A. planThe revised College programs, as set forth in the new College “Announce¬ments,” officially released today, include four-year joint degrees with thehumanities, biological sciences and physical sciences divisions, special ar¬rangements with the social science division and the professional schools,and a four-year “General Studies” AB.Each of the joint degrees are further subdivided by department, withvery specific requiremenis in each one. Generally speaKing, me humanitiesand biological sciences degrees retain from eight to 10 College comprehen¬sive;;, while physical science degrees include six specialized courses whichwill oegin in tne first year. Students who enter oefore graduation fromhigh scnool will expect to spend five years in securing their bachelor’sdegree. The general education portion of the degree requirements may beshortened by placement tests.For the social sciences division, the law school, and the business school,three years of general education plus one year of work in the division orschool lead to a B.A. The general education requirements are again sub¬ject to revision by placement test.The General Studies program is substantially the same as the presentCollege, with the addition of a fourth year of tutorial study. The fourthyear of the General Studies plans is to be divided approximately equallyamong divisional courses, the writing of a bachelor’s essay, and independ- relep&ldent work, the details to be arranged by each a#tti<5ent in cooperation withhis tutor.All the programs leading to a AB are said to provide “at least the equiv-alent of a ‘major’ as defined in most colleges.” Any one of them may bqcombined with preparation for teaching.According to the Announcements, the new programs give “a solution ofa problem which has increasingly vexed American higher education — howto combine a common liberal training in the major arts and sciences withthe development of individual powers and knowledge in such a way as tomake each of these elements in a complete education reinforce and illumbnate the Other while retaining its own integrity and importance.”Tuition will remain the same.Average requirements for a Bachelor’s degree for a high school graduate!College (BA) — 1. a maximum of 12 comprehensive examinations,2. one year of tutorial studies under a toutor assigned by the college staff,3. a Bachelor’s essay.Humanities (BA) — First and second years: seven or eight College com-prehensives.Third and fourth years: six to 12 courses in the major department, andthree to nine electives (electives may include one or two College courses).Biological Sciences (BS) — First year: Natural Sciences 1, Humanities,Social Science, English.see "BA," page 5.. University of Chicago, April 2, 1954 rfflffifcs, 31No football at UC,athletic head saysby Paul A. HoffmanFootball will not return to campus next year! Four Student ServicesUnited in New CenterStudent Government, acting on the recommendation of itsstudent needs committee, has consolidated in the new StudentGovernment Service Center four previously separate studentservices: the Book Exchange Ticket Agency, Loan Service, andMimeo Service. Harry Pashner, present manager of the Cen¬ter, which is located in the Reynolds’ Club basement, ex¬plained, the consolidation asan attempt to cut the exces- for botb on-campus events spoivsive expenses of maintenance s01\ed.. by. stude“t organizations,and operation of four separate fnd ,and„ c°nhc'r’1 atservices, and to increase their elfi- tlons ln the Loop' There ,s a 15ciency through centralized opera¬tion.The nature of the services, how¬ever, will be essentially what ithas been in the past, and no at¬ cent fee per ticket above the reg¬ular price for all off-campusevents, to cover the costs of han¬dling and transportation.The Loan Service, operating oncapital provided by Student Gov-tempt, will be made to increase ernment, continues to lend to stu-the functions of these student dents a maximum of $10 at aservices. fee of 5 cents for the first $5,The Book Exchange will con- and 10 cents for larger amounts,tinue to sell students’ books at Loans may be obtained in theEfforts to resurrect tne sport on an intra-mural basis have failed, T. Nelson Metcalf, direc¬tor of athletics, informed tne MAROON last month. “There is no possibility of intra-muralfootball this fail. There are obviously not enough students interested to have such a pro¬gram,” he said.Last October a six-man student committee headed by Aaron Geffner prepared a programistration. which cuukl not fnake echoed by Howard T. Mort, secre-» definite commitment on inter- tary of the Alumni Association. “Itumn. The other members ot r>pnn of stu- . , , , ,nnmmitfpp .inn Howard c.olleg^te lo ! . ; ;. ■L :l . think Kimpton and the whole ad- prices set by the sellers. The Ex¬change deducts from this priceonly a small commission enablingit to cover expenses. Like all theservices, the Book Exchange is anon-profit organization.The Ticket Agency sells tickets Reynolds Club basement.The Center also operates amimeo service which promises tofill any student order, whateverits nature and difficulty. Ratesvary with the kind of paper usedsee “Service," page 6the committee arc Joe Howard, dents Robert M. Strozier said thatJim Fencil, Sherrard Gray, Lew any decision on football wouldWalters, and George Athanson. bave be recommended by theilad the intra-mural piogiam amietic department,proven successful, seveial .inter- »y|,ere ore not enough boys'collegiate games would have been Sources in the administrationscheduled in 1955 and a full pro- building said that Metcalf himself , , „ . . , .gram the following year. Accept- was unwilling to plunge into an hac^any efforts to restore a toot-intramural program unless he imptonministration would be pleased tosee 100 guys coming out next fallto play intra mural football,” hetold the MAROON.Alumni would back any effortsMort said the alumni woulda nee of this program by the ath- intra mural program unless he bal1 Program at the university,letic department was contingent were certain that inter-collegiate But he said there is no place forthe alumni to enter the picture atthe moment. There could be quitea little backing by alumni if thereon the presentation of the names competition would follow,ot 100 students willing to partiei- Metcalf denied that this was hispate in the program. position, and stated that the dif-No budget for football iiculty with establishing an intra-However, the list of students mural program was the fact that loolDa ■was never presented to the ath- “there are not enough boys capa-lelic department, and the athletic ble of playing.”budget for 1954-55 was compiled 'New degrees will attract players'in December without provisions He has not, however, surren-for intra mural football. Although dered hope of restoring football asinine! he. asserted,the Board of Trustees has not yet to the campus scene. “The new Students must be self-sacrificingvoted the budget, a special rec- plan of college degrees will at- The students who would putommendation would be required tract a large enough undergradu- any program of football into ef-for the inclusion of money for ate body of students who want feet would have to be self-sacrific-football. and are qualified to play foot- sea "No football," page 10Metcalf said that “the students ball,” he said,were discouraged by the admin- The same sentiments were were a possibility of restoringHe believes that the great dan¬ger is trying to push too far toofast. “The alumni would want torejoin the Big Ten —and that’sFuture patrons of the Student Government Book Exchange will probablynot get so much attention, but when Laurel Cohn browsed through on thefirst day of the quarter, Clive Gray, SG president, was right on hand tohelp her make her selection.Proclaim Freedom Weekby Karl RodmanA scroll calling upon all students to reaffirm their faith in the Bill of Rights, a play pre¬sented by the cast of “The World of Sholem Aleichem,” movies, forums and othqr events willhighlight the National Academic Freedom Week, to be held on this campus a week from Sun¬day, April 11 to 17.Academic Freedom Week was originally proclaimed by the Illinois region of the NationalStudent Association last November and was then made nation wide by the executive com¬mittee of NS A last December.GONE ARE THE DAYS ...* • . when the University of Chicago could boast a winning footballteam—or any team, for that matter. The picture above shows thelast great Maroon eleven in action. In this 1933 contest between theMaroons (in white jerseys) and their arch-rivals from the Universityof Wisconsin, Jay Burwanger, the last Maroon All American, is plung¬ing through the Badger defense. The crowd in the background fillsstadium at Madison. Since then students through¬out the country have beenpreparing activities throughoutthe country with Academic Free¬dom Weeks being held at Illinois,Roosevelt College, CCNY, SarahLawrence and other NSA schools.Here at Chicago the week hasreceived official approval fromStudent Government and is being chairman of this group, the pur- to become better acquainted withpose of the week is to promotethought and discussion on the is¬sues of free inquiry and educa- those of their fellow students."Planning for the week on thiscampus began last February;tion, and to “arouse awareness of when representatives of all inter-the many recent infringements ested campus organizations wereinvited to a meeting where thefirst tentative plans were workedout. At this and at subsequentmeetings the following groupsboth on the rights of students andtheir professors. Rodman con¬tinued, “there is no prepared posi¬tion or solution which studentsare asked to accept in order to were among those represented*,carried out by a campus-wide participate in the activities of the SG, Young Friends, Young Li*group, consisting of representa- week. It is hoped that all students, therans, Channing Club, Orient^fives from more than 30 student holding many different opinions, tion Board, Inter-Club Councilorganizations and residence units, will use this chance to present Mortarboard, ZBT, Communica-According to Karl ^ Rodman, their own ideas to the campus and »* ''Fmh«;' pegs ftPage 2 THE CHICAGO MAROONJ April 2, 1954Miller talks on psychoanalytic theory:'Freud-dethroned Queen Victoria'"On Sigmund Freud’s eightieth birthday (1936), Time magazine said, ‘Freud, more thanany other person of the time, perhaps with the exception of Hitler, will be remembered 500Jears hence; for he, without firing a shot, succeeded in dethroning Queen Victoria’.” Soames Miller, chairman of the department of psychology, concluded his talk on the subject"What is Psychoanalysis?”, first in the series of eight William Ellery Channing lectures nowbeing presented on successive Tuesday evenings at 8 p.m. leasantness ol memories areAn overflow crowd filled Breasted Hall for the beginning bj0i0gjcai (sexual, libidinal)Of the fourth consecutive year’s series of lectures on “liberal drjves in every individual.general topic is "Psychoanalysis *or the pschological reaso s oand Everyday Life.Miller spoke about the naturecl psychoanalysis in a concisedescription of its historical devel certain symptoms.Early traumasFreud found that early traumas Each child is faced with thenecessity of achieving satisfac¬tory sexual attitudes toward itsparents. The fixation or arrest ofthe normal pattern of sexual or- McCarthy, foreign policytopic of McWilliams talkCarey McWilliams, editorial director of “The Nation,” aweekly magazine, will speak in Social Sciences 122, Thursdayat 8 p.m. on “McCarthyism and Our Foreign Policy.” The talkis sponsored by the Faculty-Graduate Committee for Peacea volunteer organization of faculty members and graduatestudents. -——— —McWilliams, author of nu- slonaUy(f°!!e “S.J°llsten |° worldmerous books on civil liberties, °Pinion> McWilliams also be*discrimination, and other social heves that Senator McCarthy "isproblems, has .also been engaged engaged in a desperate race tofor many years as a public ad¬ministrator and lawyer. capture power before the tensionsof the cold war relax,” but thatDescribing the McCarthy wing "McCarthy highlights a divisionwere responsible for many symp- ganizational development is the as “deliberately, provocatively, (in the Republican Party) which* toms in his patients and from thisopment, and then continued with semi_empjricai basis, formulatedan explanation of its outstanding .. f DOStulate that "theprinciples as they stand today. j?orc^ that motivate human con- vers^ make-up of the mind com-'source of neuroses.Freud also believed critical of our allies and the Un- would still exist if Joe were toin a uni- ited Nations because both occa- drop dead."When he finished an enthusiastic ducTare“unconscious andTt firet SHlJSter tO giYCWalgreen talksaudience asked questions for an- gjance irrational." Explaining this drives and experience), the super-other hour- "irrationality,” said Miller, is the eS° “conscious ), and the ego"Psychoanalysis is concerned job Gf psychoanalysis. or self ^composed of two parts,with the theory of inner motiva- According to Freud’s formula- one wlllch 1S conscious). Freudtion and structure of the human tion of psychological theory as Relieved that his analysis of bio¬mind and personality,” said Mil- drives would hold as anler. "It arose as such in a back- events can be influential in later explanation of the behavior of allground of nineteenth-century behavior even though they remain men’thought on organ-principles and outside awareness. The uncon- Freud developed treatmentsinterest in hypnotism.” But, he scious represses unpleasant and Miller stated the Freud also de-continued, Sigmund Freud first advances pleasant memories, but veloped many of