�(_."I • - y�",r· � ",1\�'I'':__ ,.•I 1 ' .._) '., i.J j '._/, aroon� ,," e at' ,.:...�r<J ·�, �','•( {.• j• I UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO, THURSDAY, JAN. 16. 1919Vol. 17. No. 49MAROONS TROUNCENAPERVILLE FIVEIN PRACTICE GAME w. A. A. TO HOLD POSTERCONTEST FOR PORTFOLIO Price 3 CentsPage·s MeD Read,. For Iowa. FAMOUS RUSSIANPIANIST TO GIVERECITAL TUESDAYContest Will Close January 3D-Mar-garet Baggott, Pu19city Chairman. ---Is Managing the Competition- Ossif Gabrilowitsch To PlayOfficers Ad As Judges. Under Auspices Of Or----chestral Association.In order to secure the best possibleposter to advertise the W. A. A. Port- of reeonstruction, the colleges areBIRKHOFF AND GORGAS STAR folio, the publicity committee of the CONDUCTS DET. ORCHESTRA getting back into their ante-bellumorganization is continuing the custom --- tea-dancing habits. Two dances areof a poster contest this year.' ". ,_. The University Orche;Qtral Asso- to be thrown, so tOspeak, on the sameThe contest will open the first of ciation will present OssiC Gabrilow- day, just to prove that peace has real- cussion group met yesterday at 4 :10the week. Posters will be received itsch, the Russian pianist, in a re- ly come and that co-education, after in the Y, M. C. A, Conference roomuntil Jan. 30, when the contest closes. cital in Mandel hall next Tuesday months in the army, is more appar- The subject, "Shall We ForgiveAnyone Eligible To Compete. at 3:45. The Association promises ently than ever the one best thing in Germany" led to a heated discussionthat the program will be one of un- life, in which many views were set forthAny student in the University is usual interest. t 't h h I...• The Senior women are going to as 0 JUS ow we s ou d treat Gereligible to compete in the contest. "'Ir. Gabrilowitsch ;" well known Th fTh L"f � give the first, It will take place to- many, e names 0 those 'nterestPosters in colors are sought. e both in Europe and America. He d' hmorrow afternoon from 4 to 6, in e In t e group were taken in orderrules of the contest call for large oneswas born In Petrograd In 1878 of th t th bIda Noyes hall. Every man in college a ey may e informed conand it is preferred that they be in on- Russian parentage, His was a fam- cerning meetings,ly two or three colors. who has returned from the army hasily of musicians, and his earliest been invited, partly because the girls K GOn Jan 30 the posters will be U � eep ermany At Bayonet Point. , musical I' nstructi on was receivedII b no like uniforms and party becausejudged. The points that wi e con- f ld b h A h "The question, before our nationrom an 0 er rot ere t t e age George l\Iartin and the other thirteensidered are effectiveness, artistic of ten his father took him to Rubin- is can we do Germany justice, andua1 . f id d '1' men of the class are not enough toq itites, ingenuity 0 I ea an uti 1- tei h ad' d . 1 how we can keep other inhumans In, w 0 VIse a musica career. go around.ty. Ajeordingly, Gabrilowit8ch entered wars from occurring again," saidw. - A. A. Officers To Be Judges. Reynolds Dance To Be Exclusive. Prof. Merrifield. "Our work I'S ththe St. Petersburg Conservatory, un- eTh . d f th te '11 The second will be given at the work of human Justice. We have JU ges 0_ e con st WI con- der the instruction of Victor Tolstoff eSl'st of the on'icers of the W. A. A. HI's asso- Reynolds club tomorrow night, after proof of the plans of the atrocitieu and Rubenstein himself. the defeat of the Iowa basketball sThey are Helen Driver, president, elation with the great master he has that the Germans have committedteam in Bartlett. 'Gladys Gordon, secretary, and Phyli,s always regarded as of inestimable some of which go back many years"The Reynolds club dance will be bPalmer, treasurer. With these Mar- value to himself, and his later work efore the war. The German peo-very exclusive-members only," saidgaret Baggott, the chairman of the was greatly influenced by the years ple as a whole approved of such out-Bill Henry, yesterday. Mr. Henry ispublicity committee, will act in the spent under Rubenstein's tutelage. rages as have bean committed instill president of the club by reasonjudging of the posters. From Petrograd he went to Vienna, Belgium and Armenia. We are dealof a hang-over from the time whenThe poster which the judges 'decide studying there for two years wI'th '" ing with a people who have no ideahe was only a Chi Psi and not alsois the best will be sent to the engrav- Le h t' ky who . dited with . of penitence. Our men that have1b Maroons a now ready for BC e IZ , n IS ere I WI m- a lieutenant. "For some unknowne reer to have a cut made of it. Repro- stilling in Gabrilowitsch much of the "h ti d" d been in Germany have found thetheir second, conference game of the d' th··· d . '11 reason, e con nue, our ances 1 Iik hi . children. •. uctions of IS WlDDlng rawmg' WI fullness and depth of tone which have d b t f f ith th peop e lew rung un:u.aeaaon, WIth I?wa next "Friday nIght. ,be displayed in windows all. over the made him noted. . use to e ou 0. avor WI e more Many representatives- ,of the allied'·--"��.