.,.,..-I :..""I''T."'cr'.,',':, � .. ,.'\ lIi 'n./ ... �� ... ...: .' . ,', ...1",-.:aroonVOL. XVL:, No. 20. Price Five �tsUNIVE�SITY OF CHICAGO, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 27� 1917MAROONS 'AND PURPLE 'CLASH TODAY...,. ........ -,''It ..--------------------------�--------------------------------------------�------------------Hallowe'en is offered as 'an excusefor a lot of foolishness. The seniorshad a party yesterday afternoon atthe Psi U. house.The most prominent members ofthe Senior class present were MayCornwell. Jo Gamble, Kenneth 'Alex- Students Could Arrange for Better.ander McPherson, Clarence Plummer! Afternoon .Classes-Fraternitiesand Eddie Kemler. and Women.'s Halls to Object.Happy though SillyI There were too man)\ 'people there IThe final results of the campaign and so the committee had them A plan by which no intermission inamong the members o�' the faculties, dance the Virginia reel, which drove classes will be allowed' for: a lunchstudents, and the employees of the hundreds away.' . Milton Coulter was period \\;11 be discussed at a jointUniversity. have been announced, the master of ceremonies. He' really en- meeting of the faculties of all thecampaign among the students having joyed it. schools and colleges of the Univerended last night, and that of the em- Because it was a Hallowe'en party: sity which is called for this morningployees Wednesday. The subscrip- Marjorie Mahurin thought she would at 11 in Harper. assembly. The purtion made by the University reached have to steal a stone owl. She wa-. pose of the new plan is to allow stuthe total of $264,950. Of this amount chased off the roof and down the' fire dents to have a wider choice of studiesthe University itself subscribed $200,- escape just in time.. Add results of in the afternoon without, having to000, the faculty members and em- a college education and of prolonged remain at school as late as is at presployees $51,800, and the students $13,- confinement in Foster hall. The pianist ent necessary, Tlie plan will relieve150. . The subscription made by the was a volunteer and played like' one. congestion in the classrooms in theUniversity to the Second Liberty Loan Besides the Alpha Delt seniors, few morning.· was double, that made to the first. men' ·attended the party. Again the By the arrangement to be discussed. Of the bonds' bought by the faculty horrors of war. . /. there will ibe seven class hours daily,the employees of the University, 9 . She Stoops to Duck each-to' be fifty-five minutes long,' and· were for $1,000, 9 for $500, 217 for Lee Ettelson' and Marion Palmer! witli" a ten minute interniissiiori be-$100, and 332 for $50. The majority the popular histrionists, won the rub- . hveen' them, beginningbetween 8 apdot.: the purchasers of the bonds are ber derby for ducking .. for .apples. 8:30 and ending between 2:55 andpaying for them in installments taken They're. used to ducking. Wade 3:25. The fime of lunching will beout of their salaries and could have Bender, who, has been telling every- left to the individual program. - The. been reached in no other way than by body how busy he is, was there in a plan will �rmit persons wantingthe' University. The students are also body. He related some of his best either morning or afternoon classesbuying their bonds on the installment ghost stories. Ruth Mount thought to have lunch: either before arriviitll:plan i� large numbers, qaost of the in:" somebody was passing a wet fish or after leaving \ the campus' and tostallments being paid weekly. . around the room, as is done at Hal- have a choice of four periods in eitherTuesday's Sale Greatest lowe'en parties, but she �ound it was case, it being possible to consider theThe sale of bonds to the students only Politician Adams" hand she was fourth 'period as in the morning or thewas greatest on Tuesday when $4,000 holding. afternoon. .-dollars worth were sold and smallest .After everyone had been -.told that _.__ _._._- --the opening day when only· two fifty it was a wet day and after aU the (Continued on page 3.)dollar bonds were disposed of�' Thurs- apples had been eaten, the party brokeday the sale was $2,450 and yesterday $2,850.Mr. Trevor Arnett ,the Universityauditor, who was in 'charge of thecampaign among the employees, andMr.' Rolland Seely, of the Flying.Squadron, who sold bonds to the students, are both highly pleased withthe results of their campaigns. At. the end of the first week the subscription among the students had ex-· ceeded Mr. Seely's expectations forthe entire campaign, as he whisperedin private, and Mr. Arnett' was alsoelated with the results of the faculty'send of the University loan.34 Subscriptions Yesterday,The subscribers to the loan who 'purchased their bonds at the Cobb boothyesterday are Lois Higgins, MadelineSeyrnons, Greenwood hall, MadelineLyndon, Ralph Zimmerman, J. W.Jordan, Ethel Bird, William Licnlick,Francis Stiger, Burton Confrey, Williard McGuere, John Tipton, GeorgeA tkins Katherine Bortholomeu, AgnesPrentice, Hat-oM Ross, Faith Prentice,Green Hall, Katherine Dopp, MildredChart, Joseph Arnsdorff, Hattie Goldstein, Daniel Fisher, Van Meter AmesPaul Willett, Hazel Kyrk, FlorenceKilvarv, Dudley Lyndon, Robert Cole.Lulu Durland, Helen Marshall, Caroline Schwab, Florence Devol and MaryDyers. .CAMPUS BOND SALEENDS WITH RECORDTOTAL OF $264,950University More Than Does Its. . Share in Liberty Loan.Campaign.PURCHASE YESTERDAY $2.85034· Subscriptions Made at BOoth toAgents of Flying Squadron onFinal Day.Forum to Meet TuesdayThe Forum will meet to discuss thesubject "Should Peace Terms Be Discussed at Present," Tuesday at 3 :40 inCobb 12A.