SUBSCRIBE TO THEDAILY MAROONVol. 29. No. 2. • fred -faculty^i.uBS ANNOUNCEPLEDGESUNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO, TUESDAY. OCTOBER 1, 1929 Price Five CentsSTART GREEN CAP RALLIES AGAIN114 Freshmen Accept Club Bids15 PLEDGE SIGMA;PHI BETA DELTA,QUAD, TME IN 13^lose Formal RushingWith PreferentialBiddingOiu' hundred fourteen women werepledf^ed to the twelve campus clubson Suiulay under the preferential bid¬ding rules in use. Sigma heads thelist with fifteen pledges, with I’hiBeta Delta and Quadrangler tieingfor second place with thirteen each.Announce PledgesAchoth announces the pledging ofseven: Mary Bingham, MargafctCloller, Margaret Hurd. Klsbeth Joll¬ier, .\lberta Killie, Jane Sandmeyer,and Ruth Willard.t'hi Hho Sigma announces thepledging of ten: (ieorgya .\u Buchon,Georgia Bassett, Lillian Carlson,Louise (ierwig, Florence Gerwig, Bet¬ty McEnery, Elizabeth Milchrist,Catherine Knowles. Eleanor Wilsonand Fred Withers, Harriet Anderson.Delta Sigma announces the pledg¬ing of seven: Edythe Anderson,Mary Frances Brennan, Louise Kirsh,Alice Luther, Norma Rosendahl, Eliz¬abeth Van Sandells, and June X’enten.Deltho announces the pledging ofeight: Betty Jane Kendall. JessieMcCollum. Eleanor Nylin. Jean Par-kin.son, Frances Tigue, \’irginia W’er,Gracia Williams, and Margaret Wood.Esoteric pledges eleven: Mary El¬len Anderson, Golde Breslich, Marioii(iray, Marjorie Hamilton, Betty Har-land, Rebecca Hayward, Betty Hem-pelmann, Eleanor Kinsman, LoisSchroth, Ly<labeth I'ressler, and \ irginia Troll.Mortar Board i)ledges eight: Mil¬dred Hackel, Lee Horton, DevereauxT.ibhy, Elise Lichtenberger, BeverlyPaulman. Elizabeth riiomason, h.liza-In'th Schmidt ami h'lizabeth Zeigler.Phi Beta Delta announces thepledging of thirteen: Genevieve Beat¬ty, Marjorie Becker, Helen Demi'ster.Lena Elliot, Dorothy Ford, Lorraine(Continued on page 2)OSGOOD RETURNSFROM NORTHWESTL^^nder the direction of the Do¬minion of Canada government. Cor-neilius Osgood, a fellow at the Uni¬versity in the department of anthro¬pology. has completed a fift.*enmonths' exploration survey on thelife of Dene Indians, a group of theAthabascan tribes of NorthwesternCanada. Mr. Osgood’s trip led himthrough the extreme northwest, in theMackenzie River basin, where primi¬tive frontier life has been superficiallytouched in the past by European per¬ipheral civilization.“In the lower Mackenzie district,’’stated Mr. Osgood, “are a numher ofDene tribes which have been shifting,fintermarrying, and dying with notice¬able regularity during the past fiftyyears. They seem to have reached astage of half-adaptation and thenstopped, apparently incapable of tak¬ing over the customs and ideas ofcivilization in its'entirety. They areas deceitful and ungrateful a group asiny people I have so fa.r met.Mr. Osgood made the trip to thenorth in preparation for his doctor’sdegree at the Vniversity. Forge Enters Sixth Year OnQampus; Plans Lecture SeriesI Hold AcquaintanceMixers Bi-Weekly! All students are invited to an ac¬quaintance mixer to be held to-I night from 7 to 8 at Reynolds club-' house. The newest victrola recordshave been purchased and accordingto Mrs. Robert V. Merrill, socialdirector of the University, the af¬fair promises to be a great success.I The mixer tonight will be the firstI in a series to be held throughout{ the quarter every Tuesday and: Thursday evening from 7 to 8; andI according to those in charge, it maybe possible to have them oftener, ifI the attendance warrants it.Th.r mixers to be held in the eve-I ning this year will take the placeof the afternoon mixers of lastII yea*-.Cowley AppointedTo Professorship;Leaves University .\moiig other imimrtant projects forthe coming season, the Forge willconduct a series of lectures by suchwell-known writers as Zona Gale,N'achel Lindsay, and Edna St. Vin¬cent Millay, whose appearance herelast February brought a capacityhouse. The first of* these lectures,whose wide success in the past hascontributed not a little to the estab¬lishment of The Forge as a magazineof international note and recognition,I is dated for the week of October twen-i ty-first.I,j The Forge, which was established! five years ago as a midwestern re¬view published on campus, begins its! sixth year October twenty-fifth with! Dexter Masters and Frances Stev-; ens as editors, and Edwii^ Levin andj -Kriiold .Schlachet as business man¬ agers. Its wide circulation todaymakes it available in Hong Kong aswell as in New York, and is due tothe high standard of writing it hasstriven to maintain. The last issue,published for the first time during thesummer quarter, presented 'as fea¬tures poems by William 'Closson Em¬ory, winner of the third Forge poet¬ry prize; others by David DunningBrown, Don Gordon, and David Cor¬nell Dejong, and a notable review byRobert Morse Lovett.Even with these names upon its listof contributors, the Forge solicits thework of young and new writers, forwhom it is primarily intended. It of¬fers as ap incentive various prize con¬tests, aiinouncement of which wasmade ii^ the summer number, and thesatisfac lOn pf appearing in the printof a well known publication.PROF. FAY-COOPERCOLE LEAVES FORYEAR IN CAPITAL PUBLISH FIRSTSUMMER MAROONW. H. Cowley, executive secretaryof the board of Vocational Guidanceand IMacement, has left the Univers-l ity at the openmg of ht- fall quar¬ter to become an assistant professorof psychology at Ohio State univer¬sity, it was made known Tuesday, jMr. Cowley came to the Universityfour years ago from Darjmouth col¬lege, and for the last two years hasassumed charge of the newly organ- jj ized bureau of Vocational (iuidance |! and Placement. jj Beside his post as assistant pro- II lessor in the department »)f psychol- \ogy, .\lr. Cowley will also be associate ;I editor of the Journal of Higher Edit- |j cation, to be organized shortly, and |j director of the personnel division of II the bureau of educational research at iOhio State. He will be responsiblefor the coordination of personnel ac¬tivities at that institution.Guidance Not Attempted.\fter two ye'rs of graduate workin psychology at the University, Mr.Cowley was appointed to combine thebureau of recommendations and theemployment bureau and reorganizethem into a new board, to be calledthe board of Vocational Guidance andIMacement. 