PRICEFIVE CENTS She itlataon Students registerThursday for secondterm.Vol. 1. No. 4 THE MAROON, TUESDAY, JULY 23, 1929 Price Five Cent*Athenaeum FINAL EXAMS END FIRST TERMA FEW BARKSBy James T. FarrellThe belief that literary people andartists in general, must be high-liv¬ing, free-spirited, hard-drinking, Bo¬hemian vagabonds has become analmost generlly accepted conven¬tion. And with it, has come thegenius-inspiration idea of creation.The whole mid-western grroup ofAmerican writers has fostered thisnotion. They were all hard-boiledwriters. One of them wrote an au¬tobiographical novel to prove that hewas a “Blackguard.” Another hasjammed his vocabularly full of hard-words and if you meet him on a busi¬ness trip to Chicago, he will remarkthat he is on the bum. Floyd Dell,before he went in for charity balls,dress suits, and a wife, gave poor,suppressd Felix F'ay’s bizarre notionsabout free “Love in Greenwich Vil¬lage.” Sherwood Anderson has donesome successful fibbing about hiswriting, creating the impression thatwriting comes easily. You just sitsdowns with your hands washed(hands are important. vide “AStoryteller’s Story”), your pencilssharpened, and the clean whitesheets of paper spread out beforeyou. Then, presto you write, andhave a piece of art finished. Andour mid-westerners are not the onlyhard-boiled guys. Harlem writing isIready a convention. Then there isJim Tully the terrible .... andothers.The point of all this is not to con¬demn the works of this type pese;but to note the singularly funnyshow, which results from their in¬fluence. The young literary creatorsare all becoming hard-boiled guys,possessors of a vast and humorlesswickedness, a species of intense andoh-o-cynical scoundrels. They sud¬denly tell the world to go to hell(when their hearts pulse with afondness for a wifey, a baby and aportable radio) and follow the callof the sea, go on the bum, live inSTEW-diOOoes, speak like a gang¬ster (out of Ernest Hemingway orBen Hecht) and become as tough asa fat woman out bargain hunting,and as immoral as a preacher, or asociologist seeking material for hisdoctor’s thesis. And when the lit-erry artists are she, the comedyleaps into tremendous burlesque. Girlswho might have been nice, and pleas¬ant if suppressed school teachers,start out hell-bent-for a modernwoman’s career. They become eman-cipted and wear dresses with thesleeves torn, gathering about them agroup of people who are (and willalways be) dickering with Knopf’sor Coward McCann’s for the publica¬tion of a book, promiscuous femaleswhose soul is in their art, and para¬mours who talk philosophy as theprelude to an exhibition of the bed¬room art. They are energeticallyesoteric, inevitably visiting divesthat are as harmless as a pastorate,and forever involved in SITUAT¬IONS.The platiuduinous deduction, tobe gathered from all this barking (toborrow a word from the matsou-kiASS) is that a large element ofsublimation and sacrifice is essentialin all types of honest-to-god-work.(Prof. Sapir’ concept of frustra¬tion). Even a Bohemian must makesacrifices. He is so busy (for in¬stance) becoming a vivid, artful per¬sonality .that he must eschew bath¬tubs, books, discipline and other dis¬tracting and time-wasting things. Inother words the young person writ¬ing must almost become a puritanby necessity. He must spend mostof his time describing pretty legsinstead of interminably looking atthem. His impulses must, to a con-sderable degree, be frustrated eitherby his own ineffectivity, or else by aself-conscious cold-bloodedness. Hehas to work, and when you work,you haven’t got a hell of a lot oftime in living (in “being” as oneperson I know describes it).These platitudes seem pertinent tome. They might save some innocent(Continued on page 3) University Archaeologist Uncovers TreasuresCHIERA RETURNSWITH RELICS OFSARGON_PALACEExcavates Unique PiecesOf AssyrianSculptureOne hundred and twenty-five tonsof stone work from the palace ofSargon II, including some of thefinest examples of Assyrian sculp¬ture ever recovered, are now enroute to the University of Chicagoas a result of the first year’s exca¬vations by the University’s Iraq ex¬pedition. Professor Edward Chiera,Assyriologist for the Oriental In¬stitute and Director of the expedi¬tion, who returned to Chicago lastweek from the site, reported the sal¬vaging of an immense mass of re¬lief work, carved some 2,700 yearsago on the walls of Sargon’s court¬yard ,the discovery of the palace ofone of Sargen’s successors to thethrone of ancient Assyria, and thediscovery of a walled city betweenthe palaces.Find Great Stone BullAmong the relics being shipped toChicago for study and display in thenew Oriental Institute building aboutto be erected are a great stone bull,weighing about forty tons, whichguarded Sargon’s gateway; all thefragments of frieze work which cov¬ered a corridor nearly one hundred(Continued on page 2) Radio Sheds LightOn Borneo SocietyA radio message from “out ofthe dark regions” was receivedlast week from John H. Provinse,graduate student in Sociology atthe University, who is at presentin Dutch