SUBSCRIBE TO THEDAILY MAROONVol. 29. No. 33. Today’s Weather;Fair, with rising tem¬perature this afternoon.UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1929 price Five Cent*TAG TODAY TO AID SEHLEMENTPICK MEMBERSFOR 1930 GREENCAP HONOR CLUBWill Reveal SuccessfulCandidates TonightAt BanquetSuccessful candidates for theGreen Cap club, Freshman honorsociety, will be announced at theannual Green Cap banquet, to beheld tonight in Hutchinson coffeeshop. This will mark the end of atwo months’ period of toil and tur- 'moil on the part of over 130 aspir¬ants to the club. IThe election was made by theGreen Cap board of management onthe basis of attendance at the meet¬ings, fulfillment of special require¬ments, and grade on the examina¬tion. The eligibility of all candi¬dates was cheeked, and all freshmen 'who received D notices were auto- jmatically eliminated. 'Will Show MoviesSpeakers at the banquet tonight |will include Dean Charles W. Gil-key, Dean Chauncey S. Boucher,Nelson Norgren, basketball coach, :and President Robert Maynard Hut- |chins. Ken Rouse, now on the IAlumni council, will show moving ,pictures of the University. DanAutry will read the list of the suc¬cessful candidates, following whichMilton McLean will announce plansfor the final initiation. The malequartet will offer two songs. LouisH. Engel, president of the unde,graduate council, will act as toast¬master for the bansuet.“Although the group chosen for(Continued on page 4) |CLASSICS STUDENTS (REVEL AT ANNUAL !BANQUET FRIDAY__ ITogas, Latin songs, a sacrifice in \the traditional manner and plenty |of good solid Roman food will fea- iture the annual Roman banquet of IEta Sigma Phi, national honorary un- |dergraduate cla.ssical fraternity, in ithe sun parlor of Ida Noyes F’riday !at 6.Professor H. W. Prescott, head of !the Latin department, and H. Lloyd |Stowe, national president of the fra- iternity, will be the principal speak¬ers, Brief addresses will be givenby Edwin Levin, editor of TheDaily Maroon, and several membersof the faculty.The classical society, organized atthe University as Phi Sigma in 1924,has since spread throughout the mid¬dle west. It now has about 35 chapters, mostly in the Mississippi val-1ley. ,Tickets for the banquet may be jsecured in the University bookstore,or from Robert NichoLson in TheDaily Maroon office. |Attendance at HomeGrid Games DropsOff Thirty PercentAttendance at the Maroon foot¬ball games this season was thirtyper cent lower than that for 1928,statistics from the Football Ticketscommittee reveal. Approximately139,000 paid to watch the varsitythis year, compared with the 203,-000 who cheered last year’s teani.The Purdue game with 35,000 pres¬ent attracted the largest number;Wisconsin followed with 30,000 andIndiana was next with 20,000. Theaverage for the other three homegames was 18,000 apiece. A totalof 8,000 season tickets which in¬cludes “C” books were sold. Cap and Gown SetsPhoto DeadlineAll graduate student* who planto get any degree before Septem¬ber 1930 are asked to have theirpictures taken before December15 if they want them to appearin the Cap and Gown. Those stu¬dents who have not received anotice from the official campusphotographer, Daguerre, are ask¬ed to go down to his office at218 So. Wabash on the 9th Floorand make an appointment withhim to have their pictures takenbefore December IS.Seniors OfferedIndustrial PostsAfter GraduationThe first interview between rep¬resentatives of industrial firms andgraduating seniors will be held Fri¬day, December 13, when ArthurRidgley, representing the FirestoneTire and Rubber Company of Akron,Ohio, will meet with students desir¬ing positions. Students desiringinterviews should see John C.Kennan, placement counselor, im¬mediately at his office in Cobb hall.The Firestone Tire and RubberCompany will select a number ofgraduating seniors for their collegetraining school at Akron, Ohio. Thestudents will be given a regularcourse of class room work coveringall phases of the rubber industry.At the end of the training period,(Continued on page 2)‘SUBMERGED’ ISPRESENTATION OFGARGOYLE GROUP“Submerged” is the name of theplay to be given by Gargoyles, themen’s dramatic group, on SettlementNight. It is the story of six dyingmen in a sunken submarine and em¬bodies all the thrills and suspensesuch a melodramatic situation wouldincur.Marguerite F’ e r n o 1 z, publicitymanager for the di'amatic associa¬tion, announces the members of thecast as: Alexander Dunsay who takesthe part of “Brice,” Alvin Reivitchas “Jorgson,” Rolland Edwards as“Shaw,” William Schuchardt as“Dunn,” John Tierman as “Nabb,”(Continued on page 4)ELDER OLSON WINSAWARD IN BYNNERVERSE COMPETITIONElder Olson, president of thePoetry club, was one of three towin the Witter Bynner undergrad¬uate poetry prize of which EuniceTietjens and Witter feynner werethe judges. Miriam Cosand of But¬ler university, and Dorothe Bendonof Mills college shared the prize.Sterling North, a former pres¬ident of the Poetry club was thewinner of the 1927 award. Theprize will again be offered in 1930with Mr. Bynner as sole judge of thecontest. Sterling North is the auth¬or of “The Pedro Gorino.”MAROON BANQUETThe Daily Maroon staff will cele¬brate its annual Christmas banqueton Friday, Dec. 13th, at 6:30, inithe Southmoor Hotel. Former asso- Idates on the staff are co.rdially in¬vited to attend. Those interestedmay sign with Harriet Hathaway atThe Daily Maroon office. The pro¬gram will include dinner speeches,and dancing. | ! EDITORIALjToday’s concert of the current Orchestral Association seasonrenovates a gh'ost which has appeared at inopportune moments inthe past and has been quickly stifled. The