',''1' -.,atUNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 2,1918 PRICE FIVE CENTSVOL. XVIL NO. 1 ·:t�'-�J�.1�f.:·1-: �'·�l:.'fa!, .r��!UNIVERSITY AUTHORITIES WELCOME. �1NEW STUDENT ARMY TRAINING' CORffS.· _ :�� .i ..v t;_Campus Being Rapidly Transformed Into Military ��DDlen� �.:';�: jBarracks Not Yet Ready for All Men-Umt DiVIded t : ����' �Into Eight ·Companies. ;' ":',':" ." �IECENTLY OR_IlEDW.S.T.C. ENROLLS 400UNIVERSITY STUDENTSThe campus Y. M. C. A. of last HAVE HELD CONTINUOUS DRILLyear is being converted into an armyY. 'M. C. A. with the Reynolds club FATE OF £ONFERENCEFOOTBALL STILL LIESWITH MILITARY �HIEFSMaroon Team Has Only TwoVeterans-Several Prom­ising YearlingsLOCAL Y. M. C. A. BECOMESMILITARY ORGANIZATIONSoares, Stevens and Browan toAct as Secretaries-Head­quarters in Reynolds ClubWill Be Open to S. A •.T. C. Men.Membership Open to All Women-Recruiting Station in IdaNoyes Hall.TO DO EXTENSIVE WAR WORKWartime football in the Big Tenas its headquarters. Extensive plans is still hanging in the balance. andrunder its slogan of "Work and are being �;.'U to convert the club only a definite announcement of pol­Fight" the Woman Student Training house into a genuine army Y. 1\1. C. icy from' .the army authorities at'Corps has enrolled over four hundred A. with all amusements open to the. 'Washington will settle the future ofUniversity women during the two soldiers of the S. A. T. C the sport. At present the game seemspreceding days. The corps, which 'Last year's .plans have been to be in disfavor, but the conferencewas started by women of the Senior changed of necessity and the organi- committee is hoping that the sched-t ,'Class this summer, hopes to include zation has been placed at the dispo- ule for this year will be permitted,}every woman in the 4Uiuversity before I sal of the W. ar Council. Professor �t least in a modified form.• E:-erything' seemed to be goinglong. Theedore Soares, who recently en- smoothly until last week, when Ma-I The W. S. T. C. has been organized 'fisted in the Y. M. C. A. for service Jor Adams. Commandant at the Uni­to banJl..the women of the UniverSity 'in France, has been assigned to the versity of ,Minnesota. announced thatinto an active uriit which will do al: local branch of the Y. M. C. A. as I the 'Gopher team would not be per­in its power to help win the war. General Secretary. ·Mr. �bert G "I mitted to play the IM.aroo·n OctoberSt h h d Y M C A 12 as playing the game would nee-To become a member a woman must ' evens, w 0 as one .... • . '. . ..- .. f . essitate breaking quarantine. Thensien a pledge to prepare for an es- service In France or over a year, ISd f "r h. .."".. .. ... an or er rom \'Vas mgton, saymgsential occupation while in college gomg to devote hIS entire tune here that half day furloughs only would beto engage in an essential occupation as Activity Secretary. As a repre- permitted during October. helped tofor the duration of the war after the sentative of the 'student body, Clar- further the confusion.college course has been completed ence 'Brown will continue 4n the ca- Conference authorities met last.:.: :aand for the major part of the long pacity of Business .Secretary, Plans week in an attempt ' to unravel �hevacations, and to devote. a definite for S. A. T. C. representation have tangle. After .an all �ay meetingf ti h' eek t Red not yet been worked out although a ,the representanves decided to putamount 0 me eae we 0 ," their troubles up to Washington, andCross work or social service work barracks plan has been suggested. two of the committee were sent to theduring the UJii�ersity year. Military Clubilo-.e for y� .M. C. A. Men. Capitol for a decision. So far theydrill will be compulsory. The .drill The entire club has been turned have received no answer, ,but onewill take the 'place of floor work in over to the government and every- is expected in a day or .two,the .gymnasium department' and equal thing will be at I the disposal of the. .The Old Man Continues Training..�di��will_.be_giyen... .. "" men, .. A�_ barracks .