Bail? iHanionVol. 37. No. 32. UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO, TUESDAY, JANUARY 19, 1937 Price Three Cent*Congress GoldRoom Chosenfor Prom Site‘GWP’ Takes Spotlight ii>Preparations for Wash¬ington Prom.The 33rd annual WashingtonProm, high spot on the University’ssocial calendar will be held at theGold Room of the Congress Hotel onSaturday, February 20. Boasting5,000 square feet of dancing space,the Congress was selected by theStudent Social Committee yesterdayafternoon.Assisting the Social Committeefor the Prom will be the GWP, nota federal project—not even a rad¬ical organization, it’s the GreaterWashington Prom committee, com¬posed of Ralph Leach, Phi KappaPsi, business manager; David Gor¬don, Psi Upsilon, sales manager; BobEckhouse, publicity manager; andPeg Tillinghast, Mortar Board, incharge of Women’s promotion.The committee has rented an en¬tire section of one floor of the ho¬tel and there will be tables on themain floor and a balcony with serv¬ice from the bar.Negotiate for Band.\egotiations are now way to getthe best possible band for the af¬fair. Traditionally a “big-nameband’’ is chosen. Last year BennyGoodman and Charles Gaylord play¬ed.Henry Cutter, chairman of theStudent Social Committee, is themystery man of the affair. Heclaims he is working on somethingentirely new which will in effect rev¬olutionize Washingfton Proms but asyet he insists on-keeping his ideas tohimself.Leaders for the Prom will be an¬nounced in a future issue of the Ma¬roon. Last year there were threewings in the Grand March, but itis not known yet whether there willagain be ^ix leaders or whether theSocial Committee will do as the In¬terfraternity Ball and return to thecustomary two wings. Pontiac Holds LastTryout for VarsityRadio Show TodayLast tryouts for the cast of Uni- jversity of Chicago Night on the jPontiac Varsity Radio Show will be !held in room D of the Reynolds club |from 2 to 5 today, when Dwight}Cooke, New York radio director in icharge of producing the program,will hold auditions. No previous radioexperience is required for studentswho would like a part in the pro¬gram, which will be broadcast Janu¬ary 29 at 9:30 as the second in thePontiac series.With John Held, Jr., famed forhis cartoons and stories about col¬lege life, as master of ceremonies,and selections by the UniversitySingers, Dramatic A.ssociation, andorchestra promised, the program israpidly being completed. Soloistsfrom former Blackfriars shows willbe featured, as well as any studentswho are selected during the au¬ditions today.Chairman of the faculty commit¬tee for the broadcast is J. E. Weck-ler, director of radio on campus.Committee members are Carl Brick-en, head of the music department,Frank Hurburt O’Hara, director ofDramatics, Mack Evans, choir direc¬tor, and Charlton Beck, secretary ofthe Alumni Council. Trio of International HousesLaunches Quarterly MagazineJ. H. WellardPublicationChicago. Phoenix Proposesj New Newspaper toOust the MaroonSeeking to establish a new high incosmopolitan journalism, “The Inter- jnational Quarterly" makes its first, proposal that they takeappearance on Thursday, sponsored ! over the duties of running a competi-by the three International Houses of I tive Daily Newspaper on campus, the Second NewsreelFeatures GeilingResearch PicturesChicago and Berkeley, i board of control of Phoenix pre-1 heroes.With two special features, thesecond Campus Newsreel will beshown Wednesday, Thursday, andFriday afternoons at 3:30 and 4:15in the Oriental Institute. In addi¬tion to presenting the news eventsfor the past months, the programwill feature motion pictures of theGeiling research whaling expeditionand old shots of former UniversityAbbott to DirectMirror Productionfor Second Year.Vlurriel .4bbott, director of the in¬ternationally known Abbott dancers,will again direct the Mirror dancers,according to an announcement madeyesterday by Betty Ellis, pre.sidentof the Mirror Board. Florence Wil¬son Collison, trained since childhoodin Miss Abbott’s school of dancing,will act as first assistant director of•Mirror dance choruses.-Miss Abbott, who last year intro¬duced the Pony chorus to Mirrorgoers, has been associated for 30 years with dance productionsin Chicago and Europe. Coming tothe University with experience inGeorge White’s “Scandals,’* “Fineand Dandy,” and the Eddie Cantorhim, “Roman Scandals,” Mrs. Col-lison will contribute novel routinesto the Mirror repertoire.Tryouts for all dancing lines willbe held tomorow at 3:30 in Mandelhall.The Mirror Board requests that all.students writing skits and lyricsshould turn in work by Friday, Jan¬uary 22. Wolves DownChicago, 35-29Maroons Force Game intoOvertime by Last MinuteRally.In a thrilling overtime game lastnight Michigan handed the Maroonstheir fourth consecutive conferencedefeat, 35-29. A crowd of 2500 sawthe Maroons overtake the Wolveswith a minute to go, only to be tiedten seconds later as Bill Barclaycashed in on a charity shot givenhim by Jack Mullins.The minute recess, after the reg¬ulation time had expired, was suf¬ficient to rejuvenate the Wolverines,and they scored seven points whilethey restricted the Midway five to alone free throw.The play of the first ten minutesof the fray indicated that the su¬perior height of the Ann Arbor boyswas going to turn the game into aneventual rout. Up to the time BobI^itzgerald sank a hook shot, aftereleven minutes had gone. Coach Nor-gren’s outfit looked pitifully weakon the short end of a 13-1 score. Butthe Maroons rallied to bring thescore to 20-11 at half time.In the second period the Maroondefense tightened as the offense New York,California.Between the covers of the newI magazine of international affairsJ will be found not the official view,the customary newspaper angle, northe scholarly explanation of presentday trends, but rather the personalexperiences and convictions of youngpeople throughout the world.Include* NotablesWith James Wellard as managingeditor of the Chicago staff, the edi¬torial staff includes such universitynotables as Thornton Wilder, Rob¬ert M. Lovett, Quincy Wright, Clif¬ton M. Utley, Harold D. Lasswell andErnest Price. A Rhodes scholarnow editor of Scribner’s, HarlanLogan, has taken over the positionof editor on the New York staff ofThe Quarterly.Containing articles on a variety oftopics, the publication is attemptingto incorporate in its pages the per¬sonality and freedom of thoughtwhich characterizes the Internation¬al Houses. The consul general ofChina, Tschou-Kwong R. Kah, makeshis literary appearance in the Janu¬ary issue with a dissertation on “Con¬fucius, and the Spirit of China,”—a young Fascist, Renzo Sereno, airshis opinions on “Italy and England:Right