.... ". �'I,· r, : ••..., r: &.• 'J i '.._ ...... \." 0" \\. �. , ,• I.( .....'. ' '�•VOL. XVII. No. 19. UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO. FRIDAY. N'OVEM�ER 1,1918 . . :" ... - PRICE THREE CENTS ... PAULINE DAVIS RESIGNS IWILL'REORGANIZE RED I ROLL()F HONORFROM POSITION IN WAC. I CROSS WORK IN NOYES Killed in AetiOD.HAROLD GOErl'LER<Ammittee Appointed to NomiDate UNDER MIUTOY PLAN iI _New President aDd Me:mbers·at-. 'Large. Council to Give DaDce'hell_,. ill Ida N01e& ANNOUNCE NAMES OF". CO.MlntES CHOSESFOR BIG WAR DRIVEUNIVERSITY QUOTA $25,000• j• I ,11: ....��·''II.�, ,��I1'iII :: 'I IlI;; I:1 I'I.J I, I, II .!tiJI z· _'THE DAlLY, MAROON, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER'1, 1918Messrs. �IcBrayer, Ballinger, Cekan pense. McGuireand Dunn. Uniforms will he issued to the rned- Harrisics when the other S. A. T. C. stu- MillsEntered as second class mail at theChicago Postoffice, Chicago, Illinois,March 13, 1906, under the act ofMarch 3, 1873.The StudeDt N e •• paper of TheUniversity of ChleagoPublished mornings, except Saturday.Sunday and Monday, during the Au­tumn, Winter and Spring quarters.by the Daily Maroon company.EDITORIAL 'DEPARTMENTTHE STAFFJohn IJ oseph ......•.. M.anaJ:in� Editor�uth Genzberger New.s EditorHelen Ravitch Night EditorHoward Beale Day EditorRose Fischkin ....•.••.... Day EditorJames Sheean Day EditorWilliam Morgeustern .........•••_ Athletic EditorFrederick Winterhoff ...................... Associate EditorBUSINESS DEPARTMENTGrant Mears Manager'May Freedman As.sistantStaff SolicitorsSU.BSCRIPTION RATESCalled for. $2.50 a year; $1.00 aquarter.By Carrier, $3.00 a year; $1.25 aquarter.By Mail (city), $3.50 a year; $1.50• quarter,By Mail (out of town), $4.25 ayear; $1.75 a quarter.Editorial Rooms Ellis 12Telephone Midway 80�, Local 162.Hours: 11:10-11:50; 12:25-6; 7-8.Business Office Ellis 14Telephon� :'Midway 800. Local 162Hours: 10:20--11:50; 3-5:30.Friday, Noyember I, 1918.THE NINTH DEGREEOh, for a large brick and the abil­ity to throw absolutely true with themength of Hercules! Oh, for some­thing to quell this talk of peace and'-Well, the war'Il be over in a weekor ewo" stuff. There are persons in'.this University-and elsewhere, ofcourse-who have recently· � iii­dalging in a lot of tommyrot just be­esuse the end of the' war happens tobe a Httle nearer than it used to be.Such talk is the ninth degree of dis­loyalty and sedition. It is almost asbad if not worse than actual acts oftreason because it is harder to uproot. and is not legally punishable unlessearried too far._ 'Americans who spread this poision­oUS Salve about the country moretruly fit 'the word "slacker" than theather particular class of yellow pups.Tbey are .slacking in the truest senseof 'the word; .they are letting doWnthe sluice gates of effort and drown­mg the crop of victorY that is com­mencing to grow.�ently an individual, supposedlyenlisted in the Student Army Train­ing' Corps, remarked on the dullnessof certain Studies.· declared his in­temtion of ceasing study "because itwasn't any use anyway; the wa.rwould be over in a month." He hada funeral countenance and a sloppybearing, and he came out of the fraysomewhat dejected; Jlnd individualsnearby happened to disagree.,We want peace, certainly we wantit, but let's go at the business right.If you hear such nth degree peacetalk. proceed to stamp it out-anddon't hesitate about the methods.AThree Million DollarBANK1204 �t 63rd StreetNEAREST BANK TOUNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO ' ......_ ...'� '. �-'.� ,..