�ilLbe cro�'d�d t Meanwhjle;" Coacfi Stagg is goingand reading' and wn�ng space limit- ahead with the task of developing aned, desks will be provided dn the \ Y. eleven of conference caliber. TheM� C. A. and the customary "With material this year has been good inthe Colors" stationery win be' given spots. but the average. is because ofout. Only part of the second ftoor the war, far below that of othervsea­of the club nas been turned over to [sons. Only two letter men of lastTtary ffi .- y'ear are back, Moffat Elton. halfback.nu 1 0 ICes.WI· II be and 'Bernard IMcDonald, end being the"Time for recreation ex- two' '''Crt winners to return..tremely Umited, I fear," said Gen- 'Gale Moulton. who was one of theeral Secretary Soares, "and therefore mainstays of the line in 1917, cameactivities "'lnust be shoTt. and snappy. out· for a day or two, .and then de�Everything will be free and we want cided that he had enough football forthe boys to make this their head� the year. Terhune, pitcher !In thequarters during their spare time." baseball team this spring, and an ex­The first meeting will be held Satur- Hyde Park player, was .another prom-is:ng player to quit after a week'sday evening when plans for the year practice. Terhune is now headed forwill be worked over in a mass meet- Camp Taylor. Dugert, Bradley anding. Hutchinson, three clever backs whohad experience on the second teamFRATERNITY AcrIVITIES last year, are out this year, and oneARE TO BE DISCONTINUED of the trio may win a job.. ACCORDING TO -REPORTS Reber to Be Center This' Year.I.•Great Latitude in War Work.tMembership in the W. S. T. C. isopen to every waui� on the campus.The pledge is elasti=. tmou�h to allowevery woman to join. ·.rIle w� workpledged Play range from a few min­Utes each week to whole days; themain object is to have women ac­complish. all the work they have.pledged. A uniform c_onsisting of a�!C!! serge dress and a brown felt hathas been selected, and' may be boughtat a moderate prite by those who de­sire one. Uniforms are in no waycompulsory; in fact, only those whowere already planing to purchase anew dress have been urged to buy theuniform. Each member, however, isrequired to wear an arm band withthe tinsignia of the organization.CommISSions in the W. S. T. C.will be conferred by a board of se-'Ieetion whlch will probably 'consistof �rs of the department of,Physical Education and the militaryauthorities. While final plans have'not yet been announced it is believedthat the officers wiH be responsiblelor the war work done by the womenunder them. They will keep a recordof the scholarship averages of thewomen in their companies.,Rooms in Ida Noyes halJ Will soonhe· opened ,where Red Cross knittingand surgical dressings work may bedone at.all times. The Corps hopes tomake its Red Cross work one of itsmost significant features, - and it ishOlled that every woman will devoteas much time as possible to thiswork. The recruiting office in IdaNoyes haH is open at aU times for:registration. Reber, who played on the scrubteam last year, is the best pivot manon the squad, and is. sure of the cen­ter'.s -job this year. Bob' Cole, fresh­man quarter, and A. A. Stagg, Juniorare the most promising of the quar-Although no meeting of thc Inter- ters. with Cole ha,·ing the edge. Cris-fraternity Council has yet been held, ler and Korsell. last year's .freshmenand no official action has been taken players,. are the most promising ofby the University authorities, it is the ,backfieid candidates, and Cris­expected that fraternity activities will ler'.s work so far seems to entitlebe greatly restricted tliis year. him to one of the back positions.The five fraternity houses on Uni- \ � Stegeman is one of the hest of t�eversity avenue, .Psi UpsiI�n, Phi Kap- \tuards, .and. wi! pr,ob�bly hold downa 'Psi Chi Psi and Alpha Delta Phi, o.ne of the Ime Jobs, WIth I slay. on thep". • SIde of Reber. Gordon and Newhallarc to �e taken over by the Mlh� arc fighting for the tacklcs. and ifEstablishment for barracks; and It IS the army decides to allow freshmenexpected that the Alpha Tau Omega to play, ·McGuire of Hyde Parkhouse will he converted into a mili- scems to be entitled to a place in thetary hospital. A number of the fra- line. (\I cDonald will play one end,ternities, Sigma Nu, Kappa Sigma (.Continued on page 4.)and Sigma Chi, gave up their houses,last year; and it is probable that THE DAILY )IAROON BULLETINthere