• :':'�::.�:"�," "::,�.:,,�:,,.�.: 'i</:',':>�:'�,�\��·���;::�:;�· :/��:.: ','- ...... :,;.� ... j , ", �","" �-",.. ijjJY;;11-(' , / / .l :""" ... .' r..... . "., ........ .' ......• .' 'A\. ,.... ,,... ,i.'- VOL. XVIL No. 14.. . UNiVERSITY OF cmClGO, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1918 PRICE THREE CENTS ..Naaher of New Players AppearBut ,Few Show 1Ddl�of Promise.J I,� TO,PUBLISH 1919 EDITION HOSTESS HOUSE WORK w. A. A. pLANs TO HOLD .OF UNIVERSITY ANNUAL .1. NOYES HALL WILL �NUAL CHICAGO NIGH� DRAIIAnc ClUB WLLCap and Gown to Come Out Despite BEGiN IN NEAR FIiTuRE' Event, Eatablilbed Eicht Years Ago HOLD RIST _.MG.WU Conditions - Volume IIq __. . To Be Held This Year on NORm- NEXT TUESDAY AT 4Have Military Character-Fresh- Work Bas Four Divisioas 'Be- ber �point Pub�city and Pro-DIeJ1 .. Std. quest WOIllell'to Return W. gram Committees.·It bas just been announced that S. T. C. Quest.ioDuaires. 'OtiC";lgo Night," ,the annual W. A.f;' there will be Ian isue of the :Cap and A. ,event for all 'University women,J ONLY 5 GOOD JmH ON TEAK . . WOMEN DO RED CROSS WORK1-." ..! .' \., Gown this year � .spite of pre�iling _ rwill be held this ye�r on November CLUB TO P.RA.ME WAR' POLICY.If .oIL. d d unfavorable ecnditloes, The sIze of ,A _'-._ f '-...:.., 22. The program has not yet been ".., llUue were .crosses a.ar e to ,'. .. :n. nUIIHI'Cr 0 aDDOun'cements WLTe' . - .. '�YiIians for b��ey., Coa� A. A. �e. vo� wil1"'prdbably·be Umlte� �en "uWle conCeniiiig:'1he: ,w:wki Of ��-·�,tbe-committees have -. The !�*. dOb'wiu 1IiCet-.Tues-Stagg of the �ll known \Maroons as It .w�llla:� I��r, sod. thaTth the ex- the" W. S. T.;C. Prominent.mo"ng �en aPpointed. " day ;at 4, fil tObo 12 A. This �as· an- 'penses W1 U'C sessene ere was . " "rL:__ N·...tI. .. • hich eel cia"'_ Emilwould be wearing & chestfuL Last. :these are the plans of the Hostess ,--�go 15··t IS. an event 'W noUDC yester y '&13' Y Taft,some question last year as to whether. 'ha Ib IL Id f ··d 'dnight the football men played up to . '.• ,House comDllttee. The hostess 1W0rk, seen 'lie every year or the past Vice presi ent an ,secretary of the. ' :the ICap and Gown should be Iimited ", .• .gh I· . , -'-"- 'their standard of the last three or. . ". ID Ida Noyes ·ball Will begin as soon et t years. t was Inaugurated I� �IA. 1J:ViSlze and scope or whether Its pm- .,. "91,1 .L� -..,. Agn ']11" Th 'f .. 1._ • •four days, and the periorman'ce must t. . sho ld • d d be as the !ban on aD gatherIngs Is/lifted. '... JUY.&n1SS es nay.man, a mem- e purpose 0 � meeting ,will be'. ' icanon u, not, In ee , sus- .-. q;-:- .. ," b· of th d f Ph . I Ed deeid --t.. th ...... _ave been discourag'lng for, the "Old ... ' Agnes .Prentice chairman of the Hos- : er e epartment 0 ySlca - to eel e __ -De er.or not un: club. pended entir-ely III war time. The mat- ,. '. - .. . -'L.-lr . .' . ,."� \Mm" to watch. With the 'Purdue " ,. tess committee of the Students' War uc:a.tion, who conCeived Its purpose to 0lI0I.I.iI extst this year, and ..mat the, ter was fiDally settled by bunting the ..,". -., ·b att t ..... _1.. th th .r1.: "':'1 "11 b • -�: •contest only. ten days off the team ..". _ ActivitIes committee is head of this. eo· � e 'Women e,v&uC3go pians !WI e 10 case war .collU.ltions.... � 'edition Ito one hundred !pages. " d h d Instlll I " d .-L. I ,fooked little better than the Hyde . \ . work. , songs an e eers, an Instill fn th� 0 ° not Inten;ere. ,A. date for, tryouts. "It IS prObaMe that a large number . h Ch· . . " '11 -&..ab1 1.. d it�." � ,Park eleven whlcbi 'Was working en '11 b d d be'S N ·The hostess work ·for the S., A. t e 1Cag0 spirit. WI pruu youe set, an w t-·be an-alorigside,t"he'Maroou." T pc.ag�� WlS A.'e·T�C.°teJ td°tht ;t]l; S· T. c, men tWill be divided into four' To_Give Supper in Gymnasium. nouilced late,r.iM'Off Elton aDd 'one or two other • , �e •. • . .an e In. .. phases. These are entertainment, The University women !have always AbseDt aI&:mbas Dropped.• T. Co, and that the entire -tone of the " it d d "-Chic N" ht"· I .. ..!�. regulars 'Were not injected Into the b k ·11 'be extrem I Ttary hostess work, Tefresbments and In· a ieD e ago �g In, arge, � memlbers must 1?e present at6Crimmaae which was staged. last oO"'�'---of eA-: � m�� • vitations. Committees selected from numbers. The event IS usually held this first meeting," said Emily Taft�� I iMAU an �Y&ce. . h • h bef h:l..· ofnia'ht. Coach Stagg had a crew of, th fa' veilriOUS 'oqranizations on the campus t e nlg' tore t e ",Iggest game yesterday. "The first question to be• • d· .• Due to e ct that a number of ° '11 hi· 'h' ° the year· fo the nast two tho d '·d d· --Lethnew men ID SUIts, an gaTe most ot th ---&.. f ... 1.._ .� d G WI' e p' In t IS work. Already sev- , ,r r years IS eo e ' IS 'W'u er.or not the club• . e mauuers 0 un: ",--ap an - own I' ' , , h h d t be th W· • hall .them a .cbaDCe to perform agaanst the • o· era organizations have offered their as appene, 0 . e' ISCODSm s extst. 'Ie£' members are n"ot pres-; , , 1a staft are now an the set'V1Ce, there are -"". It I.' IL. __ th � .. t £-. • ·11 be._.,.. men who worked OD ·the regu � seve�al vacancies OD the staff. All servIces 1D entertaining the men. :,,!,,� A. ': � '� '"'; om UJr ent, It .WI 'taken for grantedeleven.. !Every .�gb! there are .about students'�ho are interested have been Draw on �� �tiOns. � e.," f· th athtJetj0�ntertai� � e mfem- � are not interes!ed .and do notten new men In SUitS, and the next . • .' • ",We are anXIous to 'draw "on the ",ers 0 e c associatIOn rom wish the club Ito continue. Such mem-'\ _._'� - requested to try out. !Positions Will .• '. ' 'th· . . U lunch ..,- • .',. _ evenmg tea others. faD7 as greer, ' •_ �lder orgamzabons for this v/ork,", e vIsIting c� eges at a, eon. bers Will automatically becOO1e inact-. f' be open to ,Freslbmen this year, con °d p. ""'- f th - "'h .