanimous*. ^et up ‘ rece've ?nd admin- ment service has brought specu-ister funds for scientific, educa- jatjon as t0 whether, in that event,tional and charitable purposes for Hutchjns WOuld assume the foun- ly by the council, stated in part,the public welfare, the found - d a t i 0 n presidency. Hoffman’s “No greater tragedy could happenti°n "as originally established in name has been discussed a num. to the1936 by Henry and Edsel Ford.Aims >«t in five field*In a 26-page report issued lastSeptember, the foundation listedfive areas in which it would en¬deavor to promote its aims: (1)world peace, (2) freedom and num- to the university than for Mr.ber of times as a possible replace- Hutchins to persist in his decisionment to U.S. Secretary of State to resign as Chancellor.”Dean Acheson in the event Ache-son should resign.Davis is third manServing as the second associatedirector with Hutchins and Hoff- In its excitement and surpriseat the news, the council failed tedemocracy; (3) economic well be- man will be Chester Davis, presi-ing; (4) improvement of educa- dent of the Federal Reseive banktional opportunities for all; and 0f St. Louis.(5) advancement of scientific it is expected that Hutchins’knowledge for the benefit of main concern in the foundationmankind. will be in the area of improvingThe foundation’s report called educational opportunities. It hasfor the appointment of a presi- been noted that the foundation’15dent and two associate directors September report reflects many ofto set up the program by which Hutchins’ own sentiments on thethese aims would be accomplished, subject.In the first eight grants issued The report stated that too muchby the foundation, $300,000 was stress has been laid on mere Chancellor Hutchins issued aparting statement addressed tothe student body last night inan exclusive interview with theMAROON. Individuals and oth¬ers publications had less successin breaking through his swampedtelephone tine. Text appears OBthis page.given to the University of Chi¬cago.Prexy a UC alumnusPresident of the foundation isPaul Hoffman, formerly head ofthe Economic Cooperation Ad¬ministration and also former pres¬ident of Studebaker Corp. Inaddition to being a personal friendof Hutchins, Hoffman is also a “dissemination of information” tothe detriment of the arts and of“training for developing a senseof values and the wisdom neces¬sary to live purposeful lives.” Thereport also, almost as if writtenby Hutchins, made note that allraces and colors do not have equalaccess to education; that economicbarriers and the high cost of col-member of the UC boar<Nof trus- lege education often bar qualifiedtees. He graduated from UC in students.1912. ' Hutchins’ new job carries withThe possibility that Hoffman it a reported $50,000 per yearmay soon be drafted into govern- salary.‘Qreatest tragedy’: faculty council appoint a five-man committee sug¬gested by the board of trustees onthe selection of a new chancellor.This action will be taken at a spe¬cial meeting of the council tomor¬row afternoon. There has beensome speculation as to whether theoffice of chancellor will continueas a University position. Put in¬dications are at present that theoffice will not be abolished.Hutchins movesDuring the next six monthsHutchins will make his headquar¬ters at the University, but will no.be active in its affairs. His officeand home after June 30 will bein Pasadena, where Ford Foundstion has its offices.•—John Hurst, BlossomWeskamp and LeRoy WolinsThe Council of the Senate ofthe Faculty of the University atits meeting when Hutchins an¬nounced his resignation took theoccasion to release the followingresolution:“The Council believes it isspeaking for the entire academicbody of the University of Chi¬cago when it says no greater trag¬edy could happen to the Univer¬sity than for Mr. Hutchins to per¬ sist in his decision to Tesign asChancellor. The Council urges Mr.Hutchins to see his way clear tochanging his decision.”The Council will meet againThursday afternoon to elect acommittee of five to meet withthe Board of Trustees to discussthe selection of a successor toHutchins, but the Council is alsodrafting a memorial to Hutchinsurging him to remain. UC to reopen Jan. 2Dean Robert M. Strozier In• special announcement lastnight to the University commu¬nity emphasized that the Uni¬versity will re-open on Jan. 2,regardless of whether or notthe strike has been settled. “WeHope to settle the strike, ofcourse, before then,” he said.wheels roll out shocked commentsLocal bigLeading faculty members andChicago personalities registeredgrief and amazement at Chancel¬lor Hutchins’ departure from theUC.Robert Redfield, Chairman ©fthe Department of Anthropology,said, “The Chancellor’s resigna¬tion is a personal loss and a dan¬ger to the University.”“The University hardly hopesto get as good leadership again,”Redfield concluded.The President of NorthwesternUniversity, J. Roscoe Miller, said,“I am sorry to see Chancellor Hutchins leave the area.”“His departure is a real loss toeducation,” President Miller com¬mented. “Although we disagreed©n many points, Hutchins was agreat stimulus in the educationalfields”The President of Northwesternhad no comment to make on howHutchins’ resignation af¬fect football at UC.When Kermit Eby, Assoc. Profof Soc. Sci., was called, he ex¬pressed a deep grief at the Chan¬cellor’s resignation.“This is -he ©nd of an era,” he said. “Hutchins made the Uimyer-sity great because he gave it free¬dom.”Carol Saunders, Assistant Direc¬tor of Student Activities, gasped:“Well, this is hardly a MerryChristmas present to the Univer¬sity.”Laird Bell, chairman of theBoard of Trustees of the Univer¬sity of Chicago, made the follow¬ing statement:“The dynamic and imaginativeleadership which Mr. Hutchins hasgiven the University of Chicagofor the past 21 years has kept it clearly in the forefront of theeducational world. He has had animpact on the thinking of educa¬tors and the public which it ishard to overestimate. Though wecannot stand in the way of ex¬tending that influence even furtherthrough the tremendous possibili¬ties of the Ford Foundation, thetrustees of the University acceptMr. Hutchins’ resignation with re¬luctance and regret.”Morton Grodzins, Assistant Prof,of Pol. Sci., commented, “I don’tknow anybody who can fill Hutch-ms’ shoes.” Describing the Senate Councilmeeting which heard Hutchins’ res¬ignation Tuesday, Grodzins said,“Even those members of the fac¬ulty who disagreed bitterly withHutchins on specific points, reg¬istered shock at Hutchins’ de¬parture.”“Hutchins might reconsider ilboth faculty and students ask himto return,” Robert J. Havighurst,Profes.-or of Education said.