(/,�0\)'�l\, IVoL XV. No. 96. aroon,at�lTD8rrY or CBICAGO. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 1917. PROM EXTRAVARSITY TO MEETDETROIT Y. 'M. C. A.PLAYERS TONIGHTPractice Contest In Bartlett" IsExpected to Be RealBattle.LOSE HARD GAME TO GOPHERSMaroons Outfight Northmen in SecondHalf-lllinois to Face Min­nesota at Urbana.. ..,---BIG NINE STANDING.w. L. Pct.,!-l Minnesota 8 1 .889..................Illinoia .......................... 8 2 .800Purdue ......................... 6 2 .750Wisconsin .................... 5 2 .714Indiana .......................... 2 2 .500Chicago ...................... 3 7 .300Ohio ....................... -._ 2 7 .222Iowa ..... _ ...................... 1 G 143Northwestern ............ 1 7 .125 �The Maroon basketball team willlineup against the Detroit Y. M. C:A. players tonight at 8 in Bartlett.A'lthough the contest is listed as apractice game, Coach Page is count­ing upon a :real battle. The game lastyear was one of the most Interestingpoint of- view, and it was only in thelast minute of overtime play that theminute Gf the ov.ertiDi� }11ay that theVarsity puUed out 6 victory.Since the Maroons played at De.troit in December, the "Y" team hasbeen strengthened by the addition ofCastle the old Syracuse center,. whowas selected on the All-Eastern Inter­collegiate team for three years. Goosyand Bostonick, the forwards have beenplaying with the Detroiters for se,::­eral seasons and together with Castlethey' comprise one of the strongest�ffenses the. Varsity has faced thisseason.Haft Veteran Guards.#ICaptain Vinton and Jake Mazer anthe guards, The latter is character,ized as one of the real veteran guardsof the country. He is now playingin his fifteenth season and accordingto reports is going better. fllIm ever.He will be remembered as the bald­headed gentleman who surprised thespectators last season by his epec-.taeular dribbling. It bas been sug­gested by Coac:h Page that the Y. JI.(COfttinud Oft pGI." 4)MENORAH MEMBERSTO ASSEMBLE FORELECTION TUESDAYTen candidates have been selected'b� the Nominating committee of theMenorah society to run for member­ship on the Executive committee ofthe organization at the meeting to be'held Tuesday afternoon at 4 :30 inCobb 12A. Other nominations canbe made from the floor. A completeslate has been made up by the nom­inating group as follows: President-Har,ry Cohn, Joseph Fisher; vice­president-Susan Brandeis, EstherJaffe, Frieda Krauss; corresponding.<;ecret3ry�Ruih Falkenau, Sylvia" .,. r Illeye'r; recording secretary-s-MayFreedman, .Pauline Visbck; .treasurer-So Robert Barker; Executive c0'!l­mittC'c( five to be named �HenryGohen Fred Feuerstein, Mendel.'. .Flanders, Eph:raim Gottlieb, Benja-m1n PeTk, 1lerman Shapiro, samuelShuchter; 1ol1anna' Steinthal, EdwinWei !; 1, Louis '·Wirth.' ' , ,• '. t, f '. t.,' •r.. �, '•II· TRACK ATHLETES MEETIN REGIMENT CONTESTMaroons, C. A. A. and I. A. C. toFight for First Place Tonight­Coach Stagg Has Thirty-four MenEntered.Coach Stagg has entered thirty­four track athletes in the annual FirstRegiment A. A. indoor meet tonightat the armory, Sixteenth street and�l ichigan boulevard. Preliminaryheats for the big events and races forthe prep school stars were run offlast night with the finals for the cluband University stars reserved for to­night. The Univer.sity of Chicago, C.A. A. and I. A; C. will fight it out forfirst place with the odds favoring theCherry Circle men.Of the ,372 athletes entered in themeet only eleven will start fromscratch. The C. A. A. tops the entrylist with 40, the Maroons have 34, I.A. c.. 26, and the Mystic A. C., 20 .Joe Loomis, in the sprints, FrankLoomis and Me Keown, .in the hur­dles, tugethcr with the star field ofweight men make Coach Martin De­laney's C. A. A. squad the favorites: over their rivals, with Chicago thebest bet for third place.To Race Ray and Meyers.Binga Disrnond is expected to bringthe �[aroon colors to the front in thequarter mile race. .Tenney, Maroonmiddle distance star, will be enteredin the' mile or two mile .run againstsuch world famed runners' as JoieRay and I van l\f�yers of the I. A. c.Tcnney showed his heels to the Pur-. due men in the Second Regimentmeet last month when '''Chicago :de-:Ieated the Boilermakers in. a specialfour mile relay. Otis, Jones, Greene,', Swett, Snyder, Angier and Curtiss areother entrants of the middle distancevariety who may place tonight.Clark, who has been covering thehalf in 2 :02, is expected to place in hisevent along with Captain Fisher inthe high jump. The Maroon captainhas been clearing the bar at six feetwhich together with a handicap willput him in the running with the clubstars. Chicago is weak in the dashes'and hurdle events, 'but Higgins, whobreezed his way to fame recently asa shot putter will likely add a fewpoints to the' Chicago column. Hig­�ins tossed the weight 41 feet, 10inches in the second Regiment meet,minus his handicap of 1 foot, 6 inches.Have Fast Relay Team.The mile relay will see Dismond,Clark, Feurerstein, Curtiss andGreene in action for 'Chicago. Thefight for fourth place :rests betweenCurtiss and Greene both of whomhave been stepping off the 440 in :54.Dismond, the colored marvel, can becounted to do about :52, making thetime for the mile approximately 3:34..The Armory wooden 'track is consid­erably faster than the one in Bart­lett and better times may be expectedfrom Coach Stagg's men.The Chicago men who placed inthe preliminaries last night were asfolows:Feuerstein, first, 40 yard dash, 4 4-5seconds.Van Kirk, second, 40 yard dash, 53-5 seconds •Ryan first, Curtiss second, Clarkthird, 440 yard dash. First heat, 49seconds.Bausch third, 440 yard dash, secondheat, 52 seconds.To Give Dance for ,Women.The Women's Administrative coun­cil will give an informal dance fOf' 'thewomen" 'of the University, .