Against Right,”—and PierreLejins, noted criminologist from theUniversity of Latvia, discusses “Ob¬servations on American Crime.”Correspondence SectionIn addition to commentary ar^tides, a special correspondence sec¬tion is being devoted to accounts ofpolitical and social happenings inmany countries, informally writtenby “the man in the street” and form¬er students of the House now backin their native lands. Book reviewsof recent publications by Housemembers including Ina Brown’s“Story of the American Negro,” willbe found in the first issue in addi- sents its first issue tomorrow. Fromthe cover, which is a slap at recentMaroon stories, to the last page,wherein Pulse, recently proposedfeather-ruffling competitor of Phoe¬nix, comes in for attention, a pan¬ning motif prevails.With Harry Morrison, Mary Kerr,Norman Kaplan, Havey Karlen,James Goldsmith. Sam Hair, andProfessor Max Schoen of CarnegieTech as new contributors, and Marg¬ery Goodkind, Martin Gardner, DavyCockett, C. Sharpless Hickman,Griffith Felming, V. P. Quinn, andMeyer Becker representing the old,the magazine, increased in size thismonth, carries thirteen pieces ofwritten matter and numerous draw¬ings.Harry Morrison makes his firstcontribution to the publication sincelaying down his editorship in 1935with a story largely devoted to tak¬ing a prominent freshman girl for aride. Beginning with happenings in No¬vember, the student-produced filmwill show football games. Homecom¬ing activities, club rushing, the In¬terfraternity Ball, basketball games,candid camera shots, and all theother important parts of Midwaylife.Ticket sales, under the directionof Charles Axelson, business man¬ager, are proceeding rapidly, witha staff of campus salesmen assistingin the distribution. The price is tencents, and tickets may be purchasedat the entrance of the Oriental In¬stitute at the times of presentation.The pictures in this second pre¬sentation excel those of the firstshowing in both technique and con¬tinuity, Paul Wagner, director, be¬lieves. He yesterday announcedtentative plans for a feature similarto the March of Time, to be shownin the third edition of the News¬reel, which will probably be shownlate next month. Organize NewCampus Groupfor StudentsPlan Speakers’ Bureaufor Aiding Students inForensics.Bricken States No Opera to BePresented Without Student Demand“Unless there is a definite studentdemand, there will be no opera thisyear. If the general student bodyhad supported thework of the MusicSociety, therewould have beenho d ^f i c i t of$2000 last year,’' and no reason fornot continuingthe operas.” Withthis statement,Carl E. Bricken,acting head of thedepartmentof music, explains why the OperaAssociation has been inactive thisCarl E. Brickention to news of alumni and recordsof House events.In future publications all thi’eeHouses will be equally representedalthough the January number is pre¬dominantly Chicagoan. Mr. ErnestB. Price, director of the ChicagoHouse explained that: “While agreat deal of work has been done onthe project by many different people,both here in Chicago and also in NewYork and Berkeley, the greatestshare of credit for the quarterlymust go to James H. Wellard, activ¬ities manager of the Chicago house.” M. Smith, assistant profes¬sor of Music at the University andthe Theological Seminary, who di¬rected Gluck’s “Iphigenia in Taur-is,” presented last year, feels thatwent on a rampage for a few min-; In addition to writing the first of autes. For a time they relaxed, but j series of “Studies in Class Distinc-then started the rally that gave them ' tions” Wellard has been responsiblethe lead with forty seconds to go. j for the realization of the magazine,(Continued from page 4) (Continued nn page 3)Harper Finds Socialism Prevalentin Present Constitution of USSRDirector Socialism which will eventuallylead to communism has been intro¬duced into the Soviet Union by thenew constitution adopted last De¬cember, is the belief of Samuel N.Harper, professor of Russian Lan¬guages and Institutions, who recent¬ly returned from his seventeenth tripto Russia since 1904. Attending theconstitutional congress which met inthe Kremlin during the latter partof November, Professor Harper was cooperative or collective units, suchas collective farm ownership of land.Legal recognition and protection J son, president of the Chicago BarRodriguez Speaksto Bar Associationon ^Bill of Rights’William E. Rodriguez, Chicagolawyer and member of the ChicagoCivil Liberties Committee will speakon “The Bill of Rights Today” at3:30 tomorow in the north lectureroom of the Law School. He will beintroduced by Professor Malcolm P.Sharp, chairman of the meeting.Rodriguez’ talk will be the first ofa series of four lectures sponsoredby the University Bar Association.The second lecture, to be held at thesame time and place next week, willbe delivered by Charles M. Thomp besides the financial risk, it is unfairto demand so much work from stu¬dents who must carry other coursesbesides their musical activities. “Be¬sides,” he explains, “an opera is nota one-man job. The members of oursmall music staff have neither thetime nor the strength for a produc¬tion this year.”Suspension of the activities of thetwo year-old Opera Association,which became a part of the Univer¬sity Music Society last year, coin¬cides with a general lack of interestin music on campus. Although asMr. Smith says, “An operatic pro¬duction, involving technical and ar¬tistic responsibility, confers muchdistinction on a university,” most ofthe appreciation of this distinctionhas come from outsiders. The mod¬ern Czechoslavakian opera “Schwan-da,” given its first English produc¬tion by the Opera Association lastyear, was supported by HaroldSwift, president of the Board ofTrustees, to the extent of a $1200subsidy, but still created a deficit.