Borneo studying theprimitive Siang Dyak tribe.The message described the com¬munistic social system evolved bythe Siang Dyaks, by which num-,erous families reside in one house,with all property, stock and im¬plements owned and worked incommon for the good of all.Provinse said that he found noevidence of head-hunting and stat¬ed that the Siangs were highlymoral, friendly, industrious andhospitable.H. Lymaui StartsFriday ServicesA new series of Friday noon chap¬el services will be in augurated thisFriday when Professor Henry NelsonLyman of the Divinity School pre¬sents the first of five talks on Re¬ligion and Successful Living thisF'riday at 12. His topic will be“More Energy for Living^” ProfessorLyman will deliver the two talks fol¬lowing and the subsequent two serv¬ices will be conducted by ProfessorTheodore G. Soares, also of the Di¬vinity School.Raymond C. Robinson of King’sChapel, Boston, will present a spe-(Continued on page 2)Scientists InvestigateRecent Gas Deaths Appoint AllisonAnd Andrews toMedical FacultyAppointment of Dr. Nathaniel Al¬lison as professor of surgery, incharge of the division of orthopedicsurgery, and of Dr. Edmund An¬drews as associate professor of sur¬gery in the Clinics of the Universityof Chicago was announced recently.Dr. Allison, who is 54 years oH.was dean and professor of orthopedicsurgeery at Washington University,St. Louis, until 1923. Since that timehe has been professor of orthopedicsurgery at Harvard University Medi¬cal school and chief of the ortho¬pedic service of the MassachusettsGeneral Hospital. Dr. Allison wasawarded a D. S. M. for service aschief of orthopedic surgery of theFirst Army of the A. E. F.Dr. Andrews, who is 37 years old,is a graduate of Yale University andof Rush Medical College. He hastaught at Northwestern Universityand at the University of Illinois,where he is now associate professorof surgery. PETERSON ANDGONZALEZ MIXIN NEIJ'INALVictors Beat OpponentsIn Hotly ContestedMatchesBy taking the measure of Prof.Merle Crowe Coulter, acting dean ofthe colleges and runnner-up in lastyear’s tournament, in a hard foughtmatch, which was featured with bril¬liant play. J. K. Peterson won theright to meet J. Gonzalez in the fi¬nals of the first term tennis tourna¬ment. Peterson took the match infive sets with the following scores-—6-1, 3-6, 5-7, 7-5, and 6-2. Gonza¬lez beat R. L. McFarlan in the semi¬final round in a four set match, 3-6,6-4, 6-1, and 9-7.Four semi-finalists remain yet inthe consolation division of the tour¬nament. They are S. C. Ross, E.Rezek, Barry ,and Brigham. Threeteams have won their way into thesemi-final* bracket of the majordoubles tournament. These teamsare Brigham and Gray, Taylor andRoss, and Tucker and Gonzalez. Thefourth semi-finalist will be determin¬ed at 3:30 tomorrow on the varsitycourts when Steiner and Coultermeet Pearson and MeFarlan.Over fifty contestants have beeneliminated during the course of thetournament. Medals will be awardedto first, second and third place win¬ners in all divisions.ANTHROPOLOGIST TOMAKE ANALYSIS OFBUSHMEN’S HABITS Plan ConferenceOf Police HeadsSeveral hundred chiefs and secre¬taries of police of the leading citiesof the United States will be invitedto participate in a conference onpolice statistics at the University ofChicago this Autumn. Prof. Leon¬ard D. White announced yesterdaythat the conference would be thefirst project of the University’s new¬ly established center for the study(Continued on page 3)Coroner Herman Bundesen hasappointed six outstanding scientistsof the University to investigate therecent three deaths from refrigerat¬ing gas. The committee is composedof H. Gideon Wells, E. R. Hayhurst,W. I. Fishbein, R. M. Wilder, M. S.Kharasch ,and F. C. Koch. Reportshave not yet been concluded. Gerhardt Laves, 22 year old an¬thropology student at the Univer¬ity, left yesterday for Australia tomake the first systematic analysis ofthe language of the Australian bush-man ever attempted. The speech ofthese aboriginal people, who have re¬sisted all inroads upon their primi¬tive culture, is one of the oldest andleast changed of tongfues, accordingto Laves.Laves will spend a year and a halfwith the native blacks, recordingtheir grammar and vocabulary andlanguage habits. He will also carryrecording apparatus for securingtheir native songs. Prof. Rorem Resigns;Accepts Capitol PostDr. C. Rufus Rorem, associateprofessor of accounting at the Uni¬versity, has resigned from the Uni¬versity to accept a three year ap¬pointment with the research staff ofthe Committee on the Cost of Med¬ical Care, with offices in Washing¬ton, D. C.Professor Rorem came to the Uni¬versity five years ago, ‘ anfl duringthe past four years has served as as¬sistant dean of the schpol pf' Commerce and Administratioi^r^ theauthor of a college text book, on ac¬counting theory and pcacti9e whichhas been in use at the UniversityProgress, New Pledges Secured5,000 TAKE WORK INFIRST SUMMER TERM Cast $200,000Chimes for ChapelCarillon chimes for the newChapel which will be the mostelaborate and largest set in theworld, are now under constructionat