".,'.'"I.'....'t; ,I,.0 Vol. 18. No. 58 Merriam ........ ...... 270,at aroonUNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO, FRIDAY, JANUARY 23, 1920 Price Five CentsSettle ith The Settlement!MAROONS CLASH IIWITH OLD RIVALS ··SO CALLED FLU" IS ON• 0 DECLINE AT UNIVERSITYTOMORROW NIGHTI SAY EXPERTS IN CHARGEI -----Wolverine Five Will Attempt "Lu" cases at the University are on Committees On Policies De-To Check Chicago's Chance the decline and there are at present cides To Cut Out Fool- it f th I thi " stated Dr P k Ticket Competition Hal. ts at 4 :30 T oday-Host-In Conference. ew cases 0 e rea ng . ish Campus ran s.Sharp yesterday. "Colds are common,esses For Affair Are Announced-Vaude---- .but are not serious" he continued. RET.t\IN FAVOR:<\BLE FEATURES:MICHIGAN HAS STRONG TEAM. ____ A hospital hI.s been established atChi , k t' I 5826 Ingleside avenue for the bene-icago s eenes 0 rrva appears on Ih B I tt fl t h fit of sick students under charge ofteart e oor omorrow, w en. I Dr Reed. Trained nurses are presentMichigan attempts to stop the VIC-· 0h ti t .d th. to take care for tepa len s an etorious rush of the Maroons toward.. d P h b.. . best hygiene IS use. ersons w 0 e-n conference championship, There Ie;. t d t rt t D. . . come III are reques e 0 repo 0 r.always a wealth of tradition behindt d if h the k it d . bl th. Reec an I ems 1 esira re eythe annual Michignn-Chicago fights, b '.1 b th I fl'may e cxammen yen uenzano matter what the positions of thetwo teams in the conference is, andwith Chicago out in front in the race,the W olverines would enjoy a victoryto the utmost.The game will start promptly at 8,in order that it will not interfere withthe Settlement Night. James Nicely, :::::::::==============:===========:=general chairman of the SettlementNight, has agreed not to start his af­fair until the game is over, and therewill be no dancing or other attrac-tions until the gun goes off. PLAN FOR PUBLICATIONOF LITERARY MONTHLY\, Commission.There have been some light casesof the influenza at Beecher, Green andDivinity Halls, but they are not dan­gerous and are under the charge ofDr. Reed.A second meeting of interested stu­dents has been caned for Tuesday aft­ernoon at 4 o'clock in Cobb 12A. Ev­ery student who wishes to be a candi­date for either the literary, art orbusiness department is urged to at­tend. DRASTIC CHANGESIN THREE QUARTERSCLUB ANNOUNCED HOLD· ANNUAL UNIVERSITYCHARITY NIGHT TOMORROWville, Bazaar, Dancing, FeaturesOf Program.The Three Quarters club will make I'drastic changes in the nature of its Ioperations for the future was the an-:nouncement made yesterday by Grant Mears and Elizabeth Walker, Roland Holloway and Helen Thomp-Charles Leoffel, chairmen of the Com- joint chairmen of the ticket commit- son, joint' chairmen of the receptionmittee on Policies. T�is stand was tee for Settlement night, announced committee, have announced the namestaken because of realization that the yesterday that team competition fit of the hostesses for Settlement nightclub has formerly been managed on the sale of tickets fOJ; Settlement! tomorrow in the Reynolds club group.the wrong principles. In furt�e��c: night would close at 4 :30 today. AlII The entertainment committee hasrtof this new policy the club has eCI .ell sales must be reported to Grantl8:30 as the time for opening of theon some immediate new constructive . I' .• ., 0 • • N' ht B t11 Mears today between 4 :30 and 6 in booths, SIde-shows, and dances.activittes; I. e., Settlement rg 00 Ell' 14 Th h h b "ted t beIS. 0 lose W 0 ave een mvi 0a dance' and prizes for the further-,. I t' rt All team captains are asked to see I hostesses are: Mesdames Wm, Scottance of interscho as IC spo s. B . . .their committeemen and get the final I ond, Edl�h 0 Foster Flint, Ernstreports. Mears will be in Ellis 14' Freund, Edgar J. Goodspeed, Jamesfrom 4 :30 to � in order to receive II Parker Hall, M. A.0 HirschI, Charlesthese reports. Tickets may be sold H. Judd, Harry Pratt Judson, Sher­after 6 but nothing reported after I wood J. Larned, Frank H. Montgom­that time will count jtIfl.the competi-I ery, Miss Mary McDowell, Mesdamestion. "Last year," said Elizabeth I Andrew C. McLaughlin, Wilbur E.Walker, "one team raised its standing I Fort, Austin B. Reeve, David A. Rob-to second place by placing two sales-I ertson, Lorado Taft, Miss Marion Tal-men at the door on Settlement night.Lbot, Mesd�� B���!� o�L��I!" J. :' o.�,':_��Closing 0 the 'Sa1es-�day:\vl1reJinnnate'..l W':'�Th-dmPso��Miss . EJizabeth-WiL"l-' .--�any such unfairness to the teams that I lace, Mesdames Lyman Walt;on ant] .have worked throughout the sale." I H. G. Wells.In the corridor will be Bill Gem-Accept Gifts Until- l\Ionday. mill;s shoe shining parlors. He isContributions will be accepted as himself head porter, and his assist­late as Monday, however, and any ants are Chancellor Dougall, leaderdonations turned in before Monday I of the Washington Prom, and Wilsonnight will count toward the team I Stegeman, baseball star.that secures them. Mears wants the Near the shoe shop will be theteams to concentrate their efforts Three-Quarters club weighing ma­after the sales close on the securinq chine and fishpond In the alcoveof large contributions., near the entrance to the Commons theAt present the sale of' tickets I Score club will run its hit-the-baby -stands at 11,500, but Elizabeth Walker I gallery., •said yesterday that 'the whole affair ',-' �eare� the entrance to Mandel Mrs.is wrapped in mystery, and that many Flint will read palms. At anotherteams are holding back reports until booth, Theresa Falkenau will tell for­the last minute. Glenn Harding has tunes from handwriting. Dancingbeen spending. his afternoon in the will be provided, for on all three floorsloop soliciting subscriptions but has of the Reynolds club, but the secondnot yet reported the results, Julia. floor is reserved for special dances,White of Ellen Gleason's team has for which an additional fee will bebeen making mOre calls on mo�i� I charged. ••stars. "The present sales are no In- Also on the second floor of thedication of the final .result in amount 'I Reynolds club, �rank Priebe andor team standings," said Miss Walker Frances Henderson will conduct a se­last night. I ries of feature events. They will pro-Ellen Gleason In Lead Yesterday. vide lucky number and prize dances,Yesterday Elle'n Gleason's team was and raffles. Exhibition dancing willin the lead with Kindred's in second, provide competition for freshmen. Inplace. The team that holds first place 'I arldit�on the �ng �ntests will.