\\. FACULTY WRL MEET NORTHWESTERN INVADES MIDWAYTO DI�IJSS l:BANGE TO DECIDE LOCAL CHAMPIONSHIP• • .. _ o•• __ �.IN. TIME. S£BEDIJlE. _)_�_ ..... __ o I· ..' •. . ., . -" .. -- _.Hallowe'en Party at Psi Upsilon-House is Conventionally FoolishEven the Virginia Reel is DraggedOut of Oblivion. To CoAsider Adoption of . PlanProviding for ContinuousSession' of Classes.Brelos (Capt.), 1:}O_ . .I. e.Jaekson, 196 ..... _ .. _ _._. __ ._ 1. t.Bondzinski_ 201 z: __ ........ _.., •• '_.:.. • .1. g.Gorgas, 196 .- .. :'.-_.-.- _ .. _�_:� .. c.Moulton, 168 ._._:_ _.:._�_.� •.. " •.Cochran, 186 .. _ _ .. - .. -.-._ _...:.:r t.McDonald, 163 : .. - - _� .. _ _. __ .r. e.Blocki, 149_._._ __ .. q. b.Rouse,.·163 ._ .. - __ .. __ . __ .. _. __ 1. h. b •.Elton, 167 --._. r. h. b.Higgins, 214 .. ._ __ ........ _. __ . __ .f: b •.�Average weight of teams-Maroons, 177%; Northwestern, 1�5.Average weight of backfields=-Marocns, 173; Northwestern, 162¥.z.Average weight of lines-Maroons. 180; Northwestern, 166%. ----.......,...-- .' -.�.. .- The Purple game this afternoon' will Maroon. and. Purple . will mix todaybe-staged . in- a··martial··setting.'" -The 'in-the big 'annual battle, bigger � .day 'is to be, a "MilitarY Day!' and the ever before this' time because of' adominating color khaki. multitude of interest-moulding factors.Yesterday the Athletic department When the ·referee's whistle' signalscompleted work on a tier of boxes in the opening of the game at 2:30. thisfront of the concrete stand on Stagg afternoon on Stagg Field the rival� .Field which have. been set aside for for supremacy on the local. gridironthe seating of all the military notables will start on what promises \0 � onein the vicinity. President Judson has of· the. hottest contests held here ininvited Major General Thomas H. Bar- recent seasons ..#.. l -,ry, :Major General William H. Carter: Coach Stagg will send int6 the gameCoTonel James A. Ryan, Captain Wil- the same array of talent thathe preHam A. Moffet and Captain Edward sented to Purdue at the opening' ofA. Evers and their staffs 'to be his 'hostilities Jast Saturday .. There hasguests at the game. been little to indicate during the weekMost of the commanding officers ef practice that _ any of' the three. have signified their intention of at- promising substitutes' would developtending in person and all. have said sufficient ability to replace the eleventhat their staffs \\;11 come.' A large regulars. Blocki probablywill do thecontingent of officers from Fort. punting again, for which . Higgins isSheridan will also be present. not a bit sorry. Gale did so well last.·Bands to Be in Khaki J week that the Old Mali decided to re::Both bands will be clad in khaki and I' �ic'\"e Charlie of one of his numeronawill dwell on martial airs. North- Jobs. .. '. . '. -western plans to send many of the' M� Physically �it :Today Evanston training corps to the game 'AU of ·the men are in fine physicalof University Ruling in uniform and members of the local condition. The Purdue game, ,althoughR. O. T. C. also will attend in mili- hard fought, resulted in barely _atary costume. The stands will also be scratch to the varsity. A few bumps'sprinkled fairly liberally with men were ironed out' during the 'week andfrom Fort Sheridan and Great Lakes Johnny Johnson last night reportedwho come in for the game on their. the athletes "in the pink." Northweek-end vacation, western, too, will have a 'team devoidNorthwestern's rooters will number of cripples. The Evanston men haveclose to 5,000, probably more than the had two weeks in which to recoverl\.laroons will have to yell for them. from the Ohio struggle and practiceOver 3,000 tickets were sold, on the for this afternoon's game. Bill Bright:dub, 3. Ida Evanston campus and almost as many mire is still a cripple, but was nevermore to alumni and ex-students. The counted on to perform against the •football game. 2:30, Purple contingent "will occupy the Maroons.whole southern half of the east stand. In weight the Maroons have a bigBusiness Manager Merriam estimated margin, which however, hardly meansthe total attendance at about 15,000. an advantage in the face of fight andsen' icc, II, which means that all of the stands open football. Last year the Chi-will be jammed. cago team was even more weighty and1918 Women Congregate yet was defeated. Northwestern'smain dependence is on the experienceof the Purple players. Ten or theeleven regulars are veterans, as compared with four experienced men onCoach Stagg's squad.Koehler-Higgins Duel InterestingThis advantage, too, can easily beoverestimated; for the Maroons, although newcomers in Conference football, are hardly novices. Many of theChicago's senior women plan to sittogether in the student section and10:1;; request that all the 1918 women makea point of keeping together.SENIORS FORGET DIGNITYAND DUCK AFI'ER APPLESWOULD RELIEVE CONGESTIONup.Meeting�ies:Board of Physical Culture and Athletics, 9, Harper E 4i., Board of the school of Commerceand Administration, 10, Harper E 41.Joint meeting of the faculties of allthe schools and colleges of the University, 11, Harpera ssembly.Board of the Christian union. 