•• tb I " •take their place,s. About fi. ty men :t t ... '1. __ ,. f. sal Agnes rentice, yesterday. "We .I.'U� oprogTallll 0 e ,wulng as usu- Ive m case e cub continues its ex-".:. _ • . rary 0 � ,VU'Icy' 0 preVIous years. f 1 h" . :X.I talc th f f • the .Emil -Taf,�ave �en a cl'aICk at the �me In tbi:jne CaP and 'Gown Office in Ellis 17: e� �at t. ere wall be mutual bene- ,.�n " � orm.o a su�r In y t "and Carl Piper, treas-.. " last week, but they only Jast one' '11 be 'd k.' Offi ' 6t denved If w, e oa:llon those agencies Slum, !D' I, da Noyes hall, fol- ,urer, are ,the only' Officers, left in the'" _" \ WI opene next wee ' 1(:8 - 0' • 1 db' h che nd U . '.night. .• . ·Whose mechaniSms aTe already in' mo- owe I y .speec es, ers, a songs.: �rstty of those! elected last. . �ours Will 'be announced ·lat-er.. .... - T' "'.6-. 'W A. A. ch 1 d· ,,1: 8cruba Look NOlIe Too Good. NUT .11" . f . b- tion, The names' Of tth� committees ryouts RJr, • eer ea en spnng. The president of the club,. n e WJ open lea campasgn or su " .'. ,. 1.._ at be "--ld h· ., . ,� _-� 'The buneh which warted under the, . , .Go. appolDted waIl he' .announced later." lIi&�e so en;u" a:t t IS meeting.' 'Margare��Haggott, has gone into war-'I� .. ". scnpttoDS for the Cap and wn In . .. ' . - ''.' rIc,,1 "� _", name of'CV'arsity" ran �, two scobires .the neat .future," said Joe lEaton, the T' Itc.bas be�� .decid�d .th�t -all w. 'S,, :)"'h: eoed" mDUf,. ��_:��r.41ah�,e �� �I an� ,tJie ths�g�_ managrer, Lee.-J,t�_� ,while.the scrubs were domg anyt ng··- . .:' , ,',' .!.o::':';' �, ... � '. questioanaires:'must be in the appomt or �o. �'Ig t arc· as :£A,Weson .. lS at e .""-CDtral Officers' """-,.1·-'-·'�b�i�p�Yiq. "'1o�batt� ·'n.e·�-�dS 'th' t d' t .1.., od�,':'·iU�'=:::>7 ba�cis:-of�e,�recndting of6Ce-r;f,y N,1;' fonows:�'_����··�-<-,�, ""�_�R" :Ti,raiiiing"�ooratt:�."T�Yl�r:'1:{Y�'·-> "'."':�: �"._';..' ' .' e· s u en u y WI .... .t"�.. ,1"ue " ," , '. .'" .' ,,' , ' " ' '. '. " ',,'.,..'# took the ball' for . ten, minutes, -and b k, :t' h _1.. " t' h '." ,. "'. vember· -1. .Those, �meit who· have iPn'blicity-tFJor:enee ; Alcoclc, . Chair...; '- ',IIan7: .F<,onner 'Members Back.. \ // Whcn . 'they ended 'Up. were'ten yards' OOth' WI as .��, .ten i ufslaSt'hm as� an been unable to obtain ,the blanks can :man. Eleanor' lO'Coim�r, lLuc:ae KU- � . .'The.mcd,ers of tile p' Jay� commit��.-1' v. 0 er years, ID spl e 0 e many ,, ' :. .. ..,. - ", -,.' - . ,",.� .f�rtebr ,from the goal dl'an. at. the ot!b-er demands." I get them tomorrow at ,tlie: rec�ting . . '(Continued on page 2) tee, IRuth [.ovett, 'Elizabeth iBrown\: .�start.. !Smith, a new quarter, dId s�me desk.. W ome� �a�e been u.rged ·to . \,. . ,&D.d ;Carlin ICranc�ll; are in r�idence(� p�Uy aood work, :but none of the NUMBER OF UNIVEBsITY fi� theIr questloDlwres-out With care, ,�FL�ZA -� IfADE thiS quarter •.. A large number of otlher -. scrUbs looked any too good.' wollEN WILL AID ON TAG SIDCoe no changes can be made: after BY WOllEN .m IDA NOYES former members are' on' campus thist? A. A. StaU, Jr., hurt his leg at the .DAY FOR �NCH ORPHANS t'be papers are in the hands; of the IN USE AT CAMP DODGE ye�r, and- it is .eJOpeCted that the or-.start of the scrimmage 'and bad' to ' officers. '- . .,' 8amzations will be c:ontinu�d Eor at,_.: " ,, -" .- -- . lin. Geo e' Goodspeed Receiva ' '.give -way, to W"ltzlaveu. Sears and· WD1 SoIidt � .II�_: Respond�.� for Workers. �'._ least the presen� quarter. '�N eff tore' off sevc:rat Jlong ru� � E�- ate Prof. 'David U�ea St1ll1ems � w. s. T. C. Women bave re�n�ed' �:� Medical OfIbank .also sh�ed flashes of· ability In . _Q___'_;_ CaaseL to. the caU for 'Re. d Cross worL Yes- . \fit hall -t'l""_ COIIPARAnvELY FEW lIEN·,carrylDg .e . ... .." . -. terdaYl over Q. h,u.ndred ,worked in the -tYrs. Geor:ae lGood-ed, director of :,' .n..'- .'IM--. P'_ C!._� Out. th eo -r- B�W :AP.P,LY FOR 'PIO&ITIONS"':&M1 I.&"&V'IO' ...,en �, �eXt Monday 'Will be a tag day for .rooms OD' e' second Soor of Ida 'Icb Nqyes ball, has received Q letter.' _Tlie�e are only four or five men the beDefit of the fund for the Fath-, Noy�s 'hall At preseDt the &reatest from \MaJor !Frederick .c. Test, \M. c., Uuiftnity �1o�' B�mong the whole number. who �tan.d erl�ss OUldren of �rance. !More than 'n�ed is for influenza mas�, but other 'at earOp Dodge, tha�king ber for the � ·Places More' ThaD. 100 worn: �:out ,and �e standard of· the rest" IS .sixty 'University wdmen·lIave volun- �s of ·Red Cross S8W1ng .may � � in8uenZa masks made by the' dents in Vuious Cap;dties.(.... � not· very high. Stagg. could tak�/El- teered. to tag. done alSo. �rm:ny Lardne: 1� chau-lwomen of' the' Um'9'ersity, and sent ._..., .. to�_ Stesanan� 'M�re, :AIoD%O II, The drive bas !been pIa lined ,with ·man of the .Red ,Cross committee of 'to Camp Dodee' iD answer to an IA ,nt1lDber of stuaents have applied. __ '''" Reber,' an.d any SIX men from the � double purpo�' since thc associa- \be Students' War Activities co�mit- :emergency call." These masks are at the Uniftrsity bureau for positions..� -": :�uad, and the, team would be made. 'tion DOt only is in _d' of money, tee and has charge of the SewIng in . still' 'in demand .and are stilt being .Mr. Joseph Gillespie, flead of the bu'�'�' - .ilt .wou1�'t ��e much difference '\ut also hopes that the pUblicity lda Noyes. balt. IS� is p�nDing to ·made Cbuly in tb� �da Noyes Correct- .ruu, bas ltated that more than onef -; �' .. w� SIX be 'PIcked, as .�� average �ii:� will � gained by the drive wilt have the �ortc su�ed !>y stude?ts i� pmnasium from 1 to' S:30 and �UDdn,ed �om.en bave been given em�q_l�ty :would no� very :..mJlch from interest people- in ·the cause. and other women w�o WID ,also give from 7 to 9. They are DOW supplied ploymeDt but, as yet, there are a,the mediocre. It.