� heldin the end and the individual with on this floor In which the participantsthe highest sales will be given a trip 'I will be Freshmen from the variousto the theater. fraternities.The latest development is a wager On the main floor will be a messen-between the general chairman and I ger service station. Westby and Wa­the ticket chairman. With the sales'l ful are the messengers. Anyone.t, I�a I at only $1,500 and only one day to wi.shing to send a communication. to a• go, Mears bet Nicely that the final i friend at the dance may leave It atTomorrow. I total would reach $2,000. If it docs' the booth. Jerry Westby or Ed Wa-U· 't R I' Bod' Nicely foots the bill for a night at I ful will deliver it and coUect thenaverSI y 0 lng ies,.Do d f Ph . 1 C It d ath the College Inn for Mears and a com-I charges on delivery,ar 0 YRlca u ore an .'" -leties, 9, Harper EU. panion. If the total falls short of this, All workers in booths, side-showsFaculty of the School of Commerce Mears pays \he bill. and dance floors are requested to beand Administration, 10:00, Harper I An 'important meeting of all the I in t�eir places at 8. Ticket sellers arcE41. I committee chairmen will be held today tt' report to George Serck at 8 :30.Y. M. C. A. Excun;ion to Stockyard� I at 4 in Harper MH. "This is an ex- and door tenders are requested to9 "C" Bench. . ceedingly important meeting," said come at 7 :30.,�e Da�es Club, 3, Ida Noyes Hall.I·James Nicely. It is .absolutely nec�-l . The vaudeville in Mandel will be-Unherslty Buketbal1 Game. I sr.ry that every chairman be at this gin soon af�r the ��ketban gameChicago-Michigan, � Bartlett. meeting." (Ccmhnued on page 6)measures:Under the new management, i� ishoped to ma1te the Three Quarters cluba genuine society. To make this pos­sible the club has passed the followingTo Cut Out -Campus Pranks.THE DAILY MAROONBULLETINToday.Divinity Chapel, 11 :50, Haskell.Alden-Tuthill lecture, "Reconstruc­tion in the Near East," 4, Haskell' As.sembly.hall.German Conversation Club,2 v:THE DAILY MAROON, FRIDAY, JANUARY 23, 1920mlJr Daity _a�Dn-. .: �. .',�ff,I.IiI The Student �ew8Paper of tireUninrsitT,of Chicap "Published mornings, except SaturdSunday and Monday during the Atumn, Winter and Spring quarteby the Daily Maroon company.EDITORIAL DEPARTMENTThe StaffJOHN E. JOSEPH .. Managing EditoJohn Ashenhurst News EditoRose Fischkin News EditHelen Ravitch News EditoHoward Beale Asst. News EditoWilliam Morgenstern, Athletic EditoHarold Stansbury Feature EditoHarry Bird Night EditoErnest Fribourg Night EditoHerbert Rubel Day EditoBUSINESS DEPARTl\[ENTThe StaffGRANT MEARS-Business ManagHenry Pringle .. Advertising l\IanagKeith Kindred .. Circulation ManagLaurence Tibbits ....•. Asst. Cir.MgrRobert Birkhoff Asst. Cir. MgEntered as second class mail at thChicago postoffice, Chicago, DlinoiMarch 13, 1906, under the act 0March 3, 1873.SUBSCRIPTION RATESCalled for, $2.50 a year; $1.00q�r.. By Carrier, $2.50 a year; $1.00quarter.By Mail (city), $3.50 a year; $1.5a quarter ..;:';. Editorial Rooms .....•... I••• Ellis 1Telephone Midway 800Business Office .•............ Ellis 1Telephone Midway 800Friday, January 23� 1920CHARITY MADE EASY.i,! The_,:_�m�_i.t� . _is ad,;.illg._,y�_u. nfavor in requesting you to buyticket and attend the annual Settlen.ent Night tomorrow. In fact,. thefforts of the various committees haybeen such that, once you have sefoot within the doors of the Reynoldclub, you will forget that the maireason you are there is to help thUniversity Settlement and remembeonly that fOU are getting more thanyour money's worth at a nev.... and interesting kind of variety show.Had you been called upon to diinto your pocket and pull out. a qual'tel' for the Settlement without anentertainment in return, you woukha v e received 'no unreasonable request, The Settlement is doing woriimportant enough to warrant you'expending that sum without any reward.. But no such sacrifice has beenasked. You buy a ticket f�r a paltrysum and are �ven an evening's diversion. If this. becharity, make thmost of it.Settle with the Settlement tomorrow!•THE PRo)l ,\ND POLITICSEvery once in a while the campuscomes to life and discovers that amerry little System of Politics is atwork within the quadrangles. Atsuch times the campus gives a gaspof horror, several public-spirited stu­dents arise and cry for justice, thecampus nods approvingly-and' thenthe matter is dropped. The Systemcrawl- out of its temporary hidingplace ann stalks bravely forth again,ctnd the campus rcsumes its pcacefll1slumhet· until somc ncw and startling­accusation hring� it to ]ifc again.Thc controvcrsy which is bcingwageo in thc "Communication" col­umns of The Daily Maroon seems toindicate that the campus is enjoying(",ne of its moments of wakcfulnessfor the moment. The System hasbeen attacked, and the Systcm is ag- grievedly defending itself! THe' Im- other game at '1 :30 went� A� T., C., bulletin ·bo�rd.:_ '"b' 'the dancing classesportant f� ili: that t�a;#:�pu8 is ��bo scored 2124' pinS to belta Sigma S�'edeii; ljorway�. Japan and' othertaking coglUzance of the 'exi�tence of 'Phi's 2036. ". ,_ _t- "countries are espec!�ly eager for firstthe Syste;a � .'The games rolled�yeste�f resulted place as are also the junior and seniorIt is perhaps a mere matter of in another victory fot"the Phi Gamma basket-ball -teams, '.chance that the Pnom leaders have and Kappa Sigma. The Phi Gamsbeen picked to bear the blunt of the came to the froot in a close game with WOOLCOTT PRAISES BALDRIDGEargument. The Prom is only a single Delta Upsilon. The final score was Phi IIcase out of many which might have Gam, 2190 and Delta U. 2066. The Article in Bookmen Describes Workbeen chosen. Perhaps the council and Kappa Sig rolled 2391 to a 2043 score Of University Alumnus.the Prom leaders are being called of Chi Psi.-nay,u-rsrrorrrrrrrree)erresfaa0-4d4 h,\ah0 -a-._!ettsi1er\\-I. ..,�"-y sd g- 0k tlr- hp- t0eaS-t.s0\21g.KfoCat\'.toCRC:�Pi21fogascupdeth upon to answer for a crime for whichthe entire System is to blame. Butthe important thing is that there isan argument.That something is rotten in theaffairs of the University is all t�plainly to be seen by the very factthat the council is being .asked to de­fend itself. But mere accusation willnever bring about results. The nec­essary thing is a suggestion. Notmerely assertion, bitter feelings, andwords.The campus seems to be awakenow. Will somebody please arise andmake a suggestion before the campusgoes to sleep again?Will somebody offer a plan '!