'I'liis board has four pri¬mary functions, three of which havealready been realized. Thece func¬tions are, placing teachers, placing un¬dergraduates in business positions,placing students in part time work,and vocational guidance. The voca¬tional guidance has not yet been at¬tempted due to lack of funds.Name Torter HeatsAs Chapel OrganistMr. Torter Heats, newly appointedorganist for the chapel, will takethe place of -Walter Blodgett, whoformerly held that position. MackEvans, who is in charge of the after¬noon organ recitals, stated that dueto minor changes which arc beingmade on the oig.m these recitals willbe temporarily postponed..Addtiions have been made to thechapel itself. During the summer alarge canopy of oak, carved to harnionize with other decorations in thechapel, WaS erected over the pulpit.This canopy is to serve as a back¬ground for the speaker, and to drawthe attention of the congregation. Italso serves as an additional acousticalaid. Prof. Fay-Cooper Cole, head of thedepartment of anthropology, is atpresent on a leave of absence whichwill extend ^ver a period of one year.Prof. Cole is in Washington, D. C.fulfilling his present duties as chair¬man of the division of anthropologyand psychology of the national re¬search council.Dr. Edward Sapir, considered oneof the outstanding authorities on In¬dian languages in America, will fillProf. Cole’s position during his ab¬sence. Dr. Sapir has only recently ar¬rived from an extended research tripill the southwest, where he made aspecial study of the languages of themodern .Vnierican Indian He was as¬sisted ill his study by Dr. Kroeber ofthe University of California.Fifty Frosh OutFor Drama TeaM(»re than fifty members of theFreshman class were present at a teasponsored by the Dramatic Associa¬tion of the University last rinirsdayin Mitchell Tower, studio and meetingplace of the Association."This enthusiastic response to ourinvitation is most gratifying to us,"said Norman Eaton, president of the•Association, “It is also significant asan indication of the interest of theFreshman class.’’Freshmen attending the meetingwere asked to describe their previousexperience in dramatic work and to in¬dicate their jireference with regard toacting, technical work, or businesswork. Several of the aspirants to po¬sitions have had a year or more ofsemi-professional work on the stage,it was found.The work of the Association wasexplained to the freshmen and theywere asked to watch The Daily Ma¬roon for announcements of tryoutsfor the Freshman plays, the first pro¬ductions in which they are eligible toappear.Among the visitors at the meetingwas Russell Whitney, former presi¬dent of the Association. Publication of the first successfulsummer Maroon, since 1926, was suc¬cessfully undertaken by Louis H. En-S:el as STiIitor and Earle Stocker asBusiness Manager..Assisting the editor were EdwinLevin, Ed Bastian, Norman Goldman,and Milton Peterson. James McMa¬hon and Robert NkeCarthy were busi¬ness assistants. Faculty members werecontributors to the Maroon’s weeklycolli mils.YEARBOOK POLICY ISCHANGED; POSITIONSOPEN TO FRESHMENTwo seniors, instead of two juniorswill be responsible for the publica¬tion of the 1930 Cap and Gown, owingto the change in the year book's elec-tii>n policy ’)fornuilatcd last spring.'Fliat the coming edition shall be dif¬ferent has been the governing factorof the editor’s reorganization work(luring the summer months.■Many of the sections have been re¬vised and shifted. An entire rectionof the book will be devoted *o theUniversity woman and her maneuvre,--on the campus. "The Rap and Pound",however, will be continued but on alarger scale and "Rogues Gallery” willalso be larger and more complete.Freshman men and women who de¬sire to w'ork on the 1930 Cap andGown should come to the office inLexington hall today.Friar Pins Will beDistributed TomorrowPins for members of Blackfriarselected last year may be had in theBlackfriars office between 1:30 and.S:30 today, it was announced by JoeOdell, abbott of the oraer.'Candidates for Junior positions are'requested to appear at the office at2:30. Odell will at that time discussthe various Junior departments, includ¬ing head of the chorus, lighting direc¬tor, property manager, production man¬ager, scenery director and head cos¬tumer. The strong spirit be! ’nd theshow gives ?ssurance of a jccessfulseason, Odell said.It is request d that all manuscriptsand books for the coming productionbe handed in by the second week ofDecemb^. I Michelson Still InCritical ConditionI Because of the critical illness ofj Professor Albert A. Michelson,I world famous physicist, the coursein theoretical physics which he hadplanned to teach this quarter willbe cancelled.Four weeks ago the scientist un¬derwent a minor operation at theI Presbyterian hospital. He seemedto be recovering satisfactorily un¬til Sunday when he was taken illwith bronchial pneumonia. A con¬sultation was called by Dr. HermanL. Kretschmer, Professor Michel-son’s physician, with Dr. James B.Herrick and Dr. Ernest E. Irons.According to hospital repots re¬ceived yesterday. Professor Michel-sen’s critical condition remains un¬changed.Phoenix BecomesA Publication forLiterati—MastersAll those interested in working onthe editorial or business departmentof the Phoenix are requested to at¬tend a meeting Tuesday afternoonfrom 2 to 4 in the Phoenix office, Lex¬ington hall."The Plioeiiix this year will com¬bine between its covers the sophisti¬cation .if the New Yorker, the humorof Life, the .satire of Judge, and theawareness of \’anity Fair,” reads astatement given out by Dexter Mas¬ters. this year’s editor, who goes onto advise every one to secure a sub¬scription to this "niagazine or vhe in¬telligentsia.Everything from horse showsthrough hooks to aviation and per¬sonalities wil find its way into thisyear’s issue of the Phoenix, declaredMasters. Subscription rates are twodollars from the office, and two dol*^lars and a quarter by mail, oi theyear.POSTS STILL OPENFOR MEN, WOMEN.ON MAROON STAFFDespite the fact that the first callfor workers on 'I'lie Daily Maroon hasalready been sounded, positions on alldepartments remain open to freshmen,according to Edwin Levin, editor, andEarle Stocker. business iiianatjer.Among the open positions enumeratedby the Maroon leaders are sports writ¬ers, reporters in the news department,both men and women, advertising solicitors, and circulation assistants. Inthe event that a “Whistle” column isrun, as is expected, contributions forthis will also he needed, it was state I.No less than twenty-five sophomorepositions on The Daily Maroon vviHhe open next year. Levin stated, and(Continued on page 4)WMAQ BROADCASTSJORANSON LECTURES.Arrangements have been made withstation WMAQ for the broadcast ofa course entitled "The Renaissance”to be given by Professor Einar Jor-anson, of the department of history.Each Wednesday, Thursday and Fri¬day during the Fall quarter at 8 inthe morning Professor Joranson’sclass work in this course will bebroadcasted. No credit for this coursewill be given . _L .. This pro¬gram is the continuation of a plan(Continued on page 6) URGE FRESHMANATTENDANCE ATEVERYJIEETINGNoon Is Deadline forAppearance of GreenCaps on Campus■All iipperclass sponsors of GreenCap are requested to meet withHal Haydon in the offices of theMien’.s Uoiiiniissioii at 1 today.Freshmen candidates for Green Capare urged to be on the north standof Stagg field liefore 12 today inorder to practice for the cheering“C.”.According to the sponsors of GreenCap, it is imperative that all candi¬dates attend this meeting and allothers following, for attendance isone of the prima criteria upon whichelection is based. In the event aFreshman is unable to attend he mustI present his excuse to one of the se-j nior sponsors.Haydon Leads Groupj All Freshmen should have theiij Green Caps by noon today. They! may he bought at the University! bookstore or Woodworth’s. This year,j however, Frosh are not required toI run on campus while wearing them.”i The first meeting of candidates for' the order was held yesterday noonj in Mandel hall. Harold Haydon had: cliarge and Mack Evans led thej I'reshmen in singing University songs.Printed copies of these songs werei distributed.j The first of the evening meetings,i which aims at a thoroughgoing pre-; sentation of campus life will he held! Friday at 7:30. This meeting will beaddressed by the coaches of the Lhii-versity athletic teams. These Fridayevening meetings are in the nature otan innovation.Another new note, which will bebrought into this year’s (.men Capprocedure will he the btTruTng of theCireeii Caps at the end of the proba¬tion period. 