�..:.:'MEDICS TO B E INDUCTED longer study hours than the other THEOLOGICAL STUDENTS usual custom and has allowed the• S. A. T. C. s.lude·nts. . There wili be OF ciliicA.co SEMINARY members of the Divinity school theWill Become Members 0/ S. A. T. C. no other differe�es between the M: 'HOLD: AN�UAL ELEbTiON privilege of rooming in its house. TheMUst Pay October Tuition. E. R. ·C. and' "the ·S. A� T. C. ..:.:..:__, 'house organization in co-operationThe election 'of officers was heldat a rec'ent meeting of the Chicagci w1th: the Divinity council wishes toAll members of the ;�Iedical Enlist- CONFERENCE �EDULE announce that the Seminary house ated Reserve Corps will be inducted in- OPENS WITH MAROONS Theological seminary, The officers 5759 University avenue is open to Di­are as fQ,110ws': Claude W. Warren,to the S. A. T. C .very soon. The)' ON PU·RDU�S GIRDIRON - vinity men as a common meeting�, .. president; Edwin Phillips, vice presi-will. however. be forced to pay one- (Continued from page 1) place from 6:30 to 8 during the week.third of their tuition. that is. tuition dent; C. C. Reimer. secretary and and from 2:30 to 5 on Sundays. Thetreasurer. There is also a house or-for their October work. Ohio' and Northwestern, rivals for the elected Mr. students of the Divinity school haveganization which has �Originally �mentbers of the �I. E. last two years, will play in Evanston, . f Ibeen asked to consider the SeminarySpinka or house chairman. and OmarR. IC. were not under/ control of tt# where there is no "flu" ban. h .Flugum for secretary-treasure!'. ouse as their center durl�g the pre!-government 'but it has now been de- Lineupsr The seminary has departed-from its ent period.cided to merge this organization with Chicago Purduethe ·S. A. T. C. The men will then Halliday I e QuaistStegeman 1 t BirkMcQuaig, Grey,Newhall � gcome under military rule, 'receivefree college education and full armynay, Immediately upon induction.ohligation to the University will ceaseand the government wilt stand all ex- DON'T JUST SEND .FLOWERSLet Your Next Gift beFLOWERS FROM EASTMAN'SWe Deliver Anywhere in the CityNewmeisterMitchell•PhillipsBartlettBendixenMurphyRothWaters IMarkley I ----------------,--------------------------------------_'ReberCohn crgrtreqbI hrhfb EASTMAN 'FLORAL SHOPFresh, Fragrant, Lasting Cut FlowersPhone Midway 9690 1168 East 63rd StreetHalf Block West of Woodlawn Ave.North Side of Streetdents receive theirs. Distinguishing Neff', Searsinsignia will be worn by this branch Eltonand the men will probably be allowed Hermes\THETURKISHCIGARI,I),, .t=· tJI I!I, . ,"J• � *, ....:... 1J_ f THE DAlLY IIAROON, FRIDAY, NOV£MBER 1; 1918WEEK-END ENTER�MENTPLANNED FOR S. A. T. C� MiENEvery effort is being made by theY. M .. C. A .. to provide recreation forthe IS. A. T. C. men who remain hereover the week-end, Several peoplehave been invited to come.-.�.-;.ClassifiedLOST _.WiH the person who took'or found a satchel filled with booksand papers please return them toCobb, .lnformation? The papers arevaluable to the loser, Reward.-Ed-/ward Weiss, 1410 Thorndale Ave., NAVAL NEWS. ance," ways had charge of such activities asthe Settlement dance, the Faculty din­ner, the Washington prom ancl theI nter-class hop.COMPANY A'S COLUMN •. Make Important Decisions.In addition to the regulation of all,student elections the Council 'bas al­MANAlGERSH'lIP of this com-NAVAL NEWSwho live near the University have is­sued invitations through SecretaryStevens for men to have dinner withthem It is planned' to have two fell­ows go to each house. 