_ R.M. F.SOCIAL NOTESTau Kappa Epsilon will give a housedance at the chapter house, 5626Blackstone Ave., tonight. The hostessand host are 1\Ir. and Mrs. Paul Can­non.The Graduate Women's club willmeet today from 3 :30 to 5 :30 in IdaNoyes hall.The Esoterics will give a formalance tonight in Ida Noyes hall. Theostesses will be l\Ir�. Edith FosterFlint and Miss Elizabeth Wallace.The Frances Shimer Association'ill hold an informal tea tomorrowfternoon from 4 to 6 in Ida Noyesall.PLAY OFF FIRST ROUNDSIN GREEK BOWLING SERIESTeams Meet In Preliminary Games ofInterfraternity Pin Tournament.The Inter-fraternity bowling tourna­ment which is being conducted on theReynold's club alleys opened Monday.ith a game at � between Alpha DeltaPhi and Delta Upsilon. "The tourna­nent is a great success," said EugeneKing, in charge of the tournament .Everybody is enthusiastic and ishewing a great interest in all theames." King asks that the winnerf each game report the results ofrat game to him as soon as possible.He may be reached a! the Sigma Chiouse,In the first game of Monday, the AI­ha Delts defeated the Delta U. byhe score of 2221 to·. 2092. in the sec­nd game between the Kappa Sigmand the Delta Tau Delta, the Kappaigs piles up 2356 to the Delts 2005.Tuesday at 3 another frame of theournament was played. In the firstame the Phi Kappa Psi were victorsrer the Washington house, scoring96 to their opponents 1906. Thearne between the Dekes and the Phiappa Sigma, which '�'as scheduledr Tuesday was postponed.The Phi Gamma Delta and Sigmahi were victors. in Tuesday's games7::10. In the first game the Phiames walloped the Sigma Nus 217;'1800. In the second game the Sigmahis were at the long end of 2070OI'C o,'cr the Chi Psis.The only game p]aycd Wednesday atI csulted in a ,victory fur Beta, ThetaoVCI' the S. A. E. with a· score of7; to 1782. The gatne scheduledI' Wednesday at 7:30 cnded in ame in which Psi Upsilon bow}(:d fororcs. Phi Dclta Theta failed to show, but as thc tournament is to becidcd by scores rathcr than gamese P�i U. tallied a score of 2290. The IN FIUTEltNITY GAMEIn addition to 'the swimming meetheld during the Winter quarter, ar­rangements are being made to holdregular meets in 'the Fall and Springquarters .The question of awarding a cup tothe class making the best all-aroundrecord for the' year was brought upfor discussion at the meeting but nodefinite action was'taken. If the pro­posal is favorably passed upon, thecup will be awarded to the class mak­ing the best record in all class. con­tests. Under the proposed plan, thecup will be kept in the trophy room atIda Noyes hall and handed down fromone winning class to another. Thenumerals of the winners would be en-No games of the tournament will be "LeRoy Baldridge was endeared toplayed today, but the scores of last the entire A. E. F. as an artist whonight's games will be announced in caught for them the true accent andThe Daily Maroon Monday. Monday color of young America everseas, byat 3 Sigma Nu meets Washington his weekly drawings in the "Stars andhouse and Sigma Chi me�ts Phi Kap- Stripes." This statement is made bypa Sigma. No games are scheduled I Woolcott in his article "A Stalwartfor 7:30. Named Baldridge" in the January graved on the trophy each year.I issue of The Bookman..\HRA:\GE "KEEPIXG.FIT'· Baldridge graduated from the uni- SIGMA NUS HEAT DELTSCA�IPAIGN FOR WOl\IEN vcrsity in 1911, and was prominent in'campus activities, People in America. _ -.-- . I awoke to his talent when his book ofEmily Hartman Given Charge of !'\ew. Sigma Nu took the first game of. drawings called "I was There" was 'GynasJum Department Plan.., ' ' what the contestants hope will de-published In the autumn of 1919. At I . . .t 1\1 B ldrid .. Chi velop into an. interfraternity basketEmily Hartman -has taken charge I presen 1 r. a rt ge IS In ma. I ball league from the Delta Tau Deltas,of the "Keeping Fit" campaign that I Wednesday night in Bartlett. Thethe Gynasium Department has been I ASSOCIATION DECIDES TO score was 19 to 12.running the past quarter. The basket-! INCLUDE SWBBIING IN Lee and Wood:ng were the individu-ball. swimming. base-ball, and dane-I . WINTER MAJOR SPORTS. al star:' fOI' the Sigma Nus and Stroh-i�g teams recor� their health each I . mier :01' the. ?elts. Since the game,week on small slips that read some-» Will Hold Regular Meets In Fall and I the SIgma Nu s have been challengedwhat like this s 8 hours sleep each day, II Spring Quarters-Cup Question I by the A. T,' o.» and the Dekes but as7 glasses of water per day, correction •• Unsettled. I yet no dates have been set.of posture si xtimes per day, bath I ---daily, 7 hours exercise pel' week. I Swimming during the Winter quar-]The "Keep Fit" teams which are or-I tel' will be classed as a major sportganized in the dancing classes willi for women. as the result of the actionhave especially keen competition. The i taken yesterday by the advisory board Dr-ltu Sigma announces the pledgingteams arc arranged into groups ac-j of the Women's Athletic association. of Ruth Parker of Chicago, Vera At­cording to the nationality of the coun-I' The change in classification becomes kinson of Milwaukee. Wis., and Char-try which their dancing represents. effective at once, according to the an- lotte Hamilton of Ithaca, Mich.�ach week the results of the "Keep I nounccmcnt made by Florence Falk-Fit" campaign are recorded on the I enau of the board. Read The Maroon for Campus New8 !Delta Sigmas Pledge Three. lM"en'sFine Shoes$6_85$7_85�8_85and upONE object of this Sale is to make new cust­omers, Our old patrons are well acquaintedwith the values-below wholesale costs todav,Main Floor�(llIlIlIJ) �111.IlUJ;�. -=- ..' lDll!!JIDHenry C.Lytton � SODSState and Jackson-On the N. E. Comer :. ---.14 �IFtIt'"\j'I:"","t -t' 'i', \1:'•.,,.f I,., "".,, I .,.._I� �--- .