CoulteJ:, Michelson And. Millikan '�,Seleeted ,For Group Created University ,WOUlen� rep,resented by,'1'h)rty.IiVe 'speakers are.expeetea to> .' .By President lWDsoa. the .Womeu's administrative eeuncil,pariicip�te in' the prelbnmary Var�ty • '. will g�ve 'a reception 'for .men and fac-debate try'outs to be held tonight a� uhy members of the' University Pri-7:30 in Cebb 12A and the Harp� as- PROMOTE FEDERAL WELFARE day,. N6V. 3. from 7 to, 9 in IdaaemI>Ii. ·rooiu •.. U�uatea and- "0_ hall. The reception ..,11 be .01grad'D:a�$ win hold separate tests. 'President Welch, Of AeadetUy Of Sci-an informal nature, and win iRcmde. �tes in eaeh·meetillg will be_, Makes Choiee-Uni.-erSiv 'a program olma..." gam es and daae.juiged on individual ability in a five, L.eads AU Institut�ODS. 'ing. IRvitations have been issued byminute C91>shuetive ""d thr!!e I!IIiDute, the promot ers to the ."",pus frater- "I know, but that'. just what,..,. .t'ebuttaI .� Six �:fro", each .n._, UniversitY pn.{.... rs ,}lave nitie., the me n 's tlomdto..ies. the Roy. think. You forget that there are otheretternOOD at 4:80 .the biggest ""ti"" will be appoirJtetl to> take par\ .been e!waen' as meinbOrs of, the Na- nolds dub. \ Y. M. C. A. and Quad- minds aa good as yours tBat-:--". I\' of the Y'" will be held bi .the fiaals· twO weeks from tonigbt. tloDal � eoUDcll -1:17 ere- 'rangle ci'nb. ' .'"Tb._ you gO; � about Y01I1'o--- field.' The IItocIe!Ita will be 'l'oDight's _tests will dift'er ma- ated at the reqUest of President Wood- .'The receptio'n will mark the open- self again.' N�, tha issue, as I _.te the field "';d the VIll1IitJ tel'laily from all .previous Chieago row WUsou. Dr. Jl'ba Merle Coal- ing . of the heretofore unused games it.--" ,.' But.. he. Was inte�pted. by� in a short signal � for tryouta.1>oth in l'OutIne and po�tiali. ter bead of. the department of Bot- \room and bowlinl( alleys in the base-. the impinilug of ,a ehaIk eraser alcmc-�t of the f�ns.. :!mmediateq ties. .As toe routine, tile _...gatlom _;. ,Dr. Albert Abrah$IU Michelson., ment of ida Noyes hall. AD instru.. side his head that made evl!eythIngu.;. the team will be tal<eu .....".. of professional stud_te is un� Th& 'head of the department Of PhYsI... tor will be present' to assist nO'Vicies .,.G'1th street station of tlte l)lin� fund_tal originality, howeve. ne.. and Dr. Robert Andre .... Mi11lkaa, i� the art of bowling. The assembly ra:e.this maimer. 1Ib-; �eriek D;� in" tally·ho. Cheerleader in·the .initiation of seml-undergradu, Proieasor In the. de�t �f PhY'"room on the ihird'lIoor will be used'. class in � �I>romisea to Il>ILke'tIlls aft'air ate ·debaUng. 'ies are'tha University lI(1eutlsts .w-. ior general dancing •. Womej> pianists opened this morning. F'Il',a,fu11 fjuar_'cteate" . til"" the �OD Destr078 M011C1pOIy. eeted by Dr. WilllaID 1Velel>. president. will volunteer tIIeir services, ill' ac- ter of an hour a miniature political,.: "... when over three thousand' -Reretof,*e. graduate stUdents have of the National Academy �i Seienee, cordance 'with the Entertaio"l.ent riot raged in the classroom. Oppos.'� sent the team to Min·almost IrJ"ri"bly monopolized forea- � Researd. oouneiI baa c;'mini�tee's policy of e�OYing oaly ."g demotIflfjations.1IO overlapped _.'ok pi,,'licipatlcm.· The 1916-17 sclieme. r;,r its purpose.tWo bringing ints· � student tale"t throughout A short another as to make Hughes 01.,. and ' . ',;. :hold�s open on;ly three places to pro- opem�on 9f the e�is:t�ng gov�ment.. i. musical program wiII be offereq 'by. Wilson men indi�tinguishable and,fe.sioml&. Even for. successful ga" al. edueatj<Jnal. indllStriai and othe� . the recently organized Vkalde club.,many • gO� •partiasftS, hit their col-:"criag 01 tihese positions uPp"" �di- t'eseareh organizati_ With the ob- Dean Talbot To Receive. .leagues instead' oof a.eir oPtlonents"dates must sucresSrul�.,.n""rgo com- je.t "f eneo11l1!ging tile investigation " In .the reCeiving line will be Dean .Compe1led To Pay,petition ....'th unde.gradnates.. of natural phenomena, tile lISe of sci· Marion Talbot. nean Elizabeth Wal. It all began because the students' Three v;teran Maroon debators wiil entid. research ,ID American lace. Mis. Gertrude Dudley. Miss Ag· had'been eon:frouted, upoi, .... �Ctry iNtt tomght. ,Gaylord R .... say. 