SUBSCRIBE TO THEDAILY MAROONVol. 30. No. 67. Today’s Weather:Mostly fair. Warmer.UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO. WEDNESDAY, MAY 21, 1930 Price Five CentsH. E. FOSDICK,YEARLY VISITOR,RETURN^UNDAYWill Be Guest PreacherAt Chapel ServicesIn MorningDr. Hfrry Emerson Fosdick attaincomes to the University Chapel asguest preacher at the services nextSunday morning at 11. A yearly vis¬itor to the campus for several yearspast, the interest in his preachingshown by members of the Universityhas previously caused the chapel offi¬cials tX) issue tickets to the services.But next Sunday the auditorium willbe thrown open to the public after10:45; previous to this time, a re¬served section will be maintained forstudents.Here P«»t Two Year*For the past two years, Dr. Fos¬dick has also spoken at a special stu¬dent assembly on Monday morning.This year, however, his sermon inthe Chapel Sunday morning will behis only appearance on the campus.Dr. Fosdick is known in this coun¬try' as the most famous and influen¬tial preacher of this generation, andit is questionable whether any preach¬er of modern times has ever had sowide a hearing.and reading. Hisministry in New York began at theFirst Presbyterian Church, and thenwas continued at the Riversidechurch. It has always proven dif¬ficult to secure admission to his serv¬ices at any time due to the press ofpeople wishing to hear him speak.0«® of the largest and finest churchstructures in the world, seating 2500people, is just approaching comple¬tion near Columbia University, andDr. Fosdick will preach there regul¬arly beginning next fall.The chapel office has not receivedword as to the topic of Dr. Fosdick’saddress Sunday morning. His thememay be announced later in the week.Tarpon PresentsWater Fete FridayI Thirty University women will pre¬sent an exhibition, “Olympics of1930” in the Ida Noyes pool Fridayevening at 7:30. The exhibition heldunder the auspices of the Tarponclub is an annual program open tothe student body. There is no ad¬mittance fee.This year’s fete will be set in aSpanish garden scene with a bal¬cony and moonlight. Four coun¬tries, Spain, France, Germany andDenmark will compete in races, div¬ing and form swimming during theevening. Two characteristically at¬tired representatives from each ofthese countries will view the pro¬cedure from a special grandstand.The Coat-of-Arms of the four coun¬tries and America will be painted onthe scenery and draped with the re¬spective colors of the countries.The performance will be dividedinto three acts. The first of thesewill be composed of four scenes inwhich each of the four foreign teamswill do drills characteristic of their^ motherland. The second act willcontain the international regulationaquatic events. In the third act’ America will entertain her foreignguests with a program of form div-(Continued on page 2)/COUNSELLORS MEETUpperclass counsellors will meettoday at noon in Ida Noyes hall withthe council members to whom theyhave been assigned. Team A willmeet in the alumnae room, team Bin the reception room, and teamC in the green room. They will meetto discuss the ways in which thenpperclasii cniinsellnrs will he themost elective in helping freshmannext year. Reserve Seats forFosdick Talk SundayThe front half of the nave willbe reserved until 10:45 for mem¬bers of the University (faculty,students, and employees) nextSunday morning for the Univer¬sity chapel Service at which Dr.Harry Emerson Fosdick of theRiverside Church in New YorkCity will preach. After this hourall seats will be open. The re¬maining pews in the Chapel, in¬cluding 200 additional chairs inthe chancel, will be filled by thegeneral public as they presentthemselves to the ushers. Thisservice, including the organ pre¬lude recital played by Mr. Marri¬ott, beginning at 10:30, will bebroadcast from Station WMAQ.Seats are free. WILL BROADCASTORATORJ^^FINALSEight to Take Part inI>M Contest WILLIAM McNAIRLECTURES TODAYApplies Single TaxChicago Problem toTwenty CollegesAccept InvitationsTo Model LeagueMore than twenty schools have ac¬cepted invitations to send delegatesto the model league of nations as¬sembly to be held May 28 and 29 attihe University. The affair is to bean exact replica of the real League’sassembly at Geneva.Among the schools which have ac¬cepted are Carleton college. LakeForest university. Western Reserveuniversity, Marquette university,and Elmhurst college. City highschools have been invited to sendstudents to observe the procedureat the assembly.Several civic organizations, aswell as campus clubs, have cooper¬ated with the political science coun¬cil in making this meeting possible.Adolph Rubinson, secretary-general,is in charge of arrangements for theconvention. Irwin Block is presidentof the Political science council.French and English are to be theofficial languages of the assembly, atwhich “representatives” of fifty-fivecountries will meet. More thar. 200delegates will be present at the firstsession, which lasts from 2:30 till6 on May 28. After this first session,delegates will attend a banquet givenin their honor at Ida Noyes. May29, the last day of the conference,has two sessions on the schedule. The finals of the extemporaneousspeaking contest, to be held nextWednesday in Mandel hall, will bebroadcast over station WMAQ, itwas announced yesterday. Eightmen will compete in the finals of thecontest, which is sponsored by theIntramural department. The eightare: Lloyd Davidson, Kappa Sigma;George Freede, unattached; MaxKroloff, Pi Lambda Phi; Robert Mc-Kinlay, Delta Upsilon; Harry Moore,Sigma Chi; George Pidotl, AlphaTau Omega; Joseph West, PiLambda Phi; and William Zacharias,Sigma Chi.Two in National ContestsDean Nelson, chairman of the con¬test, will award the three medals,gold, silver, and bronze, to thosetaking first, second, and t^iird places,respectively . Allen Miller, of theUniversity radio department, hasmade the arrangements for thebroadcast. Each speaker will be al¬lotted eight minutes, order of speak¬ing being determined by lot.Outline ProcedureAt 1 on the afternoon of the fi¬nals each contestant will be given alist of twenty-five topics selected byDean Nelson, Professor Jerome Ker-w'in of the department of politicalscience and Harry C. Davidson ofthe department of English. Threejudges will decide the contest; theaudience will act as one, voting ona blank in the