the Croydon Bell Foundry, Lim¬ited, of England. The chimes willcontain 64 bells and are being castat a cost of $200,000. The bour¬don bell alone will weigh 17 tons.One of the two largest clocks inthe world will chime the quartersand strike the hours, according toCyril F. Johnson, superintendent.The question of tariff on thechimes is now under considerationby a Senate finance sub-com¬mittee.Cruise and DanceSuccess, ContinueSocial ActivitiesWith the social activities of thefirst term of the summer quarterended, plans are being made to canythrough an equally successful socialcalendar the second term.Next Friday night, J__uly 26, theSlavonic Club will give a musical at8 in Mandel Hall, followed bylFfdance at the Reynolds Club.same night, July 26, the Phi GammaDelta fraternity will give an informaldance at its chapter house.The Mid-Western and SouthernGroups Boat cruise and dance whichtook place last Friday night, July 19,was an enthusiastic success despitea rough lake. Over on hundred took-the trip on the “Skater”, includingone “stowaway.” Those in charge ofthe trip were I. J. Burns, presidentof the Southern Group, Fleta ChildsPetrie, president of the Mid-WesternGroup, Lorraine Stubbs, George Mes-sick ,and A. R. Wadleigh.Along with other activities theWestern Group has been continuingto hold weekly dinners every Thurs¬day night.ORIENTAL INSTITUTEBUILDING TO UTILIZECHAPEL BLOCK SITELittle Theater Movement MakesThe final budget for the ChicagoLittle Theatre Corporation has beenapproved by Professor Paul Douglas,the structural plans are nearingcompletion, and several new mem¬bers have pledged stocks. The newmembers are Mrs. Frank Lillie, Mr.John Hirschler, Mr. Herbert Fried¬man, Mr. Harold Ickes, and Mr. JohnLandesco.' Although the finances will be hand¬led by the board of directors, com¬posed of faculty and business men,the theatre itself will be run by stu¬dents of the University. Business ar¬rangements are now being made with the Amkino Corpniration of NewYork, which handles the films ofeight Russian and Balkan companies,and directly with the film companiesof Europe. Mr. William S. Schwartz,who is now working on the interior,will have his designs ready in a fewdays.DAMES CLUB MEETSA meeting of the University ofChicago Dames Club will be held onSaturday, July 27, at 3 in Ida NoyesHall. Readings will be g^ven byProfessor Hubert Greaves.e give A total of 5,078 students, 2,768men and 2,310 women, registered atthe University for the first term ofthe summer quarter. The totalnumber of students in the GraduateSchools and Senior and Junior Col¬leges of Arts, Literature, and Sci¬ence is 3,730, and the total enroll¬ment in the Professional Schools is1,627.Of the total registration, 3,467are graduate students, 1,180 under-grraduate and 431 unclassified. Plans for a new building to housethe work of the Oriental Institute ofthe University will be drawn byBertram G. Goodhue Associates, ar¬chitects of the Chapel.The new structure will be locatedon the Chapel block at the presentsite of the School of Commerce andAdministration, which is to bemoved.. The Institute’s new homewill be of Gothic architecture, har¬monizing with the Chapel, and willbe erected at a cost of $700,000. Itwill pix)vide class rooms, work rooms,lecture hall, and museumdouble that of Haskell. space. SUMMER SESSIONHITS HALF WAYMARK THURSDAYNoted Scholars AddedTo Second TermFacultyWith one hour final examinationsbeing held today and tomorrow in allclasses, the first term of the summerquarter closes. Examinations forhigher degrees will also be held atthe s.'tme time in the various depart¬ments.The second term will open nextThursday morning, according toDavid H. Stevens, director of thesummer school and associate dean ofthe faculties, and will close on Au¬gust 30. The Convection address willbe delivered by John Adams Scott,visiting professor and regular chair¬man of the department of classicsat Northwestern University.Students RegisterAll students who did not registerfor the second term on separ¬ate cards at the time of firstquarter registration are not asyet enrolled and will not have anopportunity to do so until Thursday.A complete schedule of hours of reg¬istration for the various schools anddepartm^tk '^may be found insidethis is^(i'^^6?‘in the official calendar.Work between the two terms is soclosely balanced that fully one-halfof the courses carried on during theentire summer may be entered forthe second term only. No creditwill be given for half majorswith out second term work.Many fundamental courses ineducation will be repeated duringthe second term. Prof. C. E. Spear¬man of the University of London, isto start new courses in educationalresearch. 