'tri .... the employment of .seientilie ';"SS Hanna, Mrs.'George S. Good· the rooD>, 'with the ueeessity of, _. ". M�nrice Van 'lUck" a,nd Ed .. in Weist. lPethoda � natiouai def"""". and t!'& .' speed. a"d the, exectttiv� ."""'!littee triliutlng money' for tWo d� 'iil.--' /.,Ramsay was a c:oIleague. of Homer' apt>U."tlon· 'of .8Cien.e ,to> any pur-' -of the Women's Admimstrative' coan·."Pen ... in e_eCtion with tile �.. ..Hoyt. and.' Clifford B�ow<let' on th."' po,* which will pt'OIDDte the nation- cll, Marjorie CoonJey. Ruth �e"hY, ballot 'now beiDi heM in the UDi.Yer-team whiCh won a unanimous dec!·, ,·at wellare. ,Pauline Levi,.. Jeanette Regent, an� sity. This 'it a.p�, hurt thefrsion aga,iost Northwestern Wliv ... sity !ldeatl$toJ'Are !ltemw.. Eva Ricbj>lson. Sevenoty womeo are at ,pride ar something. an�maIIIlerlI> aDdin January at Evall<!ton. r:e ��I� The -.bersh!p of tIii. counell .Is work on tbe committees nnder thE fol· convention .forgotten, tile � -* Oft.the negative ,qf the question: ,Re- compOsed of �eaJ..'l aeientific in.. towing chairmen: PabIicity-Margar-, Another demoostration willprobabty ...,"'.4, 'that CongreS$ Sho�, Adopt Vl!8tlgatonl and engineers __ t- et MacDonald; M?sic-Margaret,Lau-. take place tomorrow. T1'at is, If It;'"a LiteraCY Test FGr the Restrielilon ing tlie Army, tWo Navy. tile. Smitft. d.... Reception-Margaret Monro.; kilawn' that. a girl voted twice tcn:",of Eur� ... n Irlllnigratioa." _ian institUte, the variouS scieatilile. Refre.ll1net1ts�E .. a, Ricllolson.· Hughe... / , •Debated Wsth �ber&'·i .I �reaus of national government,. edu- ' / "We are plannini to ,make this t'e.. Get Banet Vote. ',Va'a Heeke joined. Ballty. RQSelt-. eational 'institutions, and the research 'ception ,the bigg';st af&ir of its"kind' .BaJ1bts were sent Yesterday ,to. In-berg and 'Jolhn McDonald Jtwo !)"lears, foundations and r'ese�reh\laboratorie& ever given �," said R�th Sh��y, \' .struetors of classes in the Soeial Sci- Iago in a victory over :�e �niV'el"sity of iMustrial and manufacturing . ,as.. ,chairman of· the. Invitatio�s commlt-ences. The returns that are in showof Mich'igan (tn. the affirma,ttve of the tablishments., , .tee, "aRd :I wis� to cor red the see:;, a slight tendency, toward a prelmmee. '..& IIIM..-t th.... Mon . p__'. _;ft'" · ..... _ .. lte... '-',- s been. ' the ·In'giv . p'revalent idea that it 1.s to• ". for the Republican nominee, but, .t1te,'question! "Re SO'iveUlf..;i up. . "" .•t;V.l._- '-NWI .. U.<T11' 'l..s..._..t ,.. n.,.. he�.t, '. _.,f t1..._' d' -�ent of Botanv 'a f-,. at eVeDt.' The recep�Jon WI....... ce is close. The womeD� so far, ex,r"" Do'Ctrine, as,Deve � au<, :¥' ...... ..., - ...... � • U'�A .a,tSt St.ouJd he atwoe'" 'lbnD. He has edited fhe. B. ot.- be entirely· informal in' nature. eeptiftCP the repeater. have t�ed 0..'plied by the Vmt�d .' ates. ."' .' - W """d -howAbandone<$ as a Part of �r Foretgn anical GaZette, the first Botanical � large lnnliber of. University men an ward Wilson. Many. oUBem, .. evc.'. d !1"'..... ·Bal ...... m . ,:......, ..... ..,. ft, ,.,;ft.,.",,:', '1017, J:. and in,'.l8M-S h.' £-culm... :members n.ever " have been tail to g!ve reasons for their eholees. I,,p�Jicy:" Wei$1i an i�tUS. ,:,-. u� .... _ ....... Of�, � �,f'",oded the alfirmative' of the Uter- wa. president oUlle American �tanl" through lOa Noyes. hall. 'These peo.. Here is a sample: ', ,',,, _ .supptioa against the UBi_sill' eaI S<>Ciety; He is a member of the 'PIe wt1l be given all \ OP�D� . �o Q.. To what �tIca1 pai'ty do lIOIIaey ques·C', • g' Aftatte1" in N' aU---l' ,A..,;"';.3:!my of. S, d,.ene. es, .and.1°lllHU'et tbe, btlilditlg ;Frs�ay' BIght. normaO .... �Iong?of Co-io.rad,o in: the �prla ... - ·WWID �,..._ _ "'II".., ,an _ociate fellow of the Amersean We want ,every 'man 'ud every we- I'. A. Republican...MandelAcademy 01. Arts and Seience&. man in the 'Unlve��ity· to come... 