will be no regularly organized ' Today.fraternity houses on �he campus this All classes meet.winter. Divinity chapel, 11 :15, Haskell.City newsp.apers published reports . Annual Faculty.dinner, 6:30, Quad­of a government order against fra- rang Ie club.ternities this week, but as yet no of­ficial coIrllrmation has been receivedby the fraternities themselves. Untilthen the rushing season will continue)Iilitary Authorities Take OverHouses on University·Aveuue forBarraeks caRd Hospital.TO THE MEMBERS OF THES. A. T. C.Many of the large clothing bous_e5of the city are offering discounts tomen of the S. A. T. C. It would beweD to keep track of these offers andto take adftDtage of them.·The Daily MuooJ- TQ1ftorrow.as in prn:ious y�ars. Chapel, Junior colleges, men andwomen, and eolleg� of Commerce andAdministration, }.1 :15, Mandel._Divinity chapel, 11 �15, HaskeD. ·FIRST ASSEl\IBLY OF S. A. T. C. HELD YESTERDAY --':::11------------ . ��The first assembly of the Student I '''The United 'States has for its task-. �t�Army Training Corps was held yes- the training of 100,000 officers' by ".rn.terday at 11 o'clock at the ftag pole. next June. With the view o! attain-' _", '�[!Ail members of the IS. A. T. C .. as ing this end, every college i� t�e. ':'��well as instructors, students and CtuOUtl�otnr.:: will hec�m� a military Insfi- . �members of the faculty were present '(;..t;',for the flag raising and pledging of This statement, made yesterday by " �i�';allegiance. l\fajor Wygant and 'Cap- Major Wygant, Commandant of the -. �tain 'Boardman read messages from University S. A. T. C., indicates the Ithe President of the United States, change in eollegiate acti�ties that . :I�General :March, and the Secretary of will accompany tb� militacy regime �":';lI�War. Dean Angell, acting president at the campus. The major said fur- : , ... nti,lof the University, gave an address ther, "The training. will be given with .. :;·_·��1in which he welcomed the men to the the idea of making commissioned of- �'l'��University and emphasized the nn- fieers of the students, and the in- �'.; "."}(:�portance of the day. st�ction, both academic and �i1i� '." . =:. '._:.:��.�"This is the time for action and WIll approach the W est Pomt idea� '.. 7. ';��not for talk," said 'Dean Angell. "This as nearly as possible." . .' '�'\���JWI"11 'be the most memorable day in the ., .;:, ,':.>:0,CQmmissions Depend on :Merit. .. - .:., ·:-.;�rM�jor Wyrgant emphasized the .fa� .. ··:�WS�.that recommendations for commis- 0/::"'Y._.Jsions would not be given indiseriDii':' .'_ . �}:$Jnately, but would. depend entirely . :::�{.�'upon the merits of· the individual. .. �',.: .. J��f'. .} ... : ..... -"The government realizes the �n, .-·-'��t't(�train, to become clean, strong, and he said, "that every man enteiiDg:' . � : �;,;��,:.�manly. theSe A. T. C. will not make a good ',_ �:"";.��*":iofficer, but those who do not secure. -..' :::$.line commissions vdll have opportuni-:-' :�..:,\.;;��.ties to serve along' techni�l. �ines. �_ '.� ,- +:>�!:Life at the University will be � � . '.>,t�terned after the program followed.;b( ��;�f,cantonments. First call will be blm', ,:?fd. (at 6:15 every morning, and.�. t.�.: 30.:,.• ,�.•. r.,:�:;}r: �':.l'reveille will be blown, at widell �:7"��':'�I/� .' -;each company will form in front ��:·.�:�·Fr:�, .�jlbarracks. Mess call will be SOUDd�t� l-I�.' _;.��at 6:45. At 8 the men wHl assembl� :[:;�� .and march to sehool,-where they w,ug .):.�_� ._PUl'S. ue. academic st�dies until. -12:1'!i.�. �<�.i�i'\'&..... !{;.­All enlISted men WIn be reqmred to' .: . ..:st .attend "retreat" with �eir e��.:· ·��:.t���nies at 5:20, an'd at·8 wIll assemble .�for study. Study will be for a period r .. ;.���of two hours, and at 10:15 taps � . ;:.�:.��be sounded, an dlights turned off. �. )/��I\-;Assignment of Barracks SooD., -:. i!t, ...... r .... _��Barracks will be assigned to, _Ii '. (1-)11in Snell, Hitchcock and Divi�ity.,· :t.;;,��"_ •• ,+- ... ..-l;�halls, as w. ell as in the concrete �ta�: �'�':��.�.'��.'.on Stagg rfield. The latter wdl !1�- . -, :.:j�,�commodate five. hundr� men, �� -�:'<i.j, have been equIpped WIth electric .:' �>..f:5lights and steam heat. Assi�ments' . � �j�The University will inougurute its to barracks are being made 1D the :.