“Cap and Gown” last year com¬mented, “These developments have Jreceived practically no encourage-!j ment from the undergraduate body, 1except as prominent athletes, consent |to be ushei's. The production of,“Iphigenia in Tauris” and “Schwan- 'da” shows the almost incredible | Twenty-one sophomore staff mem-story of what Bricken, Smith, and i bers for the 1937 Blackfriars’ showThe University of Chicago StudentSpeakers’ Bureau received officialrecognition last Friday from theDean of Students’ office. The Speak¬ers’ bureau is an new all-student or¬ganization designed to give studentsan opportunity to acquire skill in pub¬lic speaking by actual practice andcontact with various organizationsthroughout the Chicago area.The organization, explains GeorgeProbst, originator of the plan, start¬ed with the California earthquake afew years ago. At that time theauditoriums and other centers forpublic speaking were greatly impair¬ed by the quake. The result wasthat the student groups interested inforensics adopted the practice ofspeaking before meetings of suchclubs as the Kiwanis, Rotary, etc.In Chicago there are innumerablegroups that are desirous of havingwell prepared and representativespeakers, appear before them to dis¬cuss subjects of prevalent interest.At the same time-there are a num¬ber of students who are anxious tobecome more proficient as speakers,I and who have some particular sub-just in which they are interestedand about which they have a rathercomprehensive understanding. TheSpeakers’ Bureau will act as a go-between to bring these two groupstogether.During Christmas vacation a num¬ber of groups were contacted and atpresent the Bureau has more engage¬ments than it has speakers.This is one organization in whichclass distinctions will have no bear¬ing. All students will be treated asequals and will be judged solelyupon their ability.Probst is emphatic in announcingthat all students will receive impar¬tial consideration and he urges taatanyone who feels that he knows“something about anything and cantell it to anyone else,” prepare a 20to 30 minute talk and submit it tathe Board of Review.The Board of Review will be com¬posed of George Probst, student di¬rector of the Bureau; John Stoner,director of the Debate Union; JacobOchstien, president of the DebateUnion; and Lloyd Davidson, a facul¬ty member from the English depart¬ment.The Bureau will share offices with(Continued on page 3)is given personal property in earn¬ings, savings, the home in which theperson lives, and its equipment. Theright to inheritance of such propertyhas been granted by an amendmentintroduced at congress. Within thethe collective unit the peasant house¬hold may have a small garden anda few animals, and may sell theable to obtain first hand information I products of these. Since the peas-eherut. Muriel AbbotWill again direct Mirror on the governmental reorganization.“Moscow emphasizes that it is so¬cialism and not communism that hasbeen introduced by the constitution.Communism is the aim, and the pres¬ent system prevailing in the SovietUnion is expected eventually to leadto Communism,” Professor Harperpointed out.The socialist character of the pres¬ent system, he claimed can be seenin the fact that there is practicallyno private ownership of the imple¬ments and means of production, a re¬sult of the expropriation of propertyowners and the “liq;uidation” ofwhole classes, including the richerpeasants. ant consumes most of these products,they are considered consumers'(Continued on page 2) Association. His subject, “Ambul¬ance Chasing,” should prove partic¬ularly timely and interesting in viewof the much-publicised investigationsof this racket recently carried out inthe Chicago area. Blackfriars IssueCall for 1937Soph ManagersTalley have been able to do withpractically nothing.”Debate Union DiscussesFraternities With ‘Bos’Representatives of the Hobo Col¬lege Knowledge Box will meet mem¬bers of the Debate Union and othersto discuss fraternities at 8 tonightin room A of the Reynolds Club.The ’bos will contend that fraterni¬ties are a subversive influence incollege life.The discussion will be in the form^ All capital goods are .now I of a symposium which the 'bos willeither owned by the state or held by 1 open by stating their position. ^ Freshman ClassAll petitions of nomination tothe Freshman Executive Councilmust be submitted to Miss Fran¬ces Bing, secretary to Dean Smithby Wednesday noon, it was an¬nounced yesterday.Voting for the nominees for po¬sitions on this committee will beheld Thursday at Cobb Hall.Hours will be 9 to 12 and 1 to4:30.It was also announced that ameeting of the Freshman Advis¬ory Council, a committee estab¬lished in the Autumn quarter, isscheduled for Wednesday at 5 inthe Maruuii office. IF Council MeetsTonight to DiscussIntensive RushingWith intensive rushing scheduledto start tomorrow, the Interfraterni¬ty Council will meet tonight at 7:30in Room D of the Reynolds Club.Rushing chairmen of the varioushouses are asked to attend so thati all questions relative to the rushingI rules, may be definitely settled.The importance of the meetingwas emphasized yesterday by themembers of the I-F committee whowarned all houses that penalties in¬flicted for violation of rules duringthe intensive rushing week will bemade upon the assumption that thefraternities have a clear understand¬ing of the points explained in to¬night’s meeting. “Ignorance of therules will be no excuse.”Indications are that the rules willbe enforced more strictly this yearthan ever. The Daily Maroon is co¬operating with the committee andwill publish complete reports of allviolations of the rushing code. As¬sistant Dean of Students, Leon P.i Smith, has also indicated that all reI ported violations will be punished byI hia office. will be selected by junior managersin Room A, Reynolds club, today at3:30.A manager of cast and a managerof chorus will be selected by LeoO’Neill, Company Manager, whileCharles Burnett, Technical manager,will choose managers of lights, andof scenery.Six managerial positions are avail¬able in the Production department:Assistant production, costumes, gleeclub, high school production, music,and properties. The department isheaded by Robert Anderson.The Publicity department, headedby Francis. Callahan will select man¬agers of gfijneral publicity, alumni,newspapers, posters, radio and pho¬tography. New this year, the pho-.tography department will specializein candid camera shots of productionrehearsals.In line with Blackfriars’ policy,all the preceding positions will befilled strictly on the basis of merit.Campus Peace CouncilSponsors Round-Table“The Economic Basis of War” willbe the subject of the first StudentRound-table Discussion sponsored bythe All-Campus Peace Council. Themeeting will be held in Social Sci¬ence 302 at 3:30 next Thursday.This is the flrsL of a senes ol fivediscussions, to be ^sponsored by thecouncil.«Page Two THE DAILY MAROON. TUESDAY, JANUARY 19, 1937iEaronnFOUNDED IN 1901Member Associated Collegiate Press *The Daily Maroon is the official student newspaper of theUniversity of ChicaRo, published mornings except Saturday, Sun¬day, and Monday during the Autumn, Winter, and Spring quartersby The Daily Maroon Company, 5831 University avenue. Tele¬phones: Li>cal 46. and Hyde Dark 9221 and 9222.The University of Chicago assumes no responsibility for anystatements appearing in The Daily Maroon, or for any contractentered into by The Daily Maroon. .All opinions in The DailyMar(X)n are student opinions, and are not necessarily the viewsof Die University administration.The Daily Maroon expressly reserves the rights of publicationof any material appearing in this paper. Subscription rates:$2.75 a year; J4 by mail. Single copies: three cents.Entered as second class matter March 18, 1903, at the post officeat Chicago, Illinois, under the act of March 3, 1879.RCPRESENTEO FOR NATIONAL ADVERTISING BTNational Advertising Service, IncCollege Publishers Representative420 Madison AvE. New York, N.Y.Chicago • Boston . San francscoLos ANGELES • Portland • SeattleBOARD OF CONTROLJULIAN A. KISER Editor-in-ChiefDONALD ELLIOTT Business ManagerED\V.