program;and two faculty members will short¬ly be appointee. William N. McNair, distinguishedtax attorney and civic leader of Pitts¬burgh, and proponent of the well-known “Pittsburgh plan,” will speaktomorrow in Social Science assemblyroom on “The Sin¬gle Tax as a Wayout of the ChicagoTax Situation.” Hislecture will be de¬livered at a jointmeeting of thegraduate and un¬dergraduate politi¬cal science councils,which may be opento the public with¬out charge. TheWm. McNair time will be 4:30.The Plan In PittsburghMr. McNair will stress the practi¬cal results of his plan in Pittsburgh.He has run for many important postsin his home city and in the state ofPennsylvania. He has polled consid¬erable votes each time he has run,and secured more votes in the lastelection, when he ran for senator,than did A1 Smith for president inthe same state.The Pittsburgh plan has beenhighly commended by representative(Continued on page 4) 30 Seniors EnterYearly Hair-RaiserMore than thirty lusty andclean-shaven seniors lined up infront of Cobb hall yesterday at1, and at the crack of John Mer¬rick Kelly’s blunderbuss openedthe 1930 senior moustache race.Reports are: track fast, weatherfavorable, the Reynolds club side-burn shearers standing ready toslash the stubble two weeks fromnow, and the Botany pond wait¬ing as ever, even recently filledfor this sole purpose. No notice¬able favorites or sprouts were lo¬cated during the afternoon, al¬though many wild but false rum¬ors were raised. A bumper ci^opof lip-coverings is anticipated. ELECT OFFICERSOF DRAMA GROUPTHURSO^ AT 4Plan Installation, Dinnerand Revue; InviteAll MembersHistorical PageantGlitters in SettingOf Crown JewelsENTRY LIST FORINTERSCHOLASTICEXCEEDS THIRTYAgitation Over TourneyFails of PurposeC. AND A. BANQUETPLANS COMPLETEDDinner, dancing, and speeches willbe the features of the tenth annualbanquet of the School o^ Commerceand Administration to be held Fri¬day at 6:30 in the Hotel ShorelandCrystal ballroom. Mr. Sewell L.Avery, president of the UnitedStates Gypsum company, and oneof the University trustees, will bethe guest) speaker. There will be in¬formal dancing after the talks fromten until one.All students and alumni of theC. and A. school and of the Eco¬nomics department are invited, alsomembers of the faculty and any pre¬commerce students who are inter¬ested. Tickets are two dollars andmay be purchased at the C. and Divinity StudentsHold Beach Partyj A baseball tournament amongj prospective preachers of the Gospel,and “Snappy Stories” told by theDivinity school faculty, will be a fewof the attractions of the Divinityschool Beach party to be held tomor¬row at the 63rd Street beach.The group of students, faculty, andtheir husbands and wives, will leaveSwift hall at 4, and proceed to thelake. At 4:15, Fellows, and facultywill clash with missionaries in thefirst baseball game. Following thatwill come nine innings of studentcompetition between those who havebeen “Immersed,” and those whoi*re known as the “Great Unwashed.”The winning teams will then playeach other, and the women will actas umpires. At 6 there will be a pic¬nic supper, succeeded by a socialsing. Harry Allen, a student, willthen present “Turkey Talk,” and thecrowning event will be “SnappyStories” by the faculty. Tags arebeing sold now for ten cents, andeveryone in the Divinity school isurged to attend.ALUMNAE CLUB TEAThe Alumnae club extends an in¬vitation to all women of the seniorclass to attend an informal tea givenin their honor on Thursday from3:30 to 6:30 in the library of IdaNoyes hall. The purpose of the teais to acquaint graduating womenwith the club in which they may be¬come active members upon grad¬uation. Susanne Fisher, teacher atHir<»rh Junior high school, and amemjaier of the alumnae will 4peakon the aims of the club. Publish Satire OnCommerce FacultyThe Balance Sheet, a timelysatire on the Commerce faculty, ed¬ited by the C & A Council will bedistributed to the students today.The paper is featuring the comingC & A Banquet on Friday and isdedicated to the faculty—"to thosetimid souls who mean well; who willalways be the bane of a collegian’sexistence; who consider life a failureunless they write a rotten book on asubject of no consequence; who everwill be a sure cure for insomnia—we dedicate this, our first issue ofthe Balance Sheet (or UnbalancedSheet).” It is reported that theEditors, Ken Alwood and Pete Hor-tou ar® soIt.Ung with their prof a fortk grade of D befpre theg veleaae thepublication. j Regardless of their attitude tp-i ward the national bjisketball tourna-I ment, high schools in every sectionI of the country are supporting thetwenty-sixth annual Stagg track andj field interscholasbic meet of theI University, entries received so far in-j dicate. Up to yesterday, 31 teams*1 in 14 states had entered 161 menI for the championships, which will be Ij held May 30 and 31. j |Ohio, which has been one of the jstates most firmly opposed to any |basketball meets, either state or nd-tiioiiaT, leads the entries so far withfive teams. Texas has three teams'entered.One of the early entries is thatof Fuqua of Brazil, Indiana, who lastyear set a new meet record in the440 event with a time of 0:49 4-10j|In 1928, Fuqua placed second in onelof the quarter miles. Anotheh star.’is Claude Grabert of Deming^ NewMexico, who won the centiury in thpjstate meet in the remarkable time of)0:09 6-10, and took the furlong irij0:22 3-10, afteir he had been set'back one yard. “The complete list of teams en-:tered so far is as follows: Hinsdale,Ill., Russellville, Ark., Smithville,!