“It will be difficult to thinkthat the University will be with*out Hutchins,” Ruth MeCarn, As*sistant Dean of Students, said.Kimpton UC boss!University Veep to succeedR. M. Hutchins immediatelyElection of Lawrence A. Kimpton as chancellor of the University of Chicago was an¬nounced last night by Laird Bell, chairman of the Board of Trustees. Mr. Kimpton, a vice-president of the university, becomes the sixth chief executive the university has had in its60-year history. He succeeds Robert M. Hutchins, whose resignation to become an asso¬ciate director of the Ford Foundation was announced last Dec. 19.The new chancellor, 40 years old, is presently vice-president in charge of developmentat the University. He has held important administrative positions there since 1944, exceptfor a three year period, 1947-50 when he was dean of students at Stanford University,from which he took his undergraduate and master’s degrees in 1931 and 1932.Test tests.” said Terman, an answer thatled Kimpton to turn to philosophy.Wrote thesis on KantAt Cornell, he wrote his thesis on "TheProblems and Method of the CriticalPhilosophy.” a study of Immanuel Kant*At Cornell his friends were largely mem*Board unanimously agreedMr. Kimpton was elected by «“* *»the Board at its regular meet-ing yesterday.. lege of liberal arts and professor of. „lU„ mathematics and philosophy at the Uni.The faCUlty-trUStee committee verslty of Kansas City, a privately-sup-appointed to nominate a chancel* ported Institution which then had an bets of the Telluride Association!" an or*Inr unanimouslv aereed uoon Mr «nrolment of approximately 2,000. ganizatlon somewhat like that of a col*lor unanimously agreea upon mr. Kj oton, chjef i»*ge of an English university, in whichKimpton as its choice after an ex* On July l, 1943. Kimpton Joined the Students lived and studied with somatensive Study Of all available can- Metallurgy Project at the University of *didates.” Bell said in the public ^flcer0 wi“ mC a‘shon'ti^ wnbur c. membership, but s£nt much time withannouncement. Ah°Ho* enthusiastic support kimpton took his place as chief ad- Association was L. L. Nunn, who had‘‘From the beeinnine there was mimstrative officer, in charge sf the. P ° sprawling organization which occupied tng and managing electric power com*enthusiastic support for Mr. numerous buildings on and near the a„Uo. ha4f0untled andKimpton by the faculty, alumni, Chicago campus and at the new Ar-. f . . z- . . , , gonne laboratory in Palos Park.administration, trustees, and by 6 Qn September l. 1944. at the age ofthose outside the university who 34. he became dean of students and pro-J fessor of philosophy at the university.Knew mm. and continued for a time also to ad-“In his association with the uni- minuter the atomic bomb project at the en*dowed Deep Springs School, and It w.«#through association with the TellurldaAssociation members that Kimptonwent to that school after his gradual#work.Married classmateWhile a Junior at Stanford. Kimpto*versity he has acquired a knowl- slty:s”f7culty're'pres'entatrve' ln the Big* mawlagea terminated ^n‘dlVorce11 in u>4t!edee of all its asnects. and has Ten, and Its representative When Cm- There was one child. John Lawrencet t , u ^ _ , cago withdrew from that organization In Kimpton, born In UM0.In October. IMS. Kimpton married th#university. Kimpton was the unlver-Chancellor Lawrence Alpheus Kimpton ■M.- .-a-’.'. demonstrated not only great ad- March, 194s.ministrative skill, but also appre- Lett UC for Stanfordciation of the high standards ofscholarship and the ideals we wishto preserve.Becomes Chancellor at once former Marcia Drcnnan, of Kansas City.Her son by a former marriage, nownamed William Drennan Kimpton. wasadopted by Kimpton. Sixteen years oldthis July, he is a student in the Mid*EditorialTo Chancellor Lawrence A. KimptonWelcome and best of luck!The Chicago MAROONTell how MAROON gotLAK material so promptlyfcy Ed WolpertEver since the resignation of Robert M. Hutchins, the staffof the MAROON has been trying, by hook or crook, to findout before any other paper who the new chancellor of theuniversity was to be.A week ago the Washington U. paper printed a story thatclamied that Arthur H. Compton was the new UC chancellor.In that issue they quoted a man- — —— LAK whiz atraising cashSince Lawrence Kimpton’s ap*pointment as vice-president inaging editor of the Chicago MA'BOON to the effect that he had•‘heard” Compton’s name men- , .tioned among fortv or fiftv a11 sorts of Pandemonium broketioned, among lorty or fifty out at the office as the staff mem-Pondemonium breaks outAt the news of the appointment©iners. as Deing considered ior ^. . . . . . .*h7]?7.™lWashin6,on storles ETCry a,S £«was put into action to reach thejumped the gunPlans set long agoAssignments for this issue were uity,"for their reactions?posted two weeks ago.Significant leads to stories were big wheels, both campus and fac-lty, for their reactions.,At the same hme that thespotted by Editor-in-Chief Charles Fimpton appointment _ was an-Garvin and Assistant Business the MAROON also re-Manager David S. Canter. ceived confirmation of news it hadReporters and photographers beaId the day before that the banWf re placed outride of the trustee ?n ty r^hing in the col-meeting at 1:25 p.m. Thursday, in bad been lifted. (See story,page three.)Kimpton favors18 yr. old draftLawrence A. Kimpton, new UCthe hopes of making a scoop.Hutchins and Kimpton must haveleft the meeting by a secret wayaince they were known to have•entered the room, but were notthere when our reporters wereallowed entrance.Back at the MAROON’s campus chancellor is in favor of draftingoffice, rewrite men, research men, 18-year-olds according to an INS•opy readers, reserve print-shop news dispatch of Jan. 29. He be-crew and extra repot+ers sweated lieves drafting 18-year-olds "wouldUie announcement out. be a good thing" in the presentAt one time it was proposed to emergency,run the head, "Rumor Kimpton At a meeting of UC alumni Innew chancellor.” This brought Denver last January, Kimpton•bout inter-staff wrangling which said that the University of Chi-was only dispelled when Mr. Mor- cago will back any proposals forgenstern, Director of Public Rela- utilizing 18-year-olds in militarylions, called the MAROON office service.•t 5:30 p.m. to make the official Most educators fear that draft*Announcement. $e« is yeor old, pogo 2 On July 1. 1946, Kimpton becamevice-president and dean of faculties ofthe university, holding that position un¬til he accepted the appointment as dean . .of students at Stanford. September 1. *®n<1 School, Los Olivos, California.1947. At Stanford he also served as fac- Vacation in Ozarks“WV» ar#» nloacod that wo have ulty representative to the Pacific Coast Mrs. Kimpton’s father, a retired In*we are pitasta mat vve nave conference, and participated In that surance man. owns a 640-acre farm infound in our own ranks a new conference’s arrangement with the-Big Platte County. Missouri, on which he bMrhanoollnr whn ha« tho mnlitin« Ten for the Rose Bowl football series. built a residence for summer and week-cnanceiior Wno nas tne qualities At th^ instance of Chancellor Hutch* end living, and the Ktmptons spendwhich we think Will insure the Ins. he agreed in 1950 to return to the their free time there. Their last visitcontinued distinction and nrocrcc*! University of Chicago as vice-president was over the Christmas vacation.CY7luea distinction ana progiess 4n char(?e OI development, assuming the The Dew Chancellor admits to no par*Of the university. position August X. tlcular hobbles. His work at the Uni*Kimpton Will become acting Popukir with stucfer.ls S’ o?r deveUpm^ntJ" hase3«qSire3chancellor at once, Bell said. Any theStanfo^ K! SSMVfclfgfi* nuie^eeUme^H1;formal inauguration will be held ated a petition requesting he remain has continued his rnterest in Ml^ophr!in the fall, after the opening of whi^h hlri^tnnne*? mih! until his return to the Universitythe autumn quarter of the Univer- fiStES* ^\he yearhaprot°ePs?mgPhu admin^atue^utils^rmTueS6'"sity. When Hutchins accepted the ^‘^‘an honorl^mem^r'^K: Lif«* hh „ ,appointment to the lord Founda- sented him with a Silver cigarette box .