--------------IFtIt.. rr,.III'I"I,;.,''.,", Ij �I. ,,j·1I '! ',1 r, ..I,.,I .,". THE DAILY MAROON, FRIDAY, JANUARY 23, T920 3To Sing or, Not to SingAn explanation of the purposes of University sings pre­pared by the committee in charge. ALLEarly in the autumn the. Women's much improved by the introduction ofFederation felt an urgent need fot' more college songs and some of thethe inauguration into the customs good old classics. The committee alsoand traditions of the University, of thought that perhaps they could addsome sort of institution whose pur- I "nth" power to the purpose of thepose would be to foster a spirit vi I Sings, namely, make them musicallydeep interest, love, and loyalty for I educative. .the Alma Mater, which although it With this idea they began to lookhad always been present in the around the city to get, if possible, thebreasts of undergraduates, had as yet very best man in this profession as 3.found no definite way of expressing leader. 1\Ir. Tenney, very highly es­itself, grow, and be cultivated. The teemed and recommended, was ap­lack seemed to manifest itself in the preached with the idea and much tofact that there was no particular the joy of t� committee said hetime or place for the whole student would be glad to offer his services.body to get together and give vent He was instructed to lead the Singto their spirits, become better ac- in just the same way that he wasquainted with their fellows, and learn always accustomed to lead, whento love and sing the old songs of the teaching an audience to sing a newUniversity. In the minds of the Wom- song properly. Mr. Tenney carrieden's Federation, this one very desir- cut the instructions of the committeeable advantage enjoyed by the stu- to the letter and gave the audiencedcnts of every other university in the that attended some very fine instruc­country and which created such 3. tion in singing, en masse. However,bond of love between them and their before the evening was two-thirdsAlma Mater as not to, .be forgotten over the committee realized that theyduring the years to come, namely, 3. had made a gross mistake in trying- get together period with the one aim to teach an audience that got to­ALMA·MATER in mind, was missing gether so few times a year to sing ashere at the University of Chicago. It r' technically perfect chorus and thatwas in the consideration of these facts perhaps they were encroaching on thethat the Federation hit upon the plan ground of the choral society and gleeof holding University Sings eveI"Y. so clubs.often. In the carrying out of almost anyThe first Sing was a great success new enterprise mistakes are bound tofrom the standpoints both at attend- be made and the sooner they are un­ance and progress attained, as was covered and correccted, the moreshown by an almost full Mandel Hall, quickly will the endeavor grow intoand by the way the groups went out perfection and success. Therefore,of the hall at the end, singing, all the committee is very glad to makeof their own '."1roliUun. Tho- �opl<;; bUVW •• 41.. __ Z--.4- _.1 --r .who attended were happy and well cause of the mistakes they have madepleased, for it supplied what they too in the past they are now in a positionconsidered was missing. In an after to establish firmly and set forth formeeting, however, the Sing committee the approval of the undergraduate •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••decided that too much time had been body a Sing that will-thrill the heartspent on the popular songs of the and delight the soul of every student 'c!ay, and that the Sings could be very who attends.MANY FIELDS OF SOCIALWORK OFFERED BY Y. W. C. A. versity of Chicago, settlements needwomen who can give instructions inbasketry. The United -Charifiea atStony Island 'avenue and Seventy­first street want visitors on ease workfor two hours on Saturday mornings.The West Side Free dispensary canuse girls at any hour for home visit­ing. The Burnside settlement is anx­ious to obtain a violinist who will givefree lessons."Weare greatly in need of work­ers," said Miss Kemp, chairman ofthe committee, "and we hope the wom­en of the University will respond toour call for workers."Women Are Needed at UniversitySettlement, Chicago Commonsand Elsewhere.The Social Service department ofthe Y. w. C. A. has asked all womenwho can give any time to philan­thropic work to call at the Y. W. C .A. office any morning, except Mon­day, at 11:15.Girls to do elementary sewing arcneeded at the Chicago commons, Sat­urday mornings at 10 :30. The Uni­,versity of Chicago settlement needsbasketball .coaches on Mondays,Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Fridaysbetween " and 5. The Bohemian Uni- Patronize Maroon AchertiaenIN PRINCIP AL CITIES OF THEUNITED STATES ARERENoWNED FOR CLEANLINESSPURITY OF FOODAND GOODSERVICE UNIVERSITYSUPPLIESNew and Second Hand BooksNote Books and PaperFountain PensLea ther Brief 'Cases IFreshmen Green CapsAthletic Su ppliesmE· UNIVERSITY OF· CHICAGO BOOK STORE5802 - EI.I.IS AVENUEI ••ARE ALL YOUR'FRIENDSSUBSCRIBERS ?.>4-,.'-jI:'::':.,'.!:\.;.,-r:,>. TomorrowNightIsSettlementNight THE DAILY MAROON, FRIDAY, JANUARY 23,1920Income.IS IN GREAT FINANCIAL NEED HOLD GAVEL ELECTIONS SOON COLLEGE STUDENS LEAIL'i II_._ TO SKI AND. SNOW SHOEColumbia University Wants Thirty Wednesday Set as Day For Next, -. -- .Million Dollars In Aditional Meeting. Colgate boasts an outing club which �during the winter months takes week­Election of officers for the Gavel for ly runs into the wilds of New YorkThirty million dollars in additional the ensuing year will take place at a state. Early in the season a lean-toincome producing capital is necces- meeting to be held next Wednesday at is constructed some distance from thesary for the satisfactory maintainance 4 in Cobb 12A. After the election town and to this the club members skiof Columbia University. The an- a discussion will be held on the fol- for their meal. New slides are hunt­nouncement of this enormous financial lowing subject, Resolved: That the ed out each trip and the run lasts lateneed was included in the annual re- United States government should rec- into the afternoon. Many' novices areport of President Nicholas Murray ognize the Russian Soviet Republic. learning skiing and snow-shoeing.Butler recently made public. Within several weeks, frosh tryoutsAdditional income _is needed for the will be held. Those successful will ADVISORY BOARD MAKESmechanical upkeep of the University, be given places on the Freshman De- . WOMEN'S SWIMMING MAJORnew buildings and increased par for I bating team. Coaching in organizationteachers and other officers. Presi- presentation, and in rebuttle will be Swimming for women has just been ;;-.