�arch 6fr-o� ;4 'to 6 in the' asembly hall ofIcb Noyes. .The' admission chargew�11 .t>e ,�ri . ���!s. ,. . . MAJOR BELL WILLOPEN CONERENCEOFFICE IN ELLISArmy Officer to Explain Workof Reserve Officers' Train­ing Corps.TO DISTRIBUTE PAMPHLETSUniversity Military Training to Con­sist" of Two Two-Year Courses,Practical and TheoreticalMajor Ola Bdl, U. S. A., stationed�: the Univcr;ity by the Federal Wardepanrment, will open an office in El­lis 15 �londay where he and his as­sistant, Sergeant Armstrong, willconfer with students interested inc.ining ,the Reserve Officers TrainingCorps soon to be organized. Thework of this corps has been carefully. planned and outlined and will be ex­plained to the- students in a pamphlettc be distributed at chapel servicesnixt week.The training to be given will con­sist of two two-year courses. Thefirst, or basic, course will be -taken upin training the raw recruit 1n the mil­itary science necessary for an officer's.commission. The second, or advane ..ed, course will give the men an op-portunity to train the novices and em­ploy -the officer's duties that they haveI learned, The work of each coursew i1l .be .n.early-.: equally. �ivided.,. into.so-called practical and theore-ticaltraining.To Teach Use of Rilles.The practical training of the basiccourse will begin with drill. This willbe .studied and practiced individually,in squads, companies and battalions.Both -close order and extended form'a.­tions will be ernployed.. Use andcare of the ·rifle will be taken up. Thiswilt mean both outdoor and indoortarget ;p-ractlc'e 'wirh standard 30 cal­iber rifles that" will· be furnished therecruits. Regular service ammunitionwilt be given to'the men. Use of fieldequipment, such as ·the army knap-"sack and dog-tent, will be . taught.This training, all of which embodiesthe physical aspect of soldier life,will occupy about half of the time al-.lotted to' the corps.The' 'theoretical aspect of the first. two years' work will be taken up instudy, both lecture and class roomwork, of the mechanics and principlesof modern warfare. :rh� theory ofrifle fire, map making . and reading,command and management of a com­� .. ny, the theory of trench and minewarfare, and rules for the construc­tion of camps and maintenance ofsupply stations will be explained. The(C�tinued on fJGfI6 4)JUNIOR COLLEGE MENOF MEDICAL SCHOOLHOLD JOINT SMOKERThe Freshmen and Sophomore .classes of the Medical school will holda joint smoker Thursday night inHitchcock hall. The Freshman mem­bers of the committee have been ap­pointed. The Program division ofthe committee will consist of WilliamSmile] and Benjamin Reynolds. TheAthleties division will be John Breenand Hall 1 eschke. Francis Heany andCarl Smith will be in charge of theentertainment. James Butin and Jul­ius Kahn' will have charge of 'the re­freshments. The committee will meet�e�y at 10:io iii Physidlogy i6: RETURN OF MICHIGAN TOCONFERENCE IS ASSUREDConference Officials Will Undoubt­edly Admit Wolverines at NextMeeting-Maize and Blue MayCompete in Track Meet.As was predicted several days ago,t he meeting of the University ofMichigan athletic board of controlyesterday, which was scheduled tomeet for the purpose of ratifyingthe freshman baseball and footballdates, resolved itself into a meetingfor the purpose of discussing theQuestion of Michigan's return to theConference, with the result that avote of 8 to 1 was registered in favorof returning.The action of the board will be rat-\ ified by the regents of the Unive-rsity,and the Wolverines will be admittedto the Conference at the next meet-1I1g of ,the faculty representatives. Itis probable that the Big Nine offi­cials will meet in time to permit the�Iaize and Blue track squad to com­pete in the outdoor track and fieldgames on Stagg field, June 9. All theConference teams have arrangedtheir baseball dates, and it i.s unlikelythat Michigan will be included in anyof the activities of the Conferenceoutside of track, until the 1918 'basket­ball season.Will Be No Hitch in Plan.A poll of the faculty representativesof the Conference schools laken bythe .Chieago Examiner indicates thatthere will be no hitch in the arrange­ments after the Michigan regents ex­press their approval. With the ath­letic board of control 50' heartily inIavor. of the. return,. and with theunanimous approval of' 'the alumni' 3.S�­sociations, ,it . is quite. unlikely thatthe regents will do otherwise than tovote in favor of the return.'Coach Stagg again 'reiterated hisstatement of gratification which heexpressed Saturday when he learnedthat the Michigan board would �pr�b­ably favor returning. In speaking ofMichigan's withdrawl in 1905, M,".Stagg said;"A consideration of the causes thatled to Michigan's withdrawal fromthe Conference wilf show that the BigKine V.CiS not whotly blameless, forby passing the retroactive three-yearrule, the organization hit Garr:ellsand other Ann Arbor stars, and prac­tically crippled the Wolverine athleticsquads.""