spectre is now infusedwith a strange vitality; the apparent lull in the building program,the ebb of the inaugural fever, the entrance of President Hutchinsprovides a strategic setting for the resurrection.The University needs and demands a school for the apprecia¬tion of music. Not a system of practical instruction in execution andj technique as President Harper had planned but study and guidanceI in the aesthetics of music, in the history of music, in the trends of! theory.The University prides itself on its eminence in the social sci-j ences. Neither the student nor the administration overlooks thesignificance of music in this field. However, many students not atall ambitious as practical musicians but keenly conscious of an affin¬ity for the various forms of music must shy away from school hereand satisfy their yearning in the various incompetent metropolitangalleries—or compromise themselves in the unleavened coldnessi here.Plans for a music school are neither startling nor novel. Pres-j ident Harper wanted to move the entire American Conservatory ofI Music to campus, as a basis for practical instruction. President Jud-son balked. The later presidents were caught up on the maze ofI building projects. In 1924 the “Better-Yet” Committee headed byi Dean Wilkins took progressive steps, but the plan was shelved,j There is no place at the University for practical instruction inI music. It would be difficult to compete with local facilities; andsuch procedure is out of the general tenor of instruction— sugges-! tion and guidance rather than drill in fundamentals.President Hutchins has committed himself to a program whichI he hopes will establish the University as a key institution. Certainlyhe shall not have overlooked a school of music. It is a great stepbut a logical and necessary one. Student and administrative en¬thusiasm needs only crystallization to precipitate action. The onlydifficulties to be anticipated will not be those of inertia or conserva¬tism but of a practical nature. The project must not, of course,i interfere with the rehabilitation of certain crumbling departments,with the raising of salaries, and the complete rejuvenation of theundergraduate body.There are many ways open to the installation of a music school.If a sufficient endowment to establish a department similar to newlyre-enforced the Art department is not forthcoming we might startj gradually with a department of a single professorship with quartersI possibly in the new Arts building. It might possibly be incor¬porated into a general constructive program with the other fine arts.H-ere are facilities, here is the opportune time; the constructiveJ program has place for it. President Hutchins has done much totemper student skepticism. Perhaps he is not an idealist; perhapshe will allow our ghost from the past to become real.!Cleopatra and Solomon Vie with! Angels in Costume PageantAuthentic historic costumes as de¬signed and made by seniors andgraduates will transform the U.I High L'ld temporary gym into a com-I posite picture of the loves of Cleo-i patra, the sayings of King Solomon,I and the cavorting of angels. Mem¬bers of the class in costume design-i ing and back-stage craft will dis¬play their first quarter’s efforts atI an open house exhibition for facultyj on Thursday, December 12, and for' students on Friday afternoon, De-j cember 13.j Mrs. Mina Schmidt, designer ofOriental CuratorI Speaks on CourtI Life in Indies! Tassilio Adam, Curator of Ori-I ental Art at the Brooklyn Museum,will give a public lecture tomorrowat 4:30 in Pathology 117. Mr. Adamwill talk on four years in the courtsof the Sultans of Java and his talkwill be illustrated by motion pic¬tures. He gave up his position aschief ethnologist of the Dutch gov¬ernment to become the Curator ofOriental Arts at the BrooklynMuseum. While serving the Dutchgovernment, Mr. Adam spent twen¬ty-seven years in the islands of theDutch East Indies. historic costumes for plays, is spon¬soring the class, and has donated tothe University many of her costumesand over 200 wigs. In addition shehas given money to finance the pro¬ject of installing the spirit of “Kos-tumdumde,” on costume designing,in a select group of students. MissCicely Foster, of the Economics de¬partment is as.sisting Mrs. Schmidtin the instruction of the class.Caesar and Cleopatra, Dramaticassociation students, will enact ascene for the guests, garbed ingowns concocted by the student de¬signers. A style show wil' follow,in which the members of the classwill parade the costumes they made,depicting variou.‘. ages in the evolu¬tion of dress: the leopard skin of(Continued on page 4)ORGAN PROGRAMThe afternoon chapel organ pro¬gram at five includes: “Prelude toL’Arlesienne” by Bizet, “Toccata”by Le Froid de Mereaux, “Fugueand Finale” from Sonata VI by Men¬delssohn, “Christ lag in Todesban-den” and “Erschienen ist der herr-liche Tag” by F. S Bach, “TheBells” by Price, “Indian ''Vail” byDvorak, and “Finale from ' onata I”by Borowsky. I Seek Campus OpinionI On Music SchoolThe Daily Maroon is seekingstudent and faculty opinion on aproposed school for the apprecia¬tion of music:Is such an institution necessaryto the University program?Is such a proposal feasible.