the therapeuticstarted thinking about psycho- aii memories can be influential treatments and methods, as wellanalysis in connection with a jn determining behavior. What as theory of psychoanalysis; freesearch among his medical patients determines the pleasantness or association to determine thesource of repressions, and thetransfer-countertransfer relation¬ship between the analyst and hispatient.After his examination of Freud¬ian theory, Miller spoke brieflyon later additions to, modifica¬tions of, and rivals to Freud’ssystem of constructs, includingJung’s theory of the collectiveconsciousness, Adler’s substitu-Fulbright Act offers prizes,provides year trips abroadLectureships and research awards are being offered underthe Fulbright Act for university lecturing and research atpost-doctorial level i nthe Far East and Africa. Applicants forlectureships are expected to have at least one year of college tion of the "poweT drive 7“aTurd-or university teaching experience in the US or abroad. Candi- versal desire to be one up”) fordates for research awards must possess a doctorial degree from completely sexual motivations,a recognized institution of and Horney’s belief in the influ-higher learning in the US or research councils committee on ence of cultural factors on be-abroad at the time of application,or have recognized standing intheir respective professions.Fulbright awards are made inthe host country’s currency. Theyusually include round trip trans¬portation for the grantee; a cost-of-living allowance, which is ad- international exchange of per- havior.sons,' 2101 Constitution Avenue,Washington 25, DC. The deadlinefor consideration of applicationsis April 15, 1954.Awards may be granted for lec- Miller defended much of theFreudian and neo - Freudiantheory, which has apparently beenattacked as unsubstantiatedguesswork, by comparing it tothe hypotheses of other sciences.fit the facts as we know them.turing and advanced researchwork in Australia, Burma, Cey- He said that, just as in physicsjustable for maintenance of up to ^on> India* New Zealand, Philip- and chemistry, the test of thesefour accompanying dependents; Pines> Thailand, and Union of theories is whether or not theyand a small supplemental allow- South Africa,ance for books, travel, or equip¬ment purchasable abroad. Ordi¬narily awards are made for thefull academic year for one coun¬try only.Applications and additional in¬formation may be obtained fromthe conference board of associated George N. Shuster, president ofHunter College and an authorityon international education, willgive six lectures on “The CulturalRelations Program of the UnitedStates” this month under thesponsorship of the Charles R.Walgreen Foundation.Scheduled for Monday, 4:30p.m., in Judd 126, the first talkwill cover "Informal Diplomacyand Cultural Relations.”Later talks will be on "The Or¬igins of the Cultural RelationsProgram,” Wednesday; “WartimeInformation and Cultural Rela¬tions,” Friday, April 9; "Occupa-tio and Education,” Apjril 12; "In¬ternational Cultural Cooperation,”April 14, and "Our Cultural Rela¬tions Program—a Resume,” April16.During his long career in edu¬cation, Shuster has been a mem¬ber of the general advisory com¬mission of the State Department’scultural affairs division, a dele¬gate to the United Nations Eco¬nomic, Scientific, and Cultural Or¬ganization conference in Paris in1946, and an advisor at the Con¬ference on International Educa¬tion in London in 1946.Admission to the lectures,which are all scheduled to beginat 4:30 p.m., is free. Give language examsLanguage reading exams arebeing given this quarter inFrench, April 26; German, May3; and Spanish, May 10. Regis¬tration for the exams closesApril 12 for French, April 19for German and April 26 forSpanish and all others.Gives special examsfor teaching aspirantsFour to five hundred Chicagohigh school seniors aiming for ateaching career in the city’s schoolsystem will be given scholarshipand special placement exams hereTuesday. The testing is part of aprogram announced in Januarywhich was designed by the UCCommittee on Teacher Prepara¬tion, in co-operation with the Su¬perintendent of Schools, ThaddeusJ. Lubera.F. Champion Ward, chairmanof the UC committee, explainedthat under this program, whichthe University plans to open to150 aspirants next Fall, studentsmay complete their courses ineducation during the last twoyears of their college work, re¬ceive their Bachelor’s degree andsecure "temporary” teaching cer¬tificates while preparing for theirmaster’s degrees.HOW’D YOU LIKE TO...earn $5000a year...be an officer inthe air force...get an excitinghead start injet aviation.••ANDbelongtoo greatflying(Insert name and rank ofSelection Team head) andAviation Cadet SelectionTeam (insert no. of team)are coming to (insert nameof city) to show you how.They’ll be here in (insertno. of days). Meet them at(insert address of local resi¬dence) during their stay. Collegians Bowled Over—SayArrow GABANARO Fits PerfectlySports Shirts Feature ExactCollar Sizes and Sleeve LengthsAccording to college men, Arrow “Gabanaro” isthe best-fitting sports shirt on this and every cam¬pus — with built-in comfort . . . neater, smarterlines. “Gabanaro” features a wide range of colorsin washable rayon gabardine.A/mojvTRADE ® MARK• Tiff • UNDERWEAR * HANDKERCHIEFS • SPORTSWEAR fits you for a lifo of ease...Arrow “Gabanaro” • in your exact collar size• your exact sleeve lengthr tTry on on Arrow Gabanaro and see how comfortable youcan get—how smart-looking, too. Gabanaro's the trimmer,neater-fitting sports shirt—with the free 'n' easy Arafoldcollar that looks and feels great . . . worn open, closed,with or without o tie. Tell us your exact collar size, you?exact sleeve length—and let us fit you to on Arrow Gaba¬naro from our huge selection of colors.-Chicago - Evanston - Ook Pork - Gary - Joliet - Alton.April 2, 1954Strozier states UC THE CHICAGO MAROONNew IFC Prexysays group unhappypolicy on group lists with Michigan PlanUniversity policy in turning over membership lists of stu- Fra'ern^'.hTnewfy eStS’pres"dent organizations to investigating agencies has been clarified ident of tho Tntpr Fratprnitv ~ • ~ •’n il V* "v" TT"***&by Dean of Students Robert M. Strozier in an interview with Council ha<t the following things ?r'Chicago "ewspapeis wdl be ofKm to 20 s udents interestedthe MAROON. ,o say about the future plans and " J f‘eId 0n Tutsda-V' APnl 13> at 4:30 P1"-.Strozier stated the following: ideas of the if Council. in the Alumni House lounge1) the university does not release membership lists of stu- The Sing, which is scheduled —f'on, v;?.,?’ • , leLe.L ona "^rRer of the Chicago Tribune,dent organizations to investi- * for June 5, is now being planned. Richard Philbrick, Tribune staff member, Helen Wells, Sun-gators except When such lists gators for the Federal Bureau of Pledges of all fraternities are Times women’s editor, Aare subpoenaed; Alumni newsmento meet UC’ersAn informal bull-session with four UC alumni now workingo women's editor, andInvestigation, the Office of Naval in the midst of planning a dance. Emmett Dedmon, Sun-Times last yetfr hyt t*^f student-alumnio. the university will release Intelligence and similar oreaniza- Thls dance is scheduied for May 7. staffer, will answer questions ^°hmmi ef, of *.h® l,mvJrsi|y of2i the university will release indulgence, ana similar orgamza- It win be an all campus dance i£ ’ f Chicago Alumni Association. Theana glv® aavice to tn€ iyro news sessions were begun to give UCmen and women. students an oppoKrtunity *, meetfactual information (including tions were considered qualified, the proper facilities are availablemembership in organization, if investigators for congressional if not it will be an all fraternity ....... .. --verified) about any individual stu- committees have not approached dance. Free tickets are available at the and talk informally with alumnident to a properly qualified in- him for information for over a Regarding the letter from Rob- a^umn| house, 5733 University, working in non-academic fieldsvestigator; year, Strozier stated. er£ m. Strozier, dean of students, and wd* ^ 2iven to t^ie **rst ^ they planned to enter after grad-3) the university keeps on file At the time that many govern- to the IF Council on the Michigan who aPP^’ uation.only membership lists for the cur- ment employees were being in- Plan, Stone stated, “This last let- Stoltz and Dedmon, both vet- the vocational discussions begunrent year — lists from former vestigated, the dean of students ter clarifies the University’s posi- eran newsmen, will concentrateyears are destroyed. office was deluged with requests lion on the Michigan Plan. Al- on the internal problems of news-Strozier explained that investi- for information about the hun- though we are not satisfied with PaPcr work, while Philbrick willdreds of UC graduates in govern- the plan, we will go along with it. deal wRh the problems of youngment service. Since that time the We believe that the University journalists trying to enter theinvestigations have decreased, un- Administration, not Student Gov- field, and Miss Wells will answertil at present only one or two in- ernment should be the authority questions on ‘Women in journal-vestigators a month visit the which grants recognition to fra- ism.”dean's office. ternities.” This marks the resumption of Black honoredHugo L. Black, associate jus¬tice of the United States Su¬preme Court, received an hon¬orary LLD degree at the win¬ter UC convocation.Bill Hillman, SU prexy, gives program;calls new council "most competent group'USAF AviationCadet program isavailable toUC’ersInformation concerning the USAir Force Aviation Cadet pro¬gram will be available to all inter¬ested University of Chicago stu¬dents. This announcement fromthe Aviation Cadet selection teamfrom O’Hare International Air- by Robert Quinnport, Park Ridge, Illinois, comes “The state of the Union is great,” said William Hillman, newly elected president of Student Union in a post-election evalua-in advance of the team’s actual tion of Student Union policy last Wednesday.visit which will be Wednesday Hillman, elected for a one-year term, took over former president Bruce Larkin’s presidential chair Monday. Whenand Thursday. On these day s j^illman was elected at the March 11 meeting of the Board, a full slate of other officers was also named: Joli Lasker, vice-menibers Of the team Will be in president; Dale Levy> secretary; Maurice Mandel, treasurer; and Jan Metros, chairman of the publicity department.'Lwprimr miPQtirm* and “This year’s group of SU department heads is the all-around most competent group I have seen during my three yearscounselling interested students with SU,” stated Hillman. An amendment is currently pending to add a new departmentabout the Cadet program. to SU this quarter, the planning department, according to those favoring this amendment SU activities. The format of the“At the present time the Air » designed to feel the pulse of student opinion and to enable SU to gear its activities SU FORECAST the publicationFmrp npprk hnth nilnt* anri air- more closely to student likes and — " OI wmcn WU1 ^ exienaea mro'aft observers ” said Captain dislikes. thesis of both activities. In this ficult to predict our future plans next year, will undergo an m-r c, .. . “In the past,” said Hillman, “SU work the new planning commit- with any accuracy. Most of the crease in s}zf- number ofMaunce G. Steele, the teams president/have had choose be. ,ee will play a key role. With a ^ taken by the pages rem,ainl"E th0 samecommander. “We will be glad to tween either spending most of good working knowledge of what . . . tde slze eacd page being in-talk with anyone about these their time building up good will will appeal to both students and yar,°ns commi ees, w creased to a size slightly smallertraining programs We feel that around campus for SU or concen- faculty, SU will be able to spon- ^na ? a?s °r f. , . , MAROON page,training programs, we ieei matt , th , t «nr more effectively running and be worked out, the dance depart- The Student - F a c u 11 y Forumpilot and aircraft observer train- liatl"g uP°n impro mg t e int sor mo e g working out C-dance plans, which met on Wednesdays in the. ,, nal structure and functions of the popular activities and build up v „ , DaiLw, ! ,1 ! L 7 • .ing offers a young man a great organization. while inclined to- our prestige at the same time.” 1*"? ‘iLnin^ fhP Reyn°ld s d“nnS thf, lastopportunity to gain wide experi- ward the latter activity, it’s my Removing his gavel from its qudrt^ W1 * 56 edh®r greaty re'ern e during his military service.” hope to achieve an effective syn- blue felt^^apping and yentu ing With these working plans in hand ^ofsu aSs Te wLingWhen you pause... make if count... have a Coke•OTTICO UNOM AUTMOWTY Of TMC COCA-COiA COMPANY ITTli« C«««-Coia Battling Company of Chicago, Inc.