11,Harper E 41.Unh·ersity Dames'Noyes hall.UniversityStagg field.WEATHER ·FORECASTNAME TWENTY-TWO ONFRESHMAN COMMISSION Today colder and unsettled.A new Freshman commission has -been chosen to succeed that of lastyear. The old commission will givea supper for the new one Tuesday 'at5 :30 in the League room of Ida Noyeshall. The following Freshmen wo�-men have -been selected to serve forthe year: Marion Amy,' Isadore Bennett, Gene Burgess, 'Amelia Colq,Esther Davis, Ellen Gleason, HelenLingle, Bess MacFalls, Louise MacNeal, EliZabeth Mann, Marion Meanor�Coventry Platt, Mary .Scott, MiriamSimonds, Lucy Sturgess, MargaretVickers, Ruby Worner, lone Weher,Elizabeth WiIafred, Marjorie Winslow, Mary Wood; Theodora Young. -----,......----- --- . - -THE DAILY l\IAROONBULLETIN JTomorrowTake Photos Before HaskellThe business manager of the Capand Gown has announced that the pic- University Religioustures for the Annual will be taken in Mandel.front of Haskell instead of in front of V esper service, women, .t,Walker as previously announced. The Noyes hall.Junior picture will be taken Mondayat 10:10; the Sophomore picture Wednesday at 10:10. l\londayChapel, Junior eolleges, men,Mandel.Botanical club, 4 :35, Botany 13-Student Volunteer band, 7, Lexing-ton' 17. .Patristic club, 7, residence of Prof.Good�peed, 5709 Woodlawn avenue.New Testament club. 8, Harper M27.Romance club, 8:15 Cl888ics 21.Bohemian8 to OrganizeThe Boh.erriians . of the University\\;11 meet tomorrow at '7 at the University settlement, 4630 Gross street.for the pU1"JlOse of forming a Bohemian club. The settlement W111furniish entertainment.; Nearly Evenly' �atched Teams Contend Today for'Premier Honors=Maroons Have Defeatof Last Season to Atone.ARMY AND NA. VY OFFICIALS, GUEStS OF HONORHOW THEY LINE UP.CHICAGO NORTHWESTERNArries, 135 ..... _ .... . __ r. e.Randolph (Capt.),· 180_...:._._.r. t.Ulrich, 170 ._: _. r. g.Lynch, 165 _ _ ..... ___c.Mulder, 175 ..... _. __ . . .,...1. g.Townley, 185 .. _. . __ --:---: __ 1. t.Crane, 155 .. __._. __ . 1 •. �Underhill, 165 __ :-�_ q. b...Ellingwood, 140 --1'. h. b.-, "__ __.I� h. b.. __ -.,- __ f. b.Holmes, 160 __ .,Koehler, '185 _._Ida(Continued on page '2.)Mrs. Goodspeed to Be at HomeMrs. Goodspeed will be at homE'most informally to Senior' andGraduate women Tuesday at 4 inthe reading room of Ida Noyes: han".J J" • II •.. ... . � .. ... ' .... 't -� ..... • - - .. -. • -.�-; .... '.. <Ie{" :.," -"'-"" .. ,- ..... -,-:. , ... ·... ;.r, .... ,� .""t'*"-.;.�7. :.- . .THE DAILY MAROON,':SATttRDAy, OcToBER"27; 1917". . '... - .broaden their aims, and approach theirgoals, so impervious!Why should such things be?A THOUGHTIt takes a man with a keen sense ofproportion to make a great scholar.Just as it takes a scholar with a keenproportion of sense to make a greatman.MAROONS AND PURPLE .' •MEET IN ANNUAL BATrLE-(Continued from page 1.)HALL JESCHKE RETURNSFROM PORT ROYAL, S. C.Hall Jeschke, '16, who .enlisted inthe Marine corps last June, returnedas a first lieutenant to the Campus yesterday for a short visit. Jeschke .spentthe time since enlisting at Port Royal,S. C., in training, and did so-wellthat he was promoted. While in schoolJeschke was captain of the wrestlingteam, and Conference champion in the133 pound class. He will retum Eastimmediatelyp where he will be assigned to active sea duty.mitt lai1y ilarnnn MAROON BUSINESS DIRECTORYTIle Studeat Newapaper of The Unlnnloof Chieaao-.Publiahed mornings. exeept Sunda7 and Monday. durinse the Autumn. Winter and Sp�quartel" by the Daily Maroon company.Arthur &er PresidentCharles Greene _ ..• _ : _ SecretaryWade Bender _........... Treasurer=========� -------WITORlAL DEPARTMENTTHE STAFFArthur Baer _ _ • .lIrIan&.Jti� EditorCharles Greene _ .. _. ._ Newa. EditorRoland HOlloWay ._ .. Nisbt EditorLewia Fi"her__ .. _. .. Day Edit.01John J02Ieph _ _.;_ Day EditorHarold !'lftnsbury _ .. _. Day EditorStanley Roth _ __ Athletics EditorRuth Falkenau __ __ Wom.;;;.'. EditorRuth Genzberger Aaaistant Women'. EditorASSOCIATESLeona Bachrach Helen RavitchUUSINESS DEPARTMENTWade Bender _ _ Business ManagerEntered lUI second class mall at the ChiCagoPosto1l1ce. Chleaeo, Illinois. March 13. 1906.under �he aet of March 3. 1873.Uy 1,.;1l1'l'lel·. sa.oo a year: $1.25 Ii quarterUy Mail. $3.50 a fear: $1.50 a quarterEditoriHI Itoorns .. _ ...... _ ..... _._ ...... _ •.. _ Elli. 12Telephone Midway 800. Local 162.Hours: 10:15-10:45: 1:30-6: 7-9:30Business Office _ _ __ .. _ .