�V�Fourth Liberty Loan Drive today. A dormitories, but the stands .are no. � ···�;tI}.:."faculty committee, which' met yester- yet ready for use. The medlcal.� '.' .''J-.' ,day, made the necessary arrange- �dents have been assigned to Hiteh- . :. ': .. ,,:;:j..�ments for canvassing the entire Uni- "';fI:o-. •versity. It is hoped that every mem- eock hall, where- the naval unit also : '�'�ber of the student and faculty bodies will be stationed.· '.:'�. �--:.�\;;will be reached. None of the men have yet been in� : "':�{�. ;._'��1. "�j{.,'t�\1�'�v.<� .. �1'��,YGU have done.""This step we have �en is signifi­cant," read the message from thePresidellt of the United States. ''Wehistory of the University. For cen­turies to come we shall rememberthis peaceful University transformedinto an anny caIbp. To these men hascome the opportunity which has nevercome to men before. They are toSignificant Step, Says President."Don't let your ardor be dulled bythe good news we are hearing. • Weneed not urge you to do your best.You have taken up the responsibilityand I can't urge you to do more thanare comrades in a common call. Wehave pledged our sacred honor forthe freedom of humanity. To succeedis to he inspired by ideals and to b.masters of the technique by whichwar is fought.. Our spirit is indomit-able."UNNERSITY BEGINS NEW,LIBERTY LOAN CAMPAIGNWITH THOROUGH CANVASSHope to Reach Every Member ofUni�ersity�Military AuthoritiesAssist in Drive.The faculty has �ppointed captainsto take subscriptions from Univer­sity employees. The women's dormi­tories will 'have representatives toha�dle the drive in the hall:,. The\V_ S. T. C. wil reach the womenliv;ng off camptt'S. and the militaryaut hor:ties will arrange for handlingthe sub..;;'Criptions of �ll LTniversitymen. In prev:ous drives the Univer­sity has made a creditable record.Those in charge of the present cam­paign hope for even a bigger re­spon�e now."I hc1ie\"(�:' said Dean :\iiller. whohas charge of the present campaign,"that the University wil go over thetop early in the drive. The rcsponse,to the Third Loan w.as remarkablygood. and as the need is even greaternow. I feel surc that the 'rcspons�will increase in proportion. \V c havethree ,weeks in which to raise ourquota. but I know it wilt ::ot take halfthat time." ducted into the service, the cerem�nies' yesterday having been in thenature of a reception rather than anofficial induction. So none Of the­students will be required to sleep inbarracks at present, unless they sodesire. However, all out-of-town lpenhave been given rooms in dormitoriesupon application. Cots and otherequipment have not yet arrived, butare expected shortly.The fifteen hundred men in the S.A. T. �. unit here will be divided intoeight companies and a naval section.Each company will consist of approx­imately 150 men, and will 'have as­signed to it a second lieutenant andtwo acting non-commissioned of5-cers, the-latter being campus menwho have returned from Fort Sheri­dan. None of the non-commissioned fI...(Continued on page 2). ,"'�_ 1milt latin Slaroon they consider themselves lucky. I n away. perhaps, that is true, but theirtask is none too easy. They realizewhat they have taken upon them­selves, and therefore we the men. aregrateful, because they are savingsomething of value for us, somethingthat m'ight have disappeared by rea­son of war's necessity.'So we bow. and greet you. and begyour indulgence for mistake . .; that we�hall make. And if our OOW be moregracious. you know the reason.The Student Newspaper of The a.University of ChicagoPublished mornings, except Saturday,Sunday and °llonday, during the Au­tumn, Winter and Spring quarters,by the Daily Maroon company.EDITORIAL lDEPARTMENTTHE STAFFJohn Joseph Managing Editor::Ruth Genzbergcr News EditorHelen Ravitch Night EditorRose Fishchkin Day EditorJames Sheehan Day EditorHarry Shulman Day Editor,\\'iTliam ':Morgenstern. Athletics Editor'Ly�;sa Chalkley Associate EditorFrederick Winterhoff ...... : Associate EditorEntered as second class mail at theChicago Postoffice, 'Chicago, Illinois,Much 13, 1906, under the act' ofM�lrch 3, 1873... -, "',�., P.ROF. McLAUGHLIN TO BECHIEF SPEAKER AT DINNERFOUoR- MiAlWON- Rhodes - - FRATERNITY ·GRADES