•Cok." it a r*«lil«r*0 Irodc-mart. O 1*5 J, Tfc* Coca-Col* Crwpoit/ some presidential predictions concerning SU activities for the com the executive committee of eleven student interest in these forumsL rOVH?nma*“It’s dif members- including the depart- which became evident toward theing year, Hillman said, Its dif- heads and the new officers, end of last quarter has left SUwill be able to consider the plans with two alternatives: SU mayand give the go-ahead signal to either begin an intensive publicitythe various departments. It’s my campaign or call in off-campusjob, along with the vice-president speakers to give the forums addedand the other officers to co-ordi- interest.nate the activities of the various other projects over the SU hort-committees and get them over zon are tbe openjng o£ jda Noyesthe countless snags SU runs into. on Sunday nights, the organiza-Hillman felt, however, that it tion of a Carnival Night at thewas safe to forecast at least two field house, and the possible re-C-Dances each quarter, Ida Noyes viving of the one-popular Noyes *concerts, another Night of Sin, Box dances.Outing Club safaris, card tourna- “Plans for next year’s Washments, and the usual deluge of See “Hillman/' page $EUROPE—NORTH AFRICASummer TourJune 30 - August 31England, France, Spain,Morocco, Algeria, Italy,Switzerland, GermanyConducted byPROF. E. BOURBOUSSON63-day trip from New Yorkto New York$1220 dormitory$1260 tourist•Write for informationtoDr. E. BourboussonOregon State CollegeCorvallis, Oregon International House Movie ProgramEast Lounge, Monday and Thursday Evenings ot 7:00 P.M. and 9:00 P.M.Admission 35cMonday, April 5 — THE ROAD TO HEAVEN (Swedish)Thursday, April 8 — A BELL FOR ADANO (American)ACASA Book StoreGOOD USED BACKGROUND BOOKSBest prices paid for Scholarly used BooksGuarunteed typewriter repair service1117 E. 55th St. HY 3-9651Editor of CHALLENGEYPSL -Hear Bogden DenitchFormer National Secretary ofSocialist Partyon“Now NOT to Fight McCarthyism”and a proposal for the defense of civil libertiesFriday, lpril 2 . . . 8:00 P.M.IDA NOYESAlso — Open House, Sat., April 3at 5426 Maryland (Malar)Sponsored bg the Yeung SeeieUot LeagueVage 4 THE CHICAGO MAROON April 2, 1954Issued once weekly by the publisher, The Chicogo Maroon, at the publica¬tion office, 5706 South University Avenue, Chicago 37, Illinois. Telephones:Editorial Office, Midway 3-0800, Ext. 1010; Business and Advertising Offices,Midway 3-0800, Ext. 1009. Distributed free of charge, and subscriptions bymoil, $3 per year. Business Office hours: 1 to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday.Arthur Brown Richard E. Wardeditor-in-chief managing editorLetters...Lecture tancitulMr. William Hinton's account of theChinese Communists, as reported in last■week's MAROON, surpasses in boastful¬ness and falsity anything I have read inthe Chinese Communist press itself. Thelecturer not only painted a most fanci¬ful picture of Communist China; buttoe also used such words as ‘‘education”*nd ''freedom’’ in senses that have onemeaning in all Communist countriesbut have an entirely different meaningoutside of them. If six years of stay inChina have made Mr. Hinton no wiseras an agronomist, they have at least in¬creased his power of demagoguery. Letme be specific in my charges.To begin with, Mr. Hinton hasn't aleg to stand on when he claims thatthe amount of land under cultivationIn China can be doubled and that thereIs no need of fear of over-populationand lack of food. It is all right for theCommunists to make such wild claimsin order to justify their action in ex¬porting grain when there is famine atborne, and to boost the morale of themasses by promising something thatcannot be accomplished. But the claimsbave no scientific value because theyare contradictory to the findings of allscientists, Chinese as well as American.A glance at the writings of ProfessorsG- B. Cressey, J. L. Buck, and G. F. Win¬field would tell Mr. Hinton more aboutChina than the propaganda of Mao Tse-tung.Mr. Hinton’s statement that Chineselaborers work eight hours a day andaix days a week finds no support inOfficial Communist reports, which oftengive a less pleasant picture. In theChing River Project, for instance, largeamount of forced labor was apparentlyused and many workers were said tohave toiled ‘'enthusiastically” in waist-deep water or heavy rain for as longas twenty to thirty hours in a stretch.Nor are the working conditions betterIn other public projects. The Pekingregime, like the Kremlin in the earlythirty’s, is bent on forcing the pace ofIndustrialization despite an acute short¬age of, among other things, capital.Consequently labor is “consumed” inlieu of capital wherever possible. Thisis to say that all modern technique isapplied towards the utmost exploita¬tion of labor, e.g. incentive wage scale,high production quota, Stakhanovmovements, forced labor, etc. WouldMr. Hinton deny the use of such meth¬ods in the new workers’ “paradise”that is Red China?When Mr. Hinton speaks of “educa¬tion,” I presume that he has conven¬iently overlooked the difference be¬tween "education” and “indoctrination.”That the Communists the world over—attach great importance to indoctrina¬tion classes and meetings, is not to bedenied. For indoctrination purpose theCommunists are always willing to alterthe working schedules. But whetherthe indoctrination courses are “educa¬tion” and whether they can find en¬thusiastic responses in the students Imust leave to the reader to decide.Mr. Hinton is correct in saying thatthere are many jobs waiting for eachgraduate. Jobs are plentiful because la¬bor is cheap in terms of other factorsof production and is “ronsumed" where-ever possible. But the reader must notget a wrong idea of what employmentmeans in a Communist country. ExceptIn the case of the Party proteges, a mandoes not choose a job: he is assignedone and has to be happy with it. Thejob need not have anything to do withhis training and often does not payenough for his living. But a man “in the service of the people” is not sup¬posed to worry about his own problems.If he does, there must be somethingwrong with his thought; and no wordhas a more terrifying connotation thanunorthodoxy in thought. The longprocess of “brain washing” and an exileto the fringe of Siberia, where a mancan “learn anew” at his ease, are byno means remote possibilities in casesinvolving the question of thought. Insaying this, I don't merely repeat acommonplace; I have in mind actualcases which are known throughout Com¬munist China, and which are presum¬ably known also to Mr. Hinton if hedid not suffer from some debility inseeing and hearing when he was inChina.The village councils and democraticelections spoken of by Mr. Hinton arefarces which no one in his right mindcan believe. In China as in other Com¬munist countries, things are run on a“voluntary” basis. Political defendants“voluntarily” confess to crimes whichthey did not commit. Workers “volun¬tarily” vote for pay cut in the inter¬est of national economy. Peasants “vol¬untarily” elect the candidate desig¬nated by the Party. Life is indeed sim¬ple if one could believe with Mr. Hin¬ton that democracy works through theinvisible hand of a monolithic party!It is true that there is no conscrip¬tion in Red China. In fact, there areoften more volunteers for the armythan can be accepted. The reason forthis phenomenon is simply that all jobsand livelihood are controlled by thegovernment. By holding down incomeand employment the government cancreate a situation in which many peopleare faced with unemployment andstarvation. At such a time enlisting inthe army is a good way out for thosesuffering from hunger. The army paysfair, gives the men many privileges,and always holds the “enlistment con¬test” with great fanfare. Consequentlyover-subscription to the armed forces isa common event in Red China. It testi¬fies to the high efficiency of the Com¬munist apparatus, but it is also a signof the extreme poverty of the peopleand a sign of the complete lack of poli¬tical and economic freedom in thecountry.A very important aspect of life inRed China is not mentioned by Mr.Hinton. That is, the mass executionsenforced by the Party in the last fouryears. The American Assistant Secre¬tary of State, Mr. Walter Robertson,recently put the figure of such execu¬tions at fifteen million. The figure isshockingly high, yet is probably not anoverestimate. The Peking regime hasnever taken the trouble to keep theexecution of “bandits” and “reaction¬aries” a secret. With mass murder be¬ing committed at this rate, very soonthere will be neither opposition norover-population in China. It is onlywhen such a day comes, but not be¬fore then, that some of Mr. Hinton’sclaims will become true.Yi Chu WongRights ignoredRecent articles in your paper on theso-called “Michigan Plan” and otheraspects of the Student Code have ledme to a perusal of that document. Asyou know, there is adjoining the Codea section known as the "Student Billof Rights.” And here I found a subjectwhich, I think, deserves more carefulconsideration than it has yet received.This Bill of Rights is a comprehensivelist applying to University students thesame philosophy of natural rights thatwe find in the writings of Locke, Jeffer¬son, et al. This is all well and good asfar as it goes. Unfortunately, however,the drafters of these rights, with thebest of intentions, made the same mis¬King Farouk Left His Harem!to procure a copy ofSHAFT'S zippy "Indoor Fun" Issue!Great Humor! Stories! Whimsy!Screens out irritants but not flavor!SHAFT COLLEGE HUMOR MAGAZINE!Get one today at U of C Bookstore! On Campus! take as their illustrious predecessors.They omitted the most important rightsof all.Were I to draft a bill of rights forstudents at this University, it wouldinclude the following:1) The right to sit by the shores ofLake Michigan and Contemplate.2) The right to lie on the green grassof the Midway, of a Springtime, andlook at the sky.3) The right to walk about the quad¬rangles in the rain, in no particulardirection.4) The right to communicate with thecreatures in Botany Pond, undisturbedby outside pressures.5) The right to see beyond the gray,gothic walls, back an* ahead in timeand timelessness.These rights are essential to studentsat a great university if they are to bemen in the truest sense, rather thanmere social animals.Victor J. FuldUrges moderationI have read Mr. Dadrian's interestingletter to the editor entitled "OriginalityStifled” in the March 12 issue of theMAROON. I am afraid that he has de¬voted more attention to a wish formore “intensive and rational study ofideas” than to an argument concern¬ing existing university life. Even if in¬tensive and rational study of ideas doesnot seem to be entirely consistent withwhat has been termed “rah-rah boys” orperhaps more fairly, “the spirit forgroup conformity,” on what groundswould a person choose either? This is aquestion which all are confronted withat one time or another.Is it really true that being “relaxed,well-balanced, and wholesome” is in-congruent with "excellence in learn¬ing”? It appears to me that excellencein learning is not only an understand¬ing of expressed ideas but also an un¬derstanding of the people in which theyare concerned. I would suggest that onedoes not come upon an understandingof people completely through books.Pure scholarship, even at the Univer¬sity of Chicago, is not merely a gradereport of superior standing. One shouldnot ba chiefly interested in personalglory arising either from irrational ac¬cumulation of knowledge or irrationalgroup conformity. Excellence in learn¬ing is personal development.Let us as University of Chicago stu¬dents neither hang from trees wavingbanners nor hang from trees wavingbooks. I trust I make myself clear.Peter ClarkeDemocracy suppressedMcCarthyism in the domestic affairsof our country is being repudiated bymore and more people, as the greenfeathers on this campus testify. But letus not be lulled into believing that thedanger has passed now that McCarthyhas been recognized for the fascist heis. In American ruling circles there isa consistent policy of silencing all ex- Representative for N.S.A.to be elected this monthDelegates to the Seventh National Students Congress ofthe National Students Association (NSA) will be elected atUC on April 22 and 23.Five delegates and five alternates will be chosen for thecongress, to be held at Iowa State College, Ames, Iowa, Au¬gust 22 to 31. — — ’—3. Candidates must have a two-point (C) average or better.4. Candidates must have beenin residence for at least two quar¬ters prior to election.Nominating petitions must be, ~ ■ „ signed by at least forty registered1. Candidates must be officially students. They do not have to beAt the same time, 10 alter¬nates will be elected to repre¬sent UC at regional NSAconferences throughout the year.These are the qualifications fornominees:registered at UC.2. Candidates must be carryinga minimum of two courses or theequivalent, neither at UniversityCollege.pression of popular and democratic de¬mands, in accordance with the Mc¬Carthyite program of fascism both athome and abroad. Anti-McCarthyitesmust oppose all phases of this program.Secretary of States Dulles' speech onIndo-Cliina to the Overseas Press ClubIs the most blatant expression of over¬seas McCarthyism. In slightly veiledterms Dulles called for war, when hesaid that a victory of the French overthe Indo-Chinese people would require"united action” that “might Involveserious risks.” The U. S. government al¬ready pays two-thirds the costs of thiswar, which the French people call the“dirty war.” Now Dulles is trying to pre¬pare the American people for all outparticipation. This is so obvious thatthe New York Times Washington cor¬respondent says: “Such action, in theview of official quarters here, cannotcome without destroying the argumentthat the fighting in Indo-Chlna is a'colonial war.’ ” (4-31-54).Speeches cannot destroy the fact thata colonial war Is just what Dulles wouldInvolve us in. Indo-China was con¬quered by the French In the 19th cen¬tury. The French rule is maintained byU. S. bombers and German mercenariesin the French Foreign Legion. The peo¬ple of Viet Nam, Laos, and Cambodiaare fighting for their independence aswe fought for ours in 1776. It Is a fightfor democracy, and the McCarthylteswish to suppress democracy overseasjust as they suppress it at home.Harold Baron enrolled in the same division orschool as the candidate.Petitions must state whethercandidates are running for na¬tional delegate, national alternateor regional alternate. Petitionsshould be filed with the electionand rules committee of StudentGovernment by noon on April 13.Labor Youth League TheDisc1367 E. 57th St.THE RECORDOF THE WEEKKathleen FerrierFour Arias —Handel, Gluck, andMendelssohnLD 9066 . . . $2.95LISTEN TO’‘SPORTS TODAY**WITH BILL STERNABC RADIO NltWORKMONDAY THRU FRIDAY leads All Beers la Sales Today...and Through The Years!BudweiserWhen YOU KNOW YOUR BEER...it's bound to be BudWhen it comes to beer, millions ofpeople do “put all their eggs inone basket’’... they always drinkBudweiser. They know that no otherbeer can match the distinctive tasteof Budweiser, brewed by the costliestprocess on Earth.