*PJ bobi)y’t lt Is in relation*tion, he made his resignation ef- With an engraved attestation of his elec. admlnl^ra’tlte JosltmnVhwfective not later than June 30, the The new chancellor was born October *a Pari the resuftl 01 his easoClose of the academic vear or 7. 1910, In Kansas City, Missouri, the r'"” fj? ln* *Ia*.7 c a<-rtUt;inic year, or of Car, E KlmDton now a retired been la large part the result of his efts#earlier if a successor were elected, attorney, and Lynn Kennedy Kimpton. associates. He was one for whom mem*Since January 1. Hutchins has ^sthpear^^vse^y^etKaLas.dnogm which p"«ed ‘backing^io/been On leave of absence, devoting the father also took his law degree. chancellor,his activities to the affairs of the Attended school in Konsos CityFord Foundation After completing a public grammar" school, Kimpton attended SouthwestStudied at Cornell and Stanford High school in Kansas City, playing on~ 4. r.. the basketball team and winning someFollowing his Studies at Stan- prominence as a sprinter, though he wasford University, Kimpton took a on,y 16 when he graduated.Ph r» in _.. „. He entered Stanford in 1927, and hisPh.D. degree in philosophy at academic record was of such qualityCornell University in 1935. He £hat he was elected to Phi Beta Kappa,thnn hftoan ->« national honorary scholastic fraternity,then began an unbroken career jn his Junior year. He was briefly can-in academic administration. His dlflate for the football team, being ad- rharor* nf riovrplnnmonf lootfirct annAintmunt vised by ‘‘Pop’* Warner, a long-time '-nt*rbe 01 development lastiirst appointment was at Deep friend of his mothers family, “to try August, he has reorganized theSprings School, a small institu- something else.” He did not continue Develonment OffiVa In arrier »/»tion in tho hioh ciiorrac nf fnmntn h‘s »rack and basketball playing In col- ^tveiopmeni WXUCe in order IOnon in tne mgn sierras 01 remote lege but was a member of the debating make it more intimately relatedeast-central California, where he team. to the work of individual facultytaught English, German, and Young K.mptoa bought auto members and has helped substan*DhllosODhv. °ne reason he did not find time for r**,. * athletic competition was & lesson in the tisl'y in raising money for theIn 1936 he was appointed dean and dl- value of money taught him by his father Universitvrector of the school, which had some 20 after his freshman year at Stanford. In .. -u *• . 41-students and a faculty of almost equi* the first year, his father, who had an Uurmg the first three month*valent number. Among his responsl- extensive law practice, made his check- of this school vear UC took inblltties as director was the management Ing account into a Joint one with the -r/vi nnn r* . . » ~of the school’s huge valley ranch, ap- son. Young Kimpton wrote checks free- over $1, i(AltUUu. President COlWCuproxlmately 25 miles long and 10 miles ly, and among other expenditures called this Slim *‘a nhenomenalwide, on which ran a herd of over 1000 bought an automobile. . ,cattle. shortly after his return to Kansas increase over the same period •Couaht rustler City, his father asked him to come to year ago.”as hls taw office one Saturday afternoon.SffSM SS3SSSS Kimpton gives viewsA casual vacation visit to the school Father paid R.R. fare Ull CUUCdllOllal aidfrom James Bryant Conant, president of Pointing out that inquiry to the deanHarvard University, initiated the chain had indicated that such an amount was On Mayf 17. 1946. Chancellorof circumstances which ultimately more than lavish for a Stanford ffiu- 1-brought Kimpton to the University of dent, the senior Kimpton announced Kimpton, In response to his opin*Chicago. that he would pay his son’s railroad fare ion on federal or State aid to theConant visited payPno° more of ms coiie^exneLes0014 University, stated that the Uni-D^p11 Springs.^he^fntemted^ hhnself S eafSeda K VerSUy WaSf T ^illinS aC^tthe school s chemistry courses, and ford Union dehverlnz the student news- government funds on the basisihrklndw'icSlre^SghT^eZsn^f^ P^ P*** ** ?.SSSK5 that UC would tend to be domi*thorfty*claUy ln whicb he was an au‘ P* He eam^ovfr wSoInd rmishld • by /he state legislatureHe therefore arranged, with Kimpton’s fehe'^naid1 hisTXDonsesTheiCa£ler h“ WhlCh W°-U^ have P0^ t0 ordfsupport, for members of the faculty of t„:l -S 1 nis expenses. our curricula and Other aspectsCalifornia Institute of Technology to 1 y"’®,<Vevc!. ■’"* . « of school nroaniTAtinn “If thevisit the Deep Springs School. They In That June his mother came to Palo 01 &(-n°Ol organization. il vneturn sent a succession of their graduate Alt0 and 6he and the son took a leisure- government Will underwrite OUfstudents to teach parts of the course ln *7 sightseeing trip back to Kansas City research however we will hawhich they were doing their advanced car- .Somewhere in their traveling . *>earcn nowever, we wiu ocwork. they both < contracted typhoid fever, happy to have them do SO. |if• . from which the mother died shortlySuggest Kimpton for atom project after their arrival home.0LtHefel0u?f chemists subse* As a student at Sunford. Kimptonquently joined the staff of the Man- had started out to be a psychologist,hattan District’s metallurgy project, specializing in Intelligence. He one daywhich constructed the atomic bomb. In asked the famous psychologist. Loutsthis complex effort, administrators urg- Madison Terman, originator of the Stan-ently required, and the Cal Tech gradu- forn-Blnet test, his definition of tntelll-ates knowledge of Kimpton led to thetr gence. “It’s what ‘he Stanford-Blnet Other stories on pages2, 3 and 4.What School1 What School? What School1OnionBowlSpecial Daily Cseatry Clwk U. tioci 1|||COUNTRY ( M il Rosas are r«4#Violofs aro Mu#,But toda^ C.C.U.,It's Onions to you!yol. 69, No. 33 HEAVENSTUN, ILLINOIS Friday, December 10, 1948ONONS!Demonstrations 'Raise Roof 9Roof Weak, Engineers Claim'Bares’ ToBe AlleycatBowl FoesIt’ll be Country Club•gainst California NewTear’s Day in the OnionBowl.Official confirmation of Coun¬try Club'* selection a* representa¬tive of the Significant Six cameyesterday at 1 am. from Commla-0mm L. K. (Send me one docen•nions) Wylson's office in Chicago,the Significant Six schools votedananimousiy to extend the OnionBowl bid to Country Club’s Alley*fataAlmost simultaneously. Cali¬fornia was chosen to meet theAlleycats in the big Onion Bowl•ontest.“Wheee • said CCU President¬elect J. Fiasco Muddle, to rejoicingstudents yesterday. “This proves,”said the gum-chewing executive,•that the Alleycats are an out¬standing football team—in theirheld.” Adding a note of caution tothe exuberant students. Muddlesaid, “I hope all Country Club stu¬dents act like the future alumnithat they are.’