•.. _ Ellis 14Telephone Midway 800. Local 162.Hours: 10 :15-10 :46: 1 :30-5SATURDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1917SOl\IETHING TO CONSIDER"(.rr.[.(I Inst('ad of displaying a grateful attitude, the critici5�d organizations presume to be wounded and hurt, or eve"offended. They conceive themselveFto be either martyrs or victims ofcalumniation. Where they ought tobe open-minded, they are cUriouslyprejudic('d again�t suggestion. Whenthey might profit, they refusc all as·sis�ance.Why arc young, growing organizatiom;, who need all the aid they cansecure in order to clarify their ideals Woodlawn Trustl\IEN PHSYCIAL Y FIT .... vlng� BankC· 11 H d L d JUnreme .norf jittersmen who are playing for the first BANK orne an aun ry JJ;lowrr &40ptime are showing great promise of NEAREST, TEL. HYDE PARK 3091 I 1377 E. 55th Streetdeveloping into stars. The duel 00- R L '111..' • P Ph H P 38to 11£.04-11£.08 East 5&..th Street . . rve.snn. rope one..tween Koehler and Higgins will be 0.1 J Uinteresting, not as a scrap, but as a The University of Chicago =. =====. =====��.�.. --. ,I Manic:urinA, • ham ooinA. Fa. i.l Maude, Scalpmatch of ability. Both men are stars 15J. Pboae Hyde Park .39 Auto Scrvi ..ee . Trearm .. m, H"it G .• ods Made to Ordeeof the first water and expect in all Resources $3.000.000 MILLER BROS. hiurrsity Ifnirbrrssing 'nrlnrdepartments of the game. EXPERT CLEANERS AND DYERS 90� East 57th StreetA victory for Chicago this after- An Old. Stron� Bank "TMy KnolD HOlD" SPECIAL-$5 worth of work for $5noon will mean a good chance to beat lEI 1037 Ea.t Sixty-Third Street to StudentsIllinois next week and thus to get Near Greenwood Ave. Frances Simmons Tel. H. P. 7904into line for the Conference banner. Accounts of Faculty and' lThe first big test was passed admir- Students Invited Phone Midway 4208 ., M· �L' · H d ' h' -tably by the Maroons. This second one ISS uCla en ers 0is more difficult. The mi�i play Pur- s. �IDITCHdue today and their showing againstthe Boilermakers will give some basisfor comparing Zuppke's men withStagg's.l\lichigan Plays NebraskaThe biggest game in the West outside of Chicago is the contest at AnnArbor between Michi�u and Nebraska. The" Wolvennes bave expressed optimism but a feeling thatthe game wilT be a hard one, probablythe hardest of the year. It will be in- AMERICAN.teresting to watch the course of Wei- WRITING MACHINE CO.mann, the Michigan full back, whose 329 S. Dearborn St. Hanison 1360careerIs very nearlyparallel to Hig- Men·. Purni.hin, •• Hau. Cap. andgins'. NeckwearAt Madison the Badgers will prob- ----------_-. JAMES E. COWH�Y Church, SobiePrit�ntal.hn� C. ommercialably have little trouble in squelching -. 0the light, green Iowans. The otherBig Ten teams are scheduled fo� contests with only minor colleges.George W. Kirchway, arristant. superintendent in the New York stateprisons, will speak Tuesday at 4:35;n Harper assembly on "Self-Gov"rnment and Prison Discipline." This" the fourth of'the geries of lectures')n "Types of Social Work" whichhave been arranged by the Phil an·'hrnnic Sf"l"\'ice divh;ion of the �hool Iof Commerce and Administration. AI· University Students. especially invited.to the .IInnblamnStt1tn�iat Qt�urrltSunday, October 28thSocial Pro,ram. 4:'0Special Lunch. ��oo64th aDd Woodlawn1204 EAST SIXTY-THIRD STREET151 PbOD. Mielway 1'."1',. MAX BROOK A GRAFONOLAff{c!:'ur" . $10-$2.25The Woodlawn Phonograph Co.Can aael DcUv�LADIIIS' aND_ GENTS' TAILOR5uica Made to Ordn .AlIO Rcmocle�' aael Cleaaia. 1314 East 63rd StreetlO�7 Ea.. Six'" - FI.... S ... ee. MIDWAY 1960 OPEN EVt:.kY NIGHT. Near Blli. AveDue"B.un Worle for Lc •• Money"The MidwayCleaners : Dyers: Tailors6249 Cotta,e Grovc A venueTclepboae Mielw.7 1'8'1'PraaiD. aael Rcpairia" Ru. Clcaaia •• SpeciaJC7LeFevour Restaurant114& East &3rd StNeat. Clean and QuickSPECI�L PRICES TO STUDENTSCorsages a SpecialtyWe Call and Deliver. Mendin, andDarnin, Free of Chu,ewitt 1Jngle!ii�r Jrt!iSPRINTERS-LINOTYPERSENGRAVERS-DIE STAMPERS.' At Special RatesTO STUDENTSTyp ew rtiers .Rented First-Class Shoe RepairingWHILE YOU WAIT1312 East 61st Street DancinA Class Monday Evenin�at8P. M.PriYat. Leuona by Appolntmnat1541 E.. 57th St. Hyde Park 2314Bargains inR�BUILTTYPEWRITBRSof ALL KINDSCall! Write! Phone!..HAS THE NEWLAPEL FRONTSubscribe Today-FOR-The Daily Maro�nALUMNI MAGAZINE OUT WED.Prints Names of Fraternity MemberS' tin War Senice.The feature of the ·Alumni Magazine, which win make its first appearance or'the year on Wednesday, willbe a list of· mo.re than four hundredfraternity men, who are now in theservice of their country. The. usualdepartments of editorial comment..,; nf'WS, the University record;athletics and "On the Quadrangles"(the last edited by Bartlett Connack:'20) will be included."At Sea," by Ma·rtin Stevers, '12will be the leading fiction story. Other:1l1 ic1('s will be "The University inWar Work;" "The Psi Upsilon ChapterHouse;" "Military Science at the University;" and "Dismond as a QuarterMiler," by Le Roy CampeIl, '15.Dr. Shailer' Mathews to Speak·''''l1rrl.. "'r<-r l",.f.llTCS are primarilyfor students