(Incidentally, Budweiser tastes wonderful withhard-boiled eggs!)354-4 ST. LOUIS « NEWARK • LOS ANGELESApr'* 2, 1954 THE CHICAGO MAROON-.VC y>—rn; *****>0° stud® _e ptofeSS°t3edbyC° oV!e6e»fl0t0C<****** to all other■e-^r-^-be. i tea9°°' Page 5Hillman ...(from page 3)Prom must be made before theend of the month,” commentedHillman. “The biggest problem weface at present in connection withthe Prom is that of a locationfor the dance. The choice of loca¬tions is between either Bartlett,a down-town hotel, or a southside hotel. Since we feel that thedifference between a south sideor a downtown hotel is an unim¬portant one, the choice boils downto that of either Bartlett or anoff-campus hotel. Those who feelthat the Prom should be at Bart¬lett suggest that to take the danceoff campus again would make itnot THE affair of the year butjust another big SU dance; thosewho prefer a hotel feel that abetter turnout could be gotten atan off-campus hotel. Anotherlarge group feel that the expenseof a big band such as Herman’scannot be justified.“In issues such as this one theplanning committee will be a wel¬come aid. Once the committee hastaken its census of campus opin¬ion concerning the dance we canplan with an eye to pleasing analready defined public opinion.”In considering SU status in re¬gard to other campus organiza¬tions, Hillman hurled a violentthreat at Student Government.“We defy them to beat us at soft-ball,” he challenged. Freedom ...(from page 1)tions Club, Doc. Film, UniversityTheatre, MAROON, B-J Council,almost all of the dormitories,Students for Democratic Action,Young Democrats, Young Repub¬licans, Politics Club, ISL, SRP,and others.A committee has prepared ahalf hour tape recording whichincludes parts of the recordingsmade at hearings before the Jen-ner committee to which severalChicago professors were subpoen¬aed. This tape is completed andis now available for any groupwishing to hear it. It is alreadyscheduled to be played at theGates-Blake forum, April 11, withProfessor Donald Meiklejohnleading a discussion afterward.The committee is also sponsor¬ing a bulletin board exhibit inthe Reynolds Club lounge duringthe week. According to Rodmanit is hoped that individual organi¬zations will contribute their ownexhibits, illustrating cither theirown positions in academic free¬dom, or some issue or aspectwhich they would like to present.Interested groups should contactLyn Burns through tla? MAROONoffice, he said.It was decided by the organiza¬tional representatives to cooper¬ate with Roosevelt College in cir¬culating the Bill of Rights Scroll,which will be signed by as manystudents as possible and then be presented to President Eisen¬hower, via Edward R. Murrow’stelevision program.The scroll will state:We the undersigned studentsand faculty of Roosevelt Col¬lege and the University of Chi¬cago take this occasion of Na¬tional Academic Freedom Weekt<y reaffirm our continuing be¬lief in our Bill of Rights. Onlyif these constitutionally guar¬anteed freedoms are preservedcan students and teachers ex¬plore, study and express theirideas without hesitation or fear.The American people havenever hesitated to protect andpreserve these fundamentalrights and we do not hesitatenow to reaffirm that (Bill ofRights follows).All student groups will then becalled upon to circulate copies forsigning and copies will be presentat all activities during the week.Annual Buddhistholiday this weekWesak Day, annual holidaycommemorating the birth of Gau¬tama Buddha, founder of theBuddhist religion, will be celebrat¬ed in Chicago today at 7:30 p.m.in Mandel Hall. The celebrationwill be sponsored by the India As¬sociation and the Chicago Bud¬dhist Church. The public is cor¬dially invited to attend the cere¬monies. Admission is free. Student groups must registerAll new student groups seeking recognition as student organizationsof the University of Chicago must register in the Student ActivitiesOffice by April 28, under the provisions of the Statute of the StudentGovernment and the Code of Student Regulations.To secure and maintain recognition, an organization must completethe registration forms issued by the Activities Office, and possess 10or more members who are students in good standing at the University.All groups registered by April 28 will be listed in the revised StudentDirectory of the University. ALL GROUPS HAVING OBTAINED REC¬OGNITION IN PREVIOUS QUARTERS MUST REPORT QUARTERLYCHANGES.A student organization must secure recognition to use Universityfacilities such as rooms for meetings and bulletin boards.'Merry Men' oppose McCarthy;wear feathers to support causeThe wearing of green feathershas become the latest manifesta¬tion of anti-McCarthy feeling oncampus. The green feathers arebeing distributed by “RobinHood’s Merry Men,” a new stu¬dent organization.The significance of Robin Hoodas an anti-McCarthy symbol cameabout when a member of the In¬diana text-book commission ob¬jected to the story of Robin Hoodbecause it allegedly followed theCommunist party line in its philos¬ophy of “robbing the rich andgiving to the poor.”The organization was set up onthis campus following examplesof the University of WisconsinIT S ALL A MATTER OF TASTESouth«‘n When you come right down to it, yousmoke for one simple reason ... enjoy¬ment. And smoking enjoyment is all amatter of taste. Yes, taste is what countsin a cigarette. And Luckies taste better.Two facts explain why Luckies tastebetter. First, L.S./M.F.T.—Lucky Strikemeans fine tobacco ... light, mild, good¬tasting tobacco. Second, Luckies are ac¬tually made better to taste better . . .always round, firm, fully packed to drawfreely and smoke evenly.So, for the enjoyment you get frombetter taste, and only from better taste,Be Happy—Go Lucky. Get a pack or acarton of better-tasting Luckies today. p\ea*«/itherfof*COPR., THZ AMERICAN TOBACCO COMPACTLUCKIES TASTE BETTER CLIANER,FRESHER,SMOOTHER I and Indiana University. ArthurWaldman is temporary president,and Arthur Schwartz is tempo¬rary secretary of the campusgroup. The purpose of the organ¬ization as specified in its applica¬tion for recognition is “oppositionto McCarthy ism and all otherforms of totalitarianism/ includ¬ing communism.”An organizational meeting ofthe group will be held Wednesdayin Law North at 4:30 p.m.Qenetics, prisonin Pre-med futureThe UC Pre-Med Club springprogram will get under way nextFriday with a talk by Herluf H.Strandskov on human genetics.W. R. Wilson, president, saidthe club will sponsor a tour of theIllinois state prison on May 2 forclub members and guests.Other spring quarter officersare Dick Tracy, vice president;Diane Batshaw, secretary, andLinda Plzak, treasurer.Meetings are held everyWednesday at 3:30 p.m. in Ab¬bott 133 and are open to all UCstudents interested in the biolog¬ical sciences.B. A.(from page 1)Second year: Natural Sciences2, Chemistry 105-6-7, Social Sci¬ences, foreign language or mathe¬matics.Third year: Natural Sciences 3,Humanities, Biology 201-2-3, threedivisional courses.Fourth year: three to six divi¬sional courses, History or OMP,Physics.School of Business — Threeyears of work in the College andone year of work in the School ofBusiness.School of Law—Three years ofwork in the College and one yearof work in the Law School.Physical Sciences — First year;two to three College comprehen¬sive^, six to nine divisionalcourses.Second year: two College com-prehensives, six divisionalcouses. .Third year: one College com¬prehensive, six divisionalcourses.Fourth year: one College com¬prehensive, six divisionalcourses.While this represents the aver¬age requirements of each division,requirements sometimes varyamong departments of the divi¬sion. For more detailed informa¬tion, the official announcementsshould be consulted.It’s TVm u ii “I live mi excitifOF mP! "lent and lovevery minute of iAs secretary toTV producercertainly use mGibbs trainingThoroughness, a<curacy, and poisunder pressure areveryday musts.Katharine Gibh, „ secretarial trairing qualifies college girls for today’s joand tomorrow’s promotion. Special Coursfor College Women. Write College Dean foGibbs Girls at Work.”KATHARINE GIBBSSECRETARIALBOSTON 16, *0 Marlborough St. NEW YORK 17, 230 Park Av<CHICAGO 11, 51 E. Superior St. PROVIDENCE 6, 155 Angell SIMONTCLAIR, N. J , 33 Plymouth St.Page 6 THE CHICAGO MAROON April 2, 1954"Sir, did I understand you to soy thot something is TRUE?"■Collegiate SceneMAROON plays its part ininter-college communicationby John TwonteyJohn Donne wrote long ago that, “No man is an island untohimself.” This could very well be the guide by which theMAROON has sought to extend its communication with col¬leges and universities both in the United States and abroad.No student, no student newspaper and no institution of learn¬ing can stand alone or remain apart from our joint responsi¬bilities of leadership. Recog- ~~nizing this need for inter- per very much like the CHICAGOcommunication the MAROON MAROON is the Colgate Maroon,does its part by mailing issues to People have been known to in-over ninety schools in the United advertently pick up a copy ofStates, eight schools abroad and this tabloid and become very con-to eight miscellaneous periodicals fused after reading all about hap-amd press services. penings at that other “UC.”The ninety colleges in the Many school papers reprint orUnited States receiving weeklycopies of the MAROON representa broad cross section in both loca¬tion and enrollment. Small col¬leges like Bluefield State in Vir- describe items found in the MA¬ROON. This gives an indicationof the kind of reception variousMAROON articles are given onother campuses. The Ohio State Socialists meet,discuss liberties“How NOT to Fight McCarthy-ism” is the topic of tonight’s meet¬ing of the Young Socialist League(YSL) at 8 p.m. in Ida Noyes.A critique of the stand taken bythe Democrats and most liberalgroups in defense of civil liber¬ties will be offered by BogdanDenitch, editor of the YSL Chal¬lenge and former national secre¬tary of the Young Peoples Social¬ist League of the Socialist Party.This is the first meeting of thenewly-formed YSL on campus.After Denitch presents the YSLviewpoint on McCarthyism andcivil liberties, the floor will beopened for general discussion anddebate.New accomodationsbought for UC nursesHousing shortages for nursesemployed in the nine UC hospitalswill be alleviated by new accom¬modations in Blackstone Hall,5748 Blackstone Avenue. WilliamB. Harrell, vice-president of theUniversity in charge of businessaffairs, announced Thursday thatthe purchase of the hall will pro¬vide residence for about 90 nurses.The entire interior of the six-story hotel will be renovated toprovide kitchenette facilities fortwo and three-room suites. Apart¬ments will be open to all nursesemployed in' the UC clinics, in¬cluding the two new hospitalsnow nearing completion.Service ...(from poge 1 )and the particular complexity of -ssssthe order. All orders are placed at gsthe Center.The Center is open from 11:30 to2:30 and from 3:30 to 5:30, Mon¬day through Friday. The Ex¬change in Cobb Hall has beenclosed.ginia and Chipola Junior College Lantern quoted at length Chancel-in Florida are on -the mailing list l°r Kimpton’s views on Academicas well as larger schools such as Freedom as reported in the MA-Columbia, University of Wiscon- ROON last fall. The University ofsin and the University of Califor- Vermont Cynic reprinted in itsnia at Los Angeles (UCLA). MA- entirety Dean Strozier’s revisedROONS are also sent abroad to Nan. *or t*ie Michigan Plan. Theuniversities in far flung places as * y,,ic also gave mention in theirWasada University in Tokyo, Uni- "Intercollegiate Roundup” of theversity of Melbourne, Australia, innovation of pizza pie in the C-University of Bologna, Italy, Ox- Shop. Under the headline, "Itlord University, England and to On*y Goes To Show You,” thethe Free University of Berlin.The hundred or more studentnewspapers delivered to the MA¬ROON office each week as a re¬flection of American campus opin¬ion. The content of any paperwhile describing campus eventsacts also to tell a good deal aboutthe orientation of the school Proscript of the Richmond Profes¬sional Institute printed an itemabout the MAROON’s unauthor¬ized party and subsequent socialrestrictions.While the most important itemsfrom the MAROON are manytimes over looked and items fromother college papers can’t be cov- UNIVERSITYBARBER SHOP1453 E. 57thFine hairtuttingTwo barbers workingFloyd C. Arnold,Proprietorwhere the paper is published. Stu- erecI to° extensively in the pagesdent newspaper content by no °* l*ie MAROON, inter-collegiatemeans follows stereotyped lines. exchanges are continuing to bringVariety seems to be the very hall- greater understanding and insightmark of America’s campus press. ahout the students on other cam-Content differs as widely as does Puses*the location, curriculum and stu¬dent bodies of US colleges.Consider the following for vari¬ety. The Rutger’s Observer ran alive column headline for a columnone interview article on the localburlesque queen. On the otherhand, The Battalion, published atTexas A & M, many times runstwo pages of grocery advertise¬ments and a recipe column. TheBruin, the UCLA campus paper,recently devoted a four page“magazine” supplement to articleson the academy awards and themotion picture industry. One pa- Portroits byLOUISE BARKERPhotographer1457 E. 57th St. BU 8-0876RESTRINGWITHEye ExaminationsVisual TrainingDr. Kurt RosenbaumoptometristN32 E. 55th StreetHYde Park 3-8372 STANDS OUTIn phy• Harder Smashes• Better Cut and SpinSTANDS UPin your rackete Moisture Immunee Lasting LivelinessCOSTS LESSthen gutAPPROX. STRINWW COST:Pro-Pa<ttd Braid,...