^What method of approach doyou think most propitious?All suggestions and opinionsmay be sent to The Daily Maroon,faculty exchange.Third Concert ofSeason OfferedToday in MandelThe program for the concert givenin Mandel at 4:15 today by the Chi¬cago Symnhony Orchestra includesthe Overtures to “A Midsummer ‘Night’s Dr jam,” Opus 21, Mendels-sohn-Bartholdy; Symphony No. 5, EMinor, Opus 64, Tschoikowsky;Symphonic poem No. 1, Opus 31,“Le Rouet d’Omphale,” Saint-Saens;and Valse de Concert No, 1, Opus47, Glazounow.The association is asking memberswho cannot use their tickets for theconcert to make them available forothers by giving them to friends ortelephoning the office (Midway0800, Local 347) before the concertso that tickets can be sold for thebenefit of the association.This is the third concert by theChicago Symphony Orchestra to beoffered this season by the Univer¬sity Orchestral Association.NOTED PROI'ESSORSPRESENT VIEWS ATRELIGIOUS SYNODA religious symposium, featuringthe contrasting points of view ofProfessors Haydon, Burtt and Wie-man, leaders of their respectiveschools of thought in this country,will be held in Ida Noyes hall Sun¬day evening under the sponsorshipof the Men’s Commission on SocialService and Religion. The commis¬sion has invited one hundred and’ten guests, among them the ChapelCouncil and the Y. W. C. A. mem¬bers, to a supper at 6:30, to be fol¬lowed by the discussion.These three leaders of contem¬porary religious and scientificthought and authors of books intheir fields will, in fifteen minutes,each state their religious concep¬tions, the dissertations to be fol¬lowed by a discussion in which allwill participate.Professor Haydon is author of *.new book to appear this week,“Quest of the Ages.” ProfessorsWieman and Burtt are authors cfthe books “Religious Erperiment andScientific Method” and “Religion inthe Modern World,” respectively.Dalstrom Will S^akAt Open Meeting ofRenaissance Society“Matisse, Picasso and the FrenchTradition,” will be the theme of atalk to be conducted by Frances FoyDalstrom, at a meeting of the Re¬naissance society, tomorrow at 3 inIda Noyes hall Following the lec¬ture a general discussion will beheld and tea will be served.Although this meeting is intend¬ed for members of the Renaissancesociety, all students interested inart are invited to attend. The offi¬cers' for the society for this yearare Mrs. Martin Schutze, president,and Hugh Morrison, secretary. NAME STINSON,SMITH TO HEADFINAN^DRIVECorps of Twenty-FiveWomen Will TagOn CampusTRY FOR RECORDActivities End SaturdayWith SettlementStage RevueTickets for Settlement Nights arenow available at Mandel box officeat $1.00 each.“For the Settlement 1929” is themessage carried by the little maroonand white tags, whose presence oncampus today marks the advent ofthe annual Settlement Tag Daywhich comes each fall as a part ofthe drive to raise funds for financ¬ing the University Settlement “backof the yards.” Gordon Smith, AlphaDelta Phi, and Evelyn Stinson, Mor¬tar Board, are the chairmen appoint¬ed by Edward Lawler, co-chairmanof the drive, to head the Tag Daycommittee; and they hope to toplast year’s receipts of $230.00.Name Twenty-FiveTaggers who will brave the stormyblasts on their philanthropic missionare: Golde Breslich, Alice Cooke,Barbara Cook, Emily Davisj BettyDivine, Alice Edwards, Ruth Fel-linger, Ruth Frtischel, Jean Greene,Gertrude Gray, Mildred Hackl, BettyHarlan, Betty Hemplemann, MarthaHofmann, Deborah Libby, EliseLichtenberger, Florence Madison,Betty Parker, Betty Schmidt, MarySheean, Betty Slade, Betty Tressler,Virginia Troll, Susan Wegener, andBetty Zeigler. They will be station¬ed at such strategic points on camp¬us as the Coffee Shop, Cobb hall,the Book Store, Ida Noyes hall, Ros-enwald hall, and Harper, and willaccost prospective donors from 8until 2:30.The Settlement Drive opened on(Continued on page 4)LUCILLE ALGER TOSUCCEED BECK ASFINANCE CHAIRMANLucille Alger has been selected asfinance chairman on the first cab¬inet of Y. W. C. A. This positionhad been held by Eugenie Beck, whowas recently elected secretary to fillthe vaeancy left by Harriet Hatha¬way’s resignation.Y. W. C. A. will hold its annualBazaar Friday from 10 to 6 in IdaNoyes hall. Luncheon will be serveufrom 11:30 to 1:30 on the thirdfloor, booths with various articleswill be found on the second floor,and tea will be served from 3:30to 5:30 in the Y. W. room. Ticketsfor the luncheon are now on saleat fifty cents. Table reservationsfor any number may be made in ad¬vance at the Y. W. office. TheWorld Fellowship group, under theleadership of Helen McDougall, hascharge of the luncheon and plans tohave the waitresses dressed in thecostumes of different countries.FRESHMAN TEAAll freshmen women are cordiallyinvited to attend the FreshmenWomen’s Tea which will be held onWednesday, December 4, from 3:30to 6:30 in the Y. W. C. A. at IdaNoyes hall. The purpose of the teais to give the freshmen women afurther oppartunity to get acquaint¬ed with one another, and is beingsponsored by the council.Page T’ag THE DAILY MAROON. TUESDAY. DECEMBER 3. 1929sit? Satlg lMarfl0nFOUNDEIi IN 1901THE OFFICIAL STUDENT NEWSPAPER OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGOPublished morninKS, except Satuiday, Sunday and Monday, during the Autumn,Winter and Spring uuarters by The Daily Maroon Company. Subscription rates$3.00 per year ; by mail, $1.50 per year extra. Single copies, five cents each.Entered as second class matter .larch iS. 1!MI3. at the post otfice at Chicago,Illinois, under the .Act of March 3. 1M9.The Daily Martxm expressely resertes all rights of publication of any materialappearing in this paper.Member of the Western Conference Press .AssociationEDWIX LEVIX', Managing EditorEARLE M. STOCKER, Business ManagerROBERT L, NICHOLSON, Assistant Business ManagerHARRIET DEAN HATHAWAY, Woman's EditorHENRY D. FISHER, Sports EditorLOnS H. ENGEL, JR., Chairman Editorial BoardEDITORIAL DEPARTMENTEDWARD G. BASTIAN NewsEDGAR GREEN WALD NewsJOHN H. HARDIN News.MAR.JORIF. CAHILL Junior.MARION E. WHITE JuniorFRANCES STEVENS LiteraryWILLIAM R. HARSHE WhistleSIDNEY liOl.DBERG DayMERWIN S. ROSENBERG DayGEORGE T. VAN DERHOEF. DayCL.AR.A ADELSM.AN ...SophomoreM.ARG.ARET EGAN . . SophomoreBEATRICE FKUCHTWANGER .SophomoreLYDI A FURNEY SophomoreJ.ANE KESNER SophomoreJANE WERTHEIMER Sophomore EditorEditorEditorEditorEditorEtiitorEditorEditorEditorEditorEditorElditorEd itorEditorEditorEditor BUSINESS DEPARTMENTABE BLINDER Advertising ManagerLEE LOVENTHAL .. .Advertising Manageri.OUIS FORBRICH . Circulation ManagerROBERT McC.ARTHY .. Sophomore Asst.