!EATHER' FORECAST.Pakly d�udy and rather cold •Strong shifting' winds.1'HE DAILY MAROONBULLETIN.Today.Meetings of the University rulingbodies:Board of Physical Culture and Ath­letics, 9, Harper En.Board or the School of Commereeand Admi�ration, 10, Harper EU.Board of Libraries, II, Harper M21.University Dames, 3, Kent.Basketball, Chicago VB.. Detroit Y.M. C. A., 8, Bartlett.Tomorrow-.University religious service, 11,Mandel.Monday.Chapel, Junior c:ol1eges. men, iO:IO,Mandel.EI Centro Espanol, 4, Noyes.Junior Astronomical club, 4 :35, Ry­erson 35., Journal and Historical club in Phys­iology, 4:35, Plhysiology 16.Systematic 'J.'heology club, 7, 5556Kenwoo:d av��e. ". ANNOUNCE MEMBERSOF COMMITTEES FORD_NNER TO FACULTYAnnual Affair Will Be HeldFriday at 6 in Hutchin-son Commons.PRESIDENT JUDSON TO SPEAKReception in Reynolds Club WillPrecede Dinner-Faculty QuartetIncluded in Program.'Plans for the annual Faculty dinner to be held for faculty membersand students next Friday at 6 inHutchinson commons received an im.petus yesterday with the appointmenof committees to manage the affairThe dinner will be preceded by a r eception in the Reynolds club, aftC2which the guests will march into thecommons in departmental groups .The list of committees follows:Reception committee ........ Arthur Hanisch, chairman; Norman Hart, BuelPatterson, Joseph Levin, JeromeFisher, Francis Townley, DunlapClark, Mae Brayer Sellers, RoberDunlap, Catherine Chamberlain, Miriarn Libby, Marjor ie Coonley, LucyWilliams, Ruth Sheehy, JosephineStarr, Pauline Levi, Margaret LauderEntertainment committee:-:\1argaret Mac-Donald and Dunlap Clark.Decoration committee - EloiseSmith, chairman; Rosemary Carr, Lil. Iian.. Richards, .Gertrude Makowski,Frank Breckenridge.'Publicity committee: - StanleyRoth; chairman; Mary Lois -Brown,Eva Richolson, Lillian Richards, Ag­nes Murray, Hedwig Steig'litz, Wil­liam Boal, Adam Pakulaz, Moffet El­ton, Henry Chatroop, Edwin Moritz.Prof. McLaughlin Is Speaker.President Judson will present aspech of greeting at 'the diner. Prof.Andrew Me.Laughlin, head ot thehistory department, will deliver theprincipal address, .The program willcontain selections by a faculty quar­tet, the Men's Glee club, 'and a chorusfrom the W. A. A. Campus Follies."We are very anxious to have asmanypeople attend as possible," saidHelen Adams; general chairman, yes­terday. "This will be an unusual op;portunjty for faculty add students .tomeet informally, and. for members ofthe same departments to become ac­quainted.';TAKE PICTURES FOR ANNUALPour Organizations Will Be Photo­graphed Tomorrow and MondayPictures for the Cap and Gown wilt'be taken of four campus organiza­tions tomorrow and Monday at theDaguerre studio, 218 South WabashAvenue.Tomorrow.III :OO-Mortar Board.11:30- Tau Kappa Epsilon.2:30---lUndergraduate council.Monday.1 :OO-Sig rna club.Miss Carroll to Speak.The Freshman commission willmeet Monday at 1 :30 in the IdaN' oyes League room. Miss MollieCarroll will speak.Club Committee to Meet.The executive committee .of BlueBOlltle will meet :Monday at 10:10 inLexington 14. - 'Jr" .! .-i'�frH& n.lLY �OON, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 1917�m�r lailg _aroonne St.deDt New.paper of The UDlnnlt,.et Chlee.to.P.bll.b� lIlorol.p. exeept Sunda,. aDd.... dll,.. durlD� tbe Autuwn. Winter RndItprlae quart�ra b, Th� Dall, MarooDoem.,...,..News Department.A. A. Baer _ _ .. _ _... EditorC. C. Greene _ _ Nicht EditorS. S. Bushnell .....•... _ ... _ Day EdittorB. E. Newman ....•....• Athletics EditorW. S. Bender .... Asat. Athletics EditorV. K. Edwardsen .... _ .... Women's EditorBusiness Department.F. C. Maxwell _ .. _ _ Kana�erEnterell a!l second ctass mall at the Cbt­,x. l' .. tolrlC'fl. Chlca;o, ll11nols. Marcil 13.� aDder .let af Karch S. 1873.Subserlprion Rates,By Carrier. S:!.50 a ,ear; $1 a quarter.B7 Mall. ... 76rt S1Z a Quarter.IDdltorlal Rooml ...........•....... Em. 12Telephone l!ldwa,. 800. Loc:ll 1G2BallnN. Olrl� .......•............. Ellb 14Tel�phoD� Bl&ckltone �1� •• 7SATURDAY. FEBRUARY 24. 1917.APPOINT THE LIBRARIAN.Reticence on the part of Reynoldsclub members toward nominatingcandidates for the office of librarianapparently places a stamp of approvalon the criticism concerning the pastholders of the position as expoundedin the editorial columns of The Chi­cago Literary Monthly and .The Daily:,Iaroon. There is little doubt buthat capable men for this office are�al1Y few, and there is little doubtb t what anyone of this limited num-bu would experience great difficultyer Iib .in attaining the office o.f I. raraanh election The tirne IS nowthroug .. h. f the present officers 'Of t e-lpe or. d•t tak up this questIOn anclub ' 0 enot in ordersolve it by .sorne meansbefore. h ld be done is this. TheWhat 5 ou_f l"brarian should be an apoffice 0 I.. the appointment to. !live position, fl' IpOJIl h f ur regular 0 Icer.sbe Jll3de by tl eb 0together withthe c U Thi sof resentatives. IS sy -t.he faculty rePvent the selection of .anJ11 would pre h the electIOnte t:t candidate througt to haVe ef­tStl)J r can opec d..... we neveif h disinterestel,p" 'b iaris I t e.p . ot li ran '0 oppositIOnpcse"/ cast their ballot� 1time shouldJl1311he interested f�w. t�iS plan intoto t wasted in 1>1l�tln�£)nal arnendlTlentbe "f a COf1StltUtl , wbets "ote. ct; I cIt,}, meetfe cesSary, let election daY,11c .. oni5 he .propoSltJ?O he selection of a11 � h'le del3ymg to tptl\" I. O(t-11" (ian. . far toO irnplib(� lub library ISIds club to be'fpe crt of the J{eytlO f a politicalt 3 pa . tl1e J1la:tc 0fficcrs of3tl .-fOttetl In........ 'he present °d . • t�-f (17 • n 1 �I .t, ir a mIntso 1l"1'aJg 'could end ",ue� a radicalc club b m�klng . of11t: . glory y f the cl10lcet. tJ Jtl. he fTletpod 0tSO ge In t __,.�4n . n �J'Y ...-!I.rt� •'fbI .... _�=��� ,:;;;= NlC� TIONSCOMl\ftJ that tb� eDJ"-fleW' of tile f:� the J?ail1 �tP: dDn coldJll" d,.tiDl h��,..d> . tajJled as • piJli-. 'tile� if r::' .ad f.CU.t�bIlitY t-o � ,tCKl .-p� nO �. _pi"''''''I" -00 A___ . tbeteJlI'd/,P"- alllellte l-AftlecJ ", dae1'*.,eJI .,-e P"-- •fJ" gnieatio..,a are• peel U - ",-(,IJ.pfll af'd "'00)41 � ,.' .Ithough die"4J,,,r, 01 pod fAlt!