@.H"�·�����.!������ dtJt-aa.a.part.oHhe,�vertiainc,��,.��_ .... ',,� e�ete couch cooties of" the campus, natio� ... h;ave. sai!l�'I �t�:� -.' �t-';'�:':sconng machine while the ftoor work. ,. ' . . . .. ' Ma«"'Def)uf At-·Eil'liteeJl;-·r-.� ,-hnth-:tJter eollege··,.feQp��_���� __ �t".""'.;J��"':. x�,:,.��,�+��p81gn. .' . peopie, 11 they e enan ......&h�� vast improvement ove� the- Those of the posters which do not At the age of eighteen Gabrilo�- might say .. We are enco�gIng th�m would do the same thing again.earlier games. Coach Page WIll be take first place but are nevertheless itsch made his public debut in Berlin, to attend this one by openmg the third "We have the wrong idea of for­able to send his st�ngest lineup into good enough for display will be placed in 1896. His success was instantan- floor to dancing. There should be giveness in this country. Many pea-the game next Friday at Bartlett on the various bulletin boards about eo us and decisive. For the next four room for everybody, even Reber." ple trace this washy washy ideagym. the campus.. years he toured Europe, visiting Aus- Doubt About Receiving Line. back to Jesus. And He never advo-Season books for the remainder of Margaret Hagott, as chairman of tria, Russia, Gennany, France, Eng- 1\ir. Henry refused to say whether cated any such policy. We are thethe season are still on sale at Business the publicity committee, is managing land, and the Scandinavian countries, the receiving line rule would be in ef- only !::,ft:, or cs in the world, as theManager Merriam's office for $2. the contest. 'Any posters for the con- giving concerts in many large cities. feet again this year. He Said that to Allied nations know the true situa­Many of the books have already been test should be given to her or to any Then, in 1900, he made his first visit tell would be to make a falling off in tion. The Germans must be educat­sold, but Page is anxious to have more member of her committee. The other to America. .He has made six con- the attendance. Drs. Emmet Bey and ed, but until they get this educationregular supporters for the team in its members are Lucy Sturges, Suzanne cert tours across the continent, meet- Chestre Guy, whose work was so laud- they must be kept at the point. ofdrive for the championship. There are Davis, Man'on Meanor,' and Virmnia ing with great success everywhere. ,the bayonet."Da (Continued on page 3)still five more home contests to be Lee. Mr. Gabrilowitseh is distinguishedplayed, and it is probable that a dance not only as a pianist, as which he DEBATING ACTIVITIES ATwill be held after three of the game .. HOME ECONOMICS CLUB ranks among the world's greatest, UNIVERSITY TO BE BEGUNunder the auspices of the Undergrad- WILL GIVE DINNER NEXT but as a conductor of note, both in·1 IN NEAR FUTURE, IS PLANuate council, WEEK IN IDA NOYES HALL Europe and America. Following sue-The score: cessful orchestral concerts in NewCHIC GO- 9) --- Debate Between Michigan. Northwes-A (1 Announce Ticket Committee For First York, he was engaged as conductor ofHitch k If Ste 1 tern and Chiea�o Is PostponedI coc,. geman, g. "Get Together" Meeting-Price the Detroit Symphony orchestra, a -To Hold Tryouts Soon.Connely, rf. Criser, rg. Is Fort,. Cents. post which he now holds. This win-Gorgas, c. ter Mr. Gabrilowitsch also occupiedNORTHWESTERN-(8) At last the Home Economics club the position of special conductor ofGrantman, rf. Kraft, rg. is going to do something. And not the Chicago Symphony orchestra, forS-'L:"'ker If Schneller, 19. 1 . rts.CWII , • only that, it is going to do something severa successive concetRitan, e. big. "Home Economies club '!,. you Received Favorable Notices.Baskets-Hitchcock, 2; Birkhoff, 2; murmur politely. "Never heard ofConnely, 1; Gorgas, 2; Criser, 2; it." Of course you haven't. It's al­Hinkle, Grantman, Schalker, Kraft, most brand new, the Home EconomiesSchneller. club is, and up to this time it hasn'tFree Throws-Stegeman, 1., done much except have meetings andSubstitutions-Birkhoff for Hitch- elect officers.Lookout For Friday's GameMore Promising Because OfImproved Floor Work.With "Moose" Gorgas and ''Bobby"Birkhoff doing the best work, the Ma­roons had an easy time last night withNorthwestern college, piling up a 19-8 count. Page's boys jumped into thelead in the first minute of play witha basket by Connely and were neverheaded. Thc college five scored alltheir points in the first half.Maroon Tossers Lead At Half.With Connely .and Criser in thelineup for the first time this season,Chicago put up a remarkable floorgame during the first half but appear­ed to lack a scoring attack. At the endof the half the score was 14-8 withthe Maroons on the heavy end.. Coach Page sent Birkhoff and Capt.Hinkle into the fray early in the sec­ond half and the two speeded up thegame considerably. Birkhoff countedtwo goals in the last ten minutes ofplay while Stegeman and Hinkle fol­lowed with one each. Gorgas scoredall of hil!l baskets in the first half.cock, Hinkle for Criser, Brown forKraft, Barnfind for Schneller.Referee-Phillips. Critics everywhere comment mostfavorably on the Russian pianist'stechnic