,...,.,.I�\�,,.} ..: �rI 'I,. ,at aroon '.'.. �'.VOL. 17. No. 85. UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO, WEDNESDAY ,APRIL 2,1919 .:Price 3 CentsPAT ISSUES LASTCAlL TODAY FORTEAM CANDIDATES VOLUNTEER SOCIALWORKERS SOUGHTAMONG STUDENTSRIFLE CLUB NEARS Top INNATIONAL COMPETITIONHONOR COMMISSIONMAKES QUARTERLY .President Judson Announces Plans- REPORT OF CASES Best Record Made During Vacation. New Buildings to be Starte'd Soon . -- Is 976-Two Sharpshooters and Two-Several New Endowments Be- SIX. Expert RiJlemen Qualify at GreatCoach Page Wants Fifty Men c�ived-Give Poetry Scholarship. Students Tried During Lakes. Campaign is Being COnductedOut Now For Baseball -- Winter Session-Body -- On Campus By LeaguePresident Judson, in his quarterly Has Two Objects _!!ith the annual ri1le contest haIr and Y. M. C. A.report for the winter quarter, made over, the University Rifle Club isthe announcement that during the gradually pushing itself near the topTHREE VARSITY l\IEN RETURN war sixty-two members of the facul- DESIRES CAl\ipU� CO-OPERATION of the contending teams. Its poor SECRETARIES WILL CONSULTty, at one time or another; were re- --- score made in the beginning of the ---Coach Page of the baseball team leased from their duties to render ser- Six cases were triCd hy the honor season are being followed by exeep- A campaign for social service worktoday issued his final call for varsity vice to the United States, while twen- commission during the winter quar- '. 1.c.11y good records, the best being ers is being conducted by the Y. M. Cand freshmen candidates preparatory ty-eight faculty members gave active ter, aceordmg to the quarterly report 9';6 made during vacation, A. and the Y. W. C. L. this week toto the ·opening of the conference sea- service without leaving their places which was made yesterday. Some of t'here have been four matches re- add to the number of University menson. Page is anxious to have a squad in the quadrangle. The total number, these '.ave held over from the autumn sulting' in the following scores: 949, and women who have already volunof at least fifty men to work with and including assistants, amounts to ap- quarter, 964, 976 and 957. If the club keeps teered. At chapel 1tIonday and Tueshas instructed all new men to report proximately two hundred. The honor commission has two ob- on with an average of about 980 points day appeals were made to the juniorto him personally any afternoon on He also Caned attention to the fact jects: Primarily, to build up public it is very probable that it will finish men and women, and at senior chapelStagg Field at 4. that the number of stars in the ser- opinion so as to eliminate cheating; near the top of the teams which are today Mr. Ransom, a graduate of thevice flag recently presented to the and secondly, to try cases of dishon- represented by different eolleges and University, now director of the Rushuniversity by the alumni numbered esty which occur in the U�versity. (Contiatud on P41/e 8) dispensary, will speak in behalf of1,068, and suggested that it seemed However, the commission wants es- social service work. Mr. Ransom wasentirely fitting that there should be pecially to create such a strong spirit SERIES OF LECTURES ON fonner]y wit? the Juvenile Protectiveerected ..... in the quadrangles a worthy against dishonesty as to prevent all "DEVELOPING FIELDS IN League and his experience in the fieldmemorial in memory of the university cbeating. The commission is especial- SOCIAL WORK" ANNOUNCED of social work has been very broad.members who gave their lives in the ly:.· anxious now to create a better un- "Social service is not a burden, butwar. derstanding between instructors and Miss Mary Jarrett \0 Speak Today a privilege," said Clarence Brown,To Start New Buildings Soon students as to the meaning of the at , in Harper Assembly executive secretary of the local Y. M.The president also announced that honor spirit at .the University. It is Room. C. A. yesterday. "It helps the work-those plans in which the University felt that many cases of dishonesty oe- ers as muehias it does the worked. It :.