\RD S. STERN Managing EditorJOHN G. MORRIS Associate EditorJ-4MES F. BERNARD. Advertising ManagerBernice BartelsEmmett DeadmanSigmund DansigerCharles Hoy EDITORI.\L ASSOCIATESEdward Fritz Cody PfanstiehlEl Roy Colding Betty RobbinsBUSINESS ASSOCIATESBernard Levine Robert RosenfelsWilliam RubachEDITORIAL ASSISTANTSHarris Beck Maxine Beisenthal Rex HortonLaura Bergquist Mary Diemer David MauzySTAFF PHOTOGRAPHERSDavid Eisendrath Donal HolwayNight Editor: Emmett DeadmanAssistants: Henry George Grossman and Lome CookTuesday, January 19, 1937Loyalists and PeaceClaiming complete consistency in the vari¬ous planks of their platform, the members ofthe ASU have steadfastly maintained that noparadox is involved in their general standagainst war of any sort, their support of theOxford Oath, on the one hand, and theirpolicy of giving aid to the loyalist cause in thecurrent Spanish imbroglio, on the other hand.In other words, they contend that by aidingone of the parties to a civil war they arefighting the possibility of a general war. Inorder to deny that a paradox is containedtherein, one must argue that victory for theSpainish loyalists will in the long run promotethe interests of democracy and peace. Tbatwe cannot do.The familiar theme of those who holdthis position runs somewhat as follows:Fascism, wherever found, is invariably linkedwith aggression and war, and is one of themost powerful forces making for conflict.Victory for the Spanish rebels, who are open¬ly abetted by the two leading Fascist powersof Europe, will mean another Fascist dictator¬ship and another armed camp in western Eu¬rope. “If Germany is to be allowed to makeSpain a Nazi colony, will that tend to hastenor delay the next war?” Accordingly, itshould be the burning duty of every true loverof d emocracy and peace to do everything inLis power to see that the Spanish Fascists andtheir Italian and German backers are prevent¬ed from gaining the upper hand in the Iberianpeninsula.On the question of the legality of sendingrelief to the loyalists, they argue that duringthe United States Civil War this government“insisted on its right to purchase freely abroad,and on the denial of that right to the Confed¬eracy;’’ and that “American policy and inter¬national law have both long upheld the rightof recognized governments to suppress armedrevolts and freely purchase supplies includ¬ing arms.”These arguments, in general, we can char¬acterize only as naive. To the latter, specifi¬cally, we reply that they indicate a static con¬ception of history and of the field of inter¬national relations. The inconsistency is ap¬parent in an argument based first on theallegation that the war in Spain is merely aninternal strife in which a recognized govern¬ment is trying to suppress a revolt and basedsecond on the contention that outside Fascistpowers are actively supporting the rebels.But it does not take even a keen observerto see that the situation in Spain has alreadyproceeded beyond the point where one couldhope that victory for the loyalists will restore<lemocratic government and thus aid the cause•of world peace. Spain seems to be fated for<}ictator8hip whatever happens, and be it dic¬tatorship of the army, church and upper class¬es. or dictatorship of the proletariat, it is not likely to have peaceful intentions. Let us haveno delusions that Communist dictatorship inany way aids the cause of world peace. Wehave right now the example of Russia with itshuge fighting machine geared to go into actionat the slightest provocation.The case is most aptly stated by ProfessorJerome G. Kerwin: “It doesn’t really matternow who wins this affair—the people of Spainhave already lost. They have never had realdemocracy, and slogans such as Fascism vs.Democracy are as ridiculous as they are false. . . This is no longer a civil war, but a Eu¬ropean one, and it is almost certain that thepeople are scheduled for dictatorship no mat¬ter who wins. It u quite probable that shouldthe loyalist government be victorious . . . theywill be even stricter in their dictatorial meth¬ods, and won’t take any chances of anotherrevolution.” ,No, this is not another "war to save Demo¬cracy.”—J. A. K.The Travelling BazaarBy BOB SPEER. )PROFESSOR Millett has a class in EnglishLiterature, 1550-1660 at 1:30. At 2:30 he has a classin Shakespeare, What with the new quarter, newfaces and all. Professor Millett hasn’t been quitesure lately of just what was what. The other dayabout 2 o’clock. Professor Millett looked up from thebook he had been reading to the class for the pasthalf hour, noted a peculiar expression on the faceof one of the front-rowers, uttered a stricken moan,and hurriedly crammed Hamlet out of sight in adrawer. Lettersto the Editor Educational Trends Interpretedby Students at ASU ParliamentKNOWING full well that we will probably besued immediately for infringement of copyright, wenevertheless take the chance of publishing the fol¬lowing anonymous contribution, which reaches us viaBob Fitzgerald. It is entitled, simply,MENMen are what women marry. They have twofeet, two hands, and sometimes two wives—but nevermore than one dollar or one idea at a time. LikeTurkish cigarettes, men are all made of the samematerial. The only difference is that some are bet¬ter disguised than others.Generally speaking, they may be divided intothree classes: Husbands, Bachelors, and Widowers.An eligible Bachelor is a mass of obstinacy entirelysurrounded by suspicion. Husbands are of threevarieties, prizes, surprises and consolation prizes.Making a Husband out of a man is one of the high¬est plastic arts known to civilization. It requiresscience, sculpture and common sense; and faith,hope and charity—especially charity.It is a psychological marvel that a soft, fluffy,tender, violet-scented sweet young thing like a womanshould enjoy kissing a big, awkward, stubby-chinned,tobacco-and-bay-rum-scented thing like a man.If you flatter a man, it frightens him to death;And if you don’t he is bored to death. If you permithim to make love to you, he gets tired of you in theend; and if you don’t, he gets tised of you in thebeginning.If you believe everything he tells you, you soon<;ease to interest him; and if you argue with himover everything, you soon cease to charm him. Ifyou wear gay colors, rouge and a starting hat, hehesitates to take you out; and if you wear a littlebrown toque and a tailor-made, he takes you out andstares all evening at a woman in gay colors, rougeand a startling hat.If you join him in his gaieties and approve ofhis drinking, he swears you are driving him to thedevil; and if you don’t approve of his drinking andui*ge him to give up his gaieties, he vows you aredriving him to the devil.If you are a clinging-vine type, he doubts if youhave a brain; and if you are a modern, advanced andIndependent woman, he doubts whether you have aheart. If you are silly, he longs for a bright mate;and if you are brilliant and intellectual, he longs fora playmate. If you are popular with other men, heis jealous; and if you are not, he hesitates to marrya wall-flower.Strangest of all creatures are Men.