\ed "thOU' tile• ."ce '11 not be pobPr' e"" ),,-ftl f c�Jlt..,titer 8 �LA WS.-rifE LA tJNDJIY....--"'".TIle �J aroon.the Editor ofvcr for1ll1.l1:lt-1'0 as � rule arc nco UsuallYl,...3ws f their tIme.'n advance 0. felt long be-d J d of ther1l ISC dire nee 'nto existence.{th;e they actually co�e:s true in theo e }1owevc,...-he revers ,. h men's dorm-.... J' of the laundry IJl t ecase thp. camp12S·itories onI there w� no law with reoForm;r �e laundry. The janitor�� have as manY' different la�n-c. he chose and there weredrIes as.usually three 01" four calhng at thefO dormitories: All went well. The stu­dents were satisfied; the laundrieswere doing their usual amount of busi­ness, and the janitors were able toadd a nice little sum to the meagresalary which they were receiving .But suddenly a decree went forth.The janitors were deprived of theirinterest in the laundry business. Onlyone laundry wagon was permittedto call at the dormitories, and to thisone laundry firm all residents in thedormitories have to submit theirweekly supply. The reason given forthis sudden change was the inabilityof the janitor to keep accountsstraight. As far as the writer hasbeen able to discover there had neverbeen any difficulty before. The lit­tle U';eak" which was discovered lastsummer was quickly plugged up. Andall could have continued as before.As long as men are human, they aresusceptible. Graft is liable to appeareven "among the righteous." Andthe new system was no more guar­antee against graft in the future thanthe old had been in the past. Itsaim was rather, to premit as fewpeople as possible to have access tothe dormitories. Evidently it wasfeared that the students might bekidnapped.The residents of the dormitories,having minds of their own, would notsubmit to such a paternal system andthe whole thing has been a failure.The janitors have threatened to strikebecause they are unable to live on theirregular salaries. The dormitory rest­dents have been compelled either tocarry their laundry bundles out tosome nearby laundry or else washtheir own shirts under the showerbath. Either of which puts the stu­dent to considerable inconvenience.All parties intimately concerned aredisagreeably affected. Laws shouldpreserve peace and bring about "the. greatest good to the greatest num­ber." In this ease they have broughtnothing but discord and discontent andtheir repeal would insure a returnto the good old days of peace.S. H. Markowitz.To the Editor,The Daily Maroon .Dear Sir:In the !January number 0'£ the Uni­versity Record Dr. A. K. Parker, inhis article on the First Year of theUniversity, quotes as follows from theUniversity News, November 1, 1892:"It is consoling to think that "co-. ed" has not yet received a ;place atthe University in the everyday stu­dent parlance. But that the goodsense and good hreeding of 'the stu­dents have so far combined to excludeit is no criterion that this detestableexpression may not yet find entrance.In this great and glorious and com­paratively free republic a young manhas the privilege to say and do a va­riety of objectionable 'things if hewants to, but the whole weight of thebest public opinion of the University.should be unfalteringly arrayedagainst any attempt at introducingtJtis relic of the mediaeval way oflooking at the position of woman in­'f,v the conversation and writing of thestudents.".This sounds so good, and sensihleand fitting that I am' asking you notonly to reprint it but to make it apart of your steady policy to promote,·.-orthy conceptions of University lifeand work and the use of sensihle andcli�nificd lan�uage in speakilfg ofthem, and the more we can restrictthe frivolous tone and the slan�vform of expression to which there �r�constant temt>tations, the better willit he for our Alma :\Iater and for us.Yours sincerely,F. J. GURNEY,Assisstant Recorder. at 'the Prom we are asking lor tnepermission to use your columns forcommunication purposes.I t was extremely unfortunate thatthere were not enough programs forall. Th1S is something that has nev­er happened in the past and would.not have happened the other eveningif normal conditions had p-revailed.The Promenade supper was not aspleasing as we had planned. Quite aJew couples, who, so loyally support­ed OUT Promenade this year, wereforced to dine in the cafe or in thecorridor outside the Commons. Thewhole trouble arose from the factthat we were swamped by the unusu­ally large number of people whocame without previously sending usany acknowledgement of their inten­tion to attend the Promenade..T'hcr e were 200 couples at thisyear's Prom, 44 more couples than• attended last years' record breakingProm. Of this number about fortycouples paid at the door, as we havesaid, without sending us any ac­knowledgement of their intention toattend the affair. There were pro­grams and suppers provided for 175couple.", which was a very optimisticestimate. \Ve could not stretch theprograms but we -did stretch the sup­pers in order that all might be caredfor in the best way possible.We trust that the student bodywill realize the difficult situation inwhich we were placed and pardon usfor any' injustices done them as toprograms or 'suppers. I t was a won­derful attendance and we wish tofhank all who were present for theirsplendid support.Lyndon H. Lesch.C. Percy Dake, Chairmen.TITLE TO SOPHOMORE TEAMUpperclass Women Defeated 4 to 19in Last Game..The last game of the women's in­ter-class basketball series was playedyesterday. The senior and sopho­more teams, neither of which hadbeen defeated, fought hard for thechampionship, the sophomores win­ning the title finally by a score of 19to 4. The lineup follows:Seniors.Elizabeth MacClintoek, Dorothy.::\'1 ullen L. F.Lillian Weiss R. F.Sara Griffin (Capt.) C.Mildred Morga� Elizabeth ::\Ia<:-Clintock L G.LouiseStenhouse : .. R. G.Sophomores.Elizabeth Bell.: L. F.Marjorie Leopold, (Capt.) R. F.Marian Glaser ••••...