�"_.was interested when the war came, cur because students do not know the The . Philanthropic Service division is a real University actIvity, and iswould now receive attention, among attitude on the campus in regard to of the School of Commerce and Admiri- coming to be recognized more andthem the plans for the Billing's Hos- cheating. istration has announced s new series more as such. In our C&lJ)palp thispital and Epstein Dispensary, out of Give Summary of Members. oJ lectures for the spring quarter on week we want to put this fact beforethe medical fund. The plans for the The commission consists of four-: the general subject �Developing Field! the student body,. and 1.0 have every-Theological Building and for the Hen- teen members who are elected by the in Social Work." The first lecture in one realize the value of this sort of"The return of Curtis, Vollmer, and ry Bond chapel also have been com- student body. Its members .are. two this series is on the topic "Psychialr:c seryice.. It certainly should meanCole practically assures a. strong pleted and before long work will be fresmnen women and "one freshman Soelal Work" and will, be given by something to a student to be. doing�," said �oach Page. �esterday. contiJi�ed' on these _ addi�ons , of ·the man, two �homo��, m�. and .on,e MiSi; Mary C. J�tt t.ocbt.y at '4 'in something' useful for other:s- � "�Wlth,CaptaiJl.._.Terhulllh aud ... tIle_�--n.' ····ty·-·Sch 1 . _. .v.. ,." .... , ....... -'- ..... oreJwomani:�two:jdai .... · .... eb· ';_��":'I�' - ,... ,··.'�.of ur�_._ ,.A a_�_". ulVlm 00 • �u. •.' ' ' .... x�pt:r�u"l'. -.. ,_ .,-;:---' '._, .-. -._ " .zr:o·. . ... ...:.-- __ ..,. •• ....,_men as the nucl�us, we can bui1� up The winter .quarter witnessed'the and two junior men, Uid two senio� .Mj� Jarrett is"associate director of Students who have volunteered anda great 4lggregatl�n. .There are. plen- receipt by the University of several men and two senior women. The per-f th f t didates 1 bl the Smith Collele lraining School !.lr those who have not done so are urgedty 0 0 e.r as can aV&l a e, interesting additions to its resources. , sons elected durmg' their junior yeaI11 d f �ocial Work which has recently been to consult with the secretaries of thebut we Sti.. n� every ma� 0 anyamong them an endowment of fifteen remain on the bod: �ro�ghout their ef:bblished: at Smith College, Nor- Y. M. C. A. and the league in regardbaseball ablh.ty m the school. hundred dollars, by Mr. J. L ROsen- fourth yea.r so the lumors now on theTw t h bee tIta,upton, Mas:.. Miss Jarrett's own to the opportunities and their owno prac Ice. games , ave. n be. rger, as a memorial to his wife: commission will serve again as seniorsled.l thi k d II be S'DeC_ ialty is soetu psychiatry, and the qualifications. Um·vel'S1·ty men mayschedu .. or s wee an WI "The Joseph Triner Scholarship in next year. One sophomore member1 d S F· ld with th phases of social work directly con- consult Mr. Stevens or Clarencep aye on tagg re e Chemistry ," and' a thousand dollar, is always re-elected by the eemmission.. Th neeted with it. This is 80 new a field Brown in the Y. M. C. A. offices inweather conditions permitting, e five per cent bond, a gift from one' of to serve in his junior year in order toDod T··· te ·11 f . h th in social work that most persons are Ellis 2, where they will be aiven theger rammg am \VI -rurms e the- University's immediate circle, the preserve continuity in the body. o·opposition tomorrow while the Weat, ..Th· t . d last uarte not acquainted with it. necessary facts about the work. Aincome on which is to furnish an an- e SIX cases ne q r are list of the various kinds of socialEnds will probably play the Maroons as follows: The application, of psychiatry to ser-on Friday afternoon. During the (Continued on page 3) 1. Romance C, la-During the fall social problems has rapidly grown, vice for, men includes Boy Scoutt· k Coach Page sent his and its methods are now bein g In tro- leaders, boy�' club directors, Englishvaea Ion wee quarter a student copied in an exam-team up against the Swift Company DRAMATIC CLUB HOLDS ination. As the person had not been duced into many fields dealing with teachers (for industrial service, teach-team, winning 7-2, and later in the INITIATION, TRYOUTS AND in th� University ,long, the commis- defective, dependent and delinquent �g English to foreigners), elementaryweek the Maroons tied the strong DANCE ALL IN ONE WEEK ��on fixed the penalty by adding two classes, It has been found necessary manual training teachers, piano play-Rogers Park team by a 6-6 count. ---.