and power. W. J. Henderson,musical critic of the New York Sun,says of his work, "Finish of technic,brilliancy, power, depth of color, andNow, however,-but wait, maybeyou don't know what the club is. It'sover in, the school of Ed., and it's (Ccmti1lud on pGII. 4)members are Home Economics stu- WEATHER FORECASTdents, which of course means lots of ------ good food. Fair and warmer; moderate north-A faculty tea will be given Wed- And now we come to the Big Thing. westerly winds.nesday in the kindergartin room of It's a dinner-what could be more ===============the school of Education. THE DAILY MAROONnatural than that Home Economic BULLETIN.students should give a dinner? Thegreat event comes off�r rather willbe eaten-Wednesday at 6 in the sunparlors of Ida Noyes hall. All House­hold Administration members havebeen invited to attend.School or Education Gives Tea.Ida Noyes Council To Meet.A meeting of the Ida Noyes advis­ory council will be held Monday at4:30 o'clock in the parlors on the sec­ond floor of Ida Noyes hall. Today.Divinity school address, 11 :15, Hu­kell.Chapel. eol1ege of Commerce aDdAdministration and college of Educa­tion, t 1 :20. Mandel.Tomorrow.Divinity chapel, 11 :15, Haskell.Y. M. C. A.. lecture, .. :30, Mandel.Florence Beeker is chairman of theFoster Hall To Give Dance. publicity committee and the followingwomen are on the ticket committee:The residents of Foster han willgive a dance Feb. 8. (COfttimud on polle 2) BEGIN RECONSTRUCTIONOF CAMPUS TRADITIONSTwo Dances Scheduled For Tomor- FORGIVE GERMANYAT BAYONET POINTSAYS MERRIFIELDrow - Seniors Entertain From 4 ---To 6 and Reynolds Club After Bas- Yesterday' s Discussion Groupketball Game.__ Has Meeting Regarding At-In accordance with their program titude Toward Germany.Debating activities of the Univer­sity will be started as s oon as possi­ble this quarter. Unforiunately, theannual triangular debate, betweenChicago, Michigan and Northwesternhas been postponed, and undoubtedlywill not be held, due to the interrup­tions caused by war activities. Nev­ertheless the Freshman class will seethat the University does not go un­represented in the forensic lines.It has been decided to proceed withthe annual Freshman debate, betwenChicago and Northwestern. The timefor the event has not as yet been def­initcly set, but it will probably beheld about the last of April. The de­bate will be held at Evanston thisyear since Chicago was the scene ofthe activities last year. The questionis to be submitted by the Chicagoteam, while Northwestern will havethe choice of sides. Negotiations arenow under way concerning tfte selec­tion of the question.Preliminaries for the debate willtake place the first part of February.Thc opportunity of trying out will begranted to all freshman who ha\'c(Ccmtmuctl Oft 1'4l1e 2) V. S. IS SOFT NATION HE ADDSAssistant Prof. Merrifield's DisMany Disagree With Merrifield.One man argued that this was notat all the way to treat Germany."The Allies are not at present fit tojudge Germany," he said. "Theyare at this very time doing Russiaan injustice by keeping' 'troops inthat country. France, the countrythat has bled the most in the war, isnow shedding blood in Russia merelyto try and win back the money thatwas lcnt the Czar.""In spite of the fact that therewere massacres in Armenia beforethe war," said another, "Englandnever lifted a hand to stop them."GRADUATE WOMEX TO GIVESUPPER IN IDA NOYES HALLThe Graduate Woman's club willgive a supper Sunday at 6 in the sunparlors of Ida Noyes hall. Beforesupper Prof. Reynolds will conducta party through the building. Ticketsmay be obtained from the followingmembers for thirty cents: Miss Gib­ben, 11 Green hall; �Jiss Pope, Har­per 41; and Miss Vcr Nooy, Harper:U. Tickets will he on sale until to­morrow,Woodlawn House Entertains.Woodlawn hous(' will give a dinnerTuesday at 6 in the sun parlors ofIda Noyes hall.. The members ofWoodlawn house wi11 also g-lW a:dance Feb, 22.2 THE DAILY MAROON, THURSDAY, IAN. 16,1919 •whr iaii11 jUarnnn I�ulty. No such easy solution of the"'�:J problem is, however, at hand. TheCalendar does not contain all the ac­tivities of the campus and further­more it is published the latter part ofThe Student Npwspaper 0-:' theUniversity of Chicago)BUSINESS DEPARTMENT A T JANUARY SALE PRICESShirts - Pajamas - Night ShirtsHUNDREDS of mer. in other years have purchaseda season's supply, taking advantage of the ex­ceptionally low prices that prevail. This well mademerchandise is of standard quality .Sbdrts--\Voven corded �ad­ras, crepe weave Madras andsatin-striped Madras, $2.85 Pajamas-Good serviceablequality in p r in ted andwoven fabrics; suit, $1.85bers appointed or a particular personnamed to list each of the events and Shirts--Fiber, in light, anddark ground effects; splen­did values, all of them, $3.85 Nit:ht Shirts-Excellent qual­ity of muslin; made low neckand neatly finished, $1.35:\1ay Freedman ... Business Manager to adjudicate all improper or ur.nec­George Serck .. Advertising Manager essary conflicts in dates.Frank Fenner AssistantPublished mornings, except Saturday, each week. Many events are" an­Sunday and Monday, during