-. il!!liil!i!!!'!i--i!j--_--.- I!!!!l!!!I!!!!11!1!1 ....... !li!!iiijldent Butler also stated that adequate ¥i\'en to freshmen by the present Var .. made a major sport. The Advisoryprovision must be made to care for sity debaters from now up to the time Board decided yesterday that swim­those students who having proved their of the tryouts.fitness, would be deprived of collegeeducation, unless financial aid wereavailable. FRESH)IAN GROUP PICTUREFOR CAP AND GOWN TO BETAKEN TODAY AT HASKELL ARROW7roy O'ailomlSOFT COLLARSCLUETT. �80DY & co •• INC •• TROY. N. V.ming was of sufficient importance towarrant its having the standing of amajor sport. Miss B�es will contin­ue to have charge of the swimming.Three meets will be held each year. BeHer than moai: bvecent pencils--BLAISDELL MIDASAs swimming is a winter quarter sportthese meets will all come during theWinter quarter. -and you get two for a Dickel.The Midas writes slnoothly.sharpens readily. and there's alot of work in e\'ery point. Askfor it next time. Made in roundand hexagon shapes. Tipped witha soft rubber eraser. At all sta·tioners-two for 5 cents.The Freshmen group pictures forthe Cap and Gown will be taken at,12:10 today in front of the east en­trance of Haskell. . The followinggroup pictures are scheduled for thisweek-end: Delta Tau Delta, Saturday,January 24 at 9. Delta Upsilon, Sat­urday January 24, 10. Beta Theta Pi,Sunday January 25, 10, Sigma Nu,Sunday, .Ianuary 25, 10:30; KappaSigma, Sunday January 25, 11 andAlpha Delta Phi, Sunday, January 25,at 11:30.l:.B_:.·_ )A.�_:.::.I�'17>_:_H/_::.<\:l.·_·;···-:.e:BD·:::THE:SNAPPV::LlM£::DRI"t(:-::.:::::::. <�"cc:MHIO"I!'" co.: 'I:HI�"':::: :<.: Dies After Short Illness.Use Blaisdell Colored Pencil&.Made iD fourteen rich colon.They mark OD any thine. 10cents everywhere.Mr. Allen Frake, a member of theQuadrangle club, died Tuesday morn­ing of pneumonia, after a brief ill-Iness. The funeral will be held todayat 10 from the chapel at Sixty-secondplace and Normal boulevard. Mr.Frake was engaged in the bondingbusiness at 39 S. LaSalle stret. /3/aisoe//Pencil Corrrpe.rry:PH1LADELPHlA--=-. _.--=...._ rq?,,/> �J> /) �� ·t., �".t:..:!�J�.�.,:.,.;.p���J -. t.l����_!.f_��Ci.:S.���;.t"'-'.�!t���.�·�tiJ(Jt��·���:-:-'��� �:'-o��':--\o"o4"\i. I" ves« e/�•• eJfI�(J.r.f/ •• ·�n�., �pr�"t� • � iil Ti -. ��,.�) MEN's .-."'''' -.� STORE �� --..... e._:,�� �.��t·� X• •. ,t·'t.� � ..�. Y oong Men's Spring Suits �l�� Imported cloths are :xclusive}y ours, in grey mixtures and brown, �� sober blues and quiet greens, patterns which blend with the drape and �.e.:t� line of the suit. Ready-to-wear, there is a spirit in the design and tail- w.t .. -••• ••:tn oring of these Spring Suits which is the essence of sound style. The I ••�i� medium-weight cloths from which these suits are made were pur- ��3l chased for Fall, 19 J 9. Delivered late, they make possible unusually �v,�i; modest prices--the prices of last year. Thus the full flavor of Spring, �l�+- 1920 suits may be enjoyed at the prices of Fall, 1919. A similar1y �c. _, -_u.·t- happy situation exists on a goodly supply of topcoats, in imported Ff.�..� eds chevi d hId -.��,� twe , coverts, evicts an s et an s. .:+)," r �:"� �,�� �.� �� O�ilvie .. & H.enead_le !� � � ��� � ��;; dine LINEN • 'dine N ECKWEAl\. �'V: . c;,.ine CLOTHING �v;.ir " .. t.�! - 1 wen tv . !�!� � ,:�t EAST JACKSON Boulevard �.... Seeon" 1100r 'A gentleman in a hurry <lA·)'J. for dress clothes will find Ji �� pleasing assortment of ready- .t ..�lf to-wear full-dress and Tuxedo �.1;,..; / suits - also the various fur- ¥-v- h h h :4!�.) is ings w ic accompany au- •, th ��!'U! en tic evening wear. ��., c::. ��. �'.' ·t··t· ....�1 ��,-: " ill;��.��..;.��. �"':'''''��;_���.':'�'.i;,���.,����;.a!:�'.;.y.�����:�.f''U.�.�!:���it'••• �J'�JJtj. J ••• i!"!'J.r�J'J'I"! ••• r. ".J�j;).� ••• ��",-.�,,-� � ••• -:r\'-��.'.� •• '.� .... �"'�.IIIF.1II' \l, I. i" J'.I("t�•r •\fI• t,-I.• I":,1 ;..!.t , 4� I.,. '..,\. 'JfII'• I. ,..1 ;"I!ir .f","l, .",1 ..THE DAILY MAROON,: FRIDAY, JANUARY 23, 1920--�· ... .. 1 FIRST OF SERIESDISEMBODIED PASSION ' OF TRACK MEETSAGAIN HELD TOMORROWA Review of � Bojer's "ThelFace of the World" (Mof­fat, Yard).It is a commonplace of the ateliersthat all art, to be convincing and vi­tal must arise directly from the emo­tions of the artist. Some years agosomebody (I think perhaps it wasMr. Herrick) in a critical essay onthe work of Mrs. Wharton, amplifiedthat ancient dictum to the effect thatthe human passions were the only cessive Saturdays, with the object inpossible effective themes for a good view of picking competent men tonovel and that love and sex, as the handle Stagg's big spring Inter­scholastic.The heads ofsistant ; Announcer-Cole, 2 assist­nificant that, in the course of history, ants; Downtown Publicity- Vicker-i:those who felt it have always been Chief Timer-Tom Eck, 2 assistants;crucified, mocked, stoned, or canoniz-ed. The less sincere their disernbodied passion for the world is. the moresure they are of canonization. It isto he presumed then that the semi­religious passion for justice and forhumanity is either a vice which theestablished order hastens in dismayto exterminate or an aberration whichinstantaneously destroys all feelingfor the brotherhood of man, withoutbenefit of clergy.THe "pallid tragedy of such a situ­ation seems to 'strike a chord in theNorseman temperament. It is a cold,dim, Inevitable tragedy which leavesdead' the hopelessness in its wake. Itis the theme of most of the Ibsenplays, and crops out with the persist­ency of death from a handling of ev­en other themes. The absolute hope­lessness of the final scenes of "TheMaster Builder" for instance, "TheWild Duck" and the bitter tragicirony of "Pillars of Society," and "AnEnemy, of the People" present thetwo phases of its effect on Ibsen'sdramtic art. In "Hedda Gabler,"even there is the dreamer with thedisembodied passion, and that othermuch- more successful man. who isstudying (in seminar courses one sup­poses) certain phases of the politicalmachinery of the Brabant cities dur­ing the fourteenth century.This tragedy of the man with thehuge outlook and the curse of per­spective is the characteristicallyNorse tragedy. Johan Bojer in "TheGreat Hunger" and in "The Face ofthe World" has attempted to end theplay happily. It is only another trialof the impossible. The optimism istotally unconvincing because we nev­er feel that a man