•• ajors to the graduation requirement not only for a psyehif.trist to make ing, game directors, Bible class work-Both games were remarkable exhibi- Club Holds Initiation Followed by and giving no credit in the course in physi� and mental examinations, but ers, leaders for gymnasium classestions for early season aft'airs and Party Friday at 7:30 in which the cheating oeeurred. also to have the social worker special- and hikes, typists and filing clerks,stamped the. team as a strong com- Taft Studio. 2. Romance C, Ia-Case identical ly trained to assist in this work. reading room supervisors, foreign ad-bination. --- with above. Two majors were added Miss Jarrett will describe not only \"ISOrs ano mterpreters, and other DUS-To Announce Schedule Soon. Next week's Dramatic, Club sehed- to the graduation requirement, and a the personel qualifiations necessary cellaneous classes of work.ule is a full one with an initiation and failure was given in the· course. in social psychiatric work, but also Boy Scout leaders are in particularparty Friday at 7·30 at Lorado Taft's the cpeningsIn connection with juven- demand. To encourage University. •. Cite Case in Romance Course . 1 ticStudio, tryouts for Umittanee to the 3. English I-A student handed in ile and adult delinquency, hospitals for men to vo unteer for this patrioclub on Tuesday and Wednesday and the insane, and institutions engaged work a Scout leaders· class will bea dance �n Friday of next week. a paper which was identical with one in child welfare. She will also speak opened he-re to train Prosl.ective lead-Presented by another person earlier . th 1 I f th SeoThe winter initiation of the dub of the course in psychiatric social ers In e e ementa s 0 e utin the quarter. The offender was dis- Thi 1 1which was scheduled for the last Sun- work which is to be offered at Smith program. s c ass wil be In chargeday of la.c;t quarter was postponed (Ccmtitu&ec:I em page 8) college during the summer months. of Mr. Stuart Walsh, and will be heldand will take place this Fricby'night Other lectures in the series that are Thursday nights in Ellis 3 from 7:30in�tearl. In accordancc whh the cus- WEATHER FORECAST 1l0W being planned for are: "Medical to 9, beginning April 10.PROFESSOR CLARK SPEAKS . toms C'f thp dub it will be held in thl' - Social Service," "AmericanizationBEFORE AUDIENCES IN WEST 'faft Studio which makes such an Fair to slightly warmer; freah to Work for Foreign-born Women," ANNOUNCE PREACHERS FOR• ideal background for a mystic event. moderate northeaaterl, wind.. "Americanization Work for Foreign- SPRING QUARTER SCHEDULEAssociate Prof. Clark of the Depart- Those of the as�odatf's who are �li· born Men," "Community Secretaries," ---me�t of Public Speaking, has been gible to be initiated into active mem- THE DAILY MAROON "Social Secretaries for Commercial The University preachers for theg;ying addresses in the west on behalf bc!"Ship in the club are Hele-n Saun� BULLETIN Clubs," "Women Employment Mana- Spring quarter, 1919, will be: April 6,of the League of Nations. He has re- ders, Crerald Westby, Glenn Harding, --- I gers," and "Sociai Research." Prof. Albert Parker Fitch, Amherst;ccntly spoken in Salt Lake City, Den- I.ouis Doolr.y, Bernara MacDonald, Toda1. "The Philanthropic Service Division April 13, the Rev. Dr. Daniel Couve,yer, and San Diego. In the latter city Warren Mulroy alld Paul Humphries. Divinity chapel, 11:15, Hukell. of the School of Commerce and Ad- chaplain in the French Army; Aprilhe spoke before an audience of ten They will all ap�ar at 7:30 on Fri- Chapel, Senior Colleges, 11 :20, ministration is responding to the in- 20, to be announced; April 27, thethousand on the significance of the .jay and the other assoeiatcft will :Mandel. tercst of students in developing fields Rev. Dr. Cornelius Woel!kin, Fifthlife and services of Theodore