•LAMES McMAHON Sophomore Asst.NED A'E.ATCH Sophomore A.sstSPORTS DEl’ARTMENT.ALBERT -ARKULES Asst. Sports EditorW ALTER B.AKER .... . Sophomore EditorHERBERT JOSEPH Sophomore EditorM ARJORIE TOI..MANWoman's Sports EilitorTHE DAILY MAROON PLATFORMtncoiiniyriiu'iit of studcut f>art\cipotion in uiidivyradinilc cain/’iis acti: itics.Pr'otiintifln 0 stiidoit xnjcrcst in Icctio'cs. cnni'ci ts. iwliibit.'! ond othercultural obnoriunitics..Iholition of uraainy systiii and extension of researeh prineibu’s'essatinn of ex'ensizT building program.Adi'ption of a plan for sitpci'7'i.u'd, regulated rushing. OFFICIAL NOTICESTuesday, December 3Divinity chapel, Mr. Cecil M.Smith. 11.50, Bond chapel. ! Associate Professor Einar Joransonof the department of History, 8, Stu-i .tion WMAQ. Public lecture (The Liberal club):“Researches in Marriage” Dr. Rach-elle S. Yarros 4:30, Harper Assem¬bly room. Seniors Offered Indus¬trial Posts AfterGraduationExhibition of prints and drawingsby French and American artists.The Renaissance society), 2 to 5.Wieboldt 205.Concert by the Chicago Symphonyorchestra. (University Orchestralassociation). 4:15, Mandel hall. Divinity chapel, Dr. Archibald G.Baker, Associate Professor of theMissions, 11:50, Bond chapel.Faculty Women’s club, 12, IdaNoves hall. Mathematical club, “ConcerningHelinger Integrals,” Professor E. H.Moore, head of the department ofMathematics, 4:30, Ryerson 37.Renaissance society. Book talk,“Picasso, Matisse and the FrenchTradition,’’ Frances F'oy Dalstrom,3. Ida Noyes hall.Radio lecture : “IntermediateS[)anish.” .Mr. Bechtolt, 4:30, Sta¬tion WMAQ.Public lecture (downtown): “TheTriumph of Fascism,” ProfessorFerdinand Schevill of the Historyj department. 0:45, the .Art Institute. Public lecture: “Four Years at theCourts of the Sultans of Java” (il¬lustrated by motion pictures), Tas-silo Adam. Curator of Oriental Art.Brooklyn Museum. 4:30, Pathology117. ‘ Graduate History club, “JosephMedill and the Chicago Tribune dur¬ing the Civil War,” Mr, Tracey E.Strevey, teacher of History at theLTniversity High school, 7:30. Ida■Noyes hall.Socialist club. “Unemftloyment,”Mr. Benjamin Squires, 7:30, Grad¬uate clubhouse. (Continued from page 1)there will be assignment of men topermanent positions. During thetraining period students will be onthe company pay roll.Four men were strected from theUniversity last year and aM weresatisfied with their positions. Scu-dents who have not registered acthe Board of Vocational Guidanceand Placement for industrial posi¬tions may do so immediately.PATRONIZE THE DAILYMAROON ADVERTISERExtension lectures in religion andleadership training classes, “TheGospel of the Greek World: TheGospel of John,” Professor EdgarJ. Goodspeeil. chairman of the de-I I'.arrmeiit of New Testament andEarly Christian Literature, “The Artof P.'-yehotherapy.” Professor Boi.-^-en. ".Job-Analysis of the Superinten¬dent of the Church School,” Asso¬ciate Profe.ssor Earnest J. Chaveof the depaitment of Religious Edu¬cation. 7 :;>(). Bond chapel.IN THE NAME OF CHARITYCollege men and women are a self-centered, self-sufficient lot.They live their own lives in that small sphere of existence definitelycircumscribed by the conv'entions of college life. They consort onlywith the elect of their own group. They pay their fraternity andclub dues, their tuition, and their board bills out of the monthlyallowances supplied by lenient fathers. They devote the residue tosocial expense and their ow'n personal pleasure. Social service andcharity have seldom been known to enter this complacent pictureof the lives of America’s favored sons.At present there is extant upon this campus an enterprise knownas the annual Settlement Drive. Th’« driv'e aims to secure a largefund for the maintenance of the University Settlement House at4630 Gross Avenue. Its further aim is to arouse in the Universitycommunity a consciousness of social problems and an understand¬ing more specifically of the work of the University Settlement. Butin the more desperate business of corralling contributions this largermotive has been lost sight of.By means fair and foul there has been acquired annually afair sized charity fund which is adequate if not admirable. To sup¬pose, however, that even this meager contribution is an evidenceof student interest in social service or philanthropy is ludicrous.Consider how the fund is raised. Teams and team captains are ap¬pointed. These luckless persons then address letters to every manand woman of any affluence in the city requesting contributions..Money raised in this way constitute the majer part of the fund.Tea dances are held. Profits accruing from these pleasant littledansants help to swell the general total, but notice that they arepatronized not in the cause of charity but in the cause of personalpleasure. Tags are sold. (Today is tag day). But they are dis¬pensed in front of Cobb Hall and the Coffee Shop by those sameclub women who have learned the gentle art of extortion in unload¬ing the monthly Phoenix upon a campus easily beguiled by femininecharms. Two evenings—^next Friday and Saturday—art designatedas Settlement Night. The Dramatic Association presents benefitperformances, and