possessed of' animpersonal passion for humanity canbe happy in a human world. The on­ly conceivable thing to do with a pas­sion for justice is to get rid of: it;like the appendicitis, it needs to beclipped. Bojcr's hero, in a sickroomlocated in the last chapter, retrieveshis will to live because Beethoven'sninth symphony (in a piano arrange­ment) brings him its message ofpeace through the very sense of life,that same love of humanity whichearlier brought him to grief. Thereis also a vague wreath not quite alife-saver, thrown out: "Perhaps adreamer's day may come when judg­ment will he pronounced upon all thewise men who always prophesied eviland were always right."Small comfort, surely. Yet in theIone fundamental human passion wereinevitably the greatest and common­est of all themes. Mrs. Wharton, Ibelieve he said fell short of great­ness because in spite of the brillian­cy of her equipment as a novelist, sheanalyzed no great human passionwith anything like understanding orfeeling. The "social passion," he saidwas her only theme; and it is a thingwhich in its febrile but surface in­tensity can pervade no art work,however slight, with the genuine glowof humanity.Johan Bojer's "The Face of theWorld" is, like its predecessor "TheGreat Hunger" the study of a dis­embodied passion. Whether it is afundamental human passion or not Ido not know. I.should say it was sig- There is going to be a Senior partytoday at 4 in the Reynolds club.This much is certain, because- TO GO TUESDAY AFTERNOONANNOUNCE COMMITTEE HEADS well, for a number of reasons:The first of the series of Intel- (1) The right wing of the Prom Members of the Y. W. C. A. arescholastic track meets will be held In were in the office of The Maroon yes- planning to make a trip to the Ce�­Ba�tlett gym tomorrow at 9 :30. Four terday and assured -the staff that hal Division of the Y. W. C. A. at .,9indoor meets are to be held on sue- there would be a party. Both com- East Monroe street. Miss Wa�l, �hoponents of the wing are StWiors, and k t the tea Wednesday, Invitedoughta know' spo e ato see the new building, to, the women . d• (2) The business manager of The I .' it the Industrial clubs and eonsr erv lSI f the clubsMaroon said so, he's a senior, he t'" as adviser to one 0 .ac Inh . d m on 'fues-the committees for oughta know; Two groUPS WIll go 0"". .(3) Rumor has it that there will d afternoon; one leaVIng at =lin fact be a party, and that it will, �Yl ck from' the y. W. C. A. office,o co, 1 k Miss Wallbe some party; .I d the other at 4 0 C oc .(4) The Daily Maroon for yester- anted that the visitors could take, sugges di . m theoay said that there would be a Senior di r at the new mmg roo ,mne .' 1 quar-party. cost of the meal being on y a.Facts, Data,..--'N' Everything. I men who are interested HIter Al \\'0 1With these data massed on the af-' ked to teU Miss Tay orgoing are as .firmative side, it ought to be fairly before Tuesday.well proven that there will be a party. . D' er in Ida Noyes Hall.Give mn .'But the article in yesterday's 1\Ia-' The 1ntercollegiate Committee willroon, it seems, was' written in such a. di er in the Sun Parlor ofgIve a IDnjesting vein that many of our more 'N' hall on Wednesday, Janu-Ida oyesseriously inclined Seniors were rather 98th at 6 :00. Undergraduateary... , thdisposed to take the story with a grain no have come from ano erwomen wof salt. Whereas, according to the 11 ge are asked to attend. Thero' 1 . 1 . ,co e T d . htecmor c ass socia committee, It I ticket sale will close ues ay rug .should have been taken with a grain IT' k t mav be obtained from anyI IC e s ,01' more of pepper, because it seems I member of the committee or at thethat the Senior party is going to be! Y. W. C. A. office for 35 cents aone at which pep will be the sine qua j! .S "pIece.Starter- peer. non. Next week the religious discussionThe meet will start at 9 :30 sharp, . F h dAll this ought to convince the I groups will begin. The res man anand the events will proceed in the· , '11 tdoubting Toms of ye class of 1920 I Sophomore groups WI mee everyfollowing order: that there will be a party; in which I Monday from 4 to 5. Mr. Baker of9 ::-)0. Junior flO yard dash-s-Seniorcase it is to be hoped that they will! the Hyde Park Baptist Church willshot put. b h . f I di Th Je t ere 10 orce.I preside over the 1SCUSSlons. e u-Senior 50 yard dash-i--Junior shot BULLETIN ..' (S . 1 t Tl I '11 tpecia 0 ie nior and Senior groups WI mee onput. Daily Maroonj-c-At 'a late hour ye ..;- Thursdays from 4 to. 5. The speaker10 :00. One mi1e run. t d ft th fl k f G der ay a ernoon e un eys 0 en- has. not yet been announce .Junior 660. eral Harry English were observed,operating the new patented electric I·tio�r polisher over the surface of thesecond floor of the Reynolds club. I Kappa Sigma announces the pledg-Which ought to prove, most con- ing of Ellsworth Haas, of Kansas City,clusively, that there is going to be .1 'Mo.party.=======================111 :50. Junior relay-4 men one Brief Cases, Mus i c Folios Ilap each. d I• 1 -4 � I12 :00. Senior re ay . men twolaps each. Students' Cases IITen Schools To Enter !\Iect. Demand the originalTen high schools are entered in the roo' you r protectionLEATHER GOOI)S Imeet. They are: Senn, University. Trade Mark Guaranteed To Give Ifiigh, Hyde Park, Lake View, Lane, Df Quallt,. Satisfactory ServiceCrane, Englewood, LaGrange, Oa1( A All S Wh It tores erePark, and Austin. Quality Rules I'Men to fill the assistant position'>are wanted, and good men_ arc asked Lifton Mfg. Co. -:- New Yorfci ---------------to apply to the chairmen for positions. , C lAS S I FIE DAD S.The competent men will be chosen forfuture meets; and will be in line forjobs at the Stagg Interscholasticwhich is one of the biggest things ofits kind in the country .•Hold Four Indoor T rials ToPick Men For. SpringInterscholastic.tomorrow's meet were announced byColville Jackson yesterday. Theywere picked on the showing whichthey made at the preparatory meetheld last Saturday. The followingmen have been chosen to manage theevents, and each will pick assistantst- help him:Choose Officials For !