'IMiis glorious orgy takesplace on Nov. 22, two days followingthe final examination.'I'lie final banquet and announcc-nient of successful candidates will takeplace on Nov. 22.(RHODES SCHOLARSAPPLY OCTOBER 12All students who wish to apply fora Rhodes Scholarship from statesother than Illinois, where electionsare held this year, are urged to makeapplication before October 12 to Mr.Robert V. Merrill, Cobh 314.I'he 1929 election of Rhodes Schol¬ars will he held Dec. 7 and all applica¬tions arc due to the central committeebefore Oct. 19. A Rhodes Scholar¬ship is tenable for tw'o years and insome cases three. The yearly stipendis fixed at 400 pounds a year andno restrictions are placed on the choiceof studies. .All Rhodes Scholars arcappointed without examination.States in which elections w'ill heheld this year are, Alabama, Arizona,•Arkansas, California, Colorado, Dela¬ware. Florida. Georgia, Idalio, Kan¬sas, Louisiana Michigan Minnesota,Akississippi, Missouri, Montana. Ne¬braska, Nevada, New Mexico, NorthCarolina, North Dakota, Oklahoma.Oregon, South Carolina, South Da¬kota, Texas, U^tah, Washington, WestVirginia, Wisconsin, Wyoming.Each applicant must be a citizenof the United States and unmarried;he must be between nineteen andtwenty-five and have completed atleast his sophoniofc yeat ta college.Page Two THE DAILY MAROON, TUESDAY, OCTOBER I, 1929iatlg iiarannFOUNDED IN 1901THE OFFICIAL STUDENT NEWSPAPER OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGOPublished mornings, except Saturday, Sunday and Monday, during the Autumn,Winter and Spring quarters by The Daily Maroon Company. Subscription rates$3.00 per year; by mail, $1.60 per year extra. Single copies, five cents each.Entered as second class matter March 18. 1903, at the post office at Chicago,Illinois, under the .Act of March 3, 1879.The Daily Maroon cxpressely reserves all rights of publication of any materialappearing in this paix'r.Member of the Western Conference Press .AssociationEDWIN LEVIN, Managing EditorEARLE M. STOCKER, Business ManagerROBERT L. NICHOLSON, Assistant Business ManagerHARRIET DEAN HATHAWAY, Woman’s EditorHENRY D. FISHER, Sports EditorLOUIS H. ENGEL, JR., Chairman Editorial BoardF.DITORIAL DEPARTMENT BUSINESS DEPARTMENTEDWARD G. B.ASTl.AN News El<litor .ABE BLINDER .Advertising ManagerEDGAR GREENWALD News Editor I.E81 LOVENTHAL Advertising ManagerJOHN H. H.ARDIN News Etlitor LOUIS FORBRICH Circulation ManagerM.ARJORIE CAHILI, Junior Editor SPORTS DEPARTMENTMARION E. WHITE Junior Editor MORRIS LIEBM.AN Asst. Sports EditorFRANCES STEVENS Literary E<iitor JEROME STRAUS Asst. Sports EditorHUTCHINSRobert Maynard Hutchins is no longer an anomaly. He hasbecome our flesh and blood president. We have found that hespeaks the same language, dresses in the same style, and smokesthe same cigarettes as common men. He is in no sense an oddity,though there will always be a little of the glamor of the boy-heroout of Grimm attached to him. His own modesty and business-likemanner have done much to dispel this amazed adulation with whichthe student body has previously been wont to regard him.If The Daily Maroon might presume to speak for the wholestudent body we should remark that President Hutchins was destinedto popularity among the students. And at the same time we realizehow very particular President Hutchins must be in manifesting anappreciation of that well-meant sentiment. Familiarity must be nopart of it, for in his youthfulness he will have difficulty enough com¬manding the respect of the faculty greybeards without having hisgiven name mouthed by every gushing club woman on campus.We almost wish President Hutchins were not President Hutch¬ins, but rather Instructor Hutchins, for we feel from first associa¬tions that we would like to know Robert Maynord Hutchins far moreintimately than his presidential toga will permit. He seems to be aregular fellow; one who has perhaps sacrificed a little too much oflife’s fun for scholarship’s sake, but a good chap, neverthess. Andthat’s why we would like to work under him and associate with himin the classrooms.Whereas under present conditions our further informal rela¬tionships will probably extend only to the warm intimacies of con¬vocation. I OFFICIAL NOTICES> ——Tuesday, October 1Commemorative Chapel Service, 12,University chapei. For all students.Charles \V. Gilkey, Dean of thechapel.Opening E.xercises of the DivinityI School. 4, Joseph Bond chapel. Pro¬fessor William W. Sweet of the Di-I vinity school.I Opening Exercises of Chicago The-i ological Seminary. 4, Graham Taylorhall. "What Is Theology?” WilhelmI’aiick, .\ssistant Professor of Eccle¬siastical History.Joint Communion Service of theDivinity school and Chicago Theol¬ogical Seminary, 5, Joseph Bond cha¬pel.The Christian Science Organization.7:30, Thorndike Hilton Memorialchapel.Wednesday, October 2Radio l.ecture; "The Renaissance.”Associate Professor Einar Joransonof the History department, 8 a. m..Station WM.\Q.Divinity Chapel. lU.'iO a. m. Jo.sephBond chapel. Shailer Mathews, Deanof the Divinity school. 15 PLEDGE SIGMA;PHI BETA DELTA,QUAD, TAKE IN 13(Continued from page 1)Marco, Helen Michael, Susan Noble.Audrey Pierce, Geraldine Raleigh,Helen Roach, Iris Rundall and Char-otte Sutherland.Phi Delta Upsilon pledges: CamilleHeineck, Marie Howland, AdelineKachler, Jeslyn Raventos, DorothySchulz and Mary Ellen Woodfield.Pi Delta Phi pledges: Mary Louise.'Mbough, Clarahelle Brown, DorothyCarr, Ethel Foster, Genevieve Jan;l)eli,.Mice Kaufman, Florence Merrick,Melba Osborne, Ingrcd Petersen andEleanor Wilson.Quadrangler pledges: MarianBreaks, Royce do Campi, Betty De-vine, Joan (ireene, Eleanor Maize,Helen Merriam, Constance Roiu.dtrec.Dorothy Reiner. Marj’ Sheenan, Jud¬ith Spencer, Gladys Syncs, HelenTait, and Betty Slade.Sigma pledges Lorainc .\dc. laneBarton, Hnherta Brown. Alice Cooke,.\vis Dargan, Ruth I'ellinger, Ger¬trude Gray, Eileen Harsha, MaryHicks, Mary Hill, Frances Madison.Mary O’Hanley, I'lorcnce Taylor. Bet¬ty Walsh and Susan Wegener.Wyvern pledges: Georgia Branting-liam. Emily Daves, .Mice Edwards.Ruth Eritchell, Martha Hofman, Bet¬ty Parker, and Charlotte Olson. WHEREIN REYNOLDSCLUB IS DEFINED ASMEN’S RENDEZVOUSBetween Leon Mandel hall and 57thstreet on University avenue is situ¬ated Reynolds clubhouse, the buildingfor men students. On the main floorare the north and south loungerooms, the former being used as areading room, while the latter withits electric panatrope radio is usedas a music room. A selection of themore popular magazines is availablein either lounge as well as daily edi¬tions of the important newspapers.Pool and billiards can be played |at reasonable rates on the secondfloor which also possesses a candy andcigarette counter. Students desirousof a game of chess or of checkers will j find convenient sets of each on thisi floor, which also possesses a candy1 water all year round with a tap lead¬ing to the basement will relieve any¬one’s thirst while the third floorboasts of a little theater and akitchen for small