^Texas; DuPont Rtanual high, Louis-^ville, Ky., Lamar, Mo., Brazil, Ind.if"McKinley high, Niles, Ohio;high, Waterloo, la., GreeilWop^,Miss., Elkhart, Kan., San AngelojTex., East Technical high, Cleveland;^0., Macomb, Ill., Mansfield, O.V Bast;(Continued on page 2)r ! V: J $ “The Lure and Mysticism ofJewels,” a historical pageant, parad¬ed before its audience last eveningin the Reynolds club theatre an ex¬hibition of large, glittering tiaras,necklaces, bracelets, and rings care¬fully chosen as replicas of the Eng¬lish crown jewels. Mrs. MinnaSchmidt directed the pageant assist¬ed by Miss Cecily Foster and theCostume workshop.The program was divided intp sec¬tions showing the prehistoric adorn¬ment, the national forms of decora¬tion, the jewels, and finally the lastand largest section, the coronation.All these sections exhibit costumesmade by the Costume workshop andthe jewels which were used wereloaned for the occasion through thecourtesy of Mrs. Schmidt.Twenty-six men and w'omen fromthe Dramatic association took partin the first large section of the pro¬gram. The pageant began in theage of Neolithic man with John Tier-nan and Janet Smith as the primi¬tive man and woman. It progressedthrough the various costumed formsof Indian men, Hindu temple danc¬ers, and Saxon women to the manyprincesses of the last twenty cen¬turies. The second section, the cor¬onation, was symbolic rather thanhistoric, but suggested the investi¬ture of William and Mary. Theceremonies in that section were basedon those used for the coronation ofEnglish rulers.Those in the coronation scene(Continued on page 2) Annual election of the officers of: Tower Players, Gargoyle, and thetreasurer of the Dramatic associa-i tion will be held Thursday at 4 ini the Tower room. All members whoi are Juniors now are eligible for theI open nominations which will be con¬ducted from the floor instead of be¬ing made by a nominating commit¬tee. The officers who are electedat this time, together with the officersof Mirror will comprise an electionboard which will elect the chairmanof the Dramatic association at a spe¬cial meeting. Tea will be served af¬ter the elections.Install OfficersInstallation of officers will takeplace Wednesday, at 6 in the Rey¬nolds club theatre, and will be fol¬lowed by a dinner in the Commonsfree to all old and new members ofthe Dramatic association, which in¬cludes members of the Tower Play¬ers, Gargoyle, and Mirror. This din¬ner will take the place of the an¬nual Mirror banquet.Beatrice Scheibler, who is incharge of the arrangements for thedinner has mailed 225 invitations,enclosing a stamped card which mustbe returned before tomorrow.A special review program, consist¬ing of skits, songs and dances will bepresected at 8:30 in the Reynolds(Continued on page 4)AUTHORITIES ONMEDIEVAL SCIENCEHERE THIS WEEKJimmy Twohig on hhuIRoad to Recoy«rif IJimmy Twohig, University groundkeeper for thirty years, whoy Hiinjured in an automobile acdijentlflast Thursday, is still confined tohis bed in Billings hospital. Accord¬ing to hospital officials, he did notsuffer a skull fracture, as it waspreviously announced.Though his condition was at firstdeemed serious, Jimmy is improvingrapidly, and is expected to recover«onn i* more than seventy yearsage, and has been at the .yni-'vfeTiitjr is tSttg is hii'dte ““Old Mari.^ Dr. and Mrs. Charles Singer, ofthe University of London and au¬thorities in the field of historicalscience, will lecture here this week.The couple are on an extended tourof the states with the intention oflecturing at various colleges anduniversities.Dr. Singer will lecture Thursdayat 4:30 in Harper Assembly room on“The Scientific Change fromMedieval to Modern”. He obtainedhis degree in Biology from Univer¬sity college, London and from Mag¬dalen college, Oxford. He has amedical degree from St. Mary’s,London; and was a medical officeron an expedition in Abyssinia,Egypt, and the Malay. Dr. Singeris the author of numerous books onthe history of science.Mrs. Singer will spealc Friday at8 in Pathology 117 on “Folk Medi¬cine.” She is particularly inter¬ested in Medieval science and haswritten several of the volumes thatare in the set of “Catalogue of Al¬chemist Manuscripts-greets Latinand Vernacular.” She is a memberof the Royal society of Medicine andIB also an tnamhar of Fh®^ntertiational committee on the His¬tory of science. McDill, Elmer WinIn Biblical ContestJames McDill was awarded firstprize of thirty-five dollars as winnerin the Biblical Reading contest heldyesterday at 4:30 in Joseph Bondchapel. His reading was judgedmost excellent by Dr. Charles Gil-key, dean of the University chapel,and Professors Edward Goodspeedand J. Graham of the Divinityschool. F. D. Elmer received fifteendollars for placing second in thecontest.The Bible Reading competitiontakes place annually and was estab¬lished in 1903 by a gift) from MiloP. Jewett. Two kinds of readingare considered: objective narrative,such as a religious parable, andlyrical passages, such as the psalms.Professor Davis Edwards of theDivinity school Department of Pub¬lic Speaking, was in charge of thecontest.Talents of BeecherWomen Revealed inAnnual Class NightClass night, a Beecher hall tradi¬tion, was duly celebrated last nightat dinner. The festivitie. includedand represented the combined tal¬ents of 42 women.The freshmen, still gifted withimmature and guileless naivete, pro¬duced an original court room com¬edy based on the romantic existenceof Mary Eliza Beecher who foundedthe hall and whose portrait is atpresent gracing the wall space abovethe dining room mantel. Being onlyone year old in University experi¬ence and still retaining their orig¬inal juvenile enthusiasm, the sopho¬mores mocked the seniors, portray¬ing them as th^y will be twentyyears hence. The juniors pulled thatold one, the Lighthouse Keeper’sdaughter. The august seniors withw >efully befitting countenances trodsolemnly in, yieariug equally woefulcaps and gowns. They read a classwill leaving the heirs, next year’sresidents of Beechef, their dignity,prestige, and poise.f*age Twoiattg Mw^omFOUNDED IN 1»01THE OFFICIAL STUDENT NEWSPAPER OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGOPubliahed morninKi. except Saturday, Sunday and Monday, durinK the Autumn,Winter and Spring quarters by The Daily Maroon Company, 6831 Univeraito^ Ave. Sub-acription rates $3.00 per year; by mail, $1.50 i)er year extra. Single copies, 6 cents each.Entered as second class matter March 18, 1903, at the poet office at Chicago,fllinois, under the Act of March 3, 1879.The Daily Maroon expressely reserves all rights of publication of any materialappearing in this paper.Member of the Western Conference Press AssociationEDWIN LEVIN, Managing EditorElARLE M. STOCKER, Business ManagerROBERT L. NICHOLSON, Assistant Business ManagerHARRIET DEAN HATHAWAY, Woman’s EditorHENRY D. FISHER, Sports EditorARNOLD SCHLACHET, Chairman of Editorial BoardEDITORIAL DEPARTMENTEDWARD G. BASTlAN News EditorEDGAR GREENWALD _News EditorJOHN H. HARDIN News EditorMARJORIE CAHILL Junior EditorMARION E. WHITE Junior EditorWILLIAM R. HARSHE..