SOONREADY FOR DISTRIBUTION.. .During this week. �e Maroonwill be delivered in quantity< to IdaMayes, Cobb H� ... Ellis and theWomen's Halls, it being believedthat such a course will make itclear to all students just what theMaroon is. Beginning with Tues­day, October 8th, however, deliver­ies will be arranged so that onlysubscribers will receive their paper.SUBSCRIBE AT THE BOOTHIN oos'r The faculty will hold its anna ...dinner atthe Quadrangle club at 6:30tonight. The principal speaker is tohe !Prof .. McLaughlin, who has spentthe past few months in England ointhe 'interests of the government. Inaddition ,Major Wygant, commandingofficer of the S. A. T. C., and Dean. Angell will also speak: Those incharge of the reception hope that itwill furnish an opportunity for the.members of the faculty to become ac­quainted with the major and his staff.,As only a hundred and .fifty may be Ilf,.., F. J. Gurney, assistant recorder.has announced that the grades of frat:.erniti� for the .Spr ing' Quarter and thetable of standings for the years 1917-" .�18 are ready for distribution. Ditribution has been deferred until nov.because nearly a!l organizations were'in abeyance during the Summer quar­ter. I�r.r. Gurney has also requestedthat all fraternities send the namesand addresses of the- undergraduaterepresentatives to the Recorder's of­fice. As soon' as these arc receivedthe reports wil be distr ibuted.Foreign Club to Hold Reunioa,'Teh annual reunion of the Cosmospolitan club will be held Friday a�8, at the club house, 6041 University I'avenue. All forcig� men- stu�n�have been invited. '.Classified·\Vill give a pleasant room andboard to a woman student in u.:­change for Qssi,tance with' a 2 1-:02year old child. Phone Kenwood2323.S. A. T. C. CO.M)\IA�DANT ISSUES Sick Call andBULLETIN FOR SECTIO� ··An 'first Sergeants CalL. 7:30Inspection 8:30Schedules by Which Campus Soldiers Drill Call 9:25Will be G�verned Are Announced Assembly ,.. " 9:30by l\lajor Wygant. Drill 11 :30BUSI�ESS DEPARTlIENT ',Mess Call (First} 12:25 P, M. ,a.:commodated, the management re-Grant Mears, Manager The following schedule has been Mess Call (ISecond) 12:55 quests that all reservations be made·May Freedman, Assistant I t th hiissued by order of Maj. Wygant,. First Call Retreat 6:10 not a er an t IS noon.'commandant of the Student ArmyTraining Corps at the -University.Members of the Uni\'ersity have beenadvised to preserve a copy of theSUlBSCRIPTION RATES schedule as it will probably be inCalled for, $2.50 a year; $1.00 a I t.iquarter. I operation for some ime,By Carrie'!', $3.00 a year; $1.25 2. BULLETIS �O 1quarter... _ _ I 1. Until further notice, the fol-. Sy Mall (city). $3.;)0 a year; $1..,0 I" chedule of calls for Sectiona quarter. O'''Ing s. .l3:r IMail (out of town), $4.25 a "A" will be operative at this post.year; $1.75 a qu?rter. Daily Schedule Excepting Saturdayand Sunday.Editorial Rooms E1lis 12 6 - A � ...T elephone Midway 800, Local 1U2. First Can :1., .'.'1.Hours: 11:10-11:50; 12:25-6; 7-8. :Revc'ille and Assembly 6:30!Business Offi�e Ellis 14 I "Mess Call .(,First) 6:45Telephone !MIdway 800, Local 162 I �-Hours: 10:20-11:50; 3-5:30. Mess ICall ('Second) � 7:0ar lSick csn and1 First Sergeants CalL. 7:30THE FEMALE OF THE SPE�SlsChOOl Call 7:55The conventional how of the Daily Assembly 8:00��aroon t h'is year w il he �omewhat 'Officers Call 9:30different-anyone has real�zed that. Recall from School., 10:00. YOl1 who read the paper Will see the. 10'10. same size sheet. a similar "make-up," Drill Call .and probably recognize a similar Assembly 10:15policy. The difference lies in the fact Recall from ·Drill :;.)2:15that women wil practically run this Mess Call '(iFirst) ·12:25journal of campus life. ;Mess Call (Second) 12:55Hitherto women. at least as far as School 'Call 12:55the 'Daily Maroon is concerned. have Assembly 1:00 P.M.heen playing second riddle. \Ve knewd h 1 iRecall from ,School 5:05wr- neede t em, we va lied and em-ployed their aid. but there was a. dis- First 'Call for Retreat.. 5:20tinct feeling that women were not iRetreat : 5:25tFe pr ime organizers and workers. -Mess Call (First) 6:25N ow well. everything is differeQ.t. :Mess CaU (Second) 6:45A glance at the staff list heading this �School Call {Study) 7:55calumn will show that therc is a : .Assembly 8:00woman news editor. a woman night .Recall from School and (Continued from page-I.) used as residence halls for womeneditor. a woman day editor. If that Call to Quarters : �10:00 appointments 'are permanent, and under the name of Woodlawn house.does not mean verv Tnuch, remember - will be altered as the commandant's The halls do not serve meals, butthat the people that fill these posi- Taps 10:1.,otherwise they do not differ from theSaturday Schedule office may see fit. iAdditional non-rions will probably do more work �I •F· t C 11 6 15 A'u commissioned officers wiH 'be chosen other University dormitories .arul .hear more responsibility than Irs a· : . ,;,u.any other members of the staff. Reveille and Assembly 6:30 ,from the members of the unit. uNon-They say, these wOl11en. that they }less Call (First) 6:45 coms." will wear chevrons, but will PATRONIZE MAROON ADVER-arc grateful for the opportunity. that ilIess Call (Ser.ond 7:05 . hold only acting appointments. TISERS �tiss Edith Atwater. Instructor oiStringed I nxtruments, l.�kulele. \�Ian­dolin, Banjo, Guitar. Hawaiian Guitar.Studios+-Leonard Wilson School ofMusic, (»255 Kirnbark Ave. 'HydePark 2885. 551 A E. 47th 'St.SUBSC'RIBE FOR THE MAROONTODAYIMPORTED HOSIERYFor Coif, Tenai8 ad Sptd Weat'IN ATTRACTIVE DESIGNS FOR..MEN AND WOMEN(tRetreat 6:15Mess Call (F'irst) 6:25Mess Call (Fir"t) 12:2� P. �1.Call to Quarters 10:00Taps � 10:15Sunday Schedule. I who hinder. 'College men arc here. t to help. to work that they may fight.FIrst Call ; 7:30 A. M. '" d' f th. I .1 ester ay mormng every man 0 eReveille and Assembly 7:45 S. A. T. C. pledged himself to hisMess Call (F�rst) _ 8:00 country. pledged himself to work.Mess Call (,second) 8:20 Often has been the case that a mantMess Call (First 12:25 P. M. or woman did not come to college toIMess Call (!Second) 12:55 .work, Perhaps he or she has eventu-Mess Call ,(IFirst) 6:25 al1): worked. but that is another story.':Mess Call (Second) 6:45 !hls year both men and \Vonl�n are111 college to work. the men m theS. A. T. C. the women in the \Y. S.T. C. and other organizations of sim­ilar nature. College. this universitvand every other university and <:01-lege. will have .a new meaning; per­haps it could be better said one mean­ing. And that meaning is work.Are we going to work? Just watchWORK TO FIC!HTCitizens of America are now in twoclasses-s-those who "help and thoseSchool Call (Study) 7 :55Assembly 8:00Recall . from School and'Call to Quarters �10:00'Taps .10:15Hold Chapel Tomorrow.Order of Major ·Wygant,Commandant.'Robert P. IBoardman,Captain 127th Inf., U. S. A ._�djutant. us .'Chapel' exercises will be held to­Hold Commemorative Chapel.The annual' commemo;ative ·chapel, morrow at 11 :15 in ,Mandel for allat. which the 'President makes his men and women in the Junior col- �yearly report will be held Friday at leges of 'Arts, Literature and Science, •11:15, in Mandel. All students of the and for all students of the 'College iUniversity have been requested to of Commerce and Administration. At-attend. tendance is compulsory.• New Dormitories are Open. -UNIVERSITY AUTHORITIESWELCOME NEW STUDENTARMY TRAINING CORPS. 5824 Woodlawn avenue are now beingThe. three houses at 5810, 5820 andBO·OKS___ , __ ,-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Pens· and Supp6esGET THEM EARLYPaper, N-ew and secondat Reduced Pricesof All hand.•• •••• ••KindsAT THEUniversity BookstoresCorner 58th St. and Ellis Avenue, and Room 106 Emmons Blaine Hall .,.�f": .,II582230 .:i- ,, TaRE ,DAlLY IfAB:OON, WEDN�DAY, OCTOBER 2, 1918 3r Kill· The HunKill His lIope.,.IBui U. S. Government BondsFourth [jber� LoanBayonet and BondBoth KillPrivate Dancing LessonsTo men in the s. A. T. C.