banquets. Councilrooms for the benefit of any recog¬nized campus organization are ac-I cessible and open until ten in thej evening.I The basement contains a liarbershop which disperses hair-cuts orshaves at reduced prices to studentsand faculty members, while adjacentto the barber shop is the free check¬ing room, always open for service.The broadcast of the world series willbe heard in the south lounge, startingat three o’clock on the day of thegame.Phone Plaza 3480 We Call and DeliverKIMBARK HAND UUNDRY(For Quality, Service. Popular Prices)Special Care Taken on All Ladies ClothesA Laundry Bag Will Be Given With Our ComplimentsTo Every New Customer1324 East 57th StreetALL MENDING FREETHE CAMPUS STOREStorBooks—New and Second HandRental LibraryStationery - Fountain Pens - C JewelryAthletic Goods - Pillows and PennantsKodaks - Films - Developing and PrintingA GIFT AND A CONTINGENCYMr. Max Epstein’s most recent benefaction of one million dol¬lars which will make possible tlie enlargement of our hitherto rudi¬mentary art department on a grand scale has been received by theBoard of Trustees and the University community with the enthusi¬astic appreciation which such intelligent philanthropy naturally com¬mands. No gift could have been more timely, for the selection of Mr.John Shapley as the new head of the department had already de¬noted the University’s intention of reviving insofar as possible theprestige of the art school which had been perceptibly declining sincethe death of John Sargent. The endowment and the appointmenttogether guarantee that the University of Chicago art departmentwill rank with the best in the country.However, without pesuming to look a gift horse in the mouththere is one consideration growing out of the endowment whichrather gives us pause. And that is the inevitable erection of anotherbuilding. During the present period of expansion which got underway some five or six years ago Swift hall. Bond chapel, the newChicago Theological Seminary, the Albert Merritt Billings hospital,the Max Epstein clinics. Whitman laboratory, Weiboldt hall, andthe University chapel have all been erected. There are at least eightother structures whic.h are either under construction or are con¬templated for the immediate future; the Sunny gymnasium, the So¬ciology building, Bobs Robert hospital, Chicago Lying-in hospital,Eckhart hall, Jones hail, t'he Oriental Institute, and the tremendousdormitory project across the Midway. A ninth—and the one forwhich we can recognize the most pressing need—the new field house,awaits that year when the athletic department produces a footballteam that has something more than lust for exercise.It has been suggested that the University plant its next corner¬stone in the center circle and that it erect there a sixty-story build¬ing and have done with construction work for at least six months.There is much to be said for the plan, for things are coming to sucha pass that no visitor can find the University for its buildings.The Daily Mi. roon is not so reactionary tnat it cannot see thevalue of a wise and consistent building expansion; it merely feelsthat other values, equally important, such as attention to the in¬dividual student and the quality if instruction, liave been (JisicKaiJedin the flush of mushroom growth. TYPEWRITERSSold - Exchanged - Rented - RepairedBoughtVISIT OUR GIFT SECTIONMemory Books Gift LeathersBook Ends, Wall Shields Useful Boxed GiftsCopper Trays and ^ases Calendars, Post CardsEngraved Cards and Stationery Greeting Cards for all occasionsUSE OUR POSTAL STATIONThe University of Chicago Bookstores5802 Ellis Ave. (Ellis Hall) Room 106 Blaine Hall•AI, I THE DAILY MAROON. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1929 Page ThreCompetitive Activity ChartACTIVITIES(For Men Only)Athletics .IntramuralsIntersch'olasticsDebating Union . . . .Class Honor SocietiesClass OfficersBlackfriarsBand . . . .ACTIVITIES FOR MEN ANDWOMENDramaticsDaily MaroonPhoenix FRESHMEN SOPHOMORE JUNIORFreshman squad for major sports. jJE.ligible for varsity competition. | Eligible for varsity competition.Participation on teams or as- | Participation or sophomore man- [ Participation or quarterly sportsmanager.Division heads.ager.sistants in management.Basketball (April): Committee Sophomore Committee Heads,assistants. lare on Tarpon Board.Track (May) : Committee as- jsistants. IFirst meeting to be announced.Green Cap.Representatives to Undergradu- Skull and Crescent.Representatives to Undergrad¬ate Council in place of class I ate Council in place of classofficers. officers.Cast or management.Report to Mr. Mort at Reynolds. Cast and committee assistants. Iron Mask.Representatives to Undergrad¬ate Council-in place of classofficers.Cast or committee heads. SENIOREligiible for varsity competition.General manager and assistantgeneral.General manager.Owl and Serpent.President of senior class.Cast or board of supervisors.Tower Players. Gargoyles, Tower.1 T-w I-,. j t News editors, assistant women’sReporters, Advertising, Sales- I Day ed.tcrs assist- assistants, circu-— ■ ' ants, circulation assistants. ' ^Cap and GownACTIVITIES(For Women Only)Women athletic associationTarpon Club men, Circulation.Editorial, art, advertising, circu¬lating.Business assistants, editorial as¬sistants, art assistants, women’sassistants.Teams, selling balloons at foot¬ball games, officiating at fieldday programs, serving and pre¬paring banquets, etc.Passing Tadpole test and becom¬ing associate member. Workon committees for initiationand the exhibit. lation manager,manager. advertisingAdvertising assistants, art assist- : Advertising manager, circulationants, editorial assistants, circu- i manager, assistant editor, as-lation assistants. | sistant art editor.Sophomore editors, sophomore , Assistant as business rnanager artart editors, sophomore worn- , editor, associate editor,en’s art editors, sophomorebusiness managers. Managing editors, business man¬ager, women’s editor, sportseditor, chairman of editorialboard.Business manager, circulationmanager, women’s editor, edi¬tor, art editor.Business manager editor., art edi¬tor, women’s editor.Federation of university women. The Freshmen’s Women’s Clubpresident, secretary, treasurer.Mirror Cast or production. Board members head of athletic j President, vice president, secre-groups. Opportunity to hold [ tary, treasurer.Horseback riding representatives,tennis representatives, golfrepresentative, chance to serveon advisory board.Pass Frog test, regular members,vote in elections, head com¬mittees, serve as members atlarge on Tapon Board.60 sophomores, juniors and seniors compose Federation Council upperoffice.Treasurer or secretary, head ex¬hibit committee, pass Fishtest. President or vice president takecharge of exhibit, head com¬mittees or exhibits.2lass councillors.Committee assistants or cast. Committee heads or cast. [Senior managers or cast.This list is exclusive of Department Clubs, Sectarian Groups, and all non-competitive associations.Dr! Dora Neveloft-BoderSurgeon - Dentist1401 East 57th St.(Cor. Dorchester Ave.)TKL. PLAZA 50 71BUYTHE MAROON GARRICKPOPULAR .MATS. WKI). & SAT.