,at aroVol. 17. No. 116 UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO, WEDNESDAY, MAY 28, 1919 Price 5 CentsFRATERNITIES CO-OPERATEIN ALUMNI WEEK EVENTS .1CONFERENCE CHAMPPIKE LOSES SECONDMATCH OF SEASONConvocation Sunday June 8.Convocation Sunday will be JuneThe sermon will � delivered by Edgar Young Mullins, president of theSouthern Baptist Theological seminary, of Louisville, Ky. The new marshals and aides will take part in theceremony in their official capacity forthe first time.The President's reception will beheld Monday at 9. Hutchinson commons will be used for this purpose.The three retiring professors will bethe guests of honor at this reception,also Convocation will take place Tuesda� at 4 in Bartlett gymnasium. Prof.Moulton will deliver the address ofthe day, on the subject: "The Taming Point in the History of Culture.". Ex-Captain Nath Also LosesSingles Contest-MaroOnsVictorious in Doubles. Plans for the Interfraternity Sing,the interfraternity tennis tournament,and the burning of the green caps werediscussed at the meeting of the Inter�raternity council last night. Two fraternities were punished for violationof the rules.Delta Tau Delta was penalized forrushing a senior from UniversityHigh school-on Monday, May 26. Thefraternity will be prohibited fromholding social events until July 1.Delta Sigma Phi was expelled fromthe. Interfraternity council for nonattendance, as it has sent no representative to any council meetings thisyear.Annual Sing Is Held June 6.The Interfraternity Sing will be heldFriday, June 6. The men will meetin Hull court. A bugler will be stationed in Hutchinson court to soundthe various fraternity calls. As eachcall is sounded, it will be answered bya bugler in Hull court. The fraternitycalled will march into the hollowaround the founain in HutchlnsoaQuadrangle, singing one of their fraternity songs. After each fraternityhas participated in this way patrioticand University songs will be sung bythe whole body. Colors will be' presented in honor of the men who have DECORA nONS FORINTERCLASS HOPNOW AT BARTLEIT CHICAGO DAY FOR WOUNDEDSQLDIERS GIVEN BY FRIERS .OJTo 1000 Service Men From Chicago Hospitals to HaveLunch On �pua and See "NaughtyNineties" June 5.and Tomorrow.CHICAGO PLAYS PURDUE TODA Y .DANCE ELABORATE THIS Y�AR HOLD BANQUET �DI THEATER PARTYPau Hellenic Council Makes Plans ForInterfraternity Sing - FreshmanCaps To Be Burned June 3-BoldTennis Tournament. Issue Call For WorkersDecorate Gym TodayGames Today.Baseball: Maroons at Purdue.Maroon chance for a singles championship In the conference tenniswhich starts tomorrow look poorerthan ever as a result of the matchwith Minnesota yesterday. Conference champ Pike went down for thesecond time this season, and to a manthat he eas�y defeated last year. Excapt. Nath also lost. The Maroonswon the doubles, but it took a hardfight to do it.Pike played an erratic game, netting many of his shots, and outingplenty of others. Adams played anice net game and kept pushing Pike'sshots back again, with the result thatthe Maroon beat himself, much as hedid at Michigan against Westbrook.Pike has not been playing as good tennis as he is capable of this season, butthere are strong hopes· that he willcome back again for the conference.First Set Goes To Pike, 6-1.The first set went to Pike, 6-1; buthe lost the next two, 7-5; 7-5. Adamsdid not win his-shots; Pike gave them·to him. Many of. the. games went· todeuce, but the inability of the Maroon'to keep his. shots in the court wereenough to make him lose.Nath also played a' close match allthe way, the score being 6-4; 4-6; 7-5.Norton played a nice placing gameand was stQaciier than Nath, but till!the games in his sets also were close.Do1lbles Are Close As Singles.The doubles match was as close asthe singles, largely because the Maroons were unable to take tile serviceof their opponents in the second and. third sets. The first set went to Chicago, 6-3; but the next was lost, 2-6;and the third was won by the Maroons8-6.Chicago and Purdue will play a baseball game today at Lafayette, and' thechances are that the Maroons will addanother game to their viCtory columnThe Boilermakers were easy for PatPage's team early in the year, anelthere is no indication that Lafayettehas improved any. THREE PROFESSORSTO BE GUESTS OFHONOR AT DINNERIUniversity Senate Will Entertain R�tiring Faculty Members anvocation Night.DEKES WIN RELAY RACES INCLOSE CONTEST WITH PSI U'SThe Dekes won the InterfraternityRelay raees which were held yesterdayaftemocm in Stagg field. The Psi Uteam ran a close race, but came . insecond. Thini and fourth places werecaptured by the Betas and the D. U.'