'Why. Beeause., .' ..., lliehelSon Is Prize- WiDner�' ,Who is your �erence, to", preai-w.,A'l'HER POncAST. . ,l'r<It IljehelJou has beeJt couneete4 Take S1IIIIoo' Picture. dent . of tile. United States fa Itl" I' .Unsettled � .. ��' J40defate with the UnIVersity since· 1892 '. as· ,Wilson.'· I_It f PbVSICS' The lu�iow picture' for. the Cap aDd' 'un..? Safa40.. first.south.�t wbJG.. I bea4 of the departmen 0 .t... ..... "oy . ... .. ;,.Be received the NobeJ prize for SCI- Gown will be taken tOday at ,10:15, in Who is your preference tor-�qtifie advance- in '1901,. and repre- front of Haskell. Further anRO� nor-your oWn state?: "', ':'ted the UmW States' at the meet. ment will be Inade in r�ard � sopb-, .' Republican. I'sen.• 'f. .ing 01 the International eommlttee 0 omore picture. .' Why? '.I ' ''. 'W • htS and Measure� in 189'1. \ Dr. In answer to tlae questioB, ,CCWha�Mi:,..on .... pre�t'of·tIli>Am...... Betas '�PWp. Is your father's pa1i� put)'f .....iean Physical soeiety in 1900, and i�as, man wrote,. "Chanp& �, ,a delegate, to the Pan-American. sei- "Beta Theta Pi ann�: �e pledg- _: ...:\:.....�_-_:_�--.R b .C .- of Chicago' \ (.C ..... ntl·nued ,on Pace 4)"entUic congreu in 1�08 .. 9.'I I . mg, 6f 0 ert amer�&... ".,' v, 'hof. ¥mikal'l� of the ." department ::��������=:�������=,:=,:=,:=,:=,:=,:��=,::=,:=,:=,:=,::=.;:::::::::,::,::,:,::,:,:,:,:,:,:,:":;of Physies. is a �mber of the exc:cu. _tive council of the Americ,an Phystealsociety, and, in'lna was' the. recipientof the Comstock - prize'. of the Nation;at, Academy of Sciences, He ' ft­eeivecl the' honorary degree of Se.D.'fr6m Northwestern university' in1913. . Dr. Millikan has', taught .t theUniversity jinee 18t6. '� , ':The " Univ.ersity' of', CJticago leads,all ,institutions of the- 'country in'. thenumbelt of .. � ehoaed for thecounciL·· '", .',YTO DRILLFOR FANS AT MASSMEETING ON FJELpt Session 'Of Year WiD Be'At 4 :30 0.' AthleticGrf)1IDtIs.;WILL PA�E TOWN$quad will leavtl d()wnt()�fl:80 and will go to M1I-w:-aukee. they wilt spend the night. 'They., �"e in :Madison a short time. 'the Maroon. special pulls into'r stronghold� The p1ayer�� through the to�,. aroB«�� and finally out to Camp�l• \ "lIar-ns Leave At 8 :3Oc."tcl\iaroon S�eial1J wnf leavelit 'tthwestern stamm, Madisont ,� streets, tomorrow momi1lg�. '. tnte'rtainment will be fur­� en route by the band and� -�. I\ge's freshman squad· which�.t4 the lay' of the' g,.-ound at,'lldaIl in' preparaticm for the.. "'1Ueb they plan to do up t".here..._� .�ee. Although the ad-• th.�ket sale has ha�dly been up��tations, about two,. ha.e ooen �1d to the studenta.��r .Stagg put the regulars� a' light drill yestenta�.. Aft. �ee in·. throwing and kick­" Pig�in was. followtd ,by, a�� the Gnal details of th$ for-·� � � �hi�n will �e used .tomolTOW., '"t' at$lty 'Was then sent through a� drm l1l1der the are tights.• . I.', . 8illl&ls8n Is Omitted.::: ...... 0bSiD hy ,1IlD mean_ 4Is-" ita tun powen agaiJ$' HasJtell,.�OJlirlion ot· Coach J)age. The, l1ndo�btedly played with �� ,, '�tne in mind and for tbts., they did Dot· open 11p;. In the'1, "'en out ,by the Badeer om�llt�t$terdaYt "the n-ame$ �,tl and Gardner were omit ..s· .",�Pson was injured. in �e... �. and has 'been 'adommg1Ib�' aU week, but �t is . 0lU'� �o� that 11e wUl displaC'8'e�, I the 1i�p sometime. be-� �" and � o'clock tom"9J:rO'W.-- � )l�Yed in the e;ontest at Mad ..� \ Years ago- and has only '.re.­l 8tet�rned to tbe. Igame, but Jle'� ,Ii_go lineman imd jt,does �,�hable t�at he WI1} be alloWed.\ 4)88 ·the game .from the' beDeh., I,�\ . , I "I I," \,at arecnUNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO, FRIDAY_ OCTOBER 27, 1916.INVITE UNIVERSITY MENTO INFORMAL RECEPTIONPLACE PROFESSORSOF UNIVERSITY ONNATIONAL COUNCILI THIRTY-FIVB ATTEMPT-' PRELIMINARY TRYOUTS RIOT OF P ARnSANSRAGES WHEN HUGHESAND W. W. MEN MEET ,Ctrcleh Moulton Segregates. GraduateOrators· In lHhatmg Tats .1'oJdght-Unusual Opporlumty O«ered Va-:dergraduate,Canclicbites For T�am. ' Women Under Directioa. Of �bt�il>tfative Win Entertain AtIda Noyes AlTair Next Prida�To. 'Open Mew Rooms. , • . ".Fredel"iek D. BralUha�s C� I •Politieal Sd.enee 'Is Seeae,Of War. I-.GET StRAW BALLOT aBsUL!S- "�....Girl Submits Repeater For H1'lgIM!e-•R�� CalUlidate Is-Sligkly- In' Le8d Of \VilSOD.\. , .