'Similarly, the Law, Di¬vinity and Medical Schools will offermany new courses.Among the noted scholars whowill begin courses next week areKarl Buhler, of the University ofVienna, in psychology; James H.Tufts, of the University of Chicagoand C. M. Perry of the Ui.iversityof Texas, in philosophy; R. D. Mc¬Kenzie, of the University of Wash¬ington, in sociology, and PaulShorey and W. D, Harkins of theUniversity of Chicago, in Greek andchemistry.Six Select ThemeFor World's FairSix University professors havebeen appointed by Rufus C. Dawesas a committee to work out a scien¬tific theme for Chicago’s 1933 Cen¬tury of Progress exposition. The menare Profs. Gilbert A. Bliss, R. R.Donsley, Frank R. Lillie, Fay-CooperCole, Harvey A. Carr and ProfessorEmeritus, Frank A. Billings .Emphasize General Education InJunior Colleger—Dean' BoucherBy ten years of study of curri¬culum and of euucatlonal guidancefor students, the colleges of the coun¬try have consciously formulated abasic theory of education on whichto operate. Chauncey Boucher.Dean of the Colleges of Arts, Lit¬erature and Science of the Univers-BUND CHILD SEEKS AIDStudents with automobiles whocan bring a blind child to and fromthe University Clinics daily are be¬ing soug^ '^ocial Service De-partme may obtainfurth' '■*» ’^^nics. ity of Chicago told the Institute forAdministrative Officers in recent ses¬sion at the University. His expres¬sions epitomized the thoughts of allspeakers.“The theory has been put beforeus more and more frequently andwith increasing forcefulness.” DeanBoucher said. ‘It is that the majoremphasis in the junior college, thefirst two years, should be placedupon breadth of general education,and though the general educationshould- lie continued in senior college, the major emphasis of the lasttwo years should be upon concentra-(Continued on page 2)Page 1 wo THE MAROON, TUESDAY. JULY 23. 1929Jiar00tiOFFICIAL STITDENT NEWSPAPER OF THE SUMMER QUARTER, 1929The StaffEARLE M. STOCKER. BUSINESS MANAGERLOUIS H. ENGEL. JR.. MANAGING EDITOREdward G. Bastian Editorial AssistantJerome B. Strauss Editorial AssistantRobert McCarthy Business AssistantJames J. McMahon Business Assistant CHIERA RETURNSWITH REUCS OFSARGON’S PALACE(Continued from page 1)feet long; a figure of Sargon him¬self; and slabs showing emissariesfrom Syria and the Hittite countrybearing gifts for the king. Thefigure of the bull, which has thebearded head of a man and thewings of an eagle, is seventeen feetlong and eighteen feet high, thelargst ever found.Employ NativesTHE CHAPEL IN SUMMER AND WINTERIt has been pleasing to note during the course of these summerweeks the intense interest in the new University of Chicago Chapelwhich has been manifested by all students. The Sunday servicesin the Chapel—always well attended—have been particularlycrowded. Even the organ vespers have drawn several hundred daily,and special sevices, which have sought to explain and interpretthe building such as those of Dr. Von Ogden Vogt and Miss Eliza¬beth Hazeltine, have been especially successful.To those of us who are in attendance the whole year aroundit would seem that the Chapel program were more eagerly sup¬ported by the summer quarter students than by those who studyhere during the regular term. However suprising this may be atfirst consideration, it is not without satisfactory explanation. Thetemperament and the interests of the two student bodies are utter¬ly different despite the same environment. TTie summer studentis more mature and has passed that stage of indifference to re¬ligion, which is characteristic of the undergraduate school. He hasalso come to a deeper apreciation of beauty, particularly of thebeauty of tranquility, while the undergraduate of the regular termsis too busy living life to attempt a meditative study of it.However, it is to be understood that they—and the writer mustnecessarily class himself amon gthe goats—are not without their pe¬culiar love of this great cathedral. In the last 4 years they have seenit rise stone by stone to its majestic heighths. They haveseen corner stone and cap stone laid. They haev seen thetremendous cranes lift tons of rock a hundred feet in the air andhave heard the long, dismal ‘Hoo-ooo” of the workman on thetower as he signalled the hoisting engine below They h'ave' watchedit grow through sixteen changing seasons. It has become a part ofthem, and they cannot bring to it the same objective awe, the samedevotion, which the summer student does. They have been ontoo familiar terms.Again, it is not the wont of undergraduates to permit them¬selves enthusiastic support or approval. They have learned a sortof calculated diffidene, which, though purely external, is the solemode of impression. And so they worship this chapel from afar,lest in more wholehearted devotion they expose themselves to thecharges of naivete. Nevertheless, they are keenly thrilled with thesoaring clere-story, the tremendous thrusts and counterbalances, thearchitectural symbolism, and all that that contributes to the awesomemajesty of this structure. We have seen them in the recesses of thechapel listening to the evening vespers and we have seen them pauseof winter evenings to study the effects of moonlight and the snowupon the chapel, and so we know their interest, though we cannotunderstand or explain their codes of conduct—perhaps we shouldsay “our” codes.But to those of you who have honestly shown that you havefound in this modern cathedral something beautiful and impressive—something