��.respectively.Each team consisted of six members.The runners on the victorious squadwere Frank McDonald, Ted Campbell,Chancer Dougall, Frank Madden, andBuel Hutchinson. 'May Botanical Gazette Out.The May issue of the Botanical Gazette is just off the press. It containsan article by A. R. C. Haas entitled"Effect of Anetheties upon Respiration," several briefer articles, andnotes fo! students on current literature. Elaborate decorations for the Interclass Hop have arrived at Bartletttzymnasium and are ready to be putup for the occasion. The plan of thedecorating is the same as that of theMichigan promenade, which cost over.$1,200. Men and women are urged toassist the Decorating committee toclay and tomorrow in hanging and installing the elaborate canvas andbunting which will adorn Bartlett'swalls and ceiling. Chairman McCoshhas requested that a large crowd turnout.. Cope Harvey, the . organizer of thefamous Harvey orchestra which willplay at the Hop, arrived in the cityfrom service yesterday, and there is agreat possibility that he himself willplay at the dance. This means anunlocked-for feature of the wellknownsyncopated orchestra and also of theHop ..French Club Elects Olfieers.lows: president, Ira Bartels; vicepresident, Herbert Grant; secretary,Agnes Reichman; and treasurer, S.Norden.WEATHER FORECAST. JAPAN CONTROLS OUTLETTO CHINA, SAYS MR. LECHMember of Chinese Chlb Substitutes- for Professor Starr in Addressto Students."The economic outlet of China,"said Mr. Luh, a member of the -Chinese club who spoke in place of Prof.Starr, before the Chinese club yestel."day, "is controlled by the ShantungPeninsula and Port Arthur, both ofwhich are now in the handa of Japan.""Shantung was leased to Germanyfor ninety-nine years with rights todevelop mines and build railways, butin 1915 Japan drove out Germanyand demanded that China cede the territory to her in 48 hours." "Such ncase has no parallel in history, China,a part vietor in the world war cameback to find herself in the positionof a defeated nation."Chinese Object To cession.The Chinese would probably acquiesce, according to Mr. Luh, if thelease were merely transferred toJapan; their objection is ttmt the ultimatum calls for cession and does notmention the lease.Cloudy and unsettled; moderate Mr. Luh recounted the economiceasterly . winds. The 1919 season for, B�ackfriap; willi The benefit performance of thecome to a close with a final perform- , "Naughty Nineties" for wounded solance of "The Naughty Nineties" be- diers planned for -last Thursday andfore an alumni audience on Saturday, postponed by the Red Cross authoriJune 7 in Mandel. After the last show ties will be given Thursday, June 5there will be an election of worthy at 2 in Mandel. Th'e presence of themembers of the pr�uctio�. i�to the I soldiers on the campus will be anorder. These men WIll be Initiated at added feature of Alumni week, thea banquet on Saturday, June 14. I Performance on June 5 being just twoTo Hold Banquet Friday Night. days before that given for the alumni.For the men assoeiated with the Over a thousand soldiers, nurses andproduction of "The Naughty Nineties" Red Cross authorities' will make Up'and for members of the order now in the audience. A delegation of 500school a banquet and theater party I wounded men are coming from Forthas been scheduled for Friday. The Sheridan hospital. The Great Lakesmen invited will meet at the LaSalle station will send 200 marines and 300Hotel at 5:30 for dinner, after which soldiers will arrive from the Chicagothey will attend the performance of.l hospital at Drexel Blvd '. and 47th St."A Prince There Was" at Cohan's Give Complete Performance.Grand Opera House. Those who willattend must notify Roland Hollowayat Box 286, Faculty Exchange.A special meeting of the chorusmen, members of the cast, staff members, and superiors of the order hasbeen called for today at 1 :30 in Mandel by Abbot Bre�ridge. Important announcements will be made. Menwill not be kept from two o'cloek'eJaaa. • .:...- . - -_. __ : -- ,-�-.. .