-A discount of 10 per cent will begiven on merchandise that is ... used in their equipment. In a course of six lessons ($5.00)one can acquire the steps of the Wal�One-step, and Fox-trot. Single les­sons if desired.Young Me_n!F AU SUITS ARE HERE �. �==-.Ready for your inspection � the latest , T.E NVmodels in Fall Suits-Suits that accentuate . � J . _the virile spirit of the day. Dash, vim, and O· C\ PI��"'.1vigor are personified bodly in these Clothes - . a;,.L��of quality and merit. '. T H'£' .' . "tioaqaaU��UD·eq aallecl foreaaoothaaa, tlDl·fonDit7 of trndIa8ad dunbIII�.LUCIA HENDERSHOT STUDIO1541 E. 57th St. Hyde Park 2314MAASHALL FIELD,liCOMPANY.We point with pride to our new Pa­triot model-a Suit that is truly Amer­ican in every respect. Note thecamouflaged patch pockets and belt.As for value, these Suits possess the bestwoolens, the best style, the best finishings,and the best tailoring obtainable at the price.We ask all Young Men to investigate thisadvanced showing ;$25 and up. 17 black desrrees'from 6B eof_t toto 9H hardest, aacIhard ... d medhIID(indeUble) �IDa.l.ooI( Jor lite Jllt/ne­�'ioe VENUS finlJalI!�!�:with flYe VENUSDnwi •• Peac:ib!.Holder andVltNUS E ......... atfne. Wit ..for it.THE STORE FOR MEN Amerk:aa Lead Pencil eo.,215 FlfthA ... , N. Y.. �Dept-D. 10Trw lite VENUS &..F. '". M_,,, 12.,_ $2.00 IN" 60 ••_ ..,._. New Hall at Drexel House. ,'Drexel House will remain a 'Cc'):"Op­erative housekeeping dormitory thisyear under the same plan as organ-_ized by 'lHss Thyrza Barton just be­fore her departure for France 'astfall. Illiss Harriet Clendon, who hasMISS TAYLOR ANNOUNCESMEMBERSHIP CAMPAIGNAND LEAGUE ACTIVITIES placed in various pars of the campus.All new women who' have not beenassigned upper class -couuselors havebeen asked to apply at the Leagueroom on the second, floor r).f IdaNoyes Hall. to obtain informationregarding the movement. 'League teas. planned for new womenand their counselors will he givenWednesdays and Thursdays in theLeague rooms. All women have beeninvited to come to these teas and getacqainted. A program is being plan­ned for each tea. Regular Leaguemeerinzs will be held Thursdays at11:10 in Cobb 12:\. :\11 womenwhether members or not have beenasked to the mce ting s.General Secretary of League InvitesAll Women to Teas andMeetings.'�I iss Ann Elizabeth Taylor. Gen­eral Secretary of the Young Women'sChristian League. has made severalannouncements of interests to newwomen. These regard upper cla-scounsellors. teas and meetings for thequarter. She has also made variousannouncements regarding the mem­bership campaign."It is the purpose of the League,"said �li,s Taylor. "to make everywoman in the Univcr sity a member.and for this reason a large member­ship campaign will begin Monday."By tlie end of. the week this cam­paign will close, and on the followingMonday a general movement for sub­scriptions will begin.The attention of all women. and i, - ,)particular, of those who have just en­ been teaching household arts in Du­tercd the University. has been calledto the fact that posters anouncing luth, 'l\Iinn., will act as head and bus�-the activities of the League have been ness manager.Second Hand Books\ ".University Books, New and Second Hand and All Kinds of'Students' Supplies at the Mast Reasonable PricesWoodworth's Book Store-1311 E. 57th St., between Kimbark and KenwoodTwo Short Blocks East of the Tower. Phone Hyde Par� 1690Open EveningsAthletic GoodsGym OutfitsSecond Hand Law Books University of Chicago JewelryFountain Pens'.,-."'��-';;;j... I11'.�: .. -._.�J��l\fedital and Scientific Books' ....Hotel Del Prado ....... '\1. :.-- -�, .. -Adjoining the University, is a handsome home for out-of- '.'__ ...... ---, town students, and .the logical home for the relatives of stu-dents While visiting__them.Offers temporary home while awaiting induction intoS. A. T. C.Open for the comfort and entertainment of the ·Army,Training Corps.Announcements of the Dances wiD appear in the Maroon._Home of the Naval Navigation StudentS�ALBERT F. GEDDINGS, Mgr. ... -�.... '.IF you want the best pipethat can be made, youcan get it in a W DC-upto $6. If you want the bestgenuine French Briar thatas little as 75 cents will buy,you can get it in a \V D C.American made, in all sizesand styles, and -sold at thebest shops.No man ever had a betterpipe than this one. Care­rully selected Slen oineFrench Brrar, a sterlinJ:rinJr and v u lc a n lfe bit.hand fitted and rinishe:lby an expert."WM. DEMUTH'" CO .• New York·'..-Qr/d·" J.arfl�:ct /';1'" .'I"n"l",'I"r�rII.�,[ THE DAlLY MAROON. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 2, UIIDoc- anyone, "have to be told thereWhistle 'occasionally now; the new is a Fourth Liberty Loan now intypewriters have red ribbons on them. progress? Docs anyone have to beasked to .invest in these honds?No, that doesn't mean red ribbons Doesn't everyone know that libertyfor decoration, Arabella. You WRITE dollars are the hottest shots we hereat home can fire, shots that the blindcan make and not miss, shots thatwomen, children, old men. young men-all Americans can make and score abulls eye each time? 'Perhaps thephysically unfit can't cross to Franceand engage in actual combat-hutthey can buy bonds. Only the men­tally unfit will refuse a bond salesman.From which we judge that the food SUBSCRIBE FOR THE' MAROONconservation movement in Colorado TODAYTo a brand new world in shoulderstraps,And military maidens, too,We part the curtains, make our bow',Out' great debut.(The rhyme is bad, but so's )1ili­.tary French).Brook Ballard: I'm taking thecourse in Wa1" Aims.Sweet Freshman: What's that, acourse in target pract ice ?The Whistle wishes to announceits policy for the year. Everythingwill be military, from wrist-watch tonasal accent. Tho 'women's clubs willhave to .get along on less publicity;and iet democracy be the watch­wordl=-etc., etc. Since Johnny Ash-. enhurst is in Africa or some place,the Phi Gams and �soterics will re­tire for a while. Everything 'will bein tune with the moment's enthusi­asrnj=-and-c-so on; thc only decora­tions permitted will be brass buttons.(Signed)-Lady from Omaha: Is this thePsychology 'Building?The :Maroon Staff (Chorus): No,this is Ellis.L. from 0.: Oh, I thought theysaid it was an old flat building.(There's no special reason why theold lady should come from Omaha,only, we were there onct),There'll be a little local color in thef����',�.�� .b�.. '.,t".1. on them.The Denver Post, a HearstesquejournalllUbilshed in the Golden West,came out a couple of weeks ago withthis fast line Tor a head (in big redletters four inches high):PLANK ,l\fOVE:\lENT ON HAM.t: .Expressing the highestquality and style ideasof the ultra dresser.Fashion in a generalway is prescribe for the sea­.son by a congress of the best qualified:designers. After which they. return totheir style studios and evolve their ownconeeptions=of enhancing style details,artistic touches in designing and model­ing. Our buying staff, having access toaU sources of clothing production, er­views these presentations and gatherhere the most creditable creations themarket affords. That is why you findhere the most extensive and eholeest'selection of quality suits and top coatsat I,f:l) \I,, In\ vJ I.f '1I:. ��. (�) 8',�·le11 �'ll1�t:syn� CJ t:hI 11\---..t t:ot1aata. ��rgv"sJ1"} �s1,r st11a1\ cl\ 1aI!)\I" sIi at t" 1:it (f�.t�iaoilv ' '�{II'!.�,',..._ \;.. .1 '- 0, jl,,1has reached unprecedented develop- _ments,Oh, we forgot to sign the mani­festo above. So here goes-Anon.PATRONIZE MAROON ADVER­TISERSFATE OF CONFERENCEFOOTBALL STILL LIESWITH MILITARY CHIEFS. -, (Continued from page 1.)and 11 inkle and Xicely are battlingfor the other wing.Jerry X eff, another former HydeParker. i.. one of the best of thefreshmen hacks, and mar win out,:\1i11s of Holland is another fresh­man back w'ith ability. TWQ moremembers of the charnpionshsip HydePark eleven of last year seem to havea chance to land on the team. Halli­day and Lockwood. linesmen. beinggood players.Games May Be Played Nearby.Coach Staff has not halted h is prac­tice so far. but has continued t o r dr illevery day. despite the uncertaintyas the future of the game. If theXl iunesota and Wisconsin �ames arccalled off. it is probable that the M a­roon coach will schedule games withnearby teams. A game with a .serv ..icc team is a possibility.Practice 'yesterday confined to for­ward passing and signal drill. Be­cause of the induction services there Iwas no morning drill, and the rainand physical examinations cut thesquad down to a dozen men in theafternoon. \Vhen the army programgocs _into effect a definite time eachday win he allowed for practice, andthe usual long sessions of other yearswill not be permitted. S. A, T, C. MENThere are serviceand economy ad­vantages in buyingyour militaryapparel accessorieshere. College Floor-the ThirdCollege FloorClothes,$25, $30, $35, $40 to $75HOT SHOTS�IfE.HuBHenry C.Lytton � SonsN. E. Comer State and Jackson