refreshments are disposed of in the cloisters.Here again patronage is a result of personal desire rather than agenerous urge to philanthropy.Under existing circumstances we suppose that charity fundsmay be raised on campus only under some such guise as has beendevised for the Settlement Drive. We have no quarrel with thosemanagers who are earnestly devoting themselves to this cause. Forthem 5ve have only compliment and commiseration. We urge theco-operation of the student body in the enterprises which they areperforce managing the name if not in the spirit of charity.Our objection is directed against that attitude of self-satisfactionand smug complacency which does not recognize the existence ofa less favored class and which makes necessary the adoption of suchsubterfuge. It is with a sense of shame that we shall see the fundraised in the current Settlement Drive go masquerading back of theyards as an expression of the University students’ sympathy and in¬terest. Although such a laudable end as the assistance of unfor¬tunate peoples justifies whatever means are necessary, it is unfor¬tunate that more appropriate means might not be found. Obviously,however, any straight forward appeal to the stduent body for char¬ity at the cost of personal sacrifice would result in another fruitlesscAhuItatioii. Aii'J '-ve spate out editoiia! voice. (’hurcli History club, “The Riseof Beliel in the Divinity of Christ.”Professor Shirley J. Case, chairmanof the department of Church His-*(>ry. 7:3(', Swift hall. Commonloom.Graduate Political Science cluh."Experiences in the Study of CountyGovernmen.L in Tennessee,” Mr.'^'ai Iton C. Sims, 7:30. Graduateclubhouse.Biology club. “Studies on tiu-Female Sex Horn one,” ProfessorReuben Gustavson of the depart¬ment of physiological chemistry, S. iPathologrS’ assembly room. Have You Seen theNEW 1929 PRAYER BOOKS?NOW ON SALE1 at the1 C ROriK'Q Tr^pp1 vJ • Of Ov^v^JaliO5802 ELLIS AVE. 1 WKHi/Mr. Hayden’s new book, “Quest of the Ages”will be published Dec. 5th.Public lecture (ArchaeologicalInstitute of America) : “His.tory inGreek Coins” (illustrated), Ps'ot’es-sor Charles T. Seltman, Cambridgeuniversity, K:15, Cla.ssics.Wednesday, December 4Radio lecture; “The Renaissance,”KENWOOD TEAROOMEvening Dinner 65c4:30 to 8:00l.uncheon 40cI 1 to 2:00Sunday Dinner 90c12 to 8:006220 Kenwood Ave.MlDway 2774EVERY FRIDAY NIGHTFRATERNITY ANDSORORITY NITEDIL - PICKLE CLUB13 Tooker PlaceEnter through famous “Hole inthe Wall”858 N. STATE 3T.Famous Colored ‘Honeycomb’Orchestra not lisive oiii*PIPES and pants are mascu¬line prerogatives that defendthemselves and us. Where elsecould men find sanctusry?Pipes, stout pipes, and packingsof good old Edgeworth—what per¬fect expression of man’s inviolableright of refuge with other menbehind barriers of redolent smoke!Tobacco with the whiskers on,that’s what man wants—good oldseasoned p/pe-tobacco, the bestcf the leaf, all blended and fla¬vored and mellowed . . . Edge-worth, in short.You don’t know Edgeworth?Then no time must be lost. BuyEdgeworth or borrow it, or let ussend you some. There below is evena coupon, a free ticket for yourfirst few pipefuls of the genuine.Send us the couponand we’ll send youthe Edgeworth.Edgeworth is a carefulblend of good tobaccos—selected especially forpipe-smoking. Its qualityandflavorneverc/ian/je.Buy Edgeworth any¬where—“Ready Rub¬bed” and “Plug Slice"—15^ pocket package topound humidor tin. ,Edg’cwortltTOItACtl OLARUS 8s BRO. CO.100 S. 2 2d St., Richmond, Va.I’ll try your Edgeworth. And I’ll tryit in a good pipe.NTame A MANHATTANTUXEDO SHIRT FORTHE HOLIDAY PARTIESYou can't find a shirtthat's had more care¬ful attention paid to itsstyling, its tailoring—there's a finish to aManhattan tuxedoshirt that well groomedmen appreciateStreet.Town and State.Wi.wr thm Pdg**wnrth enm^X v BASKIN536 NorthMichigan 65rd Straatat MarylandOpn mningi Coinar or Lak*and MarionGkk ParkHART SCHAFFNER & MARX CLOTHESTHE DAILY MAROON, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1929 Page ThreeTHIS WAY OUTBy Albert Arkuies DENY CHICAGO OPPOSES IOWAThe experts encased in the taskof selecting all-conference teamsseem to be very much in unanimit>about their choices this year. Thisis stranjre, for experts have a habit«)f being in opposition to one an-t»ther. Whether they liave buriedthe hatchet this year, your column¬ist is not in a position to state, butbrotherly love of some sort seems tobe existing between the experts.K.\amining their hand-pickedchoices, we note that Harmeson andWelch glorify Purdue’s banner forbeing placed at quarterback andhalfback respectively. Captain Glass-gow of Iowa is Welch’s runningmate. .At the fullback post, mostof the experts have very wiselyshifted Nagurski to a tackle and thusmade room for Russell Hergherm of•Northwestern.The forward ^all has not beenmuch of a difficult problem either.Tanner and Fesler were out.standingchoices for end positions. Erica-son of Northwestern was the best-liked choice for center, while Kowal |of Illinois and our “own” RuckWeaver were choices of sonu* of theexpert."