worth studying more fully—may we recommend anintimate biography of the building. Edgar J. Goodspeed s “Guideto the University Chapel.” It is the work of one who knows andloves the building as its own creator And further it is the expressionone who even more has known and loved the spirit of brave re¬ligious tolerance for which the Chupel stands. You, perhaps evenmore than those for whom it was originally written, will appreciatethis sympathetic study of the greatest cathedral on thfe North Amer¬ican continent.DOMESTIC DRAMAWe are always just about ready toeery the cold industrialism whichas robbed us of our souls and toment the death of simple humanindliness, when some incidentraught with emotional interest, re-ispifes us with a confidence in theuman-ness of our brothers. It wasesterday morning that a small Eng-sh sparrow fell out of its nest intole backyard court of our apartmentuilding. With customary punctual-y our local feline pride put in herppearance. Meanwhile, Mrs. Eng-ih Sparrow was making quite a fuss and doing her dead level best to haltthe cat’s advances. Eventually herscolding attracted the attention ofmost of the apartment’s inmates whorepaired to their various backporches to witness the domestic trag¬edy. At that moment when Mr. Doeshould have been running to catch the8:03 he was unceremoniously chas¬ing the cat down the alley and re¬storing the bird to its precariousporch on the third floor rafters.Mrs. E. Sprrow piped down, and assuddenly as they all appeared, ourlocal cliff dwellers vanished withintheir respective h'And the tir#-' novedon inexor CLASSIFIED ADSINSTRUCTORS WANTED—Forall departments in universities, col¬leges, normals and accredited schoolsRegister at once. Allied Profession¬al Bureaus, Marshall Field AnnexBldg.Present this cou¬pon at the Maroonoffice for a freepass to beautifulThe finds were made in the moundof Khorsabad, twelve miles fromNineveh and fifteen miles from theTigris River. Two hundred and fiftynative laborers, fourteen carpenters,four blacksmihs, and the engineer,draftsman, and staff members of theexpedition cooperated in the task oflocating, excavating, and crating themassive fragments, which are now atMosul awaiting the steamer. Be¬cause of the lack of adequate hoist¬ing aparatus, much of which had tobe improvised, the expedition wasforced to overcome great difficultiesin getting the prizes to the river.Rejoin BodiesThe sculptured stone heads of abearded Assryian and two horseswhich now repose in the basement ofHaskell Museum on the Universityquadrangles furnished the first casein Prof. Chiera’s search, which re¬sulted in his expedition exevating therelief work from the Palace of Sar¬gon, and ultimately discovering thepalace built by Sennacherib. Amongthe mass of material excavated aresome of the finest examples of As-'Syrian art yet discovered, includingseveral unique pieces in color.In a preliminary survey of theregion around the Tigris River nearNineveh in May, 1928, Prof. Chieracame upon the severed headse justoutside the village of Khorsabad,about 300 miles north of Bagdad.Back in Chicago he discovered in theold records of a party of Frencharchaeologists that samplings of thesite had been made in 1850, and wasenabled to predict exactly where thedecapitated bodies of the horses andthe man could be found. As a result,the heads will be rejoined to thebodies in Chicago, 5000 miles fromthe site.“Sargon, who captured Samaria,took some 27,000 Jewish prisoners,’’said Professor Chiera. “When thegreat old warrior became tired offighting and generally getting him¬self into trouble, he decided to re¬tire, and with his prisoners of warhe built himself a palace which istoday a marvel of beauty and a mas¬terpiece of construction, tremendous¬ly larger than Solomon’s palace inJerusalem, and for its time the mostbeautiful in the world. He did notlive to enjoy it. He was killed in705 B. C., after a reigm of 17 years,in a minor skirmish in the mountainsnear Khorsabad, paradoxicallyenough after all his glorious vic¬tories, The palace was never com¬pleted because Sargon had coveredits walls with the records of his ownachievements. Sennacherib, his suc¬cessor, great in his own name, evi¬dently wanted the walls of his palacefor his own glorification. The beau¬tiful palace of Sargon was abandon¬ed and Sennacherib built his ownpalace ten miles away.”The expedition which this yearworked from January through Mayon its initial effort, will return toKhorsabad next winter. EMPHASIZES GENERALEDUCATION IN JUNIORCOLLEGE — BOUCHER(Continued from page 1)tion’in, and depth of penetration ofof, some particular field of thought.”Students, faculty, and administrativeofficers of the better colleges are moreconstructively critical of the shortcom¬ings and failures of the existing pro¬gram and methods of undergraduateeducation than at any time in historyDean Boucher said.LYMAN NOTATESFRIDAY SERVICES(Continued from page 1)cial organ recital this evening in thenew Chapel. He will be assisted byMrs. Gara M. Schevlll as soloist.The Sunday service at 11will be delivered by Rev. Charles A.Brooks, D. D