Roose- come at 8 for the party which is to Y. M. C. A. Cabinet, 3; Ellis 3. in social service by offering this scries Avenue Baptist Church, New York;",cit. follow. TomOlTOW. of lectures," said Dean Marshall yes- May 4, Dr� Woelfkin; May 11, DeanThe tryouts for the spring quartE'r Divinity chapel, 11:15, Bukell. fe:t'day. "The basic training for these Charles R. ·Brown, Yale School of ne-will be hf'ld Tues(!ay and Wednesday Chapel, College of. Commerce and new types of social 'Work may be se- ligion; May 18, Dean Brown; May 25,at 4 in �b 12A. Those wishing to Administration and College of Edua- cured in the Philanthropic Service Di- Bishop William Frasher. McDowell,'gain admission will have to present a tion, 11 :20, Mandel, vision, even where it is later advan- Washington, D. C. June 1, Bishopthree minute selection from some World-Problems Forum, 4:10, Har- tageous to secure specialized work McDowell; June 8, Convocation Sun-su.ndard play. per M 11. elsewhere." d�y, to be announced later.PUBLISH REPORT MADEAT LAST CONVOCATIONPractice.The return of three veterans, recently discharged from the service,has strengthened the Maroon nineand Coach Page is now confident ofplacing a good team on the field forcompetition. P. C. Curtis, first baseman of two years ago and recentlyreturned from an ensigns' school;Clarence VolImen, catcher and basketball star of last year; and BobbyCole, infielder, are the men that havereturned. Cole is the only man thathas not had varsity seasoning, but hiswork is sure to land him a place onthe regulars.. Coach Page is Encouraged.v . \A complete schedule for the conference season will be announced withinthe week. The Maroons will face theChicago National Le�gue Club at CubPark on April 21, and there is a possibility of sever8l other contests being booked with some of· the bestteams in the vicinity.Phi Gams Announce PledgingPhi Gamma Delta announces thepledging of Stanley M. Crowe ofCharleston, m., and Willard Griffithsof Chicago."!I 'F'"Itrt2EDITORIAL DEPARTMENTTHE STAFFCharles C. Greene . .Managing Edito�John E. Joseph .••••... News EditorRuth Genzberger •..••• News· EditorWilliam Morgenstern ••. Ath. EditorHelen Ravitch ..•.••••. Night EditorHoward Beale ....•••..•. Day EditorRose Fischkin •••••....•• Day EditorHarold Stansbury .• Associate EditorBUSINESS DEPARTMENTManagersMay Freedman Grant S. MearsAssistantsFrank Fenner Keith KindredHenry Pringle Herman McBrayer'Jerome Neff Allen HollowayEarl Wooding Edmund EichengreenEntered as second class mail at theChicago Postoffice, Chicago, Dlinois,March 13, 1906, under the act ofMarch 3. 1878.Editorial Rooms •••••••••••. Ellis 12Telephone Midway 800, Local 162Hours: 11:00-11:60:.12:26-6; '1-8Business Office ••••••••••.•• Ellis 14Telephone Midway SOO, Local 162Hours: May Freedman .• 8-9 A.M.Grant MeaI'8 ••••• � P. M.WEDNESDAY, APRIL 2.ABOUT BOOKSThis week, the first one of thespring quarter, the library of theReynolds Club has been re-opened,The libr3ry, since last October, servedas offices for the, commandant oi theStudent Army Training Corps, andthe books were .stcred away, However, . they nave beer. dusted and arranged and placed in their respectiveplaces. The Daily Maroon respect-, -rully �ugge.."ts that they stay there. ,Our Unil'ers!ty has employed thehonor system for quite a while nQW,and it has been successful except: inthe matter of library books. The uhiversity libraries finally found it necessary to guard its volumes with carebe�ause either careless Istucients ;0;delIberately, dishonest students" persisted In carrymg books away and�ever returning them. However, thel�eynolds Club library cannot and will�ot be guarded in this manner. Thislibrary was not founded for referencepurposes, but for the enjoyment lofthe club's members. It was arrangeddso that at any time the men co�drop .In, read as long as they likedand what they liked, and then dropout. again, l'he Reynolds Club. has nodeSIre to go rd .I' a Its books with specialpo icemen 't .of th I I IS trusting to the honore c ub meJnbers.To the cynical minded such statements doubtlti be ess sound blindly altruis-IC,. .cause many of the books (themajorIty of which are placed on the�h�l\"es through the thoughtful beneclcnce, of James Vincent Nash) havemys�nously :iise:.ppearcd at varioust irnes, }Jerha s ..p lDYS�.10usl}o" i! thewrong ::uh'crb; hlore crudely speaking,the books we I_ re 5to en or "removed."Now why ldn'cou n t the honor systembe employeQ' In "COD!'lCcLJon With theUeynolds Club library. There aremany g� books, many readablebooks, and many men who wish touse them. When they arc gone fromthe library, naturally, they are of nouse to anyone. Taking public booksfrom a pubhc library is an immorallyselfish act. The re-opening of theclub library is a good time to refonn; ", ..