-\,, .,"I jI� • 1" ," "THB DAILY MAROONBULLETIN. ''-. . Tod8y.DuotiottaJ servieet ))i_ity ,��.10:15, Hauen. '. " . '- uiriversitY'�'" 3, Noyes..:. German. Conversatioa club, 4,., :Lu ..\iU1to1;l 4 and S. .,.' IStuQeat VoluDteer Band, 7:30" E!-, ',\lis· .,·.._' .. Lo+t..... 1'0·15" Walker., Junior ClaSS: .,.. ..... _ ... , •, ' ..• . ",resJa1mn ltmeheon, 12:45, Ji1l.tdda- 1 ',"�\ ''/,1M'E·F O'R• cM.A'D I S'.Q',N', \'\ . "" *., f'., , I" ' I,. ,,' ! •\ ", I, '_ . .,.. 19' I .' � I' • f . ", , "f I,, 1I, I',. " 1.', , ,THE DAILY MAttOON, FRIDAY, OCTOBER %'1, 191:&.',"'1 IilJr Ihdly', '!fiarnnnThe Otlieial Student Newspaper of theUniversit)'"of Chieago� ,I \, •ISYNONYMS. FOB ,.THIil THREE:QUARTIlRS CLUB. ' ..",. , ,. nalne win not he publishetl withoat the· :writer's consent.)COMMUNAL A$SI�niITY,w � 'notice With. some tittle in terest"H. P. H.'s" attempted 'justification, of the gasping, 'bed .. ridden ThreeQuarters dub. .. T. E. H� :might fitting­ly dub H. P. H. "Modern ;Heroes No.3" '£.04" so gallarttl'}A offering himseUto� a canse as h<)pe;l�ss as tha,t Gf thisantique.',A bHer'resume of the 'histOri of· �hes�.,.eaned organizati()n shoald' eon­viace H.'. P. ' H. 'and the .other stand·patters, that th. -Club" has entirelvoutgrown' its fo-tmer usefulness and· isready to be' telegated to the junk heapalGRg· with. several otbe'r form�r tam.; ,PU'$ foibles. The foun-ders ()f tle tt!%b .had a ddinu.. purpose about 'whf�h .tlle'organization was' built •. At, that tilt'le . l. .... J'ree {,.neh soeiet)r.frat�i�s were ,.ptevent�d f�o. 2.-Mfdwq·',Folliea.'...... ..L� maQ at 1'" eII'- .ttedtriag mea until fbe begllUting" of� . �,_.lakf Bah! �!, It Poitt;-i; ';i1ii�' In ...... -- ta.' the .. co.,d quarter. 'It was felt that f·: « -- .,,4 1\ te13.the. frulu:nen., lmpres$ioBable at tlte, , ._,..,._....,. ',' � ...... ' 'ar$ duriag the 'first quarter of e.oUel'e, Old DiU. Boal, tll. eamp;ae eham.;� .�••t:�!1ils$t. �:=-�. weN -rUMing f·i,ot and that lOme 01-", pion of Wit, is �w a,pearmg "&l1, in, .�iiotl should' be' s_ted to -give: aD ash manta tuxedo;' Bo .. loJlg will:'/ .,r. L!I1I1, JL�. .,- •• � •• ��"•• �� •• ':'iO_t.'!!."II; . .' .' , ""' .... n.� l'ts "' .... ,,�.,_ .Lt.!.:..! ,,' ,, ...,__ . .....,. -. .IAOI ..... tile .first year _en, the ttaining' aad NRi »fill "",10;>&." IiQlI,D. disciplinary measaees whtCb, th1t � .1 •........ 1 ocn. ..•• ; •••• � ....• '� .... ,.. .' ," . '." � Dlaebtoae �x. . t.nlity eouW'liGt give 'urtd�r the sys.- ; If.. nou.-parti$on repott$ that:& d1�. ',, ...... 2.� . tem' Q( pledging. This was the. purpo.e p;. �'H'ug'" aueried in load ton .. Iof tbe . elub. About. this p ... ,o&e th. at th, F6l"W'ia .. ttag �at tlle Demo-'club- greYf up, aDd according' tOo old,· �,. l,,-ere the _use' 'Of 'the 'lJ:ardaltlmni� it aCcompUsh'ed its' 1>urpo,e tim.e$."1Aok at the panic of 190'1",and flourished. Then "came a 'day 'WaS ili$ �1e qt. .. ;whea the present. $'Y<stem of' pledging I ,eatritt in-that day sc)tmded the. �ath , ' �kfteU ,of the Three Q'ltarters dub, as" .As a. candidate for 'riee-pz'esident ona plirpos.eful organization. Fraterni.. the- Anti-BlU"Der's, ticket, \ve p�" ouR' OPPOIt"rUHITY. ,ties. now look 'O\i"U the work 'about. pose the brae offMt. Briun)1aU. Do, : .' /' , ., 'which .the club 'had been 'Organized. we ,heal' ,the motion seconded?," ,i 'J'�r,a' has never been a better 'op" .The empty ¢eremonials .Ofl the clu]), \, ,pC)t:tunity (or th� student ,�O�Y to $'h��.. al<Jne remai� A wild scramble W'�s '• I !i� enthusjastic support 'Of' oat' f'Oot. ' made "to 'find some fundtOn wl1ere'by'.:, �d team, tha� that which �xists to- the club might justify Its existence'."i' I c1ay�' Twice in thJ:e'�' �eeb out grid�' Th� hunt has beea", go,ng .on,. fw It",' ", ., deea� but with 110' su.ceess: Like the '.I·jri>U herq'es have seen .their oppon�ftts ', ' ", . , ;hu�ft, appendixJ iti�" stitt here in:form. �aise 'me Bag 'of 7icto.ey:;· yet t,h.e :Ma-! but it is ·fun,ctiontess. It wOuld be a" t�'n eleven' is stilt.,in' the fight [Q'f sinlpl� and' pa�1ess operaHoB· to ' �e-'.'Conference thoB9rS. 1 Tomotrow th�y move. this " .parasite' on our student'go to.,¥adison to; meet' our inorthern body�. '. 