of the social sciences Dr; Shailer Mathews wm speak at., VOTl� interested has been iJ'lVited te.l th� Vesper services to be held tomor-attend., row at 4 in the League room. Chop Suey Resta�rantUNDER NEW MANAGEMENTSteaks and Clrups. Sp-cial Breakfast(;:30 to 8:30CHUNG HUA LO1320 East 57th StreetJTYPEWRITING OFFICERoom 2, Lexington I Hall(StenographyExpert (Copying,. (l\fimeographingPrices NominalMidway 800Local 214 Box 269Here is a question to consider."Why are campus organizations ofevery variety' absolutely opposed toadverse criticism 1"Blackfriars gets advertisementthrough the news columns of the DailyMaroon for three weeks before theperformance of its annual light opera.But immediately that an unfavorablereview is written by the Marooncritics, Blackfriars flies into a rage,and complains that the student newspaper fails to support campus activities.The Chicago Literary Magazine(now extant) prints a critici� ofthe delapidated ideals of the Dramaticclub. and is immediately accused of. disloyalty to University endeavors.The old, well-known advocates DfThree Quartersism will lose cODtrol ofI themselves if an i�terested outsider,With well-founded opinions of his owncattempts to prove the theory thatmonkey business does not nece�lYserve to bind together the men of tbeFreslunan class.The Honor commission preserves a ANNOUNCE MEMBERS OF BOARDdignified silence th�ugb �1l the alter.- P ··d t J d A . ts M be.' • . res. en u son ppom em rscations that engulf the problem of Its· of Christian Union Board. .value, but never gives the sligbteSt .heed to any objections. President Judson yesterday ap-Why are these things true? It ca.n- pointed eleven students to membernot be because the organizations are ship on the Christian Union board.Thev are as follows: Howard B.80 old and so long established that Dobbs, secretary; Howard Goodman.any change is contrary to a traditional Y. M. C. A.; Mary Lois Brown, Y. W.status. They are all of them com- C� L.; Bruce H. Douglas, Volunteerparatively young. They are stm in band; Agnes Murry, Honor commisthe formative stage of existence. They sion; Walter Earle and Vesper Schl-enker, Senior colleges; Jay Chappell'all need that kindly gui�ce and as- and Josephine Brooks, Junior' col-sistance whieh is tendered any yOllJlg leges; J. B. Ostegren, Di'\;nity school;person or young league of persons. Irwin M.· Baker, Law school, andSometimes the guidance takes the Helen Wescott, school of education. .form of constructive ad�ce. Some- The first meeting of the board willhe h('ld this morning at 11 in Harpertimes, unfortunately but unavoidably.• E 41.it tak('� the form of adverse criticism.But it is still guidance, and should belilRCHW A Y TO TALKconsidered in that light by the critised. TUESDA Y IN HARPER Fac. Exch.1001-1003 Ea�t �:sth Street College Work a SpecialtyCorner Ell .. Avenue Prinur. of tJa.r Daily MaroonBilliards. �igar8. Ci"arettes .&233 Cotr�e Gro�e Ave _ Tel. Mid. 4289Certaia ideutificatiOll marts f.I'C)tCct �oa apiJISt \the apuriou.-.aot only the imitatiou 01 theprodact. remember. bat attempted 1'd1II'I"eC-ti�be old failure. that are now ��.m bottJca similar to tbat of the D� laC- 'cea. Look for these 1UlIDi�bJc . 'marks ofthe ianine-bave. the bottle opesac4 beforeyOUj then,/1:\. ��������� bean tile Foz tr8de-mark.Be sure the Bottle bean .bls labelDEVO i. a pure drink. Which means morethan that it contains pure inp-edieuu-mcan.that. while you may have Coad reaaon to.uspec:t .om. milk C'f water d containincrerm .. BEVO-a pastcuri:-�(l ,..,r�:Juct in ateri1izccl bottle __ i. always a.';: .:; free fromthem.DEVO i. also healthful- '�1': C:lc,;ce cereal.and Saazer bop. from whkll i� is r.:adc makeit �d you will find its refreshinc qualityanel Savor delichtftlny unlike &D)' you evertasted in a soft drink.DemaDd the &muine. On .. Ie at an Snt-cJaaplaces. Your aroccr will .app17 �01I by thecaae.M.ufac:tarecl &Del bottle4 adusinly �Anheuser- Busc:h. St. Louis. U. 5. A.� drink s..o ooId Tbe .U-y •• r-·roundlOR drink2U, r···�'i '.,: � .I'I�... �"JJ.l'rived• !!!!!!!!!!!!!["Fra' ... that l�reasor� . bandetive bearloaAttnot broll meand�historBa�ColurrO. T.tion, tPro,', Califoprofes· ramoelasseTheversitJ"tpnacOnly 1cPlvp{lnul'("I'llntthe fila wor. PPl". 'I....Mel". t:: ... rlvat. their\. 1"'"" .... ('.,.,for t}The,.,. far coJ) ice ofChs.: .. Uni�etheret - ��. ; ::.. h(' 1rl a,\ �WOl• ;'�'··m shomer1 -: tf"rno(\ . • ,::Will �r-ias •.. , FrancI NEBI\: EigNebnyesteJon Stl� � �..j� masspreseJr�. dents.I way t�\= the 1.,... this ;:BesStewsphysi�R. D.Nebn. but Dof thEing flers won thCoa1907,teamPoor'his tethe 54to th�,·:('ighhea�tJ..P :CoaclltIf'(.- .- . �• wasc,igan .,:�"BansTho- comm'. �tartilcominnesda-1" "'Jre'blow... tak('nI' of fal., ....("nroa1'food =I '\ t'\. be<-n'... )'-- wn-boug}',: �." .. '�I ", .:,' .'. WI ;,� .... , 'J.; .. ,".... ,:. . .' /' ' ,,"" " ..... ,"';. e " ,- ••'1- 4" • •• ·c ; �.. '.. '..• JTHE DAILY.JlAROON, ISATURDAY. OCTOBER '27, 19�7:•r=r= ......