-. Sleight of Purdue natur¬ally crashed through, w'hile .Andei.son of Northwestern was anotherchoice in the line. Nagurski, ofc*)urse, drew a tackle post, wherethe experts decided to cast Berg-horm foir the fullback role. Westraof Iowa and Crane of Illinois weretwo more popular choices for theall-conference team.Buck Weaver was the only ('hi-cago player seriously considered bythe .sporting gentry for any promin¬ent mention. We noted that oneexpert picked Pat Kelly as an endon his second team, if that was anyconsolation to Pat, while anotherwriteiT gave Captain-elect Van Niceu break by putting him on his thirdteam Weaver, however, was con-isstently mentione<l either on a sec- |ond or third team, which is some¬thing.There has been a general clamorhear<i in this vicinity that your col¬umnist undertake the task of select- |ing an all-conferencc team. We mustdecline the in\itation. We fi'arsome of our selections would be too irevolting. In fact, were we t(» makeknown our selections, the ciiculationof the .Maroon would undoubtedlydr(>p a few thousand. On generalprinciples we must ask our pul)!ic toaccept our refusal bravely.BASKETBALL ON THE WING!Nels Norgren and his assortedvariety of baskeleers will assume thelimelight for the next few weeks.With the conference schedule stillin the making, due to the chaotictConcinued on page 4) NINE LETTER MENREMAIN FOR NEXTYEAR’S GRID TEAMFive “C*’ Men Will Return ^To Form Nucleus For iBack-FieldNow that the football stadia have ;emptied for the time this sea¬son and before basketball begins to Itake the center of the stage in earn- iest, we can cast our over thepast grid season and guess a little |about the future. Our Maroons istarted off the season with the samept.ssimism prevailing which seems to jhave been present for the few |y’ears at the outset of Chicago’s ;grid season. jIt is safe to say that this teamcame out of the season’s action with 'a great deal of glory. This glorywas ever-increasing and suffered asetback only when the Maroons were |beaten in the Wisconsin encounter.The last game was rather a revela¬tion to those who have been ardentspectators for the last five or six |years. To see a Chicago, Stagg-coached team win a football gameby a continuous flurry of passeswas a thing as fur into the land ofdreams as the airplane was fiftyi years ago. The flanker formationintroduced into the football realm !by .Mr. Stagg has been recognizeoas a system of unlimited po.ssibili-ties.Coach Stagg was more thanj |)leased with the culmination of the 'grid schedule this year, and, wheninterviewed recently, expressed*great satisfaction with the w'ork of |his squad from Captain Kelly down,up. or whichever way it is. ^Nine major letter men are expect¬ed to be ready for spring practice,barring ineligibility and the otherhaunting fears of a coach. Five of :these are backfield men. Van Nice,Knudson, Heywood, Stagg and Tern- lpie will form a good nucleus for theIIL'K) attack and secondary |This combination is augmented by !other promising aspirants. Cowle>, !the only “C” man returning to the |end position, will be aided at that iposition by Wein and Boesel,, two |minor letter men; the position there- jfore ought to be well taken care of. j.At tackle we find Trude, a “C” man, ;and .MacNeile, a minor award player, |to work from. Brislin and Ilorwitz jwill be the mainstays at guard, while :(Continued on page 4) i-iridvdtogd Water CarnivalWill Get UnderWay Next WeekThe Sixth Annual IntramuralWater Carnival previously sched¬uled for December 4th, 5th, and 6thhas been postponed due to unfor- iseen causes. The new dates for the :preliminaries are Monday and Tues- !day, December Dth and 10th, at 3:30 *Io’clock and the finals will be onVV’ednesday, December 11 th at 7:30;p. m.The features of the finals will be ia water polo game between the var- !sity polo team and the alumni, which Iwill lie composed of former swim- [ming captains, and a championship.jmeet between the city high schools.The water carnival has alwaysbeen one of the most interesting andexciting of all school events and a 'larger turnout than ever before isexpected. Entries for the meet mustbe in by Wednesday, December 4th.The schedule for events is as fol- , BASKETBALL TEAMSHOWS PROMISEIN EARLY DRILLSQuint Has Abundance ofReserve StrengthIn SophsWith the first practice gamescheduled for December 14th withLake Forest. Coach Norgren’s squadof cage players are settling downto intensive sessions. .Although theteam is hard hit by the failure ofCrawford and .Abbott to appear,even at this early date it is showingsign.s of becoming a capable quintet,('rawford who had the potentialitiesof a star has been declared in¬eligible and .Abbott, a reserve year has been ill but may reportnext (juarter.lows:Monday. Decembei" !)th-.■{:3()—2l’0 yard free style..‘) :.5()—1(10 yard breast stroke.4:30—Fancy diving.Tuesday, December 10th—3:30- 40 yard free style.3 :r)0—60 yard back stroke.4:10—100 yard free style. Yesterday Norgren had one teamconsisting of .Ashley and Fish atguard, Chagnon and Yates at for¬ward. and Boesel at center, scrim-vinage against a second quintet themember-; of which were Rexinger.Schlifke, Wien. Iledeen and Kowal¬ski.4:30—Organized relay.Wednesday, December 11th—Finals start at 7:30 p. m. Theschedule for the finals will be an- Inounced later.FINALS IN HOCKEYON CARD FOR TODAY :_ IWeather conditions permitting,the finals of the women’s inter-hourhockey tournament will be playedoff at noon today on the fields infront of Ida Noyes hall. I .At this early date it is hard toj tell just how the team will line up' some of the men have beenon the hardwood just a few days.Temple. Wein. Snideman and Bungeare una enstomed to the feel of thefloitr and laven'l recuperated fromtheir services on the grid team.Coach Norgren isn’t troubled withthe problem of getting a tall centerbecause that^ position is being takencare of oy feunge, and Boesel, bothof whom are 6 feet 4.The pre-season schedule is as fol-The Navy team of the 11 o’clockhockey class will clash with the !»o’clock Hot Peppers for the champ¬ionship in the winners’ tournamenl.Tht winner of the consolation tour-(Continued on page 4> lows:Lake Forest. . .OberfinCarleton'ButlerOlii^' Weslev-uu December 14December 21December 2S. . ..January 4. . .lanuarv 