""t '.,'f , :,at aroonVol XV.-No. 93. UN�It.,.. ....'H- OJ' (2ICAGO, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1917. ••�MINENT ENGLISH POETTO GIVE READING TODAYNOMINATE NORGREN \FOR PRESIDENT .-ATREYNOLDS CAUCUSTolDOlTow.University hoHda,..Seaior part,., S, Alpha Delta PIliboue. CHOOSE FINAL PROGRAMFOR W. A. A. PRODUCTIONMORBIDITY AGAINSTSANITY OFFERED IN •ORCHESTRA PROGRAM Four Acts Including Solos and Choruses Will Comprise Program ofCampus Follies to Be Given onl\larch 2. MANAGERS PROMISEELABORATE PROGRAMFOR PROM TONIGHTMitchell Tower Etching andUniversity,·Coat of ArmsForm Decoration.PROM SPECTATORS l\IUST PAYTicket Sales Increase as Dance DrawsN ear-Twelve-Piece OrchestraWill Play.Programs for the twenty-secondannual Washington Promenade, whichwill be held tonight in Bartlett� willbe of an elaborate character. Theywill be made of brown art paper withbrown cords and gold finished pencilsAn etching of Mitchell tower will beon the front cover and on the firstpage inside, there will be the University coat of arms, done in gold andscarlet, the official colors.Tw�nty-four numbers will be printed on the program with the names ofthe musical pieces played for eachdance. Only two waltzes will beplayed during the evening, unless forencores; the other numbers will befox trots and one steps. The lastpages of the program will he devotedto a list of the patrons and patronesses and the chairmen of committees.To Charge Sped.ators at Prom.The Prom, which will begin at 9with, the grand march Jed by Lyndon�":.,,Lesch with Nadine Hall, and PercyDake with Margaret MacDonald, willbe observed from above by spectators.Accommodations will be provided forthem on the running track. An admisaion fee of twenty-five cents willbe charged for the privilege of beinga spectator. Tickets will be on saleat the door.Decoration of the gymnasium be-gan yesterday afternoon. Cerisebunting has been draped over the'railing around the track. The canopy which will extend from the curb . .:to the door of the gymnasium andl._from B�rtlett' to Hutchinson com- 'mons will be put up this morning bythe Indestructo Awning company.Flags have been purchased to be usedin the decoration of· the commons.Groups of them wiD be placed at mtervals 8lll1ong the artificial foliage.To Serve Frappe..As the Prom night draws nearer,Chainnan Dake is able to repOrt a 'rapid advance in the number of collections made. One of the new fea-tures made possible' by the promISeof strong financial support is frappe.It will be served in Bartlett durmg'the dance.Cope Harvey's twelve-piece ol'cllestra will play both in Bartlett and atthe midnight supper in Hutchinson.The guests will be able to read theirnames in the midnight Prom extra ofthe Daily Maroon ,which they willfind' at their places at the table.Clark Writes Artid.Associate Prof. John MauriceClark, of the department of PoliticalEconomy, and Homer E. Gregory, fellow for 1916-1917 in the same department, have contributed book reviewsto the February number of the Journal of Political Economy issued bythe University Press yesteTday.Edith Abbott, lecturer in the department of Sociology, has written several notes on the death of Chart'Booth, the distinguished Englisheconomist and sociologist.Wilfrid Wilson Gibson to Present Or ..iginal Work thla Aftemoon at 4--:30in Mandel-Six N umbers Includedin Program.Teichgraeber, Whyte, Henry,Banister, Day and SeerFYAre Other Candidates. Four long narrative poems, onedramatic poem, and a number ofshort lyrics will constitute the program to be presented by the prominent young English poet, Wilfrid Wilson Gibson, this afternoon at 4:30 inMandel hall. Mr. Gibson will givereadings from his own works.The ptjpgram follows:1. The Stone.2. The Dancing Seal.3. The Night Shift.4. The Ice Cart.5. Between the Lines.6. Battle Lyrics.Is Widely Popular.There are few poets of today whoha ve such a wide popularity as Mr.Gibson. Lately, he has gained morethan usual fame through his poemson the war, particularly his poems ontrench life. At present he is the acknowledged. leader of the younger po-� ets of England, since the death ofRupert Brooke, who was one of hisintimate friends.Mr. Gibson's great success in England and America has been due to thefact that he has received his inspirations direct from life. He has madehuman nature itself his field.Most critics 'of the 'poet's workagree in declaring that Wilfrid Gibson bas struck a new note. Mostcritics agree that he has establisheda style all his own.Gibson Sounds New Note.·"Wilfrid Gibson has sounded anew note, making cheap the soundingbrass and tinkling cymbals of Rudyard Kipling, and even strangely unreal the dignity and pathos' of JohnMasefield, declared the Rev. JohnHaynes Holmes, in a review of -Mr.Gibson's work in a recent issue of theSurvey. "This, I venture to say is thewar poetry of the future. WilfridGibson has in his last book opened anew page of literature."Mr. Gibson is making his first tourof America, and his lecture at theUniversity will be one of his few appearances in Illinois. He spoke atthe Little theater last Sunday, andwill appear there again next Sunday.Mr. Gibson's tour of America startedJanuary 7, and will last about twomonths. He will not go further westthan Minnesota. While in Chicago,the poet is the guest of Mr, WilliamVaughan Moody. Some of Mr. Gib-son's books are "Daily