(TL4RLES HOPKINS, presentsA. A MILNE’S “Detective”ComedyPERFECT ALIBIOriginal N. Y. Cast—Not a MoviePRICES; Evei., 50c to $3.00Wed.Mat., 50r tu $2; Sat.Mat., 5Ur tu $2.50For Rent or SaleSUITABLE FORFRATERNITY OR CLUB HOUSEBlackstone near University, 9 rooms in won¬derful condition. Paneled dining room. Largeroom on 3rd floor, approximately 600 sq. ft.Ideal for parties. Large lot.Phone Plaza 5220 or Call Daily Maroon TYPEWRITERSRecommended by the English DepartmentUniversity of ChicagoWEBSTER’SCOLLEGIATEThe Best Abridged Dictionary—It is based uponWebster’sNew InternationalA Short Cut to Accurate In-formation — here is a companion(or your hour* of reading and studythat will prove its real value everytime you consult it. A wealth of readyinformation on words, persons, places, is ’instantly yours. 106,000 words with defini¬tions. etymologies, pronunciations and use inits 1,256 pages. 1,700 illustrations. Includesdicbonanes of biograplw and geographyother special features. Printed on BibleSee It at Your College Bookstore or Write forInformation to the Publishers. Free specimen pages if you name this paper,C, A C. MERRIAM COMPANYIMPERFECT IN ORIGINAL For Sale and ExchangeFor RentRepairedFOR SALENew and Rebuilt Portables—all makes.Language and Technical keyboards—easypayments.FOR RENTBoth Portable and Standard Machines.Rental payments applied on purchase.REPAIRSOur Repair Department will put your oldMachine in good condition.Woodworth^s Book Store1311 East 57th StreetTelephone Fairfax 2103 (Jhavterll&tmseCLOTHESRoady-mad*And Cut to OrJos*DELIGHTFULLY COM-SERVATIVE AND EN¬TIRELY CORRECT.HONOURED BY THESTUDENT BODY OFENGLAND AND THEUNITED STATES.Suits and Topcoats$35, $40. $45, $50THE#HDBCL^tton 8 SonsSTATE and JACKSON—Chicagof')an*toa Cary OahPa^ L..II.III.m,-iiiiiii.iij Four THE DAILY MAROON, TUESDAY. OCTOBER 1, 1929iNTRIBUTORS TOjhunities markNEW POBUCATIONSKmong the many contributions t;)•wled^e in the fields of art, litera-*ire, and science, which have beerished by the University Pressng the last month, is “The ThinkMachine” by €. Judson Herrick••f Neurology at the Uni-this work, which is con-human nature, the pro¬'s the theory that man, hine that thinks, wiU'are vital functions per.ite physical organs,including its mental andpci'ts, is a mechanistic’^uman ''linking mach-to thft of all other* because man has annical attac ament, the cor-creases the efTicicnc'ige of the human mechanism.”nis is a view,” Professor Heirick,ys, “that fjk >es more basis for op-mism as toThe future of the racelan does an^- other. Sucn a viewneither irrieverent nor degrading.? our spiritilial life is divine, if you'<e so to dignify it.” Altogether, ita statemerit for ordinary people -)W we live, what the apparatus of’e is, and how it works, an inter-iting study of human nature.A late pu blication by Professor T.. Smith of the Department of Phil-.ophy, is “Toe Philosophic Way of--t’ ThV '•''ligious way of life, theife, the scientific wayletic way of life—’’ Smith draws theucting a philos-j books published recent¬ ly are: “Hows and Whys of Cooking,”by Evelyn G. Halliday and Isabel T.Noble; “Progressive Relaxation,” byDr, Edmund Jacobson; “A New Ap¬proach to Poetry,” by Elsa Chapinand Russell B. Thomas; “Civic Train¬ing in Soviet Russia,” by Samuel N.Harper; “Capital, the Money Market,and Gold,” by Lionel D. Edie; and“Sick Society,” by Arthur J. Kraus.The following books have beenreprinted: “The New Testament,” anAmerican Translation, by Edgar J.Goodspeed; “The Old Testament,” anAmerican Translation, by J. M. P.Smith, Theophile J. Meek, Alex R.Gordon, and Leroy Waterman; and“Jesus: .\New Biography,” by Shir¬ley Jackson Case.A beautiful translation from theSanskrit of the finest ethical and re¬ligious product of non-Buddhistic In¬dian religious thought is “The Bvaga-vad-Gits,” by .Arthur W. Ryder, to bepublished early this fall. It is thefirst comi)lete, metrical translationin English of a poem of 18 cantos, amagnificent sermon on duty.“The Junior College Curriculum.”edited by Wm. S. Gray, is a reportof the proceedings of the 4th annualmeeting at the University of the In¬stitute for Administrative Officers ofHigher Education. It contains nine¬teen lectures by prominent educators.POSTS STILL OPEN FOR MENWOMEN ON MAROON STAFF(Continued from page 1)tiiese must be filled from this year’sasi)irants. All freshmen desiring towork are requested to appear at TheDaily Maroon office in Lexington hallany afternoon after 2:JO. Work onthe Maroon is carried on four days aweek, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday,and Thursdav. NEW ART SCHOOLDEAN EXPECTEDTO EXPAND WORKAppointment of Professor JohnShapley, former head of the depart¬ment of art at New York university,as chairman of the University de¬partment of art, becomes effectiveon October 1. The selection wasmade during the summer quarter.Professor Shapley will fill the posi¬tion left vacant upon the death ofProfessor Walter Sargent in Septem¬ber, 1927.Regarded as one of the most emi¬nent scholars in the country, Profes¬sor Shapley has partiiipated widelyin the fields of art, being presidentof the College Art association, edi¬tor of “Parnassus” and the “Art Bul¬letins,” periodicals published by theassociation, associate editor of the“Journal of Archaeology” and ad¬visory editor of “.^rt Studies.” The“Parnassus” and the “.Art Bulletin”editorial offices are to be moved tothe University campus.Assistant Professor Edward F.Rothschild, who has been acting-headof the University department since1927, states that at New York uni¬versity, where he has taught since1924, Dr. Shapley has been instru¬mental in making the department ofart there the most extensive in thecountry. His coming to Chicago, itis believed, will mean an expansionof the graduate activities of the localdepartment, which already has eightfaculty members and during the pastacademic year enrolled four hundredgraduate and undergraduate studentsin its courses.The new art chairman was born In STUDENTS ATTENTIONFor self supporting students desir¬ing fascinating, remunerative workeither temporary or permanent, moyI suggest that many students of bothsexes have earned scholarships andcash sufficient to defray all collegeexpenses, representing national mag-»azine publishers. If interested, writeor wire for details — M, A. Steele,National Organizer, 5 Columbus Cir¬cle, New York, N. Y.iTPEWRITERSThe day of the “Country Doctor” who would cut out acorn, pull a tooth or Prescribe for acute appendicitis isover. The cry of the hour is “SPECIALIZE.” And sosay we. Typewriters may be purchased in meat markets,cigar stores and what-not, but we believe that in special¬izing in Typewriters and the supplies for them, such asribbons carbon paper, etc., we can give you the quick andefficient service to which you are entitled. Our skilledmechanics are on the job from 8 A. M. till 9 P. M. to ren¬der any service that you may desire, from installing a newribbon to completely rebuilding your machine. No job istoo small or too large for us to handle. IF WE CAN’TFIX IT—THROW IT AWAY.SOME OF OUR SCHOOL OPENING BARGAINSUSED PORTABLES~ Priced from $20.00 upwards. All arein splendid condition—Thoroughly over¬hauled in our own shop—clean looking—mechancally perfect and dependable. Guar¬anteed the same as New Machines.LOOKYBy a large quantity purchase we havebeen fortunate in ecuring Standard Under¬woods Model 5, Serial numbers form2,100,000 to 2,360,000 the VERY LAT¬EST MODEL UNDERWOOD—OUR REG¬ULAR $70.00 Machines at $48.50 NEW PORTABLESBeing Authorized Agents for most of thePortable Manufacturers, we are in a posi¬tion to supply you with fresh, clean ma¬chines. CORONA. ROYAL, REMING¬TON. UNDERWOOD PORTABLES $5.00Per Month.L. C. SMITHSOnlv 20 of these—HURR't^The Light running bail bearing Typewrit¬er. Serials 500,000 to 600.000.