� not.a. very cbeer- There are 2SO,000 French chil�re,n (instn*=tioa.. 'The am�t of work only to the University. ,Dumber of applications still left. unluI prospect, especially With the Pur- under fifteen yean whose fathers dODe by eac:h stu� WIll be kept on i!rfajor Test says, in part: "I wish filled. Very.few men tbave applied: _ ..-e- abo� a week away.. ,ave been -killed in the wat-. So far, file, So that it an be credited to her to sup;plement my recent lWire to you foz: positions, a situatioD which hasNat week Will "robably see eleveD ;the society has been able to are for W. S. T. C. record. witb" a note agaiD expressing my grat- 'been attributed to . the fact that themen put �D a t� aDd worked to- ·them, but is able to' contribute, only 'itude for the 500 masks made and s..A. T .. -C, is caring for them.ce�er, as something bas to be done ,ten cents a day for ,their support. CAROLINE BECK, '19, ENGAGBD 'seut to us by'the girls of Ida Noyes· Various positions have' been giveDto .Improve the � �ork lor the This is only half as much as, is needed ., ball' . ,the womeD wbo applied. Some areBoJJermaker�. So" far the "�eld to keep the children ·,nth theit:. moth- TO LI�JACKSON, 17, "It may ,interat you that t2ley DOW waitr�ses; others housekeepersmen know little be�ond some SImple ers and pay ,for their foo�, clothing, came at a -moment when masks were ad companions; some stenographers;shifts and plunges, aud they :wilt have a, nd general "'�nses at a- minimum. ..Announcement has been made of __ luteI h t d d I one or two telephone operators· and� .... - " h f' ' 'I'L. iIIUSO Y ex aus e, an severa 'to learn fast to get ready for the The fund {or 'the Fatherless Ohildren t e enpgement 0 Carohne tl;'lII:ck 19 h ..I-d 1· d t ·1 d t z_ 'one WomaD wu given,a position as, .' , F· L' Dh·lb • k W J k un\lll!ll; Ine men, e a1 e 0 us 'lVropening of the eonference. ODe or 'of Franch also 'mves ten cents a day to ,Irst leut. tr Inc:. ac son, bon 1. • messenga- in ber spare moments... 0·. .. extra men,. were a t to lUe sent to ._0 practsce games may .be worked for each child the mon- being pay- 17. ilI1SS 'Peck IS a member of ·Yor- .k ".... th· b t t of' A large number of 'Women are do-• • • • .' ,"J. "B d d • thi 'Wor Win. no mg u a urn 'In dunng the next week, If It IS pos- able every three months ·tar 'oar an a seDlor, s year. b..l- b 1.._' h . jng student service work this quarter. .•. gauze anUflige '3 out tD1:lr mout s.sible to artange them. Checks may be Knt to Mrs WaIter 'L1eut. JacksoD w�s a member of the F h It tb d' f' but very few men are working for.0 or t oug many ousan s 0'Brewster at the Fund for'the Father Three- uarter9 club, Skull Clnd, -,-- h h h R d Scholarships." - ma� came to us t roug t e ' eDoes Edacatioaal Work in Paris. less :Ohildren of ,France offices in the �Tesent, 'Iron Mask, and Owl and S,er- � d 15000, .." ' • . pent. In 1916 he was captain of the rosSy some ays as many as ,ASSistant IProf. Coleman IS taktng ,Fine :Arts buJldang. i • masks were in use (many persons re-, rt· th ..t.. f til d' "It • ....l-.' tb ·footbalt te&m. ,He IS a member of • , •pa In e !WO .. 0 e army e uca- IS very enCOlmilgm&- at so ", qusnng two a day) and for a tIme the A bookJ f· f h·tional commissioD iD Paris, in co-op- many University women have TO- tpSI Upsilon. Last :week after a short I_..a.......: f '1'. � DeW. et 0 views 0 t e cam�. ,. ·t· ,0· L· t..I' -'--- proper l4Iunu�Tlng aCI Itles 'Were not pus bas JUst ben issued and is oneration witb, instructors from many ·sponded to our call for yolunteerSy" VlSI In· lcago,' leu ua�n re-. ·Iabl b·d h· h• • • , •• • turMd to Quantico, VA., where he is ,aval e" eSI es w � many 'Welle sale at Press, for sixty-4ive cents, Theother unIVersIties. :AmonI' them. are .saId ASSOCiate Prof. 'D!and yesterday.,.. • lost ebroulh ignoram:e or careless- b k· d • ed b Ilfko F H T ch. 'Dr. Spaulding of Clft8land, Prof. -This is a splendid cause and de- an lDStruCtor ID Che U. IS. fY'an. . 00 IS eSlgn "y. ••• • ro t,.,." C rp ness. manager of the Unlvet'S1ty boobtore.Daly of Harvard, and Prof • .Appel- serves the support of everyoDe." 0 s. "Our' epidemic is now rapidly ceas- �-- f h • b &. __� of K St' U . .• \OJUJIIIJ 0 t e 'news ave never V'IC1:I&VVUII& ansas ate DIVeTSlty, iog after two anxious, terrible weeks • t' d � r d ''L.• . . ,. pnn e lIe,ore an were ta�en ape;-who are active In tb,,· work. All of " .... PbilJIa- is PIedpd. ftP_ ...... _ e __ � Pneumonia bas· stiD its toll to talce,' • 11 f hi _� •• '• "��__ aa y or t S ICUltiOD.�t � these mea ft'Port that the war has, Phl(Gamma :DtIta anlr01lDCeS the �t so far we lIave been more for-� stimulated the desire to Ieam iD tbe e»ledging of Ilfanin lPbillips of Chi- Unsettled, with possible "'owen; tunate than some other camps in this� � ,aoWien. cap. moderate .....H:&- ,::i'�' ILOiJIIY omool FORMAROONI AS PURDUE�TTLE APPROACHES... �- ...Y' -..In Ahseaee of Preaideat Margaret Baggott, EmIly TaltAds as Presideat.'-'''I..........� .... ' ........ ,,;J Pn1 c ..� \ .....! 'II� �c �'�.'''''". ! New Campas ,VIeWS OD Sale..�.o • i. :�� respect."7!, :� .. ��_ IUBSCltlBB llORTIIB DAILY IlAROON.�� ..[��'" �.-f�(['�:'..-��.r.:, \I .,..I1\:;_ .... ,,-- ..IIIi·I� tt·.jl' ".,,""'1 . z , .......... 'f" . ......... '\' . �: .- .... � ... . .._, r_ •.. • .""; ,_. \� � ........DIE DAlLY �N. 'l'HURsoAy, OCTOBER 24, 1911EDITORIAL DEPARTMENTTHE STAFFJohn I) oseph .....••.. ManaJ;tin� Editor"Ruth Genzberger News EditorHelen Ravitch .•...... Night EditorHoward Beale .•. _ Day EditorRose Fischkin ......•..... Day EditorJames Sheean .........• Day EditorWilliam Morgenstern .......•.•.•_ Athletic EditorFrederick Winterhoff ......••••........................ Associate EditorBUSINESS DEPARTMENTGrant Mears Manager!May Freedman ....•........ As.sistantStaff SolicitorsMessrs. ;lIcBrayer, Ballinger, Cekanand Dunn.Thursday, October 24, 1918.PROMISING PLANS .. ,•W. S. T. C. OTIS AND DISIIOND "c" FIVE NEW UMBERS ARE tive fiU$' the vacancy left by' May1iEK' IlEft It. P.A.RIS· 8BL�ED BY W. A. � ·TP Com�all, ,and !Ruth Huey heads theFILL VACANCIES ON BOARD 'war work committee.Larce Aggreption of AmericanTrack Stars CoIDpete on, Co� ,Five n" mem�ers have been choT.rac:k Against Record Holders of sen on the ,W. 'A •. A •• board, whichOther Allied NatioDL have 'been caused by officers who are All 'Chapel exercises have againnot in residence this quarter.. been cancelled beeause of the epi ..'Phyllis Palmer takes Marion Gb-ser's 'Place as "ice-president of the demic of SpaniSh influenza. The ser-W. lA. A. �{arion �lIeanor succeeds vices have been discontinued untilIHelen Moff-et as recording-secretary. such time as all danger of infectionGeneva Watson is succeeded by 'Fran- will !be past. Announcement of theces 'Henderson, as drill representative, 'time: � their ._umption IWIiIl be'Martha 'Behrendt as hike representa- made.icans in France: "The biggest aggregation of American athletes even -Ko Chapel Ezercises This Week.All S. N. T. C. Men!They say it takes the Navy to show us how.Here's a chance to prove it.Polson of your company is' waiting in Room 9 to get your)subscriptions fo� The DAILY MAROON. Yo�.must know bythis time that The MAROON is the chronicle of all events ofthe campus. An added attraction is to be the S. N. T. C. Bulletin. Your own particular doings will be recorded there.Remember. Polson, RQOm 9andthe News ofthe DayFEMME CHIC GOWNS OF DISl'INCTlONBlouses aDd Mter:nOOn' Go�" ;, .Short Orders Promptly Attended to\,·MISS MITTMARY A. PETERSuccessor �'Ada F. Moore6%4& Kimbark Aveaue. Midway 993.THE WHOLESOME AND WELL-COOKED FOODS,Low' Prices and Courteo� Treatment at theEllis RestaurantAR()NES ,BRos. and PETER TRABARIS942 EAST 55th STREETOpposite FroIie 'AeatreMEALS· �LUNCHES '-:-mI., laUll ilarDDn 'haps we could call the&f a democracy of etJorLThe Student Ne •• papel" of The . Weare not saying the corps is per-UDiY'en1ty of Claic:ago feet by any means; we do not think============='=== that it will be perfect-at least, thisPublished mornings, except Saturday, •t N h b dSunday and Monday, during the Au- year.. 0 com�ent as ee� �.etumn, Winter and Spring quarters, on the idea of uniform and stnc:t mili»J the Daily Maroon company. tary drill. But-and here's the rubthe University women and their fac-. 'In a r�nt letter from George Otis''19, ,from France, he told about a hi[track meet held in Paris on Saturday,September 14, on the Colo;nbes track.In connection with "It, two Universityof Chicago. men, Georae Otis andBinga Dismond, were given considerable publicity in all the -French 'PApers, as being among the "world fa-There are certain young gentlemen rnous athletes" who would competearound this'. campus who, e"re long, in it.will be well on the way to useful hus- The day 'before the meet. the folbandry. If you could see the way .lowing article appeared in the Eurothey make beds, and sw-eep, and wash pean edition of the "New York Herand stack dishes, an� sew, well. . . . .. aId" which reaches most of the Alme.r-Entered as second class mail at the THREE-QUARTERS CLUBPLEDGE FRESHMEN TODAY seen in competition in ,France sinceCkicago Postoffice, 'Chicago, Illinois,March 13, 1906, under the act of the Olympic Games of 1900, will be atMarch 3, 1873. Fraternities Bring Four F�en Colombes tomorrow to take part inthe 'Franco-Amertean track and fieldSUlBSCRIPTION RATES . Apiece-All MemJ>ers UrgedCalled for, $2.50 a year; $1.00 a To Come To Meeting. . '•. sports, in which reams representingqaarter. The Three-Quarters club will meet to- 'all the Allied armies will take part.Brt7 Carrier, $3.00 a year; $1.25 a night at 6:30 in the lobby of the Rey- Proceeds go to Fr�eh Clubs.qua ere f h "With t:he best athletic timber ob-By Mail (city), $3.50 a year; $1.50 nolds club. The purpose 0 t e meet-• quarter... lng is to pledge this year's freshmen. tainable from .t!he French, .EnglishBy !Mail (out of town), $4.25 a This organization is fhe freshman and 'Belgian ranks going against theyear; $1.75 a quarter. h I b r._ . E h f . Americans, the competition should be�============== . onor c U ror men. ac ratermtyEd. . 1 .R . furnishes four candidates for mem- keen from start to finish in nearly allItOl'la ooms _ _ Elhs 12 f th Th d f hTelephone ·Midway 800, Local 162. hership and any non-fraternity fresh- ,0 e �vents. e proce: sot eH,!urs: 11:10-11:50; 12:25-6; �-8. man w�o desires to compet-e for ad- meet wI!1 go to the athletic clubs ofBusinees Office _ .. _ _ ElllS 14 .itta -1 -th lub i r ible IAft r the devastated parts of France .. Telephone :Midway BOO Local 162 mr nee 0 e c u lS e rgrme, e.Hours: 10:20--11:50; 3-5:30. !it period of several weeks' pledgship, "Among the prominent �mericanthose who have lived up to the re- athletes who have been invited toquirements of the organization are participate in the sports are: "Ted'initiated. Meredith, Olympian champion andworld's record owner for. 440 and �Because of the fad that all S. A.T. Ie. men must report for supervised yards; Binga Dismond, the former'University of Chicago athlete, bolderstudy at ·7:30 it is necessary that ev- 'of the 1W estern Intercollegiate 440el'}"body be prompt and appear Imme-. yards championship, with a record ofdiately ,a·fter mess, at 6:30. All mem-7 2-S G L Oti "lllT'hers' of the club in former years who 41 ' sl�� eor�_._: is, ·vyheestern. . nterco n;alate . CUdiluylOn at toneare stIll on campus have been request- 1'1 d '1 - Th f h'.. . . . rru e an two ml e.