-THE DAILY UAROONBULLETINTodayDivinity Chapel, 11:15, Haskell.Chapel, Senior, t 1 :15, Manclel.Chinese Club, 4, Clagies.TomorrowDivinity chapel, 11 :15, Haakell.Chapel, College of Commerce andAdministration, and Col1ege of Education, 11 :15, Mandel.World Problems Forum, 4:10, Harp.er,Conference Tenni8 Tournament, Unlvenity avenue eenrte, side of the Shantung question. "China's only other outlet to commerce is arailroad from Peking southwestthrough the interior of China. Thisis held by Japanese soldiers to peoteet Japan's interests." "The questionalso has a moral significance. Morphine, the curse of which China hasjust freed herself is now brought backthrough Japanese parcel post and andsold by Japanese dealers under extraterritorial right."The next lecture will be given todayby a member of the Chinese club whowill explain in detail the 21 Japanesedemands and the differences betweenthe American and Japanese policies InChina.!\Iany unlooked-for expenses havecaused the financing proposition of theHop to be more doubtful than ever.The block of convocation seats whichwas situated in the north part of thegym has been removed, costing Hopofficials quite a sum. Elmer Donahue,chairman of the Decorating committee,said yesterday: "Unless tickets aresold at a much faster rate than presently the finance end of the Hop willsurely be a failure. 'Students shouldpurchase _ their bids at once and notwait until the last minute, so that weserved . i� the war, and the gathering(C� 01& f1GI18 4) will know where we �d financially.".--- - Booths representing each class willQUARTERLY RECEPTION JUNE 9 be placed along the side of the gym.The different classes will furnish re-Professors R. G. Moulton, Chamber- freshments at their respective beeths,lain, and Hale will be the guests of which win be open free to members ofhonor at the Uni�ersity Senate dinner, the classes.which will be given during Convoca- Tickets for the Hop may be obtion week. The dinner will be held tained in The Daily Maroon officeTuesday, convocation night, in Ida from John Joseph.Noyes hall.The three professors are amongthose who will leave the Universityafter. the completion of the Springquarter. All three are department The result of the elections for omheads: Thomas, Crowder Chamber- eers of the French club was as follain is professor and' head of the department of Geology and PaleontoJgy; William Gardner Hale' is professor and head of the department orLatin; and Richard Green Moulton j;professor and head of the departmentof General Literature. . The contingent of soldiers will lieaccompanied by their· commandingofficers and the commanders of theirposts. A detachment of nurses willalso be present.A complete performance of "TheNaughty Nineties" will be given forthe men. They will see the sameshow tbt was presented to the campusand public in the four week-end per-tormancei; ··TJie'halI will be darkenedso that the regular lighting effectscan be produced, and the twenty pieceorchestra which played for the otherperfonnances will be engaged for' thebenefit. Score club has volunteeredto s�pply the ushers. ,_, '. :� ...PresideJlt To Welcome Men.Arrangements are being made bycampus organtaationa to share . withBlackfriars in providing lunch for themen who are to arrive on the campusat noon. After the Iuneh, the menwill be shown around the campus bythe organizations which have chargeof their entertainment. At 2 all willbe taken to Mandel hall, where theywill witness the performance.President Judson will wel�ome thewounded soldiers in the interval b ...tween acts. He will also explain thequalifications necessary for entranceto the University under the plan \)fthe Noyes Scholarship fund.Special Train To Carry Men.A special "L" train wil1 be chartered to bring the men from the FortSheridan and Great Lakes hospitals,Red Cross motor transports will be onhand to take care of some of the soldiers and the rest win be brought tothe University in private cars securedfrom volunteers.FiftY cars win be needed and ,J. Autten Lauren announces that anythingfrom a flivver to a Rolls-Royce is acceptable. Those who volunteer are tohave their cars at the University "L"station at twelve and are to be readywith their cars at five to carry themen back to the trains.Should Notify A ulten Lauren.J, Aulten Lauren, who is in chargeof the transportation of the soldiers,should be notified at once by all whointend to donate the use of their car-:for this event. He can be reached byphone at the Delta Upsilon fratemityhouse, Hyde Park 6500. A note leftin the Blackfriar box at the facultyexchange will be sufficient notification. ,.2 ".mE DAILY MAROON, WEDNESDAY, MAY 28, 1919ties, which are hel'd generally in country homes' and consequently at somedistance from the University campus.comes as an act of distrust. becauseapparently the