the Au- nounced the first of the .weck or els.eturnn, Winter and Spring quarters, those in charge fail to notify the Cal­by the Daily Maroon company. endar Editor and the list of affairsEDITORIAL DEPARTMENT is, therefore, incomplete. Again,THE STAFF events not social do not pass throughCharles C. Greene .. Managing Editor the scc.al faculty representative.John E. Joseph News Editor Thus, there is no campus clearingRuth Genzberger News E'ditor house but there are possible reme-William Morgenstern Ath. Editor dies,. John Ashenhurst Night Editor The managers of the various Iec-Helen Ravitch Night Editor turcs, parties and dances should beHoward Beale Day Editor awake, record the event with the Cal-Rose Fischkin Day Editor cndar Editor, and keep .in mind theHarry Schulman Day Editor dates of previously scheduled affairs.Kate Smith Associate Editor A better solution would be to haveHarold Stansbury .. Associate Editor a board of faculty and student mem-Entered as second class mail at theChicago Postoffice, Chicago, Illinois,March 13, 1906, under the act ofMarch 3, 1873.SUBSCRIPTION RATESCalled" for, $2.50 a year; $1.00 aquarter.By Carrier, $3.00 a year; $1.25 aquarter.By Mail (city), $3.50 a year; $1.50a quarter.By Mail, (out of town), $4.25 ayear; $1.75 a quarter.! ' Editorial Rooms Ellis 12Telephone Midway 800, Local 162Hours: 11 :00-11 :50; 12 :25-6; 7-8Business Office Ellis 14Telephone Midway 800, Local 162Hours: 10:20-11-50; 3-5:30THURSDAY, JAN. 16, 1919'I, II; !, i CAMPUS CLEARING HOUSEEveryone surely realizes there isgreat difficulty in setting a date fora campus affair without conflictingwith at least one or two other sched­uled events. In other words, thereis no cooperation or consultation be­tween the various campus agencies.It is quite easy for anyone to give nu­merous examples illustrating thispoint.The reason for the conflicts is ap­parent. The atheletic authorities, onthe one hand, usually arrange a sea­son's program in a certain sport inthe preceding quarter. This scheduleis drawn up at a meeting of repre­sentatives of the Conference schools.The various faculty committees intheir turn meet and arrange for pub­lic lectures, receptions, etc. The Y.M. C. A. and Y. W. C. L. have separ­ate lists of social and religious gath­erings. Certain afternoons are alsoset aside for concerts of the ChicagoSymphony Orchestra. Fraternities,halls and clubs convene in the severalchapter rooms and, formulate plansfor dances, teas and parties. Theundergraduate classes, the Reynoldsclub, the Student Council, the Dra­matic CI�b and the innumerable oth­er promoting agencies all meet inseparate bodies, draft distinct soci,p.lprograms, and then complacently in­vite the University community.It is annoying even to an outsiderbut to a member of the student bodyor faculty or to those having thetr.anklcss job of promoting it is reallydistressing, Of course, the studentsand faculty have a great diversity ofinterests and, naturally, there is nogreat conflict if a Cosmopolitan Clublecture and a Quadrangular Benefitl::lp arc held on the same night. But,on the other hand, events beneficialand appealing to the majority of thest udcnts arc gi\"(�n not only on thes.in.» day but even at the same hour.A curious tangle arises from thisfailure to consult beforehand.Some persons may further scoff atthis editorial point by referring tothe Weekly University Calendar orby alluding to the fact that all socialaffairs which women attend must beapproved by a single member of the,� I WHAT COLLEGE EDI­TORS THINK Cravats Sharply ReducedeRA VAT S that fit well into any surrounding are offered at radicallylowered prices. It behooves every man to investigate the exceptionalsavings in this Clearance.(From the Daily Cardinal.)�� .THE DRAMATIC CLUBS.Both of the men's dramatic socie­ties of the university are calling fornew members. The Edwin Boothsociety is holding it's annual tryout �for new members in �Iain hall thisevening, while the Haresfoot clubwill examine candidates for mern­bership later in the week.The field of dramatics offers un­usual opportunities for acquiring po­sitions of prominence in a useful andan interesting activity. This is es­pecially attractive to new men whopossess experience and ability inamateur dramatics for it is pos­sible, through these organizationsto quickly acquire positions of prom­inence which it would require monthsor even a year or two of hard workin subservient occupations to gain ina more crowded field. 