••........... C.Helen Driver L. G.Ona Smith R. G.Semitic Club to Meet.Ovid R Sellers will talk on "Ex­cavations In and About Jerusalem"at the meeting of the Semitic clubat 8 }n Haskell 26. Prof. HerbertL. Willett of the Divinity school willlead a discussion of the topic.Senior Women Hold Luncheon.Senior women will hold the first ofa series of cafeteria luncheons in IdaNoyes beginning Tuesday at 12:45.Specia1 tables have been set asidefor the seniors and it is hoped thatmany will avail themselves of thisprivilege.Dramatic Club Gives Tea.The Dramatic club will hold a teaTuesday at 3:30 in the receptionrooms of Ida Noyes. WHEN a dog bites me once,C I'm through with it. Same' IJ� :�:::i:::��ba?rPcco. � �wood for two years tomake it the smoothestsmoking tobacco. r(b·.------.'Cr=; --- ..'C·,----- ...,c!lThe perfection ofdetail that distin-guishes J errems'Tailoring assuresyou of clothes thatbothareand smartindi vid u a l , -'' CHISignWplet.Del1Chi.5thecharhowheaefinalcomARohvidumenclub258.l T.�. :�.::. goeI .: - ":;�:oeve:, . Rey'ti1'·: .. Tas t. � �\. ChiSuits, $30 to $60Tailor lor you .... Men7 North La Salle StreetThree Stores: 314 South Michigan Ave.71 East Monroe Street AlpPhiPsiDelBetSigDelPhiSigDelDelDe:,PhiPhiDeSigKaThe Maroon Teams UseAshland Quality FRSPORTING GOODSAND Fif-ATHLETIC CLOTHINGGood E"o".h lor the Va-nity--and Good Enough for All tifiwilfin'4 ianiOlsoloffUlIrele�mtannufincoM,.;1\ seljU4livbefr�th011of311leiit�l�;th01.��thticCompleteEquipmeDtfor AllSports Backedby aDUnconditionalGaaraDteeTO HOLD COLONIAL DANCE,. been arranged as we11'as of the mus­ical pro�ram with stunts by Mom.Hosenbarger and others. Games will;hc: provided on l'he second floor.The formal recei.\"ing line will alsobe on this floor.Dean Albion W. Small, of theGraduate schools, will be- guest ofhonor. All graduate students havebeen invited. The -tickets of mem­;bcrship may be obtained at thc door.An Explanation.To the Editor:In order to justify the Universitycommon" and the promenade com­mittee and to allow the student bodyto know about the actual conditions Noyes CoUDCU to Meet.The Advisory council of Ida Noyeswill meet Tuesday at 4 in Ida Noyes. Graduate Club Gives Affair in IdaNoyes HallThe Graduate club will give a Co­lonial dance tonight from 1:30 to 11in Ida Noves. Landor MacClintockand Z. T. Egartner are in charge ofthe program of the dan<:es that have in,se.... """.:;" -,...-- .....,0·1 r � ... ··.�.r.-t'7("O/"'''I''', ... "',_,,...,...., ..CHI PSI AND ALPHADELT LEAD DIVISION THE DAILY MAROON. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 1917.Sigma Chi and Delta Sigma Phi HeadSecond Section of BowlingTournament.With the official figures still incom­plete, the' C)li Psis and the AlphaDelts lead one division and the SigmaChis and the Delta Sigma Phis headthe other in the competition for thechampionship of the interfraternityhowling contest. The two teams thathead each division will compete forfinal honors as soo a as the results arecomplete.As far as the' ,results 'are knownRobert Willett holds the high indi­vidual SCOf.e and will win the quarter'smembership offered by the Reynoldsclub as a prize. His best score was258.• � Chi Psi Has High Score.,, .. , The Chi Psis bowled high teamJ' score with a score of 885. The high". average for a match of three games, : goes to Phi Gamma Delta, whichI .bowled a match with scores of 851,.. - . 828, and 851. .The prize for eachevent is a .box of cigars offered by the. Reynolds club. ..I' .. '.The standing of the teams in so farlas the figures are complete, follows:, � Division No .. 1.'. Chi Psi -:-. .. . . .. . . . . .915'Alpha Delta Phi .833Phi Gamma Delta .666Psi Upsilon .612Delta Kappa Epsilon .458Beta Theta Pi '. . . . . . . . . . . .285Sigma Nu ;......... .222f Delta Upsilon .222t�I" Phi Kappa Sigma .. � . .•.. .143Division No.2.Sigma Chi .857Delta Sigma Phi.............. .762Delt� Tau Omega .666Delta Tau Delta .619,Phi Delta Theta :,... .571Phi Kappa Psi .417Delta Chi .333Sigma Alpha Epsilon .292Kappa Sigma � . . .. . • .166'",FRESHMAN DEBATERSTO TRY OUT MONDAYFifteen Men Enter Contest-To De­bate on Extension of HighSchool Course.1T. Fifteen freshman debaters have no­tified Coach Homer Hoyt that theywill compete in the tryouts for thefirst year debating team Monday at'4 in Kent theater, and several moreare expected to enter 'the contest be­fore the start. The question is: "Re­solve-d: \ That the high school courseof study should be extended so as tofurnish the work now given in thefreshman and sophomore years at col­lege!"Each speaker will be given fiveminutes for constructive argumentand 'th*e minutes for rebcnal. Thenumber of contestants for the semi­finals will be betwen six and ten, ac­cording to the number trying outMonday. Owing to the difficulty insecuring material on the question,judging will be more on a basis of de­livery. than on argument.judges f01" the contest have notbeen secured as yet, but they will befrom the ranks of Delta Sigma Rho,the debating fraternity. Prof. Har­old G. Moulton will probably be oneof the judges.Dean Angell to Speak.Dean Angell will give a talk onMarch 7, outlining the good featuresand the weakness of the Junior col­lege plan. Dean A ngcll is an author­ity on the question of the Junior Col-.leges, and has been writing many