$6.00Multi-Ply Iroid $5.00At tannis shops and(porting goods stores.ASHAWAY BRAIDED RACKET STRINGChoice of The Champions Ex-UC professorgets H-bomb creditAn article in last Sunday’s Sun-Times credited a former UC pro¬fessor as the man responsible forthe development of the hydrogenbomb. The scientist, Hungarianborn, Edward Teller, recalled thatKlaus Fuchs, the convicted atom-spy in Great Britain, had attendedseminars in New- Mexico duringWorld War II and had listened todiscussions of the planned hydro¬gen bomb.'Teller happened to recall thisinformation at a time when manyscientists were urging a reductionof atomic stock piles after thewar. The Sun-Times report statedthat the Atomic Energy Commis¬sion had given favorable consider¬ation to these pleas. But Teller’swarning that Fuchs may havetransmitted details of the hydro¬gen bomb to the Soviet Unionchanged the commission’s out¬ look, and subsequently it launcheda full scale program to developthe H-bomb which has recentlybeen tested in the Pacific.Teller, who joined the Univer¬sity staff at the beginning ofWrfrld War II was present whenthe first self-sustaining chain-reaction became a reality underthe Stagg Field stands in Decem¬ber, 1942. After this turning pointin atomic development, Teller wasgranted a leave of absence to de¬vote his time to the developmentof the Manhattan Project in LosAlamos, New Mexico. However,he found his duties there had piledup to such an extent that he final¬ly severed all connections with theUniversity last Spring, and de¬voted himself entirely to his workwith the Atomic Energy Commis¬sion.Wp - g* .motherGoVilCfltiRestaurant antRestaurant and Barbecue1411 East 53rd S+-eetHYde Park 3-5300W&* I- rf f'X''" HUSED TEXT BOOKSSave Up Jo 50%COME IN . . . CONVENIENT TO I.C.6 FLOORS — 6 MILLION BOOKSC.O.D. — PHONE ORDERSDELIVERY 3 DAYS HA 7-2840Cash For Your BooksWilcox & Follett Co.1247 SO. WABASH AVE.HARRY A. ZISOOK & SONSUniversity District Renting OfficeMAYFLOWER HOTEL 6125 KENWOOD AVENUELei us help youGET OUT OF THE ROOMING HOUSES ANDSUBSTANDARD BUILDINGS IN THE NEIGHBORHOODFor the convenience and accommodation of the Students, Faculty andEmployees of the University we have opened a University District RentingOffice to serve you In obtaining better housing.Come In and let us know what your requirements are so that we mayassist you.AVAILABLE NOW AND/OR MAY 1stHotel rooms with private bath and shower8gl.—$8 pn- wk.; dbl.—$12 per wk.Hotel apts. with switchboard and maid serviceS‘/t rm. unfurnished apt. at $801 rm. furnished apt. at $133 1 in. furnished apt. at $100office hours ... 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. . . . Monday thru FridayTHERE 16 NO CHARGE FOR THIS SERVICEmain officeHARRY A. ZISOOK & SONS1711 E. 71st Real EstateServing Chicago since 1907 PL 2-5960April 2, 1954 THE CHICAGO MAROON Page 7WUS opens annual fund drive• Barbecue chicken• Bor-be-cue ribsPIZZERIA1520 E. 55th St.Your Air Force wings are yourpersonal passport to universal re¬spect and admiration. They re asign—recognized everywherethat mark you as one of America’sfinest.To wear them, you must winthem ... as an Aviation Cadet.They come with the gold bars of an Air Force Lieutenant andearnings of over $5,000 a year!They come complete with theadmiration of a grateful Nation.If you’re single, between 19 and26H, prepare to win this passportto success. Join the AviationCadets! For further information,fill out this coupon today.UNITED STATES AIR FORCE Nam* - —City **»«•wherever you go...AVIATION CADET, AFPTt-P-4Headquarters, U.S.A.F..SWashington 25, D.C. V*Please send me information onmy opportunities as an AirForce Pilot.^ World University Service Fund Drive starts Apri, 5 on campus. Tag days wii, be April 8 WU$ sfM(fcnt dorm {n KorCd,wrUS uTfTu ST’iCe rr> u *'k °ffra],a5en^y for international A student hostel in Korea has been purchased with $15,000relief on the university level. It is the channe through which the students of the world unite coliected from American organizations supporting the WorldThirty-two national branches are at work m Asia, University Sendee (WUS) Korean Emergency Appeal, thethe Middle West, Western Europe and North America. WUS funds are raised in the U. S., \yiJS News reportsCanada, England, France,Switzerland, Uruguay. Aus¬tralia, New Zealand.Gives world-wide aidThe organization works withoutprejudice to race, and nationality,religious and political conviction,and social and economic back¬ground. It encourages and sup¬ports all efforts on the part ofstudents, professors, and othersto meet the basic needs of theuniversities throughout the world.The WUS program of mutual as¬sistance through the sharing ofresources, knowledge, and experi¬ence brings together students andteachers in mutual service.WUS is sponsored internation¬ally by the World’s Student Chris- Announcements outCatalogues of the require¬ments for the new college pro¬grams will be available Mon¬day at the Information desk ofthe Administration Building ac¬cording to the office of officialpublications.For students now in the col¬lege, there will be meetings ar¬ranged with John Davey, deanof students in the college, andthe deans of the various divi¬sions to determine programsfor these students. ed housing accommodations forKorean university students.Students everywhere in needThis year funds are needed toaid thousands of students in theuniversities of ^.sia, Europe, andthe Middle East. They lack thebasic necessities of life: food andclothing, a place to sleep andwork, medical care, funds to payand national unions of students.Last year fifteen thousand dol- of contributions to Korean stu¬dents from WUS. Most recent, i . , , , , foundation gift to the WUS emer-heir university fees books and appeal was a $5000 antlaboratory equipment from the Henry L. and GraceDuring the week of the fund Dohert charitable Foundation,drive movies will be shown de- Jscribing the work of WUS.Besides the annual fund raisingdrive on campus, a WUS dance onApril 24 and a jazz concert onApril 25 are two main projects toraise more money for the cause The dormitory will provide badly needed housing forKorean university students. It will be reconditioned by WUSin cooperation with the UnitedNations Korean Relief Admin- campuses in Seoul, conditions areistration. far from ideal. The pre-war uni-Contributions sought versity buildings at Seoul were aThis is only one of a series welcome contrast to the shacksand huts which had housed thestudents at Pusan.Facilities inadequateEven at Seoul, Erman reported,most classrooms lack proper heat¬ing and lighting facilities. OutsideInc., of New York, and WUS is Gf the actual classrooms, mostlooking for further contributions students have no place to studyto support its long-range univer- and only a few have adequate liv-sity reconstruction program in jng quarters. The National Li-Korea. brary and the Seoul city libraryDick Erman, an American stu- were both without heat and prop-Headin*7 the WUS Fund Drive dent, has described the hardships er light during Erman’s visit.1* a T T -A. .1 A — J..^ fFU 1I7T TC? /.l T v>rvtian Federation, Pax Romana, lars of the funds contributed by on campus this year is the execu- which faced Korean students dur-1MCS, and the World Union ofJewish Students. The organiza¬tion works closely with agenciesof the United Nations, non-govern¬mental university organizations, American foundations in supportof the World University ServiceKorean Emergency Appeal wasused to provide desperately need- tive council. Members of the coun¬cil are Bob Demery, Sue Matthay,John Eyner, Earl Herrick, EliotKulick, Janice Porter, JaniceHubka, and Justin Johnson. ing a trip he made through thewar-torn peninsula.Erman reported that althoughmany Korean students have re¬turned to permanent universityYour Wings areyour Passport The WUS News quotes Ermanas saying the “zeal for knowl¬edge” of the Korean students “isinspiring and the conditions theyendure to gain an education putsus Americans to shame.”WUS also plans to distributetext books to student victims ofthe earthquake in the Ionianislands. Two refugee studentswere advanced money by WUSwhich enabled them to obtain di¬plomas and qualify for self-sup¬porting jobs.British members of WUS havesent several shipments of medi¬cines, books and clothing to stu¬dents in other countries. Morethan $1,000 worth of antibioticsand other drugs were bought inBritain and sent to Burma.Four university students fromEurope and Asia are touring theUnited States to help explain thework of the WUS throughout theworld.Delivery AnywhereFA 4-5525... learnas you go!to europeon student shipslanguage dasseeforums on Burope's culture,history A problemsdarning, movies, center isall-cabin snips, $140 upstudents A teachers eligibleEastbowndW#*tbouiKl June 8, 19. 29Aug. 11, 24, Sopt. 3Consult The Council GroupTravel Information Servicecouncil ona student travel1179 broodwoy, now yorlt 7, RE. 2-0934Page 8 THE CHICAGO MAROON April 2, 1954Acrotheater to sponsor balletBookman group dances hereFour original ballets will be presented in Mandel Hall, three of them for the first time,Saturday, April 10, at 8:30 p.m., under the sponsorship of Acrotheater. The program will berepeated on Sunday, April 11, at 3 p.m.This year’s production of the Bockman Ballet (last seen here on campus in February,1953) will also mark the appearance of two of the group’s leading dancers, Ken Johnson andLoyd Tygett, in the added role of choreographer.TheMembers Bockman ballet troupe. program will openwith Charles Bookman’s lat¬est work, “Suite en Valsc,”a suite of waltzes contrastingin mood and tertipo, set toDohnanyi’s two-piano composi-Seeger returns to Mandel tomorrowAfro-Cuban vocalist is also featuredPete Seeger, a leading American folk singer, returns to campus tomorrow night at 8 p.m.for his second Mandel Hall concert of the year. He will be featured on a program that alsoincludes Afro-Cuban singer Ella Jenkins and a quartet from the UC Folklore Society.January 30, Seeger and blues guitarist Big Bill Broonzy drew a standing-room crowdunder the sponsorship of the Student Representative Party. Tomorrow night’s concert issponsored by the UC chapter of World University Service, with proceeds to go to the EllisCommunity Center NurserySchool. Advance sales havebeen brisk.Seeger, a native New Eng¬lander, picks the five string ban¬jo, and is generally acknowl¬edged as one of the leading con¬temporary ban joists. He has ap-p e a r e d in concerts, open-airsongfests in New York’s Wash¬ ington Square, hotels, nightclubs, summer camps, theBroadway production of “Darkof the Moon,” a documentaryfilm on folk music (“To HearYour Banjo Play”), several ra¬dio shows and dramatic pro¬ductions, schools, labor unions,and on records. He gained na¬tional attention several yearsPlaywrights to give worksof Strindberg and ChekovMiss Julia, a realistic tragedy by August Strindberg andThe Marriage Proposal, a pleasant one-act farce by AntonChekov, will comprise the double bill to be presented by Play¬wrights Theatre Club, starting Wednesday.Miss Julia is a highly interesting play in many respects,perhaps most striking is its originality. Strindberg shockedhis contemporaries not onlyby his frankly sexual theme teacher for many years, willbut by his analysis of the so¬cial structure of late nineteenthcentury Sweden as well.The characterizations of Juliaand Jean are among the mosthighly developed in dramaticliterature. In terms of social-interaction, Julia is symbolic asa product of the decaying high¬er strata of society, while Jeanrepresents the “new blood”pressing upwards in the socialhierarchy as a revitalizingforce. As individuals, the String-berg characterizations are noted .as profound studies of the in¬tricacies of personality.Strindberg achieves the tight¬ness of construction of Ibsenwithout allowing the technique tobecome painfully obvious. Fewproductions have succeeded inbringing to life the many sub¬tleties and the full depth of mean¬ing contained in the play. For thisreason, it has often been recom¬mended that one read the play be¬fore seeing its presentation.Playwrights has cast ZohraAlton as the tortured Miss Julia,a young woman of high rankwho yields to her attraction toher father’s valet, Jean. The ain-bitixis valet is to be enacted byEd Asner. Elaine May, who hasdirected in Los Angeles andworked as actor, director, and stage the play for playwrights.The curtain raiser for MissJ»lia will be the Chekov farce.Playwright’s have described it as“an effortlessly simple farce,which moves at an amazinglyswift pace.”The double bill will run Wed¬nesday through Sunday eve¬nings at Playwrights Theatre,1560 N. LaSalle, April 7 throughMay 2.Only Chicago PerformanceWed. Eve., April 7, 8:30Romantic Broadway HitSIGMUND ROMBERG'SMUSIC FESTIVAL(fi IMMORTALMUSICALS”in thrilling new concertLANNY IRRA ALL-STARROSS PETINA CAST"The DESERT SONG," and hit se¬lections from Romberg's StudentPrince, Maytime, My Maryland,New Moon, and other music lov¬ers' delights.Student Rate $ 1.00SINAI TEMPLE1720 East 54th St.BUtterfield 8-1600&fie ejd/lmni PHOTOGRAPHERSMIDWAY 3-4433 1171 EAST 55th STREETNO 7-9071 HYDE PARK Til EAT IKE £tA™,PARKInspired clowning by five of the world'sgreat clownsAlastair