75c - $1 $1.50 - $2DEBATING ACTIVITIES AT(Continued from page 1)UNIVERSITY TO BE BEGUNIN NEAR FUTURE, IS PLAXinot advanced standing from other:schools. The question which will be'discussed during the tryouts is to be"Federal Ownership and Operation ofthe Railroads." The speakers will begiven the opportunity of talking oneither side or any phase of the ques­tion.Up to the present time a coach fOl"the debating' team has not been ap­pointed. However, those freshmenwho desire to enter the try-outs,should submit their names as soon aspossible to Associate Prof. Lyman,care of the Faculty Exchange.Contrary to a popular misconcep­tion, the two men's dramatic socie­ties do not work in competition witheach other. Each has its distinctand entirely independent field, andthe organizations are mutually ex­elusive. The aim of the Haresfootclub is to present an original musi­cal comedy each year, and tryoutsare held on a basis of dancing andmusical" ability. The Edwin Boothsociety, on the other hand, limitsitself to the more serious spokendrama and membership is grantedsolely on experience and interest inthis type of entertainment. One ofthe objects of this club is to betterthe dramatic 'situation at the univer- course in interpretive dancing havebcen requested to meet tomorrow atsity and itt annually brings to Madi-son one or more large stage produc- 11 : 15 in the trophy gallery of Idations of the better class. Both of N oyes hall.- Dancing Class To Be Organized.All women who are interested in athe organizations have a distinct so­cial standing and occupy prominentplaces in campus society.The Cardinal would urge all whohave had experience in either typeof Grama· to make application toone or the other of the dramaticclubs. READ THE DAILY MAROONHmlE ECONOMICS CLUBWILL GIVE DINNER NEXTWEEK IN IDA NOYES HALL(Continll,ed from page. 1)"A RemarkableTypewriter"�fary Burgess, Gladys Gordon, AliceHaviland, Pearl Henderson and Lydia:,\1 iles. Tickets may be purchased un­til Tuesday noon from any member ofthe ticket committee for forty cents.An elaborate program has beenplanned. and the speakers will be in­nounced later. As this is the firstdin ncr the club has ever given, thosein charge have requested that allmembers come to the "get togther'meeting, Further details \\;11 beannounced later. All favorite features combined inone handsome writing machine ofthe first quality.WOODSTOCKTYPEWRITER COMPANY23 W. WaRhington Street, ChiealoPhone Central 5563 . THE STORE FOR MENFIVE GOOD REASONS. __ ..... __WHY EVERY STUDENT SHOULD OWN ACORONAFOLDING TYPEWRITER1. You ean do your own paper work in half the timeonaCORONA.2. Your papers will be better and consequently youwill get better grades if you use a CORONA. '3. Your'""t instructors can eorreet your papers' ,in haltthe time if they are CORONATYPED.4. CORONA is so eompaet and convenient that it doesnot require a special desk or table to take care of it and canbe easily put out of the way when you are through using it.S. CORONA complete weighs only 9 pounds, and eanbe shipped safely in your trunk. You can always takeCORONA with you.CORONA'TYPEWRITER SALES CO.12 South La Salle StreetPhone Franklin 4992·4993We Rent Coronas ,.. �.1· ]·111�l r.�'I . ,:1-;�ltif I.�J • ,J\... '1.· .�,.r-· �.l',.J\· �I' .\: _/f(L .. \ /8DR. BURTON FINDS THATSTUDENTS ARE NARROWProfesaor Surpriaed To Find .. That Tells of Seven Months' Work At Tex-Students Do Not Engage In Seri- as Flying Fields-Finds Aviation BEGIN RECONSTRUCTIONous Conversation-Hopes For Er- Exciting But Deadly-Has Many OF CAMPUS TRADITIONSfeets Of Forum. Photographs. --(Continued from pa.ge 1)"Unless. the students at the Uni­versity of Chicago bestir themselvesand awaken to the great responsi­bilities being thrust upon them, theywill be outstripped in the race by theless educated of the community."In this fashion, Dr. Ernest Bur­ton, director of the University li­braries and one of the initiators ofthe new student World Forum,summed up the need for intellect­ual awakening among the "intellect­uals." The Forum, which is being. fostered by students representativeof both the Y. M. C. A. and the Y.W. C. A. has for its aim the stirringup of student thought to the greatproblems of world reconstruction.The Forum will meet each week, inHarper assembly room, where in­formal discussions will be combinedwith lectures on the different phasesof America's responsibilities for thefuture.Attitude Is Very Provincial."The student body has alwaysbeen a little more responsive toworld affairs than h� the ordinary,uneducated man," said Dr. Burton,"but I fear that our whole attitude,both that of intellectuals and unedu­cated, has been very provincial. Wehave confined our thought to Ameri­ca alone, and the result has been anarrowing of the mind to foreigncountries and to foreigners in ourmidst."It has been 'brought to his atten­tion, .he stated, that college peopledo not, as a rule, discuss matters ofpublic interest, as he had supposedthey did."This is a really serious matter,"said Dr. Burton. "For if people willnot discuss, they will not broadentheir views. I had always thoughtthat university students were in thehabit of spending much of their timein really worth-while conversation."Postpone Meeting To Mon'day.He commented further on the rath­er narrow view that many studentstake toward foreigners in our midst,and. emphasized that only by becom­ing acquainted with them and th�irnational views, could internationalunderstandings be made more sym­pathetic.Due to the conflict of the firstlecture of the Forum with the Senior HARRY EMERSON FOSDICKwoman's dance, the former, in which WILL BE SUNDAY SPEAKERDr. Burton was to talk· on "Our Re- ---sponsibi1.ities in International Af­fairs" has been postponed from to­morrow to Monday.AllD01Ince Pledging of Kessler. THE DAILY MAROON, THURSDAY, JAN. 