�TIIB'�,DAlLY MAROON, 'WBDNESDAY. APRIL �<t919.7th Floor Republic Building State and Adams StreetsTelephone 8216 Harrisonm�t mailg'� _u�n.t1' the'next.time·you, or you, �r yo.u �, '8 book··from,the club shelves, do notThe Student, Newapaper of the I. take it' out of the building 3Dd do putUniversity of CbIcap ,. it bade where you found it when y�Published mornings, except Saturday, are through reading it.Sunday and Monday, during the Au- Our Reynolds Club is a good club,tumn, Winter and Spring quarters,by· the Daily MaroaI' company. and deserves �ooa treatment, A lit-tIe social-mindedness in re�aJ'"d !..o itslibrary -weulo not DC out of place. " INSPECT"NEW WOOLENSSUBSCRIPTION RATES The business staff of The DailyCalled for, $2.60 a year;' $1.00 a Maroon will meet today from 4 toquarter.By Carrier, $8.00 a year; $1.25 a 4 :30 in Ellis 14. It is necessary thatquarter. , all men' trying out for, the businessBy Mail (city), $3.60 a year; $1.60 department be there.a CJUarter.By Mail, (out of town), $4.26 nyear; $1.75 a quarter. SIGMA NU MOVES INTO NEWHOllE IN DEL PRADO HOTEL They're pleasingly different fromcommonplace---and you'll havepleasure of knowing the pattern of yourchoice is practically confined to you, forwe carry but one or two lengths of each.thetheSigmu Nu has moved its headquarters from Hitchcock Hall, where it hasbeen located for the past quarterpending the purchasing of a house, tothe Del Prado Hotel. A suite of roomshas been leased from the hotel foruse during the spring quarter whilethe final arrangements are madeabout a house. The house will beready for occupancy by, late summer,and Sigma Nu will move into its newand permanent home in the early partof next fall. FOSTER & ODWARD·Correct Dressers of Young Menl\laroon Business Staff :l\feets.y----------------------------------------�---------------------------.----------� -,IClt}• . .•t�I·"�,4·I·• '"J,J., ,.. ,, cIoOJh:atttS<b}(iifstarstHfi«thtil• l, .,tawi, tothtcn(!anfhtcgr,... ..',,, ( i� r·20 f 1. \',.II; .Cents - ;.. -,' ";"ARE 'MADE ESPECIALLY FOR THEOIS..cRIMINATING AND EXPERIENCED·SMOKER OF HIGH GRADETURKISH_ ClGARETIESThe l)lendin� ,is exceptionBlMAKERS O'f ,.HE H IGHE5J GRAOe TUftKI5,H A"�EGYPTIAN GlGARElTES IN THE 'WORLD. They are justlike .meetingyour Best Girlface to ·face.REMEMBER_ There are noothers like your U B. G. ",\ firunHmihoA. bu#.i 'lUfre�a!disCOlo�quI.,-I\ ., ."H:""i'�}f':!i�'''''_�'''�' "'J.�... �"��""'�.����'-:" :"'�, �:.�'oP .. I' '" ...... • •.. � � • � •THE DAILY- .�OON;· WEDNESDAY, ·APRIL '2. '1919... I SmF�aOONh�T� �h�w�ro������ma����e���p�������------------ --_IN NATIONAL COMPETITION in the library. The person dropped iousness of cheating and to take aout of college voluntarily, but a fail- positive attitude )lgainst it. To aeeomur e was given In the course and two plish this we must have the backingextra majors were added to the grad- of all the studerits. After all, theuatron requirement. The student's commission is simply the representarecord was marked dishonest. . trve of the stucient body, and as such6. Physics 3 S-A student copied in it is extremely glad to receive BUga weekly quiz. The person was dis- gestions and criticisms from themissed Irom the Universrty until next students themselves. I hope that th�yf:lll and dishonesty was placed on the will feel no hesitation in writing Usrecord. Two majors were added iov their opinions and in co-operating togradua�ion, and a �ailure was given the extent of reporting cases whiChin the course. come under their observation."The best score the rifle club hashas made is 976. Robert D. Be�selYand Prof. Charles J. Chamberlain oftho department of Morphology, madescores of 198. The results of the 976shooting follows:Robert B. Bensely 198Charles J. Chamberlain 198Paul J. Sedgwick 195Miss Helen "Turner ......