· e rest 0 t eed to come. This IS the last chanc,e '. II hold of ha . h'for fraternities to send their freshmen. �st are af h ers c'DL�ISIO�SkJPSfuut none 0 t em save �-111 pln 0POSTPONES S •. A. T. C. DANCE ��n= know.n in thi.s, section ofUNTIL NEXT 1l�IDAY NIGHT .. Otis F�.TJ'ack Captain.The dance planned for the S. A. T. . George Otis was a captain of .thecross country team last year andC� !Saturday in Ida Noye� hall has 'starred in,aU Oticago's meets. He isbeen postponed on suggestion of Dr. mb f Delta U'l Ir'.. . a me er 0 pSI on, onfReed, the, medIcal advlser of the Unl- M k d th iii r_··'. � as, an· e onor '-"ImmlSSlOn.v�rsity •. _An e�.ter�inmen.t will be tDismond was ChiGago's rf�ous neglven diat evemng ID Ida Noyes hall, gro runner who graduated in 1917.however. Arangements for the af- In ·bis letter, Otis told drat 'Georgefair have not been complete, but no- .Kahi a 10rmer·Q.Pbun of the C'hicaaotices will be po,sted later OD the bulle- track team, was to' go to Paris withtin board in the .Reynolds club. 1.im, to compet� in this big �eet.ulty a d v. i s e r s :have devised athoroughly interesting and soundscheme. Hard work, Jthoughtful workwill be necesasry in order to reach'any goal.In a desire to follow out the suggestions of the government concerning' utility in every way, University,women formed, at'the opening of thequarter, the Woman Students' Training Corp!.. As far as we have 'been'able to discover, the idea is purelylocal. Plans are rapidly being elmo'rated and executed, ,so that to datethe Woman Students' Training ;Corpslooks .as if-it 'Would-be a thoroughlyuseful organization.·The central idea of the organizationis to equip wOmen for practical workwork that for the duration of the&-real. struggle will have di�ct connection with war. From all appearancse, the W. S. T • .c. is not a su�de'bby fad so dear to the hearts ofyoung people. The faculty is giving direct help; the officer personnelindicates that women of ideas andability have been elected to lead..There are two beneficial resulb to!be obtained tbeside that one of "helpine' to win" if these promising plans.are carried through with any systematic, concentrated effort. T·he first'of these is that the W. '.5. T. C. willbe instrumental in teaching usefulthings. While we are· proud of the:fa'Ct that University women nevercome here lor purely social purpo"Ses,no one can rightfully deny that someof our Chicago women graduate withnothing more to show than·.a diplomaf -and a little bit of muff. They acqui�e a smattering here, a smatteringthere and a pair of bone-rimmedspectacles. !And such graduates aretheir own making; the fa.ult does not'lie- with the University at all. True,certain courses are omitted from' thelists that are greatly in demand .bypractical wom�n, Ibut the UniYersityof Chicago is not a business collegeor correspondence school. The W.S. T. :C. makes the excuse "it wasn'tmy fault" a farce.Then, the corps ,,-ill be a mediumfor ac;tivities sponsored or carried on'by the r\VOnI\E� of the University ofChicago. It /Will b� the 'first women'sorganization that we know of able toproduce a concentrated, systematic: Cor. 55th and Ingleside ATe. We serve the best of every-push worth something. Heretofore CIlicago thing. Prompt Service.the Quads .have done this, the Blue 13i'a :£AST 57th 'STREETBottle th�t, tbe. Athletic association J Telephone Hyde Park :«0 'Phoae Mi. d�y 2830anoth.er dinky 'blt, and so on. Per- • ......... ..r =============================::1,COMMENTw. A. A. PLANS �O· ��LDANNUAL CHICAGO NIGH·TOn acc()unt of. the in1luenza epidemic, �e orchestral concert which �to have been given Tuesday, � been (Continued from page 1)postponed indefinitely by order of the ally, Ruth �Mal1ory, utberlne NeDeHealth 'Department gar and IMay Freedman. Program-All those who purchased tickets, Ilffarion Llewellyn, chairman; Katherhave been asked to hold .them until:tbe ine Bartholomew, June King and Beopening date of the CODcert, which �trice Gilbert.will be announced later.A Good DancerCan be produced ooly bya teacher who bows howto pt the raulta. youwi.b for -. mappy,modish .tyIe. There ismore to aoocI dancing,than mere '·stepe." yetit is DOt difficult whenyou are told HOW.FRANK JAY ALLMONT d.: Drezd 7286Studio: 4306 Greenwood Av..LETNORDUNGBE YOURDRUGGIST.'Make this store your headquarters. Everything in Drugs,Cigarettes and Candy.Sq_b-P_tal Station No. 218Parker Fountain Pen Agency c. CORMANY'SHOME LUNCH ROOMThe Old ReliableHeadquarters for UniversityStudentsNORDLING DRUG CO.Prescription DruggistsA. J. NORDLING, R. PH. G. .:� SHORT ORDERSLADIES INVITEDA trial wiD eoaviDee you tbat oar IoodB are the best, COMMUTATION TlCK-ETS$3.25 for $3.00 ,4.40 lor $4.00YOU will see W D C. Pipes on every campusin the couney-Americanpipes for American men,and not bettered anywhere.You can get any shape, size andgrade you want in Ia W D C.The best shops carry them at $6down to 75 cen�Look atthls one. Acorlr·iD8 piece of ecnQlneFrencb Briar, sterlinsrrillA', vuJcanlte bit. tbesmoothest workmansbip-a sbape tb:at makesIt mbrbtT �venient tohave in your room.WM. DEMUTH 6: CO�, New Yorkworrcr. IArguC Pille Jl'CIII",GCturv �.... (l "'\!.J ]•., tC1)1i:tsc, . - 1i.l(11(," 't. .:\)\) ...".,t",:4 <-,I'", ,..; tf. ], .. - .......I. --I':l•; .. �iJ..J!: J•.JlotfcrlIecf.e:_ .)�)_< �': -::' .. '���' .; '. � ';:' �,,' '1'",{�. �"" l. .� , .TBE DA.1Ly JIABOON, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 24. ·1918. /" , •OIlI8SION IN ACCO�NT OFS. A. T. C. CONTRIBUTION '00LIBERTY LOAN CO�&D _______________' COIIPANIES m AND F UNITE day that .compa.ny E. barracks is LIEUTENANT ROBER�OO'D'IPM"'_ROON WAR NOTES. i I UNDE� LIEUT. OSBORNE now the roomiest and cleanest, ad EX-'21, MARRIED LAST WE�--- -!. more like real barracks than any oth- . --- ' s.;Company E Thus Reorganized Moves ers on the post. Announcement has been made 'OfInto P�ent Q�era in. The following is an excerpt fromReport of Twelve ¥Ore SubscriptionsFrom Faculty Members Jlake. To- a letter from George Otis, ex-'19,tal Amount $402,650. Captain of .1lhe Cross Country team:'4 l':ve 'had:' a gl'leat �sappointment. rhis � as �you might 'snpposie.. Orders received late Tuesday ef-Through an unfortunate accident Th h h h Iected the combining of .Companiesth ib ti f $35� b . h. ey ave tract mets . ere for t ee contrs u Ion 0 ,vvv y SlX· un- , E d F .d d f h S A T .r h A. E. F. track men. Sunday, Sept.' an ' mto one company, wit1tre men 0 t e • . . ",. to .t P. ,'15 'h ...' L' 0 bdL'Ia t .T:'b t L .. d' f" r, t ere was a ()1g international meet teut' s orne as eomman ere ieut.S I.WII er y . OIan was omrtte rom· .. .' 