'fi�ab, they h,ave, tile spirit, th�y bve It is �ed that th�' club. has . a.1 'the brai� they' ba�e the brawnj alt· noble purPQse in that it instills atlIat. f��S to produce the' victory is "bindIng. spiri� of. eomr�deship anel· : J crowd. o� �ptimistic r'Ooters. ,j • creates' pIeast'treapte a:sso,ciat1�s'"" .,' t B1 making the trip to ,MadisQDt lOU among the fres'hmen., Does H. P. H, �U. 'not Q�'" 'kave the opportQ:nity:' t�' feel that the �bus M this fresh:­See ope 0.£ tlte . season's .best football man" class 'Qr of· any other freshmanm.tch�1S, Pout you will .. Iso h.aV'� the �Uss are $aek l:nincompooP$ that the,", pi��5\tte of �eiDg qne of th� wests 'can. form friendships only by engaS'.. '. '�mo.t R.oted �ucatiolUd institution$. ,lug is eommunat' assinintt# 'Is the ' T.'" ,& ', ;, ·'Ma��'L1P 'your .nin4 �ow to j01n th�, �entat p1ane'of the fr�h so l� that '=============:;r::::IIi_-==========�=I " �a'DPfI throa. '�at .iir �ke tl1�' s� he, ean, become' acquainted wltk I his: seek, paid, ,eatertabttr.· 'woab{ J)'oo:.., �. i� tf!¢ morning; if rOll are be.. fel1o-ws only' by', seeing \ "''his brotlier' ab� be more· wilting ,to' petform· andlIliud ia four studi�s, tak� rout bool($ iR the.. b0nds" vieing' wIth him ia furnish a m�h ,tri�r grade of �iI wIth,,�, �p,d, �tudy �. the t�ia; Yout makingt a' foo� of himsetl. Have a ter�i.ment.! ffoPll .f9f wda, �h�W '�e \"M� ,for Heart, lJ. P. H.l/Give the. £r;8�hman' : A� to tl'a� �O:mpatiSM to t� footballi.ladiso� .. credit for average intelligence. ', te.m. it see.,. that .snell an analogy t.• "I I, • ,Apin it is �e1d' that tm�1 Chi�g� u. inaae as tke �lub itself. E-nryOtt.I< �,I ' (. > '" .' SYLVAN KUSEL. 'Sl'irl� ba,s its inception in 't�e .Thr,e naftze$' *lrat all iater-eollegiate sports".: ' : ,Tlnt t,lnth of Sylvan Kusel, who was, Q��. du� Th,e' $t�temetU:, tha� .have 'aa im.,...)rtant' function ani the",�' drowned Monday night while return-- any rational 'perscm ca� gain a'deep fact, that oor. team has tlOt. WoIl. tbe). ., _\ ift" from' \ his \ ;'eUJement 'Work,.' ear-' love for' 'the, City Grey' and' its asS()oo, maj.ority of i�s games does n,ot de-: j ", f " �es a i1�e �f the dee�st sorrow t? ' ciation�' thro�gb' his; infantile 'a�ticst ' tract from ,the usefulness of this flUte .. ' I'1 ,'� m'aA)' friends among' faculty mem-:. at, the 10:1$ �riQ.d m.ust be the,·pto. tion� � c�mparisoQ,is odious. Ilen",.. bers� students and alumni. Sylnn Ku- duct' 9£ a very. fertik a�d -elastic im�, 'tiQnin; the Three Quarters efub. in\ . !' sef �a� �e 'Of tho-Se unusual m�n with �g1nation. It 1, otUy bf bec9D:dng I.e" I' ,th-e-. __ 'brftth with. �r ,foo�n ., ibigh, chat'act�, ple�ant 'disposittOtt qtl�ipte4 with,' tt\$ �*gger thiugs' f�r" �m or 'the' fencing team, if you. 1. " and uns�l6sh Rtotivu. .'It i$ diffku1t 'which Chicago stana, that we gain 'pJ,ease. ;18 ridieuloos. " I �, . ",to realize that 'cute of our: feqow stu.. 'the true ChicCaJo spirit. . ' .' We . who. oppose the elu� .re ae-, '. dent$ with a career ,so fined with 'Poputarit'r 'is ,anotllef at�i'bute of ' �$e4 of. f'de$tructive c:ritielsm"; "of.,." ,'WOTtbYaecompUslhnents. and a futllTe tne tlGb set fonh br'the'\ver�ti1e H. 'fer $omethiag. co�t-uetive·', is' the·" so resPlendent with ,possibilities,' has ' P. 81 l que$-t'o� fhe ,soun���$S of cO':-', Mow�-er" since �he,dQ� i� ,amr .. '.,M.*' taken ,frem -our. midst, and that thhs statemellt--Gri9'sity is' t�e ,ro9�, posele$s;, and .. bas .no' funetloa.'. It·". " i1Ps, :1o��J1.f�i�ndshi� �s been rexil�d .er 'categorY. Tran$fer forty Sauaties �e.IU$ thaI nothing ¢OnStmetive 'need. ��'" .to Jh., re� ·of nlemory. " , 'ff'om th'e c��fines. .of lCa�kakee to the 'Do o:fer.ed in its plac� By $11btsitut­(amf)US it l"'l�there woutd be p� me a, :� for .8 zero tPe equation ', '1' of :qnlooker$ . and �,have no. doubt remai� th.t mne.· iI .COMMUNlCA.TtONS . but. that the "windows of' ever, Boor ·1 have tesuftd 1M .� .JUt th'.'"'''' ' .' ',(JJi fie:.. at tit. tact'that tile eom� of 'Cobb woot4' he filled with amused . Three Oua;-be1'1 arcument that a",eHe,":'" i " ·.amieatfoa eolu_ .• f The DaiI, •• ' 'spectators.