-..Whi8tle EditorLOUIS RIDENOUR Day EditorMERWIN S. ROSENBERG Day EditorGEORGE T. VAN DERHOEF....Day EditorMARGARET EGAN Sophomore EMitorJANE KESNER Sophomore EditorJANE WERTHEIMER Sophomore Editor BUSINESS DEPARTMENTABE BLINDER Advertising ManagerLEE LOVENTHAL—Advertising ManagerLOUIS rORBRICH.-.Circulation ManagerGEORGE GRIEWANK ..Circulation AssistROBERT McCarthy —.Sophomore Asst.JAMES McMAHON Sophomore Asst.NED VEATCH —.Sophomore AsstSPORTS DEPARTMENTALBERT ARKULES Asst SporU EditorWALTER BAKER Sophomore EditorHERBERT JOSEPH Sophomore EditorMARJORIE TOLMAN-Woman’s Sports EditorTHE SEARCH FOR A SHOW ROOMIt was recently brought to the attention of the Daily Maroonthat aside from the studio in Weiboldt Hall employed by the Renais¬sance Society for its exhibits, there is practically no other place onthe campus that may conveniently be used for exhibition purposes.The room of the Renaissance Society on the second floor of Wei¬boldt, furthermore, has been reserved so far for the work of artistseither not connected at all or connected only vaguely with theUniversity. This is not meant as a slur upon the worthy RenaissanceSociety, whose activities have been commendable, but simply asa means to point out that the undergraduate who is artistically in¬clined has at present not even a makeshift gallery in which to dis¬play his work.It is to be expected, of course, that the new art foundationwhich is shortly to be precipitated upon us will have full accom¬modations for an undergraduate gallery. If the architects havenot as yet thought of it. The Daily Maroon cordially offers the sug¬gestion. In the meantime, there are at least two gentlemen, one anartist and the other a photographer, whose work is worthy of ex¬hibition. They were offered the Hitchcock Hall breakfast room asa sort of show place, but due to its inaccessibility thought best torefuse. Both these undergraduates will have been graduated be¬fore the new art building is completed, and will probably have re¬moved their activities to a more appreciative locale than the Uni¬versity of Chicago. Since there is no one room that they may useunder the present circumstances, it might be a happy thought toappropriate one of the corridors in Y^eiboldt and Classics to thepurpose. The wall space would probably be sufficiently large, andthe lighting could easily be improved. If it is possible to do sowithout sacrilege, the Pennells in Classics, on one floor at any rate,might be temporarily removed to make room for the exhibit. Allthese arrangements are naturally dependent upon the efforts ofthe individual artists in question.It is the opinion of The Daily Maroon that an exhibit of un¬dergraduate work would stir more general interest in contemporaryart than even the Renaissance Society has been able to do. Itmight lead to some organization of undergraduate artists analagousto the Renaissance Society; and while that might not be the bestthing imaginable, its concerted endeavor would probably obtainmore easily than that of individuals some show room more con¬venient and appropriate than a corner in Hitchcock.DEBATING IN THE UNIVERSITYIn a school with Oxfordian ideals of scholarship and semi-Oxfordian architecture, it is peculiar that debating as a practiceor as a pastime should never have attained the place accorded toit at the English university—or, for that matter, at Harvard. For¬mal argumentative speech has in the last few years hardly beenheard of here. In 1926 it was given a slight impetus by a few en¬thusiastic freshman, but shortly lapsed into its customary state ofneglect. And now that it has been incorporated into the Intra¬mural department as a competitive sport, and has again awakenedthe interest of the more Joquacious dialecticians, it seems well onits way back to the old condition for lack of outside support.On Tuesday of next week, the finals in the Intramural extemp¬oraneous speaking contest will be held in Mandel Hall at fouro’clock. The Daily Maroon sincerely believes that it will be aworth while event. The subjects, which vary from “Crime in Chi¬cago” ;and “Prohibition to something as innocuous as “RuthHanna McCormick—Politician,” are of sufficiently widespread in¬terest to engage the faculties of anyone for a short time. Whilethis is not debating in the strict sense, it is perhaps a step to theenlivenment of debating actitivies at the University of Chicago, andas such deserves the appreciative attention of any undergraduatewho is anxious., to keep in touch with what goes on about him. THE DAILY MAROON. WEDNESDAY. MAY 21, 1930Official NoticesWednesday, May 21Radio lectures: “American Philos¬ophy: Pragmatism—‘the ChicagoSchool’,’’ Professor T. V. Smith ofthe Philosophy department, 8, Sta¬tion WMAQ; “Readings of ModernVerse,’’ .4ssociate Professor BertramNelson of the English department,11:35, Station WMAQ.Divinity chapel, Professor A. E.Haydon of the Philosophy depart¬ment, 11:50, Joseph Bond chapel.Faculty women’s luncheon, 12,Ida Noyes hall. “China in Revolution: The Revolu¬tion, 1911 to 1916—Sun Yat-sen vs.Yuan Shih-kai.” Professor HarleyF. MacNair of the History depart¬ment, 6:45, the Art Institute.History of Religious clubs. Pro¬fessor A. E. Haydon of the Philoso¬phy department, 7:30, 6120 Ingle-side avenue. Scheibler, queen; James Scheibler, i actual worth of the jewels imitatedPrime minister; Gordon Watrous andRobert Graf, crusaders; Gerald Ryanand Frances Mayer Oakes, alcolytes.A replica of the Kohinoor diamondof eighty-seven and one-half caratbwas wheeled on to the scene. The for this stage showing is five andone-half million dollars.■ The exhibit was the first offeredby the Costume workshop that wasopen to the campus without invita¬tion.TARPON PRESENTSWATER FETE FRIDAYPublic lecture (Divinity school):“Some Significant Social Trends inChina Today,’’ D. Willard Lyon, D.D., Y. M. C. A. Secretary in China,4:30, Swift Assembly room.Zoologry club, “Asymmetry andSymmetry Reversal in the PalmPrints of Twins,” Professor HoratioHackett Newman of the Zoology de¬partment, 4:30, Zoology 29.Philological society (Membersonly): “The Origin of the Runes,”Associate Professor Chester Gould.University vesper service, the mu¬sic of the Anglican Reformation, theUniversity choir and the ReverendEdward S. White, Church of the Re¬deemer, Hyde Park, Frederick Mar¬riott, organist, 5, University chapel.