1M hat d ' tab 1 t-ed I' f h at Colornbes, Just outside of Paris. engert : d :been in charge of ,Com-Uyes. er �y � u la a�'ab y�IS 0 Tth.e "Ferrow Robertson, the editor of the pany 'F, hut he was called to head-nlverslty s tota contn unon, IS· • ' • • ",b . th 1 b f ib athletic department of the New York quarters to act as assistant Personnelrings e tota num er 0 contr u- . '..t. .1600 TImes, wrote me asking me to enter �dJutant. ThIS order, and the factIons up to . ..A ib I d from tCe f I and lat-er telegraphed me from Paris. that neither company had reached, e ate report II' acu ty R' .dd t I bserinti . h � obertson IS now at the head of ath- ful strnegth, probably was the causea s we ve su serrptrons Wit 1 . ". .-�:: 700 ki d I f 1612 eties for American soldiers So I of the ccmbination. Henceforth the'P-', • ma 109 a gran tota 0 '.b . ti ith $402 6�O .. b d thought sure 1 was to run in Paris .. company w1l1 be known as Com-su scrIp Ions WI' ,,:, In on s. I . . . .The following statement as to the took the matter up With our Lieu-: pany E.outcome of the canvass in the worn- tenant Colonel, who agreed very en- Yesterday the company roll pos-thusiastically to send me, giv. ing me sessed seventy-three names. Howen's halls is given in response to in-a ,four-day pass. All arrangements ever, additional recruits are beingterested inquiries:Sub- were made and even transportation. added every hour. Previous to Tues-.. Friday morning I caUe' d at the ca mp day the men had been ouartered inName of Hall scribers scriptrons ' 'I'F t h II .''Il10 $2 950 :headquarters a, nd the taxi was wait- the concrete gra.ndstands. Such aos er a ......••. � • ..'Kelly hall .' •.... _.:. �20 1,450 l�g outside.... to take me to Nevers. thorough Clean-up took place yester-Green hall •.•......... 17 2.600 \�:here I was to go. .Here I was all.D_ he: 'L 11 5 700 �eady and. had several w. rite-ups in the�ec er Ilia ••••••••••, papers. I was ready to catch the trainGreenwood hall 32, 2,800 . J., 1,300 In [ess than an hour, when the colo-Woodlawn hall •...... 13 . 1 '"Totals � 117 $11,800 :ed said, "No." I sure would have. . a a good time, but maybe it 'wasjust as well I didn't run as I wasn'tin any kind of condition. I haven'tThe loan ;Iibrary will ,be open un- run since then, but do a little walk-til tomorrow. .he· f)ruce hours are ing." .from 1l:15 to 12:15.' I., . W d h' .I or as been received from RalphWalter ex.-'19 now stationed in 'Vales:, RED CROSS ASKING FOR MEN He is 'with the first Canadian troopsto he stationed at Kinmel. Park, Ryl.Home Service Department Wants Walter writes that Wales is quite likeMen for Work ill ChicalO. ,C��cagO-"r.ainy." "The American R� :Cross wantsmen to serve occasionally in the �venings when a call to the home of a. All_ Bohemian students attending: soldier is imperative. !1'he Home the University and all fo�er mem'SerVice department often receives tel- !bers of the Czech clUb have heen re., •. _ ..... 'e eph�ned inquiries concerning far':' dress at the information o£I�e.�. ��.::>�.loughs, and these requests must be an_ � :"'_ •. J awerecl·iJDJDeCiiatelJ. Those men �ho\., 'a� wining to give�.a p_ortion of their'. ,/ �. �e in this work ·are. asked to �-�.(..-.4. municate as'soon as ·possible witht. _ "Beten R. Friend, 58 E. WasJrlngtOn� .� ,street, b� mail, or Douglas 711 ·�rI", '1-19, by telephone.'Such messages that come in must\<"'�-! .be,' attendJuA promptly if �e Red . -:the E�oteric announce� the pledg-'IOU � rL_J. lng of IMary Stilbnan of Council•.. � . Cross is ·to take care of wu&¥ part of . ,Bluffs, la.its business efficiently. 'Further in-structions will be given eac� �e the�lunteers are called into service, butthe c:alls will all be somewhere on the The meeting of Kent IChemical so. south side of the city. ''octy which 'Was to � 'held tonight.MAJOR DANA IS 'BOWDOIN.IIAN 'h�' been indefinitely postponed, on. aCC9unt· of, th'e influenza..Member of Delta Kappa Epailoll -1 .... __f ... ,1 ,Pradised Law ia BostOll.,,�.-Phi. Kappa Sigma annolIDced thefollowing pledge list for the 1918ruS'hing season:Roland Bentell. Chicago; John Hirlekey, Chicago; Arthur Meeks, '-lacon, IMhs.; Rupert Sterzik, Crawfordstown. Ind.; Alfred Truhy, Dav- ---------------. en port, Iowa. S�b-, . -j 1. .:.,) �\) ...." .Libruy Open Until Tomorrow.-,J." ,. --� ...'.( !Major nana,�the new Commandm;.Oft'ieer of the University unit of the� S. A. T. C., is a graduate of'�I doin College, and a member of Delta; Kappa Epsilon. He received his AI. B.: degree in 1901,. and afterwards atud-ied at the' ·Harvard law sehool!While in coll� Major Dea wasprominent in activitieS., He won the-: )(aine intercollegiate doubles ehampionship in tennis, and was p�sldent: of his class in his juDi or Jear, as welltime. ,He practie8d law in BOstonfor several years after finishing mscourse at Harvard.' .. .Phi KaDPa Sigma PJcdces Five.jl .. ' �� � :, .. -,I ).:,. "..,1 �,�/� +,", � #I ' �Stuclent )lectin .. Cancened.. .' .All meetings of the Student organi- .zations that were to be held in Ida_ Noyes hall have been called off onacount of the influenr.a. . , "... :MAROON ADVERTISING PAYS Request Names of Bohemians.PoMpoDe Saturday Meeting.