'Mrs. H. E..Goodman, 5753 Woodlawn avenue,and IMrs. E. Fletcher Ingalls, 5540 SoIH late promisesW oodla-�n avenue, \\;11 hold open stars are 'Randleman, Gooderieh,house every Sunday from 4 to 6 in Weitzman and Miller. Capt. Eltontttl' afternoon. IWaffles and light re- .wants every man who has any basket­freshments will be served. !Music also ball ability 'to be out for the dailywill be provided. All inducted men practice games held in Bartlettefromwho remain here over the week end 4 to 6The Naval unit drill is asuming IiEJSS fortunate, however, wasANNOUNCE NA.ME;S OF serious and" war-like -aspeets After 'Sergt. Kohn who gave a private atCOMMI1TEES CHOSEN yesterday's session on the battle field, attention "rest." The f��t that a ·C.FOR BIG WAR DRIVE Kreeger had his arriinandaged and in O. directly behind Kohn was the(Continued from page 1) a sling. Kreeger assurea-us, however, -..e of the private's stiff spine didn't. that'the wound is' not fatal, and �hat seem to bother. our sergeant much.William T. Fox, Katsuji Kato, T. C. he will soon be back' to make life That is. not until �le turned around.Wu. f" I:L.� 'misera:ble for us with his "Right ob-.. MVlSICIAN May is still calling forOfiaeer's FOI'ID.' Comitttee. lique" and "Column half left."'The committee' to reach the officers the musically inclined to bring their/ .'U' • instruments. Even mouth or�ns areof the S.· A. T. C. is as flolows; l;.y£aJ. Then: is nearly always some. gerp in form, he says.of wit being lossed at dinner. Lastnight, when one of our bright lights(No, it wasn't Weitzman, this time,)began to attack his hash, he said."Do you fellows know what magazinewas named after hash?" No oneknew, and he so informed us it wasthe "Re"view of Reviews."There has been talk of putting overa Naval unit "Stunt Night," with theidea of fonning some sort of a com­bined talent organization; all menwho can entertain either musically orhumorously or dramatically have beenurged to hand their names in to Sha­mel. pany's track team will be taken careof by Cox, with Ames as captain.Another 'star track man not men­tioned in yesterday's column is Hall.'EVlER Y :)1 onday, iW ednesday andFriday the more industrious drill for .an hour. or so in a non-com's school., .for basketball Recruits are welcome, they say.ISERGT. Finn made it known, mostvociferously, that those unusual onesunable to sleep until reveille shouldat least .go through the motions untilthat hour. He received a round ofapplause. OvercoatsWool UniformsArmy ShoesArmy SweatersHats and CapsLeggingsPutteesInsignia CordsShirtsSheepskin Coats'DI D anyone notice w�o signed thepay-roll first? Company A, we be­Iieve,UNDERGRADUATE COUNCILTO HOLD FIRST MEETINGTODAY AT 11:45 IN COBB(Continued from page �)uy. -rhougb . its, duties may not beas many as in former years, the de­cisions it wilf be called upon to makewill proba'bly be of great import-dan has scheduled the next practicefor 'Monday at 6:3(), and he urgentlyrequests every man to be there withbis music stan� and instrument.Ripley L. Dana, chairman; Capt. Ro­bert T Boardman, Lieut Terence F.Ogden, Lieut. Fred C. Oliver. Thecommittees for the various companieshave not yet met.The Publicity committee is as fol­lows: Mr. E. A. Henry, chairman;N. W. Barnes, Mr. Douse. Mr. Dins­more, John Joseph, Ruth Genber- The Orchestra club met last nightger, Helen Thompson, Mrs Beardsley. to arrange for procuring music, andTo Arrange Meetings in MaDdel elected Samuel Nelson as secretary.The committee on meetings in Man­ Two new men, Kutzin and Zeislerdel hall is as follows: Dean Butler:were out, and