Bread,""Fires," "Battle and Other Poems,"and "Borderlands and Thoroughfares." Contrast Between Emotional'Hysteria and IntellectualPassion Is Shown. A four-act variety program will bepresented by the W. A. A. at its annul Campus Follies, March 2 in Mandel, immediately following the Faculty dinner in Hutchinson commons.All participants in the· production except members of the choruses havebeen selected. The progjam follows:I. The Little Review, by TheoGriffith.Ukulele cborus-Hawaian songs.Solo-Dorothy Boyden.Dance-Katherine Llewellyn andFlorence Lamb.Song-CCI Cannot Linger Longer,"Lois Hostetter.Song�"Old Man �oah," TheoGriffith, Dorothy Lardner, Lois Hostetter and chorus.Ukulele chorus.Unique duet-Theo. Griffith andDorothy Lardner.Song-ccI! I Were the Only Gir] inthe World," Theo Griffith and chorue,Washington Prom a la Lindsay,Marian Llewellyn.Li�tle Jiggers from Alabam.Finaie-Ukulele and College Girlchoruses.II. La Revuette-Elizabeth DyerBell and Ethel Bishop.III. "The Soldier Man" by Elizabeth Brown.'TO HOLD ELECTIONS MARCH 2Fail to Nominate Librarian-Petitionwith Twenty-Five Signatures WillSecure Candidaey.r,, Candidates for the governing offices of the Reynolds club were nominated at a caucus of members heldyesterday at 2:30 in the third floorof the clubhouse. The elections ofthe officers will be held Friday,March 2, from 9 to 5. The retiringexeeutive council will appoint an election commission to officiate at thepolls, and manage the election.The candidates are:Teh candidates are:For president--Hans Norgren.For vice-president--Otto Teichgraeber.For secretary-William Henry,William Whyte.For treasurer-J'ohn Bariister, Joseph Day, John Seerley.Forced to Drop Two N eminees,George Caldwell and WilliamBausch were also nominated fortre,nsurer, but as the constitution ofthe club pennits only three nomineesfor an office, a vote was taken to determine which three of the five nominees should be the candidates for theoffice�, Banister and Seerley receivedthe most votes, and Day and Caldwellwere tied for the third member. Astanding vote decided in Day's favor.Nominations for librarian were-ealled for, but none were made. Apetition carrying the names of twenty-five members may nominate a manf�r thIS office, if sent to the executive council of the club within a week.The librarian of the club will possess• new duties and ,responsibilities fromthis year on: The library has reeeiv.ed a large number of new books andan endowment. fund for the purchase.of additional volumes. The librarianwill handle this sum under the direction of a committee of the officersand members of the club. The librarywill be redecorated within a week ortwo and the 1381 books recatalogued.Men Hold Office One Year..The elected candidates will bsld office for one year. The retiring officers are: William Templeton, president; Lyndon Lesch, vice-president;Hans Norgren, secretary; FrancisTownley, treasurer; and NonnanCahn, librarian. WEATHER FORECAST.Probably snow. Moderate northwest winds, becoming variable.COLUMBIA REFUSES TOLSTOY THE DAILY MAROONBULLETIN.Students Condemn University Attitude Concerning Russian Count. Today.Chapel, Senior colleges, 10:10, MandelDivinitY ebapel, 10:10, Haskell.Mathematical club, 3:30, Ryerson37.Public lecture, Wilfrid Gibson, 4:30,Noyes.Publi<: lecture, Prof. Eubank, 4 :35,Harper.Zoologiea1 club, 4:35, Zoology 29.Waahingtoll promenade, 8 :30, Bartlett.--� I Action of the authorities of Columbia university in barring Count DyaTolstoy from speaking 'before thecollege caused a mass meeting of 500students and members of the faculty,who passed resolutions condemningthe University's attitude.The refusal to allow Count Tolstoyto speak was characterized as "contrary to the light of free speech" andthe result of "antiquated viewpoin't."The official school paper, the Columbia Spectator, was also assailed forsupporting the administration. Onestudent, a Russian, spoke in defenseof the action of the University board.:, �,."\l;\' BACH'S CONCERTO IS STURDYOld German Composer Surprises withHarmonie U nconventionalitiesEssentially Modern.By Milton Stansbury.To note the contrast between Bachand Tschaikowsky-for they wereplaced side by side in yesterday's concert--would involve comment almosttoo obvious to be of value. It wouldbe a task hardly more than futile; itwould be like comparing Milton andByron. But a juxtaposition such asthey occupied in Mr. Stock's programcould scarcely fail to suggest thewidely divergent angles from whichthe two men approaeheu their work.It is Bach, on the one hand, transfusing his music with intellectual passion, as contrasted to Tschaikowsky,distorting his pages with emotionalhysteria. It is sanity as against morbidity; it is health as against neurosthenia.It seems the almost invariable custom to place Bach at the beginningof a program. I' wonder why? Ishould prefe�_to .have him freshest inmy mind when it is aU over, for hecreates a mental glow such as no other composer can produce. His musicnot only stimulates the mind, but reacts almost as an electric current upon one's entire physical make-up. Itis 'a- curious fact that listening toBach produces an exhilaration almostakin to that of physical exercise. Ar'thur Shattuck's statement, theref()re,is not so surprising, when he declaresthat the natives of Iceland invariablyshowed a more marked enthusiasmfor Bach than for any other composerin his repertoire .A listener at yesterday's concertmust bave been impressed not onlywith the sturdy classic qualities ofthe first and last movement <if theBach concerto, but also with the unmistakably modern tone of the adagio. It would be an interesting studyto trace the germs of the so-caned"'modem" harmony back to the worksof the early composers, for Bach isconstantly surprising us with barmonic unconventionalities which weare accustomed to regard as strictlythe product ()f the last half century.Place this adagio movement side byside with a slow movement of Strauss,(Continued on page 4) CAST.Jane .Elizabeth GrimsleyNatalie �_ _ Ruth MountGlo�a _.:, Marion PalmerMrs. Ai-gyle .