--...;....Th� meeting of 'the 'UniversityDames, �cheduJed for Saturday afternoon, has been postPoqe�.Eaoterica Announce Pledge.Chemical Mcetinc Postponed.ClassifiedW A:NTED-lLive men cwith somespare time to solicit advertising forthe Daily :Maroon....... Commission aspayment, or plAce on the BusinessStaff. Those interested see GrantMears or \May Freedman.wAlNT.ED-Young woman to ass1st inbQllle �omings and evenings for roomand boaId. Phone Hyde Park 940'1.Frolk DMCin,· !cad .. ,'55th aad EDis Avenue..CIa8ses Tuesday -and Tharsday EvenIngS.Reeeptioas' every Saturdayand Sunday Eveaings, 8 :30to 11 :30 p. m........Come and hear the B$tDance Orchestra in Chicago.PROF. S. L. LOBELL .ne Frolic ,neatreOn, Store_ 959 East 55th Streeteor.er D1is ATe. Concrete Grandstand. First sergeant :Wedeles, supply ser- the' marriage in '\yichita, Kans.,. ofgeant Eichengreen, sergeants N ew- 'Lieut. Robert Ill. Moore '21 to Coraman, Finn, Hijerpe. James and Kohn, ,Kuhlmann of that city� -Lieut, 'Mooreand company clerk Wilson make up was commissioned at. YLmp . Perry,''the 'Personnel of temporary non-com- 'Ohio .where he was sent from the S�rnissicned officers. 'A. T. C. training' camp at Fort Sheri-"The spirt of the men is good," dan, for special work on the riflesaid first sergeant Wedeles yesterday. range. When' the assignments as in"Each man is working 'his hadrest to structors in various. S. A. T. C. calmake the company lead all others in leges was announced, he was sent toevery respect. Internally the organi- Fairmount College in his home city.zation is coming along splendidly and ;He -was married last SatuPday.ibefore long we'll have : results that Last year Lieut. llQore was a freshwill demonstrate this fact. We've got man on the campus. .He won his nustars in every line of work." merals and four stripes at Freshmanhad: last spring. The -''.Old Man"thought he saw in him promising material for a track star. He was a-Sociological Club to Meet.The first meeting of the Sociologrcal club will be held today, at 8. DeanSmall of the Graduate s ch 001 witlspeak. All graduate students havebeen invited to attend. member of Delta Upsilon.HAVE YOU S�T IN Y10URSUBSCRIPTION TOTHE DAILY MAROON?I'NEW, VIEW 'BOOKS� -(Twenty Beautiful Views in sepiaof Campus and University buildings. Bound in handsome cover,tied with brown silk cord. Brownmottled envelope for mailing.Price, 55 centsTHE_ UNIVERSITY ·BOOKSTORES5758 ELLIS AVENUE and ROOM 106,. EMMONS BLAINE HALL' .Views SuitablefOr' tFraming.•••••••••••••.•••••••••• '••• '••••••• ' •• ,f •••••••••••••••• '. • • • •.• •• • •••• f •••• i '.' •• ' i: f. '••• 'Studentsi. . l. ,,, '" � ...... �.::l•Quality _ClotJtes . f()r•-Never before has qaaJity. "'�h'a doDiiDaDt factor in Suits for Yo�'Men. Ever bearing in iiimd �'hlgastaDd8.nis, we belieVe we have prOdueed the finest readY-ior-�Clothes ill America,' beeaase:1. Th� fabri� of tbe best wool,�fashioned/by the foremost Craf�men. to perfect harmony of model aDd pjlitern.2; The styles express the virilespirit of the day, as executed in the..:oje:ing of master designers..f 3. Individuality is attained by theproduction of many fabrics and models exclusively for 'the Stor� for Men.$30.AND UPThird Floor.,.MARSHALL fIELD & COMPANYTHE STORE FOR MEN •••• '.' " •• " � " �} ,. �,�.'. '.' •••••••.•• , ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• t •••• t • t • t t • t,' ••• '.t ... «r:. .,; .. '..... I.,'+Ii�';'/�'It�'���:���k-:-\��.'"Cf'If:·!.��..........]."r:; �.ti "".., tii .:. :-1' r,. . I" THE DAILY IIABOON. THURSDAY, OCTOBER.24. 1918SON,NET XILBy Alan fSeecer.SONGS FOR THE TIMES.·kind of horn at 6:10 a. m.O. T. C.-A place where fellows arechanged from human beings to officers.The meeting of the French clubwhich was scheduled for today basPRO}l'EssOR ROBINSON OF·�LOGICAL �'R.UT:-'ARYPUBLISHES "LIFE OF PAUL" PRESENTS COLLECTION OFPHOTOGRAPHS, TO LIBRARY_ Prof. Benjamin W. Robinson, ofEXT-RAer from freshman theme: d . d· h· h Oh· T·h I . I Se ..Clou s rosy-nate In t e setting sun, t e ICagO eo ogaca manary,I ought to make a good officer, com- Depths of the azure eastern sky has recently made an addition to theing as 1 do from a \fig'hting family, between, series of Handbooks of i!:rilics andmy groat grandfather :having served tPlains where . t'he poplar-bordered 'R-eligion published by the Universityin the Industrial Revoltuion. highways run, Press. He has written a biography:0'H, for T. E. H. to help us out Platehed with a .bundr.cd tints of 00 the apostle Paul, called "The Lifewith a Famous Last Line!' brown and green- of 'Paul"BUT we aren't T. E. H. ,Beauty of Earth, 'W'bcn in thy bar- This 'handbook embodies the mostWE"RE just, as usual, Mr. J. Spencer 'Dickerson, secretary.of the board of trustees, has presented • large collection' of photographs,to the .Classics library. One groupin the collection is a series of picturesreproduced from impressionisticpaintings in the ·Metropolitan museum. Another group contain. photographs of statuary .from the Metropolitan, museum and the Art Institute of,Chicago. The collections are oeinlrclassified and cataloged, and will beavailable for use in a few weeks.Baby StufI'.WE run this .: funny little lineThat people call the Wbizzle.And if we don't get more contribs,I t's going to be a fizzle.HOLD CHOIR TRYOUTS SOON a part,I ,1 shall return once more and bringHope to' Form Chorus of Uniformed to theseMen from S. A. T. C. The 'WOrship of an 'undivided heart.monies important results of recent discovery-The cannon's no'te has ceased to be 'and research. �ul is portrayed inhis place among the leaders of history as a man of action with an inter- Jnational purpose to which he bentevery energy of his powerful personality. ''Mr. Stevens, director of the- Un i- Of those sweet potential�ties, thatversity Choir, has announced that all 'Wait � HAVE YOU TRIED ADVERTI&- been postponed for two weeks on