* ♦ ♦ ♦ *WHICH reminds us, by way of rebuttal, of onefavorite misogynisms, a little verse that runs asfollows:Since my reflexes operateOn less than normal voltage, IAm doubly grieved that I must watchThis opportunity slip by.Rilly, dahling, it’s not mostEnticing, subtlest when it’s hipped—And we’ll assume, since you’re not male.That you’re mammarily equipped.My dear, how too, too tactless toReveal the cosmic urge you bear.(If only you had made me thinkThat I had put the notion there DEKES COMPLAINEditor, The Daily MaroonMay we take this opportunity tocorrect a glaringly erroneous factwhich has appeared twice in CodyPfanstiehl’s column, “FraternityFacts,’’ concerning pledge fees inDelta Kappa Epsilon. When feeswere first listed, (see “FraternityCosts” in issue of Dec. 11) Dekepledge costs were listed at $30.00 amonth which admittedly included sixmeals a month along with the pledgedues. In a later correction (see edi¬tion of Jan. 15) it was stated thatthere are no pledge fees in DKE butpledges were charged $30.00 permonth for six meals a week. It istrue that there are no pledge duesfor Deke pledges, but any interest¬ed freshman can easily see that the$30.00 a month for meals must bewrong (even if Cody couldn’t see itin spite of the fact that he was told! about his error several times), forthe above sum figures to about $1.25a meal, which is high even for theexcellent meals served at the Dekehouse.May we once and for all announcethe correct charges for Deke pledges.There are no pledge feet. Pledgeswho can arrange to eat at the houseare asseessd $30.00 per quarter,which includes six meals a week—luncheon on Monday through Fri¬day, and dinner Monday night.Sam Whitetide,Treasurer, DKE. , “It is time the student, on the re¬ceiving end of education, examinedwhat he is getting.” So declared JohnBarden, former editor of The DailyMaroon, in the first speech beginningthe ASU parliament of EducationFriday. Barden in his speech em¬phasized the point that the end ofeducation is intelligent action. Healso attacked the empirial stand, call¬ing it vocationalism. Following Bar¬den with the Dewey viewpoint, PaulGoodman stated that the primaryfunction of education is to aid inthe adaptation of the individual tohis environment. Declaring that thismeant combining practice with the¬ory, he denied the implication ofvocationalism.Differing from the previous speak¬ers, Frank Meyer, presenting theMarxist approach, pointed out thateducation is really the processwhereby men are taught how to livewell in society. He complimentedPresident Hutchins on introducingthe problem of synthesizing educa¬tion, but pointed out that the solu¬tion of President Hutchins was a“totalitarian education, a return tothe philosophy of St. Thomas Aquin¬as and reactionary Catholicism.”The only solution he declared undercapitalism is democratic control ofeducation by students and faculty.Glen Ncgley, the last speaker main¬tained that the content of education depends on the purpose of that odu-cation. He stressed the cultivati.)nof intellectual strife as the bestmeans of improving education.Profes.sor Lovett wound up the i-i.teresting discussion that followedthe four speakers by expressing' afew words about his views on i du¬ration, stressing the right of all tolearn the truth. He added that“this is the most interesting discus¬sion on education I have heard inmany years.”In persuance of its policy ofbringing to the campus everythingthat provokes intelligent discussion,The Daily Maroon will present short¬ly a series of articles on Education,representing the Liberal, Scholastic.Marxian, and pragmatic points ofview.3 Months* ShorthandCourse for CollegeGraduates andUndergraduatesIdeal for taking notes at college orfor tpare-tiine or full time poaition*.Classes start the first of January.April, July, and' October.Call, u'rite, or telephoneState ISRl for complete farts.The Gregg CollegeS N. Michigan Are., ChicagoHarper(Continued from page 1)poods, the only type of goods inwhich the Soviet system permits ■private ownership. jWith wages differentiated on the jbasis of ability and zeal, it is possible [for the individual to acquire a dif- 1ferential share of consumers’ goods, iwith the result that there are today jseveral successful writers in Moscowwho earn enoueh to be classified asmillionaires, Professor Harper point¬ed out.The equalitarian principle popu¬larly associated with socialist doc¬trines is not applied nor is it ac¬knowledged as part of socialism inthe Soviet Union. The principle isapplied, however, in the guarantiesspecifically formulated in the consti¬tution as to work, leisure time, edu¬cation, and social insurance.In speaking of the cultural andmaterial progress during the lasttwo years. Professor Harper statedthat there has been unquestionableimprovement. Life is still hard,there .still is a shortage of many ar¬ticles of consumption, and prices arehigh. Production methods, however,are improving in both industry and' agriculture, the latter being partic-j ularly marked since more self-gov-enment has been given to the collec¬tive farms. Labor is still unproduc¬tive and management inefficient ascompared to we.stein industrializedcountries. Outstanding ValuesCOMPLETE WORKS OF PLATO$1.95ROCKWRL KENT SHAKESPEARE$3.95BARTLEITS FAMILIAR QUOTATIONS(New Edition)$1.69U. of C. Bookstore5802 ELLIS AVE.EVENINGCLOTHESTAK( VOiIA 6ALTo A MowThere are lots of pleasantdiings you can do widi them<Miey you*ll save by eat'ing at Younker*s regularly.COMpIt#* UlHCkeOH 35*^Compl0H DhuT., 6S^51 E. Chicago Avc.1510 Hyde Park Bird.501 Davb Street. Evanstoa “Back to Formal”Top Hat ... $10 Homburg . . $7.50White Tie . $1.50 Black Tie . . $1.50Tails .... $41.50 Tux $36.50Done in the inimitable style