of the Englewood Bap¬tist Church of Chicago. At 4:30there will be. an organ recital by Ed¬ward Eigeschenk of The AmericanObservatory.Parties who wish to make a tourof the chapel may be accommodatedSaturday morning from 10:30 to 12:30when special guides will be at their ser¬vices. Ben Adams and Evangelne, whilethey compose their “Frozen Sand-houses” (title of a book written bya school teacher and unpublished).It might lead them to the happy al¬ ternative of getting their adventure,and their Bohemia vicariously, fromwriters like Floyd Dell, Harry Kemp,John Boyle O’Reilley, Robert Serv¬ice, and Sterling North.PATRONIZETHEMAROONADVERTISERS PORTABLETYPEWRITERSThe Latest Song Hit- - and the oldesi too, is atLyon & Hcaly’s. For our un¬equalled Sheet Music complete¬ness carries the number of titlesnow on hand up to 190,000!(Titles, not simply copies).All you have to do is to cometo our store and hum the tuneyou want. Don’t even name it,we can produce it. Portable typewriters have come tothe front, built strong, dressed inbeautiful color, improved tremend¬ously and made as practical as thebig machines.It is the ideal home machine throughits grace of line and attractive color.Because the portable is compact iteliminates wasted home space.All the new portables, the Royal,Corona, Underwood, Remington, sellat a standard price of $60.00. Re¬built and guaranteed they sell for$29.50 and upwards.Try a portable at Woodworth’s. Youwill find it a servicable companion.WOODLAWN STORE870 East 63rd StreetlyonAHealyOpen Evenings Till 10 O’clock TYPEWRITES SOLDEXCHANGED - BOUGHT - REPAIREDWOODWORTH’S1311 E. 57th St. H. P. 1690iHEivjRDBHenni Glutton 8 SonsSTATE and JACKSON—ChicagoORRINGTON and CHURCH—Evanston MARION and LAKE—Oak ParkBROADWAY and FIFTH—Gary^ ♦ ♦Sleeveless Pure Worsted^5 Sweatersin Smart Plain Colors$0.952SLEIEVELELSS sweaters are ‘‘all thego” for golf and sports. That iswhat makes this special purchase sowonderful. The “U” neck style inbeautiful solid shades of black, white,russet, green and tan. Sizes 34 to 46.AUo Men*8 $6 SleevelessPullovers, $3.95 Im' ' .7 I IMPERFECTi THE MAROON, TUESDAY. JULY 23, 1929 Page ThreePOLISH ARCHITEa’SCOMMENTS REVEALQUEER PERSONALITYSzyukolski Answers PressQuestionairreOne of the most intimate studies ofthe artistic personality as a typ^ is'aflforded through a reading of the ques-tionnairre recently answered by the notedPolish artist, Stanislaus Szyukalski, forthe University of Chicago Press, prep¬aratory to the publication of his latestvolume of startlingly original drawings,entitled “Projects.” This bcKik is a partof the Press’ summer exhibit in Lex¬ington hall.The qucstionnairre, wliich the Presssemis to the authors of all prospectivepublications, makes inquiry concerningthe author’s education .teaching experi¬ence, and personal estimate of bis workand seeks as well to determine pr<^>ablesale and distribution.In answer to the first section entitled,“Degrees and Institutions,” Szyukalskiwrites in part: “The institutions are none—the education I had is not even e(|ualto the .American five grades of publicschools . . . The degrees? By slow de¬grees. As for teaching: the shining ex¬ample is myself. I was always an olied-ient pupil of myself, causing myself nodistress or worries. I had .some ex¬perience in teaching but only as a privateI)erson with considerable gaiin to thecompanies, l>ut I rather leave to themthe initiative ti> do the acknowledge¬ments.”Following an account of the diffi¬culties he encountered in the compilingof the book in Poland, Szyukalski com¬ments on his own work saying, “I feelthat I make no inventiui s but a discov¬ery. The Ixxik, that is the preface, wouldbe of no t>se in creatively derelict Eu¬rope; there the authority is right, whilein America, in the land of creative vir¬ility, the right has the authorty. Amer¬ica can se a diamoml, t>efore it is out.while h2urope will buy any glass as longas it has the “cut.”Concerning prol)able purchasers hewrites, “1 wcHiId say the students, butthey cannot purchase it. Professors willnot want it. I would a<lvise the trusteesof institutions. I would send some toParis for the .American stmlents .so thatthey may sootier think what they eventu¬ally woukl. Iwould like to give somead\*ise in this matter, but I am not cleverin indicating the market for anything..Also I am .sorry not to lie able to give jmore interesting data on my jMst ami |future. There were some medals and ^grand prix in International .Art Expos. ,in Paris a few years ago (Kxiiosition 'Internatioale ties .Arts iJecoratifs—1925)ad some in .Academy of Kracow, but Ihave lost track and order of them. .