ae-men who wish to sing in the choir For my hear(s deep desire to fe- INo. IN THE DnLY MAROON? c{�UDt of the influenza epidemic.should COPle to a tryout Sunday cundatemorning- at 9:30, in Mandel IMr. Ste- I shall resume the search, jf For-vens hopes to have enough appli- tune grants;ants who are in the S. A. T. C. to And the great cities of the world shall�ake a chorus solely of uniformed yet ,men. He 'has issued a call for all Be golden .frames for me in whichmen •who -enjoy singing to report to setSund�y at ll!andel to sing in the I Nf!w masterpieces of more rare ro-morning services. mance,Lively times' are promised the I ------choir. Within a few weeks the or- Club. Meetinc is Postponed.ganization will be in full .swing and ,The meetiag of the St. \Marks Colub·Yr. Stevens' plans will be definitely JJas been postponed because of theannounced. ,What is certain, 'ho"t epidemic. "The 'St, 'Marks club is Iilever, is that several concerts will be n-e� organization which, is to take thegiven. �lace of 1ClJl Jan-cient E1)iscopalian so-·Meanwhile all -University men, es- ciety which flourished on the campuspecially ,those in the S. A. T. ·C. about dive years ago," said iMarion'have been urged to come out ofor Vogdes, who is secretary. "At presentchoir rehearsal next Sunday. The the dub is open' to women only butmusical service last Sunday was taken later we shall probably admit the mencare of by a quar.tet of ·former choir �s well."members, but hereafter the entireTHiERE are 'two powerful agentsallied against us. One of. them is, asour readers ha�e perhaps noticed, theproof-reader; the other is known onlyto the wri�r-the· censor. We'd liketo meet either or both of them anydark night in some little-frequentedspot like the Beta house. Anon.A lady: in the :Maroon office wishesus to cheat the business departmentby inserting the· following ad in thiscolyumn: Wanted: A gob to take toa jackie dance-after the flu ep has runits course. Reply, are of theVVh�U� •WlE must admit that she is a veryni�e young Ilady, hut it seems to usthat she is not particular about herescort..HAVE YOU SENT IN 'YIOURSUBSCRIPTION TOTHE DAILY MAROON?• 1204 � 63rd StreetNEAREST BANK TOUNIVERSITY OF omCAGO-JIore qruth Than Poetry.,OH, me and.my. two thin blankets,As !bin as a slice of bam!A German spy, I think, was the guyThat made them-for Uncle Sam.iHaw do I sleep? .Dont' kid me.'My J>ed 1S filled with straw'And slumps and big fat lumps�hat make me sore and raw .., . -.. . ,�." ·-v, :,.�""�IYes, me and lJIy two thin blankets,As thin as a .worn old dime,As ·thin, I guess, as the gravy atmess. ,;Ob, I have a :J>lank of a time .. 'PRJVtA"IlE SOIToER, !CO. A .: MAROONS FOR SOLDIERS TOBE OBTAINED ON �KOND�YSchoir will participate.Home- Economics Club Meets. �!Persons deairing to send copies ofThe .Home Economics club will meet the lMaroon to former students of theWedne9day at 3:30 in ida N�es the- Univer.sity who are in the service,ater. Assistant Prof. Blunt will speak can obtain extra copies, by calling aton "Work with the Food Administra- the ,Maroon offic� on 'Mondays or attion." All members and other stu- the end of the week. This custom. FOR - the benefit of the three or dents who are inte·rested- have been was established ··last year and manyfour civics +0' read tlhis jou�al, we . asked to come. students too), advantage of the ar'will endeavor to explain, il ,few military .����sions .that' are periectlydear to· the ·members of tq,e S. A. TO.� 'although we are not certain thatthey have seeped through the hardupper crusts .of the S. N. T. C�;(oCopyreader's-note-The' writer ofthis column is an S. A. T. C. member.)S. A. T. C--Iniitals understood bythe men in the twenty year class tomean Stick Around Till ·Christmas.C. O.- .. Arbitrary person who keepsyou from seeing the family when atoothbrush !bristle is out of line onSatutday inspection.. Buc1:er-A gink w'!o pradises on aGOOD for Company A. It has alyricist, 'i! - not a iootball team.rangement.MAROON WANT ADS. PAY.Priyate DanciDg LessonsIn a C01Jl"le of m leaoaS'- (�De can acquire the steps of the Waltz,One-etep, aDd Fox-trot. SiDcIe-SODa if deeired..I LUCIA HENDERSHOT STUDIO11541 E.. 57th It. . H,.Je Park :IJSl4Oscar MabuiPrOprietGr ofTHE EAGLE LUNCH ROOMMeals LuadtesShort Orders1103 East 55th Str�iA-Three Million DoDarBANK.KEEP IN LINE. WITIICONSERVATIONPlace Your RainyDay Fund &With "A RemarkableTypewritertCentraI Hyde P�k Bank All faTorite features combined in,one handsome writlDc maehiDe ofthe first quality.56th ST. AND BIJACKSTONE AVBNUE,I 8lllCAGO, ILL.OLDEIS'l' BANK IN HYDE PAD. WOODSTOCKTYPEWRITER COMPANY21 W. W ...... sa..&, OJ ....,.._ CeIdnl SIll Club Meeting is Postponed.Hotel Del· PradoAdjoining the University, is a hancJaome ..... tor aat.-eftowa studeats, aDd the logical home for the nIIdIria 01 ....dents while "riaitiDc them.Offers temporary· home while awaitJlac -....m.. ....S. A. T. C.Open tor the comfort and eatertaj ... t fII. Ute Aftay.TraiDiDg CGIpe..AImoaDeemmt8 of the Dances wiD apptU .. lite ....... _HODle.of the Naftl NavigatiOD Studmta.,ALBERT F. GIDDDfGS, .....ATTE:NTION!\"The Pea of t"he Army."Do you realize that whenever l:0u write your "papers"in "Longhand" you are making tWice the work for yourInstructors! Your papers will be better and y6ur grades wiD. be higher if you do your writing on aCORoNAFOLDING rnEWRITERLet us demonstrate this wonderful little machine to youat your convenience.·(SPlECtAIL TERMS OF<FERED TO S. A. T. C. KEN)UDiftl"8ity repneeatatiTe'SIDNEY CASNER--5728 Prairie AYeIluePhIae NOI'IIIaI 6581COlONA mEWIITEI SllIS COMPANY12 s. � Salle StreetPIt-. Fnaklia mJ-4mNOTICE!-We Rent CoroDai 4 ;i,', ,,.,. �-... �....... ,·-ti·,-•\:j ..'."1;.-t.::....�.. ', t... ...., .. _,'.'.,x: �, .,"..�.,f.- --rr '�\�.".:.- ; 1�,;,i:. ';T;':::; .".,i"\ -'..01(�o ....• I'. II. ......,.. ,r'" r�/..• , ,.4(