which has alwayscharacterized jerrems designing and tailoring.324 SOUTH MICHIGAN AVENUEBetween Jackieg amd Vae iereeTHE DAILY MAROON, TUESDAY, JANUARY 19, 193f Page ThreeBroadwayHoliday♦ * ♦Ofc. SHARPLESS HICKMAN♦ ♦ ♦The most charming, the most ar¬tistic, and the diritiest stage offeringon Broadway is a two hundred andfifty year old comedy by WilliamWycherley: “The Country Wife.”Certainly a combination of “To¬bacco Road” and “Measure forMeasure” would be pale stuff com¬pared to the salicious humor of thisconcoction for the court of his re-.stored majesty, King Charles II.Gilbert Miller—that pudgy manwho has three other A-1 hits on the—has restored this literary toil¬et-seat with a care which could bematched only by the Oriental Insti¬tute’s unwrapping of a mummy.Oliver Messel’s sets—especially thatgorgeous back-drop of the “Schoolfor Cuckolds”—gives this piece anarti.stic piquancy equal to its verbalwhang.But it is on the coy shoulders ofMiss Ruth Gordon that the successof this reincarnation rests. By nowcritics must have written a newthesaurus to describe her attributesand attitudes in the part. Neverhave I viewed as perfect a piece ofl)Osing as she exhibits in the let¬ter scene. This is stage body move¬ment at its most expressive—a physi¬cal creation of the highest artistry,used in combination with a voice sur¬prising in its clear power of intima¬tion without bald explanation.The story of the cavalier whoposes as a eunuch so that other menwill allow him to be free with theirwives is too well known to need re¬hearsing here. But it still remains,for all its age, and despite our feel¬ing that the coeducational knowledgeof sex has reached its height in thetwentieth century, a play which maywell make the most forward malebelieve that he was twenty-five dec¬ades too late rather than one or twoahead of his times.• • •Strange to say, it is the very an¬tithesis of “The Country Wife”—inauthorship and subject—which is, tome, the other brilliant high-spot onBroadway’s list of offerings. Thisis the year-mellowed performance Helen Hayes in Lawrence Hous-man’s “V’ictoria Regina.” Hayesfreely confesses her boredom withthis role—a boredom which springsnot only from a year’s performance,l)ut from the outlook of anotherhalf-year in New York, a half-yeartouring and then the movie version—but there is nothing in her per¬formance indicative of the tiring or¬deal through which she goes nightafter night.This series of vignettes is the truestuff of the theatre, and definitelystamps the perfect union of biogra¬phy and the footlights. True, thereare no terrific climaxes. Also, thereis no real plot in the Aristoteliansense. But there is something sobinding in the gi-owing character ofV’ictoria as played by the supremecraftswoman of our theatre that theensemble is far more powerful than,.say, “Disraeli” or any similar bio¬graphical play. There is the quietintensity of reality in these scenes;a reality which is human more thanit is historical. And it is a presenta¬tion which binds the old queen might¬ily to our hearts—as even her ownpeople are at last beginning to real¬ize.For, as the year ended, new camefrom England—doubtless not entire¬ly unlinked with the recent domesticupheavel there — that Hou.seman’splays—once soundly banned—arenow considered material worthy ofbeing shown. Certainly thesesketches should sit just right withBritish audiences now, for there issomething of the hearthstone inevery one of them. And though Iwould not curse Miss Hayes with thethought—the other twenty playletswould be worth seeing, too.* * *I unfortunately missed LeslieHoward’s production of “Hamlet,”having arrived in New York just af-it left there, and returning to Chi¬cago three days, after it journeyedon. But I did, at least, see GuthrieMcClintic’s production with JohnGielgud in the title role.Almost every person in and aboutthe theatre with whom I talked whilein NeW York assured me that notonly was the Howard production(with sets by Stewart Cheney in themediaeval Danish style) infinitelysuperior, but that it was better direct¬ed and better adapted by far. I canwell believe this after having seenthe miserable English Cavalier(Charles I) period stylization inwhich Jo Mielzlner clothed the Mc- Socialist MeetingHonors LuxemburgLenin, LiebknechtTo commemorate the deaths ofthree great revolutionists, the So¬cialist Club will present a programin the north lecture room of the LawSchool tomorrow night at 7:30, inhonor of Lenin, Liebknecht andLuxemburg.Melos Most, editor of Tht Chal¬lenge of Youth, will speak on Nik¬olai Lenin, genius of the Russianrevolution who died on January 21,1924. Herbert Passin, new manag¬ing editor of Soapbox, will pay trib¬ute to Karl Liebknecht, Germanrevolutionary who died with RosaLuxemburg on January 15, 1919.Lydia Beidel, graduate student inSociology, is to speak on Luxem¬burg.The meeting, which will be opento the public, is designed to acquaintthe general student body with thelives of three of the greatest figuresin the history of Socialism, accord¬ing to George Reedy, president ofthe organization. Today on theQuadranglesTarpon Tryoutc at 4:45 in IdaNoyes.Theology' Club Lecture. .“TheProblem of the Philosophy of His¬tory,” Dean S. J. Case. Swift Com¬mons room at 7:30.Divinity Chapel. “Overcoming OurInferiorities.” Associate ProfessorHolman. Joseph Bond Chapel at12:00 M.Public Lecture. “The Psychology'of Education.” Professor Freeman.Social Science 122 at 3:30 p.m.Board of Libraries. Harper W.llat 3:30 p.m.Public Lecture (Downtown).“American Poetry Today. Experi¬mentalists.” Associate ProfessorMillett. The Art Institute, 6:45 p.m. East ofElliISForensic Club(Continued from page 1)Clintic version. Here was a per¬formance unpaced, untutored, andwith almost every actor (except Ar¬thur Byron, Lillian Gish and, occa¬sionally Mr. Gielgud) posing likechromos in the worst possible Del-sarte manner. It was a productionpitched so high upon the “tragicplane” that its participants stalkedthe boards like conniving hangmen, iNever—and of all people—did I 'expect to see anything so poorly ^done as Judith Anderson’s Queen. |Malcom Keene’s interpretation of the |King was only worsted by his strug-!gle with the microphone as the Ghost, jFor not only did Mr. McClintic mod¬ernize his “Hamlet” to the periodof Charles I, but moreover he madeit twentieth century by having a mi¬crophone for the Ghost’s speech.Need I say that when I was there—and invariably, I am told—the soundsystem goes “blooey” about halfwaythrough this impressive episode?Mr. Gielgud’s Hamlet is, to me,not altogether satisfying. 