16, 1919_--ARTHUR o. HANISH, '17, l1is tour of France Dr. Fosdick lee-PAYS VISIT TO CAMPUS t.ired to the soldiers on the French17 degreesat ell stationersfirin� Hnes.ELD=OO�� IINlsterdl4lIt'fnt pMCiT It takes eightmonths and morethan half a hun­dred processes tomake an Eldorado.But my, what apencil!Every day a new batch of former able during the flu epidemic, haveprominent campus men, clad in either been engaged to work the stretcherkhaki or blue and most of them wear- for any tea hounds who may sue­ing officers' i1nsignia, return .to the cumb after stepping it all afternoonUniversity for a visit. Among recent and night.visitors was Arthur Hanish, '17, one Sally Mulroy, who is managing theof the most famous men of his class. Senior dance, refused to be inter-He is back from seven months fly- viewed.ing on this side of the water, having "The Quadranglers," she said,spent most of his time in Texas. "don't like to have us let our namesAbe looks jaunty in his lieutenant's get into print." ;.I;:,.��_ �.�I·:�·"" . .;t.W?_JJn .. :'�i:."''l4'''?�'';cir'�����?'!''i-����======���������������uniform, and has many experiences totell .Worked Hard For Commissions.At the outbreak of the war, bothHanish and his brother Harold, ex-19,enlisted in the ambulance service, butArthur was transferred to aviation."We worked like the devil for ourcommissions," he said the other day,"and then were sent to various fly­ing fields. I have spent most of thetime since in Texas, with an. intervalat Fort Sill doing instruction work."As a whole, aviation work is fas­cinating, but it's deadly, too. Aboutone hundred and fifty men were killedduring the time I was in Texas, andthat number exceeds by about thirtyor forty the total air service casual­ties abroad. LAW BOOKS MEDICAL BOOKS-UNIVERSITY TEXT BOOKS..Second Hand and Newand Students' SuppliesHas Numerous Snap Shots."I t makes a man nervous and pes­simistic, at times. I've seen four ofthe finest fellows I ever knew killed,and feel lucky to get out alive my­self. Saw Castle smash up. Reck­lessness is too often the cause of cas­ualties, the fellows race cows andhorses, and bingo-they're gone. Thewaiting, too, to get across is nerve­wracking; too_many men were takeninto the service."Hanish has an elaborate series ofpictures he has taken at the flyingfields, One freak smash shows a ma­chine that went through the roof ofhis barracks. Hanish is a member ofSigma Chi. He is a Phi Beta Kappa,was head marshal, member of Owland Serpent and the UndergraduateCouncil, won the Strong scholarshipand engaged in numerous other cam­pus activities. He, expects to be dis­charged soon, but has not decidedwhat he will do when out of the serv- WOODWORTH'SBOOK STORE\·1311 East Fifty-seventh StreetBetD1een Kimbar/t and Kenwood A l1enuesOpen Eveningsice.GYM SUPPLIES u. OF C. JEWELRYProfessor H:lrry Emerson Fosdickof the, Union Theological seminarywill be the visiting preacher Sundayat Mandel. Dr. Fosdick has ju�t re­turned from active Y. M. C. A. dutyin France. He is well-known as aAlpha Tau Omega announces the writer and is the author of "Thepledging of Charles S. Kessler of Chi- Manhood of the Master," "The Mean­cago, DI. ing of Prayer," and other works. In "That Gentle Reminder---Bank Where YourAccount Is Valued That the subscription list has room for yourname.THE HOME FOR UNIVERSITY STUDENTS'SAVINGS That the price is only $1.50 for the rest ofthe year.Central Hyde Park Bank SHOW THAT SPIRIT55th SL and Blackstone Ave.•• -:.. ....... ..:.._-_-_-:_._:....�_._ -� -_ � 't"". --.._ ••• ,..�_ ... �._ ... _.;.' .. ._,, __ .... _�_� ••r�='�'�'��·==.=-�������··14OPEN LEAGUE POSTOFFIt."ETHE DAILY MAROON, THURSDAY, JAN. 16, 1919 ',. ,Q. E. D. writes Latin,Kid Waful's stuff is bunk,But our line you know m'dearsIs pure and simple' junk. FOR WOMEN IN IDA NOYES 0; the commission will be seated atthe table and will introduce the wom-other women of the class. Members conversation of college students isprinted elsewhere in today's paper.(Not in the Whistle.) "0 give thetalk about, itAir Of Great Mystery Surrounds en who sit there. This table will beHoles and co-raps lowbrows something toPigeon �'" .;:K" or designated by the numeral twenty.White Paper. In addition, the Freshman commls- was proposed to hold a weekly discus-sion will give a dance for Freshman sion, where anything and everythingMystery is in the air. in the ncar future and possibly a could be settled. But-What is the destination of that skating party, the dates of which The senior class wanted a dance,write one Whistle a week, though, figures make a similar secret pilgrim­and friend Waful will write another age. Would you like to know theand Q. E. D. will diffuse at length. meaning of these excursions? Per­Johnny Joseph says with such a Trin- haps if you look in the proper com-stealthy ,messenger who glides will be announced.throug-h the corridors clutching abit of white paper in the hands FIRST LEAG UE CHAPEL HOURthrust behind her? She pauses atthe threshold of the League room toWHICH reminds us that we are sec if she is pursued. She darts to Professor Allen Hoben To Tell Warback on the job and want everybody a