--. Or tet the �ree,Ouiu·"" to" th • .wandest, ,The al\1mll; 1l'Ja •.1, /-, :, ,.... j8 matDtaiaed .. I. c:leatiRg 1l8ase, tt"l"$ men a!¥1 their s�phomor� "keep. tam tJii*t t,h'ey have paid au ktiti_Uoa..... ".:i .' lAw' .... ad fattJlt1' .ttdoa, � "t,," perfon1l their antiC$ Oft Kichig;li1 Eft of Jft�1t, ��n� ... ' f�r ?ibie,h, tile,"�>: ;, " � J,faroea ,� - mty. fer ,', boulevard; 'th�fe would, probably' he, afe entitled to .• " bliUati,", knfll1et:' .\ 'AM .. tiII.- .� 8 Jarc.' amused $adteQ�t but .1 weU14 for .yea,. to �� Tbta is prae.....,.. '. �� ..,. .. by "" !laid1y' '0' sO '-f, la$ to ',.,. lhat: ,it·, ��i¥' ',mtly' 'justlkatioa of the c14." ...... ":�," sigae4' as '.. ,woald" attdhtecl'tO the PoPularity· Pult.p.· ist a 5pirit, 01 sdf-�rii_, I : I�' � .... � �.. .. of tb. 'ckib." U it it _ .... � wi, the al.WJ1ni 'might be coa�� ..,I,P.bUshed momings. except Sunday'.Itd Monday, during' the A.numn,Win�r and, Spri�g quarters, by TheDaU, Maroon staff., ' '. ,All you-1tave to do' to beeeme op..posed to. the' '.fhree Quarters -elub isto read. one· 9" its mentbers' le�. ofdefen$e� .. ,.. EDlTORIJ\L STA.FF.. IL It. 8W'U8OD.�;._.�.Ma.aglng Ecliter I.A.. 'A.. Baer .. ._ ...... New. Editor.:8. . IL, Newm .AthJeties' ,Editor, e. c �_ .. _--NJght Editor,8. S. .......a��._.�.DaJ' FAitorv. K. EdW81'Clsea..�'s., )!'Aliter '.' ",.� .. _...tUst. Hew8-BtUter· "'W� &.' pe.d8f ... � At.letfes afttor� A,. .ati�� W..,u'. 'BeUter .BUSINESS STAFF· .... C· ........ ..:.=- .......,. 0.' .1t�_..Asst Mau,...I /.' " --, ." One. of . oQ8r star 1e�rs writes'that. "aU students in Sociology are en.;.· •gible to' he present at tbe Sociolo�elub .dUmeJ'.� .'. I, ," ,-_.," ,,. ,��Y,.OCTO�·20, 1911-I,�·������==���==='.ow LO�G WILL'WE TOL!: ...� ,.ATE ,THE, THME "Ql1AR- ,, 'TP$' CLUB? .-----'., I,' .'Tomorrow mo�i�" the freshmtm'rePorters will write the eontents ,of, the' Whistle. ' ,The' editor will 'leavetot" MadisOn' tonight.' " : \", " . • .• 1._ \On T�a, the women ltlll agamtr-eat' the ·.student bod7 with ea�ice ot: .'ferings' in �is eolwnn. ,.., We nearly forget' to . $prmg thestory about Elizabeth'. WaJker� ,Itinvolves silver"?'are-O ,ever �uut, :aik her about. it;, .WiD see. you apt. _ Wedneada,;so IonZ� .' ,{,.for��·· .,""_"__;� ;.,"'-#-:' II, I,��', .'1 • :I'. r "'.' ,i '" . , I ."1, \i ,,', ' I ': I � /. .'1' fj /,' r, I:.;,' .:' .. ;::l �: �i �,�;, :,,/.>,',,,,' :'/ ' � �I, '�"", '1:, ,�: i,.: ':'" ' ... :.: I � " . ' I'·There's a, W.orld' of Comfort"., In Clothes' that really fit you 'and' give. you an individual style, ,, 'Clothes.that are distinct, individual,'1•. ' snappy, without being loud." ,, . Tbat, look as though they belonged toyou�arid feel. that -way, too. 'Our specialty is in making clothes formen who know thevalue of being wellgroomed- men ,who, appreciate the. quiet correctness and indioidual style.we put into clothes.' ,,',. That's whatmekes our- clothes so.desirabte and so economical. ., You'll wear a Jerrems suit twice as''long as ordinary clothes because you'llenjoy its comfortable' fit and 'goodstyle. '... Suit., $30'to'$60.�' OuUcoat8, $30 to $85 ',�": T4ilor./or· Young Men. 7 North La, Salle' StreetThree Stores: 314 South Michigan Ave.,', 71 . East Monroe., Street.STULISHID' t818" I "" ,.1 W��-!ltti_�ftutltmttUt �bt�hqJ l�ll�g",,&o,ao. A.WE '0011. ,FORTY·FOURTH STRln'III. YORK-'. TelePk� Murray Hill 8800 ',\ Our. Representativ,'e· will be .at theHOTEL LA SAl-tElTO':'dayand Tomo'rrowOCtober 27th and. 28th ,with SalllPles. of Ready-�de Clothing. '" Furnishings, Hat$ and ShoesI, ,for fall'. . A Copy �f �� New lllust,ated 'i;'ialo� 1intwe Iht!.n One HuHd"ed PhqlOflraphit Plates, ,. .' MIl be nutiletl ,to anyone mentioning l" : Tbe.1DAlLYMAROON',,,I, II ' I1I ,',eOsTON 8RANCH '149 Tremont sue.t , NEWPORT BRANCH22G Senewe. Coa(of Arms Stationer,NaBey Fester,' Hall,1'1. '. Beecher 'HaD ' , .� ,, IGreea 1I�1I' ,I leUr o.JI• I I I, �,I . 'hell HaD,' Charles Hitchcock ,Hall . .Ida' Noyes Hall .,,f I GreenwoodG" E:' T A, 1 'B' 0 ,x, T 0 D A' Y ,AThe University' Bookstor�em��ber that w� ,give Discount Coupons 0111 'I' rurchases :f..... 