1 shouldlike to have seen the Howard ver¬sion, despite its unanimous criticalcondemnation. I may be “out ofjoint” with the times, but I like aquiet Hamlet; not one that looks asif he had the energy to replace Boul¬der Dam. Mr, Gielgud starts andshouts and cringes and crawls by turnuntil he had me cringing and crawl¬ing and starting and almost shouting—not to mention biting my nails. Isuppose this is the intellectual Ham- the Debate Union on the second floorin the rear of the Music Building.Those who are interested are urgedto come to the office between 4 and6 in the afternoon and see Probstor Stoner. Applicants will be heardby the Board of Review as quicklyas possible and if accepted will becatalogue immediately.Int House(Continued from page 1)which a year ago was merely anidea.Boasting a conservative terra cot¬ta cover designed by a staff mem¬ber of the “Vogue” magazine, “TheInternational Quarterly” is the sizeof the Atlantic Monthly. Publishedfor distribution throughout the coun¬try, it goes on sale Thursday at aprice of $.25 per copy. 4000 copiesare being published for the first is¬sue.let of our age. Everyone tells me itis, and it must be so. But I still saythat either Mr. Gielgud—despite hisexcellent acting in the bed-chamberof the Queen and in the Rosencrantzand Guildenstern sequences—is toonervously energetic for HamletEither that, or the entire productionwas so generally lethargic as to makehim stand out like Roosevelt at thefall of Landon bridge. By GEORGE FELSENTHAL* * *Last Thursday we talked at somelength about the lack of faculty-student relations under the ChicagoPlan. Several students have talkedwith us about the problem sincethen, and several have pointed outthe fact that several organizationsare attempting to bring facultymembers and students together.Perhaps the most notable example isin the case of the Chapel Unionwhich has been giving teas for facul¬ty and students. Also, individualattempts have been made to estab¬lish lunch tables in the Commons forinterested students to meet with rep¬resentative faculty members.Undoubtedly some good has beenaccomplished by these efforts. Butthe fact remains that these methodsreach but a small part of the stu¬dent body. Also, the contacts, madein this way are unavoidably formal¬ized. It takes deliberate effort tobring the two groups together, andin this way much of the spontaneityof the contact is lost. Talk has tobe forced; while if the student andinstructor met through class discus¬sion the relation would flow smooth¬ly and naturally.Another friend told us that weahd merely scratched the surface of jthe complexities involving social con¬tacts under the New Plan. He point¬ed out that there was little contactbetween student and student, notonly between instructor and student.And there is a lot of truth in thisfriend’s statement. Let us. take, forinstance, the student who is justthat—and nothing more. He comesto school in the morning, attends histhree, four, or five classes; and thenremoves himself to the library wherehe stays until dinner time. He be¬longs to no fraternity, no organiza¬tion, and is not interested in activ¬ities, His classes are only lecturecourses, so he never hears the views jof his fellow classmates and nevergets the opportunity to argue aquestion with them, unless he doesso after class which is extremely un¬likely. He may know a few class¬mates who sit in the same generalsection of the room that he sits in,but that is about all. And there are students like this—plenty of them. If you think overthe students who are active in extra¬curricular fields, you wdll find thatpositions are duplicated over andover again. The number of students,then, who are interested in activitiesis really but a small part of the stu¬dent body.Besides activities, there are sev¬eral other outlets for the gregarious- [ly inclined. Intramural athletics pro¬vide a splendid way to meet people,and a most beneficial one. There aremany departmental clubs which of¬fer an opportunity to meet facultyand students. There are the social¬ly-minded groups which run fromliberal to radical, and draw many.And finally there is the fraternitysystem.This being one day from the open-Do You Want to Be onthe Radio?IF you can play an instrument,IF you can sing,IF you are a mimic, in factIF you have talent of any sort (or if you know ofany student who does)REPORT TODAYto MR. DWIGHT COOKE,Room D, Reynolds Club,anytime from 2 to 5. /PONTIACS “VARSITY SHOWUNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO NIGHTFRIDAY, JANUARY 29, 9:30NBC-WMAQ »» DREXEL THEATRE858 E. 63rdTODAY“Adventure in ^Manhattan” /'Accusing Finger” ing of intensive rushing week, itwould be appropriate to mention,Soapbox, Elsie Robinson, and halfthe campus to the contrary, thatthere is a value in belonging to afraternity. One value will sufficefor this column. That value is that,no matter how few fellow studentsthe college man knows, he has al¬ways his own group to turn to, hisown fraternity house to chew the fatin during endless “bull sessions.”This is especially true for the cityundergraduate, as it may be his onlytie-in with campus life. It is a lux¬ury, but a worth-while one. This isprobably also true as far as. clubsare concerned, although they haveno central meeting place. Othervalues will undoubtedly be expand¬ed by sixteen groups starting Wed¬nesday.Teresa Dolan Invif-es You toDance Every Friday NightPERSHING BALLROOMS.W. Cor. 64th & CottaKe Grove. Adm. 40cERNST TUCKER’S MusicPrivate & Class Lessons Children & AdultsStudio, 1545 E. 63rd St. Hyd. Park 3080FOR A LIMITED TIMEWe are renewing our 3 in I offerTHE CAP & GOWN $3.50THE STUDENT DIRECTORY 25THE STUDENT HANDBOOK 25Total value $4.00ALL THREE FOR $3.50with an advance subscription forThe 1937 Cap & GownSUBSCRIPTIONS may be obtained at theCap Gr Gown office in Lexington Hall, TheInformation Desk, Tailor Tom, and fromCap Ct Gown staff members. Offer will bewithdrawn February 1.EVENINGCLOTHES ■SOCIAL life seems to have unanimouslyadopted the slogan “ Back to formal.”And Jerrems respond with “Tails” and“Tux” done in that inimitable style whichhas always characterized Jerrems design¬ing and tailoring.READY-TO-WEAR•TAILS’’—FORTY-FIVE DOLLARSCustom tailored to order, seventy-five dollars and up324 SOUTH MICHIGAN AVENUEJacktom aad VaaPage Four WE DAILY MAROON. TUESDAY, JANUARY 19, 1937Maroons Lose to Northwestern,Michigan in Hectic Week-End Injuries Cause Forfeit; WrestlingSquad Loses Northwestern MeetPlay of Paul AmundsenImportant Feature ofWolverine Game.