* Muddle, who rosebom internship to presidency byregularly attending football games,pointed out that he had alwaysMood squarely for football—with¬out roughness, of course—, Joy—without madness—, and fun—Without smut. No other collegePresident can make that statement•“Seriously.(CONTINUED ON PAGE 1J> Still No Spirit,Critics ChargeWhen Country Club U. stu¬dents accepted their bid tothe 1949 Onion Bowl yester¬day in a mammoth demon¬stration. critics of “low blood pres¬sured” CCU came out tn evengreater force than before. Redfaces were noted hero and there,but the consensus of opinion wasthat they belonged to the moreinebriated members of the CCUcommunity.“This is pretty punk, if you askme.” stated Roscoe Wutherwild,who asked that his name be with¬held. “These spiritless kids remindme of college students. No riot'squads, no fires, no expulsions, andno attempts at criminal assaulthave I seen. I think that old CCUhas a mass case of hardening ofthe arteries. Poof!”Several Country Clubbers ve¬hemently denied this allegation,stating their belief that no onehad asked Mr. Wutherwild’s opin¬ion. “I think he’s a spy from thathotbed of radicalism and labora¬tory for communism, the Univer¬sity of Chicago,” said Robert Mejs-terweilden, who also asked that hisname be withheld.Opinions were being voiced rightand further right yesterday, as amatter of fact, but our space limi¬tation prevents us from publishing(CONTINUED ON PAGE 13) CCU Pupil toMeet Teacher!Breaks TraditionOut in Rapsadena on New Year’sDay a former pupil will meet histeacher In a battle to the finish.This promises to be one of thefirst times in CCU history that apupil has met one of his Instruc¬tors. - - >- ■*..Principals in this battle will befanner CCU conch “Father, dearfather, come home with me now”Waldorf (of Salad Bawl fame),and the star left out of kls 1$MCCU Alleycat aqnad, Rob (Ma¬tin; on the Bounty) Quoits.“Father, dear father, come homewith me now" dubbed Quoits “Mu¬tiny on the Bounty" for severalreasons. “Mutiny” was the resultof Quoits’ unusual imagination.(Some attribute the famous CCU"Crawling Wedge” to him.)“Bounty” was a tribute to thefamous star’s unusual habit ofdrinking 36 per cent salt waterduring games. The phrase “onthe” has never been satisfactor¬ily explained.When the CCU Alleycats meetCal’s Golden Bares in the OnionBowl, the Alleycat coach will havehis “golden” opportunity to “mu¬tiny” against his former mentor—near his beloved “bounty.” Pep DisplaysRuin HeadsConservative CCU stood onits head for 24 hours yester¬day in an Onion Bowl, cele¬bration. Chick Wight, SUpresident, was quoted by the Chi¬cago papers yesterday, but then,the Chicago papers will quotepractically anybody. No ClassesAnyway,Says Prexy"Other schools might sus¬pend classes for a big thinglike a bid to the Onion Bowl,but here at CCU, where wehave no classes of any Importanceanyway, we are not faced with thisproblem.” stated President Frank“Blissful” Sydner In an interviewwith the Dally Country Club to¬day. Sydner did state, however,that attendance would not beasked of students enrolled in therequired survey course. Emily Foil2 SO.No School! No School! No School!IUm BallyIV orth wester ngvaiBvon. turnmROSESCaRtorma1. Demons i rat ions ‘Raise Roof*IsWildcatuj Rally, Explode at Dancefi===il*P B.r.U Classes?None TillMondayNU Soys "Roses"—UC Answers "ONIONS!"BE IT WHITE OR BE IT BRIGHTUniversity of Chicago, December 10, 194iSuspend MAROON;Strozier ousts editorCall protest meeting;Action comes suddenlyUniversity of Chicago, October 5« 1951 31ARE YOU WITH US?Dean of Students Robert M. Strozier yesterday informed the MAROON that: (1) editorAlan Kimmel has been removed from his post on the MAROON, and that (2) after thisissue, publication of the MAROON is to be suspended until Student Government takes stepsfor hording a new election “based on my recommendations of last Spring.**We feel that Strozier’s action was arbitrary and unjustified, and we hereby issue a call toall students and faculty to attend a mass meeting to protest and petition against this move.The meeting will be held Tuesday, Oct. 9, at 7:30 p. m. in Mandel Hall.Strozier’s action raises, at the very least, a number of interesting* legal questions. TheStudent Bill of Rights guarantees student publications freedom from “censorship or otherpressure aimed at controlling editorial policy, with the free selection and removal of editor¬ial staffs reserved to the organizations sponsoring these publications.” The bill furtherstates, “Where a publication enjoys a monopoly ... the recognizing authority may proper¬ly insist on adequate safeguards in the constitution of the publication to insure that the re¬quirements for membership be limited to interest, activity and journalistic ability. Thestaff of the publication shall institute these safeguards and shall be the sole judge of thesequalifications. . . . Recognition shall not be used as a lever to control the purposes or pro¬grams of the organization ... or to dictate its form of organization or procedure.” *Strozier’s action is an attempt to usurp these safeguards of student freedom contrary toall existing precedent. Strozier himself, in an interview about the MAROON with anothernewspaper last spring, told the South Town Economist, “The university responsibility is lim¬ited to determining that the publication is conducted on a sound financial basis and that itdoes not violate the law.” He is also further reported as saying that the UC administrationhas no legal control over the contents or poli'^fs of the MAROON,Strozier’s action in removing Kimmel from his duly elected post as editor-in-chief is a vio¬lation of basic civil liberties which guarantee freedom of political thought. Further, it re¬veals the political motivation behind Strozier’s entire course of action. The student codestates, “The students of the University of Chicago, as individuals and as members of rec¬ognized student organizations, are expected to conduct themselves at all times in a mannerwhich will reflect creditably on the university.” In no case can Kimmel’s political beliefs beconstrued as reflecting discredit on the university—unless the university itself Is submittingto the current nationwide pressure against /freedom of political beliefs. Certainly, Strozier’sstatement in his letter to Kimmel that “your action in sponsoring and attending the EastBerlin Youth festival demonstrates your lack of qualification to edit a free and independ¬ent newspaper”—certainly this statement is indication enough of the political motivation be¬hind this attack.We feel strongly, furthermore, that Strozier has no legal basis whatsoever for his actionin suspending publication of the MAROON. We arc guaranteed freedom to elect our ownofficers in the Student Bill of Rights. We have fulfilled every requirement set down by theadministration regarding campus organizations. By no stretch of imagination can any actionby the MAROON staff be construed as justification for suspension of publication. No mat¬ter what the legal status of our editor-in-chief is, there is no basis for denying the MAROONthe right to cope with this situation in any way it sees fit, as long as it follows universityregulations.Since, In our interpretation of the laws governing student organizations there is no legalbasis for Strozier’s action, we feel we are within our legal rights in continuing to publish theMAROON as long as it is possible to do so. While doing this, the MAROON will take all legalcourses open to it fight its battle and to retain our legitimate status on campus in accord¬ance with the constitution' and Bill of Rights. These courses include appeal to SG and to theStudent-Faculty-Administration Court.However, these courses may not be enough. The final decision as to whether the MAROONshall be forced from the campus at worst, or forced to take part in the establishment of a dan¬gerous precedent at best, lies in the hands of our readers. We hereby appeal to the campusfor moral, financial, and political support.There is much the students and faculty can do. Circulate petitions. Participate in the pro¬test meeting set for Tuesday in Mandel Hall. Protest directly to Strozier. In the forthcom¬ing SG elections, support only those candidates who indicate their support of a press freeand independent of administration control.It’s your fight as well as ours. Are you with us?Ex-Editor commentsAs ft former MAROON editor, 1 was very much alarmed to hearof the unprecedented action of the Administration. In these times,when it la so important to keep all channels of communication openin the face of repressive influences, it was expected that this campuswould remain steady during blows to freedom of expression else¬where. It is especially significant that Mr, Kimmel was apparentlytrying in his post as a newspaper editor to further the cause of peacein the world through better communication between East and West.I hope that all who believe in the continuation of the Independentspirit of the MAROON will oppose this move. The recent speechesin Chicago by the fohner La Prensa editors should leave fresh in yourmind the penalty of failing to act In this matter.Chari** GarvinEditor, 1950-51 BULLETIN!As the MAROON went to pressat midnight, the executive boardof Student Government was con¬sidering a proposal made by Mer¬rill Freed and Lou Silvermanwhich, after quoting articles fromthe Student Bill of Rights of theNational Student Associationstated that, “The executive boardof Student Government condemnsthe removal of Mr. Kimmel andthe suspension of the MAROON*** "SuMaHw/* HH l»by frod Wimbof, actingaditor-in-cbiofThe MAROON has been orderedsuspended. A1 Kimmel. constitu¬tionally elected editor of theMAROON, has been ordered re¬moved as its editor.Both actions were taken byDean of Students Robert M. Stroz¬ier in a surprise move early yes¬terday. Strozier handed a repre¬sentative of the MAROON copiesof letters to Kimmel and StudentGovernment at 9 a m. The reasonfor the suspension was given asKimmel’s sponsorship of and at¬tendance at the Third World Fes¬tival of Youth and Students forPeace held this summer in Berlin.Strozier’s letter states that theseactions make Kimmel unfit "toedit a free and independent news¬paper.”Wait* for SG actionStrozier announced he hadStaff to meetTKar* will b* a regular MA¬ROON staff moating in tb* MA¬ROON office Monday at 1:30 p.m.waatKar parmitttng. In a move to bring the presentsuspension controversy to cam*pus, the MAROON is sponsoring %mass meeting, to be held in LeonMandel Hall Tuesday, October %at 7:30 p. m. Admission to theevent will be free, with all menwbers of the UC community urgedto attend and form opinions onthe basis of verbal argumentspresented by the participants inthe case.Dean of Students Robert Stro*zier, author of the decree remou*ing MAROON editor Kimmel, andtemporarily suspending th*MAROON, has been invited to attend and present his case.The MAROON viewpoint wd(be presented by editor-elect Kim*mel if he is available at the time^or in his absence, by acting editofFred Winsberg.Ample time has been left on theagenda . for questions from th*floor of the meeting, to be direct*ed toward the various particbpants.taken this step pending StudentGovernment arrangements fofelection of a^new editor.The .move had the support ofChancellor L. A. Kimpton whostated, "I approve of Mr. Strozber's action and I do not see thatMr. Strozier could have taken anyother action under the circunWstances.”Admits lack of precedentIn an interview with the MA¬ROON, Strozier stated thatsec “MAROON," poye UStep distresses studentsFaculty found noncommifalMAROON reporters interview¬ed students on the campus, show¬ing them Strozier’s letter.Nancy Mann—I see no relationbetween suspending .the editorand suspending the paper.Eva* Fishell—What kind ofacademic freedom is this?M. Guyan Basset—I have beenexpecting similar action for along time.Aim Redfield—This representsthe triumph of American Imperi-•e* "Students," page 12 In an attempt to sample facultyand administration opinion on thesuspension of the MAROON, andthe removal of its editor, thaMAROON solicited comments bytelephone. The following are rep*resentative of those called.Anatol Rapoport, assistant pro*fessor of mathematical biology—“I have read Mr. Strozier’s let*ter to Mr. Kimmel from which itappears that Mr. Kimmel’s spon*soring and attending the East•e* "Faculty," page 11Read the documentsMr. Alan D. Kimmel1752 *. Albion AvonuoChicago, IllinoisBoar Mr. Kiamsl t.*Tour prolonged stay in Eastern Europe and failure toreturn to the University for registration make it necessaryfor me to write you a letter Instead of talking with youabout a very important matter*I find it necessary to remover you immediately from theeditbrship of the rfARGON*, four action in sponsoring andattending the East Berlin Youth Festival demonstratesyour lack of qualification to edit a frea and independentnewspaper*I am today writing the Student Government to request itto proceed at once with atepa for a new election, basedupon my'recommendations of last spring* After thepublication of the October 5th. issue of the MAROON,publication is suspended until the Student CovernmeoAhas acted*Slnoerely yoursRobert i.