promise to become valu-chairman; Associate Prof. Robertson, •able assets to the orchestra," H. Jor- -:­Prof. -Goodspeed, E. C. Stevens, MissTaylor .:T.he following members are on theExec:utive � committee: Dr Burton,Prof� GOode, A�ale Prof. .Linn,Paullne-Lattde�. E. A;' Henry, PAU.LiNE DAVIS aUJIGNSDean Bu�er, Joseph .Eaton.The' eommittee on Music is as fol� POSITION IN ,,:. A. C.lows: Prof. Goodspeed, Mr. Stevens, (Continued from pa� 1)Mr.: �bbot. Assoeiate Prof. -Wallue ularlyby the Council for several yea�and Miss. Millikan. John �F. Moulds past. They are for women only andwas elected general treasurer.' t1M!' pUrpOse is to p�ote fellowshipamong the -Women of the UniversitY• FRESHMAN .FROL�C· WILL and to provide entertainment.BE HELD NOVEMBER 15' To GiYe Danee Despite War.(Continued from 'page 1) There was some question as to the-- . advisability of giving these danees.thisment of mystery. It is beingproduced year. -but it was decided, -that theyanonymously and nothing is known should be arranged if possible inof -the genius whose fertile brain. ere- view of the enthusiastic response withated the sketch. �ieh they were met last year, asFor the present we are allowed to well 8S in view of the fact that theCharacters From Campus l4fe. need' for recreation is greater thandivulge only a few particulars of the ever during 'war time.affair. .".The characters, gathered from ev-ery walk of campus life. are to includethe freshman whose mind is made up_", roolish fancies .and maple creams,the sophomore who believes that'there is nothing in a name. the juniorwho believes .that there is everythingin II uame, and the senior who �e­Ii eves that there is everything in therank ff seniorj .but as ,for the rest ofh�manitY-let us change the subject.Then ther\ wilt be the usual attract- Brag about your eoDege, if 'you must; but do it subtly!Setul herThe colors and the scal outside.Your card and the best of candyinside.$1.00 'the poODd atMcANANY &: FINIGAN,1201 E. 55th St.Phoae Midway 708.H. J. SCHULTE,1501 E. 55th St.Pholle Hyde Park 206.DREXEL PHARMACY.901 E. 55th St.Pbqne Midway UI0�VAN De BOGERT &: ROSS,1000 E. 63ni St. ., Phoae Hyde Park 25.1518' Hyde Park Blvd.PhODe OaIdaDd 6800, 1465 E. 63n1 St.Ph_e Blackstone 3272800 E. 68nI St.PhoDe- Midway S200WILL REORG�"'ilZE REDCROSS WORK IN NOYESUNDER MILITARY PLAN(cOntinued from page 1)'---the re-organized Red Cros work un­dentood. Women must come at thehours when they are called. Ofcourse, they will be welcomed at alltimes, but it -especially importantJthat 'they be present when they are •••••• """ •• , •• i ••• ' ••• l ••••••••••••••••••• ii •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••Young -Men's StylesFall and Winter-1918-19Tel. Harrison 6073 Iaummened,"ive choruses, a!ld the customary gor-geous scenery, not to mention the dia-logue at all. .No freshman who falils to see thiscan hope to gain the necessary bene­fits from her first year in college; noupper, class man who fails to do herc1uty I by all her little freshman ac­quaintances need expect anything buthitter pain arrd sorrow, \Vc give this6nal word of warning-we add a pithyepilogue. cntricly original, UA word tothe wise is sufficient." Frolic TheatreNOVEMBER 11First ExcluSive Advance Showin, inThis Viicnity. .SAME PRICES AS ANY OTHERDAY-NO INCREASE UNIFORMSComplete Outfits S. A. T. C.UNIFORMS MADE TO MEASUREMilitary Instruction BooksSend for catalog .