•.. 193W. J. G. Land � .. 192The rifle club took a trip up to theGreat Lakes last Saturday and qualified two expert riflemen and twosha .. .pshootcrs. Robert D. Benselyand Wesely S. Hobs were made sharpshooters, and P. D. Strassbaugh, E.H. Hall and Dr. S. H. Erickson qualified as expert shooters. Medals fromthe government will be presented to culty Exchange.the qualifiers in the near future. The commission has recently put outa booklet explaining briefly the workand objects of the body. This bookletProf. Charles J. Chamberlain, secre- will be placed in all course books. If,tary of the club, is very well pleased howevcr, there remains any doubt aswith the team, and expects his men to tl:(, "l!ms and methods of the com-, to finish near the top if they keep up mission, it has been urged that studtheir present average. He said yes- ents address all questions to the comterday, "We are gradually edgmg up mission, care of Box, 62, Faculty Ex�near the top and are likely to finish change.among the first ten. There has been 4sharp competition for places on theteam causing the -team to have a(Continued from page 1)I· clubs in the country. The MarionOhio Rifle Club recently made a scoreof 997 points which has put this teamnear the top of the contenders. . Thelocal rifle club i� now standing amongthe first thirty of those entered.Best Score l\lade Totals 976....I'�,JI, ..4,.� t -, i·, Chamberlain Pleased With TeamII'r..('r', Ask for Help of Students.The honor commiseion is extremelynnxious to get the co-operation ofthe student body in bringing eases ofdishonesty to the attention of theeomnussion. Realizing that students.are unwilfing to bring penalty upontheir fellow-students, the comm:.ssionhas stated that if persons report thenames of any student who cheats,such a student will not be given anypenalty whatsoever but will simply re..:·�ive c! warning. If sevel'�l complaintsare made about the same student,however, the case will be brought totrial. AJl reports of cheating inclasses should be sent to Box 62, Fa- PUBLISH REPORT MADEAT LAST CONVOCATION(Continued from pa.ge 1)annual poetry prize, known as the"John Billings Fiske Prize in Poetry,"in honor tof the giver's father. ·TheRosenberger scholarship will be usedto give prizes for -research in educational work or methods, whether inthe Department of Education or inthe work of the Divinity School; TheJoseph Triner scholarship is to be assigned to a Czech-Slovac graduate ofthe Harrison Technical High Schoolwho has pursued at least one year atchemistry in that school. The Fiskefund is to be awarded ·annually withthe hope that it will encourage students in future years "in that particular fonn of intellectual life which isso dear to the donor." New and Second-Hand:B···.;. ·0 0' <-:'K-- 4_S' '", ; '�:,'. ' ', """\I.. 't·;; :. ·-Medical Books Law Books -,Text Books and Ref. erence Books,and,,:All·' Students' SuppliesSuchFountain Pens'P-encils·-·Erasers asNote Books·PaperBrief CasesPniversity of - Chicago Bookstore., 58TH AND ELLIS AVE.Council is Preventative Body"The honor commission 13 prinarilygroup of excellent riflemen." a p .. -eventative, not a punitive; body,"There are six more matches, the said Clarence Brown, president of thefirst of which will be held. Thursday commission, yesterday.· "Our objectunder the stadium.HONOR COMMISSIONMAKES QUARTERLY, REPORT OF CASES,,,r(Continued f.,.om page 1).,�..I�.[»,. MRS. MARY TA. YLOR-LIGGETT,·Specialist iII·Voice Buil'diDg:aad Artistic Interpretation.For infonnation address6033 Ellis A Tee Phone H. P. 9190. �·:IN ·FRONT-·�OF-·::HASKELL MUSEUM. FRESH·MEN---l t:20-.'TODA YSOPHMORES 11:20! APRIL 3"JUNIORS '.. 11:20 I APRIL ·4._'Better B9Y'=cl: �Topcoat N:OW!'. 'The ,: handsomest- sort of,fair weather Top .Coats,.:.