^ LATESTMODELS—Regular $60.00 value. .$46.50 AND AGAIN LOOKYROYALS—Model No. 10, Serials from800,000 to 900,000. Absolutely the lastword in ROYALS. These machines shouldsell for $69.50. Sale price $47.50Only 30 of these and going fastREMINGTONSA few excellent REMINGTONS in stock.Priced from $20.00 upwards. All in splen¬did condition and guaranteed.WE LOOK FOR A SPADE TO CALL IT THAT—AND FIND IT.Much is being said about “SPECIAL STUDENT RATES,” “RE¬PAIR DEPARTMENTS,” “QUICK AND EFFICIENT SERVICE.*etc,—but—we believe that our rental rate of S3.50 per month a.id3 months for $9.00 is the lowest in Hyde Park. Minor repairs aretaken care of WHILE YOU WAIT at charges so small they arenegligible. Eight hour cleaning and overhaul service.TEACH YOUR DOLLAR TO HAVE MORE CENTS—BUY ATPHILLIPS BROTHERSTHE TYPEWRITER SPECIALISTS2 I 4 East 55th Street PLAZA 2673Open Till 9 P. M.■ar Woodlawnin the flush of mushroom growth. Jasper, Mo., receiving his A. B. fromthe University of Missouri in 1912,his M. A. from Princeton in 1913,and his Ph. D. from the Universityof Vienna in 1914. He has bee" ?member of the faculties of Brown,New York, Harvard, and Missouriuniversities, and is now a trusteeand councillor of the InternationalSchool of Vedic and Allied Research.Professor Shapley is a member ofPhi Beta Kappa.CLASSIFIED ADS can be accommodated. (Whites only).Mrs. Butler, 5736 Drexel Ave. Apt. 3.Phone Dorchester 4890.Owner forced to sell latest stylefurniture of 4 rms. all in splendidcondition, used only sixty days. $475takes 3 pc. rich luxurious parlorsuite, all mothproof linen frieze, 8pc. matched walnut dining rm, suite,4 pc. walnut bedroom suite, 5 pc.decorated dinette set, two 9x12 Wiltonrugs, small rugs, lamps, pictures, mir¬ror, and silverware. A real bargainat $475, will pay for moving and sellseparate. Mrs. Winner, 8228 Mary¬land Ave., 1st Apt., near CottageGrove Ave., Phone Stewart 1875. Ellis Ave., Mrs. Rubio. Graduate stu¬dent.FOR SALE—New laid eggs fortable use—50c a doz. Return crate.Mrs. F. L. 'Morehouse, Morocco, Ind.FOR SALE—Slightly used Cor¬ona $15. Apply at Maroon ogice. Also7 ft. double-decked cot, suitable forfraternity with tall men, $15.1 SINGLE and 1 double room. Welllighted. $4 and $5 per wk. Havill, 5715Drexel Ave.LARGE FRONT ROOM, nicelyfurnished. Twin beds, if desired. Well-lighted. Good heat. $10 for two perweek. $9 for one. 6122 Greenwood.\ve., Mrs. Carroll.GOOD ROOM—Dirt cheap at $.4.75l)er vvk. Redecorated. New bed. 6047ROOM AND BOARD—Two doublerooms for men. Rates $6.00 a weekfor two or $5.00 a week for one. Board$7.00 per week. Only eight boardersTERESA DOLANBEN SMITZDORFSchool of Dancing1208 East 63rd StreetYoiint; and old taught to dance. Adults’lessons strictly private. No one to watchor emlwirrass you.Day nr EveningTelephone Hyde Park .’tOSO KENWCX)D TEAROOMEvening Dinner 65c4:30 to 8:00Luncheon 40c11 to 2:00Sunday Dinner 90c12 to 8:006220 Kenwood Ave.MID^^ay 2774 HOm CHARLEVOIX621 5 University Ave.New modern build¬ing near campus.All rooms withshower and tub.RatesSingle $ 10.00Double $11.00and up24liour serviceCall us for informationPLAZA 8500^ an abuta fountain pen isuseless to jackupan automobile...a Waterman’s will jack up the handwriting ofanyone who has never before used a Waterman’sjust about 100% in a very few weeks, besideslifting off the mind and hand every writing care,A Waterman’s is even more necessary for successin college than an automobile.The outstanding and exclusive qualities of Water¬man’s are responsible for its dominating place in thefountain pen world. First, there is the hard rubberholder that is light, stainless, and perfectly balanced.Next, the big ink capacity that enables a Waterman’sto do a full day’s work without refilling. The simplefilling device that works quickly and surely. Andthe unlimited opportunity to select a pen pointthat exactly suits your style of writing.Ask to see Waterman’s No. 7 and use it as a penpoint guide. There is a Waterman’s with a holderand nib to exactly suit you and at a price you’llbe glad to pay.Guaranteed forever against all defects The fineMt inJi fmr mil writing.Made in 6 colmre. Th« yellmecarton idendSe* dte gennime.WeLtermeji’sM'2931Page FiveJllaroonTHE DAILY MAROON. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1929GRID TEAM PREPARES FOR TWIN BILLLAKE FOREST ANDBEOIT FURNISHFIRST OPPOSITION\Team to Go Through HardScrimmage in PreparationFor Week-EndThe Maroons will pet a stiff work¬out today with the two varsity teamsl»itte<l ajTainst each other In practicefor the twin hill with Beloit and T.akeForest which opens the season nextSaturday. Yesterday’s practice wasiineventfnl, as the squad was some¬what dwarfted hy the absence of sev¬eral of the men who have late after¬noon classes on Monday.Calls Team Crude“\Ve are still in a pretty crudestate,” Coach StaKR admitted afterthe session last evening. "At presentwe have more enthusiasm than abil¬ity. but the spirit should briuR results.The defense is more advanced so farthan the offense, and it will takesome real toil to get our plays work- 1ing right.” This afternoon CoachStagg^will assemble the two teamswhich wil probably be used in Satur¬day’s doubleheader, and it is theseline-ups which will clash this after¬noon. The freshmen may also be usedin today’s scrimmage, for they havebeen practicing Indiana plays.Real football weather descended atyesterday’s parcticc for the first time,and a chilling wind swept’ across thefield. It was necessary to keep theplayers hopping, and by the time prac¬tice ended, with dusk settling gloom¬ily, many of the candidates werewrapped in their hooded jackets. Butit brought football atmosphere, thatcrisp autumn tang, and was the firstconcrete reminder that the big gamelies not far ahead.Rouse Aids TeamKen Rouse, former great Marooncaptain and winner of the Big TenOward in 1927, appeared at the prac¬tice session yesterday and demonsrtat-ed the technic of the pivot-position tothe leading candidates for the berthof center. Weaver, Marshall and Sni-deman were given especial tutelage.Weaver is the only regular from lastyear who is trying out for center, andhf is inexperienced at that post. Mar¬shall was a substitute last year andSnideman was on the freshman squad.Captain Pat Kelly worked with theends, showing them how forwardpasses should be caught.The Maroons are still greatly hand¬icapped by ineligibilities and minorinjuries, .\inong those on the tin listis Dck Carpenter, a sophomore can¬didate of promise, who was struck byan automobile last Saturday night.Carpenter appeared at the practicefield yesterday limping wdth a cane,his head swathed in bandages.(Continued on page 6)KestlesMIIK CHOCOIATEIGINAL POWERFUL KANSASAGGIES TO OPPOSEPURDUE IN OPENERCoached by the colorful “Bo” Mc-Millin, former .■Ml-.American quarter¬back of Center College, the sturdyKansas Aggie eleven will provide oneof the early season gridiron featureswhen it stacks up against Purdue inthe Ross-.Ade stadium here (Jetober 5,in the inaugural of the season for theBoilermakers. The Kansans, coachedfor the first time last year by McMil-Jin, developed rapidly under his abletutelage, and In the last game of the1928 season gave Nebraska, Big Sixchami)ion, its stiffest conference strug¬gle of the season.