·· he passed on down the line, where an) .. attendant skillfully tossed a ·'Bpdon··COLLEGIATE BRIEFS ful of the Sweetening ingredient onthe mush. That was the limit, and�-----------� the hungry student could neither begnor buy another spoonful. The Com-mons was going to economize onsugar, even though they had to put onan extra attendant to do it. Underthe circumstances, the price of unsweetened food, still remains as before. The salt and vinegar. are stillfree. :") Fraternities at Michigan, 'chargingthat local merchants are charging unreasonable prices for foodstuffs have� . banded together to carry on eo-operative buying. They have ordered twocarloads of potatoes already.Attendance at Grinnell College basnot been hit by the war. The enrollment this year, both among menand women -totals the largest in itshistory.Bayonet fighting wm be taught atColumbia, to the members of the ·R.O. T. C. Besides individual instruc ..tion, teams will be fonned.Prof. Cory, of the University of;, California, has taken the lead amongproff>ssol'S, by declaring that it ispatriotic for women to knit duringclasses.The coal supply at Ohio State University is in great rumger due to themenace of stn1ces in the coal fields.Only one carload of fuel has been recf>ivf>d by the university this week.nllP to a shortage of men on ae�unt of the war, Albion College forthe first time itt its history, will havea women as editor-in-chief of its pap4't". The. Pleiad.Members of the R. O. T. C. at Pennsvlvania are using "dummy" rifles fortheir drill, owing to the fact that thef"""'OI''"Tlment took their regular riflesfor the use of the Home Guards.The University of Michigan has sofar contributed 1,300 men to the service of the United States .Chancellor Frank Strong of thE;University of Kansas has decided thatthere will he no more formal partieshold at the university during the war.Women at the University of Illinoia'··m 5('11 peanuts and candy at thehomecoming game at Urbana this aftl'moon. The profits from the salewill go to their fund to buy ChristMas gifts for the University men it'France.',;,v\ ,..')�-'�';::'\ ,i -.� -:-...:i.." NEBRASKA rEAM STOPS'FOR FINAL PRACTICE......... f- Limbef Up on Stagg Field-On Wayto Play University ofMichigan\.-"COMMONS 'WAXES PATRIOTIC"Bans S1}gar-Continoes to DonateSalt and Vinegar.Those .who depend on Hutchinsoncommons for their daily meals are�tartin� to realize that the war iscoming rather close to horne. Wednesday was wheatless day for the trayll1f7'�ern. a"d yesterday the unkindestblow of all came when sugar was, • taken off the tables, On the one billof fare was a printed notice: "In aceordaneo with the suggestion of tho" food administration, sugar bowls haveI been removed from the table."� -, <, Whpn the patron of the cafeteriaI.,,� bought his morning bowl of oatmeal,... �;_. \L, J: FACULTY WILL MEETTO DISCUSS CHANGEIN TIME SCHEDULEContinued from page 1�)Dean Lovett Proposes PlanDean Lovett proposed the idea at arecent meeting of the General Administrative board because the question about providing more and betterafternoon Instruction had arisen .. Thedeans had arranged for more afternoon classes this quarter, but the 3 :40classes have been unpopular and persons wanting afternoon classes onlyhave found it almost impossible .toarrange such a program. Over ,twothirds of the classes have been givenin the forenoon up to the presenttime. The condition has made theclassrooms somewhat crowded in themorning..Arguments which wm be urgedagainist the changing of the programare, among others, the inconvenienceto which it will put fraternities whosemembers wish to lunch together andthe trouble which will be caused inthe women's halls which serve lunchOn the other hand the campus cafeterias will be able 'to serve lunch withless congestion. It. is barely possible that the arrangement, if adoptedwill begin next quarter, but that i�improbable since the time schedulesfor next qt.arter have been nearlycompleted. It is' probable that thp'school year, at least, will continueunder the present system.- Classified Ads. WhyReady-MadeWhen ClothesCHICAGO State and Adams StreetsSk:zte at Chicago·s Big Fresh Air Artificial lce'-SkatingRink-Send this ad with self addressed stamped envelope toIceland m anager and receive invitation good for admissionskates an I wardrobe. Good fllursday, Nov. I, or friday, Nev. !Five cents ,per line. No advertisements for less than 25 cents. Allclassified advertisements must beEighteen strong, the University of paid in advanc�Neb98ka football team stopped off FURNISHED ROO¥S,-- Universityyesterday morning for an hour's work . neighborhood. Privilege of piano Remington .:'1 on Stagg Field. The Cornhuskers ar- practice, Tel. Hy�e Park 7221. . !rived about 10, at the time when the ===========. Type. writer - Company'.� m� meeting was going on, so their. CHARLES· CHAPLINpresence was unknown to the stu·0. dents. The Nebraska team was on itsway to Ann Arbor, where it will meet/(: the University of Michigan eleven..... this afternoon. 858 East Sixty-third StreetBesides the players, Coach E. J. ==============.• Stewart,· Dr. O. W. Everett, teamphysician, and his wife �d PrOf. The KIMBARK THEATRER. D. Scott were in the party. The 6M2 Kimberk Aye. ConIiD1IOIiS l-11 p.m.'