* StrozierDean of StudentsStyr Cfyurannlattfi iFibmte 4,628 PAGESUniv. »f ChicagolaiufA PAPE* THE WORLD’S SLIGHTEST NEWSPAPER ★ ★★★★ A A ★ FINAL«/flI ♦ . No ? (WE FKRGIT) COPY WRONGyULf • * AXO. . rwwuj ^ A JOKB (J.0.K.K) FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1951 rmmwAFmccggn NOTHING - PAY NO MORE*FOOTBALL BACK AT UC!Discover Real Site of Eden Was in MidwestCHICAGO SETTENTATIVELYAS LOCATIONFibune Study ReveelsOld Manuscripts NEWS SUMMARYOF THE FIBUNE(And Historical Scrapbook)Friday^ Nov. 30, 1951 GRID STARS U.C. STYLEThe Garden of Eden, con¬trary to previously held be-leefs that its site is in theMedeterranean Sea area, ac¬tually was located in thehart of America’s Midwest,It was reveeled hcer yester¬day.The announcement camefrom a groop of outstandingMidwest scientists who havebeen bizy studying previous¬ly undiskoyered relijus man-uscrips as part of a FIB-UNE-financed project to dis-kover the reel locashun ofFaradice.God's CountryAltho kAj‘(W. incom¬plete, tenative findings indi¬cate that Eden was locatedsomewhere on the NorthBank of the Chicago River,near Michigan avc. LuciousK. Blotzbomb, white, projectdirector, sez the manuscripsalso reveel that Adam andEve, on being ejected fromParadice, were banished tothe British Empire.Commented FIBUNE pub¬lisher Corporal Romberg R.McReaper, white, “This sup¬ports what I have alwaysfelt to be tru—that we Mid-westerners are living inGod's country.” AMERICANUC resumes football after10 yere lapse. Page 1SPORTSAbandonment of soccerweekens Russia. Page 1POLITICALSenator Daft announcesplatform. Pt. 8, p. 4Senor Jose McCarthy interviewed. Page 87Truman’s first words wernot English. Page 37Demos present silver saddie to Warren. Back pageGARBAGEThe Lake of the News byArch Precinct rt. 7, p. 1LOCALCpl. McReaper wins MeReaper Award. Pt. .23, p. 35INTERNASHUNULRoyal visit made for soshalized. medic i no. Page 1DRAMAClawdya Placidy smashessmash hit. Pt. 16, p. 43shredding my frowsy coaton a rusty nail, I lurchedforth a much more accept¬able skid. “Get the broad,”a voice said admiringly. A1coholic arms welcomed me.Cadges DrinksI sailed past the arms,looking neither to right nor(deleted as bad taste), andDrunks Peepul,Just Like Us,Sez DrowningBY FORMA LINEDROWNING(First of a Series)I spent 25 years amongthe derelicts of Chicago’sskid row, and my overallbnpreshun is that drunkardsARE nice, deep down.The first thing which im¬pressed me was the gentle¬ness and child-like simplic¬ity of the drunkard’s mind,tspeshully when he is, in thequaint terminology of the{roup, “crocked to the gills.”WelcomedI had hardly arrived at~thetow when alcoholic armswelcomed me. “Le’ loosa’*»e," I snapped, but to notvale. After being pack-roll-Jd, I saw much more cleerlykat my disgize was inadeftuate.Smearing my face withClth from the alley andA DEDICATIONTo a certain Chicago-bad publisher, who hashelped so much to makeChicago what it is today,this Issue of the ChicagoMAROON is in temper¬ately dedicated. T wew jots fonL : UCS OLD GURP.0? Ihastened to a bar. I wasbusy cadging drinks whenDrunkie John, white, en¬tered. *“H ’ 1 obabeewhereyabin?”he asked.I froze him with a look.Around,” I said coldly“Lezgoseedatown,” he saidcrisply, sweeping me to myfeet.He looked around help¬lessly. “Never bin outadisblockinallmelife,” he said,and lay down at the curbfor a moment. I waited sev¬eral hours, but John failed(CmiI. mi |H>9« 9, Col. 11The WeatherCHICAGO AND VICINITY:Weather tomorrow, prob¬ably followed by Sunday.ILLINOIS: Counsel Neither•uow nor rain nor fleet nordark of nUht nor Acheson andTruman shall keep the FIBUtyEfront Its duly paid subscribers.TEMPRRATURB8 IN CHICAGO3 fc.m to 2 p.m.. ...2125 .32 5 p.m.. .... 631 ft.m...... .11 7 p.m. ....-449 am...... 9 p.m. ,..-17811 ».m. .98 It p.m. ...-4591 p.m. .94 t *.m.(Unofficial)THE MOON25c Helot quarter 2d quarter'25c 25c34 quarter 4th quarter:Sunrise, sunset, moon rise, starsihlatai like biases. FIBUNE UNVALES2.95 IN. CANNONIN FIBUNE CIRCLEA 2.95 inch (formerly 75m.m.) cannon, mounted ona two - wheel, rubber * tiredcarriage, is the latest ad-dishun to THE FIBUNEShaft guards’ arsenal. Theguards heretofore have hadonly six shot revolvers andSam Browne belts to protectthem in case of attack.The cannon, to be formally unvaled today, rests inFIBUNE Circle. It is chromeplated and decorated withperis culled from THE FIB-UNE’s own Manhasset oys¬ter beds. The barrel of thecannon has inscribed on itthe McReaper coat-of-arms.Shaped like the state of Illi¬nois, it shows an elefanttrumpeting atop FIBUNEShaft, an American flag inhis trunk, the whole ram¬pant on a field of Chicago-land FIBUNES.Flag on HubsAn American flag, in fullcolor, decorates the hub capon each wheel of the car¬riage. The hubs were manufactured in THE FIBUNE’sown metal spinning plant inOuter Mongolia.The cannon will be usedto defend FIBUNE Circlefrom atom bombs and fromattack by irate communistsunvaled in FIBUNE stories.As a public service, it willbe fired at noon each day,along with the whistle of aMississippi steamboat.Uses FIBUNE FowderThe powder and shot tobe used in the cannon willbe supplied by THE FIB-UNE’s own munishuns plantin the Filiipine Ilands.In the first trial firings ofthe huge gun, the weponwas aimed at the American/lag which waves proudly GRID SUPRIZEHITS MIDWAYAS REDS HOPKenovashum of StaggFeeld BeginsREVEEL PLOTBY PRINCESSFoil Try at SocializingU. S. Medicine(Special to THE FIBUNE)Instituting socialized medisin in the United States wasthe real purpose behindBritain’s royal couple’s re¬sent trip to this country, itwas learned by THE FIB¬UNE last nite.The facts were disclozedby Algeria Hyss, Negro, areformed state departmentemploye now serving a fed¬eral sentense for perjury.Miss Hyss stated that inreturn for help with theplan, the U. S. is to pay forBritin’s budget for the nextten years.Final. preparashuns wereunder discushun during theconferenses held last monthin Washington. The finisheddrafts of the program weredelivered to the Wite Housein the lining of DuchessBetsy’s mink rap. (In Grate(Coni, on pog* 9, Col. J)atop FIBUNE Shaft. Aslight complicashun. arosehowever, when the shot fellshort of its mark and rippedthru the offices of FIBUNEpublisher Corp. Romberg R.McReaper, white, strikinghim in the seat of his trous¬ers, blue serge.The cannon now is point¬ed in the general direkshunof Roosevelt road.Avrg. Net Faked CirculationOCTOBER, 1951™ 1,930,000THE CHICAGO FIBUNE The venerable Universityof Chicagoland, long re¬garded as a hot-bed of com¬munism and quixotic edu-kashunal ideas, yesterdayannounced resumpshun ofbig time football after alaps of more than ten years.The announcement wasmade by the University’snew Ansellor, Florence ALimpton, white, himself acenter of comment for his sofar suksessful efforts tobring the university back onthe path to cherished Amer¬ican ideels.Some ProtestMeanwhile, a number ofactivities were under way onthe south side campus as itprepared for the return offootball. A small group ofdye • hard communists wasreportedly attempting to or¬ganize a protest. Billingshospital, the skool’s dispen¬sary, is enlarging its stu¬dent helth fasilities, andwork has now begun on aspeshal tunnel from Staggfeeld to the hospital’s emergency room.Comment is already por¬ing in to the university'soffices, Limpton told THEFIBUNE. Most of the reaction is favorable, he sez, buthe is reportedly mistifiedover wun telegram. Beringthe simple message, “Ohdam!” it is signed only bythe inishals R. M. H.Limpton CommentsIn a speshal statement,Limpton sed, “UC’s returnto football is part of a long-range campane to really putthe university ‘on the map.'We have been very disturb¬ed by our growing ‘red’reputashun. When wordreeched us that this repu¬tashun has spred as faraway as Pekin, Illinois, wefelt it was time to do sum-thing.