�.�- Katherine FrOstThe Soldier Pauline CallenDinner guests and Red Cross Chorus.Incidental dances:-Spanish ElizabethMacClintock and Bernice HogueChinese __ __ .. _ .. _Margaret CookIrish _ .. _ .. - Mildred, GordonHawaian ._. __ Marjorie MahurinSongs:-"I Want ,to Be a Red Cross Nurse,"Marion Palmer and chorus."Come Away to Hawaii," PaulineCallen and Marlon Palmer.Finale-"Gloria."IV. The Carnival.Pierrot _._ _ �� _ Dorthy ·MullenPierrette __ ._ _._ Loretta LambDomino and Butterfly Choruses.FLORENCE KILVARY ELECTEDNeighborhood Club Names Offieersat Election Yesterday in Noyes.Florence Kilvary was chosen president of the N eighborhood club at anelection held yesterday in Ida Noyeshall. Nira .Cowan was selected forgeneral secretary and Florence Lambwas named general treasurer. HelenMorrell, Theresa Quigley and Winifred Franz were' elected social chairmen of the Southwest, East andNorthwest club respectively.Members of the club will be "athome" tomorrow from 4 to 7 in IdaNoyes. The affair wiD 'be give'lunder the management of the old administration. A reception will be given to the retiring and incoming officers Thursday afternoon, March 1, at4:30 on the second floor parlors ofIda Noyes halt. A fter the rece-ptionthe installation of officers will takeplace.NEW SCARLET FEVERCASE IS REPORTED;CONFINE PHI GAMSGrant Timmons, a Phi Gamma Delta freshman, was yesterday found to 'be ill with a �vere ease of scarletfever. He was immediately removedto the Durand Contagion Hospital bythe University medical authorities.Seventeen inmates of the fraternityhouse were forbidden to attend elasees or visit the campus for seven days.They are: Harry Swanson, OttoTeicbgraeber, Dunlap Castle, FloydAnglemyer, Walter Earle, ChesterMcKittrick, Clarence Margaret, �.odore Newcomb, Allen Rodgers, Lawrence Goodyear, Proctor Waldo, Harold Bogtel, Joseph Wheeler, SamuelWilliston, Clinton Inglefield, William.. Wiley, and Wanen Wilson. . •Completes Lenore Series.Dr. Mabel S. Ulrich will completeher course of lectures on "Youth andSociety" this afternoon at 4:35 in theassembly hall of Ida Noyes.'.1:" "� '....... . , ':..I�"" r --rim DAILY MAWVW. W�NESDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1917 •. ' v ..... * •.•• " '_.""'-r .P.IIIl181M4 •• nat_,.. eseept 8UD4a7 aD4...... 7. 4.rt_C til. ADtumD. WlDtel' ud"r1a� ... rteN b1 The D&111 KarooD""'7·Newa 'Deputmea.t.A. A. Baer _ _ .. _ .• __ EditorC. C. Gnene _ .. _ _ ... Nicht EditorS. S. Buahnell _ .. :_ .. _ .. .Day EdittorB. E. Newman _ .•. Athletic8 EditorW. S. Bender ... .Ant. Athletics EditorV. K. Edwardaen. .. _ .... Women·. EditorBuaineas Department.F. C. Maxwell ... __ .:_ .. _ .. _ ... ManagerIID.tered as �on4 class man at the Chi·see PMtoUlce, Ch1ca�o. Illloot., Marcb 11,� •• 4er Act fill )(arcb a. 1813.Subscription Rates,B7 Carrier. $2.00 a 1eer: '1 a quarter.87 Mall. ., • 1ear; �� a quarter.Bdttorlal Room •...•.......•....... EU.. 12Telephone Hldwa1 800. Local 1MB •• lness Otn� Em. 14Telephone Blackstone 2!iQl..... .,WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1917.STUDE..'iTS AT FAULT.The manager of interclass athleticswas right when he said that the lackof interest in intramural contests wasdue to the lack of enthusiasm on thepart of the students themselves. Atthe beginning of this quarter heroicattempts were made by Coach Pageto organize a class basketball leaguewhich would prove its worth by drawing innumerable amateur athletes toits fold. In spite of the excellent opportunity offered by the Athletic department, no enthusiasm was exhibited on the part of the students. Consequently, the class basketball leaguedied a natural death. As long as thestudents refuse to accept opportunities, they have no right to criticisethe Athletic department for lack offacilities for contests between aspiring athletes not members of Unive-rsity teams.BE'ITER VENTILATION.The Buildings and Grounds depart-ment might well extend some of itsinfluence in providing better ventilation in several of our class rooms.Hardly an hour passes by but whatthe instructor is forced to devote a'part of his time to an attempted regulation by means of doors and windows. The result is that a choice between two evils, foul air or extremecold, presents itself. Surely the Uni-, versity has posession of the mecban,''0. ical appliances necessary to producegood ventilation. Good . scholasticwork cannot be obtained in poorlyventilated rooms.