�p':wrl(eIijlam:'E'1Satisfaction or Money-Back"37 West 125th street .NEW YORK CITY•We are pleased to announce that the management ofCap and Gown '19HAS APPOINTE� us THEIR. ,Official Photographers""""""-THE SPECIAL RATES ARRANGED FOR ARE TO BEGIVEN NOT ONLY TO TIlE 1919 GRADUATES'BUT TO ALL STUDENTS OF THE U.,OF c. AND MEMBERS OF THE5.' A. T� c.DAGUERRE STUDIOOfficial photographers for Cap and 'Gown '17, '18 aDd '19TOP FLOOR-McCLURG BUILDING218 Sou� Wabash AvenueCHICAGOTeL Wabash 527 for aPpointmentsl\fILiTARY UNIFORMSWith that decided snap that young men wantLUNCH AND FESLERREA�� -l:5:'EAR II Ba:rI.11 CU��� :J.ADECorrect Clothes9th FLOOR-REPUBLICAN BUILDINGState and Adams.. -Matinee. 15c Evening, 20cChildren IOc All Day.'War tax icluded in above prices.FOR HON·EST TO GOODNESSTHRILLS--ARTC�T SPECIALThe w'0rld's Greatest Acrobatic·ComedianF�D STONEPresented. by Jesse L. Lasky inFred Stone - Flashes Through This :Great PictureAlso on FridayJ. MONTGOMERY FLAGG'S."TELL IT TO THE MARINES" SUITS AND OVERCOATSTel Harrison 6073 , II1,, !,J'! I• I,i �, �,, !" A SALTY DITTYOh, for the life of a sailor.To sail the bounding sea-To tread the decks of HitchcockSay, that is the life for me. the same voice--"Why don't you haltwhen 1 tell you to halt?" ,Whereuponvoice number two bellowed indignantly"Whdaya mean by telling me to halt?I-I'm a guard too."I,' THERE is a young lady I know,She's a peach, good looking and ohI like her a lot. (To be continued.) Clubs to Hold Joint �eeti�. Volunteer .Band Win Meet..The Student Volunteed band willmeet :Monday at 7 in Ida Noyes hall.:\brgaret Wilson will be leader .j •ed at him perniciously. "1 knew it; ,I knew it," she globbed, fingering thewoodwork. He flicked his ashes fromhis eyebrow and turning with a crash,left the room ,in silence. And so itwas. --'A joint meeting of the Internation­al and Cosmopolitan clubs will beheld tonight at 8, at the -Cosmopoli­tan club house. 6().U University ave­nue. A lively program will be or­fered and refreshments will beserved. All foreign students and theirfrieuds have ;been invited. ' HAVE YOU SENT IN 'YIOURSUBSCRIPTION TOTHE DAILY MAROON?But for me she's not- THE regular ed of this column hadTho she like me, she likes others so much work to do that he was forcedmo'. to abandon it today and leave it to I A R ROWs. w .. C Anon. W. A. A. to Conduct Hike Tomorrow.CLUETT. PEABODY fj' CO .. Inc:..Tro)'. N.Y.DE'A,R sir: Found a S. A. T. C. POODLES of Camp Grant (erst-man who laughed heartily at the while of the environs) contributesWhistle. Would you advise that he (unknown to himself)' Chap. I of hisshould be shot at sunrise or merely masterly new novel, eneitled "Pink Associate Prof. CI�rk of, the Pub- trip have been requested t� meet atput in Class 5 G? Spots." As the perspired genius lie speaking department is' expected the 63rd street station of the Illinois- b hi 1 hen i d . to returnto the. campus within a week Cenlfal where they will take a trainTHANKS, Jenk. We'd be out ofi Ius mg s pu.t i� w en 1.ntervleW"Q l.nd to h te It or ten days. 'He has been making a for Millers, Ind. The trip"will cost. b '41 h d 't b I regar IS mas rpieee ; ISa JO h' you a n een so generous. . tour of the Y. �L C. A. huts in France" a'bout a dollar. \V. A. A. credit willB t h ' . 1 W' h doomed to cause a sensation on Grub, u I'd gos'te' we re dJea OUS·od IS we Street and will appear cereally in Dr. where he has given readings and ad- be given, and all women who desirecou wrr as goo a par y on K 11 g' 'B kf t F d'" dressed the soldiers. Among other to iO are requested to sign up ,on theL K-K-K-K4dy L e og s rea a�p ;. interesting experiences he writes of, posters in Ida Noyes.K-K-K-Kady PINK 0seeing the preparations for the drive ,Beaudiful Kady ) Chapter One. on the St . .:\lihiel salient, When he re- MAROON WANT ADS. PAY.