“Obviously, part of thereezon for our ‘commie’reputashun is that UC duznot support good old Ameri¬can institushuns like foot¬ball. Many pee pie havepointed to our lack of a foot¬ball teem as further evidensthat we are communist andsubversive. In order to as¬sert our Americanism, weare returning to footbal.”Ready Stagg FeeldRenovashun of Stagg feeld,sene of many, former grid¬iron triumfs, is currentlyunder way, Limpton sed.Plans call for complete over¬hauling of the feeld in timefor the Honest-Fellows-We-Aren't>Communists Bowlgame which will formallymark UCs return to bigtime football ranks on NewYear’s Day. Stagg. feeldworkmen are now busy dis-. Sen. R. A. DaftKicks Off 1952Campane HereBy COPPER PENNYFIBUNE Press ServiceSenator Roadblock A,Daft, white, last night thruhis hat (Hart, Schafter andiMacArthur) into the De*monaican presidential cam*pane ring. Daft made hi$long * awated announcementfor the 17th time at a 37cent blu plate lunchun of the101% Blue-Blooded Amerl*cans for Daft annual picnicand all-day marble and bullshoot.Daft began his politicaltraining at an early age, at¬tending Chicagoland univor-sity, a skool which he de«scribed as a “place wherecats and dogs may fightfreely, but where skunkswith long white stripes can’trent rooms.”Wrote LawThe co-author of thefamed Daft • Hartless lawoutlined the following four-point program for the 1952campane:(1) Since U. S. Forin pol-icy is “cow-towing” to theBritish imperialists who nev-er finished the Revolushun-ary War, and who, underthe leadership of their newanarchist leader, LoserockChapelmound, white, aremaking inrodes on the verymorals so dee” to our harts;Daft favors the eliminationof Grate Britain.Aristotle Out(2) Since Daft cannotspell A-r-i-s-t-o-t-l-e, Aristotleis to be eliminated from thenashun’s skools.(3) Voters who know howto read wuld not vote forDaft, therefore, Daft favorseliminashun of reading,boks, and/or voters.(4) Daft favors elimina¬shun.mantling ekwipment onceused by some obscure sci¬entific project, it is reported.Limpton also indicatedthat Enrico Phermi, white,noted nuclear fysicist, hasbeen named coach of the re¬instated eleven. “Phermi'sobservashuns of atom mo¬tions should have given hima number of ‘wow’ ideas fornew football plays," Limp¬ton sed. “Besides, we wantto keep him in Stagg feeld.”Ellen Kimmel, red, formerMAROON editor, will definitely not be named teemcapten, he added. -LOOKING FOR ,,,*25 tons of sheep-dip?•A motorized Kiddy-Kar?•The publisher’s usedKleenexes?•Yesterday’s FIBUNE?Turn To:THE FIBUNECLASSIFIED ADSECTIONBeginning Pt. 64, Pg. 39,‘this issue.Vote 4-year BA; Ward resignsSpecializedCouncil by degree passes Dean resigns post asfaculty makes decisionvote of 2946 F. Champion Ward, Dean of the College, resigned this post-Four-year bachelor’s degreesVill be the new order at UC, The decision was made when tion late yesterday, after the Council’s decision to change thethe Council of the Faculty Senate, by a 29 to 16 vote, approved the Filbey Report yester- BA was made. Chancellor Kimpton made the following state-day afternoon. The report recommends substitution of two new four-year bachelor’s de- ™ent,.eariy Thursday evening: “I have been informed of Mr.grees for the present College BA. Ward’s proposed resignation. *A request that administrative implementation of the new policy be delayed and that the Mr. Ward and I share a deep Eugene Northrup is resigningCouncil reconsider its decision has been made by the staff chairman and members of the Col- concern about the dignity and from his position as Associatelege Policy Committee to . r „ F effaces the philosophy of the Col" continued development of the D^5Iiof.the College. NorthrupChancellor Kimpton, accord- made by Dean of the College F. ,1,... . * itc nrnararn said he knew nothing about it.tng to Maynard Krueger, Champion Ward to interpret the a1^ nmutjaes ltst a™' Pr0£ra™ ®f general ^education Students silentlyspokesman'for the College PolicyCommittee.1 The adopted Filbey Report (re-|>ort of the Council Subcommitteeon the Bachelor’s Degree) statesin part "that for each divisiondesiring it, new programs forbachelor’s degrees normally to becompleted within four years aftergraduation from high school, beinstituted not later than the au¬tumn quarter, 1954 . * . In thecurriculum for each of the four-year programs at least half ofthe content should be acceptableto the College as general educa¬tion and at least half should beAcceptable to the division or de¬triment as specialized train¬ing.”Ward's mstiM itWsiAt the meeting a motion wasStudent petitionsshow oppositionto BA changesAt the meeting of the Councilof the Faculty Senate held yester¬day, petitions were presentedfrom the Committee to supportthe College Plan containing 1286signatures of students opposed to of the College,the changes outlined in the reportof the committee on the Bache¬lor’s Degree, a subcommittee ofthe Council. Declarations signedby 240 students, pledging to dopublicity work for the Universitywere also presented.The CSCP, at a meeting of over1.00 students last Monday nightat Ida Noyes organized its cam¬paign to oppose these changes because they would, in the opinionOf the group, . . destroy theunified framework for planning$nd implementing an integrated new plans as not necessarilylimiting the general education (The College-divisional BA de- jn the College, which can bestgrees) destroy any unified frame- ^ preserved under the leader-section of the program to two work for planning and imple- ship of Mr. Ward. j not ac. f\aUf DA cKsmOACyears. According to Ward, ap- renting an integrated program cept his resignation **of general education . .. They re¬duce the time spent on generalproval of his motion would "makeit clear that the formula (of at • . . Over 375 students stood by in, „ „ _ ^ auce me ume spem on general 1 think Ward’S silent protest as members of theISans far nfrnin? t^e^l/i’s education, subordinating the def- would be awful,” said Dean of Council of the Faculty Senate en-means for turning the College’spresent integrated program ofliberal studies into a two-yearservice operation for the divi¬sions." The motion was defeated27 to 15.Samuel K. Allison, professor ofphysics, stated, "I feel that thenew program ought to strengthenthe College considerably and putit on a more realistic- basis. Somuch emphasis on the studentwith only two years of highschool was too much of a breakwith the traditional Americansystem. Students didn’t come hereunless they were heavily subsi¬dized. The new emphasis on highschool graduates and the four-year BA will put the College on amore sound basis.""University set beck 15 yeers"William McNeil, assistant pro¬fessor of history in the College,said, “I’m sorry as I think allCollege representatives are . , .no one really knows the future initions and fulfillment 6f educa- Students Robert M. Strozier.tional aims to slogans or normalcy have the profoundest re-and to a mechanical sharing of , . , . „time between College and divi- spect for him both personallysions." and professionally. NothingFaculty petition circulated tered the Law building to deliber¬ate the fate of the College planyesterday afternoon.The student gathering wascalled by the Ad Hoc Committeeon the BA to express student op-*Priorto * 1the* meeting, fifty worse could happen to the Col- position to th*^ then proposedmembers of the faculty Senate leg®- *“ “““ '•m "Cauncii rata," pa*a 4 It was widely rumored thatACCLC plans meet;discuss academic freedomA nation-wide student conference on academic freedom willbe held o nthe UC campus June 13, 14, and 15. Invitationshave been