'I � I'.The' Vn�ve�sity 1)i Chicago Pres5758., Ellis Ava" &ad, loom 106 Emma. 81ailleI'" .I I. '�t '. ifor''', "'1 �ht; &fJ Q�4er' torid tile ea.p.t· uf tait co.binatiJ.. ., .Uf.' .4itot'� 1 ItO,. � lee' y_ �',I • " I . Arth.,. o. '" ,,t I �. '�"'C"',;',:--"T"'?'-�-""",'� t'�"7' ,'.� 'I' • \' r ".,JI , , • ., �'1" " 1 ", 'T 't", I, ,l'. "(,"• I, .,f, I• mE DAILy'MAROON, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1916. ,t'FOOT 'BALL" ' Are'WeDownhearted? , ,N"O",,I \ e'". I'. \ -, ,,I TXT/' '; ·•"" isconsin , �Ch'i�ago,vs.', . .Madison" Saturday, October 2,8th. I I I' , . f:', .'. . ,... ,\", IMAROON�,:SPECIAL', TRAIN. . ,. .'" .' . t'---------'LEAVES�' ------�'\'Chicago �,&' , N orthwestenl' RY.· Passenger Terminal,, ' ':Madison, Canal and Clinton Streets- i '... \'!1.8:30 A. M. :Saturday, October'28th ',', IHigh Class Equipment.jncluding Cafe' L�nch Car. RETURNING-Special Train'I" ,..:. leaves 'Madison at 5:40 P. ,'M.' ,,I \-/ ' '." ... Ir "",lI, ".'�I .I' ' j"\, fiIB DAILY IIAltOON, FRIDAY, QCTOBER 27, 1916.How do your agGrettes ,treat youAFTER yo" smoke 'them '1, (T.Jai� is a te�t tbat' Fe. cil� c..,. �tatKI fI_ ami .. ,Jog them, they W111 feeicool and comfortable tothe throat and tongue. .And AFTER yousmoke them - eventhough you may sinoke,more than usual-theywill leave you feeling asyou'd like to feeL Notwavyor "heady" feeling'--:-none of that "mean"feeling ofbaving smokedtoo much. ''. AU this is the reasonwhy Fatimas are calleda SENSIBLE cigarette.Yes-some day youwJU try Fatimas. Why�doit today? ,.c&Jt��&'A Sensible Cigarettef,' ,Many other goodciga­rettes besides FatimasWte"mighty good­WHILE you are Smok·ing them. Fatimas are'not the only good ones.Although Fatimas tastese.) good that. they con-', tinuetooutsellanyothercigarettecostingover So.But Fatimas deliVersOmething more thangood taste. They wi11�eyoucigarettecom-, forl-comfortwhile youare smoking them andcomfort A:FTER yousmoke them.W.bi1e you are smok-I',College, WeekliesI• Why 'NotLet Us' .,.:Do YourDpt ica] Work'w � duplicate .lenses p.-omptlyand aeeuraeetv at Special Prices,to Students ,S. 'FEINSTEIN, Opt. D.Registered O.,tometdst. 918 E. 55t1tSt.llear_estde he_:. Pllene By'" Park 8312,•••••••••••••••• 'f •••••••••• I Phone-H. JACOBSEN,FloristMidway %134 IShe' win thiak-better of yo�� college and one of,its men. if y� send her this box.'Bound 'with the colors aad en­graved with the seal.I , ..I ", ,I WJaea the oecasieD requires the, heat FLOWERS, IH. JACOBSEN,, '955 · East 55th, Street '-",$1 ,the pound at �vAIl De aOGERT & ROSS, ,, ,EasUlsl St. and Lake Park Ave.R. M. GRAY1�O East 55t1r Street'GLENN BROTHER)1145' East 63rd StraatAMPH�f:TT BROTHERS '8300 ,$-teAl Island Av'DU8,'.PA'TRONIZE ,O'URADVERT,ISERS '. "• 1-' " trt±twttt ts7tn� t , .'Dr., F. ,S. Peabody, o:tHaryard Unt-.versity, gave the senior ,college chaPelI ' adc:i.'ress ,Wednesday' at 10:15 in Man:''Peabody' ,To Preach. 'del ball. He spoke of �he inadequacf• 'of present day "-tll.eorizing" scholars'�e Rev.' Dr. Francis, Greenwood' to. meet the actual problems, of thePeabody, of the Harvard Divinity times' and adjured the, students as'echoo], will be the University preach-; "eoming� seholars to- combine them,er at the services Sunday in Mandel ,philosophies, with their �entieth een ..hall, 'I tury intelligence ..Announcement was made of th�BroWDSOD. Club WiD Meet. n� division of the senio� college__. _, chapel exerciseS. Students of the" Col-, The Brownson club, �ll hold ,its first,. !eges of,. Arts, Literature, and meeting Monday from 4 to 'ences Will meet Wednesday morning6 in Ida No�es. Officers will be �lect-' at 10;15 as: usu�1. StudentS of th� ,,ed and the program for the, year, out- C91lege of Commerce � Admlnistra�lined. 'New Cath�tic students are, tion and of the �hool of ,Educatlon...eligibl�' fo�, memb�tship, m the organ., ,Will meet �t the .ame hour Thupdaiizaiion.'" "'; :,' < ">' morning. / ' " '\ 'I, ,• CHICAGO ' MAT. SAT.THE BLUE" PARADISEWi� Cecil Lean & Company of 100Branch' Box Office 'in 'Lobby, Gan-iek'Theater ,Bld�. Seats also <>i1l ".' sale at Lyon, & Healy',sPRINCESS $1 ,Mat. 