Sim The Four Marx Brothers'Folly to be Wise" "A Day at the Races"Coming April 9: "Hamlet"Student Rate 50c All PerformancesIf You Present Your ID Card ot the Boxoffice ago as sparkplug of the Weav¬ers, and is current featured onStinson records and Folkwaysrecords.Ella Jenkins is a young Chicago¬an who has had several previousprofessional performance in thearea. She sings the songs andSee "Seeger," page 10 tion. Jane Bockman, his wife,and Ken Johnson will dance to¬gether in the pas de deux, al¬most always the high point ofBockman’s ballets.His Nocturne, set to a selectionof Debussy’s piano pieces, is amood piece, in keeping with themusic, exploring the situation oftwo lonely young people whochance to meet and are attractedto each other. It was first per¬formed last November for the Chi¬cago Ballet Guild, an organiza¬tion formed to promote interestin the dance and to eventuallyestablish a resident ballet com¬pany in this city.A third ballet, The Mandarin—a fairy-tale-like story of thelove of a young Chinese prin¬cess — was choreographed byKen Johnson to the music ofNeal Kayan, Chicago composer.Kayan, who has created a num¬ber of ballet scores (his bestknown being The Theme)serves also as the group’s chiefpianist. Joining him at the pi¬ano for two of the ballets willbe Robert Jones, instructor at Exhibition inGoodspeedAn exhibition of drawings,pointings, and prints from thecollection of the late Mrs. John U.Nef is on exhibit through April 17in the Goodspeed Hall galleries ofthe Renaissance Society. It willinclude work by Picasso, Braque,Chagall, Dufay, Pascin, and Ma¬tisse. The exhibition is being pre¬sented in memory of Mrs. Nef.the American Conservatory ofMusic.Etta Buro and Lloyd Tygett,both former students at the Uni¬versity, will dance the roles ofthe young princess and prince.The closing ballet, The Come¬dians, choreographed by Tygettto Kabalevsky’s music of the samename, is a tongue-in-cheek satireon the ways and manners of pro¬fessional theater people. A groupof traveling artists gather to¬gether for a performance and,after a little to-do, finally give it.A CAMPUS-TO-CAREER CASE HISTORYEmmett Smith, E. E., ’50, neverheard of telephone traffic work, butwhat he saw of the job intrigued himHe explains how it worked out.(Reading time: 40 seconds)Emmett Smith supervises operation of this trainingswitchboard, which he originally helped to design.“Communications have always been oneof my main interests — in the Navy andat the University of Michigan. So Iwas very happy when the Michigan BellTelephone Company invited me to visittheir headquarters to talk about a job.“In Detroit I had a chance to lookat a number of departments, includingone I’d never heard of before, the TrafficDepartment. I found that, in addition tothe engineering of switchboards, itswork involved the supervision and theactual handling of customer calls. Itstruck me like a wonderful opportunityto combine staff engineering and field,management. I worked in engineering, translating esti¬mates of future growth into the actualnumber of circuits and switchboardpositions required.“Now I’m supervising the operationof one of the boards I helped engineer.Briefly, my job is to see that my districtgets the kind of equipment it needs andthat what we have is functioning prop¬erly. Working with people is anothermajor part of my job, too, because Iserve in an advisory capacity to the super¬visors of the Long Distance operators.“Needless to say, I’m happy with myjob. A job I didn’t even know existed."“My first impression was right, too,because my work covered both. First, Ihad on-the-job training assignments inseveral different kinds of offices —local,Long Distance, dial and manual. Then Emmett Smith’s job is with a Bell Tele¬phone Company. There are similar op¬portunities for college people with BellTelephone Laboratories, Western Electricand Sandia Corporation. IBELL TELEPHONE SYSTEMTHE CHICAGO MAROON Page 9How the stars got startedDick Powell says: “At Little Rook College,Ark., I began singing with a choral group.This was followed by dance-orchestra jobsall over the Mid-West — and finally toHollywood. After 40 pictures, typed as a‘crooner’, I finally won a ‘tough guy’ role —and really got going!”ACTOR-PffOdUC£ft-DIRECTQft Of MOVIES AMO T£UVt$tBK7 I PICKED CAMELS ASBEST 18 YEARS AGO ANDWE'VE BEEN THE BEST OFFRIENDS EVER SINCE! CAMELS'FRIENDLY FLAVOR ANDMILDNESS NAVE ALWAYS JX AGREED WITH ME* vfApril 2, 1954‘Sholom’ cast to open Freedom WeekThe cast of The World of Sholom Aleichem, under thedirectio nof Howard DaSilva, will open AcademicFreedom Week with a dramatic recital of inheritors by Susan Glaspell. The recital will take place Sunday,April 1 1, at 6 p.m., between performances of Sholom Aleichem.Inheritors, a play which concerns academic freedom on a Midwest campus in 1920, was first performedby the Provincetown Play- tions imposed upon a student who college president, the only person and leave “grandfather’s college”ers in New York, in 1921. conscientiously objected and two who protests is the granddaugh- and “one day lie under the samec- thon it hoc boon in the IIindu students who “preach the ter of the college’s founder. She sod with him, and not be' ‘ gospel of free India—non-British and the Hindus are jailed. The ashamed.” She chooses the latter,repertoire of the Goodman India.” professor finds that he must com- The performance will be of anTheatre and the Old Civic While passing out handbills pro- promise to his economic position abrided script prepared by How-Repertory Theatre and has been testing deportation of anti-British rather than do anything. The girl ard DaSilva for the UC Academicwidely produced elsewhere. Its Indians from the United States now must choose between sacri- Freedom Week. The productionauthoY, Susan Glaspell, was con- and calling for freedom for India, ficing her principles to accept the will feature DaSilva, Gilbertsidered with O’Neil, Anderson, the Hindu students are molested protection of her family or to “be Green, and others from the castRice, and Odetts, among the lead- Howord DaSilvaand arrested by police. Although the most you can be, so that life of World of Sholom Aliechem. Noin>r playwrights of the twenties this takes place in full view of the will be more because you were” admission will be charged,and thirties.The play opens in 1879, in anewly settled but growing Mid¬west town. It describes the pio- UC Choir to present Bach's 'St John Passion'neer founders of the town—thosefrom old families and those whowere recent immigrants. One ofthese persons wishes to “Plant acollege, so’s after we are gonethat college says for us, says inpeople, learning has made more:This is why we took this land!’ ”The remainder of the play takesplace in 1920 in the same town,now a prosperous steel town.The son of a Hungarian immi¬grant we saw at the beginning ofthe play is now president of thecollege and a wealthy banker. Thecollege has grown to position ofrespect and is in line for a stateappropriation. Nevertheless, thechairman of the appropriationsboard is wary of “radical” teach¬ers and students — a professorwho protested the prison condi- Bach’s “Passion to OurLord According to SaintJohn” will be performed bythe UC Choir on Palm Sunday,April 11. at Rockefeller MemorialChapel. In a Baroque perform¬ance with members of the Chi¬cago Symphony Orchestra, theconcert features Dorothy LindenKrieg, soprano, Evelyn Reynolds,contralto, John Toms, tenor, Ber¬nard Izzo, baritone, and AndrewFoldi, bass. Instrumental soloistsinclude Julius Klein, viola dagamba, Jerry Sirucek, oboed'amore, and Heinrich Fleischer,organ. The conductor is RichardVikstrom.It was not until 1721, twoyears before Bach’s appoint¬ment as Cantor in l^eipsig, thatDocumentaryFilm Tonight ... a recognized masterpieceGroup THE■g> INFORMERX 7 Adapted from Liam O'Flaherty's novel setN / during the Irish RevolutionSocial Science 1227:15 & 9:15$.50 Positively trill, be shoten the first “concerted” Passion,one by Kiihnau, was performedthere in St. Thomas’s. Beforethis the Passions sung in HolyWeek had been in the tradition¬al plainsong recitative with sim¬ple “faux bourdon” choral pas¬sages, as before the Reforma¬tion. The Saint John Passionwas first given in St. Thomas’sprobably in 1723, and is theearliest of Bach’s extant Pas¬sions. The composer made con¬siderable alterations for thesecond performance in 1727, inwhich form it was given sub¬sequently.Of rather modest proportionscompared to, say, the Saint Mat¬thew Passion, the Saint John isscored for strings, flutes, oboes,organ and continuo with occasion¬al special instruments such as aviola da gamba and an oboed’amore.The text consists of chaptersxviii and xix of Saint John, withinterpolations from Saint Mat¬thew’s accounts of the earth¬quake and Saint Peter’s re¬morse, 14 congregational hymnstanzas, and 12 original lyricalpieces, mostly borrowed from“Der gemarterte und sterbendeJesus,” a popular Passion textby Barthold Hinrich Brocke, setby Handel and numerous oth- Tickets for the April 11 concertare on sale at $2.00 each. Studenttickets will be available throughApril 9 at $1.00, and must be pre¬sented with an ID card. The con¬cert begins at 3 p.m.A panel on the Saint JohnPassion will be held this Sun¬day, at Breasted Hall, the Orien¬tal Institute, 58th and Univer¬ sity. Sponsored by the ChapelCommittee on Religion and theArts, the panel members are:Jaroslav Pelikan (theologicalinterpretation), HeinrichFleischer (musicological inter-pretation) and Richard Vik¬strom (problems of perform¬ance). The discussion begins at4 p.m., and admission is withoutticket and without charge.B’naiB’rith presents ‘Dybbuh1for Combined Jewish AppealSunday at 8:30 p.m. in Mandel Hall, the B’nai B’rith HillelFoundation will present a benefit performance on behalf ofthe Combined Jewish Appeal, of the Playwrights TheatreClub production of The Dybbuk by S. Ansky.The Dybbuk was first produced in 1923. Written in Yiddish,it was first produced by Playwrights Theatre in translationlast January and received a the agreement. He dies as hi.favorable enough reception to mysti* rites prove unsllccess(ul.extend it a month.Based on Chassidic folklore and His soul, as a dybbuk, enters thebody of the girl. The resultant sit-told in the manner of an extended uations bring about a trial calledfolk tale, the play tells the story by a dead man and finally theof a student’s inquiry into the union, in the "higher planes,” ofKahala (a book of mysticism), as the souls of the girl and the stu-the result of an agreement bond- dent.ed in friendship before his birth Reserved seats at $1.50, $2.00,by his father and the father of and $2.50 are available in the Hikthe girl who is to be his bride by lei Office. Call PLaza 2-1127.Start smoking Camelsyourself!Smoke only Camels for 30 days —see for yourself why Camels’ cool,genuine mildness and rich, friendlyflavor give more people more purepleasure than any other cigarette!CAMELS LEADINgSALES BY RECORDNewest nationwide figures*from theleading industry analyst, HarryM. Wootten, show Camels* now 50 8/10% ahead ofthe setond-ploce brand— biggest preferencaV Itoii in history!•Published inPrinters’ Ink, 1854R J. Rpy tioldf TobftrroCd,W iDfcton-SMlein, N. C.THAN ANY OTHER CIGARETTESPORTS EVENTS THIS WEEKTomorrow Baseball* St. Joseph(2) 1:00 Stagg FieldTrack WisconsinTeachers 2:00 Field-HouseMonday Baseball * NorthCentral 3:30 Stagg Field* weather permittingNo football...(from page 11ing. Mort said. “They would getno glory and headlines. Theywould never play football for theschool because they would not bestudents by the time the programwas started,” he continued.Most believed the proposed pro¬gram failed because the studentstried to push too fast. He believesthat two or three years of intra¬mural competition are necessarybefore attempts at inter-collegiateschedules can be made.'It's all a budget problem'Strozier said that the major dif¬ficulty with re-establishing foot¬ball was the ancient Universitynemesis—money. “It’s all a budg¬et problem,” he said, “and football—even intra mural—is an expen¬sive proposition. It can’t be doneovernight.” One member of thestudent committee laid the causeof its failure to student apathy.