ar­'tides in the past few years favoringthe idea. Coach Hoyt is trying to getother speakers to deliver talks on the,<;ystem, and hopes to get several au­thorities from the school of educa­tion befoer the team is finally picked.Brownson Club to �Ieet.The Brownson club will hold a meet­ing Tuesday from 4 to 6 in the as­sembly hal1 of Ida Noyes. BOYNTON WRITES OFAMERICAN POET INCURRENT :MAGAZINEDiscusses Joaquin Miller in February24 Issue of New Republic-Em­phasizes American Character.The essentially American characterof Joaquin Miller's poetry is ernpha­sized in an article on tihe poet byProf. Percy H. Boynton of the Eng­lish department in the New Republicof February 24. The vitality and ob­jectivity of 'lhe western poet's versehas lack of affectation, and apprecia­tion of nature-all ar eexpressions ofthis native American love of action,says the writer.As a nature-lover, Miller displaysan understanding and sympathywhich at 'times surpasses that of Bur­roughs, Whitman and Thoreau, owingto his intimate knowledge of and ac­tual experience with natural life. Of�I iller's treatment of nature the writ-tr says: ,"Miller's people are always on theverge of, or in the midst of, or recov­e ring from exciting objective adven­ture. And, more than tthat, his natureis not so much a spectacle as a force.And, more than that, his nature isnot so much a spectacle as a force.Earth, air, fire and water are poten­tially volcanic, cyclonic, all-consum­ing and �nundating. You know Godis behind them because of the powerhe displays. The keynote of his earli­est poems pervades them all, givesthe cue to his admirations and antipa­.hies, makes primitive and in a wayunreal the love story he attempted toset in Venice, and redeems the extra­ordinary eugenic epithalamium of hisold age, Light."ANNOUNCE CHAIRMENOF COMMITTEES FORBLUE BOTTLE CLUBThe chairmen and members of theBlue Bottle committees have been. chosen. Executive-Eleanor Burgess,chairman; Catherine Brinker, VievaMoulton, Frances Savage, PhyllisPalmre, June King, and JeannetteClaster. Publicity-Catherine Brink­er, chairman; Muriel Forsland, ,Mar­jorie Royce, Marjorie Stevens, Har­riet Johnston, Mabel Shlensky, andHelen Ross. Finance=-Vieva 'Moul­ton, chairman; -Marion McCabe, Flor­ence Olson, Margaret Casey, EthelNelson and Adele Kringe1. Member­ship-Frances Savage, chairman;Ruth Moore, Bernice Ekle, Ru'1!hWethington, Ora Phillips, MaryWalborn and -Lucile Robinson. En­tortainment-e-june King, chairman;Helen <Moffett, Elizabeth Mitchell,Geraldine Herzog, Dorothy Smock,Elizabeth Barbour, Edna Cooper, andHenrietta Peck. Refreshment­Phyllis Palmer, chairman; EmilyHartman, Anne Townsend, Helen�[cClure, Margaret· Carlson, andMary Planert House-}.eanete Clas­ter, chairman; Frances Rosenberg,Florence Webster, Priscilla Brad­haw, Jessica MiJtard and De EtteAbernathy.EUBA�K . DISCUSSES RESEARCHProfessor Declares Sympathy Is Nec­essary for Social Workers.Sympathy, ability to cooperate wtthone's community and a real personalinterest in the accomplishment of somereal good for humanity, are the essen­tial qualities for a worker in socialresearch, according to Prof. Earle E .Eubank, of the Y. M. C. A. college,w ho spoke in Harper on "So­cial Research and City Depart-mcnts of Public \Velfare:' IProf. Eubank outlined the workdone during the six months he wasconnected with the city department ofPublic Welfare, and told how very def­inite facts were obtained concerningthe city comfort stations, the Joanshark situation, the boys turned outfrom the state reformatory, and the"repeaters" in the Juven�le court. BOILER PLATEThe editor is quarantined,But not the line, you see,What a chance for one to shine,Now watch me!It is easy enough to be pleasantWhen the Whistle begins to shout,But. the fellow worth while,Is the one who can smileWhen the Whistle leaves him out.You may think these lines arc stupidBut .stupid they still must be,For the man the line neglectedWas simply, dull old )'1'E.I do lots of things that are funnyStill nobody laughs you see,. For I am not Lindauer1\ either is Lindauer :\1 E.Ao Po So is a jolly old soulA nd a good big sole has he,He writes to the line'The line �vrites to hi�,And so they both agree.T. E. H. is very good,But just a bank to me,Suppose we call it T. E. H.Or even make it Thee!Now .Thee is quarantined todayMost likely sad and loneIf Thee h�d only na:n�"dl himselfHe would today be known.I'd like to send some flowers to TheePerhaps a violet,o my, 0 me, it cannot beYour T. E. H. as yet.Someone has C\ little fluteHe also has red hair,And so when one is seen aboutThe other sure 'is there.This man can do so many things.The girls so· much admire .We wonder wher he lear�ed them allSuppose that we inquire?I know something he can do,That no' other person knowsTo you all, this secretI'm going 10 disclose.This boy was late to class one dayAnd so he had to run,I wish you could have seen those feet!He simply made them hum.He kicked them high and higher,And then he swung them low,I t sure did make the Campus howlTo witness such a show! .A. X. E.(P. S.