'TodayOq,VER MQROSCO PersentsEMILY STEVENSin L. K. Anspacher's BrilliantComedy Drama I,THE UNCHASTENED WOMAN'With 'a Typical Morosco 'Cast., MEN'S FURNISHINGS,Hats, Caps' and, Neckw�ar,JAS. E., COW'HEY1001-1003 E.. 55th st.s, E� Cor. EI� Ave •.BILLIARD HALL " KINGSLEY DECLARESSTATE MUST BECOMECHILDREN'S PARENTWould Have Children Leave, Institu- 'tions For Real Home Life­Need New Laws.That the state ought to act in the"capacity of a 'father in case 9f ju­venile delinquency was the statement,of Sherman Colver KingSley, direc ..tor of Elizabeth 1\IcCormick memorialfmtd, 'who spoke Tuesday on ,"Child IWelfare'� before a publie meeting JH.ldund�r the auspices of the PhiIQthrop­ic ,division, of the college of Com-,merce .and- Administration.' ."Children, themselves, are not' eap�'able �f committing. crimes in thesame premeditated manner that adultsdol' said Mr. Kingsley. "ChUdrenare n�t natural erlmiDals:' They caDi00t be judged as criminals.' Weshould ,not hold the sarne standardsof law to children that we do' ,to'adults.Medical Advice EssentiaL, ,4fTlle value ot. medical, advice injudging deli�uent' ehUdreD . cannOt,be underestimated. We, should. bowthe child's physical eonditlon before,,we attempt to. judge \ him. ;Physical',dimcu1tie� of aU sorts must be con ...sidered .,in 'every "delinquent child'scase. Above, .all,we should give a de­linquent child a square deal. If phys­ical denci�neies are ke�ping a. cld,lddelinquent, it is up te us to remedythe condItion., .\"We cannot institutionalize the careof the children altogether, if we ex­pect them to be able to shIft for'tl1emselves whell they are ,sent Gut intot' \, I'the wodd. If a child becomes aeeus-,'tomed to doing' everytbiJ}.g .i� aeeord­ance 'to set roles, if a child gets .. e- "eustomed 'to gau�ng his daily life to,the call of a bell, he wi1! feel 'out' ofplace when he getS Wiith people whohave not been brought up that way.'. I,Is 'Great Di�iculty."Our greatest difficulty lies, in. getting the eJlild from the institutioninto the community, without damage'to �ther., What we need. is a watch-,ful eare over the children after they Icease to be inmates �f some institu.', tiE)}l." We need a foBow-up system.. -"Delinquent children, are more inneed of real home'life than anythingelse. What ought to be establishedis as "placing 'out" system whiehwOul4 distribute the, delinquents who. come into' our bands among, peoplewho can ,give them � home life, and, who are able' to take care - of them.When a ehfld is "placed �'Ut" he reaDY'is given a family life.' His condaetis supervised and he is given an edu­cation which comes up to, his dndividu�,, , Ial needs," . 'I'WeDarn Socks, ' 'i, Sew on 'Buttons,," , , and Do MendingFREE OF ,CHARGE 'Metropol� / �auDdry, 1219' East 55th StreetTel. HJde Park 3190A LauncIrJ For Universit7, KeD, Jlnd lVommen .\, AutomobD. Service Everywhere�'---PEABODY SPEAI,{S AT CHAPEL�llDemiee New Assam.,l,. Date F�r c..r, .ADd A. Students.' ',;'1 '/ \'+', t\ I, ".I' .;" .��';�;sa..J 1''''.'''�'''''i�'r4i�L�. '�':f.'!�'>;: ;". _ _UI� I' ASCHER'S FR 0 L I CTHEATF I FTY-F'I·FT H A ,N D,lJUltlllllUHllIllHtuHIJUQllltllflllftnUHftllUllIIJilUlIllIlIllIIlIIllllll111111111,T 0 D,A,YWM'. S'. HART---IN---. , =n«Return"ofDraw',,Egan" . ' . 'v,UlllnlftlWIUl1nllDUllIlllHllllflilltilllll1tllllllllltllnllllllllll111111111111111111--'-, A LSO'-, --,. Latest Keystone Corned"I,The Hammond 'Typewriter CompaJJ'189' West Madison Street/'," , IThe Choice, ,�f the Professional.... 'The Stand-,'ard Inter­changeable- 'type Type-, writer The'Ne-,MultipleS'The Linguist, T�e Mathem'_ician The Phy�iclan,The Chemist• t' ., ,\, .'" ', Send for illustrated catalog and also our:�pecialproposition to students. ..... 'RIOT, pF , PARTISANS, RAGES WHEN HUGHES, AND:W.'W.MEN'MEET, ,# '(Contil)ued from page 1f terest students in political q,and. tol make them realIze theY.have reasons for voting this" ,that. ' .,\, 'Members of' Mr� Bramhall"'have been deleg�ted to- rep�rton the, party platforms arid, tb'�ords of the .candidates, so that Pscience students, at least, 1IJ$I .intelligently.: - :", ' '. 'Plan 'To Int�rest Stud��ts.One of t� pu�ses''Of the strawvote, acco�ding te a st�tement' madeyesterday by Denne�, Bell�, ,cllair,man;of '.the eOD1mittee ill charge; is to 'in-" ., I ' II I.' I II'" 7".' j" I .4" t I. � . ' ,�, , ,,,., ./ .... � • oj 'J, .. �. �., ...... .IooWj __