table, thrusts the white scrap into Experiences at 11 :15 into know it. We are only going to a pigeon hole and hurries out. Other Cobb 12A.ity we ought to produce some DivineComedy. However, we think someone else oug-ht to volunteer to writeone Whistle a week, too, because wethree are so (printer, use the blackesttype you have on that "so") jealousof each other that we wouldn't thinkof allowing one to write two Whistles.If we can't get a campus volunteerwe will have to go out and get theman who writes the funny stuff weread in our polecon book or the nicepretty lady who writes letters in ourcourse book. That would at least partment your name will be on oneof the little papers.The box and the pigeon holes arelike a village postotiice. The holesare labeled A, B, C, etc., so that let­ters may be mailed alphabetically. Ifyou want to meet someone after class,write her a note and put it in theLeague postoffice, If you have some­thing interesting to tell her. drop hera note. "Tell the girls to write notesjust for fun, even if they don't haveanything to say," was the injunctionof Genevieve Blanchard, chairman ofadd some much needed intentional the committee.The box for the notes was placedon a table in the League room yester­day. No charge will be made forpostal service. It is anticipated that1. No excuses as to why our par- the postoftice will be a popular cor-ticular Whistle is not funny.ner between classes.2. No allusions to lack of humourpathos to this column.OUR PROGRAM.on part of our contemporary column- and it decided to holy the dance to­morrow afternoon. Well, the Forumwill meet a week from tomorrow, ifMEETING TO BE HELD TODAY no dance is held on that day.The first of the League chapel hourmeetings for this quarter will be haldtoday. Prof. Hoben of the Divinityschool will tell of his experiences asdivisional secretary of the Y. M. C. A.on the St. Mihiel front. He waswounded there and was sent to an FAMOUS RUSSIANPIANIST TO GIVERECITAL TUESDAY(Continued from page 1)an unfailing clarity were' conspicuousfactors of his admirable performance,which was poetic in a way to satisfythe most sensitive lover of Chopin."army hospital to recover. He has on- H. T. Parker of the Boston Transcriptly recently returned from France.is quoted, "In both his recitals hereIt has been the custom to hold he attained to a loveliness of tonethese chapel hour meetings of the that was truly great, a crystal ofLeague on Thursdays but they were beautiful sound."discontinued temporarily on accountdf the S. A. T. C. until conditionsshould become normal. They will begiven regularly now. Other members SALE OF WINTER QUARTERCLASS TICKETS TO BEGINof the faculty will be asked to speak,as will also people from outside the 1920 Pasteboards NoW' Out-OthersUniversity. \"We are anxious that these meet- To Follow Soon-Will UseCobb Booth.ings be well attended for we believe .they '\\;11 be of interest and benefitto the women," said Martha Simond,chairman of the meetings committeeyesterday. The meetings will be heldat 11:15 in Cobb 12A.ists.3. No Latin.4. Oh, just lots about the Quads Dr. Rudolph Coffee Speaks On "Is- REYNOLDS CLUB ANNUALand the Esoterics and just everybody. rael's Contribution to BOWLING MATCHES BEGIN5. The naughtiest jokes we can WITH SMALL ENTRY LISTDemocracy,"get by with and allusions to wickedthings like cigarettes and taxicabs.'"CLASSY FlED ADVERTISING.The Michigan Daily has four class­yfied ads, two of which we print �low:LOST: Let the Daily find that lostarticle.WANTED: An opportunity toserve you. Let the Daily restorethat lost article., '., �i'; "WE also see from their third adthat they have queer names for theIrtelephone exchanges up there. Itsays call Sigma Alpha Epsilon 343.Nevermorps.(From the Daily Iowan)Students' Anny Training Corps,You sure made us awful sorps;Clumsy, tiresome, hopeless borps,We were shot-but shed no gorps­Raked the campus, scrubed �he florps,Studied little, pokered morps,Played the peeler, watched a storps,Soaked up goulash, learned to snorps,Had experiences galorps'N ough to make an angel rorps,Now, imposter, all is orps;Fare you well-please shut the dorpsStudents' Anny Training Corps.THEY DID AND STILL DO.A LSO way back in 1909 they usedto lecture to the Divinity Students on} 'itf'al ls of the l'ulpit.HA! HA! THE WAR'S OVER.Freshman, watching column of W.�. T. C. on tho march: "Here comesthe Whistle!"Soph : "How do you make thatnut '!":.1 Fresh: "Oh, it's such a funny col-umn."F .HIODS LAST LINER OF A I�ASOL.Tum to da tum ta-tum tum!Anon. MENORAH SOCIETY HEARS TALKstarted its Still Receiving Names For Touma-The Menorah Society ment-Only 'fhree Teams Forseason yesterday with a large attend-Doubles Competition.ance and a varied program. The lead-ers for this quarter are: Pres. EstherJaffy; Vice Pres., Sam Chutkow, andMerriam Haskell as temporary sec­retary and treasurer.Dr. Rudolph Coffee was the speak­er. His subject was "Israel's Contri­bution to Democracy." He traced thedemocratic spirit in Jewish historyfrom its origin to the present time.He showed that long before the timeof the kingdom' the spirit of democra­cy was strong and that the kingshipitself