-Eventually, why not now?It is. a 'ot cheaper to be put underquarantine before Prom than after.)In Re Above.Your P. S. is an wrong, A. P. X.,a 11 wrong, all wrong. We know.Yours in bankruptcy,D. D. S.A. O. H.,Me.NEX.T YIEAR.:\11'. Hanisch, Sr., stepped into thepostoffice at Waupun to see if Abehad arrived to sort the mail. Thebusy stenographer smiled sweetly atthe postmaster only to be greetedwith this �rlle] remark."Don't make so much noise. Doyou want to wake up my son?"NEW SHOW.T. E. H..presntsTHE QUARANTINESIn"�[EN OF LEISURE"01:HWHEA TCAKES ON .TWO."ACT I."I want a room and a bath," said :""'.'".. NEXT TO PROMTHEIN ATIRACTIVENESS OF DECORATIONAND CHARACTER OF ATIENDANCEYou Co EDjoy Them Every Saturday EveDiqSHOTWELL INFORMALSUDder tbe Direction.f Min Emma Abbett Clark, '15SHOTWELL HALL55th St. &: BlackstoDe Av. SUBSCRIPTIO NONE DOLLARESTABLISHED 1818� 7�@���uttmt ·fUnri!tlt� CFobS..AD •• ON AVENUE COR. FORTY.FOURTH STREnNEW YORKTelephone M11rray Hill 8800Our representative, MR. H. C. \V ALKER, will be at theHOTEL LA SALLEMonday, Tuesday and WednesdayFebruary 26th, 2i'th and 28th'With Samples of Ready-Made ClothingFurnishings, Hats and Shoesfor Spring, A copy of our New Illustrated CatalogueContaining more than One Hundred Photographic Plateswill be mailed to anyone mentioningThe DAILY MAROONBOSTON BRANCH NEWPORT BRANCH149 Tremont St .... t 220 Bellevue AvenueUnderwoods $30 to $5'0Olivers .......•.......• 25 to 45L. C. Smith 27 to 40Remingtons . � '.. 15.50 to 65Smith-Premiers 16.50 to 45GREATEST BARGAINS IN HISTORY OF TYPEWRITERSAll IIlkl. TYlllwriter Ct., 112 N. Dearborn St •• PIII .. 1 Cent. 1035Iand other makes $10 and up. Ex­pert repairing and rebuilding. Ev­ery machine in perfect conditionand guaranteed two years. Wesell to students on easy payments.Write for our liberal free trial of­fer and cut-rate prices •Teichgraeber as he stood by the ho­tel counter, raising his right foot to. the usual level. I"You need it," answered the bright Iclerk. . I"Don't get fresh, you big tub,"howled Bass, the 'Sigma Chi dancingmaster, "Dutch is one of my friends.""Shush, Bass," said Dutch, "Don'tlet everybody know it.""Gimme a cigarette," came a voicefrom the rear. .Chorus: "It �s Hanis·ch."ACT II."Come on, seven," grunted Dutch."Dere ain't no seven," said Harl."Little Dick, Little Dick.""Box cars.""Seven."Chorus: "Wow!"Well, well, well, today is Saturday.Do your exam studying' early.Four weeks more.And then-\Vow.T. E. H.GRANT THREE MONTHSLEA VE TO RUTH ALLENRuth Allen, '15, left recently forWashington, D. c., to take up a threemonths' position in the Bureau ofFood I nvcstigation, She is in theStatistics department, and is espc­caiily connected �with that part of the<.i(;partment which is investigating thehigh cost of living.Until last week, Miss Allen hadbee n working in the research branchof the University civics department.She was granted a three monthsleave of absence by the University. 1541 E. 57th St. Tel. H. P. 211-1CHICAGO THEATREWabash and 8th(Formerly American Music Hall)l\Iat. Wednesday-Best Seats $1.00LEW FIELDSIN THE COMEDY"BOSOM FRIENDS"WILLIAM HODGEIn FIXING SISTERPRINCESSPhone Central 040Satvday lI�ti ... B .. lea .. $1.50BILLIARDSADELIGHTFUL li����RECREATIONFOR THESTUDENTCIGARS, CIGARETTES &TOBACCOS.Special rates for dub smokersFRED FR�NKEL1202 East Fifty-Fifth StreetJust East of WoodlawnPRIVATE DANCING LESSONSby appointment a quick and easymethod of learning the dances oftoday.MISS LUCIA HENDERSHOTCHOOSE HELEN DRIVERW. A. A. REPRESENTATIVE Tim DAILY ILUtOON, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 2', 1911.Will Attend Convention of Women'sAthletic Associations March9 and 10 at Madison.Helen Driver has been chosen asthe official delegate of the W. A. A.to the convention of Women's Ath­letic Associations of mid-westerncolleges to be held March 9 and 10at he Universiy of Wisconsin. MissGertrude Dudley, head of the Physi­cal Culture department will be pres­ent, and all members of the W. A. A.who are interested have beenurged to attend the convention. Thosewho intend to go have been askedto give their name-s to a member ofthe advisory board of the local or­ganization and arrangements will bemade for their lodging and enter­tainment while in Madlson. Theparty will leave Chicago on the nightof March 8.The convention win be the first ofits kind that has been held in thewestern universities. Its purpose ishe discussion of matters of commoninterest in the various athletic de­partments. Five main points are to.be introduced for discussion. TheChicago delegation will report on theunit system of admission to member­ship in the associations. Helen Dri­ver will read a 'paper on the sub­ject, data for which was obtainedfrom a quetsionnaire which was sentout by. the University! of WisconsinW. A. A. and also fr�m the systemerneployed at the University of Chi­cago.Twelve of the largest colleges inthe Middle West have signified theirintention of sending delegates, anda number of others will probably sendunofficial represenatives.NEW CASE OF SCARLET FEVERCharles Wagner III at Home-Sus­pert Case In Hitchcock.� ......Another case of scarlet fever ap­pearedon the campus last Tuesday, inthe illness of Charles Wagner, a PhiDelta Theta freshman. Immediate­lyon feeling ill he went to his homein Austin, m. Because of this factthe medical authorities of the Uni­versity have not deemed it necessaryto forbid the members of Phi DeltaTheta to atend classes.Alfred Jurist, a junior residing inSection 5, Hitchcock hall, became illyesterday. Dr. Reed has not diag­nosed the case as scarlet fever, butbas removed the sick man to the hos­pital room as a safety measure. Jur­ist resided in the same section of thehall as Benjamin Gumbiner, who isstill in the Durand hospital with thedisease.WILL TEACH FIRE FIGHTINGSupt. Rouse Appoints Two Univer­sity Employees as Instructors.Supt. H. \V. Rouse,' of the depart­ment of Buildings and Grounds, hasannounced that any student who de-Isires information about the use of fireapparatus, and the latest details forovercoming a conflagration may makearrangements for interviews and dem­onstrations at the office in Press 2.