reason for doing awayPublished mornings, except Saturday, with them is that the University feelsSunday and Monday, during the Au- its members, when out of sight, casttumn, Winter and Spring quarters,by the Daily Maroon c:>mpany. off all bonds, all sense of propriety,and engage in generally condemnedfestivities. Nothing could be further removed from the University atmosphere than the Edelweiss Gardens,and yet students are often seen there,nor is there any ruling against going.I t is not pleasant to be mistrusted,especially in matters of conduct. Apparently conduct is a basis for prohibiting' house parties, because noreason has been given, and besides,what other reason could there be?H2use parties are delightful affairsof the spring, and a relief from dresssuits and dull textbooks. The DailyMaroon respectfully suggests, as rep"resentatives of the student body, thatJ. C. Cekan, Maxine Davis, Rozella the ruling on house parties be reconHirschfeld, Darwin Johnson, Rose sidered.Frances Kramer. Irma Lundburg,Mal,)' Milligan, Jane Morganthau, R.S. Starr."The Profession of the CommercialOrganization Secretary" is the subject of a talk to be given by RobertBeach to the Commerce dub today at4:15 in Harper Assembly. Today'smeeting is an open one, and 311 students interested in the lecture are invited to attend.Robert Beach, who is business manager of the Chicago. Association ofCommerce, has had much experiencein the training of business secretaries.His present position as manager orthe C. A� of C. is the second biggestEditorial Rooms .- Ellis 12 of its kind in the country .• · Dean 1\[aJ'1"Telephone Midway 800, Local 162Hours: 11:00-11:50; 12:25-6; 7-8 shall has urged that all members ofBusiness Office Ellis 14 the School of Commerce and Admin-Telephone Midway 800, Local 162W�t laily ilaroonThe Stude-nt Newspaper of theUniver-sity of Chicago':OITOIUAL DEPARTMENTTht· Staff.John E. Joseph Managing EditorJohn Ashenhurst News EditorRose Fischkin News EditorHelen Ravitch News EditorHoward Beale .... Ass't, News EditorWilliam Morgenstern . Athletic EditorHarry Bird Night EditorErnest Fribourg Night EditorRichard Flint Day EditorHerbert Rubel ........• Day EditorEdward Waful Day EditorHarold Stansbury ., Features EditorViola Roth Associate EditorReportersBUSINESS DEPARTMENTThe StaffGrant Mears Business ManagerHenry Pringle . Advertising ManagerKeith Kindred .. Circulation ManagerEdmund Eichengreen.Asst. Adv. Mgr.Laurence Tibbits Asst. Cir. Mgr.� ,I Entered as second class mail at theChicago postoffice, Chicago, IUinois,March 13, 1906, under the act ofMarch 3, 1873.SUBSCRIPTION RATESCalled for, $2.50 a year; $1.00 aquarter.By Carrier, $3.00 a year; $1.25 aquarter.By Mail (city), $3.50 a year; $1.50a quarter.By Mail (out of town), $4.25 ayear; $1.75 a quarter.I-JIii,, !,ir, j WEDNESDAY, MAY 28, 1919SOCIETY AS SHE IS.Yesterday in the meeting of theUndergraduate council discussion tookplace over certain rulings on socialevents set down by the Board of Student Organizations. One of the rulings is really in existence; the other,"contemplated" was the adjective employed in the report, has never existed and never will exist. The "contemplated" one, which stated that allsocial functions of any, description. would, have to be held on the campus,is quite impossible the Board says, andthe discussion of its probable adoption was beside the point.However, the adopted legislation,that which prohibits fraternity orclub house parties, is open for discussion. Student comment is naturallyagainst the new ruling, and it seemsto The Daily Maroon that there is considerable justification in the commondistaste against the prohibition ofhouse parties.The attitude of the University inmost matters has been that the collegeman or woman is able to judge forhimself 0)' for hersel f. There is comparatively little stt-ict censorship 3tthe University, and in the main thestudents have respected the freedomgiven thorn, Students come and goas th('y please without passingthrough a bureau of inquisition. Dol'.m itor-ies are not tun on the boardinrrschool plan. Parties may be held, pro.ddcd propel' notice is given and achaperone list filed. I n other words,the faculty is not employed as abranch of the police department.Also, the University offiCiallystands for the, honor system. TheDaily Maroon assumes that this system applies not only to class workbut to conduct and morals. Consequontly. the ruling against house par- istration be at the meeting to hem'Mr. Beach •. He said.yesterdayrt'Robert Beach is very well fitted to discuss the su�ject relating to trainingof secretaries and knows what he istalking about. His lecture should beof particular interest to men, but wo- .t.c---- .. -- ..