•They just aren’t interested inplaying football,” he said.Rumors began last autumnRumors that efforts to resur¬rect football were underway oncampus were circulated last fall.The Omaha Evening World-Her¬ald quoted Chancellor LawrenceA. Kimpton: “I wouldn’t have anyobjections if we might some daystart football again.” Strozier isreported as shouting to the re¬porter of the Omaha newspaperfrom the bath tub, “I wouldn’t ob¬ject either.” The Chicago DailyNews carried a front-page storythe same week telling Metcalf’sdesire to see football returned tocampus.Strozier denied the report print¬ed by the Omaha journal, “Bigtime competition is definitely notfavored by the Chancellor.” Met¬calf agreed, saying that “any ru¬mor that Chicago wants rein¬statement in the Big Ten is ridic¬ulous.”Students draw plans for programHowever, these statements hadenough effect to draw 50 pro-foot¬ball students to a meeting in theBartlett Gym trophy room withMetcalf, assistant director of ath¬letics, Kyle Anderson, and direc¬tor of student activities, WilliamM. Birenbaum. At this meetingMetcalf announced that a detailedreport on the cost and nature ofan intra mural program was be¬ing prepared by the athletic de¬partment and the five-man com¬mittee which was appointed atthat time.Geffner said that the reportwas only tentative, but embraceda span of three years. In the firstyear four teams of 22 men eachwould compete in an intra muralprogram. The following year thesame program would be retained,but some inter collegiate competi¬tion would be scheduled. Afterthat a full season of inter-collegi¬ate football would be the yearlyfare.No contests since 1939The University of Chicago hasnot fielded a football team since1939, when former ChancellorRobert M. Hutchins announcedthe University’s withdrawal fromintercollegiate competition. Al¬though the years 1938 and 3939were the worst in the history' ofthe Maroon football team, thesquad was losing steadily sincethe beginning of that decade whenAmos Alonzo Stagg ceased tocoach the teams.Already large sections of the Stagg Field stands were empty onSaturday afternoons as the Ma¬roons went down to defeat weekafter week, and only the expertplaying of Jay Burwanger, theUniversity’s last football hero,and the skilled coaching of ClarkShaughnessy kept the Maroonsin competition.Attempts at restoration were madeSeveral attempts at restoringfootball since 1939 have beenmade but all failed. Hutchins hadfavored a program of competitionin a small league of smallerschools after the war, but tfiisattempt never materialized, how¬ever, the University saw one yearof intra mural football in 1947, theyear of peak enrollment, but thisprogram collapsed a year later.Three years later the Maroon uni¬forms were donned for the lasttime when a group of studentspaired off in the so-called “Phil¬osophy Bowl.” The Platonists de¬feated the Aristotilians, 6-0, thatday.Shortly after football was abol¬ished, Hutchins told that studentbody: “The greatest obstacle tothe development of a university inthis country is the popular mis¬conception of what a university is.The two most popular of theseare that it Ls a kindergarden andthat it Ls a country club. Footballhas done as much as any singlething to originate, disseminateand confirm these misconceptions.By getting rid of football, by pre¬senting the spectacle of a univer¬sity that can be great withoutfootball, the University of Chicagomay perform a signal service tohigher education throughout theland.”JV Gymnasts topcity championsThe JV gymnasts finished theirseason last month defeating Ley¬den Township. 73-56, and Lind-bloom, 79 la-72/2. Coach Tex terconsiders the victory over Lind-blom “a feather in the team’scap” because Lindblom was thecity champion in gymnastics.B-J may allowgirls in loungesBurton-Judson Council an¬nounced last week that there isa good chance for the houselounges in B-J to be opened forwomen visitors on Friday eve¬nings and Sunday afternoons.It will be required, however,that a student from each housewhere this plan is to be put intoeffect must be in the lounge atall times.The lounges are thus far theonly places where female guestswill be permitted. At present onlythe main Burton and J u d s o nlounges, the two libraries, and thebasement snack bar are the onlyplace where women are permitted. Eastern schools sweep NCAA;UC fencers foiled/ place 21stby Davit BobrowColumbia and New York University tied for first place in the 10th annual National Col¬legiate Athletic Association fencing championships. Over 30 colleges and universities com¬peted in the tournament for which the University of Chicago was the host. The matcheswere held in Bartlett Gym last weekend.The Maroon fencers finisned their season by placing twenty-first in the meet. Chicago wasrepresented by Alex Shane, co-captain Ernie Dunston and Dave Bobrow. Shane made theiSdn|hnin1etee0nthh?ntlth^,epee round robin tournament besides petitive ability, was given to Mooisning mnel j111 ePee Sobel who had 24 wins and three quard, the Cornell foil entry. Thecompetition. In loil ana saore iosses were foilman Bob Goldman selection was based on a vote ofDunston and B o b r o w finished of Pennsylvania, 23-3, and Henry the 100 fencers and the opiniontwentieth and twenty-sixth, re- Kolowrat of Princeton in epee, of a committee of coaches.23*7, UC Athletic Director NelsonCornell duelist wins trophy Metcalf and fencing coach AlvarThe Illinois Memorial trophy Hermanson administered the1- meet.spectively.Sobel sparks ColumbiaColumbia jumped to an earlylead in the meet, and sparked by fo^ V" vYsmanshT^as well assaber champion Steve Sobel, man- lor sP°rtsmans,11P as wel1 asaged to stave off NYU’s secondday drive. Eastern schools tookthe first seven places as Cornelland Navy finished third andfourth.Other individual winners in theSeeger...(from page 8)chants of Afro-Cuban societies, re¬ligious cults common today inCuba, accompanying herself on atuned hand drum. She appearedat a Folklore Society “Wing-Ding”last quarter.The quartet features guitaristMoe Hirsch, Folklore Societypresident; ban joist Bob March;his wife, Georgia, guitarist, andPrentiss Choate; all of whomhave been frequent perform¬ers at folk music functions oncampus. They will perform vo¬cal and instrumental quartets,some individual numbers, andtogether with Seeger. Hirsch, astudent in the math department,is considered one of the best ofAmerican’s young folk guitar¬ists. Banjoist March Ls a stu¬dent in the Physics department.His wife Ls an alumnus of theCollege. Prentiss Choate is atransfer student from the Uni¬versity of California, and isstudying in the humanities divi¬sion.Tickets for the concert are avail¬able at the SG student servicedesk in the Reynolds Club base¬ment. General admission is $1,reserved seats $1.50. Tickets willalso be available before the per¬formance at Mandel Hall boxoffice.B-J volley ballto start soonVolley ball inter-house matcheshave once again become the majorsporting interest in B-J.Starting next week, the firstmatches of the 1954 season willbe held.Most houses in B-J are expectedto be represented.The first in this series ofmatches will be held in the fieldhouse, Monday at 4 p.m. VincentHouse will be paired off againstMatthews House in the openinggame of this tournament. CLARIFY YOUR THINKINGCANOE TRIPSQuetico-Superior Wilderness. Only$5.00 per man day for completeoutfit, aluminum canoe and food.For free folder and may write:Bill Rom, CANOE COUNTRYOUTFITTERS, Box 717 C, Ely,Minnesota.ALEXANDER'S THE GREATPLACE TO EAT OFF CAMPUSOPEN DAY AND NIGHTYOUR HOSTS WILL BEGEORGE KYROS PETE HRISTAKOS1137-39 East 63rd Strout* ,rrTTmrTTtr»trTTrrrrrWm'TrrTrrvrTT>rrTrrvi All Hew AutomaticRetractable PenNEW 4" LONG CARTRIDGEGives Double The Former Ink Supply!Press NOW — better thanever! Ideal for personalWrite use, school and gifts.Sparkling PERMAGLEAMcap in tarnish resistingGold-Tone has new im¬proved mechanism, metalthreads. Smart stream¬lined styling. Assortedcolors. Available withred, blue or green ink.Smooth writing. Instantdrying. Will not leak,smear or fade. Highestquality transfer-proof ink.Precision made. One handpush button —- clipoperation. A big val¬ue. Order NOW forschool, home, gifts— specify color ofink desired. Sendcheck or money or¬der today. We paypostage. Money backguarantee.>» ONLY»> 3ffor$1.00> 1Z for $ 3.SO> 50 for *14.00> 100 for *27.00>►► Refills 15c et. THE MIND ALIVE by the Overstreet* $3.75The further exploration of how to achieve emotionalmaturity. The logical successor to the MATURE MIND.THE MEASURE OF MAN by Krutch $3.50Krutch maintains .that Man has a dim future unless hereasserts a positive belief in the power of his own will.MAN'S UNCONQUERABLE MIND, by Highet ...$2.75From the wealth of his knowledge of the classical postProfessor Highet explores the meaning of cultura.HOW TO MAKE SENSE by Flesch $2.75The author presents a scientific technique tor training incommunication.J**1THE POWER OF WORDS by Chase $3.95Chase discusses semantics, cybernetics and other branchesof communication, and applies them to fields ranging frommass media to Russian propaganda.UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGOBOOKSTORE5802 Ellis AvenueBARCLAY DISTRIBUTORSDept. 4. r.O. Box 45 Forest Hills, N.Y. WEEK-END GOLFER... OR TITLE HOLDERTHESE CLUBSWILL SAVE YOU STROKES!Shooting to break 100... 90... 80 ... or to take a title?Spalding’s sensational advance in clubs — new ’54 Synchro-Dyned woods and irons — can do more to save you strokesthan any other: clubs you ever played!Reason? Try a few swings — and see. Every wood, everyiron now has identical contact feel. You naturally swingfreer, improve timing ... get the ball away straighter andfor more distance.Will you shoot better golf consistently? Ask any golfer whoowns a Spalding Synchro-Dvned Top-Flite set... and thenhave your professional fit you.SpaldinGSynchro-DynedTOP-FLITE'HECMS TBMEB COLE CL VMSTOLD THROUGH GOLF MOFCSSIONAISApril 2, 1954 THE CHICAGO MAROON rage nGive names of Lettermen53 awarded athletic lettersFollowing are the namesof the 53 athletes awardedletters:Major “C” Award: RobertE. Mann, Richard S. Homer,Fred D. Hubbard, WilliamA. Lester, Jr., Wallace G.Lonergan, David J. Smith,basketball;Ernest J. Dunston, DavidP. Karcher, Alex M. Shane,fencing;Ronald L. Graham, Rich¬ard M. Herndon, Herbert M.Metcalf, gymnastics;Lancing R. Felker, RobertR. Giedt, Howard M. Jenk- in, Roy J. Porterfield, swim¬ming;David W. Abelson, AllanC. Bates, Kent V. Flannery,Floyd C. Richards, FrankErnest Richards, wrestling.Old English “C” Award:Bruce R. Colby, Richard L.Garcia, Walter L. Walker,basketball;David B. Bobrow, Peter O.Clauss, Joseph R. Grassie,Paul P. Machotka, RobertJ. Eiechler, Theodore Small,William M. Zavis, fencing;Bernard J. Del Giorno,Eiichi Fukushima, KennethH. Klein, gymnastics;Donald E. McVicker, Paul K. Orsay, swimming;Don Donderi, Morley J.Hoffman, Jerry E. Mehrens,wrestling.Small Old English “C*Award: Robert O. Dunkel*basketball;John D. Lyon, Arthur L.Waldman, fencing;Roger O. Copel, WarrenD. Orloff, Mark W. Schub,gymnastics;Walter E. Deike, A. Ed¬ward Gotteman, Robert M.Herndon, Whitney Pope,swimming;Charles P. Carlson, JamesF. Lear, Martin L. Liebo-witz, wrestling.Baseball tennis take spotlightSeason starts;chill troublesMaroon nineby Lenni« FriedmanRumor relates that shortstopWendell Marumoto was swept offhis feet by a gust of the 70 mile-an-hour gale during vacation prac¬tice and landed in a perfect four-point flop on North Field.Aside from this minor mishap,spring training for the Maroonball club consisted of catchingcolds and pellets from the snowand hail that hit Chicago over theinterim. Coach Kyle Anderson iswondering how far into the springquarter he will have to postponethe games.Seaton starts tomorrowThe team hopes to swing intoaction tomorrow afternoon inStagg Field against the St. Josephnine. Game time for the double-header is 1 p.m. Anderson willstart his veteran players tomor¬row, and will place his rookiepitchers under fire. Starting inthe infield will be newly-electedteam-captain Dave Utley at first,Wendell Marumoto and Bob Mannas the agile double-play combina-HOW’D YOU LIKE TO...meetCaptainMaurice G. Steele MURDERER'S ROW... . . may have disappeared withRuth and Gehrig, but it livesagain on the UC nine. In the pic¬ture above returning veterans inthe new uniforms, Wendell Maru¬moto, captain Dave Utley, JohnBroyles and George Gray flextheir muscles and tote their batsfor the benefit of the photog¬rapher.tion and Bruce Colby at third.Outfielders will be Dave Mazu-kelli, George Gray and Gil Levine.The battery will be John Broylesand Walt Walker. Later in thegame Paul Hershall, Jerry Luxsand Chuck Youngquist will rotatethe pitching chores.Nine has strong benchBench strength is strong thisyear with sub-infielders MarioBaur, Kurt McMichaels, JeffMarks and Peter Gottlieb, andoutfielders A1 Binford, Burt Res¬nick and Len Friedman.This Year’s club looks like awinner to coach Anderson, and ifthey can brave the spring weath¬er, we can expect a hustling andfighting ballclub this year.For Sale — Jaguar XK120 two-seater sport convertible, 20 monthsold, birch grey with red leather,very low mileage, drives like adream with jet power, excellentcondition, a one - owner car,$2150.00. Phone HY 3-9206 after5:30 p.m.Ha'* hare,on campus now—to show you hew to .. •earn over*5000 a year. • •become an officerIn the air force • • •get a head startin |et aviation. • •be a part of a greatflying team. • •as an Aviation Cadot.Sea him while you can.(Insert name and rank ofleader of Selection Team)and Aviation Cadet Selec¬tion Team (insert number)are staying at (insert localaddress) for the next (in¬sert no. of days). He willbe available between thehours (insert time) to those-desiring further informa¬tion on career opportuni¬ties in the Air Force.Reynold Club 200April 7 & 89 A.M. to 3 P.M. The delightful story of a gent whowent on a wild weekend with hisfast-moving first loved namedand took his wife along!Dinah Sheridan • Kay KendallJohn Gregsonin technicolor mToday at:6:30. 8:15. 10:00Students presenting their ID cardsat box office will be admitted for50c any week night. Saturdaysand Sundays until 5 p.m. Moyle creditsFall tennisfor good teamCoach Bill Moyle has beenwatching candidates for thevarsity tennis team in thisfirst week of practice which isnow ending. His conclusion:“We’ll have one of the betterteams we’ve had in three or fouryears.”Moyle attributes these goodprospects for the coming seasonto the introduction of fall tennislast year. “It uncovered a lot ofplayers we didn’t know about. Asa result the boys have been prac¬ticing all winter,” he said.Players af peak“The fall’s a good time for sev¬eral reasons. The weather is morepredictable, and the players are ata peak of interest and condition asthe result of spring and summerplay,” he continued.