\Iysister had them hung to a dog col¬lar and let them dangle untH the doghad lost all.”Szyukalski niake> an interesting com¬ment on tw(' literary lights of Americawhen in commenting o proliable review¬ers Ih‘ s.iys, "Burton Roscoe knowsmucli about md work and guesses wellafx)Ut my person—very partial and en¬thusiastic. Ben Ilix'ht—same as form¬er- while he knows iu)t aliout art orae.s;ihetics in general he is clever to pre¬sent his subject dramatically, which isg(XKl as- a pointer to direct public’s at¬tention.The sumnmary of what he consideredto lie the most important points of thebook provides many interesting but in¬coherent glimpses of the strange indi¬ vidual whose work is at once the mostoriginal, radical, and challenging pro¬duction in the field of architecture inI)erhaps the last decade. As nearly asone could interpret the illegible handwniting, he writes, “Within it are ele¬ments of few different styles—each isclean and mature, which never in thehistory of art such thing happened thatone man within his short life couldcreate a new and aesthetically style. Ittook generations. Each was only anevoluted prototype inherited and slight¬ly twisted unknowingly by each comingartist. Many of the projects in the bookare more valuable as synthetic seeds outof which could come a few new styles.The architecture if it is an art, it isthen the aethetic side of it—it consistsof a few primary elements, such as door,window, roof, corner, column, stairs; thewalls are only the “joining,” the “stuff¬ing.” the “inbet veen,” therefore the wallif it is not ornamented or partitionedinto decorative zones, it has nothing todo with architecture. This is the rea-.son why i played with the elementsout of which can be compiled, or var-iationed, any kind of a building—letthe walls then be simply filling the emptyspaces. The book is proof of inventive¬ness and an ability to squeeze out ofone artist another and another in differ¬ent braches of art if he pays no atten¬tion to the log expired rules of pedagogy,if he turns away from the acadmiciansand authorities when it is a matter ofethics and aesthetics, and turns to him¬self as to tlie only worthy pedagogue—the race instinct—-for where shall he orI turn when the elders are sold fornuxlals and diplomas to a foreign andlong deceased culture.“The chief good of the book, if I wassuccessful in presenting the weak pointsof the four-century outlook on art andits sociologic value, that caused anni¬hilation of the great legion of creators,I may give some orientation to theyounger friends and encourage them intheir lowly journey towards finding theirown high worth and the soul of their|K-ople.”MAID-RITE SHOPSUPPLEMENTS MENUWITH NEW DINNERThe Maid-Rite .Sandwich Shop, localhaunt of the college men and women,has undertaken to enlarge their .serviceby adding a complete dinner to theirineiin. Besides their sandwiches theMaid-Rite shop under the managementof Mr. Myer Driesen will dispense half abarlx'cued chicken, pimento cole slaw,^liced tomat(X's, and french fried jwta-t(K‘s tor sixty-five cents."This exi)ansion of our service hasIk-cii made in response to the many re¬quests of our patrons,” commented Mr.Driesen.DelightfulSummerOutingsvia theto South BendMany attractions in this thriving industrial cen¬ter. Home of Studeba'cer motor cart and SingerSewing Machines. Direct street car connectionsto Notre Dame Hudson LakeCooling waters and in- iting picnic spots in thisfavorite summer retort in Northern Indiana.Dancing, boating, swimming, fishing.IN TypewritersUnderwood Port $19.00Und. Late Model .... 37.50L C. S. Model 8 33.50Royal Model 10 31.50Rem. Model 10 28.00Underwood Port.Four Bank 32.50Typewriters for Rent.Students Rates—HIGH G^DE REPAIRS—Service at your door.Typeivriters Packed forShipment.Ribbons Carbon PaperSave Money — Deal withPHILLIPS BROTHERS1214 E 55th Plaza 2673Open Till 9ORIGINAL I to Michigan CityCome for a day of rollicking fun. Roller coaster,zoo, dancing, picnicking! Boating, swim¬ming at Washington Benton HarborGateway to famous Michigan fruit belt. Boat¬ing, bathing, amusements on famous SilverBeach. House of David . . . amuiement park,too, hundreds of attractions I . .. Shore LineMotor Coaches to Benton Harbor connect withSouth Shore Line traina at Michigan Indiana DunesState ParkHiking, swimming, picnicking] in this naturalpark of primeval beauty. Historic trails throughvirgin forests . . . wild flowers in bloom... pic¬turesque “blowouts”. . . Visit this land of MillerOldest Kttlement of Northern Indiana. . .Chicago’s one-time rival. Now a delightful sum¬mer colony. Dancing, bathing, boating.Trains leave from Randolph St. I. C. Suburban ita.tion stopping at Van Buren St., Roosevelt Rd., jjrdSt. [Hpdc Park],6;rd St. [Woodlawn] and Kensing¬ton. Half-bourly service week-end morningsto DunesPark and Michigan City. Phone Traffic Dept, forall information, Randolph 8x00. City Ticket Office;Outing and Recreation Bureau, yx West Adams St.Chicago South Shore andSOUTH BEND Railroad PLAN CONFERENCEOF POLICE HEADS(Continued from page 1)of police methods, which is to beheaded by August Vollmer, chief ofpolice of Berkeley, Cal., who hasbeen appointed professor of policeadministration.Chief Vollmer is to be director ofthe conference, with Commissionerof Police W. J. Rutledge of Detroitas associate director, and BruceSmith as consultant. The plan is toprovide intensive training in theproposed methods of classification ofcrime and of police reporting sug¬gested by the Committee on Statis¬tics of the International Associationof Chiefs of Police. This system,devised for the Association by Mr.Smith, has already been adopted inDetroit, and probably will come intogeneral use throughout the country.In addition to the police execu¬tives, representatives of various in¬terested civic organizations will beinvited to partcipate.