“Turner’s ‘Frontier Thesis’ Appliedto American Literary Criticism,” Pro¬fessor Percy H. Boynton of the Eng¬lish department, 8, Classics 20.Romance club, “The Manuscriptsof ‘Partonopeus de Blois’,” Mr. L. P.Smith, “Chief Variations in Balzac’s‘Peau de Chagrin’,” Mr. H. H. Mil-lott; 8, Wieboldt hall.Thursday, May 22Radio lecture: “American Philos¬ophy: John Dewey and JusticeHolmes.” Professor T. V. Smith ofthe Philosophy department, 8, Sta¬tion WMAQ.Divinity chapel, Associate Profes¬sor A. G. Baker of the Divinityschool, 11:50, Joseph Bond chapel.Chicago Alumnae tea for Seniorw’omen, 3:30 to 5:30, Ida Noyes hall.Undergraduate and Graduate Poli¬tical Science clubs, Mr. W. H.. Mc¬Nair, “The Single Tax as a WayOut of the Chicago Situation.” 4,Social Science Assembly room.public lecture: “The ScientificChange from Medieval to Modern”(illustrated). Dr. Charles Singer,University of London, 4:30, HarperAssembly room.Radio lecture: “Bacteriology andthe Service of Mankind”, AssistantProfessor S. A. Koser of the Bac¬teriology department, 6, StationWMAQ.Public lecture (downtown):MAY SALEMay 19 to May 31STATIONERYSeasonable and Gift items.Buy at a saving now.BOOKSAil opportunity to buy yoursummer reading.TYPEWRITERSSome real Bargains for thislimited period.jWoodworth’sBook Store1311 E. 57th St.Open Evenings (Continued from page 1)ing and swimming. There will bean element of the comic throughoutthe entire entertainment.Harriet Ann Trinkle is chairmanof the scenery, Mary EleanorThompkins, costumes, Lillian Peter¬son, properties and Helen Stahl,publicity.ENTRY UST FORINTERSCHOLASTICEXCEEDS THIRTY(Continued from page 1)Palestiine, 0., Central high, Musko¬gee, Okla., Marquette Universityhigh, Milwaukee, Wis., Tulsa, Okla.,Lebanon, Ind., Berlin, Wis., Musca¬tine, la., Rosenberg, Tex., Green¬ville, Tex., Bedford, Ind., Eldorado,Kan., Sidney, 0., David Proudyhigh, Spencer, Miss., Boys high, At¬lanta, Ga., Roosevelt high, Dayton,O., Doming, New Mexico, Heresford,Tex.FEATURE “CROWNJEWELS” AT PAGEANT(Continued from page 1)were: Russell Huber, king; Beatricep^TEBNi'nreJeweliy1{4BKEN pip^&CX)SI N. State St., ChicagoW ■ ’'ThtbuuntaCcOtvI _ t Unirenity AhmotpheTt"iMMwhre 3-Mmntk»* teimI la SteaognipliyI Open Only to College StudentsI Ai for Bulletin—No SoUeitort Employed.11*^ BWeMgaa FtoarPhone Randolph 4347 Chicuco. Shop On 55th St.SPECIAL RATES TO STUDENTSCome Folks toSWIDLERS KOSHER RESTAURAMTAND LUNCH ROOMTry <3ur Special 55c Plate LuncheonEXCELLENT SERVICEPhone PUza 6672 1105 East SSth StreetSTRAW HATS$1.95 to $4.95KNICKERS and WHITE DUCK PANTS$1.95 to $6.95OXFORD POLO SHIRTS$1.95 to $2.95Hot Shorts, Snappy ShirtsSummer Vacation Toggery.atCOWHEYS MEN’S SHOP55th Street at Ellis Ave.TRY II TODAYMASSEY'S CAFETERIA1406 E 55th StreetWalk over for a good home-cooked meal ....home-baked pastries, real fried chicken.Largest assortment of vegetables and foods on55th Street.SPECIAL T-BONE STEAKSOc.... the best in town!IlUnoMThe pause thatgives poisejPausethat refreshesComes a time (as they say) every day whenit’s good to drop things—relax—and, calm, *collected, cool, seek the hidden meaningof life.Sign off for just a minute, now and then, andrefresh yourself with an ice-cold Coca-Cola.Ready for you—anytime—around the cor¬ner from anywhere. Nine million times aday the Thinkers and Doers of the nationfind the pause that refreshes is what keepsthe world wagging.Tbe Coca-Cob Company, AUanu. Co.CW t9 Million A Day ^ IT had to he good to,get where it i#.t"•'^LISTENOrantbnd Rico ^ ■ FamoiiaSport. Champion.--^ CocO'OibOrchertra «-«'Evory WedncMlay10:30 to 31 pm. Ea.tom DaylightSaving Time-"*—•—Const toConst NBC Network^'a—wTHE DAILY MAROON, WEDNESDAY, MAY 21, 1930 Page ThreeRUN OFF PREUHSOF l-M OUTDOORTRAa CARNn’AL Michigan, WisconsinOhio, Illinois AreFavored In MeetPhi Sigs, Phi Pi,Delts Win RelayHeats PhiA great turnout of organizationtrackmen competed in the preliminaiesof the Sixth Intramural Outdoor Trackand Field Carnival held yesterday atStagg Field. The events were runoff in two divisions, freshman and up-perclass. Phi Sigma Delta showedearly strength in the dashes when Pinkqualified in both SO and 100, Barnettand Priess in the 50 and .Ashhack inthe hurdles. The Ponies also are wellup in qualifying men for the finalsplaciiig (lumm in the 50 and KK),-Fin-kle and Barth in the 100 and Wolf-herg in the 50.In the relays Phi Sigma Delta, PhiPi Phi and Phi Delta Theta won theirrespective heats. The best time was1:42 turned in by Phi Pi Phi. SigmaNu and Phi Kappa Psi also qualifiedliieir relays for the finals this Thurs¬day.The summaries arc as follows: thefirst three in each heat qualifying forthe finals.Heat 1—50 yard dash for frosh—wonby Janecek, unatt., second, Pollyea,unatt., third, Mattarozi unatt.Heat 2—50 for frosh—Won by Sher-win Tau Dcit, second, Andrews, Kap¬pa Sig, third. Headland, Psi U.Heat 3—50 Upperclass—V\'on byGumm Ponies second. Pink, Phi Sig,third, Ashley, Phi Psi.Heat 2—50 Upperclass—Won byPowers, Dcke, second, Barnett, PhiSig, third, Ray, Phi Psi.Heat 3—50 Upperclass—Won byPriess, Phi Sig, second, Savitsky, AE Pi, third, Merryman, Delta Sig.Heat 4—50 Upperclass—Won byJoseph A E Pi, second Kolb Phi Psi,third Wolfberg Ponies.Qualifiers in the 100 yard dash:Heat 1—frosh—Won by Janecek un¬att, second Mattarozi unatt, thirdWhitney Phi Delt.Heat 2—frosh—Won by Pollyea un¬att, second Finkle Ponies.Heat 1 — Upperclass — Won byGumm Ponies, second MoorehousePhi Kappa Sigs, third Powers Deke.Heat 2—Upperclass—Won by PinkPhi Sig, second Schlesinger D U, thirdBarth Ponies.Qualifiers in the 120 low hurdles:Heat 1—(frosh—Won (by AshbackPhi Sig, second McComb Deke, thirdYoung A T O.Heat 2—frosh—Won by Larson PhiDelt, second Pollyea unatt, third Hart¬man Z B T.There were no preliminary heats inthe 120 low hurdles for upperclass men.In the first relay heat Phi SigmaDelta with Barnett, Priess, Priess andPink won over Sigma Nu, Kappa Sigand Phi Kappa Sig. Phi Pi Phi turnedin the fastest relay time in defeatingPhi Kappa Psi, A E Pi and Tau Del¬ta Phi. The winning team consistedof Lynch, Rieger, A'alentine and Beard¬sley. Larson, Lee, Forbrich andScheid running for Phi Delta Thetawon the third heat from Ponies, DeltaTau Delta and Delta Sigs.The schedule for the finals tomor¬row afternoon as announced by EllisBusse Spring Sports Manager is asfollows:(Continued on page 4) Four teams—Michigan, Illinois,Ohio and Wisconsin—appear to havethe best chance of running off withfirst honors in the Thirtieth AnnualBig