----.--.--------- ...men who arc interested in secretarial work may also benefit by his dis-,cussion."TlUINING OF SECRETARIESTO BE SUBJECT OF TALKBY BEACH TODAY AT 4:15All Students Invited to Hear BusinessManager of C. A. of C. Speakat Harper.Sterzik Wins Poster Contest.Louis A. Sterzik has been awardedthe prize of a free ticket to the Commerce club banquet for his posterwhich was accepted by the Publicitycommittee to be the most original ofthose contributed. Edward Weiss'sdrawing was also particularly welldone.Tickets for the Commerce club banquet to be held Monday at 7 at theCooper-Carlton Hotel should be boughtas soon as possible from any memberof the Ticket committee of which GrMears is chairman. They may also besecured at the meeting today. The·price for Commerce club students is$1.50 and for all others $1.75.PRESS ISSUES NEW BOOKIN NATURE STUD.X SERIESBY PROF. ELLIOTT DOWNING"Source Book of Biological NatureStudy" Is Title of Latest Volume.The fourth of a.series of six bookson nature study las just been issuedby the University press. It is entitled "A Source Book of BiologicalNature-Study," and the author is Associate Prof, Elliott R. Downing ofthe Natural Science department in theSchool of Education.This series of books in nature-studyaims to meet the demand for a typeof organization of elementary science that will give drill in problemsolving with material that has largesocial and economic value. The books already published are: "A Field and 1ILaboratory Guide - in Biological Na- itare-Study," "A Source Book of Biological Nature-Study." Two books,"A Field and Laboratory Guide inPhysical, Nature-Study" and "ASource Book of Physical Nature-IStudy" are in preparation. 'The volume just issued reviews in 'Ia general way the commonplace anti!everyday wonders of nature as they ireally are. It contains chapters on!animals of pond and stream, insects Ibirds. flowers, and trees. IjDECIDE THAT ALL SOCIAL IIAFFAIRS MUST BE HELDIN UNIVERSITY BUILDINGS!Mare�tm�ng����or!===============================Student Organizations, Publications: ������-���������������-��������and Exhibitions the following ruling Iwas made: "Social functions may he Iheld only in University buildings, in- Ieluding fraternity houses, and private Ihomes except hy permission of the Ihoard of Student Organizations, Pull- !lications and Exhibitions. !"Social functions open to others:than members and personal guests of Ithe organizations giving' the entertain-Iment must he authorized by the board Iof Student Organizntions, Publications iand Exhibitions." IArrangements for all social func·l·tions should be made wit� the dean of,�m� i----------------------,1AThree Million DollarBANK120-1 East 63rd StreetNEAREST BANK. TOUNIVERSITY OF CHICAGOWe Cater to StudentsThe Frolic ·TheatreDrug StoreSit in a Booth With YourGirl!959 East 55th StreetCor. Ellis Ave.Tel. Hyde Park 761.. (1)KEEP A RECORD OF 'THISYEAR'S ACTIVITIES.Order a Bound Copy of The MaroonFor 1918-1919.$3.00Hotel CumberlandNEW YORK CITYBroadway at Fifty- fourth Street"Broadway" Cars from GrandCentral DepotKept by a College Man,Headquarters for StudentsTen Minutes' Walk from 40 Theatre.Rooms, with Bath, $2.00 and upSpecial Rates for CollegeTeams and StudentsHARRY P. STIMPSONManagerThe Cumberland does more School and College business than any oth-er hotel in New York Headquartel'8 for Chic:agoSpecial Rates to U. of C. Men and Women.6142 Langley Ave. Phone Normal 3049GRACE· BROTHERSEXPERT RACQUET STRINGERS•The Daily Maroon has kindly consented topermit us the use of their offices as a clearinghouse. Racquets brought to Ellis 14 duringthe day will be delivered in from 24 to 48hours.Subscribe Now For This Last Year'sAROONBUY A BOUND COpy3.00Only 35 Books Left sTte4a:tehefcSl'RR1\1DE:sijea15EtilS!fo. ticcopreilettr.eaticalleilEIof25,BcB1Jfie:eelChseceditheArThpnFila imela\1beanctheallwi]inR,TIlE DAlLY·IIA8OON,. WEDNESDAY, MAY'''� 1919 IBe MaiD Speakers or ElaborateProgram.SELECI' CONTESTANTS TO W. A. A. WILL BOLD SPRING SAMUEL, SCHUCHTER '18 NOW IENTER ROSENWALD FINALS BANQUET THURSDAY, JUNE:; AT UNIVERSITY OF NANCYJUNE 5 IN MANDEL BALLTharp. 8embard. J •• e &JUl Walk PusPrelimiDaries-;-Hold FlorenceAdam. ReaCHng· Contest.Preliminaries in the Rosenwald oratorical contest were held yesterday at4 in Kent' theater, and four contestants were chosen to ented the finalswhich will take place on Thursda�·,June 5; at 8 in Mandel hall. The contestants and their subjects are: Lawrence Tharp,uThe Need for the Leagueof Nations;" Edgar Bernhard, "Letting.Men Work For Themselves;" MauriceN. Walk, "A Program of IndustrialRefonn;" Benjamin E. Jaffe, "SellGovernment in Industry." The fitstprize offered to the winner of thiscontest is of one-hundred dollars andthe second is of fifty dollars._The finals of the Lower Senior extemporaneous speaking contest will beheld today at 4 in Kent'theater. Thefollowing students will participate,speaking on "The League of Nations:", Richard Clardy, George Mills, JosephRosofsky, David Halfant, WilliamMorganstern, Dewey Patton, J. EarlDear, Jr., and Harry Hirschberg.Each of the participants has been assigned a different aspect of the subject to speak on. The first prize ha scholarship for three quarters, thesecond, for two quarters, and thethird, for one quarter."This contest is open to visitors,"said Mr. Nelson yesterday" "and weare extremely anxious to- have- asmany students as possible present."The finals for the Florence AdamsReading contest will be held on Thursday, .June 6, 'in connection with, the'Rosenwald finals.SMITH SCHOOL OFFERS.SUMMER ,TRAINING CLASSFOR COMMUNITY WORKERSThe Smith College Training Schoolfor Social Work wishes to call atten-. tion to the urgent need for trainedcommunity wo'rkers. This graduateprofessional school is offering· aneight weeks summer course in theol'etical instruction, combined with atrained period of nine months' praeti-.cal instruction carried on in co-op eration with settlements in. various. cities,and a concluding summer session of'.eight weeks of advanced study. Tht"uninterrupted practice and the continuity of theoretical study which. thisplan provides affords the drih and discipline needed, as well as experience,ELECT NEW COSMOPOLITANCLUB OFFICERS AT MEETING. officers were elected at a meetingof the Cosmopolitan .elub, SUUaY'P Mq25. . The following were eleeted to theBoard of 'Direetor&: . Prof. Emest W.Burjics, Assistant Prof. Fred Merrifield, Mr. Silvestre Paseuel, Hr. J. Lincoln M�rtney, and Mr. Sack G. May.Christina Jannias was elected alumnisecretary, Mr. C. W. Luh- auociate .:editor of The Cosmopolitan Student,the club magazine. and Mr. Al'DIlltoAriar associate business manager.The new constitutio •. of the club was.. �presented and adopted.FRESHMEAN COMMISSION TOENTERTAIN WOMEN 'OODAYThe Freshman commission will givea garden party for all Freshmall w0-men today from 3 :30 to 6.:30. on thelawn neJtr Ida Noyes hall. A play wiltbe presented in the open-air theaterand refreshments will be served inthe cloister. The commission hopes thatall the women of the Freshmen classwill be the�Phi Beta Delta PlecI,aPhi Beta Delta 8DDouncea the pledCing' of Gtadys WIltJams of·Chlccp. PrHid�Dt Judson and Dean LinD Will A copy of the Lorraine Sentinel,the publication of the American students attending the University !IfNaney, France, has been received.The annual Spring banquet of the Samuel Schuehter '18, Second LieutenW. A. A. will be held a week from to- ant of the Intelligence Corp�' of theUnited States Anny, is business man-morrow at 6 in Ida Noyes hall. Edith .ager, and is the only representativeWest is general chairman of the ban- of this University among the one hun-quet. Ruth Huey has charge of the dred-forty American' students enticket sale and Lillian Richards is I rolled. .planning the pz:ogram.An elaberate- program has been To Give Dinner For Prof� Bale.planned. Dorothy Lardner will actas toast mistress. President Judson The Classical departments wlllwilt make a speech of welcome, and I give a- dinner tonight in honor of Prof.Dean Linn will speak on "Bats for I William Gardner Hale; the retiringWomen." There will also be an alum-I head of the department of Latin. Missnae speaker. Dancing in the theater I Newman is in charge of the arrange-will follow the program. Tickets for ,. menta. .the banquet.cost one dollar and will be I ._on sale until 5 next Tuesday. Th Issues Modem Philology.following women are selling tickets: ;'b f th ModEdna Cooper, Helen Sulzberger, .Julia I. The Apnl num er 0 � ernKreit J. Pick tt, D . A ! Philology has recently been issued byrei zer, ean c e amans mes, I' .E th 'Ilcl La hli V' .. Le F the University press. Among fours er Joy c ug In, IrglDla e, ay I ..., , I d "Col idM'll'rd M I I . Al h K I I urtielee IS one entit e en ge as1 a, er e rwm, p a e sey, . ." H 11 