( Nebraska outfit was a husky crew,.,, but much cut up by injuries. Three'of the stars of the team will be miss': ing from the lineup, and several play":ers will be 'Started who ought to beon the side lines because of injuries.Coach' Stewart, who led Purdue in.• t'� 1907, was not very optimistic over his The Snirits Ten 'LIeteam �king a Victory from Michigan. ". '" Y'&Poor weather kept him from working-: his team out of doors this week, and "The 13th. Chair" Home Restaurantthe soggy field wm work a handicap POP. MAT. WEDNESDAYto the squad. Michigan greatly. out- With • and Lunch'·"l'ighs the Cornhuskers, "and the ANNIE RUSSELL GARRICK 'heavy going will deprive Nebraska oft .... P. advantage of superior speed. PRINCESS: Pop. Mat. 2:15 TodayCoach Stewart said, however, that he IrY01IHa�·tGot,Sntslo!This'Mati..cedine nothi • nee. Don t Be Sad. There s a Poplllarwas con mg nothing, and that Mlch- Matinee E'ftrY Thunday; and You Cenigan was going to have a fight·to win. Oft Snts Four Weeks AheadThe Man Who withC B k MARY Meal Tickets $3.30 for $3.00ame ac N ASH Free Meal to Studf'nt Who SfOcur •• NewMeal Ticket Customeryou can buy a suit from us that" ismade for YOU, from a selection ofover 500 patterns, no two alike. forabout the same price that you mustpay. for ready-made clothes?q YOU want individual clothes, andnot the same style that everybody\. wears; just a little different from theother fellow's, aod that is what weaim to give you.q Ask' the boys; they will tell you. what kind. of clothes we make.FOSTER & ODWARD.Correct Dressers of Men7th Floor. Republic Building-t�"The �dventurer"Saturday and Sunday at t .. eThe Drexel TheatreTODAYDOUGLAS FAIRBANKSin "Double Trouble"SundayBILLIE BURKEin \ "The �ysterioas Miss Terry"The Ma.c Talked of Show 01 ebe Y C8r 'Alvin Theatre860 East 63rd Street:I to IIp. In- daily Price 10c and 5c LOOKTODAY•JACK PICKFORD & LOUISE HUFFin "The Ghost House." Also BurtonHolmes Travels, Bray Cartoon andPictographs,SundayFRANKLYN FARNUMin "Anything Once"MondayMARGI1ERITE CLARKin "Bab's Diary".. ' Typewritten Themes andTerm Papers are Appreciated by your ProfessorsWe ·.cn Remia,ma aad RemiDftODMODU'ch 8Ccoad-haDd typewriters atprice. from t30.00 to t55.00. Termsif daircd. IWe rcut dcpcudabJe machiae. at "'.00per moath. t7.50 for three moaths II Free Delivery.,Wabash 5400 220 S. State StreetG� s. ROBERTS •. AtulIlDU8 ILocal IlcpraeDtative We take pleasure in announcing that we havePeen: appo�ntedIOfficial Photosraphers. . ofCap' and Gown, '18The University Special, $6.00 per dozen.(Size 6xlO in.,.a $10.00 per doz. value)331-3% discount on la� photographs to allU. of C. Studertts1304 E. Sixty-First StreetBet. KimbarIL and KenwoodMeals 20c, 25c and upSoUP. Coffee. B,,"d lind RUfferIndud�d with AI) Meat Orden. DAGUERRE STUDIO.Top Floor McClurA BidA. 218 South Wa�h AvenuePhone Harrison 7084 for Appointments.. OJHome Cooking63 .. d Street andSoulh Park AvenueICEL�NDREADAT EATOpen� Thursday Eve, November 1stRosalie Inn57th St. and Harper Ave.DINNERDaily 5:30 to 7:.10Sunda,. 12 to 2:30TRY OURHOT ·VVAFFLESFew Break, .. t and LunchOutaide Rooms '3 to '6 per week Subscribe" for Your College Paper!i! -I'tll� iII-• .J�l-_ .. - , ....... '\. ; �• I . ( ,. ,.. • "'_' .-: •.•• ��: ..}I ..... , for the Hallowe'en party which will WOMEN PRAcrlCE SMALLIL THE �US I WHISI1E iii be given for the entire University to- ARMS FIRING ON RANGE&!iii night in Ida Noyes1uill by the Leagueand the Y. M. C. A. have been Learn to 'Shoot under Tutelage of Dr.announced. The. complete' receiving Sophia Eckerson and Dr. Charlesline is made up of President Harry Chamberlain-Two Already ExpertPratt Judson, Dean Marion Talbot, Marksmen.Mrs. Goodspeed of Ida Noyes hall, The women of the University areMISS Taylor of the League, Mr. and learning to shoot, . and to shootMrs. Charles W. Gilkey, Dr. and Mrs. straight.Theodore Soares, Dr. and Mrs. John The seventy-five foot rifle rangeCoulter, Dr. Charles Goodspeed, Dr. under the stadium has been givenEarnest Burton, Mr. and Mrs. John up exclusively to the women on WedMoulds and Mr. Clarence Brown. nesday nights, where, under the tute-An addition of some value to the lage of Drs. Sophia Eckerson andprogram is the securing of the serv- Charles J. Chamberlain of the Botanyices of Robert Larkin, a freshman and department, they are practicing smallthe brother of Garrett Larkin who left arm firing. There has been no newschool last year to join the aviation club formed, the University Rifle clubcorps, who will sing at the vaudeville having no rule against women mem- 'which will be the entertainment of the bers. There are over twenty womenevening. Bartlett Cormack has been representing all classes, and more areat work rounding up some members of to join.the Dramatic club to give a performance. The rest of the program will beas announced yesterday in the DailyMaroon."The persons in charge of the entertainment," said Josephine Brooks ofthe committee last night, "have beenworking hard and' with co-operationthe result is sure to be a successfulevening. We have prepared manysurprises for