“We will have a better team thisyear than we had in 1928,” said Mc-Milin as he started practice sessionsthis fall, and his remark, coming ontop of the .Aggies great stand againstNebraska, seems to assure an openiiigtilt in the Purdue stadium that wilibe of mid-season calibre as far as foot¬ball is concerned.McMillin has had unusual successin the coaching game since his play¬ing days ended at Center, and in 1927his Ceiieva College eleven was unde¬feated and made a specialty of spring¬ing surprises on top-heavy favorites.Whether McMillin is to have anothert>f his “suriirise” elevens this fall w’illbe rather definitely determined in thetilt here with Purdue, for Jimmy Phe¬lan realizes the strength of his open-nig opponent and does not intend tobe caught napping with an unpreparedeleven.(Contunied on page 6)BIG TEN ELIGIBIUTYCHIEF DIES SUDDENLYProfessor George .Alfred Good-enough, chairman of the Big Ten fac¬ulty committee on athletics, died sud¬denly in his home at Urbana, it waslearned yesterday through a telegramreceived by Dean Boucher.“I’rofessor (ioodenough was a de¬lightful man personally, with a keensense of humor,” said Dean Boucher."Me is probably the oldest man irlength of service in the w’estern con¬ference faculty committee.”Professor Goodenough was theman who executed the order la.stspring expelling the University ofIowa from Big Ten football, effectiveafter this season. He took a leadingpart in defending the committee’s ac¬tion, but at the same time he assuredthe I'niversity of Iowa his supportfor reinstatement if it met the ethicaireciuirements of the committee. IVeterans Report; For Water Polo,^ Swimming TeamsThe swimmers are beginning to re-l)ort for action and by the end of theweek Coach McGillivray expects tohave most of last year’s regulars,with the exception of ex-capt. Spence,I Getzoff and a few others, back atI work. It is as yet uncertain whetherI Oker, a star free style and water polo, jnan, will return,' The splashers who will be depend¬ed on for the major part of the workwill include Captain Stevenson a backstroker of considerable skill and aveteran water basketball man. Zsohl,the water polo ex-captain, will i)er-form in the free style events. Mooreis another dash swimmer of good abil¬ity. MacMillan will again demonstratein the 880.I Brislin and Tucker are both excel¬lent back stroker and w'ill also work, with the water polo outfit. Silversteinand .Me.Neil counted on for workin breast stroke, Rittenhouse willdo the hack stroke and play iiolo,I while Neil is another member of' the polo squad. McMahon is show-I ing some class in the breast.Seek Frosh MermenFreshmen who have ability ni anyi; of the tank events are urged to re-j port to Mr. MacGillivray. Men who1 wish to try out for the freshman squadshould turn out for practice even if; they have already signed up for' graded gymnastics,i There seems to be a sad lack of' divers in the Maroon squad, sincej the only performer in that event lastI year has been lost by graduation,i Coach McGillivray is undertakingI the task of grooming some new menj to enter competition in the divingi event. Plenty of work will have tobe done to have these men in form liythe opening of the season.MAKE A DATEEVERY FRIDAY NfTEBIG BABE’S CONGOBEAUTSI - - at the -^ DIL-PICKLE CLUB! 18 Tooke PlaceI "Thru Hole in Wall858 N. State St.i Open Forums Wed., Sun. NitesPlays and Dancir,g Fri., Sat.The Alpha and Omega ofPERSONALITYin Pens!W hat do all those Greek letters mean?Simply this—if you w ant the limit inpen-personality—you want tlie newWAHl- t:VBRSHARPFOUNTAIN^pm'When you go to the dealer’s you trythe points till you find the one thatwrites like you—then you look overthe holders till yon find just youridea of color, style, and size. Next—the dealer puts point and holdertogether, instantly, permanently.Result—your personal pen—as per¬sonal as your handwriting.A good companion of the Personal-Point Pen is the Wahl-EversharpPencil—standard of the world. I-M SPORTS OPENWITH TOUCHBALL;[ GOLF TO FOLLOWI Entry Blanks To Be ReadyI By End of ThisWeekThe Intramural sport department isI off to another season with its usual■ bang. The list of activities whichI will feature the program this fall are;I touch-ball, golf and haru-yard-golf,other wise known as horse-shoes. Xor-maii Root who is now general man¬ager is working hard and he, as wellas his newb' appointed staff, expect aj l)ig year ahead of them.I rouch-Iiall, which is tiie first activityI on this quarters program, opens nextweek and considering last year’s en¬thusiasm, plans are being made t >handle an exceedingly large entry list.The entry blanks will be distrihute<lthis week and the eligibility rules willhe the same as those of last year. ,Asilver foot-hall trophy will go to thechampions. Phi Kappa Psi who rep¬resents last year’s winners in touch-bal played a picked team of varsitymen last Saturday and due to the ac¬curate passing attack of the I-M win¬ners they easily took the game hythe .score of .36 to 0. East and Moore i Women’s “0” ClubHolds Meeting at■ Ida Noyes Todayj .Members of the women’s "C” clubwill hold the first meeting of the! quarter W ednesday, October 2, at Jloonin the North Reception room of IdaNoyes hall.i.According to Sally Slice, president,women who earned “C’s” last year areespecially asked to attend, in orderthat they may become acquainted withthe work for the year.IPlans will he di.scussed for the con¬tinuance of the work of the club atthe Univer.«.ity of Chicago Settlement.Since the beginning of last year, “C’j club has sponsored the activities ofI a girl’s club which meets there everyFriday afternoon. Each member takesher turn in directing the meetings ofthe Junior "C” cluh by teachinggames and sports.were the outstanding players of thegame.Norman Root requests all men, thatare eligible as well as capable for thevarsity teams, to not enter the Intramural competition but play for th;I'niversity instead. The reason forthis, he explained, was that star play¬ers discourage the entrance of the me¬diocre men. FROSH GRIDDERSMOST PROMISINGIN RECENT YEARSOne Hundred Yearlings OutFor Squad ThisYear“These men” enthusiastically an¬nounced .Assistant Coach A. A. Staggas he put the frosh gridders throughthe routine, “arc the finest group ofFreshman Football Candidates ever toreport to me in my five years as acoach.” Uonny is justified in his opti¬mistic remark for never before has afirst year squad contained so many menof varsity potentialities.Over a hundred freshmen reportedfor practice. To supervise their work¬outs. five coaches have been engagedwith Coach Stagg Jr. the main men-tf)r. Jerry Fisher, Jimmy Pyott, Law¬rence .Apitz and Saul Weislow are theother men who comprise the coach¬ing staff..At the present, the men who ap¬pear to he of superior caliber are be¬ing coached by Fisher, Pyott andWeislow. In two weeks the wh6lesquad will be divided into two units,Fisher and Pyott will conduct the ac¬tivity of one while Weislow, Staggand .Apitz will overseer the other.Quarterbacks who are o'rT'tTTe'squa(Continued on page 6)The Mldway-Woodlawn6104-06-08 Woodlawn AvenueA WELL appoint¬ed apartmentbuilding