HaH I Pal AI· J h t I a Phllologian, by James 0 y n-e en mer, Ice 0 ns one, IMarion Norcross, Beth Uphaus, Ma:"- I ford,tha Behrendt and Katherine Clark. i ==============" +c CORMANY'SBOMB LUNCH BOOMThe Old ReHeNeHeadquarters for UniversityStudeDtsWe serve the best of everything. Prompt Service.SeniOl'8 Will Meet Tomorrow.The Senior class will hold an important meetiDg tomorrow at chapelhour in Cobb 12A.Subscriberfor The Maroon andGet Alf the Campus News Try Our Special SundayChiekea Dinner.1313 E. 57th StreetSubscribe to the Daily MaroonPhone Hyde Park 2433DeUverles MadeWILLIAMS. MAKERS OF CHOICE CON-FECTIONS � ICE CREAM1133 East Fifty-fifth St. 6142 LaDP87' AVeilue Phone Nonnal 3049EXPERT RACQUET STRINyERSThe Daily Maroon has kindlyconsented to permit us the use of. their offices. as. a clearing house.Racquets brought to Ellis 14 during the- day will be delivered infrom 24 to 48 hours,Special Rata to u. of C. Men and Women.. Grace Brothers20Cena'TURKlsnGI6AREUESARE MADE ESPECIALLY! .FOR·THE :DISCRIMI'NATING .AN:D, EXPE.RtEN.ce.lJ:SMOKER OF HIGH, GRADETURKISH,' ClGARE-nESThey are �stlike' meetingyour Best Girlface to face.REMEMBER-There are noothers like your.' "B. G."Close Ida Noyes Hall Sanday.\ Ida Noyes hall will be c:olsed all dayFriday. It will be- opea thfa Sundayfor the last Sunday of the quarter.... ��:�:: ',.... f«. \ 0(.. ...."\THE DAIJ. Y MAROON, WEDNESDAY, MAY 28, 1919David Annan, who asked that it beplaeed in the most conspicuous spot. \In the paper.-Ed. Note.)There will' be a meeting of the Senior class tomorrow at chapel hour inCobb 12A.A great and tragic event (for Us)has just occurred. Our editor higher""The harvests are great and the lab- up censored a hundred and fifty wordsorers few"- of the Whistle.The staff's swamped with news, andknows not what to do.There are stories galore and will soonbe lots more;What ho! For the life of the sailorin blue!In other words, besides writing theWhistle today we are requested towrite two news stories of about acol umn each. The job of Night Editor on a college journal with an editorial staff of twenty-two members is\ not at all what it's cracked up to be.Trusting that it may not prove adeteriorating influence to the morale ofManager Mears' competent force wecall attention to the high degree offacetiousness displayed by a memberof the Business department, who, inrequesting the use of one of the Maroon's maimed machines, referred toit as a "mill."And the De'Il Take the Hindmost.Senior chairmen will meet today at11 :20 in Cobb 12A to discuss important business.-The Maroon of Tuesday.Y. M. C. A. Promotion group willmeet today at 11 :20 in Cobb 12A. Important meetingv=-From yesterday'sMaroon.Corespondence.Dear Waful:Before you made out your battingaverage in the Friars' show you shouldhave been informed of the opinion ofa C. & A. student who saw the pufformance Friday "night."I thought that guy Waful was thebest one in the show. You know him,the big tall detective fellah. You knowhim. He's the Editor of the W)rlstle."Yours very truly,US.SOME VERS LIBRE.Which we know as .well as you do isstrictly passe Li'l French stuff, pleaseLines.In front of Kent the lilacs bloom,Bush on bush, and ftow'r on ftow'r;Sweet perfume wafts from th' lilacs,too-Through the open windows of Kent iswafted other scentAnd then as I drinkMy olefactory organs are delugedWith the .seent of H SO.Wopldn't it be nice if the Marooncould get this fellow Face (The Tribune trusty)' for Feature editor?,I..\ Time was, when they all used to say,"I do enjoy reading your whistles.It's such a relief, not having to censor anything."And so we say, in the style of Q.E. D., "L6t them censor this:" tr nn"$ lb! !*@$1-4!Ho, hum! Only two weeks fromtoday examinations commence.Do your polyeon cramming early!Birdie.FRATERNITIES CO-OPERATEIN ALJ,JMNI WEEK EVENTS(Continu�d from page 1)will be adjourned with the singingof the Star-Spangled Banner and theAlma Mater. The Sing will thus bemuch. shorter than in former years.A representative of each fraternityhas been asked to confer with Mr. J.Bach Cragun, director of the University. Band, Monday' at 5 in the Reynolds club, in regard to the fraternitycall. Each fraternity must have acall for the Sing; if there is none extant an appropriate one. should be invented for the occasion.Draw Lots For Order In Sing.The fraternities drew lots for theorder of participation in the Interfratemity Sing. The order will be asfollows: Alpha Tau Omega, DeltaTau Delta, Sigma Nu, Zeta Beta Tau,Delta Kappa Epsilon, Sigma AlphaEpsilon, Kappa Sigma, Phi KappaSigma, Chi Psi, Delta Chi, AlphaDelta Phi, Psi Upsilon, Phi Kappa Psi,Tau Kappa Epsilon, Delta Upsilon,Sigma Chi, Washington House, BetaTheta. Pi and Phi Gamma. Delta.An elaborat:e prograJJl is planned forJune 3, the date on which the freshmen wm burn their green caps. ThereCLASSIFIED ADS.LOST-LIGHT' BLUE SWEATERSaturday afternoon on tennis courts.Return to Maroon Office and receiveReward. Ellis 12 and 14.able typewriter, very durable; hasback spacer, two color ribbon, tabulator and is visible writing. Willtake paper 9 inches wide. 