(Continued from page 1)The big factor in the second halfdrive of Chicago was the lanky cen¬ter, Paul Amundsen, who from some-w’here gained confidence in himselfand connected for three hook shots.His last, from 25 feet out, gave theMaroons their last second lead.Paul’s aggressive floor work on of¬fense and defense ticketed him forstardom.The Michigan giants, Townsendand Captain Gee, led their team toits big lead. Gee connected fromboth sides of the hoop with hookshots and Townsend not only collect¬ed eight points in the first period butfed the ball to his teammates as theyswished baskets. The Maroon flare-up in the opening half was largelydue to some excellent guarding byRossin, Petersen and Amundsen.LOSE TO WILDCATSAs part of the quadruple lickingadministered by Northwestern, theMaroon cagers were easily subduedby the Wildcat five Saturday nightin’the Fieldhouse, 44-21.Except for the opening nine min¬utes, when both defenses proved in-penetrable, the Purple quintet wassuperior with their deadly long shotsand perfectly executed block plays.Once they broke through the Maroondefense, it didn’t take long for the'Cats to get going, and the score athalf time was 17-12.From the moment Trenkle hit with two hoops early in the second period,Northwestern went on a rampage.The Maroons at no time in this halfwere given an opportunity to showanything. Even the play of “Red”Rossin, who up to this game hadbeen gaining prestige for his greatwork in holding down opposing highscorers, fell far below par. “Red”was tailing Mike McMichaels, Wild¬cat forward, who scored seventeenpoints during the evening.The Purple drew first blood in Mc-I Michael’s early charity shot, whichwas followed closely by Eggemeyer’sfree throw. A few minutes laterMercer did the same, and the first* shot from the floor wasn’t made un-I til eight minutes had expired, whenI Bob Fitzgerald broke the ice to givethe Midway outfit a 3-2 lead.Coach Dean’s men weren’t longin taking the hint, and immediatelyMcMichael and Trenkle scored twofield goals apiece. After Eggemeyerand Petersen had countered withtwo points each. Bender entered thescoring column with a basket andfree throw. The half closed as Mc¬Michael scored for the Purple andFitzgerald swished twice for the Ma¬roons.After Trenkle had opened thei scoring in the last half, the Maroons; rallied as Amundsen scored first on, a tip-in shot and then surprised thej crowd of 3500 by connecting for twoi consecutive charity shots. This gaveI the lanky center a perfect recordI for the night in this department,where he had been notoriously lack¬ing in skill, up to Saturday.The Wildcats, however, were quickto respond, and their two forwardswere aided by Nagode, Bender,Voights, and Koble in running thescore up to the point of a rout. Inthe final 15 minutes of the fray, theNorgrenites could do no better thanscore five points. Chicago WaterTeams Lose toNorthwesternNorthwestern University rudelytoppled Chicago’s Big Ten title hopesas far as the swimming world is con¬cerned, winning 47 to 37 in the firstswimming meet of the season, andswamping the Water Polo team, 7to 4, in the first conference waterpolo game Saturday night at Bart¬lett pool.The meet was featured by theclose races between Co-CaptainChuck Wilson of Chicago, andDanny Zehr of Northwestern in thelonger freestyle distances. In win¬ning the 220 yard swim, Wilson un¬officially set a new Big Ten recordof 2 minutes, 16.8 seconds. The jexisting record is now 2 minutes,18.2 seconds. It w’as called unoffi¬cial because there were only twotimes instead of the three requiredby the rules. Zehr won the 400 yardswim in a closely contested race,winning with a spurt on the last twolengths.Floyd Stauffer, Chicago, avengedhis last year’s deefat at the hands ofNorth, Northwestern diver, outpoint¬ing him by 12.12 points.Frolic Theatre55th & ELLIS AVE.TODAY“DODSWORTH”withWalter Huston - Ruth ChattertonTOMORROW“Make Way For a Lady”^withAnn Shirley - Herbert Marshall The Maroon mat team, lacking a 'heavyweight contender because of aseries of injuries, forfeited the de¬ciding match to Northwestern Satur¬day to lose by a 14-12 score. Themeet was closely contested through¬out.In the feature match of the eve¬ning Captain Bob Finwall whippedLoverde of the Purple by a verydecisive margin. Although Loverdehad to be revived with smelling saltsafter the bout. Bob, was unable topin his man, thus losing one chancefor a tie.Jack Haas, wrestling at 165pounds, was caught in a punishingdouble-wristlock in his match withWeiss of Northwestern, A fall atthat time meant certain defeat forthe Maroons, and Jack hung onthrough a torturous three minutesto save those precious two points. Hereceived, and certainly deserved, jmore applause and cheers in defeatthan did any other member of eithersquad in victory.CLASSIHED ADSREWARDFor return of ladies blackand green Scheaffersfountain pen to GreenHall, Room 8.Bargain. Microscope, slightlyused. H. Schnuch. Plaza 5010.For Sale—Portable typewriter.L. C. Smith silent model, 1 yr. old.Call H. J. Ogden, Mid. 0870 9 to 5.Wanted—A letter from a younglady at Briarcliff. Box 5121 Univer¬sity. Girls’ Cage Teamsto Open I-M PlayBasketball is the predominantsport at Ida Noyes these days amongthose women who still think sportsa lot of fun. Classes are held onTuesday and Thursday at 12, onTuesday, Wednesday, and Thursdayat 3:30, and on Wednesday at 5.Competition during these hours isbetween class teams, with the Sen¬iors striving no hold the champion¬ship won by last year’s graduatingclass. From these squads is pickedan Honor Team to play the Alum¬nae and the high school HonorTeam,Any dormito:-y, clas.s, club or othergroup may enfer a team in the In-tran»ural championship play. Anyteam wishing to enter is urged tohave a representative see Miss Burnsat Ida Noyes lot later than Wednes¬day so that the schedule may becompleted.TheHITCHINGPOSTOpen 24 Hours a DayWAFFLECHEESEBURGERCREAM OMELETSTEAK1552 E. 57th StreetN. W. Corner Stony loUaii I-M BASKETBALLSchedule for Today‘A’ Tenma7:30—Alpha Tau Omega vs.Beta Tau; Kappa Sigma vs.Delta Theta; Phi Kappa Psi vsSigma Chi; Delta Upsilon vs. IhiSigma Delta,8:15—Beta Theta Pi vs. Chi IM;Alpha Delta Phi vs. Phi KappaSigma; Phi Beta Delta vs. Psi I'p.silon; Phi Gamma Delta vs. pjI.Ambda Phi.‘B’ Teams9:00—Alpha Delta Phi vs. Psi J p-silon; Chi P li vs. Psi Upsilon “C";Phi Delta Theta vs. Phi SigrnaDelta “X”; Delta Kappa Epsilonvs. Phi Sigma Delta,STUDENTS!!SAVE Vi OF YOURLAUNDRY BILLYour entire bundle is washedsweet and clean in pure soap andrain soft water.Handkerchiefs and flat piecesironed. Underwear, Pajamas, Sweat¬ers, Socks, etc., are fluff-dried readyto use at only10c PER LB.Shirts De Luxe Hand Finished,starched, mended, and buttons re¬placed, atloe EACHwithStudent Economy BundleMETROPOLELAUNDRY, Inc.Wesley N. Karlson, Pres.1219-21 EAST 55rh STREETPhone HYDe Park 3190We call and deliver at r>o extrachargeYE CAN NA GIE MILL BUY MY OWNI KEN WHAT THEY E THOSEKINDDO....->V^ . I'iirtftikiWiVa’e' 'iriiar’^if^^dVr' ^ 'if *1^1: