Batlp iHanionVol 37. No. 47. UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO. FRIDAY. JANUARY 8. 1937 Price Three CentsSliident Radiol*rogram AirsWorld Events Ida Noyes CouncilHolds Open Housefor New StudentsTo welcome students who are at¬tending: the University for the firstInternational House Series time this quarter. Ida Noyes Counto BeginWGN. Saturday onTouching: upon sig:nificant politi¬cal, economic and social develop-nit nts taking: place in the world to-dav, the new International Houseradio series makes its debut tomor¬row afternoon with a discussion of“English and American Social Life.”Tresenting as speakers WarnerWick, a former student at Oxford,Leslie Upson. Eng:lish Common¬wealth Fund Fellow, and JamesWellard, head of intellectual activ¬ities at International House, the dis¬cussion ^roup will deal with “Cur¬rent Problems with Reference toContrasts in English and AmericanSocial Life.”Three On Each ProgramFor each Saturday afternoonbroadcast, three residents of theHouse will take charge of the irrfor-mal debates, one of these a represen¬tative of the region under discussion,another an authority on the region,and a third to act as discussion lead¬er.The order of discussion thus farhas been left flexible so that thebroadcasts may coincide as far aspo.ssible with current news events..Although a definite hour has nota.s yet been assigned the program,it will probably be aired over WGNbetween the hours of 1 :,30 and 3:30.Thirty foreign students are nowscheduled to appear on the 13 halfnour broadcasts.Choose TopicsTentative topics for debate havealready been drawn up though theschedule of speakers is yet unknown.The internal politics and foreignpolicy of the United States will besubjects under discu.ssion in the nearfuture, in addition to an analysis ofwestern Europe’s recent political de¬velopments.Eastern Europe will also come un¬der consideration, particularly withreference to Ru.ssia’s internal af- cil is sponsoring an open house to¬night from 8 to 12, in Ida NoyesHall.The program of the evening in¬cludes a variety of amusements.Heading the list is Bob Fitzgerald,newly elected football captain, whowill play request piano selections.There will be radio dancing in IdaNoyes theater and the YWCA roomthroughout the evening. In the biggym, shuffleboard and badmintonwill be followed by roller-skatingfrom 10 to lj2. Bridge, billiards,ping-pong, and bowling wil be avail¬able throughout the evening. Thepool will be open for swimming from8 to 9.Kirsten Richards, Pauline Turpin,Josephine Hibbard, and Audrey Neffare the members of the Ida NoyesAuxiliary Council who are in chargeof the affair.Although the open house is espe¬cially for new students, everyone oncampus is invited. This annual af¬fair is held to increase interest inIda Noyes activities.Buttrick Speaksat First WinterChapel ServiceDr. George A. Buttrick, describ¬ed by Dean Gilkey as the most dif¬ficult speaker to get of all who speakat the Chapel, will give the sermonat the first Chapel service of thewinter quarter, next Sunday at 11.Dr. Buttrick is minister of theMadison Avenue Presbyterian Churchin New York City, and is so popularwith his congregation that they willonly consent to his being away threeor four Sundays a year. He is somuch in demand at colleges all overfairs, laying particular emphasis on I the country on his free Sundays, that President Hutchins and BetasDiscuss Millions over CoffeeBy BOB SPEERPresident Robert Maynard Hutch-1 living in constant terror of being dugins had lunch with the Betas yester-jout of ruins. The President agreedday. The brothers stood ai'ound sort that the plight of Lexingtonians wasof awed at first, with intrepid souls lawful. He simply couldn’t standlike Tom Stauffer, Winston Ashley, | even passing the building. It workedand George McElroy gallantly at- j on him. So now he always walkstempting to punctuate, with occasion- | around the other comments, the practically contin-1 Revolution in English?uous pause. But things got chum-j Rumors have it that the Englishmier after the dinner bell rang and j dep^j-^uient will be bolstered by newbefore long Alpha Delt Hutchins was j talent next year. The Music Schoolpractically adopted. iwill not get any money for a newThe brothers wanted to know all building. Yet. There was talk ofabout that three million bucks. Yes, a million dollar Art building some-the medical school is getting $250,-000. But it is getting $250,000 ayear, for five years. Which makes adifference. Plus, after considerablejuggling around of medical financesfrom one fund to another, approxi¬mately $180,000 extra per year. Sothe medical school will reap about$2,100,000 altogether. Rush medicalschool is out in the cold. A largepart of the money will be used toestablish free beds in Billings. Somewill go into salaries. Some into main¬tenance, running expenses, etc.The Other MillionThe President drew howls of gleefrom the brothers when he an¬nounced that $40,000 will buy newbooks, but when reproached that theselected library known as the “Presi¬dent’s Reserve,” which is kept inClassics 16 for the use of History ofCulture 201, 202, 203, is not opento general students, he merely com¬mented, “The administration frownson turning the ‘President’s Reserve’over to general use. This is a case time, but so far it was still talk.Then he began talking about fanmail. “At least ten per cent of themail I get comes under the nut head¬ing. They threaten all sorts of things,not excepting physicial violence.”There was the gentleman who tele¬graphed a manifesto during the sen¬atorial investigation, signed JohnBlank, Yale ’17. Mr. Blank warnedDr. Hutchins that “a coalition ofAmerican patriotic societies wouldresort to violent means if he did notclean house and fire all these damnred professors immediately. ThePresident wired back.John Blank, Yale ’17:Romans VIII, 33.Robert M. Hutchins.Romans VHI, 33 runs like this:“Who shall lay anything to thecharge of God’s elect?”Mister ManuelThere was the gentleman whothreatened to kill Dr. Hutchins forinstigating the physics staff to per¬form experiments on him by radio. University BoardNames Luckhardtas New Presidentof graft which has survived long | The gentleman, a Mr. Manuel, wasenough to come under the classifi-' immediately i nvestigated and wascation of vested interest.”President Hutchins wastes nosympathy on Lexington Hall. A Ma- found to have been recently releasedfrom an asylum. The University ap¬plied for a writ to have Mr. Manuelroon staff member made a touching reincarcerated, and had famed psy-appeal for funds, painting a hideous chiatrists testify that Mr. Manuel’spicture of drooping roofs, wilting intentions were homicidal. But thewalls, cockroaches, staff members i (Continued on page 2)her educational and recreational op¬portunities.In dealing with the F'ar East thecultural heritage of China will bestres.sed besides a discussion of the“Impact of the West on Japan.”India’s problems of transition andher dominion status are also sched¬uled for debate by students familiarwith her problems. The attitudes ofthe colonies of Great Britain towardtheir mother country is still anotheraspect of current affairs to be re¬ferred to.Presenting both the negative andpositive angles of the League of Na¬tions will constitute the ofthree more house members ac¬quainted with current affairs. the Board of Social Service and Re¬ligion, which is in charge of choos¬ing the visiting speakers at the Cha¬pel, a.sked him to talk here in 1934and was told that he would not beable to come until 1937. His sched¬ule is completely filled until 1939, at International Law Professor Predicts .Decrease of Tension in EuropeProspects are very good for de¬creasing the tension created by theSpanish civil war according to Quin¬cy Wright, professor of InternationalLaw.Great Britain and France, bothinterested in neutrality, are acting aspolicemen in the present crisis.* Itwhich time he will speak here again, ^appears that their efforts have suc-Vesper services, which will be heldregularly every Sunday afternoonduring the Winter quarter, will beopened Sunday at 4 :30 by the Metro¬politan Church Choir, one of thelargest and best Negro choirs in Chi¬cago. The Choir is directed by J.Wesley Jones, who is well-known forhis arrangements of Negro spirituals.Dean Spencer Lauds American RadioTechnology; Prefers British Programs“Technologically the American j his time was given to visits to Brit-broadcasting system is far superiorto the British,” concluded Dean Wil¬liam Spencer of the School of Busi¬ness, “but personally I prefer Brit¬ish radio programs.”Dean Spencer returned to theUnited States in November after 10weeks spent in study and recreationin England.As president of the Chicago Broad¬casting Council which sponsors theUniversity of Chicago Round Tableand other educational programs,Dean Spencer devoted much time tothe study of British broadcastingtechnique.As far as education is concernedBritish radio is far ahead of theUnited States, according to Spencer.Not only are interesting and stimu¬lating programs, presented, but num¬erous study groups are organizedthroughout the Isles.However, Spencer pointed out thatlack of competition to the BritishBroadcasting Corporation results incertain inefficiencies which to theAmerican radio listener would bevery objectionable. Very often therewill be a five or ten minute pause be¬tween programs. Since “time” isnot sold, there is no attempt to con¬serve" it or work on schedule.Dean Spencer also spent some time■with British Railroad officials andlabor leaders studying their method ish universities, including Oxford,Cambridge, and Edinburgh. He didnot spend sufficient time there, how¬ever, to form any opinions regardingEnglish undergraduates beyond theindifferent admission that they ap¬peared quite comparable to theirAmerican contemporaries.Although he will not teach thisquarter, Spencer will resume his du¬ties as dean of the School of Busj- ceeded in ‘buying off’ Italy. Neith¬er Italy nor Germany is readyfor war, and if Italy were to pledgeneutrality. Hitler, without Musso¬lini’s backing, would not be anxiousto take drastic steps.Obviously the Fascists have madelittle progress during the last fewweeks. It is possible that the diffi¬culty is lack of support from the outtside, but in Mr. Wright’s opinion, themore the Fascists advance and con¬quer territory, the more widelyspread their meager forces are. Andif, as is now becoming certain, theloyalists are predominantly the fav¬orites of the majority of people, theFascists find it hard to hold the con¬quered territory in submission andcontinue to conquer more.Russia has been taking a quieterattitude during the crisis than eitherGermany or Italy, but it isn’t becauseshe isn’t interested. Rather, it is hergeographical position which makes itharder for Russia to assist com¬rades in Spain. However, the chancesare that she would not be adverse to a neutrality policy if only her Fasc¬ist opponents would do the same.British opinion appears to be pret¬ty well divided, but England wishes,to keep the turmoil from spreading tothe rest of the world. In this sheis supported by the people of France,(Continued on page 3) For the first time in several years,the band has organized its member¬ship, choosing Hilmar Luckhardt,graduate student in the Music de¬partment, as president. Since theband already has a business organ¬ization, the function of the new ex¬ecutive committee will be mainly totake charge of social affairs.Vice-president is Arthur Rabe, andWilliam Shanner is secretary-treas¬urer. William Rubach, as, historian,will keep records of band engage¬ments and publicity notices. To fillthe two remaining places on the ex¬ecutive committee the group haschosen Robert Mohlman and JohnDearhan, not a student at the Uni¬versity. Provision is made in theband constitutions for outsiders whoare interested in band work to join.The first event planned by thenew executive committee is a smok¬er. At present the band is playingat all home basketball games, but noout-of-town games are scheduled.The group rehearses under the di¬rection of Harold Bachman everyTuesday and Thursday evening inthe West stands of Stagg Field. Fraternity Mento Co-operateat Open HonseI-F Council Plans Frolicat Phi Kappa Psi HouseMonday.Confidently announcing that “It’sbound to be a good party,” RobertBethke, chairman of the FraternityFrolic to be held Monday evening inthe Phi Kappa Psi house, yesterdayrevealed plans for the gathering.Also, in conjunction with the In¬terfraternity Council, he appointedan executive committee of the fol¬lowing men: Bill Ross, Chi Psi; BillNegley, Phi Kappa Psi; Phil Schner-ing, Psi Upsilon; John Busby, AlphaDelta Phi; and Edward Bergman, PiLambda Phi.All fraternity men are invited tothe event, and are asked to arrive at9 so the festivities may get an earlystart.Play Ping Pong, BilliardsBethke asked that each fraternityappoint one member to defend itshonor on the field of the ping-pongtable, one doubles' team (of whichthe singles men may not be a mem¬ber) to likewise protect the fraterni¬ty colors, and one representativequalified to enter the All-Greek 25point single rail billiard champion¬ship.These tournaments will be run offevening. Bethke askedIthat all Greeks cooperate in speedingTo clear the ground for the Uni-|!!l® Pi"o^ram by not entering moreversity’s newest building, the Pub-than onelie Administration clearing house,! each sport. TheI Billiard tourney is strictly a singlesproposition, he added.“During and after these tourna¬ments there will be card games, andother games. We haven’t yet decid¬ed just what these other games willbe,” he said.“Will there be anything else?” hewas asked.“Oh yes,” said Bethke. “There willbe free beer for all.”Cou ncil Announces HoursThe Interfraternity council yes¬terday formally announced thatthere will be three periods of rush¬ing each day during the intensiverush week starting January 20. Thehours are Luncheon, 12-2. Dinner,6-8:30. Evening, 8:30-10:30.This is merely a formal announce¬ment, not a change of hours.Clear GroundforBuilding; PlanFive New Courts \ during theForensic SquadDebates FascismWith Californians“It Can’t Happen Here,” SinclairLewis’ novel about the advent ofFascism in the United States, will bethe subject of the debate betweenth University of Chicago and Uni¬versity of California, Wednesday,January 13, in the Reynolds Club atjtroj ^f^fm in the^ Quadmngle ck^8. The debate is open to the campus '"”'^ ^the Building and Grounds Depart¬ment has eliminated four tennisconrts at the corner of 60th andKenwood streets. Five more courtswill be completed this spring be¬tween Woodlawn and Universitystreets. The total number of tenniscourts now rests at 54.Construction of the Clearing house,the first University building sincethe erection of Graduate Education !in 1932, will start within four weeks,according to a statement yesterday.Other activities of the Buildingsand Grounds department during thequarterly recess are, in part:Renovation of two classrooms inLexington hall to take the place ofHarper Mil, formerly a lecture hall,now the Social Service Administra¬tion library. There are now fourclasses meeting in this building,which was built for the World Fairof 1893, and later condemned.Installation of the new Zoller Den¬tal clinic on the second floor. Eastside, of Billings. The photographysection, previously occupying thisspace, was moved to the basement.Remodeling and construction offour rooms in the basement of Swifthall to house apparatus for photo- Students WarnedAgainst Influenza;Few Cases Here“Avoid intimate contact with peo¬ple,” cautioned Dr. Dudley B. Reedof the Student Health Service ofgraphing newspapers. This project, reference^ toby which the content of newspaperswill be almost indefinitely preserved,will get under way early next week.Installation of a temperature con-of affttiing "itrikes. Th« remainder of charged.Lovett Presides atMass Meeting TodayRobert M. Lovett, professor emer¬itus in the department of English,will preside at a mass meeting giv¬en tonight under the auspices of theAmerican League Against War andFascism. This meeting will be heldat 8 in Orchestra Hall.Other speakers include a represen¬tative of the national committee ferIndustrial Organization, Dr. H. L.Ward, who is connected with thecivil liberties committee. Bishop Ed¬gar Blake, Detroit, and Mrs. V. L.Berger.The mass meeting, which is opento all, will initiate the Midwest Con¬ference of the organization. An ad¬mission fee Oi 30 cents will be ASU Calls FirstMeeting of New YearThe American Student Union hascalled its first meeting since the na¬tional convention for Tuesday at 3:3(..n Kent 106.The meeting will be devoted to adiscussion of the convention and toplanning this term’s activities of theUniversity chapter. Richard Lind-heim, newly elected member of theNational Executive Committee willreport on the ASU program, andWinifred Leeds will discuss problemsof organization, especially those out¬lined by Joseph P. Lash at the con¬vention. Lash is the National Execu¬tive Secretary.The ASU dance, scheduled for Jan¬uary 22 in the Ida Noyes theater, isone of the more immediate ASU ac-thdtieB, and there will be no admissioncharge.The University of California willpresent the affirmative side attempt¬ing to show that Fascism is impos¬sible in the United States. They willbe represented by Ray Compton,senior in philosophy and forensiccommissioner, and Harry Roberts,senior in Political Science and presi¬dent of the University’s senate anddebate club.The University will be represent¬ed by Jacob Ochstien and GeorgeMessmer, according to John E. Ston¬er, coach of debate. and construction of a women’s wash¬room in the same building.Alice TranslatesText of GermanWork in EcologyRegister for Doublesin Ping Pong TourneyAll people interested in the doublesping pong tournament scheduled tobegin on Monday, January 18, arerequested to sign the bulletin boardoutside the Cloister Club at IdaNoyes Hall by 5 i/ext Friday.Miss Marguerite Kidwell of the de¬partment of physical education re¬quests that those who haven’t a part¬ner and wish to enter the tourna¬ment should see her in her office onthe second floor at Ida Noyes hall. For 12 years Dr. Warder C. Al-lee, professor of Zoology, has beenworking on the manuscripts of twobooks, one a translation of a Ger¬man text and the other a revision of“The Nature of the World and ofMan.” Dr. Allee is engaged on atranslation of the book “Tiergeo-graphie” by Dr. Richard Hesse, form¬erly at the University of Bonn andnow a professor at the University ofBerlin, The American edition is tobe called “An Ecological AnimalGeography.” Dr. Allee and CarlSmith of the Field Museum, who isassociated with Dr, Allee on thiswork have made a “good” translationof the text, and have also edited it.The American edition has one-thirdof the text changed from the orig¬inal.Dr. Hesse worked on the manu¬script for 12 years. Almost immedi¬ately after the book was publishedin 1924 Dr. Allee and Mr. Smith be¬gan work on the translation. Thus,the American edition represents a means of preventing the spread ofan epidemic of influenza.The epidemic, now quite generalin Chicago, has not affected many inthe University community. Dr. Reedstated that Christmas vacation, al¬lowing so many to leave the city,stopped thd" spread of flu among thestudents. There are only about fourpersons a day visiting the clinics fortreatments. Ten students, sufferingfrom this illness, are at the presenttime registered in Billings Hospital.To avoid the flu and colds theaverage person will have to limitsome of his activities. Dr. Reed ad¬vises that students avoid crowdedpublic places, including restaurants,dance halls, and theaters. The per¬son should get adequate sleep andnot overwork himself.Contact with all people with coldsshould be avoided, and visits to thosesuffering with cold and influenzashould be stopped. The doctorwarned that everyoiTe should avoidputting needless things to their noseand lips, since the germs that causecolds can exist on small objects likepencils and erasers. In general, thehands should be kept from the mouthas much as possible because theycome in contact with so many objectthat have germs on them.Those desiring further informationof the tournanient should consult the j quarter of a century of worktournament card in the ping pong j The book is to be used in the Uni¬room, (CnntinuAd «n paare 2'i Maroon PositionsAny student interested in secur¬ing a position on the Maroon edi¬torial staff will be interviewed byJohn Morris, associate editor, inthe Maroon office in LexingtonHall next* Tuesday afternoon, 3:30.Page Two THE DAILY MAROON, FRIDAY, JANUARY 8, 1937iiaroanFOUNDED IN 1901Member Associated Collegiate PressThe Daily Maroon is the oflficial student newspaper of theUniversity of Chicago, published mornings except Saturday, Sun¬day, and Monday during the Autumn, Winter, and Spring quartersby The Daily Maroon Company, 5831 University avenue. Tele¬phones: Local 46, and Hyde Park 9221 and 9222.The University of Chicago assumes no responsibility for anystatements appearing in The Daily Maroon, or for any contractentered into by The Daily Maroon. All opinions in The DailyMaroon are student opinions, and are not necessarily the viewsof the University administration.The Daily Maroon expressly reserves the rights of publicationof any material appearing in this paper. Subscription rates:$2.75 a year; $4 by mail. Single copies: three cents.Entered as second class matter March 18, 1903, at the post officeat Chicago, Illinois, under the act of March 3, 1879.RCPRCSENTED FOR NATIONAL AOVERTISINO BTNational Advertising Service, IncCollege Publishers Representative420 Madison Ave. New York, N.Y.Chicaoo - Boston • San FranciscoLos ANOELES • Portland • SeattleBOARD OF CONTROLJULIAN A. KISER Editor-in-ChiefDONALD ELLIOTT Business ManagerEDWARD S. STERN Managing EditorJOHN G. MORRIS Associate EditorJAMES F. BERNARD.Advertising ManagerEDITORIAL ASSOCIATESBernice Bartels Edward Frit* Cody PfanstiehlEmmett Deadman ElRoy Golding Betty RobbinsBUSINESS ASSOCIATESSigmund Dansiger Bernard Levine Robert RosenfelsCharles Hoy William RubachEDITORIAL ASSISTANTSHarris Beck Mary Diemer David SchefferLaura Bergquist Rex Horton Marjorie SeifriedMaxine Beisenthal David Mauzy Bob SpeerSTAFF PHOTOGRAPHERSDavid Eisendrath Donal HolwayNight Editor: ElRoy D. GoldingAssistant: Harris BeckProofreaders: Jack Cornelius and Nicholas TappFriday, January 8, 1937A Trend in Policy: the ASUCampus liberals gathered recently at thenational convention of the American StudentUnion to discuss common problems withmembers of the national organization and ofother chapters throughout the country. TheChicago chapter was officially recognized asone of the best and the largest in point of size—having 412 registered members.At the meetings a number of changes weremade in various aspects of the national plat¬form, mainly changes in the stress placedupon different aspects of the organization.From a group devoted principally to the dis¬cussion of problems of academic freedom, thefight against war and fascism,^ and. liberalthinking in general, the organization will tryto become a militant though not an obstruc¬tionist organization devoted to the cause oflabor and pacifism. As a result the group re¬affirmed its stand on the Oxford Oath andalso paradoxically active support in everyway possible of the Spanish loyalists.With regard to the labor plank there ismuch to be said. Although the ASU is quickto point out that they are not condemning the“good points” of the platform of the Ameri¬can Federation of Labor, they do say thatthey believe that ’John L. Lewis’ Committeefor Industrial Organization is the true solu¬tion, and will go as far as to lend unofficialsupport to that organiaztion’s troubles withthe Chicago steel mills.Since it is conceded by many important au¬thorities that John L. Lewis’ work is aimedtoward the presidential candidacy in 1940, ona farmer-labor ticket, the only conclusionthat can be drawn is that the ASU is tend¬ing in the direction of the old SLID andNSL — toward political partisanship — andthus defeating one of the purposes for whichthe group, at least at the University, was con¬ceived—to provide a center for the discussionfor all persons of liberal sentiments. To fur¬ther bear out this point one might mentionthe fact that the organization voted in con¬vention to consider support of a Farmer-La¬bor party that should one be organized andempowered its national executive committeeThe ABC’sStare Decisis in the LawThe law is progressive and expanding, adapt¬ing itself to the new relations and interests whichare constantly springing up in the progress of so¬ciety. But this progress must be by analogy towhat is already settled.j —Quotation from Chief Justice Greene on fron¬tispiece of Corpus Juris Secundum. to investigate the possibility of this duringthe next year.The other plank with which many liberal¬thinking persons may take issue is the oneregarding the Spanish civil war. Active sup¬port of the loyalist battalipns is asked, to bedemonstrated by contributions of clothes andmoney. In a society which feels that the onlyway to avoid war is to sever all connectionswith warring parties, this part of the plat¬form directly contradicts one of the idealsof the ASU—the outlawry of war in all itsforms.There is no need here to take issue withthe Oxford Oath as many pages have beenwritten concerning it. But how can a groupwhich will not support its own country intime of war put itself on record in support ofone of the parties to a civil war?The American Student Union desires toperform services, to promote progress in ed¬ucation and in society; but its stand onlabor and the Spanish war it appears to beoutlawing from its ranks that group whichmight be known as the “indifferent middle,”to which many of the 412 members claim tobelong.As a remedy, we suggest that the Chicagochapter of the American Student disaffiliateitself from the national organization andturn its attention to research and discussionof liberal thoughts and ideas. Let it have alabor section devoted to the study of laborproblems but not direct participation in thetroubes of labor. Let them have liberal be¬liefs but not become political partisans un¬til some force looms upon the horizon whichmight fbreaten their freedom.Thus we sum up by saying that we com¬mend the American Student Union for itswork in attempting to introduce liberal ideasinto the education of American youth and forits sponsorship of leftist theater. Lookingforward to the future we can see for it onlythe fate of the political groups which it dis¬placed, narrow-minded partisanship in left-wing politics. Until there is a need for mili¬tant organization, college students should de¬vote themseves to their principal occupation—getting an education.—E. S. S.The Travelling BazaarBy WARNER CROUCHFLASH XTelegram Phi Kappa Psi received recently:All ru.shing privileges suspended for two year.«for illegal rushing. Paul H. Henkel, former activemember of your chapter, found infringing on rush¬ing rules at St. Luke’s Hospital, Virginia. RogersHankel, however, has refused all other bids for .sevenpound youngster and is in good spirits because ofknowledge that suspension is so short. No. Sig.* ♦ *Things we’ve often wanted to do but never quite gotround to.Yell “Hey Handsome” in the Psi U house andthen see who didn’t come down.^ON CAMPUSNorg was pretty worried Wednesday after¬noon when he discovered some of his boys wouldbe ineligible that evening unless their fees were set¬tled... Jim Snyder having it out with two Fordsover the supremacy of Studebaker.. .Duke (I’m asmuch alone as if I were home) Skoning explainingthings to Bezdek between halves...Max Freemanclaiming he can get us a large regulation chessboard so we won’t have to use a checker wishes to the lady who called the InformationDesk seeking a Department of Birth Control...and the gentleman looking for his false teeth...and the lady who was worried about her mentalcondition and wanted to locate a doctor of philan¬thropy.♦ * *Florida has returned to our bosom those wander¬ing chocolate drops, Stauffer, Hopkins, Rosenthal,Goodstein, and Loeb. After having to stop everynow and then to put the wheels back on the trail¬er, they finally arrived at Miami Beach. There, sothey say, they lived in comparative luxury, evenattaining the questionable honor of a membershipin a trailer club. All went well until the boys wereexposed to the charms of a siren known as CherokeeSal, discovered in a night club colorfully known asthe La Paloma. True love eventually triumphed,however, when Stauffer found a beautiful little 18year old who affectionately referred to Goodstein as“Moaten” and Hopkins as “Shoaty.” From then onall was peaceful. Except for Goodstein and Hop-'kins, those two clever fellows, who, while practicingtheir beach-combing one day, discovered what, theytook to be part of a jellyfish. The boys immediatelybegan playing catch with the poor critter and evenwent so far as to scratch each other’s backs with it.In bed that night, the painful realization came tothem that they had been toying with a PortugeseMan-o-war. Press Publishes^'‘Four GospelsNew Style Manual“The Four Gospels of Karahissar”by.members of the University facul¬ty, Ernest Colwell, assistant profes¬sor of the Nevr Testament and Har¬old Willoughby, associate professorof New Testament Literature; andthe tenth edition of the “Manual ofStyle” have recently been publishedby the University of Chicago Press,The first of the two volumes is byColwell and deals with the story ofthe 13th century manuscript and adiscussion of it. Professor Willough¬by’s book is the cycle of text illus¬trations treating in detail of decora¬tive text, ornament, evangelist por¬traiture, and the technique of illum¬ination. It also is a study of theseparate Karahissar text illustra¬tions.“The Four Gospels of Karahissar”is an important medieval Greek man¬uscript containing the most sacredportions of the Holy Scripture. Itwas made for a ruler who used suchcodices as bribes in internationalpolicy, but for more than three hun¬dred years was a religious object.A Russian diplomat discovered it and ;took it to Russia where it is now in !the State Public Library at Lenin- jgrad.The “Manual of Style” was writ-1ten thirty years ago by the first;proofreader of the University Pressfor his own guidance and was later |published in 1906 under Louis W’arm-1ing, assistant to the General Editor, jSince then it has become the bible 'of proofreaders and advertising men, iand is considered the best authority Iin its field. jHutchins(Continued from page 1)judged ruled that Mr. Manuel re-1main at large because he had per-1formed no “overt act” against Dr. |Hutchins. |A week later came a commence¬ment address for a local school,where the president spoke. Therewas no escape except down the main 'aisle. After the address, the prin¬cipal came up to the President.“Here is a man who .says he’s veryanxious to meet you. Mr. Hutchins,meet Mr. Manuel.” Placing severalvery large people between himselfand Mr. Manuel within a tenth of a |second, the President appealed for Ireinforcements. And the next day jthe judged ruled that Mr. Manuel hadcommitted an “overt act” and shouldbe sent back to the asylum. IIPersonal Vi*it* |“1 don’t so much mind people who jwrite. But people who come in per-1son to the office are a different mat- jter. But there is so little one can jIdo. When the new Administration[building is erected, there will be aI trap door installed in the President’santeroom. A press of the button,[and the visitor pops into the laundrychute. I tried the laundry chuteexit myself once when I was visitingSecretary of the Treasury Morgen-thau and he didn’t want the press toknow I had been there. I rememberbeing very much impressed with themethod at the time.” i Lettersto the EditorNO LEARNING HEREEditor,The Daily Maroon:Sometime ago I stumbled onto thefact that the University libraries didnot possess a single copy of PresidentHutchins’ latest book, “The HigherLearning in America,” which w'as[published in October, 1936. I was sur-! prised, as must everyone be who is' aware of its absence. Perhaps thelibrarians did not want his book. Itis inconceivable that the machineryfor buying and cataloguing new bookscould be so inefficient as to sucha long delay. Maybe it has been de¬cided by whoever makes such de¬cisions that the book should not be inour libraries because of its beingpublished by the Yale Press (thatmay be part of “the educationalfunction of New England”).They may think it isn’t worth the itwo bucks for which it sells. Itshould be pretty powerful stuff tomerit two cents for each half-filledpage of large printing. I am remindedof one of the Victory Vanities skitsdepicting Pres. Hutchins laboringover long dollar-a-word sentences. Hemight have furthered “the intellectual |love of God” by making the bookavailable to a larger number of peo¬ple, since the possession of an extratwo dollars isn’t supposed to be oneof the qualifications a person should Ihave to be able to understand suchmaterial.The book was put in the rental li¬brary during the holiday, but I real-:ly think it is good enough to be plac-}ed in some of the other libraries too. jDean E. Krueger.CLASSIHED ADSVery attractive room. Privatehome, 5225 Univ. Ave. Beautiful,large ouUide room. Hyde Park 5225. Alice(Continued from page 1)versity in courses in animalraphy. However, its widest usi* winbe for reference.“The Nature of the World and ofMan,” which was originally writtenfor the first survey course in biologyat the University, was a cooperativework of 16 men. The plates for thisfirst edition were literally worn outThe book is being rewritten underthe title, “This World as Scientist.sSee It” and is to be published short¬ly.HOE SAI GAIChicago’s finest ChineseAmerican RestaurantTFe University of Chi¬cago students have by pop¬ular acclaim chosen HOESAI GAI to be the officialChinese-American restaur¬ant.If you desire the finestAmerican dishes or quaintChinese delicasies, you willbe more than satisfied withour service.Come in and enjoy thecongenial modernistic atmo¬sphere.75 W. RANDOLPH ST.Just the Place for afterthe show.GREATJANUARYCLEARANCESALE!Many recent titles both in fiction andnon-fiction reduced50%U. of C. Bookstore5802 ELUS AVE.If m (HoliorBtftiiUniversity Church ofDisciples of ChristMinister: Dr. Edward ScribnerAmes. Minister’s Associate:Mr. Fred B. WiseSunday, Jan. 10, 193711:00 A. M.—Sermon. Subject:“Why Religion Today?” Dr.Ames.12:20 P. M.—Forum: Dr. Mar¬jorie Williamson' Bruner.6:00 P. M.—Wranglers. Tea andprogram. Hyde Park BaptistChurch5600 Woodlawn Ave.Norris L. Ts'obetts and RollandW. Schloerb, MinistersSunday, Jan. 10, 193710:00 A. M,—Adult Classes.Teachers: Dr, A. E. Haydon.Dr. Shailer Mathews.11:00 A M.—Morning Worship.“Making the Church a Religi¬ous Institution.” Dr. R. W.mSchloerb.7:00 P. M.—Young People’sChurch Club Book Review—Van Wyck Brooks’ “TheFlowering of New England”by Clarence Faust, Asst. Pro¬fessor of English, U. of C. The First UnitarianChurchWoodlawn Ave. and ,E. 57th St.Von Ogden Vogt, D.D., MinisterSunday, Jan. 10, 193711:00 A. M.—The Magnificat—The Song of Mary. Dr. Vogt.4:00 P. M.—^Channing Club.Tea and Discussion “TheHopes and Problems of theNegroes Of America”, MissPauline Redmond, UrbanLeague.THE DAILY MAROON, FRIDAY. JANUARY 8, 1937 Page ThreePla/sThe Thing♦ «By jAMES BERNARD« * *The policy of drama critics, musiccommentators and such in collegenewspapers throughout the countryhas been one of technical criticism,panning, and the like. A student indrama has applied to the editorialdepartment and asked for a job aslearned interpreter of downtown en¬tertainment. He becomes a memberof the editorial staff and gives erud¬ite interpretations of the season’s per¬formances and he considers himselfa successful writer if he carries hisreaders with him into the land ofdestructive criticism, of pseudo-non¬sensical metaphorical nothings. Para¬graph after paragraph has beenwritten about meaningless impressionsmade while sitting in the “Fifth Row('enter.”This writer is considered a normalindividual with commonplace reac¬tions to the world of music, drama,cinema, night life and entertainmentof all sorts. My qualifications arelisted as follows: At nine your re¬porter won a guessing contest at Ra-vinia Park by picking the most num¬ber of correct classical excerptsplayed by the Chicago Symphony Or¬chestra that memorable Wednesdayafternoon. In the field of dramayour writer has been a constant at¬tendee of Shubert, Erlanger, Audi¬torium productions since a mere totand has done quite a bit of readingin that field. Everybody goes to themovies. The night spots have beenfrequently visited and enjoyed. Andfor the other entertainment, well,he’s been around. So now that every¬thing is clear, this writer will em¬bark on a task of keeping the cam¬pus informed on worthwhile eventsin the amusement world—Here goes:Several theaters in the loop arecurrently turning away crowds sincethe attractions they are presentingare of unusual merit. The most elab¬orate and talked about performancein the loop is the new edition of theFollies starring Fannie Brice, the be¬loved mimic and creator of the fam¬ous radio character, “Snooks”. Aninteresting story concerning Zieg-field and his choosing oF the greatMiss Brice is indicative of her gen¬ial personality.In the earlier days, when the twen¬ty-nine year old series of Follies wasjust beginning, Ziegfield was his owntalent scout. When he heard of per¬formers of outstanding ability, hewatched their acts and if he likedthem, would go to their dressingrooms to make an offer.It was in this manner that he se¬lected Fannie Brice when she was inburlesque. “When he first wiredme,” Miss Brice said, “I couldn’t be¬lieve the telegram came from him. 1thought, it was a joke, so I ignoredit. Several days later when I metBert Cooper, a booking agent, hesaid:‘Say, Fannie, didn’t you get a tele-Frolic Theatre55»h b ELLIS AVE.TODAY“Stage Struck”Dick Powell and Joan BlondellSATURDAC“Pepper” ^Jane Withers and Irvin S. "iobbSUNDAY and MONEaYMarion Davis and Clark Gable“Cain and Mabel” gram from Ziegfield the ether day?’‘Yes,’ I answered, ‘but I don’t be¬lieve he really sent it.’‘Well, he sent it all right, Fannie,I put the contract over, so don’t for¬get the commission’.”And Cooper spoke the truth. MissBrice signed with Ziegfield at $75.00a week the first year and $100.00 thenext. Then she wore out eight dup¬licate contracts folding and unfold¬ing them to show Ziegfield’s signatureto every one she knew on Broadway.* ♦ *Last night the Chicago Symphonygave an unusual reading of the fam¬ous Richard Strauss tone poem, “EinHeldenleben,” the life of a heroclimaxing in tremendous chords de¬noting the passing of the soldier toanother world. This bit of programmusic was given an inspired per¬formance since the occasion of itsbeing played was the annual Theo-I dore Thomas memorial. The concertI is repeated this afternoon.! The two musical events of mosti note in the near future will be thej Rachmaninoff Concert on the 17th! and the Trude Schoop Comic balletj^on the same date. Trude Schoop re-i turns with an entirely new reper-|toire, and to lovers of ballet as wellas those who wish to spend a delight-! ful Sunday afternoon, a visit to theStudebaker theater will be one thatwill be long remembered.* * A! The gentleman whose records are; included in every complete albumI of popular music, the creator of thefoxtrot “Blue Danube,” is bringingi to the Congress Casino his inimit-I able rhythms and arrangements onthe 27th of this month. That gen-Itleman is Ray Noble, the mustachedj young master of jazz, and his band.The price is none too little but withan evening at the Congress and No-, ble, a ten dollar bill is well invested.Wright Today on theQuadrangles(Continued from page 1)who also want to let Spain settle herown troubles and then recognize thewinner.Prv lessor Wright expressed doubtthat (he American shipment of arm¬aments to Spain will cause trouble.He poiiits out that Mexico has donethe same without difficulty. Thoughit wouldn’t cause much trouble inone instance, if repeated, it mightlead to a great deal of diplomatichedging.“This indicates the need of con¬siderable executive discretion inmatters of neutrality,” statedWright. “A neutrality situation canno more be handled by Congress ora group of legislators than by man¬datory legislation.” He also pointsout that in this instance Americanlegislation has been directed towardone particular case and consequentlyis the better policy.TheHITCHINGPOSTOpen 24 Hours a DayWAFFLECHEESEBURGERCREAM OMELETSTEAK1552 E. 57fh StreetN. W. Corner Stony Island FRIDAYMeetingsASU executive committee. SocialScience 105 at 3:30.Skull and Crescent. Reynolds Club,Room D at 1.Delta Sigma Pi. Reynolds Club,Room D at 12:30.MiscellaneousIda Noyes Open House. Dancing,cards, and ping pong. 8 to 12.Public Lecture. “On Dirichlet’sProblem.” Professor Cartheodory.Eckhart 206 at 4:30.Orchestra Rehdarsal. Mandel Hallat 7:30.Radio Program. “The News Behindthe News.” Associate Professor Ker-win. WIND at 7:30.“Pulse.” Organization meeting ofnew campus magazine, open to allstudents. Maroon office, LexingtonHall, at 3:30.SATURDAYPublic Lecture. “Band Spectra inInfra-red Photography.” Dr. Herz-berg of the University of Saskatoon.Eckhart Common Room at 9 P.M.University Basketball Game, Chi¬cago VS Indiana. Fieldhouse at 8.Radfid Program. “Our Democracy:Woodrow Wilson.” Associate Profes¬sor Bessie Pierce. WIND at 7:30.Radio Program. InternationalHouse Series. “English and Ameri¬can Social Life.” WGN at 1:30.SUNDAYChapel Service. The ReverendGeorge A. Buttrick of New York willspeak at 11.Vesper Services. The MetropolitanChurch choir will sing spirituals.University Chapel at 4:30.Free Song Service. Dr. GeorgeButtrick and CliflFord Barnes. Orches¬tra Hall at 8.UBC RADIO PROGRAMSOrgan Recital. Miss Helen Wesl- Who’s Who Reveals University HasLarge Proportion of Notable MembersA survey of the files of Who’s Whoreveals a lengthy list of scholars ofthe University, including professors,economists, financiers, and historians.Statistics obtained with meticul¬ous precision were compiled byCharlton Beck, secretary of theAlumni Council in the April issue ofthe Alumni magazine of 1935.A more detailed study of the bookof illustrious Americans shows thatone out of every sixteen people inWho’s Who of the past two years,either holds a degree from or hasattended the University at some timeor other.Members of the faculty cited inWho’s Who include, Richard P. Mc-Keon, dean of the Humanities Divi¬sion, educator; W. H. Taliaferro,dean of the Division of BiologicalSciences, holder of the ChalmersMedal of Royal Society of TropicalMedicine and Hygiene for 1935;Robert Redfield, dean of the Divisionof Social Sciences, anthropologist;and Henry G. Gale, dean of the Di¬vision of Physical Sciences, andholder of the Chevalier Legion ofHonor, France.Others representing the facultyare, John T. McNeill, professor ofI European Christianity, 'church his¬torian, who presided at the meetingsjof the American Society of ChurchI History at Providence, Rhode Islandj <|Wring the Christmas holidays;1 Charles E. Merriam holder of theI Morton D. Hull Distinguished Serv¬ ice Professor of Political Science,who was likewise active during theholidays at a meeting of political sci¬entists in Chicago; Simeon Leland,professor of Economics; and ErnestE. Irons, dean of the Rush MedicalSchool.Equal distinction has been bestownupon Gilbert A. Bliss, chairman ofthe department of Mathematics, andMartin A. Ryerson DistinguishedService Professor; George C. Bo-gert, James Parker Hall Professor ofLaw, who presided at the meeting ofthe American Law Schools during va¬cation'; Anton J. Carlson, Frank P.Hixon Distinguished Professor ofPhysiology, who spent the greaterpart of his vacation in Richmond,Virginia in the capacity of presidentof the American Association of Uni¬versity Professors meeting; andWard C. Allee, professor of Zoology,who as president conducted the meet¬ings of the Society of American Zo¬ologists in Atlantic City, New Jer¬sey. Morris Issues Callfor Candidates toStaff of MagazineCandidates for positions on theeditorial and business staffs of“Pulse,” proposed campus magazine,will meet today at 3:30 in the Ma¬roon office to plan the first issue, an¬nounced editor John Morris yester¬day.Morris emphasized that all stu¬dents in the University are eligible.There are no class requirements, hesaid, and whether a candidate be acollege, divisional, or graduate stu¬dent will not matter in the finalchoice. The board of control atpresent includes two seniors, a jun«ior, a sophomore, and a freshman, allranking equally; and two positionson the board remain to be filled, thoseof advertising and circulation man¬ager.I brook will play. WBBM at 9:30.I Round Table Discussion. “The; Problems Facing Congress.” StuartI Leech, T. V. Smith, and Jerome Ker-jwin will speak. WMAQ at 11:30.i “Men of Destiny—Robert E. Lee.”(dramatization). WGN at 1:30.MONDAYOpen house for all fraternity men,[Phi Kappa Psi house at 9.'^dnklellldsleififtND HIS ORCH&STRfiMAURINE AND NORVAFLORENCE KOPE • DONNA DAECONTINENTAL TRIO • 3VIASTERS’ GLEE CLUBCONTiNENTPL ROOmSTEVENS HOTEL Studebaker Final WeekJAMES KIRKWOODMULATTOwith theOriginal New York Cast“A story torn from thebook of life in the deep south.A forceful, gripping and truth¬ful drama.”Mats. Wed. and Sat.Nites 50c to $2.t)0; Mats.50c to $1.00 Hanley’sBuffet1512 E. 55th St.IF YOU WANT COLLEGESONGS—IF YOU WANT “COLLEG¬IATE” ATMOSPHERE—IF YOU WANT TO SEEYOUR CAMPUS FRIENDS—YOU ARE ASSURED OFSUCH AN EVENING ATHANLEY’SOver forty years of congenialserviceTHE J-R WAFFLE AND SANDWICH SHOPWHERE QUALITY IS HIGHER THAN PRICEWAFFLES - SANDWICHES - NOON AND EVENINGDINNERSSEE YOUR FOOD PREPARED1202 EAST 55thTAYLOR TOM SAYS:The new ancf improvetdSOAPBOXis going over big. By supply is (dwindling rapidly.Your last chance to get a copy is TODAY. Good Spirits ...... in Fraternity CirclesPing Pong, Beer...Billiards, Beer...Games, the. Fraternity FrolicMonday Night, 9:30 Phi Kappa Psi, House';,f^ * ;-. l^'- 'f Wi'^' v' \ 'VDAILY MAROON SPORTSPage Four THE DAILY MAROON. FRIDAY. JANUARY 8. 1937The Tip-Off* » ♦By EDWARD C. FRITZ« 4t * Maroon Cagers Open BigTen Race Against IndianaPoints to watch in the conferencebasketball opener against Indianatomorrow evening will be the speedof Ken Gunning and Verne Huffman,star Hoosier co-captains, and duel atcenter between Chicago’s lankySwede, Paul Amundsen, and Indi¬ana’s veteran center, Ted Fechtman.The stocky Gunning breaks aroundthe floor until his guard is left be¬hind, and when he dashes for thebasket he seldom misses a shot. Huff¬man, voted the most valuable foot¬ball player in the Big Ten this year,and awarded the annual trophy forbeing the best all-around athlete atIndiana, booms under the basket likea steam engine, using his weight togreat advantage.When Amundsen and Fechtmanmet on the hardwood last year, theMaroon controlled the tip-off, butthe Hoosier excelled in floor play,drawing “Ammy” out into mid-courtand then racing toward the basketwith greater speed than “PonderousPaul” could muster, Amundsen seemsto be faster now than he was lastyear, covering the length of thecourt in three strides, so the centerduel may be very close.>l>The basketeers went through afree-throw drill yesterday, in an ef¬fort to raise the percentage of con¬versions when the referee grantscharity tosses. Johnny Eggemeyerled the squad with a record of 14successes in 16 attempts. OnlyMaurie Rossin and Ken Petersenwere below the 50 per cent mark.* ♦ *Whether Bob Fitzgerald will startat guard, as usual, or at forwai'd inplace of Cassels is still a question inCoach Norgi’en’s mind. “Fitz’s” scor¬ing ability must be utilized, and ifPetersen fills his shoes at guard, theMaroons will gain valuable extraheight. Another question concerningthe team since yesterday is whereJerry Jeremy obtained those brightred trunks which he took to practice. Visitors, Led By Gunningand Huffman, Have Un¬defeated Record.STARTING LINEUPSChicagoCasselsEggemeyerAmundsenRossinFitzgerald IndianaGunningJohnsonFechtmanHuffmanAndresTomorrow night, after a semi-suc¬cessful practice season, the Maroonsinaugurate their conference basket¬ball schedule when they engage In¬diana in the Fieldhouse at 8. ThenMonday, the Midway quintet testsMinnesota in the Gophers’ first con¬ference game, to be played at Min¬neapolis.The Hoosiers, co-titleholders withPurdue, have come up again thisyear with a team typical of those thathave been developed in Bloomingtonin recent years. Led by co-captainsVernon Huffman and Keith Gunning,Indiana has remained undefeatedthroughout a difficult warm-upschedule. They also conquered theirfirst conference foe, when theytrimmed Iowa earlier in the week,28-24.Coach Dean lost only two menthrough graduation, and their posi¬tions have been ably filled by sopho¬mores Johnson and Andres. Thenuclei of the present outfit are thecaptains, both of whom saw serviceon the football team. Vernon Huff¬man, the All-American eager, waswidely recognized as an All-Americanhalfback as well. Gunning, is slatedfor an all-conference forward post,having finished just behind Kesslerand Haarlow in the scoring columnslast year.At center, has been Fred Fecht¬man, 6 foot, seven inch pivot man,who is rated as one of the most cap¬able and agile men in his position.Indiana, however, does not base it.«title aspirations on the play of fivemen. According to coaches Norgrenand Anderson of Chicago, their sec¬ond string outfit has performed ascapably as the starters.The Hoosiers have in past perform¬ ances, shown that they are sharp-! shooters from anywhere on the floorland if not crowded every inch of theway will unleash shots from any po¬sition within reasonable distance ofthe free throw circle. For that rea¬son the Maroon forwards are goingto have a job on their hands.The Maroons’ disappointing dis¬play Wednesday night has served toinspire the boys, and Norgren ex¬pects a more alert bunch on the floortomorrow. Jack Mullins, sophomoreforward injured in the Notre Damegame, will not appear in the lineup.His position will once more be occu¬pied by another sophomore. Bob Cas¬sels. Paired with him will be JohnEggemeyer whose high scoring abil¬ity was effectively checked by theMarquette guards. Paul Amundsen,starting center, after turning in somefine performances did not appear asaggressive as in the past, but Norgrenis confident the lanky lad will oncemore continue to improve. Theguards will be Maurie Rossin,through whom Indiana can not ex¬pect to penetrate for many points;and Bob Fitzgerald, who if giventime to take any sort of aim is like-Jy to connect for a number of Ken Petersen will switch withthe latter two.The Maroons will leave for Min¬neapolis Sunday, where Monday theywill meet the Minnesota outfit, whichhas had about the same luck as Chi¬cago. They opened their season witha series of unimpressive victories oversmall schools, but in the past fort¬night have appeared to be a smooth¬er working team. If the Midwaysquad can reach the heights they at¬tained in the Irish battle, this gamewill be one of the most interestingof the season from the point of viewof the University five. Intramural FencingStarts Thursdayin Bartlett GymIntramurals in fencing will beginThursday in Bartlett gymnasium, Al¬var A. Hermanson, fencing coach, an¬nounced yesterday.Competition in foils will be thefirst event on the schedule, and afew bouts will be staged on theopening day. After the champ in thisdivision has been (downed, aspirantsto the epee and saber titles will havetheir innings. These matches willnot be held until later in the month,however.To a large degree the competitorswill consist of the members of thepresent freshman squad; hut the en¬tries aren’t limited to this group.Any person not. engaging in bouts onbehalf of the varsity is eligible tobecome a contestant.Awards are offered as follows:medals for individual winners in eachof the three divisions, and a cup forthe all-around individual champion.Coach Hermanson indicated thatthis year’s contests, will be of great¬er interest than those st^ed forsome years past, because of the un¬usually rapid development or thefrosh. No experience is necessary tobecome a candidate for the freshmar♦^eam, and many of this season’s out¬fit never saw the foil and mask before entering the University. Mat Squad Faces Wheaton; 'Meet Badgers Monday Night' The Maroon mat squad yesterdayI held its last hard workout for the, Wheaton matches tomorrow night atI Bartlett Gymnasium and the opening[conference tilt with Wisconsin, Mon-iday. Final tryouts were wrestled to'determine the starting lineup forthe meets., David Tinker loomed as the prob-iable starter in the 118-pound class.I Coach Vorres was greatly pleased'With his improvement in the lastI week.I At 126-pounds Peter Dzubay threw’ Paul Fischer after a hard match.Nick Collias moijed up to the 135-I pound division to gain a time advan-Itage over Horace Fay. “Tough‘ baby,” was Fay’s only remark later.,j Captain Bob Finwall won a fallI rather quickly. He will probably[wrestle at bis regular weight, 145-pounds, although there is still a pos-[ sibility of his being moved up to the! next weight class. Haas and Schoon-I maker grunted through sixteen min¬utes of push-and-pull without eithergaining an advantage. In view of theI present lack of men at 165-pounds,i one of them may wrestle at thatI weight, the other staying at 155-pounds, their regular division.Ed Valorz and “Fritz” Lenhardtalso wasted a lot of each other’s timewithout deciding who would start as light-heavyweight. “Fritz"I tough, but Ed doesn’t scare im :lv.I The Wheaton bouts share inun stI with the opening of confereno( t .m-! petition against Wisconsin at Ma.lj.[son Monday night. Wiscon.-<iti,ginning its second year under ('o;uh'George Martin, is considered b\ him[as being one hundred per cent hit-jter than last year. Martin, foinn r-ly of Ames, Iowa, was national col¬legiate and A..\.U. champion at: pounds. He is a great believer incondition, his men invariably gainim;weight as the season progresses. TheBadgers, victors in four out of eightmeets last year, opened the seasonwith an auspicious 35-0 triumph overDeKalb Teachers.Chicago-Northwestern Swim MeetNext Week Rivals Coliseum Show DREXELFRIDAY“Goose and the Gander”“Two in a Crowd”SATURDAY“Tugboat Princess”and“Broadway Hostess” CHICAGO'S NEWEST SENSATIONSMUdred Bailey Red NorvoQueen of Swing And Hi» BandROMO VINCENTRUTH AND BILLY AMBROSE$1.50 Delicious DinnerNO COVER CHARGE TEA DANCINGMin. $1.50 Week Days Every Sunday$2.00 Saturday From 3:30 to 6 P. M.RANDOLPH ‘NO WABASH-. OLDCHAPlDon't youknow thatPiccadillyPubServes such tasties asCHICKENOYSTERSFROG LEGSand your favorite bev¬erage the way youlike them and at yourfavorite priceslPiccadilly PubA rendezvous for students736 East Sixty-third StroolN.W. Cornrr Sixty-thirdand Cottase GroveBy JACK CORNELIUSHomo-sapiens is indeed a gulliblespecies—take the third syllable, andyou will come nearer to the rightname. A rich man puts up the money, member of the last two Olympicsquads, and Chicago’s co-captainChuck Wilson, who last year beatZehr. Don Horschke, of Northwest-only to make twice as much; news-jem^ Conference breaststrokepapers give blaring headlines in sup- champ two years ago, Floyd Stauf-port of the promoter, and the sap, oh, [ fer, Chicago diver, and North,excuse me. the human, falls nicely Northwestern diver, were exhibition-into line. lists at the World’s Fair. You get allSuch is the case with the current this for 40 cents, not two dollars.aquatic show being held in the ;“world’s largest” swimming pool atthe Coliseum. People lay $2.00 on{the line just to see the swim stars;'of yesterday. They were members of ithe Olympic team that competed inGermany some “four or five” months iago, and who haven’t been in train- j, ing since. They can’t possibly give |their best, and even granting that ithey do, it isn’t but a shade better |than the performances given by Big ITen stars in their “competitive”meets. The word, “competitive,” is .the whole story. These “outstanding ■stars” are merely giving exhibitions: |they haven’t the competitive spirit |needed to make a meet really thrill- iing. • IChicagoans have seen these people |time after time in the last few years. [Yet because of the great amount ofballyhoo attached to the show, theyBwarm like flies to see it. Whydoesn’t somebody advance the nec-sary money, get the necessary pub¬licity, and let the University of Chi¬cago, Northwestern, DePaul, andother institutions, hold their meetsin a place like the Coliseum? Aswim meet between two evenly-matched college squads would giveany customer his money’s worth. Aperson may argue.It doesn’t make any differencewhere the meet is held; it is bound tobe just as thrill-packed as it can pos¬sibly be. Following the Northwestern-Chicago basketball game, January 16,the swimming and water polo squadsof the two schools will battle^ for thesupremacy of the water lanes. Be-1Aides the individual events, relays, |water polo and diving are also on the jprogram. This show will bring to¬gether some of the outstanding stars |of the swimming world, in the per¬sons of Danny Zehr, backstroker,i WORLD'SCHAMPIONSHIPTENNISFred PerryWorld’s AmateurChampionvs.EllsworthVinesWorld’s ProfessionalChampionTOMORROW NIGHTatCHICAGO STADIUMSeats 55c to $5.50On Sale at Stadium Grill andat Bonds’ 65 W. Madison Get The Lowdown-Only $2.25For two quarters the Maroon will be delivered FREE, anywhere on campus. Or, papers may bepicked up daily, at the Maroon Office, at Ida Noyes, Reynolds Club, or University Bookstore.MAIL THE COUPON TODAY — YOU WILL RECEIVE THE PAPER TOMORROWThe Daily MaroonEnclosed is $ for one subscription, to The Daily Maroon,for two quarters.NameAddressTwo quarters $2.25, by mail $3.00