i,Ii '>(\' ,atVOL. XVII. No. s. UXIVEI�SlTY 01<' CH�CAGO, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 9th, 1918 PRICE TWO CENTSSTAGG'S TEAM ·WILLMEET STRONG. ELEVENFROM PIER SATURDAY More Than Two Hundred Men to ANNOUNCE PROGRAMOF WAR SERVICE TOBE DONE BY W. S. T. E. TRANSFORMS BUILDINGS. INTO S. A .T. C. BARRACKSNAVAL TRAININGCORPS ESTBLISHEDON CAMPUStheI .SIGMA NU AND PHI PSIHAVE'LARGEST PLEDGELISTS THIS SEASONTrain at University-Major Wy- Will Entertain S. A. T. C. Mengant is Temp.orary Commander-\ Men Quartered in Hitchcock. Cost of Remodeling Grandstand,H�lls and Fraternity Houses, $50,OOO-Work Done in Two Weeks Number of Fraternity FreshmenRanges From Four ToNineteen.The whole naval unit at the cam- work. The committee hopes to have barracks, which will accommodate Iist-, than usual. Next to Sigma Xupus will number more than two hun- every woman devote as much time as five hundred men. The great arches comes Phi Kappa Psi. with fourteendrcsl men. The' men will. for the I>O ... sible to the work hein ..... done on have been boarded up. the ijrt er ior 1 IM p.(�( �e_.;;; and the others range frompresent, make no change' in their the campus. partitioned off, and the exits roofed four to ten.studies. but will continue with their The corrective gymnasium i�l Ida over with g lass. A system' of steamgivr�g. Ccmplcte lists have not been re-/ .. Pi 1 I 1 re�u}a· S. A. T. C. work. the twenty- X o ... ·cs hall has been turned over to pipes has been in-tallcd and in just ce ivc.] fr om -'\11>11a Tau OI11c-<Ta, S.:g-', Tue �l un;clJ�a 1 rer c even las ice n 1 J .: '0-. . 1 year-old mcn specializing on Xaviga- the Red Cross and will be utilized for two weeks after the first man bcgan Ill" Alpha E' pSI'IOll, Tatt'· Kappa Ep-angiil':':' for a .ramc cve n smcc It ic- ... :-. "'-t io n. and tho sey oungcr, ill trigonom- making surgical dressings. \\'omcn work. steam was flowing through thecame apparent that the 1:\1 innesota silon, Delta Sigma .... Phi. Kappa Alphaetry. The course is intended to' qual- have been asked to sicn up for regu- pipes into the radiators in the grand- .conte-t on October 12 was imposiblc, b PSI. Zeta Beta Tau, and Phi Kappa. 1 1 '11' t ify mcn for the -Ensigu .school and lar hour,s in which they will work stand. Sigma. These lists ,,·'111 be published;),1 r. z-: ag� las 1I0t recn unw i mg 0 •eventually for commissions in the there. Soldiers Now Occupy Halls, 'I'll a later edition.meet ;, service tea m. but held that thenavy. 'Open Ida Noyes to S. A. T. C. Men In addition to ,the changes made. incollege camcs should corm- first. asNo. Naval Officer on Campus. "'d'l Xovcs hall' "'1'11 he open for the stands, the men's halls have beenhis \';::5 a college team. The schedul- 1. �'\. . .,Y. The men who reported to Major the entertainment of S. A. T. C. men equipped as barracks. And soldiersing r.i tIll' �I innesota game for the\\ry�ant werc sworn into military and their gucsts. Special provisions arc already iiving in Hitchcock. SnellSaturday io11owin� Thank,�-d"ing service .\Ionda,.- at the mobilization are heing 'madc so that the men can and the Divinity halls.shattered a precedent. hut scveralother· precedents have gone overhoarrl �:J1ce thc war started. As soon as .'Chica�o; J. \V:ichh�bend,thc fratcrnities could move out of Everett :\Valker',' Chicago; Thomas' '_ ,l,their houses, University, workmen C b 11 Ch' . ,:�... '. . amp e, lcago. '.. , .. '�went m to lJlstall new plumbmg and ". . : �I•. . . Phi Kappa Psi:, Philip Stun '.Chi-· . ., '.'i:now five houses on Umverslty ave- ''. . .' . � ..• > _. '.., ; ,.\'..�.�o· -11,.- •. �. .. . cago; DaVid Harrrs,. Chicago· Arthur, . ,,: r.L.··��\�n. ue,. o.. n� o. n ,WOO.d. raw_.n,. on. e.. on. Ke. �- '. ..,...,.:,;.. .::'. :::.'" "'.:' "", "�'�.':{):" .. ;:"�.�i"�?-.lil... •.•.•• •, .' - • I· •.. '.• ' ,: .tWmdette, ChIcago; ·Afan ·.-Hanoway,' �".J;;-';"�:wood;;. 'Eld ,Jhre�. _o� .1!1ack,stone, at;e Ch··· '"\lr.ltt·;·' '-r:< .' ,,·.-:'t:/,;,.�r-�,� •. Jl���\.�;"_""'�I .. ; •• ,;1;"':'£;"", .: ' " <.;:.. ... '.�', .. -.:.; ..• ca Qi"yy·IJIlam .. !< 1: •• ';Chi9g�;�i�;��tt, .t:h ·u·i'" ." 't " 't:"d' h" A' Richard Westerschulte, Chicago;: Os..:'" . '.' .'.!�.��purpose e mverSl y ren e t e ,-' ... '.�.h D It J th P' U h p1!:.' borne Kaull, Chicago; Charles Moe- '. �:p a e l.Ouse, e SI ., t e ul ., 1,Guirf', Chicago; Jerome Neff, Chica- ,;,Psi. the Delta Tau Delta. the Dek�, jA . go; Carter Hazard, 'Chicago; Charles '.the S. . E .• the Delta LT •• the Beta. ' ,.,',Redmond. Chicago; Ivan Smith, Chi- 61cago; Joseph Plunkett, Chicago; Rob- .: �",'�.:,iert Dwyer, Morgan Park, Ill. ,Beta Theta Pi: Edward Ahe�rn,, \�Chicago; Roy Goltz, Chicago; Nor- "��nlan �\Vright. Chicago; Franklin I\Volfe •. Chicago; Or\vood Campbell,Fifty-Four Enter from Neighboring Peoria. Ill.: Ll�arlcs Linebarger, Chi-High Schools-Seven Win Prize_ • ca�o; Burton Bryant. Chicago; lfor-timer Goodwin, Napien-i11e, Ill.Alpha Delta Phi: llarshall Pierce,E\·anston. Ill.; John Cornell. Chicago; Ro�ney �lillcr. ChiCago; George,Hartman, Chicago; 'Charles Loomis,Fargo. X orth 'Dakota; Paul Porch,Oak Park. Ill.place at this meeting. Qncstionaires The Examincr's office has anwill he distributcd which the women noullced the names of the studentswill fill out. A committee will be who entercd the Univer, .. ity this quarpresent to hdp th� W0111en fill out ter 011 honor scholarships. The stuthcse que.stionaircs. which will con- dcnts and Ithe high schools fromPhyllis Palmer is general chairman. tain qucstions .ahout the work the which they were graduatcd are asof the reception, with Katherine IPsi Upsilon: Brower Hall. Chi-, Pag, Stars in Practi,ce Game. ,womcn !yish to do. Everyhody is follows:Frost as head of the entertainment cago; 'Donald Franklin. La Salle, Ill.;n P II 't k t f tl expected to fill out one of these Theodore .K. Ahrens. ,llcKinle.\"·,• at ' agc cou ( n 'eep ou .0 1e committee. A long program. consist-. Leighton Dilley. Sioux City, Iowa;scrimmage any 101l�cr, and yesterday cards and to give her time schedule qharles Beckwith. Highland Park:ing of songs. cheers. speeche.s and a Charles Evans. Ch�cago; John ,:\fit-injec:ed himself'iRlO ,the game be- and choice of war work. Jospeh L. Blanchard. Davenport: 1 11 Cl'., , playlet. has been planned, c 1e, llcago; Clyde Larish, Chi�t\\'CeI" tIle t,,·o sc"ul) tC'lIl1S Page Donald Banet, Frank.·furt: Olaf Bur ..... e.• • . •. Phyllis Pai mer, official W. A. A. Mpl:!Yccl center. and wa.' thc star of thc hid UB HOLDS FIRSTc cer- ea cr. will lead the cheers and', FRENCH CL �oc('a�:on. In addil;on to playing a songs. Dean \Vallace will talk about ME.ETING OF FALL QUARTERd f 1 t c t r 1 11 d a Cranshaw. Harrison Technical; Paulwon er n game a en c • lC 1 a e the '\V. S. T. C. and Helen Driver. --.. _-- I I tIl 14 11 0111 ... ' to • fi E. Crowder. Colorado Sl)rin�s,' Fran-I'''-ya:-e rUll (own c Ie ( , J • preSident of tl1e ·\V. A. A. will discuss . T!1e French cluh will hold its Irst n1 1 I I " tT () f t ""t ces Crozicr. ,U ... ·dc Park', Helen De-)C (owne< �y .'\e. . nc Ull or un ... e the aims and ideal9' of the association. me,eting of the <Iuarter today at 3:30, Jon !he second ... tring eieven came "joscphine Proctor will sing and thrce in the Lea�uc Roor, of Ida, Xoyesc1o .. (' to suddcn dcath _whell he at- 1 II ' . P f D . I . I- (!anees will he �h·en. One will be 1a. .'. ��oclate . ro . aVH. ot t letelll�tt:d an cnd run. and was downed hy.Ruth Lovett, another by :\[argerf French dcpartmcnt, will sp�a�, andhy Pa�("� ,flyin� tackle. Winslow and Eleanor Atkins. and the :\!r. Frank H. Ahhot will entertain catur; Elizaheth ,:\r. Fisher. Austin;. 'r'le lisual dnel bctwccn Sta�g. Jr., third by Kathlecn·. Grant. Helcn the c1uh with a collection of French ':\[yrtle :\1. Fo:,ter, Tiltlen; \Yilhnr,I PIC 1 a- calle I otT yester"- Hatch. Senn: Yirg-inia Hihhcn. Hydeane .0) 0 C w. s • ( Thompson and Katherine Clark songs. Refreshments will he ."ervcd. hart. Ind.: Erne,.;t �orsen. "'heaton,t C I In' tIl fir"t Park: Emannel II ildchrandt. :\1 a,v-cay. a.. 0 e was rtll Ill� e . To Distribute W. ,A. A. Books. :\11 mcmhers have heen a4ecl to 111.; Edwin Boroff. Chicago; Adel-cl�":·�p throi;gh signals on thc �rid- TI I \\. \ \ I 11 I' come. wood.IC ycar y '.:.:. woks wi )eirfll1. \\'l"stlaven took Colc's placc. g-i\"cn to all the women. Thc:,c hooks Enter from Many Schools. Chica�o: \Yendell Slayton, Chicago;and ;,;'!cd hy the stellar work of 'Page . 11 1 Ch' I Daniel L. Hirsch. Omaha: Ethci Robert Rolll'n".. CIII·ca�o·. Donaldcontalll a t lC, Ica�c son�s a11< THE DAILY MAROON ... - �:l).1:1�:..'"eel to gct a little the hetter of cheers; as well as the cxplanation of H olmcs. Calumct; 1.ouis 1I0ng, Spo-, Llewellyn. Chicago .1 I 1 I . h BULLETIN, 1t le ,;"g-uli)(nt. a t long 1 nelt cr t('am the, entire \V. A. A. system of giving kane; 1.\I�"lry Olive -Toward. Parker; Dclta Fpsilon: Byford Heskett ..... (-.' )rcel. !'. ia.;.·. .!·s ",lcven thrcatened to . f hI' Today. l:<tgar J01111'011 I "" Portc' '["rtlc I .e� ... pOint.; or at etlcs. r., .'"'.... • .\. 'C lica�o: ,Louis Roherts. Chicago;�corc. hut XefT and \Vesthy were un- "Wc want every woman to come to Divinity Chapel, 11 :15. Haskell. Johnson. Rowen; Leonard Kellog�. Samucl Perzik. Oak Paark. 111.: Roh-ahh.· to �a:n much timc when they I ··'·ct HID' ". '[ C \ D' , G .- �[arshal1town: Irene Kelsc.\', ,:\[ileset 1e. receptIOn. sat e en river, 1..\, .,. t�Cll';Slon ,roup. I.halj :h� ha:1. - Iyesterday.; "_-\ 11 new women must Reynolds c uh.Regulars Return to Gridiron. come whether they have upperc1a:,s Tomorrow.Elton, 'Cole. Vri,ler and others of counselors or not. It is important Chapel. 11 :15. LTnnior College, .andthe ;cgn1ar:.; who were 0,1: �'esterday that all women hear the explanation l�ollege of Commtrce and :\ -jm�,"isw('re ha,=k in suits today. Swanson, of the point system. '\Ve promi.se tration.thc promi'sing linesman from Elgin. everyone a good time and some real Divinity Chapel, 11 :15, Ha;:,�ell.Chicago .spirit.''' French cluh. 4, Ida Noyes hall.Game With Ensigns. to be' Firstof Season-Expect Hard '"Scrap. Under Supervision of Rouse.and Friends in Ida.,. Noyes Hall. During the past two weeksThe navy Jias arrived upon t h eI'LA Y GOPHERS :\OYE�mER, 3Q HOLD :\IASS :\lEETI�G FRIDAY'. c�mpu,;. min us. however, the nau�i,�al ..... _._. __�� .T:1C .\Iaroon wiil get into action lWalk and the nautical talk. They are The Students' \Var Act iv itie s com-I the first 5.2 men of the - tudcnt Sl:C· mittec has announced the work tonext Saturday aftcrnoon. whcrr' t ley�,,- . • tion of the naval training corps to he do nc bv the women of the 1\\". S.0PCll the 1918 season agalllst t nehe inducted into [the' service, and T. C. this quarter. This work willirom now Qll will' fie un<\cr \Iajor he divided into Red Cross service,Wygant's orders 'as apprentice .sea- campus rccreation work for thc menmen. of the S ... \. T. C. and social service grandstand, the halls and v ar ious Iratcr nisy -houses about -the 'ca mpu , have'been uu dcrg oing a procc ss oi remodcling. A total of $30.00:) has been expendcd and now the l:niver'sity'.spart in fitting up quarters for eightteen hundred s old ie r s is completed.The large cement grandstand onEllis avenue has been turned into astr"n�, :\l'ullicil':ll Pier team. Dircctor �ta�g scheduled thc gamc yc.stnrby mor niug at the meeting ofco.rc ircs oi the Big Tc n; but the addi-t io n oi the Ensign team �\'.aj the onlyaddition- to Ithe �Iaroon program.:\f inncsota will be played :\ ovember3(1, the Satmday following Thanks-Ensigns Have Strong Team. board downtown, where they s.igncd come to thc reception every day homtheir papcrs. and took out insurance 4 to (J for tea and light rcfreshments.to. the amonnt of $10,000 per man. On Sunday the enti:e' buildin� �vil1Licut. Childs. of Great ,Lakes, who he de\-()ted to camplls ��ldiers. Awas originally to he in charge of the dance will ,be held' every Saturdayunit here. ha.s llQt recc;ived orders to' ev�n�nl{, 'and e�te,rtainitt�nt. will 'b�,t�t-effect..�.and.&aj�r-\.-Wygant=wi -'f I;, ;1. "p"fttcii .... 110·' d;,>';'lt'ot'-:h�remain. for the time... being, the com- to dance� 01),' Sunday there will bemanding officer of the n:a�'al as wel1- mu.sic and ga-mes. University womenas' the 'army students. will he in the hall at 'all times to re-Xo definite pla�s �ave been made ceive the mcn and to pro�ide for:�.': .J - Practice ye :'terday has more snap:. J;;:. than any time since ,'. ark began int'�..:.\..._ .. .scpt.emJet:. The . .JlICIL\\,�;,C. w�crt:t�in'/ \·�.cthcr· thc:-� woul� toe any footballat ::.:1. but with thc ncw.s that thePic; would he met hcre Saturdaycvcr·.cne tricd a I:t!'e harder. The!�n"ign',s schoo) cleven is a strongone, and there will have to he thehardest 'kind of work (iuring the fewh"'l:rs oi j,ractice a\'ailahle thi" week.The military decision allows c.n�y the comfort of relatives who comehere to visit them. \Vomen whohave had experiencc'iIi similar sc,;,Po.icc will ,be selected for this work.The work of the \V. S. T. C. will(q�>ntinucd on page 3) (Oontinucd on page 3)/' -------GIVE LI,ST OF STUDENTSENTERING THIS QUARTERON HONOR SCHliLARS'HIPSINVITE NEW" WOMEN TQ'ANNUAL ENTERTAINMENTOF ATHI;,ETIC ASSO,CIATION be explained in detail at a mass meet·ing to be held Friday at i:30 in :\[andel han, All memhcrs have heenurged to attend. Induction of thewomcn of the \Y. S. T. C. will takeell1 hunr c lui a hali for practice, :n-elueling dressing and showcrs. and --- .President of Women's Afhletic Assowhen time'i .. taken out for the neces-. ...ary chan'gc oi suits. thC.rc is hardly ciatio� Promises Good ProgramPhyllis Palmer General Chairman. Scholarships.an hour leit ior drill. The men stragglcd in all during the hour-and-a-haliAll Cnivsrsity women -llavc beenin\'i�d to the annual W. A. A. ;e!o, ...ccption which will be held today at.L10 in the th":atre of Ida !\oycs hall.pcrio(l yest�rday. and constant shIftsin tilc team=- werl' neccssary. Thcsailor· ... ele,'en has ilO such diiiicultyto' contend with. and as a result thcywill �)e sure to be in �ood shavc. ELEVE:\ LISTS A��OU�CEDThe end oi the rushing sea,;o'l�year shows a great range in numbersof pledges and evident rushing policy.Sigma Xu heads the Ii-t with ninetCCIl pledges. a number as large orlarger than in normal years; hut anumner of others have much' smallerThe pledge fists in the order offoundation of the fraternities follow.s:Delta Kappa Epsilon:' Robertj)'lills. Holland. 1),1 ichigan; .R. Kline.Chicago;cago: '�Iurray \'icker .... 'Chicago; Arne'\Vichita: Jeanette Car1.�on, Fenger; Rissler, Chicago; Paul Becker. ChiDorothy Jane 'Church. Cicero; Edith cago; and Austin Rennctt. ·Chicago.Dclta Tau Delta: Robcrt }lor-land, Sioux City. Iowa; Leroy Kudole. Sioux City. Iowa; ltarold Sunlancy, Dubuque: Vita Earll, Ligoncr; derlin. Chic3�0; L. A. Haldcrm.an.'Gladys Emmert, Dixon: Herbert En- .Chicago: A. 'I.. Freed. Chicago; Johngil-hard. \Valler: �Iax Fienherg, 'De� \\'alter, La Crosse. \\"is.; Hugh :\lar-"hall. L� Crossc. \Vis.Chi Psi: \\"-ilson \\'ctherhce. Elk-crt l\.�ley. Chicagc�.City� \'irginia D, Lce. Springfield; Phi Gamma Delta: Lenox Gray,t:\fcyer Leventhal. \\'endell Phillips: St. Petcrsbur�. Florida: \'ories FishPaul S. �[artin. Xcw Tricr; Gcorge er. Chicago: Doug-las Lei:,chman, .I:\forris. Burlington; Rcrnard R. :\tor- Ogden. Ftah: Charles Harlan. Chitimer, lledit1; Adclia Inc? :\Iullen, -=a�o.Portland; :\farie Xiergarth. Bloom-..". . ';,.(Continued 00 page' 4). (Continued on pagc 2)." hert Rauer. Chicago: �cnncth Heil.Sigma Xu: Hamilton :\[aher: Chi(Continued on page 4)2 '.1 j' .•THE DAILY MAROON, WEDNESDAY,OCTOBER9tb.1918FRATERNITIES· MAY �TAINGRADES NOW. IN COBB lAThe following' official notice re�.arding fraternities· has been issuedby Frede ric J. Gurney, assistant rc-,corder: t1. Thc individual �radcs of the fra- rternit ies for the year 191i-1918 are rready fo� distribution and may beIhad on application, Cobb l A. As",.manv of the fraternities have givenup their houses for the time being.it is impracticable to send the reports,hy mail.. . I2. I nasmuch as the war couditious :have so greatly interfered with fm-!Y. W. C. L. to Initiate New Method ternitv life no attempt will be made:of Securing Funds-Subscrip- I this y-ear to report grades and stand-ltions to Compete. ings as has regularly been done hl're-!"';.. I--- tofore. iThe Y. w. C. 'L. subscription dr ive iwill begin to morrow morning. with MERRIFIELD WILL BEGIN Ia soliciting- of dona tions .or suhscrip- Y. M. C. A. COURSE TODAYtions from all women who will at that :time have registered for membership To Talk On "�f Khaki Testa .. Iin the league. ment" at 7' in Reynolds Club The-As announced yesterday, the ater at 7-Parker to Speak Thurs-League is deviating this year from its day.former plan of having membershipfces of. one dollar. \Vomen who are The first of the Y. �l. C. A. cvell-lalready members are supp0:5ed to ing meetings will be held today a� i Igive donations but is is not necessary in the Reynolds cluh theater. 1 he Ito be a member in order to sub- gathering this evening will be the'scribe. According to 'Edna Eisen- first of a course of Assistant ProLIdrath, general chairman of (thc drive, :\[errifield on "The I,' sc of the Khaki ipledges given to members of the Testament." This courcs will meet Iteams should be paid as soon as pos- cverv Wednesday. Is ible, and 'by December 1 at the TI�e Y .. �r. c. A. has ordered fiveWEDNESDAY, OCTO:aER 9, 1918- 1latest. hundred khaki Bihles for distributi�n , n'��[onthly pledges may he made," to the S. A. T. 'c. men for study III ITHEIR OPPORTUNITY said �[i5S Eisendrath yesterday, "and :(.,sistant 'Prof. �lerrifiejd's course.can be paid in the Leaguc room. pre- The purpose of this course is to teach Su lets -ferably before Oct. 15. For,t,)" per the men to appreciate the Testamentcent of the entire subscr-iptions is hy learning the correct use of it.given to the national Y: \V. C. A., Stevens Promises New Course.the rest is used in the budget or the '��tr. 1:\[ err!field's . i.d�as arc verY'jlocal organization. modern/, .said Activities SecretaryI"The team captains are Jean Pick- Stevens yesterday. "His course will;ett, �Iarjorie Stevens and Frances be entertaining as well as instructive.lHessler. All women who have been He w"iIl show tne men the most Iasked to serve on com�ittecs have! striking passages in tl�e Scrip,tures:been request:d. to meet this afternoon. and will make them enjoy t.he kha�1 Ipromptly at ;:, III the League room.' testament. From my experrcnces 111.France I have found that many aADD NEW MEMBERS TO fellow in the trenches does not readADVERTISING STAFF OF his -Bible because he docs not knowBUSINESS DEPARTMENTma. :m 1.Jt1!1 1 save grains; national author itiesWar' �ai y �arJJnn I should know better than members of============================1The Student �e"'spaper of The i distiller's ass�ciation. And anyway,University of Chicago ; even ii the end of the war is in sight.===============::== I there is no need of preaching it inPublished mornings, except Saturday, I. ••Sunday and ':\londay, during the Au-] , .. uch style as the incornparahle dis-tumn, Winter and Spring quarters, I tillers use. "Help lick the Kaiser"by the Daily Maroon company. 1 they preach; yes, help lick Irieud \vil-EDITORIAL DEPARTMENT ! helm, but not 1>)" wast in:; paper on in-THE STAFF ! nocent college journals and not byJohn Joseph llanaging Ed!tor i advising. the usc of food material forRuth Genzberg er News Editor I b It' a poor policy..Helen Ravitch Night EditorI OOZt·. sRose Fischkin Day Ed�t'Jr I ===================::1James Sheean Day Ed!to'[' IHarry Shulman D�y Ed!tor: LEAGUE BEGINS DRIVE FORWilliam :\lorgenstern.Athletlcs Editor; SUBSCRIPTDONS TOMORROWLyssa Chalkley Associate Editor IFrederick WintcrhotT ................................... Associate EditorBUSINESS DEPARTMENTGrant !\lears. Manager!\tay Freedman, AssistantI.. j Entered as second class mail at theChicago Postoffice, 'Chicago, Illinois,March 13, 1966, under the act ofMareh 3, 18i3.SUBSCRIPTION RATESCalled for, $2.50 a year; $1.00 aqaartcr._By Carrier, $3.00 a year; $1.2<> aquarter._By Mail (city), $3.50 a year; $1.<>0.. quarter.By Mail (out of town), $4.25 ayear; $1.75 a quarter.Editorial Rooms., Ellis. 12Telephone 'llidway 800, Local 162.Hours: 11:10-11:50; 12:25-6; 7-8.Business Office Ellis 14Telephone ,llidway 800, Loeal 162Hours: 10:20-11:50; 3-5:30.The surrender of the Reynoldsclub to the Young Men's ChristianAssociation came as somewhat of asurprise to the University campusas a whole. Some men were not particularly enthusiastic over the venture; many were indifferent. Thoseindifferent were in the majority,mainly because Ilittle thought hadbeen given to the matter.Those opposed to' the change argued that the Y. �1. 'C. A. would become a species of old ladies' home.and so on. Anyone treating the matter fairly can see such an attitudeis unjust and equally old fashioned.I n former times the Y. :\1. C. A. mightJ10t have been all i� could have �een.'However, former tirnes arc obvious-ly poor standards. The Business manager of the Daily:\laroon has announced that the following men have been added to the ho�v:· to use it."Parker Noted in Y. M. C. A. Work.Senator Francis Parker will .speakat the Thursday meeting on "�[yExperiences in France." He ha.s had ltrench and canteen experience with fthe Rainbow Division in France and Ihas had close contact with many menof the American ExpeditionaryForces. He is considered one of themost val�ahle men in the Y.:\[ .C.A.Activitie ... S('creta�)' Stcvcns ha� a�-I. nomlced that the '\:. ,�r. C. A. IS 111Ineed of a Victrola and records. The Iloan of either m.achine or records for Iuse in thc Reynolds dub headquar. Iters will he grcatly apprcciated. !I--------------------,Frolic �treWednesday, October 9th·2:15 and 4-Adults lac; Childr�n tOeEvening-Children-IOc; Adu,ts 2Jc-.f . receipt of, (Continued from page 1) -I War Tax included in above pricesTI i· oiiicc is 0 ten 111 :Paramount Play1 �, .• I 1". the publicity de- I illgton: Jo�eph Perlman. :\rar:,hall;a hulletlll IS:-lIC( )..1 .f. I • •• DOROTHY DALTON. 1 X tional ;\SSOCkltlon : lima H. I'ruclh1. Harrtson fechnlcal; I ,'nartmcnt or t le . a I" •p..'. t \\"hole .... ale Dealers j hrael Rappoport. J ulcy: �Iary Ruml- "VIVE I ..... FRANCE"of DI:o'tlller� al1(I... �:� ,. 1 t pings. the .boo7.(' ncr, �It. \'CrI101l; joanny Se!-!al!a. Cal- Th t f two motion picture!-WIthout t le rap ... ',. . ! e 5 ory 0.. I···· not that paper 1:-. ttlllet: "'arl J.". Se:narth. Freeport. I stars who are thrown together 10 aIlltcre�t. I It \\ t:re I...h .• 1 dhow. .. the httlletin would 1 J arohl Silver, SIOU� City. ! mo�t out of t e ,�a� � ace, an.or �ttch \,:lItte nO\\,.. 0• -._ I their heroism resulted 10 a j!reat vle-l,e \\TIc(,llle(i a'" a �()ur<:c o! al1ltl�C- Pnze Scholarships to Seven. I torY for the A11ied forces. It is aIrene Smith. l.ntti.�\·ill(': Ernest f sto�v of a strange lo .... e. that knows:-;or�()Il. \\·he.ltol1: iThane Swartz, no barriers and which triumphs when ILake '·ic\\,; Lois Tyson, .\ mari1To; all seems hopeless. It is a new sort Iof a role for Dorothy Dalton and one:Elizahcth '·ila". Oak Park: (;eor.�c in whic�l she outdoc� h('rself. :\\"akcrin. Ellglewooii: Philip \Var- \"·S CHRISTIE '"GAID'O�T �F. 'l.1I1cr. :\far:,hall: :\dciil1(, \\" ('rner. Par- CO)IEDY rkcr: \Ia:-.: Wcb. ... tcr. :;:hchoygan; :\Jahrl TilE BATTLE FIl()�T\ \" ick hnrt <;, \ \"h it ill.�: 1 S :Hlore \\"1)1 i- And... , In. 'Chicago In:i�hb: Ruth Ellen GLA'iDS LE.'-;LlE UBERTY J.OA�;/.ci,I(':-. Little Ror:k. ItE.:I�·'THE L.\ST PLEDGE·'!Ij� Bus ines,s department in the capacityThe Young \�Ien's Christ-ian Asso-of-members of the adver tising staff:ciation in war has come to have aR. Ballingcr '22, .Herrnan �rcBrayernew meaning, a better significance.'19. James Cekan '22. and Harry J.Those in charge have realized an op-o.JI DUlin '22. These men have formallyit and made as a who e.porturn Y '.. announced their intention of compct-I ...I' I lise of it There IS but littlesp enU/:<" 0.'doubt that the University 01 C�lcag-obranch of the Y. �I. C. A. wIll do.,. fine and thoroughly worthy work.oa i:\T aroon will recei,,·c applicatio:1s allIt descrves the support of everyone.this week from men who wish toI.et those in charge. though. watchY compete for these positio,!s or who- I h' opportunity. The .carelul y t clr11' it I wish to work on commission alone.�[. C. A. work is not at a easy: .d d reate an occupatIon,is as nice an c I I GIVE LIST OF STUDENTS• • I _"."as the scientIst s. : . ENTERING THIS QUARTERON HONOR SCHOLARSHIPing- for thc positions of Businessi�[anager and Assistant for thc ycar1919-20. The management of thcWASTE PAPER111 (,11:'k Ie home'"\\'l1cl1 the Yan -s con.. ", ,.·"th t!lC Dry,. wh()the.v·li ra��t' ( al.l .. 1" I1. "I '-Iollage oi their ,aJ,�('nce,'t.,d" (tt \. j f.•• .: .... 1. ;11 ·t)i�e(l (()111pJler 01 t:l,:- I,\'n!l'� t H ' ... ,. .I ,t "The (:11(1 IIi the war ". 111:s,h c .." )roh;hit ;011�i�ht: tilerC!Orc \\';tr-.llTle T·... . .' "... :1"<:; thej ... l10t a ::lll:!ary 11l'Ce�"'lt�, .',)'.. I" '. '11otilcr �Cll1.HufT:ilo C,):l1111(':-Cl;i. 1.,.1 -." ot taklll':!T:1C I >:t:l:; :'-1 :lrn()J1 1� n :• '1.1,1 (Ill l,r, .hii>ir ;1.11. 11n;- d()cs Ita :- .. ,.;nlt'l1c1 : '. i.llt it d )e,. (!�)ject to �iIC!l•: 0(1 n.1T'cr :'\atiol1:d all- \\vaste 'j' go ,�..thor;til'':' ;,f(, a;,:rec(l th:lt \\'ar-t:mt::. " ". �c' . "If'-. in order toproh:1,;t;"1l j,.. llC .. ,..� • ..1 The i()llowil1� wcre awarded prize�(,:l()lar.�hjp�: Harry L nird. Da\'i(ll(;o.ldl)('rg. Harold Laswell. Samuel IPc:-zik, J)orothy Sugden, Hckn\\·e11cr and Efiie \\·il1is. Added Extra-Evening ShowReyised Song Revue.A�n �IILl.I�EItY CONTEST World'sGreatestValuesMen'sat$35 It took greatadvance preparation, enforcement of high standardspecifications and most intensive merchandising resourcefulness to provide for you such suits as these to retail.. at $3�. You will not find their equals elsewhere. Moreover, when. this supply hasbecome exhausted, present market priceswill demand a $10 to $15 advance.1·IThev are of the finest imported and domesti� fabrics in worsteds, tweeds, twists.unfinished fabrics and sil� and wool mixtures in smart pattern treatments and.distinctive models. The fin�t suits obtainableanywhere at $35.Other Suits from$25 "to $75S. A. T. C. �Ien. We are the World'sLargest Military Outfitters rendering toYOU mo�t extensive selection and greater�conomy on all military apparel needs amIR«��ss..)ri('�.\� 1:, ...1"... t:).� e(cxst.cI�ntlsi01we:11'1I.in'E.p'teSialti.tilw" 11 •hIt , -xse·A1100c:cl••• n.y.wtilmTfac(w114...4�. � 4f) �•,. ql-.' .. TOne� ra,,+ . B<..ei\':1ki.. UIIIt"aril\ fl: til•......:4i••,.I � Ii.. t'".. THE DAILY MA!OON, W�DNESDAY, OCTOBER 9th. 1918U-NIVERISITY NAVAL UNIT NAVAL- TRAINING -CORPS IS I Both have near relatives i," the TRANSFORM,S BUILDINGSIS STATIONED AT HOTEL ESTABLISHED ION CAMPUS trenches. :\Iiss Dudley, formerly at INTO S. A. T. C. BARRACK�the head of .the department of Physi- made possible its completion in theshort period of two weeks. The actual labor was done by the draftedNO OCCASION FOR ALARMCourse to Last Four Weeks-Unit (Continued from page 1) cal Culture, was to have met them in (Continued from page 1) mechan ics who are . studying in theUnder Command of Ensign Charle regarding the drill since the navy Ior-' New York, but through unfortunate and the Delta .Sig ma Phi houses and L'nivvr sity H ig h 4IScho01 shops.Schick-Will Train for Municip�l mat ions being the same as that of circumstances she missed them. the Chi Psi lodge.Pier. the army, the mcn will probably con- :\fiss Ruet and Miss Grandjean have .Mess is Served in Lexington./ tinue to drill with thl". regular in- both .studied English in Scotland and The large assembly room in Lex-The University of Chicago unit of structcrs on .Stagg field. They will -England, They are' very much in- in�ton hall has been furnished .IS a ABOUT INFLUENZA EPIDEMICthe U. S. N. R. F. is stationed at the be quartered in Hitchcock hall, where terested in American people and cus-u iucs-, ha� where meals are served atHotel Del 'Prado and is under the they will be under the orders of Ar- toms, which they are here to study.command of Ensign Charles Schick, thur Newfield, temporary com-acting executive officer. it was e;- mauder, Those applicants for the SETTLEMENT COURSE OPENtablished with the permission of Cap- -naval unit who have not yet been inducted are not considered members The Univer s ity medical authoritiestwenty-five cents a piece for all '5.state that there i.,; no reason to fearA. T. C. men. The old l?Ylllnasil1l11for women ill Lexington has also .a Spanish influen,za epidemic Oil thecampus, lJr. Rea(l said yesterday tuathre n rcqui- it ioued by the governmentonly four tcqn men 'have been ill andNine Meetings at Hull House Opento University Women.---A free course in settelment work.tain Evers. who commands the U. S.N. A. R. S. at the Municipal Pier, the of the unit, and until their induction,Grant Park camp, antl the U. S. S. will drill and be quartered with theirerwis e regular shipboard routine ismaintained. watches being .set and IIdecks swabbed down regularly.The officers in charge of the base I.include: R H. Vlrich: Cornm.andant;E. E. nohrn .. Executive Officer ; F.-Price, Chid Signal Officer, and Aide,to Commandant; C. -Elder, Assistant'Signal Officer. and �[essrs. Hasherand Harwick. Instructors in '�aviga.lion.The unit has no connection withthe Xaval Unit of the .S. A. T. c,which is composed of college men,but is a part of the .United States'Xavy, all its members being enlistedseamen.Back a Bayonet-Buy a Bond.ANNOUNCEMENT MADE OF,CHANGE IN CHAPEL DAYStl ,Attention of all Urrivcraity students Ihas been called to the changes in theChapel schedule. Instead of holdingchapel on .l[ondays, Tuesdays. \Vednesdays, and Thursdays as ill formeryears, exercLsl'." ior both men andwomen in thc Junior college\ and inthe Collcge of Commerce anc!l Commerce and Administration will be heldThursday� at 11 :15 in ,:\randel. Chapelfor men and women of' the SeniorcoU'eges and thc Collegc of Eaucationwill be held at the �amc Ilour on Fridays in :�r andel. This is' the perJl1ancnt sC'hedule for the .·\utumnquarter .Back a Bayonet-Buy a Bond.ClassifiedWANTED-To rent, six or sevenroom furnished apartment, two baths,near to University and Illinois Cent-Iral, from November to April 1. WriteBox 2.16, Homewood. Illinois .Plcasin� newly furnished room foreither one or two �fudent!'. and private hath. \\':th use of stll<1y room,kitchen. china and linen: ncar to theUniversity; in cxchan�e for $10 amonth and takin� char�e. two hourstwice a week, of two nice, attrarti\'eand well-trained children.Phone �'rs. ncrkcley :\f. Fontaine.Hyde I':lrk 94iJ.LOST-�'\ c()lIch co\'('r. Finder re-jtnrn to :\ lice �och, 41 F o,.;tcr. and is heing fitted for army usc.The entire lot of ""ork' cost $50.00J he docs not think that many of themhave influenza. X one of the casesare serious and all have been taken'care of.' Twelve "flu' cases havebeen reported in the women'< hallsand only two have hecn reported toUniversity Stationery and Jewelryand is all such that it will he use-"Commodore." The ,purpose,' of the regular company organizations.open to al� University women, is less as soon as peace comes. To theunit I'S to instruct men lor the En- Tuition Question Unsettled.being offered at Hull House by the .super intendent of buildinus andAll inducted men will receive from U ".sign Training school at' .Municipal Women's Committee of the State �rounds is due the cridit for all thatP· the government a subsistence feeier, Council of 'Defense in conjunction has been accomplished. I:\(r. Rouse, equal to the amount which the Uni-There are at present 120 men taking , with the Chicago Federation of So- nranag ed the whole undertaking and, the physician.versity receives from -the 'military aU4the course, which lasts four \veeks. cial Settlement Workers.thor ities for the room and hoard of'Many of them arc Chicago men, oth-the men. This SUIll. which amounts The course will begin ·.l[onday anders arc from N' orthwestern and the .tclv jwi d II d run for nine weeks. .lfeetings willto approxima c y wo 0 ars a ay, , .Great Lakes Naval Training station. '11' t b id t t1 U·' be held on -Mondays only from 9' toOne hundred new men will arrive WI III urn e pal over 0 te 1114. 1'2 Th hi h '11 ... It .t t kIth . e course, w IC WI be grvenversrty. IS no ye 'nown w Ie . er. T .' •:\[onda_f from the Great Lakes Naval by l.llass NC"a L Boy" "VIII consistor not tuition will be paid by the u. •• • u"s'Training Station. The first and fif- of three subjects: games and storyg overnment. 'teenth of each month tho.<;.e who have telling. theory lof play and childcompleted the course leave for the FRENCH WOMEN TO STUDY study, and a course in the history ofEnsign .school, and others arr ive. IN GRADUATE DEPARTMENT the problems of settlement work.Regular Routine Maintained. ---' , M 0 tuition will be charged but those'1'\\;0 French women, graduates of , •.. I. -Prof. :\loore. head of the depart-f :} who take the course 'WIll be required. the University 0 Paras, ra ve ap- .ment of Mathmntics; has .charge ofhi to do volunteer work III one of thepcared on the campus t IS quar ter. .the course in navigation and is as-' 'I. 1 hi k Chicago settlements for an hour orThey are here on SCIJO ars IpS, ta"- Those who are I'n'-sisted by .:\lliss Gould. The member . .; , two each week. ..- illl.! g._raduate courses in English. Six-of the unit have five hours of class- tcrested in the work may obtain fur-work a day and two hours drill. Otli- ty wbmen, all of whom have scho1- ther information from assistant Porf,arships to American universities. leftParis Sept. 13 for Bordeaux. fromwhere they sailed. fhe voyage lastedtcn clays, hut the ship finally landedin ;\e\\1"- York without mishap.Of.. the group of sixty. HenrietteGraudjcan and Francoise Ruet weresent to the University of Chicago. - Attention!-s. A. T. C. Students, ISchapiro's Modem and ContemporaryHistory Can � Bought at.Woodworth's Book Store1311 EAST 57th STREETTwo Blocks' East of TowerUniversity Supplies of All KindsBurg-ess, Harper 50. Typewriters to RentMORE APOLOGIESThe Daily ,:\faroon was late yesterday, but that is what comes of copy-0030'5, printers a�d war classes; "Theicon1bination won't 'Work �rfectlyfor a while. We beg your pardon. Gym. Outfits v '/The blending,is exceptional _. __,. IGHE5T'GRAOe-TUR.KISH ArtOMAKERS of THE G'!RE11'£S 'NTHE lNORLD, .EGYPTIAN GI'jTheylike •are Just•meetIngyour Best Girlface to face;REMEMBER-There are no, others like your II B. G. J�-, -.: -::':'f����t.�; '.;, �ij.:-& . THE DAILY'MAROO.N. WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 9th. 1918 -'\.' .• i ��1�=""""=============��"'==' ============�==�====�=============��=========�==. �.� ..::. .;:� �./" _ :�. t /. •, • ';[14I' f f . h I 'SIGMA NU AND PHI PSI ANNUAL FRESHM� F'ROLIC League. The manag inz committee,_ '. '.' :�plan.' ill the 1St 0 rarermty �� 0 -" ".... l. l'h HAVE LARGEST PLEDGE WILL BE GIVEN OCTOBER 18 which is also t he social committee of, ... �...!.�',a. -t ic stum I ��', t' �Till' daily meet inz of t!IC s. :\. T. " LISTS THIS SEAS,ON till' Leaguc. includes the iollowing: .t-'lC. w:1I hl' held this morning 011 Sta�g League Appoints Comittees For Eve lyn !-=tl·rn. IJ-'anll:l' Templeton, '�<..f'·It'lJ. Double till�(' will he served. (Continued from pag e 1) Entertainment to be Held in Enid Tow nlcy. Kut hcr iue Clarke, ,� -;. ., cag o : Donald Rose, Chicago; Edward -Mdl H 11 1 r '1'11l U1l1P�lIy L·. ha sn t p1�'c1::!l'd any men '.' ., 1- \"1 I an ea.. Florvncc Fake a tu )orothy 1.\ I er.4 Cha lif oux , l hicag o ; :dward \ I <on, . '1'1 I' I' . I' fvc t l.u t l·'l'l·Ct,..; to damp thl' hutt on_ , _.' _ . ---'. ' .Ie -r o IC IS a n o t a Ill' v vc n t 0..'. k'f I di iCItICI:':-O: Er ne.st \ an Duse r, Ch icag o ; Thl' I.l·aglll' will pr e sc nt the aunua r the quarter illr all l·nivc; .... it.\· women011 a ie w t h is Wl·C·. I 1 ic sta rum ..., '." JJ�eph \\ oodinu. Fort \\'aYlll·. 11IcI.:, Fre s luua n Frolic October IS III ).Ian- and for Frvs hmcn ill pu r t icul.u." said'.... '11" 1 • ...;.l·r�1. \1;11111.'- :� r cad v 101' Ol·C1I1).;llll"\'. . .. .II ::-- an 1 wn: c, l't,'., ' '� Carl \\"Ilhclm Rothert .• I·ort \\a,nle. (:,C'I ]1.'111. I'rccedin .... y t h is the \\·Olllc·ll· .... · II I '1'1 I "All' 'l'cn ioinps on Yl·slcn.ay,1);1:1(! (:i 1;::1:' .. 11l'\\ :,'U "l!_\.'li !t). t hcEveryone Who Doesn't Agree. Stan i 111(!.: Francis Hcr her t .l l imefick, Fort At hlet ic Associat ion will have a sup- l'lIterjll� WOlIIl'lI who have not �e:tI'l'd-I,'l' "1.';·�L·;l1lt. :,. IlL'W :I� (ilar),!l' ...•. /:'\ on HI's Left Ear.- '.' II \\'a,\·lIl· •. l nd.: Elmer- .. Dona ld �liller. per ill t lu- ',._Y,nllll:lsiulIl of l da XU,\'t.'s I" "k I .j. m:u e "iuvvst izut ion s art' a� 'e( to ,10:l)I' q ua r tc r s \\·il:cil. ii it we rc not ior L" \\. ) .1 }" I rt "'I .. 1.1 rIll .I'�.ul }{:llIdall: T!lC re c or d cr says I' on ayne. nu.: ,,0 ic ."'\ e xat ue .. l�l at b. <tuirl' at : t he l.ea;..:nc roo III ill Idat;il.' w.ir. ill' \\"'1:1<1 lIl'\'l'r ,.l'l· :ill' :11- , ' l' '11 1 d ' c- 1 ]1 llill r �I'I . 1'1 1 1t:lat tIlt.. :'lpha Dclta had 12 1-.J mCIl -"\'3 II s\'! c. 11.: oar . u gc, 1e rOlllllllttl'l'S \\' 1Il' 1 1aH' JCl'lI :'\0Yl'" hal!."1 l'11,'lt thinl IllU"t have HUlItingdoll. Ilu!': Fredcric'k Ale)". appointed for till.' Frulic arc as rol-as: IJUartl'r.hccn Ille, \\·il'hita. Kall.: Jaspcr Stull. St. John, If)\\,�: Stagl' mana;":l·r,.;. Iidell Tholllp-This IS a Good One. Elkll (;leasoll: You flattt'r your-, �an.= ,Harold \\·;)od., ?loii:le .. Ill_.; SOli and Hetty BrowlI; ;propefties,l';ld \;l1Y: )'('n're Ull tilC \laroo.n sci!. '. l,arl h.astncr· ,JolIet, Ill.: Lcnj:lllllll Florelll'c Fake: l'OstulIles, .Bl·ttyt11:'; YL':I:·. a:·I.'I1·1 you: I IF the powers that hc want to COli-I \'·iddificl<l. Charlc\·oix,. :\lic11.; HlIs . .;el l�rowlI: prog-ralll, l.Yllia �Iill's: trl'k-.I, .:::� J" -I.·pit: Y c". i ,';l'r\"e food. they should 1'l'\,crSL' thc.:ir S,ch \\'� itzcr. C:harh'oix, ?lr:c;l.; ).kr-I ets. ),1 ildrcd )'owilson: supper. E(llla\\.; i .\'1' ;I,t� ;'l'l<'I!11" ui t;11" lI11i,it'lili- i onll'r al�(,i. �ll:�kL' it. !da X(lyes �� c\'ery-I nc�,. Br.cck:. ,1'.1. ,'·;lSO. ,1.C:x�s ..- ,Clarkc: lallll.·rn paradl', :\glll'S .1·rL'n-. 1 1 :'. "'T' 111'·t \v'lll) "\'cr\' 'HI-' II()(·!\· )�L I ...: '\ 1 C 1Il1'1I I he" ap-I J,.ll'pa �lglll.1. fhlla. <l I.uhank. til'c. with thJ �el'olld cabinet l)i theIIl'l I'd.I.1I1". (I... • �, • I ," ._,_ '. ., , J•t\ll1!:1 qnartl'r. Il:'l'(i tll lct�'r si�l1s oi I parcllt1y IIc\�cr sa\\' a young army at Chical.!'o:· I'.aul Hili. Chicaf,!o: Harryad\'icl.· t<l irl.<l:lll'll, ll'lJill� Ihclll not! mcss. H4ll'grl'a\'cs. Chicago: \\,�I sun BOll-I � I' ,. I ..nl'r. Chica�(): Eugene Cox. \\'ashill�-tl_' \\'a1k ('11 the ";l';i, l'te; t s }ll:lln /".. I Tl.11 .. ·. or(lerl,\' came into lil'utcnant's tOll, D. c.; \\'ilmcr .lcnkill.";. Chicagll;to :'l'l" tilL'Y lll'l'(l �l In\' pOlllters.�� �' - '::-::' -"k.:.s- "�:" " � i'� � .�'- ... •_ " .... l.... ' � .•... : ... , ',1 •." � ... ::._ .... � ••• '� A .�- .,:: •• � -� _, .�, .. :-:.., . (" To Invite Soldiers on, Sunday.:\11 Illell in �';'�r\'ice have been 1l1�\'itc(1 til the Hostl'S� t lonse oi St .Pall!'s 011 t)ll' \! id\\,:l�-: (-(110 f)0fcheo:-ter a\'Clllll', 1111irolll' 4/to tI, :-:'unday aitl'rnoonsprc�encc (\\'.herc\'cr that is). E1"t1c!>t Frihour;,:-, Souix CiJy. [o\\'a:DOllald Do\\,. Cltical.!'o. Hotel Del Prado;Letters of a Freshman. No.3 .. "Sl R." he �aid. gi\'ill� thc properlcft hand saInte. Ask for Red Cross Dressings.�1:Ii1l(JI' <);':111r�11l':\'�l�\:lc:::��t�a:::1:�1,a�\�;�� "Bt'Y more bonds," 1-' II 'f . 1.. , . An l'lllcr�eJlcy ca....... or �ur�lca111 a<i l' .all t1h' l)lhl'r id!o\\':, laugh. only Anon. drcssin�s has heen . ..;ent in to the Redme. but 1 laughed �()1I. prctendin; I, {:ros� room in Ida X oyes hall and all�cell the jokc. FllIlIIY \\'h:1t thcs� hcre LOSS_OF LEADERS CAUtES Il'ni,'asity 'women have been askedsargents S:lY· "Ill cadcncc. hexcr- DRAMATIC CLUB UPHEAVAL to sonte any time froll1 2 to 5:30 andcisc�" That mcans �tretch �)r ,";Olllc---- I help with thc work.t�il16' There's a lut �)f marchill� in 'The Dramatic 'c1tth has madc' nothis military stllff. ).Iost oi it comcs detinite pIau.-- for this year, Xeither STAGG'S TEAM WILLiIi the aitert1oort, when you march I the i)rcsident, �largaret Hag-gott. nor MEET STRONG ELEVENfrom Ol1l' trip da�,..; to anothl·r. tryin�' the stage director, .Lec Ettlc!>on. is FROM PIER SATURDAY1'0 find your own. 1 have hecn moved rcturnin�. Emih· T.aft is vice presi-agalll, I'm in the Chi p"j harr.ack:- .dent and secretary: Carl_I'ipcrr treas- (Continued from page 1)no\\'. :\nyho\\'. I think I like the mer . .and Ruth Lovett. Carlin C:-an- is .. �till. tllissing. but is expected hack� .;!,anf! l>ettcr and hcsides th'cy need dal1, and Bctty Brown are on the in time to ;,:-et into the Pier ."crap.the mclt; Thefe ,,"cre enough at thl' p};l\' committec. :\ meeting of the The first elcven did little be,)'ond runPhi Psi place. Clarlie, '1 clui> for try-outs will h�announccd I ning" thr0ugh scrimmage and a littlelater. 1_ ,,"o"k in rmtro:ng back pun ts.THIS is ��.r�IY a �om�l� �r� ThCI I II��������������������������������������������������:\Iaroon offlcc IS ,.0 tull ot ecittores.:'estilat nollod)" 'hut us and Joseph conld Frolic Dancing Academystanel it.. Our temperament, y06 55th and Ellis Avenue Adjoining the Uninrsity, is a handsome home for out-oftown students, and the logical 'home for the relatives of students whil.e visiting them.Offers temporary home while awaiting induction intoS_ A. T. C.'Open for the comfort nnd entertainment of �he ArmYrTraining Corps.Announcements of �he Dances will appear in the Maroon.Home of the Naval Navigation Students.ALBERT F. GIDDINGS, Mgr.might say. fits right in Classes Tuesday and Tliurs-day Evenings. ( ': ... ' 'Recept�ons· every Saturdayand Sunday Evenings, 8 :30. to 11 :30 p. Di.Come and hear ;the ,BeGt'Dance Orches�rn' in Chicago.PROF.�. L. LOBELLSOCIETY XOTES:\utiunn rushing is having .a lapse\\"hil� 'Phyllis and her young si,�terare quarantined with the .. flu ... •The Delts occupy their accustomeu, ..,.LETNORDLING VENDSO�··.PENCI I.THE pedec:tion of pencil I. '. quality-unequalled for.moO�ess, uniformity of gradiagand durabWt7.17 black ·degrees'from 68 80ftest too to 98 hardes� aadhard and mecllam(indelible) CGp¥." log.Lool( for lite Jl$linctioe VENUS jiniJaII ''The Pen of the Army."BE YOURDRUGGISTlIake this store your ,head-quarters. Everything in Drugs;Cigarettt:s and Candy. \TO THESTUDENTSOF THE,UNIVERSITY of CHICAGOYOU can save you own time and the timeof oyur Instructors �y using a CORONAFOLDING TYPEWRITER for a1l your. Theconvenience and compactness of CORONAmakes it the ideal machine for personal use.ISub-Postal Station Xo. 218 THE MEN OF THE S. A�T. C.. ,READ WHAT l\fAJOR JAMES A� MOSS has to say about CORONAin his latest editioin 'of "ARMY PAPER WORK" and see why he recommends CORONA before any other typewriter for all-around field andgarnson work. �GET A CORONA FOR YOUR PAPER WORKCOR��l,FOLDING TYPEWRITERParker Fountain PeR AgencyNORDLING DRUG CO.Prescri ption DruggistsA. J. �ORDU�G. R. PII. G;Cor. :i:ith and Ingleside Ave.Chicago I!���:with five VENUSR':r!tn: r Pe:c.!I�VENUS Eneer I_at free. Write 1lor it.American Lead Pencil Co. 8 I215 FifthA ... e�,N. Y. ., I. Dept-D. 10 ..".TrJllhe VENUS &tlS�. 100. Millie . Iin 12 sl,u. $2.00 per _z, -I I ...CORONA nPEWRITERSALes COMPANY12 South La Salle StreetFranklin 4992-4993Telephone Hyde Park 340 "'-,'>-Oscar Matsui Send for Booklet 4 for cO'mplete information about this wonderful .little machine.Proprietor of University Representative:SIDNEY CASNER5728 Prairie AvenueTelephone: Normal 6583TIlE EAGLE Ll7�CH ROOMLunchesShort Orders11 o;� East :):)th Street i Private Dancing Lessons 1'---------------- I In a course of six lessons ($5.00):'I ne can acquire the steps of the Waltz,!One4step, and Fox-trot. Single les-I sons if desired.LUCIA HENDERSHOT STUDIO1541 E. 57th St." Hyde Park 2314 •E!>It.ahJisht'd 1890.JENKINS BROTHERSDry Goods and )Ien's Furnishings63rd St. and (jniversity Ave.Right Goods Right PricesRight Treatment M�chine folded in case. .{t,A;��.�._;. ' "1,I .'" 'n& fl�"-;; - -." -'/)//.-t·' ..I',�' ."