•• I have recently appoin ted �{r. Wil­Earn Ingham, an employee of theUniversity as tire-chief, and Mr.James Mulhall, another employee ofthe University, as assistant fire chief"said Mr. Rouse yesterday. "Thc�egentlemen will be at the disposal ofthe students, whenever any practicalinformation about fire prevention andfire fighting is desired."Yellow Jacket to Meet.Yellow Jacket ',ViIJ hold a meetingMon�ay at 10:10 in Lexington 14. ,,' (1'"I ((,1I1d.tlsJ:I, ,}1WOODLAWN TRUST 1& SAVINGS . BANK t1204 E. SIXTY ·THIRD STREET 11THE iNEAREST (BANKtoThe University of Chicago J.--Q-..:-Resources $2,000.00'An Old, Strong BaIlk-0-It will be a pleaaure to D, acoDYenience to you, if you 40your Bankinc here. /Teachers Wanted .1........cansBeecher Women to Manage Supper.The women of Beecher hall will bein charge of the informal suppertomorrow at 5:30 ·in the sun parlors ofIda Noyes. This is another one ofthe series of suppers :>eing given un­der the auspices of the Women's Ad­ministrative council for '�-campuswomen, particulary those wnose homesare. outside of Chicago. Mrs. ClydeW. Votaw will be the guest of honor.The price of the dinner will be fif­teen cents.French Club to Meet..The French club will meet nextSaturday at 4:30 in Ida N oy.es.VARSITY TO MEETDETROIT Y. M. C. A.PLA YERS TONIGHT.(Continued from page 1)C. A. playe:rs secure the servicesof Bob Harris, the famous hairlessformer Maroon star to make theirdefensive department complete as .arelic of antiquity.The eyes of the Conference fol­lowers will center on Urbana tonightwhere Illinois and Wisconsin arescheduled to meet in the contest whichwin eliminate one of these squadsfrom the title race. The winner ofthe game will tie With Minnesotashould the Badget:B upset the N orth­'men at Madison, March 10. General"dope" seems to indicate that the re­juvenated Badgers will upset the G0-phers and therefore the game tonightis looked upon as one of the mostcritical of the season.Varsity Loses at Minneapolis.Minnesota took another hard foughtbattle from the Varsity Thursdaynight at ,Minneapolis. The Gophersgot away to a long �ead in the firstbut the Maroons started in the sec­ond half and outfought and outscoredDoc Cooke's team but they were un­able to make up the lead which theygave t:h,e Nortlnne.n in 'the fi�.t �riod. every Department of Khool work.Boards will 800ft commence toelect teacher'll for lIezt year. REG­ISTER NOW ad cet in ODe of tilefirst 'RancieL Write today forblanks. Only 3�" Com. PayableLOST-FROM BARTLETT GYM Noy. 1st. Territory; Iowa, Wia.,1 overcoat, brown, 1 silk grey rnuf- Min., Neb. Dakotas ad the W ...fler, 1 pair of buckskin gloves, white DOD"t delay.silk muffler, and 1 pair fur lined Jgloves. Telephone Austin 930&. Reo- T eachen E.pl.JlDeDt Barea.ward and no questions asked. L I. DEUER. ...... .,.ZZI-238 c. R. S. Buk, Cedar ...DESLRlARLE 3-ROOM APT., IOWAwell and completely furnished forhousekeeping; steam; hot water; $30;inquire 5761 Dorchester Ave. H. P.69-40.UNIVERSITY HAIRDRESSINGPARLOR1309 E. 57thManicuring, Shampooing, Facial Mas­sage, Toilet Preparations. HairGoods Made to Order.Frances Simmons Tel. H. P. 7904Tuesday night, Coach Page willtake the team to Evanston for thereturn game with Northwestern. ThePurple lost an overtime contest UOhio State at Columbus, Thursdaynight. Although Captain Underhill Isagain 'in the lineup, the Maroon play­ers are not looking for an upset' aithe hands of the Methodists. . .WeDam Socks,Sew· on Buttons,and Do Mlndln.FREE OF CHARGEMetropole LauDdry1219 East 55th StreetTel. Hyde Park 3190A ......., .... UalftBlt7 ....AMW_.&at •• ,. � ••• ) ...... �!Il ,.1 (�]• IMAJOR' 'BELL IWILL'OPEN CONFERENCEOFFICE IN ELLIS. (Coiitinued from page 1)READ TRB AD�IN TIlE DAD. y . . ..elementary principles of signallingand message sending, as well as prob­lems in removing obstacles, willbe taught. Sand tables will beused in map work. Administration ofcompanies and methods of safeguard­ing teh health of the troops will beincluded in this course.Will Train Beginning Men.The practical work of the advancedcourse will consist of the training ofthe beginnig men, and further instrue­tion in the use of the 'Tifle and fieldequipment. The theoretical .side ofthe training will take up militarysketching, map maneuvers, manage­ment of the quartermaster's depart­ment, and 'the elements of interna­tional law.' Cavalry tactics and artil­lery problems will be explained. Inshort, advanced military and strategywill be explained to the men.This service in the training corpswill not put a man under obligationsto the government. He will not haveto enter the army or serve all the fouryears, should he not desire to do so •.There will be no expense to 'be met.Uniforms and ammunition w.i1l be fur­nished free. Gymna-sium credit wilthe given, and ther Will be courses�iven in the morning, afternoon, andpossibly evening, so that everyone willhe able to find a period open 'to him.There is a possibility of there beingmounted work offered if a sufficientnumber of men desire it. T·he firstdr ill to be given this quarter will be�fonday at 3 in Bartlett. The menhave been requested to 'provide rub­ber-soled shoes to wear on the gym­nasium 800r. Frolic Theatre Oro! StoreSpecial Rates to StUdellt&.M. J. CONER.Cor. Ellis A 'Ye. aDd 55th St.,ClassiRed Ads.FOR REN.T-NEWLY FURNISH­ed two-room suite; suitable forlight h'ousckceping ; 6026 Ellis Ave.\3) .ROO�1 TO RENT IN AN AT-tractive home 5609 Kenwood Ave.Call Mid. 7842.TUTORiNG IN MATHEMATICS,English: or History at low rates.Phone H. P. 2035 or write 5511Corneli Ave. for appointments.. .. , . . ..... '.'FOR RENT-ROOMS WITH SLEEP­ing porch, for on8 or two penon ••Modem house. 5643 Dorchester.Phone Midway 1617.