�:! ."MENORAH TO GATHER TUESDAYMembership Will Select Officers forEnsuing Year.. Members of the �norah societywnt gather Tuesday afternoon at 4:30to elect officers for the next threequarters. The room will be announced tomorrow. A nominating committee, appointed by the retiring administration, has made up a slate ofavailable candidates. This will notprohibit further nominations fromthe oor. The slate follows: president-Harry Cohn, Joseph Fisher'vice-prcsidcnt-Susan Brandeis; Es:ther Jaffe, Frieda Krauss; correspond-'ing secretary-May Freedman, Paurine Vislick; recording secretaryRuth Falkenau, Sylvia Meyer; treasurer--S. Robert Barker; executivecommittee (five to be elected)-HenryCohen, Fred Feuerstein, Mendel Flanders, Ephraim Gottlieb BenjaminPerk, Herman Shapi;o, SamuelShuchter, Johanna Steinthal EdwinWeisl, Louis Wirth. 'President to Go East.President Harry Pratt Judson willleave for New York at the end of theweek. He will return to the University Monday. VARSITY TO.GRAPPLE Iwrra PURPLE FRIDAY!Northwestern : Is Slrenllfhen.a,.." Ad· Jdition of Two New Men-Netherton Needs Heavyweight.Coach Netherton's wrestling squad:will meet the Purple in a return meet,at Evanston Friday night, with the'odds slightly favoring the Varsity.The first contest went to the Maroonsby a onesided score but in the meantime the Methodists have beenstrengthened by the addition of twonew men in the 135 and 145 poundclasses. Coach Jones' men lost a hardbattle to Indiana last Saturday butthe Hoosiers are to be reckoned asone of the chief contenders for theBig Nine honors.The defeat at the hands or Purduegave the Varsity a severe setback inthe race with Illinois and Iowa nowlooming as. the most likely winners.Illinois' victory over the Boilermakerslast Saturday practically eliminatedCoach Paulsen's squad, the latter be.ing tied with Indiana. Iowa. winnerof last year's meet has had no dualmeets of any importance as yet butthe Hawkeyes may be counted uponto send a high powered squad to theConference meet at Evanston, March17.Coach Netherton is still minus adependable heavyweight, withoutwhich chances for a victory Fridaynight are considerably lessened. Rosenbarger, Jeschke, Kahn, and Numbers are the veterans of the team upon whom will fall the work of pilingup most of the points against the Purple. Ross, who defated the N orthwestern grappler in the first match,has shown a marked developmentduring the past three weeks and maybe counted upon to score again. 'CHI PSIS AND DELTSWIN BOWLING MATCHESChi Psis captured the bowlingmatch with Dlelta Upsilon yesterdayafternoon on the Reynolds club alleys, Delta Tau Delta won threegames from Kappa Sigma �t the sametime. The scores follow:Chi Psi.166CottinghamSlifer . 147158112127 185174171117 159168 w. J. La GROTTA, ProprietorPHONES Hyde Park 18-Midway 9559We 'will give your order the utmost care, whether it is'large or small.We have a large assortment oJ Plants andCut Flowers,McAdams FloristStore and Greehhouses:i303 East Fifty-third Street ..PROTECT YOURSELF!Why accept cheap subatitutes at fountains when tile 'origi-nal Malted Milk costs you no more?I Ask for and see that you get "HORLICK'S"i the Original. Take a package home with you.& ATALBOT j Write for samples Horlick, Dept. "C," Racine, Wisconsin"Jh" 1 P_o_w_d_e_r_a_n_d_T_a_b_le_t_F_o_nn__.�Ni':' R ROW PRIVATE DANCING LESSON!!formFtCOLLARS by' apj)Oi�tment a quick and easy(J h method of learning the dan� ofarc curve cut to lit,t e today.shoulders perfectly 1�'f�� lUSS LUCIA HENDERSHOTCluett, peabody &Co:lnc�s -Long '.Maxwell ••......Dunlap 158Team score .. , 721 794Delta Upsilon.Day ............ 135 159�funger ..... .... 92 '126Cavins .......... 102 125Westby ......... 103 119Broomell . ...... 151 207. T earn score ... 583 736 680Delta Tau Delta.P. \Villett 158 108 IS'8Hartzell 128 134 115Kennedy 98 174 120Short 175 181 211193R. Willett ....... 143 140Team score ... 702 637Kappa Sigma.Hickman /135 124Coulter ......... 168 158Ellis ............ 112 98Stokes .......... 111 114Ballard ......... 100 101Team score ... 626 595Disband Interclass League.Interclass basketball will be discontinued because of conflict with thenew military preparedness program.The military tactics class will startimmediately and the afternoon hourat � in which the interclass contests. .were played is wanted for the newclass. TO GIVE GYMNASIUM .CREDIT FOR WORK B" i. NEW �RAININ� C�RPS II'First Drill to Be Held Monday· at 3in Bartlet�Will SupplyUniforms.153148225 Infantry drill in the United States.Army Reserve Officer Training Corpsduring the remainder of the presentand Spring quarters will be countedas gymnasium work for the men whoparticipate. This notice and information that uniforms, arms, and ammunition will be supplied to the men wasgiven out by the President's officeyesterday. The first drill will be given Monday at 3 in Bartlett. The menhave been requested to appear withrubber-soled shoes to wear while onthe gymnasium floor.A meting of twenty-five men interested in furthering the work ofthe corps was held yesterday at 10:10in Cobb 12A. 1\1r. David A. Robertson, secretary to the President, presided. A recruiting committee wasformed with Leslie Parker, ex-president of the Reynolds club, as chairman. A sub-committee of this groupwas appointed to publish a pamphletfor distribution among the students.The paper will set forth the character of the work to be undertaken inthe University. The recruiting committee will meet Friday at 10:10 inCobb 12A to confer on the progressbeing made among the students.Send Armstrong to Help.Sregeant T. C. Armstrong, an officer