for uni¬versity people who de¬sire the best in livingquarters close to thequadrangles.The architecture andatmosphere of TheMidway - Woodlawnbuilding is in keepingwith the dignity of theUniversity of Chicago.We offer—Two-room apartments, with Living room, In-a-dor Beds, Dress¬ing Room, Dinet, and Kitchenette, renting furnished, at $80, $82.50,$85, $87.50, and $90. This price includes gas, light, electric,refrigeration, laundry and maid service. The same apartments maybe had unfurnished and without maid service at $60, $62.50, $65,$67.50, and $70.Three-room apartments, with large bed room and In-a-dor bed,suitable for three or four persons, renting, furnished, at $ I 10, $ I 15and $135. These apartments rent, unfurnished, and without maidservice at $85, $90 and $110.Page Six THE DAILY MAROON, TUESDAY, OCTOBER I, 1929POWERFUL KANSASAGGIES TO OPPOSEPURDUE IN OPENER(Continued from sports page)l*urdue’s new model backtield, l)uiltaround “Pest" Welch and t!len Harm-most potentially powerful hall carry-eson, branded by sports writers as tti*best aggregation in the Big I'en, willbe in excellent shape for it> initialappearance of the season unless in-' juries step in to spoil the plans. Fight¬ing for the right to team with theWelch-Harmeson duo are a numberof outstanding sophomores, includingJim Parvis, Alex Yuneviteh, J. A.White and Ed Risk, along with HalChasey and H. R, Kissell, reservesfrom last season who have been de¬veloping rapidly.Just how the BoilermaWer forwardwall will stack up remains a matterof conjecture, largely because of thelack of experienced reserved strength.Purdue’s few line veterans, however,including Mackle, Woenur and Cara¬way, ends; Sleight and \'an Bibber,tackles; Stears and Buttner, guards,are almost sure to bear most of theburden.A glance at the Kansas -Vggie ros¬ter shows that Bo McMillin’.s hopesof having an even better team thanlast year are not based on dreams. Six¬teen lettermen are included on thesquad and among these sixteen letter-men art such outstanding performer."as Captain "Ho\ie" Freeman, tackle;"Duke" Errington, 200 pound guard;\\ illiam Fowler, second all-conferenceend; .\lex Nigro, shifty halfback, andARobert Sanders, center.Thirty sophomores and non-lettermen from last year’s squad practical'vcomplete the quota. George Wiggins,sophomore, is branded as the best firstyear fullback i)rospect in the history ofthe school, while a great deal is ex¬pected from Ray McMillin, oi XewYork, cousin and ward of "Bo".Although a record opening dayow'd is expected for the Kansas .\g-ie game, plenty of good tickets vvill■ avatWofe up until game time, ac-rding to an announcement today byS. Doan, manager of ticket sales. LAKE FOREST AND BELOIT ISFIRST OPPOSITION(Continued from sports page)Xo positive first-string line-up hasas yet been selected, and it has beendifficult to separate the sheep fromthe goats. Inasmuch as two gameshave to be played (.'ii Saturday. CoachStagg has to devote his attention toalmost every man on the squad, andlias lieen prevented from specializingon the outstanding ones. The weekfollowing the opening pair of contestswill find the .Maroon opposing Indianain their first Conference game.FROSH GRIDDERSMOST PROMISINGIN RECENT YEARS(Continued from sports page)are; Don Birney, William Wee. How¬ard O'Hara. Marvin Fink and .AllenRudy. 'I'here is a wealth of backtieldmaterial in riiomas .Andrews, Sol.\shback, Kendal B.\rnes, Robert Car-roll, Manual Dvorin, Philip Farley.Charles Farwell, IHwood Jeihnson,George Mahoney, \'inson .'salilin, .Al¬lan Summers, Charles Thompson, JohnWeir. Robert Velde, Searing East,Gershon Ferson. Lawrence Goodnow,Eugene Gotz, William Harper, BleyHespeii, Harold Iglow, Bernie John¬son. Donald McFadyer, roiii McNam¬ara. Harold Murphy, Kenneth Parrott,Joseph .Sokol, Herbert Temple and R.G. Wallace.Candidates for end berths are: W'ar-ren Bellstrom, .Arthur Bohart, Fred¬eric Caldwell, John Clancy. RichardEagleton. Edward Haydon, .AlvinJackson. Earl Jagnow, Paul Johnson.Y. M. C. A.CAFETERIA53rd St. and DorchesterHome-Cooked FoodHomemade PastriesDelicious Ice-Cold SaladsBoth Men and Women Servedat Breakfast, Lunch andDinner Richard Marquardt, .A. H. Pass,P’rank Thomson, and Jason Woodside.The tackles are: William Cassels,Carlos Curtis. Carl Gabel, .Alfred Ja-coi)sen, Preston Kampmeyer, HarryLemkey, George Schnuer, and Mor¬gan Sterrett. Freshmen out for theguard positions are: Peter Bunaraus-kas, Hal Cherne, Stan Cohen, TrumanGibson, .Archie Hubbard, LawrojiceKalon, Walter Maneikis, .Arthur Mer- icier, .Arhtur Pett, John Spearing andJerry Stephany.Five men are out for the pivotposition. riiey are Howard Gowdy,i .Sam Ha.-sen, Howard Johnson. Keithi Parsons and Robert X'andernoor. AtU.o/C.Sheaffer leads in actual sales!I WMAQ BROADCASTSJORANSON LECTURESj (Continued from page 1)' started three years ago. which callsi for at least one course a quarter tobe broadcast.! WM.\Q Station will also continuewith its regular Tuesday and Thurs¬day morning broadcast of a variety: of subjects by members of the vari-I ous departments in the University.Why Keep House?LIVE COMFORTABLYAND ECONOMICALLYatThe Homestead Hotel*5610 Dorchester Ave.YOpen 10 to 10M. C. A.BARBERSHOPMen’s Hari Cut 60cLadies’ Hair Cut 60cBoys and Girls under 14.. 40c1400 Elast 53rd StreetNo Change of Prices onSaturday PENS PENCILS DESK SETS-SKRIPW. A.SHEAFFER PEN COMPANY • Fo« M*di»on.Iow*.U.S.A.•B««. O. 8. P»t. Off. Q W. A. 3. P. CO., imIn this day of lectures and themes the student’spen must be swift and dependable to catch a usablepicture of class instruction. That’s why SheafFer’sschool standing is sc. interesting; Sheaffer leads insales to students* at 73 of the 119 foremost Amer¬ican universities and colleges. One reason forsuch dominance is the permanence and reliabilityof Sheaffer’s Lifetime®. So durable, so well builtis this smooth-writing pen that we guarantee it■without hesitation for your entire life . . . againsteverything except loss! Write with Sheaffer’s Bal¬anced Lifetime®, note its smartly molded linesand the balanced “feel” that ^ives it flashing per¬formance and makes lon^ themes short. You’ll un¬derstand its leadership and ^ive it your vote, too!*RecentIy a Jisintcreit^ orAiinizarion survevi-J the coileAe penmarket anJ proved SheatFer the undisputed sales leader.Documents coi'erini this investigation are available Co anyone.At better stores everywhereAll fountain pens are j^uaranteed against defects, but Sheaffer’s Lifetime*is guaranteed unconditionally for your life, and other SheatFer productsare forever guaranteed against defect in materials and workmanship.Green and black Lifetime^ pens, $8.75; Ladies', $7.50 and $8.25. Black andpearl De Luxe, $10.00; Ladies', $8.50 and $9.50. Pencils, $5.00. Others lower.SAFETY SKRIP,Successor toink,50c.Refills, 3 for 25c.Practically non-hreakahleecan 'tspill.Carry it to classes!SECOND HAND AND NEWUw, Medical, TC'VT C ForMU.ofC.General * j| CoursesComplete Line of Students’ Supplies of All KindsStationery, Fountain Pens, Brief Cases, Laundry Mailing Cases,Tennis and Sporting Goods, University Stationery,Jewelry and SouvenirsPortable and Large TYPEWRITERS Sold, Rented RepairedOPEN EVENIN(3S OPEN EVENINC^1 Woodworth’s Book Store1311 East 57th Street, Near Kimbark Avenue2 Blocks North of School of Eklucation 2 Blocks East of Mitchell Tower