“As a matter of fact fall tennismade such a hit with everybodywe played that I wouldn’t be sur¬prised. if tennis became an annualfall and spring event. We had thebiggest tournament in eight yearsand produced a fine team whichwon all of their matches, compil¬ing a 5-0 record,” he said.20 compete for places“We have about 20 players outthis year, and although we lostMarty Orans, our number one,and Larry Buttonweiser, our num¬ber three, from last spring’s team,we have capable players andgreater depth,” Moyle concluded.Three major lettermen, GeorgeStone, Bob Fox and Norm Strom-inger, are returning. Other candi¬dates for the team are DuncanBurford, Howard Spaeth, Tom Zu-kowski, Chuck Werner, Bob Hart-field, Bob Kelso, Myron Howland,Rene Montjoie and Gerald Lider-man. The last two boys are fromParis, France, and are in theirfirst year at the University.The tennis team will open theseason on April 24 against DePauw. Moyle expects Notre Dame,Beloit and De Pauw to providethe strongest competition for theMaroon netmen. Maroon track teamspends busy interim;triumphs two timesby Justin JohmoaThere was no rest for the UC varsity track team over theinterim as the Maroon runners won team championships intwo large meets and sent relay teams to represent Chicago mtwo others.On March 13, the trackmen won the Chicago-Midwest Con¬ference Invitational Indoor Track Meet at the Field-House,running without four of their stars who had journeyed toWisconsin to compete in the Milwaukee Journal Meet thesame night.One week later the UC Track Club breezed through the In¬door AAU meet at the Field-House to take their secondstraight team victory. Last Saturday, a capacity crowd at theChicago Stadium watched seven Maroon runners compete inthe Chicago Daily News Relays.Lamb second to SanteeThe best performance by a Chicago runner in t^ie DailyNews meet was turned in by Lawton Lamb, former Universityof Illinois record holder. Lamb brought the huge crowd to itsfeet by coming from behind in the final lap of the Banker’sMile to threaten the much-heralded Wes Santee, the Univer¬sity of Kansas distance runner who is conceded by sports-writers as the man most-likely to run the four-minute mije.Lamb’s time was a very fast 4:12.7.The mile-relay team of KenStapley, Phil Wyatt, MorganDamerow and Dave Shepardran an unofficial 3:20 to fin¬ish third behind Loyola andWheaton. Frank Loomos, Chica¬go’s star hurdler, failed to place,but he is normally a low-hurdlerand he was pitted in the high-hurdles against Harrison Dillard,US, world and Olympic champion,and Willard Thompson, Big 10champion.Dejke runs despite fluStapley competed in the 600yard dash against Mai Whitfield,and Walt Deike, running despitean attack of flu, ran one and aquarter miles before dropping outin the strong two-mile field.In the AAU meet on Saturday,March 20, the UC Track Clubswamped all other competitors totake the team championship andbring another trophy to BartlettGymnasium. Final scores wereChicago 116, Bradley 63, Wheaton46, Chicago CYO 39, Loyola 16,Northern Illinois 10 2/5, ChanuteField 10, Northwestern 9 and un¬attached runners 79 3/5.UC sweeps highsTurning point in the meet camewhen Loomos led three Chicagohurdlers in sweeping the 70 yardhigh-hurdles. Loomos’ time was:08.8. Earlier he had placed thirdin the 60 yard dash and led Ma-.roon scorers with 16 points.Dave Shepard took the broad-jump with a 20'9" leap, while Chi¬cago muscle-men, Roger Forsytheand Joe Howard, were scoring 1-2in the 56 pound weight. Forsythe,in upsetting the rest of the field,threw 25'8 %" for his 10 pointvictory. Lamb, running easily,picked up second places in boththe mile and two-mile.UC wins over MidwestScoring in every event but the880 yard relay, Chicago proved itssupremacy over the Midwest Con¬ference teams on March 13. Scoreswere Chicago 54, Carleton 36%,Monmouth 32, Cornell 28, Grinell20%, Coe 12, Lawrence 6 andRipon 6.The two-mile relay team of ArtOmohundro, Spike Pinney, JohnMeardon and Hal Higdon dashedabout the track in 8:16.7 to set anew meet record. The distance- Track star diesin plane crashGeorge McCormick, anchorman of the mile relay team,died Friday morning in a planecrash in Monterrey, Mexico.Eighteen other persons werekilled in thecrash, amongthem McCor¬mick’s father,brother andcousin. Theywere returingfrom a fishingtrip in Mexicoto their homein Amarillo,Texas, whenthe crash oc¬curred.medley team of Bill Pozen, JohnSmother, Deike and Meardon hadno trouble coming first to the tapein their event.Loomos loses first lowsLoomos, high scorer for themeet, won the 60 yard dash witha six and a half second sprint, butlost to Kirk of Carleton in the low-hurdles. This was Loomos’ firstdefeat in the lows this season.Howard put the shot 44'10" to winthat event, as UC’ers placedfourth and fifth. Deike won thetwo-mile while Sanders and PaulBabtist placed right behind him.On that same evening the Ma¬roon relay team placed second inthe mile to Drake University.Lamb was nosed out at the tapeby Truex of Ohio State in themile, while famed FBI-man FredWilt ran third.On March 16, the Maroons wonover Wright Junior College easily,taking nine first places, 71%-32%.Coach Ted Haydon let some of hisstars relax for the coming AAUmeet, but Wright proved to be noopposition for the fleet-footed run¬ners. George McCormick ran bislast race, winning the half-mile in1:58.1 and Omahundro won themile in 4:36.7. Ray Saunders wonthe two-mile while Pinney placedsecond, and the hurdles were tak¬en by Don Trifone on the highsand Stapley on the lows.^fARLtSS^OSDICKBARBERS EVERAVHERE RECOMMEND ft WILDROOT CREAM-OIL TO REMOVE LOOSE CANDRUFF Q KEEP HAIR WELL GROOMED ftV.Vvy-Starring in "TK* Cain*Mutiny Court Martial"The cigarette tested and approved by 30years of scientific tobacco research. V vRecording StarThe cigarette with a proven good recordwith smokers. Here is the record. Bi-monthlyexaminations of a group of smokers show noadverse effects to nose, throat and sinusesfrom smoking Chesterfield..• .v.WV.sv « i .'.’CiS'iThe cigarette that gives you proof ofhighest quality—low nicotine—the tasteyou want—the mildness you want.roe**0OOOtTT trtaams!1... L’.3iamtai.ft".,..'”.aa.'" .-rasgsgsPage 12 April 2, 1954Classified . ..For Rent Friday, April 2Mawl.v decorated 2 - r o o m furnishedapartment; also one large and one smallsleeping room; 2 blocks from UC; linens,maid service; reasonable rent. 6107 Dor¬chester Avenue. PL 2-9641.Student couple with 7-rm. apt. will rentsuite; bedroom, study, bath. One—$36mo couple—$53.50 mo. Kitchen privi¬leges, privacy. DO 3-4751.1>4 - room apartment, kitchen, bath.$59.50 month. Call FA 4-3671.Tv<l furnished rooms, both very large,private bath. V2 block from campus.Phone HY 3-1864.Rooms for men, pleasant, congenial; $75up, linens Included. Pbl Sigma Delta.PL 2-9477.Newly decorated private room, tile bath,semi-private study for girl In 8-roomapartment. Share kitchen. $10 week.MU 4-5428 after 6 p.m.Kitchenette, Ideal for 1 or 2. 6055 S.Dorchester, MI 3-9372. Humboldt Club will present two Ger¬man films, 4 p.m., at Wleboldt 408.They will deal with “The MarshallPlan" and “Berlin—June ’53 Revolt.”French language table will meet at theInternational House Dining room at6 p.m.A Wesak Festival, in celebration of thebirth of Buddha, will take place atMandel Hall, 7:30 p.m. Dr. SunderJoshi will speak on "Buddha and Jef¬ferson." Admission is free.Young Socialist League will hold a po-lltcai meeting. 8 p.m., at Ida Noyes.Bogden Denltch, editor of "Chal¬lenge” and former national secretaryof YPSL-SP will talk on “How Not toFight McCarthylsm.”Hillel Foundation will hold a SabbathService at 7:45, followed by a fire¬side discussion at 8:30. “The Image ofGod In Modern Poetry" Is the subjectof the discussion that will be con¬ducted by Henry Rago, assistant pro¬fessor of Humanities. The meeting willbe at 5715 Woodlawn.Saturday, April 3Pete Seeger will appear in a return en¬gagement at Mandel Hall, 8 p.m. Mem¬ bers of the Folklore Society will alsoentertain. General admission Is $1.Reserved seats are $1.50.Young Socialist League will have a so¬cial, 9:30 p.m. Meier, 5426 Maryland,3rd floor.Sunday, April 4Universit’ Religious Service will takeplace at Rockefeller Memorial Chapel,11 a.m. Reverend J. S. Whale, of Cam¬bridge University, will preach on "TheCrown Rights of the Redeemer.”Italian Club Meeting will feature a talkon the "Venice Film Festival,” pre¬sented by Mrs. Selz, at InternationalHouse, Room A, 3:30 p.m. Refresh¬ments will be served.Carillon Recital with James R. Lawson,carilloneur, will take place at Rocke¬feller Memorial Chapel, 4 p.m.The Chapel Committee on Religion andthe Arts will sponsor a panel on “TheSaint John Passion” by Bach. Thepanel members are Professor JaroslavPallkan, who will deal with theologicalinterpretation. Dr. Heinrich Fleischer,who will deal with muslcologlcal In¬terpretation, and Richard Vlkstrom,who will deal with problems of per¬formance. Breasted Hall, 4 p.m.“The Voice and Teachings of Gandhi”Is the subject of a record and discus¬sion sponsored by Porter GraduateFellowships. Room A of InternationalHouse, 7:30 p.m. SRP Caucus will be held at B-J, 7:30p.m. It will deal with the SRP plat¬form for the NSA elections, and Isopen to everyone.“The Dybbuk’’ will be presented by thePlaywrights Theatre Club, with theB'nal B’rlth Hillel Foundation assponsor. Mandel Hall, 8:30 p.m. Allseats reserved. $2.50, $2. and $1.50.Tickets available at Hillel. Proceedswill go toward Combined Jewish Ap¬peal. •Monday, April 5“Robin Hood s Merrie Men” will hold anorganizational meeting, 4:30 p.m. atLaw North. The group is concerned-with fighting McCarthylsm.German language table will be held6 p.m. at International House diningroom.Swedish film, “The Road to Heaven."will be presented at InternationalHouse, 7 and 9 p.m. Admission Is 35cents. »“The Chosen People in Judaism and inChristianity” is the subject of a talkthat will be delivered by James W.Parkes at the Fourth Annual CharlesW. Gllkay Lecture, sponsored by Hll-lel Foundation and the University ofChicago. Breasted Hall, 8 p.m.Tuesday, April 6Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship will sponsor a Speaker-Luncheon from12:30 to 1:20. Mr. William Norton, aprofessor at Trinity Seminary, willtalk on "Abraham and the Covenant."Ida Noyes, third floor.“Psychoanalysis and Modern Life” isthe second lecture in the WilliamEllery Charming lecture series: "Psy¬choanalysis and Modern Life.” Speak¬er Is Seward Hiltner, Associate Pro¬fessor of Pastoral Theology and Act¬ing Dean, Federated Theological Fac¬ulty. Breasted Hall, 8 p.m.Hillel Foundation will sponsor a Com¬bined Jewish Appeal Workers meet¬ing, 3:30-5:30 p.m. at the Hillel Foun-dation, 5715 Woodlawn. The meetingwill include a color film on Israeland a speaker.Wednesday, April 7Carillon Recital will take place at Rock¬efeller Chapel, 4:30 p.m. James R.Lawson is carlllonneur.Society for Social Research will sponsora lecture at Social Sciences 122, 8 p.m.The topic Is "Some Aspects of SocialResearch In Israel.”Thursday, April 8The Academic Freedom Week Commit¬tee will hold an organizational meet¬ing in the MAROON office, ReynoldsClub at 4 p.m. to calendar events andprepare publicity.Mom, adjoining bath, clean, quiet,oook home prlvilges. $8 week. 2 blocksUC- Girl. Phone evenings, 5-9, exceptThursday. DO 3-7159.For SaleClib with mattress, bathlnette, play-pan, buggy, kiddy-car, teeter-babe. Rea-aonable, excellent condition. Barring-Mu, Ext. 3378.Argus C-3, like new. Includes f3.5 coatedlens, sunshade, filters, case, flash gun.$40. PL 2-3790 evenings.Thor Auto-Magic washing machine. $50.Allen, 6019 Ingleside, MU 4-5243.Oae couch, $15; 2 rugs, $10, $35. CallFA 4-2252.Slightly used teeter-babe with extraseat, $7. Feldman, DO 3-1322.House with income, 4 blocks north ofcampus. Modest outside, contemporaryInside. Redone with taste. Gas heat,JS-ft. living room, woodburning fire¬place, parquet floor, 2 bedrooms. In¬come from English basement apartment,$65. Low tax, maintenance, heating.Good neighbors. Low down paymentarranged. Price $15,000. DO 3-4335.Blonde wood dropleaf dinette table,opens to 52"x52". Good condition, $30.DO 3-0338.Lovely diamond ring, .45 carat set inwhite gold. Less than half price. $100.DO 3-0338.Radio-phono combination, kitchen set,oriental rug, chairs, baby furniture,traverse rod. Lipson, FA 4-5880, 6753Merrill.V. M. 3-speed automatic record changer.New pickup. Will sacrifice. Contact C.Dayton, B-J, Room 512.WantedTutoring in English (conversation). Willpay fees or exchange for French. CallHY 3-2142.Guitar, reasonably good condition, pref¬erably under $20. Call PL 2-4017 afterfive, ack for Martha.Metronome, cheap. Int House, ext. 315.Furnished two, three bedrooms, nearUniversity of Chicago, September, 1954-June, 1955. MU 4-1407.World Book Encyclopedia, 194T or lateredition. Write John Stager, 155 McIn¬tyre Court, Valparaiso, Indiana.Help WantedWoman to care for 2 girls, 1 and 2years, 3 days a week. Conant, 6004 Ken¬wood, mornings.Secretary, Foreign Student Adviser'soffice, International .House. Mature,type, take shorthand. Call Skardon, FA4-8200.Student to work part time in SG Serv¬ice Center, 11:30-2:30, M-F. 90 centshour. Call Ext. 1068.ServicesMathematics. Special instruction to fityour mathematical needs. Individual orgroup sessions. Albert Soglin, ST 2-6727.Portraits, any creative photography.Low cost. High quality. Quick service.Act now! Joe Wolf, ES 5-1615.Tutoring Nat Sci I, physics, math. CallPL 2-3790 evenings.Teacher will care for your children (1 or2) for 8 to 10 hour day, $1 per hour withluncheon in my home. 6004 Kenwood.Mrs. Bruce Stewart.PersonalsStudent organized seminar for inter¬ested tutorial OMP students. Cobb 103,Monday, April 12 at 4 p.m.LostWhite and red-brown striped cat. Pleasecall PL 2-3790.Worth Remembering . . ,Sunday, April 4th 3:30 P.M.Jefferson the Biosopher:His message for our timesPresented by Robert LongerSunday, April 11, 3:30 p.m.VASNTI McCOLLUMAuthor of "One Woman's Fight"Victor in historic Supreme CourtMcCollum Case", speaking on:— Admission Free —Religious Friendship Hour306 S. Wabash Room 1310 Today's Chesterfield is theBest Cigarette Ever Made!America’s Most Popular2-Way CigaretteCHESTERFIELDBFSTFOR YOUCopyrishi 1954, Loom A Mrew Toiacco Co.