was never taken seriously., He named such men as JudgeMack,who championed the sailor's andsoldier's Insurance Bill, which hasdone away with the pension systemand which is considered as probablythe greatest legislative act in the lastten years ..The society meets every Wednesdayand holds membership open to all stu­dents of the University, Ir{ the nearfuture a large "get together" meetingwill be held to welcome home ourcampus heroes. The Reynolds Club annual bowlingtournament which" started yesterdayhas for its first entrit;S three couples. �for the double tou� ...,ent and seven-teen men for the singles' tournament.The men signed up for the. doublesare, Carl B. Weyland and Herbert H.Englehard, HaroJd R. Goebel and PaulMay, and Robert Birkhoff and Abra­ham Rudolph. The men in the singlestournament are G. T. Logsdon, Ma."(Wester, Herbert Englehard, Carl B.Harts, James Nicely, Lewis Kayton,Norris Beddoes, Harold Goebel, PaulMay, Larry Goodyear, Abraham Ru­dolph, Paul Willett, 'Roger Coombs,'paul Hinkle, and M. C. Coulter.The number of entries in both thedouble and single tournament is ex­ceptionally small and for this reasonentries are stil.}· open. All those in­terested should hand in their namesat the club desk today and entrantswill be given a chance to compete inthe annual championship. The 'chargeis but fifteen cents a game, the regu­lar price.:MARGARET FOSS ELECTEDPRESIDENT OF COMMISSION "VEBLEN IS RIGHT 1 "-DANCEPOSTPONES SERIOUS FORUMFreshman Table To Be Estab-It begins to appear that Veblen wasright after all. "The average stu­dent thinks more of dances and socialactivities than he docs of his educa­tion," or words to that effect was hisverdict. And the senior class provedhis case yesterday. The league of na­tions will not be discussed by inter­ested students, and the freedom of theseas will have to remain unsettled.Self determination of small nations;aw, what's the use?Tomorrow was to have seen the op­ening of the "Student Forum," fos­tered by Y. M. C. A. and Dr. ErnestBurton, head of the University libra­ries. Dr. Burton's ideas as to the FROUC THEATRE55th Street GIld F..JH.Thursday, Jan. 16Fred Stonein"Under'the Top"AlsoBig V ComedyPathe NewsPrivate Dancing LessonsIn a course of six lessons ($5.00)one can acquire the steps of theWaltz, One-step, and Fox-trot. SmileLessons if desired.LUCIA HENDERSHOT STUDIO1541 E. 57th St. Hyde Park 2314MEN'S WEARHats - Gloves - NeckwearJAMES E. COWHEYs. E. Cor. 55th St. and Ellia An.BILLIARDSCigars - Cigarettes - PipesSale of class tickets has begun.When the Undergraduate council de- STARLIGHTcided that elections should be heldduring' January, Junior class ticketswere already on the press for that rea­son they are now offered for saleamong members of the class of 1920.Class tickets for other undergraduatedivisions will be ready for sale with-'in the next few days.When the sale otiicially begins theticket booth in Cobb hall will be used.The cost is fifty cents and is a tax oneach undergraduate who wishes totake part in the activities. both socialand' political, of his class. A classticket is necessary for voting for classofficers and for admission to suchfunctions as dances and teas whichthe separate classes give during thequarter. As soon as all the ticketsare ready the Undergraduate councilwill publish a list of those who are tosell them.STUDENT MEMBERS OF IDANOYES COUNCIL ENTERTAINThe student members of the IdaNoyes auxiliary will give a tea Wed­Noyes auxiliary will give atea Wed­nesday at 3:45 in the second floor par­lors of the hall. Auxiliary membershave been requested to hand in a listof their classes for the quarter sothat a schedule of guides for the hallmay be made. The purpose of themeeting is both business and social. LAUNDRY co.6344 Cottage GroveAvenue"Everyone Knows Us"CLASSIFIED ADS.FOR SALE-At a bargain 26 vol­umes of Charles Dickens in cloth.Good condition. D. W. Owen, 6106Greenwood Avenue. Or apply atMaroon Office.For the LatestCampus NewsreadThe DailyMaroonMEN!You want to be WElL-DRESSED-You who like to see othen weU-dreued-Let J. teU you how to accomplish both with aCOMMISSIONHeadline from Maroon of Feb. 9, Jean Falconer Chosen 8ecretary- Tickle Toe To Take Place Of Discus-1909: DEKES TO ENTERTAIN lished in Ida Noyes. sion On Bolshevism. AnarchyOTHER FRATS. And Ping Pong.Margaret Foss was elected presi­dent and Jean Falconer secretary ofthe Freshman commission at a meet­ing held yesterday afternoon in theLeague room.Among other activities that werediscussed, the question of a skatingfor the commision was brought up,and it was decided that this partyshould be given for members of thecommission Wednesday. The partywill leave the League room at 7 andreturn at 8 for refreshments.It has also been arranged to havea Freshman table daily in the IdaNoyes refectory. Every Freshmanwoman will he invited to sit here inorder to make the acquaintance of in the bargain. \p. ,. �. , ....=FtlS]W·elrst'W�ntmfzT.cld4slill.t}1('4mIUMplplo�.�m-�inpJwibt'thsLti4·Gpl�'-'" 80�{ ...• - be'�., ._Se'1:,' W...t :irJ.satilgcbEUIIIofintrfrJ,mthth88arI·,t·: I� " :� � at. i�-----------�--�� ..t IMPERFECT IN OfTHE BUSINESS OFFICE