“It is becoming universally recog¬nized by the police departments ofthe country that accurate statisticson crime are necessary to intelligentmeeting of the crime situation,”Prof. White said. ‘The abler execu¬tives admit that they do not knowjust what conditions are and the sys¬tem of International associationgives them a scientific and uniformmethod for the compilation of statis¬tics.“A uniform method will encour¬age honesty in reporting, for it willprovide a consistent basis for com¬parison of the amount of crime asbetween various cities. Right now itis common prctice in many cities towithhold part of the reports ofcrimes committed, because the chiefsfear invidious comparisons with re¬ports based on methods differentthan their own.“It is not the purpose of the Uni¬versity’s work in police administra¬tion to tell the executives how theyshould do their job. We intend tocooperate and be of assistance, andthe coming conference is our first ef¬fort to be of value to the chiefs.”“During the five days of the con¬ference, the method of applying thesystem devised for the Associationwill be demonstrated to the attend¬ing chiefs.” ANNOUNCE SCHEDULEFOR REGISTRATIONStudents must register for thesecond quarter according to thefollowing schedule:Graduate Schools of Arts, Lit¬erature, and Science, Cobb 116,July 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 9:00-12:00—2:00-4:0«.Colleges of Arts, Literature,and Science, Cobb 203, July 22,23, 24, 25, 26, 9:00-12:00; 2:00-4:00.Divinity School, Swift 101, July22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 9:00-12:00;2:30-4:00.Medical Courses, Cobb 112,July 26 9:00-12:00.Law School—See Law SchoolBulletin Board.College of Education, July 22,23, 24, 25, 26, 10:100-12:00; 2:00-3:00. Kindergarten-Primary, M.F., 9:00-10:00; 11:00-12:00; Tu.,W., Th., 2:00-300.School of Commerce and Ad¬ministration. Commerce 201,July 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 10:00-12:00.Graduate School of Social Serv¬ice Administration, Cobb 112,July 22, 23, 2A-26, 12:00-12:30. WE NEED TEACHERSFREE REGISTRATION MANY VACANCIESWESTMORE TEACHERS’ AGENCY715-716 Old Nad. Bank Bldg. Spokane, Wash.ATHENAEUM(Continued from page 1)boy, up from the country, frommistaking the phrases borrowedfrom tough-minded writers, with anoriginality of feeling, perception,and experience. They might lead oneor two school mamaes back to Limaor Indianapolis to teach young Eze¬kiel and Abigail the nobility of char¬acter that shines forth from AbouEVERY FRIDAY NIGHTFRATERNITY ANDSORORITY NITEat theDIL - PICKLE CLUB18 Tooker PlaceEnter through famous “Hole inthe Wall”858 N. STATE ST.Famous Colored ‘Honeycomb’Orchestra TONSORIAL SERVICE AT REASONABLE RATES“THE CAMPUS SHOP”HOTEL DEL PRADO BARBER SHOP59tb at DorchesterHyde Park 2410 WALTER REEDHALF A BIRTHDAYThe Summer Maroon has lived halfof its first quarter’s existence.The Maroon thanks its patrons.ONLY FIVE CENTSBUY THE MAROONON SALE AT CAMPUS STANDA New Step Forward —in keeping with our policy of serving the best foodat moderate prices we are pleased to announce a suppersuggestion which merits a trial—y2 of fine Milk Fed fowl Barbecued inour own special way with Rich Barbe¬cued sauce — French fried potatoes —pimento cole slaw — sliced tomatoes65cThis Special is offered only from 5:30 until 9 B. M‘.Maid-Rite Sandwich Shops, Inc.1324y2 East 57th StreetPlaza 5551 Between Kimbark and Kenwood. ..Page Four THE MAROON, TUESDAY, JULY 23, 1929THE STORE FOR MENMARSHALL FIELD& COMPANYSavings That ShouldAppeal to Men atCHICAGOOur Clearance of Suitsis Still in Progress - - - -Because of the vastness of our stockof Suits for Young Men, a very inter¬esting selection is available at thesetwo low prices.Your inspection is invited—you’ll beagreeably pleased with the values andthe money you can save.Young Men*a Suit SectionThird FloorHer Battlemented Towers Shall Rise - - -BOND CLOISTER THE CITY GREYJw*'Above: A view of the Chapel looking from the narthex tothe Chancel. The tremendous piers and spanning stone archesbear witness to the ChapePs genuine Gothic construction. Above: Clay Kelley, community artist from the 57th Streetcolony, has the distinction of being the first man to portray oncanvas the new Chapel. His work emphazies the Gothic verticakand succeeds in depicting the soarin capacities of its architec¬tural lines.Above: Looking down the Bond ChapelCloister which connects the Cobb andHarper quadrangles. Right: Eastward fromRyerson hal. The Fine Arts Museum onthe Lake front is barely distinguishable inthe distance.SCHOOL OF EDUCATION WEIBOLDT HALLAbove: The Weiboldt Hall of ModemLangages was completed last FalL Left:Enunons Blaine Hall, which houses the Uni¬versity High School, has been the center ofscholastic activity during the summer quar¬ter.DOWN THE NAVE THE ARTIST’S CONCEPTION