Ten Track and Field games tobe held at Dyche Stadium, North¬western university, this Friday andSaturday.Michigan’s strength in the fieldevents plus the sure points that To-lan will pick up in the sprints makesthe Wolverines a serious contender.Coach Steve Farrell has one of thebest Michigan teams in many years,a team which figures to score in atleast eight of the sixteen events.Among probable point winners forthe Wolverines are: Tolan, 100 and220 yard dashes; Seymour, quarter;Brooks and Poorman, shot putt; Pot¬tle, pole vault; Chapman, broadjump; Campbell, hammer; Dougalland Brubakere, javelin and the milerelay team. These men have all dis¬played sufficient class in the springmeets to warrant their placing in thecoming games. If thev perform inthe manner in which they are cap¬able then look out for Michigan.Illinois with two fine hurdlers inSentman and Rodgers plus such menas McDermotit, pole vault; Carr andMiller, high jump; Makeever, mile.Chambers, javelin and Hampden,quarter will also make a determinedbid to win the meet for the thirdtime in succession.George Simpson, Ohio’s greatsprinter, will make the Buckeyes aserious threat although hardly pow¬erful enough to displace either Mich¬igan or Illinois. Rockaway will.score heavily in both hurdle races.He will have both Sentman andRodgers of Illinois to contend withbut should prove their master in the(Continued on page 4) ILUNOIS TAKESLEAD IN BIG TENGOLF TOURNAMENTMaroon Golfers PlaceNinth in TeamStandingsThe best that Chicago could doyesterday afternoon in the openinground of the Big Ten golf cham¬pionships at Westmoreland countryclub was place ninth in the teamstandings. The Maroon quartetstroked their way around 36 holesfor a total of 669.Illinois took first place with 623strokes. All four of the downstateteam shot 158 or less. Michiganplaced second with 635, and Minne¬sota third with 638. The last 36holes will be played this afternoon.Ted Wilson, a junior from OhioState led in the individual totals.Wilson shot a 76 and a 75 for a to¬tal of 151 strokes. Jarvis Hicks, asophomore from Michigan, and abrother of Helen Hicks, noted Amer¬ican woman golfer, took second with152.Captain Charles Grosscurth shotthe best golf for the Maroons, tak¬ing a 77 and an 84. Milton Kleinmade a good start with a 78, butthen slipped badly on the last eigh¬teen holes and finished with an 87.James Drain shot an 83 and an 86,while Robert Cunningham took two87’s.Warm weather drieitf out the coursein short time with the result thatthe players were favored with goodconditions for the opening round.Lower scores would have been madebut the putting was exceptionallyweak.The Hyde ParkKosher Restaurant1133 Blast 55th StreetWholesome FoodQuick ServiceWEEKLY RATES FORSTUDENTSSpecial Plate Dinnerf GOOD FOODSi WELL COOKED — WELL SERVEDSunday Dinner—12 Noon to 8 P.M.—$1.00Lunch—1 1 A.M. to 2 P.M.—40 CentsDinner— 5 P.M. to 8 P.M.—75 CentsREVERCOMB TEAROOM6315 Kenwood Ave. Plaza 0924Sft«aHi«RRiRigigiaigigRigiaigigigRi»igKna^Study Engineering |In Cool ColoradoGolden is at the foot of the Rocky Mountain Range. Twelvemiles to the east lies Denver, with 325,000 inhabitants. To the westis the great Continental Divide, with streams and forests and snoW'capped peaks rising to the sky.Engineering Summer School of the .Rocky Mountain Region <Basic engineering courses in Mathematics, Chemistry, Physics,English and Design. Also Assaying, Geology, Analytical Mechanics,Graphic Statics, Strength of Materials and Plane and Mine Survey¬ing. Preparatory Subjects of Chemistry, Physics, Advanced Alge¬bra and Solid Geometry offered for students deficient in entrancerequirements. v v 'June 30 to August 22. 1930 ' 'This Summer Session is given especially for students who wishrtomake up work or to secure additional credits. All work is con¬ducted by the regular Faculty of the School of Mines. For catalogof the Summer Session, write to the Registrar for Booklet Z-5. - ^Colorado School of Mines Start Final l-MEliminations TodayThe play-offs of the qualifiersin the Intramural Playgroundtournament begin today with twomatches on the diamonds at Cot¬tage Grove and 59th. The nextgames in the final rounds will beplayed on.Friday. Today’s tilts:3:15S. A. E. vs. Chi Psi.4:15Ponies vs. A. E. Pi.SPRING FOOTBALLPRACTICE CLOSESSpring football practice is over formost of the grid-men. A few of themore ambitious ones will continuedrill until the end of the quarter. Thesession has been as uneventful as theusual football spring practice, theschedule consisting mostly of funda¬mentals.The squad adjourns formal drill un¬til next fall, but the pig-skin toters willcontinue training throughout the sum¬mer months. Various lines of en¬deavor, from ice man to bond sales¬man will keep the gridders in orout of form, as the case may be. Red Polo TeamDefeats WhitesIn Finals, 4 to 2The “Red” team captained by LouisLevine defeated the “White” team cap¬tained by Gordon Watrous 4 to 2 onGreenwood Field in the finals of theUniversity Polo Tourney.The game was fast but was marred |by fouling on both sides. Levine andHenkle played their usual steady game,the former on the offensive and thelatter on the defensive, for the victors.Hertrais was a deciding factor in histeam’s victory by his fine field playand particularly with his spectacularand effective ‘riding off.’ His gameearned for him the right to play in theOhio State game at Columbus, Ohio,next Saturday.Lt. Norman and Cadet Daughertyrefereed. The Intramural departmentwill give a cup and gold medals to thevictors.Lineups:RedsNo. 1—L. Levine (Capt.)No. 2—W. HertraisNo. 3—0. Henkle.WhitesNo 1—A. PertersonNo. 2—C. Coombs.No. 3—G. Watrous (Capt.) FROSH GYMNASTSDRILL TO FILLVARSITY POSTSGraduation of MenziesLeaves Gap InLineupFive freshmen conitnue to workon the Frosh gym team. Scheruble,Jefferson, Murphy, Seagraves, andTaylor have stuck to it, and havedeveloped good form. The captainhas not yet been chosen. As yet themen are working on all events at¬tempting to discover which they likethe best, while Coach Hoffer standsby trying to find in which event theyexcel.Hoffer hopes to be able to plugup the holes in the team left by thegraduation of Captain Menzies ofthis year’s championship team. Ol¬sen, Philips, Hutchinson, Kolb, Bro-mund, Alvarez, Johnson, and Lem-bry will remain as foundation fornext year’s varsity squad. The lossof this year’s versatile captain is ablow, but Hoffer hopes to work his(Continued on page 4)Amazing New IdeaRids Fountain Pensof Troublesome Ink SackIINVENTOR SCORESWORLD-WIDESUCCESS Until now, all pens were built around a rub¬ber ink sack. This rubber corrodes due toacids in the ink, deteriorates quickly andleaks. But now, an inventor’s idea actuallyeliminates the rubber ink sack. This morethan doubles the ink capacity and makes theink supply visible. Changes pens completely.