��re �e o�y pri"te�h� � �� ��t o� h�o �i� an wrnshewillg�e,akct�reoohise� ���������������������������-1I love you. he sneered insinuatingly. Isobel gaz- pcrienccs, in .:\Ioandel.ffhough the boon shides�Tbecameofiliatfir�am� ----�������������������------------­bugler?He reminded us so much of ourselftoday while tooting this wizzle-hisspirit was willing, though his throatwas weak.The "C" bench is ebty­K..J{-K-Kady, you and me have�t the fiu!(Ka-Chew.) I\.- ·"1'.A contrib who has been known to Iatep out is guilty of this: I, The flu has flown,Now isn't that nice.Aga.in we can goTo the Edelweiss.FR:&SHMAN TALENTWHY is the reason for what?And wherefore and what of the,why"!You think that this stuff is all rO\r­Well, you're not alone-so do ,1.1Lad.DEAIR sizzle::That lost Eversharp has made mealmost as famous as the lady who felldown a sewer, But what I startedto say :was that you've overlooked oneof the .gems of this here war. Longafter the zero hour, while so calledguard duty obtained in these parts.we 'in the stadium heard a shrill voice Ishzill, "Halt! Who's there?" Then III-/.:."A RemarkableTypewriter"All favorite features combined inone bandsome writing machine ofthe first quality.WOODSTOCKTYPEWRITER COMPANY23 W. Washington Street, ChicagoPhone Central 5563Private Dancing LessonsIn a course of six lessons ($5.00)ne can acquire the steps of the Waltz.One-step, and Fox-trot. Single lesesons if desired.,LUCIA HENDERSHOT STUDIO1541 Bl 57th St. Hyde Park 2314Established 1890JENKINS BROTHERSDry Goods and Men's Furnishings63nt 8t.,aDd Uninrsity ATe.Rictat Gooda Right Price.Rieht Treatment Clark Returns from France.-GO TO-Mrs. Van DalsumFormerly with Marshall FieldEXCLUSIVE KNImNG SHOPfor best quality yarnand free instruction.Room 402 Venetian Bldg.The Overcoat' ValueChesterfieldsat $35IN twe!1ty minutes w� believewe WIll prove' to ,hIm thereare no, better Overcoat valuesto be had at $35. This is theOvercoat which was' in voguea score of years ago.'; is' in 'goodtaste today, and promises to bein fashion for many years.It is the Overcoat every youngman will appreciate.Fourth FloorMarshall fieldtlCoTHE STORE FOR. MENKEEP IN LINE WITH1CONSERVATIONPlace Your RainyDay Fund MTithCentral �yde Park Bank55th ST. AND BLACKSTONE AVENUE, ()BICAGO, ILL.OLDEST BANK IN HYDE PARK. WASHED :The 'W. A. A. will conduct an all­day hike to the sand dunes tomorrow.Those women .who desire' to take the HANDKER,�. CHIEFS �Clean � Soft � Ready forUse in Sanitary PackagesWHITl! OR KHAKI (CLEARANCE SALE"SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 2nd)Hand-made Lingerie Blouses, $5.00Misses' Suits, $35.00Misses' Dresses, $35.00The Madam�. Marguerite.Stevens BUildingI '17 North State Street",I .• \ -:_,.., ..FIVE GOOD REASONSWHY'EVERY STUDENT SHOULD OWN ACORoNA'FOLDING TYPEWRITER1. You can do your own paper work in half the time ona CORONA.2. Your papers will be better and eonsequ�ly you wiDget better grades if you use a CORONA.3. Your instructors can eorreet your papers in half thetime if they are CORON ATYPED.4. CORON A is so compact and convenient that it doesnot require a special desk or table to take care of it and canbe easily put out of the way when you are through using iL5. CORON A complete weighs only 9 Ibs. and can be ship­ped safely in your trunk.4 You can alwayS take CORONAwith you.COlONA TYPEWRITER SALIS' COMPANY12 S. u. Salle StreetPhone FnnkHn 01992-01993,We Rent Coronas ,"_; .. I,4�., ... ,f��,. --,.,'r"'. - j', ,'. '.!,,,.. �. '. ��r, '_,rt'