in the United States Army cavalry service, has been assigned to theUniversity to help Major Bell trainthe recruits. The significance of theWar department sending two officersto the University of Chicago, and oneof them a ranking major in the regular service, while Harvard Universityand other Eastern schools have onlyone man each of the rank of captain,seems to point to the fact that Chicago is considered an extremely strategic center.The ,War department wishes topoint out the fact that enrollment inthis student corps will not put a manunder obligations to enlist in the army after his service has been com.pleted, . He may do so, of course, andin case of a national emergency, iseligible to an officer's rank, becauseof his training. The training to begiven will not be merely rudimentarytactics such as are given at militaryschools, but wiH include practice indrilling men and commanding equadrons of troops. Fe-and��II• : .I T�I- tl" 1:TFreshmen Will Dance.The Freshman class will give aninformal dance Friday at 3:30 in theReynolds club. 853135120121139165 Send Films to �issouri.The Quarter-Cent�nnial films havebeen. sent to St. Joseph, Mo., to be exhibited before the College club there. You ana Your Friends-ana(Writes for Botanical Gazette.797 Prof. Charles J. Chamberlin, of the',department of Botany, has - contributed an article on Henry Harold W.Pearson to the February number ofthe Botanical Gazette. Mr. Pearsonwas a professor in the South Africancollege and was well known for hisresearch work. He died last November. PI)137139156115131 Harlow to Speak.Ralph Harlow, traveling secretaryof the Student Volunteer movement,will speak tonight at 7 in Haskell. You tried it because Wt1 told1)00 how good and deliciousit was.But 1)our frit1naa begendrin1Ung itbecauae]i....l told'tnflmhowgoodit'W8S. Thiaiatheendleas chain of enthusiasm that hasmade Coco-Cola the beverage ofthe nation.THE'CocA.-CoLA CO ••ATI.ANTA.GA.GREATEST BARGAINS IN HISTORY OF TYPEWRITERSUndcrwoods $30 to $5'0Olivers 25 to 45L. C. Smith 27 to 40Remingtons 15.50 to 65Smith-Premiers 16.50 to 45and other makes $10 and up. Expert repairing and rebuilding. Every machine in perfect conditionand guaranteed two years. \Vesell to students on easy payments.Write for our liberal free trial offer and cut-Tate prices. .,.....••• .':. t.t el678 Alllllk •• rYIIIWritlf CI., 112 N. DIII'IIOrJI St .• Phi. Clnt.IG!'Maroon Teamswal...aI,a'•• ·f.,. "rI Ii•.•'".�.SPORTING GOODSANDATHLETIC CLOTHINGGood E"OJIWh for the Var:-ity--a"d E"ough lor AllComplete BackedEquipmeDt by ..for All UDCOIlditionalSports 'Gaaraatee 11,tlie�mft'mfl,trlUI 1:. 57th st. IIV11Frolic Theatre Drug StoreSpecial Rates to StadeatILM. J. CONER.Cor. Ellis Ave. aDd SS. It· ." , ,T.l. B. P. 1114.,Ir)PHONE HARRISON 7�4for appointmen�FaCldty Me.mbers�.��.:,-"i�"";�, I"'4oto9rClp'he�and The� Immediate FaJDiIies,! Iare cordially invitedto take advantage ofthe special rates given to Seniors '17.II : .II The University Special12 for $6 25 for $10SIZE 6x10The DaguerreStudioOfficial photographers forCap and Gown; '1'7Top Floor McClurg Bldg.218 So. Wabash Ave.VENUStO�PENCILNo matter what coar_you're taking you needthi. lamoua pencil!BECAUSEoftbeeuperlaUnI q� 01materlal, aDc! worlaaGlahlp. VBKtJS Is ac!lIlItteclI,. the llnest peDeD' It 18poulble to make. .If ,.ou Ute a Welt 110ftlead that mark. 80 that 7011eIlD reac! tbe wrlUDC (aaH.. wa,. aero.. the room,ebooae the aott c!egreea 8B-6B-4B.For .hort-hand DOtes or ...,.wrltlng 3B-2B-B (medium soft)are popular.'For aketc:blDlr, geDeralwriting 'PDrpoft8, etc:.BB-I'-S-m (medlam) wW pron dea1rable..'.,L,'.,f. I'or draftlDg, a medlam hard penc:ll glTell, tile beR raulta oc!G:�'D llb m-m-mFor Tar,. thlD, narrow Uoe. forextremely accorate Jrr8pbleal ebarts,maps. details, ete., 1H-8H---DH arell"nlh,ble."rFRE·E.� FREE,.IIAIlOON ADSBRING :uR1JLftI ,.; �.'t'f, '�.� - :'< F �; -j. �... _- -. j .'-! .... �.:. I!,..Do You EnjoyOutdoor Sports �If so, you like skating, andto thoroughly enjoy thishealthful exercise you mustbe correctly corsetted.\ You must.be comfortable,and still you want your figure. to be trim."meet all these, requirements.There are 'models distinctlymade for "sports" wear. andeach model is a fashionableshaping corset.. CHICAGO THEATREWabash and 8th(Formerly American :M usic Hall)Mat. Wednesday-Best Seats $1.00LEW FIELDSIN THE COMEDY"BOSOM FRIENDS"Be fitted 10 yourRed/em COrlel.$3 and upAt High Cima StoraWlLLIAII HODGE. In FIXING SISTER.PlUHCK18Plaolle . Central IZ40Satvday llatiaee B.. .... 'UIClos8illed Ads.'WANTED-TEN COLLEGE YEN'for the coming summer. Must haveability and .a willingness to work.$35 per week. Phone Went. 6395after 6 P. �1..TUTORING I� �IATHEMATICS,English or History at 10'" rates.Phone H. P. 2035 or write 5511Cornell A vc, for appointments.LOST-A VALUABLE, BROWN,leather satchel in the basement Idressing room of Bartlett. Rewardfor return. No questions asked.Albert Pick, Jr., 5300 Hyde Parkboulevard.FOR RENT-ROOMS WITH SLEEP-.ing porch, for one or two persons.Modern house. 5643 lDorebester.Phone Yidway 1617. .ffJLIA .�tt1Jj DONALD ·AND JOEience.Mr. Brian enters the proceedingsas late as the end of the first act, appearing i� the trim regalia with�ich he is inevitably linked. In theremaining two acts, he atones for his,tardiness by engaging in many a songand dance with Miss Sanderson. 