//Try a^^SAGER” on Your ExamsUnconditionally4k i^uaranteed Imagine doing your exams with a“Sager.” You can see how much inkyour pen has before you start, and itgoes more than twice as far withoutrefilling;—is self-cleaning, will notclog, has no levers to catch on pock¬ets and is guaranteed leakproof.Dependable. Most practical. Put a“Sager” to work on your exams. Letthis pen, the greatest writing aid,ease the grind through your finals.The Ideal Pen lor YouThe “Sager” Combinette illustrated above is designed for your work. Penand pencil, all in one The pen hasevery “Sager” feature,—a 14K goldpen and osmi-iridium tip for lifetimeservice. The pencil has exclusive“Sager” features. It propels, expelsand repels leads. Has a large eraserand reservoir with extra leads. Posi¬tively the finest, most practical writ¬ing tool made, and priced at only$7.50. Well made, beautifully fash¬ioned by skilled craftsmen and un¬conditionally guaranteed. Drop inand see the “Sager” demonstrated.THE UNIVERSITY OF ClflMGO BOOKSTOREr.-H .E WORLD 5802 ELLIS AVE.S MOST PRACTICAL PENPage Four THE DAILY MAROON,. WEDNESDAY. MAY„2I. 1930; ^ ' £;GLOBE TROniNGGRADUATE ENDSEIGHT-YEAR TRIPBy Warren E. ThompsonBecause he had majored in geog¬raphy and geology at the Universityand wanted to see at first hand justwhat it was all about, Robert Unseld,Kappa Sigma, class ot ’22, started outin \^22 on a vagabond venture aroundthe world that brought him back toChicago only a few days ago, aftereight years of hitch-hiking in everyland of interest on the globe.Following 'his graduation from theUniversity, Unseld left this city inthe summer of 1922 witn $32 in hispocket, worked his way to the coas^.and then secured passage as a greasewiper in the engine room of a sugarboat bound for Honolulu. “I workedin Honolulu as a bank clerk for twoyears in order to earn a stake to carryme further on my way," Unseld saidyesterday in telling his many experi¬ences to this writer. “When I hadreached New Zealand, t raveling steer¬age, I hitch-hiked the length of bothislands, spending a number of daysin the New Zealand bush, after whichI secured a job as galley-helper aboarda ratty Dutch tramp steamer boundfor Australia.“An old Australian army officer,now a coffee dealer from Timor, no-noticed me typing some notes aboardthe boat one day, and offered to takeme along with him as his secretary.VV'^e dropped off the boat at Timor,and there began a round of dozens ofGod-forsaken, forgotten, untouchedislands in the Indian Archipelago.Whenever we went far into the in¬terior, I found myself living in a verit¬able zoo. Natives of such forlorncondition that the dirt virtually drop¬ped from them in scales, and junglesinfested with animals figured in ourexperiences; one type of viper in par¬ticular, a “flying-fox” or bat-like birdof unusual wing spread, was frequent¬ly observed in the tropical forests,giving one a most morbid feeling as ithovered about. Our guard called ev¬ery two minutes during these nightsto another guard un the jungle, whilebeneath us, ki the native villages, thetomtoms beat continuously.“The pig express—a small boat load¬ed with a most motley cargo of pas¬sengers, parrots, chickens, water buf¬falo, Indian cattle, Chinese, Malays,and pigs all in utmost confusionabout the decks—carried me to Bali,which, it struck me, is one of themost unspoiled islands of the world.”This University graduate states thatit was at Bali that the high point ofhis experiences occurred. He fell inwith an American, “who was goingnative like a gentleman,” and assistedhim in the production of a movie fea¬turing all native actors; the pictureproved to be a serious trial to its pro¬ducers, for the natives would not act,under any circumstances.“I lived on the island for some timein a bamboo hut, and because I wasthe only white man on the island thatw^ould have anything to do with the natives, I was given the opportunity tosee many of their ceremonies. I came,it seemed, to be almost worshippedby them; they treated me to the mostvile offerings of ' sacred foods anddrinks, which I dared not refuse if Iwas to continue winning opportunitiesof mingling with them. It was not atourist's conception of native rites that1 received, for when these ceremonieswere performed by the natives for theirown people, there was a type ol prim¬eval response that can come only fromsuch an audience, and which fired theemotions of the performers.”Unseld remarks that these Balin¬ese had a gong orchestra of fortypieces, all brass gongs, that “emit¬ted the most prodigous volume ofsound that could still be called musicI had ever heard.”Ill Java, Unseld secured the positionof vice-consul, which happened to beopen, and which allowed him to min¬gle with such potentates as the susu-hoenan of Surabaya, native ruler ofJava, and to attend the three day-party for the crown prince and prin¬cess of the Belgians touring the is¬lands. “I have never seen such animpressive occasion as the final night.The susuhoenan. bow-legged andstout, weighed dow-n with pounds ofjeweled medals, waddled into the roomto the din of a gong orchestra, fol¬lowed by the most comely of his six¬ty-eight daughters, who, garbed inrare batiks and jeweled headdresses,executed exotic native dances. Thecrown prince and princess were prop¬erly impressed.”While in Borneo, Unseld joined theUniversity of Chicago geological ex¬pedition working in that field and made at the Taj Mahal, famed shrineIndia. The Persian Golf, Babylon, ,Bagdad, Damascus, Jerusalem, the Isouthern countries of Europe and jthen the United States again, after [an absence of eight years, completes^the itinerary of Robert Unseld as hesketched it to the writer. !"] .MICHIGAN, Wtk:ONSIN'OHIO, ILUNIMS AREFAVORED IN MEETThis youth remarks that he not onlystarted out on the trip to learn moreof the things' he had read and studiedabout through his years at the Univer¬sity, but to see if such a story-bookventure were' actually