7; 4.T riumphant ReturnOF IPopular ChicagoF avoritesiRALPH WONDERS andGRACE KAY ;WHITE,charming ballroom enter¬tainers, open a Special en¬gagement at VenetianRoom, Southmoor Hotel,67th and Stony Island Ave.,Wednesday, December 4th.Dine and dance every even¬ing to the music of FREDDYHAMM and his COL¬LEGIANS. Teams To PracticeOn Bartlett FloorBartlett gym will be available foiba.sketball practice on Tuesday andThursday nights for Intramural or¬ganizations, tlie I-M depai’tment aii-nounced yesterday. The floor, whichwill be divided into three courts,will be in use from seven until nine-thirty in the evening. This arrange¬ment will only prevail for the nexttwo weeks, so league entries areurged to make reservations for courtpractice immediately.POLO TEAM DEFEATSOHIO IN FAST TILTBY 9 TO 5 SCOREThe University pol(» team defeat¬ed the Ohio State team !» to 5 ina game playedthe opening ofStock Show. Saturday night atthe International* The floor wa.-' new to both teams,and the pace was dangerously fastI during the first half, which ended! 4 to 4. Captain Watrous of Chi-I cago changed positions with Levine, at the end of the half, and madeI three goals which swamped Ohio in^ the last period, llenkle of Chicago,who was hurt two weeks ago inpractice, was hurl again at the be¬ginning of the game but he con¬tinued to play and made threegoals. Levine, who usuallv holds thescoring position of Chicago’s of¬fense, was so badly battered in thefirst half that he made but onegoal. To save him in the secondhalf. Watrous changed positions withhim on the offense.Chicago’s chief asset was the de¬sire to wipe out the defeat that theysuffered at the hands of the Colum¬bus squad last spring. The instruc¬tion given them by Col. Gossett ofthe 124th Field ai/ ilery, nationalguard, and ca|)tain /1' the class C na¬tional indooi' championship poloteam, was declared by Captain W’at-rous as one of the causes for Chi¬cago’s success. STAGG, WOODWARDCLAIM THEY HAVENOT TAKEN STANDDeclare News Reports AreWithout Any RealFoundationj The purported belief of Univer¬sity of Iowa authorities, as statedin recent news stories, that the Uni-I versity of Chicago intended to seek, the dismissal of Iowa from the west-' ern conference w’ere branded as un¬authorized yesterday by FredericI W’oodward, vice-president of the; University of Chicago and its con-, ference faculty representative, andby Director A. A. Stagg.“I do not know from what sourceI there could come any statement ofmy attitude toward the Iowa case,”said Mr. Woodward. “I have notmade any statement to anyone and1 have no prejudgement. 1 intendto go to the meeting with an openmind as to the status of Iowa andbe governed by the developments atit in reaching decision. ’Director Stagg, when the allegedattitude of Iowa was called to hisattention on his return to Chicagoafter an absence of two days, .said:“There is no basis for any state¬ments as to my position, for I havenot been asked by anyone what myi attitude is, nor have 1 told anyone: my views. I have had no discussionwith Mr. W’^iiodw’ard, who i.*! our; faculty rejiresentative, and will not,unless he asks me to give him myviews.“Nor have I had any communica¬tion or discussion with DirectoiGeorge Huff of llinois; the imputa¬tion in the newspapers that we haveagreed on a course of action has nobasis. Furthermore, I have noauthority in the matter, for thedecision is one to be made by theconference faculty committee, andnot by the athletic directors.”Only a few more days until that joyousmoment—Christmas morning.Be sure her present is a genuine BluebirdDiamond ... A quality gem of Regis*tered value. Its eternal beauty will be hertreasured companion. Come in today.Don’t let Christmas slip by without makingher dream come true."THE .M.XRK OK QUALITY ’BRANDT’S1225 E. 63rd Streetyfuf/ionzcd distributorBLuriBimDIPage Four THE DAILY MAROON, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1929NAME STINSON,SMITH TO HEADFINANCE DRIVE I Cleopatra and Solcmion VieWith Angels in CostumePageant(Continued from page 1)October 28 and will reach its climaxon the nights of December 6 and 7when Mandel audiences will be re¬galed by the cream of campus tal¬ent, manifested in skits, songs,dances, and plays, which latter areunder the auspices of the Dramaticassociation. Further funds have beenraised by the Settlement Tea Dance,a v’eritable football frolic at whichthe visiting Huskies from Washing¬ton were the guests of honor, andby the finance drive itself.This drive is in the hands of teamssponsored by campus clubs and fra¬ternities. A chart posted in Cobbhall keeps the campus posted as totheir respective achievements, andresults to date name Delta KappaEpsilon and Mortar Board as theleaders with $140.00 and $100.00,respectively. Phi Gamma Delta andChi Rho Sigma hold second plact.while Alpha Delta Phi, Esoteric, andSigma ate runners up for third. Theentire drive has been under themanagement of students appointedby Undergraduate Student Council. (Continued from page 1)Saul, the draperies of the Queen ofSheba, the stately robe of Motherof Graekka, Greek slaves, Romansenators, court pages, and eachmember of the class has designedan angel robe!The class, which is primarily forgraduate students, with seniors be¬ing admitted at the consent of theinstructor, does not confine its fieldto designing and copying, but train¬ed in all the back-stage arts, asmake-up, lighting, scenery, and wig¬making. No skill other than theability to wield the wheel of a sew¬ing machine is necessary as a pre¬requisite, this rule, includes men aswell as women.THIS WAY OUT FINALS IN HOCKEYON CARD FOR TODAY(Continued from sports page)ney will be determined in the