'Sells forless than $50.00. Special price tostudents. Also all makes rebuilttypewriters at right prices. Sendnow for price list. Dearborn Typewriter Co., 525 S. Dearborn St.·The height of extravagance, as we LOST-Kappa Sigma fraternity pinsee it, is to (ell the editor who is een- set in pearls. Marked with initialssoring the Whistle that he can cut out "C. H." Return to Maroon office.anything he doesn't think is a joke. Reward., .DELIRIUM PRINTEMPS.Straw hats.Spring costume (worn by a NewsEditress).Somebody hides their tennis racketin the fountain in front of Mandel.Coats of tan (worn by CharlieGreene, Dickey Flint, et al.).Some fair co-ed called up this morning and wanted to know what Prof.Mulroy taught. She saw his name inthe Faculty lineup in the Whistle yesterday.. IMPORTANT NOTICE.(This is meant in all seriousneas.Do not Iaugh.)(The following notice is, departingfrom our usual policy. NOT humorous.It was printed at the request of Mr. LOST-Waltham watch, Friday, Cobb7C. Return to Maroon office. Reward.LOST-In front of Haskell, black sUkembroidered bag containing moneyand papers. Reward. Return to R.Lovett, care Daily Maroon.BALD EAGLE FLYING CLUBLock Hayen, Pa.Best ex-anny instructors; 15 to 20minutes flying each day; theory offlight; instruction on motors; gunnery; wireless; instruments; compasses; map readine; rigging, ete,Recreation, swimming, canoeing,wrestling, boxing, etc. Tuition $500.which includes everything. BeginsJuly 5 and lasts two months.READ THE DAILY MAROON For Prompt -Service oilBaggage to All Parts of. the' City callPETERSON EXPRESS .. VAN CO.will be several speeches, and special I game next Wednesday at 4 o� Wood-events to celebrate the affair. Ila\,;11 field. This is to be a decisiveAnnounce Tournament ReSults. game as Junior college won the firstResults of several of the matches I championship game. Preceding this,in the Interfraternity tennis tournu- at 3:20 .. a preliminary game will bement were announced. All matchse played between the sophomores andscheduled for this week must be play- ju.nior-senior teams .. The final games. SSt" aDd Ellised off by Friday, Frank Priebe de- WIll be played on Field Day, June .1.: M.dway 9700 Hyde Park 452dared. Teams which do not play willbe put out of the running.16 W. Jackson Blvd., Chicago(o·------------------------------------------------------------------------------NOIUnto my eager nostrils. ATTENTION-Need a good type- )I drink in the glorious scent of the writer ! We have it. The small (blooming lilacs. 91-2 lb. National Combination Port-But as I do so COLLEGE BASEBALL TITLETO BE DECIDED NEXT WEEKJunior and Senior colleges will playthe championship college baseball WE announce our extensi vespring assortment of exclusivepatterns for young men andmen of mature years who demand' distinctive clothes indi ..vid ually tailored.MONROEARROW"COLLARFOASPlUNGC1urtt.PNboJg&Ca Inc. TrtlyN.Y. The Richard W. F'armer Co..:1 • __ D •••Tennis ·Weather •IS Surely HereThere is no doubt of that fact.It is too late after the war to buy brand new racquets..,You 'can have that old one fixed up .not only to lookbut to act as if it had just come out of the shop.We are expert restringers and will do your workcheaper and more quickly than anyone else in the city.Bring your racquet to The Maroon' office, - Ellis 12,any time and it will be returned to .you at any address'within 24 hours. . . 'Best gut on the market, $3.00; and others for as l�was $1.25 for UniveraitY·�tudenta; or their:friends.A telephone call will bring us also. Normal 3049.Grace Brothers' 6142 :Langley AvenueO/UR HINSPECT"NEW WOOLENSThey're pleasingly different from thecommonplace-s-and you'll '. have thepleasure of knowing the pattern of yourchoice is practically confined to you, forwe carry but one or two lengths of each.FOSTER & ODWARDCorrect Dressers of Young Men7th Floor Republic Building State and Adams StreetsTelephone 8216 Harrison.- II(