\Ieet..J udge of Finish-Harris, 3 assisc­ants; Clerk of Hurdles-Fulton, 1aasistant ; Clerk of Dashes-Hardes­t�', 1 assistant; Clerk of Shot Put­Redmon, 3 assistants; Chief Scorer­McWilliams, 1 assistant; Clerk of.Iurnps-s-Schncberger, 3 assistants ;Reception Chairman-s-Vickers, 1 as-Junior and Senior Low Hurdles.Senior High Hurdles.High Jumps.10:45. Quarter mile run.Broad Jumps.Pole Vault.11 ::10. Half mile run.Committee Heads to Report.All the heads of committees andassistants are to report to Bartlettgymnasium promptly at 9 tomorrow,first glow of the reading there is ahardy, healthy charm about such an__open-eyed philosophy. Admittingthat there is absolutely nothing to _.-hope for, says Bojer, let us hope on__simply fo� the fun of hoping and be- -"=cause so many dear good souls havehoped before us!The defect in the panacea is thatnobody can keep keyed to that pitchof idealism. In the chapter after thelast ( which Bojer seems to have for­gotten entirely), I am sure that the �..Junseen Sister Alma, who played the =-_-�:_c'-:�..=-'--::_'.�_-.��:ninth symphony came in and empha- ;-_:-�sized her optimism with a little tangi-ble evidence. Otherwise life for Har­old must have been as dull as it isto the poor Sir Galahad who isdoomed to gaze in framed virtue froma thousand citizen's walls, with notcmerarious Guenevere to solace hiscontinence with the loan of a cigar-ette. James Vincent Sheean. LUCIA HENDERSHOT STUDIO§ 1541 E. 57th St. Hyde Park 2314i:�:��E�Y. VV.C.A.�ERSPLANNiNG TRIP. TOCENTRAL DIVISIONSENIORS' PARTY TODAYACTUALLY COMING OFFThat Socal Affair of the Class of 1920Will in Fact Occur is inevitable Con-clusion from Data on Hand. University Women Will VisitIndustrial Clubs of theNew Building.Kappa Sigma Pledges Haas.DORIS HAT SHOP1151 E. 55th StreetNear UniversitySnappy Spring StylesNow Ready ForYour InspectionLOST -A pair of driving Mittens onTuesday, January 13, in either CobbI 12 or ·7C. Valuable to owner for mo-Ii tor car use. Please return to Maroon .office and receive reward. *87Patronize Maroon AdvertisersAw D C Pipe is the biggest value that the World',Largest Pipe 1\ 1 anufacturers can put into a pipe. TheW D C is a good,. disfying smoke. and bound to break insweet and mellow every time. Highest quality of bit,' bandand bowl; craftsmanship of the highest order-that's whatwe mean hy hi.r:znt ualue. Ask any good dealer.�ill�� WM. DEMUTH & CO .• NEW YORK� \VORLC·S LARGEST MAKERS OF FINE PIPES =-1_:=4.--=_.7._ A._ ..:---=-::::i£55.-_.-_.-_ .. =-==-�_ ;;..;;;; =--==n_ --...� ..... -�- �. _- ����= ¥�·�--=��-¥·-:-it"iHiif----��� Capper & CapperClothing Still200/0 OffThere isn't a garmenthere that we couldcar� over into nextseason and make moremoney on it than wecan make on thosewhich will replacetliern in our stocks.Many, no doubt,would consider thatthe wise thing' to do.But we want to givethe H. C. L. this lit­the jolt for you.Our stocks, of course,are thinning out fast.· But you can still findtwo or three-or half adozen-suits to suityou, for a year's sup­ply.LONDONCHI CAGODETROITMILWAUKEEUINNf;APOLI&-TWO CHICAGO STORESl\lichigan A venue at M;nroe StreetHotel ShermanClothing Is Sold at theMichigan Ave. Store OnlyDoYouKnowKENNEDY'SWaves are 50 Cents1214 East Fifty-fifth St.Midway- 3081Private DANCING LessonsIn a course of five lessons ($5.00)one can acquire the steps of theWaltz, One-step, and Fox-trot. Socialdancing class l'londay Eve at 8 P. M.MIDWESTTYPESETI1NGCOMPANY510 - 512EAST SIXTY-THIRDSTREETPRINTERS andLINOTYPERSSPECIAL A'rrENTIONTOUNIVERSITY WORKPrlDwn 01 The DalI)" "I'OOD6 THE DAILY MAROON, FRIDAY, JANUARY 23, 1920The C tuU!)utWllin-IaWE are glad to see that FriendGemmill emerges to give us the bene­fit of his long experience on the "Coun­cil. But, why does HE get 0\: excited?Without reading between the lines of"A Senior's" contribution, it was im­possible, so far as we could see, to dis­cover any shot at him. Can it be thathe has friends he wishes to defend?And, appropo this prom - leadingbusiness, it looks as if a famous breaktook place at Miami in 1855 had beenpatched up.4FRESHMAN S_nIPSO� reportsthat Blanchard (student, not profes­sor), in talking about the Hyde Parkresidence district in class, said, "Whythere's a house on every vacant lot inthat neighborhood."Greenwood Dramah.Scene: France's boudoir.Enter. Jean.Jean-You got our rug.Frances-We have not. That's ourrug.Jean-Well, I got a rise out of youanyhow.(Curtain).tournament.FOLLOWING the lead of this well­known journal, Waful's new magazineis going to be given away. A meetingof our academic literati was held yes­terday to talk it up.This department's -special corre­'spondent admits that he didn't attend,but he insists he can give an accountof what took place and the people whowere there or at least of what shouldhave taken place and the people whoought to have been there (we find toour delight that we can use "should"and "ought" interchangeably -or onefor the other, almost without thinking;that's lit'ry). Here's his dope:Many of the campus celebs who hadbeen invited to attend were' on handbefore Mr. Waful came in. One of"Neither," he continued do we wantto make it a lowbrow."And James Vincent left the rom.In this way, with one remark fol­lowing directly upon another, as Mr.Waful's remarks so often do, theroom in time completely cleared andthe janitors given a chance to- get attheir daiJy work,THE famous class of 1920 is nextto give a party.Members of other classes will notbe invited of course. The seniors don'thave to break a tradition to kep out.WOULDN'T it be funny if theypostponed Settlement night on accountof the flu?I. THE answer is no.ANNOUNCEMENTSThe Social Committee of the Juniorclass will meet today at 4 in Cobb llB.The .German Conversation club willmeet today from 4 to 6 in Ida NoyesProf. Cutting will talk on "Volkscha­raktcr und Landschaf't bei den Deut­schen" Everyone interested has beeninvited to attend.The Prom program committee will�\('('t todav at 12 in Cobb 12A. Thecommittee' is as follows: 'Eleanor At.