'Mr.Brian is as decorative in his manneras is Miss Sanderson in hers. Heacts with assurance dances ;With elegance and ease, and hymns, his songswith succulent sentimentality.According to the high canons ofdramatic reviewing to which I subscribe, Miss Sanderson is subject only to rhapsodic comment consistingof variegated adjectives, bandieddeftly. Equipped with . gleamingsmile and faultless ankle, she wendsher way through her pretty songs andairy dances with a delicately insinuating decorum to which her audiencessuccumb en masse.There are many others present in"Sybil," among whom may be mentioned Mr. Stewart Baird, who playsCaptain Paul Petrow, Miss Sanderson's deserting lover.. Mr. Baird isin some respects an enlarged editionof �tr. Brian, for whom a large partof the audience mistook him at theopening. Mr. Baird 'is tenor and agonizedly Byronic. George E. Nash as. lBy 'CHARLES STERNIn "SybH," Miss Julia Sanderson is as Russian governor is an expert foilan opera singer situate at' the Grand for Mr. Cawthorn's foolery, and ReneHotel, Bomsk, Russia. In order to Detling as the grand duchess is eyesave from arrest her soldier sweet- and ear-filling. In the last act, aheart, who has deserted, she person- young woman named Cissy Sewell,ates the grand duchess, Anna Pavlov- appears for a few mom ens to dancena. In the second act, however, Miss with much abandon.Sanderson encounters Mr. Donald The production is elaborately equipBrian, the grand duke, husband, you ped with expensive settings and tastesee, of the real grand duchess. Mr. fu} costumes, the latter, however, inBrian finds it an ardV'Ous' and thank- vesting not too comely chorus girlsless task to be a Russian gentleman and a somewhat disheartening crewwhen in propinquity ';ith Miss San- of chorus men. "Sybil" is an admirderson, and consequently permits a able successor to the "Follies," beinglittle of the Tartar to come tb the. mannerly opulent, sophisticated, andsurface. That is to say, he accepts possessing, moreover, a lovely oper·Miss Sanderson's personation, and etta score by Victor Jacobi.bestows upon her n�mero·us oscula-tory symbols of his deep regard. Alittle later, the bona fide ·grand duchess appears, and announces that MissSanderson's sweetheart is herr lover.(J ealousy, you see.) This is news toMr. Brian who becomes incensed.Equally is it news to Miss Sanderson, who-At this point, I forgot to follow theplot through the rest of its convolutions. However, I am notoriously indifferent to the intrigues of, eithermovies or musical comedies and Ithink you will find the plot of "Sybil"a very expert affair. But even if youshould not is not a matter of greatimportance. For although "Sybil" isplentifully endowed with plot, it 9isnot absolutely essential to completehappiness to know what it is about."Sybil" comes, I believe, frMn. anAustrian original, having been adapted .for Manhattan consumption byHarry Graham an done of the ubiquitous Smith brothers. Its librettois rather brighter than one would expect a Smith brother to have a handin. I should not be surprised if Mr.Joseph Cawthorn, by whom most ofthe japes of the book are uttered,made them up himself. •names of their officers. I know whoMr. Cawthorn strolls through the their proxy is, but won't tell where Ioperetta in the guise of Otto Spree- found out.kles, an operatic impresario, creatingmuch hilarity as a result of his, ,triumphant dialect and generally comicbehavior in scenes with a highly volatile Russian governor, with his wife(Queenie Vassar), and with Mr. Brian.' Upon being addressed thus, "Youboast that this lady is your wife?" appeared in his own dress coat andMr. Cawthorn responds, "No, I con- trousers which will be returned 'tofess it." He also confuses "coronet" Fritz' Schoultz tomorrow. J_ Levinwith "clarinet," "Ocssack'nwith "has-I sock," arid does and says many otherthings conductive to laughter. Inthe second act there is a hiatus which�[r. Cawthorn bridges Bolus, givingvent to a comic ditty entitled "I Can,Dance with Everybody, but My Wife,"the verses of which are the productof his own brain, and were acorded arapturous reception by the first aud- DELTA TAU DELTA.Delts are the prominent socis�:·:,hts of the campus. One of the'principal haunts of pleasure is thelibrary, where they show unusualzeal in romance. The Delt house isthe main office of the teamsters'union, of which one Bob Will.ett ispresident. They have a humorist inthe person of Finny Houghton, whocould make an undertaker laugh whena competitor got the job for one ofhis �elatives. The Lothario Supreme.is Olsen, the man who, bet on Hughesand made a public announcement ofthe fact from one of the Delt windowsills. No Delt goes through collegewithout getting engaged; such is aqualification for graduation from thechapter.The Delts should not advertise thePROM EXTRA.At exactly ten minutes of ten, onehour later than scheduled, P. Dakeand M. McDo.nald and L. Lesch, andN. Han led the annual three" mile,walk held in Bartlett. Abe Hanischwore his new black derby, and Roddygave selections on his ukulele. Theparty was an enormous success, according to Dake, who handled themoney. ,The Whistle lacks enthusiasm thismorning owing to the fact that theeditor is under quarantine.He will try to do better in the PromExtra.\T.