tiltbetween the 1:30 Crushers and the9 o’clock Wildcats.The team winning the champion¬ship will be entitled to hockey em¬blems given by W. A. A. in an openmeeting held today at noon in thecorrective gymnasium of Ida Noyeshall. At the same meeting numeralswill be presented to members ofclass hockey teams and old Englisl“C’s” to women who have made thfhockey honor team. All women in¬terested in athletics and W. A. A.are invited. Members are particular¬ly urged to be present since changesin membership requirements will betaken up. cheap rent and comfortable accom¬modations; sing. rm. 6026 Ingle-j side Ave.LOST — Tortoise-shell glasses inHarper reading room. Call Sag. 6878or leave at Daily Maroon office. Phone Dorchester 4/64.FOR SALE—Four room co-opera¬tive apartment overlooking JacksonPark. Telephone Plaza 8271. STUDENTS — There are s ill afew rooms to be had at 5658 EllisAve. The location is excellent. Hotelservice, showers, running water inevery room. Newly furnished forstudents needs by Albert Pick & Co.Rental as low as $5.00 per week sin¬ gle, $8.00 p?r week for doublerooms.You do not have to pass throughanybody’s room to reach your own,n )r do you have to wait in line towash or shave. There is e.xcellentcuisine and music on the premises.Housekeeper will be pleased to showyou around.TO RENT — COMFORTABLE,clean furnished rooms and apart¬ments. The Campus, 5622 Ellis Ave.$.^50 man's Raccoon coat for $350.size 46. Like new. Call after 6 P. M.O’Brien. 4.^08 Oakenwalcl -\ve.CLASSIFIED ADSSubmerged’’ IsPresentation ofGargoyle Group(Continued from page 1) ,and Patrick McGee as the Com- !mander.Gilbert White and his assistantsa 3 the technicians for the play, andare hard at work on the mechanicalmeans nee fr. 'dn^e underwater off*Pick Members for 1930|Green Cap Honor Club(Continued from page 1) ,admission this year is smaller than ithe group last year, the directors |feel that they have included every iman that demonstrated interest and 'has fulfilled the requirements,” |stated Harold Haydon, w’ho is spon- ■soir for the club this year, “104 ieligible men were out for the club, Iafter eliminating those who were !ineligible due to scholastic diffi- ■culties.” _ (Continued from sports page)situation in the Big Ten which findsIowa seeking readmission, Chicago’spossibilities hang in the balance.Norgy has some good material thisyear but so has Purdue and Wiscon¬sin and Northwestern and Michiganand even Illinois. With a break inthe schedule, the Maroons may fin¬ally cluimb out of a second divisionberth. I LOST — Black leather notebook! in Cobb, 4th floor, Nov. 25. Re¬turn to S. Spaulding, 6910 OglesbyAve. or Lost and Found. RewarU. FOR THAT PARTY — Ki.^scsmeringue $.25 per doz. Date torch$1..''0. Extra large chocolate fudgecake $2.00. Apricot almond jam $.50per jar. Home-made to your order. LIFE INSURANCE AS A CAREER“The Best Paid Hard Work In The World”APPLY:MORGAN JONES, ManagerPAN-AMERICAN LIFE INSURANCE COMPANYChicago Branch568 Insurance ExchangeHarrison 9533HEAT AND SUNSHINE—2 rms.and kitnt. suitable for 3; newly decorated and atractively furnished;jBiri|.I|IIIMI*l|h| IIMI 'I' lni'llltllllMldl IIMIIlIhlllllllMlIIIII GREGG COLLEGE jI Home of Gregg Shorthand ?= Thirty-fourth Year mNINE LETTER MEN REMAINFOR NEXT YEAR’S GRID TEAM(Continued from sports page)Hamberg and Ericson will be readywith additional strength.The center .position looms as thebig problem again for the comingseason. With the graduation ofWeaver a large vacancy is evidentand at present there are no bright-shining stars making themselvesknown as material for the pivot po5t. j I In your spare time . . . either days ?j 5 or evenings — learn Gregg Short- |11 hand, the speediest, simplest, most ?? legible system of writing known! |11 Write for FREE BOOKS OF I= FACTS and information about our §e special classes for CoIIegei. Students. ~i 225 Wabash Avenue, North e5 Phone State 1881 Chicago, Ill. =lllllllllllllllllllilllllllMIIIIHIIIIIIItlllllllltllillliltllltlllllllMIIIIThe Successful PartiesDances, House Parties, Etc.,Handled by Gladys Andes atTHE IDEA STUDIOSFor Better Prices onBIDS - PLUGGERS - POSTERSDANCE PROGRAMSSuite 1218 Randolph64 W. Randolph St. 6181 Y. M. C. A.CAFETERIA53rd SL and DorchesterHome-Cooketl FoodHomemade PastriesDelicious Ice-Cold SaladsI Both Men and Women Served |I at Breakfast, Lunch and |L .r: JDelicious and Refreshingyouil^SiElF^aM I LLIONA DAY/ and anybody whoEVER RAN AFTER Atrain that wasgoing faster thanHE WAS KNOWS THEREIS NOTHING ELSE TO00 BUT.Run far enough, worklong enough, play hardenough and you’ve got tostop. That’s when thepause that refreshes makesthe big hit. Happily youcan find it around the cor¬ner from anywhere, wait¬ing for you in an ice-coldCoca-Cola, the pure drinkof natural flavors thatmakes any little minutelong enough for a big rest.The Coca-Cola Co., Atlanta, Ca.IT HAD T O D E GOOD T O .K.YOU CAN'T BEAT THEPAUSE THAT REFRESHEStv H R Z I T I S • THE LOOP OF CHICAGOLAKF FRONTN€RTn GRANT PARK LAKE FRONTA\ICMIGy\N AVCNLIt * SCUinNCRTI1 STATt STPEtT S€IJTME Carson Pirir ScottJ The HuhO Illinois AthleticA Marshall Field's B U’arren Piper(t'Co. C Chns. A. Stevens D Mandel Bros.F Palmer House ii Baskin’s H. I. Miller <t Sons I .-1. (L SpaiWdm^K Davis Co. L Public Library M Chicayo Athletic N University ClubTwenty-five thousand alumni buy diamonds and platinum jewelry from The House ofWarren Piper because they learned while in college that this firm sells better fraternity jewelryfor lower prices. Prove that for yourself. Members of your chapter arc welcome here• WARREN PIPER &. CO. • Fraternity Jmelry • 31 NORTH STATE STREET •.N/mc offices, prrvjte show moms and factory on the tenth floor