���R.ainpro()fed. . Hea ther'. greens and-russet .browns.are popular colors+ tail.oredin both form-fittingarid. ' loose, ; swagger mod. - els,I. GYORY'SiFAMOUS BAKERY\missed for poor grades before the First Class.Bat CJeaningand ,-========================================:!Ihonor commission could take action, Shoe Shiningbut the students record was marked LAD I E SAN D G· E N T S .'l ishen est. 10 c.a,. a SIUn.4. English I-Student used material University Sboe Shining Parlorfrom same source as that in above 1011 East 55th Street :Bldstoae 2115ease. The person had already beendismissed for poor grades, but thecommission entered him as dishoneston his record. 1023 Eat 55th SLStudent CopIes From Book. Specialist in .French Pastry. and5. English 87 A-During the fall individual cakes. None better.quarter a student handed in a paper. Also all kinds of delicacies.IIWE announce our extensive. spring assortment of exclusivepatterns . for young men andmen of mature years who de�mand distinctive clothes individually tailored.The Richard W. Farmer Co.'16 ·w. Jack.on Btud., ChicagoCooper-Carlton HotelHyde Park Boulevard at Fifty-.third StreetExcelle.t Facilitie. for Da.ci •• Partie., Laac.ecm.; F..... - O'cI.ckTea., Di •• er Partie. a.d W.ddi ... o c... ' L "' • ....., ...... .An early selection has one dis. tinct advantage. You have a·wider -choice amongst the most... desirable patterns which cannot-be duplicated.A. Low as $30.00"Dcckstader & SandbergSizth Floor-Republic BuildingCORNER STATE AND ADAMS· STREETSIF you looked inside the sheet yesterday you probably saw that Muradad with a swell lady snake-charmerand everything. Then perhaps youglanced Ja.t Charlie's editorial in closeproximity. And if you read it, youcould not but be impressed by theeditor's bounteousness. He said thatanyone thht wanted to could join theMaroon and write the Whistle. Darnnice of Charlie, we'd say. Up to presstime no applications have been received.AND by the way! How did theMurad ad get by the rigid faculty censorship? It was nearly as bad as theportfolio.The D. U.'s are welcoming one ofthe freshman brothers today who isreturning a benedict. A bridal chamber is being set aside on the top floorof the lodge. They're encouraging.YOU CAN SEND WHITE ROS�SDURING vacation we read howthey treat them at Michigan. A fellow that writes the col in the Michigan Daily got unpopular, if you canimagine such a situation. He was escorted to the edge of town, his raiment removed, and a barrel substituted. Then he was left to work out hisown salvation. The article didn't sayhow he did that, but he got off ealy.By the by, we're open to negotiations with some reliable life insurance firm.1II·f _ ..1 \IIIII THE printer made a mistake yesterday. He should have put theThompson ad in the Whistle. It makesus jealous to have another funnycolumn on the same page WIth ours.THE jearth of poetry which we'reexperiencing is nothing less than ashame which' the campus should takeupon itself. It is excusable in thewinter quarter, but now that springbas :0 prung; it is a sad state. THE BAILY MAROON. WEDNESDAY. APRIL z. 1919. . .''' -,' ',.", ' ......And then: goes Freddy Star reading 90 ...-------------------------------1------------------------ ... --------------------- ....a newspaper.Celebrated Ultimate Lines:,'."Come home early."'AfuLPress Issues l\Iarch Journal.The March number of the Journalof Political Economy has been issuedby the ·University Press. Among several articles is one on "Reconstructionand Natural Resources," by RaphaelZone It also contains extended reviews of current economic texts.Deltho Announces Pledging.Deltho has, announced the pledgingof Ruth Miller and Eleanor Wood,both of Chicago.Cuban Team Tours Country.The University of Havana will senda baseball team to this country in thespring. The team will play easternand middle western teams during itstour..tb_gIaar·J\RRowCFO�FITOLLAR25 CENTS EACHCUJErr.PEABCJDr"Cca.�CLASSIFIED ADS.W ANTED-Several energetic youngmen for pleasant and profitablesummer employment. Work dignified and strictly educational. Nobooks or magazines. Salary $100per month to start with liberal com-, mission besides. For personal interviewsee G. C. Buxton, Room 2002Mallen; Bldg., Chicago.WEAR-EVER SALESMEN of 1916,1916, 1917 and 1918 we have an offer for you good until April, 10th.Call, phone ot write, The AluminumCcokmg Utensil Co., 68 East Washington St. .Randolph 3327.O�.., course there is no point in writ-ing the above except to take up space; "WILL men about to graduate see mewhich it does very satisfactorily. Or relative to affiliating themselvesin writing this apology, either, for with an old, well established Insur-that matter. ance o!rice as SaIesmen."