��. ·H. '/PUR�LE TAKES AFFIRMATIVEMaroon Freshmen Given NegativeSide of Debate Question.Northwestern has decided to upholdthe affirmative of the Junior Collegequestion which will be debated withChicago the third week in April. TheEvanston team was given the choiceof the- question and notified CoachHoyt of its intention this week.First tryouts for the Chicago teamwill be held Monday in Kent. Fiveminutes will be allowed for constructive argument and three for rebuttal.The judges have not been decided upon, but Coach Moulton will probablybe one of the three. The speakerswill be judged on the basis of delivery, rather than of argument.Change Date of Meeting.The meeting of the Internationalclub scheduled for today in Lexington, will be held Friday, �larch 2. -WQO_DLAW.f.I'T;R,U'·ST&. SAVI�GS BANK1204 B.\SIXTY-�HIRD IT�THENEA·REST.BANKtoThe University of Chieago-0-Resources $%,000,000AD Old, Strong Bank-0--It will, be a pleasure to UI. •eonveaience to you, if you doyour Banking here.WeDarn Socks,Sew on Buttons,and Do MendingFREE OF CHARGEMetropole ·Laundry1219 East 55th StreetTel. Hyde Park 3190A La1IDcII7 "or UDiftlWit7 lieDADd Women.A.atomob. Service EnrytrbmBILLIARDSADELIGHTFuL ll����RECREATIONFOR THESTUDENTCIGARS, CIGARETTES &TOBACCOS.Special rates for club smokersFRED FRANKEL1202 East Fifty-Fifth StreetJust East of Woodlawn:r:.,!':!r�!';· THE MULTIPLEX, ,T".. flrCllnaJstr1. AU ....... oa ...........THE HAMMO.D TYPEWRITER CO.189 W. M�iaoD SL Cbicac.Teachers WantideTery Department of aciaoOl work.Boards will aoon commeac» toelect 'teaChera for .ext year. REGISTER NOW ad cet In ODe of tMfint .. cancin. Write today forbta:nb.'· . Only 3�% Com. Pa:JOl.No •• lat. Territory; Iowa. Wia.,Min� Neb. Dakota. aiad th. 'West.Don't delay.T eachen E.pl.,.eDl Barea.L. I. DaOER. ........ rZ21-Z3I c. R. S. Buk. Ceru Ra,WIQWA...Advertise in The Dally Maroca"I. • j T' "pJ". .'J.J._. �� ':,: '_' i �r::·:·','�'. J:'" ,� .. , .. � ..... .., .!,;a,'" ": .p.,., -','_ '... �·'-'�:::'r-"r.��t "";-....,...,,<":- •• -�::-'>?F-:..... --4:.;�:."'�v.-.��.�.-.�__.� .,:[�,. �-::'�' ":-��-:'.. ". -. TH&' DAILY IlAaOO.,' WEJ;)NBSDAY. FBBBUAJlY'n, 1911.BACoach Page has been working thisweek on a special defense for theGophers. He plans to put CaptainTownley aginst Stadsvoldt and thecaptain will go into the game instructed to ride the Minnesota star.In the game last week Stadsvoldtcamped under the basket and was fedthe ball by his teammates. Closeguarding will prevent this feature ofDoc Cooke's play. Clark will probably be used at the forward oppositeBent although Parker will -Iikely getinto the game before it is over.The only other holiday game scheduled is the contest with N orthwest-.em at Ohio'State. These two teamsare low in the Conference· standingand nothing is at stake. Northwestern will be without the services o'tCaptain Underhill while the Buckeyeshave taken a brace which seems toindicate that the Purple is in for another defeat. Saturday night Wis- . Prof. Earle' E .: Eubank, of the soeonsin -and' lllinois will hook up at ciology department of the YoungUrbana in a contest which may eIim- Men's Christian association college,inate Jllinols or give the Badgers an will talk on "Social Researeh " andI outside chance for the championship. .City Departments of Public Welfare"The mini have not ben defeated on today at 4:35 in Harper. His lecture• the home court this season but the re- is the fifteenth of a series on "Typesjuvenated Badger combination, with of Social Work" given under the ausMeyers, Chandler and Captain Olsen pices of the Philanthropic Service digoing at their best, has been show- vision of the department of Coming the fonn characteristic of Coach .merce and Admin�stration .Meanwell's teams of past years.VARSITY SQUAD LEAVESFOR MINNESOTA CONTESTCoach Page an� Twelve Members ofBasketball Team Depart for l\linneapplis-To Return Friday forY. 1\1. C. A. Game.Coach Page and twelve members ofthe Maroon basketball squad willleave tonight for Minneapolis 'wherethey are scheduled to meet the Gophers tomorrow night. The party,headed by Coach Page and Captain'l.'8wnley, will include Bent, Rothermel, Gorgas, Parker, Clark, Bondy,McGaughey, Evans, Gentles, Orr andRudolph. The jnen will return Friday morning, and a practice sessionis scheduled for Friday afternoon inpreparation for the Detroit Y. :M. C.A. contest in Bartlett Saturday night,The Minnesota squad increasedits lead over Illinois Monday nightwhen they banded Iowa a 39-15 defeat. At the end of the contest, DocCooke had substituted his entire second team. Iowa was considerablyhandicapped without Captain Ba�ckand Dutton but clever guarding byI Von Lackum and Schiff prevented alarger score. Gillen kept up the scoring gait he started last week by caging ten baskets.Works on Special Denfense.i'�" i��;<:t;:'�v »..\�_.""�i ..t- .t'- _�> \fi· �}::' ,r--.,f;';(.rr��,Mo.·.. ,'�",'r-:>_�';��:' .��<fi�. > ':-.-......,t+-<""�I', ALUMNAE CLUB TO ENTERTAINWill Hold SOcial Event Saturday Afternoon in Ida Noyes.The Chicago Alumnae club of theUniv.