­kins, chairman, Austin Clark, JohnCombs, Josephine Gamble, CarlinCrandall, Katherine Melhop, BrookBallard, and Elizabeth Brown.The. Y. 2\1. C. A. Stockyards sight­seeing excursion starts from the "C"bench tomorrow at 9. All Universitystudents i�terested in seeing the yardsin full operation have been invited tojoin the party.HOLD ANNUAL UNIVERSITYCIIARITY NIGHT TOMORROW(Continued from page 1)ends.. Tickets cost twenty-five cents,The program is as follows:1. Songs--Overseas Quartet.2. Dances-Grace Bennett.3. Songs--Garrett Larkin.4. Songs-University Glee club.5. Jigs-Margaret Foss.6. Sleight-of-hand Magic - FredFrost.7. Dances=-Canlin Crandall andRuth Lovett.8. Play, "The Very 'Naked Boy."Cast:. He-Glenn Harding,She-Helen Palmer.The Boy-Henry Hardy_(Continued from page 1)both fraternity pledges and non-fra­ternity men can try out for it.The club helps the freshmen get ac­quainted and become known on thecampus. In this way it flourishes anorganization which is a nucleus forthe Freshman class to center about.Its Perpetrator of Traditions.The greatest argument in its favor's that it is a perpetrator of collegetraditions. Through it the freshmenbecome acquainted with traditions ofthe University. Because it is a tradi­tional organization and because of itsimportance to the men of the fresh­men class the above reforms were de­cided upon, the chairman of the Com­mittee asserted."It is not that we are desirous ofchanging the policies of our own good,"Chairm�n Loeffel said yesterday," butbecause we sincerely believe that theclub can be made to render service tothe University. We hate to see tradi­tional organization die as a t:esult ofprevious mismanagement," he con­tinued. "We promise to conduct itproperly as inoffensive inthe future."Announce Policy Committee.The members of the Committee onPolicies are: Charles Loeffel; HowardTurner; Frank Miller; Sidney Stein;Laurence Ackley; Malcolm Bruce. JASS HOUNDS.(Ohio State Lantern).ItCHARLES !!OMER HASKINSSPEAKS HERE WEDNESDAY"The Peace Conference at Paris"Is Subject of Dean of GraduateSchool at Harvard University. The. Private SecretaryThe Promotion committee of theCampus club will meet Tuesday at 12WHILE the athletic Kappa Sigs are in Ellis 3. The following are membersout bowling the herculean Chi Psis on of the committee: Albert DeWitt,these quadrangles, the lunch clubs at Elmer Ludwig, Morton Livingston,Northwestern are spending their Charles Parker, Albert Robbins. andenergy on an interfraternity whist Theodore Rosenack.them was at the piano dashing of withmuch allegro, one of Chopin's latest DRASTIC CHANGES IN THREEjazz dance hits. Voris Fisher sat in QUARTERS CLUB ANNOUNCEDa corner with his feet propped on atable. obscuring his reading withclouds of smoke from his collegiatepipe. Lucy Sturges was scribblingfree verse with each hand. James Vin­cent Sheean wasn't there yet. BettyBrown was discussing marketable lit­erature with Ralf Spangler.1\Ir. Waful strode in with his cus­tomery majestic air. He waved hishand kindly."Don't rise," he said.When he could again be heard, heresumed."We don't want to make this a high­brow magazine," he said.And Lucy left the room. The Soeial Committee of the Com- required.merce club will meet today at 12 in Mr. Ha!kins was attached to thethe Accounting laboratory in Cobb American Commission to negotiatehall. peace. He was a member of the Con­ference Commission on Belgian andDutch affairs and a member of thespecial committee on Alsace Lorraineand the Saar Valley.Graduate of Hopkins University,He is a graduate of John· Hopkinsuniversity where he was also a pro­fessor of history, He was professouof European history at the UniversityChainnan of all Prom committees of Wisconsin and a secretary of thewill meet today at 12 in Cobb 12A. Council of the American History asso-ciation. He is author of severalhooks, among which are: "The Nor­mans in European History," and"Norman Institutions." The private secretary occupies a position oftrust, confidence, and responsibility.Charles Homer Haskins, Dean ofthe Graduate school of Harvard uni­versity, will speak ne:ct Wednesday at4 in Mandel hall on "The Peace Con­ference at Paris." The lecture willbe a public one and no tickets will be She must, therefore, have a broader businesstraining than is required of the stenographer.She must understand the organization of busi­ness, its accounting methods, and its legal as­spect; she must know how business isfinanced; she must be able to compose letters;she must understand the theory as well as thepractice of office work; she must be able to an­alyze business situations.The MOSER SHORTHAND COLLEGE spe­cializes in this secretarial training.Moser Shorthand CollegeTwelfth Floor Lake View Building116 South Michigan AvenueCentral 5158 Chicago, minoisWhat College Editors Think"Take me to that land of jazz," shehummed. Habitually he complied.The compliance of the man may bestated as habitual in this or any sim­ilar instance, in that there arc somany of these instances that theyhave developed a great habit - thehabit of jazz.True, it has not spread to all partsof the college community-there aresome exceptions - but never-the-lessjazz. is so prevalent that its influenceon college life cannot fail to be mark­ed.Writing in a recent Saturday Even-ing Post, Nina Wilcox Putnam lamentsthe hold that jazz has on the countryat large. She satiries its effect onfood, clothing, furniture and other ar-ticles of interest.But this writer neglects the effect,of jazz on one important commodity-the date.· Jazz has deprived themodern girl of the majority of herabilities to entertain a man. She onlywaits until he asks, "where shall wego ?" Then' away to the haunts ofsyncopation or unnessential trim­mings.Their sortie -may end at' only amovie. But jazz has entered there inthe music, in the decorations, in thefilms and in the price. Or they 'maydrop into' a harmless confectionery.Here, too, jazz may be found holdingsway in the whipped cream and fancydishes. Everything is "jazzed. up."No longer does one hear of partiesthat seek to enjoy what nature offers,such as sleighing. coasting'or skating.The modern couple can only seek thejazz parlors.When will this seemingly irresista­ble force-jazz---cease to hold domina­tion over the so-called good timesthat college students have today?When the man puts his foot down and SUBSCRIBE FORIDqt iatly :maroonREAD THE WHISTLEREAD THE CAMPUS NEWSREAD THE ANNOUNCEMENTS$2.50 Per Year$1.00 Per Quartersays "No!" �"AratoW��9rap�The Official Photographer of CAP AND GOWN, '20Special Rates to U. of C. Students.FIVE PASS PRELIMINARYDRAMATIC CLUB TRYOUTSJanet Fairb:;mk, Will A. Ghere,Dudley Jessop, Milton Bowen and Al­vin Fishman passed the preliminarytryouts for associate membership inthe Dramatic Club yesteday when theywere selected by Faculty judges fromeleven who were tried out.Those who were successful will ap­pear before the club today at 4 inCobb 12A. Every active member hasbeen requested to be present to voteupon the contestants. DAGUERRE' STUDIO218 South Wabash Ave. CHICAGO, ILL.Tel. Wabash 527 for Appointment. ,... 'Ii:/ I'I\ \C I i \( II (101I•'I" :,-l� i"�!� ,} , i