the entertainment andthe refreshment committee has workedhard. We hope everyone will come outJust because this sheet goes up in and get acquainted. with. everyoneair every day is no reason that (saith else."the ed.) it should be called "the dailyballoon."Motto: This place has changedhands.Ode to the Dept. of GroundsThe melancholy days have come,The saddest of all the year,Spring and Summer left behindAnd only Fall and Winter here.One rays of hope shines through theclouds,One ray of joy to us .is deeded;It can't be long till spring will come,They haven't canned "Please-newlyseeded."We've Always WonderedDear Whizzler: If you want to knowwhy they call beginning reporters"cubs," just look and see who theeditor it.Vair LiberThe rain beats against the window.It patters. -Laura Blackburd.About 23,482 stupid ones failed togather, from a story recently gracingthis nifty newspaper, that robbersentered the Sigma Nu house, stole twocases of soap, and made a clean get-away.Rhyme, Rhythm, or ReasonWe needed some books out of Hahper,We made out the call slips quiteprhahper.We handed the cardsTo the lady in chargeWho, after about ten minutes, saidthat she was corry, but thebooks were out.Some lukes say, in spite of Hoover,that meat is a good thing to eatwhen in a hurry because it doesn'trequire salvation.The difference between Harper Library and the Reynolds club is thatthe reading '109m of the club is oftenquiet.No, Dune doesn't write this column.Have you made your date for Black- -friars yet? We thought not!;.� Anon.."""COMMITTEE OF HUNDREDMEETS TO PERFECT PLANSMembership Workers for Campus Y.M. C. A. to Lay Organization Planson Monday-Give Hallowe'en PartyTonight in Noyes •---' ;The committee of one hundred,which is going to undertake the workof increasing the membership of theY. M. C. A. this week will meet forthe purpose of discussing a plan ofperfecting an organization Monday at10:10 in Cobb 12A. The.committee isin charge of Sherman Cooper, gen ..eral chairman, and is made up of tensmaller committees each of which willbe assigned a special field for its activities, The necessity for acquiringa larger membership has been causedby the desire of the Y. M. C. 'A. todo a large amount of work in thearmy camps, both at home and abroad.The chairmen of the sub-committeeshave been appointed permanently andwere announced last night by ClarenceBrown, acting secretary of the Y. 1\1.C. A. The chairmanships were announced during the week, but nurnerous changes have been made sincethat time" The chairmen arc now,A-Milton Coulter, B-Floyd Anglemyer, C"":"Prank Breckenridge, DGoodell Crawford, E-.James Nicely,F-Barrett Spach, G-Anrlrcw Baird,H-Jasper King, I-Paul Randall, andJ-Frank Priebe.Make Party ChangesCertain changes in the arrangementsPhone Midway 1960 We delinr-FOR-New Dance Records• New Song HitsThe Woodlawn Phonograph Co.U14 E.63rd STREET OPEN IVENlNGS , I•..nude The women whom we arequalifying for markSmen are givena test equal to hitting a hat at 20Q lyards, with accuracy and rapidity. Cany,ou imagine a band of bz:igands getting past such a deadly fire. That'sthe kind of a fire our women will beable to put up, after their training .here."Two Good Shots$30want to prevent the recurrence of eColumbus massacre. Many of the women who m shooting are from theWestern border states, and they realize that they may sometime be required to use their knowledge, shouldano.ther raid ever occur. If the women of Columbus had known how toshoot; there would never have been aSince WeSpecialize in, CollegeMen'sClothesPrepare Surprises The women have demonstrated thatthey are in no way inferior to themen in aptitude and accuracy. Thescores that they have made are equalto any that men of equal experiencemake. Concerning the shooting, Dr.Chamberlain said yesterday, "Some ofthe scores made have been especiallygood. Two of the members, Drs.Norma Pfeiffer, and Sophia Eckersonboth of the Botany department, arealreadymarksmen. After passing thotests .here, they went up to the GreatLakes Naval Training station, wherethey took the Government test formarksmen on the army range, usingmilitary rifles and ammunition. Bothpassed the tests, and are now privileged to. wear the bronze marksmanbutton."The aims of the leaders of the practice," continued Dr. Chamberlain, "aretw�-fold. We intend, first of all, tofamiliarize women with firearms. Awoman cannot overcome her naturalantipathy to firearms till she practiceswith them often enough to secureconfidence in herself. Then again, weFreshman Class Tickets on Sale q We are peerlessly equippedto meet yourclothing demands ::Dockstader&.Sanber�'Suite 600 Republic Building, Adams and State Streets Thia popular Trench CoatModel-A variety ofpattn71a atFreshman class tickets are now onsale. They may be purchased frostudent agents for fifty cents. Thesetickets, which take the place of clasndues, will admit freshmen to all classfunctions. Agents are requested toreport before Monday noon to JamesNicely.REMEMBER - Turkish tobacco is the world's !!'()!"_�famnus tobacco for ci gc'!·'-'; � ,. r·-.. � ---�- \'IJ�,� � .,� ,.. �. I, \