�rsity of Chicago anounces thereceiving line for its Intercollegiate"At home" at Ida Noyes Saturday tothe members of the Chicago alumnaeclubs of other colleges. Those receiving are: Mrs. Marcus A. Hirschl,president of the club, Mrs. HarryPratt Judson, Miss Marion Talbot,dean of women, ?tJrs. George F. Good-. speed, Miss Gertrude Dudley, MissMary McDowell. head resident of theUniversity settlement Mrs. SamuelCecil Stanton, presid�t of the Chicago Collegiate � bureau of Occupations, Miss Isabel Jarvis, secretaryof the club, and Mrs. Karl F. Keefer,treasurer of the club.Invitations have been sent to thelocal alumnae clubs of' Bryn Mawrcollege, Cornell university, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, University of Illinois, University of Mich-• igan, Mt. Holyoke college, Northwestern university, Oberlin college, OhioState university, Radcliffe college,Rockford college, Smith college, Trinity college, Vassar college, Wells college, Wellesley college, Univeristy of'VlSCOnain and Westem Reserve university., CHICAGO SWIMMERSSWAMP ILLINI MENIN DUAL CONTESTMaroon Team TakejJ Six Out of EightFirsts, Though Minus TwoStars.Maroon swimmeds, despite the loss�of Rubinkem and Vacin, stars of thechampionship variety, breezed awayto a one-sided victory over the IlliniSaturday in the latter's tank by ascore of 42 to 26. This was the firstdual Conference meet for the Varsityand they took six out 'of eight firsts,in addition to breaking the old tankrecord in the relay by two and fourfifths seconds. The forme"r record of1:-50 . was made by Yale. Faircloth,of Illinois, did the other record breaking stunt when be swam the 150-yardback stroke in 2:05 2-5, one and threefifths seconds faster than the old·mark.Chicago lost no time in gettingstarted but annexed the first event,the 200-yard relay, ill 1:47 1-5. Earle,who swam first for the Chicago quar-. tet, covered the fifty yards in :25 2-5,. thereby establishing a comfortablelead for his teammates. Johns, premier diver of the Conference lastyear, took an easy first in his. eventwith 101.3 points, with Gray, histeammate, a close second with 100.6.First place in the fifty yard dash wentto. Captain Meine, of Chicago. Bowers, recruited from last year's freshman team, came to the front in Vacin's absence and won the 20D-yard •breast stroke. Earle and Crawfordadded eight more points to the Ma-, roon column when they took first and'second respectively in the 220.Carlson, who promises to developinto the best plunger in tile circuit,took first when he covered seventythree feet. Vial, of the Suckers, wassecond with sixty-six feet. Crawford, another product from last season's' yearling squad, won the hundred in 1 :02 3-5. The mini partlysolaced themselves by winning an exciting water basketball contest, 4 to 3 .the Maroon team being without theservices of Captain Clark and Wind-row.Eubank to Speak.\Divinity Council to MeeLThe Divinity council will meet thisafternoon at 4:30 in the receptionroom of Haskell.German Club to MeeL,. The German Conversation club willmeet Friday at 4:45 !n Ida, Noyes.MORBIDITY AGAINSTSANITY OFFERED INORCHESTRA PROGRAM(Continued from page 1)for instance, and I am sure the 'similarity would be so striking as tocause astonishment. . IThe Fifth Tschaikowsky symphony,though not ranking in popular favorwith the "Pattiesque," is pernaps thiscomposer's greatest work. Nothingcertainly could be more typical. It isTschaikowsky in his most tragic-mood, and that can be very tragic in.deed. The tone of the whole work issounded in the first line. The themeis that of despair, and the symphonyas a whole is an almost overwhelmingaccumulation of the same emotion.Not even the brilliant third movement, the waltz, escapes. It is daebing and gay, but never happy; it isthe exaltation which comes from adefiant abandon rather than from asunny joyousness. The symphony IIJ 1 11111 I', ���II� SO\'� , Otn-.f'C1.l..� , eU_"'C� "I." fot" ,O\lt"S , ZS centlu3ge a �th an'�e �\lt"�c,igaXette.I ,-'w,Jo11FlnEENCENTSlin 11111 'IJ'ohorcl.strclfirs!claUWala blthelairIton 1Pralcepta 1whlcandbersroonby",',laidAlcr¥.Insbni .. �weI'wor}proghertisc�tweeJ'efn�deseiAinoMesdasCClintOwerper.cessof C1low;ir-nEnd,pile cdowntel vceersmrrtlWasilster :Df th,menttendcThe Delius Dance Rhapsody is a series of delicately rhythmical melodiesagainst a background of liquid harmony. It is fantaatie: and whimsicalin tone, and offers a welcome relieffrom the over-strained . emotionalism �of a work such as the Tchaikowskynumber. The Brahms HungarianDances can best be described as'breath-eatching in their wildly pulsating rhythms. They represent B0-hemian dance music at its best and·are typical of Slavic music in one ofits most characteristic forms.recalls velvet draperies and heavy,stifling perfumes; the third is moresuggestive of painted clouds andblowing ribbons; and the fourth is acombination of gunpOWder and flames.This picture painted in marital colors, steeped in heavy tragedy, andplaced behind footlights on a stage, isthe most adequate description I caftgive of my own reaction towardsTsebaikowsky'8 work.Of the last two numbers on the program nothing but praise can be spok-• en. Both are altogether channing.taken all in all is as complete an anatomy of melancholy as the musicalworld could possibly produce.Tschaikowsky did not write thissymphony, as far as have been ableto discover with any definite programin mind. It is just the kind of musicwhich we usually associate with aplot, but the composer has left norecords of ·his having used one. Thefirst movement, and I offer thetastray -impressions' with many apologies, suggests a death march withtorch tight.; the aeeond movement scen{;glee (the Idancethat ca stnPresk,elf il"', nual!�-.<��"1IDIVe]ing cs. sinceDr. Eand h