possible. To hissurprise, he states, a great numberof college graduates are doing muchthe same thing. While in the UnitedStates foreign office in Java, everyweek' brought several American stu¬dents to the American consul, whowrote “wandering ’round the world,”to complete the education that had upto that time been so formal. (Continued from sports page)which he holds thelow hurdles inworld record.Wisconsin will enter a well balanc¬ed outfit which will be hard to beatout. Sammy Behr besides being thefavorite to win the shot put willpick up points in the discus andhigh jump. Ted Shaw has the bestrecord to date of the high jumpersand if he goes true to form he shouldwin his .specialty. Goldsworthy andThompson arc possibilities in thehalf while Frisch will probably pickup a place in the hammer. The re¬lay team figures to come throughfor a place also.a trip with them into the interior ofthe island for two hundred miles. Af¬ter a year as vice-consul, he continuedhis wanderings through China, Indo-China, India and the Near East. Hespent Thanksgiving day of one year.Kodak FilmDeveloping^ and ^Printing “.And it is not only the men whoare going,” Unseld declares. “I ranacross a number of girls doing thesame thing—using much the samemethods of winning their way. Two inparticular with whom I met at oneplace were doing sketches and artwork as they went, selling the scenesto the natives who figured in them.•Another woman told me of waitingmany weeks on an island in the Aus¬tralian straits for a boat to call.”With the intention of writing a bookof his experiences, Unseld broughtback to his home at 6362 Greenwoodavenue a collection of over two hun¬dred pictures, twenty-five hundred feetof moving picture film, and extensivenotes of all he has observed. A greatuiany curios and objects of natural ELECT OFFICERSOF DRAMA GROUPTHURSDAY AT VESPER SERVICETODAY FEATURESANGLICAN MUSICFrederick Marriott will play aprogram of organ music devoted to,the composers of the Anglican Re¬formation this afternoon at 5 in theUniversity chapel. The numbersare; Orlando Gibbons’ (1583-1685)“Fantasia in D minor” and “Fan¬tasia in A minor”; Thomas Tallis’(1515-1585) “Third Mode Melody”;John Bull’s (1563-1628) “Praelud-ium Laet ons met herten Reijne.”Immediately following there w-illbe a half hour Vesper service, con¬ducted by the Reverend Edward S.White, Rector of the Church of theRedeemer, giving an interpretationof the music of the Anglican Re¬formation. The University choirwill sing. This is the fourth in theseries of vesper services devoted tothe meaning of great religious music. Frosh Gymnasts Drill to FillVarsity Posts(Continued from sports page)freshmen up to the point where theywill fit into his team. The gymcoach looks with confidence to nextyear, but realizes that a big taskis before him if he hopes tto repeatthe success of this season.PROF, cox PREDICTSRETURN OF PROSPERITY(Continued from page 1)club theatre. Mo^t of the playershave been in previous campus dra¬matics but it will be the first ap¬pearance for some. Rehearsals arein progress now.Bob Graf, of Tower Players, isin charge of pu'ulicity. RUN OFF PREUMSOF 1-M OUTDOORTRACK CARNIVAL(Continued from sports page)WILUAM McNAlRLECTURES TODAY(Continued from page 1)handicraft, as well as some fossils for ithe anthropology department, were !also brought to the city by this young !fellow who has led eight of probably jthe most adventurous years a youth in !iii.s twenties ever knew ' business organizations, among themthe Westinghouse Electric Co., theAmerican Bridge Co., and H. J.Heinz Co. Pittsburgh realtors con¬sider it the most rational system oftaxation in the country, and thePittsburgh Real Estate board has■ heartily endorsed it. 3:30—Shot Put. High Jump andBroad Jump.3:40—50 yard dash for frosh.3:4.1—50 yard dash for upper.3:47—120 lows for frosh.3:50—120 lows for upper.4:(K)—440 frosh.4:05—440 upper.4:10—One mile frosh.4:17—One mile upper. ,4:2.5—100 yard dash for frosh.4:28—loo yard dash for uppeT.4:35—880 run for frosh.4:40—880 run for upper.4:45—220 dash for frosh.4:50—220 dash for upp^r.4:55—Relay organization finals. The foundation is being laid forsound and sustained recovery of busi¬ness during the latter part of 1930, ac¬cording to Professor Garfield V. Coxof the School of Commerce and Ad¬ministration of the University of Chi¬cago. All the well-known indices ofindustrial activity are running consid¬erably below estimated normal, butthere is increasing evidence that con-.sumption has not shrunk correspond¬ingly and that the readjustments nec¬essitated by the overexpansion of 1929are being rapidly completed. ProfessorCox said. His prediction was madein one of his series of public lecturesunder the auspices of University Col¬lege.CLASSIFIED ADS^ L O S T — W’ire-haired terrier.Mackie. Reward. Fairfax 9800,Rm. 632.VERY well furnished room on cor¬ner of 56th and University. Privatehome. Suitable for one gentleman.Call Mid. 8646, after 4 o’clock.WILL sacrifice for cash all orpart of beautiful furniture ol (6room Sout4\ Shore apartment. Infine condition. Also the electricradio and baby grand piano. 7830Luella Ave. Phone So. .Shore 0630.T OADiNG your camera with^ Kodak Film gives your pic¬ture-making a good start—havingushandleyour developingand printing gives your films agood finish.Ready to serve youWe’re ready here withplenty of Kodak Film inyour size—and we’re readyto do your finishingcarefullyand promptly. . .at the finish it's Spurt/U. of C. Bookstores5802 Ellis Ave.Branch, 106 Blaine HallLook for i h Venetian StarOPEN FROMELEVENTOELEVEN studioteashop NOW—AFAVORITECAMPUSRENDEZVOUSBETWEEN KENWOOD AND DORCHESTER NUMBER 1359 EAST 57th STREETHUTCHINS APTS.Very attractive - cozy - homelike2-3 ROOMSFree light and gas. One block from the campus. Rea¬sonable rentals.804 E. S8th St.See Mr. Ryckaert, care taker, at building.JOHN M. MCaiM217 W. 63rd St. Wentworth 1844 Miiiiait..In a ciga r^tte it ^Taste /MOaLL a spade a spade... a cigarette is onlyas good as its taste.Which makes Chesterfield mighty good! Nomagic about it . . . just good tobaccos, per¬fectly blended and cross-blended, the standardChesterfield method. Finer aroma, more pleas¬ing flavor, because that’s the one thing wework for:"TASTE a6ove everything MILD...and yetTHEY SA'nSFYRNE TURKISH ^nd DOMESTIC UJittaot, not only BLENDED but CROSS-BLENDEDLioott ft MrpBt Tobacco Co. J .-r;-