sent to over two hundred colleges and universitiesby the All-Campus Civil Liberties Committies (ACCLC),sponsor of the conference. changes in the College cur¬riculum.Except for loud applause whenF. Champion Ward, Dean of theCollege, and Morton Grodzins,associate professor of politicalscience, arrived at the meeting,the group of students made fewsounds except scattered whispers.Molly Felker, chairman of theAd Hoc Committee expressed herfeelings after the meeting yester¬day, this way:“We feel that this is one effec¬tive way of expressing our sup-The delegations from the different colleges and universities ^heg^,u\'lywho hlTeworked hardest for the studentsI think it (the decision) setsthe University back at least 15years,” stated Milton M. Singer,chairman of tne social sciencestaff of the College.The Committee of the Council,which consists of seven memberselected from the Council, recom¬mended the Filbey Report afteran eight-hour meeting last weekby a vote of six to one. Morton M.Grodzins, head of UniversityPress and associate professor ofsocial sciences in the College,dissented, saying “no matter what will be selected by their student governments.Peter Greene, chairrru.t ofthe conference committee saidthat this was to insure a confer¬ence that would be a representa¬tive cross-section of US students.All students may attendThe conference is not limited toaccredited delegates. Any studentmay participate in workshops andhave speaking privileges at plen¬ary sessions.Greene outlined the topics ofworkshops which will be the ma¬jor activity at the conference.’“The Rights of Teachers, TheRights of Students,” and “TheImplications of Investigations” Plenaries follow workshopsFollowing the principles, work¬shops there will be a plenary ses¬sion to draft resolutions made inthe workshops, explained Greene.A second set of workshops willdiscuss methodo of practical ac¬tion in the area of academic free¬dom. and the retention of the presentBA program. That students areconcerned over the debate in theCouncil Is unnecessary to state;that they have lacked construc¬tive methods of organization toshow this concern is a lamentr .tiefact.UC note to I USgets wide coverageamy of the College faculty lege . .. The action recommended “principles” of academic freedom. world-wide publicity. The message, which requested the IUSto invite the US National Student Association to send anobserver delegation to the “ “University of Chicago, May 8, 1953 31SC student needs committee submitsco-op report: possible location foundFinances and coeducational living will be the subjects of a report concerning the proposed charge of international affairs, Student Congress to be hdd jnSG-instituted housing co-op. managed somehow to not carry August 1953 in Warsaw. We feelThe report, which will be submitted by Harold Baron, chairman of the SG Student Needs *h.f policydeclded al the Co“' ££ de'/Auof wouW “ciuSteCommittee to the Dean of Students Robert M. Strozier, will then tour ail the appropriate 8 „ ,* , , exchange of information aboutThird World Student Congressbeing held this summer inWarsaw, was heard on the Mos¬cow radio by the Associated PressMonitors in London.President of SG, Julius Lewis,stated that SG voted to send themessage during the regular busi¬ness meeting on April 21 on rec¬ommendation of the NSA com¬mittee. A copy of the note wassent to NSA headquarters in Phil¬adelphia, he said.NSA voted to send delegate*“The NSA Congress held duringthe summer of 1951 had voted tosend an observer delegation to theIUS Congress the following year,"Lewis explained, “but Avrea In¬gram, the NSA vice-president in foreign countries. I think theyshould have done this throughNSA, but this is only a proceduralquestion."All the major Chicago dallynewspapers carried different ver¬sions of the story. The Sun-Timesarticle, which was headlined “Uof C group asks—gets Red meet¬ing bid,” was called a “gross mis¬representation of the facts” byLewis in a letter he wroteWednesday to the editor of theSun-Times.Give text of cablegramThe full text of the cablegramfollows:“We are eager to see a.repre¬sentative observer delegation ofstudents from the United Statesin attendance at the Third Worldbe held 27_... — —_ appropriatemembers of the Central Administration and, if all the necessary recommendations areforthcoming, will be passed on to the Board of Trustees for approval.t>—committee is con* *Baron’ssidering the purchase of one oftwo houses — the smaller onefour blocks from the Universityarea and the larger one six blocksSway. The larger one, preferredry Baron not only because of itsize, but also because it providesfacilities for separation of menfind women which might be ad¬equate by the University stand- Since It is a member ot NSA. «“*“«* ?.fSG has an interest in seeing that student MUvIttM and probton.KTCA-c t Au.ia and would be conducive to a bet-Hopeful about adequacyThe separation facilities con¬sist of two staircases which couldbe blocked off so that each wouldlead only to one floor. In the prob¬lem of "adequate” separation ofmen and women lies the feasibil¬ity of a coeducational co-op, aslast Autumn Strozier said that hemight permit a coeducational co¬op if the separation of sexes were posed to the coeducational idea,and that he knew of no house inthe neighborhood which would beup to the University’s adequacyrequirements, but this week heagreed to consider the reportfrom Baron on this subject. Hetold the MAROON Wednesdaythat although he was trying tokeep an open mind, he did not seehow Baron could present an argu-i. ' „ 'a. , , , . . .r. 7 ; —; iiuw ruction couiu pieseni an argu-r.itu^ *• men* convincing enough for Stro-bn the second and third floors, a what would be adequate by thekitchen which could easily serve University’s standards beyondthe needs of the residents and a giving the example of the Inter-|erge set of common rooms (liv- national house,ing room, dining room, etc.)* on (At the beginning of this quar*the first floor, ter, Strozier said that he was op- zier to recommend the coed houseto the trustees.)Curiou* about financingNeither Strozier nor Baroncould give any definite details NSA’s policies are fulfilled, Lewisemphasized. He said that this yearSG wanted to "see to it that NSAreceived the invitation in time” soit would not “have an excuse withwhich to back down.”The National Interim Commit¬tee of NSA, voted last W'eek-endto not send any delegates to theIUS congress (see story on pagethree) until IUS supplied furtherinformation on the Congress,Stroxier see* 'nothing wrong*Dean Robert M. Strozier, com¬menting on SG’s action, stated: “Isee nothing wrong with this ac¬tion. I see nothing different in thisaction than in the governmental ter mutual understanding. We be¬lieve that the United States Na¬so# "IUS," p#go 4«#* "Co-op," pag« 4 policy of sending ambassadors to BULLETINA man rally wai held oa theMidway in froat of Choii«llwKimpton'* home late last nightamid popping flashbulb* of down¬town newspaper cameramen. Thecrowd of about 350 heard MaynardKrueger, Associate Professor ofEconomics in the College, Julia*Lewis, SG president, Bruce Lorfcin,president of Student Union, andPaul Bratiow, rupruoonHug ISL andSRP.