-Chn.s. R.Gilbert, !)J7 Insurance ExchangeBuilding.. 'lN other words, why is a Whistleanyway? We dunno. Ask Charlie TYPEWRITERS TO' RENT _ ByGreen.Editorial.WE wish to register a kick aboutthe new arrangement in Ellis hall socalled. There is not a drinking fountain in the place. And usually theeditors forget Lo bring their flasks. So. after we have indulged in some dryhumor, we go out to wet our Whistle(dry humor) and lot there is not thewherewithal. We trust that this difficulty will be overcome in the futureas Lake Park avenue is too far.�VE wonder if the liI' old Chi Psiand Zate-Bate steamrollers are in . week or mcnth, Ribbons, bonds,papers, second sheets and etc.,Woodworth's Book Store,' 1311 E.67th St.LOST-Pair of shell-rimmed spectacles. Retum to Maroon Office.COpy BOY wanted. Easy hoursin late afternoon and early evening.Apply Maroon Office.,W ANTED.-Several clean cut youngmen for high grade sales work. Fullor part time. This is an unusualopportunity and offers a splendidfuture to efficient salesmen. Call oraddress H. D. Lapp, Suite 611Peoples Gas Building.good running order. Elections comeW ANTED-Men who have had salesnext week. Guess they're busy nowexperience to sen advertising. Apworking for Thompson. They're theboys that can teach Bill a few things. ply Box Office, Faculty Exchange.THE FIELD manager of PublishingHouse will be at the Y. M. C. A. inEllis Hall, Tuesday and Wednesdayto select representatives for theGOSH! we'll have to write our ownfree verse after all.FIVE O·CLOCK REFLECTION summer.TENNIS PARTNER WANTED toShe stood in the light of the midnightsunAnd the iridescence of her raven locks>Reflected themselvesOn my dumb beart. play regularly from two :0 three,four afternoons a week. May thereby receive gym credit. AddressBox 13, Maroon Office. 1155' East Sixty-third St.MIDWAY 567 501 East Seventy-first St.VINCENNES 133STEARNSMRS. J. E. STEARNS� ProprietorCLEANERS AND DYERS"The House of Service"Remodeling a Specialty. Goods Called For and Delivered- _1- -. . - - - - - _._ - - - - - - - _. __ r _ ·-----·-0/( well known professor at the Universityof Chicago once said In a chapel talk beforethe Graduate School:"Before I pass judgment upon an applicant for a position, no matter what his recordmay be, I must see him, I must witness hisway of expressing himself, his deportment,his manner of dress. Dress is too often disregarded· by university men. You owe it toYOJlrself to dress in' good taste and as well asyou can afford."We know the professor practicespreaches for we make his clothes.WILKIE & SEU.ERYTa iloraSteger Building, Jackson Blvd. and Wabash Ave.TELEPHONE HARRISON 7University·Text Books----. ANDStudents' . Supp6esLaw Books Text BooksMedical BooksSECOND AND NEW'Woodworth's Book Store1311 East Fifty-Seventh StreetBetween Kimbark and KenwoodWe buy and sell books of all kindsLibraries bought and soldGym Supplies 9pen Evenings UDiversity JewelryRead the Maroon for campus news .AThree Million DollarBANK1204 East '63rd StreetNEAREST BANK TOUNIVERSITY OF cmCAGOWe Cater to S�dentsThe Frolic TheatreDrug StoreSit in a Booth With YourGirl!959 East 55th StreetCor. Ellis Ave.Tel. Hyde Park 761C. CORMANY'SH<»tE LUNCH ROOMThe Old 'ReUableHeadquarters for UniversityStudentsWe serve the best of everything. Prompt Service.Try Our Spedal SUDday. Chicken DinDer.1313 E. 57th· StreetPrivate Dancing Lessons ' jIn a course of five leMOns ($5.00)one can acquire the atepa of theWaltz, One-step, and Fox-trot. SinlleLessons if desired.LUCIA HENDERSHOT STUDIO1541 E. 57th St.' HYde Park 231«For Prompt Service onBaggage to All Parts of. the City callPETERSON EXPRESS & VAN CO.55th aDd Elli.Midway 9700 Hyd. Park 452READ THE DAILY MAROON '\,.,.'.To1oppAjAl1\1M1\11\11\1(tenJ\CcscheAth'offi(meeSta.frollmeneverschemaiditictionT10 1oppson- g_relmidbrirCoaArllbeicagestganmalMc4tunThEleul\Iichurhaveve,i·\ .II( ••..•• Iwillw�enctocd81\forthepossonandconex):to:•bePn:melie1preMatenedtheGIlbeereca Jrin:.. ,.AII" ,l,t", ,